#matpat isn’t the only one
lakesouperior · 8 months
🐻🐤🐰🦊 just some thoughts on the fnaf movie
🐻the attention to detail that was put into it, with all it’s little details and easter eggs. the posters in the background, (and i haven’t seen anyone bring this up), the guy who got face-mauled by the cupcake wearing a midnight motorist t-shirt. the spring lock scene. the fact that scariest of all the jumpscares (of which there weren’t a lot but it’s kind of for the younger demographic ig they can’t make it too bad) was freaking balloon boy. the highest kill count going to MVP Carl the Cupcake. this is what i mean when i say movies from established franchises should be made by fans, for fans.
🐤 you can tell they put a lot of thought into the child actors. abby is phenomenal. the five missing children? properly creepy and sad looking.
🐰 characters were all really well written and entertaining. the karen aunt, for all that she is an antagonist and very much hateable, still manages to be funny. even background characters are hilarious, like Doug for example, and don’t even get me started on the friggin matpat cameo i nearly screamed in the movie theater.
🦊 vanessa and mike are naturally each other’s narrative foils (and stand-ins for respectively Michael Afton/Elizabeth Afton (MichaElizabeth if you will) and Charlotte Emily imo), and them saying the same line, the “that’s two jobs”, mike at the beginning, and vanessa at the end, TO THE SAME CHARACTER?? TO THE BIG FUCKIN BAD HIMSELF??? WHO THEY BOTH HAVE DEEP HISTORY WITH???? literally this is good writing. i’m not saying the movie is perfect because it isn’t, but this is good writing.
🐻 and vanessa, as much as she kind of is, doesn’t feel like a coward because her worst fear does come true. her own father, the person who she thought the world of, tries to kill her as soon as she steps out of line. her fear wasn’t unjustified. she spent her entire life under his control — has literally never known anything else, and to still rebel after so long must’ve been the hardest, most terrifying thing in the world but she still did it because she’d grown to care for mike and abby.
and this is what i mean when i quote that one post: “strong female characters ≠ characters who are female and punch good, but strong female characters = well-written female characters” like yeah, vanessa’s an antagonist, or an anti-hero i suppose, but she’s still, once again, likeable and mysterious and funny. and the “bring her here again and i’ll fucking shoot you”?? that was probably her first act of true rebellion, aside from telling mike more than she should’ve about the pizzeria.
🐤 mikes arc is a very obvious “let go of the past and learn to cherish the present” which isn’t exactly revolutionary, but i think it’s done quite well though it could be improved a bit. and as much as you think he is an absolute cabbage head for telling them they could have abby for even a second, but you still, once again, get it.
our man’s running on like two hours of sleep and also meds, finally getting to see his baby brother up-close and even touch his face for the first time in probably more than a decade of blaming himself, and then getting told he could go back and see his parents again, the grief over who he probably hasn’t been able to process since he had to take care of abby when they died (possibly even took his own life in the father’s case if he’s supposed to be a henry stand-in like i think and doesn’t that just make it fifty times worse)
and it’s set up that he wants that perfect family back, the kind that he had during his childhood, that abby never got to experience.
and maybe he feels guilty for that. maybe he thinks, in his sleep-deprived and grief-ridden mind, for only a moment, that she would be better off, since she seems to like the animatronics and their ghost children better than him and he still feels like he doesn’t know how to raise a kid.
🐰 speaking of abby, for once Child Character in the horror movie isn’t just there to do some stupid shit for Plot Reasons (cough, The Curse of La Llorona, cough cough). i mean yes, she does go with them at the climax, but she has been given no reason not to trust them and considering the fact that they are other children, it would honestly be more suspicious if she didn’t trust them (also we’ve been shown she doesn’t really have friends before the end, so they’re also her first and only friends, no wonder she’s clinging to them) plus she’s been left alone with the aunt she does not like, possibly still believing mike is abandoning her. you get it.
she’s also very entertaining in her sassiness. like “are you here to arrest my brother?” or “yeah, love you too bro, kinda don’t wanna die tho, can we leave?” literally i can’t stand kids in general, but especially so in in horror movies, but i would give my life for abby.
🦊and the drawing thing? it’s beautiful and sad and really hammers home the fact that these monsters, however scary they have been made by their brutal and cruel deaths, they were, and are, just children who didn’t deserve to die and communicate the same way children like abby do. it also makes abby herself relevant to the plot and actually useful.
🐻and about abby; i have my own Theory there. we know she wasn’t in the picture during Garrett’s disappearance, which means she’s at least twelve years younger than mike. it’s actually quite common for couples who are going through a rough patch to have kids to try to fix it, which i think is what happened here, made even more possible if they also had her as a sort of replacement for Garrett. this, as i said earlier, makes mike’s indecision all the more understandable — if abby doesn’t just look a lot like Garrett, but was actually supposed to be him and would’ve never existed if not for the tragedy.
but that’s Just A Theory. 🐻🐤🐰🦊
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If NO ONE will talk about the connections between Encanto and The Outsiders, I will.
-the characters, okay, the character crossovers,
Ponyboy Curtis is Mirabel Madrigal (the quirkyyyy one who thinks differently/is differently main character energy)
Sodapop Curtis is Isabel Madrigal (the pretty one who often gets seen as only beautiful/perfect and shallow because of it, but really do have a kind soul and are willing to sacrifice so much for their family)
Darry Curtis is Luisa Madrigal!!!!!! (The strong one, heavily depended on for physical/emotional labor, always stressed and worried about taking care of the family)
Two bit Mathews is Camilo Madrigal (the comedic character that drops hints of a deeper person/meaning but no one ever talks about it, also secretly tired of having to keep up the jokes all the time and never being trusted with anything serious)
Johnny Cade is Antonio Madrigal (shyer more dependent character who is close to having a massive character change~ possibly coming of age)
Dallas Winston is Bruno Madrigal (I see the connection here not in personality but how people act about these types of characters- abandoned, taboo characters who get shoved away, deemed as wicked)
Steve Randle is Delores Madrigal (often ignored but actually carries a big part in the plot which is never discussed- this character has a lot connections and uses them, also worth noting that Delores kinda treats Mirabel like Steve treats Pony with the innocent seeming snarky remarks, if you don’t understand I am referring to “Oh, she didn’t get one” when talking about gifts which was absolutely unnecessary)
-not to mention the “big family” trope in both of them
-and they both have trio siblingsss
-both have similar tropes of “adults not understanding” and abuse in families
-not to mention the outsiders is a musical and so is encanto
-also like some of the Songs are sooooo coded for certain outsiders characters
-imma do a list of that tbh
“The Family Madrigal” ~Ponyboy Curtis coded, he would introduce the gang like this
“Waiting on a Miracle”~ I know is seems Ponyboy Curtis coded, but this is a motherfreaking Johnny Cade song at heart no one can tell me otherwise “Can’t keep down the unspoken invisible pain, always waiting in a miracle” like TELL me that isn’t Johnny Cade
“We don’t talk about Bruno” Dallas Winston, pretty straight forward
“What Else Can I Do?” Honestly even though Soda has a lot in common with Isabel I don’t think it’s his song- I think it’s Steve’s.
“Dos Oruguitas” SAME ENERGY AS STAY GOLD PONYBOYYYYT AHHHH I CANT~ Johnny Cade, Ponyboy Curtis coded ahhhh song
“All of you” Ponyboy in that one line of like “Hundreds of boys who maybe watched sunsets and looked at stars and ached for something better.” But really this song is whole gang coded in different moments
“Colombia, Mi Encanto” I get Two Bit Mathews energy from this song- celebratory, ​beautiful, happy
-honestly this is the Part One of a longggggggg series of rants
-also this isn’t a connection but Delores is evil go watch the MatPat film theory here’s the link
Comment anything or shoot an ask about any of YOUR connections!
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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twinanimatronics · 11 months
Is was probably MatPat who made the, “it’s actually the Mimic who we fight in Security Breach,not Afton.”, theory popular.
Since everyone seems to take his word as truth when it comes to FNAF.
I’ve not watched any of MattPat’a recent vids and the only one I know of regarding the Mimic is by Fuhnaff.
But as I verbally explained in that big ol’ rant between me and @dana-chan-the-control-brain after reading the Tales of the Pizzaplex source material for the theories.
It’s just plain WRONG
Grant it, we’ve not read the Nexie epilogue as of rn and Tiger Rock only just released, but here’s why I say this:
The Mimic’s behavior is completely different from Burntrap’s.
The Mimic, while arguably having a physical design the Glamrock Endos were based off of, was originally a hunk of garbage that was only a torso that a man put together and programmed to copy the behavior and actions of his 4-year-old son so he’d have a friend.
The Mimic only turned murderous after it itself was beaten to death with an iron pipe and then put back together by unknowing Fazbear techs who gave it legs.
And even then, its actions involved with killing all reflected the actions and rules that said child followed.
Always put things away in the fridge: The Mimic shoves a dead body in the fridge.
Always put away and hang up clothes in the closet: The Mimic rams a pole through a guy and attaches it to a coat hanger to hang his dead body in the closet.
These are just two deaths. And this is before the jackass in the first epilogue gave the Mimic its new MO for killing via reprogramming and verbal direction of what to do with other endo skeletons.
Tear off the limbs, decapitate the body, and throw the pieces in a pile.
The Mimic is VERY PHYSICAL with its killings. It plays pretend and will hide and even lure people with a voice it doesn’t know how to use all that well cause it didn’t initially have one and couldn’t speak.
Unlike Burntrap who had very clear voice-lines in the trailer, even if he never spoke in game.
And the Mimic’s MO of putting on costumes?
It comes from the one instance the child playing pretend and dressing himself AND the Mimic in costumes and meant for Fazbear animatronics while his dad was trying to work.
And what costumes (excluding the Nexie Epilgue all of Tiger Rock at the moment since we’ve not read it yet) has the Mimic put on?
Several dog suits
A monkey of some kind
An orange creature
A pink and yellow-green jester
An alligator (while it was still just a torso)
A white tiger (in Storyteller where it imposed all the child behaviors it learned on all the Glamrocks. And potentially in Tiger Rock since the Storyteller costume was something it wore before and allegedly killed in based on the PTSD flashbacks of one dude we follow).
A Purple lion
And a Pink/Purple Mushroom thing
No rabbit suits to be seen.
What does Burntrap have on?
Bits of flesh and a burnt rabbit costume head.
How does Burntrap stalk and kill?
He doesn’t.
He just lumbers around and tries to hack and control Glamrock Freddy like all the other animatronics to kill FOR HIM.
Which would thus make Burntrap just another variation of Afton/Glitchtrap in a new host body.
The only way that Burntrap could be the Mimic is if Glitchtrap/Afton completely overtook the Mimic as a new host body to infect other animatronics with.
Which, at that point, means it ISN’T the Mimic anymore.
It’s the Mimic in body, but not behavior and intentions.
IF Burntrap even uses the body of the Mimic
But Burntrap is indeed Afton cause the Blob wouldn’t have reason to go after the Mimic like him.
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someidiot-withadhd · 5 months
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so, this is a thing!
hibiscus flowers and a graffitied duck
I’m not gonna look too deep into this, cause I’m not MatPat, but I will point out a few things i noticed!
one, a hibiscus. According to google, this flower means “virginity, gentleness and fame.” … “happiness, sunshine, and good luck!” And “beauty and joy”.
these all(excluding the obvious outlier o-O) mean something happy. Sunshine sticks out to me most, because when you think of quesadilla island, you’re supposed to think of perfection. Perfect, sunny weather, right?
two, the duck. This bastard <3 /neg
he has not been a part of the islander’s lives, only showing up once every big event. So far he has shown up at the start of the island on the train. The egg adoption event, and every time a new language was added(I’m pretty sure). He has been absent for the lore so far.
which bring me to the quote. “I don’t like you, but you’re good for my business, and that’s all I need”
this is written in all caps on the image. Which is a writing style used by federation workers. This is not an islander writing this. That’s one suspect out of the way. This also probably isn’t the duck himself speaking, cause why would the picture be of him.
I think this is the watcher.
“I don’t like you” the watcher hates the duck and the fed workers associated with it.
“But you’re good for my business, and that’s all I need” this fucker is taking control of the islanders and the duck’s branch of the federation.
also, the graffiti has some clues. I doubt that “Loser” is something that Cucurucho or an islander would put. The duck is probably much more powerful than even Cucurucho, but the watcher? The (most likely possessed) eye workers took down FITMC HIMSELF. The 2B2T veteran was killed by them.
the dollar sign. This correlates with the business thing. The watcher is trying to get some money out of this whole ordeal.
But anyway, that’s JUST A THE-
you’re welcome to add onto this in any way. I am not an expert on all the lore (I main Jaiden and Slimecicle lmao) so I have no idea if this is even anything. Feel free to correct me on any information I may have gotten wrong, or disprove my theory.
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ennard-is-near · 6 days
As a fnaf movie enjoyer I would be so down to hear your thoughts on it! Like genuinely curious. I like hearing people's other perspectives
Of course! I probably should have clarified anyway. Just know that everything I say is lighthearted. I’m not mad at anyone who likes the movie, I think there’s some stuff about it that is fun, it just really didn’t do it for me personally. This is going to be a long one, so I’m sorry about that. Thank you for the ask!
Of course there are positives:
It looks great! The pizzeria, the animatronics, the sets and actors. Everything is really well done on a technical level. This extends to the casting being incredible. Matthew Lillard was a perfect choice for William Afton, he does insane guy pretending to be regular very well. Josh Hutcherson, Piper Rubio, Elizabeth Lail, the guy who played Doug, MATPAT??? All slay so hard. Everything like that about the movie is good.
Mike and Abby have a cute relationship. All the family stuff is actually really well done. I think it was a weird addition (I’ll touch on this later) but as it is it’s a well done part of the movie.
The little fan service bits are super fun. I shat my pants when Sparky the Dog came onscreen. That one guy being named Carl and getting his face eaten by the cupcake, the use of The Living Tombstone’s song at the end, MatPat. All these moments are great.
Dumb fun. I mean, it’s the FNaF movie. They build a fort! Freddy Fazbear is there! William Afton is there (sort of…)! Vanessa throws Mike’s Xanax or whatever into a lake! That’s hilarious! I enjoy the movie in this regard. As a FNaF fan who is occasionally willing to overlook everything I find disappointing about the movie, it’s fun.
However, it’s still not really a good movie.
I think this movie was pitched as being “For the fans” but aside from the little moments, like the ones I mentioned earlier, it isn’t really that. And it’s not clear enough for someone who has no idea what FNaF is to follow (that’s why critics were so confused). I don’t know how to Segway this into the next topic so here’s a few things that really bugged me from a fan perspective. 
The Aftons are not prominent or interesting at all. This should have been a slam dunk and it wasn’t. I might get in trouble for talking too much shit about Vanessa because people tend to love her for some reason, but she’s so boring. She doesn’t have that much personality or clear motivation and only shows up to deliver exposition or get stabbed. She has a lot of potential, maybe I could over analyze her potential one day, but as she stands she is not interesting. And don’t even get me started on William. He’s in like two scenes, doesn’t have any clear motivation at all and then just shows up at the end to get springlocked. I want to see him!!! Lemme see William! Why isn’t he more of a constant threat throughout the movie? Instead there’s a random child custody based subplot and the antagonist for most of the movie is some random character they made up and not William fucking Afton?? What’s his deal? It’s obviously not remnant because that doesn’t make sense based off his actions in the movie. I think they should have spent more time clarifying the motives for the movie Aftons, because as they stand they are completely different characters from their game counterparts (which is fine) but with no known motivations or personalities. Like you can’t expect me to apply their game motivations to this movie when they’re clearly super different.
The pizzeria isn’t prominent enough either. Mike doesn’t enough know what Freddy’s is despite probably being a child in the 80s. Garrett is kidnapped in the woods (Why did William Afton do that?) Mike spends more time zonked out and dreaming about Nebraska than he does thinking about Freddy Fazbear. It’s a bummer because it’s such a cool location, but the climax could have taken place almost anywhere and would have had the same effect with how few shits Mike gives about the Pizzeria. Which is a bummer because if Mike had just been a Charlie Emily type character then it would have been so easy. His dad was co-owner, his brother went missing there and now he has to go back and confront his demons. Have him freak out a little when the employment office guy tells him he can only get work at Freddy’s. Have him squint with vague recognition at “Steve Raglan” but not be able to put his finger on where he knows him from. Easy, doesn’t add too much and really brings the setting together.
The dream thing is kind of a stupid addition. It would be fine in a regular horror movie, but this is the FNaF movie? And it’s not a FNaF 4 reference because that’s not how FNaF 4 is. I get that they wanted to reference Dream Theory, which is a super fun reference but not enough to be the plot of the entire movie.
Not quite game compliant enough for a couple very specific things. I get that it’s a different media but like…Why can the kids appear in dreams? Why do they respond to drawings? Hey…why is Golden Freddy able to move around and stuff? That’s like his whole thing!
Some Random nitpicks: Wouldn’t it be more fun if the animatronics had beef with Vanessa? Isn’t the whole thing in the games that they don’t really like the kid of William Afton? The cupcake is too violent. The drawing thing is really stupid imo, especially because the kids seem creepy and violent even when they aren’t listening to William. I don’t think what Mike did to Garrett was bad enough idk, like I get that he feels responsible for his death, but he isn’t. Whereas Michael Afton was totally at fault for his brother’s death, Garrett was randomly picked up in the woods in Nebraska. The springlock scene was super lame, literally just period cramps. I get that it couldn’t be too intense because the movie was PG13 but maybe don’t make the movie PG13 if you can’t properly include one of the most iconic things in the games.
(These are the big ones. There’s a billion other things I could say but I think we’d be here all day)
But also, aside from being the FNaF movie…it’s just not a very good movie. The plot is all over the place. Nothing is explained very well. There’s a lot of exposition but not even about the things that matter. I don’t want to say that it wasn’t scary because I don’t personally get scared by horror movies but it wasn’t even intense. How are the animatronics a threat when they can be taken down with a taser? (I get that this is possibly a reference to 5 & 6 with the controlled shocks and such, but in those games they had to be like in a fixed spot and the taser was just a button, this can be taken places.) There are two antagonists and one of them is super random (if you don’t know the games), I’ve got a little facial blindness so if I didn’t know that Steve and William were the same based off prior knowledge I wouldn’t have put it together. It’s painfully slow at some points. The ghost children are underdeveloped. Certain arcs don’t go anywhere. It’s just all over the place.
And I think if it was a bad movie, that would be okay as long as it was a good FNaF movie. Or if it was a good movie, it would be okay for it to be a bad FNaF movie. But it’s not really great at being either thing, so (imo) it’s sort of just a terrible movie.
And it’s sad actually because I really wanted to love this movie. When I saw it in theaters, I left thinking it was a pretty solid movie, actually. Because I love FNaF and I was just happy to see it finally get the movie I’ve been waiting on since like 2015. But then I watched it 3 more times, and I started to realize that aside from the lore for the movie characters I made up in my own head and the fact that OMG Freddy Fazbear it wasn’t really a good movie or a good adaptation. I don’t hate it, though, I just think it’s a terrible movie (if that makes any sense). I’ll still go see the second one though, I’ll probably dress up too.
Final thoughts?
I think that a lot of the love for this movie comes, not from the source material, but from everything we made up afterwards. Headcanons and fan comics and fanfiction and the like. And that’s great! I’m glad people are taking a movie that I think is terrible, really I do. It just personally doesn’t do it for me, and that’s fine. Not every movie is for everyone, no movie could have been made that would satisfy every fan (The one they made just happens to not be for me. There’s a universe not too far from this one where I think the movie was great and you hate it.) And, hey, maybe the sequel will fix all the issues I have with it? Who knows. Only time (Dec 2025) will tell.
TLDR, I guess?
The movie has positives and it’s good fun, but there are so many flaws that make it both a bad movie and a disappointing FNaF adaptation. It’s great if you love it, I truly wish I did, but it just has too many flaws I personally can’t overlook.
Sorry this is an INSANE response to this ask, I have been looking for an excuse to type all this out for so long. Thank you for asking, thank you for reading, heart emoji heart emoji heart emoji.
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ossyflawol · 2 years
you’ve said before that you dislike the “companion cube contains a corpse” theory and im not for that theory either, whats your personal reasoning?
Ok, I’m sorry but has anyone actually gone back and rewatched the original Game Theory video MatPat did that spawned the whole “Companion Cubes contain corpses” theory? It is downright one of the most frustrating, horrible theories that MatPat has ever put out, and frankly, genuinely misrepresents and misunderstands so, so many aspects of the Portal series for the sake of pushing a theory that doesn’t even hold up to scrutiny.
MatPat himself has no fucking clue what angle he wants to take in the video. Sometimes he says the people in the Cubes are dead corpses, sometimes he says the people inside are alive. He just fucking flip flops between these two stances constantly and it drives me nuts that he can’t even be consistent on the core crux of his theory.
Doug Rattman...Oh my god I am so sorry Doug. MatPat fucking bastardises Rattman’s character in that video hardcore. He looks at this character who suffers from mental illness, takes medication to deal with his schizophrenia, and hallucinates that the Companion Cube can speak to him, and proceeds to throw it ALL out the window. Why? So he can push his idea that “No, Doug isn’t insane and the Cube is actually speaking to him, infact, Doug Rattman is sexually attracted to the Companion Cube!” WHAT.
Then to add onto that mess, he tries to claim that Doug is taking fake medication made by Aperture intended to drown out the voice of the Cubes because it’s labelled “Ziaprazidone” when it should be actually spelt “Ziprasidone”. I would like to remind everyone that Valve is the same company that consistently mispelt Aperture as “Aperature”, and has many hilarious misspellings in model filenames such as “Cursher”, “Vacum”, and “Cabient”. The “Ziaprazidone” is just yet another one of the billion times Valve has misspelt something.
Oh! Another thing too. He tries to say that they shouldn’t use GLaDOS dialogue as evidence, says that you can’t trust what she says about the Companion Cube because she’s lying to the player about the true nature of the Companion Cube...only for him to use a dialogue line from GLaDOS as evidence. (“They are sentient of course, we just have a lot of them.”) Which is a line referring to the Portal 2 iteration of the Cubes, and is a joke on how much of the Aperture facility is made up of sentient AIs. The cubes aren’t actually sentient AIs themselves.
And finally, he then says to listen to the sound of the Companion Cube being fizzled... then uses the sound of the Radio being fizzled. The cube doesn’t even get fizzled in Portal 1, ever, not under intended circumstances atleast. But it does get fizzled in Portal 2, at most 4 times, and every single time it uses the default object fizzling sound. Even if you spawn in the Companion Cube from Portal 1 and fizzle it through cheated-in circumstances, it still plays the normal fizzling sound.
The only thing I don’t have any good debunking evidence for is the name of the Fratricide achievement, which honestly I just think the developers searched up “word for killing someone you love”, saw “Fratricide”, and said “yea thats good lets use it as the achievement name”.
And honestly, even if you ignore everything about MatPat’s theory, and try to just take the theory at face value as simply “The Companion Cubes contain corpses”... I’m sorry it’s just not compelling at all. It’s a theory that tries to make something dark for the sake of making it dark, there’s nothing compelling about it, nor is there anything about Portal that feels improved by it existing, infact, I think it actually makes it worse because it tries to give the Companion Cube a darker element that honestly just sucks.
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chuckle-lore · 2 months
Episode 5- February 27th, 2021- 10th Chuckle Lore 🎉
20:28 Charlie plays golf and Ted spies from afar. Every stroke Charlie goes over par, Ted breaks a finger/shoots a puppy (wether he does both of these or switches off from one to another is unclear)
36:29 Schlatt is stuck in the atomic cube. What exactly is the atomic cube? I’m not sure, all I know is that it also has atomic locks.
There used to be a fourth member that no one else remembers
37:47 Charlie mentioning money reboots Schlatt
49:32 Charlie is in the Void Dome and he can’t remember the face of his own mother
The reason I added (?) to the lore is because I’m not sure if I can consider it canon. Throughout the episode Charlie mentions that is isn’t a episode recording but instead a practice run to see what jokes they will include for the real episode and in the end Ted reveals that he was secretly recording the whole time which leaves me in a pickle. Schlatt and Charlie were playing along with all the bits/potential lore BUT that was when they thought this wasn’t an official episode, the validity of this episode’s lore is rocky at best but there is some lore that is much more definite…
With the reveal of Ted secretly recording episode five, we get more firm confirmation of Ted’s morally dubious and manipulative character.
Also Charlie making various remarks about how he was probably not going to be in the next “real recording” shows how much he did not want to be there and was most likely an attempt to leave the podcast all together. Not to go all Matpat mode over here but it seems fairly likely that Ted is making Charlie be in cs against his free will and possibly Schlatt too to an extent considering both men have discussed their distaste of Ted in previous episodes (mainly episode 2). I believed that Schlatt is under a contract and is being paid just enough to stay meanwhile Charlie is more peer pressured by Ted to keep going.
Jumping back into an older episode after watching a streak of the newer episodes definitely threw me off. The editing in this at times almost felt like they were jangling keys in front of me so I can keep watching and the worst part is that it worked. There would be times that I would start to zone out and all of a sudden Ted has Hatsune Miku’s hair or a sound effect goes off and I am paying attention again.
Also this episode put in perspective how much current cs shoves in sex stuff. The whole I was just waiting for some kind of sex joke or ten minute long gag about how Schlatt wants to put his junk into something and to my surprise, there was nothing extremely explicit, I don’t even think anyone said the word fuck in the whole episode. The only explicit reference we get is when Schlatt moans after high-fiving Charlie too hard and it was the funniest part in the whole episode. This is probably a hot take from me but I think cs is becoming over saturated with sexual stuff and bits like the high-five moan would not of land half as hard if it were placed into current episodes. If anyone wants to have a discussion about this I am more than happy to talk to y’all.
Overall I think this episode was fine, it had its iconic moments but I don’t think I would actively search for it, 7/10, :)
Things I noted:
I miss the fanart in the beginning of the episodes. I want it back so bad.
Schlatt’s voice sounds higher(?) than his voice in newer episodes
Ted’s hallway kept changing colors
Older episodes were DEFINITELY caters to visual watchers
I’m so upset that I can’t tell if this episode is canon or not because there being a fourth member that was erased from existence would of been so cool for the lore.
(Original notes + favorite comment interaction? under the cut)
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Funfact: I can’t draw Schlatt for the life of me
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bandagemanl0ver · 2 years
Why I believe Chuuya will not only survive Mersault but ALSO have a major / meaningful role in future time. (Theory) (Hypothesis) (Insane Ramble) (You Name It!)
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First of all, I think it’s plain clear that Chuuya’s not dying here. Kinda.
There’s a lot to read, but I promise it’s worth it!! (Mostly if you’re worried about best boy best BSD and best animanga character ever, Chuuya Nakahara) (No bias here)
I will start with my main point which is related to Stormbringer, and then move on to other points. There is spoilers for a lot of stuff here!
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For those who haven’t read Stormbringer, I will try to give an introduction / context to the theme in the least detailed possible way I can, and even though like I said it won’t be very detailed or have major SB spoilers, it does describe the ending result of Verlaine’s plans as a whole and his state six years after, in the current BSD time.
So after Paul Verlaine, Chuuya’s crazy protective older brother, is forced into corruption and goes batshit insane and almost destroys Yokohama and possibly the entire world, Chuuya beats the shit out of him, they create this insane epic fight thing and after that everyone thinks Verlaine’s dead afterwards. (Except the Port Mafia) But he’s not! Dude decides that there’s no reason to be in the outer world (as there is literally no one he wants to see.) and stays in the fucking Port Mafia’s basement training the PM’s potential assassins (As he’s (one of ??) the best in the world, duh)
So all that shit goes down after much more other shit went down which I won’t talk about because it’s 1. Not related 2. I’m not that cruel as to spoil it entirely for those who haven’t read SB
And then the story tells how aside from training, Verlaine does no other thing rather than wait. Wait for what? His only reply is always “the storm.”
So this is where Chuuya kicks in!!
There is nothing alive that Verlaine could care about so much to constantly wait for other than Chuuya / Something that affects Chuuya considering Rimbaud is fucking dead. “The storm” is an ominous fucking name that makes you think “Oh damn, what’s gonna happen?” and for Verlaine to be INVOLVED in it to the point he’s waiting for it means it’s most definitely related to Chuuya, because just as only Chuuya could stop Verlaine in his corrupted form, aside from Dazai I think only Verlaine can stop Chuuya. (And let’s speak hypothetically if Chuuya went as batshit as Verlaine did and created this whole space time breach I don’t think Dazai would be able to cross it. That shit was deadly and Chuuya himself only survived because of 1. Adam’s weapon 2. He’s literally god)
Now I’m going to sound like fucking MatPat here, but if you think of the title “Storm Bringer” it’s basically the bringer of the storm, or like, the one who brings the storm. The storm Verlaine talks about, the insane storm only him and Chuuya can create, so the bringer of the storm is Chuuya, the Storm Bringer!!!! See that makes total sense and isn’t at all delusional
So if Chuuya fucking dies, then “the storm” Verlaine is waiting for is either something entirely different (which I doubt) or Asagiri forgot about it LMAO. (which I also doubt)
PLUS such a cliffhanger on the theme and something that is keeping Verlaine, the overpowered fuck, in waiting, probably means it’ll be important or at least memorable, which is good because Chuuya deserves some fucking screentime.
Also I’ve heard the rumor (key word: RUMOR; I don’t think it’s confirmed or at least I haven’t seen proof of so) that the novel to open BSD’s S4 will be SB, and in the last novels we’ve had implemented in the anime, they are chosen like that because they complement the events of the current timeline in some way, so if SB were to be chosen then it could probably add context for anime only watchers about something that *may* happen in Mersault, and it would be pointless if Chuuya just went gluglugluglu and went limp there. (If none of this happens, then fuck me!)
(Maybe the storm is coming sooner than we thought!!! I am not insane)
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Okay that’s all relating SB and now I’ll move on to these side bulletpoints that don’t really contribute to Chuuya getting a major role but DO contribute to my belief of Chuuya surviving.
* It’s fucking lame. Like okay fine I know authors mess up sometimes but if Chuuya just went and died there it would be the most disappointing, boring, lame, stupid, red-face-and-smoke-coming-out-of-ears-inducing EPIC FAIL in animanga history. I’m not even being biased here it would just suck. Chuuya’s entire story, character development, whole fucking world building relating him, and Asagiri’s comments in the SB afterword just feel like a huge buildup to something bigger, and for it to be just cut like that would be so plot convenient and boring and a let down and it would suck. And if he did just die there, maybe it could lead to some major catastrophe like Dazai feeling like crap (even more) or the PM going insane over it, but that would just make Chuuya a plot device!!! For other characters!!! I think NOT. Complex, well developed, strong ass Chuuya, being killed for the sake of the development of others? Or even worse, nobody gives a shit and some people just go boo hoo and whatever? Never!! And if that does happen I am rewriting BSD myself. (Jokes on you I don’t have the motivation)
* Dazai. Look I don’t really give a damn wether you see Soukoku as platonic or romantic because either way it kinda works, but there’s no denying that Dazai does give a shit about him. Although Dazai has sometimes done some mess ups in his plans (as he’s no omnipotent god unlike fanon sometimes presents him.) he usually has everything already predicted to the point it makes you think what the fuck man? And his methods are usually so dramatic and terrible for no reason, yes, but he’s never let Chuuya die. (Unless he died too, but if he died too then there should be other people dying too, because there is no way in hell he’d ever commit a double suicide with Chuuya, key SB where Mori tells him that and Dazai is like FUCK NO! and gets to work immediately.) “But wait!!! Dazai said there wasn’t any memorable moments which means he doesn’t care and he said goodbye.” Okay, he did, but what kind of utter fool actually believes the shit Dazai says?? Everyone knows that Dazai likes to be misleading because he’s a piece of shit, so why believe him now??? Honestly I don’t understand that fucking idiot sometimes, and there is No Way In Hell you can actually believe that everything Dazai says, mostly when he’s being obviously exaggerated, Is the plain truth. There could be the possibility that Dazai had no idea Fyodor would bring Chuuya there and shit and drowning Chuuya was his only option, and then he tried to give Chuuya this whole heartwarming goodbye but then was like ew and started hiding his feelings again and didn’t, but nonetheless he comes up with alternative plans in like, minutes. (Key SB, Again) And speaking of Fyodor bringing Chuuya, we move on to our next point!
* How in the flying fuck did Fyodor GET Chuuya to help him? Like first of all how was Chuuya even bitten??? Who brought him? What the hell?? Yes, this could be only for plot convenience and maybe it’ll go unexplained, but I like to think it was some sort of plan, wether from the PM, or just HOPING that maybe they’re working with Dazai too from the beginning.
* The Vampires. I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but the vampires eyes are progressively turning from black to white. Chuuya’s not the only example, as this is happening with Akutagawa too, so I’m wondering what the fuck that is and hoping it’s not an artistic error. (Which professionals obviously wouldn’t commit, but I would..) I’m still mentally debating wether Chuuya’s eyes changed to human or white the moment he was drowning, but I don’t think they’d show us that Right Before He Sinks only for him to drop dead. Bleh.
* THE WATER IS AGAINST ABILITIES BUT CHUUYA’S ABILITY ISN’T A REAL ABILITY. Plus, how do you know Nikolai wasn’t lying?? The whole prison layout was plain weird and BSD LOVES plot twists.
* You know which other plot twist bsd loves? “Haha bro’s dead oh wait no SIKE!!!!” This happened with Nikolai, Sigma, Kyouka, Kunikida, yada yada yada.
* CHUUYA IS STRONG AS FUCK AND so fucking cool guys. He is so fucking cool I spend hours in the mirror trying to do my hair slightly resemble his. No bias.
* I don’t think Fyodor’s dying either. Man looked pissed of though, so I’m curious about that.
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Like I said at the beginning I think it’s very obvious that there’s more to it than Chuuya just dying there, but there’s still people going Ooo no Chuuya dead fr. Maybe I’m just insane in denial or something but the crazy proof is there!! And I’m thinking these people are like, freaking out, not thinking enough about it (which honestly doesn’t really need mental gymnastics) or are just utter morons. Yeah. Gn. (It’s 3pm)
But that’s just a theory!
A ga—
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dumbfilmstudent · 2 years
Watching a 14 year old 8th grader
Things I have been told/asked:
She showed me EVERY Pokémon and made me judge them and then told me I was wrong about every single one
Why Luka is a better boyfriend than Adrien Agreste (thankfully something I could understand)
Made me explain the entire plot of Steven Universe bc she saw one episode but couldn’t find the rest
That she is in love with a Splatoon character
Explained the full Five Nights at Freddie’s Lore (maybe better than MatPat who, by the way, she has no idea who he is)
Asked me about those Urban Legend Horror games like Bloody Mary and the Elevator game and then proceeded to have to sleep with every light on bc she was scared
Told me she doesn’t swear and doesn’t respect people who swear and that she has cut off friends who swear. I have to apologize every time I accidentally curse because of this.
She had me read 14 pokemon ffs on fanfiction.net to make sure there wasn’t any adult content.
In that same vein told me that she had learned how to use ao3 filters (something I had accidentally taught her how to do last time I watched her)
Asked me if I knew what Dokidoki literature club is and made me read 5 of those fanfictions too to make sure there was no adult content (there obviously was. How she ended up in dokidokiliterature is beyond me. She said it was because she is in love with Monika)
Made me read the ao3 ship stats and then asked me about every single fandom/show etc
Quick rundown of what she said when I explained them: Hannibal “remind me never to watch that”, Harry Potter “no one even cares about Harry Potter. Is Dumbledore gay?”, Supernatural “why are ppl shipping brothers” and then I explained destiel and how he got sent to hell and then she got mad at me for saying Hell, 911 “why does 911 have a fandom? People being hurt isn’t funny” I had to pick around a bit but realized she thought that 911 emergency calls were being made into fanfiction, BTS “who even are these people”, My Hero Academia “an anime? I don’t watch it. Is there any Comiket Communicate in the top ten?”, MCR “what’s that” I showed her some music and mvs “why do people like this it’s weird” to which I explained ppl were emo bc I didn’t know how else to explain and she said “my friend is a tall and skinny emo” and then wandered off
Made fun of me for thinking 53 degrees was cold. (We live in California. It is cold)
A dream she had where her friends are baking cookies but her one friend who she calls her little brother climbed into the oven
The fact that her friend group play house and she is the oldest sister
While roleplaying as a family they also roleplay that they can all turn into Eevees (this is not a one time game. They have done this for three years)
Asked me why there are so many fanfictions about BTS because she doesn’t understand how ppl can ship real people
While I was trying to explain it I accidentally mentioned the Dan and Phil real people shipping problem and she proceeded to ask me about who they are. I tried to be vague but she kept asking questions until I explained their whole online career.
Asked me what Doctor Who was and what he was a Doctor in.
Made me watch Friday Night Funkin modded videos for what felt like six hours and then had me watch her play animal crossing.
Told me that boyfriend from Friday night funkin was not good enough for girlfriend and that girlfriend should be with Sky from the Sky Mod (I don’t know what these words mean but I’m sure I agree)
Explained an Eevee YouTube fanfiction series in its entirety.
Wandered back and forth across the living room in front of me listening to music in headphones breathing incredibly loudly making me incredibly overstimulated (she’s got a cold it’s not her fault)
Explained her entire friend groups sexuality, gender and pronouns, mental illness, and the Eevee evolution they are when the rp.
Btw the first time I met her she asked me if I had ever had a fictional crush, I said yes, and she said “I only have girl fictional crushes” which through her mother for a loop she told me later, not bc she’s homophobic (she’s literally a lesbian) but because she had never met me before and was surprised how open she was around me.
Today proceeded to try to explain the nuances of bisexuality vs pansexualty. She has never been on tumblr or twitter but was definitely aware of the arguments.
Asked me what one direction is
Got mad that I named a character in a Pilot for a college film class after a girl who is her friend at a math tutoring place who I of course have never met and then yelled at me until I changed the name. I didn’t but she doesn’t know that.
Told me I need to vacuum my car. I do.
Handed me a warhead and watched me eat it with the most malicious look on her face as though she was tricking me or something.
Cooked all of her meals by herself, gets up and leaves for school on her own, does all her hw immediately, doesn’t swear, let’s the dog out every morning. Literally the most self sufficient child I have ever met (was able to do all of this three years ago when I started watching her) the only reason I’m here is in case of a freak accident or because she freaks herself out at night at can’t sleep.
Then she puts the pot she used to cook pasta on the floor for the dog to lick up…
Asked me what pecan pie is
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I don’t know how Winston would know Jack is alive. We never saw Cassidy get the news about Jack, but it’s obvious how he knows. I presume that Winston doesn’t know, and Cassidy throws the idea of finding Jack up in the air before realizing that it wouldn’t even be worth trying.
It would explain the cutscenes we saw in Blizzcon 2021 where Winston looks shocked as Lena pouts at him, and Lena leaves the dropship looking depressed.
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Now, bear with me as I push my “Gay Dad & Lesbian Daughter” propaganda. We see time and time again that Ana has tried to convince Jack to stop his one-man army shenanigans. I believe that Lena will ask Cassidy to help her track down Jack and Ana despite the advice he gave Winston. In the Uprising comic, we see Ana tries to pull Jack in one direction.
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It isn’t until Lena talks with Jack that he’s finally convinced that he should go against the prime minister and Director Petras’ word. I want to believe that Lena will be the driving force that brings Jack back to Overwatch, as well. She is very persuasive, after all.
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Now, the only issue here is that we don’t know who Jack and Ana are going to meet in Istanbul, and that short story can really make or break this theory of mine.
We know Cassidy has been tracked down by Talon. We know Akande asked Gabriel if Jack and Ana are dead yet. Imagine if Cassidy goes to Necropolis, one of Ana’s many hideouts, with Lena and is surprised to see she’s actually there. Cassidy meets Jack face-to-face for the first time, as does Lena, and they both make fun of his new beard... along with the cot, the single dumbbell, the whiskey, and the newspaper. (”Damn, bitch, you live like this?”) Then, Talon strikes! Cassidy and Lena were followed, and the four heroes must fight their way out of that mess. The mentors and the mentees! The parents and the kids! Once all is said and done, there would be a scene where Ana says that, with another one of her hideouts compromised, she’s done running. Jack would admit he’s impressed by how Cassidy and Lena handled themselves (while also throwing in a joke about how they both have a lot to learn, his tough guy exterior slipping away as it did in Bastet) before ultimately deciding to join the new blood of Overwatch.
Now, if I stop inhaling my copium, what will probably actually happen is that Jack will continue working with Ana from the shadows. I think the Overwatch 2 Release Date Reveal trailer opening with Lena walking in front of a statue of Mondatta in the sun only to show Jack perched up in front of Maximilien’s casino at night is no coincidence. It shows what the both of them are fighting for and highlights more of their parallels... but I can dream, okay?
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edgy-ella · 9 months
Here I am yet again with another Invader Zim theory
(Pray I do not make another)
MatPat’s old film theory on the series popped up in my recommended feed on YouTube today, and it got me thinking about something. In case you haven’t seen it, his theory was that Professor Membrane (and by extension, Dib and Gaz) was an alien, an Irken specifically, who had been banished to Earth by the Tallest in order to stop him from usurping their position.
It’s an old and silly theory that can be debunked in four simple words: “where’s Membrane’s PAK?” But like I said, it got me thinking. Instead of focusing on Irken/alien material on Earth, let’s focus on elements of human culture on the other planets we see in the show.
Isn’t it a bit odd how much distinctly human food is seen throughout the series, presumably made and consumed by alien species located several hundred light years away from Earth? Nachos, sandwiches, doughnuts, etc. They all look just like their Earth equivalents too, so presumably they’re one and the same and made with the same ingredients. So by extension, things like sugar, corn, cheese, and lettuce must also exist on Irk.
That wouldn’t be so weird—in fact, you could argue that it’s the show’s way of simplifying alien food into something more recognizable for a human audience and easier understood by younger viewers—except that we do see tons of distinctly alien foods in the show. Zim is seen eating a fun dip-like snack in a couple of episodes, and tons of unique alien foods are both seen and named in the episode where Zim gets sent back to Foodcourtia. So this isn’t just the show using visual language to instantly convey the idea of food to the viewer, there is a clear distinction between “human” food and “alien” food. Hell, there’s even something called a Vort Dog, which looks like a small hot dog with a band around the rim, so there’s even alien variations of human food.
But that’s not all! Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster, the restaurant place Zim is sentenced to work at, looks and functions exactly like a fast food place on Earth. An establishment that caters to multiple, distinct alien races, all with their own needs and cultures, and yet it still has the same old booths, cash registers, and happy mascot costumes you’d find at a MacMeaties or Krazy Taco. The kitchen itself is more automated than their Earth equivalents, but the point stands.
Another thing that stands out is how language is used by the other aliens in the show. Zim presumably has a universal translator built into his PAK (we hear what is likely his untranslated speech at the start of the Mysterious Mysteries episode) and given their military conquest, Irken is presumably the dominant language used by the other alien species in the show. But we see Dib interact with multiple other aliens in the show, all of whom would have no reason to know an Earth language like English. This only comes up a couple times in the show, like with the Plookesians, but is a lot more prevalent in the comics where Dib goes out into space more often. And he does interact with a lot of different species, many of which don’t seem to be under the control of the Irken empire. Dib is never shown to know how to speak Irken (unless Ten Minutes to Doom is canon and he retained that knowledge from when Zim’s PAK was stuck to him), and it’s unlikely that all of the different aliens he talks to would as well. Meaning the only alternative is that they’re all speaking English.
So we see human food, infrastructure, architecture, plumbing, and language scattered throughout the vast reaches of space, both within the Irken Empire and outside of it.
Let’s take that information with some of the stuff that MatPat brought up in his theory.
“I only hope the Irkens just so happen to use the same operating system as me.” Even though this line is meant to be a joke, it really does feel like a smoking gun for a link between human and Irken society and technology. The Irkens did know about Earth, but only as an unspecified mystery planet. Professor Membrane’s continued, staunch denial of aliens is odd considering the literal walking proof right in front of him, not to mention how big of a scientific discovery extraterrestrial life would be. And yeah, some of his technology does resemble the equipment in Zim’s base.
Which brings me to my next point: the Control Brains.
The Control Brains are weird. They have very few appearances in the show and don’t appear at all in the comics, but what little screen time they have tells us everything we need to know about them: they’re giant computers in control of the Irken Empire, responsible for handling everything from Irken reproduction to military affairs to corporal punishment. Their design also implies a connection to PAKs. Make no mistake; the Tallest aren’t in control, these guys are. But they’re machines, they didn’t just come out of nowhere. So who made them?
A lot of this is speculative on my part, I’m sure there’s some decade old interview where Jhonen deconfirms everything I’m about to say. But stick with me here.
I think that the PAKs were made by humans, and that Membrane at least knows about them and the Irkens.
A previous human presence in extraterrestrial territories would explain a lot. It explains why we see so much human food; why the alien restaurants, bathrooms, and prisons look and function so similarly to the ones on Earth, and it explains why everyone in space speaks English. It all originated from Earth. “I only hope the Irkens just so happen to use the same operating system as me,” Irken and human computers are compatible with each other. The Control Brains are giant Irken supercomputers. Ergo, they were likely built on human operating systems as well.
The obvious conclusion here is that they were made by Professor Membrane, but I actually don’t think that’s the case; the Irken Empire has probably been around much longer than Membrane has, no matter how many time warps you throw in. That being said, I think Membrane does know about whatever the origin of all of this was. That’s why he’s so in denial about aliens—he wants to keep his son away from that field of study to keep him safe. He ignores Zim’s plans for world conquest for the same reason Gaz does, “because he’s so bad at it.” Membrane doesn’t see Zim as a threat.
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vypridae · 9 months
not my normal type of post but...
Decay of Angels Playing Five Nights at Freddy’s
<< tell me if you want one of them playing the other games i LOVED writing these >>
Doesn’t like that there’s such a high element of unpredictability to the games, but it intrigues him either way.
He acts like he isn’t scared.
I promise you, he is.
He has absolutely no idea what he’s doing at first and almost died to Foxy but his reflexes (and ability to click small buttons) saved him (he shut the door before he ran into the office).
Kept a keen eye on Foxy since.
First jumpscare he’d get playing would be Freddy on night 4 because he doesn’t think he needs to look at the cameras.
Screams like a girl and then shuts off the game.
Is this damn close to killing Nikolai over how hard he’s laughing at his stupid scream.
Is forced (by Nikolai, so not really ‘forced’) to turn the game back on and beat at least night 5.
Ends up playing until he beats 4/20 mode.
This took him several weeks but he got it on video and was all cocky when he told Nikolai and Sigma he beat it.
(They do not believe him until they see the video he recorded of him beating it).
Has probably played through the entire game at least three times.
Knows all the lore, has watched all the MatPat videos.
He definitely shows off all the secrets he gets while he’s playing the game.
Is disappointed that he didn’t get Golden Freddy on his runthrough.
Gets jumpscared only to scare Sigma and Fyodor.
(They hate him so much).
Has relatively no issues otherwise, up until night 6 where he starts dying over and over again.
Only laughs when he gets jumpscared.
The only one he’s actually flinched at has been Freddy when he was talking too much and forgot to shut the door when he flipped the camera up.
(He started cackling afterwards).
Cannot physically focus enough to attempt 4/20 but definitely did the “who will kil me first” thing where he just sits there throwing the camera up and down and waits.
Did the 1/9/8/7 trick and made Sigma scream (he thought he was safe).
Gets all giddy when the main three look at the camera on the stage (“Hehe they’re so creepy I love them!” “You have so many issues…”)
Knows the CD+ trick and probably used it to trick Sigma (Fyodor knew he cheated).
Definitely does NOT want to play.
Ends up playing anyway because he can’t say no to Nikolai.
First night scares the shit out of him, probably.
Camera breaks the first time and Bonnie’s not on the stage and he’s already screaming.
“Where the fuck is he WHERE THE FUCK DID HE GO” “Calm down, you’re not in danger yet!” “YET!?”
Is teased by Nikolai 24/7 for being so scared the whole time.
Runs out of power and Freddy is a bitch to him and kills him right away at 5 am.
All the worst FNAF nightmares that can possibly happen, happen to Sigma.
Gets Golden Freddy on night 4 after the phone call ends and he starts screaming and freaking out.
(Died to Golden Freddy).
Left the game running and got up and tugged at his hair out of agony on night 5 after Foxy’s already ran down the hallway.
Doesn’t even try to beat the game. Leaves a cackling Nikolai and a (shockingly) surprised Fyodor alone.
(Nikolai makes him come back to beat night 5 but that’s all he has him do).
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soildmud · 8 months
tbh i’ve been reading posts online about tadc and i’m not trying to sound mean but like how…how bad are kids’ media literacy these days? like how bad has it gotten that you need someone to spell out to you that jax will clearly be more than just an asshole in the story?
like ok i’m not going to act like i’m super smart or anything because i’m not i literally used to rely on matpat to tell me the fnaf timeline (embarrassingly enough) but like Still. it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that jax isn’t just mean for no reason (IMO).
maybe i sound like an asshole which is the most likely case, and for that i apologise. i just find it so confusing and crazy that people are going absolutely ballistic talking about how jax is just a jerk and hates everyone because like—he’s clearly going to be a prominent character in the story. why the fuck would he be written so 1-dimensional????? it may or may not be revealed that he’s only like that for some super secret reason or something, or they might show that he’s “not all that bad” OR WHATEVER but the show is going to give him SOME development!!!! (i hope or else this show might just plummet to the bottom of my watch list with helluva boss and hazbin) it is so insane that some people on here truly believe jax is just a boring mean loser based on ONE episode…. i don’t even like him that much (i think his trope is too overused, he just feels like sans at this point) but even i don’t say all the shit some of you goober be saying 😭
ANYWAYS RANT OVER I JUST SAW A POST THAT WAS LIKE GOING IN DEPTH ON HOW JAX IS “NOT AN ASSHOLE” and i was so shocked to think that someone needed a step-by-step tutorial on how to have media literacy
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melissacove · 1 year
Do you have any general Herobrine headcanons?
possible TWs: in the second headcanon it mentions homophobia against asexual people. Skip that one if that’s a possible trigger. Also in the second one it mentions people being pressured into doing ‘it’. This is only a brief mention, though, but I understand if you’d like to ⏭️ skip. Stay safe:)
anyway- I’m glad you asked:) here’s my Herobrine headcanons:
He’s kinda like a dad to the gaming pastas. Like, none of them had great childhoods (hence how they latched onto the games so hard as a coping mechanism) and Herobrine is like, Tim and Brian’s age. (The reason I consider Herobrine to be the dad is bc he’s the og Game pasta if you ask me bc if his iconic he is and how long he’s been around compared to the others.)
he once pulled someone from irl into Minecraft, locked them in a Bedrock box with no doors and made it so they couldn’t die of hunger. Why, you may ask? Lost got a girlfriend. Herobrine was happy for him at first, until Lost came to Herobrine saying that the girl had pressured him into doing you-know-what in the bedroom despite knowing he’s asexual. The girl is still there to this day, slowly going insane with no way of knowing how long she’s been there of if/when she’ll get out with but the sweet release of death to look forward to… but Herobrine made sure she won’t even get that luxury.
idk why but I decided his real name is Nathan.
hes VERY protective of his kids, but not like in the ‘you better never date until you’re thirty’ kind of protective. More of a, ‘if you so much be within a ten mile radius of BEN scraping his knee and not help him the you will rot in hell for all eternity at my hand.’ Kind of protective. If you hurt one of his kids, there’s no coming back… even if the kid forgets after five minutes.
he (unofficialy) adopted the gaming pastas they are his children. The game pastas see each other as more of a clique then brothers (hence Lost and BEN dating) but hey all do consider Herobrine to be their dad.
He’s really worried about BEN, Lost and Strangled Red. (To see why you can look at my BEN drowned headcanon and, when they come out, (they’re the next two that will be out) you can see those:D)
he’s straight and demisexual
his favorite thing to do is play games with his kids<3
he’s the only one who can play games properly on all his kids consoles, since Minecraft is on the Nintendo switch, PlayStation, Computer, etc. so he has experience messing will all the consoles, unlike his other kids who are limited to their respective corporate senpais.
he’s the only one of the gaming pastas who doesn’t unironically sing the Nyan cat song and punch people over their FNaF timeline interpretations.
all the Game pastas are obsessed with Game Theory and think MatPat is the gaming equivalent of what a prophet is in religion. They will do literally anything MatPat says and agree with him on anything ever… it’s kinda unhealthy. BENs heard this before and has a 457 slide fully animated presentation in Google Slides as to why it isn’t… he tried to turn it in as a school project once. They didn’t have time to see the whole thing or have the meaning sink in so they just gave him an A+ because they thought it was well researched. (‘They’ being his teachers.)
there’s my Herobrine headcanons! I’m gonna go draw now, hope you liked it:) feel free to (pretty please) send me requests for art or headcanons:)
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starleska · 1 year
Hiya! I’m the anon who initially listed worry about MatPat’s video about Welcome Home. He has since then released a full theory video about Welcome Home (released today actually, 5/6/2021) and I got to say, it’s a rather good watch with a theory I didn’t see coming, though one I don’t agree with despite it being an interesting take.
He even addresses what happened with Clown and asked his fans to keep the discussions to a respectable level, as well as mentioning that certain old artwork isn’t considered canon to Welcome Home anymore.
I certainly feel more at ease with MatPat’s fan base being introduced to Welcome Home now that he made clear that Clown’s boundaries should be respected. My only real criticism is that he addresses Welcome Home as an ARG, though that’s just a nitpick.
Once again, I wonder what your opinion on this is.
hello again love!! i hope you're having a nice day :3c oh that's wonderful to hear! i haven't seen the video, but i'm so happy that MatPat did his due diligence in telling fans to be respectful 💖 alas, i'm not really sure what you'd like me to say on the topic!! my stance is the same - it doesn't matter whether fans got into Welcome Home via MatPat, stumbling across it on TikTok, or years ago when it was in its earliest development stages. we're all fans, and we should welcome the new folk with open arms! let's try not to separate off the fandom artificially - everyone has a right to enjoy this project 🥰 likewise, on the 'Welcome Home is an ARG' topic - i understand that Clown has expressed his uncertainty with the terminology, perhaps feeling boxed in by the label. now, we should respect whatever terminology Clown decides on. however, in recent months since Clown has responded to asks calling Welcome Home an ARG, and so far Welcome Home does have the traits of an ARG, or at least unfiction. ARGs are interactive stories where the audience interacts with the characters - using transmedia to provide information in the form of puzzles and codes and the like. the ARG/unfiction/etc. community has historically had lots of issues labelling the media it covers!! some projects fit the classic definition, and some don't. the big thing about Welcome Home is that we appear capable of interacting with Wally Darling...it'll take time to discover if we as an audience have a meaningful impact on the story. either way, i still call it an ARG and label it as such, and will unless we're given another, more suitable label! now if it's all right, i feel this is slipping a little too close into discourse for my comfort, and i'd rather not answer more asks on this topic 😅 i'm happy to chat about characters, theories, headcanons, suggestions, etc. but providing 'takes' on the fandom is something i don't find enjoyable! my stance is the same as always: let's all be respectful, have fun, and not be awful to other folks just enjoying a wonderful story. thanks so much, and i hope you take care ✨
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crypticcozycorner · 4 months
✨My plushies from youtooz have arrived! They look adorable!✨
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Unfortunately, dispite looking cute I did have quite a few issues with them, so I’m unsure if I’ll be ordering plushies from youtooz again. Issues (with pictures) under the read more.
Firstly, Bonnie
The ears have wire in them which is supposed to make them stand up and allow you to pose them. As you can see by the above photo, the right one doesn’t stand up. Although it has a wire in it, it’s not connected to the head like the left one is, so it doesn’t keep it standing up straight.
Additionally there’s a hole (pictured below) in that ear. I think it’s just the white part not being sewn down correctly, so the hole doesn’t go all the way through, but I’ll still have to sew it
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Additionally, although it’s hard to get a picture of, some of the stitching on his eye is coming up, not it wasn’t sewn down properly.
For Roxanne, the biggest issue I noticed is this really sloppy stitching on her cheek.
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Additionally, on the embroidery for her eye and part of her arm had plastic left in it (which I’ve already peeled off so it’s not pictured here)
The rest of the issues I have with her are more design flaws. Firstly, the light green hair is just a flap of fabric. Additionally, this red thing on her left is just a stripe of felt that’s only sewn on on each end which just looks weird to me.
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My last issue is with the shipping. It shipped January 29th, and I got a few updates up until the 6th of February where it just… stopped updating. It didn’t update again until the third. No emails about delays or anything, just left me in complete silence for almost a month. I’ve talked to multiple other people who had the same or similar issues.
In conclusion- I have mixed feelings. The fabric feels nice and the stuffing is firm, but I’d expect better quality and communication, essentially for a $73 order when shipping was added. If it was just one or two small issues than I wouldn’t be complaining, but all those small things plus the messy shipping kinda add up. I know for some people this stuff isn’t a big deal, but for me it just- really bugged me. I’m not sure if I’ll be ordering plushies from them again (I got a sitting fnaf 1 freddy from them for Christmas and he was perfect which is partly why I’m so surprised). Their pins are amazing and I’ll see how their figures are when my Matpat one arrives, but I’m not sure about ordering plushies in the future.
I still love them! They’re my comfort characters so I’m so glad to have plushies of them! I’m just a little sad about some of the issues
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