#matthew meade
julesnichols · 1 year
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Hey guys can we talk about where Nat's hand is in this BTS photo/different angle of that scene
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zayadriancas · 10 months
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All In A Good Cause
“We have to stand up for what we believe in.”
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degrassiclassiclover · 7 months
things i absolutely loveeee about The All-Nighter:
The actors look like they were having so much fun
There’s a scene where Yick is wearing Joey’s hat and need I say more
Arthur being a fucking poker king
Luke rocking overalls
“You’re anorexic, you’re mom’s an alcoholic, and your boyfriend beat you up!”
Caitlin actually emotionally bonding with Kathleen
Maya talking about her disability without any shame or filter
Yick and Arthur becoming friends again
The strange revelation that Luke (King Dirtbag) is friends with Alex (King Nerd)
Luke saying that he has a crush on Lucy
We finally find out how the hell you say Diana’s last name
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daily-movie-quotes · 9 months
Day 133
December 11
Someone once told me that the power in all relationships lies with whoever cares less, and he was right. But power isn't happiness, and I think that maybe happiness comes from caring more about people rather than less...
-Connor Mead
(Played by Matthew McConaughey)
-Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
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_"Allah tidak memperoleh kemuliaan dari semangat dan kegairahan yang tidak terjamin Alkitabiahnya."_ ~ Matthew Mead, ulama Puritan.
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Many confess their sins, but with no intent to forsake sin. They confess the sins they have committed, but do not leave the sins the have confessed.
— Matthew Mead (1630-1699), “The Almost Christian Discovered”
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ficnoire2 · 10 months
A Little Legendborn/Bloodmarked Scent Theory
Scent is nostalgic.  It transports us back to a memory, a person, and the feelings that lived in that pocket of time.  When I was a teenager Snoop Dog proclaimed in Lodi Dodi “For all the bitches I might take home, I got the Johnson’s Baby Powder and Cool Water cologne.”  Yes, I have happily dated myself with that reference (all my youngins, do your Googles) but nearly every boy I knew had that scent profile and every time one of them said, “Where my hug at” I would bury my nose in its familiar embrace.  Tracy has been hella intentional with so many of her choices in this amazing series (see a bit more in my “A little LB/BM…” series at the end) and I don’t think the way our favs smell is any different.  Let’s take a dip in the olfactory pool shall we?
Bree Matthews - scent profile Gourmand, Green, Mossy Woods
“Do you want to know?” he asks in a low voice that makes me shiver.  He reaches for my hand, and his fingers are hot against my palm.  “What your magic smells like?”... “Honey wine.  Amber.  Green things growing.  The tiniest hint of copper, like fresh blood.  Something else…”  A deep inhale, and I feel him shudder.  “Power.”
Well now, Selwyn said a mouthful when describing Bree’s scent and every note fits her perfectly.  
Honey Wine - Did y'all know that honey wine is also called Meade?  Arthur went on about someone drinking all of it when Bree popped up in one of his memories.  It is made from honey, yeast, and water and can vary in alcohol content and can be mixed with fruit.  In Celtic cultures, Meade is thought to enhance virility and fertility and has aphrodisiac qualities (had Sel on his ass in the woods).  This wine was said to have been first made in secret by Irish Monks. Its origins, however, are lost in prehistory with the earliest archeological evidence dating back to 7000 BC. It was used in feasts and celebrations across Europe and Asia and still exists today. A scent fit for a King. 
Amber - Warm and exotic, amber which is derived from tree resin and described as “Gold of the Sea” and has been touted as the world’s oldest and most desired treasure.  It is considered beautiful and unique and has special chemical properties that are electrically charged and could ignite when rubbed together (A bit volatile and explosive like our Bree).  Amber is a powerful Chakra cleanser and can absorb negative energy, transferring it into positive. It can be used in meditation for relaxation and can heighten and enhance psychic abilities. 
Green Things Growing - The scent of fresh cut grass, blooming flora, mother earth.  Representing growth, new beginnings, healing, and renewal.  I find it interesting that Sel tapped into this aspect of her scent as taking in her root (after giving him consent) revitalized him.  In a way Bree’s arrival has brought forth new beginnings and growth for everyone she has come into contact with.
Copper, Fresh Blood, Power - Smelling blood (where none is present) can signify a deep connection with ancestral ties.  As we know Bree has seen Vera bathed in blood, and its use has been pivotal to her communing with her ancestors.  It can also serve as a shield or protection.  Erebus has Bloodmarked Bree which alerts him to her danger, in a way protecting her. This scent being part of her profile is telling because it is a symbol of life, sacrifice, and spiritual potency.  These attributes are ever present in Bree.  She after all is their sharpest and strongest blade with a powerful connection to the spirit realm. 
Selwyn Kane - Scent profile Oriental (amber/sweet), woody (smoky), peaty (aged whiskey)
“We are so close I smell whiskey and smoke.  His aether signature, back again.”
Whiskey - Did you know that smelling alcohol has spiritual significance involving evolution, cleansing, and reemergence with renewed clarity?  Smelling alcohol can be a call to purify oneself, to get rid of negativity.  It can signify a period of transition or transformation, a rebirth if you will.  Selwyn Kane has managed to change immensely throughout both books.  He can literally transform by owl shifting.  By the end of Bloodmarked, we see yet another iteration of him as he transitioned more towards his shadow side, his demon nature.  Historical context suggests the scent of alcohol is associated with sacred rituals (Oathing ceremonies) and can be a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. 
Cinnamon - In the oriental scent family, this scent is exotic and seductive (just like our favorite, angsty, goth).  Some people use cinnamon for protection, prosperity, and healing.  It is said to be anti-viral, anti-biotic, anti-microbial, and antifungal “I don’t get infections.”  Cinnamon has therapeutic properties, it's no wonder Selwyn is able to heal so quickly from injury (bruised ego aside).
Smoke- While a part of Sel’s scent profile, when Bree smells the hint of smoke he gives off, it suggests her closeness to the ancestral plane and the supernatural.  Like Bree, people that smell smoke when there is none can sense the spiritual world.  Selly has an affinity for detecting those pesky Shadowborn that continuously make their way to our world. Its scent is also associated with messages from our ancestors and the divine.
Nick Davis - Scent profile Woody, fresh
“When he catches up, his fresh laundry and cedar scent comes with him.  Of course he smells good.”
Fresh Laundry-Nick’s scent has been described as a bit boring, but I tend to disagree.  Tracy has been extremely intentional with her choices in this series and I don’t think Nick’s scent is any different.  Fresh laundry makes you want to bury your face in it.  After a long day and a nice shower, it feels like home to snuggle into freshly laundered sheets (Is it just me?).  It is comforting to snuggle up in your favorite blanket that smells of your favorite detergent.  It is soothing and in a sense freshly laundered linens are a clean slate.  If that isn’t Nick, I don’t know what is.  He is deeply comforting to Bree and is a soft place to land for her.  Whenever she is in his room, she is smelling his clothes, sheets, she is able to find respite with him.  He is a change of pace in all the chaos happening in her life.  Not only does he serve as comfort for her, but for Sel as well (hello Bloodwalk).  Plus, tell me you haven’t taken clothes out of the dryer and took a big ol’ whiff.
Cedar- I love the smell of cedar.  Symbolically it represents protection, wisdom, strength, and spiritual grounding (come on Nicky!).  In some cultures Cedar trees are considered sacred and are known for their healing relationship with humankind.  The scent of cedar clears the mind, opening it to past memories. Cedar trees in particular are said to store energy, only releasing it when important healing needs to occur.  We know Nick has a lot of inner rage (Max fucked around and found out), but he is also optimistic and seeking correction of the wrongs his father and The Order have imposed on the Legendborn.  I don’t know about you, but I’d bathe my clothes in this for sure.
Scent is such a powerful medium. What do you think of our faves’ scents?  I find it interesting that the spiciest characters (looking at you Bree and Selwyn) are in the oriental/woody scent family and our more level headed bunch is in the fresh scent family. 
In part two, we’ll take a look at Valec, William, and Incense Daddy himself, Erebus. 
Color Theory
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insomniacchamomile · 3 months
Helen Hunt!
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This is her original version, I'm so indecisive between making this an au and make the dead reckoning one her main storyline or not HHHHHH.
For now, this is Main Helen, have the full ref sheet!
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The band logo features two girls: the one that's upside down is her and the other one is her gf Miriam (an oc made by my own gf!).
Usual, angsty teen that resents her father for not being at home enough.
She was born from Julia Meade and Ethan Matthew Hunt in 2006 , but since Julia had to fake her death, Helen had to stay in Ethan's custody.
My squeaky toy :3
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grim-wildwood · 11 days
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Matthew Spencer Illustration
No known parentage or siblings. Gaulish mythology does not have a structured family line like Greek or Norse mythologies do, which makes Karnonos a standalone entity.
No known lovers in original Gaulish myth, but often paired with the Mother (Moon) Goddess in Wicca. From the experience of many witches, Karnonos does not seem picky about who he shares an altar with, and in my personal experience, he seems to have some sort of relationship with Sirona.
In neopaganism and Wicca, Cernunnos is the creator and magickal driving force of all living creatures. In traditional paganism, Karnonos is seen more as a symbolic "Father Earth" figure. He did not create all life, but rather, he is all life, and his humanoid image is the simple personification of nature. Again, Karnonos has no strict family lineage due to the nature of his roots.
The Horned One
Lord of the Wood
The Holly King
The Green Man (supposedly)
The Antlered God
Karnonos' major iconographical depictions include antlers, a golden torc, a cross-legged seated position, and a horned snake. Though, more modern depictions have replaced this icon with a banana snake. He may take the physical form of a stag or may appear as the apparition of a man with a stag's head/skull, or simply an antlered man. He is often depicted in simple earth-colored druidic robes with ceremonial or hunting items, such as a spear, drum, or bow.
Karnonos is known to be a steadfast and observational force. He is seen as a mentor-like figure to most and, in Wicca, exudes strong masculine energy. In traditional paganism, Karnonos is a neutral driving force of change and symbolic of the constant natural cycle of life.
Unlike many other deities, there are no surviving myths or stories that specifically detail the actions, family, or adventures of Karnonos. Much of what is known about him comes from iconography, archaeological finds, and later interpretations rather than written records from the Celtic period. The most well-known depiction of Karnonos comes from the Gundestrup Cauldron, a silver vessel dating from the 1st century BCE.
During the Roman period, Karnonos was syncretized with Pan and Silvanus. This further complicated attempts to find Karnonos' true origins.
Herbs & Plants
The Sacred Oak
Sacred Stones
Moss Agate
Green Aventurine
Smokey Quartz
Tiger's Eye
Petrified Wood
The Sacred Stag
Please always remember to ethically source your offerings, or your offering could deeply offend Karnonos. He loves items sourced from your personal time outdoors. They should be your findings, your earnings, and your hunt.
Ferns + their leaves
Tree bark
Herbal offerings (listed above)
Handmade crafts
Green or brown candles, anointed with herbal oil or scented like the natural land or its bounty
Cedar, pine, dragon's blood or frankincense incense
Devotional acts of conservation, hunting (for sustenance only, no trophy hunting!) or meditation in nature
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ndyp-thot · 1 year
Thank you for watching this amazing Animatic that has been in the works for the past few months. We plan to have it fully animated AFTER we finish the pilot. We are 50% through our pilot and we can't wait to show it when it's all done!
Please follow us on any of our social medias listed below the Credits, or even considering supporting us by buying us a ko-fi or donating to us on Patreon!
You can even buy available merch!
Credits Produced and Directed by: Jaculynn Kristiansen https://twitter.com/jackillynn
Cast: Glitch / Chester Winters : Tom Schalk https://linktr.ee/TomSchalk
Scripted by: Lead: Jaculynn Kristiansen
Co-Writer: Brittany Clark https://twitter.com/FishieComics Storyboards / Animatic: Samantha Alexander https://linktr.ee/inkylids
Music: By: David Steinmarck https://davidsteinmarck.bandcamp.com/...
Sound Engineer: Ebrahim A. Ebrahim https://biglink.to/ebrahimcomps
Special Thanks to: Makenzie Matthews Alyssa Grissom Brittany Clark Karla "Kas" Sánchez Collin Bogert Jack Hubert Nate Fonseca Christopher Wade Eddie Mead Georden Whitman and Insomniacflaaff ( 'Patron')
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follow-up-news · 1 month
Military-run hearings for accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two co-defendants at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were in upheaval Wednesday following Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s decision to throw out a plea agreement. Defense attorneys contend the plea deal still stands and suspended participation in the pre-trial hearings while legal challenges to Austin’s action play out. Prosecutors also raised the prospect that the pre-trial hearings might have to be frozen as lawyers look for explanations in Austin’s order and work through the issues raised by it. The judge overseeing the case, Air Force Col. Matthew McCall, acknowledged concerns over outside pressure on the case. The plea agreement, which would have spared the defendants the risk of the death penalty, and Austin’s subsequent order, issued late Friday, have generated strong feelings, including among the families of Sept. 11 victims. The Biden administration came under heavy Republican criticism over the plea deal. “If more political pressure is put on the parties to make a decision one way or the other,” that could build the case for illegal interference in the case, “but … it’s not going to affect me,” McCall said during Wednesday’s hearing. Reporters were able to monitor the proceedings from Fort Meade, Maryland.
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makeyouminemp3 · 10 months
2023 characters wrapped
was tagged by my best friend to ever @sarahmichelegellar to share my top 9 characters of this year
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and the following are (from left to right & top to bottom): lottie matthews (yellowjackets), maeve rojas (one of us is lying), amy pond (doctor who), gar logan (titans), maeve wiley (sex education), diana meade (the secret circle), kendrix morgan (power rangers lost galaxy), abed nadir (community), and amy santiago (brooklyn nine nine)
i'm tagging: @maliagf @ameliapondmd @thomas-the-goat-of-satan @indistinctmumblings @fkevin073 @teenagecriminalmastermind @tenpintsof-sundrop @star-mum @lesbianlotties @lesducks @sbd-laytall @userbettycooper @irisimpkins @hydesjackiespuddinpop @not-so-mundane-after-all @heroeddiemunson @milfmas
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jackstanleyroberts · 10 months
The descriptions of the characters of the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI part 2
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Hello everybody, if you have seen part 1 that I pulled, well here is part 2 of the characters of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise. But I haven't finished of it about an new friend group called The Fab Twelve who's now being friends with The Core Four in the Extended Cut of Scream VI when they're all survived the attack in Woodsboro in Scream (2022) & attending to Blackmore University in New York & their friend groups have expanded when they have new friends like Ethan Landry, Stanley Williams, Natasha Longwood, Rory's elder sister Alivia, Quinn Bailey, her older brother Quentin Bailey & his buddy Derek Shepherd including Derek's girlfriend Lillian "Lilly" Davis, Anika Kayoko & her Half-sisters Susie & Hannah Kayoko, Lincoln Jefferson, & Hayley & Holly McDaniel, the daughters of Hallie McDaniel, including Zackary & Caroline Feldman, the son & daughter of Derek Feldman, also Taylor Swanson & Maurice Thompson & new neighbors like Terry & Larry's nephew Anthony "Anton" Mercer, Lilly's Niece Riley Davis, Danny Brackett & his baby sister Danielle. Here's more descriptions of the characters of the franchise.
The Main Characters: The Fab Twelve: Part 2
Joshua Bassett as Connor "Cash" Conway, an Kind, Tough, & Friendly young man who's being friends with Terry & Larry as part of their friend group when they're called themselves The Fab Twelve which the members are Terry, Larry, Lexi, Wendy, Will, Fred, Carrie, Rebecca, Matthew, Lori, Miranda, & Cash.
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Joey King as Yvonne Conway, an Beautiful, Funny, & Generous girl who's the older sister of Connor "Cash" Conway & the baby half-sister of the serial killer Jill Roberts. She's loves eating Dino-Shaped Chicken Nuggets & she's the friend of Tara Carpenter.
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Supporting Characters:
Julia Rehwald as Katherine "Katie" Jones, an Beautiful, Tough, & Headstrong young woman who's being the girlfriend of Terrence William "Terry" Watkins & she's the cheerleader from Woodsboro High.
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Kathryn Newton as Kathleen "Kathy" Williamson, an Funny, Charismatic, & Tough young woman who's isn't afraid to throw down. She's a part of the friend group with Terry & Larry.
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Ross Lynch as Ronald "Rory" Williams, the brother of Elanie Williams & Alivia Williams & he's also a part of Terry & Larry's friend group.
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Samantha Boscarino as Elaine Williams, the older sister of Roland "Rory" Williams, the younger sister of Alivia Williams, the girlfriend of Lawrence James "Larry" Watkins, & the best friend of Amber Freeman who's being the killer in Scream (2022). She's back in Scream VI to get revenge on Sam & Tara Carpenter who killed her.
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Jade Pettyjohn as Graceland "Grace" Prescott, an Kind, Friendly, Loving, & Really Tough young woman who's being friends with Terry & Larry as part of the friend group. She's the granddaughter of Sidney Prescott & Mark Kincaid & the younger sister of Sam & Jenny Kincaid.
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Emily Meade as Elena Connors, the girlfriend of Roland "Rory" Williams & she's a part of the friend group in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise.
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Sophia Lillis as Grace-Lynn "Gracie" Moore, an Smart, Intelligent & Kind young woman who's being friends with Terry & Larry Watkins when they're talking about horror movies.
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More descriptions of the characters of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise are coming soon.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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14 eBooks on Total Depravity
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The Extent of Original Sin in Every Faculty of the Soul (eBook) by Anthony Burgess
The Total Depravity of Man (eBook) by A. W, PInk
The Doctrine of Man's Impotence (eBook) by A. W. Pink
An Unregenerate Man's Guiltiness Before God (eBook) by Thomas Goodwin
The Discovery of the Plague of Our Hearts! (eBook) by Matthew Mead
Human Nature in its Fourfold State (eBook) by Thomas Boston
The Doctrine of the Will (eBook) by William Cunningham
Man's Enmity to God (eBook) by Stephen Charnock
Bondage of the Will (eBook) by Martin Luther
Alive or Dead (eBook) by J C Ryle
Augustine & The Pelagian Controversy (eBook) by B B Warfield
The Sinfulness of Sin (eBook) by Ralph Venning
Discourses on Sin and Unbelief (eBook) by Stephen Charnock
The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin Defended (eBook) by Jonathan Edwards
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justforbooks · 10 months
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Best crime and thrillers of 2023
Given this year’s headlines, it’s unsurprising that our appetite for cosy crime continues unabated, with the latest title in Richard Osman’s Thursday Murder Club series, The Last Devil to Die (Viking), topping the bestseller lists. Janice Hallett’s novels The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels, which also features a group of amateur crime-solvers, and The Christmas Appeal (both Viper) have proved phenomenally popular, too.
Hallett’s books, which are constructed as dossiers – transcripts, emails, WhatsApp messages and the like – are part of a growing trend of experimentation with form, ranging from Cara Hunter’s intricate Murder in the Family (HarperCollins), which is structured around the making of a cold case documentary, to Gareth Rubin’s tête-bêche The Turnglass (Simon & Schuster). Books that hark back to the golden age of crime, such as Tom Mead’s splendidly tricksy locked-room mystery Death and the Conjuror (Head of Zeus), are also on the rise. The late Christopher Fowler, author of the wonderful Bryant & May detective series, who often lamented the sacrifice of inventiveness and fun on the altar of realism, would surely have approved. Word Monkey (Doubleday), published posthumously, is his funny and moving memoir of a life spent writing popular fiction.
Notable debuts include Callum McSorley’s Glaswegian gangland thriller Squeaky Clean (Pushkin Vertigo); Jo Callaghan’s In the Blink of an Eye (Simon & Schuster), a police procedural with an AI detective; Scorched Grace by Margot Douaihy (Pushkin Vertigo), featuring queer punk nun investigator Sister Holiday; and the caustically funny Thirty Days of Darkness (Orenda) by Jenny Lund Madsen (translated from the Danish by Megan E Turney).
There have been welcome additions to series, including a third book, Case Sensitive (Zaffre), for AK Turner’s forensic investigator Cassie Raven, and a second, The Wheel of Doll (Pushkin Vertigo), for Jonathan Ames’s LA private eye Happy Doll, who is shaping up to be the perfect hardboiled 21st-century hero.
Other must-reads for fans of American crime fiction include Ozark Dogs (Headline) by Eli Cranor, a powerful story of feuding Arkansas families; SA Cosby’s Virginia-set police procedural All the Sinners Bleed (Headline); Megan Abbott’s nightmarish Beware the Woman (Virago); and Rebecca Makkai’s foray into very dark academia, I Have Some Questions for You (Fleet). There are shades of James Ellroy in Jordan Harper’s Hollywood-set tour de force Everybody Knows (Faber), while Raymond Chandler’s hero Philip Marlowe gets a timely do-over from Scottish crime doyenne Denise Mina in The Second Murderer (Harvill Secker).
As Mick Herron observed in his Slow Horses origin novel, The Secret Hours (Baskerville), there’s a long list of spy novelists who have been pegged as the heir to John le Carré. Herron must be in pole position for principal legatee, but it’s been a good year for espionage generally: standout novels include Matthew Richardson’s The Scarlet Papers (Michael Joseph), John Lawton’s Moscow Exile (Grove Press) and Harriet Crawley’s The Translator (Bitter Lemon).
Historical crime has also been well served. Highlights include Emma Flint’s excellent Other Women (Picador), based on a real 1924 murder case; Laura Shepherd-Robinson’s story of a fortune teller’s quest for identity in Georgian high society, The Square of Sevens (Mantle); and SG MacLean’s tale of Restoration revenge and retribution, The Winter List (Quercus). There are echoes of Chester Himes in Viper’s Dream (No Exit) by Jake Lamar, which begins in 1930s Harlem, while Palace of Shadows (Mantle) by Ray Celestin, set in the late 19th century, takes the true story of American weapons heiress Sarah Winchester’s San Jose mansion and transports it to Yorkshire, with chillingly gothic results.
The latest novel in Vaseem Khan’s postcolonial India series, Death of a Lesser God (Hodder), is also well worth the read, as are Deepti Kapoor’s present-day organised crime saga Age of Vice (Fleet) and Parini Shroff’s darkly antic feminist revenge drama The Bandit Queens (Atlantic).
While psychological thrillers are thinner on the ground than in previous years, the quality remains high, with Liz Nugent’s complex and heartbreaking tale of abuse, Strange Sally Diamond (Penguin Sandycove), and Sarah Hilary’s disturbing portrait of a family in freefall, Black Thorn (Macmillan), being two of the best.
Penguin Modern Classics has revived its crime series, complete with iconic green livery, with works by Georges Simenon, Dorothy B Hughes and Ross MacDonald. There have been reissues by other publishers, too – forgotten gems including Celia Fremlin’s 1959 holiday‑from-hell novel, Uncle Paul (Faber), and Richard Wright’s The Man Who Lived Underground (Vintage). Finished in 1942 but only now published in its entirety, the latter is an account of an innocent man who takes refuge from racist police officers in the sewers of Chicago – part allegorical, part brutally realistic and, unfortunately, wholly topical.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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louisupdates · 1 year
Louis Tomlinson at Kemba Live! in Columbus, OH
June 8, 2023 Maddy Meade
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Eager fans started lining up at Kemba Live! before 9:30 AM for Louis Tomlinson’s Faith In The Future Tour in Columbus, Ohio.
The line of fans ended up stretching hundreds of people deep and looping around the corner of the street. Shortly after the doors opened, the pit area was completely packed with fans.
Opening act, Snarls, kicked the night off and was met with a warm welcome from fans. The Columbus-based indie rock band exudes cool kid energy and fans were definitely vibing. The band consists of Chlo White, Riley Hall, Mick Martinez, and Max Martinez. Snarls hit songs include “Walk in the Woods,” “Marbles,” and “Fixed Gear.”
Taking the stage next was the indie rock band The Academic from Ireland. Fans enthusiastically greeted The Academic to the stage with their handcrafted “I love The Academic” signs. The band is comprised of brothers Matthew and Stephen Murtagh, Craig Fitzgerald, and Dean Gavin. The Academic played several of their most popular songs including “Different,”“Mixtape 2003,” “Bear Claws,” and “Don’t Take It Personally.” The Academic did a phenomenal job of having fans dancing on their feet and ready for the highly anticipated Tomlinson to take the stage next.
Louis Tomlinson started his monumental career in 2010 in what would be one of the biggest boy bands in the world, One Direction. Needless to say, Kemba Live! was packed full of original Louis Tomlinson fans who have supported him since the beginning. His fans were sporting current merchandise but were also sure to bring out their original One Direction merchandise for the occasion. They had One Direction merchandise ranging from blankets to One Direction-branded Converse.
Tomlinson started his set off on a huge dynamic note with his song, “The Greatest” which was accompanied by pyrotechnics. He had an impressive stage setup that included multiple large-screen displays that showed live video coverage of the stage. It was apparent that fans share a special connection with Tomlinson and relate to his music on a personal level. “The Greatest” is the opening track to Tomlinson’s second album, Faith In The Future, and sets the tone for the remainder of the album. This album exudes an element of confidence that stems from being able to make the kind of music an artist wishes to make. It largely departs from Tomlinson’s previous pop music and, instead, leans toward indie rock. The setlist for this tour felt largely authentic to Tomlinson.
Of course, Tomlinson paid tribute to his former band by playing popular One Direction songs “Night Changes” and “Where Do Broken Hearts Go.” Fans were incredibly supportive, singing along through the entirety of the concert but it’s hard to ignore the energy fans gave to the throwback One Direction songs. Tomlinson also played his hits “Bigger Than Me,” “Written All Over Your Face,” and “Out of My System,” and wrapped up the encore with “Silver Tongues.” Tomlinson did an impressive job interacting with fans throughout the duration of the concert. At multiple points of the show, he would hop off of the stage and join fans at the barricade.
The Faith In The Future North American tour continues on throughout June and wraps on July 7th in Austin, TX. Some dates are already sold-out so be sure to get your tickets soon to secure your place.
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