j-eryewrites · 1 year
Rocks and Rinthonians
Request: Hi I’m a huge dr who fan and I love your work it’s possible do you think you could create a piece with the 11th doctor where they are on a planet fighting some Daleks and the reader gets injured but hides it until they are back at the Tardis where the reader collapses, then the doctor sees the blood and realized what’s happened and has to stitch her up. Thanks
Pairings: 11th doctor x reader
Warning: Typical Doctor Who Violence, angst, blood, and injuries
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“Let’s go to a mining planet, he said! There are pretty rocks, he said!” You mocked. 
The Doctor flashed you a glare. “It’s not my fault I didn’t know the planet was enslaved by Daleks!”
An explosion thundered nearby as scorching sparks flew in the air. Each spark reached out hoping to burn your skin. The Doctor quickly yanked you to the ground for cover. 
“EXTERMINATE!” The robotic voice of the nearby Daleks loomed over you and the Doctor. 
It was getting hard to focus on anything else besides that cold metallic voice. A unanimous voice you grew to know too well for your comfort. 
The Doctor’s brown hair flopped around as he peeked over the edge of the container you two were hiding behind. He glanced around the room, listening for any trace of the Daleks amongst the chaos of the planet. You didn’t understand how he could focus on anything and everything else besides the threat of death. 
You, on the other hand, were finding it hard to breathe as you closed your eyes and wished you had just stayed on the TARDIS and slept in just like you had promised yourself. 
“Right,” The Doctor said as he crouched back down next to you. “Not long before we reach the control room…” The Doctor’s voice trailed off as he noticed your panicked state. 
The next thing you knew his gentle hand was cupping your cheeks and his sparkling green eyes were staring right at yours. “We’re going to make it.” He comforted. His thumb trailed along your cheek as he raised his lips to kiss your forehead. “I’m going to grab your hand and then we’re going to run. I’m going to say some fancy words. We’ll stop the Daleks and save the day. How’s that sound?” He whispered against your skin. 
You find the courage to nod your head. 
“Good.” The Doctor smiled. Then he grabbed your hand. “Run!” 
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“Welcome to Rinth-678! One of the Rurn galaxy's greatest mining planets.” The Doctor spread his arms out as if presenting the planet to you. 
Like most planets you visited, the view always left you speechless. Even after all the time you spent travelling with the strange man with an even stranger blue box, you never got used to the sight of a new planet. The Doctor had promised you rocks and rocks you got. Icy blue mountains peaked up far above the clouds. The sight reminded you of the glaciers you and the Doctor had visited back on earth except these ones towered over you. You were sure they were ten times larger than Mount Everest. A belief that was soon confirmed by the Doctor as he spewed facts and information about the planet. From the taste of the soil to the economy of the planet. 
“The Rinthonians rely on their mining. An ounce of the ore could provide an entire ship with a whole year's worth of power!” The Doctor exclaimed as he led you around the planet like your own personal tour guide. 
You spun around trying to take in as much of the landscape as you could before the Doctor practically dragged you to a nearby city. It didn’t take long before the two of you snuck off into the mining facility armed with the trusty psychic paper. 
You always enjoyed seeing what the paper came up with each time its use would come in handy. This time you were Chief Mining Inspectors. Well, you were and the Doctor was your assistant. The Rinth planets believed in the superiority of the female sex. A treatment you were not quite used to back on Earth. Soon after, a guide was presented and then you and the Doctor were led straight to the source…and right into the hands of the Daleks. 
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“Daleks. Daleks, DALEKS. You messed with the wrong Doctor–wait, no that doesn’t work,” The Doctor whipped his head over to where you stood in the control room. 
“I think you’re looking for ‘the wrong man’,” You so graciously suggested. 
The Doctor smiled and returned to glare at the Daleks. “What she said.”
“Enough,” The lead Dalek enunciated. “The Doctor and the companion will be exterminated!” Then a chorus of EXTERMINATE sang throughout the facility. One would think you were in a church with how commanding the phrase was. 
“Ah, let me stop you right there. You see this?” The Doctor pointed to the console beside him. His sonic screwdriver was ready to release the signal. 
The Daleks were silent as they eyed the Doctor carefully. “You cannot stop the Daleks!” The Daleks sang once more. 
“See that’s where you’re wrong.”
“The Daleks can never be wrong!” The Dalek bellowed. 
“Just shut up will you!” You barked at the Dalek who turned to look at you. Its electric blue eye narrowed in on you. 
“You see, long ago when the power of the ore was discovered,” the Doctor explained, “The Rinthonians were smart, they knew that the power of the ore could get into the wrong hands, so what did they do…?” The Doctor turned to look at you as if he was a teacher calling on a student for an answer. 
“...They created a safeguard?” You muttered. 
“Exactly! Ten points to Hufflepuff! The Rinthonians, you know what they did, Daleks? They found a frequency that destroys the ore. It hit it at the core causing the ore to lose all sources of power. Brilliant people, the Rinthonians!”
The Doctor raised his sonic screwdriver and pressed a few buttons before pointing it back at the console. “In a few seconds, I will release the frequency, and with the boost of the sonic screwdriver, all the ore you have collected Daleks, all the ore on the planet will lose all power. The very power that keeps you and the other Daleks here alive. Boo ya!” 
The Dalek began to quiver and shake. “EXTERMINATE!” It shouted just as the Doctor turned on the frequency. 
It was hard to see what happened next. Sparks flew, lights went out, the Daleks screamed, and you fell to the floor. It hurt. You couldn’t tell if it was just going dark or if you were losing sight. You could only hear a loud ringing…Suddenly there was the Doctor. You could practically feel the worry dripping from his fingertips as he held your head in his hands. 
“I’m fine…” You croaked as your senses came back to you. 
Then you were enveloped in a hug. The Doctor was hugging you. Now everything seemed to move so fast. One minute you were in the control room of the facility and the next you and the Doctor were being paraded throughout the city like heroes. You smiled as the Rinthonians thanked you for freeing them from the Dalek’s control. Your smile grew tense as you felt something wet drip down your side. It hurt. Why was it hurting? Next thing you knew, you were back in the TARDIS. 
Home. The TARDIS chirped and whirred to life the moment you and the Doctor stepped back into her safe confines. The Doctor was brushing off the dust and wiping away his sweat before flicking some controls. His mouth was moving, but you couldn’t hear his voice. Why couldn’t– The next thing you noticed were the black spots in your vision. Was the world always this swirly? You took a step forward falling flat into the darkness.
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Then there was light. It was a piercing and painful light, but soon the colours came into view. Colours became shapes. Shapes became figures. You smiled as you saw a mop of floppy brown hair resting near your hands. You felt compelled to run your hands through the hair, so you did. It was softer than you could have ever imagined. 
The Doctor sighed before shooting up in his seat next to your bed. His eyes were wide and alert as he looked over you. His view began to water when he saw your smile. Then he heard your voice. Oh, how he wished to take a picture and capture this moment forever. A moment that is never affected by time or space. A moment that never wilts like a rose or fades from view. This was forever. You were forever. 
“Doctor?” You whispered. Your voice was dry and coarse. 
The Doctor can’t control what happened next. He blamed it on the gleam in your eyes. You were alive. The flush in your cheeks said so. The breath in your lungs. He wished to breathe the same air as you. He wished to run his fingers over your cheeks. He wished to and so he did. 
Your eyes widened as his lips met yours. You smiled against his lips as he kissed you. You couldn’t help but kiss back. Then he pulled back. 
“Doctor?” You said again. 
His forehead came to rest on yours. His nose brushed against your nose. The two of you shared the same breath–The same life. 
“Don’t you ever do that again, my wonder girl.”
“Wasn’t planning on it, Star-boy.”
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dwgif · 11 months
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shuichiakainx · 2 months
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228 notes · View notes
the-fiction-witch · 4 months
Media - Doctor Who (The Lodger Episode) Character - The Doctor (11th) Couple - The Doctor X Reader Reader - Y/n (Companion) Rating - Flirty Word Count - 2857
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The doctor bounced around his room, jumping on the bed, still getting accustomed to his room. He had been a lodger with the human Craig for about three days and was already losing his mind pretending to be a human. Of course, The Doctor wasn’t exactly the best at being a human, unsure of the human ways and habits. All the little things that wouldn’t make him look insane so was having to check in very regularly with his human companion back in the Tardis. 
"Honestly? As if being trapped here on Earth wasn't bad enough, I'm starting to think I've gone crazy having to listen to the neighbours screaming at each other for days on end over the most mundane of things!" he complained, "How about you? I'm going to assume that you're having a much better time back at the Tardis,"
"Welcome to humanity." she giggled, "Tardis is fine,"
He sat back up and stared at the walls around him for a good five seconds before letting out another groan, he felt like banging his head against the wall, "Y/n, do me a favour and start doing something useful, I desperately need something to keep me distracted or I'm going to start screaming,"
"Why not read a book?"
The Doctor let out a frustrated sigh before he rolled onto his back and groaned loudly. He glanced over at his small bookshelf before rolling over to the edge of his bed and grabbing the nearest book on it. "I've read all of these already, and nothing that came out since has held my interest!" He flipped through the pages of the book, 
"Write a book?" 
He slammed the book shut and threw it across the room in frustration, "I'm better at doing stuff, like exploring the universe!" The Doctor suddenly perked up as an idea popped into his head "Or, I could build something, or explore some of the buildings here in the city, anything with more action than sitting on my sofa staring at the walls all night because no one here is interesting!"
"Why don't you do the human thing, order a takeaway, drink a beer, and watch crap TV?"
"Absolutely not! I think I'd rather claw out my eyes then watch old reruns of the old Eastenders, and reality TV! Give me anything else that isn't that or Love Island for the love of all time!" He shuddered at the mere thought of having to watch shows like that... He absolutely hated the idea of it
She giggled, "Well... How about I put the Tardis into a safe orbit mode, and come down? Help to sell the illusion you’re really a human if you actually interact with someone, and I'll come to keep you company we can get some food in, and have a drink," she suggested "I get to show you the fun of a human evening,"
The Doctor raised an eyebrow as he thought about it for a moment. On one hand he really hated the idea of doing any of those things, but he supposed it was better than spending a night watching Love Island of all things so he begrudgingly gave in. "...Fine! I suppose I can suffer through an evening of acting like a regular human and all the pointless things they do at night like drinking alcohol and stuffing their faces with bad food."
"All right be there in five," she rang off,
The Doctor quickly got up from the edge of his bed and quickly started tidying up the small bedroom he had to make it look like an actual human lived there. He stuffed anything that would look odd and alien underneath the blankets. A book here and there along with just some general random stuff that would give away his secret. Just a couple of minutes later he had managed to get rid of most of the things before hearing a knock at the door,
The Doctor quickly rushed towards the door, reaching it just before Craig, He put on his best happy smile and quickly opened the door up. He was greeted by the sight of Y/n in front of him, looking every bit as ordinary as him.
Y/n smiles in her little blue dress and black tights one of her usual outfits giving the doctor a hug to help sell the illusion of two normal people who knew one another "Hey!" 
"Hey! Come on in then, I was starting to get bored to death in here without you,” He quickly returned the hug, though his focus wasn't on the hug... he couldn't stop staring at her outfit, especially at the tights she was wearing ...That definitely... made things harder considering how her outfit looked with every move she made. He quickly tried to shake the thoughts out of his head and just act casually.
"uhhh who is this?" Craig asked curiously, 
"Oh! Right, this is my... er..." The Doctor glanced over at Y/n for a moment before giving a smile, "Girlfriend! Yes, girlfriend. She's my girlfriend!"
"ohh..." Y/n blushed a little not expecting that to be his excuse, "Hi, Y/n" She introduced herself to Craig the two met and had a small chat about things as people do her normal human way giving the doctor's human persona a much better chance of being believable, 
"How on earth do you put with him?" Craig laughed,
"Ohh you know... I love him" she answered giving the doctor's cheek a kiss,
The Doctor couldn't help but blush a little bit as Y/n kissed his cheek, he was very surprised by how convincing she was at pretending they were actually a couple. The entire thought of her being that convincingly believable made him feel a slight fluttering in his stomach which for someone like him...was unusual. He continued to smile, though it was a little strained from how uncomfortable he was starting to feel being around two regular humans and having to pretend he was just like one of them.
Luckily Y/n knew he was feeling uncomfortable so managed to skirt them away towards his bedroom but Craig stopped the doctor before he could follow her
"Hey, uhh look no issues with you having your girlfriend over but you know maybe... Give me a heads up next time?"
The Doctor glanced over towards Y/n before looking back at Craig and nodding his head. "Oh yes, yes. Next time I'll make sure to mention that she'll be coming over, my apologies." He gave a small apologetic smile, but he secretly just wanted to get out of that conversation and spend time in the bedroom with Y/n.
"no problem, I'm heading off to the pub anyway so... You have fun" Craig winked,
The Doctor gave a small nod before immediately heading over towards the bedroom with Y/n. Once he was inside he let out a long sigh as he closed the door and leaned back against it. "Remind me never to do something like that again! Having to act normal for so long for people is hard."
She giggled "thanks?" She sounded fake offended sitting on the bed, 
"You know what I mean!" The Doctor rolled his eyes playfully at her as he walked further into the room. He went over to his bed and sat down by her, letting out another long sigh before glancing over at her "So, since this is supposed to be a 'normal human night'... What are we supposed to do first? Watch rubbish on TV or order food that will give us a heart attack?"
"rubbish TV, order food, drink beer, and make terrible decisions" she smiled 
He glanced over at her his eyes once again drawn to her outfit and those tights again. "I really don't understand human fashion..."
she chuckled, "What about it?"
"It just looks... uncomfortable. That's all. Just look at the tights you're wearing. You've got to squeeze into them like a sausage!" He looked her up and down for a moment with a small frown on his face while still having issues taking his eyes away from the tights.
"Thanks Doctor!" She said slightly more offended,
The Doctor immediately realized his mistake and shook his head immediately, reaching out gently to take her hands into his. "No, no, no! I didn't mean you! You look lovely, really! I just... I just don't understand how it's even comfortable to wear things like that. And it makes everything so much more difficult for me to focus..."
"you wear a suit and bowtie everyday doctor I'm not sure you can really comment on comfortable outfits besides I like my tights"
"... Fair point, though in my defence those outfits are very fashionable and comfortable! And your tights are... very distracting." He gave a small laugh but he couldn't take his eyes off the way hers were wrapped around her legs as she moved.
she chuckled "You rather I take them off?" She raised an eyebrow,
The Doctor's eyes widened slightly as his mind suddenly became far more empty as the words left her mouth. He stared at her for a moment or two before he mentally slapped himself and quickly shook his head. "... No! I... That's not at all what I meant! I just... they're... distracting! That's all!"
"you are spending too much time down here" she giggled leaning on his headboard "you're becoming a bit too human..."
The Doctor leaned back onto the headboard as he took a sip of the beer, still staring at her legs and those tights. At this point he was completely mesmerized by the way they looked against her skin. "What does that even mean?" The Doctor finally managed to tear his gaze away from her legs and looked over at her, forcing himself to focus on what she was saying for once.
"you’re become predictable. Like a human man."
A look of complete shock immediately took over the Doctor's face in response to her words. He suddenly looked genuinely offended as he looked over at her. "I am not predictable! Predictable? Me? I am the least predictable person you'll ever meet! There is nothing predictable about me at all!" He glared directly at her, not at all happy with how she had labelled him. He clearly did not like being thought of as predictable in the slightest.
"you are becoming predicable down here" she smiled "you’re slowing down... Acting more human"
The Doctor's expression softened after she said that, he went silent for a few seconds, the truth of what she was saying slowly sinking in. He leaned back against the headboard and took another sip of the beer before speaking again. "Maybe... Maybe you're right. Time Lords aren't exactly used to being human. I never wanted to be human... I never wanted to think like one, act like one..." He frowned for a moment before turning his gaze to look at her.
"well it won't be long just till you figure this thing out. Then you can come back to the Tardis and we can go off wherever you need to get back to, an unpredictable, madman with a box that I love so much" she cooed laying her head on his shoulder
A small, genuine smile appeared on his face as she laid against him. He gently put his arm around her and held her close, leaning against her with a happy sigh. "Once I'm myself again, the first thing I'm going to do is take us somewhere completely unexpected. I think it's a good time to finally show you Gallifrey." A look of deep contemplation appeared in his eyes as he looked down at her. He could practically feel his heart pounding.
"... Really?!" She sat up looking into his eyes "You... You would take me there? But you always said you've never taken any companions there?" 
"Yes... I... I will. I'm going to show you my home, I never said anything but now... I want you to see where I came from." He smiled gently, his gaze not leaving her.
Y/n trembled a little tears welling up in her eyes "But... You've had so long, so many other companions you could have taken and ... It's me? I get to go?"
The Doctor nodded his head without an ounce of hesitation in him. "You! Who else would I want to show Gallifrey other than you? You matter most to me." As he continued to look at her, he could see the tears starting and that immediately made him smile even more. "I'll show you everything I can... I'll show you how beautiful the orange skies of Gallifrey are. I'll show you the mountains and the rivers. Everything."
She hugged him tight squeezing him in her arms as she cried tears of joy "Thank you thank you thank you! I promise I'll be on my best behaviour, I'll listen to everything you say, I'll be good and follow all the rules and you can pick my outfit before we go just to make sure!" She began rambling,
The Doctor hugged her back just as tight, holding her securely and smiling happily as he did. He gently pulled her onto his lap and held her against him, rubbing her back as she let out all of her emotions on him. "I'll make sure you have the best experience you could ever imagine while we're there. I'll hold your hand the entire time, you won't even have a chance to misbehave."
she nodded excitedly "okay!"
He gently reached over and brushed a few of her tears away while resting his other hand on her thigh, gently and absentmindedly rubbing her leg a bit. He looked at her and had a small twinge of guilt come to him as he finally realized just how happy she was to share in such an intimate moment with him. 
she giggled looking down at his hand "I should wear tights more often" 
The Doctor immediately realized what he was doing and shook his head, instantly removing his hand with a flustered look on his face as he leaned back against the headboard. "No! No no, I... I need to get my brain under control. Focus on something else, anything..."
She giggled grabbing his hand and putting it back on her thigh"very common human thing, to watch TV and cuddle" she smiled nuzzling into his chest 
He groaned softly as she placed his hand back on her thigh. He wanted to argue against it, but he really didn't want to. He stared at her with a slightly pained frown as he once again started gently rubbing her leg. "Cuddling is a human thing, you're right." He paused for a moment pulling her thighs a little so she sat in his lap before continuing in a mumbled tone. "Though I think I'd rather watch you instead."
She giggled a little about to speak when the bedroom door suddenly opened and in a rush of sudden thought Y/n remembered they had to look like a human couple so immediately grabbed the doctor by the neck and pulled his lips to hers immediately starting a heavy make out as if they had been doing this for hours, He instinctively put his arms around her, wrapping them around her waist and kissing her back, his tongue gently sliding into her mouth. He didn't even react as Craig opened the door, too caught up in what he was doing.
Frankly, her already being in his bed and sitting on his lap was likely enough to sell the illusion already but the kiss was just the sugar on top, 
"Ohh uhh? Sorry for interrupting -" Craig began,
After a few moments of intense kissing, the Doctor pulled away from her for a moment to catch his breath. "Hello, Craig! What's up? Can't you see we're a little busy?" The Doctor quickly said before immediately pulling Y/n closer.
"Right yes sorry just uhh going out I'll be back later. I'll lock the door." Craig nodded a little awkward
"That's fine, no worries! Have fun, we'll probably still be here all night." He quickly went back to kissing her afterwards, gently biting down on her bottom lip.
Craig nodded and shut the bedroom door heading out to go to the pub, 
The Doctor was completely caught up in the kiss, completely focused on the taste of her lips, how good she felt sitting in his lap, how wonderful those tights were still looking... His mind was going a mile a minute while his hand gently and absentmindedly started going up her thigh before he even realized what he was doing.
She blushed hard and kissed back the kisses now turning into a hot and heavy make out her voice moaned into his mouth, his mind exploded from the sound alone. He suddenly couldn’t think about anything but her, completely focused on this new feeling that was overtaking him. He deepened the kiss in response, pulling her closer and running his hand slowly up her back before gently biting down onto her lower lip.
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rheanrya · 2 years
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@creatornet server event | day six: favourite pairing/group (one of many...)
eleven x river; doctor who (2005 - ); ep 7.13, the name of the doctor
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vxmpshxn · 9 months
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𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
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manic-eddie · 2 years
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I met Matt Smith today at the motor city comic con and I literally am never gonna wash my sweater again cause he touched it😩he was the sweetest man I have ever met and I love him so much. 💞💓🫶
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deanwinchesterlady · 1 year
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cninzihni · 2 years
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Clara, my Clara.
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11docs · 1 year
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Sooo coool!!!
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j-eryewrites · 2 years
The Symphony of You
Doctor Who x Reader one shot I wrote for my creative writing class. 
(Supposed to be read as 11 x companion! reader)
Word Count: 1,001 words
(Master List)
Based off of the song: Dance with Me Wallis
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There he sits alone on the ebony bench. The moon shines down on him like a spotlight. His back sits tall as he places his long boney fingers on the keys. His hair now free of gel falls in front of his face creating shadows that move as he chuckles. 
“What are you doing out of bed?” He inquires. His striking green eyes are illuminated by the moon’s light as he turns to look at me. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” I reply. “Too many thoughts in my head.” I wouldn’t dare say more. I didn’t want to be another reason for the tiredness behind his eyes to grow. 
I drew near to him. My feet patter across the wooden floor of the room. He lifts a hand out to me. I grasp his cold hand and he guides me toward him. The bench creaks underneath my weight as I sit myself down. I get a closer view of his face. It’s so young, brimming with life, yet his eyes tell a different story. Even when they look at me with such kindness and adoration, I can see the truth. 
His emerald eyes tell tales of loved ones lost. They cry about life stripped away from him too fast. His eyes encapsulate the memories of children crying and people falling to ash. The horrors of war and the evils of the universe rest deep inside his dark irises. They were old and had seen more than my eyes would ever see in my lifetime. Despite all the woe, his eyes held beauty. The beauty of love and laughter. They showed me the enchanting spell of nature untouched by man. Trees as tall as the sky with strong thick trunks which held the wisdom of life. His eyes even held the stars that brighten every corner of the dark vastness of space. To me, his eyes were more beautiful than the finest of Van Gogh's works. 
“What are you thinking of?” He asks as his eyes peer into mine. 
I look down at the black and white keys of the piano in front of us. “What were you going to play?” 
There it is again. That laugh of his and the thrill I get from just hearing it. “I was composing.” He clarified. “I still haven’t played a single note.”
I rest my hands on his lap and gaze at him. “What were you composing?”
“Your song.” 
Those simple words took my breath away. My song. He gazed back at me, his smile still so prominent. 
With widened eyes and cheeks flushed red I whisper, “What does my song sound like?” 
My lashes fluttered down as I once again looked at the black and white notes. He followed my gaze and brought his hands again to the keys. 
I quickly closed my eyes in anticipation. My ears patiently waited for the sweet sound of the piano, but it never came. Instead, there was silence. I scrunched my brows and began to open my mouth, but I was shushed by the touch of his finger. 
“Listen,” He muttered into my ear. 
Then it came. A violin’s sweet tune began to enter my mind. Slowly, a viola joined in repeating the phrase over and over. Then there was a cello. Its deep melody rang low and smooth, sending shivers up my spine. I peer over at him in amazement. My eyes are wide, and my mouth is slightly agape. 
He looked at me and I was transported. I saw myself smiling as the ashes from a burning star fell upon the earth. In a blink of an eye, it was a new scene. His hands were on my waist grounding me to him as I reached for the heavens. My delicate fingers tickled the stars. I was beautiful, I thought. Then I realized it was he who thought I was more precious than any universe we had ever travelled to. 
He took my hand and led me into a ballroom. Guests were decorated from head to toe in lavish gowns and suits. I saw myself wearing a gown he had given to me. Its stunning blue accents glowed in the light as if I were a piece of art for everyone to see and admire. He smiled; I could feel it. He watched me twirl around, as I danced among the masked strangers. His hand was placed on my back guiding me through the crowd. 
Then we were running. It was a flowering field in the early months of spring. The chirping of flutes called the flowers to bloom. There I stood, taking in the view. Bees flying by bidding me adieu, yet he looked at me. His gaze is unwavering and calm. 
The sun fell and it was dark. All light had vanished. I knew where we were as the piano descended. Slowly, the sound of the strings disappeared as the blue light filled my–no his view. There I was. A hand gently placed on the blue beating heart of the tree. A magnificent glow blinded him as I faded from his view. As the light dimmed, the piano played its last note. A vivid image of myself appeared in front of him. Tears of joy stained my cheeks as he took a hand to wipe them away. At this point, I had only known him for a few hours, yet he was entranced by me. A human with a capacity to love greater than even his and he knew–I knew that it was it. 
The room came back into focus as his hands drew away from the piano. The keys still glisten in the light of the moon. I meet his emerald eyes and stare at him. I gaze upon his features the way he looked at me–the way he’s been looking at me this entire time. My breath stilled and I leaned forward taking a leap of faith; Knowing that he’d always catch me if I fell. Our lips met and that was it. 
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remarkist · 11 months
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shuichiakainx · 2 months
Matt in Starve Acre
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
Illusion P2
Media - Doctor Who (The Lodger Episode) Character - The Doctor (11th) Couple - The Doctor X Reader Reader - Y/n (Companion) Rating - Smut! Word Count - 2808
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"Doctor..." Y/n gasps between kisses,
The Doctor's breathing was laboured when he pulled back from the kiss. He looked down at her as she gasped and his gaze instantly went to her swollen red lips, staring at them with an intense look in his eyes. "... Y/n... You have no idea what you're doing to me-"
she gasped hard "... You uhhh you don't have to keep kissing me now he's gone you know," 
The Doctor's expression darkened slightly, he seemed almost disappointed to hear her say that. He gently reached up and gently caressed her face and gave a slight chuckle. The look in his eyes was something she had never seen before. "You really think I'm just kissing you because we're pretending?" He gently began to nibble on her neck a bit.
she blushed hard "I think you really are becoming more human ... But... I'm not complaining" she smiled
His hands gently went down to her hips and he gently began to grind her against his lap a little bit, still nibbling and kissing her neck a little roughly. "Oh, you shouldn't complain about me being human... I'm about to get a lot more human than you can imagine." His teeth gently bit down onto the lobe of her ear.
she moaned and shifted her hips to grind without his assistance, his hands running up her tights and pushing up her dress as they returned to the kiss "I've never seen you like this before... Didn't think time lords... Got … horny" she whispered
As she ground on him, he growled lowly. "Oh... oh believe me. I'm extremely... horny. You have no idea how much self-control I'm struggling to hold over myself right now."  He leaned in and began to kiss and bite her throat roughly at her words.
she gasped and moaned a little "This all because you've been down here acting human for a few days? Or do you struggle with self-control around me in the Tardis too?" She asked between kisses as she pealed the suspenders off his shoulders and began undoing his shirt buttons
"You... have no idea how hard it is to act normal around you." He mumbled in between bites before kissing up her jaw and back to her lips, kissing her roughly and slipping his tongue into her mouth.
"how hard is it?" She teased her words having a double meaning as she returned to the make out her tounge battling with his
He moaned softly into the kiss before pulling back just slightly to speak. "You'll find out just how hard it is soon enough." He replied before leaning back down and kissing her again, his hands gripping onto her tightly as his fingers started kneading into her legs. He was getting more and more flustered by the second but he just didn't care. All he wanted was her.
she deepened their kisses even further and wrapped her arms around his shoulders grinding her hips some more, and as she did he forced her down on her back flipping them from her sitting in his lap to him hovering over her never once breaking to her kiss, she moans at the feeling of being pinned to the bed by him,
The Doctor groaned lowly when she moaned and wrapped a leg around him. He could feel the heat in his gut flaring up and his erection was starting to get uncomfortable in his pants very quickly as he kept up his end of the kiss. One of his hands started to slowly slide up her thigh and under her dress, while the other was pressing into the mattress beside her head.
she pulled back moaning his name and she made eye contact "How far do you want this to go?"
He leaned down and began to leave a trail of kisses down from her jawline to her neck. "That depends... how far do you want this to go?"  He mumbled into her neck, gently biting down on it every so often. His hand that was still on her thigh was getting very close to her crotch, only a few inches away now.
She twisted her fingers into his hair and moaned "I asked you first" she teased
The Doctor shivered a little as her fingers got tangled in his hair, enjoying the feeling of her tugging on it. He slowly moved down her neck and began to focus on her collarbone instead "I'll follow your boundaries. There's not a single thing I would do without you completely consenting." He mumbled before suddenly biting down on her collarbone, not hard enough to hurt her but hard enough to make her gasp.
"there not much I wouldn't consent to right now..." She gasped
He smirked against her skin and started kissing along her collar bone again. "And there's not a limit to what I want to do to you... but we've got all night, we can stop whenever we want to."
"humm tell me something wild and ... Unpredictable doctor" she teased him throwing her head back "Beyond kissing, touching and grinding, something wild close to the edge of your limits you want to do" she whispered
His smirk against her skin widened as she said that and his fingers slid up that final few inches until they pressed on the damp spot right on the front of panties He started to slowly and gently press circles into the front of her panties, his breath getting shallower as he did so. He started whispering into her ear with each circle he pressed. "I want to... make you mine. Make you completely and utterly mine... I want all of your moans, your gasps, your sounds and faces."
"Doctor!" She moaned 
The Doctor shivered when she moaned out his name, starting to press harder into her. He started to bite the edge of her ear as he spoke. "You're driving me wild, Y/n... I can't hold you close enough... I can't seem to kiss you long enough..."
she giggled "You never answered me... Tell me something unexpected you desire doctor, and I'll make us even closer" She smirked sitting up a little and pulling off her dress and peeling off her tights leaving her in her blue lace bra and panties
He stared down at her as she took off her dress and tights and his eyes widened slightly when he realized she was left in Tardis blue. His tongue slid out and licked his lips a bit as he stared at her, taking in her beauty. "Oh, you clever girl..." His one hand slid up her waist to her bra. "I want... I want to... keep you. Forever." He mumbled, gently running his fingers up the back of her bra, looking her in the eyes as he finally undid the clasp with a bit of a flick of his fingers.
she playfuly sqealed as the clasp was undone "your a time lord, I'm sure there is some science that could allow you to keep me forever" she cooed throwing her head back and moaning as he kissed down her neck and pulled the bra off her with his teeth
"Forever and ever..." He mumbled, kissing her neck for a moment before pulling back as the bra came off. He gently slipped the bra off her arms and began to kiss down her chest, gently nibbling at her skin between kisses. "Mmm, oh, I'm sure they have... but I don't think they have anything quite like... what I have in mind." His fingers gently slid down her side as he said that. He wrapped his other arm around her waist, gently pinning her to the bed and leaning down to kiss over one of her breasts. His tongue slipped out and
"doctor!" She squeals
He grinned against her skin. "Mmm, Y/n..." His teeth gently bit down on one of her nipples, gently tugging at it
"AHH!" She whined in pain
The Doctor immediately lifted his head with a worried look in his eyes. "Are you all right? Did I hurt you?" He asked quickly, his expression going from slightly sadistic to concerned in a split second.
"teeth might be too hard, hands are fine but your teeth are sharp"
"Oh, I'm so sorry." He said softly, giving her breast a small peck as an apology. "I forgot that I have very sharp teeth... I'll be more careful... but my fingers will work just as well."
she nodded and pulled him back to kiss her
He kissed her back, gently cupping her breast with his hand as he kissed her. He kept the kiss gentle, keeping a mental note to not bite her skin with his teeth again. His fingers gently ran over her skin before gently kneading into her breast, trying to find the exact way to touch her that she would like. He soon found it after tugging and rubbing her nipple as she moaned loudly squeezing her legs around him, He broke away from the kiss and looked down at her. Hearing her moan and squeeze her legs around him made something snap in him "Do you have any idea... what you do to me right now?"
she shook her head as she gasped
He growled lowly and let a few swears out before he gently pushed her back down onto the bed and leaned over her. "I want you. Now."
"no complaints from me... But two requests"
He raised an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between her eyes and her lips. "Oh, really...? What kind of requests then?"
"I think we should get a towel so we don't make a wet sweaty mess of your bed here" she smiled half serious and half to tease him
His lip twitched into a small smirk. "I might have actually thought about that, give me one second." He bent down and gave her a quick kiss before pushing off the bed and walking over to one of the cupboards. He bent down and rummaged around for a moment before standing back up with a light blue towel.
she giggled laying it on the bed for them to lay over "The only issue with this is you won't be able to take your stained sheets to the laundry to show off" she smirked
He rolled his eyes in amusement. "Oh shush, do you always have to tease me?" He asked jokingly as he approached the bed, unbuttoning his trousers with a small grin.
she bit her lip excitedly but she rested a hand on his stomach as he stood by the bed "I have one more request"
He stopped unbuttoning his trousers and looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. A slight smirk was still across his lips just barely and he looked curious. "Another request? What is it then?"
she teased him by tugging down his trousers and boxers "oohh doctor" she moaned at the sight of him as she began kissing his erection, lapping at his skin and sucking a little 
He immediately groaned when she started kissing him, feeling her breath on his skin. "Y/n..." His fingers slid into her hair, gently running through it and tugging at it as he stared down at her, his hips already trying to twitch toward her and get more friction on his skin.
she pulled back and kissed him one last time "my request... Is just that you make sure to ... You know" she cooed as she laid down on the bed "I love you doctor but... I don't really want a half-timelord baby right now"
He laughed softly. "I am more than capable of pulling out." He mumbled, kissing her gently for a few seconds before leaning back, crawling his way up her body with a grin that looked vaguely predatory. He grabbed her legs and pulled her so that she was laying down at the top of the bed with her legs spread around him and her knees on his shoulders as he stared down at her. "You look beautiful like this... with your hair spread out on my pillows, all splayed out for me to see." He mumbled softly.
"I have a feeling that ... I'm going to have to get use to looking like this when we are back on the Tardis"
He grinned and slowly ground down into her, letting out a groan at the friction. "Oh yes... you most certainly will."
"I have visions of it... On your bed, the library sofa, the pool, the kitchen counters... Maybe even the console room floor" she teased grinding with each suggestion
He growled lowly as his eyes fluttered as she ground back into him, his fingers gripping her hips. "You're going to get that and more, my lovely Y/n..."
"I'm sure I will ..." She blushed "maybe even when you take me to Galifray you could have sex with me there too" she teased him
His eyes widened, he had not been expecting her to say that. His mind immediately went to several different things, his Tardis, the forest of the Untempered Schism, the citadel... his home. His mind was very distracted for a couple seconds before he shook his head and started to laugh. "Oh... you will be the death of me..."
"will I?" She giggled
"Oh yes... that you will." He leaned in and kissed her deeply. He moaned into the kiss, one hand running down her leg and wrapping it around his waist.
Y/n blushed and kissed back,
as finally, he tugged off her panties leaving nothing between them, He broke the kiss with a soft gasp and looked down at her, his eyes darkened and filled with lust as he started to slowly grind into her. "Oh... you are absolutely breathtaking, my darling."
she blushed, and giggled before she pulled him into another kiss and her hand stroked his erection "so? You going to make me yours or wait all night?"
He immediately moaned into the kiss and pushed into her hand, his hands tightening slightly on her hips as he did so. "Oh... I am going to make you mine..."  He mumbled He pulled away from her for a moment, just long enough to grab a pillow. He held her still for a moment, just long enough to push the He pushed the pillow under her hips, angling her up slightly. "Perfect... absolutely perfect..." He mumbled with darkening eyes.
she giggled excitedly As she did that he slowly pushed into her, his head fell forward so his forehead was on her shoulder and he groaned into her skin.
"Doctor!" She squealed her hand on his stomach
He froze for a moment when she squealed, a small smile pulled at his lips as he started to kiss her shoulder. "Mmm, my beautiful Y/n..." His hips started to move slowly, pulling out and pushing back into her
she moaned loudly her head thrown back in utter ecstasy
He kept his kisses on her shoulder, pulling on a particular patch of her skin with a gentle bite before soothing it over with his lips and tongue. He leaned up as she tossed her head back and his own moans mingled with hers and his free arm wrapped around her waist. "Oh, you feel like pure paradise, my darling..."
she couldn't even make words just moans of his name over and over, her mouth open, her eyes rolled back, her head thrown back, her body arching and convulsing in sudden pleasures
He stared at her face and her body's movements, absolutely entranced by the way she looked in the heat of the moment. His own moans and groans were low and husky, growing deeper as the heat and passion between them rose. "Oh... that's it, my darling, come undone for me..." he groaned as he moved faster, harder and more merciless on her. Their kisses intense and full of moans, the bed banging hard against the walls. 
She grabbed his arms hard digging her nails in and squeezing her legs around his waist as she threw her head back and tightened around him as she hit her orgasm, 
The meer feeling of being inside her when she did was enough for him too as he quickly pulled out sending his seed onto the towel just beside her thigh. 
And suddenly both were a mess of gasping and sweat, The doctor laid down on the bed beside Y/n the two for a while just gathering their breath and strength.
“I think that sold the illusion,” She nodded,
“Yeah… I think so,” he chuckled, “But… the rest isn’t an illusion, I really did mean it all,”
“I know you did,” she smiled, “So… once this human pretending is over? Things will go back to normal.”
“With one exception my darling,” He cooed, "Our kisses, our cuddles, and... more will continue if you wanted them to?"
"I want them to," she nodded,
"did you maybe... want to scrap the illusion and just be my girlfriend?"
"I'd like that very much,"
"So would I," he smiled pulling her back into a kiss, 
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