#maura please help me out
makeupinthedrawer · 8 months
didn’t niall have a cat at one point too? like i swear i didn’t make that up!
he did!
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When The Clock Strikes Midnight.
my masterlist || ask me anything <3
authors note - hi, my last post of the year, i just want to wish everyone reading this a very happy new year and that everything turns out alright, tpwk and stay safe!!
this is a pretty angsty piece i would say, as it covers topics of alcoholism where reader struggles with her alcohol, so please if this sort of thing triggers you in anyway, please do not read and if you do, please proceed with caution.
word count - 3.9k
in which, you and harry broke up just over a year ago, and have not seen each other since, but when your friend invites you to a new years eve party with all your close ones there, the last person you expected to see walk through the door was him.
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The last place you saw yourself tonight was here.
Your best friend Maura had practically dragged you out of the confines of your apartment when she heard that you didn’t have any plans for New Year’s Eve, and insisted that you dress up and come along to the party her boyfriend Watson was throwing.
You tried to deny her nagging and told her that you were going to order a takeaway, most likely Chinese and facetime your mum like you did last year, and that would be that.
But no…she wasn’t having any of it.
So you chucked on a jumper, which was on the nicer side and paired it with a skirt and tights and your vans before applying a tiny bit of mascara and lipgloss and brushing your hair, before you were ushered out of the house into the Uber Maura had ordered whilst you were getting ready.
So now, here you were.
You find yourself in a corner of Watson's living room at the party, nursing a glass of coke as people swirl around you in a lively dance of laughter and chatter. The pulsating music fills the room, but you, lost in your own thoughts, wonder why you agreed to come in the first place.
Maura's insistence was hard to resist, but your reluctance lingers like a shadow.
Despite the energetic atmosphere, you're content to sip your non-alcoholic beverage and observe the whirlwind of festivities. Maura and Watson seem immersed in the revelry, blissfully unaware of your desire for a more tranquil evening.
The room's vibrant energy contrasts sharply with your subdued mood, as you contemplate the impending arrival of the new year with a sense of detachment.
Watson, with a hint of tipsiness in his step, ambles over to you in the corner of the living room. His usual laid-back demeanour shines through, but the warmth in his eyes intensifies as he wraps an arm around your shoulder.
"Hey, you made it!" he exclaims, a wide grin on his face. Despite the slight wobble in his stance, you can't help but smile in response to his infectious enthusiasm.
Leaning in, Watson expresses genuine happiness that you decided to join the celebration.
"I'm so glad you're here, buddy. No one should spend New Year's Eve alone, right?" He punctuates his words with a friendly squeeze, and the camaraderie between you two, forged over the past six months since he began dating Maura, feels more like family than friendship.
In his slightly inebriated state, Watson plants a gentle kiss on the side of your head, a gesture that reflects the bond that has developed between you.
"You're like a little sister to me, you know that?" he chuckles, his words carrying a warmth that transcends the alcohol-induced haze. It's a testament to the solid foundation of your relationship, built on trust and camaraderie.
With a playful twinkle in his eyes, Watson decides it's time to shake off any lingering reservations you might have.
"Come on, let's hit the dance floor!" he declares, tugging you toward the centre of the room. The music's rhythm wraps around you both as Watson, with his signature charm, spins you into the lively dance.
Laughter and cheers surround you, and in this moment, you can't help but appreciate the unexpected joy that Watson has injected into your reluctant New Year's Eve.
As you sway to the music, Watson continues to share anecdotes and jokes, making the dance floor an extension of the bond you've formed. His boisterous laughter and the genuine joy in his expression erode any lingering doubts you had about attending. In the midst of the revelry, you realise that Watson's presence has transformed the night from an obligation into a shared celebration.
With each step and twirl, Watson's camaraderie becomes a comforting presence, and you find yourself immersed in the moment.
As you engage in conversation with Watson on the crowded dance floor, the doorbell unexpectedly rings, interrupting the lively atmosphere. Watson glances towards the entrance, a perplexed expression momentarily crossing his face.
"I'll be right back, just need to see who's at the door," he informs you, detaching from the dance momentarily.
Curiosity piqued, you nod and watch as Watson weaves through the festive crowd towards the entrance. The door swings open, and to your shock, your ex-boyfriend Harry steps into Watson's house.
They exchange greetings, and you can't help but wonder how they're connected. Watson glances your way, and you sense that he must have divulged your presence to Harry.
The room felt suffocating as you sat on Harry's sofa, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken tension. The air crackled with an impending storm, and you could sense that something was about to shatter the fragile peace that had held your relationship together.
Harry's eyes, once filled with warmth and adoration, now held a distant sadness. His fingers nervously played with the edge of his shirt, betraying the turmoil within.
"We need t’talk," he finally uttered, the weight of those words settling in the room like a leaden silence.
You looked at him, anxiety clawing at your chest.
"What's going on, H?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He took a deep breath, his gaze dropping to the floor before meeting yours again.
"I've been thinking a lot, and... I think we need t’take a break," he confessed, each word hanging in the air like an unspoken truth.
The room seemed to tilt, the weight of those words crashing into you.
"A break? What do you mean?" Your voice wavered, a sense of dread settling in the pit of your stomach.
Harry's eyes welled with tears as he struggled to articulate the pain that lingered in his heart. "I can't give y’what y’deserve. M’career, the constant traveling , I can't be the best boyfriend f’you. Y’deserve someone who can be there f’you, not someone who's always halfway across the world."
More like you can’t give him what he deserves, your a mess, A drunken mess who can’t be trusted around a glass of wine or a gin and tonic.
It was your fault that he had had enough of the relationship, he was sick of looking after a girlfriend who couldn’t even look after herself, you weren’t what he wanted anymore and who could blame him?
You didn’t even want yourself anymore.
Your eyes mirrored the pain in his, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"But I don't want someone else. I want you," you pleaded, your heart breaking with every passing second.
He reached out, fingers gently wiping away your tears, a tender ache etched across his features.
"M’know, and s’why this hurts so damn much. I love you, but I can't watch y’waiting f’me all the time, feeling lonely. Y’deserve more than that."
The room echoed with the silence of shattered dreams as you both sat there, wrapped in the agony of an impending separation.
"I thought we could make it work," you whispered, your voice barely audible amidst the heartache.
Harry's voice trembled as he spoke, his eyes mirroring the anguish in your own. "I thought so too, but I can't keep asking you t’wait f’a future that's uncertain. It's not fair t’you."
The weight of the impending break weighed on you both, and the room became a crucible of emotions.
"I can't believe this is happening," you uttered, your voice catching on a sob.
Harry pulled you into an embrace, holding you close as if trying to memorize the feel of your presence.
"I never wanted to hurt you," he whispered, the words a fragile admission of the pain etched across his heart.
As the room witnessed the unraveling of your shared dreams, the tears flowed freely, and the echoes of a love that once burned bright now flickered in the dimming light of heartbreak. The sofa, witness to your shared laughter and whispered confessions, now bore the weight of an anguished goodbye.
"I thought we were stronger than this," you choked out, your words a desperate plea for reassurance.
Harry's response was a strained whisper, heavy with regret. "Love isn't always enough, and that's the hardest part to accept."
Your heart skips a beat as Harry's eyes sweep the room, eventually locking onto you. The unexpected encounter catches you off guard, and you feel a lump forming in your throat. Unsure of how to react, you instinctively turn I’m away, making a hasty retreat to the kitchen.
you navigate through the crowded kitchen, the echoes of the past still haunting the recesses of your mind. The room, once a sanctuary, now pulsates with the vibrant energy of the New Year's Eve celebration. As you lean against the counter, you attempt to catch your breath, the atmosphere thick with the weight of unexpected emotions.
The room is a sea of faces, laughter, and clinking glasses, but in this moment, you feel a profound sense of isolation. The air is heavy with the unspoken tension that lingers after encountering Harry, and you find solace in the rhythmic pattern of your own breaths. Each inhale and exhale becomes a deliberate act, a quiet rebellion against the memories that threatened to resurface.
Your eyes inadvertently gravitate towards a bottle of vodka on the crowded kitchen counter, a silent temptation beckoning from its transparent confines. The memories of your past struggles with alcohol loom heavily, each incident etched into your consciousness like a haunting refrain. The room pulses with celebratory energy, yet the familiar lure of numbing the pain through a drink threatens to unravel your hard-fought sobriety.
The bottle stands as a silent witness to the battles you've waged, a tangible reminder of the coping mechanism you once clung to in moments of despair. The urge to drown the resurgence of emotions triggered by seeing Harry again intensifies, as if the vodka holds the promise of temporary relief from the tumult within. However, the echo of past hospital visits, the panicked calls from Maura during Harry's tours, and the aftermath of your own struggles remind you of the high cost that accompanies each sip.
The sterile hospital room bore witness to your feigned slumber as Harry and the doctor engaged in a conversation that would forever echo in your memory. Their voices, a discordant symphony of concern, cut through the antiseptic atmosphere.
"You need to understand the gravity of the situation, Mr. Styles. Her liver is under immense strain," the doctor explained, the weight of the diagnosis evident in their tone. "Excessive alcohol intake has brought her here before, and if it continues, we risk irreversible damage."
Harry's voice, tinged with a mixture of fear and frustration, joined the conversation. "What can we do t’make her stop? This can't be good f’her, and I can't bear to see her like this again."
The doctor, ever composed, responded with a professional calm. "Encouraging her to seek professional help is crucial. She needs intervention and support to address the root causes behind her drinking patterns. This goes beyond just a medical issue."
Your heart sank as you lay there, eavesdropping on the conversation that underscored the depth of your struggle.
"She's in a dangerous cycle, and we need to break it before it leads to irreversible consequences," the doctor continued, the gravity of their words sinking in.
Harry, struggling to comprehend the severity of the situation, pressed for guidance. "What should I say t’her? How can I help her understand the impact of her actions?"
The doctor's response held a note of empathy. "Express your concern without judgment. Encourage her to seek counseling or join support groups. It's crucial that she feels supported and understood during this process."
As the dialogue unfolded, you grappled with a mix of emotions – shame, guilt, and the daunting realization that your actions were not only affecting you but those who cared about you.
The familiar pull of an old coping mechanism clashes with the resolve you've built over the past year. Without much thought, you lift the bottle, contemplating the relief it promises, only to freeze as a voice interrupts your inner struggle.
"Don't you dare take a sip from that bottle."
The words, stern and commanding, cut through the haze of your thoughts. You recognize the voice instantly, and a mixture of surprise and apprehension washes over you. Slowly, you turn around to face him, the bottle held in your hand like a delicate secret.
Harry stands there, his expression a mixture of concern and determination.
"You've come too far t’let this be y’undoing," he states, his gaze unwavering. The air between you hangs heavy with unspoken emotions as you contemplate his unexpected intervention.
Resisting the urge to avoid his gaze, you decide to walk past him, hoping to escape the confrontation. However, his hand closes around your wrist, preventing your departure.
"Let it go," he implores, his eyes searching yours for a hint of understanding. The bottle dangles between you, a tangible symbol of the inner turmoil that threatens to resurface.
In the charged silence, Harry's grip on your wrist feels both restraining and grounding.
"Y’don't need this, and y’know it," he adds, his voice softening. The vulnerability in his eyes mirrors the complex history you share, the wounds of the past laid bare in this unexpected moment of confrontation.
Glancing at the clock, you note the relentless ticking, each second stretching out like an eternity. Twenty minutes until midnight, and the anticipation of a fresh start intensifies. The atmosphere feels stifling as you wrestle with conflicting emotions, your hand still in Harry's grip. The unspoken tension lingers, and you decide that the arrival of the new year will also signal your exit.
Jerking your hand away from Harry's hold, you feel a surge of frustration bubbling beneath the surface.
"I can't do this anymore," you mutter, the anguished words hanging in the air between you. The clock's relentless countdown amplifies the urgency of the moment.
Turning to face him, you meet Harry's gaze with a steely resolve.
"I'm not a child. I can do what I want," you assert, the words carrying a weight that transcends the immediate situation. The bitterness in your voice mirrors the tumultuous emotions churning within.
Harry's expression shifts from concern to a mix of frustration and helplessness.
"This isn't about control, it's about caring," he argues, the lines of his forehead creasing with worry. The room feels smaller, the air thick with the unresolved tension of the past.
"I don't need your care," you snap, your tone cutting through the charged atmosphere. The proximity of midnight becomes both a countdown to liberation and a reminder of the constraints that linger. The resentment that simmers beneath your words reflects a deeper struggle against the shadows of a shared history.
You walk out of the kitchen, the bottle still in your hand, its cold surface a stark reminder of the internal struggle you've been wrestling with. Glancing down at it, you contemplate the temptation it holds. However, a determined sigh escapes your lips as you decide against taking that path. In search of solace, you spot Maura near the bathroom, engrossed in conversation with a friend.
As she notices you approaching, Maura ushers you over with a warm smile. The vodka bottle clinks softly, drawing her attention.
"You didn't, did you?" she asks, her eyes widening with concern. You hand her the bottle, and she gasps when she realizes its weight.
"I almost did," you admit, the honesty heavy in your words. "Seeing Harry after a year... it's just really hard, and I thought I needed something to take the edge off."
Maura's expression shifts from shock to a compassionate understanding. She places a comforting hand on your shoulder, leading you away from the commotion.
"You don't need to have a drink to feel something, darling," she reassures, her voice a soothing balm. "Facing those emotions is tough, but numbing them won't make them disappear. You're stronger than you think."
The weight of her words resonates, and you find a sense of grounding in Maura's wisdom.
"I just... I didn't expect it to hit me this hard," you confess, the vulnerability of the moment laid bare.
Maura nods, her empathy evident. "Love has a way of lingering, especially when there's history. It's okay to feel, even if it's painful. You've come so far, and I know you can navigate this without resorting to old habits."
As the clock ticks closer to midnight, Maura's words serve as a reminder that facing the emotions head-on is a strength, not a weakness.
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The night air in the back garden carries a crisp chill, providing a respite from the crowded and charged atmosphere indoors. With just five minutes until midnight, you find solace in the quietude of the outdoors. The rustling of leaves and the distant hum of laughter create a backdrop for contemplation as you seek to contain the swirl of thoughts within.
The faint glow of string lights casts a gentle illumination, revealing a mosaic of emotions etched on your face. The weight of the past, the encounter with Harry, and the echoes of previous struggles converge in this moment of reflection. The cool breeze becomes a metaphorical breath, allowing you to exhale the complexities that have unfolded throughout the night.
Despite the passage of time, you find that lingering feelings persist, stubbornly anchored in the recesses of your emotions. The garden, illuminated by the soft glow of string lights, becomes a backdrop for a bittersweet revelation – you still carry a flame for him.
However, self-awareness prevails, and you acknowledge the undeniable truth that echoes in the quiet of the night. The person you once were, entwined with Harry in a different chapter of your lives, no longer aligns with the person he seeks now. The journey of growth and self-discovery has shaped you both in divergent ways, leading to an understanding that the path forward must be traversed separately.
With a deep breath, you accept the inevitability of change and recognize that clinging to what once was will only hinder your individual paths.
A subtle clearing of the throat interrupts your contemplation in the garden, prompting you to turn. To your surprise, Harry stands there with two glasses of lemonade, his expression softening as he offers them to you.
"Been looking f’you," he says, a hint of concern in his voice.
You accept the lemonade with a nod, appreciating the gesture even as the complexity of emotions lingers in the air.
"Just needed some fresh air," you reply, your gaze momentarily dropping to the glass in your hands.
Harry takes a seat on the concrete step next to you, the night air carrying a blend of both familiarity and unspoken tension.
"Mind if I join you?" he asks, and you find yourself hesitating before reluctantly nodding. The silence that follows is palpable, laden with the echoes of a shared history.
"I never thought I'd see you again after everything," Harry admits, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. You sense a vulnerability in his tone, a shared acknowledgment of the complexities that led to your parting.
"Yeah, life takes unexpected turns," you respond, tracing the rim of your glass with your fingertips. The garden, once a haven for solitary reflection, transforms into an arena for the unspoken exchange between two people navigating the remnants of a connection.
Harry's gaze meets yours, and a soft smile plays on his lips. "I've missed this, y’know? Just talking like we used to."
The sentiment catches you off guard, and you muster a small smile in return. "Things change, Harry. We change."
Harry's admission hangs heavy in the air as he confesses,
"I've missed y’a lot. Every night before bed, you're all I think about." The vulnerability in his voice is evident, the weight of unspoken longing underscoring his words.
You take a moment, the weight of his confession settling in the quiet of the garden. With a sigh, you respond, "It was the right decision to take a break. I was a mess, and I wasn't what you wanted."
However, before you can elaborate, Harry interrupts, a furrow forming on his brow. "No, s’not why. I never once thought about breaking up with y’because of y’drinking problems. It was the constant leaving, the distance. I felt like I couldn't be the partner y’eeded."
His words catch you off guard, a mix of surprise and realization washing over you. The clarity in his confession adds a layer of complexity to the narrative you had constructed in your mind.
"I thought... I thought it was because of me," you admit, the vulnerability echoing in your own voice.
Harry reaches for your hand, a gesture that conveys both comfort and sincerity. "It wasn't about you. It was about me feeling like I couldn't be the best partner f’you. I should've communicated that better."
The garden, witness to the intimate exchange, becomes a space for newfound understanding. The dialogue unfolds, untangling the threads of misperception and unveiling the intricacies of the emotions that lingered beneath the surface. As the clock approaches midnight, the shared revelations become a poignant marker in the journey toward healing and clarity.
His thumb gently traces circles on the back of your hand as he continues, "I regret asking for that break. I didn't realize how much it would affect me, being without you. I've spent every night wondering if I made the right decision."
You meet his gaze, a mix of compassion and acceptance in your eyes. "H, it was the right decision for both of us. I was a mess back then, and I couldn't have given you what you needed. It wasn't just about the drinking; it was about me figuring myself out."
Hearing you call him by the familiar nickname of ‘H’ has his heart twitching beneath his rib cage, oh how he’s missed you calling him that.
He squeezes your hand, a silent acknowledgment of your words. "But not once did I think about ending things because of y’struggles. It was the constant coming and going, the uncertainty. I felt like I was leaving y’alone too often, and it wasn't fair t’you."
As the conversation deepens, the layers of misunderstanding peel away, revealing the raw authenticity beneath.
"I never wanted you t’feel like y’couldn't be yourself," Harry admits, a sincerity coloring his tone. "I should've communicated better, been more honest about how I was feeling."
It isn’t long before the people crowded inside the house start counting down from ten, only second away from being embraced by 2024.
Harry leans in close, his words a hushed confession, "I still love you."
Caught off guard, you turn to look at him, the sincerity in his eyes echoing the sentiments you thought were buried in the past. you find your voice, whispering amidst the cacophony, "I love you too."
The counting continues, a rhythmic backdrop to the shared revelation hanging in the air. In a moment of vulnerability, Harry's gaze lingers on yours.
And that’s when he musters up enough courage to ask for the first time in a year. "Can I kiss you?"
As the countdown approaches its climax, the world outside the window erupts in cheers.
In the final seconds, the clock striking midnight, Harry softly presses his lips against yours, a tender exchange that marks the inception of a new year and a rekindled connection, forged amidst the symphony of shared confessions and the promise of a fresh start.
And this all happened when the clock struck midnight.
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moyokeansimblr · 10 months
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But moyo, you don't even use pantless bottoms? Yes that's true, but I wanted to convert these shoes from @madlensims to use with other clothing conversions but I haven't had the motivation for said clothing conversions yet so pantsless bottoms it is! I hope these haven't been converted, I wasn't able to find them if they were.
AF and TF, compressorized and have morphs. You can choose if you want to repo the TF to the AF, but the V1 and V2 of the Maura Boots, although they use the same texture, are not repo'd to each other. So you don't need to have both Maura Boots if you don't want to.
Obligatory mention that they're not perfect. There's some wonky bones during some movements that I made the executive decision didn't bother me enough. Sorry? 🤷‍♀️ Anyways,
👢 Madlen Dolly Boots, Maura Boots V1 and V2 download on Patreon (FREE)
But please consider becoming a patron if you want to show me support or make requests! ❤️🙏 Any support is extremely appreciated and really helps me out!
As always let me know if I've forgot anything! Credit to whoever I yanked the underwear texture from, I can't remember as I've had it saved for a while. 🙂
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valleydean · 1 month
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Chapter 5 [Read Here]
CHAMPION Part III of Heavyweight a deancas boxing au by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) read from the beginning | playlist | tip
SUMMARY: Brooklyn, 1933. Dean Winchester, the number one contender, trains to become the next Heavyweight Champion of the World, and this time he won't let anything get in his way. Title holder Castiel Novak has second thoughts about retiring, especially when someone from his past arrives in New York and asks for his help. Meanwhile, a new contender rises to fame and threatens to complicate both of Dean and Cas' ambitions - and their relationship.
Dr. Meganolopis’ voice came out staticky through the radio’s speaker: “I’m sorry, Doctor! I forgot being a head surgeon means you cut into whatever body you want, and take out whatever organ pleases you without any paperwork whatsoever!”
“Well, Doctor, I’m sorry you’re so forgetful,” came the reply of the titular character, Dr. Desire.
Castiel heard Dean’s breathless chuckle in response. From his place on the living room couch, he glanced down at the rug, where Dean was doing his pushups. The neck and armpits of Dean’s t-shirt were darkened with sweat. The shirt was riding up the small of his back, leaving a sliver of skin above the waistband of his gray sweatpants. He wasn’t wearing any socks or sneakers.
As far as training sessions went, this was certainly more casual than most. However, Dean seemed determined to get in what he could before Castiel left town next week. Evidently, that meant conditioning through Dean’s favorite radio show.
The rest of the house was quiet, with Eileen at an NWP meeting and Sam still at work despite the fact that the sun had set an hour ago. Maura was asleep in her wicker bassinet, as she had been since Dean stuck his finger into his whiskey glass and gave the baby a taste to “soothe” her. Sam hated when Dean did that, but Castiel wouldn’t breathe a word of it because it seemed to work every time.
“How much longer do I have to do this?” Dean asked, his voice strained from exertion.
Castiel took his eyes off the satisfying way Dean’s back muscles moved beneath his shirt with every pushup to glance at the clock on the mantel. It was almost half past, which meant the radio broadcast would be over soon. “Until the end of the show.”
To his credit, Dean didn’t complain. He did look up at Castiel with slyly twinkling eyes to say, “Could use a little more incentive.”
Castiel rolled his eyes for show, despite the fluttering wings in his chest. He kicked his legs off the couch and climbed down to the rug with Dean. He laid on his back, placing his head beneath Dean’s face. When Dean lowered himself down, Castiel caught his lips in a quick kiss before Dean pushed away again.
Dean laughed embarrassedly, his cheeks a little pinker than they had been a second ago. When they met in another kiss, Castiel couldn’t help the pocket of laughter in his throat from coming out.
“You’re so off the cob,” Dean teased.
Castiel narrowed his eyes at him. “It was your idea.”
“Whatever,” Dean grumbled, lowering himself back down again. That time, Castiel lifted both hands and ran his fingers through Dean’s hair. Dean laid down fully on his stomach and kissed back, parting his lips into it. One of his hands cradled the top of Castiel’s head and the other stroked Castiel’s cheek. He tipped his head slightly to get a better angle for the kiss.
Castiel let it consume his every thought. He forgot completely about the radio show. But, apparently, Dean was still listening because after a few minutes, he ripped his lips away from Castiel’s and said, “Hang on, hang on.”
Castiel frowned, annoyed.
On the radio, Nurse Piccolo was saying, “You had your chance and you blew it! I wish you hadn’t, but you did. Roger is my fiancé now, and that’s final!”
“It isn’t final until you tell me that you love him more than me,” Dr. Desire answered in his stern transatlantic accent. The torrid affair between the couple had been a central point of the story for at least a year now. “So, say it! You can’t, can you?”
The familiar outro music swelled. Then, the broadcaster said, “That concludes this week’s episode of Dr. Desire—”
Dean groaned petulantly. “Man! I hate it when they do that! Now we gotta wait a whole week to find out what she says!”
Castiel brushed his fingers through Dean’s hair, realizing that he wouldn’t find out for himself. Next week, he’d be gone. It was likely he’d miss every episode for a while. “You’ll have to tell me what happens.”
The sparkle in Dean’s eyes faded. “Or you could just not go.”
“It’s only four months,” Castiel reminded him. After Dean had come home high that night two weeks ago, Castiel had asked Michael and Gabriel to renegotiate the tour’s contract. Somehow, they’d reached an agreement of four months and seven cities, with an extra fight in Las Vegas later in the year. There would be a total payment of $500 grand, which was one hundred thousand less than what they would have gotten under the original terms—but Castiel was willing to sacrifice that amount of money to be home. Fortunately, his team seemed to agree.
It was for the best. Castiel didn’t want to be away from Dean for so long. Besides, four months of bouts seemed more manageable than a straight six.
“And you said you’d visit me in Kansas City,” Castiel said. “That’s only two months from when I embark.” It would probably feel like a lifetime. Castiel wished Dean could just come with him.
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean dismissed sullenly.
Castiel picked up Dean’s hand where it rested on his chest and thumbed gentle circles into his knuckles, not knowing what else to say.
“You gonna miss me?” Dean asked, tone light, but Castiel heard the vulnerability behind it.
“Of course.”
“Yeah? Which parts?”
Castiel shook his head, unamused. “Every part.”
“Welp,” Dean grunted, picking himself up by the arms so he could move to lie down half on top of Castiel. “That’s too bad, ‘cause I’m definitely gonna miss some parts of you more than others.”
Castiel raised a brow with interest. “Will you?”
Dean hummed. He stroked his hand down Castiel’s side, past his hip, to rest on his thigh. “Big time.”
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rudnitskaia · 2 months
And as I promised, right in a row, the 2nd part (the 1st) of the answer on number 19 from that list for @coffeintheface @acesandocs. 💖
Note: that ficlet highly depends on a joke headcanon that Mau and Rocky really married by accident. I wrote about it in the very old answer to an ask, but I'll also place it here for convenience.
"I can even imagine how these two might spontaneously get married because of an accidentally blurted out series of utterly stupid puns. Because it’s simply something fun to do. Like, they sneak out on the roof in the night, chatting incessantly, and then
Mau: You won’t do such a felony to me.
Rocky: A fell-on-knee? Well, I can dare.
Mau: And if I agree you’ll dare to do it right now?
Rocky: Oh, Miss Venza, it would be such a delight, but no one will marry us in the dead of night.
Mau: The dead of night, huh? I remember you told me about some business you run with a funeral home. There's supposed to be a minister. A funeral home marriage in the dead of night. Sounds like a perfect match.
And soon Rocky, arm in arm with Mau, will be banging on the door of the Arbogast Funeral Home, and if the face of sleepy Abelard Arbogast could have stretched more from their request, it would have stretched. :D"
So, here's the ficlet. :3
The Dawnright Truth
Note: Italian speech
“Hush!” Mau shushed Rocky, barely holding back a giggle herself. He habitually helped her to get over the window and then sat on the window sill, gesturing that he wouldn't utter another sound. Mau smiled. She only had a couple hours of sleep left, but for nights like this, she was willing to sacrifice even them. It was impossible to count how many conversations, how many laughs and fiddle tunes the roof of this house had heard… and Maura hoped that tonight would not be the last and that roof would hear a lot more.
As she took a step back inside her room, Rocky gently squeezed her palm and pulled Mau lightly toward him. Please don't go. She shook her head with a chuckle. No. It's almost dawn. Not letting go of her hand, Rocky pressed his fist to his chest. Waved one way, then the other in some strange pantomime, looking at Mau with the most sorrowful expression that he was capable of. Jokingly sorrowful, of course, but there was truth behind the joke. If it were up to him, he would make sure that this moment would never end; the moment when the whole city was asleep and no one but the stars in the sky could hear them. So that there would be no need to carve out time for secret meetings. And so that he wouldn't have to hide what he put into every melody he played to her at nights, behind the stares and smiles in the daytime.
Alas, now he didn't even have the violin in his hands to tell her, as usual, everything without words. He was about to hop back to the fire escape and continue to amuse her at least with his ridiculous silent performance, when Mau, laughing inaudibly, stepped forward and kissed him. So easily and openly that Rocky held his breath in surprise. But soon he loudly exhaled through his nose, closing his eyes and relaxing his shoulders. All thoughts, all words and images froze for a moment, and then swirled in his head in a fantastical dance again, as if drawing new music from that gentle touch. Rocky moved forward, toward her, giving himself over to the sensation of flight that had taken over him…
…when suddenly there was a loud thud.
The landing from heaven to earth was disgustingly hard. Rocky rubbed his chin, which had hit the floor just a moment ago, and propped himself up on an elbow.
“Mau? Is everything alright?” came a voice from outside the room.
Maura looked worriedly at the door and pointed Rocky under the bed.
“Quick!” she whispered to him, rushing over to the chair and placing it headboard down on the floor. Much louder, she replied: “Yes, I’m fine!”
A knock sounded.
“Are you up already? Can I come in?”
Mau clasped her hands together. Anxiously, she leaned closer to the bottom of the bed and muttered:
“I beg you, not a sound,” and then answered her father: “Of course!”
Not more than a second later the door opened and Augusto peeked into the room. Mau smiled awkwardly at him and pretended to pull up a chair.
“Was reaching for a book and dropped it. Sorry, didn't mean to wake you.”
Augusto nodded, seemingly paying no attention neither to the strange excuse nor to the wide-opened window.
“I was already awake. But why did you get up so early?”
“Couldn't get any sleep… tossed and turned for a while, and then decided, why lie around for nothing? Better go and bake some muffins before opening…”
Rocky didn't understand a word she was saying, but the tone in which Mau was speaking… no, not speaking, chirping with her father, caused him to laugh inaudibly. He wondered if it was from anxiety or if she always acted that way with him. The dust made his nose terribly itch. But Rocky didn't risk moving and only wrinkled his nose, hoping the sensation would go away soon. After examining all the cracks in the bedframe, he turned his head to the side and suddenly saw the jewelry box next to him. And he wouldn’t pay that much attention on it if he didn’t notice the tip of some kind of note sticking out of the box. A letter? From whom, he wondered?
Meanwhile, Augusto walked into the room.
“How lucky. I was just about to leave the keys for you in the hallway, but I heard you were up. I have to go out for a while.”
“Oh, sure,” Mau accepted the keychain from his hands. “For how long?”
When Rocky carefully pulled the sheet from under the lid, he was surprised to find out that it was his note. One of many he had left for Mau at the eatery. In some he had doodled all sorts of silly things, in others he had hastily made up short humorous poems that vanished from his memory as soon as they had hit the paper. And she… kept them? No way she did. Neglecting all precautions, Rocky lifted the lid of the box… and immediately slammed it shut.
But it was too late.
Several seconds of his confusion were enough for a tinkling melody to fill the room.
Mau's heart sank. Augusto stared in puzzlement at the direction of the bed and, not listening to his daughter's objection, looked underneath it. Rocky waved at him awkwardly.
“Good morning, Mister Venza.”
“You!” the man exclaimed angrily, pulling the guy out from under the bed by his coat. “Parasite!”
“Papa, stop swearing,” said Mau with pressure. Augusto stood up, not letting Rocky out of his grasp, and shook him as if he was holding not a young man but a weightless rag.
“What is this, Mau?”
“Please leave him alone.”
“I knew that scoundrel wasn't just hanging around in our eatery for nothing. Do you realize he's a criminal, Maura?”
“No more than we are!” objected Mau.
“That's already too much, sweetheart!” groaned Augusto and shook Rocky by the scruff of the neck again. “I've seen enough of his kind, you can see 'em a mile off! A swindler, a bandit, a rascal! What if he tells anyone about us? Or even worse, what if he hurts you?”
“He won't hurt me ever!”
“Of course, he won't. And he won't show up on our doorstep again either. I respect your choice, darling, but that! I simply can't allow that to happen! For me to willingly entrust you into the hands of some thug, some… some…”
“He's already my husband, papa!” Mau moaned in despair and immediately regretted what she had said. Augusto froze with his eyes wide open, now filled with true dread, but still didn't loosen his grip.
“Maura,” he began cautiously. “Don't tell me you're expecting a child from him.”
“What?! No!” exclaimed Mau indignantly. “It just happened… accidentally!” she tried to justify herself, but seemed to make it worse.
“How can you accidentally marry a man?”
“We thought it was in jest. I never would have thought a priest at some backwater funeral home could actually wed people! We were going to get a divorce somehow…” sighed Mau, and then, after a moment of hesitation, added in a low voice: “…but I don't think that's necessary anymore.”
Augusto unclenched his fingers, releasing Rocky, and slowly lowered himself onto the bed. With a trembling hand he fumbled in his pocket for a pack of cigarettes, took one out and lit it. For several long seconds there was absolute silence in the room.
“What's your name even, hubby?” Augusto finally asked, so quietly that Rocky could barely make out the words.
“Roc… Roark Rickaby, Mister Venza,” Rocky held out his hand to the man, but he didn't even look at it.
“Does he know? About us,” he questioned, clearly referring to the disastrous troubles with mob that had been the reason the Venza family had fled New York. Mau nodded.
“Yes. I told him everything.”
The room filled with heavy silence again. Augusto took a long, nervous puff and stared at the floorboards for a long moment, unblinking. Finally, he covered his face with the palm of his hand and exhaled a thick cloud of smoke.
“Oh, dear Lord…”
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middleearthpixie · 1 month
Better Days ~ Chapter Twenty
A/N: If you or a loved one is in crisis, or experiencing suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideation, help is available 24/7/365. Call or text the Suicide Crisis Lifeline at 988 or visit their website at www.988lifeline.org. 
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin x ofc Elena Madison
Warnings: Attempted suicide
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.7k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard
@legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being
@rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-mer-6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz
@knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @ggfamert @medusas-hairband
@guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow
@quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits
@heilith @asgardianhobbit98  @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms 
@sazzlep @court-jobi @masterofhounds @genius2050 
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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It was a miracle he didn't crash into anyone or anything as Frerin ignored pretty much every traffic law in existence in his haste to get to Sidleburg Memorial. All Toni would tell him was that Jake had tried hurt himself. No details. No assurance that he was all right. Just that they were in the ER and he needed to be there. 
He whipped into the parking deck and swung into the first empty space, then leaped out of the care and practically sprinted toward the revolving door leading into the Emergency Department.
Bonnie, the ER receptionist smiled from behind her plexiglas window. “Dr. Durin? I thought you went home.”
“I did. My ex-wife called, she’s here with our son.”
“What?” Bonnie hit the button to make the ER doors swing open. “Come on in.”
He rushed past the triage area, to the desk. “Ashley, where is Jacob Durin?”
Ashley looked up. “I thought you were off, Dr. D?”
“I am,” he fought to keep the impatience from his voice, “so tell me were my son is.”
“Wait, he’s your Jake?”
“Sorry, Dr. D. They’re in Exam Two, but I think Morris might have come down already.”
“Thank you.” He rushed down the hallway and around the corner and paused just outside the door to Exam Two. The narrow bed was empty, but Toni stood beside it as if Jake was still in it. Frerin’s gut roiled like mad and he wasn't entirely certain he wasn’t going to be sick. A sour taste flooded his mouth. His heart hammered his ribs so hard, he thought he might actually pass out. 
Then he swallowed hard as he tugged open the door and stepped into the room. “What happened?”
Toni spun about, her eyes red and swollen. “I—I don't know. I called the kids down to breakfast and Maura and Flynn came down, but Jake didn't and—and I thought he was still sleeping so I went to roust him out of bed and he—”
“He what?” Frerin closed the space between them and caught her by the shoulders. “What had he done, Toni?”
“He wasn’t in his room, but was in the bathroom and he’d gotten Tim’s razor or maybe it was Flynn or even Maura’s, I don't know. But he had it and—and there was just blood everywhere… all over him… the floor… the toilet… And I—I just scooped him up and ran to my car and…”
Frerin’s blood ran like ice in his veins. “What?”
“I know. The doctor said he was… he was lucky.” Toni’s bottom lip trembled and her eyes grew shiny. “She stitched him up, but now he’s talking to another doctor and Tim said he’d keep an eye on Maura and Flynn, but you know them and they don’t like him and they just wanted to be here and I—”
She clamped her lips together to stop the flow of words and without thinking, he drew her into his embrace as she dissolved into tears, pressing her face against his chest. “Which doc did he see?”
“A young one. Dr. Andrews?”
“Yeah, she’s an intern. Just started in July. Who is he with now?”
“A Dr. Mazzetti, I think he’d said.”
“Dave Mazzetti?”
“I don't know, Frerin. They’re all the same to me.”
“Okay. Yeah, Dave’s good… Jake’s in good hands. Where’s Tim?”
“He’s home. With the kids. I just told you.”
“Right? Sorry. I was on until seven this morning, pulled a double. My thoughts are a little muddy right now.”
“Where were you?”
“I called the house first and you didn't answer.” She pulled away to stare up at him. “So, where were you?”
“I was out.”
“After pulling a double?”
“Toni, I’m not doing this. Not now.”
“What’s her name?”
“Don’t you worry about it. We’re not married any more, remember?” He stepped back. “Jake’s probably up on Five. They’re going to admit him, Toni. At least a seventy-two hour hold if they have a bed. If not, they’ll have us take him somewhere else for an evaluation, but he’s going to be hospitalized. For a while. I’m going to go find out.”
“And am I supposed to just wait here?”
“Yes, actually.”
“Frerin, you are not just—”
“I’m not what, Toni? I’m not going to find out what happened to our son? Just stay here and I’ll be back—”
“No. I will not just stay here.”
“Toni,” he rubbed his forehead with one hand, “I’ll be back in just a few minutes. Just, please, let me—” 
“Stop being a damn doctor and just be his father!”
“I am being his father!” Frerin winced as his voice echoed around them and bounced out into the hallway, where several people actually stopped to look into the room. He drew in a deep breath to calm his rising fury. “I just want to talk to his doc, is all.”
“He will be done when he’s done and he said he’d come down and talk to us.” Toni shook her head. “Don’t run away and hide behind that damn lab coat.”
“Hide? Who’s hiding? I just—I just want to know what happened, is all.”
“I told you what happened.”
He sighed softly. “Toni, something else had to have happened. He was fine when you picked him up and now he’s in the ER, looking at a psych hold for a suicide attempt. So, what happened?”
“Are you blaming me?”
His first instinct was to shake her, to shake her and remind her that it wasn't about her, but since that would just lead to a shouting match, he took the high road. “No, I’m not. But I want to know what triggered him to hurt himself. That’s all.”
Toni’s shoulders slumped and a low, heavy sigh leaked through her teeth. “I don’t know, Frerin. I was getting breakfast out, like I said. Flynn came down. Maura came down and I went to get Jake, just like I said.”
“Did anything happen last night?”
Toni swiped at her eyes and slowly replied, “He and Tim were butting heads over a video game. He told Tim that Tim couldn't tell him what to do, and Tim sent him to his room after confiscating his Switch.”
“What game?”
“Breath of the Wild.”Toni rubbed her eyes. “It was such a stupid argument, Frerin, but Jake was giving him attitude the entire time he’s been with us and Tim just had enough.”
“Tim had enough. Over a video game that you and I have no problem with him playing?”
“I tried to tell Tim, but he was angry and Jake was angry and then it just got out of hand.”
“Out of hand.” Frerin snorted as he shook his head. “Tim overstepped, Toni. He overstepped and now here we are. And what the fuck was he thinking? He’s not that boy’s father. I am.” 
“I know, and Tim knows and—”
Frerin and Toni looked up at the same time as Tim, AKA the Skeeze, poked his head into the room. Frerin’s gut twisted sharply as he said, “What are you doing here?”
“How is Jake doing?” Tim directed this at Toni.
“I asked you what the hell you are doing here,” Frerin replied, stepping between Tim and Toni. “You’ve got not business being here.”
Toni’s hand came to rest on his shoulder. “Frerin, don’t do this.” 
“Don't do this?” Frerin turned to her. “He is the reason Jake is with Mazzetti right now and I don’t want him near my son again.”
“He is my son, too, Frerin, and you need to remember that.”
“I need to—are you fucking kidding me? He needs to stay the fuck away from—”
“Mrs. Durin? Oh, Frerin, I’m glad you’re here as well.”
Frerin whipped about at the sound of Dave Mazzetti’s voice and a sour taste flooded his mouth as he said, “How is Jake?”
Toni’s hand tightened on his upper arm. “Can I see him?”
“In a bit, yes. I called in a colleague, Dr. Dao to consult and—” Mazzetti looked over at Tim. “I’m sorry, but who are you?” 
“He’s leaving,” Frerin replied.
“The hell I am.”
“Toni, I mean it, get him the hell out of here,” Frerin growled without taking his eyes off Tim. 
“Tim, please… just… just go…”
“Toni, wait—”
“Tim, just… please go.”
Mazzetti waited for him to slam his way out of the exam room, then turned back to them. “Jake’s laceration required about six stitches and aside from a small scar, he should have no long term trouble with his hand. He and I had a long talk, and he had a long talk with Dr. Dao and we’re in agreement that Jake be transferred to Wakeman for inpatient services, since we have no open beds.”
“For how long?” Toni asked.
“I can’t answer that, Mrs. Durin. They will evaluate him and assess his status and recommend a course of treatment for him that will give an idea of how long he will be hospitalized for. I’d say at least a week, possibly longer.” He looked from Toni to Frerin. “I’ll take you up to him. He was asking for you, Frerin.”
Frerin swallowed hard against the sudden lump in his throat. “Then let’s go.”
Toni slid her hand into his. “I’m coming with you.”
“Of course you are,” Frerin told her softly. “You’re his mother. But I don't want Tim anywhere near him.”
“Not within fifty yards, Toni. I mean it.”
For a moment, he thought she was going to argue with him over it, but then she surprised him by nodding. “Okay.”
“Let’s go up and you can see him,” Mazzetti said, pulling the door open. 
They stepped out just as Flynn and Maura hurried toward them. “How’s Jake? Where is he? Is he okay?” Maura’s questions stopped as she ran out of breath and she just flung herself at Frerin, who caught her easily. 
“He’s going to be fine in time,” he said as Maura wrapped her arms about his neck and clung to him the way she did when she was a little girl and had had a nightmare. “We’re going up to see him, so why don't you and Flynn go find the cafeteria and get something to eat and I’ll come find you when we’re ready to go.”
“Can’t we see him?” Flynn asked.
“Not right now,” Toni said softly, shaking her head. “We have to get him settled somewhere else first and then you’ll be able to.”
“Where is he going?”
Flynn scowled at Tim’s question. “Like you care. You did this, you tool. You know that, right? This is all your fault.”
“Now, wait just a minute—” Tim began.
But Flynn was having none of it, and since he was almost as tall as Frerin, he towered over Tim. “No, you did this, trying to prove you’re some tough guy or I don't even know. You just couldn’t let it go, could you? He was allowed to play that damn game and you know it but that wasn’t good enough for you. And now we’re here and… and… fuck you.”
“Flynn!” Toni grabbed him by his arm to pull him away from Tim. “This is not the time or the place.”
Although he inwardly cheered Flynn on, Frerin knew outwardly he had to at least make it look as if Flynn’s words troubled him. “Your mother’s right. Tim, do us all a favor and just go home. Toni will let you know what’s going when we know.”
For a moment, he thought Tim was going to argue with him, but then Tim just shook his head. “You do that,” he said, then turned and strode down the hallway.
Maura lifted her head from Frerin’s chest. “Good riddance, Skeeze.”
“Maura, please,” Toni sighed, rubbing her forehead once more. “Not now.”
“Mom,” she pulled out of his arms, “he’s a jerk. You have to know that by now.”
“Enough, love,” Frerin told her as Mazzetti started down toward the elevators. “Go and get something to eat and we’ll come find you, like I said.”
“Come on, Maur.” Flynn gestured for her to follow him. “Dad, let us know as soon as possible, okay?”
Flynn and Maura started down the hallway and as soon as they were out of earshot, Toni said, “They don't like Tim much.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
That earned him a look. “Really, Frer.”
“What?” He let his hand come to rest at the small of her back to steer her toward the elevators, where Mazzetti was waiting for them. “I know they don't like him, Toni.”
“I wonder why.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He couldn't hold back his laugh. “Toni, if you think I’m the reason they don't like him, guess again.”
“So you expect me to believe you’ve never badmouthed him?”
“Why would I? He’s not the reason we broke up. I think he’s a dweeb, but that’s about the extent of it.”
“A dweeb?”
“Yeah. He’s a dweeb.” He shrugged as the elevator doors slid open and Mezzetti grinned at them over his shoulder. “He is.”
Toni sighed. “Frerin, really? Here?”
“I heard nothing,” Mazzetti said, shaking his head head.
They all stepped into the car and Frerin tried to ignore the fluttering in his gut as the car began moving. He didn't know how many times he’d dealt with this same situation, but it was far different being on this end than it was being the physician treating the kid. This was… surreal… and he did not like it one bit. 
Elena tried not to worry, tried not to fixate on how much time had passed since Frerin bolted from her apartment, but that was impossible. She couldn't imagine being in Frerin’s shoes, getting that same phone call in regards to Alyssa. Frerin had to be terrified and worried and she wished she had gone with him. 
It was nearly four when her phone rang and her heart stopped briefly when she saw Frerin’s number on the screen. It resumed hammering at her ribs as she hit accept. “How is your son?”
“He’s… we’re at Wakeman now. They’ve admitted Jake for at least the next seven days.”
“But how is he? How are you and your ex-wife?”
“He tried to cut his wrist with a razor blade and it took six stitches to close it. Physically, he’ll be fine but…”
His voice trailed off and she didn’t push him, but waited for him to continue. When the silence stretched between them, she cleared her throat. “Would you like me to come sit with you?”
“No. You don't have to.” Exhaustion wove into his voice. “I’m just going to go home and get some sleep.”
“Frerin, it’s no—”
“Elena, really, it’s better if you don’t. I don't know how much longer I’m going to be here and I’ll have Flynn and Maura to take home, so it’s not a good idea.”
“Oh, yeah… no, of course not,” she replied, the heat of idiocy swirling through her. Of course he wouldn’t want her there. She wasn't family and Toni needed him more than she did at the moment. The last thing either of them wanted or needed was her pushing her way into their trauma. 
“I’ll give you a call tomorrow, okay?”
“Sure. I’ll be around until four, then I have to go and retrieve Alyssa from the airport.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He hesitated, then said, “Bye, Lena.”
She pressed her lips together as he clicked off and she sat there for a long time, the phone in her lap. She didn't know quite what to think or to do, and while her instinct was to drive out to Wakeman Hospital, she tamped it down. Frerin neither wanted nor needed her there. She was the outsider and needed to remember that. While she felt as if she knew his children, just from the way he’d spoken of them, they had no idea she even existed and the worst thing she could do right now was push herself into their situation as if she belonged there.
So, with that, she set the phone on the charging mat, rose from the sofa, turned off the light, and padded into her bedroom. 
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drghostwrite · 1 year
Drown our problems
Okay so this one was fun and interesting to write, it’s fluff that turns into smut. Honestly, there aren’t enough Dr. Maura Isles fics either so here.
Maura Isles x fem!reader
TW: mentions of murder, death, guns, and smut.
Summary: During season 5 when Frost dies and no one is taking it well. Imagine being Maura's girlfriend who just came back from a work trip (profiler with BAU), and you come back to everyone acting weird and you help her deal with it.
******************************************************** You pulled into your and Maura's shared driveway, well her driveway, you had moved in with her three months ago after being together for a year, she insisted that you finally had a more shared space and her place was bigger and was closer to work for you. You didn't see Maura's car parked outside as you walked up to the front door and grabbed your keys, flipping to the house key, you slid it into the lock and turned it hearing the click.
"Maura?" you called out and were met with an empty house, you checked your phone realizing you missed a text.
Hard day, I'll explain later.
You went over and checked the fridge but there wasn't much left so you called in a favor, you were good friends with one of the downtown restaurant owners and so he managed to deliver you some food after closing time, after tipping him well you were ready to just have Maura home. You heard the lock click and the door handle turn, you heard her heels click on the floor as she walked towards you.
"Hey Love I know you said you had a hard day, but I called in a favor and got you some takeout." You heard her set her purse on the chair and lay her coat down throwing her phone on the counter, you looked up but weren't met with the usual cheery or even tired Maura.
No, you were met with red eyes and depressed features, you stepped towards her and tears started to fall. "I...I can't." she didn't make eye contact but you caught her as her legs failed, pulling her into you as she let out a loud sob. You stood there holding her, leaning her against your chest, you held her like that letting her get it out, giving her time to process, letting her be the one to speak first.
"Y/N."she spoke up after a while and calming down a bit.
"Do you wanna talk?"
"No I want you to help me forget."
"I want you to make me forget, I can't do this right now."
"Maura, don't you wanna talk about it first?"
"Oh, shut up and kiss me." she looked up into your eyes and placed a kiss on your lips. She turned in your arms and slid her hands under the hem of your shirt hooking a finger into your bra.
"You wanna move this into the bedroom?" you asked pulling back as she placed kisses down your neck.
"God no." She said lifting your shirt over your head. You chuckled and picked her up by her thighs setting her on the counter, she wrapped her legs around you pulling you close. You placed a chaste kiss on her lips and hiked her skirt up her legs, unbuttoning her shirt and unclasping her bra throwing it away. She pulled at your bra as you trailed kisses down her neck, light fingertips ghosting over her hip.
"Please baby," she whined, leaning her head on your shoulder you placed kisses down her neck taking time with each sensitive bud while making sure to leave marks from her neck down her chest.
"Love, you wanted to forget, so I'm gonna make sure you're seeing stars." You hooked your finger into the waistband of her panties sliding them off as she lifted her hips, she spread her legs before you and you could see her glistening. You placed another kiss on her lips, sliding a hand down, and she pressed her forehead into your shoulder dragging nails across your shoulders. "Baby, you're so wet for me," you pushed two fingers in and she threw her head back with a loud moan.
"Maura look at me." she opened her amber eyes looking into your forest greens, pupils blown with lust, lips ghosting over each other, she started breathing heavier getting closer as you pumped your fingers in and out.
“God Y/N I’m gonna….” She let out a loud moan, feeling her clenching around your fingers you coaxed her through her orgasm.
“That was…” she had her head tilted back in ecstasy.
“Oh I’m not done yet baby.” She made eye contact with you and followed as you knelt down in front of her, you ran your tongue up her thigh and then up through her folds, her eye lids fluttered closed you looked up through your eyelashes as her features relaxed before tensing again, her hand ran through your hair she stopped grabbing a handful a pulling you closer. You closed your eyes listening to her moans and feeling her body, your pushed two fingers back in and felt her release again but this time you didn’t stop you kept going pushing her farther and farther. She let out moans that got higher and higher she squeezed her thighs around your head, you shot up pulling her into a kiss, placing a bite to the sweet spot on her neck and rubbing your thumb on her clit, she squirted and you could feel it against your bare skin.
She leaned back as her vision blurred falling forward against you trying to catch her breath.
“Marry me?” She said under her breath.
“What?” You chuckled to yourself as she laid on your chest regulating her breathing.
She sat up looking into your eyes,“Frost died today and never got to experience marriage or kids and I don’t want to live like that.”
“Maura, but…”
“No Y/N I want to live with the person I love and I love you so I want you to marry me, spend the rest of your life with me.”
"Please, I love you." She looked into your eyes, tears peeking at the corners.
"Yes, I will always say yes, I just want to know if I get to take your last name?"
"Really?" she looked hopeful.
"Baby yes, I want nothing more than to live up to the Isles name and prove to you every day that I love you."
"And our kids, because I want to have lots of kids, I always wanted siblings growing up, and I couldn't have them so I want lots of kids." She looked into your eyes with the biggest smile.
"And our kids, but maybe we should start with a dog before we think about a baby." you looked into each other's eyes and saw the happiness flooding back to her features.
"Oh I can't wait." She squealed excitedly.
"but we don't have rings or a location, God, we have to plan a whole wedding, like with dresses and guests and a reception." She started overthinking and getting to excited.
"Well before we start freaking ourselves out how about we get you off the counter and go get a shower." you laughed pulling her into a heated but flirty/smiling kiss, but before you could say anything the door leading to the courtyard and guest house swung open, with Jane and Angela walking right in with bags of takeout.
"Ma!" you heard Jane yell at her mother as she walked in on you guys, Maura in her just her skirt no top legs wrapped around you without a shirt in a bra and jeans. what you didn't realize was that you had thrown your shirt across the couch and her underwear was hanging on one of the chairs, and her bra was laying on the floor all in direct line of sight. You both quickly pulled away and snapped around, Maura jumping off the counter and pulling her skirt down, she slid behind you without a bra on trying grab her button up and grabbing the towel off the sink to cover herself. Angela let out a disappointed sigh and Jane snickered, Maura was bright red behind you and you owned your fate as you stood there half-clothed.
"Jeez, next time at least put a sign on the door," Angela said with a laugh.
"Ma, leave them alone it's their house." Jane said laughing seeing her best friend embarrassed as you stood there.
"That's my fault." You covered for her, putting your hand up.
"Hehe," Maura laughed, "At least this will be a good story for the wedding." She said peaking around your shoulder, not having the courage to reach to get her shirt or bra and expose herself.
"Wait wedding?"
"You proposed?"
They asked at the same time.
You laughed, "It was a very heated proposal, but I said yes."
"Well then congratulations!" Angela said Jane gave Maura a joy filled smile coming over to hug her but she stayed behind you.
"While this is great and all Y/N doesn't have a shirt on and I'm currently not trying to show off my boobs to anyone but my future wife so if you'd excuse me." Maura quickly turned and ran down the hallway to change, you grabbed your shirt and pulled it on buttoning the middle buttons, and went on collecting her bra and panties. You grabbed her shirt and followed to your bedroom, walking in you saw her scrambling to find an appropriate outfit. You chuckled shaking your head always on point you thought to yourself. You walked into your shared walk in closet and stopped her running an arm down her shoulder to her hip and pulling her in.
“Y/N I can’t with you.” She let out a small laugh.
“Baby it’s fine, I don’t think they really saw anything.”
“I didn’t have a shirt on and they walked in on us.”
“Yea but you grabbed the trusty towel.” You said motioning to the towel she had hugged to her chest. You leaned forward placing kisses on her lips and slowly pulled the towel away, you started kissing down her neck and sucked on her sweet spot, she let out a small moan and you kept going lower. Ghosting over her breast and playing with the nipple between your fingers. You stood back up pulling her into a kiss and pressing against her wrapping your arms around her.
“I didn’t get to even touch you.” She said with a pouty face.
“Well luckily we both have off tomorrow so we have all night and tomorrow to drown our problems.” You said to her placing one last kiss on her lips and handing her the bra, you stepped back and reached up pulling down one of your oversized plaid shirts and threw it to her.
“I’m gonna go help with the take out, just join when you’re ready.” You gave a dark little smirk and if it weren’t for Jane and Angela being in the house she would’ve jumped you right there in the walk in closet, she watched intently as you walked out adding a little sway to your hips. You quickly changed pace and walked down to the kitchen and turned the corner to find the other two women standing there. You walked up to the fridge and grabbed a wine bottle from the cabinet setting it out and getting glasses.
Jane walked over and gave you a hug while Angela warmed up the takeout you ordered and set what they brought out.
"This is just what we needed, I just wish Frost could be here."
"He was a great man, we would've asked him to be in it."
"I'm sure he would've been honored."
"Just be prepared, Maura is going to ask you which means you get the maid of honor duties." you both laughed as she reentered the room and helped Angela. Maura started cleaning the island counters, trying to erase any evidence of what just took place moments ago.
"Clean that all you want I'll never look at this kitchen the same," Jane complained with a laugh, and her classic Maura I hate that idea look.
"Leave them alone it's their house." Said Angela in a mocking voice.
You all laughed together and spent the rest of your night talking, trying to get through a rough couple of days, and even though it was embarrassing your best friend and "mother-in-law" finding you on the counter it was a small light in a very dark place.
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anthrofreshtodeath · 7 months
I think the OP just turned on the first two seasons of R&I and jotted down this list of prompts 😂
How about a little " hangouts that start to feel more and more like dates" please and thank you.
I do hope this won't be your last prompt challenge!
Sorry this is so late 🫠 but hey, I wrote something!
The first time they’d hung out, Jane had brought a giant bag of peanut m&ms and extra butter popcorn. Maura had called it a movie night, after all. It was early on in their friendship, and Jane had been excited when she trotted up to the front door with her snacks in one hand, and a six pack in the other. She’d hiked up her long leg to press the doorbell with her boot, and was in the middle of putting it down when Maura swung the door open.
“H-hi,” Jane said, cheeks ruddy from sheepishness as much as the crisp fall air. 
Maura had smiled, and then looked down. “Can I help you with something?”
Jane held the grocery bag with the food in it. “Thanks,” she said, “sometimes carrying stuff is still, uh, kinda hard.” She didn’t brandish her scars, but their pointed eye contact told her Maura had understood.
Maura then nodded to the beer. “I have a place in the refrigerator where you can put that,” she told Jane. “Come in.”
Jane had whistled. “Nice place you got here,” she commented as she looked up at the high vaulted ceilings and the gleaming marble countertops.
“I rent,” Maura confessed. “I just moved back to Boston… well, when we met, actually. And I am being judicious about where I would like to own. So most of the decor came with the house.”
“I woulda never guessed,” Jane said. She pointed to the fridge, stainless steel, wide, and clean. Maura affirmed. “No offense, but rich suits you.”
“None taken. I am rich,” said Maura, with palms against the fabric of the jeans on her hip. 
Jane would have spit beer out of her mouth if there’d been any. “And humble, too,” she chuckled. Both at Maura’s comment and at the fact that Maura could no longer resist the bag she brought in. Maura rummaged through it with equal parts fascination and disgust. “You good?”
Maura peered up. “Do you really eat all this during one film?”
Jane curled a brow. “No…” she elongated it. “I got it for us to share.”
“Oh!” said Maura, then her face fell. “Oh, that… that’s very sweet. I…”
“You don’t eat any of this junk, do you?” asked Jane kindly. Her eyes crinkled and her lips pursed like she was trying not to laugh.
“Not at all,” said Maura on a whoosh of relieved air. “The hydrogenated oils are-”
“Don’t.” Jane held up her hand, “ruin it for me. But, that’s good to know. What do you like to eat during… films?” she asked with no small amount of humor. But when Maura opened her mouth to answer, Jane stopped her. “No no. You know what? Don’t tell me. I’m your friend; lemme figure you out.”
Maura had blushed and said nothing. But she’d smiled and showed Jane to the living room where they’d be watching what she’d picked out.
Subsequent hangouts got easier. Like this one - a long week called for a late Friday night at home. Maura had purchased the townhouse on Pickney about half a year prior, and since Angela moved in not long after, it was the place Jane thought of when she conjured the word home in her mind. And, yes, it was movie night, but a newer venue also called for newer fare - namely, gourmet charcuterie from the deli a few blocks from Jane’s apartment, and a good wine from the Whole Foods in Beacon Hill. Not, y’know, a six hundred dollar bottle a-la Tommy’s FBI debacle the previous week, but something good. 
Something Jane knew Maura liked. 
Something she and Maura had drunk before. And so, balancing everything in one hand, Jane used her key to open the door, and when she heard the muffled voices of a conference call on the second floor - the governor did tend to call Maura late, much to Jane’s chagrin - she set the items on the counter and went to the cupboards to pull out the decanter. She’d peeled off all the horrid labels her mother placed under each shelf when Ian was here, and it’d felt like something she’d had to do.
Strip Maura of the stinging past, restore the present to as it was before him, so that they could move forward into the future. 
Put off by the taste of that experience, Jane pulled out the candles Maura reserved for those truly trying times: decadent spices and citrus that reminded Jane of herself. And she thought it sounded egotistical but she had enough comfort in Maura’s space to own that - she liked the house to smell like that because she belonged there, not because she wanted to mark her territory. Ian’s mountain of medical supplies had felt like the opposite. Felt like a threat. 
Tommy’s bottle of wine had felt more like fumbling in the dark. Like something he wanted and knew he couldn’t have, but had to take a shot at anyway. 
Jane’s bottle of wine, the one she poured into the decanter, and Jane’s candles, which were really Maura’s, the ones she lit to waft up to Maura, to ease her into relaxation on the way down from her call, felt like what a Friday night should be. 
Felt like a well-worn routine. 
To further the routine, she pulled a board out from a cabinet next to the oven, and arranged meats, cheeses, and dried fruits in the pattern Maura liked, the one that seemed most calming. Before Maura, Jane didn’t even know that meat could be arranged in a calming way. After Maura, Jane learned that most perceivable things could bring calm, or bring stress. She’d adapted well, considering. Went for easily identifiable, separate food groups. 
“You’re early,” Maura’s voice roused Jane from her contemplation. She was barefoot, and had changed into yoga pants and an oversized sweater, with her hair pinned up. “Oooh - figs.” She reached over as Jane worked, and their fingers brushed on her way to the fruit. “Thank god autumn is here.”
“Those are all you,” Jane teased, “I’m all about the prashut’ right here.” She lifted the paper thin meat to her mouth and dropped it in. “Things, uh, things go well on your call?” 
Maura shrugged. “The governor is an obstinate man,” she began, “but I know how to bring him down. And explain artfully that Popov is not really my problem, but his.”
“That guy is everybody’s problem,” Jane commented when she pulled a beer from the new, glass-door fridge. “If you need me to forcefully suggest retirement to him, just let me know.”
Maura laughed, bubbly and bright. When Jane returned, Maura placed a hand on her shoulder. “I trust he’d take the hint,” she said.
“I’m good at givin’ hints,” Jane joked. She caught the blush with which Maura stared down again at the spread, and it confused her. She caught the wistful glance toward the wine, aerating in the fanciful glass Jane’d poured it into, and maybe Maura was just hungry. Just tired after a long day and needing a drink to take the edge off. 
“Hmm,” was all that Maura offered in response, like an agreement but about something else.
The something else itched at Jane. “I’ll take this over to the couch,” she said, moving slow, balancing the board in her left hand and nodding toward the living area.
“I’ll bring the wine and start a fire,” said Maura. When she looked up, she smiled softly at Jane, as she often did.
This time, Jane shuddered just before she headed toward the coffee table. 
“I heard,” Maura breathed out when she answered the door. 
Jane stood there, still dressed for the work day, just like Maura. This was what hangouts between them sometimes devolved into now - Jane felt worn out, and felt like she looked it, too. Maura looked just as perfect as when she’d started the day, when Jane had waltzed into the foyer a much happier woman in search of her morning coffee. 
Maura had handed it to her, like Maura handed her a beer now. The clock on the microwave read 11:12 PM and she had work the next morning, but Jane wanted to get drunk. She scrunched her face in displeasure, crossed her eyes to be silly and to note her frustration. “Honestly surprised it took this long for Tommy to knock someone up,” she said. When she walked in, Maura hovered close behind. Jane felt Maura-ness all along her back. 
Maura caught Jane’s hand just as Jane went to pop the top of her beer off on the granite. “Don’t ruin my counters,” Maura warned. She took the beer back, twisted the cap, and waited. 
Jane knew what she waited for, too, so she turned around with haste, between Maura’s front and the lip of the countertop. “It’ll give ‘em character,” Jane teased.
Maura rolled her eyes. “And you don’t know that Tommy… knocked someone up,” she continued, the colloquialism familiar to her brain but foreign on her tongue. “It’s just a possibility.”
“I think it’s more likely than my pop doin’ it, at his age,” Jane grumbled. She lifted the bottle to her lips and let the Blue Moon rush down. Cold, bubbly, tangy. Perfect. 
“Well, I know nothing about your father’s sexual health, but given that we can assume he slept with Lydia multiple-”
Jane’s hand flew to Maura’s soft, soft lips. Had they always been this soft? It made Jane’s fingers jittery with the need to move, to touch. She pulled her hand down when Maura stopped talking. “Please, please don’t. Don’t go there.”
Maura put up her hands in surrender. “I ordered a pizza,” she offered a branch of reconciliation. 
Jane sighed. Pizza? Beer? The night, all because of Maura, seemed to be turning around. “Sounds perfect. You know, why can’t Tommy find something like-”
Uh oh. 
This time she stopped herself, not Maura. Something like this? Something easy, something heady, something in a nice home with a beautiful woman who… Jane needed to run. She’d already said too much. But, Jane was trapped.
“Like this,” Maura chanced. She moved closer. Jane’s anxiety wafted toward Maura on a noxious wave of fear and need, but, Jane watched Maura persist. She watched conviction literally light up Maura’s eyes. Increased moisture catching the light over the kitchen island, Maura would have said, but still. Maura unclasped her own hands and opened her arms, not wide out at her sides like a barrier, but palms out, close to her sides like an invitation. “Like you. And me.”
Jane nodded, and then her face crumpled. What in the hell, besides this very reason, was she doing at her friend’s house at 11 at night, drinking beer and sulking because her brother just made all of their lives so much more complicated? Didn’t women call their girlfriends to vent all about life problems as they had a nice night in at their own places, watching shitty reality tv and drinking? Didn’t they send a text saying something along the lines of “OMG my brother’s an asshole and I’m struggling and really need to talk to you about it over coffee tomorrow?” 
They certainly didn’t show up at their friend’s place close to midnight to stand in front of them, soul bare, and blurt out… feelings.
But Maura didn’t really seem interested in what women usually do with their friends either. She knew what they did. So, Jane slumped forward, into the invitation, and Maura caught her.
“I don’t think many people get to find something like this,” Maura began, wrapping her arms around Jane’s tired shoulders and pulling her even closer when Jane sighed. “Do you?”
Jane still held her beer in one hand between them, with the other clutching at the fabric of Maura’s dress between her shoulder blades. “Nah,” she answered. “I guess not.”
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tornadoyoungiron · 9 months
Traintober | Day 2 - Bridge
Green Arrow finds out that Edward has a fear of heights after a new bridge is installed.
Traintober Prompt List
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"You again?" Green Arrow raised an eyebrow as Boco came in with clay trucks from the Clay Pits. “What’s wrong with Edward, why are you pulling his trains?” 
The BR Class 28 gave a tired sigh before he looked away.
“He won’t go over the new bridge,” Boco explained and Green Arrow frowned, confused. 
“The new one between Maron and Suddery, the one they raised so that taller boats could go up the Maura,” Boco tutted. “He won’t go over it now.”
“Won’t he now?”
Green Arrow gave a thoughtful hum as Boco gave a honk and departed to leave his train with the twins. Arrow decided that he would have a talk with the blue engine.
After many hours of searching, Arrow found the elder blue Furness up at Ulfstead Castle later that evening. He’d been hiding and spending less time around Brendam sheds and Green Arrow knew it wasn’t just a coincidence. 
A new, significantly higher bridge had been installed, Edward suddenly avoiding work and now he was avoiding the rest of the Brendam crew. There had to be something else going on.
“So this is where you’ve been hiding,” Arrow greeted the blue engine but recoiled as he saw that Edward wasn’t alone. “Oh, hello James.”
“What are you doing here? Get lost!” James sneered at Arrow whom just stared back at him unbothered by James' hostility.
“Now I know the both of you are a pair of lovebirds, but you can’t keep hogging Edward all to yourself when Boco, Murdoch and I have to pick up the slack,” Green Arrow appealed and Edward sighed and looked away from him. 
“I suppose it was rather selfish of me to dump all of my duties on the rest of you,” he admitted. “You came all this way to confront me?”
“Well, actually I was going to ask if you were afraid of heights,” Arrow queried bluntly and Edward paled in response as James immediately went to defend the blue engine.
“Don’t you go throwing around gossip like that!” James shouted at him. “Just typical of you to go throwing around rumours about people!”
“I did not throw rumours around I just asked if Edward was afraid of heights you garish red monstrosity!” Arrow retortedback at James. 
“Please, please!” Edward protested trying to defuse the situation. “This fighting isn’t going to get us anywhere!”
“But he thinks you’re afraid of heights!” James argued and Edward gave a defeated sigh in response.
“It’s because I am,” the blue engine admitted. He looked back at Arrow who looked particularly proud of himself. “How did you work it out?”
“The new bridge over the Maura being raised up and now you’re suddenly avoiding it and the fact you won’t travel on the viaduct unless absolutely necessary pretty much gave it away,” Arrow claimed and Edward blushed slightly.
“I suppose it is a tad obvious now that you put it that way,” Edward conceded. “I’m sorry for putting my work on the rest of you.”
“I mean, it’s not exactly fair on us but if you’re afraid of something then I think most of us understand,” Arrow maintained to Edward. 
“Stop blaming Edward, he can’t help it!” James yelled at Arrow and Arrow inwardly sighed.
He and James had never gotten along, never had and probably never would. It was fine, Arrow didn’t care all that much, he was used to people holding grudges or disliking him intently.
“Arrow, can I ask you to keep my fear of heights a secret? The Fat Controller knows about it and he’s trying to find a way around but-”
“But the Maura Bridge can’t exactly be worked around,” Arrow finished.
“I’m really sorry,” Edward apologised but Arrow simply waved him off with a wheesh of steam.
“It’s fine!” Arrow beseeched. “We all have fears, Edward.”
“Yes,” Edward gave him a tired smile. “That being said, could you keep my little secret confidential?”
Arrow was silent for a moment as James glared daggers at him. It wasn't until he saw Edward’s pleading face that he relented.
“Alright, you can stop glaring at me James, I promise I won’t tell anyone,” he promised and Edward gave him a smile of relief. 
“Thank you Green Arrow.”
“But people are going to complain, Boco’s pretty patient but I doubt he’ll do your jobs forever,” Arrow warned.
“I know,” Edward lamented. “But I’ll try to find something that works.”
A few nights later while pulling the Flying Kipper for Henry, Green Arrow caught sight of a pair of red and blue tender engines around the bridge over the Maura River and he smiled to himself knowingly.
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colormetheworld · 4 months
Does Tricks have a back story that I missed?
I saw your update, and because I love your works, I hurried over to AO3 to check out the story. I read all the parts of the story, but I still feel like I started in the middle?
In one of the chapters, it’s mentioned that Maura pulled a knife on Jane when they first met and I have looked through your stories and I can’t find any prequel. It’s driving me crazy. Please help?!
And thank you so much for continuing to write for this fandom and keeping it alive. Your untitled story is one of my all time favourite works of fanfiction and I have read it multiple times over the years.
The original two stories are on FF. The story is called “Treats”
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stillfrownyclownlol · 19 days
FROWNY. I know I commented some of my thoughts already (and already gave you an ask about it) but I have more and the comments have a word limit so I’m just gonna say them here:
ADAM. ADAM. I’m sorry but I think he’s my favourite character. Like THE RITUAL WITH HIM AND PERSEPHONE?? HER SAYING “They didn’t believe me”????? EXCSUE ME??? HELLO?? GIRL?? I cannot BELIEVE the amount of happenings I’ve just read. Like WHAT. He hasn’t woken up yet but like omg my baby my boy please come here and let me HUG YOU. He’s been going through it this whole book and he genuinely needs a hug I just wanna squeeze him and keep him safe UGHHHH.
ANYWAY. SO. Gansey and Blue??? CUTE AF?? Sad her and Adam aren’t together but honestly saw it coming — I was just in denial really. Like he’s literally her TRUE LOVE. There’s NO WAY she wouldn’t fall for him. I’m happy they considered Adam’s feelings though, but like OMG THE MOUNTAIN SCENE?? It was so cute and I could picture it so well in my mind like… (if you don’t remember what scene I’m referring to it’s the one after Adam’s scrying where Blue and Gansey drive off to clear their heads and then they stop at this beautiful scenery and then feelings get blown and they are REALLY cute)
UM. KAVINSKY?? HELLO?? I thought he was just some random jerk?? HE CAN DO SHIT WITH HIS DREAMS TOO?? And what’s with all the gay jokes?? My guy is so fruity, he calls Ronan “sweetheart” and “princess” this man is NOT STRAIGHT. like at all. Also Ronan??? RONAN??? KILL ME RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I CANT BELIVE HE DID THAT?? WITH THE CAMARO?? GENUINELY SCREAMED WHEN THAT HAPPENED??? And HIS EUPHORIC LAUGHTER?? HE SMILED?????? PLEASE CAN I HAVE MORE OF THAT????
Gray Man is ehh still, like he and Maura are cute I guess and he figured out Greywaren was a someones instead of a something but also okay?? I mean at least he isn’t gonna kidnap them or kill them? (At least, I hope not because I’m not done with the book)
Last thing I wanna talk about before I go read again: I officially love the Lynch brothers (like maybe not Declan YET but I’m only on book 2) and the Gansey’s aren’t all that bad. I also just want Adam to find someone who’d love him because he’s been so deprived of it his whole life like UGHHH ADAM??? I wanna cry he’s such a wreck 😭
Ok rant over !
Omg the mountain scene. THE MOUNTAIN SCENE. THE DRIVE- SLDHOSBDOD IT WAS SO- AUGGHHHH. anyways don't worry Adam will also get his happiness 🙂‍↕️
THE KAVINSKY PLOT TWIST WAS CRAZYYYYY LMAO. also yeah he's fruity af kshjdbfsi.
Grey Man is whatever I appreciate his help but like lowkey you shouldn't have been there in the same place-
The Lynch Brothers drive me insane in the best possible way ~
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tay0la · 1 year
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Did I just finished watching 1899? Yes.
Do I want to share my thoughts? Yes.
That intro??? That was so good. I didn't skip it for the whole show.
The character writing? I could kiss the creators. & the actors for being perfect.
The mind fucking plot? 10000/10 (I don't get it but I love it)
I can't go on without spoiling (do not read further when you haven't watch the show)
Daniel, again. Like he is really out there suffering the most (suffering isn't a competition but you know what I mean)
The scene, where they all go jumping off, was hilarious to watch (the shots with the whole ship, ofc not the scenes with Krester and Lis mom)
Olek being a decent human being. 🥰🥺
I do think Maura's father is wrong when he tells Elliot that his father doesn't care about him. Daniel knows his son is dead (probably) so he knows he can only save Maura. He'd save him if he could. I am 100% convinced and you can't change my mind about this.
Did Krester really blame Tove for killing the man, that attacked him and abused her?😐 (Yes, killing isn't good but how dare he to be so rude?? Especially since he was the reason. It was bad reasoning from the man but still.)
Krester's mom out there testing and stressing me. (She threw a boy out of the ship because she thought he was the devil. The way she treated her children, especially wishing death on Krester?)
Clémence is amazing. I would die for her.
Also, everyone is like Eyk+Maura 🥰 —Well everyone except me because my man (Daniel) is out there awake for at least 16 days (he must have gone through 2 simulations at least) just to help his love, who does not remember him.
Also theory: if Maura created this simulation, she also created that Daniel would come to help her get out of it. Because she trusts him.
And now my sore hate against Netflix for canceling this show (we got so many Riverdale seasons???):
This show has so much potential for a second season. I mean come onnnnnn. The show was so so good and it only had 8 episodes. Robbed.
Did we got robbed of the hot villain brother that is keeping his sisters in simulations solely because he hates her? Yes. I'm convinced that we got robbed. (I do think he hates her, because on the envelope to Maura, he wrote Henry and Maura stated that he used to call her like that because he hated her.)
Maybe he doesn't want Maura to suffer but their father. (Wow, I just realized that could have been another option)
I do think the spaceship is another simulation because of the triangle in her eyes and (I might didn't notice) Daniel wasn't there and he said a minute before, he would be there if she woke up. Always.
I felt like everyone else was there except him (—and maybe that's because of my bad eyes—) which is fine because he wasn't supposed to be on the ships either.
I feel like we could have seen a traumatic flashback from her father and brother in the second season.
All I want is for Daniel and Maura to find peace again.
Also, I wanted Tove, Clémence, and Maura to team up and being absolutely badass. Got robbed.
Everyone did such a good job with this show, the actors, the creators, the camera staff, the post-production staff (special effects, etc.). Everyone except Netflix.
The plot is amazing and there is so much left to unpack and I'm really devastated that we won't see all that “glowing up” for another season. :(
Now a poll because I am finally able to make on😁:
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forever1kay · 10 months
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[chapter five: tickets to my downfall]
summary: in which things start to go wrong very quickly.
series masterlist | previous | next
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You stand from your car and smooth your hands over your outfit before shutting the door and walking up to the front door of the music store.
The moment you walk in, you’re immediately riveted by the many eras of music staring back at you.
Music boxes, record players, walkmans…
“Whoa! An iPod touch!”
And right when you reach out to touch it-
“Please, no touching the electronics unless you plan on buying.” A shaky voice speaks from behind you.
“Oops, sorry.” You apologize sincerely, quickly retracting your hand and turning to face the old woman. “Are you Maura Wilkerson?”
“I suppose I am.” The woman responds. “And you are?”
“Y/L/N Y/N!” You answer eagerly. “I’m here for an internship starting today!”
“Oh, Ms. Y/l/n.” Maura smiles softly. “You’re early by thirty minutes.”
You nod, shifting in your place nervously. “I was very excited.”
Maura chuckles. “I can tell.“
“When do we start?”
“We’ll start as soon as the other young lady arrives.”
“Someone else will be here?”
“Yes, dear. Will that be a problem?”
“Oh, no ma’am! I was just under the impression that I’d be the only one interning here.”
“You were but another venue had one too many candidates and needed to switch someone out.”
“Okay I understand.”
“For now,” Maura reaches her arm towards you. “Let me show you to the booth.”
You nod enthusiastically and join arms with her. The two of you proceed to the recording studio in the store's back section. Her words fall onto deaf ears as you seat yourself and take in the beauty of the place and the opportunity.
Maura looks at you knowingly. “Ms. Y/l/n?”
“Oh!” You shake your head rapidly, pulling yourself from your reverie. “I’m so sorry, Ms. Wilkerson. Can you please repeat that? I was a little distracted.”
“No worries, sweet pea.” Maura speaks, taking a seat next to you. “You seem to have quite a knack for music.”
You smile politely. “Yes, ma’am. I’ve loved music for as long as I can remember.”
“What’s your favorite genre?” She asks.
“I like R&B.” You answer honestly. “I read that this music shop has been in your family for generations. Are you here because you have to be? Or do you love music as well?”
Maura looks down. “That’s a very heavy question, dear.”
Your eyes widen. “Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you, I just-“
“I’m not offended, I’m just not sure how to answer. I like music, but I think I’d like to be somewhere else for the rest of my days.” Maura gestures to herself. “I’m not getting any younger.”
“How long have you worked here?” You ask curiously.
“I took over from my father when I was nineteen. He had gotten sick and couldn’t run it anymore.” Maura smiles sadly, avoiding your brown eyes. “Now my granddaughter Lana and my husband Bert help me when they can.”
You frown. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“Life isn’t always easy.” Maura stands up from her seat and grabs her cane. “Now, please don’t touch anything until I get back with Keiko.”
You smile as she leaves the room. “Yes ma’am.”
You struggle internally for nearly four minutes, willing yourself not to touch anything before deciding that no one would notice if you did.
You reach over to touch the buttons on the panel when Maura saunters back in.
She gasps. “Y/n!”
You flinch, jumping back and taking your seat.
You frown in embarrassment. “Sorry, Maura.”
She chuckles. “You are going to send me into an early grave, aren’t you?”
You scratch the back of your next sheepishly. “I will try my hardest to not cause that problem.”
Maura chuckles before handing you a small card with your information on it. You look up at her in confusion.
“That’s your key card. You’ll need it to enter the booth and to access the registers.”
“Thank you, Maura.” You smile in appreciation. “Is Keiko here?”
“About that…” She sighs. “I read the paper wrong. No one named Keiko will be attending.”
You shrug. “That’s no problem. Whoever they are, I’m sure they’ll be lovely.”
“I’m glad you think so! His school is the main rival of your school. Maybe the two of you might know each other?”
You feel your heart drop into your ass. “Do you know what his name is?”
“Why yes I do. The paper says his name is-”
A knock on the door and the steady footfall of two big feet entering the room cut short Maura's monologue. You immediately turn to face the intruder, but his eyes are only on Maura.
“Excuse me, miss. I’m Tsukishima Kei and I’m here for the internship.”
Despite the fact that he is standing in front of you, you make every effort to convince yourself that you are dreaming. You tune out the rest of their introductions and get lost in thought until Maura mentions you.
“…and you may know Y/n? I heard that her school is rivals with yours.”
When Tsukishima finally turns his head to look at you, your heart drops past your feet and lodges itself six feet under.
“I know of Y/n.” Tsukishima admits. “We were at a group event together not too long ago.”
“Well this internship will surely bring you two closer since it doesn’t seem like you are already. Why don’t you two get to know one another while I go make a new key card?” She raises an eye to Tsukishima. “You can have my seat.”
Tsukishima smiles politely at the little old woman and thanks her for her kindness. When she leaves the room, he glances in your direction and you swear you can see embers in his eyes. After giving him a fake smile and a forced laugh, you whip out your phone and immediately open the group chat.
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Taglist (New): @thechaosoflonging @usermins @universal-s1ut @glads-stuff @cvqidd
If you would like to be added to the taglist, feel free to let me know!
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© forever1kay 2023 - please don’t translate, convert, copy, paraphrase, repost, or alter any of my works without my permission.
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luverofralts · 7 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"What's the problem? Have you guys decided how I've ruined things now?"
Theo stared at his parents with hostility, while Adam grimaced. Theo was able to talk back to whoever he wanted and he usually got away with it. If Adam tried to be snarky, he'd be cleaning out the kindergarten potions cauldrons for a month.
"Hello Mr. Bellamy, Mr. Helios-Bellamy, Mr. Thorne and Your Grace, Duke Siew," Adam recited politely. Theo rolled his eyes at this, but Adam remained polite and quiet, waiting for the adults to speak.
"Can I eat one of these cupcakes?" Theo began to reach towards the delicious looking cupcakes on the table, but Roman swatted his hand away quickly.
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"No, you can't have a cupcake, especially when you have an attitude like that, mister. Those are for your sisters' party tomorrow and even if they weren’t, I don't appreciate your tone."
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Theo glared at his father, but Roman glared right back. Roman had perfected the infamous Bellamy glare; there was no way he was going to be swayed by it.
"At least Adam is polite," Roman continued. "Evren and Adrian are here in an official capacity and you need to show them respect."
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"Well, Theo, I think we've made some progress with your parents," Adrian interrupted before Roman and his son started brawling at the table.
"Progress is a strong word," Roman added quickly, earning a tired look from his ex-husband. "We've discussed what we're willing to talk to you about. I'm not about to be pushed around by a coven of narcissists."
"Roman, please," Adrian sighed, looking to Abe for support. Abe shrugged helplessly in reply. "If you think dealing with Maura is bad, these people are ten times worse. There's a lot more of them and they're all in powerful positions."
"Claudia is part of that bloodline," Roman replied. "We go way back; she'll take my side. I know she'll see reason here. She runs Pleasantview; just about everyone else submits to her."
Theo frowned at these words, unsure of what to say, if he should even say anything at all. Of course Claudia would be sympathetic to his father, she had a child with him. If he came to her for help, would she tell him the truth about Victoriana, or continue to lie to him by omission? Could Theo truly be safe if the queen of Pleasantview were to defend him? He wasn't entirely sure just how far her reach extended.
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"The queen can't protect you. You're one of us now."
Theo was startled from his thoughts by a raspy voice. It was hard to tell which direction it was coming from.
"Theodosius Geoneesis, I've been watching you for some time now. You show much promise."
He couldn't place the voice to any one direction. It was almost as if it was being spoken directly into his mind.
With a sudden jolt of awareness, Theo could clearly see a man bound by strange markings appear before him.
"W-who are you?" he stammered, looking for Adam's reassuring hand. It was no use; his arms were frozen to his sides somehow.
"Tell Adam that he's of interest to the family as well," the man instructed. "We are quite pleased with his progress."
Theo tried repeating the same glare that he'd given his father, but this stranger didn't seem to be moved by it. Even if the mysterious man didn't back down, at least Theo would die in defiance of mysterious forces and not shrinking away in fear.
"Tell him yourself!"
The man paused, watching Theo with renewed interest. Theo was about as frightening to him as a hissing, scared little kitten, but his bravery was still remarkable.
"You remind me of my daughter," the man said, with true fondness in his voice. "She too never knew fear, even when it was justified. Child, I am not your enemy. It was you who chose to bind yourself to our blood; I am simply acknowledging this change. You'll feel pulled to our Adam regardless. I merely wished to speak with you on the subject. You are very young."
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Theo pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to focus. His mind was spinning, and he was questioning what exactly was real in this moment. Could this sudden appearance of a foreboding warlock be happening to him? Surely it could just be some kind of stress migraine and nothing else.
"I'm not of your time," the man said gently, seeing the confusion in the angry teen. "I'm of no one's time anymore. Those days are past and can never return. The Ocean has granted me another role to play and I serve Him faithfully. I am a guardian of time and my blood enchantments sweep across the centuries throughout eternity. The laws of time are mine, and they will obey me."
Theo frowned, trying to absorb what he could from this strange man.
"So you time travel then?" he asked, looking skeptical. "I don't get it. Why are you talking to me? Do I need to time travel to stop something horrible?"
The man laughed, startling the teen.
"No, time travel is not permitted outside of guardians of time," he replied quickly. "That is not your path. It is the path of only a handful of people over the ages. It is my path and I pray it will never becomes yours."
He paused for a moment.
"I, too, used to practice blood magic in my lifetime. It cost me dearly."
Theo recoiled as strongly as if he'd been struck.
"Well, it's what I'm good at and I'm not giving it up!" he snapped. "I'm learning all about it in school and Adam's helping me. I don't care what you think. You haven't even told me your name; you don't get to lecture me about what I should do."
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"Then I have nothing to say," the man laughed, clearly teasing the confused teen. "I will see you around, young Theodosius. I'll be watching your path with interest now that our blood is connected. Until we meet again."
Within the blink of an eye, the man disappeared from Theo's sight. With great relief, Theo could feel his arms relax and his ability to move return.
"What the hell was that?"
"Theo! Language!"
Roman's sharp words jolted his son back to reality. Things were back to normal: his father was yelling at him, Adrian was trying to hold back a laugh, and Adam was watching him with an anxious look.
"Did none of you see that?" Theo demanded. He looked at the adults around him, hoping for answers. "That guy with the weird markings? The time traveling, blood magic user? He said he had a daughter? Did absolutely no one else see him?"
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Abe sighed deeply, sharing a concerned look with Roman. Of course they had no idea of what their son was talking about; that seemed to be the story of their lives.
"What did he look like?" Abe asked. At this point, he had given up on the idea of a quiet, normal life. His goal now was to make sure the kids made it safely to adulthood and weren't hauled off kicking and screaming by some kind of monster. "Have you seen him before? Did he threaten you?"
"A man with weird markings who practiced blood magic," Evren repeated, lost in thought. "And lost to time as well? Did he give you a name? There are many blood magic practicing warlocks across time. Just because they've died out now, it doesn't mean the ones in the past are gone, especially if they're messing with time."
"Could he be from your time?" Abe asked. "Maybe someone who followed you here across dimensions and time? Are they sending a search party for you finally?"
"He's not leaving even if people do come looking for him," Adrian said curtly. "His place is here with me and the kids. I'm not sending him back even if it was possible."
Evren gently took Adrian's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"I'm not going anywhere, my love," he vowed. "I wasn't even the target of the message. Clearly, the man wanted to speak with Theo."
"And Adam. He wanted me to tell Adam that the family was pleased with him and watching him and me."
Every adult in the room groaned, thinking about the implications of a mysterious figure watching Adam's actions. They were already trying to placate the Maricourts, and now, yet another obstacle was standing in their way.
"This stays between us," Adrian said finally, weighing his choices. "No one is letting the Maricourts know that a lost faction of their family is watching Adam because of Theo."
"Agreed." Roman stared at his son, hoping to drill the importance of this secret into his flippant, teenage brain. "You're not to mention this to anyone, Theo. Adam, I can't make you keep silent about this, but I'd consider it a great personal favour if you did. You may not be allowed to see Theo if you tell your parents. They're already demanding this pointless review as it is and I know they'd only put more pressure on us if this got out."
Adam nodded solemnly.
"I understand," he said quietly. It wasn't like he told his parents everything about his life anyway. Both he and Remy were highly motivated to keep their personal lives private from their parents. "You're probably right. My dad might not care, but my mom definitely will. There hasn't been a witch or warlock capable of controlling time in centuries, and even then, we mostly assume the ones who could were somewhat mythical. After everything my uncle did to try to control the powers of the Grim Reaper, my mom would probably spontaneously combust to hear I was being watched by someone who can mess with time."
"He wants me more," Theo pointed out. "Your mom doesn't have to worry, this guy's just watching you. The guy came to me in a vision and called me something weird, I don't think you have much to worry about, Adam. I can handle this."
Evren flinched as Roman and Abe reacted as strongly as he'd expected. The two looked like they were about to correct Theo about the boundaries of what he could handle, but Evren stepped in quickly. The last thing they needed was for Roman and Theo to start fighting again.
"Now Theo, you aren't equipped to handle this threat on your own," he said gently. "I'm not equipped to handle it and I've studied for years in magical theory. This is a situation that requires many people to solve. Are you strong enough to defeat Adam's parents in a duel?"
Roman once again looked irate at the question, but Evren held up his hand to silence him.
"If you can't defeat his parents, then what hope do you have of defeating someone even they can not defeat? And by yourself at that? You're an excellent student and truly gifted, but this is something beyond your skill level. We will all help together."
"I guess," Theo sighed, slouching miserably in his chair. "But Adam and I are stronger together and we could use blood magic again and-"
"What part of no more blood magic with your boyfriend do you not understand?" Roman shouted, his patience finally at an end. "You're only in this situation because of blood magic! Evren is older and more experienced, and you refuse to listen to him! Why do you have a death wish, Theo? Are you trying to kill your father and I with worry every time you leave the house?"
Theo's glare was his only reply. He moved his hand to make an obscene gesture but was interrupted by his father's sudden gasp of horror.
"Is that a ring? Where did you get that? Are you engaged now, too?" He paused, his mind reeling with disastrous scenarios. "I'm going to be a grandfather before I'm thirty and with in-laws who hate my son! They'll get custody for sure, and I'll never see my grandchild, and Jorah will look at me with pity even more than he does now."
"Ro, you're spiralling again," Abe interrupted, rubbing his husband's back reassuringly. "Theo's not pregnant and we're dealing with the Maricourts. And who cares about Jorah?"
"I do," Roman snapped. "He printed out Winterfest cards with his perfect little family and has been handing them out. My kids are Winterfest babies and I can't even get Theo home to take a picture with his family or the twins to brush their hair or put their phones down! I'm the Bellamy family leader and I'm being shown up by the Durants! What will everyone say when Theo has a shotgun wedding in Pleasantview and never comes home?"
"Theo, tell your father that you're not engaged," Abe said with a resigned sigh. When his son only glared back at him, Abe turned to Adam, who appeared to be cowering in his seat from the sudden accusation.
"It was just a gift to help him with his spells, sir," Adam replied cautiously. "We're not engaged."
"Well, we should be then," Theo snapped. "Dad never trusts me! Just because he was a dick as a teenager doesn't mean I am. I might as well do all the things that you accuse me of, since you're convinced that I'm actually doing them! Why aren't you on Rien for talking to dead spirits? That sounds dangerous. Or what if Saturnia burns the house down cooking? Maybe Luci is taking steroids to do better in a competition! Who knows? What kind of asshole sees a gift from Adam and thinks, 'clearly this is something terrible and I need to have an insane opinion about it'? Even Aunt Lucy is a better parent than you are."
Silence filled the room as Theo continued to glower at his father. Roman was uncharacteristically quiet, reflecting on his son's words. Abe frowned.
"He's not wrong, Ro. I mean, maybe we-"
"Lucy doesn't have to deal with this! But fine. I'm too strict. My restaurant is failing, the Durant family is perfect, Ulyssa's back in town and my son hates me when I'm just trying to protect him. I wish that just once someone in my family had tried to protect me at his age, but no, I'm terrible."
"Roman." Adrian's voice was soft as he reached for his ex-husband's hand. "Projecting your own trauma onto your son isn't going to help him. You lived a different life than he is now. You were sexually active at a young age because of your own insecurities and expectations, and you've given Theo a life where he doesn't need physical intimacy to offset family drama."
Roman frowned, but remained silent. Abe reached for Roman's free hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
"It's nice that Adam cares about our son," he said slowly. "A crystal might be the perfect solution for our problem, and if it isn't, then it's still a nice gesture. Thank you, Adam."
Theo looked at his father with gratitude. It may have taken a long time to happen, but finally one half of his parents saw reason.
"We still need to decide what to do about this rogue warlock and the Maricourts," Evren said quickly, using Roman's silence to change the subject. "We can't ignore this. What if this warlock is also appearing to the Maricourts or one of the covens? Theo, if I pulled up a selection of portraits from historical coven records, do you think that you could identify the man you saw?"
Theo nodded enthusiastically.
"Yeah, his markings were really cool. I wonder how he got them."
A worried look crossed Abe's face, but he pushed past the worry in the spirit of trusting his son. Yelling at Theo to not follow up on that curiosity would be pointless and would probably just set Roman off again. Roman currently looked like his world was about to end, so Abe decided to give him his space now and comfort him later. Too much had been weighing Roman down for a while now. Abe hadn't even realized that the Winterfest card they'd received from the Durants had troubled his husband, though he could see why in hindsight. Everything with the Durants was difficult now.
"He likely won't have the markings in his photo," Evren continued. "That detail is odd and will probably help us narrow the search. Maybe this would be a good extra credit assignment for you to research. The markings are undoubtedly connected to blood magic and may give you some perspective."
"He called me Geoneesis, which was weird," Theo replied. "Maybe it's his daughter's name since he said I reminded him of her."
Evren froze in place, a look of terror on his face.
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"I'm sorry, did you just say Geoneesis? Forget that name immediately. Never let it leave your lips again, and do not let anyone else know that you know it."
Theo scowled while Adam froze in his seat, his anxiety clearly getting the better of him.
"Why? What's the big deal? Is it a curse? Is it a spell?"
Theo waited eagerly for Evren's response while Abe began rubbing Roman's back as a preventative measure.
"It's just as deadly as any curse," Evren said darkly. "Your knowledge of blood magic added to your knowledge of that name would make you an instant target of the Maricourts."
Roman couldn't hide the groan that escaped him at this, instantly conjuring a million different dark scenarios in his mind.
"Why? I don't get it," Adam asked quietly. "I've never even heard of that before. If it was important, wouldn't my parents tell me about it?"
"There is much that you will learn as you progress in your studies," Evren replied. "You're still a student and an apprentice. This is knowledge that is passed on only when you graduate as a full warlock and swear several oaths to the coven. That word, which you are going to forget, would give you dangerous power against any Maricourt were you to cast a blood magic spell on them."
Adam immediately perked up at this, finally realizing the threat before him.
"Oh my god," he whispered, staring at his boyfriend in shock. "It's my dad's name! It's all of their names! That name is what the G stands for! With that knowledge, you could successfully cast blood magic at a strength that could threaten any Maricourt who has taken that name for themselves!"
"Cool," Theo said with a mischievous grin. "Maybe I do have an edge over your parents after all."
"Oh god. This is a nightmare. What could possibly be next? It's always something."
Adrian reached over and grabbed his ex-husband's hand once more while Abe continued to rub Roman's back. The gesture seemed to comfort Roman somewhat, de-escalating the conversation. Abe and Adrian shared a worried look across the table. Roman's anxieties and dejected self-loathing was becoming a problem too big to ignore. Now matter how hard they tried to support him, Roman always seemed to be beyond their help, repeating his failures like a mantra. Drastic steps had to be taken before Roman truly snapped or Theo's relationship with his father was damaged beyond repair.
"This isn't a big deal," Evren lied. "We'll go to their meeting at the coven and put any hostility to rest, while having this knowledge in our pocket if we need it. Things will work out. Maybe Theo's visitor came to give him an edge against the coven."
"Maybe. I'll see what I can learn from Maura," Adrian replied. "She is going to be meeting with Duke Goldman under the pretense of a review of his properties later today. She promised to fish for any relevant information about Duchess Edana and her plans."
"Good luck," Adam scoffed, crossing his arms. "She doesn't tell Ewan anything important. Elowen says they fight all the time about how vague she can be about her job."
"Well, it's a start," Adrian sighed. "I'm sure that we can resolve this situation quickly and diplomatically. We're all reasonable people after all and all of the Maricourts have to answer to some sort of authority in their lives."
Theo stared at the grim faces of his parental figures while Adam wrung his hands beside him. Judging by everyone's worried faces, Adrian's prediction might be a lot harder than he made it sound.
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deliriousfangirl61 · 9 months
Calla Lillies [Jake "Hangman" Seresin] Chapter II
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Hailey Dugan
Masterlist [~~~~]
Series Warnings: Mentions of child abuse, smut (later on in the series), age gap? (like 6 years because I feel like Jake is around like 32/33, lemme me know if you disagree), cursing. MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT 18+ content in later chapters.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin was finally settling into his new posting in North Carolina. He is back up in the air after his last mission and back to raising hell like always. Yet he can't help but miss The Dagger Squad and after watching Liv and Rooster tie the knot he is feeling just a tad bit lonely and longing for something more. Not that he would ever admit it though. However when he gets some new neighbors in the form of a stunning 26 year old plant-shop owner and a 7 year-old boy, Jake just might feel that tiny little whole in his chest filling. His new neighbor is kind yet fierce, and as she struggles to navigate the new realm of guardianship over her younger brother her next door neighbor is more help then she could have every imagined.
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-2 Months Later-
The loft is incredibly quiet, I sit at my kitchen counter sipping on coffee as I flip through the latest inventory report. Lucas has yet to stir, but he doesn't need to be up for another 30 minutes. My phone dings but I know who it is. Matthew has been trying and failing to come up with a half-decent excuse to see me. I ended things two days after I brought Lucas home and Matthew quite loudly told me I was ruining my life.
Lucas also decided then and there that he hated Matthew and had 'accidentally' sent his little rocket toy straight into his groin. I had laughed so hard I nearly cried and I had yet to see Matthew for more than a few minutes at a time. Once when he came to get his things and I returned the engagement ring and another when he cornered me in the shop. I had threatened to hit him with a shovel until he left. I had no want to see him then and I have no want now.
"Can you make pancakes for breakfast?" Lucas' voice is soft and groggy and I turn to the curly mop of hair that is truly a sight to behold after he first wakes up.
"Sure bub."
Lucas grins and climbs onto the high barstool of our kitchen island and rubs the sleep from his eyes. His cast is still a bulky annoyance on his wrist but he gets it off in a week and I'm sure he can't wait.
I had packed most of the kitchen things away for the move but I pulled the things out that I needed and started to make the pancakes. Lucas and I found the perfect house for both of us and since I've saved up a lot I was able to snatch it up pretty quick.
The savings was supposed to be for a wedding but fuck that
So I was able to put the down payment and pay most of it off. I've spent the last week decorating Lucas' room. He said he has always wanted a baseball-themed room so with the help of Maura we did a baseball-themed bedroom. It's not too kiddish so when he grows he isn't too embarrassed.
If you win custody and he can even grow up in that room.
I push that thought away and busy myself with the pancakes.
"Can we get a cat?"
I glance over at Lucas who is staring at me. He is resting his chin on his non-broken hand.
"That seems a bit random. What makes you want a cat?"
"It's not random," Lucas says in a serious tone I rarely hear from him. "I love cats and so do you. They are very easy and I saw a book at Dr. Kelter's office about how some animals can help with stress and anxiety. Plus! We are moving into a whole house so plenty of room." I want to laugh at the amount of thought he put into this but his comment about stress and anxiety snags my attention.
"Are you feeling a bit anxious again bub? That's okay but I want to know so I can help."
"Not really. Dr. Kelter helps a lot and I feel really safe with you."
My heart melts and I lean over kissing his forehead.
"I always want you to feel safe Lucas."
"I really like staying with you." He says softly.
"I really love you staying with me bub." I take a deep breath. "You know there's always a chance I can try to make it permanent."
Lucas peers through his curls.
"Really? Like I wouldn't go back to Arizona?"
"Yeah, but that also means you would stay with me, and you might not get to see Mom as much as you'd like." I want to be honest with him despite my feelings towards our mom.
Lucas is quiet for a moment. "I don't feel safe with mom though I feel safe with you. Do you think she'd be mad if she knew I wanna stay here with you instead of with her? I don't know if I wanna make her mad"
"I don't know honey. But I also wanna make sure you don't feel confused. So why don't I ask Dr. Kelter if you guys can talk about it in your next session?"
Lucas nods. I finish the pancakes and cut them up for him.
"Alright, here you go bubs."
His eyes light up as I push the plate in front of him, temporarily forgetting our previous conversation.
"Thanks, Hails," Lucas mutters.
"No problem bub, I'm gonna go get dressed and get your things together for school. Whenever you're finished get ready please."
"Mkay." He mumbles through a mouthful of pancakes.
I ruffle his hair and place a kiss on the top of his head before heading to get ready. I take a deep breath when I'm out of his view.
Holy crap
I wasn't expecting that conversation today. I have been trying to figure out how to bring it up. I followed Erica's advice and I got a lawyer as soon as I got back to North Carolina. I hadn't told Lucas, he was dealing with a lot of emotions and I didn't want to confuse him.
My phone starts blaring Taylor Swift in my pocket. Luckily that is not Matthew's ringtone but it is Maura's. It does snap me out of my little stupor though.
"What are you doing up so early it's not even past 8 yet." I joke as I answer and I can practically see her roll her eyes.
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Lucas and I were gonna watch a movie and eat popcorn in a fort with all the boxes."
She huffs. "Crap do you think it's too late to get a babysitter?"
I laugh softly. "Probably, but why would I need a babysitter?"
"There's a new bar opening and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a Navy bar, so some of the guys from the base should be there and you know I am a sucker for that uniform."
I laugh.
"Not that I'm in love with that idea but I think Collin's mom mentioned a sleepover on her weekend with him and I think that's this week. I'll ask her at drop off today."
"You're the best! Oh, you should wear that blue dress that you ..."
"I gotta go Maura."
"Love you!"
I pull on some of my work clothes, which mainly consist of old T-shirts and jean shorts. Or the occasional overall or leggings. Owning a plant shop isn't exactly clean work.
"Alright, Lucas hurry up bud! We're running early for once let's not squander it." I call after him.
"But I like our mad dashes to the car." Lucas calls back."
I hear his sweet giggle and then I see his curly mop of head appear.
"I should probably fix your hair first."
Somehow Lucas and I managed to keep ahead of the time today. I pull into the school parking lot at the perfect time when all the other moms are actually there too. Normally I'm scrambling in with Lucas towed behind me and Mrs. Thunton is the only one left.
"Oh wow everyone is here," Lucas comments as I pull his bag out of the back seat.
"See this is what happens when we're on time. Isn't it cool?"
"Sure." Lucas sounds completely uninterested but I appreciate the effort.
I don't miss the surprised looks of some of the moms as we approach. Yes, I am that guardian who is constantly scrambling, but 90% of them have husbands who help or they've been doing this longer than 9 months.
They can suck it up and stop being so judgey.
"I see Collin!" Lucas exclaims as he yanks his backpack from my hands and bolts to the playground.
He completely ignores his principal Mrs. Thunton as she greets him. I wave to the woman and send her a smile. Now to find Collin's mom.
"Kelly!" I call and the woman glances up from her phone and a smile spreads on her face.
"I was going to wait for you but look at you being on time." She jokes.
"Don't get used to it. Are you still offering to have Lucas over for a sleepover? He and I talked about it and he doesn't seem too anxious about it, he's made a lot of progress and honestly, he absolutely loves playing with Collin."
"Oh my god yes! That's what I waiting for you for. Collin has also been struggling and I think their friendship is such an anchor."
I nod. " I completely agree he's been so amazing to Lucas."
"Oh great, do you want me to just pick him up from school today?"
"I need to get his things together but I will meet you here and see if Lucas wants to ride with you or with me. Driving still makes him a bit nervous I think."
"Completely understand."
I grin. "Thank you so much, Kelly. I will see you at 4:00."
"See you at 4:00!"
Once I'm back in the safety of my car I call Maura. She picks up on the second ring.
"I am free tonight."
"Yes! It's party time bitch!"
What a freaking dork
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Alrighty folks! Yes I know I finally updated but listen I have been one stressed spaghetti with school so I am sorry but give me a break lol.
Just comment below if you wanna be on the tag list.
I hope you guys enjoyed it.
[~~~~] Next Chapter- Coming Soon
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Better Days ~ Chapter Thirteen
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin  x ofc Elena Madison
Characters:Frerin, Elena, Alyssa, Toni, Flynn, Maura, and Jake
Warnings: Frerin and Elena get their Christmas festivities started…. 
Rating: M
Word Count: 4.9k 
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep @court-jobi @masterofhounds
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Previous chapters can be found here. 
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Newark Liberty Airport was the last place Elena ever wanted to be, especially at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning. Yet, there she was, at security, hugging Alyssa. “Have fun, peanut. And don’t give your grandparents a hard time.”
“Make them sorry they invited me? Gotcha.”
“Mom.” Alyssa pulled back and smiled. “You know I’ll make them want to keep me.”
She wasn't wrong. As the only grandchild, Alyssa was spoiled and adored by all four of her grandparents, which helped to make up for Dan’s shortcomings as a father. Still, Elena hugged her once more. “I love you, Peanut. Merry Christmas and I’ll see you next Saturday.”
“I love you, too, Mom. And enjoy being childfree for a week. Hopefully you and Dr. Hottie will be able to actually go out now.”
“Don’t you worry about that.” She hadn’t told Alyssa about Frerin’s invitation to dinner, just in case she was stood up again. A foolish reason, but a reason just the same. “Have fun.”
“I will, Mom.” Alyssa slung her backpack over her shoulder and moved to get into the TSA security line. She looked back just before she stepped through the X-ray machine and gave Elena a thumbs up, put her shoes back on, and disappeared around the corner. 
With a soft sigh, Elena made her way back out to where she’d parked her car and as she sat, waiting for it to warm up, her phone rang. Frerin.
“Merry Christmas.”
She smiled at the warmth in his voice. “Merry Christmas to you, too. You’re up awfully early for someone with no kids to wake you this morning.”
“Nah, my ex isn’t coming until about ten, or ten-thirty if she stays true to form, so Jake got us all up about an hour ago.”
“Six thirty. I feel your pain. I’m still at Newark and looking at almost an hour drive back and I’ve been up since three.”
“If you want to reschedule—”
“No,” she broke in quickly, shaking her head although he couldn't see it. “No, it’ll be fine. But, I will need your address.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, that would help, wouldn’t it? I’m at twelve-twenty-seven Longhill Road. It’s a dark gray Colonial with yellow trim in a cul-de-sac.” 
“Yeah, I’ll be back from Thorin’s by then.” He paused then said, “So, your daughter got off all right?”
“She just cleared security a few minutes ago, so she’s on her own now and I won’t rest easy until she calls me when she’s on the ground in Florida.”
“I know you don't want to hear this, but she will be fine. Just like I told you when I saw her in the ER.”
“I know, but still.”
“Yeah, I get it. Okay, I’ll let you get on the road and I have to feed this crew before Toni shows up, so I will see you tonight.”
“Yes, you will. What can I bring?”
“Just yourself. I’ve got it all covered.”
“I do. Trust me.”
She sighed softly. “What were you planning to make?”
“I have a recipe for a garlic-studded beef roast so I hope you don't mind a little garlic.”
“I don’t. Are you sure I can’t bring anything?”
“Elena, if you ask me that one more time, I’m going to make you cook dinner.”
“Okay, okay. I won’t ask.”
“Good. I’ll see you later.”
“Yes, you will.” 
“Dad,” Jake came into the kitchen, “Mom’s here.”
“Did she bring the Skeeze with her?” Maura asked, looking up from her phone as she sat at the kitchen table.
“I don't know.” Jake shrugged. “I didn’t look.”
“Well, is it her car or his?”
“It’s the Tesla.” Flynn appeared in the doorway, still in his flannel NY Giants pants and the wrinkled Ozzy Osbourne t shirt he usually slept in. 
Maura looked up and at the same time, she and Flynn said, “The Skeeze.”
“Okay, guys.” Frerin bit back a smile. “It’s Christmas. Try to get along with the Skeeze, okay? Just for one day.”
“Why do you call him the Skeeze?” Jake looked from his brother to his sister. “Is it because he’s creepy?”
“Why do you think?” Maura pushed away from the table. “Dad, do we have to go?”
“Yes, you do.” Frerin leaned back against the counter, arms folded. “Look, we’ve had this discussion more than once, Maur. You have to go because the court said so. I’m not going to go against a court orderand run the risk of that being used to take you and your brothers away from me.”
“Wait,” Jake looked up at him, eyes wide, “can Mom do that?”
Frerin sighed softly. “Maur, Flynn, go get ready, okay?”
They grumbled, but did as he asked and when he and Jake were alone, he moved to scoop him up. Jake was small for his age and at almost eleven, was often mistaken for being about five or six. “Listen to me, Jake, okay? You know your mom and I both want you to live with us, right?”
“I want to stay here, Dad. Can she make me leave?”
“She can’t, no,” he replied slowly, shaking his head. “But, if a judge thinks you and your brother and sister would be better off with her, he or she can order that your mom gets custody of you.”
Jake’s eyes went wider still and Frerin gave him a gentle squeeze. “If that happened, I’d still see you, buddy. Every other weekend, like you do with mom now.”
“But I don't want to live with her and Tim.”
“I know, but if a judge says that’s best, then we have to do it. But,” he gave Jake another squeeze, “it’s not a given, either, so try not to worry about it, little man. You concentrate on school and leave the other worrying to me, okay?”
Jake didn't look a hundred percent convinced, but he nodded and then tightened his arms about Frerin’s neck. “I want to stay with you, Dad. I don't want to live with Mom.”
“I know, buddy. And my lawyer is going to make sure the judge talks to you and Maura and Flynn as well, so you’ll be able to make that known.” He pressed a kiss into Jake’s rusty curls. “Now, you go and have a good Christmas with your mom, okay?”
“I’ll try.”
The doorbell rang and so Frerin gave him a last squeeze and set him down. “Go get your stuff.”
They left the kitchen, with Jake going upstairs while Frerin padded to the front door and opened it. “Hi, Toni.”
“Merry Christmas, Frerin.”
“Merry Christmas. I see Tim still refuses to get out of the car?” He leaned around her to wave at Tim, who sat stoically behind the steering wheel, raising his hand in a half-hearted wave. 
“Do you have to start already?”
“You’re right.” He stepped back. “It’s Christmas. Come on in.”
She stamped the snow from her boots and stepped into the foyer. “So, how was your Christmas morning?”
“It was fine, Toni. Kids gave me a tool set, and a couple of ties. You?”
“It was nice. Tim made breakfast and gave me a diamond bracelet.”
As she spoke, she held out her arm and tugged up her sleeve and the light bouncing off the stones in her new bracelet were enough to blind him. Still, he managed to smile. “He knows you pretty well.”
Toni let her sleeve fall back. “He took the time to find out.”
“Toni,” he folded his arms and offered up a long look, “you practically drool over Zales commercials. It’s not hard to guess you like sparkly things.”
“You just—” She stopped as Jake came down the stairs. “Merry Christmas, baby!”
“Merry Christmas, Mom.” Jake came over, looking less than enthused as he shrugged into his backpack. “Maur and Flynn will be down in a minute.”
“Good. Why don't you go wait out in the car? I’ll be out in just a minute.”
Jake wrinkled his nose. “With Tim?”
“What’s wrong with Tim?”
“Nothing, except he calls me Champ and Sport and I hate that. Even Dad doesn’t call me that and he’s lame as they come.”
“Thanks, Sport.” Frerin managed to hold back his smile as Jake glared at him. “I’ll see you the day after tomorrow, okay, Champ?”
“Dad.” Jake ducked as Frerin made to rumple his hair and clumped his way out the front door as Maura and Flynn came down the stairs together. 
“Merry Christmas!” Toni greeted them with a wide smile. 
“Merry Christmas, Mom,” Maura said, giving her a brief hug.
Flynn gave her a one-armed bro hug. “Merry Christmas. Hey, can I drive to your place?”
“Uh, you don’t have a license yet,” Toni said.
He shot her a look. “I got my permit two weeks ago, remember?”
“You’ll have to ask Tim.”
Flynn sighed. “Yeah, like he’d let me touch his precious Tesla. That’s a big, fat no.” 
“He might surprise you.”
“Yeah, right.” Flynn threw this over his shoulder as he tugged open the front door. “I’ll see you day after tomorrow, Dad.”
“Yes, you will.”
Maura gave him a quick hug. “Love you, Daddy.”
Frerin pressed a kiss into the side of her head. “Love you, too, Munchkin.”
“What?” He stepped back. “You are.”
“I haven’t been since I was Jake’s age.”
“Oh, like that was so long ago. As if.” He rolled his eyes the way he’d seen her do it a million times before.
She wrinkled her nose at him. “Jake’s right. You are lame, Dad.”
“Yeah, I know. I know. Go. Enjoy your Christmas.”
“You coming, Mom?”
Toni looked over her shoulder at Maura. “I’ll be right there. I need to speak with your father about something.”
Maura shrugged. “Okay. Bye, Dad.”
“Bye, honey.” 
The front door banged shut and he let his smile drop. “What is it this time?”
“I’d like to keep the kids through New Year’s. Tim wants to take us all up to Stowe to go skiing.”
“Have you asked them?”
“No. I wanted to run it by you first. Besides, this way, you get some time to yourself.”
“Whoa… since when do you care if I get a day off?”
“There’s no need to be an ass about it, Frerin. I thought they could use the change of scenery and you might like some free time.”
He sighed softly. She seemed sincere enough and in all honesty, a few free days would be welcomed. “Ask them. If they want to go, I don't have a problem with it.”
“Good. I was hoping you wouldn’t. Flynn said you have had a chance to ski at all yet.”
“Well, ski season’s only a month old, but no, we haven’t gone yet.”
She leaned back to peer through the window. “I should go. I’ll let you know what we’re doing in a day or two, okay?”
“Yeah. I’m off until Saturday night and on nights until the first.”
“You should get some rest, Frerin. You look exhausted.”
“I’m fine, but thanks.”
She moved to grip the door handle. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Toni.”
The door closed behind her and he moved to the window to watch Tim roll back out of the driveway. Then they were gone and he had the house to himself. As was the case every time the kids went to their mother’s, the silence was almost deafening, pressing in on him from all corners. 
He rubbed his hand along his beard, debating about whether or not to shave it off, decided against it, and then went upstairs to the master bedroom, where he stripped off his grey sweatpants and black tee shirt, tossed both into the hamper, and padded into the bathroom to get the shower going.
At ten to six, Elena pulled into the wide driveway of a dark gray Colonial with yellow trim and parked behind Frerin’s silver Infiniti. The bushes out front were aglow with multicolor strings of Christmas lights, and a large wreath dotted with small ornaments, holly leaves and berries, and a red velvet bow adorned the pale yellow front door.
Her heart beat faster as she reached for the paper bag on the passenger seat before climbing out of her car. Snow began falling about a half an hour earlier and the house itself looked like it belonged on a Christmas card. Every house in his neighborhood did as well and it was easy to see it was an upscale area. BMWs, Teslas (was she one of the only people who didn't give a damn about putting more money in Elon Musk’s pockets?) Lexuses, and Infinitis sat covered in a fine dusting of white powder and each house was like the one before her—more than she could ever hope to afford on a teacher’s salary.
She climbed up the front steps and pushed the buzzer, her heart hammering even harder against her ribs now as footsteps sounded just beyond the door. Then it swung open and Frerin smiled down at her, handsome as ever in jeans and black, long-sleeved t-shirt. “Merry Christmas, Elena,” he said as he opened the storm door and held it open for her. “Come in out of the cold.”
“Merry Christmas,” she replied, brushing by him to step into the foyer, where she tried not to stare. It wasn’t easy, as it was one of the biggest houses she’d ever been in. Across from the front door was a gracefully curved staircase, decorated with a lush green garland, and dotted with red velvet bows. To her left was a formal dining room, with what looked like an antique cherrywood table, chairs, and breakfront. China and crystal sat tucked behind the breakfront’s glass doors, and the table itself bore a festive red and green runner, and a wooden bowl filled with pine cones that were scented cinnamon, judging by the hint of cinnamon that hung in the air. 
The formal living room was to her right, with elegant-looking sofas of blue and white chintz, the coffee and end tables also cherrywood, with delicate curved legs. It as dark, but she saw a crystal bowl in the middle of the coffee table, also piled with pine cones.
The kitchen was straight head and slightly to the left and it appeared to be far warmer than than the living or dining rooms, spacious, with sage green walls, the furniture all maple and sturdy, with French doors behind the table and chairs that she assumed led to a deck of some sort.  
He closed the door. “Did you have any trouble finding me?”
“Not at all. My GPS is usually spot on. It’s a beautiful neighborhood.”
“It has its selling points. My neighbors are okay. Enough kids here to keep mine busy in the summer, but they tend to hang out here more than I’d like them to.” He shrugged. “I’ve thought about selling, but I don't want to uproot my kids if I don't have to just yet. Here, let me take your coat.”
He caught her wool coat by the lapels and as the backs of his thumbs brushed her, he leaned in and caught her lips in a soft kiss. Her coat slid over her shoulders, spilled to the floor with a muffled thump of heavy wool. She melted against him, the wine bottle thunking softly against her thigh. His lips moved gently against hers, parting, his tongue easing between her lips to caress hers as he slid an arm about her waist and drew her closer. 
She draped her free arm about his neck, threading her fingers up into the soft hair curling at the nape of his neck. He reached to take the bag from her, then reached back to set it on the table across from the front door, and brought that arm about her as well, sliding that hand down over her ass, cupping her cheek to pull her harder into him. Their bodies met, her breath hitching at the sudden, almost intimate contact, and when he gave a gentle thrust against her, a shiver rippled through her. 
His arms tightened about her, his kiss deepening further until her head spun from the fire, from the passion, that steadily grew hotter with each passing second. It swirled through her, sinful and sweet and in its wake, an ache unlike anything she’d ever felt took root. Her back bowed of its own, the firm pressure of his chest against her breasts a sweet caress that sent even more heat spiraling through her. 
Frerin lifted her easily and without thinking, she wrapped her legs about his waist, catching his sigh as he arched against her, tugging her tighter against him at the same time. Heat became fire, ribboning through her. She rocked against him, the sensual friction bringing a soft moan to her lips and a damp heat between her thighs. Her head spun wildly, her blood smoking through her veins, her heart racing with desire, with need.
He lowered her slowly, and smiled as he drew back, his, “I should get your coat off the floor and hang it up,” on the breathless side before he crouched to snag it up from the floor.
Elena tried to catch her breath, to calm her racing heart, and to will away the butterflies that battered her insides as he moved to the hall closet and pulled open the door. Her entire body tingled with desire, hummed with need, and part of her just wanted to jump on him right then and there.
He hung up the coat and turned back, tugging up his left shirtsleeve as he said, “Come in and let me get you a glass of something.”
“I brought wine.” She stretched to grab the bag on the table and slid the bottle of Pinot Noir from it. 
“Sounds good.” He took the bottle in one hand and caught hers in his free one. “I’ll give you the grand tour while it breathes a little.”
“Lead on.”
His fingers tightened about hers and he gave a gentle tug on her arm to draw her alongside him, leading her into the kitchen, where he slid his hand free and set the bottle on the granite island in the center of the room. “This, as you can probably see, is the kitchen.”
She smiled. “The oven sort of gave it away.”
“Yeah, it does that.” He moved to a drawer and tugged it open, then reached in and pulled out a Rabbit corkscrew. “I think we spend the bulk of our time here.”
“It’s gorgeous. I miss having a big kitchen.” She looked around at all of the space on the shiny black granite countertops, the double oven, the Viking built-in refrigerator. The cabinets were maple, with glass inserts in the doors, and along the top of them, stood three plates, each with a child’s crayon drawing and their name above it. Flynn. Maura. Jake. 
He popped the cork free and stretched to drop it into a wire bottle that was already filled two-thirds of the way with other corks, then crossed to the cabinet at the far end, near the wall-mounted landline, and took out two balloon glasses to set on the counter alongside the now-open wine bottle. 
She moved to the far doorway, where one step down led her into the family room. It was spacious, with a towering cathedral ceiling, but cozy at the same time. A ginormous flat-screen television had been mounted on the front wall, between the floor-to-ceiling windows, and across from it a comfortable-looking sectional sofa of dark brown microsuede. An enormous Douglas fir Christmas tree stood in the front corner, softly aglow with multicolored lights, and a fire crackled on the hearth in the stone fireplace on the far side of the room. 
“This is beautiful,” she murmured as she stepped down into the room alongside a wet bar with pub mirrors mounted on the wall behind the bar and alongside it. “Where did you find these?”
“My brother owns a bar, and every few years he renovates. Last go-round, I claimed a few.” He came up behind her, then slid back behind the bar. “What can I get you? It’s fully stocked.”
“I’m good, thanks.”
“You sure?”
“I am, thank you.” She smiled as she moved closer to the fireplace, where, on the mantle, were numerous photographs, all in silver frames. His kids, no doubt. Flynn and Maura were dead ringers for him, each one with dark hair and brilliant blue eyes. “Where does your youngest get his red hair from?”
“Toni’s side. She’s a redhead, and so are her mother and younger brother. Jake looks just like her when she was the same age.”
Her gaze fell on a photo of Frerin with a newborn in a hospital room. His hair was a lighter, almost honey-gold, and longer than it was now. He smiled up at the camera, looking every bit like a proud new father, with just a tiny bit of fear in his pale blue eyes. He looked so young, he had to be holding Flynn. “Is this your oldest?”
“Yeah.” He reached over to take the frame. “I was barely twenty years old when he was born. Just a kid, myself, really.”
“I’m still amazed you managed medical school with a baby.”
“Toni stayed home and took care of the kids, which made it easier for me. Her family has money, so they helped us out while I was still in medical school and  covered what my resident’s salary didn’t.”
“All three of them are gorgeous, you know.” She looked up at him. “And Alyssa’s told me Maura’s very popular.”
“Yeah, come summer, I’m up to my eyes in teenagers. It’s noisy.” He set the photo down and her eyes were drawn to the one behind it. Again, a younger Frerin with Thorin, the two of them trying their best to look intimidating, dressed in jeans and Metallica tee shirts, at the old Giants Stadium at the Meadowlands. Thorin was much darker in coloring than Frerin, his hair nearly black compared to Frerin’s, which was more of a golden brown when he was younger. But they had the same eyes—pale blue with hints of gray swirled through. 
“How old are you here?” 
He took the frame from her and let out a soft chuckle. “Seventeen, maybe? We went to see Metallica and Limp Bizkit, if you can believe it.”
“Metallica, I can believe.” She offered up a look. “But Limp Bizkit?”
“Yeah, they sucked, but Metallica didn't and they were why we were there.”
“I can see that,” she said with a smile, taking in the long hair and beards both Frerin and his brother sported in the picture. “Do you ever go clean shaven?”
“Yeah, usually come springtime I shave it off.” He rubbed along his jaw with one hand. “And then when the weather gets cool, I grow it back. It usually takes my kids a few days to figure out what’s different about dad.”
She gazed up at him. “I can’t picture you without the beard, but I imagine you turn a lot of heads, Dr. Durin.”
“Yeah, I don't know about that.” He set the photograph back and turned toward her. His eyes glittered in the glow of the fire. “I’m glad you’re here, you know. I’ve been looking forward to this.”
“Me, too. I was almost afraid you were going to have to work again,” she admitted softly, her heart speeding up as he curved his hands against her cheeks. 
“Nope. Dr. Durin is off duty until Saturday night.” His thumbs skimmed lightly along her cheekbones, his eyes held hers. And when he bent toward her once more, and their lips met, she let her hands come to rest on his hips. 
His lips moved teasingly against hers, and when she lightly traced along the perimeter of his lips, his breath hitched, which made her smile, and he responded by tangling his tongue with hers and drawing hers back into the welcoming heat of his mouth. 
Knots began twisting her insides, her arousal swift and sharp. Heat swirled through her, wove into those knots, tightened them further. The dull ache swept along the same path, urging her to press against him, to savor the solid feel of his body against hers.
His hands slid down from her face, along her neck. Down her arms. His thumbs danced along along the outer curves of her breasts, where he paused and slid them across, to where her nipples beaded through her satin bra cups.
She sucked in a sharp breath as he slid his thumbs over those taut beads and lighting flashes through her. With each lazy pass, the heat between her thighs worsened, bringing forth the silken dampness that tingled its way along her aching, aroused flesh. 
He caught the bottom of her sweater and slipped both hands beneath it and she held her breath as he grazed along her ribs and up to cup both breasts, where he gently kneaded them through the satin. 
Her head spun with the pleasure he sent rocketing through her, sweet and teasing as it swept along those knots that now dropped lower. She gripped the bottom of his tee shirt, tugged it up just enough to slip her hands beneath it and when she touched bare male skin, he exhaled hard into her mouth, his fingers tensing about her breasts, his thumbs teasing her bare nipples to the point where they were pebbled, all-too-sensitive peaks. 
Frerin slid his hands back down, caught the bottom of her sweater once more, and drew it up. She broke their kiss long enough to let him sweep it over her head, and then tugged him down to meet her lips once more. A moment later and her bra strap gave and he tugged the shoulder straps down off her shoulders, smiling as her bra hit the floor.
He cupped both breasts once more, teasing them with those playful thumbs, plucking at her nipples, rolling them, capturing each one of her moans, her sighs, as he did. Her entire body hummed with the need to have him, her hands moving of their own accord to first his belt, then the button on his Levi’s. The buckle rattled as she unbuckled it. The fly gave. She slid one hand in.
Frerin sucked in a sharp breath as she traced only her fingertips along the hot, sleek length of his cock. He rocked against her, a soft moan at his lips as she swept those fingertips down along his shaft, underneath it. She teased him with light strokes, around him, along him, into the soft, sensitive flesh just under the wide head. And with each pass, he rocked to meet her, tangled his tongue with hers, squeezed her breast tighter still.
She slid her forefinger through the bubble of fluid at his opening, let it coat her palm to make her next pass even more silken. He was thick and proud, and as she wrapped her fingers about him, and he thrust into her hand, the dampness between her legs increased. She could almost feel him inside her, her body clenching as if he was already there.
He broke the kiss as she traced her fingernails lightly along the underside of his shaft from base to tip, breathing, “Elena…” as he reached for the snap on her jeans.
His hand slid into them, into her heat, and her head spun wildly as his fingers slid through her arousal, along her clit, to her opening, where he thrust one inside her and teased her gently. She squeezed him, her hips moving of their own as he swirled that finger inside her, as he thrust it slowly in and eased it slowly out. Then, he shifted, and fire tore through her as he hit that magical sweet spot so many men couldn't find, never mind caress. 
Her fingers tightened about his cock, her fingernails sank into his shoulder, and she shuddered against him as he stroked her ever so sensually. Fire licked along her legs, licked between them, along her stomach and over her breasts, and she clung to him, her hand going still as he worked her so carefully into the most powerful orgasm she ever felt. It took root, the tingles ripping out from where he stroked her so sweetly, and her entire body tensed with the need to come. 
He swept back along that sweet spot, and with his thumb, did a slow, teasing pass over her now-aching clit.
She exploded.
“Frerin!” Her cry echoed around them as she pulsed around him, rocking to draw out the fiery pleasure as best she could. Her entire body tingled as if a live wire pressed against her, and she came a long gush that he drew out until she sank against him, breathless and too sensitive to be touched. 
He slipped his finger free, teased her clit with one more caress, and then whispered, “Lena…” cradling her against him as she clung to him, fighting to breathe, her body limp from the powerful rush of her climax.
He kissed her then, deep and slow, and as her head slowly cleared, she smiled up at him as he whispered, “You want to go upstairs, honey?”
“I would love to.”
He smiled. “Come on, then.”
He linked his fingers with hers, bringing her hand up to brush with a kiss, and at the top of that gracefully curved staircase, she tugged him to her, smiling as his arms slid about her and his lips found hers. He swept her up into his arms then, spiriting her the rest of the way down the hallway and into his bedroom. 
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