fiaxsouza · 4 months
Closed: @maverick-liu
Location: Sea Shanty Shack
"Cheers," she chuckled before taking a swig from her Corona. Another week in the books, and they were practically halfway through another year. It was truly surreal, but Fia was delighted by her progress. She had managed her clients above expectations, launched the jewelry line, and brought a nice closure to her relationship with Chase. Now, she was focused on herself and leveling up as much as she could. "Alright, high and low of the week...go!"
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renzunino · 7 days
Closed thread for Maverick Liu (@maverick-liu) at the beach party.
"Cheers, bitches! It's rather great being back with all of you," she grinned at the familiar faces from her junior and senior years of high school. These were the friends who had supported her as she started her singing career. It was strange in a way – Ren was pursuing her lifelong dream while many of them seemed to want simpler things. Of course, people only showed what they wanted to, but that was just life. "Mav, Mav, Mav... how are you, dear? I heard you're no longer working for Bradley. This may or may not be me trying to recruit you, but I'm just curious."
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Macaque: What the hell were you thinking?! MK: You told me not to think! Macaque: *internally* Oh shit, he's right.
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bradley-banner · 5 months
bradley 📲 maverick.
Bradley: I just got invited to Wimbledon. Bradley: Do you want a ticket? Can't promise which game you'll get, but if it's something that interests you I can get you something. Bradley: but can you book out the last half of the second week of that in my calendar, we'll be in London. Bradlay: and the Monaco grand prix, book out that weekend. Bradley: Elijah will be attending that too.
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noralevin · 6 months
nora 📲 mav
Nora: maverick i-don't-know-your-middle-name liu Nora: my brethren Nora: HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎈🎉❗ Nora: why haven't i heard about a total rager at your place. are you out of the country again?
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astridlius · 1 month
😍 + mav
"God, do I have to?
Kidding. Three things I love about Mav... okay first, I do find his spirals super annoying sometimes but they're also endearing. Like, this is a kid who became a vegan because our dad pointed at a cow once when we were kids and said "steak dinner." That's hilarious, but he also just cares. A lot. Maybe too much sometimes. But he cares.
I've always admired how self-motivated he is, too. Like, if I hadn't found this one thing I'm good at, I'd just be floating along. Probably still living with my parents — not that there's anything wrong with that itself, but I'd be doing it with zero idea how to become a real person. But he just makes stuff happen for himself in a way that I've never been able to, you know? I just got lucky, but Mav makes his own luck.
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And I don't know, he's just my best friend. Not gonna lie, that used to make me feel like a loser, because everyone around me always seemed like they just hated their siblings, but now I think it's kinda awesome of us. I've never, ever believed that Mav is anything but 100% on my side, and I know that not everyone can say that about their siblings. I'd do anything for him, and I know he'd do the same for me."
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firefighterrojas · 2 months
Angel: On a scale of 1-10
Angel: How much is the unemployed life killing you? @maverick-liu
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solaadisa · 8 months
closed @maverick-liu
location: neptune, for their blind date
Sola thanked the host quietly after being given her table number and the name of her blind date and headed deeper into the restaurant, a hand nervously rubbing her forearm as she made her way inside. Her hair long down her back, in a shiny orange number she'd splurged on after an exceptionally good month for the truck, she knew she looked good, but this — dates, dating — was never an exceptionally strong suit for her.
She came upon the table, double checking to make sure she'd gotten it right. "Maverick?" she asked the guy already there. "Hey, I'm Sola." Awkwardly, she held out a fist for him to bump, unsure what else to do. A handshake was too formal and a hug, though Sola was always down for those, seemed a little too familiar, and she thought she might die of embarrassment if she was stood in the middle of Neptune, holding her arms out, waiting for him to hug her. "I'm your, uh, blind date, I guess."
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atticuscortes · 1 month
how would you describe your muse's interior design style?
"I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with Shm-IKEA."
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"I have to say though, I feel like Mav and I deserve a little credit. The place isn't getting featured in Architectural Digest anytime soon or anything, but it's not some frat house horror show either. We've got a rug, there's candles in the bathrooms, I have more than one pillow on my bed and an actual comforter...it's pretty damn homey for two people who are almost never home. Well, I guess now for one person who's never home and Mav, who I think is starting to go a little stir crazy. Maybe I should hide the candles."
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tiger-6e · 2 years
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Summary of pictures I drew in January.
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maura-cortes · 7 months
where: valentine beach bonfire
with: @maverick-liu
Having been at the bonfire with Atticus for a while already, Maura had gotten just slightly buzzed from the drinks table — and the shared joint she'd had with other friends she'd found. Valentines was not her idea of fun this year, still recovering from her self-inflicted heartbreak, she'd almost hoped she'd find a distraction on the beach.
(a distraction that hadn't been going very well, other than the red cup she held loosely between her fingers.)
Having topped up her cup, she turns around from the drinks table, searching for Atticus in the crowd of people that linger. Yet her sight sets upon Maverick. A happy coincidence to find her cousins roommate as she bounces on over to greet him. "I thought you were too busy to do things like this." She remarks, given she rarely sees him at his shared apartment with Atticus.
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i'm finally watching AA! this is definitely one of the strongest interpretations of sima yi in media. he's played with this genuine charm and warmth without being naive and i really look forward to seeing where they take his character. the show takes a lot of notes from the 2010 version, like how Team Wei is portrayed in a much more heroic light. cao cao's actor was actually 2010 liu bei, and you can see that he's having way more fun in this role, he's got this maverick energy and he takes delight in being the smartest guy in the room. this against-type casting lends a lot of depth to his portrayal. he's still got some of that liu bei-nevolance with his big, puppy eyes, but is able to turn vicious in a heartbeat. fans of 2010 cao cao will really get a kick out of it. cao pi's character arc is set up really well, and I like the subtle ways he keeps getting shafted by his father for cao zhi and zhang. my only criticism so far is that it is once again, the overall tone of the show is too "modern" for my liking, from the overly-tailored clothes, to the gratuitous fight scenes. modern chinese tv is still kind of stuck in the early aughts in terms of taste and sensibility. like they don't trust the audience to sit through a suspenseful drama without loud! background! music! and slowmo wire-work kung fu.
i actually consider the strongest action scene to be the opening sequence where hua tuo is about to perform a c-section on zhang chunhua. the way he slowly and methodically washes his hands, boils his surgical instruments, ties a robe around his neck and arms to keep his hands steady, and pretends to ask chunhua a question to make sure she's really unconscious. these details ground the show in reality and raises the stakes. this woman is about to undergo extremely dangerous, painful, and primitive surgery, one which she may not survive. this suspenseful tone is immediately broken 2 eps later, when she and her handmaid do horseback parkour, apropos to nothing. it shows a lack of trust in the audience to understand that she is a Strong Female Character without an overwrought action sequence. this was already done in ep 1 and 2 (and better too!) we already saw the way she showed bravery by demanding the doctor perform surgery on her to save her child, directly overriding her husband's wishes. and later on, when she weaponises her perceived weakness as a woman (and social propriety) to force Cao Cao's men to stop searching her house (while she's still recovering from childbirth!). she is using her strength and intelligence within the confines of the role society has put her in! it shows her struggle and what she's up against!
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thewrenxharlow · 2 months
closed - @maverick-liu
where - asbury boardwalk
Wren had a free evening and had decided to watch the sunset on the beach, and while it'd been a good idea in the beginning, now she was annoyed with herself because she was walking the boardwalk in the somewhat-dark now without her mace (or her cat dagger keychain) and so when a guy tried talking her up she tried to just wave him off and telling him she wasn't interested-- but she had no luck, the aw, come on's making her grit her teeth because why were so many men such assholes.
So when she saw a guy up ahead in line at the frozen lemonade stand she headed over, hoping he wasn't an asshole too as she wrapped her arm around his middle, giving him a nudge so he'd look to her and hoping he'd get the hint to play along. "I told you to wait for me by the funnel cake stand. I can't take you anywhere, huh."
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narabea06 · 11 months
Jeff the Killer - Polyamorous, Pansexual, Genderqueer, any pronouns but prefers he/they Homicidal Liu - Polyamorous, Bisexual, Genderfluid, he/they/she Jane the Killer - Polyamorous, Moon lesbian, Nonbinary, they/she Nina the Killer - Polyamorous, Biromantic asexual, Transfem nonbinary, she/they/it/neon Mary Vaughn - Polyamorous, Sun lesbian, Trans woman, she/her Randy Baxter - Unlabeled man, he/him Keith Spikes - Gay, Demiboy, he/it Troy Maverick - Pansexual, Trans man, he/they Eyeless Jack - Polyamorous, Bisexual, Genderfluid, Intersex, any pronouns Lulu - Aroace, she/her Bloody Painter - Polyamorous, Omnisexual, Agender, any pronouns but prefers they/them Judge Angels - Polyamorous, Bisexual, Demigirl, she/they Nurse Ann - Aroace, she/her Dollmaker - Gay, Trans man, he/they/it/doll Killing Kate - Bisexual, she/they Kate the Chaser - Polyamorous, Omnisexual, Agender, he/she/they/shade/xe Toby Rogers - Polyamorous, Biromantic, Asexual, Bigender, he/they CR - Polyamorous, Bisexual, Trans man, he/him Lauren - Polyamorous, Pansexual, Demigirl, she/they Rouge - Demisexual, Agender, it/she Wilson the Basher - Bisexual, Trans man, he/it Chris the Revenant - Aroace, Transmasc nonbinary, she/they/it/bats X-Virus - Panromantic asexual, Trans man, he/they BEN Drowned - Aroace, Transfem, any pronouns Stripes - Ace lesbian, Agender, xe/she/it Clockwork - Polyamorous, Grayromantic demiromantic biromantic asexual, Bigender, any pronouns Puppeteer - Polyamorous, Bisexual, Transmasc demiboy, he/they Suicide Sadie - Polyamorous, Bisexual, Demigirl, she/they Vailly Evans - Polyamorous, Ace lesbian, Nonbinary, they/it/she Roadwalker - Polyamorous, Lesbian, she/her + neopronouns Zero - Polyamorous, Pansexual, Nonbinary, any pronouns but he/him The Ballerina - Bisexual, Trans woman, she/her Zachary the Proxy - Demisexual, Demiboy, he/they Lyra Rogers - Ace lesbian, Trans woman, she/her
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bradley-banner · 6 months
🗡️ DAGGER — what is something or someone you know you can't afford to lose? how far are you willing to go to make sure you don't lose it/them?
"Maverick, people don't talk about how much their personal assistants help their lives, but he has my whole schedule locked in, half the time he knows what I need before I do."
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"I'm pretty sure he has no intention to leave, I like to think I'm a pretty good boss, but if he did want to leave? He can leave. I don't mean that in a dismissive way, nor do I want him to leave. I just think that once he feels he's outgrown this role then he should find something that fulfils his life. Until then I hope he'd agree that we have a mutually beneficial employment."
( @maverick-liu )
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christinaxwagner · 5 months
closed - @maverick-liu
"I don't know about you," she murmurs, looking at the take out menus in front of them. "But I could devour an entire pizza all by myself." She laughs. "Does pizza sound good to you?"
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