#maximilian grill
movienized-com · 7 months
Dr. Nice
Dr. Nice (Serie 2023) #PatrickKalupa #JosefinePreuss #MaximilianGrill #BrigitteZeh #MajBorchardt #BrunoFApitz Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- Genre: Comedy / Drama Hauptrollen: Patrick Kalupa, Josefine Preuß, Maximilian Grill, Brigitte Zeh, Maj Borchardt, Bruno F. Apitz, Hedi Kriegeskotte, Idil Üner, Sogol Faghani, Philip Günsch, Ben Knobbe, Marc Zwinz, Hendrik von Bültzingslöwen, Martin Stange, Dena Abay, Franziska Traub … Serienbeschreibung: Dr. Moritz Neiss (Patrick Kalupa) gilt als absolute Koryphäe in der…
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican victory at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, during the Franco-Mexican War. The day is a minor, regional holiday in Mexico, being mainly celebrated in the state of Puebla where the city of Puebla is the capital. Military parades, speeches, and reenactments of the battle are held there. It is also celebrated in Veracruz and Mexico City, but in many other places of Mexico, May 5th is no different than any other day.
It is more widely celebrated in the United States, where it commemorates the battle, and celebrates Mexican culture and heritage. It is most celebrated in areas with large Mexican-American populations. The day began gaining popularity in the 1940s, during the beginnings of the Chicano movement. Mexican immigrants used the day to show their pride in their Mexican heritage. Awareness of the holiday was further raised in the 1960s by Chicano activists. Today it is celebrated by many in the country, regardless of their ethnic background. Parades, parties, and festivals are part of the day. These events usually include mariachi music, Mexican folk dancing, and traditional Mexican foods. The largest festivals in the country are held in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston.
Some have been critical of the day, saying it didn't have more widespread demographic appeal until it began being linked to Mexican alcoholic drinks. Some have also been critical of the day by saying it sometimes perpetuates negative stereotypes of Mexican people. The day has sometimes also been confused with Mexican Independence Day, which commemorates the call to arms against the Spanish, that took place on Sept 16, 1810. That day began being celebrated years before Cinco de Mayo.
The story of the Battle of Puebla deals with Mexico's war with France. In 1861, Benito Juárez became president of Mexico, at a time when the country was in trouble economically. They had defaulted on debts to France, Britain, and Spain, and those countries sent naval forces to Veracruz, Mexico, in an effort to retrieve their money. Britain and Spain worked out an agreement and withdrew. But France stayed, in an effort to seize back their money, and to create a French Empire in Mexican territory. France also wanted to limit the influence of the United States in the region. Although, during this time, the United States was preoccupied with the Civil War, giving France more of an opportunity to do as it pleased.
In late 1861, French forces landed at Veracruz and put Juárez and his government on the run. 6,000 French troops, under General Charles Latrille de Lorencez, planned an attack at Puebla de Los Ángeles, a town 80 miles southeast of Mexico City, and were optimistic about its outcome. Juárez was stationed just north of there and sent 2,000 (by some accounts 4,000) men to Puebla. Poorly supplied and outnumbered, they were led by General Ignacio Zaragoza. They fortified the town and got ready for French.
On May 5, 1862, the French attacked the town, and the battle lasted from morning until night. They lost between 500 to 1,000 soldiers, while Mexico lost less than 100. After the battle ended, the French retreated to the Gulf Coast. It was not a strategic win for Mexico but was a symbolic victory and morale booster. General Zaragoza died a few months later, and the town was renamed Puebla de Zaragoza. France's leader, Napoleon III, the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, installed Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian as emperor of Mexico in 1864. He was executed by Juárez's forces in 1867. France withdrew from Mexico the same year.
How to Observe
One way to celebrate the day is to eat traditional Mexican foods, or foods associated with Mexico, such as tacos, burritos, sopes, enchiladas, grilled corn, chips with salsa verde or guacamole, or mole poblano, which is an important food in Puebla. You could wash it all down with some margaritas. Mexican mariachi music or other Mexican music could be listened to, or you could do some Mexican folk dancing. Food, music, and dancing will likely be a part of any Cinco de Mayo festival or event, so it may be best to attend one! You could attend Los Angeles's Festival de Fiesta Broadway, the largest Cinco de Mayo event in the world (note: this Cinco de Mayo celebration is held in late April). Chicago and Houston are also known for large events. San Diego has various events, including a battle reenactment. The Cinco de Mayo festival in Chandler, Arizona, is known for its Chihuahua parades, races, and pageants. There are many smaller events taking place in cities and towns across the United States. Check to see what is taking place near where you live. In Puebla, there is a museum dedicated to the battle, and the battlefield is a park. A reenactment, replete with rifle and cannon shots, takes place in Puebla on the day, and it ends with a sword fight between the Mexican and French generals. No matter how you celebrate the day, make sure you are being culturally sensitive if you are not of Mexican or Mexican-American descent.
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j-preuss · 2 years
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In Hamburg und Umgebung entsteht derzeit für das ZDF eine Dramödie mit dem Arbeitstitel "Gäste zum Essen": Soraya (Neda Rahmanian) und André Faber (Matthias Koeberlin) machen sich Sorgen um ihre 15-jährige Tochter Mila (Hannah Schiller), die ihnen – vermutlich aufgrund des schlechten Einflusses ihres Freundes Leon (Paul Sundheim) – zu entgleiten droht. Kurz entschlossen laden sie Leons Eltern Viktor (Maximilian Grill) und Monika Popow (Josefine Preuss) in ihr großzügiges Architektenhaus zum Abendessen ein. Während die reichen Fabers noch über einen rücksichtsvollen Kleidungsstil im Understatement nachdenken, fahren Viktor und die Kassiererin Monika bereits aufgebrezelt auf dem Motorrad vor – in Kampfstimmung. Der Abend nimmt mit sich steigernder Dynamik und angesichts des pubertären Verhaltens der entfesselten Eltern einen unvorhersehbaren Verlauf. In weiteren Rollen sind Anja Antonowicz und Arne-Carlos Böttcher zu sehen. Carolin Otterbach inszeniert ihr eigenes Drehbuch. Es produziert Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion, Sabine Jaspers und Bernadette Schugg, Hamburg. Verena von Heereman ist die verantwortliche ZDF-Redakteurin.
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pattokarts · 3 years
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Every time I paint a portrait I’m like “This is so fun, I should do this more often!!” and then I don’t 🙃
At this point I can’t tell for sure whether or not I hit the likeness. Probaby not but whatever
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wolkenlichtblitz · 4 years
*talking about relationships*
Mick: ,,Meißner for example likes it familial."
Roland (Meißner): ,,You know what, this isn't really your business, Mr. Brisgau."
Mick: ,,I'm just saying. First my wife, then his (Andreas') mother. If that becomes a series, then Martin should hide his grandmother."
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pepimeinrad · 5 years
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Bettys Diagnose Staffel 2 Folge 1 - Flashback
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leagarland · 7 years
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Das sieht jetzt aus wie die Episode in der se endlich heiraten
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hubertundstaller · 7 years
Max hat zum Abschied ein Video geposted
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Schon etwas her, aber trotzdem cool!
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maxbradley · 4 years
Back Into the Fray
Quiet students filtered through the criss-crossed paths, heads bowed low, peering into parchment. Some read while others took notes. A couple of professors, one stout and one tall, indulged in Tchaikovsky within their noise-cancelling padding at the music appreciation booth. The only sounds were of that of the flipping of pages and the skritch-scratch of ballpoint pens and mechanical pencils, and the occasional click of the due date stamp and stapler. Underneath the high ceiling roof of the mundane conundrum, the college library was having one of its better days. A shady area housed three individuals, two hunched over their homework assignments upon the long desk while the other laid back in the cushioned armchair reading the latest issue of Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition. "Look, Bobby, you're just as behind on your work as I am—and you haven't missed a single class!" "Wassah?" The dog took a gloved hand and lowered his blue-tinted shades, as if he never knew. "Don't play dumb!" Max hissed, keeping his voice low enough to not disturb the study of others. PJ looked away from his notebook and nodded his head in agreement before speaking, "At this rate you might as well get kicked out." Bobby groaned and covered his face with the 2-page pin-up of a voluptuous lady clad in a polka dot bikini, "But it's so boring, Economics." "At least get the first five chapters and then we could hang out at the café— "Or go out to the club— The black dog let out a smirk, "That works too, but hurry it up—I'm starving!" "Fine!" The magazine lay on the cushion as the lazy boy rummaged through his pack to take out the crumpled packets. … "Oh man—Peej, did we have to get that book too?" "Yeah. Go look for it in the Reference Section and make some photocopies; here," handing Max a five-dollar bill. He was about to protest when his best friend raised a hand, "use it." "Thanks, Peej.." ***** Goof Boy sighed as he browsed through rows upon rows of dusty covers, trying to find that book assigned for the class to buy weeks earlier. He would have stuck around for those classes, if it hadn't been for that "little incident" in the locker room… "Just my luck," through grit teeth. It had been a month after they crashed together. All Max could remember before fainting from exhaustion was being laid out on the narrow wooden bench, feeling himself clothed by the man that nearly killed him. He was able to catch a glimpse of the crimson liquid as it flowed down the metal grill, but was too tired at the time to feel sick to his stomach— And his voice. So gentle— "Max." Too familiar. Breathing stopped for a millisecond before the boy wheeled around and glared into sapphire orbs. All of a sudden the dust in the air smelled of musk. Maximilian caught himself in the last second before shouting out an obscenity, biting his tongue down.
Never did Bradley realize that they were practically the same height. It was hard to look down on the naïve individual—this supposed "good kid" on campus. Already a tinge of envy flushed his cheeks, showing red. Max felt something catch in his dry throat. Both had to look away at a wall, shelf or something to distract from this awkward first encounter after that strange afternoon. Painful seconds went by before the white dog looked down in front of the kid and cleared his throat, "How've you been?" "Terrible." "You sure about that?" "Positive." Brad growled, "Can you stop answering in one-word sentences??" "No." Deadpan look. The jock furrowed his brows closer together and raised shaking fists before shutting his eyes, and taking a good, long breath. He swore he heard a chuckle from the other guy's throat, only augmenting his frustration, "Max." as the hot air escaped him, "I just want to know if you're doing better. That's all I need to know. If you don't want to talk, I understand! I'll leave you alone— "Then why the hell are you here?!" Louder hiss— "Actually, Max, I want to know, if… " Bradley trailed off on his words as a classmate of theirs strutted by, the girl's hips swaying—She wasn't alone. The dark-skinned chick was followed by a couple others, equally attractive. Max couldn't help but follow Brad's gaze, but was left in his spot as the senior caught up to the chatter and began to work his black magic. In a matter of minutes the students were giggling madly, blush attacking their cheeks. Bradley didn't even have to touch them. His gentlemanly demeanor made them putty in his hands, "Why don't you all come over to the Gamma House tomorrow night? We're holding your typical frat party. Bring some more of your friends along, won't you? You lovely ladies~" He slipped them his personal business card and both males stared after their departure. Brad turned around to catch Max leaning against the shelf, mouth hanging wide open in astonishment, "How--? You just—Heh??" loss for words, The guy laughed aloud—"Shh!" from the other side of the towering wall of books—"Jealous much??" Max just looked at him, dumbfounded… "May… be?" "Well, ha, don't be. You're not a chick, are you?" "I'm not a chick!" Max's face flared with pink when his stomach doubled over and growled. Lunchtime wasn't too far off. Grateful that the ice was broken, Bradley chuckled into his loose fist and got straight to his offer, "Do you want to hang out later, tonight?" Goof was taken aback by this brash approach; the pink went a couple of shades darker before he felt a twinge within the denim cover, throwing his cheeks into a red color. And still hungry. "I, gotta go." Max was about to run away before he groaned, "I couldn't find the book I was looking for dammit!" Holding up a slip of paper in his rival's face. A thumb and finger ripped it away from his grasp and before the boy knew it he had a weight thrown into his fumbling hands. Pages fluttered before the cover slammed the hard thin carpet. "You're welcome." The senior whirled around and left him there kneeling to pick up the required Economics text. When Max knew that the man had exited the scene, he began to pant wildly, quietly. His arms shook violently, and he did everything in his power to control the blood rush flowing through his being: A bead of sweat rolled down his damp forehead, and he wiped it off just as quick. So maybe he wasn't feeling oh so terrible, after all. "Max-a-million! Where'd you die off to??" The glove brushed through the black hair; the boy regained all sanity and smiled sheepishly at his friends, "Don't worry guys— It took forever to find this stupid book!" ***** "Do you want to 'hang out'?? What the hell… " Max echoed to himself and felt a chill go down his spine on this early September night. Homecoming wasn't too far off. "Whatever." Taking his gloves and rubbing his bare arms for warmth, slowly shifting his weight forward on the dark Frat Row street, sneakers kicking loose pieces of the cracked asphalt. The crunch of gravel was almost soothing as he attempted to filter his downright stupidity for even thinking to walk around these parts of the college town. Max Goof felt guilty for cutting his party with the guys short, telling them through the booming stereo and the strobe lights that he had, apparently, more homework to do. They won't be back at the dorm anytime soon. The house loomed over him in a black silhouette, the full moon glaring down on its peaked roof. Like some haunted mansion. He shuddered. The wooden planks creaked with each careful step. He held his breath as he faced the slab separating him from his living hell. The unsure hand curled onto itself. Max took a breath as if diving into a pool, shut his eyes and tightened the fist. Then, the weight came down. "Don't bother." The silence shattered. The boy almost cracked his neck to see a flash of red that disappeared within the orbs and darkened features of his predator, "So, you really want this, don't you?" A devilish smirk. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" The other hyperventilating. "Aren't you a little young to have that?" "Shut up!" A practical yell. Bradley burst laughing in good health, "If we were friends, I'd say you're the funniest one I've had!" What is wrong with this freak?! A manly pat on the back took on a firm grip, "Come on in~" The door opened with ease; practically open. Maximilian took this precious time to scan the whole house; they walked at a normal pace. He spotted a billiard table, an unlit fireplace and mantle, a mirror, their coat of arms. Everything was coated in thick shadows; no one seemed to be here. Eerie. The path separated into two hallways. The boy lost his sense of direction. Pretty soon the two went up a flight of grand stairs, scarlet and velvet and a shine of pale yellow in the moonlight, "Is this gold?" Gloves ran a finger on the railing as he whispered in awe. "Easily impressed—like a child, I see." The dog blushed in embarrassment, "I'm not a child." "Don't lie to me, kid—you might have gone nuts the last time but I can still see your innocent self," "What?" Max frowned, "I don't remember that." Bradley seemed a little confused himself, "Well, yeah, don't you—?" he coughed violently as if erasing over what he just said, "—Does your head still hurt, Max?" " . . . It's fine." A heavy silence hung over their heads when they reached the end of the bedroom hall, in front of dark double doors, etched with a plethora of carvings—symbols. Thousands of eyes stared the couple down from the thick wood. Columns on both sides of the door touched the ceiling, frilling out at the top in the form of wings—intricate, and overpowering. The largest eye radiated with the glitter of gold dust with elegance, a menace. Above everything . . . "This is…” - hating to sound feminine as the boy's eyes drank this work of art in, "beautiful." "Dangerous." Two strong hands pushed the barrier open. Bradley didn't even wait for the doors to close—Grabbing a rough hold around the boy's waist, the other hand thrust into Max's shirt and rubbed up, down his sides, back, chest— The nipples hardened through the black fur, "Bradley!— "You're mine." A deep growl—dark and sensual; Max jolted with ecstasy despite his mental protests, "stop—!" Already sweating, the jock removed his thick sweater and began to unbutton a crisp, super-thin work shirt with such fervor, "Take it off!—"What?!" "Off!" Going into the sophomore's neck and taking a forceful tongue to the shoulder blade, within— "Brad”—a playful bite, "Bradley!" he breathed. Panting wildly, Max saw bare fingers exposed when his personal enemy removed the glove. Ebony took the bottom of his pale red top and raised it up and over his head while the other, shirt open, began to suck mercilessly on his collarbone, letting his own hands run rampant across the boy's damp chest, down his abdomen.—"Oh!" growling on his own. Bradley grabbed his ass before raising his legs against the closed door and let his kisses travel wherever bare flesh resided; the deepest kiss within Max's navel—Calloused hands thrust onto the jock's head and pulled at his hair in tight fists pushing inward to his skull—All at once Max heard a crazed voice within him, Crush it. Before the command carried out, he let out a groan when something pressed against the bulge in his jeans—The young man bit through the rough material at something hard and quivering— "F—Fu—!" Max couldn't even finish his cursing—The man under him began to suck harder through the denim, "Moan." "Godda—"Do it!!" "No!" Max bit his lip and belted out a scream—"I said do it—kid!" "NO!" Bellowing and letting a fist slam onto Brad's head— The senior convulsed in rage and tore away from the wall, letting the kid take a hard fall on his rear end— "Ow! Brad, what the hell—!" Shoulders pinned against the wall, "Max. You wanna have a good time? You play nice. And I'll give you a good time." The boy glared at his contorted expression; throat scratched to gather up enough saliva to spit in the leader's face—"You play, breaking the rules, and I'll give you a rough screwover—You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Last couple of words a harsh whisper. Max paled and choked a bit on the mouth's acid as he swallowed it down. " . . . I don't. I-I'll, play”—hating himself for saying this—"nice." Brad removed the shirt completely, "Good." A sudden smile escaped his lips and the other shuddered—being carried up in fleshed strong arms like a woman to bed— A woman. Max's dignity shot to the ground—"Stop that! Let me go—Brad!!" Flailing arms fisting his chin trying to crush the jaw— "Dammit, Max!" Eyes wild—"You're not making this easy for either one of us!" "Well then I guess this is a good thing!" He spat. The jock grit his teeth madly and rather threw him into the sheets— Blood red, luxurious, silken sheets—"Max! You're such a bitch!" Yelling at his face, which reverted back to that deadpan look, "That makes two of us." Lip curled. The white dog leered over the other, who sat himself up to maintain equal eye level—Both glared into each other's pupils, one with damaged pride; the other with a latent wrath… Minutes trudged on in the muck of their hatred for each other… Yet, at the same time… "You're such a stubborn bitch." "Thank you." letting out a sigh. Bradley's eyelids closed halfway, taking a hand through his own hair, and then brushed though Max's, fingers smoothly running down that floppy ear. The fingers cupped his chin, gentle. Silent. Their frowns stayed in place; but then slowly loosened—relaxed, even.  As lips moved closer together Max had to look away, behind him, embarrassed. The lids of both males drooped filtering out any light, the dim light cast upon them in an ominous glow. Their world went black when tissue made contact, softly. Max didn't know why, but he felt almost safe in this isolation. He kissed back, holding on to Bradley's bottom lip— The jock felt a hot rush to his cheeks and tilted his head, twisting his neck to get past the muzzle and into the crevice… The enemies could not restrain themselves any longer—"Max!" The senior took a deep breath of oxygen and thrust his tongue within the boy's mouth, he doing the same—both faces flared with scarlet. The dog leaned forward, dragging Max up the bed—pressing his leg right on the crotch, bending it even more to rest upon the stomach. The boy let a hand rest within the sandy brown keratin, his own hair tousled, while the other rested at his side, leaving Uppercrust to do whatever he wished. The kiss ended. Max finally opened his eyes to a sane man, who was blushing all the while as the saliva gooped down his chin. He wiped it off and, breathing shallow, planted a small peck upon his compromised lover's forehead, beading with sweat. Tan fingers trailed down the boy's face, aching neck, breast and navel and upon the zipper—Max let out a shaky sigh as he heard the fabric being pried open, "Unbutton it for me." Goof Boy did just that. "Now mine… unzip. Slip 'em off as far as you can." If it hadn't been for the threat earlier, the black dog wouldn't have been so subservient. Bradley suddenly pulled the jeans down, underwear and all, peeled them off Max's ankles and feet and threw them off the king-sized mattress— "Hey!" Careful not to raise his voice as he saw himself exposed to his rival, who licked his lips hungrily. Pink burned the other dog's cheek, "Brad…" A long, thin finger stroked the length of the throbbing organ, down the sacs, and back up again, with the whole hand petting the tamed animal down, "Bradley." Biting his lip to suppress a moan. The stray appendages went lower, closing in to that familiar entrance—"please stop." A tiny whimper as Max dug his own fingers into the bed sheets, controlling an emerging aggravation. "I'm such a tease!" Giggling to himself, the young man finally took off his own pants and boxers. That last time, Max never bothered to check out his "friend's" package—Blushing madly, he had to look away and cough into a woven fist—Everything about his rival's body was arousing, perverted. Hanging around with PJ and Bobby for so long, he forgot what an ideal man looked like; to not have an ounce of fat in his anorexic gut. Brad could write an entire ode—an essay—on the boy's wide hips, at the same time sporting a lovely, slender waist and toned, strong legs. Had he not known any better, he would have thought that he was about to fuck a girl! He had to stop himself from coming at the very idea. The face he made the boy giggle, "pfft! Ha haha!”—delving into his dad's famous chuckle— Agh! "goddammit!" Sweat flew a mile's radius as he clamped his mouth shut! The senior got startled at first, then broke into a good humored smile, laughing at his new friend's blunder, "Cute!" "I'm not cute!" "You're sexy, then!" "What??" It took them a whole minute to calm themselves down. As they controlled their breathing Max had sat up and leaned his head onto Brad's shoulder. This surprised him; he expected a tight wound fist. Unsure of what to do next, an arm hesitantly raised itself, curling and uncurling fingers until they hovered over Max and rested on the side of the neck. "What now?" Goof Boy asked. The dominant nature of the young man returned. He twisted his neck in the direction of the voice and gave Max a kiss on the cheek, "Make a wish on the Morning Star… and close your eyes."
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izzyovercoffee · 5 years
Prompt number: 21. “Change is annoyingly difficult.” Fandom: The Outer Worlds Rating: T Warnings/Tags: spoilers abound for a companion quest Summary: Sometimes friendship means not letting a friend’s anger get the best of them and unmake everything they’ve worked towards. Notes: idk why I’m writing TOW fic but here I am. once again spoilers inside, as this is a brief re-writing of a conversation. and no I will not clarify what level of “friendship” is going on in here.
##. it’s all a big work in fucking progress
  He shoved forward on the winds of his absolute all-encompassing fury. 
“I’m going to beat you within an inch of your---” 
White hot and red-raged and all he could see was the worm who’s neck he meant to wring until it snapped, except a body blocked his way. Arm bent with her forearm against his collar, just shy of his adam’s apple, and hand gripped his shoulder to hold him in place.
He had a full head on her---she’d joked, just that morning, that the late thaw clipped her a few inches---but even in the difference of height she still managed to dig her heels in the mud and the dirt and hold him steady.
He still pushed, though. A halfhearted shove that went nowhere, but shook her hair free from its already-failing ties and brushed against his nose on the way down. He’d have tried again, if he didn’t cut his anger on the edge in her eyes and came away bleeding, inside. 
The contempt still sneered his face ugly. 
“Max,” she said, neutral, and steady. Not Vicar. Not Maximilian. Just Max. 
“Fine,” he said, and gave under her push to step back. 
“It, uh…” the idiot spoke, “It looks like you two have some things to---”
“Not so fast, motherfucker,” Alyx said, and reared down on the shitstain so fast it looked as if it made the bastard’s head spin. 
It helped Max’s anger. Marginally. 
And as Alyx grilled him, he felt his anger dissolve---then dissipate. His knuckles ached where he clenched his fists too tight for too long. His head spun, coming off of the adrenaline rush on seeing Reggie. 
Oh Law, he thought. I want to kill this man. 
And instead of self-satisfaction and the heat of a moment before, as he watched Alyx bear down with sharp words and sharper threats Max knew she had no intention on following through, he felt the grief of this fucking pointless quest cut him at his knees---as the brook they waded through to get here had done.  
  Down the brook, beyond the ears of anyone who could hear, he pulled her aside. She seemed reluctant to stop, but with the crisp, clean water of the brook they navigated rushing over their feet and between their legs, lapping at nearly knee height, travel was slow going.
Of course, Nyoka took one look at his face, and left. “I’ll be at the bar,” she said. 
As if they wouldn’t have guessed where to look for her. 
He looked back to Alyx.
“Captain, I wanted to thank---” 
“You gonna tell me why you lied?” she interrupted, the anger she hid before now writ clear across her face. “I do something seem untrustworthy? Or you just using me?” 
“I, no…” He hesitated. 
“Just using me, then,” she said, seizing on the silence. “Thought we had some good conversations. Thought we could be friends.”
“We are---”
“I’m just a taxi to you?” she asked, ignoring him. “Someone to ferry you around, enforcer for the vicar---” 
“I was blinded,” he snapped. “Obsessed. My life had no meaning---”
“We’re all trapped in the prisons of our own making, Max! It’s all meaningless!” She shoved a finger at his chest. “But I’m trying to help you find the key and let you out. Can’t do that if you lie to me.” 
He swallowed down whatever retort he wanted to fling back on impulse. Looked down at his chest, where she held him pinned to the rockwall behind him with a single point.
“You’re right,” he said. “I owe you an apology.”
He said it, and he meant it.
“I’ve been so obsessed, for so long… I couldn’t see anything else.”  
She didn’t withdraw, though the anger that creased at the corner of her eyes faded. The lines that marked her age---or maybe marked the long term effects of cryo, he couldn’t be sure---still stood out in stark contrast under the cool light of morning filtering in. The patterns of vitiligo that painted her cheekbones, her brows, her face, caught his eye and he fought not to stare. 
“And you used me to get to Chaney,” she said. 
“You owe me nothing, Alyx,” he said. “But I…” 
“But what, vicar?” She said it like a curse, and maybe he deserved that. 
He reached up and covered her hand with his.
“I’m begging your forgiveness,” he said. “I promise. I’ll be nothing but truthful, from this point forward.” 
Her eyes flickered down, to the hand over hers, and back to his. 
“We all get obsessed.” Her voice trembled. “And we all feel the need to lie, from time to time.”
She jerked her hand out of his grip. 
“But I thought we were building something here.” She took a step back, and what he thought had been anger, he started to suspect was something else. “You can stay on the crew, but don’t fucking lie to me again.” 
“I’ll see you on the ship, Max.” She turned so abruptly, she sent water flying in every direction. “Don’t follow me.”
He watched her go. 
Damn it, he thought. Law damn it all. 
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filmola-de · 6 years
Der letzte Bulle kommt ins Kino
Der letzte Bulle kommt ins Kino
Der letzte Bulle – der Film Mick Brisgau kommt auf die große Leinwand
Das Casting für den Kinofilm “Der letzte Bulle” läuft auf Hochtouren und für die Rolle des jungen Mick Brisgau gab es bis zum 1. September auch ein öffentliches Casting, um einen Darsteller für den jungen 20-jährigen Mick zu finden. (more…)
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican victory at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, during the Franco-Mexican War. The day is a minor, regional holiday in Mexico, being mainly celebrated in the state of Puebla where the city of Puebla is the capital. Military parades, speeches, and reenactments of the battle are held there. It is also celebrated in Veracruz and Mexico City, but in many other places of Mexico, May 5th is no different than any other day.
It is more widely celebrated in the United States, where it commemorates the battle, and celebrates Mexican culture and heritage. It is most celebrated in areas with large Mexican-American populations. The day began gaining popularity in the 1940s, during the beginnings of the Chicano movement. Mexican immigrants used the day to show their pride in their Mexican heritage. Awareness of the holiday was further raised in the 1960s by Chicano activists. Today it is celebrated by many in the country, regardless of their ethnic background. Parades, parties, and festivals are part of the day. These events usually include mariachi music, Mexican folk dancing, and traditional Mexican foods. The largest festivals in the country are held in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston.
Some have been critical of the day, saying it didn’t have more widespread demographic appeal until it began being linked to Mexican alcoholic drinks. Some have also been critical of the day by saying it sometimes perpetuates negative stereotypes of Mexican people. The day has sometimes also been confused with Mexican Independence Day, which commemorates the call to arms against the Spanish, that took place on Sept 16, 1810. That day began being celebrated years before Cinco de Mayo.
The story of the Battle of Puebla deals with Mexico’s war with France. In 1861, Benito Juárez became president of Mexico, at a time when the country was in trouble economically. They had defaulted on debts to France, Britain, and Spain, and those countries sent naval forces to Veracruz, Mexico, in an effort to retrieve their money. Britain and Spain worked out an agreement and withdrew. But France stayed, in an effort to seize back their money, and to create a French Empire in Mexican territory. France also wanted to limit the influence of the United States in the region. Although, during this time, the United States was preoccupied with the Civil War, giving France more of an opportunity to do as it pleased.
In late 1861, French forces landed at Veracruz and put Juárez and his government on the run. 6,000 French troops, under General Charles Latrille de Lorencez, planned an attack at Puebla de Los Ángeles, a town 80 miles southeast of Mexico City, and were optimistic about its outcome. Juárez was stationed just north of there and sent 2,000 (by some accounts 4,000) men to Puebla. Poorly supplied and outnumbered, they were led by General Ignacio Zaragoza. They fortified the town and got ready for French.
On May 5, 1862, the French attacked the town, and the battle lasted from morning until night. They lost between 500 to 1,000 soldiers, while Mexico lost less than 100. After the battle ended, the French retreated to the Gulf Coast. It was not a strategic win for Mexico but was a symbolic victory and morale booster. General Zaragoza died a few months later, and the town was renamed Puebla de Zaragoza. France’s leader, Napoleon III, the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, installed Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian as emperor of Mexico in 1864. He was executed by Juárez’s forces in 1867. France withdrew from Mexico the same year.
How to Observe
One way to celebrate the day is to eat traditional Mexican foods, or foods associated with Mexico, such as tacos, burritos, sopes, enchiladas, grilled corn, chips with salsa verde or guacamole, or mole poblano, which is an important food in Puebla. You could wash it all down with some margaritas. Mexican mariachi music or other Mexican music could be listened to, or you could do some Mexican folk dancing. Food, music, and dancing will likely be a part of any Cinco de Mayo festival or event, so it may be best to attend one! You could attend Los Angeles’s Festival de Fiesta Broadway, the largest Cinco de Mayo event in the world (note: this Cinco de Mayo celebration is held in late April). Chicago and Houston are also known for large events. San Diego has various events, including a battle reenactment. The Cinco de Mayo festival in Chandler, Arizona, is known for its Chihuahua parades, races, and pageants. There are many smaller events taking place in cities and towns across the United States. Check to see what is taking place near where you live. In Puebla, there is a museum dedicated to the battle, and the battlefield is a park. A reenactment, replete with rifle and cannon shots, takes place in Puebla on the day, and it ends with a sword fight between the Mexican and French generals. No matter how you celebrate the day, make sure you are being culturally sensitive if you are not of Mexican or Mexican-American descent.
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
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This is the first pair of Triplet muses that I made at pretty much the beginning of my roleplay days, years ago. That’s Maximilian holding my newest muse, Amias. The Two at his side are Athena and...-Looks at smeared word on the palm of my hand- Ahfilhg;lshgs/ldg
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Here is Jonah with his song, Ala'Star, moments from getting pregnant with baby's he will never have because fuck Jonah, he had his chance and he blew it all away. lol. So he's just going to have to stay that way till the triplets move out ( I remove them from the family) later XD
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Here is Micah chatting with Luca and Wren while pregnant with Ashes and Dusty (Oh Mah gawd, Mpreg, the terror. The abomination! lol).  I have no idea what the hell they are chatting about. But Willow is out of shot dancing her little butt off to the music. After Micah taught her how to dance, that can't have gone well at all.
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Here we have Luca and Micah just, chilling. I don’t know Luca is looking at Micah like “ Glitter Daddy, Why have you done this?” but he looks so sad and Micah has only just gotten their, so I assume it’s Jonah’s fault.
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And here they both are, just standing out in a thunderstorm, you know, as my sims tend to do it seems. Both are pregnant and miserable, like the freaking idiot weirdos they are. They must have pissed off some witches that live in a town or two over from them.
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And here, we have evidence of Micah being a good dad and fixing the toy house that Luca was bawling his eyes out over after either him or Jonah broke it while they were pregnant. Micah blames Jonah. XD
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And for our new muses, Alwyn and Ailis, this is them in their temporary home, an empty lot in the middle of fuck all no where. Ailis is VERY excited. I guess because of the wilderness. Alwyn is very chill about it. Also, for authenticity, they are only just meeting FOR THE FIRST TIME in their lives. I guess she could also be happy for having met Alwyn because he’s ‘cool’.
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The moment when the Elf is screaming about “ MAKE ME A DARNASSUS FROM WORLD OF WARCRAFT!” and her Husband is all “ As you wish, Babey.” And then goes to do that.
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Here’s Alwyn being Sad because Ailis was mean to him after they moved into their new farm/home underground.
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And this is their first kiss, a moment later Ailis would dip Alwyn and kiss him the same way, lol. Also I destroyed Darnassus and decided to make them a new house because that was way too much walking.
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Alwyn professing his undying love for Ailis, as young men seem to do, I suppose. ehehehe.
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And this is Keon Masters, The Witch King, with his Wife, who was just electrocuted outside moments earlier, by a lightning bolt. I missed it. I FUCKING MISSED IT because I was doing something else with the other witches. Also they are about to go fuck. I guess lightning gets their gears going.
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Here we can watch Charles and Raife eating spoiled foot like a bunch of idiots despite ONE OF THEM actually being a Genius as decreed by Sims Random Traits, CHARLES.  They didn’t get sick, if I am correct.... Oh that Butt belongs to Keons wife, if anyone didn’t notice from the picture above this one. She’s also cleaned up and done had her sex with Keon.
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This, this is Charles and his Wife meeting for the first time and HIM, while I was playing her, proposing they just you know, FUCK despite knowing each other for two seconds. They must be soulmates because that was quick as fuck.
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Not that anyone cares, but Jace was randomly walking outside the Witch Village where all the Withes currently are. Just wanted to tag @vitrexanima in case she found this fact interesting. Since he’s not in the asylum with the rest of his friends. Like the freaks who think they are angels(Xander/Wormwood) or demons(Killian) and stuff. lol
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Now, back to the Witches, here’s there first kiss, they kiss after a fuck, interesting fact to know about witches, lol.
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Here we are some time later, much later, after a couple of days and Charle’s wife is pregnant and hanging out at Ashlyn’s place, there’s Calypso in the background going right for Charles’ daughter, Whitley.
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And her we have Calypso, being excluded from the meal of Grilled Cheese with Charles Wife (Whose name is Cressinda by the way) And his daughter, Ashlynm sit DOWN!
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And here we have Charles’ oldest Daughter, who has a twin brother, sipping some water and wearing a stupid fucking face mask on an otherwise ‘okay’ outfit.
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mojavejourneys · 6 years
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Character Roster -- Angel Stark
(Original character sheet template by @madddraws)
Name: Angel In-jung Stark
Nickname: Angel. He doesn’t use his Korean name as often but he keeps it out of the love of his own heritage.
Age: 53
Birthday: 20th April 2049
Height: 5′9″ (175.26cm)
Eyes: Very pale blue and misted. Can appear reddish under the right light due to his albinism.
Hair: White and shoulder length. Has absolutely no melanin in his hair at all.
Body type: Somewhat muscular although slightly on the fat side around his belly. Very pale skin with very little pigment.
Status Pre-War: Cryptid hunter in West Virginia, also did repair work on motorcycles as a day job.
Status Currently: Still a cryptid hunter, but a lot more freelance in what he does. Now runs a bar in the Whitespring, the Whitespring Saloon.
Relationship Status: Married to Elias Tompson.
Spouse(s)/Partners: Elias is his husband but he’ll also say Mothman too (Polyamory babey)
Sexuality: Bi with a preference for men.
Gender: Cis male
Julian ‘Ju-yun’ Stark (older brother) -- Angel had a good relationship with Julian even though Julian was very much a skeptic when it came to cryptids. He always made sure to visit Julian in Boston a few times after moving to West Virginia.
Maximilian “Maxie” Ji-yeong Stark (nephew) -- Angel had moved to West Virginia three years prior to his nephew’s fateful accident. But he always did make time to visit, and the two would often talk about cryptids and motorcycles. Angel enjoyed sharing his travels to find Mothman with Maxie.
2nd October 2077 was the last time he saw either of them before they were sent to the Vaults. Angel does hope that they both made it out alive.
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: Angel has Type OCA1b albinism, meaning he produces very little melanin. Because of his albinism, he has poor eyesight and is somewhat blind in his right eye. He has nystagmus (involuntary eye movements that reduce vision) and photosensitivity (light sensitivity).
During his time in the wasteland he has developed back and shoulder problems so he does need to rest rather frequently.
Allergies: Sunlight. He burns up far too easily.
Scars: One across his left cheek from where a particularly enraged Scorched sliced him with a hatchet. A few scars on his chest from where he was attacked by the Scorchbeast Queen.
Physical Traits: Has fewer wrinkles than one might expect for his age. Tired-looking eyes, a bit pudgy in places. Angular features. Neatly trimmed moustache and beard.
Voice: Definitely has a West Virginia accent, slightly southern with a fairly strong Korean inflection.
Clothing: Anything that covers his skin up during the day. Sometimes wears dresses but only at times where there’s less sunlight.
Weapon of Choice: A shotgun.
Skills: Incredibly strong and rather fit for his age, is good with various weapons and a dab hand at repairs, lockpicking and tinkering with machinery. Also a goldmine of info on the cryptids of West Virginia.
Weaknesses: Very sensitive to sunlight, can’t aim guns for shit due to his poor eyesight (so because of his he relies on the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System), can be distracted by mentioning cryptids to him. Not a good leader.
Affiliations: Technically General of the Enclave but doesn’t want to work with them due to differences in ideals. Also a Brotherhood Initiate but also doesn’t ally with them, mostly tolerates them.
Enemies: He has yet to make any real enemies as such. At least enemies out of anything that has a choice in the matter.
Likes: MOTHMAN! Cryptids in general. Motorcycles. Nuka-Cola. Meeting new people. Cats. Making friends. Sugar Bombs. Modifying melee weapons. Modding shotguns.
Dislikes: Having to cover up in the sun. His own shitty eyesight. Eating radroach meat. Having to shoot a rifle when VATS won’t get a lock. People who dismiss the existence of cryptids.
Hates: Scorched. Raiders. Haywire Mr Farmhands. Bullies. Unfriendly types. Thieves. Feral ghouls. The horrible feeling of contracting Sludge Lung. Swamp itch.
Friends: Elias, a fellow cryptid hunter ( @redrocketwarrior‘s OC). Wants to make more.
Personality: Very chilled and laid back, but can be serious when he needs to be. Can be a little erratic and prone to mood swings. Loyal and looks out for his friends.
Favourite colour: Orange.
Favourite foods: Grilled Brahmin steak, corn soup, mutfruit stew.
Favourite drinks: Nuka-Cola (especially Quantum), whiskey, vintage Nukashine, his own soot flower tea recipe.
Favourite sweets: Sugar Bombs, gum drops
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pepimeinrad · 5 years
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Bettys Diagnose Staffel 1 - Outtake
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