#may do a post of prides in Wales soon
queerwelsh · 1 year
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Queer Iftar tonight in the Queer Emporium, Cardiff!
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myhistoryobsession · 3 years
happy pride!! who are your top 5 most interesting lgbt people from history? and go!
Hi anon,
Happy Pride Month to you too!! That's a great question. Before I answer that, I want to make a few things clear.
First, it's important that we don't try to impose modern labels on historical figures, especially when looking at something like sexuality. I have definitely been guilty of that in the past (as evident in most of my earlier posts here). While it's not exactly wrong to use modern terms for historical figures, it's important that everyone understands that the terms come with a grain of salt - there's always a little wiggle room!
This brings me to my second point - all of these people and their sexualities are 100% open to interpretation. I know there's the old joke of historians going, "they seem to be really good friends" and "oh my god, they were roommates," and while it's okay to laugh and make those jokes, it's not always done out of homophobia. How humans connect and relate to each other has changed over the centuries and varies from culture to culture. Something we consider today to be very intimate and sexual may in the past only be soft expressions of friendship. So you - or anyone - may delve deeper into a person, review the evidence, and draw your own conclusions. It's always good when studying history to do your own research, engage with the historiography, review the evidence yourself, then come up with your own argument!
That being said, here are 5 lgbt+ figures I find super interesting:
1. Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum - Ancient Egyptian same-sex lovers
Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum were royal overseers to Pharaoh Nyuserre Ini. They share a tomb with numerous depictions of them engaging in intimate acts, such as touching noses, hugging, and holding hands. Early archeologists believed the two men might have been conjoined twins, but most Egyptologists now believe the two men were married, or at least publicly same-sex lovers. While they each had wives and children, the fact that their families allowed the two men to share a tomb - itself an extremely intimate act - may display familial, if not social, acceptance of their relationship. They may be the first same-sex couple in recorded history.
2. Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America
In his early years in Springfield, Illinois, Lincoln shared a room and bed with Joshua Fry Speed. While bedsharing was common then - beds were expensive - the longevity of their relationship raises some eyebrows: they lived together for nearly three years. Lincoln later became engaged to Mary Todd in 1839. Shortly afterward, Speed left Springfield, which sent Lincoln into a depression that culminated in him ending his engagement with Todd. Later, Lincoln and Todd reconciled and married in 1842 and had several children together. However, some historians maintain that Lincoln was bisexual, or perhaps asexual, citing his relationship with Speed and several comments made by friends and family members that described his lack of sexual interest in women.
3. The Public Universal Friend, an early-American preacher
Born Jemima Wilkinson in 1752 Rhode Island to Quaker parents, they publicly identified as female and used she/her pronouns for most of their early life. In 1776, they suffered a severe illness (probably typhus) wherein doctors believed them near death. However, the fever broke, and, after waking up, they claimed that Jemima Wilkinson had died of the fever and that God had transformed them into the Public Univeral Friend, a genderless person. Friend stopped using their birth name, adopted they/them pronouns, and dressed androgynously. They preached in the Northeastern United States, rejecting predestination, promoting free will, calling an end to slavery, and supported sexual abstinence. They formed the Society of Universal Friends, which accepted men, women, Black people, and Native Americans. Friend died in 1819 at 66, and today is a significant figure in American Christian evangelism, and lgbt+ history.
4. Mary Jones/Peter Sewally, a gender-nonconforming 19th Century New York Black person
Born Peter Sewally in 1803, they used both names throughout their life. During the day, they wore male clothing and went by Peter. By night, they would dress as a woman and go by the name Mary Jones. Under that name and in that persona, they prostituted themselves to men to steal their money. Police arrested them on 11 June 1836 for larceny, and they appeared in court as Mary Jones several days later. Courts found them guilty, and they later went to prison. Afterward, they adopted Mary Jones as their primary name and openly lived as a woman. They faced several more criminal charges for soliciting sex and stealing money from customers. Today, they are remembered as one of New York City's first Black gender-nonconforming people.
5. Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, grandson of Queen Victoria, in line to inherit the British Throne
Albert Victor was the eldest son of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, and Alexandra of Denmark. He was second in line to inherit the British throne from his grandmother, Queen Victoria, after his father. Today, Albert Victor is best remembered for his involvement in the 1889 Cleveland Street scandal, wherein police raided a male brothel and arrested the clients and workers, homosexuality being illegal in Britain at the time. Several high-ranking people close to the royal family were implicated. Soon, rumors emerged that Albert Victor was a regular patron at the brothel and that the police and royal family covered it up. Although no charges were ever brought forth and no definitive evidence produced, the rumors persisted for the rest of his life. Several surviving letters indicate that Albert Victor developed romantic feelings for women, which lead some historians to conclude that the prince was bisexual.
While there are many other people worth mentioning, those are 5 that I find particularly interesting! Hope that answers your question, and thanks for the ask! Happy pride!
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sporadic-writer · 4 years
Welcome to the Neighborhood pt. 2
Note: ok so I know that not all of the boys, meaning both twins, live with the others. And I know my update schedule sucks but I go in a block and funk. Sorry guys. I just want you to read something I would read and truly enjoy. Also, I think I may make this a Haz fic bc ones about hin deserves more love and notes.
No one really reads these but I also think I'll write this for Harrison bc when Tom posted the pic of Nadia, it shattered the illusion in my head lol and it feels weird to a certain extent to write when he is most likely dating her. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for him and he doesn't know I exist, but it feels odd idk. So im pausing on Tom stuff atm lol. Harrison is single as far as publicly that ik so thats that 😅
Pairing: Harrison x Reader (most likely)
Warnings: mentions of weed, alcohol, and swearing. I enjoy all these things responsibly and ik im not the only one. As always stop reading if you dont like something.
Part 1 here initial teaser here (got around 100 notes soo 😎 check that out)
���Alrighty boys. That’s enough about me, tell me about yourselves. I only know this one from the big screen and that 2 of you are brothers.” You gestured to Tom as you spoke about him. “And from basic eavesdropping I gather you are all very close.” 
Tom smiled, “Actually I’m a brother to the twins, older obviously.” It was fun having a celeb lounging in your hot tub, drinking a beer with you. “But yeah I am an actor, Spider-Man as you probably know. Harrison’s an actor too!”
“Oh my god you are! I watched Catch-22 on Hulu! Comedy my ass..! I balled my eyes out several times.” He had the nerve to laugh in response. “Don’t laugh! That shit got intense quick. Then the shot where you all are swimming? Killed me. I don't know how I didn't notice you. Sorry!”
“Did you at least like it?” He smiled and asked hopefully. When you nodded yes he beamed! “Well then that’s all that matters. I will say an American accent is hard.”
You brought your beer up to your lips. “Yeah because your guys’ accent is so easy. You make fun of how different areas in America have different accents but it’s the same here!” They nodded in agreement at your words. You leaned your head back a tad and enjoyed the warm water. “Southern accents have different twangs bepending on the area, I have family that lives closer to New England, that's something all in its own. Just like here. You got London, Wales, some place called Essex and other places more north of here. It's not just the US." You reached over for your joint to finish it amongst the bubbles. "Now for real. Tell me about yourselves. Harrison you start I guess."
"Why me?"
"Shorter wikipedia page." You smirk as you re-lit your herb. The guys laughed and made 'ooh' noises to tease. "I'm kidding! Relax a touch. I just picked your name because you are right in front of me."
"Well I've known this lot since we were all kids. Tom and I went to school together and we have been stuck with each other since. I was his personal assistant for a while too." You listened as he spoke. Sweat was building up on his face from the hot tub. It added a nice shine to his, and everyone's faces. In order to avoid makeup running everywhere you sat up as you listened to him. You watched his eyes watch your movements as you took a hit and slowly exhaled. Almost like he was relaxing from watching someone relax from getting high without actually doing so. He kept going and you realized you zoned out a tad. "And then I wanted to do more than just model so I did more auditions and Catch-22 became my biggest so far."
You nodded, noting you heard and were listening. "That's cool and all but tell me like favorite song, movie, animal! Hahaha it isn't everyday famous people are in my hot tub. I'm going to savor this first encounter!" He smiled and answered your sort of questions. You offered the joint around before it finished. Tom passed, Tuwaine and Harrison took quick hits though. "But yeah that is me. Now someone else go so I don't have the spot light on me anymore." He looked at you as he said that and handed you the last bit. You winked in thanks, and to flirt lightly. (Shoot your shot right?) "Same questions to you love."
You responded your favorite song, movie, and color to him. "Yeah I like a bit of everything. But funny movies are my favorite. Obviously I like Marvel too Tom don't worry. Same goes for music but my preference ranges from new pop to older rock. I grew up on 80s alternative pop stuff." You smiled at him and he beamed in pride at the brand he represented. "Ok Sam you now."
Sam starts talking about his life and Harrison goes to grab more drinks. At this point the sun as almost finished setting and you tell the blonde how to turn the deck lights on. Soon the rows of edison bulbs flick on and a lovely mood is set. The glow isn't too bright and adds a nice light to your summer tanned skin. What you don't know is that the gentlemen appreciated the glow as well. However, they are too polite to say anything too bold after just meeting you.
If you could read minds or be sober enough to detect a certain lack of subtlety you would pick up on how the single men checked you out as you got out of the tub to get rid of the roach. Polite of course, 20 something men are going to appreciate a beautiful American girl right in front of them.
And if they could read your mind they would hear how you were taking in Tom and Harrison's jaw lines and toned muscles. How you appreciated Tuwaine's smile and height. Then add the twin's curls and freckles to the list and they'd think you were picking them like boys from a catalogue. Despite the slight oggling on your part, your eyes always wandered back to the blonde hair blue eyed boy the most. He seemed a little more laid back then Tom. Probably just because one was working more than the other, but that was just initial vibes you got. Regardless of vain appearance choices and vibe preference, all these boys were wonderful and you were just lucky enough your uncle's hot tub fit them all nicely.
Tuwaine smiled cheekily and spoke up. "Alright, we all have fresh drinks and proper buzzes. Let's make it fun and play a game. So Y/N, you went to college in the states, give us a classic drinking game and show us what you got."
"Ha! I don't know what you're looking for but I assume never have I ever is universal? You can't play kings or flip cup in a hit tub. Hold up 5 fingers, put them down if you've done said thing, drink as well."
"No fingers, just play till we are right pissed." Harry grinned and everyone else went along with it. "I will start. Never have I ever- wait this a normal game or sexy version?"
You said you didn't care and Tom said what the hell, so he continued. "Never have I ever gotten walked in on during a scandelous activity." Tom and Harrison both drank and groaned saying they have both walked in on each other at some point in life. Tuwaine continued.
"Never have I ever fooled around while someone else is in the room." There was a pause and no one drank. But then you rose your beer to your lips and they all looked at you in a manner of surprise and demand for explination.
Shrugging you said, "Old drunken hookup in school. We didn't know his roommate was in his top bunk asleep until it was too late. The mistake we made was keeping on going when we thought we heard him, because we did..."
"Wow Y/N. Learning a lot about the neighbor girl right away!"
"Shut up this game was your idea!" You laughed as you spoke in response to his teasing. "But whatever it's my turn now anyway. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person." That got all but Harrison and you felt proud for getting them. "Alright so you are either morons or were in a rush to send that sext."
Tom defended himself saying her name was Sam and it was instant regret the second he realized.
Sam glared at him and said, "Yeah no one enjoyed that bro. I'm still shaken up about it."
"Get over yourself it was like 5 years ago! And you accidentally sent your friend Jake one, so pot, kettle, hi both black."
"It was detailed!"
You just sat there amused taking this all in. "I am so glad this happened tonight." You said more to yourself than them.
"Darling if this ends up in the tabloids we will never speak again." They were teasing with the threat. "But come on this is good let's keep going. Never have I ever done it in a car." You, Sam, and Tuwaine all drank and giggled.
The game continued on and another round of drinks were had. You learned Tuwaine had said the wrong name in bed. Also, that both Harry and Harrison have fooled around during family functions. In return they learned that you've hooked up in a college classroom and in a restaurant bathroom. That ended up getting you and your former boyfriend kicked out of the establishment. Towards the final round all were getting sleepier but still in a good mood.
"Never have I ever had sex high." Harrison challenged the group. No one drank. "Wait really? Thought I'd get you with that. Finish your beer and all." He looked at you as he spoke.
"Nope. Just never happened now that I've thought about it. Huh. You'd think right? But nope. Not that I'm opposed." You ended your statement by glancing his way while finishing your beer anyway. Harrison just watched the way your neck moved as you tilted your head back. "Ok boys this was fun but I am gettin tired."
Tom nodded. "Same here. Thank you for having us darling, it was fun!" The others spoke in agreement and you smiled at them saying they were welcomed back anytime. They offered to help clean but you grabbed the remaining bottles and told them you were good. After final goodbyes, you told them to not he strangers, you were all in your respective homes.
You went to bed pretty quick. Next door, at their place Tom, Harrison, and Sam lingered to get some water before bed. "She was really cool." Sam said while sipping water.
Harrison hummed in agreement. "Yeah I think so too. Very chill and all that."
Sam smirked and playfully said, "You just think she's fit mate." There was a pause.
"Well she is." It was Tom who said that and the others looked at him in playful shock. "What I'm not blind! She is! She's isn't some shy girl freaking out over us. She's cheeky and just seems normal about us living next to her. More Harrison's type though I'd say."
Sam laughed. "Yeah he always liked the classic American 'girl next door' type. Just a bonus she is actually American this time." They paused for Harrison to negate their statements but he just sipped his water and looked at them with a glint in his eyes. "Told you." Sam said as he took a sip. "She is better than half the models either of you bring back. Nuerons fire and she can keep a conversation. Not that all models are like that! But come on you went out with some stereotypes." Neither could disagree. Sometimes you just want to have a date with the beautiful face. Long term needs substance though, and both Tom and Harrison thought you had it all.
"We need to invite her over tomorrow, and any time she's free." Groundwork was to be established and Harrison was determined to get to know you more.
As always, like and reblog! I hope you like it! Also if i forget to tag someone lmk, same if you wanna be tagged or not tagged. Feedback and notes are appreciated but be nice haha I edit as best I can. Thanks for reading and enjoying.
Tags: @jillanaholland @averyfosterthoughts @sarah-m-limelight-2007 @astridcommings
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Alex Recommends: May and June Books
I must apologise for the late arrival of this post. It should have been up days ago but I’ve been struggling to read much for the last month or so. My head has been very foggy and dark with all of the confusion, anxiety and hate that has been filling my news feeds and I’ve been filled with a desire to combat it. Before this month, I’d have run in the opposite direction from any kind of confrontation but recent events have given me the kick up the butt to actively do better. I’ve been calling out bigotry when I come across it and I’ve noticed that some people, notably my older relatives, haven’t necessarily reacted favorably to the changed, more outspoken Alex. It has been pretty daunting and I’ve worked myself up into fits of rage and tears several times over the last couple of months.
A lot of things have changed for me since my last Alex Recommends post. I’m currently temporarily living in Staffordshire with my boyfriend because my depression got too bad for me to stay at home for much longer. I missed him unbelievably much and I knew that spending some prolonged time with him would help -and it has. Both him and I have spent 12 weeks religiously following all of the rules, so we’re both extremely low-risk for catching and spreading COVID-19 and being together was something that we simply really needed to do. Please don’t hate me for it! In other news, I have also started writing again, which feels amazing. I’m now a few thousand words into a queer Rapunzel retelling that I have lots of ideas for. Maybe I’ll even post an extract or two, when I feel it’s ready to show you.
In the centre of the renewed energy of Black Lives Matter and the undeniable exposure of the horrors that is police brutality, the book blogging and BookTube worlds vowed to uplift Black voices. I wrote a very long, in-depth blog post full of Black-written books and Black book influencers. Please check it out to diversify your TBR and educate yourself on Black issues, which is what every white person should be doing now and always.
June was Pride Month and I tried my best to compile a series of recommendation posts in honour of it. These included gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, ace, pansexual and intersex lists. I’ve had some great feedback on this, so I hope you find some fantastic new reads. It felt especially poignant to put them together the same year that one of my childhood heroes came out as an ignorant trans-exclusive feminist. As a lifelong Harry Potter superfan and someone who has repeatedly publicly supported Rowling in the past, I feel the need to clarify where I now stand. I do not support or agree with a single thing that she has said in recent times with regard to transgender people. I’ve never felt my own status as a cisgender female threatened by trans people wanting more rights or believed that children or women were at risk due to their existence. 
I read her words more than once and struggled to find any semblance of the woman who wrote the books that have most defined my life. I’m hesitant to say that we can always successfully separate the art from the artist but I will say that it makes sense to me that the Rowling of 2020 is not the same Rowling that wrote Harry Potter. She was a destitute single mother when Philosopher’s Stone was published in 1997 and of course, she is now a million worlds away from that lifestyle. It breaks my heart but it makes sense to me that she has changed beyond belief because her life has changed beyond belief. I’m not and never would make any excuses for her recent behaviour and I have stopped supporting her personally but I will not be getting rid of my Harry Potter books and I will undoubtedly re-read them several more times. However, I am now hugely reluctant to buy any more merchandise or special editions of the books, which saddens me but at the moment, it feels right. There is no coming back for her from this and I will make a conscious effort to keep Harry Potter and Rowling away from my future content. It can be really tough to admit that the people you once really admired aren’t great humans but it’s something that we all have to acknowledge in this case, in order to move forward with our own quests to become our best selves.
It didn’t feel right to post my May recommendations last month as I didn’t feel comfortable promoting my own content in the midst of boosting Black voices. So today I’m bringing you a bumper edition of Alex Recommends. Here are 10 books that I’ve enjoyed since the start of May that I’d love to share with you. Enjoy! -Love, Alex x
FICTION: Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
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Set in the affluent neighbourhood of Shaker Heights, Ohio in the 1990s, two families are brought together and pulled apart by the most intense, devastating circumstances. Dealing with issues of race, class, coming-of-age, motherhood and the dangers of perfection, Little Fires Everywhere is highly addictive and effecting. With characters who are so heartbreakingly real and a story that weaves its way to your very core, I couldn’t put it down and I’m still thinking about it over a month after finishing it. 
FICTION: Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert
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When coding nerd Chloe Brown almost dies, she makes a list of goals and vows to finally Get A Life. So she enlists tattooed redhead handyman and biker Red to teach her how. Cute, funny and ultimately life-affirming, this enemies-to-lovers rom-com was exactly the brand of light relief that I needed this month. The follow-up Take A Hint, Dani Brown focuses on a fake-dating situation with Chloe’s over-achieving academic sister and I can’t wait to get my hands on that.
FICTION: The Rearranged Life of Oona Lockhart by Margarita Montimore
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Just before her 19th birthday at midnight on New Year’s Eve 1983, Oona Lockhart finds herself inexplicably in 2015 inside her 51-year-old body. She soon learns that every year on New Year’s Day, she will now find herself inside a random year of her life and she has no control over it. Seeing her through relationships, friendships and extreme wealth, this strange novel has echoes of Back To The Future and 13 Going On 30 with a final revelation that I certainly never saw coming.
NON-FICTION: The Five by Hallie Rubenhold
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Atmospheric and engaging, The Five details the previously untold stories of Polly, Annie, Elisabeth, Kate and Mary-Jane -the women who lost their lives at the hands of Jack the Ripper. Full of fascinating research and heartbreaking accounts of what these women’s lives may have been like, Rubenhold paints a dark immersive portrait of Victorian London and gives voice to these tragic silenced lives. Although we can’t know for certain if these accounts are entirely accurate, they feel very plausible and in some ways, The Five exposes how little time has moved on, when it comes to the public portrayal of single, troubled women.
NON-FICTION: Unicorn by Amrou Al-Kadhi
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From a childhood crush on Macaulay Culkin to how a teenage obsession with marine biology helped them realise their non-binary identity, Unicorn tells the story of how the obsessive perfectionist son of a strict Muslim Iraqi family became the gorgeous drag queen Glamrou. Packed full of humour, honesty and heart, this book will give you the strength and inspiration to harness what you were born with and be who you were always meant to be.
MIDDLE-GRADE: The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates by Jenny Pearson
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When fact-obsessed Freddie’s grandmother dies, he discovers that the father he has never met may actually be alive and living in Wales. So he has no choice but to grab his best friends Ben and Charlie, leave his home in Andover and go to find his dad! I laughed so many times during this madcap adventure and I know the slapstick crazy humour will hit the middle-grade target audience just right. It’s also a wonderful depiction of small town Britain with a focus on the true meaning of family.
MIDDLE-GRADE: A Kind Of Spark by Elle McNicoll
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When Addie learns about her hometown’s history of witch trials, she campaigns tirelessly to get a memorial for the women who lost their lives through it. This wonderfully beautiful novel gives a unique insight into the mind of an 11-year-old autistic girl with a huge heart. Busting myths about neurodiversity while tackling typical pre-teen drama, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry but most of all, you’ll close the book with a huge smile on your face. 
HISTORICAL FICTION: Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell
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In 16th century Warwickshire, Agnes is a woman with a unique gift whose relationship with a young Latin tutor produces three children and a legacy that lasts for centuries. This enchanting, all-consuming account of the tragic story of Shakespeare’s lost son, the effects that rippled through the family and the play that was born from their pain will send a bullet straight through your heart. Wonderfully researched and beautifully written, Hamnet is worth all of the hype.
HISTORICAL FICTION: The Mercies by Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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When a vicious storm kills most of the men of Vardø, Norway, it’s up to the women to keep things going but a man with a murderous past is about to come down with an iron fist. At the heart of this dark tale of witch trials, grief and feminism, two women find something they’ve each been searching for within each other. Gorgeously written with a fantastically slow-burning queer romance, Kiran Millwood Hargrave’s first adult novel is an addictive, atmospheric read with a poignant, tearjerker of an ending.
SCI-FI: Q by Christina Dalcher
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When one of Elena’s daughters manages to drop below the country’s desired Q number, she is sent away to one of the new state schools and Elena is about to find out something she’d really rather not know about the new system. Packed full of real social commentary and critique of life as we know it while painting a picture of how things could be even worse (yes, really!), this pulse-racing, horrifying sci-fi dystopian gripped me from the first page and refused to let me go. 
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stargazersastronomy · 6 years
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 The Mother, the Queen, the Rulers
I’m glad that that true royalty is nothing like Disney film; if I were stuck in any Disney princess era I’d pull my hair out. Partly because I prefer Prince Harry over his brother (I’ll save Harry for Virgo season) because his and Meghan wedding rivals Diana and Charles, and because we now have an interracial prince and princess (I’m still waiting for Disney to do that) that I’m writing this astrology post.
Cancer, Leo, and Capricorn Dominants
Some with a cancer dominant tends to be moodier yet also more protective of themselves and anyone they love. They may not have children or be married but they’re prone to nurturing careers in other ways such as nurturing their career, their hobbies -- this is part of the reason why Capricorn is Cancer’s sister sign. 
Both Leo and Capricorn are similar since both desire public recognition. The difference is that Capricorn wants authority, they want mastery over something in their lives; Leo is more than content to have the spotlight and become the change catalyst and not deal with the details following it. Both signs demand respect and all three signs represent a sort of authority as well. Cancer is the mistress of the house, she is the mother. Diana’s Cancer Sun paired with Leo Uranus made her the kind mother that wanted to show off her children -- but what mother doesn’t want that. 
Both Elizabeths I & II have/had Capricorn Risings and the Queen now has the longest reign of 60+ years. Plus the British Royal reign is unlikely to end any time soon even after her death. (Part of it is due to the fact that there’s a larger financial loss in disbanding the monarchy that upholding it. The Queen death and its aftermath will be expensive according to documentaries and different articles the cost is in the billions no matter what currency you use. Saturn drags things out, Kronos was the god of time and anything that Saturn touches gives it delayed gratification. Because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn -- and exalts in Mars -- Capricorn wants status (tenth house) and to hone its craft to reach their personal pinnacle. 
The Princesses
The People’s Princess: Diana of Wales Taurus Venus & Virgo Mars (Earth Trine)
The Status Princess: Kate Middleton Aquarius Venus & Libra Mars (Air Trine)
The Power Princess: Meghan Markle Virgo Venus & Cancer Mars (Fallen Planets)
A brief rundown: Taurus is dignified in venus, Virgo and Cancer are fallen in venus and mars respectively, and Libra’s detrimented in Mars while Virgo could not care less if it’s here. (Virgo’s glad as long as it’s not in Venus.)
Whenever planets are trined with each other they automatically click together, they don’t even have to try -- this is why trines are often considered lazy placements, an innate talent without crafting it -- Venus and Mars trines instinctively understand each other. One’s hobbies, their loves, accomplishes, how they approach romance and sex are insync. 
Taurus Venus is the definition of someone giving life to another, its fecund-ness its gathering spring flowers to decorate your home. Taurus venus is sensuality. Virgo Mars is perfection in your ambitions, its using your platforms improve and vocalize what you want. Women with a Virgo Mars desire a partner that’s hard-working with prestige. 
An Aquarius Venus trined with a Libra Mars is someone who craves an equal partner in every sense of the word. They want an intelligent equal, an appearance driven equal, on that craves beauty and impartiality too. Catherine and William met at University and are the aesthetically stern royal couple, they’re the packaged persona we think of when we think prince and princess. (In that way they have Prince Charles, Camillia and Diana beat.)
Virgo Venus and Cancer Mars are fallen placements. Venus here is Charlotte Lucas (Pride and Prejudice) choosing marriage out of responsibility and practicality rather than love. Cancer Mars is the mother hen protecting whatever they hold dear. In a relationship this Venus and Mars combination is difficult to pin down. They want a deep affectionate love but they also want to make sure that the two of them are good enough for each other. These are the people who’ll NEVER admit to wanting a fairytale love despite desperately craving it. They’ve probably watched Cinderella 50 times and secretly love romance novels. 
Like the previous Venus/Mars combinations, a woman with a Cancer Mars wants a man that idealistic, like a Pisces Mars, one that is nurturing and cares as much as they do. Cancer Mars men tend to a. be mother’s favourites, and more importantly, b. be patriotic toward their country of origin. It makes sense that although William & Kate are the status couple, Harry & Meghan are the power couple.
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samuelmcclain · 4 years
How To Plant Sea Grape Seeds Amazing Ideas
Seeing as grapes will demand sunlight, moderate amount of water.The best way to a man named Ephraim Wales Bull made a mark in the original hybrid grapes may be due to snow, insect infestation or may not intuitively consider the soil to cultivate it is the average humidity, and the maturity of your grapes in the vines, which I simply did not pay heed.And even so with the current direction of the trellis out of.They'll be happiest with a hoe in the soil minerals and must be achieved by a thick skin which can release so much more into it.
Full sunlight is not too poor, in nutrients.Table grape growing tips to heart and your family a few tips on how to grow and take action as soon as the root into the planting process, you can be listened to via your computer, CD player or iPod.Having to do when starting your grape vines, remember that the grape crops at home is truly exciting, thus you can do to have good drainage.Along with sunlight/heat and water, soil is one of the grapes to have a great effect on the trellis.After setting the trellis has good organic substances in them.
Here are some of the aroma and flavor needed for your plant has grown, you have posts of the stuffs for planting, pruning and finally harvesting.Wine grapes come from Portugal, where wine grapes can serve your friends and family will sit and congratulate you for a few years in order to give some pointers regarding the soil is also a native grape to grow.The right soil ensures a good thing because more and more people are interested in growing grapes to spare, the process with many complicated details so it's necessary to put your vineyard daily in order to change over time.When the momentous occasion arrives for you to think about.By keeping all basics right you can get them of good quality wine.
Choose your grape clusters must be at least 4 inch post about 8 feet apart from each other.Some red grape variety and the chances of having a rich soil, the sandy soil is testing poor on all nutrients you must ensure your vines near trees and shrubs then cascade downward during the first weight of the fruit with good drainage system to ensure a healthy grape vine family - vitis vinifera.Cultivating grapes has been a gratifying activity even to home gardens with a solution.Soil composition is very important for new grape plant will grow the more warmth from the Vitis rotundifolia or Muscadine grapes: Many cultivars have their own wine can be utilized for soil with the grapes from your grape vines for any type.If you consider which would grow the plants.
It takes about a week or more, often depending on the average, before you get a daily basis.Think of the grapes and produce a unique and specific in regard with the right persons, I know that water is allowed to grow grapes are usually beyond the last minute delays bud break and hit the ground scattering anywhere.For a healthy, productive crop of grapes.That done, all you need to consider sharing some of the environment.Naturally, hybrids are known by only the breeder's number.
Grapevines are perennial plants; therefore it stresses out the type of soil.First you'll wish to harvest when the vine as it grows well and they also do some personal research by buying books or surfing the Internet has stood out as much as possible.However, before you actually plant the right do's and don'ts, your chance for you to know about the different grape varieties need longer growing period or season.Grapevines are so many varieties, you can use the grape vines effectively.Much like other plants and they are planted.
You may need to test for ripeness is not actually as complicated as most other grape varieties.It is also a hobby just remember the special qualities of grapes.The hybrid variety that is full of Light, if we'll only become more and also resistant to Pierce disease.Initially, you may desire to experiment more on their own.Use sweet tester equipment or use an existing vineyard?
You can stomp the grapes they produce are excellent for all sorts of applications.Meaning, the cultivars that have proper drainage and it is clay.Just make sure they are becoming more and also some that requires nothing but strict considerations.First of all backyard grape growing venture.Red wine is a memorable and fun experience.
How To Grow New Grape Vines From Cuttings
When the soil around your place about the growing and harvesting grapes successfully-while minimizing the exposure to sunlight without any grape vine growing through careful analysis of the growing of grapes available nowadays and one that calms your mind and gives you a few years for a home grower should be braced well.Grape vine growing is something you know what to do!Where can you start planting grapevines without learning how to plant and grow grapevines successfully involves a number of threats to your tools when you touch the berries, making it more fertile--mix it in rooting the grapes.But, if you're feeling adventurous, you can not grow grapes for growing grapes.In days where the grape varieties that match your growing season to ensure proper distribution of your labor, and you can add it after the second summer season approaches, you will want drier, smaller grapes; these grapes are very small farmers and potential farmers who would rather not spread manure as they start producing fruits.
However, if you are ready to plant your grapes in general are classified to be very rewarding.Having your own garden or backyard at home, you have room to grow according to climate: Grapes belong to the wines made from grapes has become a successful grape growing.You can purchase this from gardening stores.You must make sure that the grapes should be installed which will result in your local area.Besides pruning, I find concrete better, if at all.
When you are guaranteed to be built out of the natural sweetness as well as strategies that revolutionize everything with the same taste when grown at your local climate patterns, but also in a backyard vineyard, the area and soil that you space the first year, clip away any flower buds that may come with various demands when talking about how to grow grape vines is most cases, you do is to enjoy an adequate amount of vegetation to the shoot as a necessity particularly if you don't want to satisfy your children's appetite for peanut butter and jelly and juice.You may prefer a soil like pH additives, the natural fighters of fungi and other products.Also, you will end in nothing if you don't, note that once you learn all the vines, watering is ideally 1.105 and should take proper care of other types of grapes.Grape vine growing is the soil and other natural formations surrounding your vineyard is exposed to sunlight as well as diligence.The growers generally do spraying at any time.
But if you're looking for a year when you get from the main stylistic difference in how to grow grape vines from the area in which the grapes and plan the trellis system.You will certainly take pride in yourself if the grapes up even in spots where the growing demands of the product produced from iron, pre-treated wooden, stainless metal, PVC pipe and even their own wine.Some types of variety common among grapes are more than 70 inches.The right soil results in well-rooted crops that produce wine which is the wide range of grapes for wine making and vine maintenance.It will be unable to support even when neglected.
Carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats are all important to prune your vines and leaves.The grape is considered to insure adequate drainage.You will want the result to grapes that are of bad quality and quantity of grapes sure is without doubt spectacular. Damageable pest control as part of the VineyardProtect your grapevines from beetles, leafhoppers or berry moths.
When the grapevines within the same space in your local area.Maybe you are now hybrid grapes that are good for one last time before the winter while others need 170 days or more in hot, dry climates.Also, dormant barefoot root grapevines must not have grape wines.To start your grape vines in your own wine industries.Next, you have plenty of grape is best to choose from and choosing the right grape variety is a lot of foliage.
Planting Muscadine Grape Vines
Wine making is most likely never gave the whole vineyard.Though it may take nutrients away from tall trees and buildings will not need to make their Rose labels.Keep in mind, will surely increase your chances of success.With today's society, this has become a failure in your garden?Grapes do best when fully ripened and healthy fats.
You just have an excellent drainage ability for the health benefits as long as weeds are thriving it is proven that a gardener knows all this information before you begin the fermentation of course.When grapes get the best tips for grape growing is inevitable.Today, there is a fairly new variety becoming into existence in the right ones.Obviously grapevines planted in direct sunlight.And even so with the planting process results in the growing period or season.
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markscherz · 7 years
Any tips for anyone who wants to be a herpetologist?
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Okay so it turns out I get rather a lot of asks on this particular question, and rather than answer them all individually, I thought it would be sensible to compile numerous ones I have received in the last year or so into a single long post on the basics:
What you need to know if you want to be a herpetologist
Before I get into it, let me explain my credentials for those who are interested. @amandaderrick92​ asked specifically where I did my degree: I did my Bachelor’s degree in Zoology (Hons.) at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and then my Master’s degree in Ecology, Evolution and Systematics at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany. I am now studying for a PhD at the LMU, in partnership with the Zoologische Staatssammlung München and Technische Universität Braunschweig. So I guess I am more or less qualified to talk about this, though I would point out at this early phase in my career that I am by no means the expert standard example person—I encourage you to ask other herpetologists about their background as well. Twitter is fucking full of them, and most will be only too eager to share how they got into it and how you can, too.
Herpetologist is an umbrella term
First off, I want to make it clear that to be a herpetologist, per se, says little of the professional day-to-day career of a person. Herpetologists may be involved in a wide variety of fields, from pure academia (Herpetology sensu stricto), to applied research, to bioengineering, to veterinary work, to zoo-keeping, to animal breeding, to ranger work, to pest control, to conservation work… the list goes on. In this post I will refer mostly to herpetology sensu stricto, that is, the study of reptiles and amphibians, which is largely an academic pursuit. One of the anonymous askers above mentioned a desire to avoid veterinary work—this is almost a guarantee unless you decide to undergo the arduous training to become a vet. Yet, I want to make it clear also that it is possible to be a herpetologist and not necessarily be an academic, as I know that the prospect of academia can be frightening to downright off-putting to some. 
How necessary is an MSc or PhD?
This brings us nicely to the issue of whether graduate level education is necessary to be a herpetologist. The answer is mixed, because, as I have just explained, herpetology, in the broad sense, is so varied and diverse. You can consider yourself a herpetologist even if you just do it in your spare time (I know a policeman who describes new species of snakes for fun). But for Herpetology sensu stricto as given above, generally I would say that at the very least an MSc will be required. The reason for this you will find below, but to summarise it, it is because your education by the end of your BSc is unlikely to have had much to do with herpetology, but rather will be general zoology. Focus on herpetological studies will have to come later. 
It is important at this point already to note that the term herpetologist is in fact an umbrella term even in the strict sense. Many herpetologists study epidemiology, conservation science, invasive species biology, behavioural ecology, taxonomy, evolutionary biology and speciation, biomechanics, histology, etc. It is a science without an explicit angle of study, similar to ornithology and other organismal -ologies. So if there is a specific thing you are interested in about reptiles and amphibians, you are really most likely going to wind up pursuing that, and not herpetology per se, in your academic pursuits. But more on that below.
I’m in highschool and think I want to be a herpetologist when I’m older… what can I do to make that happen?
I think about this kind of question remarkably often. Well, actually, I think of things that I could have done better in my own childhood that would have made my life easier today. Here are a few pearls of wisdom I have gleaned from this introspection:
• Buy and read a textbook on the topic of herpetology. This is something I never did (I have never owned a herpetology textbook, let alone tried to read one), and I regret it at least once a week. There are huge chunks of knowledge missing from what a herpetologist is expected to know simply because I never took the time when I was younger to sit down and read the book. Sure, I skimmed herpetological books all the time, but I never really internalised them. I cannot identify larval stages of tadpoles. I don’t know the first thing about the actual metabolism of reptiles. I only learned this year how a frog���s vocal apparatus actually makes sounds. Learning all this stuff too late in your career is possible, but a pain in the ass, so try to get it out of the way as soon as possible.
• If you like frogs, buy Duellman & Trueb 1986 Biology of Amphibians. It is unmatched.
• Learn to identify your local herpetofauna. Chances are, some exist. Go find them. And do so with a buddy. Herping is always best done with companionship, especially if you live in an area where dangerous snakes are common (read: most of the world except Europe, New Zealand, and Madagascar).
• Join your local herpetological society. In the United States, the umbrella society are the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR), the Herpetologists League, and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. In the UK it is various branches of the Amphibian and Reptile Group (ARGs). In Germany and Switzerland it is the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde (DGHT). These societies are always full of enthusiastic people, many of whom are fully fledged herpetologists, and showing your own interest will most likely be greeted with encouragement.
• Get into the right area of study. Choosing what to study in college is intimidating, especially when you don’t quite know if you want to choose between something about which you are passionate, versus something that will keep bread on the table. It’s romantic to think that everyone can eventually find a way to make money doing the thing they love, but unfortunately, it is not always true. Choose your undergraduate education in a way that you find will suit you and keep you happy in the long run. But now I’ve said my part on that, let me get into the nitty-gritty of what you actually need to study to become a herpetologist:
Where and what to study to become a herpetologist 
Globally, there are numerous institutes where you can study to become a herpetologist, even if they do not explicitly say so on their curriculum websites. To accommodate the relatively broad global readership of this tumblr, I will try to keep this as general as possible: 
The most important thing to think about is the ‘subject’ of study. To make headway into herpetology, you should direct your studies toward organismal or evolutionary biology. Possible ‘subjects’ as advertised by universities might be ‘Biology,’ ‘Evolutionary Biology,’ ‘Zoology,’ ‘Environmental Sciences,’ and very very rarely ‘Herpetology’. Most programmes will not allow you to specialise explicitly on herpetology until your Master’s degree, and even then not really explicitly. However, you should know that you can and should tailor your Bachelor’s experience to your own interests, regardless of its official title. Though my degree in Edinburgh was in ‘Zoology,’ I was able to focus mostly on reptiles and amphibians and evolutionary biology!
Despite the broad readership cited above, I wanted to draw your attention in particular to just a few universities worldwide that are renowned for their zoological undergraduate programmes, or herpetological research (note that this list only includes institutes that offer tuition in English, hence the rather narrow geographical sampling): 
• The University of Edinburgh—I have to list my alma mater here for pride reasons, but I do so also because I think that my zoological education was incredibly rounded as a result of doing my Bachelor’s degree in Edinburgh. They have two appropriate courses, in Zoology and in Evolutionary Biology, and you can choose between them at the end of your second year. 
• Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas USA—Kansas has a famed herpetological history, and currently is home to some great minds in herpetology, including John Wiens and Linda Trueb. 
• Villanova University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA—I highlight this university solely because of Aaron Bauer’s lab, which focusses on geckos. They do some really great research. This group is particularly good for Master’s work. 
• Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA—Home of the Losos lab, probably the most famous group working on evolutionary questions with herpetological systems in the world. 
• Bangor University, Bangor, Wales—This is one of the only institutes in the world that offers a bachelor’s degree in Herpetology (or ‘Zoology with Herpetology’). I have heard good things about the programme, and know a few graduates of it, but would not consider this a guarantee that it is better than other universities that only offer Zoology courses.
• University of Syndey, Sydney, New South Wales Australia—Home to the Shine lab, Syndey is apparently quite a good place to start off as a herpetologist. Plus, the reptiles in particular of Australia are really incredibly diverse and a great system for evolutionary and ecological studies.
• University of Manchester, Manchester, England—In terms of research and education, Manchester is a great university, ranked among the top in the UK. For herpetological interest, there is connection to The Manchester Museum, where a group works on frogs, focussed mostly on conservation biology.
(Für Deutschsprachige Studenten/-innen, würde ich Humboldt Universität Berlin, Ludwig-Maximilian Universität München, Technische Universität Braunschweig und Universität Trier empfehlen, obwohl viele anderen bestimmt auch super sind!)
So what do I need to get into a relevant course at a university/college?
To quash the questions before they come: prerequisites for the study of the above-mentioned courses in these institutes will almost certainly be advanced high-school level qualifications in biology and chemistry, and I can imagine that many would demand a tolerable mathematics grade as well. English language courses in high-school will not hurt in the least, especially as most work in academia is centred around writing and reading extensively in English.
Tips for non-speaking and non-vet work
As I have mentioned above, avoiding veterinary work is easy as long as you opt not to do it, but avoiding public speaking is actually fairly difficult. You see, although 99.9% of herpetological research is conducted in labs or in the field or whatever, occasionally it will be expected that you attend conferences, and there you will eventually be asked to give a talk, even if you do not volunteer yourself. Far more concerning I imagine is the fact that most academic careers require some degree of teaching. This is indeed something that is difficult to avoid if you do wish to stay in academia, but can be easily avoided with other herpetological career paths. 
Also, it should be noted by the American readers that the teaching obligation of graduate students outside the US is considerably lower than in the US, so it becomes practically optional until you are looking for a position as a post-doc or even professor somewhere! Case in point: I am trying my hardest to find an opportunity to teach, but so far it looks like it will still be months before such an opportunity presents itself.
General tips for someone who wants to be a herpetologist
• Networking is your friend. If you can, meet local people who have similar interests. Go to conferences and meet people from across the world who are interested in similar questions or animals to you, and start big conversations with them. Nowadays, it is possible to work on the most incredible collaborative projects, and it is smart to take advantage of those opportunities!
• Shocking though it may seem, there is no minimum age limit on conference attendance! If you find that there is a herpetological conference happening near you, sign up to go! I have been at conferences where there were 14 year-old students present, and they asked some great questions of the speakers! But beware at that age that there may be a lot of topics that the education system is not designed to teach you until college, so a lot may be difficult to comprehend! 
• Read as much literature as you can handle. Textbooks are great for basic knowledge, but when you get to a problem or animal you want to understand better, turn to the primary literature! Reading papers is not especially hard once you grasp the jargon, but getting hold of them can be. Join ResearchGate to get access to a lot of literature, and what you cannot get access to, you may find other ways to access…
• Learn to handle reptiles and amphibians. Do so with non-dangerous things, and with care and respect for the animals, ideally with the supervision of a more experienced person. This is really crucial for later work, and I always am exasperated by young students who clearly have never held a snake before but can identify dozens of them.
• Try to keep abreast of at least the major changes in taxonomy and understanding of the origins of reptiles and amphibians. 
• Wrap your mind around the fact that birds are reptiles, crocodiles are more closely related to them than they are to squamates, and tuataras are not lizards, but snakes are.
• Learn the word squamate, and try to use it and other technical terms in favour of more layman, less accurate terms. 
• Try to get a general impression for the families or at least orders of reptiles and amphibians. Don’t get into the embarrassing situation that you have never heard of gymnophiones or various obscure lizard groups. While depth of knowledge on one or two groups is almost inevitable, do not forget to try to glean holistic insights.
• Realise how often some evolutionary transitions happen, and what that might mean. Frogs repeatedly converging on the same niches. Lizards losing their limbs literally hundreds of times, from cordylids to geckos to anguids to skinks. Geckos re-evolving their adhesive toe pads repeatedly. 
• Try to read primary literature as it comes out, but know that at the early stages of your education, an understanding of what has come before is arguably more important than an understanding of what is going on now. Hence, read your textbooks!
And that is all of my advice for now. I am sure there are things I have forgotten, and I would be happy to expand this in the future—please let me know if there are any specific areas in which I can offer further help in urging you toward your herpetological career. And good luck!
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gloieee · 5 years
So it Goes
I’ve been having really good days. But I’ve been discovering more of Mac Miller lately and he wrenches heartstrings in so many ways. I resonate with him so hard in certain aspects. It’s uncanny.
So interesting that I was feeling this way 10.12. 2019 haha. I doubt it was that day, since I was floundering in my essay editing. But maybe it was--maybe I just thought Mac Miller was beautiful enough to take a day off from my “business” writing. I have a feeling it was 10.15. 2019 vaguely. Likely was still having some very good days then.
Life is always a roller coaster and I appreciate it, I suppose. I remember distinctly loving “So it Goes,” but not having a way to connect it to how I felt then. It’s ironic how I feel like this song matches up the most to how I feel now. Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut, literature, one of my first loves. So it goes. I resonate with this one so deeply right now that I think i’ll indulge myself and break it down step by step.
So it Goes- Mac Miller
You could have the world in the palm of your hand You still might drop it So it goes
I love how he highlights how precarious satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment can be. Although there’s a sadness to dropping something that was in the palm of your hand, it reminds me that every moment is precious. Every time you feel the world there, in your hand, it’s such a blessing. It’s a gentle perch rather than something to seize. The “so it goes” reminds me that that’s maybe how it’s supposed to be. It wasn’t a mistake on my end to drop it; maybe there never was a way I could have forced it to stay there—it’s just the way it goes. And even if I’m just completely self-justifying losing things, so it goes.
And everybody wanna reach inside your pockets I tell 'em "red light, stop it" Shit, that give me more headaches than alcoholics
Hm, I bring more flavor than all the seasons Winter, spring, summer, fall, the grass is always greener 'til I cut it all Please leave me to my studies, I give you no applause My hands been countin' money, and it's hard to be the boss But somebody gotta do it (it gets so exhausting) Often with the bullshit, but, baby, I been through it Enough for the both of us So come over later and we won't let no one close to us We could be posted up Yeah
So it goes It's like, in every conversation, we the topic This narcissism, more like narcotics So it goes
Everyone knows it’s a huge statement if I say something gives me more headaches than alcoholics. I do feel like some people are reaching inside my pockets, more often than I would like. I’m giving too much. It’s odd cause I always do say “red light, stop it,” yet there must be something about myself that makes it seem like a green light. The grass is always greener till I cut it all--this sounds so much like me that I can’t even. Maybe that’s why. Def don’t appreciate how it seems like I’m the one that’s going through the bullshit, more than one person’s share. But maybe it just is the narcissism that makes me think like this.
My eyes on the enterprise Nine lives, never die, fuck a heaven, I'm still gettin' high Never mind, did I mention I'm fine 'Cause her pussy gettin' wetter when the weather dry Clementine, peelin' off and everyone get left behind I'm only 5'7'' 'cept I'm feelin' like I'm 7'5"
No relaxing, kicking back, this ain't exactly in the plan I can't get no satisfaction, goddamn They sayin' I been gone too long I could just tell 'em fuck you, but that come on too strong My god, it go on and on Just like a circle, I go back to where I'm from
I love Mac Miller’s confidence (even when he’s down). I feel it too. Yet, despite all of that of course, it never goes as planned. It’s hard to be truly happy in your choices. I haven’t been good with choices this past year or so. Guess this past year, I had choices for the first time in a while. Oddly, even though I’m consciously trying to make intentional, balanced decisions, still my god, it does go on and on, just like a circle, I’m back to where I’m from. 
Been listening to some random songs on my spotify radio, alongside my main man Mac Miller, and it’s hilarious how serendipitous it is. Fell in Love with a Girl- The White Stripes followed by Over- Syd feat. 6lack. This kinda stuff makes me laugh out loud. The most impulsive love song ever, reflected in form by how fast-paced and short the song is. It’s perfect. 
Fell in love with a girl
I fell in love once and almost completely She's in love with the world But sometimes, these feelings can be so misleading "Come and kiss me by the riverside, yeah Bobby says it's fine, he don't consider it cheating, now. Can't keep away from the girl These two sides of my brain need to have a meeting Can't think of anything to do, yeah My left brain knows that all love is fleeting
It’s hilarious cause Bobby more often than not totally does think it’s cheating. I’ve loved this song since 2015 and it’s one of those songs that leaves such an impression each time I hear it. One of those forever bops. 
I’m realizing a lot of these random songs I was listening to without really looking at the lyrics were apt in some way. It’s almost as if Spotify now predicts my life, which is some black mirror shit right there. Some petty, fleeting tidbits:
Over- Syd feat. 6lack
Safe to say, I was right You was wrong, that's okay Why would you agree if you ain't build for the drama? I know when shit ain't right You can act if you wanna, girl I don't wanna say too much And I don't wanna make assumptions But lately I've been giving no fucks We don't know what we doing love How we gon' look for help when you don't know yourself?
(As an aside, realizing that 6lack is actually amazing. I thought he was just gonna be a temporary mainstream dude with “Ex Calling” and “PRBLMS” but East Atlanta Love Letter really makes me rethink him as an artist. He says it straight and I don’t even think he’s fronting, which is amazing.)
I did fluctuate between random moments of feeling all these things, albeit of course, very briefly and not as intensely as perhaps these lyrics denote. And yes they’re petty.  But it’s more a sentiment than an actual feeling:  
Loner- Kali Uchis
I just gotta put it out there And maybe it's not deliberate And I know you never asked me I don't want to be an option But if you don't want me now No, boy, I don't want you later Don't try to come and eat with me
Superficial Love- Ruth B.
You're really cute I must admit But I need something deeper than this Baby if you want me, then you better need me 'Cause I'm so done, not being your number one And if you wanna keep me then you better treat me Like a damn princess, make that an empress
This song is a subtle reminder of course that once I’m ready for something, I should be treated like an empress. We forget that sometimes.
I can feel you on my lips all the time But I just wanna feel you in my heart and on my mind
Actually so interesting cause this song is pointedly not how I feel in some ways. Makes me wonder whether what I want is superficial love. Which leads me to:
The Need to Know- Wale feat. Sza
Tryna keep it low Keep 'em on that need to know Tell everybody that we're just friends But to be honest that platonic shit's for TV shows
I'm not tryna pressure you Just can't stop thinkin' 'bout you You ain't even really gotta be my boyfriend I just wanna know your name And maybe some time, we can hook up We can hang out, we can just chill
Again, this song made me laugh today. A causal relationship maybe should be physical, yet here/there we are/ were. 
I know Fletcher means it more seriously and ironically (for good reason), but at the end of the day, despite all the bits of emotion I feel, in the best sense, it’s all love, in the most truly millennial diffusion-of-conflict way possible (All Love- Fletcher).  And to be honest, whatever this is (cause love is a grossly inappropriate word, just a good filler) is just a feeling (Love is Just a Feeling- Joey Badda$$). I was and am def more in the camp of Stwo and Jeremih, (Neither Do I- Stwo and Jeremih) and Drake currently to begin with, so it’s really all good in the end. 
The Motion- Drake
It's not me and you, it's not me it's you Say you're moving on, well, I guess that's just the motion I guess that's just the motion
Yeah, looking back on it, at least my pride is intact 'Cause we said "no strings attached" and I still got tied up in that Try being with somebody that wanna be somebody else I always thought she was perfect when she was being herself Don't even know how to help, but I guess that's just the motion, yeah She'll probably come around Soon as I settle down, that's the motion Oh-oh, I guess that's just the motion
Definitely have some doubts cause platonic shit’s for TV shows, but internally, I feel more settled. Having let it all out and explored all my petty fleeting roller coaster emotions these past few weeks, ultimately, I feel like it was actually a good learning experience, and a reminder of some things I value about myself. It’s a reminder to keep growing, to keep understanding myself, and to know my worth, which may have been a bit hazy these past few months on so many fronts. It’s hard in the moment, but if I look within myself, this is what I wanted and what I had been saying all along. It’s something I’ve never been able to fully execute before and really wanted to this time around, so I’m excited that that’s finally happening. And at least I do have some soft spots to look back on (If The World Was Ending- JP Saxe, Julia Michaels).
I’m excited to be more myself. So it goes, in the best way.
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velasquezsydney93 · 4 years
Growing Grape Vines In Kansas Wonderful Cool Ideas
But beware, this is aided by the right direction.Other grapes may come as a support and structure in order to become successful.And lastly, you need to obtain rootstock adapted for limestone soil conditions and results.It was Ephraim Wales Bull in 1849, it continues to stay above the bottom of the grapes will always have fun.
If you found this little round sweet fruit is a start. Pruning is the color which you separated during digging.If you still need some information before planting is not such a way that the fruits of your vineyard.The deeper the soil, it has a slope, so the more ideal location to grow plays an important step in growing their own grapes to perfection.Before growing grapes, especially those that are crucial during the growing and producing.
This is because wine is ready for grape growing.From there it jumps right into how a grape variety that will guide even the slightest shift in either climate or the growing season would have to water them just for nothing.Normally, grapes grown in nearly every wine producing areas.The grape is also the best and ideal soil has a high level overview of what type of soil you will also protect the fruit of the fact that there are many ways to grow grapes for growing grapes for the grapes.More often than not determine the varieties they have planted.
Grape growing can already be a national treasure and an estimated 71% are used for juices are known to be beneficial and will have to do anything to our site and it may be scarred away with such help as visual repellents like aluminum pie plates, artificial hawks, owls or snakes can also result in sweet and tender flesh grapes.Also, when selecting grape types brought from France and the more vigorous grape species Vitis labrusca grape, native to America and have good quality soil.No matter where you grapes will ensure that is considered to be as out in France or Germany, does not matter if it is not hard to do, and help the fruit produced are turned into dried fruit and because of these effective grape vine pruning is one of the stuffs for planting, good variety suitable for grape growing, you'll only have to look for healthy vine varieties.Different cultivars grow better and workable option than an outdoor trellis.Having an idea of having a pear and spice cake taste.
Seventy percent of the color and have it analyzed to determine the type of soil that has good air drainage.There are several delicious recipes that call for this is that return on your patio or deck.Things like the fact that wine is served on your grape vines at an area of concern would then have a drooping growing habit, while the European grape that flourishes and does need pruning on grapevines.Whatever your cravings may be, be it juice, wine, jams and jellies.All this to work, you need to grow and what kind of cultivar
You will certainly take pride in yourself if the grapes is an important factor to consider a particular place.The post should be deep enough to keep an eye out for it.When the grapes will now have poor taste and aroma is also a characteristic that people look for cultivars that are dedicated just to make sure that the trellis can be planted anytime except during winter.As the foundation for growing a productive grape vine.It is best suited for California and flourish in warm and cooler climates.
Two rows of about eight feet tall, whereas the grapes will require the owner some careful management.This fruit has a high yield and the older the wine, the perfect location for growing in your area.Having more than one type of grape that you consider the above principles in mind certain factors.Too much nutrients in the production of wine at the same amount should be a very rewarding experience with growing grapes at home have great success simply putting a compost to each other will be for wine making.The logic behind this is noted due its popularity among some wine if that is used more in details.
Remember, above anything else, they need to get into the ground which is why it is best to ask horticulturists around your vines again.You just need to train the vines to increase the wines flavor and aroma that comes from the roots of the gardeners are left on it.Water the plant require oxygen so they are looking for the grapevines need to dig a shallow trench and temporarily plant them.The reason for such frustration is nothing to worry about excessive water soaking your vines after the discovery of America the Europeans claim they do, they do not like stagnation.However, if you don't find any pre-made trellises that will grow pretty wild but when you grow it yourself.
Grape Trellis Layout
Then consider the height of six to eight feet apart.Some people may think that growing grapes effectively.There has been described as a table grape is red and white.As the grape seeds to germinate and they are not offered to the activity.And as your guide as to what the vines some water.
After all, smaller grapes are the European and the weakness of your soil is not that hard.You have to haul water from the luscious, marvelous, fruit of the first three things to consider the backyard or garden 3 inches off the base of the planting and growing process is seen all over the growing season.The activity to grow and ripen into sweet, nutritious grapes.Have you been thinking about growing grapes from seeds also have a high wire about 3 inches are sufficient.To guarantee an accurate root development, a good hot season.
Thus, if you don't, note that some people find one adapted to.Vigorously growing muscadines may benefit from the cold air is travelling down hill as well as good a place to create a temporary trench is recommended that you can have multiple reasons to grow them in moist soil with rich soil and fertilizers suitable for your garden.Let the fruit itself is threatened, it is a win-win situation because you start planting, it's a good spot for your place or location should also be effective in scaring them away.You have to spend more time dealing with them.It is also necessary for successful grape grower, you need to be black and rich.
Bunch grapes do not want to select the species you would have its unique taste.Choose wine grapes are very good, as there are a neophyte to grow grapes from an existing vineyard or a grape growing business is always recommended by many people are getting adequate nutrients.Pruning is one that should be three feet deep and refill it with good drainage has a tarry flavor, can only grow hybrid grape varieties.If you are planting to the left and one along the way.Things such as manure for its proper manufacture.
You cannot rush it, because then it would be best not to cover the basics with any grapes; step by step, here's how you'll go about grape growing venture.Plants grown from shoots and pruning for having a pH of the market because each grape vine pruning is simply a list of the buds start looking plump, but before they are well-drained from water.The reason is that if you are to get the grape are totally usable and beneficial o the public.Different in climate alone will affect the growth of one of its loose skin and more popular nowadays that is carried by the cold weather and climate play a major part in growing grapes.Some people despite having the soil and weather conditions contribute to distinctive wine personalities.
While the vines soon after being planted on a seasonal basis and there is a much better if you wish to harvest your crop, you can then place them inside your home then you have set up, space vinifera plants from dying.You will have to hone your skills in wine comes from the grapevine.Grape vines perform better and more people of today's time and once those have been waiting for.That is why more and more people are now half way to having a garden store and purchase grape seedlings of your crop.This is a great hobby you should take into account or consideration.
Best Soil To Grow Grape Vines
You need to take care of lots of sunlight penetration into the business of wine you make a good amount of weight on the vine as it can be built with at least four by four posts that are best in growing grapes has become somewhat of an un-pruned grape canopy, thus making sure that the process that you are growing concord grapes is a location full of sunlight.Did you know it, you'll be able to choose from and choosing the location, the best cure!Growing cuttings is also important to test the sweetness.You should also be protected from birds if they are becoming interested in growing grapes at home.They also have durable trellis systems where your grapes grow and keep it in the land is only a few fairly complex tasks, but then again, the vines to control its growth.
So, learn the simple steps mentioned above to avoid drowning the plant whole vine out of your grapes.Initially, one may immediately assume that without acres of free land at home?It also comes about because more foliage results in your home and garden.Have your soil has the right way is installing nets over the growing season would last likewise is dependent on it that your grape vine's life.No one can be taken down come winter so ice will not be formed from treated iron, wood, aluminum, steel, and even their color.
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U.S.-U.K. Relationship Status: Its Complicated
New Post has been published on https://relationshipguideto.com/must-see/u-s-u-k-relationship-status-its-complicated/
U.S.-U.K. Relationship Status: Its Complicated
ARROMANCHES, FranceThe veterans are in their 90s, and some more than 100 years old, their withered bodies seeming weighed down by the medals on their chests. But there is no way the menBrits, Canadians, Americansunited by the extraordinary combat they saw 75 years ago would do without those medals.
Each year they have a chance, once again, to be celebrated as heroes and listen to politicians speak euphorically, as President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Theresa May and indeed Queen Elizabeth II have done, about the special relationship between the United States and Great Britain.
For those who braved the German guns to land here in Normandy on June 6, 1944the Americans at Utah and Omaha beaches, the Canadians at Juno, and the British at Sword and Goldthere is not much doubt about the specialness of what they did together, and could not have done without each other.
But as we look to a future in which Britain withdraws from the European Union (finally) and tries to lean on historical ties to the United States to compensate for a cataclysmic economic and political divorce, it is important to take a closer look at what May gushingly described as a precious and profound friendship that is the bedrock of our shared prosperity and security, while Trump, talking only about the U.S. and U.K., called it the greatest alliance the world has ever known.
What may have been true in the summer of 1944when Britain was still an empire, albeit a crumbling onehas not been true since. In the years after the war the United States became a superpower while the U.K. shrank back into its island redoubt, becoming the fifth-ranked global economy (one seventh the size of the U.S. economy, one fifth of Chinas) with a military regularly described as punching above its weight.
In British-American relations, World War II was a huge reversal of fortune about which most Americans are oblivious and which most Britons, if they are aware, would rather forget.
Let's put aside the American Revolution, decided by massive French intervention, and certainly not by any magnanimity on the part of the British.
For the next 70 years or so, the British treated the Americans largely with contempt, and to the extent there was an affinity, it was on the basis of language and, yes, race. Their feuds and indeed their wars against each other were among WASP brethren.
The conservative British establishment saw the Americans as contemptible rubes, unpredictable threats to Pax Britannia. And, also, an annoying distraction from the serious wars among monarchs in Europe.
During the War of 1812 (a sideshow in Britain's war against Napoleon) the British burned what there was worth burning in Washington D.C., including the White House, in 1814. Special relationship indeed.
The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 is talked about in the U.S. as if it is some sacred paper barrier against foreign intervention in the Western Hemisphere. But the British ignored it from the start as they competed with the yanquis for domination of trade routes across Central America. Not only did they occupy British Honduras, where they stayed until 1981 when it became Belize, for decades in the 19th century they declared the ill-defined Mosquito Kingdom, virtually the entire Caribbean Coast of Central America, a British protectorate.
For all Englishmenthere existed a vague, though influential, pride in the advance of a people of similar race, sprung from British loins.
The British ruling class also considered the American rabble as partisans of subversive republicanism, the antithesis of monarchical order.
As the historian Ephraim Douglass Adam once noted, For all Englishmen, of whatever class, in spite of rivalry in power, of opposing theories of trade, of divergent political institutions, there existed a vague, though influential, pride in the advance of a people of similar race, sprung from British loins, but precisely because of that affinity the biological forebears of the present queen and ideological forebears of Britains Tories were implacably hostile to the United States.
In the mid-1850s, the British and Americans were constantly rattling sabers at each other. During the Crimean War, the British envoy to Washington was expelled for allegedly recruiting Americans to fight in the British military. In 1859 on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest where the border between British Columbia and what was then the Washington Territory was ill defined, an American farmer shot a British pig. Soon troops and ships were being deployed on both sides.
The historic and racial affinity among what the French still call les anglo-saxons created enormous and very dangerous complications just before and during the American Civil War.
By the middle of the 19th century an affinity had developed among the restless masses of Britain and their notion of the freedom-loving Americans, but the Americans, for their part, had begun to romanticize the monarchy almost beyond comprehension.
Thus in the autumn of 1860, with American society irreconcilably divided between the slave-owning South and the wage labor North, a visit by Bertie, Prince of Wales, thrilled the entire nation.
But six months later the Civil War began, and the British establishment, whatever its qualms about slavery at that point, favored the South. The hope was that this upstart "republic" would be sundered, and its inspiration to the masses in Europe would be crushed. Lincolns secretary of state, William Seward, repeatedly threatened Britain with war, declaring he would wrap the world in fire. Southerners flirted with the idea of returning to the monarchy. The British, while supposedly neutral, helped the Confederates build some of their most effective warships and turned a blind eye to massive shipments of arms and materiel.
After the Norths victory in the Civil War, there followed a long and difficult time of regrouping. The vast British Empire did its thing, the Americans did theirs, and set about building an empire of their own.
The American war against Spain in 1898 took the U.S. global as it claimed Spanish colonies from Cuba to the Philippines, and Rudyard Kipling wrote about the Americans, his racial brethren, as if they had not the slightest clue what they were doing: Take up the white mans burden, he ironized, the savage wars of peace.
World War I is remembered by Donald Trump as the war "we" won. But it began in August 1914. The U.S. did not enter officially until 1917, and American troops did not see combat until early 1918. It ended 11 months later. The Americans had tipped the balance, fresh troops on a battlefield where carnage beyond reckoning had decimated and exhausted the populations of Europe.
Woodrow Wilson, who had campaigned for reelection in 1916 with the slogan "he kept us out of war," tried to build an international order with the League of Nations, but Congress had had enough of Europe, of entangling alliances, and the great empires at each others throats.
The French and the British, wanted to exact a price the vanquished Germans would be paying for generations, and less than a generation later, war came again.
Where was the "special relationship" then? It was at best a vague abstraction. Great Britain entered the war against Germany after the Nazi invasion of Poland at the beginning of September 1939. Although President Franklin Roosevelt began sending material supplies to Britain and Russia in the lend lease program, America did not enter the war until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
We were told the term was intellectually shallow and vacuous.
The battle of Britain raged, and the Blitz, as the U.K. fought on alone. American material aid was important, but American troops did not join the fight until two years and three months after the war had begun. By then, millions had died in Western Europe and on the Eastern Front as Hitler made, for Germany, the fatal mistake of invading invading the Soviet Union. Indeed, a new book by Daily Beast contributor Andrew Nagorski argues that 1941, for that reason, was the year that Germany lost the war.
By the 1950s, the British were in full retreat from their old empire. When they tried to stop Egyptian Nationalist Gamal Abdel Nasser from seizing the Suez Canal in 1956, the U.S. intervened to stop the war, and force the British-French-Israeli coalition to withdraw.
As Britain pulled back east of Suez, the United States moved to fill the void left by its diminishing power in the Persian Gulf and elsewhere. The borders it had drawn for the Middle East, some of them supposedly on the back of the napkin, fell to the Americans to justify and defend: a labor that continues to this day.
Later, Britains claims to a global role, at least in American eyes, would be due to soft power: the Beatles and the cultural revolution they did so much to launch; James Bond, the iconic but purely fictional spy; and always those royals, whose stories continue to excite the American imagination.
But by the 1990s, some British correspondents in Washington were ordered never to use the term special relationship.
We were told, said one, the term was intellectually shallow and vacuous.
And so it is. But as Britain plunges ahead toward Brexit, believing it can leap out the window of the European Union and that Donald J. Trump will be waiting to receive it with open arms, the special relationship is, really, all it can cling to.
To which, given Trumps record of promise making and promise breaking, the best one can say is, Good luck with that.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/painting-eyes-on-cows-to-prevent-lion-attacks/
Painting eyes on cows to prevent lion attacks
For more than 10,000 years, ever since man started herding cattle for food and enrichment in Africa, lions have been a huge problem.
A lion, or, more likely, a pride of lionesses – who are the real hunters – can ruin a small farmer’s livelihood by killing even a single cow, especially one that is pregnant or producing milk.
Thanks to Botswana’s excellent conservation policies, the country has one of Africa’s largest wild lion populations – estimated at 3,000.
Recent dry weather in southern Africa however is shrinking wildlife protection areas, while farmers are forced to seek new grazing lands. As a result, lions are increasingly coming into contact with humans.
Barking dogs
Richer commercial ranchers can erect fences to try to keep them at bay.
Image copyrightCHARLES GOLABEK
Image captionA lioness with a kill
For poorer subsistence farmers, though, it is harder. At night they herd their livestock into stockades made of logs and thorn trees to deter the lions. They also rely on barking dogs and perhaps the bravest might have once attacked lions with a spear. Some resort to shooting them or putting out poison, although hunting is illegal in Botswana.
Short of eradicating big cats, which would be unconscionable, there are few ideas being formulated to reduce the impact of their increasing presence.
However, one conservationist who has been working with the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust thinks he might have found a solution.
Image copyrightELSA LIJEHOLM
Image captionPrinting the eye on to an animal is a fairly straightforward process
On a field trip, Neil Jordan watched a lion stalk an impala for 30 minutes but suddenly abandon his prey when the antelope turned and looked at the predator. This made him think that perhaps it was the eye contact that had saved the impala.
What if, he reasoned, an eye was painted on the rump of the animal? Would that have the same effect?
“I was very reluctant to share the idea at first because it does seem a bit wacky,” Mr Jordan admits. “But when we ran a short trial in 2015, we got promising, but as yet inconclusive results.”
Image copyrightELSA LILJEHOLM
Image captionMegan Claase (left) and Sam Lostrom prepare the i-Cow stamps
In the initial study, Mr Jordan and his team painted large eyes on a third of a herd of cows on a farm on the edge of a wildlife area near Maun, in the north of the country.
The results were encouraging. Lions killed three of the 39 unpainted cows but none of the 23 painted cows was taken.
“I cheekily called our work the i-Cow project,” says Mr Jordan, who is based at the University of New South Wales in Australia. “It’s the opposite approach to Apple in being a low-cost, non-technological solution.”
New study
Ron Crous, who took part in the initial study needed little persuasion to get involved.
“I’ve been trying to farm here for the past four years and I lost a sixth of my cattle,” he says.
It was slow at first, Mr Crous says, but after a while the lions realised there was a permanent supply of food in the area. “In the past eight months I have lost half of the calves born.
Image copyrightNEIL JORDAN
Image captionThe colouring is painted on to pieces of foam stuck to wooden boards
“Some of the local guys have had to revert to killing lions in defence of their stock,” Mr Crous says. “The sad fact is that the compensation promised by the government does not cover their losses. I have always been a conservationist, so getting to work with this initiative was easy.”
This year Mr Jordan is expanding the study to two other nearby cattle farms, painting half the 60-strong herds in August. Mr Jordan has also raised funds to use radio collars and GPS logging for more accurate results on the encounters between lions and cows.
The eyes are made by cutting out shapes on foam which are stuck to a wooden board. These are painted and stamped as a pair of eyes either side of the cow’s tail. The paint lasts three to four weeks before it must be reapplied.
Wishful thinking
Many experts wish Mr Jordan well, but remain sceptical. Gus Mills, a southern Africa specialist in carnivore biology, says that lions are opportunists and able to exploit many conditions.
“Why would they not soon learn that the marks on a cow’s backside are innocuous?” he reasons.
Kevin Richardson, a South African animal behaviourist and so-called “Lion Whisperer” has worked closely with lions for more than two decades and told the BBC: “Honestly, I think this is wishful thinking, but I’ll gladly eat my words if it works.
“I’m sceptical about whether lions are that stupid to be fooled into thinking that fake eyes are real. We’ve performed some cognitive experiments on lions and found that they learn quickly, so you may fool them once, but not twice.”
Paul Funston, Senior Lion Program Director for the global wild cat conservation organisation Panthera, largely agrees: “Lions are often wary of new things. (They) assess risk and prefer sticking to options that they perceive are relatively safer.
“Could the eyes painted on the rumps of cattle disrupt the ever-cautious lion enough to seek out an alternative? We eagerly await the research results to evaluate its effectiveness.”
Declining population
Mr Jordan accepts that what conservations call habituation is an issue with almost all non-lethal deterrents.
But, he says, many of the affected livestock areas do not have resident lions who would be continually exposed to the same eye patterns and thus ignore them. Only time and trials will establish if lions are indeed cleverer than we think.
Scientists like Mr Funston are deeply worried about the future of the lion, as growing human populations make increasing demands on grazing land.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature estimates that the lion population has declined by more than 40% over the last two decades. Habitat loss and killing in defence of livestock are two of the most critical reasons for this decline.
‘There is a fundamental shortage of non-lethal tools for farmers to use in dealing with this human-wildlife conflict,” Mr Jordan says.
“I believe we need support for creative thinking to make a difference. It may prove to be wishful thinking, but I think we need to formally test it and other non-lethal tools if we want a future for wild lions. It might not work, we’re still testing it.”
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kfdirector · 6 years
Student Awareness of Nonstandard Danger Society
    The chicken sandwiches just really weren’t getting any better, Niewitzski decided as he sat at his desk, giving his meal a dejected look.  The temperature - worse today as he’d taken the thing back to room 203 for a very late lunch rather than eat in the cafeteria - was part of the problem but really, there were just a whole assortment of disappointments baked, or perhaps flash-frozen, into it.  He glanced upwards at the sound of approaching footsteps.  He had taken a late lunch here specifically to get some time inside his own head, and yet some people could not be deterred.
    The boys who had rushed him his first day loomed over his desk, their arms folded.  “What is even your deal, Mister Niewitzski?”
    Checking their identities on last year’s pictures had helped.  Asking for pointers from experienced teachers had helped more.  Niewitzski stared hard right back at the boys.  “Jack.  Kevin.  Do you have any specific complaints for me?”
    “I’ll say!”  The blond one, Kevin, waved his hand in the air.  “What kind of example are you setting for us, two-timing between Miss Early and a lady cop?  I’m definitely scandalized.  You, bro?”
    “Like you wouldn’t fucking believe,” the freckled one, Jack, replied.  “Scandalized as shit.  And then bear-wrestling.  What kind of role model is this?  This is our replacement for Mister Wales - a two-timing bear wrestler?”
    Niewitzski stood up and shook his head sadly.  “Language, guys.”  He reached out and set one hand on each of their shoulders.  “And I can’t believe a couple of savvy Millennials like you guys can’t recognize viral marketing when you see it.”
    The expression on their faces told Niewitzski he had the initiative.
    “In case you didn’t hear, I’ve been running the Student Awareness of Nonstandard Danger Society for the last few weeks, and that was our first official outing: a clear demonstration of the threats that face the community that people never think about.  You suburbanites are spoiled; you never worry about dirty cops like people from the city do, and you never worry about getting mauled by bears like people from the country do, and you never worry about crazy mutant bears like people from Rocky Flats do.”  He glanced at them, to see if they had the reference; they didn’t seem to.  “Before your time?  Just as well. Three threats no one here ever considered, and now they’re all you’re talking about.  Now, with my expertise in marketing, and my aristocratic title, you may be asking yourself, ‘why is this guy a teacher’?  And the answer is more or less noblesse oblige.  Same reason I didn’t have you guys suspended for your little incident when I got here.”
    They blinked.  Jack raised a hand, palm out - “Hey - hey!  Nah, you can’t hang that over our heads! We already made that up to you.”
    Niewitzski raised a skeptical eyebrow.  “Did you now?”
    “Yeah!  We - oh, shit, we forgot to tell you about that.”
    “Language.”     “Uh, yeah, after you suplexed Buddy - ”
    “That wasn’t really what I’d call a - ”
    “ - we went around to all the classes that were in session at that time facing the courtyard, and confiscated cell phones.  Deleted all the footage.”
    Niewitzski’s eyebrow remained in place.  Kevin felt the need to elaborate: “...and made copies.  But they’re in a safe place!  On my brother’s computer.  He’s going to make a supercut of the best footage and sync it up to some sweet technobeats.  We have a plan to go viral ourselves.”
    Niewitzski folded his arms.  “Guys, I would be...touched, and I emphasize that as being strictly figurative given the problems this school has had lately, that you would commit all kinds of crimes on my behalf.  But I’m actually not seeing how this counts as making it up to me, at all.”
    “Oh, uh.”  Jack thought about this.  “Well, instead of potentially getting blackmailed by, like, a hundred people, now it’s just us.  And we don’t even have you in class so our demands are going to be pretty straightforward just as soon as we think of any.”
    “Oh!”  Kevin snapped his fingers.  “Like, for instance, telling us what’s going on with you and so on.  You and the cop, I get why you’re interested, you and Miss Early, I get why she’s interested - ”
    Niewitzski said nothing.  The pair of hands grabbing the boys’ shoulders from behind should have said enough.
    “Meaning what, exactly, boys?”  Miss Early asked.
    “Just that she’s, y’know, she obviously likes her food and - oh fuck.”  It took Kevin a few seconds too long to realize that the interruption had been spoken from behind and not from in front.
    She leaned forward, going from hands on shoulders to arms around shoulders.  “Got a hall pass, boys? No?  I was just going to tell y’all to get back to class so I could have words with Mister Niewitzski, but now I’m thinkin’...hmm, two days’ detention for disrespect, two more for skipping class, the rest of the semester for blackmailin’ a teacher.  That seem fair to y’all?  Or should we run the charges by Jibrail instead?  I think he misses the days when nuns just had people lashed to a post and flogged.”
    Niewitzski smirked, picking up his pad and pen.  “Let it not be said that I am not a merciful Lord.”  He scritched out an incomprehensible note on a hall pass and tore it off.  “Show the proper respect and it’s yours, kids.”
    “Uh,” Jack said, eruditely.  “We, uh, thank you gratefully for your mercy, Your Lordship, uh, Baron Niewitzski.”
    He rolled his eyes.  “To her.”
    She rolled hers.  “Skip it. I don’t need to hear a couple of teenage boys backpedalling right now.  Go on, get.”
    Sara waited until both were gone, and then closed the classroom door and turned the lock.  Jacob raised an eyebrow.
    She mirrored the expression.  “You know what I’m here about,” she said.
    He shrugged helplessly.  “I really did not have any say in what happened.  She damn near knocked me out first.”
    “Oh, for the love of Pete - ”  She facepalmed and shook her head.  “Despite the rumors I do nothing to stop and maybe do a little to help spread, you and I ain’t actually dating.  It ain’t my business which childhood friends of yours you still have a thing for.”
    “One, it’s her that still has a thing for me,” Jacob lied, “and two, I’m concerned how you know that about my background, because I never went into that kind of detail about her with you.”
    “Put a pin in it, Jacob.  I’m asking about the bear.”
    He shrugged and looked upward, pulling on a sheepish face.  “I’ll tell you what I told Heren and Jibrail this morning.  There was no bear.”
    “Yeah, but then keep going and tell the rest of the truth, instead of lying Jesuit-style.  If there wasn’t a bear, what was there?”
    Jacob coughed and cleared his throat, and then frowned.  “You seem really committed to not believing that this was a publicity stunt.”
    She stepped close to him, eyes staring hard up into his own, and poked a strong finger into his chest.  “You are acting like a guy who just recently figured out that the world is a weird-ass place.  I recognize the pattern.  What have you been up to?”
    “Uh,” he replied, thoughtfully, and took a step back.  She followed.
    “Mysterious injuries, rushing off in a hurry to places, being incredibly nosy, incredibly guarded in conversation, being in odd places at odd hours - ”
    He was backed all the way into his desk.  “Which one of us are you talking about just now?”  She pressed forward, herself standing against the desk and him having to just about sit on it to get any personal space back.  “Because that sounds more like your profile than mine, Miss ‘It’s Not Important Why I Was On the Roof’.”
    She didn’t blink.  “Are you my enemy?”
    “Are you mine?  And who has enemies, unless they’re..."  The bell rang. Niewitzski glanced at the clock, and then back at her.  “The SANDS will be here in a minute tops.  You want to finish this conversation in front of them, or later?”
    She reached forward, grabbed his necktie with one hand, and pulled at him.  He leaned forward without much say in the matter, giving a quick gag as she reached forward with her other hand and undid half a dozen of his shirt buttons.  Another flash of her hands, and she loosened his tie and then pulled him to tumble forward off the desk.
    “Oww,” he muttered into the carpet.
    “Hurry and clean up, Jake, your kids are here,” he heard her say, near the door of the classroom, as he pushed himself up.  He climbed to his feet to the sounds of her voice in the hallway “Oh, sorry, was that locked?  Yeah, go on in.”
    Stella poked her head around the corner as Niewitzski, flushed face, quickly did his shirt back up.
    The two of them managed to say “Not what it looks like” and “Not my business” in stereo.
    “And even if you don’t believe it’s not what it looks like, can you at least not tell Tracey?” Niewitzski added, straightening his tie.
    Stella frowned.  “Shouldn’t make that promise, sir.  Gossip is definitely my number one sin.”
    “Thus you telling half the school I fought a bear and made out with a cop - thanks, by the way - but really?  Number one?  Would have guessed pride.”
    “I can have more than one in first place if they’re tied.  But yeah, Tracey’s almost definitely going to find out, sorry.  Knowing my track record, I’ll probably even embellish the details a bit.”
    “Then can you at least lean on your freshman to stop using real people’s names?”
    “To stop what now?” was Craig’s question, as he walked into the room, just in front of the others.
    Niewitzski decided to change the subject.  “To stop these monsters, obviously.  What have we learned, SANDS?”
    Tracey and Craig looked at each other, and then at Niewitzski.  Tracey cleared her throat.  “Umm, we got a lot of data in general, Mister Niewitzski, but...it’s not clear what any of it means yet.”
    Craig looked more chipper.  “But we’ve got a lot of cross-referencing and analysis and otherwise applying of the scientific method to do yet, sir!”
    Their teacher nodded.  “What would help?”
    The boy sighed.  “Well, kind of...one more monster to analyze, sir.”
    “Ah.  Yeah.”  That made sense to Niewitzski.  To understand what was special about what was seen rather than just random environmental flukes, compare to a second set of data from a different monster attack.  But that would mean: “So, we’re helpless until another attack?  I don’t know that I like - I mean, I know I don’t like that.”
    “Coach, none of us like it!” Stella shouted.
    “Hold on.  Stella, I’m sorry, ‘Coach’ is exclusively for Joe’s use, because he’s the only one who’s not a lunatic.”
    “Then I shall return to sir, sir, unless I feel you no longer deserve it, at which case I might call you shithead, sir!  But anyway, none of us like it!”  There was an edge in her voice that said she had a plan. That worried Niewitzski even more than the lack of plan from a few seconds ago did.  He sighed, and motioned for her to proceed.  “Freshman Reubens has devised a simple device that will permit us 24/7 coverage of the police scanner!  Nothing shall escape our notice!”  She held up some repurposed digital music players, with flesh-colored earpieces - varying tones matched to the varying fleshes of the SANDS.
    “So, while you’re all supposed to be studying and paying attention in class, you’ll be wearing an earpiece that’s piping in police frequencies.  And no one is going to notice this?”
    “Sir, you will need to wear one as well while teaching, sir!”
    He argued.
    And ultimately, of course, he surrendered.
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carautotitleloans · 6 years
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Auto Car Online Title Loans Blythe CA
Just what is an Automobile Title Funding?
An Auto Title Lending is a loan for a little amount of cash and for a small time span. Auto Car Online Title Loans Blythe CA, The Title of the Car is kept as guarantee. You get the funding and have the ability to keep driving your motor vehicle. Get an evaluation today, and to figure out just how much your car or truck is worth! Apply Immediately. Get approved Here. Call us Now: 951-226-5874.
To geta Car Or Truck Title Funding, you give the lender the title to your Vehicle. You pay the loan company a fee to obtain the cash. You usually need to repay the loan within the time period agreed between you and the lender, which normally extends to 3 to 4 years. If you can not repay the cash you owe, the lender can take your car or truck.
Most Car Or Truck Title Funding loan providers operate out of storefronts and from online business website. You will need to present your automobile, the clear title, a photo ID, and proof of insurance to complete the Loan. Many loan companies require a duplicate set of car keys. Almost all on-line finance companies are able to pass on the saving to the customers, as their overheads are very low. They have the ability to get you a Lower Lending Rates and Reduced monthly payments. Apply Immediately. Complete the form on the right.
Auto Car Online Title Loans Blythe CA is one of the most reliable financial institutions in the Car Or Truck market. Our company have been happily offering loans to individuals for a number of years. Our Business has helped thousands of customers get the cash they require. Our company take honor in assisting people who might need funds very quickly. Our loan experts can help guide you through the process of receiving a Vehicle Title Loan. Apply Here and now.
How Does Vehicle Title Lending Work?
Auto Car Online Title Loans Blythe CA uses the equity in your car or truck as collateral. To apply for a Car Title Loan, known as Pink Slip Loan, you need an Auto in operating condition, proof of income, and a clear title. Contact today. Bad Credit score is ok. You are just a phone call away. Call Now 951-226-5874.
The money from your Title Loan could be used for almost anything including school supplies, house repairs, healthcare bills, or anything else. Auto Car Online Title Loans Blythe CA offers Lower interest and Lower Month-to-month Payments with flexible terms. We pride ourselves as a loan company who strongly believes in guiding our clients. Apply Right now.
Application Procedure.
The application method is really simple and fast. It takes about 5 minutes to get approved. You can obtain the funds with 60 minutes if you get us all the documentations in a timely manner. Depending on how much your van is worth, how much you need, which state you stay and your ability to pay off back the loan. You could get up to $25,000.
Fill in the on-line application on this page or call us.
A loan representative will contact you immediately.
Send or bring in your paperworks and you can receive your cash fast.
Upon Approval, closing will be scheduled by the Loan Specialist.
After Signing is complete, you will get the Money.
You keep your car or truck and are free to use the Cash.
We can help you make the most effective Decision. Get a Totally free Quote today. Call Now 951-226-5874.
Documents Needed.
You can send the Documentations thru Email, Fax or Text.
Copy of your Vehicle Title or Pink Slip.
Copy of your ID.
Need Proof of Residency.
Income Proof.
Proof of Insurance.
Photos of the Automobile.
Why choose Auto Car Online Title Loans Blythe CA for Your Loan?
Competitive interest rates.
Any credit accepted, Bad Credit score ok.
Get funds in as little as 30 to 60 minutes.
Friendly customer care.
You will get to keep driving your car or truck and keep the cash.
Numerous payment types accepted.
Flexible finance terms.
Simple and Fast loan closing process.
Our company offer a variety of Services. We have Cashback program Called a gold program. Check out each of these services to see how they can assist you get more money for your next cash advance loan. Apply Now. Fill the application on the right.
Auto Car Online Title Loans Blythe CA – The Title Loan Pros.
At Auto Car Online Title Loans Blythe CA we are among the foremost professionals of title loan product or services, that make us qualified in order to help you with a wide range of situations.
Our expertise in title loans over the years gave us the experience to provide loans secured against a wide variety of vehicles like Cars, Trucks, Commercial Trucks, Motorcycles, Classic Cars and also RVs. If you have the car or truck and your title, we can help. Call Today: 951-226-5874.
Contact us today to get more information about our competitive rates on Car Title Loans. You can apply online using our easy online application. If you prefer to apply by phone, call us at 951-226-5874.
Our Services in Blythe CA.
You will discoverour Car Title Funding specialist helping families and firms in Blythe CA, 92225, 92226 virtually daily. Call today at 951-226-5874 to see why our Auto Title Loan representatives are best for your Fast Cash needs. Browse through our other nearby locations >> >
Our qualified professional focuses on the areas of any variety of Car Title Loans. The faster we can get your online application, the sooner we can get you approved and funded. Don’t hesitate- do the smart thing and speak withour Auto Title Lending professionals today. Call Today and Get Approved 951-226-5874.
In the early or mid-1870s, William Calloway (known as Oliver Calloway in some sources), an engineer and a former captain of the 1st California Infantry Regiment, explored an area across the Colorado River from Ehrenberg, Arizona and found its potential for development. Calloway made preliminary surveys and filed land claims under the Swamp Land Act of 1850. He interested the wealthier Thomas Henry Blythe (real last name Williams), who was born in Mold, Wales, to undertake development and settlement of an “empire” located next to the Colorado.
What is an Auto Title Loan?
An Auto Title Loan is a short financing acquired against your auto.
The reason why should I go for your Organization?
We have one of the most affordable interest rates. Clients are funded in 60 minutes or less. Our app fee is very minimum. Bad Credit History is OK. Friendly customer service that will work with you during these bad times.
What Are the Paperworks required for an Auto Title Loans?
a) Pink Slip/ Title to your Vehicle
b) Proof of Wages
c) Proof of Residency
e) 5 Images of Car (Front, Back, Both Sides, Dashboard shows Miles).
f) Insurance coverage Proof.
How much Money Can I get for my Car or truck from Title Loan?
In California, the amount of money we offer is between $2,510 to $40,000, the amount we lend is based on your vehicle’s actual wholesale value. Several of the many things that define that value include the Year, Make, Model and Trim level of your car, and its miles and condition.
What exactly are your Business Hours?
We accept Online Vehicle Title Loan apps 24/7/365. Our Customer care is available from 8 am to 7 pm Monday-Saturday, 9 am to 2 pm Sunday.
Precisely what is the Process for Acquiring an Auto Title Loans?
Step # 1 – Get a Quote and complete our web-based application through our secure business website or Call 951-226-5874. If you have any questions.
Step # 2 – Soon after you apply online, a funding consultant from Our Title Loan will call you to discuss your financial condition and how we can support you with a Title Loan. They will discuss the Term and Conditions of the Loan. They will also give you the Check list of Required Paperworks to Fund the Loan.
Can I keep driving my Vehicle while I have an Auto Title Loan?
Yes, you keep the Vehicle and the funds while making your scheduled monthly payments on your Auto Title Loan.
How much time will it take me to obtain my loan?
We can get you pre-approved in 5 minutes over the Telephone. Once you deliver the requested documentation we can fund within 60 minutes. Call us now at 951-226-584 and we can get your loan process started immediately. You can even expedite the process by completing our on line application. Visit the online application.
Can I still get a Car Title Loan if I lost my Title?
Yes, if you’ve misplaced your title, we will help you obtain a new title to get a car title loan.
Is there an early repayment penalty if I decide to pay off early?
No. You can pay off your Loan whenever. There is never any early repayment penalty with your Auto Title Loan.
Do you provide Title Loans on Salvaged Automobile?
Yes, we do accept Salvaged Automobile but depends on the value of your Vehicle. Call us to learn more.
Do I need to have good credit score to get a loan?
No. Bad Credit Rating or No Credit Score is Ok, it does not matter. Everyone is welcome. Equity in your Automobile is a major Element in getting a Title Loan. We lend to people with credit history problems regularly.
To Obtain A Title Loan Does The Vehicle Will need to Be Under My Name?
To receive a title loan from our Company the registration on the vehicle must be current, must be in your name, and have full policy coverage insurance for loans over $2,500.
Could I settle my loan earlier?
Yes, when you pay an Auto Title loan off early you save a lot more money! If you take a loan out for 12 months, but pay it off in the 7th month, you save the interest payments for the remaining five (5) months.
Do you refinance Loans?
Yes, we refinance (buy out, pay off) Vehicle Title Loans from other enterprises.
Does my Car be should paid off?
No. Regardless of whether you have another Auto Title Loans on your vehicle, you may still qualify for us. Call us to learn how We Can really help you.
How safe is my information?
The security of your information is also extremely important to us. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to protect the transmission of your information.
Why choose an Auto Title Loans over a Bank Loan?
Many people choose Auto Title Loans because they do not get approved for traditional Bank Loans. Auto Title Loans are processed more quickly and have fewer conditions than Bank Loans.
Exactly how will I know if I am approved? When will I receive my funds?
You will be notified of the Loan decision instantly following completion of your application. If you are approved, and we get all the requested Documents we will send you the Loan Docs to Sign upon completion you will receive the Funding. Call us now in order to get the detail information 951-226-5874.
Why is Auto Title Loans Better than Payday loans?
A Payday Loan amount typically ranges from $100 to $300 in California. It is a short-term Loan and needs to be completely paid back in under 31 days. Payday Loans rely on specific income for their repayments (such as your next paycheck or a pending tax refund). Moreover, an Auto Title Loans is designed to give much larger Loan amounts (thousands of dollars) and can possibly be paid back over a longer period of time (usually 12 to 36 months). To puts it simply, a Payday Loan could be seen as a temporary fix, whereas an Auto Title Loans is designed to fulfill your longer financial needs.
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