#may han mig
haiminh495 · 4 months
Khách Test khả năng làm việc của máy hàn MIG NBC-250 EDON 1pha
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amourdeslangues · 1 year
hello there!
not exactly sure how to start this blog lmao - but since this is a langblr, i'll just kick it off with an introduction of my progress with each language i'm currently learning. (mostly leaving english and german out of it for now, because those are my native languages, but i speak those as well ofc)
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français /// french
on commence avec le français! une de mes langues préferées et définitivement la langue étrangère que je parle le mieux. je l'apprends depuis environ 7 ans maintenant. à cause d'un voyage en france avec ma famille et d'un guide de la langue que j'avais trouvé dans un magasin, j'ai commencé à apprendre indépendamment quand je n'avais que neuf ou dix ans, mais le début de mes études du français dans un context scolaire - ça veut dire, d'une manière plus structurée mdr - suivait bientôt après cela. maintenant, je pense qu'on peut dire que je parle le français couramment. pas dans le sens qu'on pourrait me confondre avec une locuteuse native, mais je peux me débrouiller dans toutes sortes de situations presque aussi bien que dans mes langues maternelles. comme but, je veux maintenir un niveau assez bien pour (1) passer mon examen oral de l'Abitur (bac) en français avec la meilleure note possible et (2) étudier les sciences de la littérature en france après l'école.
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svenska /// swedish
Hej allihoppa, trevligt att träffas! Jag kan inte säga precis när jag började lära mig svenska - jag började att intresserar mig för språket för 3-4 år sedan, men jag pluggade (?) inte verkligen aktivt förrän våren detta år. Tidigare kunde jag bara säga några små fraser, men jag kunde inte uttrycka mig på svenska. Jag tror att jag [made a lot of progress?] sedan dess. Jag älskar särskilt ljudet av svenska språket, det är väldigt melodiskt och unikt. Mitt [long-term?] mål är att tala flytande svenska. Just nu vill jag:
Läsa en hel roman på svenska för första gången ("I ljuset från gryningen", en deckare som jag köpte för två dagar sedan)
Lära mig nya ord
Bli mer självsäker när jag pratar svenska ([unfortunately?] känner jag inga människor från Sverige, men jag har en vän som läser språket också. Han är nästa flytande och vi pratar ibland på svenska med varandra, men trots att jag förstår nästan allt vad han säger är jag osäker att min uttal är för dålig att förstå när jag säger någonting själv 😅 så jag behöver mer övning med att tala)
farsi (persian) and gaeilge (irish gaelic)
i'm lumping these two into one part (written in english) because i'm not sufficiently fluent in either language to be able to write a full text, lmao
i technically started learning persian about a year ago, but since i keep getting interrupted because of things like having to do too much schoolwork, i'm still at a very low level. i also feel like it's more difficult than learning swedish, for example, because it's from a different language family than any of the languages i speak rn - less loanwords, words related to each other, structural similarities etc. that would help me understand! at least i mostly know the alphabet now, but practically i'm only able to say a few simple things: hello, good morning, how are you etc. however, it's a really interesting language and i'd love to get into actively studying it again! my next goal is to reach A1 level in reading, writing, listening and speaking... let's see how that goes ^^
also, if anyone knows any good resources for learning farsi, please let me know! i'm currently using a combination of a textbook directed at german speakers (called با هم), the Persian course on Memrise and the youtube channels Chai & Conversation and Persian Learning, but it's a bit difficult to find learning materials... (i'm salty that duolingo doesn't have it lmfao)
as for irish gaelic, i (hyper)focused on it for a couple of months in 2021, in particular because part of my family is irish - nobody taught me the language and i'm not really close with my paternal relatives, but i'm still interested in it because... heritage reasons, y'know. also, there are so many fascinating aspects of the language - unique little grammar quirks, pronunciation, all that! i kind of stopped practicing though because i had too little time, so now i just remember random little phrases i learnt off duolingo: dia duit, comhghairdeas (i'm proud of remembering how to spell it lol), ithim cáis (an extremely useful sentence in daily life, i know)...
right now, i don't anticipate irish being a major focus of this blog, but i'm going to dublin in two days (aaaa!!!) and maybe that'll reactivate my slight obsession with the language, so who knows...
about me
i love everything related to languages - obviously foreign languages, but also things like linguistics and literature... i also write a lot in my free time!
on the rare occasions where i'm not doing anything language-related, i'm also very interested in chemistry. i like listening to music (i mean, who doesn't) & my favourite genres are rock, indie and melodic death metal - but i'll listen to almost anything, especially if it's in one of my target languages (really into swedish and persian pop rn). i enjoy hiking and cycling, and i've been learning how to dance for about a year.
i'm really looking forward to getting to know other people in the langblr community and exchanging ideas, progress, tips for learning... on y va :D
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sawantgroup · 8 months
Best CNC laser cutting machine in India
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have specific information on the latest CNC laser cutting machines available in India. However, I can provide you with some popular CNC laser cutting machine manufacturers that were well-regarded globally. It's important to note that advancements in technology and new models may have been introduced since then.
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TRUMPF: TRUMPF is a globally recognized company for manufacturing high-quality CNC laser cutting machines. They offer a range of laser cutting solutions for various industries.
Amada: Amada is another well-known brand in the CNC machinery industry, including laser cutting machines. They have a reputation for producing reliable and efficient equipment.
Bystronic: Bystronic is a Swiss manufacturer known for its advanced laser cutting systems. They provide solutions for sheet metal processing and have a presence in India.
Mazak: Yamazaki Mazak Corporation, commonly known as Mazak, is a Japanese company that produces CNC laser cutting machines. They are known for their precision and innovation.
Han's Laser: Han's Laser is a Chinese company with a global presence, manufacturing laser cutting machines. They offer a variety of models suitable for different applications.
LVD: LVD is a Belgian company specializing in sheet metalworking equipment, including laser cutting machines. They are known for their innovative solutions.
When considering the best CNC laser cutting machine for your specific needs, factors such as the machine's power, cutting capabilities, ease of use, support services, and overall reputation of the manufacturer are important to consider.
To find the latest and best CNC laser cutting machines in India, it's recommended to check with local distributors, attend industry exhibitions, and explore online reviews and forums for updated information. Additionally, contacting the manufacturers directly or consulting with industry experts can help you make an informed decision based on your specific requirements.
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beating-a-dead-plot · 2 years
Character List + Rules
Hello! I’m Petunia, welcome to my blog! 
I am a massive Star Wars nerd, I spend most of my free time reading, writing, watching, or even talking about Star Wars. I will admit, I have not seen Solo or Rise of Skywalker, neither of them were available to me at the right time and I never went back for them, sadly. Despite this, if someone really thinks I should watch them, I am open to debate! 
Rule and Character List under the cut: 
NO SMUT, though, my blog is 18+ because I do share smut fics and that sort of thing. I don’t care if you’re only 17, wait that extra year before following or I will block you. 
I love romance, I am a sucker for love and fluff, so that is my main market, however I will write angst or hurt/comfort if requested!
No clone x clone except in platonic or familial situations, just not something I enjoy reading or writing.
No hate towards specific ships, even if I personally dislike them. 
No underage characters in relationships with adult characters in a romantic light, platonic or familial only please.
I WILL take requests of me to listen to a specific song while writing, I understand that music can greatly influence writing, and I’d love to bring your thoughts to life!
Characters I Will Write For: 
Din “Mando” Djarin
Boba Fett
The Armorer
Paz Vizsla
Omera and Winta (Only in a platonic scene) 
Cara Dune
Fennec Shand
Migs Mayfeld
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Han Solo
Chewbacca (Only in a platonic scene) 
Krrsantan (Also known as Santos and Black Krrsantan)
Garsa Fwip
Cassian Andor
Jyn Erso
K-2SO (Only in platonic scenes)
R2-D2 and C3-PO (Only in platonic scenes)
Obi-Wan Kenobi, throughout his life. (Though I reserve the right to turn down a request I don’t feel I can fulfill)
Owen Lars (Young or Kenobi-Era only please)
Darth Vader (I’m iffy on this one, I may be selective with requests for this character) 
Padme Amidala
Any handmaidens of Padme Amidala who are mentioned in the Queen’s Trilogy by E.K. Johnston. 
Jango Fett
Qui-Gon Jinn
Darth Maul
The Grand Inquisitor
Hera Syndulla
Kanan Jarrus
Ezra Bridger (Only in platonic scenes)
Sabine Wren (Only in platonic scenes) 
Zeb Orrelios
Ahsoka Tano (Only in a platonic scene)
Hondo Ohnaka 
Asajj Ventress 
Shaak Ti
Aayla Secura
Plo Koon
Quinlan Vos
Savage Opress 
Satine Kryze
Any clone you want, just please be understanding if they are too obscure for me to feel I can accurately portray them. If I like the idea, or even if I just think it might be fun to write, I will definitely stalk Google and Tumblr to find more information before deciding whether I will write for them. If you want a fic for a clone, no matter how random or small ASK ME, I will always answer and let you know if I can do it!
Ships I Will Write For:
Wolffe/Plo Koon (Only in a platonic scene)
Rexsoka (Only in a platonic scene)
Obi-Wan/Jango Fett 
Mace Windu/Commander Ponds
Other Assorted Platonic Ships, if you want it, ask me!
And, lastly, pretty much ANY clone trooper who appears in Clone Wars, and including Bad Batch! If they have a name, I don’t care how obscure, I will do my best to know them well enough to write what you desire. If I fail miserably, at least you’ll have a good laugh! 
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lesfoteses · 2 years
La benvinguda
1 de gener del 2023
Què faria sense la sopa? Segurament morir. Fa 24 hores estava encara sopant amb el raïm pacientment esperant-nos des d'una taula annexa a la cuina, lluny de les nostres mirades. No hi havia sopa, de fet ni hi pensava en la sopa: hi havia truites, croquetes, quiche, olives, patates, pa amb tomàquet. "Lo típic". Era en un pis del costat de la Monumental, que per nom de Wi-fi tenen 'Las monumentales', és casa de l'Abel.
A les 23:41 aproximadament, es produïa la clàssica disputa de 'amb quin canal seguim les campanades?'. Veníem de l'any passat a casa nostra, amb Catalunya Ràdio. Va ser un puto fracàs, no recordo si és que no van cantar bé les campanades o si es va tallar o tot a la vegada, però vam dir "mai més". Aquest any han guanyat la Pedroche i el Chicote, ella primer amb un vestit de puta pena que de cop se l'ha tret, quedant mig en boles com ja és quasi tradició. Potser d'aquí uns anys -si no es fa ja- s'estudiarà a les facultats de Periodisme dins del tema de 'pràctiques masclistes i sexistes en cobertures especials'. D'aquesta primera nit de l'any, em quedo amb la bona companyia dels amics de sempre, amb una mica massa de Quevedo amb Bizarrap pel meu gust, i els jocs que vam fer. El meu objectiu aquesta nit va ser colar el màxim de cops possibles la cançó de l'opening de 'The White Lotus', que es diu Renaissance i és un temazo. Malauradament només el vaig poder posar un parell de cops, va guanyar la Rosalía. Després vam jugar al Picolo, un joc de proves i alcohol que ens va ensenyar la Raquel, i després un joc de pensar conceptes i endevinar-los, primer definint-los tipo Taboo, després amb mímica i per últim amb només una sola paraula. Ens vam quedar a la primera fase perquè som uns memos. Però clar, és que hi havia conceptes que havia posat algú com 'Ada Colau' o 'Montserrat Roig', i jo em pensava que anàvem molt més forts, per la qual cosa vaig posar conceptes molt més bèsties que van desentonar una mica. Fatal.
24 hores després de la Pedroche, el raïm sense pinyols i el Picolo soc al poble amb el Marc esperant que s'acabin de cuinar els tiburones. Hem fet sopeta amb Avecrem (m'encanta) i no puc estar més contenta perquè n'he posat més de la que toca per a dues persones, de manera que amb sort demà també soparem el mateix. Per mi la sopa és dels millors plats que poden existir, faci fred o calor. Ara fa calor per ser 1 de gener, massa de fet. Hem vingut a esquiar demà i demà passat en teoria, però no hi ha neu es veu. Ni a Molina ni a Masella. Només cal veure Instagram per comprovar que és veritat i que la cosa pinta fatal i que no podem ser més pringats, tio. Fa molt de temps que hem decidit que pujaríem. A principis de mes, pel pont, va nevar molt i semblava que havia de ser la polla de temporada. Però llavors vam dir-nos "bah, ara pel pont segur que tothom puja i serà impossible esquiar de la gentada. Ja pujarem més endavant, total, segur que torna a nevar". Doncs passa'm la maionesa per acompanyar les patatetes que ens estem menjant. La nostra previsió ha estat un puto fracàs.
He dormit poc per lo tard que ens vam acabar ficant al llit, vora les 6 del matí. L'últim whatsapp meu és de les 5:39 i li dic a la Cris que ja estic a casa i que tot ok. Abans de dormir per això, pota preventiva perquè no em trobava massa bé i vaig pensar "calla, abans de ficar-me al llit i que em vingui tooot el mareig i tal, ho trec". I m'ha anat de conya. Avui a les 11 i poc ja no tenia més son i m'he aixecat a esmorzar. Després hem fet dinar familiar i un cop enllestit, migdiada i motxilla cap al poble. Demà no crec que esquiem, però no li vull dir al Marc per no desanimar-lo.
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hutheman2252 · 8 days
Part 4
“If you could please state your name and callsign to the camera.” 
“Harold Carter of the Stedrum air force, Callsign Mercury.” 
“Now could you tell us your experience in this war please. “
“Well I was only in the early days. Tip of the spear you know. I was assigned to lead a squadron to take out some rinky dink air base in the middle of nowhere. Motherfuckers had The Green Knight. Terrifying, simply terrifying I never saw it coming. I was lucky to eject and thats when she wasn't even notable.”
“I see. Well thank you for your time sir.”
Once Gareth had returned, The last of the fighters had finally landed. Deciding to take initiative from the majors advice he went to the hangar where the famous green mig was kept. Looking up he awaited the pilot's descent to him. Once she had made it down the ladder however instead of greeting him with open arms. She threw up onto Gareth’s shoes. After which she passed out onto him needing to be caught and supported. 
A while after Gareth had helped Kylah into a bed in sickbay with the Hibiscus’ in a vase. He had already left.
Stepping out into the sunlight once again after the commotion. Gareth noticed the one remaining of the two tomcat’s sitting outside. Surrounded by a congregation of dark clad people. Deciding to investigate, Gareth approached. 
Once he had entered the viewing range he took note of seemingly the leader of the group. A man dressed from neck to shoe in black and red accented robes, A Priest. Behind him were two holy servants. He eavesdropped in onto the situation, Just now taking notice of the red wings upon the tomcat.
“May the Lord's flame cleanse this beast of sin. May it fly with his grace, Be protected by his brevity, And protect this country and its people.”
Gareth having had decided he has heard enough walked off brushing the ritual off as a bit strange but clearly personal. Before he managed to make it off however one of the Holy servants beckoned him. 
“Hey! Come here a sec”
Knowing he’d been caught, Gareth turned in resignation. And paced back over to where the cleansing was taking place. The holy servant opened his mouth to scold Gareth.
“Kid don't you know its not polite to listen in on other peoples business. Who gave you the rig-”
The holy servant no older than a few years than gareth was cut off by the Priest.
“Now brother Johnathan don't you think it wrong to scold a young man simply for taking interest. The doors of the church are open to everyone you know.”
Johnathan turned his head off in shame.
“I suppose so father Joseph”
Joseph smiled warmly before patting his subordinate on the head.
“I do appreciate you helping though everything you do pays off. Now if you'd be so kind as to let Peter show you and sister Genevieve to the food hall.”
The father winked to Jonathan signaling he’ll be alright. Turning his head back to gareth as the pilot showed the two off.
“So son. When’d you arrive here?”
Gareth met the fathers gaze. Joseph’s greater stature served to intimidate. Yet his facial expressions were somewhat comforting and warm.
“Excuse me sir? What could you mean?”
The fathers smile got wider enjoying the chance to show off his deduction skills.
“Well I can tell you aren’t a soldier by your listening stunt. As well as the fact that Peter invites us out to cleanse his aircraft anytime he’s involved in the take down of another. I've never seen your face before”
Gareth sighed at this fact.
“Yesterday sir. There’s already been an attempt on the base in that time.”
The father’s expression turned stern. His disciplinary roots clearly showing through.
“Rattled at all?”
He prodded with a furrowed brow before Gareth could respond.
“A little bit Father. Nothing I shouldn’t be able to shake though. Especially in the care of these guys.”
The fathers expression turned back to its usual smiley flowery self. 
“You’re a bright one aren't you son. Listen if you ever need a place to turn the church in town and its doors are open to anyone.”
Gareth put his hands in his pockets thinking before responding.
“Thank you sir but I haven't been practicing for a while. My family is heavily religious though. Couldn't go a minute without seeing the lord's face in a candle being lit to remind us of his sacrifice that gave the light to guide his family to safety.”
The father patted him on the back.
“Nonsense son not just for prayer. I’m very aware of how these military types get to be. Peter can’t seem to go five minutes without getting homesick for the Monastery.”
Gareth didn't seem to recognize the name.
“Peter Father?”
Joseph’s expression turned embarrassed.
“I suppose you would know him by preacher first and foremost. He’s a good kid though and since he was trained to be a priest he technically out ranks those servants you saw earlier. They treat him like a big brother its amazing. You know I was the one teaching him too. Took him under my wing a few years ago. He’s always there to help when people need it even if he has to get his elbows dirty. Forgive my rambling but that's what a holy man should be. Not just a martyr but a man of the people”
Gareth sat quietly before delivering a response.
“You clearly respect him a great deal, Father. Joseph.”
Joseph leaned in.
“A great deal more than you would expect, son. But when it comes to protecting people… He’s more a shield than a spear.”
His expression turned a bit more dark.
“Now I know this might not bring you too much comfort but. There’s a storm brewing so to keep yourself safe take this.”
The father handed Gareth a pistol. Dark metal in his palm it felt cold on the outside but like it had an inferno in its gut.
“There's only a single shot. And its been cleansed so anyone hit by the bullet will be sent to the great light. If you choose to allow that to bring you comfort.”
Gareth took it before putting it into his coat. His expression was confused and almost downturned. 
“Thank you father. But why are you choosing to trust me.”
Joseph leaned back and allowed himself to be smiley once again.
“There comes a time when everyone must protect themselves to save those around them. I trust yours may be sooner than you expect. And i trust that you’ll be pull through son.”
Before he could continue Joseph was cut off by a call from a ways off.
“Father Joseph! Leave that poor photographer alone, I'm sure he doesn't want one of your lectures.” 
This time it was Sister Genevieve who spoke up instead of Johnathan.
Preacher rested a hand on her shoulder before giving her some words. Most likely on the importance of “respecting your superiors. Especially the father. Once the holy servants had reconveined with the father they walked off Presumably back to the church in the center of town.
Peter turned to Gareth.
“I hope he didn't give you too much grief did he.”
Gareth paused a second before processing what Peter had said.
“No not much at all, just exchanged some ideology more than anything.”
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korpcat · 24 days
Mai Lieber Mai av Schumann, men bara de sista takterna. Detta stycket är lite klurigt, men harmoniskt enkel (och lite tråkig) vilket får mig att tänka att jag borde ha lärt mig det vid detta laget🫠 Men det har jag inte och det är okej. Jag ska öva mer senare idag, men nu behöver jag en ordentlig paus. Funderar på att sova i biblioteket igen hehe🤭
Det är så varmt och skönt idag, och jag kan inte sluta tänka på de underbara sconesen som min pentrygranne gjorde. Han bjöd på hemmagjord marmelad och saft och allt. Det var otroligt gott. Perfekt förmiddagsfika.
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shalomelohim · 4 months
Vilken mäktig Gud vi har (Quel Dieu puissant nous avons / What a mighty God we have) · Peter Sandwall (Suède / Sweden)
Puissance des choeurs pour louer et glorifier Dieu ensemble.
♥  ♥  ♥
[Refräng - Refrain - Chorus] Vilken mäktig Gud vi har Quel Dieu puissant nous avons What a Mighty God we have (x8)
Han har skapat dej och mej Il vous a créés, vous et moi He has created you and me (x4)
[Refräng - Refrain - Chorus]
Han har makt och härlighet Il a le pouvoir et la gloire, He has power and glory (x4) Låt oss lovsjunga vår Gud Louons notre Dieu, Let us praise our God (x4) Han är värdig lov och pris Il est digne de louanges et de louanges, He is worthy of praise and praise (x4)
[Refräng - Refrain - Chorus]
Han är min sång och min glädje (Il est ma chanson et ma joie / He is my song and my joy) · Pelle Karlsson (Suède / Sweden)
♥ ♥ ♥
Jesus i dina händer Entre les mains de Jésus In the hands of Jesus
Jag vilar till livets slut Je me repose jusqu'à la fin de la vie I rest until the end of life
Jag kan minnas en tid i mörker Je peux me souvenir d'un moment noir I can remember a dark moment
Utan mening levde jag då Sans sens, j'ai vécu alors Without sense, I lived then
Men då hörde jag rösten av honom Mais ensuite j'ai entendu sa voix But then I heard his voice
Som vill visa den väg vi skall gå Qui veut montrer la voie à suivre Who wants to show the way
[Refräng - Refrain - Chorus] Han är min sång och min glädje Il est ma chanson et ma joie He is my song and my joy
Han är min Herre min Gud Il est mon Seigneur et mon Dieu He is my Lord and my God
Jesus i dina händer Entre les mains de Jésus In the hands of Jesus
Jag vilar till livets slut Je me repose jusqu'à la fin de la vie I rest until the end of life
Efter den uttersta dagen Après le dernier jour After the last day
I det nya Jerusalem Dans la nouvelle Jérusalem In the New Jerusalem
Då böjer jag mig inför honom Alors je m'incline devant lui So I bow to him
Och han säger Välkommen hem Et il dit Bienvenue à la maison And He says Welcome to Home
[Refräng - Refrain - Chorus]
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human-antithesis · 1 year
Friggjar faðmbyggvir er mér falinn
Friggjar faðmbyggvir er mér falinn, tekinn af óþekktum tívum ok sals dreyga. Tekinn til Ránar vegs undir Hlés dætr fyrir framan mig. Hve farsæll hefr verið þú, úlfs faðir! Hve máttvana þið báðir voruð, bǫðvar Njǫrðr ok Jarðar sonr. Hvar dvaldist þú, hvert ferðaðist þú meðan erfiðum svo mikið? Svo virðist sem Njarðar niðjar munu enda. Þrír arfþegar enn eru á lífi, en hvað mun koma? Þetta snáka stríð er hið harðasta, sýrar gráts Njǫrðr, Jarls skýja myrði, þennan þráð er svo kalt að spinna, þetta manna sjót svo erfitt að bæta. Við erum alein milli Jǫtuns krafta ok hins endalausa, djúpa, dǫkkbláa hafs æða ok þerris ósk. Megi hinar ósungnu ævin-Hildir vefja aðra þræði en þá sem við hǫfum lifað. Njǫrðr, Þór ok Freyr. Þið skuluð hjálpa! Njǫrðr, Þór ok Freyr. Gefið þessari menja mjǫrk bjartari framtíð. Njǫrðr, Þór ok Freyr. Haldið Býleists bróðr frá oss. Látið hans fǫlsku ormstungu aldrei mæla aftr í reiðar hljóðgreipar ok heyrnar skildi! Skerið hans góma sverð út, látið hann drekka eitrað sára sund að eilífu. Virðumst hafa gengið inn í hring svika, hræsævar bergja ok fjǫrbrots. Vertu með oss, Móða faðir, lyftu Hrungnis bana í reiði til að mǫlva Jǫtna róm ok Marnars fǫðr. Vápna lækjar eldr. Yggs sverðveðr er að hefjast.
[ENGLISH - My husband is gone]
My husband is gone, taken by unknown gods and by water. Taken to Rán's kingdom somewhere under he white daughters before me. How successful you have been so far, Loptr! How powerless you both were, Njǫrðr and Þórr. Where did you stay, where did you travel while we were struggling so hard? The whole kin of Njǫrðr shall end it seems. Three sons are still alive, but what shall come? This Winter is the strongest, Njǫrðr, this thread is so cold to spin, this house so troublesome to repair. We are alone between the Jǫtun's powers and the endless, deep black-blue sea of the sea queen. May those unsung Norns weave other threads than those that we experienced. Njǫrðr, Þórr and Freyr. You shall help! Njǫrðr, Þórr and Freyr, keep Loptr away from us. Let his Ormstunga never speak again into angry and false ears! Let his tongue be cut out, let him suck poisoned blood eternally. It seems we entered the circle of false words, of evil deeds and death. Be with us, Þórr, raise your hammer in anger to smash giants and evil spirits.
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dungcudiencamtay · 1 year
Máy hàn Mig Hồng Ký HK MIG 250
#THBvietnam #30MacThaiTo #275FLyThuongKiet 
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lesfoteses · 1 year
Brasil dia 11: a pescar piranyes
Dijous 24 d’agost del 2023
Hem arribat rebentades després de tot un dia fora de casa, amb zero ganes de buscar granotes. Avui el nostre dia ha començat a les 5:30h del matí, per la qual cosa mitja hora abans ja estàvem despertes, després d’haver-nos adormit cap a quarts de 22h. Seguim per cert sense cobertura ni wi-fi, desconnexió total.
Hem sortit a veure ocells i a veure com s’aixecava el dia aquí enmig de la selva. Ha estat molt bonic, hem fet unes quantes fotos en silenci (cosa que costa perquè tremendes cotorres estem fetes) i hem vist per cert l’autocar escolar que passa a recollir els nens dels “poblats” de la zona. Un cop de tornada, hem anat a esmorzar al menjador on ja a les 7 ens esperaven amb el jalo a punt. Aquí a totes els encanta la pinya, diuen que és la millor fruita que han tastat mai. Però com que jo la trobo asquerosa sigui del Brasil o de l’Ametller origen, no noto la diferència. L’he tastat un cop i ja no repetiré.
Plenes, m’he dutxat. Per sort no hi havia granotes, pel matí deuen dormir. Ah i he aprofitat per fer caca. I res, des de les 9 que hem sortit de casa fins les 18h que hem estat dalt d’una canoa per l’Amazones i afluents.
La llanxa d’ahir ha estat les nostres cames. Primer per anar a veure on es troben l’afluent on estem situades i el riu Amazones. Està a la quinta polla (2h). Però bueno és perquè cada cop que el Leo divisava un mono/iguana/ocell bonic/caiman aturava la llanxa per veure’l uns minuts, deia “là, là. Cappuccino” (que és com li diu als monos mig marrons mig pel-rojos). Bua avui per cert ja hem perdut la vergonya i aprofitant que ahie ens va ensenyar el so gutural per cridar els caimans, avui no hem parat de fer-lo nosaltres. És com un “mu” cap endins, cridat afònic, enèrgic. Ha d’anar acompanyat de picades de mans seques, no tipo aplaudiment eh? Raríssim, i un punt ridícul, però paradoxalment funciona. I funciona tant que en un moment ens hem aturat a la vora del riu per veure el rastre que deixen aquests animals quan surten de l’aigua i el Leo s’ha posat a fer el so. Total, que de cop i volta sentim alguna cosa grossa que entra a l’aigua, com si algú s’hagués capbussat. I després silenci. Diooosss VAYA PUTA RALLADA. Totes “Leo Leo vámonos”, i sí sí ell també ho ha vist clar i ha encès el motor y hasta luego Maricarmen. Ell també s’ha cagat.
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El matí ha passat molt entretingut, l’única pega ha estat el puto sol, fa una calor exagerada. Ens hem estat banyant en crema solar i Relec totes les hores que ha durat la passejada. Quan quedaven potser 45min per arribar a on es creua el nostre riu amb l’Amazones (on hi desemboca, per ser concreta, ja que l’Amazones sembla un puto mar), l’Eli diu “merda ties, he tacat a gas”. Efectivament: li ha vingut la regla mentre érem a la canoa i portava una rodanxa de sang que flipes. El Leo té sort que no li ha tacat el seient de la barca. I no és conya que tan bon punt hem acabat de veure el súper Amazones (que és tan gran que fins i tot té onades. Molt loco, és gegant) la Joana diu “ties, crec que a mi també m’acaba de venir la regla”. Així ha sigut, amb la diferència que la Joana ha sabut parar l’hemorràgia abans del merder i ha avisat per no repetir la matanza de Texas.
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Hem fet un pipí per la selva, aprofitant un dels camins que deuen fer els caimans quan surten a prendre el sol, i veient l’Amazones. Les dues regloses han pogut canviar-se. La part bona és que sempre podran dir que van veure l’Amazones mentre menstruaven.
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Cap a les 14h el Leo ha aparcat la llanxa en una mena de bosquet i ens ha demanat que féssim un foc, una petita foguera, mentre ell preparava tot el tinglado per cuinar el dinar. Ha estat xulíssim! Ell s’ha encarregat de dur pollastre (que s’ha descongelat amb el sol del matí mentre anàvem en canoa), arròs i verdures. I com que té coneixements de fuster, ha muntat la infraestructura d’una cuina amb pals i servint-se d’un matxet.
Nosaltres només teníem una tasca: fer el foc, i sort de la Laia que clarament guanyaria Supervivientes de les que som aquí! Ens ha anat guiant del que calia fins que l’hem encès. No sé si el Leo s’havia imaginat que ho aconseguiríem. L’aigua per cert per cuinar l’hem agafat del puto rio. Asco. Sort que bullit tot es mata.
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Hem dinat parlant d’avortaments i terrorisme, sort que el Leo no ens entén perquè fliparia, i cap a les 16h hem tornat a la llanxa, i uns metres més enllà ens hem aturat per pescar piranyes des de dalt de la barca. Jo no he pescat una puta merda, ni una trista sardina. Vaya fail. I només un cop he notat que m’estirava alguna cosa però tirava tan fort que ni el Leo l’ha pogut treure, ha dit “Deuria ser un cat fish”. No sé què cony és un cat fish però bueno, l’important és que quasi el pesco. La Laia ha pescat dues piranyes (però una l’hem tornat per bebé), la Clara 3, l’Eli una i la Joana una. Algunes d’aquestes les hem alliberat per petites. Al final hem tornat amb cinc peixos. Per pescar fèiem servir les restes dels pollastres del dinar, em refereixo a la cresta, el fetge i els dits de les potes. Feia angúnia, bastant asco. Avui m’he plantejat fer-me vegetariana però per sort se m’ha passat. Hem tornat amb els dits bruts i amb una pudor espantosa. Crec que demà em tallaré les ungles.
Quan hem acabat de pescar hem fet una darrera sessió de fotos a la Golden hour i ja hem tornat a les cabanyes. Òbviament ja ens estaven esperant les granotes! Que avui per cert han convidat a una amigueta, un llangardaix bebé! Amb la Laia, pujant les escales, hem vist per la ranura de la porta dos capets, una granoteta i el llangardaix, que en veure’ns han entrat cap a casa. De puta madre, ja sabem amb qui dormirem avui!
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Ens feia tanta jerna treure la granota que ni llençant la paperera contra la paret l’hem fet baixar. Ha calgut cridar el Leo (cridàvem “Ajudaaa” a grito pelao) perquè vingués a salvar-nos. Ell l’ha tret amb la mà, tal qual. He certificat que jo aquí no hi podria viure. És que ni una setmana aguanto aquí, ja t’ho dic.
Després de sopar les piranyes que hem pescat hem vingut a l’habitació a dormir. Demà a les 5:30 hem tornat a quedar amb el Leo per veure l’alba des de la puta canoa del cul trinxat. Bona nit i reseu per nosaltres!
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werewolfsonpage211 · 1 year
if you grew up not speaking english you may have had the experience of hearing your parents using english when they needed to talk about stuff around you that you couldnt know about.
you know that phenomenon of feeling like its easier to think and talk about your own emotions and complicated thoughts in a different language than your mother tongue?
i feel like im using english so that my inner child wont understand. like it would be too much if they could hear it. like i should protect them from the burden of these heavy thoughts. they should be carefree.
if i speak to myself in english only my mature and critical self will respond. i wont get too emotional or overwhelmed. english is a professional language. its a reading language. an academic language. meanwhile, my first language is the language i met the world in. its the language in which i cried out to my parents. (ive never called my parents mommy or daddy. theyre mamma och pappa.) its the language i laugh in and the language i cry in. its the language i spell out difficult english words in. (lan-gu-a-ge.)
in english i can analyse my feelings like a scientific paper. it puts a buffer up between me and the words i use to describe myself. its not necessarily bad. it makes is easier sometimes.
english is a theoretical language. its light. my mother tongue is heavy. the words set, like a body in quicksand. that can be useful. i calm myself down better in my first language. its grounding. english is flying. its air. or a river. it just goes on and on, forward and neverending.
hang on im gonna try a thing
om du inte talade engelska när du växte upp hörde du kanske dina föräldrar använda engelska när de i din närhet behövde prata om saker du inte fick veta om.
du vet det där fenomenet att det känns lättare att tänka på och prata om sina känslor och komplicerade tankar på ett annat språk än ens modersmål?
det känns som att jag använder engelska så att mitt inre barn inte ska förstå. som att det vore för mycket för honom att höra det. som att jag borde skydda honom från mina tunga tankar. han borde få va bekymmerslös.
om jag pratar med mig själv på engelska kan bara mitt mogna och kritiska jag svara. jag blir inte lika känslosam eller överväldigad. engelska är ett professionellt språk. ett lässpråk. ett akademiskt språk. mitt modersmål å andra sidan är det språk jag mötte världen på. det språk jag grät efter mina föräldrar på. (jag har aldrig kallat mina föräldrar "mommy" eller "daddy". de är mamma och pappa.) det är språket jag skrattar på och språket jag gråter på. det är språket jag bokstaverar jobbiga engelska ord på. (lan-gu-a-ge.)
jag kan analysera mina känslor som en vetenskaplig rapport på engelska. det blir som en buffert mellan mig och orden jag använder för att beskriva mig själv. det är inte nödvändigtvis dåligt. det underlättar saker ibland.
engelska är ett teoretiskt språk. det är lätt. mitt modersmål är tungt. orden sätter sig, som en kropp i kvicksand. det kan va användbart. jag lugnar ner mig själv lättare på mitt modersmål. det är stillnande. engelska flyger fram. det är luft. eller en å. det bara fortsätter och fortsätter, framåt och oändligt.
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bitpartinyourlife · 2 years
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Nu kommer det bli lite elakt och lite snällt om vartannat. Håll i er och häng med.
J. Tillman kallade sig en artist som var verksam under åren kring 00-talets början och 10-talets. Han spelade i Fleet Foxes och släppte ett gäng soloskivor på bolag som Bella Union. Jag var svårt ointresserad av hans typ av musik under den tid han var aktiv. Jag blev om möjligt ännu mindre intresserad när han återuppfann sig som den spjuveraktige Father John Misty sedan han tröttnat på den gravallvarliga singer-songwriterkostymen. Jag tilltalades varken av gravallvar eller pellejönseri där och då.
Men de senaste åren har jag faktiskt med jämna mellanrum snubblat över gamla J. Tillman-skivor med spruckna omslag i Myrornas och Stadsmissionens cd-lådor och inte kunnat hålla mig från att plocka upp dem. Och de låter faktiskt helt okej. Inte omskakande bra, det ska jag inte säga, men behagliga. Särskilt har jag fastnat för skivan “Long May You Run, J. Tillman”. Det är en skiva med ett och samma tonläge rakt igenom. Jag minns inte inte en enda enskild låt. Den är lite som ambient på det sättet. Trots att det är sång kan jag slå på den och stänga av, ägna mig åt annat, till och med läsning som jag annars har svårt att kombinera med musik med sång. En ljudtapet. En kuliss. En sprakande DVD-brasa, ungefär.
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patrikenander · 2 years
Alan Parks: May god forgive Utgiven 2022 378 sidor Cannongate Books May god forgive är den femte i serien om polisen Harry McCoy i 70-talets Glasgow. Jag har varit ett stort fan sedan jag läste den första Bloody January. Förvisso föll den tredje boken Bobby March will live forever mig inte helt i smaken men tack och lov så var The April Dead riktigt bra  Jag,som du förstår håller han på att gå…
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tintinhaiminh · 4 years
Tổng hợp các dòng máy hàn mig giá từ 10 - 15 triệu đồng chất lượng được ưa chuộng.
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theydjarin · 3 years
Cap’s 2021 Fic Recs
Here’s a list of some of my favorite Mando fics that were written in 2021 💖
Couple notes:
- I tried to focus on works that were written and completed in 2021 - I avoided a lot of the main/super popular works, trying to bring some attention to works that really spoke to me and deserve some extra love - Of course, this is a very limited list, if you want more recs, you can check out my AO3 bookmarks
Thanks to all of these amazing authors for creating such beautiful work last year!!!
Desert Creatures by thegingerbatch (WendyBird)
in the low lamp light I was free by astrangebird
this cross is your heart, and this line is your path by wolfhalls
what you don't surrender by ghost_teeth
in the sun i feel as one by getmean
In the sand by Andraem
this space may be a threshold by Scourge_of_Nemo
Take my helmet, take my whole life too by Mandaloria593
look at me (with your eyes closed) by maderilien
while there is still time. by jaigeye
small rotations round the suns by Nimlock, Scourge_of_Nemo
Found by Withercrown
Good Idea by spqr
i implore you (it’s time to come back) by HiddenEye
Now Comes The Tide by Purplesauris
The Whole Way by balloonstand
teach me (to know you) by treescape
OT3s/other ships
one miracle too many by bluemu (Han/Luke)
only a paper moon by focacciabrea (Han/Luke)
Sky's the Limit by Gluten_Full (Han/Din/Luke)
Spring Song by ful_crum (Han/Din/Luke)
Illusions of Someday by Gluten_Full (Han/Din/Luke)
Lonely Places, Solemn Graces by 1863 (Din/Migs)
Lie Back and Catch the Light by Mythosaur34667 (Din/Migs)
Double Double-Cross by urisarang (Din/Migs, cw for consent issues)
the art of taming a fathier by Anonymous (Din/Migs/Boba | A/B/O)
kaputt femoris by notdenii (deniigiq) (Din/Boba/Fennec)
My Lovers Never Fret None by Cryo_Bucky (Din/Boba/Fennec)
The One Where They Know That He Knows (And He Knows They Know That He Knows) by Mandaloria593 (Din/Boba/Fennec)
Off His Chest by kappa77 (gen)
Generous Offers by QuillTea (Din/Paz)
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