#may help me process that i've been alive two decades
mhaccunoval · 1 year
apparently it'll be the summer of doing things
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mercuriians · 7 months
May I request a femreader x Sakura (Naruto) story? Reader has a dream of a small retelling of Rapunzel. Reader climbs Sakura's hair and is happy to talk to her. The story doesn't advance in reader's dream as Reader just happily talks to Sakura. She then wakes up from the dream, surprised to see Sakura waking Reader up.
princess in pink
content info — fem! reader, fluffy drabble, lowkey a disney crossover.
word count — 1.0k words.
author’s note — thank you for the request anon!! i apologize for taking an actual eternity to write this 🙁, my sense of motivation was not kind to me. however, the good news is that it’s back now! this story is a little on the shorter side but i hope you guys enjoy it still. :)
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all around the town, there’s been word of a beautiful, fair young girl who can only be found within a spiraling tower.
it's a myth as common as can be, having survived a decade of being passed around and exchanged like a silver coin. most of the people believed it, of course, ever since the village's princess mysteriously went missing, but there were always those who remained unaffected by all the talk. "people will say anything nowadays," they'd say with a scoff before proceeding on with their usual day-to-day business. you, like the majority, stood firm by the myth. however, unlike the majority, your spirit was fierce, unrestrained, and above all, inquisitive. in your eyes, everything was a challenge waiting to be beaten, a puzzle waiting to be understood. so, naturally, you vowed to prove to everyone that the story was in fact real, and that there was someone who genuinely needed help.
because there was no way that the village's princess was dead.
two days after you turned eighteen, you finally ventured outside the town walls, carrying nothing with you but a lamp. you were dressed simply, wearing your weathered boots and an onyx cloak that ensured you stayed hidden amidst the shadows of the night. you'd also stolen your father's dagger just before you left, figuring that you might as well be prepared for anything. you were adventurous, but you weren't daft. safety wasn't guaranteed when you were essentially leaving behind the sole place you'd ever known. but then again, you suppose, that was part of what made this escapade so exhilarating.
so you set off on your awaited journey, not knowing what to expect and yet expecting everything all the same.
but, after four days of searching all over the land, scribbling unprecedented areas into your little map, and relying on the surprisingly delicious berry bushes you were fortunate enough to stumble upon, maybe the one thing you didn’t anticipate was the overwhelming long, thick, silky rope of rosy hair dangling over the grand tower’s open window, its ends touching the grass-covered grounds of the clearing. your eyes widened.
there was someone inside that tower—the princess.
after taking a brief but thorough look at the building, you deduced that there was no other way to get in, so you started walking towards the rope of pink hair. carefully, you set foot on it, steadying yourself as best you could. a few seconds passed, and with a sharp inhale, you felt yourself being lifted, the hair being used as leverage as you got closer and closer to the window. voluntarily, you willed yourself not to look down.
it was only a minute later that you found yourself face-to-face with the lost princess herself, your mouth completely agape as you took a moment to process several truths all at once. the rumors were in fact true—of course they were—and the princess was alive and well, and wow were her emerald eyes always so captivating—
"you've come to save me," she says a little breathlessly, gaze clearly bright with joy. "after all these years, i've been found! please, tell me your name."
the sound of her smooth voice is enough to shake you out of your stupor. clearing your throat and disregarding your momentary embarrassment, you offer her a smile as politely as possible before bending into a bow. "(y/n), princess sakura. i'm glad that i've finally located you. the village has been in a deep state of unrest ever since you disappeared."
for a moment, sakura's smile tightens, but she regains her composure so swiftly that you question whether you were merely hallucinating. "i'm sorry to have caused all the worry. it's all a bit of a long story, but i'll make sure to tell you it later. how did you find me?"
you explain the details of your journey to the princess, and she nods along attentively, her eyes rarely leaving yours. her soft giggle wafts through the air when you comment on how the berries you found lined up along the dirt path were a delicious, convenient snack. "when we get back to the village, remind me to bake you a blueberry pie," she hums pleasantly. "think of it as my way of saying thank you."
you can't stop the way a rosy blush dusts over your cheeks. “it’s alright, really,” you protest weakly. “i’m okay.”
sakura’s smile drops a bit, a more stern expression passing over her face. “are you refusing a gift from the princess herself?” she asks with a fair sense of sass, her lithe fingers curling around her hip for good measure. it’s rather cute, especially with the pout she’s now maybe unintentionally wearing, but you keep that observation to yourself.
immediately you shake your head, a slightly nervous smile ghosting across your lips. “not at all, i promise,” you assure her. “thank you kindly, my lady.”
the two of you talk for a long while, exchanging remarks until it seems like time has worn itself thin. it never registers in your mind that the nature of the reality eventually grows hazy, almost as if the moment has been frozen in place like a lake during winter. really, all you’re able to focus on is the princess in front of you, with her soft rosy hair and easy smile. her scent is delicate, somewhat like strawberries, but there’s a sense of a kind yet assertive strength that sharpens her gaze. it’s one that somehow gives you an impression of what the princess thinks of you—as equals, as people who stand on the same ground. it’s a nice, comforting feeling.
but then the world starts to shift, and you start to feel someone shaking you awake. that’s when you realize that your reality—the one you’d been living in before—has ultimately never even existed. light pours into your line of vision, and with a small groan, you look up. fortunately, a familiar pair of emerald eyes is there to greet you.
“hey there, sleepyhead,” sakura laughs, fondly flicking you on the forehead. “nap time’s over. did you dream of anything?”
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horce-divorce · 1 year
I am feeling so so very grateful this week for so many things, but I think at the top of the list needs to be my Tumblr friends, esp two of you in particular who are ALWAYS!!!! stepping in to save my ass no questions asked when I need help. I'm so grateful to all my friends who have been here to bear witness to my worst moments and breakdowns and 3am drunkposting and who are still here, some of you after a decade, BOTH celebrating my little wins with me and still responding and somehow maybe even respecting me even though I'm still posting sadboy shit. I'm so grateful to the people who were strangers, then friends, then sometimes strangers again, who opened up their little makeshift homes to me when I had none, who showed me queer community when I had never seen it before and when I needed it the most, I am so grateful to every queer person I've ever met- even in the most brief passing- for forever changing my life. I'm so grateful to have found other people in bumfuck, nowhere who want to build the queer resources we wish we'd already had.
I'm so grateful for my IRL friends who stuck with me thru the distance and the fights and still were here to introduce me to new friends when I moved back home. I'm so grateful for my new friends who are so friggin excited to share their homes and pets and favorite foods and foraging knowledge and camp supplies with me. I'm so grateful to the cis queer friends in my life who understand and celebrate my transition. I'm so grateful to be in Michigan in a time when it's shockingly safe to be queer here compared to other places. I'm so grateful that it was so easy for me to get top surgery- not just the process, not just the relatively easy access to a decent surgeon, but to everyone who immediately stepped up and helped me get all the supplies I needed.
I'm not going into too much detail but when you guys help me, you're helping my friends, too. I think you all know that and I don't have to explain shit like the community $20, you are the ones who taught me that concept. But I WANT you to know, that money doesn't just go to me and my needs. This week I wasn't just recovering from top surgery, I was also sitting with my dearest friend who desperately, desperately needed to feel this sense of community, too. and because of the help I got this week I was able to extend that to him. If it wasnt for you I wouldn't have been able to share that. I really can't tell you how much we both needed it.
the help I got this week- monetarily, materially, emotionally, metaphysically- it didn't just help me achieve and recover from top surgery, it immediately and directly saved two (2) queer lives from being extinguished. you didn't just buy me food and gas. you bought us more time on this Earth. you bought us more time together when we needed it so desperately. It may not be forever, but even if it was only this week, it's a week of time with someone I love very much that I will never, ever, ever take for granted.
I don't know how to tell you all that it means so much more to me than "attention" or "having money" when you interact w my posts and help me out. I wish I had a way of consistently giving you back something that meant this much. I wish I could tell you exactly how it feels and how much it means and I just don't know if we have the words in English. I don't know how to explain after more than a decade and so many irreplaceable friendships made and so many hardships you've all helped me through... I hope the type of community I now know through the internet is something all people can someday find. I hope you know what I mean because I want you to feel it, too.
It's easy to feel lonely when you're touch starved and physically distant from a lot of the people who love you. But I have so rarely felt as held as I do right now. I don't know how to thank you because I can't thank you enough for my life. Happy pride. Please stay safe. Please stay alive. Please be thriving in spite of everyone who's trying to kill us. I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.
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riridontneedya · 3 years
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Any house Reader, Harry Potter x
Wordcount: 4,210
Warnings: SMUT, ANGST dom ,sub, daddy ,oral, teasing ,praise, spitting , chocking etc run of the mill smut.
A/N : Well the time has come I've finally given in.. I say finally didn't take much conviction lol. Anyway in this universe Dumbledore is still very much alive and no-one tried to kill one another so all is well. As always enjoy and let me know what you think xx
Summary: Draco and y/n battle it out for the new position as headmaster but what happens when they are made to work alongside one another
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“Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention please” spoke Dumbledore. He arose from his chair gently tapping his knife against his chalice in order to garner the crowds attention . Shortly everyones eyes were fixated on him. He cleared his throat and began. “I would like to thank each and everyone one of you for coming out tonight … as we all know its been a tough decision for me to step down, however! .I have no fear as I know the school will be in the safest of hands. I hand picked these two myself and in-fact trust them with my life. I know they have been working tirelessly day in and out to ensure not only my trust .. but all members of committee and most importantly our students. So with that being said when it is revealed in tomorrows assembly who the new headmaster and deputy are I want you both to know ,no matter the outcome I am so proud of you both, so let us raise a toast to our candidates . Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N and Draco Lucius Malfoy”. With that Dumbledore rose his chalice high in the air smiling warmly at the pair. Everybody followed suit and raised their glasses high in celebration.
Draco and Y/N graciously thanked everyone as they showered them with words of praise and encouragement . Just then Y/n went to speak however her words were abruptly cut short by Astoria. As if an eager child unable to contain her excitement she blurted out. “ Draco and I are so grateful for all the support, so as a thank you after this we will be having refreshments and canapés at the Malfoy manor to celebrate his new position as headmaster .. all are welcome to join”. ‘Headmaster .. oh my how incredibly presumptuous” Y/N chuckled into her drink. “Excuse me” squeaked Astoria, she spun around rapidly locking eyes with Y/n. Y/n folded her arms across her chest and began “I do believe you heard me Astoria .. you said headmaster and thats yet to be revealed so for you to address Draco as said headmaster is well.. presumptuous”. Astorias tongue prodded the inside of her cheek, you could tell by the hue of red in her face she was infuriated but trying to find the words without imploding.
“Well , I just know he will ok so yeah just know that”, spat Astoria in a feeble attempt to shake off Y/ns rightful observation’. ‘Oh I see” snapped y/n “why didn't you say it was you sooner, Sybil , Sybil Trelawney teacher of divination . What are you doing here under the guise of Polyjuice potion? I mean you could’ve just come with your crystal ball and tea leaves and said he was the winner that way instead of this elaborate scheme don’t you think?” The laughter of fellow by standers suddenly erupted around the women. Astoria who now sup parsed hues of red was the shade of a beetroot , completely enraged prepared to snap she was interrupted by Dumbledore. “ NOW now girls quell your fiery natures, this is to be a peaceful night of celebrations”. The woman smiled coyly at Dumbledore. ‘My apologies Dumbledore” y/n chimed up. “We speak no more of it ok” Dumbledore smiled and gently patted the crown of y/ns head and proceeded to make his way back to his chair. Y/N turned and smiled gloatingly at Astoria. In response Astoria screwed her face up mockingly and fled no doubt to chastise Draco for not swooping in and defending her.
“Pwoarh Nice one mate” chuckled Fred as he held out his fist waiting for Y/n to bump it. Hahah stop it you she giggled. ‘Here , should we go to the manor after this for a laugh” sniggered George appearing alongside them. “Ha, I'm sure she’s revoked my invitation effective immediately” said Y/n, as she peered over to Astoria , she could see her flailing her arms around whilst Draco made no attempt to conceal his look of boredom in the conversation. “You know what lets .. Ive been dying to get a peek of the manor anyway what harm can it do”. ‘Cracking’ the twins harmonised in unison. The trio linked arms and jollied along.
Once arrived at the manor they soon found it to be every bit luxurious as they envisioned. The floors were marble and reflected the light of the enormous crystal chandeliers suspended from the ceiling. Each stair of the grand staircase was illuminated by candle light creating an auburn strip propelling up the length of the stairs. Every inch of the manor oozed with decadence. “Wow , its rather impressive” mused y/n . “You can say that again” chimed Fred as he helped himself to a glass of champagne , handing one over to y/n. They began to mingle and drink with the rest of the party guests it was an overall pleasant evening that was until Astoria appeared before Y/n. “Glad to see you could make it y/n” said Astoria with a constipated smile. She had made little to no effort to conceal her sarcastic tone.
Y/n had no interest in rehashing todays mini confrontation. Instead she pulled a sickly sweet smile and said “ Wouldn’t miss it for the world, thank you for your generous hospitality Ms Green grass.” Astorias face dropped “green green .. she muttered, haha don’t be silly you must get use to calling me Mrs Malfoy”. Now despite y/ns fondness to antagonise Astoria at any given opportunity she couldn’t help but see she was visibly hurt. She immediately began to fumble her words in a bid to preserve her feelings “honestly , Astoria I'm sorry I didn't know the extent of your relationship .. I apologise”. Astoria still hadn’t reacted she stood stationary bottom lip protruding sad and helpless like a lost puppy. Y/n gently squeezed Astorias forearm and began to say “ look you mustn't pay it any mind, Draco wouldn’t dare indulge in any small talk with me about family life .. so don’t stress it congratulations by the way”. Astoria looked up at her with eyes softened . Relief washed over Y/n as she could tell she was receptive to her. Y/n couldn’t help but wonder to herself why he hadn’t mentioned news as big as that , they had worked so closely over these months . To be fair on a good day if you hadn’t known Draco you wouldn’t even know he had a girlfriend let alone fiancé .. or wife ?
Astoria went to talk but just then none other than Draco emerged behind her . His hand came down onto her shoulder. sharply. “ thats enough now sweetheart , I think Daphne was looking for you actually”. There was a weird exchange of eye contact Astoria weakly smiled and left. It was now just y/n and Draco stood before one another. Draco broke the silence by clearing his throat “ Y/L/N, may I interest you in a nightcap in my office ,there are things Id appreciate to discuss before we venture into our new working relationship”. Although slightly bewildered she agreed as after all they were to work alongside one another and she’d rather it be somewhat harmonious than turbulent.
Y/n followed Draco across the length of the great hall and into a pair of grand double doors. The room was vast , books littered the walls as far as the eye could see and in the corner a fireplace roared. Draco stood behind his desk and motioned for y/n to take a seat opposite him. She smoothed the back of her dress and proceeded to make herself comfortable. Draco started pouring whiskey from the crystal decanter into a couple of whiskey tumblers. The burn of the fire whisky ignited as it glided down her throat. The combination of whiskey and champagne left Y/N beginning to feel somewhat merry, she hadn’t really noticed during the quiet sobering conversation with Astoria. ‘So what is it you have in mind Draco?”. His stormy grey eyes peered over at her from behind his glass. ‘Very well” he remarked and manoeuvred himself to Y/NS side of the desk .He perched himself on the edge legs akimbo and both his large veiny hands clasped around his whiskey glass. Y/n inhaled sharply as she averted her gaze from his legs splayed before her. Continuing he said “ As you're aware I have my plans about how Hogwarts should be run , I have a detailed strategy and I plan to implement it as soon as possible .. so what I'm really asking is are you with me or against me because I have no intention of being held back”.
Y/n blinked rapidly .. she was unable to process what he was saying , how could he be so smug thinking he had headmaster place secured already. “ Fuck sake Draco, ok first that wasn’t really posed as an option now was it ?, also enough with belief that its your divine right to just be appointed as headmaster! What makes you think that if you somehow are the headmaster I will just bend at your will? Pathetic!” She scoffed into her drink. Draco began to stifle a laugh “ Ah you do amuse me y/n”, look I'm willing to let you have some creative control … only if you prove to me how badly you so desire it”. His suggestive smile sent shivers up y/n. “Fuck you Malfoy” she hissed and jolted from her seat, once she reached the door she rattled the doorknob but to no avail the door wouldn’t budge. “Open it now” she demanded . Draco slowly sauntered towards her and leant across the door “hmm I thought you liked a challenge .. guess I was wrong this will be no fun after all ” Draco was indeed correct Y/n did enjoy a challenge and he’d be gravely mistaken if he thought she would let him get away without putting up a fight”.
Something switched in Y/n she turned to face Draco who was only inches away. He towered over her with his svelte frame encased in an all black suit. ‘Is this what you want Draco hmm” she said in a sultry tone whilst hooking her finger into his belt loop pulling him closer. You want me to beg ..or would you rather me on my knees .. better yet I could be a good girl and just bend over that desk right now and let you have your way if thats what you want” . Draco's breathing was now laboured within seconds he had pulled y/n in by the waist flipped her round having her pressed against the door, his body weight up against her and his hand holding her arms in place on the door. Y/n could feel the stiffness of his impressive length against her derrière. With a shallow gasp he breathed dangerously close to her ear “ be careful what you wish for ms Y/L/N , I don’t take too kindly to false promises as I always get what I want” . With that he tossed her around to face him .Y/n was now panting her body was burning in desire she wanted nothing more than to drop to her knees there and then. No wonder Astoria was attached to his hip.. if this was anything to go off.
Y/n bit her lip she felt dizzy with emotions . Draco stood before her with a devious smile , his hands soon intertwining at her waist and face buried in her décolleté littering it with kisses making his way down to her ample bosom. Y/n couldn’t help but throw her head back in delight eliciting a small moan. That only became fuel for Draco as he hoisted her leg from the floor and wrapped it around him. It was then Y/n felt a vibration from the opposite side of the door., as if someone had knocked from the outside . It was then followed by a mousy ‘ Dray , are you in there’. Draco paused for a moment grip still tight on y/n. “What is it I'm having a business meeting , i'll be out shortly don’t hover ”. It was clear who it was… the pair unraveled themselves from one another quickly smoothing out clothing and rejigging themselves. ‘Ok let us” let me stop you Draco, Y/n interrupted pressing her finger against his lips to audibly shush him. “ As if you think id let this happen you think you get to fuck me then you do as you please and I a dutiful little lap dog . Pfffft what a joke like it or not I'm going to be your boss so the only way I'm fucking you is in the more figurative sense , now you better hurry up don’t want to keep your fiancé waiting or Is it wife hmmm”. With a quick flick from her wand she sent the door swinging open and promptly stormed out.
The day had finally arrived the great hall of Hogwarts was alive with the buzz of chatter. The sizeable table at the forefront of the hall hosted all the teachers and most importantly both Draco and y/n. Dumbledore made his way to the podium, he produced his wand and placed it at the base of his neck it acted as a megaphone propelling his voice across the hall. “Everybody if I may have your attention please.” The chatter soon died down and everyone eagerly cast their eyes on him. “ Right, I shan’t keep you in suspense anymore , it is time to announce your new headmaster & deputy ’. Both Draco and y/n fidgeted in their seats after all these months of rivalry it had boiled down to this. “ Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Ms y/n y/l/n your new headmaster !” Boomed Dumbledore. .Y/N shrieked she was giddy with excitement she couldn’t believe she had actually done it. Everyone around her broke out into wild applause there were whistles and jeers laughter overall excitement. She was being ushered by the surrounding teachers to get up to the podium to make a speech. As she was making her way she cast eyes on Draco, there he stood paler than usual and unresponsive he was there physically but not mentally his carcass stood stationary unable to ingest the news he had just been fed.
The days rolled into weeks weeks rolled into months and y/n had almost completed a whole term at Hogwarts. All was going swimmingly and albeit begrudgingly Draco was in-fact a great support on her journey. It was the last night of term and y/n sat a her desk pondering over a mountain of papers. Y/n sighed and cradled her head in her hands , she was exhausted she spent all her time dedicated to the role that she forgot to take time out for herself. There was a knock at the door “Come in” she yelled out. Draco's head emerged around the door. ‘
Oh hey you , come in come in” ushering him to the desk. ‘Oh dear , sucks to be you , regretting the position of power now?” Draco chuckled menacingly. “Ha ha very funny” she uttered dryly. “Anyway , some of the other teachers are going out for drinks but I can see you are busy” said Draco eyeballing the mountains of paper. “Yeah.. I afraid I am , but you enjoy yourself Draco have a drink for me and i'll see you next term” she smiled warmly at him. Draco locked eyes on her , hands stuffed in his pocket he began to fidget. “In all honesty I'm not the fondest of all the people going .. also Id much rather not be at home ..before you laugh or probe why just don’t because I won’t go into it but I can’t bare to spend another moment longer with …her .. so umm yeah , I can help you out here then say you make it up to me buying me a drink later?”
Y/n smirked “You’re quite then enigma aren’t you Draco ..? He raised his eyebrows at her in acknowledgement. “Fine , id appreciate that very much but I am rather tired so if it's not beneath you I can offer you a drink at mine ..”. His eyes flickered up to meet hers , stifling a smile . “Id like that ..”he said softly , ‘well then , let's get to work” y/n smiled. Draco and y/n worked through the night it was filled with chatter and laughter they felt at ease with one another. Once they finished up the momentum continued on at y/ns house. Copious amounts of fire whiskey later they found themselves delving into deeper topics having more in-depth conversations and discovering more about one another. Draco's whole demeanour was very relaxed and this was foreign to y/n. His shirt sleeves were rolled up and tie loosened. ‘You know .. you're an alright person not that much of a pain in my arse surprisingly” Draco chuckled swigging another mouthful of whiskey. “Well thats rich” laughed y/n.
“Right well I've really enjoyed this but its getting late , I can barley keep my eyes open … earlier you mentioned you didn't want to go back so .. you're more than welcome to stay …. Only if you want”. Rattled by the kind gesture he smiled affectionately. Stumbling over his words “umm yeah , thank you y/n you’ve exceeded your generosity let me at least grab us coffee for the morning then. “Sounds like a plan , hopefully you won’t find me a pain in the arse again come morning ”. With a cackle Y/n got up from the couch and showed Draco to the spare room. Once at the door she began to wish him a goodnight. As he went to hug y/n his lips grazed her cheek. Y/n suddenly recoiled , a silence loomed over them as they gazed at one another the emotions of that night in Draco's office flooding back. Y/n could feel the heat surging in her cheeks so she hastily wished him a good night and scurried to her room. Once in the shelter of her room she let out a sigh of relief. She knew it was the right thing to do but my how she craved him.
Draco burst through the door making a beeline for Y/N. He took her into his arms and kissed her with an insatiable hunger. Backing her into the wall he began to rid her of her clothing . Y/n hands clambered at his chest to do same however he abruptly stopped her “ Oh no you don’t , you think I forgot about that little stint in my office huh ? Well I didn't and I've been awaiting the day I get to fuck you senseless Ms y/n … you control me all day and now its y turn to control you .. you will do everything I say do you understand” . Enthralled by his dominance Y/n nodded enthusiastically. “Sorry I didn't hear you “ roared Draco grabbing her face towards his. “Yes who”. “Yes Draco” she moaned . “You can do better than that dear yes who, i'll only ask you one more time or i'll have bent over my knee.. so what will it be?” . “Yes … daddy “ she muttered bashfully. “Thats my girl” he bellowed. He grabbed her and thrust her onto the bed , he unfastened his tie and instructed her to lift her hands above her head. Y/n did as commanded. He bound her wrists up and hooped them over the bed post. “Now, I'm going to have my way with you and you don’t get to touch me understood!” ‘Yes daddy y/n whimpered” “ahh what a good girl you are, ugh the things I'm going to do to you”. Y/ns eyes winded in desire, Draco shimmied y/ns shirt up and instructed her to bite down using it as a makeshift gag. He suddenly began to kiss her lower abdomen slowly sliding off her trousers.
Y/n titled her hips aiding him in taking them off. Draco's eyes lit up upon the discovery of her not wearing any undergarments “oh so you were anticipating me you filthy slut” Draco chuckled darkly’. He teased and taunted kissing her inner thighs only grazing her sex, this drove y/n crazy her body craved him inside her. Draco finally delicately licked a strip against her folds causing her body to crumble at the slightest of his touch. His warm moist tongue began frantically massaging her causing her to rive in ecstasy . His tongue began to vibrate excitedly against her clitoris sending shock waves through her entire body , she bucked her hips in excitement unable to keep her composure as Draco's tongue fixated on lapping up the one spot that drove her insane. Y/n was close he was relentless with his tongue against her swollen bud , just as she was about to finish Draco withdrew. Y/ns face fell in disgust just as she was about complain he plunged his fingers deep inside her ..pumping rhythmically y/ns juices coated his fingers . His other hand sloped around her neck , eventually this caused her to release all over his hand. Draco's pupils now engulfed his eyes …he was enthralled in pleasure watching her crumble for him . “ Aren’t you a good girl , snarled Draco “squirting for daddy , whilst I love it I don’t recall giving you permission to” .y/n squirmed overcome with pleasure unable to respond.
He unhooked her and brought her to her knees. He ripped her shirt from her mouth and produced his veiny throbbing cock dripping with pre cum. Y/n gasped in astonishment and eagerly attempted to take him all in her mouth bobbing her head enthusiastically until her jaw ached and eyes began to stream. He hurled his head back in pleasure as her tongue gently caressed his pulsating tip. “Ugh yeah just like that baby “ he muttered .
Without warning y/n sucked on the tip with vigour. Draco let out a ferocious moan whilst grabbing y/ns hair fashioning it into a ponytail attempting to make her glide her tongue down the rest of his shaft. He couldn’t have her do that for too long as he surely would finish in her mouth. “You filthy filthy girl “ he beamed as he pulled her off his cock . Rocking her head back spiting in her mouth. He brought yn to her feet and began kissing her deeply interlocking his tongue with hers , she yearned so badly to touch him to feel her skin against his. “ Get over here , I want you leant over this bed frame whilst I fuck you .. I'm going to cum on that pretty pussy then I'm going to put it back in understand!” Firmly instructed Draco . “Yes daddy” that’s my girl he cooed. Draco teasingly stroked his member against her entrance this sent shock waves through y/n causing her to gyrate in hopes he would slip in. Draco caught onto this and his hand came down harshly on her derrière .y/n let out a gasp. “Don’t be greedy now” he laughed tightening his makeshift restraints on her wrists. Relentless with his teasing it was a shock to y/n when Draco abruptly pushed into her. Y/n was in euphoria as was Draco as the warmth of her walls swaddled his manhood.
Draco slammed into y/n her body rattling with pleasure, just then Draco felt himself out to release .. so true to his word he instructed y/n to lay on her back so he could empty his contents onto her. He threw his head back in jubilation upon release. As he went to enter her again this time her was slower much more gentle taking y/n into his arms. “How do you want me to finish you off baby?,like this or I could use my fingers?” Y/n shuddered remembering the bliss she was in from his lengthy fingers so it would be a no brainer to opt for them “Fingers please daddy” she uttered softly.
He untangled himself from her stood up and offered his hand . Taking her across the room he sat down in-front of the floor length mirror instructing y/n to sit in between his legs. “If its fingers you was then its fingers you’ll get but your gonna have to watch me”. His large hand sloped up her neck tenderly chocking her whilst his other massaged at her slit . Y/n was still dripping from earlier so it was light work for him to imbed his fingers into her. Y/n couldn’t take it the combination of Draco's fierce unwavering gaze in the mirror and the sheer bliss she felt with her legs quaking she soon released decorating the mirror in-front her. “Ugh your amazing baby” he beamed kissing her forehead gracefully. “Here let's get you cleaned up and we can cuddle in bed”. “Oh my … I didn't peg you as a cuddling type Draco” y/n laughed gingerly attempting to get up her legs still trembling beneath her. “Shut up you” he scolded “when will you learn there’s a lot you still don’t know about me y/n”.
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I'm lurking in people's ask boxes today, making them horny. Marvel Boomer fandom mass insanity? More likely than you think.
Bonus gif in the comments once you reply to this. Tumblr doesn't let me add 😡🤬
"Come on, try and make me angry," Banner grits out, an arm thrown around your neck. You can feel the bulging of his muscles, the tension of his veins. He's barely holding back the force of the Hulk. "See how you like that!"
You want to laugh. You want to laugh in his face, and in Tony's, because they are just mortal men. Intelligent, capable, but at the very core of it, very simple human men.
"I'd listen to the Mean Green if I were you," Tony, of course, throws in a mocking remark. You've never experienced the joys of a quiet Stark.
"Well, mark me down as scared and horny," The look you give Tony and his suit is pornographic. That's your final decision: they will reap what they sow. You'd been minding your business, not hurting anyone - in fact, you've been having nothing but positive reviews, but for some reason, humans just couldn't comprehenda peaceful co-existing with a different species. "I've been alive longer than you, your fathers and your grandfathers combined. Why is it that human men always seem to think they deserve to have the veto power?"
Banner briefly stills behind you; you knew they'd assigned him to the task because his self-control is impeccable, almost good enough for him to be unable to be seduced. Tony's there for the opposite reason: someone had believed a good lover may make you inclined to surrender peacefully. Both of them, of course, were wrong. Neither satisfaction nor submission is in your nature.
"Well, we can't have demons just running around and sucking the souls out of civilians," Tony supplies conversationally.
You groan and then palm your face, not really struggling against Banner's iron grip. "I'm not a demon," For the millionth time in your long life, you spit out the acidic words. "I am a succubus. We do not kill or harm humans," You explain, feeling Banner's apprehension morph into stunned confusion. "That lie was invented by the Catholic church because it was easier to blame repeated infidelity on us rather than hold unfaithful men accountable," You spit out louder than you intend to; being a succubus, things like gender and sex didn't really concern you, but seeing how much it impacted the humanity, it had made sense to spend most of the time in your male form. Only the few past decades you've reacquainted yourself with the female form and the joys of being a woman still were few and in-between. Except the actual physical act of...
That's how you end up in Stark's and Banner's shared lab, wearing one of the former's oversized shirts with an IV and a neat little device that seems to be scanning all your vitals simultaneously. The technological babble is lost in you; instead, you focus on holding back the hunger that grows within you minute by minute.
"Are those numbers looking normal for your species?" Banner asks you, thrusting a tablet in your lap, eyes focused on a whole different set of screens. He is, by far, the kindest man of science you have ever met. Perhaps that's why you agreed to invasive testing.
"No," You can't help but sound grouchy. "I'm hungry," Predictably, the man blushes crimson. You'd explained, in uncomfortable detail, how exactly the feeding process goes down. Dr. Banner was nothing but polite and professional during the small interrogation; now, after the extended time spent in your presence, he seems to grow more and more susceptible to your natural charms.
Or, perhaps, your growing hunger is making the reigns to your self-control to be slippery. Banner accidentally catches your eyes and you see it instantly: the beast, the hunger of his own is doing the same thing. It's pushing against the rails, demanding to be released.
"I can't," He breathes, standing statue-still. "I'll hurt you," With every passing second, you feel the air in the cool room heat up and thicken.
"No, you won't," You're sure. "You can trust me," Neither of you notice how close your bodies are; one moment and his face is inches away from yours, his green-rimmed browns boring into your eyes that undoubtedly have adopted the deep crimson color of hunger by now.
The rest is a rush; his hands, holding you by the shoulders as he gives into his lust, his lips - surprisingly soft - and the noise of the buttons of his shirt hitting the cold tiled floors. There's no finesse, no time for proper foreplay as your hunger bleeds into him, fuels the fire to his all-consuming need.
It's been ages since you've felt someone resist you so strongly, so stubbornly, and it's delicious.
"M'not gonna last," He mumbles, unbuttoning his pants with one clumsy hand while the other noses at your soaking core. You look down on his thick fingers and gasp in surprise: they're big and tinted a fluorescent green, two of them enough to give a delicious stretch once they enter you.
Your face shoots up, finding the previously reserved man smirking in self-satisfaction. "Fuck, that's not... I need more," Is it the casual display of power or the rapid flip of attitude, you don't know, but it's doing it for you. The hunger pangs dull.
Banner's lips and teeth attach themselves to the crook of your neck as the unusually tinted arms drag you almost completely off the table and onto his cock; it's thick, veined and hard as a rock. You let out a squeak - something you considered previously to be above you - as he bottoms out in one single, sharp push of his hips.
"That good enough for you?" His voice had dropped a whole couple of octaves too. Green is steadily crawling up his neck. Your combined sweat stains his friend's t-shirt.
"I hope I'm not interrupting your experiment," Said friend, does, in fact, interrupt, but Dr. Banner only growls. You feel the smile he hides in your skin; you know the boys are just getting started.
After all, as a succubus, you're used to getting what you want.
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What even... this is the first thing I’m reading in the morning. Well fuck 🥵
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By James Shotwell
Love is a rebellious act. Anyone can light a fire or throw a punch, but not everyone is comfortable being vulnerable. Love requires vulnerability. More than anything else, love demands that we position ourselves to be hurt over and over again. Some would claim that such decisions are a sign of insanity, but anyone who has ever known true love will tell you that it's always worth the risk. The warmth of a loving embrace is perhaps the most comforting force on this planet. To be seen and accepted for who you are rather than what you hope others believe you to be is the most empowering experience in life.
NEEDTOBREATHE understand risk. For the better part of two decades now, the South Carolina rock band has consistently challenged themselves and their fans to be more transparent. Their songs rip open every scar and suture we use to hide our weakest moments and worst traits in hopes of bringing understanding and empathy into the world. For them, building community is everything, and the only way to forge a foundation of lasting bonds is through unwavering truth. They ask listeners to find comfort in being themselves and demand they make spaces for others to do the same. As Kurt Cobain would say, “Come as you are.”
“Into the Mystery,” the lead single off NEEDTOBREATHE's eighth studio album of the same name, finds the road-weary group recommitting themselves to their purpose. It's a love song written for anyone who needs to feel less alone. Some will undoubtedly interpret the lyrics as a cry to Christ or God or some higher power, but I don't feel such connections are necessary. A savior is anyone or anything that reaches through the fog of fear and discomfort to make you feel like you belong. It's not about some physical form that rushes into bad times and saves you as it is a feeling you get when you know you can breathe easy, even if only for a moment. As the lyrics describe:
Love is not a cage, love is not a path
Love's a steady hand waiting for the storm to pass
You loved me then when you needed me
But will you still when it's not so easy
Growing up, I always idolized my grandfather. He was a Presbyterian preacher who spent most of his life doing good deeds for the communities that welcomed him. There was no potluck, fundraiser, wedding, funeral, or graduation party he would not attend. If someone lost their spouse, he made sure they were fed and cared for as long as it took for them to process their grief. If someone needed a man of faith to oversee their wedding, he was their man. He would put the world before himself and never think twice. For him, acts of service were his purpose. He knew that making people feel like they were a part of something bigger than themselves was of the utmost importance.
I remember countless days where I watched as my grandfather welcomed a revolving door of people into his home and office for the sole purpose of offering them comfort. I never really knew what they were going through, and I got the sense that he didn't either, but it didn't matter. People were suffering. They had money problems, romantic entanglements, demanding children, and unruly relatives. Some had received news from their doctors that things were never going to get better. Others didn't even know what was wrong, but they could not shake the feeling that nothing would ever be good ever again. Maybe my grandfather couldn't always give them what they wanted, but he gave them what they needed. Sometimes, just being there is enough.
You don't need God to believe in the power of community. A shared belief in an omnipresent being certainly helps create spaces where people can gather and share, but it's not a requirement. All that you need is a willingness to be vulnerable with strangers. To find within yourself the strength to accept others as they are and to admit the things you are not. If you can shake loose from the shackles of whatever lies you tell yourself to avoid getting to the heart of what makes you tick, then you can find yourself surrounded by others who feel just as lost as you, and through that shared understanding, beautiful things can unfold.
I don't know everything the members of NEEDTOBREATHE believe, but I know they recognize the tremendous power of music. Their songs are open calls to people in need of something. They are moments in time committed to tape for the sole purpose of providing comfort in a world of endless chaos and heartache. Like a letter from someone that you haven't seen in ages, "Into The Mystery" is a reminder that we are never truly alone as long as we have songs. We are always just a few clicks or gestures on a stereo away from feeling the sonic embrace of people who, like you and I, are doing their best to make sense of something nobody in the history of humankind has been able to comprehend.
To end here without acknowledging that sometimes a song or album isn't enough would downplay the sense of longing and isolation that many of us feel. When those times arise, I recall a passage from mindfulness leader Ram Dass that I recently had tattooed onto my right arm. He believed that what often weighs us down is our obsession over everything other than what is happening right now. We are worried about what will happen next week or overthinking actions from the past. Ram Dass found that the best cure for these moments of anxiety is to reset yourself. As he wrote in his iconic work Be Here Now:
Ask yourself: Where am I?
Answer: Here.
Ask yourself: What time is it?
Answer: Now.
Say it until you can hear it.
We control so very little of our lives that it is astounding any of us make it through any given day without total catastrophe befalling us. We are infinitesimally tiny creatures on a small blue ball suspended in infinite space that is constantly expanding. There may be life beyond our planet, but it doesn't matter because most of us don't even know our neighbors. We are painfully alone in almost every way you can measure such a thing, and yet our spirits endure immeasurable hardship because that is what humans have always done. The only moments of relief we get are when we gather and connect through whatever means are available to us. In those moments, we are fully alive in the present, and that is where I want you to exist.
We are sons and daughters
We are flesh and dust
We are pulled from the wreckage
We are not alone
We are lovers broken
We are vicarious dreams
We are tumbling in space out of control
Into the mystery
Into the mystery
If you feel alone right now, please know that I, too, will follow you into the mystery. Who knows? It may be the adventure of a lifetime.
A serious question
Someone recently asked me if I had any long-term goals for my newsletter. The question honestly left me a bit speechless. As much as I may have made a career out of writing, I have never been one to know where I was going from one moment to the next. The fact I've written nearly a dozen of these over the last year is nothing short of a miracle. I like to believe that I will continue writing for as long as I have thoughts to share, but I am genuinely surprised every time a new idea strikes.
I had to tell you that quick story so that you understood the following thought. I don't know what will become of this newsletter in six months or a year, but I want the stories and perspectives I share here to exist outside these emails. My solution is to gather together every essay I've written over the last 2 to 3 years and release them in a tangible, physical form. I want you to be able to hold my words close to your heart. I want to gather dust on your bookshelf.
With that in mind, I'm asking: Would you buy a collection of my writing? I know money is hard to come by for many of you, so I'm thinking of creating a zine or short-run paperback that will cost $10 or less. It's not about making money for me. I would probably donate the revenue to a nonprofit. As much as I want to make a career out of my creativity, part of me believes that communicating thoughts and ideas should be a pure act. If I start doing it for the money, then I've already lost my way.
So — let me know! Do you want a book of my essays in your home?
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I was born in the 20th century and spent at least 55 years there. I was young, enthusiastic and hopeful. By the end of the century I was at my peak professionally. My parents were alive and so was Mr. Baseball, Johnny Crown and Dan MacMurray. All five of them are gone now as well as many, many others.
If the twentieth century was my birthmother than I left claw marks on her uterus trying to stay where I was. The twenty first century was pushing but I resisted it for the first 22 years.
I didn't have a cell phone...didn't want one. I didn't wear a watch. Didn't need one. I had all the clocks that I needed and a wife to tell me what day it was if I needed a reminder.
I was living in my home town where I had spent my entire life. I had plenty of friends and was well regarded in my community. My computer skills were up to date. I could word process. I knew my way around photoshop. I loved my digital camera. I read books without a kindle. I went to the video shops every week.I listened to the Yankees on the radio or went to a Red Wings game at Red wing/Silver/stadium
Yeah, the weather was Rochester shitty, all gray and cloudy but I had become used to it. I could use the oppressive darkness as an excuse for my many moods. When I needed to get away, I had a cottage on Canandaigua Lake.
Change was on the horizon. I wasn't looking for a light at the end of the tunnel, yeah that light may have been a locomotive coming at me.
Gradually, I began to social network. I got a kindle and started building my library. I got prostate cancer . After undergoing radiation and profound fatigue, I "recovered". The Doctor advised us to head down South which we had been hankering to do anyways. We sold our share of the cottage, packed up our gear, sold our house and headed to North Carolina.
We had family near Charlotte who had made the move before us, so we wouldn't be strangers. When we got here, they helped us get settled.
I kept up with my Rochester friends on Facebook. I stashed my photos on Flickr. I'd gone about as far as I wanted to go with technology.
My exuberance had occasionally turned into exhaustion as we made our way through the first two decades of the twenty first century. Lynn does almost all of the driving. I concentrate on a 5 mile radius which is all I need. Within that five miles there's a hospital, a couple of grocery stores and my doctor's office.
Of course as a Boomer I could go on and on but I'm pretty sure that you've had enough setup by now and you get my drift. I remained anchored in the twentieth century until Christmas 2021.
Lynn bought me a cell phone for when we go the mall in case I get lost (or she loses me) which has happened already and I had to get a mall cop to find her.
8 months into it, I'm hooked on my phone. Can't figure out how I got along without it.
Last week, she bought me an Apple watch which keeps track of everything that I do and has introduced me to my new favorite form of exercise; "standing around". Yup, the watch actually sets a goal for time standing along with everything else including how much time I take to wash my hands. Plus, I'm told that I can talk into the goddamned thing like Dick Tracy did in the comics or like Don Adams did with his shoe in Get Smart.
Yesterday, she bought me some new sneaks, black Nike airs with white trim which I can use on our treadmill. I've never used the treadmill before and had contempt for it. Why the hell would anybody run in place when there was a great big beautiful world outside ready to be appreciated. Well, the current heat wave prohibits walking around outdoors which leads to standing around indoors or sitting down watching teevee or lying down on the couch reading/resting my eyes.
Plus we just joined a brand new rec center which caters to"senior" citizens. I didn't want to hang around with old people until I came to the realization that I was twenty years older than the most junior seniors. We use the indoor track and last week I was one of only two men taking chair yoga along with 38 women, most of them previous blondes. I even went so far as to say "namaste" at the end of the class.
Lynn has been telling our daughter Mary about all the changes that I've been going through and Mary is thrilled that I'm "finally in the 21rst century.
So there we were last night; me in my new Nikes with my phone in my pocket and my watch on my wrist. We cooked up some meatless burgers on our Weber grill and poured a couple of light beers.
I put some dressing on the top of my burger and reached for the ketchup. The 21rst century ketchup containers are stored upside down to eliminate shake and anticipation. So here I am, all modern getting ready to put the ketchup on my burger.
I flip back the top and start squeezing. Nothing is coming out. I tried to non-chalantly put the ketchup back before Lynn noticed my hapless struggle. Too late.
"What's the problem"
"The ketchup won't come out"
"You've got to be kidding me. Let me see it."
I hand her the ketchup. She rolls her eyes and says, "watch this".
She screws off the top of the container which reveals a protective adhesive lid. She peeled off the lid. She squirted some ketchup on her burger. She looked at me as if I was moron from another century.
I offered the usual weak excuse.
"This is why I don't like these modern ketchup containers. Back in my day, it was a whole lot easier. The ketchup bottles were right side up. You turned them upside down and shook the bottle until the ketchup came out."
She was ready for that one.
"When's the last time that you opened a bottle OR container of ketchup"
I honestly couldn't remember. They always seemed to be open
"For the last fifty years they've had a lid on top of the ketchup to prevent sickos from contaminating the ketchup."
All of a sudden, with my watch and Nikes and phone and light beer and electric grill, I stepped back into the twentieth century before sickos started dropping poison into ketchup containers.
What else could I do but laugh at my own anachronism, thankful for the twentieth century including some of the concerns that we have now that we didn't have then.
We had our meal and proceeded into the the twenty first century.
We turned on our cable, streaming teevee and learned that the home of a former president had been raided by the FBI and that thirty years from now the current heat wave will feel like an oasis as heat and flood will make large portions of the earth uninhabitable and subsequent flooding will destroy Oregon and California.
If we don't have a civil war in the meantime.
Let's hope we're all not looking at a locomotive but in the meantime, let's enjoy the tunnel. Let's believe in magic. Let's hold onto hope.
We can't get back in the womb.
0 notes
kittykatinabag · 2 years
I think the thing I've been forgetting is that my brain in the present day is mentally and physically different than it used to be.
As in, therapy and broadening my own idea of mental health has helped a lot in recognizing the pathways that my thoughts used to travel down, and with the addition of time that recognition and a few strategies have redirected those pathways to better processes.
As in I've been supplementing my body with things it was measurably deficient in, which after about two years has skyrocketed my well-being to what I assume most non-sick people would call an average day but to me feels like the first time I've been alive for more than passing moments in about 15 years.
And as the band that somehow writes about my own struggles before I even have those struggles Paramore says, "it's not that I don't feel the pain it's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore"
It's just that 25 months ago my mental state finally snapped after what I now recognize as months if not years if not a decade of being sick, stress that never seemed to completely disappear, never really forming an identity that I was comfortable sharing with others, and the only reasons I didn't jump into oncoming traffic or into the river was the stupid shoes I was wearing wouldn't let me climb the railing and said snapping of my mental state may have created a temporary abstraction of the person I desperately needed but wasn't there.
I don't particularly enjoy that I had to save myself as it highlights a major short fall of trusted community in my life that still persists at this present moment. But somehow I'm still here.
I won't pretend I don't think "this life isn't worth living" every once in awhile. I was in a bit of a depressive episode around the second week of this last May where I was once again thinking this. But somehow I got myself to watch one of the sources that really helped me back at the beginning of these 25 months, and somehow he found the idea that I now realize I was unconsciously following and that is keeping me going now.
Build a life worth living.
So I'm going to do that.
0 notes
shelllessturtle · 7 years
Behind the scenes of this livetext: Mycroft gets a new phone and identifies Iago via haiku; Iago sees Hamilton; "Pride and Prejudice but in Starfleet" becomes a thing; Iago quits their job; SO MANY PUNS; and it turns out that Mycroft has never finished Avatar: the Last Airbender. A year in the making (I'm not even fucking kidding), I present you with: Iago Reads Wizards At War (lightly edited for ease of reading)
Mycroft: Better start bracing yourself for book 8 now
Iago: Oh sweet Jesus
Mycroft: There, no you can't say I didn't warn you
Iago: But you /know/ it's funnier when I get to threaten you with gruesome death!
Iago: Are you ready for this?
Iago: ...one of the chapter titles is "Acceptable Losses". /I/ am not ready for this.
Iago: Nita needs a vacation from her vacation. Nita sweetie...
Iago: "Neets, is it true he destroyed a whole alien culture in just ten days?" Carmela Rodriguez is my Patronus
Mycroft: Right?
Mycroft: She just keeps getting better
Iago: Roll call at the Callahan home: "three humans, one humanoid, one tree, and one giant bug" and I'm quietly cackling in public
Iago: "The centipede pointed a couple spare eyes at the Christmas tree." Taken out of context, I think that may be the most bizarre sentence I've ever read. In context, it makes perfect sense. I don't know which amuses me more.
Mycroft: Yesssss
Iago: "But her mom had loved those lilacs, and wouldn't be seeing them again." OKAY OW
Iago: Oh sweet minty Jesus
Iago: You weren't wrong.
Iago: And I wasn't prepared.
Mycroft: So not prepared
Mycroft: What's that in response to specifically?
Iago: Basically the entire series of events leading to Kit and Nita becoming Seniors
Iago: Descriptions of wizardries in action never fail to be beautiful
Iago: "The changes in the structure of space then start affecting the thought processes and reactions of all living beings in the area. Their behavior will start to become less and less rational...less committed to Life."
Mycroft: Oh you have no idea
Iago: God help my soul
Mycroft: So yes, welcome to Tom's Wizardly PowerPoint of universal doom
Iago: I should just go see Moana again. It's far less depressing
Iago: "Uh-oh". Now Nita's getting in on it
Mycroft: Indeed
Iago: Looks like Nita's playing "fake it 'til you make it"
Iago: I don't know if that's good or bad, to be honest
Mycroft: Fairly characteristic tho
Iago: True
Iago: "...yet another lollipop sticking out of his face." That is the greatest description of someone with a sucker in their mouth that I've ever witnessed
Mycroft: Roshaun and his lollipop addiction
Mycroft: The real OTP
Iago: *chokes* oh my gOD
Iago: Sker'ret just called Nita "Senior". I think both Nita and I had a quick internal freak-out
Mycroft: ;__;
Iago: "The universe has started expanding too fast, and we have to stop it before it tears itself apart."
"Um. Okay, I see why you might need a few extra days off for that."
*slightly hysterical laughter*
Mycroft: Same
Iago: "Two weeks to save the universe". Sounds like an album title
Mycroft: I'd listen to it
Iago: "What /is/ grenfelzing, exactly?"
"It's kind of like emmfozing, but with chocolate."
Have I ever mentioned that I both hate and love your ability to quote these goddamn books at me when I ask questions?
Mycroft: I can't recall, but I'm glad to hear it
Mycroft: Also I mean that's the only canon explanation so really, what else could I say
Iago: But you quoted it /word for word/
Mycroft: Admittedly, that was at least partially For The Meme
Iago: I'll allow it
Iago: "...a brief, profound case of amnesia. They'd instantly forgotten why they were there" sounds like my life
Iago: Oh my god what is Spot doing with the TV
Iago: *whispers* How bad is it that my mind is currently in the gutter
Mycroft: Dataaaaaa
Mycroft: It's certainly something
Iago: "But most of the aliens are here for the cocoa plants." Well, I can't exactly blame them...
Iago: Carmela Rodriguez remains a gift
Iago: Oh god Ronan's back
Mycroft: Yessssss Carmela and Ronan
Mycroft: A dangerous combination
Iago: Ronan keeps the Spear in a pen
Iago: *checks date published*
Iago: Feels a bit Percy Jackson to me
Iago: Carmela has the insta-hots for Ronan. This is gonna be fun
Iago: "The fucking heir of an almighty something or other" is still a really good description for Roshaun. In case you were wondering if I had warmed up to him any more
Iago: Whale On The Moon is the name of my new techno jazz band
Mycroft: Can I join?
Mycroft: I'll learn any new instrument you need
Iago: ...having thought about it, I'm legitimately not certain what instruments would be /played/ in a techno jazz band. So, I mean, if you want to learn the synthesizer...
Iago: Young Wizards book 8 alternate title: Wizards' Reunion
Iago: Lots of air quotes going on right now
Iago: ....I want Darryl's manual
Iago: "Where's your adjunct talent?"
"Playing with rocks, as usual."
Okay now I really want a puppy
Iago: "Twychild". Have I mentioned lately that the worldbuilding in these books gives me a case of the warm fuzzies?
Mycroft: Yesssss Tuyet and Nguyet
Iago: *whispers* Why is there a thought-voice talking in second-person in Kit's head
Iago: The description of Roshaun's living space send help
Iago: "A three-way collision between an antique furniture warehouse, a jewelry story, and a Gothic cathedral carved and decorated by the artistically insane."
Iago: So my brain has given Roshaun's father the voice of Mark Hamill.
Iago: There's a decent chance I'm going to just call him the Phoenix King
Iago: "Speaking truth to power is never 'out'." DAIRINE REMAINS GOD
Iago: (Also if I ever go to a protest I'm putting that on my sign.)
Mycroft: Yessss do it
Mycroft: And which kind of Mark Hamill are we talking here: Skywalker, Firelord or Joker?
Iago: Firelord. Thus the Phoenix King comment
Iago: Oh my god Dairine in the face of implications that she and Roshaun are ~involved~
Mycroft: Blessss
Iago: "You tell those people that they are completely nuts!"
Iago: Did...did Roshaun just /whine/ at his mother?
Mycroft: Yes
Mycroft: Not so dignified now
Iago: *falls off the table in laughter*
Iago: Oh god is Roshaun developing a Thing for Dairine
Mycroft: Bless
Iago: This is my favorite game
Mycroft: I know a fair few YW fans who have a particular talent for it
Iago: I have a list. I use them in my stories for bands my characters like
Mycroft: Most excellent
Iago: Ponch wants blue food
Mycroft: As do we all
Iago: I /could/ go for some blue Jolly Ranchers
Iago: Ponch, to Ronan: "You two just talk among yourselves."
Dog sass is best sass
Iago: "It's math, Kit, but not as we know it."
Iago: I'm going to go curl up in a corner and cry with laughter now
Mycroft: Yup
Mycroft: What a nerd, right
Iago: Pot, kettle
Iago: Oh shit Sker'ret is having a fight with his parent
Iago: ...I currently have a desire to cuddle what amounts to a giant centipede. What have you done to me
Mycroft: The magic of Young Wizards
Iago: That was terrible
Iago: But, then again, I love terrible
Iago: Okay so the description of dark matter
Mycroft: Yes?
Iago: I feel like I have something crawling around under my skin
Mycroft: It's unsettling, isn't it
Mycroft: That gets worse
Iago: Oh god
Iago: "Nita for the first time actually saw someone else look out of Ronan's eyes. The expression was one of recognition coupled with a very controlled anger. The one who looked out had seen something like this before."
Oh. Shit. Oh /shit/.
Mycroft: Yessssss
Mycroft: Shit just got real
Iago: I am not prepared for this
Mycroft: Correct
Iago: GIGO
Mycroft: :D
Iago: "For transits like this, we temporarily rewrite the kernel that manages local gravity and mass in our solar system. It's no big deal."
oh my gOD
Iago: They are actually Dairine's children
Mycroft: They've been busy since we last saw them
Mycroft: And it's awesome
Iago: "A world of true computer wizards" get the fuck out
Iago: They're actually calling her Mother s e n d h e l p
Mycroft: RIGHT
Iago: I'm not crying you're crying
Mycroft: I'm not crying I'm eating a quaesadilla
Mycroft: The crying one must be you
Iago: Well I can't see to tell you so who knows
Iago: "Guys," [Dairine] said after a moment, "you make me proud."
"That is our other purpose," Beanpole said. "Our first one."
Iago: I A M D E A D
Mycroft: I knowwww
Iago: "Life's all the time sending /me/ messages I can't read." [Dairine] flicked just a second's glance at Roshaun, who she was starting to think was yet another of those messages.
Iago: Oh lordy
Iago: Oh god above send help
Iago: Spot's becoming less of a machine, more alive. I don't know if I'm in support of this change
Mycroft: Everyone needs upgrades now and then :P
Iago: I don't like change
Iago: I kind of adore the mobiles all bowing to Dairine
Iago: Roshaun raised his eyebrows and produced another lollipop, which he held out to her.
"How many of those things do you have?" Dairine said.
"Not nearly enough," Roshaun said.
Iago: Please excuse me while I go laugh myself sick
Mycroft: Roshaun has his priorities in order
Mycroft: There was always a jar of lollipops on hand at CrossingsCon in his honor
Iago: Perfect
Iago: "I'll give you a dysfunction where you'll have trouble finding it again."
Totally stealing that don't even care
Mycroft: Excellent
Iago: "I may be a mother, but you are /mine/."
Maybe I didn't take enough time to recover after finishing The Slow Regard of Silent Things I'm going to go collapse in an emotional heap
Mycroft: So many Dairine feels, I knowww
Iago: "Enthusiasmic incorporation of the Hesper--"
What? What?! What does it say? What does it mean? I NEED TO KNOW
Mycroft: [rubs hands together; evil laughter] I'M SAYING NOTHING
Iago: Oh god is time moving faster on Metemne
Mycroft: MAYBE
Iago: Oh fuck it's relativity isn't it. Because they're near the source of the dark matter, they're moving faster than the rest of the Universe
Mycroft: Very possible
Iago: Oh no. Introduction of Della Cantrell and MY EMOTIONS CAN'T TAKE THIS HALP
Mycroft: Oh boy
Iago: Nita's phone call to her dad. Direct hit to the feels.
Mycroft: Harry Callahan is such a good dad
Iago: That is part of why it hurts so much
Iago: "Nita, could you please get off me before we accidentally become more than just good friends?"
*cackles maniacally*
Mycroft: BEST
Mycroft: Wait what
Mycroft: Remind me of the context for that
Iago: On Rashah. The creatures destroying the trees are almond-shaped and have eight legs. Almond spiders
Mycroft: Oh ok that's what I figured
Mycroft: WHY NOT
Iago: "They've been fighting each other, on and off, for /millions/ of years?"
"They must be really enjoying it, to keep the war going so long."
Sker'ret is so great
Mycroft: Rashah is not exactly a great vacation destination, that's for sure
Iago: Oh sweet minty Jesus the almond spiders are a remnant after an atomic holocaust I need a drink
Iago: And...they're all avatars...of the Lone Wanker. Better make that two drinks.
Iago: Where is Nita's dad
Iago: I am Concerned
Iago: Also
Iago: I will never get tired of the "check your spelling" joke
Mycroft: Same
Iago: "Words had just failed Dairine." Gods above have mercy on us all
Mycroft: I appreciate that the narration pauses to note how unthinkable that is
Iago: Also, a "bright" version of the Lone Power
Iago: What does that mean
Iago: Why is bright in quotes
Mycroft: To indicate it's kind of a rough description of a more complex subject, mostly
Iago: But does it mean that we're getting a version of the Lone Power that's more on the good side or a version that's worse than usual
Mycroft: There's more explanation later, but basically picture the LP's non-evil twin
Mycroft: Like its opposite, basically
Iago: I thought /you/ were refusing to give spoilers
Mycroft: Meh, I saw that as more clarification on what you already read, ymmv
Mycroft: But stay tuned
Iago: Well obviously
Iago: Nita doesn't like shooting people who are shooting at her
Mycroft: Krakens don't count but I don't think they were as sentient
Iago: "I'm a wizard, not an engineer" goddammit /again/?!
Mycroft: Yesss
Iago: I shall take myself off to the laughing corner
Iago: Oh god self-destruct at the Crossings
Mycroft: Kind of a terrifying prospect
Iago: Nita just blew up a giant gun
Mycroft: Yesss
Iago: "High-fiving a giant centipede can take a while."
Up next on Winning Understatements....
Mycroft: That is so fun to picture
Iago: I know!
Iago: "I don't wear socks."
"Just as well. You'd bankrupt yourself."
That is /also/ fun to picture
Mycroft: As an antidote to the tense battle scene, have a bunch of centipede leg jokes
Iago: Pretty much
Iago: Wait
Iago: /Carmela/?!
Mycroft: Hahahaha yesss
Iago: What
Iago: WHAT
Iago: Okay, Sker'ret just /swallowed/ the self-destruct panel
Mycroft: He's got a talent for that kind of thing
Iago: Which, I mean, okay, great way to not lose it
Iago: But
Iago: Can't he digest, like, /everything/?
Iago: And the self-destruct sequence is still going?
Iago: What happens if he takes too long to get the panel back out?
Mycroft: Rirhait stomach work in mysterious ways
Iago: ...is that the canon explanation or your way of saying "don't think about it too hard"
Mycroft: Yes
Iago: Why did I let you talk me into this
Mycroft: Because it's awesome, come on
Iago: Ugh
Iago: *quiet noises of agreement*
Iago: "So I took steps." CARMELA
Iago: (Carmela is the reason I let you talk me into this.)
Mycroft: That's the best answer
Mycroft: This book is Peak Carmela honestly
Iago: *whispers emphatically* Juanita Louise
Mycroft: Yessssss
Iago: Carmela just referred to Filif as "my favorite Christmas tree" and Carmela is all of us in that moment
Mycroft: So true
Mycroft: Filif is tree-mendous
Iago: I fucking hate you so much right now. :b
Mycroft: :D
Iago: "We are on errantry, and we greet you."
"Not that you particularly /merit/ greeting." Nita pls
Mycroft: She's earned the right to some snark, I'd say
Iago: Clearly
Iago: "You get more honey with flies. Wait a minute, that's not how it goes." CARMELA PLS
Mycroft: Oh my god
Mycroft: Get ready for another legendary Carmela moment
Mycroft: YEAH
Mycroft: And now you know why this book made Carmela everyone's favorite
Iago: I mean Dairine is always going to be my eternal favorite but yeah Carmela's a close second
Mycroft: Relatable
Iago: Oh my god now she's threatening to /eat/ the chocolate right in front of them I'm crying
Iago: Ponch the almond spider is trying to catch his non-existent tail
Mycroft: Omfg I forgot about that
Iago: It's a hilarious picture
Iago: I think I just witnessed a cult gathering
Iago: "You let me worry about this planet, and I'll let you worry about all the others." HARRY CALLAHAN IS BEST DAD
Iago: NO
Mycroft: And also Nita
Iago: S E N D H E L P
Iago: Wait are Rirhait mostly purple
Iago: Because if yes than they are my new favorites
Mycroft: They also come in blue, green, and pink, but yeah
Mycroft: I'm pretty sure Sker'ret in particular is purple
Iago: Well I saw that but the book makes a point to say that there are a /lot/ of shades of purple and I fucking love purple
Mycroft: You're in luck, then
Iago: "I would never lose my balance. I am a paragon of grace and stability."
"Oh, yeah. Who said /that/?"
Someone help me
Iago: I cannot
Mycroft: Pffft
Mycroft: Classic Roshaun
Iago: Kit is hiding his eyes from "sex stuff" and I'm laughing
Iago: "My dog brings home strays." Kit your dog is a fucking gift
Iago: A ducking gift who knows how to work a situation to get dog treats
Iago: And...and then he gave the treat to the Yaldiv that he brought home.
Iago: Ponch is a good dog.
Mycroft: Ponch is a good dog
Iago: "What is it with these Callahan women that they're always after yelling at you and giving you grief?"
"Not always. Just when it's going to get most on your nerves."
Kit just be glad Nita isn't here because she'd sock you
Iago: Oh
Iago: Oh shit
Iago: Just head the story of the dogs' Choice
Iago: And
Iago: everything is fine
Mycroft: E V E R Y T H I N G I S F I N E
Iago: "Even when people mean to do good things, bad things happen in the world."
"They're happening already. Pretending they're not won't help."
Memeki the almond spider is speaking to my soul I'm gonna go start a revolution now
Mycroft: Yes please do
Mycroft: I'm greatly enjoying your dedication to calling the Yaldiv almond spiders
Iago: Also
Iago: What does it mean that Memeki was honored by the Great One
Iago: Is she pregnant
Iago: Is she being nommed from the inside
Iago: Oh. Oh shit. What does Memeki mean by "my time"
Iago: I mean
Iago: She's not currently getting et
Iago: But
Iago: Eggses
Iago: Okay apparently the thing Nita was supposed to bring was /not/ in fact Carmela but rather hEART-WRENCHING MEMORIES OF HER MOTHER'S DEATH
Iago: Oh god Carmela is yanking Kit's chain about having found a manual and I'm experiencing emotional whiplash halp
Mycroft: Carmela is dedicated to yanking as many chains as possible, the audience's included
Iago: *inhuman screeching*
Iago: "Oops," said Carmela...and, very slowly, smiled.
Mycroft: OOPS
Mycroft: The holy grail of Carmela badass
Iago: *screams a lot*
Iago: *so much screaming*
Iago: Oh, now This Bitch is rising from the ashes, because obviously
Iago: *snarls a lot*
Iago: *basically continuous snarling*
Iago: R O N A N
Iago: *screams forever*
Iago: *interrupts eternal screaming for a breath* oh yes Sker'ret is in fact purple *continues screaming*
Iago: *still screaming*
Iago: P O N C H
Iago: *cries forever*
Iago: *is also still screaming*
Mycroft: The dog did the opposite of dying, ultimately
Iago: Okay I'm going to go collapse in an emotionally exhausted heap and probably read all of A Wizard of Mars tomorrow. So. Be ready for that.
Mycroft: CONGRATS you made it to the last stop on the emotional roller coaster that is Wizards at War
Mycroft: You win a free trip to Mars
Mycroft: Where definitely nothing will go wrong
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