#may i offer u some p*rn in these trying times ?
cloudstrifing · 1 year
Gun Barrel Red Hot
relationship: nicholas d. wolfwood/vash the stampede (trigun) rating: explicit wordcount: 16.7k chapters: 2/2 tags: alien biology, mating cycles/in heat, intersex vash, switching, porn with feelings, they are sloppy and in love...
“Spikey,” Wolfwood says, slow and measured. “Are you, uh … are you turned on?”
Wolfwood helps Vash deal with a unique problem.
💖on ao3 here💖
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laurzvahll · 7 months
for the rockstar phos au, what's the equivalent of the winter arc here? whats going to happen to antarc, and will it give phos ptsd and hallucinations like in canon?
HELLO ANON!! Thank u for the ask😆😆 answering from my phone rn because I didn’t want to wait.
This post might get long so im gonna cut it here
ALRIGHT, a little bit on Antarc and the winter arc. Just a warning that characters might be a little ooc im trying my best LOL. This isn’t 100% set in stone, and if people have better suggestions or ideas I will be very glad to hear them considering I just thought of this AU for funsies so the routes I made up may not be the best there are. If that makes sense.
So, initially I wanted Phos to be invited by Dia to a holiday party or maybe just a normal house party towards the beginning of December. All the college gems are celebrating being on winter break and whatnot. Phos goes because I don’t think Phos would reject a party invite, but also because it’s mentioned that there’s a possibility Cinnabar might be there. Spoiler alert, Cinnabar is in fact not at the party. But it’s okay because Phos takes this as an opportunity to get to know others more. They’re having quite a bit of fun, but once the other ‘gems’ start asking if they’re going to submit their college application and join them, Phos avoids the questions and decided to ask Dia if there’s a quiet room where they could take a quick break.
Dia leads Phos to the room and Phos closes the door behind them, only to realize there’s already someone else there too! And this is none other than Antarc, who im thinking of making some sort of exchange student to explain why they’re only around some months of the year. Phos sits down somewhere and wants to start a conversation but Antarc looks very busy (on their phone, totally busy). But Phos starts talking anyway after being bored for a couple seconds, and while Antarc is very hesitant at first, it’s not long before they both end up moving to a small couch in the room to continue their conversation. I’d like to think they talked for hours, Phos doing most of the talking ofc but Antarc seemed content with it. At some point, Dia comes back in surprise to see them still here and lets them know that the party is over. Phos says they better walk back to their apartment, and Antarc offers to walk them so Phos wouldnt have to walk home alone at like 3 in the morning. So they walk to Phos's apartment and Phos offers to exchange numbers. And thats pretty much how their first meeting goes! :3
I have a bunch of little scenarios thought out for the time they spent together but i dont want the post to get tooo long so just know that im thinking Phos's help towards Antarc's 'work' would be helping Antarc write a song maybe perhaps NOT TOO SURE YET but i do want this AU to revolve a lot around music :p
As for what happens to Antarc, (THIS MAY CHANGE) sorry guys but in my AU i am NOT letting Antarc die i cannnottt. But i Will let Phos believe Antarc is absolutely dead. The only reason im not letting them die completely is bc i want them to come back like at the end of canon where theyre turned into a lunarian. Im not entirely sure how im going to go about it, but theres going to be an incident where Phos and Antarc will get hurt, and Phos will only be able to watch unable to help Antarc at all just like in canon. Antarc is going to disappear, most likely to a hospital lawl, and the accident will make them have to go back home without Phos even knowing if they survived. For a reason i havent yet decided, Phos's texts cant reach Antarc either so that rly makes them believe Antarc issss x_x.
Phos's mental health plummets, their guilt is immense and they start not being able to sleep because when they do sleep their dreams are filled with that accident replaying over and over. They always believe to see Antarc out of the corner of their eye, and they do have full on hallucinations like in canon and their ptsd, i will not erase that important part of their character 🙏
Thats pretty much it for now sorry this is so long i rly didnt think it was gonna be this long LMAOOO. thank u sm for the ask im very happy to be able to talk about my AU xP
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crybabyddl · 4 years
Yes, let’s circle back to the beautiful performance of Edge of Great. More specifically the BODY LANGUAGE, particularly Julie and Luke’s, which I will be analyzing with gifs.
Exhibit A
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Jealous Luke looks over at Julie and Reggie vibing
Julie is aware that she’s avoiding Luke, which she is doing so bc she realized her feelings for him thanks to Flynn earlier in the episode.
Since Julie has put the task of ignoring Luke upon herself even though she has no obligation to, she ends up failing her own mission. She sees Luke’s reaction to the lack of her attention.
She literally FREEZES. She’s emotionally worried to confront what she’s feeling and it’s beginning to manifest physically.
Exhibit B
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It gets better y’all. After Luke finally has even a crumb of Julie’s attention, he beckons her over with his signature head tilt. This is important bc he did this with his longtime bandmate during the soundcheck of what would’ve been their biggest performance. If he feels comfortable enough using that body language with a girl he’s only known for, what, a week and a half(?) then you know this puppy boy’s got it BAD.
Julie is well aware that Luke is getting jealous. But in classic Julie fashion, she will try to tune it out instead of addressing it. Our wicked beauty doesn’t like confrontation and would rather just deny and avoid than potentially make things awkward, especially when she knows Luke would ask her about it at a later time.
The look on Julie’s face. Her eyes widen and the classic tight-lipped awkward smile is present. She’s literally saying “ok enough of that let’s get back to work doo doo doo” with her face. The way her body SWINGS back into performance mode as she faces the audience again. It may have been a split second, but when you’re deliberately trying to avoid looking into the dreamy (dead) eyes of someone you shouldn’t be crushing on, any amount of time feels too long. Plus, she knows Flynn is watching and doesn’t want her to lecture her (but she does anyway bc Flynn is observant and knows her bestie too well to let any action slip past her).
Exhibit C
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Keep in mind; NONE OF THE GUYS KNOW WHY JULIE IS AVOIDING LUKE. Flynn, Alex, and Reggie have noticed the Juke chemistry, but it’s still too soon for them to get past the “we like each other but we’re too clueless to notice that we reciprocate” phase, so even though their respective besties know, they are still denying. Besides, Reg, Alex, and Flynn know better than to keep pestering if they want to keep their kneecaps. In reality they’re both smart enough to tell by this point, but for the sake of the plot and to make everything more adorably frustrating, Flynn has the collective brain cell under lock and key, leaving Juke to be like *dog tilting its head and making that “a-roo?” noise*
Anyway, Reggie notices Luke being snubbed after realizing that his extra dose of Julie time was slightly out of the ordinary. Luke is clearly concerned (look at his eyebrows and how his eyes travel from Reggie, to Julie, then to the audience to trying and get his mind off it and bring his focus back to the main goal; the performance.) If he can’t have the moment of connection with Julie that he so desperately craves, he’s gonna fill that void as best he can by connecting with the audience. >:’)
But Reggie’s trying to help Luke brush it off by conveying his reaction as ‘look at julie coming into her own! i told you she was a star! and you thought you were the lead singer? think again buddy this girl’s got you beat!’
But since Reggie isnt a master at hiding his feelings yet, especially around Luke, —who was able to get under his skin earlier (“girls, am i right?”)—Luke was easily able to see through that and interpreted what Reggie was saying as “look at julie go, she all in the zone. you’re literally making heart eyes at her get a grip you’re slacking lmao” (hence luke’s right eyebrow quirking at reggie like ‘dude seriously gimme a break u know i need attention like tinkerbell’) even though Reggie’s true message was a bit less harsh and more lovingly teasing, but it’s Luke, he sees things through his eyes and at his intensity, regardless of who it’s coming from. (This is one of the reasons why Luke comes off as selfish at times.)
Exhibit D
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Poor Lukey boi can’t seem to catch a break today! Not only does Julie ignore him, then has a cute lil (platonic but it’s luke so it still makes him jealous >:P) moment, but now she has the AUDACITY to interact with Alex? The guy who was out learning Ghost 101 with this Willie guy instead of rehearsing with the band? What gives?! What’s he got that your moody ghost bf doesn’t? >:’(
He literally just watches, and even glances back in a way that, to me, screams ‘did i see that right? did i just see what i just saw with my own dreamy (but dead) eyes? say sike rn.’ \_(*_*)_/
Meanwhile, Alex pays no mind. I like to think that Alex is fully aware that Luke is an angry boy rn, but has learned to ignore it, especially this bc literally NOTHING happened. Either that or Alex has no clue and just truly thinks nothing of it and is having too much fun to think about Luke’s moody and childish behavior. Either way, Alex is just straight chilling and we love to see it *^_^*
Notice how Reggie is right there vibing with Julie and Alex. Luke feels a bit betrayed like ‘not you too! i know you were the first to turn on me but i figured since you’re such a golden retriever you’d be loyal and come back to my side!😠🥲’
Also; Luke approaches the rest of the group, wanting to be included in at least SOME of the vibing, but when Julie starts dancing and smiling with her buddy Alex, he backs up like
“you know what? nope. nevermind. not doin’ it.”
and the group’s like “i mean hey it’s your loss, but luke we want you to-”
“no, bc you chose to piss me off right in front of my face so no luke time for any of you! no cuddles, no hugs, no nothing! you made your bed, now lie in it and perish.”
Exhibit E & F: This is where it gets a bit interesting and theorized hehe...
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Now we all know that this moment is just fucking ICONIC
But hear me out– HEAR ME OUT!
What if... now don’t shoot the messenger who just so happens to also be the theorist... but what if...
WHAT IF!!! Luke didn’t!! plan this?!!!
Listen i know you’re probably thinking:
“Well uh Nicole, isn’t that kinda the whole point? It literally wasn’t planned until Charlie realized Madi was gonna be standing on the piano so he suggested the idea for the guitar solo to Kenny.”
And you’re right! But here’s the kicker:
What if Luke THE CHARACTER, just decided to do this as an “Alright that’s it! You wanna be like that? Well what if I just hit you with my super awesome radical totally cool wowza guitar skills & make a moment between us? Huh? What do you think about that? Hmm? HMMM???!!!”
He licks his lips & that to me read** like he was nervous (**read rhyming with bed just to clarify) so that means it could’ve been a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment thing.
In the second gif, you can see that Julie’s head is tilted, as if she’s a bit confused, but she’s also delightfully surprised.
Julie is quick to smile and scrunch her nose at Luke, something she does often. It tells Luke his impulsive action garnered a positive response from his favorite girl. Julie also starts to shake her head, but doesn’t go through the motion in full, which means she’s still a bit nervous to let her guard down. This is probably because she doesn’t know what he’s thinking or what he will do next. The lopsided smile mixed with the suave, gliding steps towards her probably brought her back to her daydream lol.
Luke’s happy bc Julie’s no longer ignoring him. He smiles like a GOOBER bc this chump is simping HARD for our Julie. So cute! :’)
Exhibit G
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And hear me when I offer this:
What if Luke poofed the guys out???
I know, I know. It’s a bold claim to make. But the boys are special, considering they are a threat to Caleb (3 gay-variant himbos vs. a gay magician that could’ve been on broadway but decided to make some sort of deal with a devil so he just entertains capitalists who most likely sold their souls to get into the hgc which i will probably elaborate on in a future theory so dont do that bc im gonna lmao idc we all have big brains) So it’s not too crazy to think that they could share some ghost powers.
We know Caleb transported the guys during You Got Nothing to Lose. And the guys have left a place at the exact same time on more than one occasion.
And you may be thinking “well what if the guys poofed out to give juke a moment alone together?” And to that I say...
Look at Reggie. He isn’t looking back at Alex like “dude let’s give them some space.”
The timing of him turning around, at least to me, makes me think Reggie was surprised by Luke approaching the piano. (But also he lowkey was waiting for Luke to prove him wrong by doing something to get Julie’s attention so Reggie isn’t mad. Neither is Alex but he doesn’t like being told how or WHEN to ghost) Luke doesn’t even give his bandmates a warning eyebrow quirk, a hand signal, nothing. Reggie turns to Alex like ‘dude what is he DOING?’ And before he can even really convey that, they go *POOF*
This man had a plan and he was gonna do it, so he did. Whether it’s the power of love, they stopped performing, or Reggie and Alex actually poofed out, the odds worked in Luke’s favor so he and Julie could have a super special moment, a moment special enough to make an actual living person (Nick) wonder if a “hologram” has a better chance at connecting with Julie than he does.
Again, regardless of who made them poof or how they poofed, they mf poofed so Luke’s a happy hamster. (Idk it just sounded fitting instead of happy camper lol wait what if someone had 3 pet hamsters and named them alex reggie and luke🥺 someone buy some hamsters and let me be their godmother or their aunt and i’ll love them from afar.) Anyway, Luke’s thriving, flourishing, his crops are going to grow in time for the harvest.
You can see Julie lean back as she turns to see Luke. It’s... almost as if... She. Wasn’t. Expecting. Him. To. Be. There..??
Honey badger Luke bc he DGAF <|:) Bitch, it’s Luke mf Patterson and he’s gonna,, GET! IN! YOUR! FAAAACE!!!
You CANNOT tell me he’s not doing the absolute MOST to try and seduce Miss Juliana Mariposa Rose Molina.
Yes I’m making a headcanon that Julie has TWO middle names and that one of them is the spanish word for butterfly and that the other is her mother’s name. Also yes, I believe (i believe that we’re just one dream away from who we’re– oh, that’s not what we’re doing? okay, sorry!) that Juliana is Julie’s full name.
In this house we love and respect Juliana Mariposa (Dahlia)** Rose Molina
**I’m just putting Dahlia there for fun bc I can. :) Whether I’d consider it a possible middle name of hers depends. Anyway I just thought it was a cute thing to add bc it goes along with the other middle names I gave her *^_^* Also, I feel like I made a post giving a bunch of the characters middle names lemme see if I can find it later)
Ok i’m done this took me basically all day from like 10am until 4:08. I obviously took breaks in between, but not long ones...😶
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artistlara · 3 years
I don’t think home’s a place, rather a person. Being in someones arms is home for me
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Outdated, check new pinned here
꒰ abt info below the cut! ꒱
Hello hello ! ~ヾ(^∇^) welcome to my humble abode. Take a seat, get comfy and have some tea🍵
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There’s not much going on here other than a few reblogs, art, and some incoherent rambles but make yourself feel at home while you’re here! <3
Some stuff to note:
This is not a self-ship blog BUT I do post self shipping art and the likes of it. If you’re not comfy with that then you’re free to mute the tag “self ship” or just don’t follow me! (If you’re curious abt who my f/o’s are then here’s a carrd!)
My inbox is open for requests! It may take a lot of time before I actually get to it, but you’re free to send in your oc or a character u like! I still have the right to decline though.
English is not my first language. I’d say I can speak fluent english but I do still get some words wrong here and there. So please be patient with me if I don’t fully understand something.
My art is free to use as icons/pfp and such! Please just credit me somewhere people can see. The only thing I don’t allow are resposts. (For Friends: Credit isn’t needed but v appreciated :D dw abt using my art!)
I’ll add more to this when I remember anything else but for now this can do. Below are more info abt me and my interests!
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Call me Lara! I also go by Lin or Art so choose ur pick. Any other nicknames are for friends only ty
I'm a minor but not below 16, so please don't be weird!
I sometimes draw! I’m usually busy irl so I’m not able to draw often, but I try!
I'm asian, not comfy on specifying where I'm from (unless we’re close) so that's all I'll say
I have an Insta but it’s quite dead. I’m a lil more unhinged here on Tumblr so this is ur best bet to seeing what I have to offer.
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bold - what i’m currently fixated on
italic - i’m into it rn and down to talking abt it!
Friday Night Funkin’
Genshin Impact
‼️ All my Genshin art is PLATONIC unless I state otherwise (this also excludes the self ship art). I do ship certain characters but I’d rather keep things in a platonic light most of the time bc I yearn for more familial/platonic fanart.
‼️ All my Eddsworld art revolving around the main cast is PLATONIC. Please do not tag any of it with ship tags. The only ship I’ll allow being tagged is “paultryck.” The way I portray Pau and Pat is ambiguous, so you‘re free to view it as either platonic or romantic!
Other Interests I don’t actively talk abt but they’re here!
Technoblade (not d/s/m/p)
Mystic Messenger
Cells at Work!!
PS. I don’t usually like associating myself in the fandom since it can be a whole trainwreck sometimes! So these are labelled “current interests” than “fandoms I’m in.” I’d rather stay in my little corner to vibe and have fun. <3
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My tags are a mess and I should probably fix them at some point but here’s some basics:
#🍵lara does art- art tag basically, you’ll find all the art I posted from (mostly) doodles to (a few) finished pieces.
#🍵rb - all the stuff I reblog pretty much
#🌻friends! - a tag I use for my friends whenever it’s abt them <3 they all have separate tags for names.
#🍵the introvert wants to speak - text posts aka my incoherent rambles abt my thoughts and such, dunno if you’ll go thru it but just letting u know.
I’ll add more if needed. Please do let me know if you want me to tag certain things! Majority of my warnings have either cw or tw before it.
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Well that’s all, if you ever end up following me I hope u enjoy ur stay! 🍶
Will add more if I remember stuff or smth changes <3
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mandalisa · 4 years
|*HD.Voir” — C’est la vie [-2021-] Film Complet — ((“STREAMING VF”) — En Francais │| C’est la vie (2021) HD `Complet
[[Regarder**|]] C’est la vie ((-2021-)) Film Complet en Français,Voir C’est la vie en streaming version française directement sur Films VF . Film gratuit en streaming.
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PLAY==> http://ver.yess-movie.com/movie/tt9162090/c-est-la-vie.html
C’est la vie (~2020~) U 10/02/2021 (FR) Comédie 1h 43m Note des utilisateurs Synopsis Cinq femmes s’apprêtent à accoucher. Elles ne se connaissent pas, ne se ressemblent pas, mais vont se retrouver dans la même maternité pour vivre le plus beau jour de leur vie. Des premières contractions à la naissance, le film retrace leur parcours, entre rires et larmes. Julien Rambaldi Director, Writer Regarder C’est la vie film complet, Regarder C’est la vie Streaming vf, Regarder C’est la vie Streaming Vostfr, Regarder C’est la vie Streaming vf gratuit, Regarder C’est la vie Streaming YouRegarder, Regarder C’est la vie Telecharger, Regarder C’est la vie Film Complet en streaming, Regarder C’est la vie Uptobox, Regarder C’est la vie Film complet en français, Regarder C’est la vie Streaming vf gratuit complet, C’est la vie film complet C’est la vie 2021 film complet C’est la vie film complet en français C’est la vie streaming vostfr C’est la vie film streaming C’est la vie streaming vf C’est la vie film complet en ligne C’est la vie film complet en ligne gratuit C’est la vie film complet en ligne gratuitement C’est la vie film complet télécharger C’est la vie film complet sous-titre C’est la vie film 2021 streaming vf C’est la vie bande annonce vf C’est la vie 2021 film complet en francais C’est la vie 2021 Film Complet Streaming VF Entier Français, C’est la vie 2021 Regarder Film en Streaming en Français, C’est la vie 2021 Stream Film Complet Entier VF en Français, C’est la vie 2021 streaming VF film en entier gratuit, C’est la vie 2021 film complet streaming Vk gratuit, C’est la vie 2021 Regarder Film en Streaming, C’est la vie 2021 Film télécharger Torrent, C’est la vie 2021 film complet en Français, C’est la vie 2021 regarder en streaming, C’est la vie 2021 youtube film entier, C’est la vie 2021 streaming vf youwacth, C’est la vie 2021 streaming en entier, C’est la vie 2021 Regarder Gratuitment, C’est la vie 2021 regarder film streaming, Its somewhat ironic that a movie about time travel can’t be reviewed properly until your future self rewatches the movie. It’s bold of Nolan to make such a thoroughly dense blockbuster. He assumes people will actually want to see C’est la vie more than once so they can understand it properly, which some may not. This movie makes the chronology of Inception look as simplistic as tic-tac-toe. Ergo, it’s hard for me to give an accurate rating, without having seen it twice, as I’m still trying to figure out whether everything does indeed make sense. If it does, this movie is easily a 9 or 10. If it doesn’t, it’s a 6. It’s further not helped by the fact that the dialogue in the first 15 minutes of the movie is painfully hard to understand / hear. Either they were behind masks; they were practically mumbling; the sound effects were too loud; or all of the above. The exposition scenes are also waayyy too brief for something this complex — a problem also shared with Interstellar actually. (Interstellar had this minimalist exposition problem explaining Blight, where if you weren’t careful, you’d miss this one sentence / scene in the entire movie explaining that Blight was a viral bacteria: “Earth’s atmosphere is 80% nitrogen, we don’t even breathe nitrogen. Blight does, and as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen”). I guess it’s a Nolan quirk. Hopefully, a revision of the film audio sorts the sound mixing out. I do like the soundtrack, but it’s too loud initially. I liked all the actors. You think John Washington can’t act at first, but he can, and he grows on you as the film progresses. And Pattinson is his usual charming self. Elizabeth is a surprise treat. And so on. Its worth a watch either way. See it with subtitles if you can. And definitely don’t expect to fully understand whats going on the first time around. Its one hell of a complicated film. It will be very hard for an average viewer to gather all the information provided by this movie at the first watch. But the more you watch it, more hidden elements will come to light. And when you are able to put these hidden elements together. You will realize that this movie is just a “masterpiece” which takes the legacy of Christopher Nolan Forward If I talk about acting, Then I have to say that Robert Pattinson has really proved himself as a very good actor in these recent years. And I am sure his acting skills will increase with time. His performance is charming and very smooth. Whenever he is on the camera, he steals the focus John David Washington is also fantastic in this movie. His performance is electrifying, I hope to see more from him in the future. Other characters such as Kenneth Branagh, Elizabeth, Himesh Patel, Dimple Kapadia, Clémence Poésy have also done quite well. And I dont think there is a need to talk about Michael Caine Talking about Music, its awesome. I dont think you will miss Hans Zimmer’s score. Ludwig has done a sufficient job. There is no lack of good score in the movie Gotta love the editing and post production which has been put into this movie. I think its fair to say this Nolan film has focused more in its post production. The main problem in the movie is the sound mixing. Plot is already complex and some dialogues are very soft due to the high music score. It makes it harder to realize what is going on in the movie. Other Nolan movies had loud BGM too. But Audio and dialogues weren’t a problem My humble request to everyone is to please let the movie sink in your thoughts. Let your mind grasp all the elements of this movie. I am sure more people will find it better. Even those who think they got the plot. I can bet they are wrong. C’est la vie is the long awaited new movie from Christopher Nolan. The movie that’s set to reboot the multiplexes post-Covid. It’s a manic, extremely loud, extremely baffling sci-fi cum spy rollercoaster that will please a lot of Nolan fan-boys but which left me with very mixed views. John David Washington (Denzel’s lad) plays “The Protagonist” — a crack-CIA field operative who is an unstoppable one-man army in the style of Hobbs or Shaw. Recruited into an even more shadowy organisation, he’s on the trail of an international arms dealer, Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh in full villain mode). Sator is bullying his estranged wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki) over custody of their son (and the film unusually has a BBFC warning about “Domestic Abuse”). Our hero jets the world to try to prevent a very particular kind of Armageddon while also keeping the vulnerable and attractive Kat alive. This is cinema at its biggest and boldest. Nolan has taken a cinema ‘splurge’ gun, filled it with money, set it on rapid fire, removed the safety and let rip at the screen. Given that Nolan is famous for doing all of his ‘effects’ for real and ‘in camera’, some of what you see performed is almost unbelievable. You thought crashing a train through rush-hour traffic in “Inception” was crazy? You ain’t seen nothing yet with the airport scene! And for lovers of Chinooks (I must admit I am one and rush out of the house to see one if I hear it coming!) there is positively Chinook-p*rn on offer in the film’s ridiculously huge finale. The ‘inversion’ aspects of the story also lends itself to some fight scenes — one in particular in an airport ‘freeport’ — which are both bizarre to watch and, I imagine, technically extremely challenging to pull off. In this regard John David Washington is an acrobatic and talented stunt performer in his own right, and must have trained for months for this role. Nolan’s crew also certainly racked up their air miles pre-lockdown, since the locations range far and wide across the world. The locations encompassed Denmark, Estonia, India, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom, and United States. Hoyte Van Hoytema’s cinematography is lush in introducing these, especially the beautiful Italian coast scenes. Although I did miss the David Arnold strings that would typically introduce these in a Bond movie: it felt like that was missing. The ‘timey-wimey’ aspects of the plot are also intriguing and very cleverly done. There are numerous points at which you think “Oh, that’s a sloppy continuity error” or “Shame the production design team missed that cracked wing mirror”. Then later in the movie, you get at least a dozen “Aha!” moments. Some of them (no spoilers) are jaw-droppingly spectacular. Perhaps the best twist is hidden in the final line of the movie. I only processed it on the way home. And so to the first of my significant gripes with C’est la vie. The sound mix in the movie is all over the place. I’d go stronger than that… it’s truly awful (expletive deleted)! Nolan often implements Shakespeare’s trick of having characters in the play provide exposition of the plot to aid comprehension. But unfortunately, all of this exposition dialogue was largely incomprehensible. This was due to: the ear-splitting volume of the sound: 2020 movie audiences are going to be suffering from ‘C’est la vieis’! (LOL); the dialogue is poorly mixed with the thumping music by Ludwig Göransson (Wot? No Hans Zimmer?); a large proportion of the dialogue was through masks of varying description (#covid-appropriate). Aaron Taylor-Johnson was particularly unintelligible to my ears. Overall, watching this with subtitles at a special showing might be advisable! OK, so I only have a PhD in Physics… but at times I was completely lost as to the intricacies of the plot. It made “Inception” look like “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”. There was an obvious ‘McGuffin’ in “Inception” — — (“These ‘dream levels’… how exactly are they architected??”…. “Don’t worry… they’ll never notice”. And we didn’t!) In “C’est la vie” there are McGuffins nested in McGuffins. So much of this is casually waved C’est la vie as “future stuff… you’re not qualified” that it feels vaguely condescending to the audience. At one point Sator says to Kat “You don’t know what’s going on, do you?” and she shakes her head blankly. We’re right with you there luv! There are also gaps in the storyline that jar. The word “C’est la vie”? What does it mean. Is it just a password? I’m none the wiser. The manic pace of C’est la vie and the constant din means that the movie gallops along like a series of disconnected (albeit brilliant) action set pieces. For me, it has none of the emotional heart of the Cobb’s marriage problems from “Inception” or the father/daughter separation of “Interstellar”. In fact, you barely care for anyone in the movie, perhaps with the exception of Kat. It’s a talented cast. As mentioned above, John David Washington is muscular and athletic in the role. It’s a big load for the actor to carry in such a tent-pole movie, given his only significant starring role before was in the excellent BlacKkKlansman. But he carries it off well. A worthy successor to Gerard Butler and Jason Statham for action roles in the next 10 years. This is also a great performance by Robert Pattinson, in his most high-profile film in a long time, playing the vaguely alcoholic and Carré-esque support guy. Pattinson’s Potter co-star Clemence Poésy also pops up — rather more un-glam that usual — as the scientist plot-expositor early in the movie. Nolan’s regular Michael Caine also pops up. although the 87-year old legend is starting to show his age: His speech was obviously affected at the time of filming (though nice try Mr Nolan in trying to disguise that with a mouth full of food!). But in my book, any amount of Caine in a movie is a plus. He also gets to deliver the best killer line in the film about snobbery! However, it’s Kenneth Branagh and Elizabeth Debicki that really stand out. They were both fabulous, especially when they were bouncing off each other in their marital battle royale. So, given this was my most anticipated movie of the year, it’s a bit of a curate’s egg for me. A mixture of being awe-struck at times and slightly disappointed at others. It’s a movie which needs a second watch, so I’m heading back today to give my ear drums another bashing! And this is one where I reserve the right to revisit my rating after that second watch… it’s not likely to go down… but it might go up. (For the full graphical review, check out One Mann’s Movies on t’interweb and Facebook. Thanks.) As this will be non-spoiler, I can’t say too much about the story. However, what I can is this: C’est la vie’s story is quite dynamic in the sense that you won’t understand it till it wants you to. So, for the first half, your brain is fighting for hints and pieces to puzzle together the story. It isn’t until halfway through the movie that C’est la vie invites you to the fantastic storytelling by Christopher Nolan. Acting is beyond phenomenal, and I’d be genuinely surprised if neither Robert Pattinson nor John David Washington doesn’t receive an Oscar nomination for best actor. It’s also hard not to mention how good Elizabeth Debicki and Aaron Johnson both are. All around, great acting, and the dialogue amps up the quality of the movie. The idea of this movie is damn fascinating, and while there are films that explore time-travelling, there’s never been anything quite like this. It has such a beautiful charm and for the most part, explains everything thoroughly. It feels so much more complex than any form of time-travelling we’ve seen, and no less could’ve been expected from Nolan. Oh my lord, the score for this film fits so perfectly. Every scene that’s meant to feel intense was amped by a hundred because of how good the score was. Let me just say though, none of them will be found iconic, but they fit the story and scenes so well. In the end, I walked out, feeling very satisfied. Nevertheless, I do have issues with the film that I cannot really express without spoiling bits of the story. There are definitely little inconsistencies that I found myself uncovering as the story progressed. However, I only had one issue that I found impacted my enjoyment. That issue was understanding some of the dialogue. No, not in the sense that the movie is too complicated, but more that it was hard to make out was being said at times. It felt like the movie required subtitles, but that probably was because, at a time in the film, there was far too much exposition. Nevertheless, I loved this film, I’ll be watching it at least two more times, and I think most of you in this group will enjoy it. I definitely suggest watching it in theatres if possible, just so you can get that excitement. (4/5) & (8.5/10) for those that care about number scores. At first, I want to ask Christopher Nolan one question, HOW THE HELL YOU DID THIS? Seriously I want to have an answer, How did he write such as this masterpiece! How did he get this complicated, fabulous and creative idea? What is going on in his mind? The story is written and directed perfectly, the narration style was absolutely unique. I have no idea how can anyone direct such as this story, that was a huge challenge, and as usual Nolan gave us a masterpiece that we’ll put beside (Memento), (Inception) and (Interstellar) The movie is so fast-paced in a good way, there was no boring moment. The chemistry between John David Washington and Robert Pattinson was great and funny and both of their performance was really good. Elizabeth Debicki performance was the best in the movie because she had the chance to show her acting abilities and she cached up that chance and showed us an A level acting. The music wasn’t unique and distinct as the music of Interstellar for example and I think this movie needed the touch of Hans Zimmer, I’m not saying that Ludwig Göransson failed but Hans Zimmer in another level. If there was something I’d say that I didn’t like it in the movie would it be that Nolan discarded any set up or characters backgrounds except Elizabeth Debicki dramatic story but it wasn’t that bad for me, I didn’t care about that, the exciting story didn’t give me the chance to focus on it. But the actual problem was the third act, it was really complicated and I got lost and I convinced myself to discard the questions that were in my head and enjoy the well-made action sequences and Elizabeth Debicki performance. I think this kind of movie that gets better with a second and third watch. I honestly don’t quite know where to begin with C’est la vie. I love Christopher Nolan’s work but I have never seen a more complicated film (and I understood Memento). After nearly three hours, I came C’est la vie from C’est la vie not knowing myself, my mind reduced to nothing more than piles of ash. Was there time travel involved? Hmm, there was definitely something about time inversion. I mean, does Nolan even understand what he wrote? Look, I give credit to the director because he’s one of the few directors left who knows how to create a compelling and intelligent blockbuster. C’est la vie is full of Nolan trademarks — the gratuitous Michael Caine cameo, a loud, really loud score, complete with stunning cinematography and slickly inventive action set-pieces. This time around however, Nolan has finally managed to ‘out-Nolan’ himself: the palindromic plot, whilst creatively ambitious, is simply far too complicated for its own good. C’est la vie is overlong, overstuffed, pretentious and too exhausting to comprehend in its entirety — it makes Inception and Interstellar look like Peppa Pig by comparison. I’m aware of the technical wizardry and creative mastery in this film and lord knows I’ll have to watch this again. For those who want a puzzle, C’est la vie at least provides a unique cinematic experience. But to actually enjoy solving it Nolan wants you to work
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writeiolite · 4 years
aaaaa you speak korean??? the only korean i know aside from hello is 졸려요...JSHJSBDN may i ask how you studied the language??? like the apps u used and how you made learning a bit easier uwu thanks in advance!!
holy ok this is gonna be long so lemme make a read more
rghksjdf oh gosh im the worst person to ask this. i’m rly good at listening and sometimes reading but not that good at writing (ya girl illiterate *whips*). what helped me was growing up i did as much immersion as possible? my family speaks English and Tagalog so it was kinda hard but now there's lots of shows and movies and music available to listen/watch all the time (which is how i learned Japanese as a kid before realizing it wouldn’t help me at home dfkhgkfjgh). so just try to surround urself with the language (literally and metaphorically) 
children's books, music, shows, and conversations help a lot. pimsleur is pretty good for auditory/speaking. they have workbooks too! it’s available in Japanese and Korean i believe but it’s a paid app. it forces u to speak and participate in conversations tho so it’s helpful. duolingo is good for the alphabet and vocab words but i learned it’s not the best with grammar and can be inconsistent at times. it’s def still helpful if ur a beginner! also! watching youtube videos in ur language of choice is good. like if u like makeup, watch some makeup videos to get accustomed to what is what and such. 
errrr for sentence structure????? uHMMM idk any exact sources besides just knowing the basic sentence structure? idk ;-; i’m bad at that stuff sometimes bc it’s a lot easier to speak/write in Tagalog since the structure isn’t exact HHH. talk to me in Korean (god everyone says this) is helpful. 
honestly tho, u have to do immersion practice bc it’s rly hard otherwise. put sticky notes with labels everywhere if u can. learn a song just to get the pronunciation down and then work into the lyrics and learn your favorite lines so it’s more fun for u! there’s a Netflix extension that breaks down the translations for people learning any language so that's p cool!! 
idk if this is the correct way to learn, but every language i’ve learned thus far i learned without reading/writing initially. so i got used to sounds n pronunciation n just talking before i learned how to read/write (i am still fucking illiterate in Japanese LMFAOOO). it’s definitely different for everyone based on what ur comfortable with. another tip would be if ur watching a children’s show, write down repeated words and their definitions. then rewatch. then rewatch again without subtitles. or do it with a show ur familiar with. i say children’s shows bc usually they’re simple and down have long sentences. plus the visual helps
uhmuhm... idk abt u but when i was first learning i hated learning all these basic stuff n wanted to get into conversational right away FHGSAJAFG. like,,, for any language. so when i was little and i heard my family talking on the phone, i’d repeat whatever they were saying and then ask later what it meant. as a child... there are some things i should not have been repeating LMFAO but it definitely helped!!
and again... immersion. find someone who speaks ur target language fluently to talk with! growing up i had a friend in Seoul that would call me every time he got on the train and we’d talk in English but he’d teach me lots of korean words and have me practice. when i taught my Chinese friends English, we did a lot of vocab practice and i brought them home to meet my family so they could have some immersion practice. it helped them a lot!! so while it can be hard, just try to make ur environment as learning-friendly as possible c: 
coming on Tumblr and texting/calling my college friends is the only time i’m not practicing my korean (except for rn with jeongsoo fghsfkhf if u see dis ily n thank u for making me practice more) so u just gotta build ur ideal setting! 
also papago is a good translator for korean and it offers other languages too! i think it works for Japanese p ok!
if none of this helped then im so sorry sfAFDHNST i frl am all over the place with language learning but hopefully there are some useful tips here ;-; 
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nekoabi · 7 years
ALL 65
*cracks thumbs* Let’s do this!
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Nah - I think… This question is hurting my brain…
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?Probably like a 1.25, so like a lil but not a lot.
3. The person you would never want to meet?The person who is to kill me, probs
4. What is your favorite word?Lousy is a nice word to say
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?Crab Apple Tree, because it is described as having an “irregular, rounded shape”
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?Ughhh… why am I awake so early…
7. What shirt are you wearing?My “All Hail the Glowcloud” shirt from the most recent WTNV tour
8. What do you label yourself as?Edgy
9. Bright room or dark room?Dark Room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?Thinking about sending my mum a birthday message, and talking with @illisienthar
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?Actually, my current age, 21 - I’m actually kinda enjoying life a little more
12. Who told you they loved you last?@illisienthar, I think
13. Your worst enemy?This one guy who I cannot stand the voice of and just his general demeanour gets on my last freaking nerve… also he was a racist piece of shit one time and he makes me uncomfortable… 
14. What is your current desktop picture?This gorgeous piece of artwork by ryky
15. Do you like someone?I mean, yeah… I kinda always do…
16. The last song you listened to?But It’s Better If You Do - Panic! At The Disco
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?Um… can I do a cop-out and say the next person who is about to die so that way I’m not really fully responsible for their death as they were about to die that second anyway????
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?Nigel Farage… but then that would mean a) getting near him and b) touching his person. I’ll go with… @seventhdisaster instead ;)
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?@seventhdisaster and he would do anything i told him to!
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)My hair, 100%, no thought needed lmao
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?Short, ginger, long hair, slight chub - I’d probably freak out and be like “what why”
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?I mean, I can fit my fist in my mouth? Does that count? #mypartytrick
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?I guess I’m pretty unique in that I’m seemingly afraid of almost everything… Whoops?
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.White Bread, Ketchup, Sliced Turkey Meat, Ready Salted Crisps. Boom. Sounds gross to some, fucking delicious m8s.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?Probably on stuff to make cosplay since I’m really in that mood rn.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?Australia, so I can see my good friend @alreadyentendu
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?Ummm… well, I don’t drink to the point of barely knowing anything about alcohol. If I could make a deal to get a lifetime supply of Irn Bru, then that would be my choice.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? #nodeathallowed
29. What is your favorite expletive?fuck - its so versatile 
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?Laptop. Easy question.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?Oh boy, probably my horrendous experience singing at the local Waitrose back in year 11 where I fucking forgot all the words, forgot the entire song, had classmates all around me - both in the group that were singing and working at the store, and also my cousin around to hear it all… Ughhh, still can’t listen to What’s This? without dying inside…
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!Probs Norway, it’s really pretty and I really like it there (plz take me in @seventhdisaster @t2norway)
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?Am I heartless for wanting to pick my cat over my grandma? I would go with grandma tho, would make my dad very happy
34. What was your last dream about?Uhhh… the last one I can remember was a friend and myself being chased by police, me hiding in a house that i apparently lived in, being caught in there by my “mother” and being kicked out, sneaking back into the house, getting caught and being hidden by a “brother” and then being caught AGAIN by “mother”. Then the police come and search the room (for some reason) and they are expecting to find something incriminating about myself and find a drawer that is splattered with red paint or something and they think it’s blood and i try to prove my innocence and stuff, ends with me waking up in tears… I forgot some details, but you get the gist
35. Are you a good….showman?LMAOOOOO NOPE, at least I don’t think so… I can be alright once I get used to it, but most of the time I’m p. bad (excluding when i’m being a showman to hide how i really feel inside)
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?Not really “admitted”, but I did have to go in for a blood test once and that was horrendous
37. Have you ever built a snowman?Yeah, once… it wasn’t the prettiest, but it was fun!
38. What is the color of your socks?WHO NEEDS SOCKS?! but usually they’re multicoloured/patterned
39. What type of music do you like?I guess Alternative/Emo/Goth is the best label for it, anything that’s kinda heavy is good for me
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?Sunsets
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?I don’t like milkshakes… or milk in general… I know, I’m a freak
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)What’s a sport? 
43. Do you have any scars?I have a scar near the tip of my index finger where I cut myself with safety scissors during Sports Day once.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?Working with live Sound for performances or Stage Management, or propping
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?Probably be thinner without having to work for it
46. Are you reliable?I’d like to think I am, I do what I say I am going to most of the time - and usually a lil early, if I can
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?Am I still with The Internet Support Group?
48. Do you hold grudges?I can do, but it’s all relative and I do try to give people second chances - but I am likely to not forget what they did…
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?A Fox Cat!
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?Possibly discussions about death that I have with a fair amount of people
51. Are you a good liar?Probably… I’ve not been caught yet
52. How long could you go without talking?I’ve been a full day or so without talking before, and I could probably do longer - I’m gonna put myself at like 3 days, maybe
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?My fringe with the middle parting… Ughhhh
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?Once or twice in Cooking class.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?Haaaaaaaaa accents are not my thing at all!
56. What do you like on your toast?Nutella
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?A heart
58. What would be you dream car?One that works!!
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.I sing in the shower when I am alone in the house. As for unusual habits, I’ve been told it’s weird that I don’t face the shower.
60. Do you believe in aliens?Well, yeah… 
61. Do you often read your horoscope?When I see it, I’ll do it for a laugh
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?Ys are fun to write
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?Dragons! The crazy things that you can come up with for them, ahh! I love it!
64. What do you think about babies?Can be cute from a distance, not about to have any of my own!
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. How u doin?I’m doing alright, had a decent day overall
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spiderboimiles · 5 years
There for ya
Short little Peter, Ben, Ned fic. FLUFF. Peter is in eighth grade. Tom Holland Peter. I’m exploring Ben’s character rn. Hope you like it ☺️☺️
—— ————
Today had been a day. One of those rough days where the day becomes awful even before the lunch bell rings. A day where the last two periods of the day feel like forever and you wonder if the teacher will ever stop trying to explain the difference between “there” and “their” and taking 45 whole minutes to do it. Of course, Peter never truly hated lectures. It was easy to just go off into his own head for a while until the bell finally rung. But today was different. Today Peter didn’t want to be in his head. So he tried desperately to cling onto Ms. Hargrove’s speech on who exactly Shakespeare was and if he really was a real person. Peter didn’t care, but he tried to listen anyways. Anything to ignore what Flash had said earlier.
Finally the bell rung. A familiar sound that pulled him out of his thoughts that he’d tried so hard to keep away from. Peter looked down at his phone and was greeted by a text from his uncle.
Hope you had a good day 🙂 Parked a little bit farther than usual.
Peter gathered his things and made a break for the door, not caring that bus riders were supposed to go first. If he stayed in that room even a second too long than Flash would surely take advantage of it.
Ned’s class was only across the hall and Peter typically met him there anyways.
“Hey man.” He said as he approached his friend.
Ned looked up and smiled at Peter.
“Hey dude.” He replied and the two did their signature handshake.
“What’s up?” Ned asked, knowing Peter well enough to know something was wrong.
“Wha- what do you mean?” Peter asked, trying to brush it off.
“Dude.” Ned began.
Peter looked around trying to avoid Ned’s worried gaze.
“Is it Flash again?” Ned asked in a whisper.
“N-no! Of course not.”
And it was at that moment that Flash walked into the room. Peter shrunk down beside Ned. Flash had grown quite a bit over the summer between seventh and eighth grade and even more so over winter break. He was already pretty big as it was and Peter had always been very small. Peter froze and shrunk down even more as if if he tried hard enough he could become invisible.
“Peter, it’s ok.” Ned whispered, knowing he anxiety Flash brought to him.
Peter didn’t reply.
Flash hadn’t noticed the two yet and had gone over to his friends. Ned decided that this was they’re best chance if they were to slide out unnoticed.
“Come on.” He whispered to Peter.
Peter caught on quickly and picked up his backpack. The two slid out of the room luckily unnoticed and made their way quickly to the first floor down to where carpool was.
Peter had been uncharacteristically quiet the whole time so Ned decided to pipe up.
“Hey man, what’s up?”
“Nothing.” Peter replied.
“Come on dude, I know you too well to believe that.”
“Nah man. Believe me, I’m fine. Stop worrying.” “Want me to walk with you?”
“I’m fine Ned.” Peter dismissed, smiling forced smile and turning to meet Ben.
“Peter!” Ned called after him.
“Bye Ned.” Peter replied only looking back once.
Peter made his way down the sidewalk to where his uncle normally parked. Ben had told him he’d parked further away than usual and Peter wished that of all days, that today he hadn’t. Peter had a bad feeling, an anxious feeling that something bad was going to happen. And it did.
“Hey Penis Parker.” A taunting voice called from behind him.
Peter cursed himself for not accepting Ned’s offer but he kept walking.
“Hey! I’m talking to you!”
He picked up his pace.
Flash cussed.
Suddenly Peter was plummeting to the ground after a rough hand had shoved him. He hit the ground with an “umph”and his nose lit up with pain. He sat up quickly and touched his nose only to be met with red liquid on his hands. Yep, his nose was broken.
“That’s what you get for ignoring me.” Flash spat.
Peter remained quiet, unsure of what to do next. He really couldn’t fight all that well, but he knew he couldn’t just sit there feeling defeated. So Peter huffed to himself and began to sit up. Having Flash threaten him and say very mean things to him earlier was bad enough. Peter had honestly thought he was done for the day. But apparently not.
“What’d you think Penis? You could just walk away?”
Flash kicked him sending Peter back down to the pavement. The smaller boy scooted away and stood up quickly, thinking maybe he could make a run for it. But the quick movement made his head spin and suddenly he was unable to focus due to the white creeping into his vision. Flash took this to his advantage and collided his fist with Peter’s face. He stumbled back slightly and blinked in surprise and pain.
“You’re nothing but a loser Parker.” Flash sneered.
Peter sniffled, all the emotions from earlier coming back to him. He hurriedly brushed the unwanted tears away. Crying infront of Flash was the last thing he wanted to do.
“What? Crying for mommy and daddy?” Flash laughed.
Peter tried to regain his composure and sit up again. However it was no use. The dizziness was making him frustrated which was making him upset. “Stop crying!” He mentally screamed at himself.
“Oh, wait. They’re dead!” Flash spat “But I bet they were no good anyways, considering you. Or maybe you were just the runt they never asked for. You know, I bet they went and got themselves killed on purpose cause they couldn’t stand you. What a disappointment.”
Peter made a weak move to kick Flash.
“Ha!” Laughed the bigger boy and he shoved Peter down again with ease and this time kept him pinned down.
“Sucks for your aunt and uncle though, doesn’t it? They never wanted you. Did they Penis? I wouldn’t be surprised if they find another plane to get crashed in. In fact, I’m surprised they haven’t done it sooner.” Flash’s face was only inches away from Peter’s. “And Ned, he’s only friends with you cause he feels sorry for you. Not that he’s much better than you anyways.”
Flash kicked Peter in the stomach with a taunting laugh. Peter gasped for air, feeling nauseous. His head spun as he tried to gather his thoughts again. Flash’s laughs surrounded him, taunted him, and angered him. Peter’s frustration became so thick that he ignored the foggy feeling in his head punched Flash as hard as he could, grabbed his glasses, which had been forgotten on the ground, then ran. He ran as fast as he could with harsh breaths that he forced through his pain. His whole face felt like a hammer had been brought to it and Peter was fairly sure was going to have a black eye. Flash cursed loudly and nastily behind him.
When Peter reached Ben’s car, he was crying. He opened the door and slipped in, avoiding Ben’s worried gaze best he could.
“Peter…” Ben began, but Peter cut him off.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” The boy choked out.
So Ben let it be for a moment. But then he talked again.
“Peter, was it-“
“I said I don’t wanna talk about it!”
Peter sniffled. Ben looked over, surprised by his nephews sudden outburst. He reached into the glove compartment and took out a few napkins, handing them to Peter.
“Ok. You don’t have to talk about it right now.” Ben said as Peter put the napkins to his nose.
The drive home was quiet except for the soft sniffles coming from Peter. He looked out the window but his eyes weren’t really seeing anything. Ben was worried but he knew not to say anything about it. Not yet at least.
“Got the house all to ourselves tonight Pete.” Ben said trying to lighten the mood. “And you know what that means don’t you?”
Peter looked over at Ben.
“It means no meatloaf!”
Peter didn’t respond which worried Ben even more.
“Come on Pete, you don’t have to pretend to like it for me. Just for May.” He laughs.
“Anyways,” Ben continues getting an idea “since May isn’t home tonight, what do you say we invite Ned over and have a guys night? Better tell him May won’t be around though, don’t wanna disappoint. We all know he has the hots for her.” He chuckles.
Peter finally responds to the last comment with what was almost a smile.
“Well go on, text him!”
“Oh, ok.” Peter replied smiling.
Hey man
Dude! U good?!
Meh. I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight.
Really? Ummm… YES!!!
Do I need to bring anything?
“Does Ned need to bring anything?” Peter asked Ben.
“All the Star Wars stuff he can carry.” Ben replied smiling. “Oh, and pajamas.”
Ben says “all the Star Wars Stuff you can carry”. And pjs too...
“Dude!” Peter exclaimed when he opened the door to let Ned in. “I’m surprised you can carry that much.”
“I’m surprised you own that much.” Ben added walking over.
“Well, you said bring everything.” Ned replied shrugging as he threw everything on the floor of the living room.
“That I did.” Ben agreed.
“Woah, what happened to your nose? And your eye…” Ned asked when he really looked at Peter, taking in his newly bandaged nose and black eye.
Peter’s expression turned into a confusing mix of angry, sad and hurt.
“Nothing.” He replied quickly.
Ned looked at Ben in confusion but Ben just gave him a look telling him not to pry. That Peter would talk when he was ready.
“Oh my gosh Ned! Is that the new Stark Tower LEGO set?!” Peter exclaimed as he dug through the pile, dragging Ned out of his silent conversation with Ben.
“Yep.” Ned replied proudly, popping the “p”. Luckily the attention span of fourteen year old Ned Leeds was not very large.
“Dude! That’s SO cool!!!”
The two rambled on about Star Wars for a few moments before Ben piped up.
“Ok boys, what’s for dinner?” He asked as he walked over.
“PIZZA!!!!” The two cried ecstatically.
“Pizza it is.” Ben decided, chuckling as he picked up his phone to call the pizza place to come deliver.
“Pepperoni and cheese right?”
“Mmhmm.” Peter hummed, wildly distracted by the LEGO set.
“Boys.” Ben called again, taking the phone away from his ear for a moment. “Go get some snacks from the pantry, I’ll take you to the store in a minute.”
“Cool.” Peter And Ned said together like it was the best thing in the world, which for them, it was.
Peter sat in the middle of the couch, bundled up in a Star Wars blanket with his legs on Ben’s lap and leaning on Ned. All three were eating pizza and candy, all of which was strewn across the coffee table.
“3P0’s my favorite.” Ben was saying.
“Nah, R2’s the best.” Peter said with a mouth full of pizza.
“I think that-“
“Shhhh Ned! It’s starting!”
The three snapped their attention to Star Wars: A New Hope. Peter’s choice even though anyone else would’ve chosen the same. Peter had always preferred the originals and so did Ben and Ned. In fact, last year for Halloween he and Ned had gone trick-or-treating as Luke and Han. Ben had even dressed up too while May had stayed home to hand out candy. Of course, she hadn’t let them go without taking a million photos and saying things like “my little man” and “aww you guys are so cute” and then making a million painful Star Wars references and bad puns. Peter had been Luke Skywalker, Ned was Han Solo and Ben dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Peter felt safe in between the two of his three favorite people in the whole world. The whole universe even. The movie had begun with the trio quoting every moment, but eventually they got sucked in and remained quiet with the occasional side comment. Everything was going absolutely wonderful.
Until it wasn’t.
“Luke!” Obi-Wan called.
But Luke was already gone.
A sinking feeling began to bloom in Peter’s stomach.
Luke ran back to the farm. They’d found them.
The sinking feeling began to grow. But it wasn’t about the movie. It was about something else. It was making him remember.
“Surely they couldn’t be dead.” Luke seemed to think as he ran inside his house. His face fell. He’d been wrong.
Suddenly the movie paused.
“Peter?” Ned asked.
Peter looked up at Ned in confusion.
“Peter, what’s wrong?”
He hadn’t realized he’d been crying.
“O-oh.” Peter choked out.
“What? Crying for mommy and daddy?” Flash laughed.
Peter shuttered.
“Peter?” Ned asked again, in a soft voice, putting a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“Oh, wait. They’re dead!” Flash spat “But I bet they were no good anyways, considering you. Or maybe you were just the runt they never asked for. You know, I bet they went and got themselves killed on purpose cause they couldn’t stand you. What a disappointment.”
Suddenly Peter scooted out of Ned and Ben’s comforting hold.
“Sucks for your aunt and uncle though, doesn’t it? They never wanted you. Did they Penis? I wouldn’t be surprised if they find another plane to get crashed in. In fact, I’m surprised they haven’t done it sooner.”
Peter’s silent tears had turned into gentle sobs. “Stop crying!” He thought as he cursed himself.
“And Ned, he’s only friends with you cause he feels sorry for you.”
“Peter!” Ben’s voice broke through Peter’s jumbled thoughts.
The boy ran up to Ben unexpectedly and threw himself into Ben’s arms.
“Peter, what’s wrong?” Ben asked softly, words laced with worry.
Peter didn’t reply, his sobs now loud and open.
“Was it… Flash?” Ned asked gently, scooting over.
Peter nodded, not looking at Ned, his head still buried in Ben’s chest.
“Oh god, what’d he do this time?”
“H-he,” Peter choked out “said… momanddaddidntwantmeandkilledthemselvessotheywouldnthavetoseemyfaceeveragainandthatBenandMayweregonnadothesameandthatyoureonlymyfriendcauseyoufeelbadforme.”
“Wait. Slow down.” Said Ben.
“I-I don’t wanna say it again.” Peter replied between sobs.
Luckily Ned understood.
“He said… Flash said his parents… their… he said it was Peter’s fault basically. And that you and May didn’t love him and- and that I was only friends with him cause I felt bad. Which totally isn’t true!” Ned replied putting a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“Oh Pete.” Ben said holding on to Peter tighter.
“Flash’s just a jerk.” Ned added.
Peter looked over at Ned, shimmying out of Ben’s lap and back between the two. It was then that Ned and Ben saw how red and puffy Peter’s eyes were and how long the tear stains on his cheeks were. Ned wrapped his arms around his friend and pulled him into a hug.
“You know I’d never do that, right?” Ned asked.
“Y-Yeah.” Peter smiled.
“Seriously, I have a very busy schedule. I’d never waste my time on just any old idiot.”
Peter laughed a bit through his sniffles.
“I love you guys. Really.” He said softly as if embarrassed.
“We love you too.” Ben replied earnestly. “Now come on. These snacks aren’t gonna eat themselves!”
“Tonight, we feast!” Ned exclaimed.
Peter grabbed a bag of m&ms and snuggled back in between Ben and Ned.
“ ‘m glad i’s fri’ay.” He mumbled contently, eyes drooping closed.
“So glad! Now we can watch Star Wars ALL weekend!” Ned replied happily, earning a small sleepy smile from Peter.
May walked in at 3:15 in the morning, being careful not to be loud or turn many lights on. She tiptoed into the kitchen which, by the way, was a mess and gently set her purse down on the counter. The woman looked up to the living room and smiled. There on the couch was Ben, Peter, and Ned entirely passed out. Ned was curled up against the arm of the sofa and Ben was sitting slumped over. Peter was the cutest, in May’s opinion, with his legs on Ben’s lap and using Ned’s arm as a pillow. Ben has texted her earlier telling her Peter had had a rough day and that he was bringing Ned over to cheer him up. Quietly she got her phone out and took a picture of the three. The Parker family might not have been the most normal family. An aunt, an uncle, their fourteen year old nephew, and his best friend. But it was a family, and it was home.
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trepanic · 8 years
Sorry if youve been asked this before ;; but i'm in HS rn and im aiming to submit an Sher Animation portfolio soon! And they completely changed it this year so im sUUUUper stressed. Especially for the personal pieces... Do you have any tips for getting in? Also how many tries on average does it take to get in ;; im worried i might not be good enough right now hhh. But I rlly look up to u and i love ur art so it would mean a lot if u would respond!! Thank you for ur time :'D !!!!
hhh sorry for the late reply, i had a big exam this week n its been stressing me out :’) luckily thats over n done now so!! heres some advice!!
im not entirely familiar w the new portfolio guidelines, but i do know in a broader sense the elements that ppl are looking for. I’m not gonna give u a bunch of art tips because you’ve probably heard them all a bajillion times: keep a sketchbook, study anatomy, look at lots of art, etc… see this ask for more technique-based advice.
what i will tell you is, besides artistic technique, the main thing this program wants is artists with a strong sense of STORY. animation is the hybrid of art and story-telling in a time-based medium, and you may b artistically talented but if you don’t have a strong grasp on storytelling this may not b the program for you.
with that in mind, take every opportunity in your portfolio to depict some sort of story.  your personal pieces are the perfect opportunity to display this.  You may rly like a drawing of ur oc that u did, but if you cant get any sense of character traits or narrative from that piece, you should probably pick something else.  your personal pieces should depict some sort of broader narrative, ideally with a sense of composition.  look up some concept art for some of your favorite animation, and take note of how one illustration provides you with an understanding of plot, character, setting, or some other aspect of story-telling.  Try to tell us something about your story, however vague it may be, thru ur artwork.
composition’s a big one too.  obviously this doesnt apply to the more technical portions of the portfolio, but for elements such as your personal pieces and storyboard, composition is rly important.  look for clarity in your compositions, particularly your storyboard.  the purpose of a storyboard is to show the rest of your team how you want a scene to play out, so strive for clear transitions (how did the character get from point a to point b) and insight into a character’s thoughts and emotions.  good composition doesn’t necessarily mean detail, it means creating a piece that is balanced and clear, where the eye is drawn to the most important subjects first.  whether this is done thru line weight, lighting or some other element of design is up to you.
i got into this program on my first try, but keep in mind that a) im 21 and b) i took time off from school to work n save up money, n during that time drew and taught myself stuff as much as i could.  Some ppl i know got in fresh outta high school, others got in after a couple of tries.
what a lot of ppl do if they don’t get in on the first try is study art fundamentals at sheridan for a year.  the purpose of fundies is to give everyone a multi-discipline approach to making art, and from there ppl branch off to whatever program they wanna do.  Fundies is specifically made to help students get into the program of their choice, and offers lots of resources for critique and portfolio-building.  A good amount of ppl i kno in animation got there after taking art fundamentals for a year and then re-applying.
that being said, there’s rly no failsafe way to predict whether you’ll get in on the first try. every wave of applicants is unique and there are definitely ppl who get rejected even if they deserve a place in the program.  That’s just how it goes for any competitive college program tbh,, the whole thing is p subjective.  I kno this probably isnt v comforting, but if you rly have ur heart set on animation i urge you to keep trying, and in the case of rejection, to use that as an opportunity to focus on improving ur weak points.
if you want more info i’d encourage u to pm me off anon so i can answer any specific questions u may have,, im always happy to help fellow animators. i wish u the best of luck!!
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gulescamisade · 8 years
Alaska: Day 6
DAVE: -at this point, he's probably right up against karkat and mituna. karkat for the purposes of comforting him, and mituna because he's the warmest motherfucker here. and daves likely warmer than mituna, so win-win. he's wide awake, shivering, in an undershirt and boxers. His head is pounding although he feels tired, the dizziness still very much a thing, so much that it's making him sick. he's doing everything he can to stay grounded, which means highly relying on emotional defenses he used a long time ago. GOTTA KEEP GOING. GOTTA STAY ALIVE. even if he feels like he's going to puke-
MITUNA: -His left arm is essentially just for show by now. After it essentially breaking against the wing of a buzzard his arm being separated at the joint entirely, it was useless. Well except for consistently reminding him that he's in excruciating pain. Dave moving causes lava to fire through his nerves, making him scream awake and vomit from pain. These megaman boxers do nothing.-
DAVE: -widens his eyes at the scream and vomiting and turns to look at mituna incredibly apologetically- s sorry
DAVE: k kind of a d dick way to s say s s sorry but i r really am
MITUNA: -He sniffs, wretching a little before regaining what little composure he has. At least this pain distracted from the screams in his head. He doesn't think he could bear hearing Terezi rn-
MITUNA: a7 lea57 i know i75 57ill a77ached hehe FUCK
MINDFANG: -With their talking shes starting to stir from what could supposedly be called sleep, not that she had been able to get more then a few minutes now and then. Shes not far from the pile of boys and she opens her one eye to look at them.-
DAVE: hahaha yeah -he's not quite sure he can make it out of this without frostbite. damn his vulnerable human anatomy and his fucking back which is making it hard to move at all- so
DAVE: anyone got a p plan
MINDFANG: I have.... 8een considering...options. -Takes a short breath in between every few words.-
MITUNA: 5park5 are 57ill ou7 of commi55ion
MITUNA: really 5hor7 lived -Leans more on Dave even though holy shit this hurts. Get this warmth-
MINDFANG: My powers are.... also... still unavaila8le. MINDFANG: I attempted....using them while.... you were sleeping. -Directed at Mituna. Yes she tried to pry into your mind, but sadly to no avail.-
MITUNA: dick move
DAVE: ch challenge one of those asswipes to a r rap battle -chattering teeth- h hey whos that one g guy who l likes troll p pokemon
MINDFANG: Smart actually.... If it.... worked on you... then i could consider...trying it.... on... our guards.
DAVE: ho dont do it
MITUNA: youre 7hinking abou7 7av and ruf
MINDFANG: I just said I cant-- -She hisses and then cringes immediately after. Instant regret her ribcage is onfire.-
DAVE: hey maybe if we just g glue ourselves to each o other we can have o one functioning b body
MITUNA: wi7h wha7 dildo hole
DAVE: good question
MINDFANG: Do you...have...an answer?
DAVE: fuck no
MINDFANG: Then your idea...is useless.
DAVE: d did they also j jack up your s sense of humor
MINDFANG: No, 8ut you seem... to have never had any to 8egin with.
MINDFANG: Also...Fuck jokes right now.
DAVE: burned
DAVE: iced
NYALAH: -with as much blood loss, the trauma of injury that her body has endured, and the lack of treatment, Nyalah is quite literally struggling to be alive right now. The only indication that she ISN'T dead is the shallow tick of her pulse. Otherwise, her blood matted body remains bound and crumbled. Too still against the frozen, terrible conditions of their imprisonment.-
MINDFANG: Refrain from mentioning...ice. -Shes shivering already. Underwear and tanktops do not make for good snow gear.-
DAVE: fire
DAVE: -poor nyalah... he wishes he could help her-
MINDFANG: -Please dont die Nyalah, thats a lot of bodies.-
MINDFANG: 8etter.
DAVE: you know what would be cool
DAVE: having a robot limb
DAVE: hows that workin out for you serko
MITUNA: i could u5e one righ7 abou7 now
MINDFANG: -Shes staring so hard at dave right now.-
MINDFANG: -Maybe if she thinks hard enough he will choke on his own spit.-
MINDFANG: If we survive this...
MINDFANG: Ill 8e certain you get one.
DAVE: thanks
DAVE: youre the real mvp
MINDFANG: You are welcome.
NYALAH: -at some point, her breathing is becoming rapid pants. Limbs twitching with tiny convulsions.-
MITUNA: 5hi7
MINDFANG: -Nyahla gains her attention. Oh dear, looks like the cat isnt going to survive after all.-
MINDFANG: -She frowns. Its really a terrible way to go.-
MITUNA: no no no no no no no -Flops and starts trying to inch to her-
DAVE: anybody know anything medical DAVE: that might help DAVE: -also attempts crawling toward her. Shit his back is SCREAMING-
MINDFANG: Not...without the supplies to...8ack it up.
MINDFANG: -She looks away from Nyalah now, out of respect.- 8e 8etter off ending her suffering.
DAVE: wheres her main injury coming from
DAVE: where is she bleeding out the most -he is working his way out of his under shirt, ripping it with his teeth so he can get it off. he may just have to use it to warm her-
NYALAH: -that would be the stapled gash from the vulture beak on her side. It's been agrivated as they were tossed around and not exactly been allowed to heal. She even lies on her belly as an unconscious attempt to guard it. And with the blood that had seeped from the crushing of her horn, things were not looking up for her.-
DAVE: -he decides YES he will use his shirt to warm her, and just kind of identifies her injuries so he doesn't hurt her, laying the torn shirt over her curled body and positioning himself so he's against her where it's least harmful-
MITUNA: -Gently flops over her to keep her warm-
NYALAH: -after a half hour of difficulty, her breathing begins to stablize and she passes out once again. Still breathing.-
DAVE: -we're doing good. mostly-
NYALAH: -it's another half hour before she starts to stir. Sniffing at the bitter air. What might be Dave's hair.- (hff)
NYALAH: (daven)
NYALAH: ....none better d than daven only ask him -It's strange. She's not so raspy or slurring at her words like she usually is. Could be she hasnt had nip in a while or. Who knows. She curls closer to him.- huddle
DAVE: ok thats t tmi but yeah huddle -WARMTH-
NYALAH: -shift shift. There's someone draped on her.-
MITUNA: -hisses- ow fuck
NYALAH: wait
NYALAH: -slowly starts to pry herself to sit, regretting her own actions but. She's gotta.- psion
NYALAH: -sniffs him.-
NYALAH: dislocation? -asking for a friend. She's sitting up more now, face scrunched up in pain. There's still a considerable welp on her cheek from being slapped around.-
MITUNA: -Groans- yeah and i 7hink i75 broken below the elbow his arm is having a bad time-
NYALAH: kay -hffs, starting to shrug off Dave's shirt. Using only her toes, she stuffs the rag into Mituna's mouth.-
NYALAH: stay -Now bringing her feet over to set by his shoulder. The contortionist cat. Keeps him in place.- sorry in advances
NYALAH: -and then applies a swift force to snap the joint back into place.-
MITUNA: -His scream dies in his gag. She's forced in back in place but disturbed the stab wound that caused the dislocation in the first place, blood gushing from his shoulder.-
NYALAH: shhhh -picks the shirt from his mouth and presses it against the wound. Brow furrowed in concentration. Even using that much force was agrivating her own wound.- n33ds catalyst
MITUNA: oh my fucking FUCK
NYALAH: lay still -doing her best to staunch the ooze of blood. Eyes bright with pain.-
DAELOS: - swings back into consciousness. he wasn't even aware he has slipped in the first place, he's so cold. he can't believe what he's seeing at first, Nyalah moving around after sustaining such heavy injuries. His snorty breath coming out in puffs as he drags himself over.-
[[ The Expunger isn't around currently, and the legislacerators that are there don't seem to be doing anything to stop their talking or mending one another. One of them simply watches. ]]
NYALAH: -puts her whole blood stained paw foot on Daelos's face.- alive
MITUNA: -Choking back sobs, the air stinging his cheeks- 57op moving dunka55
DAELOS: - Shocked for a second, and then kisses that bloody foot- I can see that
DAELOS: - He has nothing to offer but his weight. He leans it in to help her with Mituna-
DAELOS: - It should make things go faster-
NYALAH: -gross. Totally helping Mituna spoon with Daelos.-
MITUNA: -Jesus Christ his world is on fire. It's hard to tell if the screaming in his head is his or the voices-
DAELOS: - Gently crushes you-
NYALAH: -looking that one Legislacerator in the eyes as she attempts the wiggle her biocuffed arms under her butt. Gonna sit on these arms and manuever them up to her front.-
SEAKRAIT: -watches her do this... and the other legislacerators are too preoccupied looking out around them. She doesn't do anything to stop Nyalah.-
NYALAH: -okay cool. Uses her still bound front paws to keep pressing the shirt to Mituna.- NYALAH: sp33k to me
MITUNA: 7hi5 big blue 7ain7fuck i5 colder 7han fi5h nook
DAELOS: Rude... e%ceedingly rude -he will keep lovingly crushing u tho-
NYALAH: best things in life are cold as fish nook NYALAH: fur example NYALAH: fish nook -chirring as best she can. Comforting.-
MITUNA: -Maybe one day...he will know-
NYALAH: -Pls.-
MINDFANG: -Yall are being gross.-
DAELOS: - Scandalized snort. - Really Nyalah
NYALAH: its survival
MITUNA: -Wonders how Feferi is, suddenly-
FEFERI: -Pretty glubbing dead! Like always!-
MITUNA: -Lol get rekt-
NYALAH: -keeping her arms close to her middle, she is giving these biotech cuffs a careful look ver.-
NYALAH: -discreetly shows them to Daelos for him to have a peep at. He's the one who might know how they work and all.-
DAELOS: - Has an intent peep.-
DAELOS: - Of course he knows how they work, but he kind of averts his gaze. He doesn't want to cause a scene and get someone else battered or killed-
NYALAH: -That's good enough for her. She starts to scoot off and inspect Mindfang.- mrrp
REDGLARE: -She's been pretty quiet-- it's hard to tell the difference between her being awake and her being asleep, aside from the speed of her breathing. Her eye opens, and she casts a glance towards the group-- failing to linger for more than a second on each face-- before closing it again.-
MINDFANG: -Her eyes are shut, she was trying to at least pretend she was asleep in hopes that maybe it would give her a brief reprieve from the pain she was in with fractures and a break or two all over her ribcage. At least she hasnt lost a lung yet.-
MINDFANG: -When Nyalah approaches though her eye squints open.- .........What are you doing. -Keeps her arms wrapped around herself.-
NYALAH: -sniffs her.- s33ing
NYALAH: -scoots painfully past her to inspect Redglare.-
REDGLARE: -her leg is gross. bad and getting worse a little too rapidly. She doesn't acknowledge her outwardly.-
MINDFANG: You yourself should 8e resting....
MINDFANG: Its impressive you are still 8reathing now...Do not push it.
NYALAH: -hffs and sacrifices her own shirt to attempt to bind Redglares leg with. All she's left with is a sports bra and how visible and equally gross the gash on her side is.- im pushing it
NYALAH: til i cant push no more
MITUNA: -Groans-
 REDGLARE: -opens an eye again to look at her. She's not sure she understands this... why she's doing this.-
NYALAH: -because it's the harder thing to do. Also she almost died about an hour ago and is probably only moving out of adrenaline shots.-
DAELOS: - Silently gets emotional about this cat. -
KARKAT: =She's doing it because she's a good person and someone has to. He's not really responding to all of this just watching it. Heartwarming as it is. He's just been stupidly crying on and off in the cold but at least someone's got their shit together=
[[ Seakrait straightens up and looks elsewhere pretty quick, almost like she's hearing something no else is. ]]
SEAKRAIT: Yes, sir.
SEAKRAIT: Everyone on your feet!
NYALAH: butt face
NYALAH: -stays huddled with Redglare.-
DAELOS: Nyalah, obey them
DAELOS: Please
DAELOS: - Panicked-
NYALAH: -okay well she's going to stay to help Redglare stand then.-
REDGLARE: -She blinks her eye, looking up at Seakrait. Her voice is kind of quiet as she murmurs.- l3g's w34k. N33d to-- ngh. -holding onto her support.-
REDGLARE: ...Th4nk you.
SEAKRAIT: Orders are to relocate, -she snaps to the rest of the legislacerators.- \|/e're taking them to the pitfall.
KARKAT: =Great. a hole to put them all in=
MITUNA: 7ha7 game 5uck5
NYALAH: -quickly skirts her arms up behind her back and bows with the pain of having to stand.- i have two whole leg
NYALAH: and you two good horn
NYALAH: its even exchange
SEAKRAIT: -She reaches out and grabs onto Karkat's arm, deciding to drag him along in front of the group.- Move.
DAELOS: - Does his best to stand. It's not easy. One leg is useless and his good one is split at the foot. He wobbles. -
NYALAH: -limps along with RG.-
[[ Legislacerators still flank the group on all sides, encouraging their trek. ]]
KARKAT: =clenches his jaw and fights to not jerk his arm back. But he's just so goddamn tired of this and their game=
REDGLARE: - it's one dang slow trudge, that's for sure.-
DAELOS: - He tries to take a step. He falls. -
MITUNA: -He's trudging along-
MITUNA: -Stops for Daelos-
SEAKRAIT: -oh gdi. She snaps back at Mituna and Mindfang- You two get him moving.
REDGLARE: -glances over at Daelos... Eye drifting towards Seakrait again as she barks an order.-
REDGLARE: th1s wh4t you s1gn3d up for?
DAELOS: - Maybe he could shuffle if he has a wall to lean on or if the ground was not snow but at this stage he cannot walk. It's humiliating of course but not compared to the rest of their situation. -
MITUNA: how do you propo5e we do 7ha7 nookbrea7h
SEAKRAIT: I propose you do it. -ignores Redglare-
MINDFANG: -Glares right at Seakrait the entire time shes bending down to help Daelos up.-
MINDFANG: (8est to keep moving, they seem to h8 dead w8.) -Internal screaming as helping to take any of his weight feels like torture.-
MITUNA: -Tries to lean down to try and help him up-
DAELOS: - He's too mortified to say anything. He tried to avoid leaning on Mindfang as much as he can. - I apologize
MINDFANG: (Dont 8other. You are not the one who had the 8rilliant idea to maim a prisoners foot when you want them to-- -hff- move.)
[[ The group continues to be led by Seakrait through the forest, snow drifting gently around them in a too-beautiful discordance to the stains in the snow they leave behind them. Eventually, they see a familiar daunting figure in the distance, waiting nearby what is becoming ever more apparent as a giant hole in the earth. ]]
REDGLARE: -She laughs. Weakly and dryly.-
NYALAH: -presses her good horn at Redglare. One eye shut tight.-
SEAKRAIT: -She pauses just by the cavernous hole, releasing Karkat none too gently and looking over the crowd.- I'll do the honors, High Legislacerator.
KARKAT: The honors. Right. Like there's any honor to be had here. =He's just ready for the hole= Have fun.
SEAKRAIT: -She quickly sets up an automatic pulley system in the ground for climbing, tying the harness around herself, and then she moves toward Redglare. Looks like she's first.-
SEAKRAIT: You're lucky your survival will be left up to fate. But I'm not betting on it. -grabs onto Redglare's arm-
REDGLARE: -She pulls away from Nyalah.- p4ss3s for 4 tr14l, th3s3 d4ys, do3s 1t?
THE EXPUNGER: -gazes at the little crowd, chin high.- Don’t you worry. We’ll come back to retrieve your bodieS aS well, but only after Sufficient time haS paSSed to enSure you are dead. Luckily rot doeS not Set in So quickly in cold environmentS. You will Still be identifiable.
KARKAT: =He just tiredly looks up into the sky and sighs wearily= Fuck yourself on my horn when you come back. It'll be frigid enough for you.
SEAKRAIT: -She heads close to the hole, then grips Redglare tighter in her hold before shimmying them both over the edge and slowly... beginning to lower them down. Redglare can see the drop down is incredibly steep; it's unlikely most anything would survive a straight fall.-
REDGLARE: -it certainly is. She's mostly dead weight, anyhow.-
NYALAH: -shivers in the whole cold. Unable to protest or do much more than watch.-
SEAKRAIT: -They descend at a reasonable pace, but once they're a good twenty feet or so down, she holds Redglare tighter -- closer -- and begins to whisper.-
SEAKRAIT: (Don't speak. Be as quiet as possible down here. No one will hear you, but something else might. If you hear anything down here with you, don't let it find you.)
SEAKRAIT: (Focus on keeping yourselves alive as long as you can. Your leg is poisoned, but it won't kill you yet. I'm going to give you the antidote, bite down on it.)
SEAKRAIT: -She glances down to see how far they are from the floor of the cavern; it's about eight or ten feet now.- (If you understand, struggle.) -And then she moves to press her mouth to Redglare's for just a moment, slipping something pill-shaped inside with her tongue.-
 REDGLARE: -uhm. UHM?? She might have struggled ANYHOW regardless of her understanding-- and she's not sure she does. Poison... antidote... no noise. She's helping them, maybe?? She squirms and struggles, letting out an MPH as she swallowd the pill down a raw throat.-
SEAKRAIT: -And she drops Redglare about six feet from the floor, laughing loud enough that she's sure the High Legislacerator will hear before ascending once again, leaving Redglare alone.-
REDGLARE: -The spark of clarity left, at least, keeps her quiet as she finally hits the ground, with a start.-
SEAKRAIT: -SHE'S COMING BACK UP FOR THE REST OF THE GROUP. One by one she's lowering them down-- Karkat, Dave, Mindfang, Nyalah, Mituna, Latula, Aranea... and then finally, Daelos. Needless to say, he's more of a struggle. She says nothing to any of the others, but once Daelos is down, she spits on the ground of the cavern before ascending for the final time, and it hits the rock with a little plink.-
KARKAT: =A plink=
[[ A PLINK. ]]
MITUNA: -Two in the plink one in the stink-
[[ Shortly after they're left in the cavern, they will feel their powers begin to return. Also, it sounds like there's wind howling above; the storm on the horizon has finally reached their location, and the blizzard is kicking up. ]]
REDGLARE: -She does some very quick sign language as each is lowered. Silence. Danger. Time.-
NYALAH: -she had no powers to begin with but does take swift breaths of the icy air. The storm brewing. She shivers terribly.-
MITUNA: -Groans, but his eyes flicker, ever so gently-
KARKAT: =Silence, danger, time. He glances up hearing the storm=
KARKAT: =He's also going to go look at the plink=
DAELOS: - He's soon leaning into her, just like he had been with Mituna, except now he's trying to keep her warm, although since he's a blue blood it doesn't count for much. At least his hair is warm. -
[[ Funny enough, there's a pill in that plink. ]]
KARKAT: =A pill. He stares at it. It stares at him and he stares at it and it stares at him=
[[ It's sort of slobbery, but it looks like it has some kind of fluid inside. ]]
[[ You know. One of those fish oil looking pills. ]]
KARKAT: =Absolutely disgusting.=
KARKAT: =He can't believe that twat cheeked her vitamins from this morning=
MITUNA: -Soft crackling-
KARKAT: She spat this out.
MITUNA: (guy5 guy5)
DAELOS: - He doesn't realize he's been poisoned or realize that pill is for him-
MITUNA: (im ge77ing my 5park5 back)
REDGLARE: -She points at herself, her leg. Signs 'cure.'-
[[ Also on the plus side, the cave is a lot warmer than the surface, but chillier under the hole. ]]
NYALAH: -maneuvering her arms back in front of her. Looks to Redglare signing and Daelos's leg. Hhhhh. Alright fine.-
NYALAH: -picking the pill from the goo and stuffs it in Daelos's mouth. Keeps her hands clamped there and makes sure he eats it.-
DAELOS: -???? -
NYALAH: -rip in fucking pieces.-
DAELOS: - HORSE GROANY NOISE OF SURPRISE. but yes he supposes he would swallow this. -
REDGLARE: -signs JUST DO IT. like the shy le beef-
NYALAH: -also stuffs some snow in his mouth to help it go down easier.-
NYALAH: -eating some snow herself. Om.-
KARKAT: =Don't it keeps him quiet=
KARKAT: =He just looks to the cave and starts to walk there=
NYALAH: -when the deed is done, she slinks off after Karkat. Clutching at her side.-
KARKAT: =How far back does this cave go? Is there any wood here? Is there a deeper part where he can just fuck right off?=
[[ The area of the cavern they're in is pretty vast, so it'll take some time to navigate the perimeter, but from first glance, there don't appear to be any exits. ]]
DAELOS: - Following this, he continues to eat the snow that looks the freshest-
REDGLARE: -Seems like the first and only time they'd be able to treat their wounds without being under duress. Her flask would've actually been useful if they didn't take her. Damn.-
[[ There are some fallen leaves and logs around beneath where the hole is above, rotting slowly. ]]
REDGLARE: -instead she starts to mill around the ground. Looking for some good, sharp rocks.-
KARKAT: =Relatable. But he looks around=
[[ Rocks are, at least, in abundance here. Such as sharp, pointy stalagmites and stalactites, for example, but there are probably some other chips and things around. ]]
NYALAH: -doing her best to wipe the grime from her wound with snow. The less she moves, the more the pain catches up to her. She actually has to stop and lean up against a boulder, just to focus on breathing and not vomiting.-
[[ The snow probably won't help Daelos and Nyalah with hydration too much, with the cold lowering their body temperatures and making it more difficult for their bodies to retain the moisture, but it at least wets their mouths. ]]
REDGLARE: -She wouldn't know Flint from any other kind of rock, so she's just looking for something that's sharp enough to scratch marks into the walls of the cave. Maybe having some concievable goal is enough to stop thinking about what she saw just last night.-
MITUNA: p5557 7ula
 DAELOS: - With the help of the cave wall he's able to slowly drag himself to his feet. As long as he leans against it, he can follow it in a circle, keeping his eye out for anything that might be missed. -
NYALAH: -finds some crevice to curl into, holding herself as she comes close to passing out again. So cold.-
MITUNA: 5how me your hand5
DAVE: -he definitely needed some help bring the only pathetic human in the group. his fingers and toes are lookin pretty blue, it's a little concerning. his back aches every time he moves, he stopped shivering a long time ago, when they were still outside. now when he speaks he's mumbling into his numb arm just lying there- theresno mmm snow
KARKAT: =Dave doesn't look good at all. Karkat looks at him then walks over to try and cover as much of him as he can= Sh. =cups his hands between his own= We need a fire going.
MITUNA: -Ahead of you, Kark. He's floating logs over, stacking them in a pile. His eyes glow, and his head swims from the concentration. Suddenly, optic blast, but it's weak, drying the logs more than anything rn-
LATULA: -She holds em out... fingertips are a little black.- dud3 your 4rm
LATULA: 4r3 you gonn4 b3 good???
MITUNA: Mnnnngh
DAVE: -his hands are numb between karkats- gotta keep goin to the tunnel underground
[[ The logs give them the SMOLDER. ]]
KARKAT: =Blows warm air on Dave's hands= We need fire. If we find a hot spring down there you can punch me.
[[😘 ☁️]]
MITUNA: -Oh thank fuck. He stops, and starts blowing on the logs trying to get that fire going-
DAVE: how much time we allocate for naps DAVE: we cant waste time
REDGLARE: -LOOMS WITH A PAINFUL LURCHING STEP and holding up a rock.- (m4rk th3 w4lls wh3r3v3r you go. 1f th3r3 4r3 tunn3ls 4nd you g3t lost. c4n follow th3 l1n3s b4ck.)
KARKAT: Dave. Shut up. I'm getting you warm. Shut. Up.
REDGLARE: (surv1v4l f1rst. work out sh1fts. st4y qu13t.)
MITUNA: -Guess who has a fire going?-
NYALAH: -a little too quiet in her corner. Everything is being too much for her body.-
LATULA: -holds her hands over it...-
[[ The logs slowly catch into little flame at Mituna's encouragement. The wind howls overhead, sending heavier snow down through the hole. ]]
LATULA: th4nk fuck1n god...
KARKAT: =Thanks Mituna. He's putting Dave closest to the fire and sitting behind him. Snug up against his back=
DAELOS: - He carefully nestles Nyalah in his arms and slowly brings her closer to the little fire. Maybe being warm will do her good. His brow is cinched with worry. -
MITUNA: -Makes a psionic barrier at the top of the hole. Fuck you snow. This is a terrible long term plan btw. He's quiet, concentrating-
LATULA: -hand on his shoulder- uh
LATULA: 1t 41nt push1n too hard 1s 1t? 1n th3 br41nm34tz?
MITUNA: 5h we go77a re57
NYALAH: -definitely 100% unconscious again, even as Daelos keeps her close.-
DAVE: remember when youwere hella wrm
MITUNA: (ju57 le7 me be u5eful)
KARKAT: =mumbles against Dave's shoulder= Remember when I gave you that manicure? =It was like, not even a few days before all this. Holds up Dave's hands to the fire and just tries to focus on him=
LATULA: ...1m proud of you b4b3z.
DAVE: -pauses- ohyeah
DAVE: sall fucked up now
DAVE: youre so quiet (arewe whispering)
LATULA: but 1 sw34r to sh1z 1m gonn4 b34t your butt 1f you push yours3lf to f4r.
MITUNA: ehehehe be7 on i7
KARKAT: I guess.
DAVE: -his breathing is a little shallow- im gonna go to bed while everyone elsisleeping now
KARKAT: =Makes a face against him and scrunches his nose= Run out of jokes already...?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: ran out of em
MITUNA: -Keeps this roof going, it's just collecting snow. Good news is it helps keep the heat trapped too.-
KARKAT: Okay.... just. (Get up later.) =mumbles and holds him but lets him rest=
MINDFANG: -Shes returning from having done a quick survey of the immediate area of the cave. And also she had felt the need to move just to keep her brain working again. The sense of getting her mental powers back had come with a huge relief and now she is joining the rest of the group by the fire. Arissa carefully sits down and starts to dig her fingers into the joints and spaces of her metal arm to clear out snow and ice that she had felt trapped in there for hours.-
DAELOS: - While Nyalah sleeps he carefully melts snow in his hands and tries to wipe away the debris around her ruined horn without making the wound bleed again. -
DAELOS: - It would hurt if she were awake so now is the time-
ARANEA: -she's been conscious probably?? she's in alright shape, comparatively, though her chest hurts like a motherfucker and it's been keeping her quiet. she can't stop watching dave.-
NYALAH: -too exhausted to even protest or react to the streak of pain. She's out like a light.-
DAVE: -if he just...closes his eyes... a little...-
KARKAT: =Rest... but just let it be rest.=
KARKAT: =On second thought he's a finicky motherfucker and just all of this is settling wrong to him= ...Mn. No. Okay. Just. No jokes then. =Dave is so squishy and vulnerable, no sleep for you asswipe=
DAVE: are we spooning
KARKAT: Yes. You're welcome little spoon.
DAELOS: - He notices the way Aranea is staring intently at the poor little human and gives her a questioning glance, looking up from Nyalah for a moment. -
ARANEA: -catches his glance, meeting it with an unyielding concern. she scoots closer to daelos and fixes her attention on nyalah instead for the moment. she wonders if she can help her now...-
DAVE: -he is starting to fall asleep again- k
KARKAT: No kays.
KARKAT: Hum one of your dumb raps.
DAELOS: - Scoots to make room for her, she feels to cold nudge of his nose as he talks in her ear. - (Are you alright)
ARANEA: -turns her head to brush cheeks with him- (I'm... Just concerned.)
DAELOS: - Sighing- (Well... there is certainly cause for it)
DAELOS: - He always imagined he would die in a hole but he wants something better for his loved ones and crew members. -
MITUNA: -He keeps asking for death. And yet....-
DAVE: -hums something unintelligible that kind of sounds like my humps-
ARANEA: -she shares some of the light eminating from her fingertips with nyalah. she will likely stay unconscious, but hopefully it will be a more restful kind of sleep. the pain inside her head should begin to subside. concentrating is difficult for her, but her own strong sense of self preservation is motivation enough to keep trying to exercise her abilities. they have better chances together. and after what she saw yesterday, she isn't exactly willing to let anyone else fall at the hands of those bastards.-
DAELOS: - Seeing this warm his heart. Perhaps... just perhaps there is a chance they will make it out of this. He nuzzles Aranea gratefully. -
DAELOS: Thank you
ARANEA: -leans into him, only nodding in response. but maybe some of that light will transfer to him too...-
MITUNA: -He's sweating next to the fire, quiet with the strain of all this snow accumulating on his barrier. His brain is a muscle that hasn't been exercised in forever. A time ago he'd be able to do this no problem. He grunts softly, trapping the collected snow in a psionic bubble and moving it past the entrance of the hole to plop that huge pile somewhere else. Sorry guys, no ceiling for a while. He breathes a little heavy-
DAVE: -he's been practically forced to stay awake because concussions are great and karkat won't let him go to sleep anyway. he's still pretty out of it, but the warmth seems to be doing at least something. he ain't dead yet right?-
MITUNA: -He's really tired you guys-
DAVE: -tired club-
MITUNA: -snow starts drifting into the hole-
TEREZI: =Would have been proud of them.=
DAVE: -rude ass dead rude ass-
MITUNA: -Gdi Excalibur-
TEREZI: =shup=
MITUNA: donde...e57a...la biblio7eca
MITUNA: me llamo 7 bone la arana di5co7eca
DAVE: -watches mituna even if he looks blurry-
MITUNA: -Come on Dave you know this one-
MITUNA: di5co7eca
MITUNA: muneca
MITUNA: e5 en bigo7e grande pero man7eca
DAVE: manteca bigote gigante
DAVE: pequeño
MITUNA: la cabe5a e5 nieve
MITUNA: cerve5a e5 bueno
DAVE: -takes a good minute before saying the next part- buenos dias me gusta papas frías
MITUNA: lo5 bigo7e5 de la cabra e5 cameron diaz
DAVE: -another minute- yeaboi
MITUNA: -Soft bomb noise-
DAVE: -breathes- when are we
DAVE: gettin out
MITUNA: no7 ye7 bu7 youre bein pa7ien7 a5 fuck -A snowflake lands on his nose. He's exhausted, but he's still floating a couple logs to the fire. The wet logs snap and crackle with moisture-
DAVE: were gonna
DAVE: get out of here
MITUNA: yeah i know -He glances up. He's only gonna rest a little while longer before continuing to keep the cold out for everyone. Just thirty minutes alright? He doesn't even know how long thirty minutes will be...but still.-
MITUNA: fuck america though dude
[[ Mituna could try counting 1-Mississippi, 2-Mississippi all the way up to 1800-Mississippi. ]]
[[ It's even the spirit of USA! Amurrica, frick yeah! ]]
MITUNA: -Fuck you America-
DAVE: dude dont
DAVE: youre doin some stuff
DAVE: you gotta calm down
DAVE: with your teleport
DAVE: teleconnecticut
MITUNA: i go77a...do 5ome7hin....even if i75 ju57 givin your 5orry a55e5 a chance 7o re57....ehehe
DAVE: we have a fire were good to go
MITUNA: i75 no7 57rong enough ye7
ARANEA: -she's been drifting in and out of consciousness. being cool blooded as she is, the cold is taking it's toll on her. but being slightly delirious, she doesn't think much as she starts wiggling in dave's direction, her hand out towards him.-
DAVE: -watching aranea and this hand thing she's doing and it reminds him of movies and dead people and angels and all he can do is look at her- im dead now
MITUNA: lmao lucky cock5ucker
DAVE: oh nope im alive
MITUNA: poor bi7ch
ARANEA: -ha... is he likening her to an angel? dont' be silly, boy. she touches his shoulder, or hand, or whatever she can get ahold of first and lets the little bit of warmth she has to offer extend to him-
DAVE: -just like that, he feels it...a warm sensation putting feeling back into his fingers and his toes. he watches her carefully as this happens, without a doubt a little confused and delirious with hypothermia but...it appears that his fingers and toes begin to lose their blue color-
MITUNA: -Grins a little, but he's so tired. His head lulls back, eyes fluttering closed. Just for a moment. Just for thirty minutes.-
ARANEA: (We're going to get out of here.) -affirms what he was already saying... if he had any doubts, he couldn't possibly now.-
DAVE: -his gaze meets hers and he slowly nods- were gonna
NYALAH: -no worries. She's affectionately chewing his neck fat in her sleep.-
MITUNA: -Probably about 44 minutes later he puts the psionic ceiling back up-
[[ Sleep MORE. It means you need it! ]]
DAELOS: -Except at some point he wakes up. His sleep is rather restless. And other than Nyalah chewing on him, he notices that Aranea has left his side and wiggled more towards Dave. And they're holding hands.-
DAELOS: -Well. It's cold and humans are fragile. Perhaps it's merely kindness. He tries to go back to sleep.-
DAELOS: -He finds it a bit difficult to stop low key watching them, though.-
ARANEA: -for once doesn't notice when she's being given extra attention... she's zoning in and out a little too much while still looking at dave.-
DAELOS: -MMmm.....-
DAVE: -his fingers are moving a little now that they actually feel like they exist. he's not sure what's happening now but he also doesn't have the sense or strength to get up and do something else-
DAELOS: -On second thought, he doesn't want to look at this anymore. He's gonna slowly just turn so he's facing the other direction. And eventually he'll be able to sleep.-
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