#may leaf vent
distortedwhite · 1 year
neechan wants me to call a therapist rn and i'm like
how do. how do breathe
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leafwateraddict · 4 months
Blood warning
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Something about not wanting to let go of the things you love
First version under cut↓
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You know when this all started coming to light, I fully expected that leftists would try to downplay the horrific violence by acknowledging that it was "bad and our hearts go out to the victims and their families, but......" or by making a sharp distinction between civilians and soldiers (or even like, minors and adults), but the thing that's fucked me up is that nope! We sailed right past any attempt to even pretend at human decency and cut straight to "they deserved it."
Even the kids?? Yep, even the kids.
Like Jesus H. Christ y'all.
I'm used to people feeling like they need to at least gesture vaguely in the direction of giving a shit about Jewish lives and not justifying actual terror tactics and war crimes on civilians (you'd think for consistency's sake they might care about looking like they care for the credibility but..) even if we both know they really don't actually care about antisemitism in a meaningful way. We both know that they won't be there when it actually counts, and they sure as fuck aren't going to interrogate their own personal or group's antisemitism. But usually there's a fig leaf. There's at least a baseline assumption that they should care about antisemitism and Jewish people staying alive, even if they don't actually, so they'll say the minimum amount of correct sounding words and then quickly skedaddle onto whatever it is they actually care about.
And like, is that good? No, it's not. It's not good enough. I'm sick and fucking tired of people doing juuuuuust enough to pretend to care without ever addressing the real underlying issues.
But this? This totally floored me. This drops that baseline assumption that antisemitism and murdered Jews is a bad thing entirely and blatantly sides with literal actual terrorists committing unspeakable horrors while holding it up as "liberation."
And what's worse? Most of those were the further out fringe types (although there were a horrifying amount more than I expected) right? Most everyone else wasn't spouting off about how happy they were that vive la révolucion, right? You know what was really deafening?
The silence from everyone else.
Literally everyone except for maybe one or two gentiles I remember seeing kept their mouths shut. Everyone else? Not a goddamn word about how fucked up it was that people were crowing over our people's fresh corpses. The bodies hadn't even cooled yet and we had jackasses on here publicly celebrating with memes and gore videos, and not a word from 99.9% of you.
The people who did speak up? You have no idea how much it means, and I'm grateful. Truly.
Everyone else who was too gutless, spineless, or oblivious to realize how critical a moment this was for support and/or was more interested in protecting your image or whatever?
Let's just say: duly noted.
I may continue to work alongside you (what choice do I have?) but the trust is gone.
We're clearly on our own, with rare exception.
(This is a vent post I will not be adding any caveats to it and I will be blocking anyone who tries to be an asshole. I will lock reblogs if there's any discourse. Our lives are not up for debate you sick fucks.)
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By His Command 1
Summary: you arrive at your new household to serve. (Handmaid AU)
Warning: this series will contain violence, dystopian aspects, rape and noncon, blood, coercion, possible pregnancy and other dark elements. Please read these warnings and beware.
Character: Lloyd Hansen
Note: you're screaming at me, why are you starting another AU and I got my fingers in my ears like na nana boo noo.
Oh and there may be more commanders to come...
Anyway, thoughts and prayers welcome for my lost soul. Also feedback and comments if you dont mind. Maybe a reblog. 💕💕💕💕
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You watch the cloud of your breath in the cold air. The grey sky stretches endlessly on, as flat as anything else in this pallid world. A white blur trims the edge of your vision, that every present brim, a facsimile of a halo. You are not a fallen angel but a disgraced sinner, sentenced to penance, fated to serve another's salvation.
You clasp your hands together, red gloves chafing roughly, wool scratching your raw skin. You look down at the scarlet ripples, the endless crimson that marks you for exactly what you are. You pull at a stray thread and let it fall away.
You raise your head and stare at the opaque screen that separates you from the man in black. The guardian drives on across the fields paled by an early frost, dried grasses wilted beneath the premature winter. You take another frigid breath and lean forward, hovering your hand before the small vent in the door. Nothing.
You sit back. You know better than to complain. There is no one for you to complain to. No one who cares. You are not a person with feelings and thoughts. You are a vessel, to be filled and emptied over and over. You repress a shudder and keep your welling eyes aimed out the tinted window.
You dip your head and hide beneath the broad brim of your white bonnet. You clutch your hands tight and wade through the mounting panic in your chest. The women who left the centre didn't often come back, and when they did, it was never pleasant. Still, you would give anything to go back. There you know what the worst and the best is.
You don't know much of what awaits you, only that it floods you with dread. A commander and his wife, but what else? Will he be cruel? Will she hate you? Will you be able to do what you were trained to?
You part your hands and bring them up your arms, hugging yourself. You can't remember the last time anyone held you. The last time anyone dared touch you. Even when you laid screaming before the other handmaids, hands bloody, back welted, no one dared come near you, no one thought to comfort you.
The SUV turns and you force your eyelids apart. You sniffle and wipe your nose with the coarse wool glove. There is a low stone fence that trails the long winding road towards a tall gate. The tires slow as your heart piques and you choke on terror.
At a halt, you hear the man's voice in the front seat, through the barrier that divides you. For order, for chasteness, for your debasement. You are not worthy. You are emblazoned as a blasphemer.
The car rolls on, jerking you back against the seat. A slow draw that brings into view shedding hedges, stone benches, a fountain, a lawn that expands before you. You watch the birds flutter, marveling at their peace, and a leaf drifts down in a calm path to the ground. A serenity that so starkly counterbalances the chaos blooming in your chest.
You veer around the curved arm of the driveway and once more stop. The engine rolls over and quiets. The front door opens and you flinch. Steps tramp and come around, a shadow awaiting you on the otherside as the locks slide back.
The guardian opens the door and you grab the red valise on your feet. You turn your legs over the side of the seat and step out, heels clacking off the hard stone. The man steps back, gripping the strap of his gun.
"Go," he nods his chin in the direction of the house.
You look over at the grand facades, stone and mortar in a centurion style, rooves high and looming, a balcony with a naked trellis below. You gulp and march forward, grasping the round handle of your bag with both hands. The man trails you, keeping you on course as his steps echo your own.
You get to the first step and raise your foot, setting in on the stope edge. The front door opens and steals your attention from the hem of your skirt. You look up as a Martha emerges in her green smock and apron. Her faces is blotchy and her grimace is deepset.
"Come, OfLloyd," she beckons you with a curt wave, "we must prepare for the Commander's return."
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frostbitebakery · 1 year
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Aayla ducks back down, wincing as the sharp edges of blasted metal dig into her ribs. “Well, as they say, shit is fucked.”
Bly cracks his neck. “Time to bust out the moves.”
“General, hold my flower.”
“Bly, please,” Aayla groans.
“I know you treat your position with seriousness, honor, and respect for your troops and your General,” Cody says on the holo call, and Bly nods enthusiastically around the juice box. “Which is why I ask this off the record.”
Bly slurps up the last of the juice.
“Why have you been reported as dancing across the battle field, Commander.”
“Because the groove demands it, Cody,” Bly states confidently and throws the juice box in the bin. He can practically feel the Curse putting the vitamins to work in his body. “Sir?” he changes at Cody’s look. “Your… Excellency..?”
He blows a raspberry at nothing concrete and swings down on the chair behind his cramped-in desk. “Look, fighting is not so samba. It’s stressful when I’m the only choice left to get my troops out of a poodoo hole! Dancing and music help! It’s not awesome hearing your bones break and heal again.” The weirdly dry squelching sound is so unpleasant. “Cody, you know how formidable my shimmy is!”
He watches his brother sigh in defeat. “I do.” Cody rubs the bridge of his nose and opens his mouth.
“You know I wouldn’t ever endanger my men,” Bly interrupts before Cody can further dig at him. It’s meant out of concern, he gets that. “You also know that when I, we, are on the field hot, kark has truly hit the vents. I’m the distraction for the enemy and I’m gonna make that fun if I have to be pulverized.” He leans forward and boops Cody’s holo nose. “Try having fun, too, once in a while, Codes. It helps with all the dying not happening to us.”
“Dismissed, tubie.”
“Love you, too,” he sings back smugly.
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flowers meaning: rose leaf - you may hope, poppy - eternal sleep, nasturtium - victory in battle, marigold - grief, white heather - protection, fir - time, gladioli - give me a break
Commander Fox
Commander Wolffe
Commander Cody
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or0ch1maru · 2 years
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𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗸𝗮𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶 <𝟯
✿Kakuzu is secretly a huge softy. Especially with his s/o. You’d find sweet notes from him in random places as well as gifts in your room. If it’s another Akatsuki member, he’ll listen as they vent, even if it’s not to him and he’ll later send them something to make them feel better.
✿Hidan gets excited anytime he sees any of the other members. Even if he saw you 5 minutes ago. He looks up to all of them and loves them like family despite being such a jerk sometimes.
✿Itachi loves cats. And wishes to own one. If he’s out on a mission or just a casual stroll, he’ll pet any cat or kitten he sees. When alone he’ll come back with food for them.
✿Kisame may come off as an independent guy but he loves attention and hates being alone. He’ll hang out with any akatsuki member just so he has company. Even if the two don’t talk.
✿Zetsu talks to plants. Has his own collection in his room that are his pride and joy. Does everything to make sure they’re growing good. On missions when the others aren’t looking he’ll speak to some of them, and sometimes he’ll touch a petal or a leaf as a sign of care.
✿Tobi enjoys watching sunsets and sunrises. You’ll find him in a tall tree or on a cliff if you’re near any. He’ll remove his mask to allow the sun to shine and warm his face. He also loves the warmth, and would stay outside all day if he could.
✿Deidara is a perfectionist. Cleans and organizes his room and art supplies in a very specific way and gets upset with himself if it’s not exactly how he wants it. He’s hard on himself most days, and on those hard days would love nothing more than a hug.
✿Sasori, unlike his partner, isn’t big on hugging, let alone much physical contact unless it’s from his s/o. He prefers head pats, whether it’s him doing it to someone or it being done to him. It’s his signature way to show that he cares.
✿Konan loves flowers. If someone gifts them to her, she’ll hang them up and keep forever. Has a vase on her desk that stays full. If she buys a bouquet for herself she’ll switch them out with a new bundle when they die.
✿Pain cares a lot for his mates. Just like Kakuzu, he’ll be very quiet in regards to helping them. He doesn’t like knowing his comrades are upset. He strives for everyone to be happy, and will do anything to make sure it stays that way.
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confusedhomicidalrage · 6 months
TW??: Mentions of cutting, Self-harm
Okay, so, this is kind of just for myself, but here's how I think the COTC characters would react to seeing someone close to them (you) harming themselves!
Isaac would stare at you for a moment, probably in shock you would do this to yourself. I mean, why? And even then, he thought you would trust him with your issues. At first he may seem mad, but really, it's just to conceal the fact he's actually scared shitless he may be the reason for your self-harming. He would try to comfort you, although not being very good at it, and would most likely just bandage your cuts. He then prays to He who walks behind the rows to grant you good luck and give you happiness and motivation.
Malachi wouldn't even try to hide his worry. He would slowly walk up to you, grab your wrists, and examine the cuts, trying to see how deep they are, how stretched out, all that. He would be frustrated, but not because of you, rather, because he wasn't there to prevent it. He would then, rather quickly as to stop any bleeding, bandage your cuts, applying some but not too much pressure. He would also try and get you to open up to him a bit, so he could attempt to comfort you.
The horror on this boy's face would speak volumes. He would panic, running up to you and asking you if you needed anything as he scrambled for bandages to try and patch you up. He's also extremely sad, why didn't you tell him you were struggling? Didn't you trust him? After reassuring him you were just scared, he would still be horrified, but would try to comfort you by cuddling with you. Oh, and he would definitely pray to he who walks behind the rows to make you feel better.
He's a bit more calm. Despite being worried for your well-being, he would try to approach you gently and softly, careful not to make any sudden movements. While bandaging you, he would ask you questions like "why didn't you tell me?" "Do you wanna talk about it?" and "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He doesn't want to see you on your own, struggling, so he would try his best to be helpful and provide you with a safe space to vent.
Very concerned. His eyes would keep glancing from your face, to the place you hurt yourself, and to the blade/whatever you used to cut yourself. With shaky breaths, he would slowly walk up to you and take the blade away, his hands trembling like a leaf in a tornado. He would stay still for a moment before wrapping you in a tight hug, sobbing and begging you not to harm yourself again, he doesn't want to see you hurt...He wants to see you happy. After some crying and lots of hugs, you would bandage your cuts together and then just continue snuggling and sobbing.
He would be confused at first. What are you doing? Why are you dragging that blade across your skin? You know that can harm you, right? However, after explaining what and why you were doing what you were doing, Abel would just...freeze. He would stare at you, wide eyed, almost seeming disturbed, before he would slowly slap the blade away. He would be angry and sad. Angry that you were hurting yourself, sad for the same reason. He would silently bandage you up, and then lay on your lap and let you pet him to calm down as you just vented out your feelings while crying.
Danny would act very sympathetic. Seeing as his relationship with his dad probably wasn't the best, he too, at some point, harmed himself, so he could understand your struggle, even if only a little. Having experience from bandaging himself, he would bandage your wounds slowly and cautiously while you could just vent and ramble to him, whatever would calm you down. Afterwards, the two of you would probably do some kind of fun activity to distract you, or just nap together, whatever passes time the fastest and whatever you want at the moment.
I don't know if this is accurate, but...I feel like it would be, but I could be incorrect
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prep4tomoro · 11 months
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Heating and Cooling the House with Your Clothes Dryer:
First of all, this method of dryer venting should only be used for ELECTRIC dryers (not gas). Additionally, this may be regulated or prohibited by government or may void the dryer warranty so check these out, if you wish, before proceeding with the installation. As with any information you receive, it's always best to do your own [thorough] research before proceeding at face value. Now that that is out of the way, let's proceed with this post. While researching a dryer venting solution for my friend, I found this option. Because he was renting and did not want to drill a 4 inch hole in the wall, this seemed to be the best solution for him, along with the added benefit of heating his home while drying clothes. His landlord did not express opposition to the idea. There are several configurations, most of which use water to collect the dust that would normally blow into the home environment; some have better filtering than others and you can also make one yourself (DIY). We selected the FUNMAS 3-in-1 Indoor Dryer Vent because of its filtering and functional design. Basically, instead of running the ducting hose from the dryer to an external vent, the ducting hose is run from the dryer to the Indoor Dryer Vent. It is recommended to clean the indoor vent as needed or after 6-12 uses, depending on the model used. Additionally, the ducting hose should be periodically cleaned out as lint accumulates in its folds and at the dryer exhaust. Totally remove the ducting hose from the dryer and Indoor Dryer Vent, take it outside, and use a brush, leaf blower or vacuum to clean out the accumulated lint residue. Then vacuum out the dryer exhaust before reattaching the ducting hose. Because the heat from the dryer is not being forced outside, the heat remains in the home which could lower the winter heating bill. Just make sure the Indoor Dryer Vent is not enclosed but exposed to allow the heat to escape to the rest of the house. Also consider that humidity will increase in the house as the dryer removes water from the clothes so running a dehumidifier may be beneficial. Consider other environmental issues as well. Unfortunately, summer is a different matter and another solution may need to be considered to avoid making a warm home warmer. If venting outdoors is impossible, consider hanging clothes outside or employing one or more of these options. Now, if you're really energetic, the clothes dryer can also be used to cool your home in the summer by pulling attic heat into the dryer's intake which also pulls cooler outside air into the attic to cool the attic and the house. Because the dryer is pulling heated air from the attic, the dryer's heating element may be used less during the drying cycle, saving money. Resources: Health/Structural Issues by Discharging Dryer Vent Inside the House Indoor Dryer Vent Kit: Do They Work (Pros & Cons) Indoor Dryer Vent and Its Pros and Cons Periodic Dryer Vent and Hose Cleaning is a MUST How to Heat and Cool Your Home for Free The Many Re-Uses for Dryer Lint Drying Clothes Without a Dryer Off-Grid Laundry Day [Reference Link
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
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Hello, Little Starlings, Welcome To The Housetree! ^w^ [ Last Updated: August 14th, 2024 ]
Follows come from @clovrplayz which I plan to post agere writing on, but isn't entirely fully safe for little ones (though I will tag accordingly and you can check the tags and figure out what to block, but I don't have a lot written so there's not much there.)
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My other boundaries and socials can be found in my Rentry.
Hello everyone! My name is Clover, but you may also call me Miss Clover, Miss Starling, sis, or Mama if you'd like to! I'm 19, my pronouns are she/they/star, and my timezone is CST.
I've been a regressor myself for- a little over a year, now, if I remember right. I've learned a lot- especially through the community- and how it's helped me over the years, and seeing as how I've always loved helping and caring for people, I've decided to start a caregiver blog!
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Fun little "character" description if you'd like to interact with that as well: I'm a human and border collie hybrid with dove wings, so I have soft ears, a soft tail, and soft wings! Be gentle and very careful with the wings if you'd like to pet them, they're fragile!! Otherwise, I absolutely LOVE pets! Try not to bite if you can, though, please!
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My current interests are:
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I'm only a few episodes in, but I LOVE Donnie and Mikey!!!)
Animal Crossing (I've played through New Leaf, New Horizons, some of Wild World, some of City Folk, and a good chunk of pocket camp. I love Isabelle and Leif, and my favorite villagers are Marcie and Bob!!)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (I've seen practically all of it, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are my favorites!!!)
Paw Patrol (I've started watching it when I regress, and am halfway into the first season. I LOOOOVE Rocky so much!! I wish he and Zuma had more screentime... :( )
Pokémon (I've played through Omega Ruby (Hoenn), X (Kalos), some of Black (Unova), and Ultra Moon (Alola), and seen a good chunk of the show! My favorite Pokémon is Oshawott!!)
Sanrio (I love Pompompurin!!!)
Please absolutely feel free to ramble and babble away, I love learning new things, and I'm a much better listener than I am a talker! ^^;
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Some Rules and Boundaries:
♥ Please only interact if your blog is kid-safe!
♥ DNI/DNF: Pedophiles, zoophiles, proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, NSFW/kink blogs, people who sexualize regression, ableists.
♥ Any arguments/troll posts/hate will be blocked from my blog and/or deleted.
♥ Any and all age and pet regressors are welcome!! I'm still learning every day as I go along, please feel free to help educate me as well! I want to be here to help people out, so any way I can do that, I'd be more than happy to.
(For example, I'm not entirely that knowledgeable on DID or systems/system regressors, so those of you that fall into that category that may have some knowledge or tip to share that might help me out in giving y'all the support you need, please feel free to share.)
♥ I prefer we don't cuss, just to keep everyone comfortable. (I mean, c'mon, there's little kids around here, y'know? ^^;)
♥ Please be kind and respectful, and obviously keep things kid-friendly.
♥ If you need to vent, please tag accordingly!
♥ I struggle with tone, so often-times I'll use tone tags, or clarify what tone I mean something in in parentheses.
Example: "I like your shirt! /gen" / "I like your shirt! (genuine/compliment)"
♥ I'm alright with hugs, cuddles, and holding hands if you want to!
♥ Please be safe and take care of yourselves as best you can, alright? ^w^
♥ If you'd like to tell me what nicknames or pet-names you're comfortable with, please feel free! I typically default to little one and little starling for the younger ones, animal-specific for pets, and kiddo or homie (since I'm closer in age) for the middle regressors.
♥ This blog is also OC and character friendly!!!
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Tags List:
#miss starling's mail - Asks!
#honey tea - Advice, regression and caregiving posts!
#baby steps - A post series of advice and tips to make hard things easier!
#housetree - Little caregiver scenes!
#notes from mama - Posts with well wishes, like little sticky notes in your lunch box!
#starling school - Activities I find for y'all!
#little starlings gallery - Arts and Crafts submissions!
#toby the dinosaur - Adventures, pictures and posts from my best friend, Toby!
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Anon List:
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"Fluttershy protects this blog! SFW interaction only, please and thank you! ^w^"
"Wouldn't show a kid? Doesn't belong here!"
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najia-cooks · 2 years
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[ID: First image shows four small, circular pastries with x-shaped vents piled on a plate. Second image shows one of the pastries broken open to reveal ground beef, black raisins, and bits of olive and tomato. End ID.]
Bakery-style pastelitos de carne (Cuban stuffed pastries)
Pastelitos de carne are Cuban pastries stuffed with picadillo—a sweet-and-savory filling made from ground beef, olives, raisins, and sometimes potatoes. This recipe uses a sofrito of minced onion, bell pepper, garlic, tomato, and spices to provide an intensely flavorful base for the picadillo filling.
Homemade versions of pastelitos de carne often use rough pastry to encase their filling in large pasty- or turnover-style shapes. This recipe, on the other hand, is based off of a common style of pastelitos sold in Cuban bakeries—bite-sized bits of picadillo encased in flaky, tender puff pastry that is brushed in sugar syrup after baking to enhance the savoury-sweetness of the filling.
Recipe under the cut!
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For the dish:
1 batch of puff pastry
6 Tbsp (1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp) fine textured vegetable protein (TVP)
1/2 cup vegetarian ‘beef’ broth from concentrate, divided—or substitute vegetable broth + 2 tsp dark soy sauce
5 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, divided
1/2 small yellow onion, minced
1/2 small green bell pepper, minced
1 small golden potato, diced (optional)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp pimiento green olives, diced (optional)
1 Tbsp black raisins (optional)
2 roma tomatoes, chopped and puréed (1/4 cup), or 2 Tbsp tomato sauce
1/2 Tbsp tomato paste (optional)
1/2 tsp chopped fresh oregano
1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste
1 ciliment (bay rum) leaf
1/2 tsp cumin seeds, or ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 tsp sazón
pinch ground Ceylon cinnamon (or substitute cassia)
To assemble:
1 Tbsp non-dairy margarine, melted
1/4 cup (60g) vegetarian granulated sugar
2 Tbsp water
Ceylon cinnamon, or "true" cinnamon, is often used in Latin American countries; varieties of cassia cinnamon, which is harsher in flavor, are more common in the U.S. You can find Ceylon cinnamon at a speciality spice or international foods store; it should have thin, flaky, densely overlapping bark, rather than thick swirls.
Bay rum leaves are a common ingredient in cuisine throughout the Carribbean; rather than the sharp citrus-and-pine aroma of a California bay leaf, they have notes of sweet spices and vanilla. If you don't have any, substitute a pinch of allspice, nutmeg, or clove.
The link to a sazón recipe is for a Puerto Rican version, but a typical Cuban version of the spice blend consists of the same ingredients—just reduce the amount of achiote by about half.
Raisins and/or olives are typically included in bakery-style pastellitos, but they may be omitted if you dislike them.
For the filling:
1. Cut the potato into a small dice. Soak it in a bowl of cool water to prevent browning and remove excess starch while you prepare the rest of the filling.
2. Prepare the TVP. Hydrate TVP for about 10 minutes in 1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp 'beef' stock, plus a pinch of sazón.
3. Heat 3 Tbsp olive oil in a large pan on medium-high. Add TVP and spread it out in a single layer. Allow it to brown without agitating for a few minutes before stirring it, scraping the bottom of the pan. Repeat this process a few times, adding more oil as necessary, until the TVP is deeply golden brown on all sides. Remove TVP from the pan.
4. Make the sofrito. In the same pan, heat another Tbsp of olive oil on medium-high. Add the bay leaf and cumin seeds and fry until cumin is fragrant.
5. Add the minced onion and sauté for 3-5 minutes until translucent. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds until fragrant and no longer raw-smelling.
6. Reduce heat to medium. Add ground spices (sazón, cinnamon, and black pepper) and mix to combine; sauté for another 30 seconds.
7. Add bell peppers and allow to cook for several minutes until tender. Add tomatoes (I like to push everything else to the side and add the tomatoes to the center of the pan to allow them to come into direct contact with the cooking oil) and tomato paste and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is mostly dry.
8. Finish the filling. Add browned TVP, fresh oregano, raisins, and olives. Add the remaining beef stock to deglaze the pan and continue cooking until the filling mixture is again mostly dry. Remove from heat.
9. Remove potatoes from water and pat dry. Heat 1 Tbsp olive oil in a medium skillet and fry potatoes in a single layer, agitating every few minutes, until golden brown. Mix with the rest of the filling.
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To assemble:
1. Divide puff pastry into two, leaving the half you’re not working with in the fridge. Roll out into a rectangle about 1/8” thick and cut into as many circles as you can with a 2” cookie cutter or the rim of a glass, placing each circle on a parchment-lined plate. Place the plate in the fridge and repeat with the other half of puff pastry.
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Remaining odds and ends of puff pastry may be baked as they are and eaten brushed with sugar syrup or topped with jam, spreadable cheese or fruit; they may also be gathered, rolled out again, and used as rough pastry.
2. Place a heaping spoonful of filling on top of a circle of pastry, and top it with another pastry circle. Press down firmly around the edges to seal. Repeat with the rest of the pastry circles.
3. Brush the top of each pastelito with melted margarine to aid in browning. With a sharp knife, make a small slit in the top of each pastelito to vent.
4. Return the shaped pastelitos to the fridge or freezer and preheat your oven to 400 °F (205 °C). While the oven preheats, prepare a 2:1 simple syrup by combining 1/4 cup sugar with 2 Tbsp water in a small saucepan and heating on medium, stirring often, until the sugar dissolves.
5. Bake pastelitos for 15-20 on the highest rack of the oven until deeply golden brown on the top and around the edges.
6. Using a pastry brush, brush pastelitos with simple syrup. Serve warm.
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distortedwhite · 6 months
(naru and gender)
(if my conversation partner somehow sees this, i am deeply sorry. i don't hold any grudges against you personally but i am a bitch with horrible opinions unfortunately)
gutted that somehow it's now acceptable to publicly shit on other people's opinions. or it's probably a normal thing now—idk i don't venture outside my personal bubble. fact is that it's absolutely disheartening to experience getting called transphobic.
and the reason? difference in opinions. that's it. none of the "pronouns = gender" bs or "using he/him would invalidate her as a woman" but "based on my interpretation of her, using he/him would be transphobic"
absolutely Stunned about this mindset truly. like how dare you label me, and others, as someone who doesn't accept transgender people based on the fact we have a different interpretation of naru's character. "i get where you're coming from but i think this wouldn't work for naru because of [insert reasoning for their interpretation of naru]" my dude literally 5mins earlier i was saying that different opinions about the same character is what used to make fandom fun and enjoyable. i have seen and acknowledged different takes on naru. i respect them even if some make me wanna tear my hair out. is it too much to ask to get the same amount of respect back. is it too much to ask to not be labeled a transphobe based on your personal opinion regarding gender.
i mentioned it before, but gender is something so unique and personal to every person out there. holding everyone to Your personal take about gender and judging them based on that is not fair. yes, the world isn't fair but that's why i think it's better to just do your best and make it a little more fair through your actions. it's incredibly idealistic and probably very unrealistic, but i'd rather do that than stewing in hate and negativity just because someone has a different opinion on my blorbs than me. especially in a series like enst where the average fan only reads the stories involving their faves.
i'm not trying to bash other people, like LOL i'm very flawed too. i used to think people who cisswapped characters in fanfics but didn't change anything else (course of story, relationship with other characters, ectect.) were homophobic. but after a discussion i've come to realize that those people too are just doing what they love. they are literally strangers and i shouldn't judge them based on what i see. i don't Enjoy the trope of changing a character's physical body without changing anything else, but i've come to understand and respect it. and that's one of the reasons why i think it's so important to hold conversations with one another... we can come to an understanding if we at least attempt to communicate with each other.
point is, you don't have to Like someone's opinion to be able to respect it. you don't have to Support someone else's opinion to be able to respect it.
for fuck's sake don't label someone a transphobe just because they have a different opinion on a Fictional character than you do.
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 months
Just some notes I am making for myself!!
Isopod Shopping List:
✔️ Glass aquarium/vivarium (ensure lid has fine mesh to keep out pests; a lid that's partially glass will make it easier to maintain humidity)
✔️ Humidity gauge/thermometer (50-60%, 70-85 degrees F)
✔️ Bark 'hides' and (safe) decorative pieces; cork bark is common
✔️ Squirt bottle for misting
✔️ Substrate (common ones: topsoil, coco fiber, coco chips, sand, charcoal, small pieces of bark/wood, sphagnum moss; the moss helps retain moisture and thus is handy but don't use too much; ensure the soil used has no fertilizer beads or other 'extras' in it):
✔️ Topsoil/Potting Soil
✔️ Worm castings
✔️ Fir Bark Chips
✔️ Charcoal
✔️ Sphagnum Moss
✔️ Dead leaves (primary food source; some people boil or bake them to sterilize but others don't; a variety of leaf types will work; some commonly used ones include maple, oak, birch, elm, cottonwood, etc; thinner leaves and older, more 'rotten' leaves are tastiest to them, but be sure to inspect for mold or hitchhikers; provide plenty of leaves in a layer over the whole tank)
Additional dead organic matter can include seed pods such as magnolia pods, lichen, or other goodies
✔️ Nutrient-rich foods (secondary food source; a variety of things can be used including fish flakes, dried bloodworms, dried shrimp, small pieces of produce scraps, specialized products such as Repashy Morning Wood and Repashy Bug Burger, etc) to be provided in very small amounts that can be eaten quickly and any excess removed before it molds; experiment to see how long it takes for them to consume it and what they prefer to eat
✔️ Cuttlebone (broken up) may be provided if desired for extra calcium
Springtails may be added to help control mold and pests
Isopod Care Notes:
Some keepers have a 'damp' side and a 'drier' side to allow the isopods to regulate their own preferences; sphagnum moss works good for the damp side, and situate a vent by the dry side if possible
Heat should not be needed unless your room is especially cool
Most keepers prefer deep substrate for the isopods to burrow, but some prefer shallower substrate so they can keep track of their stock better (they use a compacted substrate layer and place a looser, shallower burrowing layer on top)
Substrate does not need to be changed often but every few months is a good idea to refresh its nutrients and remove excess frass & ammonia buildup
Exact environmental preferences will depend on the species of isopod; while their needs are often very similar it's important to always double-check about your exact species
Isopods will reproduce readily (females carry the eggs in their bodies and will give 'birth' to live isopods) and the little babbies (mancae) start off very teeny so be careful when you're cleaning
Invert keepers have bred a TON of varieties of isopods, at differing 'difficulty' and price levels; make sure you are purchasing isopods that have been bred in captivity and not poached from the wild; and obviously never release pets into the wild
Some Beginner Isopods & Pretty Color Morphs:
Armadillidium nasatum (Nosy Pillbug): Peach, Orange, White Out/Pearl
Armadillidium vulgare (Roly-Poly): Orange Vigor, St. Lucia, Magic Potion
Porcellio scaber (Rough Woodlouse): Dalmation, Orange Koi, Lava
Porcellio laevis (Swift Woodlouse): Dairy Cow
Cubaris murina (Little Sea Isopod): Anemone, Glacier
Questions for Sellers:
Opinions on enclosures, especially with regards to maintaining proper moisture and airflow
Opinions on where to safely collect leaf litter (esp this time of year), boiling to sterilize (potential nutrition loss)
Where do you get your isopods?
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unalivedblogger · 9 months
Can I please have ALL your fluffy Julius hcs? It's been a hard day at work 😭 the only thing that makes me feel better in these trying times is my comfort character (Julius) 🖤🖤🖤 thank you🖤🖤
Your wish is my command
Julius is extremely observant, whatever you think you're being subtle about. He already knows. He is always 2 steps ahead.
He is excellent at reading body language, which benefits him both murder and comfort wise. He may not be the best, but when he tries, he goes all out.
If you are one of his chosen people to hug, then his hugs have 1 rule: He will never let go first. Not until you are ready.
He often sees people as flawed, but if someone truly is heartbrokenly flawed. It's quite the contrary. He'll make beauty out of it in a different manner than one thinks. It inspires him.
He can sing. You may often catch him humming in his shop, but if his singing is a manner to comfort you? He has the loveliest voice.
He loves taking walks. Walking in the garden with deep and meaningful conversations is something he values truly. To even just be in one's presence in silence is greater.
If you vent to Julius, best believe if it's during skincare hour. He's going off. As he is putting on a face mask "What the fuck do you mean he's not a manager? He needs to act his wage. No let me tell you something!-" he'll get you fired. Don't listen to him XD
Julius is a joy to be around overall if you're not getting murked. He's very expressive with his hands and eyes while communicating. If his body language is plain and stiff, then he isn't fond nor comfortable around you. Trust me, it will fascinate you.
His real laugh is meme worthy. You'll hear it during a bad day and can't help but laugh along. It's contagious despite the practiced proper one.
He has a to-do list. Trust me. If you schedule a spa day, it better be in advance. If you're having a bad day, he'll book it for you both. No "and" "if"s or "what." You're going.
Abide by the book or else.
He is the friend who will yell at you if you're in the wrong. Hope you're not sensitive because this man will call you out when you need to hear it.
"I'm saying this because I care. I'm not gonna have you looking stupid embarrassing yourself and me as an individual. Step it up."
HATES crazy wind, will refuse to step out. If he does, he has a leaf, a stick, and his hair sticking in all directions with wide eyes as he's shutting the door. Such a sight am I right? X3
If you have certain privileges, he will share his playlists with you.
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Campfire Cheer Ups
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Underage drinking.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 491
Summary: Cassie turns towards the fire to help cheer up her heart broken daughter.
A/N: This idea is brought to you by @gillybear17. This takes place probably between part 6 and part 7.
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Breaks up are hard, but Cassie Y/L/N doesn’t handle break up’s cheer ups like a normal parent would. Cassie may be better at remembering things than her husband, but Marvin is the more level-headed one in the relationship, after all, he is a lawyer. Cassie, on the other hand, is a writer, which means she is a lot more creative when someone hurts her babies. When her first boyfriend broke up with her for being a book nerd, Cassie and Y/N covered and filled Lewis Andrews’ car with book pages. This time, Cassie had the perfect idea to cheer up her daughter. 
The both of them are now huddled close to the campfire with a can of Vizzy in both of their hands. Probably not the best parenting to let her underage daughter drink around a fire, but Cassie wasn’t a narc. “You know what would make you feel even better? If we burnt this,” she proposes to her daughter, holding up the thick manuscript Wilson gave her. Y/N laughs her head off at her mom’s preposterous offer and takes the book. She leafs through some pages, “God, I can’t believe he thought you could get this publish. I mean listen to this: The green-eyed dame peers into my intelligent blue eyes. ‘Do not go to war, Will. Stay with me,’ she pleads. ‘Okay, I will not. I will work as an accountant instead.’ I just know he wrote Will after himself.” Cassie laughs and takes the book from her daughter’s hands. “Have you read this part yet? ‘I checked each number to see if they are correct. 34. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8.’ And then the numbers just go on for the next three pages. I mean come on. If you are going to make a book about an accountant at least talk about something more interesting than double-checking numbers.”
The duo burst out laughing again at the passage. They go back and forth between reading ridiculous passages. “Okay, I’m ready to burn this thing. This one is for the way he didn’t hold the door for me whenever we went out. Like if I’m walking first, then fine but like if you insist on walking in front of me, it’s just rude to let the door fall in the face of the other person,” Y/N vents, tearing out a few pages and throwing it into the fire. She repeats the process a few more times. “This is for the way he never let me talk.”
“This is for being a condescending douch bag.”
“And finally, this is for trying to make other people feel small with your intelligence because he probably has a tiny penis.”
With that, Y/N throws the last of the pages into the fire and dusts off her hands. Cassie wraps her arm around her daughter’s shoulder, “Feel better?” Y/N leans into her mom’s arm. “So much. Thank you.” 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @terraeluce @f4ll-for-you
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whataspectaclebear · 16 days
Be warned, this is a vent post.
I will be complaining about the dinner I made today.
So, I made Conchiglioni filled with ricotta and spinach for the first time today (yes, i know, very gourmet). And mind you, I succeded, it was very delicious. But let me tell you why I loathed making it:
Firstly, the shops were out of regular, small spinach, so I had to get the special giant spinach. Which I then had to wash and chop up myself, avoiding the thick-ass leaf-spine-thing. That took me half an hour.
Secondly, the recipe I was following was 90% story, and the remaining 10% didn't tell me how much of anything I needed, only what, and the rare instructions were vague as hell.
Thirdly, the filling of the conchiglioni, oh god. I stood in my kitchen for 40 minutes filling those things. Which was hell because of my bad leg. I would have gotten myself a chair, if I was not blinded by my sheer frustration at the author if the recipe.
and lastly, it took close to 85 minutes to cook. Not prepare, cook, in the oven. 85. Minutes. Mind you, by now I had been preparing the dish for a bit over an hour, i was hungry, frustrated, and in pain.
"Hey Bear, at least it tasted good" you may be thinking.
And yeah, it was. But that doesn't stop me from really wishing I chose to make myself sandwiches instead.
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thel0calg0blin · 2 months
A bit about me!
You can call me Goblins, Gobs, or Kervin! I like Goblin, but any of those will work! I go by He/They/Star pronouns and hope you can respect that! I intend this blog to post artwork, although some will be suggestive, some including alcoh0l, cigar3ttes, and blood.
Feel free to ask about anything or just comment on something! Hate, transph0bia, homoph0bia, r4cism, p3dophiles, and politics are not welcome here. My gender won’t matter to most, but I am, in short, Demi-boy, but I prefer the terms non-binary and male. Full list of pronouns, from most preferred to neutral, are He/Star/Leaf/They/Voidself. A bit much, but the three i listed earlier will do just fine! ^^
Please remember that I am a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community, therians, furries and anyone seeking comfort! Once I get to posting art, feel free to ask for a custom character, as it is, in fact, free.
BYF/Before You Follow:
-I am part of the LGBTQ+ community
-Proud Furry
-I have triggers, please respect them.
-I do not enjoy politics, for I have no political view and I don’t know what the hell is happening over there.
-I swear like a sailor
Triggers include: overly s3xual content, anything to do with dr0wning.
Anything else that may be of concern:
I will post vents as well, just to get them off my chest. They won’t be words, they will be drawings.
I love Ninjago, Undertale, cats, Minecraft, Dead End:Paranormal Park, and writing prompts!
Thanks for reading and I hope you follow! ^^ Have a great day!
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