#may require spiritual surgery
granonine · 2 years
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Psalm 26:1-2. Judge me, O LORD; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the LORD; therefore I shall not slide. Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart. (I want to apologize for going missing yesterday. Had an early appointment for medical reasons, and just didn’t get back into my usual groove. Back on track now.) More than once, David pleads with God to…
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charmedreincarnation · 8 months
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Let me share you some examples of people outside of a spiritual realm using the law of consciousness. Reading about placebo opened my eyes to realize whether I believe it or not, use it or not, it is always operating.
1. During wartime, particularly in World War II, when medical supplies were limited, the use of a saline solution as a placebo became prevalent. One notable figure associated with this practice is Henry Beecher, a medic during the war. When morphine, a powerful painkiller, was scarce, Beecher resorted to injecting injured soldiers with a saline solution (a mixture of salt and water) as a substitute.The fascinating observation was that many soldiers responded positively to the saline placebo, reporting a reduction in pain. Beecher’s experience led him to further investigate what is now known as the placebo effect. He discovered that even inert substances like saline could elicit a therapeutic response in individuals, highlighting the power of belief and the mind’s influence on healing. Using saline as a placebo during wartime was a practical solution to address the scarcity of medical resources. It allowed healthcare providers to provide some form of treatment while conserving limited supplies for critical cases. The phenomenon observed in these wartime placebo administrations contributed to our understanding of the placebo effect and its role in medical practices.
2. And then there was another placebo test done with surgeries demonstrated the power of the placebo effect in the context of surgical interventions for knee pain.
The study, often referred to as the “fake leg surgery” study, focused on patients with osteoarthritis in the knee. Participants were randomly assigned to either receive real arthroscopic surgery or undergo a sham procedure where no actual surgical intervention took place. The sham surgery involved making small incisions and mimicking the actions and sounds associated with the actual procedure.The surprising finding was that both groups, those who underwent real surgery and those who had the sham surgery, reported similar improvements in their knee pain and functionality. This suggested that the positive outcomes experienced by the participants were not necessarily due to the physical intervention but rather to psychological factors such as the placebo effect.
3. The most fascinating one was this one: The study aimed to explore the role of mindset in reversing some aspects of aging.
In this experiment, Langer and her team created a simulated environment reminiscent of the 1950s to immerse a group of elderly participants. The participants were instructed to act as though they were 20 years younger and encouraged to engage in activities that required physical and mental activity. It aimed to create an atmosphere where the participants felt as if they were stepping back in time.The results of the experiment were described as astonishing. Participants reportedly experienced improvements in various areas, including physical health, cognition, and overall well-being. The study suggested that by changing one’s mindset and engaging in an environment that challenges typical aging stereotypes, individuals may experience positive effects on various aspects of their lives.
4. The Man Who Overdosed on Placebo" is a story about a 26-year-old man, often referred to as "Mr. A," who was part of a clinical trial for an antidepressant drug. In a desperate state of mind, he attempted suicide by ingesting 29 capsules of what he believed to be the experimental drug. This act was triggered by his depression, which had worsened after a breakup with his girlfriend.
However, unbeknownst to him, the pills he had taken were not the actual antidepressant, but rather placebos - essentially inert substances, often sugar pills, used in clinical trials as a control group. Despite this, Mr. A's vitals showed alarming signs similar to those of a drug overdose, reflecting the power of belief over the physical body, a phenomenon known as the "nocebo effect."
The nocebo effect is essentially the evil twin of the placebo effect. While the placebo effect can lead to improvements in health due to positive expectations, the nocebo effect can cause negative symptoms or even exacerbate existing ones due to negative expectations. In this case, Mr. A exhibited symptoms of an overdose solely because he believed he had taken an overdose.
5. Sam Londe, is one of the best but sad classic example of the nocebo effect, as detailed in Dr. Joe Dispenza's book "You Are the Placebo."
Sam Londe was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, a condition known for its grim prognosis. His doctors informed him that he didn't have much time left to live. Accepting this diagnosis, Londe quickly became bedridden and his health deteriorated rapidly, following the trajectory his doctors had predicted.However, upon his death, an autopsy revealed a surprising fact: there was not enough cancer in his body to have caused his death. The small tumor in his esophagus was not large enough or in a position to interfere with his swallowing or breathing. Essentially, Londe didn't die from cancer; he died from believing he was dying of cancer.
This case demonstrates the power of the mind over the body, both positively (the placebo effect) and negatively (the nocebo effect). In this case, Londe's negative beliefs about his prognosis led to physical symptoms and ultimately his death.
I've seen dozens of examples where of stuff like this particularly in the realms of hexing and witchcraft. Honestly, the same could probably be said about subliminals. But it doesn't matter much.Why? Because they work. It's all about observation and choice. You could say it’s the mind but the mind operates on logic. This goes beyond the mind and to your true being, what observes the mind observing the pain in the first place.
Actually I was talking to someone who had been struggling with shifting for a while about this and it really resonated with her which is why I decided to share it. She took a water bottle, labeled it shifting juice and just assumed that when she finishes the bottle she has “full access to shifting powers” is that how it works. Nope. Did she shift after two years of struggling. Yep. It doesn’t matter what story you create yourself whether you want to use logic or not whatever you assume and persist in and know as a fact will harden into truth and therefore reality.I just wanted to share this story bc I find it absolutely hilarious how we sometimes take it so seriously yet it can be so easy. I know placebo is just an assumption. It’s like when you tell children you checked under their bed for the monsters and drafted them and they assume so so they can sleep soundly at night. Call it whatever you want assumption, placebo, it’s all just words and each community calls it something different but at the end of the day it works wether you know the truth behind it or not.
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moonchild033 · 2 months
Saturn in Water Signs 🌊💙
💙Saturn in Cancer 💙
These natives can have misunderstandings or problems with their mother's side relatives and those relatives can hold any secrets or feel suspicious for no reason. These people may have faced breaks in education or could've shifted many schools during childhood. They may face respiratory issues like Asthma, rhinitis or can be prone to frequent cold. They prefer jobs that can serve a mass of people directly, it can be either jobs in the medical sector or civil services. They sacrifice their own needs and desires in their family or with their spouse.
💙Saturn in Scorpio💙
These individuals can have an unknown fear of death but as Saturn is the lord of longevity, their lifespan is always long. They might have faced any major accidents or undergone surgeries during childhood. They have a really naive and innocent personality as a child, but they could've been accused of doing something bad which they didn't do, resulting in embarrassment or loss of dignity. After those incidents, they could've changed into a person who is mentally strong and holds themselves together without leaning on others. Females with this placement are prone to undergo c-section delivery.
💙Saturn in Pisces💙
These natives can travel a lot, especially for their job. Their career could include the import export industry, air hostess or any other career that requires frequent foreign travel as a part of their job. These people can feel like they work too hard but don't get the recognition they deserve. They are spiritual and can become wanderers in search of spiritual knowledge/journey. Loss of money due to unnecessary spending (This doesn't have to mean that they intentionally waste money on luxurious products, this means that such unexpected situations arise for them where they're obliged to spend more than needed.) Both Scorpio Saturn and Pisces Saturn can give the native chances to indulge in illicit affairs. As saturn is a planet of karma, if the individual faces such situations, they must be cautiously righteous to experience the fruit of good karma by Saturn after 35years of age.
Note: As Saturn is a generational planet, all of them born in those specific years will have Saturn in the same sign. Hence, it doesn't mean everyone will go through the same interpretation. These are some commonly found occurrences, it is subjected to change according to a person's whole birth chart. 😌❤
I wasn't sure about writing this post, I wrote whatever came to my mind, should I continue this as a series, Saturn in other elements? Or just jump to another random topic? 🤭🤔
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Feel free to comment down your thoughts/questions! 🤗
Let's Learn and Grow Together! 💅💋
With Love- Yashi ❤⚡
Here's my Masterlist! 💖
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nerdygaymormon · 28 days
A Brief History of the LDS Church's Transgender Teachings and Policies
Gender identity and gender roles are important in LDS theology and practices. For most of the 1800s, church presidents Joseph Smith and Brigham Young had men, women, and children sit separately for all Sunday meetings. Nowadays, some of the Sundays church meetings are still divided by biological sex. Temple worship is also similarly divided.
For decades, the LDS Church believed that in the premortal life, when intelligences were organized into spirits that they may have chosen whether to live as male or female during mortality, and that poor choices during their time on earth could demote them back to a genderless condition. Joseph Fielding Smith, who was made an apostle in 1910 and became president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1970, was well known for teaching that those who do not reach the Celestial Kingdom will be neither man nor woman, merely immortal beings.
As a teenager in the 1980's, I remember being in Sunday School class and the teacher saying that when we're resurrected we can look down, and if we don't see a penis or vagina then we know we're not making it to the Celestial Kingdom.
Along with this, for many years the LDS Church seems to have viewed all queerness as a form of gender confusion, whether it was a man thinking he's a woman or a man who is attracted to other men.
As the fight over gay marriage ramped up, the teaching about genderless spiritual beings was replaced with the idea that gender is forever and this was incorporated into the 1995 Family Proclamation which states that "gender is an essential characteristic of individual pre-mortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose."
The idea is that each of us are a son or daughter of heterosexual & cisgender heavenly parents, and we are meant to become like them. There is a strict binary of spiritual gender identities and gender roles. Ideally, our bodies should be formed in a way that reflects our spiritual body, including our spiritual gender, but the reality of the physical world is that things often don't work as we'd expect them to, but that doesn't change our spiritual gender.
Let me take this moment to point out that the notion of gender being eternal does not exist in scripture, this is a fairly recent evolution.
And while the idea is that gender is an innate and unchangeable part of our souls, the Church has also felt that gender needs to be nurtured, protected, and defended. There have been many rules about what women may wear to BYU and to Sunday services. For many years the advice to leaders on how to counsel with young men experiencing same sex attraction was to have them spend time around manly men and participate in masculine activities, and to not wear androgynous or feminine styles.
For a long time, LDS Church leaders were more aware of homosexuality and focused on this, and their mentions of trans people remained pretty infrequent.
In 1980, Spencer W. Kimball was president of the LDS Church and was outspoken opponent of homosexuality, however he authorized the sealing of a trans woman to her husband in the Washington, D.C. temple. Perhaps in response to this, later that year LDS authorities updated the official General Handbook of Instructions to officially prohibit “transsexual operations.” The handbook stated that “members who have undergone transsexual operations must be excommunicated” and that “after excommunication such a person is not eligible for baptism.”
I first got access to Handbook 1 in 2016, and excommunication was still the standard, although it said "elective transsexual operations" (not sure when the word "elective" was added). Surgery was the boundary line which if crossed would result in excommunication. However, the phrase "elective transsexual operations" recognized there are some circumstances where such operations are required or aren't the choice of the individual. For example, a man whose genitals were injured and couldn't be kept, or an intersex person who had surgery performed on them as an infant or child.
Any individual who was considering "elective transsexual surgery" was not allowed to be baptized, but for an individual who had undergone "transsexual surgery" and now wanted to be baptized, it had to be approved by the First Presidency. If they were allowed to be baptized, they would not be allowed to receive the priesthood or participate in gender-separated temple rites (which limited them to doing baptisms).
There was some wiggle room on whether top surgery is considered "transsexual surgery" and depended on the local leader's interpretation. There was no policy on transitioning in ways that didn't involve surgery, such as hormone therapies, “cross dressing,” or other means of living out one’s gender.
In January 2015, Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, "I think we need to acknowledge that while we have been acquainted with lesbians and homosexuals for some time, being acquainted with the unique problems of a transgender situation is something we have not had so much experience with, and we have some unfinished business in teaching on that." This reflects the growing awareness of trans individuals and showed some humility on his part. Elder Oaks had often spoken out on homosexuality and gay marriage, but this statement was thoughtful and many took it as cautiously optimistic.
Some transgender Mormons in explaining that their bodies do not reflect their gender identity would point to the Family Proclamation which says "gender" is eternal but not necessarily their sex. In response, in 2019 Elder Oaks said that “the intended meaning of gender in the family proclamation and as used in Church statements and publications since that time is biological sex at birth.”
In 2020, a major revision of the Church's general Handbooks were made. Handbook 1 (which was only available to bishoprics, stake presidencies, and General Authorities) was combined with Handbook 2 and put on the Church's website for all to see. This revision included major changes for transgender members.
The term "elective transsexual surgery" was gone, and now any social, medical or surgical transitioning would bring restrictions. Many saw this as more restrictive, it took away the space to transition in ways other than surgery while remaining in good standing as a member. Some saw it as a step at being more accommodating as excommunication was not the de facto punishment for transitioning. A church member could decide if transitioning was important enough to them that they'd be willing to be without a temple recommend.
The 2024 Handbook update seems like they felt some local church leaders had taken things further than had been anticipated, and so they had to plug in the gaps from the 2020 Handbook that leaders had used to be inclusive and accommodating of their trans members. Now members who transitioned in any were not allowed to be baptized, restricted from holding almost all callings, specified which meetings & activities they may attend, forbids trans youth and young single adults from overnight activities, and even has specific rules about under how a trans person may use the restroom.
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By: Jo Bartosch
Published: May 3, 2023
Twenty years ago, after one too many beers, I met some pagans in a pub in Gloucestershire. They invited me to travel with them to Ireland the next morning on a spiritual pilgrimage. I expected a mystical experience, but I remained unmoved. On returning to Ireland last week to attend two rival conferences on how best to help people distressed about their gender, I realised that my scepticism is still intact – and that mad beliefs about magic have spread far beyond damp hippies.
The two conferences were very different. The larger, more established conference was organised by the European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH), which claims to promote the ‘mental, physical and social health of transgender people in Europe’. The other conference was organised by a relative upstart called Genspect. Founded in 2021, Genspect is an international organisation that aims to ‘promote high-quality, evidence-based care for gender-nonconforming individuals all around the world’.
In a press release from March, Genspect’s director, psychotherapist Stella O’Malley, summed up the difference between the two organisations’ approaches when dealing with those experiencing gender distress: ‘The EPATH programme promotes heavy medical interventions while Genspect favours the least-invasive approach first.’ Genspect, explained O’Malley, aims to ‘crack open EPATH’s mono-focus on medicalised modes of treatment’.
The Genspect conference set out to challenge both the magical thinking of trans ideology and the medicalisation of childhood distress that this has led to. This was reflected by the presence of around a dozen ‘detransitioners’ among the delegates – that is, people who regret transitioning and want to revert to their original gender. These detransitioners, who were predominantly under 30, are now living with the consequences of taking hormones and having their healthy body parts amputated. In time, they might recover their mental health. But in many cases the harm done to their bodies will be permanent.
Michael Biggs, an associate professor in sociology at the University of Oxford, has long been investigating the effect of puberty-blocking drugs on sexual maturation. Presenting his findings at the Genspect conference, Biggs revealed that patients who have suppressed their puberty as children before surgical transition may never be able to orgasm as adults.
Speaking after the conference, Biggs told me that there is a wilful lack of published research on the long-term effects of taking puberty blockers. He said that ‘puberty blockers have been used in the Netherlands for over three decades, and yet the long-term effects are known for only one person’. By the age of 35, that ‘one person was depressed and ashamed of their genitals’.
Biggs also revealed that where research has been carried out into puberty blockers there have been attempts to suppress it. The NHS’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at London’s Tavistock clinic, which is due to be closed down later this year, began a study of 44 children aged between 12 and 15 in 2011. But GIDS director Dr Polly Carmichael effectively kept the results of this trial to herself. The findings remained unpublished until they were discovered and first analysed by Biggs in 2018. ‘It required a complaint to the Health Research Authority, questions in parliament, and a judicial review’, Biggs tells me, ‘before Dr Carmichael finally published the full results’.
Most disturbingly, Biggs told me of the awful fate of one healthy Dutch teenager. After having his puberty blocked as a child, the teenager underwent a vaginoplasty aged 18. The complicated procedure involved taking tissue from his bowel to create a replica vagina and vulva. Within 24 hours of having surgery, he had died in hospital of necrotising fasciitis.
Predictably, EPATH’s conference featured no such criticism of these surgical or medical interventions. Far from it. The conference was even spon.sored by a company offering facial-feminisation surgery, and from the off EPATH went on the offensive. In the opening address, the organisation’s outgoing president, Joz Motmans, attacked ‘anti-gender and anti-trans voices, legislation, policies and movements’. Motmans even claimed that the growing public scepticism towards trans ideology was driven by ‘far-right parties’. ‘We respect everyone’s freedom of speech’, he said, ‘but we choose not to listen to it’.
In the interests of actual free speech and debate, EPATH attendees were told that they would be permitted access to Genspect with their EPATH ticket. This gesture was not reciprocated. Indeed, EPATH has even blocked Genspect from its Twitter account.
Whether or not EPATH chooses to listen, the debate over how best to treat patients with gender distress is gaining momentum across Europe. Last year’s announcement that the Tavistock clinic would be shut down, on the grounds its model of care is ‘not safe’ for children, has sent shockwaves across the continent. Medical bodies are now sounding the alarm in Sweden, France and most recently Norway. More and more clinical professionals are coming out to ask for the evidence that mental distress can be successfully treated by ‘gender-affirming’ medical interventions.
Last week in Ireland, the authority of EPATH’s gender priests took a battering. They showed themselves to be unwilling and perhaps even incapable of engaging with those who hold opposing views. More damning still, they refused to engage with the evidence.
Trans ideology is now being exposed for the magical thinking it always was. Its adherents are doing real harm.
Telling people to get a facelift or a boob-job when they're depressed or anxious used to be regarded as unethical.
Now it's a moral imperative.
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Does my transgender identity conflict with Buddhism’s teachings on no-self?
by Sallie Jiko Tisdale, Narayan Helen Liebenson, and Andrew Holecek
Q: I was born male, but after many years of confusion, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m actually a transgender woman and I’m now seeking sex-reassignment surgery. As a Buddhist, I feel conflicted by the teachings on no-self and this unshakable feeling that there is a deep, hidden truth about me that I need to express. Am I wrong to embrace this sense of true self?
SALLIE JIKO TISDALE: The emptiness of the self is part of what we face in practice. It is this very emptiness that allows us to work with our karma, clarify our lives, and awaken to the truth. But becoming your most authentic self is part of it too. The Buddha advised his followers to be indifferent to their bodies, but he also taught people to use their bodies as the tools of awakening. The Buddha’s own story teaches us that extremes are not conducive to real understanding. It does us no good to be miserable, unhealthy, or at war with ourselves.
As human beings, we are always broken in some way; our existence is marked by ignorance and confusion. Over time, we come to accept the karma of our birth, the gifts and challenges we have inherited. We strive to become whole, to find those parts of the self that need attention and support. We become willing not only to accept our karma but also to dance with it—to risk vulnerability, to examine our tender places, to be uncomfortable, and finally to stand up for ourselves and say, “This is who I am.”
As you say, you sense a “deep, hidden truth” about yourself and you need to express it. Everyone feels this way, I think. To one extent or another, we are longing to be seen and recognized as we secretly know ourselves to be. We struggle to find congruence between our inner experience and our outer relationships. So we work to bring the physical body and our appearance into congruence with the felt self—through our clothing, how we wear our hair, how we speak and stand, whom we choose as friends and peers.
Each of us has genitals, but they do not determine gender. Our gender—male, female, or intersexual—includes such disparate forces as genetics, family, and culture. The source of transgender identity is mysterious because we don’t understand how all these forces work together. But the incongruence you feel is not that uncommon. I would advise only that this felt identity is not your “true self.” The Buddhist true self is much more than our phenomenal existence. That self is not dependent on the physical body, intellect, spiritual practice, or relationship; it cannot be obstructed by anything phenomenal.
What you describe is what I think of as the “authentic self,” the urge to live in this world in the most whole way possible. For some of us, it might mean braces or a different haircut; for others, it may mean monastic robes and a shaved head. For a certain number of people, it will require gender-reassignment surgery. So yes, embrace your authentic self completely. If that means you need to make some practical adjustments, you will have plenty of company.
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NARAYAN HELEN LIEBENSON: The teaching of anatta does not say there is no self; it states that nothing conditional can be pointed to as being who or what you are. Given that no aspect of being can be identified with in any kind of continuous, independent sense, to me, teachings of compassion and loving-kindness can be your north star.
You don’t mention pain, but it’s hard to imagine that you’ve made this decision lightly and without any degree of angst. This pull you feel to live as you know yourself to be is a matching of your inner reality with the outer situation in which you live. What could be wrong with that? Accepting yourself as you are and being a true friend to yourself is an essential aspect of this path of inner liberation.
I see the problem as the conflict between what you know and what you have heard in the teachings. The question is, by manifesting differently in this world, can you live the teachings more fully? I would assume so, because after surgery, you will not live in ongoing conflict or feel a sense of separation between the gender you know yourself to be and the way others relate to you. Free from the idea of a fixed, continuous, independent “I,” there’s tremendous freedom possible in the flowering and flexibility of all things.
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ANDREW HOLECEK: My heart goes out to you. Matters of identity at any level are wrenching. But fortunately, the challenges are also in direct proportion to the potential for transformation—the greater the obstacle, the greater the opportunity. Your question is a marvelous opportunity to explore the relationship between absolute and relative truth, both of which need to be honored to fully address the issues you express. We find our way to the absolute through the relative, not by dismissing it—your courage in facing yourself so honestly at this relative level can take you far along the path.
To become a buddha (the absolute), we first have to become fully human (the relative). We then might discover that to be fully human is to be a buddha (the inseparability of relative and absolute). One thread that connects these two stations along the path is maitri, or loving-kindness toward oneself. So first and foremost, be kind to yourself, which in itself is transformative.
If the Buddha were here, he would want you to be happy. If becoming a woman truly makes you happy, he would encourage that. But he might also suggest that your longing for change points to something even deeper, as your question itself implies. So while it’s important to honor the relative, the strength of Buddhism lies in its teachings on the absolute. That’s the perspective I want to emphasize.
Your question suggests to me that you’re homesick for the absolute, and that homesickness is expressing itself in this relative way. This is not to dismiss your desire to find a true form but to help you put it in perspective. Sex reassignment could be just one step toward the recovery of the “true self” you’re looking for.
In many ways, this is the central inquiry of the spiritual journey. Ramana Maharshi developed an entire path based on the question “Who am I?” Not knowing the answer is the source of all our suffering; discovering it is the basis of our liberation.
Until we wake up to who we really are, we’re all victims of a primordial identity theft. You originally thought you were a man, only to find you’re actually a woman. Good for you. You’re looking within and trying to recover a truer identity. But the finite cannot contain the infinite; if we identify with that form, it will always feel like something is missing.
How can you work with the absolute level? Even as you move forward with your surgery, when the thought comes up that you’re a woman—or a man—try to identify with the space between those thoughts. Let those thoughts come and go like clouds floating through the open sky. You’re the sky. Take refuge in that. From that open perspective, you will relate to whatever arises in your heart and mind properly and no longer lose yourself in any form. So abandon even the concept that “My thoughts are me.”
Take your unshakeable feeling that there is a deeper truth and use it to propel you toward that truth. That feeling is beautiful. Let your choice and your questions serve as catalysts for deeper investigation. Once you properly identify yourself as no-self, you will naturally express that selflessness as compassion and fulfill your longing—in any form. That’s when you’ll really shine.
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hello 😊 i was reading on mikveh/mikvot and was wondering how queerness interacts with certain aspects of it, specially since i often see jewish queer folk online reclaiming or adapting rituals for their queer existence in very beautiful ways (if that makes sense!)
for instance, if jewish lesbians also immerse after niddah to resume displays of affection with their partners or if that is just for straight couples, or if transmasculine folk who menstruate are allowed to immerse after niddah as well?
in the same vein (if you have any sources on it) i'd love to hear about how disabled people perform this ritual in relation to disability or illness
i realize these can be quite intimate/personal subjects though so i don't mind not having an answer! sorry for asking many questions all at once :'~)
Firstly, Mikvah isn't just for people to do after menstruation. It's done before marriage, as part of conversion to Judaism, and in general whenever one wants to ritually cleanse themselves. Men with penises are also required to use the Mikvah after they've had a nocturnal emission. Many people go to the Mikvah every week before Shabbat, and even more do so the day before Yom Kippur.
Disabled Jews have always existed, and so disabled Jews have always used the Mikvah, it's not a new "movement", so to say. Women's Mikvaot especially have attendents to help one with every aspect of Mikvah, whether it's helping them undress, helping them into the pool itself, or just being there as support and to answer any questions one might have.
As for queer Jews using the Mikvah, there are formal movements and personal choices many queer Jews do. I personally shy away from "movements", as they tend to lean more political and less on the spiritual, and some of their politics I do not align with. I myself plan to immerse in a Mikvah before I start my first dose of Testosterone (whenever that may be, alas), and before I get my top surgery (again, no idea when that will be).
I do not agree with certain movements to bathe in non-Mikvah bodies of water as part of some "radical queer liberation". There are Halakhic parameters to Mikvah, and I don't think queer people should have to settle for something that isn't Halakhically a Mikvah. Rather, instead of the political lip-service movements that exist, there needs to be a greater movement for existing synagogues and communities to create non-gendered Mikvaot. Whether it's by degendering their existing Mikvah for a specific time every week, or by building new Mikvaot. Queer people shouldn't have to settle for less-than-halakhically-stellar options.
Jewish communities that don't have a seperate Women's Mikvah already have a system where certain times during the week, it becomes Women's Only. There should be that system now, but for degendering the Mikvah. I believe there is a place for gendered Mikvaot, but there's also a place for degendered Mikvaot, and they can coexist. The bottom line....queer Jews shouldn't have settle for a bathtub. Because a bathtub is not a Mikvah in any sense of the word, and it's not giving queer Jews the dignity in fulfilling Mitzvot.
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comedyloser · 1 year
1. I have no clue how they could have had kids it’s magic
2. Do not proceed reading if uncomfortable with the following concepts: DEATH, NEEDLES, DRUGS/overdose?/BODY HORROR/FEAR OF SURGERY OR THE DENTIST
3. Later Note: This is some au so I wouldn’t have to keep on character with 035 and 049 (this took me a couple of days to figure and type out which is why some things may not line up)
All kids are musically talented in some way
All kids are medically talented in some way
“AGE” is more of physical/mental appearance and in no way affects actual age (for now)
#1 - VIVO
Female, She/Her
Age: 21-22 (Young Adult)
Musical Talent: Dancing + Singing
Medical Talent: Immediate “Euthanasia” (Through Needle) (More of just Drug Overdose)
Apperance: VIVO appears as a humanoid figure (6’5/1’9) with a performing drama mask for a face. Instead of limited to two expressions such as comedy and tragedy, VIVO can move her face such as a normal person could move one’s own, minus pupils or the inside of a mouth. Eye and mouth holes secrete a black acid such as SCP-035 does except in certain light the acid appears to be swirls of different colors (ranging from red to purple across the rainbow with some mixing). VIVO’s face is composed just like a drama mask made of the same porcelain material and can crack, melt, or even break under circumstances.
Despite the face the rest of VIVO’s body appears human, minus the ability to create extra limbs (preferably arms) out of the same secreting acid (read above). When possessing said limbs, the hands if put in motions such as drumming and playing keys on a piano seem to mimic the sounds of what they are playing, despite no instrument being present. Creation of how said sounds are forming is unknown. As well as mimic instruments, if VIVO holds one hand on another entity and uses another hand in a puppet-mouth moving motion, VIVO can recreate said entity’s voice perfectly. Whether or not effect lasts once hand is removed is unknown.
VIVO can also euthanize people using an unknown liquid in a needle. Whether euthanization is affective on non-humans in unknown. Whether others can use the needle is unknown. Upon death, victims of said attack are unknown said victim has died. Victim believes they were “transported” to a black void, as well as being able to interact with others killed by VIVO’s attack. VIVO’s has been shown to bash in the heads of two security personal who were not shown to be present in the “void”. Whether VIVO is required to use the needle or it is by choice who goes in unknown. Whether personal are actually dying or being spiritually relocated is unknown.
Spirits of the deceased can be viewed with special lighting. No sound can be heard between the “void” and the world. Only form of communication is words written with a white chalk can be viewed in the corresponding location in the “void”. VIVO can leave it’s body and enter this “void” with full awareness of the current world and surroundings, but being able to interact with the deceased spirits. Usually using this chance and interaction to dance or perform. VIVO can then renter said body with no hesitation.
Sidenote: VIVO can sing in any range including pitches of which humans can not hear. This has caused multiple casualties such as when [REDACTED] as well as the death of — personal as well as — faculty members when [REDACTED].
VIVO was discovered —/—/2023 last out of the nine siblings performing in ————— on an abandoned stage. It claims it was “practicing” for a performance after having [REDACTED] in it’s last show. No record of said show has yet to be found. VIVO has shown no interest to escape containment. “Yet.”
#2 - FORTE
Age: 15-16 (Teen)
Musical Talent: Rapping (Or deemed by VIVO, “useless”)
Medical Talent: Physician
Appearance: FORTE wears a traditional plague doctor’s uniform minus the traditional mask. Pupils are dark and black and teeth are pointed and yellow, eyes faded red. Leather gloves with a reinforced glass layer on the inside due to the fact most of his forearm as well as his hands are made up of a goopy corrosive black acid. Similar pattern due to boots on his feet. Most of FORTE’s front chest has been dissolved from the black corrosive acid leaving the rib cage exposed, despite majority of the inside chest cavity being empty, minus a few hanging blood vessels. No organs are visible from the outside. Upon sticking a hand into the area they can be felt, resulting with the removed hand completely dissolved just moments after being removed from the cavity. Feeling can not be detected any other way. Whether organs are actually there or feeling is being recreated some other way leaving an imprint on our brains through touch is up to determination.
When gloves are removed, FORTE has the ability to dissolve everything it touches, but prefers not to out fear. Minus his personality and insecurity with the gloves off FORTE is sassy and doesn’t listen. Constantly getting into arguments, sometimes purposely starting them, and will even cause fights.
However FORTE does understand every pill and drug known to man, able to recognize them without a label, including ones from other languages, and is able to know what they do. Often gives his “patients” a prescription with a note completed indecipherable minus the words “Dr.Deadman”. No record of such a person is yet to be found.
#3 - MEZZO
Age: 13-14 (Young Teen)
Musical Talent: Piano
Medical Talent: “Professional” Surgeon (can successfully remove and replace organs with robotic made ones to “cure” patients)
Appearance: MEZZO has the appearance of a plague doctor as well as a hood and sometimes a small black top hat. Plague mask secrets a black acid with no noticeable corrosive properties. Mask is removable and reveals a humanoid figure under minus greasy curly black “hair” made from presumably the same material as the secretions. Eyes are a dark brown near black. Rest of figure is humanoid. Whether outfit is part of body or there is a body underneath is unknown.
MEZZO has the ability to swoon anybody into sleep, or a state of unconsciousness, and usually when the victim wakes up they are strapped down in an unknown room, similar to that of an ER. After waking, MEZZO will soon put them back to sleep before performing surgery to “cure” them. Often resulting in either complete death of the victim or reanimation due to replacements of organs with robotic parts MEZZO crafted. MEZZO only works with mask on and often does not remove it, may remove in some circumstances but never during operation.
#4 - CODA
Age: 10-12 (Preteen)
Musical Talent: Drums
Medical Talent: Stitching
Appearance: CODA wears a completely removable plague mask, robe, and many tied ropes as well as many pieces composed from leather or fabrics fixed with sown-in parts from other fabrics. CODA’s body is completely composed of a black goop which is why it completely cover’s its body always to retain a form. CODA also always carries on hand (visibly) various sewing needles and always seems to have on hand what they need for stitches, fabric or body. Stitching pattern is unique and is not seen anywhere else. Sometimes when bored CODA will stick in Roman or Greek symbols into the skin of his “patients”. Victims of these words do not seem them despite being clearly visible and claim their “doctor did an amazing job”. Including times when they are forcefully woken up mid-procedure when blood is still leaking, they claim nothing is wrong. In cases where tissue is visible they have a small chance of visibly noticing it and freaking out, often leading to a dramatized overreaction and often resulting in death in some way.
Personality of CODA is unknown. Face of CODA is unknown. Voice of CODA is unknown, minus “patients” who claim to have talked to their “doctor,” yet are unable to explain what he sounded like.
#5 and #6 - OCTAVE and OCTET
Males, He/They Respectfully
Age: 7-9 (twins)
Musical Talent: Guitar and Violin (In that Order)
Medical Talent: Nurse’s Role
Appearance: OCTAVE and OCTET are two twins that despite their constant bickering are almost never seen separated. Both wear a robe like outfit with long excess sleeves and a hood tied together around the waist with a rope. Ends of robe and sleeves are tattered and either partially torn, each twin’s tears being the mirror opposite of the other’s. Both wear leather boots and gloves, as well as both wear a leather plague doctor’s mask (with goggles) and are almost never seen with it off. Both have identical faces and under circumstances can cause black liquid to drip from the eyes and mouth, sometimes nose.
Both when “treating” a victim, or “taking a patient into their care”, work together and act sweet and kind to the “patient”. Despite acting like everything is normal they use tools and perform actions that are traumatizing, injury resulting, and could be deadly. But their little act always ends with the victim passing out due to a blow to the head.
Minus the trauma, they would be great nurses. If put into a situation they have studied and know every way to care for a patient, including emergencies. But, that’s not fun. But making your own cure is.
Age: 5-6 (Kid)
Musical Talent: Cymbols
Medical Talent: (Nightmare) Dentist
Appearance: VIVACE is around 4’ feet tall and takes parts of appearances from 1800’s-2000’s doctors. VIVACE wears a tattered robe with long arm-length gloves that the sleeve tucks into around the middle of the forearm as well as boots with pants underneath following a similar pattern, boots provide 2 inches to height. VIVACE’s robe has a hood that he always wears as well as a bird’s skull he wears over his face, with various small needles poked into it and a dark face mask. Face is not visible through holes and cracks in the bird skull as they appear to be solid black, despite light hitting it directly on. No object present is detected to be causing this complete blackout as a finger could be stuck through the skull’s eye sockets, which was discovered during testing and aggravated VIVACE which lead to [REDACTED].
VIVACE constantly carries with him various scalpels and dentistry tools as well as many shapes and sizes of needles, including small semi-transparent bottles filled with various liquids, none of which to be determined as known elements but react as if completely clean with no impurities.
VIVACE when bored will often practice on those around him, knowing what he does can hurt others whether intentional or not and will take this to his advantage. Such as demonstrated during a test where ————————— aggravated VIVACE every day for a week leading to [REDACTED] and all future tests postponed.
Sidenote: VIVACE has been seen using cymbals to bash people’s heads in. Whether this be for fun, out of pure spite, revenge, or some other motive is unknown.
VIVACE appears to be very mature for it’s age. Despite appearing only 5 VIVACE seems to have the smarts and knowledge of someone much older, such as a 12 year old, and possibly a mentality of someone even older.
Whether VIVACE is mature for age or is simply not as young as they look is unknown. No tests have come back positive for either as knowledge varies between topics yet personality does not seem to switch from straightforward and “in control” no matter what.
Age: 4-5 (Kid)
Musical Talent: Flute
Medical Talent: Medicine Mixing
Appearance: Compared to the others, RUBATO wears a much more, oversized, scientist-like get-up. Including an oversized lab coat, plague mask, oversized strapped lab goggles, and much more. Yet retained a dark color theme like the rest of them.
RUBATO is chaotic and can hold its energetic nature and energy for days at a time without sleep, food, or water. It can sleep if it wants to, but refuses to eat. Upon forcing RUBATO to consume food test conducted [REDACTED] ending all future consumption of food or liquids.
Not much is yet to be discovered about RUBATO except for his chaotic nature and love for mixing things together. Including two or more types of liquid soaps to make “potions”.
Sidenote: When watching RUBATO mix —————, ——————, and —————— brand dish soaps together and forcefully having a D-Class with a sore throat drink it, she was magically cured. Upon recreating the same mixture with all the same parts results concluded unsuccessful.
#9 - JJ
Age: 2-3 (Toddler)
Musical Talent: Tambourine
Medical Talent: UNKNOWN
Appearance: JJ is around 3’ feet tall, about 1 meter, and takes on an appearance similar to SCP-049. As a plague doctor. No noticeable different from a common plague doctor appearance except for the height, a small black top hat, a black liquid lightly seeping from the eye holes. The “mask” is a flexible skull part of JJ’s bone structure, similar to 049’s. The acid from the eyes does not seem to be corrosive, as much as 035’s at least.
JJ can barely walk and is often carried by others, as well as being very light for his size. (At least 2/3s lighter than he should be). Speech is limited and agility is limited to that similar of a small child’s.
Sidenote: Having been noted of JJ’s tambourine skills, personal asked JJ to hit out “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. As to then VIVO responded, (having been present in the room to watch JJ), “Seriously? You need to give him something easier! Like the opening to [REDACTED].” To which JJ played flawlessly despite seeming more “complicated” to personal. Again JJ was asked to play “Baa Baa Black Sheep” to which showed no understanding of the pattern. But when asked to play [REDACTED] JJ showed no flaws in all three despite being deemed more complicated.
JJ was discovered —/—/2023 first out of the nine siblings. Such as when discovery began that said children even existed, to which when questioned SCP-035 and SCP-049 admitted to there being more. JJ has made numerous escapes outside of the facility, to which how is still unknown, and JJ does not seem to show it is fully aware of the scenario it is in. Both SCP-035 and SCP-049 seem to be in distress and even sometimes anger when learning JJ is not still under care in the facility. Resulting in 9 casualties as well as [REDACTED].
Other Notes/Bonus Notes
VIVACE and RUBATO often get into fights, into which VIVO takes command and gets them to get along (when present in room). If no authority (family) is present/“threatful” enough (035, VIVO, 049) to stop the bickering the two will continue to fight until [REDACTED]
VIVO will act cheery around her siblings but doesn’t show that same kind of emotion around others, being annoyed or even getting angry. The siblings all know about this too, so in events where she is angry infront of them they don’t get in her way.
VIVO sometimes pronounces words with an “ee” sound as “tee” // funny -> fun-te
JJ when upset or convinced something bad happened to one of his parents will have a tantrum with a blood curdling scream (but siblings are a matter to laugh at)
CODA often gets nosebleeds (somehow)
MEZZO can get pretty sassy at times and is one of the few kids to stand up to their parents
VIVO and FORTE often get into fights, usually resulting in the younger kids to learn a few new words, not necessarily for the better
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mdzs-fics · 1 year
Tales from the Burial Mounds, part 1
Tales From the Burial Mounds is a collection of stories. A Collection on Archive of Our Own is a curated group of tales, mostly with similar themes or characters. The Curator has this to say about the collection:
Mostly wangxian
Includes but not limited to : Canon divergence Time travel Angst with happy ending Yunmeng siblings feels Hurt comfort Parents wangxian
This collection contains 63 works, and 73 additional Bookmarks. Readers may find works that other readers have both enjoyed and recommended through Collections. I will periodically mention other Collections as time goes on. Here is a sampling of five stories.
they who refuse to be blessed by sysrae
Canon Divergence 3 chapters 7k words
“What you would steal from me, Core-Melting Hand, I have already given away. I have undone your work, and now –” he lifts the dizi once more, “– I will undo you.”
Words not meant to be observed lead to better outcomes.
three surgeries and a mercy kill by MarbleGlove
AU-Fixit 1 chapter 11k words
It was trying to figure out how to help Wen Ning that finally created the unlooked for breakthrough for Wei Wuxian.
Wen Ning had been dying in the stone quarry turned mass grave of the Jin prison camp at Qiongqi Pass. He had been dying and no one there had the spiritual power to heal him, but Wei Wuxian had the resentful energy needed to halt everything, to preserve everything. Like a flower drowned in honey, the last flicker of Wen Ning's golden core was preserved, completely untouchable.
The attempt of Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing to figure out how to help Wen Ning become more than a Fierce Corpse led to the breakthrough for both Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian. After much theorizing in the Burial Mounds, a solution for Wen Ning is sought from the Nie Sect. Things change.
A War of Stone and Silence by kitsunealyc
Canon Divergence 1 chapter 4k words
After Lan Wangji stood up against the Lan elders to walk the single plank road alongside Wei Wuxian – or, to carry each other, since Wei Wuxian maintained you couldn’t walk abreast on a single plank road because it was a single plank road! – after he removed his forehead ribbon and jade pendant and placed them in Lan Xichen’s hands, quiet returned to the Burial Mounds.
In which there is a Wall of Argument at the base of the Burial Mounds until Wei Wuxian borrows Bichen for some commentary of his own.
Drag Me Into Your Coffin (I Will Drag Your Sins Into the Light) by the5leggedCricket
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Time Travel Fixit 1 chapter 2k words
Lan XiChen was rooted to the spot. Suddenly Jin GuangYao pulled Lan XiChen towards him, just as Nie MingJue grabbed him by the throat. The last thing Lan XiChen saw, was his brother reaching, reaching, hand moving through the air. And then, darkness.
In which Lan XiChen has an epiphany after finding himself back at the banquet that led to Wei Wuxian's downfall. Or, as I like to think, "Fool me once …"
some foolish thing I've done by sysrae
Modern - College 1 chapter 4k words
Ironically, it’s only thanks to his brand new hearing aid that Wei Wuxian hears Jiang Cheng say, “Hey, what’s that thing in your ear?”
In which a new hearing aid helps reveal old wounds and new hopes.
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errantabbot · 2 years
Real Talk About Real Practice
Meditation isn’t a magic bullet, it’s also not any greatly mysterious practice. It’s very simple, and its benefits are in step with its simplicity.
In this, meditation is a bit like a diet and exercise regime. The processes and procedures of eating well and moving adequately are too very simple, but they can feel quite daunting. However, if one follows the regime the benefits are all but entirely guaranteed and predictable with mathematical precision. Despite this simplicity, so much of what gets tossed around as “the benefit(s) of meditation” is greatly exaggerated, and when not, focused entirely on ancillary effects.
In the Zen vein, which informs so many currently in vogue contemplative traditions (despite their many names to the contrary, from Catholic “centering prayer” to “Jewish mindfulness meditation”), meditation is parsed down to its bare essentials: the positioning of the body so as to facilitate control of the breath and focused attention on the contents of the mind, especially as it interfaces with the gates of perception.
Meditation is in essence an intentional recalibration of one’s internal reality to the world beyond it, and indeed, through it. In this recalibration we regain the ability, as if anew, to perceive things as they are and to respond to them in kind.
Most all of our suffering, personal and collective, bounds from the fundamental misalignment of perception to reality, and then from our miscalculated and malformed reactions to the reality we presume to encounter, which is often anything but the one before our eyes and beneath our feet.
When we see things as they are, and respond to them as we may, with aware acceptance and whatever agency is at our disposal, we cease from strife. This abandoning of superfluous ado (note: strife), so often primed with unexamined grief and unchecked longing, is at the very heart of what meditation is all about.
Sure, sitting quietly for a time may lower your blood pressure for a time (ever wonder why the nurse at your doctor’s office keeps you waiting for 5-10 minutes in the consult room before taking your vitals?), and you might even build a simultaneous distance and tolerance from and for the stressors in your life with constant practice, but these aims miss the mark. They supplant what should be the intentionals of practice with incidentals of practice. And overtime the results become less and less remarkable, and one finds themself still laden with strife.
To practice meditation well we must be clear about what meditation is, and what it is for. Practice that avoids these questions is a bit like having exploratory surgery without any particular indication, save for generalized dis-ease- better to wait for a clear symptomatology that points toward a clear diagnosis and treatment plan.
In the case of Zen, the symptoms of the generalized dis-ease of human being are clearly addressed in the fundamental assertions of the “Four Noble Truths,” that are best explored in tandem with a competent spiritual director (just as surgery is best guided by a highly skilled physician). This teaching is supported by others, namely those concerning one reality (sunyata), two perspectives (samvrti and paramartha), and three seals (anitya, anatma, and dukkha/nirvana), alongside the practice of the five precepts, and six perfections.
Each of these teaching are provisional, and require exploration and confirmation in one’s own experience, supported of course with the practice of meditation for the gestalt that is Zen practice to come together and actualize the aims it endeavors to deliver on (no less than the transcendence of suffering and the realization of wellbeing despite all of life’s machinations to the contrary).
Frankly, not all modes or traditions of meditation are created nor supported equally. Zen’s robust philosophical heritage, which doesn’t require faith in things unseen and unmanifest is a unique strength, but not one that can or should be subscribed to frivolously.
On any path their looms the possibility of caveats and roadblocks that need to be carefully traversed. In Zen we’re reminded time and time again that this is best done in the company of an experienced and competent guide, but those can be indeed hard to find. When setting out to find such a spiritual friend be sure to ask yourself if beyond the trappings of religiosity, they manifest the personal qualities that they seek to help you arrive at.
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murielcook · 23 hours
the trouble with gender when you're trying to have none
i expect to be gendered by normcore cis people, so depending on how much i care about their opinion (mostly if they have any institutional power over me or people i care about), i will style myself to their expectations or if they don't have power just let them think whatever negative things they want if i fail some gender test. this lets me continue to provide for people who are more vulnerable than I am. It is at minimum uncomfortable, and sometimes painful, but that is a price happily paid. If I only had myself to risk, I might take a different road, but people rely on me for this ability to move in these spaces without immediately being flagged as Other. With the messed up systems we have and the biases people are allowed to wield to hurt people they have decided aren't doing gender correctly, the cover I can give & interference I can run is pretty important.
Visibly, I had breast reduction surgery which of course i heavily couch in physical relief from pain when talking to those normal types who can impact my livelihood. This is a component but not the biggest component of why it was important; the mental and spiritual stress were far, far greater. (Frankly, none if it should be anybody's goddamn business, but that's the whole thing isn't it??) Mostly invisibly, I am fucking with my hormones to the extent I can afford without getting too deep into grey or black market, because I need to know what feels good, what fits. It's complex. i am broke and have dodgy health so i gotta mind my ps and qs. Doctors only know 2 genders and they aren't good at either, we know this, it's well past needing to change but that's a whole conversation.
around people in the know, i at least let my guard down and don't act as though i'm being actively policed for Correct Gender. I play in the space more, mix up self-reference, presentation, etc. Share more about self-experimentation. I don't have to self-police (and it IS policing) for how my actions may make me look abnormal but I don't get too wet and wild with it. There's a lot of years of defense to still scrape off, and for the most part i simply prefer to not "be gendered" to the extent such a thing is possible. people do engage with me in a gendered way and part of being in safer waters is learning how that feels, and actually being able to think what to do with it and about it instead of just re-conforming before I'm corrected. For a long time it simply wasn't an option, and there's no script, no good sign posts, few examples to follow, for when you aren't going from A to B.
but there are people who feel like this approach is fraudulent, or "cis but you think you're special", and a drain on transgender social goals. (acceptance, seriousness, etc) I mostly try not to engage with people that feel that way, we're simply never going to get along and I already navigate baseline disrespect, I don't need to add active hostility to the mix. What gets me down about that situation though, is it does set up a barrier where i am still required to police my language and behavior to avoid causing problems that can either waste a bunch of time or close off valuable resources, not just for me but also for people who associate with me. it's harder to deal with from people also outside the cis experience, because it's less predictable, and far more frustrating. limiting the definition of "doing it right" is part of how things got so terrible to deal with in the first place.
The best thing to do is take a deep breath, know that we're all going through it, and not take it personally. but you know i'm just not that good so sometimes I get upset about it. have a fun little spiral about all the times I felt like shit over gender, that sort of thing. most people who'd think uncharitable or flat out wrong things about me can't do jack shit about it, and that's a relief. i think the rest has to come down to blocking and moving on with my day, because unless the dynamic changes where it's someone i HAVE to work with, then i'm just wasting my own day on someone who hates me for reasons they either mostly made up or that have nothing to do with either of us!
HGNNNNGNNNNNNGHHhhhhh okay i'm good.
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Explore the Different Private Sitting Services for Elderly Care
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When providing care for elderly loved ones, private sitting services offer a range of options tailored to meet various needs. These services can provide invaluable support, ensuring that seniors receive the attention and assistance they need while allowing them to remain in the comfort of their own homes. Understanding the different types of private sitting services can help you decide what is best for your family. Here's a comprehensive overview of the various private sitting services for elderly care.
Companion Care
Companion care is designed to offer emotional support and companionship to elderly individuals. This type of service focuses on providing social interaction, conversation, and engaging activities to help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. 
Companions can assist with light housekeeping, meal preparation, and transportation to appointments or social events. These private sitting services for elderly care  are ideal for relatively independent seniors who may need additional support to enhance their quality of life.
Personal Care
Personal care services, also known as custodial care, go beyond companionship to assist with activities of daily living (ADLs). These private sitting services for elderly care include help with personal hygiene, grooming, dressing, and toileting. 
Personal care aides can also assist with mobility, transfers, and positioning. Seniors who need help with personal tasks but do not require medical care can benefit from the services. Personal care services ensure that seniors maintain their dignity and comfort while receiving the support they need.
Home Health Care
Home healthcare services are provided by certified nurses and physical therapists. These services are more medically oriented and designed for individuals who have specific health conditions or need skilled medical care. 
\Home health care can include services such as wound care, medication management, physical therapy, and vital sign monitoring. This type of service is essential for seniors recovering from surgery, managing chronic conditions, or requiring medical oversight.
Respite Care
Respite care provides temporary relief for family caregivers who need a break from their caregiving responsibilities. This type of service allows family members to take time off while ensuring their loved one receives high-quality care. 
Depending on the family's needs, respite care can be arranged for a few hours, days, or even weeks. These private sitting services for elderly care help prevent caregiver burnout and ensure that seniors receive consistent care and support.
Alzheimer's and Dementia Care
Specialized care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or dementia is crucial for managing the unique challenges associated with these conditions. Dementia care services include assistance with memory loss, cognitive stimulation, and behavioral support.
 Caregivers are trained to handle the specific needs of individuals with dementia. They include managing agitation and confusion and ensuring safety. This type of care helps improve the quality of life for the individual and their family members.
6.; End-of-Life Care
End-of-life care focuses on providing comfort and support to individuals nearing the end of their lives. It is also known as palliative care or hospice care. This care aims to alleviate pain, manage symptoms, and offer emotional and spiritual support. 
Caretakers work closely with families to ensure the individual's final days are as peaceful and dignified as possible. End-of-life care can be provided in the home or a specialized facility, depending on the individual's and their family's preferences.
Post-Hospitalization Care
Post-hospitalization care is designed for individuals who have recently been discharged from a hospital and need additional support during their recovery. These private sitting services for elderly care include assistance with medication management, wound care, physical therapy, and monitoring of health conditions. 
Post-hospitalization care helps prevent complications and ensures a smooth transition from hospital to home, allowing seniors to recover in a familiar and supportive environment.
Transportation Services
Transportation services are essential to private sitting services, particularly for seniors who have mobility issues or do not drive. They include transportation, medical appointments, grocery shopping, social activities, and other essential errands. Reliable transportation ensures seniors can maintain their independence and access the necessary services and activities.
Live-In Care
Live-in care involves a caregiver residing in the senior's home to provide round-the-clock support. These private sitting services for elderly care are ideal for individuals who require constant assistance or supervision. 
Live-in caregivers offer comprehensive services, including personal care, household tasks, and companionship. This arrangement allows seniors to receive consistent care while remaining home.
Hourly Care
Hourly care provides flexible support based on the specific needs of the senior. Caregivers are available for a set number of hours each day or week, allowing families to customize the level of care required. 
These private sitting services for elderly care are perfect for individuals who need assistance with specific tasks or during particular times of the day. Hourly care offers a cost-effective solution while ensuring seniors receive the required help.
Private sitting services from OpenHeaven Healthcare LLC offer diverse options to meet the varying needs of elderly individuals. Whether you seek companionship, personal care, or specialized medical support, a service is tailored to provide the right level of care and support. By understanding the different types of private sitting services, you can make an informed decision that best supports the well-being and quality of life of your loved ones.
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adoctorx · 23 days
Some people claim that home remedies can shrink a pituitary tumor naturally. There’s no evidence that this is true, but good lifestyle habits may help support your overall health. Pituitary tumors are relatively common, and most of these tumors aren’t cancerous. Small pituitary tumors that aren’t causing symptoms and are unlikely to cause problems in the future might not require any particular treatment. However, even noncancerous tumors can cause problems if they grow large and press on other structures, such as your optic nerve. Some tumors also produce excess pituitary hormones and cause many unwanted changes throughout your body. Currently, there’s no scientific evidence that you can shrink a pituitary tumor with home remedies. Some tumors shrink in response to certain medications, such as dopamine agonists. Pituitary tumors can also shrink by themselves. Is it possible to shrink a pituitary tumor naturally? Many health blogs claim that you can naturally shrink pituitary tumors, but these claims aren’t based on medical evidence. Some of the proposed methods of shrinking tumors include: acupuncture taking dietary supplements, such as: omega-3s curcumin reishi mushroom milk thistle ashwagandha making dietary changes, such as eating more: berries cruciferous vegetables green tea mind-body therapies, such as: meditation yoga tai chi energy medicines, such as: reiki qigong therapeutic touch spiritual healing Many websites claiming that it’s possible to shrink tumors naturally advise taking dietary supplements with no research to support their use. They often either sell these products themselves or provide links to an affiliated partner. Although no home remedies are known to be effective for shrinking pituitary tumors, some home remedies might benefit your overall health. For example, yoga or tai chi can potentially help you minimize stress, and berries and green tea contain molecules that have several established health benefits. What are the types of pituitary tumors? The most common type of pituitary tumor is an adenoma. Almost all of these tumors are noncancerous. They can be divided into functioning if they secrete pituitary hormones and non-functioning if they don’t. Tumors that secrete hormones are often named after the hormone they secrete. They include: prolactinomas, if they make prolactin somatotroph adenomas, if they make growth hormone corticotroph adenomas, if they make adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) gonadotroph adenomas, if they make luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) thyrotroph adenomas, if they make thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) plurihormonal adenoma, if they make more than one hormone How is a pituitary tumor treated? Small pituitary tumors that aren’t cancerous often don’t need treatment if they aren’t causing symptoms and are unlikely to cause symptoms in the future. The best treatment for larger tumors depends on factors such as: your tumor’s size your symptoms your type of tumor Some of the treatment options a doctor might recommend include: Surgery: The most common type of surgery is transsphenoidal surgery, where your pituitary gland is accessed through a small incision in your nasal cavity. Radiation therapy: A large dose of radiation is aimed at your tumor from outside of your skull to destroy the abnormal cells Medications: You may be given medications to prevent your tumor from producing excess hormones or to help shrink your tumor. Dopamine agonists are sometimes prescribed to shrink prolactinomas. You may receive: cabergoline (Dostinex) bromocriptine (Parlodel) Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is used as a palliative treatment. Palliative treatment means that it’s used to reduce your symptoms and improve your quality of life but doesn’t aim to cure your tumor. Living with a pituitary tumor If you have a pituitary
tumor, it’s important to go to all your regular follow-up appointments with a doctor so they can monitor whether your tumor is changing over time. Many people with pituitary tumors enjoy a high quality of life with minimal effects. If you’re having difficulty coping with your conditions, you may find it helpful to talk with a therapist or other mental health expert. Outlook The outlook for people with pituitary tumors varies depending on factors such as your type of tumor and whether it’s secreting hormones. Small tumors that aren’t causing problems might not need treatment in the future. The most common type of pituitary tumor is prolactinoma, which makes up about 40% of all pituitary tumors. These tumors excrete the hormone prolactin, which can cause complications such as: infertility bone loss headaches low levels of other pituitary hormones vision problems The majority of people with small prolactinomas have an excellent outlook. Larger prolactinomas can be unpredictable. Frequently asked questions What foods should you avoid with a pituitary tumor? If you have a pituitary tumor, it can be helpful to avoid foods that cause inflammation, such as processed foods and unhealthy fats. Can the pituitary gland repair itself? The pituitary gland may be able to repair itself as it contains stem cells that can regenerate. However, further research is still needed to fully understand this function. What vitamin is good for the pituitary gland? Vitamins that are good for the pituitary gland include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and vitamin B12. What‍ Are ‍Pituitary⁣ Tumors? Pituitary‌ tumors are abnormal growths that develop in the pituitary gland, a small gland located at the base of the brain responsible for hormone production. These‌ tumors can be ‍either benign (noncancerous) or, in very rare cases, malignant (cancerous). Can Pituitary Tumors Be Treated Naturally? Currently, there is no scientific evidence supporting the⁢ idea​ that ⁣pituitary tumors​ can be shrunk ⁤or treated naturally through lifestyle changes, supplements,⁤ or ⁣alternative medicine.⁢ Medical intervention⁢ is typically necessary. What ⁢Are ​the Symptoms⁣ of Pituitary Tumors? Symptoms can vary depending⁣ on the type ​and size ⁢of the tumor. Common symptoms include headaches, vision problems, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, unexplained weight changes, and ‌mood ​swings. It's important to consult a healthcare‍ professional if you experience‌ any ‍of these symptoms. Why is ‌Early Diagnosis Important? Early diagnosis​ is crucial⁤ in ‍managing pituitary⁢ tumors as it increases the likelihood of successful treatment. Diagnosis often involves hormone testing, imaging‍ studies like MRI‍ or CT scans, and sometimes vision testing. What⁢ are the Conventional Treatments for Pituitary Tumors? Conventional treatments include medication, surgery, and radiation therapy. ⁣The choice of treatment ‌depends⁢ on the tumor's size, type, and impact on hormone ⁢production,⁢ as well as⁤ the patient’s overall health. Are ‌There Lifestyle Changes That Might ‌Support Treatment? While‌ lifestyle‌ changes cannot⁢ replace conventional treatment, ​maintaining a healthy diet, ‌regular exercise, and ⁢stress management​ can ⁣support ‌overall health, potentially aiding recovery. However, these are⁣ supplementary to, ‍not replacements ‌for, medical treatments. Is​ It Safe to​ Use​ Alternative Therapies? Alternative therapies, like ⁢herbal supplements ‍or acupuncture, have not ‌been proven⁣ to shrink pituitary tumors, and some may interfere with standard treatments. Always consult ⁤your ⁣healthcare provider‌ before trying ‍any alternative treatments. What Should You ​Do if⁣ You Suspect ⁣You Have a Pituitary Tumor? If ⁢you suspect you have ⁤symptoms of a pituitary tumor, it's essential to consult ‍a healthcare professional for assessment and ​diagnosis. Early medical intervention⁢ can⁤ significantly influence treatment outcomes.
Who Should Manage Treatment for a Pituitary Tumor? A team of ‌specialists, including endocrinologists, neurosurgeons, and oncologists, typically manage pituitary tumor treatments. These professionals work together to⁢ create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to the patient's needs. ‌ Can Lifestyle Habits ​Impact Tumor Growth? There is​ no scientific evidence that lifestyle ‌habits,‍ such as⁤ diet or exercise, directly impact tumor growth. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle ⁢can⁤ support overall well-being and may help alleviate some symptoms. What Role Does Diet Play in Managing Symptoms? While‍ diet alone cannot treat pituitary tumors, a balanced diet may help manage ⁣symptoms associated with ⁤hormonal imbalances. A healthcare​ provider or​ nutritionist can offer⁤ personalized dietary advice. ‌ How Often Should You‍ Monitor a Pituitary Tumor? Monitoring depends on the tumor type and treatment plan. Your doctor will guide you on how frequently you need check-ups and‍ imaging⁤ studies. Regular follow-ups are crucial ‍to assess the tumor’s behavior and effectiveness of ⁢treatment. Takeaway There is no evidence that natural remedies can effectively shrink pituitary tumors. However, some remedies, like eating more vegetables or practicing tai chi, might benefit general health. Most pituitary tumors aren’t cancerous, and some can even shrink spontaneously. A doctor can help you determine whether your tumor needs treatment, such as medications or surgery. Some pituitary tumors shrink by themselves or with the help of medications.
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ayurintegrativemed · 2 months
Holistic Cancer Treatments: Understanding the Journey to Recovery
Facing a cancer diagnosis is a challenging journey that often requires a multifaceted approach to treatment and healing. In recent years, holistic cancer treatments have gained popularity for their comprehensive approach to addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of cancer care. This article explores the principles of holistic cancer treatments and offers guidance on navigating the path to recovery.
Understanding Holistic Cancer Treatments:
Holistic cancer treatments recognize that cancer affects the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – and seek to address all aspects of a patient's well-being. Unlike traditional cancer treatments that focus solely on eradicating cancer cells, holistic approaches aim to support the body's natural healing processes, alleviate treatment side effects, and improve overall quality of life.
Key Components of Holistic Cancer Treatments:
Conventional Medical Therapies: Holistic cancer treatments often begin with conventional therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted drug therapies. These treatments are aimed at directly targeting cancer cells and reducing tumor burden.
Complementary and Alternative Therapies: In addition to conventional treatments, holistic cancer care incorporates complementary and alternative therapies that work alongside medical interventions. These may include acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, meditation, nutritional therapy, herbal supplements, and mind-body practices.
Emotional and Psychological Support: Holistic cancer treatments recognize the emotional toll of a cancer diagnosis and offer support services to help patients cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and fear. Counseling, support groups, art therapy, and relaxation techniques can provide valuable emotional support throughout the cancer journey.
Nutritional Counseling: Proper nutrition plays a vital role in supporting the body's healing and recovery process during cancer treatment. Holistic cancer treatments often include nutritional counseling to help patients maintain a balanced diet, manage treatment side effects, and support overall health and well-being.
Spiritual and Mind-Body Practices: Spiritual and mind-body practices such as meditation, prayer, mindfulness, and guided imagery can help patients find inner peace, resilience, and spiritual well-being amidst the challenges of cancer treatment.
Understanding the Journey to Recovery:
Navigating the journey to recovery with holistic cancer treatments requires collaboration between patients, healthcare providers, and support networks. Here are some tips for navigating the path to recovery:
Educate Yourself: Take the time to research holistic cancer treatments and discuss your options with your healthcare team. Ask questions, seek second opinions, and gather information to make informed decisions about your treatment plan.
Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, and healthcare providers who can offer emotional support, guidance, and encouragement throughout your cancer journey.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's needs and communicate openly with your healthcare team about any symptoms or side effects you may experience. Adjust your treatment plan as needed to prioritize your well-being and comfort.
Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities such as rest, relaxation, exercise, and hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment. Taking care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being is essential for navigating the challenges of cancer treatment.
Stay Positive and Hopeful: Maintain a positive outlook and cultivate hope and resilience as you navigate the ups and downs of cancer treatment. Focus on the present moment, celebrate small victories, and lean on your support network for encouragement and inspiration.
Holistic cancer treatments offer a comprehensive approach to healing that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of cancer care. By incorporating conventional medical therapies with complementary and alternative treatments, patients can navigate the journey to recovery with resilience, hope, and a sense of empowerment. Through education, support, and self-care, individuals facing a cancer diagnosis can embrace holistic approaches to treatment and healing on their path to recovery.
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protagonist52 · 3 months
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#RoadtoRecoveryWithSUPERKev2024 continued at Southern New England Surgery Center in Attleboro when my name was called.
For #MotivationMonday I share with you that last Tuesday (6/25) SUPERKev successfully underwent achilles surgery. While I may not be religious, I am spiritual and I want to personally thank everyone for their prayers, calls, offers and help.
After checking in the office, I sent my belongings minus my phone with my mom, and I had to change into the Johnny (i think that is what it is called) along with the hospital socks with the nice grip.
One requirement was no jewels. Due to this requirement, the typical SUPERKev selfie with silver bracelets/chains and the iconic (most likely $1) shades were replaced with the checkin bracelet and hair net.
This test is definitely becoming a part of my testimony and I want to use this my trials and tribulations to educate others and while I will never wish injury on anyone, when the injury bug strikes, this post may help others.
Double tap if you agree 🏋🏾‍♂️🏋🏾‍♂️
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#SUPERKevDownbutNotOut #RECOVERYKev #SouthernNewEnglandSurgeryCenter #SouthernNewEnglandSurgicalCenter #Selfie
(P.S. Special S/O to SUPERMimi for helping me get to the hospital on time for each appointment.)
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By: Alejandro Sanchez
Published: May 22, 2024
Following the Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy earlier this month, Dr Alejandro Sanchez notes that while child rights continue to progress, boys at risk of non-therapeutic circumcision are being left behind.
Tuesday, May 7, marked the 12th annual Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy (WWDOGA). WWDOGA commemorates the anniversary of a landmark ruling of Cologne's Landgericht (Court of Appeal), which on May 7 2012 held that religious circumcision of boys amounted to criminal battery.
The ruling was, unfortunately, not to last. Unwilling to be the only jurisdiction in the world to outlaw non-therapeutic circumcision (NTMC), the Bundestag, Germany's parliament, passed a resolution to explicitly legalise the practice. This was despite "the constitutionally protected legal positions of the well-being of the child, the right to bodily integrity, [and] the right to religious freedom".
Nevertheless, the ruling makes Cologne in some sense the spiritual vanguard of the genital autonomy movement.
Each year in the city, WWDOGA brings together doctors, lawyers and child rights advocates from across the globe to process through the streets in opposition to all forms of non-therapeutic childhood genital cutting: female genital mutilation (FGM), circumcision and intersex cutting. The day culminates in speeches in the old town square.
This year, Rubine Singh, of Cologne's intersex support group baraka, shared a moving story of being born intersex in India and being spared unnecessary genital surgery.
"I stand here today as a happy and lucky intersex person", Rubine said, adding: "I want to live in a world where it is not a matter of luck whether you face the knife."
Lilith Raza, of Germany's Lesbian and Gay Federation+, powerfully recounted being subjected to NTMC at the age of five without anaesthesia and pinned down by four people
For me, WWODGA serves as an opportunity to take stock on our work to end non-consensual religious and cultural circumcision. As I mentioned in my speech, it's been a busy year for the NSS on this front: We've lobbied MPs, met with medical organisations, made the case against circumcision before the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva, and recruited prominent voices in cutting communities to support our campaign.
It also represents a chance to think about opportunities that lie ahead.
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Children's Health takes a permissive stance on NTMC. It defers to General Medical Council guidance which not only greenlights circumcision, but permits parents to "invite their religious adviser to be present during the procedure to give advice on how it should be performed to meet the requirements of their faith." (The mind boggles.)
However, the College's recent call for a legislative ban on "smacking, hitting, and slapping" a child will put its stance on NTMC to the test. Readers will reach their own conclusions on the wisdom of such a ban, but it would seem absurd to support criminalising a smack on the bottom while defending the 'right' to cut off part of a child's penis.
Meanwhile, Scotland has become the first nation in the UK to incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) into domestic law. The UNCRC Act, due to come into force in July, will impose a duty on public bodies to act compatibly with the Convention.
Statutory guidance on the Act recognises "childhood is a special time which must have additional protections" and sets out a vision to make Scotland "the best place in the world to grow up". This vision is to be underpinned by the four 'General Principles' of the UNCRC: non-discrimination, the best interests of the child, the child's right to life and the child's right to be heard.
This is to be commended. There is, however, one snag: Scotland is also the only UK nation to provide ritual circumcision on its NHS. How will Bute House reconcile its lofty language on child rights with a state-sanctioned programme of infant genital cutting that nakedly violates all four General Principles?
For a solution, they need look no further than the 2016 recommendation of the Committee that oversees the CRC: "Ensure that no one is subjected to unnecessary medical or surgical treatment during infancy or childhood" and "guarantee bodily integrity, autonomy and self-determination to children concerned".
It is telling that in response the Scottish government laid out strategies to end FGM and intersex cutting, but remained silent on NTMC. The head in the sand approach is a tried-and-true one, and it's easy to feel that nothing will ever change.
As I said at WWDOGA, when it comes to circumcision: "the task is daunting and progress is slow, but we won't give up."
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