#may she rest in peace đŸ€
kenneth-williams-diaries · 9 months
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“As far as I’m concerned, I’m not interested in playing the role on only one level. The whole point of first-class acting is to make a reality of it. To be real. And I have to make sense of it in my own mind in order to be real.”
“I would sooner play in a good British picture than in the majority of American pictures I have seen.”
5 October 1923 - 4 January 2024
... may she rest in peace âœšïžđŸ•Š
Photo: Glynis (as Marion Southey) with a young, ambitious Kenneth Williams (as Peter Wishart) in the adventure film "The Seekers" (UK/New Zealand), released in June 1954.
Ken's diary entry on 29 September 1953:
"Peter Eade rang to say I'd got the film part!!! Wishart!!! The leads are Jack Hawkins and Glynis Johns. It seems fantastic. But I know that it is part of the pattern. I am destined to be a good actor."
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andreakedavra · 2 years
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inuiiwonderland · 1 year
Why hate me |part 2|
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A/n: Finally! Part 2 here! Hope you enjoy loveliesđŸ€
Warnings: mentions of blood and a bit of body horror(?) I think idk but still putting that here just in case! Lots and LOTS of angst, malleus is bit of a jerk in the beginning. Angst to comfort/fluff
Words: 3k
News of your disappearance was broadcasted everywhere. The moment you stepped foot outside NRC grounds and never made it back to briar valley, all hell broke loose.
The people of briar valley were in panic
What happened to the future queen of briar valley? Where did she go? Was she abducted? And if so, is she even alive? Is the future queen alive?
What if she dead?
Those are the questions the people ask.
What could have possibly happened to you?
Lilia sighs as once again, nothing
.no signs of you.
He’s been sending out royal guards to go out and look for you. He spent sleepless nights trying to find any evidence of your disappearance, but yet nothing.
When the news of your disappearance reached him, he was a mess. He was worried! You were just in NRC and now they’re saying you’re missing?!
He blames himself for not stopping you that day. He blames himself because he thinks he’s the reason why you disappeared.
If only he stopped you from leaving. If only he asked what was wrong. If only he didn’t let you come to NRC that day then maybe you would still be here.
The sound of the door slamming shut reached the ears of everyone in the dining hall. The sounds of heels clicking off the marble floors and sniffling reached Lilia's ears.
And there you were
Standing by the doorway of the dining hall with an apologetic look.
“Sorry Lilia, but I have to go now” He frowns at your appearance.
Are you crying?
“Oh dear, what happened?” He asks as he stands up but you quickly stop him.
“No no! No need to worry about me. I-I just don’t feel well”
“Are you sick lady y/n?!” Sebek worriedly yells out. You giggle at his concern before smiling.
“Something like that. But I’ll go home now” Silver then quickly stands up.
“Your bags! I’ll go help-“
“There is no need, I have it all under control” You say before giving him a soft smile. Lilia still felt like something was wrong.
“Dear, did you have a fight with malleus?” He watches as your figure stiffens at the mention of the dragon boy's name.
“O-of course not! Mal is very good to me”
Something isn’t right
You apologize once more before leaving.
That was the last time anyone saw you
And lilia regrets not stopping you
“Father” Lilia was snapped out of his thoughts by silver who stood by the doorway. Looking at him worriedly.
“Silver..” He smiles at the sight of his son.
“You haven’t slept at all” Lilia just smiles.
“Don’t worry about little old me, I’ll be fine” Silver frowns at his father's words. His father may be a fae, but silver knows that even faes can get tired.
“Y/n would not like this if she saw you right now” He says. Silver is also worried about you but he is even more worried about his father’s health.
Lilia just looks down knowing his son is right. You would always tell Lilia to take care of himself. Hating to see him or anyone sick because of poor health.
“How the search in your end” Silver looks down with disappointment.
“Nothing, we couldn’t find any traces of lady y/n” He says. Lilia sighs before turning around.
“Very well then
“Please take care of yourself
.y/n would hate to see you stress”
Lilia only nods before silver excuses himself
“Just where could you be y/n” Lilia mumbles as he looks out the window.
Malleus walks around the palace garden, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the garden.
Ever since your disappearance. Him and the rest were allowed to go back home to handle the situation of your disappearance. To say he was displeased about leaving Akane alone at NRC was an understatement.
He hated everything about this.
So what if you're missing, Why is he supposed to care? Why is everyone making this a huge deal?
He hates that everyone is in panic and worried about your disappearance.
Future queen of briar valley missing? HA, you would never have been his queen in the first place if he got a say in it. He is only marrying you because of his parents' promise to yours!
You're a selfish and ignorant fool! Just like your parents. Your parents are the reason his parents are gone! Wanting the throne but only died in the process trying to achieve it.
That's why you're still alive. Because you want to finish what your parents have started!
That's why he promised himself to never love you! To not fall into the same trap his fell into.
Ever since he was little, after what he saw that day. He made sure not to fall for you.
Why couldn’t you just give up? Always with a sweet smile on your face. Couldn’t you see he is trying not to fall into the same trap his parents fell into? Why are you still so nice to him!
He did everything he could to make you give up and hate him but nothing! You called him sweet names even if he told you he hated them. You always made sure that he was okay and always looked after him.
You even cooked him food! Food that he never ate. Even after hours of working on it, he never ate it.
What if you poisoned it? He can’t fall for that!
He watches as you fail to get his trust. And when he thinks you have given up, nope! You still tried! You still continue to be that sweet and doting girl he grew up with.
Even when you guys were little, you were so nice and sweet to him. Always asking if he wanted to play with you, sharing your snacks with him even if he declined, asking him if he wants to take a stroll around the palace gardens, hell even asking him for a dance during balls!!
And he hates himself for falling for your charms. He hates that his little younger self fell for your foolish acts. That is why he made it his mission to act EXTRA cold towards you.
Even if his heart aches a bit at the small frown that decorates your face when he declines or ignores your attempts of gaining his trust.
But he can’t fall for the same trap his parents fell into, he can’t!
Whispers could be heard as Malleus walked down the palace halls.
Of course, once again mentioning you when they see him. One glare was enough to shut them up.
Malleus makes his way to Lilia room with both sebek and silver behind him. Once he reaches lilia room, the door opens.
“Malleus we need to talk” Malleus raises a brow.
“Is something wrong Lilia?”
“Yes please come in” malleus walks in as both silver and sebek wait outside. Lilia closes the door shut and sighs.
before y/n disappearance, did the two of you have an argument?” Malleus frowns at the mention of your name before letting out a deep sigh.
“Why are we talking about her? Why does it matter?” Lilia's eyes widen at Malleus' lack of concern for you.
she your fiancĂ©â€
“And so what if she’s my fiancĂ©? She did us a favor for finally going away”
“Why do you guys even care for seven sakes! She could have killed us if she becomes queen! It’s good that she is gone now so none of us could be in danger now!” Lilia stares at malleus with a hint of disappointment.
“Malleus, why do you think she dangerous?”
“Because she’ll turn out just like her parents. She’ll end up killing me after she becomes queen, isn’t that the whole reason why my parents are dead?!” Lilia's eyes widened in shock. Did malleus really think you’ll turn out like your parents.
“How-how did you know?”
“Because I saw it that day
I saw my parents die in the hands of her parents” Lilia sits down and motions for malleus to do the same. As the future king of briar valley sits down, Lilia begins talking.
“Malleus, you have it all wrong”
“What” Lilia pauses before talking again.
“Y/n had nothing to do with her parents plans of overtaking the throne, she doesn’t even know the real reason why her parents died. She thinks they died in a fire accident but they didn’t”
“Y/n never intended to hurt any of us. All the wrong things her parents did had nothing to do with her. She is innocent malleus, believe me when I say that she innocent”
Malleus looks shocked. Eyes wide and mouth agape.
Your innocent?
“She has no clue about anything. She isn’t trying to kill you or any of us when she becomes queen. She genuinely loves you malleus”
“Because the way her eyes shine brighter than a thousand stars with adoration and love when she talks about you is proof that she will never do something like that to you”
She loves me?
“Impossible! That can’t be-“
“It’s true” His eyes snapped to the voice that interrupted him. It was silver.
“Silver what are-“
“I’m sorry father, but I can’t help but to stand up for lady y/n” His eyes then land to malleus.
“Y/n loves you very much. She always asks me about you and your wellbeing. She always tells me to make sure you're taking care of yourself and report back if anything seems off. She clearly loves you malleus”
At this point malleus was confused
You're not trying to kill him? Or the others? You're not trying to overtake his throne? You actually love him?
“I believe you need some time to think. Sebek, come take malleus back to his room please”
“Of course lord Lilia!”
Malleus gets up from his seat as he makes his way towards the door. As he was about to leave, Lilia called out to him.
“She not like her parents and she would never be”
Malleus then turns around and walks away
He misunderstood everything
The sounds of birds chirping and the sound of the water stream calmed you as you continued walking down the rocky path.
How long has it been since you left? About
.two weeks now

You're sure Lilia and the others are worried sick but those cruel words that left malleus lips that night stuck to you like glue.
You should’ve died in that fire with your parents!
What did you even do to deserve such cruel words? Does malleus hate you that much?
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sudden shouts and sounds of horses. You quickly ran from the path and hid behind a tree. You peeked and watched as multiple men in horses rode past you.
It was the Royal guards
They were definitely looking for you
You looked down before sighing again
“How long should I stay out here”
You won’t lie. You miss your home. But then again, you don’t want to face malleus again.
“Why do you hate me mal? Why?”
But your question was left unanswered
Suddenly, you felt a small pinch in your arm. You looked down at your arm to see a needle before looking around to see who did it. By the time you saw that you weren’t alone your vision started blurring.
You felt multiple hands grab you but you struggled as to whatever they injected you with was now flowing in your system.
someone please help!”
Your eye’s flutter open and you can feel your head ache. You groaned at the headache but then you started to feel weird. Very weird.
You didn’t know why, but your heart began to beat very fast for some reason. You look down to see that you were only in a long white nightgown dress.
But something still felt off
You then moved but stopped when you felt a sharp pain on your back. You also heard the sounds of chains hitting the ground and realized that you have chains on both of your wrists. You couldn’t move right as the pain in your back grew more intense.
What happened to you?
Where are you?
Suddenly, you hear a door open and you look up to see a shady man standing by the doorway.
“Your awake”
“Where am I?!” You scream out.
“Woah woah easy there now! No need to get all mad”
“What did you do to me?! You better h-have no-“
“Woah course not! But
we did something even better” He smirks and your eyes widen in fear at what he meant by that. He then calls some people over and you wait in fear.
What you saw next broke your heart as you started to shake in fear, sadness, and in rage.
3 strong tall men come in the room while also carrying something big ... .something big and something that means so much to you.
It was your wings
They have cut off your wings

“Do you realize how much madol we could make off your wings? Especially since you're also a fae and even a royal fae at that!” He says as he lets out a loud laugh. You just stare at your wings that were held up on display in horror.
“We will be rich boys!”
They all cheered as all you could do was stare in agony.
“Thanks for wandering off all alone in those woods! Now we’ll make millions!”
They continue to cheer in front of you as you begin to cry. The pain from your back where your wings used to be and the pain in your heart was too much for your poor body.
How can people be so cruel?
Suddenly, their cheers were interrupted from a loud bang coming from outside. They stopped and looked at each other.
“What is that?”
“I-“ but before anyone could talk. The door to where you were slammed opened. From what you could make from your blurry vision, it seemed to be a guard.
a guard?!
“Lady y/n!”
You said before your body gave up.
You were back. You were finally back. But when Lilia saw the state that you were in when silver came in the castle holding you with blood covering him and you he felt like everything stopped.
He saw how much blood covered you and your dress. And his eyes widened in horror when he realized that your back had the most blood.
.t-they..those bastards cut off her wings”
Immediately, he called in the royal doctors to clean and treat your wounds. He was devastated for you and felt like he failed you by not keeping you safe.
Those guys will pay for what they have done to you. He’ll make sure of it.
Lilia watches as you peacefully lay down on the bed. You were still unconscious. Maybe it was from the shock.
“I’m sorry I failed you my dear”
The door suddenly opens and he sees a worried malleus. Malleus' eyes then land on you before a look of guilt overcomes his face.
“You can come in” Lilia says. Malleus nods before coming in and closing the door. He didn’t know what to say or do. Still ashamed of his past actions.
It was silent for a moment. None of them said a single word. Until Lilia decided that someone had to speak up.
“The doctors said she will be fine. She is a strong one after all” Malleus nods.
“She’ll wake up in a bit” Again, malleus nods.
“And when she does you better apologize”
“I will. I’m very disappointed in my actions and for causing so much pain and distress to y/n”
Lilia nods.
“Silver asked me to tell you that the guys who did this to y/n are now in the castles dungeon waiting for punishment”
“Very well then” He then gets up
“I want you to stay here and look after her while I’ll go deal with them” Malleus nods. Lilia looks at you one last time before heading out.
Now it was only you and malleus. He hesitates if he should sit down next to you or not. But he decides on the first one.
He sits down and watches as you peacefully sleep. He feels guilty. Extremely guilty. If only he wasn’t so consumed with anger and hatred then maybe this could have all been avoided.
If only he didn’t spit out those cruel words to you that night then maybe you wouldn’t have been in danger.
He hates himself for causing you so much pain
And he’ll respect your wish if you no longer want to see him again or even decide to not marry him.
After all, he was really a piece of shit towards you
“M-mal?” His heart drops and he quickly turns to see you looking at him with curious eyes.
“Y/n” You look around and realize you were back at the palace. But then you quickly gasp when you remember.
“M-my wings
t-those monsters c-cut off my wings!” He could feel his heart ache when tears started rolling down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry
.for everything” You were already sitting up as you continued to cry. Malleus didn’t know what to do. He was in distress seeing you crying and not knowing how to comfort you. He quickly got up and sat next to you in the bed as he then pulled you against his chest. He hugged you tightly as you continued to tremble in his arms by how much you were crying.
“My wings! My precious wings!”
“I know I know” He said as he tried to say comforting words as he held you. It was like that for a while until you finally started to calm down. All you could hear in the room was small sniffles coming from you.
Malleus still had a tight hold around you. Well not too tight since he doesn’t want to hurt you, especially your back.
I’m sorry this happened to you. And I also want to apologize about my earlier behavior towards you” You stayed silent.
“I know that my actions and words cannot be forgiven. But I still want you to know that I am truly sorry for the things I have done and said to you”
“And I’ll also make sure that those fools who dare to do this to you pay”
Again you were silent
Malleus didn’t mind your silence. Since again he was also not expecting you to forgive him straight away or even talk to him after everything.
“Malleus” He stiffened a bit when you said his name. Heart racing against his chest. He was nervous.
“I won’t say I’m not forgiving you
but I’m also not saying I’m forgiving you now”
“I will forgive you if you show me you truly are sorry after everything you’ve done” He nods.
“I’ll do anything to show you how truly sorry I am y/n”
You stayed silent and continued letting malleus hug you. You were quite satisfied with malleus answer.
“Very well then”
And trying he did. After malleus left your room to let you rest, he made his way down to the castle dungeon.
Once he got there, the guys were already in bad shape. They were severely beaten and they were already cowering in fear once they saw malleus.
“P-please! Have mercy!”
“W-were very s-sorry for w-what we have done!”
“Mercy? Sorry?!” He says furiously.
These fools have the audacity to beg for mercy and apologize even after what they did to you?!
“You guys have made a huge mistake cutting off a fae’s wings. And for what? Money?! And now you want me to show you mercy and take your apology?!” They shake in fear at malleus rage.
How foolish could these people be?
“From today onwards, you guys will suffer inhumane tortures until you can no longer take it anymore” Lilia says with a sinister grin.
“Guards! Take these fools to the torture chambers” loud pleas and apologies came from the men as they were dragged to the torture chambers.
Lilia then turns to malleus
“Has y/n awakened?”
“She has” Lilia nods.
“Did you apologize?”
“I did”
“And what did she say?”
“She told me that she will forgive me but not right now. I’ll have to work for her forgiveness and I promise I’ll do just that” Lilia smiles before patting malleus back.
“Well then, good luck”
You recovered over time. The people were happy that their future queen was found and safely protected in the palace’s walls.
Malleus and lilia decided to keep your accident a secret away from the people. Not wanting to cause any problems.
Lilia continues to check up on you. After everything that happened, he is scared that something like this will happen again.
But you try to calm him down and tell him that if anything is troubling you, you’ll tell him.
Which has calmed him down a bit. For now.
Silver is delighted that you're back and that now he has more time to spend with you. Whether it be walking around the palace garden, going into town, or even napping with him under some tree. Whatever it is, he doesn’t care because he loves spending time with you.
Sebek is also relieved that they have found you and that you have recovered. But still furious about what those people did to you. So That why he is always by your side 24/7 when you go outdoors, not that you mind.
And malleus. He is doing his absolute best to gain your forgiveness and to insure your safety. He doesn’t want to see you in pain ever again. He would never forgive himself if he saw you in pain again. Whether it be from others or worse, himself.
And you're happy that he is trying his hardest for your forgiveness.
To gain back your trust
and also your love
Here is the long awaited part 2! Yes Ik I did say I wanted to post part 2 of the vil angst and this at the same time but I finished this one early than the vil one so I couldn’t stop myself from posting it right away😓 but I hope part two clears up the bit of confusion from part one! (Why malleus hated reader!)
But! If your still confused. Basically reader’s parents were trying to overtake the throne and so they pretended to be very nice and lovely people which tricked malleus parents! That why he says “I can’t fall into the same trap my parents did!” Because his parents fell into reader’s parents fake kindness. Which resulted their deaths! (I hope that made sense..)
Anywaysss I hope you guys enjoyed!
Tag: @41sh4 @clover-w-anxiety @primrosesposts @nooneknows8976 @unloadingdata @dearangels @red-viewe @hachiko-ko @susvale
And I think that everyone who asked to be tagged ! If I missed anyone I’m truly sorry! I hope I didn’t miss anyone😓
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shadowdaddies · 1 year
what do you think about cassian with a mate that used to get bullied before they met, And one day they’re at ritas and she sees her old bullies and she freezes up. He notices and reader explains what happened, her bullies walk up to reader and act all friendly bc of cassian, they wanna be in the army or something so they act nice but cassian beats them up instead, and takes her home UGHH THE ANGSTT AND COMFORT AND FLUFFđŸ‘€đŸ€
Phew, I have a few angst requests in the works that I've needed some time to get in the right headspace to write. Thank you anon for sending in this ask, please enjoy Cassian being both therapist and mama bear
Cassian x Reader (angst to comfort/fluff)
Warnings: implied violence, mentions of bullying, lil bit of suggestiveness
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You were resting your head on Cassian’s shoulder, holding onto his bicep with one hand while sipping on your drink with the other. You had your eyes closed as you enjoyed the music at Rita’s, basking in the peace of the evening you were spending with Cassian. You recognized the band starting to play a song you loved, and you began singing along. As you opened your eyes to turn to Cassian who was also singing along, your heart dropped into your stomach. 
You froze, fight or flight mode taking over as you saw two familiar faces you’d prayed to the Mother you’d never see again, over by the bar. You quickly turned away, looking towards the ground as your shoulders curled inward. Cassian immediately caught on that something was wrong, gently rubbing your arm as he asked, “honey, what is going on? Are you alright?” You couldn’t help your reaction to his touch, instinctively shaking him off as the room felt like it was closing in on you. You couldn’t breathe as you started sweating, unable to lift your gaze from your shoes. You struggled to whisper to him, “I can’t be here. I need to go outside now,” before standing up and bolting out the door, Cassian following right behind you. 
Once you got outside in the fresh air, you felt like you could breathe again. Pacing back and forth, you racked your brain for what you must have done in another lifetime to deserve seeing those two males here, in a place that was supposed to be a refuge for you. Cassian watched you, wide-eyed, as he observed this side of you he had never seen before. He didn’t want to touch you without your permission after how spooked you were in Rita’s, so he cautiously whispered, “angel, is there anything I can do?”
Cassian’s uncharacteristically timid question was enough to snap you out of your thought spiral, as you couldn’t help but giggle seeing the feared Lord of Bloodshed shifting on his feet as he tried to determine the best way to support you. Your heart softened as you took in the concerned expression on his face. You held his hands in yours as you took a deep breath, and tried your best to explain what was happening. “Those two males who arrived at the bar right before we left, they bullied me for a lot of my childhood. They are the reason for so many of my insecurities, Cass, and I thought I had moved past it. But seeing them in there... It brought all of those emotions back. I haven’t gotten any better. They still have power over me and I hate it.” All of your pent-up emotions poured out of you as the tears again threatened to spill. 
Cassian took one of his hands from yours and brought it to cup your cheek. He looked into your eyes, and spoke with an unquestionable certainty, “You are beautiful. You are kind. You are loved. You are the most incredible person I have met in my life, and I can assure you that whatever problem they may have or had with you, came from their own faults and insecurities. Those males are not the type of people whose opinions we should value. Do you truly care what they think of you?”
You were taken aback by the question. You never considered if you even cared what they thought about you, and you felt the burden lift off your chest as you realized that you didn’t care. Why should you care what such hateful people think? You wouldn’t care about their opinions on anything else, so why about yourself? You shook your head as you took a deep breath. “No Cass, you’re right. I am above them.” Cassian smiled, “it’s normal to still be hurt by what they did. But you have grown, and continued to be kind, and that is how you have won.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead before leaning back to look at you with a cocked eyebrow, “I can kick their asses for you, though.” You laughed, shaking your head as you took Cassian’s hand, walking home. “As much as I would love that, they’re not worth it.” 
Almost as soon as the words were out of your mouth, you heard your name being called from behind you. You froze for only a moment before regaining your composure as you turned to see your former bullies approaching you. “It’s so good to see you! How are you?” They bombarded you with questions, acting as though they didn’t make your life a living Hel for years. You squeezed Cassian’s hand, both for support and to keep him from lunging at the males. One of them looked down at your joined hands with Cassian before they turned their attention to him. You seethed with rage as they flattered Cassian, asking him about joining the army and his connections in Illyria. Of course, they were so shameless as to use you to meet Cassian.
Cassian gave them curt answers until they asked about how they could join under his command. You were shocked to see Cassian smile as he invited them to the training ring the next day for testing to enlist. You abruptly dismissed yourself from the conversation, turning to continue your way back home when Cassian caught up with you. “What are you thinking, Cass?” you practically yelled at him. “Why would you want them as soldiers?” He smirked at you. “I didn’t invite them to enlist. I invited them to test.”
Late the next morning, you made your way downstairs to the dining room to grab some breakfast, when Azriel and Cassian walked through the door. You looked at their hands to see bloodied knuckles and you chuckled, “you two have some fun sparring this morning?” Azriel gave Cassian a sidelong glance as Cass winked at you. “Not sparring. There was testing this morning, remember?” Your jaw dropped, realizing the cause for their bloodied hands. “You two fought them?!” Azriel scoffed, “I don’t think you can call it that. Neither of them landed a hit.” 
You laughed as you grabbed a rag to clean Cassian’s hands. “You shouldn’t have done that,” you attempted to scold him through your bright smile. He laughed, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I don’t think you need to worry about them bothering you anytime soon, honey.” 
You pulled him by his hand, making your way up the stairs to your bathroom. “What do you say I finish cleaning you up in the bath, General?”
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danibeanie · 7 months
Cancer mars post đŸ€
(Also moon-mars aspects!)
-I really feel like this placement resonates the most with me when it comes to my natal chart. The funny thing is that it makes NO aspects with any other planets.
-I’ve heard somewhere that a planet that doesn’t make any aspects with other planets is important because it’s just itself with no other influences.
-wherever you have this placement with definitely influence that house x10. I feel like planets in their fall or detriment just impact your whole chart in general.
Positives đŸ©”
-your intuition is literally amped 100 by this placement. someone can be talking to me in a different tone than usual and I can just sense there’s something wrong and they’re like HOW DID U KNOW??😭
-emotions are strong and it’s because it’s influence links with the moon. we know that the moon is who we are deep within, our hidden feelings. anything I do makes me want to work even HARDER because it’s all sooo personal to me đŸ„Č
-strong empathy with this placement you naturally put yourself into others people shoes, want to take care of others and it just comes by instinct.
-people many call you super nice and your just talking LMAO. I have this placement in my 3rd house which is ruled by communication so it’s just natural for me to embody the placement when I’m talk.
-ex you can have this in the 7th house and your just super giving into any relationships kinda intense lol, 10th house people at work may see you as mother😋 (kidding) a nurturing person.
-a lot of passion, many people forget that cancer mars is a CARDINAL sign which means it’s easy for these people to fall into a leader position. we are go getters and can be a bit competitive.
-any conflict that we have is literally the end of the world. It’s feels like impending doom when I’m mad at someone because the only way I can control this is by crying 😭
- we hold grudges *sigh* , no but really it will take me so long to forgive someone and it’s hard to let go of that bitterness. Its just that we are so considerate so when someone does something we would never do it’s hard to let go of that situation.
-mood swings are there and other people can easily get affected by this as well. we can be fine and dandy then we think about something that hurt us from 5 months ago and then we get passive.
^im very self aware of this and I try not to let it happen and when it does I isolate myself
-most of our anger is directed towards family???😭 idk if it’s just me but my family tends to see the ugly side of this placement. no one’s ever seen me SUPER-mad except for my parents.
-does anyone else get HORRIBLE,UNBEARABLE periods?!? I feel like no one talks about this.
-AVOID CONFRONTATION like no other and then we wonder why we hold grudges cause WE DONT TALK IT OUT LMAO.
-it’s easy to get drained of tasks that your not emotionally invested in or see no future in. I can make a whole rant on how this affects my school life but that’s too much.*sigh*
Influential musicians đŸ©”
chester bennington(lead singer of linkin park) also had a cancer mars.(may he rest in peaceđŸ€) A lot of rock and heavy metal musicians have cancer mars which is ironic because they put all that passion and emotion into their lyrics and singing.
-lana del rey is a cancer mars and I feel like she embodies this placement fully. even by her lyrics and just the way she talks.
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-being a cancer mars has its ups and down and so many people pertain to its negatives. I believe that people with the fallen/detriment placements all naturally have their positives as well. it’s definitely a placement you have to live and learn by. I love this placement because it humbles me, gives me empathy and kindness ,but don’t cross us cause then we’ll reciprocate that rudeness 10x harder.
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peakyswritings · 1 year
Heart, Body and Soul || Tommy Shelby x OC
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Summary: When the conflict with a powerful family threatens to bring down the Shelby Clan, Tommy takes a trip to Italy. In order to stop the disaster, two families must become one: marriage seems to be the only way to seal an alliance and bring peace. It’s Nina Ferrante, fierce and rebellious, the one who slowly makes her way into his heart, with steps so light he doesn’t even realise it. But things are not as easy as they may seem: one, Tommy is expected to marry her cousin, and two - Nina has no intention of getting married.
Warnings: mentions of arranged marriage, slow-burn, small age-gap (Tommy’s 30, Nina is in her early 20s), English is not my first language.
A/N: here’s the first chapter of my new series. This is set somewhere between season 1 and 2. At the end, you’ll find the translation of a couple of Italian expressions. Feedback is always appreciatedđŸ€
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Dividers credit
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Tommy gazed out the window of the car, watching the landscape pass before his eyes. The small Sicilian village was so different from Birmingham. It was rural, peaceful, and the air was clean, he could fill his lungs without smelling the smoke and the shit. Beyond the uphill road, he could even hear the sound of the sea. Had he been in a different situation, he would’ve enjoyed that sound, along with the feeling of the sunlight on his face.
But he had to stay focused. Because he was alone, and the men in the car with him were speaking words he couldn’t understand. They could’ve easily taken him to an empty field and put a bullet in his head, and no one would’ve known. His hand went to the gun inside his coat, taking in the feeling of security brought by the contact of the cold metal against his skin.
Vincenzo Ferrante said something to the driver, then his eyes met Tommy’s through the rearview mirror. There was a strange glimpse in them, something that vaguely resembled amusement. He knew he had the upper hand.
A familiar tingling sensation crawled over the back of Tommy’s neck. It was the way of his body to tell him that danger was near, had started to get it in France, and it hadn’t left him since. His fingers forcefully pressed against the grip of the gun as his hold tightened for a few seconds. Then, slowly, he released it, his hand coming to rest on his lap. He took a deep breath, pulling himself together. He had a deal with those people, and it would go through.
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One week earlier
Tommy walked into the betting shop, his steps resonating over the wooden floor as he strode among the desks in the empty room. Empty, except for his aunt, who was waiting for him behind the main table.
“Here’s the information I found.” He said, tossing a folder on the wooden surface. Polly furrowed her eyebrows, grabbing it so that she could examine its content. It was full of photographs, letters and documents. God knew how Tommy had managed to get his hands on them.
“Go on.” She mumbled.
“Antonio Ferrante has two brothers, Vincenzo and Mario. They came to England when they were children, and they were raised here. Twenty-five years ago, Vincenzo and Mario went back to Sicily to start their business, both legal and illegal, while Antonio stayed here to carry on their legal race tracking operation. Of course, his organisation also has two sides. Vincenzo moves between Italy and England to help him with the other side. He’s here now. He’s been helping him with the attacks.”
Three attacks. Three attacks in one week. Tommy had never seen something like that. Those Italians were sly and quick, and extremely organised. They started by blowing up two of the pubs under the Peaky Blinders’ protection, then they proceeded to find one of their warehouses, and they blew it up as well. It was a matter of time before they came for the Shelbys.
Polly sighed, putting the papers back into the folder. Just when everything seemed to be going in the right direction, another bomb was dropped upon them. Quite literally.
Tommy rubbed his eyes, taking his time before continuing. “Ferrante was cooperating with Kimber. Thanks to this alliance, the family had secured a place at the top of the betting business. By killing Billy Kimber
“We stepped on their toes.” Polly finished his sentence.
“And now they want revenge. Yesterday they took three of our men.” He sighed, leaning against the desk behind him. That was another thing he had to take care of. He had to write to their families, send his condolences, and open a fund for them so that they could manage to sustain themselves without their husbands, fathers and brothers to take the money home. It was unpleasant, but it had to be done.
“It’s the Italian Mafia we’re talking about.” Tommy spoke again. “They have an organisation of bigger dimensions. If Ferrante calls the rest of his relatives from Sicily, it’s over for us.”
“So what’s the plan?” She asked, taking a cigarette from the pocket of her apron before placing it between her lips.
“Antonio Ferrante only has sons,” He started to explain, taking a match to light his aunt’s cigarette. “But his brothers have daughters-”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Polly’s head shot in his direction, eyes wide with disbelief as she could already imagine what he was trying to say.
“I’m talking about marriage, Polly. I’m going to marry one of the girls.”
Tommy couldn’t even believe his words as he said them. Before Grace, marriage had never crossed his mind, and after she left for New York, he was quite sure he would never find another woman. But there he was, selling himself so that his family could survive.
Despite the initial shock, Polly quickly regained her composure. She took a long drag from her cigarette, pondering her nephew’s words. “Why would they accept your offer?”
“Because by joining our forces, we can take down Sabini.”
“Do you think they’ll go against their own?” She inquired, a hint of scepticism in her voice.
“The Italians are fighting among themselves, now. Ferrante is also at war with Sabini, and he can’t defeat him on his own. Once Sabini’s taken care of, we’ll grant the Ferrante family a good place at the top of the business, even better than the one they occupied with Kimber.”
As much as Tommy tried to sound confident, he couldn’t hide his agitation. He couldn’t estimate the odds, there were no chances, no percentages. Everything felt unpredictable and beyond his control. He turned to grab the bottle of whiskey from the desk and poured himself a glass under Polly’s stare. It felt like she could read into him, like she could see right into his brain and know each one of his thoughts. It had always been like that, since he was a kid. It bothered him, sometimes, but deep down it was a relief to know that there was someone who could understand him without needing him to speak.
He downed all the whiskey in his glass, relishing the burning sensation. It grounded him, in some way. “Today I’m meeting Antonio and Vincenzo Ferrante.” He said, placing the glass on the table with a thud. “I’ll make the terms for peace.”
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“How did it go?”
Tommy heard Polly’s question before he could see her. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he was met with her expectant eyes, her gaze scanning his face, looking for an answer. She poured him a glass of whiskey as he removed his coat and placed it on a chair.
“They accepted.” He just said, grabbing the glass. Polly’s expression relaxed for a moment, and she breathed a sigh of relief, but that relief was swept away as she noticed how her nephew was avoiding her gaze.
She waited for him to continue, but her patience ran out quickly. “And?” She asked.
Tommy sat on a chair and took a sip of whiskey. “And I’m going to Sicily to meet my spouse.”
There was some kind of inflection in his voice, one that not even Polly was able to define. But there was also a small particular in what he had said, and it didn’t go unnoticed.
“You’re going to Sicily?” She inquired, raising her eyebrows.
“Alone?” She emphasised, leaning with a hand on the table, not taking her eyes off of his face.
“Yes.” He repeated, keeping his eyes on the bottle in front of him, well aware of how dangerous and imprudent it sounded.
“Tommy, are you mad?” She yelled, yanking away the bottle so that he would look at her. He finally raised his eyes, and silence fell between them for a while as he tried to find the words.
“I need you here to take control of the business while I’m gone. You’re the only one who can do that.” He explained, standing up so that he could speak to her face to face. “And I can’t take John and Arthur with me, because there need to be Shelbys here in Small Heath.”
“You’re going to get yourself killed.” She spat.
Tommy placed his hands on her shoulders, the hint of a smile making its way on his face. “Think of it like this: if I don’t come back, all of this will be yours.” He pointed towards the door that opened on the betting shop. “You’ll make a good fortune.” He joked, trying to lighten the air.
However, his aunt didn’t seem amused. She just shook her head, a look of defeat in her eyes. “I could try and talk some sense into you, but you’ve already decided, haven’t you?”
Without answering, Tommy walked past her to take ahold his glass and drink the rest of his whiskey. He cleared his throat, gathering himself as best as he could. “Vincenzo Ferrante is going back to his family in three days. I’m going with him.”
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Present day
The car drew to a halt. Beyond an iron gate stretched a large garden, which was divided in two halves by a gravel path that led up to two big houses. As the driver got out of the car to open the gates, Tommy couldn’t help but feel relieved. No empty field. No ditch waiting for him.
“I guess you’re hungry, Mr. Shelby. It’s been a long journey.” Vincenzo Ferrante suddenly spoke, taking him away from his thoughts. Before Tommy could answer, he continued. “Later we’re having lunch, and I’ll introduce you to the family. Communication won’t be a problem, me and Mario raised all of our children to speak both English and Italian, just like Antonio. For the sake of business.” He clarified.
Tommy just nodded, unsure about what to say. He half expected to be dead before even getting to the village, so communication had been the last of his thoughts.
Not caring much about his silence, Vincenzo pointed towards the house on the left. “That’s my house, and the other is my brother’s. You’ll be my guest. Since we’re suggesting you to marry my niece Agnese, we thought it would be improper for you to stay in the same house as her.”
Agnese. She was said to be the oldest, and the prettiest, and the most fitted to be a wife. However, they had assured him that if he were to find someone more to his liking, he would be free to choose, he just had to make the decision before starting to court her. They wanted things to be done the proper way.
Tommy leaned back in his seat, the need for a cigarette suddenly kicking in. “It’s understandable.”
The brief ride towards the houses was silent. In that short amount of time, Tommy tried to guess what the following weeks had in store for him, how his life would look like in a month, but truth was, he really couldn’t tell. He had no idea, and that was terrifying, even for someone like him. But he had to stay calm, focused. He couldn’t allow himself to let his guard down.
When he got out of the car, he had to keep himself from breathing a sigh of relief. He was finally able to stretch his legs after being seated for what felt like ages. He thanked the driver who handed him his suitcase, then proceeded to take a look around. The two houses - even though they were separated from each other - formed some sort of angle. In the shared garden a long table had been set up, and from the numbers of chairs Tommy could tell that a great number of relatives would be joining them for lunch.
A female voice echoed in the garden, and a raven-haired girl ran down the stairs that led to the front door of Vincenzo’s house. In a matter of seconds she was in the garden, and she wrapped her arms around the man’s neck.
“Ciao, amore di papà.” Ferrante said, taking her face in his hands to leave a tender kiss on her forehead. “Come stai?”
She opened her mouth to say something, but was quickly distracted by Tommy’s presence. A glimpse of confusion flickered across her dark eyes, then something really close to realisation seemed to hit her.
Ferrante took a step back, so that Tommy and that girl could be in front of each other. “Nina, this is Tommy Shelby. Mr. Shelby, this is Nina, my daughter.”
Tommy watched as she furrowed her brows, hesitating for a couple of seconds before holding out her hand. Her eyes, that a few seconds before were warm and full of affection for her father, were now cold and wary. And there was something defiant in the way she refused to be the first to break eye contact. It was something that Tommy wasn’t used to, he had grown accustomed to people lowering their heads in his presence, not daring to even look at him. This girl clearly knew who he was, and yet she refused to be intimidated. It was quite admirable.
Soon, Tommy realised that he had probably let his hand linger in hers for a bit too long. He let it fall to his side, clearing his throat. “Pleasure.”
“Nina, why don’t you show our guest his room?” Ferrante suggested, placing a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “So you make yourself comfortable before lunch, Mr. Shelby.”
She said something in Italian, and even though Tommy couldn’t understand a single word, from the tone of her voice and her disgruntled expression he could tell that she was displeased. Nevertheless, a reproachful “Nina” uttered by her father, accompanied by a stern look, seemed to do the trick.
She glanced at Tommy one more time, before turning around and starting to walk towards the house. “Come with me.” She said, without worrying about whether he was following her or not.
Tightening his hold on the suitcase, Tommy started to walk behind her. If Nina’s cousin was half as hostile as her, he was truly fucked.
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“Ciao, amore di papà”: “hi, darling” (literally - “hi, dad’s love”)
“Come stai?”: “how are you?”
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Tagging @zablife , cause I remember you asking me to tag you when this was outđŸ€
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4nna-nicole-smith · 1 month
About Me:
✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:*
Disclaimer: Hey guys this is a role play account. I AM NOT ACTUALLY ANNA NICOLE SMITH. This account is dedicated to the Lovely Anna Nicole Smith may she rest in peace.
Background: Anna was on her phone and she saw this app tumblr. She downloaded it and made an account
✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:*
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✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:*
-Hi lovelies I’m Anna Nicole I am from Texas
-I have my very own show called the Anna Nicole show
-I’m a model for guess and playboy
-I have two lovely kids
-I love the color pink
-please be respectful and don’t ask weird questions
-I love rock and roll. My favorite bands are Guns N Roses. Mötley CrĂŒe and Poison. I love Aerosmith and KISS too.
-Thank You đŸ€đŸ©·đŸ€đŸ©·
✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:* *:✧✧:*
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60sfactorygirl · 1 year
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I’m saddened to hear about the passing of the queen of rock n roll, Tina Turner. A true icon!
May she rest in peaceđŸ€
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flowercrowngods · 8 months
aaaand captain steve, pretty pretty please 🌊đŸ„șđŸ„ș🌊
i’ll love you forever for not forgetting about captain!steve my beloved đŸ„șđŸ„čđŸ€
🌊 captain’s log: part 1 | part 2 | part 3
He shoves the Henderson boy into his cabin rather roughly before slowly turning back to close the door behind them, gently urging it to click shut and leave them closed off from the horrors that lie behind it.
“That’s captain for you, Henderson.”
The boy swallows, eyes wide and fearful. He never did like it when Dustin gives him that look, but fear shall be his insurance now. His last bastion of defence against his captain.
He only hopes Claudia will forgive him — may she rest in peace.
“Captain,” the boy tries again, and Steve sees his age now. He’s a child. Impressionable still. To be welded and forged by fear, if things go well for him. To become soft and naive if they don’t.
“Yes?” It’s a little mean, challenging him so when deep down he is jealous of the boy’s joy to see his friend again. He wants to cut it out of him, that giant heart of his. Wants to carve it free and put it where his used to beat in the centre of his chest a long, long time ago.
“I’m— I’m sorry. I apologise. I just
 It’s Theo!”
Steve doesn’t flinch, hearing that name, feeling the way it cuts through the air, splitting the room right between him and young Dustin.
“No,” he says as calmly as he can. “You forget that name. You will not speak to him, you will not so much as insinuate an ounce of familiarity between the two of you. None of that. You know the procedure, Henderson. That man is a prisoner on this ship until we know his business.”
“The sea will take your word for anything you’ll have to say on this matter that isn’t Aye, Captain.”
“Aye,” Dustin says, his jaw clenched, his hands shaking. Steve raises a cold eyebrow. “Captain.”
He nods, letting it hang in the air between them for a bit, the rift sealing shut as he can hear Dustin’s rapidly beating heart and the trembling breaths he takes.
“Back to your station,” he tells him once he figures that fear will have dealt blows where his words were insufficient, a gentler edge in his voice. Dustin flinches away from him as he gives him a wide berth, heading out of the cabin.
The breath Steve lets out is in no way inferior to Dustin’s, shaking and trembling its way out of his lung.
It’s Theo, the words echo in his mind, the edge of hopefulness and defiance slicing into him as he leans on his desk to steady himself.
Steve wishes he’d stay gone.
đŸ€đŸŒ· make me write (please)
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kleopatra45 · 19 days
Hi there! Stumbled upon your blog. Love it!
I don't know if you do these asks, but looking at your posts I think that, if you would want to answer this one, it would be good, I relate to your way of viewing things and can see you are truly invested in the study of astrology.
It is kind of a messy question, but here goes:
Thoughts on a family dynamic between a Scorpio Stellium in the first house father, a Pisces Stellium and Virgo Stellium in the fifths house mother, a 6th house Stellium son and a Scorpio Stellium daughter?
Our nuclear family is kind of chaotic and I have a slight insight into how these agglomerated energies play out, but I would love to know and have some perspective, clear, more in depth (perhaps more logical?) one.
Thank you so much.
Lots of Love and Peace đŸ€đŸȘ·
With such a dynamic set of stelliums in your family’s charts, there are multiple layers to explore in understanding how these energies interact.
Father's Traits:
A Scorpio stellium in the 1st house indicates an intense, transformative personality. This placement suggests the father is deeply emotional, with a powerful presence and a tendency toward control or secrecy. He may approach family matters with passion and intensity, striving for deep connections and significant personal changes. His strong presence could sometimes come off as overwhelming or domineering, influencing how he interacts with the rest of the family.
Mother's Traits:
This placement indicates a nurturing, imaginative, and empathetic personality. The mother likely has a deep emotional understanding and a creative approach to parenting. Her sensitivity can create a loving and supportive environment for her children.
A Virgo Stellium adds a practical, analytical dimension to her approach. She is likely organized and detail-oriented, balancing Pisces' emotional depth with Virgo’s focus on order and health. This combination can lead to a structured yet emotionally rich family environment.
Son's Traits :
A stellium in the 6th house suggests the son is likely focused on service, daily routines, and health. This placement can indicate a diligent, detail-oriented person who finds fulfillment in work and daily responsibilities. His approach to problems may be practical and methodical, focusing on efficiency and health.
Daughter's Traits:
A Scorpio stellium in the daughter’s chart aligns her energy closely with her father’s intense and transformative traits. This can create a strong emotional connection or potential for power struggles within the family. She may inherit or resonate with the same depth of feeling and desire for transformation, potentially mirroring or challenging the father’s intense approach.
Overall Dynamics
The combination of Scorpio intensity, Pisces’ compassion, Virgo’s practicality, and the son’s focus on routine can lead to a dynamic and sometimes chaotic family environment. The Scorpio stelliums suggest strong, transformative emotions and potential for power struggles, while Pisces and Virgo stelliums add a mix of empathy and structure. Balancing these intense energies might be challenging, but also offers opportunities for deep personal growth and meaningful connections. It’s crucial for each member to appreciate and understand the unique traits of others to foster harmony within this complex family dynamic.
*It's okay for you to not resonate with some pointers. Please know that this is not set in stone.
I hope this helps! ♄
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getrebd-4-20-99 · 1 year
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Quinnie | 21y | Female(She/Her) | America(est timezone)
Tcc comm since 2011/2012.
I do not glorify. I sympathize their mental illness and wish to advocate against the abuse/harassment/bullying and violence to those who are struggling in life. I want to help those struggling and be the one to stop them from doing such brutal and unthinkable acts of violence
 I will be that person to lean on, the person to trust, that one person who will love and care about you when no one else will.
One step at a time to end the humanitarian suffering and crisis that is hate crimes, bullying, abuse, and violence.
Be kind to everyone, you don’t know what’s truly going on in their head.
Homages to the misunderstood and the misguided ones the ones that social failed
: + their cause of death

> 4.20.1999 - Suicide
>6.8.2017 - Suicide
>10.17.2018 - Suicide
>5.24.2022 - Cops
Rest In Peace. I hope that maybe the afterlife is treating you better than any of this world ever could have.
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shannendoherty-fans · 2 months
Luke Perry's Daughter Honors Her Late Father's 90210 Costar Shannen Doherty in Touching Tribute
The actress died on July 13 after a years-long battle with cancer, while Perry died in March 2019 after suffering a "massive" stroke
By Julia Moore Published on July 15, 2024 02:48PM EDT
Luke Perry's daughter Sophie paid tribute to her father's Beverly Hills, 90210 costar Shannen Doherty in the hours after her death.
On Sunday, July 14, the 24-year-old shared a black-and-white photo of Perry, who died in 2019, and Doherty, who died on July 13.
In the shot, her dad held on to a pearl necklace that Doherty was wearing between his teeth, as the actors both smiled.
Sophie added a "đŸ€" to the sweet tribute.
Following the news of Doherty's death after a years-long battle with cancer, which her longtime publicist Leslie Sloane confirmed to PEOPLE on Sunday, 90210 fans have been mourning her loss while also paying tribute to Perry, who played the love interest, Dylan, to her character Brenda on the series.
One fan wrote in a post on X, "So sad to hear about Shannen Doherty. She was an amazing actress and bravely fought her cancer. Prue will be an iconic character from Charmed for me. May she rest in peace. Say hi to Luke for us."
Perry was 52 when he died five years ago, and had suffered a "massive" stroke days before. A source told PEOPLE at the time that he never regained consciousness after the stroke, and he remained "under observation" for five days prior to his death.
"He was surrounded by his children Jack and Sophie, fiancé Wendy Madison Bauer, ex-wife Minnie Sharp, mother Ann Bennett, step-father Steve Bennett, brother Tom Perry, sister Amy Coder, and other close family and friends," his rep said at the time. "The family appreciates the outpouring of support and prayers that have been extended to Luke from around the world, and respectfully request privacy in this time of great mourning."
Doherty told PEOPLE she was "heartbroken" and "devastated" at Perry's loss as she reflected on their enduring friendship – and how they reconnected when she shared her breast cancer diagnosis in 2015.
“Luke was a smart, quiet, humble and complex man with a heart of gold and never-ending well of integrity and love. Luke reached out to me during my cancer journey and we picked right back up, albeit older and wiser, but that connection remained in tact."
“There is a special kind of love one has for each other when you are experiencing the journey we did on 90210 and of course life in general. Luke and I were working on show ideas for us. We wanted to work with each other again and create something special and meaningful for our fans at this stage in our lives,” she continued. “I will miss him everyday. Every minute. Every second.”
She also shared that her former costar "loved his family" more than anything, and "raved about his kids and how proud he was of them."
Doherty made a cameo on Riverdale following Perry's sudden death, as she said Perry had been "trying to get [her] on the show" since he'd joined it. She played a character whose life was saved by Perry's Fred Andrews in the episode, and said on Instagram she was "deeply honored to pay tribute" to Perry in the episode.
In February, during an appearance at MegaCon Orlando, Doherty got emotional on stage as she recalled how "shocking" it was to learn of his death.
"I have a very visceral reaction whenever someone brings up Luke because as someone with cancer – and a really horrible cancer at stage 4 – I thought I would be the first to go. So when it was Luke, it really just sent me for a tailspin."
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weirdfreakidiotloser · 3 months
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went down an accidental rabbit hole 😭 all i wanted to know was how old jenna malone was in Donnie Darko, but ended up finding this about sexual assault. She didnt want to name the assailant which i absolutely understand (and i do feel bad for sharing this) but i love these movies and cant keep watching them not knowing who jr was. Now just figured it was probably not an actor for some reason, but the mention of cancel culture made me rethink that. Of course it may have been sexist of me to assume it was a man, but, ya know. So i googled pretty much every man on the cast + allegations. Nothing until i got to this guy, Wes Chatham (Castor in the hunger games). He ended up having multiple cases. Its not specific as to whether or not it really was him, but i figure someone with multiple allegations probably is responsible for this one too.
Just wanted to share in case anyone else went thru the same thing, and again, im sorry to disrespect her wishes, however, i do think who ever it was (as im only speculating) should be held accountable.
edit: going down this rabbithole also led me to find out about the very recent passing of Donald Sutherland, aka president snow :( rest in peace to a legend, who made the hunger games what they are. đŸ€đŸ€
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @euryalex @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @trench-rot đŸ€ | Tagging @poisonedtruth @adelaidedrubman @shegetsburned @g0dspeeed @nightbloodraelle @nightwingshero @madparadoxum @aceghosts @jacobsneed @jinfromyarikawa @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @purplehairsecretlair @detectivelokis @vampireninjabunnies-blog @strangefable @strafethesesinners @sstewyhosseini and anyone with something to share <3
I present you another snippet from Chapter 8 where we finally get to meet some new OCs that are set on catching John and becoming heroes. Enter Charlie "The Menace" Morgan...
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The Spread Eagle was empty when Calahan entered, his day had started at 5 am with a couple of Peggies stumbling across his camp and ruining his chance at getting some rest. "You've been marked, Sinner! John is coming to get ya-", was the last thing their leader had said before Hartley sent him to meet his beloved maker. And since then, his day was going just peachy. He needed a drink, or more like five. No rest for the wicked. Or do I say the "Sinner"? "Rookie, the usual?", Mary May shot him a smile from behind the bar. "Why is it so quiet, gorgeous?" Seeing a friendly face was already brightening his mood. "Take a guess." "What do I win if I guess right?", his wink made Mary May roll her eyes. Her reaction caused him to think of Sabrina and how she never took his charm too seriously either. Where the fuck are you, Gray? Who has you? He couldn't go 5 minutes without thinking about all the people close to him that the Seeds had captured few days back. It made him restless, angry, ready to lash out on any Peggie that crossed his path. "First drink's on me." Calahan gave her his best "I'm so lost in deep thought" face, the same one he used anytime Whitehorse lectured him on how he should be behaving as a Deputy. "I'd say-"
The sound of the bell cut him off as the doors to the bar opened and three Resistance members walked in, involved in what seemed like a very heated discussion. "Mary May, drinks, darlin', we bear good news!", the oldest of the trio chimed in. The voice belonged to Charlie Morgan, a man in his late 30s, with short dark hair and beard, shifty pale eyes and neck tattoos. "Rookie! Just the man we need!", he shouted before slapping Calahan on the back with unnecessary force. Hartley was already over the interaction, dreading whatever he and his buddies had come up with. Back in the days before the Reaping he wouldn't have been caught dead interacting with Charlie, but as Dutch had said they needed any assistance they could get. He only wished the helping hand in question was better at their tasks and didn't spend half the day drinking at The Spread Eagle, calling it "work for the cause". The sooner I get Hudson out and track Gray down, the quicker we'd make actual progress and rescue the others. "What is it now, Charlie?" "Deputy, we have him!", it wasn't Morgan that responded but a teen that couldn't have been older than 17, an unfamiliar face to Hartley. "Have who? And you are?" "Justin Harker. My ma and I moved in here few months back, may she rest in peace.", he offered his hand to Hartley, which he shook, then added in a whisper, "We've got intel on John Seed!" Charlie sat down in the chair next to Calahan's, downing the glass Mary May had produced in front of him. "Bastard's running a leaky operation, Rookie. Heard from a source he's left that bunker of his on his own. But it gets better
 in less than an hour he will be headed to his ranch." Hartley shook his head, "Sounds too good to be true, Morgan. You sure you didn't dream that up?" "Deputy, it's true. We're going there, thought to stop to ask you to joins us for the ambush.", Harker couldn't contain his excitement. "We're capturing that bastard and making him suffer today.", Charlie let out a maniacal laughter at which Mary May slapped her palm on the bar, giving him a pointed look. "Keep it down. I'm running a business here. First and last warning, and you're gonna be making your own booze in your toilet." "Sorry, darlin'." The third guy remained silent, Hartley knew his face but for the life of him couldn't remember his name. "So you coming, or not, Rookie?" Calahan sighed, his head was already throbbing enough, and Morgan's presence wasn't helping. "No, I'm exhausted. I doubt this is going to pan out, boys. No offense, but you're miles away from being a capture party. Best case scenario, some Peggie is fucking with you and sending you on a wild goose chase
 Worst, well
 you'd be captured and meet John face to face, but in his bunker." "Rookie, are you afraid?", Charlie chuckled. "You heard anything from what I just said, you asshole?" "Now, now, let's all calm down.", third guy broke his silence, waving his arms around. "We're going, Rookie. And you can sit on your ass and be afraid all you want. I'm catching that bastard that carved my chest and carving his face as payback today. Let see then how well his broadcasts perform after I'm done with him."
Charlie downed his second drink and stormed out without a look back, followed by Mr. "Calm". Hartley grabbed Harker's arm as he went to leave, too. "Kid, if you know what's best for you, don't go anywhere with Charlie Morgan." The teen shook his head, "It's fine, Deputy, I made a promise at my ma's grave, I plan on honoring it." "You know which channel to call if you get anything?" "Yes, Deputy. I will be sure to keep you posted." With that he left, heading outside to join the others. "God, I hate Charlie.", Mary May groaned. "Then why serve him, gorgeous?" "Can't be picky in these times, now can I? As long as he pays
 but I'm getting close to banning him indefinitely." Calahan rested his head on the bar. "You really not going to go with them?", Mary May nodded towards the now closed door, "There's still time." "Nah. I'm good. Don't believe John Seed would just offer himself on a silver platter like that." "Well, in that case, why don't you head upstairs, catch some sleep on the couch? Didn't plan to say it, but you look like shit.", Mary May smiled. "Don't I know it. Sleep avoids me like an ex-girlfriend these days." "You still worried about Sabrina?" "No news, absolutely nothing. It's bizarre." "I'm sure something will turn up." "Thanks, gorgeous." Hartley took a final sip of his drink and climbed upstairs, ready to get some needed rest before he'd have to head back out.
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John drove in silence, his eyes glued to the road while he felt like he was on autopilot as the last few hours replayed in his mind. His emotions were all over the place: from how the morning started with yet another close encounter with Sabrina through the decision to take her to the ranch to holding her lingerie in his hand as he imagined peeling it off her body. Bad idea. He had no clue what had possessed him to do it and she seemed just as shocked. He needed to put as much distance between them as soon as possible, if he was to come back to his old self and focus on his tasks. Then there was Savannah and her genuine excitement at his presence and their "trip". He knew he had made the right decision the second she told him she's not afraid of him even if he's a "Peggie". He didn't want to imagine those big green eyes fill with fear at the sight of him. Ever. "You doing okay there, Seed?", Sabrina whispered after a while, amusement seeping into her tone. John nodded, gripping the steering wheel, "Just thinking, going over my schedule." A complete lie
 but he doubted she'd appreciate the truth, especially spoken out loud in front of her sister. He took his eyes off the road for a second to sneak a look at Sabrina just in time to see her faint smile vanish completely off her face. Her hand shot out to his knee, his name coming out in a panicked whisper, making him look back ahead. The road they were on wasn't empty as it was before, instead a car and an armed man stood blocking their path as the truck came to an abrupt stop. John looked in the rearview mirror, contemplating driving back the way they came from but two more men had popped out from hiding, headed for the truck with determination. The Resistance.
"Who are these people? Are they Peggies? They don't look like it.", Savannah spoke up, her face twisted in confusion. "I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, pumpkin.", Sabrina responded just as one of the Sinners shouted, his voice carrying through their open windows, "Out, Seed, don't think of doing anything funny. There's no need for anyone else to get hurt." "John-" "Rin-Rin, what's happening?", panic was taking over Savannah's voice. One of the men was by the driver's door then, rifle trained, ready to haul John out of the truck by force. "It's okay, Savi." He leaned in, wondering if he's smelling Sabrina's scent for the last time as he whispered in her ear, "There's a gun in the glovebox, the Bliss bullets are non-lethal but they will slow them down, do what you must to protect Savannah." Then he turned to the Sinner, calling out, "I'm coming out. There's a child in the car." "John, this is a bad idea." He knew as much, but the alternative presented just as much danger. "It's not my time yet, Deputy. Don't worry." He opened the door, climbing out with one last look at Sabrina, knowing chances were she'd drive away now that the road behind them was clear and leave him to face Judgement at the hands of the Resistance. She owed him nothing, especially not when her sister was in danger. "Walk, Seed.", the Sinner gritted out, his rifle poking John in the back, urging him on. As they neared the lone gunman, he raised his hands, "I'm unarmed, let the others go." He wasn't exactly unarmed, he still had Sabrina's knife, though using it would be a gamble with his own life. "You're not in charge here, you bastard.", came out the familiar voice of Charlie Morgan, his dead gray eyes narrowed with a look of hatred, hinting at his intentions. That very man had his turn sitting in John's chair not that long ago, screaming about revenge while John carved "Gluttony" into the Sinner's chest. From the corner of his eye he could see the youngest of the group speak into a walkie, probably calling in reinforcements. Captured. Me?
John wanted to laugh at the irony, but thoughts of Sabrina and Savannah clouded his mind. "You haven't learned anything from your Confession, have you, Charlie?" It was the wrong thing to say, making Morgan's face twist up in rage, gaze shifting to the truck behind them, "Maybe I should go drag out that lady of yours, march her over here, see how mouthy you are then, you bastard." John tried to keep himself in check, but something must have flashed across his face, urging Charlie to keep pushing. "Yeah, I'd start with carving into her. Make you watch. Then comes your turn. How does that sound?" He turned to the older Resistance member, "Bring her here, Blake." "You have to love them, Brother.", Joseph's voice did little to calm the anger bubbling up inside. The thought of Morgan putting his slimy paws on Sabrina made John see red. Before he can even attempt to silence the urge for violence, his hand had taken out her knife from the back of his jeans and in one brisk motion plunged it into the neck of the Sinner that had led him there. Before Charlie could react he was on top of him next. The whole time the youngest Sinner stood frozen in shock. His pistol shook in his hand at the sight of one of his comrades lying dead on the concrete, blood pooling beneath him and the other was close to follow in his footsteps, too. "Charlie, this isn't what we planned
Hurting others
Blake's dead.", the teen mumbled, voice small. John ignored his panicked ramblings, keeping his attention fully on Charlie, his smile dark as he said, "Yes, you haven't learned anything, Charlie." Morgan was nowhere close to giving up, his fury fueled his struggle and eventually allowed him to overpower John. He was set on grabbing the knife as he came on top with a maniacal look on his face. "You carved my chest, now it's time to carve that pretty face of yours, you bastard. See how Joseph likes you then."
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"Is John going to be okay?", Savannah's eyes were brimming with tears. Sabrina's gaze shifted from the scene in front of them back to her sister as the armed man led John away. She rolled the windows up, afraid what might carry through them. "Hey, look at me, everything is going to be okay.", she reached her hand out to Savannah, "Don't look ahead, okay?" "Okay." Two paths were presented to her again: to drive off or help John. Her brain screamed at her to be rational, that Savannah was the only priority, that she should crawl over the console and into the driver seat, turn the truck around and leave. Her conscience argued he's in danger because of her: because he took her out of that bunker in the first place and he was breaking a rule by taking her to his home to protect her sister. And her heart
 it reminded her he's the man from her visions. That she would be abandoning him to die, never to see him again. Acting or not. I can't leave him. Her father was not one for inaction, it's what led to his death and he passed that dangerous drive down to his daughter. She knew what he would do. Her mind was made up the second she saw John take down one of the men. You're going to get yourself killed, Seed. In a blink, she was reaching into the glovebox, pulling out the gun, absorbing the familiar feeling as she gripped it and released the safety before she turned to Savannah. "Keep your head down, whatever happens, you don't look. Lock the doors behind me, Sav." "John-" "I'm going to get him." She kissed her sister's forehead, rushing out of the truck, her eyes zeroing in on John and another man locked in a struggle on the ground, fighting over a knife. Above them stood a teenager, face frozen in shock, as he pointed the gun at the two men, unsure what to do, if he should shoot. "Charlie, stop it! We agreed we're taking him in alive! We had a plan!" Charlie? She knew that name, many times she and Hudson had to escort him out of the Spread Eagle after he had decided to sleep there after a full day of drinking. Then suddenly one day he had disappeared, taken in by John's men only to reemerge with a dark look that refused to leave his eyes, constantly talking about getting revenge on the Project. In that moment he was set on killing John, screaming about carving into his face as payback. Seems like your own sins are catching up with you, Seed. Did you have him in that room, too?
The teen's gaze shifted from the ground up to Sabrina as she drew in closer, he raised his pistol in panic, pulling the trigger but his hand was shaking so badly he missed, grazing Sabrina's arm instead. She ignored the sting, hitting her target in a spot at his shoulder that was less likely to be leathal, the tricky shot incapacitated him, but whatever was in the "bullet" took him down in seconds, to the point she was worried she had killed him somehow. A brief moment was all it took for Charlie to get distracted when his friend's body hit the ground, giving John the chance to strike and sink the knife into his neck in one swift move. "A chance at Eden, Charlie. And you threw it away.", came as a mutter. He rolled the man's body off him as Sabrina reached her free hand out to pull him up. "Sabrina.", he lay still for a second, his blue eyes staring into hers, betraying his bewilderment at her assistance. "You expected me to leave?" John nodded, as he grabbed her outstretched arm, his own hands were bloody, getting hers covered too. He got up, smoothing the strands of hair that had gone out of place during the scuffle. "You should have left. Your sister-" "She's okay. I told her to lock the doors. I don't leave people behind, John." "Even me?" "Even you." "And yet, that boyfriend of yours left you behind. Ironic." "Boyfriend?", Sabrina's eyes narrowed in confusion. "That blond Deputy.", the resentment was clear in his tone and the mask slipped for a second as his features morphed into a dark frown. She didn't correct his assumption when she said, "Calahan. And he didn't leave me, I told him to go." "You sacrificed yourself so he gets away. You must love him then." Fishing for information now, are we? "I simply didn't want to risk his life too. I can take care of myself." "That I've seen. You're quite resourceful.", John wipped her knife off his jeans, "Your little gift saved my life, Deputy." Gift. Ha.
""A knife in your boot can save your life one day.", it's what my father used to say." And Scott Donovan was right, her own knife had helped John. "Smart man." Sabrina gave him a sad smile as she kneeled down, checking on the teen at her feet, "He was. A truly good man." Barely lucid, but still breathing. Good. "We have to go, Deputy. I'm pretty certain this one called in reinforcements." She nodded in response and when John made a move towards the teen, knife still clutched in his hand, she put herself between them, adding, "If you're planning on killing him, too
 I won't let you. He's a kid, couldn't even hold his weapon steady. Enough lives were lost today, John, and it's barely noon." "Fine, Deputy." After moving the bodies off the path, they headed back to the truck, as he asked, "What do we tell Savannah?" We. That's progress. Sabrina took a deep breath, "I- for once I'm not sure, I need a minute." His hand was on the small of her back, offering silent support as they reached the passenger's side door. To Sabrina's relief her sister had followed her instructions: she was curled into herself, her auburn hair barely peeking out between the seats. She looked up cautiously when Sabrina knocked on the glass. "We're okay, pumpkin. You can open up." Savannah climbed over the console, rolling down the window, "Are the bad men gone?" Gone. Both literally and figuratively. "Yes, Sav. Pass me your water bottle, will you?" Sabrina and John quickly washed off whatever they could from the blood before climbing back into the truck. Soon they were back on the road with the men's bodies not visible in the rearview mirror anymore as Savannah's face poked inbetween the front seats, her green eyes focusing on John then on her sister. "You're both okay, right?" "Yes", came out in unison, making her laugh out loud. John looked at Sabrina before shifting his gaze back onward, his lips curling into a triumphant smile, "Deputy, you just said "Yes"." "No, I didn't.", she deadpanned. Savannah giggled, "Yes, you did, Rin-Rin." John tilted his head in her sister's direction, "See, Savi here says I'm right." "You're unbeliavable." "So you keep telling me.", and he had the audacity to wink. He just killed two people and is smiling like nothing has happened. Sabrina rested her head against the window, ignoring the pain in her forearm and trying to keep her emotions in check while Savannah and him chatted away, filling the time until they reach their destination.
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kiefersutherlandz · 2 years
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May she rest in peace. A beautiful light will be missedđŸ€đŸ’«đŸ˜”
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nicromancytarot · 4 months
For the moodboard gameđŸ€
I'm t.d and here, have my fabulous intuitionđŸ˜ŠđŸ’…đŸ»
Your fs will bring out your nurturing and soft side. I'm getting you'll be more stable and willing to give, esp emotionally, and outwardly you'll look very peaceful, warm and content(although, slightly defensive of them and the relationship in a stubborn/ fierce way) when you'll be with them. Idk if you're familiar with vedic nakshatras but it's giving Purva Ashadha on your part. They(your fs) will be VERY CHILL, for some reason I'm getting warm toned, lighter, curly hair, skinny build(with slight muscles and abs if they're a male, yeah I'm getting a male) and pale skin. You'll feel safe to be soft with them, esp in private. You guys seem like a couple from fiction that everyone might say is underrated because of how lighthearted/chill you guys' story/relationship/overall vibe is. It's interesting tho, like, sometimes you guys might act(around each other) in a way that seems adorable/comedic to others. I'm also getting you being moody/wanting to cry/complaining and overall being in a triggered state and him(yeah I think they're a he, idk your preferences 😭) holding your face and saying sweet, reassuring words in a calm tone and instantly grounding you.
Oh wow, well, let me know if this sounds like it might be true for you? 😭 I'd also like a moodboard on my fs pleaseđŸ€
Thanks and have a good (rest of the) day đŸ€
That was so cute omg!! Thank you so much for choosing the exchange option, it resonates well đŸ«¶đŸ»
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I think your future spouse has been through a lot so far during this lifetime, this is a very heavy session so warning here!! TW: Sexual assault.
I think they may have had their innocence stripped from them at a young age, and possibly experienced something in which someone who they trusted took advantage of that trust. That scene in Maleficent where she has her wings stolen from her (symbolising assault) is something that comes to mind. This may have been their first relationship, or first person they felt some sort of seriousness for. If you haven’t already, you may resonate well with pile 1 of my “All about your future spouse 18+” reading, it brings up the same themes as I will here.
When making this moodboard for you, I kept saying how they are a fallen angel since I feel as though that situation ruined them mentally, it messed up their trust, made them more angry and standoffish. But I feel like they are currently working on it and bringing themself back up.
You’ll feel as though you have to protect them, and this could make them feel very disappointed in themself for making you feel that way. It could also take a lot of time and perseverance to make this connection into a committed relationship, you may need to have a fair amount of patience.
They are frail and damaged, but they are working on healing those past wounds.
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