#and ffs say thanks; *John*
inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @euryalex @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @trench-rot 🤍 | Tagging @poisonedtruth @adelaidedrubman @shegetsburned @g0dspeeed @nightbloodraelle @nightwingshero @madparadoxum @aceghosts @jacobsneed @jinfromyarikawa @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @purplehairsecretlair @detectivelokis @vampireninjabunnies-blog @strangefable @strafethesesinners @sstewyhosseini and anyone with something to share <3
I present you another snippet from Chapter 8 where we finally get to meet some new OCs that are set on catching John and becoming heroes. Enter Charlie "The Menace" Morgan...
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The Spread Eagle was empty when Calahan entered, his day had started at 5 am with a couple of Peggies stumbling across his camp and ruining his chance at getting some rest. "You've been marked, Sinner! John is coming to get ya-", was the last thing their leader had said before Hartley sent him to meet his beloved maker. And since then, his day was going just peachy. He needed a drink, or more like five. No rest for the wicked. Or do I say the "Sinner"? "Rookie, the usual?", Mary May shot him a smile from behind the bar. "Why is it so quiet, gorgeous?" Seeing a friendly face was already brightening his mood. "Take a guess." "What do I win if I guess right?", his wink made Mary May roll her eyes. Her reaction caused him to think of Sabrina and how she never took his charm too seriously either. Where the fuck are you, Gray? Who has you? He couldn't go 5 minutes without thinking about all the people close to him that the Seeds had captured few days back. It made him restless, angry, ready to lash out on any Peggie that crossed his path. "First drink's on me." Calahan gave her his best "I'm so lost in deep thought" face, the same one he used anytime Whitehorse lectured him on how he should be behaving as a Deputy. "I'd say-"
The sound of the bell cut him off as the doors to the bar opened and three Resistance members walked in, involved in what seemed like a very heated discussion. "Mary May, drinks, darlin', we bear good news!", the oldest of the trio chimed in. The voice belonged to Charlie Morgan, a man in his late 30s, with short dark hair and beard, shifty pale eyes and neck tattoos. "Rookie! Just the man we need!", he shouted before slapping Calahan on the back with unnecessary force. Hartley was already over the interaction, dreading whatever he and his buddies had come up with. Back in the days before the Reaping he wouldn't have been caught dead interacting with Charlie, but as Dutch had said they needed any assistance they could get. He only wished the helping hand in question was better at their tasks and didn't spend half the day drinking at The Spread Eagle, calling it "work for the cause". The sooner I get Hudson out and track Gray down, the quicker we'd make actual progress and rescue the others. "What is it now, Charlie?" "Deputy, we have him!", it wasn't Morgan that responded but a teen that couldn't have been older than 17, an unfamiliar face to Hartley. "Have who? And you are?" "Justin Harker. My ma and I moved in here few months back, may she rest in peace.", he offered his hand to Hartley, which he shook, then added in a whisper, "We've got intel on John Seed!" Charlie sat down in the chair next to Calahan's, downing the glass Mary May had produced in front of him. "Bastard's running a leaky operation, Rookie. Heard from a source he's left that bunker of his on his own. But it gets better… in less than an hour he will be headed to his ranch." Hartley shook his head, "Sounds too good to be true, Morgan. You sure you didn't dream that up?" "Deputy, it's true. We're going there, thought to stop to ask you to joins us for the ambush.", Harker couldn't contain his excitement. "We're capturing that bastard and making him suffer today.", Charlie let out a maniacal laughter at which Mary May slapped her palm on the bar, giving him a pointed look. "Keep it down. I'm running a business here. First and last warning, and you're gonna be making your own booze in your toilet." "Sorry, darlin'." The third guy remained silent, Hartley knew his face but for the life of him couldn't remember his name. "So you coming, or not, Rookie?" Calahan sighed, his head was already throbbing enough, and Morgan's presence wasn't helping. "No, I'm exhausted. I doubt this is going to pan out, boys. No offense, but you're miles away from being a capture party. Best case scenario, some Peggie is fucking with you and sending you on a wild goose chase… Worst, well… you'd be captured and meet John face to face, but in his bunker." "Rookie, are you afraid?", Charlie chuckled. "You heard anything from what I just said, you asshole?" "Now, now, let's all calm down.", third guy broke his silence, waving his arms around. "We're going, Rookie. And you can sit on your ass and be afraid all you want. I'm catching that bastard that carved my chest and carving his face as payback today. Let see then how well his broadcasts perform after I'm done with him."
Charlie downed his second drink and stormed out without a look back, followed by Mr. "Calm". Hartley grabbed Harker's arm as he went to leave, too. "Kid, if you know what's best for you, don't go anywhere with Charlie Morgan." The teen shook his head, "It's fine, Deputy, I made a promise at my ma's grave, I plan on honoring it." "You know which channel to call if you get anything?" "Yes, Deputy. I will be sure to keep you posted." With that he left, heading outside to join the others. "God, I hate Charlie.", Mary May groaned. "Then why serve him, gorgeous?" "Can't be picky in these times, now can I? As long as he pays… but I'm getting close to banning him indefinitely." Calahan rested his head on the bar. "You really not going to go with them?", Mary May nodded towards the now closed door, "There's still time." "Nah. I'm good. Don't believe John Seed would just offer himself on a silver platter like that." "Well, in that case, why don't you head upstairs, catch some sleep on the couch? Didn't plan to say it, but you look like shit.", Mary May smiled. "Don't I know it. Sleep avoids me like an ex-girlfriend these days." "You still worried about Sabrina?" "No news, absolutely nothing. It's bizarre." "I'm sure something will turn up." "Thanks, gorgeous." Hartley took a final sip of his drink and climbed upstairs, ready to get some needed rest before he'd have to head back out.
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John drove in silence, his eyes glued to the road while he felt like he was on autopilot as the last few hours replayed in his mind. His emotions were all over the place: from how the morning started with yet another close encounter with Sabrina through the decision to take her to the ranch to holding her lingerie in his hand as he imagined peeling it off her body. Bad idea. He had no clue what had possessed him to do it and she seemed just as shocked. He needed to put as much distance between them as soon as possible, if he was to come back to his old self and focus on his tasks. Then there was Savannah and her genuine excitement at his presence and their "trip". He knew he had made the right decision the second she told him she's not afraid of him even if he's a "Peggie". He didn't want to imagine those big green eyes fill with fear at the sight of him. Ever. "You doing okay there, Seed?", Sabrina whispered after a while, amusement seeping into her tone. John nodded, gripping the steering wheel, "Just thinking, going over my schedule." A complete lie… but he doubted she'd appreciate the truth, especially spoken out loud in front of her sister. He took his eyes off the road for a second to sneak a look at Sabrina just in time to see her faint smile vanish completely off her face. Her hand shot out to his knee, his name coming out in a panicked whisper, making him look back ahead. The road they were on wasn't empty as it was before, instead a car and an armed man stood blocking their path as the truck came to an abrupt stop. John looked in the rearview mirror, contemplating driving back the way they came from but two more men had popped out from hiding, headed for the truck with determination. The Resistance.
"Who are these people? Are they Peggies? They don't look like it.", Savannah spoke up, her face twisted in confusion. "I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, pumpkin.", Sabrina responded just as one of the Sinners shouted, his voice carrying through their open windows, "Out, Seed, don't think of doing anything funny. There's no need for anyone else to get hurt." "John-" "Rin-Rin, what's happening?", panic was taking over Savannah's voice. One of the men was by the driver's door then, rifle trained, ready to haul John out of the truck by force. "It's okay, Savi." He leaned in, wondering if he's smelling Sabrina's scent for the last time as he whispered in her ear, "There's a gun in the glovebox, the Bliss bullets are non-lethal but they will slow them down, do what you must to protect Savannah." Then he turned to the Sinner, calling out, "I'm coming out. There's a child in the car." "John, this is a bad idea." He knew as much, but the alternative presented just as much danger. "It's not my time yet, Deputy. Don't worry." He opened the door, climbing out with one last look at Sabrina, knowing chances were she'd drive away now that the road behind them was clear and leave him to face Judgement at the hands of the Resistance. She owed him nothing, especially not when her sister was in danger. "Walk, Seed.", the Sinner gritted out, his rifle poking John in the back, urging him on. As they neared the lone gunman, he raised his hands, "I'm unarmed, let the others go." He wasn't exactly unarmed, he still had Sabrina's knife, though using it would be a gamble with his own life. "You're not in charge here, you bastard.", came out the familiar voice of Charlie Morgan, his dead gray eyes narrowed with a look of hatred, hinting at his intentions. That very man had his turn sitting in John's chair not that long ago, screaming about revenge while John carved "Gluttony" into the Sinner's chest. From the corner of his eye he could see the youngest of the group speak into a walkie, probably calling in reinforcements. Captured. Me?
John wanted to laugh at the irony, but thoughts of Sabrina and Savannah clouded his mind. "You haven't learned anything from your Confession, have you, Charlie?" It was the wrong thing to say, making Morgan's face twist up in rage, gaze shifting to the truck behind them, "Maybe I should go drag out that lady of yours, march her over here, see how mouthy you are then, you bastard." John tried to keep himself in check, but something must have flashed across his face, urging Charlie to keep pushing. "Yeah, I'd start with carving into her. Make you watch. Then comes your turn. How does that sound?" He turned to the older Resistance member, "Bring her here, Blake." "You have to love them, Brother.", Joseph's voice did little to calm the anger bubbling up inside. The thought of Morgan putting his slimy paws on Sabrina made John see red. Before he can even attempt to silence the urge for violence, his hand had taken out her knife from the back of his jeans and in one brisk motion plunged it into the neck of the Sinner that had led him there. Before Charlie could react he was on top of him next. The whole time the youngest Sinner stood frozen in shock. His pistol shook in his hand at the sight of one of his comrades lying dead on the concrete, blood pooling beneath him and the other was close to follow in his footsteps, too. "Charlie, this isn't what we planned…Hurting others…Blake's dead.", the teen mumbled, voice small. John ignored his panicked ramblings, keeping his attention fully on Charlie, his smile dark as he said, "Yes, you haven't learned anything, Charlie." Morgan was nowhere close to giving up, his fury fueled his struggle and eventually allowed him to overpower John. He was set on grabbing the knife as he came on top with a maniacal look on his face. "You carved my chest, now it's time to carve that pretty face of yours, you bastard. See how Joseph likes you then."
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"Is John going to be okay?", Savannah's eyes were brimming with tears. Sabrina's gaze shifted from the scene in front of them back to her sister as the armed man led John away. She rolled the windows up, afraid what might carry through them. "Hey, look at me, everything is going to be okay.", she reached her hand out to Savannah, "Don't look ahead, okay?" "Okay." Two paths were presented to her again: to drive off or help John. Her brain screamed at her to be rational, that Savannah was the only priority, that she should crawl over the console and into the driver seat, turn the truck around and leave. Her conscience argued he's in danger because of her: because he took her out of that bunker in the first place and he was breaking a rule by taking her to his home to protect her sister. And her heart… it reminded her he's the man from her visions. That she would be abandoning him to die, never to see him again. Acting or not. I can't leave him. Her father was not one for inaction, it's what led to his death and he passed that dangerous drive down to his daughter. She knew what he would do. Her mind was made up the second she saw John take down one of the men. You're going to get yourself killed, Seed. In a blink, she was reaching into the glovebox, pulling out the gun, absorbing the familiar feeling as she gripped it and released the safety before she turned to Savannah. "Keep your head down, whatever happens, you don't look. Lock the doors behind me, Sav." "John-" "I'm going to get him." She kissed her sister's forehead, rushing out of the truck, her eyes zeroing in on John and another man locked in a struggle on the ground, fighting over a knife. Above them stood a teenager, face frozen in shock, as he pointed the gun at the two men, unsure what to do, if he should shoot. "Charlie, stop it! We agreed we're taking him in alive! We had a plan!" Charlie? She knew that name, many times she and Hudson had to escort him out of the Spread Eagle after he had decided to sleep there after a full day of drinking. Then suddenly one day he had disappeared, taken in by John's men only to reemerge with a dark look that refused to leave his eyes, constantly talking about getting revenge on the Project. In that moment he was set on killing John, screaming about carving into his face as payback. Seems like your own sins are catching up with you, Seed. Did you have him in that room, too?
The teen's gaze shifted from the ground up to Sabrina as she drew in closer, he raised his pistol in panic, pulling the trigger but his hand was shaking so badly he missed, grazing Sabrina's arm instead. She ignored the sting, hitting her target in a spot at his shoulder that was less likely to be leathal, the tricky shot incapacitated him, but whatever was in the "bullet" took him down in seconds, to the point she was worried she had killed him somehow. A brief moment was all it took for Charlie to get distracted when his friend's body hit the ground, giving John the chance to strike and sink the knife into his neck in one swift move. "A chance at Eden, Charlie. And you threw it away.", came as a mutter. He rolled the man's body off him as Sabrina reached her free hand out to pull him up. "Sabrina.", he lay still for a second, his blue eyes staring into hers, betraying his bewilderment at her assistance. "You expected me to leave?" John nodded, as he grabbed her outstretched arm, his own hands were bloody, getting hers covered too. He got up, smoothing the strands of hair that had gone out of place during the scuffle. "You should have left. Your sister-" "She's okay. I told her to lock the doors. I don't leave people behind, John." "Even me?" "Even you." "And yet, that boyfriend of yours left you behind. Ironic." "Boyfriend?", Sabrina's eyes narrowed in confusion. "That blond Deputy.", the resentment was clear in his tone and the mask slipped for a second as his features morphed into a dark frown. She didn't correct his assumption when she said, "Calahan. And he didn't leave me, I told him to go." "You sacrificed yourself so he gets away. You must love him then." Fishing for information now, are we? "I simply didn't want to risk his life too. I can take care of myself." "That I've seen. You're quite resourceful.", John wipped her knife off his jeans, "Your little gift saved my life, Deputy." Gift. Ha.
""A knife in your boot can save your life one day.", it's what my father used to say." And Scott Donovan was right, her own knife had helped John. "Smart man." Sabrina gave him a sad smile as she kneeled down, checking on the teen at her feet, "He was. A truly good man." Barely lucid, but still breathing. Good. "We have to go, Deputy. I'm pretty certain this one called in reinforcements." She nodded in response and when John made a move towards the teen, knife still clutched in his hand, she put herself between them, adding, "If you're planning on killing him, too… I won't let you. He's a kid, couldn't even hold his weapon steady. Enough lives were lost today, John, and it's barely noon." "Fine, Deputy." After moving the bodies off the path, they headed back to the truck, as he asked, "What do we tell Savannah?" We. That's progress. Sabrina took a deep breath, "I- for once I'm not sure, I need a minute." His hand was on the small of her back, offering silent support as they reached the passenger's side door. To Sabrina's relief her sister had followed her instructions: she was curled into herself, her auburn hair barely peeking out between the seats. She looked up cautiously when Sabrina knocked on the glass. "We're okay, pumpkin. You can open up." Savannah climbed over the console, rolling down the window, "Are the bad men gone?" Gone. Both literally and figuratively. "Yes, Sav. Pass me your water bottle, will you?" Sabrina and John quickly washed off whatever they could from the blood before climbing back into the truck. Soon they were back on the road with the men's bodies not visible in the rearview mirror anymore as Savannah's face poked inbetween the front seats, her green eyes focusing on John then on her sister. "You're both okay, right?" "Yes", came out in unison, making her laugh out loud. John looked at Sabrina before shifting his gaze back onward, his lips curling into a triumphant smile, "Deputy, you just said "Yes"." "No, I didn't.", she deadpanned. Savannah giggled, "Yes, you did, Rin-Rin." John tilted his head in her sister's direction, "See, Savi here says I'm right." "You're unbeliavable." "So you keep telling me.", and he had the audacity to wink. He just killed two people and is smiling like nothing has happened. Sabrina rested her head against the window, ignoring the pain in her forearm and trying to keep her emotions in check while Savannah and him chatted away, filling the time until they reach their destination.
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captainfern · 1 year
this is a request but i accidentally deleted it 😭
“hi babes. ur work is amazing but im sure you know this. im also sure you have lots of requests so please take your time getting to this one. but I was wonderingggg if you could do one where price is the friend of the readers dad? they've been hooking up in secret for a while but at a little house party, they sneak into someplace private and do the deed. ive seen so many other ffs about this with other characters so ikkkk price would fit this. thank you again <33”
dbf!Captain John Price x fem!reader
[“Marigold” by Nirvana]
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• summary - price is your dads best friend. he asks you to meet him upstairs during a party. you fuck lol. • rating - 18+ • wordcount - 4.4k • warnings - fem!reader, dad’sbestfriend!price, established relationship? kinda?, unprotected piv, age gap [whatever you want it to be as long as it's legal lmao], fingering, recording [consensual], oral [f!receiving], praise, strong language
You fidgeted with the hem of your dress, looking at yourself in the mirror. You ran your hands down the fabric, smoothing the wrinkles, smiling at yourself. You looked fucking good.
Downstairs, a big neighbourhood party was in full swing— something organised by your father. It was a comfortable get together to unwind before the summer holidays, complete with all of your neighbours from down the street, and even across the block.
The dress you were wearing was new. You brought it recently, actually. You liked to convince yourself you got it because you were treating yourself, but in reality, it may or may not have been a 2am online purchase after a considerable emotional breakdown. But hey, same thing, right?
It was shorter than you thought, mid-thigh, if that. The colour was pretty too, your favourite. It complimented the complexion of your skin, accentuating your figure, showing off a significant amount of leg. You smiled at yourself, doing a quick twirl.
Hot as fuck.
The party was bustling. You had arrived home late, apologising profusely to your dad before rushing upstairs to get ready. So, over the gentle thrum of the music, you weren't surprised to hear your dad call your name, hurrying you to come and greet the guests.
You bounded down the stairs, dress fluttering against your thighs, and made your way into the kitchen. You tried not to feel awkward when copious pairs of eyes turned to look at you as you shuffled towards your dad. He put an arm around your shoulders, holding you to his side for a moment, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
"There you are. Come say hi to everyone."
You did. Humming along to the music as you went, you individually greeted each of the guests. You plastered on your best people-pleasing smile, responding cheerily to the same fifty fucking questions everyone asked you.
How are you? How is work? Have you figured out what you want to do? Any plans for the future? Met anyone special?
By the time you made it to the edge of your living room towards the other side of the house, you felt a headache coming on. So, you excused yourself back into the kitchen to get a large glass of water. Your father was just departing, leading the congregation of neighbours outside. By the smell of it, someone was on the barbecue.
You were left, alone, in the kitchen, nursing a cold glass of water, listening to the music you were skeptical your dad had actually chosen. There were some good songs, surprisingly.
You placed your glass away as your dad walked in, heading for the sink. He wriggled in next to you, rinsing his hands under the water.
"You okay, honey?"
You nodded. "I'm fine."
He smiled at you, drying his hands on a towel nearby. As he did that, the doorbell rung, echoing through the house, just audible over the music.
"Oh, can you get that? I just need to take these outside..." Your dad said, scooping a couple of extra wine bottles off the counter and heading outside.
You walked through the house, heading to the front door. You opened it with a polite smile spread across your features. It drooped slightly, catching sight of the man on your front porch.
"Captain Price." It was meant to be a greeting, but it sounded more as if you were stating a fact.
He offered you a small smile, his eyes crinkling at the edges. He had a bottle of whiskey tucked beneath his arm.
"You just never want to call me by my first name, do you, sweetheart?" He chuckled as you stepped to the side, allowing him entrance.
You blinked after his form— strong, hulking shoulders, a lean abdomen paired with a slight narrow in his waist— as he meandered into the entrance hall.
"John makes you sound old." You quipped as you followed him into the kitchen.
He laughed. "I am old."
"Not that old." You said.
It was somewhat true. He was a similar age to your father, and they were best friends. They'd been in the military together before your dad retired to have a family. Price had always checked in on him, especially when he had time off work. You had known him for a while. Met him a couple of times when you were really young— not that you could remember, anyway— and then you saw him a bit more frequently as you got older. You hadn't seen him for a while up until today. Captain John Price is a busy man.
You felt your body begin to heat up once the pair of you were in the kitchen.
Well, the last time you saw him was a couple of weeks ago, before he was set to be deployed to some foreign country—
"That's it, thaaaat's it, don't talk sweetheart, just take it," Price whispered in your ear, chest pressed to your back. "Don't talk. Just take my cock, there you go. Take it, love. Doing so good for me."
He had you bent over his kitchen counter, his house dark around you, the early hours of the morning apparent by the inky black sky visible out of his windows.
You couldn't talk, even if you tried. You had been trying to whimper to him, moan his name and his rank and tell him what you wanted, but you couldn't get the words out of your mouth. He had left you speechless with the way he continuously hit that spongey spot inside you, making you tighten and gush around him.
Bodies flush together, sweat accumulating between you. Your skin was on fire, hands and tits flush with the cool countertop as he fucked his cock into you, harder and harder, your knees smacking the underside cabinetry. His grip on your hips was vice-like, keeping you steady, his pelvis smacking into your arse.
"S'this my going away present, sweetheart?" He chuckled as you choked on another string of moans caught in your throat. "Fucking perfect. I better get another one once I'm back, yeah?"
You nodded deliriously, finding your voice. "Yes, Price, fuck, I promise, I promise—"
Price cleared his throat, snapping you out of your little flash back. He leaned against the kitchen island, hip bracing against it, having placed the bottle of whiskey down. He folded his arms across his broad chest, arms looking especially good in his black jacket.
"Your dad around?" He asked.
You nodded towards the backyard. "Yeah, he's outside. Did you want me to go get h—?"
You were cut off as Price grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him, pressing your body to his. Quickly, he cupped your jaw and placed his mouth to yours, backing your lower back up against the counter. You had your hands against his chest as his tongue slipped into your mouth, one hand on your jaw and the other balled at your hip. He pinched the fabric of your dress between his knuckles, still keeping his fingers tucked into a fist.
Just as you whined into the kiss, your hands travelling upwards, Price stepped back. Commotion outside drew him right across the kitchen as the back door opened and your father came in. You discreetly wiped your face. So did Price.
That was unexpected.
Your dads eyes lit up when he saw Price, and Price smiled at him.
"John! Didn't think you'd make it!" Your dad beamed, pulling Price into a hug.
Price slapped your dad a couple of times on the back before they released each other.
"I flew in last night," Price admitted. "I won't stay long. Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. Oh, I also brought this."
Casually, Price stepped past you and grabbed the bottle of whiskey off of the counter behind you. You breathed in his cologne as he passed the bottle to your dad. You had to force yourself not to close your eyes and whine.
"Jesus, mate, this is an expensive bottle. You shouldn't have."
"No worries, mate. Enjoy it." Price replied.
Your dad turned to you, showing you the bottle, and you had to pretend like it was the coolest thing ever, since your dad seemed absolutely ecstatic.
"You see this, honey? This is good stuff."
"Oh, I bet." You said.
Your dad turned to put the whiskey in a cabinet nearby. When he turned back around, he let his eyes fall on to you, and his gaze softened, a small smile still evident on his face.
"I didn't say earlier, but that's a really nice dress. Nice colour, too. You look beautiful." Your dad said.
You felt your lips quirk at the edges as you hid a bashful smile. "Oh, thanks."
Your dad nudged Price. "It's a nice colour, don't you reckon, John? Reminds me of our deployment in Damascus. Remember? That nice lady selling all those shawls..."
You could tell Price wasn't really listening to your dads military-era story. His eyes were on you. It felt like he was absorbing you whole. Eyes darkening, raking up and down your body, admiring both the dress and the way it clung to you. The pinpoint of his tongue darted across his lips as his gaze travelled upwards from your legs, resting now on your face. You cocked your head at him, ever so slightly, biting your bottom lip for a second. He followed the movement, blinking and looking away, clearing his throat as his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink.
"Yeah, nice colour. Suits you." He grumbled.
After a moment, your dad led Price outside and you watched them go. Your body thrummed in time with the music, buzzing from where Price had touched you just mere minutes ago. You felt warm.
An hour or so later, the congregation of people had moved back inside, happy and full after the food outside. Darkness had fallen now, music still loud and just slightly vibrating the drinks resting on the counter in front of you.
You were talking with your neighbour, a girl just a few years older than you, who you had known for quite some time. The conversation was actually nice, and you found yourself enjoying it. Until she had to leave, and you were once again left standing alone in the kitchen. Until, of course, Price sidled up beside you, still a respectable distance away.
"Meet me upstairs. Give it a minute, though." Was all he said before he vanished from the room.
No greeting, or small talk. Straight to the fucking point, clearly.
You downed the rest of your drink, letting a good long couple of minutes pass before you decided to head up the stairs. As you ascended, you looked around, seeing no one paying you much attention. Your dad was on the couch, telling a good dozen people one of his usual thrilling stories of his time in the military. You smiled to yourself as you reached the top of the stairs.
You made your way into your bedroom, humming to yourself. You didn't see Price straight away, so you flinched when he slammed the door closed behind you, jamming your desk chair beneath it to keep it locked— it was an old house, with no locks on the bedroom doors— and striding across the room.
You had no time to react as he put a hand to the back of your neck, holding gently but firmly, and pressing your mouth to his. You whined desperately, folding your arms along his shoulders and carding your fingers into his hair, knocking his woollen hat off. He wasted no time in shoving his tongue into your mouth, smoothing it against yours, drawing soft noises from your throat.
He walked you backwards until you both fell against the bed, him overtop of you. He didn't once break the kiss, even when he used one hand to pry your legs apart, forcing them to hook around his hips as he pushed you further onto the bed, crawling after you.
"Missed you." You whispered, pleasure straining each syllable. He had broken away from your mouth, kissing along the curve of your jaw and down the expanse of your throat. He nipped at the soft skin of your neck, licking along your collarbone, still heading southward. He got to the neckline of your dress, pressed taut to the swell of your breasts, rising rapidly as you breathed. He ran kisses along the soft flesh, running his hands up and down your waist, revelling in the softness of the fabric and the warmth of your skin beneath.
"Such a pretty fucking dress," He muttered, teeth skimming the line of the fabric. "Took everything in me not to flip it up and fuck you in it... right there in that kitchen."
He yanked it down, letting your tits spill out before him. With a soft grumble in his throat, he pressed his mouth to your left one, drawing your nipple into his mouth, circling it with his tongue. He looked up at you whilst he did it, admiring the way your eyes fluttered, struggling to maintain eye contact as the pleasure built.
After a moment, he released it with a slick pop and moved to your right tit, mimicking his earlier actions. You moaned his name, gripping his hair, massaging his scalp. He groaned, mouth wet and hot against your delicate flesh. His hands had moved now— one running up to cup and massage your tits as he sucked, and the other travelling down the length of your body.
Your body hummed in anticipation, tingling as he gently flipped the bottom of your dress up, exposing your underwear. Still sucking kisses onto the mounds of your breasts, he dipped his hand past the hem of your underwear. Two fingers made contact with your slick core, and you arched further into his mouth, moaning loudly.
"Fuck me, you're soaked," Price grunted, releasing your swollen nipple and sitting back on his haunches.
Impatiently, he yanked his hand out of your underwear and ripped them away, the cotton snapping against your thighs, breaking with a loud tear. You whimpered as Price stuffed the material into his jacket pocket, swiftly pushing his fingers back towards your core.
They ran up and down your slit, collecting the excess arousal that was drooling from your cunt. He slowly dragged the digits through your folds a couple of times before he pressed the tips to your clit, drawing tight circles. You gasped, arching for him, moaning his rank as he replaced the two fingers with his thumb. His two fingers were immediately at your dripping entrance, circling.
"So wet, sweetheart. Absolutely dripping," He mused. "What's got you all wet and needy?”
You mewled at him, sensation-overload and he had barely started. Your tits were slick with his saliva, cold in the air of your room. He was still circling your clit, your arousal making his movements audible if you listened hard enough. The music downstairs was dull and echoey, as if you were underwater. Then, his two fingers, the tips barely grazing your soaking hole. You could scream.
"Eh, sweetheart? What's got you soaking your pretty little underwear, hm?" Price asked, still giving your clit attention.
"You." You whine.
"Me?" Price chuckled. "What about me?"
'You're... you're making me wet, Price," you almost sob. "Need you so bad. I missed you."
Price liked that answer, clearly. He pushed two fingers into your cunt, letting out a breathy moan as your silky walls clamped around the digits. You keened, whimpering like some kind of wounded animal as he buried his fingers to the knuckle before dragging them all the way back out. He plunged them in again, and a pace began, almost in time with the base of whatever song was playing downstairs.
"This my welcome home present?" He asked, shoving his fingers repeatedly into your tight cunt, wet sounds reverberating around your bedroom.
You nodded. "Yeah. M-missed you—"
Your lower stomach was tingling, coiling tight. Already? Fucking hell.
"Missed you too, sweetheart," Price leaned up to press a chaste kiss to your lips. "Couldn't get this pretty face outta my head. Couldn't get this pretty cunt outta my head, either."
He leaned back, settling on his ankles as he watched his fingers drag in and out of you, coaxing wave after wave of slick from the depths of your cunt. He moaned, really fucking loudly, at the sight.
"Can I... can I take a video?" Price asked, breathless.
You felt yourself burning up, stomach flipping. You nodded, whining a "yeah" as he reached into the pocket of his jeans and fished out his phone. His fingers slowed for just a moment as he readied his phones camera.
"Wish I had a video when I was deployed," he whispered, more to himself than you. "Had to rely on my imagination."
His words made you moan.
"Yeah, just had to remember those pretty sounds you make, and the sight of this pretty cunt stretched out around my cock," He groaned, turning the flash on to combat the hazy lighting in your bedroom. "Came all over my hand imagining it was this cunt 'round my cock."
He hit record as the movements of his finger sped up. You mewled, whining, arching off the bed and pushing your aching core further onto his hand as he fucked his fingers into you, thumb rubbing tightly against your puffy, wet clit. The sounds were obscene, like foley sound effects, soft squelches with each push of his fingers. You could feel your arousal pooling out of you, down the soft skin of your thighs, across the curve of your arse, bleeding into the sheets beneath you. You imagined that Price's hand would be absolutely drenched.
He was making soft, deep noises in the back of his throat, watching his fingers, phone focused on their movements. He flicked his eyes up to your face, not moving the camera though. Your facial expressions were easy to remember— chewing at your bottom lip, slight furrow in your brow, lips puffy and wet with saliva, eyelids fluttering. That was for his mind only.
You moaned, breathy and high-pitched.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?"
"Gonna... gonna cum."
He withheld a moan at the sound of your sweet desperation. It made his cock throb angrily within the confines of his boxers, already painfully hard the moment he had pushed you onto the bed.
"Go on then, pretty girl. Cum 'round my fingers," He muttered, and you did— creaming around him with a violent twitching of your legs, cunt spasming around his fingers in a burst of arousal, splattering up the length of his forearm. He smiled lazily behind his phone, muttering; "That's a good girl."
"Price—!" You cried, halfway between a moan and a sob.
He hit stop, tossing his phone aside and pulling your thighs apart. Nestling himself between them, his breath fanned out across your soaking folds. You tried to lift yourself off the mattress to see what he was doing, but you couldn't. When his warm tongue licked a fat stripe up your sensitive slit, you flopped backwards.
There wasn't as much foreplay as usual… in the sense that Price shoved his tongue directly into your drooling cunt. He ignored your overstimulated clit, probably for the best, as he lapped at the arousal that was still leaking from you. He moaned happily against your folds, nose pressed just below your clit. It nudged the swollen bundle of nerves every few seconds, and it made your hips buck, electricity zapping the base of your tummy.
You had both hands in his hair, pulling him closer and urging him on. You tugged gently at the strands, massaging his scalp, making him grumble appreciatively below you. His hands were hard and warm against your thighs, making you tingle. Your tits were still exposed, the rest of your dress pooling around your waist.
You could still hear the rest of the party happening downstairs. A small jolt of fear passed through you. If anyone— especially your dad— came searching for you, you'd be fucking dead. Whoever it may be, would find you spread out on your back on your bed, legs spread and panting, a man probably more than twice your age between your thighs, eating you out like his life depended on it.
The fear turned to thrill, and you released a shaky breath.
Your second orgasm rolled over you quickly, and Price dragged it from you with a moan of your name against your cunt. You keened, uttering a sickly sweet "captain!" before coming in his mouth.
"Fuck, yeah, that's it." He murmured against your folds, sucking up the arousal that pooled at your fluttering hole. It always made you embarrassed, the way he literally talked into your cunt, his words vibrating your core. He groaned again, humping against your bed covers, pressing the outline of his aching cock into your mattress. "Such a good, wet cunt. Tastes fucking divine."
He pulled away. You watched him hazily as he shed his shirt and pants, then his boxers, his hard cock bobbing against his stomach. You salivated at the sight as he gripped himself, moving to scoop some of your arousal into his hand. He coated himself in it, pumping his hard length, eyes raking down your body.
"So beautiful, sweetheart," he murmured, leaning over you and kissing you again. His cock settled at your entrance, fat head leaking pre-cum onto your already glistening folds. "Just made for me, weren't you?"
You hummed your agreement, barely able to keep your eyes open. He kissed you again, tongue probing, hot and wet. You whimpered, feeling his tongue skim your bottom lip, drawing further desperate sounds from your panting mouth.
Price cursed. "Fuck. Can I record another video?"
You nodded.
"Words, sweetheart, come on. You should know that."
"Yeah, okay," you said sheepishly. "You can record again."
He kissed your nose, then shuffled back, grabbing his phone as he kneeled between your spread legs. He flicked it to his camera, flash on and hitting record. His phone followed the movements of his cockhead, rubbing up your slit, smearing your arousal. Then, with no warning other than a shallow, animalistic grunt from the depths of his chest, Price pushed his cock into you.
He tried not to cum on the spot at the way you tossed your head back, moaning as your silken walls clamped around his cock. Your fists balled your sheets, twisting, as you scrambled for some kind of anchorage as he pulled out and thrusted back in, shunting you up the bed.
His pace was gruelling, sticky skin colliding with a wet fap fap fap. Your eyes rolled, mouth agape as breathy strings of whimpers fell from your lips. His cockhead nudged the plug of your womb, slamming into that spot that had you twitching and spasming.
"My good girl, my fucking good girl, look at you, taking me so well," Price muttered, definitely audible on camera. You clenched around him repeatedly, drawing throaty grunts from him. Your third orgasm was, not surprisingly, approaching quickly. Really fucking quickly. Especially when Price moved his free hand from your waist to toy with your puffy clit, giving it a light pinch before circling it. You sobbed out, clawing at the sheets.
"Captain, please—!"
"Fuck... beg for it... please, sweetheart, fucking beg for it." By the way Price was speaking, he was close.
Your cunt throbbed at that, a whine in his words.
"Please, Price, need to cum. Can I? P-please—fuck—please, captain, need to—"
He groaned, trying to mute himself as much as he could, sinking his top teeth into his bottom lip before urging himself to speak.
"Go on then. Cum 'round my cock," Price uttered lowly, eyes focused on your face. He could watch his cock fucking into your slick cunt whenever he wanted. He just wanted to see your beautiful face. "Good girl, that's it. You can cum. Let go for me, sweetheart."
"Oh my god, Price—" you keened, third orgasm slamming into you and sending you spiralling. White hot, body alight, nerves buzzing as you came around his cock, still burning hot inside you, abusing the plug of your womb.
"Fucking beautiful," Price grunted, still recording the way your cunt stretched taut around his girth, splattering wet across his pelvis.
He was close, twitching inside you. He was pawing at the mound of your belly, pressing his palm to where the imprint of his cock was visible, so fucking deep inside you. He moaned at the sight, salivating, hiking your dress up further to get a better view.
Overstimulation was creeping in. You whined, reaching down to skirt your fingernails across Price's bare abdomen.
"Please, Price, cum for me," you whimpered, voice coming out unusually sultry. "Cum inside me, please, captain."
"Holy fuck—" Price stuttered, spilling inside you instantly.
His warmth flooded you, spurting around his cock, dribbling out of your cunt. He spilled ropes and ropes, hot white ichor, filling your womb as you sobbed for him.
Price tossed his phone to the side, immediately dragging himself up your body, cock still inside. He pressed kisses all over your face, soothing you, the both of you shining with sweat. Your bare tits pressed against his bare chest as he whispered sweet words of affirmation in your ear.
You sighed.
There really wasn't any other man, your age or not, like Captain John Price.
"You alright?" He asked, kissing your earlobe, your jaw, your cheek, your nose, then finally your lips.
You smiled, his facial hair tickling your face. "Mhm."
"Good." He nuzzled into the crook of your neck, sucking at the skin.
"You had fun filming your little videos?" You cooed, stroking a hand through his hair.
He grunted against your neck. "Of course. Straight to the wank bank they go, sweetheart."
You snorted, laughing. "For such an old man, you are so immature."
"I'm not an old man."
"You said you were earlier," you smiled. "Surprised you can still get it up."
"Fucking hell. You and Soap'd get along."
Your mischievous grin grew. "Oh, the one with the mohawk? Sexy—"
Price bit at your neck, making you yelp. He grumbled, "Don't push it."
You laughed, patting his head. You both lay in silence for a little while, listening to the dull, far-away vibrations of the music.
"We should probably rejoin the party..." You said in a disappointed mumble.
Price grunted, hugging you tighter. "Five minutes."
"Enough for round two, old man?"
"Don't tempt me, sweetheart."
This was meant to be longer and a bit fluffier but I got tired and horny so here you go hope you enjoyed mwah mwah xx
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gomzwrites · 1 year
Its 7am atm but my brain won’t shut up about this idea I have
Just thinking about their reactions to reader struggling with clothes - too tight or too loose
Not proofread, apologies for the errors
Tags: xgn!reader, suggestive tones(18+ mdni), I suppose this is also like pervy!cod members in some sense xD, mentioned of injury, possessive, musk kink(?), markings, tattoo
John Price
Everyone was given a new pair of military gears and outfits today, you had placed and wrote down the size you wanted previously
And yet still somehow they messed it up and your pants came in smaller than your regular size
You decided to try it on anyways because you can’t do much
That was a mistake
You pulled the pants, trying and skipping around as it gets caught around your ass, you gave another few more try before ultimately giving up, realizing that you might tore the fabric in the process
And so you push it back down, only to realize it wont budge
You lay down on the floor, hands splayed on the floor as you let out a loud defeated sigh
“You alright there?” Price came by as he heard your voice, halting as he sees you on the floor
“I give up” you say as you craned your neck to look at him and pointed your pants
“Cant fit and cant remove it” you said before frowning and gestured your pants
He laughs slightly before kneeling before you
“Let me help”
He said as he gives those pants a tug, and it doesnt budge
He grumbles slightly as he lower down the zipper slightly, thank god you had a black tight pants on(like those swimmer type idk the type wheeze but just know you’re not in undies)
He tries again but it didnt move, so he held your knees up slightly, “close your legs” he said before shifting slightly
With a harder grip, he yanks the pants and this time it finally moved, but you also moved along side with it due to his strength, slapping his knee-thigh area with your ass
You blush slightly as you propped yourself up with your elbow, but Price didn’t say anything as he gives another tug
He continues doing that and each time your skin would come in contact with him, making a small slap sound every time, you can’t help but felt like you’re in quite a suggestive situation, and the grunts and curses he lets out only made things worse
Bit by bit he managed to pull it out until your knees, where you wiggle the rest of it out without much struggle
There were a few red marks on your thighs by the time the pants was removed, he traced one of it with his thumb and whispered
“Does it hurt?”
It took you a second to register his question before you shake your head, he gives a nod as his fingers lingered for awhile, before clearing his throat as he leaves, you missed the warmth of his fingers
“I’ll get you a new pair” “okay”
You slapped your cheeks after he left to hopefully set your mind straight, get a grip, he’s your captain ffs! you thought to yourself
Little did you know, Price was fighting his own struggles as he watch your thighs jiggle with every tug, and your skin was so soft and the way you stared up at him with those eyes of yours made him go crazy inside
He knows he shouldn’t be having these thoughts, but man oh man
How would it feel like having them littered with bite marks and hickies? How would it feel like if he were to use those squishy thigh to slide his hard-
He prayed you didn’t catch on his thoughts when he stood up, an bulge forming in his pants
Kyle Gaz Garrick
You queued up at a clothing shop, excited to try on one of those compression shirt that you’ve been wanting to get since you seen them online, and it just so happened that this specific black one is on sale
But you know how it is with items that are on sale, they often come in sizes that are either too big or too small
In your case, too small
You tried it on regardless, wedging it through your head with a few grunts
Eventually you got it on, and you looked good, the shirt clearly hugging onto your figure and showing off your features
But you can barely breathe
“Sweetheart ye done?” Your boyfriend Kyle asked as he knocks your door gently
You adjusted yourself better and held your breath as you open the door and grin
His eyes widen as he takes in your form, hands already on you as he praises and smirk back at you
“Holy damn- look at you, my sexy thing~”
He gave you a lil turn until he realized your breath were strained, and you were using your neck muscles more, not to mention each breath you took was shorter and more frequent
He instantly pulled the shirt around your chest a little, then frowning as he stared back at you with nothing but concerns in his eyes
“Hey its too tight isnt it?” He whispered softly as he rest his warm hands on your waist
“Yeah but, I look good though”
“Nuh uh, that doesn’t matter if you can’t breathe baby”
“But its on sale!”
“We can go other outlet to check it”
“Thats so much trouble though”
“Its not I promise, lets get these out okay?”
He gave a kiss on your head as he slowly raised em up, until it was around your chest
“Jesus…” he mutters in a whisper as he takes a look at you through the mirror, the shirt did looked hella good on you, but seeing your skin exposed like this? Mmm that’s a better view
You watched as he slowly kneel down and trace his lips around your hips, you squirmed slightly as you nudge his head
“K-kyle, we cant-“
He shushed before kissing on your skin, nibbling it as he left them everywhere, then giving a hard suck just above your V line all of the sudden as you let out a choked sob
He lets go and lick his lips as he looks up at you with a devilish grin
“I’ll wait outside, yeah?”
He whispered when he stood up and left the changing room, you contemplated if you seriously needed that compression shirt as you look at the mark he left you, god does he knows just how to rile you up
Simon Ghost Riley
You hissed out with a suppressed groan as you lay against the couch with a bandage over your abdomen, without painkillers the dull aching pain was getting to you
You had a stab wound at the very last moment during the mission and Ghost had to settled it hastily with the med kit, bringing you to a safe house nearby
You didnt even realize you had goosebumps all over your arm as you shiver slightly, your shirt was torn in the process and some of it were used as a makeshift tourniquet to cut off the blood supply, now only having a pillow covering your chest
You heard a gruff voice behind you as something was tossed over your head, you quickly picked it up and realize it was one of his spare t shirt
You complied and wore it, realizing it was HUGE, the hem of the shirt extended until your thighs and the sleeves were covering until your forearm
You let out a hum of amusement as you whispered back a small “thanks” as you slide back to the couch
It smelled like him, and its warm and rather cozy, and that gave you a some comfort
You closed your eyes as you pulled up the shirt slightly so that the neckline was covering your nose, inhaling it and breathing slowly until eventually you dozed off
It will take a few hours before help can arrive anyways
Ghost had been watching from the side, and seeing how his clothe draped over your form has definitely awaken something in him
He slowly, and quietly kneel down beside you, careful not to stir you awake as he observes and look at you closely
God, he’d never realize how good you looked in something that was his
He wonders how you would look like with nothing but his big t shirt
It felt like he was marking you in some ways, showing off(albeit theres no one else) to everyone that you’re his(even though you’re not……yet)
What really made him clenched his jaw was how you were inhaling his smell, did you liked his scent that much? Mmm if only…
If only he could take you and cover you in his musk, rubbing it off on yours, letting everyone knows just who claimed you
John Soap MacTavish
You were training with him today to improve your hand-to-hand combat skills
One thing about Soap is that he will never go easy on you
So he would flip you, get you into a headlock, knocked you over with every chance he get
“Come on, yer need to faster rookie”
You huff and glare back at him as you take your stance, muscles already aching as you tug your pants
You regretted wearing this one
For some reason, you couldn’t find any regular pants you wear and so you dug out this old pants, but it was much bigger and it was falling every few seconds
You would’ve worn a belt, you should’ve worn a belt but you were rushing and didn’t thought about it
As you get distracted, Soap lunged on you as you barely avoided his fist, but he was fast as he gave a kick on your feet, tumbling you down for probably the 20th time on this session as you yelped
He grin and lets out a victorious laugh as he looked down on you, then stops as he notice just a small part of your undies revealing, along with a tattoo that was around your back, oh
You were on the ground, with your face towards the floor and ass towards him as you groan, panting out a few breaths as you try to lift yourself up slowly
“Giving up already?” He tuts as he comes closer and squat down, taking a better look at your backside with half-lidded eyes
He never knew you had tattoo, and it’s one of those tramp stamp nonetheless, which was really hot in his opinion. You had a small symmetrical wings with some thorns beside it as a design
But what really caught his attention was the hem of your undies, black, nothing crazy but still, it clearly distracts him enough that he didnt realize you were watching him stare at you
“Enjoying the view, Sarge?”
You wiggle your ass as he snapped out of his trance and cleared his throat, looking away with a blush.
“Ah-sorry, didnt mean to stare”
“You can stare”
He looked back at you with a frown as you flash him a grin, arching your back slightly as you wiggle your ass again
“Yer gonna be the death of me” he said with a laugh as he slaps your ass slightly, making you yelp as you giggled and tries to sit up, only to be yanked by your leg as he spins you around
Your legs were now beside his waist as he pulls you close, grinding on you as you blush
“Lets get on with a few private lessons…yeah?”
a/n: im updating Gaz's color with pink instead of yellow bcuz my friend mentioned it was hard to see if someone uses light mode tumblr :]
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doctorbunny · 9 months
(Part 6) MILGRAM x AVOIT bluetooth earphones collab: Mikoto and Kotoko voice lines
[Brief context: On 28th December 2023 a crossover was announced for bluetooth earphones featuring original voicelines from MILGRAM characters. [Website]
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PRISON.009 Mikoto Kayano Vertical text = こんなところで何やってんだろ、僕 = What am I doing in a place like this...? [the first line of Mikoto's first voice drama]
Voice Guidance: 電源オーン = Power O~n 電源オーフ=Power O~ff 接続成功、やったね = Connection successful, woohoo! [he cheers 'yatta ne' same as Yuno did, which is a celebratory cheer, so you can imagine him saying 'yippee' here too if you'd prefer ww] 接続解除 = Connection terminated ペアリングしてるからちょっと待ってね = It's Pairing so just wait a bit, ok? ペアリング成功 = Pairing successful あれ、ペアリング失敗しちゃった = Eh- The pairing didn't work at all そろそろ充電したほうがいいんじゃない? = Shouldn't you put it on charge soon? ノイズキャンセリングオ〜ン = Noise Cancelling O~n アンビエントマイクをオンするよ = Ambient mic turned on, y'know ノーマルモードだよ = It's on Normal Mode
Random Voice: ヒトゴロシとか言われても、知らないよ・・・・・・ = Even if they're saying I'm like a murderer or something, I don't know anything about it おつかれー。たまにはおやすみしなよ~ = I'm exhausted-. It's pretty rare that I get a good rest~ そういう音楽聴くんだ。センスいいね = The kind of music you listen to. You've got good taste マッピー、恋バナしよ、恋バナ = Mappi-, lets chat about love, girl talk! [the word Mikoto uses here is 'koi bana' which was also the name of minigram 45, it literally means a kind of light, gossipy chat about love, but officially got TL'd as 'girl talk' so I used both terms to fit it into English better] ゆんちゃん。最近JKの間では何がアツいの? = Yun-chan. What's the latest hotness amongst the JKs? [JK is a slang term short for 女子高生/joshi kousei/female high school students, closest English slang I could think of was Girliepop but it's not quite the same. Basically he's just asking her what's currently popular with teenage girls. Mikoto also filled out his interrogation questions like it was a social media bio so he's just Like This sometimes www] フータさー。そんなんじゃモテないよ? = C'mon Fuuta-. Isn't that kind of stuff cringe? [the word Mikoto uses here is motenai, which is unpopular/avoided/unwelcome, often in the sense of 'that guy is unpopular with women', its a slang term, so I extrapolated to find an English one I felt fit] 僕を守るためなら、俺はなんだってするぜ = If its for the sake of protecting Mikoto, I'll do whatever it takes! [This is John speaking, we know because he uses 'ore', in the first half he refers to Mikoto as 'boku', which is the first person pronoun Mikoto uses] ああああー! 俺をいらつかせんなぁー!! = Arghhh-! Don't piss me off- !! [John again]
PRISON.010 Kotoko Yuzuriha Vertical text = 粛清完了。当然の報いだ = Purge Complete. It's [their] just desserts. [from the second trial teaser trailer]
Voice Guidance: 電源オン = Power On 電源オフ=Power Off 接続成功 = Connection Successful 接続解除 = Connection Terminated ペアリング中 = Pairing [on going] ペアリング成功 = Pairing Successful ちっ、ペアリング失敗 = Tsk, Pairing failed ちょっと、バッテリーないんだけど = Hey, there's no battery left ノイズキャンセリング = Noise Cancelling アンビエントマイク、オン = Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモード = Normal Mode
Random Voice: いいわ。わかる人間にはわかるから = It's alright. Because people who understand will understand エス、私はあなたの牙になろう = Es, I will become your fang 音楽で精神集中? いいね = Using music to hone your mind? Nice フータ、少しは本気で生きたら? = Fuuta, why not try living at least a little seriously? [Once more from the top- "Thank you @maristelina!"] カヤノミコト、次は仕留める = Kayano Mikoto, I'll kill you next クスノキムウ、実害がない間は見逃してやる = Kusunoki Muu, as long as there's no real harm done, I'll overlook it for that time [Maristellina also helped here. The way Kotoko says she'll overlook Muu also suggests she views Muu as of a lower status than herself ] 私が看守ならよかったのに = I think it'd be great if I was the guard さぁ、私の罪を聴くがいい = Well then, you should listen to my sins
This is PART SIX of 6 Jackalope and Es, Haruka and Yuno, Fuuta and Muu, Shidou and Mahiru, Kazui and Amane, Mikoto and Kotoko [You are here]
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somemetallyillbitch · 9 months
John Nolan x López!reader
Bc I love the parents friend trope I'll write another nolan ff this time with reader being a lopez (and of age, like 21 22 or smth like that)
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John Nolan x reader fluff
Warnings: mamma Lopez, swearing, Nolan scared of his life, hints of smut but no actual smut, mentions of Alcohol (let me know if I forgot anything)
AN: I have zero clue what I made here but something came out so her yall go have fun
It was John's rare day of and we charished it with quality time and Netflix. That's when my phone rang. "Lopez-Evers? Hi mom what's up?" *over the phone* "Hi sweetie how you doing?" "What do you want mom?" "Can't a mother ask how her child is doing?" "She can but I know she wants something by her tone so spill it" "What do you know about secret relationships?" my heart sank "what would I know about that?" "We think Nolan is in one and you have the greatest skills to find out who it is." "Aren't you the detective?" "I can't spy on my co-worker" "so you want me to do it?" John looked at me with confusion and he picked me up and put me on his lap and nuzzled into my neck while I kept talking "Mom I love you but I won't Stalk your co-worker bc you want to know who he is dating, if you want to find out ask him yourself. Why don't you and dad throw a grill party or something then you could ask him, I can come to if you want, I mean it's springbreak so I have the next two weeks in LA." "okay I'm gonna tell your dad but please tell me what you find" "I won't find anything bc will not stalk Nolan end of discussion. Love you bye." John looked at me confused "why would you Stalk me?" "I will not Stalk you amor but I don't think this will be a secret much longer. My mom really wants to know who you date, maybe because you act differently." "So we are going to a grill party at your parents to find out I date you?" he asked amused "Yes precisely now if you don't stop with the little kisses I will drag you into the bedroom." I said and earned a mischievous grin from him "Oh well I do not mind" and kissed my neck harder until he hit my weak spot and I moaned. "John I swear to god~ christ that is good" he chuckled into my neck, turned me around and picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. "amor, as much as I would love doing that I have to get home and change." I was mad at myself for saying that. "You look beautiful all the time love" he said and kissed me. "thank you baby but I still have to change into something that isn't yours even if we get exposed today I still want to drag it out because as soon as my mother knows all hell will break lose and at least then she will have some alcohol in her system. " I said. "Alraight I will see you tonight but after that I will take out outfit and it will be in the corner of the room." "Okay sound perfect, I love you and I will see you at my parents." I gave him a quick kiss and walked out the house.
*Timeskip bc Idk what to write*
I was wearing something that will drive john insane bc the last time I wore it I couldn't walk the next day, that was fun explaining that to my professor when I couldn't stand for my presentation. I arrived and My Parents friend were already here but no John.
"I thought that whole thing was about Jo- Nolan, where is he?" I asked cursing myself for almost calling him John.
"He Texted me traffic is bad so he's running late." Lucy said. "What happened to your neck?" Harper asked with a smile "Got a Guy from LA?" "You have a boyfriend?" My mom asked in disbelief "I do and I wanna say imma kill him but I think you will take care of that." I said and the realisation hit Harper "No..." "Yes and I need you to not tell anyone okay" "Harper who is it?" My mother asked. "Oh you are going to figure that one out by yourself I am just gonna get popcorn and enjoy the show." she said and Lucy gave her a look of confusion then realisation and then shock in what my mother is going to do to him as soon as she finds out.
Nolan was enjoying a beer and a talk with my dad when my mother interrupted "Nolan question, do you know who my daughters boyfriend is?" She asked as if it was the most normal thing in the world John on the other hand was white as a ghost. "Why would I know that I barely see her I didn't even know she's here hi btw it's good to see you again, now I'm going to get a beer you want one?" He asked pointing at me "Yes I would love to and get my mother also one." Once John was gone a turned to my mom "Where is dad?" "Oh he is in the back Jard showing James his knew grill" My mum and Harper chuckled "What is it with Dads and Grills?" I that moment John came back and handed me mine and my mom's beer, when he handed me mine he said: "Here you go Honey-" That's when everyone froze. "Nolan, I am going to kill you!" "Oh God I would run amor" And with that John ran to the other guys and try to hide. We all started laughing.
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zilabee · 2 years
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John: I have a complaint as a director of Apple Paul: Mm? John: No bog paper! Paul: Oh yeah? John: Terrible disgrace. Paul: They've got pink upstairs. John: Have they? Paul: Yeah.
- They're so happy listening back to themselves playing old rock n roll numbers. It's disgusting. Having a fucking dance. George grinning his stupid face off. I hate them.
- George suggests they do a 'Beatles' Dance Album' of oldies, and John says 'Yeah, the Beatles' Fab Faves'. (how even dare they suddenly work out what the whole project should have been on day 18 ffs. Gather for a few weeks, work out great versions of the songs they fucking love, and then do a show of them. Either to a lovely dance hall with a happy audience, or - if george threw a mood - something arty where you play them all in different places with different weird setups. Anything. God it would have been everything.)
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George: It was really swinging yesterday! Glyn: Oh, it's beautiful!
- In the audio today Paul admits that he doesn't know how to drive on motorways and just stays in the outside lane all the time, which is just a weird normal bit of thing that I'm happy to know about him. I love that he knows he's obnoxious to the police but doesn't care. And then his tax disk was out of date, and John is confused because surely the office sort that out, but no they don't apparently. The lovely bits of Get Back are worth dying for.
- All of the thing totally justifies the way fic writers have been writing music sessions for decades. They're literally never saying anything more meaningful than "It does work that bit, the bit before that bit, y'know, but then this bit's a bit-" "yeah" and "It needs to be flatter, you know, a bit hand gestures" or "It's just very ploddy."
John: It's such a high when you get home... I'm just so high when I get in at night. George: Yeah, it's great, isn't it? John: I just - you know, that bit like on acid, where you see a little hand miles away. I was just sitting there listening to the last takes: 'What have I had? What have I had today?' You know, I ask her, 'Have we had anything?' Yoko: You're just high in general.
(the acid bit of this is missing in the book, with no indication they missed it. so thanks to @amoralto for that bit.)
- It's nice when they do talk about the ways that being together so much and playing every day is really working. Like George saying a bit ago how he can feel his fingers getting loose. And he's obviously writing loads, and sometimes things are starting to resolve even. John's really getting into it too, and not wanting to leave at night. There's loads of it that's really good for them. (I do think office hours is a mistake, but if they were doing sort of two to ten each night, it might be finer. Or if anyone was just well enough to cope with themselves.)
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- George quizzing Billy about what chords are what. Paul really getting into Old Brown Shoe. George's smile when it's all lovely.
- I know I said so just yesterday but still and again I so much love how much Billy responds to Paul responding to music.
Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a cleaner, but she was a frying pan.
- I love the little shot of John helping people move furniture.
- When they start getting all fussed about the setup and the mics and the PA and the sound and they can't hear it right and it's all a disaster, a dreadful disaster, but they've got George Martin. Who just very calmly tells them what's wrong, and tells them he'll fix them. And then when they start a new thought, he very calmly tells them what's wrong and tells them he'll fix it. Then he gives them little jobs to do - let's open the piano for a start. Amazing. Impeccable. Pure. Imagine how much we might all achieve if George Martin was there to calmly tell us what was wrong and how to fix it.
GM: It doesn't matter particularly about Ringo hearing the piano does it? John: No it doesn't matter about him, we never take any notice.
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- John working with Paul on how to phrase the 'I guess nobody ever really loved me' bit in Don't Let Me Down. Fuck off, both of you.
Beatles: [playing nonsense] Glyn: You do realise this tape is costing you two shillings a foot? George: Costing EMI. We're EMI artists, man, no?
- <33333 All the tech staff having their little jam while the Beatles are off at lunch. HEAVEN. Best bit of the entire thing. They could have their own little spin off show, where they just sit in small rooms and talk about (a) how awful and difficult the Beatles are, (b) how there's still too much bass and (c) how nice it might be to kiss Paul McCartney just theoretically.
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- Okay so Paul playing Strawberry Fields on the piano in the most beautiful voice he has, and John not looking at him… that happens, that's something that happens, and which I have no feelings or words about.
- You see now today they're pretending they couldn't possibly edit anything and GM is laughing at them when he ought to just stab them and let them bleed out. They're so impossible. I have genuinely no idea what any of them want this thing to be or why they want it, or if they all think someone else wants it.
- PLAY SOMETHING ELSE. If I was the control room I would have just switched them off.
- If they want to record everything in one take, they need to go back to the top ten club and rehearse the numbers for seven months and then come back and grin at the cameras. George is allowed in Germany, and they wouldn't need a boat.
[Paul worrying they don't have a good take of Long and Winding Road yet] Glyn: I think it's very tasty - tres tasty in fact Paul: Oh, the little version we had? George Martin: He's so good for your morale, this boy. Paul: SHUT UP GEORGE MARTIN, LET HIM TELL ME MORE THINGS HE LIKES ABOUT HOW LOVELY I AM.
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ok but also going off my last message about soap and marissa i want them to get together but i also want more of them flirting with each other and not doing anything about the tension that is clearly there and the rest of the gang are just oh ffs just fuck already but they’re like nah we like teasing eachother too much and THEN let’s say while the bar is super busy some random dude starts trying to get marissa attention but she’s a) too busy and b) already but not really spoken for like ygm and soap sees and he’s having none of it and all the guys are trying to calm him down and tell him that she’s fine but he’s like nah fuck that guy and then goes over to the bar and then tells the random dude to fuck off and marissa is like ‘you good pal’? and he’s like yeah i’m good friend just don’t want anyone hitting on my lady etc etc
A/N: ughughguh, yessss
Johnny gets protective over Marissa
Pairing: Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish x OC (Marissa in the Sunshine universe) *not proofread
—Like just imagine, now when the reader, or Sunshine as the 141 calls her thanks to Ghost, and Price is a couple and gets invited to those pub nights when they come back from deployment or simply a spontaneous visit to the pub, Soap only bats his eyes more at Marissa, 'cause ya know, Riss, the old man got his girl, shouldn't it be my time now?' and Marissa just gives him a look and a 'Dream on, Johnny-boy.
—You try to urge your friend to not brush him off all the time because clearly, she hasn't shut him down definitely
"And don't argue with me, you ain't cuddling into his side if you ain't the slightest interested", you point at her while at yours for a girls night. Marissa would only shrug, "You know he's touchy". It feels like your eyes can't roll further back into your head as you debate whether it would be worth dunking your dearest friend in enough rosé wine until she just admits something. "You know he's into you, and whatever you say, you can't convince me you aren't into him, so why continue circling each other like fucking cats?" "Not every one that bags a Captain the first night they meet 'em", she would reply with a tilt of her wingless. You would duck your head with a shake, only to look up at her with a small smirk. "No, you could've gotten your Sergeant sooner though"
—But it always comes to the surface the moment you're in the same space as Johnny and Marissa,
—There always glances, some when they lock gazes and the Scot flashes a grin and your friend huffs and rolls her eyes, continuing on with her job or simply arguing with him
—At other times there would be what you labelled longing glances enough for a Disney movie when the others' attention was turned elsewhere
—Tonight, however, those glances are predominantly coming fro Johnny, but for once, not settled entirely upon Marissa...
You're sitting by a table, John's arm around your back, resting on the backrest. Despite the rest of the guys' conversation, your attention however was on Johnny's eyes constantly flickering away from the table. His arms are crossed over his chest, jaws chewing nothing as his brows are set deeply. His cyan eyes are steely. He's nothing like his bubbly self, no grins and jokes, at least not for the past half an hour. Glancing the same way as his attention currently are directed, you sigh. It's a busy night at the bar, some football game which always brings a crowd. Some for the game, others for the spirit. This means Marissa is in full swing of managing the bar along with some of her co-workers. But you know your friend's hurried pace isn't the cause of concern nor the mood of the Scot, it's the man Marissa is talking to at the bar. He's young, not much older than herself. Not bad on the eye with his tall build, black hair braided into cornrows and clean style, but still boyish in his character. He's been sitting there for a while. Even when you'd walked up to her a while ago, fetching a scotch for John and a fizzy drink for yourself, concerning you'd taken the responsibility to drive tonight, urging John to have a carefree night that wasn't all too carefree when it comes to the Brit. You don't want to disturb Marissa for long after you'd ordered your drinks, but the perk of being her friend is that she spared a short conversation anyways. The guy had been interested in your sudden presence and closeness to her, introducing himself as Tyrell in passing. He was polite, not butting into your conversation. However, when you'd say goodbye to Marissa, promising to buy her a drink and something to eat after her shift, you caught how he asked about you, or more so taking advantage of your presence to get to know more about Marissa and other close friends. You'd thrown a look over your shoulder upon hearing it, Marissa and you seemingly sharing a telepathic link as she looked back at you within a moment's notice. Amusement shone in her eyes, but the prominent thing you shared in the silent exchange was the recognition of someone trying to chat you up from the other side of the bar. That's exactly why she'd brushed him off with a too-general answer to his question. One that he apparently didn't register was because of disinterest compared to customers almost non-stop competing for her attention to order a drink You knew she could handle this, she's done it before and so far tonight. So your worry wasn't on your friend. And though you knew Johnny also knew that, it was impossible not to notice how he'd been unable to relax since he fleetingly had caught them interacting once.
"Johnny", you leaned forward slightly, out of John's embrace. Your move didn't disturb the conversation the others entertained about the game, even though you noticed John threw you a glance. The gentle call of his name made the Scot's eyes flicker to get yours. "She'll be fine, he isn't getting peppered, just annoying", you'd kept an eye on the situation, much like Johnny. The guy hadn't had much to drink despite waving down Marissa a few times, those times more in an attempt to engage her in a conversation than anything else. "That's enough", he scoffed, his eye unable not to Strat towards the bar again before licking back. "What doesn't the lad understand? "Million-pound question, that is". Rather than chuckling, Johnny huffed, his chest puffing as he shuffled in his seat. You tried not to smile, jealousy making a grumpy side emerge from the Scot. "How'dya deal with it, why not ask him to sodd off?" "He's a customer, and though they aren't always right, they pay".
"Can't argue with logic, Soap", John butt's into the conversation, making Scot's eyes flicker to the man at your side. You feel a hand sneaking forth to make you lean backwards in the chair and as close as your separated chairs allowed. "Don't think ya would've liked some lad chatting' up yer lass, Price?" Johnny returned sourly, making John hold his laugh, only letting a quirk in his lip escape. "No, but logic is still hard arguin' against", he said, honesty and calmness lacing his voice. "And she ain't yours, Johnny", Ghost entered the conversation as his attention fell from the game he'd followed closely. His dark eyes found the Scot seated beside him. "That's Sunshine's job", Johnny pointed at you and you raised your hands. "Trying my best, but she's as stubborn as this one is at times", you jutted a thumb towards John, who turned to you with a playfully narrowed brow and pinch to your waist. You jerked in your seat and sent him a half-attempt at a glare. "Can't blame the wingman", Ghost stated with a cock of his head. "Gotta be able to chat her up yourself". That made Johnny's eyes flicker towards the bar and whatever he sees makes his head cock so swiftly you think he'd attempted to crack it. "That's enough", he announces, standing up hastily, his chair screeches but at the raucous cheers at a scored goal, one making even John jolt in his seat and stem into the celebration, the sound drowns. "Sit down, Johnny", Ghost orders, words clipped as his team conceded and not desiring the Scot to stomp headfirst into something. "Not this time, L.T.", Johnny return, his eyes never tearing from the sigh at the bar. Only making the hulking man sink into his seat with a shake of his head, attention falling back to the game he follows with less intrigue with John's jab upon the scores. "Testosterone", you can't but chuckle to yourself, letting the others continue watching the game as you follow the Scot as he advances towards the bar.
Soap's attention is entirely set upon the man's as he steps up to the bar, even though he notices Marissa's eyes falling on him upon his presence. Satisfaction bleeds into his chest, a pride that he so easily gets her attention compared to this man's attempts. "Jog on, lad". The guy shift his light brown eyes to him, head tilting upwards from his seated position. Tension rolls through Soap's body, it curls like nails through the muscles bunching in his back and neck. He knows he's fallen into his role of Sergeant, arms crossed, eyes standoffish, jaw set and sentence clipped. But he doesn't care, not when notices the bob of the man's throat despite the attempted composed cock of his brows. Intimidated? Good. "Why? I think the bar's open for everyone and I'm enjoying my drink and the company", his gaze flickered towards forwards, over the bar "Enjoy it elsewhere and with someone that ain't spoken for". It doesn't take more than a second for the man to recognise what he said and the edge in his voice. His brows shoot up, eyes jumping to Marissa and then back to Soap. "Sorry mate", he doesn't offer any niceties as 'enjoy the game' as he slips from his seat. His back isn't straight, but even if it was he wouldn't have been taller than Soap. For the better even, the man leaves his half-finished drink at the counter, heading straight for the exit. Knew it from the start, ain't here for the game. Soap scoffs as he watches the man retreat from the bar altogether, knowing his night here wouldn't go anywhere.
"Spoken for, huh?" Upon Marissa's voice, Soap turns and faces her. One of her brows is cocked and despite her tone, the irritation having nested in his body slowly ebbs. "Aye, don't want anyone hitting on my lady", he mused, a smile that's been hard to muster coming easily as he leans against the bar as Marissa's brows shoot upwards in surprise. "Especially not one that doesn't buy any drinks for himself or ya". "And you saying you do?" Marissa cocks her hip, hand landing on her waist. "Would if ya let me". She's quick to shake her head, but Soap catches the smile that twitches the edges of his lips. "Ya owe me one after tonight", he hums, earning Marissa's attention as her face lifts, brown eyes locking with his. "For what? Scaring away a customer? I own this place, can call security and fix it myself", she challenges him, only making him break into a grin rather than shy away. "Know ya can", he winks at her, tapping his hands against the counter. "But because ya've spoken with me and not escaped to yer other customers like ya did with him". She'd opened her mouth, about to rebut when she snapped her lips close, pressing them together, eyes snapping down the bar. Indeed, people were waiting to order. Marissa didn't say anything as she made her way down the bar, but the look she sent Johnny still made his step light when he returned to the others by the table.
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madraleen · 8 months
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Moriarty the Patriot - Ryōsuke Takeuchi & Hikaru Miyoshi Volume 6-Chapter 64 "It's not you, it's me" turned to "ASJFSDF": A Commentary
[tldr; i got so very bored reading the anime-covered parts, but once new things were introduced, i got excited again.]
-v6 is anime territory, i have nothing to comment.
-i'm halfway through volume 8. really, i have nothing to say, all this is anime territory, i know it. i want to get to the new stuff.
-william is such a sweet professor tho
-i see sherlock and william are adopting a son (bill)
-sherlock's cigarette fell off his mouth when william told him to survive "sherlock," and you know what, relatable 
-i'm speed reading, i just want to get the anime stuff over with. i feel like i'm not experiencing anything new story-wise or visually-wise and i'm losing interest.
-i wonder how guilt-ridden "i can't forgive myself/i want to die" william gets by in the remaining six volumes.
-i really do like that louis who's so william-obsessed betrays william to protect him.
-sherlock's apology to john, peak apology.
-i like william's reasoning "i wanted to get rid of the devils, i became a devil to do it, therefore i have to get rid of myself too." makes it grounded and convincing
-william visited sherlock to tell him to kill him and they're two seconds away from blushing and confessing their love. john playing matchmaker without knowing it
-bold of liam to assume that with this kind of letter sherlock wouldn't move heaven and earth to save him. profiling-sherlock: 0-1.
-i'm excited again. anxious even, even though we're still on the bridge, familiar territory
-sherlock making his wedding vows as liam hangs down the bridge
-"when did you guys get together?" "well, we were falling down this bridge into the thames to certain death and..."
-that hair tho. damn, sherlock! don't ever tie that hair again, what
-louis must be dying inside wanting to know if his brother is alive too
-goddamn sherlock's face is so soft when he realizes william is on the bed next to him after he comes to
-sherlock getting worried and protective over his damn man, he's giving it his all here, i wish william were conscious and seeing this
-who is this american ray of sunshine?
-ah i see, billy the kid. the third william-related name in the manga.
-the US department of justice saved them, i see
-oooh, i can't wait until louis tells us how he actually feels
-i can hear you/see you speaking, sherlock, but the words don't register, all i see is the mermaid hair. THAT HAIR
-awww louis is thanking sherlock for saving liam and staying with him <3
-yes, fred, i hope we can ALL see him soon. (*william)
-it's nice seeing louis being his own person, making decisions, doing action stuff, it's cool. he does look so much like liam sometimes, but also very different
-louis ffs, all you have to do is yell at moran "BROTHER IS ALIVE."
-THANK YOU for clarifying that, moran's hand is prosthetic, okay.
-all these reunions and partnerships are so heartwarming
-now i feel bad about little william, that's such a high pedestal to be put on by albert.
-interesting how albert sees ~the original sin as his, not william's.
-albert's pov is very interesting. it's nice to see him get so introspective
-ffs william, just get into the goddamn tower and save this older brother of yours from this anguish
-oh bb william, how are you? are you doing well?
-albert: “hello, brother, i'm glad you're alive, but whoa you must be suffering living in this world with your sins, huh?” *facepalm* this is probably not the welcome william expected. not even william.
-this is so sweet, the william-albert discussion. it's so honest and heartfelt and they are so deeply connected and care for one another
-idk, i love it when characters go from "i intend to die" to "i intend to live on." 
-i like how it's "i needed this time to reflect and understand, otherwise atonement would be meaningless," it explains the three year gap and gives everything weight.
-oh lil bb william burying his face in his big brother's chest, my heart
-dude this is a beautiful reunion, well done
-yes, let's go to louis :)
-sherlock sent a letter to john to let him know he was alive?? how considerate!
-the sherlock-john-miss hudson is also a sweet reunion
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hostileheart · 1 year
All to tell (John Phillips X (fem) reader)
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second FF upload to tumblr if you have any suggestions let me know thank you// to sum this one up you both work as interns at your father's company and it seems that he knows more about you than you anticipated TW for heavy sexual content and non-con elements
You lived in upstate Maryland for as long as you could remember, traveling briskly for your family's work related reasons or for a blissful summer holiday. You yourself never got out much at all, surrounded by the comfort of your home and your private college. Despite living in one place for that amount of time you still found yourself unsociable, purely out of choice. It was a rare occurrence to make conversation with anyone your age about any non school related subjects. There was no real reason to, having a one track mind makes it easy to accomplish what you wanted to. Which was exactly why your father had chosen you over your brother to take an internship at the company he was employed at. You felt dubiously guilty about the endeavor, most of the people starting an internship at the business were sons of other wealthy, dull, like minded middle aged men. On the eve of your first day you pondered to yourself about all the opportunities this could open for you, what type of impression you were going to make upon your father’s coworkers, your mind strains at the mere thought of the possible creepy touchy older men whose eyes would pin you down as you were simply trying to file paperwork, when they would make that so sickening small talk people do. Rest assured if anything was to happen you could leave whenever you pleased.
The next morning came too soon, as most Saturdays do good or not. Taking your time in the dawn of the morning to get ready and to leave promptly at 7:45 am. The car ride was silent as most times no matter the occasion are entirely. Arriving at the front doors of the company you noticed how everyone had said hello to your father with a sense of high respect, understanding why due to his high position, however not truly understanding why. You were introduced to his team members, then promptly placed into a room with other interns. Young men are already standing up to introduce themselves to try and be friendly. This sickened you, you despised it all, not being able to tell if their intentions were pure or not, this reminded you of intermediate school all over again. you briefly waved to them in a somewhat friendly way to signal you didn’t wish to be bothered. There was one young man who did not stand up to introduce himself, however had been staring at you the entire time. He seemed too familiar however you could not place a name to his face at that given moment. In order to figure out his name you put a plan in action, within the next five minutes you would use the restroom, it being down the hall from his desk. Why would you put this amount of effort just to find out a man’’s name? You didn't know why entirely it made you feel ill to a degree.
Five minutes passed and you stood up walking slowly, passing his desk, eyeing his name plate which was engraved in silver John Phillips. It hit you then that you had met him on numerous occasions, your fathers knowing each other well. However you were to never speak to him directly on your own accord. Reality came crashing back as you found yourself stopped for a moment in front of his desk spacing out for as it seemed no reason, his eyes on you the entire time not saying anything back. You collect yourself and walk into the women's restroom. Covering your mouth as you stood in front of the mirror, he looked so different from the last time you saw him, his eyes still soft yet his gaze was completely solidified. It almost aroused you, you smiled to yourself trying to control your own thoughts.
he liked you. Oh, he really fucking adored you. He liked the way you walked, and how your voice sounded. He liked how you looked when you had no idea he was watching. His watching had gone on for months, as a matter of fact you interning here was all a part of his plan recommending you to his father for the open position, John knew way too much about you more than what was comfortable.  He liked how quiet and lonesome you were, and he liked to think he could one day own you, to be the only person in the entire world to know and understand your deepest thoughts and feelings. 
As you were in the restroom he laughed to himself, slipping his hands in his pockets, knowing that this was only the beginning of his plan. Normally he would not put this amount of effort into anything, this type of behavior being completely foreign to himself he savored it constantly thinking about his new found interest, his newfound obsession. He utterly adored every part of you. He craved to know more about you. It pained him how silent you are.
You walked out the restroom after two minutes, just standing in front of the mirror adjusting your hair and lipstick. You once again pass by his desk, however something grabs onto your wrist, you look down immediately and low and behold it was John. Your eyes squint as you look up at him, quickly pulling away from his grasp. “y/n, was it?” you look around before answering with a nod “I’m John, John Phillips, we had met before at a couple of company dinners, anyway if you need any assistance with anything i’ll be around and might I add that you made quite the impression.” He smiles before composing himself, “thank you” you say with a soft tone. You smile to yourself, as you sit down quickly continuing your paperwork for another hour before your father’s assistant comes in and directs you to run down to the copy room and file something for the security office. “And John Phillips will be directing you to the security office once you file all ten copies which shouldn’t take too long.” His assistant spits out before quickly leaving you to file,
John walks up to you and says “Here send me five so we can get this done quicker” He says placing his hand on the back of your chair, you feel his long dark brown hair draping over your head. You groan to yourself “Sure thank you” you send him the documents and sure enough within the next seven minutes you both were finished with the files. You look back at him as he stands up with the papers in hand and he walks over to you, you notice the way he walks, making you grin so different from the rest of the guys who had worked here, way less formal. “Ready?” you ask him as he walks over to you “Yep yep”
a tensed silence fills the air around you two, he speaks up again “ Still in high school?” you shake your head in disagreement “Graduated last year, started a private college recently.. What about you?” he looks over at you and nods “ Yeah in my last year now, well what college?” you bite your lip before answering, debating if you should tell him or not “uhh.. John Hopkins University” John Smiles and looks over to you “ Oh really? I applied over there, what's it like?” you watch his facial expressions wisely, “Just as you would expect” you sigh
You look up at the door title starting ‘SECURITY ROOM’ “we’re here it seems.” you state as you reach for the door handle, he quickly opens the door for you allowing you to walk in front of him, he shuts the door behind you two locking it without your knowledge. You try to flip the light switch, he watches you “So the lights don’t work in here they never fix it apparently it makes it easier to look at the computer screens, and most times nobody is in here unless it’s a PM shift the paperwork we have is for the PM shift” he states. “ I see okay, how often do they have you do this” you question, “ not too often” he answers quickly, drawing his eyes away from your frame.
You can’t make out John's facial expression or tell his body language the dim computer screen light in the background only outlining both of your bodies.
John had slipped his hand in his pocket palming his bulge softly, his dick hard, your breath being rapid from the tension of the moment, the silence filled the air other than your own breath, thinking of things to speak about you walk around the room in the darkness and stare at the computer screen and the things scattered across the desk. “They keep it rather messy here, don't they?” John doesn’t answer. A minute of silence, any minute more would make you want to leave. You look around to your sides obviously not seeing him, He then presses himself against your backside, leaning his head over your shoulder and tilting it in the direction of your face. “It’s dark in here for a reason y/n” You don’t move, you can’t even if you wish. His touch against your skin made your body shake in fear, your mind absent as he was too. “I know you remember me, don’t you?” he whispers directly into your ear. “What if I don’t” your lips quivering as you fearfully turn to him.
It’s not like you weren’t enjoying it, as a matter of fact, you adored every second of it, you’ve thought about this since the first time you saw him years ago. “I’ll make you remember me” he grins as he places his hand around your throat, turning his head to yours to get a better peak of your face. "Why are you doing this John?" You spat out, voice shaky. He answered you by shoving his hand beneath your tight pencil skirt and under the constricting material of your tights. You quickly shut your eyes as you felt his fingers on the fabric of your thong. He presses his hardened dick against your ass. His fingers pushed past your underwear and dragged along your core. You attempted to look away from him, but John's grip on your throat brought you back. "Don't look away, now," he laughed at you.
You observed his face as he fit his fingers inside of you. Your hands reached for his throat. You didn't try to throw him off of you, you just held onto him as he fingered you. His fingers stretched you out painfully. You could feel tears stinging your eyes as he pushed in and out."So tight", he commented, grinning and teasing you.
He tore his fingers from you and leaned forwards to kiss you. You could feel the ends of his hair falling on your face. His erection rubbed against your ass aggressively. You wanted to spit at him, bite him, do something, but you weren't sure how that would turn out for you.
John pulled your skirt down as far as he could. You could hear his belt buckle jingling as you anticipated him. As you waited, you could feel the skin around your throat getting sore from John's hand, he leaned over and ripped open your tights with one motion. He fumbled with his boxers, his dick slipping out of them quickly. He slides himself between your thighs, never inserting himself inside. You muffle out moans from his sweaty and salvia-covered hand. “I know you need it, don’t you” he whispers into your ear, he tightens his grip around your throat. You nod, turning away in embarrassment, your breathing heavy and knees weak. “Say it then.” you shake your head looking down, “Please…please John I can’t” You turn away from his gaze, “Too fucking bad whore.” He chuckles and pushes you away from him against the desk, he conceals himself by zipping up his pants. He grabs your chin and pulls you close, almost spitting in your face. “If you tell anyone about this I’ll tell management, and your father just about what a whore you are for getting off at work. “I won’t I’m sorry” You whisper out in fear as you step towards him grabbing his hands softly, his disposition softens as you look up at him. He walks over to you and grabs your chin and plants a kiss on your forehead and wipes away your tears, pulling you into his arms. This became a thing you two did every time you both were there at the same time, sneaking away but never actually fucking. It was killing you, it was killing him. You began to admire him slowly, this admiration was picked up by the other interns who oftentimes would tease you both about it.
One night, you were alone walking back from a cafe late at night. You were a completely oblivious woman you never once noticed him. He observed you unlock the door to your house, which was close to St. John’s private boy’s Academy, with your key. He glanced at you as you closed the door as he passed your street. There were no cars in the driveway. You were home alone weren’t you? Oh, how easy it would be to just to.. break in. John couldn't help but get aroused at thinking of all the things he could be doing to you right at that moment.
He'd been watching you all day. He saw you shower, a red flush across your body as you stepped out of the hot water. He saw you shift into pajamas and do your classwork. Everything was going according to plan. He slowly made his way through your home, guessing where your room was. His feet were creaking on the floor, and by the way, your TV turned off, you had heard him. He opened the door, only to be greeted by your fearful expression. “John! What are you doing here?” you look at him in shock “You left the door open princess, could've been dangerous. Don’t worry I locked it for you” He grinned as he stepped towards the edge of your bed frame. Looking around your room, he looks back at you. “Cool shit you got,” he says as he sits down next to you. “Thanks John” You sheepishly whisper out. You eye him down looking at his attire, casual rich guy’s son bullshit but paired with a silly graphic tee which made complete sense for him. “I’ve missed you in more ways than one,” he says, getting up and then laying over you “John..” you sigh nervously, your body shaking with anticipation “We shouldn’t”. He tilts his head, his long hair falling over your face, he tilts your chin up. “Nobody is home and I came all this way don’t back out now”.
He says as he bites into your neck holding you down by your shoulders. You whimper in pain, as he rubs his erection against your leg, you unbuckle his belt and unzip his boxers. He quickly removes your top revealing that you weren’t wearing a bra, how exciting. He grips your breast tightly, admiring your body with every touch. John doesn’t waste any time, shoving his fingers inside of you pumping them in and out rapidly, this alone was enough to get you off, but John knew it wasn’t enough for him.You felt abruptly vacant as he pulled his slim fingers away from you. You practically whined before you felt his mouth prodding at your entry. His hand pressed against the side of your thigh, gripping it tightly as he looked up at you “John"! You moaned as his mouth worked wonders.
He was eating you out like he was starved. His tongue was moving eagerly and his finger was pressing harder into your clit..your climax building up. You were simply... right there.
"J-John"! You cried out. "I- I-- fuck"!
He was moving his tongue faster if possible, his gentle dark eyes trained on you. You bit the inside of your cheek, hips convulsing as you came, he licked the inside of your thigh before removing himself from between your hips.
 He grabs your shoulders as you both stand up he pushes you onto your knees shoving the finger he used to fuck you with inside your mouth, his dick slapping your forehead “suck my fucking dick whore.” you obey shyly as you grab the base of it, deepthroating it slowly, your eyes water with tears as you push it inside your mouth as much as you can. He looks down at you and pushes his hair out of his face whimpering softly as you wrap your lips and tongue around him,, he grips on to your hair and pulls you away, then quickly pushes you onto your stomach against the edge of the bed. He grabbed your hips instantaneously, pressing his tip against your entrance, you felt him shove himself inside you quickly, he began to fuck you, his metal rings digging into the sides of your hips, sure to leave a mark “Such a good slut for me” he chuckled as he thrust into you roughly and slowly, flipping you over to face him quickly he grabs your hips and pushes your legs closer to him, grabbing one of them and putting it over his shoulder Your toes curled and your eyes rolled back into your head .John watched intently, feeling you clench and convulse around his cock. He felt his orgasm approaching and feeling you fall limp beneath him was the breaking point. John kept a close eye on you as you seemed out of breath as your feet curled and your eyes rolled up into your head, he watched you helplessly squirm underneath him this was his breaking point, he groaned in pain and in arousal, his hair and body shaking as he thrusts into you rapidly, releasing his hot cum inside of you. “You're mine” He groans out and falls to your side  grabbing your cheek and kissing you softly “and i’m yours” He whispers out before, cleaning you up and getting dressed. “I’ll see you again y/n” he smiles before exiting out of your window and heading back to his dorm. This was for sure a score for his loser stoner virgin ass.
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itsbrandy · 11 months
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Wildest Dreams
Chapter 2: He's So Tall and Handsome as Hell
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x Original Female Character
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, drug use, alcohol use, partying, smoking, spanking, mm kissing, ff kissing, old timey taboo
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: Here's some angst for ya. Thank you for reading!
Dieter was barely lucid by the time John arrived, but John fixed him up quickly. He’d made the stupid mistake of thinking John was there to break into his house despite the fact that his residence was carefully guarded by security.
“Are you taking downers?” John asked. He looked handsome. His blonde hair was neatly styled, and he was wearing baby blue. Dieter always loved it when he wore light colors. “You didn’t have to pregame so hard.”
“Dunno,” Dieter shrugged. “Too much time to wait.”
“‘Kay,” John said. He procured a pill bottle from his pocket and set a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass down on the coffee table. “Well, take some of this. You’ll pep right up. We’ve got girls coming. Lots of them. I did something you’re not going to believe, Dieter.”
Dieter took the small pill from John and threw it back with a shot of whiskey John poured for him. The shot screamed down his throat, burning up his nose and stimulating his senses.
“Nice,” Dieter commented. He loved the burn of whiskey as it went down. “What did you do?”
“I scouted the fucking acting schools,” John said. His brown eyes lit up with excitement.
“I’ve got 30-something acting school girls coming. Plus, our normal crowd. This party is going to be insane!”
Dieter was a bit too numb to match John’s level of enthusiasm, but he smiled and nodded to show his approval. If John was happy, he was happy. He hadn’t seen John this happy in a while. Ever since their big fight, John had kept his distance.
To be truthful with himself, Dieter wasn’t quite sure what the sudden change was.
Maybe it was that Dieter had drugs or that his house was bigger than John’s, so he could throw a proper rager.
Or maybe he’d gotten in trouble with his PR team for throwing parties at his own house and wanted to use Dieter’s house as a loophole.
Regardless of the reason, Dieter thought spending time with John was worth it.
Dieter was used to being used by people. All his life, he’d been used by people, whether it was for fame, money, sex, drugs, alcohol, or a cheap laugh.
“That’s awesome, John,” Dieter said. “How the hell did you manage that?”
“I’ve got connections,” John said. He poured Dieter another shot.
“Another one of my friends is bringing bottles. Don’t worry, this isn’t all we’ll have.”
“Good,” Dieter said, throwing the second shot back. “I was promised vodka.”
“Were you?” John asked, raising a blonde eyebrow.
Dieter wasn’t sure if he was playing dumb or if he was lying to him.
“Can we get some lights turned on in this place?” John asked, wandering over to the kitchen. “Do you usually just sit in the dark?”
Dieter shrugged. “I was on my own until you showed up. Let’s get those lights on so I can see your pretty face.”
“That’s more like it,” John said. He flicked the kitchen lights on, and Dieter almost gasped as he realized how shitty John looked.
He knew that he was spun out on drugs, but John had lost weight in the weeks since he’d last seen him. John’s cheekbones, usually prominent and handsome, jutted out unnaturally compared to his sunken in cheeks. His jaw wasn’t filled out either, making his chin look larger.
He didn’t look like himself.
He didn’t look like the John that Dieter was used to. But when John smiled at him, it was still that same smile, and Dieter realized he’d still kiss him in a heartbeat all the same. John just needed to eat more food. That was all.
Dieter could feed him. He made more than enough money to support John if he was struggling with eating. Or they could hire someone to bring him food. There had to be a solution.
Dieter’s mind was racing, and John’s mouth was moving, and Dieter couldn’t hear him.
“What did you say?” Dieter asked after a while. He was leaning against the counter, using it as support for his weight. His body felt heavy, and his head felt light.
“I said Mary Alice was pulled from the Paramount film,” John said with a grin. “I think it means you got the role.”
There was another man in the kitchen with John now, one that Dieter didn’t recognize.
He was taller than John but not taller than Dieter and had sandy brown hair. He was busy unloading bottles of alcohol out of a cardboard box and onto the other countertop.
“Who are you?” Dieter asked. He’d lost time between what John said about Mary Alice and now. There was a shot of whiskey served up right in front of him, speaking his name.
“Fred,” the man said, holding his hand out for Dieter to shake it. Instead, Dieter grabbed the shot glass and downed it, leaving Fred with his hand extended until he finally decided to retract it.
“When are people showing up?” Dieter asked.
“Now,” John said, as if Dieter was missing something.
When he turned around, he realized that there were already a couple dozen people milling around his living room. Music was playing from his record player, and girls were wearing shiny dresses that showed off their shoulders and their figures.
“Oh,” Dieter said. “I’m going to go talk to people, then.”
“Have fun,” John said. Dieter looked away, trying to find a beautiful girl in the room to talk to.
There were plenty of them, no shortage, really. John had done a really good job putting together the guest list.
What was it he said? Did he raid an acting school?
Genius, John.
John was so smart. So handsome. So strung out on drugs, God, he was so skinny now.
Dieter was worried, but Dieter couldn’t judge. He was also strung out on drugs.
The devil makes company.
His thoughts were like spaghetti in his hands, noodles slipping through his fingers as time and space contracted and flexed around him.
One moment, a girl would be sitting in his lap, her form pressed up against him. The next, she’d be gone, as if she was just a phantom, a poltergeist.
Dieter told himself he needed to slow down, but the drinks kept coming. Liquor flowed into his hand like it appeared out of thin air.
And the pills…
Once John opened up his not-so-secret box of fun on the coffee table, it was like all hell had sprung loose. Women flocked to the sitting area like vultures surrounding a carcass. They giggled and shrieked, taking turns as they quickly depleted Dieter’s stash.
John asked him if he had any more drugs.
Of course, he did.
Dieter wandered off to grab more from his closet—a second supply. An addict never hid all of his shit in the same place. How stupid would that be?
He dropped off the drugs with John and waited patiently for John to help him do another line. How many had he done tonight? What was it he’d grabbed from the closet?
Dieter blinked, then blinked again. His vision had gone fuzzy, but it cleared up quickly.
Time seemed to skip, bending and flexing. He stumbled backward into his seat, unaware that he’d been standing.
John laughed and slung his arm around his shoulder. He was warm and fit against him like the perfect puzzle piece. Oh, Dieter missed John. He wished John would come around more.
He wished it was just the two of them alone now. They didn’t need all of these people to have a good time.
“This is the best party I’ve been to in a minute,” John whispered in his ear.
“Yeah?” Dieter asked. “Why do you say that?”
“There are so many women,” John said with a laugh that sent tingles up Dieter’s spine. “I really outdid myself this time.”
“You did,” Dieter agreed. “I don’t know how you fit so many people in here.”
“Magic,” John joked.
He tried to remember the other parties that he’d been to with John in the months before they’d stopped spending as much time with one another. There was the one that quickly devolved into a sex party.
Dieter could almost taste John’s lips on his tongue. The memory was so vivid. It felt like he was reliving the moment now.
But then he was kissing John, cupping his chin on the couch in his living room. The brash feel of stubble against his fingertips felt like electricity. John tasted like whiskey, and he smelled like sin and smoke.
“What are you doing?” John asked.
“What?” Dieter said.
He was in John’s lap, kissing him, and the girls around them were watching. They always kissed at parties. This wasn’t anything new.
But things had changed between Dieter and John in the passing months, as much as Dieter didn’t want to admit it. He wasn’t John’s number one, and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever be.
“There’s too many people here,” John said, giving him a gentle shove. “Not now.”
Dieter stood up and swayed, finding balance difficult.
“Okay,” he said, as if his heart wasn’t shattered. “That’s okay.”
John gathered a young woman in his lap, swiftly replacing Dieter with her soft hips and poofy dress.
“Find a girl, Dieter,” John said. “You should enjoy yourself tonight. This party is your party, after all.”
Dieter nodded. “Yeah, I should do that. You’re right, John.”
He was lying to John and to himself.
He didn’t want a girl. He wanted John tonight.
Maybe beggars can’t be choosers, and Dieter didn’t often beg. It was just that he’d expected something when John called him earlier. He thought that John wanted to come over because he wanted Dieter, not a spot to host the biggest rager Hollywood had seen all year.
Dieter stumbled away, heading out to the front patio with a cigarette between his teeth. He puffed and inhaled, breathing in the bite of nicotine and immediately feeling more awake, more lucid.
He loved cigarettes at parties. They helped him have a second wind, waking him up from the haze of drugs and alcohol. He needed fresh air, though, and the front patio was less jam-packed with people than the inside of his home was.
Partygoers were still arriving, walking past Dieter and into his home as if they owned the place. The door was revolving—people came in, people came out.
A young actress burst through the door to puke in his front shrubs before racing back indoors to continue the festivities.
A pair of Hollywood hopefuls entered the home hand-in-hand,
sober and bright-eyed, so unaware that Hollywood would snap them apart if they ever got a role in anything.
Agents weren’t a fan of established couples. Neither were production companies.
They liked couples who drew headlines and excitement. So they would break up couples on purpose, shred them into tiny little pieces, and take away their happiness forever.
Dieter knew how it went, which is why he never messed around with dating.
Their romance would end in disaster.
Dieter was smarter than them.
He took one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out on the railing of his front porch. As he did so, he noticed two girls walking down the road. One with dark hair, the other with light brown hair.
They walked hand-in-hand also, just like the couple that had entered his home before them.
The dark-haired one caught his eye and grabbed his attention immediately.
Much to his surprise, his first instinct wasn’t to ask her if she wanted to have sex with him. He wanted to ask her if she was okay.
She looked nervous as the pair of them approached his driveway, the woman with light brown hair murmuring reassurances to her.
“Nancy,” the dark-haired woman said. “This looks like a lot. I’m not sure if I’m comfortable—”
“It’ll be fun. I promise,” the other one, Nancy, said insistently. She hung on the dark-haired woman’s arm, pleading with her. “I just need to find Alice, and then you’ll feel more comfortable. She knows a ton of people here.”
“It’s so loud. Don’t you think the cops will come?” the dark-haired one said as they passed him.
She didn’t look at him, which bruised Dieter’s ego. Her brown eyes were locked on her friend instead.
Dieter knew the feeling. He opened his mouth to warn her about falling in love with her same-sex best friend.
It’ll end badly, he wanted to say. You’ll be in love forever, but you’ll always be forgotten about. You’ll live forever as the moth to her flame. Is that what you want?
Fuck, he should listen to his own advice.
Dieter laughed and lit another cigarette as the two women entered his home without saying hello to him.
The door opening let out the raucous sound of the party, which made Dieter’s head throb and pulse with the start of a headache.
He needed another drink ASAP.
“And? We’re in Hollywood. The cops know about these things. They wouldn’t dare mess with the stars. I mean, come on. This is Dieter Bravo’s house, after all,” Nancy said.
“Hm,” the dark-haired one said. Her voice still sounded wary, but she trusted her friend. “I hope you’re right.”
“We’ll get some drinks. You’ll feel better before you know it,” Nancy promised.
Bee didn’t feel better with drinks in her. She felt dizzy and too hot. Her skin was crawling with the feeling of stuffiness in the crowded home. The lights were low, filled with the haze of smoke from all of the smokers.
She kept returning to the kitchen counter to pick up shot glasses of liquor, hoping that continuing to drink would make her feel more at peace and less like an outsider.
A couple of men approached her, but she quickly shooed them away and scurried back to Nancy’s side.
It was with Nancy that she felt safe, even though she didn’t really like Alice or her crowd very much.
Alice was stunning. She was blonde, with big curls and bright blue eyes. She was thin, too, with an angular face that made Bee envious and a body that turned heads on a swivel.
With Alice, Nancy, and Bee were right in the thick of things at the party. Though Bee didn’t recognize them, there were plenty of lower-level Hollywood stars gathered around where they sat on a set
of sofas.
Nancy flitted between the laps of men and Bee’s own lap.
Every time she got bored with a prospective catch, she’d return to Bee. Bee would wrap her arms around Nancy’s waist and nuzzle her shoulder with her chin, breathing in the smell of sultry smoke that mixed with Nancy’s fruity shampoo.
How could she have fun and give into her inhibitions at a party without giving into Nancy?
Especially with Nancy practically throwing herself at her. It just wasn’t fair.
Bee always stopped herself before she got too handsy, though. She didn’t want Nancy or anyone else to get too suspicious. Sure, there were other same-sex couples scattered around the Hollywood home.
Men kissed men, and women kissed women, but they were usually tucked away in the corners of the home as Bee maneuvered it.
The straight debauchery, on the other hand, was front and center for everyone’s enjoyment.
Bee never fancied herself as a voyeur, but she couldn’t keep her eyes away from John Hughes as he playfully spanked an acting school girl who had stripped down to her white slip at some point. A crowd formed around them, hooting and cheering.
There was one man Bee noticed over in that corner of the living room who didn’t look pleased to watch the display. Bee immediately recognized him as the owner of the home, Dieter Bravo.
He was famous on the Silver Screen. Devilishly handsome and horribly promiscuous—he was Hollywood’s darling.
He’d thrown this party, though. Why was he so ticked off that it was getting rowdy?
With all this alcohol and all of these women, wasn’t that the goal?
Bee didn’t strike Dieter as the type of man who enjoyed quiet evenings at home with talk radio on in the background and a mug of hot tea to warm his hand. He was whiskey and wine, cigarettes and ash, and women.
Plenty of women. Women at his disposal.
An entire acting school of women inside his living room.
This party fit him perfectly. It was exactly his style.
Then why was he so upset?
In her drunken haze, Bee almost wanted to get up and walk across the room to ask him herself. She pushed herself up from the armchair she sat in, only to be pushed back down by the weight of Nancy.
Nancy sat in her lap, and Bee wrapped her arms around her, pulling her close. She was careful not to spill the drink that Nancy clung in her hand by moving her too much.
“I really don’t like Jimmy,” Nancy whined. “But he keeps talking to me, and he’s so boring. The only thing is, I think he might be able to help me get more auditions. Should I spend more time with him?”
“It’s up to you, Nance,” Bee said. “Do you want to get more auditions?”
Nancy giggled. “Yeah, of course.”
She hiccupped, and Bee rubbed her back between her shoulder blades. Nancy sighed and leaned into Bee’s touch.
“You’re going to be a star, Bee,” Nancy said. “We’ll both be stars. I’m okay with fucking my way to the top if we have to. Anything to make sure that both of us will make it. I’ll do anything.”
Bee’s heart sank. She wasn’t sure she liked hearing those words from Nancy. Well, half of it she was more than fine with. Bee wanted to be a star. She wanted to make it in Hollywood.
Sure, she knew that there was no future where she could proudly kiss Nancy in front of the world, but there were plenty of Hollywood stars who were gay behind the scenes. There were probably a dozen or more of them in Dieter Bravo’s house at this very moment.
Nancy wrestled her way out of Bee’s arms and stood.
“I want another drink,” she said. Nancy reached out and grabbed Bee’s hand. “Come with me, let’s go get another one.”
Nancy hadn’t finished the one she’d been drinking, but Bee agreed—anything to stay near her.
“We’re going to get another drink,” Nancy told Alice.
Alice was bent over at the waist. Her face neared a side table where she snorted up some white powder neatly arranged in a line. Nancy waited for Alice to finish and cleared her throat.
Bee watched on awkwardly and fussed with her skirt. There was a wrinkle where the weight of Nancy had been.
“We’re going to get another drink,” Nancy repeated when Alice sat up straight. Her eyes were wide, her lids fluttered, and she looked dazed.
“Okay,” Alice said with a smile.
“What was that anyway?” Bee asked Nancy as the two of them walked toward the kitchen.
“I’m not sure,” Nancy shrugged. “Alice knows what she’s doing. She’s always at these parties. I think it’s how she stays so skinny.”
Bee gulped. That feeling of envy was back, sitting like a rock on her chest.
“You think so?” she asked. It looked scary.
Drinking was one thing for Bee. She knew she wasn’t really supposed to do it. Drinking wasn’t becoming of a young woman like her, especially not in copious amounts. If she wanted to be a star, no one could ever know about any habits of hers. Even the biggest stars didn’t really let on that they smoked.
Men smoked cigarettes, not women.
Well, some women did. But only if they were really glamorous.
Nancy dragged Bee toward the kitchen by her hand.
Bee’s hand felt sweaty in Nancy’s grasp. They held hands all the time, but the fuzzy feeling of alcohol made the butterflies in her stomach flap their wings like they were feral. Her heart was pounding. Her head was a mess.
“Whiskey or vodka?” Nancy asked as they approached the counter.
“Vodka,” Bee answered.
Nancy grinned. “I don’t know why I even asked. I know you so well.”
You do, Bee wanted to say. You know me better than anyone.
Nancy downed the rest of her existing drink and filled her glass with more whiskey.
Then, tugging Bee by her hand, she guided them through the crowd of people back toward Alice and her group on the couches.
But, of course, their seat had been taken. With this many people, Bee knew better than to have not asked someone to watch it for them, but she’d forgotten.
Now, she and Nancy would have to stand back in the shadows in one of the only places in the living room that wasn’t already occupied by dancing bodies and heads thrown back in laughter.
“This isn’t so bad,” Nancy said once they’d settled into their dark corner. “I needed a break from the men anyway.”
She set her glass of whiskey down on a bookshelf and took Bee’s glass from her as well.
“There,” Nancy said. “Let’s dance.”
Nancy wrapped her arms around Bee’s neck and swayed to the music. Bee could hardly hear the beat or the rhythm over the sounds of people yelling and laughing and telling ridiculous stories, but it didn’t matter.
Her hands found Nancy’s hips, and Nancy melted into her.
“You’re so beautiful,” Nancy said. “I’ve always thought you were so pretty.”
Bee stiffened. Her hands went rigid on Nancy’s waist. Was she just saying that because she was drunk? Did she mean it in a friendly way or in a different way?
Oh, there were too many questions.
She just couldn’t take it anymore. Bee had to know the truth. She just didn’t have the words to ask her.
She wasn’t brave enough to do this.
Bee reached out and grabbed her vodka drink, and slammed it down. Liquid courage burned its way down her throat, bringing stinging tears to her eyes.
Then, Bee kissed Nancy like she’d always wanted to. Her lips fit perfectly against Nancy’s, and her hands moved from Nancy’s waist to find her perfect brown curls.
Her hair was so soft, like nothing she’d ever felt before. When she twisted her fingers in her hair to pull her closer, it felt like grabbing a handful of silk ribbons.
Nancy tasted of whiskey and floral perfume.
Bee wanted her so badly it hurt, and she kissed her like her life depended on it.
There was no time to consider if this changed things between them. They were roommates, but before that, they’d been the closest friends.
This was just alcohol and adrenaline. Not feelings. Right?
Nancy sighed into the kiss, breathing gentle acknowledgment back to her.
So, she wasn’t imagining it. Nancy wasn’t just saying things to her because they were friends.
Bee had won. She’d gotten the girl. She’d done it. She’d been brave enough.
When Nancy pulled back, Bee had the feeling that they were being watched. There were a hundred people packed into the tight space, and the lights were dim, but someone’s gaze bore holes into Bee’s skin.
There was only one person in the crowded room whose eyes were locked on them as Nancy backed Bee against the wall, holding the back of her head.
Just before Nancy kissed her again, Bee locked eyes with Dieter Bravo himself.
“Hey, Nanc,” Alice said just before they kissed for a second time. “I have to use the bathroom. Will you come with me to find it?”
Nancy turned around quickly and addressed her acting class friend as if nothing ever happened between them. Her hands left Bee’s body like they’d never ever been there in the first place, igniting every nerve in her body like electric shock.
Jealousy burned through Bee like liquor.
Alice. So pretty and so sweet and so perfect.
If Nancy was gay, what was stopping her from choosing Alice over her?
She just did, right now. Would Nancy kiss Alice in the bathroom? Would she change her mind?
“Be right back,” Nancy said. Then, Nancy went to find the bathroom with the girl from her acting class, leaving Bee alone in the corner with Nancy’s forgotten glass of whiskey and bruised lips.
She stared off in the direction Nancy left in, willing her to come back, playing the moment their lips touched over and over. It was a moment she’d never forget. There was no way.
“I saw that,” Dieter said, sliding against the wall next to her. His shoulder accidentally bumped against the bookcase, rattling its contents.
Bee gasped and swung around. Not even the sweet numbness of alcohol could stop the fear of having been caught kissing her best friend by none other than Dieter Bravo himself.
“Don’t worry,” he said. His words slid together like his lips had lost their feeling. Bee was familiar with how that felt. “I have one of those too.”
Bee looked at him, really looked at him. He was so tall and handsome as hell.
How could he be in the same situation as her? He was a lady killer. Everyone knew that.
“But,” Bee said stupidly. “You have sex with women.”
Dieter laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Of course I do. I have sex with a lot of women.”
“Oh,” Bee said. “Yeah, of course you do.”
She wasn’t sure how she felt about his admission. It made her feel dizzy and a little bit winded, but she’d also just kissed her best friend. Her wires were all crossed.
“Do you want this?” Bee asked, unsure of what else to say. “I don’t drink whiskey.”
“That’s your friend’s drink,” Dieter pointed out. “You’re really going to give it away?”
“Oh,” Bee said. She felt dumb. She’d just said ‘Oh’ twice in a row. Why did this man make her speechless? “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“So, how long?” Dieter asked.
“How long what?”
“How long have you been in love with your best friend?” Dieter pressed. “It’s been a while for me, too. Probably five years.”
“I’m not sure,” Bee said honestly.
She couldn’t remember when she’d begun to fall for Nancy. There wasn’t a day that it started. There were always days where she looked at Nancy and loved her because who couldn’t love Nancy? When that love had changed to something more, Bee couldn’t say.
“That’s the best kind of love,” Dieter said. “The type where you aren’t sure where it ends and where it begins. You just know that it’s there, and you’ll always have it.”
Bee took a sip of Nancy’s whiskey instead of responding. His words had hit too close to home. Bee sputtered and coughed. Whiskey was awful.
“Don’t do that,” Dieter scolded. He eased the glass out of Bee’s hand, warm fingertips brushing against her skin. “You shouldn’t mix dark liquor and light.”
“How do you know that?” Bee asked.
This was the first time she had heard of such a thing. She’d only known that she liked vodka more than she liked whiskey. Whiskey smelled like shoe polish, but Nancy seemed to have no trouble drinking it. Alice drank it, too.
But both of them were cool. They were the type of women who could get away with smoking cigarettes.
“I’m an alcoholic,” Dieter said nonchalantly, as if he was stating where he was from.
Bee laughed out of shock.
“I’m sorry,” she said immediately. Her eyes widened out of horror at her own loose lips. “I’m drunk.”
“That’s an interesting name,” Dieter said. “I’m Dieter.”
“No, my name isn’t drunk,” Bee said, confused. “My name is Bee.”
“Bee,” Dieter grinned, and it sent Bee’s heart rate soaring. Her pulse pounded in her ears like it only did when she was thinking about Nancy. “I like that name.”
“Oh, Bee,” Alice said suddenly from behind her. She quickly wound herself around Dieter, planting a kiss on his cheek as if she belonged in his arms.
Dieter grabbed onto her, but Bee wasn’t sure if he wanted to be touching her or if he grabbed her because Alice had knocked him off balance.
Her lipstick left red marks on Dieter’s cheekbone.
Dieter handed Nancy’s whiskey glass back to Bee. She held it eagerly, so excited to see Nancy again that she hardly cared about Alice’s posturing.
“I see you’ve met Dieter,” Alice said protectively. “Dieter and I might be starring in a movie together very soon.”
“Maybe,” Dieter said. “We’ll have to see.”
“That’s great,” Bee said. She didn’t care. There was something more important on her mind.
She looked around, but Nancy was nowhere in sight. Had Alice left her in the bathroom? There were so many strange men around. It wasn’t safe for her to be alone.
“Where’s Nancy?” Bee asked, panicked.
“She found a gent on the way back from the toilet,” Alice laughed. “I think they took a detour into one of the guest rooms if you know what I mean.”
Alice winked at her, and it was the last thing that Bee remembered except for the smash of the glass as she dropped Nancy’s drink to the floor.
Chapter 3, Masterlist
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 5 months
I just want to say … ily! You were my first one! I mean my first one who supported my John Wick ff😅😂😂😂
And I love our fandom so much!!!!🥹
hope you understand who am I 😂😅 (send you a divider today)
OMG. Of course I know who this is. I love you too, and you’re amazing ❤️. Thank YOU for supporting me. I also love this fandom, we’re all feral and off our fucking rockers and I love it. Y’all are keeping me going fr
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loxare · 1 year
Good omens 2 ep 1 thots under the cut!
CROWLEY LOOKS!!! SO HAPPY!!!!!! MAKING HIS NEBULA!!!!!!!!! I'm so sad he got the wind taken out of his sails. And I know exactly how much trouble he got in just for asking a few questions. Theory: God is omniscient, and as such knew Crowley needed to be a demon to save the Earth. It sucks, but it's growth for both him and Aziraphale, who needed to learn to duck around the rules, and growth tends to hurt. I'm just sad Crowley got hit that hard
Aziraphale only valid landlord???
Crowley ornithologist?????
Wait, why is the mail getting delivered to the Bentley rather than Crowley's apartment? What happened to his plants? Is he just never in his apartment so it's better to deliver to the car?
Record shop coffee shop ff slow burn
John Hamm's john & hamms are on display
This is unrelated to GO but I made wonton soup to eat while watching this and it is very good. Mmmm
Those poor tomatoes
Aziraphale's music interrupted by nudity and amnesia
Oh god heaven still hurts my eye holes. So shiny
No one tell naked amnesiac Gabriel about the existence of twins
Someone get him some pants. Aziraphale please get him some pants not just a blanket. What if he stands up?
Trailer ship bait line is a good line. Aziraphale thinks of Crowley and goes all soft
"The thing" is probably the box that was doing a lot of heavy lifting to keep this show PG, that was also dropped when the door opened and left in the street. Someone should probably go pick that up before someone else takes it
Ah. Good, it's still there
Oh her name is Shax. Neat! I love Crowley's hair swirlies. The ones on top. They're nice
Gabriel's Jim's terrible short term memory will absolutely be remembering Gabriel and not retaining anything else
The reaction to a bit of litter in heaven is killing me
So Crowley is one of those coffee drinkers. Also, if I were the record shop lady, I'd bake Aziraphale a thank you cake
Getting tired of writing out all the names, sk they're just A and C now
Oh no, the coffee shop lady is taken. Poor record shop lady
Blanket toga is not a substitute for clothes
I thought "ask him properly" would lead to some magic angel stuff, not asking more aggressively
ARGUMENTS. I feel like A is playing on the time last season when C left, saying he was going to go to another galaxy (Andromeda?) and then ended up regretting that. To clarify, I'm currently paused so I haven't heard C's response yet so this entire paragraph could become moot
I feel like C's going through some stuff that he hasn't told A about
Man drinks six shots of espresso, spontaneously combusts, gets struck by lightning
The relationship and circumstances around these two shop keepers is so fanfiction. If they don't get together, I hope they can spend the time trapped in this coffee shop bonding and becoming besties. Also, there should be a manual override for the security system. Not having one is stupid, because of things like this. What if they were trapped in the record shop instead, and there was no readily available food? An internal manual override is crucial
I like Micheal's sleeve cuffs
Ooo, disabled angel!
Muriel I hope you get some confidence. And also I want your skirt
Small bit of litter confuses and confounds angels
Oh, wonder why Beelzebub got recast. (Don't go out of your way to look it up I don't care enough to check myself and definitely not enough to inconvenience someone else)
So. The conflict here is that C could give up Jim, get a promotion and that's a problem taken off his hands, but A would be mad at him. Or, he could do not that and risk both him and A getting erased from existence entirely, which will uh, make it so the apocalypse last season did not get stopped. Oh boy
Oh this coffee shop lady does not care for records. At all
Crowley "my bad" actually made me die laughing so that was excellent and also my ghost is now typing this
Oh I do not care for the tone of Lindsay's texts. At all. Nina you deserve better. I do like the format of the texts coming up though. The paper and red pen makes it seem a lot more personal and angry and uh. Not good.
One of those said "remember what we said about mutual respect" and blowing up your partner's phone angrily because they're late isn't respect, which is necessary in the "mutual" bit of mutual respect. I would personally be concerned that something had happened. Maybe walk down and see if they're alright. Assume that their phone had died maybe, idk
A: glasses on. C: glasses off
"You were right" does not contain the word sorry and oh good, A knows that. Oh there's a dance? 👀
Why. Why do they do that. This is hilarious, but I feel like it makes it more difficult to apologize for things if there's a humiliating dance involved. Which also still doesn't contain the word sorry
Jim go back upstairs. Also, why does he still not have clothes?
See, in the trailer, Muriel didn't recognize Gabriel, and I thought that was just because they've never met. Interesting to see that, no, there's an active reason for that
Being persona non grata with heaven means A isn't allowed to do miracles anymore? Or just that the miracles he does are more heavily scrutinized?
Ah, the old "immediate proof that the last thing said was completely wrong" trope. Also, weird seeing heaven with a red filter
Ah. Bit of warning for people sensitive to flashing lights. I don't think this flashes fast enough, it's a hard cut between red filtered heaven and white heaven, with a second or two between each cut. But like. Go carefully. It only lasts for a bit and there aren't too many interesting visuals during it. Right after C says "no one will have noticed a thing", stops when Uriel asks for the alarm to stop
Oh A. Can't stay out of trouble to save his life
All in all, I liked it a lot! I'm looking forward to the hijinks A&C get into, I really want to know why C's mood is so foul rn when he was generally cheery at the end of last season, or as cheery as he gets, wondering about all the empty boxes. One empty box is fine, but two? Suspicious. Hoping Nina dumps Lindsay, has a nice long recovery period where she can enjoy being herself, and then gets together with record shop lady, whose name I will remember sometime probably. But I'm out of soup, out of tea, and out of excuses to not pull nails from my wall, so I'm gonna go do that now
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norfkid · 8 months
was tagged by @patronsaintofdesire to answer these questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better! thank you, malina :]
last song: as of writing this, marie doucer, marie colère by manon hollander from the john wick 4 soundtrack. it's essentially a french version of paint it black by the rolling stones & it's a banger
favourite colour: i always say yellow (like a gold yellow, #ffc000), but by that i usually mean the combination of black & yellow. i'm also pretty fond of the greyish-blue i use on my blog (#7b9e9a)
last film/tv show: the last thing i watched in full was point break (ty andrew @busaikuknee for initially convincing me to watch it, "keanu reeves has to learn how to surf to solve robberies" is a truly baffling concept & no one will ever do it again). i say "in full" bc also been revisiting a lot of clips from ip man 1-4 so in my head it feels like i've rewatched those too
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury. i don't have sweet things very often, and while i can tolerate fairly spicy food i just don't enjoy it that much (i'm a massive disappointment to my family)
relationship status: philosophically speaking, aren’t we all single?
last thing i googled: cozmo and vector robots! i saw a video somewhere of these guys and got so excited. they're these rly cute little WALL-E -esque robot friends made by an american robotics/ai startup called Anki, who specialised in robotics technology for children. i looked online to see if they were still around, but they've been discontinued since the company went bankrupt in April 2019 <\3
also related, there's this article from 2019 i read called Discovery of the Uncanny Valley that briefly mentions the Vector robots, but also discusses other examples of technology made in the past that have these human-like attributes given to them. it's a light read & there are some links to other similar articles at the end if you're into that stuff :]
current obsession: well, wrestling is always a given. i've fallen out with njpw for months now, but i've been watching more pro wrestling noah instead & i'm loving it tbh
apart from that, i've been watching a lot of Donnie Yen films bc i'm a little bit a lot in love with the old man (60 y/o btw & looks like that, fucking wild man). and by proxy i've been learning a bit about chinese martial arts (wing chun, in particular (a southern chinese style that influenced guys like ip man, bruce lee, jackie chan, sammo hung, donnie yen, etc etc)) through his interviews and stuff.
it's funny that i'm always so interested in "sports" i can't ever physically do & they always have some element of storytelling/performance and coordination... the martial arts to stunt performance to choreography to dance pipeline is all just so fucking fascinating.
i think chinese martials arts has gripped me bc all these 70s/80s/90s films made in china rely so much on pulling off wild stunts and fights without the budget for cgi and equipment. not to discredit the guys that do their own stunts in hollywood, but it's rare and always cause for celebration... in chinese filmmaking it's so normal. and as a result their performances are just so real and visceral. like, i watch wrestling ffs, ofc i'm drawn to films where storytelling and physicality intertwine. you construct intricate rituals etc etc
on that note, i'm really excited by the new wave of stunt performers turned film directors we've been getting. guys like Yuen Woo-Ping (Matrix Reloaded, Drunken Master) are already established in coordinating incredible scenes and stunts, but more recently: Chad Stalenski (the John Wick films), David Leitch (Bullet Train, Atomic Blonde), Sam Hargrave (Extraction), etc. there's a sort of magic lost in all these mainstream big budget marvel superhero and hollywood action films where fight scenes are so easily ruined by a thousand jumpcuts and wiring and fantasy, but these guys are bringing back that special smth, that authenticity and grittiness (not only in their choreography, but in the filmmaking and cinematography of those fight scenes too). it's so refreshing & i’m fucking nerd sorry
not so much an obsession, but i've also developed a new, old appreciation for woodwork (carving, whittling, joinery, etc) & in another life i think i would have loved to be a carpenter...
last book: admittedly, i don't read. tho i got a joblot of old hellblazer comics from ebay recently and have been meaning to revisit them
looking forward to: not much really... i find it hard to think about the distant future & i don't get that sense of anticipation and motivation from long-term plans. maybe getting this third and last year of uni over and bloody done with? which is incidentally something i'm absolutely dreading (“you need to get a job, you need to get a job, you need to get—”)
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trickarrows-bishop · 1 year
was gonna do this for episode four and forgot, kinda wish i did after all of THOSE scenes but anyways episode five lets GOOOOOO
[open with caution, i didn't realise how mentally unprepared i was]
"richard bowen" "elton john" caswen is upon us (i cant even say im delusional because madlyn deadass nearly happened last episode)
"the musical is going swimmingly" girl u drowning dont lie
i gotta say kourtney repeatedly getting her moment is insane. like im so fucking happy rn over it its insane. like she's going therapy (WOOOOO THERAPY !!) and actually looking at her future !! im so happy for her im fr putting ms girl in my pocket
also when i found out her mom is played by dara's actual mom i screamed (not lying im so dramatic bye)
"lets start with questions!!" "great 'cause i have many" she is me and i am her. i am kourtney greene coded fr
i cant even say i want it made up bc ej said its a breath of fresh air and HE NEEDS THAT AIR FFS
"talking to val" WOHOOOO MENTION OF PAST CHARACTERS INSANE BEHAVIOR FROM THE WRITERS !! INSANE !! (im in delusion that nini will be back)
"you do look good" "thanks. you do look... terrible" real. ricky bowen me coded fr
cant believe we havent had one season where gina can just. have the lead. and no drama. like pls tim i was BEGGING like. at season two.
caitlyn (actress playing quinn the director) is so hilarious to me like i've been following her online for ages and bro its so funny seeing her on hsmtmts and doing exactly what she does in her other videos LMAO
"g force" i'll puke. fuck off.
EJ and ricky's duet lol they hate me. they want me to cry. im eight mins in too. cant wait to cry to this fr
update: crying over this duet what the fuc
can i just say how for certain songs on this soundtrack they've been HITTING or absolutely MISSING ???
this girl harper is GAGGING kourt LMAO "i see you standing here right now !!" SHES SO FUNNY FOR NO REASON
miss jenn is not using siri rn.
trust the process WOHOOOO
why is it thunderstorming JESUS
22 pages U FUCKIN WHAT (never been in a musical idk seems like a lot)
why is she always wearing a cheer outfit its deadass like the character's personality is cheer outfit bro
"3 children" i need to buy a GUN
quinn i was just routing for u babe why u posting such bullshit on instagram. and was that a FILTER?
anyways let me actually play the scene LOLZ
grandma red's 100th!! everyone cheered fr (i am everyone)
"your last text said you had something important to tell me" no i am not about to witness redlyn break up. nononono.
"surprise!!" boy- i don't have TIME to even unPACK-
"you okay?" "i am GREAT" me when i LIE
yeah im salty about how shit of an exit that was for nini. next question.
"afraid of the truth?" do u want me to try and make this gay or not richard cuz i stg u are giving me some mixed ass signals
nevermind this is really sad and heartbreaking let me shut the fuck up
all of this is just so out of character for big red and seb like what
like ej was right there tim come ON
"we were at a harry styles movie" not the fucking millennial ass writing coming in NOW
"my bi origin story" how am i supposed to feel rn??? because i don't know how to feel. like. anything. at all.
"yeah!!! she was cute!!!" "yes. she was." BAHAHHAHAJHFGDSKJ
"there were fireworks... literally"
"YOU almost kissed MADDOX" bro idk if ur disgusted or proud pls elaborate
wait so im just like ??? meant to let go of redlyn ??
"im happy for you" kms where can i get a big red
just watched redlyn break up. now FUCKING WHAT
"friends, though... right?" YOU BET YOUR ASS KING
ashlyn stop doubting urself like GIRLIE everyone with EYES is down bad please. PLEASE.
why is rehearsals starting at 7 in the evening. that would not fucking slide at my school. ( if i ran a school) (not happening)
"FIFTY SIX MINUTES" girl even made me move tf?
oh come on just hearing all of that she HAS to go to lewis
"i just learnt mack and gina are minors" GIRL ??? WHAT DID YOU THINK-
quinn shouting "CUT!!!" louder every time
"which felt like... nine days" WHY AM I LAUGHING
"because we're friends-" bro fuck off idc
"hugs i love that we're doing this now!!" emmy I CANT NOT LOVE YOU
oh fuck i didn't realise that left carlos and big red FUCK
suddenly i DON'T want to be here
carlos can never be fully mad like if i found out someone had kissed my partner im 100% going to jail bc im so pissed off & i've probably killed someone, but why is he saying mf "good day!!" as he stormed off
fuck im really gonna have to have madlyn dragged out for me ffs
bro what is this weather on about tho
last time weather was important to plot it was like. keeping nini back in s2 e3 LMAO ???
EJ saying some important shit to ricky and its gonna make me cry again (its not even the finale and i have 17 mins of run time left of this episode FFS)
"im actually hurting them?" "no, you're actually hurting yourself" HOLY FUCK IM TOO VULNERABLE FOR THIS
"stealing my girlfriends" BYE I CANT DO THIS
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Get to know me
Tagged by:@meditating-honey-badger - Thanks for tagging me!
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better (for once I’m actually going to try to tag the required number of people.... WHY NINE THOUGH)
Three ships: Listen, I will ship almost anything, don’t limit me with numbers. But gun-to-the-head-pick-three-or-else..... Jamie/John, Loustat, and Destiel. LJG fandom, we HAVE to come up with better ship names. The canon ship is Claimie ffs, we can do better than that.
First ship: Uhhhhhh ..... Buffy/Angel. I think. Destiel was my first non-canon ship and believe me when I say you do NOT want your ships becoming canon.
Fave colour: Purple. Although I’ve been vibing with teal lately, but still purple.
Last song: “Smoking in the Boys Room” by Motley Crue.
Last movie in the theater: Thor: Love and Thunder. Y’ALL. Make sure you have your bi panic before you see that one. Or it WILL be triggered. Also King Valkyrie, my beloved, please marry me.
Last show: Interview with the Vampire. If you have not seen it, you should.
Currently watching: HA Beth you’re funny. You know I’m not watching anything until we pick up with season 3 of @lordjohnlander 😂 Unless another season of Interview comes out before then. Or I actually finish The Mayfair Witches...
Currently reading: 😬 *IN THEORY* I am reading The Vampire Lestat for the second or third time, and How Your Book Sells Itself by Bethany Atazadeh and Mandi Lynn. But reading is hard lately so I’m just trying my best here.
Currently working on: Editing the season 2 finale of Lord Johnlander and two original novels as my alter ego @evybuchanan
Current obsession: Well YouTube seems to think it’s Motley Crue because it keeps pushing content about them or with their music sooooo. Honestly, I’m just trying to live through another day in fucking paradise.
Okay I am actually going to try tagging nine people. No pressure if you don’t wanna. Also sorry if you get tagged more than once because of me LOL. ... @saltybenchday​, @littlecrabbs​, @tinyfrenchowl​, @faeriesfanficblog​, @dyallonpostsfics-blog​, @derpandabar​, @narastories​, @iihappydaysii​, @deanwinchesterangelfucker​
Okay the hardest part was counting to nine 🤦‍♀️ And I do math for a living good lord.
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4ugury · 1 year
MULTIMUSE ROULETTE ! send  🎲  and i’ll place our muses into this generator and post the resulting muse combinations and a few ideas on how to make it work!
" 🎲  " ft, @nearends
TRIS PRIOR & NICK GRIMES, this could be done pretty easy by either placing nick and the grimes family into a divergent alternate universe, or by playing tris into a walking dead au! i'd have to say that the grimes are definitely dauntless, i'd wanna say either carl or nick would be a varying level of divergent, like we see others in the movies end up being ; either way, they start as dauntless and in the case of nick, he stays dauntless where his family is— rick and jeff, i think lori joined dauntless, but i do think lucy has always been dauntless. as for a switch up where tris is in a walking dead au, she could come from a peaceful settlement of survivors ! or honestly, a closed off city (like in tlou with the QZ's) that is still split up into factions, that being just how they're run ! either way, gimme tris and nick interactions pleath and thank.
JOHN MURPHY & FOSTER LAMBERT, a kinda weird one again except not really— foster comes from the insidious franchise, so i'd basically just throw him into t100 for simplicities sake! he'd be from the space station (can't remember what it's called), and be one of the hundred to come down. he has an older brother named dalton, and a younger sister who are probably still up in space with their parents- though i could see dalton being sent down with him to be honest.
ELLIE WILLIAMS & ETHAN WINTERS, uhhhh again i think this could be pretty easy. taking away the fact my man is just a mold man and would inherently just be infected- i'd make him a survivor looking for his abducted infant daughter, literally losing some fingers on the way, if not a whole hand. im not gonna lie idk much abt RE outside of ethan's games, so i'm not sure how i would place ellie into RE !
BELLAMY BLAKE & DENZEL, this is a weird one but honestly could work. denzel is from FF7: advent children, which can be viewed a bit apocalyptic? kind of. there's basically a plague going around and ya boy is infected with it! but i know u dont know much abt ff and there's too much lore involving FF7 specifically, so i'd just make denzel a natblida/nightblood grounder; he'd be bite-y and fight-y because he did try and throw hands with a god canonically.
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