#maybank sister
lizcameron · 1 year
Daddy's Little Girl
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This one is a little off-brand. No smut, fluff, or angst. Just a little creativity exercise.
Request: “Would you write a dark fic with jj x sister!reader where she kills their dad with a knife after all he’s done to them. She gets arrested, of course.” - @tracymbcm
Word Count: 1501
Warning(s): MURDER, mentions of SA, domestic violence
Thank you @pankowperfection for passing along this request. I hope I did it justice! It’s not as dark as I anticipated; I couldn’t bring myself to make it premeditated.
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You could hear shouting as you walked along the curve of the dirt road leading to your neglected house. Quarrels like this were not uncommon in the Maybank household. Your father was always coming home high on something heavy, his mood worsened by alcohol. Most of the time, he was bitter and spat harsh words at you and your brother. That was the easy end of the stick. When he got really drunk, he was a mean, violent man. He would do and say spiteful things out of resentment and self-pity. He blamed you and JJ for your mother’s sudden departure, having left when you were 5 and JJ was 6, though you believed she must have seen a ghost of what he would become and fled before things got really bad.
You sigh heavily, slowing your steps, hoping to wait out the argument until JJ and your dad inevitably shut themselves in their respective rooms. When you hear a crash and shattering, you sprint to the porch door on the side of the house, throwing it open to see that the two men must have been at it for a good while. The entire living room is in shambles, coffee table on its side, papers littered everywhere, and the couch shoved out of its typical place. The sheets that usually hang by nails to cover the windows are torn down, blinds behind bent and broken.
Your eyes scan the room, and you spot the pile of dishes shattered on the floor before landing on your brother, who has your father in a headlock. JJ is struggling, Luke being shorter than him but with the weight of muscle and a beer gut giving him an edge. Luke is clawing at JJ’s forearm over his airway, but JJ has his back braced against the kitchen counter and one leg pushing against the counter across from him, the support making up for Luke’s weight advantage.
“JJ, what the fuck,” you scream as you rush into the kitchen and try to move past Luke’s kicking legs. “Let him go!”
“No can do, little sis,” JJ strains. “‘M not lettin’ him get me back.”
You stare, aghast, eyes raking over your dad’s flailing body. You are severely out-gunned in the current situation. Not knowing what else to do, you shove at JJ, trying to loosen his grip on your father.
“Shit, Y/n!” JJ shouts. “Get outta the way before he gets you square in the nose. Just go to your room!”
“Enough, J! You’re gonna kill ‘im,” you wail.
JJ scoffs, but you can tell he’s beginning to weaken. “Just putin’ dear ol’ dad to bed. Don’t worry; he’ll be up by mornin’.”
You grit your teeth in frustration, widening your stance to steady yourself. You push against JJ’s shoulder again, this time not letting up until JJ loses his balance and tips over, back hitting the wall. Luke is on the ground with him, choking in air.
Before JJ can reach for him again, Luke scrambles to his feet, putting the length of the small kitchen between the two. Both men are heaving, trying to catch their breath from their struggle.
“Now what is this all about? Are you drunk, Dad?” you ask needlessly. You can smell the beer and cheap whiskey in the room, and it’s not coming from JJ.
Luke ignores your comments and locks eyes with JJ. “Big mistake, boy,” he rasps. “You shoulda gone home to yer boyfriend, Routledge, like ya always do.”
JJ grunts at that remark but doesn’t let it phase him.
“What’s a-matter, boy? Can’t finish the job? Gonna let your pretty little sister do it for you?” Luke drawls with a snicker.
You snap your eyes up to JJ’s and see the fire in his pupils. Nothing infuriated him more than when your dad spoke of you in that way. In the past few months, Luke had started commenting on your body and your “pretty little mouth,” little insinuations here and there when he was particularly too far gone. You insisted he didn’t mean it like that, but JJ knew where Luke’s thoughts leaned when he’d had so much to drink that even his murky boundaries muddied.
JJ roared as he charged across the room toward Luke, but your father was too quick, the coke in his systems making his senses a little sharper than JJ’s were through his cloud of rage. Luke dodged your brother, catching the collar of his shirt and dragging him down to where he pinned him to the floor. He straddled JJ with his hands around your brother’s throat.
It all happened so quickly. You hadn’t had any time to react, to stop JJ. Now he was jerking under your father, trying to get out of his hold, but it was no use. Without his legs under him, JJ couldn’t overpower Luke. You knew your father wouldn’t stop, not after JJ had put him in a similar position just moments earlier.
“Stop it, Dad! Get offa him,” you scream, moving to try to push him off of JJ, but Luke swats you away. You shove at him again, and his arm swings out and catches you in the cheek just under your eye. You ignore the wetness that drips down to your jaw as you can see your brother turning a sickening shade.
“Daddy, please! You’re hurting him,” you wail, violent sobs now shaking your body.
“He did this, Y/n! He asked for it,” Luke hollers back.
JJ’s movements begin to slow, and you panic, knowing you’ll surely lose your brother if you don’t get Luke off of him. You’re hyperventilating as you look through blurry eyes around the room for something to hit Luke hard enough to render him unconscious long enough for you and JJ to make your escape. Your hands clatter along the kitchen counter as you fumble blindly for anything to help you. Your fingers clasp around a handle over the stovetop and you raise it, not cognizant of its weight.
Blinking back your tears, you make your way over to the struggle by the kitchen table. You raise your arm, implement in hand, and bring it down swiftly to the side of your father’s head. You do not hear a resonating sound as you expected from a frying pan against your father’s head, but rather a sharp, wet sound. You blink several times around the confusion, clearing your eyes, and as the blur dissipates, your gaze lands upon Luke leaning lax over JJ with the sharp edge of a meat cleaver sunk just above his ear.
The house quiets as your sobs stop. The only sounds remaining are the harsh breaths both you and JJ drag in. JJ pushes out from under the weight, letting it fall with a dense thud.
“Y/n… Y/n,” he whispers, conscious not to startle you. He knows you could crumble at any moment, and you don’t have time for that.
JJ could hear the sirens in the distance. The neighbors must have called the cops because of all the screaming. You were in shock, though, and didn’t hear them.
“Y/n, you have to move. We don’t have time to run,” he says gently. When you don’t budge, he grabs you by the shoulders and begins guiding you. “You have to lie down. Lie down next to him.”
JJ menuevers you to the floor, laying you back beside the kitchen table. When your hand touches the growing puddle beneath you, the glaze over your eyes pulls back and your face contorts. You look over at your father’s lifeless body beside you, then bring your gaze to meet your brother’s.
JJ’s mind is a million miles ahead of yours already. “We’ll say he was trying to take advantage of you. Ya’ got the cut on your cheek to prove your struggle. I walked in and stopped the fucker with the first thing I could get my hands on. C’mon, lay down. We have to spread the blood so it looks like he was on top of you,” he rambles, motioning for you to comply.
Your grimace deepens, and you can feel your stomach starting to churn. “J, no, that’s- that’s not what happened. He was killing you,” you croak, throat tight.
JJ pulled his head back, looking at you incredulously. “Y/n, I’m not letting you go to jail for this. It was me. I did this. He was trying to hurt you,” your brother pleads. The look in JJ’s eyes is excruciating. “Please,” JJ whispers as you hear the screen door swing shut.
Shoupe takes a few steps in, hands poised on his hips. “Kids,” he begins. “What the hell happened here?”
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yiiyiiwrites · 4 months
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JJ Maybank x older sister [Missy] x older brother [Bobby]: Missy trying to console her younger brother after an argument with their dad. [Sibling masterlist]
Tw: mentions of abuse.
The dust covered lightbulb barely lit up the small bathroom. JJ sitting on the edge of the tub, frozen packet of peas (which had been in the freezer for what felt like a decade) cupped in his palm and pressed to his ribs.
Missy stood in front of her younger brother’s slouching figure, the cloth in her grasp gently swiping the blood from JJ’s face. Stray strands of his blond hair tinged red.
The silence after the storm, always something she struggled to deal with. Bobby was the one that had it together, knew how to control their dad before it got too bad, which put him in the way of of Luke Maybank’s rage. But Bobby wasn’t there, Missy locked in her room and left to hear the pounding knuckles on flesh and booming voices.
“J, come on. What did you expect to happen.” Missy added a little more pressure to the cut above his eyebrow and grabbed his chin to stop him leaning back from her. “You know what dad’s like, not worth it.”
He sucked in a breath, regretting the sharp stab in his ribs. “Seriously?” JJ snapped, nudging Missy away from him and snatching the strips on the side.
Missy leant against the door frame, watching him through the reflection of the mirror as he placed the medical strips over the gash above his brow.
“Why would you even do that? You’ve got no problem letting Bobby step in, but I can’t look out for you?” She crossed her arms, fingertips digging into her skin. It was rare for the two younger siblings to be at home together, after their fight about Pope they’d be dodging each other for months.
“You should be thanking me.” JJ doesn’t bother to glance her way, splashing water on his face and scrubbing the dry blood on his cheek.
It had happened all so fast, Missy was still trying to calm her racing heart. Palm sliding to her chest and fingers twisting the fabric of her T-shirt as she tried to focus on her breathes. She welcomed the silence, the sound of the running water keeping her present. JJ wouldn’t tell her that he left the water running on purpose or that he fell into a rhythmic breathing along side her. Deep inhales and long shaky exhales till she opened her eyes.
She hated how she always froze when it came to their father. Still the kid cornered in the hallway, cramming herself into the smallest of spaces to escape. Always the one to prod and wake their father when he’s sobered up and started to feel sorry for himself. The tight hugs and whispered words spoken to her of promises he’d break again, but she savoured the rare warmth.
“I had it.” Missy knew that even JJ didn’t believe that, even if she tried so hard to sound like she did have it. She walked down the hallway, steps faltering at the hole in the wall. The near miss to her face earlier. She wondered if they should cover it up or let Bobby fix it like he did everything else.
“You’re not built like me or Bobby.” JJ said following behind her and looking anywhere but her. He groaned and doubled over as she punched him in the stomach. “You know what I mean, we stand a chance against him. Bobby definitely knows how to handle it better though.” JJ chewed on his lower lip deep in thought, his mind going over what his older brother would have done.
“You’re six centimetres taller me, besides locking me in my room. Not cool,” she said crossing her arms over her chest.
JJ shoved her back in her room, smile tugging his lips. “Should have left you in there, wouldn’t have to deal with your nagging,” he mumbled to himself as he pushed Missy again into her room.
Peering down the hallway, they looked between each other and the chaos in the house. “We should probably clear up before Bobby gets home,” Missy said grabbing the broom by the back door. She swatted JJ out of her way and threw a discarded hoody to him.
They tiptoed across the creeky floorboards as they got closer to their father’s bedroom, his loud snores echoing from the doorway. Just like they did as kids, trying to make the least amount of noise.
Missy fell back into the lumpy sofa, letting herself sink deeper into the cushions. The sun beginning to set, the cool summer breeze filtering through the windows. JJ was long gone after the clear up, Bobby still on his long shift at the fire station. Hours had passed since the mornings scuffle, but the tense knot in her stomach remained.
Coughing in the distance made her sit up, back straightening as she leant forward as if it’d help her hear better. Luke appeared in the doorway, half empty glass of water in one hand. Missy doesn’t know why she still left a glass of water and his medication on his bedside table, but she did.
She didn’t move from her seat, gaze fixed on her father who moved towards her and sat down beside her. He hooked his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. Heavy weight hanging off and anchoring in her place, his hand laid limply in front of her. Knuckles red and swollen, she couldn’t look away from the damage he caused.
“It’s okay, kiddo,” he said kissing the side of her head, voice low and still holding the slur of sleepiness. She wondered if the boys were given the same warmth as her, the small glimmers of her dad that loves her and soothes her. Gentle hand and soft voice, but she knew that it never did last too long.
Relaxing against him she put her arm over his body, savouring the embrace. He smoothed his hand over her hair, the tv nothing but a mumble of a tv show her father had seen over and over.
It wasn’t long till Luke’s snores filled the room, Missy’s eyes growing heavy through the dim lit living room.
Sleep came easy, but the hand on her cheek woke Missy. She jerked awake, tangling her foot in the blanket covering her. Squinting as the lamp beside her flickered on she stared up at her older brother Bobby.
“J told me what happened,” Bobby said crouching in front of her. “You okay?” He fixed the blanket to cover her again, eyes scanning her face for anything and everything.
Missy nodded and glanced around, their dad nowhere to be seen.
“He’s gone. You sure you’re okay?” Bobby said rising to his feet, he unhooked the red braces from his shoulders and untucked his polo top. Thankfully he was relatively clean, not ash or the scent of smoke clinging to him.
Nodding her head she pushed the blanket off of her and got up from the sofa. “Yeah, it’s J that got the worse of it.” Missy opened the fridge and grabbed a cold can of soda, holding another one out for Bobby.
He took the can, popping it open and setting it on the table. “You want some food?” He said diving through the plastic bag and taking out her favourite meal. “Linc made chilli, thought I’d bring some extra home.” He shrugged off the comment like it was no big deal, but Missy knew he got it just for her.
The local shelter sometimes made the fire station meals a couple days of the week, Missy had spent many days in the fire house waiting for Bobby to finish, Lincoln the runner of the place had seen her in and out offering her a place to go whenever she needed to. She found herself in the kitchen of the shelter helping him and hoarding lunchboxes of his chilli in the freezer, but it had been a while since she’d last been. Things at home were more escalated so she withdrew and stayed at home and went to work. She made a mental note to visit when the bruise on her shoulder had gone.
It didn’t matter that it was three in the morning, Bobby and Missy sitting at the table and digging into their meal. There was something about the in between moments like this that she loved. They might be ignoring the situation, but it was needed in order to feel a sense of normality. To be siblings and make the most or best of their time in between.
Bobby had a knack of pulling the Maybank siblings out of their heads. Whether that be bringing home a favourite meal or fixing something he didn’t break.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” Bobby couldn’t quite get himself out of his own head though, always needing to voice his concern or apologise for not being home enough.
“Bobby,” Missy said stabbing her fork into her food and staring at him. “Shut up and eat so we can go sleep.” She went back to her meal, smirking to herself as Bobby muttered under his breath.
More Maybank siblings??? - Yiiyii
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garbinge · 1 year
When Summer Ends (4)
Topper Thornton x Maybank!Sister OC Nicky Maybank From these August Prompts:  “Necessary Theft"
Summary: Nicky Maybank, JJ’s older sister, just graduated.  Her summer break was supposed to be normal. Work, party, chill. But then she somehow Topper came into the mix. Fun little summer romance fic with the twist of a pogue navigating a relationship with a kook.  
A/N: A little update for my favs.
TW: All my fics are 18+. Cursing, angsty. 
Chapter Index
Word Count: 1.6k
Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ (Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!)
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Nicky woke up to the sound of water splashing, her eyes opened wide from the noise when she realized she was in the hammock at the chateau. Her memories of the night prior filled her head. She was out with Topper, like she had been for the past few nights. The two of them mainly spent their time more south than the cut, away from prying curious eyes of Kildare. Occupying parks, beaches, sometimes they even just stayed parked in Topper’s car and talking, laughing…making out for hours. That didn’t stop her from her usual shenanigans with the Pogues, while she was around a lot less, she tried to keep up her appearances to avoid anyone saying anything. And if they did, she’d say she worked late, was spending time with friends from her grade that even though each Pogue knew, they wouldn’t ever run into them let alone ask if it was true. 
As she came to it she saw John B on the dock tying the HMS Pogue to the boards, likely what the splashing was that woke her up. The fire pit was ashing out, just small embers pulsing as the low breeze killed any hopes of it picking back up. The empty beer bottles and silence outside of the docking boat let Nicky know she was the last one here, it wasn’t that it was unlike her to sleep at The Chateau but lately she was very aware and preservative of her time. Her hands searched for her phone in the hammock and found it. 2%. It was enough for her to check the time and her messages. 
Topper 7:14AM:
You still wanna go take the boat out today? 
She quickly responded back with the little battery she had. 
Nicky 9:55AM:
Yea, sorry I was asleep. Wanna go in the late afternoon? Sunset ride? 
After hitting send, she crawled out of the hammock and placed her phone in the back of her jean short pocket. John B was making his way up the dock to the yard. 
“Sorry to wake you!” He chuckled. 
Nicky stood in the yard, hand on her hip and other hand shielding her eyes from the sun. “I’m sure you owed me a wake up call!” 
John B laughed at that. “That’s true, you normally are the early bird Maybank.” 
“Speaking of Maybanks, JJ went home?” She looked around at John B approached. 
“Uh,” John B paused to think of what to say. “Yea, I think, he left here kind of early.” 
“Freaky Friday.” Nicky smiled oblivious to John B being on edge. “Alright, I’ll catch ya later.” She threw up the peace sign and turned to grab one of the many bikes JJ and John B shared between themselves.
Nicky tossed the bike against the house before dredging her way inside. Her phone pinging before she entered the porch door. 
Topper 10:09AM: 
Sounds good, pick you up normal spot at 4? 
But before she could respond, the noise of banging from inside the house alerted her and she placed her phone back in her pocket, she tried to open the porch screen quietly but it was old and creaky so it was impossible. Whoever was inside didn’t mind or hear the creaks so Nicky proceeded with caution. It could have been some of low life townies breaking in and stealing whatever was around, but more likely it could have been her father back from whatever bender. She hoped it was the shithead townies, she could scare them easily but her father, that was a whole other beast. 
The living room was quiet when she entered but immediately a figure walking by in the kitchen alerted her. Her eyes jumped to the person. JJ. Relief exhaled out of her mouth and the tension left her body immediately as she rested against the back door. 
“Jesus Christ, JJ. You scared the fuck out of me.” Another sigh left her mouth as she stepped closer to the kitchen. Her relief was short lived when she saw tons of metal pieces and parts littered on their kitchen island and counters. “JJ, what the fuck is this?” 
“It’s our rent, our bills, our past dues, and oh yea,” he lifted up a copper part and smiled at his sister, “free, fun, spending.” 
“JJ what the fuck is all of this?” Nicky wasn’t nearly as happy as her little brother was. Their entire table space was covered, as she got a closer look she realized they were boat parts, some older and rusted and some brand new. 
“Boat and drone parts from the salvage yard.” JJ was so nonchalant in how he answered. 
“JJ.” Nicky stared at everything. 
“Nicky.” JJ mocked her with a laugh. 
“Tell me you didn’t steal all of this.” Her hand raised to her forehead as she processed everything. 
“What does it matter, I can sell this shit off on the mainland and it’ll never come back to us.” JJ acted as if he had everything solved. 
“There’s fuckin trackers in the drone parts, JJ!” Nicky lifted the one part of the drone that was still on. 
JJ was quick to grab it from her and smash it on the table along with the other one he had as well. “Problem solved.” 
Nicky closed her eyes as she tried to think of what to do. “This is fucking theft, JJ.” 
“I’d like to consider it necessary theft.” He tilted his head from side to side as he leveled with his sister. 
“That’s not a real fuckin’ thing, JJ.” She kept saying his name, like that was going to ground him or something. “And even if it was, necessary theft would be stealing food or clothes, something of necessity!” Her voice raised. 
“I’m pretty sure money is a necessity, and these parts = money, Nicky.” JJ was getting aggravated. 
“And what happens if Dad comes home, huh? Sees this shit and fucks off with it? Then what? Then we’re left with the crime and nothing to show for it.” Nicky began arguing with him. 
“Dad’s not fucking coming home. You know that!” JJ met her tone. “C’mon, Nick, we need this.” 
“No, I’m taking care of us. Rent is paid through till the fall, there's food here isn’t there? Our bills are next to nothing because we’re never really here.” Nicky argued the anger boiling in her gut. She did everything to avoid this. 
“Exactly, you’re never here!” JJ yelled now, his voice being fully raised. “I had to step up!” 
“For what reason?! Everything was taken care of! You don’t realize this is just digging you into a hole you’re never going to get out of, everything I do is so you can avoid this shit but you always end up back in it, what the fuck is wrong with you, JJ?!” 
The last sentence cut. He was just trying to help. Nicky knew that, but she was frustrated. 
“I guess I’m just a chip off the ol’ Maybank block.” JJ was hurt, Nicky could hear it in his voice. He was starting to walk away when Nicky blocked him. 
“Fuck, JJ. No I’m sorry.” She grabbed his arms. He looked down at her uncomfortably. “I just, I don’t want this for you, I don’t want this for us.” She pointed at the parts. “I try so hard for us to live comfortably and legally.” She laughed hoping JJ would ease down. 
He did let out a chuckle. “I appreciate you wanting to help, I always do. But this will do more harm than good. We gotta bring it back, or dump it somewhere that it can’t be tracked back to us. It’s too risky to bring it to the mainland and sell it.” Nicky explained in a more calmer voice. 
JJ just nodded, his disheveled hair falling into his face as he did. Nicky nodded back and brought him in for a hug. “I love you, little brother.” 
“Love you too.” He mumbled as he embraced the girl back. 
“You want my help dealing with this?” She pointed to the mess on the table as they ended their hug. 
“Nah, I’ll call John B. We got it over, we can get it back.” His hand raked through his hair. 
Nicky smirked thinking back to John B coming back to the chateau this morning and feeling like an idiot for missing the obvious display of anxiety he had from hiding all of this from her. 
“I got plans in a bit but you wanna hang out tomorrow? Just me and you? I heard I’m never around anymore.” Nicky’s eyebrows raised as she stared at her brother who let his head fall down in a laugh. 
“Yea sounds good, we can catch the morning break if you’re down?” 
“Sounds like a plan, I’m gonna go shower, I smell like the bonfire from last night.” 
JJ nodded again and turned to take care of the hundreds of parts scattered everywhere while Nicky turned to lock herself in the bathroom. That was a lot to digest, there was a lot done and said. While she thought she was doing a good job at hiding things, she was MIA a lot and exhausted from hiding things. But she still felt this was better than the alternative, for now at least. She turned the shower on and as she let the water warm up she brought her phone out. 
Nicky 10:25AM
“Usual spot in an hour?” 
Topper replied within seconds. 
Topper 10:25AM
“Eager to see me? I’ll be there.” 
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m3ntally-unstable · 6 months
When you read a really good fic but then after ur done reading it, realising that it was a part of a series so now your dying because now you’ve ruined it.
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chimindity · 2 months
Do not get her pregnant
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Summary | John B catches his sister making out with her boyfriend. Request by @jjsfavgirl
Pairing | John B & sister!reader
Warning | mention of JJ getting a boner, it is not explicitly stated, make-out session
A/N | I love your request!! I hope you like it sweetheart
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
-"JJ can you hug me?" It all started from there, until it got out of hand, your boyfriend is now on top of you, kissing you languidly.
Your legs wrapped around his waist as he holds you tight in his arms, both whimpering between the kiss.
-"you think my brother is here?" You ask suddenly, remembering about the thought of not being alone in the house, meanwhile JJ doesn't seems to care, being too distracted by your lips.
That's when you feel his hands rubbing your arms, trying to ease you down -"hey baby, we— we are just kissing it's nothing" he whispers leaving kisses on your jaw.
A moan slips out of your mouth as he hits your sensitive spot, a smirk grows on his face.
-"think I found it" he chuckles, you start relaxing and kiss him back, everything is good until.
Your brother storms out into your room, interrupting the both of you in a long make-out session, -"dude? What are you doing to my sister?" John B's voice causes you to jolt, as you pull yourself away from JJ.
-"do I have to remind you that she's my girlfriend?" JJ sits up grabbing the nearest pillow to place it on his lap, you roll your eyes at the sight, trying to hide your smirk.
John B sighs, walking in circle -"I get it, my sister is your girlfriend but you— cannot get her pregnant" you glance at your boyfriend confusedly, rubbing the back of you neck.
-"uhm John B, we were just kissing" you giggle knowing that your brother always overreacts.
-" I know my dick skill are g—" you cut JJ off, not wanting him to finish his sentence, as you give him a death stare.
-"i still see you as my baby sister following me everywhere, and now she's all over her boyfriend which happens to be my bestfriend" you purse your lips at hearing his word, not knowing what to say.
-"i mean, you're still my brother John B" you stand up, stepping closer to him and wrap your arms around his shoulders -"and I still love you" you feel his arms soften around you as he hugs you back.
-"i love you too sis" he rests his chin on your head before stepping away from the hug, -"JJ, I would like for you to keep your dick in your pants" you watch John B points out his finger at JJ, warning him like a kid.
-"'Yes, man" was all he responded before John B walks out of your room, you both look at each other as you burst out laughing.
@nemesyaaa @jjsfavgirl @mrvlxgrl
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JJ Maybank x toddler!sister!reader
(REQUEST): thinking of baby sister maybank maybe being 1-2 and jj is really struggling with her hair, and he wants her hair out of her face but doesn’t know what to do. so sarah and kie step in
warning(s): N/A
a/n: thank you for the request, m'love. if i'm being honest i may rewrite this in the future because i have unfortunately had very little motivation to write this week. :( but even still i hope that you enjoy.
also, to everyone who has written me a request, i promise i'm working on them! they should all hopefully be finished by this week or the next.
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“Ow!” Y/N squeaked, her plump digits failing to swat away JJ’s hands.
Her elder brother huffed, struggling to tame the toddler’s head of unruly curls. It was hard enough to pull all of the odds and ends of her hair into a ponytail far too small for his large fingers–let alone when she was intervening in the already troublesome process. 
“I know, I know,” JJ said, instinctively jutting out one of his hands to keep a wriggling Y/N from jumping out of his lap. He just barely managed to foil yet another one of her escape attempts. “You’ve just gotta sit still for a minute, peanut. Almost done.”
Y/N continued to whine, squinting against the harsh sun whilst JJ fiddled around with an elastic band in several failed attempts to create a functioning ponytail. The task only got harder as time trekked on—Y/N was antsy to join Kie and Sarah up at the bow of the HMS Pogue, and the more she tried to squirm her way to freedom, the worse JJ’s makeshift ponytails became.
“Jesus, dude. What the Hell are you doin’ to our mini Pogue, huh?” John B teased from the helm after several minutes of Y/N’s aggravated complaints, tonguing his cheek in amusement.
JJ had managed to get a good chunk of Y/N’s hair held sturdily away from her face, but several of her thick curls still fell like a veil over her large blue eyes. 
“Don’t listen to him, Jay. You’re a pro,” Pope laughed from behind him. JJ glared from behind the lenses of his shades.
“Ha-ha-fucking-ha. You ever tried to do this shit, man? It’s harder than it looks.”
The girls laughed as they caught a glimpse of JJ’s masterpiece. Y/N pouted, blonde curls spilling over her chubby face. “Need some help over there, Jay?” Kiara finally asked, taking pity on JJ who now wore a nearly identical pout to his baby sister. 
The boy sighed, running a hand through his own hair. “Please.” He scooped up his sister and carefully set her down on her unstable feet. “She’s all yours.”
Y/N, content with her newfound freedom, barrelled over to where her favourite Pogues had been sitting all afternoon: lounging around as they tanned and took swigs from their respective beers. Sarah laughed as the young girl fell onto her legs, wasting no time in sitting the little firecracker between herself and Kie.
“Wow,” Sarah said, observing the elder Maybank’s work up close. It was worse than she thought. “JJ really did a number on you, huh?”
“Jay bad at hair!” Y/N accused, brows furrowed in annoyance as she pointed a crude finger at her big brother. JJ rolled his eyes.
“Did better than you could've, peanut.” Y/N stuck out her tongue in response, and the girls chuckled as JJ reciprocated her gesture.
“Don’t worry, Y/N/N. We’ll take care of it,” Kie said, carefully undoing JJ’s handiwork without so much of a wince from the toddler. Sarah dipped into her bag to find a hairbrush and the few extra elastics she always kept on hand. “Gonna make you look so pretty, bub.”
“Promise?” The little girl beamed up at her, and Kie lightly pinched at her cheek.
It took an embarrassingly short period of time for Kie and Sarah to get Y/N’s hair in order, brushing it into two braided pigtails on either side of her small head. The smile never left Y/N’s face as they worked, efficient and gentle in their process—the complete opposite to JJ’s hectic routine.
“Alrighty,” Sarah declared as she manoeuvred the final hairband, twisting the elastic a few extra times around the toddler’s braid to keep it in place. “You’re all done, Y/N!”
“I look pretty?” Y/N asked, eyes shining with anticipation. Kiara tucked a stray curl behind her ear.
“The prettiest.”
Y/N wasted no time in toddling back over to where JJ was now busy talking to the other two boys, her cheeks dimpled with pride.  “Jay!” She cheered, bouncing with excitement. The blond looked down at her, a grin breaking out over his face as he caught sight of his baby sister’s new hairdo. “Pretty?”
JJ chuckled, lifting her back into his lap and pressing a sloppy kiss to her nose.
“Beautiful as ever, munchkin.” Y/N wrapped her small arms around his bronzed shoulders, and JJ gave another quick kiss to her temple. “What’d’ya say we get Kie and Sarah to do your hair all the time now, huh?”
He barely had enough time to complete his sentence as an empty beer can came flying at his shoulder, thrown by a now smirking Kiara.
“You wish, Maybank!”
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qlossytbh · 4 months
𝐣𝐣 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ૢ་༘࿐
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♡ favs | ✎ request | 𝄞 song |
: ̗̀➛ the other girl ✎
: ̗̀➛ you belong with me ✎𝄞
: ̗̀➛ by your side ✎
: ̗̀➛ birthday blues
: ̗̀➛ starry night 𝄞♡
: ̗̀➛ cold morning ♡
: ̗̀➛ baking
: ̗̀➛
: ̗̀➛ twin sister au! headcanons ✎
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princessbrunette · 5 months
is jj scared of kitty’s older sister? 🤭 i think he’d be a lil scared :p
,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・
yes i think i mentioned he is definitely scared of her 😭 when he comes to collect kitty and her older sister answers the door he just starts rambling at her 😭
“oh, you.” she eyes him and he freezes for a sec.
“yep, uh— in the flesh! you wouldn’t perhaps… perchance know where that little sister of yours is? i was textin’ her but my phone died and i’m here to pick her up but like, if you don’t wanna call her for me that’s fine i’ll just like… i’ll climb to her window… i won’t damage the property or anything i’ll just —”
she cuts him off by yelling your name up the stairs, eyes still on him as she analyses him. “— your boyfriends here.” she adds to the end of her call.
when you trot down the stairs and see him standing there tensely with his hands in his pockets you tsk, hip checking your sister to the side lightly. “don’t be mean to him.”
“i didn’t say shit.” she shrugs, disappearing back into the house.
“she’s cool. crapped myself a little, but she’s cool.” jj reassures before the two of you skip off to his car.
,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・
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raribella · 8 months
Love is Embarrassing | JJ Maybank
summary: although JJ had promised your brother he wouldn’t ever hurt you, you saw him kissing Kie while you were on a break.
pairing: JJ Maybank x Routledge!reader
genre: emotionally heavy anst, fluff in the end
contains: reader being a real bitch, mentions of Luke and parental abuse, inspired by some songs in the album “GUTS” by Olivia Rodrigo, kinda shitty ending but let me know.
word count: 2,7k
author’s note: alright I know I’ve been MIA and a bitch and I haven’t posted anything in months (worse if you see how much stuff is on my “upcoming works” section), but I’ve just had a lot of ideas, little time and little confidence to write. one of my best friends just showed me obx and I’m in love with this blonde and I got (I think) a spoiler about him and Kie and I just had to do something with my feelings.
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This is a work of fiction. I do not own the characters of Outer Banks nor any characteristic of the show. I am writing this story solely for my own entertainment and the marvel or comfort of any readers.
“If I fuck up with her that might as well be the last thing I do in my life, John B! I mean it!”
the words that JJ heatedly uttered to your twin brother the day he found out about the two of you were repeating over and over in your head right now. You remembered it all too well; John B was seething, absolutely pissed, seeing red. You and JJ Maybank knew each other for as long as he and your brother were best friends, when you turned 14, he declared to all the Pogues that you were off limits, and about two months ago, you and JJ started seeing each other. One month into it and JB discovered you, which was easy considering JJ already spent most of his time with both of you at the Chateau. JJ promised his best friend that he wouldn’t fuck up with you because two things mattered the most for him in this life; their friendship, and yourself.
But as of lately, he was having some problems with Luke and he asked for some time “out” so he could figure his shit out without involving or hurting you and you disagreed but you’d do pretty much anything in this world for this man so you decided to say yes.
To his bullshit.
Bullshit, you figured out about half an hour ago, when you heard a confusing conversation between him and Kiara – the perfect one – and when you went outside to track the noise, you saw them kissing.
You were fifteen minutes late to leave for the weekly kegger and you forced yourself to lock yourself in the bathroom and call in sick – because that you were, and you wouldn’t handle being out partying and pretending like seeing the kooks, and seeing them two wouldn’t make you feel the same type of nausea at this moment.
Sarah was the third person to try and make you get out of the bathroom. The first being your brother and the second, Pope. Although you were thankful neither JJ nor Kie had tried to talk to you, when you heard your best friend’s voice, you were actually starting to feel sick, you were having a migraine from holding tears up, and you were sweating.
“Y/n, come on! You were so excited to come not even an hour ago, we’re already late and I don’t see why wouldn’t you want to come”
Your vision was blurry as you palmed the door and laid your forehead on it. Sarah realized that you really weren’t coming when she heard your voice crack.
“Sarah please, just, go on out without me this one time, I need not to be there right now and I also need to be alone please don’t ask me questions I can’t handle to answer you this moment I promise-“
As you rambled, she frowned from the other side of the door. Making sure to get everyone to leave for the Kegger, to try and remember asking you about this later on, and to reassure John B that you were actually okay.
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You’ve been successfully avoiding JJ for about two weeks now. It started with enough discretion, allegedly going to the bathroom every time he entered a room, or offering everyone any snacks you would spend too much time preparing in the kitchen. For him, it started getting obvious when you looked the other way when he looked at you at the beach, or when you refused to surf and, as of recently, started slamming the doors on him. JJ was getting pissed at this rate. He started by simply frowning and brushing it off, but you couldn’t just keep slamming doors and not even looking at him, and if everyone else noticed, they just wouldn’t budge! The worst part is that he didn’t know what had happened nor if he could fix it. You understood him when he told you he needed time to figure out some stuff with Luke, but the truth was he was still very much freaked out about that. He still loved you, and he couldn’t afford to see you like this anymore, especially when such behavior was being directed at him. JJ missed you. Even if he couldn’t really figure his shit out, he missed you screaming at the top of your lungs as you entered the sea, he missed your smile, your laidback grin that he was the only receiver of, he missed your colorful bikinis, and how they embraced your features as you would jump onto every wooden swing near the shore, your curly hair flying everywhere filled with salt spray. He just missed you, the real you. And he had to talk to you to see if there was even a chance that he could get you back.
You, on the other hand, kept avoiding the questioning looks the pogues would send you every time you were harsh or avoidant at JJ, your brother even attempted to talk to you, silently, just with glances, and figure out if his best friend had hurt you. But even if he did, it only hurt because you loved him too much, and you decided it was best to protect him from John B’s wrath. You felt embarrassed whenever Kiara questioned you with her eyes as well; you felt embarrassed to be near her. You kept crucifying yourself and both her and JJ because of everything, often zoning out of the conversation and just bitterly reminiscing about the times you consoled your boyfriend as he cried late at night in your room, being gentle with his bruises. – thinking how could you be so stupid? giving up everything, betting on him against your brother’s better judgment. You kept paying attention to Kie and how, since that day, she looked like the sweetest thing of the Cut, the fucking hell-side of the island. Her perfume lingered in the air even at the beach and made you feel sick; you saw her everywhere now, even when you looked at him. You saw the scene of them kissing. Feeling every word she would utter toward you in conversation like bullets on your skin. As it was torture how she was the greatest thing to ever exist – how everyone loved her, how she was so much better than you; poisoning everything that you do and still being the sweetest friend, making you despise how rotten your mind was; how jealous your eyes were.
You were bottled up to the brim.
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It started out simple enough. JJ had noticed everyone was doing their own thing at the Chateau; John B was absent for the time being, and you were alone on the couch, fidgeting, focused on whatever. It seemed like the perfect window to try and have an actual conversation about what’s been happening. He just didn’t expect it all to escalate so quickly. He didn’t expect you to have seen a part of his conversation with Kiara about his dad – but not everything, not the ending. – He hadn’t expected a conversation with you of all people to become a bomb with a short fuse that would explode into feelings tainted crimson. watching you bleed, making him bleed all over for you.
"Pogues don't mack on pogues, y/n! this shit freaked me out, your brother finding out freaked me out, yeah, even if he’s my best friend and I was afraid that-”
“Oh, so you go ‘round and fucking get with Kiara?! this is fucking bullshit, JJ! bullshit-
“Y/n, listen to me!”
You both were screaming, Kie’s eyes went wide as she tried calling your name as well but you had already started crying and couldn’t pay attention to anyone but him. At this point, as John B arrived at the Chateau and followed the noise, the people around you calming you down couldn’t be sure if they were afraid of his arrival or actually relieved. You kept interrupting each other. JJ pulled his hair and you pointed at yourself and to your side – as if Kiara was still there – strength marking red fingertips above your chest.
“‘Cause she’s not even a real pogue, right?! that’s why you got so confident about it, huh?”
it was almost as if the room went silent. Kiara decided to step outside to give you space; to take a moment to breathe in and take notice that you didn’t mean that. She was sure you didn’t. The rest of the group started to move aside as well although they could obviously still hear the commotion. Only you, John B, and JJ were in the living room. Your brother grabbed your shoulders from behind trying to ground you in any way he could, JJ growing nervous at the rate of the conversation and his friend’s presence.
You looked into his eyes and it was as if the blue in them was slowly fading, his eyebrows shot up and his mouth twisted in a clearly upset frown. As tears stained your cheeks, pride still overpowering your shame and feelings pent up, you started with more meaningless empty jabs, which, said angrily enough, would only make JJ bleed more as he fell silent himself.
“I really loved you, you know? You gotta laugh at the stupidity.. right? Come on you were going around doing that shit and I swear JJ I used to think was really smart… I was just a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked-up little thrill for you, tho… best friend’s little twin… ridiculous.”
At that, John B diverted his attention toward his friend with stern questioning eyes. JJ gulped.
“Look, man I just really need to talk to her and explain myself, ‘aight? I didn’t do what- Things are really not what they seem right now and I need her to-“
“Fuck, JJ, that’s bullshit! How can you not even flinch when you fucking lie like that! Things are just like what they seem you never even fucking loved me! You can’t love anyone, ‘cause that would mean you had a heart, right? But you’re a fucking Maybank! And I really tried to help you out all this time but now I know that I can’t!”
You were calming down, but exploded again, as the words left your mouth though, you started regretting them, the most deeply someone could ever regret anything maybe, worsening by the second as you saw the man you still loved muttering a small “no”, cracking at your words and shedding a tear. As Kiara heard what you said from the outside, she didn’t even think before bursting into the house again, turning every head in her direction.
“Y/n you’re spiraling and you’re saying things you’ll fucking regret! I kissed him, alright?! This is my fault. He stopped me, he loves you and he wouldn’t do that, okay?”
Though the words she was muttering were calming you down, she was calling you out, she was absolutely mad at what you said about JJ’s father because she had context and it was really fucked up. You felt small.
“Kiss?!” John B asked, his eyebrows shooting up. It wasn’t his intention to aggravate the situation but it was his little sister involved. JJ tried to start talking and explain the situation – which Kiara had left him to, but he could really only think about one thing.
“I- uh… did you mean it? What you said.”
JJ rarely expressed any sign of vulnerability, so as his voice broke, you felt like your heart did too, rushing to explain yourself now, and trying to get closer to him.
“I didn’t mean it, J, I really didn’t! God, I don’t even know how you can still even look at me right now I’m so sorry I was just so fucking broken at the idea of you che- of losing you, and I- I thought you had found someone else and I damn near started world war III right now and it’s just because I love you so much and I know you don’t deserve another fucked up demonstration of love, you deserve to feel so good, Jay, and I’m really sorry, I love you so so much, and I will understand if you never-“
You were interrupted by the shock of his own body against yours. The both of you were panting, crying, completely tired sighs leaving each mouth as if this was all going on for days and you were so hurt, yet needing each other so much. John B and Kiara were ‘okay’ enough with the newfound situation to leave you both to your own devices again, and you just clung to one another, sitting on the floor for what felt like hours until he decided to speak again.
“Y/n… I asked for us to take some time because it was becoming too real, y’know? What we felt for each other.. it was, touchable- it is. And when everyone else found out, and then John B… You know I don’t talk about this usually, not with anyone but you, but I didn’t want my dad to find out about us, to find out about you. I don’t want him knowing what you are for me I don’t want him knowing that laying a single finger on you can be worse than any punch he could throw my way. And I wanted to figure this out without you knowing about it because you’d say it’s fine, and I-“
As your mind processes his words, you start to think how in the world you got a man whose the first concern about a monster of a father would be you. How could you deserve it, especially after what you had insinuated about him. “It is! It’s fine, honey, we can-“
“No, y/n it’s not fine because I don’t ever want you to even worry your pretty little head about a situation like that, y’know? And It’s not fine because the pogues are my family and the love I feel for you, if anything would happen to you because of him I’ll be damned, damned, and in jail for murder, you can trust me I will.”
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. All you could do was keep the hold you had on each other, slightly caressing his head.
“Since I didn’t want you to know about it, I went to Kie, that night of the Kegger, and she tried to help me and she said she loved me and I did too but then she kissed me and I assume it’s what you saw but I did step back, I promise! I told her off… Y/n I told your brother that if I intentionally hurt you, if I fucked up with you like this then that might as well be the last thing I did in my life and I mean it. I love you so much, little Routledge, and I’m all in now. We can figure shit out as we go but as long as we have each other, okay?”
As JJ spoke, he held your hands, reassuring you at the end. Hours had passed ever since you started talking, so when the pogues felt everything was calmer they decided to go back in the house slowly – figure out how you were, what were the plans for the night.
“Do you really forgive me for what I said? I will understand, J, I’m so, so sorry, I love you so much” You touched your forehead with his, and JJ sighed, shaking his head slightly. “I love you. I love you, y/n… can’t be without you.”
And as you both kissed each other as if you were making up for ages lost, Sarah smiled at the corner of the room, John B interrupting the show. “Come on with the PDA, love birds… What are we doing tonight, then?” He half-heartedly scolded as you got up, hand glued to the blonde's. You let out a big sigh again, before brushing them off with an honest, but half-assed excuse, already making the way to your room.
“I mean, you could go to Heyward’s… I think we’ll just lie down a bit.. ‘twas kinda draining…” you saw a bunch of side smiles as the group left through the door, Sarah grinned, letting out a puff of air through her nose, and when Pope went to close the door, he screamed back in the direction of your room, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” which earned a scream back from an already lying down JJ, “might as well not do anything!” and for the first time in a while, you laughed, making your way to lie on top of him, his embrace being all you needed.
“You know… we could go out to surf tomorrow,” he offered, still missing the sight of a happy you, your bikini, and the ocean.
“First thing in the morning.” You answered.
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vampiretendencies · 2 years
request; jj blurb idea! wearing his clothes for the first time/him seeing you in his clothes for the first time. maybe showering at the chateau but you didn’t bring anything so he gives you a tshirt! hehe literally kicking my feet under the table rn
pairing; jj x fem!reader
warnings; fluff, maybe suggestive
authors note; i was doing the same when you sent this anon in love with this idea ! (req a blurb from below w what’s left on the prompt list, or send in blurb, imagines, & fic ideas) a few more hours until season 3!
other ways to say i love you prompt list
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The opportunity to wear JJ’s clothes tainted your thoughts undoubtedly.
Not only because it belonged to him but because everything about JJ’s wardrobe, is so JJ.
No problem with repping any and everything that belonged to your infamous boyfriend. Wether it be wearing his pair of boxers as shorts, a wife beater to slumber in, or a random tee shirt to go out in broad day light.
You just longed for his material to be around your figure.
Congenial and adequate, soft yet comfortable— all elements of his clothes that are alike with JJ.
They are his clothes, after all.
“JJ let go of me!”
Stood smack in the the middle of JJ’s room at the chateau. His window partially open, wind bristling from the night air, making its way through. Whilst the hard wood floors beneath the two of you tracked the imprints of your feet. Bed rolled around in, from you forcing JJ off of you then— merely to let you get up and off of the bed to shower, that you did. Since you came out though, wearing little clothing, (given that there wasn't much of your own items lying around at the Chateau) he hasn't let you be.
He encapsulates you with his sinewy arms, body swallowing you whole. Whilst you forcefully push your hands against his broad, shirtless chest— the skin mellow and thick. Indentations of your miniature hands marking his skin, like your were a rag doll; screaming for dear life.
All JJ could muster was a low, raspy chuckle.
“Say you won’t leave.”
JJ wanted to make love to you all day long.
Not sex.
But emotionally.
To emotionally make love, to have and hold. A day full of luster, every millisecond spent around or with you. To confide in and maybe even shrink you and put you in his pocket.
A keepsake.
“You know I can’t, I don’t have another change of clothes.”
Behind every ‘can’t’ JJ miraculously finds a way, opportunity at hand to see you clad in something of his.
“Lets find you something of mine?”
JJ flicks his tongue, peering down at you due to the fact that he knows he’s won and you aren’t moving a muscle. His hands maneuver themselves to the lower part of your ass, hands habitually grasp the masses with a squeeze of his hands.
“Are you gonna’ give me something to wear then or what?”
You hid your secret giddiness inside, not wanting to be the one to initiate this sentiment— things seemingly working themselves out anyway.
“Actually, baby … just fuckin’ walk around naked … s’even better.”
He acknowledges the glint in your eye, possibly even a twitch that says, ‘get me some damn clothes before I wring your neck.’
“Okay okay, whatcha’ thinkin’ a little Heywards t-shirt action … Bait Shop shirt … ?”
He let go of you distastefully, instantly salivating for the contact again. Walking over to the wooden drawers of his dresser, pulling out multiple options— signaling you to come over and pick.
“Surprise me.”
And you turn around, facing the emptiness of his room, that wasn’t his room, but nonetheless. Rummaging was heard as he hummed and mumbled minuscule things to himself.
“Turn around, pretty girl.”
An off-black brownish t-shirt is thrown into your hands. A decor in the upper left side that read ‘Sex Wax Est 2005’, font circular and embellished with stars on either end.
“Your turn-“
He was already turning around, the gentlemen that he prided on being. You grinned at the cotton beneath your digits, bringing it up to your nose— though it had been washed, his powerful musk still retained it. The silky sensation of yeasty beer and a freshly rolled blunt encompassed your senses.
“Need more time?”
“Just a second, J.”
If only he knew your fixation was obsessive beforehand.
“I’ll just be here … y’know ... missin' my girl."
Feet away, physical touch being his love language fully had a choke hold on him per usual.
After you were done with your inspection you pulled the thin material of your cropped cami past your shoulders, bra clasped tight to your back. Leaving you to remove those lacey pocketed shorts that adorned your body; his shirt lazily pulled past your head, drowning you in its bigger size, falling just to your mid thigh.
The sole way to sleep with JJ disclosed.
You felt more his than you ever had in the past; claiming his array of bib and tucker with exuberance.
His baby suffocating in him.
You cleared your throat gesturing for him to turn around, his mouth gaping open as he's awe struck; open long enough that you were impressed something didn't fly in it.
"Shit you look better than me!"
Ogle eyes whilst his mouth formed a tight-lipped smile, stomach churning and insides wavering at the woman he chose to take part in his life with him.
It may be a shirt to most, but with his person inside of it made it all the more nostalgic, heart growing tender.
"C'mere gotta get a better look at you."
Following suit you step forward to him, lips instantly connecting with your jaw with pure infatuation.
"S'perfect baby."
"Yeah? Think I can pass as the new JJ Maybank?" In the same position the two of you were in minutes ago, except grins are wider and souls aching all the more for eachother; and you mocked him.
"Pass me a beer and a J."
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alyswritings · 5 months
First Period
Request: Could you write a fic where jj maybanks little sister gets her first period and her dad finds out and makes her feel really bad about it but then jj makes her feel better?
JJ Maybank x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N gets her first period.
Warnings: luke being a dick
(gif not mine)
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Y/N walks into the bathroom, pulling her pants down and sitting on the toilet. She looks down, her eyes widening at the red stain in her underwear. Her heartrate picks up, the girl quickly pulling her pants up and turning around in the mirror, seeing the red substance on the back of her pajama pants.
"No. No, no, no." She mumbles, rushing to her bedroom. She pulls the blankets back, the blood on her sheets. "Fuck." She whispers, feeling panic start to build up. She doesn't have any items to help her or prepare her for this. JJ's not even home, the boy having to work, reluctantly leaving his sister home alone with the siblings' dad.
Y/N whines as she considers going to get Luke. Maybe he's in a rare moment of sobriety and would help her. She goes to leave the room, but stops as music starts to blast letting her know she's not getting her wish.
She contemplates texting JJ, but knows they need the money and she shouldn't make him leave early, especially for something that isn't life or death.
The girl jumps as the door slams open, her father storming in.
"The fuck you doing, you useless little bitch? You were supposed to get those damn dishes done." Luke sneers, grabbing a fistful of her hair making her cry out.
"I-I'm sorry. I'll do them now." Y/N whines in pain.
"You bet your stupid ass you will." Luke seethes, Y/N flinching as spit flies onto her face. Luke starts to drag her out but notices the stain on her bed. "The fuck is that?"
"I-I got my period." Y/N admits with a shaky voice, avoiding eye contact.
"Ugh." Luke grimaces. "Don't you have shit for that?" He questions, shoving her back.
"N-no. No, this-- it's my first one." Y/N says. "I didn't-- I didn't know it happ-" She flinches as Luke punches the wall, creating a hole the size of his fist.
"You fucking idiot! You're supposed to know better when it comes to all that nasty shit!" Luke shouts.
"I'm sorry." Y/N whimpers, tears springing to her eyes.
"Don't fucking cry, you little crybaby!" He roars in her face, Y/N doing her best to hold her tears back. "Fucking stupid disgusting little bitch. God." He storms out, slamming the door shut behind him. He raises the volume on his stereo, Y/N covering her ears to block the noise out, quietly sobbing to herself.
JJ quietly walks into the house, listening to the silence. He waits a moment, hearing the snores emitting from his father in the living room. He gently shuts the door and creeps through the house, keeping his eyes on his dad to make sure he doesn't wake up.
Ditching his bag in his bedroom, he goes to Y/N's room, gently knocking on the door before opening it and going in, shutting the door. He looks around, frowning when he spots Y/N curled up on the floor on a blanket, her head on her knees.
"Hey." JJ gently calls, Y/N's head shooting up, the boy only growing more worried at the tear stains on her face. He glances up, noticing the hole in the wall that he knows wasn't there before. "Did he hit you?"
Y/N sniffles as she shakes her head, relaxing JJ only the slightest.
"What happened, kid?" JJ asks, crouching in front of her, brushing some of her wet hair away from her face.
"I-I got my period." Y/N mumbles, sniffling. JJ's eyes widen momentarily, not expecting that answer.
"O-okay." He says. "What happened?"
"He got really mad." She says, her voice only a broken whisper. JJ sighs, grimacing at her having to deal with Luke.
"C'mere." He tries to pull her into a hug, but she pulls back.
"No." She whines. "No, I'm disgusting."
"No, you're not." JJ denies. "This is a normal process for girls, you're not disgusting." He assures.
"No, it-- it's in my underwear and on my shorts. That's why I have the blanket, I didn't wanna stain the floor." She starts to cry as she rants. "And it's-- I didn't know what to do, we haven't actually talked about this. And it's all on my bed." She sobs, JJ finally able to pull her into a hug. He gently shushes her as she cries into his shoulder, his hand resting on the back of her head and stroking her hair.
"You're okay." JJ mumbles in her ear. "You're okay. It's okay." JJ continues to hold her until her cries start to cease.
"Okay. Hey." He pulls away, smoothing her hair down. "Get changed, clean up however much you need to, put some toilet paper in your underwear, and-- and if you're okay with it, I'll call Sarah and Kie and get them to help out with-- with the whole... supply thing. Cause I can comfort you, but I know there's a lot of options and I don't know shit about any of them." He admits gaining a watery giggle from his sister.
"That's fine." She nods, rubbing her nose and sniffing.
"Okay." JJ nods. "And pack a bag. We're going to the chateau." He states.
"What about the sheets?" She asks.
"Uh... I'll throw 'em in a trash bag and we can wash them there." JJ says. "I'll handle everything. Just get ready." Y/N nods and JJ kisses her on the forehead before leaving to let her get changed.
After a somewhat long trip to the store with Kie and Sarah on FaceTime, the two siblings managed to get the correct items. JJ didn't realize how much they would cost, using the last bit of money he had for them and a candy bar Y/N was eyeing at the counter.
The two are at the chateau and Y/N had taken a shower, taking care of everything while JJ put her sheets in the washer.
Them, Pope, and John B are hanging around as they wait for the other two girls to get here for a movie night.
"Hey." Sarah greets with a smile as she walks in.
"Hey, boys, Y/N/N." Kie smiles, walking in, her arms holding a few pizza boxes and six pack of beer along with a six pack of Y/N's favorite soda.
They get greeting in return, John B taking the pizzas from Kie and putting them on the coffee table.
"And this is especially for you." Sarah smiles, holding a basket out to Y/N. The younger girl lights up at her favorite snacks in the basket, along with a few period products and some painkillers. "A care package."
"Yeah. And if you have any questions, need any help, or anything, you know you can always come to us." Kie assures, smiling softly at the younger girl.
"Thank you." Y/N grins, getting up and hugging them both, the older two returning her hug with tight embraces.
"Here, baby Maybank." John B holds out a plate of pizza out to her, sliding a soda can over to her side of the table.
"Thanks." Y/N mumbles, accepting the plate and sitting back down.
'Thank you.' JJ mouths to his two female friends, both of them giving him smiles and nods.
"Can you sit with me?" Y/N hopefully looks up at Sarah.
"Yeah, of course." Sarah grins.
"Oh, come on." John B whines.
"Sorry, John B. I'm spoken for." Sarah shrugs, sitting next to the tween, rubbing her leg for a short comforting moment.
JJ reaches out and gets his own food and a beer, ruffling Y/N's hair before he sits back down.
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yiiyiiwrites · 5 months
Hello I saw you posted sibling requests and was wondering if you could do a JJ x older sister about JJ wearing her t-shirt and she says it’s someone else’s. A little bit of angst maybe?
Thank you ☺️
Hey, thank you for the request :) just a short fic, Here you go:
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Missy did a double take as JJ entered the house, the baggy top she'd tossed in the hallway last night magically hanging from his shoulders. The guy in her bedroom this morning narrowly missed her younger brother, but the mystery of his disappearing T-shirt appeared in plain sight.
"You're wearing my top, dick." She said peeling herself off the sofa and tugging JJ towards her, by the back of his shirt.
JJ scoffed, shrugging out of her hold and shoving her back into the lumpy cushions of the sofa, a cloud of dust hanging in the air. "like you know this band."
Sinking back into the cushions, Missy crossed her arms the line between her brows deepening. She watched JJ scramble together a sandwich, his back facing her, unaware of her narrowing eyes. The faded tour dates and a band she did not know keeping her attention and the memory of it being on the floor mere hours ago.
She'd told the guy how she wasn't interested in the band, a language she didn't know bleeding into the fabric. Of course he'd fly off to see a band in a different country, she only flew off the handle.
"Actually that's not my t-shirt, can't remember his name," she said tapping her chipped nails against the worn armrest.
The sandwich mere seconds from his lips, fingers pressing into the stale bread, a loose bit of ham dropping to the floor. "You what." His appetite vanishing just like the top had, the snack now falling to the counter. "Is this some dude's top you've been rolling around with?" He spat, wriggling out of the shirt and throwing it as his sister.
A smiled tugged her lips, "I mean you can keep it if you want," she teased holding the garment out for him. "Not like I can give it back to him, since it reeks of you."
JJ shivered and held up his hands. "I'm like way out of my comfort zone right now, sis."
The voice calling through the back door, once again late at night had Missy cursing under her breath. From where she stood, she had a clear view of the kook walking down the hall way, lazy smile tugging his lips. "You found my shirt," he said pecking her on the cheek.
It wasn't till he plucked the shirt from her tight grip, that his eyes found JJ standing over the other side of the room.
"Thornton seriously, sis?" JJ's yelled, shocking his sister that she flinched at the echo ringing through the room.
✨Sorry for the long wait I wasn't well, so finishing my requests now that I'm back - Yiiyii...If you have any more reqs let me know
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gh0stsp1d3r · 6 months
ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇
Part 1, chapter 1- who the hell did this?
Series masterlist
Warnings- mentions of blood, alcohol, and drugs but nothing bad (: just sum angst.
Summary: Rafe cameron dating Jj maybanks sister was not expected by anyone. You were left to take care of your dad- alone, when Jj left for months on end, causing the two of you to have a terrible sibling relationship. Your feelings are conflicted when you hear that Rafe, your boyfriend, was the one who shot peterkin- not John b.
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“Jesus, dad.” You mumbled under your breath. You gathered all the strength you had in your arms, moving him so he was laying down, taking the bottle from his hands and placing it on the table with the rest.
You sighed quietly, staring at him laying on the couch for a moment before you went out into the backyard.
It was a mess, more bottles strewn across the ground, cigarette butts and joints carelessly thrown onto the flower garden you had enjoyed building with your brother as kids.
You hadn’t seen him in forever, probably off with his friends doing stupid shit again. Grabbing the plastic bag, you threw the bottles into it, then the cigarettes and joints. The flowers were dead, beyond repair at this point.
“Hey.” A quiet voice said from behind. Your movements paused, seemingly frozen in place. You whipped your head around, looking at him.
“Jj.” You spoke, surprised. Your eyes widened and you stood up now. He walked closer.
“How is he?” He asked, looking at the house, avoiding your gaze.
“He’s fine.” You said sharply.
“You’re angry.” He scratched the back of his neck, his eyes now glued to the ground.
“No shit, jj.” You murmured, dropping the plastic bag that was in your hands. “You left him, you left us. He was worried sick.”
“I had to.” He said.
“Why are you here, Jj?”
“I just wanted to… to..” he hesitated.
“I just wanted to check up on you. You both.”
You sighed, picking up the bag and entering the house. Jj followed behind, looking around. He looked at his dad, and the necklace around his neck.
The keys to the phantom.
You threw the small bag into the trash, along with the rest.
“It looks better in here.” He said, interrupting the tension.
“Yeah.” You scoffed. “I’m not looking after you and your fuckin’ friends now.” Your words were laced with venom, you didn’t feel bad.
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Sorry.”
“I’ll be back. Make yourself at home.” You mumbled, going back out into the backyard, sighing heavily. You tried your best to ignore the tears welling in your eyes, leaning against the wall of the house.
Taking deep breaths, you opened the door to see Jj leaving already. He turned around once more, giving you one last glance before he ran into his friends car.
You weren’t shocked at your brothers disappearance anymore, instead you just looked at your dad, noticing the keys around his neck gone.
You furrowed your eyebrows, lightly shaking him awake.
“Hey, where’s your keys?” You asked him urgently, knowing that once he was sober he would be angry they were gone.
“Jj….” He mumbled, eyes still shut.
“Did jj take them?”
He didn’t answer. You grumbled under your breath, grabbing your own keys off the table.
“I’ll be back, dad.” You said, giving him a kiss on his forehead before opening the door and locking it.
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The phantom was gone. Jj was gone.
“No, no.” You mumbled. “Fuck!” You shouted. You didn’t notice the two boys coming up behind you.
“Y/n?” A voice said. You turned around, furrowing your eyebrows at the sight.
“Rafe?” Your eyes widened, you went up to him, hugging him tightly.
“Jesus, Rafe, what the fuck happened? Who the hell did this?” You asked him, your hand cupping his face and your thumb tracing over his blood, wiping it from his face.
He didn’t answer, just looking at you. You panicked as you stared at him, trying to wipe the blood off his lip.
“Stop, stop.” He mumbled, gently pushing your hand away. “I’m fine. I just need you.. i just need you to listen, okay?” His hands cupped your face now, his eyes searching yours.
“Shit, isn’t that maybanks sister?” A voice behind him laughed, interrupting what Rafe was going to say.
You quirked an eyebrow at the man, looking at him now. Rafe’s hand dropped to his sides, remembering he was here. Rafe turned to look at Barry now.
“She doesn’t have anything to do with them, man.” Rafe was quick to defend you.
Barry looked at him and back at you.
“Shit, never thought I’d see the day where you were dating a maybank.” He laughed quietly, making his way outside. Rafe looked back at you, and followed Barry.
“Stay here for a second.” He spoke to you, holding a hand out.
“What? Why? Rafe-“
“For once, just fuckin’ listen to me!” He shouted. Pausing for a moment. “Please. Please, just stay here for 2 minutes.”
You just shook your head to yourself when he left, running a hand through your hair and pacing around.
What the fuck was Rafe hiding?
Why did jj need the phantom?
What was jj up to?
Where the fuck did he go?
A scream from outside a few moments later made you snap out of your head. Rafe walked in, his helmet in his hands.
“Where are you going?” You asked him when he grabbed your arm, practically dragging you out.
He didn't answer, once you were both outside he grabbed your wrist now.
"I want you to listen, okay? I- I really wanted to tell you this, but... It doesn't matter. I killed Sheriff Peterkin."
The words coming out his mouth made your jaw drop. You furrowed your eyebrows, slightly backing away when he tried to get closer to you. His grip on your wrist got tighter.
"My dad- He- She was going to kill him, baby. I really just- I had to tell you, I can't- I can't hide it from you, and I just really... I really need someone right now. You have to understand..."
"Rafe, what the fuck are you- You shot her? You're the one that..." you laughed, this had to be some sort of sick joke.
"I couldn't just let her..."
He wanted someone to listen, he wanted to justify his actions, he needed to.
His phone lit up with a notification. He glanced down at it and back at you, letting go of your wrist.
"If you come to Tannyhill later, I can explain everything." He said, putting on his helmet and hopping onto his bike.
"I'll text you, I swear!" He shouted, starting up his bike and driving away in a rush.
You were left, standing there in shock, confusion.
Your boyfriend was a murderer and was framing someone else for it. What the fuck?
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"What the fuck do you mean he's in police custody? For what?" You shouted, already grabbing your keys from the table.
"Ma'am, we have reason to believe that that he helped John Routledge escape."
"Well, where is he?"
As soon as you were given the location you hung up the phone, and began to head for the door when your dad mumbled your name.
"What's... what's wrong?" he slurred.
"Nothing, dad." You spoke, walking over to him. He reached a hand out for your face, making you flinch slightly, but he just wiped a stray tear that you hadn't even noticed. You relaxed.
"Are you sure?" His eyes were red and squinted slightly. He’d been smoking and drinking.
You lightly grabbed the bottle he held in his hand, nodding your head.
"You've had enough to drink. I'll be back soon, I promise," you said with a small smile before heading for the door and starting up your car.
Racing towards the place, your heart raced, it was a struggle driving through the rain and mud. A notification made your screen light up. You picked up your phone.
Rafe 🩷:
I need you. Please. I'll explain everything to you. I'm sorry. Come over.
You threw your phone back down, he would have to wait. As soon as you got there, you threw open the car door.
"Where the fuck is he?"
Some people guided you through the rain into a tent. Your eyes landed on the parents and their children hugging. Then they landed on Jj.
He stared at you, his eyes glossy with tears. You slowly walked to him, he threw his arms around you, and began to sob into your shoulder.
"I'm sorry." He cried out, it was quiet.
"Sh, sh. It's okay. I forgive you." You mumbled; his face buried into your neck as your own eyes welled up with tears. "I'm just glad you're okay."
If this does well I’ll do a part 2 😭 😭 but basically the idea was that i wanted to see how rafe would be kinda different w a girlfriend (who he’s hopelessly in love with duh) and the gf being jjs sister is just so interesting idk why
If anyone does want a part 2 or to be added in a taglist lmk :3
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m3ntally-unstable · 2 months
Why is it that everytime I search for a certain thing I GET THE OPPOSITE. I SEARCHED FOR ANGST NOT SMUT, I WANT ANGST. I AKSED FOR SMUT NOT FUCKING FLUFF AND SHIT 😡😡😡😡 please update your system tumblr I beg of you
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wordsarelife · 4 days
—the alchemy
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pairing: jj maybank x fem!routledge reader
summary: you always had a thing for jj, while you thought he had a thing for kie. you couldn't have been more wrong..
warnings: none i think
notes: i have absolutely no clue how to play poker, so please don't grill me lmao
the water glistened, reflecting the afternoon sun. you dunked your feet inside, hanging from the bridge you were sitting on. it was lightly moving due to the waves beneath it.
you kept your eyes trained on the horizon, but looking at nothing in particular.
jj came running from the shore, sitting down beside you, letting his feet dangle into the water next to yours. "john b is making food"
"what could he possibly be making?" you smiled, clearly knowing that there wasn't much left in the pantry. you got through the day alright, thanks to both of you working, but you didn't buy any extraordinary things to make sure you had enough money to pay everything else.
“we’re having toast,” jj smirked, then paused for dramatic effect. “but we raided heyward’s for tomatoes, and kiara brought guac from her mom. so it’s fancy toast.”
“fancy toast! the ritz could never.” you hugged your knees to your chest, resting your chin on them, but a smile crept up on your lips.
"what are you even doing out here alone?"
"i'm thinking"
"about your dad?" jj asked carefully. "you know I’m here if you need to spill. no judgment. not even if it’s super depressing.”
"thanks, i know" you were thankful that you had such great friends. people that were like family to you and always made sure you were alright, even if they didn't have much to give themselves, apart from kiara.
"are you going to surf the surge tomorrow?" jj changed the topic, interpreting your silence as answer enough.
"heard agatha's gonna be a bitch" you shrugged. "must be nice to lose a few unnecessary limbs"
"don't be ridiculous, i'm a pro" jj took the sunglasses off his head and pushed them on your nose instead. "are you coming or not?"
"i prefer not to" you giggled, slapping his hand away as he tried to readjust the rest of your apperance. "gonna look good for cps"
"they won't even make it out here, agatha will arrive too soon for that"
"well, then i should be thanking her, right?" you looked up to the sky, the sun still breaking through the slowly arriving clouds, but the darkness of them made it evident that it wouldn't take too long for the storm to arrive. "thanks aggy! sorry for calling you a bitch"
"if that isn't nice" jj grinned. "look at you! such a polite lady"
"told you i could behave better than you" you stood up and waited for him to do the same. "i'm pretty sure they just told you to go and get me not to wait out until they had finished the food, right?"
"caught me" jj shrugged. you knew him well enough to guess that he was trying to escape more work than necessary. "but it did take some time to find you. you weren't in the tower john b locked you in"
"oh, maybe i'm not as well behaved as we thought" you shrugged, following him back to the beach. "you need those sunglasses soon?" you liked the red tinted look of them. you had worn them before and you loved that they made you look like a hippie or vanessa hudgens going to coachella in 2014.
“keep ‘em,” jj shrugged, giving you an exaggerated once-over. “you look better in them anyway.”
you raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious. “how much did these cost?”
jj spun around, pretending to be offended. “whoa, whoa! don’t insult me like that. i didn’t pay for them.”
you laughed. “you stole these?”
“they were like six dollars, okay? i stole them out of principle.” he wiggled his eyebrows like that somehow made sense.
you shook your head amused. “jj, that’s still stealing.”
“nah, see, i was planning on giving them to you for a while, so really, it was a selfless act. call it proactive gift-giving.”
jj’s face lit up, the trademark smirk in place as you walked side by side back toward the beach. he kicked at the sand a little, glancing over at you every few seconds like he was waiting for you to laugh again.
you could hear the others before you saw them—john b shouting something about the toast burning, and kiara’s voice cutting through with, “how do you even burn toast?!”
“so, what’s the plan after we survive this gourmet meal?” you asked, your tone only half-teasing.
jj rubbed his hands together with a glint in his eyes. “well, after we feast on fancy toast and whatever leftovers kiara’s mom sent, i was thinking… poker.”
“poker? don’t we always lose when we play with pope?”
“yeah, but he’s working today, so we have a chance.” jj wiggled his eyebrows as if this were the best news in the world.
you laughed, shaking your head. “so, your plan is to take all my money after i generously agree to participate in poker?”
jj’s smirk deepened. “well, since you’re wearing those shades, you’re bound to win. you’ve got that poker-face-hippie thing going on.”
you shrugged, pretending to think about it. “true. i could absolutely bluff the hell out of you all.”
he nodded seriously. “exactly. so really, it’s your civic duty to play.”
“civic duty,” you repeated, laughing. “sure, sure.”
"sit down, you two" kiara ancouraged when you walked onto the patio.
"where have you been that long?" john b questioned, looking at you suspiciously. "you're always sneaking around together"
"don't be ridicilous, b" you shook your head. "we were just watching the waves"
kiara and jj exchanged glances you didn’t quite understand. it made your nerves tweak to not know what they were hinting at.
“i bet it was a sight so see” kiara said softly, a smirk on her face.
jj nodded. “as always” he shrugged, his eyes still on her.
you had to try hard not to let your face distort into jealousy. you had had a crush on jj for as long as you could remember. and the two of you were close, but nothing ever really happened with your brothers best friend.
being in love with jj was confusing. most of the time, he treated you just like anyone else, acting completely normal. but then, out of nowhere, he'd start flirting, leaving you unsure of what to think.
even though you tried your best, the crush on the boy always resurfaced when he would flirt with you once more, keeping your hopes up.
the meal continued without anything happening and you found yourselves cleaning the table to play a few rounds of poker like jj had promised.
"looks like you're in a tough spot" he grinned.
kiara had put down her cards, while you were trying hard to keep a straight face, knowing you would probably lose.
you shrugged. "i don't see you putting down anything valuable, maybank"
"ohh" kiara and your brother hollored at the same time.
"well, let's see then" kiara nudged jj's shoulder.
the blonde smirked before he revealed his cards to you, flushing a street. "you've underestimated me, guys"
john b and you sighed simultaneously, accepting defeat as you threw your own cards in the middle. while jj was busy mixing the cards, kiara took a look at her phone.
"i think i better head out" she smiled, standing up from her chair. "my mother's gonna go crazy if i'm late again"
you played a few more rounds after the girl had left, john b and you losing to jj each time. you were sure he had gotten help from pope, knowing that his time would come.
john b threw down his cards after one more uneventful round. "i'm heading to bed" he nodded, pulling his snapback down, before he highfived jj and pressed a kiss to your hair. "don't stay up too late"
"night, b" you smiled as you watched after him.
"one more round?" jj giggled.
"i'm all out" you shrugged, pointing at the pile of money on the table in front of him.
"well, if i lose you can have all of it"
"this sounds almost too good" you muttered. "okay, what if i lose then?"
"you'll take off your shirt" he shrugged.
"jj!" you pushed a hand to your mouth, draining out the scream of outrage that threatened to errupt in the air between you.
"what?" jj smirked, looking up at you with wide blue eyes. "am i making you nervous?"
"not a chance," you shot back, trying to keep your voice steady despite the way your heart was hammering in your chest. jj's smirk widened, the mischievous glint in his eyes only growing as he shuffled the cards one more time.
"alright then," he said, dealing the cards smoothly. "prove it."
you glanced at your hand, trying to keep your expression neutral. jj's eyes flickered up to meet yours, watching you intently, and you couldn't tell if he was bluffing or not.
you took a deep breath and played the first card, trying to focus on the game instead of the way jj was watching you like a hawk.
the next few minutes were tense, each of you placing cards with care. it was almost suffocating.
"you're really dragging this out, you know that?" you muttered, glancing up at him.
jj just grinned, his eyes glinting with amusement. "patience, sweetheart. good things come to those who wait," he replied, his voice low and teasing. you rolled your eyes but couldn't help the slight tug at the corners of your mouth.
finally, it came down to the last card. you had one left in your hand, and so did jj. your eyes met, the room silent except for the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. You hesitated for a split second, then threw down your card.
jj's eyes flickered to the table, his face breaking into a triumphant grin. he laid his final card down with a laugh.
"looks like i win," he drawled, his voice smug. your eyes widened as you stared at the cards, disbelief washing over you. how did he keep doing this?
"you've got to be cheating," you grumbled, pushing back from the table. jj laughed, the sound warm, filling the quiet night air around you.
"well, you agreed to do this" he shrugged, like he was completely in the right.
you looked at him without any expression on your face, before you sighed, your fingers dipping down to meet the material of your shirt, as you stood up.
jj's eyes widened at your movement, standing up at the same time. "it was a joke, y/n" he muttered quickly. "you don't have to do anything you don't want to"
you halted in your movement. "if you had won, would you have given me the money, like you promised?"
"of course" jj answered without so much as a thought.
your smile deepend, before your fingers gripped the hem of the shirt, pulling it over you head in a quick motion. revealed was your bikini top. the one jj had seen you in a million times, but still his eyes widened even further.
jj's mouth opened slightly, his usual cocky demeanor vanishing as he stared at you. he remembered seeing you in it before, but this still felt different. maybe it was the intimacy of the dimly lit patio, or the way you stood before him now, your eyes steady and unwavering. you had called his bluff, and he was utterly speechless.
"see?" you said, trying to keep your voice light despite the rapid thudding of your heart. "no big deal. just a bikini, jj."
he swallowed hard, finally snapping out of his daze. "right," he said, his voice cracking slightly. he cleared his throat, his gaze darting away before quickly finding its way back to you. "just a bikini."
you walked around the table, pushing yourself between him and the discarded chair. "this can't really be the reason you're so uneasy"
you tried to read the emotion on his face, but he just looked at you, at a loss for words. you softly pushed your hand to rest against his chest. your eyes widened in surprise. "your heart is racing" you declared with a soft whisper.
"yeah" jj finally found his words. "you're so close"
you looked up at him, surprised at what he was hinting at. "i'm sorry if i'm making you uncomfortable" you tried to step back, but his hand shot out, holding you in place by your elbow.
"jj" you muttered, your voice barely audible. you could feel your heart beat just as fast as his did.
"have i ever told you how beautiful you are?" jj's voice was soft and tender, like he was trying not to disrupt the calmness of the moment.
"no" you sighed, unsure. he came closer, your noses were almost touching. his eyes were ready to close, not far from kissing you. your voice rung out before he could do anything of that sort. "what about kie?"
"what?" jj blinked in surprise, stepping backwards.
"what about kie?" you repeated a little bit louder.
"what about her?" jj laughed, before he saw the confusion in your eyes.
"i thought there was something—“
"between me and kie?" he smiled, shaking his head. "well only that she knew about my crush on you"
"you have a crush on me?"
"i thought it was kinda obvious" he pointed a finger between the both of you. "can i please finally kiss you now, routledge?"
you smiled, your heart fluttering in your chest at his confession. "of course" you watched him step closer once more, before you grinned. "but what about—?"
"—oh would you shut up now?" he pushed his lips against yours, drowning out your giggle as your smile touched his mouth like it was supposed to.
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chimindity · 2 months
Be quiet if you want to play
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Summary | JJ is too busy playing online to play with his stepsister. Request by @princessmaybank
Pairing | stepbro!jj x reader
Warning | nsfw content ; stepcest!! reader being oblivious, and JJ being JJ
A/N | ughh I love this trope, JJ being so gross and nasty
⏜︵⏜︵⏜ ୨ ♡ ୧ ⏜︵⏜︵⏜
-"JJ! Your dad told you to turn off your video game!" you stand with your arms folded across your chest in front of his room, watching him play aggressively with his controller.
He doesn't bother to look at you, being too focused on his game he simply tells you to go away, -"Y/n, can't you see i'm busy? Go play with your stupid plushies" he huffs not even paying attention to you.
Your pink socks contrasting against the floor, your feet thumping in frustration -"I'll tell your dad, if you won't play with me" you sigh as a pout starts to form on your face, feeling bored and annoyed that your stepbrother won't play with you.
He rolls his eyes, glancing over his shoulder to look at you, you're wearing a pink baby shirt with a short white skirt, he glances back at it noticing your nipples poking through your thin shirt.
-"uh, stop whining already, i'm going to play with you but let me finish my game, first" he huffs, getting back in his game.
Standing beside him, you wait, starting to get impatience, huffings every minutes to remind him that you're still here.
That's when he finally stands up, turning off his controller then looks into your eyes, -"lay on the bed" he says in a raspy voice, causing you to get taken aback by his demand.
-"uh what?" You ask, tilting your head to the side, maybe he wanted to have fun with you by playing wrestle.
He rolls his eyes and shows you the bed with his finger -"get on the bed, don't make me repeat" his voice getting more and more intimidating, you crawl on the bed, sitting on your knees as you watch him coming closer.
-"jj?" You ask, as he lays you down against the pillows -"you wanted to play with your stepbro, right?" He smirks as he dangerously strokes your thighs.
You stare at his hands slowly disappearing under your white skirt -"JJ we—we've never played this game before" you mumble, a worried look forming on your face.
-"shh, i promise you'll like it" he doesn't even looks at you, pushing your thighs appart revealing your pink panties, you gasp trying to push him away.
-"jj this is wrong" you tell him, as a wave of guilt runs through your mind as he slowly slides down your panties.
-"no it's not, sweetheart don't you trust me? I'm only having fun with you, s'nothing to worry about" you believe whatever he said, knowing that he always knows best.
He keeps staring at your cunt, smirking at your obliviousness position, he runs his fingers through your wet folds making you jolt and whine at the new feeling.
-"hey, hey, you need to be quiet alright? Mom and dad are downstairs" he points his finger at you, frowning his eyebrows.
You quickly nodd your head, waiting for his next move that's when he grabs your thighs in each hands, leaning down against your princess part.
-"JJ! Stop this is gross—oh" you're quickly being cut off as you feel his tongue licking your swollen cunt, squirming in his firm grip.
-"ah, ah no, what did i told you? Be quiet please Y/n or else your stepbrother will have to stop playing with you" he raises his head up to look at you.
-"m'sorry JJ it's feels good" your voice filled with apology, he gives you a smile before lowering back his head, circling your clit with his tongue, causing you to arch your back, struggling to hold back your whimpers.
-"JJ— I can't, it's too much" you keep squirming, feeling too overwhelmed by the pleasure, hands stroking his hair, causing him to sit up, looking at you his face glistening from your wetness.
-"I can't keep playing with you if you're this loud, Y/n" his voice filled with false-empathy as he looks down at you, when an idea popped in his mind.
-"uh I might have an idea, has anyone ever been inside this pretty cunt, sweetheart?" Your eyes widen at his words, you shake your head feeling ashamed.
He smirks as he licks his bottom lip, -"guess I'm the one who get to pop your cherry" he quickly pulls down his shorts and boxers, his cock sprang free against his stomach.
-"uh JJ, you're my broth—" he smash his hand on your month covering your mouth, -"Y/n, we're not fucking related" he sighs, stroking his cock before bringing it closer to your folds.
-"JJ stop it's hurt" you wince, feeling him enter inside you, as if your cunt were going to be split open.
He strokes your hair while kissing your forehead, trying to ease you down -"shh Y/n gotta relax, m'kay? And keep that pretty mouth shut for me" he whispers as he starts fully thrusting into you.
You bring one of his hand closer to your mouth, starting to suck on two of his fingers knowing that it always ease you down.
Your stepbrother groans at the sights as you start relaxing, but keep whimpering time to time whenever he goes deeper.
-"I love playing with you—" being cut off by your own moan as his pace goes faster.
-"yeah sweetheart? I like playing with my stepsis too" he groans before pulling out, cumming on your panties which was being held tightly in his hands.
You were feeling too dizzy, to even notice it as you start to dozz off in his bed, you were already falling asleep, too oblivious to the situation.
JJ gets up from the bed, leaving a kiss on your forehead before going back to his desk, turning on his controller.
-"guess she had a lot of fun with her stepbro that she falls asleep" he whispers to himself as he pulls his headset back on his head.
-"guess she had a lot of fun with her stepbro that she fell asleep," he whispers to himself as he pulls his headset back over his head.
@nemesyaaa @jjsfavgirl
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