#maybe I should be ranting to the director instead
pen-guin-writez · 3 months
Panicfrog cuddling for the panicfrog writing prompts thing :) you can decide the rest but I just want them to cuddle at some point ^w^
fic below the cut!!
Another day that Fear just so happened to be on Dream Duty.
Fear didn't like Dream Duty. It's just... so...boring, man. So cliche, it's just the same thing over and over again. He'll admit, however, there are times nightmares do give him a good scare. But a lot of the time he finds himself staring blankly at the screen.
Fear falls out of the chair.
"Oh my gosh--- are you okay? Sorry, I didn't mean to--- I--- Oh god...."
Initially, Fear didn't recognize the emotion hovering over him. He slides the chair in front of him to peek behind it shakily and...
"Oh, uh, Anxiety. Hi!"
The 'hi' was more enthusiastic than he wanted it to be, but forget that, he liked her.
"Hi... are you okay?" She asks again, "Sorry."
Fear's eyes dart, before immediately springing into a straight, standing position.
"Do- don't apologize, you're fine," for a split second, he smiles, before faltering and tilting his head, "wait, why are you still up?"
The question seemed to make Anxiety, more... anxious, if that's even possible.
"Listen I'm sorry, I-I tried, but I'm just too worked up about Riley's Spanish test, we- we haven't studied enough--- it's just--- it's not enough, what if we fail? And then Mom and Dad get mad at us? And they ground us, and we never get to play hockey again, and---"
And she goes into an unfiltered, messy rant about Riley, proceeding to lean her head on his shoulder. And Fear just froze for a moment.
Now, normally, Fear would jump in an instant and run away screaming, but there was something oddly comforting about this.
Maybe it was because... she trusted him? For some reason?? At least, she trusted him enough to rant about all her problems and lean in like this. And this time Fear wasn't scared, even though... that's his job, but he was more... endearingly charmed.
Fear suddenly shakes his head, stepping aside from Anxiety.
"Hey, uh, Anxiety?" he stammers, "Uh, listen, okay? I know it's hard. I mean, Riley's thirteen now. That's some scary stuff. I should know, I literally embody all of her fears."
She giggled at that. See, Disgust was wrong, Fear can be funny. Bonus points for sort of impressing a cute girl.
"But you wanna know what's worse? Studying so long you don't get any sleep. And if you don't get any sleep, you'll fall asleep in school. And that's like, one of the worst possible outcomes of studying! Just imagining it makes my skin crawl!"
Fear shakes Anxiety with a playful intent.
"Oh- oh, I'm sorry, I didn't---"
"No, you didn't do anything wrong. You're just trying to help, it's just... sleeping's always been hard for me, there's just so much on my mind, no matter how hard I try." Anxiety curls up, looking to the side, and Fear really can't help feeling bad for her.
"O-oh, Anxiety... I'm sorry, I wish I could help, but..." Fear pauses in thought. He thinks about what helps him feel better when he's scared.
He smiles gently, "Do you wanna stay here?"
"Yeah, stay here and... I brought my teddy bear. You can hold him, or me, or--- I mean--- whatever will help you." Fear felt the strand of his hair curl up, his face going all red.
"Really?" Her eyes gleam.
"Ye-yeah. I mean, it's not like this dream here's keeping me occupied, I mean, look at this! Ha!"
It was a dream Fear had seen many times before, the classic not-wearing-pants and everyone-making-fun-of-you type of thing. Except instead of a bunch of eleven year olds laugh at him
"Heh, are you seein' this? Are the directors even tryi---"
Fear felt a squeeze, and his eyes narrowed down to see Anxiety hugging him, her teeth chattering and all. Instead of running off and screaming about germs or something, however, he just cautiously lets his hand reach her hair, slowly, and carefully and...
For once, neither of them run off screaming. At all. They found comfort in each other, and Fear couldn't help but sigh.
Which is exactly what woke Anxiety up.
"Oh my gosh- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to---"
They looked at each other. No one else was around.
"Do you still wanna..?"
"Yes, I would like that very much."
Anxiety cuddles up against fear arm as he strokes the back of her head, leaning on her. His fingers were entangled with hers, and it felt like nothing else in the world felt safer than this moment.
And of course, when the morning comes, they'll start screaming and panicking to the other emotions' annoyance.
But Fear needed this moment. Hey, he said he would change her!
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Saw someone say that "with the reveal of Mysterio, Tony Stark created 7 villains" and I'm just adsfghmjsadfghfd *incoherent screeches of rage*
FIRST OF ALL, Tony didn't freaking do ANYTHING to Obadiah, Whiplash or Mysterio to "create" them. Obadiah freaking LITERALLY RIPPED OUT HIS HEART to get his tech and his company, Whiplash was pissed about something HOWARD STARK did that Tony didn't even know about until he told him, and Mysterio MADE TECH FOR TONY'S COMPANY, WHICH TONY EXHIBITED IN A BIG TECH DEMO THING. HE DIDN'T STEAL THE TECH, THE GUY WAS WORKING FOR TONY!!! Of course the head tech designer and owner of your company has a right to name the tech whatever he wants, dickhead. And even though they don't tell us outright, I find it reeeeeeeallly hard to believe that Tony "Always Buried to His Elbows In Tech To The Point That He Seemingly Rarely Sleeps" Stark, who was also trying to work out deep-seated emotional issues with the help of said tech, didn't have a direct hand in its planning/blueprint/creation. Plus, I think maybe, JUST MAYBE Tony was RIGHT to fire the "crazy" guy when he wanted to make a PUBLICLY, WHOLEHEARTEDLY WEAPONS-FREE COMPANY BUILD HIM WEAPONS, AND his solution to being fired was to PUT THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AT SEVERE RISKS AND EVEN ATTEMPT MURDER SEVERAL TIMES.
SECOND OF ALL, his role in the "creation" of Killian, Zemo, Vulture and Ultron was freaking TINY. He played a kinda mean prank on Killian ONCE and then the dude decides that makes it A-Okay to start EXPERIMENTING ON HUMANS AND MAKING THEM EXPLODE??? FUCK him. Vulture got dealt a bad hand but I'm kind of on Tony's side on the whole "don't let regular people get their hands on highly dangerous and volatile alien tech" thing. Plus, the one who was mean to the workers directly wasn't even Tony! It was some random lady! I'm pretty sure if Tony had been there he would've made some sassy remark but still paid some compensation to the displaced workers (gift giving is his love language after all, and he's NEVER EVER been shown to be stingy with his money). And as for Ultron (+Zemo)? I think this post says it all better than I could, but TL;DR I don't think Tony should be blamed for his creation. Even if you don't believe that, the fault should be EQUALLY SHARED between him, Bruce and Wanda BUT SOMEHOW NO ONE GIVES THE OTHER TWO ANY SHIT ABOUT IT.
The MCU's relationship with Tony Stark is something that will always just piss me off so so much and is proof of how the MCU's musical chairs act with writers/directors/etc can lead to the most ridiculous mistakes/plot lines/etc.
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laeana · 4 months
“It seemed to us that their results weren't good enough to get them into Group A,” Stéphan Bouthiaux, Director of the French teams, tells Nordic Magazine.
To explain the Vosgien's relegation, the French biathlon boss points to a "sporting trajectory that stagnated at an insufficient level". "Emilien [Claude] is already twenty-five years old, and he's been in A for two years now [during the summer], then had almost similar seasons, with a good month of November, a decent start to the season, then disappeared for the rest of the winter," laments the Pontissalien native.
As for Antonin Guigonnat, the oldest French biathlete at thirty-three, Simon Fourcade reveals that the decision "was more complicated to accept, given his extensive World Cup experience and the training group he occupied". “His age played a big part in the decision," admits Stéphane Bouthiaux. He's on a downward trajectory in terms of results. For the first time [in a long time], he didn't go to the Worlds [last winter], and the few bright spots in his season simply don't merit selection in an A group at his age."
“This could be an opportunity for him to take a fresh look at himself, try to raise his level and get back into the group," confirms Simon Fourcade. The doors aren't closed, as they were for Emilien Claude, because there will be two places available at the start of the season, which will allow many athletes to aspire to the World Cup."
Excuse me, biathlon fandom, I need to vent and to rant for a bit. I know this is a bit biased because I obviously hold a lot of affection for Antonin, but I have to talk in front of such bullshit.
So recently French selection took Antonin and Emilien out of the A group. And this article then appeared as the explanations. Now, as to why I’m wildly unhappy with it;
The French team reduced their group from 7 to 5. We could argue that taking Emilien out could be justified as he had time where he didn’t race, but I feel like if you take that in account it’s even worse. He had to take a break in his season, he even thanked the trusts of his coaches, and then he’s evaluated as “he’s been stagnant for two season, he needs to be out”. When he couldn’t even compete.
Now onto the biggest case that makes me annoyed the most, Antonin. Antonin has experience, and maybe his performances aren’t stellar but he’s mostly capable and he’s a good relay (a thing France has clearly been lacking during last season - they had literally four people to do every relay).
For me Bouthiaux’s words are those of an hypocrite. Antonin did amazing results in the European championships, and yet he wasn’t selected. It’s not his fault he wasn’t at the worlds, yet it’s displayed as if it was. The French team didn’t even take six people to the worlds and Oscar didn’t do a single race.
They expect him to rival the Norwegians in the IBU cup, but let me tell you one thing. I’ve spent my year watching the IBU Cup and those Norwegians are freaking talented. Some of them have World Cup level, and what I mean by that is top ranks on the World Cup. Johan-Olav Botn is one example. And yet, Antonin still manages to get a win, podium and good positions.
When I look at Antonin and Oscar’s seasons, I find them pretty similar. But it’s not to say one is better than the others, but that both of them should be on the World Cup.
What I really mean is that the French team is playing dangerous game now. They’re not realistic. They want to pretend they can do the same thing as Norway, they want to prioritize only five people as they’re the “best”, but not everyone is Eric. They should use the people they already have in the team, instead of doing this. We saw the results of using only four people for a relay the entire season.
They keep using the arguments that “this will help them to get motivated again and bring results again”, but even when there are results, they are not rewarded.
At this rate if they want to push Antonin to retire, they wouldn’t need to do anything else.
They pushed people out of the A group, to replace them … with nobody. Honestly at some point the French team could encounter a bigger crisis and I wouldn’t even be surprised, I would say I know what caused it :/
I can’t bring myself to like those decisions and I feel like they deserve better.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
*mic drop*
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madlad-sadgal · 1 year
Y'all know the drill at this point, and, as promised, this one's longer. Enjoy!
Nimona Spoilers!
If you go to the exact minute of 38:24, in the bottom right corner, you can see what I believe is, and correct me if I'm wrong, the polysexual flag.
The trans and rainbow pride flags in the background of the "sketchy part of town" scene.
It might just be me who hadn't noticed this, but the thing Bal uses to bandage Nimona's wound from the arrow is a piece of his cape that he ripped off and just, that's so freaking cute.
Nimona showing that she trusts Bal enough to tell him about her shapeshifting, contrary to the comic where, instead of just showing that it doesn't hurt/that she's used to the pain, she fakes that it hurts which, to me, shows that she still does not trusts Blackheart.
Nimona's "Look boss. You got betrayed by someone you trusted. It sucks. I get it." Hits a lot harder when you're re-watching the movie and you know about her backstory with Gloreth and how she was betrayed by her only friend.
Also, this is more related to the metro scene, but while they're talking after interrogating the squire, they pass by a sign that says "Verminator" with a dead rat face and a bunch of dead rats around it, so verminator is probably someone or something that kills vermin, such as rats/mice, and I felt like I saw that sign somewhere. Sure enough, if you look inside the metro when Nimona and Bal are entering it, you can see that same sign, and it's just funny when you think that at that moment, Nimona had shifted into a mouse.
Nimona and Am's "Arm-chopping is not a love language!" being funny little parallels.
Red, white and blue being colors we see a lot around them while Nimona and Ballister are arguing about if the government is something they should trust or not. Also, at the 43:50 mark, around the upper left corner, we see a red and white banner with two blue banners with white dots (stars?) on each side.
Also, at 43:38, when Bal turns to look at Gloreth's statue, we see the rainbow pride flag again with unicorns on each side at his upper right side, and that just made me giggle.
"You should be questioning everything right now. The will of Gloreth, the Institute, the wall. What's it all really for?" Nimona knows these things are built on lies and only exist to 'protect' everyone from her, but Bal doesn't and believes in these things because of the brainwashing. She is trying to subtly tell him "These things aren't to be trusted and you need to realize that." It is also something I address in this post. Also; "For protecting the realm." He's basically telling her, despite not knowing that's what he's kinda saying, that she is dangerous/a monster, and her answer of "Oh, you mean from villains like you? Or monsters, like me?" Hits SO MUCH HARDER when you realize that.
Am's eyes visibly stay stuck the sign of "A New Era of Heroes" with kid him and Bal when he and the Director fly in front of it.
Am's rant. It is relatable as fuck, the fact that you rant in your head but just say "I'm fine" to the people around you and keep everything bottled up (or maybe that's just me). Him being jealous of Bal's "new best friend". Him not asking for all the fame that comes from being a direct descendant of Gloreth and feeling pressured because of everyone's expectations. The "Arm-chopping is not a love langua-" is funny, but also sad when you realize the incredulous amount of guilt this poor man must have because of that moment that barely lasted a second. So that was my summarized rant about Am's internal rant.
Ambrosius feeling pressured by Gloreth's legacy and being her direct descendant (even though he doesn't voice it) and the Director literally saying "The blood of Gloreth runs through your veins." just seconds later pisses me off for some reason. Like, I know she can't just read his mind and know he feels pressured by that, but I also know she wouldn't care either way and would probably just tell him to "Stay strong" and I just-SKHFWJEFG
Nimona taking out a bunch of knights it no more than two seconds and in complete silence as well. Also, her mocking the director right after she says "Me!"
"Says the miscreant, whispering in his ear." The fuck are you doing then?
If Todd wasn't such an asshole, the movie would have ended so much fucking quicker. Like, I know I'm currently writing a story where he gets a redemption arc, but I still fucking hate him. Does that make sense? Giving a character you hate a redemption arc and making him nicer as well as giving him a love interest? I don't think it does, but oh well.
Also, if anyone would've taken a look at the "weapon" Todd shot, they would've seen it was a phone and would've maybe been like "Maybe he did have like a photo or video that proved his innocence? Just incase, we'll take both stories into consideration and question both sides, as we fucking should as the police/government."
This is pretty long I think, so I'm gonna stop there. Might make more if y'all like this.
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
Hi Destiny. I also felt the same way about the white boys line 🤣 I read the leaked script 2 years ago and I literally had to stop reading after that 🤣 I loved the film (have seen it 3 times) but I don’t think the script is the best, I feel the music elevates it (I saw it with subtitles), like remove the music and some of the lines flop/cringe (imo: the milf line,the fan club line (though I loved it)).
The Vulture magazine lady had me gagged with her line about Zendaya not working with a full black cast or black director, till I remembered:
- (couldn’t find the article),when Malcom and Marie was released there were discussions because JDW was dark skinned and Zendaya wasn’t.
-She doesn’t go for parts that are meant to be played by dark skinned actresses.(big side eye to Zoe Saldana)
-There was no need for that Lady to bring Zendaya down to rant about HW ,which I personally think it got lost and reads more about her diminishing Zendaya’s success.
-Zendaya has addressed being hollywood's black it girl because her skin complexion. Yet she doesn’t appear in many films and tv shows as that Lady and so many people think.
-I agree with your point in regards the lack of need to address race in every single black film, but I feel if Art and Patrick were played by black actors, then the film would be different
Hey girl 👋🏾
Thanks for your input! 😊
Yea, I think the music worked in some areas, and didn't in others. Sometimes, the music was just way too freaking loud! Rofl 🤣 But it was hype though lol.
I also felt like the timeline and flashbacks were a bit confusing at times, but maybe it's just me? To me, I kinda feel like they should have done one flashback to the past and showed the story progress from there, instead of jumping back and forth in time, but again, maybe that's just me. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Re: M&M....
I don't recall articles saying that Zendaya should have been dark-skinned in that film, but I'll take your word on it.
Personally? I don't care what hue a black woman is onscreen, as long as she's not playing a historical figure who's dark-skinned (I see you Zoe 🤨).
Marie could have been played by anyone imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Marie could have been played by a white woman for all I care. It's not like she was some real person in history.
I don't think Z should limit herself from working with black creatives just because she's afraid of what the black community might think or say. She worked with a black cast before in Disney's KC Undercover, and nobody said a thing. Idk why she can't do that now? 🥴
I know Z has addressed her privilege in Hollywood, so at least she's acknowledging it. 😊
The funny thing is, she might not be taking roles away from darker black women in "BLACK films", but one could argue that she's taking roles away in mainstream Hollywood films that could have actually gone to a darker black woman. 👀 (i.e. Chani, Tashi, Anne Wheeler, etc)
So, it's like.... you really can't win either way. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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sherlock-is-ace · 7 months
we're watching the Percy Jackson show and i have thoughts... But I'm gonna rant under the cut cause they're not nice thoughts lol
Mandatory psa... This is my own personal subjective opinion! If you love the show and disagree with me, that's fine, i'm glad you like it, we're allowed our own oppinions. Don't be a dick, move on and have a great day!
My main issue with this show is with the director to be honest. The actors are ok, they're not gonna change the world with their acting but it's fine, they're good enough. But the pacing! The pacing of the whole thing is absolute shit!
Every episode is the same. Maybe 5 minutes of the gand walking around until they find either a god or a monster. The next 20 minutes are spent at a table (literally, there's always a table) while the god/monster tells them the story of why they're angry or wants to kill them. While the camera just pans from one face to another. And then the last 5 minutes of the episode it's a fight that gets solved either with more talking (including shots of each character's face) or with a "battle" that's one single move from the gang where they kill the monster in 5 seconds or the god just suddenly decides to help with no effort. Then the final couple of seconds are a clifhanger that does not get resolved in the next episode (what the fuck happened with the chimera in episode 4?!)
That's it, that's every single episode... what the fuck happened to "show don't tell" ?! Rule number one of visual media?!
There's this one bit in episode 5 when Percy and Annabetha re in the love tunnel thingy and Hephaestus' story is being shown in a cool fun animation on the walls. And instead of the camera focusing on that, we're just seeing Percy's face as he (quite expressionless) says "my mom told me this story", and other things we already knew.
Somehow they managed to make the show feel rushed, having so little time with each character (some barely in shot... I'm thinking of Timothy Omundsom ans Hephaestus), while also making it feel so boring and slow because they do nothing other than talk. It feels like they're just reading a big mythology book, when they're supposed to telling a story about these characters.
The plot in itself is fine I guess, nothing too original but that's not the show's fault. I admit not having read the books, but again, my problem isn't with the plot or even the characters. But it you're telling a story that is sort of known (you know the greek gods are not exactly an original thought), then perhaps you should focus on telling the story in a new, fun and innovative way. Having the characters literally sit around and tell the story to the viewer is NOT an innovative way of doing it. Especially when it's about greek gods and stuff...
I'm gonna finish the show, we only have 3 episodes left, but damn I'm disappointed. I had very high expectations because of Jonathan E. Steinberg and some of the cast... but it's just simply not a good show. It might eb a good adaptation, I don't know, I haven't read the books, but the way is written, directed and filmed... it does not make good television. In my opinion.
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thisandthat-whatever · 9 months
What do you think of Florence? I came across an ig reel talking about best and worst dressed at the GG and the entire comment section is fans calling the person ugly for putting her in worst dressed lol.
I for one like her personal style because she goes against the grain, silly fans were mad at her for cutting her hair again but i find it smart to stand out in Hollywood one way or another, so much competition with equally as talented people in an over saturated industry.
I know we shouldn't judge people by who they date but the first time I paid attention was when I found out she was married to Zach, I can't quite crack her, everyone in Hollywood wants fame and attention but she doesn't come off as obviously thirsty as some people *cough *cough👀. So i do wonder if she's just living life or if it's contrived.
I couldn’t care less about her. She is a one note as an actress, like I know exactly what I am gonna get from her delivery before I watch something she is in and that is exactly what she gives, no more or less.
I will go slightly off topic and rant a bit:
Flo is like Natalia Portman , overrated, when they are actually just “good/decent” but will likely never be amazing actresses. Natalie’s acting still remains same and limited (and I have watched all her filmography) and even in “subtle” and “quiet” moments I can SEE her putting the effort in “acting” when it should come out looking more naturally and seamlessly.
I know some of you will call me a snob or know-it-all , as you do behind my back, but you have nooooo idea the vast knowledge of film/acting/directing knowledge I have because I don’t talk about it much here . However many movies you have watched in your lifetime, it is at least ten fold for me, and not to mention I don’t view cinema just as entertainment. It is my number one passion since childhood.
And again, call me snob or “self-important” but I am not gonna diminish or make myself small just to seem humble, when it is pretty objectively factual that my sense of good acting is far better tuned than most, but of course it is easier for some to call me “self-important” than realize that maybe your taste may not be as great as you think. Kind of like taste in clothing and home decor. You don’t know your decor taste is tacky becaus it is your taste. But fact remains some on earth indeed have good taste objectively , and some don’t. It is kinda like that with any form of knowledge too, not just taste.
I have always focused on good acting (because I have always wanted to be a director like Mike Leigh who always brings out the best performances out of his actors , instead of directors who are more focused on giving stylish visuals) , so I was always super focused on how the actor embodies the character, as realistically and seamlessly as they can. So, yeah, I know a thing or two more than you when it comes to acting when all my life that is what I focused on. Call me snob or self-important; I couldn’t give a shit . I know what I know, and you are free to have your (shitty) opinion that (overrated) Natalie Portman is a great actress. 🤪
Same for Timothee and Florence. Flo has a bit more charm than Timmy in general (in real life included) , so she is a watchable actress but as I said she has been using the same bag of acting tools over and over. She is still young though, so she can always improve and be great if she focuses on her craft.
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“ i only have eyes for you. “ - aaron <3
send in  "i only have eyes for you."  for five times where the sender was caught staring in admiration/affection at the receiver* // @cursivebloodlines *except that I flipped it and it's 5 times my clown was caught staring at yours 💖
(1) When they met. First day of filming, and everything was ready for them. He was excited for this. It was one of his first few assignments since he truly stepped back into his career. Nothing could dampen this. Step in for the actor during a car chase scene, he'd be riding the motorcycle, save the girl, and take a few punches. The usual. The morning was busy; everyone was running around trying to ensure things were set. Coordinating filming in public was tougher than in a closed set, even coordinating stunts was more complicated. But, they want more authenticity. He rolled his eyes as he thought back to the director's vision. Lucky for him, they wouldn't need him until the noon, so he had some time to himself. Aaron knew he shouldn't be doing this, sneaking off set, but no one knew him. He was not the heartthrob of the movie, or even some C list actor. He still got to keep his identity intact, his anonymity. Aaron walked into the store, ordered a smoothie, and quickly took the last table before someone beat him to it. "You can join me if you'd like, I won't be here too long." This woman did not look amused with him or his comment, but she still took the seat. His attempt to be polite led to another comment, "busy day today, huh?" And that day, Aaron learned a valuable lesson. Don't poke the strange bear sitting across from you, because they may just launch into a long rant about inconsiderate people filming and how they are so careless, as if some people don't have to work here. Aaron wanted to interject, to tell her he was part of the inconsiderate people, but she was on a roll. This strange, strange woman - how many words could she fit in a breath? Instead of interrupting, Aaron just listened to her talk, leaning back into his chair. At first, he was a bit annoyed by the comments. Hey, she was talking shit about his livelihood after all, but his annoyance quickly faded and was replaced by amusement. Amusement at how she talked, and how quickly she shared her opinion with a complete stranger. The way her nostrils flared slightly as she ran through her words, arms flailing around explaining her points, and the obvious frown on her face. Amazing. As she took a moment to possibly catch her breath, Aaron took a sip of his drink before looking up at her. "I'm actually part of the crew working on this inconvenient movie," he said cheerfully, offering his best grin. It was an odd feeling, wanting to see how she'd react, after saying all those things. But, nope. She didn't miss a beat, only telling him: "Oh. Well. Point still stands." Wow. Wait, was he impressed?
(2) At work. Another late night. It had quickly become Aaron's routine. Leave the set, call the restaurant of the day and place the order, rush to her building. It wasn't inconvenient in any way, it's not like he had much waiting for him at home. In fact, Aaron was amused that her co-workers asked about him, what his job there was. Lydia Collins' date, that was his current title. He really should ask for a badge. Half empty, to-go containers were pushed to the side, and he knew what came next. The same question every day. You're heading out? And every day, his answer didn't waver. At first, Aaron wondered if she asked because she wanted him to go. Maybe he was distracting her, but no - Lydia would tell him if that was the case. She never minced her words, he always appreciated that. So, Aaron was once again banished to the corner, his chair was already waiting for him. He let the time pass by playing games on his phone, but sometimes in between rounds, he'd look up at her. Aaron's gaze was full of awe, what an extraordinary woman. So dedicated to her work and looked so beautiful doing so. Hair pulled back in a pony tail, brows furrowed deep in thought. Nothing could disrupt her. Aaron could walk in here with a marching band, and she wouldn't even glance up. Her dedication was unmatched, it was truly admirable. He'd been staring too long, because she looked up from her work and caught him. Aaron didn't say anything, just shrugged and offered a smile. Admiring her wasn't a crime, was it?
(3) As they danced. Inviting her to go dancing was bold. Very bold, but they had discussed their hobbies, things they liked doing in their spare time. It seemed like a fair trade. They each picked an activity, and it would be the focal point of each date. He could've picked something simpler, a date at the arcade or a date at the gym. But, honesty was promised and though, he enjoyed the other two activities - it didn't compare to the joy he felt dancing. It had always been attached to positive memories. Family parties with loud music, and the space being overtaken by people of all ages just enjoying the rhythm. It's why he presented this activity as the date he planned. And how they ended up here. Aaron led their movements on the dance floor, enjoying every second of this night. Perhaps, he was a little rusty, and okay..maybe they were not very coordinated right now, but it wasn't too bad for their first attempt. As their hands linked and they swayed to the music, his eyes were drawn to her. How amazing she looked even in the dim light. Her bright smile and the way her body swayed. She was stunning. Jaw-dropping. Aaron let go of her hand, only to place his hand on her back, pulling her closer to him. His gaze remained on her, eyes full of love and admiration. "Thank you, for doing this with me." He was more or less mumbling, knowing that Lydia probably wouldn't hear him over the loud music. That was alright though, he'd tell her again later after all.
(4) When they played video games together. Another date night. Aaron was getting very lucky with all these dates. Lydia was being generous with him, allowing him so much time. Although, he had to admit it was a bit odd not being in her office so often now. He didn't want to make things weird, so he suggested his place. He had a few consoles, some random games. It should be enough for one game night, right? Besides, it was easier to bring her over than step foot inside her apartment. That seemed like a line he wasn't worthy of crossing yet. So, of course, now he was super nervous and cleaning like crazy. Okay, so his mom passed on some of her habits. Visitors meant cleaning every spot of the house, down to the dust under the bed. He would always roll his eyes at that, it's not like visitors are going to inspect our house when they walk in. But now, well now he understood the pressure. Aaron wanted to impress her, and partly - didn't want her to have something to judge. When she arrived, he was quick to point out that perhaps, his set up was not too impressive. He didn't consider himself a huge gamer and he wasn't home often enough, so it was not extensive. But, hopefully it was enough for tonight. The night passed by them fairly quickly. Game after game, countless rounds, and of course, Aaron was struggling to keep up. No wonder, she picked this activity. Payback for the dancing maybe? "Last round then?" It was getting late, and tomorrow seemed like a busy day for her. He promised to drive her home though. While she was completely concentrated on the screen, Aaron couldn't help but glance over at her. The focus was evident in her features, lips pursed - determined to beat him one more time. And perhaps, Aaron should be focusing on the screen too. Giving his best effort to win one more round, but he was too distracted. The game was already lost, wasn't it? The screen confirmed it, Lydia first place...Aaron, participation prize. Still, he wasn't upset. Maybe a bit embarrassed for losing. This man just didn't have the competitive streak in him. None of that mattered though, because seeing the glee as she declared her victory was more than enough. Her bright eyes, her arms in the air, and even now, the way she threw her head back laughing. It was the kind of joy that had not graced this apartment in a long while. Lydia was amazing, in every way. The more he learned about her, the more fascinated Aaron became.
(5) As they walked home. He rarely had requests for her, Aaron was a fan of going with the flow. Often times, letting her decide. But, tonight was different. The negative aspect of his work had finally made its presence known. It was a double-edge sword. One one hand, Aaron was ecstatic he booked this gig; it was huge and would definitely be a big boost for his career. Open doors for him, hopefully. On the other hand though, it was offsite - he'd have to be away for a month. Maybe, there was a weekend he could return, but it was still up in the air. For that reason, he made his request. Can we hang out tonight? If work isn't too much? After she called it a night at work and they had dinner, they had spent hours together, but Aaron was reaching the realization that he didn't want the night to end. The night ending meant starting the month without her, Aaron was determined to delay it as much as he could. So, he made another suggestion. Let's stop here, the convenience store on the corner, and just grab snacks and drinks. We can watch movies or play more games, I'm sure I can beat you today. It's how they ended up at this store, picking the most random snacks available. He stood at the edge of the aisle as she picked up things and tossed them back in the basket he was holding. As he watched her, he couldn't help but be overcome with a mix of joy and sadness. She looked so beautiful here, the store's fluorescent lights didn't even touch her beauty. Didn't wash her out the way it did everyone else. In such a short amount of time, she had changed his life. He was feeling things he had sworn had been buried long ago. Her excitement and 50 comments that came with every item she picked up only made him laugh, the desire to stay here growing. His only conclusion was that she wasn't real. Maybe he hit his head during his last stunt, jumping out of the building, and this was all some dream. Well, if it was a dream or not, and she was some guardian angel, it didn't matter. It didn't change how he was feeling. He was falling for her, all in.
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fallingsunflower · 2 years
Your anons are something else tonight 😆 please feel free to ignore this buy I have to rant for a second. What I haven’t seen brought up is Harry DID have years of friendship with ZACH. Maybe not super close but they did know each other and Zach has been extremely complimentary of him in the past. Your anon really wants to believe Harry went behind a friend’s back to break up their well-known, serious relationship instead of what was obviously presented: Olivia threw Florence under the bus with Shia and made the movie all about her and that shit show of a stunt to sell tickets and elevate her celebrity status (harry’s reasons are his own but I think it’s safe to say he more than regretted it by the end). Florence clearly wasn’t on board and I’m sure negotiated to distance herself as much as professionally and personally possible because the whole thing was a dumpster fire from the get go. Zach and Florence lost a friend to Covid, this was well documented. Meanwhile Olivia waves off Covid protocols by hopping in a clown car with Harry and Co. to smile for the paps and debut their “relationship” in middle of filming their god awful movie. I’m putting more pressure on Olivia here because she was the Director (though I still have issues with Harry and Jeff for doing that shit, it was so beyond disappointing and disrespectful). Still, it was Olivia’s production and she basically threw up a middle finger to her whole cast and crew doing that. Florence is a better person than me, I’m sure she was beyond disgusted by their behavior. It had nothing to do with a fake kiss Olivia probably fed to the tabloids. Let’s be real, she wanted to look desirable and like Harry “chose” her over the younger starlet that SHOULD have been the focus of promo. What better way than to create MORE fake drama by creating a non-existent love triangle especially when she probably knew Florence wouldn’t correct it because she had already distanced herself. On top of that, OLIVIA wouldn’t shut her fucking mouth about the movie being all about sex and encouraging the talk about Harry going down on Florence in one pathetic scene she made sure to put in every trailer. Florence, in one of her ONLY interviews about the film, said she was disappointed that this was the focus of marketing. But Olivia kept on and on saying bs like “only women come in this film.” It was all grossly manufactured, I can’t believe these anons bought into that bs. Apologies for all this abut the whole thing still irritates me to no end because it was so vile. I can’t believe people are trying to reduce it to Daily Mail headlines that were created, no doubt, courtesy of Olivia.
Every now and then it happens lmao but honestly though. I agree with what you said. And yeah I can't believe this is still a conversation. I was flabbergasted last night lmao
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 years
The Mysterious Benedict Society Liveblog Season 2 Episode 8 "A Two-Way Street"
Alright, let's just cut to my worst fear: this finale description sounds very final, and I really really hope that this is not the last season and they just couldn't get SQ's actor back or the funds to continue and are ending it right here. If that is what is happening, it's hardly the show's fault, and it won't be the first time a hyper-fixation was struck down prematurely. Who knows. Maybe this time instead of deleting my accounts and vanishing into the night, I'll actually use this account for the next fixation. I already have one that's coming back that I think some of you might like, but that's a subject for another day. I will be sad if this is the last season, but in the event that this episode throws in a cool twist that keeps me invested, I will also be giving an appropriately unhinged rant which I know is why you are all here, so either way everyone wins. On to the episode.
1:00- Ah morning, is Curtain up? Oh yikes, he's gonna wake up with a massive headache after Milligan turned the van like that.
2:00- well well well. Nicholas and Constance please their joy is too much. Wait her name is actually number in this universe? "MOM HAD BEEN BRAVE ABOUT YOUR ABANDONMENT". Okay, side note: your children, grandchildren, nieces/nephews, etc. cannot "abandon" you. You can say they decided to cut contact with you or put up boundaries. But "abandoned", really? You're the adult. Already skeptical of this family. What is with this family's names.
3:00- HAHA- not Jillson/Jackson and Jeffers fighting over authority. I love their sideplot. If the show is cancelled I will happily support their spin-off show. Oooo... "interim director" and he said it so carefully too look at Jeffers throwing fancy titles around. "Self-appointed" oooo burn.
3:20- Awe, he said he's very proud of number 2. I'm glad Nicholas is looking out for her.
4:45- "I'm gaining so much understanding" Yes that's how I feel when I meet my friend's families. Milligan gets it.
5:40- Is Reynie advocating for um... "ending Curtain"? Thank you Ms. Perumal.
6:10- speaking of, there he is fast asleep. What a weird way to wake up. PFT- inspired. "Betrayed" oh calm down Curtain. "that's beneath you" YOU DID EXPERIMENTS ON KIDS CURTAIN. "Away from the yes men" That's what I've been saying!
7:00- It feels so good, but it's bad. Nicholas does have a clear view. Is he overcoming the brain washing? Haha... "it's more like 12 miles" Curtain does do his homework.
8:00- Wait Curtain actually cares... oh no. Well, there you go Curtain. You can escape while the theme song is playing. Maybe you can find the son that you totally forgot about. Unless Nicholas is faking it to see how you react.
9:30- Lol, the mom wants grandkids. Wait "chaotic out there" are they doomsday preppers? Wow, she didn't send letters or answer calls. "new people: terrible prioritizes" YOU JUST WANT HER WORKING THE FARM. Don't like number 2's mom.
11:30- "Can I offer some observations" "mind tricks" lol
12:00- "I need you to wake up" oh Curtain is gonna lose it
12:30- "Everyone perhaps except Constance" wait if she goes back to the house, then we'll have our family reunion, we just need SQ and the whole Benedict crew is there.
13:00- "A lovely 2,000 piece jigsaw puzzle" well that should keep her busy. I love that they are showing the puzzle in the montage.
13:45- "Please I don't know what to do" "Somehow if I could convince you it was good you'd think I was good" oh yikes, this could be the last season. Curtain's redemption arc isn't due for a while. He isn't falling asleep though so he must still be holding something back.
14:50- Wow Constance has done great work on that puzzle. Honestly impressive. She really does have a gift.
15:00- They've arrived! Time for home-alone style traps. I love that the traps didn't work on Jackson and Jillson. They really should be promoted.
16:00- "you tricked me" see now he feels betrayed. "the only way to get through was if you thought you lost me" yikes. Oh, the device worked? That's actually pretty clever. "It changes nothing" "I don't believe you that was real". Awe Nicholas apologized for the blowdart.
17:00- Wow that shot where you think Curtain might try to hug him and he just moves past him to look out the window. "They're here" oh Curtain don't be so ominous only one van got through, wait where did all these people come from.
18:30- "Stand down" "I've been Possibly approaching things the wrong way". Well that is an understatement. "Blinking in code" oh my gosh Jackson. "Please discover who you are": That line was meant for SQ. I wish he was here. Oh dear, he broke them. Oh no, are Jackson and Jillson gonna start a cult? Okay Jeffers, go off.
21:00- "Insert an electrode" "well there are worse things" it's nice to see Curtain hasn't changed much. Even as a 'good guy' he keeps his personality. I think he and Constance would get along great.
22:00- Maybe you could restore Constance's happiness by promising a third season. And no, Nicholas you make her happy. "Remember when you broke the Whisperer with your brain, good times" *cuts to Curtain* I love it.
23:20- Insulting people makes Constance happy. Very good Reynie. Get Curtain to admit he's a theater kid. That will do it. OH MY GOSH NICHOLAS' MONOLOGUE, BAH HA HA- Curtain's like "ok Nicky, a bit much".
26:00- "Thank you for saying goodbye before you abandon us again" ma'am please get help for your abandonment issues, do not project them onto children.
26:30- Okay so Curtain is unfreezing his followers. Is he gonna finally see his son again? OR MENTION HIM? HELLO? Honestly, I think Curtain might have also faked (or understated) his redemption since Nicholas faked his brain-washing. And Curtain didn't fall asleep. Don't think I missed that.
27:45- Awe they're wrapping all the little conflicts up. Except SQ's. Yes I'm still mad. Don't play the happy music, that boy could be at the bottom of a well right now. He could be frozen. Well, I guess that doesn't matter because they won a wood-cutting competition and Sticky wrote Reynie a letter.
29:30- YES THEY ADOPTED THE ALPACA. Who knows what happened to SQ, but at least the alpaca made it out ok. Also, Constance's letter is fantastic.
30:00- Is she going to be adopted now? Oh, we're doing this? We're getting Constance's parents? Season 3 let's go!
30:30- "well I look 46" okay Curtain. "joining the society". Perfect, now we can have the Curtain/Constance banner I want- wait. WAIT WHAT. WHAT. WHAT.
Uh oh, looks like the director saw the fourth season of Sherlock and was like "oh I want to do that, but better, like actually develop it. Maybe that will distract from the fact that SQ's actor stormed off the set". THAT's IT?
Well, consider me fully re-invested. I have so so so many thoughts and will be blogging like mad the next few days so be prepared.
But for starters, why is Curtain not in jail? Redemption is nice but he still kidnapped and brain-washed people and ran experiments on children. Maybe I should give an emotional speech to the cops about family and learning lessons next time I get pulled over and they'll let me drive off without a ticket.
Also, is SQ at college? I swear they'll get the actor back for like season 5, and be like "he was in art school the whole time". (I actually have multiple theories on how he comes back into the plot, will be making posts)
Anyway, that's all. Must dash. Hope you enjoyed!
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kalinara · 2 years
I would die for a meta on your thoughts about the reylo (which, let’s be honest, is basically just the kylo ren) fandom.
I don’t know. Maybe I’m biased. But I am straight up CONVINCED that the reason we lost out on a trilogy focusing on the trio is because of how much absolute annoying NOISE they made about #savebensolo online, which somehow convinced the movie directors that it was a cashcow making idea.
There’s the Rise of Kylo Ren comics, which apparently set up how Kylo didn’t burn down the school and it was all a big “misunderstanding”, but you will never convince me that that was the plan for kylo’s backstory in The Force Awakens. I specifically remember them talking about wanting Kylo to have an anti-redemption arc to parallel Anakin’s “redemption” arc, where Kylo would grow more and more entrenched in the dark side as the trilogy continued on. Him killing Han was supposed to cement that turn from the light.
And then, suddenly the rest of the movies start focusing more on him than Rey and her relationships with her friends. To the point where there are still Reylo fans who say that rey’s ending isn’t a happy one, because she “doesn’t care about Poe and Finn” as much as Kylo.
Rey didn’t even need to end up without a love interest! I know there are people who wish she had ended up alone, but Finnrey was set up in the very first movie. They flirted! I even would have accepted The Duel of the Fates script with a poe romance if it would have been done well, or even finnpoe.
Instead, we had our main female character risking it all for Kylo in the Last Jedi, which, in canon, is three days post The Force Awakens, after Kylo slashed Finn in the back with a lightsaber so close to his spine that it’s absolutely amazing he isn’t paralyzed.
What if Finn had died? Has anyone ever thought of that? He was in a coma at the end of tfa. People die from injuries while in a coma all the time. Let’s say Kylo threw everything down to come with Rey at the end of tlj. How would that go if they arrived and leia and poe had to break it to Rey, “yeah, finn’s fucking dead, man. Sorry.” Is Rey just supposed to be cool with that and let Kylo go on his merry way? Perhaps date him after that?
There are legitimate reylo fans who believe that Kylo should have lived at the end of tros and went back to the resistance with Rey to have a family and live happily ever after. Just… be pardoned for all his crimes. They really believe that Rey should worship the ground Kylo walks on to the point where she would bring him back to Finn, who he almost killed, and poe, who he tortured, and have her steadfastly defend him against her two friends.
It just—infuriates me so much. We really could have had it all. But certain parts of the fandom made it all about Kylo Ren, to the point where it didn’t just retract from the trio; it also retracted from Rey’s character herself.
Sorry if I ranted. You just have some awesome takes and I’m thinking again about the sequels and the potential they had, lol.
Aw, I really appreciate your kind words. But unfortunately, I don't have any behind the scenes information for you.
I do think, based on the end of the Last Jedi, that Kylo was set up as the big bad. And this may be projection, but I don't get the sense that JJ Abrams really wanted to write Kylo's redemption. The man's written morally ambiguous characters before in his career, and pulled off more dubious redemption arcs. I think he could have sold Kylo's arc better, if he really wanted to.
I haven't read the comics and I honestly don't care about them. They've never been that relevant to my mind, when it comes to evaluating Kylo as a character. My own take is that, whether or not he was to blame for the temple's destruction, he had options besides joining a regime that's obviously a Nazi-allegory, that enslaves children and commits genocide. I judge him by the decisions we see him make on screen, and those are pretty damning.
That said, I mostly enjoyed Rise of Skywalker. Kylo's redemption didn't work for me, but we also saw him die and that made me happy. Rey had an ambiguous moment that might or might not have been romantic. I don't think that's enough to ruin her. At almost forty, I have an old person's cynicism: young people sometimes fall for the wrong people. In my eyes, it's more important that Rey gets a happy ending with the people she actually loves: Finn and Poe. And TROS gave me that.
It's okay to be dissatisfied with the movies, and I'm always in favor of folks ranting about what makes them unhappy. But it's also okay to move on. The Star Wars Universe has a lot of lovely material right now, and more to come. Perhaps there'll be something more to your taste if you give it a chance?
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risenwraith · 1 year
#85 TV Tropes & Drama.
"There is before cancer, and then..."
I've heard this a few times voiced in different ways, how nothing can ever be the same after your diagnosis - even if that diagnosis is that you can be treated and expect to return to a normal life.
Oh fuck off. Please don’t simplify my entire bloody existence into a cell war that kicked up in my tit!
Look, when you first get diagnosed, you will likely realise just how many wives and mothers are killed off in TV series via cancer. It seems like a disproportionate amount. Directors like it because the character can sit there looking delicate and brave with their bone china skin and their stupid floral headscarves, telling the protagonist they love them. Maybe I just got incredibly unlucky with my viewing choices, but in a week and a half I’d witnessed three fictional women die heroically of cancer and I was ready to spit. (My husband actually paused the third one and asked if we should watch something else – apparently he’d noticed the trend too.)
What I’m saying is, you will be aware of the disease in a way you weren’t previously. Of course you will. But this tends to happen with disease and misfortune: once it’s struck close to home your eyes are open to it and it feels personal instead of hypothetical. I think that’s a good thing to remember. Yes, cancer is personal now, because it tried to kill you – that's something you’re allowed to take pretty damn personally.
But, I don’t see the value of saying your whole life was pre vs post diagnosis. It makes it sound like pre-diagnosis was a golden idyll, a utopia never to come again, and post-diagnosis is a hell barely worth being in. I do hasten to add that if your diagnosis is horribly dire, then this random rant is not aimed at you. This grumbling is aimed at those who, having had surgery and chemo and been given the okay by their doctors, continue to behave as if their life is over rather than celebrating the quite literal new lease of life medical science has afforded them.
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Why Jenna’s Lemon’s play will be remembered as a disappointment for many fans
Caveat: I know production companies keep things under their hats. If an announcement is made contradicting what I’m about to rant about, then I’ll delete this post and happily stand corrected.
So, Jenna Coleman’s play Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons is to be performed for the final time this weekend. By most accounts (except the views of a few critics) it’s being looked at as a success and one of Jenna’s crowning acting achievements.
Yay. Me, I’m left with quite a few negative feelings, mostly of frustration to the point where I seriously considered not reblogging the reviews of a production I likely will never get to see.
This is nothing against Jenna at all. But you know where this is going. The decision not to record the play for National Theatre Live (or anyone else but NTL has the market cornered) has made it one big piece of lost media. None of us who lacked the health, money or time to travel to the UK will ever be able to see the show, to see how Jenna did. Even as a one-off stream. Yeah, some people snuck in phones and posted a few blurry moments here and there on Youtube. But it’s not the same. (And if someone managed to record the whole thing and is circulating it via Reddit or something ... that’s still not the same, right?)
People are rightly complaining about this on the play’s Instagram but of course you have people responding with “well that’s the nature of theatre” and acting all high and mighty. True. Theatre has always been a momentary thing. But this is 2023. And they did a stream with All My Sons and that wasn’t even particularly a good play. Yet it’s been preserved. It was made available (albeit after a delay due to there being a competing production on Broadway) to fans in North America. It was also made available for home streaming during the pandemic. Right now I can view it through my university as it’s been archived via a service that libraries can access. And guess what - if I’d been physically able to get to London in the spring of 2019 I’d have bought tickets too. Same goes for Lemons. People would have still paid to see Jenna and Aidan in person. It wouldn’t have impacted that box office. 
There was an NTL stream of Prima Facae starring Jodie Comer. Of Emilia Clarke’s The Seagull. David Tennant’s play Good streams starting April 20. They streamed BOTH versions of Frankenstein in which Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller alternated the roles of Dr. Frankenstein and the Monster. So many great performances have been preserved. But not - so it appears - Jenna Coleman and Aidan Turner in Lemons x 5.
But we have the technology to do it. Every play should be recorded for public release once its in-person run has ended. What I wouldn’t give to be able to see Julie Andrews’ original version of My Fair Lady. Thankfully Ed Sullivan had the cast perform an excerpt on TV; it’s the only known footage. They didn’t have the tech to film a full Broadway performance back then. Or Audrey Hepburn’s performance of Gigi in 1952. We can read about them in the biographies, but we’ll never see them. Why were people mad that Audrey made the movie of My Fair Lady instead of Julie?
Turner likely has many fans who are equally disappointed right now.
Now, it’s possible there was a behind the scenes reason; maybe the playwright wouldn’t allow it. Maybe they couldn’t come to terms with Jenna and/or Aidan or the director (I assume people were paid extra when All My Sons was streamed; the director has done NTL streams in the past which is why I assumed they’d do one for Lemonsx5). Maybe next week the Manchester production house Jenna was spotted leaving by paparazzi a couple weeks back will announce they’re doing a movie of it and people say this post was premature. I concede all of that.
But for now, all I can do is imagine what might have been. (And hope it’s not too long before Jenna appears in something all her fans can enjoy.)
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izzy-mc-fizzy · 5 months
No ok I’m going on a rant bc I’m so pissed off
The marching arts needs to quit it with the idea that the only way to succeed and achieve greatness is by pushing your body past it’s physical and mental limits and into a state of sickness
I should not see CHILDREN like actual high schoolers bragging about how they were so dedicated to marching band that they let themselves pass out on a field instead of taking a break because they felt ill. The fact that coaches push the idea that listening to your body and taking breaks is just a sign of laziness and lack of dedication is disgusting and honestly horribly ableist as well
Another thing is that I have firsthand seen and heard of coaches and directors treating water breaks as a reward and not, you know, a human right??? Like idk maybe it’s just that my college marching staff actually see us a human beings rather than the props and pieces to some fucking show but if we tell them we’re tired and dehydrated and in need of a break they will give it to us no questions asked!! Maybe they’ll have us quick finish a cleaning section or do one more run but they’ll never deny us that request all together, it always happens within a reasonable timeframe to when the request was first made. And I mean hell there have been times where they’ve asked us to do one more run and we’ve said no we can’t and they’ve listened! They understood and gave us a break!
That is what the standard should be. If a band of fully grown adults can be given the autonomy to decide for themselves what their body can handle then why the hell isn’t that grace extended to the children who make up a majority of marching artists out there??? Honestly I’d be as bold as to call it exploitation considering these kids technically are at the mercy of the adults. Whatever the adults request the kids kinda are required to do it or they face getting in trouble.
Overall it’s just horrible to see, especially when the people it harms the most are kids. I really do hope the culture changes eventually :(
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The Patel twins fill me with an undeniable rage
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criticalgay · 3 years
‘straight actors shouldn’t play gay characters’ is such a strange take to me
not only does it imply that all actors shouldn’t play outside of their real life sexuality, including gay ones, but it’s also like, you expect every single actor to publicly out themselves even when 1) it’s not safe for them 2) they’re not ready 3) they maybe just don’t fucking want to, just so you can feel like they deserve to play that role
no one owes you access to their sexuality, and that includes public figures
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