#Fred and George are a good representation of twins
mdhwrites · 2 years
🦝 Speaking of toh messy story and entanglement of genres, since the writers have no idea how to make all of it work. Which one do you think they should had picked and just stick with it?
I think the school drama/romance made more sense if they desperately wanted to get representation, it's the best way to focus on characters and ships. Forget about all that dystopian/genocidal/military bullshit that's going on right now, it didn't have to be that deep.
We could've got silly quests/adventures from this too, like school trips around the magic world. Or festivals and action packed sports, rivalries against other schools. And maybe find something to do around a local town every once in a while.
I image they could still add the Caleb thing here, having Belos as a principal from a different school with a dark family secret (maybe not as dark as the show made it out but enough to fit this setting). School drama and mystery, I'd enjoy that.
But what do you think?
...*gestures at anime* Literally what you just described is Little Witch Academia. Or, if we want to just say the quiet part out loud for where half of the show comes from, right down to a main character having prankster twin siblings: Harry Potter. No, seriously, the level of Harry Potter DNA is kind of obnoxious when even Emira and Edric possibly exist only as twins because Fred and George were twins. And admittedly, fantasy high school is popular and works for a reason. High School in general is used as a setting because it's one of the few places where you will genuinely get a diverse cast of characters who are forced to interact in someway, have excuses for most types of events, all while still having the town around it to do things with. Add "Fantasy" to the start of it and you don't even have to deal with the rules or structure of normal school. You can just claim that that's what they do here and move on. Which is probably why the fact that Hexide isn't a more interesting setting. Yes, you have things like the creatures who sniff out trouble, the detention from hell and TWO different Quidditch rip offs (no, seriously, they split Quidditch in half and based both their fantasy sports off of it and it made me actually a bit mad when that happened. Also fuck TERFS) for its sports but otherwise... Look at all the teeth! And "Our world but more teeth" is usually a condemnation of fantasy, just like "It's magic, we don't have to explain it," is too. It's probably part of why while the teenage cast is the most popular for the fandom, I feel like half the school episodes (effectively the ones without shipping) just get forgotten about. There's only so much that the show does with it, so what are you supposed to do with it? Then again, when you have three base concepts ripping your show apart, you never have the time, focus or energy to deep dive into any of them, do you? Because it's not like we ever go on any truly daring adventures with twists and turns. You have your snow level, your pirate level, your slums level, etc. but then you just move on. Hope they used the setting for a few good jokes. And with Hexide I'd argue they struggle to even get a lot of good jokes specifically out of the setting. Not any that aren't school jokes already. So yeah, I think going with the school setting would have been best because it would have given focus, also plays into more of the aspects the writers clearly wanted like ALL THE FUCKING ROMANCE and anime has been making school insane for decades. It's not that hard and they could have done more.
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reggietheduck · 1 year
Twins in media are like never done right! As a twin myself (fraternal but still) it like kinda passes me off!
There's 3 category shows/books/media uselly goes for when it writes twins.
The Same person. Ex-George and Fred Weasley in Harry Potter (I was obsessed with hp as a kid but kinda hate it now) I never liked them because Twins have there own personailty! They are there own person and your parnets can uselly tell twins apart because there are your parnets! Just the way they made them so in sync was kinda relastic since yeah I can pick up on things with my twin better than most people but it's because we are each others bestfriend and know each other really well since we spent our entire childhood together. But not the way they showed it,it was just writing one charter giving them a twin and copy pasting there personaitly. Also twins qotb names starting with the same letter or being really simllar names! Ick,no thank you that sounds confusing.
Polar opposites. Ex- liv and Maddie. I get that it's trying to made it comedy or somthing but Twins are rarley polar opposite. Twins are uselly somewhat simllar since they grow up together and share simllar expiernces leading to simllar personailtys. (Nature v Nuture I guess) I mean they still can have diffrent personaitlys or distinctive things they like but they uselly have some things in common. Or with one pouplor twin one Loser twin makes no sense!(uselly dome with girl,boy twin which I can't comment on since me and my twin are the same gender) There twins,Even If they have diffrent friend groups they are going to talk to each other and not bully one anthor unless in the rare situation where one's a total asshole! (It happens family can mean nothing when some people are just assholes)
Evil Twin. This one is not used as often just when it's one Twins good v the evil twin. Its used as a plot point for things but I kinda hate it. I can't think of any examples. But if Twins are raised apart,there not going to be simllar or even have any connection (since they are not raised together! That is were you get your relationship form! Twins are not close because there Twins there close because they uselly have been raised together since brith Nature v Nuture again I guess) They might have some connection since family relation and stuff js proven in physcology but still. I just don't like the evil twin,good twin thing.
Soem good twin representation is like In Shadow and Bone with Toyla and Tamar. Where there close and somewhat simllar but have distinct personaitlys. (Him hugging her when he gets back form being sperated is relastic for any siblings but espicelly twins I can't imagine being separated form my twin)
Luke and Leia in star wars to be honest I have not seen these movies in so long but I digress. They both have there own personailtys,but are drawn together because of that being related physcology. When they do find out they make a relationship! Become close and act like how Twins do! (Hugging,not liking being seperated,knowing each other well)
Nora and Rachel in the wilds.
It kinda self contradicts since they are meant to be polar oppisties.(Rachel was the athlete,Nora was the nerd). But I think the wilds did it really well. In how Rachel and Nora were close but separated form being put agisent eachother. They both enveyied each other,which can happen! But they still were close! Nora was still there for Rachel no matter what and just wanted to help her! And Rachel loved Nora and cared about her but didt know how to show it. They had simllar traits,they were both stubborn and smart but had been separated by Nora thinking her parents cared more about Rachel's athletics and Rachel feeling stupid and not good enough because of how smart Nora and her parnets are. (I get that,My twin is super school oriented and got all a"s,I have a chronic illness and have never been quite has good at school. So i have felt bad about myslef because of it when I was younger) But I do think Nora are Rachel are good repersentation,When Nora died and how Rachel reacted was devastating.
Uhm I can't teally think of many others,Some minor ones might be Jane and Alec form Twilight there side charters but have there own small personailty differences.(I also had a twilight phase but my favorites were jane and Alec sine I wanted to be a littel emo child)
Ok this one is more of a joke but Madison and Mason from glee. While I did"dt like the incest twin jokes and Ryan Murphey is nortiorus for his bad representation of poc,ldbtq and other things.. I have to say he did a ok job on twins,They were ok. They were really close,hence the jokes. But they both didt have that big of personailtys but were still slightly diffrent traits. And the storyline about Madison getting jelous/protective about Mason dating jane might seem kinda weird but I think it was relastic. Has a extremely codependent twin myself,When your twin gets a partner or starts getting really close to someone who's not you it can feel a littel odd. Think about it,you've been best friend since you can rember it's always been the two of you. Of course your gonna get jealous of them getting a friend/partner who they seem closer to or spend more time with then you. (Not in a sexual way. That is not why she's jealous it's about it just being you two for so long and then just not. It's hard for friends but harder for twins since there uselly closer and been friends for longer. It's being scared of change in a relationship (the friendship between twins) that has been a constant close safe place for long and then it changes that's scary. ( Madison had her own reasons in glee but this is my take on it)
So here my take no one asked for,Twins are hard to understand for people who aren't one. The dynamic between then is diffrent with every pair of twins and dependent on there upbringing and personailty. For me its like a best friend except your always constantly around them and you know pretty much everything about them since you grew up together. Like Silblings but for me it's diffrent since we're the same age and I was a very antisocial kid so my twin was pretty much my olny friend. My best friend. (One of the reasons I have a hard time making friends,didn't live in a neighborhood growing up and by the time I started school my olny friend was my twin so I just never learned to talk to people outside of school since I didt need to since I had my twin).
But Every Twins Relationship with each other is diffrent. When you have girl boy twin it might be diffrent I would"dt know. Some twin aren't close,some are. Some problem follow the stereotypes above but I just wanted to talk about how unrealistic media can be when it comes to Twins.
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The Patel twins fill me with an undeniable rage
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weasleylangs · 4 years
in the summer sun - f.w
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Pairing: Fred x Fem!Reader but honestly it’s just a whole Weasley family slice of life fic. Summary: The war has ended and the Weasley’s appreciate their family now more than ever. Warnings: Mention of the war, mention of Fred having a near death experience, mention of PTSD, anxiety, nightmares and injuries, opening scene involves an anxiety attack, fuck is said twice by the way. Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: This fic is inspired by this ask I received from Kai @weasleyclaw for the ‘send me a made up title game’! The warnings sound scary, but I promise this is a super fluffy slice-of-life fic with Fred and the reader, just existing after the war! Fred lives, obviously but he still had an accident and in reality, he’d be going through a lot of shit and I didn’t want to ignore that!
I am in no way romanticising mental illness and trauma, I myself struggle with a variety of mental illness and trauma and representation is super important, babey!!!!!! Proper support is important!!!!!!
I still can’t decide if I love or hate this but.... [schedules while I’m asleep]
Fred sat up quickly. Heavy and ragged breathing coursing through his lungs as he struggled to catch his breath. He couldn’t even remember what he was dreaming of now that he’s awake, only remembering flashes of green and a loud ‘bombarda maxima’ before being shocked awake by his anxiety and fear.
He’s been plagued by nightmares for three months, ever since he was fighting in that seventh floor corridor and the wall came crashing down on him. He knows it’s normal to be haunted by these memories, he almost died, for crying out loud, but he would really like to have one night where he sleeps through it without being jolted awake. 
He could feel the pressure in his chest get stronger as he struggled to breathe as he checked the clock on the bedside table. It reads 6:30am and when he looks out the window he realises the sun is already rising and the summer heat is making it into their bedroom. His girlfriend of five years sleeps in the bed next to him, snoring lightly having not been woken up by his oncoming anxiety attack.
Fred struggles to remember the grounding technique she taught him when he had his first attack. She’s his biggest supporter, always there when he needs her, but he wants to get better himself . He doesn't want to rely on her for the rest of his days no matter how often she reminds him it’s okay and that she wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.
He’s got his legs swung over the side of the bed, his body closing in on himself when he feels the bed move and arms wrap around his middle, “Breathe, Freddie, and tell me five things you can see,” she whispers gently in his ear.
His eyes darts around the room, searching as he tries his best to breathe, “The tree outside our window, the lamp, that chair,” he struggles to speak as his breathing is laboured, “your book on my bedside table, my slippers…”
“Good job, my love. Now, four things you can touch.”
His hands grab hers, “Your hands,” he says as he turns to face her, “the duvet, my shirt and…” His hand moves, from her hand to cupping her face, “your hair.” 
This continues, Fred rattling off three things he can hear, two things he can smell and one thing he can taste before he realises his breathing has slowed down, his hands have stopped shaking and while the pressure in his chest is still there, it’s been alleviated and he knows it’ll disappear in a few moments. 
Y/N whispers soft praise in Fred’s ear as she lays him back down in their bed. She’s so proud of the progress he has made in just a short few months. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
He shakes his head, while he barely remembers, he knows it’s the same nightmare as usual. Hogwarts, duelling, wall comes crashing down and Fred almost dies. It’s more of a flashback if anything, that he’s constantly reliving the worst day of his life.
“That’s okay, we can just lay here and rest before we go to your mum and dad’s… If you still feel up to going?” Y/N knows when nights like this happen, Fred usually wants to stay in bed and recoup his energy and try again the next day. 
“No, no, we have to go,” he says and it’s not because it’s an obligation, he truly does want to. After almost dying, after spending almost a year without knowing if Ron, Harry and Hermione were okay, after Bellatrix Lestrange threatened to kill both Ginny and his own mother and with Percy reconnecting with them all, he appreciates family time like he never did before. They all deserve to have happy, carefree and relaxing days and that’s what today is meant to be for them all.
“If you’re sure, my love,” she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to his neck. Fred probably won't fall back asleep, the sun has risen and while he won’t admit it, he’s too scared to try and sleep again. But he doesn’t mind, he’s perfectly content having Y/N fall back asleep in his arms and sometimes, rarely but sometimes, her soft snores lulls Fred into a light, undisturbed sleep.
It’s lunch time by the time Fred and Y/N apparate to The Burrow. Fred’s still recovering physically from his injuries - having your entire body crushed by rubble does that to you, so he happily side-along apparates with Y/N instead of solo floo’ing places. 
When they walk into the house, they’re met with a chorus of hello’s and Molly dragging Fred into a hug and kisses his cheeks repeatedly, and then continues to complain that he has no meat on his bones and that he needs to be eating more while shoving a muffin into his hand. 
George is snickering by the table because someone who isn’t himself is finally being on the receiving end of his mothers affection and he has Angelina Johnson awkwardly beside him. When Y/N raises her eyebrows at him, he mouths a ‘I’ll explain later’ before winking and walking Angelina over to her. 
“Hey, Angie,” she says, pulling the girl into a hug. While they were never close at school, considering Y/N wasn’t a Gryffindor, they still got along when the time arose, “didn’t know my little Georgie here got himself a bird.” 
George groans at the fact Y/N completely ignored him and Angelina blushes as she tries to hide her face behind her hair, but Y/N can see that she’s smiling and not at all bothered by the teasing, “Hey, I’m only teasing, come here!” she says as she pulls the embarrassed girl into a tight embrace. While Y/N drops the subject of Angelina and George finally getting their lives together and dating after years of pining, George knows Y/N is going to corner him later and get the answers out of him.
Hermione and Ginny quickly run down the stairs and grab Y/N, pulling her into a hug as well. Soon enough, the entire family is trying to squeeze inside the living room - including Bill and Fleur who always turn up for the Weasley get together and even Charlie has taken extended leave from his job in Romania to stay and spend the summer with everyone. 
Because of the overcrowding, Ron whistles loudly, grabbing everyone’s attention, “Who wants to play a game of quidditch and let mum have some peace and quiet?” Immediately Harry, the twins, Angelina and Charlie are out the door, already fighting about teams and position. Y/N briefly hears Harry whine ‘I want to be on Charlie’s team but he plays seeker’ as their voices fade. Ginny stays back, wanting to catch up with Y/N for a bit and promises to join everyone later.
Fred loves nothing more than spending time with his siblings. Growing up as a twin, he’s had someone constantly by his side, but he loves his huge family more than anything. George and he spend 5 minutes fighting over who gets to be beater until they just decide they’ll just be on different teams before they realise they don’t have enough siblings for a full team anyway, meaning the beaters are out of the equation.
This causes the twins to just start jokingly fighting over who plays chaser before Ron and Harry has to break it up so they can actually play. 
Fred adores flying. His hair has been growing out and the wind through it as he flies is one of the best feelings in the world, he thinks. It makes him forget all his worries, his only focus is snatching the quaffle out of George’s slimy grip and getting it past Charlie, who’s playing both keeper and seeker for the other team to make up for the lack of players.
“Oi, Ickle Ronnikins,” he calls out from his broom, wobbling slightly as he yells to get his brother’s attention, “mind paying attention to the match and not your girlfriend? George is getting every shot in, mate,” He’s teasing of course. They can see the girls through the window and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t sneaking glances at Y/N.
Meanwhile, the three girls sit at the kitchen table chatting amongst themselves and Bill and Fleur are outside in the garden when Percy and his girlfriend turn up. There’s tension in the air, there always is when Percy turns up. It’s not that no one wants him there, but given his history of being a ‘right prat’ (Fred’s words), everyone is cautious. 
But he goes right up to Molly, pulling her into an embrace and kissing her on the cheek and then turns to his dad and gives him a hug. 
“Hey Gin, Y/N, Hermione,” he gives them a curt nod as they say hello back before pulling the girl beside him closer, “this is Audrey, my girlfriend. Do you guys mind hanging with her while I go find the boys?"
The girls, of course, nod. “How long have you and Percy been together for?” Y/N asks as the girl sits and she hopes she isn’t coming off rude. She’s been with Fred for five years and never met Audrey and Hermione’s been in the Weasley’s lives for even longer, so it’s clearly a recent development. 
“Around this time last year… With everything going on and Percy not being on speaking terms with everyone, we haven’t really had the chance to meet…” she trails off and Y/N senses the awkward tension rising, so she grabs Audrey’s hand in a reassuring matter.
“Don’t stress about that. You’re here now and you’re family,” while Y/N isn’t officially a Weasley, her and Fred have spoken about their future together on numerous occasions so she doesn’t feel like she’s speaking out of turn offering ‘Weasley Family Status’ to Audrey, “I’m Y/N, Fred’s girlfriend.” 
“And I’m Hermione, Ron’s girlfriend,” Hermione adds and before Ginny even speaks, Y/N interrupts her, “You’re obviously a Weasley, Gin,” and the girls all start giggling.
“I’m Ginny, Harry’s girlfriend!” she exclaims proudly when all the girls finally calm down and it only sets them off again.
What the girls don’t notice is that Molly’s watching them, with a smile on her face. She’s always wanted daughters - she loves Ginny and she loves every single one of her sons, but she wishes she had been able to give her a sister. But watching the scene unfold in front of her, how these girls welcome Audrey so easily into their lives, Molly’s eyes well with tears as she realises she has the most wonderful daughter and future daughter-in-laws a woman could ask for. 
“How’s Fred doing?” Ginny asks. Of course, everyone’s suffered from the war, but everyone is constantly concerned about Fred. 
“Between seeing his psychologist and his physical therapy appointments, he’s doing really good,” she says, looking out the window and she laughs as she sees Fred holding Ron in a headlock, shouting something about how rusty he is at keeper, “there’s days it’s hard, and he has really bad nightmares sometimes, and there's days where they make him not want to leave the house but he had one this morning and was determined to get here today. I’m really proud of him.” 
Molly rubs Y/N on the shoulders, almost like a thank you for being there for Fred through it all as she places muffins in front of all the girls and takes her own seat. She takes a moment to scold Arthur for trying to repair the muggle radio playing he’s stolen from work before joining in on the girls’ conversation as they eat. 
The sweet moment is interrupted by a voice that is clearly Percy’s shouting and both Y/N and Audrey’s automatic assumption is that the worst has happened. Especially when Y/N hears the familiar voice of her boyfriend shouting incoherently. 
All the girls rush out the door, expecting to break up a fight but that isn’t what’s happening. Instead, Fred has Percy on the ground, rolling around in dirt and they’re both laughing . Molly has to excuse herself, tears welling in her eyes at the sight of Percy being accepted by his brother. 
“What’s going on here?” Audrey questions. It’s clear she’s still weary, worried that at a moment's notice, Percy’s siblings will turn on him and forget his apology. Fred looks up, winking at Y/N before looking at Audrey and flashes her a cheeky smirk, “Perce said I suck at quidditch.” 
Everyone rolls their eyes at this as Y/N grabs Fred’s hand and pulls him up. She lives with him, so one would think that the time spent apart at The Burrow is no big deal, but secretly Y/N has always been super clingy, wanting to always have Fred in her sights, and it's only worsened now they live together.
“Hi Freddie,” she giggles, tucking herself close to his side despite the summer heat blasting down on them, “I miss you.” she whispers.
Fred lets out a cackle of a laugh, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and leading her to the tree they always sit under as he tells Ginny to take his spot on their makeshift quidditch team. Secretly, he was hoping to get away from the game because he needs a break and maybe an attempted nap under the tree. 
He settles down first, stretching his legs out as he leans against the trunk and then he pulls Y/N down to sit between them and to rest her back against his chest. This has always been their favourite way to cuddle.
“What’s the go with George and Angie? I knew they were going on dates but...” Fred asks, and Y/N shrugs. “He just said he’d fill me in later so I’m still waiting. But she’s at family day, so it must be getting serious.” Fred hums behind her, resting his chin on top of his head as he watches his family on the makeshift field in front of them fight over quidditch rules. George is trying to teach Percy fake rules and Ginny’s smacking him over the head as he laughs at the confused expression on Percy’s face. 
To their right, Arthur’s got the radio working and he’s charmed it to blast 80s muggle music loudly for the entire family to hear. Bill’s dragged Fleur to dance around with him and Arthur’s trying to get Molly to join them. Charlie’s sitting with Audrey and Hermione, probably droning on about dragons as usual and the girls listen intently, gasping when appropriate. 
“What are you thinking about?” Y/N asks. Fred is never this quiet, usually speaking every single thought that comes to his mind without any sort of filter. It’s gotten him in trouble a fair few times, from both his mother and Y/N. 
“I’m just happy,” he says quietly, tucking his head into her neck, and Y/N doesn’t miss the crack in his voice, “I’m so happy I’m here with everyone.” She shuffles in her spot so she can sit and face Fred and he can’t meet her eyes because his own are welling with tears.
“Don’t hide, my love, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” she coos as she cups his cheeks in her hands. He leans into her touch and smiles as he sniffles. 
“I know, it’s just…” He trails off and Y/N knows what he’s going to say. He almost wasn’t here and that thought haunts the both of them more often than they’d like to admit. “I know, but that doesn’t matter, because you’re here , and I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am you are,” she whispers, pressing a kiss to his cheeks.
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” he says and Y/N’s heart swells. Marriage and lots of ginger babies has always been in their life plan, but hearing Fred say it, so, so vulnerably, almost brings her to tears. “Forever, Freddie, you promised,” she replies and he leans forward and presses a soft kiss on her lips. 
He’s always promised. He promised forever when they were 16 and they’d only been together for a year as they danced at the Yule Ball until 12am. At 17, when he admitted he wouldn’t be finish the school year. He promised once again at 18, before he flew out of Hogwarts with George. At 19, straight after George had his ear cursed off and he was sick with fear because the war was real and happening.
At 20, they were fighting in their school and he’d promised, ‘We're surviving this fucking thing and I’m marrying you as soon as I can.’ 
They pull apart and Y/N is smiling at him, adoration filled in her eyes as Fred feels around in his shorts, clearly trying to grab something. When he pulls it out, Y/N’s eyes catch the small, velvet black box and while she doesn’t want to get her hopes up, her heart is racing.
“I’ve been carrying this everyday, waiting for the perfect time,” he chuckles, shaking his head. You’d think Fred Weasley would have a huge and bizarre proposal, most likely with fireworks and dancing gnomes somehow, but in reality, this is perfect. He’s surrounded by his loved ones, there’s no war and he wants nothing more than to officially make Y/N a Weasley. 
“Is that now, Freddie?” she says and he nods, smiling. Y/N thinks he’s never looked happier in his life. He knows what her answer will be so he doesn’t feel the slightest bit nervous.
“I promised you, we're surviving the war and I’m fucking marrying you as soon as I can, so here I am,” he pops the box open and Y/N gasps. It’s nothing extravagant but she doesn’t mind. Small and classy, just like she’d always wanted and she doesn’t even realise she’s crying until Fred’s hand wipes her tears with his free hand, “Will you marry me?” 
She barely gives an answer, nodding her head violently as she wraps her arms around his neck and presses her lips to his. Their teeth clash and they both laugh at Fred not being prepared to be jumped before getting a verbal response. Y/N pulls away and puts out her left hand, “Of course I’ll marry you.” 
He slides the ring on her finger and it’s a perfect fit. They continue to sit in front of the tree, watching their family but Y/N constantly catches herself looking at the diamond ring sparkling in the sun and she’s decided she’s never been happier as well.
Everything is perfect, because it’s the calm after a very, very long storm and she’s never taking family for granted again.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Hello, lovely writer 💙 If you like, might you please write a scene of mc x satan having a movie night? Just lots of cuddles, kissing and fluff. 🥰 Thank you thank you, darling, and please don’t feel any pressure to write this if it doesn’t spark anything 💙 Happy holidays! 🥰 And thank you!
imma be real this idea was sparked by my friend who said she never watched HP/Marvel/Star Wars/LOTR/any other major movie franchise... Lol
Uneducated (SATAN X GN!READER)
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For someone who’s so intelligent he’s actually pretty uneducated. How could he miss the major franchises of the past like… 50 years?! What good does it do you when you’re alive for literally ever and you don’t even know the basics like Harry Potter and Star wars?! Especially Harry Potter… he calls himself a bookworm, a nerd, and has never even read the books. Unbelievable. You still stared at him in disbelief days later. Star Wars? You might excuse, he doesn’t really seem to be the Star Wars type… but he should’ve at least heard of it! You figured he must at least watch one of the franchises, and if he hates it after the first movie… you may be somewhat more accepting. “I read the books.” He held up all seven Harry Potter books, smiling proudly, “in just a couple of days, to prepare for our movie marathon. I was debating on if I should go in blindsided but I figured the movies didn’t do the books justice so… I took it upon myself to read them.” Of course he would do so. “Well… you’re not wrong. How did you like them?” 
He liked them, a lot. You had to sit through a whole three hour presentation of why he believes Snape is treated unfairly and Draco is misunderstood; however, his favorites were actually the twins, Fred and George Weasley, “they should’ve been there a lot more. The true backbones of the books and, presumably, the movies.” Well, you wouldn’t go that far but you let him believe that. “Alright… well, sit.” You patted the spot beside you, thankful that Satan managed to hide a T.V. in his room where he watched all the shows he usually does. You pulled some pillows onto the floor, pushing some of the books aside that will probably never find a proper home on any of the shelves. “I think… hm.. You might like the movies for visual reasons.” “Please, (Y/N). I already drew out everything in my head as I read the books. If it’s not like I imagined, the movies will be thrown out.” You bit your tongue, not wanting to be quite so obvious in the fact that the movies should’ve been thrown out, anyway. 
It didn’t take long for him to start arguing about how the movies do a terrible representation of the books and… it was more amusing than anything. Admittedly, you shouldn’t have laughed as much as you did, but it was just so funny to see him get all riled up, all angry and then letting it out toward the screen, “Satan! Hey! I know… sshh… calm down…” you were still laughing when you managed to cradle him in your arms, not really keeping him there with much strength, but you at least wanted him to stop yelling at the screen. He fake struggled, whining a bit more against you, “(Y/N)... These movies are distasteful! We’re only two movies in and… what happened to Arthur punching Lucius!? I was looking forward to it…!” He let himself be pulled into your lap, letting your arms push his face into your chest as he pouted. Of course, he wasn’t upset about it, but he does like being babied by you because you do it so well. Plus, you were comfortable and he’d be a fool to pretend anything else. 
“Yeah? Just wait when you see what happened in the Marvel movies vs. the comic books.” He shakes his head, lifting it up from your chest to look at you, a small smirk gracing his lips before he pushes you down onto your back, letting himself fall on top of you, “You’re trying to get me even more riled up, aren’t you? Is that your goal? Speak, (Y/N). I need to know.” A smirk of your own matched his, your hands sneaking up to run through his hair, “hm… maybe? I just like it when you get close.” A teasing roll of his hips against yours, although it stopped immediately after, his head dropping down onto your chest again. As a matter of fact, his whole body dropped onto you and you grunted a little at the added weight, “oof! S-Satan… you’re heavy..!” “are you calling me fat? You need to apologize.” He’s just messing around of course, “Apologize…? Satan get off!” But he didn’t even budge, just looking back down at you, “kiss me and I might.” 
You rolled your eyes, laughing again because he’s being so extra and… a little needy. Sometimes he had these random moments where he wants to be like every couple on T.V.; dorky, cute, rolling around on the floor for seemingly no reason. “Fine, one kiss,” and you couldn’t help but oblige to his wishes. His head slowly dipped down and you grabbed it with your hands, kissing his lips repeatedly as a laugh escaped him. You matched it, giggling from your own actions before pampering his whole face with kisses, “muah! There. Was that enough?” He seemed to be in thought, smiling down at you. A soft pink was caressing his cheeks and he quickly rolled over, taking you with him so that you landed up on top instead, “hm… almost. Come here, kitten.” His arms wrapped around you tightly, squeezing you against him and you swore you heard your back crack, “T-Too tight… Satan… can’t breathe…” “Good. the less you can breathe the less you can squirm. I’ll make you my perfect little cuddle buddy.” Was that a death threat? Wide eyes looked up at him, but he only laughed loudly, his head falling back in amusement. 
“Are you trying to kill me?!” He was still laughing, unwrapping his arms from around you to cover his face. His whole body was shaking beneath you and you frowned, tickling his sides because you might as well have fun with it, but the beautiful sound of his voice laughing abruptly stopped when he took his hands in yours, rolling you back over and looking down at you with a stern face, “... only with love.” His eyes were sparkling with mischief, a smug smirk gracing his lips now and before you knew it, his own hands were tickling you instead; his kind of love. At least he wasn't ranting about Harry Potter anymore.
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official-weasley · 3 years
Love, William (Bill Weasley x OC) - Chapter 13
WARNINGS: Some tooth-rotting fluff to end this story 🤭🤭🤭
Chapter 13 - Bill's Visit
Dear William,
I simply can’t describe the adrenaline that ran through my veins when we were caught by Umbridge and Fred and George talked back to her. The look on her face – I wish you could see it!
It was one of my proudest moments and I don’t regret for a second that I decided to leave school early and join the twins in pulling one last prank at that place.
We are opening the shop today. Fred and George are excited about it. I, on the other hand, am nervous. I know it’s going to be great and successful but I am not that good with people and selling products and I don’t want to disappoint the twins.
Opening the shop isn’t the only thing I am nervous about. I know the time for us to finally meet has arrived – the twins like to remind me every hour or so. I hope I am not saying too much by saying how nervous I am to see you again. It’s a good type of nervousness but with all these letters we have been sending to each other, it was a nice comfort to gather my thoughts before replying to you.
Perhaps I am overthinking the whole situation. I don’t even know if you still have the wish to meet. Charlie told me that you are coming to see the shop together. He is so excited! I have to keep him away from the twins so that they won’t sell anything to him that might get him in trouble with the Sanctuary.
Love, Theodora
“Theo, we need you!”
Theodora folded the piece of parchment and put it inside the envelope when she heard George calling for her.
“What is it?” She came to the front of the shop where George was rolling his eyes, looking at his brother.
“Freddie here is nervous for today’s opening.” He sighed.
“Really?” Theodora giggled. “I thought you said we got this?”
“And I meant every word of my perfect speech yesterday, now I am not so sure.” Fred swallowed his nerves.
Theodora narrowed her eyes at him, waiting for him to say more. Fred started walking slowly to the entrance door and motioned to her to follow him.
“Can you hear them?” Fred whispered.
“Hear what?” Theodora pressed her ear against the door as did Fred and tried to figure out what got him so worried.
Fred lifted his arm, grabbed the curtain over the door, and moved it just enough for Theodora to peek outside.
Theodora gasped. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. There was a line of at least 50 people, waiting for their shop to open. They were waiting for them – they wanted their products!
She gulped. If she thought she was nervous before then she needed a new word for it now. Of course, she wanted their shop to be successful but she was hoping that she wouldn’t have to deal with the customers – that the twins will be able to handle it on their own. Now she wasn’t so sure anymore.
Dear Theodora,
I can’t wait for you to tell me how everything went down. Ginny sent me three letters about it. She was so excited and amazed by how brave you three were that she simply ran out of parchment!
I am so proud of you – of all of you for doing what you did. Apparently, everybody became more rebellious and even the teachers aren’t afraid of that toad anymore. I know it doesn’t show yet, but I think you did an amazing thing for your school when you left.
The twins couldn’t stop talking about the shop opening. They sent me 3 invitations, making sure I will be there. As you probably noticed, I wasn’t. I didn’t have the time to come but Charlie and I think we could make it next week. I hope that’s okay.
Knowing how hard you all worked for this, you will have plenty of work anyway without us being there. And don’t worry about being around customers – I think you’re going to be brilliant. Perhaps Fred and George could give you the cashier duty – that sounds better than advising which product to buy.
You are not overthinking anything, so don’t say that. I feel the same way. I have been anxious since you told me when you are coming back to London. I hope I didn’t give you an impression in any of my letters that I don’t want to meet with you for you to think and question it. I want to see you, Theodora. At this point, I am dreaming about it and I am not afraid to admit it.
I don’t know how much work you have with the shop and how it will go in the first week so I think it would be best if you tell me when you have the time. Or better yet, we can simply discuss it when Charlie and I come to the shop.
Proud and excited.
Love, William
PS. Don’t worry about Charlie. I will keep him from buying anything he might want to use or give to his co-workers. He is too excited for me not to keep an eye on him.
Theodora folded Bill’s letter with a smile on her face. He doesn’t think she is overthinking and he still wants to meet with her. If she wasn’t as tired after the opening and having so many customers that they had to keep the shop open for two hours longer than intended, she would take out her quill and reply to Bill immediately.
Just knowing that he is as nervous as she is about them finally meeting after so many letters made it easier for her to fall asleep and she was grateful that he and Charlie couldn’t make it to the opening as she was sure they wouldn’t even be able to see each other.
Dear William,
the opening day was…how to best describe it – chaotic. I read your letter before going to sleep yesterday and I was so tired that in the morning I didn’t even remember reading it!
We sold so many products, even the twins couldn’t believe it. It was 10 times better than we imagined it to be and George is already thinking of hiring more people because if it’s going to be like this all week long, we will have to close for a few days just to recover and get some sleep.
We have been cleaning all morning and restocking products. Fred reckons we will need someone to manufacture some of them for us because the demand for a few products is bigger than what we can handle.
I know it sounds as if I am complaining – I can assure you I am not. I am just so overwhelmed. I didn’t even dare to imagine it being so successful on the first day, not in my wildest dreams.
Even the twins can’t believe it and they were more optimistic about it than I was. You should’ve seen Freddie, he was a nervous wreck when we went to open the door!
My heart skipped a beat when I read that you still want to meet up and no, you didn’t say anything that would make me question that. It’s just…I tend to be a bit insecure when it comes to relationships and these letters between us have been so great that it seems as if I am in a fairytale.
You made the right decision not to come and visit us right away. Perhaps wait a week or so, so that we see what is going to happen. George reckons that if we get the same amount of people today as we did yesterday, we are going to end up with an empty shop!
I think it would be best to talk about when to see each other when you come here.
The day to see you can’t come soon enough.
Love, Theodora
“Seriously, I didn’t expect this to happen.” Fred frowned looking at the empty shelves of their shop.
“I thought we were well prepared. What are we going to do?” George was biting the inner side of his cheek.
“I think we’ll need to hire someone to help around the shop plus someone to help us make the products.” Theodora thought out loud.
“Reckon Bill would want to leave his Curse Breaking career and join us in the shop?” George giggled.
“That would be brilliant and he could be closer to Theo.” Fred winked at his brother.
Theodora didn’t sigh nor rolled her eyes – being used to their mockery by now.
“I was thinking of finding someone with selling experience.” She said, acting unphased by what the twins said.
“We would much rather keep it in the family.” Fred scratched his head.
“I’m not family.” Theodora turned to him.
The second their eyes locked she was bestowed with a nasty glare from both of them.
“Of course, you are!” Fred couldn’t believe she would even say something like that.
“If we ever hear you say such nonsense again, we are firing you!” George pointed a finger at her, his brows knitting together.
“You are our family Theo and in a few years you’ll even share a surname with us once Bill puts a ring on that finger.” Fred’s angry expression turned into a smug one, his eyes hurrying from hers to her left hand.
This time, Theodora sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. She was hoping that the shop is packed with customers the day Bill comes to visit them because she doesn’t want the twins anywhere near her and Bill. With the teasing last summer and with the comments they are throwing at her now, she was terrified of what they would come up with once they see them together.
Dear Theodora,
I didn’t have the slightest doubt that you won’t do great or that your first day wouldn’t be successful. You all worked for years to achieve this – you deserve it.
I can imagine it being a shock and you all being tired. I believe it will get better with time – not with the number of customers but you getting used to it.
Hiring someone would be a great idea. Sooner or later you won’t be able to handle it on your own anymore and if you are already running out of products you should first hire someone to help you make more. You won’t be able to sell anything in an empty shop.
I am waiting for Charlie’s reply but if I remember correctly, he has two days off in the middle of next week. We hope we won’t enter an empty shop. I would much rather see it busy and the twins at work. With everything they have done, regarding mischief, over the years it would be a nice sight to see them working hard for their money.
I can’t believe Freddie was nervous. I would love to see that look on his face when he realized that it’s more than he ever dared to dream of. I am happy for them and for you. You did the right thing leaving the school (don’t tell my mum I said that) and follow your dream. You three are a perfect representation that education isn’t everything.
I am not going to lie – I don’t have the best experience with past relationships either. But this feels different – we feel different. I might not describe it as a fairytale because I don’t think those are as complicated as we had it at the beginning and in a fairytale I think we would be able to see each other sooner but I think we could make each other very happy and that flutters all the butterflies in my stomach.
Know that I am thinking about you and I believe that you can handle another day in the shop packed with customers.
Love, William
“I think we are doing great. If we can only manage to make 10 more of the yo-yos I reckon we are ready for the weekend.” Fred said, sticking his tongue out while trying to put the last yo-yo in the box.
“Fred, Theo, I have some great news!”
They lifted their heads, hearing George’s voice.
“The Ministry approved our application for charmed objects,” George said with the biggest grin on his face.
“Are you serious?” Fred let out a sigh of relief.
“So we don’t have to hire anyone?” Theodora’s eyes were beaming.
“No, we can just use the Doubling Charm now!”
Theodora and Fred jumped up at George’s words and the trio hugged. They have been waiting for the answer from the Ministry ever since they signed the lease for the shop. There was a law against products being duplicated in order to sell more of them unless there was proof of their authenticity and after months of waiting, ready to give up and thinking they would have to make each product by hand, this was the best piece of news they got in weeks!
“Of course, we have to make the counter-charm on all objects once on shelves for the customers to not duplicate our designs,” Fred said once they pulled apart.
“That’s the easy part. Creating 100 yo-yos in one night, that was a nightmare.” Theodora said with relief in her voice.
Dear William,
we got some great news this morning. After Fred and I have spent an entire night working on products to be ready for today, we were practically dreaming of hiring a few helping hands.
However, it seems we might not need anyone after all as George burst into the shop with a letter from the Ministry, saying that we are officially allowed to charm our objects! We almost forgot about it since they needed so long but the answer arrived in the mail today nonetheless and we couldn’t be happier!
We are still debating whether or not to get one more salesperson but it will make everything so much easier when it comes to product making!
I think it’s great that Charlie has free time during the week because it tends to be less busy than during the weekend when all the families come to Diagon Alley. I am so excited for both of you to see the shop. I can’t wait to see the look on your faces.
Just be prepared for the twins making their marketing moves on you. They do it to anybody they know and it’s hilarious to watch!
I know it’s hard to believe your brothers being serious and hard at work. But once you’ll see how good of a job they are doing you will understand why they were always so rebellious. I think they finally found what they want to do. They just aren’t the type of people that take everything seriously but once they find their passion nobody can tear them away from it.
They are brilliant and I hope your mum comes around to see that too. I think she would be astounded but proud. Your dad came to see us for a few minutes yesterday during his lunch break and found the whole thing rather amusing but I could see he was proud of his boys and that warmed my heart so much because even if they don’t show it, it means a lot to Fred and George.
I agree we don’t have a perfect fairytale, and is it okay if I say that I think it’s better that way? We will create our own little story – the one that will suit both of us – and I think we could be very happy together too. At this point, we just have to find the time to spend with each other.
Thinking about you too and missing you each day more.
Love, Theodora
“So,” George leaned in the doorway of Theodora’s bedroom, “how did it go today?”
“How what went and what’s with the smirk on your face?” Theodora put down her quill.
She just finished writing a long letter to her brother to tell him everything that has been going on in the shop since they opened and that he can stay with them in the apartment above the shop when he comes and visits in a few weeks.
“Don’t be so modest, you can tell your best friends how you smooched their brother.” George made a kissy face.
“I didn’t know they kissed!” Fred’s head appeared behind George’s shoulder, his eyes beaming.
“I still don’t know what you are talking about. Who kissed?” Theodora frowned.
She was too tired for the twins to mess with her right now. It has been enough that her mother sent her a 20-minute long Howler. She has been planning to go to sleep the second she finishes her letter to Eric.
“Don’t act oblivious with us, Theo.” George rolled his eyes playfully, crossing his arms on his chest.
“Bill was here today. We want to know how it went – you seeing each other after such a long time.” Fred explained.
“Bill was here?” Theodora blinked.
“Are you messing with us, Theo?” George asked but the teasing expression wore off his face.
“I thought you were joking.” Theodora’s heart started to beat faster.
“We’re not. We promise!” Fred made a cross over his heart. “Charlie even said he’ll go and get you.”
Theodora couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Bill was in the same room as her and they didn’t even get to see each other. Did he not want to see her? Was it too crowded? She hoped that she didn’t ignore or miss him in the crowd.
She couldn’t believe it. They have been waiting to see each other – writing and talking about the anticipating moment – and then the twins got to see him and she didn’t even know he was there.
Dear Theodora,
I don’t even know how to apologize to you. Fred and George probably told you by now that Charlie and I stopped by. It took us half an hour to get inside as your shop was full and then by some luck, we found George who took us to Fred and they told us that you were at the cash register.
Charlie said that he was going to get you and after he was gone for 10 minutes I went to see what was going on. I was stopped by what seemed like an endless line at the checkout. Charlie was sad that he couldn’t say hi to you so you can imagine how I felt.
It was so nice seeing you – your smile when you were saying goodbye to the customers. The sparks in your eyes for being proud of your shop. It was an incredible sight. Of course, it’s needless to say that you were absolutely beautiful standing behind that counter but I can’t help myself, I have to tell you that.
I am so sorry that we didn’t wait for you. I thought Charlie was going to shed a tear when I told him I had to go back to work. I promised him that we are going to come again, perhaps closer to closing time or before you even open. I know he misses you as much as I do.
Seeing you – being so close yet so far away from me – I started missing you even more. We have to meet, Theodora. I don’t know how much longer I can endure this. I simply have to be with you.
All the love and a big tight embrace,
Theodora kept rereading Bill’s letter, her heart beating hard against her rib cage. He saw her. He saw her and he wanted to be with her even more. If it wasn’t past midnight she would go out and find Bill at once. Letters didn’t suffice anymore – she wanted to be with him. She wanted to hug him and kiss him and run her fingers through his hair and hear him laugh and fall asleep in his arms.
They have to do something about it. They have to meet as soon as Bill possibly has the time even if she has to tell Fred and George that she needs a half an hour break to go and kiss their brother. She didn’t even care how they would tease her if she said something like that to them. She missed Bill too much and her being shy can’t be an obstacle anymore.
Dear William,
no need to apologize. At least you got to see how our day looks like. I envy you for seeing me. I wish I could at least get a glimpse of you.
I hope I don’t sound desperate when I write this but…
we have to meet. I can no longer express what I feel for you through these letters.
Not when I am falling deeper and deeper in love with you with each one.
Longing to be in your arms.
Love Theodora
Theodora automatically turned her head to the door when she heard Fred calling her name. She looked at the clock on the wall – 15 more minutes until they open the shop.
“There’s someone here to see you!” George shouted now.
Theodora hurried to zip her jeans and rushed downstairs thinking that they have so many people in front of the shop that the twins decided to open early again.
“I’m here, I’m here!” She stomped down the stairs, getting the last button on her shirt.
She looked up at the twins, ready to ask what’s the rush when her legs stopped working.
“William, what are you doing here?” She mumbled. If her burning cheeks and widened eyes didn’t give her away of how surprised she was to see him, her voice definitely did.
Bill smiled gently, his cheeks matching his hair color. Theodora’s hands were still on the button and she was standing still at the bottom of the stairs like a statue.
She knew she missed him – it hurt how much she did – but not until she saw him did she realize just how she longed to be with him. She wanted to feel nervous but seeing Bill just as shy as she was made her relax.
Without saying anything Bill carefully approached her and stopped once they were face to face. She slowly looked up at him, trying to steady her breath but it was as if she forgot how to breathe.
“I couldn’t bear to live another minute without you, not after what you wrote in your last letter,” Bill whispered to her and cupped her face.
Theodora let out a surprised sigh as their lips touched and her knees weakened. It felt as if the floor underneath her disappeared and nothing in that moment mattered except them. It was just her and Bill – embraced and their tongues meeting for the first time.
Her eyelids fluttered as she felt every butterfly in her stomach awaken, wishing this moment could last forever.
“I-I’m sorry.” Bill suddenly pulled away, his eyes wide open as he realized that his impulsive action wasn’t a very gentlemanly move.
“That was unexpected,” George said with a smug expression on his face.
Fred didn’t say anything but sent a wink to his eldest brother.
“Oh, shut it.” Theodora grabbed the edges of Bill’s leather jacket and pulled him back to her lips.
She didn’t care about her two best friends teasing or their smug faces or Bill thinking that he should’ve waited with the kiss. To her, it was perfect – more than so. She has been dreaming about kissing Bill ever since she met him. It might take them long but it was better than any fairytale. As she said – they will create their own story.
“Alright, I think we should go mind our own business,” Fred emphasized the last word.
“Good one, Freddie.” George laughed.
The twins looked at Theodora and Bill one last time, the biggest grins on their faces as it finally happened.
The couple whose lips were still sealed together heard them walk away before the world disappeared once more and their hearts beat together as one.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading yet another of my OC story! 🥰 I didn't think it would get so much love but I am happy it did because Bill deserves all the happiness too 🤗
I know some of you are probably surprised by how short it is. Yes, another shorty, it's over already. Some of you saw yesterday when I wrote in the comments that today's chapter is the last one and well, just like me, some of you want more of Bill and Theo, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, I might deliver 🤭
I had 13 chapters in mind when I started and I knew that they will finally come together in the last chapter but a few days after I finished writing and when I was editing it, I started getting ideas about their first date, about them cooking together in Bill's apartment and stuff like that so maybe I will write some one-shots about that 😊
Thank you again. You are all just the sweetest beans! 💙
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Ok, so recently I reread Harry Potter (the last time being around five years ago), and when I got to the fifth book, I really couldnt get past the argument betwenn Molly and Sirius. Sirius being my favourite character both times, I wonder how I managed not to care about what Molly said the first time I read the saga. Somehow this time her words made me dislike her immensely. And then a lot of other things that she did in the previous books started to really annoy me.
While I do believe she cares about Harry there are a few things I realize that does not make her a good character in my eyes. So I guess I'll just list what I find disturbing/annoying about her.
1) Shouting about muggles in a train station full of muggles. (Could also add asking out loud about the platform, but I see that more as a plot device to make Harry find the way to the train)
2) Sending a jumper to a child she barely knows (problem being its better than her own children, and she never sent Lee a jumper)
3)Gives Ron a sandwich he hates, and later a Jumper in a color he has always hated.
4) when Ron and the twins bring Harry back from the Dursleys, they tell her he was starved and had bars on his windows. Her reaction? Threatening to put bar on Ron's windows.
5) I might be nitpicking, but she could have avoided roasting them in front of Harry.
6) Apparently Ginny can have a brand new wand, but Ron is still stuck with his brother's. (Which is worn and has its core sticking out...)
7) The Howler. Roasting your son in front of his friend is bad enough. No need to do it in front of the whole school.
8)When Harry AND Ron rescue Ginny, she only thanks Harry.
9) Its unknow if she helped Ginny get over the whole diary story.
10) She became extremely cold towards Hermione because of a article written by a journalist know to be deforming the truth (she said so herself)
11) Offers her daughter a new dress for the Yule ball, but doesnt bother to fix the old one she sent Ron.
12) Her argument with Sirius. She kept attacking him personally (bringing up James, Azkaban, him being rash, basically calling him irresponsible, his instructions from Dumbledore). It felt to me as if she wanted to discredit him in front of Harry.
13) She made everyone clean withour magic. Great idea in house full of dark magic.
14)She followed Dumbledore blindly.
15) If Harry's like a son to her, what did she do upon learning about the abuse he suffered? What did she do to help him about seeing Cedric die, being tortured, seeing Voldemort rising? What about the lies the Prophet was spreading? Was she there for him after Sirius' death? After Dumbledore's death? Was she there for here own children when they faced they own traumas (ie: Ron facing the spiders, discovering his rat actually a transformed wizard).
16) Her treatment of Fleur is atrocious. Worse, she allows Ginny to treat her the same way. She also tries to push Bill towards Tonks. Later she is cold to Remus for something that is none of her business.
17) When never see Arthur and her interact as a couple. She is often seen berating him, dismissing his passion about muggles. She only calls out to him when she needs his support (A.K.A. the row with Sirius).
18) Besides the yelling and berating, we dont see her interact with her children.
19) I feel like this is always forgotten. She not only disapprove of Fred and George's ideal job, she also sabotages there business by destroying there products.
20) I'd say there's a reason most of the boys are eager to get their own jobs and lifes.
21) She also tried to prevent them from going on the Horcruxe hunt. This one I can more or less admit it was because she was worried they would get killed, but in the end, her sabotaging their preparation could have been the reason they died.
22) The duel against Bellatrix. Hermione, Harry and Neville had more reason to kill her. While the movie did make a good job at making Molly rather badass in that scene, I think I would much rather have McGonagall kill Bellatrix.
23) She often compared her children to one another. Telling the twins they should be more like Percy, or when Ron becomes Prefect, saying "it's everyone in the family". Basically telling him it's not extraordinary.
24) It's sad to notice she doesnt react when the twin say "What are we?Neighbors next door?".
25) In Ootp, I feel she is treating Harry more like a 12 year old than a 15 year old.
26) There is a difference between considering a child is 'as your own' wich is really nice, and pretty much deciding for the child when someone who has that actual autority is in the room.
This ended up being a pretty long list and I might have forgotten things. There are only four popular characters I would tend to criticize : Molly, Remus, Snape and Dumbledore.
I wont do a list for Snape here but basically, for Remus its more because of his fanon representation. If not for that I dont like nor dislike him. Dumbledore I think relies too much on the prophecy, but he does care for Harry.
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
What I Thought About “Enchanted Grom Fright”
Salutations random people of the internet who probably won't read this. I am an Ordinary Shmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
When I started doing reviews, I told myself to stay limited to specials, movies, seasons, and even entire T.V. shows. I didn't want to do reviews for regular episodes of a show, mostly because there wouldn't be enough to talk about in a single post. For me, an episode has to either be astounding enough or important enough to warrant a review. And low and behold, The Owl House did just that with the episode "Enchanting Grom Fright." Keep in mind that I am going to be spoiling everything that happens in this episode. So if you somehow haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend that you do so. And if you haven't seen The Owl House yet...what the hell is wrong with you?
With that out of the way, let's get started with-
Luz independently looking for new glyphs: This scene is excellent for two reasons. Reason number one: It shows how dedicated Luz is to learning magic. So far, we have yet to see Hexide teach Luz anything regarding her unique way of doing magic. This is why it's great to see Luz try to find glyphs on her own so she can at least attempt to catch up with everyone else. There's also the implication that it's not an easy task for her, given the multiple crumpled up pieces of paper, which must have been failed attempts to make the plant glyph. This scene adds continuity from "Adventures of the Elements" as well, proving that Luz had learned her lesson in said episode. As for reason number two for why this scene is excellent: It sets up how Luz and Amity defeat Grom. Luz could have used her other two glyphs to destroy Grom, but doing so would take away some neat symbolism with the tree that was grown (more on that later). Therefore, Luz finding the plant glyph was a great set up with a proper pay off. Which is what I love about The Owl House. It takes things you wouldn't think twice about and actually makes something beautiful. Case in point: A 'Grom Night' poster was shown in a previous episode, hinting to the glory that is this episode.
Luz barely texting her mom back: I like this because it finally addresses Luz's conflictions for lying to her mom (Something I may or may not have toyed around with https://archiveofourown.org/works/23321692/chapters/55864000). These scenes present moments of how Luz isn't always the happy go lucky teen that she is. And I like that because it adds layers to a character who is already engaging enough.
That Gromposal: I made a post of all the things Disney has approved of before approving Lumity. I guess you can add to the list a character presenting an anatomically correctly drawn heart with the word 'Grom' written in what I can only assume is blood!
(Jokes aside, I legitimately like the dark humor in this scene, as well as Skara saying yes to the poor boy. It was adorable, damn it!)
Amity’s hostility swapped with being friendly: Here's a nice bit of character development for ya! It's just a few seconds, but those seconds show how far Amity has come since episode FIVE! Which is why Amity is one of the best characters in the show. Her development is so impressive that it's legitimately jarring to compare the Amity who was angry to see Luz, to the Amity who immediately apologizes, to Luz. But she still has years of conditioning from her parents to deal with, so of course, Amity's first instinct is to bare her fangs. And I'm more than positive that that instinct is going to leave her pretty soon.
Eda: While we're on the topic of great characters, let's take a moment to talk about Eda in this episode, shall we? Eda, throughout "Enchanted Grom Fright," has fully embraced her role as a maternal figure for Luz. The way Eda attempts to warn Luz about the dangers of Grom is a testament to how much Eda truly cares about 'her human.' And it's not like Eda doesn't acknowledge Luz's efforts at survival. She knows Luz can take care of herself, but that won't stop Eda from drawing the line when she knows Luz is in over her head. The best part is that when Luz admits that she was wrong, Eda doesn't respond with anger or even with a smug "I told you so." Instead, Eda's reaction is calm and nurturing. A response that Luz needed at that moment. It's sweet and genuinely heartwarming to see.
(And I love how Eda constantly admires her own beauty throughout the episode. Which is something I'm sure most fans can relate to.)
Luz and Amity’s talk in the forest: There is a lot to love about this exchange, due to how adorable it is. So here's a quick list: The clearly romantic music playing in the background. The way Amity slipped in the mud and was inches away from accidentally kissing Luz when getting pulled up. The fact that Luz sits down into the mud so as not to make Amity feel self-conscious about being filthy. Luz's sweet, sincere, and instant "I would" when responding to Amity wondering who would take her place as Grom Queen. The fact that Amity was surprised that someone would be willing to take her place in the first place. The payoff to Luz learning that she really did have a spider on the back of her head (Alright, that one wasn’t adorable, but it was definitely hilarious!).
Amity “destroying” Hooty: While I do enjoy seeing Amity act all sweet and gushy, I will admit that feisty Amity is still best Amity. Plus, this scene was remarkably funny.
Training Luz for Grom: This scene was a fantastic showcase for each of the Blight siblings. Now, because I've talked a lot about Amity (and will continue to do so), I want to start talking about Edric and Emira first. When first introduced to Ed and Em, my initial reaction was that they were meanspirited versions of the Weasley Twins from Harry Potter. Sure, Fred and George are known to cause mischief, but they do realize that there's a line you don't cross when it comes to family. That is something that Ed and Em ignored during their debut episode, where they tried to reveal Amity's diary to the world. Luckily, the writers picked up on this quick and made a subtle detour in terms of Ed and Em's personalities. They're actually decent supporting characters, and it's legitimately sweet with how they willingly help Luz. As for Amity, it's great to see that she still takes things seriously despite crushing on Luz. Most shows fall into the trap of making characters a nervous wreck when around their crushes. And while Amity does have those moments, there are still scenes like this that prove she isn't just some smitten kitten-and I hate myself for saying that. Amity is the voice of reason to her and Luz's relationship. And I'm glad that the writers mostly focus on that aspect of her personality rather than write her off as a flustered girl with a crush.
Those boys dancing together: While it's nice to see Luz and Amity's relationship blossom, that doesn't mean we should sleep on great representation such as this. While it's great to see so many romantic pairings between females in the last few years, it's rare to see two boys liking each other, especially in animation. Sure, male pairings exist, but I haven't seen them as celebrated as often as female ones. This is why it's nice to see that The Owl House crew sprinkled in these two boys dancing with each other. Representation matters for everyone, and this little acknowledgment is something worth mentioning, even if it isn't the main ship.
The hallway scene: But let's face it, this is what we came to see. Now when you think about it, there's nothing all that special with this scene. It's a typical romantic moment with a heart to heart discussion followed with witty banter, all while a romantic melody is playing in the background. You see this in multiple types of media, especially in Disney cartoons. The only difference is that this scene features a same-sex pairing and that what makes it amazing. It's essentially normalizing something that has been seen as inappropriate for years. And the fact that Disney of all companies is the one that greenlit a scene like this? That just makes this moment all the more impressive. Plus, I mean, c'mon. You have to have a will of iron not to think these dorks are adorable with this little exchange.
Splash zone: There's not much to talk about or analyze here. I just think the dark humor of a kid waiting in the 'splash zone' is funny. Because what does the splash zone get used for? Grom? The fighter? I don't know, but the fact that a splash zone exists for either of those reasons is what gets a chuckle out of me.
Skara and her date getting hyped for Grom fight: That's it. Skara is officially the best background character. I'm sorry, but a character earns that title when they immediately switch from wanting to kiss their date to "WHOO! BRING ON THE GORE!" 
I don't make the rules. I just abide by them.
Luz’s greatest fear: This is something fans could have seen coming due to rewatching and reanalyzing the promo that dropped a little over a month ago. But for fans who ignored the promo, the episode did a great job of setting up this reveal. From the two times that Luz practically ignored her mother's texts, it can be pretty clear that Luz's fear would be something involving Camilia. However, before the episode premiered, everyone jumped on the idea that Luz's greatest fear would be Camilia forcing Luz to come back home. Instead, the scene portrays Luz's greatest fear as her mother's negative response to Luz lying for weeks. That idea is much more interesting to me because it reveals how much Luz cares so much about what her mother thinks of Luz. And unlike Amity with her parents, Luz's fears are much more justified due to Camilia actually being a good mother. A mother who planned to send her daughter away to summer camp, sure, but still a mother who would do that type of thing out of love rather than to protect an image. Which makes me hope to see more of Camilia in the future, just to witness the mother/daughter relationship she has with Luz. Because honestly, it feels like I've been working triple time with portraying that relationship myself.
Amity’s greatest fear: Ah yes, the one thing none of us could have predicted...ok, that's not true. Some of us did predict this, but most of us didn't take those predictions seriously. And BOY, were we wrong to do so. Because the idea that Amity's greatest fear is being rejected by Luz is both sad, yet kind of adorable. It proves just how much Amity has come to care for the same human she nearly got dissected, in episode THREE. It's a nice bit of character growth that I just can't help but gush over how sweet it is. But again, it's also depressing knowing that Amity is afraid by being rejected by Luz of all people. Luz! The girl who's sweeter than honey and would absolutely let Amity down gently if Luz didn't feel the same way (Which she does. She just doesn't realize it yet.). What's even more interesting is that it makes so much sense as to why Amity is more afraid of showing her fear to the school. Not only would Grom reveal that Amity has feelings for Luz, but it also has the problem of outing Amity as a lesbian, presumably long before she's ready. And seeing how her parents reacted to Amity's friendship with Willow, imagine what would happen if word got out that Amity had a crush on a human girl. Yeah, let's just say that Amity must be really grateful that Grom morphed into a vague, shadowy figure.
(Speaking of, can we PLEASE calling Luz oblivious for not knowing that Grom morphed into her? Yes, to us, it's painfully apparent who Grom was supposed to be. But it also looks vague enough to the point where it isn't unbelievable for Luz to not know it was her. Because from where Luz is standing, the only similarity is the height and body shape. If the crew stuck to using Luz's more apparent traits, then I'd say it's fine to say Luz is oblivious. But as is, it's not too far of a stretch for Luz not to know it was her.)
That dance scene!: Remember how some fans have been hoping for a slow dance between Luz and Amity? This is better.
From the choreography to the smooth animation, to their expressions, to even pure epicness of this scene. Everything about this dance is just so astonishing that I am convinced that several fans have watched it over and over and over again since the episode's release. And you want to know the best part? This scene has so many problems that I don't care about due to how great it is. Why does Eda just stand there and do nothing? I don't know, and I don't care. Why does Grom stand there and do nothing? I don't know, and I don't care. How did Luz and Amity come up with this perfect plan without communicating? I don't know, and I don't care. How did Luz catch Amity, even though it looked like they jumped off of the abomination at the same height, and would've landed at the same time? I don't-Ok, you get the point by now.
Don't get me wrong, these are all valid criticisms. But that's the testament of good writing to me. Because if a scene can make me forget/ignore the problems within it, then it's ok in my book!
The cherry blossom: And now we get to that symbolism that I've mentioned before. Because according to a five-second Google search: The Chinese describe the cherry blossom as a symbol for feminine dominance and, of course, a symbol for love. Now the feminine dominance part is clear, but I'm confident that The Owl House staff concentrated more on the whole "symbol of love" thing. Because how else are they supposed to hint that Amity and Luz are meant to be the endgame relationship? Reveal that Amity's gromposal was meant for Luz? C'mon. That would be-
It’s revealed that Amity’s gromposal was meant for Luz: ...You know those moments that are so awesome, iconic, and downright perfect that you just can't help but give a grand old cheer to it? That's this moment right here. Speaking of which: WAH-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!
Seriously, some of you have no idea how big this scene is. It would have been so easy to cut the scene short at Amity throwing her half of the note, and leaving it up to interpretation for who the whole thing was for. But the fact that we get to see that it was meant for Luz, thus confirming that Amity has a crush on her, is absolute perfection. Not only is it because this is a big step for Disney in terms of representation, but to me, it seems like a normalization of gay culture. This type of reveal is something that would be done for several heterosexual relationships. So to confirm that Amity has a crush on Luz as if it was nothing...that's...that's just awesome. It's awesome, and I am so happy that Disney even greenlit this decision. And I'm not even gay! So I can not comprehend how some of you are feeling about this moment!
(Also, this does not mean that Lumity is canon. But it does at least mean that Lumity is going to be canon. Only now it's a question of when rather than if.)
Luz’s Text to Home: This was just a sweet moment. You get a better understanding of the love Luz has for her mother within these few seconds, then you did throughout the entire series so far. I also like that this implies that Luz is going to try being more honest with her mom about being in a whole new dimension. Which is again, is something I've been playing with.
Speaking of my aforementioned fanfic, during this entire scene, I was thinking to myself: "Man. Maybe I don't have to write a chapter based on this episode, after all. It pretty much did the job for me. I'm just glad that show didn't do anything that would make what I wrote completely worthless. Because that would just-"
Camilia is getting LETTERS?!: “...Well shit.”
Ok, gags and goofs aside, I honestly love this reveal. Because this presents a whole lot of questions. Like, how is Camilia getting these letters? When did she start getting them? And more importantly: Who the hell is sending them?! This is another thing that I enjoy about The Owl House. Just when you think you're satisfied with the episode you're given, the writers throw in something you could have never expected in a million years. This is why lately, it's a toss-up between The Owl House and Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts for the best show of 2020 for me.
Those Grom pictures: These were just cute. Especially the last one.
...Uh...Oh! I know!
King’s B-plot: A small complaint that I have for The Owl House is that most of the b-plots in several episodes just feel unnecessary. Episodes like "The First Day," and "Adventures in the Elements" had b-plots that were pointless and not as engaging as the a-plot. What's worse is that they seem like padding for time, when most of that time could be used for significant moments in the main plot. And honestly, King's story in this episode is the worst one yet. It's filler that is poorly paced and wasn't really all that funny (aside from the other b-plots which at least offered a few good jokes in them). I don't know. Maybe it's because I have Lumity brain rot and wanted more moments between those two, but I just could not get engaged in King's story.
And...yeah, that’s about it.
This episode deserves a well earned A+! Sure it has its fair share of problems, but the many, MANY, things it does right outweighs what it does wrong. On top of that, its one of the few episodes of any show I've seen that kept me up at night. Why? Because I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it was. "Enchanted Grom Fright" is a worthy contender for the best episode of the season, and probably the entire series. It was heartwarming, engaging, and quite possibly the most important thing Disney has made in years. What else could you call it other than Enchanting.
(And no, this doesn’t mean I’m reviewing episodes of The Owl House from now on. Just the ones that are worth talking about.)
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wollymalfoy · 4 years
Hogwarts is my home...(pt7)
Tags: @samnblack @idontknowwhatthisisfam @mrspadfoot4
Description: Things are fixed between you and your father and a wonderful summer with the Weasleys.
Writers note: I love this part of the story I hope you all do to! Im sorry this took a long time my house is very noisy from all the young siblings running around 🤣
As the last days at Hogwarts went by and the days got hotter you still had two people you needed to forgive. However you was determined to avoid your father until you disappeared for summer break. You stopped going to potions class and wouldnt go to the great hall to eat. You either went to the kitchens or one of the twins brought you food. Draco would also often knock on your door and leave you little gifts, either food, books or little notes saying how much he loved you. Sometimes he’d even sit agains your door and talk about his day, he didn’t know wether you’d listen but he wanted to spend time with you even if it was through a door. When Draco would do this you sat by the door so you could hear him better and often fall asleep there. Until one day you let him in. You opened the door and he fell through landing on his back. ‘Sorry Draco’ you said helping the pale boy up. He smiled at you widely and gave you the biggest hug you’d ever received. ‘I’m sorry I’ve been so distant, I just... a lots happened and-‘ you began to explain but Draco kisses you softly. ‘You don’t have to explain, love’ he said moving a piece of hair out of your face, ‘how’s things with your dad, he asked me about you. I even saw him ask George and Fred about you when I came out of charms.’ He smiled. ‘He spoke to Fred and George? No shouting?’ He shook his head, ‘a civilised conversation?’ He nodded and laughed. Maybe your dad can change you thought. If he’s willing to talk to the worst students he’s ever had (his words not yours) then maybe you could consider getting on good terms with him again. ‘Thats great!’ You said throwing yourself into your bed. Draco lay on top of you his head rested agains your stomach. He looked up and smiled at you. Merlin, you missed these moments.
You knocked softly on your fathers classroom door. ‘Enter!’ He said. He turned from the blackboard which he had written potion instructions on and looked at you in shock. ‘I erm, I’m sorry for trashing your office’ you said moving towards him, ‘and I’m sorry for calling you an arse.’ You laughed. ‘I was a bit of an arse’ he smiled, ‘I don’t blame you for being angry at me. I’m trying to be a better person, for you.’ ‘I heard you spoke to Fred and George. Nicely’ you laughed. ‘Yeah, I wanted to see if they had heard from you because Draco hadn’t’ he laughed. You looked at each other in silence. ‘Can you forgive me Y/N’ he sighed. You nodded and gave him a hug. You felt him tense as you hugged him but he soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around you.
‘Are you going home for summer Y/N/N?’ Pansy said as you all sat doing last minute essays. ‘No I’m going to the burrow’ you said cooly. ‘The what?’ Blaise said raising an eyebrow. ‘The burrow, it’s where George and Fred live’ you said smiling. ‘You are? You didn’t say’ Draco said looking at you with sad eyes. ‘I’m sorry Draco, i completely forgot to tell you about it’ you said putting your hand on his. ‘You’ll still write to me?’ He said softly. ‘Of course I will, baby’ you said kissing his cheek. ‘And we can meet up a few times?’ He said, ‘for dates?’ You nodded and smiled. He finally smiled at you, his eyes twinkled as he did so. You loved how you could make Draco so happy. You loved how his face lit up when he saw you smile, and how he’d run circles over your skin when you cuddled. You loved everything about Draco. The way you felt about him you’d never felt about anyone before. The feeling was brand new to you but you loved it.
You arrived at the burrow after a long train ride. The sun was setting behind the strange looking house as you carried your trunk to the front door. It’d been so long since your last visit, but the house smelled just the same. It smelt just like the twins. A mixture of cinnamon, chocolate and sweetly smelling flowers. You moved into the house and watched the clock that had the families face on move to ‘home.’ You smiled to yourself as you looked around this wonderful home. ‘Come on Y/N you’re holding us up’ Fred said nudging you with his trunk. You stuck your tongue out as you moved to let the rest of the Weasley clan into the house. ‘Y/N you’ll be sharing a room with Ginny as usual’ Mrs Weasley smiles at you as she pointed to upstairs.
You began to unpack with Ginny when you heard a knock on the door. It was George. ‘I was wondering Y/N, do you wanna walk up to the treehouse’ he said pointing behind your head. ‘We’ve got some pictures to add. And we can show you what we added at Christmas’ he said trying to smile. You nodded putting your pyjamas on your bed.
‘Where you going George?’ Molly said as George opened the front door. ‘Just nipping to the tree house mum’ he said. ‘Well it’s getting dark and dinner will be ready soon so you better hurry’ she said putting her hands on her hips. You walked over the grassy field and into the woods. Not far into the woods the tree house sat, it was painted scarlet. The coat of paint immaculate, it had only been painted this colour almost a year now. You was there when it was painted, you came back to the burrow that day covered head to toe in the scarlet paint. George kicked the tree and the ladders fell to the ground. You gave him a puzzled look, the ladders where normally summoned by the pull of a rope. ‘The ropes dodgy, we need to fix it’ he said as he gestured for you to climb the ladder. You nodded and climbed the ladder, the cold metal making you shiver. The inside walls were painted gold and spotted with pictures. Five Beanbags lay in a circle, each one a dark green. ‘We need some Slytherin representation for Y/an’ Ginny had said when you’d all gone shopping for furniture. You heard George huff as he entered the small house. ‘Look’ he smiled pointing to box on top of the set of drawers. Inside was sweets of all colours along with lots of rolls of parchment. ‘These are all our inventions’ he smiled, ‘we need to keep them in here because mum doesn’t approve.’ ‘Whats this’ you said as you picked up a piece of flesh coloured string. ‘That’s the string to go with the extendable ears, they’re not done yet.’ ‘Cool..’ you said looking through all the pieces of parchment in amazement. ‘You’re gonna go far with these George... they’re amazing’ you turned to look at him, ‘don’t let anyone stop you from pursuing your dream. I’ll be right behind you and Fred to cheer you on.’ His eyes lit up as he heard you say this. He gawped at your unsure of what to say. ‘George! Y/N!’ Ginnys voice came from below, ‘mum says dinners ready.’ You waited for George to close the box looking around the room at the quidditch posters and mixture of Slytherin and Gryffindor banners and flags. ‘We can put the pictures up tomorrow’ you smiled and you went down the ladders.
After dinner you went upstairs to get into your pyjamas with Ginny. ‘I’ve got this muggle book dad gave me’ she said showing you it, ‘would you like to read it with me. We can sit by the fire in the living room.’ ‘Yeah that sounds lovely’ you said smiling taking hold of the book, it was called Cinderella which you had never heard of from being around only wizards your entire life. After you was dressed into your pyjamas and dressing gowns you skipped down the stairs. You heard talking from the kitchen, ‘oh George why don’t you just tell her how you feel already’ his mother sighed. ‘Mum!’ He cried, ‘she’s already dating someone anyways.’ ‘Oh... who?’ She said unable to hold on her curiosity. ‘Draco Malfoy...’ he said sadly. His mother didn’t say anything but you heard her footsteps as she moved across the room to him. You heard enough and retreated into the living room. Did George like you? Was you too stupid to notice or was he just good at hiding it. Either way you realised why he was so off with you, but what could you do exactly. You shouldn’t of been listening to their conversation in the first place so you couldn’t exactly say anything to him. You’d just have to bite your tongue and act as if you’d never heard what he said...
You sat cuddled up to Ginny on the couch with a bright blue knitted blanket over the both of you. You watched as Fred lay on the floor throwing and catching a ball as Ginny read the Cinderella book. It had been a while since you overheard the conversation between George and Molly and they were still in the kitchen. Molly then came in as if on cue with a tray of mugs. ‘Hot chocolate, dears?’ She asked cheerfully, trudging behind her was George he gave you a weak smile and passed you a mug, sitting next to you. ‘Thanks mum’ you heard Ron say excitedly from an arm chair. You stared at George forcing a smile, it was hard to act like you was okay. ‘What are you reading?’ he said finally. ‘Oh um Cinderella’ you said looking at the book on Ginnys lap. ‘I’m surprised dads let her read it, he’s obsessed with the bloody thing’ he laughed, ‘it’s his prized possession.’ You laughed thinking of Arthur keeping the book in a locked box and guarding it with his life. ‘At least i know what to get him for Christmas’ you said looking back at your friend. He smiled at you widely. ‘Shhh you two I’m trying to read’ Ginny said glaring at her brother.
You spent the first weeks of summer by playing quidditch in the blazing hot sun. You wasn’t the best at quidditch you’re father always said you was like him that way, but you had the determination to win which meant the Weasleys would fight over who had you on their team. Percy however stayed in his room an awful lot and you hardly saw him, which caused the twins to do a lot of teasing. One morning the twins woke you from your sleep and handed you two pans and leaded you to Percys door. ‘Right, now on the count of three start banging them together’ Fred said to you though you was half asleep, ‘1... 2... 3!’ The twins clanged the pans together loudly and You hit the pans together lightly due to your sleepy arms. ‘Come on Y/N you gotta be louder than that’ George said grabbing a hold on your wrists and helping you hitting the pans together like you were a child. ‘MUM!’ Percy yelled from inside his room and sprang the door open, making you jump awake. George pulled at your wrist as you all ran down the stairs and from the house Percy chasing you to the door, ‘I have important work to do you gits!’
After hiding from mollys wrath you decided it was time to get a spot of breakfast, which of course you was welcomed with a lecture from Molly, ‘of course i don’t blame you Y/N dear’ You sat as she piled your plate with sausage, bacon, eggs and beans. Just before spooning in a mouthful of beans a bird tapped at the window. A great big owl stood a letter tied to its leg, it’s beady orange eyes stared at you. Arthur opened the window and the owl swooped in and landed in front of you. ‘That’s one big owl’ Ron said staring in awe. You took the letter and opened it breaking the green seal with an M which you was so use to seeing.
Dear Y/N
I hope you’re doing well. My family is hosting a ball at the manor this Saturday I would love for you to accompany me. Please send me a reply before Friday.
Lots of love, Draco
You smiled widely as you read the letter, you’d never been to a ball before and you was looking forward to seeing Draco after so long. ‘I’m assuming it’s from Draco’ Ginny smirked from across from you. You saw George trying to get a peek of the letter from the corner of your eye. ‘He wants me to accompany him to a ball this Saturday’ you responded. ‘Oh Y/N please “accompany” to the ball in my 10 floored mansion and my 25 bathrooms and 200 bedrooms’ Fred mocked dancing around the table. ‘Fred behave’ Molly said sitting at the table. Ron and Ginny smirked at Fred as he sat back down next to you. ‘He doesn’t even have 10 floors’ you smirked, ‘theres 15.’
Friday night rolled around and you would be leaving in the morning. You sat on the roof with George, looking up at the stars. ‘How long will you be gone for’ he asked. ‘Just till Sunday, I’ll be back before you know it’ you smiled. ‘Will all the snobby Slytherin be there?’ He laughed. ‘Probably. And they’re not as bad as you think’ you stated. ‘That’s because they like you. I’m just a “blood traitor” to them’ he said frowning. ‘To hell with what they say. You’re more than that, look at the things you can do, the person you are’ you said taking his hand, ‘you’ll show them.’ George stared at you for a moment before looking away quickly. ‘You believe in me that much?’ He asked. ‘I believe in you more than you can imagine.’
Thanks for reading! :)
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raybyanothername · 5 years
The Weasleys as the 7 Sins/Virtues
This is just something that popped into my head that I was wondering if anyone else had considered before. Could the 7 Weasley siblings be representations of the 7 sins and 7 virtues?
While I'm not 100% on all of these and I don't think any connection was intentional on JKR's part, I think it makes sense within the story. The siblings each represent a sin and virtue as they grow within the books.
Now, this is not an in-depth analysis, because I'm far too lazy for that and it's been a good few years since I read the book, but here's what I was thinking.
Bill - Pride & Prudence
He's got a bit of an ego. He's done a lot and tends to expect his siblings to fall in line with his way of thinking - both Percy and Ron knock heads with him at times over this. He reacts better with Ron, however, and this could be shown as him growing to be more prudent. His first reaction pushed Percy further away so he's more understanding/supportive of Ron.
Charlie - Sloth & Charity
He's the least active of the siblings, he's the most background. Even when he's helping, he's not actively the one doing it - like when his friends transport Norbert. He does, however, show the most charity. He is constantly helping others in his scenes - usually one of his siblings (*cough* Ron *cough*).
Percy - Greed & Hope
Ambition can be a form of greed when it's over the top, which Percy's is. I nearly placed him as pride, but Percy's defining characteristic is his desire to accumulate respect that he feels his family is lacking. Now, as for hope, Percy is more of the messenger of hope. By book 7, we (the readers and the Weasleys) have all written Percy off, but then he shows back up to defy our (and his family's) expectations. That's a reminder to be hopeful.
Fred & George - Lust & Gluttony - Fortitude & Temperance
Not necessarily in the sexual or food senses, but the twins are both desire driven individuals. All the id, less of the ego. But they also have a ton of strength and patience, which are fortitude, and in book six they display an ability to moderate/control their desires to help others, which is temperance.
Ron - Envy & Faith
I mean, Ron's self-esteem and issues with jealousy are primary to his character development in every book, but so is his unwavering faith in Harry. Every time he leaves the group it's because he doubts himself and he returns because of his faith in his friends.
Ginny - Wrath & Justice
Bat Bogey Hex anyone? Ginny is by far the most merciless of the Weasleys, probably due to her trauma from book two, but she directs her anger towards those that she deems cruel. When she and Ron argue in book six, Ginny goes right for all the open wounds to win. It's obvious from her statements that she sees Ron as hypocritical and herself as justified in that moment. I think it's a defining moment in Ginny's character.
So what'd'ya think? Has anyone else thought of this before? Probably. Definitely. I didn't check before writing this up, so I'd love to hear what others think / how else they might be categorized.
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
RP plots free to good homes!
Hello all. I was thinking the other day about the representation of Ron amongst the RP community. While there are many talented RPers who portray Ron in a respectful way, I notice that (often in RP threads involving many different characters) he’s often used as the butt of the joke. Which -as you probably have already gathered- is something that I personally can’t stomach.
So, I thought I’d release a few ideas for RPs involving Ron to try and readdress this balance. If any RPers want to use any of them, please feel free to do so (if you could just message me beforehand and then tag me when you publish it, that would be great). I can even write scripts for it, if that’s preferable.
Ron and Ginny are drinking firewhisky in the Burrow’s kitchen a few years after the war. Ginny asks why Ron was so hesitant to have her hang around Harry and Hermione at first. Ron tries to dodge the question, but Ginny insists. Embarrassed, Ron says that ‘it was stupid but… I was worried they’d prefer you to me’. Ginny is shocked and asks why. Ron goes silent for a minute, before saying that ‘everyone else did’.
Ron and Hermione are relaxing on the sofa, and the topic of the Yule Ball happens to come up. Hermione asks Ron why he thought that she fancied Krum, when she was clearly attracted to Ron. Ron tries to avoid answering, but eventually mutters that ‘he was everything I wasn’t… famous, good at Quidditch, wealthy… I was just a goof in rubbish second-hand robes…’ . Hermione is visibly upset, and tells Ron that she couldn’t care less about any of that; she loves Ron for who he is.
Harry and Ron are chatting late one evening, years after the war. Ron offhandedly mentions that Ginny is basically Harry’s wheezy. Harry points out that -while Ginny is the love of his life- Ron will always be Harry’s wheezy. The two hug.
Ron gets so sick of Fred and George taunting him about stuff that he flat-out explodes at them about how insignificant he feels compared to his other siblings. Both the twins are shocked and worried about how to respond, but Bill and Charlie help their younger siblings work through it.
(Warning- angst alert) A compilation of the various insecurities Ron has, all represented by someone he knows. His mother represents him being ‘least loved’, Ginny represents ‘the golden child’ who he can’t seem to ever compare to, his older brothers represent ‘the standard’ that he doesn’t feel he can ever match, Harry represents Ron being overshadowed, and Hermione represents how Ron doesn’t think he even deserves love.
Ron and Neville bond over their shared insecurities. It’s hinted at that -while Neville might be less confident that Ron- he also has people (like Professor Sprout) supporting him. By contrast, Ron doesn’t really have anyone, and everyone seems to underestimate or ignore his own abilities.
So, if anyone wants to do any of these ideas, please let me know!
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bookcub · 6 years
Fictional Twins Rated against the Weasley Twins
Spoiler alert ahead!!! 
Parvati and Padma Patil from Harry Potter- phenomenal. We don’t get to see much of them, but considering their defining character trait isn’t twin, means they are better written than Fred and George. They are even in different houses, and when Padma and Parvati interact, we see they have different personalities. And neither of them die, a clear win in the twin category. Very underappreciated. The movies did them a huge disservice. 
8/10 good twin representation 
Hallie and Annie from The Parent Trap- better, overall. I love this movie, but has anyone else noticed that once Hallie and Annie become friends, they lose all individuality? In fact, even at the beginning, the main difference are their accents. Hallie is a little more reckless and Annie is a little more composed but they really do blur together. However, no death, so come out above the Weasleys.
4/10 good twin representation
Livvy and Ty from The Dark Artifices- Have I finished Queen of Air and Darkness? Nope, I’m not over the betrayal. Livvy and Ty started out strong, two individuals who shared a strong bond. They loved each other and supported each other, but you know, apparently too dependent on each other, so obvs you have to KILL one of them wtf. You see why I don’t trust authors with twins? The thought that twins need separation from each other to be their own people is beyond idiotic. And making it through death is honestly devastating to me. Started out strong, but ended on a terrible note. Also, the fact that Clare keeps hinting on Kit basically replacing Livvy in Ty’s life since romantic relationships are considered superior to familial ones makes me livid. To be perfectly fair, if this was written years ago, I wouldn’t be as upset. And if the framing were different, I wouldn’t be as either. But alas, here stands my rant. 
5/10 good twin representation 
Luke and Leia from Star Wars- I still haven’t watched them all of the movies since I was a kid, but pretty sure they are in the clear. There’s the weird kiss, but that’s just a little sketchy. Long lost twins is also an underused trope, and people should take more advantage of it. But drastically different personalities and no death, so overall, pretty decent. 
8/10 good twin rep 
Alanna and Thom from The Song of the Lioness- so much better. Both characters have distinct personalities, although not entirely different. Their upbringing clearly effected their personalities without being the same character. Neither are defined as being a twin, however they both consider their sibling an important relationship in their lives. However, they do lose points as Thom is killed, proving authors struggle with believing both twins can survive a series. 
8/10 good twin representation 
(side note: Aly and Alan, Alanna’s kids, are better in Trickster’s Choice as neither die, but they do have matching names, so they lose a point for that) (9/10 good twin rep)
Zack and Cody from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody- total awesome sauce. How could I not mention these two?!?!? I love them!!! They pass all the checks I put fictional twins through and are highly entertaining. 
10/10 good twin rep 
Castor and Pollux from Percy Jackson and the Olympians- *sigh* They were side characters and never fully developed, it wasn’t implied they had the same personality. Still, Castor dies and it was pretty pointless. So many characters to kill (and a bunch died) but of course, one of them was a twin. 
2/10 good twin rep 
Gabriel and Nick from Elementals- the best. Amazing, wonderful, fantastic!!! They have very distinct personalities, complete with different strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. They each have their own individual arcs, present both in their pov novels and in their brothers’. In fact, they have personalities that compliment each other, apparent in all their interactions with each other and with the people around them. Also, they gay twin trope is present, which is completely underused. I look forward to all of their individual scenes and their scenes together even more.
11/10 good twin rep.
Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls- I still haven’t seen this series but they seem pretty awesome from all the info I can get on them. 
10/10 good twin rep
Jason and Cheryl from Riverdale- creepily worse. There were so many reasons I stopped watching Riverdale but Cheryl and Jason were a major factor in that. If the death of Jason weren’t enough, the weird incest implications were gross. And does Jason even have a personality trait besides Cheryl’s twin and dead?
0/10 bad twin representation
Cersei and Jaime from A Song of Ice and Fire- I have neither read nor watched this series, but I know enough of these two to hate them on principle. But really, incest? *shudders* and doesn’t one of them die too?
-20/10 good twin representation
Vampires • Werewolves • Dragons • Aliens • Faerie • Portal Fantasies •  Dysopias • Angels/Demons • Animal Companions  • Mermaids • Cinderella • Fictional Relationships • Magic Schools 
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imlikepadfoot · 7 years
The Wrong House.
Nonnie Ask: Could you write and imagine where the reader really wishes to be in Slytherin. Her family doesn't put any pressure on her. But she's sorted into Ravenclaw. She becomes friends with Cho and Luna. (Even though she's older. Same year as the twins) And George helps her get through this "being sorted into Ravenclaw" crisis and they get together? (Additional note: I have nothing against Ravenclaws or any house. It just came to me because I'm in Slytherin but Ravenclaw is my 2nd favorite house)
Sorry Nonnie it took so long to complete, but this turned out so much longer than expected! This got 2 030 words (whaatt really) and George really save the day! Hope you’ll like it!! :))
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Things in life don't always go as planned. The sorting ceremony was one of them. All your life you had expected to be sorted into Slytherin. After all, your parents had been Slytherins and your big brother was one too. But it wasn't what happens. Despite your bedroom being painted bright green, despite the Slytherin banners you have stolen from your brother's room, despite the little snake you had drawn in all your books, you were sorted into Ravenclaw.
Your parents were very proud of you, Ravenclaw was, after all, the house of knowledge, wisdom and practical mind. It wasn't bad at all, but it's not what you have expected and you were even more bitter with it because the Sorting Hat had not even hesitated a bit to put you in Ravenclaw. Not even a single, thought of, maybe Slytherin, no, nothing. Professor McGonagall had put it on your head and he hadn't said nothing at all, nothing expect it muttering to you, I know just what to do with you, before shooting Ravenclaw.
You had stayed sat on the three legged stall, frozen in disbelief as Professor McGonagall had encouraged you to move towards the table that was cheering you. As life doesn't always go as planned, you had, to make matters worst, some difficulty in making friends. You had always found your fellow Ravenclaw a bit too brainy for you and you were wondering sometimes if they could enjoy something else besides reading and studying.
You couldn't hang out with your brother, anyway, people would have probably taken this on the wrong side of you, to hang out with some older Slytherin, but it was all you had always wished. You had tried to make friends amongst them, but it had failed. They were a very closed pack and you needed to earn their recognitions to enter the group, which you have obviously not.  
You had tried to see this positively, but it was hard, and even though you were now in your sixth year, the Sorting Hat decision was still hunting you. You could still stay awake late at night, wondering what was wrong with this decision, trying to persuade yourself that the Sorting Hat surely had some flaws and that he had been wrong for you.
You had found some comfort and a good friend when the little Cho Chang, one year younger than you, had been sorted into Ravenclaw. She was a vivacious, strong head girl and you had always wondered why Ravenclaw for her when she had typical Gryffindor traits. But everyone out there seems to think that the Sorting Hat could not be mistaken.
The year after, you had found another friend in the oddly, weird but so kind Luna Lovegood. Two years younger than you, but yet she seems to have been through a lot and you had always loved the way she was looking at the world. For Luna, it was no doubt that she indeed belong in Ravenclaw, she was smart in a weird kind of way, but that was it, she had that particular wisdom that made her a proud representant of her house.
Nevertheless, even if they had tried to make you made peace with the sorting thing over the courses of the years, you couldn't just let it go. They had assured you that you had all of the Ravenclaw strength, that being a Ravenclaw didn't mean being a book worm, didn't mean only being a book smart ass, but it was, and always had been too much for you.
You always had the feeling that despite the pride of your parents, you had in some sort of way, disappointed them. Generations of Slytherin and you ended up in the Eagle House. How… how did this happen? They expect you to let go when you had to face your entire family during each holiday, your brother cheering for Slytherin during Quidditch matches and your parents really interested in the new ways of the Snake House.
-Seriously Y/N, you're not thinking about this… again? Asked Cho as you were going outside the Great Hall one morning. You had been grumpy since you'd wake up and your mood wasn't going to be any better if she keeps asking you this question everytime you stayed more than three minutes without saying anything.
-No, I'm not. You lied, shaking your head, honestly, you loved her very much but you didn't feel like talking about it right now. She would try to change your mind because that was what friends were made for, but you didn't feel like it at all.
-Give her a rest Cho, she doesn't want to talk to us about it right now. Said Luna, cutting you before you had even started talking, reading through your mind.
-But it's been six years, I mean… we have talked about it for hours and hours, I can't understand why she's still upset about this! It's not like her parents were disgusted they told her many, many times how proud they were that she'd been sorted into Ravenclaw.
You wave your wand, a bit irritated and you told your two friends that you were going back to the Ravenclaw commun room and that you would meet them in Charms class. But you didn't go back to your tower. You wander a bit, lost in your thoughts as you finally let yourself down on a bench in the court.
You sight and get out your potion's homework from your bag. Better get on it and use that free period you had at good used since it was so complicated. You sight again and you turn your head, seeing a silhouette coming towards you. You raised your hand and put in up your eyes to protected them from the sun.
-Oi Y/N, what are you doing all on your own out there!? Asked the freckled face boy, sitting roughly beside you. He was still wearing his Quidditch gear.
-Hi George, well I'm trying to do that stupid Potion's homework professor Snape gave us. You answered, showing him your roll of parchment, trying to smile like they were nothing on your mind.
-Nice try but I am Fred. He said with a smirked, bending his head on you.  
-Nice try. You repeated. -But you are George. You can't fool me around with that game, you know I can sort the two of you out.
-Nobody can! You said before bursting into a soft laughter.
-Well, I perfectly can! You said before laughing too. You shook your head and get back to your potion's homework, trying really hard to concentrate on it.  But it was a lost cause.
-What's on your mind beautiful? He then asked you, letting his head rest on your shoulder, raising a hand to play with your hair.
-Beautiful? What is this new nickname? You asked, letting out a laugh, but still arching an eyebrow at him. He didn't answer and you sight yet again. -Nothing really… it's just … You frowned, searching for the good words, but he smiled at you, encouraging you to continue. -One of my little cousin as arrived at Hogwarts this year.
-The one with the ginger-almost-red hair?
-Yeah, that one and ---
-But the beginning of terms was weeks ago…
You wave your hand briskly. -If you would shut up, maybe I could explain and finish what I am trying to say! You said.
He laughed and get his head away from your shoulder, getting up to face you, stretching. -Are you still concerned about the sorting ceremony?
-Why should I be concerned with my cousin's shorting? You asked a bit confused.
-Not his, yours. George told you, staring at you intensely. You sight, again, before shrugging your shoulders, not knowing where to begin. He was there, waiting for you to make up your mind, still playing with hair and you closed your eyes, enjoying this little movement he was doing.
-I still don't understand why I am in Ravenclaw and not in Slytherin. You finally said, opening your eyes. -Cho told me I shouldn't worry about that anymore since it's been six years since then but I just can't get this out of my mind. I can't.
George put a kiss on your cheek and chuckle a bit when he saw you blushed and he stretched before letting himself down on the grass, still looking at you. -I don't think the Sorting Hat had been wrong for you. He finally said.
-Well thanks, really, that helped me a lot with that. You groan, you were one to get irritated quickly.
-Don't be mad Y/N! You know, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw… it doesn't matter at all. George said, looking up at the sky. -We're gonna get out there and it won't matter anymore, the only thing you need to focus on is what kind of a person you want to be, and not let a badge on your robes tell you who you really are.
You look at him, a bit shock as the wind comes blowing through your hair, laugher being heard in the distance and George's big brown eyes looking at you.  He laughed and get up quickly, kneeling before you to put a hand on your face.
-You are the smartest girl a know, you see the world like no one else and you can solve things quickly like no one, that's pretty much Ravenclawish and this is what you are the most. You love knowledge, you love learning new things ever day, every minute you can't deny it. But yet you a re cunning as hell too, you stand by your principal and you analyze each situation to see what it could personally bring you. That is some strong Slytherin traits. But yet, I don't think I've since such loyalty, patient, and dedication in one person – As I reckon, those are pretty Hufflepuff values and may I had to that, that you are the strongest, courageous burned-head I have ever since, you are not afraid to go head first to help if you can and this is exactly what Gryffindors are. You worth so much more than just one thinks Y/N. Think about that.
Tears were stinging in your eyes as you had listened to George speech about houses. You heard was pounding really hard as you try to put yourself together. He was right. You worth so much more than just a few houses qualities and in the end, those it was really a matter of life and death which house you were put in. He was a Gryffindor, you were a Ravenclaw, and he was there, showing you that all those years you had been wrong about the way you were seeing the sorting ceremony.
-Thank you… you said, your voice cracking a bit and you say him smirked again, pulling you towards him as your lips finally touched. You laughed as he held you fiercely against him, chasing away the tears that had rolled on you cheeks. -I didn't though you could come up with such things. You know, pranks and mischief are more of you expertise area.
-Are you impressed with my so vast intelligent, love! He said, bursting into laughter, kissing you one more time as you heard is twin brother calling for him. You smiled at him and told him to go, that you would be waiting for him near the Quidditch Pitch.
As he ran towards the other team members, you raised your head to look at the blue sky. How could you not have known that before? He was so obvious, yet so subtle. You get up, putting your bag on your shoulder, looking at your blue and bronze scarf getting out of it and you smiled wildly, the hatred for those colors vanishing slowing as your heart was lighter than ever before.
You had learned a new thing today and you were delighted. George was right, after all, you truly were a Ravenclaw, and for the first time, in six years of wondering why, six years of doubt and angst and questions about yourself, you felt proud of being a Ravenclaw.
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blushvy · 7 years
Reputations: Fred x Reader
*Don’t worry guys this isn’t going to be sad, this takes place during the Triwizard Tournament so your 6th year. You are Draco’s older sibling in y/h and you’re best friends with the twins. Okay that’s it enjoy!*
“Y/n you can’t be friends with them you know that!” Your little brother Draco was always playing tattletale with you.
“Actually quite the contrary Draco I can be friends with whomever I please,” you sassed back. You weren’t going to let your annoying little brother boss you around.
“Father will hear about this!” He shouted and stomped off. God was he a drama queen.
“Right Draco as if I actually care what father thinks!” You yelled back. You loved him because he was your brother and it was kinda required but sometimes you wanted to hit him.
“Hey Y/n what were you just yelling about?” One of your best friends Fred Weasley asked as he walked around the corner of the hall.
“Oh nothing just my brother being an idiot,” you laughed as you said that Fred knew how Draco could be sometimes.
“What did he do this time?” Fred chuckled.
“Nothing in particular just being a dick,” you responded not wanting Fred to know how your family felt about him and the rest of his family. You were sure he already knew but you didn’t want to make it worse.
“Well, if he’s bothering me and George have just made these puking pastels that you could slip him,” Fred and George were always looking to sell you their new products.
“I’m good, but thanks for the offer,” you said shaking your head.
“We should get back to lunch yeah?” Fred asked. Oh shit you totally forgot.
“Oh yeah we should let’s go,” you both started to walk back to the great hall. Fred slung his arm around your shoulder as you two walked.
“Hey be careful buddy someone might think we’re dating,” you reminded him.
“And that would be bad why?” Fred asked seemly genuinely curious.
“Well for me I don’t think it would be but I seriously doubt you want people to think that you’re dating the Malfoy’s only daughter,” you replied.
“Y/n, you seriously think I give two shits was other people think?” Fred seemed astonished.
“Yup I do, you have a representation to protect,” you giggled when you saw the look on his face.
“You’ve got to be kidding? What can I do to prove it to you?” Fred looked oddly concerned.
“Actually, I might have something… No wait you’d never be able to do it,” you said smirking slightly.
“I can too! Tell me what it is,” You had to admit Fred was committed.
“Okay… but it’s hard. You have to go to the Yule Ball with me, prove you don’t care what people think,” you crossed your arms in front of your chest. Fred started laughing, you were confused. You raised an eyebrow at him. “What? Why are you laughing?” You asked.
“That’s your hard challenge? That’s it?” Fred continued to laugh. “You got yourself a deal,” Fred stuck out his hand for you to shake. You were shocked but you put on your brave face and shook his hand.
“Ready?” He asked.
“As I’ll ever be,” you replied. You two walked back to lunch.
People stared at the both of you as you walked through the halls all week. Fred’s hand or arm usually around your waist or shoulders. Even Fred’s sister Ginny came up to you and asked what was going on. Fred couldn’t believe how much attention you two were getting, on the other hand you knew very well why this was going to blow out of proportions. Even with all of Triwizard Tournament events happening this still was being talked about every time you or Fred walked into a room. It was about a week before the ball so you and Hermione went dress shopping.
“How’s this one?” Hermione asked holding up a short red dress with hideous ruffles.
“Awful, put it back,” you answered laughing.
“Oh lord I didn’t see the ruffles,” you heard Hermione groan as she put back the very ugly dress. You picked through dresses looking for the perfect one but you were having very little luck. Finally you stopped upon a blue slightly shimmery long dress. It was gorgeous, not for you though.
“Mione! Come here!” You shouted to Hermione who was across the store. You heard the heels of her shoes click clack across the wooden floor.
“What?” Hermione asked. You held up the dress in response. Hermione’s eyes widened. “Holy cricket it’s gorgeous!” Hermione squealed.
“And it’s your size!” You exclaimed. Now with Hermione’s dress picked out it was your turn. You and Hermione spent over an hour trying to find you a dress. Eventually the owner of the store got tired of you two being in there so he took out a dress that he thought would look good on you (or so he said).
“What do think?” The owner asked hopeful you would say you liked it and leave. It was absolutely gorgeous.
It was a beautiful maroon not to mention backless and flowing. It was simple but not boring. You were in love, you looked over at Hermione who quickly nodded her head yes.
“We’ll take them both!” You exclaimed as you went to go pay for your dresses. The both of you spent the rest of the day talking about your dates and how you were going to do your hair it was great much needed girl time.
(Time skip brought to you by that cool ass dress I found online)
It was the day of the ball and boy were you nervous. Not about the ball itself but the fact that there was a good chance Fred was going to back out. But you did your best to calm yourself down and once it got about 6:00 you started to get ready as Fred was picking you up at around 7:45. You took a shower and got everything ready. Once your hair was done you put on your dress and looked in the mirror. You looked better than you had in a while you thought. When it was around 7:30 you walked outside your common room and there was Fred waiting for you. He was all dressed up in his dress robes and look very handsome if you’d say so yourself. He saw you and his eyes went wide as he looked you up and down. You giggled and did a little twirl, his eyes got even wider when he saw that it was backless. Fred handed you a corsage that matched your dress.
“It’s beautiful, thank you,” you thanked him.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Fred said smiling. You slapped his arm lightly.
“Oh come on that was so cheesy!” You both started to laugh.
“Anyways, shall we?” Fred held out his arm for you to hold and you did. The two of you walked down to the great hall as people stared. You walked past Draco who completely flipped out.
“Look Draco, at least I didn’t come with pug-face Parkinson,” you teased as you past him by. You couldn’t help it you absolutely hated Pansy. Draco mouthed ‘Father will hear about this,’ and frankly you didn’t give a damn. The dance began with the competitors dancing with their dates. You saw Hermione in her dress and she looked absolutely amazing as she danced gracefully with Viktor. All was well until you heard Fred busting out laughing.
“What’s so funny?” You asked confused.
“Look,” Fred could barely finish the word but he pointed at Ron. You started laughing too, Ron looked so angry as he watched Hermione intently. His ears were bright red and the scowl on his face wasn’t a good look for him. You and Fred were laughing way too hard at him but you didn’t care. Finally Dumbledore called all the rest of the couples out to dance and Fred stood and held out his hand.
“May I have this dance?” He asked.
“Of course,” you replied.
The two of you danced for hours, stopping only for food and breaks because dancing that much makes your feet hurt.
A whole lot of time and dances later, there was one last slow dance. You and Fred got up and you put your arms around his neck and his hands were at your waist. You leaned you head onto his chest and closed your eyes, this was nice.
“Y/n,” Fred spoke up.
“Huh?” You lifted your head up to look at him.
“I love you,” Fred confess- wait what?!
“You what?” You asked, maybe your heard him wrong.
“I said I love you,” Fred repeated clear as day. He loved you. Wow.
“Well I love you too Fred, I really do,” you smiled and put your head back down on his chest. The two of you danced until the ball was over. That was truly an amazing night.
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kuro-von-shitsuji · 8 years
Just some thoughts
I think what I like about the Two Ciel’s Theory is that when if it is canon Ciel will still be Ciel, even if he isn’t Ciel, which I know sounds super weird but let me explain.
Most identical twins in the media are, above all else, twins. For example: Fred and George, Hikaru and Kaworu, even if they have individual differences, their primary identity is just twins. Usually they’re characterised with mischief and stupid role switch tropes. If they aren’t characterised as a two-person unit then they weren’t raised together. Usually this is the factor in ‘secret twin’ reveals and the classic ‘evil twin’ trope. And don’t get me started on the fetishisation of identical twins but that’s a rant for another day.
The only fictional twins I can think of who don't conform to these divisions are always canonically confirmed fraternal twins.
What I’m trying to say here is that a large number of other people reduce identical twins to being two halves of a whole. It translates into real life too. I cannot count the number of times people have called my sister and I simply “twins” or even worse “twinnies.” I understand that it can be difficult to tell twins apart, but the connotations between calling us “twins” and calling us “Alex and Lily,” are entirely different. “Twins” reduces us to a unit, whereas using our names actually acknowledges the fact that we are individuals. This isn’t just something that happens as a child, hell it even happens when you’re living in a different city or even country as your twin. Every birthday I have had people send us stuff to share. That’s fine, when material items are expensive, but Facebook messages are free. (Honestly I don't care if people don't write on my wall on my birthday, in fact for most people I’d rather they didn’t, but tagging me as an afterthought on a heartfelt post written to my sister – that’s not okay.)
This sort of behaviour is totally normailsed because that myth of twins being a unit is so frequently fantasised in the media. Yes that’s an important part of my identity and I love my sister to bits but before I’m a twin, I’m Lily. I know Ouran High School Host Club touched on this issue like super briefly but frankly Hikaru and Kaworu were too stereotyped and fetishized in the rest of the show for it to really be taken seriously.
So what the hell does this rant have to do with the 2CT you may ask? Good question. From here I’m just going to assume Ciel does have a twin – I’m happy to clarify if you need me to provide evidence for any part that’s unclear. (For convenience sake I’m going to call real!Ciel ‘his brother’ simply because that’s the part of the theory that’s most speculative at this point).
Most of this is entirely speculation, but from what I’ve gathered Ciel and his brother were incredibly close, yet still grew up with different personalities and experiences. In the flashback during the Circus Arc we can see exactly how different the two boys act. One is clearly more outgoing and eager to introduce himself, the other is shy and hides behind his father. We know that one was sickly, so his own experiences were limited compared with his brother’s. This of course, led to a difference in personality development. Nevertheless, they were still close. His Butler, Nursing shows how despite our!Ciel was sick, his brother still eagerly played with him and they ate together on the floor when he could have just as easily spent the whole day with Diedrich and Vincent. In Lizzie’s Campania flashback we can see how our!Ciel sits in on his brother’s fencing lessons, even if he himself cannot participate. Even in our!Ciel’s dreams in the Green Witch arc their personalities are clearly pronounced and it’s clear how much they care for each other.
If/When it is revealed that Ciel has a twin and IF that twin is alive, even though they were raised together they wont simply be ‘the twins,’ and because they were raised together the brother certainly will be more than just the ‘evil twin’ trope. This is primarily because Ciel has had so much character development. Whether he is a twin or not, this will not suddenly vanish. He will still be the same character as before, and he will still be an individual. If anything I feel like a confirmed canon twin will enrich his character rather than reduce it to a series of tropes.
Which brings me back to what I said at the start: Ciel will still be Ciel even if it’s revealed that he is not actually Ciel. As a twin I absolutely adore the idea because it’s the sort of representation I’ve always wanted to see; yes, he’s a twin but he is still, above all else, Ciel Phantomhive.
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beaft · 8 years
harry potter! (love from milk fic anon)
hmm, let’s see:
the character i least understand: …umbridge. at least, i understand her well enough on an intellectual level, but she’s about as far away from my mindset and beliefs as it’s possible for a character to be
interactions i enjoyed the most: harry and malfoy! oh my god, the banter, the sass, i fucking lived for it and the unresolved sexual tension but we don’t talk about that
the character who scares me the most: fenrir greyback, probably? i was never frightened of voldemort (i don’t think anyone really takes voldemort seriously - he’s too much of a cartoon villain for that), and umbridge just made me viciously angry. greyback, on the other hand…mm. i think it’s that interplay between animal and human - i’ve never been especially frightened of people, but i can get quite easily frightened by monsters, particularly unthinking ones, because they’re totally unpredictable and they can’t be reasoned with. 
the character who is mostly like me: luna lovegood is the one i got compared to constantly when i was at school, because of the whole dreamy/kooky thing, but honestly we’re nothing alike personality-wise - she’s far more serene and comfortable with herself than i am, and seems to function mainly off faith, whereas i tend to rely more on logic. i think i definitely have shades of tonks (the clumsiness and weird sense of humour, for instance) and also a bit of dumbledore (the ambition, the moral relativism, the spectacular fashion sense). i can’t think of any one character who i relate to above all, but those two probably come closest
hottest looks character: evanna lynch as luna was just. holy shit. the perfect blend of ethereal and grounded, complete with ophelia-like floating hair and perfect skin and amazing eyes and honestly i’m not okay
one thing i dislike about my fave character: now this one’s complicated, because in terms of characters i find the most interesting, it’s probably snape. and obviously i dislike nearly everything about snape on a purely moral level, and i don’t think i need to clarify any more than that because y’all already know what i’m talking about. but in the category of “characters who i would love and protect with my life and who i would like to be best friends with, please” it’d probably be hagrid. the thing that immediately springs to mind is how disparaging he is about the other (non-gryffindor) houses - like, i get that that’s partly a result of jk’s worldbuilding, which puts a whole lotta weight on the “slytherins are evil lying liars who lie” thing, but telling an eleven-year-old kid that “there’s not a single wizard or witch who went bad who wasn’t in slytherin”? or, “hufflepuff are a load of duffers”? not cool, hagrid. 
one thing i like about my hated character: umm. again, difficult. umbridge has very, very few redeeming qualities, but i’d say it is interesting to finally have a female villain who doesn’t fit into either the “old witch” or the “femme fatale” archetype, but falls somewhere in between. “cutesy” things like kittens and the colour pink are so far removed from being a threat that allowing them to be representational of such a menacing character becomes a form of weaponised femininity that doesn’t revolve around being sexually appealing (through a masculine lens, that is) or dangerous. and that’s actually pretty innovative, when you think about it.
a quote or scene that haunts me: “it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities” just. whole philosophy. right there. also the scene of harry destroying dumbledore’s office after sirius’ death always gets me - it’s just so raw and awful and really captures that feeling of a complete emotional breakdown and loss of control. “you do care - you care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.” ouch.
a death that left me indifferent: tonks. not because i didn’t like her as a character - i did! i love tonks and i wish to goodness she’d come out of book seven with her sparkiness and bubblegum hair intact. but it’s hard to feel emotional about a death that’s brushed over in the space of a couple of sentences and never revisited. jk was clearly trying to communicate the senselessness of war and how the deaths pile up until individual casualties lose their significance, but as a farewell to characters we’ve got to know and love over the space of several years, it felt pretty hollow.
a character i wish died but didn’t: i feel terrible saying this, but: george. for some reason the idea of the twins being separated and george being forced to live out the rest of his life with a piece of himself missing hurts more than the idea of the two of them going out as a double act, ideally in a blaze of glory. let him go with fred and skip the sad headcanons and the whole creepy “george married fred’s girlfriend after the war” thing and i’ll be happy. well, not happy but marginally less emotionally destroyed
my ship that never sailed: luna/ginny…tbh……..(also dean/seamus but that was probably offscreen canon anyway let’s be real)
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