#maybe I’ll do a part 2 sometime haha
littlethingsinlife · 2 years
i'm sorry (happier part 2)
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A/N: I was not expecting the amount of positive feedback for the first part and I was even more surprised to see people asking for a part 2! It was originally created to be a one-shot but a part 2 really fit well with how the first one ended. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you again for all of the love and support! I hope you all enjoy. I also want to thank my friend, @tummymoth, they really helped me flush out and refine my rusty ass writing (also let me word vomit at them till midnight sometimes).
Pairing(s): Past Lo’ak x Omatikayan!Reader, Ao’nung x Omatikayan!Reader, Slight mentions of Lo’ak x Tsireya
Warnings: Lo'ak's POV, Swearing, Ao'nung saying something sus ONE time
More Info: My vision for this part 2 was to create a reply in Lo'ak's pov. So we'll have a look at what he experienced and thought process (not too sure if any of that made sense) but I was inspired by Joshua Bassett's song "i'm sorry" and it played constantly as I wrote this. Hopefully I was able to do right by my idea haha.
Summary: 7,547
Part 1: Happier
(Y/N) = Your Name 
Lyrics = Bolded Italics 
Flashbacks = Italics
Na'vi Words:
Yuey - beautiful (refers to a person) 
Skxawng - idiot/moron
Marui - Pods where the Na’vi live
Ilu - sea creature similar to dolphins
Ikran - dragon-like creature 
Tulkun - sentient creatures similar to whales
Olo’eyktan - clan leader/ chief
I thought about what I would say
But I’m two years too late
I can’t imagine how you’re doing these days, hmm
Sure, it wasn’t perfect back then
I’ll be first to admit
But it was better than being strangers again, oh
It had been a couple of months since my interactions with (Y/N) dwindled to terse smiles and barely audible greetings. If you asked me to point out the moment our friendship started to change, I couldn’t tell you. When did our bond start to break? When did it even start to crack? We used to talk every day about all the things we did and planned what pranks to pull on everyone, but now? Now, she barely looked in my direction. Now, she wouldn’t even give me the time of day. 
I couldn’t remember when it started, but I knew that it was somehow my fault I grew distant once we arrived in Awa'atlu. I guess I was just so fascinated by the new environment and people, I didn’t even realize a rift started to form between us in the first place, much less that it started to grow. 
The night before we left to find a new home, I held (Y/N) as she let out sobs filled with fear and anxiety. It broke my heart, but all I could do was hold her and let her cry until she was calm enough to tell me what was on her mind. 
“I-I am afraid, what if the sky people come to find us again? I cannot lose any of you; it would break me into a million pieces,” she sobbed. 
“If they find us then we will fight and we will win,” I reassured her, gently rocking her back and forth. 
“You are an idiot, I was so close to losing you, to losing Kiri, Tuk, how do you think it would make me feel to lose the most important people in my life?” she sniffled. My chest ached at how broken she sounded, but the only thing I could do was assure her and offer her more words of comfort as I held her in my arms. 
“I promise that I will be with you throughout the journey as will my family. We love you, and even if you do not believe it, you are a Sully. And you know what my dad always says.” 
“Sullys stick together,” we chorused.
That night, I cradled her in my arms until she fell asleep. 
Fuck, I completely broke my promise to her, how could I forget? Shaking my head, I tried to reason to myself, “Maybe she just needs time alone. I’m sure she’ll come running back soon once she realizes that it's no fun without me, her best friend.” I felt a small, unfamiliar feeling in the pit of my stomach. “Right?” 
I’m drunk too late talking to the moon
Writing songs I can’t sing to you, ‘cause
“Bah! Stop lying, I know you (Y/N). You would have fought alongside me and defended Kiri. You are not the same girl I knew in the forest back home,” I muttered, rolling my eyes and getting up to leave. Honestly, who did she think she was fooling? The skxawng had the balls to insult Kiri, and all she did was sit back and watch. She didn’t even make a move to help until it was to help him by pulling me off. “Talk to me when you’ve come back to your senses,” I called over my shoulder, refusing to look back. 
“Lo’ak! Bro—” a hand roughly grabbed my shoulder, jolting me out of my daze, “why’re you just staring off like that?” I whipped my head to see who the hell it was that was bothering me, only to be met with Neteyam.
“Did you have to grab me that hard?” I hissed before my initial anger gave way to a heavy feeling. “It's nothing, just—just lost in thought” I sighed, shrugging his hand off my shoulder. 
“Right, sure, nothing.” he crouched down beside me. “Don’t think you can lie to me lil bro, you’ve been spacing out more than you usually do. I didn’t even think it was possible to be more empty-headed than you already are,” he stated. 
“Wha—no I haven’t,” I tried to argue, but of course, he wasn’t convinced. 
“Can you stop arguing with me for once and just tell me what’s going on with you, you skxawng?” 
I scrunched my nose in distaste and inhaled sharply, “(Y/N) and I have been…  distant,” I admitted, turning to look at him. “She won’t even look at me. She either only answers me with one word or doesn’t answer at all.” 
He nodded, motioning for me to continue. 
“I—the last time we talked, I said things I didn’t mean. Things that just came out because I was so frustrated and… and angry. It was the heat of the moment and I—” 
“What did you say skxawng, did you hurt her?” Neteyam interrupted, face twisting to show the beginnings of distaste.
“No, no—” I sputtered and raised my hands to calm him before he could go on an hour-long lecture that I absolutely was not in the mood to hear. “At least I don’t think I did… I just wanted to ask her why the hell she was helping fish lips, that’s all—” 
“You didn’t answer me Lo’ak, what did you say to (Y/N)? I don’t care why you did it, I want to know what you said to elicit such a reaction from her.” By Eywa, if he would just give me a chance to get to the point—
“I—I told her that she was not the same girl that I knew back in the forest..." my ears lowered as the weight of what I said slowly sunk in. “And that she could talk to me once she came back to her senses,” I whispered, internally cringing at my harsh words.. 
“You fucking skxawng—” 
“Can you stop calling me that? I already know, you don’t need to keep repeating it…” I scoffed, looking out into the ocean. I’m good enough at beating myself up over the hundreds of times I’ve messed up in this lifetime, I didn’t need another disappointed set of eyes on me.
My ears twitched at the deep sigh he let out. “Look, I’m sorry that I keep calling you skxawng but that is exactly what you are for saying something so hurtful to your best friend of all people. The two of you were inseparable the moment you were born. Even if you don’t want to, suck up your dumbass pride,” my ears flattened again. It wasn’t pride, I’m not prideful. It—it was me needing (Y/N) on my side. We used to always be on the same page, and when she said I was wrong for wanting to defend Kiri against those assholes, it felt like she was siding with them instead of me, and—
Okay, so maybe it was pride.
  “Admit that you were wrong, and go talk to (Y/N),” Neteyam insisted as he put a reassuring arm around my shoulders, jostling me around to prove a point. “Your friendship is so much stronger and Eywa knows that a heat-of-the-moment argument isn’t going to break that. You should have more faith in her.” His gaze sharpened before he schooled his expression into something calmer. “Just talk to her, yeah?” 
“...Yeah,” I mumbled, swallowing down whatever argument was trying to bubble up from my throat and prying his arm off me. “You’re right. I’ll just clear things up with her and apologize. Everything will go back to normal after that, thanks bro—for listening,” I agreed. 
Ever since that day
The things I didn’t say They haunt me, oh
And I know that I’m to blame 
So, go ahead and 
Blame it on me, oh
Our lessons on the ways of the Metkayina were finished, so it was rare for the entire group to be in the same place. But every once in a while, we all finished our chores at the same time and found ourselves near the shore where we first learned to ride the ilu, and sat around a fire hours before eclipse, laughing and exchanging stories. 
The rarity of these moments made me cherish them that much more, but two people continued to miss our not-so-scheduled gatherings the past two moon cycles. How was it possible that they were the only two to keep missing our hangouts? Were they together? Fish lips had better not be doing anything to (Y/N) or so hel—
“(Y/N)! Ao’nung! You guys made it!” Rotxo laughed. 
“Yeah, yeah, quit shouting will you?” Ao’nung shot back as he sat down next to Rotxo, (Y/N) smiling softly as she followed. 
“So, what’ve you guys been up to? We haven’t seen you in what feels like ten moon cycles.” Neteyam questioned.
“Teyam, you saw me earlier today, you literally helped me feed our ikran,” (Y/N) joked. ‘Teyam? When did she start calling him by anything other than his given name?
Ao’nung swatted her side with his stupidly wide tail and swung an arm around her shoulder with a remarkably punchable smile on his face “More like he was trying to make sure you didn’t accidentally give them your fingers for breakfast. They would’ve gotten indigestion.”
“Haha very funny Ao’nung,” she drawled, “I would’ve fed you to Tekay instead, but she would’ve gagged the moment she caught a whiff of you,” she scoffed as she quickly pushed him away by the chest.
“Wait… Do they even have a gag reflex?” Fish lips didn’t budge, he just had a dumb look of confusion on his face.
“No, but they would defy the laws of biology to gag just for you,” she quipped, sticking out her tongue and moving to push him away again, but the skxawng had the nerve to pull her into a headlock. 
“Oh, yuey, the ikran won’t be the only ones gagging on me tonight,” he argued with a smirk. 
Did I want to punch that smirk off his face? Did I want to gag? Both? Before I could make a decision, (Y/N) grimaced, pushing him away again and smacking him upside the head. 
“That’s actually repulsive. You’re disgusting.”
“Dude, keep it in your pants, her family is right there,” Rotxo laughed, doubled over as he struggled to catch his breath.
“Yeah, we’re right here,” I interjected with a smile—wanting to join in on the jokes that were being thrown around—but it was hard to keep my face from falling when I saw (Y/N)’s bright expression falter. 
“Anyway, what were you guys talking about before Ao’nung and I arrived?” she asked in a too-bright tone of voice she only used when she desperately wanted to change the subject. As if everyone came to an unspoken agreement to forget about the conversation before, one by one they all started talking about who they thought would win in a fight—Toruk Makto, or our Olo’eyktan, Tonowari. 
The sound of laughter and excited chatter faded as I replayed the previous conversation in my head. When did they start joking around like that? Why the hell did fish lips call her yuey like it was the most natural thing in the world? How come she smiled so easily with him but faltered when she sees me? She was probably smiling with him right now—
I looked over at her, a pit in my stomach already forming at the idea of her smiling at him, but she looked so distant, so withdrawn from everything around her. Before I could even blink, she put a delicate hand on Ao’nung’s arm to grab his attention and mumbled something in a hushed tone. After a few beats of silent conversation, Ao’nung nodded and gave her a look of understanding. 
Why did he look at her like that? How much time did they spend together to be able to understand each other with just a look? How much time have I wasted breaking my promise to her while she grew closer to someone else? 
 Standing up, I made up my mind that I would talk to her and clear up any miscommunication. There was no way in hell I was about to let fish lips ruin our childhood friendship. Before I could even get close, Neteyam pulled me aside. 
“Bro, why’re you glaring at everyone?” he asked with concern written all over his face.
“Glaring?” I tilted my head in confusion. “I’m not glaring, this is just my face.” 
“No, no.” He shook his head. “I’m your brother, I know your face. Whatever look you’ve been throwing at Ao’nung and (Y/N)? You may as well have been throwing knives at them.”
Behind Neteyam, I could see (Y/N) get up to bid everyone good night and slowly walk in our direction. This was my chance, I just needed this overbearing idiot to leave me alone. 
“Whatever look you think I’m giving to them, you’re wrong,” I denied. “Can you not act like this right now?” My tail flicked side to side impatiently, an obvious twinge of annoyance clear in my tone. I licked my lips nervously as I could hear footsteps coming closer. Leaning slightly to the side, I looked behind Neteyam to see (Y/N) and—
Ao’nung? What? Why is he there? 
“Good night,” (Y/N) muttered, not sparing us a glance as she walked past. I followed her every move and—as if everything slowed down—my eyes narrowed as they found Ao’nung’s hand placed on her lower back, leading her gently in the direction of the marui. 
I know that I’m too late
But I’ll say it anyway
I’m sorry 
I’m sorry 
I’m sorry 
Though it's far too late
“I did it! Did you see that Reya?” I shouted—out of breath—as I showed off the shell Tsireya threw. 
“Yes, yes you did it!” She exclaimed, excitedly wrapping her hand around mine. For someone who spent so much time underwater, her hand radiated so much warmth. So easy to hold. My heart swelled with pride as she continued to compliment me. “You’ve improved so much!”
“Yeah? Well, I had a great teacher,” I joked, nudging her softly with my shoulder. It wasn’t just her hands that were warm either, she just seemed to radiate it.
“Oh stop, you flatter me too much,” she denied, fidgeting with her hair. Was that a blush on her face? “C’mon, why don’t we catch up with the others? Private lessons are officially done for the day,” she announced as she led me to shore. Oh Eywa, she looked so pretty like this, with her hair flowing down her back and the way her eyes cast down when she became flustered. And her smile, it was a smile that could knock the air out of my lungs.
While we walked onto shore, we joked around and laughed with each other, talking about anything and everything. The ease of each reply and joke came as smoothly as gliding through the water on an ilu—as easy as breathing. Laughing at another one of Tsireya’s jokes, my eyes scanned the village as we approached it. Families were winding down for the day as they cooked dinner, although I didn’t see mine anywhere nearby aside from Kiri. 
My smile slowly dropped when I was able to make out Kiri looking frantically around as if she was searching for someone. Tsireya and I made our way to her, worry filling the pit in my stomach. As we got closer, I could see Ao’nung climb down one of the roots of the Mangrove trees and make a beeline toward her. My eyes stayed on both of them, making sure that fish lips didn’t do anything to Kiri. 
Ears twitching I was able to make out the words, “(Y/N)? Did you find her? ” from Kiri as they were carried on the wind toward us.
“Yeah I did, I was able to get her to eat, but she’s not looking too good,” Ao’nung replied with concern lacing his voice.
Brows furrowing, I pulled Ao’nung by the shoulder. “What do you mean she’s not looking good? Where is she? What did you do?” 
“What the hell do you mean? I didn’t do shit, freak.” I rolled my eyes at the insult. He couldn’t use that thick head of his to think of anything else to call me? From the pained look on his face, I could tell that my grip on his shoulder had too much pressure. Good. Served him right.
Before Ao’nung and I could continue our argument Kiri groaned, “Will the both of you skxawng shut up! I’ll go talk to her.” My eyes followed her retreating form as she went to talk to (Y/N)—tail lashing back and forth in agitation all the while—before turning back to Ao’nung.
Who the hell did he think he was? I’d beat his skxawng ass if he hurt (Y/N) in any way. He had no right to look so damn worried. They weren’t even close. What even happened? How long had she been missing for Kiri to go to fish lips of all people for help? Should I follow Kiri? Why didn’t (Y/N) come to me? She always came to me, and if she came to me now, I absolutely would have listened. Why—
“Lo’ak? Hey, are you okay? Lo’ak?” a hand softly placed itself on my arm. Closing my eyes in frustration, I sighed. 
“Yeah, perfectly fine.” 
Damn it, was that when it started? How idiotic and blind have I been that I didn’t even notice that her trust in me started to slip and die when it was right in front of me? Why didn’t I go to her and make sure she was okay? I should’ve punched that idiot’s lights out—
“Ao’nung! Stop pulling me you skxawng, you’re walking too fast, slow down!” a hushed voice chastised. 
“C’mon yuey, we only have about an hour before eclipse, we have to hurry!” His voice grated against my ears as he responded. 
“That’s plenty of time!” (Y/N) insisted. I could hear the laughter bubbling up in her voice as she chased after him. “Please Ao’nung slow down, I can’t keep up.” 
“It can’t be helped, you’re so short—” a whack could be heard. “Ow!”
“I’m as tall as Tsireya, you giant!” 
“Both you and my sister are short—Ow! Alright, just because you did that, you leave me no choice,” Ao’nung said, throwing (Y/N) over his shoulder with a laugh. 
The bickering voices got closer, and my eyes narrowed at the way he held her. My breath hitched as he whispered something in her ear that made her ears perk up and her eyes widen. What the hell was he saying to her? Before I could spring up from my spot, Ao’nung tossed (Y/N) in the water, her yelp quickly interrupted by the sound of her body hitting the water. 
I stayed in my spot as shock zipped through my body. Letting out a breath I didn’t know I held, her head popped out of the water, a playful glare on her face. 
“I told you, you left me no choice,” he stated, guffawing at her expression.
“Oh yeah?” she groused, spitting out seawater as she wrung out her hair. “Well fuck you too. Help me out of here?” 
“Only if you say the magic word,” he taunted, crossing his arms with a smirk. “Otherwise, I’m afraid my hands are tied.”
“Please, oh great son of our Olo’eyktan, help me out of the ocean,” she beckoned dramatically, sarcasm dripping from every word while she rolled her eyes. “It’s about time you recognized my proud lineage, forest dweller,”  he said as his chest puffed out with a hand reaching towards (Y/N). And there was that stupid smile on his face.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, a mischievous smile spreading across her face as she reached for his hand, making sure to tug with enough force to unceremoniously yank him into the water. 
“So much for the son of a great warrior! Your instincts are shit!”
“My instincts are dull you say?” he questioned as his head popped up next to her. “We’ll see about that!” 
“Wha—AHHH—'' she wheezed. “No, please Ao’nung stop! That tickles!” Her arms flailed wildly in an attempt to free herself from his grasp. 
What the fuck.
  My ears flattened at an angle as I tried to process the scene unfolding before me. When did she start laughing with him? That should’ve been me she was laughing with. Not him, not the skxawng who had been nothing but rude to us since we arrived. What… what was I even saying—Fuck I didn’t know anymore. Why did I feel like this every time I saw them together… laughing and making jokes like we used to?
And it was me, it wasn’t you
It’s cliche, but it’s true 
I wasn’t thinking how I usually do, oh
And is your momma doing well? 
Or does she still hate me? 
But it was hard to watch me put you through hell 
I’m drunk, too late, talking to the moon, ooh
Writing songs I can’t sing to you, ‘cause 
Two weeks had passed since I started noticing the changes in (Y/N)’s relationship—friendship?—with Ao’nung. It was like every time I blinked, I could see her laughing loudly as Ao’nung tickled her with a triumphant smile on his stupid face. Since that day, I had been trying to find a way to talk to (Y/N), but she was never alone. She was always with him and when she wasn’t, she disappeared and I couldn’t find her no matter how hard I looked. 
Now here I was, wandering around trying to look for her as I rehearsed what I wanted to tell her. 
Where could she be? Dinner was in an hour and she wasn’t anywhere near our marui. I had to find her soon so there would be enough time for us to talk. I had to tell her that I miss her, that I was sorry for being so dumb, that I shouldn’t have let my pride blind me, and that I didn’t mean any of the things I said. 
There was only one place I hadn’t looked yet… hopefully she was there. 
As I was getting closer to the root Kiri stalked to, I could see two silhouettes beside each other. An all-too-familiar feeling bloomed in my chest once I registered that she was there with him. 
Her melodic laughter made my steps falter. I clenched my fists tightly, contemplating if I should go over there and pull her away, force her to talk to me, to listen. But I couldn’t, I couldn’t do that to her, not when she looked so content, so happy. 
Ever since that day 
The things I didn’t say 
They haunt me, oh
I know that I’m to blame 
So, go ahead and 
Blame it on me, oh
“Lo’ak? You said you were going to look for (Y/N) and never came back. She’s already in the marui helping mom cook,” Kiri stated, a twinge of annoyance lacing her voice. “Hey, are you listening?” She shook my arm slightly, making me jump out of my stupor. 
“Yeah, sorry, you said dinner was ready?” I asked as I stared off. 
The sand beside me crunched softly as Kiri made a move to sit beside me. “No, I said that (Y/N) is with mom helping her cook. Where is your head at?” she asked as she tilted her head to try and meet my gaze. “Are you alright?” The annoyance in her voice shifted to concern. 
“I’m fine, yep—just… fine,” I brushed her off, hoisting myself up to head towards Mom and Dad for dinner before Kiri yanked me back down. 
“Lo’ak, don’t pretend you’re okay when you’re not. Tell me what’s going on,” she urged. “Maybe I can help you with whatever it is that’s occupied your mind lately.”
I inhaled sharply, debating if I should tell her what had been muddying my mind, the reason why I had been so spaced out, why I had been glaring daggers at fish lips each time I saw his stupid face next to (Y/N)—how confused I was. 
“Stop with the thinking skxawng, you might hurt yourself,” she admonished. “Just tell me. It’s not like I can’t handle it.” 
Huffing, I rolled my eyes and turned away from her to look at the sea. I hadn't even said anything yet and Kiri was already making me feel idiotic. How was I supposed to tell her what's been going on like this? Maybe if I kept quiet for long enough, she would get tired of waiting for me to start talking and go on to eat dinner without me. 
A couple of minutes of silence passed. 
I could still feel her staring at me.
“I’ve—I’ve been conflicted,” I started, tongue feeling heavy in my mouth as I continued to stare at the shoreline. “I don’t know what I’m feeling.”
“What do you mean?” Kiri nudged my shoulder with hers. “Elaborate a little more, I can’t help if you don’t tell me the reason why you’re feeling confused.” 
“...Whenever I see (Y/N) with Ao’nung, it’s as if I can feel my heart aching,” I said, motioning toward my chest to prove my point. “There’s always a… a surge of anger that rushes through me. All I want to do is pull her away from him so then everything can go back to the way things used to be—for us to be okay.”
“Lo’ak…” If I was looking at her, I’d probably see Kiri tilt her head with sympathy. But sympathy isn’t what I needed right now.
“I want her to look at me and smile, to laugh with me, hug me—but now, whenever I get close to her, she’s next to him, laughing with him, cracking the jokes we would make to each other… I just—” I rubbed at my face in frustration. It wasn’t as if the words were hard to come by—I had spent so much time bottling them up that it was hard to stop talking. No, I just hated the fact that I felt this way in the first place. “I don’t understand why seeing them makes me feel like my heart is about to explode—why it makes me want to scream. It hurts.” 
“Lo’ak” she put a hand on my shoulder. “Are you—are you in love with (Y/N)?”
I sputtered in surprise and whipped my head toward Kiri to see if she was joking or not. What kind of a sick question was that? I wasn’t in the mood for any games. 
“What? No, she’s like my… sister?”
She rolled her eyes and sighed. “If you’re not, then why does seeing her with Ao’nung hurt you so much? Why do you care as much as you do?” 
“I shouldn’t!” I wrenched my shoulder away from her hand and stood up. The need to move around and do something—anything—was too much. There was too much energy thrumming right beneath my skin to sit still anymore. 
“That’s the problem! After everything I said to her, done to her? I don’t have the right to say I’m in love with her. She’s my childhood friend, Kiri. That’s all our relationship has ever been… I just—” I paused in thought and tried to calm down. “I didn’t realize seeing her have so much fun with someone else would make me feel so, so hollow—” 
“Let me ask you something, you have to promise to be completely honest with me, okay?”
I nodded, not even looking in her direction. 
“When (Y/N) tried to pull you off from Ao’nung that one fight months ago, what did you feel? Angry? Betrayed? Jealous?”
Jealous? Did she really think I was sulking for months because of such a petty feeling? I’m not a jealous person. I never have been. 
“Seeing her jump in to get me off him made me feel like she was siding with him and telling me that I was wrong. Her actions were clear as day to me, Kiri.” I started to pace around. “She was protecting him—caring for him when she should’ve been next to me, helping and supporting me. When she did that—I felt like the only person that’s ever been on my side—” I croaked and turned my head to look at Kiri as tears stung my eyes “The only person who didn’t see everything I did as some sort of disappointment or failure, abandoned me and chose someone else.”
“I know that I could’ve approached her a different way but how could I when I felt so broken?” I inhaled sharply, eyebrows furrowed. “ It’s all fish lips’ fault. If he wasn’t such an asshole, none of this would have happened, and (Y/N) and I would still be the same, she would still be by my side—supporting me, loving me.” 
“Why do you keep blaming it on Ao’nung?”
“Because it is his fault that things have turned out the way it has.” I threw my hands up, exasperated. What wasn’t Kiri getting? “He’s getting in between my relationship—er—friendship with (Y/N)! If he wasn’t there I would be able to talk to her and tell her I’m sorry, but she’s always with him—”
“Stop! Are you hearing yourself?” She nudged at my foot to interrupt and scoffed. “You’re unbelievable, you know that? (Y/N) told me what you said to her, how ‘she wasn’t the same girl’ you knew back in the forest. Do you know what happened when you told her that? Do you know how much pain she was in?”
Pain? I snorted, turning towards Kiri. “Now I know what you’re saying is bullshit. You know how (Y/N) is—if she really was pissed at me she would’ve come to me instead of running to someone else.”
“She wasn’t pissed. She cried because of you, Lo’ak. Because of what you said.” I stopped dead in my tracks to look at her. Kiri's eyes didn’t waver. Another heavy feeling settled on my chest and clawed its way up my throat. If you had asked me what it was, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. Was I sad? Guilty? Angry? Was I jealous like she said?
I settled on anger.
“If you’re saying what I think you’re saying—”
“The person that found her that night, the one who comforted her? That was Ao’nung. He held her in his arms as she sobbed when I found them.” She stood up too, forcing me to stop pacing. 
“The last thing I want to hear about right now is him, Kiri. What the fuck—”
“Did you ever think about why she’s so comfortable with him now? Why they’re so close? While you ignored her for weeks, he made sure she was okay—made sure she ate every day. He didn’t leave her side until she finished,” Kiri pointed out, and before I could even think to open my mouth to remind her how shitty he was to her especially, she cut me off. “Yes, he was an asshole at the beginning, and yes he has a screwed-up way to show he cares, but he stepped up when you fucked up.” She poked my chest with a glare before she continued. 
“Oh, so I’m a fuck-up now?” I asked wryly. 
“You can’t put all the blame on someone that took care of your best friend. Stop being so blinded by your pride and hatred and see that you’re the real reason why your relationship with (Y/N) isn’t the same as it used to be.” 
My heart sank a little more as I scrambled for something to say. “How could you say that—”
“No, you do not get to interrupt me right now, Lo’ak.” Her eyes flashed with something closer to anger than annoyance. When was the last time I saw her angry? “Listen and listen well. When we couldn’t find (Y/N) and we were looking for her everywhere—he was the one that found her spot, the one she isolated herself to so she could cry alone, and no one would see how much pain she was in. And what were you doing in the meantime?” 
My ears flattened at her rising tone, and I was finally beginning to understand the weight stuck in my throat and chest. Not anger, not even jealousy.
“You were out there with Tsireya, stuck in your own little world.”
It was my fault.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy that you found her but you can’t have both of them. You can’t be that selfish. From (Y/N)’s perspective, you’ve already chosen the one you want.”
“It’s not like I’ve actually chosen anyone yet,” I tried to interject, but all the fight had left my voice as Kiri’s words dug into my skin and sunk in.
“Don’t you dare play with either of their feelings. (Y/N) held so much love for you in her heart, she allowed herself to break to the point of no repair because she didn’t want to show you how much it hurt her to see you at your happiest with Tsireya.” She paused before continuing, her voice losing its edge. “Let her move on, brother. And if it’s Ao’nung that makes her light up the way she used to, then you suck it up and let him. He was there when your pride wouldn’t even let you apologize or even look in her direction. Actually think about how she feels for once.” 
I hated the fact that there wasn’t anything I could say to prove her wrong. 
“It’s all I’ve been thinking about nowadays,” I muttered.
I know that I’m too late
But I’ll say it anyway 
I’m sorry 
I’m sorry, hmm
I’m sorry 
Though it’s far too late 
“I thought I was already doing that,” a faint voice huffed in annoyance. Turning the corner, I saw Ao’nung and (Y/N) standing on the beach together— far too close for my liking. 
“You were, but you got sloppy. Here, you have to move your hips like this,” he said as he corrected her posture. My ears flattened against my head as he put a hand on her hip and gently directed her movement.
Why did he look so gentle with her?
“Ao’nung,” (Y/N)’s voice rang out, clear as crystal despite her uncertain tone. “Are you sure you should be teaching me this? This is a traditional Metkayina dance, right? I’m…” she hesitated, her voice becoming smaller. “I’m not Metkayina—” 
“Yet.” He interrupted, holding her face in his hands. “You are not Metkayina yet. Once you become one of us, you will have to learn the dance to celebrate the return of our spirit brothers and sisters, so why not learn that now?” I hated how reassuring his voice was. The thought of how either of their eyes looked as they held contact made my stomach turn.
“Yeah… you’re right,” she mumbled with an unsure look on her face.
“Woah, hey pretty girl, look at me,” he insisted, laying his hands on her shoulders and bending his neck so they were at eye level. “I’m serious when I say you will become Metkayina one day, so don’t worry yourself over it right now. Okay?” Ao’nung tilted his head to the side, an unbelievably soft expression on his face. “You have me here to help you.”
“Alright…” (Y/N) mumbled, not convinced. 
“If you don’t get rid of that look on your face I’ll throw you into the water,” he said as his face shifted from sincerity to something mischievous. “Or worse… I’ll tickle you,” he threatened.
“You better not Ao’nung, or I swear to the Great Mother herself I will hu—AHH—get away, you skxawng!'' She laughed as she tried to run away, but Ao’nung grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her into his arms. And despite her words of protest, it was clear as day that she was leaning into him while they scuffled on the sand. 
“No!” she shrieked with glee. “You can’t make me go in there again!”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that, forest dweller!”
A thought occurred. Should I go up to them? We never got the chance to talk, after all. I took a few steps in their direction before freezing. When was the last time I heard her laugh like that? She had the biggest smile on her face, and the one who made that happen wasn’t me—it was him. 
And if you ever hear this 
I hope you know that 
I’m not proud of who I’ve been, ooh
And if I see you again
I hope you know that 
I wish you nothing but the best
And my biggest regret
The afternoon was quiet, relative silence only interrupted by the crashing of waves. Without much to do, I just sat in our marui and lazed around with Tuk until a horn blew. 
“The tulkun have returned! Everybody—our brothers and sisters have returned!” Tsireya’s voice rang out, and when I poked my head out to see what the fuss was about, I saw the megawatt smile on her face, as she swam by on her ilu. 
The village came to life as everyone mounted either ilu or canoe to make their way to the tulkun. From here, I could see little more than a large group of dark shapes making their way through the water. Payakan himself was dauntingly huge, but to see a whole pod of them show up like this? It was spectacular. I watched the commotion unfold from one of the walkways, lost in thought before I felt water splashing at my feet. 
“Come on Lo’ak! Don’t just stand there, let’s go see the tulkun together!” Tsireya urged, still smiling. Shaken out of my stupor, I grinned widely—diving into the water and clambering onto her ilu. lu may be lithe animals, but I could still feel sinuous muscle under velvety skin as it made adjustments in the water to keep balance. 
“I’ll come, but only if you’re offering a ride,” I joked, gently holding her waist and playfully leaning onto her. The cool water around us made her skin feel that much warmer. It was nice. 
Before I could see her reaction—I would’ve bet anything at that moment that her cheeks had become flushed—we began to quickly make our way toward the rest of the clan and the giant tulkun. 
The air around me vibrated with the excitement and happiness of loved ones returning, and Tsireya was no exception—the speed of the ilu gave away her eagerness to be with her spirit sister. As we leaped into and out of the water, Tsireya’s laughter was carried by the wind and reached my ears. That, and the answering whoops and bellows of Metkayina and tulkun alike, was almost contagious enough to get carried away by the energy surrounding us. 
“My spirit sister is down there,” she said as she dismounted, sliding off her ilu and into the water. “Wait here, yeah?” she smiled at me before diving down.  
I was more than happy to watch the Na’vi around me. Looking around, I was in awe of the sheer amount of tulkun gathered in one area, and how each Metkayina was able to identify their spirit sisters or brothers so easily. Looking down into the shifting waters, I saw Tsireya catching up with her spirit sister, waving her hands around and swimming through the water alongside her.
All around, I could hear people telling stories and the deep, booming calls of the tulkun as they responded with tales of their own. New parents were showing their babies and calves, and as my eyes scanned the horizon, I could see small children holding onto the tulkun’s fins as they were lifted to the glittering ocean surface.  
Not too far away, I heard the sound of a body hitting the water and the sound of grating, but familiar laughter along with an indignant (Y/N) sputtering. 
“Ao’nung, what the fu—” 
“Hey, hey, relax! It’s just some water. There are children here, yuey,” Ao’nung chided with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“The parents of those children are going to have to explain what it means to return to Eywa once I’m through with you,” she retorted, treading water and becoming even more unamused when he raised his hands in mock surrender. 
“Woah there pretty girl, you’re talking to the son of the mightiest warrior in all of Pandora—”
“That’s funny, I don’t see Neteyam here,” she interjected, pretending to search the waters around them before turning back to Ao’nung and tilting her head, “do you?”
“Just because you said that you can have fun finding your own way back to shore,” he said as he turned his ilu around.
“Oh, c’mon Ao’nung, don’t be like that,” she rolled her eyes and reached a hand towards him. “You’d really leave me here to fend for myself?”
He turned and wagged a disapproving finger at her, “I’ll consider forgiving you if you say word-for-word that I’m the son of the mightiest warrior in all of Pandora. I can’t have you slandering my father’s name, yuey.” She groaned and leaned back into the water. 
“You couldn’t pay me enough to say that load of bull—”
“Nope!” he didn’t give her a chance to defile the ears of any nearby children and crossed his arms. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“I’m still waiting.”
With a sardonic smile, she finally caved. “Why don’t I do you one better? You’re the mightiest warrior to exist since the time of the First Songs,” she declared, sarcasm dripping from every word as she slapped at the water for emphasis. 
“That’s what I thought, was that so hard?” Even if I wasn’t able to see them, I still would have been able to hear the stupidly wide smile that made its way across his face.
“Don’t be such a big baby and let me meet your spirit brother!” 
“Just because he’s here to visit today, I’ll let that one slide for now.” Ao’nung rolled his eyes, dismounting his ilu to join (Y/N). “Now hold on tight and hold your breath like how we practiced.”
We? Who the fuck was we? Why was he allowing her to meet his spirit brother? Why were they looking at each other like that?
I watched both of their silhouettes submerge and breathed deeply, forcing my thundering heart to calm as I slowly sank my head into the water. At first, all I could see were blobs floating around in the water, but once my eyes adjusted, I could see the fluid movement of Ao’nung talking to his spirit brother. Eyebrows furrowing, I swam a little closer and hoped that I would be able to see what was being signed. With each movement made, it was clear that Ao’nung was translating the clicks and bellows of the tulkun to (Y/N), and whatever was being said made her smile widen by the second. 
I couldn’t watch anymore as my chest burned from the lack of air and I resurfaced to catch my breath. For once, I was thankful for the lack of lung capacity I had. I climbed back onto Tsireya’s ilu. Seeing as she wasn’t back yet, I sat back and leaned on its neck to face the sky.
Did she always glow like that when she smiled? Whenever she was with him—she always looked so happy, so vibrant. Would she have looked like that with me by her side if I didn’t push her away? If I was there for her like I had promised? I wanted to tell her sorry—that I was sorry for taking our friendship for granted, for making her go through it alone. I wish that it didn’t take seeing her smile and laugh with someone else to make me realize how I felt.
I willed my tears to go away. 
Is this how she felt? Seeing me with Tsireya? Great Mother… I was truly horrible, wasn’t I? I wished things turned out differently. Maybe in another universe, I did talk to her—realized sooner, made her happier—but now? Right now, my heart was torn in two, watching as someone else picked up the pieces of the heart I crushed. No amount of words could fix what we used to have, and even though I wanted to whisk her away, tell her I love her—that I see her—that seeing her with him made my skin crawl, I knew I couldn’t. I was no longer worthy to be part of her life, because of me and my actions alone. 
I had become nothing but a stranger. 
Ever since that day 
The things I didn’t say 
They haunt me
I know that I’m to blame
So go ahead and 
Blame it on me, ooh
I know that I’m too late 
But I’ll say it anyway
I’m sorry
I’m sorry 
Hmm, I’m sorry 
Oh-oh-oh-oh, I’m sorry
Taglist: @midnightliacr @immortalbloodhuntress @arminsfloll @whenercolorfulrainbowlol @dakotali @lexilander27 @zatarias-pandora @vanillawhale @kazupop @owaowaowawa @sopiasleeps @siabhshjsjsjsjshznzn @jimfiqs @ihave500hubbiez
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 2 months
Okay it’s been like a week i think that’s a decent amount of recovery time, I think i’ve about worked through it, I think i’ve pieced myself together at least a LITTLE
SO, lets get this show back on the road, maybe i’ll get more than one episode in this time WE’LL SEE
Spoilers for Monkie Kid season 5 episode 2 ahead
okay, listen, i got mixed feelings about using the circlet again, I mean, I dunno what it is, might be something pretty different, but the OG circlet was kinda like… as much as i like use it for angsty purposes, it was a big part of Sun Wukong’s journey. Bro had very little self-control, was quick to violence, you could say—what’s the word…. —allegorically??-wise it was kind of something to give him a reason to hold back. After he no longer needs that, he’s completed his journey, that circlet, disappears. Because he has that self control now, he’s ascended to buddahood or however you say it. (To my understanding at least.) So whipping it out as a way to snipe the OP character—I dunno man. I feel like something different could’ve been done. Especially since, to my knowledge, that kind of… will-bending thing is reserved for Guanyin to give out, rather than, some random guy. Like you can’t just dish those out willy nilly. Who gave him that? Bro we haven’t even started the episode save me hG;LKAJWEF I just think maybe they don’t know what to do with a character as OP as Sun Wukong sometimes, they do everything they can to snipe him, so he can’t do anything, and it makes him feel pretty useless. But like?? They seem to have no problem with Mk because bro as some pretty world-shattering looking powers at this point, and they ain’t sniped him yet, aside from his crippling anxiety and terror and all that.
Also, about the last ep, before I press play. I still think, Pigsy was off. Voice acting and writing. Like, is it character development to slowly erase a characters personality aside from how they care about another character? I don’t know! You tell me! I’m only one episode in! This’ll probably changed i don’t want to look like too much of an idiot so we’re going to get started! LEGOOO
The theme song still hurts me. They just.. REALLY like their tilted angles. Like SO much. Like… i just need to watch this with my head tilted to the side. It’s really bad. Listen, I’m all for a tilted angle here and there for some impact, but almost every new piece of that rigged/puppet animation in the theme song is all tilted in the same direction. It’s tripping me up, and I honestly don’t really like looking at it. GUYYYYSSSSS I’M TRYING HERE I’M REALLY TRYING |;A;/
Okay, I will say, I do have one positive thing to say about this new animation and that is that they like, the backgrounds are still pretty decent. Like, they’re definitely missing the flair Flying Bark had, but they aren’t too far off. I will say tho, okay, I forgot to put a disclaimer I’ll add that later, but for now we’ll say a little something here. I realized after watching the first episode of this season, that the reason I fell in love with Monkie Kid, is because I fell in love with Flying Bark and their energy and their love for what they create. Even if this new studio pours they souls into this new season, I don’t think i can ever care about it the way i cared about the first four, because the reason I fell in love with it, is no longer here, the soul of it has changed, even if the writers stay the same. Like, we’ve had the writers change a bit once before, but the soul of the show stayed the same cause Flying Bark stayed the same. Now, that’s not the cause but ONCE AGAIN THOUGH, IT IS TOO EARLY TO REALLY TELL, this is just my thoughts right at this moment. Bro i haven’t even reacted to the episode i’m just uNLOADING NONSENSE I’M SO SORRYIGNS;DLFKAMWEF
Y’know good call, it is pretty funny that these three monkeys always seem to be in the middle of trouble. Not to bring up HP but like, it does remind me of a scene I remember distantly watching with the whole “why is it always you three?” Little funny
Another tilted angle, hi buddy, has anyone counted these? We should count, just for comedic purposes—
I do think like… I’m so sorry, I’m so used to hearing what I want to hear while watching these, so when they’re falling, and I see Mk, I expected to hear him like, yelling but we only get that once he like… hits the ground. I do like the landing noises. Woof i’m hyper analyzing all this sound design now that i know the sound design people changed or whatever. Wowza. We in unfamiliar territory booooiiiis.
So either
writing error
listen, how did Mk know he was in bed… unless he was awake… when Pigsy carried him… upstairs… I’M JUST SAYING FOLKS, I’M JUST SAYING, HOW DID HE KNOW? HE SUPPOISEDLY FELL ASLEEP MID-NOODLE-EATING, HE DOESN’T KNOW HE’S IN BED, COULD HE HEAR THAT WHOLE ILY SON BIT?
If I close my eyes this aint’ so bad— CRIES WAILS I’M FINE
Anyway, point is, i’m saying Mk was in fact awake during all that. He just decided to pretend to be sleeping so Pigsy would carry him or something CACKLES
ONLY STRIKE WHEN YOU’RE ASLEEP—HELPGMLKASFMSDF Y’know I still think SWK in fact drunk himself to an early death still, silly little head canon, rather than falling asleep bro just was like alright folks i’m an alcoholic wdym you can’t take me down there i’m alive— whew its hot, there is a HEATWAVE HERE, AND smoke so we fine we fine AHEM ANYWAYS
Also wow, Macaque talks like he wouldn’t be deathly afraid of these guys. Isn’t this the same dude that was willing to turn on humanity for the Lady Bone Demon if it meant not dying again???? ??? ??? But he’s gonna get huffy with the underworld kings????? Bro
Swk is a fashionista real Cool robes so true
Okay cool monkeys are
in court
I might be out to lunch on this I’m just thinking about that medusa haired bird snake lion turtle creature thing and I’m thinking one of these guys, is that guy. Jusssssayin
Anyway wow I gotta go back and process words now
That aint’ sus at aaall
hmmm Harbrrriingggerrrr
Could you imagine
Y’know my bros and I had a theory about Mk being made as like, a way to take down monkey king, the entire universe is just the next step of that theory ig haha MOVING ONNNN BBYYYY
OKay i laughed a little
i still think some of the dialogue sounds awkward, i don’t know what it is. Um Sean still giving his best performance here tho thanks bro we love and appreciate you. I did laugh because it is funny they re-summoned him. I do find it interesting that no one seems afraid of Sun Wukong. Like…. they make all these references to stuff he’s done, but no one really respects him, or vies him as an actual threat? I mean well, clearly they do if they gonna slap a circlet on him. But its like… bro ripped his way out of here last time, and y’all are gonna??? Not be nervous?? I dunno. Monkie Kid really likes to take sun wukongs backstory and kinda… giiiiive a lot of his motivation to other people so he’s just… acting for others rather than for himself, if that makes sense??? Like with Azure, they had Monkey King being manipulated into attacking heaven, rather than his pride getting a kick and him wanting respect and all that and y’know prideful hours. Among other things. Like I get this is a kids show but man he feels watered down at some points, he really is just a silly goofy guy in this version, who everyone thinks is out to get them, but they don’t fear or respect him. …its weird. I dunno. Its a weird way to do it, Iv’e been thinking about that for a while, but its really apparent to me right now, perhaps because i’m not distracted by GOD TIER animation. Who knows.
Y’all i am having TOO MANY THOUGHTS
Moving on I got a backlog of nonsense this is just dump for all my thoughts godspeed to anyone who doesn’t hate my guts and my takes by the end of this LOL
We love swk looking smug about every crime he’s ever committed. I do like that they let him keep that at least. So he did that on his own yayyyy
Similar crime huh? Funky
Scroll of memory was stolen
-_- y’know at least they got one thing very right from jttw, absolutely BOGUS accusations from the celestials against monkey king 24/7
Its a dream so he get the suit
Monke y c o p c o u rt ro o om a d d i t i o n i cannot you guysGN;LKAWEFM;AFE
Macaque’s face when mk asks fort the charges is comical yeah
Swk looks about ready to go back to dreaming about peaches
“yOuR aCtiOnS” shut your mouth king guy clearly you’ve never stepped foot outside in your fancy pants robe go touch grass
okay so this is the part where they slap the circlet on then cause they gotta stop swk from bodying his way out
well on the bright side, monkey king angst real ig
I’m Stil having a \REALLY hard time looking at this new style my brain is dying, ITS NOT CAUSE ITS BAD ITS JUST CAUSE ITS NOT THE KIND OF STUFF I LIKE, ITS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I LIKE EXCEPT I CAN’T BLOCK THE TAG ON TUMBLR BECAUSE THIS IS THE SHOW NOW [face in hands bro] So happy for everyone who’s totally unphased by this change but mAN this feels so different to me feels like coming home and someone moved into your house and replaced all your furniture and yeah its the same house but its not—
face in hands bro
Y’know what i liked about flying bark? THE FACT THEY DIDN’T DO THISKLGMAOSI;FMAEW I’m so sorry guys I got gourmet animation and now i’ve got regular food it just is not the same and I am struggling to adjust because i miss flying bark. I didn’t have points where iw as like wow, they really just stand there and listen to this instead of taking action, but this is all standing and listening and no taking action which i guess could save on animation budget but BOY do i suffer for it I DON’T LIKE IT WHEN THIS HAPPENSSSSSS
I may be overlydramtic about this, its okay just hit me with a bunch of pool noodles guys i’m fine—
Y’know with the amount of time these take me to watch i really am probably only gonna be able to do like one a day n;LKGMASF
I pressed play
“We have brought a power even greater than yours”
and then i was so deadpan because i was like here we go circlet time (sidetone, the colours i don’t like something about them, I don’t like it, its off, its not pretty) and then Nezha pops out and i literally went
“HAHHAH THIS is your big scary?”
Okay fr the dialogue is off
its very off
whats going on guys
whats happening
is this cause the writers are being rushed?
bro i dunno
I might be losing my mind
oh heyyyy it’s Nezha’s daaaaad
Also what.
Tell me WHY (aint’ nothing but a mistake—) Nezha is here, when he kNOWS these guys were not responcible and DID IN FACT HELP SAVE ?? STUFF?? HE WAS THERE??????? I’m questioning… some decisions…..
Li jing I don’t actually know how to spell his name
my hand is over my face
I cannot
tell me why (ain’t nothing but a mistake—) monkey king seems nervous
the pagoda thing is that what its called? the building that was used to snatch and hold people prisoner i remember a version of a jttw show has them snatch all his monkeys in it and use it to blackmail him into surrendering, i can see what that thing might be a problem but LI JING???
I laughed
they made
him the
I’m fine we’re just gonna move on
Okay well actually he can be replaced. that’s his…. whole thing. He… he gets replaced… eventually… and the cycle goes on. That….Am i remembering that wrong? Y’all i might just be out of date with my lore memory here i
I don’t like him
go away Li Jing—
Oooooooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii need to get over the animation. It is NOT like i have mad skills its HARD to do, i need to just get over it, but monkey king pointed and that finger is so pointy what happened i’m so
its fine
I’m fine
They’re so severe
Ohhhhhhhh so they went
you can’t see my face rn but i sure a making one
so they went, he’s boss man now… so he can… do that….
I dunno man
circlet was form of like… not to say that pain is a good… thing to do, but like… its the only language that monkey king knew how to speak when he was trapped under the mountain and at the beginning of the journey. “this is wrong” “HA SO?” “okay well, if you do this you feel pain” “okaywaitwaitwait—“ like… it was a form of mercy (hence Guanyin) because otherwise, he would’ve gotten thrown under the mountain cause he hadn’t “chilled out enough.” So… I dunno. Like wildly misused by triptiaka but i doubt Guanyin gave this one to Li Jing because its not about bettering its about collaring and leashing. I dunno duuuuuuude. Angst is spicy but like…. I’m having a TIME here HGLK;SADFJASFD
Once again
You’re telling me
would realize whats happening
before monkey king
you think
monkey king
wouldn’t know IMMEDEATLY
what that guy is talking about
to get away from that
not like bro was tied down he really is just standing there waiting for that thing to be slapped on
This is something
it sure something
I need to let jttw go a bit if i’m gonna make it through this season;LKGMAW;EF THIS IS SEASON 4 ALL OVER AGAIN WITH SOME OF THISGLKS;DF
Okay, maybe i am stalling a little bit because i know there’s going to be screaming and that is gonna be WILD
well there might not be we’ll see
“aww macaque was running up to stop it—“ yeah i love that we get only macaque reacting and not the guy who’s literally gonna be experiencing intense pain, and we see NONE of his horror we see macaque instead.
as a monkey king fan this upsets me— NG;KLAWMEF;A
it’s fine, if i saw monkey king making horrified expressions i’d probably just start missing flying bark its FIIINE
okay time for screaming probably
you know what i’m gonna try
i’m gonna try watching with my eyes closed
and see if that makes a difference for how i feel about this
just for like a few seconds
just gonna try
Sean went wild there okay hey man wow i can see why he was being all wow this seasons wild guys wow
cool beans
me two years ago would be FEASTIN on this angst
maybe i’ll be feasting again once this all converts to flying bark png hGLK;ASJDF
watching again with visuals
. . . . i don’t wanna sound mean. like fr. they worked really hard, they have a totally unrealistic set of deadlines to meet when making this show cause lego is STUPID but like… i liked it better with my eyes closed. Like, seeing the visuals, I aint’ feeling it. IT DOESN’T FIIIIIIIT THE EXPRESSIONS DONT’ FIT THE SOUNNNNDDDSSSSSSSS RAAAAAAAAAAAHGHDFLKJSDFJJF FOAMING AT THE MOUTH
Listen I appreciated Flying Bark SO MUCH while it was animating Rise and Monkie kid. I gushed about them to anyone who would listen, i made an ENTIRE YOUTUBE CHANNEL JUST SO I COULD POST AMVS ABOUT THEIR ANIMATION, I APPRECIATED THEM TO HECK AND BACK. And i STILL feel like i should have cherished them more while i had em because this is just…. like every other kids show that you see when you slap on the tv on a treehouse channel or something actually i’ve seen ones i like more u h hhhh like again, i’m not saying its bAD, i’m just saying i don’t like it. Not my vibe
Y’know i feel a little bad cause i know i’ma be disappointing some of y’all by not like… being like OHHH DANNG BRO WAHT WHAT WHAT?? CIRCLET WHAT?? MONKEY?AUGHAUGHAA?? cause like that’s what i should be doing?? THATS HOW I SHOULD BE REACTING??? This change is like effecting me more than i expected ig dang
Alright sorry guys, half of this “reaction” is just me working through my stages of grief WHEEZEKLMG;LAKSDFMASDF
alright mk monkey up and get em outta here
Also why not just circlet all of them to be safe? like realistically—
au where— nah i’m kidding
i’m fine
holding hands and being reassuring despite being in immense pain to comfort Mk? HA
<— having a moment
I do appreciate, Monkey King’s absolute dedication to Mk, it’s interesting. I think the dynamic is interesting. Mk is just…. incredibly dedicated to monkey king, and monkey king is INCREDIBLY dedicated back. Only seems to care about how Mk’s doing. He just wants to make sure he’s okay. And that’s great. It actually works a lot better on Monkey king than it does on Pigsy. Like it feels like everyone is VERY suddenly touchy and like… the mentor father figures are hugs and gentle touches and carrying upstairs, and i dunno its throwing me off a little. With PIgsy specifically. Lost his gruffness i miss that part of him a lot. I miss pigsy guys. Fr tho i do think it fits the monkey a bit better, even if howwww…. long the touches are is new and feels p sudden
[scratches neck] dunno. we got mixed emotions here today folks!
Mk calming down immediately
y’know i don’t know if i like this.
bro came in looking like he knew exactly what was gonna happen, says absolutely nothing. And then gasps BELATEDLY after the circlet is on—its just… the pacing is all over the place, the characters reactions are delayed its yanking me out of the… like i CANT’ GET INVESTED WHEN ITS SO JARRING?? like bro they—HUIH????
its fine
whatever, gotta let us know Nezha ain’t the bad guy or whatever i get it
only four minutes in monkie kid gods save me
okay i laughed out loud
ouughhfffff i can’t look at that for too long it is OOOOFF
rubs face
I ain’t feeling it foooolks
bro should be having a panic attack i’ma be reaaaal, like, play dumb, lighten the mood, we know he does thiisss BUT “i really really didn’t want to wear one of these again” feels like bro is just wearing an uncomfortable “i’m stupid” hat
Hey how did i predict this conversation but more emotional? y’all should go check out the comic pebs made of that THIS WHY PEOPLE KEPT REBLOGGING THAT WHILE TAGGING IT AS SEASON 5 SPOILERS OH MY GODSGN;MLASFAWNGF;OIAWMEFSAFE
I’m blessed by Apollo y’all i’m blessed
suitably distracted now
okay this is a weird arguement now
no kay it
I’ve had to re-listen to this exchange like four times to understand it mAYBE IM JUST SLOW NOW?? Macaque and Wukong’s arguments are really……….. interestingly worded??? i dunno, i’m having a hard time processing them n all that
love how mk just goes right back to trying to get it off and wukong doesn’t even react G;LKAMWEF
oh hey wassup nezha
Mk appreciates Nezha thinks he’s so cool, get ready to be disappointed in the dude— /j/j/j
It’s not that tense, also why is it tense?
Y’all should have heard the sound i just made while making strangling motions with my hands
Save me y’all
girl bringing mic closer to face meme thing yeah that was me looking at the bits of hair getting swept out nice move mr the king ily
I do love Nezha dropping by i think its great
Monkey King making fun of him as always we love to see it, Nezha reacting and totally missing whats going on again, we love to see it, bro keeps getting beaten by monkey kings hair BG;LKAMWEF HAHAHA
Kay listen, I do appreciate the family bits in this, but it also feels like they’re forgetting about a lot of development that has happened, so they can go LOOK HOW MUCH OF MK’S DADS PIGSY AND TANG ARE ISN’T IT CUTE? and i’m like… brother…. brooooooo my duuuuuuuude it is but can you do that without… blehOKAY ANYWAY
tellin us about the pillar explaining it, appreciate that thanks, hhhhhhhhoooold up so like… someone’s trying to destroy the pillarrrr…. and they need…. mk? to do it? maybe? I dunno man we just spitballing here
that’s funny
while they’re explaining the story or whatever there’s a mortal that has me’s haircut but with a bun
i’m sure that’s just me
and not indicative of any mk being a being who has existed before around the same time that something was broken haha NOOOOO
yeah yeah i know this story mended the pillar cool stuff
WHHHHAOOOOh what why does he sound like that? WHY IS HIS VOICE SUDDENLY SO HIGH MACAQUE????? MAC?? Is this the sound design again? I am so thrown by so many things right now save meee
Sure is suspicious
Nezha never has any idea whats going on when Mk or wukong are in the room
Macaque is used to shenanigans by now he grew up with the great sage
Mk being chaos incarnate and not just ADHD sure is funny
is this an allegory for neaurodivergency— /j/j/j/j
oop another tilted angle hey its almost been three minutes!!!
….y’know how i always used to just get this ray of sunshine from mk like just, absolute positivity and goodness? I ain’t getting that no more the vibes are LOST
and a pain crown on’s head THAT’S NOT BEST FRIEND STUFFKMSLDF
what did that remind me ofOH THOR AND LOKI
hey that’s fun
The way Nezha has watched these guys fight tooth and nail to save the world and still wants to slap em back in jail is hilarious to me
Also this feels like a fake out villain season now
just because of that bit Mk said n all that making me squint
Jailbreak kid hours
Okay i will say i loved Nezha’s VA yelling Wukong its a great vibe he’s doing amazing
Y’know i just can’t sometimes with these celestials
i love monkey king laughing joyously while spears are being thrown at him i think that’s very wukong
oh hey they did a team up move that looked like what Lupin keeps describing in the battle team up moments with them all the time stares
this guy thinks he’s the main characterKLMG;AWEF
Sorry Sandy nothings’ built to last around these monkeys
Macaques scarf over his face i think its funny how fast we went from actual threat macaque to introvert hiding in a scarf macaquehG;LAKJWER
Okay a little bit of snappy pigsy there but ONCE AGAIN HE SOUNDS WRONG, okay so the like… yeah probably the sound design or something they’re missing something in their voices i dunno what it is but its driving me nuts it feels like they changed all the voice actors but Sean’s sometimes
….Y’know it really feels like they’re just trying to force discord between monkey king and macaque with no reason and with like… no actual emotional argument buildup?? its just yeah monkey king gets mad at him this fast and macaque mouths of constantly. this from the guy who followed them around for the samadhi fire like, I dunno man
“what if we really are chaos”
that was far too specific a line to not mean anything down the line what now are they gonna snatch chaos and hit people with it ?
Okay i’ma be honest y’all so far it feels like macaque is the main character of the season because we keep getting shots of his reactions to things happening and like nobody elses this feels like the macaque show rather than the monkie kid crew show
Pigsy finds out his son has become a criminal ;LKGMAW;OEFIMF
TIME TO FIX oh dont’ do me like tat bro don’t show me glimpses of something akin to flying bark pls
oh whats up pagoda
where’s the soul guys there was a reason i could never really pick a favourite in the show its cause they were all so beautiful in every moment whats going on—
i need to slap some rose coloured glasses on asap so i can start being more positive or so help me—NG;LKAMWEF
Macaque has main character syndrome WHEEZEGKLMAFOAWEF
also like bro, the monkeys dont’ get in the truck and no one leans out the window to say lets go??
i feel like i’m missing half the ep
Macaque, with a tortouredly concerned voice: WUKONG Macaque’s expression: :0
not a thought behind those eyes
ahem relistening to this—i’ve never had to replay bits just to understand whats going on before this is taking SO MUCH LONGERLKMSA;FWE
like how come macaque can swoop in and do that just swat the pain activator away and monkey king didn’t do that himself before the circlet got placed on him we’ve seen how fast he is
okay is this the sacrifice myself season? everyones just gonna try and jump on the train with macaque starting us offG;LKAMWEF
Wukong, in pain: :0
i am having a TIME
love how sandy does not hesitate to hit the gas nobody even says to go he just goes which eeehhhh but also whatever==
ohhhh ohh i cringed sorry
i really need to fix my mindset so i can watch this without wanting to stick my head in a puddle
he’ll get away right he always gets away—yeah that tells me no and yup there you go nope he got snatched easily WAIT HE GOT SNATCHED?? HELP?? this is why we got so many macaque reactions cause they’re gonna bench him for half the season had to cram in as many moments as possible i’m so sorry macaque fans—
okay that was a RIDE
There was some funny moments, some whats going on moments and some wow what moments fr if i didn’t have somewhere to be later today i might tackle another ep but as of right now i think we’ll save that for later, i swear these reactions get longer every episode.
Thanks for sticking with me till the end, I promise I’ll get better once i process I hope or i’ll perish in a puddle of depression, honestly its 50/50 at this point
I don’t think i’ll ever stop missing flying bark while watching these eps, the way i could analyze every character expression brought me so much joy but yeah! we shall see where this goes and hopefully i can watch the entire season before someone spoils me in reblog tags WHEEZE
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nightghoul381 · 11 months
Nokto 3rd Anniversary Event
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A Beast's Dream Realized by Beauty
Chapter 1
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Prince. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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There’s been something I’ve been wondering about lately.
Clavis: “You work too much.”
Luke: “You work too much.”
Emma: “I knew it”
Chevalier: “…”
When I visited the foreign affairs faction, it was unusual to see all of the princes other than Nokto.
I’m face to face with two of them, Chevalier silently handling documents at his desk.
The central figure of today’s conversation is King Nokto.
Nokto is often absent form the court these days.
He seems to have many diplomatic appointments in quick succession, sometimes returning to the castle just before dawn.
(I heard you were busy with the social season, but…)
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Clavis: “At that rate, one day he’ll collapse from overwork. Let the love-nursing chapter begin, eh?”
Emma: “I don’t want to start.”
Luke: “Thanks to him working so much, I have free time.”
Emma: “If you ask Prince Chevalier, I’m sure there are plenty of jobs.”
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Luke: “No.”
Clavis: “Haha, somehow Nokto is the hardest working person in the foreign affairs faction.”
Clavis: “But, humans have limits. Unless you’re a super-human like Chevalier, you will die.”
Emma: “…I-I have to do whatever it takes to get him to rest.”
Clavis: “Do you have a shovel?”
Emma: “I don’t need one.”
Luke: “What about honey?”
Emma: “Don’t you want it?”
(The only way to get a busy Nokto to rest is to use my trump card, not a shovel or honey.)
--Nokto’s room—
Emma: “Nokto, welcome back!”
Nokto: “I’m home, I told you to go to sleep.”
Nokto came back late at night today. I greeted him while hugging him.
I missed his signature smell of the night.
Nokto: “…Are you up to something?”
Emma: “Why?”
Nokto: “Your body is stiff.”
His fingertips traced the lines of my body and I unintentionally reacted.
(As expected of Nokto, He’s tired but still sharp.)
Nokto: “Is it something dirty?”
Emma: “It’s not like that.”
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Nokto: “That’s unfortunate. Then what is it?”
Emma: “…It’s…”
Emma: “Recently, I’ve been feeling lonely.”
Nokto: “…”
Emma: “I’m missing my Nokto, so I feel like I want to take you somewhere far away and go on vacation with you.”
Nokto: “A vacation…”
(Nokto never takes a rest, even if I say ‘rest’.)
(But he’s sweet to me… If I approach it like this, he should definitely take a break.)
It takes some rough treatment to get the busy, hard-working Nokto to realize that he needs a break.
Emma: “Are you too busy?”
Nokto: “What do you mean? I can at least take a few days.”
Emma: “Really?!”
Nokto: “However—”
I was honestly very happy and Nokto grinned at me.
Nokto: “It’s in exchange for your dirty face, right?”
Emma: “I don’t know what face you’re talking about.”
Nokto: “Then I’ll tell you.”
Nokto’s finger caresses my lips and taps them.
(Do you want me to open my mouth?)
When I obediently obliged, he slipped his finger inside and tickled my tongue.
Unable to close my mouth, his obscene hands play with my tongue.
(What should I do… I’m starting to feel weird.)
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Nokto licked the moisture that was about to fall from the corner of my mouth.
Heat flooded through my body, pooling in the pit of my stomach.
Nokto: “See, you’re already looking nasty. It’s easy isn’t it?”
Finally, he removed his fingers and I was freed from his lewd play.
Emma: “…Nokto.”
Nokto: “Yes, yes I will accompany you on vacation.”
Nokto: “…Thanks, love.”
(Ah… he noticed.)
The soft way he said those last words turned the heat in my body to another emotion.
(Maybe that was just Nokto’s way of hiding his embarrassment.)
When I hugged Nokto again as he turned his back to change, our laughter echoed throughout the room.
A few days later, the talented Nokto immediately made time for me—
Old Lady: “Welcome, thank you for coming all this way.”
Old man: “Prince Nokto, it’s been a while. You’ve grown up…”
Nokto: “Yes, thanks to you. Thank you for taking me up on my request on such short notice.”
(Um…what do you mean?)
I offered to make the preparations for the vacation but Nokto insisted that he had an idea.
In that case, I decided to take his word for it and as a result, we visited the neighboring country of Benitoite.
When we arrived at the mansion in a prime location in Benitoite, we were greeted by a refined old couple.
I had already memorized most of the faces I’d seen in the social world, including in Benitoite.
I had never seen this couple.
(I heard that they would be hosting us in this mansion for a few days, but…)
Old lady: “There’s a rumor about that woman…”
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Nokto: “Yes, this is my fiancée.”
Emma: “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
I hid my confusion behind a smile and bowed.
My fiance’s eyes lit up at the sight of me.
Old Lady: “Well, well… that Prince Nokto who kept us on our toes with his many infamous affairs, is really…”
Nokto: “I am now a single-minded person. Everyday I’m fascinated by the flowers that show no signs of wilting.”
Nokto hugs my shoulders and puts a beautiful, diplomatic smile on his lips.
The old couple seemed really touched, and we even received a small round of applause.
Emma: “Umm… I’m sorry for my lack of knowledge, what is your relationship with King Nokto?”
Nokto: “Relative.”
Emma: “Eh?”
Nokto: “They settled in Benitoite, but they have a distant connection with the royal lineage of Rhodolite.”
Old lady: “Now, I’m just a lowly Benitoite merchant.”
Old man: “Nokto once studied in Benitoite for a short period of time.”
Old man: “At that time, according the wishes of His Majesty the previous king and Sariel, we welcomed Nokto into our home.”
(What story is this, I’ve never heard of it!?)
Nokto smiled wryly as if my surprise had been obvious.
Nokto: “It’s nothing to hide, but I don’t think it’s worth talking about.”
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Nokto: “Speaking of studying abroad, I spent more time in the Acroite boarding school than in Benitoite.”
(Boarding school? This is the first time I’ve heard of it.)
It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to know Nokto, but it seems there are still many things I don’t know.
(But it’s weird, Nokto’s expression is somewhat awkward.)
Nokto: “By the way, there seems to be more luggage in the hall than the last time I visited.”
Old lady: “I’m sorry. Actually, I have plans to open a stall at the antique market that will be held in a few days.”
Old lady: “When I was sorting out my things, I found a lot of useless antiques. I wanted to sell them.”
Nokto: “Hmm… are there any books on display at the antique market?”
Old lady: “Yes. Not among the items we sell, but we do see stalls specializing in books every year.”
(Antique books!)
Nokto: “Then, shall we also take a peek at the market on that day?”
Emma: “…Did it show on my face?”
Nokto: “Extremely.”
(oops… even though it’s in front of the couple.)
I felt my ears burning and when I looked down, Nokto burst out laughing as if he couldn’t take it any more.
Nokto: “I don’t mind. You’re cute when you’re honest aren’t you?”
Emma: “Nokto…!”
Old lady: “Well, that Nokto sure has grown to laugh so much…”
Old man: “… I feel like I’m going to end up crying at my age.”
Old lady: “Me too… the old Nokto was a child who didn’t smile, as if he had forgotten his emotions somewhere else.”
Old lady: “It’s nice to see you smile with emotion.”
Nokto: “When are you talking about?”
Nokto’s expression became laced with bitterness.
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(Nokto… a child who doesn’t smile?)
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zwy01 · 7 months
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Blood Moon AU!! Part 1 - Nobles
Time for a second major AU yayy!! I’m still working on Millennium AU as usual, though I want to get started on another one that’s been on my mind since years ago but never really got the chance to put on paper.
So here we are. I’m calling this Blood Moon AU. The nobles and werewolves basically have a race swap in an almost brand new setting. Lukedonia and werewolf island still exist; it’s the characters that have changed.
All characters reference their canon counterparts to various degrees. Some are similar or even near identical to the original, while some are vastly different. This could apply to names, looks, personalities, heritage/family, moral alignment… etc. It’s gonna be fun! I’m going to let myself get crazy with this and change things up quite a bit, haha.
As for the story. To be completely honest, at this point I just want to start off this new AU as more of a simple artistic approach. Right now I’m much more interested in designing and drawing the characters rather than writing the story itself. Maybe I’ll come up with something much later but it won’t be nearly as complicated as Millennium AU, and it’ll be fairly straightforward. Even then, I don’t want to rush it so that’s for the future. If I end up liking this new AU more than I do right now, maybe I’ll give the story an honest shot and turn it into more of a long-term project, but time will tell.
(Fyi “Noblesse” does not exist in the world. Too early for details but they either never existed, are a now permanently extinct special type of noble, or they simply peaced out and ditched Earth and returned to their special heavenly realm… etc. Honestly doesn’t matter. In this AU’s setting, they are absent. “Raizel” and his brother do exist but they’re both human. Actual normal human beings, with a normal life, currently students at a normal high school, stuff like that. Just your average human. The trio are also unmodified normal human beings. They are scattered across the world and never meet each other. Basically, unlike their canon counterparts, their existence is minimal and contribute to almost nothing in this universe. It’s weird, I know! That’s just how this AU is set up)
I’m going to split the noble and werewolf characters into two parts. Doing the (originally werewolves) nobles first! Posting the werewolves in a future post aka. part 2.
The characters!
Lucretia Natalina “Lunark” Drosia: Leader of the Drosia Clan. Kendrick’s twin, and on-and-off lovers with Julius. A rather carefree woman who is primarily interested in having fun, and shows little to no concern for the future of Lukedonia as a whole. When it comes to her people, she is a decent Clan Leader and manages her family efficiently. Lucretia’s efforts only apply to her clan, and her interests in other noble affairs are almost nonexistent. She has a habit of ditching meetings and whatnots. Sometimes, she even tries to ignore the Lord’s summons but ends up going anyway because her lovely daughter makes her show up. The only thing that can get Lucretia’s blood pumping with true passion is an offer to spar. Lucretia is an excellent fighter. People have to be very careful to not interrupt her fights unless they want to unleash her wrath, because she hates it when people invite themselves into her business. She also likes to flirt with her opponents during spars. Lucretia has a bit of a weird relationship with Julius, who is the father of her daughter. They seem to have positive feelings for each other, but that’s only when both of them are very bored and have nothing better to do.
Kendrick Tian-Chen “Kentas” Ru: Leader of the Ru Clan. Lucretia’s twin. A prideful, stubborn man who believes that the stronger should rule the weak. Like his sister Lucretia, he likes to fight and enjoys a good spar. Sometimes, people can choose to settle a quarrel with Kendrick by offering to spar with him and he would gladly accept. You can trust him, because he’s a man of his word. No more grudges, no hurt feelings. Done. In a way, he’s quite simple. Unlike his sister, Kendrick does care about the future of Lukedonia. He has a strong moral code of his own, but that can be overridden by his belief of submitting to the strong. That is why Kendrick is extremely loyal to their Lord and never questions him even if the latter makes some controversial decisions. As of now, Kendrick has no children.
Marcus Duruvan “Maduke” Siriana: Leader of the Siriana Clan. Erica’s older brother, and the Lord’s advisor. The only person who truly has everyone’s best interests at heart. You can say he’s the most “good person” leaning guy in this entire AU. Marcus is quite worried about the future under their Lord’s reign. Life is pretty comfortable inside Lukedonia, which is by itself very isolated from the rest of the world. However, Marcus foresees the destruction of planet earth if no one stops the Lord, since the latter doesn’t care about other races and is only concerned with the prosperity of nobles. Though, he doesn’t want to overthrow the Lord and instead wants to convince him to step away from his current path of darkness. He believes there is still hope. Simultaneously, Marcus is secretly gathering followers and supporters who all share his beliefs and formed his own organization. Together they work to transport resources out of Lukedonia and deliver them to humans and werewolves in need because the Lord refuses the share.
Marcus is struggling to plan for the future of the Siriana Clan, in case the Lord gets tired of him and decides to kill him one day for “meddling” too much, because his younger sister Erica is insane and cruel which makes her the worst possible candidate for the next Clan Leader of Siriana. Marcus loves her, but also fears her. He doesn’t know what she is capable of. Marcus is trying to look for ways to bypass his sister and hopefully be able to hand over both his position and Soul Weapon to another pure-blooded Siriana who isn’t his sister.
Marcus had a son, but he was assassinated sometime after his coming-of-age ceremony and now Marcus is once again childless and without an heir. To this day no one can figure out who the culprit is.
Erica Siriana: Marcus’ younger sister, and next-in-line for the position of Siriana Clan Leader. Wife of Lord Maximilian, and mother of Ashlynn. Erica is a ruthless, bloodthirsty woman. She is actually the person who orchestrated her nephew’s assassination. She made sure he was killed, then got rid of his killers, whom she sent, with her own hands. No one is going to suspect a thing and they’ll never find out no matter how hard they try. Erica did this to eliminate brother Marcus’ heir so she can regain her position as first-in-line. She’s been after her nephew ever since he was born, but waited for two whole centuries before doing the deed. To Erica, she’s just getting back what she’s entitled to, which is the full power, control, and privileges of a Clan Leader. Marcus is trying to be discreet but if Erica ever finds out that her brother intends to bypass her and give his position and Soul Weapon to someone else, she might actually just kill him and take over the clan immediately. Erica is truly a terrifying, power-hungry woman who will do anything to reach her goals. She does not care for anyone aside from her daughter Ashlynn and husband Maximilian, whom she genuinely loves. As messed up as Erica is, she is capable of being very loving and committed to whom she treasures. She and her husband are absolutely addicted to each other and he would let her do anything her heart wishes for, even if she continuously breaks Lukedonian laws.
Vivienne Branwen Di Ashlynn: Name means “lively and blessed raven of dreams”. Daughter of Erica Siriana and Lord Maximilian, and the next Lord of Lukedonia. On the surface, Ashlynn isn’t as straightforward as her mother despite their similarities. Ashlynn is just as ruthless and bloodthirsty as Erica, but the former puts on a facade in front of her people and pretends to be a sweet, altruistic future Lord. The perfect angel princess. And she’s very successful at it. Ashlynn is energetic, talkative, and empathetic around her subjects. She always tells them about how she wants her father to teach her power so she can protect not only her subjects, but also people around the world so they don’t have to suffer from hunger and war. In reality, she doesn’t care about any of them and she honestly thinks of them as a burden. They’re nothing more than cockroaches to her, and she’s only doing this because she enjoys deceiving her people and pulling on their puppet strings. She welcomes the love and respect they give her, and at the same time pities them for not knowing better, for she’s had them fooled this entire time. The world is her stage, and she’s the center. Ashlynn only drops her act and returns to her true self around her parents, who not only tolerate, but also accept and even encourage their daughter’s behavior. Well, their entire family is insane. Erica and Maximilian are totally overindulging Ashlynn while being completely aware of the fact that she is just as insane as them with no attempt to correct her, because she’s their little princess and hey, if she wants the world, then they’ll give it to her. Like Erica, Ashlynn doesn’t care about anyone who isn’t her family. Ashlynn loves both of her parents to the moon and back, and she might as well kill anyone who dares to speak ill about either of them. No one is allowed to disrespect them in front of her. Not a single word.
Ashlynn has a crush on Dominic and wants him for herself one day.
Eutimio Friedrich Di Maximilian: Name means “good-spirited and peaceful ruler of the greatest”. The current Lord, husband of Erica Siriana, and father of Ashlynn. Maximilian firmly believes that nobles are the most supreme beings to exist on this planet, and that they have a right to rule over every other species. Humans, werewolves, whatever… well, for now he’ll let them be for as long as they’re still useful. He won’t hesitate to unleash his power on them if he loses his patience. From a world view, Maximilian would be categorized as “evil”, but he doesn’t think of himself as such. In fact, he believes that he is doing good for his people, who are his priority. Which is true from a certain perspective, especially to the nobles who share their Lord’s vision. To them, Lord Maximilian is the greatest Lord in all of noble history. To others who strongly disagree with him, he is the most terrifying and coldblooded Lord in existence. Maximilian is only concerned with the prosperity of Lukedonia and doesn’t quite welcome the idea of distributing resources with the rest of the world. He doesn’t want the nobles to simply exist alongside other species; he’ll make sure the nobles are on the very top of the food chain. Everyone else is irrelevant and they’re all at his mercy. Generally, opinions are very divided and you either side with him, or you don’t. Life is very, very comfortable inside Lukedonia, and indeed, to some nobles, that is all they care about. Those with more empathy see beyond the obvious and are concerned with what goes on outside Lukedonia. The thing with Maximilian is that despite showing neither mercy nor any sign of remorse for his deeds in the outside world, he is actually quite lenient and loving with his subjects. You can say he has two extreme sides to him. He’s very kind to his nobles, but only them. He doesn’t mind if Lucretia skips meetings; he’d let her be. Or when his servants make mistakes, when someone does something offensive, etc... it’s alright, no big deal. In a way, Maximilian’s Lukedonia is teeming with freedom like never before under the rule of his predecessors. This is where Marcus comes in. He is just nervous and overthinking about getting killed if he says the wrong thing, but in reality Maximilian doesn’t mind voices of objection. He’s not going to give anyone a treason sentence or kill them for saying what they really think of him. You can tell him you disagree with him, he’ll just shrug it off and laugh. Say all you want, he knows you’re trying to persuade him, he doesn’t care. He’ll just keep doing what he’s always been doing. Maximilian knows he’s the Lord, and ultimately it is his decision to make. Just don’t let Ashlynn know, because she’ll come after your head if she figures out that you had doubts about her precious Daddy.
Maximilian is a very loving husband and father to his family. He is obsessed with them just as much as they are obsessed with him. On a personal level, while Maximilian himself doesn’t crave for the blood of his own kind like his wife and daughter do, he doesn’t mind letting them do whatever they want for the funs and thrills. Erica and Ashlynn are free to break the law all they want. Though, they’re smart and strategic with it and don’t commit murder in broad daylight. Still, Maximilian is aware of his beloveds’ occasional killings, and he lets them be. He’s the type of person who would let them burn down the entirety of Lukedonia to nothing more than a pile of ash if that is what they wish to do. It’s no big deal, he’ll just rebuild Lukedonia to be even grander and more luxurious than before! To Maximilian, they are the only two existences in this world to come before Lukedonia. How sweet.
Zivon Tradio: Leader of the Tradio Clan. An elderly sorcerer who is quite the hard worker, and spends most of his time studying existing spells as well as coming up with new ones. He’s from the previous generation of nobles, and he stayed behind because he’s just too damn cool to die. Just kidding, his love for magic is why he’s still rocking it. It’s still too early! Zivon’s ultimate goal is to push the boundaries of noble magic and to create what has never been seen before. A true spectacle to behold. Zivon is one of Lord Maximilian’s favorite subjects and the latter even has an entire wifi system built and set up in Lukedonia as a gift just because the former has the hobby of streaming and likes being an “influencer”or whatever the humans call it. Zivon is quite an internet celebrity and Lord Maximilian is supportive of his work of “spreading superior noble influence over humans”. Zivon is also Princess Ashlynn’s tutor, who calls him “teacher”.
As of now, Zivon has no children.
Julius Loyard: Leader of the Loyard Clan. On-and-off lovers with Lucretia. An elegant man who is well-received by his fellow nobles. Julius is a man of few words and usually doesn’t express himself beyond the bare minimum required to be polite. While Julius does admit to enjoying the lavish lifestyle that was a gift from the Lord to all nobles, he is beginning to see why this is a problem for beings outside Lukedonia and starts to sympathize with them. It isn’t easy for him immediately to give up what he’s been used to all these years, but he’s starting to steer away from that lifestyle in support of the less fortunate. Julius was one of the first members to join Marcus’ secret organization of smuggling resources out of Lukedonia to help those in need. Currently, he’s responsible as the leader of the food distribution sector. In his free time, Julius is a jewelry designer and Lord Maximilian is a fan of his work.
Julius’ heir is his son whom he had with Lucretia. He is fond of her but doesn’t entirely agree with her rather carefree personality. They seem to have positive feelings for each other, but that’s only when both of them are very bored and have nothing better to do.
Giada Agvain: Leader of the Agvain Clan. Like Kendrick, she is extremely loyal to their Lord. She’s been by his side since the beginning, and they are childhood friends. Everyone knows that Giada used to feel one-sided love for the then-Maximilian and now Lord Maximilian, but what they don’t know is that she is still in love with him. Well, maybe it’s better for them to continue to believe that she has gotten over him. It’s not like he’ll ever like her back anyway, and you’ll never know what Princess Ashlynn will do if she finds out that anyone other than her precious Mommy is “coveting” her beloved Daddy. Giada is one of the few people who knows about Ashlynn’s true nature despite the latter’s angelic facade. While Giada does love Max on a personal level and is loyal to him, she doesn’t agree with his actions. She is also one of the first members of Marcus’ organization. Currently, Giada is responsible as the leader of the money distribution sector. In her free time, Giada tends to a small spider lily garden.
Giada’s heir is her daughter whom she had with an unnamed noble woman.
Dominic Raffaello “Dorant” Blerster: Leader of the Blerster Clan. A calm and rational man who remains unfazed in extreme situations. He is also the youngest to become Clan Leader, because his mother and predecessor saw so much potential in him, she passed over her title and Soul Weapon to him as soon as he came of age. Dominic pretends to be fairly neutral, and most people think he isn’t dedicated to anything or anyone, but he’s actually Lord Maximilian’s right hand man in the shadows. On the surface, he is simply Clan Leader of the Blersters and does a good job of managing his clan. When he no longer needs to act as Clan Leader, Dominic goes to the castle and reports everyone’s moves to his Lord. Dominic is actually a member of Marcus’ secret organization and oversees the medical distribution sector… as a double agent. His allegiance is with the Lord and he’s only there to watch what everyone else is doing to report back to his master. That includes a long list of who is working with Marcus, what resources they have been smuggling out of Lukedonia, who is on the receiving end… etc. Every. Single. One. So Lord Maximilian is very much aware of Marcus’ “betrayal” thanks to Dominic. Curiously, Lord Maximilian tells Dominic to just let them be. Perhaps he finds this to be amusing. Nobody knows what he’s thinking. Dominic, on the other hand, is in total awe of his Lord for his immense generosity for the “traitors” even though they clearly don’t deserve it.
Dominic doesn’t know that Ashlynn has a crush on him.
As of now, Dominic has no children.
Undine Mergas: Daughter of the leader of the Mergas Clan. A woman with a short temper who is also easily provoked. Undine’s father, the current Mergas Clan Leader, believes that she is unfit to become Clan Leader due to her personality and tendencies to boss the knights around instead of being a responsible and respectful leader like she is supposed to, but he is hopeful that she will change one day. Undine is best friends with Mimi and the two of them are almost always seen together. On one of her travels to the outside world, Undine met a human named Michael Travis Osborn by chance and she has had a crush on him ever since. He’s pretty cute. Maybe the Lord will let her capture him and bring him back to Lukedonia, she thinks.
Mimi Elenor: Daughter of the leader of the Elenor Clan. A woman with a similar personality to her best friend Undine, but less impulsive and more calm. That’s why they get along and are best friends because they have much in common. Mimi has an older brother so she likely won’t become the next Elenor Clan Leader, but she’s fine with that. In fact, she’s glad she won’t become Clan Leader because all those responsibilities, hassles, sitting in meetings all day, blah blah blah… ew, just too much work. She just wants to have fun, so her brother better be competent so she won’t have to bother with her clan at all. Mimi, like Undine, also has a crush on Michael Travis Osborn. They chat about how cute he is. Both of them want to capture him and bring him into Lukedonia. They’re thinking about discussing this with the Lord. If Lord Maximilian hears about this, he’d approve of the capture and tell them to go ahead and enjoy themselves because of course he wants all of his nobles to get their hands on everything they wish for. Plus, these two remind him of his daughter Ashlynn so he’d be even more generous towards them.
Kushaal Kertia: Leader of the Kertia Clan. Cousin of Galileo. A respected fighter known for his immense speed and agility even amongst the Kertia. Kushaal is also honorable. He dislikes dirty fighting and is fairly open to acknowledging his own weaknesses and strives to become even stronger and faster. He has heard about a certain blonde werewolf warrior who is the fastest of his pack, and wishes to fight him one day. While Kushaal enjoys and supports the luxurious lifestyle given to him by their Lord, he believes that humans and werewolves could use some help from Lukedonia. After all, if they’re all gone, he’s not going to have anyone interesting to fight with anymore. Kushaal would love to spar with the werewolves, so he hopes that they’re doing well. In his free time, Kushaal likes to collect rare werewolf artifacts to display in his home because they feel familiar to him, for some odd reason.
As of now, Kushaal has no children.
Galileo Kravei: Son of the leader of the Kravei Clan. Cousin of Kushaal. A man who has a bit of an inferiority complex because his abilities seem to have hit a wall, and he can’t get stronger with his own strength. Galileo is probably going to get by just fine, even though he himself is more impatient than anyone in terms of wanting to gain strength. Other than that, no one really knows much about him since he tends to keep to himself. In his free time, he plays with his three supernatural pet aquatic snakes: Ramen, Ramyeon, and Lamien. Galileo has a huge love-hate crush on Kendrick, and people will tell you he’s both extra mean and extra nice to him. He sends him cheesy “let’s fight” love letters written on rose scented paper. Yeah. He’s totally in love.
And that’s it for now!
Again, very open to questions and discussion. Quite happy about my second major AU! While this post only touches the surface of what I have in mind, I have a feeling that I will grow to like this AU even more. Maybe I’ll even create brand new OCs specific to this AU lol.
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for future posts!
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callsignangel · 2 years
nga yawne lu oer - lo'ak x metkayina! reader
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THIS IS ENDING 1/2 FROM MY NETEYAM/LO'AK LOVE TRIANGLE HEADCANONS. READ THEM HERE. word count: 1571 requested by: a lot of people (thank you to those who read part one!) warnings: angst, tonowari being a great dad, a fluffy happy ending a/n: hi friends! since there's going to be two different endings depending on which sully boy you're rooting for, i won't be tagging anyone. that way, you can read a specific ending written especially for you! this was so much fun to write, and thank you for your patience as i've been trying to write this haha. reblogs and feedback about my work are deeply appreciated. <3
you had begun distancing yourself from the sully family as a whole, even your other best friend kiri. it was just too much for you to face both lo’ak and neteyam. it hurt you to see lo’ak and tsireya together - laughing, free diving, holding hands, watching her teach him how to be more active with the people of your village so he could finally feel like he was a part of the metkayina and not an outcast. she was finishing what you had started with him. 
eventually, your parents started picking up on your struggle. you weren’t diving as much, you stayed in bed most of the time, and you were quiet when you were helping your mom cook or doing any of your other household chores. tonowari was the first to approach you about how you had been feeling. he could see that you weren’t acting like yourself anymore, and it worried him. it worried them both. your were legs dangling off of your family marui, dancing with the bright coloured glowy fish. deeply lost in thought, he sat down beside you and dipped his feet in too. “parultsyìp, you have been distant lately,” “i know, pa. forgive me.”  you really thought he was disappointed in you and your lack of motivation for your village duties,  but he wasn’t. he knew the pressures of being a child of the olo'eyktan were not easy. “i’m not mad. i’m just making sure you’re okay. it’s not like you to be so solitary,” a lump formed in your throat. you hadn’t spoken about that night to anyone, not even to eywa. he watched your face closely, as you stared between the fidgeting of your hands and the fish kissing at your feet.  “if i tell you what’s been going on, you can’t tell tsireya. it would break her heart,” you spoke finally. tears welled in your eyes, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “are you in trouble? is it that sully boy?” his eyebrows furrowed in concern as his embrace became stiff. you laughed dryly. “it’s both, pa. i love them both, and now i’ve lost them both,” you softly sobbed. “maybe this is a conversation for your mother…” you had never confided in him like this. he was nervous and relieved at the same time.  “no, please… you just have to listen. mom will scold me for even being around lo’ak.” it hurt your heart to even say his name. “they didn’t do anything to you, did they..?” “no, pa. they would never. they’re both good kids. lo’ak’s just.. misunderstood. and i think the pressure to be perfect wears neteyam down, like it wears me down sometimes.” he nodded sympathetically. he admired your heart, always empathizing with everyone in your own way.
before you could continue, the sound of laughter came from behind your marui. you and tonowari looked behind to see lo’ak and tsireya walking by, hand in hand. “hi, y/n!” tsireya greeted cheerfully. when she got a closer look, her smile immediately dropped.  “tsmuktu, what’s wrong? what happened?” he crouched down to get to your level as one of her hands caressed your tear stained face, the other holding onto your hand tightly. you assured her that everything was okay and that you were just tired, but you saw the way your father stared at lo’ak. he finally understood why you had been so downcast. “go have fun, sister. i’ll speak with you later. thank you for checking on me,” you faked your best smile as you released the hand she had a death grip on and ushered lo’ak to keep walking. his eyes lingered on you before focusing back onto tsireya.  you had gone back to focusing on the fish. “i will do better, pa. i promise.” he nodded softly before he pulled your head towards his, foreheads resting against eachother.
slowly and surely, as time passed, you became yourself again. getting up early to dive and hunt, going for your evening walks along the beach during eclipse, even seeing kiri and tuk again. as an apology for secluding yourself from them without explanation, you provided them with gifts. handmade paint made from shells for tuk, and a bag made from woven seagrass for kiri. but of course, being around them also meant you had to be around lo’ak and neteyam. “he misses you,” neteyam said one day. it was a rainy day in the sully’s marui, and you had been over to help neytiri and the other girls with their beading. you stopped working and looked up at him. he didn’t falter, instead kept his eyes on his chores.  “i miss you,” he whispered. “teyam-” you started, but he turned away from you. “i know, i know. i couldn’t not tell you that. he would never admit it, but he misses you more than he lets on. everybody was so confused when he was suddenly with tsireya and not you.” you frowned, everything he was saying suddenly came out of nowhere. “why are you bringing this up now?” you questioned. “it’s okay you didn’t choose me. i’m not mad at you. but i would much rather be your friend than not have you in my life at all,” he turned to look at you, sincerity strewn his face like a veil. he took your hands in his. “lo’ak didn’t choose tsireya. he chose you, and everybody knows it. he’s just a skxawng who feels like he can’t communicate properly because no one will listen to him,” the pouring rain almost drowned him out, his voice was so soft. “but you do. he needs you. go to him, y/n.”
you didn’t have to be told twice. you thanked neteyam quickly, giving him a small kiss on his cheek before you dropped everything to go find lo’ak. the rain was dense and cold, but you couldn’t feel it. this new found fire that spread throughout your body made you run faster than it ever had before. to your surprise, he wasn’t with tsireya at your marui. she was sitting by the campfire stowed in the middle of your living space, wrapped in a shawl. she kept sniffling and wiping her face with her shawl. “reya? what’s wrong?” you dropped to your knees beside her, instantly trying to console her. she shook her head, as if trying to dismiss it. “i ended things with lo’ak. i could tell he wasn’t happy.” you pulled her into a tight hug. “i’m sorry, sister. is there anything i can do for you?” she sniffled again, but this time a soft smile brightened her features. “go get your man,” she giggled.  you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “what?” you giggled with her, nervously. “i’m not an idiot, y/n. go. go!” she urged you, standing and pulling you up with her. she practically pushed you out of your marui. 
you found him by the water, tending to his ilu’s saddle. his hair was wet, and he was shivering. “it’s raining, and you’re outside with nothing keeping you warm,” you startled him, almost making him fall into the water. he was surprised to see you, he didn’t think you would come back around after all of the hurt he caused you. “i don’t have anything. i didn’t think it rained here,” he said sheepishly. “i’ll make you something. it’s the beginning of rainy season, you’ll need a sweater or even a shawl at least for the next 5 months,” you laughed, trying to ease the awkwardness of the conversation. you sat down beside him, watching him try to clean and restitch his saddle.  “you don’t have to,” he whispered. he wouldn’t even look at you. he was afraid he would crumble under your stare.  “i want to,” you whispered back. you placed your hand on his forearm, squeezing it gently. your touch felt like fire to him. it was exhilarating. his eyes watery, he looked up at you.  “i thought i had lost you to him. i feel like i lose everything to him,” his transparency wasn’t foreign to you, but it was good to hear him open up to you again. you placed your other hand in his hair, playing with it in an attempt to help console him. “you’ve never lost me, lo’ak. i’ve been here this entire time,” you whispered. you pulled his head towards yours, softly resting your forehead against his. “i love you. i would never abandon you. i swear by the great mother, lo’ak. i love you, and i see you.” he pulled away from you, a goofy grin on his face. “took you long enough,” he joked, and you rolled your eyes, laughing softly like you always did at his stupid jokes. his free hand rested on your face as he watched you. to him, you were the most beautiful thing on pandora. “i love you too, y/n.”
his hand moved to your chin, using his thumb and his index finger to pull you into a soft kiss. it was quick and chaste, before he shifted back to kiss the palm that had practically glued itself to his face. you pushed yourself forward, your lips devouring his in a desperate attempt to feel him again. there were probably other families watching you both from their homes, but you didn’t care. he was yours, you were his. and nothing would ever come between the two of you again.
parultsyìp - a term of affection for children tsmuktu - sibling
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lynzishell · 1 year
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[Part 1/2]
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Dawn:  You know, I’ve lived here for two years, and I’ve never been in there. Phoenix: I’ve been here for five, and I haven’t either. Dawn: Maybe we should go sometime. Phoenix: Yeah, we should.
Dawn: This festival is pretty sad. Phoenix: It is, isn’t it.
Dawn: Ooh but they have snow globes, oh wait, snow globe. Just one. Phoenix: Which one is it? Dawn: Um, city skyline. Phoenix: Damn, I already have that one. Dawn: Oh yeah? Phoenix: Yeah, I secretly collect snow globes. Dawn: Why is it a secret?
Phoenix: I don’t know, it’s not really, I just never told anyone. Dawn: Haha ‘kay. Why snow globes? Phoenix: [shrugs] I like snow. [both laugh] Dawn: How many do you have? Phoenix: Like five or six, I think. I’m still working on it. I didn’t realize I was going to be interrogated about it. Dawn: Sorry, I’m just fascinated.
Phoenix: That’s all it takes to fascinate you huh? A half-assed snow globe collection? Dawn: Apparently! Phoenix: Well, prepare to be dazzled. Follow me.  
Dawn: What are you doing? Phoenix: Showing you how I got all my snow globes. Dawn: So, you just dig for them in random boxes on the street? Phoenix: Yep. Got one! Dawn: I am weirdly impressed.
Phoenix: Here, you can have this one. Dawn: Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to hinder your collection. Phoenix: Don’t worry, I already have it. Dawn: Oh, so if you didn’t – Phoenix: I definitely would’ve kept it. Dawn: Well, thanks, I’ll cherish it.
Phoenix: Do you wanna stay for the fireworks? Dawn: Nah, let’s head back.
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neveah-llama · 7 months
Why do I have gospel on My Spotify Daylist? I’m Atheist. Oh Also Here’s Some Background Info For the Fic :)
Haha ignoring the title, I just wanted to talk to you more about ‘The Impossible Adventures of the Phantom and the Ninja,’ give a sneak peak as to what I plan and maybe get your guys’ input.
So as I said before I love serialized cartoons centered around teenage superheroes. Maybe because I love comics, or because I too felt like I was living a double-life and found a connection to these characters. Still do even though I’m now older than the characters. But what I love most about them is the possibilities for world-building.
I love stories that center more about the world the author has created, along with how that world affects the character(s) relationships, traits, etc. It shows me the extent to the author’s creativity, having thought of all these cool societies, cultures that seems real like it could belong to the real world, even down to how people in that story keep track of time.
(Off topic but this is actually the main reason why I love the ATLA universe)
However I don’t really get that with the teen-superhero drama. Especially when it airs on cartoons like Disney or Nick. They do explore some topics for sure, but I’m looking more to the drawbacks of living a double-life. Mostly because I feel those drawbacks even today. Furthermore, most of these shows like Danny Phantom and Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja were only able to air due to both the networks and the creators, at least in simple terms. So sometimes shows would be canceled when it’s left at a cliff hanger (I.e. Teen Titians (2003) and RC9GN)
So that’s why I wanted to write this fanfic, I want to try to expand the worlds of both shows by connecting them together, I want to add my own flair to the characters, story arcs, and the direction of the series, and I really hope I do both shows justice because I grew up on these shows and I even still watch them (even when some words they use are outdated and just overly obnoxious/cringe)
Which brings me to the second part of this post. To those who read this far good for you, you get a cookie 🍪.
Anyways I have three arcs planned so far when it comes to this fanfic (more will defiantly be added later on). Granted it’s not all fleshed out so I’ll have to add or take out stuff as I continue with this story. But here’s a brief description and some notes for the first three arcs:
1. Origins
Obviously it’s the introduction to the story. Danny and Randy just returned to their homes a week before school starts, it’s their first year of high school and both of them have big plans for the next four years.
They just didn’t account the chance to become heroes of their respective towns.
The arc is going to be about 4 chapters long, ending with a rewrite on ‘Bitter Reunions’. The chapters will briefly glaze over the first six episodes of Danny Phantom. And the first like two/three episodes to RC9GN.
This arc will mostly focus on Danny struggling to getting a hold of his powers and Randy coming to terms that being a hero isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Only problem is I’m not sure if I want that to happen to Randy this early on the story or not. Eh, guess we’ll see what I feel like, lol.
2) Original Storyline:
It’s in the works! This is set after both of their Halloween specials in season one. Mostly because this is placed in November. I might plan a chapter or two to happen before this arc so who knows (really want to write Fanning the flames- I have plans for that one it’s all based on a joke while I started writing out the three arcs lmao). I don’t want to say anymore other than the fact I want it to focus more on Japanese myths, it’s actually how I got inspired to write this fic so I’m really excited.
3) Interlude:
After that week-long adventure, Randy, Danny and friends slowly adjust to their new normal. Mostly just rewrites of canon episodes to help build up to another major story arc that is forming in my head at the moment. (It’s definitely a canon one just to give you a hint).
Anyways so yeah. That’s all I have so far. Thanks for reading, love y’all!
Ps if you see a poll thing, no you don’t. This is my first time posting on tumblr via phone and I don’t know how to delete it. (I’m not old I swear I’m in my early twenties 😭)
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judasisgayriot · 5 months
it’s your friendly neighborhood heroes anon! you seem to maybe kinda like the petrellis, so i’ll give you a fun ask about them.
what do you think peter and nathan were like with each other growing up? i’ve seen a bunch of different headcannons from people. in some they’re only like 8 years apart and in others it’s 14. some people think nathan was seen as more of a ‘cool cousin that gets you booze’ type by peter and they never really saw each other much, but when they did it was a fun time. but then in other fics nathan and peter are basically conjoined at the hip even after nathan graduates.
it’s all a big mess, and i don’t know who to believe lol. your thoughts? don’t be afraid to ramble on and on (and on)
Hi!!! I love to talk about the Petrellis haha so here goessss 💖💖
Ooh so first of all, I don’t rly know anything abt the supplemental stuff like the comics lol but not many ppl do anyway lmao
And secondly, in regards to their age gap we can roughly work it out from a few things: s1-s4 take place over roughly ~2 years (for instance Claire is 15-16 in s1 and 18/going to college in s4). Peter was born in December 1979 and is 26 in s1 (stated in canon), Nathan is similarly stated to be 40 in s4 (so ~38 in s1). So I’ve always interpreted them as being 12 years apart. Which yes, is a pretty sizeable age gap and means they wouldn’t have hung out in the same way that siblings of closer ages/in similar life stages would have. Peter and/or Nathan would be away at fancy boarding school, Nathan was in the military for parts of Peter’s childhood.
Their childhood is not super filled in by canon so a lot of this is my personal headcanon/interpretation (be warned for subjectivity/filling in the gaps) but I think their clinging to each other/closeness did start very young regardless of the age gap. Their father was terrifying and emotionally abusive as fuck, controlling to Nathan and at best dismissive and neglectful to Peter, Angela at least loves them in her own way but isn’t much better as a parent and is actively manipulative/gaslighting them all the time lmao and they live in an insane household that forced them together due to this (no wonder they’re Like That).
I think Nathan’s always been protective of Peter and wanted to be there for him/stand in front of him to shield him (though I think he’s later a little resentful about it, similarly Peter sometimes sees Nathan as too much of a puppet to their parents and doesn’t get why he didn’t stand up for himself more/gets frustrated with him, but Nathan was literally moulded from birth to be their obedient little attack dog who’d do whatever they wanted him to. Nathan in s3 saying his evil mind-controlling dad chose his career and even the person he married was picked out for him. There’s a reason that he seems so spineless.) but Nathan’s exception has always been Peter - the one thing he’ll defy his parents for. In s1 he goes along with what he’s meant to do until it comes time for him to pick The Plan or Peter, and he sacrifices himself for Peter. I think Angela never even considered that Nathan would choose Peter over her plan for him, which was the flaw in her machinations lol.
Peter also mentions in s4 that Nathan would rearrange his military leave to be there for Peter’s birthday, etc. i think that they were really happy to see each other every time they got to, it gave them some escape with someone who wasn’t their parents, who understood what it was like to grow up in that family. They’re hugely different people, but in part because Peter was allowed that freedom to be himself and have his own opinions that Nathan simply didn’t have, and again I think Nathan at once kind of resents this and also fiercely wanted that for Peter and is proud of him, despite the way he’s mean to him sometimes lol.
Of course I’d be remiss not to mention the infamous s2 deleted scene, where Nathan says that he and Peter used to steal Arthur’s scotch and go out to the treehouse and he ‘got him drunk for the first time’ up there. Not sure exactly when but this has to have been when Peter was a teenager, and… whew. The way Nathan delivers this with such anguish (‘why did I go back there…’) says so much about how intensely he feels about this whole thing, like, whatever really happened in that treehouse was a LOT and he’s having a LOT of feelings about it. I think when Peter was a teenager their closeness started becoming TOO much and too intense and it scared Nathan a bit as much as he wanted to hold onto Peter. But aaaaanyway….
I just love me some codependent brothers lmao so I’ve probably coloured it more towards that in my own perception. But basically I do think they were close regardless of the age gap!
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mostlymaudlin · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers 💫
thank you @decaflondonfog for the tag !! ill tag @sillyunicorn @starwarned @urban-sith @tea-brigade
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
98!! (woah) plus an unrevealed t&n fest fic, so 99. wow i need to do something rly crazy for 100 lol. what if i do a ridiculous crossover of all my fandoms and everyone in the fandom tags will hate me. 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
544,914. (again. woagh)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly all for the game and simon snow series, have dabbled in & posted even less for check please, captain america, and one direction! i feel like i’m missing something but regardless my fixations are hardcore, so all except like 4k of that posted wc is for either aftg or ss hahahha
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
all are andreil! boyfriend privileges (4k, T) / Trigger (62k, E) / flashes of intimacy (10k, t) / Would you still love me if I was a worm? (6k, T) / Inside Thoughts (1k,T)
man this is long, rest is going under the cut lol
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
not very often, but i wish i did. i am stricken with a combination of being really awkward when people are nice to me & being bad at interacting with anyone in ways i fear could be perceived as ingenuine. im not sure if that makes sense LMAO. and sometimes when i put a story out, i kind of feel like i’ve said my piece — i’ve put so much into it that i don’t really know what else to say!
anyway, i always reply to questions, because that’s got clear social boundaries hahaha, and i DO love talking abt my stories!! and sometimes i’ll reply to comments that really get me thinking. but yeah, i know i reply less than i could, and i want to like double down on the fact that i am endlessly grateful for everyone who has ever left a comment on my work <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i have killed simon snow twice lmfao. i’d actually classify icarus as rather hopeful — it’s about grief & healing. but legacies is just fucked up lmfao
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh man, i write a lot of happy endings haha. i feel like even when my story is tonally darker (rare), it still has a happy or at least hopeful ending. this is probably not the correct answer, but i think sing of the moon has a really vividly happy ending. like — the sun rises for the first time in the whole fic! amazing. or maybe my high school au, We Can Live Forever, which is just the happiest thing i’ve ever written. 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, thankfully! people are smartasses sometimes but overall ive been lucky. there have been a couple of fics where ive winced before hitting post, but it usually ends up fine
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yessss. i guess i mostly write tender smut, bc i write tender things in general. i think my smut tends to be rather exploratory/playful as well? intentionally sloppy and awkward choreography hahaha
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
sort of LOL. once upon a time i was betaing @tea-brigade's medieval snowbaz au, Reliquary of an Arsonist, and there’s this part where three highway bandits mug simon and baz and then get blasted by simon’s chosen one magic. i am sick in the head so im in the google doc like “lol what if its kandreil.” and then i was like… what if it was kandreil….. and so i wrote Reliquary of a Bandit
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don’t think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!! and i’m really thankful for everyone who has done so <3333 shoutout to russian aftg translators, yall go HARD
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i recently collaborated with @thewholelemon on our episode of Star Trek: Redemption, Heart-Shaped Box. by which i mean: i wrote the outline & a few scenes, got really overwhelmed, and jenny turned it into something worth reading! 
i also wrote Good Boy in the snowbaz stoner verse with @starwarned, which was rly fun — we sat in the google doc for like, 5 hours trading back and forth on POVs as we wrote pure porn together LOL. it’s funny to think about this, because lauren knows like everything abt me now but we did not know each other as well back then!!! and we were just like “yeah lets write porn together” hahahahha 
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
right now it is deeefinitely andreil… they are everything to me for reasons i just cannot possibly be brief about LOL so ill just leave it at that
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a postcanon snowbaz time travel/time loop wip that i was going to try to write for COBB this year but i fucked up the deadlines then the brainrot was like “guess that means more andreil !”. i did SO MUCH research for it and i think it’s rather clever and smutty and fun bc they are yeeted back to watford era! but it’s also dealing with snowbaz, who are in their late 20s and are like in a relationship low point/actively fighting when they end up in the loop… so they are dealing with that tension at the same time as they are trying to get out of the loop. and also fucking around watford to fulfill fantasies HAHAHA
16. What are your writing strengths?
characterization is the thing i care most about! and i think that’s the draw of fanfic in particular to me — i love getting such a grasp on a character that i can translate them into endless situations while still making them feel true to self. i rarely let myself publish anything until i can read through the whole thing without any he would not fucking say that moments hahahha. this is of course pertaining to my own interpretations of the characters, which is the only thing i care abt lmfao
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i rely a lot on body language because im always writing abt reticent fuckers who cant use their words. but i think i sometimes overcompensate, or describe actions that don't actually fit the scene. i've seen this described as "cheek-biting" -- like, throwing in action during a conversation just to delay the pacing/further the tone, but when you really look at it, it's not necessary. (cheek-biting being like, "character bites at their cheek" in the middle of a tense conversation)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don’t really know any other languages! i think i’ve put a little bit of french in neil/kevin/baz POVs before, but my french knowledge is elementary at best. love the idea of it though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
one direction babyyyyyyyy !! i wrote quite a bit of it in like 2012-2015 but published very little. there’s 1 on my ao3, some lost somewhere on fanfiction.net (i dont rmr my username lol), and tons in my folders from my old laptop lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
hmmmmm. im gonna cheat bc i cant pick a single favorite. i always say i think No Turning Back is some of my best writing from a craft standpoint, and it also includes my favorite type of conflict (andrew self-destructing lol). however, i reread both that fic & We Can Live Forever on a plane trip recently after not having touched either for 6+ months — and the solidness of We Can Live Forever actually surprised me, especially because i wrote the majority of that fic while i was stoned and also view it as just exceedingly silly. the world of it is just very rich, and also very very different from the typical character backstories, and i’m very proud of how much that reread played with my heartstrings.  
ok last one — there are several installments of my flashes of intimacy series that i come back to a lot, because i’m proud of what they each accomplish in 500 words. especially because i often turn to those when im trying to express my own emotions lol. specifically, my favorites are picking fights, i don’t mind, swimming lessons, and practicing gratitude.
that was such a bullshit and cocky way to answer this lmfaooooo. but tbh i am my own biggest fan and that is by design — i write stuff so that i can reread it months later and have it be perfectly catered to my tastes. i love all my fics <3
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Skipped the day yesterday, so I’ll try to reply to more asks today!
Starting with the ones about our LiliSil comic from yesterday…
Anonymous asked:
HOLY SHIT LILIA His thighs are not a snack!
(I would've done the same 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻)
These thighs are a snack much better that whatever Lilia was munching on in a previous comic… leg > spaghett
Anonymous asked:
Silver doesn't get flirting or teasing at all... Very sad..... At least his plump thighs must be super delicious ❤️
He is just way too used to Lilia acting this way I guess… this is like a default to him lol nothing special to see here. But yeah, at least his plump thighs are super delicious 🥰
hipsterteller asked:
I saw silver and lilia…
Tumblr media
Ouch, got bonked …
Anonymous asked:
I’ll share spaghetti with the old dude. Not because I think he’s hot or anything, mind, but because I’m a pig and spaghetti is spaghetti.
I think this one was sent after the first LiliSil midnight snack comic, so…
Very valid, Anon, but I have to warn you, Lilia is a competitive eater when it’s 3 AM and he’s having cold spaghetti.
Anonymous asked:
Random Ignihyde student A probably: I’m living in an actual nightmare. Royal Sword it is then.
(this is related to this post)
Poor guy, I feel so bad for him, he’s just trying to live his life… these creeps would be happy if he transferred to another school though 😭
Anonymous asked:
Opinions on Idia being fucked in a cosplay?
Or being fucked by someone in a cosplay
Both options are great, and I don’t know which one is going to make Idia die of cringe, embarrassment and arousal faster lol
Whenever this scenario is mentioned, I always think about Lilidia first, since Lilia is kind of a nerd himself + wouldn’t mind dressing up. In fact I did draw this once, if you consider a maid outfit a cosplay… we might revisit the theme of cosplay in Idia smut sometime, it’s a very fun one.
Idia desperately needs to get fucked in a cosplay, that’s for sure.
Anonymous asked:
haha funny scenario :)
ok now actually draw idia whimpering and bleeding on the floor :))
:) Come on, Anon, why would I do something so mean to Idia? This isn’t like me at all, I would never.
Anonymous asked:
Good lord, thank you for the dark, twisted food you’ve been providing us in the way of headcanons. I’m drinking them in like water y’all. 😩
Thank you so much for enjoying them, Anon! <3 I am super happy to hear that you like them.
I really hope to finish the rest of the posts about darker themes and hcs soon; it’s truly amazing that people are interested enough to ask for more of that.
Dark and twisted food is our true passion 😔💕
Anonymous asked:
i NEED to breed those eels 😭🤚
Unfortunately, in this blog the eels are busy breeding Idia…
Anonymous asked:
Do ya think that in the heat of the moment Sebek would try to breed Malleus, not knowing , or forgetting) that it doesn't work like that (unless it's A/B/O haha) ? Like he'd get SO intense that even AFTER he'll finish inside his liege he'd get excited again from the thought of his liege carrying his- THEIR children.
I think the young hormonal horny fae part of Sebek’s brain could make him believe in anything, like if his instincts win over and his confused body just goes ballistic, which is very likely to happen if he is lucky enough to have any kind of intimacy with Malleus. But this is Sebek we’re talking about; it could go either way with him.
Then again, we did have a comic about Sebek bragging about being the one to breed his liege, so maybe he doesn’t even need to be in the heat of the moment to think about this type of thing. It’ll definitely get him excited in like 2 seconds though lol
Anonymous asked:
I headcanon that the Science Club members talk crap and gossip while doing their club activities. Kinda like stylists at a salon but meaner.
I think every club does that to an extent lol, Science Club too. Is there a reason you headcanon them specifically as being gossipers?
All of them talking shit about everyone… and then there’s Rook with his singing….
Anonymous asked:
Kuro x TWST au where Riddle is Ciel's cousin who goes to live with Madame Red and Grell after his OB. Skip ahead and Riddle is introducing Floyd to his family. Madame Red doesn't think highly of him but he makes Riddle happy so she doesn't protest. Sebastian and the tweels are three pees in a pod, so only a raised eyebrow and approval. Ciel tho goes full kink shaming. He cannot believe his most esteemed respected favorite cousin is not only a monsterfucker but also into THAT sort of personality
Come on, Ciel, you shouldn’t be judgmental, just look at your butler for fuck’s sake lol Plus, it’s difficult for Riddle too! He wants Floyd to behave properly, it’s not his fault he can’t…
I hope the tweels bully Ciel lol
This is one of those moments when I really regret Yana not being able to do a proper crossover between Kuro and Twst, all of these boys interacting would’ve been so interesting.
artfulhero-m asked:
It's been a little over a week since I sent that huge ass essay, and in the spirit of being extremely happy to be a cringe weird little freak, have you heard of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley? I literally heard about it weeks ago cause I heard it's what the Internet has considered "the incest game" so because of that, and the cute art of the game, I bought it weeks ago and finally got around to playing it and oh boy yeah the incest is very throughout the game. AND IT'S AMAZING >:) Literally the most toxic of sibling relationships, but like that's what's got my brain latching hard they're SO codependent on each other.
Sorry I just needed another moment to just kinda yell into the void in your ask box again if that's okay lol. After sending that essay last week while on the verge of passing out for the night not even 100% sure I sent it to the right ask box I just immediately got sick the next day, which took me out for the entire week lmao. Then halfway through the week I figured I was done with sleeping so the stars have finally aligned for me to play "the incest game" and now the brain rot for The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is kinda severe and only getting worse so as a result, just needed to know if you heard about it too lol.
Yeah, we’ve heard about the game! At some point it became impossible to avoid, and while we haven’t played or watched it, the discourse around it is fascinating and very telling. We are just very happy in general that the game exists, and not necessarily because of incest, but because it’s always cool to see games with darker and more problematic themes getting popularity and recognition, especially if this is the game where the main characters are kind of shitty people lol And the artstyle is cute, I agree! It’s such a pity the author got harassed, I hope it didn’t affect them in any way.
All of that being said, I hope you get good rest and have a good sleep every day. I know it’s easier said than done, but please take care of yourself, this is very important. I also hope you feel better and surround yourself with fictional toxicity only lol Enjoy your problematic brainrot.
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to say I've been reading through Window Across the Galaxy - inching forward but reading it - and the way you write Rocket is so damn good. Though maybe I'm biased to hell and back because that is also exactly how I pictured pre-vol. 1 Rocket, haha.
The switching perspectives offer so much. I love how much they are misunderstanding each other.
Your work is inspiring me to want to work on my own wip OC fic. I've only just finished reading chapter 2 but I'm so hooked on Jolie and Rocket's tale. I love all these little snippets we get about her and her career as an artist/appraiser/restorer is so interesting.
A few questions, I know there are a lot of little references to the comics here and there, some I recognize from my own forays into reading those, and when I don't, I look it up because honestly, you add so much flavor and life to the worlds you write that I feel the need to know more. For the stuff that isn't a reference or at least a direct reference (as in a product from a known planet), how do you decide on names and other specifics? I personally long to do that in my writing but struggle with thinking things sound believable.
My other question is do you have any tips for writing Rocket? I know technically he hasn't said anything yet where I am in the story - semantics really, lol - but even through his thought process it sounds so much like him.
friend. sunshine. dewdrop. every time i see a comment or message or ask from you, i get giddy as a six-month-old puppy. you are SO kind and generous and I appreciate your words & support SO much
i’m gonna (try to) answer your questions behind the cut because I am a wordy bitch. also these questions are hard because i don’t often think about HOW my brain works so i will do my best.
but first i wanna say that i am SO excited & honored to have encouraged you to work on your own oc fic! if you end up posting here pleeease tag me ♡ and if not that’s okay too. when i started Window i thought it was going to be just for me and honestly it freed me up to do whatever the fuck i wanted, at my own pace, and that is part of what has kept it fun for me.
so in terms of the shit I just make up (Glortho’s Equation, Spartaxian sugardrops, various fruits and foods and soap and recycling-compressors and other general NONSENSE). this is a layered process.
Almost everything I make up, I try to root in a canonical environment/planet, and I want it to make sense for the characters to HAVE it.
so eg, recycling-compressors came about because, like, they just need a practical way to store or get rid of trash. Are they jettisoning it into space every cycle? Dropping it on a landfill planet? Rocket’s comics-canon disdain for Earth + mentions of intergalactic human lifeform rights policies that Earth doesn’t honor leads me to belief that MOST space-folk embrace more sustainable practices. could be a recycling planet, but i didn’t want them needing to travel there every eight rotations or whatever so i decided having a compressor would allow them to have longer gaps between unloading. but like, you could do ANYTHING. maybe most intergalactic packaging is made from products that can be burnt as a clean universal fuel or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
similarly i wanted my best raccoon boy to have access to fish. but since he’s a broke-ass bounty hunter 90% of the time, it’s gotta be something inexpensive/accessible (or stealable) - which means it’s probably a cheap export from a planet with a lot of water. Hello, Morag (and the resulting Moraggian moonfish). Sometimes I’ll reference something already canonical in connection to something I fuckin made up just to increase the sense that all these things interplay with each other (zargnut-crusted moonfish sold by a street vendor on conjunction).
Sometimes I do the opposite. I try to imagine what a product from a planet would look like. eg Indigarran beeswax. I thought, what would Indigar export? It’s this gorgeous planet with a cathedral/palace/place of devotion made of glass. if i - an aesthetique lol - had a glass cathedral, I’d want that shit lit up with candles. Can you imagine how gorgeous that would be? Glimmering everywhere. That’s how i spent too much time dreaming up Indigarran beeswax ceremonial candles for a throwaway line somewhere deep in Window I think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also figure because of Kree imperialism in this region of the galaxy, a lot of shit is probably Xandaran. Relatedly if it’s a product associated with wealth, I’ll use Xandar or Spartax (also Atraxia but I think I made that planet up lol). I’ll use Asgard occasionally too but less often because it’s supposed to be at the other end of the galaxy. So if I’m referencing a luxury item, it USUALLY comes from one of these places.
For writing Rocket. I think @aliasrocket recently wrote something about this and I agree with like, every flawless thing they said. I listen to a lot of Rocket clips. I try to hear each spoken line in my head in his voice. Some verbs will end in a hard -ing, and some in a soft hanging -in’. I might also use a conjunction (even if it’s not a “usual” conjunction). Sometimes I use something like a liaison in French (I don’t know if there’s a word for it in English, but I basically smush two words together). Moreover, I’ll go back through Rocket’s dialogue on reread and just make sure I don’t go more than like 1-3 sentences without some kind of word-softening. Some examples:
“What’re you laughin’ at me for?”
“Why d’you wanna do that?”
In third-person narration from Rocket’s perspective (non-dialogue) i still try to use these sporadically, but nowhere near as often because I am trying to separate narrative voice from speaking voice just a little.
I also try to consider rocket’s frame of reference for everything from his perspective. What does he know about because he’s seen it? Heard of it? How did he see or hear it? did he learn about it from a fellow prisoner in the Kyln? Someone he did a job for in Conjunction? An alien refugee on earth? Iron Man? Did he steal it? Make it? Buy it? Was it given to him and by whom and why? How trustworthy is his source? How trustworthy does he think they are?
OKAY. wow if you made it to the end of this novel you are IMPRESSIVE and I hope it was at least a little helpful. if you have any other questions I will be flattered and happy to answer them and I’ll try to less fuckin wordy. ♡
you are a gem & a blessing & I hope your fanfic-writing brings you JOY
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brasideios · 10 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
Thank you for thinking of me my dears @krankittoeleven & @ainulindaelynn
Lemme see. This is long, sorry about that. I’m in a rambling mood. These are just the characters that came wandering into my noodle in no order - at least, that was intended.
1. Dorothea from Middlemarch (by George Eliot). She’s probably my fave character ever. I think in a mostly abstract way, she’s come nearest to mapping out how I perceive the feminine part of myself. She starts out so so idealistic - wanting to do something to change the world, to matter, but society has its own rules that eventually beats her down, but she’s so stoic, enduring, and self-denying, that her happy ending is earned… but then the epilogue is so melancholy so was it happy? and… I don’t know. There’s something in it all that I’ve never found a better version of.
2. My brain is on D names now lol so Daphnae from AC Odyssey. The more I think about her story, as little as we’re given of it, the more I find something tragic and fated in it, and then there’s the possibility of changing that fate, or embracing it. Something, something doomed by the narrative, unless…?
3. Demosthenes from my pdfs lol listen - ancient history RPF is a fandom (apparently) so this is valid. I have been down some serious rabbit holes with this man of late - I won’t even start on why or this will be an essay. I could also have put Thucydides in this position - but I’m on D names.
4. Daria. No seriously. I loved this show when I was a teen, and she’s honestly my spirit animal. It was my nickname because I was unfortunately very much like that. I adore her deadpan, acerbic remarks and many of them will live on in my brain forevermore. I wasn’t as witty btw - but the vibes were the same.
5. Hedwyn from the vg Pyre (woot! My brain releases me from the letter D!). I’ve played it several times now, and he’s my fave. Just a sweet guy - so sweet, you always want to free him first, but then you also very much wanna keep him with you - and sometimes I’ve been selfish enough to send everyone else instead. I also like Volfred a lot but that has everything up do with the VA 🙈
6. Alfie from Peaky Blinders. I have no excuses - the character is an unhinged maniac but Tom Hardy just brought something (a twinkling eye) to the role that makes him a very likeable, back-stabbing psychopath.
7. Caesar from HBO Rome. Ciaran Hinds has been a fave of mine since Persuasion - and I liked how he acted this part / how he was written. That’s all I’ll ever say about Caesar - character or historical figure. There are at least another half a dozen characters in this series I might’ve mentioned too. I must rewatch it one of these days.
8. Gannicus from Starz Spartacus. Dustin Clare is an old time favourite from waaaay back when I was persuaded to watch McLeod’s Daughters - really bingeable but quite trashy Aussie TV - sorry to any fans - but it really is. I so enjoyed his vibes and he brings all of that to Gannicus and it just works so well for the character. Pure cheekiness, and when he does this face 🥺 chefs kiss. Side note - I will pretty regularly say some variation of ‘my cock rages on’ about the most random stuff so - thanks to this character for that gem lol.
9. Johnny Spit from the movie Gettin Square. Yeah this is left field and I seriously doubt there’s a fandom for it - but what a character - quintessentially Australian deadbeat, (played by David Wenham). There’s a courtroom scene that kills me every time. I hope he got square, for good this time.
10. Kenny from Mad Men. I don’t even know how to explain it, I just want to protect him and he doesn’t even deserve it, and he wouldn’t have thanked me for it - maybe it was just the way everyone else was just an asshole about his writing. I want to know more about the short story about the egg. I could’ve picked almost any other character from this show though. They’re all so good/bad for their own reasons.
I made it! Haha! I have no idea who to tag - I think the only people who usually join in have already been tagged - so I’ll just add a few and call it ten. Sorry for any double ups.
No pressure at all - @nemo-of-house-frye @theinkandthesea @liminalspacecowboah @cyrus-the-younger @myriath
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otome-mondays · 7 months
Virche Evermore -ErroR:Salvation- First Impressions 🥀
This will be my first time doing a first impressions post, since I started Radiant Tale before starting my blog, so quick rundown of how this works: I play through the prologue of a game (maybe part of the common route if a prologue is too short) and give my initial thoughts of the game and any love interests that appear. These posts are going to be relatively spoiler free for most the plot, but I won’t limit myself from spoilers of what I’ve seen for those who want to play a game completely blind. I am writing as I encounter things so if it seems all over the place then haha yeah it is!
Trigger/Content Warnings: violence, murder, suicide, body horror. Please be mindful of your triggers and don’t interact with this post if you’re not in the capacity to handle such topics! I’ve put a read more for those who would like to avoid these triggers. I am not aware of all the triggering content in this game yet, so please look up a full list if you feel the need!
For Virche Evermore, I played the prologue and Chapter 1 for this post. I am trying to do these posts before the first necessary dialogue choice, but because of how short the prologue was and how you only see 3 of the 6 LIs at that point I decided to wait until a bit later. I started playing January 15, 2024.
Also, I’ll note my most anticipated and least anticipated with the respective emojis: ✨ and 💥
General Thoughts
Oh my god this starts out so wild??? The prologue portion was INCREDIBLY short and I immediately saved after and it said Act 2 so was that Act 1? No clue. Anyways, this poor girl has gone through it. I feel so bad for Ceres. I don’t like that everybody but Salome ignores her essentially. Ok so I didn’t realize we’d be taking a Piofiore route of introducing religion but that’s fun. I struggle with games addressing religion sometimes because of some personal issues so I’m anticipating this game will take me a bit to get through like Piofiore: Fated Memories.
He seems very nice! He’s definitely one of the pretty boy characters and I have a stellar track record of picking those ones as my favorite. I did think he was wearing a dress at first and then was sad for 0.3 seconds when I discovered he wasn’t.
Lucas ✨
Oh boy another pretty guy. We’re off to an amazing start people. I was not expecting his voice but it fits, they almost always do. OH HE’S A TEACHER COOL! I am begging for at least one of these guys to have a full on dress at some point please they’d all pull it off flawlessly. Especially Lucas or Mathis. Oh he’s coughing that’s not good…I wanna fix this fictional country’s problems just to save this dude from dying he’s too pretty.
I have seen this man for 10 seconds and he is already getting on my nerves omg. Now to be fair, he is another pretty boy character…they probably all are now that I think about it. I was not expecting that voice from him though.
Ok this is the cover art guy…immediate first thought is he’s a little strange. I’m 99% sure he’s that kid who saved her in the fire. Yeah he basically instantly confirmed that, cool. Oh sweet the game confirmed it quickly on too, makes my life a lot easier. Somebody with braincells yay!
Adolphe 💥
Ok so I started my thoughts here at the first official time he makes an appearance. Interesting, I like him more than I thought I would when I was just seeing his sprite. He’s got some braincells unlike most these people so that’s a win. What’s not a win is the older brother-little sister dynamic we have here! Cute for anybody that’s not a love interest! Something from seeing his sprite enough now, does the dude wear a shirt because it doesn’t look like it?
Oh my god he’s wild and not in a good way to start off! Ok he’s scaring me genuinely wow. But he is pretty…ok what is he even talking about. Oh and that’s it there’s the op. Well let’s see how this game goes!
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creepsopasta · 2 years
creepypasta group chat
this is so fun i love this :D
part 1 - part 2/?
[ mr laughing ] : guys if this keeps going on they might get fucking rights
[ jeff2kills ] : oh no. gays getting rights. whatever shall we do
[ eyeless ] : lj i think you might have a homosexual tendency or two. maybe four if i’m generous
[ mr laughing ] : no wtf fuck gay people i’m not even talking about them
[ jeff2kills ] : fuck gay people?? 🤨
timothy is online
[ timothy ] : hey uh
[ jeff2kills ] : what do you think about orphans having rights
[ timothy ] : i’m out
timothy has went offline
[ clock freak ] : what about orphans
[ mr laughing ] : nothing soon
[ eyeless ] : uh what
[ eyeless ] : jack you can’t take my car keys
[ eyeless ] : jack where are you going
[ eyeless ] : JACK THAT’S A GUN
[ mr laughing ] : sorry jack i have to do what must be done
[ jeff2kills ] : do you guys smell smoke
[ kage😇😇😇] : yo the kitchen has been on fire for like 15 minutes are any of you gonna check it out
[ kage😇😇😇] : i would do it but i’m right in front of the fire and i’m scared
[ jeff2kills ] : you’re a fucking ghost man
[ kage😇😇😇] : somebody just hit the fucking wrong button do you want a gold star for being so fucking wrong
[ eyeless ] : dude aren’t you a ghost
[ kage😇😇😇 ] : you can’t just go around calling people ghosts asshole they find it rude
[ kage😇😇😇] : anyways put out this fire
[ clock freak ] : have any of you seen masky or [name]???
[ clock freak ] : they’ve been gone for two days
[ eyeless ] : they probably went out to see hoodie
[ clock freak ] : for two days?
[ jeff2kills ] : it’s like that sometimes yk
[ mr laughing ] : omw to blow up an orphanage
[ eyeless ] : oh shit i gotta stop him. see you guys
eyeless has went offline
[ clock freak ] : i guess i’ll ask toby where they went
clock freak has went offline
[ jeff2kills ] : put out that fire btw. we gotta clean up before slender comes back
[ kage😇😇😇] : yeah haha OH MY FUCKING GODHESLLLL S
kage😇😇😇 has went offline
[ jeff2kills ] : what the fuck are you yelling for you dumbass
[ jeff2kills ] : oh what the FUCK
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daeyumi · 8 months
Your art is so good! How did you learn to color like that? Like- what’s your rending process?
If a grandmothers cookies and sweets could be art, it would be yours. So pleasing to look at!!!
waaaaaaa thank u so much!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🩷💕
hm my current rendering process mostly boils down to, i really don’t like doing lineart and i’m hugely impatient so i’ve found that slapping blocks of color onto a page is a really effective way of getting to the fun part of art quickly lol.
usually what i’ll do is put down the general shape of whatever it is i’m painting in like 1-3 colors, then refine it and add details from there. if i want it to look good i’ll paint the shading directly onto it- if it’s far in the background tho sometimes i’ll make a copy of the parts that are in shadow and just use the curves tool etc to darken it & get the colors i want for the shading (i feel like it maybe isn’t very clear when i try to describe it in words, sorry haha- maybe if i get enough confidence someday i will post a process vid)
as for picking colors, i usually choose 1-2 main colors that i want for the piece and at least 1 more accent color. usually a lot of the colors in the piece are variations on those main colors. (i also use the color balance feature a lot when i’m first laying down colors on a piece, especially if i haven’t decided the exact direction i want them to go just yet. sometimes i’ll go through a lot of different color schemes before i decide on one that looks good to me)
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moyazaika · 1 month
My birthday was on the 25th of July, but due to certain circumstances we couldn’t have a celebration with my family (both sides of my family). I had a small celebration with some family on my actual birthday and it was really nice, but we will be having another celebration on the 3rd of August, this time with both sides of my family and also with some family friends. It’ll be Spider-Man themed because I’m a sucker for him. I had wanted to do a “dress inspired by a marvel character” but I don’t think it’ll happen. I’ll save you a plate of cake and also some of the food served. A family friend will be cooking and he’s amazing.
Know for a fact that the moment some sort of lore of Red is dropped, I’ll be the happiest person on the planet. I’ll defend their actions with everything I’ve got, they’re my beloved and they have a special place in my heart. I just wanna get inside their head (and Valentine’s too) and just,,, learn. I kinda feel like the pathetic yan, maybe that’s why I like him so much. But,,, I just need to understand them. Or maybe just to learn more and more and slowly piece together all the information given. I love your characters, they’re probably the first ones who have me like this.
So, while I was reading the part about the scene bitches I actually snorted and almost choked on my drink. The same thing happened while rereading an ask an anon sent that said “It’s always 2 dumb bitches telling each other exactlyyy”. I’ll keep them in the small folder I have of things that make me laugh. There’s many amazing anons here and even if they may not know me, I love all of them.
My middle school self felt attacked by the “he would totally make a powerpoint presentation and it definitely has those stupid fucking star transitions that are so slow they take 3 entire seconds to get to the next slide.” I felt so cool adding transitions and animations and even those clapping sounds in the end, now I see why some classmates thought I was weird /j😭 Twinning with pathetic yan
My main language is considered a romantic language (Spanish), so I can’t really say much regarding the preference Europeans have for themselves. Latin Americans winning once again- Still, I love languages, I love learning, and so far I’ve seen so many amazing phrases and words that have me just frozen in place having to understand just how beautiful a word or a phrase can be. Languages can be such a beauty, I’m hopelessly devoted to them. Something I wanted to share: There’s this word in Nahuatl (native language in Mexico) which is “apapacho” that could be translated in English to cuddle. It means “to caress with the soul”. It’s one of my favorite words. And there’s also this phrase in Nahuatl which is “Mitztemoa noyollo” which could be translated to “My heart looks for you”, which as far as I’m aware could be used to say you miss someone.
I feel like I write too much, end acting like some sort of overexcited puppy. I just get too happy, can’t help it. I’m jumping from one topic to the other 😭 anyways, hope you have an amazing week, you deserve it. Remember to drink water, eat well, and all the stuff you’re supposed to know. Keep the hard work but remember to rest when you need it! And even sometimes when you don’t feel like you need it but you’re supposed to. You deserve nice things, hope life treats you very well. Also, been thinking about drawing once again but I don’t really know what to draw, so please do share some ideas or stuff.
- With love, ❤️‍🩹 anon.
BRO I /COMPLETELY/ MISSED THIS ASK HEART NONNIE BELOVED HELLO <333 always loveeeee hearing from uuuu 💗💗💗
i hope ur bday was the loveliest so far!! as well as your actual celebration. would have been a week since then, but nevertheless i hope u enjoyed yourself!! spider man themed oh yEAHH i remember we gushed over the spider verse movies around the time the second one was popular good times haha when the internet was obsessed with o’hara fuck i need that man carnally 😂🙏🏼
know that every time you mention my oc’s in an ask you send i am in love with the way u talk about them. it just feels so introspective and i can tell u put thought into what u say and it flatters me greatly bshshuhshushjsj
I REMEMBEE THE CLAPPING SOUNDS HAHSU back in the days we used to use microsoft powerpoint now everyone just wants to use google slides damn 💔💔 but the dissolve transition.. the star one… they will Never lose their charm that shit was fire
languages are so lovely!! ive always wanted to learn spanish purely bc i hear it’s relatively easy for english speakers apparently, but it sounds so different to anything i speak and conjugations and grammar rules fuck me up and i’m scared 😭😭
my heart. my heart What. my heart. MY HEART LOOKS FOR YOU. IM FLOORED GAGGED THATS SO GORGEOUS OH MY GOD. bro. bro don’t even i’m like 2 seconds away from downloading duolingo i need this in my daily vocab ❤️❤️😭😭😭 oh that’s actually so beautiful; LOTE expressions of love my beloved <3 it reminds me of farsi’s jiggaram which is like,,, technically my liver,,, but comes off more as a term of endearment for people reeeealllllyy dear to the speaker and the connotations when speakers use it to mean like,, a part of myself i can’t be without,,, T_T I LOVE LANGUAGES THEYRE SO BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
hmmmmmmmmmm i’m super indecisive so the worst person to ask for conclusive ideas or advice but maybe try drawing some marvel character? i know you like the mcu, so that might be fun!!!
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