#maybe Ill make a better king of hyrule what about that?
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
I kinda like your chronicles of the domain story thing if you wanna do something with that for the prompt event. thx!
(@silvrash-797 this one’s for you ❤️)
Link was sick.
It wasn't anything too alarming, Abel told himself repeatedly. The chidl had a stuffed nose, a bit of a fever, and a wretched cough. Captain Tomall had assigned Abel to guard the Hylian quarters to help him care for his boy, which the young knight greatly appreciated. He spent the morning with Link in his arms, comforting the poor child, who was quite miserable with his situation. Abel's touch wasn't as gentle as Tilieth's, but his soft words of encouragement and love seemed to help either way.
He pointedly ignored the fear in his heart, like a tiny needle trying to undo him. He pointedly didn't think about how Tilieth had been sick before their departure, how Link maybe somehow had it now. But that couldn't be the case - it had been two weeks since they'd left Hateno, after all.
Still, Link coughed and moaned, and Abel worried.
Ekan, Abel's teammate in guard duty today, offered to take care of everything so Abel could just rest with his son. Abel was somewhat annoyed with the offer - Ekan was by far the weakest fighter in the group, and he did not take his duty as seriously, so leaving him in charge would be a disaster. Although the man had a good heart, Abel didn't trust the Zora enough to leave protecting Hylians up to Ekan alone.
It was strange, though. Having spent roughly a week here now, Abel was... not entirely sure what to make of the Zora. He'd heard of them, of course - a mysterious and elegant race of water loving people, with strange appearances, beautiful aesthetic, and strong magic.
When they'd been briefed for this mission, they had all been told briefly of the political landscape, at least enough for them to grasp the importance of protecting their ambassador, Cilda. The Domain and Hyrule had clashed in the past, though not too recently. Nevertheless, tensions remained high, and trust low. The late Zora Queen had not liked Hyrule much, but with her death the Queen of Hyrule saw a new opportunity to establish good relations with the heir apparent, Dorephan.
Dorephan. The man had been kind enough when Abel had met him. But he could also very clearly see distrust and disdain in the upcoming king's advisors, and it made him wary.
He hoped everything would go well, though. If nothing else, for Link's sake. The boy had really started taking a liking to some Zora children, and had even interacted with the little princess, Mipha. Abel wasn't entirely sure how appropriate that was, and tried to keep it to a minimum, but he couldn't control his son while he was on duty, much as he tried.
None of that really mattered now, though. Not with Link being sick.
Speaking of the Zora, however, one of the little Zora children did stop by to ask if Link could play. Rivan, if Abel recalled correctly. The little boy was greatly disappointed when he heard Link was ill, and he asked that Abel pass along message to get better soon because we were gonna go see Ploymous Mountain (to which Abel pointed out that children should not be wandering to random mountains by themselves since he hardly knew the terrain or how dangerous this area was).
As Abel checked on his little boy in the afternoon, having left him in bed to rest, he found the child clutching his cow plushie and sniffling. The knight's heart twisted a little at the sight of it, and he knelt down to be at eye level with the child.
"Feeling any better?" he asked quietly, gently brushing hair away from the boy's face.
"My head hurts," Link whined, voice breaking halfway through the sentence.
Sympathy tugged at the man's heart, and he leaned in to kiss the child before saying, "It'll get better, son. Drink some water and rest, okay? I'll be back with dinner."
He felt a little bad for leaving the child, but to be fair, he'd carried him around with him most of the morning. As much as he loved Link, he didn't need to coddle him too much. The boy would have to learn to become more independent someday. Abel found himself constantly debating how to go about doing that - Tilieth would treat him like a baby all the way up to his adolescence if she could, but Abel didn't agree with that. But he also didn't think it was fair to just throw the boy into the world as he himself had been, forced to parent his little sister, forced to run the house when their mother deteriorated and passed away.
He'd comforted Link plenty today, right? And he would tell him a bedtime story with dinner. He couldn't be with the boy all day. He hadn't been their entire stay here.
But Link was sick. And Abel was worried.
He sighed heavily, returning to his post, ignoring Ekan's gaze. When his teammate tried to start conversation, hand restlessly running over his dark cornrows on his head, Abel tried not to be too snippy in response. There was nothing wrong with Ekan trying to be friendly; Abel simply was too stressed to play along.
The next day, Link's fever finally seemed to break, giving Abel immense relief. Captain Tommell mentioned that there would be some sort of serious meeting between the heir apparent and their diplomat, Cilda, and many Zora officials would be there, meriting tighter security. Abel hadn't really seen the soon-to-be-king since his initial meeting with him - most of Cilda's interactions were with Zora officials beneath him, after all. This was important.
Which meant he would be assigned to guard her. And Link would be alone, sick.
Abel swallowed his remorse on the matter. Duty was duty. He spent breakfast in his room with Link.
"I'm going to be guarding the diplomats today, son," he explained gently. "I asked Sir Ekan to make sure you're okay."
"Braids soldier?"
Abel's mouth twisted a little in amusement. "You have to learn their names, Link. They're our... our friends here."
"But I don't want Braids Soldier," Link whined. "I want you, Papa."
Abel sighed. "Sometimes we can't get what we want, Link. Our duty always has to come first, remember? Others are relying on me, too. You're safe here. Our ambassador is not."
Link hugged Mrs. Moo more tightly, lip wobbling, but he nodded. Abel smiled proudly at it. His little boy would be a good soldier someday, and he told him as much before kissing his forehead and steeling himself for a long day. Link was on the mend, though, so no matter what, it would be fine.
And it was fine. Until the next day, when Abel woke up with a runny nose and a headache.
He groaned. Of course I got it too.
Whatever this obnoxious feverish nightmare was, it was clearly contagious. He prayed it didn't spread to the other soldiers. Goddess, what if he passed it on to the captain, or the ambassador?
Link wiggled in the bed a little, clearly far more energized, jumping up and down in excitement. "Papa! Papa I'm feeling better! Papa, look!"
Abel swallowed, feeling his throat scrape against itself, raw and swollen. He mustered a smile, nodding. "That's good, son. Maybe you can go play with your friends today?"
Link nodded eagerly.
The little one's smile fell, however, when Abel started coughing harshly as he stood.
"Papa?" he asked, beady eyes wide with worry.
"I'm okay," Abel assured him, pointedly ignoring the look from their roommate, Norri.
When he coughed again, though, world spinning slightly as his head pounded, Link immediately shifted uncomfortably. "Papa, you're not okay."
"Papa, you're sick!"
"It's okay, son."
Link's eyes were filled with tears, and Abel was almost baffled at the reaction. Surely he couldn't look that ill, right?
"I made you sick," Link whimpered.
"No," Abel hastily tried to appease him. "No, sweet child. It--I got this from--from Norri."
His roommate's expression grew affronted, and the younger knight huffed, freshening up and stepping out of the room.
Link seemed a little less horrified, but no less worried.
"Son," Abel said gently, picking him up and kissing him. "I'm a grown up. When we get sick we're okay. We don't really get all that sick. My body's bigger and stronger, so I can handle it, okay? I'll be fine."
Settling him on the ground, he nudged him along. "Go eat some breakfast. I'll be out shortly."
When he stepped out into the hall, he nearly jumped to the ceiling when Norri materialized beside him, saying, "I am not pretending to be sick just to assuage your child's worries. Unlike you, I am dedicating all my energy into doing my duty."
Abel's patience wasn't what it should have been. Not with as ill as he was feeling. Instead of taking the words with a neutral expression, he snapped, "Don't take my care for my child as shirking my duty. You know nothing of responsibility until you have someone in your care. Some of us aren't self centered brats who wish to climb the ranks."
He really should have held his tongue. Especially since Norri had occasionally tried to look out for him. The man wasn't a bad person, just... immature. He had his opinions about Link's presence, and Abel bristled at it. It wasn't as if he himself weren't aware of the inconvenience having a four-year-old caused; he didn't need it rubbed in.
Before Abel could retract his words, their superior arrived to corral them into the den and hand out their assignments. Abel would be with the ambassador alongside the captain and, of course, Norri.
Great. This was going to be a great day. Abel held back another coughing fit as he said his goodbye to Link and told him they would spar in the evening. Ekan, kindhearted as he was, promised he would keep an eye on Link and told Abel to take care of himself.
Goddess, how obvious was this illness? Abel felt miserable but he thought he was hiding it fairly well.
Well. Until he wasn't.
It wasn't entirely his fault. But he supposed that didn't matter. Lack of food and water mixed with whatever was tearing his body apart, and it turned into the perfect storm.
At least Abel managed to excuse himself from the meeting hall and made it into some innocuous corner before the dark edges of his vision caught up to the rest of him.
He wasn't entirely sure how long he'd passed out, but the sunlight didn't seem to have moved too much when he awoke. His shoulder ached--he must have hit it when he fell--but thankfully his helmet protected his head from any major impact. Now he just needed to find some water and get back to his post.
Shakily, Abel pulled himself to his feet, leaning heavily against the wall, when he realized he was being watched.
He reached for his blade automatically, feeling far too vulnerable, but a strong voice said, "Steady, Hylian. I don't mean you any harm. You're hardly a threat in your state, anyway."
Abel bristled a little at the implication of his ineptitude, but he sheathed his sword nonetheless. He didn't need to cause a diplomatic incident. The Zora in question was a sergeant, Seggin, who was known for his pride and prowess in battle. He was head of all the Zora military as well, which made this particularly unnerving.
Abel was exposing himself as a weak link in the Hylian forces, and he hated it. He wasn't entirely sure how to get himself out of this situation, so he just tried to stand tall and proud and strong, despite having just passed out.
"Hylians are so delicate, aren't they?" Seggin continued, walking towards him with his arms crossed. "Your kind live such short lives. You hardly understand anything of how the world works, and I wouldn't exactly call your people capable. How Hylia favored your race is beyond me."
Abel steeled himself for a fight, face carefully neutral so as not to be the one to start it, but more than willing to end it.
Seggin sighed before reaching for something and holding it out. "Drink. Get back what little strength your feeble Hylian body can muster. I'll not have you dying in my prince's halls and causing a problem."
As much as he wanted to punch the sergeant, Abel opted to just take the offered water flask and drink. He also promised himself to spar somewhere public when he was feeling better so as to prove this sergeant wrong.
With a nod of thanks, he made his way back to the meeting hall, ignoring Seggin's watchful eye as the sergeant also walked there. The two had a silent face off the rest of the day, sizing each other up, though Seggin hardly seemed concerned by Abel.
When the young Hylian knight returned to the barracks, he felt absolutely wretched, but he tried to put it aside as Link eagerly asked about sparring and talked about his day. Abel indulged the boy, wanting to also stretch and fight as well, and the two went at it briefly with wooden training swords. Link's prowess still surprised Abel, and honestly, with as sick as he felt, the child genuinely did almost defeat him.
Honestly, the joy of seeing his boy's abilities really did make him feel better. As he undressed from his armor, he felt his trousers get tugged and looked down to see Link holding a tray of food and what looked like five glasses of water.
"I brought dinner," he said, holding the tray up as proof.
"I... already ate," Abel replied, confused. "Remember? I had dinner with you."
"But it wasn't enough, Papa!" Link argued. "And you need water when you're sick."
Abel sighed heavily. There was little point in arguing with the child, so he nibbled on the offered food, ignoring Norri as he entered the room.
Link watched him uncertainly, holding his plushie tightly. When Abel smiled at him, he held the toy out hesitantly. "Do... do you want Mrs. Moo?"
Abel tried not to choke on his water. "W-why?"
"She helps," Link explained seriously. "When you weren't there she made me feel better because she's from you and Mama."
Abel lost his appetite in a heartbeat, guilt gnawing at his insides. He swallowed, putting the tray down on his lap. "I... sure, Link. Thank you."
Link smiled eagerly, taking the tray and putting it on the nightstand before handing Mrs. Moo to his father. Then he started fussing over Abel, insisting he tuck him in (and pat his cheeks with his grubby little hands, and goddess if it didn't take all of Abel's willpower not to laugh at the silly child). When Abel's pillow was fluffed, blanket pulled up to his chin, and Mrs. Moo secured snugly in his arms, Link was finally satisfied.
Abel smiled as his sweet boy crawled under the blankets to snuggle with him. Mrs. Moo smelled like soggy cloth and spilled food, and he noted he should probably wash the thing in the morning. His headache didn't seem to pound quite as much with some water, and the general ache that had been creeping through his body wasn't enough to keep him from trying to get comfortable.
In the end, Link's care was far more healing than anything else, and Abel felt his heart warm as he fell asleep that night.
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lorisidirgiichi2002 · 4 months
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Arriving at the Castle to meet the King and Queen has been honestly intimidating. Just the pure sight of the king piercing eyes at me deep down, the bits of grey approaching his black beard, the scar on his left eye blinding him from a war I cannot imagine, and the royal guard armor of gilded gold and whites to show protection and dominance over the kingdom of Hyrule.. The queen wasn't fairing any better as the look at her gentle expression is tainted by the sickly state of her body.. That crimson red markings on her sickly hands reaching towards her eyes, it's rapidly making her look more sickly as her eyes become glowing with orange overlapping her beautiful indigo eyes and struggling to say words.. Yet I put my focus on the Princess just as much as she put eyes on me.. Zelda, her name is Zelda.. She definitely has her mother's eyes like that. Her regal appear stands out compared to the harsh gaze of the king and the sick queen. When I finally entered, I took my bows and tried to speak my name.. With as much courage and force as I possibly can, I said my new name.. "L-Li..Link.." That force of silence controlled my voice again, my Hylian companions came to help voice what I couldn't say, that I'm a Zonai, a Zonai of unknown origin, I've been having these dreams of a fabled Demon King, and I'm off to try and figure out what to do when the eventual Demon King returns.. The king looked at his wife, told me and the group her tale of coming into an illness that is rapidly eating her alive and fracturing her soul to pieces. I can hear the hesitation and shame in his voice like he failed her.. But hearing my story made him spiked in paranoia, and tasked me and Zelda to become stronger and find the source to cure the queen of the illness. During all of this, Zelda has been quiet throughout all of this, just focused and watching me. She's determined for something, definitely on her mother mostly likely scenario. Whatever drives me to know who I am. When we eventually leave the castle and figure out the plans, Zelda's path is to go to the Springs of Power, Wisdom and Courage throughout Hyrule, she recently became 17 and is legal to pass into most locked off areas of Hyrule to awakening the power that the royal family has passed onto. But with the way she was acting was a bit.. "Un-princess-like" to us. She talked about how much she hated being confided to the main Kingdom of Hyrule and has the sense of exploration and danger in her spirit despite her convincing damsel appearance, even getting along with the other 2 Hylians along with me. But all I could do is just listen to her and hear her burdens. But maybe just her talking about her interests and such might be enough to keep me motivated and going for my own personal trials.. Tales of the Master Sword resting deep in the woods of green, where adventurers get lost, a maze of fog all in search of a legendary sword once wielded by Hylia's chosen.. The real question is.. am I worth the Master Sword..? Would this all be for nothing if I can't pull the sword? It's too early for conclusions.. We must press onwards for tomorrow... PREVIOUS: https://www.tumblr.com/lorisidirgiichi2002/751301143038181376/notes-of-the-hero?source=share
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angeliczelda444 · 1 year
Ok so since my mind won't STFU about TOTK especially with my goat dad Rauru I have yet another headcanon/potential DLC idea for totk. So here it goes. (Also sorry I know this is long but please bare with me)
Ok for starters, I'll make a separate post about this but I'm also coming up with a potential DLC idea to include a backstory to not only the Zonai people but within Rauru and Mineru's childhood and youth. This backstory will show the history of the Zonai and what lead to their downfall and how Rauru became king. In one of the cutscenes I'm thinking of, it will be about Rauru but here he is the age of 10 years old. His secret stone of light was actually his mother's and she shares the same light power as him. Remember when Zeldas mom and Urbosa would call Zelda little bird? She would call him something similar. She would call Rauru "Sweet dove". This is gonna be sad I know but the reason why she gave Rauru her secret stone was not only the fact that Rauru was ready for it.....but she was on the brink of passing away from being poisoned by a group of people who are killing the Zonai. (That will be for a separate post). And with this Rauru swears on his life to become the best Warrior for his people and to honor his mother's wish. And that's where it can fast forward to Rauru in his teen years. (Again, I'll make a separate post for this idea). Ok so now!!! What if there were additional cutscenes for the DLC and it actually shows a bit more of wholesome memories with Zelda in the past along with Rauru, Sonia and Mineru? This cutscene in practicular would focus on Zelda and Rauru. Keep in mind, especially in the ancient stone tablets it implies that Zelda was in the past for quite some time so naturally she would create a bond with these 3. And we've already seen a bit in that one dragon tears with Sonia and Rauru regarding Link. Ok so anyways! This cutscene here would be about Zelda and Rauru. Keep in mind, although she may have Sonias time power and she is mainly trying to use that, Rauru still wants to help Zelda as well with her power of light. And another way for these both to bond is by him showing her around Hyrule within that time and maybe show her his kingly duties. Ok, so this is where it gets wholesome. She's explained to Rauru before along with Sonia about how Urbosa would call her little bird. She has also explained to these 2 how her dad was so hard on her for power of light. Little does Zelda know, Rauru relates to Zelda very much. In the Zonai backstory, his dad was severely hard on him. Hell he was even worse than Rhoam. Rauru felt a huge ass responsibility towards his people back then because his power was seen as rare amongst his people(OK OK ILL MAKE A POST ABOUT THIS LATER OK?) Anyways, he sees this and reassures Zelda that he is in no way pressuring her into this power at all. And here's the wholesome part.....ok remember how Rauru's mother would call him sweet dove? Well.....IN THIS CUTSCENE HE CALLS ZELDA SWEET DOVE!! For example it could be something like "Zelda, you are already doing so much for your people. You carry the world on your shoulders and I know you strive to work hard, but just know that you are doing enough.....my sweet dove." Zelda would get curious as to why he called her sweet dove and he explains that Urbosa already gave you the title little bird and he wouldn't take it away. He explains to her that his mother called him that and how he sees himself through Zelda. So naturally, he called her sweet dove. AND OMG OMG YOU GUYS THAT WOULD BE HIS TERM OF ENDEARMENT TOWARDS ZELDA AND COULD YOU IMAGINE IF THEY MADE ANOTHER HYRULE WARRIORS GAME BASED ON TOTK HE WOULD CALL HER THAT IN THAT GAME AS WELL?!?!?!?! Ugh look this may be a bit copy paste from Urbosa but IDC cause Zelda has never had stable parental figures in her life and Rauru has been a better father to Zelda than Rhoam was. Basically sweet dove would be the fatherly version of little bird ok???? Lol ok yall thank you for coming to my Ted talk. If you made it this far which I know this is long but if you did, thank you. I hope in every ore you break in TOTK will be a diamond and you find the best weapons in the depths lol.
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bokettochild · 3 years
Sisters, Scoldings and Seaside Memories
My excuse? I wanted to write the Oracles meeting the heroes and it spiraled into some Legend angst, because, well- this is me.
I do have a prompt I blame for this though, so go yell at the folks at @linkeduniverse-prompts for inspiring me with this idea.
The heroes had landed in Legend’s world again, jolted across time and space by yet another sudden switch, one that had left them more shaken and out of sorts than normal, and which, quite to everyone’s panic, had nearly made Four pass out. As was, the smithy had clutched ahold of the nearest hero at the moment, Legend, and refused to let go, resulting in his getting picked up and carried by the vet after they had figured out where they were.
The fact that they had been dumped so close to Legend’s house (they were only just a half an hour’s walk away) had unnerved the vet, and a few others, but there was no sign of monsters as far as their scouting crew could tell, even with the heavy rainfall, and if Hyrule, Wild and Twilight all agreed that the path was safe, then no one else was going to be the one to question them. After all, if you can’t trust the two best survivors and the best tracker on their team, who could they trust?
Ravio had greeted the group with open arms and cheerful welcomes, pulling the sopping smithy out of Legend’s hold and cooing when the multi-colored hero hadn’t even protested. Legend didn’t appear too very put out about it either, just shaking his head with a smile that he hid behind dripping bangs as he’d removed his shoes and barked orders at the rest of them to do the same.
While Legend stoked the fire and grabbed a blanket for Four, who Ravio was settling in his own favorite overstuffed arm-chair (if Ravio hated Legend's rocker, then Legend had already condemned that chair to the furthest corners of the dark world), the rest of the heroes stood about toweling themselves off and looking around. Ravio had reorganized again, although he’d left a few things, like the strange mask on the wall and a few other decorations, alone. It looked nice, cozier, although a bit less like a shop. When asked why, the merchant had waved off the curious looks from both the heroes and his housemate.
“I figured with all y’all visiting so much I’d probably better work out of the shed. It took a bit of tidying up- now Mr. Hero, don’t look at me like that, it was a mess! Anyways, I tidied it up, moved most of the things into the basement where you can get at them easier, Mr. Hero, and set up shop! Now y’all won’t have to worry about my things getting in the way.” Ravio smiled brightly as he finished, patting Four’s head and ignoring the smithy’s irritated look and looking pointedly at Warriors instead.
It was clear that Ravio’s adoption of Legend and Twilight’s use of the word ‘y’all’ was bothering the poor captain immensely.
The evening progressed as usual, with Ravio humming off key as he bustled about the house making ready the bedrooms for the heroes’ use. Wild, perhaps in wake of the pie incident, had finally been granted access to the kitchen, which allowed him to make dinner while the others offered Ravio their aid.
As “host” Legend had been assigned the task of sitting with Four until the smithy felt a bit better. The vet had at first protested leaving all the work to the others, but Ravio had finally persuaded him by pointing out that Mr. Smithy shouldn’t be left alone to stew too much in his thoughts, and wouldn’t Mr. Hero like to make sure the Hero of the Four Sword was quite alright in this particular Hyrule? Why that worked, or why Ravio had used that specific wording was unknown to the others, but Legend caved quickly after that, changing into a horridly oversized tunic and joining Four on the couch, the smithy leaning against him while the two talked over mundane things like metal imbalances in weapons and other such matters.
Time hadn’t been able to hide a snort of laughter as he caught wind of Four very casually explaining proper cooling methods to use on newly forged swords to a flushed veteran, and Legend had looked one instant away from snapping back about a recent mishap involving such a task, only stopped the smith’s continued softness of voice and weary eyes.
The knock on the door only sounded however, once most of the others had already bustled into the kitchen, leaving Legend and Four to eat their dinner together where the smith would be most comfortable and Legend couldn’t scold Twilight for his ‘wolfish’ manners at the dinner table.
Considering the vet had trouble keeping himself clean, Warriors had quietly commented that maybe the other boy didn’t exactly have room to be complaining about table manners.
The sound at the door was lost to those in the kitchen as they chattered and laughed, but to the two heroes in the living room it was clear as day, and startled them both so much that they both fumbled with their bowls, violet clashing with brown as sheepish smiles marred both their faces, light laughter on their lips at their shared startle.
The knock sounded again, this time urgent, repetitive and with a desperate air.
Amusement flickered to worry as Legend had risen from the couch, the line of his shoulders tight with worry as he’d reached for the sword he’d left at the door before even daring to lay his fingers on the door handle. Four’s own hand had scrabbled for his blade, but he’d remained sitting, tense and alert with his ears pricked forwards and eyes sharp against whatever might be outside.
There were a few things Legend was expecting to see when he’d opened the door; royal guards coming for the bounty that the king had still failed to lift from him, despite most all of Hyrule knowing by now of his innocence of the crimes attributed to him, or maybe it would be a villager desperately reporting a monster attack down in Kakariko, he had thought it strange they had been dumped so conveniently close to home with no danger immediately evident.
What was on the other side however was not any of the things on his mental list.
Three cloaked figures stood outside the door, two of them nearly looming over him as a pair of sharp blue eyes stared at him from beneath the shade of a hood, stern and wary, but not entirely devoid of concern. “Link! Oh, thank heavens you’re here!”
“Nayru?” The vet blinked in surprise, gaze falling first on the Oracle in front of him and then to her sisters, standing behind her and wrapped tightly against the rain. And for lack of anything better to say, or even think, he opened the door a bit wider, motioning vaguely with the sword still in his other hand. “Come in.”
Four’s eyes followed the three girls as green, red and blue had brightened the dimming room, the bright hair and clothes of the three Oracles strangely out of place in the muted tones of Legend and Ravio’s house. Legend stashed his sword back against the wall, taking the cloaks from the three ladies and hanging them on hooks with everyone else’s as Nayru turned to him with her face drawn and eyes flickering sternly.
“Link.” Nayru began, frowning down at the vet, who stared up at her with similar seriousness. “It has come to my attention that there has been a temporal and chronological anomaly that seems to have been following you, I’ve come to ask-”
“Four!” Farore’s trill broke through the tense atmosphere as the Oracle of Secrets rushed over to bundle the Hero of Four Swords into a hug. “How? Oh, my stars! It’s been so long! You look so much older!” The girl exclaimed, holding the sheepish smithy at arm's length and inspecting him. “I haven’t seen you in forever! Although, I suppose it seems like less time for you. Linky! How on earth did you rescue him?” That stopped the smithy silent, and he stared up at the greenette before him curiously as she chattered on, worry in her eyes. “Is that why he looks ill? Did you-”
“Farore.” For maybe the first time in his life, Legend actually managed a half decent growl. Sure, he still squeaked a bit, but it was low and harsh enough to nearly count.
“How-” Nayru frowned, blinking slowly at the smithy seated on the couch while Din waved to him quietly.
“Boys, is everything-” Time’s voice was cut off as the three Oracles spun to stare at him, color draining from their faces as Din buried her face in her hands, Farore tensed and Nayru stiffened, sharp blue eyes turning to Legend with a glare.
“I told you to never play with the Harp of Ages!”
“I didn’t!” Legend snapped back, glaring up at the older girl with something similar to a pout. For the other two heroes, had it not been for the painful tension of the situation, they may have smiled at how much the interaction looked like a pair of siblings arguing over a valued toy.
“Then how is he-” Nayru flung a hand out to point at Time, who stood awkwardly in the doorway. “-here?” The Oracle faltered, gaze turning back to Time in confusion before settling on Legend again. “Wait, which hero is that again?”
“Ouch.” Time deadpanned, completely on instinct.
“Hero of Time.” Legend returned with a scowl.
“Wait.” Farore stared from one hero to another in confusion. “Isn’t he dead? Linky, are you- have you been rescuing-”
“This one didn’t die.” Legend returned, looking increasingly done with the situation while Time and Four both winced.
“Split timelines, remember, Fare?” Din offered with a pained smile.
Nayru scowled, pinching the bridge of her nose as her other hand settled on her hip. “Link, I swear, the Harp of Ages isn’t even supposed to be able to cross realities! Do you know what you’ve done? Link, I know you miss her, but searching across time and space for her just doesn’t work! You’re going to-”
“I didn’t use the freaking harp!” Legend shouted, and to the surprise of both of the others, tears were gathering in his eyes. “So could you just not-” The vet’s voice broke as teary indigo glared up into startled ocean blue. “Could you just not bring that up? I know better, Nayru! Besides, which one of us is it that broke the timeline last time, huh?”
“That wasn’t me.” The blue-haired maiden sighed. “We both know I had no control over any of what happened. But your point stands, I’m- I’m sorry for accusing you.”
“Good.” Legend wrapped his arms around himself, a single tear trickling down his scowling face as Din flew over and wrapped him in a hug. “Oh, Sunshine, she didn’t mean it! We’re just worried is all, you know that, right?” The vet didn’t answer, but he did melt into the hold of the young woman as she patted his back gently.
The others chose that moment to make their respective appearances, peeking around Time to see Nayru standing awkwardly beside the embracing Oracle and Hero while Farore and Four exchanged a Look.
“Legend, who is this?” Hyrule frowned, instant regret flooding over his face as he saw Legend swipe the end of his over-long sleeve over his face with a violent sniffle and a huff, releasing Din as the red-head sighed sadly.
“The Golden Goddesses.” Time answered instead, nodding politely to the three ladies, who all offered him awkward smiles in return.
“The Oracles actually.” Nayru corrected with a strained smile. “Apologies, Forest Hero.” She inclined her head respectfully. “I meant no disrespect, it’s only that you are quite similar in appearance to another hero from this world, one that is near and dear-” The woman’s voice stuttered to a halt as she stared at the others peeking out from behind the eldest hero.
The room fell to silence for a brief moment as Nayru’s face fell, eyes widening dramatically as her shoulders slumped. “Is that- Link, how many Heroes of Courage are in your home?”
“Nine.” Legend huffed, crossing his arms and looking anywhere else but at the girl. “Counting me anyway.”
“Nine Heroes of Courage.” The Oracle repeated, dumbstruck, before rubbing her hands over her face. “That’s like half of all of Hylia’s Heroes in all! Why? Why would so many be gathered in one place? How did you even meet them?”
The vet shrugged, still not meeting the baby-blue eyes that turned his way in desperation. “A lizard. Also, portals.”
From where she was now sitting next to Four, Farore nodded. “That sounds just bizarre enough to be true.”
At Nayru’s nod of agreement, Din reached out to ruffle Legend’s pink hair. “Just like you to get pulled along in something like that, isn’t it, Link?”
The soft chuckle earned a hesitant smile from the vet as the others pushed further into the room, only to freeze again as Nayru’s startled again, staring across the room at Warriors, eyes full of horror. “Oh no. Not you!”
The captain blinked in surprise, offense taking over as he stared at the young woman. “Excuse me?”
Nayru shook her head, no long paying attention as she cupped her cheeks. “No, not the blasted Hero of Warriors! Oh, why me!”
“Okay, now that’s just offensive.” The captain huffed, crossing his arms indignantly as Legend chuckled softly.
Sharp blue eyes made the captain still again as the Oracle of Ages whimpered softly. “Of all the people in your home, Link, you had to have the one Hylian that my daughters obsess over? Why?”
All eyes turned to the vet, who now looked similarly dumbfounded and horrified, blinking slowly at nothing as one hand buried itself in his long bangs. “My niece has a crush on-” the vet viably gagged, face screwing up as he looked up to meet the confused stare of the captain, “-Oh my gross!”
“Seriously?” Warriors huffed with a glare before throwing his hands up, voice raising slightly as he spoke. “Could someone kindly explain why all of you suddenly find me disgusting?”
“Not you.” Din laughed. “My nieces just have something of an obsession with you, and Nayru’s sick of it. Add to that that-”
“Of all the people,” Legend interrupted with a horror filled mumble. “For my nieces to have a crush on, it had to be my brother? Just- oh that is just so incredibly gross!” Violet met twinkling red as the vet leaned back to stare at Din. “Why do the ladies in my family always have such weird taste in men?”
“Says the guy who had a crush on his now sister.” Farore sniggered, now fully wrapped up in the blankets with Four, despite no one having noticed either of them move. The smithy didn’t appear to mind either, his smile matching that of the Oracle of Secrets’, even if he didn’t appear to know exactly what was going on any more than the rest of them.
“It wasn’t a crush!” Legend near shrieked, stiffening as his face turned nearly as red as the long hair that shimmered in the firelight behind him. “You get asked to dance by a girl you don’t know and see how you act!”
Nayru, now somewhat recovered, grinned impishly at the blushing hero. “That’s right, besides, I’m pretty sure our little brother had a crush on a certain farm girl.”
“I didn’t like Ropely like that!” The vet huffed, brightening further. “Or Malon, if that’s what you’re implying. She’s my freaking cousin and that would just be gross.”
“Malon is your what now?” Time blinked, confused.
“I have a Malon in my time too.” Four offered, very unhelpfully, as the eldest hero looked like he was descending into mental acrobatics. “She works near castle town and even lives on a ranch. I think Malons are a constant in our worlds, just like Zeldas.”
“I don’t have a Malon...” Wind mused quietly while Time began to look increadibly distressed.
“It’s a family name.” Legend huffed, rolling his eyes as his blush began to fade. “Mine was named after our great-something-gramma. The same is probably true of Mamalon, Time. She’s probably named after an ancestor from Four’s time or something.”
“Great!” The smallest Oracle exclaimed with a clap of her hands. “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, can I please make you recognize that my babies are in one place for once?”
Her sisters stared at her, blinking slowly. “Um, Fare, that’s sort of why Nayru just had a freak out?” Legend snorted but his...sister? Ignored it.
“Yes but,” Farore nodded at Four, who she’d once more wrapped in her arms. “Look!”
And they did. Four was cuddled up with a resigned smile, looking positively tiny in the Oracle’s hold and, admittedly, rather cute. There was not one person in the room left unaffected, and several actually cooed when Farore hugged him tightly, burying her face in the smithy’s hair. “All of my babies, I love you all so very much!”
Warriors laughed at that, shaking his head. “What, do the Golden Goddesses have favorite heroes too? I thought that was just Hylia!”
“Unfortunately, that is the case.” Nayru shrugged. “We can’t help getting attached, just like any other Hylian.”
“Who are who’s favorites?” Wind chirped; eyes eager as he stared from one Oracle to another.
It was Din who answered, wrapping her arms around Legend’s shoulders as she stood behind him, smile warm even in the chill of the evening as she stared at the sailor hero. “Sunshine here’s mine, he’s my baby brother after all!”
“Adopted, as all of our other siblings are.” The Oracle of Ages interjected, earning her a pout from her sister and a laugh from the heroes.
“Nayru’s favorite is the Hero of Time, it’s why she calls him by a nickname, and Farore, well...” The red-head grinned to where the youngest of the three Oracles was cooing and fussing over Four. “I think you can guess.”
“Do any of you have second favorites?” Wind pressed, curiosity flickering in ocean blue and silver.
“I haven’t had enough experience with most of the other heroes to really say, although the Hero of Wild’s never fails to make me laugh when I watch him through Nayru’s mirrors.” The Saesonal Oracle laughed, making the hero in question flush lightly. “Both for his pranks and clever antics, and, of course, having a horse named after you means you simply have to adore the owner!”
“Farore has several favorites, she’s just only ever interacted with Link and Four.” Nayru chuckled. “She’s quite fond of those who had to strive for Courage though, so I suppose the Hero of Hyrule and the Hero of Winds likely tie for her second favorite.” The two boys in question grinned brightly at each other. “As for myself, I find that as the Keeper of Time, I have quite the fondness for its hero. Although, my baby brother and brother-in-law are also dear to me.” Twinkling blue settled on Sky’s flushed face as the Oracle winked. “Hylia could have chosen no one better to be her lover, and I approve the match wholeheartedly.”
Sky proceeded to flush a color o one had known existed and quickly lower himself to the floor, smiling madly and covering hisface with his hands, earning tender laughter from the blue-haired maiden as she turned her attention back towards the other heroes.
“And for some reason, I’m the only hero left unfavorited.” The captain sulked.
“If it’s any consolation.” Farore called out. “Our other baby sister thinks you’re cute! She says she’s glad you married her daughter!” The Captain Hero choked, and it was only due to Twilight thumping the others back that the poor man didn’t choke right then and there. “The same goes for the Twilight Hero, Lolia absolutely adores him!”
“How did the same goddess choose us both? We are nothing alike?”
Warriors coughed in what might have been agreement.
Farore only shrugged. “I suppose it’s the same reason she adores Ravio so much, it’s the hero who makes an impression on her world that earns her favor.”
The heroes in question took their time processing that, and in the meantime, Legend darted off toe retrieve dry things for his elder sisters, only to come back to Ravio chattering to the three, who’d now gathered on the same couch as Legend and Four had been on earlier, all answering his questions fondly and politely while Farore continued to suffocate Four with hugs. The smithy didn’t seem to mind though, resting easily, eyes glimmering reddish-brown in the fire-light as the Oracle of Secrets toyed with his ong hair.
“I brought warm clothes.” Legend called, offering the things with a brief shuffle of his feet. “They’re Fable’s, but I don’t think shell mind.”
Ravio frowned, looking up at the offered garments with furrowed brows. “Are you sure that will warm them enough, Mr. Hero? It would be horrible if your poor sisters caught cold!” Grenn flickered knowingly, and Legend huffed as he met the expectant gaze.
“Fine, I’ll brew some cider, since I expect that’s what you suggest?”
“Oh! Mr. Hero, how kind of you! I didn’t mean to ask, but since you’ve offered I’m sure your lovely sisters will love to have some!”
Din straightened in her seat, eyes sparkling brightly. “Cider? Oh, Link! I haven’t had your cider in ages! Please make some! I’d actually kill for a cup about now!”
And really, who was the veteran hero to argue with the will of the Oracle of Seasons?
“He’s made you cider before?” The Oracle of Ages frowned.
“Oh, all the time! The whole circus troupe loved it! Auntie Impa always used to beg him for the recipe, but it was that one thing she could never convince him about. It’s absolute heaven, Nay! You’re going to love it!”
The bluette huffed, crossing her arms and faking a put. “He never made me any cider.”
“Because you tried to kill me!” Legend’s voice called back from the kitchen, making the three girls startle slightly. “If you hadn’t, maybe you could have tried some along with Ralph and Raven.”
“I wasn’t- I was- Link!” Nayru spluttered as a cackle arose from the kitchen. “I was under mind control!”
“Still tried to kill me!” The vet chirped back with far too much cheer considering what he was saying. And really, none of the others could argue his point, either because they didn’t understand what was being discussed or because it was true.
Cider was passed around after a brief wait, during which the others had made idle small talk and Farore had finally agreed to release Four from her grasp. The short hero still sat at her side, trading smiles with the three Oracles as he chatted amiably with them, clearly familiar with all three and quite happy to see them again, even with the drama from before.
No one brought up what Farore had meant about ‘rescuing’ him.
When Legend finally emerged from the kitchen, Ravio’s tray stacked high with mugs of steaming cider, silence had quickly fallen save for the quiet sips and louder slurps of the three as Legend handed out the mugs, finishing with the three Oracles and promptly plopping himself down in their midst, entirely uncaring of the looks they exchanged over his head while Four shifted a bit closer to his brother.
“Link,” Nayru settled her mug in her lap and stared over at the pink-haired hero, unfortunately gaining the attention of the rest of the chain in the process. “About earlier, I really am sorry for accusing you. It was wrong of me to assume-”
“You already apologized, it’s fine.” Legend cut her off, yawning softly as he sipped his cider.
“No, it’s not. But I’d like to make it up to you.” The mug was set aside as long fingers had begun to glow with a soft blue, catching the vet’s eyes and making him stare as the Orale of Ages waved her fingers gently, a blue orb appearing in her grasp as a soft smile graced her delicate features. “Anything you’d like to see, baby brother?”
Violet eyes stared fixed on the orb, glistening slightly with wonder as the vet floundered, nearly spilling his cider only to be rescued by Four’s quick thinking as the smithy removed the mug from his grasp. “A-anything?”
“Anything.” The Oracle reaffirmed.
Legend stammered softly for a moment. “C-Could I see Raven? Where he is now?”
There was some murmuring from the others, curiosity and confusion in their tones as Nayru frowned. “Raven lived four-hundred years ago, Songbird, he’s dead now.”
“Oh- uh- I knew that.”
“I can show you what he was doing today four-hundred year ago though.” She laughed softly, spinning the orb in her hands slowly before turning it to face Legend. The veteran hero stared intently, brows furrowing slightly before his eyes widened and he was pushing back into the couch and away from the viewing orb.
“Oh yuck! Nayru! That- ew!” At the girls’ laugher he shot them all a glare. “I did not need to see a woman eating my mentor’s face!”
“That would be kissing.” Time smirked. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”
“That’s my ancestor though!”
“And I knew that would happen.” Nayru giggled. “That was a prank, here’s the actual thing.” A small child and a man looking suspiciously like Time appeared on the surface of the orb, both lying on the floor of what might have been a farm-house as the little one played with a few small toys, the man watching with a fond gaze as he relaxed, looking as if he wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.
“They look happy.” Legend hummed, gaze softening as he watched the duo a moment more before smiling up at his sister. “Thanks.”
The bluette smiled in return. “I accused yo twice though, so you may have a second. What else would you like?”
Anyone who was watching could see the conflicted emotions flying through Legend’s eyes as he stared at the now blank orb, the vet fidgeting with his rings and long sleeves as he gnawed his lower lip, torn about something that remained unknown to the others but clearly was tearing him up inside. At long last however, the vet’s voice, small and vulnerable, more so than they’d heard even when he was half asleep, spoke his request. “I’d like to see her.”
Ocean blue eyes softened as the Oracle nodded, spinning her orb slowly before handing it over to the vet as the scene of a beach crossed the surface of the ball.
A girl with curly red hair and sparkling eyes sat on the beach, voice rich and lovely as she sang ou a tune that had the vet’s eyes watering as he smiled as the vision, his brothers crowding close curiously as several of them muffled soft gasps.
“Marin?” The voice of a boy rang from the orb, gentle, uncertain and young, but resemblant of Legend’s own in an odd, gentle way.
“Link! Don’t startle me like that!” The girl laughed, shaking her head and making her curls bounce as she smiled over at a boy maybe a bit older than Wind.  The lad was dark haired, but pink showed through at his roots and while he carried a sword on his back, he looked relaxed and at peace with the world around him, face gentle and unmarred by worries or fears as he walked across the sand to where the girl sat. A dopey smile and light blush touched the kid’s face as the girl, Marin, gently patted the sand at her side. “Join me, you’re done running errands for everyone now, right?”
“For today.”
“Good.” The girl reached up, tugging ‘Link’ down next to her firmly. “Lay down.”
“Lay down.” Marin ordered. “You need a break. You’re always running everywhere and helping eveyone else, you need a bit of time to yourself.”
A smile pulled at the boy’s features. “Yes ma’am.”
The girl snorted, but patted her lap and tugged at the green tunic of the other, resulting in him at last laying on the sand, head in her lap as she smiled down at him. “You’re going to rest now, because tomorrow is a busy day for us.”
“Oh?” Already there was a dreamy quality to the boy’s voice as he relaxed into the hold of the girl, her fingers tugging gently through tangled black hair as she nodded.
“Yes. We have to sleep in until nine, and then eat a big breakfast before taking a long walk on the shore. Then, you’re going to help me conquer a huge basket lunch before you can then defeat being awake for an hour. After that, we have to chase the tide until it tires, and then dance in victory over the ground that it’s lost.” The boy laughed softly, lashes already fluttering softly across rosy cheeks as the girl continued. “Then, you and I are going to sit here and watch the sun go down, and we will sing it to sleep along with the island until the sun comes up.”
“And what then?”
“And then we do as we please!”
“We build a fire.” The boy hummed. “And I’m going to make you cider so good you’ll be ruined for any of your silly teas.”
“Hey!” The girl huffed, purposefully jostling the lad’s head as she huffed down at him. “My teas are good!”
“Not as good as my cider.” The boy replied, opening one eyes to grin up at her, a cheeky smile on his face. “Just you wait, you’ll see.”
Marin shook her head, eyes glistening gently as she ran her fingers through Link’s hair again. “I suppose I will.”
The orb shattered as it hit the floor, dissipating instantly as the heroes collectively startled.
“Legend?” Four rested a hand on the vet’s shoulder, staring in concern at the other boy, who hid behind his bangs with a faint sniffle.
“Thanks , Nayru.”
“Do you want me to fix it? I can give you another-”
“No, I know what happens.” Legend waved her off, sighing heavily and offering a teary smile. “I just wanted to see her again.”
“Well then you should have said something!” Warriors exclaimed, catching the attention of all gathered as he stared at the vet, caught between a grin and a scowl “Had I known you were Marin’s prince charming I would have said something by now! For pities sakes, the girls have been trying to hunt down her world since the war ended!”
Legend blinked.
“She’s still not home?” Wind frowned. “But, it’s been months!”
“No one knew where she belonged, she didn’t even know, said she knew nothing of Hyrule’s history, only that there was a hero.” The captain shook his head. “Hard to believe the sweet hero she described is this here ass, but who am I to judge?”
“She’s alive?” Legend stared.
“Yes,” The captain smiled slightly, gaze warming as he met the vet’s. “But between Cia, Lana and Midna, we never-”
“Midna too!” Twilight exclaimed, pushing into Warriors’ line of vision with a shocked face and watching the captain immediately fly through every shade of shock imaginable.
“Love of the goddess...” Warriors breathed. “Both of you? The two famed sweethearts of my team are the biggest asses I know? You have got to be kidding me!”
The Oracles laughed, or in Farore’s case, cackled, at the plight of the captain, and the other heroes joined in.
“Wars, I’m not even mad.” legend chuckled, shaking his head, and Twilight nodded in agreement.  “But I will say this, we can’t get to your Hyrule soon enough, and when we get there, Time, know for a fact that I don’t need to wait till I’m older to understand that thing earlier.”
“Okay, that's just gross!” Wind exclaimed. “I do not want to see Legend kissing someone! That’s just- oh yuck!”
The vet threw his head back and laughed, and no one could really help but join in. Except Wind, who scrunched up his nose in disgust while Wild and Hyrule shared a confused look.
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babylink · 2 years
Don’t Drink The Milk (A BOTW SickFic)
First off, big thanks to @aphroditeslittleangel for helping me out with plotting and titling! I just wanted a sickfic involving Bosa is some capacity (almost typed “calamity”, whoops!) As always, sorry for OOC, and hope you enjoy!
Summary: Gerudo tend to be allergic to milk. King Rhoam had milk put in the food for a Champion dinner, not knowing this. I think we all know what happens next.
Warnings: Swearing, illness, vomiting, allergic reaction (not epi-pen worthy (do they have epi-pens in Hyrule?))
Chowing down on my food, I listen to the conversations. Revali bragging about taking down 3 Lynels at once, which I highly doubt he actually did. Mipha talking about her new trident. I don’t really register Daruk’s voice due to how much he’s talking into my ear, which fucking hurts. 
”Urbosa? Are you alright?”
 I nod in answer to Mipha’s question. I can’t really do much else, though, since I’ve kind of gone nonspeaking. My stomach growls painfully. “Maybe this has milk in it?” I think, chewing on my lip. 
Then I feel bile rising in my throat. Damn. This definitely had milk in it. I motion for Mipha’s arm, which she gives me, albeit being a bit confused. I trace out the letters of, “Where’s the bathroom?” on her arm.
 “It’s right over there,” she says, pointing, “but are you feeling okay?” I shake my head and make a mad dash for where Mipha pointed to, but my high heels almost make me trip. I keep running, though, and get into the bathroom just in time. The sink is a little low for me, given that I’m six-foot-something, but it’s closest. And therefore my only option.
I rush over to the sink, just in time to choke up everything I have in me. I’m shaking with the effort of getting the milk out of my body, and my stomach is still churning.
Mipha knocks. “Are you alright in there?” I can only gag miserably. Mipha knocks again. “If you don’t say something in the next five seconds, I’m coming in!” Normally this would embarrass me for all eternity, but I feel too awful to give a flying eff. And it helps that it’s Mipha and not Revali or Daruk. 
The door opens. “Freaking Hylia, Urbosa, why didn’t you say something?” Mipha closes the door behind her and starts ghosting her fingers over my back to try and soothe me. Finally, I’ve stopped puking, for now, and can tell her that that tickles.
“Nnnn...” I try not to groan, but my tummy really fucking hurts. Mipha hums, “Let’s get you to your room, poor baby.” I shake my head. “Don’t. I’ll make a mess,” I sign, hoping Gerudo Sign is blatant enough that Mipha will understand. Mipha grabs my arm. “We’ll get you a bucket.” She then shouts out the door for a bucket.
 I can hear Daruk shuffling around...somewhere, looking for a bucket. A couple minutes later, he knocks. “Hey, I found a bucket. There’s a trash bag in there too.” Mipha signs what I think is a thank you (I don’t know much Zora Sign). 
Then she hands me the bucket and starts leading me to my room. It’s a bit awkward, given that I’m taller than her, but oh well. It’s not like I have the energy to get myself to bed. My lack of energy makes us amble along, but we get there alright.
Mipha surprises me by trying to tuck me in. I shove her hands away, perhaps a little too harshly. “Sorry.” “It’s alright, I should’ve asked. Are you feeling any better?” I shrug, and flop under the covers. ‘”Thanks for taking care of me, Mipha.” “No problem.” I’m asleep before I can hear anything else.
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
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ashleyswrittenwords · 5 years
The Queen’s Tournament
A ZeLink Fanfiction (Part One of Three)
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(Art by the wonderful @ramibriidge)
Summary: Princess Zelda is ready for her coronation. Her court, however, is not. In an effort for a King, the ministers pressure the crown princess into agreeing to marry whoever champions in a tournament any man in the kingdom can participate in.
The Queen’s Tournament
The string was pulled taunt and she steadily aimed the arrowhead above her mark. Feet parted, arm steady, trust your gut and don’t overthink. She breathed in slowly and released the string. The arrow whizzed through the air. The arrowhead hit its mark squarely on the bulls-eye. She lowered the bow to get a good look at her marksmanship and a smile upturned her previous frown.
“You get better every day,” a voice said behind her. Zelda jumped; it was nearly right in her ear. She turned to see Link looking at the target past her. She lazily observed him and turned back, her smile thinner now. Link had been teaching her archery among other arts of combat for over a year now. It was a good expenditure of her energy, especially as of late. She shook her head and muttered, “I hate when you do that.” Then, she added, “Not good enough.”
The early morning sun painted a sky a light pink and blue hue. Link had gone to gather the arrows from the target and was walking back, making note of the dullness of the arrow heads. “Seems like it’s never enough. Are you looking to start a war, princess?”
She only took the arrows from him and shrugged without meeting his gaze, “So what? Maybe I am.”
Link watched her as Zelda fiddled with stuffing the arrows into the quiver. He was only half-joking. The princess had insisted they practice three times more than they were before. Zelda wasn’t acting as she normally did. Her usual excitement to learn dissipated into an odd obligation. It was her only free time away from her court, so it shouldn’t surprise Link that she wanted to increase it. Though her demeanor has changed and now she was going out of her way to train without him like a woman possessed. To say that she was worrying him was an understatement.
“I should go,” Zelda spoke without raising her eyes. As the sun rose higher the threat of her maids gossiping rose as well. They both knew that. The Hero and the crown princess meeting secretly in the dark – he could see it on tabloid headlines within the next day.
“Can you at least let me know what’s troubling you?” Link had almost gone to grab her hand as she turned away, but his reach withered to his side instead.
Zelda paused and turned back with eyes studying the red clay beneath them. They flickered to his for a moment, “You should know. You of all people should know.”
Guilt ate at him as he watched her saunter off. Her dark trousers would soon be replaced by an elaborate gown and her long-braided hair with something other. Link diverted his eyes elsewhere, scorning himself for looking at her like that. If anyone had seen him…
No one did. No one was ever out training here unless it was Zelda and himself. Well, now it was just Zelda apparently. A feeling of obsoletion shocked him and he pushed it away, eyeing the off-kilter marks left by Zelda’s morning training. It wasn’t all perfect. She still had a long way to go. But Link would be lying to himself if he was to say she wasn’t a natural. Zelda had talent. All she really needed was a little guidance and muscle memory. Link hummed to himself, a small smile gracing his lips. Once she’s done that for herself, then he’d be obsolete. And that suited him alright. It would mean he did his job.
Maybe she’d even dismiss him?
He had helped her defeat Zant. The castle had finally returned to normal. What else was he to do here? Link had offered advice to straighten out her forces and improve defenses. Zelda had followed through without much question. Really, what else was there to do?
Her advisors had insisted she get married. Zelda had resisted each time. When she finally requested that the court ordain her as queen, they were beyond irritated by her resolve. The ministers had compiled a list of suitors and she had rejected them all, so they rejected her request. Goddesses, she had been mad. That night she woken Link up and nearly pulled his arm off with how much she demanded to let her into the armory. He was barely able to throw a shirt on before trying to smooth over her anger.
“You can’t just murder your court,” he had said, that seemed to get through to her enough where she explained what had happened. It was the first time he had seen her cry. It still made him frustrated to think about it. Zelda had always seemed untouchable, the human embodiment of a queen. Why they refused to even consider her request was unfathomable to Link. She was level-headed, brilliant, and more than capable. In that moment, she was so vulnerable. He wanted desperately to protect her. Shield her from whatever was hurting her. But he couldn’t. This wasn’t Zant or some formidable enemy threatening her life. It was politics, a world Link wasn’t well-equipped in.
Zelda would be forced to marry soon if she wanted the throne. Hyrule was becoming unsettled without an absolute in power and the mourning period for Zelda’s father, the King, had long come to pass. And heaven knows the princess was too stubborn to step down from a challenge. So, when the crown princess had come to an agreement with the council in regards to marriage the kingdom was shocked and a heavy sense of burden fell upon the Hyrulian champion.
Zelda was bored.
Her signature started blurring into scribbles as she signed off on a bill. She had been at the same activity for hours now. The door to the office opened and closed to reveal more paperwork. It seems like the lords and ministers were particularly excited about preparations today. Which meant they were spending more of the crown’s money. The weight of her head cramped her hand and she made a face at Impa who stood at the side of the room, busying herself with proofreading.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she said, making a gesture to the princess’s desk. Zelda stretched her arms upward, groaning, “Whatever has possessed the bureaucracy to write this much?”
“Your impending coronation. Remember?”
Zelda scowled, “At what cost, Impa?”
“As much as it takes to get you in a white dress. What did you expect when you agreed to that ridiculous competition?” Impa had been resentful since she had learned of the idea. She thought it was patronizing to the family’s legacy. Which wasn’t completely wrong in Zelda’s eyes, but the gears in her head were turning.
“That it will be exciting,” another signature and she laughed at her advisor’s grimace. “You agree with the rest that I must wed myself to someone. Courting is a spectacle for my court therefore I don’t see why finding a capable suitor shouldn’t be a spectacle that my people can’t ogle at as well. Men from different lands fighting for the honor of being king? It’s something out of a theatrical play.”
“And you’re comfortable with it?” Impa said, meeting Zelda’s eyes. The princess squirmed in her seat, feeling exposed. Impa has known her since she was a child, even advising her father for a time. No wonder she could read Zelda like a book. “I never said I was going to attend,” Zelda muttered.
“Your highness?”
Impa and Zelda looked at the door in alarm. The squabbling between them squandered by the interruption. Link stood in the entryway in the attire of the royal military. To Zelda, it was still strange to see him with a lack of green. “Is this a bad time?” he spoke slowly, seeing the faces of the Impa and the princess herself.
“No!” Zelda said suddenly before her advisor could speak. “No, it’s a perfect time.”
Link looked at her for a long moment. He was always more formal with others around. But now, his eyes were soft and she averted her gaze at the small stack of papers he put on her desk. He had a knack of seeing beneath the crown, the jewels, and the gowns. It was a skill she had come to both scorn and adore. “A lord came by and asked that I give you this for approval. I don’t remember his name,” he muttered the last part.
“Did he say what it was? If it’s a revised bill about the candle budget I will march into the House of Lords myself,” Zelda flipped through it, pausing at a list of names.
“Ah, no,” Link masked a laugh with a cough, “It’s the names of who will take part at the suitor event.”
Zelda looked up at him in surprise, “Already?”
“Is it not next week?”
She looked back down that the list, scanning over the names and feeling his blue eyes watch her. Some she recognized, most she did not. Nodding more so to herself, “It is… it is.” Zelda felt ill. Any of these could be the next King of Hyrule. Suddenly, her plan felt flimsy. So many things could go wrong. The list spanned two pages and she wondered how the few days of competitions could weed out this many people. She dipped her pen into a pot of ink and paused just above the dotted line. Her eyes drew to the last name that seemed to be scribbled in at the last second. Her brows knitted together as she read it over several times just to be sure: Link Forester.
Zelda caught him as he slipped out of the door.
She scrawled her name on the document and handed it over to her advisor with a clouded mind.
Zelda had been far too occupied with preparations that her time to train was suffocating by the day. Despite that, her training was felt to be more important so she practiced in her room and outside in the late hours of the night. It was taxing on her body, but her mind felt at peace. At peace meaning more room for determination than before. The event was publicized to the public as being a romantic affair. The inns around the castle were packed with travelers from abroad for tomorrow’s processions. Even if it turns into a worst-case scenario, at least the public’s morale has recovered. They were calling it the Queen’s Tournament in the papers. The notion brought a smile to her face. So, they did believe her to be the true queen. That was a comforting reality.
Impa had just left after finishing her last attempt to sway Zelda’s decision. It was for naught, there was an agreement she signed. Her word was given. Even if she wasn’t there in person the tournament would still go underway, which worked in her favor. Zelda approached her mirror and pulled the pins from her hair. Her locks spilled down her back and she waved a hand. Like a mirage, the features her mother passed to her faded into a gruffer appearance. Her skin wasn’t as smooth, her hair far darker, and her eyes of a different shape. Zelda was out of practice in her magic. Link had seen her do this once before and his attendance was entirely unsuspected, therefore she would need a different mask. As the thought crossed her mind, she felt overwhelmed – flustered. He did realize it was to win her hand in marriage, right?
Of course, he did. He had to know. The papers speculated who would be in attendance as the list wouldn’t be publicized until tomorrow. Cover after cover was gossip and rumors of Link being amongst them. Before she had scoffed and threw them in a bin. But now she stood in the mirror, still jarred by the news almost a week later. Zelda wasn’t naive, she knew he was more capable than the rest of the men she saw on that list. That stupid list with his wobbly handwriting on it. Her people loved him for all he had done, all the things he still does for them – for her.
Zelda looked back into the mirror to see her foreign features were fading with her wandering mind. She grew frustrated. No longer was she an adolescent child. She was a formidable mage, was she not? Zelda could wield the power of the Goddess if she chose to. A queen doesn’t pine after people. No, she wasn’t pining. Princess Zelda was simply taking note of her competition for her own hand.
Perhaps he had been too hasty.
Link being too hasty? No, he was calculated. Precise. Thoughtful.
He stared at the attendant who stared right back. “Link Forester?” Link repeated, unsure if he had heard him correctly. The match in the man’s head seemed to spark and he fumbled with his quill, “Right, right. Of course, the Hero of Hyrule.”
Link cringed but nodded respectfully. He hated that title. It was all too formal. The man crossed a name out and waved him in. The building was recognized as an outdoor theater, but now it was a coliseum of sorts. The stage was deconstructed, and they were still moving targets into the empty space. It was practical, perhaps the only building in the capital that could house the tremendous amount of people that were expected. He had seen them already lining up in the early hours of the morning. He was led into a holding space that was being used for storing the props over the next few days. Excess targets, bows, and training dummies to name a few. Link felt excited. It had been a while since something serious was at stake. Sure, it would be far better if no one had to marry the princess.
He unbelted the baldric from his hips and set the scabbard against the crate, promptly hoisting himself up to sit on it. The gazes from the men in the room felt demeaning, but he retreated into his own head. Only a couple more hours of this, then he’d do it all over tomorrow.
Zelda said to him that all she wanted was to choose. There was too much in her life she had no control over. Of those things shouldn’t be the person she would spend the rest of her life with. Link stared at his hands, remembering when she announced the tournament to the press. Her speech didn’t waver, and her head was held high. However, he could see past that. He could see the way her eyes told him she was defeated. They finally told her they would vote her off the throne if not for this silly competition. She was hurting.
So, when the lord was thrown off by Impa’s loud voice in the office and tossed his chore to Link it felt natural that he’d write his name in too. Not to win her hand, but to give her the choice she wanted. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind, he would win and nothing in the contract said that the winner had to marry the princess.
The door shut loudly and someone else walked into the room. At least the attention was finally off Link. The interest in analyzing his competitors overwhelmed his thoughts and he obliged. There were several lords’ sons in the room, not that he knew their names, their clothes betrayed them. They were far too neat and proper to have witnessed any harsh training. Link made a categorized list in his head of the people his eyes met. There was a group of soldiers he recognized, none of whom he interacted with on a daily basis. Then, a Goron and a few odd Zora. Among the rest was a large Gerudo man that sat with some other boisterous men. Link vaguely recognized him as some kind of politician that visited from abroad from time to time. They seemed to have been drinking. Nevertheless no one seemed threatening, but there was a Hylian man that Link kept coming back to. He was set apart and near the opposite end of the room. Dark hair and a thin build. He wasn’t anything intimidating, but he was odd. Link felt a sense of distrust.
A bell chimed and the doors opened to the public. It wouldn’t be long now until the first event of the tournament was underway. The topic of the day’s competition was announced: Archery.
Zelda had snuck her alias onto the list last second and took her seat on the far side of the room. Having the signature of the princess was certainly useful.  It was a surprisingly long wait, but soon enough they were all lined up to be introduced to the stadium. Link was two people in front of where she stood and he seemed to have noticed her. She glanced down at her hands, no her masking spell was still strong. Zelda felt giddy. It was amusing to be plain and blissfully normal. Even more so at a tournament centered around herself. No one had outright spoken to her, so she didn’t need to exercise an excessively deeper voice. She was never good at voice changing spells and it wasn’t the time for a failed attempt.
Link was asking if contestants could bring their own bows. The man handing them out denied it, insisting standard use had to be used. He sighed and set the bow he usually used during our training to the side. Zelda felt somehow touched by the familiarity. She hoped he didn’t expect her to be watching in the box with Impa.
“You’re not from around here, are you?” The man in front of her laughed as he spoke to Link, who turned just barely. “No. Not really.”
She took a bow, trying to make it look like she wasn’t interested. It wasn’t anything special, they were standard wooden bows.
The man ahead spoke again despite Link’s disinterest, “What do you do, kid?”
“I, uh,” he started, “I’m a goat herder.”
Zelda raised a brow as the guy began roaring in laughter. Link didn’t react much, just shrugged his shoulders. The line started moving towards the open doors that led to the open stadium. Introductions were being announced and the crowd was deafeningly loud.
“A goat herder marrying the princess? Hey, at least you’re shooting your shot, boy.”  
Link stepped out into the sunlight and the announcer boomed into Zelda’s ear. “Link Forester, the Hero of Hyrule!” The said hero visibly winced at the screaming audience. She knew how much he resented the title but seeing the berating man freeze at the words made her lips form a secret smile. He had been so affected he walked robotically out. The acoustics of the former theater were amplifying.
Zelda’s own introduction was small and plain. She was Yoland Romerok. A name she made up at the door. In the least, it was better than Shiek. It was true that she wasn’t good with names, goddesses help her children. There were three lines in the sand and she followed the group to the closest, situating herself in front of her own target. A handful of arrows sat in a small barrel an arm’s reach away. There were about fifty suitors that lined the edges of the stadium, it matched the list of names. The announcer rattled off typical archery rules for those unfamiliar. It would be rather long. There would be three trials and between each the suitors would be disqualified. The distances of the trials would be as follows: 25 meters, 50 meters, and 90 meters. The time would be set at ten minutes and the competitor would have that set amount of time to shoot all arrows in the barrel until scores were tallied.
The ten minutes began counting down. Yoland eyed the barrel and nocked an arrow. The bow’s string wasn’t too different from the tautness of her own on the training grounds. The target was closer than what she was used to. A perfect opportunity to try out this bow. The first was off and landed just above the bullseye. She caught her breath and glanced at her neighbors who took their time as well. The man who had taunted Link had missed his mark completely.
The next two arrows hit the eye and the last landed lower than she meant. Zelda smiled but humbled herself with a glance at the next two lines behind her. The ten minutes went by slowly, but eventually the judges walked by making marks. Several names were announced to leave, Yoland not being one of them. The man beside her walked away with heavy steps. There was an applause as a team of people came by to move the barrels and collect the arrows. During this time, she noticed a rather large man. Zelda’s stomach sunk. Lord Ganondorf had made the trek from the desert to represent his people. She diverted her eyes when he looked her way and swallowed thickly. He had asked Her Highness for her hand over the span of several years. A chill ran up her spine, she must have missed his name when she grew distracted by Link’s own.
The next trial was a distance Zelda felt more comfortable with. All four struck the red bullseye. Another set of men left the field. It made her wonder if they thought this competition was a different form a combat or perhaps simply nerves. The last competitor that separated herself and the hero left quietly. Zelda rubbed her sweaty hands onto her trousers and wondered briefly if Link thought they looked familiar. Speaking of which, she stole a glance his way before the last trial. He was looking past her, up at the stands. She followed his gaze and was met with the box the princess was supposed to sit. Impa was instead standing there, looking rather impatient. Link ran a hand through his hair and pulled the longest locks into a ponytail. Sweat dripped down the side of his face.
Zelda frowned at the increasing temperature of her cheeks and blamed it on the heat. She scolded herself, checked her hands to assure the spell wasn’t affected, and turned her attention to the reset time. 90 meters. She had practiced this.
“The last trial commences!” The announcer said boisterously. The stadium roared with the same enthusiasm. With a nocked arrow in her grasp, Zelda reminded herself of what she needed to prove to her court and the ministers that constantly doubted her intentions. She could hear Link already hitting his mark and remembered what he had told her about emotions. Don’t let it guide your arrow. Instead, channel it into energy. When she breathed in, she held the breath in her lungs. Her hand pulled the string taunt and she watched the target with indifference.
The arrow hit the edge of the red circle.
The next two arrows hit around the same area. A part of her worried they would knock the first to the sand. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case and the last hit above the cluster. Yoland Romerok leaned back to observe the target, then the competitors nearest. An older man hit the edges of the target. Link was already observing her own work, he hadn’t done too shabby himself. His gaze at her almost made Zelda want to be smaller. He was staring with a strange look in his eye before he nodded and looked away.
That was weird.
Zelda surveyed the remaining suitors. Fifty was narrowed down to fifteen or twenty. The masking spell was still working perfectly, but the eyes of Impa from above were drilling into the back of “Yoland Romerok”. There were a series of announcements to close today. Tomorrow’s theme was amongst them.
“As we all know,” the announcer shouted through the stadium. It was lucky for him that the structure was built with acoustics in mind because the tremor of shouts and hollers from the people were almost overbearing. “Our princess has a love for horses. What would be a better fitting contest for her heart than chariot racing?”
The princess’s heart leapt with the roaring crowd. A chariot race? She was kept in the dark about the competitions just as much as the rest of the stadium. Archery was merely an educated guess and perhaps hand to hand combat.
Horses, however? Her thinned lips quirked upward. This was Princess Zelda’s forte, after all.
The cheering was odd. His name in other people’s mouth like it was their favorite word. It was, in the least, distracting. It was a hot day too, which added to the sweat. There were several instances where he would wipe his bow off with his shirt. This hadn’t happened with Zant. Midna would surely have made fun of him for being overly nervous. Zelda wouldn’t have reacted much different, he knew that. She liked to poke at him when she could. He knew she’d do great with a challenge like this. The princess had always had an affinity with archery and only ever needed a little guidance. It was commonly her stress that held her back with focusing on the target.
Link blew a breath out. Zelda wasn’t there, which eased his worries. The look she had given him after he had given her that list of suitors was indescribable. He harbored hope that maybe it was a good look of disbelief, not one of realizing a worse situation. Maybe she would understand if he explained. Even when he had gathered up the little courage he had for the situation she had grown scarce. Her days either spent in her chambers or her office.
He followed the rest back to the same room they had left earlier. One of the judges from the archery tournament came by to awkwardly shook his hand, “It’s an honor, Sir Link.”
Link swallowed and offered a smile, “Oh, thanks.”
The man lumbered away and started shouting about what time they had to be there the next day. Once Link began wondering what kind of race would take place the same small Hylian walked by him and towards the exit. He had given Link a weird look during the competition before the 90 meters that rubbed him the wrong way. Obviously, Link hadn’t taken a liking with this one. Not that he had given approval with anyone there. Every time he saw a new face he imagined Zelda with a new ring on her finger dismissing him of his duties. Not many of these fantasies included her being happy.
“What’s your name?” Link asked. He already knew, but he wondered what the man would sound like. What he didn’t expect was for Yoland to jump as if someone had accused him of murder. He looked young, younger than Link.
The man cleared his throat, “Yo-Yoland.”
Link raised an eyebrow. He didn’t look like this during the tournament. Yoland acted like he had a score to settle with someone, not like a boy being caught stealing.
“What’re you looking to do here?”
Yoland furrowed his dark brow, “Same as you.”
Link scoffed, “Doubt it.”
They were interrupted for a moment by shouting, but Yoland looked irritated now. Link went on, frustration bubbling, “You looked angry out there. Who are you angry at?”
It had crossed Link’s mind that perhaps someone who wanted to disrupt the crown would compete and end up using the tournament for nefarious reasons. The vetting in the registration process was nearly nonexistent. There was a small competitor fee and an application. That was all. The thought of Zelda having to go through this in the first place already angered him. If she were to be harmed by the outcome, Link would feel at blame. How was he going to protect her when the threat is her husband?
Yoland narrowed his eyes, “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.”
Link gave him a long, cold stare. “Look,” he spoke lowly, “I don’t think you should be here. There’s something wrong and I will find out what it is.”
Yoland stared back and laughed bitterly to Link’s surprise. “Do you do this to all the suitors, Hero?”
“No, just you.”
“I’m honored,” he spat, turning on his heel. “Good luck.”
Part Two
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
Band of Pirates: Ch 3. Working the Grind
Adda walked with Corsaire to this inn, not exactly looking forward to it, but swallowing her pride non the less.
"So... how did you like meeting her 'baby'?" Corsaire asked with a wide grin. "Can't say you didn't ask." He opened the door to the Hatchling's Nest, a boarding house for women. A Lorleidian woman by the name of Sayen ran the place, and had a baby dragon sitting on her shoulder. "Hello, Sayen, I assume Queen Zarazu mentioned the band of women coming to stay with here?"
"Yes! We have them all rooms ready, two to a room, and a shower to share." The Munja was bubbly. "Breakfast is served at six in the morning for the staff and starts at seven for the customers over at the Farmer's Daughter."
“Farmer’s Daughter.... that’s a terrible name.” Adda muttered to herself. “You’re positive I can’t work a docking job?”
"Only unless you rather be elbow deep in fish guts making chum." Corsaire gestured to Sayen. "Take the waitressing job. They provide babysitting; docking doesn't."
“I- goddamn it...” Adda couldn’t argue. Turning her attention to Sayen, she gave a half-hearted grin. “Better get used to a lot of hardened sailors’ sweetheart. Cause Gerudo can be a hardy bunch.”
"Oh, don't worry about that, my girl Ghrilda gave a customer a black eye for touching her backside the other day. We have a sign that clearly states you can enjoy the view, but if you touch, you're guaranteed a touch back." Sayen assured Adda with a most mischievous smile. "The first month is free; our queen graciously paid for you and your ladies to board her as well as your childcare. However, when the second month hits, rent is due on the first. It is fifty rupees a month, utilities included, and part of the fee goes toward the childcare, maintenance, and general upkeep for the building and outside gardens. Is this agreeable?"
“Agreeable. And thanks. Cause I’d just pop the next fucker with one of these if they tried that. We’re all kind of wired.” Adda placed a revolver on the desk. “No bloodshed obviously, but what’s your policy on keeping our weapons?”
"You may leave weapons in your room, but none are allowed in the restaurant." Sayen told Adda. "The name is terrible, I agree, but it is a very upscale restaurant; formal parties and a specific state of dress for both customer and waitresses. If you're lucky, you can make over 300 rupees a night!"
“That’s... a start.” Adda tried to be optimistic. She turned to Freddy and handed her the weapons she carried. “Take this to my room. I have a manager to win over.” “Yes Captain.”
"... Adda, you do realize you already have the job." Corsaire asked her. "You and all your girls. You just have to walk in and ask for your hours."
“Oh. My reputation proceeds me. Can I start today?”
"I'll ask if there's a shift open for dinner, that's usually our busiest time." Sayen then reminded Adda. "You'll have to learn the menu quickly though. There's a different menu for each shift; breakfast, lunch and dinner."
“I’ll read some if you have any.”
"Of course," Sayen handed Adda the all of the menus, each written in the most elaborate cursive of the Hylian language. "Though first, please settle into your rooms and if you don't mind, write your names on the board provided on the door. That way, I know who is rooming with who in case someone calls for you."
Adda looked at the crew and waved them to move out with a head nod. “Wait a second. Nine, ten- where’s Scarlet?” 
With Revy to her nipple, Scarlet sighed. “What got you so angry at the meeting Rat?”
Rat was trying to figure out the difference between loyalty and brainwashing. How to tell the two apart? He reasoned Corsaire was his friend and he was loyal to him. Yet, Corsaire did not demand, did not order, he asked. His captain asked if Rat wanted to be part of his crew. He asked him to help on the ship. He asked him if he wanted a different job, to have his own family one day. It was a friendship. Adda, on the other hand, barked orders like she ruled the place. If she ordered one of her sisters to fall on their own weapon, the girls would probably do it. "... Adda ain't your focus anymore, Scarlet."
“She’s just trying to keep our spirits up Rat.”
"By calling you into battle when you have a baby?!"
“She said now wasn’t the time to attack. But to gather our strength for the future. That’s her way of expressing she knows when we’re beat for now, but that we’ll strike back when the time is good and ready. You don’t know her like I do.”
"I know her enough that she'd turn tail and run, leaving you's if it meant saving her own skin." There was no way that Rat would be convinced. "Me knows people like that, Scarlet, been there, done that, ain't living through it again."
“Rat. I’m going to tell you this once. You’re dead wrong about that.”
"She ran from that Onslaught, what's to say she won't run again, even if it means you're the one left hanging?"
Rat was lucky that Scarlet was feeding Revy, because the look that she gave him was one of scorn. Her voice didn’t raise in volume, but her tone became frightfully dark. “You shut your goddamn mouth. She tried to save as many of us as she could. You weren’t fucking there.”
Scarlet never swore, so that hurt came out strong. She looked away from Rat, ashamed to look at him for a moment. “Don’t... don’t buy into rumours or assume things you weren’t there for.”
"It doesn't matter if I was a-there or not, it's what I know now! What I know, is she put you and Reveka in danger." Rat was not ashamed by his words at all. He had seen slave masters and their cruelty, how gladiators sold out their so-called friends, and fellow slaves fighting over a scrap of bread. "I don't want you going off on some quest for revenge when you have a wee one to care for; now or later. Revy will need you, I will need you alive."
“Well, maybe I want those monsters to pay too. For my own personal means. You ever have to see one of your brothers die Rat? Try over a hundred siblings to me. Children, comrades, and mentors. And the worse part is I don’t even know if they are still alive.”
"Me's lost me fair share too, Scarlet, but the difference between you and I is I don't dwell on it." Rat told her sternly. "Yes, I mourned me brother, still miss him. I don't know where he is, if he's alive. Though I can't live me life on a-what ifs. This isn't about you, Adda, or even me for this matter. It's about her." He gently stroked Revy's head with a finger. "Would you be willing to put her in danger, Scarlet? For some quest of revenge?"
“You kill the one who took your brother from you?”
"No. I never found him."
“Well I know who killed my sisters. And even if I don’t kill them myself, I’ll work hard in getting someone else to do it.” She gripped Rat’s hand, squeezing tight. “I’m not going anywhere. But I’m not going to forget. And I’m not going to do nothing either. I’ll put what effort I can in helping acquire justice for my sisters.”
"... me's not against you getting justice, Scarlet. I just don't want you doing it, you in danger."
“I won’t. I’m not going to be on the front lines. I’m an officer Rat. I command.”
"I don't want you in the lines at all, Scarlet. Me used to fight, but me doesn't anymore, not unless I have to." Rat begged her. "Please... for Revy's sake, no more fighting. What would I do without you here to raise her?"
“Rat. I can’t make promises like that. The world is uncertain and dangerous. I can only promise to navigate around the danger instead of going through it.”
"... then promise me you won't go fighting unless it's to protect Revy from immediate harm."
“I promise.”
A knock came at the door, and when Rat answered it, like a boogeyman stepping out of the closet, Klinge strode in. “Afternoon.”
"...? Klinge?" Rat was surprised. "I's surprised to see you a-here of all places. Something wrong?"
“I’m here to see the woman.”
Scarlet flinched, unnerved by the presence of the black armoured man. Didn’t help she felt vulnerable while breast feeding.
Rat stood in front of Scarlet and Revy, just in case Klinge had ill intentions. "For what?"
Klinge looked past Rat and at his lover. “What is your name and the child’s?”
“My name is Scarlet. This is our daughter, Revy.”
“You’re an Iron Knuckle, aren’t you? I saw your armour configuration.”
“How- how do you know that?”
“Because I’m Gerudo myself.” Klinge spoke dryly, turning his direction to Rat. “What occupation has Corsaire assigned her?”
"Smith. Blacksmith. She's to work with the Tablitha family who makes the queen's weapons." Rat told Klinge, still not too trusting, making sure to keep in-between Klinge and Scarlet. "She did so as a favor to me."
“Good. Additionally, she’ll hold another task. Effectively immediately, you work for me.”
Scarlet stepped back, holding Revy close. “To do what?”
“I have need of a powerful warrior like yourself in my ranks. Your training will be most beneficial being taught to new generations. And if you’re a smith, I can use your skills for my personal benefit.”
"She has a wee one, she ain't doing no training for rookies." Rat scowled. "And who's you to question the order of the queen?"
“Because I am the Supreme Commander of Hyrule. My word is the only word that concerns you. Because while Ganondorf is still King, Gerudo matters fall to me. Scarlet here is both an officer and Gerudo Warrior. Her knowledge is a treasure I can afford.” Klinge grasped a bag at his side and threw down a bag of five hundred rupees. “This amount. For every day you work for me.”
"Why should I want me lover around you?" Rat held Scarlet around her shoulders, still glaring at the man. "You may be the queen's bodyguard, but you's still give me the creepies. I sense death around you. What could convince me that you's ain't going to put her in danger?"
“My word can be changed at a will. The reason she shall not be put in danger is because she’s an asset to me and the kingdom.”
"An asset. A thing." Rat still did not believe Klinge. "... me's not so sure about you. Tis Scarlet's decision, but if she agrees, and gets hurt because of you, I'll drag your ass to the bottom of the black sea."
"It is a lot more money then I would have been making before Rat. It's more than enough for us and to help the girls at the lodge."
"It's more than enough to save for us, Scarlet. Revy needs a home, not a lodge or a room at an inn." Rat told his lover in earnest. "Maybe we can find something on the outskirts of town. It doesn't have to be huge, but it could be a place for us to grow, where Revy can grow up into a fine young lady. Safe."
"I don't want it to seem like I'm just abandoning my sisters."
"You aren't, Scarlet. Do you think Corsaire has abandoned me because we don't work together anymore? Don't see each other everyday?"
Klinge nodded. "Your sisters will be fine. So will you. Do we have a deal?"
Scarlet watched Klinge extend his hand. After a moment of thinking, she nodded, shaking his hand. "You have a deal."
Corsaire was waiting downstairs for Adda, when a shriek shook the house. He wasn't allowed to go up, but after ten minutes, Adda walked down to the waiting lounge. Wearing a skimpy corset that showed off the goods, she was fuming. "What kind of uniform is this?"
"Pffffftttt..." Corsaire had to turn around, trying to contain a laugh, failing to do so. "You know it's called the Farmer's Daughter for a reason, right? Hyrule women wear those fancy corsets."
"It's so goddamn small and tight!"
Other members of her crew gave her a thumbs up, heading to their own jobs. "Looking good Captain."
"Well, they think you look good, so I'd quit belly aching and let me escort you there before I have to head out to work me self." Corsaire put his hat on, the age-old same hat he had from when he met Orana. He refused to change it. "Come on, now, put on your big girl boots, and let's go."
Adda put on her own hat, taking his arm. "After you sweetheart."
"So, you're the newest addition, yeah? You'll do fine, I'll show you the ropes and Mikayah will show your sister." She held out her hand. "I'm Ellie. I'm the head waitress here and I usually do all the training. Since we're short-staffed, you're going to have to learn quick. Tonight, you're going to follow me, memorize the menus, and since I'm feeling generous, I'll let you take a fourth of the tips I make to get you some groceries."
"Work her hard, Ellie." Corsaire snickered as he bid farewell. "Save me some chowder if there's any leftover." "I doubt it, everyone loves Erling's chowder."
"I already started memorizing the menu, so that shouldn't be an issue."
"Great! So, now follow me, I'm going to show you where we get the food first." Ellie motioned for Adda to step quickly. "Our head chef is Big Bertie, our sous chef is Maxine, and we have Robert, Dean, Izzie, and Wayne as our line chefs. Number one rule in the kitchen is don't get in their way. Make yourself sparse in there, just come to the window to get the food." She grabbed a heavy tray full of food. "Watch a pro, and then you can try. Always serve from the guest's left side and oh! I almost forgot! Erling is our guest chef. Used to work here as a sous chef until the castle recruited him, but he comes back on weekend for extra money. Just be careful and don't spook the poor guy." She put the tray on her shoulder. "I still don't know how he does it. He's blind as a bat and still makes the best chowder on this side of the city." She yelled into the kitchen. "Erling!!! Save some chowder for that handsome admiral of yours!"
"How many times do I have to tell you? Tell him to come buy it!" Seer was there in the kitchen, adding ingredients to his famous clam chowder. "He's trying to freeload off you just cause you're cute."
"Yeah, yeah, like that will work. And thanks for the compliment, sweetie."
Adda eyes blinked in puzzlement for a moment, and her initial reaction betrayed her. "Seer?" Immediately, she regretted letting him know her presence.
"...? Adda?" Seer actually stopped stirring his homemade soup. "What are you doing here?"
"I work here now. I didn't know you would be working here too."
"I don't during the week, but I do on the weekends." Seer looked surprised. "You work here now? I thought you didn't want the job."
"Well, there is wants in this life. Then there are needs. This is a need to support my daughters."
"Let me guess. Corsaire didn't want you near his new ships, did he?"
"No. Even though my professional skill set is one a ship. Misogyny at work I tell you."
"More like he's a touch afraid you're going to make off with one and doesn't want Missy Orana's parents breathing down his neck since he literally stuck it out to give you ladies a chance---"
"Talk later, work now." Ellie pulled Adda with her. "Save Corsaire a bowl!"
"Fine, fine."
Adda turned her attention to some of the ladies at work, studying them intensely. Eye contact, correct posture, charming demeaner, listening skills, balance. She could do this. Waiting for her turn, she grabbed some menus and made her way forward with a charming smile. "Hello there. My name is Adda and I'll be your waiter today. How can I help you?"
Ellie was nearby, watching how Adda carried out her task. Good posture, polite smile, engaging conversation... seems like she did have the makings.
"We'll all require a class of water, and we'll take a bottle of your finest Chardonnay."
"Please bring it out on ice, we like it to stay chilled."
"Of course."
Adda did put the order up, waited for the Chardonnay, stuffed it in an ice bucket, and delivered it with the water. This was just like serving her officers not too long ago. "Here you are. These are our menus. I'll give you five minutes to look it over, then check on you. Enjoy your beverages in the mean time."
"Thank you, and when you're back by, we'd like another basket of the sourdough bread." As soon as Adda walked away, the merchants were speaking of how lovely she was... and how nice her ass was.
Talk about her ass was ok. A little embarrassing to be sure, but encouraging. As long as they didn't touch her. Adda put in the order for the bread and took her five minutes to examine the menus a little more and the layout of the tavern. Once she was ready, she thanked the chief and returned to the couple. Seeing the water was empty she refilled it with her jug. "Here is your bread. Any choices for a main course, or would you like some more time to consider?"
"We're all ready to order."
"I'll take the filet course."
"I'd like the fresh catch of the day."
"Clam chowder soup and salad."
The orders were placed and all of the business men handed Adda the menus. One was feeling a bit more so bold with the wine in his system. "I don't suppose I could treat you to a glass later?"
In the background, Ellie was making a slit throat motion, warning Adda not to accept. The guy was a known womanizer.
Adda took note of it, but decided to take advantage. "Depends on how well you tip. I can consider it." With a wink, she took their menus and filled out her menus with the cooks. "Clam chowder soup with a salad as well as one filet course!" She even surprised herself with how much control she felt.
Dinner was a crazy rush but at the end of the night, every table was satisfied and the tips were hefty. Counting out the rupees she made, Ellie then handed Adda a small bag. "Not bad for your first night. Here's 150 rupees." Ellie then groaned under her breath when she saw the lecher merchant. "... great. You got Yusfar waiting on you."
"What's your policy if one of the waitresses gets manhandled?"
"Remember the sign by the door?" Ellie pointed out the golden, plated plaque that so elegantly read: "You are free to look as much as you like, but remember if you try to touch, the ladies might 'touch' back."
"Got you."
Adda put her rupees in her pocket, grabbed her hat, and headed to the door. "Need me tomorrow?"
"You're scheduled for dinner on weekends, and for lunch Monday through Wednesday. You got Thursday and Friday off, unless you want an extra shift on the breakfast schedule."
"Nah. I like those shifts. Oy Seer. You done back there?"
"Yes, I'm done." Seer had just finished packing up a bowl of chowder for Corsaire and had a doggie bag to take with him. "You escorting me home?"
"Hell yeah. Think you can keep up?"
"Maybe not running, but definitely if you link arms with me." Seer then added. "Could give old pervie there the idea to back off."
Adda did so, smiling lightly at him. With Seer in her arms, she walked past Yusfar. "Order yourself a glass of water sweety."
"Hey, I paid for dinner, and you agreed to my company afterwards." Yusfar blocked the door. "Move along, cripple. You're wasted compassion."
Seer frowned at the man's insult. "At least I'm not a perverted asshole like you." Seer growled. "The lady doesn't want your company. Go away and mind your own business."
"I told you nothing but the truth. I'd consider it. I have, and I decided that perhaps we can do so another night. I'm walking my friend home now."
"You're coming with me now." Yusfar demanded of Adda. "I paid good money here and you owe it to me!"
"She doesn't owe you a damn thing, leave her al---" Seer had stepped in front of Adda to try to shield her from view, but ended up taking a punch to the nose, knocking him flat on his backside.
"I'm not a hooker." When the punch was thrown at Seer, Adda's charm and loose attitude was lost in an instant. Grabbing the man by crotch and throat, she drove Yusfar into the floor with a slam. Straddling him in his daze, she gripped him by the collar with her left hand, then wailed on him with her right fist. With ten solid, nose shattering punches she broke his nose, his jaw, and collapsed an eye shut. With the last punch, she shook the blood off, and felt his pulse. "Alive." Getting up, she grabbed him by his legs, and dragged him at the door. With a light kick she let him fall down the stairs to the tavern, and spat on his back as he wheezed a weak cry. "Prick." When she saw her co-workers both horrified and amazed, she shrugged it off. Seer was her concern. Gently patting his back, she smiled. "You ok?"
"Urgh..." Seer was dazed and bleeding heavily from his nose. He did not do very well when his senses were attacked. It was like the whole world shifted underneath his feet. "This is... the second time my nose is broken because of you." He said in a very dry, although slightly pained, voice.
"I'll make it up to you." Adda waved goodbye to her co-workers, picking Seer up bridal style and carrying him out. She even stepped on Yusfar to take him back to her lodging.
"You can put me down, you know, I can walk even though I can't see." Seer remarked in a sense of good humor.
"Naw. I think I like carrying you. Let's me flex my muscles." Adda finally got to the inn, smiling at the grounds keep. "Hey, can we bring men upstairs?"
"You're... not really supposed to." Ellie looked at Seer's bloody nose. "But I'll make an exception since he seems to be hurt. And blind." "I know. I can't see anything."
"I'm just going to patch him up." Adda took him to her room, setting Seer gently down on her bed. "How you feeling?"
"I feel like my nose is going to fall off, but considering I was just tossed around like a rag doll with that guy, a little embarrassed as well." Seer sighed. "I'm not very good at being a protector, am I?"
"Well, that's what I'm for." Adda twisted his nose in place with a nudge, getting a loud yelp from Seer. "Sorry."
Seer's blind eyes were watering from the pain, but he was trying to keep a straight face. "It really sucks not being able to see anymore."
"I'm sorry I can't do anything to fix that." Adda softly smoothed the side of his face, giving him a light kiss.
Even though the two of them had shared a bed before, Seer still blushed like a virgin. "Hrm... not sure if that really helped. Might need another one on this side too, just to be sure." He tapped the other cheek with a small grin.
Adda gave him a kiss on the other side. "You know, I'd love to have you stay the night, but I'm going to respect Saven’s rules."
"I understand." Seer felt around in his belt for his walking cane, unfolding it. "You'll be at work again tomorrow?"
"Yeah... Do you want me to come back to your place?"
"If you'd like." Seer then told her. "It's... not much. But it's cozy. I'm renting it for now. It's a house with rooms for all of us; Rat, Acrobat, and Bomba. Though, I believe they're all asleep now."
"Think we'd wake them up?"
"No, they have rooms on the top floor. I'm on the bottom." Seer chuckled. "Stairs and I do not get along well."
"Alright handsome. Let me check on the girls, then you can lead your knight in shining armour the way."
After making sure Liz and Lex were healthy and happy with some feeding, Adda followed Seer into his bedroom. Before he could really talk, she was already taking off his belt. "Can't suck on a bottle, but I can still suck on this~"
"W-Wait, wait, just a moment!" Seer was turning red once again in the face, gently grabbing Adda's hands. "I um... we don't have to do anything; I don't expect it. I mean... I'm just... well, surprised."
"Why? I like you. Do you just want to cuddle up naked or something? That's the slowest I can go."
"No! I mean, yes, I mean... damn it." Seer rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess what I'm trying to ask is... I'm just not sure I understand why you're interested in me."
"Because you're adorable, handsome... and kind. And I don't come from a world of kindness, so you're special to me." Adda slowly fumbled her fingers with his.
"I'm not adorable... am I?" Seer pouted lightly, thinking this meant he was too sweet or too weak one. Yet, it still did not scare Adda off yet. "I don't like being mean. I don't want to be mean unless I have to. I... initially thought you only bedded me because of pity, but... I couldn't stop thinking about how good you smelled. How soft you felt."
"I smell good?" That unique comment made Adda blush incredibly hard. "I'm... soft?"
"You smell like a touch of brimstone mixed with salt and lavender. It might just be your shampoo or your perfume with the lavender tent, but... the smell of salt, of sea salt, it's different. Not like the usual smell, but that of the ocean. It's comforting." Seer explained and then admitted. "Yes, soft. Not like you don't have muscle, but soft as in tender hearted it seems, when you want to be."
"I don't want to lose that smell." Adda pressed her head against his chest. "I feel comfortable with you Seer... truth be told, I'm scared to be. I don't want to be hurt again."
"I... don't want to hurt you." Seer carefully put his arms around Adda to hug her. "I know what it is like to be hurt. Physically, mentally, emotionally... take your pick. I don't wish it on someone else. You're safe here."
Adda hugged him back, not wanting to let go. "No one ever hugs me."
"Then just let me hold you for a minute."
Adda did so, trying not to cry. She just let him hold her for five minutes in silence. When he let go, Adda cleared her throat, trying to bring back her usual bravado, but instead only bringing back a quarter of it. "So stud, I was thinking about going on a sex bender, but, um, if you decide to stop bedding all the woman you obviously bring over every night, I'll do the same. That way, we can just be a couple with you as my boyfriend, and I'll be your girlfriend?"
"You know, you don't have to put on the face of bravado around me constantly, Adda." Seer chuckled softly, gently running his fingers through her hair. His calloused fingers were marked with several scars from accidently cutting or burning himself over the years. "I've... never had a romantic interest before, so I apologize in advance if I let you down. Though, if you want me to stay around, I won't object to your company."
"Tell you what, if you stay around long enough, I'll decide to drop my guard. A bit." With a grin, she kissed his cheek again. "Do you want to cuddle? Or do you want something more?"
"I'll leave that up to you." Seer told Adda. "It sounds like you had a long day and... you need a bit of comfort."
"Then just hold me naked?"
"Sure, but... do you need to check on the twins first?"
"Freddy has them on babysitting duty for the night. I think they'll be ok." Seer felt the warm press of her now naked body against him. She must have been very quiet in getting undressed. “I like how concerned you are about my girls.”
"If you're sure." Seer patted his bed. "Go ahead and get comfortable. I'll undress."
Outside, having happen stance to walk by, Scarlet was fangirling over the fact that Adda was warming up in a positive manner to Seer. Pulling Rat to the side to whisper her joy; her face was beaming. "Mousa! They're going to be a couple! They look so sweet together!"
"Me doesn't know what to think, Scarlet." Rat seemed a touch hesitant. Seer was a kind soul and he did not want his brother being a doormat for Adda. The ex-gladiator said, "As long as Seer is happy, and as long as Adda isn't mean to him, then I's content."
“Good. That’s all I can hope for. Mark my words. We’re all going to have happier lives.”
New AU with @ridersoftheapocalypse! Comments are amazing to have!
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/633413002943758336/band-of-pirates-ch-2-game-plan
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/633791750679527424/band-of-pirates-ch-4-a-smiths-work
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triforceangel13 · 5 years
An Accidental Mating Ch. 5 (A SidLink Omegaverse Story)
Chapter 5: All Eligible Alphas
“I just want to apologize on the behalf of, whomever this father is, for being so reckless,” King Dorephan sighed heavily, pressing his large hand against his face in annoyance.”I cannot fathom how much trouble this has brought you.”
Link shifted uncomfortably next to Zelda, nodding his head at the apology. It had been a rough travel but they had made it there and Link was feeling slightly better. He was still upset the father of the baby had left him but he was glad that the edging illness that had started, not too long after he had found out he was pregnant, he had been feeling was gone.
Zelda had been right. The father of his baby was somewhere in Zora's Domain for as soon as they had crossed the bridge into the Domain it had wavered off.
“We are pretty sure this was not done with ill intent,” Zelda said to the king. “What it looks like to me is that there was a little mistake with a little too much alcohol.”
Dorephan still looked upset however. “Mistake or not this is serious. A marked omega with no alpha to claim him or his child is a very dangerous. I do applaud you princess for at least tracking down the race that had marked him. If you hadn't I'm afraid Link would have been on the road to being lost to all of us.”
“I'm afraid I have to agree,” Zelda said, lightly touching Link's arm. Link's feelings were all over the place. He was glad he didn't feel ill any longer but he was nervous about finding the man that marked him but also a little sad about seeing Sidon again.
They hadn't been there that long but the red Zora was nowhere to be seen.
“So what do we need to do in order to find him?” The King asked. “We cannot do any sort of matching tests until the baby is born and I'm sure Link is wanting to find the father as soon as possible.”
“That's right,” Zelda agreed. “I actually had an idea. The easiest way without the baby being born yet is finding the match to the mate bite mark.”
Link shifted the side of his shirt, revealing the still vibrant mark on his skin.
“It's pretty distinct,” Link offered, pulling his shirt back over it.
“I was thinking if you can gather all the alphas that are unmated to another Zora and each have them bite one of these,” Zelda said, pulling out a hydromelon from the satchel on her hip. “Once we have our match we'll know who the father is.”
The king looked to the melon and then nodded. “I believe we might have some that were imported here to do this. Most of our alphas are mated but I will make sure the ones who are not mated are all accounted for. I will not sit by and watch this happen to Link. He has done too much for us to have someone be cruel like this. Muzu.”
The elderly Zora approached them, patting Link's shoulder as he passed and gazed up at the king. “Yes your majesty?”
“Send a word out to my people. Tell them that all alphas that are not mated or are not mated to another Zora to come to the throne room immediately,” the king said firmly. “That includes my son.”
“King Dorephan, I'm sure Sidon wasn't involved,” Zelda said, watching as Link wilted a little bit. He'd need to see Sidon again when he was starting to show...
“I just want to make sure,” the king declared. “It's only fair that all eligible alphas be asked this of them. I don't want someone being irresponsible.”
Link shifted uncomfortably in the blanket he wore. He had to take off his tunic in order to compare his mark but for now, to keep warm, he wore the blanket around his shoulders. The room had a good number of Zoras all waiting for instruction, many hydromelons having been placed on a table, waiting for the bites to be given.
Link scanned the faces. They were all familiar to him, except for a choice few, as he had gotten to know them over the years. But none of them he would think would be the father to his baby.
That was then when the familiar bright red Zora stepped into the room, looking just as confused as the rest of them. Link felt his heart hammering in his chest. His body felt magnetic to his, wanting to go up to him and catch up on the lost time these past months.
But he knew that was because of his burning feelings for the Zora. Through all of this he still wanted Sidon. He wanted to be with him. Maybe the father of his baby would make him forget about Sidon, the one man he couldn't have and yet still wanted above all others. He guessed being mated to someone didn't change what was in someone's heart.
“Fellow Zoras,” Dorephan said bringing the volume in the room down low as all eyes turned their attention to him. “I do apologize for bringing you so suddenly but I feel this is of something very important.”
The alphas shifted uncomfortably, looking to Zelda and Link curiously. That was when Sidon's eyes landed on him. Link's breath hitched but he turned his gaze away, shifting the blanket to hopefully hide the small stomach he was forming.
“It has been brought to my attention that one of you had marked the champion of Hyrule back during the nationwide celebration,” Dorephan explained. Link flinched, Zelda's warm hand on the small of his back in sympathy. “Not only does he not know whom had done it, but he is also with child.”
Link brought his eyes up to them, most of them looking shocked by the news. And Sidon. Sidon looked as if someone had punched him in the stomach, a look of anger coming to it.
Link looked away again, Zelda running her hand over his back again, having caught Sidon's gaze. As Sidon locked eyes with Zelda the anger turned to one of sadness.
It was clear Sidon was in love with Link.
“Now to clear things up you will see those melons nearby. I want each one of you to just bite into it, leaving your mark. Then Zelda will take it from there to compare to what is on Link's body,” Dorephan explained.
There wasn't a moments hesitation. The Alphas: scholras, weapon makers, guards, and even the prince quickly approached, each taking a melon and biting down onto it.
“It's time Link,” Zelda said softly. Link sighed softly and shifted the blanket down just a bit so that the mark was visible on his shoulder.
He felt nauseous but he wasn't sure if it was because of the baby making him feel ill or if it was the nervousness running through him.
This was the moment he would find the one that would be the father to his baby. He felt tears brimming his eyes. He knew it wasn't going to be Sidon. He felt terrible that the prince even had to partake in this search.
Each one they passed was much different than what was on Link's shoulder. His heart beat only grew faster and faster with each one they checked. After a few moments it finally came down to two. One of the Zoran guards and the prince himself.
Link locked eyes with Sidon again. The prince's eyes widened a bit as Zelda picked up the melon of the man next to him.
Neither of them could remember what had happened that night before. Was it possible that...Sidon was the one to give him this mark and got him pregnant?
Link parted his lips to speak with Zelda suddenly gasped.
“This is it!” she said with a happy squeak. Link broke his gaze, looking to the melon that Zelda held, the Zoran guard straightening himself in front of her. “Look Link, it matches!”
Link looked to the melon. Sure enough the mark was nearly identical to the one that sat on his shoulder. He felt a bit of a dread fill him as he took a quick look to Sidon.
“Congratulations,” Sidon said softly, turning away quickly from them and head out of the room. Link felt that tug to go after him but the hands on his shoulders pulled him away.
“Link, we found him,” she said, pushing him towards the guard. The Zora gently rest his hands on his arms, a soft smile on his face.
“Hey...” he said.
“Why did you leave?” Link asked quickly. The Zora jumped, his eyes shifting between Link and Zelda, unsure of what to say.
“Hormones,” Zelda tried to reassure him. “You're one of the new guards right?”
“I am. My name is Ezra,” he said, slowly taking Link's hands. “I'm sorry I had left you like that. After....bringing you back to the room upon the request of the prince you were...a little all over me. I hadn't known you were in heat and I hadn't thought much of it. I had thought it would just fade and I wouldn't have to admit to what I did. I am deeply sorry for all of the trouble this has caused you. I do not intend on leaving your side and I will see it through until our child is born.”
Link looked up at him. Is that what happened? If only he could remember more then he would be able to confirm.
He gave a small nod, feeling his arm slide around his shoulders. “Are you hungry? I can see that you get something to eat before I must return to my post.”
Link frowned a little. This felt wrong, so wrong. But this was the match to his mark. And from what he had been told this seemed to match up with everything else. But there was one melon that he hadn't looked at.
“I want to see the last melon,” Link said firmly, looking to Ezra. The man paused. “Well I'm sure we can get you a fresh melon if you wanted.”
“No,” Link said pushing out of his arms and turning back to the table. “I want to see the one that Sidon had bitten.”
But it was gone. All of the melons had been collected into a bucket to be made into fruit salad later. Link's ears drooped a bit. He hadn't gotten to see if possibly Sidon had been the match instead. But then again why would Ezra lie to him?
“They already took them Link,” Zelda said softly.
“N-no. Then get the prince back here and do it again. I have to see it,” Link protested but Ezra was pulling him into his arms, guiding his head to his chest.
“Link, you are my mate. There is no question about it,” Ezra said, his voice deep and gruff until he looked up at Zelda. “Perhaps he is really tired? I can't imagine this has been easy on him for this long of a time.”
“No you're right,” Zelda said. “How about you go back to your post and I will see to that he gets comfortable somewhere?”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” he said, pulling Link back a bit to look down at him. “When my shift is over I will return to you.”
Link had no words. He didn't want him. His heart belonged to the prince. But the mark on his shoulder was proof enough that Ezra was indeed the father and his alpha.
“Rest well,” he said, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the forehead. Link briefly closed his eyes, holding back tears as Zelda rest her arms around him and guided him out of the throne room.
“I don't want it to be him. I don't even know him,” Link sighed once they were far away enough from ear shot of the other Zoras. Zelda squeezed his shoulders.
“I know Link, but the mark is proof enough,” she sighed though a skeptical look settled on her face. Something didn't add up. “Heats make us do crazy things, and that combined with the alcohol that you ingested that night really inhibited your brain.”
“I have to talk to Sidon,” Link said to her, pausing in his footsteps and looking to where Sidon was usually posted. But the red Zora was not there.
��Link...” Zelda sighed, urging him to walk again. “It really is not a good time to talk to him.”
“But why?”
“Think about it Link, you had said he declared his love for you the day after the party right?”
“More or less.”
“To have him know who the father is now and to have you so close but not have you is probably killing him inside. You need to give him a few days to recover from that emotional blow.”
Link sighed heavily, stepping into his usual sleeping quarters, though this time a second bed had been brought in for the princess. She was right. She was beyond right. It would be like rubbing it in his face that he couldn't have him.
But Link wanted him to have him. It was all a confusing mess.
But at least now he knew who had slept with him and who the father of his child was.
“You rest. I'm going to do a little research on Zora babies to see what you should be eating and how far along you are,” she said sternly as helped him into the bed.
“Right, right,” he sighed, settling into the bed. He was too tired and emotionally drained to even think about going against what Zelda wanted.
Zelda smiled softly and sat on the edge of the bed. “Don't worry Link. It'll turn out all right in the end. You just have to be patient enough to wait.”
Link smiled sadly at her and closed his eyes. Zelda tucked the blankets around him, a look of determination crossing her face.
She would make sure that she made this right for him.
I’m open for written commissions
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minsyal · 5 years
Mutual Feelings Pt. 9, [Revali x Reader]
Summary: Smart nerdy stuff that smart nerdy people do
“Incoming!” The small metal hinges on your door shook as a heavy foot collided with the old crackling wood, only making its condition worse. The door flew open, slammed against the wall, and rattled the entire room. If the shelves and desk weren’t bolted to the wall, they would have clattered to the ground or move. Purah stood under the frame with the widest smile stretching across her face.
She was nothing but a lit firecracker. Her smile spoke words of mischief, as it always did, speaking essays and forty-minute presentations without her even having to part her lips.
You slid the papers you were working on under a leather-bound book. She wouldn’t like their contents. After all, they were full of information to the Divine Beasts controls that she didn’t know about. Controls that you added. You could imagine the look on her face if she learned that you were going behind her back to answer the Champion’s requests.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” She waltzed into the room with an energy that dumbfounded you. How she managed to stay in a perpetual state of joy was something that intrigued you, but you had no desire to live through yourself. “Brought you more super royal work! I know how much you love all that jazz.”
“You know me better than anyone.” You joked, turning your chair to face her. “What is it?”
“Oh,” she danced around you to slink toward the window. “you know! Just… some stuff.” The pile of papers in her hands didn’t seem like too much work. There were only two notebooks and maybe a dozen sheets of paper with scribbles all over them. There was one thing you took note of, the princess’s perfect cursive that seemed to glide across the page.
“Some stuff.” You repeated, quickly snatching a paper before Purah could protest. “Zelda’s work?”
“Why?” There was no way Zelda would want you messing with her work.
“Well. Big boss-man told her to focus on her powers. That means that you and I, more so you,” she quickly added, “get to finish it for her!”
“She would be furious if I so much as touched this.” You speedily put the page back on the stack that was now perched on your desk. “Are you sure we’re supposed to do this?”
“It’s not so much as finish it. Rather,” she leaned to the right and then swayed to the left, “add it to our work! It’s about the shrines and everything. You know? Science stuff.”
“Is she allowed to continue searching for shrines?”
“Probably not. That means less trips with her for you! Maybe more time to spend with,” she waggled her brows in a suggestive manner, “you know who.”
“Purah, let’s not go there.”
“Oh sweetie, you already went there! In fact, you’re way past there! You’re,” she pretended to cast a fishing hook off into the distance, “waaaaayyyy over there! And over there,” she pointed in the opposite direction, “was the point of no return.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“All in a day’s work!”
“Don’t you have other work to be doing?”
“Nope!” She swayed on her toes, the mischievous smile never leaving her face. “So, are you and Revali like, a thing?”
“It was nice to see you, Purah.” You rose from your desk chair and began pushing her out the door. “Please, visit less.” Her feet halted in the hall. “I’ll send a card.”
“It better tell me you and Revali are dating!”
You slammed the door in her face. You could hear her giggling to herself as she left.
Shortly after meeting Keumi and learning of her situation, you traveled alone to Zora’s Domain to obtain updates on how many shines were identified in the surrounding areas from King Dorephan and Mipha. Sidon, who is Mipha’s brother, tagged along but proved to be little to no help as he was just beginning to learn how to utilize his swimming skills.
While there, you met a peculiar older gentleman who gave off an air of wisdom and vast medicinal knowledge. He was kind, quiet, and understated. Unlike the other Zora, he lived in the outskirts of the Domain. His whereabouts remained a mystery to the other Zora, and he was said to only appear when he sensed illness.
It was surprising when he set foot in the Domain seeking you.
You sat with the medicine man, listening diligently as he told you stories of his many travels throughout Hyrule. He had been everywhere you had and more. The ingredients he collected for treating illness were from all walks of the land.
“What brings you to the Domain?” He asked, folding his wrinkled hands in his lap. The two of you sat on the steps of the Domain.
“Research.” You commented.
“Just research?” He implored, eyes leaving you to look off dreamily to the sky. He closed his eyes, taking in the breeze that blew through the canyon walls. “I think you’re here for far more than that.”
“You have someone special to you. Very special,” his gaze returned to yours, “and they’re very sick.”
“How do you know that?” You whispered, eyes going wide.
“It’s all over your face.” He smiled, “And I’m not oblivious.”  
The medicine man, Sopho, told you of a mysterious plant with an inimitable name, “Omisaato.” The enigmatic flower heavily resembled the Silent Princess, but with small differences in its shape and the introduction of golden speckling on its petals. It radiated the scent of fresh vanilla bean and only sprouted from the ground once a year in varying locations around Gerudo. Sopho told of its intense healing abilities. When brewed correctly with specific ingredients, it could cure even the most devastating diseases or genetic mutations.
He couldn’t provide you with the exact information you needed but could gift you a descent sized book that he had bought on a trip to Kara Kara. Even if there was no evidence of its existence, it was worth a try.
It could fix her. It could save her.
Though it was only a few days ago, Zelda was growing restless. She was itching to breach the walls and return to the wild where she could spend time with what she loved most. You’d find her lingering in the library for longer periods of time, watching over your shoulder as you sifted through her research notes. She’d practically be dangling from the balcony to see what you thought of her work. It was detailed, far more detailed than you had ever bothered to do. She described the make and model, how many screws and bolts she estimated they have, and where she hypothesized, they led to. With such a small entrance, it had to go down. But where? That was the looming question.
“Why don’t you just join me, instead of scare the hell out of Link?” You turned around to find her wide-eyed, either surprised you called her out or surprised that you knew she was there. With a short nod, she descended the stairs and sat down across from you at the table. Link stood a few feet behind her, looking as uncomfortable as he typically did while he followed her around like a lost dog. “Link, come on.”
He hesitantly sat down.
“My notes.” Her fingers danced across the pages that you piled together. “What are they like?”
“They’re yours,” you let out a tired laugh, “you tell me.”
Many emotions crossed her face in very few seconds. Her eyebrows drew together as she contemplated what she wanted to say next. Link was staring blankly at her, likely wondering the exact same thing as you. Zelda reached out and fixed the stack neatly, ensuring the pages corners lined up perfectly.
“Thank you.” She finally said in a quiet tone. “For saving me when we were in Hebra.”
Catching you completely off guard, you examined her expression, trying to figure out whether or not she was telling the truth. She showed no signs of dishonesty. Her eyes were glossy and large, her fingers rubbed together lightly, and her shaking leg inched the table over with each bounce.
“It’s no big deal.” You gave her a tight-lipped smile. “Guess I didn’t expect being a royal scientist meant experiencing 60 volts of electricity coursing through your veins.” With another smile, she was relaxed and smiling back. “Your notes are good. Detailed to all get out. But we haven’t been able to pinpoint whether the shrines in the different regions vary. I’d like to arrange a trip to Gerudo, sooner rather than later, to examine the shrines there.”
At the mention of traveling, she perked up. Something crossed her face that told you the conversations with her father were resurrected in her mind as she physically slumped a bit.
“We can request it to make ambassadorial relation meetings with Urbosa and for the possibility of finding another spring in the desert. He won’t question that.” You assured her.
“I’ll have it arranged at once.”
The next day you set out with Link, Zelda, and Mipha for Gerudo. Daruk and Revali had decided traveling separately would be faster and more efficient for the group as a whole. Plus, they wouldn’t even be allowed to enter the city so getting there immediately wouldn’t be called for. Zelda was much more pleasant than usual. Her attitude changed the moment you suggested the trip and a way around the King’s tightening rules for the young princess. She didn’t even question the cage you wore on your back meant to house the legendary flower.
Mipha, on the other hand, was curious as all get out. She poked and prodded at it, examining the welding techniques used. Link and Zelda led the group while you walked along side the Zora princess who swam slowly through Aquame Lake.
“What is it for?”
“I’m collecting some samples from the desert to take back and analyze at the castle. Boring stuff.” You laughed it off.
“Fascinating.” She was always so joyful. If there was a definition to innocence, it would surely be Mipha. “I’ve always wanted to do more scientific things. There’s just no time to.”
“You’ve helped me install updates to Ruta. I’d say that’s pretty scientific.” You commented. Mipha smiled, ducking beneath the water for a moment before coming back up.
“I mean with lab goggles and coats!”
“Next time I visit, I’ll make sure to bring an extra.”
“I’d enjoy that!”
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srnokedmirrors · 5 years
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* . day to night , dark to light     fall the  s a n d s  o f  t i m e .
                         { ross lynch, twenty-one, trans male, he/him } Have you seen ZELD CYELN “CIEL” NOHANSEN walking around?  Little do they know, they’re the child of LINK & PRINCESS ZELDA from THE LEGEND OF ZELDA, and they HAVE TWO SIBLINGS ( one older, one younger ) .  I guess that explains why they’re so CHARMING & ARTISTIC and GUARDED & INSECURE.  They are a STREAMER. — penned by eve.
Hello hello again , folks !! It’s EVE and if you thought I went completely feral about Resident Evil earlier you are . . . sorely mistaken because now we are in Zelda territory and Zelda encompasses literally every fiber of my being. This OC is my most beloved ( despite the fact he’s an absolute prick ) and I have been itching to write him as a next-gen of Zelink , so VOILA , but just a few things !!
I love The Legend of Zelda . . . a lot. That’s the first thing. And my friends call me the Zelda lorekeeper since I know pretty much everything about the games like that back of my hand.
Another - as it’s always been a fact about his character , Ciel here is diagnosed with Type II Bipolar. Now , I want to clarify that I also am the same , and he was originally written as a comfort character to sorta see myself in a character I wrote ( and he became his own dude over the years. ) It’s not something that’ll pop up often , but I just wanted to let y’all know since I’m not gonna erase my own rep , I write from experience since I’m the same. 
TWS AHEAD : Manipulation , mental illness
The second of The Hero & The Princess - Prince Zeld Cyeln Nohansen , carrying on the traditional naming conventions to keep the name Zelda in the family with obvious corruptions. Your older brother could not - and AS WELL , you are the only child in the family that possesses the holy powers of the royal bloodline that your mother carries , as shown by the brand of the Triforce on the back of your right hand. And immediately , expectations are thrust upon your shoulders before you can even walk.
It’s because of your power that you , instead of the eldest , are to succeed the throne as the next king of Hyrule once you become of age , and although your mother vows to not treat you the same as your father treat her , she often reminds you that the beautiful , sunlight-bathed kingdom will be yours. 
So you grow. You grow & you adapt to the life of royalty , the CROWN PRINCE , and your relationship with your parents is better than most. While you’re significantly closer to your mother than your father , spending your days in the library with her & learning how to paint her visage , you also follow your father out to scope the kingdom on horseback. You grow up kind & gentle , the intelligence of your mother but the softness of your father , and it is well-known throughout the kingdom that you are DESTINED for good things.
It’s when you’re fourteen years old that you meet a boy.
A boy your age , a boy who smiles at you and you get fairies fluttering in your stomach. A boy who tells you that you’re pretty and by Nayru are you getting your first crush ?? 
But you can’t see through the lies - that even though you’re young , manipulation knows no age and you are heartbroken to find that this boy leads you to a group of bandits that go on the attack and aim to STEAL the raw power you carry. After you’re tricked into bringing magical artifacts to their clutches , that is , that your family has gathered over the years - the goddess harp , the ocarina of time , and the cursed , wicked Majora’s Mask.
Your father sweeps into rescue you , and although you feel guilty , you aren’t berated for your mistakes. He only wants to know what happened , and if you’re alright , and you’re a sobbing mess but you tell your parents everything and they recognize that the evil forces that plagued them are NOW targeting their offspring. 
You are only fourteen. But the betrayal turns you cold , and you close yourself off , now hesitant to trust. And you learn that there are DANGEROUS forces out there who want to hurt & use you in the same way , hence why you use your mother’s old study connected to her old bedroom ( now currently yours ) and you begin to research , research , research. You look back on the legends of old , and start practicing the magic of not only your bloodline , but the taboo power of shadow - such as that of the TWILI , a project aiming to recreate the mirror. You also use the mask , hoping to tap into the wicked power it carries to turn it around. You train with the Sheikah , as Sheikah blood runs in your veins as well , to master the art of using the shadows & the unseen to your advantage. You become a teenager devoted to your work - a mad scientist & magician , and the whispers of a ‘ mad alchemist prince ’ sweep throughout the kingdom due to the rumors you can stay awake for DAYS working on one thing , before crashing and moving onto the next. 
But there is still pain - a loneliness & a hurt which you try to bury deep down , but it’ll still consume you to the point where you don’t know how to think clearly. You try and mask yourself best you can , but there is still a little boy , deep down , who only wishes to be loved and cared for and cherished by people his own age. Your work is your comfort but you are also learning to sink yourself in it to the point where it’s becoming a hindrance. 
One day , maybe , you’ll get what you want - and everything will be okay. But the world is currently at your throat , so . . . how long will that be ??
Your sixteenth year changes everything. The Crown Prince goes missing , and he is lost without the comfort of his parents.
And he awakens in another day , as a new being , with only his wit & his charm to carry on.
Okay so IN A NUTSHELL Ciel is the crown prince of Hyrule due to the fact he’s essentially the ‘Zelda’ of his generation - the only child that carries the sacred power of the goddess Hylia , and this kid is incredibly smart and artistic but due to being manipulated by dark forces when he was young , he’s EXTREMELY insecure and lacks trust , instead trying to become as powerful as possible by any means possible so he isn’t hurt again since now he’s a target like his parents were.
HIS CHARACTER . . . is incredibly complex. It doesn’t change much with or without memories because even though he hasn’t experienced that same shit , those trust issues & insecurities are still well-embedded into him. The main difference is that he’s still smart , but not because of excessive research on Hyrulean magic & history & technology.
ON THE SURFACE , Ciel appears to be honestly very exuberant , quick-talking , and , to some , annoying. He’s a bit of a loudmouth , he seems harmless in the aspect that he isn’t downright mean or anything , he’s just . . . a nuisance. Charming in the aspect that he knows how to talk his way out of any situation since he has a MOUTH on him , but he knows how to use it. He overshares , it seems , but in turn , he’s actually not revealing anything about himself of any importance. He’s just keeping his cards to his chest but he doesn’t anyone to see so , so he places counterfeit cards on the table.
Ciel is always one step ahead , and the best way to be is to convince everyone else that you’re far behind. 
NOW ON THE INSIDE . . . Ciel is extremely caring & gentle. He cares a lot about the people he loves , but he’s hesitant to open up or trust other people given the fact he doesn’t want to be hurt , and he doesn’t want to make mistakes. He’s very observant & again , incredibly intelligent , knowing well how to read the atmosphere and pick out things that most don’t notice. He is insecure in the fact that he constantly thinks horribly of himself , and although he’s great at hiding it , it’s easy to get his feelings hurt. He hates that he has to keep on a mask since it makes him easily unlikable , but he thinks it’s the only way to stave off the most damage. But he’s a good kid & has a heart of gold , it’s just that . . . his heart has a few booboos on it. He CRAVES love & validation & affection but he’s afraid to ask for it or to take it since he’s gone down worse roads before by opening up to the wrong people.
He’s an artist - very talented in drawing & painting !! His apartment is littered with sketches & drawings and supplies and he would’ve gone to art school but money is tight and he doesn’t know he’s a prince in his actual reality so . . . yeah.
But his day job is that he’s a VERY popular video game streamer named Alchemyst , mainly doing let’s plays of adventure games & stuff with friends to get a good laugh. He also has a tendency to go on hilarious rants in a lot of his videos , resulting in MANY fanmade compilations & memes. He’s got a dedicated fanbase that he openly adores , and streaming also sorta helps him since he is a bit afraid of going into the outside world slightly. 
It’s funny , because as a streamer , he isn’t at all obnoxious or annoying - it’s the closest he gets to acting like himself , even if he has to act a little more EXTROVERTED than he actually is. 
THAT’S THE BASIS again , much more of a show than tell character but . . . Love him. I love him.
I DON’T have much ideas for wanted connections at this point aside from like . . . friends , exes , crushes , enemies , fans of his stream , etc. When I get more of a braincell I’ll put specific stuff down , but if it HELPS his fake life is shrouded in mystery bc Ciel doesn’t like talking about it ( aka , his fake past was p bad so he just prefers to act like he came out of fucking nowhere. )
But that’s it !! I’ll b responding to starters & calls soooon ~ ! I am ALL for plotting if u guys want , so just hit me up on here or Discord n I’ll respond as soon as I can !!
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maldreathezora · 7 years
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I updated the Characters page of A New Calamity. As the characters have evolved, I think these profiles are more accurate, though now I’m having a harder time justifying why Linke decided joining the Yiga clan was a good idea. :| The fraud police are going to arrest me for Writing Without a License. I may have to chalk her decision up to being mentally tortured for a century (so, brain damage logic) or needing to belong to something bigger than herself. Maybe after being with Ganondorf for so long, she developed a need to rebel against her Hylian origins. Maybe she’s so desperate to get Ganondorf back that she’ll grasp at any straw she finds. Maybe she thinks she can take over the Yiga Clan herself and use them to resurrect him. Maybe she just needs an excuse to fight. Or maybe it’s a mix of all of these. Whatever. It doesn’t matter now. I’ve gotten her into the Yiga Clan. She’s Kohga’s problem now.
Read on, if you like. If you don’t, you can always just read the comic. You can enjoy it for the art, I guess? :P
When rumors of Calamity Ganon began to arise, the princess of Hyrule, Zelda, took it upon herself to study the ancient Sheikah technology for a solution. King Rhoam reluctantly allowed her to travel abroad, but for fear of her safety, he gathered the knights of the royal guard and asked her to choose a companion. Astounding everyone, Zelda chose Linke, a promising knight in training. The King disliked the girl, whom he considered too stubborn and outspoken, but on the insistence of his daughter, he made Linke a knight and had her swear an oath to protect his daughter over her own life.
Zelda also chose other champions, the best Hyrule had to offer. All underwent strict training and their health was monitored closely as the day of the Calamity's awakening neared, so when Linke revealed she was harboring a tumor in her breast, the Sheikah doctors put her under the knife almost immediately-- there was no room for hesitation when it came to prolonging the lifespan of a champion. Though hurried, Linke had no qualms about the surgery and made no attempts to conceal the transformation of her body; healing quickly, as heroes manage to do, she resumed her duties as soon as possible.
Since Linke made no attempts to disguise her illness, malicious rumors began to spread through the kingdom about the Knight Champion-- that she was cursed by Hylia, and would bring ruin to the kingdom. King Rhoam, wishing to distance his daughter from her chosen knight, ordered Linke no longer to speak to his daughter directly (she was allowed no more than a "Yes, highness," or "Yes, ma'am"). Linke obeyed this order until her demise at Fort Hateno.
Ganondorf was a Gerudo King who appeared many times in the history books of Hyrule. The Hylian Cycle depicts a common theme: Ganondorf is resurrected, and a princess raises up a Hero to strike him down, or seal him away.
His story was nearly forgotten in Linke's time.
Ganondorf was slain so many times by Linke's spiritual ancestors that his hate began to manifest as a demon. In another realm, it grew to an enormous size and gained sentience, fueled by centuries of hate. Influencing weak minds, it sparked wars to keep its fire lit. Ganondorf's hate for Hyrule was a good resource of dark energy, but as it demon grew, it realized it needed more. Then it discovered an even better source of power-- the Triforce of Power, which manifests whenever Ganondorf is close to death. A master of efficiency, the Calamity dragged Ganondorf's soul down into the other realm, where it now holds him hostage, preventing him from reincarnating. Since Ganondorf's powers only manifest when he is in danger, the Calamity simply "kills" him over and over.
The demon delights in torturing Ganondorf, so when its reaching grasp on Hyrule found Linke's mind asleep in cryosis, it jumped at the chance to torture Ganondorf further by trapping his murderer with him.
Ganondorf and Linke spent a long time learning to communicate. He stubbornly refused to learn modern Hylian, so Linke set herself to the difficult task of learning the ancient Gerudo language, Va Eheniv*. The lifelong warriors spent the majority of their time together honing their fighting tactics until they knew each other so well that one could not think of their next move without the other immediately knowing it. Eventually, fighting became pointless.
The souls of Ganondorf's slain monsters followed him into what Ganondorf calls the Underworld. He often takes the form of a monster himself, in order to retreat into a quieter mind for a while.
*Va Eheniv was constructed in 2004 by Nina-Kristine Johnson and is used with permission.
Master Kohga
At the end of Linke's hundred years' sleep, Ganondorf instructed Linke to seek out his most loyal followers and join their ranks in an effort to rescue him from the underworld. Linke eagerly set out to join the Yiga Clan, whom she had often heard boast about their loyalty to "Calamity Ganon." Assuming they would only be too happy to accept her help in resurrecting at least one half of the pair, she submitted herself to humiliation at the hands of the Yiga, and was brought before their leader, Master Kohga.
Kohga was at first skeptical about Linke's professed loyalty to Ganon-- and her insistence that what Kohga considered to be a god was actually a long-lived Gerudo-- but her deranged story somehow won him over. He decided to keep her alive as a sort of pet project in his personal quest against the Sheikah. (Secretly, he wasn't truly convinced that this Ganondorf existed, but, just in case, he didn't want to anger a man of near-godlike status by killing his chosen one.)
Kohga has several hidden talents. He enjoys circuit bending Sheikah technology. He can also play the shamisen and even sings a line or two.
Unlike many of his followers, Kohga never removes his mask. Some say he's concealing a horrible burn. Some say he, like the mask he wears, has only one eye. Personally, I think he's building up a sort of Dread Pirate Roberts persona.
If in your travels across Hyrule you come across a Yiga woman with a cunning smile, an upturned nose and a murderous look in her eyes, you've found Nain.
Nain gravitated toward the Yiga after she was fired from the games table at a tavern for making a man swallow his dice. (He implied that she counted dice because she was too ugly to sell drinks.)
She was attracted to the money, the masks, the physicality of the job, and the equal opportunity employment.
The Calamity
An ancient demon with three forms; one a realm of horror, one a nebulous storm, and one a skeleton scrapped together from whatever it can glean from the occasional nightmare here and there. It has very few followers, so it leeches its power from Ganondorf. When there's no one around willing to make sacrifices to you, sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands...
Whenever it gains a bit of power, it attempts to leave the Underworld, testing its might against Zelda's sealing spell.
Raised as the spiritual funnel for the Kingdom of Hyrule, Zelda spent the first part of her life in prayer and meditation, under orders from her father, King Rhoam. This was to awaken her sealing magic. When, after a long period of fasting which left her physically diminished, no power was bestowed upon her, so she began her self-education exploring the land of Hyrule. She was accompanied by her chosen bodyguard, Linke, who was charged with protecting the princess to the death.
Linke fell at Fort Hateno after taking the brunt of an attack from a Guardian with its sights on the princess. Zelda put her champion to sleep in a shrine of resurrection...
Linke assumes Zelda is deceased, her spirit holding back the Calamity even in death.
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odogaronfang · 7 years
Ember, elegant, and danger.
[[i’ll do these as separates, just cuz, but i guess i’ll keep em along the same span of timeline in the botw au]]
Going on adventures alone is difficult and, though she’d be loath to admit it, really not so enjoyable. They’d agreed about a week ago to split up, to get some information on the behaviors of the divine beasts, and she’d been tasked with traveling to Gerudo Town- they only let women in, after all, and Zelda would be busy in Hebra, so she was the immediate choice. She’d agreed, because the climate of the desert was more like her hometown than Hebra’s, or the Eldin region’s, and she’d been vetoed for the zoras’ domain because Green had “called it”. At least it wouldn’t be cold, she’d said, and in the vast emptiness of the desert she laughs, then.
“Yeah, at least it isn’t cold.” She snorts, gives two middle fingers to the cool, implacable moon and pulls the thin blanket tighter around her. As soon as dusk had fallen she’d begun to notice the temperature drop, and now, halfway through the night, it’s near-freezing and miserable.
She has no wood, why would anyone bring firewood into a desert after all, so she’d gathered as much nearby foliage as she could and settled with her back to a boulder, knocked a rock against the head of her spear until a spark had caught, and she’d managed to kindle a little fire. It had lasted, for a little while, and she savored every second of its warmth.
But it’s out, now, little more than embers, blown to tiny fluttering red-orange bits by the vicious winds, and she’s near-freezing and growing desperate for something hot. She resolves to beat Green into the ground for not warning her once she gets back, if she survives this night.
(She does, and she’s welcomed, shivering and angry, into Gerudo Town just before dawn, by a group of laughing eight-foot tall women; she isn’t sure whether to feel dwarfed and insignificant or grateful and, perhaps, smug.)
The zoras’ domain is one of the most beautiful places Green has ever seen in his life. He’d been astounded even at the simple grace of the towers posted just along their borders, and the bridges that spanned the paths across rivers were no less stunning, but neither fully prepared him for the heart of the domain. It’s breathtaking, awe-inspiring, gorgeous- he’s seen a wonderful handcrafted rendering of Hyrule Castle in its heyday, and it can’t hold a candle to the wrought silver and sapphires of the soul of the zoras’ homeland, small though it is.
His zora guide seems amused and proud at his expression.
“It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” Tula, as she’d introduced herself as, says, and pats him on the shoulder. “It’s the pride of our people, right here.”
“It’s incredible,” He agrees, and tries not to stop to admire every little arch of the bridge as they walk by. Vio is the one with words, not him, but… “It’s… elegant, if I had to put it in a word.”
“It’s elegant and more- there isn’t any single word that can really capture it. Which is why calming Vah Ruta is so important to us. Or one of the reasons, anyway. If Ruta floods the domain… centuries of work of our skilled artisans, gone just like that. King Dorephan has worked himself into a terrible worry over it.”
Green can’t help but cast a nervous glance at the waterspout looming behind them, a beacon to the raging beast. “Especially if it killed Champion Mipha…”
“Rest her soul, we don’t think that’s what happened, exactly,” Tula says, hastily, “Princess Mipha’s control over Ruta was absolute, and their bond was unshakable. Nothing could have changed that save interference by another being. Of course, we have to prove that theory- which is why we need Hylians, like you, to get in there and find out.”
“It’s a lucky coincidence, I guess. A few friends and I have been looking for information on them, the divine beasts I mean, trying to see if we can do anything about them.”
That seems to excite her, and her pace quickens (though it isn’t difficult to adjust, their legs are so short). “Friends, you say? Hylians as well, these?”
“Well, some. One’s a sheikah, and another half sheikah, and I’m half gerudo actually so I don’t know if I count, really.”
“That’s wonderful news!” She tugs insistently at his wrist, past the smooth silver of the memorial of Champion Mipha and to the stairs that lead to the king’s chamber. “To think- sheikah, and one of gerudo blood, this will be even better than just hylian. Tell me, are any of you skilled with a bow?”
“Uh, the half sheikah is, his name’s Vio-”
“Come, come, save the details for the king, he’ll be just ecstatic to hear this, this is better news than we could have hoped for!”
He’s rushed with all haste into Dorephan’s audience chamber, and is met with a king the size of a house, and a prince hardly up to his waist (both of whom he bows to, unsure of how to handle himself in presence of another’s royalty). He introduces himself and, at Tula’s prodding, offers details on himself and his friends, and that goes into strategy discussion and something that sounds suspiciously like an agreement of some sort, and he leaves to his special luxury guest suite in the domain wondering what he’s just gotten himself into.
Vio is very aware of the dangers of Hebra, mundane and otherwise. Zelda makes sure to remind him- mind thin ice, check for solid footholds, hollow a space in the snow in the event of an avalanche, check your hands and feet every hour or so for frostbite, if you hear a howl get somewhere inaccessible to quadrupeds.
She’s known Hebra half a lifetime, and she’s wary, so he’s wary; it’s all in good sense, of course.
“Do monsters run as rampant here as they do in the warmer regions?”
“Yes, but in a different way, I guess. The camps aren’t as frequent, but they come in bigger groups.”
As they discover hardly an hour later.
It surprises Zelda- “I’d never seen an encampment here before”- and it puts him off a little. Bigger groups is no exaggeration: it’s a dozen of them, at least, but probably more, bokoblins and moblins and pale blue lizals clumped around a fire comically small for their group.
“We will find another way,” Vio murmurs, takes her arm and pulls gently, and she goes to turn, and her foot cracks a crust of ice and all eyes are on them.
It’s chaos from there, too many against too few, a seven to one ratio at the least, and Vio is ill-suited to the terrain and Zelda’s too outnumbered to be effective with her small quick weapons. Quickly she takes the role as diversion, gives Vio time to pick them off, it’s the safest option, or it is in theory.
“Get back,” He calls to her, when no more than half have fallen, dead or otherwise incapacitated, “Far back, go down the slope if you must!”
She’s not sure why he says it but she does it anyway, favoring the probability of surviving a slide downhill over melee against six monsters twice her size. She takes one with her as she goes, knocks it off balance and sends it careening down, locks her feet in the straps of her shield and follows it. Just as she reaches the bottom she hears a crackle, and then a loud noise that sounds almost like a parachute catching the wind, and a burst of heat sears her face even at that distance.
A fire arrow, she thinks, clever, at least against the lizals, and drives her knife into the moblin’s head when it tries to rise. It’s a little while before she chances to move, because it’s too quiet for her liking, not a word from Vio since he’d let the arrow fly. She picks her way up the hill- it’s easier now, with some of the snow melted to reveal footholds.
“I am alive.”
It takes a moment of looking around, but she finds him, sitting against a log the moblins had been resting on, checking his bow for burns. She’s wary, as she crosses the snow, but no ice chus burst from the drifts, so she sits beside him, sighs and slumps against the damp wood.
“Hell of a fight,” She says, and scrubs at a spatter of bokoblin blood on her leg with a handful of snow.
“Hell of a fight,” He agrees. Satisfied with his bow’s condition, he frees it of its string and stores it for the time being, takes out the first aid kit he keeps tucked in his pack. “Need anything?”
She agrees to a bandage; she’d missed a good dodge by a fraction of a second, and the little slice on her stomach stings against her undershirt. It’s only when she’s handing back the roll when she notices Vio’s got one hand shoved into the snow, the surrounding sleeve alarmingly blackened, and when he pulls it out the ice is stained pale red.
“Vio, what happened?”
“I was careless with the fire arrow is all. Not enough time to take proper precaution.”
“That’s a bad burn.”
“It looks worse than it is, fortunately.”
She’s skeptical, watches as he smears some bitter-smelling salve on it and wraps it in bandages and eases his glove over it. “That didn’t burn?”
“I suspected this might happen. I took it off before I got the arrow.”
“We need to get that checked out by a healer. There’s a stable not too far from here we can go to.”
“Tomorrow, maybe. We ought to get our rest while we can. The danger is past, for now.”
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tfloosh · 7 years
Ever seen pictures of Texas A&M’s student bonfire? That was the basis for the bonfire in this fic, so follow the link if you need a visual :) Hope you have fun reading!
The fight between Prince Link and Princess Zelda continues, but it’s been almost a year, and Zelda is tired of being angry. Will they be able to forgive each other in the face of the public announcement of their courtship?
Light | Forest | Fire | Water | Shadow | Spirit | Time
Sheik stood before a circle of training dummies, kunai strapped to her legs and a tanto on her lower back. Her mind drifted to the women’s gossip at court the previous day.
They’ll be such a handsome couple.
Can you just imagine the heirs?
Sheik struck out at the nearest dummy faster than the blink of an eye. The straw arm and head barely hit the floor before she moved to the next dummy.
How did she snag such a good-looking Prince? She’s such a prude.
But I hear that Prince Link is quite the flirt in Calatia.
Not enough of a flirt to soften the Princess’ hard heart.
Another straw head hit the floor.
She’ll just refuse him like she does with all the others.
She’s not going to find anyone better than a Crown Prince.
She’ll refuse him; just wait and see. No one is good enough for our prissy Princess.
Sheik decimated the rest of the training dummies in seconds. She hated court. She hated the gossip. And most of all she hated the fact that after six months of research she had found no plausible way of annulling the Courtship and Marriage Contract Clause of the alliance treaty.
Later this evening would be the official announcement of the courtship of Princess Zelda and Prince Link, but as was tradition in Hyrulean Court, everyone already knew. It was all anyone could talk about at court for the past week, yet no one could technically say anything aloud since it wasn’t official. She was plagued by whispers wherever she went, and she was sick of it.
Sheik cleaned and returned her weapons to their closet, changed back into her gown, and reluctantly removed the cloaking spell that turned her eyes red and darkened her skin. Zelda took the servants’ passages from the training room to her bedroom to avoid the many visitors that were pouring into the castle for the announcement. The Bathory’s were already making themselves at home in the visitor’s wing.
Zelda shuddered at the thought. In the six months since the Ordon Village Harvest Festival, she and Link had attended four other events together, and their relationship had only gotten worse. Goddess’ Day in December was filled with awkward small talk and being overly polite with each other. Their outing in February ended in another fight. Calatian National Day in March was essentially a contest to see who could sass the other more. And at the State Dinner held in Hyrule only two weeks ago, Zelda took every opportunity to stomp on Link’s toes whenever he subtly insulted or embarrassed her.
It was a contest of wills, a test in stubbornness, and Zelda was growing tired. It was more exhausting than she would have ever thought to stay mad at one person for so long, not that Link made it very hard. He was so insufferable and infuriating; every time he spoke, Zelda just wanted to punch him in the mouth. But that was only when they were actually together. When Zelda wasn’t having to tolerate Link’s presence, she remembered how kind his smile was and how open and sweet he had been with her. But the pride and arrogance she had seen during her very first meeting with the Prince had taken over. He hardly seemed like the same person she had brunch with on the garden terrace in Kakariko all those months ago. As much as Zelda hated to admit it, Ilia had been right; she wanted to go back to the time when she thought it wouldn’t be too bad being friends with and even courting Link, the time when he would make her smile and be willing to defy contracted law to make her happy.
It had been so easy, then she had to go and screw it all up by lying to him.
“Princess?” a tentative knock sounded from the door. “It’s Lana.”
“Yes, come in,” Zelda sighed.
Lana slowly peaked inside the door before walking in, “Are you feeling alright? Your aura is very sad.”
“Sad,” Zelda sat in one of the chairs in front of the fire. “Angry, frustrated, confused.”
“Is it the announcement tonight?”
“And Prince Link,” she nodded. “I just don’t know what to do with him, and I’m tired of our stupid game.”
“Why don’t you tell him that?” Lana tilted her head.
“I can’t give in first,” Zelda gasped. “He’s the one who started all of this; he should be the one to apologize first.”
“You know Prince Link is thinking the exact same thing,” Lana laughed quietly. She sat down next to Zelda and put on as serious a face as she could muster. “But you two are bringing out the worst in each other right now. I’ve never seen you act so hostile outside of a debate, and all this fighting will simply lead to more hatred.”
“I know,” Zelda rested her head in her hands. “But I don’t know how to stop this fighting. Every time I’ve tried, Link just sees it as an opening to attack.”
“What if you just ignored him?” Lana suggested with a giggle. “Only respond to him when he’s kind.”
“Or just start crying whenever he insults me,” Zelda started laughing with her. “Then he would have to apologize, in front of everyone even.”
They sat laughing for a while, thinking up even more ridiculous ideas to disarm Link. Eventually Queen Elaina came in to make sure Zelda was getting ready for the announcement. She sat talking with the girls while Alice, the maid, put up Zelda’s hair in an elaborate bun.
“I do see what you mean though,” Elaina said. “Prince Link is quite arrogant.”
“See,” Zelda looked to Lana through the mirror. “Mother agrees, so he should have to apologize first. His pride could stand to be taken down a notch anyway.”
“But wouldn’t it make you better than him if you humbled yourself and apologized first?” Lana countered.
“I already tried that, and it didn’t work,” Zelda rolled her eyes.
“Let me tell you, Your Highness,” Alice said around a mouthful of hair pins. “As a mother of three boys, I know they can be the most stubborn, hard-headed beings on the planet. Sometimes it takes humbling yourself to make them see they should do the same.”
“See,” Lana clapped happily. “Alice is on my side. Thank you, Alice.”
“Anytime, Miss Lana.”
“When is my next outing with Prince Link after this, Mother?” Zelda asked as Alice moved around to freshen up Zelda’s make-up.
“Not until Midsummer,” Elaina answered. “You’ll be going to Calatia City for their Midsummer Bonfire.”
“A bonfire in the summer?” Zelda asked confused.
“It is slightly colder there than it is here,” Elaina shrugged. “And it will be at night.”
“Then I will see how things progress today and at the bonfire,” Zelda stood as Alice finished her make-up and began helping the princess into her dress. “And maybe I will seek an end to this ridiculous fight.”
“That sounds fair enough for me,” Lana smiled.
Half an hour later, Zelda was walking down the stairs with her mother to meet with the other royals in the receiving room off the Grand Hall. Zelda smiled and greeted King Clement and Queen Adalynn before walking over to Prince Link.
“I have an idea,” she whispered to him so their parents couldn’t hear.
“Faking illness so we don’t have to go through with this?” he asked.
“Close,” Zelda glared at him. “During the proceedings you will tell my father you wish to court me. He will ask if that is truly your wish, and you could say no.”
“Will that really work? Even with the contract.”
“It might since you are stating it publicly,” she replied with a shrug. “My father may uphold your wish before the contract and refuse to enforce it.”
“Intriguing,” Link smirked. “I can see all the shocked faces now.”
“It’s up to you though,” Zelda said as she walked to the door that led into the Grand Hall. “I hope you make the right choice.”
Zelda entered through the side door after the butler announced their presence. She gracefully sat on the throne to the left of her father’s and kept her eyes on the main entrance of the Great Hall. It couldn’t have been five minutes, but it felt like an eternity waiting for the Bathorys to be announced. They walked up the aisle created by the standing courtiers and bowed respectfully before the royal family of Hyrule.
“King Gerrik of House Hyrule,” Clement announced with a flourish. “I formally present my son and heir, Crown Prince Link of House Bathory.”
“Well met, Prince Link,” Gerrik stood and nodded in greeting.
Zelda tuned out the trivial small talk that was spoken just for the pleasure of the court. Her stomach began to sink as the inevitable drew near.
“Now Prince Link, what is your reason for visiting Hyrule?”
“I have come to ask your permission to court your daughter, Princess Zelda,” Link stated.
Zelda stared at Link and tried to keep her emotions off her face.
“And is that truly your wish?”
Link turned his gaze to Zelda. He tilted his head as a small smirk spread across his face.
“Yes, Your Majesty, it is.”
Shock struck Zelda like a bolt of lightning. He said yes. Why would he say yes after all this time they’ve spent fighting? She was so stunned, she almost missed her father turning to her.
“Princess Zelda, do you consent to court Prince Link?”
Zelda stood and joined Gerrik at the front of the dais to buy herself time to think. She could deny her consent like she did with all the other suitors that came to call, but then what would the court think? She looked to Link, and this brilliant, mischievous smile was spread across his face. It was the same smirk that graced his face on that first day in Kakariko Village. Zelda’s answer came without a thought.
“Yes, I consent to court Prince Link.”
“Then you have my blessing. May your courtship prosper.”
Link swept forward to kiss Zelda’s hand before leading her out among the courtiers to be congratulated. It was a whirlwind of emotion. Everyone was smiling and congratulating, and all she could do was nod and say thanks. Drinks were handed out in celebration, but Zelda felt light headed without the alcohol.
It wasn’t until almost midnight that everything slowed down enough for Zelda’s thoughts to catch up to her feelings. Link was escorting her to her room when she finally asked.
“Why did you say yes?”
“The shock finally wearing off?” Link smirked.
“You could have said no, but you didn’t,” Zelda stopped just outside her door.
“You could have said no as well,” he countered. “But you didn’t.”
“I, well I,” Zelda stammered trying to remember just what she was thinking when she consented to court the Prince. “I didn’t want to say no,” she finally whispered.
“Then for once,” he raised her hand to his lips. “We are of the same mind.”
Link gave her a quick bow before heading to his own room, leaving Zelda more confused than ever.
April ended in a deluge of rain, and May flew by in a rush of qualification exams and parties celebrating the end of qualification exams. Too soon for Zelda’s liking, it was mid-June, and she was due to leave for the Midsummer Bonfire in Calatia in a week. She had talked at length with Lana about what Link had said to her after their courtship was announced. Lana saw it as Link’s way of offering up a white flag in their on-going war, but Zelda wasn’t so sure. Her mind went round and round in circles as she packed for her trip.
Did this mean they weren’t fighting anymore?
Should she make some sort of peace gesture?
Why did men complain about women being so confusing?
Obviously they were the impossible-to-read sex!
It was a two day trip to reach Calatia City from Castletown. Zelda tried to calm herself on her ride by reading her favorite book, but she couldn’t keep her mind focused on the pages in front of her. She eventually got so exhausted of sitting in the carriage, she insisted on riding a horse for the first part of the second day. When they finally reached Calatia’s capital city, Link was there alone to greet Zelda. She couldn’t help but notice that was exactly how she had greeted Link on his first visit to her home. Prince Link gave her a quick tour of the castle before showing her to the guest chambers.
“The library is on the second floor,” he continued as servants brought Zelda’s luggage into her room. “Biggest set of double doors you can find. And the gardens are quite pleasant this time of year if you wish for some fresh air.”
“Will you be free to join me at all this afternoon?” Zelda asked. She sounded too hopeful and needy to her own ears, but Link simply smiled.
“I’m afraid I have to polish my mask collection,” he smirked. “Father wishes for me to still attend court this afternoon.”
“I should go with you then,” Zelda said. “The nobility will want to see me anyway since I’m here.”
“No, I wouldn’t force this torture on you,” Link smiled sadly as he turned to the door. “Hyrule’s nobles are puppies and kittens compared to the asinine, old fools I have to deal with. Enjoy your freedom, and I’ll see you at dinner.”
“See you at dinner,” Zelda called as Link left. She felt a little dazed and disoriented. That was honestly the most civil conversation she’d had with Link in almost a year; she didn’t know how to react to it. Maybe a walk will clear her head.
Zelda wondered around occasionally asking for directions to the nearest garden. She was directed to an older part of the castle, a place that was more wood than stone. She pushed open a solid door to see the most beautiful cloistered walkway. Window-like openings that would have looked out onto a courtyard were completely obscured by a waterfall of pink flowers. Zelda made her way to the door-like opening that led into the courtyard. Her smile grew. The large courtyard was filled with cherry trees in full bloom. Zelda was amazed; the summer was far past the peak blooming period for cherry trees.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” a voice called.
Zelda turned to see a dark-skinned woman with short white hair. The woman was scantily clad, exposing a lot more skin than even Calatian standards found acceptable. She also carried a staff that Zelda could tell was imbued with magic.
The woman chuckled in a way that was far from mirthful, “I work year-round to keep these trees in perpetual bloom. It’s not a difficult spell once you get it down, but it does take a lot of time and practice.”
“The beauty of the trees must make the effort well worth it,” Zelda replied evenly. The awe she had felt earlier was frosted over. The woman’s presence seemed to suck the warmth and light from the garden.
“I do agree, Princess,” the woman smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “But the real reward is when I let the trees actually bear fruit. Cherries grown with magic are said to have the most tantalizing taste. My dearest Link counts them as his favorite.”
Zelda’s suspicions were confirmed; this woman must be the Sorceress Cia with whom Link had a previous relationship. She needed to proceed cautiously then.
“It is a shame I cannot try some,” Zelda pursed her lips into a smile.
“Yes, a true shame,” Cia’s eye lit up with a strange fervor. “I only harvest them for Link’s birthday. Cherry crepes are a staple at the State Dinner held in his honor.”
“I look forward to the opportunity to taste them,” Zelda looked around at the trees. She wanted to leave, but she knew Cia would just see it as a weakness.
“Yes, it will be interesting to see if you make it that long,” Cia replied. “Court can be quite vicious here, you know.”
“I have been warned,” Zelda narrowed her eyes. She didn’t like the sound of that threat at all. “Now if you will excuse me, I must get ready for dinner.”
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Princess.”
Zelda hurried as quickly as she could back to her room. It wasn’t until she was safe on the bed did she realize how heavy her chest felt, how difficult her breath came to her. The change was subtle but enough for her to notice. Cia carried a dark aura, a very powerful one that could even effect Zelda despite all the protection her light magic offered her. Zelda forced herself to calm down and began her meditation practices. Obviously no one else could sense the dark aura otherwise something would have been done to stop the sorceress. Or possibly use of dark magic wasn’t as stringently regulated in Calatia as it was in Hyrule. Either way, Zelda could think of no way to approach the matter, so she let it go. There was enough on her plate with her precarious relationship with Link.
After an hour of meditation, Zelda finally got ready for dinner. Link knocked on her door a little while after to escort her down to the dining room.
“Are you ready for dinner?” Link asked.
Zelda nodded even though she felt far from prepared to deal with a social conversation.
“Just to warn you,” Link said quietly as they walked down the stairs. “Some of the nobility insisted on joining us for dinner, so the best survival tip I can give you is to not be offended by anything they say and show no emotion.”
“So basically how I’ve tolerated you the past few months?”
To say dinner was interesting would be an understatement. Zelda had spent many a day jumping hurdles for the Hyrulean Court, but that was nothing compared to what she had to endure during dinner. The Calatian nobles were snobbish and rude and infinitely worse than dealing with Link on his own. By the end of the meal, Zelda’s cheeks were hurting from the fake smile she had plastered on her face all night. Thankfully, Link helped excuse her from the traditional after dinner chit chat by saying she was still tired from her long journey.
“I want to attend court with you in the morning,” Zelda said suddenly as they walked back up the stairs. She didn’t know what made her say it, but after her encounter with Cia, surviving Calatian court felt like something she needed to prove she could do.
Link’s eyes looked like they would pop out of his head, “Are you insane? They’ll eat you alive. I don’t care how easy you think dinner was; court will be ten times worse.”
“All the more reason to prove I’m not weak,” she replied. “We are courting now Link, and they need to see I’m not some silly Princess they can manipulate.”
“But,” Link began to protest, but Zelda would have none of it.
“But what, Link? I’m not as weak as you would like to think. I’d have thought dealing with you all these months would have proven it.”
“I may not be able to protect you if something goes wrong,” his eyes hardened.
“You mean if I do something wrong?” she fired back accusingly. “Good thing I don’t need your protection anyway.”
Zelda stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her. Despite her anger, she almost laughed when she heard Link grumbling about stubborn women all the way down the hall.
Link had never felt more nervous in his life. The thought of Princess Zelda attending court that morning was eating away at his stomach. Why did she insist on putting herself through that torture? It wouldn’t prove anything except to show that she was too frustratingly stubborn for her own good. She couldn’t even see that he was actively trying not to fight with her. She should be grateful he was trying to keep her away from the lion’s den that was court.
But, damn, he absolutely hated that he loved the fire that sparked in her blue eyes whenever someone challenged her. He had learned very quickly that the quickest way to get Zelda to do something was to tell her she couldn’t. Loath as he was to admit, he admired her tenacity and strength. Link had never met anyone quite like Zelda, which is why his selfish brain refused to give her up.
Link made his way to the guest room Zelda was using. She insisted on taking breakfast in her room, probably so Link wouldn’t have time to try and persuade her from her plan. He knocked on her door dreading the next three hours of his life. But then he saw her. Zelda had gone all out wearing an elegant dress in the navy blue of House Hyrule and a formal tiara in her braided hair. The crest of Hyrule could be seen in her intricate necklace and bracelets. She looked every inch like the future Queen she was born to be.
“You look beautiful,” Link breathed. His brain was incapable of thinking anything else.
“Is it too much?” Zelda’s face dissolved into a worried frown. “I thought the extra jewelry was a bit overboard, but my mother would have insisted.”
“It’s perfect,” Link smiled. “You look like a Queen. There’s no way the nobles will be able to touch you now.”
“We’ll see,” Zelda rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her. “I’m sure you’ll find some way to embarrass me like you always do.”
“Only if the opening is just too tempting,” Link smirked as he led the princess down to the first floor.
“Don’t make me stomp on your foot.”
They remained silent until they reached the doors to the Grand Hall. Zelda squeezed his arm when he moved to open the door, so he stopped.
“Can I ask you for a favor?” she whispered. Her voice trembled slightly; Link could say nothing but yes.
“Will you promise not to leave me alone with them?” her eyes turned to his, and Link felt his heart jump in his chest against his will.
“I promise to not leave your side.”
“Then let’s get this over with,” Zelda turned to the doors, her emotions fading from her face, and they entered court.
The three hours didn’t drag as much as Link would have thought. He led Zelda around introducing her to all the nobles of Calatian court. She was a pro dealing with those who snubbed her. She ignored those who only called her ‘Princess’ instead of the more respectful ‘Your Highness’ and had a razor sharp comeback for every subtle insult thrown her way. Slowly but surely, she was winning their respect. What had taken him years to accomplish, Zelda made quick work of in hours; Link was impressed to say the least. Zelda had definitely come with a plan to conquer the court and win over the begrudging hearts of the nobles.
Once it was time for lunch, Link whisked Zelda away so they could eat privately. They sat in the Private Dining Room silently staring at each other until Link broke the silence.
“You were fantastic, you know?” his smirk evolved to look more like a genuine smile. “You were born to be a Queen.”
“I do believe that’s the first genuine complement you’ve given me,” she smiled back.
“Come now, I must have complemented you at least three times on our way to court,” he laughed.
“Yes, but were they genuine?” Zelda countered.
They dissolved into easy banter as their food arrived. It was refreshing for Link to talk with the princess without fighting the whole time. Even though he had come to realize some time ago that his anger was directed more at his father for putting him in this situation, Link still felt the childish need to lash out in rebellion. He had gotten over Zelda lying to him ages ago, but he still fought with her because she was the only one who could be affected by his anger. He couldn’t direct his rage at his parents effectively because of their status, so all of it fell on Zelda, which he knew was unfair since she was just as stuck in this situation as he was. But despite realizing this, Link just couldn’t let go of his anger. He hated being forced into decisions he didn’t want. He hated having his entire life planned out for him. He hated the expectation to be perfect all the time.
“Hello? Link?”
Link shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts and turned to Zelda, “I’m sorry; I was lost in thought.”
“I just asked when we would be heading to the bonfire tonight?” she smiled.
“The Midsummer’s Feast will start at six o’clock in the castle, and we’ll head down to the bonfire before it’s lit at sunset,” he explained.
“I’ve never actually seen a bonfire before,” Zelda said as a servant came to clear their dishes. “I know it’s a common tradition in Hyrule for them to be lit in remembrance of loved ones fallen in war, but we haven’t had a major conflict since before I was born.”
“Then you’re in for a real treat,” Link smiled. “The Midsummer Bonfire is an unparalleled spectacle.”
“I can’t wait to see it then,” Zelda stood and furrowed her eyebrows slightly. “Do we have to go back to court?”
“I think we can excuse ourselves on the grounds of resting for the bonfire tonight,” he smirked mischievously. “Would you like me to take you back to your room?”
“Actually,” Zelda’s voice sounded timid, and she looked everywhere but at Link. “I was wondering if we could take a walk, or something. Just an outing would be nice in this weather, you know?”
“But what would the nobles think?” Link asked in a mock scandalized voice.
“Let them think what they wish,” Zelda’s blue eyes twinkled with that fire.
“Then lead the way, Princess.”
The rest of the day passed by in a blur for Zelda. Her plan to gain their respect had not crashed and burned like she feared it might. And she couldn’t believe she had spent a whole day with Link without fighting once. Zelda never thought it was possible. Even as they walked to the bonfire together, she was still waiting for some huge fight to break out between them.
The Midsummer Bonfire was being held in the fields on the outskirts of Calatia City. The walk from the castle to the city gate was pleasant. The streets of Calatia City were filled with booths selling everything from food to jewelry to toys for children to play with. As much as Zelda wanted to just window shop through all the booths, she and Link had to stay close to the King and Queen. It was strange being a part of a royal entourage. The tradition of nobles following the King and Queen around during outings had never really been common in Hyrule, and Zelda was definitely sure she didn’t like it. There was no escaping the sideways glances the nobles gave them, and it was far too easy to overhear any gossip, especially if it was directed at her.
But it seemed that Link was determined to keep the smile on her face genuine. He bought her jewelry she thought was pretty on the grounds that she needed more green to wear and indulged her with sweets she had never seen before in Hyrule (her favorite was the macaroons). It was easy to pretend they were in their own little bubble until Zelda caught the smug expression on King Clement’s face. She had never understood the King’s sudden transformation from a spineless insect to a manipulative snake during their visit to Kakariko, so she had become deeply mistrustful of him.
As if he could sense what gave her pause, Link whispered in her ear, “Just ignore my father. He’s being too much of a smug bastard these days.”
Zelda had to laugh at that, “It tends to happen when people think they’re getting their way.”
“I believe your mask collection is growing,” Link smirked. He placed a hand on the small of her back to guide her. “We should be able to slip away from the rest of the entourage once we get to the bonfire. Come on.”
Zelda didn’t understand how they’d be able to slip away. Surely even if there was a large crowd they would still stick out. But then she saw the bonfire. Once they exited the city gates, it immediately caught her eye. Zelda didn’t entirely know what she was expecting, but it surely wasn’t this. The bonfire was made of hundreds of logs stacked in tiers that created a giant cone shape that had to be at least fifty feet tall.
“I told you it was awesome,” Link laughed at Zelda’s expression. “Come on; we’re missing out on all the fun.”
He grabbed her hand and started running down the road toward the bonfire. Zelda could hear voices calling after them, but she couldn’t understand them over the sound of her and Link’s laughter. They didn’t stop until they were breathless at the foot of the giant bonfire.
“Told you we could slip away.”
“I don’t know why I thought you had something more subtle in mind,” Zelda laughed breathlessly.
“It’s as you said though, isn’t it?” Link raised an eyebrow at her. “Let them think what they wish.”
They walked around the growing crowd surrounding the bonfire as the sun went down. Zelda stopped to mingle occasionally with the common-folk, and Link entertained her with stories of all the different Midsummer Bonfires he’d been to.
“My parents wouldn’t let me go when I was younger,” he said. “They thought I was sickly while the doctors insisted I just needed time outside to play like any other boy. But I couldn’t see the bonfire from my rooms because the city wall was too high, so I would sneak into the highest tower and sit and watch the bonfire burn all night.”
“That sounds wonderful,” Zelda smiled.
“Not as wonderful as actually seeing it up close,” Link pointed to some men carrying torches. “They’re going to light it now.”
Zelda stood in awe as the men walked around the massive base of the bonfire setting fire to every other log. From the other side of the stack, she could hear a voice talking of passion and the will to fight and invoking the name of Din to aid them in their future endeavors. They stood and watched the fire slowly make its way up to the top of the bonfire, only moving when the heat became too much.
They walked in silence for a while after. Zelda got the feeling that Link, much like herself, wanted to say something but didn’t know how to start.
“I forgot to tell you I found an interesting garden yesterday,” Zelda finally said. “And it made me wonder if you liked cherries.”
“Cherries?” Link looked taken aback at the randomness of the question. “No, they are too sour raw and too sweet when cooked. They also remind me of, oh.”
He stopped and turned to look at Zelda with an expression that was half fear, half guilt.
“Did you meet her? Was she there in the garden?”
“Yes, actually,” Zelda smiled wanly. “She sent me some thinly veiled threats and tried to assert some sort of claim over you.”
Link’s eyes filled with anger, reflecting the bonfire shining next to them.
“I should have been there. I shouldn’t have been at court; I should have been with you so that this wouldn’t happen.”
“Link, it’s alright,” Zelda placed a hand on his shoulder to help reign him in. “Look at me.” She reached up to cup his face in her hand, hoping that focusing would help him calm down. It took a second, but the fire in Link’s eyes changed to something else, something Zelda couldn’t quite name.
“I should apologize for my actions,” he whispered.
“There was nothing you could have done,” Zelda shook her head. “You had to obey your father, and I’m perfectly fine fighting my own battles.”
“No, I mean,” Link fidgeted nervously. “My actions before now, at that State Dinner and National Day, all of it really.”
Zelda couldn’t stop the small gasp that escaped her lips. Her hand fell from his face.
“I wasn’t mad at you. I was mad at my father and the situation,” Link broke eye contact and ran his fingers through his hair as if he was frustrated. “And I took out my anger on anything I could because that’s what I do, and I’m sorry.”
He looked back at her nervously as if expecting her to reject his apology, but Zelda could only smile.
“When did you finally come to your senses?” she asked with a giggle.
Link snorted before turning to fully face her, “During that courting ceremony, actually. I thought of you eventually courting another man, and despite knowing you would be just as miserable with that poor chap as you would with me, my selfishness and I couldn’t just let you go.”
He reached up to tuck a wayward strand of hair behind her ear.
“I figured that at least with me, that fire in your eyes wouldn’t go out.”
Zelda felt warmth fill her at those words. The hope she had lost after the Ordon Harvest Festival so many months ago suddenly returned.
“It was the way you smiled,” she said without thinking. “That’s why I said yes. You reminded me of the Link I met in Kakariko, the Link I wouldn’t actually mind courting.”
She looked up into his eyes. Zelda was scared to ask but also feared leaving it unsaid.
“Can we go back to that time? Can we put aside out anger and stop fighting?”
“Yes,” Link smiled. “Fighting you is far too exhausting.”
“I beg your pardon?” Zelda gasped in mock annoyance. “You are far worse. Dealing with your court this morning was easier than dealing with you alone.”
“I beg to differ,” he smirked mischievously. “You are more stubborn than is reasonable.”
They went back and forth for what seemed like an hour, circling the bonfire and avoid nobles wherever they could. It wasn’t until the bonfire’s light began to wane that someone came looking for them.
“Your Highnesses,” a page called out to them. “The court is preparing to leave.”
“Alright, thank you,” Link rolled his eyes after the boy left. “I guess we’ll have to head back now.”
“Yes, I’ll be needing some sleep before I head home tomorrow,” Zelda yawned.
The walk back to the castle was a quiet one. Zelda found herself leaning more and more on Link’s arm as they walked, and by the time they reached her room, she felt dead on her feet.
“Until next time, Zelda?” Link brought her hand to his lips. His brow was quirked in a silent question.
“Until next time, Link.”
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