#maybe daily entries on instagram
klywrites · 7 months
teehee I leave for Japan tomorrow morning
see you all in 3 weeks!
(I'll probably still be lurking though)
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stellarsagittarius · 1 year
How would you meet your future husband / wife - Based on Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart Pt. 1
[P.s. Please follow me on Instagram and Tiktok @/Stellar_Sagittarius I post even more astrology content on it and it's a business I'm trying to grow. Your presence means a lot to me ❤️.]
Masterlist: All my astrology posts at one place
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(If you are looking for a man, check your Jupiter Persona Chart. If you are looking for a woman, check your Venus Persona Chart)
(Disclaimer: Don't be fixed on this reading! Always have an open mind because the Universe works the best when you have trusted and let go of expectations! Also, the chart won't tell you the exact place or time or how you would feel about something, no one can do that. What it WILL tell is the theme that can be the most prevalent during that event, and how the event can play out.)
Step 1 - Go to Astro.com -> Horoscopes drawing and data -> Extended chart selection -> Select chart type 'Persona Chart' -> Click on 'Additional Objects -> Manual entry '1585'.
Asteroid 1585 is the Union asteroid. It can show how you can "meet" or "come together" with someone.
Fun fact: I checked this Union asteroid in my composite charts with my friends, siblings, my mobile phone, colleagues, and everything fit so well like puzzle peices.
What we will look in the Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart is the Union asteroid, it's sign, house, and the placement of the ruler of it's sign.
For example, in the composite chart of my phone and I, Union is in the 7th house of Aries, and the ruler of Aries (Mars) is in the 6th house of Pisces. When I went to buy my current phone it was an impulse decision, I was with my father. We were returning from my college (he picks me up everyday, so it's our little routine (6th house)). We were driving (Mars theme) and I was with someone (7th house). He said, "Why not let's go and get you the new phone?" Very unusual of my father because he is very slow and thoughtful person. And just then we went to buy it. It was an impulse buy.
And this is just one of the many examples.
Let's get into reading the Union Asteroid in your Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart.
Union Asteroid Through The Houses
Union in the 1st House -
The first house is all about "yourself". So think of you initiating something. Perhaps you approach this person, or you are the one who initiates the conversation. You could be the center of attention, or you catch the attention of your partner, whether it's your looks or personality. "You" are the focus. This is related to a place where you would stand out or play an important role with your mindset/ideas. They could even approach you, simply because they are interested in getting to know you. If Union asteroid in your chart has a 11th or 3rd or 9th house connection, then they could come across your "profile" on social media.
Union in the 2nd house -
The second house rules our values, possessions, beliefs, our body language, resources, personal finances, etc. There are plenty of situations related to this, going for shopping, while making a purchase, at a restaurant, taking part in some workshop to improve your skills etc. This is a situation where you are focused on your resources, and your skills. This could also be at a bank or shopping centers. Maybe this person changes your beliefs in your first meeting, or perhaps you meet them because you saw their car, and you absolutely loved it so you wanted to ask what model it was. You could have made some changes to your body when you met them.
Union in the 3rd house -
3rd house rules communication, locality, processing information, short distances, siblings, it rules personal communication and also the "media" part of social media. So you could first come across them on social media, like seeing them for the first time. You can meet through siblings or in your local areas. You can meet in high school as well. Some places are news stations, broadcasting companies, daily newspaper/magazine supplier, a bookstore, stationery, elementary school, through blogging or vlogging, through writing. Perhaps they write you letters or leave you notes. Or since you met them, you both talk nonstop/sharing information 24/7.
Union in the 4th house -
Our 4th house is all about home, privacy, security, comfort, our deeper emotions, family, the part of ourselves that we don't show to just anyone, could also depict the people very close to us. So think of meeting this person "through the comfort of your home", good for introverts! This is giving social media, because you don't have to go out somewhere. They just slide into your DMs or your slide into theirs ;) . Internet is a good example because we can use it at our comfort. We can do so much by just being at our home through the internet. Other examples is meeting through your family, perhaps your mom introduces you to them. Or maybe they are a delivery person, an electrician or a service worker who comes to your house to like fix the AC or something! This meeting would feel very cozy. Perhaps getting to talk with each other takes some time!
I have this in the composite chart with one of my best friends. Union in Aries 4th House. She is extremely introverted and shy. We met through the internet, she just randomly slide in my DMs. I was at home chilling in my PJs, and received her message. She had this "other account" through which she messaged me, due to her "privacy reasons". But she just overcame her overthinking and made the first move (Aries energy). Lol I still wonder how brave of her was to text me, she is super introverted! Oh, and also, the ruler of our 4th house is Mars, in 12th house. So the account that she texted me on, was an account that didn't have my real name or picture, it was a little self care niche account. Plus her own pfp was of only her eyes. So kinda sus energy lol with the 12th house.
Union in the 5th house -
Fifth house is all about creativity, pleasure, joy, having fun doing this or that, sex, hobbies, children etc. Places associated with the 5th house are amusement parks, art schools, cinemas, theme parks, movie sets, waterparks, nightclubs as well, etc. Think of pursuing a hobby or doing something solely for the pleasure it brings you, you could meet this person through that. This is also giving collaboration, for a creative project. Shared interests and hobbies! It could also start off as a one night stand or perhaps you both are very flirty with each other from the start. Every couple flirts ofc, but yours is emphasised! So think of teasing or being very playful with each other! Could indicate meeting through children! Perhaps you met at a kindergarten, aww!
Union in the 6th house -
6th house is ✨️That Girl✨️ house. It rules, routines, organization, health, fitness, pets, work ethic, the physical self care, the material realm, getting your life in order, etc. Think of going to run errands or going to the gym and bumping into this person. Perhaps you are out taking your dog for a walk, or going for a run, and you meet this person. This house rules all the mundane, daily life stuff. Perhaps they ask you for the directions when you meet them. This also rules parking lots, roads, vehicles, hospitals, daycare, salon, the vet. This is very routined. Perhaps this is someone you see everyday while going to work, but never got the chance to say hi.
Union in the 7th house -
The 7th house is all about others. It is more one on one, than a group. So think, when you meet them, the focus will completely be on getting to know the other person. Like completely immersed in the conversation, totally focused on each other's company. Someone else can introduce you both. This is like the definition of "meeting". You met, and now you both are genuinely interested in each other. The places could be anywhere you would directly approach them, instead of seeing them here and there or having something else as a focus. Dating apps is a good example, but only if your focus is on them, rather than other people on it.
This is in the composite chart of my bestie and I. I was talking to a friend, and my bestie just approached me. And we got to know each other just like that. It was in high school, about 5 years ago. We just became friends right away!
Union in the 8th house -
8th house is about what you share with someone else, transformation, secrets, bonds, joint resources, marriage, sex (as in bonding with someone, and not necessarily pleasure), other people's stuff, etc. The places associated with the 8th house could be banks, someone else's house, private clubs/bars, private offices, VIP lounges, etc. Someone else could play a part in this meeting or you can meet through some sort of joint collaboration. This is also giving, "Oh you left your diary at that coffee table a week ago, I had to give it back to you!" Somebody or something will help you come together. You could also bond with each other pretty quickly! Wingwoman/wingman energy!
Union in the 9th house -
9th house represents travel, long distances, foreign, higher education, other cultures, languages, adventure, universities, philosophy, spirituality & religion (the philosophical/moral/practical aspect of it), etc. So meeting your s/o through travel or while you are exploring something. Perhaps while you are in college/university. Meeting them through religion or shared spiritual interests. Perhaps a course where you are learning about other cultures or languages. Classic travel meeting. Could meet on an airplane or a long distance train. The relationship itself could start out as long distance. If this has 4th house or Gemini/Cancer connections, then meeting online/at your comfort, but being long distance!
Union in the 10th house -
10th house rules our public image, our career, the part of ourselves that shines the most. It rules buildings, workplaces, companies, public parks or public places. This could also represent our public profiles online, such as for work or businesses. So yes, meeting through your work is significant. Could be a business meeting at first. If there are relations to 5th and 8th houses then it could be to collab on something creative! You could meet through your boss. And keeping the work aspect aside, if you are someone with a public profile online just because you want it so, it's also a 10th house thing. An aspect of your public image will be highlighted! Your work and career will be significant.
Union in the 11th house -
This is the classic friends to lovers placement, no matter how slow or fast it is. 11th house rules communities, friendships, social groups, hope and ideals, long term plans/visions, "social" part of social media, being an influencer or having an audience, networking, building your career, etc. This is a very social house and this meeting will have a focus on networking, becoming friends etc. Perhaps this is a meeting through friends, or meeting at a networking party. They could see you online or be intrigued at the work you do. Perhaps they want to work with you.
Union in the 12th house -
Twelfth house is the house of unconscious, mysteries, theories, conspiracies, hidden, mystical, fantasies, imagination etc. Everything to do with the mind, and not the things that are practical or "material" enough. This is the spiritual realm, the realm of unseen. This also rules isolation, mental health, heavy contemplative states. It rules prisons or hospitals (in a way that you are isolated). Meditation retreats are ruled by 12th house as well. Places that are far away and where we take the journey alone. So yes, meeting when you are alone, or even an account messaging you where the owner is hidden (not saying talk to strangers, but you get my point). This meeting could start out as a secret or won't be apparent to other people. You both could meet at a place where you both are alone, etc. You both could connect over the matters of spirituality and mysticism.
This is it!
You can book a reading with me, text me, I'll respond. I just made this blog so I'm yet to create an official post regarding booking readings!
Stay tuned for the next part!! ✈️✨️
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octuscle · 1 year
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Alexander Ristor was perfect. The perfect body, the perfect skin, the perfect hair, he was simply flawless. And thanks to his father's fortune, he had the perfect life, too. Although he had never worked or studied, through generous donations he had reasonably presentable high school and college degrees. And his family's connections had also been a catalyst for his career as an influencer. Although he did nothing but travel the world First Class, do shopping, and work out and take care of his body, by the time he was 25 he already had thousands of followers. And while from the beginning his mother had had to secretly pay for hotels and restaurants so that Alexander felt he was getting everything for free as a social media star, by now many doors actually opened by themselves if he just approached them.
Alexander surfed through Instagram, bored. He was starting to get bored in Vienna. He was on a European tour, it was spring, and it was too cold for him in Austria. Going a little more south, working on his tan, now that would be cool. But all the destinations that came to mind when he looked at Google Maps seemed hackneyed. Croatia, Montenegro, Albania. All water under the bridge. All the C-class celebrities had already been there. But what was this northern Macedonia? Skopje? Almost all the posts on Instagram were from locals. Looked interesting enough. In fact, there was also a Hilton. Looked pretty old-fashioned. But he had an advertising contract with them, so he could stay there for two nights. Maybe he could find something better locally. Or he could still travel on to Kotor on the Mediterranean if he didn't like it in Skopje. A few hours later, his two big RIMOWA suitcases were packed and a limousine took him directly to the first class terminal of the Vienna airport.
The Hilton was really not to his liking… A proper chain hotel. Not a boutique hotel secret tip that his followers loved him for. But for a few selfies at the bar, in the room and in the lobby, it would be enough for him to get out of here without a bill. Only for his daily workouts did he need something else. The gym at the hotel was unacceptable. Since he had already failed to work out yesterday, he had the concierge recommend a gym nearby. And headed straight for it with his gym bag.
The gym was surprisingly good. A former school high school gym, where high tech and shabby chic met. Well, the audience was different than at home in New York, but he would look all the more radiant on his contributions. So he stood at the counter and said he'd like to work out for the next few days. The employee at the counter, whose name tag said his name was Atanas, obviously didn't know him. Sure, that was a problem if you were a social media pioneer in the province… Atanas realized that he had to make a special effort with the customer. Only, unfortunately, he spoke very broken English. But at least he had understood that the handsome man in front of him was called Aleksandar. He didn't understand the last name… But it sounded something like Ristovski, the name of the captain of the national team. So he entered that. Date of birth? He could only guess… But he guessed well and made Alexander just about half a year older. And for the address Atanas simply entered the address of his mother's guesthouse, nobody would check that. Especially not the customer in front of him, who looked incredulously at the text written in Macedonian on the display and then signed on the input field without checking anything. Atanas took another photo of the customer, saved the entry in the customer file and coded the wristband that could be used to open doors and lockers in the studio.
He had no idea what the employee at the counter wanted from him. But somehow it all worked out and after only fifteen minutes Alexander had received a very cool looking wristband and quickly understood that it worked for checking in and opening the doors. With hands and feet, communication worked even in the middle of nowhere… After changing clothes and styling his hair, Alexander checked his accounts again. He was now 4:15 pm. So he could work out, take a few pictures while he was at it, edit them back at the hotel, change, and then hit the nightlife. But now let's get to the weights.
After three hours of training Alexander was exhausted. Shit, he had totally forgotten the time. But the workout had been awesome. It had been a long time since he had had so much fun pushing his body to the limits. So there was just a selfie of him with sweaty hair and sweaty T-shirt. And a succinct caption, "Best workout ever," along with the name of the gym. Strange, why did he have a three-day beard…?
The night had been fun, there was no other way to put it. The afterlife of Skopje could not be compared to that of Vienna. As usual, his posts had had hundreds of likes after a very short time. And there had been a lot of likes from locals as well. He must have collected some new followers tonight. He was a little surprised about some comments about his new style. Okay, he didn't shave every day since he was here. And when you party hard, your hair doesn't always sit perfectly either. But new style…? He thought it was over the top.
Before he wanted to look at the city a little, Alexander wanted to work out a little in any case. So he went directly unshowered with only once combed hair to breakfast. Around him sat many festively dressed people. Probably locals who went to Sunday brunch. Because of his careless dress and perhaps also because of the smell his sports bag gave off, Alexander received one or two reprimanding looks. All weaklings, he thought, as he ate his bowl of scrambled eggs and the three chicken breasts for breakfast.
Atanas and Alexander greeted each other with a ghetto fist. The prepared protein shake was already waiting. Alexander appreciated how quickly his workout routine was addressed here. And thank God he could exchange a few words of Macedonian with the staff and the other guys on the training floor. And he understood a little Albanian, at least. His grandmother had sometimes sung him a few folk songs she knew from her North Macedonian mother, so a little had stuck.
Communication with Atanas was still complicated, however. He probably wanted to say something to him when Alexander left the studio at 5:00 p.m. after a hard workout, sauna and a shower. And after some time he understood that Atanas invited him to move out of the expensive and uncool Hilton and move into his mother's guesthouse. Great idea, that would certainly go down better in his stories than pictures from an interchangeable hotel bar. Nevertheless, Alexander spent the evening at the hotel. After all, he owed the hotel a few posts. And he didn't feel like going out clubbing after the day was over.
He did not have to shave today… The beard had a good seven-day length and still looked reasonably well-groomed. But he could go to the barber again, the last haircut should be a month and a half ago. So it had to be enough to tame the hair back with plenty of gel. He stuffed his clothes into his suitcases and went for a quick breakfast before checking out. After devouring his mountain of scrambled eggs, the waiter pointed out to him to please not wear a tank top to breakfast next time. There won't be a next time, Alex replied in his broken Macedonian and wiped off the rest of the scrambled eggs with his forearms. The front desk employee also smiled somewhat painedly when he pointed out his partnership with Hilton while paying the bill. The lady said they were tasked with telling Alex that the quality of his posts had fallen below the usual standard and they were considering discontinuing the partnership. Normally, Alex would have raved now, but he didn't care about the Hilton at all. Nevertheless, still posted a selfie with him and the reception team on Instagram. And immediately came the reactions:
"When did you stop shaving your armpits, Alexander?" "Bro, you're working out more than usual!" "Sun's out, guns out"
And many posts were in Macedonian and Albanian, which is also where most of the likes came from.
Atanas and Alex went to the barber together after the training. This was also a cool experience, making a post from this was much funnier than from drinking cocktails at the hotel bar. And the pictures he posted online of Atanas and himself went down especially well with his followers from the Balkans. With their trimmed full beards and shaved bald heads, the two looked almost like siblings.
When they had heaved Alex's luggage up the stairs to the guesthouse and Atanas introduced Alex to his mother, Alex silently cursed his mother. While she had grown up bilingual in Albanian and English, they spoke almost no Albanian at home. Now he would have needed more than the smattering he had learned from his Tirana-born grandmother. But at least his Macedonian was already quite passable, so that a simple conversation was already quite possible. His room in the guesthouse was great. Actually a separate apartment with a small kitchen and a balcony under the roof. Wonderful view over the city. And very comfortably furnished. He could leave his dirty laundry directly with Atanas' mother. And before they moved around the houses, Atanas lent Alex some of his things. The two spent the evening with some friends. Hardly anyone spoke English, but as training for his language skills this was perfect. And in fact, hardly anyone thought that the muscular guy in the soccer jersey and track pants could be American.
Part of the deal with Atanas' mother was that in the morning after breakfast, before he went to training with Atanas, he would collect the garbage in the rooms of the guesthouse and take everything to the dumpster around the corner. Easy money, Alex thought to himself… And the rest of his lodging he worked off by picking up guests (especially those from abroad) from the airport or train station and bringing them to the guesthouse. In the meantime he got along quite well with the old Skoda in the city traffic of Skopje. No one was arriving or departing today, so Atanas and Alex were able to work out together at the gym before Atanas' shift. And Alex spent the afternoon working on the guesthouse's social media presence. He was so not interested in the comments on his own account right now.
By now Aleksandar had been in his mother's country for three months. He couldn't understand why he had waited so long to come here. It was good that he had been so well received by Atanas and his family, it was enormous luck. His mother was also overjoyed with the situation. In the morning, when he left for the wholesale market at the crack of dawn, he always called home to wish his mother in New York a good night. It was a young tradition, but one he enjoyed. And sometimes he would have a few words with his father, who still viewed his activities with some suspicion. But that he made his mother happy, made his father happy too.
After carrying the fresh groceries to the cellar, Aleksandar usually went straight to work out. He enjoyed it when the gym was still empty. Besides, he always had to spend more time in the afternoons with Atanas' and his online supplement business. As his own successes as a heavyweight bodybuilder grew, so did the demand for his own products. And today he also had to go shopping himself. After hardly anything of his old clothes fit anymore, Atanas' sister had sold everything at the weekly market. Mila had great talent in such things and had made a good profit. And with that Aleksandar went shopping. He didn't need much. During the day, in the summer, an undershirt and a pair of training pants were enough. For the evenings, or when he had to work at the guesthouse, he bought a few pairs of jeans and some black and white shirts. The picture of him doing a double biceps pose with a bursting new shirt led to enthusiastic reactions from many of his new followers. And the salesman who took the picture of him immediately posted a selfie of himself and Aleksandar afterward.
Today Aleksandar combined his morning visit to the market with a visit to the barber. He wanted to look his best before the weekend. And he enjoyed the visits here very much. For one thing, he learned plenty of news. For another, he liked it when his full beard was trimmed razor-sharp, the sides of his angular skull gleamed as if polished, and the barely-a-millimeter-long hair on top of his head shone black. He would love to add a few tattoos to the picture, but his mother would kill him for that… And if not her, Atanas' mother would take over that task.
Atanas and Aleksandar worked out together today after Atanas' shift ended. It was good because they were both tough critics and knew how to motivate each other excellently. And it was good because they could both shower together afterwards. Jerking each other's soapy dicks was the highlight of the workout.
Actually, Aco (Aleksandar only called him his grandmother when she was angry) wasn't really religious. But with three Muslim grandparents, the imprint had been big. And his parents both wanted him to grow up as a devout Muslim. And so, at least on Fridays, it was natural to answer the muezzin's call and say the sunrise prayer. And for the evening prayer, he and Atanas would also go to the mosque. But otherwise, Aco had to spend every free minute on training today as well, besides his work at the guesthouse and on their online trade. Sunday was his first appearance in the heavyweight class. And for that, it wasn't enough to eat like a barn-burner. He had to convert the calories, too.
In the gym, he was something of a local hero. Sure, he was exotic because he was born in the United States. But he had his roots here, and he and his fans were proud of that. But he had also had to work hard for success. Sure he had been in good shape when his parents sent him here with a little capital to start. Sure he had received a lot of support from Atanas and his family. But both his body and his business were essentially his earnings. For that he got up every morning at 04:00 o'clock, for that he went to bed every evening at 21:00 o'clock, for that he renounced alcohol. But for it he brought also with his 1,75 m proud 120 kilograms on the balance. The only thing he had not worked for was his cock. These 25 cm were a gift from his fathers. And for that he and Atanas thanked Allah!
Actually silly that he had to sneak out of Atanas' room in the morning. The two of them were more than grown up. But even if it was an open secret that they were a couple, it was not really allowed to become public. That's where both their families were just stuffy. The guesthouse was full today. Many guests were there also because they hoped to take a photo with the most promising candidate for the national amateur championship. And Aco fulfills this wish for every guest. That's why today, for once, he was only allowed to work in a tank top and flex his muscles. Secretly, he regretted that tomorrow no one would be able to enjoy the fur on his chest and arms. He would miss the bushy hair in his armpits. And Atanas probably even more, if he could no longer press his face into the cave stinking of fresh sweat after the training. But tomorrow morning it all had to come off, tomorrow nothing could distract from the tight skin over his muscle mountains. And thanks to his genes, the hair would soon grow back.
He had been working towards this moment for over six months. Worked out until he was exhausted, ate until he was pissed off. He had slept in extra today. Pumped up all the important muscle groups one last time. Atanas had carefully shaved every hair on his body. There was nothing left below the beard. And now Atanas was oiling him just as carefully. And as with shaving, he was especially careful in the places to which Aco's cock was particularly sensitive. You idiot, Aco said more in jest. Should the jury choose me for my biceps or for my boner. Grinning, Atanas returned that both would be more than impressive.
Just now, at the accreditation of the contestants, Aco had had to identify himself. Thanks to his mother, he had an Albanian passport; thanks to his birth, he had a U.S. passport. All passports showed his proud name Aleksandar Ristovski, all showed his real birthday but on only one passport were all the data, including his address, exactly as Atanas had recorded them a week ago: on the passport of his father's homeland, on the one from northern Macedonia. And tonight he would leave the stage as the winner for this country.
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Many thanks to @massivemusxcle and @homme-parfait! You guys were a great inspiration !
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nekoannie-chan · 6 months
Daily battle
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Character: Steve Rogers.
Word count: 67 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve doesn't know what to do.
Major Tags: Overthinking.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @catws-anniversary CA: TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
"Department of Veteran's Affairs."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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Steve had been thinking a lot about Sam's proposal, still not sure what he would do after what had happened.
Maybe... He understood perfectly well what they were feeling. It was a daily battle, even for him.
Maybe he could go and give some talks, maybe he could help other people.
He had to think of a way to collaborate and help the Department of Veterans Affairs.
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haleyincarnate · 1 year
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Today has been filled with a variety of emotions. From waking up from a bad dream due to my chronic nightmares, to going to Petsmart and seeing a plethora of rescues from the SPCA up for adoption and crying over them in the dog food aisle, to ever worrying about financials, to our apartment STILL not being fully repaired from water damage a sprinkler busting on the third floor caused, to just… God, it’s a lot piling up. Not sure if the universe is testing me or what but it’s absolutely doing SOMETHING.
I also keep seeing 1111 everywhere so maybe things are just on the right path, I’m just being challenged on the daily. ��
Anyway, saw this quote in a art journal entry crafted by @meggonade on Instagram and loved it so I decided to use one of my Polaroids for it. I think we all need a little reminder like this today.
I hope you all have a better day than I! 🖤🖤
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otmaaromanovas · 1 year
Hello may I ask you if you have any information about Irina Tolstoya(a lady in waiting of the empress I read) because I read on instagram that Alexei liked her, but after reading it I am not sure if it is factual since it wasn't stated in which book diary of anastasia they took the info from it is also stated that alexei would often give remarks about george taube.
Hi there, thank you for your question!
After a *lot* of difficulty, I managed to find an Irina Tolstaya. According to Helen Azar and Nicholas B. A. Nicholson: 'Countess Irina Dimitrievna Tolstaya (1897– 1940) was the daughter of Count Dimitri Ivanovich Tolstoy and his wife Elena née Chertkova. Born in Kyiv, she was raised in court circles. Later, she married Count N. N. Musin-Pushkin, and during the Revolution emigrated first to Serbia, and thence to France, where she died in Nice in 1940.'
I think the reason I had so much difficulty finding her is because Tolstaya was her maiden name - her married name is Irina Dmitrievna Musin-Pushkin
She is mentioned briefly in diary entries and letters by OTMA:
From Tatiana: “Anya recently invited us five: Irina Tolstaya, Rita Khitrovo and her little sister Lyuba. [We] played different games and hide and go seek with them.” - Source: Helen Azar "Had tea with Mama and Anya. Went to Anya’s. Rita was there and Irina Tolstaya." - Source: Helen Azar, Nicholas B. A. Nicholson
From Maria: Anya wanted to invite us, with Irina Tolstaya, but Irina is playing the balalaika somewhere today. - Source: Helen Azar
From Olga: We rode for a long time and finally ended up in Svetelka. Tolstaya and V. P. Schneider almost fainted when they saw Mama, and kept cackling with joy… - Source: Diary of Olga Romanov, Helen Azar
I can only find two brief mentions of Irina and Alexei, but they do seem to have been close
Letter from Olga to Nicholas: Aleksei asked me to send you a kiss and tell you that he will write about Irina Tolstaya. - Source: Diary of Olga Romanov, Helen Azar
Letter from Olga to Nicholas: Aleksei continues to run into Irina Tolstaya daily. - Source: Diary of Olga Romanov, Helen Azar
I cannot find any other information about her being a lady-in-waiting, I think she was just a countess, but I will keep digging. There was a Maria Alexeievna Tolstaya who was a lady-in-waiting to Alexandra Feodorovna (formerly Charlotte of Prussia, married to Nicholas I), so maybe that is where the idea of her being in the lady-in-waiting position came from.
Would you please be able to send me the instagram post you found the information on, so I can have a look? Feel free to comment or message me! Thank you.
I will have a look for Alexei's remarks about Georgiy Taube later on!
The Diary of Olga Romanov: Royal Witness to the Russian Revolution - Helen Azar
Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar : Diaries and Letters, 1913-1918 - Helen Azar, Nicholas B. A. Nicholson
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meetinginsamarra · 2 years
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕💋
Thanks for the ask @rhasima
I am most proud of my latest fanfic "Learn my Scars" which I've written for whumptober 2022. I have been writing on this nearly every day for about 6 weeks which has been an a very time-consuming and strenous endeavour (besides work, family, house, garden). I have stunned myself with the outcome and am absolutely thrilled that the fic has been received so very well.
I think this fic is the peak of my current writing skill which, as always, has been written directly in English and which, as always, has given me a slight imposter syndrome because I am a non-native speaker. I never write anything in my native language (German) so I feel a bit ridiculous about this.
I have learnt definitely a lot while having to keep up with the daily posting of a new chapter for 31 days on straight.
For several months now, I have been dabbling with AI-generated art. In my opinion, it is a legit form of art because the prompting syntax and how you choose different settings and modifiers make a huge difference in the outcome.
I use NightCafe. They offer daily art challenges where the community submits works according to different themes which are then voted on by the community. Each challenge yields approx. 6500 entries and about 450K votes.
So, this one is my best creation concerning the challenges, it made top 5% in the black&white prompt. It is called Midnight Spires.
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If you like this, you can check me out at https://creator.nightcafe.studio/u/CyberArtPunk
I also started an Instagram with my best (imo) works and maybe follow me. https://www.instagram.com/cyberartpunk22
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sunmarketing · 10 days
Dr. Mary Travelbest - Venice Italy Part 3 of 3
In this episode, the FAQ is: How do I keep track of travel memories so I don’t forget them?
  Today’s Destination is: Venice, Italy Part 3
Today’s Misstep: Tickets to the Opera in Venice were sold out
  Travel Advice: Stick to the outskirts for fewer tourists
  FAQ: How do I keep track of travel memories so I don’t forget them?
Answer: Our memories may not be as sharp as we age, so recording our best thoughts in writing may be more critical. I use the Notes app on my phone, my audio recording app, and take lots of photos and videos while I travel. I do not post to social media while I travel, but wait until later most of the time to curate my memories in blogs and podcasts like this one.
  How you record and save your memories is really up to you. Whatever your process is, make sure you have enough memory and battery and that you capture the essence of your travel, whether it’s a person you met, a place you want to return to, or a special meal you ate.
  Today’s destination: Venice, Italy Part 3
  To really enjoy Venice, Italy, as a tourist, you have to learn to get in synch with the city's vibe. It would be best if you had a lot of patience.
My experiences were as a solo female, and yours may differ depending on your adventure step. It’s a Step 5 destination. 
If you visit Venice now, you will pay a daily fee. Show notes have more on this. 
The highlights were on the water, where I spent almost all of my time.
Study your transportation options ahead of time, if possible.
Saint Elena and Saint Mary Elizabeth are at the end of line 1. I'm heading to the beach here for a swim. Swimming 🏊‍♂️ free was good. Private clubs charged 50 euros to swim. I had to walk a bit, but it was free. The water was pretty clear and refreshing.
I had breakfast with a German young man from Bonn. He will serve in the NY area this fall, but until then, he will tour Europe solo. He is a nice guy.
I took bus 3x in Lido ferries Saturday (6), to Murano, all over…
Sunday thru Grand Canal to Lido 1: then another to Lido SME. train 2x plus paid 1x 1.50 euro. I got good value for 24 hours. 
  I needed a shower after that beach swim in Lido Santa Maria Elizabeth. For the first time, my name was a neighborhood/church.
Prep for the rest of the trip. Figure out texting, airalo, bank.
This morning, bus #2 to Venice was packed and hot. The train now has AC, and that’s great!
Loved the ferries. Took them all day, often.
Met Matteo, who helped me find the train station. Nice and humble. Maybe 25 years old. Runs the ferry for tourists each day. It must be stressful at times. 
Strikes are possible here. They are announced in advance.
 Today’s Misstep: Tickets to the Opera in Venice were sold out
  I thought I could get a ticket to the Opera on the day of, but that was wrong. Book your tickets in advance.
Today’s Travel Advice- Stick to the outskirts for fewer tourists
  You don’t need to be amid the traffic, so arrive early, siesta mid-day, and relax with your shade umbrella in Venice. Cool down in advance.
I want to bring meaning to your future travels. Sign up for the Dr. Travelbest newsletter. We can connect on my websites, Facebook page, group, or Instagram. Find the 5 Steps to Solo Travel series on Amazon. The show notes have more details for you to connect. Please support this podcast with a review. We need your help to help others.
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freshdanks · 3 months
Hello everyone,
So I'm going to start journaling on this tumblr just a tad bit more than what I usually write which is odd because I started out on tumblr by doing nothing but reminiscing entries of my life (sometimes daily) back in 2009. This website evolved into something more of less communication through concrete evidential writing that some people still do today but the majority of tumblr's users reblog images keen to their eye that tends to be for the most part to their liking. If you aren't interested in my/any writing I'll just add the hashtag #journal so you can skip or at least know the writing will somehow pertain to my life. I feel lost lately in the direction my life is going towards and I'm hoping I can kind of collect my thoughts in a central location that is gathered in a generalized enough section where I can look and read back once in a while and compare and contrast to where I am then/now and where I want to be; hopefully a different life scenario in the future. I've been kinda afraid to jot down my thoughts and feelings for a while now because of how the online community is today in that it seems to me as a person you must always be considerate of others even though sometimes what you what to achieve through journaling is self development in which that is something that should be achieved through a safe space where no feeling or emotion should be left hidden especially from your own self. I've been more open this year to commenting on instagram posts of others and have gotten really positive feedback on what I write which is good for me because I've been always afraid of saying the wrong thing one day that could come back to bite me in the ass someday and let's say not get me hired because of something I commented a decade ago (new fear unlocked). For now I'll just keep it simple enough to where I can get the gist of what I'm feeling in this moment of writing and potentially work toward a more pristine life where I don't feel I can complain (at least not too much).
I'm really thankful for all my followers here and wish not to bore you to death with my writing but will give you an insight to my thought process into understanding which images, memes, music, quotes, polls, and so on... that make it onto my tumblr.
I'd like to introduce myself for those of you who don't know my name is Santiago and I'm thirty-four years old as of this year with not a single clue as to how the fuck so many years have gone by isolating myself from friends and family to the point of feeling no one understands (nor do I) what I'm trying to achieve in life because maybe I still have no fucking clue; or I do but I keep lying to myself saying that'll never happen.
Also I'm going to cut back on posting so many youtube videos of music because I'm not the biggest fan of youtube and their music quality and I'm sure some of you get tired of the same audio from time to time.
Ladies, I'm single as fuck >:)
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jonesyinthelionsden · 3 months
Deutsch: Einunddreißig Tage
My challenge for July 2024!!!
This month, I want to study German everyday.
For one day to count as a success, I must complete the following:
Daily Goals:
Browse German memes/instagram reels (i like silly pages like frankfurtistwild where there are just random stupid videos in German. it makes the language fun and introduces me to slang)
Study all of the day's flashcards on Anki, from all decks
Complete at least one Babbel lesson (I used to make myself do 3 a day but have found that one lesson learnt well is better than 3 forgotten by tomorrow)
Watch at least 20 minutes of German Twitch streams/vods or Youtube in the background (This has been a game changer for my motivation, I enjoy the streamers Ronnyberger and mystery_blue the most)
And here's what I must do in one week for it to be a success. I've made these goals just weekly because i know if i tried to do them daily it just would not be attainable
Weekly Goals:
Sit down to watch structured German content and give it full attention for at least 30 minutes on 2 days (this means, not just news or twitch streams, but more structured content, like Tomatolix's "Ein Tag" youtube videos, or an episode of a tv show. I must be watching it with full attention and trying to actually understand. this is separate from my daily goal of watching twitch in the background)
Write one diary entry in German (even if I don't have the vocabulary to say much, I will note down the vocab I am missing and incorporate that into my learning)
Read & learn from 2 chapters of short stories for German learners
Learn one word from the label of a product (many of our supermarket products here feature German ingredient lists or German instructions. I will pick a random word that intrigues me and learn it because maybe if I learn common ingredients then eventually I'll just understand all labels)
This world is so vast, we must make continuous efforts to study a language and experience another life.
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ninaalexandra2005 · 4 months
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May recap 🥀🌸🎀:
First of all, I’ve decided to start using tumblr more like a blog about my life because instagram has become such a low quality, toxic social media environment where posting any longer texts about my life would just seem irrelevant. I’m still going to post on instagram, but I think it’s better to post longer entries here. I don’t care that no one follows me, at least no one I know, and that this platform is pretty much dead, since I myself feel that the days when social media was more personal and creative were 100% better…
In mid-May, I finished my first year of university! Before I had my final exams, I was in a constant state of panic and anxiety for weeks leading up to them, but on the days of the actual exams, I felt much calmer than I was expecting, maybe because I was prepared to have a panic attack… i got final grades of all A’s in each class, although I was disappointed that I didn’t do as well on my French final as I was hoping, but I was so happy that I got a 100 on my psychology final exam and for that entire class. It’s so annoying that A+’s aren’t counted in college for some reason, although I guess that means if I got a 93, it would still look as good on my GPA… a few days later, after my final grades had been confirmed, I was able to get registered in the psychology department:) I’m actually so excited to have so many plans about my classes for the next three years, then getting into the masters degree program at my college and being able to graduate a year early, and then go to graduate school! I’ve been thinking obsessively about my future career and planning out every little detail in advance, and now that I have so much worked out at such a young age and am preparing early, I can feel less stressed and overwhelmed about my future because uncertainty is one of the most unsettling things for me, as well as the fact that I can start doing extra things to get into graduate school early that will look good for my application. I’m hoping to do psychological testing after I finish graduate school, and also make my own personality tests and do research about the things that I have personally been affected by as long as I can remember- nostalgia, giftedness, and sensitivity, all of which I feel are inherent personality traits as well as things that can be worked on to help people feel less burdened by them, because at this point, nostalgia in particular is not treated as a negative emotion, although for myself and so many others, it is a feeling of pure grief, heartbreak, and yearning, a mix of sadness and anxiety for something you know is impossible but can’t acknowledge (returning to the past)… I hope I can do something about this with my personal experience with nostalgia and figure out ways it can be treated and recognized as something negative. After college ended for the semester, I of course enrolled in summer classes because I can’t stand not being able to write that I’ve done schoolwork in my daily planners and lists, and because I actually prefer having something to keep my busy mentally. Thankfully these classes are online, so I don’t have to drive to school this summer and the schedule is more flexible so I can go other places. A few weeks after school ended, the dreaded trip had arrived. I was so, so worried and panicked about going on an airplane and overseas flight; I’ve always had a severe fear of flying, but after not having been on an airplane in over two years, and an overseas flight in five (flying over the ocean absolutely terrifies me), I felt even more scared. The day before and the day we went to the airport, which was May 30th, I had taken several Klonopins and Robitussin and took more Klonopin at the airport. I was handling it very well because I was so sedated and calm, but just as we were about to board the plane, we had to leave the airport, go back, and cancel the trip… this is because Nes, the manipulative sociopath, had purposely taken a handful of pills and Gramma had to take her to the emergency room. Of course everything became chaotic and horrifying, and I was so upset and guilty that she apparently had attempted to end her life, and even now, after the real story has come forth, I feel sorry for her and sad that this is what her life has become. My poor parents had to stay at the emergency room overnight and most of the next day with Nes, while she was evaluated, and my parents had numerous discussions with different doctors, but on Friday afternoon, she was released because my parents decided not to have her taken to a mental hospital…
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vancouverescapes · 5 months
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This Tofino & Ucluelet Cabin Rental Will Have Your Insta Followers Green with Envy!
Ever think about trading your usual hotel experience for something more authentic? That's exactly what you get with Vancouver Island Vacation Rentals in Ucluelet. It's not just a stay—it's an entry into a less traveled part of the world where every snapshot tells a story.
Explore the Great Outdoors
Imagine waking up to the sound of waves and walking out to views that stretch straight into the horizon. The trails here, like the Wild Pacific Trail and Willowbrae Trail, aren't just paths; they're adventures carved into the landscape. And when you post that photo of the sun setting over Kennedy Lake or the fog rolling over the Broken Group Islands, the likes are sure to follow.
Pacific Rim National Park is just a stone's throw away, offering some of the most untouched coastal rainforest and beach vistas on the west coast. Capture the raw beauty of the West Coast Trail in your posts, or share a serene moment from a secluded beach—your followers won't be able to resist the wanderlust.
Cabin Life
Your cabin is more than just a place to sleep. Built with local woods like cedar and fir, and outfitted with everything modern, these cabins blend rustic charm with comfort. Picture a cozy evening by the fireplace or a morning coffee with a view of the ocean—every corner offers a moment worth capturing.
Foodies will find plenty to love in Ucluelet too. The town might be small, but it packs a punch with its local eateries serving everything from freshly caught seafood to gourmet dishes. Don't forget to snap a pic of your dinner; the presentation is almost as good as the taste.
Unique Activities
Fishing charters, whale watching tours, and storm watching—this place has it all. Whether you’re reeling in a big catch, coming face-to-face with majestic whales, or watching a winter storm lash the coast, these experiences can elevate your Instagram to the next level.
From a guest who experienced it all: "We stayed for four nights in September 2017 and really enjoyed having separate rooms for ourselves and our two boys, as well as a cute little family room where we could watch TV and relax. Everything was clean and organized. The kitchen was well-equipped, and with the local supermarket just 300 yards away, we were there daily getting fresh food. Our hosts struck a great balance between being friendly and giving us our space."
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Getting Here is a Breeze
Worried about the travel hassle? It's easier than you think to get here. A quick flight from Vancouver drops you within a 35-minute drive from these serene retreats. And the practical perks? You can park right next to your cabin—no hauling luggage over long distances.
So, why just travel when you can tell a story? Ucluelet's Vancouver Island Vacation Rentals provide more than just a break from the daily grind; they offer a picturesque escape where every photo and every moment can make your followers wish they were there. Pack your bags, bring your camera, and get ready to make some memories—and maybe make a few folks back home a little envious, too.
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the-girl-in-pajamas · 9 months
Clothes or lack thereof make the man
Kanye West declares his wife Bianca Censori will be wearing LESS clothes than ever before in 2024
Lisa Rinna, 60, stirs up controversy as she poses NUDE on social media AGAIN to mark 2024 - as fans urge star to 'grow the f*** up'
So these were some of the Daily Mail headlines I had woken up to this morning.
Within the first article was a scantily dressed photo of the alleged Mrs. West with the following summary, “the 46-year-old hitmaker showed off his wife who donned a skimpy, fur bra top, which revealed her ample assets, and nothing else but a micro thong”.
The second article was a simple for-your-information only for readers of the Daily Mail on the naked new year happenings in the life of Lisa Rinna.
While this entry is about the lack of clothing in general around the world, I did want to firstly point out the frivolousness of wasting the screen space of a major news home page to write a descriptive article that was probably better suited for Literotica!
Coming back to my point, two days ago, when I was searching for an appropriate quote for a philosophical rant, I came across this line by Mark Twain, “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.” Now I haven’t really gone into the context of how this quote came to be. But if it was meant to be exactly as it is read, then Mark Twain and I would both be laughing, him rolling in his grave and me on my lush carpeted bedroom floor.
Most of the world’s popular Instagram “influencers” have built their empire of followers solely on their clothes or lack thereof. Case in point, Kim Kardashian. A decade or more ago, if you’d ask anyone who had a social media account if they knew who Kim Kardashian was, the answer would be a resounding “Yes”. But ask them what she does, and they’d all be at a loss of what to say. Was she an actor? No… Was she a reality TV star? Um.. maybe. Was she a businesswoman? I don’t think so. A few painful years later, the word “influencer” is a valid job description.
I could go on and on with my sardonic views on this topic. But my day job calls. So Mr. Mark Twain, in a nutshell, to my chagrin and maybe yours too, naked people have a LOT of influence in society now!
Signing off
The fully-clothed Girl in Pajamas 👩🏻‍🦱
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ericleo108 · 10 months
Cosmic Luve November 2023 - Cosmic Bros
Necessary prerequisite posts:
108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (book)
Sentientism 2022
Cosmic Love Feb 2020 - Emma Watson
Cosmic Love April 2022: Cary Charlotte or Mary
Cosmic Luve July 2022 - Smoke Blunts Response Treatise
Cosmic Luve July 2023 - The Main Thing
Cosmic Luve Aug 2023 - Orange
Cosmic Luve Sept 2023 - Bam
This post mainly has to do with the semantics started and discussed in the last entry in Cosmic Luve Sept 2023 - Bam. It’s important to read a few entries of cosmic luve so you see how the semantics develop. To bring you up to speed, I wrote a book about the science and why I think the planet and stars are conscious. It basically has to do with their magnetism which I postulate could make them conscious. I talk about the evidence and reasoning for this in my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness.”
Sentientism, which was developed here on this blog after the book, is the belief that Gaia is conscious and communicating. Through this perspective, I think if Gaia communicates, she is doing it through “telepathic randonauting and points of realization.” Basically, the planet could act as a God to humans, reading our minds, and affect behavior by highlighting cognition essentially.
Where we left off…
Last entry I talked about my 5 top cosmic luves and how I was inducting Janelle Monae into the top 5. Well we have another new cosmic luve, but this time it’s a man. This will be my first introduction of the “cosmic bros.” These are usually male, (personally) plutonic vessels of Gaia. Last post I talked about how Janelle’s posts look to be semantically reflecting my “Corporate Rule” cover. Well, more semantics have built off that anchor. 
October’s Coincidences 
October’s coincidences pretty much all happened on one day, October 30th to be specific. I swear it always starts with Hailee, or at least it has been lately. I made some content in the forest on the 29th. I posted the (linked) Earth short from the forest on the 30th on Instagram at like 1 pm. Then around 4pm I was listening to La Russell and when he said “flow water I sell it by the vowel” in Hustlenomics I opened up Hailee's story on Instagram to find a picture of Halle in the woods drinking core. It was also Michigan’s first snow of the year that day. Here is a tweet I made about these October 30th coincidences. 
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Later at 7 pm I was watching (this video for) my daily dose of Philip DeFranco when I noticed another coincidence. What Phil was reporting was verbatim reflecting my hook from “Class Warfare” on my “Corporate Rule” album. At 15:11 Phil says “...they want people to mark down the license plate of any Jewish people, follow them, and mark down where they’re staying.” This is eerily similar to my lyrics from “Class Warfare” which are: 
Terrorize them at their homes Follow them, track their phone Make um scared and always hide And when they’re unsuspecting, strike Hack their home security And break in and then secretly Drug them while they’re sound asleep And rape them off they’re dignity
Well, this is terrifying. What else am I gonna predict? To be clear, I talk about it in my music as a warning so it doesn’t happen in real life. Calling it how I see it and attacking the system in music is ‘the remedy’ otherwise I have to use names, faces, and point the finger. I could just not divulge all this, and it would still just happen. It’s not like it’s happening because I divulge.
Or maybe it is… But just no one listens. I’m still basically talking to an empty void.
Then, Connor Price posted “Thrillin.” I’ve looked into what I believe Slender Man is while very mentally ill. I basically found people did the horrible things influenced by Slender Man because they wanted to do it. I thought of Slender Man for some reason the other night before all this happened and I thought to myself, “Slender Man is basically blue.” If you look at the original picture of Slenderman it came from a photo from a smattering of trees in the background that made it look like a man, Slender Man. There were kids in the picture so it was said he was chasing them. 
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So Slender Man is this kinda of manifestation of wanting terrible things to happen to their children. This also brings full circle to what I said in September because Slenderman is after your children. And in this context I’m saying Slenderman is blue. So like I said in about the Goosebumps teacher possessed after their kids from last entry. This is the actual spiritual representation of Blue’s morbid and sinister hate for Big Carbon’s children.  
I wouldn’t put it past Blue to have orchestrated Slender Man as reprehense for global carbon pollution. But a slender man-type figure is following Connor in his Trillin Music video. Other similarities are that Conor talks about being a Villain and my album starts with “the Villain 2.” His background also looks like my album cover replacing the pumpkin cloud with the moon.
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Remember this would work by the planet and atmosphere communicating telepathically until they can create a narrative in media if you know what to look for. Gaia told me to wait to post this til late November, which I did. The problem is she is saying I missed some of the narrative by not being vigilant. “Back to Life” inspired by Hailee dropped Friday, November 3rd. You can hear me talk about all the previous coincidences up until this point in the “Back to life” November 5 2023 Sunday update. On November 4th, I noticed Connor put out a short form video to “Trendsetter” and he has a scarf in it that is similar to Hailee’s shirt.
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November Coincidences
On I think November 15 Gaia yelled at me while I was brushing my teeth for not logging coincidences. There’s been little things that I haven’t been logging. There was something in Philip DeFranco I missed. But I’m gonna be better. I don’t think they matter or it’s really hard to explain but apparently, there might be a connection I’m not seeing or she wants me to document to influence someone else.
With that said, Connor Price is now officially a cosmic luve, or cosmic bro. I decided to make that a thing. Other cosmic bros include La Russell, Snoop Dogg, Russ, and Philip Defranco are probably my top 5. You obtain this status by putting out work that consistently reflects semantics and themes in my work that can be interpreted through Gaia. 
Conor has been popping up more and more in the cosmic luve log so it’s just natural to make it official. I specifically did this now because Conor reflected my first “point of realization.” In his new short form content promoting his song “Can’t Give Up”  he takes a sip of his water bottle as the song is singing about a water bottle. 
The very thing that started all of this with thinking it was the government stalking and now the planet was that I drank my can of pop at the same time I scrolled down to see someone drinking while I was on facebook in my apartment in Ypsilanti in 2012. Conor drank the water bottle as the other artist was talking about it. Say this happens naturally and you recognize that, well that’s a “point of realization.” You realize your in sync with something, or at least notice one coincidence. And like with me, they continue to happen and add up. You can find me explaining the November Coincidence in my and this water bottle example in the November 19th sunday update. 
Conor Responding
Overall, I feel as if Conor heard my song “Rap Intelligence” and decided to make some responses while complimenting my artistry. Of course, I feel the same way about Emma Watson half the time she posts, but I maintain that she is being used a vessel by Gaia, probably like Conor is doing here. 
If you remember and been paying attention, I came out with my first EP called “What Now” on April 14th this year. In it I talk about rappers that are currently poppin. Some of them I like, which are the beginning tracks, and some of them I don’t, which are at the end. Somewhere in the middle on “Rap Intelligence” is a blurred lined where I act like I don’t like rappers that I admire and compliment them in a demeaning tone. In the song, I basically go after Conor and say he’s a ‘goodie two shoes’ like Steve Martin.
In a larger sense, I feel like Connor has been responding to my music since his “Thrillin” release. I already talked about the coincidences in “Thrillin.” Coincidences include how in “Trendsetter” he talks about being a “best seller,” more like “read what I wrote” which seems like a connection to my book. “No misses” would be Emma. And I’m the competition that needs to get the message and a bigger boat. 
Basically “No Bad Side” is a response to “Rap Intelligence” in the title. He is basically saying “I have no bad side” using rap intelligence because the song is basically how I think he tries to hard to be nice and he should show us some aggression. Then “Can’t Give Up” is a “spin the globe” with a UK artist about how you shouldn’t give up. The whole purpose and motivation for my music is to meet Emma Watson who lives in the UK.
I feel like if Connor is not doing this on purpose he is my spirit animal or at least my Gaia animal vessel for now, which is why I made his a cosmic bro.  I think it’s kinda crazy the cosmic bro thing came up right as I’m about to release my ep “All Homo” on December 1st.  I wish Connor and his family the best. I hope your happy in Las Vegas. Ya bisch.
Until next time
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sweetiegirlsue · 1 year
diary entry 1 (10/07/23)
i was having the worst week, like the absolute worst week - mentally, physically, emotionally, work-wise. all of it. i felt alone, and hated it, but i also wanted to be alone bc i didn't want to see anyone, or moreover, anyone see me. to the point where i was wondering if i needed to be committed... like that bad. i was wondering why, and i thought maybe it was bc i saw my abuser last week (pure happenstance - that's a story in-and-of itself) for the first time in coming up on a year now, haven't even spoke to him since may. i thought he no longer lived here so i had this false sense of safety but i'll get more into that at a later date. not sure i'm ready to unpack that that trauma, but when i am.... buckle in.
anyways: felt like shit, ate like shit, didn't want to do shit. i was mean to the people i loved and i hated it but i didn't care to change? i was ugly. actually physically as well lol i didn't even care to get ready-ready except for one day out of the entire week. all of this to say... i thought it was because of him and i was losing my mind thinking i was like, broken for real. turns out i was freaking pms-ing. LMAO like seriously why does the bitchy PMS trope get more and more real with age (yes i am 26 yes i am decrepit).
but i feel like that was kind of a symptom of what i've been struggling with lately bc i'm realizing i've completely lost my sense of self. that being said, i'm actively on a journey to self discovery and strengthening my relationship with God. i'm trying to be more present, to stop my thoughts (especially negative ones) in their tracks (something i learned in "get out of your head" by jennie allen). its honestly helping at least a bit, which is what she says in the book - catching even just one negative thought, acknowledging where its coming from then giving it over to God, will change the trajectory of every other thought.
along with that, i'm keeping my social media usage to a record minimum - literally less than an hour a day across all platforms, which has also been very healing. i know its corny to talk about and it really does show my age, but i really feel like we do not need to be consuming the shit that is spoon-fed to us on a daily basis, constantly, on all these platforms. when i fully realized a lot of my thoughts were how i could tweet about something, or make a story about something, or an instagram post. like what the fuck? and for what? it's so nice being able to unplug and reframe my thinking. i've been doing good and i'm liking the breath of fresh air so far.
speaking of fresh air, what made me finally take the time to sit down and journal my thoughts (which is truly just a stream of consciousness) is when i realized what i'm doing at the current moment. i'm sitting on my couch with my patio door open welcoming the morning sun and autumn breeze, drinking coffee and watching netflix all cozy on a cool, fall morning. i'm texting a boy that i used to "date" in middle school and have had a few flings with throughout the years since.
back in middle school i remember around this time of year, sitting on the couch while my parents were at work and my brother was at a friends, watching netflix (and/or playing wii fit) and drinking coffee while texting specifically this boy. it's like i'm taken back to that exact time (except this time i'm indulging in a few joints lol). my inner child is feeling healed and this is the most at peace i've felt in a long time. i usually don't allow myself to rest, i guess i fell as though i don't deserve to (?), so it's nice feeling like i'm allowed to have this time to myself. s/o sex education season 4 <3
in conclusion, this is me documenting the jump start to my healing journey. my focus right now is catching negative thoughts and letting them go, and just being present in the real world. let this be your reminder to pause and actually smell the roses. like literally bend down, put the damn flower to your nose, and smell it when you see one. i'm talking to both me and you on that one.
i hope this is the first of many more diary entries, which i will sign off with the verse OTD:
show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. (Psalm 25:4-5)
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nervousheartgiver · 1 year
The daily entry.
Where do I begin?
Well, I've been saying how I truly feel (while staying respectful, ofc) and though I feel lighter, it doesn't feel 1000% great. I think it's because I've gone so long with agreeing with other people and not sticking to my guns. So I'm use to caving to keep the peace but I'm so stick of that.
The problems keep recurring and I'm over it.
I'm stuck working on not scrolling when I first wake up. It's proven to be harder than I thought.
Today, my dad helped me pay off my car, so that's cool. The payment should be processed by tonight or tomorrow. Now I know what documents to request when I buy a car.
I also had a job interview today that went well. This fundraising job may not be so bad. I also have a job lined up just in case it is, though. That interview is in 7 days, though.
Pops and I still aren't on good terms. I'm overdone with his disorganization and attitudes. I don't want to deal with that type of behavior. I want to be around people that express themselves honestly, concisely, and fairly. I want to be around people who openly communicate and express their emotions rather than taking them out on people around them.
Fair people who think for themselves, this more about the instagram war I've been in (for days) with various people in my hometown. These niggas do not think for themselves and it's upsetting. It's even more upsetting that this is at the expense of a child.
On the brightside, I have money coming in, so I get to chill in my house without feeling like a failure. I think I will DoorDash tomorrow night and maybe Saturday morning.
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