#klywrites there if you wanna follow
klywrites · 7 months
teehee I leave for Japan tomorrow morning
see you all in 3 weeks!
(I'll probably still be lurking though)
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Awegust Week 2: Inspiration
so, I should have done this awhile back but I guess I’mma binge post, anyway.
tbh, I read more fanfic than actual books and many of the writing styles from the writers inspire me. they’re not writeblr related, however, they mean a lot to me bc they make my Sambucky fandom experiences bearable. <3 
the following are: @siancore, @glittercake, @pianistwriter80, and @honestlyfrance, bc they write characters with love and respect towards them, which is important to me. especially regarding Sam Wilson, bc he’s often mistreated and underused. ✨
as for writeblr: ok, tbh, i semi-joined last year and binged all the works of the ppl I followed. they write with such passion and dedication towards their works, and their willingness to share their stuff encouraged me to be active on writeblr more. like thanks for making this place bearable.
the following are: @klywrites, (ok, fam you are one of the first few ppl I followed in here, and yes, I believe in the time you’ll actually accomplish what u wanna do.) , @ardawyn, @fuyugomori, and @kosmosian-quills! there’s a lot but these ppl who were like teh first few I followed in my foray into writeblr. ✨
yeh, that’s it! these writers are the best in their class and I appreciate their presence in the community bc of who they are. and i like getting to see glimpses of their personality outside of the writer too. 💙💙💙
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ellatholmes · 3 years
I know this not any of my business but before, I think last year I saw you and kly/ weren't friends dnf then you didn't talk to each other for awhile, but now you two are friends right? sorry I am missing context. it's good to see your friends now though bc I like you both and seem cool
hello! thank you for thinking we're cool 😎 🤙
idk how long I've been following melle exactly (I wanna say more than a year?) but in the beginning I was very shy and didn't interact with many people at all—least of all someone as cool as melle—and so I think our interactions were very sparse. now I just say stuff and it's everyone else's problem (joookkesss. I just stopped feeling insecure about initiating contact lol)
but yes @klywrites and I are loving enemies friends! aren't we @klywrites ? tell them we're friends. go on. say it—
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akindofmagictoo · 3 years
manuscript search tag game
this one is from @stuffaboutwriting whom I can’t tag?? again?? 
my words are hide, alive, lovely, glass 
hide (Dragonsong) (I love Robin doing funky things with his magic) 
Later that day, as the three of them set up camp, Robin started using his magic again. Purple light glowed on his hands as he weaved branches and plants into a kind of screen to hide them from prying eyes. Despite his previous hesitations, he looked completely comfortable. His motions had the fluidity of a familiar dance. 
Isi smiled and nudged a final piece of wood into place. “Fire’s ready to go.” 
Robin turned a hand towards her; with a flick of his wrist like he were conducting an orchestra, the fire blazed to life. A blast of heat warmed Isi’s face. Robin turned back to his plant screen and made a few final motions. He seemed to be tying off a knot. 
alive (Dragonsong) 
Isi stood here now, her skin sticky with capybara blood and smudged with days-old dirt. Her braid was starting to come loose, and her shirt had a rip in it that she was yet to fix. But she felt more alive than she had as a knight. This wasn’t sterile, simple change. This was tangible. She could still smell the blood. 
lovely (Hurricane) (theella being a blushy couple lol) 
Theo was quiet for a moment, then said, “Did you make the dress you were wearing in Kings Cove?” 
“The yellow one? Nah. Cai did. It was a birthday present, actually.” 
“You looked, er, really lovely in it.” His ears went pink. 
Her cheeks warmed. She loved that dress, and she knew it was pretty, but somehow that wasn’t the comment she’d expected. “I—thanks.” She smiled. But what should she say now? 
glass (Hurricane) (this is the main bar fight in this book and it’s started to protect a woman being hit on. very on brand for the Hurricane women. also, Aella did in fact smash that bottle on someone’s head.) 
“I’ll have no fighting in ‘ere, thank you very much,” said the barkeep, dropping his cupped hands. He stared suspiciously at the cluster of partially-armed women. “You’re that hurricane lot, aren’t you? I’ll thank you not to start fights in here if you wanna keep coming back.” 
“Tell your customers not to harass your serving-girls, then,” shot back Elizabeth. 
The barkeep paused, a little unsure what to do with that comment, and looked around. “Knives by the door. All of you. Now, so I can see you.” 
The men holding knives shuffled sheepishly to do as he’d said. Aella set down the dripping remnant of bottle in her hand, hoping the barkeep hadn’t seen. It wasn’t technically a weapon, but she doubted he would see the distinction the way she did. Once satisfied everyone had complied, the barkeep huffed and returned to the kitchen. The serving-girl thanked Elizabeth and followed.
Aella shoved through the crowd, broken glass crunching under her boots, to slip an arm around Elizabeth’s waist. 
I shall tag @zmlorenz @sleepyowlwrites @ashen-crest @klywrites @vellichor-virgo and @josephinegerardywriter! you’re it! your words are quarter, rose, strike, time 
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livvywrites · 4 years
do you have any writeblr recs for a new writeblr?
thank you for asking!!
there are SO MANY good writeblrs out there, and i’m gonna do my best to drop quite a few here but, it’s gonna be long & i’m probably not going to be able to include everyone that i want to. still though!!! i hope it helps :D
under a cut bc this is gonna be long & bc if i fuck up any names or pronouns (speaking of, if it happens, PLS lemme know!!) i want to be able to fix them :D
ALSO pls feel free to reblog with your own recs!!! i’m always looking for new writeblrs to follow :D
@quilloftheclouds — Quill is. a lot of things. amazing & kind & just altogether wonderful!! their current WIP is a historical fantasy trilogy focusing on pirates & sirens. it’s got an AMAZING cast of characters who are so wonderfully diverse & full of life. their worldbuilding is fantastic & i just. could absolutely lose myself in their tag.
on TOP of being an amazing writer Quill is also super kind & lovely—always doing things to spread positivity throughout the writeblr community.
@abalonetea — Katie is… wow!! she has so many wonderful WIPs, each of them with lgbt themes & fantastic worldbuilding & characters & just—aaah! i’m particularly intrigued by the Cat House Productions line of WIPs, each which take place in a different genre of video games!! however, she also has a new one, NeonPnk, which i don’t know much about yet but absolutely intend to dive into the second i have the time & attention span. she plays with different styles & ways of writing, too, & it’s always fabulous.
Katie is also another absolutely lovely force of positivity in the writeblr community! she’s hosted more than one event in that vein & they are always a joy to participate in!!
@aslanwrites — Lukas is!! so lovely & amazing!! their writing style is so very beautiful & i always love reading excerpts & shorts that they post. their wips are all different sub genres of fantasy & each one is so very fascinating & populated by wonderful characters!! so said the king & blood upon the altar are my two favorites from them but pretty much all of their wips sound AMAZING & i look forward to having them on a bookshelf one day!!!
they’re also an extremely lovely person just in general! they’re very positive and encouraging, and post things for writeblr positivity quite a bit!!!
@klywrites — Kly!!! what a lovely person!! her main WIP, the Radient Spectre universe, is LOVELY. it’s very big & sprawling which i can relate to on such a deep level. everything she shares of it is just—aaah. amazing. her writing style is beautiful, and the other wips/works she’s mentioned are just as amazing, just as lovely. definitely check her stuff out, ‘cause it’s so very good.
she’s also very kind and supportive, & just. lovely about interacting with people!!!
@dogwrites — i’d be remiss if i didn’t give Dog a mention!!! his characters & ships are among my FAVORITES & i could read a thousand iterations of them across many universes, which is good, becuase in addition to having a main WIP he also has AUs of that WIP which is. freakin’ amazing omg. & then, outside of the Crime of Mind universe, he ALSO has some other absolutely lovely WIPs focused on different characters. (such as From the Wayward, which is my favorite outside of CoM).
& on top of that, Dog is a wonderful person!!! i’ve found several lovely WIPs by seeing his comments & reblogs of them.
@fragmentedink !!!! her stuff is AMAZING. she has SO MANY characters, all of whom exist within the same ‘verse, and many of whom are next gen characters. they’re all so diverse & each one has their own motivations & pasts that often clash. it makes for an amazing universe & you can get lost in different iterations of it, which i do. a lot.
and then i can’t mention her without mentioning @lux-scriptum!!! especially since they have a co-authored wip on wattpad fusing some of their characters into the same verse!! it’s all just. lovely. aaah. (i’m very behind on it but it’s so good)
@idreamonpaper — Jazz is!!! amazing!!! there are two main wips that i think of when i think of her, and those are Fools Gold & From the Shadows. now, the latter has gotten a few big changes that i haven’t refreshed myself on yet because my attention span lately has been that of a goldfish, BUT. i know that the characters are amazing and so is the plot. & then Fool’s Gold is—yes. Icarus used to be part of the FtS verse before spinning off into his own thing. he’s a disaster and an unreliable narrator but he’s also perfect and i love him. go love him, pls.
@queenie-dragon — Queenie makes some of the most amazing graphics, omg. i l o v e getting tagged in new stuff & getting to see what’s accompanying the, frankly, ASTOUNDING wips. Godly Bastards was the first Queenie-WIP i found & it still holds a special place in my heart because it’s just. aaaah. amazing. but!!! her other WIPs are just as solid, just as amazing, and i adore all of them so, so much. ((put me on a forever taglist pls & ty))
okay. i think that’s gonna have to do it for my poor li’l fingers, at least if i wanna get any writing or anything done tonight (hah!). but!! there is no end of amazing writeblrs to check out so i’m gonna drop a small smattering oc others that i follow & adore—
@qelizhus | @waterfallwritings | @pens-swords-stuff | @owl-writes | @half-explored | @tragedyshow | @incandescent-creativity | @writinginslowmotion | @commasinsidequotes | @marie-writess | @firesidefantasy | @reeseweston | @raevenlywrites | @loopyhoopywrites | @jc-shay |
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bookenders · 5 years
When Your Song is Over and Done: Part 1
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This is the second of two giveaway stories awarded as part of my 400 followers celebration (which, admittedly, was a while ago, my bad). I am so ridiculously proud of this story. Thank you all so, so much for your patience while I’ve wrestled this monster into submission.
To make up for my tardiness, I have also made a cover and playlist for each story!
[P.S. See this info post to read about why I’m posting it this way]
[If you wanna skip straight to the story and ignore my lovely rambling and thanks-giving, the first part is under the pictures!]
This story is for @stardustandnightsky-deactivated, who asked me to write about something I loved and music. [Oh, no. If anyone knows them, can you give ‘em a shout and say it’s up? 😕😶]
So I chose Dungeons and Dragons! Which conveniently has a character class that’s all about music! It’s also set in the world I made up for my homebrew D&D5e game before all my players moved to different states. This story takes place after the Big Bad is defeated and the heroes are done fighting.
I hope this provides them with a little bit of inspiration.
Scroll down past the images for part 1 of the story! Since it’s a longer piece, I’m adding a link to it’s own page that has nice big font so your eyes don’t hate you. (Thanks @klywrites for the recommendation, you saved my butt!)
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WC: ~800
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Drama, #feels 
CW: brief mentions of past violence, angst, D&D-typical combat, grief, longing, loneliness, submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known
Link to the playlist
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[Part 2 will be posted next Monday, August 5th!]
For mobile users, it can be found below, under the cut:
One month after the Saviors of Vostel rescued the world from certain devastation, the bard Alain bought a house in a small fishing village called Denmore. It was as far as he could get from Mount Spirag and the site of their last stand.
He was one of the great Saviors, the intrepid band of adventurers who managed to scrawl their names in history by banishing the Betrayer once and for all. But Alain took no great pleasure in his earned bragging rights. He was a performer, yes, but his act was over. The curtain had closed and the stage was swept of roses. There was nothing left to do but live.
No one told him that that would be the hardest part.
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Denmore was on the eastern coast of Vostel, a few weeks travel from the great Asho Lenora and only a few days out from Lennal’s village in the marshes. He’d sung many a song of the Elven capital in his younger days as a traveling musician. The one about the first queen used to be one of his favorites. Now all of his songs and stories were of the Saviors, his dear friends. No one wanted to hear of old history these days, not when they were living a story bards would sing of for ages to come.
He knew no songs of Denmore, of its rows and rows of docks, of its thatched-roof houses all crumpled together along the cobbled streets, of its people, smiling and happy in the wake of near disaster. Alain was one of those people now, but he hadn’t learned to smile quite so wide, not yet. 
His first few weeks in the sleepy fishing village had left the town in a tizzy. One of the heroic Saviors had chosen their town, of all the great places in the world, to settle down in. They never knew it was hardly a choice at all. All Alain had done was pull out his tattered, stained map, the one with the duck drawn in the corner from one of Kelfir’s duller night watch rotations, and traced the furthest distance from that dreaded mountain. There was no other option. He wasn’t made for renown like Gennon, not anymore. He had outlived that stretch of his life. Of course, at first, it was all about the reward, the gold, the number of times local bards shouted his name across tavern brawls. Now, he was just glad he’d been able to keep them together long enough to save the rest. Songs of his new home would come in time.
The beautiful thing about Denmore was its mundanity. Every morning, a few hours before dawn, the fishing boats sailed out to sea in neat lines, little bobbing ducklings floating one by one. Some days, parents took their children to see them off. Breakfast in Denmore was a quiet affair. There were two places where you could find a meal if you didn’t want to cook. One was the tavern, which doubled as an inn whenever a traveler wandered in from the main causeways, and the other a small bakery that looked out over the harbor. 
Every day Alain passed through the square and slowed to circle the fountain in the center, skimming his fingers over the water before bidding the statue of the Mistress of Oceans a silent hello. Of course, it looked nothing like her. Her eyes were nowhere near as welcoming as they’d been carved.
The storefront signs were all hand-painted by the owners, each letter swept across the wood by a caring hand. The post rode through once a week, the messenger’s satchel stuffed to bursting with everyone’s mail. Though the riders constantly changed, they always arrived at the same time, like clockwork. Every evening after lessons, the town’s children gathered on the corner outside the bakery to play with shiny marbles, wagering their victories on candy and copper coins. When the bells rang in the evening, ushering the boats back to their docks and the fishermen to their supper, Alain made his way to the tavern to sing his songs and tell his stories, just as he’d always done.
He finally had a routine. It grounded him in a life he was waiting to take root in. Maybe if he wore a rut through the cobbled roads, he wouldn’t feel as though he should move on, even though there was nothing left to move on to. It was a comfortable life he’d made for himself these past weeks. The clamor and excitement over his arrival died down relatively quickly. Now he was simply Alain, or Al, or Lonny, the man who waved the boats goodbye in the mornings and played the lute to the tune of heroes’ songs in the evenings. It suited him just fine.
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livvywrites · 5 years
11/11/11 tag game
tagged back by @sixstepsaway with some really fun questions :D thanks!!!
rules: answer 11 questions, come up with 11 questions, and tag 11 people to do them.
1. Pick a WIP. Do you want it made into a movie? TV show? Video Game? Comic? None of the above? Tell us why.
Oh gosh. Okay, so. I would love to see The Martyr Queen as a TV show tbh… but I’m not sure I’d trust any adaptation 😂 I would be way too pick, lbr.
Sapphire Dreaming would make a decent movie I think, though same problems with the pickiness.
And… I’m not going to list all of the ideas in the planning stage.
2. Who is your favourite OC of all time?
Oh shit.
Um. I have to pick a favorite?? Why??
(It��s Alinora, with Talitha following close after. Though recently I’ve been real fond of Aishlynn…)
3. Do you draw your OCs? Do you have faceclaims?
I make my OCs in the Sims and various other games/character creators.
The only one with a reliable face claim (aka I haven’t changed it and probably never will) is Alinora. Tuba Buyukustun, a Turkish actress (and model I believe?)
4. Do you ship your OCs? Do you have non-canon ships that make you, as the author who could make it happen but won’t, groan and claw your face like Stitch?
Talinora is my OTP for The Martyr Queen, and it’s gonna happen. It’s just. Slow build.
BUT I also kind of ship Tali with Lyr??? But I also want them to stay bffs because there’s not enough m/f friendships out there.
Other ships in TMQ include; Asalynn (Aishlynn/Asa)
5. What’s your favourite WIP of all time? Is it abandoned?
The Martyr Queen. It’s my current main, so not abandoned ;)
6. How many abandoned WIPs do you have?
Mmmm… two. I wrote them way, way back, and abandoned them.
7. How many WIPs have you completed the first draft of?
One. Sapphire Dreaming. But I’m really close to finishing the Martyr Queen! (If i day it enough I might do it :p)
8. Do you want to be published? Indie or traditional?
I want to be yes, but I’m still trying to figure out if I have the means/energy to do so. I still have quite a ways off, though, so it’s not something I’m stressing about.
9. What would you like to come out of a fandom of your WIP?
Complex AUs, especially modern ones. Pages of character analysis. Fix-it fics. Fanart, pls. Fan music.
What do you mean I’m asking for too much??
10. What song can you never, ever listen to without wanting to write an OC or a WIP? Which OC? Which WIP?
There are SO MANY. But I think the biggest one for TMQ lately has been All The King’s Horses by Karmina, because it reminds me SO MUCH of Alinora. (Who is the main POV character.) 
11. What colours do you associate with the OCs from your WIP?
Alinora - red, black, gold
Elaena - black, gray/silver, white
Lyr - blue, brown
Ava - green, brown, pink
Talitha - purples, blues, silver
Aishlynn - lavender/light purple, silver, gold
What’s your favorite WIP to work on, and why?
Have you shared any excerpts of your writing? If you have, which is your favorite? If not, tell us about your favorite scene to write so far!
How have you improved as a writer since you first started out? What aspects of improvement are you most proud of?
How many WIPs do you have? Which are you actively working on?
What stage are each of your WIPs in?
Do you sort your OCs? (Into elements, Hogwarts Houses, psychology profiles, etc?) Which of your OCs are in what?
What is one thing about writing you wish you had known when you started out?
Which of your characters do you feel most resembles you?
Which, if any, shows/movies/books/etc. inspired your current WIP(s)? What would you say were the biggest things that inspired it/them?
Do you ever pretend to interview your future author self? What kinds of things do you usually ask yourself?
Does your WIP have any AUs? What are they? 
tagging:@quartzses; @diabhals; @waterfallwritings; @purpleshadows1989; @nightmares-and-fireflies; @margaretcroftwrites; @moonbeam-muse; @klywrites; (and that’s where i’m going to stop because i don’t remember who all i tagged on the last one! if i’ve tagged you twice, you can pick which group of questions you wanna do, lol. or do both, whichever! and ofc please feel free to not do this if you don’t want to ;) )
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