#maybe for the rest of september idk
sevikasenby · 9 months
i think im done here (don’t take it too seriously, knowing me i’ll be back at some point). but i fucked up, my sanity is slowly depleting from being on here and just existing in general, and im about 🤏 this close to admiting myself to a mental hospital cause i feel like im losing my mind just a little bit 😅 but yeah, im done here, for now. (cue my dramatic ass) im glad i got to be on here for the time that i did, but just in case i don’t come back for a long time, thank you <3
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dadbots · 9 months
August… time to get spooky.
#dadbots.txt#this has been in my draft for... almost a month. Yikes.#I’ve been dissociating hella hard these past months or something. swear I don’t remember time moving this fast. maybe it’s just me tbh.#idk what to say about July other than… boring? not much happened and I don’t really remember it if I’m honest. just. mm. shrugs.#best way to describe it LOL#been sleeping a LOT lately and I think it’s fatigue again. was it like anything before? no. not at that rate (yet) but just.#where you wanna sleep and sleep and sleep type of fatigue. you never feel rested and just gotta sleep it off kinda.#just one of those moments yknow.#it sucks. all I’m doing is letting the days pass me by and ‘missing out’ on living life when I could be enjoying it. but I lost interest -#- in doing so for months - years now due to personal health matters. And whaddya know - it came back again. after months of healing.#I'm pretty pissed as it does feel like a slap in the face. but you win some - you lose some. Gonna try and fight through it.#I wrote something at the beginning of august but that got deleted. Had a breakdown and thought huh. what a great way to start the month -#and now it's almost september. Just like that. What a month it's been. Stuck on what else to say but that really.#don't want to keep talking about depressing stuff as that's what i used to do and realized hey. maybe you should stop doing that so often#and not use it so casually in humor and/or stuff. Even though I reblog vents here n' all. but yknow.#maybe it is hypocritical. but that's not the point. Just want to reflect and see if i've changed since coming back to the web after a year.#not like it's going bad. just wished this year was a bit more optimistic. Last year was rough & i'm afraid this year will be another repeat#though I did come out to a family member this month and that was like a punch to the gut. Considering my status with them and all.#won't get into that. for now let's just say i'm not too close with them. An impulsive choice on my end but hey. it went well.#and that's what matters tbh. My younger self would've thought i was actually insane. like to even DO that? really?#shocking. I'm still not over that moment. Probably one of my biggest achievements this year.#I'll update this if anything else comes to mind. none of this make sense and that's ok. clearing my mind right now.#let's see what september has in store for me. Hopefully it'll get better as things slow down w/ winter on its way.#hope y'all enjoyed your summer. 🖤🤘🏽
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galariangengar · 5 months
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nymphantasia · 2 years
...y'know come to think of it I feel like August is p much always the worst time for me. Like I have a hard time w/ summer period hut there's something abt the stillness I associate with August, the weariness from having mostly been inside for so long w/ not much to do, the constant feeling that something should be happening but it just isn't yet.
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clownkiwi · 2 years
i think the way nintendo has been holding their massive game trailers and announcements this year has been. a lil weird. but i think its because they hold their trailers and announcements squarely to e3, but theyve only ever had one year where e3 hasnt happened to this point, that i just dont think nintendo was truly prepared
but now that an e3 this year was cancelled, nintendo. idk??? they seemed prepared, theyve got a plan a (regular nintendo directs in february, june, and september) & a plan b (direct mini partner showcases placed through multiple months in a year), but this year. they must've really been hoping for an e3 to happen because we got our big february direct this year, but after e3 was cancelled, nintendo just kinda placed their biggest e3 announcements throughout march-may (xeno 3 release date pushed up, splatoon 3 release date announced, botw 2 delay), but they still wanted a new direct out during the month of june (huge month for gamers)
so they just. kinda put all of their other 3rd party announcements into this direct we'll be getting later today
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borzologist · 2 years
stop vagueposting abt them. its not cute. youre being really weird.
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saerins · 1 year
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+ sae x f!reader | wc 3.2k | content: angst, insecurities, death
notes: i’m sorry idk how this came about but i was in a mood :’) i promise i love him okay <3 feedback & reblogs appreciated !!
summary: he’s back home, and you recall the times you’d spoken to him. all the calls you made, then all the calls he made, and then all the times it went to voicemail.
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you remember every conversation you’ve had with your boyfriend. the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. it’s hard to quantify into numbers since you’d been together for the last five years.
but there’s a few of them that are prominent, that are burned into your mind, engraved onto your brain. the sound of his laugh, for one, that’s always been precious to you, if only for the fact that he doesn’t laugh often.
sae always said you were the only one who could get that out of him, and you’ve kept it close to your heart since.
to the world, he may have seemed rude and off-putting at times, and despite the countless false reports of sae being an asshole to all his girlfriends in private (because the media can never decide who he’s actually with), he’s always been the same itoshi sae to you—the kind of guy who only ever bothers what you think about him because the other people not involved in your relationship don’t matter.
you remember everything he’s ever done for you.
“you know that one day you’ll be mrs. itoshi, right?”
yeah, you definitely remember.
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MARCH 2020; [ sae’s fifth day in spain ]
“you miss me, itoshi sae?”
you can feel him rolling his eyes from the other end. “i should just hang up right now.”
“you could, but then you’d miss me even more.”
sae suppresses a grin, even if there’s no one around to see it. you’re right, but he doesn’t say anything.
it was rare for sae to call you at all. but then again, it is the first time you two had been apart since you got together. maybe it isn’t so weird after all.
“how’d practice go today?”
“it’s fine, nothing i couldn’t handle.” of course he’s fine, he’s the youngest on the team and yet it was as though he’d played the longest.
“of course it was fine, mr genius,” you tease, and he smiles because he knows you’re smiling too.
you can’t really remember how the rest of the conversation went. but you only remember this moment because it was the first time you realised that amidst all the times you’d pester him to go on a date with you, amidst all the times you asked him for a kiss, sae could miss you too.
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SEPTEMBER 2020; [ sae comes back to japan soon ]
“hey so i was thinking, i’ll meet you at the airport?”
sae hums, “wanna see me that bad, huh?”
“shut up,” you snap at him, hating his quick tongue that so easily gets you flustered. “so i miss my handsome, successful boyfriend, big deal.”
he missed you too.
“am i just arm candy for you, y/n?”
“what? no—”
“too late. i’m offended. bye.”
then he actually hangs up on you.
it takes you half a second to pull up your message thread with him.
itoshi sae, you wanna die or something?
it takes him the same amount of time to respond to you.
y/n l/n, okay, then maybe i’d get some relief from you.
before you can even be actually offended, your phone vibrates again.
miss you too, stupid. see you tomorrow.
you can’t seem to rub the smile off your face.
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FEBRUARY 2021; [ first valentines’ apart ]
it takes him three rings to pick up.
“happy valentines’, lover,” you giggle over the phone.
it’s been a few months since your about-to-go-pro soccer player boyfriend had gone back to spain, doing pro soccer player things. you miss him, especially since it’s the first time you guys are spending the romantic occasion apart.
it sucks that you couldn’t even spend new years with him. it’s okay though, you managed to video call him while you spent time with his family.
“think you got the wrong number.”
“open the door, smarty pants.”
“w-wait, what? did you send me something?”
you hurry over to your front door, not knowing what to expect. but you definitely didn’t expect sae to be there, in the flesh, sighing when you finally open your door, a pretty bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“what are you doing here?” you’re still shocked from his mere presence.
sae smirks, and you realise just how much you miss him. “think i got the wrong apartment, i was supposed to deliver these to my other girl—”
but you kiss him to shut him up. he’s full of nonsense, and so, so witty, and he’s here.
sae’s always claimed that it was not soccer stealing him from you, it was more the other way around. and he had been joking at the time he said that, but right now he thinks maybe there’s some truth to it.
if there’s anyone capable of having and getting him to willingly relinquish his attention from soccer, it’s you.
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JUNE 2021; [ night of sae’s first PR event ]
“someone looks handsome,” you comment as you watch your boyfriend getting ready over the phone.
he has an entire entourage of people over at his hotel—they must be the makeup crew and stylists. his entire team is getting vip treatment for being champions of the league thanks to last week’s game. now, even more brands are trying to sponsor them and you really shouldn’t be surprised over the amount of girls going crazy over your boyfriend.
“and someone should really sleep,” sae pauses for a moment when the man beside him (presumably his stylist, because he’s double checking sae’s suit) asks a quick that your girlfriend?, to which sae says “yes.”
the man winks at you through the video. “lucky girl,” he comments, eyes back on the fabric he’s touching, “the only time i caught him smiling was while he was texting ya.”
you snicker through the phone as you watch sae’s face go beet red before frowning at you.
“he did not.”
his stylist is laughing at his reaction too. “totally did. i thought he was possessed.”
sae grabs the phone and relegates himself to the bathroom, glaring at you through the screen. he’s not mad at you, he’s just embarrassed and you know that. you’ve known him long enough now to tell his cues.
“i hope you know i hate you.”
he’s always all bark and no bite and you’re still laughing at him.
“aw, i hate you too, mr itoshi.”
“stop with the smart mouth before i find another contender for a mrs itoshi.”
you and sae had been staring at each other through the screen up until that point, when sae realised what he just said and has to look away.
“you… think i could be?”
neither you nor sae have ever broached another about the future, and sae has always been generally avoidant about it, which is why it makes you even more surprised that he’s the one who slipped up about it.
after a moment of silence, he sighs, trying to suppress a smile. it tugs at the edges of his lips, not really there but you can feel it.
“you know that one day you’ll be mrs itoshi, right?”
you don’t know that, he doesn’t know that, not until the day has come. but yeah, you really, really want to be.
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OCTOBER 2022; [ sae’s birthday ]
“happy birthday, mr. itoshi,” you greet when he picks up the phone.
things had been rocky lately, admittedly. only because you and sae lived worlds apart.
sae is famous now, in both japan and europe, and it’s no surprise because he’s one of the best midfielders anyone has ever seen. his life is now full of the glitz and glam that you’re not even close to familiar with.
and you; you’re just a simple girl living in tokyo, with a normal life and normal friends and normal everything. except for the fact that sometimes people stalk you online because based on theories, you’re his girlfriend.
he was advised against confirming your identity with the press. for a myriad of reasons, apparently. and you’re fine with it, because yeah, you’re aware there are games to be played when you have his status. and it was fine with you, except for times when it’s not.
like how at his previous PR event he had to appear like he was dating some other celebrity. which was fine, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t suck having to see your boyfriend appear intimate with someone else. even worse when you hear said someone else mention in multiple interviews that she’s always had a huge crush on him.
“thanks, though it kinda sucks today.”
but it’s fine; you’ve been with him long enough to know that sae isn’t the type to hurt you like that. so even if it’s rocky, it doesn’t stop you from loving him.
“why? i thought the guys were bringing you out drinking tonight.”
sae sighs. “that’s exactly why.”
you smile, thinking how sae is still the same sae you’ve always known. “you’ve been playing with them for more than a year now, i think one night out wouldn’t kill you, babe.”
“but they’re freaks.” and sae says that because they’re rowdy, noisy guys and he doesn’t even want to imagine them drunk.
“we both know they’re going to bother you to no end if you don’t go,” you point out, and sae relents. “and if you need an escape when you’re too tired, you could just use my name.”
you break into a grin because you know for a fact that sae uses you as an excuse to his publicist sometimes to not attend events.
“yeah, maybe i’ll tell ‘em the missus is angry,” he jokes, and you find yourself wishing you could hug him right now.
“have fun tonight, okay?” a little hesitance comes to you before you ultimately open your mouth, “i love you.”
sae chuckles, and he can’t even describe the relief that comes to him each time he hears you say those words.
“i love you too.”
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DECEMBER 2022; [ the day you break ]
you don’t pick up his call.
when you saw the picture earlier, it’s like you’ve gone numb. and now everyone in the world will see the picture too. but you don’t really care. the images the paparazzi capture will die down after a while. the rumours will take longer.
right now you’re not even sure if your relationship is dead.
but you love him. you still do. and he’s still calling for what seems like the ninetieth time tonight.
this time you pick up.
sae flinches on the other line because he’s not used to this coldness. “can i at least explain?”
you sniffle, gritting your teeth to stop your crying. “sure, why don’t you explain why i had to find out from the fucking news that you kissed someone else on your birthday?”
it’s that girl. the same celebrity you’ve seen ogling him and gushing over him and the one who has PR relations with him.
“i promise, she means nothing,” and you can hear the panic in sae’s voice. he sounds apologetic and manic and scared. “look, i-i was drunk, and she kissed me, and i pushed her off right after—”
“then why didn’t you tell me?” you yell back. because you’re sure that’s what happened. you believe him. but it wasn’t the fact that some other girl was so desperate for him that she’d do that, it was the fact that sae kept it from you.
sae can’t answer. he knows it, but he’s struggling to find the words. “i-i didn’t want you to misunderstand,” is all he can manage.
you pause for a while because you’re crying again, and sae can sense it even if you’re silent. he loves you and he’s killing himself for his stupid decisions.
“sae,” you call him, softly. “is that how much you know me?” because after all this time, you’d think he’d know better. you trusted him. a hundred percent. now? you’re not sure.
“please, y/n, i’m sorry, please just- forgive me?” and sae’s not sure how to do this. sae’s never had anyone he cared about this much other than you. you’re the only one and you forever will be. and he’s stupid and clueless outside of soccer but he’s always had you to hold his hand through this, yet now you feel further away from him than ever.
you’re quiet and he’s not sure what to expect. you’re just sniffling on the other side, not saying anything, and for the first time in his life, sae is afraid.
“babe, i—”
“don’t say it, sae,” you sigh, because you don’t want to think that he’s saying it just to appease you.
sae obeys, because he’s scared that just a little nudge would push you right off the edge. “i’m gonna fix this, okay? i’ll tell everyone that—”
“it’s fine,” you interject, your mind in shambles. you’re tired, and you really don’t know what to do about this when it’s so fresh in your heart. “i need to think things through anyway.”
“no- y/n, please, i—”
and for the first time ever, you’re the one who hangs up abruptly. then you turn off your phone because you know sae’s not going to stop but you really just don’t want to to feel bad about not picking up.
you still love him, but you’re just heartbroken right now.
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sae stares at his phone after you hang up. he can hear his heart beating out of his chest and his breathing gets shallow. he tries to call you again but it’s not even ringing.
there’s only one thing he knows: he fucked up.
a stupid, stupid mistake which was grave enough to make you doubt everything and you’re right. this was on him for not opening his stupid mouth and just trusting that you’d understand.
for the first time ever, he heard what you sounded like when you’re hurt and he can’t forgive himself. not if he doesn’t do anything about it.
he gives up on trying to call you and pulls up his club’s coach’s contact instead. “sub someone else in for me tomorrow, i won’t be there.”
“what? what are you talking about? we can’t play without our star midfielder! it’s a big match against our home rivals—”
but everything he’s lecturing sae about falls on deaf ears because sae’s already packing his duffel bag and searching for his passport. he doesn’t even bother acknowledging anything before he hangs up, dialing his assistant’s number instead.
“i need to fly back to tokyo. immediately.”
his assistant’s distraught voice is apparent. “wha- um, you have a game tomorrow—”
“i don’t care. i need to fly now. get me a flight or you’re fired.”
“uh, but- um, the private jet’s not available—”
“then get me tickets on a commercial flight. i don’t fucking care about what kind of plane it is.”
yeah, because he only cares about fixing things with you. no one and nothing else, just you.
his assistant sighs because he knows he’s going to get in trouble for aiding sae. “fine, i’ll send you the details soon.”
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JANUARY 2023; [ the present ]
it goes straight to voicemail. you still talk.
“you know, i hate you so much for not having a voicemail recording.”
you pause, the tears streaming down your face. you’re staring at your phone, at his instagram, at his last post. something he posted before his flight.
a picture of the both of you in private, in your room. he’s sitting behind you on the bed, his arms around your neck as he kisses your head and you take the picture.
it’s funny because he was forbidden from sharing any sort of those pictures yet he still did it anyway. you stare at the caption.
i love only you
“itoshi sae, how am i going to hear your voice now, huh?”
you’re already full-on crying now, as you have been for the last month.
“itoshi sae! talk to me, answer me!” you’re screaming but no one will ever hear you.
how can sae hear you? you’re unreasonable for expecting that.
“tell me how to reach you,” you wail into the receiver.
you’re painfully aware of what you’re getting now.
“i love you, mr. itoshi.”
there’s no one on the other line who’ll chuckle now. you can’t hear the same fondness in his voice when he says he loves you too. you can’t ever hear him joking with you again.
no more sighs, no more video calls, no more love. no more you know one day you’ll be mrs. itoshi, right?
you hang up and look at the note in your hand; something sae’s assistant passed to you on the day of his funeral.
a few weeks ago, sae asked me to get this for him. i know he wanted you to have this. before he left for tokyo, he told me to get this done for you at all costs. it was only ready a day after he left. i thought you might still like to have this. i’m sorry you have to go through this.
the gold velvet box sits heavy in your hand. it’s all of sae’s commitment to you, feelings for you—it’s all of his resolution in one tiny package and it’s heavy.
you open it, same as the countless times before.
it’s still beautiful. it’s shiny and four carats and princess cut because you were always his princess. inside the band, he has mrs itoshi engraved.
you know one day you’ll be mrs. itoshi, right?
you bring up his messages and play the last audio he sent to you.
“look, i know i fucked up and it was stupid of me to keep it from you. i’m sorry, okay? and i know you don’t want to speak to me right now but i can’t just sit around and do nothing. i love you, so i’m coming back home, and we’ll talk, and then… i promise you, nothing like this will happen again.”
you remember your last words to him and can’t help but to hate yourself. you should’ve told him one last time before you lost your chance.
if you’d just stayed on the line, he wouldn’t have come back. if he didn’t come back, he wouldn’t have gotten into that cab. if he didn’t get into that cab, he wouldn’t have been in that fatal accident in shibuya.
staring at the ring, calling his number, getting no response, visiting his plot and running into rin. and repeat. that’s all life is now.
sometimes you wear the ring to pretend he’s still here. to pretend he’s already proposed and you’re waiting for him to come back from spain.
you’re probably at voicemail #314 now.
mrs itoshi stares at you until you’re crying all over again.
you’ll never hear his voice again. never hear his laugh. never get to hug him, or pick fights with him. you’ll never get to feel his broad shoulders or his strong arms around your body. you won’t get to go home ever again.
you’ll never be mrs itoshi now.
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hi for the first tomlinson!sister blurb maybe like her and harry’s relationship during the years? her relationship with her family and louis idk lol im bad at coming up with ideas 😭
trope masterlist || ask me anything <3
anniversary masterlist is here !!
welcome to the first blurb of the week all for my first anniversary 💞 i hope you enjoy it just as much as i had creating it <3
authors note - thanks to whoever came up with this gorgeous idea it’s definitely a good one so i hope i somehow did it justice💗💗 when it comes to the tragic passings of johannah and felicity, i decided not to use there photos in this just to respect the privacy of the tomlinson family🙏
MARCH. (account private.)
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liked by mrsjohannahdeakin, yourfriend and 23 others.
yourinstagram, good luck lou! can’t believe that my brother is auditioning for the x-factor i know for a fact that your going to smash it ❤️
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yourfriend, good luck louis!
mrsjohannahdeakin, can’t believe my baby boys doing this ❤️
yourfriend, wait what? how did i not know he was auditioning??
yourfriend, good luck
yourfriend, so that’s why your not in school today?
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liked by gemmasfriend, yourinstagram and 21 others.
gemmastyles, get a room
tagged, yourinstagram
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gemmasfriend, can’t believe how famous harry is now
gemmasfriend, cuties
annetwist, all i see is a bunch of cuties
mrsjohannahdeakin, the cutest babies ever
gemmasfriend, Harry’s got a gf?
yourinstagram, gem!
SEPTEMBER. (account still private.)
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liked by yourfriend, mrsjohannahdeakin and 56 others.
yourinstagram, so guess who appeared in her brothers music video? this girl and it was everything and more. if your my friend then you’ll go and stream it right now 💞
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yourfriend, this song is such a bop
yourfriend, im so jealous that you got to be that close to Harry 😮‍💨
yourinstagram, 🫣🫣
mrsjohannahdeakin, super proud of the boys for this
yourfriend, this song is so good like your brother and his friends are geniuses
FEBRUARY. (Account Still Private.)
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liked by lottietomlinson, mrsjohannahdeakin and 198 others.
yourinstagram, birthday meal for the birthday boy happy eighteenth to my curly headed friend🎉🎂
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yourfriend, still can’t believe that your friends with the one direction boys
yourfriend, happy birthday harry
mrsjohannahdeakin, happy birthday harry feels like it was just yesterday that I met little sixteen year old you for the very first time
yourinstagram, he just read this and is blushing right infront of me
yourfriend, happy birthday
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liked by username, username and 4,419 others.
enews, harry styles and his band mates little sister (yn) spotted getting cosy after leaving a restaurant together. read more at the link in our bio. 🔗
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username, wtf? that’s his bestfriends sister
username, the way he’s holding her in the third picture
username, this is kinda gross
username, why would she do that to louis?
username, wasn’t it his birthday yesterday?
username, and they were the only two who went out to celebrate so it was obviously a date
username, there actually cute
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“Homes always been a special place to me,”Harry spoke into the camera, head resting in the palm of his hand.
“I’ve taken a few people there but only people that mean something special to me, and yeah you could say that one of those people is (Y/N),” A soft smile formed on his face. “She just understands this life y’know like because of her brother being Lou.”
A cease formed in his brow. “Although telling Louis that I was dating his sister was something I wish I could go back and never have to do.”
“Only joking, he actually did take it pretty well to be fair,” he let out a soft laugh. “Let’s just say I didn’t end up with a black eye.”
— Harry referring to (Y/N) Tomlinson in This Is Us.
JUNE. (account public.)
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liked by harrystyles, louist91 and 10,476 others.
yourinstagram, fangirling proper rn because i’ve just met five seconds of summer and I don’t exactly know how to cope knowing i was stood right next to luke hemmings 😳
tagged, 5sos
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username, this girl is living all of our fantasies right now
username, Callum’s a proper fitty
harrystyles, luke hemmings? not like you’ve got me or anything
yourinstagram, but his accent…
harrystyles, heyyyy
username, your adorable
username, i want to live your life
username, how does it feel girly??
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enews, harry styles and (y/n) tomlinson spark engagement rumours just weeks after band mate zayn malik leaves the group. read more at the link in our bio. 🔗
liked by username, username and 4,569 others
tagged, yourinstagram and harrystyles
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username, good for them i guess
username, hope this is true there my faves 🙏
username, she’s not even that pretty 🤷‍♀️
username, excuse you! but just because she’s dating someone that you find attractive doesn’t mean that you can be so mean to someone
username, aren’t they a little young?
username, ayyo
username, childhood sweethearts and all that jazz
username, defo a PR stunt
username, one that’s been going on for five years?
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liked by annetwist, taylorswift and 234,619 others.
yourinstagram, welcome to the world our darling nephew, freddie reign tomlinson, auntie and uncle adore you so much ❤️💗
tagged, louist91 and brianasrealaccount
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username, freddie 😭
lottietomlinson, can’t believe you met him before me ☹️
username, love how she said ‘our nephew’ instead of ‘my nephew’
username, harry holding a baby is something i never knew i needed
username, imagine when him and (y/n) have kids
username, welcome to the world freddie!
username, he’s so cute!
harrystyles, he definitely likes me more.
yourinstagram, in your dreams lover boy
username, there banter >>>>
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liked by yourfriend, zayn and 1,345,329 others.
yourinstagram, Mum, I miss you.
comments have been disabled.
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liked by yourinstagram, lottietomlinson and 2,464,924 others.
harrystyles, SIGN.OF.THE.TIMES // 7.APRIL. 17 //
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username, oh this is gonna be good
username, this songs is gonna be iconic just y’all wait
yourinstagram, so proud h! ❤️
harrystyles liked your comment.
username, him releasing music means that one direction are officially over and I don’t know how to feel about that
username, excited!
lottietomlinson, love love love
harrystyles liked your comment.
username, CRYING
username, that date is so soon! you could have given us some more time to prepare.
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liked by lottietomlinson, taylorswift and 832,178 others.
yourinstagram, tried to get a picture of cillian murphy but some rando was giving me death glares🤷‍♀️
tagged, harrystyles
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username, same girl same
username, if looks could kill girly
lottietomlinson, cillian could do a lot of things to me…
yourinstagram, 🫣
username, if harry styles looked at me like that id simply pass away
username, the two loves of my life
gemmastyles, give him my number!
yourinstagram, will do!
harrystyles, heyyyyy
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liked by louist91, annetwist and 5,431,890 others.
harrystylesandyourinstagram, 08.11.2018
comments have been limited.
lottietomlinson, best day ever!
liampayne, one of the best days
annetwist, im still emotional typing this
niallhoran, loved it lad
gemmastyles, now give me a neice/nephew pls and thx
yourfriend, your dreams came true!
louist91, treat her right styles
zayn, so happy for you
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liked by username, taylorswift and 709,326 others.
yourinstagram, the moon was always her favourite. fizzy, i miss you.
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liked by harrystyles, the.daisytomlinson and 934,431 others.
yourinstagram, my best friend just released his debut album, go listen to it or else i will hunt you down….
tagged, louist91
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username, already have!!
username, listened and loved every single song on it
harrystyles, i thought i was your best friend.
yourinstagram, you are baby, you are
username, this album ruined me 😭
username, whose music is better louis or harrys?
yourinstagram, uhhh 1D?
username, walls is gonna be iconic watch this space
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liked by lottietomlinson, niallhoran and 709,315 others.
yourinstagram, The Away From Home Festival 💞
tagged, louist91
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username, gorgeous!
annetwist, so pretty darling
yourinstagram, ❤️
username, im there aswell
username, isn’t harry starting tour tomorrow ?
username, yeah he is, guess she’s not going 🤷‍♀️
username, maybe they’ve divorced?
yourinstagram, hi! im flying out directly after this to go and support him just in time for his first show tomorrow, me and h are happier than ever so please stop trying to get involved in our personal lives x
username, that outfit is so pretty, so casual but so chic
username, she looks more and more like lottie everyday
username, is it just me or does it look like she has a bump?
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liked by kyliejenner, gemmastyles and 843,176 others
yourinstagram, it really is love on tour ❤️
view all comments.
username, power couple
gemmastyles, iconic 👌
username, best night of my life
username, can someone look at me the way harry looks at (y/n)??
username, my show!
username, she defo has a baby bump
username, don’t just assume things
username, your so gorgeous!
lottietomlinson, my beauty of a sister 💗
yourinstagram, have you seen yourself?
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liked by taylorswift, thephoebetomlinson and 3,476,218 others.
yourinstagram and harrystyles, the best christmas present we could have ever asked for.
felix robin styles.
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liked by harrystyles, lottietomlinson and 932,164 others.
yourinstagram, London night one. ❤️
view all comments.
username, so gorgeous.
username, it’s going to be such a good night !!
gemmastyles, that dress is everything 😮‍💨
yourinstagram, girl have you seen your dress? it’s beautiful !
username, love love love
username, it’s going to a night that goes down in history
thephoebetomlinson, can’t deal!
yourinstagram, mwah 💞
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liked by zayn, annetwist and 732,176 others.
yourinstagram, when felix met lucky 💙
tagged, lottietomlinson, mrlewisburton
view all comments.
username, the second generation of tomlinsons are all boys 🥹
liked by yourinstagram.
username, cousins
username, felix is so big now wow
mrlewisburton, 💙
yourinstagram, he’s adorable x
username, i can’t believe that lotties had a baby 🥲
username, this is too much for my heart
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liked by yourinstagram, ryan.viggars and 1,619,908 others.
louist91, I’m so excited to finally tell you that my new album Faith In The Future is out 11th November. After living with this album for a while I can’t wait for you all to hear it. Thank you for allowing me to make the music I want to make.
Link in bio to pre-order.
view all comments.
username, ahhhh
username, hold up - 🖐️
harrystyles, happy for you mate.
liked by louist91
username, im having heart palpitations as im typing this
username, screaming crying throwing up
yourinstagram, proud of you lou ❤️
liked by louist91
username, love there relationship so much 🥹
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liked by annetwist, zayn and 1,326,317 others.
yourinstagram, hands up if your husbands a three times grammy winner 🙌 words can’t explain how proud of him me and bubba are 💞
view all comments.
username, im crying
username, i don’t know anyone more deserving
lottietomlinson, ❤️❤️
liked by yourinstagram.
username, SCREAMING
username, why can’t he look at me like that??
username, because your not (y/n) 🤷‍♀️
username, fairs
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liked by yourinstagram, mr.lewisburton and 3,503,080 others.
harrystyles, Love On Tour. Reggio Emilia. July, 2023.
view all comments.
username, it’s really over
username, he’ll be back soon hopefully 🙏
thephoebetomlinson, such a good night ❤️
username, was the whole family there??
username, yeah they were !
username, don’t cry because it’s over cry because it happened
username, best night of my life
yourinstagram, so immensely proud ❤️
harrystyles, ❤️
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liked by the.daisytomlinson, taylorswift and 932,176 others.
yourinstagram, lying on the beach as the sun blew out 🌊🏝️
view all comments.
username, your so effortlessly gorgeous
username, felix is so big now like wasn’t he just born yesterday??
yourinstagram, it’s going far too quick !!
username, whose that handsome man?
username, just show us his face ffs
harrystyles, who lays on a sunbed like that?
yourinstagram, honestly he’s such a weirdo 🙄
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liked by zayn, darbyward and 843,290 others.
yourinstagram, a night ill never forget. 💫
tagged, louist91
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username, can’t believe how far he’s come 🥹
username, im emotional
username, was harry there?
username, this post is about louis not harry
annetwist, 💙
username, my pookie sold out the 02
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liked by lottietomlinson, niallhoran and 1,236,471 others.
yourinstagram, when felix met olive 🫒 so immensely proud of you phee, your already the best mama ever 💗
tagged, thephoebetomlinson, jack.varley7
view all comments.
username, the best duo
username, the first girl of the generation
username, how is Phoebe a mum like tf?
thephoebetomlinson, 💙🩷
yourinstagram, 🥹
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liked by annetwist, lottietomlinson and 1,346,371 others.
yourinstagram, when felix met his new forever bestie 🩷🩵
tagged, gemmastyles, michalmlynowski
view all comments.
username, can’t believe our gems a mum
username, cousins 🥹
the.daisytomlinson, babies 💞
username, your turn next
username, now fucking way
215 notes · View notes
vettelsvee · 1 day
THIS IS ALL MY FAULT | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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sebastian vettel x platonic!photographer!reader
based on this request: Okay! So after watching the run Sebastian organized at Imola, I has the idea of reader being someone that works for him (not sure what for though) maybe getting really sick for running in the rain that day, which ends up with Sebastian feeling guilty over it. It’s a silly idea, really, but I think it has a lot of potential to vibes similar to what Sebastian seems to have with the drivers, kind of playing dad to the grid 🥺.
summary: you work as a photographer during the forever senna tribute seb prepared, but you end up being sick
word count: 1618
warnings: none of them really! seb feeling guilty because he thinks reader got sick because of him.
a/n: I'm finally back! sorry for not posting at all during all this past month, university has had me really stressed but I'm finally free from it until september! idk if this is actually something well written because i haven't written anything for a month! also, hope you anon like this even it's definitely crap 😭
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback as well as comments and reblogs are truly appreciated! <3
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The rain kept falling on the circuit, but that wasn't such an excuse for Sebastian and his team to cancel what they had been working on for months.
The run that the retired driver had decided to organize on Thursday not only with Formula 1 drivers, but also with those from Formula 2 and 3, and even other members of the sport, in honor of Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger, was more than perfect. It was an absolute success. And Sunday, when Vettel would drive the car that once belonged to the Brazilian pilot who died 30 years ago on that same circuit, hadn't even arrived yet.
You had been busy taking photos of everything, as you were Sebastian's official photographer. Now, you were gathering all the equipment you had used because the cold you were enduring was barely bearable. You had been out in the rain all day, following Seb wherever he went, which had made you feel increasingly worse. Now, your hands couldn't stop shaking, and you felt like you were about to faint at any moment.
"Y/N, are you okay?" one of the team members asked.
"Yes, of course," you replied with a weak smile. "I'm just a bit cold. I'll be back to be the same me as soon as we get back to the hotel."
The man nodded, not wanting to press you further despite not being very convinced by your words after seeing your completely pale face.
You decided to continue with your work, ignoring anyone who approached you to exchange even the slightest word. You tried to ignore the growing headache, the fatigue, and the tightness in your chest, which seemed to be worsening. Although the rain had stopped and you were in one of the garages, the sky remained dark.
You were surprised to see Sebastian, still wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, just a few meters away from you. You shook your head, trying not to pay attention, and certainly not to worry. He was just your "boss," so to speak, and he was old enough to know what he needed to do to avoid getting sick. Well, he also had Britta, who was like a second mother to him.
A sharp pain pierced your temples. You staggered slightly, and if it hadn't been for your momentum making you lean your back against the wall behind you, you would have fallen to the ground.
"For God's sake, Y/N, you look terrible," he said as calmly as he could, though you could sense his nerves in his tone of voice. "You should go and have a rest. Like… now."
"Seb, we still have a lot to do. It's not just packing up the equipment, but also transferring the photos to the computer, editing them, then preparing the posts for you Instagram account..."
"Y/N, I love your work, but you've done more than enough for today," he interrupted, putting a hand on your shoulder, running his fingers carefully over it. "Now, I'll talk to Britta and we'll assign it to someone who knows what they're doing, okay?"
For a moment, you considered protesting, reproaching him that this was your job, and that's why he wanted you on his team since shortly before leaving Aston Martin, but the way he looked at you made you stop. He seemed worried, very worried. That's why you ended up not only reluctantly accepting but also letting him guide you to a nearby chair.
"Stay here. I'll bring you something warm."
As you watched Seb walk away, you sighed, managing to relax somehow. You saw him enter the Red Bull hospitality, and you assumed it was where he felt most comfortable. A few minutes later, you saw the blonde with two small steaming cardboard cups. As he reached your height, he offered you one of them.
"Thank you," you murmured, wrapping your hands around the cup and taking a sip. Chocolate, something you loved, and Seb knew it perfectly.
"Do you promise you'll go back to the hotel as soon as you finish your hot chocolate?"
"I promise," you assured him. "But I can't promise that..."
"Y/N, just no work for today," he cut in, seeing that you weren't going to fulfill what you had promised. "I want you to spend today and tomorrow resting. Sunday will be a tough day for us. You can do it, at least for me, or am I wrong?"
You nodded your head as if you were seven years old again. You knew you were going to rest as much as you could in your hotel room, but that didn't mean you weren't going to do anything. As you had already planned, you were obviously going to continue with your work. You couldn't disappoint Sebastian, not on such an important weekend like this.
Sebastian accompanied you to the door of your room, and despite having exchanged a couple of messages with you on Friday, having let you rest all afternoon and part of Saturday morning, and having agreed that you would come to a meeting room in the hotel at 12pm on Saturday to finalize the details of tomorrow's tribute, he didn't see you there.
"Have you seen Y/N?" he asked Britta directly, a little distressed. "She told me she would come with no doubt."
"And she did come," the ex-pilot's PR commented, "but I sent her back to her room as soon as I saw her shivering. Her forehead was burning, and she said she had a slight fever. It wasn’t just a slight fever, Seb," Britta assured him.
The man nodded but became even more worried. Quickly bidding farewell to Roeske, he headed towards your room. He saw the door slightly ajar, possibly your mistake. He knocked softly before entering, and the sight that greeted his eyes made him feel bad instantly.
You were curled up in bed, trembling uncontrollably. You had a small towel on your forehead with cold water to see if you could control your body temperature since you couldn't take your medicine again until the corresponding hours had passed, which was already the next day.
Your face was completely flushed, and your breathing was labored.
As soon as you realized Seb's presence, your eyes welled up with tears. You tried to force a smile, but all that came out were tears from how bad you felt not only for Seb to see you like this but also for ruining something so important.
"Seb... You didn't have to come," you stammered, your voice barely audible.
"Of course, I did! Don't be ridiculous!" he responded quickly, sitting beside you. He placed a hand on your forehead and realized Britta was right. "My God, Y/N, you're burning up. Why didn't you tell me you were feeling so bad?"
"I... didn't want to worry you," you admitted between tears of frustration and exhaustion. "Tomorrow is an important day. You need to be resting to give your best tomorrow. There are people who have come just for you, Seb, you can't let them down."
You noticed him tense a bit at the mention. His lips curved, and his jaw tightened. He took a deep breath and took your hand almost without thinking.
"This is my fault..." he whispered softly. He seemed overwhelmed with guilt, and much of it. You cursed yourself for making him think that when it was all really your fault. "Nothing is more important than your health, Y/N. I'm so sorry, really..."
"Seb, it's okay, really. These things happen; it's completely normal. There's probably someone else like me..."
His silence was the response you partly expected, but it didn't hurt until you saw him shake his head.
"I just wanted to give my best so that the photos would turn out perfect and you would have content worthy of all the work you've put into this..." was all you could say.
"You're already the best, Y/N," he said softly, tucking a strand of hair away from your face. "In fact, you're so perfect that you should stop being so perfect to start worrying more about yourself. And since you don't worry about yourself... let me do it for you, okay?"
Although you didn't agree with him and didn't believe you deserved his praise, you were too weak to argue.
Sebastian stayed with you all day, including the night. He made sure you were as comfortable as possible, brought you water, and soaked the cold cloth in water to lower your fever as soon as possible, miraculously something that worked. He didn't leave your side, not even when you had a coughing fit or sneezed without covering your mouth.
Your fever began to lower in the late hours of that day. Your breath calmed down, and the color seemed to return to your cheeks. Seb sighed with relief, quickly hugging you while continuously placing small kisses on your face and playing with your hair, making you laugh incessantly.
After ordering room service for dinner, since your appetite seemed to have returned, you fell asleep, at least apparently. To avoid disturbing you, Seb went from lying down next to you to reclining on a sofa next to the bed. His eyes were heavy with tiredness, but that didn't stop him from staying alert in case you needed his help.
"Rest, Y/N," he whispered, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before caressing it. "I guess I'll have to take you out to dinner for the damages I caused."
You smiled at the last thing Seb had said, grateful that every time you got sick, you didn't fall into a deep sleep, and wishing that what Seb had said was true.
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keeksandgigz · 7 months
ugh maybe something angsty to fluffy with eddie , like nightmares or a silly argument turned too big leaving both in tears but then resolved
idk baby ugh i love ur writing tho !
aww stop i love u <3
this is literally my first ask ever im so excited!! hope u enjoy :)))
He knows better than to fall asleep.
The world lays still around him, the sound of lone crickets plays as his lullaby while he stares at his banged up ceiling.
Everytime he closes his eyes he feels like he's suffocating, still in the stuffy, dusty and slimy Upside Down, the blood at his throat almost choking him to death.
It's his first night alone back home. Him and Wayne had been cleared to go back earlier that September morning after spending a whole summer in a cramped infirmary on a small cot that made his feet stick out.
Noises of people snoring, talking, moving around. Even people crying and screaming in their sleep. You sleeping in the cot right next to him.
Your shoulders rising and falling. On nights where he couldn't sleep he'd count every breath you took, until his brain grew tired and fell victim to slumber.
But tonight there was just eerie quiet. No breaths to count except his own, shallow and irregular in his chest, as he tried not to focus too much on the way the skin of his naked chest stretched taut by the stitches given to him felt under his hand, casually resting there.
The faint white and red splotches of mangled skin felt funny under the touch of his hands. Even then, he tried to not touch them. He didn't like the way his body would retract from his own touch. Almost as if he was scared of himself.
He hadn't let you see them yet, everytime you hung out and reveled in each other's company never went further than a few risky kisses. Your hands traveling to the hem of his shirt being abruptly stopped by his fingers intertwined in yours, moving away from his waist.
It was silent, the way you understood his limits. He'd never let you know he wasn't comfortable, and you could not have possibly known what lied under the too- big shirt he'd taken from the donation box.
Tonight, though, he finds himself missing counting your breaths, imagining you back at home in the comfort of your bed. Are you awake too?
Sick and tired of thinking, closing his eyes only to see monsters behind his lids, the feeling of the crumpled, rough sheets under his back, he gets up. He slips a shirt on, along with a pair of pants and fishes a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the pockets of his jacket, perched carelessly on the chair.
He heads to the front porch. He closes the front door behind him, trying to keep quiet. Wayne's at work, but the habit of tiptoeing and whispering around after months of living in a communal space still stuck with him.
He sits on the stairs of his porch, letting the cigarette between his lips as he fights with the yellow lighter his dad had given him to start a spark.
"Fuck" he curses under his breath as the lighter proceeds to not produce a light. His breathing becomes uneven as his cheeks flush with anger. Frustrated, he tosses the lighter in the patch of grass in front of him. Useless fucking thing.
He doesn't even know why he still has it. The last time he'd seen his dad was over two years before. He'd never gone that long without a visit.
He's tempted to go in the kitchen and light up his cigarette with the stove, but Wayne didn't like him smoking inside. Instead he just sits there, unlit cigarette between his lips as he looks at a certain spot in the trailer park.
The same spot he'd almost died at.
He's so entranced by that one patch of dirt that he doesn't notice a car driving into the trailer park. His eyes diverting only when the headlights almost turn him blind.
It's you.
The car turns off and you come out of it, dressed in some cute pyjamas, a jacket that once belonged to Eddie covering you from the late September gale.
"Can't sleep either?" you say, staring at his dumbfounded face as you approach him on the wooden porch stairs.
"Too quiet. Missin' the old man who talked about cake in his sleep" he lets out a breathy laugh.
"My bed was too comfortable. My back is too fucked up from the cot, can't sleep on a soft mattress anymore. Missed having a bed next to yours, Munson" you nudge him, he just gives you a tight- lipped smile.
"Missed watching you breathe" he says, cautiously "Helped me sleep at night. I'd count every breath you took"
"Having any nightmares?" you ask, placing your head on his shoulder.
"Can't have nightmares if I'm awake. Everytime I close my eyes it's like I'm back in there, so I just.... don't sleep" he says, playing with the still unlit cigarette in his mouth.
The air is light between you two, an air of friendship, unweighted by your knowledge of what happened to him. You bring him relief, solace.
"Tell you what" you begin "you can light that cigarette with my car lighter, we split it, and then we go back inside and you can watch me breathe. So you can sleep" you blink up at him. He blinks at you back.
You offering to sleep with him in his bed wasn't something he'd have expected out of his life. Especially at this time of it.
All he does is nod as you take the cigarette from his lips and light it in your car, coming back with it already between your lips.
You're warm when you settle yourself next to him on the bed, under the rough blankets. The pillows smell like him. You inhale.
He doesn't know whether to hold you or leave you alone. He just opts to be a little closer to you as he lets you close your eyes. A weak "G'night, Munson" escapes you as you exhale and close your eyes.
He watches the silhouette of your shoulders rise and fall.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven...
He falls asleep before he can get to fifty.
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hugshughes · 10 months
⭑folklore⭑ hugshughes’ 100 followers celly!
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i hit 100 followers so i wanted to do a little fic celebration!
thank you so much for 100 followers!! im so grateful for all of y’all! and i am definitely working on the couple requests i have received and would love more but i am focusing on this at the moment!
this is gonna be fulllll of fluff, angst, smut (maybe idk) and i’m so excited! i’ve seen people do like speak now and other tay albums but i’ve never seen a folklore one so i’m excited for this!
favs - ⭑
the 1 - Adam Fantilli ⭑
cardigan - Jamie Drysdale
the last great american dynasty - Hughes!Sister
exile - Dylan Duke
my tears ricochet - Rutger McGroarty ⭑
mirrorball - Mark Estapa ⭑
seven - Ethan Edwards ⭑
august - Trevor Zegras
this is me trying - Luca Fantilli ⭑
illicit affairs - Jack Hughes
invisible string - Luke Hughes ⭑
mad woman - Nolan Moyle
epiphany - Nico Hischier
betty - Connor Bedard
peace - Quinn Hughes
hoax - Mathew Barzal
the lakes (bonus track) - Cole Caufield
i’m soooo excited to write these oh also! i reallyiked the idea of hughes!sister for tlgad but i’m DEF not opposed to adding a love interest if someone i like is requested or mentioned!!!
i am hoping to release these throughout the rest of august and september maybe even october if it takes that long but i think it’ll probably just stretch through september, THIS IS DEF GOING UNTIL PROBABLY NOVEMBER OR DECEMBER IM SORRY and i hope u guys are excited for this! THANK YOU FOR 100!!!!🤍
364 notes · View notes
mins-fins · 3 months
june 20th.
&&. on june 20th, the world ended. the sky turned orange and the ground beneath your feet cracked.
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pairing: lee donghyuck x m!reader
genre: fluff?? angst??
warnings: mentions of death
word count: 1k
notes: this is one of the strangest things i think ive written in a long time 😭 i have no idea how this idea came to be in the first place i kinda just wrote out what came to my mind?? i also spent so long trying to figure out which nct member to write this for and i literally just picked hc because he's my sisters favorite member (#THANKSTI) so yeah idk why this exists but it does 🤷‍♂️
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on june 20th, your alarm rang two minutes early.
on june 20th, you gave your mother a kiss on the cheek before leaving for school.
on june 20th, you missed the bus and were forced to walk the whole way to school.
on june 20th, you had walked into class late for the first time since september.
on june 20th, the sky was full of dark clouds, you assumed it was going to rain later that day.
on june 20th, you skipped one of your classes for the first time ever, biology, one you always hated.
on june 20th, you noticed seven different cracks in the sidewalk.
on june 20th, the air seemed different..
on june 20th, all that you could think about was your upcoming birthday, excitement surging through your veins.
you did what you always did. kicked small rocks, hopped over fences, hummed the lyrics to your favorite song, danced to the lyrics of your favorite song in public with no shame, skipped over the cracks on the sidewalk, did cartwheels, you were having fun.
for some reason, the day of june 20th made you feel free.
nobody could stop you, not your friends, not asshole teachers, not screaming neighbors, nobody could stop you.
well, maybe the world ending could stop you.
with a smile on your face and an energetic pep in your step, you make your way through the now noisy neighborhood.
people are screaming, the sky is an unnatural color, the air feels as if it's slowly poisoning your lungs, the cracks beneath your feet have now doubled in number.
but for some reason, you feel easy?
the prospect of the world ending is a funny one, one you never thought you'd be living ever. in movies, it's branded as such a horrible thing, but you don't think you've ever felt happier.
the music blaring through your headphones distracts you, the people panicking around you seem more like blurs then actual people. they all have lives, some of them have children, some of them have grandchildren, some of them have family out of the country, some of them are going to be celebrating their last birthdays today, who knows what was going on in their lives earlier today that will now mean nothing in a good two hours.
your complex emotions surprise you, but the smile on your face doesn't falter, and you like that it doesn't.
because if you could spend the last moments of your life being happy, why would you be mad about that?
"everything alright? your not hurt are you?" you wrap your arms around your mother, resting your head on hers.
"i'm alright" you whisper, arms clinging around her.
your hair is disheveled, probably due to the absolute maddening things you'd been doing on the sidewalk.
"oh honey! donghyuck called, he was asking for you".
the name gets an eyebrow raise out of you.
donghyuck as in lee donghyuck? he called? why would he call? why would he be asking for you? why would he—
oh, oh my goodness.
"what did he ask for?" you immediately separate from the hug, and your mother gives you a puzzled look. "did he ask for something from me specifically?"
"he just asked for you because he said he wanted to tell you something but you weren't here—"
holy shit.
"oh i have to go.."
your mother blinks once again, but then she realizes what your talking about, and she sighs. "honey, you still haven't told him?"
you don't even try to battle the allegations, just press a kiss to her cheek and make your way towards the door. "today's the day mom! the world is ending!"
your optimism shocks you, and you race out of the door, nothing else on your mind but him.
on june 20th, your life seemed to take a strange turn.
on june 20th, your mundane routine suddenly became extraordinary.
on june 20th, you realized it was your last chance to tell donghyuck how you feel.
the world is ending, the sky has turned orange, the sidewalk has began cracking beneath your feet, people are screaming, crying, clutching onto their family members, it's your last day, it's everyones last day, tomorrow, you'll all be nothing but empty corpses.
all of you have dreams, all of you had desires, things you'll never be able to pursue now because your demise is coming much sooner than you expected.
there's only one thing at your mind at the moment, and that's the most annoying person ever.
today is a day like no other, a day which will all be in memory by the time the week passes, your feet push you through the pain you feel, because you've never been able to get such words out.
where is he.. where is he.. where is he..
when you spot lee donghyuck, you shout, and he doesn't even have to look at you to know what it is.
you tackle him to ground, his back colliding with the soft grass in his front yard as you fall right on top of him. a smile comes to your face as you look down at him, with his pretty eyes and pretty smile.
"you're so stupid!" you yell, he just chuckles, letting you remain on top of him, because the world is ending, and this is it. "you called!?"
"you're literally stupider!" he rebuts. "you came!"
you scoff, oh this could've all been yours before if you weren't such a coward, but there is always a time for everything, even if this is the last time.
"i am so in love with you" you whisper, leaning down to press a kiss onto his lips. "you're such an idiot, a pretty idiot".
donghyuck just smiles, wrapping his arms around your neck. "you love me".
"of course i do".
"the world is ending, baby".
but for some reason you aren't crying.
you aren't sad, you aren't crying or anything, you're just living in the moment.
"i know, but i love you".
on june 20th, the world ended.
on june 20th, the sky turned orange and the ground beneath your feet cracked.
on june 20th, you told lee donghyuck you loved him.
on june 20th, you spent your final moments with the boy you loved the most.
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stayconnecteed · 5 months
❪⠀🪐. memories⠀𓏔⠀hwang hyunjin⠀❫
you were in love, until you weren't anymore. or maybe you still were, but chose to learn not to be just to heal from all that meant falling in love with him⠀★⠀2.7k words
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content: tbh idk what is this,, i don't even know how to categorize it, i felt kinda sad and started writing, and i thought on sharing it here. plot,, the point of view of hyunjin after your break up. i would say angst but at the end it kind of good. reader and hyunjin don't end up together tho. warnings,, think of this as a beautiful relationship that turned slightly toxic, hyunjin was very very whipped for reader, the format is like a letter to you he never sent. note,, i wrote this listening to hannah bahng's cover of memories by conan gray, one of my favourite audios in the world.
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─── Excerpts from Hwang Hyunjin's diary over a year after the break up.
September 6th
Yesterday I walked by that coffee shop you liked to go to so much, at the end of the street where you used to work, the one with the navy couches and old photographs hanging on the wall. It's now closed. On the notice taped to the door it says that it is for sale, that they were very sorry but they decided to go out of business because they could no longer afford the expense, to call the phone number listed there if you were interested in buying it. And I did. Call, I mean. I had that urge to buy it, because it reminded me of you, because I knew you would like it. I listened for two rings and then hung up. The couches were purple. I saw it, even though the glass was full of dust, and I don't know anymore if they had been navy from the beginning or you had convinced me of it, but at that moment I saw them purple, and the magic was gone again. I guess it doesn't matter now. It had been a while since I had been here, maybe they had to change them. To see if they could attract more customers, as you always joked with the owner. That's why you liked the place, right? It was quiet. Peaceful. You could barely hear the music in the background or the murmur of the street, and as much as you adored their coffee, we both knew it was doomed to have an end. Like us, I suppose. You were always drawn to lost causes.
That's why I called you. I think you had blocked my contact, but it didn't hurt to try. I thought about everything we had shared. On my way to the apartment I live in now I bought those noodles you liked so much, and the ice cream we had every time there was something to celebrate. The TV was playing one of those movies from the 2000s that we watched over and over again on Friday nights, even though we had already seen them, just because I loved that look on your face you had when you did something you were apssionate about. It seemed like a hoax. For a moment it seemed as if I could touch you, as if by reaching across the fabric of the couch you were going to be there, on the other end, waiting for me to finish dinner so you could snuggle up next to me. I guess it was one of those days, wasn't it? Those when you stop pretending that everything is okay, even though nothing was wrong, and let sadness win you over.
I don't actually think I'm sad, though. Not really. Just… nostalgic. I miss what we had. I miss you. Not in the unhealthy way I did in the beginning, when we decided to split up and I instantly regretted it. It's more of a warm, bittersweet memory that creeps up on me from time to time. Your smile, so beautiful and bright, how soft your hair was when you rested your head on my lap and I couldn't stop caressing it, how your hand felt against mine as we entwined them, the hurried way your heart pounded under my lips as I kissed your skin, how I felt your chest vibrate as I fell asleep on top you in the middle of a conversation… Now that I think about it, I think I've forgotten your voice. The temptation to search for old audios is too strong, but I'm afraid to find out what I would really feel if I get to hear you.
I have seen pictures. I have too many, so looking for them was not a big problem. I keep them on that hard drive you gave me when you got tired of watching me stress out because I thought I had lost flash drives that had never left my desk. In it is my favorite folder, the one with all the captured moments that reflected that side of you that you didn't let anyone else see. The ones I took of you when you didn't realize it, with your hair disheveled on our bed, your bare back contrasting with the sheets, still asleep; or playing with Kkami in the park, running next to her, with your scarf tangling in the wind and your smile brighter than ever. Those for which you did pose, with amused expressions and seductive glances, with our friends and in the intimacy of our home, those you approved of after I showed them to you, acknowledging with an embarrassed blush that you did look pretty, and also those you couldn't even see, your mind betraying you by making you see so many flaws that you thought you were drowning in them, so many defects I was unable to see.
It's the first time that the sight of you didn't make my heart tear apart. Each new file I opened was a memory that I could bring back to life, at least for a few minutes, moments that I treasured fondly, and that finally made me smile. Can you believe it? Me, who so many times left voice messages begging you to come back, who had to stay at home for weeks after breaking up because visualizing a life without you by my side made me want to die, the person who every time they saw something that reminded them of you would burst into tears, feeling the loss of your presence like the shadow of death, was finally enjoying those memories that included you.
You'll be happy to know that I'm starting to draw again too. I had thrown away all my art supplies when I moved, and I have all my paintings locked away, but the other day I stopped by the store I used to go to and bought a sketchbook. I didn't intend to do anything with it, I just wanted to run my hand over the pages again, just like I used to do before starting a new project. As soon as Felix found out, he bought me new watercolors and pencils. You know how he is, the first to cheer every time something good happens to you. He celebrates your victories as if they were his own. I guess that's what this is, isn't it? A victory. I've managed to win against the ghost of our past, and my reward is a nice charcoal sketch of a tulip. It's not my best work, but for the moment it works for me. Little by little, with training wheels.
November 24th
I would like to know how you are doing. Changbin hyung told me that you finally moved in, just like me. I guess every little corner of the apartment reminded you of me. I wouldn't have lasted long there either. You hardly talk to the rest of the guys, and it makes me wonder if you were really happy with me. When I met you you had your own group of friends, but you stopped talking to them to the point that all we knew were my friends, and each other. That was probably one of the reasons you encouraged me to break up. It wasn't healthy, was it? I find it pathetic that I realize it now, so many months later, although it was pathetic even then, with how desperately in love I was with you. I tend to get so lost in my feelings that I forget everything else. Sometimes, "everything else" is often more important than what's going on in my head, and in my heart, because in the end, thoughts are just thoughts. I wonder if Changbin hyung would tell me if you were having a hard time. You know that after what we went through together, I would come in an instant if you called me. Some things don't change. You can separate us, but you can't ignore what once existed. And I like to think you feel the same way.
I know you have a boyfriend. I've seen you around town, walking hand in hand, just like we used to do. I thought about waving, approaching you and introducing myself to the lucky man who can call you his, but cowardice gets the better of me. I don't want to make a fool of myself. You've always been sharp with words, and the last time we met was humiliating enough. I'm not talking about the last time we spoke, but when we met. That afternoon when Chan accompanied me to collect the boxes that were left in what had been our home, my name written in that chaotic handwriting you have, set aside in the entryway. We looked at each other in silence when you opened the door, and I never knew how I had the strength not to burst into tears. What I wanted most of all was to take refuge in your arms and for you to tell me that everything was going to be all right. Did you feel it? That pain? You always noticed it at first, it was almost unnatural the way my chest began to open with grief, as if my own heart was crying tears of blood.
You felt it too, I'm sure. That's why you looked away. That's why you didn't open your mouth except to wish me well. I remember thinking that it wasn't fair that it was going to end like this, that I didn't understand why it had to end at all. We were doing great. True, we argued, as all couples do, and not even that often, or that we were somewhat possessive of each other. But it was okay, wasn't it? It meant that I cared about you. That you loved me. That we would rather be with each other than with anyone else. But you looked away, and I shut my mouth, and I didn't have time to memorize you before I left. Even after calling you for days, when you finally picked up the phone and begged me to stop, even then I couldn't catch the exact tone of the words you had used to keep them in my memory forever. And now you're gone, and I'd like to think I don't care as much as I used to, but sometimes a person's absence is more present than the people you have sitting next to you. And it hurts more than the worst wound, because you crave something you can't have.
I guess we were destined to end up together and end up apart. It was impossible for us not to have fallen in love when you approached me in that library, with the book I was looking for in your hand, just as we were bound to untangle ourselves after a while, having to suffer through the process of accepting that everything we had built was falling apart. We both knew it, and came to accept it in the haze of those who have just found their soulmate, but only you were smart enough to see it coming and protect yourself, leaving me as the only victim. And worst of all, I know that had never been your intention, that you would never have hurt me on purpose. But I was doing it to you, and you decided to be selfish, pushing me away so you could move on. And after all I can't hate you, I can't even stop loving you, because you became so blended with my soul that removing you would be like taking away an essential part of what makes me being me.
That's my problem, isn't it? I live it all so intensely… It's exhausting. When someone loses the person they thought was going to be the one, they usually console themselves with the thought that they weren't the one. But I can't indulge myself, I don't deserve that consolation, because we were meant to be. Maybe not to last a lifetime, but for the little bit we got to share. I have had to say goodbye to you, to see you become a stranger, but the people we were when we were together are still alive, in some space of our memory, like a story written by both of us, one in which we each have our favorite chapters, and to which we know we can come back whenever we want, to remember each other. I know that at some point in my future I will be able to open that book and read any page and it will no longer hurt, that I will savor every word with a smile on my lips, the smile of someone who knows that while it lasted, I made the most of every single second. And I know that future is closer than far away.
January 15st
I have stopped counting the days since we broke up. I feel like I'm getting better, I know I am. Yesterday I went out with Seungmin and Jeongin for a walk, and I took my old camera with me, after so long. My hands no longer shake when I hold it. They started goofing around, and playing among the trees in the park with Kkami, and it didn't hurt me to say that was something you used to do. I told it as an offhand comment, as if I were telling them about what I had eaten the day before. Now you are just another memory in my mind, floating among the gray matter of moments in my life. You no longer hurt, you no longer harm.
On the way to the dance studio last week, the driver drove past that coffee shop. I don't know if you'll have time to go now that you're so busy with your new life, and anyway I guess coffee doesn't suit you as well as it used to, but someone bought it. And it's still a coffee shop. I went today morning, and I felt better than I have in a long time. The new owners have done an awesome job, and business is running smoothly. In the hour and a half I sat at one of the tables in the back, more customers came in than I've seen in all the years we've been together. The iced americano is delicious, and the atmosphere relaxes me enough to doodle in the margins of my lyrics notebook.
I feel attached to this place, somehow. You found us, and made us feel special. During the time we enjoyed your company, and your trust and love, we were fully happy. When you left us, we had a terrible time, letting our inner selves shut down, refusing affection or help. But now we are doing well. We've gotten over that rough patch, we try to look out for ourselves, we smile at life. And the couches are maroon. I asked the barista, who is one of the people who came up with the new design. I didn't want to find out what the original color had been, that will be something I'll never get to know, I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. It was fun when we would go and spend minutes arguing about the exact shade. But now they're maroon. And I like that color.
I was in love with you. I know you heard me say it that night I came home drunk, when I chose to pretend you were asleep and told you how you truly made me feel. I didn't fall in love with you, I ran to you knowing full well that I was going to love you with all my being, full of devotion and ready to end up devastated by you, but I guess it wasn't enough. Now that I have slowly learned to forget you I know that in all possible scenarios we would have ended up the same way. We were so obsessed with each other that we didn't realize we were consuming each other, but that's okay. Not everything is timeless, nothing lasts forever. The important thing is not to regret your memories, and I don't regret a single moment by your side.
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taglist: @jazziwritesthings · @rylea08 · @starlostastronaut · @manuosorioh · @kpopmenace143 · @skzms · @atinyniki
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© stayconnecteed 2024 · do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms
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pullhisteeth · 1 year
hi! i don’t know if you take requests or are taking requests, but i was wondering if you could write a little something about reader telling eddie she loves him for the first time or vice versa. i always feel like eddie would cry upon hearing that someone loved him back but idk. alsoooo maybe a little smut if you’re feeling up for it 👀
(if you’re not taking requests then please disregard this lol i just love your writing 💕)
thank you for the request my love! I adored writing this - I got very very carried away (it's over 3k words lol). I hope it's what you were after. and thank you so much for being so kind! you're the best <3
contains smut so 18+! minors dni.
Lover's Lake is quiet at this time of night. It's the best place to see the stars over Hawkins, and Eddie knows this. He also knows you'd die for the night sky; you've spent enough night-time drives with your head stuck out the passenger seat window to get a better view. He's considered sawing a hole out of the roof of the van just so you can lie in the back and stare up at the sky while he drives.
That'd be stupid, of course, but you have a habit of sending Eddie stupid.
It's so quiet out here that you should be completely at peace. Instead, all you can hear is the blood rushing past your ears; you feel the throb of your heart in your fingertips and the warmth of Eddie behind you is like a bonfire on your back.
"You okay?"
His mouth is right by your ear, and his breath brushes your hair and inflames the skin beneath your jaw. Your back is to his chest, his arms around your waist, the two of you perched in the doorway at the back of his van with your legs dangling over the bumper.
You hum in response, confident he'll hear you since his chin's resting on your shoulder.
"Are you?" you whisper.
"Never been better," he whispers back, punctuating with a kiss to the space under your ear. You feel his sly smile when you shiver.
It's early September. Hawkins is warm, summer ebbing away slower than usual, and you're coming out the other side of a summer that makes your head spin if you think about it too hard.
"Hey," Eddie murmurs, shifting behind you. His arms relent their grip on you, so you turn. Even in the depths of this summer night, skin flushed by the lingering heat and Eddie's affection, you don't dare look him in the eye.
"What?" you ask, eyes dancing around the floor beneath him.
"Look at me," he says, voice firm. You do, ignoring the wild hammering inside your chest, against all your better judgement because it's Eddie, and you'd do anything for him.
"Are you okay? Really?" he asks, and the crack in his voice sends you reeling. With eyes all sad and brows turned down, he looks at you, imploring.
You move quick, legs swung up into the van so you can move over to him on your knees. He's moved himself away from you and you're not sure why, but you are sure that you despise the space between you.
Settled on your knees about two feet away from him, you say, "So okay. Why?"
"Your heart's beating like a fuckin' timebomb, sugar."
"Oh," you breathe. He's trapped you, and there's only one way out of this. 
You reach your arms out to bridge the gap, making stupid grabby hands that he can't help but laugh at. He takes them and pulls you in, helping you lift your knees over his legs, arms returning to their rightful place around your middle. On his shoulder you rest your cheek, mouth close to his neck but not touching it, and you wind your arms around his back.
"I love you," you murmur, scared that if you say it too loud something cataclysmic could happen. Hawkins can't take another chasm.
You feel him relax under your hands. It's as though the muscles are sighing, settling back into their usual spaces. You realise he'd been tense beneath you and you breathe out as you feel him go limp.
But he doesn't say anything. You push yourself off of him to look at him but he turns his head to the side so you can't see him.
As if that's gonna work, you think, bringing your fingers up to trace the side of his jaw you can't see. In fact, his whole face is obscured by his hair. You frown, concerned.
"Eddie, baby," you coo, voice low and soft. "You gotta look at me."
On your wrist you feel the long, slow breath out of his nose. Though you can't see him you know what he's doing - when the nightmares got particularly bad in June you'd taught him this technique, a way to slow his heart and stop his mind racing. Close your eyes, breathe in, breathe out.
It turns your stomach to think he feels like that now.
Your fingers on his face don't apply any force. You're willing him to turn to you on his own, hoping desperately that this isn't the end, that you didn't just ruin this.
You hear the blood more than ever now. It reminds you of the way you feel after sex with Eddie, after he's taken care of you so many times in a handful of hours that it barely feels like your skeleton is holding itself together. You never imagined you'd be the kind of person to have a summer fling, always thought that was something that happened in the movies, to people like Danny and Sandy, but in May you'd found yourself in Eddie Munson's bed and by July you'd fallen deep, deep into the abyss you've come to know is love.
The more the seconds pass, you two sat in stillness in the back of his van like this, the more you convince yourself that for him, this was just that. A fling.
Finally, you feel him stir and his breath falter. And then he turns slowly, a hand rubbing down his face, and as he does you brush the hair out of his face. Your own breath hitches when you see his eyes.
His gaze is fixed downwards, but you can still see that he's all red and wet. There are smudged tears around his lashes. It takes everything in you not to kiss them away.
You reach your hand to mirror the other, holding his head in two palms. He brings his own around your wrists where he holds them, gentle but firm, thumb swirling circles into the skin.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, and you watch as his eyes rise to meet yours. You damn near kill him when they do, your face all soft and sad. He wants to fix it.
"No, shit, babe, you don't have to be sorry." His voice is as wet as his face, thick like treacle, words like cotton wool.
"I love you," he says. His voice is louder than before, cutting you off mid-plea, though it's still full of affection. "But it scares me."
"Why?" You tilt your head like a sad puppy and Eddie all but combusts on the spot.
He does it again - closes his eyes, breathes in, breathes out - and then says, words wavering but intentional: "No one has ever told me they love me before."
You can't help the sharp breath you take in at his words. It seems to take your brain a moment to catch up, and it's Eddie's nervous chuckle that draws you back.
"You're serious?" you say, completely unable to compute what he's said.
"Uh, yeah."
"Oh, Eds," you breathe, a whine, hovering your lips close to his face. You kiss his cheek three times, then his nose and the space between his eyebrows. His eyes flutter shut under your touch, your palms still either side of his face and his own hands still clutching your wrists. "I love you," you tell him again with a kiss to his brow. "I love you," with a kiss to his temple. "I love you," with a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
He laughs, and asks, "what are you doing?"
"Making up for it."
His fingers clench tighter around your arms and you pretend that you don't feel the jolt to your centre at the pressure.
"Making up for the 23 years you've not had people telling you they love you." Kiss. "'Cos they do, y'know." Kiss. "Just have a weird way of saying it." Kiss. "So I'm telling you: I love you."
He manages to catch your lips with his own and kisses you back, deep and moved by warm, syrupy love.
"I love you, too," he says again, mouth on yours. He moves down your jaw, peppering kisses along it and down the column of your throat. His fingers on your wrist were already sending you dizzy in your post-anxious haze, but now you know where this is going. You know that he knows what this does to you, and when he makes for your collarbones you're sure you're a goner. 
The lock of his fingers releases and he traces them down your forearm until they settle on your waist, skirting the hem of your top. The sensation of them on your skin there, on the hollow of your sides, sends jolts down your spine and between your thighs, where you squirm in an attempt to relieve at least some of the tension.
To distract yourself, you raise your arms, a signal that he should lift your shirt. He pulls the fabric up and over your head, laughing softly with you when it gets caught in your hair.
Eddie has seen you naked more times than you can count since May. The first time, he was a nervous wreck, mind half on not tearing open his two-month-old wounds and half on making sure you had the best time. And you did, and he only got better each time after that.
Here, underneath you, he sits staring at your bare chest like he's a starved man. It's kind of feral, which should perhaps worry you, but he's so loving that it only winds you up more.
His lips are on you before you can think to feel too softly about all of this.
"Eddie," you pant. He groans into the stretched skin of your sternum, where he's kissing down, down, down, as low as his dipped head will allow. With his hands now on your back, one up between your shoulder blades and another lower down, he leans you backwards so he can keep going. You crane your neck back and think, briefly, about how pornographic this must look. The thought drives you completely wild. 
He lowers you slowly to the ground. Sitting back up, he reaches to pull his own shirt over his head, before climbing awkwardly over you to pull the doors shut. There's no one out here, there never is, but he knows you'd spend the whole thing anxious about being caught. All he wants is for you to be comfortable.
You sit up to pull your sneakers and shorts off, so that when he's back you're lying down again in just your pants and white tennis socks. He lowers himself, knees either side of your thighs, hands on the flesh there, kneading it like dough, and bends over you. He kisses across your collarbones, back up your jaw, retracing his steps. When he kisses the corner of your mouth, he says, "I love you."
You say it back, pushing the words back into his mouth, kissing him softly.
Sex with Eddie is always tender, sure, but it's also almost always quick, rough and time-efficient. Not in an unsexy way; it's how you've both liked it for the last few months, stealing moments when you can between pool parties and movie nights and shifts at work.
You'd known tonight was different when Eddie had asked you up here. You're not not exclusive, though the question's never been explicitly asked - if anyone was to pry, you'd always refer to him as your boyfriend - but this feels like a real date.
And so this sex is different, too. Softer, warmer, slower. You help him pull his jeans down, all the way off, and then you hook your fingers over the waistband of his underwear. But he comes to grip your wrist again, stopping you, and he huffs a laugh when you whine.
"Not yet," he breathes, lifting himself up.
"But Eddie-"
"Stop being impatient," he teases. His fingers are still locked around your wrist. "We have all the time in the world."
You melt. Is this what you think it is?
He kisses you again, and you keen into his mouth. You feel his touch against your hip bone, and his fingers curl around your underwear. Tugging them down, his other hand runs down your thigh and under your knee, helping himself undress you completely.
"You," he breathes, "are so fuckin' beautiful."
You giggle, biting your lip to suppress a grin. You turn your head to one side, cheek brushing the old blanket that covers the floor, and he seizes the opportunity to kiss under your ear and down your neck.
"Look at me," he says again. When you don't, instead craning your neck to wind him up, he digs his fingers into your sides and you squirm beneath him, laughing.
Your eyes meet his and as they do, you feel his fingers on the skin right above where you want him most. He plots a dance across your hips and down between your thighs, teasing and cruel, but his eyes are so gorgeous and dark and all lovesick and it's so hard to be mad at him.
Finally, they find your clit, find purchase on the skin despite how wet you've become. He hums a smug, proud noise when you arch your back at his touch.
You feel euphoric at these light swipes alone; God knows what you'll be like when he's inside you.
As you think this, the thought consumes you. It swallows you whole, filling every space with thoughts of Eddie.
"Need you," you whimper.
"Oh yeah?"
You groan at his cockiness, at his teasing and the fact his fingers still aren't inside you.
You try to say, "please," but the word comes out strangled. You're desperate, aching, caving in from the inside out.
"You're asking so nicely," he croons, tone mocking. And then he moves, leans down over you so your bare chest presses to his, and he says in your ear with a new breathlessness, "you're so good."
The praise is like gasoline on this incredibly torturous fire. You can't bear it, your hands are everywhere, all over his back and down to his underwear which you want rid of immediately.
"Please, Eds," you say again, and you smile when you hear him groan at the petname. You are the only person who calls him that, and you reserve it for when you want something from him.
"I'm trying to be romantic," he says with a breathy laugh.
"I don't care," you bark out without thinking.
"Fine," he says back, resolute. "You wanna be like that? You'll get what you ask for."
The switch in his tone is like a firecracker. You're all wriggly and about as impatient as a person can get by now, enthralled by the prospect that he might finally get inside you.
He sits up on his heels and manages to get his underwear off. You sit up on your elbows to look at him properly, wonderstruck.
"You're so pretty," you breathe out.
He laughs at you, and says, "y'really know how to get a guy goin', huh?"
You just reach one arm up, shifting your weight onto one elbow, and make those same grabby hands at him that you had earlier, before you'd bared all to him and told him you love him.
"Alright, alright," he says, leaning back over you. Your impatient fingers coil around his cock, at which he hisses out air through his teeth. You flick your thumb over the tip and pull your hand up and down a few times, before he covers it with his own hand and pries it away gently. He locks his fingers with yours and you think you really might melt from how happy you are.
"You ready?"
"So ready," you plead.
But he doesn't move, even when you scratch his back lightly with your other hand. Instead, he looks down at you with a strange expression.
"What?" you ask.
"I love you," he tells you again. It makes you flush; you feel a warmth spread up your scalp and across your cheeks, and you can't help the way you smile back at him.
Finally, he adjusts himself at your entrance, and slowly pushes in. Even now, after months of this, you need time to get used to him and he knows it, relishes in it. Arching your back you dig your nails even deeper into the flesh of his back, grip his hand even harder, and moan a sound that makes him answer your call with his own.
That's all you can hear: your own breathy moans, Eddie's groans, and skin on skin. It's otherworldly; you'd be happy here forever.
In and out, he thrusts slow and firm. He's being gentle; you can tell that even though he'd feigned a roughness that usually excites you, he'd been intent on tonight being like this since the beginning.
It's unlike any of the sex you've ever had with him before, and you could see yourself getting used to it.
"Eddie, oh my god-"
"I know, I know," he pants. He's squinting, eyes tight shut, so you reach up to hold one side of his face. He opens them and looks at you as he slows his thrusts, and comes down to kiss you. As he picks up the pace again, it becomes a mess of lips and teeth.
"Eddie, I- I-"
"I've got you, sugar."
In answer to your unspoken request, he relinquishes your hand and moves his fingers between your bodies to your clit, drawing quick circles that make your eyes roll back into your skull. You're close, so close; there's a fire within that is spreading, your walls are clenching tighter, your vision's burning brighter.
You know he's there, too, close to the edge you're both about to fall off. Just a few more thrusts, a few more deft movements of his fingers on your clit and you burst, a supernova, bright and hot.
You scream his name as you come undone, limbs limp and mind blank. He pants above you, concentrating, murmuring sweet nothings that make no sense but send you dizzy anyway. 
"Good girl," he says through swift breaths. "So, so good."
He's riding you through your orgasm, bringing you to the very edge of sensitivity, until he goes, too. You feel him go rigid and with a groan he comes, warm and familiar inside you.
As he rests on you for a moment, still inside you, you brush his hair out of his face and kiss him gently on his cheek.
"I love you," you tell him again, for the thousandth time that evening.
"I love you, too," he repeats.
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idk who said it, but someone was like "what happened if the main peculiar children just lost their peculiar abilities" and i- i desperately need go make a one shot for this so here y'all go :)
*this takes place around a map of days bc that's the book I've gotten up to at this point*
*third person*
Jacob woke up feeling quite odd, though he hadn't the faintest idea why.
He went out into the living room where all of his friends we're already up. They had all became quite time blind in the mornings due to the loop switchings, so they often woke up fairly early.
Olive and Claire were watching cartoons,and had made Bronwyn watch with them.
Millard was on a different couch reading a book with Hugh stumped against him attempting to read the novel as well.
Jacob smiled at his friends before walking into the kitchen where there was a wonderful aroma of pancakes and syrup.
It seemed that Miss Peregrine had forced Enoch, Emma, and Horace to help her cook breakfast. Though Jacob was fairly certain that Horace was willing to make it and had forced Enoch to help.
"Morning all," Jacob said as he started getting plates out of the cabinets to set the table with.
Emma brighten and quickly hugged him. "Morning!"
"Miss. Bloom," Miss Peregrine called out from the stove. "Can you keep these pancakes warm while I finished making the rest?"
"Mr. O'Connor, can you please finish the fruit salad instead of mopping around?" Miss P sighed.
Enoch muttered something under his breath but started cutting up fruit nonetheless.
Horace was humming a tune as he cooked the sausage.
"What on earth?" Emma's sudden outburst brought Jacob's attention to her.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
Emma rubbed her hands together and then held them our through the already baked pancakes and frowned. "My fire isn't working!"
Miss. Peregrine's brow furrowed. "Perhaps you used too much fire yesterday?" She suggested.
"Maybe..." Emma said but she's didn't sound sure.
"MISS. P!!!" Hugh came running into the room dragging Millard behind him.
At first Jacob didn't know what was wrong with Millard. The boy was just staring at his hands. Then Jacob remembered that Millard was supposed to be invisible, and you shouldn't be able to see his hands.
The other's in the kitchen seemed to realize it at the same time he did and they all gasped.
"You're hands are visible!" Horace exclaimed, stating the obvious.
"No shit," Enoch muttered and Horace elbowed him in the rib.
Millard ignored Enoch and nodded. "And my feet!" He sounded more amazed than concerned.
"Oh dear," Miss peregrine mumbled. "What day is it?"
"Um," Jacob checked his phone before saying, "October 13th, why?"
"Oh this is bad. I completely forgot." Miss peregrine stressed.
"Forgot what?" Emma asked, now concerned.
"Gather all of the others, I'll tell you all over breakfast."
By the time everyone got into the kitchen, they all has seemed for realize that something was off.
Hugh hadn't seen his bees all morning, Olive wasn't floating, Claire's back mouth was completely gone, and Bronwyn was having trouble lifting the things she would normally be able to lift.
"What's going on? !" Asked Olive as she took off her metal shoes and didn't start floating.
"Children calm down please," Miss Peregrine set the food on the table and then sat in her seat. "I will explain what's happening but I need you all to stay calm."
There was a chorus of "Yes Miss. Peregrine"s as everyone helped themselves to the food.
Miss. P started explaining. "Every five years on October 13, peculiars lose their peculiar abilities for 24 hours."
"Why?" Asked Millard. "And why hasn't it happened before?"
"It happens so that peculiars don't overwork their abilities. It's never happened before because it only happens after you've been in a loop for a long period of time, but it was always September 3rd in our loop so it never happened before today."
Everyone was quiet until Olive jumped out of her seat, excitedly. "I wanna go to the beach! I don't have for wear my metal shoes so I can go swimming!"
Claire perked up at that. "Can we?"
Soon most of the children were coming up with things to do.
Miss P hushed everyone and then faked a exasperated sigh. "I suppose you can do something fun today and skip the lesson, but finish your breakfast first!"
Everyone continued eating, but now there was much more chatter.
Olive and Claire were trying to convinced Bronwyn to taks them to the beach. Millard, who was rapidly becoming visible, had decided that he wanted to go to a book store, and had begged Hugh to go with him (he said yes of course). Emma and Jacob planned a day of just hanging out together and doing normal teenager stuff. Enoch complained to no one in particular that he had nothing to do so Olive (being the sweetheart she is) invited him to go to the beach, to which he reluctantly agreed.
At some point Miss P turned to Horace and asked what he was going to do because he hasn't said anything.
"I," he replied, motioning to himself grandly, "am going to take a nap, because I haven't had more then 4 hours of sleep all week due to these stupid nightmares."
Olive giggled at his over dramatics (though all of what he said was true).
By the time everyone finished breakfast Millard was completely visible.
Hugh, who was sitting right next to him, grabbed a handful of millards hair and examined it. "I never realized how long your hair is!"
Millard just shrugged. "It's not like there's a barber shop that cuts the hair of invisible people!" He joked.
Emma who was sitting on the other side of Hugh, scrunched up her nose. "It's a dreadful mess, that's what it is!" She exclaimed.
"Oh please, " Millard said, pushing a lock of hair behind his ear, "it's no worse than your hair on a day to day basis, and you can see what you look like!"
Emma gasped. "You take that back!"
"I won't," Millard huffed.
"Children, children! No fighting!" Miss peregrine clapped her hands to get everyone quiet. "Now, considering that it seems all of you already have your day planned out, you can go get ready and then do what you have planned, but no fighting please!"
By the end of the day Millard had gotten his hair brushed and bought six new books, Hugh had got a few new plants for a round the house, Olive and Claire had a wonderful day at the beach and had even gotten Enoch to crack a small grin at one of their jokes while Bronwyn made sure none of them hurt themselves. Emma and Jacob watched some of Jacob's favorite Disney movies and just had a calm afternoon. And Horace got to sleep for the whole day which he was happy about. All in all, everyone was happy that day even though it felt weird to not have their abilities for a while.
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ryawinters · 19 days
An AU Idea I had
So I have heard from some people that if friendships last more than 7 (or 10 - I forget which), it lasts a lifetime.
The Marauders met on the 1st of September, 1971. While it is difficult to say whether they became friends instantly (like James and Sirius did, but I am not sure about the other two) or not. But it is safe to say that they did cross the 7 year mark right after they left for Hogwarts. (And assuming they became friends instantly, September of 1981 would have been their 10 year anniversary.)
So let's take the wizarding world. The whole friendship for a lifetime thing. Love and friendship are important themes in the Harry Potter saga, so let's take it a bit further. If you have been friends with someone for a certain period of time, you are bound to be their friend for a lifetime. You can choose the number - either 7 (the number with the most magical significance in the series) or 10 (a special number, which feels more significant when specifying the length of time spend together)
With 10:
For the 10 year friendship thing, I figured that they'd have to be friends instantly for their 10 year anniversary to fall before James dies. Now this gives us a period of 2 months - all of September + most of October (or even all). Let us consider 31st October to be the actual date their friendship started (like Harry, Ron and Hermione)
For the 10 year thing, idk I just figured Peter is really content with being friends with them. He still does spy, but he tries not to let his friends be the ones in danger. (The list eventually also includes Lily and Harry.)
Until the prophecy.
Until Harry Potter is Voldemort's newest target, and there is no way Peter can convince James to just hand over Harry. Peter knows, that James would die for Harry, if it came down to it. But it's okay, he figures. They'll go into hiding. He just doesn't have to know where, so Voldemort wouldn't find out either.
Enter Sirius and the brilliant plan.
Exit James and Lily.
Wait, wait, a whole bunch of stuff happens in between.
Peter doesn't want to betray his friends, not really. He doesn't want James, Lily and Harry to be in danger, because he does love them. But he loves living more.
So, when he becomes the Secret Keeper, and Voldemort asks him for the Potters' location, he gives it. Belatedly, he remembers, that their 10 year anniversary is coming up. That it is tomorrow - Halloween. If James dies on Halloween, the 10 year pact wouldn't really have kicked in, per say. Peter would be fine. He hopes.
He prays that James and Lily just let Harry die - atleast they'd survive. But he doesn't dare ask Voldemort that.
Now we're back to the 'Exit James and Lily' part.
But of course, the bond doesn't kick in - not really, not until the 31st of October is over. Somehow, Peter ends up cursed anyway.
Sirius Black confronts Peter on the 1st of November, 1981. Hours after the 10 year anniversary of their friendship. Peter betrays Sirius. Peter blows up the street. Sirius goes to Azkaban. Peter ends up cursed.
James seems to haunt Peter - a ghost only he can see. Keeps haunting him, keeps guilt tripping him, keeps blaming him, and most of all, keeps wanting to be with his son. It drives Peter crazy. He is unable to do anything about it because as far as anyone else is concerned, he is dead. So if he makes a reappearance to get help, he is dead. And he is worried that if he stays like this, he will kill himself.
(Ofc James is not really there. James cannot be forced to spend the rest of his existence haunting Peter. James is wherever dead people are - not with the living. Peter's magic, having bonded with the other 3, seems to be going against him for what he did to them. James is just the only one who could reasonably haunt Peter, so his magic (or head) conjures up images of James.)
(Or it could go a different way. Maybe they become friends on Sirius' birthday. Maybe Peter had James killed and framed Sirius right before their 10 year anniversary so he wouldn't be bound by the promise of a friendship lasting a lifetime (it did last a lifetime for James). Maybe Peter planned out the day. Maybe.)
With 7:
The same story really. Except, in this case Sirius is also haunted by 'James'. Yes, yes, I know Sirius did not betray James. But Sirius thinks he was (atleast partially) responsible for James' death. That guilt is enough to convince his magic that he broke the friendship pact.
The dementors ........................... do not help.
I admit, I got this idea from a Coco fanfiction called The Bedside Ghost by the amazing PengyChan. It is an amazing story and I 100% recommend everyone to check it out.
Anyway idk where I am going with this.
Ugh maybe I will write something like this one day when I have the time.
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