#maybe have that be the point where charlie goes “oh you wanna go bitch? you wanna go?”
justmenoworries · 1 month
If I have one wish for Hazbin season 2 it's please, please let Charlie go apeshit and just absolutely destroy someone.
Season 1's been teasing us with how powerful Charlie is and how much potential she has only to basically nerf her into the ground for the final battle so Lucifer could be all badass and shit.
Alastor's been allowed to go berserk so many times in season one and he's canonically weaker than the Morningstar family so can we let Charlie have the spotlight now?
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averyangrypossum · 3 months
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the
Flowerbroadcast AU!
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Based on the two drawings I did of a fankid for the ship radiostatic.
The full-body one
And the one with both Vox and her
And now, I’m gonna tell you all about it and exactly who the fuck this little kid is.
Lotus is the daughter of Vox (as you can tell) and Alastor and is six years old. She was created shortly after Vox and Al broke up, oh yeah I should probably talk about their relationship status. Vox and Alastor, unlike in canon, weren’t only close friends but were dating at some point, mostly because Alastor wanted to manipulate Vox’s feelings to where he’d be more compilable but accidentally took it too far, and since Vox is a piss baby Alastor decided to entertain Vox for a while.
Was this relationship healthy?
Would Vox say these were the best years of his afterlife?
But anyways, in this au when Vox asks Alastor to “join his team” he was actually proposing and Alastor finally realized,
“Shit maybe this has gone out of hand” and breaks it off with Vox which leaves Vox heartbroken and with an incel breakdown. Now instead of trying to move the fuck on, he has our little darling Lotus, who he has trying to fill the hole that Alastor left.
So obviously having a child for that reason isn’t going to make you a good parent.
Lotus’ relationship with the Vees are as follows in the particular order.
1 Velvette: She does Lotus’s hair everyday and picks out outfits for her to post on her social media before Lotus immediately undos everything that Velvette does and just goes for pigtails and her nightgown. Velvette has wine aunt energy and is probably the only one of the Vees to know how to talk and get through to Lotus.
2 Valentino: Surprising I know, but Lotus doesn’t know what he does to his workers, she knows what he does for work but grew up with thinking that was just something normal since Valentino was never hush hush about his job around her much to Vox’s dismay. Valentino isn’t a big fan of children and doesn’t hang around her often, but sometimes he’ll draw along side her while bitching about a particular show she’s watching even though it’s literally made for kids.
3 Vox: Wow, how bad do you have to fuck up for a pimp who hardly spends time with her to be ranked higher than her own father?? Vox, despite making the conscious decision to have her, he isn’t around like at all. Hes a workaholic through and through, and mostly leaves her with nannies and Velvette. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. Au contraire he loves her with all his heart and soul. Will give her anything except quality time. He uses her more of an accessory than a child.
Now how exactly Lotus was made is up to you.
A robotic creation Vox made? Sure!
Some voodoo magic shit? Yeah!
Some weird magic thing where she kinda just poofed into existence? Why not!
Mpreg? I mean, do what you wanna do ig?
Cuz it really doesn’t matter!
This whole au starts with Lotus running away from the Vee tower to explore hell since she's basically Rapunzel. She gets lost and terrorized by sinners until our deer Alastor rescues her. Seeing his chance to promote the hotel he takes her there where she is offered to stay there by Charlie when Lotus complains about how bad her dad is. She graciously accepts because shes only six but is going through her “My dad hates me and I hate him” era. Which I mean…I would get that impression too if I didn’t see my dad that much.
Wait my dad lives across the country…don't talk to me rn I’m busy dyeing my hair black and becoming emo 🖤
But anyways she stays there while Vox is loosing his fucking mind, and becoming more mentally unstable.
Meanwhile! She's having the time of her life with the hotel's residents and a new father figure who treats her well and pays attention to her! Alastor! Now Al doesn’t know she is his kid, but that doesn't stop him from being a better dad than Vox out of spite!
Anyways, thats all I have, for now! Stay tuned my friends~
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Chaotic Family Tingz - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader ft. Older brother L/N Ryu and Younger brother L/N Itazura
Warnings: Cursing, Crack, Fluff, Tatted Bakugou bc ✨SPICE✨
Summary: You have a very….special family. You were nervous to not only bring your Tatted, motorcycle riding boyfriend to your home but also to show your very loving boyfriend your insane family. Unfortunately, the truth cannot be hidden for long. Unfortunately for your boyfriend, Bakugou, he learned the truth in a very L/N family way.
A/N: Heavily inspired by Good Luck Charlie. ALSO, I wrote this more based around Y/N and her life but Katsuki plays part in it. I still think it’s good bc imagine Bakugou being in this situation 😆🤣
You and Bakugou Katsuki have been dating for a year. You fell in love with the Bakugou Katsuki.
He who had a sleeve full of tattoos, who wore black combat boots and chains, who rode slick black motorcycles yet was a total softie when it came to you
Even though you had been dating for over a year, you didn’t bring him home for multiple reasons
1. You wanted to be sure he was the one before he met your crazy family, 2. You didn’t want him to meet your crazy family
Notice how we keep saying crazy?
Eventually, Bakugou got tired of waiting. He wanted you to be comfortable but he also wanted to know you loved him enough to think he was the guy you would want to bring home to meet your family
Meeting the parents and meeting the family is a big step and shows that you really want him as part of your life. It would mean a whole lot to him
And when he requested to meet your family and you shut it down again, he began to question you
“Do you not want me to meet them because…of me? Do you not want them to meet me?”
You looked at your boyfriend with a sad look as he stared at you like a kicked puppy
“Baby, no. Of course I want my family to meet you.”
“Then why haven’t they?”
“….Because I don’t want you to meet them.”
“Suki! They’re insane! I’m just- *sigh.* What if their craziness drives you away from me?”
Bakugou laughed at you in disbelief. Leave you? Like hell he would. Bakugou’s done a whole lot in his life and you are the one thing he got right.
“Yeah no. Sorry princess but you’re stuck with me for life. I’m not going anywhere.” When he said that, he kissed your knuckles before leaving a kiss on your lips which convinced you to let him meet your insane family
He celebrated right in front of you
Anyway, what you need to know is that you’re family is….crazy crazy. Crazy as in things are never boring in your house because things are always happening
(Mind you, the actions below happened before you said yes to letting Katsuki meet your family)
Now back to what we were saying
Bad things happen a lot. Things like your little 11 year old brother, Itazura, always getting into trouble at school. In fact, this time he got into so much trouble that his teacher called for a parent teacher meeting
Not wanting to get in trouble at home, Itazura had you and your brother pretend to be his parents and go to the meeting
Now you said no in the beginning, but he blackmailed you by threatening to tell your parents you broke their priceless-antique wedding china and so you had to give in
It didn’t take much convincing for your older brother, Ryu, to join in on Itazura’s plan. Ryu was a very….simple person.
“You’re just gonna give in like that?” You asked him
“I mean, in the end it just saves time.” He said, referring to how Itazura will always find a way to get what he wants
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
And so, you and Ryu posed as Itazura’s parents. You dressed in your mom’s work clothes while Ryu dressed in a suit and put on a fake mustache for gags
You both presented yourselves along with Itazura to his teacher, who can barely see straight, and the plan went on perfectly. You guys got away with it!
That was until Itazura’s teacher, who was named Mrs. Iko, saw you at the movies on a date with Katsuki
And this is where it all goes down. Take a seat my bitches, and bros, and non-binary hoes cuz shits about to get real
(Shoutout to you if you get the reference ;)
*Ding Dong*
Your brother was sitting on the couch with his boyfriend when all of a sudden the doorbell rang, catching Ryu’s attention.
Opening the door, Ryu was met with the sight of Mrs. Iko. She took notice of his younger clothes, appearance, and mustache-less face. “Mrs. Iko? What’re you doing here?”
“Mr. L/N!” Mrs. Iko said with a shocked face and hand over her mouth. “You look so much younger! And your mustache has disappeared!”
Ryu grew visibly nervous at her words and gulped before letting out a shaky laugh. “O-Oh! Right! Yes, Uh- yes I’ve always been known for my Uh- youthful looks! And I just recently shaved- wanted a new look, you know?”
“Oh, well that doesn’t matter. I’m afraid I have some awful news.” Mrs. Iko said with a worried face as Ryu listened. “It’s about your wife.”
At that, Ryu’s longtime boyfriend, Daisuke, stood and walked towards the two. “Your wife? You have a wife?”
“No.” Ryu said.
“You don’t?” Mrs. Iko asked.
“Of course I do!” Ryu said, turning to her. Mrs. Iko looked around as if everyone in the house was crazy (they were) before speaking.
“Who are you?” She asked Daisuke.
“I’m his boyfriend.” He said. At that moment, you walked into the house holding Katsuki’s hand, ready to introduce him to your family, totally unprepared for what was about to go down.
“Hey guys! We’re back from the- GAH!” You said, yelping once you saw Mrs. Iko in the house. Mrs. Iko looked at you and Katsuki in shock as she pointed to you both.
“And here she is with her boyfriend!” Mrs. Iko exclaimed. Ryu felt pressured to play along and tried to save Itazura’s secret by keeping the husband act going.
“You’re cheating on me?!” Ryu said to you. “You’re a married woman!”
“You’re married?!” Bakugou asked you with an angry and hurt voice.
“No! No, no, no, no.” You said with a nervous laugh, trying to reassure him.
“You’re not?” Mrs. Iko asked.
“Of course I am!” You said, snapping your head to her. At that moment, Itazura walked in from the kitchen, but once he saw Mrs. Iko, he quickly turned back to go to the kitchen once more with a shocked expression.
“Geeeh!” He exclaimed before turning around, unfortunately caught by you.
“Uh- ITAZURA!” You shouted from the door as Bakugou held you close by the waist as a way of claiming his territory just in case things were in trouble for the two of you. Don’t worry, they weren’t. He believed you when you said you weren’t married but he’s starting to notice the weird shit that goes down in this house.
Itazura then came back, slowly poking his head in from behind the door as he stepped out. “Yes, Mother?”
Hearing you referred to that, Bakugou’s eyes popped before looking down at you. “Okay! I’m starting to see why you didn’t want me to meet your family.”
You nodded your head in a very ‘yeah…sadly,’ type of way.
“Uh- Itazura,” you said, walking towards your little brother. “Mrs. Iko has found out that your father and I are having problems.” You said in a ‘help us out of this you evil mastermind,’ type of way.
“Uhhh..and does she know that you guys are the reason I misbehave?” Itazura said, loud enough for Mrs. Iko to hear, hoping she would.
“Oh, I do now!” Mrs. Iko said sympathetically. Itazura came in like the evil mastermind he is and pulled out his fake tears.
“Well, maybe some good can come from all this pain,” he said with his fake tears and pouty lip towards his teacher. You faked a laugh before whispering to your younger brother.
“Hehehe…dial it down.” You said to him before turning to his teacher. “Um, Mrs. Iko, if you’ll excuse us, this family has some healing to do.”
“Which! I would like to do with just my parents and their apparent significant others,” Itazura said pointing to Daisuke and Katsuki.
“Welp! You should be on your way! Stay warm now!” Ryu said, beginning to escort Mrs. Iko out the front door by her shoulders. “Don’t wanna freeze off your toes!”
Unfortunately, right before the two reached the door, your actual parents came in. At the sight of them, you and your siblings flinched, sighed, and groaned before facing them. Luckily, Itazura came in once again to try and save the day in his lying ways.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” Itazura said going in to hug his actual parents to play his part. Your parents looked down to your brother in confusion and suspicion, well aware that your brother can get into some mischievous trouble.
“What’s going on?!” Your mom said, shaking off your brother’s hug.
“I’m Itazura’s teacher, I came to talk to his parents.” Mrs. Iko said introducing herself and gesturing to you and Ryu, to which the two of you scrunched your faces at being caught.
“We’re his parents.” Your dad said, gesturing to your mom and him. Mrs. Iko grew a face of utter shock before Itazura opened his mouth again.
“Hahaha, that’s right grandpa! You’re my dad!” Itazura said before whispering to Mrs. Iko. “He thinks he’s the president too.”
Your mom looked unimpressed at your brother’s lie until she caught sight of Bakugou in his white v-neck tee, and his big beefy arms covered in tattoos, holding his green bomber jacket, wearing his black ripped jeans and black combat boots. “Who are you?”
“Hey, I’m Bakugou Katsuki.” Your boyfriend said, waving with his gentler voice. Your dad looked outside and pointed to the foreign vehicle in their driveway before turning to Katsuki.
“Is that your motorcycle?” Your dad asked, making you nervous before you jumped to stand next to Katsuki to defend him.
“Um, yeah, about that-“
“I love motorcycles!” Your dad exclaimed with a smile.
“We’re dating!” You proudly said with a bright grin as you wrapped your arms around Katsuki’s as he looked down to you with a loving smile, loving when he heard you say those words to other people.
“Will you stop throwing that in my face?!” Ryu said, still playing his act.
“We’re not doing that anymore.” You blankly said to him with a dead stare.
“Great! Because I was getting a bit confused,” Ryu said and wrapped his arm around Daisuke’s waist.
And on that night, Mrs. Iko left, just as confused as Ryu.
“Alright,” your mom began, beginning to speak to you, your siblings, Daisuke, and Katsuki. “You, you, you, you, and you, sit. Now.”
“Uh, sorry,” your boyfriend said, “but I’m not your child. I don’t think you can tell me what to-“
“Did. I. Stutter?” Your mother asked with her devil eyes. Your gentler father stood behind her with a pleading look to your boyfriend to try and convince him to save himself. Katsuki felt his heart shake in fear at your mother’s tone and he opened his mouth to speak before closing it and taking a seat next to you on the couch.
“Mama Bear?” He asked you, referring to your mother.
“Mama Bear.” You confirmed. Bakugou nodded his head before relaxing into the couch.
“Okay. Now somebody tell me what’s going on.” Your mom demanded. You and Ryu remained quiet while your boyfriends sat in confusion. You all looked to Itazura who sighed before giving in.
“Okay, fine. I was getting in trouble at school and it got to the point where I had to have a parent teacher meeting. I didn’t want to get in trouble at home so I blackmailed Y/N and Ryu into being my parents so I could get away with it.” Itazura then explained.
“I guess somewhere along the line, Mrs. Iko caught me and Katsuki together so I guess she came here to tell Ryu, who she thought was my husband, that I was having an affair.” You then explained. Ryu was just sitting on the couch with his arm still around Daisuke before he raised his hand.
Your mother sighed at her oldest child being so..childish. “Yes, Ryu?”
“Uh- no I was just wondering if I could put on the fake mustache again.” He stupidly said with a genuine heart. You and your younger brother sighed in disappointment at his idiocy before turning to your parents.
“So? Are you going to punish us?” You asked your mom. She smiled at you sweetly before taking a seat in front of you on the coffee table.
“Oh, sweetie…..of course we’re going to punish you.” She said while placing a hand on your knee. She then stood to hand out her dealings. “Itazura, no video games, no sleepovers, no tv. Ryu, Y/N - no phones, no tv, no going anywhere after school. All of you, grounded. 2 weeks. We’re letting you keep your laptops for school work so if you need to communicate, use those. Am I clear?”
You and your siblings all nodded before your mother sighed and addressed the last thing. “Now finally, what did you say your name was, sweetie?”
“Oh! Uh, Bakugou Katsuki.” Your boyfriend said. Your mother smiled at him kindly before dropping that smile and giving him a look.
“Straight A’s.”
“Tattoos and Piercings. Why?”
“Most of them are to honor the people in my life.”
“Motorcycle. Why?”
“It was a gift I decided to not let go to waste.”
“Are you an asshole?”
“Only to idiots.”
“Why my daughter?”
“Because when she smiles everything in the world instantly makes sense to me.”
His last answer made you smile at him in awe as you scooted in closer. It also made your parents smile before your mom reached over to place a hand on his arm. “Welcome to the family, Bakugou.”
“So that’s your family, huh?” Bakugou asked as you both sat in your backyard on the hammock looking at the starry sky.
“Heh, yeah. A bunch of clowns.” You said, resting your head on his shoulder as his arm held you close.
“I don’t think so. They seem fun.” Bakugou said, trying to uplift your spirits.
“Fun. Crazy. Same shit I guess.” You said causing you both to laugh. Katsuki sighed in gratitude at finally getting to meet your family and allowed his head to drop on your own. “Umm..you’re not gonna leave me though..right?”
“Never.” He said with a small laugh and kiss to the crown of your head. “Like I said, you’re stuck with me. Besides. I now know if I’m ever bored, your family will always be around. S’like free entertainment.” He said making you giggle. “Plus, Itazura doesn’t seem so bad. I don’t know, might wanna pull a few pranks on him just to teach him a lesson.”
“Aww, baby.” You said kissing his cheek. “No you don’t, it’ll backfire on you and he’ll set your ass on fire. Doesn’t matter if you’re 5 years older than him.”
Bakugou widened his eyes in offense before chuckling and cuddling in closer as you both swung on the hammock. That was when you raised your head to look at him. “So…when can I meet your parents?”
Bakugou’s eyes once again popped as he thought about his timid father who was a doormat to his demonic mother. “Uh…I don’t know..They’re kinda…insane.”
Here we go again.
Taglist: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan @is-this-ash @iris-shihabi @sxturn-stars @isolight @lanantoine @whatdidshesayyy @qtsuki @lazyafgurl @dessykcm @misssugarless @unicornlover25 @sweethcnvy @hanamura-manami @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou @ssurewhynottt
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wayward-dreamer · 4 years
Strength To Let It Show
Pairing: Dean x Female!Reader
Word Count: 3,758
Warnings: Angst. Swearing, some sexual talk/thoughts about the other person, drinking, unrequited feelings, denial of feelings. (I think that’s it!)
Summary: Y/N and Charlie have a girls’ night in, where Y/N gets drunk and can’t stop complimenting Dean. On their brothers’ night out to the bar, Dean gets drunk and can’t stop complimenting Y/N. They’ve never acknowledged their feelings to each other, and Charlie and Sam are sick of it. They devise a plan, giving them enough time for feelings to be revealed. But will Dean and Y/N take the opportunity to tell each other how they feel? Based on this anonymous request: “Dean and reader get drunk, all they do is complement each other but when they’re sober, they deny their obvious feelings.”
Story title comes from “Can’t Fight This Feeling” by REO Speedwagon!
A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this, I enjoy writing a little angst every now and then. Hope you guys enjoy it; please let me know what you think! :)
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It wasn’t often that Y/N got to spend some quality girl time with someone. So, when Charlie called, she invited her over to have a girls’ night in a couple of days, while Sam and Dean went out to a bar. She missed Charlie and it would be great to catch up with her.
Dean walked into the kitchen, as he shrugged his jacket on. Y/N stood at the kitchen table and collected ingredients for the margarita’s she planned on making for her and Charlie.
“You sure you don’t wanna come with me and Sammy?” he asked, as he eyed what she was doing.
Y/N smiled, shaking her head. “Positive. Charlie’s going to be here soon with the food, so say your ‘hi’s’ and then out. Okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Okay. Jeez, so eager to get rid of me. Should’ve known you wanted alone time with Charlie for a reason” he teased.
“Dean!” she squealed, as she reached over and smacked his arm.
Dean grinned as he shook his head. “Just kidding, sweetheart. I know you’ve got a big ol’ crush on me.”
“In your dreams, Winchester” she groaned.
She had no idea how right she was about that. Before Dean could respond, they heard the heavy Bunker door open, squeaking loudly.
“Hola bitches!” they heard Charlie call out.
Dean walked out of the kitchen to go meet Charlie. Y/N didn’t follow behind him straight away, as she thought about what he said. He may have only been teasing her, but he was right. She did have a crush on him. More than a crush; she was in love with him and had been since they first met. She just never mustered up the courage to tell him.
They met on a werewolf case, one that Y/N had been handling alone. She had killed it but not before the son of a bitch had scratched her upper arm, deep. The boys found her and insisted on bringing her back to their motel room to patch her up. One look at Dean’s green eyes and she was done for. As he patched her up, he was gentle, caring, and told her stupid jokes to distract her from the pain.
She hunted alone a couple more times after that, but the boys eventually convinced her to join them. That was now 5 years ago. In that time, she and Sam had become close, like brother and sister. She and Dean had become close too, and while she did consider him her best friend, Dean was a lot more, too.
She loved him, but she couldn’t tell him. It was never going to happen, so why should she embarrass herself by telling him the truth?
Y/N walked out of the kitchen, down the hall and into the war room. Sam and Dean were talking to Charlie. There were bags of take-out on the map table. Charlie noticed her come in and beamed.
“Hey!” she exclaimed as she hugged Y/N tightly.
Y/N grinned as she let go. “How was the drive?”
“Shockingly, not tiring. I think I’m finally getting used to driving all the way out here” Charlie replied, starting to take the boxes out of the bags.
“Glad to hear it” Y/N smiled.
“Alright, we got… nachos, tacos and quesadillas” Charlie said, pointing to the boxes.
Y/N hummed as she smelled everything; she couldn’t wait to dig in.
“Alright, we’re gonna get out of here. Leave you two to swap stories, braid each other’s hair” Dean said, checking his wallet and phone.
“Have fun” Y/N said, simply. She looked at Sam, with a pointed look. “That means you too.”
Sam shook his head, a small smile on his face. “I will, don’t worry.”
“Make good decisions!” Charlie called out as the boys walked up the stairs.
“Always!” Sam called back.
Y/N watched as Dean walked through the doorway. The door closed behind them and Y/N turned to Charlie. Charlie smiled as she watched Y/N looking at Dean. She was so obvious.
“Alright, you take a load off, put your stuff away. I’ll finish making the margarita’s and then we can eat” she said, as she picked up the boxes.
“And after the food, you’re going to tell me everything I know you’re hiding from me” Charlie said, knowingly.
Y/N frowned. “What?”
“Don’t even try to deny how you feel, Y/N. I want all the details” Charlie replied, as she picked up her duffle and walked out of the room.
“Great” Y/N mumbled, shaking her head.
She was going to need more than one pitcher of margaritas.
Dean and Sam walked into their usual haunt, the bar filled with locals and some college kids. Dean took one look at them and scoffed; maybe he could hustle the Abercrombie wannabes later. Right now, he needed a drink. He walked up to the bar where Donny was working.
“Hey guys. Usual?” Donny asked, wiping down the bar.
Dean shook his head, as he sat down on a bar stool. Beer wasn’t going to cut it tonight. “Whiskey first.”
“Jeez, Dean. Starting with whiskey… something’s up” Donny said, picking up the whiskey and pouring a double.
“Something’s always up, Donny” Dean mumbled, as he picked up the whiskey.
Donny poured Sam a double too and slid it over to him.
The boys clinked their glasses together, but Sam watched on as Dean downed it like a shot. He tapped the glass, signalling to Donny for another. He supposed his brother was starting early.
“What’s the plan, Dean? Get drunk before you start flirting?” Sam laughed, taking a sip. Dean usually paced himself through the night in order to be on his game to flirt, so this was unusual. Even for him.
Dean downed another double. “Nope, no flirting tonight, Sammy. Just… forget it.”
“Dean” Donny said, getting his attention. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d said this is about a woman.”
Dean rolled his eyes. Damn bartenders and their so-called therapy. He looked at Sam, who was smiling into his glass.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this is about Y/N” Sam smiled, knowingly.
Dean nearly choked on his drink. He coughed a few times, the whiskey burning his throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, sure” Sam scoffed. “Dean, come on, man. It’s been 5 years of you being crazy about her, ignoring it with alcohol and hook-ups. You don’t think I can see it?” Sam asked, turning on his stool to face Dean.
Dean shook his head. “Shut up, Sam.”
“Gotta say, I agree with Sam on this one, Dean. You guys have been coming in here for 5 years, and every time she’s here with you, you just strategically tell the guys she’s flirting with to fuck off” Donny chimed in.
“You’re both insane” Dean mumbled. “I’m gonna go hustle.”
Dean got up from the bar and picked up his drink. He walked over to the pool table, ready for a distraction. Booze and pool. It would have to do. It would have to be distracting enough to stop thinking about Y/N. That being said, it was a hard task because she was always on his mind. As much as he tried to deny it, he had been crazy about her since the night they met.
Y/N polished off the last bite of her quesadilla and sat back. She swirled the margarita around, and tipped her head back, drinking it down. Charlie sat in the same position across from her. They had dinner in the library, spreading the food out across the table.
“That was amazing” Y/N smiled. “Thanks, Charlie.”
Charlie nodded with a content smile on her face. “No problem. Man, I’m stuffed!”
“Me too” Y/N muttered. “But I think we can handle a few more marg’s right?”
Charlie laughed. “Definitely.”
Y/N got up and took the pitcher with her, walking out of the library. Charlie followed her into the kitchen and watched as she started putting stuff in the blender.
“So… I wanna ask you something” Charlie said, as she leaned against the doorway.
Y/N looked at her and smiled. “Shoot.” She poured tequila into the blender.
“How long have you been crushing on Dean?” Charlie asked, without missing a beat.
Y/N turned around, a look of shock and confusion on her face. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. I saw you checking him out as he was leaving. I don’t blame you, the man is gorgeous, even I can see that” Charlie replied, stepping down into the kitchen.
“Charlie…” Y/N shook her head, not knowing what to say.
Y/N turned back to the blender, putting in some more tequila. She needed it if she was going to deal with more questions about Dean.
2 hours later…
Dean was well and truly drunk, which was a hard feat these days. He was sitting at the bar again, having won a couple of games of pool already. The room had emptied slightly, just a few locals left. Dean stared blankly, his eyes not focusing on anything with a smirk on his face.
“S-She’s s-so fucking beautiful” he slurred, thinking about her. “I love her laugh. She’s hilarious, and s-smart, I mean, s-smarter than me for sure but she’s way smarter than you, too.”
Sam nodded. “Yeah, she is.”
“And she always smells so good” Dean smiled. “Like fruit. Sometimes apples, but most of the time it’s straw… strawberries.”
Sam and Donny looked at each other, trying not to laugh.
“Man, the things I would do if she gave me a chance” Dean snorted, closing his eyes. “Her ass… I hate it when she goes, but I love to watch her leave.”
Dean slammed his hand down on the bar and chuckled to himself.
“Dean” Sam tried to get his brother’s attention, but Dean wasn’t listening.
“She could do whatever she wanted to me, I wouldn’t care what” Dean smirked, taking another gulp of his drink.
“Okay, I think that’s our cue to leave” Sam huffed a laugh, trying to grab onto Dean’s jacket. Dean swung away from him, frowning. “And… she’s just so nice, right? She never says… bad things about anyone. She’s so awesome. She loves everyone and just wants to help ‘em.”
Dean went to pick up the bottle of whiskey, but Donny swiped it before he could reach it. “You’re officially cut off, man. Should’ve done it a while ago.”
Sam took out some money and handed it over to Donny. It wasn’t enough to cover Dean’s pity party, but Donny knew they’d settle it later.
“I’m-I’m fine” Dean hiccupped.
“Dean, come on” Sam huffed, trying to shift Dean off the bar stool.
“She’s amazing… and I don’t deserve her” Dean sighed, looking down at his empty glass.
“Yeah, okay. We’re really going now” Sam said, practically pushing Dean off the stool. He grabbed his arm and hooked it over his neck, leaning Dean’s weight on himself.
“See you around, Donny” Sam said, staggering away with Dean on him.
“Drive safe, guys” Donny called out.
Sam struggled with Dean as they walked out of the bar and towards the Impala. Dean was swaying, and Sam was trying his hardest not to drop him. They got to the car and Sam leaned Dean against the side, making sure he didn’t fall. He reached into Dean’s pockets, trying to find the keys.
“Don’t you think Y/N’s hair is really shiny? I think it’s really shiny” Dean remarked, as he played with the zip on his jacket. “And it looks really good when it’s down.”
“Sure” Sam agreed, without really listening. He tried Dean’s jeans pocket.
“Sometimes though, She puts it up and she looks like a naughty librarian” Dean smirked. “Makes me wanna bend her over one of the library tables-”
Sam got the keys and quickly opened the car. “Whoa, okay. Sit down.”
He helped Dean into the passenger seat, before going to the driver’s side. As he started the car, he looked over at Dean, who had fallen asleep. He laughed a little to himself, before he pulled out of the parking lot.
Back at the bunker, the girls had moved to Y/N’s room. She was leaning back against the headboard, a glass in her hand with no salt around the rim. She gave up on salt half an hour ago. Charlie was lying on the end of the bed, propped up on her elbow.
“His arms are so strong. His lips should be a sin” she sighed, dreaming of the hunter she was in love with. “I bet he’s really good with them.”
“They are pretty great” Charlie had to agree. She may have been attracted to women, but she had to admit Dean was good looking.
“His face is just made for sitting on” Y/N smiled and started laughing.
“Wow” Charlie laughed as she looked at Y/N. “You’re so drunk.”
Y/N ignored that, as she stared at the wall. “And his heart… he just cares about everyone so much. He’s the most selfless person I know.”
Charlie nodded and lightly tapped Y/N’s legs in front of her. Y/N looked over at Charlie.
“You should tell him that” Charlie suggested.
Y/N tipped her head back, trying to catch the last drops of margarita in her mouth. She frowned when there was nothing left.
“He smells so good, too” Y/N smiled. “Like leather and… something just so… so Dean.”
“You’re not listening to anything I’m saying, are you?” Charlie asked.
Y/N giggled. “Nope.”
She laid her head back against the wall, as the alcohol started to make her sleepy.
Y/N frowned as she shook her head. “I can’t tell him, Charlie. What… what would he want with me? He can have any girl he wants. He already has. I’m nothing compared to those girls.”
Charlie took a deep breath as she watched Y/N’s face morph into sadness. “Y/N… you’re way better than those girls.”
Y/N closed her eyes, feeling overwhelmed by what she was feeling.
“Alright, you better sleep it off” Charlie said, getting up from bed.
“No!” Y/N yelled and reached for the pitcher, but Charlie took it before she could get to it.
“You’re done, Y/N” Charlie playfully scolded.
She took the glass out of Y/N’s hand and handed her the large one with water in it. “Drink that, it’ll help with the hangover in the morning.”
Y/N gulped the water down and put the glass on the bedside table next to her. She slipped down on the bed, and kicked her feet up, pulling the sheet up to cover herself. Charlie walked to the door and turned to say goodnight, but Y/N was already fast asleep. She smiled and turned off the light in the room, shutting the door and walking down the hallway. She heard footsteps coming from the other end, before she saw Sam carrying a very drunk Dean. They walked into Dean’s room and Sam carefully let him down on the bed. Charlie walked in without a word and took Dean’s shoes off, as Sam covered him. Dean snored softly as he turned onto his stomach and snuggled into the pillow.
Sam and Charlie walked out of Dean’s room after shutting the door and walked down to the kitchen. Charlie put the food into the fridge as Sam grabbed himself some water.
“How was your night?” she asked.
Sam scoffed a laugh. “I think my drunk brother is the answer. How about you?”
Charlie nodded. “Well, pretty much the same. Though, I finally got her to admit her massive crush on Dean.”
“Yeah, there was a quite confession at the bar on his part, too” Sam said, sitting down at the table.
Charlie shook her head as she crossed her arms, leaning against the counter. “I don’t get those two. I think it’s time we intervene.”
Sam nodded, thinking it over. “Maybe we head out for the day tomorrow. Give them enough time to be alone around each other; see if that works.”
“Yeah. They may even get something else out of their system” Charlie smiled.
Sam cringed. He didn’t need to think about that. “Sounds like a plan.”
He walked over to Charlie, offering his hand. She took it and they shook, firmly on it.
The next day saw Dean and Y/N incredibly hungover. She cursed the tequila and swore to never touch it again, and Dean wondered how he could even still get drunk enough to be hungover. Y/N got up before him at 11am, starting on the coffee. She had no appetite just yet and hoped the coffee would help. There was no sign of Charlie or Sam, so she enjoyed the quiet for a while. She rubbed her hands down her face, as she sat down at the table.
A few minutes later, Dean stumbled in, still in his shirt and jeans from last night. He was wearing his robe over the top and his hair was sticking up in different directions. Suffice to say, he looked adorable.
“You look like how I feel” he mumbled; his voice gravelly from sleep. He walked over to the coffee, after one glance at her.
She scoffed as she took a sip. “Trust me, you look just as bad as me.”
Dean sat down across from her, slurping his coffee.
“Any idea where the other two are?” she asked.
Dean nodded. “Sam sent a message; said they were going to Wichita to see some boring French movie.”
“Man. I wish I wasn’t so messed up right now, I could’ve gone with them” Y/N frowned.
Dean looked at her. He hoped she would be fine with just his company today. “Maybe we could have our own movie marathon.”
He may have been drunk last night but remembered what he said to Sam. Maybe he had to take this opportunity of an empty bunker to tell her how he felt.
She smiled, nodding. “Sounds good.”
After they had both recovered as well as they could, the hunger finally kicked in. Deciding to make sandwiches for lunch, they made their way to the kitchen to make them before they started their Indiana Jones marathon. Y/N took out all the necessary toppings, as they started constructing their lunch.
“I guess we’re sticking to soda today” she laughed.
“I guess so” Dean agreed.
“Hey, can you get the mustard out?” she asked, while he was standing at the fridge.
Dean took out the bottle and held it out for her. Without realising it, their fingers touched as she laid her hand over his.
“Sorry” he mumbled as he put the bottle on the counter.
“It’s okay” she smiled softly, as she went back to what she had been doing.
They ate their sandwiches through Raiders of the Lost Ark but got hungry again ten minutes into Temple of Doom. Y/N quickly made some popcorn and brought into the Dean cave in a big bowl. As they watched, they munched on the popcorn, engrossed in their mutual favourite franchise.
Dean looked over at Y/N, smiling as he saw how invested she was, despite having watched these movies so many times. He picked up a piece of popcorn, flicking it at her cheek. She looked over at him as he looked away, trying not to smirk. She shook her head and looked back at the screen. Dean did it again.
Y/N scoffed as she looked at him. “Cut it out, Winchester.”
“I didn’t do anything” Dean shrugged.
“Yeah, right” Y/N rolled her eyes. She picked up a handful of popcorn and threw it at him.
“Real mature, Y/L/N” he laughed. He flicked some up from the bowl at her, hitting her in the face.
“You’re so annoying!” she yelled. She picked up the bowl and moved it away, pouncing on him.
“Ah! Y/N! Get off!” she yelled in frustration as she started messing up his hair.
They started to playfully fight, Y/N trying to tug his hair as he tried to grab her hands and keep them away. He reached up and tickled her neck, causing her to scream and laugh uncontrollably. He grabbed her hands and held them against his chest.
“Dean, let go” she laughed, trying to free her hands.
“Never” he smirked.
She saw the twinkle in his eye, but there was something more behind it. His look did something to her, a tingle running through her body.
She stopped laughing as she looked down at him. With her Y/H/C flowing, she looked so beautiful to him. He saw something in her eyes, something that resembled what he was feeling. A deep desire; something he had kept buried until now. Maybe, just maybe… he had a shot.
She had to stop this. Y/N knew that as much as she wanted to see what happened, she couldn’t. She couldn’t handle the rejection. Just as quickly as the desire in their eyes shone through, it was gone from hers. She pushed herself away from him, his hands falling away from hers. Dean felt his hope fizzle out.
“I’m still not feeling so great, I think the tequila’s still making me foggy” she laughed slightly, downplaying what just happened.
“Yeah, um…” Dean muttered, not knowing what to say.
“I think I’m going to go lie down” she said, trying not to let her sadness show.
Dean nodded. “Yeah, I’ll clean up here.”
“I’m sorry. I can help-” she started but he cut her off.
Dean got up from the couch, as far as he could from her. “Nope, I got it.”
Y/N flinched as he moved away. “Okay” she whispered.
With one last look at him, Y/N walked out of the room. She made it all the way to her room before she let the tears shed, that she had been holding back. She threw herself on her bed, muffling her sobs with her pillow. She knew this was how things would end up between them. Awkward with no chance of moving forward into something new and exciting. She never should’ve fallen in love with Dean.
Dean swept up the popcorn, cursing himself internally. He had read the signs wrong, clearly. She wasn’t interested. She never would be.
They both knew that denying their feelings, as they had already been doing for the last 5 years, was the only thing they could do to protect themselves. That’s what you had to do as a hunter.
Even when you wished for the strength to show your feelings, you had to bury them.
It was easier that way.
Tags: @flamencodiva @deanwanddamons @winchest09 @katehuntington​ @akshi8278​ @hobby27​ @michellethetvaddict
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marauders70s · 4 years
a collection of dumb hp-p&r text memes
dumbledore, gesturing: could a depressed person make this???
mcgonagall: your hand is literally rotting off
harry: sometimes I feel like arguing with you is like arguing with the sun.
pansy: you look awful
draco: what up bitch i just ran a 5k
pansy: really?
draco: no i threw up blood in the shower
pansy: that fight with potter really got ya down huh
harry: hey ron are you okay
ron, wearing the locket, staring straight ahead at a tree: yeah i'm fine it's just that life is pointless and nothing matters and I'm always tired.
harry: hermione it's your turn
sirius, at any minor convenience: everything hurts and i'm dying
goyle: I once knew a guy for seven years and never learned his name. best friend i ever had. we still never talk sometimes, because he's dead.
oliver: sometimes you gotta do a little work so you can ball a lot.
mcgonagall: that is incorrect
james, during house arrest: If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.
lily, from the couch: oops
snape, at a christmas dinner: I can still smell her hair at night
dumbledore, pouring a generous amount of mulled wine: Put some alcohol in your mouth to block the words from coming out.
ron: hermione, i'm not using your color coded talking planner
hermione: we need to get good grades on our OWLs!
ron: there's nothing that could motivate me to use it
hermione: well, there's nothing we can't do if we work work hard, never sleep, and shirk from all other responsibilities in our lives.
harry: Professor, I wanna go home early. Ooh, hold on actually, hang on. Yeah, no, I wanna quit and never come here again.
ron: i'm going to tell you all my secrets
hermione: you don't have to do that
ron: I once forgot to brush my teeth for five weeks
ron: I didn't actually break charlie's wand all the way I just hid it and forgot where
ron: I don't know who scrimgeour is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
ron: when they have 2 sickles a scoop on salamander eyes i'm not sure where the rest of the salamander goes
ron: when i was a baby fred turned my teddy into a spider and i got so scared my mum took me to a mindhealer and they wrote a textbook about me
ron: i once threw a garden gnome so hard that it hit my sister in the face and began attacking her
hermione, looking up from her book: what did ginny do?
ron: she bit it and it ran off.
hermione: classic
severus: no matter what i do nothing bad can happen to me. i'm like a white wizengamot official who pretended they were mind-controlled after the fall of the dark lord
lucius: I resent that
sirius: thank merlin my great uncle alphard just died so I am fluuuuusheeeeeed with galleeeeooonsss
remus: I'm going to regret this flatshare
seamus: i passed up a gay halloween party to see this troll. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? Last year I saw three Peverell Brothers make out with three Viktor Krums. It was amazing.
luna: We need to remember what's important in life. Friends, unpredictable creatures, and school. Or unpredictable creatures, friends, school. It doesn't matter. But school is third.
tom riddle: I totally hear you, but I also don't like what you're saying. So if you say no, I will release a giant snake in the bathroom
luna: would you like some -
hermione: no! I am going to run for minister of magic someday, so no, thank you. I mean, not that I haven't - I ate a brownie once at quidditch cup party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable, actually. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any potions in the brownie, it was just an insanely good brownie.
sirius: do i look like the kind of person who drinks water
neville: flying is the worst. I know it keeps you healthy, but merlin, at what cost?
ron: okay, you don't have to join the pick up game -
neville: no no i want to be included. i'll come
james: What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring really loudly at me.
sirius: that's not right
mcgongall: I think you’ve got several options. They’re all terrible…but you have them.
peter: this career counseling session is getting a bit intense
neville: how are you handling the...breakup...
ginny: I’m gonna buy some sweat pants and a Gilderoy Lockhart novel. Might as well lean into it.
dumbledore, in the staff room, extremely intoxicated: Who hasn’t had gay thoughts?
james: Goodbye, Lily Evans, my head girl partner. Hello, Lily Potter, my fallopian princess.
lily: i should have never married you. or at least made you wear a condom
james: what's a-
sprout: I’m a simple lesbian. I like pretty, dark-haired women, and man-killing plants.
sirius: A couple more rules: if you ever read a sad book, you have to wear mascara so we can see whether or not you’ve been crying. There’s no noise allowed on Mondays. And no magic after breakfast.
peter: er i'm sorry this was the dorm assigned to me...
remus: Hogwarts Library is headed by the most diabolical, ruthless bureaucrat I’ve ever seen. She's like a death eater but instead of avada kedavra and crucio she uses shame and shhhing.
james: she wouldn't let him into the restricted section without a note
remus, choking back tears: I AM A PREFECT
pansy: I have never flown the high road. But I tell other people to ‘cause then there’s more room for me on the low road.
hermione: If I had a stripper’s name, it would be Equality. for house elves and all beings.
ron: if i had a stripper's name it would be sugar striped candy pole for my -
harry: hermione, DON'T -
sir cadogen: You know, in the 1880’s, there were a few years that were pretty rough and tumble here at Hogwarts. This depicts kind of a famous fight between Morpheus Rane, a prefect in Slytherin house, and Wilhemena Batlock, a Hufflepuff seventh year. The original title of this painting was ‘A Lively Fisting.’ But y’know, they had to change it for…obvious reasons.
bellatrix, in the afterlife: i regret nothing. the end.
harry: I don’t want to be overdramatic, but today felt like a hundred years in hell and the absolute worst day of my life.
tofty: I'm sorry but you WILL have to repeat your history of magic OWL
james: Lucky for me, I’ve processed all my feelings. And I’ve gone through the five stages of grief - Denial, anger, picking on Peter, cat adoption, reckless dueling, cat returning to the adoption place, reading all Martin Miggs books in the series (what i was picking on peter for actually), and not giving a flying fuck.
remus: you can't say fuck
james: oh great i'm going to have to start the process all over again.
remus: peter, you'd better run
dudley: I’m allergic to magic candy. Every time I eat more than 80 sweeties I barf.
fred: how about...81
sirius: I’ll have a glass of your most expensive red wine mixed with a glass of your cheapest white wine served in a dog bowl. Silly straws all around, please.
remus: this is why we can't date in public
neville: I’m gonna get drunk and then I’m gonna order a three course meal where each course is made of dessert.
arthur: I promised myself I was not going to cry tonight, and I’ve already broken that promise five times. But I will not break it a sixth.
bill: dad maybe you shouldn't give a toast while fleur's family is still here
gilderoy: I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it really, really well.
pansy: Use him. Abuse him. Lose him. That’s the Parkinson motto.
draco: I thought the Parkinson motto is don't look at me you whore.
pansy: the motto is really more like a chapter book.
harry: You’re ridiculous and pureblood rights is nothing.
voldemort: wow
tonks: I would like a glass of red wine and I’ll take the cheapest one you have because I can’t tell the difference.
sirius: cheers i'll drink to that
remus: put. the bowl. down.
eh, and just one for the road: “I wonder who else was born in Eagleton. Voldemort, probably.” – Leslie Knope
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henriiiii-1001old · 3 years
rambling pt 9(?) - a lot of stuff xddd
sooo i’ve been coming up with a few hcs that i wanna share, and i really hope you guys don’t mind. i haven’t rambled in a while anyways sooo yeah
gonna put this under the “read more” since i might put a lot, but here’s what i’ll be rambling abt:
fnaf 3 updated hcs! fnaf sb (just a lil since the game hasn’t come out yet) william and herny’s springlock incident (warning for most of the hc being very deailed in how the incident went and being set in a hospital setting!!!)
updated fnaf 3
sooo this honestly only has a few changes to it, but i’m gonna explain it in detail bc why not.
char still gets the job at fazbear’s fright and hope is still the phone dude/gal of this universe (she just checks up on them every night before their shift to make sure they made it there alive). so char’s first night goes pretty well, they slept half the shift and just decided they’d leave an hour early just bc nothing was really going on. next night though, they see something on one of the far cameras that had recently been installed: a giant, rotting bunny suit. char decided that it was a good idea to see the fucker up close, so that’s what they did.
and then william, now springtrap, awakens with no memory of his life. the only things he remembers are the name “henry” and the memory of seeing yellow eyes. everything else is hazy to him. char thinks that someone had maybe died in the suit a long time ago, and they decided that he was now their friend (and they called him fluff butt just because his tail was still fluffy unlike the rest of him xddd).
weeks pass, and springtrap gains a few of his memories, growing close to char as they are his only friend. he thinks that char is henry for a while since he saw char’s amber eyes, and henry has yellow eyes. char’s boyfriend (his name is franky say hello uwu) eventually ended up visiting one night bc char invited him over, and he got to meet the big guy himself. char was being a bit of a butt to springtrap though since they hadn’t gotten much sleep, and franky didn’t blame them. they really didn’t like him calling them henry, and out of pity franky told spring that he could call franky henry. that’s when springtrap also remembered the name “ryan”, the other bitch he slept with when henry wasn’t around. (they did later figure out that springtrap was william bc of this fact but no one wanted to tell him yet bc char thought he could maybe change since he lost literally all of his memories).
another few weeks pass and springtrap remembers a lot of his life now, if not all of the memories he had before he died (somehow. not even he knows how he gained his memories). springtrap is now exhibiting behaviors the old william did, cocky, master of manipulation and guilt tripping, the god complex shit, etc. one day, char told him everything about him, not knowing that he had regained most of his memories. he then decided that maybe he could try and get some remnant by betraying char and killing them, but they quickly caught onto what he was doing and was chased around the building. henry and mk (not michael this time surprise surprise :D) rush in, char’s arm gets broken, mk gets char out while henry beats springtrap with an axe, lights the place on fire, and everyone rushes char to the hospital.
oh, and charlie just.. watched the whole thing happen bc she didn’t want anyone knowing she was still around, so char and charlie don’t become friends anymore. sorry guys :’(
fnaf sb
short section thank goodness. sooo all i really have planned out for sb is that annabeth (tape girl) gets a job at the new pizzaplex, gregory is some random kid who got lost one night and he got home safely when he found annabeth. cult hears abt this and decides they’ll take the kid’s remnant, but thing is char, hope and their two other friends, jake and sammy found them about to kill him. sammy decides he’ll bolt into the group and snatch the kid and.. it actually works? gregory eventually ends up safe but sammy gets kidnapped by the cult. char tried saving him but alex the bastard shot them >:(
i do wanna say something else but i’m gonna save that for later lol (it’s spoilers for the end of my au qwq)
the springlock incedent
aiiight this one i’ve actually been thinking recently, so sorry if things get out of place quickly
another warning just in case: this hc has a somewhat detailed explanation of ho the event went, and it mentions a lot of blood, suffocation, and the hc is set in a hospital for a while. please look away of you are sensitive to this type of content.
henry and william were practicing for a performance one day, and things were going great. their wives just took care of the kids outside since it was a weekend. plus the kids wanted to come and watch the performance. henry and will first practiced in a lone room so the kids couldn’t see yet. thing is... something reeaallly bad happened.
something set off the springlocks in fredbear, but henry didn’t make a sound. he trained himself to shut up when he experienced pain, so he just stood there and took it. william noticed and then realized something went wrong, so he then panicked as he tried getting henry out of the suit and instead made springbonnie’s springlocks set off as well. through the pain, suffocation, and lots of blood loss, william managed to get both of them out of the suits. he had no energy left in him, and henry had already passed out from blood loss, so all william could do was sleep..
carol came in to check on them and thought they had died. she and kathryn immediately called for medical service, and henry and will were rushed to the hospital. the kids wanted to come to see if they were alright, and carol and kathryn had no choice but to let them come along. they were not allowed to see them in person yet since the image of seeing them extremely bloody would leave the children scarred, and they didn’t want that.
william wakes up the next day, quickly adjusting to his surroundings. he tried sitting up, and while it was very painful he managed to sit up. he saw that kathryn had stayed with them for the night, and she was asleep on the couch. he also saw henry in the same room as him, sleeping peacefully. a doctor comes in and lets him know what had happened.
kathryn eventually wakes up and got to talk to william for a bit. she tells him that the kids are okay, but she was informed that henry actually had less of a chance to live since he was punctured by the springlocks much earlier than william, so they had dealt more damage to him.
they stayed in the hospital for a couple of days, william soon beginning to be able to walk around a little bit since he seemed to be healing faster than one normally would (ahemremnantahem). henry still made little to no progress in healing. it was getting to the point where he might even pass away...
henry’s heart monitor suddenly started going flat, and william was the only one in the room. he did whatever he could to save henry, messing with whatever he could in case something worked, but nothing did. he called for doctors and after a very quick and tense 20 seconds, henry was breathing and his heart was pumping, slowly returning back to normal. two hours passed and henry was finally awake.
it did take a while for henry to recover since he was asleep for a while. william did help him a lot, and they got released the next week.
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Ronnie & Joe
Ronnie: [is gonna rock up late despite literally living with Charlie so enjoy the entrance everybody]
Joe: [when you weren’t invited but still gonna show up like you have somewhere better to be, love that for you, the effort we’ve not gone to because we live here so it’s kinda okay but not really Joseph, also I imagine kinda shook she ended up showing]
Ronnie: [likewise in the sense that she dresses the same everywhere she goes unless it’s a job interview or court appearance lol but we know she looks good if you’re Joseph and into it, I imagine her zoning in on Jamie immediately like who the fuck is this and then oh I’ve heard nothing about you kinda energy soz gal]
Joe: [rude but not untrue in this case, at least Charlie can make it seem like you’re joking and Joe can go get you a drink like soz this is all we have energy ‘cos in jokes]
Ronnie: [I highly doubt they have enough seats around that table so I also imagine her dragging up something to sit on like yeah I’m here to stay bitches and drinking Joe’s drink while he’s gone as a throwback to when she did when they met at that gig and cos we’re obvs claiming him LOL]
Joe: [we know the food is gonna be studenty anyway so having smaller portions won’t kill any of us lmao, just dying at how shocked Sophie is having to conceal she is, host on queen, boring boyfriend having no opinions of course]
Ronnie: [don’t worry gal depending how much of a jealous rage we get into we probably won’t be eating it so you’ll still have brownies left, her face would be iconic and I totally picture Marc on his phone the entire time because Paul used to do that when he was with Trace]
Joe: [giving nothing to this bizarre situation, too real, Charlie and Sophie holding this together, soz guys, Joe jus amused af, do we sit opposite or next to hmm]
Ronnie: [read that as soz gays, ILY mum & dad, I think he needs to sit opposite Jamie so that she can accuse them of eye fucking each other or whatever so probably next to]
Joe: [okay yes gather ‘round everyone]
Ronnie: she lives here
Joe: yeah I told you, Silent Bob’s gf
Ronnie: you said he had a bitch not shes been chained to the radiator since youse lot moved in
Joe: maybe that’s his secret
Ronnie: whens he letting you have your go
Joe: got my own radiator you can have a go on when this is over
Joe: not to brag or nothing
Ronnie: wont be over til the fat flatmate sings & the other one sucking you off while her & mariah duet and the boyfriend pretends he aint watching youse instead is fuck all to brag about
Joe: be lucky if it got close to that level of mildly interesting
Joe: where are you in all this then
Ronnie: under the sink looking for drain cleaner or whatever else i can drink
Joe: why do you get to have all the fun?
Ronnie: i dont waste my time asking bullshit questions
Joe: how are we gonna waste our time
Ronnie: im gonna kill your shared girlfriend & youre gonna cry about it
Joe: I don’t think I am
Joe: no amount of tragedy is gonna breakthrough the chemical fog
Ronnie: you would if you could
Joe: [🙄 at her]
Ronnie: [tips however much is left of her drink into his lap not at all accidentally but we know Charlie and Soph will pretend it was]
Joe: [whip them off to go get changed boy]
Ronnie: [when you wanna follow him but you just gotta glare instead]
Joe: [probably taking whatever we’ve got in to make this go easier, ‘scuse us, so much missing out]
Ronnie: [you know she turned up already on something so do what you gotta do Joseph]
Joe: [Jamie should be talking to you about uni things thus alienating everyone else a lil ‘cos that is a bit rude and will annoy you gal]
Ronnie: [fully just opening up a wound over here literally cos she was already jealous but did not realise they had this much shit in common or anything in common actually so we’re just livid and bleeding]
Joe: [Sophie just running with the kitchen roll like omg do we have bandages guys like oh babe you truly only mean well, Charlie just giving the can you not looks of it all, Joe just jealous because we’ve obviously got our long sleeves]
Ronnie: [a spoken out loud fuck you at everyone but mainly Joe as we go to the bathroom to not deal with this but instead evoke the energy of when Mae downed that mouthwash because she definitely would and also go through the cabinets for anything sharp obvs]
Joe: [at least you can go under the guise of checking on her but really you’re just seeing what she’s doing]
Ronnie: [1000% have not locked the door because we wanted him to follow us but that won’t stop her telling him to get out because walking contradiction forever]
Joe: [locks it behind him in response]
Ronnie: [the most intense glare in response because could not be more livid rn]
Joe: [grabbing wherever the wound is like we’re gonna kiss it better or something like Soph for a casual bit of blood drinking]
Ronnie: [obviously have to push him away really hard because we’re obviously really into it and excuse you boy we’re trying to be angry and hate you, soz to all the flatmates when you hear that crashing about]
Joe: [lmao this tiny bathroom getting destroyed, steady yourself and her despite that clearly not being what she wants right now, roll up a sleeve ‘you never did the X’]
Ronnie: [the glorious visual of trying to get past him to leave/push him away again at the same time in a small space so you just end up pressed up against each other and the door making eye contact and it’s hot af ‘you never took me anywhere’]
Joe: [‘so let me’ do you mean let’s get out of here or in a saucy way either or you skinny as hell girl so if you not really trying to leave it’s easy not to let you]
Ronnie: [‘she’ll let you’ because we’re not just dropping this even if we want to]
Joe: [‘who?’ like an oblivious boy ‘cos clearly not where our head is]
Ronnie: [a really vicious read of Jamie based on what we’re learned this evening that I’m not gonna do because I am not that mean but it’s obvious it’s her and not Sophie we’re talking about, hope you don’t hear us gal]
Joe: [‘I’m not interested’ in every sense right now ‘and you know that, stop pissing about’]
Ronnie: [‘wasn’t any other cunt round the table hanging on her every fucking word, I know that’ because that was blatant Jamie]
Joe: [‘I can’t help it that her fella’s an accountant’ what do you do Marc, do any of us know lol, shrugs ‘we go to the same school, that’s it’ and a look like whatever the fuck this is is clearly more]
Ronnie: [she would wanna lol but we can’t because still mad ‘that’s it?’ not actually a question though more like you better be telling the truth boy ‘why the fuck have you never told me about her then?’]
Joe: [‘I thought I had when I said he had a girlfriend’ not not a lie ‘none of them are what I want to talk about, that’s it’]
Ronnie: [‘you were thinking with this’ grabbing his dick when we say so ‘that’s it’ cos even if that was true Joseph we shade the rest of the flatmates often and you know damn well we love doing it]
Joe: [shakes head even though we are very clearly into that ‘she’s no Soph’ like it wouldn’t be as funny soz]
Ronnie: [‘is right’ like yeah I know you actually seriously wanna get with her, and moving away but not to leave but to pick back up whatever implement we were gonna hurt ourselves with before he came in but didn’t get chance to because we’re genuinely upset]
Joe: [literally putting ourselves in front of it like no ‘Ronnie’ like I don’t know how you’re going to even put it into words boy so it’s mainly a !!! look]
Ronnie: [a look that starts out like don’t try and stop me/fuck you but turns into !! when his does like say something/do something if you mean it]
Joe: [got to go in and kiss you whilst making her push whatever she was gonna use on herself into him, now or never, enjoy the tension finally getting released]
Ronnie: [obviously we’re kissing you back so we all know what’s gonna happen next lol, soz flatmates I really hope you can’t hear anything, especially Charlie cos you actually know they’re related]
Joe: [it is not a big flat so keep quiet, just think he’s comforting her for all this time or what, god bless]
Ronnie: [she would be trying to keep quiet but not for y’all more so he thinks she’s unimpressed/not that into it but that would literally last all of a second because she’s obviously very into it]
Joe: [the levels you aren’t gonna wanna go back in but can’t be seen as being romantic lads]
Ronnie: [I could easily have her leave if we want though because it’s a fact that she doesn’t wanna be here and everyone would be relieved except Joseph]
Joe: [that probably makes sense, honestly, and you’ve freaked them all out, as was the point]
Ronnie: [and lbr you’ve freaked yourselves out with how good that hook up was too so]
Joe: [just go hide in your room like you’re very taxed by that in an acceptable way boy]
Ronnie: [god knows where you’re gonna go gal but please don’t OD again like you literally did in Margate no time ago]
Joe: [the headfuckery]
Ronnie: [poor Charlie just like UMMM WTF cos she must look bad even for her rn and we’ve behaved terribly and then literally legged it so]
Joe: [thank god you’re such a natural party go-er so you can make up some excuse to put them all at relative ease but yeah, for sure like excuse me]
Ronnie: [might be fun to do a convo between them when we’re done with this one]
Joe: [I’m down even though I really haven’t used him yet, I’ll give it a go]
Ronnie: [yeah it’s been forever since we did the group chats with them and Bronson and Bea it feels like another life, I can send you the convo we did where she told him she met Joe if you like cos I re-read that the other day and it was pretty good]
Ronnie: [but the real question is who’s gonna break first and start a convo and how long are we leaving it?]
Joe: [please do ‘cos did not realize we’d done that tbh]
Joe: [I could make a case for either of them, him to prove he meant it as he left it last time but her so she can’t automatically be on the ‘it meant nothing’ total defensive hmm]
Joe: [some hours later when the party is over, or could be]
Joe: Charlie was going pub, he’s left here though
Ronnie: [even later because whatever she’s doing she’s messy and can’t reply to the extent that she doesn’t need to because he won’t be expecting her to and yet here we are]
Ronnie: did whitney ask you to pass it on to us cos hes still disappointed like
Joe: couldn’t say
Joe: just letting you know that you’ll have a free gaff for a while longer
Ronnie: where have i chucked the other one for the sake of this free gaff in your mind mckenna
Joe: alright, free rooms better than fuck all
Ronnie: its his emmy oggie i aint there either
Joe: anywhere good?
Ronnie: compared to what
Joe: established it’s no brag compared to tonight
Ronnie: not gonna stop you comparing me & her
Joe: compare to what?
Joe: pleasantries over cocopops
Ronnie: youll be interested in eating her out now youve got what you wanted off me
Ronnie: 9 is easier to carve than an 8 and you wont look like youre trying to copy the infinity sign one of your other exes wouldve got inked on her
Joe: it’s not remotely the fucking same
Joe: if I was arsed about getting my numbers up there’s millions of girls in this city I could hit up before you
Ronnie: yeah youre not related to any of em and theyd have less clue how to shoot up than you do
Joe: even if the related bit was ringing 100% true, you’re the only user in town now?
Joe: you don’t have to pervert it when it already was
Ronnie: youre already romanticising it like a fucking 13 year old so yeah i do cause one of us has to get real
Joe: you reckon I’m so okay with it just because I can admit I wanted it
Joe: who do you reckon you’re lying to like I weren’t there
Ronnie: who do you reckon youre talking to like i didnt fucking leave you there for a reason
Joe: Fuck off
Ronnie: i did
Joe: for someone who reckons they’re so open, you chat so much shit
Ronnie: open to what soft lad infection
Joe: scars and trackmarks on your sleeve
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: you didn’t miss much
Ronnie: no shit you didnt just invite me cause you wanted to fuck me
Ronnie: can do that anywhere
Joe: yeah and you didn’t just wanna come to make Soph cry, like
Ronnie: i owed you
Joe: get it off your to-do list then
Joe: well done
Ronnie: stop crying youll never look as ugly as horse girl doing it or go for as long as her
Joe: you love her, we all 👀
Ronnie: i said shut up
Joe: no, you say something that’s not stupid
Ronnie: what for fucks sake
Ronnie: what did you reckon id say when you started chatting shit like nothing happened
Joe: alright, I don’t know
Joe: it happened, right
Ronnie: you werent hallucinating
Joe: nothing that makes that happen in the bathroom cupboard
Joe: I don’t regret it, I know that
Ronnie: meant to be made up to hear it am i
Joe: nah, probably not
Joe: but you wanted me to talk about it so I am
Ronnie: i wanted you to take the fucking hint when i legged it as soon as
Joe: you could’ve blocked me, so
Joe: pardon me for not taking it that seriously
Ronnie: not your crazy ex & i couldnt deny you your bullshit heroics
Ronnie: mary aint carrying me anywhere and i know how bad you wanna see me turn blue
Joe: you like having a stalker, is what you mean
Ronnie: block me and get your whore flatmate to tell you what she likes about you
Ronnie: weve established i aint got the talent to sing no cunts praises
Joe: we’ve established I’m not interested in that
Ronnie: cause you want me to tell you how smart you are at fucking me instead of beat the shit out of you
Ronnie: it wont last
Joe: familys forever, sis
Ronnie: not to your ma baby
Ronnie: did i look enough like her for you
Joe: what do you reckon
Joe: your theory, not mine
Ronnie: mustve youve still not fucked off
Joe: you’ve got room for another face tat or two
Ronnie: go do that then
Joe: you can leave out the yes sir
Joe: not my fantasy
Ronnie: no shit like youve been my bitch since you hit send on facebook
Joe: 😂
Joe: I’ve been worse
Ronnie: you trying to turn me on or what its a bit late for it
Joe: just the once, alright
Joe: bit cliche but probably for the best considering
Joe: very sensible of you
Ronnie: cliche that my da didnt stick around long enough for his side of the family to properly cut or sew me up so ive gotta regret not getting chance to put a razor blade inside me before you 💔
Ronnie: now youre gonna reckon i care youve said the once ll do when i just hate you & hate how you fuck even more
Joe: Could’ve said it was about as much fun as
Joe: it’s alright
Joe: both confused, clearly
Ronnie: youre not confused youre fucking smug
Joe: hardly another achievement for the fridge door
Joe: what’s to be smug about
Ronnie: probably for the best i dont answer that if thats how you feel
Joe: come on
Joe: aside from proving you were full of shit about not wanting to as well
Ronnie: fuck you
Joe: you don’t want me to say how I really feel
Ronnie: making me cum earlier dont mean you know what i want now
Joe: right, you want me to declare my love so you get more out of telling me to fuck off, that’s more like it
Ronnie: do i fuck
Joe: then what do you want
Ronnie: like you give the slightest shit
Joe: I do too
Ronnie: no you dont
Joe: I fucking do
Joe: [prove it in a way only y’all would, carve her name or something]
Ronnie: [send him your own pics of the bite marks you’re covered in which is a self harming thing you’ve not done since you were a kid because it’s been a headfuck every second since you two met and we’re not coping honey]
Joe: you hungry?
Joe: you didn’t eat fuck all, I mean
Joe: could get something not dubiously prepared by Soph
Ronnie: hungry as you are funny
Joe: I weren’t trying to be
Joe: on the spectrum, or whatever you said
Ronnie: you wish you had the excuse or the musical prodigy status
Joe: 💔 about that genuinely
Joe: just a dickhead
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: I don’t know what to say
Joe: there’s no point saying I’m sorry
Ronnie: no point is right youre not sorry
Joe: nah
Joe: it’d be lovely for you if I’d found you and you were fine
Joe: but like you said, it ain’t about me or her, it’s about loads of shit and you clearly weren’t so
Joe: just seems pointless
Ronnie: im made up you finally got your head round it
Joe: Yeah well, I didn’t tell you I was a good person
Joe: don’t mean I don’t give no fucks, just ‘cos I ain’t trying to save you
Ronnie: you keep telling me you aint like it matters to me who you are
Joe: yeah, it doesn’t in why you’re fucked
Joe: but what do you want from me
Ronnie: its your fucking fault im like this climbing the walls same as when i was a kid
Joe: yeah ‘cos you were doing really great before weren’t ya
Ronnie: all you give a fuck about is letting yourself off the fucking hook
Joe: Blame me then what does it change
Joe: do something about it other than fucking yourself up, I don’t care
Ronnie: stop lying that youre bothered if your only answer to me losing my mind is that i was before
Joe: I can’t help you
Joe: If you thought I could, though why the fuck you would
Joe: then I am sorry
Ronnie: 💔🖕
Joe: I’ve got my own problems
Joe: if I had any solutions, I’d light ‘em up and shoot them into myself first, naturally
Ronnie: youve got a solution i gave it to you
Ronnie: why the fuck would you make me feel something
Joe: Selfishness
Joe: pure and simple
Ronnie: on your way to a grown up habit im dead proud
Joe: what more could I want
Ronnie: that to scab over seeing as youve finally admitted its bullshit
Joe: I still think about you constantly
Joe: I still want to know everything about you
Joe: I’d rot with you
Ronnie: youve got your own problems to think about
Joe: yeah, and that’s hell
Joe: I’ve done plenty of that
Ronnie: yeah and youve got your escape
Joe: take yours
Joe: can have plan bs and cs even if a is the best
Ronnie: youre the kid who tells the rest to jump off a bridge
Ronnie: cute
Joe: you’re implying I wouldn’t and all
Ronnie: i dont give a shit what you do but i aint giving you the satisfaction of being the last fuck i ever had
Ronnie: youd cling to life long enough to write a pathetic song about it
Joe: that’s the nicest thing you’ve said
Joe: which is saying something ‘cos you’re so sweet, like
Ronnie: youre welcome
Joe: I’ll do a Dylan style ballad about all your 👼🏼 deeds
Ronnie: thats the biggest turn off out of everything youve ever said or done
Joe: thank god, you’re insatiable 😏
Ronnie: once you said
Joe: not for my benefit
Ronnie: its all only for your benefit remember
Joe: if that were true you’d still be here
Ronnie: if it was true i could be
Joe: come back
Ronnie: cant ive got a face tat to get done
Joe: I understand
Joe: my art isn’t there yet
Joe: won’t ruin your beauty
Ronnie: go ed and chuck yourself off a bridge you dont have to wait for me to boot your door in & do you in for chatting shit
Joe: well I am already devvo I’m not a prodigy so yeah, add lack of a steady hand to the list of failures
Joe: probably the meds
Joe: you know being poetic is all I do, why have we downgraded it to chatting shit 💔
Ronnie: why are you calling me beautiful when you could write it in your suicide note for your ma theres your downgrade
Joe: you’re too romantic for your own good
Joe: I wouldn’t be writing a note, sorry to dash your illusions
Ronnie: not me saying i get you mckenna thats your delusion
Ronnie: what are you gonna draw on me then
Joe: you do but it’s more fun to take the piss and pretend you don’t so
Joe: That is the question
Joe: won’t brand you, don’t worry
Ronnie: if i dont want it ill cut it out no pressure
Joe: it’s just skin right
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: how olds your oldest scar
Ronnie: older than you
Joe: what did you do
Ronnie: i used to take headbanging literally
Joe: ah, the floor never saw you coming, yeah
Joe: I have a head scar too [cos he either does or did on the stalker show idk but there we go with a photo like she probably knows hun]
Ronnie: [I just imagine her smiling to herself like yeah I know nerd]
Ronnie: cant both be poets had to express myself somehow before i pushed a safety pin through my cheek
Joe: that explains the permanent 😾
Joe: fucked the muscles, like
Ronnie: your shit jokes do
Joe: it was always easier to just start fights to get hurt
Joe: when I was a kid
Joe: though you work out ways to be sneaky fast, if you have to
Ronnie: they didnt wanna fight me
Joe: everyday sexism strikes again
Ronnie: fuck off not cos im a girl
Joe: why then
Ronnie: wouldnt be me getting hurt and if i was i didnt care
Ronnie: all those mental problems you told that call centre cunt about like
Joe: ‘course you were too proud to make it count
Joe: have to let them get some punches in or there was no point, yeah
Ronnie: no point in fitz flouncing in either fun though
Joe: true
Joe: I’ve got a brother and all, I remember what it’s like
Ronnie: scraps never went far enough
Joe: yeah
Joe: most kids aren’t that psycho
Ronnie: 💔
Joe: being misunderstood served me so well for the whole musician thing so whatever, I guess
Ronnie: i mightve bothered keeping some of my bastards about if they were guaranteed nutters thatd serve you well
Joe: you’d get your own room then, like
Joe: even if you had to pack them to the rafters
Ronnie: for a stalker youre dead concerned about my privacy
Joe: nah, ‘course not
Joe: I’d rather have a place to do the gear without the possibility of Soph or Charlie 🥺ing at us obvs, nothing but selfishness
Ronnie: theres loads of places
Joe: you can show me
Ronnie: is she there now she can let me in
Joe: no idea
Joe: their room is near the door, makes sense they’d be your first victims
Ronnie: youre too selfish to get off your arse and do it
Joe: if you’re coming I’ll carry you in myself, you know that
Ronnie: ill be there and youll still be going on about what youre gonna do
Ronnie: no wonder the other kids kept smacking you
Joe: yeah, all mouth me, deffo what I was known for
Joe: not a euphemism and I don’t think they were wishing it was but who knows
Ronnie: you sure you dont want charlie giving you the eye
Ronnie: how it sounds
Joe: I’m alright, tah
Joe: pretty sure he’s over it now I’m enabling you
Ronnie: hes over everything thats not horse girls from kent but reckons the fucking lost causes are us
Joe: He clearly just gives a shit about appearances
Joe: looking nice, polite
Joe: they’ll never speak again, like
Ronnie: forget him
Ronnie: open the door
Joe: [do that boy]
Ronnie: [boop his little head scar as you come in like oh there it is]
Joe: [‘s’not even a good story’ and producing some takeaway moment from the kitchen as you go through ‘cos the dinner party was not heavy on the dinner bit]
Ronnie: [a look like ffs because people caring in any way ew no but we are gonna eat it because probably haven't since that Margate moment]
Joe: [shrugging like bitch I’m hungry as we tuck in, obviously]
Ronnie: [kick him while you've still got your big boots on but playfully not aggressively]
Joe: [😏 but in a more genuine way than that cocky face looks, I am vibing Chinese not that that matters but there we go]
Ronnie: [weirdly I also thought that maybe because it's one of the grossest haha but yeah eat your food lads]
Joe: [greasy greasy goodness, love the subtle shade if any of them come out for a cuppa or whatever like oh hello again lol]
Ronnie: [I hope it's oblivious Marc just living his life]
Joe: [that’d be most amusing, unbothered, casually]
Ronnie: [I just imagine them doing stuff to try and make him notice like when people stack stuff on a sleeping person but idk what you could do in that little kitchen]
Joe: [for sure, just being subtly annoying/weird and he is just like does not compute ‘cos we mind our own business, so childish]
Ronnie: [love that for you two]
Joe: [we stan the regression for you]
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Dangerous (Part 1/2)
Description: It was your best friend’s bachelorette party in one of London’s best clubs when two men had closed a bet if they would be able to seduce you. And in the end, the night ended up way better than you originally anticipated.
A/N: Oh, we're back. For this two-part one-shot, I approached both of the idiots very differently - I wanted Sam to have this sexual hotshot energy while Cutter had more of that mysterious daddy vibe. And I think that somehow, it really suits both the boys. Enjoy.
Pairing: Charlie Cutter x reader x Samuel Drake (We stan a threesome in this house)
Playlist: Idiot sandwich that stole my heart™
Tagging: @missdictatorme​
Part 2.
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It was just another night in downtown. The sunlight was slowly fading away, ladies wore tight and short skirts, and gentlemen were sipping whiskey in the nearby bars. And London was no different. It was one of the most favorite tourist locations since it was mostly colder in there during summer and it was the crown jewel of England. Soho and Chinese street looked especially magnificent at that time of the year.
Yet the clubs were especially full of people as well. Swedish and European students, you gonna love this, mate, as Charlie said Samuel a million times. Cutter and Drake, formerly known as Morgan, were two gentlemen in their best years. They weren't some boys who would bend you over the nearest bed without knowing what to do. No. They both were quite tall, one of them would even say fairly handsome - and skilled in the first place.
Drake, the definition of a small bitch according to Cutter, was rather persistent with choosing some warmer locations like the Bahamas or the Canary Islands, let alone Cuba, for their summer vacation. But Cutter, who was born and lived his whole life in England, told him to go fuck himself and that this year, he’ll show Drake the European hospitality and girls. Samuel had to say that these young kittens looked magnificent, from both up close and from the distance.
Norwegian girls had the dirties eyes he had seen, French girls could whisper them some sweet nothings the whole night, Hungarian girls were fiery enough to show them who is the boss, Czech and Slovak girls knew well how to handle alcohol and Russian girls were both tough and sweet as candy at the same time. Yet Samuel didn't stop bitching about London being the color-less, boring city he always saw on the postcards. What did it matter that the Queen was living there when the only location which tingled Samuel’s senses was the Tower? Yet Cutter told him that Sam hadn't seen shit yet.
And bloody hell, as British men would say when they walked into the club, Samuel knew what was the boy talking about. That was the energy Sam needed to feel alive since he was rotting in hell for God knows how long. Alcohol being poured in gallons, tight pairs of jeans, and laughter all around. And this wasn’t some boring-ass club either, as Samuel would say. People were dancing, which he hasn't seen in ages. Cutter most took him to poker tournaments or to play darts.
"Bee’s knees, I love this bloody place." - Cutter sighed and took the bomber off, walking stairs down to walk to the bar of the place itself. - "Come on, you prick, don't just stand there!" - He called at Samuel with a raspy voice, laughing out loud. Sometimes, Sam looked like a small boy in a toystore. Especially when he was looking at so many lovely bottoms and tits.
"One Pimm’s Cup and a Sex on the Beach for this lady over here." - Cutter winked at the barmaid who smiled back at him, already holding the shaker to prepare some of the best drinks in London.
"What are we? Fucking ladies to drink cocktails?" - Sam asked back, leaning his back to the bar, looking around. His eyes were doing their best to see it all - the girl with afro trying to kiss the soul out of her partner's body, the boy who had his hand in his girl's panties and the twerking group in the middle of the dancefloor.
"Mate, you hadn't learned shit while you were in London. You need to start slowly before pouring down vodka and other shit." - Cutter told him, smiling at the barmaid who brought them the drinks. She was sweet - her blonde hair was in a high ponytail and her face was full of freckles. She was just the type of girl Cutter liked. Sweet, innocent, and pretty. - "Thank you, darling." - The bald man smiled at the barmaid before she ran off to serve another customer.
"And you still think that you're attractive enough to get under a young girl's panties. Who is dumber here? Cheers, mate." - Samuel answered with a dramatic British accent, toasting to Cutter before taking a sip through the straw. Yet Cutter's grin was making him sure that he had just bumped into an interesting topic.
"You don't know what you're talking about, Samuel. Both American and European chicks go crazy for a British accent. All you have to do in the bed is talk and they cum on their own." - Cutter looked around with a shit-eating grin. He knew very well that he's right. A good portion of women was into a thick British accent and his raspy voice. The voice alone could work wonders between girl’s thighs, so being tall, muscular, and having this bad boy vibe was just a bonus usually.
"I think you're lying, brother, but what can I know? I usually put my mouth to use too, but we ain't talkin’. And this mouth can show you the universe, I tell ya." - Samuel answered with a nasty grin as well, his Boston accent being fully put to use at that point. Cutter started to laugh out loud, having Samuel clueless.
"Nice to know, I will remember that, mate. You wanna show me or what?" - Cutter asked, sipping another sip of his ice-cold drink.
"You're such a douchebag." - Samuel laughed as well since Cutter knew how to turn every single situation into a stand-up.
"You see the chick at three o’clock?" - Cutter mumbled from sipping, still looking in front of himself. Samuel carefully checked her out. Not that she would notice a man staring in a club full of people, yet Samuel didn't want to come across as a creep. She was... Pretty. As a lot of women inside the club. She was yelling something at the barmaid so she would hear her, standing there in some old sneakers. Her clothes didn't reveal that much, it was just a normal white top and a pair of blue jeans. Yet something about that face made both the idiots grin when thinking about showing her the edge of paradise.
"Yeah, you bet your fucking British ass I do see that girl." - Samuel returned to the previous position, grinning into his straw just the way Cutter did. Both boys liked girls who had that little spark about them. You never could quite put the finger on it, yet it was there. You couldn't name or label it - it was the flame of the unknown, a promise of fun or... See? Neither of them knew what it is, but she had it.
"And since we’re in this bloody town for the last night, I wanna bet, mate. Since I know that British accent is a hit with the ladies and you keep telling me about some magical Boston mouth, whoever gets the girl, wins something." - Cutter put the empty glass on the bar, grinning at Samuel, having the man grinning back. Timber was yelling all over the club and it felt 2013-ish. The barmaid automatically brought both men a shot of their finest vodka since Cutter came to the club pretty frequently.
"What’s the somethin’ we talkin’ ’bout?" - Samuel bit his lower lip when the girl got her drinks and ventured back to the back of the club where the tables were. Both of them poured the vodka down their throats at the same time, both of them having that face.
"I don't know. Maybe some expansive liquor?" - Charlie asked, but after that, he started laughing. - "Oh, I know, when I get her down tonight, you owe me a ride on your motorbike baby and night with this beautiful lady." - He offered Samuel his palm, watching Sam slowly shaking it.
"When I win, your best bomber is mine. Who goes first?" - Samuel crunched the knuckles and to his surprise, Charlie motioned for him to go.
"Ladies first, mate, ladies always go first." - Charlie smiled, asking for two bottles of beer. When Samuel got his beer, he shook his head but started walking in the direction of your table.
It was your friend's bachelorette party and for a reason, she chose a club in London from all the destinations, like France or Italy, she could choose. You were not from there, but she wanted something big and fancy, so she decided to go for a weekend to London. You were more of staying put at home person, yet you didn't want to upset her just days from her wedding.  
"Your dinks, ladies." - You yelled, earning an excited yelling of your shit-faced friends back. You’ve been sticking to beer the whole four hours you've already spent in that God-forsaken place, you've been just fine at that moment, being on bottle number four by that time.
"You're my favorite maid of honor." - Your friend Amber hugged you, giving you a big fat kiss on your cheek. You giggled at that, taking another sip of the beer. - "These men here, ugh." - Amber moaned out loud before taking a big sip of her Mochito, watching the dancefloor with her eyes open wide. You chuckled at that, sipping from your bottle.
You weren't that interested in the men there. Like, yeah, they were nice and most of the men you've encountered in England so far were true British gentlemen, but... You weren't the type who would mingle for a one-night stand. You were taking the whole crazy trip as a widening of your horizons. When Amber didn't want to be in a club, you usually traveled around to see the sights England could give you. Stratford upon Avon was cute, Devon too, but London was a blast in your opinion.
"And you're getting married next week, Amber. Don't forget about that you nasty bitch." - Monica yelled from the other side of the table, giggling at Amber's sighs.
"I envy you soooo much, Y/N. These men are everything. Just look at these damn asses." - Amber rolled her eyes, making you both laugh in sync. Suddenly, she got all serious. Her elbow bumped into your ribs making you squeal, her head motioning in a direction of some forty-something dude who was eyeing your table, slowly walking to it through the dancing crowd. - "I think he's coming for one of us, what should I do?" - Amber panicked, looking at her engagement ring.
"You won't do shit, Amber, you're the bride." - You calmed her down, making her lips from a little O in awe. She was like that when she was drunk. The man looked fine, that was true - tall with brown hair, a rough face, and a tall body. You couldn't see him clearly, you just watched him swaying his hips in black jeans and shoulders in a white t-shirt widening with every step he took.
It took him almost five minutes before he finally got there. That was mainly because of the way he was trying to sell that nasty smug. You’ve wondered how it came that he didn't wiggle his hips out. Just when he was about to tell you something, the DJ started playing some banger according to the screaming coming from the dancing crowd, which made you smile. So he leaned in without a problem. Well, at least you knew that he had some confidence inside of him.
"Night, ladies, the name’s Samuel." - He offered his palm to Monica, then to Amber and then to you, kissing your knuckles with a smile. - "How comes that three beautiful ladies end up in a place like this... Alone?" - He wondered, standing next to the empty spot long enough for Monica to scoop a bit further away. Naturally, Samuel sat next to her, giving her a rather nasty smile.
"It’s my bachelorette party!" - Amber yelled at him with a happy smile, making you smile as well when she shoved her ring right in front of that guy's face. At least the confident asshat knew that he won't make a single move at that table. Yet Samuel rose his eyebrows, smiled even wider, and gently caught her palm to look at the ring. Then he nodded and let her hand go. - "He is one of a hella happy fella, I tell you that." - And with that, his eyes hooked on your face. Monica was watching both of you with a vulgar smile on her lips.
"And what about you, doll, you're having a bachelorette party too?" - Samuel smiled, putting his bottle on the table. Before you could answer, shit-faced Amber already started telling him your story.
"She’s been single forever, I swear. It always works or spending time with her family, like, I know she's the most responsible and shit, but I am afraid that she’ll end up alone with twenty cats, and one day, she'll go nuts." - She told him seriously. The mysterious, confident and somehow sexy guy started laughing at her straightforwardness, looking you in the eyes after that.
"I will go nuts if you won't stop, bitch, this was unnecessary." - You sighed, taking a deep swing of your beer. You shook your head with an angry face. Although, Amber wasn’t stopping there, making you even more embarrassed. - "But you are a hell of a guy. Holy fuck, are those tattoos? I always wanted my fiance to get some." - She went for it and let her fingers grace his neck. Samuel had a pleased grin when she has done so.
"I've been living in Panama for some time, got ’em there." - He then proceeded to lift one of his sleeves, showing you another tattoo on his shoulder. These were poker aces. Amber but her lower bottom, looking at the tattoos, gently touching them, traveling down to feel the poor man's biceps at the very end of her exploration. To put it nicely, you were embarrassed. Yet to your surprise, the Samuel man ignored Amber drooling over him and practically climbing over the table to touch his skin. The man sat there and watched you with a small smile. - "And I have a few more on places that ain’t appropriate to show ’ere." - He mumbled and both of the ladies next to you instantly got the horny faces on.
Amber bumped her elbow into your ribs again, doing it way stealthier this time. Yeah, he was a good looking man if you'd have to be honest. He had your girls wrapped around his long finger five minutes after coming there - there was this... Testosterone or some shit like that coming out of him. Amber gave you one of these risen-eyebrows looks and bit her lower lip once again.
"Care for a dance?" - The man asked, standing up. At first, he was looking into the dancing crowd only giving you his palm as if he didn't even care. You sat there for quite a while before Samuel smiled in your direction, assuring you that he wants you to dance with him. Which, no matter how hard you'd try to deny this, it was something that made you smile too. In a gentle moment, you slipped your palm into his, hoping that at least Amber would stop hitting your ribs.
You honestly hadn't heard that song in years. Calabria felt real like a late 2010-ish song. Was this night sort of a retro party? You hadn't heard the majority of the songs in years, yet people danced to them like crazy. And let's be honest, you and Samuel weren't that much different, because as soon as you hit the dancefloor, he showed you some good moves and suddenly, it wasn't that weird or gross to be seduced by that man.
To be honest, Cutter was quite in the mood when he saw that Samuel and you dancing along with the other pairs. And more importantly, you two were having fun. Sam started with his most outdated moves, slowly getting to the more erotic ones when you seemed to agree with that. The man didn't want to be punched right into his nose. Yet soon, your pelvis was brought close to Samuels and Charlie could see his friend's lips whispering something in your ear. In the reaction to that, you were laughing and soon enough, you put one of your hands on his waist.
Charlie was quite familiar with the song playing. It had some good basses and the beat just invited you to dance. You were the sweetest when you let go of Samuel, rose your hands above your hand, yelling the upcoming lyrics, that went something like... - "Dangerous? Oh! That sounds good, yeah.
Talk to me baby, like I'm your dude." - It made Charlie chuckle.
He was also quite interested in the tactics Samuel used to relax you like that. The whole time Samuel was gone, Charlie stood next to the bar, thinking about what he should he do. He was choosing a tactic if you will. Every woman was different, so he better has some back-up plan if he wants to win the bet. Samuel undeniably had the charming personality chicks liked, whether he was aware of it or not. He was a forty-something-year-old dude with the mentality of a dude in his early twenties, which was attractive too.
Yet Charlie didn't have that trait. He was a man in his late forties and it could be seen as well. He was bald too. But that was something Samuel didn't quite have - the authority of something like a daddy figure if you will. He met girls who were into that sort of stuff and he hadn't got a single problem with delivering - it was quite fun actually. To say it quickly, he was a guy who was looking mysteriously with a good sense of humor, making the chicks both screaming in pleasure and very with laughter when they wanted that goofy-guy sorta stuff.
So he figured out that it would be best to figure out what you were into and work on that since the first second he introduces himself to you on the bar.
"You have good dance moves, Y/N!" - Sam exclaimed happily when he was leading you back to your table. You nodded, still laughing. You couldn't believe that you spend half an hour with a totally strange guy on the dancefloor. Yeah, it wasn't just dancing obviously. Sam proved to be quite handy with his palms, absorbing almost everything out of your body while his mouth was whispering funny stuff. Suddenly, you both stopped and he looked at you with a pretty bold smile. Again, he showed you how quick he could be when his left palm put some hair out of your face. - "This was fun. So... If you would like to have some more fun when you'll be leaving, call this number, deal?" - He asked and gave you a small card.
It was one of the most simple ones you've ever had seen. Samuel Drake - historian, archeologist, and an adventurer. His number was on the other side. After giving him the same nasty grin, you nodded and pushed the card into the back pocket of your jeans, letting him go.
Girls immediately noticed you coming back... All alone without that Sammy boy. But the smile was indicating that you hadn't empty hands. Amber asked you about what happened even before you sat your ass down. - "Well, we danced and lemme say, he's a good dancer and then... He gave me this business card to call him when ill be leaving. Which unfortunately won't happen since I have to lead both your drunk asses to the hotel." - You sighed, playing with the card between your fingers. Monica took it out, smiling at you.
"I'm more or less sober, so I can take Amber home while you'll find that prince charming and have a wonderful night." - She gave it back to you after reading the text under his name. - "I would love to have a cig, anyone going with me?" - Monica asked and mumbled a few curse words while she searched through her purse for a pack of cigarettes. Naturally, you got up and motioned for her to go first, telling amber to sit there on her damn ass until you come back.
It was nice to stand in some fresh air. The night was pretty cold and it was raining a bit, but you didn't care since you were already soaking wet. Monica gave you a cigarette as well and both lit it up at the same moment. She was giving you some nasty grin too, which made you chuckle. - "What?" - You mumbled, exhaling the smoke.
"He seemed to be into you big time. You sure you don't want to call the man?" - She asked and at that moment, she seemed to be pretty reasonable and sober. Your shoulders jolted unknowingly. There was something on that promise of spending a night by his side. Sam was genuinely fun, hot as far as you could say and pretty smart. Also, he wasn't drunk that much, neither were you - so it was maybe really the both-sided chemistry doing the work. A couple of times it seemed that he's going in for a kiss, yet he rather teased you and bit your earlobe gently.
"He seemed sweet and fun and all, but what about you two?" - You asked Monica silently, still smoking on the cigarette with a thoughtful face.
"Oh, shush. We'll take a cab and get to the hotel on our own. I'll look after Amber. She was right about you being all about work or family. He's a stranger and you don't have to see him ever again, and that has some magic into it. Live a bit, come on, sis." - She hugged and you, indeed, felt confident about what Monica has said.
Sam was nothing but a hot guy you met in a club. You can fuck the night away, have some fun, wait for him to fall asleep, and then drive to your hotel, sitting on a flight home tomorrow. You'll never have to see him again.
You were determined that once you'll be leaving, you'll call the man, accepting the offer. When you were inside, you walked to the bar to order some alcohol, because Amber got to drink both your and Sam's beer when you were dancing.
It took you a moment to notice that guy. He was holding a small glass of whiskey, eyeing you with a small grin. He wasn’t exactly your type of handsome, yet there was something about that face. You spotted small stable and very attentive blue eyes. This man was huge in the best meaning of the word. He wasn't fat, not at all, yet it could be seen that there are some muscles under the t-shirt he had on. He was at least twice your age, but you got nervous when you looked into his eyes.
The difference between him and the guy you met earlier was huge. While Sam appeared to be a fairly approachable, exciting, and funny person, this dude... He seemed mysterious and authoritative. Which had woken up things inside of you; things you didn't even know were there. After having your breath stuck for a while, you returned a smile to the man, which was a signal for him to move closer to you.
"Whatever the lady orders, it's my treat." - The bald man told the barmaid, having her smile. Slowly, the man put some pounds on the wooden countertop, still looking at the lady who was serving the alcohol. It was ridiculously more than what you were supposed to pay, yet the gentlemen made clear that he doesn't want a pound back. - "Sure thing, Mr. Cutter."
"And what about you, love?" - He asked, taking your palm to kiss your knuckles delicately. That accent settled inside of your ears, fully attacking your brain. It was hot only to listen to the raspy voice speaking with the fully-blown thick London accent. No matter what you did, that man’s gaze followed you around. You almost felt like you can't escape it. Why Sam was making you feel so good and that was what made you aroused, yet this man was coming across as someone who would bend you over his knee with pleasure and it made you interested as well. - "What about me?" - You asked back, smiling at the man.
"What are you doing here alone?" - Cutter said and leaned even closer, having a smile on his lips when he leaned closer enough to whisper things into your ear. He had a firm body, just like Sam did, yet these two couldn't come across differently. - "I can do something about that, sweetheart."
Was all of this a nice dream? Two attractive men approaching you on the same night, telling you to leave the place with them. Or were they serial murderers? Or did a car hit you and you were in a coma? No, your heartbeat reminded you that this is pretty much happening in front of your very eyes. What the fuck should you do? If you'll leave with Cutter, what about Sam? And if you'd leave with Sam, what about this man? Why couldn't you have them both?
Monica more or less made you swear that whatever happens, you'll leave with Sam at the end of the party. But you felt being in a tight corner at the moment. Both men had some spark in them, one of them promised you a whole night of fun and the other one felt like a total daddy.
"That's kind of you, sir." - You winked at him, not knowing what else to say. The club was slowly getting darker, changing the color scheme as it was getting closer to midnight, now playing some Russian rap songs. Cutter looked at the couples around you, seeing many of them kissing and touching far beyond the line of decency. That was before you felt tips of someone's fingers smoothing your upper arm, gently getting onto your sweaty neck and jaw.
You could turn away from that man, yet there was something that made you push your head even closer, so your lips could meet his halfway. He wasn’t shying away at all, coming in with full force - lip bite, not too long after that, he even used his tongue, holding you close by your jaw. And this man, dear lord, he had some skillful mouth. It even made you close your eyes with enjoyment, making you moan lightly into his kiss.
"So, what do you say, love? Me, you, my place here?" - He whispered once he was done with the kiss, his palm slowly traveling down on your waist and lower. Sam did touch these places, yes, but his approach was more natural than devoting straightaway. Which made you also a bit cautious and aware of the man.
"I need to go back, Mr. Cutter. But thank you for the... Ehm... Invitation anyway." - You took the drinks, hurrying up back to girls. Your heartbeat was off the charts, your whole damn body was sweaty and since there were two rather handsome men trying to win you over that night, you were aroused as well. You couldn't leave with Sam, because you'd think about Cutter and the other way around. But you were sure that you will at least masturbate that night.
"Are you okay?" - Amber yelled into your ear when you finally sat down, gulping down. You couldn't catch your breath ever since Cutter kissed you. Your gaze traveled to her and you shook your head almost frantically.
"Another guy tried to take me over to his place." - You mumbled, gulping down your whole drink at once. Monica smiled and leaned over to you.
"And was this one as handsome as that Samuel before?" - She asked, taking her cocktail out of your hand. You turned your hand to the dancefloor, imaging both the men inside of your head.
"It's hard to tell, Monica. This one was tall and well-built as well..." - You sighed, but Amber stopped you once again. - "How can you know that he was well-built?" - She wondered, taking the last ice-cold drink as well. It was a miracle that she hadn't fallen asleep until that point.
"Because I know he's a good kisser too." - You smiled and each of you started laughing like crazy. - "I mean, he wasn’t the most handsome man I've seen, yet, he had that something inside these eyes." - You shook your head, not believing the things that had happened inside that club. It was just one night you've spent there and two attractive men approached you. One of them was American, the other one was clearly British and you knew that both of them had something to offer. But you knew that you'll leave alone once again.
"How did it go?" - Samuel asked Cutter once he walked off the dancefloor again. Cutter was leaning his elbow to the bar, watching you and your girls chatting excitedly. After that, he turned back to Sam.
"I can't tell, mate. First, it appeared that I have her hooked, but she left after that. What about you?" - Charlie finished another glass of whiskey, moving to beer for the rest of the night. From Sam’s smirk, it was apparent that at least one of the men is feeling positive about the whole bet.
"She has my number and when I was on a smoke break, her friend told her that she should have some fun with me tonite if you know what I mean." - Samuel wiggled his eyebrows, making Cutter frown even more. Maybe he shouldn’t go for the kiss just like that, but your body was telling yes. You were attracted to him, so why shouldn't he test the waters? It was too late for these kinds of thoughts. He probably had scared you off.
The two friends were standing there for quite a while and waited for Sam's desired call, talking about nothing the whole time. Sam had to say that he had some fun time and Cutter’s most impressive bomber on top of that. But that was when both men felt someone's presence behind them.
"You two know each other?" - A voice asked them and when they turned around, it was none other than you. Your eyes were looking at both of them and it was clear that you don't know what to think of that. Sam looked at Cutter with panic, not knowing what to say.
"It's not how you think it is." - Cutter tried to calm you down, but you were visibly upset over the whole situation. Yeah, it was a bet, but Cutter meant what he said. He wanted to spend the night with you. This was just a fun way to raise the stakes. If you wouldn't get to know.
"Jesus, I should've known that you two are assholes." - You walked between the men, mumbling something about assholes, dickheads, and shits, preparing money to pay the last drinks of the night. - "How would two men like you saw something on an ugly duckling like me? Funny shit, I tell you." - You mumbled with disgust, ordering cocktails your girls asked for.
"You don't know what you're talking about, love. You're beautiful." - Cutter told you back with a small smile, looking Samuel in the eyes. The other man nodded when he realized, leaning into the bar as well. - "And intelligent as hell, which is a huge turn on. I don't know why someone as pretty as you are even let guys like us talk to you." - The American smiled at you from the other side, lust lingering inside his eyes.
Could that be? It maybe was just a bet, yet these two men seemed to be interested. It could be a game as well - but a perfect solution to your situation too. If these two knew each other, maybe you didn't have to leave the place alone because you couldn't choose between them. Maybe, you could leave with both of them at once. You’ve never done that, but the alcohol inside your veins made you courageous.
"So, you're friends, you know each other, right?" - You asked while a smile grew on your lips. Oh, Cutter knew what is about to come and... It was so nasty that it turned him on in some kind of way. Samuel was completely confused tho. - "That means you can meet me outside the club in ten, probably?" - You asked innocently, taking the drinks, smiling at Charlie. He smiled back, leaving Samuel in the dark for a little longer.
"Which one of us?" - The American demanded. He wanted to win the bet so badly because Cutter’s bombers were the best in the whole world. But when he saw your devilish grin with the shine in your eyes, his heart skipped a beat. Oh. OH. Holy fuck. You had that spark inside of you, but neither of them would ever say that you're a nasty girl as well. At least not this much.
Sam honestly never seen cutter without clothes and he didn't know if he's ready for that, but... Life was about adventure, right? And this way something Sam knew he will say yes to. There was something on having a girl helpless, being taken care of by two men. He loved to worship women, he indeed loved everything about that, but this was exciting as well. And Charlie? He knew how to approach to a threesome. There were occasions where he had joined in and in some, he was only there to watch. He especially loved when two ladies invited him to a bad. But he hadn't a single issue with giving you what you wanted.
"Both of you, silly." - You smiled sweetly before disappearing into the crowd.
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dreamofkpop · 4 years
thought we had something
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Felix (and a brief Jisung appearance)
i’m sorry to all the charlix shippers
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December 20th, 2019
The music blared through the speakers, loud enough to block out noises outside of the room, accompanied with the soles of Charlie’s sneakers smacking against the floor. 
After her day out with Jaemin she’d gone straight to the studio, hoping to brush up on some choreography before their next show. It was now the early hours of the morning. 
The digital clock above the mirrors displayed 6:53 AM in flashing red, she’d been there since 11 and was quickly growing tired, but nonetheless she kept on dancing. 
It was only when the door swung open and Jisung tripped his way into the room with his phone clutched in his hand that she stopped, picking herself up off the floor and pausing the music. 
“Did you run here?” She asked as her body slumped against the couch. 
“Yes, but i was only upstairs” Jisung panted, placing his hand over his chest. “You need to see this”
He unlocked his phone and held it out for her, a confused expression taking over Charlie’s features as she took the device from him. 
It was open on Twitter, a specific tweet from Soompi. 
Slapping her hand over her mouth, Charlie bit down on her bottom lip to suppress the scoff that sat in her throat. “Dating rumours? really? that’s rich” 
Taking his phone back once she handed it to him, Jisung stared at her with a bewildered expression. “That’s not how i thought you’d react” 
“The internet thinks i’m dating the boy i grew up with? the one i see as a brother? that’s the funniest thing I've heard all week!”
“You do realise you could get in trouble? i mean, none of us are exactly allowed to date” 
Charlie sighed. “But am i dating him? No! Am i dating anyone? No! So i don’t think i’ll have to worry”
“Right” Jisung coughed. “I’ll head back then shall i?” He turned around and headed in the direction of the door.
“Hang on.” Charlie spoke, stopping Jisung in his tracks, he turned around to face her. “Why were you here at this time anyway?”
“Just working on a track with Chan hyung” He shrugged. “Right, i’m going, don’t fall asleep here” 
She watched as the boy walked out, turning back momentarily to wave. “Bye bye!” 
December 22nd 2019
The rumours had been out for a few days and so far things had been pretty positive. She’d managed to quickly clear things up with the managers and JYP and luckily, the boys had found it pretty hilarious too.
All except for one. That ‘one’ being a certain Lee Felix.
“You’re in the same group, you live together, how have you not seen him?” Yeji’s voice rang through Charlie’s headphones.
“Okay i have seen him but we just haven’t spoke in a few days, i feel like it’s my fault”
"Bitch, grow a pair and talk to him!" Yeji rolled her eyes (Charlie just knew she did). "You guys can't act like this forever." 
"I don't even know what I did!" 
"Then ASK HIM!!" 
"Wow, okay, that's kind of aggressive Yeji."
"Charlie, I swear to God you-"
“Fine! I’ll talk to him!” Charlie exclaimed, earning weird looks from other people on the street, “but don’t be surprised if it goes down in flames. I’m bad at this stuff”
Yeji scoffed. “Knowing you? That’s a given”
“You’re such a great friend, so supportive” 
“I know, it’s my best quality” 
Eventually Charlie arrived back at the dorm, entering the building with a huff. She opted into taking the stairs in order to come up with a plan. 
“Make sure you talk to him.” Yeji suddenly spoke, making Charlie jump. “If you don’t i’ll do it myself” 
“If you weren’t my friend i would’ve hit you by now, evil girl” 
As Charlie entered the dorm she ended the call, leaving her headphones in her ears. Slipping her shoes and coat off she heard a commotion coming from the living room. 
“You cheated!”
“No! You can’t even cheat on this game, you’re just terrible at it!
“Whatever. I wan’t a rematch!” 
“Fine, but don’t cry when i beat you again...for the 6th time” 
‘Typical Hyunjin and Jisung...always arguing’ She thought to herself as she walked into the room, the two boys too focused on their game of Mario Kart to notice her presence. 
“Oh, Charlie, you’re back” Minho’s voice suddenly came from behind her. 
She looked over her shoulder as the older boy walked out of the kitchen and flashed him a smile. Her smile faltered as Yeji’s words rang back in her head. 
Talk to him
“Oppa d’you know where Felix is?” 
He motioned to their left. “In his room, been in there all day”
Thanking him she walked over and gently knocked on the door. On the other side of the door Felix looked up from his phone and replied to the knocks with a low ‘come in’ 
As the door was slowly pushed open and Charlie peeked her head round Felix unintentionally gripped his phone harder. 
“Hey” Charlie’s voice was quiet and soft.  
His reply was curt. “What do you want?” 
“To talk”
“Busy. Maybe later”
He hopped off the bed and brushed past Charlie, headed for the door. Only to be stopped by her hand grabbing a hold of his sleeve to pull him back.
“What did i do?”
Without turning around Felix replied. “What do you mean?”
Charlie groaned, her fingers curling around his sleeve tighter. “You’re ignoring me which means I’ve done something and i wanna know what I’ve done so i can fix it” 
“Like you don’t already know” 
“Well clearly I don’t! So just tell me”
The glare in his eyes as he turned around made Charlie flinch. “You lied to me.” His voice dropped scarily low. 
“What? How? When?” 
Felix rolled his eyes and tired to pull his sleeve from her grip but Charlie instead grabbed a hold of his wrist. “Charlie let go” He warned. 
“No. Talk to me, tell me what i did”
The room fell silent with tension so thick you could slice through it. Charlie stared at the boy before her intently while he glared daggers into the floor. 
“Shut up, okay? Just shut up.” He snapped. “You lied to me, led me on, made me believe there was the tiniest chance that i had a shot! Everything that has happened between us then i find out from the INTERNET that you’re dating someone?! And Jaemin of all people?”
Charlie’s eyes widened, shock and guilt hitting her like a whirlwind. She couldn’t understand why he was so upset about rumours that weren’t even true. 
“Why are you so pressed about this? They’re not even-”
“Because i like you, dammit! So fucking much and for so long and i thought we had something but no! you lied and let me believe you liked me back!” 
As the words fell from his lips Charlie swore she felt her heart snap, her grip on his wrist slacked and she let go, hands falling limp at her sides. She stood there gathering her thoughts while Felix stared at her.
Just as the boy turned to leave she shot her hand out and her fingers just about latched onto the back of his shirt.
“Hear me out before you walk away. I am so incredibly sorry, i didn’t want any of this to happen believe me! Felix those rumours aren’t even true! As much as i love Jaemin he’s like a brother to me and i’d never date him. I am really fucking sorry for anything and everything I’ve that’s lead you on and- can we just talk this out? please?”
Without missing a beat, he replied. “So why did you kiss me back?”
“What? When?”
“You know exactly what and when I’m talking about. If you had no intention of this happening between us then why did you kiss me back?”
“Because i wasn’t thinking!” Charlie exclaimed. “It was the heat of the moment and i wasn’t thinking! Plus I didn’t think it would escalate into something like this- Felix you should’ve told me you liked me...this whole thing could’ve been avoided”
He ignored the last part of her sentence and sighed. “Even so the fact that you were so oblivious shocks me.”
“I’m terrible when it comes to boys”
“Yeah no shit”
The slight aggression in his voice made her wince, he had a point though.
Charlie groaned. “Okay. This whole thing is my fault and you can be upset, mad and angry at me for however long you need but I’m sorting things out now. Whatever was going on between us is over, it’s done. Knowing I unintentionally playing with your feelings and leading you on makes me feel sick. I’m sorry Felix, truly.”
He nodded and flashed a small smile though it was painfully obvious that he was hurt and angry. “Just...give me time to clear my head...and some other things too”
To avoid an awkward silence Charlie walked around him and to the door “This is your room so i’ll leave” she muttered before scurrying out.
When she turned around she met the stares of Hyunjin, Jisung, Minho and now Jeongin. They stared at her with looks of sympathy and regret.
‘Fuck, the walls in this house are paper thin’ She thought.
“What are you guys staring at?” She opted to asked as she pushed herself away from the door and towards the kitchen.
“You okay?” Hyunjin asked carefully, fiddling with the game controller in his hands.
Avoiding their looks, she speed walked towards the kitchen. “Yep, fine, why?”
Minho followed her into the kitchen. “Sounded like one hell of an argument. Wanna talk about it?”
“Not really. You’ve got a better chance asking Felix”  
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simptasia · 4 years
lost characters based solely on how i portray them in my text post memes
jack: constantly crying and/or screaming. no emotional stability. no social skills. terrible bedside manner. endearingly bland. into powerful women. loves the red sox... a lot. daddy issues. doesn’t believe in himself. has shitty tattoos. being crushed under the weight of everybody’s expectations. more or less hot. he is not cool at all. repressed attraction to guys. chronic hero syndrome. adorably embarrassing as a dad. passionately and violently overreacts to the mere concept of people believing in things. mansplains but in a non malicious way because he is literally that oblivious. gets into fights a lot. dissociates in mirrors. gets injured a lot but doesn’t wanna make a fuss. thinking about caves
kate: desperate need to protect women. bi. is frustrated by jack and sawyer’s personalities but wants to fuck them oh so much. rowdy. feminist. biceps. will call you out. is love with claire and jack and sun and- she has a lot of love to give. she can be ur angel or ur devil. exasperated. doesn’t understand astrology but she’s trying. she’s the slytherin friend every hufflepuff needs. uses guns. doesn’t know how to cook. go to relationship advice is “dump him” or “suck his dick”.  just because you put things in her vagina doesn’t mean you know her. gemini
hurley: sad clown. haha laughter! hiding real pain! has debilitating mental illness. he’s doing his best to stay positive. virgin. genuinely kind soul. overwhelmed by food. awkward around girls he likes. much smarter and wiser than anybody thinks, including himself. a special boy who we all love. says dude a lot. the only valid rich person ever. doesn’t like himself. sees dead people. kinda silly. also he’s fat (but i don’t joke about it in a cruel way)
sawyer: compulsive need to nickname people. from the south. bewildered by charlie’s english slang. covering up vulnerability with jokes and being mean. loves juliet. is an asshole but a loveable asshole (this varies, mostly he’s an asshole). conventionally attractive to the point of boring. got a Thing going on with miles. can’t stand daniel being smart around him. babies freak him out. treats animals poorly
locke: very supportive and new agey type. i’ve made two jokes about him encouraging people to jack off, that wasn’t on purpose but Okay. he doesn’t know what its like to have friends. he says Deep Sounding but odd things. he’s super duper into nature. he suffers. he’s very forgiving of ben to the point of absurdity and he desperately wants ben to love and fuck him. or maybe they are fucking. Who Knows. he loves knifes
sayid: sexy, suffering shannon fucker. he doesn’t respect boone. his life is an endless parade of misery culminating in going on autopilot. respects women
jin: he has no idea what’s going on and his life revolves around sun
sun: beautiful. perfect. very passionate about gardening
claire: bi. frequently ignored. cutesy and sweet. super into astrology and new age stuff. her cheery demeanour can only hold on so long before she loses it. kinda dumb. has baby. vanilla, at least for now. loves charlie but is kinda frustrated by him. goes feral and “kitten thinks of murder all day” sums it up
charlie: that he needs attention and validation to survive would be a gross understatement. bi. trans. punk. stupid. english. really horny and slutty. adores music more than anything. drug addict (again, i refuse to be cruel). severe jealousy issues. inferiority superiority complex. hates himself but will get offended if you hate him. can’t take any form of criticism. is bewildered by sawyer’s american-isms. bit of a madonna whore complex. smol but will go the fuck off like a terrier nipping at ya heels. catholic and riddled with catholic guilt. goofy and obnoxious and he knows it. passive aggressive. terrified of bees. nice ass. mood swings. did i mention he’s short? anyway here’s wonderwall
ben: ugly. just plain terrible. beaten and bruised. seething with rage and pain on the inside. virgin. liar. just causes problems on purpose. resembles a lemur or rat, rodents in general. loves bunnies. doesn’t think sex is real. just a really bad idea for him to be around juliet. has no friends. doesn’t care about other people. says creepy shit just because. he knows he’s a terrible person. killed people. the friend nobody likes and a general nuisance to the other characters
(also my literal first text post meme about ben was a joke about him eating his parents??? 2014 sapphire, i wanna talk...)
juliet: mom friend. seems very calm but she’s screaming on the inside. basically she’s the This Is Fine meme. depressed. has big tits. low-key kinky. feminist in a very gentle way. has no ill will towards kate and will only fight her for fun. concerned for daniel’s well being. has no chemistry with jack. loves sawyer. flat measured calm way of speaking. she’s breaking apart at the seams but will offer you a nice glass of water :)))
michael: has a son..... uh...... enjoys minecraft?
(i’m sorry)
desmond: scottish. drinks. easily and constantly confused. magic psychic time powers, like visions and electromagnetic dimensional stuff. easily angered. fucked off by the concept of time and destiny in general. hhhhhhhot
smokey: Hello Fellow Humans I Promise This Is My Own Skin Haha
miles: bi. aro. loves money (trying to fill the hole in his heart with money and things). emo/punk. pretends not to care but he really does care. thinks emotions and romance are dumb but of course is emotional... and kinda wants love. but not that he LIKES you or anything. exasperated. thinks everybody else is weird. kinda slutty or at least trying to be. masochist and into BDSM. mean to daniel for no reason. daddy issues. resting bitch face. jaded, bitter and salty. responds to romantic things dan or char say with vulgar or mocking comments. grew up poor. can hear dead people. trying too hard to be edgy. deadpan snarker. Fuck Off I’m Not Sad Don’t Look At Me [cries only around the audience and his mom]
walt: becoming older than 10 was when things went downhill for him
shannon: seems vapid but is more than that. deeply insecure. feels she can’t do anything right. constantly put down as worthless by other people. yeah she’s sad but she Looks Great. wants sayid to pound her (mood)
(gee, that was dark)
richard: very old and ageless. sees ben as a son figure. really not holding it together. seems smart but he has no fucking idea whats going on. cult mindset. quips curtly back at miles’ vulgar jokes. in love with miles based on very little interaction. misses his dead wife. has a cute giggle. is also hot. overwhelmed and just wants to go into the jungle and scream
frank: doesn’t understand what anybody is talking about. the only normal person here. doesn’t understand these kids today with their weird kinks. just wants to sleep. pilot. bit of a conspiracy theorist
boone: bi. stupid. soaked in blood a lot.  (L I T E R A L L Y all of my boone jokes are about him being dumb and bi and horribly injured and combos of those. i haven’t even made any incest jokes! what the actual fuck)
ana lucia: “[with tears in her eyes] DO U WANNA FIGHT??”. highly volatile. lesbian. bros with jack but will roast him. angery, sad and underloved
daniel: bi, agender, neurodivergent, just, just especially brain weird. The Scientist trope but kind of a shitty scientist. smart. in love with charlotte. in love with desmond. likes rats a lot. talks weird and soft spoken. withdrawn and polite but with bursts of bitterness. his mom won’t let him live the live he wants to live. time travel weirdness. loves music. gifted kid burn out. has a mental and emotional collapse. thinks a hydrogen bomb will solve all his problems. skinny. touches people a lot. he’s not okay. romantic. overwhelmed. memory problems. his lack of life experience and softness is used to contrast miles. takes some statements literally. pretty vanilla (for now) and doesn’t know what certain kinks are. likes that charlotte is Tough & Rowdy. doesn’t swear much. bad hair. was unhinged in college. has radiation poisoning
libby: neurodivergent and in love with hurley
eko: yeah... i’ve legit only used him for jokes where charlie says something EXTREMELY vulgar and eko says “go to church”
charlotte: bi, loud, passionate, beautiful, angery, knows All The Languages, huge nerd, loves daniel and thinks he’s a Snack, outspoken feminist, archaeologist/anthropologist and wants to explore some fucking ruins, The Lost Lenore trope, loves chocolate, exasperated, great smile, subtly insecure, doesn’t get that she could just tell daniel how she feels, has had many indiana jones like adventures (off screen, of course), for example: crashing her dirtbike into all 7 wonders of the world
danielle: french and unhinged, has seen some shit
alex: just a young lady with no chill
jacob: suffers from terminal apathy. has little understand of human behaviour. doesn’t care about people. he just plain sucks. has no endearing qualities. causes many problems. beats the shit outta richard. doesn’t like technology. so removed from humanity that he’s a touch uncanny valley
christian, eloise, charles and anthony jokes each have their own kind of flavours but fuck it, i’ll sum them all up as: contemptuous cunts who deserve to die
aaron: just a baby boy. does baby things. has like 5 parents
vincent: a dog. a good boy. does he know more than he lets on? is he mysterious? no, he is just a dog
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empty-dream · 4 years
Just watched 13 Reasons Why S4
Ended up making a full blown commentary per episode because this is finally the last season and I’ve been enjoying this mess since S1. I even forgot that it was released until a friend brought it up to me. So in short,
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Clay, narrating: *I'm good at hiding shits so my parents don't notice at all." His parents: *concernedly looking at him pale and mushing food on the dining table*
The concequences of investigating murder cases and creating conspiracies instead of studying your ass off because it's a damn school really caught up huh.
Charlie holy shit I love you he's so chill and good.
It's been years I still can't believe Justin is really adopted by the Jensens. Funny that now the table is reversed, with Justin finally actually doing better and taking care of the increasingly-ill Clay.
Wow my headcanon is approved, he already graduated by S3. No reason he didn't hang out with the gang after all the shits in S2 if he was no longer around in the first place.
He's still so nice even in Clay's trippy nightmare. Is that what Clay remembers about him? Well not really surprising, considering Scott actually was worried about him in S2.
Good god finally Clay meets a therapist- Wait a minute that's the guy from CSI:NY?!?! Isn't Clay just gonna get clobbered instead.
Okay I knew they are really close and I do adore their relationship so much but HOLY SHIT THEY ACTUALLY GO AT IT WITH ALEX AND ZACH???
Alex: *panicking over the kiss* Zach: Ayy don't worry let's just continue perhaps-suicidally hanging out on dangerous rooftops that you were almost fall to your death from. Alex: ????
That narration of Clay ranting about college applications. I'll drink to that bruh.
Ya I too make my applications and other supposedly important matters at 3AM instead of any other more sensible time.
Oh my fucking god that is the creepiest smile I've ever see.
I feel like as Justin gets better and better with his life, Clay goes worse.
Justin is so excited about going to college! You deserve the future man. 
The old-time stoners and drunkards are rehabbed or dead. Enter Zach.
Winston: *eyes and ears up to your shit 24/7*
Nobody likes Tyler in S1 but now everybody likes him.
Okay. Cops doing shit jobs at protecting. This feels too real with this situation right now.
Clay's adventure to put the trash into the trash bin.
Omg they got the paint to the lab this is going real CSI.
Idk about u but at this point I don't exactly want to pay attention to Jessica/Justin problems anymore.
I know Zach and Clay don't get along and that's why I need their adventure together.
Clay drunk-puking on Justin. Well well well how the turntables.
The return of Monet!!
"I have 2.8. If I work hard, I'll get 2.9" Winston omg same.
Tht held gaze between Alex and Winston.. Is this slow burn fanfiction???????
Yes Mr. CSI it will definitely get worse.
I know writing about your feelings can make you feel better but probably not in your college essay form.
I'm starting to think Clay is the one who dies in the end? Idk tho.
I guess the toll of busting ass trying to save everyone by yourself is catastrophically high, huh, Clay? Funny that he now goes from 100 in S3 to 0 in here and that's actually realistic.
Alex and Winston are really pining each other with Zach in the background lmao.
"You don't wanna go on the Valentine Dance with me? Even as friends?" Well sometimes there are moments when you just don't go back to being friends. It's an actual normal thing.
And besides the last time Alex goes with Jess for something she wanna do, he ends up murdering somebody. So.
"Hey Zach. Hey punch me. Hey you pussy now? Hey hey. Bitch." *poke* *poke* *poke*
No Zach he's trying to save all of your asses. You can't just say that.
Charlie is really just there trying to do his best in this shitshow and like Justin I wanna laugh but also am proud.
Everyone: *being paranoid and unto each other* Alex and Winston: *having the date of their life*
I wish everyone doesn't have this level of trust issues but then again we won't have a shitstorm drama like this.
When did this become "what is love?" philosophy class?
"You know love but you love so fiercely and sometimes it hurts."Wow Mr. CSI you hit the mark.
How many parties can the Liberty High hold in a year?
"You go with Charlie to get back to Justin, right?" Wow Diego you HIT the mark.
I still have problems with Ani as a character, but I do like her casual banters with Clay.
You know, with all these trust issues, I'm surprised nobody actually tries to peek on other's phone. Like, I know that's low. But, you know, faster solution. And better than having mass hallucinations.
Oh God the football team really is a bunch of jerks. Good fucking thing Scott is outta here.
Alex and Winston almost die like couples in a cheap slasher movie.
"Fuck Love." Clay Jensen, 2019 (according to the movie timeline)
Why is Charlie talking? Why is he wearing the football jersey? Who on earth dies?? Is it Zach? Justin? Somebody else from the football team? But the content of your speech man...
Ah yeah. Clay did survive a great big deal of many ugly shits. Single-handedly thanks to adrenaline, mostly.
Jess got a point tho. Ani could have followed Clay to stop him, by herself or with the gang. What did she do? She spied on Winston and Alex, and then went back to the dance. So much for handling anything themselves.
Or maybe, the gang shouldn't have let Ani and Clay take care of it themselves.
Does anybody in this show ever figure out Clay has dead people hallucinations?
Domestic Jensen family is my everything.
Charlie really out there bribing Zach with his homemade cookies I-
Ah yeah, I kinda forgot that in reality Alex and Winston have a really difficult situation. With Bryce and Monty stuff.
"Looking back on your time at Liberty, do you have any regrets?" Really? Isn't that all they have?
"Who do you trust most in your life and why?" Everybody: *immediately side-eyeing each other*
Clay c'mon wtf Justin is really just worried sick and trying to help you. Aaand he's gone.
Jess you don't put your hands into something without checking it first...
Why would you only send 2 adults to supervise 30-50 kids on a camping wildlife trip? They wouldn't be able to do shit.
"I thought you were a football player!" "I AM a football player! And so are YOU!" Gold.
Dream!Monty and Dream!Clay really sit like that and I almost laugh were it not for the fact that I do that too. It's strange to see that for once, they talk normally, heart-to-heart, without the usual snickering, chiding, all that venom.
Oh shit they really make Monty and Clay mirror each other like that. They both protect people they love but have tendencies to snap, one way or another.
Zach, dude, I know you've been a real good friend. But Alex almost died. Twice. Because of your drunken ways. And you laughed. Didn't you spend an entire season trying hard to not let him die again? What's wrong with you?
When did this become a horror movie?
The Standalls :((
CHARLIE MY MAN WITH HIS COOKIES. And incidentally, a wild Zach appears.
"So are we gonna fall apart or trust each other now!" Justin my man.
Clay dude that would have been an amazing entrance were it not for the fact you looked insane.
I can't fucking believe they just go normally at campfire like that. Two people almost died. Several got beaten. What the fuck.
Does it come from the bottom of your heart or it doubles as a threat, Clay?
Alex you had us at the first half not gonna lie.
Wait. So who has been fucking around with the football team? Who moved Clay?? Huh??
Justin finally breaking down after 5 episodes being the most decent and healthy person around. Well Charlie is too but he's new, so.
Finally an obligatory meeting at Monet.
CYRUS AND THE PUNK GANG!!! God I love you guys where have you been. And you guys are computer geeks?!?!?! Perfect.
My question exactly, Clay. Good replies tho, Cy.
I'm still thinking how for a nerd, Clay knows A LOT of people and knows who to ask what.
"How am I even friends with you?" Ya Alex that's my question too. How are you suddenly bff with Zach? I don't remember you two being close in S1?
Hm. If you aren't holding his family at stake, there is no way Tony would even think to rat out.
Mr. CSI starts going CSI on Clay.
I almost forgot Charlie's last name is St. George. The cast goes by Charlie mostly so.
Justin really shows up at the party with the angry mom pose and disappointed look at Clay. The turntable, people. Flynn's voice got raspy.
Oh no no Clay you don't go there. Please don't split my Jensen-Foley brothers like that. Meanwhile the punk gang be like just watching there.
C O O KI E S??? Goddamn Charlie do you bring cookies everywhere you go??
Charlie my boy you T_T I was kinda suprised that the cookie baking actually had a sad backstory.
Clay-Zach bonding that I fucking wish for oh yeah. I definitely didn't expect it with piano and drunk singing tho.
While Clay is having the time of his life, Tony is seeing life flashes in his eyes.
Yassss he winssss!!!!
Caleb's expression when the sherrif hugs him lmfao
Nice try Sherrif but Tony knows your tricks.
"What of any of this is okay?" Wow things you'd never hear Justin says in S1.
Meanwhile, Charlie and Alex are high on weed cookies as fuck. Their conversation is the most interesting thing I've seen beside the Scott cameo till now.
The look on Justin's face when Clay pushes him :((
MY DUDES HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT JEFF'S DEATH? WHAT HE WAS ACCUSED FOR?! You do not, under any circumstances, drive drunk.
Clay be spitting truth.
They really be discussing Clay's chronic hero syndrome huh.
Okay. Operation Clay-Zach failed.
Weren't Zach all fuck it all yeah! kinda guy? Guess when you are the one who faces death it's not that fun anymore huh.
"One Clay Jensen is enough" Jess truth.
Do Alex and Charlie really study Spanish in front of Tony who is not helping at all? That would be embarrassing lmao.
Clay: Fuck off. Hallucination!Monty: *sits next to him*
Gotta hand it to Timothy Granaderos. He could go venomous to puppy eyed in 1 second. Amazing.
Man. School shootings are fucked up. There are many things I wonder about mankind and one of them is why is school shooting even possible?
Hallucination!Bryce: Hi I’m sorry I’m late. I hear this is time for Clay’s dead people hallucination party.
"Are you a hero or a martyr?" Wow they really throw the question.
And here is Clay sitting under the desk between his two most hated dead people hallucinations whispering moral dilemmas to him.
Meanwhile Winston and Zach got high.
Charlie helping Alex to breath.
The talk with Estella and Tyler.
"No offense, you are cool, but I don't wanna die with you." Zach chill lmao.
Are.. Are you sure outing that to Winston is a good call, Zach? For a guy who was super paranoid that his gang would narc him, he sure is loose mouthed himself.
I like how everyone from Tyler to Zach to Winston, admits that Alex is a really kind guy.
Wow Tony did you really expect anyone could do anything in that situation, in fucking Evergreen situation, for that matter?
Charlie is a great friend wow.
Cl-CLAY DON'T GO OUT that is EXACTLY what you are NOT supposed to do!!!
Goddamnit Clay. Holy shit Clay. 
Dylan Minnette really worked hard in this scene.
.......... WAIT A MINUTE IT'S NOW ACTUALLY CHARLIE ALEX????? Tony be just walking in.
Clay really got into a psych ward. Talk about darkest hour. And it’s only ep 6?
Wow Ty that's some brave lines.
Which hallucination-induced person is Clay talking to before Ani gets there?
Ok that therapy session made me tear up.
These kids are having college interviews at the worst time possible. They are all fucking breaking down one way or another.
And Charlie just, really never gives up on Alex huh.
What's most important to Clay is his friends. Real quick to answer that question huh.
God Justin lashing out at the Jensens. It's the first time he does it and it hurts.
Zach holy fuck. I appreciate you didn't out it but holy fuck you didn't have to do that are you trying to die
Clay-Tony combo is back baby I miss them so much. Although perhaps Tony you would mind a bit about Clay's health because clearly he was out of it.
This is so short. I too really don't like application essays and interviews and the inevitable revisit of the sadder parts of my life because of them.
When did this become sci-fi apocalyptic story?
God I miss the time when Clay's dreams are just Inception-styled trippy shit with Scott randomly says hello and gets him water.
Okay. Everyone's got their own way to cope with existential and moral crisis huh.
You know what, I would like one movie out of this sci-fi dream.
I knew it Tyler was a bait to smoke out illegal gun dealers. Is that... An okay thing to do for a high schooler? Sounds fucked up, all things considered.
Yaaay Justin's got the college! I'm super happy!
Wow Estella good question.
Wow Tyler good statement. If they trust each other a bit more, everything would have been a bit better.
Ah shit. Justin relapses again.
Does Tony need to be pummelled first before he finally goes all off to finish his opponent or what?
Is this going Big Brother Is Watching
What the fuck. That locker fight scene is disgusting.
Jess and Clay might throw shades at each other but together they share one brain cell.
"I think it's a walkout, Sir" Tyler lmao
Wow Zach and Alex heart-to-heart.
Cyrus really steps on some pedestal to make his point.
Aaand Zach and Alex really go all out on "doing it right" huh.
They really have students vs cops riot at this time. Talk about timing.
It's nice to see the punk gang enjoying the fighting again.
Dude what happens if you don't have anything on your bag tho.
Aaaah the punk gang with Tyler again!!
"Why are you with me and not with Charlie?" Zach ouch that hurts.
Zach no no no Zach get out of there too Zach pls
Clay really becomes 2nd in command to Jess huh.
Charlie tries to save Clay but gets whacked on the head instead. 
Tony you came back!! Oh so that college scout was.. Oh.
Oh shit Clay. Oh. Shit. I should have realized that. Goddamn.
"I like sleep." Charlie me too. 
God Alex and Charlie literally sleep together jaldjwaownaljewoalsj that some cute shit.
Wow Clay really takes Mr. CSI's advice to round up the gang and confesses. That's a step.
Charlie sometimes has a good idea, huh.
The Jensens meeting is probably the reason why the idea of parenthood scares me.
Also Clay and Justin really put the practice of "tell the parents the less-harsh-but-still-harsh truth, then ask them to get prom back" by the book. And it's awkward.
Aww Charlie coming out to his dad and the response he gets... When you put the rich fams like Dempseys, Walkers and Saint Georges together, the last one is really the only healthy one huh.
Way to go Jess!
Ah I forgot Alex has an older brother.
Aaaahhh Charlie has dinner with the Standalls! Their reaction is so sweet!
"Does he make you happy?" "Yeah. A lot." AHDKWJWOAKDUWLAOEL I mean after everything that has happened to Alex, man I am so happy he can say that with a fond smile.
Wow Ani you do karaoke good, asking Jess out even better.
OH MY GOD IT ESCALATED. Also Alex is right that one is creepy Charlie.
I thought by special doughnut Caleb means some diet-related stuff fit to Tony's menu for fighting. Why didn't I expect a literal Will You Go To Prom doughnuts?
CHARLIE PLEASE STOP AHAHAHAHA you dumb rich kid where did you get all those lamps and prop candles.
"Would you love me any less?" Aww Clay knows Justin loves him.
"You three all look adorable" Ya Jess, same.
Tony really out there doing the "I'm here because he's here" to Caleb.
Clay, Alex, and Charlie be like judging Zach hard.
Oh right that one kid from Cyrus's gang is gay and he brought his boyfriend!
Zach: You two sitting here like it's a funeral. Also Zach: *proceeds to continue sitting as well*
"We deserve to live." Finally something from Zach's mouth that I can agree for this season.
I love that Tony and Caleb are such good friends to Clay.
And now it's Winston turn for dead people hallucination.
..... The door to the other side again.. :'''((
CHARLIE AND ALEX WON THE PROM KINGS AAAAAAHHHHHH I mean with all those extra efforts, it'd be hard to not to. And there goes Alex finally giving in to dance.
I don't like Luke the football guy when he's the enemy but I like him when he's a friend. He's a hype man lmao.
Alex I'm so happy for you man. I'm glad you are finally happy. My heart was tight at the dance part .
Everyone: *dances* Clay: *sits there, monologuing philosophically*
I like that Clay and Ani finally being honest that they don't fit each other romantically. As romance goes there is not much romantic tension between them. And they have way too many flawed traits that when paired, would turn the relationship sour and possibly toxic in the end.
Justin do u like to show up and make everyone step aside for you or what.
I like that Clay was just watching from a distance. Then at last minute decided to join the crowd with his mother, whom he had a few trust issues with in all seasons.
Charlie: "Foundry's gay?!" Alex: "Mind's blown" Me: Same.
There has been nothing wrong going on in one episode, aside from the Zach one that's timely stopped by Charlie and Alex. I'm suspicious.
Ah. Yes. Of course.
Oh my god Justin's the one dead huh?
Oh thank God he hasn't died. Yet.
Oh God Justin no. No no no.
Get your shit together Zach. Even Charlie tells you that.
No no no not like this not after everything oh god.
Somebody would you actually please run after Clay too.
Oh my god Clay.
Oh my god Alex you. Even when he admits it to Winston, he still covers for Jess. I- oh god.
It's been only 15 minutes and it hurts.
Charlie and Alex, the moms of the group.
You know, for a guy who says he doesn't love Justin, Alex gives a lot of shit about him. I guess you can still be around people you don't like?
I know the kiss is huge news Charlie but that's not the issue here lmao.
Zach: *hugs Clay* Clay: ????? Alex and Charlie: ?????? Zach: *pats Tyler's head* *leans on Clay*
The Padillas :''')
Clay Jensen. Class speaker. Wow.
Yeah Mr. CSI's voice is really calm, rather chilling, actually.
"You've looked at death too many times for a young person." Damn right Mr. Jensen.
Ah so that's the reason why Zach stole that letter. Makes sense, emotionally.
You know, I did say Idc anymore about Justin/Jessica problems but when it gets to this point, I can't not care.
So many people come to the hospital...
Clay and Justin's talk. I'm sorry I can't hold it in anymore. I'm fucking sobbing at this moment.
He's dead. He's dead. He's dead just like his mom. But he died not in the same way. He died holding his bro's hand. He died surrounded by his family. He died with people who loved him around.
"After everything, this is how it ends." Fucck
DID HE HAVE TO DIE??? DID JUSTIN FOLEY-JENSEN HAVE TO DIE?? Did you really have to put yet another sucker punch in the last episode of the season?? Yeah I know real kids and people do die from AIDS but really? After a whole season of Clay screaming kids wants to live to the point he lost his mind???
I spent the entire funeral screen crying. I couldn't even scream again when Scott is present in the funeral. I know he'd be there but god I can't right now.
Mr. CSI sure knows super effective ways to make Clay react.
"If Justin's dead, the none of the rest of it matters. " Clay..
He opens up.
Oh yeah I forgot Charlie is a junior.
SCOTTTTT!!!!!! And CHLOE TOO!! It’s nice that they come together. But they aren’t like, together, right? I mean if he is her boyfriend she would say his name right away to Zach instead of a mere ‘would you like to meet him? He’s outside.’
These 4 are such good friends to attend their friends’ graduation ceremony.
The punk guys in toga are so... Refreshing to look. Such hype men.
"It's easy to hate. It's easy to fear. It's goddamn hard to love. But it's not optional. It's essential." Jessica Davis, everybody.
Jeff, Hannah and Justin really died in the span of 2 years. Add to that is Bryce and Monty, whose deaths left uncountable traumas on top of existing traumas. Yeah. It was hellish time.
Scott’s proud small smile when Clay gives his speech. Im love.
"Choose to live. Even on the worst day, life is a pretty spectacular thing." Clay Jensen, everybody.
Ma boi Zach really teared up at Clay's speech. 
Luke and one of the punk kids talking about some geek thing I am not familiar with I-
“No offense Luke. You’ve got great arm but you haven’t been known for your brain.” PETER That BURNS LMAO
Poor Winston just being alone. OH HELLO RYAN YOU ARE FAST.
Zach is gonna study music! Nice foreshadowing since he plays a lot of music this season.
Clay having a gratitude moment with his parents and Scott be like munching cupcakes in the background.
Oh god Hannah ...
Wow the old tape gang is here!! The nostalgia hurts.
They bury the tapes on the same hill again asdfwosaiofai.
Kinda salty Sheri and Scott aren’t here. But then again I guess back then Scott was just helping Clay and co when he could and mostly minding his own business. HOWEVER isn’t Sheri like in the tape and pretty prominent too :(( Like she was really cool with Clay (despite the whole guilt over Jeff), tried to make amends and really helped with the polaroid cases.
Also you can't just insert Scott in Clay's dream and then not have them interact in the end. The dream was such a perfect bait. Like we know at least they apparently get along well.
Everything in Jessica’s final conversation with her Bryce hallucination. Everything in it.
Ryan: “Gordon Lightfoot?” Ha Ryan you miss a whole lot of drama.
Fuck I'm tearing up again at Justin's essay. He deadass makes an entire essay about Clay and how he is his savior I- 
Oh my god they end it exactly like S1 with Tony and Clay riding away. They are really each other’s ride or die.
That’s it. It’s over. It’s been a long trainwreck. So the 2019 class graduates, so does Justin, they are doing uni right now and keeping in touch with everyone. Bye.
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samclownchester · 4 years
Supernatural Rewatch 04x12
Criss Angel is a Douchebag
(Next Episode | Masterlist | Previous Episode)
First of all, Sam had a phase where he was obsessed with magic and now Rowena taught him how to be a witch <3 that’s beautiful and I love that for him.
DEAN I mean, you had, you had, like a deck of cards and a wand.
SAM Dude, I was thirteen. It was a phase.
Alright, so Jay and Charlie are clearly supposed to be a parallel in this episode, but I can’t decide what they’re supposed to be a parallel to, so I’m just gonna talk about all my ideas:
Jay as Dean and Charlie as Sam
Jay describes Charlie as “like a brother to him” a few times throughout the episode, and they have conversations that do feel very similar to conversations Sam and Dean have had with each other:
CHARLIE I would do anything for you. You know that. But I will not watch you die. I'll miss that show.
JAY No, you'll be there. You're always there for me
And Jay says this about him
JAY Charlie got me out of more scrapes than I can count. Hell, I would have been dead by the age of 20 if it hadn't been for him. He was more than my friend. He was my brother.
Plus, Charlie is the one using magic and dabbling in dangerous things, he’s the one who’s morals are questionable … a lot like Sam this season. And Dean says this:
DEAN See, the thing about real magic is it's a whole lot like crack. People do surprising things once they get a taste of it.
And Sam gives him a weird look and  … this episode is also the first reference we get to his addiction to demon blood, and Dean using a drug analogy for magic just feels very fitting. We haven’t seen it yet but Sam will be willing to do some surprising things because of the taste of how powerful his powers can be.
Then we have climax, where Charlie seems to be drunk with his power, disregarding all consequences, and Jay finds himself needing to kill his “brother” for the greater good.
We haven’t had a sibling-killing-sibling parallel in a little while, but here it is again. Foreshadowing that possible future where one brother goes too far, becomes a monster, and needs to be stopped.
I also felt like the ending of this episode weirdly paralleled Swan Song? Which is odd because at this point, we don’t even know that we’re going to have 3 main characters instead of just 2. But it ends with Charlie dead (Sam in the Cage), Vernon moving on (Cas returning to heaven), and Jay empty and alone (Dean, although he goes to live with Lisa, is still hollow after losing his brother).
So, if we look at it this way, it seems to be further pushing the idea that Sam’s interest in magic/his powers is going to go to his head, and he’s going to become dangerous and need to be stopped, but, like I said, that’s not the only interpretation.
Charlie as Ruby and Sam as Jay
Although Charlie and Jay’s relationship was clearly platonic and Ruby and Sam’s isn’t, there were ways in which they seemed to parallel each other in this episode.
Ruby shows up out of nowhere to shame Sam into using his powers, which we will maybe talk more about later, but then when Jay is trying to convince Charlie to become immortal with him …
JAY No, I never wanted this.
CHARLIE You were ready to kill yourself. I saved your life.
VERNON Is that right, Jay?
CHARLIE I was there for you, like I've always been. Like I'll always be. Come with me, both of you. You think the first time around was good? The second time's even better. All the know how, none of the aches and pain.
JAY No, I won't do this. I won't.
CHARLIE I've never made this offer before. But, then again, I've never had friends like the two of you before. Let me do this for you.
JAY And who else has to die so that we can live forever? What's the price tag on immortality? This isn't right, Charlie, what you're doing. You know that. Somewhere, you know that.
It just reminded me of the way Ruby talks to Sam, and the way Sam talks about Ruby. How he credits her with saving his life, helping him move on when he was ready to die. And Jay repeatedly pushing away the offer, saying “I won’t” “This isn’t right,” just seems to echo what Sam has been saying the past few episodes, refusing to drink the demon blood no matter what argument Ruby tries to give him.
Looking at this parallel is interesting: Ruby isn’t afraid to hurt other people (like Charlie is killing people) to get Sam the power she wants him to have. Charlie wants Jay to be “great,” Ruby wants Sam to fulfill his destiny. Both Charlie and Ruby try to present their ideas as solutions, gifts, something that Jay and Sam already want, even if they won’t admit it. Reading it this way would imply that Sam needs to stick to his morals and cut Ruby out of his life, or else risk her trying to get him to do even more stuff he’s not comfortable doing.
The parallel Sam seems to see (aka: Growing old)
Sam has just been visited by Ruby so he’s got it in his head that it’s now his job to save the entire world from the apocalypse
Also I saw a post about Enneagram types and why they would become villains and it said Type 2 would become a villain only because they believe that a person/cause needs their help, and thinking about how Ruby says
RUBY You're the only one who can stop her, Sam. So step up and kill the little bitch.… People are gonna die, Sam. Oceans of people. So you just let me know when you're ready.
And how Sam was resolved to never drink demon blood again, but the idea that the future of the world rests on his shoulders starts to really get to him …
So then he talks to Dean
(Side note: watching this scene given the fact that we’re approaching the finale of the series … ouch. I hate it)
SAM You think we will? … Die before we get old.
DEAN Haven't we both already?
SAM You know what I mean, Dean. I mean, do you think we'll still be chasing demons when we're 60?
DEAN No, I think we'll be dead...for good.
SAM Maybe we'll be different, Dean.
DEAN What kind of Kool-Aid you drinking, man? Sammy, it ends bloody or sad. That's just the life.
SAM What if we could win?
DEAN "Win"?
SAM If there was a way we could just...put an end to all of it.
He is starting to become convinced that it all lies on him to save the world, and that if he doesn’t then he and Dean will be hunting monsters forever or die permanently before their time. He fails to see both of the prior parallels I talked about, and instead is convinced that the “right thing” he needs to do is stop the apocalypse. Jay doesn’t feel like he did the right thing by killing Charlie, and Sam doesn’t feel like drinking demon blood is doing the right thing, but at the end of the day it was better for the world that Charlie die and it’ll be better for the world if Sam stops the apocalypse … right? So when Jay says:
JAY Are you sure about that? You know, Charlie was like my brother. And now he's dead... because I did "the right thing." He offered me a gift, and I just threw it back in his face. So now I have to spend the rest of my life old and alone. What's so right about that?
Sam is just thinking that if he doesn’t do “the right thing,” he or Dean might die and the other will have to live the rest of his life old and alone, so he finally makes his decision. Whatever the cost he is going to do “the right thing.” He tells Ruby:
SAM Okay.I'm in.
RUBY What changed your mind?
SAM I don't want to be doing this when I'm an old man.
So, whatever Sam got out of this whole episode was VERY different from what I drew from it. He just wants to make a world where he and Dean can have peace and grow old. It’s interesting to hear him say this because just a few episodes ago he was saying:  "I don't know. Family, stability... The guy who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. I think someone else came out." Oh wait wrong fandom  But, as much as he has accepted that hunting is his life at this point, I think he still wants to hold on to the idea of hope. That one day he can quit. That there is some end goal, and once they’ve achieved it they can rest.
Ruby has convinced him that drinking demon blood and going after Lillith is the best way to achieve that, so now he’s going to lay aside what feels right and try and do what is right to save the world but he doesn’t know he’s being lied to and manipulated and I wanna punch Ruby in her stupid gorgeous face
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Oc bullshittery pt.7
Bei: I trust flesh!
T.y: You think he knows what he's doing?
Bei: I'm not sure I'd go THAT far.
Rico: [Finds a crumpled up piece of paper] Hey, what’s this?
Quinncie: Oh, that’s my to-do list!
Rico: Wow, you’re being so productive, good for you, I never thought that–
Rico: [reads what on the list]
Rico: This only has my name on it...
T.y: What do you normally do when I’m gone?
Flesh: wait for you to come back...
Peach: why is Quinncie crying?
Elliott: He's drunk and saw a picture of Rico's boyfriend
T.y: But he is Rico's boyfriend
Elliott: Like I said, he's drunk
Quinncie: [crying on the floor in the fetal position]
Eva: [on day three of no sleep and forgetting to eat, looking completely dead inside] Self-care is for the WEAK!
Cake: [coughs]
Eva: [frantically swaddling her in blankets] We need an ambulance!!!
Flesh: [Talking about Eva] Don’t worry! She likes your butt and your fancy hair.
Cake: [As she runs her hand through her hair] She thinks it’s fancy?
Camie brown: Wait, you're gay? As in, gay...gay? As in, you like women?
Peak Lilly: I thought I was being...
Peak Lilly: Crystal queer
Bei: alright boys ready to g– Thomas where’s your vest?
Elliott: [smiling mischievously] yeah Thomas where’s your vest?
Diel: ...
Diel: about that..
Pimp: Quinncie, baby. How can I get back on your good side?
Quinncie: It’s gonna take about three weeks of not talking to me.
Peak Lilly: Why aren't the dishes in alphabetical order!?
Camie brown: WhAt thE FuCK dOeS thAT eVEn MEAn!?
Flesh: [being kidnapped] Will I need my toothbrush?
Kidnapper: Shut up!
Flesh: I'm assuming that means you'll be providing the toothbrush.
Bei: [on the TV] Boss won't get off your back? Girlfriend won't stop nagging you?
Bei: Did that fuckstick Eva sell you a bullshit dagger that broke almost immediately despite the fact that you spent half your goddamn savings on it?
Bei: Have you considered... murder?
My oc's as popular vines:
Quinncie: so no head?
T.y: what the Fuck is up Kyle?!
Peak Lilly: Look at all those chickens!
Flesh: Hi welcome to chilis
Chii: Fuck ya chicken strips!
Poppet: ThAtS My OpInIoN!!
Charlie: Chris is that a weed?!
Diel: what up I’m Jared, I’m 19, and I never fuckin learned how to read
Peach: Wooow
Bei: Ms Keisha? Ms Keishaaaa!? oh my fuckin god she fuckin dead!
Paston: Hi my name is Trey I have a basketball game tomorrow.
Camie brown: I wanna be a cowboy baby!
Elliott: Im a bad bitch you can’t kill me!!!
Flesh: [on the phone] dad? i need your help! Th–
Chii: is the apartment complex on fire?
Flesh: ...no?
Chii: then it’s not an emergency. [hangs up]
Dax: well?! what did he say? what do we do about the portal to hell in the living room?!
Flesh: [shrugs] apparently it’s not an emergency.
T.y: [being strangled by a demon] HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT AN EMERGENCY??
Diel: [muttering]
Bei: Diel what are you doing?
Diel: I’m having an argument with myself so I can finally win something for once.
Bei: would you mind not doing that right now? We need to be quite-
Diel: Well I actually would mind, because I’m losing right now.
Bei: How can you lose an argument to yourself?
Diel: the voices in my head decided to join in, and they’re making some pretty solid points on why I should just kill the bad guys and take their money.
Bei: well that’s........ mildly concerning...
Elliott: MILDLY????!?!!
Chii: In terms of instant relief canceling plans is like heroin.
Chii: I hope flesh liked the shirt I got him yesterday. Oh, he called.
Voice mail: You have 17 new messages.
Chii: What?!
Flesh: Hey dad, thanks for the Bazinga t-shirt it's… great. I was just calling because I might need a ride later tonight. T.y can’t drive and I ran iris's car into a ditch after we watched Fast Five on Netflix together.
Iris: You still owe me for that.
Flesh: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Cars are really flammable, did you know that? I didn’t know that. Well, I do now.. but anyway I’ll call you later if we need a pick up from the show, alright?
T.y: [groans]
Flesh: t.y, you’re up! Talk to you later, dad!
Voice mail: End of Message.
Chii: I’m not listening to all of these.[skips to the last message]
Voice mail: Message 17.
[loud screaming of pure terror as a booming demonic roar pierces the air]
Rico: hey i used to b uglier believe it or not.
Camie brown: What is the worst thing you've done sexually?
Charlie: .... I'm not sure what I'd want to call a worst..
Peak Lilly: A man..
Coccoh: pppfffttttt!
Eva: Stay the fuck away from my man, I won’t tell you again!
T.y: BITCH! I don’t wan yo man. Nobody wants yo man. That’s why he’s wit you!
Peak Lilly: It was the 80s, we did a lot of drugs back in those days.
Bren: How could she even do drugs?! She's a fucking alien!
Camie brown: Your mother found a way.
T.y: [decks said cop]
Bei: why did you do that??????????
T.y: I am not emotionally involved in this situation!
Eva: i sleep with a bow and arrow under my bed.
Bei: oh yeah? i sleep with a gun under my pillow!
Ashton: weak! i sleep with a nanobotic suit ready to be equipped!
T.y: damn, you's all are paranoid as hell!
Eva: yeah? what do you sleep with?
T.y: Elliott.
Flesh: So how about a change of name?
Diel: You know, one that sounds marginally less like a porno than your current one!
Bei: [unsheathes sword]
Diel: [running away] You just had to open your mouth!
Flesh: [ducking under a blade swing] My mouth? My mouth?!! This is your fault!!!
Eva: [slides flip phone across floor] Fuck this and fuck you! You little spawn of Nokia!
Peach: I wonder why I don't like anything around my neck.
Poppet: maybe you were hung in a past life?
[heavy pause]
Eva: -and that's why I think God doesn't exist!
Cake: sorry sugar, I wasn't listenin'.
Eva: what, why?
Cake: look hun, I just really want a cupcake
Paston: wow, that jacket is so soft that if someone hugged you they'd die on impact. And I have a deathwish! So come here!
Quinncie: [singing to the tune of "We Just Got a Letter" from Blue's Clues] I just got a message, I just got a message, I just got a message, and it's from your man!
T.y: Bitches be like "You mine".
T.y: First off I'm on probation, "I" belong to the state.
Bei: I was so angry at everything when i was 13. And i was right.
Bei: [get assigned a mission out of the city]
Bei: [drives off]
T.y: [storms into the apartment]
Rico: [sorting files]
Flesh: [at the computer]
Iris: [sharpening knives]
T.y: ATTENTION SIMPLETONS! Bei has JUST left the building!
Iris: ....
Flesh: ....
Rico: ....
T.y: and guess who’s been deputized as sheriff of this complex!
Rico: [hesitantly raises hand]
T.y: M E! 
Rico: [hand goes down]
T.y: now [presses play on bluetooth speaker] work bitches!
[Work Bitch by Britney Spears echoing throughout the apartment]
Flesh: uuuughhhh not agaaaaain–
Iris: [putting on makeup]
Flesh: [watching]
Flesh: Why do you use so many brushes for makeup?
Iris: Was Mona Lisa painted with one brush? 
Iris: NO!
Bei: [walks into the kitchen]
Apartment complex 404 Fam: [eating breakfast]
Bei: just a reminder; it’s Throat Punch Thursday
Bei: [leaves]
T.y: [checks imaginary watch] damn, that time again already ?
Quinncie: I made a fool of myself today and I will make a fool of myself tomorrow. Good night!
Eva: the only two important Michaels; Jordan and Jackson.
Peach: [while pulling out Michael Myers mask] wooooow aight bet–
T.y: they kicked me outta church bc i yelled “fuck the devil!” I thought we all hated that motherfucker!?
Peak Lilly: You know, one day you could be a great dad!
Chii: I already am.
Peak Lilly: flesh doesn't count.
Chii: so, what did I miss?
Dax: flesh died twice.
Diel: my goal is not to be the best, but to inspire someone enough to one day surpass me.
Bei: you can’t just say that every time you fail a mission.
Iris: wow i need a drink.
Iris: [pours chocolate milk into a shot glass]
Flesh: I think your calculations might have been off.
Diel: Well, they can't be off if I didn't do any.
Iris: [to Elliott] You... you... you rude person!
Dax: Go easy on him, iris.
T.y: [comes downstairs to find bei up and about]
T.y: wow you sure are quite the night person..
Bei: buddy I’m barley even a person!
Bei: No one expects an angel to set the world on fire. But than again I'm no angel.
T.y: oh yea? Well apparently, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
T.y: [Points at flesh] But this one got ran over by a fuckin lawn mower!
Diel: I look like I'm supposed to be stalking senpai in this outfit.
Diel: Who's senpai? Hell if I know but I'm stalking him that's for sure.
Tag list: @nansblockit @ask-the-amazing-greenland @slasher-beware @ticket-to-ride13 @illwaitinthisplace
If you want to be tagged just comment on this post or shoot me an ask/message, have a wonderful day!
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mare-sanguis · 5 years
Monty x Winston part 9
"Lets go home now. The weathers going crazy- well fitted for our mood at the moment.
Scott said, opening his umbrella.
They walked down the street, silence following them.
"You know..." Scott said, glancing a look at him.
"No wonder he was so into you and wanted you near him."
"What do you mean?"
"Well- you're well spoken, friendly... very loyal, dont joke around when its serious. You're handsome.
Winston raised an eyebrow.
"Are you trying to hit me up?"
"What?" Scott said, laughing.
"No. I'm not into guys" he said, whispering a silent "at least I think so?"
"I was just stating a fact. Monty was totally into feminin, soft boys I guess- now thinking of it... I think he had a small crush on Alex, was into Bryce too, though he wasnt feminin guy obviously but he was the first one who "cared" about him, maybe a crush too. And he was interested in Tyler. Not crush like, but in a different way. Maybe because of his photography skills.
Winston stopped his steps, looked back at him.
"Oh...." Scott said awkwardly.
"I'm so fucking sorry- shit. I just couldnt shut up." He sighed.
"Its fine. Really. You're pretty good at observing. How long did you were aware of him and his interests?"
Scott stared at the pavement for some seconds.
"... Since I transferred to Liberty. I got to know him beforehand for some brief moments but after the transfer even more. And with his stupid insults and jokes he basically confirmed it without confirming it out loud."
"How'd you know him before?"
"Through a friend."
"A friend?"
"Ya. This friend was a really good friend of Clay and played in our baseball team. Anyway... Monty beat you up right?"
"Why'd you forgive him?"
"I dealt with many people like him in my life. I'm used to it. I forgave him because I knew what was going on as soon as he started it all. Thats also why I denied knowing him. I'm open about my interests- some people still make fun of it - but realised that he wasnt, and not ready yet. I didnt want him to run into a blank knife."
"You're such a good guy- wished he would've meet you before..."
"Sadly I was to late."
They walked towards the crossroad.
"Guess we have to take serapate ways here."
Winston said.
"Right. Call me if you need something." Scott said, taking the way left.
"See you."
Winston still held his umbrella in his hands.
Guess he had to give it him back tomorrow.
Next day, Sunday: 9am.
Winston woke up with a bad headache. His parents were away again- so he was all alone at home. It reminded him at the time Monty visited him.
He should prepare himself for the police station.
He couldnt give up right now because of some annoying sickness. He needed to do it- for Monty.
Looking at the clock it was still to early. Their appointment was around 1:30pm. He sighed and closed his eyes again. Decided to stay in bed until 11pm. Maybe hes body would be better at that point. Maybe hes just going crazy after these two days and the other 2.
"Yeah. That must be it." He whispered to himself and fell back to sleep again.
When he woke up it was shortly around after 11pm. Time to get dressed. His body still was doing some crazy shit but Winston decided to ignore it for today, grabbing some plain clothes- after that, his car keys.
He arrived in town at 12pm, still some tome until they'll talk about the evidence a 2nd and hopefully last time.
Winston was tired and his forehead glowing. To much stress.
He parked his car at a parking lot near the station, spotting Scott already standing in front of it- looking a bit distressed and like he was there for some time already.
Winston stopped the engine and stepped out of the car, walking fast towards him.
"Already there?" He said, putting away his car keys.
"I could say the same about you, Winston."
"How long are you here already?"
"Ah just... some minutes."
Winston nooded, feeling that something was bothering him.
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothing- why'd you ask?"
"Not to be the creep this time but I could see you through my car window and you seemed pretty zoned-out. You dont look so good."
"Same goes for you dont you think? With this dark hair and this almost white skin at the moment you look like someone whos dead."
"Just had a rough night."
"Guess we share a lot. I kept remembering something after our talk."
Winston slightly tiled his head.
"Whats it about?"
"Nothing very important- about a friend."
"The friend so introduced you to Monty?"
"You could say that yes." he looked at his watch. "Lets grab a coffee- we still have some time left, maybe we can talk how to convince this cop to believe us. Even though he lets us care for his funeral it doesnt sound like hes believing us- sadly."
"Even with the evidence?"
"Even with that."
They were about to walk to the cafe as they saw Clay and his friends walking in their direction.
"Shit. They gonna see us together" Scott said, worried.
"They told each other about what you did- I told you. I dont wanna hear them saying shit."
"If they see us- and they will- we just tell half of the truth. Try acting like you arent involved."
He nooded at Winstons words.
Clay raised his hands to wave at Scott bit stopped after seeing who was with him. His smiled faded, like the smiles on the other faces.
"What are you doing here? With Winston?"
"We just met by accident."
That wasnt the truth- not even half of it.
Alex looked back and forth between Scott and Winston.
"Why are you with him? After all he did?"
"I dont know what you're talking about? If you mean the paybacks and visits- non of my business. I'm not even on of your friends so I can do what ever I like."
"Are you working with him?"
"No. Working with him about what? Why do you care? You dont like me."
"If you're working with him I would have another good reason to not liking you."
Winston sighed.
"I didnt want to cause any trouble with my visits. If I intimidated anyone of you- I'm sorry."
"Yeah? Are you really sorry? Then why did you gave Charlie something like this?"
Winston stared at Alex for some seconds.
"Not your place to know. He should know by now."
Scott scoffed.
"Yeah? A liar like you?"
Alex breathed out heavily, ready to beat a bitch.
"Now now" Zach interfered, holding back Alex. "Lets just cut it right here." He grabbed his arm and pulled him away.
"Sorry." Justin sighed. "Hes in a pretty bad mood lately."
Winston smiled softly.
"Its all right- we all are stressed."
They said their goodbyes and entered the cafe where they ordered their coffee.
He turned around as he heard his name, spoken out by a familiar voice.
And there she stood.
Sheri Holland.
"Wasnt expecting to see you around here? When did we last saw each other? 8 month ago? Before you left school to take a break?"
He just nooded.
"Whats wrong? Saw a ghost?"
"No... I just wasnt expecting seeing you here too- after all, Monets y'all favorite spot."
"You know... was getting tired of this place after last year. To many bad memories."
"Soo... see you're having a date? With a guy?"
Scott blinked in confusion and Sheri laughed.
"That was a joke." She poked his shoulder.
"Anyway- now you're here... can I talk to you? Dont know if you want to involve your friend in it"
"Whats it about?"
"School. Bryce. Tyler. Monty."
"Oh... its ok. He knows anyway. Hes kinda involed in it to."
"He is? Why?"
"To much to tell you now- we should talk about it sometime else. We're kinda in a hurry, have to leave at 1:15pm."
"So whats your name?" She turned her gaze to Winston.
"Mine's Sheri. We know each other from school. We hadnt the best time back there then. How do you know Scott?"
"Through the whole Bryce murder case." Winston said. Quickly, not to spill more informations.
Sheri sighed as they sat down at a table.
"Pretty fucked up about Bryce death. And what happened to Tyler. And to Monty. I knew he was messed up in the head- but first to assault someone... and then to kill Bryce- allegedly. That wasnt expected at all. Sad that he died in prison. I mean... no one deserves to die in such a place, not in this circumstances."
Scott glanced over to Winston who looked a bit to serious, then looked back to her.
"Do you believe he killed Bryce? I mean ignore the "evidence"."
"If I have to be real- no. I dont think he did it but got framed. You know how easy it is to frame a dead guy. They cant defemd themselve."
"Why do you think someone framed him?" Winston said, with a dark tone in it.
"I really dont know. But Monty saw Bryce as a friend, was loyal to him. I dont see someone like him killing Bryce. Monty was cruel- but not like this."
"Right." Hearing someone else to agree made Winston very ... happy.
"He was a broken soul. He needed help. And nobody saw it. The last time I saw him was at the homecoming game. He had something in his eyes that made him look like he... changed? I dont know."
Winston knew it was because of him, he then whispered a "He indeed was a broken soul. He was sad and lonely." but Sheri heard it anyway.
"How come you know Monty?"
"Thats a secret."
"A secret- must be something very serious?"
He nooded.
"You know what he did to Tyler right?"
He nooded a second time.
"But he was about to pay for it. There was no need for him to die or get framed."
Sheri had a soft smile on her face.
"I remember seeing you on the field at the homecoming game. You took photos- of Monty."
Winston looked away.
"Guess we all three lost someone who meant much to us."
Winston glanced a look at Scott who was sitting next to him in silence- looking straight at his coffee to go.
"Hey Scott?"
He got dragged out of his stare by Sheris voice.
"You have time to visit Jeff in the next days?"
His grab around the coffee cup tightened.
"Maybe." He stood up and grabbed Winstons arm.
"We should go now."
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mwelxn · 5 years
Last week, ex-Guns N' Roses guitar slinger IZZY STRADLIN' gave PAUL ELLIOTT exclusive details of exactly what went down with his shock departure from the former Most Dangerous Band in The World. In part two this week, Izzy previews his Stones-influenced upcoming debut solo LP 'Ju Ju Hounds', and reveals that yes, he DID almostjoin forces with this week's K!cover stars The Black Crowes!... By Paul Elliott Kerrang! Magazine - Sept. 1992 "...And that goes for all you punks in the press / That want to start shit by printin' lies / Instead of the things we said / That means you, Andy Secherat Hit Parader, Circus magazine, Mick Wall at Kerrang!, Bob Guccione Jr at Spin..." - 'Get In The Ring', Guns N' Roses Although Mick Wall no longer works for Kerrang!, Axl Rose's anger at the publication has not abated. Guns N' Roses' outspoken frontman routinely bitches about Kerrang! when the band play in London, Presumably, the root of the problem was a feature of Wall's on the Rock In Rio festival in which he accused GN'R of aloofness. Kerrang!gave Guns N' Roses their first British magazine cover in 1987, but Rose chooses to remember only one comment from one journalist. And that, it seems, is the bunker mentality behind the Guns N' Roses/Kerrang!/'Get In The Fucking Ring' feud. Former GN'R guitarist Izzy Stradlin' is equally bemused by it all. "I just write songs," he shrugs, grinning. "I honestly don't know what that was about or what was said. Axl was mad at Kerrang!, right? There were so many things that pissed him off..." It's said that Bob Guccione Jr, editor of US rock periodical Spin, was baited by Rose on 'Get In The Ring' simply because Spinprinted the contract which Guns N' Roses attempted to force on all journalists interviewing the band. The contract sought to censor the press. "I didn't even know about this contract," Izzy protests, "so when I heard Axl was mad about it, I was going, 'What?'! "If I were a journalist I'd probably just tell somebody to shove it up their ass too, cos I guess that'd be like somebody telling a musician how to write a song. "I wasn't aware that Mick Wall was one of the guys in that song. The only one I knew about was Guccione. I was sitting back in Indiana watching MTV and I saw that thing about Axl challenging him to go fight, and Bob said, 'Okay'. And I didn't hear anything else about it! "Axl's real critical of himself, and his anger seems to propel him in a lotta ways. That song 'Get In The Ring', I really love a lot of the lyrics just cos they're really aggressive. Axl played guitar on that track as well, that was the first time I saw him play electric guitar, and he did pretty well. I was digging it cos it was good punk energy. But with all the names at the end I was thinking, shit! I wouldn't have slagged people off on my record." - Izzy's Record, his first since quitting Guns N' Roses, is titled 'Ju Ju Hounds' and is as cool a rock 'n' roll record as anyone has made in the last 10 years. Like The Black Crows', Izzy's music is simple, intuitive, soulful. Both he and the Crowes have covered reggae standards, but where the latter play a lot of blues, Izzy's more of a punk. Axl calls 'Ju Ju Hounds' "Izzy's Keith Richards thing", which is as good a description as any. Izzy's LP has the same lazy charm as Keef's 'Talk Is Cheap'. "I read what Axl said," nods Izzy. "I think Keith Richards is great, but I don't think he has any songs that play as fast as 'Pressure Drop' (Izzy's souped-up cover of the Toots and The Maytals classic, also recorded by The Clash). I wish he would - It'd be great to hear him do that. "I called Keith last week; he was in the studio. I'm gonna try and hook up with him in New York sometime. There's a part of me that wants to take a tape of my record along and play it for him, and there's another part that's going, 'Fuck it, I'll just say hi and listen to his record'." Izzy's such a big Stones fan, there's still disbelief in his voice when he speaks of his friendship with Keef and fellow Stone Ron Wood, who guested on 'Ju Ju Hounds'. "We got together with Woody in LA. We did an old song of his called 'Take A Look At The Guy'." - A Stones CD plays as Izzy talks. The album is 'Black And Blue', one of the Stones' most laid back and most underrated works, featuring classic heartbreakers 'Fool To Cry' and 'Memory Motel'. plus the reggae number 'Cherry Oh Baby', covered by UB40. "I got into reggae partly through the Stones," says Izzy. "I guess it just bled over from stuff like 'Black And Blue' - it's killer. The thing I love about reggae is that it's not technical music where things are perfect; it's very freeform, just a groove. You can lay on a beach or a couch and just absorb it It slows down your heartbeat too, those drum beats and the slow pulse of the bass. It's like a tranquilizer. " 'Pressure Drop' is in this great movie called 'The Harder They Come', starring Jimmy Cliff as a ghetto kid who goes big time with guns; he shoots his way to the top. It's really cool. "There's an energy about 'Pressure Drop' that I love, the rock-steady rhythm. It's very loose, but at the same time it gets the point across." - Guesting on 'Pressure Drop' and on 'Can't Hear 'Em' (a reggae number of Stradlin's which features on the 'Pressure Drop' EP released this week, a month before the LP) is reggae star Mikey Dread, who worked with The Clash on their 'Sandinista' LP. Izzy met Mikey through bassist Jimmy 'Two Fingers' Ashhurst. "Jimmy saw Mikey play in Chicago and got hold of him the next morning. It turned out he was in the hotel right across the street from the studio we were using. We were just gonna do one song dub, but we ended up recording four songs with Mikey, for him. Jimmy and I played bass and guitar on them. Mikey did his rap thing on 'Can't Hear 'Em' and I think he sang some backups on 'Pressure Drop'. His guitar player did a reggae rhythm, real quiet, just a plunky, straight-through thing." Was Mikey surprised that a former member of GN'R loves and can play reggae? "I don't know but it was a trip working with those guys. Mikey had worked with The Clash before, so he must've been familiar with our style." So he didn't think that the way you speeded up 'Pressure Drop' was sacrilegious? Izzy smiles, "His first comment was, 'Y'know, man, this was a big hit in England'. I'm supposed to look him up when I get to New York. He's gonna take us to some place to get us some suits made - they do 'em overnight." - The whole of the 'Pressure Drop' EP has a raw feel evocative of Guns N' Roses' debut EP 'Live Like A Suicide'. 'Came Unglued' is as fast and lean as the obscure GN'R tune 'Shadow Of Your Love', while 'Been A Fix' has the hangdog vocals and fuck-off riff of late '70s Stones (it's also reminiscent of Aerosmith's 'I Wanna Know Why'). "Basically, I just wanted to get back to what really gets me off, just a basic rock 'n' roll band, a couple guitars, drums and bass. Simple. "The album's better, I would think, it's more mixed. The EP's just got three slammers on it, and a reggae song. The album's got a couple of acoustic songs, a coupla slammers, some basic rock tunes and one reggae song too. "The title of the LP came by accident in the studio. I was singing a backing track to something, and when I played it back it sounded like I said, 'Ju ju hound'. It doesn't mean much really." - Before Izzy began recording his album and EP, his name was linked with The Black Crowes, who at the time had not announced a replacement for Jeff Cease. So was he offered the gig? "I don't think so," Izzy shrugs. "When I left LA after I split from GN'R, I went on a road trip to New Orleans. From there I called my brother and he told me I'd got a fax from Rich in The Black Crowes. I had no idea their guitar player had split. "I stopped by Rich's home and he said, 'Maybe we should get together and write some songs'. I said, 'Let me take my stuff back to Indiana and get my house in order'. I love The Black Crowes, but because it was immediately after GN'R, I don't think I was ready to make any quick moves. I thought I'd just go and ride trials for a while. "I just wasn't interested in playing guitar at that time. I don't think I touched a guitar for about a month. I was getting off on riding, but, it got cold, Winter came, and I was sitting in a room with a guitar in the corner and it's like, 'C'mon, play me'! Once I started playing again I thought, this is the one thing that seems to make sense. "I started putting a band together in January. I was sitting in Indiana thinking, fuck, man, how do I find musicians? I couldn't just run an ad in the local trade paper. You wanna find somebody you can relate to, and the guys I got are all seasoned, proven. "I hooked up with Jimmy in LA. I'd known him for years, when he was in The Broken Homes. Once we'd got a drummer, Charlie Quintana, we'd recorded these basic tracks, so I asked Jimmy what Rick Richards from the Georgia Satellites was doing. Jimmy told me the Satellites broke up. This is how outta touch I am! "Rick's playing is so natural. I'll just throw out a coupla chords and he'll bounce stuff of it. He knows how to make it work." - Album and EP feature a number of guest musicians, including backing singers the Waters Sisters, who lift the chorus of 'Can't Hear 'Em' in much the same way that the I-Threes sweeten classic Bob Marley tracks like 'Could You Be Loved'. Barbara and Joy Richardson do likewise on The Black Crowes' 'The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion'. "The Water Sisters did 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' for GN'R. Man, they can sing," Izzy adds with a smile, "but I can't see us going out on tour like that. I think we'll keep it real simple." Izzy's keeping everything simple these days. Guns N' Roses are no longer The Most Dangerous Band In The World, but they'll never be free of the controversy and all that bullshit. Stradlin' is, and he's happier for it. Simply, he's happy just to be back playing rock 'n' roll. It's all he ever wanted to do anyway.
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globrights · 5 years
okay, but i double dare you
The Gang likes to dabble in a little Truth Or Dare when they get drunk. Sometimes, someone dares Mac and Dennis to kiss. read on ao3
It starts as simply as anything can start; with the spinning of a bottle.
There’s something about owning and operating a bar, as well as having severe alcoholism enabling them to constantly drink from their own stock, that makes this happen so easily.
“Alright, truth or dare?”
None of them ever see it coming. No one knows who’s going to get the urge that day, no one knows if they’re going to get the urge themselves. No one knows if they’ll get drunk enough to think it’s a good idea.
It all comes down to what one decides to do when one gets to the end of their bottle.
To spin, or not to spin? That is the question. It is believed that the great Trilliam Dakespeare once said such wise words. And no, this dude was not a pussy who wrote shitty plays that are hard to understand. You see, legend says that he probably invented the game. And for that, we exalt thee.
The bottle lands pointing at Mac. Dee, who spun the bottle, smiles.
“So what is it, Mac?”
The gang gets real extreme when they play truth or dare, and Mac knows that picking dare without a care isn’t a snare and makes you a bear.
And Mac ain’t no twink.
“I pick dare, Dee.”
He’s a badass.
“Oh come on,” Mac groans as the bottle points right at him. “Dee, how fucking old are you?”
“Shut up. Either pick truth, dare, or admit you’re a pansy who’s too scared to play,” Dee says with a raise of her eyebrow.
Mac groans. Neither Dennis nor Charlie is coming to his defense. When he glances at Dennis, he gives him a particularly specific look that’s concentrated in his eyes. Oh right. Dee just got out of the institution. That she got put in for burning her roommate. Which she had to drop out of college for.
“Fine, you bitch,” he sighs. Just this once he’ll be nice to her. “I pick truth.”
She rubs her hands together. He can still see faint burns on her palms.
“Ooh, I got a good one. You... ever made out with a dude?”
Dennis and Charlie have to literally hold him back when he lunges at Dee, attempting to claw her, hurt her, who knows, for suggesting such a slanderous thing.
“I dare you... to show us your dance.”
Mac shifts uncomfortably when she says this. Frank looks a little uncomfortable too, and shakes his head at Dee.
“Why... why would you wanna see that?”
“Oh, come on, you ditched the parade, you went to this prison with Frank, and then all I know is that you showed the dance to a bunch of prisoners and your dad. I’ve never seen the dance. None of us have. Except Frank, obviously.”
“I mean,” Mac scratches the back of his neck. “It’s kind of a partner dance, and my partner isn’t here, so–“
“Aw shit dude, now I wanna see it,” pipes up Charlie. “I mean, what is that dance, man? ‘Cause at first I thought it was some uh, sexy gay thing, but then when Frank got home he wouldn’t stop crying for like, hours.”
“Hours, dude!”
“Sorry about that, Frank.”
“Well,” Dennis starts, “I’m not sure I want to cry today, actually. Certainly not for several hours.” He looks at Mac. “Maybe you don’t have to show us that dance. I mean, Dee did say that she wanted you to show us your dance. One person can have multiple dance routines locked and loaded, right?”
Mac finally smiles. “Yes! I like that, I’m doing that. Dee?”
“Fine,” she relents. “Permission to have my dare misconstrued granted. Drink up, boners.”
“Here, here!”
They clink their respective beer bottles and take a swig. Oh, yeah, you’re probably confused. The gang doesn’t play truth or dare the way most people do, as you’re soon to find out. They tack on a lot of their own rules and change the game to suit their wants. As they do with most games. So if you want to misinterpret someone’s dare, they have to give you permission to deviate from their original intention, and everyone has to drink.
And say ‘here, here!’ before they do it.
They like to have fun.
“So what’s the catch?” Mac asks as he gets up in front of them. Yes, forgot to mention, but when you choose to misinterpret the dare, you also give everyone in the room permission to shout out a new condition, a new part of the dare. The first person to make a pitch gets to have their idea featured.
“Dude, strip dance!”
The entire gang turns in confusion to the group of what seems like college kids at the corner booth. They’re a mixed group of men and women, but all of them seem very interested in having Mac strip.
“Oh, shut up, kid,” scolds Dennis. “This doesn’t involve any of you.”
“Yeah, I don’t want Mac taking off his clothes in the bar,” continues Dee, “or anywhere else for that matter.”
“I mean... but they did say a thing first,” implores Charlie. “So like... that’s the rule and all that. I don’t wanna see Mac take off his clothes as much as the rest of you, but rules are like... rules man.”
“Let’s just play him some music, let him dance around, and then we don’t look,” suggests Frank, making his way to the jukebox.
“Oh yeah, I’m not gonna look,” Dee says, downing her beer. “Plus we gotta set some ground rules.”
“Yeah, dude, don’t get like all weird with it. No taking your underwear off or anything,” Charlie warns. “If you do that I’m leaving.”
“Yeah, me too,” agrees Dennis, who’s staring intently at Mac.
“Dude, I don’t even want to take my pants off, especially not in front of these kids.”
“We’re all perfectly legal!”
He puts his hand up in their direction. “Not making this any less weird.”
The music starts playing, and it’s some upbeat—oh. It’s literally the music that Dennis danced to when he was a stripper.
Mac does a pop and lock, some fake karate moves, and through these moves somehow manages to reach for the hem of his shirt. He slowly starts slipping it up, revealing his chiseled abdominal muscles (or, abs, if you’re not feeling fancy), before suddenly and swiftly whipping his shirt off.
“Fine, no, I haven’t,” Mac says nervously, after the heat dies down, “because I’m straight, okay? I don’t go around doing queer shit.”
Dennis gives him a warning look, but Mac ignores it. He further ignores the way Dee’s eyes glaze over. He spins the bottle. It lands on Charlie.
“Truth or dare, dude?”
“Dare,” Charlie says without thinking, finishing his beer.
“I dare you to eat a piece of cheese from that platter outside,” Mac says, because they’re in Dennis and Dee’s home, and their mom’s having a party downstairs. Dee isn’t allowed out because guests are over and according to her mother she brings shame to the whole family. Dennis is allowed to mingle, but here he is anyway. Here they all are in Dennis’ room, because it’s bigger than Dee’s.
“What? Dude, that’s just weird. I don’t eat raw cheese, man.”
“Raw cheese?” Dennis makes a face. “How is that a thing? Cheese is just cheese.”
“Nah, dude. Charlie only ever eats cheese if it’s like, cooked. Like on pizza, or like uh, spaghetti.”
“Okay,” says Dee, barely understanding this. “But Charlie, Parmesan cheese is raw, by your definition. Like you literally just sprinkle it on top of pasta.”
“Yeah, but the heat from the spaghetti cooks the cheese, Dee, it cooks the cheese,” Charlie explains heatedly, shaking his head like she’s the fool.
“Whatever. You picked dare,” says Mac. “Go get that cheese. Bring back a piece and eat it in front of us.”
Charlie groans. “Fine! But if I throw up because of how gross the raw cheese is, that’s on you–“ he says as he leaves.
“Then we’ll get you a bin to puke in!” Mac calls after Charlie.
“Dude, you sure it’s a good idea to dare him to eat raw cheese? I mean, cheese, not raw cheese,” Dennis sighs. “Shit. Now he’s got me doing it.”
Mac shrugs, waving Dennis’ concerns off. “Nah. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Dude, I know I said I didn’t want you to take your clothes off and all, but you’re like, so good at stripping man,” Charlie comments, after everyone’s clapped for Mac’s strip dance.
“Thanks, bro,” Mac says, walking around to pick up his clothes.
“Oh, yeah, you could be, like, a great stripper and all that.”
“He probably just picked that stuff up from the gay strippers at the gay bars he goes to,” comments Dee, who was the least amused by the dance. She didn’t find it sexy in the slightest, but she has to admit Mac did pull off some impressive moves she didn’t expect.
“Shut up, Dee,” Mac retorts as he puts his clothes back on. “I mean, you’re right, but shut up.”
“Yeah,” Dennis says in a strained voice, looking very tense, and sat in a very strange angle. “Mac, spin the bottle.”
“Yeah, coming,” Mac says, walking over and spinning the empty beer. He spins it so hard it falls off the bar and crashes to the floor.
“Goddamn it, Mac, stop showing off,” Dee groans, picking up another bottle which Mac spins gently this time. It lands on Dee. “Oh shit.”
“Hah! Truth or dare, bitch?”
“Truth. I’m not interested in doing whatever messed up shit you’ve come up with.” She says, smiling as Mac deflates slightly.
He thinks over this for a bit, then raises both his eyebrows. “You ever banged a chick?”
When Charlie comes back, he takes far too long and he’s empty-handed.
“Dude, what the hell?”
“Where’s the cheese?”
“Don’t tell me you chickened out, man.”
Charlie shakes his head at the accusations. “Nah, I didn’t chicken out man, you’re all out of cheese.”
“Out of cheese?” Dennis says skeptically. “There was a whole platter of the stuff, no one ever finishes the cheese at these parties.”
“Yeah, I know dude, the cheese is out because I finished it.”
“You what?”
“I ate it all,” Charlie admits, looking slightly... off. There’s something very deranged about his energy right now. “I ate all the cheese. So there’s no more.”
“Why would you eat all the cheese? You were supposed to bring one piece here and eat it in front of us. One!”
“Oh, I think he’s lying,” points out Dee. “He’s pretending all the cheese is gone so he won’t have to eat it.”
“No, I’m being serious here!” Charlie protests. “I was trying little nibbles of all the cheese to see which one was like, the least gross and shit, but all of it was so good so I had to keep trying.”
“I don’t buy it,” Mac shakes his head, looking at Dennis. “Do you?”
“I’m more worried about the fact that Charlie actually has finished all the cheese and there’s no more left for the guests. Charlie, please tell me no one saw you.”
“Nah, man, I went to the empty room. That’s the only one with cheese, I looked in all the rooms. Can’t find any more.” Charlie shrugs, and he’s very fidgety. “I don’t mind eating more cheese dude, you just gotta tell me where it is!”
Dennis sighs. “There’s some in the fridge. Ask the–“
Charlie rushes out the door before Dennis can finish his sentence.
“Oh wow.”
Dee gives Mac a glare, and he returns her with a knowing look. The rest look curious because of this very exchange, but they’re definitely not interested in the matter the way that straight men usually are in women having sex with each other.
They care because Mac seems to know something and Dee seems to be hiding it. Also, Dee is gross and they’d rather not think about who and what she’s banging.
“Mac,” she says, “are you seriously asking that question?”
“Yeah. It’s a yes or no question, Dee.”
“Well, I don’t want to answer it.”
“Why not? Look, Dee, no one gives a shit about who you’re banging,” says Dennis. “It’s gonna get boring as hell if you drag this one out.”
“Oh!” Mac points at her. “It’s someone we know, isn’t it?”
“Shit, Dee, now you’re starting to make me care about this,” Charlie complains. “Who’d you bang?”
“You can’t ask that, ‘cause Mac already asked a question when he spun the bottle–“ she points out defensively–“so I can’t answer that.”
“God, who cares? Yes, or no, Dee?”
“Fine, yes, you happy?”
“Yeah, honestly, that was kind of obvious already,” Dennis remarks. “From the way you were acting. If you refuse to talk about something, it usually means you’re doing the thing. Basic psychology.”
Dee rolls her eyes. “Shut up, asshole,” she spins the bottle, horrified when it lands on her again. “No!”
“Hah!” Charlie says in a mocking voice. “Who’d you sleep with?”
In their version of truth or dare, when you spin the bottle and it lands on yourself, it means you have to answer a question truthfully or complete a dare issued by—every single person in the game. Excluding yourself, of course.
And what Charlie just did was exercise Dealer’s Choice. Basically, first one to ask a question (or issue a dare) gets the right to forcea truth question or a dare on the person in the hot seat (Dee in this case). Ergo, everyone else will have to ask Dee to pick between truth or dare, except Charlie. Whose question Dee has to answer right now.
Dee covers her face with a sigh. “Charlie, please, trust me, you don’t wanna know who it is.”
“Why not? Who the hell did you bang, exactly?”
“Oh,” Dennis raises his eyebrow. “Based on how badly Dee doesn’t want Charlie to–“
“Dennis, could you shut up for once? Just, for once in your goddamn life?” Dee says, nearly seething. She takes a deep breath. “I... slept with The Waitress.”
“What?!” Charlie exclaims, in complete shock and disbelief. The rest of them don’t seem to be very bothered by this fact because they could mostly tell. “Dee, gross! You know The Waitress is my thing–“
“Your thing?!” she hits back just as hard, taking offense. “Okay, look, I know you were obsessed with The Waitress for years, but you dated her and it didn’t work out! If it makes you feel better, I, I only slept with her after you did?”
“That does not make it better, Dee, that just makes this weirder!”
“Goddamn it, Dee,” says Mac. “You really slept with the chick we’ve all banged? That’s a weird way for your lesbian to jump out.”
“Oh, shut up,” Dee retorts. “You only did hand stuff with her.”
“No, I almost did hand stuff with her, but we didn’t end up doing that because I found out Charlie didn’t betray me and also, well, she’s gross.”
“Mac, you think all women are gross.”
“Dee, you banged a chick your dad and brother have both banged!”
“Frank’s not my dad!” she argues.
“Oh, and Dennis isn’t your brother?”
“That’s beside the point!” Now Dennis actually does look a little bit disgusted. “I read,” Dee explains, “I looked it up and our body basically replaces every cell like, every seven years. Dennis banged The Waitress over ten years ago, so it’s, it’s basically like I touched a different woman.”
“Can we please stop talking about this?” Charlie implores with his hands clasped together. “I want us to talk about, literally anything else please.”
Dennis nods readily. “Yeah. Dee, Truth or Dare?”
“Who are you and what are you doin’ in my kitchen, kid?”
Charlie turns around, eyes wide looking scandalized as he comes face to face with Dennis and Dee’s dad. “Uh... just gettin’ some cheese, bro.”
“Bro?” He raises his eyebrows. “Huh. Why do I like that?”
“Uh... ‘cause you’re... a super cool dude?”
He smiles. He must like being called dude too. “Why are you stealing my cheese?”
He burps, awkward and uncomfortable as he blurts his senseless words. The short man laughs.
“Fake out! I don’t care. Take all the cheese. It’s just my wife’s stupid whore party for her stupid whore friends.” He grabs the entire platter of cheese from the fridge and hands it to Charlie, who is fresh out of words. Although, it’s not like he had much to say throughout this entire interaction. “Go nuts.”
The Waitress’ bottom lip trembles at the sight of Dee.
“Hey. One large uh... low fat green... oh jesus. Just get me a large vegan juice thing. He probably won’t even know the difference.”
She scoffs. “That’s it?”
“Yeah, just the one drink.”
The Waitress rolls her eyes. “You bitch.”
“What the hell was that for?” Dee hands her a handful of bills as she enters the total. Vegan shit is pricey as hell. Dee knows Dennis barely drinks the stuff these days, but well, a dare’s a dare. “I’ll have you know I’m a paying customer.”
“You never called me,” she says pointedly.
“Well, you never called me!”
The Waitress, her eyes, they soften for a moment. “Wait, I–“
“Look, just give me the drink and I’ll be on my way, okay? I don’t want to think about what happened that night, as much as–“
Someone slams Dee’s order on the counter next to them, and the sound stops her short.
“As much as what, Dee?”
Dee snatches the drink and turns away. “Nothing. Forget I said anything, I’m busy.”
She walks away.
“I should’ve known you’d be the same.”
Dee ignores the cold feeling that washes over her when she hears that. She carries on walking.
“Oh my god,” Charlie’s heart drops when he walks back into the room. “What’s going on with Dee?”
Her face is blotchy and her eyes are red. She’s sat in the corner and Mac and Dennis are mostly ignoring her state. What could’ve possibly happened when he left to get cheese?
“My mom came in earlier,” fills in Dennis. He doesn’t seem too happy about this fact. “She told Dee she should move out as soon as possible because she’s useless and a burden who’s only brought shame to the family.”
“Yeah,” Mac says, confirming this. “I did not like being here for that.”
“Oh shit,” Charlie says, setting the cheese platter down. “You okay, Dee?”
“Shut the fuck up, Charlie, it’s none of your business,” she says guardedly, voice choked up.
“Jeez, fine, fine. God, you’re such a bitch.” He turns to Dennis. “Did your mom tell you to get out too?”
Mac and Dennis shake their heads.
“But I think I want to. Move out, that is,” says Dennis. “I mean, whether she wants me out or not, I fucking hate it here. I want my own space.”
“You think I should move out too?” asks Mac.
“I mean. Your mom tells you to get out constantly, so,” Charlie says with a shrug, “maybe think about it, man.”
Dee stands back up. “I’m going back to my room.”
No one responds to that for a good moment.
“Hey, Dee, you want some cheese?” Charlie asks at the last second. “Your dad gave me like, all of it.”
“Here’s your fucking veggie juice, dick,” Dee curses as she dumps it on the table.
“Jesus Christ, Dee,” Dennis looks on cautiously. “Do I have to dare you to show some manners around here?”
“Don’t start right now,” she sighs. “The Waitress works at the juice bar.”
“So what?”
“I don’t think things ended well between them,” Dennis whispers to Mac.
“Like any of her relationships have ended well,” Mac says, and Dee gives him a warning look.
“Shut up, Mac. Plus, we never had a relationship. It was a one time thing.”
“Again, that’s pretty much what all your–“ he sighs–“okay fine, Dee. You wanna move on? Let’s move on. Truth or dare?”
“Uh... dare.”
“Okay. I dare you to talk through your feelings about The Waitress so you feel better.”
Mac bursts out laughing and so do the rest after realizing what he’s just done. “Just kidding, you bitch. I don’t care about your feelings—I dare you to get me a beer.”
In a way... Dee knows that’s Mac’s way of comforting her, letting her off the hook by giving her an easy dare. It’s not like she wanted to talk about her feelings anyway. Secretly, she’s grateful and happy to open up a beer for the guy.
“Deandra, get me a beer too,” says Frank. “That’s my dare.”
Dee groans when she looks around. “That was our last one!”
“So stock the fridge up and get me something else.”
She rolls her eyes as she dumps soda in a glass with a bit of vodka.
“Screw you, Frank.”
“A dare’s a dare, bitch!”
“Hey,” Dennis says, his eyes soft and droopy. “Move in with me."
“Hm?” Mac jolts up with a start, he’s been drifting in and out at this point, drained god knows how many beers, and somewhere along the way Charlie fucked off (to... Mac doesn’t know, could be home, could be to Dee’s room, either way, he took the cheese platter with him, not that he cares though), and now it’s just him and Dennis.
“I said,” Dennis stares at Mac now, and his gaze is something that elicits this reaction Mac sometimes gets around Dennis. Maybe it’s the look, maybe it’s the way it makes him feel. Maybe it’s Dennis, and this is how he makes everyone feel when he looks at them like this. “Move in with me, you bitch.”
“Oh, uh,” Mac swallows, nodding, “right.” He looks away from Dennis, takes one glance at him to make it seem like he’s making constant eye contact, and then looks away again. Staring at Dennis is hard sometimes. And other times, it feels like the only thing in the world to do. “My credit’s wrecked to shit though.”
“Hm. Don’t care,” Dennis’ hand is running through Mac’s curls now, and he holds a breath he’s not sure how to keep. Mac feels himself tense up, but not in a way where he wants Dennis to stop. “Your hair’s a mess, dude.”
“Maybe I’ll gel it down someday.”
“Didn’t say it was bad.” Dennis gives him a warning look. “Don’t gel it down.”
Mac nods. “Okay.” He’s going to gel it down.
“No, I swear... it looks good.” Absentmindedly, Dennis licks his lips, and Mac is drunk, and Dennis is drunk, so his judgement might be impaired, but Dennis, and the way he looks at him in the pale moonlight, it’s sexy. Yeah. Mac’s man enough to admit that. “You know what else looks good?”
“You. You, you’re good.”
Mac nods. His heart is pounding. Dennis is a thunderstorm trying to find ground, and Mac is a barren wasteland in need of him. Yet, he’s not quite sure he wants Dennis to take hold.
There is a moment where Mac feels himself lean in almost instinctively, but then something deep inside panics and drags him back, he looks away, he begins drafting up excuses to leave, even though he had intended to sleep over tonight.
Dennis senses this, and then his hands are on Mac’s shoulders, holding them down, pulling Mac back to him, and then giving them a squeeze for good measure. “Hey. Hey—let’s play truth or dare again. Okay?”
Mac is still tense. “With two people? How’s that fun?”
“Oh, trust me,” Dennis chuckles as he spins the bottle. “It’s so much more fun than you could ever imagine.”
The bottle lands on Mac.
“Oh. Shit, okay.”
“Truth or dare, Mac?”
Dennis is stretching, like none of this even matters to him, probably, because Mac is likely the only one with a premonition that something absolutely bad and wrong is about to happen.
“Dare,” says Mac, only because he instinctively feels apprehensive about truth due to earlier events he would rather not discuss.
“Okay,” Dennis smiles, as if this had been the response he’d been looking for. But why? “I dare you to kiss me.”
Oh. That’s why.
Dee sighs tiredly as she spins the bottle. Maybe she shouldn’t have agreed to play this game. Who the hell suggested truth or dare anyway? Restocking the beers had been such a bitch, and she had to drink god knows how many to smooth over the process, and of course none of the others gave two shits about helping her.
The only good thing to come out of all this is the bottle pointing straight at Mac.
“Hah!” Dee claps her hands, even though the bottle pointing at anyone but herself would have brought her reprieve. “Truth or dare, asshole?”
Mac maintains some sort of front. “Dee, I always go dare.”
“Right,” Dee smiles, because he’s just set up her perfect trap. “Always dare, huh?”
Mac looks apprehensive at this. “Not sure I like the sound of that though, might fuck around and change my answer to–“
“I dare you to kiss Dennis.”
“Woah woah woah,” Mac blurts out, very nervous, backing away from a Dennis who won’t give chase for some reason. “Dude. Dennis. I’m not gay.”
“And neither am I,” says Dennis.
“Dude? You just asked me to kiss you.”
“It’s a dare dude. Has nothing to do with whether I wanna kiss you or not. Has nothing to do with being gay.”
All of a sudden, Mac relaxes. “Oh. Really?”
“Yes, really.”
“Jesus Dee,” Dennis sighs harshly, rolling his eyes. “What is wrong with you?”
“Yeah,” Charlie laughs. “What are we, like, in grade school?”
“When did grade school get this gay?” remarks Frank, drinking a cold beer now.
“Works if it’s gay grade school.”
“Gay grade school? Like you learn how to be gay?”
“You idiots are only proving my point,” says Dennis. “This is stupid, Dee.”
“I mean,” continues Charlie, “I still think you should do it.”
“Woah!” Dennis exclaims, feeling incredibly betrayed. “What the hell, Charlie?”
“I’m sorry!” he throws back, just as loud. “Dare’s a dare, dude! Dare’s a dare!”
“Well, it’s a stupid dare, Charlie! This is all so, so completely juvenile. I can’t stand it. I won’t stand for it.”
“Still a dare,” Charlie shrugs, and Dennis feels almost feverish.
“Oh Jesus Christ–“
“Just pucker up, Dennis,” Dee says as she pours out some shots. It is unclear who they’re for. Dennis might have to steal all of them if he goes through with this. “This could be over in seconds. Right Mac?”
“What?” He looks up suddenly, clearly having zoned out this whole time. “Oh, yeah, sure, whatever.”
“Well of course he’s fine with all this,” scoffs Dennis. “The dude’s dying to kiss me.”
“Dude, what? Shut up,” says Mac.
“Someone’s got an ego,” Dee says almost at the same time, raising her eyebrows at Dennis in a way that suggests she finds his claim embarrassing.
“Oh, what, don’t act like I’m wrong,” Dennis says to Mac, choosing to ignore Dee.
“Uh, what makes it seem like I want to kiss you?”
Dennis’ hand lands down on the bar in disbelief. “You’re really asking that question? Mac, you’ve tried to kiss me on several occasions.”
“Alright, fine, you made–“ he sighs–“I guess you have a point there.”
“Of course I do, Mac.”
“But... who cares?”
“Who cares, dude,” Mac emphasizes. “It’s just a kiss. I don’t care. At least, not anymore, and like, I’m here, dude. It’s just you who has to get man enough to kiss me.”
Dennis ignores Mac’s feeble jabs at his masculinity.
“Mac... I am not kissing you.”
“Wow,” Mac exhales breathless as he goes back for more. They’re making out now, and it’s because Dennis dared him to, so it’s totally awesome and not at all gay. Because it’s a dare, and if you don’t do what someone dared you to do, you’re a loser, and that’s what’s truly gay.
So, really, when you think about it, Mac is being really straight right now.
“Mm,” Dennis moans and Mac feels it on his tongue. Dennis tastes of beer and good dreams. His lips are soft but he kisses rough to make up for it, even if he doesn’t need to. Kissing Dennis is like heaven, so when you think about it, it’s very Catholic of Mac to be making out with him too. Straight and Catholic. The perfect combination.
Is he aware that they’ve been making out longer than a normal dare would permit? Yes, but Dennis hasn’t pulled away, and Mac knows that Dennis is super straight and gets all the ladies, so if Dennis thinks it’s okay to keep kissing, then Mac thinks so too. Besides, Mac isn’t sure he’s ready to stop.
“You feeling okay?” Dennis asks, taking an inadvertent break from it all, and Mac nods his head up and down, and he keeps leaning in, trying to get the kissing started up again. “Good.”
Dennis’ hand slides down to Mac’s crotch and grazes his clothed cock. The contact sends shocks through Mac, and he whimpers, hot and hard. “Dennis–“
“Yeah, baby?”
“You sure this is still straight?”
“Oh yeah, bro,” Dennis says, in a patronizing voice that Mac doesn’t know to recognize yet, fingers slowly pulling down Mac’s zipper. “This feels good, right?”
“So good,” he pants, gripping on tight to Dennis’ shoulder, essentially pining him down as he continues to undo Mac’s slacks. “Is this a, a part of the dare?”
“No, but it doesn’t matter.”
“You see, Mac, what I’m about to do right now is jerk you off, and that’s pretty much the same as you jerking yourself off, except it’ll feel better for you. Is it gay when you jerk yourself off?”
Mac shakes his head. “No, no it’s not, because tons of straight guys do it.”
Dennis smirks. “Exactly. So do you want me to keep touching you?”
“Oh, please–“ he falls apart again when Dennis drags his briefs down and away from his painful erection. He lets out a cry when Dennis gives it a stroke.
“Tell me you like this,” says Dennis, sitting up straight (just as straight as this activity is) and alert as he pumps his cock, his fist loose and strong.
“I really, I like this, Den,” he heaves, “god help me I love this.” He shuts his eyes. “Shit, dude, you’re really good at this.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“You must be uh, be really good at jerking yourself off,” Mac remarks, his hand now slipping under Dennis’ shirt, and it’s mostly not on purpose, but his hand wants to travel up, feel his skin. “God, I want this like, every day, dude.”
“Good thing we’ll be living together then.”
Dennis spits on his hand and continues jerking Mac off, but now it’s smoother and faster and Dennis grips tighter and Mac is a mess as he begs Dennis, so much more incoherently this time, for god knows what, and before he knows it he’s coming in his hand and Dennis kisses Mac to stop him from screaming the house down.
“Oh shit,” Mac collapses, panting next to Dennis, sat up on his bed with his head lousy dazed against his wall.
“You ruined my shirt,” Dennis frowns as he inspects the stain. “How am I supposed to get this clean?”
Mac exhales through pouted lips as Dennis continues to glare at him, demanding that he offer a solution. A form of reparation for his crimes. “Oof. Uh... I’ll jerk you off?”
“I mean... you have to kiss him at some point,” says Dee, after... essentially ten minutes have gone by. Mostly in silence. She finishes her beer and opens another one. “We don’t have all night.”
“Well... I mean, we have stayed here all night before, so–“ Charlie shrugs–“but she’s right, dude. You gotta kiss Mac. She like, dared you man. And a dare’s a dare.”
“Dennis, are you really that afraid of being gay that you’d–“
“Dee, shut up,” Dennis scoffs. Not loud enough to make any of them take note, but it’s still a tiny outburst. “Just because you decided to become a full-on lesbian doesn’t mean you have to drag the rest of us down with you.”
“Woah, where the hell is this coming from?” Dee laughs nervously. “I’m not a lesbian–“
“Dee, you banged The Waitress–“
“Uh, so?” She scoffs. “I banged her like, once, that doesn’t make me a lesbian.”
“Sure,” Charlie says, eye wide, patronizing her.
“Don’t patronize me! I’m not a lesbian!”
“Fine, whatever, you’re not a lesbian!” Charlie screeches. “No one cares, Dee! The thing here now is, Mac and Dennis have to kiss, or we can’t move on with the game–“
“Then we won’t move on with the game!” Dennis yells, angrily tossing his empty beer at the wall, where it shatters on the way down.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Yeah, now Charlie’s gonna have to clean all that up–“
“Uh uh!” Charlie cuts in. “No, Frank, I’m not clearing that. Dennis can sweep up his own mess.”
“Okay, seriously now, I think you’re really overreacting to this,” says Dee.
“Yeah, just give him a quick peck on the cheek an’ you can go throw up.”
“Hey!” Mac says, taking offense at Frank’s words.
“Oh, gimme a break,” Frank says, finishing his drink and flinging it at the wall, where it smashes right over Dennis’ mess.
“Frank, what the hell?”
“What? Dennis was cleaning that up anyway.”
“Not anymore,” says Dennis. “I’m no longer fully responsible for that.”
“See, Frank?” Charlie groans. “You just screwed me!”
“Charlie, I pay your rent and your paycheck. Clean that up by tomorrow.”
He sighs. “Fine,” relents, too. “But you can’t use that for at least another month.”
Frank just shrugs.
“Seriously though, Dennis, can you hurry up and kiss the man?” Charlie continues. “I’m getting bored as shit here because of your gay fears and all that–“
“It’s not because I’m scared of being gay, Charlie, Jesus Christ,” Dennis huffs.
“So what is it?”
“He hates me,” Mac remarks so casually, sipping his beer like it doesn’t even matter. Everyone is shocked to hear this coming from the man himself, especially without any levity whatsoever.
“Oh, come on Mac–“ Dennis starts off in denial–“I mean... yeah. You know what? Yeah. But, but can you blame me?”
“Blame you?”
“I mean,” Dennis gestures to Mac. “Just, just look at yourself.”
“What? What is it?”
“Forget it,” Dennis says, dropping it immediately. “Forget I said anything, forget the dare, all of it. I’m leaving.”
He gets up, and protests sprout left and right.
“Woah, dude! We’re in the middle of truth or dare.”
“I don’t give a shit,” Dennis hisses, and then he’s out the door.
“Fine, then I’m leaving too,” says Mac in a huff, and it’s unclear whether he’s planning on catching up with Dennis or if he wants to get home on his own.
Then there’s silence. Charlie, Dee, and Frank all exchange looks.
“Truth or dare?”
Charlie spins a bottle.
“Oh yeah.”
“Can’t believe we’re really moving in together,” Mac notes almost dreamily. They’re lying side by side and they’ve both gotten off plenty by now, and Dennis is putting on his shirt.
“Yeah,” he says almost to cajole Mac. “It’s gonna be great. Hey, put your clothes back on if you wanna stay over. My mom could come in.”
“But I thought what we did was straight.”
Dennis rolls his eyes. “Yeah, but my mom wouldn’t be too happy to catch a girl naked in here either.”
“Oh. Right.” Mac reaches for his shirt and pulls it back on. He yawns, stretching and getting under the covers. He’s glad Dennis has a big bed that can fit the both of them. “Man, I’m tired.”
“Me too, dude,” Dennis says, drawing the blinds shut before he climbs into bed with Mac. They lie down and try to sleep.
Well, Dennis is anyway.
“Hey, Dennis?”
“How long do you think we’ll live together?”
Dennis rolls over, looking at Mac. “I don’t know. Until... until one of us gets married, maybe.”
Mac nods. That’s a good enough answer for him, apparently. “So... if neither of us get married, we’ll just keep living together?”
“Suppose so.”
“Promise what?”
Mac draws small circles into Dennis’ arm. It makes him sleepier somehow. “That you’ll never move out or anything. Unless you get married. That we’ll keep living together.”
“Okay,” Dennis nods. It’s not a hard thing to say, and it’s not like Dennis has big plans to be roommates with anyone else anyway. “I promise.”
“You think I don’t know you’ve been packing?”
Mac says that the second Dennis walks through the door. Dennis had gone for a drive. Mac, well, he probably walked straight home.
“Oh. Okay, so you found my suitcases.”
“Well, no shit,” says Mac. “You don’t close your door that much unless you’re trying to hide something.”
“Oh, and you’d rather I be open about everything I do like you, with that huge dildo stuck to that exercise bike?”
“Is this about the Asspounder 4000? Because, dude, if it’s messing you up this bad, I’ll just get–“
“It’s not that!” Dennis explodes, because that just sounds like such a stupid reason to hate your roommate and best friend of over twenty years, and also it’s definitely not the reason why he hates Mac so much, or why he’s so angry and frustrated most of the time.
“Then what is it?” Mac’s hand is grasping onto his face in perceived agony. “What did I do wrong?”
“I don’t...” he lets out a deep breath. “I don’t know.”
“So what? You just can’t stand me and hate me for no good reason? Or is it because I’m gay? Or is it because of something else?”
“I–“ he’s at a loss for words–“I just know it’s... time. I have to leave.”
For the first time tonight, Dennis sees Mac’s eyes water. It’s not an easy sight to witness. “Okay. Fine. I’ll... let you go.”
“You’ll let me leave? I can move out?”
Dennis forgets to quell the tone he says that with, and besides, it’s not like he needs Mac’s permission to leave anyway.
“Yeah. But you just. You gotta do this one thing first.”
“What is it?” Dennis makes sure not to sound like he would literally do anything to get to leave.
“You have to kiss me.”
If Dennis was holding onto anything, he’d drop it.
“Yeah. Kiss me. I mean, Dee technically dared you to, and when she issued that dare, you were still living here. It’s bad luck to move out with an uncompleted dare hanging over your head.”
Dennis sneers, “there’s no way that’s true.”
Mac shrugs. “It is what it is.”
“You’re just doing this because you want me to kiss you.”
“I don’t think that matters at this point. I just wanna get it over with too—oh, and you can’t half ass it—it’s gotta be real.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Means kiss me like you mean it,” he says, eyebrow rising playfully. “You wanna move out or not?”
“Fine, yes,” Dennis moves closer to Mac. “If it’ll get me out of here, I’ll do it.”
“You sure? I mean, if you really hate the thought of kissing me so much–“
“Just shut up and come here.” He pulls Mac toward him. “Don’t blame me if I ruin you for anyone else.”
Mac rolls his eyes. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
Their lips lock and it’s soft and the air is quiet. Mac hums against his lips and Dennis is slow but earnest. He licks into Mac’s mouth and slides his hands up Mac’s back and they push against each other, trying to get more and more, and it’s almost, it nearly seems like a competition, like they both want to prove that they’re the better kisser.
They’re both right.
Mac backs Dennis up against a wall, his knee pushing in between his legs, and Dennis lets him. Dennis grinds into Mac and titters at the way he moans. He keeps pressing, and creating friction, making Mac cry out in ways he probably swore he wouldn’t, and Dennis coaxes it all out from him, pleads with his quivering lips and skillful tongue.
Eventually, Mac’s the one to stop it. He drags himself away from Dennis after the situation gets too outrageous, and he knows Dennis has won, somehow. It’s a great, it’s the best farewell gift he could’ve ever asked for, and maybe now he can live with Dennis leaving. Be it pain or pleasure, he’ll take them as they come. “You, you really meant it, I’ll give you that.”
“Oh, I made sure of it.”
Mac feels like he might cry. “Okay. Yeah. So I guess that’s it. Dare completed. So you can... go now. Like we said.”
Dennis pulls Mac back in and kisses him like it’ll save his life. If Dennis is drowning, Mac’s lips are dry land. He kisses Mac like it’s everything he’s ever wanted, he presses Mac against him and feels the curves and bumps of his body. His hand cups Mac’s face and his lips drink him in, he wants nothing else.
“You’re kissing me again,” Mac slurs in between sloppy, more desperate kisses. He’s trying to prompt some sort of explanation.
“I love you,” Dennis murmurs, and then kisses Mac again, possibly to shut him up and put an end to whatever he might say before the man can even start.
Mac’s eyes are wide open for a long moment as he almost passively kisses Dennis, who more than makes up for it for them both. He never thought he’d... hear such a thing, actually, especially not right now, not today, and definitely not this moment.
“You... love me.”
“Just shut up and touch me,” Dennis grabs Mac’s hand and places it on his ass. Mac doesn’t move it.
“That why you hate me?”
“Maybe,” Dennis gives him a sensual peck on the neck. A smooch on his jaw. “Doesn’t matter, you’re supposed to be touching me.”
Mac palms Dennis’ crotch, slowly slides his hand over as he lets out an excruciating moan. “Oh, Mac, please–“
“I wanna touch you everywhere,” he declares, and then he starts unbuttoning Dennis’ shirt. “Okay?”
“I want you to fuck me,” he grabs Mac by the shirt and drags him to his room. “Come.”
“You sure we shouldn’t do this in my room?” Mac says, trying to signal that Dennis’ room is a little packed up.
“There’s a good enough bed and plenty of condoms in the drawer.” Mac makes a face. “Shut up. You’re wearing a condom.”
Mac crawls over Dennis, who’s already sprawled on his bed. He straddles him, grinding their hips together as Dennis searches his drawer. “Does this mean you’re not moving out anymore?”
Dennis shrugs. “That depends on how well you do.”
“Oh,” Mac laughs. “Then I’m gonna make you stay here forever.”
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