#maybe he did at one point like it when jc was actually harmless and on his side
llycaons · 2 years
it's very sweet when wwx is like 'aw jin ling is just like his uncle' in postcanon fics but I have to laugh because in canon he's literally like 'ugh, jin ling is JUST like his uncle 🙄'
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pharahsgf · 2 years
i get that some of jc's attitude towards jl is supposed to be taken as him just being a cantankerous cunt but i think that even with that reading, fans miss the point that his attitude isn't cute or harmless. the framing of the scenes where jc berates jl; the music, the expressions wwx makes, the undercurrent of genuine fear/emotional pain on wwx's part, give the atmosphere a tense, heavy, almost awkward weight. jc threatening to whip jl w zidian (even IF both parties did know that would never happen) hits different when we've seen wwx be abused by that weapon. and knowing anything about jc's character at all, tells me it's not something he would joke about either nor something he would say lightly (the scene where he does it certainly doesn't feel jokey or light). whether he would actually do it or not, the intention of that threat is to intimidate jl. on a very base level, to instinctively threaten physical harm (even IFFF jc never "actually" did it) is pretty fucked up actually. and while jl is "comfortable enough" to talk back, mostly his response is actually to run away. and then there's that time where jl flinches back at the end, which he doesn't even do when he's about to be cut in half in the temple--it's either a trained or an instinctive reaction! also, the only other time we see that posture is when wwx is putting his hands up to protect himself from being hit. it's so uncomfortable and like the only semi-sympathetic reasoning is that jc wanted jl to be a little afraid of him and cultivated that fear through verbal threats and an outward lack of concern for jl's person. he probably does genuinely love jl and maybe he never actually followed through (the fact that this is extremely debatable doesn't look GREAT) but even so the results of his hand in jl's guardianship shows in how unhappy and dysfunctional jl is before wwx steps in and literally just goes "hey...i care about you and maybe if you were nicer you could have friends and be happier" and i haven't even gotten INTO jc encouraging jl to be violent towards others at the slightest provocation. how does no one talk about this
also just to add onto the last ask about jl and jc's relationship being a clusterfuck, isn't it weird how even before jl knows "mxy" is wwx, he doesn't bat an eye at jc whipping him in the street, surrounding him with swords, and taking him up to his room to be tortured/killed??? like this is just a thing jc DOES?? HELLO?
oh lmao i talk about this all the time but i'm literally not joking when i say jiang cheng is 100% responsible for jin ling lacking of any sense of self-preservation or humane thought processing in the face of genuine compassion from other people. like ofc jin ling was bound to suffer growing up in such a predatory environment without his parents but jiang cheng seemingly took zero steps to alleviate this and instead encouraged jin ling to center his identity around a tragedy he can't even remember, damaging jin ling's self-perception and ability to connect with peers just for the sake of validating his own grudges and individual trauma.
following wwx and jyl's deaths there is no one left to temper jiang cheng's reliance on physical violence so i'm sure he sees it as an accomplishment that he "only" defaults to threatening jin ling with harsh corporal punishment at the slightest provocation, but in reality he bullies and scares jin ling who nearly gets himself killed for the chance to gain a sliver of respect from one of his closest relatives. and that's not even touching upon jin ling's desensitised view of the violent assault repeatedly carried out by jiang cheng and how that may inform his opinion on how jiang cheng treats HIM
like there is so much shit about jin ling and jiang cheng's relationship that goes completely unaddressed so ppl can feel good about calling jiang cheng a dilf or whatever. jin ling's first scene literally has him trying to murder a visibly scared stranger just because jiang cheng told him to but it's clear we'll never be able to have a conversation about what the fuck was going on there because half the people on here will only acknowledge jin ling's existence to celebrate jiang cheng for selflessly raising his sister's baby despite the (checks notes) 5 seperate scenes where he beats the kid
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
Another thing that bothers me other than uwu baby JC stans that I think popped up because of CQL is LWJ stans and NMJ stans. I've seen people say that WWX is lucky LWJ loved WWX after WWX constantly bullied him and act like WWX is LWJ's prize for all his suffering ignoring the fact that pre-seige LWJ was an asshole to WWX as well. He abused his position as head of discipline in CR and was a jerk to WWX everytime he got jealous or angry about his crush on WWX and people act like it is WWX's fault because he was "oblivious" to LWJ's feelings. In CQL he also drew his sword on WWX unprovoked during the Sunshot campaign. As for NMJ, they make him out to be a big softy which is ridiculous because he probably killed just as many Wens as WWX. I cant remember if something similar happened in CQL, but in the novel NMJ threatened to kill JGY if XY wasn't executed. I find it hypocritical that people excuse the Nies and Lans for not investigating the labor camps because it would be overstepping their bounds in a dispute between the Jins and Jiangs/WWX, but it's okay for NMJ to threaten to kill a sect heir and war hero over something JGS was doing and JGY had no control over.
To be entirely fair NMJ did have good reason to suspect that JGY was more involved in the XY business than he said he was (caught him murdering a man over an insult and all) and in fact he was probably right, we do know that JGY at the very least had a hand in the matter. NMJ knows exactly how clever JGY is and I’m sure at least suspects that JGS hands more over to him than JGY lets on; JGY protesting that it wasn’t his doing is going to sound pretty suspicious to the guy who once saw him fairly convincingly arguing that he had no choice but to murder an ally in cold blood with a sword in the back! NMJ isn’t by any stretch a harmless softy and it bugs me when people act like he is, but at the same time he’s not a bad person; he has every reason to distrust JGY, and re the Wens... well, he was a commander during a war against them, of course he killed a lot of Wens (although I’d say he didn’t kill as many as WWX, seeing as WWX can wipe out entire armies singlehandedly; NMJ is good with Baxia, but I don’t think he’s that good!), and in stories like this you can kill a lot of people and be a big softy. He’s a flawed character, good points and bad, yadda yadda.  Also I’ll admit, I think he does deserve a little slack in his treatment of JGY because if memory serves it was around that point where JGY started, y’know, poisoning him to death with sheer rage; if JGY wasn’t prepared to handle NMJ being increasingly harsh with him he should’ve picked a different way to kill him!
Also LWJ didn’t abuse his position; he punished WWX because WWX broke the rules and that was LWJ’s job. When WWX is mentioned as being punished you can always tie it to specific incidents where he broke the rules. If anything not bringing WWX in for punishment would be abusing his position; he has a responsibility to bring troublemakers in to be punished, and he carried out that responsibility. If anything not punishing him would be abusing his position. I’d argue he wasn’t exactly a jerk to WWX; remember that LWJ and WWX aren’t actually... friends, exactly. LWJ is cold to everyone, and while he is colder to WWX than is maybe polite he’s never really aggressive or mean. Basically, while saying WWX was a jerk to LWJ is entirely inaccurate I’d say it’s also inaccurate to say LWJ was a jerk to WWX, and in both cases if they are being jerks it’s not deliberate; it’s mostly just two people with very different outlooks and approaches to relationships clashing a bit due to lack of experience. Also he was a teenager; again, I think he deserves a bit of slack on that point, being kind of a dick as a teenager because you don’t know How To People isn’t exactly uncommon and he does grow out of it. The sword thing in CQL was A Bit Much, though, and not something from the book if memory serves (pretty sure that while there were stories about WWX and LWJ fighting whenever they met WWX himself debunks that and says they never actually came to blows).
Basically... people arguing that NMJ and LWJ did nothing wrong are misunderstanding the point of the story, which involves a lot of “no one is entirely good no matter how hard they try”; however I’d argue that it’s also common for people to go too far the other way and blame them for too much. Also I’ll admit I like them both very much, so I’m a tad biased. But basically this fandom has a problem with people over-simplifying incredibly complicated situations into “this person is in the right and this person is in the wrong” when that’s only occasionally accurate, and it’s a real pain.
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palaugranetes · 4 years
13 January 2021
Carlitos: ALEXIA!!!!
Oscar: This is too stressful
Riqui: I need 1 more goal please they gotta!!
Oscar: I-
Riqui: Please
Oscar: Penalties
Frenkie: Yikes!
Pedri: I can't even..
Arnau: 😐😐😐😐
Riqui: 😔
Oscar: This is so sad.. they deserved more.
Carlitos: y'all better not lose.
Arnau: yes. Y'all better not.
Ansu: So help me I will kick all of you if you do.
Arnau: What Ansu said.
Arnau: No more hugs for you.
Riqui: *Gasps*
Arnau: Yeah you read me.
Riqui: How will we survive..
Arnau: 😒
Carlitos: 🤴🏼 I repeat Blondie is on fire!
Ansu: fuck off
Ansu: This is too stressful
Arnau: 😖😖😖
Ansu: No please not another one
Arnau: Shit
Ansu: I'm just gonna leave my phone.. Bye
Carlitos: MARC!!!!!
Ansu: @Frenkie it's alright Rubito you still did well ♥️♥️
Carlitos: Did I jinx him?
Ansu: You did
Arnau: Ous!💪💪💪💪💙❤
Ansu: Antoine😩
Ansu:🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 PLEASE
Ansu: GET THE FUCK IN!!!🕺🏿🕺🏿🍿🍿
JC: I aged like 10 years in these last minutes.. I don't want to go through another ET again.
14 January 2021
Frenkie: ❤ @Ansu
Carlitos: Ansumane said I jinxed you. Sorry for the jinx🤘🏻
Frenkie: 😂😂
Riqui: 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Dembz: BOSS MOVE!!!
Frenkie: It was
Francisco: I'm just glad It didn't get to me.. I would have felt so awful if I missed.. I already feel bad. So thanks Riqui
Riqui: 💙
Sergiño: 🕺🏽🕺🏽🕺🏽🕺🏽💙❤
Iñaki: 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻A la final.
16 January 2021
JC: Best of luck tomorrow guys
Arnau: Leo is back!!🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼
Pedri: 😃😃😃
17 January 2021
Ansu: Do not make me regret coming here.
Ansu: I should have stayed at home.
Carlitos: Is Gil okay?!
Ansu: Is that a serious question!?!?
Carlitos: Nope
Ansu: Thought so
Carlitos: Where are the cards?!
Ansu: There they are.
Ansu: Leo😳😳😳😳😳
JC: Oh shit
Carlitos: Should have done it earlier
Carlitos: Maybe kick Gil while he's at it.
Ansu: How long do you think he'll be out for?
Carlitos: Gil and his report🤷🏻‍♂️
Ansu: I should have stayed home.
18 January 2021
Frenkie: I need to sleep for 6 days.
Frenkie: Wake me up when we get to Bilbao again
Pedri: Gosh we have to play them again 😩
Riqui: And maybe more if they go through in the Copa
Frenkie: Nope. No thanks
Riqui: as IF you have a choice
Dembz: total BS
Ronald: I cannot stress this enough.. I hated every minute of that match.
Carlitos: As you should.
Ronald: I cannot wait to sleep
Oscar: Same here bro.
Frenkie: My feeling exactly.
Dembz: I say we all go to bed and just stop talking about this match.
JC: But..
Ansu: Go to sleep.
JC: But I have something to say
Ansu: And you will still have something to say tomorrow.
Arnau: Sleep
JC: 😩
19 January 2021
Francisco: 2 matches out then.
Frenkie: Wish it were me.
Ronald: Me too
Pedri: Yep
Ansu: Why not just skip the Copa match then
Oscar: Can we?
Ansu: NO
Oscar: Dammit
Ansu: Y'all are going to play. And are going to win. A NORMAL MATCH.
JC: Guys Remember when I said I had something to say?
Sergiño: yes?
JC: Thank you for answering.
Dembz: What did you want to say? Make it quick. It's almost midnight.
JC: And?
Dembz: My sleeping schedule will be ruined
JC: Since when do you even have one?!
Dembz: Jan 1 now get on with it.
JC: Let's see how long that will last
Dembz: 😒🖕🏿
20 January 2021
JC: 😂
Dembz: Good night.
JC: 😳
Oscar: Good night.
Ronald: Night night
JC: You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
Francisco: Good night🙋🏻‍♂️
Pedri: Cold... just cold..
Iñaki: Maybe next time you will tell us earlier.
JC: 😒😒😒😒
Sergiño: So what was it? Still waiting.
JC: I love you the most little Sergi
JC: So remember the basket?
Frenkie: Again?!
JC: not mine.. Geri's
Frenkie: Yes and?
JC: I got it.
Frenkie: Continue..
JC: It was lovely.
Frenkie: See.. and you were worried. Okay good night
JC: But I'm not done...
Ansu: You should just spit it out next time. ✌🏿
JC: 🤬
JC: As I was saying.
JC: So the basket had 3 DVDs 5 bags of Caramel corn a dozen chocolate bars and 2 notes.
JC: I opened the first note and it had season's greeting and a ⤵️ arrow.
JC: I am afraid to open the 2nd.
Pedri: Open it.
JC: I don't want to
Pedri: It's gonna be okay.
JC: How do you know?
Sergiño: Everything you mentioned is harmless
Oscar: Open it
Iñaki: Let him breathe
JC: I guess
Carlitos: Go on
JC: You really thought I was going to start with you? And you really thought it was going to be a basket? My boy, it is never that simple. Enjoy the treats now. Be seeing you. ✌🏻🍿 G3.
JC: I hate him.
Dembz: What does he mean he is not starting with you.. HE SAID JCDCR!!!!
Riqui: So again it could be any of us.
Pedri: Any of you 4.. not us.
Oscar: Welp..
Iñaki: I really am glad I got rid of him.
Iñaki: Sorry for you 4.
Carlitos: The fact that he has been absent from his socials scares me
Francisco: Guys um did you check the main GC?
Ansu: 😳 What does he mean?!
Frenkie: focus up guys. Y'all have a match tonight
Sergiño: Good luck.
Ronald: I cannot take another
Oscar: Should be easy enough
Ansu: Why did he take .. !?!?
Ansu: Really.. you couldn't do that 2 minutes ago?!
Frenkie: I actually am happy to not play.
Ansu: Ronald Idk how you are still going my guy but I commend you you absolute BEAST.
Frenkie: Indeed.
Iñaki: Finally...
Dembz: Not a single word. Good night.
Arnau: 😂😂
Pedri: 😁😁 Night night
Riqui: 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
Carlitos: How are you guys still standing for real.
24 January 2021
Riqui: Rise and shine idiots.. La Liga is back
Carlitos: This has been quiet for so many days I thought y'all forgot about it.
Riqui: We're all dead
Carlitos: I'll say
Iñaki: Hello hello!
Riqui: I have a good feeling today
Ansu: Me too
Ansu: About what?
Riqui: The match
Ansu: ohhh
Ronald: I'm just glad an ET is not possible here
Francisco: We can do this.
Arnau: We sure can.
Ansu: You better.
Pedri: Another Leo-less match... sighs
Frenkie: 😩
Oscar: Final one! I hope
Iñaki: What is it with us and late goals lately?!
Ansu: I'm not there 😌
Iñaki: Chill
Carlitos: Boy's got a point though.
Ansu: 💁🏿‍♂️
Carlitos: What??
Ansu: I fell asleep😂
Carlitos: Can't blame you.
Ansu: Damn 15 minutes left.
Carlitos: I mean you didn't miss anything.
Ansu: Cool cool
Carlitos: WELL HOLY SHIT!!
Ansu: He really did that 😂
JC: Are my eyes playing tricks on me?!
Ansu: Nope he did that
Riqui: "Carlitos: You realize Ricard is 3 feet tall and Ous would snap like a twig?" YOU WERE SAYING?!
Carlitos: 2nd..🖕🏻
Ronald: Last thing I expect was that.
Oscar: 😂😂
Sergiño: Congrats bro!
Riqui: How is that for 3 feet tall.
Carlitos: Are you ever gonna let this go?
Riqui: Nope.
Carlitos: Fuck.
Pedri: Finally no more Leo-less matches.
Riqui: Copa next match. Might not play.
Pedri: Oh for fuck sake.. another ET prone match
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unforth · 4 years
Today in “random shit that got totally away from me,” I just wrote almost 6k of this nonsense instead of anything for Kinktober or my tweet fic. Oops.
So I started thinking about MDZS Harry Potter AUs. Yes, JK is a trash human being but eh HP does still hold a place in my heart so I don't mind putzing with it as long as I never again put another penny her pocket. Anyway, all the HP AUs I've seen seem to be focused on Hogwarts and who'd be in which house, that kind of thing, and it felt all wrong to me because the sects are different schools of thought...that's literally the point...so shouldn't they be different schools? And this is where I took that...this is really more like a fusion than an AU and I've butchered canon and how magic works for both HP and MDZS but oh well, here goes... 
(ships: WangXian, SangCheng, Luo Qingyang/Wen Qing, Xuanli until it’s not, Wen Ning/Jiang Yanli, and others)
Wei Wuxian is born a muggle, the child of a witch and a muggle who decide to leave the wizarding world and raise their child without the prejudices and problems that surrounded them and their relationship. However, the world catches up with them, and both die when Wei Wuxian is only 4 years old. He gets kicked into the foster system, and it takes over five years before he's finally brought to a family that seems to be long term - old friends of his mother's and, as he'll learn, old wizarding blood, the Jiang family. Wei Wuxian has shown no sign of being magical to that point but, then, he also had no idea that magic was a thing, and existed outside that paradigm completely. He learns right quick though. His new parents, Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian, are both powerful wizards, and their eldest daughter is already at Jinlin Tower, studying to follow on their footsteps. His foster brother, Jiang Cheng, talks excitedly and sometimes sneeringly about his own expectations of going, and that Wei Wuxian won't be. To say he's jealous would be an understatement, but more than that, he's sorely disappointed, because aside from his occasional arrogance, Jiang Cheng is the closest thing to a friend, the closest thing to family, he's ever had. His new parents are okay, he supposes...certainly better than some he's had...but Yu Ziyuan barely tolerates him and Jiang Fengmian's condescending form of affection isn't much better. Further, Wei Wuxian is old enough that he hears the rumors. People at Lotus Pier whisper that he's actually Jiang Fengmian's child, that JFM loved the witch Cangse Sanren and that he acted on that affection, possibly without her consent. How dark the rumors tended depended on who said them, and everyone made Wei Wuxian wish that he'd never been brought to Lotus Pier, even if he at least was no longer starving. 
Anyway. Events unfold, as they tend to do. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng grow close. Jiang Yanli returns from school for holidays and Wei Wuxian quickly grows to adore her. When he's with his siblings he can forget how garbage the rest of his life is, and his hope for the future improves when he accidentally dyes Jiang Cheng purple from head to toe (after JC punched him because he called JC a grape). At first this seems like a dream come true - he can do magic, so he can go to the school! - but as seems to always happen in his life, the good news gets balanced by a heavy dose of bad, as the worst rumor mongers take this revelation as a sign that he couldn't have possibly had a muggle for a father, and their vituperation grows louder, and Yu Ziyuan's behavior grows more abusive. 
At least he'll get to leave. 
Except going also proves a mixed blessing, as the school is just as much a rumor factory as Lotus Pier is...heck, maybe more of one. The Jin family, also old blood, run the place, and teach according to their own principals. Virtually everyone there is from a long ancient line of wizards, and they all look down their noses at Wei Wuxian for being half blood, and he's bullied a lot, and Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli are bullied by extension, which is even worse. He does his best to keep his head down, but usually fails, since he can accept any amount of hatred heaped on his own head but refuses to stand down if his brother and sister are insulted. His repeated run ins with Jin Zixuan, heir to Jinlin Tower, affianced of Jiang Yanli, and tool douche bag incarnate especially lead to trouble, not because Jin Zixuan himself is so bad...he's a tool douche bag but he's essentially harmless...but his family is less so. His cousin Jin Zixun is especially vile, and the number of encounters with him that Wei Wuxian keeps secret lest Jiang Cheng learn and intervene and experience the same or worse is sizeable. 
Still, for all the bad, he's mostly happy at school and it's still better than being at Lotus Pier. Their classmates are from the Jin and the clans that follow them - it turns out the only reason the Jiang are there instead of at their own school is that it's part of the arranged marriage between Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli - and while the main clan is full of assholes, their followers include some damn good folk. Wei Wuxian develops an especially close friendship with Luo Qingyang. He also excels at magic, which eventually begins to pay dividends. The first couple years he's there, his classmates have all been doing magic since they were in their cradles and he's racing to catch up, but by the time he's 14, 15, 16, the playing field is more even and those who were cruel to him have mostly been visited by highly unpleasant pay back - if not from Wei Wuxian himself, then from Jiang Cheng or Luo Qingyang. 
His 6th year, when he's 17, is a big deal for several reasons. First, Jiang Yanli graduates...and immediately starts an internship at the school's infirmary, ostensibly because she's interested in medicine, actually because no one wants too much distance between her and Jin Zixuan. Speaking of whom, secondly...he's a jackass and a peacock but he has improved with age, and Wei Wuxian can almost tolerate him for short periods of time, especially because his doing so makes Jiang Yanli happy. Jin Zixun is still irredeemable but Wei Wuxian is unsurprised there. But the biggest event is that it's time for the biannual competition between the greatest sects in the world, and this time Jinlin Tower is hosting. Everyone who wants to participate may, and it's basically an Olympics for people in their 6th and 7th years - no one else is eligible. There are competitions in martial arts, wizarding duels, arranged battles against monsters, Night Hunts, races. Each competitor is scored based on their performance, and after each event, fewer people are able to advance to the next round, until the final event is a two-on-two-on-two-on-two battle between the top pairs from each school - Jinlin Tower, Cloud Recesses, Unclean Realm and Nightless City. If two from one school are still standing at the end (highly unusual, generally one is eliminated before the other) then they will fight to determine a final winner, who gets accolades, attention, a mess of flowers, a few medals, at least two marriage proposals...and respect, which is the only one of those things Wei Wuxian gives a shit about. 
Wei Wuxian is *determined* to be one of the two - and that Jiang Cheng will be the other. He can think of no better way to show up the haters, and anyway, it sounds fun as hell. 
The school year up until the start of the competition, held every spring, is dull dull dull, but finally the long awaited day arrives, and with it come the 6th and 7th years from the other schools and the teachers sent to chaperone them. Cloud Recesses arrives first, punctual to the second, and god are they a snooze fest. Their leader, Lan Qiren, drones on and on during his welcome speech, and his students all stand in lock step and hang on every boring word. When Wei Wuxian has the audacity to yawn, one in particular glares murder at him, and Luo Qingyang explains to him in a hurried whisper that that's the famous Lan Wangji, second son of the family, heir to Cloud Recesses, and widely considered the hands-down favorite to win the entire event. 
After them, the Unclean Realm contingent arrives, led by Nie Mingjue, youngest of the current school leaders. They seem very battle oriented, all heavily armed with more than just wands, except for a disinterested young man at Nie Mingjue's side - his brother, Nie Huaisang, Luo Qingyang helpfully explains. 
("How do you know all this??" Wei Wuxian hisses.) 
("Latest issue of Teen Witch did a profile on everyone favored to win from each school!") 
("...oh yeah? What'd they say about me?") 
("You weren't in there, dumbass, they profiled Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun.") 
("And you trust them to be right about literally *anything* if they think those two are the favorites from here?") 
("Shut up, at least it means I know something about the competition we'll face.") 
("Will you *both* shut up?" interjected an exasperated Jiang Cheng, "because if not, I WILL curse you for the duration of the welcome...") 
Nie Huaisang is fun to watch, because he seems as bored as Wei Wuxian feels, and because he is high enough in the pecking order that no one gives him shit for it. Watching him is even slightly cathartic. But too soon, their school goes to their table - another vote in favor of the Unclean Realm, their welcome speech was short and to the point - and then the Nightless City students step up. Their leader is a sneering youth ("winner of the competition six years ago," Luo Qingyang supplies) named Wen Xu, son of the school's head, because they are so arrogant they didn't bother sending their headmaster. They’re also the only school to send two chaperones, and Wei Wuxian feels an instant connection with the other, an attractive young woman, because the murderous glare she directs at the back of Wen Xu's head is truly a thing of beauty, and grows more intense the longer he babbles bombast, arrogance and stupidity. 
Finally, the welcome ends, and the houses share a banquet. There are various "getting to know you" events scheduled, and a prom-like ball halfway through the competition. It’s interesting to see the relative sociability of the different groups as the events commenced. The Lans from Cloud Recesses, for example, keep almost entirely to themselves. They make minimal efforts to mingle but only because they’re expected to. The Nie, on the other hand, are incredibly happy to meet new people, and Wei Wuxian ends up friends with Nie Huaisang almost by accident - there was a bird, a curse backfire, a talking staircase and a gigantic bubblegum bubble involved but the less said in general the better - and it gives him hope for the future. His prospects of staying at Lotus Pier are dim - even if they wanted him there he didn't want to stay, especially after Jiang Yanli leaves for her wedding and Jiang Cheng launches into his duties as heir. Nie Huaisang likes him, and has influence at Unclean Realm, and hints more than once that they don’t share the prejudices of some of the other families since it’s well known they'd been founded by a late-blooming spellcasting muggle. Wei Wuxian is self-interested enough to forward the friendship even if he didn't enjoy Nie Huaisang's company...but he does, and that just makes it so much the better. 
The Wens from Nightless City, on the other hand, are a problem. They love to interact...if arrogance, condescension, aloofness and bullying can be called interacting. They don’t even spare members of their own family, and Wei Wuxian saw a lot of parallels to his own treatment at Jinlin Tower in how Wen Ning, Wen Chao's cousin and younger brother of the second chaperone, is treated. Wei Wuxian intervenes more than once to protect Wen Ning - from the other Wens, from Jin Zixun, even from a random Lan once. 
Thus do things stand when events finally start. They make for a weird clique - Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, Luo Qingyang, Nie Huaisang, and Wen Ning vaguely shadowing them while clearly trying not to get too close. In events where they can aid each other, they do. In events where they can’t, they at least try not to directly act against each other. Lesser names are quickly eliminated from the competition, and the leader board is mostly those who'd been expected, in part because a lot of clan members go out of their way to support their clans' favorite. Lan Wangji, that second Lan son from Cloud Recesses, leads in points, and that’s extra impressive since the Lan are the only clan that AREN’T cheating to help him get ahead. Lesser members of the Nie routinely act to help Nie Huaisang instead of themselves, which is especially absurd since Nie Huaisang himself seems indifferent. The Wen actively cheat, and are sanctioned for it three times, to forward Wen Chao, Wen Xu's younger brother and their clan's favorite. And the Jinlin Tower contingent strives to put Jin Zixuan on top...and Jin Zixun strives to unseat him. 
So, basically, it it’s all a huge mess, especially early on when the entirety of all four schools are involved. 
The first of Wei Wuxian's friend circle eliminated is Luo Qingyang. She takes it in stride even though it had been a bullshit technicality and Wen Chao's fault to boot, and immediately begins conspiring from outside the competition to help the others. Things proceed apace, event after event, and despite some obvious attempts by lesser Jinlin Tower folk to sabotage Wei Wuxian, he of course still does well, especially at the magical competitions. He hung on through a dismal showing against a giant dog (his phobia’s triggered and it’s one on one so no one can help him) thanks mostly to an exceptional performance during an transfiguration and enchantment event, that he won easily and to everyone's amazement, even beating the unparalleled Lan Wangji. Jiang Cheng is doing well too, not exceptional at anything, but never near the bottom, either, which keeps him afloat, and it helps that he never does anything that sinks himself to float Jin Zixuan or Jin Zixun. The ball comes closer by the day, and the events are spaced farther apart later in the competition to give competitors time to heal and prepare, and as more people are eliminated, the ball becomes the premier talk of the group - what to wear, who to ask, who else has asked who and who has said yes and who has said no, all gossip all the time. Nie Huaisang seems especially invested, even though he hasn't been eliminated...he seems to find it fun, while giving zero information about his own intentions as regard a companion. 
Jiang Cheng asks a pretty Lan girl, and is turned down, and Luo Qingyang, and is turned down, and at least three other people, with no success. (Nie Huaisang whispers that this is because Wen Chao has threatened to hurt anyone who says yes to him...Luo Qingyang says it’s because Jiang Cheng is an idiot and a dick.) 
Luo Qingyang refuses to say who she’s asking, leaves to do it...and returns aglow, saying that the person she'd asked has said yes...but still won’t say who that is.
Wen Ning mumbles that a Jin girl he didn’t know had asked him, and he said yes, and he supposes it’ll be fine. It troubles all his friends, since he’s actually incredibly sweet, but that anyone at all asked him seems to be a shock, and that anyone else might do so - or that he might ask someone he liked, and they might say yes - both are apparently so implausible to Wen Ning that he won’t even consider it.
Wei Wuxian asks no one. It’s not that he doesn’t want a partner at the ball...he does, he supposes...but he can’t find the motivation. He’s worried he got eliminated during the last event, and he won’t find out until the banquet before the ball, when the final 16 competitors will be announced, and the uncertainty is making him jumpy and anxious. So, he dithers, and he supports his friends, and he messes with their enemies, and he takes a dilatory approach to preparing for the next event (a dragon hunt) that he may or may not have qualified for…
...and then Jiang Cheng takes him aside, like, “dude you’ve got to find *someone*!”
“ ‘Cause all of the top 16 need a date!”
“Then you’re boned, aren’t you…”
“So’re you! Anyway, you’re wrong, I’ve got someone.”
“I didn’t make it, a-di...I’m sure I didn’t…and wait, you do? Who is it?”
“Like I’d tell you.”
“You’re a damn liar, you ain’t go no one.”
“No, I’m set, but you’ll sure look like a dumbass if I’m right and you need a date…”
And, well, Jiang Cheng has a point...so Wei Wuxian keeps an ear to the ground, trying to figure out who is still available. The pickings are slim...there are a lot of hopeful younger students, but...no. Just no. At least a dozen people have asked Wei Wuxian, but he’s turned them all done, and now everyone seems to be paired...and then a few hours before the banquet, Luo Qingyang grabs him. 
“Pssst, I heard you need a date.”
“Why’re you whispering? Is it a secret?”
“Ask Lan Wangji.”
Wei Wuxian can only blink at her, because *what the actual fuck.* Lan Wangji is leading the competition, and he’s gorgeous, and yeah, he has a shit personality, but even so he must have had every single person in the school and every other school tripping over themselves to ask. Further, if there’s one person he will definitely say no to, it’s Wei Wuxian, because ever since that first time Wei Wuxian yawned during Lan Qiren’s shitty speech, Lan Wangji has hated him. During every meet and greet, during every event, whenever Wei Wuxian glances Lan Wangji’s way, Lan Wangji is glaring at him, scowling, like Wei Wuxian is a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe...and yeah that DID happen, it was part of the whole meeting Nie Huaisang debacle, but still, Wei Wuxian has been doing decently, and has tried to be nice to the guy, and nothing. Still, Luo Qingyang is incredibly persuasive when she wants to be, and finally, Wei Wuxian caves, if only to get her to leave him alone. Lan Wangji is easy to find, lingering in the common room assigned to his school, sitting and reading, still in the white robes he always wears (the girls all swoon at his miraculous ability to keep them pristine through every competition, and there are running bets on what it’ll finally take to stain them) and apparently indifferent to the frenetic preparations that those around him are hurrying through.
“Hey, Lan Wangji!”
Lan Wangji shoots that disdainful stare at him again.
“Heard you don’t have a date for tonight, is that true?”
Lan Wangji shrugs, eyes back on his book.
“You know all the top competitors need one, right?”
Lan Wangji shrugs again.
“So, you wanna go with me or what?”
The book crashes to the floor and Wei Wuxian is amazed to see Lan Wangji...react? To literally anything? Ever? By looking stricken, and surprised, and taken aback, and maybe a little horrified?
“Ugh, fine, well if my proximity offends you that bad...at least I can tell Luo Qingyang I tried.” And Wei Wuxian manages his own shrug, turns to walk away...and a hand on his shoulder stops him. Turning...there’s Lan Wangji, eyes wide, lips slightly parted, long hair swooping about his shoulders, crap is he pretty, no wonder he’s got half the school in love with him, no wonder he only finds flaws with Wei Wuxian, just like everyone else, no wonder--
Wei Wuxian nods slowly and Lan Wangji’s expression softens.
“Thought you and she were a couple.”
Shocking thing the first: Lan Wangji spoke. Shocking thing the second: Lan Wangji touched him. Shocking thing the third: Lan Wangji has paid enough attention to Wei Wuxian to have drawn conclusions about his love life. Shocking thing the fourth: Lan Wangji apparently has a personality of some kind? Shocking thing the fifth: Lan Wangji certainly doesn’t appear to hate him??
Too confused to speak, Wei Wuxian shakes his head.
“I would be pleased to go to the ball with you.”
Shocking thing the sixth: Lan Wangji ACTUALLY WANTS TO GO WITH HIM.
The entire common room goes still, apparently everyone else is as shocked as Wei Wuxian, and then they break into congratulatory hurrahs.
“Whelp, good, okay then,” Wei Wuxian manages, still too asea to have any idea what the hell just happened. “Guess I’d better go get ready. You too. I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
The banquet opens with Jin Guangshan rising and pompously announcing who the top 16 are - among them, Wen Chao and Wen Ning both have made it, and Lan Wangji of course, and Nie Huaisang, and the four from the Jin are Jin Zixuan, Jin Zixun, Jiang Cheng, and Wei Wuxian. He’s so amazed he can only stand, and he glances to Lan Wangji...and gets a smile in return??? And what has his day become he has no idea what’s going on!!
After the meal, the first dance is called, and the way people pair off prompts scads of whispers. Jin Zixuan is the obvious one, of course he’s with Jiang Yanli, and neither looks particularly happy about it. Jin Zixuan keeps glancing toward a Nie girl that Wei Wuxian doesn’t know, and if Wei Wuxian didn’t know better (and after the day he’s had, he’s genuinely not sure if he DOES know better) he’d think that Jiang Yanli kept glancing to Wen Ning. Jiang Cheng gives Wei Wuxian a smirk as he and Nie Huaisang go out hand in hand, only to have it fade into stunned wide eyed WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKness when Wei Wuxian goes out with Lan Wangji. It’s clear almost immediately that neither actually knows how to dance, but they both know how to fight, and it sort of translates, and things actually go pretty well.
Dancing with Lan Wangji is nice.
Being near Lan Wangji is nice.
The soft timber of Lan Wangji’s voice on the rare occasions he speaks is nice.
The whole evening is...really surprisingly nice. Memories of all the times Lan Wangji looked at him come back...why WAS Lan Wangji always looking at him? Clearly, Wei Wuxian has mixed everything up monumentally, and he’s starting to wonder if Luo Qingyang suspected as much when she sent him on what he’d thought a wild goose chase, but there’s no asking her, because as soon as the floor opens to the general group so everyone can dance, she’s on the floor with Wen Qing, of all people - it hadn’t even occurred to Wei Wuxian that he could ask a chaperone - and the two are staring adoringly into each other’s eyes and Wei Wuxian would think it insane and weird except that once or twice he realizes he’s kinda sorta maybe vaguely giving Lan Wangji a similar look and what even is his life?
They end up kissing outside the Lan’s common room.
Wei Wuxian has no idea what’s going on but he’s not at all unhappy with the turn of events.
The last couple events are incredibly difficult, the moreso because Wen Chao and Jin Zixun have each either collaboratively or independently decided that this is their last chance to try to get their fiercest competition eliminated. Jin Zixuan loses the next one badly, and Nie Huaisang also seems only too pleased to bow out. The other Wens team up against Wen Ning and he’s eliminated, and almost badly injured, and then they move on Wei Wuxian, and he only holds on by the skin of his teeth...and, he comes to suspect, because Jiang Cheng did something, because that’s the only explanation he’s got for why Jiang Cheng is eliminated even though Jin Zixun bombed one of the events. Eventually, the final 8 are chosen…
Wen Chao and some other Wen.
Lan Wangji and some other Lan.
Two random Nies.
And Jin Zixun and Wei Wuxian.
Intent on preparing even though he knows Jin Zixun hates him, Wei Wuxian approaches him. They’re supposed to work together against the other six, after all...but Jin Zixun won’t even talk to him, so Wei Wuxian assumes he’s actually on his own and does his own preparation. That morning, he’s absolutely sick to his stomach. Rumor is that some students have died in the duels before. It’s no holds barred, no spells off limits, even an Unforgivable Curse would be allowed if someone actually knew one. Weapons, sword-flying, everything is allowed. Wei Wuxian has his sword Suibian, his flute and his wand when he joins the others. They all look fidgety, and the only one who spares Wei Wuxian a glance is Lan Wangji, and he looks concerned. They’ve spent time together as they’ve been able, but it’s been little enough, the event occupying most of their time, and Wei Wuxian was in the hospital for a week after the last event with no visitors allowed. 
“Be careful out there,” Lan Wangji murmurs to him, giving his hand a squeeze, and Wei Wuxian can only return the sentiment, but he’s not worried. Lan Wangji has led the competition since day one, and leads it still, and everyone is assuming he’ll win, presumably with his white robes still pristine.
Finally, the final duel starts, and Wei Wuxian realizes immediately that it’s so much worse than he feared, when the Wen opposing Wen Chao eliminates himself, and Jin Zixun ignores all foes to immediately turn on Wei Wuxian, and he loses track of what the others are doing because fighting Jin Zixun takes all his focus. Jin Zixun has been training for this his whole life, and he’s a year older, and whereas Wei Wuxian doesn’t actually particularly want to harm him, Jin Zixun’s every action makes it clear he couldn’t care less if he kills Wei Wuxian. It’s as hard a battle as anything he’s ever done, and it’s only when Wei Wuxian stops pulling his punches (he can hear his friends screaming at him that he’s an idiot from the sidelines) that he finally FINALLY wins.
But the cost has been high.
His qi is depleted. His body aches. He’s bleeding from multiple wounds and from the mouth. Suibian has been tossed from the competition area, and his wand is broken, leaving him with only Chenqing. And he’s got no idea who else is left, who might yet be in his way…
...and oh god, is he going to have to fight Lan Wangji? He won’t do it, no matter what…
...and he takes a step back, and Wen Chao’s voice shouts - he must have been lurking, waiting for the end of Wei Wuxian’s battle, knowing whoever won would be weakest and least on guard immediately after - and the word cruciatus echoes across the suddenly silent arena, and Wei Wuxian squeezes his eyes shut in preparation for agony...and it never comes. 
He opens his eyes.
Lan Wangji stands before him, panting with effort, his guqin before himself, his fingers on the strings as he uses his own qi to catch the Unforgivable curse and contain it. The effort of it is clearly great; a cough spurts blood from Lan Wangji’s mouth, staining red down the front of his pristine white robes, but he doesn’t give up, and Wen Chao’s expression contorts as he tries and tries to force the spell through Lan Wangji’s resistance...and then it explodes in Wen Chao’s face, and he screams as the backfire casts the spell on himself.
“Wen Chao - eliminated!”
Lan Wangji collapses to his knees, spells evaporating in a swirl of blue motes. His wand falls to the ground near Wei Wuxian’s feet, and he uncertainly picks it up. It feels odd in his hands, but he’s sure he could cast with it.
“Why?” whispers Wei Wuxian.
“I couldn’t let him hurt you.”
“Who’s left?”
“You and me.”
And this is it - his moment. Lan Wangji is hurt, down, bloody and muddy. Wei Wuxian is exhausted and hurt, but he’s up, and he’s got Chenqing, and he could do plenty with it even if he doesn’t want to use Lan Wangji’s wand...and why wouldn’t he want to use the wand?...Wei Wuxian could get everything he wants, the prize, the respect, the marriage proposals, everything...but Lan Wangji couldn’t let Wen Chao hurt him, and Wei Wuxian can’t possibly, can’t FATHOM, hurting Lan Wangji.
“I’m out,” he shouts to the judges.
“Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian will engage in a wizard’s duel to determine a final winner.”
“I won’t,” Wei Wuxian bellows back.
“Eliminate me,” Lan Wangji whispers, for his ears alone. “I always knew you were going to beat me.”
As if that’s not the craziest shit Wei Wuxian has ever heard.
“You’re the brightest young master of our generation, Lan Wangji...it was always going to be you.” And Wei Wuxian realizes he means that in so many more ways than merely as regards the competition.
Because Wei Wuxian feels so much more toward Lan Wangji than he’d ever imagined he could toward anyone, much less toward the supposedly cold and indifferent and aloof Second Young Master Lan.
“Very well,” Wei Wuxian murmurs. Lan Wangji closes his eyes. “Petrificus totalus!” Wei Wuxian shouts...and aims the wand at his own feet.
And the next thing he’s aware of, he’s in the infirmary, and Jiang Yanli and...Wen Qing and Wen Ning???...are there, and Wen Qing is leaning over him while the other two have a hushed conversation across the room. Six of the seven other finalists are there as well - the self-eliminated Wen didn’t hurt himself badly enough to need the hospital - and Wen Qing is roughly jabbing at a pierced wound in his side, ignoring his grimace and soft protest.
“You’re all idiots, and this is all stupid, and I have no idea why any of the schools sanction this insanity, and you shut your face, Wei Wuxian, and let me do my job…” 
He can’t really argue with her. Everything hurts too much anyway.
So Lan Wangji is awarded winner, but given that he spends that night in Wei Wuxian’s arms, Wei Wuxian is pretty sure that he’s the actual winner. He got his respect, too - beating Jin Zixun one on one impressed a LOT of people, and before the houses all leave to go back to their own clans, Nie Mingjue offers him a job post-graduation, and Jiang Cheng gets all offended since obviously Wei Wuxian will be working for him, and Lan Wangji promises to send him owls every day, and Wei Wuxian lies through his teeth when he assures Lan Wangji that he’ll do the same (it’s not a lie because he doesn’t want to, but because he knows he’s not a fraction well enough organized to actually pull something like that off), and Wen Qing and Luo Qingyang exchange tearful farewells...and Wen Ning stays, which is surprising and excellent, and in amazingly short order, things go back to normal…
...except they never quite go back to normal.
Because Jin Zixuan breaks off his engagement to Jiang Yanli, announcing that he’s too in love with that Nie girl who’s name Wei Wuxian still doesn’t know to consider marrying simply to satisfy his family.
And because as soon as she’s at liberty to do so, in front of the entire assembly, Jiang Yanli stalks across the room, grabs the front of Wen Ning’s robes, and hauls him into a kiss.
And because Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng solve the “which clan gets to keep Wei Wuxian” problem by announcing their own engagement.
And because Jin Zixun graduates at the end of the year, and as soon as he’s gone all the Jin who used to torment Wei Wuxian sheepishly apologize and say Jin Zixun made them - themselves or Wei Wuxian - and while he doesn’t forgive them their abuses, he can at least tolerate being their classmates.
And because Luo Qingyang announces that she’s renouncing the Jin clan, and that she and Wen Qing are planning to ride off into the sunset and start their own clan with two well known independent wizards of their acquaintance, Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. They pointedly suggest that Wei Wuxian go with them.
And because Lan Wangji keeps his promise and sends Wei Wuxian a letter every day, and Wei Wuxian - wonder of wonders - succeeds in replying daily, by giving up on the idea of sending letters and instead sending drawings. Lan Wangji loves the idea of joining the new sect.
And because, after graduation, when Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng try to claim him, they find themselves beaten to the punch, because Lan Wangji has already got him heart, soul, body and mind. The two begrudgingly conceded that Lan Wangji can marry him, as long as he’ll continue to be part of all three clans, and help with enchantments and Night Hunts and whatever else.
Wei Wuxian is shocked to find himself so wanted, and does everything he can to satisfy all the claims on him.
It’s a way better life than Wei Wuxian had ever dared to hope for.
And he’s got every reason to think it’s only going to get better and better.
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 2 - Wei Wuxian has Foot-in-Mouth syndrome & Foxglove absolutely has a crush
Alright let’s go! It’s almost midnight so I might have to go to bed and continue tomorrow but... YOLO? I guess?
Fair warning, I will gush about cinematography and scenery like a lot. I have zero professional knowledge about it, but it’s pretty.
Wei “let me be really damn sexy when drinking” Wuxian.
He’s so done with everything omg it’s hilarious.
Ok but the actress who plays A-Yan is GORGEOUS.
Why does this show do “creepy yet beautiful” so damn good?
This might be my inner Rumplestiltskin talking but the second I heard “wish-granting fairy” I had to scream bullshit; all magic comes with a price.
My god Jin Ling would’ve gotten la zapatilla for talking to the people in the net like that if my granny had been there.
And I’ll never stop wondering who the fuck is in charge of logistics here. Because there you have A CIVILIAN wandering into a forest covered in magic nets.
That fucking donkey.
Watching this for the first time, with not prior knowledge must be fucking disconcerting. Because you have this literal walking disaster, who everyone (besides the gorgeous man in white) wants dead. But he’s a fucking mess and mostly harmless. So why? And it’s hilarious.
So maybe not that harmless. (Ok but badass WWX is kinda hot)
AND WWX DONE GOOFED. Feet in mouth syndrome at its finest.
Him sassing JL is hilarious.
But FR, the first time I saw JC in this scene I screamed: oh not he’s hoooooooot.
It’s the cheekbones. And the long hair. And the hands. And the fact that my self preservation instinct was left in-utero because I think getting that man riled up and angry over stupid shit would be hilarious.
... in my defence my family’s love language is being assholes to each other; but with affection you know?
JC: I am badass and have a temper don’t fuck with me.
Me: ok that’s valid but you’re also kind of an angry grape and spent ten minutes trying to find a polite way to say “fuck off and die” via letter.
WWX: why am I so unlike today.
ooooooohhhhhh petty petty smackdown round one!
I love that JC is throwing digs at LWJ and LWJ is not even looking at him. I mean, the ducklings are carrying the conversation so this must not even be new to them.
Jin Ling is the Peacock, Sizhui is Shijie and Jingyi is a WWX/JC hybrid.
JC: what’s the bad news now?
Honestly? Same.
Why does Netflix not translate HJG as HGJ?
JC telling JL that he’ll break his legs if he fucks up has the same energy as my mum threatening me with making me go out on a Friday night if I don’t pass a test.
And yes, I make jokes about threatening physical violence here because it is my hc that, after the kind of parents the Yunmeng siblings had, JC took a look at JL and decided right then and there to stay away from his own parents’ methods.
I mean, one of my dad’s fave swears is: lord give me patience, because if you give me strength they’re all dead.
Which I find hilarious, so I can’t help but see the same thing in those two.
WWX finding out he’d disparaged his orphan nephew’s parents: It was at this moment that he knew he’d fucked up.
... well, that was creepy.
(Can I make the “compass that doesn’t point north and wooden sword” joke? Please?)
So quick question, despite WWX coming back with his own body in this adaptation he does have a golden core right? Because he does some talisman and array things and he does mention when everyone is shit out of luck in the Burial Mounds that he, LWJ and the Ducklings are the only ones with spiritual energy. But he also gives his sword to WN to fight more often than not and he mentions that his body is “fragile”. So...
WWX just went into scolding/disappointed parent mode lol.
He just deduced everything correctly from a bunch of glittery grass. He’s fucking Sherlock and I can understand why NHS wanted him to help with his brother’s murder.
(Brief interlude so I can thirst over JC’s hands for a second again)
Jingyi is, as always, A Mood.
“The Yiling Patriarch is not here!”
He’s right behind you mate.
So everyone is wearing Kevlar under their robes right? I’m going to assume so, because otherwise WN would’ve caved LSZ’s chest in with that chain throw. I mean, he punched right through stone so...
*screaming into a pillow*
Oh hey, hubby is back!
OMG I’m laughing at him scolding JL. Can’t help it.
Full disclosure, I love Zidian’s design.
Petty smackdown number two!
Lemme go on a Zidian tangent tho: IT’S A LIGHTNING WHIP. That shit should be devastating. Do you know how much voltage is in lightning? Too fucking much. Every time someone got hit with it you would have at least second to third degree burns, not to mention broken bones, muscle spasms and if you’re very very unlucky cardiac arrest. But you don’t. It doesn’t make sense? Help?
... why am I being logical over A FUCKING MAGIC WHIP.
Idk, it’s almost 1am don’t ask me that.
He really wanted his brother back didn’t he. I mean, he was so sure WWX was possessing that body and when nothing happened his face got all surprised and sad. That’s not the look of someone who wants to torture and murder the dude. That’s for sure.
LJY: didn’t you kill him yourself?
JC: conceal don’t feel don’t let them know.
Again, brilliant tiny flashback. We still don’t see what exactly happened at the cliff. You see LWJ holding onto WWX, you see a close up of JC stabbing down from above, but then it cuts to a wider frame and WWX is already falling. We are meant to assume JC did something like stab him on the face or hurt LWJ’s hand.
I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS OVER JC OK? He’s an angry grape but he’s my angry grape and he misses both his siblings.
Amazing transition again to a mega long flashback.
(I’m gonna stop being all thirsty over JC at least until the SunShot Campaign bc 1. I think his mega crush on WQ is adorable and how I wish it’d worked out. & 2. He’s what? 17 at the beginning of this flashback? That feels creepy.)
It’s a little disturbing what WWX says about alcohol easing the mind tho. I mean he’s 17?
JC: A-Jie WWX is being mean to me!
So that’s episode 2 done. It’s 1am and my cat is begging me for food so I bet the neighbours love me right now. I’m not going to take any responsibility for typos or weird turns of phrases because I’m tired.
Tomorrow I have to actually start packing my flat so I might not get another episode out but who knows.
Thanks for reading!
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lunasilvermorny · 5 years
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Oh, I love this...!
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Nah, we’re probably going to get more house points from Dumbledore...
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Yeah, you did!
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That’s the biggest plot twist of year 3...
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Why are they all staring at him?
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Why do you put me in the middle of this?
So - I don’t think Ben is lying. I mean, it’s Ben! On the other hand, it’s a bit weird that he doesn’t remember ANYTHING at all...
But it’s Ben!
No, I trust him. He’s harmless...
Please don’t make him a surprise villain, JC.
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I find it a bit odd that Rowan, the same person that is so obsessed with being completely factual and can’t even pay MC a normal compliment if it’s not 100% true, just accuses him with no shred of evidence.
Oh, no.
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Don’t make me choose!
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Thank you, Bill.
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Again - I just love it! If we ignore Rowan’s baseless accusations, it’s really wholesome.
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Oh, right! We’re finally going to interact with Charlie in year 4!
Can’t wait for the dragon-boy to finally be part of the story...
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Thanks, buddy.
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No one can, because it’s completely ridiculous.
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Guess I’ll wait...
Game vs. Headcanon:
Rowan’s mad that MC doesn’t believe him.
MC - Luna
Ben: You believe me, Luna, right?
Luna's gaze skipped from Rowan to Ben and back to Rowan.
Luna: -sigh- Yeah.
Rowan: Really? He's hiding something.
Luna: Not now, Rowan.
-Later that day-
Rowan: You don't trust me.
Luna: -checking that no one eavesdrops- Of course I do, but you don't have any proof. You of all people should understand the importance of evidence.
Rowan: He knows something!
Luna: Prove it.
Rowan: I… It makes sense.
Luna: Since when do you relay on speculations?
Rowan: I'm not, but he'll never tell us anything unless we make him.
Luna: Jeez, Rowan, relax. No one is making anyone do anything!
Rowan: You know what I mean.
Luna: Get me any kind of proof and I'll help you, but until then - leave Ben alone.
Rowan: I can't believe it, I always trust your gut feelings – everything with Jacob and…and…!
Luna: I just want to make sure we don't blame the victim.
Rowan: Why do you care? You don't even like him.
Luna: All I'm asking is for you to not overreact!
Rowan: I always trust you, no matter how insane you sound!
Luna: Maybe this will help you get it. Say, you could be R, because your name is Rowan.
Rowan: EXCUSE ME?!
Luna: Sounds ridiculous, right? That's what other people hear when you talk about Ben.
Rowan: So many names starts with R-
Luna: I'm not actually accusing you of anything, I just want you understand how random speculations sound to other people.
Rowan: Fine, don't help.
Luna: I will help, just-
Rowan: I don't have proof!
Luna: Then find something. Rowan, come on, don't be like that.
Rowan: …
Luna: Seriously, who's more dedicated to finding out the truth than me?
Rowan: Yeah, let's talk later, alright?
Luna: Rowan-
Rowan: Fine, then I'll just leave.
Luna: Rowan-!
-He left her alone in the room-
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NFL's most impactful offseason moves for 2017
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NFL's most impactful offseason moves for 2017
That audio you listened to this week was the opening of NFL coaching camps. We are inside of 6 months now right up until the begin of the frequent season, and the grunting and sweating that is going on on all these far-flung apply fields will shortly generate to actual outcomes.
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The play-by-play you get of camp practices can be fun, and it can soothe your football-starved soul. But it won’t in the long run make considerably of a variance as to what transpires the moment the actual online games begin. Much extra very likely to make a difference is what has arrive right before — the moves manufactured this offseason lengthy right before camps opened.
With that in mind, and with camps open throughout the league, here is a appear at the offseason moves very likely to have a major affect on the 2017 NFL season, in no particular buy:
The greatest Raiders information of the offseason was the acceptance they bought to move to Las Vegas following two or a few extra several years in Oakland. But that information appears to be to only have intensified the team’s desire to get quite, quite shortly — as in, right before it leaves the Bay Space. Luring jogging back Marshawn Lynch out of retirement, introducing Jared Cook to an now potent pass-catching corps, signing quarterback Derek Carr for the lengthy phrase, extending mentor Jack Del Rio … all of these moves signify a franchise flush with assurance and the maximum of hopes for the quite instant future. No matter of place.
The Giants bought a major crack right here, finding the veteran wideout on the inexpensive in component mainly because he did not want to go away the New York market following finding slash by the Jets. Marshall averages 104 catches for 1,341 yards and nine touchdowns in his to start with calendar year following altering teams, and this is the fourth time he has changed teams. He is 33, and at some point he and these trends will slow down. But in the meantime, Marshall must be a great aid to celebrity wideout Odell Beckham Jr. and to quarterback Eli Manning, who as well frequently last season did not have sufficient trusted targets.
Brandin Cooks will give Tom Brady a crucial deep threat, and the Patriots’ offense could be distinctive. Fred Kfoury III/Icon Sportswire by way of Getty Pictures
Monthly bill Belichick gets trade-delighted
We have lengthy known the New England Patriots mentor enjoys to trade draft picks, but generally he is working them for other draft picks. This offseason, the Patriots dealt for broad receiver Brandin Cooks, pass-rusher Kony Ealy and limited stop Dwayne Allen. They also gave up a choose to sign limited totally free-agent jogging back Mike Gillislee away from Buffalo — the group from whom they signed prime totally free-agent cornerback Stephon Gilmore. It was a bold and artistic offseason by a mentor who has won five Tremendous Bowls and appears to be determined to get as quite a few as possible right before his and Tom Brady‘s window closes.
How will participating in on a one-calendar year offer have an impact on Redskins QB Kirk Cousins? Will Andrew Luck be the Colts’ 7 days 1 starter? What is actually Le’Veon Bell’s strategy for the preseason? NFL Country assesses the greatest questions moving into coaching camp.
Who’s on the bubble? Which rookie could surprise? NFL Country reporters get a crack at a preliminary fifty three-gentleman roster and starting up lineup projection and preview what to assume in coaching camp for every single group.
No quarterbacks, offensive linemen or coordinators permitted — just pass-catchers and jogging backs. From 32-1, we’re position every single team’s offensive weapons.
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The Tampa Bay Buccaneers added leading deep-threat wideout DeSean Jackson in totally free agency, a move that must open up the industry in unprecedented ways for quarterback Winston and star wideout Mike Evans. They also drafted Alabama limited stop O.J. Howard in the to start with round, a move that must open up matters for Cameron Brate as a pass-catcher and aid the jogging game as Howard develops at the NFL level. The Bucs were one of 2016’s surprise tales, and they appear to retain it heading all-around their younger quarterback.
Irrespective of whether he questioned for a trade, no matter if the Seattle Seahawks just bought exhausted of the antics … none of that is seriously applicable, mainly because mentor Pete Carroll and typical manager John Schneider manufactured it publicly distinct they were listening to delivers for their heart-and-soul cornerback. They finished up keeping him, which is the suitable move. Contract and cap challenges will make it tough for Seattle to retain its secondary collectively following this season, but suitable now the NFC is nevertheless the Seahawks’ for the having if the offense can keep up its stop. Holding the defense collectively for at least one extra operate was the way to go.
The new mentor is energetic, gifted offensive mind Sean McVay, age 31. The new defensive coordinator is the venerable Wade Phillips, age 70, last viewed turning the Denver Broncos‘ defense into a championship-caliber monster. The blend must suggest new electricity and enjoyment for a Rams group that has strike some doldrums. Irrespective of whether it signifies good results depends on how considerably McVay has with younger quarterback Jared Goff.
Open up season on typical professionals
The teams that changed GMs at odd periods of the calendar year provided the Indianapolis Colts, Buffalo Bills, Kansas Metropolis Chiefs and Carolina Panthers. The latter two were stunning summer surprises. The improvements in Buffalo and Kansas Metropolis signify greater electric power for the head coaches. The one in Carolina could sign a return to some bad, previous-type shelling out behavior. The one in Indy is, the Colts hope, the best prospect to place a contender all-around Andrew Luck as he develops. Extended phrase, however, the affect is this: If you’re an NFL GM, there’s no time of calendar year when you can consider your job is harmless.
To start with-round choose Jamal Adams is an early front-runner for Defensive Rookie of the 12 months. Ed Mulholland/Usa These days Athletics
Glimpse, it feels as if all the things we say and create about the Jets is doom and gloom, and for the most component there’s fantastic motive for that. I you should not assume them to be a fantastic group in 2017. But Adams, the No. 6 all round choose, could be the most NFL-prepared player in this year’s rookie class, and the expectation is that he’ll emerge as a leader suitable away and solidify matters on that defense as the group provides pieces in the several years to arrive. A great lengthy-perspective choose for a group that has to be considering that way.
This is yet another group that appears to be several years away from contending. But introducing Kevin Zeitler and JC Tretter in totally free agency and re-signing Joel Bitonio lengthy phrase signifies a group that is familiar with what a rebuild is all about. Obtaining superior up front will only aid whomever the quarterback turns out to be, and it will aid the Browns be a superior jogging group and a more durable group to play in 2017.
Sam Bradford gets some aid … maybe
Are Riley Reiff and Mike Remmers the responses at deal with for a Minnesota Vikings group whose 2016 season fell aside mainly because of poor play at these positions? Their totally free-agent price tags say they are. Their histories say “maybe, maybe not.” Bradford is in the ultimate calendar year of his deal, and the health of former Minnesota to start with-rounder Teddy Bridgewater is keeping the group from committing to Bradford just still. Reiff and Remmers will have a ton to say about how effective Bradford will be in 2017 and how very likely he is to keep over and above.
The Houston Texans overhaul quarterback — once more
A calendar year following dumping Brian Hoyer and overpaying for Brock Osweiler, Houston managed to offload Osweiler’s deal to cap-prosperous Cleveland and then moved up in the draft to get Clemson’s Deshaun Watson. Irrespective of whether Watson starts off suitable away continues to be to be viewed (the wager right here is that he does). But wherever the Texans were the moment convinced Osweiler was the lengthy-phrase solution, they are now all-in on the electric powered youngster who took out Alabama in the nationwide championship game.
The Inexperienced Bay Packers sign a totally free-agent limited stop — once more
Final calendar year it was Jared Cook, who performed properly sufficient to get a new offer from the Raiders. This calendar year it’s Martellus Bennett, refreshing off a Tremendous Bowl title with the Patriots. A superior all-all-around player than even the dynamic Cook, Bennett will be a fun middle-of-the-industry weapon for Aaron Rodgers and an underrated helper to Ty Montgomery and the jogging game as a blocker.
John Lynch and Kyle Shanahan each individual bought 6-calendar year contracts in San Francisco, and the 49ers are in for a rebuild. AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez
Kyle Shanahan will be the fourth 49ers head mentor in 4 several years, but he and new GM John Lynch bought 6-calendar year bargains, which signifies it’s quite unlikely the Niners will change coaches once more upcoming calendar year. Shanahan and Lynch are each to start with-timers in their careers, so some expanding pains must be anticipated. And they nevertheless have to figure out the lengthy-phrase solution at quarterback. But the lengthy-phrase dedication suggests a franchise that is familiar with it wants some security at the prime, at lengthy last.
Battered from the outset, the 2015 NFL MVP endured a nightmare of a 2016 season and is coming off offseason shoulder surgical procedures. The Panthers signed former to start with-round choose Matt Kalil to play remaining deal with (two places over from his brother, Ryan Kalil) and drafted Christian McCaffrey and Curtis Samuel to give Newton some quick-selection, fast-pass targets. This is all built to aid protect Newton superior and prolong his career. How he adjusts to the new type will be one of the major tales of 2017.
The Pittsburgh Steelers‘ broad receiver was suspended for 4 online games in 2015 and every single game in 2016 for violating the league’s drug plan, but assuming no slip-ups in between now and September — he is nevertheless not permitted to apply or play in online games — he’ll be back on the industry and must incorporate a viable deep threat to Pittsburgh’s now-star-studded passing assault. If they can get jogging back Le’Veon Bell in camp and retain him, Ben Roethlisberger and Antonio Brown all healthful at the similar time, this could be the best offense in the league.
Kirk Cousins tells Washington ‘No, thanks’
Washington in no way arrived shut to offering Cousins the type of deal it would have taken to retain him from wanting to take a look at upcoming March’s totally free-agent market, so he’ll play out 2017 on a $24 million franchise tag and very likely go away when it’s over. The affect on Washington’s 2017 season continues to be to be viewed, and it’s possible Cousins’ overall performance suffers from the loss of Pierre Garcon and DeSean Jackson. But the major affect of this move could be a franchise quarterback on the open market in March — and these ripples would be felt leaguewide for several years to arrive.
Dontari Poe signed a one-calendar year offer in Atlanta, and the Falcons are hoping he allows improve their operate defense and pass rush. Dale Zanine-Usa These days Athletics
The Atlanta Falcons beef up their defensive front
Of course, of training course the offensive playcalling in the Tremendous Bowl justifies to be questioned. But yet another motive the Falcons blew a 25-point direct to the Patriots is that their defense had absolutely nothing remaining by the fourth quarter. Signing defensive deal with Dontari Poe and drafting Takkarist McKinley in Spherical 1 deepens the D-line and must aid the defense keep much better later in online games.
The Chargers say goodbye to San Diego
Now the Los Angeles Chargers, Philip Rivers‘ group will play in a thirty,000-seat soccer stadium though their joint enterprise with the Rams is built. The stadium situation in San Diego was not a great one, but how bad could it seriously have been to chase them out of town right before they had a consultant, NFL-caliber position to play household online games?
The Indianapolis Colts‘ franchise quarterback enters camp a dilemma mark adhering to January surgical procedures on his throwing shoulder. There is optimism in Indy mainly because of the moves new GM Chris Ballard has manufactured to improve the team’s future, but none of that issues if Luck are not able to get on the industry — or if his health is in dilemma the moment he does.
A single factor lacking from QB Carson Wentz‘s promising rookie calendar year was a true No. 1 broad receiver. Jeffrey — when he has been in a position to keep healthful — has demonstrated the potential to be one of these. The Bears had sufficient, and he finished up in Philly on a one-calendar year, prove-it offer. If he can keep on the industry and produce the way he did in Chicago, Jeffery will aid the Eagles appraise Wentz and how considerably further more he nevertheless wants to go.
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