#maybe i missed the announcement but their website still says coming soon
molliemoo3 · 7 months
The closer we get to race day the more I'm convinced Dale Coyne are just rocking up to practice 1 with some guys and not telling us who
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hacked-by-jake · 10 months
Hey! It is good to see your posts again. I was away from the fandom for a year. So I don’t know anything about the new game. Do you have a post that explains what information we have about that game? And most importantly do we know if Jake is in the game?
Take care! 💖 missed you.
Hey, dear Anon. It's really good to see you back. It's always lovely when people are still here or come back especially after a long time. 💚
But first of all, I am very sorry that my answer took so long. I wanted to answer very often but then I mostly lacked the capacity to write. I hope you're not mad at me. And I hope you're still here from time to time.
And by now you probably already have the information about the new game. But if not, I can leave you links that show what has been announced to the public. It’s easier this way than if I try to explain everything in my own words, I hope it’s okay for you.
(The new games name is Moonvale)
Here are some links to posts on Tumblr
-> 10 Sneak Peeks before it was officially announced
-> Repost of the official website of Moonvale - Moonvale only but also the Duskwood x Moonvale Website
-> Some more News and Updates
-> Here is the link to the official Moonvale website
-> And here is the link to the Duskwood x Moonvale side story
Whether he personally or how Jake will appear in the game is pretty tricky to say. I think we will definitely hear from him but whether we will work with him again is another matter.
Meanwhile Everbyte has given us some information but somehow not so much that we can get a real picture of the situation. And of course it should be exactly like that. After all, we’re supposed to find out everything in the game ourselves, but I really need information. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long.
What is interesting and worth mentioning: Everbyte said the game would be released in the last quarter of the year. Sooo, now, soon, someday, hopefully. Heh. However, I have the feeling that we have to wait until next year, we will only be able to wait.
That’s actually all we know so far, I hope that clarifies some things first. If not, you are of course welcome to come back. Maybe I forgot something.
Hope it will help you. And thank you for asking. Especially for the kind words. Hope you're doing good and take care of yourself and stay healthy. 💚💚
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ninomiwaifu · 1 year
I don't even know why I'm writing this right now.. or to who.. it just hit me..
I've been off Tumblr for over 4 years, and now I'm back. I had an old account with the same name as this one, and I deactivated it in 2019, deleted everything from it, along with AO3, and just moved on..
I was a HUGE #arashi fan back then, and oh I loved them so much, so so much it was becoming a burden, a pressure, one that my mental state was not able to handle anymore, and just in a blink of an eye I snapped. Those were dark times for me, I can vividly recall the crying, the excitement, the love and adoration I had for these gorgeous 5 human beings that pushed me forward, helping me in my darkest days. Through them I discovered a lot about myself and my passion, and it shaped me into the person I am today. But at some point, everything became too much, they were an unreachable dream, and I couldn't help but spiral into a maze of self destruction and blame, pity.. I knew about them in 2014, during my last semester in college, and I will not be exaggerating if I say they pulled me out of an unknown darkness, and slowly, my love for them guided me to discover what I really want to be in the future, what I am now, and probably will be for the rest of my life...
August 28, 2019. The date is, and will always be engraved in my heart, the day I decided to cut all ties with Arashi.. I deleted all of their pictures, their music, posters, deactivated all accounts, and abruptly removed all signs of their existence from my life. Looking back now; 4 years later, I realized how I was never able to truly thank them; for being there when I needed them, for helping me in ways they're probably unware of. Selfish? Maybe I am, but even though they were deleted from my life, never, NEVER from my heart.. and soon after that, they announced their hiatus. I took it well, too well actually, and went on with my life. I slowly began listening to their songs again, following their news, but never like the avid fan I was before. It still hurts, thinking about those years I followed them, but I can say I'm glad, looking back, knowing they were a phase I needed to reshape my life and personality, and now, I'm back.. I'm not a fan anymore, I mean, not as I was before, but everytime I come accross them, there's a nostalgic smile painting my face and my heart.. They're not around as much as before, and it breaks my heart somehow; looking at the lack of news, the tours, the music... But it's okay, really, I know they're happy and successful, I know they are where they want to be, but I can't help it, missing them, after all these years, you know?
I don't even know if there are still active fans on this website, or on any other platform, maybe someone out there will relate to what I'm feeling at the moment, even if it's just one person, but it's okay.. I created a new account with the same name, and I probably would never be able to find all the fans I was following back then, but I guess I wanted to have a connection out here, even as small as an account, just to document things as simple as some random GIFs..
I miss you Ohno Satoshi, Sakurai Sho, Aiba Masaki, Ninomiya Kazunari, and Matsumoto Jun.. I miss you guys so much.. and I love you all so much.. I'm forever grateful to have known you, to have been a fan. Even if it's all now in the past, you still hold a special place in my heart, a place no one would be able to fill but you. Thank you for all the support and guidance, for all the good memories. I wish there was a way I can get my old account back, just to read that last post I wrote about leaving.. I can't remember any of the words I wrote, but I'm sure they were full of love and apologies..
I'm where I always wanted to be, I have my dream job, and I'm sure your presence was a part of why I was able to achieve that.
I love you so much.. stay safe..
AMNOS forever 💜💚💙💛❤️
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vampireantihero · 2 years
Hello y'all, and happy (late) new year!
You can also read this on Ko-Fi or my website, but it's the same over in those places as it is here.
Good morning, everyone! I’m a few days late, but I wanted to say a quick Happy New Year to everyone. There has been a lot on my plate over the last few weeks between the holidays, filing business taxes, and some personal time with my husband.
So, I haven’t been super loud and open throughout this last month because I’ve been on a semi-hiatus (hiatus from Twitch and heavier video topics, but still illustrating, doing Ko-Fi rewards, and spending a lot of time focusing on practicing and improvement.), but I wanted to touch base today with some of the things going on here at Conquer Thy Fear Studio and with me.
It’s a little bit later than I originally planned for my return, but I’ll be coming back to Twitch the week of January 10th. This is because I’m waiting on new internet to be installed here at our house; they originally were going to install on the 27th but we had a pretty massive snow storm that completely threw that out as an option. With any luck, they’ll be here in the afternoon on the 6th and I can have time to cancel the other internet provider and return the equipment. Mentally, I’m in a much better mindset than I was back in November and I needed this break desperately. I don’t know if this will be a yearly thing or not, but it’s shaping up to likely be that way. Maybe not the entire month every year, but at least the later half of the month for the holidays. We’ll see how I feel when we get to that point of this year.
For now, I’m setting a soft schedule— I won’t be sticking strictly to a schedule this year for Twitch, but you can look for me on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm-7pm CST. I may pop up without notice, or I might make my schedules week by week based on what I have to do work-wise. The Tuesdays and Thursdays will likely always be art, but I’ll try to pop up with gaming from time to time. I miss you all, and I’m excited to be coming back! We’ll see how this goes.
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Back in November, I released a free class on Youtube talking about art fundamentals and where to start . Well, keep an eye out because I’ll be making a followup video soon! With any luck, it will be out on January 20th, 2023. This one will be talking about anatomy, proportion, and perspective— all really important fundamental concepts that are slightly more intermediate than the first ones I covered. I’ll likely be writing another newsletter around then, and I’ll link to the video when I do. This is going to wind up being a series of free classes that are available on Youtube, so I hope that you enjoy! This will go on for a while.
Pretty soon here, I may also be creating some paid classes that go a little bit more in-depth as well, but I’ll touch on that a little more in a bit.
Conquer Thy Fear Studio, LLC Store
The shop on the website is back up! I have mostly some small things like stickers and patches in the store for now. Be sure to check it out here if you’d like to own some merch! Most of the stuff that I’m selling in the shop is self-sourced, so it may take a little bit to get to you, but I also have some print on demand stuff in there that are professionally made from vendors I trust. I’m hoping to start working with some vendors to make some notebooks, washi tape, more stickers, and some other stuff to get in the store. Pretty soon I’ll also have art prints there as well, so if that’s something you’re interested in, keep an eye out!
One of the goals that I have for this year is to also have some courses available for sale through the shop. These will be announced ahead of time, and also likely have extra materials that come with them. They will be a bit more in-depth than what I post on Youtube, so if you’re interested in learning my process or something from me, keep an eye out and I’ll announce in the Newsletter when those pop up!
The Last Month + Upcoming Goals
This past month, with the break that I took, I leaned really hard into getting some other things done that had kind of fallen to the wayside or been on hiatus for a while. I started working on On Broken Wings a little bit more intently, and also cemented a bi-weekly Youtube schedule. These are things that are really important to me, because I don’t want to let your guys down by not sticking to what I promise. But, I also did a lot of soul-searching this past month on what is important to me and what I aspire to do here. Above all, my goal with building this platform and our little community is to make sure that people feel like they aren’t alone. I want people to be inspired, and I want to show people that if you fall in love with the process of creating, you can do anything. And I also want to make good art that fulfills me and helps others to see themselves in it, or to feel like they are seen and appreciated.
Part of making good art is practicing, and I gave myself a lot of time to just experiment with my art and also gave myself permission to just relax and not pressure myself to finish everything I touched. I also did a lot of practicing and going back to basics with my drawing goals, as well as practicing my fundamentals. One of the results of that is this:
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This, my friends, was the 100 faces challenge. The goal was to draw 100 faces, lines only, in 10 days. So, this is what I got done! Some of these are better than others, and some definitely would look better with shading/having been rendered, but I was pretty proud of the accomplishment. I learned a lot doing this. Talking about this is leading me into one of my goals for this current year. I’ll be picking several of these to start trying to digitally paint; at least one from each day. I want to get better at digital painting, and the only way I’ll be able to do that is if I actually practice digital painting. Don’t be surprised if you see some of these again on Twitch, or posted throughout the next coming months. I’m excited to lean into the adventure and to refine my skills.
I spent a lot of December planning what I want to do for the coming year, and a lot of this in terms of work boils down to these three main points:
Start polishing my portfolio and applying for studio work
Make more content that people enjoy and market it better, as well as marketing my support spots better.
Show my gratitude to my audience and make sure that people know that they are loved.
I have a bunch of actionable goals written out for these things, but I won’t bore you with the details of all of that. At the end of the day, I know what’s important to me and I want y’all to feel it, as well.
Closing Thoughts
This is actually much shorter than I expected to be, I tend to be very wordy when it comes down to it, but I think that ultimately, I just wanted to touch base and make sure y’all had a joyous set of holidays. I know the holidays can be really rough for a lot of people, including and especially people who don’t get along well with their families, and my heart goes out to you. Lets walk into this new year slowly, and take the time we need to allow ourselves to really get our goals accomplished the way we need to. It doesn’t matter if you attack them vigilantly, or if you slowly pick at them and get them done a little bit at a time. Progress is progress.
So until I talk to y’all again, I love y’all. Drink some water, give yourself some grace, and do what you can. If you'd like to sign up for the newsletter, then you can do so here.
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Secret’s Out
Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
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Bruce was looking at his emails when Y/N arrived at the table.
She was breathing heavily and her hair was a bit messy, just further proving she had rushed to get there.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she huffed embarrassingly. “My shoot ran over and every one was moving so slowly.”
Bruce smiled. “Y/N. Relax.”
Then he stood up to greet her with a kiss on the cheek.
The two of them hadn’t seen each other in over a month. Y/N had been traveling for work constantly. And between the vigilante life and Wayne Enterprises, Bruce was running on 2 hours of sleep on the daily.
“I need a drink,” Y/N finally sighed after she got situated.
As if on cue, their waitress dropped Y/N’s favorite drink in front of her.
Y/N eyed Bruce with surprise.
He just shrugged.
Sometimes Y/N forgot how much her father noticed literally everything.
“Thank you,” she told the waitress.
“You’re overworking yourself,” Bruce said with a disapproving look.
She rolled her eyes. “Really? You’re not one to talk, Bruce.”
“You deserve a vacation. I’ll pay for it. Pick wherever you want. Bring Jason. Or some friends.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Bruce…”
It was a warning.
From the very start of their unconventional father-daughter relationship, Y/N had made it clear that she could not be bought. And Bruce spoiling her made her extremely uncomfortable. Even now, she still tried to at least split restaurant checks with him. Bruce always won those battles though.
“I’ll take a vacation when you do,” she finally countered.
That sure shut him up.
“Hey, I actually brought you something,” Y/N changed the subject as she reached for her bag.
A moment later, she lightly placed a manila folder onto the table.
Bruce’s brow furrowed as he reached for it.
As soon as he opened it, he froze.
“I had to clean out some stuff and put things into storage,” Y/N explained. “I found all my mom’s photos. I figured I could make copies of some childhood photos for you.”
Bruce’s silence made Y/N nervous.
“If you don’t want them, that’s totally fine.” She started to reach for the folder out of Bruce’s grip with awkward embarrassment. “It was stupid–”
But Bruce quickly pulled the folder closer to him and stopped her from taking the photos from him.
“Thank you,” he announced.
It made Y/N quickly sit back in her chair, caught off guard by his sincere reaction and how he’d immediately become protective of the photos.
Bruce awkwardly cleared his throat. “Thank you, Y/N.”
He repeated to make sure she understood how thankful he truly was. And Y/N suspected the throat clearing was to hide his emotions.
Now she watched as Bruce slowly went through every picture. He took in every detail with a soft smile.
These weren’t just photos. These were all of Y/N’s memories that Bruce missed, that he could never get back. And he was savoring all of them.
Then Bruce paused and was fully smiling now.
“What?” Y/N asked.
She didn’t know why all of this made her so nervous.
Bruce didn’t say anything as he lifted a photo and flipped it to show her.
It wasn’t from her childhood.
It was a black and white photo of Jason. A candid from when he had escorted her around the slums of Gotham for her most recent gallery show.
After months of thinking about it, Y/N finally had decided she wanted to frame it and hang it somewhere in her apartment. 
Y/N’s jaw dropped with embarrassment and she ripped it from his hands.
“I was developing some photos at the same time as I was making the copies. Must’ve gotten mixed up in those,” Y/N explained too quickly, unable to meet Bruce’s gaze.
It made Bruce happy to know that Y/N didn’t have the same inability to love someone and let people in like he did. It was a relief that she didn’t isolate herself from it like he had. If her mother was still alive, Bruce would thank her for it. But if Y/N’s mother were alive, he would’ve never known about Y/N in the first place.
Their entire dinner was spent with Bruce looking at the old photos. He had at least two questions for each one. Some of them Y/N didn’t remember being taken. But most of them came with stories or a loving memory.
Y/N talked for most of the meal. But that’s exactly what Bruce wanted.
Furthermore, Bruce had nothing of value to update her on. Batman business had consumed his life as of lately, and he had made a promise to never involve Y/N in any of it. And Jason seemed to be on the same page when it came to his other life as Red Hood. 
Both men seemed determined to keep her safe and away from it all. 
Two hours later, Bruce was paying the check and helping Y/N into her coat.
“I’ll give you a ride home,” he muttered as they started walking out.
Y/N had learned by now to give up on those small battles. Jason was the same way when it came to making sure she got home safely.
As they made their way to the exit, Y/N caught a few stares from other patrons who were still eating.
“Do you ever get used to it?” She asked her father in a low voice.
“Get used to what?” He asked, genuinely unaware of what she was getting at.
“People gawking at you.”
Bruce glanced around and unintentionally glared at anyone who was staring at Y/N.
“It’s good that I’m seen in public…for obvious reason,” he hinted in a quiet voice, obviously talking about needing the cover to continue his life as a masked vigilante.
Once they were outside, Alfred was already waiting at the curb with the Rolls-Royce. He greeted Y/N with a hug and a kiss to her cheek before opening the door for her and Bruce.
When they got to Y/N’s apartment building, she said her goodbyes to Alfred. And Bruce walked Y/N all the way up to her door.
Even though Y/N insisted it was overkill and she could get up the stairs on her own just fine, Bruce had seen too many terrible things in this forsaken city. He could think of thousands of things that could happen to Y/N between the car and her front door.
Once Y/N realized that Bruce’s paranoia came from experience, she stopped trying to stop his chivalry and overprotective ways. She finally understood that Bruce had seen things that would prevent her from ever sleeping again. So if walking Y/N to her door gave him a little peace of mind, she wasn’t going to take that away from him.
Y/N turned to Bruce when they reached her door. “Thanks again for dinner.”
“Of course. I’m glad we could spend some time together. Thank you again for the photos.”
Y/N didn’t realize that Bruce was about to hang every single one around Wayne Manor. 
She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Get home safe.”
Y/N woke up wrapped strong arms, her body overheating slightly.
When she had come home from dinner last night, Jason had already left for patrol.
He hadn’t woken her up when he got back home, just proving how exhausted Y/N had been these past few weeks.
But it was the continuous buzzing vibrations of her phone that woke her up. When she brightened the screen, she saw that she had dozens of text messages and three missed called from Bruce.
“What the fuck,” Y/N whispered as she started opening them.
But they were all about the same thing.
Everyone had sent her similar articles from various gossip websites or news outlets.
All of the headlines were joined with photos of Bruce and Y/N having dinner last night. Apparently other customers at the restaurant had snuck photos of Bruce greeting her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Y/N could see how it would be misinterpreted as romantic and not familial or platonic. But it still made her sick to see the photos twisted in such a way.
Then there were paparazzi photos of them getting in a car together. Of course there were none of Bruce dropping her off and them going their separate ways. That would be just too convenient for the two of them. 
Y/N’s stomach dropped with panic.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she gasped without realizing it.
Jason immediately woke up. “What is it?”
Y/N ignored him and called Bruce.
“I’m handling it,” was how Bruce answered her call.
“Handling it? How exactly?” She challenged. “We can deny the rumors all we want. But everyone is going to keep tabs on us now, and they’re going to see us together again.”
Jason grabbed his own phone.
One of his brothers must’ve sent him a similar article because he rubbed his face in annoyance, finally understanding the situation. 
Nothing like your girlfriend being rumored to have a relationship with her father, who was also your mentor and adoptive father. 
“Y/N, it will blow over. It always does,” Bruce tried to calm her down.
“So what happens when I get photographed with Jason? Huh? They’re going to just say I’m cheating on both of you with each other or some fucked up shit like that.”
Bruce was silent, because they both knew she was right.
Y/N glanced at Jason, who was already waiting for her gaze.
She took in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Maybe we should…Maybe we should just tell the truth.”
“You’ve never wanted that, Y/N.” Bruce tried to argue.
And he was right.
Y/N was terrified of being associated with the Wayne family. People would start believing she secretly built her career off of nepotism that no one was aware of. She also didn’t want that type of attention from the media and the upperclass of Gotham.
“I don’t think we have any other choice,” Y/N finally answered.
Jason reached for thigh and gripped it, trying to offer her some sort of comfort.
“Y/N, are you sure about this?” Bruce asked slowly.
“No. Not at all. But I’d rather not have the public think I’m dating my biological father.”
“OK,” Bruce sighed. “I’ll talk to my publicist today.”
“OK.” She bit her lip before adding. “Just…tell them the whole story.”
“Y/N, if you’re worried how it will make me look, don’t.”
“But I am worried about it, Bruce. They’re going to drag you for being an absent father. And none of that is true. They’re not gonna understand.”
“I’ll call you later with an update,” he told her softly before hanging up.
Y/N tossed her phone to the foot of the bed in frustration.
Jason watched as she buried her face in her hands.
“You OK?” He asked as he rubbed her back.
“No,” she answered honestly.
“Come here.” Jason pulled her into his chest.
There was no fight from her as he cuddled her tightly.
“This is a fucking nightmare,” she groaned into his shoulder.
“I know. But maybe it’s for the best,” he tried to reason with her.
“And what happens when they catch wind that I’m dating my father’s adoptive son? Huh?”
“We’re not actually related, Y/N.”
She pulled her face back so she could glare at him. “Yeah! We know that! But you do understand that people are going to see it that way, right? Like we’re gonna look like some fucked up incestual couple to them.”
“I don’t really care,” Jason finally told her.
“You don’t care?” She scoffed.
“No,” his answer and confidence didn’t waver. “I don’t give a fuck what people say about us, Y/N. If exposing the truth means we don’t have to think twice about going to events or even just going out to dinner, then I’m all for it. I’m sick of hiding our relationship.”
Y/N blinked. She never considered that their subtle relationship bothered him in any way. She was always a strangely private person, so it felt normal to her. But clearly Jason had been wanting to be a bit more public with their relationship.
“What if this changes everything?” Y/N whispered, not meeting his eyes.
Jason smirked at that and gripped her chin, lifting it up so she would look at him. “Some paparazzi and trash tabloids aren’t going to change how I feel about you, Y/N.”
Y/N laughed lightly at that.
“Maybe we should leave Gotham for a bit,” she offered. “Bruce won’t shut up about paying for a vacation for us.”
Jason nodded. “I think that sounds like a good idea. You’ve needed a break for awhile now.”
“Well…where do you wanna go?” Y/N asked.
“Doesn’t matter to me. As long as you’re there.”
She rolled her eyes and hit Jason in the face with a pillow. “God, you really are a sap.”
Y/N appreciated Jason always being able to make her feel better and feel supported. 
But even he couldn’t stop her from wondering...
What would life be like as a Wayne?
Father of Mine – Bonus Content
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blu-joons · 3 years
When You Want To Give Birth In Your Native Country ~ BTS Reaction
Once you’d finished reading through all the websites that discussed travelling whilst pregnant, you approached Jin nervously to tell him how you were feeling.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked straight away, sensing that something wasn’t quite right.
You took a seat beside him, “I’ve been researching about flying home, whilst I’m pregnant. I just feel like I’d be more comfortable if I was at home giving birth with my family.”
“Okay,” he whispered, brushing his hands through his hair. “I mean, you’re the one carrying our baby, so of course, I’ll go along with whatever makes you happy and supported.”
“You’re not upset about moving?” You asked, but his head shook back at you. “But you always said that you wanted me to give birth in Korea?”
His head shook, “what I want is for you to comfortable, I always knew that wouldn’t be Seoul.”
“Once I give birth, we can come back as soon as we can,” you tried to reassure him, “I know that’s a huge deal for you as well to move back to my home.”
“It’s worth it,” he smiled, refusing to get upset, “you’re always going to be my priority whilst you’re pregnant, always.”
“Okay, maybe I’ll start having a look at flights or something.”
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His head shook as soon as you finished speaking, refusing to believe that only now you’d made the decision to give birth at home rather than in Korea.
“Why now?” He questioned outrightly, staring emotionlessly across at you.
You frowned across at him, “it’s been on my mind a lot Yoongi, but I just don’t think that I feel comfortable giving birth here when everything that I know is back at home.”
“I’m here,” he tried to reason, but even that wasn’t enough for you. “Seoul is supposed to be your home now Y/N, and yet you’re just giving up like that.”
“I’m not giving up,” you spoke up, standing up from the sofa. “Why don’t you give up something for once rather than it constantly being up to me.”
A loud sigh came from him, “I didn’t tell you to give everything up and move to Seoul, you did that.”
“That’s low,” you chuckled, “but thank you, because you’ve just made my decision a lot easier. I’m giving birth at home if you want to be there, or not, that’s on you.”
“Of course, I want to be there,” he called out, following you out of the room. “Can you just sit and talk about this like adults, please?”
“You still won’t be able to change my mind.”
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It was a dreaded conversation for you both, especially since your mum had called you earlier in the day and wondered when the first opportunity to see her grandchild would be.
“Have you thought about us going home to give birth?” You suggested to Hobi at the end of the call.
After much of the afternoon alone, he finally returned home. “I just don’t think it’s practical for us to go home for you, it would be a lot easier if you rested here in Seoul instead.”
“But I’m all alone,” you sighed back at him, “there’s no baby classes or anything for me, I haven’t got anyone that I can share this pregnancy with Hobi, and it sucks.”
“Get out a bit more,” he suggested, forgetting about the growing bump you carried. “I’ll even pay for your mum to come out to Seoul if you want to be with her.”
Your head shook, “I want to be with her at home, and I’m afraid that that isn’t Seoul Hobi.”
“What else can I do?” He questioned, sitting down beside you. “Surely there’s got to be a middle ground that the two of us can find to sort this out?”
“What is it though?” You asked, “we both want two different things, it’s not an easy decision to make when this is a big deal.”
“Let’s sit and talk about it then and figure something out.”
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As you came to the next part in your birthing plan, the two of you both froze, turning your heads to look at each other with weak smiles in response to the question.
“We should go to your home,” Namjoon announced before you even had the chance to speak.
Your eyes widened at his statement, “are you joking?” You asked, “how can you just give everything up in Korea so easily, don’t you want me to give birth here?”
“No,” he simply stated, “I know you’re stubborn, but I want you to be comfortable. I know you’ll be safer at home, so I think it makes much more sense for us to be there.”
“Namjoon,” you sighed as he took a hold of your hands, “we could be there for months, are you really willing to give up everything that you have here for so long?”
His head nodded, “for the sake of my wife and my child, then I’d do it in a heartbeat Y/N.”
“This is huge,” you frowned, still stunned by his answer. “I never expected you to say that you’d be happy if the two of us went home to experience this.”
“Seoul, or Korea, never crossed my mind,” he informed you, “there’s only one place I want for us to be when we have our child, and that’s your home.”
“I don’t even know what to say, thank you so much Joon.”
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The second you suggested beginning to look at hospitals in Seoul, Jimin’s head shook, refusing to even let you mention the name of one in your home.
“You need to look back at home, maybe ask your mum,” he cryptically suggested to you.
Your head shook, feeling you phone be snatched out of your hands. “What do you want me to do? Just give birth here in our house, I’m not doing that.”
“No, I want you to look at places at home, because that’s where I want us to be,” he smiled, “I want you to be at home with your family there to support you.”
“But what about you and your family?” You asked him, feeling your heart begin to pound. “You don’t have the time, and your family will be gutted I’ll be gone as well.”
His shoulders shrugged, “I’ll be there with you, and I know that my family would understand too.”
“I don’t know what to say,” you sighed, brushing your hands through your hair. “Is this really something that you’re sure about, in your heart?”
“These are the times when you need to be with your family,” he reminded you, “and I want to make sure that I’m able to take you back to them.”
“As long as you’re sure, I guess I’ll give my parents a ring.”
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You were terrified even to look at Taehyung as you informed him of your wish to head home to give birth, already sensing the tension that came from him.
“What are you thinking?” You asked him, as you were met only by silence. “This is our decision.”
His head shook as he looked up at you, “it sounds to me like you’ve already made your mind up. You’ve settled on home before you’ve even spoken to me about all of this.”
“I’ve not decided,” you clarified, “but I do have a preference to go home and be with my family. They’ve missed out on everything during this pregnancy, I want them to be involved.”
“So, my family have to miss out on you giving birth because you want to go home?” He questioned, “what’s so wrong about giving birth in Seoul?”
You scoffed loudly, “it’s not home Taehyung, and I don’t want my family to miss out on everything.”
“I don’t know how I’d even be able to make it work; it would be months away from work,” he mumbled to himself, “have you even given that any thought?”
“Of course,” you sighed, “but for once, I think I should come first. And with that, I hope that you’d support me in this decision.”
“I’m going to have to give it a lot of thought before deciding.”
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Rather than you, Jungkook was the first one to ask the question of where you wanted to be when you gave birth, making sure that he put you above everything else.
“Home would be nice,” you admitted as soon as he suggested it, “but this is home for me too.”
His head shook, watching your eyes closely. “Your face gives it away Y/N, I know you want to fly home to give birth. I don’t know if you worry that it would hurt me, but it doesn’t.”
“It’s a commitment for you to make the decision to come home with me,” you reminded him, “you’ve got everything that you’ve ever known here, not with me.”
“Everything I want is with you and the baby,” he corrected, resting his hand against your tummy. “Just be honest, if you really had to choose, which would it be?”
Your eyes closed as you spoke up, “I think I’d prefer to go home and give birth over there.”
“Then we’ll go home,” he smiled as if it were all so easy, “I’ll sort something out with work, and we’ll organise a time for when you can go home.”
“Just like that?” You asked, as his head nodded back at you. “Are you really prepared to leave Seoul so abruptly like this?”
“Absolutely, for the sake of our family, I’ll do anything.”
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Time spent with Todoroki.
Warnings: This is a Pro Hero aged up AU, think late twenties. Adult themes such as sex are to follow. Please enjoy
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Shoto was by far your favorite sugar daddy. He showered you in lavish gifts and gave you the pipe often. He checked your bank account and made sure it never fell below a certain amount and paraded you around town like the Princess you were. But most importantly he was stoic. Doing nothing more than wiping you up with a warm rag once the two of you were finished, never clinging to you with desperate hands like many other sugar daddies had. Hoping their money would make you giddy and buy your love. Maybe it would have, had you not already run out of love for people. Your heart broken one too many times by a long term relationship causing you to vow that money was your only love. 
People were just too disappointing. 
Your contracts with Shoto were medium in length, anywhere between three to five months mostly because he likes to keep his "options open." Which filled you with pure lust for him, knowing you could get away with your kinks without worrying over some man falling for you. 
Still, it was difficult for the Pro hero not to fall for you, at first he had no interest in love. Having sworn it off mostly for fear of failure thanks to his dysfunctional family. It was the main reason he started looking into sugar baby websites, he saw your profile picture and your bolded No strings attached. He liked the idea of that, loved it really and yet, he became tangled in you after the renewal of your second contract. He tried to suppress the warm feeling in his chest, he found it difficult more times than not. 
Especially now, with you on your knees with his guicci jacket spread out on the tile of the bathroom floor as your lipstick clad lips wrap around his cock. Your cheeks hollowed and your eyes looking up at him with enchanting lust. He fists your hair shoving you further on his cock. Your eyes water as you gag softly and Todoroki is just thankful your makeup is waterproof. 
The sight and the sounds make him groan while your manicured nails dig into his bare thigh. You rub your thighs for friction, moaning around his cock, it's enough to send Shoto over the edge. Hot ropes of cum hit the back of your throat as his grip on your styled hair tightens. 
"Fuck Princess…." He moans bucking into your mouth, sharp eyes look down at you. Seeing a powerful man come undone for you is enough to keep you content for now. 
"Sir will take care of you after the gala okay?" His cheeks are still a little red as he runs his hand over your hair. Lifting you off the floor before fixing himself. He gives you a light spin, making sure nothing scuffed your gorgeous designer dress before he exits the stall. Pushing back his long hair while you retouch your lipstick with a knowing smirk. 
The two of you waltz back to the party, sans his jacket, abandoning the designer garment without a second thought. The price of it was barely a drop in his bucket. It could have been half of his bucket for all he cared, his mind always swimming with thoughts of you.  He places his hand on the small of your back as he guides you back to the table, dinner half forgotten once your hand wandered towards his crotch for a tease. 
"F...find the bar okay?' Izuku asks as you take your seat, your sly hand going for your wine. Uraraka blushes when you give her a wink. 
"Just fine." Shoto says sipping his whisky. 
"So who's won awards so far?" You ask with gleaming eyes, Izuku smiles. 
"Kaachan for most villains caught. Kirishima for the safest feeling hero, myself for rescue ratio." He holds up his small little trophy, "And you, Shouto, for most mysterious." 
"What about the rankings? Did we miss that?" 
"No they are about to announce it!" Uraraka exclaims, eyes glittering with excitement and wine. Her chestnut eyes slide over to her emerald eye date, hoping for the best for him. 
The announcer steps to the stage, his sapphire blue suit catching everyone's eye as he takes the center. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a night filled with congratulations and cheer but now is the moment you've been waiting for, tonight we will reveal the top three heroes. Voted in by a strenuous board appointed by the fans, we finally present the BIG THREE!" 
Some tables erupt in cheers while the host takes his dramatic pause, when the sound dies down the host brandishes the golden envelope. 
As he announces your hand wanders again, playing with your favorite toy, Shouto's face gives way nothing as the host drags out the awards. Explaining how long the winner's speeches should be. Soon Shouto cannot ignore your hands creeping on his clothed cock that throbs beneath your fingers. He knows he can't wait through what's bound to be a half an hour. He rises excusing himself dragging you with him before you're being cornered against a wall in some random closet. 
"So impatient, princess." He bites out, kissing your throat, sliding down to your exposed collar bone while his hand ventures between your thighs. Calloused pads circling your puffy clit as you let out a loud moan that's swallowed by the cheering of the gala room. Impatient himself he undoes his pants, stroking himself with his free hand while you cum on his fingers. 
After the coil in your stomach snaps for a third time he's satisfied, kissing you as he aligns the tip of his dick to your quivering entrance.
"Fuck, Shouto. Fuck me please, sir!" You beg, making his head spin, alcohol mingling in the small dark space. 
"Be patient kitten. Sir will fuck you right baby." He grunts, sheathing himself into your soaking core.  You cry out, clawing at his back through his shirt. The smell of biting cold hair mingling with the hearty smoke of a bonfire engulfs you as you press your face into his chest. He lifts both of your legs, strong hands grabbing onto thick thighs as he fucks into you with a deadly pace. Slapping skin and lewd wet sounds echo back to the two of you, encouraging his pistoning hips. 
"Listen to those sounds Princess, your pussy sounds so pretty." He bites at your ear as you endlessly moan and whimper into his chest. Cunt clenching as he drives over your spongy spot, the head of his cock going deeper with each thrust. Soon it all becomes too much, your vision spots panting as you cry out in ecstasy, body ridged and arching to meet him. 
"Cumming on my cock already?" He coos, fucking you through your next orgasim as your legs shake around him. Toes pointed in your red bottoms as you attempt to hold onto him for dear life. 
"S..sir! You cry out, "I'm gonna...nnngghhh." 
He ruts into you, pressing you further into the wall as he frees up one hand to play with your throbbing clit. Rubbing harsh circles as he loses focus on his precise thrusts that turn sloppy. His eyes too focused on you as you cum, milking his cock. Your eyes flutter, desperately attempting to hold eye contact as one hand palms your breast and the other scratches at the skin at the nape of his neck. Your tongue lulls out just a bit as your mouth makes a sinful O shape, a few tears of over stimulation fall down your cheeks as he continues to fuck into your wet cunt. The sight makes him explode into you, warm spurts of cum causing you to whimper and clench in delight as he ruts until he is done.  He sets his sweaty forehead against yours, panting as words claw up his throat. 
"I love..." He whispers, catching himself just in time, "Your tight cunt." 
He kisses you, hoping you don't think anything more of it. 
After a few minutes, and Shouto's cock softens, he withdraws. Wiping you up with a wipe from your purse as the two of you check the other for fluids. A drunken cat smile plastered on your lips as you reapply your lipstick, wiping away the stains on his dark grey shirt and collar. 
The two of you step into the hall just in time as the doors start to open. Quickly and calmly you grab for your pack of cigarettes, your normal alabi, placing the stick in your mouth. Shouto, much like a gentleman, lights it as you inhale to keep the tip a burning ember. Gently blowing the smoke over his clothes, careful to avoid his face as you waft the burning stick around yourself as if it were an incense. Knowing good and well the smell of smoke always hides the salty smell of sex. Quickly you extinguish it on an ice cube that Todoroki provides, you toss the cube in the closet and the half of a smoke into your burkin slamming it shut just as a small group of sidekicks approach. 
"Shouto! Wow! I can't believe it was a three way tie this year! Congrats to you, Deku and Dynamight!" They drunkenly cheer, "It's crazy how that happened." 
"You're so secretive, your manager accepted the award on your behalf even though you were here tonight!"
A stream of people dot on your date as you cling to his muscular arm while you harbor a secret of your own. Cum dribbles between your thighs as you think of his sweaty head against yours. It feels good to be a Pro hero sugar baby. 
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"You staying the night again?" Shouto asks as he presses a cold water bottle to your palm, your body covered in a sheen of post sex sweat from a week's worth of fun. You give him a small smile as you sit up, tits bouncing as you readjust entirely. You can feel his icy hot gaze as it rakes over your body, feeling the goose flesh prick along your skin as it does with the threat of an oncoming summer storm. 
"I wanna discuss the renewal of our contract. Plus we have a final date per the expiring one." He says as he rises, heading towards the luxurious ensuite to start a shower for you both. 
"Hmmm guess I could. How much longer do we have left?" You never really paid attention to this things, always being satisfied with whatever Shouto gave you. 
"Two weeks." He returns back from the bathroom, grabbing his wallet from his bedside table. Pulling out his onyx black card, he places it in your hand. His eyes holding yours, you give a devilish grin. 
"Sir has a lot of paperwork for the agency to do today. Buy a dress I want to fuck you in and anything else you want to match okay baby girl?" He leans down to give your forehead a kiss while you giggle. Unable to hide the giddy that bubbles beneath your skin, you wrap your arms around him. 
"Thank you sir!" You exclaim, pepper his cheeks with kisses as you pull back, "Do I get to pick the date again?"
"Mmhmm." He encourages, running his hand up your bare bare as you squeal with delight.  You rush to the bathroom before he slowly follows behind. While under the hot stream the two of you make out for far too long, tongues fighting as the two of you exchange laughs before you add a playful statement that stays with the two toned hair man as he sits in his boring home office. 
"I'm going to get a dress so classy and sinful you'll fuck me on the spot!" 
His eyes wander to the photo on his desk, the one of your first date. The one you insisted the two of you take after a month of late booty calls since he paid for the "girlfriend" package. The two of you are bundled in warm coats, you cling to his firey side as you laugh and he just barely smirks. 
Looking back he thinks this is when he started to fall for you. You had never been ice skating before and insisted on going while the two of you were in NYC for important PR interviews for the cold and mysterious hero. Because that's what people did in the movies while in NYC, put on their skates at the Rockefeller rink to glide along the ice beneath the sparkling lights of the giant Christmas tree. It was busy, he opted for no skates, as he did better without but he helped you lace yours. Being ginger for the first time in his life as he helped you onto the ice, after demanding a moment of independence you had fallen straight onto your ass. Giving Shouto second hand embarrassment but instead of yelling, crying out or giving up, you laughed. Genuinely laughed as you reached for his steady hand, captivating the whole rink for a moment. It felt like magic had washed over the ice, as snow slowly danced into your hair and the colorful lights danced across your eyes. Just like that the spell was broken with a flash of light. A stranger approached to give you a small tip on how to skate and the polaroid he had taken. You thanked them with a smile placing the photo into your coat pocket leaning into Shoto to share a secret. 
"Now we have our first 'date' immortalized!"  You had giggled, gliding across the ice as if you were ethereal, hands outstretched for Shoto to join you. 
He wonders how you're doing at the shops. He occasionally gets a text or two from you. Sexy pictures of you in the changing room as you obviously buy lingerie as well. 
He fists his cock enough times he gets no work done and by the time he convinces himself enough is enough you come home. 
Wearing that damned devilish smirk. 
And so another week passes in the four walls of his bedroom. Your bank account as stuffed as your pussy as you bounce on his heating and cooling cock. 
"Fuck, baby fuck." Is all Todoroki can say as you chase your own high. His blunt nails clawing at your thighs as your tits bounce. Your mouth opens into that gorgeous O as you seek out that delicious friction on your clit. The coil in your stomach snaps as your humping becomes erratic and sloppy but still enough for your tight cunt to spasm wonderfully over Todoroki. So nice is the sight, sound and smell of you that Todoroki pumps his hips up into you twice before he paints your velvety walls, his eyes focused on you. 
"Fuck." He presses his sweaty head into the silk of his pillow case. Two toned hair clinging to his forehead. You lean over and kiss his cheek. 
"Thanks for the ride Pro hero." You wink before you dismount. Stretching towards the sky once your feet hit the warmed hardwoods, you begin to make your way towards the bathroom. Phone in hand. 
"I wanted to talk about extending your contract." Todoroki says, staring after you, "At dinner tonight." 
"It expired tonight right?" You say, looking over your shoulder while your phone lights up with an alert, "No need for dinner." 
"What do you mean?" He calls to you as you start the shower. 
"I mean, I think we should let the contract expire. Keep things fresh you know? Keep our options open?" 
He jumps to his feet and begs the urgency to die in his step. Calmly with somber steps making his way to the ensuite. He finds you already in the shower, water washes away the smell of sweat. The smell of him as your phone glares up at him. He taps the screen and your recent notifications wave at him as he stares down. 
Reading one of them in horror. 
Todoroki isn't sure why he feels this way as he looks at your phone on his vanity. As if the world fell from beneath his feet. His throat burns as he stares at the illuminated glass, spiraling as steam clouds his vision that begins to blur. He knew what he signed up for, he wanted this. 
This detached, heart hidden exchange in hopes of choking down the loneliness 
But he never expected that when this ended it would feel as if his heart had been ripped out, stepped on and crushed beneath the heel of one of your red bottomed shoes. 
"Come on aren't you joining me for our last shower iced cutie?" 
"Uh yes I'm coming." He steps into the shower as the push alert on your phone burns into his brain. 
"Kirishima Eijirou has put in an offer." 
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
Suga We’re Going Down
part 5
alright my darlings! here it is, and its a long one! and I have some links for you today! you can visit the National Palace Museum here! The website allows you to virtually explore this beautiful museum! as well as a link to the song she plays later in the chapter here. Enjoy, my darlings!--- chaotic puff
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Everything was better when she was with Eun Jae. Her little guy was her favorite person in the world. Halmeoni was confused as to why she was spending a Monday night at the house, but she allowed it without too many questions. It was one of the things that Y/N loved the most about the old woman. She knew when to push, and when to let things lie. Halmeoni knew that she was knew that Y/N would talk to her when she was ready, and Eun Jae was happy to have his mother there with him.
He was a sweet kid. He really was, and there was nothing she loved more than cuddling up with him, but their little bubble had to burst eventually. The next day came too quickly for her, and much to her horror, Jackson was waiting for her outside when she and Eun Jae left the house both with their backpacks on.
“Miss Kang.” He greeted smile bright on his face until he caught sight of the toddler hanging onto her hand. His expression dropped into one of shock before a softer smile crept across his features. “Hi, buddy.” He greeted bowing slightly to the toddler who immediately hid behind his mother’s leg. Jackson was unphased though. “My name is Jackson. What’s yours?”
Eun Jae looked up at her as if asking for confirmation that it was okay to interact with this stranger. She nodded giving him a soft smile of her own as she gently pushed him forward. “Go on.” She encouraged not wanting to be rude. It was important to her that Eun Jae grew up with good manners. She did not want him to end up like his parents or her parents for that matter.
“I’m Eun Jae.” The toddler muttered ducking his head quickly before burying his face in her leg again.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Eun Jae.” Jackson stood up rubbing his neck as he glanced back at the car. “We’re going to need to get a car seat installed.”
Y/N froze. “You’re not going to have to tell Mr. Min about this, are you?”
Jackson’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Mr. Min doesn’t know?” She shook her head. “I don’t…”
She glanced down at Eun Jae making sure he was distracted before she started speaking to Jackson her voice low and rushed. “He’s my sister’s kid. She walked out, so he’s mine now. Mr. Min doesn’t need to know about him. My family doesn’t affect him.”
Jackson nodded in understanding. Family was family. Business was business. He could respect her wish to keep her family out of it, and the fierce spark in her eye was enough to convince him that he didn’t want to mess with her when it came to her family.
“I won’t lie to him, but I won’t tell him either.” He promised. “Do you have a car seat we can use for now?” She shook her head no. “Okay…” He thought for a moment. “We could….”
“I’m not taking him in that car without a car seat.” She snapped seeing the direction his thoughts were going. “We’ll take the bus like we normally do, and if you really want to drive us, you can come pick us up, with a car seat, at the end of the day.” She nodded giving him a firm glare before she smile turning back to the toddler. “Let’s go to the bus stop, buddy. Say bye-bye to, Mr. Wang.”
Eun Jae unburied his head from her leg and waved goodbye shyly.
“Bye, Eun Jae.” Jackson waved with a smile of his own as Y/N led the little one away a little more quickly than she would have normally.
She just wanted everything to go back to normal, but it was too late for that now. She’d already signed the deal, and everything else would have to wait until they were back on their feet and far away enough from financial ruin that there was no need for her to be signed away to Min Yoongi. But that was a long way off as of yet. For now, she’d focus on Eun Jae and classes. There was no use worrying over things she couldn’t change.
She dropped Eun Jae off at his preschool and then made her way to her own school. She’d see him later. She’d promised Halmeoni that she would drop him back off, as she had a doctor’s appointment today and couldn’t pick him up herself, and neither of them trusted her father to get him from school. If they did that, Eun Jae would never get picked up, and they would receive a very angry phone call from the preschool wondering why no one had come for Eun Jae.
Thankfully the day passed much as it always did up until her classes were over, and then there was Jackson waiting for her with that damned car.
Despite her sour look, he met her with a smile.
“I got the car seat!” He announced proudly as he opened the door to the backseat for her.
“I can see that.” She sighed as she slipped inside. “It’s a bit early to pick up Eun Jae yet.” She informed him. “I usually go home after class, but Halmeoni can’t pick him up today.” She explained.
“Well, what would you like to do in the mean time?” He asked as they pulled away from her university. She was silent thinking it over, and Jackson was suddenly struck by how young she was. She looked a little lost sitting there in the back of a car that was much too large for just one person. “Perhaps, we could go to spoil you for a moment.” He suggested.
“What do you mean?” She asked staring at him in the rear view mirror.
“Well, you have to go meet Mr. Min eventually, and he would want you to treat yourself.” He shrugged. “Get your hair done, your nails. Go buy yourself something nice. It’s on his dime.”
Her eyes widened in shock. “I really don’t think…?”
“You’re Agust D’s girl now. You have to look like Agust D’s girl. And you never know when he’s gonna call for your first date. Don’t worry. He’ll pay for it.”
She hadn’t thought about that. Technically, Yoongi was responsible for her clothing budget, but would it be added onto her payment like a reimbursement or did it only cover the things he wanted her to wear? But then again, Jackson said it was covered, and he’d been so nice. Maybe it would be okay to do something for herself. She was meant to look a certain way, she supposed.
“So what’s it gonna be, chickadee?” He asked flashing her a smile in the mirror.
“Nails maybe?” She fidgeted uncomfortably not knowing what to do. It felt odd to have access to someone else’s bank account.
“Nails it is.” Jackson nodded driving them off in the direction of the nearest nail salon.
As weird as it all was, she had to admit it was nice to get her nails done. She never had them done before, not professionally at least, and this was better than anything she’d ever been able to do on herself. She was musically inclined, not artistically, but there was still a feeling of guilt, of spending money on herself when her family needed the money far more than she needed a manicure. Her nails were never long anyway. Musicians didn’t normally keep long nails. It was odd to see them painted so prettily.
Staring down at her nails she had to wonder if this was going to be her life now. Would she have to look all put together all the time? Would she be constantly worrying that Yoongi would find out about Eun Jae? She didn’t want to be constantly worrying. She knew worry. She already had too much to worry about, and worry was exhausting. She couldn’t afford to be any more exhausted than she already was. There was too much to do these days.
She glanced down at her phone wondering when her first summons would come in. He had promised she’d be seeing him soon, but when was soon? Did they start having their meetings this week or next week? Either way she was expected to meet with him at least three times a week, not counting extra meetings he could ask for. Those at least she could refuse so long as she had a good reason, but she was smart. She was sure she could get out of a good majority of the extra meetings so long as Yoongi didn’t catch onto her dodging him.
She knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid all extra meetings, but she could dodge some of them. She’d have to. She needed time with Eun Jae, and she knew that weekends would be hard to balance between Yongi and Eun Jae especially when she hadn’t told Yoongi about Eun Jae’s existence.  They were the two men in her life even if Yoongi’s stay was only temporary. That did not make him any less a part of her life though. For now, at least, he was quite a major part of her life, and she’d have to treat him as such.
“Where to now, miss?” Jackson asked pulling her out of her thoughts.
“The preschool.” She gave him the address with a strained smile as she began to wonder how she was going to balance everything out. She had other jobs. She had school. She had Eun Jae. She knew this was the best way to settle their debts, but what had she been thinking when she’d agreed to this? How was she ever going to make this work?
Jackson took her home after they dropped off Eun Jae with Halmeoni. She rather unfortunately had a date to prepare for. She’d gotten the text while she’d been signing Eun Jae out of preschool. It was short, precise, a simple message saying for her to be ready by seven o’clock and the promise that appropriate attire would be delivered to her home. Other than that and a promise from Jackson Yoongi and his driver would pick her up later, she knew nothing.
When she arrived home, she was met with a package on her doorstep. She had to give it to him, he was nothing if not efficient. There was still hours before she expected him, but it at least gave her time to get ready even if he hadn’t told her where they were going.
The box contained a modernized hanbok. The top was done in layers. The first was white, and undershirt. The second was in a lovely shade of purple that trailed down towards her knees, and the last layer was a black jacket type piece. There was a black pair of pants to match, and a thick traditional style belt to tie everything together. There was also a pair of ankle boots which to her immense relief looked comfortable. The heel was thick and not too high. She could actually walk in them. Anything too tall or with a stiletto was always a bit of a challenge for her. The next thing she picked out where the two smaller boxes that contained her jewelry for the evening. One was a pair of lovely earrings, the other was a hair pin. It was a lovely piece with the main part crafted too look like a branch while the decorative piece at the end was fashioned into tiny silver leaves and little off shooting branches that surrounded a smooth round piece of jade with a silver stripe slashed through the middle. It reminded her of the moon.
There was one final thing in the box that caused her to laugh in disbelief. There sitting in the bottom of the box was something she had skipped over when she was looking at the hanbok and the shoes and jewelry, but there sitting at the bottom of the box, was a coat. It was a long thick wool coat that would hang down to her mid-calf. At the very bottom of the box, underneath the coat there was a note written in short quick strokes. The letters scrunched together slightly. It was the handwriting of someone who was used to writing in a hurry.
Because you won’t wear mine.
She had to laugh at that. He was respecting her wish not to wear his coat while at the same time taking care of his worry over her own coat. It was as sneaky as it was caring, and even she had to admit that it was a better coat than the one she had. It was warmer and better quality. And she very begrudgingly had to admit that she loved the entire outfit especially the coat.
She passed the first few hours till her date on homework. She had to get it done at some point after all. Even if she was a sugar baby now, school came first. School what was going to help in the long run, not Yoongi, but that didn’t mean she detested lesson planning any less. It was a necessary evil even if it left her wondering for the thousandth time why she had chosen to go into education.
Homework could only keep her occupied for so long though. Eventually, she had to get ready. It was simple enough. All she had to do was throw on the provided outfit, slap on some makeup, and pull her hair up into a bun sticking the hair pin through it, but then she was left to twiddle her thumbs as the minutes ticked by until Yoongi’s arrival.
In hindsight, she had begun getting ready too early. Now she had all this time on her hands to sit and think about what she was about to do. She had always been a worrier, and years of experience had taught her it wasn’t good to sit with her thoughts when she was nervous. The pent up nervous energy had her pacing the floor as she revisited the urge to tear her hair out from the roots. She hated that feeling, the feeling that your stomach is trying to crawl out of your throat. Worse than that, she felt as though she was going to crawl out of her own skin. She was buzzing with nerves.
Part of her couldn’t wait for Yoongi to arrive just to get this first date over with, but another more prominent part of her hoped that he would never arrive. But it was too late for thoughts like that, wasn’t it? She’d already signed the contract, and she was bound to it for a year. She could survive a year. It wasn’t like Yoongi was a creepy old man. He was young and handsome too. He was even kind, from what she had seen at least, and yet something just wasn’t right. He made her just the tiniest bit uneasy, and she couldn’t place her finger on why.
There was nothing about Yoongi that should have made her uneasy. He had been nothing but kind to her so far, but that didn’t stop that spark of unease telling her something was not quite right. She was determined to brush it off as nerves though. It had to be nerves just jumping to the worst case scenario as her mind was prone to do. She could blame that lovely habit on her wonderful parents. They hadn’t been a shining example of a good life. Something was always wrong when it came to them, and they’d taught her to expect the worst. It was almost a relief really that her mother was gone. She didn’t show up often, but when she did, she always brought trouble with her, and they really couldn’t afford any more trouble at the moment.
There was a knock on her door that pulled her out of her thoughts with a jump. That had to be him. With a deep steadying breath she got up and made her way to the door making sure to pull the coat closed around her before she did. There was nothing revealing about the outfit that he’d picked out, but she still felt exposed, but that had to be nerves as well. He made her nervous in a way that was completely different than the unease he gave her.
It was his eyes. Those eyes seemed to see straight through her without ever revealing anything about himself. They were almost catlike. He reminded her of a stray that used to hang outside of the restaurant. He was an old ornery creature, scruffed up from one too many fights with the other cats, but he had those same eyes. He’d stare at you as though he knew everything about you, and as a child, Y/N really believed it. She had been convinced that the cat knew all the secrets of the universe. Halmeoni had done nothing to dispel that belief either. She’d treated that scruffy old tomcat as though he was a prince. She’d told her that cats were bad luck, and that the old tomcat was a bad spirit. She kept the animal fed and watered as a way to appease the bad spirit. Now as an adult, Y/N wasn’t so sure that the cat hadn’t been a bad spirit. Her family certainly hadn’t had much good luck over the years, but it also wasn’t as bad as it could be.
Yoongi was like that cat. He, or at the very least the situation, was bad, but it wasn’t as bad as it could be.  She doubted though that Yoongi was a bad spirit come to torment her family. He was honestly the best luck they had had in a while even if it wasn’t in an ideal way.
She opened the door with a smile and was met with Yoongi standing there waiting for her with his hands tucked into his coat pockets.
“Hi.” She murmured shuffling her feet awkwardly.
“Hi.” He murmured back offering her his arm with a small almost imperceptible smile of his own. “Let’s go.”
“Lead the way.”
She took Yoongi’s arm and let him lead her towards the elevator. “I see you got the coat.”
“I did.” She agreed suppressing an awkward smile not sure what to say or do with herself. “It’s very nice, thank you.”
“Well, you didn’t seem to want mine.”
“Oh!” She groaned before looking at him apologetically. “I completely forgot to give that back to you. I can run back up…”
“It’s fine.” He interrupted his lips quirking up a little bit on edges. “You should keep it.”
“It’s really fine!” She rushed. “I can just take the elevator back up. It’ll only take a minute.”
“Keep it.” He insisted his first actual smile of the evening stretching across his lips. “It looked good on you.”
He found the stunned expression on her face cute. Everything about her was cute, especially the blush that heated up her cheeks as she averted her eyes. She was just so innocent. How could anyone not like her? How could all those people in her life leave her in the mess that was her life? How could her family have put her in this position to begin with? On the one hand he was grateful that they had. It meant that he got her. But on the other hand, he was just so angry on her behalf. She was too sweet to for her family. They didn’t deserve her, sweet soul that she was.
“So, where are we going?” She asked as they walked out to the car.
“It’s a surprise.”
The drive wasn’t terribly long, but it was quiet. Neither she nor Yoongi were much for small talk. He didn’t seem the kind for small talk, and the jitters had left her grasping at straws for something to say. Coming up empty, she settled on silence. It was mercifully not an awkward silence though. She kept her attention on the city going by outside the window, and Yoongi, unbeknownst to her, kept his attention on her until they reached their destination.
“The museum?” She asked as Yoongi helped her out of the car. “It closes at six doesn’t it?” She turned to him in confusion, tugging her coat tighter around herself to ward of the evening chill.
“I rented it.” He shrugged wrapping an arm around her waist as he saw her shiver. He couldn’t do much for her until they got inside, but he could offer her what little body heat he could with a simple gesture.
“You rented the National Palace Museum?” She asked staring at him with wide eyes as he steered them towards the steps leading up to the entrance.
“Just like that?” “Just like that.” He nodded leading her up the stairs. “I need to do some research for an upcoming mv. Thought it would be more fun with company.”
“So you rented the museum?”
The concept was mind boggling for her. Who rented a museum? She knew he was famous, but couldn’t he go to the museum like a normal person? Plenty of celebrities went out. A hat and a face mask worked well as a disguise, and no one would be expecting Agust d at the National Palace Museum. It didn’t exactly fit his image. The big tough rapper going to the museum? She didn’t think so. His fans wouldn’t exactly be looking for him there.
“Seemed like a nice date, and you don’t seem like the kind of girl who goes to clubs.” He shrugged again as the climbed the steps.
She bristled at that. “I go where you want me to go.” She sniffed straightening her spine. She knew she shouldn’t be offended. She wasn’t the kind of girl that went to clubs, but she was bristling anyway.
“I didn’t mean it badly.” He chuckled looking down at her fondly. “But this seemed like a better option, and I’d appreciate the company.”
She sighed forcing herself to relax as they reached the top of the stairs. “So what kind of mv are you making that needs research at the National Palace Museum?”
“It’s for a track called Daechwita. I wanted a historical vibe for it.”
“Daechwita is a traditional type of music.” She nodded understandingly. “Military march or royal procession type of vibe?” She asked as Yoongi helped her out of her coat once they got inside.
“Bit of both.” His eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight of her in the outfit he had picked out for her. It looked better than he had imagined it would.
The layers of the hanbok draped around her elegantly while the colors complimented her skin and hair wonderfully. It wasn’t sexy per say, but it was extremely hot to see her in something he had bought for her. His mind was already whirring with the possibility of all the things he could fill their wardrobe with. He planned on spoiling her rotten.
He liked seeing her hair pulled up as well. It exposed the length of her neck to him. He couldn’t wait to mark up that neck. She’d look so good covered in his marks, but she wasn’t ready for that yet, but soon.
“Then we’d better start researching.” She smiled eyes sparkling with excitement as Yoongi shed his own coat.
She couldn’t lie. She really did prefer the museum to the club, and the idea of being able to wander the museum after hours with no one else around was too exciting to pass up.
Yoongi grinned following after her as she wandered off into the first exhibition room.
He didn’t have to follow for long though as he found her just past the doors examining the first of the exhibits, a painted screen and a throne.
“Joseon Dynasty.” She said her arms folded comfortably around her. “The museum focuses mostly on the Joseon Dynasty. This screen, well the scene on the screen there are two more upstairs, traditionally sat behind the throne of the king.” She explained her eyes glued to the painted silk in front of them.
“It’s not a very intimidating throne.” He commented stepping up next to her. “Doesn’t look comfortable either.”
“Well, if you were king, you could make your throne look however you wanted.” She shrugged. “There’s been more than one throne, but the screen is traditional.”
“Why?” He asked wanting to hear her talk more. She was relaxed for once. She was never relaxed with him, and he didn’t want it to end. It was also cute to him how she seemed to know so much about the exhibit. She’d probably been before, but she was looking at the exhibit as though it was the first time.
“It represents harmony and balance. See how everything is symmetrical, fitting of the perfection of the king?” She motioned towards the screen drawing his attention from her and back to the exhibit. “Everything in it is long lasting, the mountains, the trees, the waterfalls. It’s supposed to represent the benevolence of the royals.”
“Even if the royal wasn’t benevolent?”
“Even if they weren’t benevolent.” She agreed.
“I’d pick a more comfortable throne.” He mused eyeing the wooden seat.
“Well, it’s not for lounging on.” She laughed looking at him with a bright smile.
“It could be.”
“Lazy king. Lounging on his throne instead of ruling.”
“Maybe he was a tyrant.”
“Maybe.” She agreed. “But look how beautiful it is. The detail that went into it.”
“It’s beautiful.” He agreed looking at the golden creatures drawn all over the panels of the throne, visions for his mv already taking hold in his head. “Why the screen though?”
She shrugged. “Screens normally sat behind the seats of the powerful. You see them in every historical drama. Sometimes more than one. Royalty needs to hold a sense of divinity and majesty. Everything from the clothes to the jewelry to the throne needed to display that.” She explained her tone soft, respectful.  “It’s why the throne was always on a dais and why the king and queen always had opulent robes.”  
“You know a lot about history.”
She startled a little blushing sheepishly. “It was always my favorite subject in school.”
He hummed nodding his head as he turned his attention back to the throne. “So the king should definitely have a screen.”
She nodded gently. “And lots of things in gold.”
He held out a hand to her, palm up. “Shall we?”
She eyed his hand for a moment, trying to decide if she wanted to take his hand or not. It was such a simple thing, holding someone’s hand, but it was such an intimate thing as well. Friendship, romance, comfort. Those were all things that could be conveyed in the simple act of holding another person’s hand. She’d have to do things that were much more intimate in this arrangement though, so she placed her hand delicately in his allowing his much larger hand to envelop hers as he led her to her next exhibit.
It was a case full of seals, all shaped like turtles. Each seal had a corresponding piece of paper stamped in red ink to show what the seal looked like when it was stamped.
“Why are they all turtles?” Yoongi asked staring down at the seals.
“Because they’re like dragons.” It was his turn to stare at her incredulously. Turtles like dragons?  
“How is a turtle like a dragon?”
“They rule over all the bugs, and they live a long time, longer than anything else around them usually, like a dragon.” She explained smiling softly. “And turtles are cute.” She added on her smile stretching into a grin her nose scrunching up in a way that Yoongi found absolutely adorable.
“I still don’t think turtles are like dragons.” He shook his head repressing a grin of his own. It was so good to see her smiling though, not nervous smiles real happy smiles.
“Agree to disagree.”  She shrugged before tugging on his hand leading him further into the exhibit. “That seal across from us is King Taejo’s seal.” She explained pointing across the room. “It’s why it gets its own case.”
“How do you know so much about all this?” He asked as they moved further into the exhibit.
“My grandfather was a history teacher.” She explained her smile dimming becoming softer, sadder. “He used to take me here when I was little.” He hummed in understanding waiting for her to continue. “He died when I was seven, but I’ve always loved history because of him, and he loved this place.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“He was a great man.” She hummed tilting her head as she thought. She shook her head slightly before a bright smile lit up her features, bright but a little strained. “Come on. There’s a lot more to see.”
And that’s how they went through the museum. Yoongi kept her hand safely tucked around hers. She pointed out her favorite exhibits, laughing about how uncomfortable the royal women’s palanquin looked compared to the king’s, and Yoongi hung off her every word, attentively taking note of the things that he could incorporate into his music video. He found her knowledge of the museum and its artifacts endearing. Her eyes would light up when she showed him her favorite exhibits. She’d been so tense and hesitant when she’d first taken his hand, but now every time they slipped apart for even a moment, she didn’t even flinch when they rejoined their hands. She had even been the one to grab his hand at one point, and Yoongi was practically beaming.
He had wanted something more secluded and easy for their first date, but he had never expected it to go as well as it had. The museum, the dinner for two he had set up for them on the second floor, it was all more perfect than he could ever imagine. She was perfect. He never wanted her to stop smiling. He loved that smile of hers. Just from this one night he had a million ideas, songs he wanted to write for her, places he wanted to take her. She liked hanok houses? He would buy her one. He’d buy her a piano and a cello too, the nicest cello he could find to fill the house with music. He’d buy her anything she wanted so long as she kept smiling at him like that.
It wasn’t nearly as bad as she expected either. Y/N actually found herself having a good time. Yoongi wasn’t so intimidating after all. She still had a lingering sense of unease at the back of her head, but it was easier to ignore now. Even if the intimate nature of the outing was a little too close to a date for her liking, she could actually see herself getting through the year now. It wasn’t going to be so bad. It helped that he was a gentleman. He pulled out her chair, helped her with her coat, opened doors, all those things that gentlemen are supposed to do. The happy atmosphere of the evening came crashing down though when Yoongi drove her home, but it wasn’t her home.
All the nerves came back with a fury. She was inexperienced, but she wasn’t naïve. She knew what was expected in their arrangement, but she that didn’t mean that she wasn’t horribly nervous. Yoongi could see it too. He watched all the color drain from her face as they pulled up to his building, but he squeezed her hand reassuringly as he led her into the building dismissing his driver for the night.
“It’s okay.” He assured her gently ushering her into the building as the escape route drove away leaving her stranded with Yoongi.
She nodded nervously, looking back at the entrance as though the car would magically appear to take her back to her own home.
Okay. Everything was okay. That was what she kept telling herself over and over again. It had to be okay, but she couldn’t stop the way her hands were trembling, and she was sure that Yoongi could feel it. Her hand was still enveloped by his own. She knew he’d noticed. He squeezed her hand reassuringly as he took her up to his penthouse apartment.
She had to admit that his home was beautiful, but it was too large for just one person. The apartment was done in shades of warm gray, and even though it was large, it still had the appearance of being lived in. Shoes were scattered by the door not having made it into the shoe rack. He flung their coats haphazardly across the table in the entryway before giving her a pair of guest slippers to wear. There was a coffee cup left out on the coffee table, and sheet music spread over the piano nestled in the corner of the living room.
It was the piano that drew her in. It was a gorgeous instrument. Coming closer she realized that a lot of the sheet music spread across the instrument was hand written.
“Did you write these?” She asked turning back to look at him where he stood a few feet away.
“Yeah.” He nodded moving forward a little.
“For the same album that the new mv is going to?” She asked picking up a few of the papers to look over the notes scribbled down in the same scrunched up scrawl that the note from the box had been in.
“Some of them.” He nodded coming up next to her to look at the particular song she was holding. “That one is for something else though.”
“What is it for?” She asked looking over to him.
“Not sure yet.” He shrugged.
“Can I try?” She asked tilting her head towards the piano, and a gummy grin spread across the man’s face.
She took a seat at the bench as Yoongi helped her arrange the sheets properly. “You’re sure this is okay?” She asked her fingers hovering over the keys.
He nodded again, and she turned her attention to the music.
“What tempo?” She asked noticing the lack of instruction. But it was hand written, and that was to be expected.
“Andante at the beginning. It builds up to be allegro around here.” He pointed out a particular measure and she nodded in understanding before putting her fingers to the keys.
Hand written notes were always a little harder to read, but his hand writing was neat enough if not a little scrunched. Her fingers drifted across the keys filling the room with the sound of his music. Yoongi thought his heart would stop. Hearing her play his music, in his home, it was like a dream, and she was as beautiful of a pianist as she was a cellist.
Her fingers danced across the keys, her attention fully on the music. It was enchanting, and Yoongi knew he had made the right decision as he watched her play.
She filled him with the desire to compose as well as an intense urge to protect her. She was such a sweet soul, and he hated that she’d been driven to this even if it brought him her. He would protect her though. He would always protect her.
When she finished she folded her hands gently in her lap.
“You play beautifully.”
She laughed smiling up at him contentedly. “You compose beautifully.” She complimented before looking down with a blushed. “It’s late. I should head home.” She stood up skirting around the piano bench.
She froze looking at him like a deer caught in the headlights. “What?”
“Stay.” He repeated. “It’s late. Stay the night.”
He could see the panic setting in as her eyes darted across the room searching for an exit. “I really should…”
He huffed amused a smirk playing on his lips as he watched her. “No funny business. It was a busy day, and I’m tired. Stay.”
He watched as she debated her option her eyes flitting between him and the door. “I don’t…”
“I’d like you to stay, but you don’t have to.” He assured her slowly making his way towards her.
“Just sleep?” She asked her voice shaking slightly.
“Just sleep.”  
She waited a minute, debating her options before sighing. “Okay.”
part 6
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tainted-wine · 4 years
Tuning In Tonight
Present Mic x Reader (NSFW)
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(A 10k story because I have no self-control. Here’s a fic about a troubled cafe employee that turns into a Mic fan and later SEX)  
You soaked in the heat of your apartment after enduring the chilly walk back home from work. Wasting no time, you tossed your coat aside and kicked off your shoes before plopping onto the bed. Another week, another paycheck. Today was exceptionally busy at the cafe. Fridays always were, really, but today had put you to the test against quite the cast of characters. But even in the face of screaming kids with careless mothers, business people with absolutely no patience, and teens that didn’t think you were worth making eye contact with, you prevailed. You liked your job, even with the odd rough days. The staff was kind, the pay was fair, and the fact that it was smack-dab in the middle of the city means that it was visited by the occasional hero. Those were the days that filled you with joy, taking you back to the times when you dreamed of having the same career. But some things just weren’t meant to be. Your younger, more passionate self would chide you for accepting this life. For not using every breath in your body to ensure that you would one day become a hero that everyone remembered, but such persistence would only hurt you more in the long run. At least you were still able to find a comfortable living elsewhere. You settled with the cards you were dealt just fine, and yet that’s exactly what bothers you. Is it really okay to just give up and settle this after trying so hard? 'Nope, my mind’s not going anywhere near that rabbit hole today.' You sprang back up, heading to your room with extra pep in your step to undress and prepare a shower. The hot water soothed your tense body and cleared your mess of a mind. There was no room for any negative thoughts on a Friday night, the nights that you always look forward to the most, because it was time for the weekly radio show hosted by the lively pro hero Present Mic.
Your first experience with the show happened months ago, during a day where you were feeling extra exhausted for no particular reason. Turning on your old radio to lift your spirits, you happened to tune in just in time for the voice hero’s live caller segment. ‘Why not?’ you thought to yourself as you dialed the station's number and patiently listened to the rings. “Hey, thanks for calling, my dear listener! Hope you’ve been having a rockin’ day today!” There was something about having such an energetic and carefree voice directed to you that just brightened you up from inside. The conversation didn’t last very long, your sudden shyness being part of the reason why. It ended with you honoring the usual routine of requesting a song before disconnecting. As short as the encounter was, it left a strong impression, and you wanted it to happen again. Just like that, you became a loyal fan of Put Your Hands Up! radio. It was a great way to end work for the week, winding down and getting ready for the weekend as the station played a wide variety of tunes. And every time Mic was ready to take calls, your phone was ready to dial. You talked about whatever came to mind—how work was treating you, discussing his latest accomplishments as a pro hero, sharing silly events the two of you had in life. Whatever you discussed, no matter how mundane the topic, Mic always sounded eager to listen and respond with the boisterous voice he was known for. Even on the nights where you felt especially drained or under the weather, his unwavering enthusiasm never failed to clear the dark clouds over your head. In short, he was a lovable guy. So you relaxed and killed some time with the help of the internet and some phone games until that special hour arrived. You turned to the station and was greeted with the loud intro that took some getting used to. “Yeeeaaaahh! Present Mic here, and thank you for tuning in to Put Your Hands Up! Are they up? Because we’re about to get started!” And so begins the music that you swear is just a playlist of the hero’s personal favorites. You laid back on your bed and let your mind drift as the songs played. Your friends plan on meeting up for a movie tomorrow; can’t miss out on that. Maybe you’ll stop by the store afterwards so you can restock your fridge. What should you do Sunday? Meh, just make it a lazy day and hang around at home, you suppose. You returned to your phone and continued scrolling through your favorite websites. Time went by quicker than expected, Mic’s announcement of taking calls catching you by surprise. The first few calls were picked up by other listeners, doing the usual routine of sharing their day or talking about recent issues. Mic gave advice wherever he could, and his desire to help anyone who was willing to reach out to him felt so damn genuine that it made you smile. Another call was picked up before yours. Oh well. You listened to what ended up being a youthful male on the line. “H-hi, Mr. Present Mic!” The nervous yet excited voice was pretty heartwarming. A young teen, most likely.
Mic laughed. “No need for the ‘mister,’ listener! You’ll make me feel old!”
A bunch of frantic stuttering could be heard from the boy. “Ah, so sorry, sir—I mean mister—I mean Mic!” You giggled along with Mic as the poor boy tried to collect himself. “Deep breaths, little listener. What’s on that speedy little mind tonight?” “Well,” the boy had finally steadied himself. “I’ll be finishing middle school soon, and I’m ready to start training to be a hero. I just really hope I can get into U.A. and meet you! I wish you could be my English teacher!”
Awww. “Shucks, little guy. First, good job on finishing up middle school. I hope your parents have a rockin’ party ready for you! Second, you’ve got guts for aiming for the highest! Make sure you study and prepare, 'cause U.A. only accepts the best!” There was a pause on the other end. “So, is there a chance that I won’t make it?" “My little listener,” you could tell that there was a gentle expression on Mic’s face as he spoke. “There’s always a chance, so I want you to promise me one thing. If that chance hits you, don’t give up on your dream. Get the most out of whichever school accepts you. You know how many amazing heroes I met who came from schools with pretty lame reputations? There’s a lot of them, trust me. I’ve also met my share of cocky young heroes who rag on others just because they don’t have the fancy brand of U.A. or Shiketsu on their resume. That’s all it is, kid. A brand. Just because you couldn’t strike a deal with a major record label doesn’t mean your music career is already dead.” “Music?” the boy said in confusion. “But I’m not talking about mu—oh…metaphor.” Mic chuckled lightly. “There ya go, listener! Your language is doin’ fine. You don’t need me! But if you think you do, you know where to call me for another chat!” “I do!” the boy said happily. “Thank you, Present Mic! I promise I’ll keep doing my best!” You listened to the two talk for a little longer. The boy had some real determination and you admired it. He’ll hopefully reach his dream. You won’t wish ill will on others just because you didn’t reach yours. Giving everything you had and still not being enough was something no one deserved to experience. The boy had requested a rather angsty rock song that was trying really hard to sour your mood, but you’re not going to give the depressing vocalist what he wants. On the next segment, you internally rejoiced when you hear Mic’s voice in your ear. “Hey there, Mic.” “Oh? Is that my favorite lady listener I hear?” You giggled at the flattering question? “Maybe? I didn’t know you had favorites.” “Ah, you’re right! Not very professional of me! Don’t worry, listeners! I swear I love you all equally!” He boomed. It’s moments like this that taught you to keep your phone a fair distance away from your ear when you speak to the great voice hero himself. “So how’s the cafe treating you?” After so many talks, Mic had learned a few personal details about you, including your job and the area you worked in. He’s commented on how humble your life sounds; you didn’t disagree. “It’s been the same. Nothing new.” Your plan was to share one of your experiences with the more unruly customers today, but something else was weighing on your mind now. “Come on, girl. You’ve gotta have something spicy to share with us, don’t ya?” “Actually,” the last call was really sticking to you for some reason, you couldn’t help but let it slip out. “I want to say that what you told that boy was very sweet. And I was wondering…” Your voice caught in your throat. “I was wondering…” ‘Is it okay to give up?’ You didn’t want to say that. ‘What if you sacrifice everything you have, but still fail?’ You don’t tune in to be a downer. ‘Did you know that I was like that boy once?’ You talk to Present Mic to feel good. “Wondering what? You still with me, listener?” Mic asked. The concern in his voice urged you to spit something out already. “I was wondering exactly which pro heroes you knew personally. You said that you’ve met a lot,” you lied. You weren’t wondering that at all. Still, you won’t mind hearing his answer. “Ha! Where do I even start? Now’s the perfect time for some free promotion for the awesome heroes out there that deserve some sweet limelight! Let me start with a cool guy named Koi. He’s pretty new to the scene and works on the coast.” He went on and on about many lesser known heroes you weren’t familiar with at all, but that made the information all the more intriguing. He spoke highly of each person, listing their accomplishments and how hard they worked to get where they are. As always, he managed to perk you back up. You made a mental note to look up these heroes later. “Whoa whoa, record scratch, guys! The lady’s got me rambling for way too long. Trying to soak up all the time, are ya?” He sneered in the most light-hearted way. You laughed innocently. “Of course not! You were being so passionate about every hero that you mentioned, I didn’t have it in me to stop you.” “Well, I’ll forgive you just this once! You know how to end it. Hit me with that request!” The rest of the broadcast carried on through the night as a drowsiness began to creep on you. You listened to the last of the songs while getting cozy under your sheets. “Time to finally put those hands down! It’s been a blast, listeners! I hope you’re ready to rock with me next time! Good night!” You switched off the radio and finally allowed yourself to drift off. ‘Good night.’ ——— The weekend had flown by. Before you knew it, it was back to business at the cafe. You were always thankful for not being part of the morning shift on Mondays, your co-workers sharing horror stories of the tired and moody zombies demanding complicated orders as quickly as possible. Your shift started at noon. The day was going by smoothly, no wrenches thrown into your usual pattern. Small talk with the customers, impressing the regulars by guessing their orders correctly, practicing your latte art, it was a meditative cycle for you. By the time the sun was down with no recent customers, you were ready to start cleaning up. The place closes in less than twenty minutes and the rest of the staff was sitting around patiently. A ring at the door alerted you all to the sight of a man briskly walking in, gripping at his overcoat as he recovered from the cold outdoors. “Welcome sir,” you greeted while heading to your position behind the counter. The other workers gave their own welcome and followed suit. “Hey!” He said loudly. “Didn’t mean to barge in like that. It’s cold enough tonight without all of this wind.” The voice made you pause. The man approaching you had blonde hair pinned up into a messy bun, some stray locks hanging freely. He adjusted his glasses as he flashed you a smile. That voice…and paired with his appearance…there was no doubt about it. 'Present Mic?' “Heh, looks like I’ve been exposed already!” Mic said with a chuckle. You placed a hand over your mouth, not realizing you had said his name out loud. “Sorry, it’s just really nice to meet you in person. I’m a fan.” You thought you saw him pause as well, eyes widening for a brief moment before asking, “Are you, now? And have we talked before, dear fan?” His voice was calmer than what you were used to hearing on his show. “We have, on the radio. Quite a few times, actually,” you admitted. And with that, his smile was enhanced to blinding levels. “My favorite lady listener! I thought I recognized that sweet voice!” Mic didn’t seem to respond to your blush and kept going. “I remember you said that you worked around here, but I sure didn’t expect to bump into you!” “Well, fate’s treating us both well tonight. I can’t properly express how excited I am to meet you while on the job. What can I get you tonight?” You hid behind your professionalism and waited for his order. Mic rubbed at his chin and pondered. “Well, I’ve been convinced by word-of-mouth that you guys have some yummy pastries. What do you think will go well with some hot cocoa?” Fortunately, the cafe’s menu was practically branded into your mind, so even the presence of a pro hero isn’t enough to make you draw a blank. “I’d personally recommend one of our warm treats. Maybe you’d like to try our filled croissants? The strawberry one is my favorite.” “Mmm, sounds delish. I trust you,” His grins were seriously trying to make you melt. “Hit me up with a cocoa and a strawberry croissant for here!” After taking his order, Mic seated himself at a table to wait for his sugary meal. As you prepared his chocolate and croissant, you couldn’t resist stealing an occasional glance at him. He was studying the cute decorations that littered the place and gently bobbing his head to the indie music playing through the speakers, but the two of you happened to lock eyes once, forcing you to immediately look away. Whenever you saw him in the media, his eyes were usually obscured by the orange shades that went with his hero outfit. Now you realize just how green they are, almost as if they glowed. It didn’t take long to prepare his order, and you decided to grant him the special treatment of delivering the food to his table. There was no one else to serve, after all. “Hey,” he said. “Would you mind sitting down with me?” Your heart fluttered. “Not at all, Mic.” You pulled back the chair opposite to him and took a seat. “Call me Hizashi.” He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Present Mic is always too busy for a snack break.”   “Of course, Hizashi.” You listened to Hizashi’s compliments on the food and drink, trying not to stare as he ate. You were always so sure that he couldn’t possibly be as loud and lively as his hero persona, and you were mostly right, but even now as he dined at a simple cafe, he still somehow radiated a cheerful and positive energy. The warm feeling you got from hearing him on the radio was dwarfed by what you currently feel now that you are seeing him in person. He had eaten the last of the flaky bread before speaking again. “You know, now that you’re right here in the flesh, I gotta ask you something that’s been bothering me since my last show.” Lime green eyes peered into yours as he idly stirred the cup of chocolate. “Were you alright that night? You sounded…conflicted when we were talking.” A lump caught in your throat. You didn’t expect something like that to stick with him. Surely he had more important matters to worry about. “Don’t worry about it,” you answered. “I just had silly things crossing my mind at the moment.” Hizashi took a sip, his eyes not leaving you. “Alright, I don’t wanna pry. I know you’re a grown woman, but I do like helping people. It’s my favorite part of all three of my jobs.” His smile never faded since he walked in here and man, you weren’t used to him looking or sounding so soft. You sat there silently, fighting internally as you tried to decide whether or not to confess. The pro hero waited, drinking and showing no signs of impatience. Your hands gripped at your apron as you took a breath. “I wanted to be a hero.” The only sort of reaction you noticed were his raising eyebrows. “Ah,” he murmured. “Do you still want to be a hero?” A beat of silence. “…No.” Hizashi watched, probably waiting for you to say more, but you still didn’t know how much you wanted to share. “Does that bother you?” He asked. You nodded. “I’d like to hear why, listener.” Hearing the term you were so used to on his show lifted some of the pressure. Ironically, he was probably the best listener out of anyone that tuned in. You straightened your posture and swallowed. “Then I should probably start from the beginning.” And so you let it all spill. How you once had the same glorious dream as so many other children. You explained all of the time and effort you put into the tests and exams, but it was never enough, and your quirk always failed to impress spectators. You had family and friends that supported you for so long, had sacrificed so much to make this happen, but when you realized that your pursuit was leading you to homelessness, you accepted defeat. Hizashi paid close attention, only making a small comment here and there, but he waited for you to finish to say anything more. “I’m sorry you couldn’t get there,” he said sympathetically. “It’s fine.” You were looking down at your lap, unable to hold his gaze throughout most of the story. “I recovered pretty well. It’s nice here.” He hummed and leaned back in his seat. “That’s good! Not everyone can bounce back from that. Sounds like it’s still bothering you, though. Are you sure you don’t want to try again? I’m more than happy to help you out.” You shook your head at the generous offer. This man was too kind. “Thanks, but that’s alright. I’m happy where I am, it’s just that…” You paused as you tried to form the frustration you’ve felt for years into words. “I had put my whole life into this, gave up everything I had, and…and I don’t have anything to show for it, you know? Feels like the biggest waste.” “Yeah, maybe it was.” His blunt admittance surprised you. “But when you realized you weren’t getting anywhere, you stopped before you hit rock bottom. I know some students of mine who wouldn’t have that self-control.” He gave a soft snort at the thought. “Hell, when everyday is such a painful climb, you forget if there’s even anything waiting for you at the top. Maybe you would’ve reached the peak just to finally keel over.”  You nodded along with his feedback. It wasn’t anything new; you’ve comforted yourself with similar words, albeit with less metaphors. And yet, your pesky mind couldn’t accept such logic. “But people don’t like quitters.” Hizashi kept going, arms crossed and staring intensely at his empty plate. “Because quitting apparently means that you’re weak, not that you were smart enough to see that you’re just hurting yourself at a certain point. Man, you know how many people wouldn’t be stuck doing stuff that they hate if this mindset didn’t exist? I know a guy who finally won the heart of the heroine of his dreams, and I was like, ‘Awesome, dude!’” You watched with mild amusement as Hizashi’s volume was slowly rising along with his increasingly animated movements. “But surprise! Turns out that she makes for the world’s worst girlfriend! The poor guy is in his own little hell, but he’s wanted this gal for soooo long and he’s still soooo sure that they’re fated to be together. If I used my quirk to scream at the guy to break it off already, he’d still manage to ignore me!” A snicker nearby caught both of your attentions, turning to see the other staff members looking very entertained by his storytelling. Hizashi coughed out of awkwardness and shuffled in his seat. “You, uh, you get what I’m saying?” His voice returned to a calm tone. “Yeah, I get it,” You replied. “I never considered all of that. Sucks for your friend, but I understand the feeling. It must be frustrating to watch from the outside, too.” “Oh yeah, it is.” He sighed and rested his face in one of his hands. “I know they say that you can’t save people that don’t want to be saved, but it’s not gonna keep me from trying. Good to know that you climbed out of that hole yourself. Well, almost.” He finished off the now-lukewarm chocolate. “Your dream died, so handle it like any other death. Mourn and move on. Dwelling on it or thinking about everything you could have done differently is irrational.” You heard him mutter something under his breath, something about someone rubbing off on him too much. The gears turn in your head. Your eyes wonder to a small stain on the table as Hizashi’s advice breaks through your somber barrier. Mourn and move on.
“I’ll try,” You’re shocked by how dry your throat suddenly is. The sound of sweeping and chairs scraping across the floor makes you snap your head to the clock. It was past closing time! “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” You didn’t even know if you were apologizing to Hizashi or your co-workers. “I lost track of time! Let me get that for you.” You took his trash before he could respond and quickly joined the others to clean up. “Sorry about that,” one of your friends said. “I guess we all got caught up in your cute little talk.” “Do you have to eavesdrop on every table in this place?” You asked with no real malice. Pretty much the whole staff has a fondness for gossip; perhaps it was just a side effect of working such a job. “Oh, you know me. Why do you even ask?” she laughed. You focused on cleaning the tables as Hizashi stood and straightened out his clothes. You hoped that he wouldn’t leave just yet. His pep talk was appreciated and you wanted to thank him properly before your bus got here. Your bus that was scheduled to arrive ten minutes ago. 'Oh shit!' “My bus! I have to—dammit! I gotta go!” You dashed into the back to gather your belongings and grab your bag. Hizashi and the others looked too stunned by your burst of speed as you exited the cafe and rushed to the bus stop, the biting cold having little effect on your adrenaline-filled body. 'Maybe the bus is late too. Maybe I can still make it.' Your sprint slowed down the moment you saw your ride home already speeding away. It was too late to catch up. You could only watch as the large vehicle drove out of sight, dropping onto the stop’s bench as you caught your breath. Wonderful. This is what you get for getting too comfortable with one of your customers, hero or not. “Hey!” Speak of the devil. You turned to the sight of Hizashi jogging around the corner and toward you. “Man, you move pretty fast.” He caught up to you and took in your tired and defeated form. “And by the looks of it, you still weren’t fast enough.” A loud groan escaped you. “It’s no big deal, really. Another one arrives in about thirty minutes.” “Ah, think you can wait that long in this cold?” A shiver ran through your body immediately after his question. Wow, it really was freezing tonight. You shrugged your shaking shoulders. “I’ll have to. It’s still better than walking.” “Or maybe I can take you home?” Your head snaps back to him. Did you hear that right? “You…you want to take me home?” You repeated. That radiant smile returns to his face and adds another wave of trembles to your body. “I help where I can, and I’m kinda the reason you missed it in the first place. It’s the least I can do for such a loyal listener.” You hesitate, your still-harsh breaths forming misty clouds. You trusted him, no doubt about that. No, what was making you hesitate were his tender expressions that were illuminated by the nearby streetlight, and his lax and inviting posture as he waited for your answer with his hands tucked in his coat, and the realization that Yamada Hizashi was pretty damn handsome.   Pure hot red was rushing up to your face. Surely that was the cold’s fault. “That sounds great,” you uttered before you could even stop yourself. “Alright! Come on, then. I’m totally not dressed to be standing out here for long.” You followed him back to the cafe where an old-fashioned Ford mustang was parked. ‘Classy.'  Your co-workers were watching you enter his car, some with smirks or giving you a thumbs-up. ‘Perverts. It’s not like that.’ At least, you didn’t think it was. The drive home was calming. The radio played lowly as background music while you gave him directions to your apartment. You kept sneaking a peek at him from the corner of your vision, a peaceful look on his face as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of the music. He seemed to be the type that hated complete silence; you didn’t mind. The streets were fairly empty, so it didn’t take too long to reach your complex. Hizashi pulled up and parked. “Welp, here’s your stop!” He announced as he hit you with another knockout smile. “Thanks for taking the Present Mic Express, listener.” You removed your seat belt, but made no further movements. “Thank you, Hizashi. For the ride…and the talk. You’ve helped me a lot today.” You say as you dare to look into his hypnotizing irises. He shrugged at your gratitude. “I’m just a customer who was in need of a nighttime snack and met a special gal that turned out to be even greater in person.” It took everything in your power not to cover your face like a flustered schoolgirl, instead breaking eye contact as you felt the heat return to your cheeks. “Thanks, you’re pretty great too.” You shuffled a bit as you both sat in silence. “I’m leaving now.”
“Okay.” You stayed where you were, staring at the door handle like it was the last thing you might ever touch. “I can’t wait to talk to you again on your show.” “Ditto.” “Alright…I’m leaving now.” “You already said that.” You squirmed some more. ‘Come on, you probably just look creepy at this point. Hurry the hell up and say something.’ “Is there something else you wanna tell me?” There was a small hint of amusement in his voice, and you gathered the courage to look at him again, shocked to see that his friendly smile had shifted into something a little more smug. It was probably safe to say that he’s reading the atmosphere pretty well. ‘Then just go for it.’
“Do you…do you want to come inside me—” FUCK. “Come inside with me! Do you want to come inside with me?!”  You were practically shouting the invitation in a feeble attempt to hide your slip-up. Hizashi threw his head back and cackled. “I’d love to, sweetheart! No need to be shy about it. I don’t bite.” You still sat there as the car turned off, his casual acceptance putting you into a stupor. Which version of the question was he even saying yes to? Whichever one it was, he had just accepted your offer to sleep together. You hadn’t been with anyone in years, and now you suddenly do this? A rush of cold wind hit you when he opened his door. “Come on, unless you planned on doing it in the car?” He laughed when you furiously shook your head.  “Good. As much as I love my old girl, she’s probably not very comfortable for something like that.” You only shivered in response as you finally stepped out of his car and joined his side to guide him to your place. All it took was an elevator and a quick walk down the hall to reach your door. It was a little embarrassing to bring a pro hero into your small single-bedroom apartment. It had all of the essentials for a comfortable living, but there wasn’t much room for luxuries. You both kicked off your shoes at the entrance before you hurried to organize some stray clothes and bags. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting guests.” “No worries,” Hizashi didn’t seem to mind as he got comfortable on a chair near your kitchen area and scanned the place. “This is nice.” You snorted at the comment. “I suppose,” you murmured. “It’s nothing worth praising.” “What, finding a place to stay after running yourself down for years? I think that deserves some praise,” he says so matter-of-factually.  That was a really admirable way to put it. “Thank you.” “Mmhmm,” he hummed, watching you finish replacing your things. Now you’re just standing here, not sure what to do next. How do you even start this? Your only experience was a clumsy one with a friend way back. “Well, we can’t do much at this distance, can we?” He says lightly as he gestures you to come closer. You comply and take his offered hand, letting him gently tug you down and onto his lap. He positioned you sideways, your legs laid out over his and making you look and feel like a nervous child. His face was so close, those green eyes looking shinier than ever. “You’ve done this before, right?” His warm breath brushes against your face as he speaks. “Yeah, I have,” you paused and wondered if you should tell him more. Hizashi was getting to know you more than you ever intended. “With a friend some years ago…it was a mess. Two virgins that had no idea what they were doing.” You laughed at the memory. “Heh, I feel you on that one. My first wasn’t the most dignified moment either.” You felt his body shake with his chuckle. His hand was still holding yours, thumb pressing against the space between your knuckles in a sort of massage. The feeling soothed you as his free hand came up to remove his glasses, your body shifting with his as he set them down close by. “In fact, your boy used to be a one pump wonder!” He smiled at your bewildered reaction to the information. “Hey, it’s not my fault sex feels so awesome!” You giggled into his shoulder. He spoke to you with such familiarity that it was impossible to stay anxious. It was why you enjoyed talking to him on the radio, but you never imagined it being the same during a scenario as intimate as this. “Hey, Don’t laugh at me! I’ve gotten better!” He said in mock anger. “And lucky for you, you get to see just how much. Welcome to my private show, listener.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a way that was more comical than seductive. A hand gently held the back of your head, and you let it pull you in to press your lips against his. You closed your eyes and savored the feeling, his lips softer than expected. Your kisses were timid, giving little more than lingering pecks, and Hizashi patiently returned them, slowly adding more pressure and passion as encouragement. The feel of a tongue swiping against your lips made you squeak in shock, getting a chuckle out of him. “That was adorable,” he teased, his voice suddenly at a lower pitch that made you shudder. “You startled me,” you retorted before returning to the kiss, this time with your lips parted to grant him entry. He caught you off guard again by sucking lightly at your lips instead, forcing a gasp out of you before slipping his tongue into your mouth. Your own muscle shyly met his, stroking each other in a lazy dance. His hands moved to hold your face and he’s doing it so tenderly. A hot desire is flowing through your veins from his kisses alone; you can only imagine what else he has in store for you. After a few more wet smacks, the two of you finally parted to catch your breaths, you especially. “Wow,” you couldn’t help but gasp. Hizashi gave a breathless laugh. “Getting overwhelmed already? We haven’t even taken any clothes off yet.” He wasn’t as composed as he let on, a red flush spreading across his face. The hands holding your face moved down to wrap around your waist as he moved his kisses down to your jaw. You sighed and tilted your head back to give him access to your neck, burying your fingers in his hair as you felt him lick and suck at your pulse. Beneath the smooth locks you felt a pin that held his sloppy bun together. “Hizashi? Can I-ah,” a hard suck on your sensitive throat forces you to pause. “Can I…your hair?” You tapped at the pin to get your point across. “Go ahead,” he groaned against your neck, not even slowing his assault as you pulled the small clip out and watched his golden locks fall to his shoulders. He purred to the feeling of you combing through his hair like fine threads. “It’s really pretty,” you whispered, still shivering from the love that he was showering on your skin. He pulls away from your neck. “Are you saying my hair isn’t always pretty? Trying to hurt Mic’s feelings?” He said with a pout. He looked all the hotter with his long hair draping the sides of his face. “Not at all! I think Mic makes for a handsome cockatoo,” you jest with a smirk. “Heh, you got jokes, huh? We’ll see who’s laughing once I get these annoying clothes out of the way.” He double tapped your thigh. “Up.” You stood up and watched him follow instantly, noticing the bulge that was beginning to grow beneath his pants. You quickly tore your eyes away from it. “Hold on a minute, I know what we’re missing.” He reached into his coat pocket and retrieved his phone. You waited, wondering what he could possibly need on his phone right now. A few taps later, a smooth melody began playing from the device. “Oh yeah, I’m feelin’ it already.” He set the phone down and shut his eyes, getting a feel for the beat of the sensual R&B song. This man was unreal. “You have…a lovemaking playlist?” You uttered while watching him get into a groove. “I’ve got a playlist for a lot of things, baby. Nothing sets the mood like a good tune. Don’t worry, sweetie, I’ll go first.” And so he began his slow movements, swaying and bouncing in rhythm to the music, pulling his coat back and shrugging it off in a steady and seductive manner, tossing it aside. Watching a personal strip show of one of your favorite heroes was both hilarious and hot. On one hand, he was giving you playful and goofy faces while lip-singing to the sensual vocals. On the other, ‘I’ll be damned,’ you thought, because he really did know how to move his body and was successfully captivating you. His hips were moving in slow circles as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up and revealing his impressively lean torso. ‘Oh, his hero outfit doesn’t do his body justice.’ You were so impressed by the chest and the abs that were just thick enough to be visible, you didn’t notice him struggling to pull the shirt off of his head. With his top completely bare, he smoothed a hand down his hair and leered at you with a slow lick over his lip. “Liking what you see, baby?” How the hell did his voice get so deep? Why was he being so sexy right now? Your throat was dry all of a sudden, so you simply nodded. “Good.” His hands ran over his chest, making sure you were watching them before they began an agonizingly slow descent, tracing over hard lines, his muscles rippling with the mesmerizing thrust of his hips, a sight so erotic that you wanted to look away, but just couldn’t. With the buttons and zipper quickly undone, his thumbs hooked beneath his pants and began to pull down and oh shit he was pulling at his boxers too. You were really about to see it and you didn’t know if you were ready, but your eyes remained glued to his waist as his masculine v-line and a neat trail of blonde curls was revealed, your breathing getting heavier with the knowledge that he was only centimeters away from revealing his… “Naaaah, I’ll leave these on for now.” Just like that, his voice returned to his loud and cheerful pitch, pants readjusted and no longer on the brink of revealing his manhood. Confused, you look back up to see an infuriatingly innocent face staring back at you. A pang of disappointment hits you hard; Hizashi had just teased you big time. “Your turn.” You stood there awkwardly, having no idea where to even start. “I…uh…” You try to get into rhythm with the song and already feel like a fool. “I’m not much of a dancer. Can I just undress?” You felt a little bad. You didn’t want to kill the mood just because you didn’t know how to be as light and silly as him. Hizashi casually approached in all of his topless glory. “Don’t stress, girl. The stage and spotlight ain’t for everyone,” he empathized. Slender fingers took hold of the bottom of your shirt, and he looked into your eyes for silent permission. You gave a slow nod of approval and lifted your arms so that he could smoothly remove your first article of clothing. He discarded the shirt quickly to lay his hands on your bare waist, tracing over your soft and sensitive skin, making you jump slightly. “That tickles,” you snickered. “Sorry, sorry.” His hands went higher until they reached your bra, fumbling with the clasp at your back. “Mind helping me out? I still haven’t mastered these contraptions,” he asked through gritted teeth. The fully concentrated face for removing an undergarment was a real hoot, but you showed mercy and joined his hands to undo the fastening and pulled the straps down your arms. With how hard he was staring at your exposed breasts, it took everything in your power not to cover yourself, keeping your arms at your sides. “Damn. You’re gorgeous, you know that?” He spoke softly, giving feather-light touches over the mounds of flesh. “Can’t believe you’re giving me the honor of seeing you like this.” You warmed over at the praise and his touch, a thumb brushing lightly over your nipple. “You…look really good too,” you complimented back, your own hands coming up as you considered exploring his body. Hizashi noticed your hesitation and took a hold of your wrists. “You can check me out with more than your eyes, babe,” he says with a wink, and then places your hands right onto his hot and hard chest. ‘Woah.’ You swear that your heart stopped for several seconds. Hands slightly trembling, you run them slowly over his firm pecs, listening to his quickening breaths as you went lower to feel his abs. Present Mic was never really on your list of sexy heroes. You never bothered to imagined what the rowdy guy looked like underneath that superstar getup. ‘Shame on me, I suppose.’ The hero quietly reveled in your touch as he returned to your breasts, kneading them gently to bring out soft moans from you. There was something extra close and affectionate about just feeling each other, hands caressing and pressing every inch of both of your bodies. Your first time wasn’t this slow and steady; you and your partner were too embarrassed by so much clumsy fumbling that you ended up rushing to the main act. An arm wrapped around you and pulled you closer, a pair of lips speaking right next to your ear. “To the bed.” The song currently playing had a much more raunchy vibe to it, matching the growing intensity of the room as Hizashi gently pushed you back onto the mattress so that he could peer down and take in your body from above. You felt even more vulnerable in this position, but the man’s gaze, although lustful, was still gentle and nothing to be afraid of. You had enough courage to take his face and bring him down for another kiss, lips moving more boldly this time. Hizashi smiled behind the kiss, but had other plans and trailed downward, picking up where he left off during the first make-out. He licked a wet trail across your neck, wasting no time in reaching your breasts and peppering one with kisses, the slightly ticklish sensation filling you with pleasurable tingles. Too modest to watch him shower your body with love, you instead closed your eyes and focused on the feeling as the naughty music played on. The wetness of a tongue was flicking across your nipple, making your breath hitch, but it was the complete engulfment of wet heat that made your eyes fly open to the sight of him hungrily sucking at you like he was being nursed. You could still feel his tongue swirling around your nipple in the wet cavern of his mouth. It felt so good, bringing forth an ache within your lower body. “Ah, Hizashi…more…” Your plea came out as a shuddering moan. “Patience, babe,” he panted before switching to your other breast and giving it the same delicious treatment. Soon he continued his trek downwards, kissing at your stomach and playfully dipping his tongue into your navel. “Alright, time for these pants to go.” You lifted your hips to help him pull them off, nervous but so desperate to feel him touch you more. Surprisingly, he left your panties on and placed his lips right on your hipbone, making you twitch. The kisses wandered to your thighs, taking his time in enjoying the texture of your flesh as he licked, sucked, and gave the occasional nip to make you jump. You can feel the hot desire in your core building up as he got closer to your mound, your insides throbbing in anticipation, ready to be probed and explored already. Finally his face was right at your clothed pussy, a sinful grin forming as he observed the very damp spot. You were ready for him to finally remove the last barrier that prevented your bodies from joining. What you weren’t ready for was the shock of his tongue pressing against the thin cotton and licking at you like it wasn’t even there. Even with the shaky gasp that escaped you, you felt mortified. “H-Hizashi? What are—that’s—ohhh.” His lips managed to close right around your protected clit, the feeling muted but still powerful, but this was all so new to you. It’s one thing to fantasize having someone put their mouth there, but to actually…! Hizashi halted his ministrations and looked up at you. “What is it? Did I do something wrong?” The panic in your breathless voice probably worried him a bit. You didn’t want him to think that he screwed up, it’s just that…ugh, you didn’t even know! “I, uh, you don’t have to do that, really,” you stammered. The pure confusion on his face was unexpected. “What? Go down on you? I love doin’ that, babe. You don’t?”
You were tempted to grab a pillow and hide your face. “I…don’t know. No one’s ever done that to me.” “Oh?”  He tilted his head, resting on one of your thighs as he watched you curiously. “Well this guy would love to do it to you. May I?” ‘Yes. Yes, please do it.’ You just couldn’t be as shameless as your inner thoughts, so the most you could do was squeak, “If you want.” Hizashi rubbed soothing circles around your inner thighs. “I’ll just give you a sample, alright? You just lie back and feel it. Actually…” He raised himself and took a hold of your hips, tugging you to the edge of the bed. He was now kneeling on the floor with your legs hanging over his shoulders. Even with your panties still on, you never felt more exposed. His mouth was back on you in an instant, licking long stripes up your covered womanhood. You could feel your heated lust, could feel your juices seeping out to mix with the saliva that was coating your ravaged underwear. But it didn’t look like Hizashi planned on letting up on his assault anytime soon, pressing his face against you as if he was craving your nectar from the source, but insisted on holding himself back. As you whimpered from the wet grazes and your growing arousal, you realized that this just wasn’t going to be enough. “Please,” you whined. “I need more.” “More?” The hero’s voice was husky, and the wicked look he was giving you wasn’t helping matters at all. “What do you want more of?” Your knuckles were turning white from how hard you were clutching the sheets beneath you. “You! Your mouth! Please, take them off!” “You like what my mouth does, baby?” He gave you a quick lick. “Yes.” “You wanna feel more of it?” “Yes, please!” You begged. “Wanna feel my tongue push inside your pussy?” The sudden vulgarity of his words made you clench. “Y-yes.” A finger runs up and down your slit, the cloth’s texture doing nothing but irritating you at this point. “Good, because your taste and smell is driving me wild.” His fingers hooked around the lace and, thank the gods above, finally pulled them off, sticky strands of your arousal being pulled along with it. Repositioning himself, he used his thumbs to spread you open and take a good look at you. ‘Oh God, that’s a bit much.’  You shut your eyes to avoid his invasive ones that were looking straight inside of you. Just before he dove in, a new track began to play. “Oooooh shit, I love this song!” You looked to see Hizashi on the verge of jumping up in excitement. After being so turned on, you managed to forget that he’s a dork. “They’re just asking me to go all-out on you, aren’t they? Get ready, sweetheart. I’m about to send you to heaven.” Your breathing quickened as he leaned in, suddenly understanding that his teasing was just to make you extra sensitive to the real deal, because his breath alone was sending pleasant shocks through you. The first long lick up your sex already had you moaning loudly. A pair of hands held your hips down to prevent you from bucking too wildly, thighs quivering on his shoulders as he hungrily lapped at you. Among the indecent sounds between your legs, you also noticed the song’s lyrics were describing the very act Hizashi was performing right now, his mouth working more vigorously whenever the singer expressed the desire to lick a girl, to make her cum all week. He was avoiding your clit, giving full attention to your sopping folds, sucking on them loudly before deciding to plunge his tongue straight inside of your pussy. The intruding muscle had you squirming against his hold, rubbing against your walls and pushing into you as far as possible. You noticed that Hizashi’s eyes were closed in bliss, giving soft moans as if this was bringing him just as much pleasure. Whatever the case, the sight of him enjoying himself so much was something you’ll be seeing in your erotic dreams for weeks, maybe months to come. You lost control of the sounds leaving your body as the pleasing heat grew, tongue thrusting in and out of your body, his nose pressing against your neglected clit. The thorough tongue-fucking was bringing you so close to the edge. Hizashi released a long and deep moan and…you don’t even understand what happened next. The sound sent the mother of all vibrations bouncing throughout your insides, forcing you into a violent convulsion of an orgasm. You didn’t hear your own scream, the music, or see Hizashi’s amazed expression when you tightened your legs around his head in a vice-like grip. Everything was suddenly muted save for the tremors wracking your entire being without mercy, pleasure pouring over you so strongly that it was frightening. Your surroundings slowly took shape again as you came down from your high, panting and waiting for your limbs to become responsive again. A hand brushed stray hairs away from your face, and you saw a very pleased hero laying beside you. “You alright, baby? You know where you are?” He asked jokingly. “Yeah,” you breathed. “How many fingers am I holding up?” “Shut up.” You swung your weak arm and smacked him in the chest. “What the hell did you do to me?” “Sometimes I use my quirk to add a little kick,” he explained while rolling onto his side, giving your damp face a quick peck. “All it takes is a bass boost to soak the dancefloor, am I right? Though maybe that was too much. I didn’t know whether to be turned on or scared with the way you were spazzing out. Hope your neighbors didn’t think you were being murdered.” You shrunk into yourself. “Oh. Sorry,” you mumbled. You watched his hand casually explore your sensitive skin, catching a glimpse of the bulge in his pants that was more prominent than ever. “Your…” You gestured to his groin. He looked down at his stiff predicament and huffed. “Ah, yeah. It’s kinda been killin’ me. You good to keep going, babe?” How could you possibly say no after the ride he’s given you? “Yes, of course.” You moved to get up, but he gently pushes down on you. “Stay right here. I just need a minute.” The bed shifts with the loss of his weight and you watch him grab his discarded coat, fishing for something in its pockets and mumbling about something that he always keeps around, until you hear a little “a-ha” as he triumphantly holds up a condom. “Safety first~,” he says in a sing-song voice. Wow, he’s a prepared guy. Disobeying his orders, you raised yourself to sit upright. “Can I do the honors?” You asked. Honestly, you were just curious to see what he had in store for you down there. Hizashi looked surprised but pleased. “Be my guest!” he said excitedly, removing the wrapper while approaching you. The tent in his pants just sat there in front of you, begging to finally be released. “So, do you want me to finish my little show, or do you want to be the one to take’em off?” He watched your face intently as he thumbed at the band of his pants. You gulped loudly. He clearly wanted this night to be all about you, but he deserved some attention. “I’ll do it.” You whispered, taking a delicate hold of his pants to pull them down and revealing an intricately designed pair of boxers. Colorful urban-style shapes and characters covered the underwear, art that you would expect to see on the city’s walls. Any other time, you would take a moment to appreciate the impressive work, but you had a horny man to take care of. With a shaky tug, his final clothing was removed and the freed erection sprang out and smacked you in the face. The horrified ‘eep!’ and the utterly offended look you were giving his cock had Hizashi cracking up. “Shit, I’m sorry, babe!” He choked between breaths. “I guess I should have given you a heads up!” You were too embarrassed to even respond or look him in the eye. “Hey now, I promise he won’t hurt you again.” He gave you a pat on a head like a grumpy child and held out the condom to you. You silently took it and observed his manhood with a cautious look, as if it would somehow lash out and strike you again. He was pretty long; while his girth didn’t look too intimidating, you doubt that he can fit all of his length into you. It twitched when your fingers wrapped around it, rubbing up and down the soft yet firm organ and earning some sharp breaths from Hizashi. You finally attempted working with the music, stroking to match the same slow tempo. You took the lubricated protection and placed it over his swollen head, your other hand keeping up your rhythmic pumping as you pulled it down, stroking every uncovered inch until he was fully sheathed. “Fuck, girl. That was sexy,” Hizashi had watched your performance with lustful wonder. “You really don’t give yourself enough credit.” The praise excited you in more ways than one. His hands were on your shoulders and pushing you back down with him climbing on top, returning you both to your earlier positions. One hand reached between your legs and slipped a finger between your folds, dipping inside to sample your wetness. “Are you ready for me, baby?” His voice returned to that low raspy tone that had you throbbing for him all over again. Your nodding was so frantic that you made him laugh at your eagerness—your want has overpowered your doubts. He takes hold of himself and places the tip right at your entrance, your heart racing in anticipation to be filled. A sudden kiss distracts you. It was the deepest kiss he’s given you, lips practically holding yours prisoner while his tongue curled around yours. Breathy moans left both of your mouths. You were being effectively distracted until you felt the sharp burn of being stretched, your arms wrapping tightly around his neck while he pushed inside as slowly as he could. He drank up your whimpers and you consumed his growls of restraint. Every inch felt like it went on forever, hot and pulsing and overwhelming, yet your greedy pussy clamped down and sucked him in until you were completely filled. Hizashi stayed there, finally detaching his lips so that he could study your face. Those green eyes that enchanted you at the cafe for their warmth and kindness were now glazed over with something raw and insatiable. Such a look made you tighten around him, savoring the groan he gave in response. Your legs wrapped around his waist as the signal to start moving, and he complied with a slow and shallow pace. The friction was already creating another burning knot in your core. The other time someone was inside you like this…there was pleasure then as well, but it was nothing compared to this. Nothing compared to a partner who knew how to properly prepare your body and keep your mind at ease. Hizashi’s hair was draped all around you, creating a romantic enclosure of just him and you, everything else in the room feeling so far away. His thrusts were getting stronger, your heat and tightness making it too difficult for him to keep things slow. You didn’t protest and took every electrifying stroke with a helpless cry. Even with all of the sounds you were making, you dare say that the man above you was being even louder. “Ah…fuck…oh, baby you feel so fucking good. Oh yeah, fucking squeeze me just like that,” his language also became a lot more colorful, apparently. Concerning volume aside, his words only added to your pleasure. Your heels dug into him, pushing him deeper inside and brushing against that spongy bundle of nerves that had you writhing. “Shit, thanks sweetheart. Been lookin’ for that spot.” He pants with a mischievous smile across his sweaty face. With a particularly hard slam that makes you see white, he slows down and starts a deep grind. “Ah! Hizashi!” You weren’t prepared for such powerful stimulation, his dick hitting your sweet spot while his pelvis rolls against your clit. He elevates himself for a better angle, forcing you to disentangle from his neck and instead fumble desperately at his arms. The hot tension was tightening at an alarming rate with the pleasure he was giving to both of your most sensitive spots. Your gaze constantly switched between Hizashi biting his lip in a sexy focused expression to his contracting muscles as his hips press and rub against every inch of your cunt. Your nerves could only handle the sensual onslaught for so long—it didn’t take long before they were all set ablaze and reduced you into a trembling mess with your back arched and mouth hanging open in a silent scream. Sure, it wasn’t a heart-stopping climax like the one he gave you with his mouth, but the simultaneous spasms of your clit and innermost walls was its own amazing experience that had you melting into a blissful puddle. “Mmm, that’s it. That’s a good girl,” Hizashi groaned in approval. Your orgasm was still rippling through you when he buried his face into the crook of your neck and returned to his rutting, now at a much faster pace. Tears pricked at your eyes from the overstimulation. Your own choked sobs were smothered by the most intense moans you’ve ever heard sounding right in your ear. “You’re so amazing, baby…so damn beautiful.” How the fuck did he sound so sweet even when he’s on the verge of nutting? This hero has given you more than he even realized. He’s given you his company and joy every Friday, he’s given you kind words at your job, and now here he was giving all of himself to you. The emotions, the hypersensitivity, the closeness, it was all too much for you.
You came a third time, the sensation toeing the line between pain and pleasure as you clung to him tightly. He gave several more thrusts before reaching his own peak with a howl that might encourage a file complaint or two. You just held him, feeling every shiver run down his limbs and every shaky breath expelled from his powerful lungs. Both of you rested in each other’s embrace. If only things could just stay this way; Hizashi never failed to make you feel so good, in more ways than you even dreamed of. “Woah woah, you alright?” Said man’s panicked voice startled you. Before you could ask what he was talking about, you felt the moisture running down your cheeks. When did you start crying? “What’s the matter?” He tried again, his troubled eyes breaking your heart. ‘It’s nothing,’  that’s what you wanted to say, but your throat felt constricted as more tears fell. Hizashi didn’t need to hear you—he simply pulled you up into a proper hug, saying nothing as you cried in confused frustration. The music had stopped at some point during the sex, the only sound present now was your soft weeping. You let the soft rubs along your back soothe you, his other hand cradling your head. The tenderness of it all just made you want to cry more, but you held back and calmed yourself down and spoke. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” “Nothin’ to be sorry about, listener,” he returned to using that term, making this feel like another one of your friendly night talks. “It gets pretty intense sometimes.” He pulled you into a kiss, this one much lazier than the others. This was it. The kissing. It was too sweet, too sincere, the warmth of it blossomed something inside your chest that felt too earnest to be simple lust. Was he aware of what he was doing to you? Were you just overthinking this? Weren’t one-night stands supposed to have boundaries? Hizashi pulled out of you, leaving behind a sad emptiness that wanted him back immediately. He rose to his feet and headed to your bathroom, most likely to dispose of the condom. You heard his voice sound out of the room. “I’ve got little angels and devils to teach tomorrow, so I probably shouldn’t stay for long.”
Your heart felt like lead. “Okay,” you muttered. There really was nothing more to this. He was putting his boxers back on when he continued. “But…if it’s not too much to ask, maybe I can come by again?” What? Was he messing with you? “You’re serious?” You didn’t mean to sound so disbelieving, but your emotions were such a mess right now and you won’t appreciate having them toyed with. His pants were pulled up next. “One hundred percent serious!” He exclaimed with, dammit, that smile that lit up your entire being. “Maybe I’ll visit the cafe some more too. You were right about that croissant!” He returned to your side on the bed, wrapping an arm around your waist. “What I’m saying is, I think I like my favorite lady listener more than I thought.” Your heart was freed from its petrified state and swelled. Your arms swung around him before you could even stop yourself. “Hizashi…that’s so great but…you’re such a busy pro hero…I’m just a…how will this work?” You were rambling into his chest. “Easy girl, it’s nothing complicated. I’ll visit you whenever I have the time, alright? Ready to give you some support and…attention.” There’s that silly eyebrow wiggle again, making you laugh. You just kept on cuddling him, enjoying his presence for as long as you could tonight. A few minutes passed when you felt him shrug and break the silence. “Ah, what the hell.” He took hold of you and fell back onto the mattress with you now laying against him. “I guess I can stay for the night. I’ll just have to deal with waking up extra early tomorrow.” You snuggled into him and smiled. “Thank you,” you whispered. It’s unclear what kind of relationship you just formed with Hizashi; maybe this was only something temporary. All you knew is that you had him by your side, and you were going to cherish every minute of it and waste nothing. You’ll never waste a second of your life again.
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A birthday fic to correct the awful event Mammon got!
Countdown to Your Special Day
Mammon x Yuki (My MC)
Pronouns: Zie/zir, they/them. If it's easier to read, feel free to sub in they/them for the main pronouns
Tags: Light-hearted romance, fluff/comfort, slight misunderstandings, agender MC, self-indulgent
Words: 4436
[2 months and 1 day away]
-Yuki was curled up in the corner of the couch, concentrated on zir D.D.D. Zie had an open notebook next to zir, the pages filled with calculated numbers and final prices with names of potential websites beside them, some scribbled out and some circled.
-Mammon's birthday was coming up in a couple months, and Yuki had started late in saving money for the surprise zie had wanted to plan for him. He had mentioned it last year as an ideal day, and zie really wanted to make it happen, especially considering all zie did for him was write a bunch of heartfelt letters. Zie wanted to give him something to really experience this time.
-It was just a bit more expensive than zie had realized. Rentals next to a lake were nothing to sneeze at.
-So absorbed with zir phone, Yuki hadn't noticed Lucifer as he entered the library where zie had gone to avoid nosy demons.
-"What are you doing in here, Yuki?"
-Startled, zie dropped zir phone and reflexively covered the notebook. When Yuki realized it was Lucifer, zie relaxed and slumped back against the couch. "Oh, it's just you. Don't scare me like that."
-"That was a bit of a reaction. Are you doing something I should be aware of?"
-"No," was zir immediate response, but then zie reconsidered zir answer. Yuki had been fumbling numbers and trying to make a decision for hours. Zie wanted to do this zirself, but zie'd never done something like this and probably, reluctantly, needed some aid. "Actually, yeah. I need your... help."
-Lucifer blinked, surprised. He hadn't expected this stubborn human who actively tried to make his life harder to ask for help, but Yuki seemed genuine in zir request. "Alright. What is it?"
[1 month and 23 days away]
-Mammon was by the entrance to RAD, waiting for Yuki to come out so they could go home together. Zie had been preoccupied with Lucifer this morning and hadn't left with the younger brothers like usual.
-His day had felt off with Yuki's absence but walking home with zir would make up for it.
-Fiddling around on his D.D.D., checking his sells and ignoring demands from the witches, he occasionally glanced up when saw movement coming out, but it was never Yuki. Hearing familiar voices when the doors cracked open, Mammon took his attention off his phone. It was only Levi and Satan, but maybe Yuki was trailing shortly behind.
-"Mammon, what are you still doing here?"
-"Yeah, I thought you'd be long gone by now after the way you rushed out of the classroom."
-"Shaddup. What's it to ya?" He paused. "I was waitin' for Yuki. Did ya happen to see 'em in there?"
-"So honest. Just say that to begin with," Levi muttered.
-"I think Yuki left earlier with Barbatos."
-"Yep, I overheard Barbatos mention that Lord Diavolo wanted to talk with them about something."
-"What?! Yuki didn't mention anythin' about meetin' with Lord Diavolo to me."
-Satan quirked a bemused eyebrow at Mammon's response. "Why would Yuki need to run it by you about meeting with Lord Diavolo?"
-"LOLOL, it's because Yuki's been avoiding Mammon for a week now. He's been acting like a stray dog without Yuki around."
-Mammon bristled at Levi's comment but didn't rebuttal. He pocketed his phone and walked away from his brothers, darting through the courtyard to leave RAD.
-It was true Yuki had been distant-like the last few of days, but Mammon was sure it was temporary. Even he got tied up in circumstances and important events he couldn't squirm out of. Sometimes it couldn't be helped.
-It wasn't temporary.
[3 weeks and 5 days away]
-"Hey, Yuki--"
-"Sorry, Mammon, I'm running late for my shift. I'll talk to you later!"
-With that as a bye, Yuki was out the door and gone.
-Yuki was usually lackadaisical about any jobs zie took unless one of the brothers worked with zir or if the job required zir full attention. Mammon was usually the first to know if zie had to work, but when--
-"When did Yuki pick up a job?"
-"Jobs," Satan corrected. "Yuki is working at The Fall tonight."
-"The Fall?" Asmo questioned.
"Hold on, what do ya mean 'jobs'? I ain't heard Yuki say anythin' about picking up jobs willingly," Mammon stated, a bit annoyed. He was getting tired of hearing his brothers be more informed about Yuki than he was.
-"When was the last time Yuki actually talked to you, Mammon, that wasn't in passing?" Levi teased without bothering to look up from his game.
-"Hey! We've talked plenty!"
-"Sure, if you want to call those conversations."
-Mammon wanted to argue with Levi, but he really couldn't. He wasn't wrong. Yuki had been absent, and whenever Mammon did manage to talk to zir it was about short and trivial things. It made it hard not to be concerned about the situation of their relationship when Yuki, who was usually glued to his side and spent so much time with him, was suddenly avoiding him. His life had become a bit lonelier without Yuki around.
-"Anyway," Satan interjected, "they've been picking up a lot of shifts from different places the last few weeks. I'm surprised neither you or Asmo knew, considering the network you both have."
-"What the heck does that mean?"
-"It means you're gossiping normies," Levi jeered.
-"Is that s'posed to be an insult?"
-"Besides all that, I'm shocked Yuki picked up shifts at The Fall. I'd love to see the outfit their wearing," Asmo mused. "I'll have to visit them later! I'm sure Yuki will feel completely refreshed after seeing my lovely face."
-Oh, that's right. If Mammon visited Yuki during work hours, zie'd have no choice but to talk with him. He could finally ask zir what the hell has been going on and get an explanation. At the very least just see zir.
-"Well, I'm goin' too! So don't get any funny ideas!"
-"You're not going anywhere, Mammon. You have three extra credit assignments due soon, and you haven't started a single one. Have you?"
-Mammon jumped, frightened by Lucifer's sudden presence behind him. A nervous chill tingled down his spine, so he could only guess the scowl that Lucifer was burning into the back of his head. He tried searching for an excuse, but he was coming up dry.
-Dammit, Lucifer, any time but now!
"W-Well, ya see, dearest big bro--"
-Irritated, Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He could feel a headache creeping on him. "That's what I thought. Mammon, my room. Now. I'm going to watch you finish your assignments, even if it takes all night."
[6 days away]
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-Mammon simmered as he walked the hallway to Yuki's bedroom. Yuki had seen his messages, but zie was hardly responding to them, if zie did at all. The thought that he had unconsciously done or said something to offend Yuki teased his anxiety, but Mammon quickly squished it. Zie'd just been busy with work and had no off days, but according to Satan, zie only had one more shift.
-One more day that zie would be busy, but then after that zie'd have tons of free time. Yuki will be back by zir favorite demon's side, and then everything else will fall smoothly back into place.
-It was absurd how empty Mammon could feel with Yuki missing from his daily routines. It was worse than when zie had left, when all he could think about was zir where ever he went. Yuki was here though, so he didn't miss zir physically, not like when zie returned home.
-He missed talking with his human, about anything. He missed expecting to see zir when he turned his head. He was missing a piece of a puzzle, and it was aggravating when it was just in grasp, hiding from him.
-Yuki was going to receive a real earful. He deserved that much of complaining after how he'd been treated.
-That could wait though.
-It had been a while since Mammon and Yuki had gone out on a date, and he had just gotten paid from his latest photoshoot. He was confident if he met with Yuki face-to-face and invited zir out zie wouldn't say no.
-That had been the plan until he saw Yuki coming the down the corridor, walking with a purpose. An antsy feeling stabbed him in the gut.
-Yuki froze mid-stride as Mammon approached zir. "Mammon."
-"Yeah, me! The Great Mammon has decided to bless ya with his presence since ya keep ignorin' my messages. Anyway! Guess who got paid today with a bonus? And guess who's gettin' treated to whatever they feel like tomorrow tonight?"
-"Sorry, Mammon, I can't. I have to go to the human world with Lucifer."
-"What'd'ya mean? I didn't hear nothin' 'bout Lucifer havin' to go to the human world."
"Regardless of what you did or didn't hear, it's true all the same. Yuki and I have an appointment in the human world and won't be back for a couple days. Your plans will have to be postponed for later."
-Why was something always blindsiding him lately?
-"What?! Well, if Yuki's goin', I'm goin' too!"
-"Absolutely not. I don't need you causing havoc when I take my eyes off you for more than a second. Don't worry, though, I'll need your company next week for a special trip to the human world."
-It had been quick, but Mammon had thought he had seen Yuki flicked zir eyes at Lucifer.
-"Mammon, it's just for a couple days. Do your best to tough it out. We'll hang out plenty after, okay?"
"Ya better keep your word."
[The Night Before]
-"Mammon, don't forget you're accompanying me to the human world tomorrow morning," Lucifer announced when everyone had sat down for dinner.
-"Yeah, yeah, I remember," Mammon replied. He wasn't the least bit interested in being ordered around doing paperwork and errands. Catching movement from his peripheral, Mammon noticed Yuki trying to look at him without being obvious. He just got zir back, and they had hardly spent any time together. He didn't want to leave, even if it was just a day. More than anything, he wanted to stay with Yuki. "You should definitely come too. You agree, don't ya, Yuki?"
-Yuki barely had the chance to open zir mouth, let alone formulate an answer, before Lucifer answered instead. "No, Yuki has other affairs to attend tomorrow. It's only a day, Mammon. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it, so don't complain."
-There wasn't any further comments about the trip, but Mammon made it obvious he was still hot under the collar with the way he stomped away, taking Yuki right along with him, when dinner concluded. He had been on cleaning duty with Belphie, but Lucifer offered in his place, quelling any complaints.
-Lucifer smiled amusedly to himself as he cleared the table. If only Mammon was aware enough to know what was planned for the day.
-"I can't believe that jerk," Mammon remarked as he dropped onto Yuki's bed. Yuki rolled zir eyes in response before sitting beside the grumpy demon. "I had plans I wanted to do tomorrow, ya know? Dammit! He just came back from the human world!"
-"Did you actually have plans?" Yuki asked it with a sarcastic tone, but zie was suddenly concerned. It was his birthday tomorrow, so maybe he had made plans that Yuki hadn't accounted for.
-Mammon glared at Yuki, his cheeks a shade darker than a moment prior, either from frustration or embarrassment wasn't certain. "I did," he stated softly.
"With who?"
"You, obviously!"
"Wait, we had plans tomorrow? What di--"
-Before Yuki could finish Mammon yanked zir down next to him, hugging zir tightly. Momentarily surprised, Yuki was slow to return the embrace. Zie expected him to be a bit clingy because zie'd been unavailable to be with him for a while, but this hug felt a bit too tight, desperate.
-"You said we could hang out after y'all returned from the human world, but we ain't had much time without being interrupted or the others butting in."
-"Ah. You're right," Yuki agreed. It's funny how zie had been planning this whole affair for Mammon, but in the process has unintentionally abandoned. Zie regretted that.
-"You're warm," he muttered into zir neck. "..I've missed ya like crazy. I've been dyin' to hug you, but it isn't actually enough now that I am. I'm not lettin' you go for the rest of the night."
-A soft sting of guilt hit Yuki's heart. Zie probably could have done a better job of trying to keep the surprise a secret without leaving Mammon completely in the dark, but between the jobs and helping Diavolo and classes taking up the majority of zir time... No, that wasn't an excuse. Yuki had hurt Mammon. That was obvious.
-Yuki entangled zir legs with Mammon's and reached zir arms around his waist, holding him close. Zie took a moment to just be with Mammon, inhaling his smell, hearing his heart beat. Zie had missed him too, a whole bunch, almost too much, but hopefully tomorrow would make up for the weeks of absence and neglect. "I missed you, too, Mammon. Just put up with it for a little bit longer."
[The Day!]
-"Happy birthday, Mammon!!"
-He had heard Yuki's voice before he had actually seen zir. He was flabbergasted to see zir come out of the cabin he had arrived at.
-When Mammon had woken up and joined the others for breakfast, Yuki had already left. It wasn't long after that Lucifer and he prepared for the trip to the human world. He had dragged his feet and groaned, making a show of not wanting to go. When Lucifer had sent Mammon ahead of him to get things ready, he thought it had been a punishment for his attitude, but after coming through the portal into the human world, he realized it wasn't in the city or anywhere near the hotel they usually stayed at.
-The scenery was beautiful and spacious, open in nature with cabins lining a sparking lake that had docks and piers dividing it. Unlike the city cramped full of people and towering buildings designed with glaring windows that bounced the bright sunlight off of them and funky smells, this area was full of trees that casted cool shadows and a refreshing breeze that rustled the leaves.
-Mammon was absolutely gobsmacked.
-Yuki beamed when zie saw the awestruck trance Mammon was in. Zie was hoping he'd like it. Mammon was definitely a city boy, but Yuki took a guess he enjoyed the lure of natural scenery too, based on their picnic date and walks through the forests.
-Mammon's daze broke when he saw Yuki approaching him. "What's goin' on, Yuki?"
-"C'mon, ya dummy, think! You didn't expect Lucifer to make you go on a business trip on your birthday, did you? It was his way of bringing you up here without being suspicious. Although, I thought you definitely would've caught on last week with what he said."
-He had completely forgotten about his birthday. Mammon had been entirely focused on Yuki and zir strange attitude that he'd spaced on even the date.
-"Yeah, so," Yuki stepped back and spread zir arms out, displaying the lake on zir right and the cabin on zir left, "happy birthday... again! You mentioned a cabin by a lake as an ideal place to go, and you also wanted to rent a boat in the park, so I thought merging the two together would be a good idea! On top of that, I plan to 'spoil ya rotten all day'. What does the Great Mammon think?"
-"Ya know, I'm not deaf to the mocking tone. You're killin' the mood before it's even started, but I guess I can let it slide!"
[Final Hours]
-As the dimming daylight darkened through the pulled curtains, Yuki and Mammon lounged restfully on the couch. Mammon used Yuki's lap as a pillow as zie stroked zir fingers against his head. The tingling feeling traveled down his spine and relaxed his body. He could probably fall asleep in this position with Yuki brushing his hair with such tender touches. If they were at the House of Lamentation, they wouldn't be able to have this kind of moment without being interrupted by his brothers. Too bad the day was coming to an end.
-Dwelling on the negative thought caused him to unintentionally frown, and Yuki noticed the crease on his brow. Zie poked his forehead to get his attention, and his eyes opened to see Yuki leaning over him.
-"What are you thinking about?"
-"That we'll have to go back to the Devildom tomorrow. How am I s'posed to accept that after today? Today was too good to end like that, ya know?"
-Yuki hummed in agreement. Zie briefly looked away as a thoughtful expression morphed zir features. "Well," zie started, zir eyes focused back on Mammon, "I couldn't afford to stay for more than one night. My birthday is just a few months away, so maybe you could plan something for us, like when you rented the pool."
-Mammon felt a pang of short-lived guilt for complaining. Yuki had worked hard to save enough money to rent this cabin, even with Diavolo hooking zir up months in advance. "I still can't believe ya didn't just tell me. I was actually..."
-"Worried you did something? Sorry, Mammon. I should have said something, but I was nervous that I couldn't keep it a secret. I was too excited to not tell you, but then the jobs piled up and I promised to help Diavolo in exchange for talking the price down with the owner. I shouldn't have ignored you though. I'm sorry."
-There was a lull in their conversation, but it was only a slightly weighted silence. The misunderstandings were cleared up and today was one of the best days Mammon had ever had, spending it alone with Yuki. He would have enjoyed it even if it hadn't been his birthday and with Yuki pampering him all day.
-"C'mere," Mammon said as he placed a warm hand against the back of Yuki's neck, pulling zir down for a kiss. "You're goin' to have to take responsibility for my feelings. You're the reason I was stressin' out. The whole time you were busy workin' your ass off for this trip, I was thinkin' of you. As your first, I'm entitled to know what you're doin'. I'm gonna get my fill of ya tonight before we have to head home. I've got weeks worth to get outta ya."
-Yuki's cheeks heated as Mammon greedily kissed zir lips. Zie silently agreed that zie wanted to get the most out of Mammon while they were still alone, but one night of trying to cram almost a month and a half of time lost wasn't possible.
-"Your lips are warm," Mammon murmured as they separated. "That wasn't nearly enough to satisfy me though. I wanna show ya how much I appreciate you."
-"What, uh, what do you wanna do?"
-"Right now? Nothin'. Bein' with ya like this is enough for the moment. I love you, Yuki."
-An explosion of emotions surged through Yuki's chest to the rest of zir body, making zir giddy with adoration. Zie wasn't sure how zie was containing it, but staring down into Mammon's eyes, seeing his tinted cheeks, and him just relaxing with zir simultaneously fueled zir feelings more while also grounding zir.
-"I love you, too, Mammon."
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wherevermyway · 4 years
the FiVE:RACHA project (1/7) // black mirror AU // 18+
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chapter one: freedom series navigation: [desktop] [mobile]
⚠ POTENTIAL TW: READ WITH CAUTION! ⚠ pairings: lee minho x kim seungmin | hwang hyunjin x lee felix x yang jeongin | bang chan x seo changbin x han jisung rating: explicit! 18+ warnings/tags: creator chose not to use archive warnings, descent into madness, horror, thriller, technological implants, blood and gore, alcohol abuse, some sexual content in later chapters but it’s not, like, smut. word count: 3,101 also on AO3
PS: i made a carrd for this. check it out if you’re interested!
originally posted: 26 december 2020
Several years ago, five men created a website for South Korea's international rap sensation, 3RACHA. The website, The FiVE:RACHA Project, was almost as popular as the group themselves. About two years after the website went live, FiVE:RACHA had the opportunity to meet 3RACHA.
Immediately after they meet, the members of FiVE:RACHA and 3RACHA go missing. The FiVE:RACHA Project website is down. Their Twitter account has been deactivated, and 3RACHA stops posting. A few months after their meetup, it was announced that 3RACHA had disbanded. Nobody knows what happened to either group.
Nobody knows, until now.
For some, modern day fame comes at a price that is too high to pay.
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disclaimer: this is a work of fiction! any reference to persons in this work of fiction are purely coincidental. the characters referenced from Stray Kids are  interpretations loosely based on their personalities in the group and do  not represent the real people behind the personas. if this, or any of  the content included in the warnings above make you uncomfortable,  please stop reading now.
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// note: with other darker stuff i post, i’m not totally sure i’ll post the entirety of this fic on tumblr. if not, i’ll do a little notice post for people interested to keep following it on AO3.
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...Do you wish to proceed? To learn the truth of FiVE:RACHA and 3RACHA?
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What is the true price of fame?
A Foreword:
Several years ago, there was a fan site, The FiVE:RACHA Project, dedicated to South Korea’s most famous rap group, 3RACHA. One day, it went down without notice. The site, as well as their Twitter account with over four million followers, was almost as well-known as the rap group itself.
3RACHA mysteriously disbanded several months after FiVE:RACHA went down. Nobody has seen or heard from the members of either group since the disbandment. There are several theories and myths surrounding the disappearances of both groups, but most of them are incorrect.
Be aware that, no, FiVE:RACHA did not go down because the site moderators were bored of 3RACHA. No, 3RACHA did not disband because Supreme Entertainment was about to collapse due to widespread fraud and their political scandals within the Korean government.
The stories of FiVE:RACHA and 3RACHA are very much deeply intertwined within each other, and the truth is uncomfortable to witness.
This novel’s authors, comprised of some of the most loyal fans of both groups, will remain anonymous and stay in hiding due to fear of being caught by the one responsible for the disappearances. An individual outside of our group found a Shinyu of someone involved in this, someone discarded in the Han River many years ago. How the implant survived with no living host for so long is beyond remarkable.
In case the Shinyu is defunct or replaced by the time you’re reading this, allow us to explain. The name comes from “close friend” in Japanese, likely as a play on words for how close the implant gets to its host, both physically and socially. The Shinyu was created in Tokyo in 2025; it is a small technological implant embedded under the skin of the right side of everyone’s temples.
Everyone has one placed at thirteen, and it encodes all of our visual, tactile, and auditory data, syncing it to our phones and uploading it to personal servers in the cloud. The data is encrypted, and requires access from both the Shinyu and the phone to decipher. It allows us to integrate technology into our daily lives, records our memories and important moments, but there is a price we all pay for this. Critics have been outspoken about this since its inception, but the governments never listened.
Alas, we digress. The Shinyu is vital to uncovering so much information that has been hidden and speculated on after all this time. Regardless of our personal opinions regarding the ethics of the device, we are grateful that we were able to obtain one of the implants. It has been vital to connect a lot of the missing pieces of the greater picture.
The authors have spent years decoding the information from this implant. Thanks to an anonymous source, we were able to obtain the personal computer of someone in FiVE:RACHA, personal cell phones of both groups, access to the database of Supreme Entertainment and its defunct myIdol data, some declassified legal information, and archives of both FiVE:RACHA and 3RACHA’s Twitter accounts.
Why have we chosen to extrapolate all of this data in the form of a novel? Perhaps we would like it to serve as a modern day parable for the plights of technology being so intricately interwoven between us all now. We, as humans, are now one with technology. Technology is literally embedded into us. It is astounding that technology allows us to interact so closely with famed idols now, beyond some barriers that critics have denounced for being inappropriate or unhealthy.
Some of us may pay the ultimate price for this.
Some of us, unfortunately, already have.
However interconnected we are with technology and how close we can get to those of which we idolize in society, though, humans will still crave entertainment. That is why this was written almost as a work of fiction. Those that pay attention to the story will be rewarded. Maybe not immediately, and maybe only after self-reflection, but readers will be rewarded. That much can be promised.
Above all else, we cannot stress enough that modern day fame and convenience comes at a price that is too high for some to pay. Stay safe, err on the side of caution. Disconnect from your Shinyu if you choose to proceed any further, because you never know who is watching.
— Curators of The FiVE:RACHA Project
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One: Freedom
Nobody really knows who exactly manages FiVE:RACHA, just that it’s a group of five fans that run a fansite for the popular rap group 3RACHA. Their website is the most well-known and widely used out of the millions of fans that are out there. It always has live updates for the members: Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, and Han Jisung. There are daily paparazzi photos of at least one of them slapped up on the front page, embedded social media posts from each of the members updated as soon as they post, and hard-to-find facts about each of them.
Hell, one of the FiVE:RACHA members went through and coded up a section of the site dedicated to decoding natal charts for each of the members. Again, like most things about FiVE:RACHA, the source of this information was a mystery. Nobody’s sure exactly how they obtained 3RACHA’s birth times and locations. Some had speculated that it happened the same day the government had announced that there was a security breach of some of their databases, because the timing was oddly convenient.
To most casual fans, it sometimes felt really fucking weird to have so much information on idols readily available at their fingertips. However, to 3RACHA’s most dedicated, most obsessed fans, it was perfect. Exactly what they wanted. Their work seemed well-appreciated by the broader community, since the amount of Twitter followers FiVE:RACHA had was comparable to 3RACHA’s following, nearly half of their total count: 4,100,000 to 8,500,000.
There was nothing else that could compare to the controlled insanity that The FiVE:RACHA Project had to offer.
The FiVE:RACHA website was an international sensation, known to most 3RACHA fans, even those that opposed it. There was even a small, but growing, fanbase for the members of FiVE:RACHA, something that was slightly worrisome to them, but they had remained anonymous for so long, they weren’t really overtly concerned over it.
“This article is bullshit, man. ‘Controlled insanity’? None of this is controlled, it’s just insanity.”
Idle hums and trills of various electronics thrum in a dark room. Two young men stare at several computer monitors in a daze, lost in their own worlds as a ticker tape-like feed of coding and statistics flew past them on screen.“Let ‘em talk, dude,” the younger-looking man with blue hair scoots away from his computer and sighs. “Fuckin’ gossip rags. Anyway, I can’t stare at this CSS anymore. I can’t figure out why the embedded feeds are busted. Can you take over on this, Seung?”
The slightly older man with short, shaggy black hair rolls his neck, snapping some joints, not bothering to look away from his screens. “Yeah, yeah,” he stops poring over the article written about them on one screen, tabbing away to another. He cracks the knuckles in his fingers, and waves his hand in the air as he taps a couple of keys on his keyboard. “Go take a break, Jeongin. Hyunjin was looking for you, anyways. Probably got something good from a source of his, since he’s in one of his giddy moods.”
As Seungmin settles into his work, Jeongin chuckles as he stands up and stretches. He takes a couple steps over to the other computer desk and pats the older man on the back. “Thanks, dude,” he says with a smile and walks out of the server room, out into the hallway that leads into the open living room of their flat. The ambient humming of the room stops as he shuts the door, now replaced by the sound of his feet shuffling, the muffled noises echoing against the hardwood floor.
Five men all lived and worked in this large apartment together: Yang Jeongin, Kim Seungmin, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, and Lee Minho. Collectively, this was where they lived and breathed The FiVE:RACHA Project. Running the largest, most extensive fansite for South Korea’s most famous rap group, 3RACHA, was more than a full-time job. They all equally poured their hearts and souls into maintaining the website and their Twitter account. It proved to be almost too much for five people alone to handle as their shifts sometimes went from twelve hours and bled into sixteen, sometimes twenty-four hour shifts.
Minho, the leader, didn’t trust anyone but the original five to the project, however. Jeongin could hear the oldest man’s airy voice echo in his ears: “I trusted the four of you with this. Now, it’s devolved into something I don’t even recognize. There’s no way anyone deserves to see what we’ve done. Imagine if it got out that we were the ones in charge of this monstrosity?”
Jeongin glided into the kitchen, and pulled his phone out of his back pocket, eyeing the time. 13:36. He had another hour left of his shift, and he was exhausted after yesterday’s all-nighter. 33 hours of work, with only a small nap in between was rough on anyone, and he was starting to feel it, physically. His Shinyu Implant would ping him once every hour that he was very low on sleep, reminding him that it was unhealthy to go without sleep for so long and that he would not be able to drive. As he slinked his way to the fridge, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and yawned. He opened the fridge, the contents in the shelves of the door clattering as they abruptly shifted around.
The first thing he saw was a bottle of unsweetened coffee and, while he knew he shouldn’t drink caffeine within a few hours of hopeful sleep, Jeongin went against his instincts and reached for the bottle anyways. As he opened it, the cracking of the seal reverberated against all of the hard surfaces and sounded much louder than it should have, startling the man awake a bit.
He hated unsweetened coffee, but there was no way he would make it through another hour or so of coding maintenance without it. Jeongin polished off the entire bottle within seconds, grimacing in disgust the entire time. He tapped his right temple twice, and grumbled. “Set reminder, after work: grocery shopping. Have Hyunjin drive. Add to list: energy drinks. The good kind, none of that berry-flavoured shit.” A very faint, nearly inaudible ding responds after he’s done speaking, and Jeongin moves to discard the bottle into the recycling bin.
“Innie?” Almost as if the devil himself heard Jeongin’s request, a familiar voice rounded the corner of the kitchen. “Oh, good, I thought that was you. Anyway, you won’t believe the content I got from Yeji at Seoul Scoop, dude,” the lanky, beacon-like blond grins wildly at Jeongin, walking into the kitchen. “I actually got a photo of Chan and Changbin looking awfully close at KNECT’s backstage event a couple days ago. Think they were celebrating their recent win a little too hard.”
Hyunjin proudly slaps a grainy photo down on the countertop, where Changbin is sitting in Chan’s lap, arms wrapped around the older man’s neck. Sure, it could easily be explained away as friendly closeness, since everyone knew that all of the guys were very close friends, and the area was cramped. The photo, however, would cause a lot of panic within the community.
Jeongin smirked as he eyed the photo, taking it into his fingers and bringing it up close to his face. “The shippers are going to have a field day over this, you know.”
“I know,” Hyunjin shakes some of his hair out of his face as he arrogantly places a hand on his hip, shifting his weight to one side. “It’ll be great traffic for the site. I’ll have Seungmin put it on the front page later.” He takes a couple of steps closer to Jeongin and pulls the younger man to his chest, stroking his hair down. “I love you, but you look like shit. Why not call it a little early today?”
Jeongin shook his head, burying his nose into the older man’s shoulder, letting his eyes flutter shut with a sigh. “Seungmin and I are trying to fix a string of broken code that’s causing the social media feed to bug out a little bit. Definitely wanna have that fixed before we upload this.”
A clattering of keys startles both of the younger men, causing them to look behind Hyunjin. “Don’t worry about it, Jeongin,” a third voice speaks from the entrance of the kitchen. “Seriously, you worked really hard yesterday, and I’m sure we’ll manage. I’ll be sure to wake up Felix a little earlier and we’ll fix the coding.”
“You’re home early, Minho,” Jeongin chuckles once as he nods. “Figured you’d be stuck in the office for a few more hours.”
“Nah,” Minho dismissively waves his hand in the air as he walks over to the sink, rinsing his hands. “Seungmin called me earlier and said you were nodding off at your desk, asked me to come home early.”
A look of guilt washed over Jeongin’s face. “Shit, my bad.”
“Don’t apologize,” Minho smiles as he towels off his hands. “I appreciate all of the work you did yesterday; completely revamping the social media section was hard. But I can’t have you possibly miscode something and have it break the site because you’re running low on sleep. You’ve started getting pings, haven’t you?”
Jeongin sheepishly nods his head and mumbles an affirmation.
Hyunjin rolls his eyes and elbows the young man in the side. “I thought I told you to take a nap, dude?”
“I did!” Jeongin whines. “It was, like, a half-hour, though.”
Both Hyunjin and Minho roll their eyes at Jeongin. “Get out of here,” Minho scoffs, walking towards the server room. “Go to bed. I don’t wanna see you back in the server room until tomorrow morning.”
Jeongin opens his mouth to protest, but Hyunjin drags him away, up the stairs towards their bedroom. A ping comes from his implant, a transparent box popping up in the lower right-hand corner of his vision. The soft voice of the AI reverberates against his skull, allowing him to hear it as if it were a real voice whispering into his ear. It reads off the notification from his display.
“Movement away from workplace detected. Reminder: grocery shopping later, have Hyunjin drive. Would you like me to pull up your list?”
“No.” A low grumble comes up from Jeongin’s throat as he taps his temple twice to dismiss the notification. “Hyunjin,” he sighs, “we’ve gotta go grocery shopping.”
“You’re too tired,” Hyunjin shakes his finger without turning to look at Jeongin. “The grocery store will still be there tomorrow.”
“I’m out of my energy drinks, though,” the younger man protests.
Hyunjin smiles, opening the door to their bedroom and whispers. “I’ll be sure to get some for you. Go cuddle up with Felix and get some sleep.”
“Hyunjin, I—” Jeongin is cut off as the older man grabs his wrist, pulling him into his chest. They share a brief kiss before Hyunjin guides him into the bedroom.
“Shh, Lixie is sleeping.”
There’s a shuffling that comes from the bedsheets, and a sleepy voice grumbles. “Not anymore.”
“Aw, mornin’, babe,” Hyunjin says with a smile. “Sorry to wake you. Minho’s probably gonna come ask for you in a bit, anyways, though.”
Felix rolls over, sitting upright as he runs his hands through his brassy blond hair. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” Jeongin sighs as he makes his way over to the bed, bringing an arm up to the blond and wrapping him in a lazy hug as he pulls them down to the bed.
The blond lets out a soft laugh. “Don’t worry about it, man,” he turns his head to face the bluenette and offers him a quick peck on the lips. “I couldn’t sleep much, anyways. Finding out about that myIdol rumour yesterday had my brain going kind of wild.”
“You heard about it too, huh?” Hyunjin says, colliding down onto the bed opposite of Felix. “Someone at Seoul Scoop told me about it this morning. It lets fans connect with their idols, like they’re actually directly messaging them.”
“That’s weird,” the bluenette sleepily grumbles into Felix’s shoulder.
“I think so, too.” Felix says with a frown as he nuzzles his head against Jeongin’s forehead, staring up into the ceiling.
Hyunjin shrugs with indifference. “I dunno, I think it’s pretty interesting.”
Jeongin lifts his head and stares down Hyunjin with a smirk. “You just want to pretend like Changbin cares about you.”
The older blond frowns as he flips off Jeongin. “Like you wouldn’t want Jisung to send you a ‘Have a wonderful day, bestie!’ message?”
The youngest member flops back down onto the bed. “Okay, that’s fair. It’s still weird, though. Seems so artificial and fake, I guess.”
“Well,” Hyunjin sits up, offering a hand out to Felix, “I’ll have more information on it tomorrow, probably. Why don’t you let yourself sleep for a while?” Felix takes the hand offered to him, and both men stand up. “Lixie and I will go out and get some groceries and get you those nasty energy drinks you like so much.”
Jeongin grumbles as he wiggles his way up to the pillows, half-asleep and irritated from the loss of warmth from Felix. “Just not the berry ones, okay?”
“I’ll see what we can do,” Hyunjin says with a smirk before he spins on his heel and walks out of the room. “Love you, Innie!”
“Don’t worry,” Felix leans down to kiss Jeongin’s forehead, “I’ll make sure he doesn’t get the kinds you hate. Let yourself actually sleep, too. We’ll make it all work out, okay?”
Jeongin mutters some sort of incoherent affirmation as he lets his heavy eyelids flutter shut. Seungmin would be able to fix the CSS by himself, he figured, trying not to worry too much about how broken small parts of the site were. He heard Felix say something else as he quickly faded off into sleep, but it didn’t register fully as he sank into the abyss.
There were a lot of sleepless nights ahead of them, whether FiVE:RACHA felt it coming or not.
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teamhook · 4 years
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I want to thank @captainswanmoviemarathon and the shipmates on Discord.
I want to thank my Beta @ultraluckycatnd for her patience.
Chapter 2
The next day at work started as any other day. David was explaining the features of a Blu-ray player to an older man. 
Leroy was grumbling about Astrid forgetting to pack his lunch again, so he announced he would go pick up something to eat for the group.  
Arthur was idling by until a new customer arrived.
Killian was in his little office working, hoping today would be a better day.
The difference was that today a beautiful blonde entered the store. She was wearing some tight jeans and a red leather jacket. Arthur admired her from afar as she walked down the store aisles.
She stopped in front of the cameras and her head tilted to the side slightly. 
“Excuse me, Miss. Is there anything I can help you with?” Arthur smoothly asked. 
She turned to face him and glanced at the cameras. “I’m looking for a camera. Something cheap but decent quality.” She turned her attention back to him only to notice he was staring at her chest as if he could see through the sheer material that covered her breasts.
Killian was walking from his workspace as he noticed Arthur talking to a customer. He stopped for a second when he could see the woman’s face. It was the lovely lass who came to his home looking for Lacey. She looked stiff, no, uncomfortable. Bloody hell, Arthur was creeping her out. It was time for a dashing rescue.
Killian approached and greeted them. “Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt.” He smiled at her and turned his attention to Arthur. “Mate, Cruella is looking for you.” 
Arthur grimaced. “I’m with a customer, Killian.”
“I’m sorry, mate, she says it’s urgent.” 
Arthur rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry, Miss. Killian will take care of you.” Arthur walked slowly to the back, clearly in no hurry to deal with their boss.
“I’m sorry, Miss. You looked uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, well your coworker is a jerk, but no one saves me but me. I was about to punch him in the face.”
Killian smiled at her. “I see, you’re a tough lass. How can I be of help, my lady?”
She smiled back. “I was telling Mr. Douche that I need a camera. I’m looking for a camera for my kid. He wants to sell stuff on eBay. And I'm not your lady. My name is Emma.”
“Oh, do you have a price range or any brand preference?” He couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Of course, a beautiful lass like her couldn’t possibly be single. He was not that lucky. 
“No, I don’t. I need something inexpensive but gets the work done. He's only doing it to earn money for some writing camp. He wants to be a writer when he’s older.” 
“He sounds like a wonderful young man. You and your husband must be very proud.”
“Is that your subtle way of asking if I’m married?” Emma smiled sarcastically at him. 
Killian scratched behind his ear and stuttered his denial. “No, it would be inappropriate for me to ask.”
“Would it be inappropriate if I said I’m a single mom?”
“No, it’s not. Um.” His attention turned to the cameras on display and he grabbed one. “This is a Nikon Coolpix A100 20 MP Digital Camera and it’s $98.99, but with my employee discount I can knock it down for you to $79.13. I think it will work for what your boy needs.” He smiled.
“You don’t have to use your employee discount,” Emma insisted. 
“It’s the least I can do. Arthur was unprofessional and it's a thank you for warning me about Lacey.” Killian smiled as he handed the camera to her.
Emma eyed him suspiciously; most men only do nice things for her if they want something, but this guy seemed genuinely kind. “Okay, but maybe I can buy you a coffee or something?” 
“That’s not necessary, lass. I just hope it’s of use for your boy.”
They walked to the cashier section, and Killian went behind the counter to charge her. She thanked him, and he watched her walk away for the second time.
No sooner had she left, when Arthur returned from the back office. “Hey, Jones. Cruella wasn't even looking for me, and because of you, she kept me in her office, trying to get me to,” he shuddered, “to ‘service her'.”
Killian winced. Cruella tended to attack Arthur and himself exclusively since David and Robin were both unavailable and Leroy was Leroy. 
Arthur shook it off. “So, where’s the hot blonde?”
Killian glared. “I helped her find a camera for her son.” He had a feeling that the fact she had a child would definitely be a turn off for Arthur. 
“She has a kid? What a waste.” Arthur walked away and put the blonde in the hell no category.
Later on that day, Killian was enjoying his lunch in the solitude of his little workstation. Arthur smiled at him as he entered. “Hey, I’ve been thinking; we should go out. Just the two of us?”
Killian stared at Arthur. 
“Hey man, it’s just unnatural for you to still be a virgin. I mean, you are not that bad looking. Yeah, a little nerdy, but I think we can find a willing woman to do you the favor. If we can’t get anyone, I’m sure Cruella would gladly offer herself.”
Killian’s ears turned red. “I don’t know, mate. I have plans.”
“Come on, what are you going to do? Go home and eat dinner, then watch some nerdy show and finally sleep? Think about it.” Arthur walked away.
Killian regretted not accepting the cup of coffee the lovely lass had offered. He was sure Arthur meant well, at least in his own way. Would it be so horrible to find a nice girl to be with? The right girl? Maybe she had long, blonde hair and sparkling green eyes.
It had been a few days since Emma purchased the camera for Henry. Her kid had loved it; he had been so excited. She had briefly mentioned how helpful Killian had been and that he had some collectibles. Her kid’s eyes grew wide. She had to add that she didn’t think Killian would be selling them, but if he wanted, she could ask for Killian to show them to him. Would it be too forward? There was something about the guy she really liked. He was nice and a gentleman. Hmm, there weren’t too many of those around anymore.   
Henry had noticed his mom had a genuine smile when she handed him the camera. There was more to it, but he wouldn’t pry. Just yet anyway. 
At dinner some days later, Henry asked, “Mom, I was wondering if I could spend Friday night over at Avery’s? We are working on a project for school.”
“Sure kid, what are you guys working on?”  Emma asked as she took a drink. 
“It’s a special project and I also have to work on my submission for writer’s camp,” he said looking down.
“Alright, do you need anything for it?” 
“Well, my computer hard-drive needs cleaning and it's running a bit slow. I was wondering if we could take it to the IT guy at that place you bought my camera. I checked their website and the prices are reasonable.”
“Oh, okay. We can do that. Do we need to make an appointment? The place is small, not a big electronic chain company,” Emma said. “This has nothing to do with your curiosity over the toy collection I saw, right?”
Henry smiled. “Nope, I promise. But if he wants to show his action figure to me I won’t complain.” He shrugged, donning a big, toothy grin. 
“I don’t know if it was a mistake telling you about that collection or not, kid. He might be a nice man but maybe I overstepped.” Emma said, smiling back. “Are you going to tell me anything about the special project or your submission for the camp?”
Henry studied his mom’s face. “I want you to be surprised.” 
“Alright. I won’t pressure you into telling me. We can go tomorrow right after school. Okay?” 
“Thanks Mom!” he said with a big grin. 
The grumpy man gave Emma and a smiling Henry directions to Killian’s workstation and they walked directly there. 
The space was immaculate. She noticed a small bell on the desk, so she rang it. From the back room there was some clattering, and some muttering was heard right before a booming voice shouted out, “I’ll be right with you. One second please.” 
Emma turned to Henry and ruffled his head fondly. 
Killian appeared from the room. A bright smile landed on his face as soon as he noticed who it was. “Hello, how may I help you?”
“Oh, hello. Uhm.” She nudged Henry. 
“Hello, I’m Henry and I was wondering if you could take a look at my laptop. I think it needs cleaning, it’s running slow.”
Killian took the laptop from the lad. “Hello, Henry. I’m Killian and I can gladly do that. Just let me run a diagnostic on it.” He went to the back room and came back with a flash drive and installed his program on the laptop. He gave Emma and Henry a smile. “It shouldn’t take long.”
It’s Henry’s turn to nudge Emma. Killian was looking at the exchange. 
“Killian, I-” Emma said.
Killian’s attention returned to his task as he checked the computer for the results of a possible virus. His brow furrowed as he did his work. 
Emma studied his movements. 
Henry observed his mom, and knew she deserved happiness. She had been alone for so long. When he asked why, she simply said “You’re all I need.” He wasn’t a fool; yes, he was young, but he knew better.
Killian felt her eyes on him, and blushed. He tried to keep his voice steady. “Lass, this might take a wee bit longer than I expected. If you prefer, you and the lad can go to the diner around the corner. I will give you a call when the computer is ready.”
Emma smiled. “Oh, okay, we can do that. What do you say kid?”
“I can eat,” Henry said as his belly growled. 
After thanking Killian for the recommendation, Emma and Henry head out to the diner, while Killian sighed and got back to work. Once he was finished, he dug out the card Emma had given him when they first met and made the call.
Emma and Henry arrived shortly with a takeout bag. Emma placed the bag on the tidy desk. “Thank you for the recommendation. To thank you, we got you a snack. I wasn’t sure what you like, so I got you our favorite. Grilled cheese and onion rings.”
Killian smiled. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know, but you’ve been so kind.” Emma smiled back.
Henry watched the exchange with a smile. He knew it, his mom liked this guy, but getting her to admit it would be the challenge.
Killian cleared his throat. “Your total is $55.99.” The tips of his ears turned red. 
Henry grabbed the laptop and put it in its bag. “Wait, I thought it was $99 for a PC-tuneup?” he said as he pulled out crunched up $20 bills from his pocket. 
Killian smiled. “Aye lad, but I’m including my discount. Your mother said you are trying to save money for writer’s camp.” He handed Henry back his money.
Emma couldn’t believe her ears. He had truly listened to her, and he was genuinely so nice to Henry. 
Henry smiled and lightly blushed. “Thank you.” 
Emma smiled as she paid. She paused for a second, thinking maybe she should ask him out for coffee.
Killian took Emma’s money with a bashful smile as he gave her the receipt. Their eyes met briefly, both full of longing. She smiled as she took the receipt and almost whispered her goodbyes to him. 
His ears were burning. He wanted so badly to ask her out to dinner for a date, but it would be bad form to ask her in front of her lad.  Another opportunity wasted.
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saleintothe90s · 4 years
427. Super Bowl 1991 Commercials (1/27/1991)
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(I love that this carefree ad ran in the WE’RE AT WAR issue of my local paper, Daily Press, ten days before the Super Bowl):
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I believe my mom would save the papers from the war, and send them to my dad who was out to sea at the time. That’s the only reason why we still have this copy that’s in my collection right now (I took this pic back in 2017 when I re-found it). 
So, anyway, just like 30 years ago, Super Bowl 2021 is being held during an uncertain time in the country, and just like in 1991, advertisers were hesitant. Diet Pepsi pulled a “call this number for your chance at a million dollars” ad days before the game, citing “world events”, and the fear of “Disrupting our nation’s ability to communicate” 1: 
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New York Times on wartime Super Bowl coverage the following day: 
Even the commercials were affected by events in the Gulf. In most Super Bowl telecasts, the messages are slick and expensive. This year's batch was somewhat toned down because of the war, most notably the ads of Coke and Pepsi, which abandoned ambitious promotions and made sure the viewer knew it. (And didn't Pepsi have to love that halftime shot of a soldier drinking its product while watching the game in Saudi Arabia?) 2
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Before we get started, I have to mention Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner from that year. Every Monday morning in elementary school, we had to stand for the Star Spangled Banner along with the Pledge of Allegiance. For weeks after the game, we always stood for the Whitney version. I always refer to this Super Bowl as the “Whitney Houston Super Bowl”.
Ok, now to the “subdued” (?) commercials, beginning here: 
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Look, I know that Jay from the Purple Stuff Podcast said he loved this commercial in the Super Bowl Commercials episode, but I think this Bugle Boy commercial with the GoGos is so lame. I mean, I’m going to say it, were the GoGos still relevant in 1991? Was Bugle Boy clothes still a thing in 1991? 
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Are picture-in picture TVs still a thing?!
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Bud Bowl 3 with Bud Dry this year! I predict Bud Light will win this year.
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At 4 minutes in, Advertising History happens. Yes, it’s the Ray Charles Diet Pepsi UH-HUH commercial! I was seven when this aired, so this was one of the first big commercial campaigns I really remembered. I have this strange memory of seeing a TV interview with the Uh-Huh girls (Meilani Paul, Darlene Dillinger and Gretchen Palmer) , and they said they were coming out with an album soon, and little me was like, “I’m going to buy that album”. It never came out. 
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Ray made an appearance on Pepsi cans in 2018. I never got my hands on the Ray can, I always got Britney or MJ when I got a pack of Diet Pepsi that Summer. 
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I’ve been meaning to watch the John Goodman critical flop King Ralph for months now. 
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Is wielding around a giant bottle opener legal at the Bud Bowl?
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Part 2 starts with an upset at the Bud Bowl -- Bud Light hid the football in his label? what? So many questions with the commercials this year. 
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Peter Jennings updates us during the commercial break about the war. The Air Force was using smart bombs to disturb the oil flow into the Gulf, started by the Iraqis.  It was 3am and quiet in Saudi Arabia. 
Earlier, I mentioned that I was just a little kid when this was going on, and I don’t remember much. However, I do remember thinking “Iraq” was spelled “Arrack”, until I saw the word “Iraq” in a newspaper headline. 
Peter will be back at halftime for another update. Yup, you heard me, no halftime show was broadcast that year. If you were at the stadium in Tampa that year you saw the show with the New Kids on the Block and an “all kids Super Bowl”, but if you were watching it on TV, you got the news, and maybe after the premiere of Davis Rules after the game, you saw the show, pretaped, but most people didn’t see the show. There’s a great video by Secret Base about the “worst halftime show ever”. Peter Jennings was “the Beyonce of 1991″. It looks like from Secret Base’s video that we didn’t miss anything. i mean a small bowl-cut haired boy sang “Wind Beneath My Wings”, which I’ve mentioned before, is the saddest song ever: 
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(that little kid has major hair roots)
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 The original World Football League only lasted two years.   I found an early game on YouTube.
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McDonalds thought that neon clad skiers could sell its steak sandwich with onions, mushrooms, and sauce that looks little McRib-y.
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Here is a Harlem Globetrotter dancing with Miss Piggy. 
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Karl Malone had some jazzy LAGears.  Did you know that there are some LAGears on the Payless Shoes website? 
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I have more questions, what is that popping out of that Panasonic TV? A remote control? Way back in the beginning of this website, I asked another question about a Panasonic Commercial that aired this evening.
 Bud Bowl update at the end of part 2: 
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Part 3
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Oh, give me a break with this elementary school garbage, Hertz. This is the Super Bowl.
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All the goodwill I gave the Ray Charles Diet Pepsi commercial is out the door after hearing Jerry Lewis sing murder the song. 
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A 40 oz of Budweiser crushed and murdered some Bud Light bottles. Game’s tied.
Part 4
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~the new Panasonic portable laptop word processor~ Nope, this wasn’t a computer, it just handled word processing. 
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Eriq La Salle played an olympian in a Budweiser commercial. ~America~
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Ok, Boomer. But seriously, l’m 37, and I still want Reebok Pumps. 
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Diet Coke dumped their Leslie Nielsen commercial, and instead ran a commercial stating why they didn’t feel right airing it? I don’t think this commercial would hurt anybody’s feelings or offend anybody, Diet Coke. In 1994, The New York Times mentioned it as an ad fail: 
In 1991 the Persian Gulf War overshadowed the cola wars, forcing Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola to reassess plans to promote contests with humorous commercials.
Coca-Cola went ahead with its contest, but replaced its silly spots, starring Leslie Nielsen as a bumbling police detective, with serious spots, including one announcing a $1 million donation to the U.S.O. There have been few more surreal moments in advertising history than when a somber-voiced announcer in a no-frills Diet Coke commercial asked consumers to play the "Crack the Code for Real Refreshment" game.
Pepsi, by contrast, scrapped its contest but stuck with its funny commercials, featuring Ray Charles warbling "You got the right one baby, uh-huh!" for Diet Pepsi. The result: Diet Pepsi trounced Diet Coke -- and Coca-Cola has yet to return to the Super Bowl. 3
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A sense of relief washed over me when I saw my bbys, Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey in an American Express commercial.
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Jon couldn’t shop at Needless Markup. 
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Budweiser is cheating again. 
(part 5)
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Bud Light won fair and square!
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1. “Pepsi Promotion Fizzles Out.” Broadcasting, January 28, 1991. 26. https://worldradiohistory.com/Archive-BC/BC-1991/BC-1991-01-28.pdf 
2. Lapointe, Joe. “SUPER BOWL XXV: TELEVISION; ABC’s Coverage Stays in Perspective.” The New York Times, January 28, 1991, sec. Sports. https://www.nytimes.com/1991/01/28/sports/super-bowl-xxv-television-abc-s-coverage-stays-in-perspective.html.
3. Elliott, Stuart. “Super Triumphs and Super Flops.” The New York Times, January 30, 1994, sec. Business. https://www.nytimes.com/1994/01/30/business/super-triumphs-and-super-flops.html.
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onepiececollectors · 3 years
Best place to buy one piece merchandise
"The One Piece Collections store you've been waiting for, A perfect utopia for One Piece fans!"
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One Piece, an anime that strikes fear into the hearts of every human being out there cause of the episode count it boasts of, sitting on top of the anime food chain for like forever now. 'If you start watching it today, you'd be done by the moment your grandkids are there to watch it with you'. I know, that joke's super old now since I'm pretty sure most of us started watching it last year, being cooped up in our rooms, something we didn’t super looked forward to the whole 2020. With Luffy in search of the One Piece treasure that's brought such a masterpiece to life, it's safe to say that the whole search isn't confined and limited to the ‘monkey’ himself since, with fans of the series all around the world, the One Piece anime sure gives a hard time to anyone looking to show their love for the characters in the real world. Well, fret not cause your cries didn't go in vain, we've listened to each and every one of you loud and clear and today, we bring to you something that you've been looking forward to from a long time.
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Hours and hours searching the internet for a website that could fullfil every One Piece desire you have, a utopia that every One Piece fan has been searching for an eternity now, we're proud to announce that the perfect oasis, paradise itself exists on the internet, a place that's a plethora of universes at this point. Looking for some One Piece T-shirts? Maybe hoodies? Let's go with jackets and sweatshirts for a change because you might run out of options styling yourself but we guarantee you won't be disappointed with what we have here for you to feast your eyes on. What's that? You like that side character that got 2 seconds at most when it came to the screen time? You're really trying hard now, aren't you? TheOne Piece Collections we have here features not only Luffy, Zoro or Sanji but the entirety of faces that the One Piece anime has featured until now.
It's pretty hard to believe that since the character count could be likened to the world's population at this point, Oda sure loves to bless us with characters that bring the good old One Piece pirate theme to the table. We all know that clothing doesn't amount much to the glory of the characters, failing miserably to show the slightest bit of love you harbor for Luffy or any other character from the One Piece anime. Well, the One Piece Collections sure is a little too nice here since with the cosplay section featuring a whole universe for you to choose from, things couldn't get any spicier.
Whether you want to conquer the new world, embarking on the quest to find Roger's One Piece or just want to slice some heads with the three sword style that makes full use of the mouth you can't shut no matter what the situation is, Zoro's sense of direction comes as a bonus with the cosplay so playing dumb wouldn't seem a pain to any of you guys out there. Also, if you're one of those guys who wants to fill their life with happiness and joy aka with One Piece itself then you're in luck for, any accessory you can think of, the One Piece Collections can ‘gum-gum rocket’ that to your face. Want to have ‘everyone's favorite skeleton’ Brook guarding your mouth from the virus that's been going on a rampage?
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What about Usopp igniting all kinds of mischief with playing cards, gift boxes and wallets making that big Pinocchio nose shine at its very best? Not even Franky would let that happen since with keychains, keycaps and bracelets there to add that One Piece kick to your life, Nico Robin's figure won't be the only mesmerizing thing out there since the backpacks and mouse pads are there to give any other gucci a run for its money real quick. I'm pretty sure a lot of you would be super frustrated by that 'coming soon' running wild all over the place but be patient even though that might seem to be the hardest thing in the entire universe right now.
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The action figures, figurines and collectibles are what makes the One Piece Collections one that leaves any other bite the dust in no time. Any character you can think of, we can bring to life, literally think of anyone here. Sure, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Brook, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Jinbei, Robin and Franky are the big dogs when it comes to the One Piece anime but we won't be letting ogs like Mr. 2, Crocodile and the finest of the lot, Doflamingo and the emperors of the seas AKA yonkos , Kaido, Shanks and everyone's ‘all time favorite’ Buggy sama become a memory that easily. Heck we've even got the yin and yang of beards, blackbeard and whitebeard on the crew so things are about to get super interesting.
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Giving the One Piece anime its old meaning, making every other arc shine brighter than any new show making its debut the new season, the action figures would make you go bankrupt given the collection we feature is one of the best you can find on the internet. Didn't find what you were looking for? Even after we've got the characters all lined up alphabetically for you to spam those left clicks on, never losing your way on the One Piece Collections even when you're blindfolded? Like, really? Well there's always that ‘glitch’ in the system. right? No worries! We've got your back! Just be kind enough to draw or basically send us a picture of the character you want up on your shelf and we'll deliver it in no time. That's a promise we won't be breaking, holding it dearer than our own lives.
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And that's not all! With free worldwide shipping on all products without any minimum order, you could be on the other side of the planet and still your One Piece Collections One Piece action figure would reach you without a million dollars going down as the delivery fee. The perfect utopia, the all-in-one place that every One Piece fan has been searching for all these years, One Piece Collections is here to save the day! Ah and before you go, subscribing to our free membership program and becoming one of us, one of the ‘NAKAMA’ squad would get you 10% discount for the rest of your life! Yes, you heard it right! That goes for all the current and upcoming products and with updates knocking at your door every other week or so, the offer's a little too good to miss out on!
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isthisthingeven0n · 5 years
missed midnight chances : d.d
brief summary: it’s new years eve and all you want to do is kiss david at midnight, but things don’t exactly go to plan 
word count:  1.8k requested: yes by a lovely anon!  warnings: none that i’m aware of? but if there are any do let me know!
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it isn’t me. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“This is it, right? Like, I have to do it.” You ramble as you sit on the edge of the bathtub whilst Carly is on the toilet, nodding along whilst Erin stands by the sink. 
Erin kneels in front of you, being the only person who isn’t completely drunk just yet. “I think you should.” She slurs her words slightly, but her smile is undeniable. “Like midnight is perfect, right Carls?” She turns her head, watching as Carly pulls off too much toilet paper, causing you to laugh. 
“Girls gotta do it.” Carly calls out, and as she finishes up you open the door to see David stood there, ready to knock. 
Your eyes widen as you stand in front of him. “Oh, hey.” You say as if you’re surprised he’s at the party being held at his own house. 
“Mind if I go?” He mutters as Carly and Erin pass you both, giving you a less conspicuous wink. 
Moving aside, he rests his hand on your arm. Your eyes wander down to it, and David lets out a nervous short laugh. 
“You been drinking, Dave?” You raise an eyebrow, seeing a glint cross his eyes as you smile to him. 
David leans closer, poking his head out before pulling you into the bathroom. He presses his finger to his lips, causing you to chuckle. “I had one or two.” He admits to you like a giddy child. “But don’t tell anyone, I’ll sober up by midnight.” 
“You do you, Dave.” You tell him before opening the door and closing it behind you, allowing yourself a moment to control your accelerating heart rate. 
Walking away from the bathroom, you make your way back to everyone else. “Here,” Erin passes you a shot. “you look like you could use it.” She chuckles as you nod, accepting and knocking it back as the burn eases with each passing drink you receive. 
The hours were passing by faster than you would’ve liked, meaning midnight was getting closer and you still haven’t had the chance to be brave and speak to him. 
It wasn’t due to lack of chance, because there had been multiple times you could’ve brought it up into conversation or spoken alone with him. But you backed out every time. You didn’t want to end the decade with one last rejection, you’d rather end it with not knowing. 
You were sitting on the back of the sofa with Zane whilst Mariah and Heath had a small dance battle. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see David chatting away with Corinna. 
“Baby?” Zane slurs as you turn to face him, seeing David more clearly now.
Smiling to Zane, you take his cup from his grasp, placing it down before he spills it everywhere for the second time tonight. “Zane?” You mimic his tone resulting in him rolling his eyes. 
“Who are you gonna kiss at midnight?” He questions, raising an eyebrow to you as you pause. 
David overhears the question and subconsciously listens in as you stutter. 
“I, I guess I haven’t thought all that much about it.” You nervously laugh it off, but David lowers his gaze and focuses back to Corinna. “That an offer, Hijazi?” 
Your playful tone hurts David’s heart as Zane nods along. “If you want one, you know where I’ll be at midnight.” He rises to his feet, stumbling away as he blows you a kiss to which you catch. 
A moment later, David watches as you quickly walk off toward the garden. “Go on,” Corinna nudges his arm, motioning for him to follow after you. “David, you’re not as subtle as you think you are.” Corinna adds, knowing the puppy dog eyes he gives you when you’re focused elsewhere. 
Leaning against the railings, you exhale deeply. The cool metal on your skin is relaxing as you focus on calming your heart rate down. Why had you feigned interest in Zane’s offer? 
“Nickel for your thoughts?” David speaks up, watching as you tense up before spinning around and facing him. 
Spreading your hands out across the rails, you look up at the stars in the sky. “Just about tonight.” You tell him, hearing his shoes against the grass as he moves closer. “How the sky will be illuminated with colours real soon, any sign of the stars under the thick layer of pollution will be further disguised.” You ramble on, unaware of David focusing on your lips as you talk. 
“How many have you had, Y/n?” He chuckles, watching as you dip your head back down and shoot him a look. 
“Not that many, David.” You shake your head before looking back inside, seeing everyone chatting away as the minutes roll closer. “Anyway, we better go back in.” You stop the growing silence between you both as you step forward whilst David remains still. “You coming?” 
David hovers, looking at your extended hand and a bright smile. He wants nothing more than to take your hand in his, pull you into his embrace and kiss you. But he snaps out of his daydream and shakes his head instead. 
“Okay, see you in there.” You try to hide your disappointment as you wander back to find your friends, trying to forget the glimpse of hope you wore as David started to extend his hand before pulling away.
Pouring yourself another drink, you turn your attention to David standing on the top of the pool table. “This can’t be good.” You mutter to Mariah who nervously exhales.
“Okay, guys!” David claps his hands, ensuring everyone is paying attention. “We have minutes til 2020 so everyone get ready for the group shot.” He announces and your heart sinks. 
Within seconds you’re all taking practise shots of the group photo whilst David’s camera is positioned to record the entire thing. You try to hide your disappointment, knowing the behind the scenes will be edited by him at a later date. 
“One minute!” Natalie shouts and everyone begins to panic, watching the countdown play out. 
Beside you, Zane squeezes your hand as Carly shouts in your ear. 
“-One!” You all yell, letting off party poppers as confetti covers you. 
Laughter leaves your lips as you notice couples kissing and you glance over to see David still smiling brightly. 
“Happy new year.” He turns to face you, smiling as you tuck your hair behind your ear. 
“Happy new year, David.” You tell him softly, trying to hide your disappointment that you didn’t say anything or do anything sooner. “I’m just going to go to the bathroom.” You mutter, walking past him as regret begins to settle in your stomach. 
“Where’s Y/n?” Erin turns to David, seeing his focus drift off toward where you just disappeared. 
“She er, went to the bathroom.” He mutters, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Furrowing her brows together, Erin sighs. “Did she say anything to you?” She questions, but David shakes his head. “God, you guys.” She comments under her breath before walking off to find you.
“Y/n?” Your name is being called from the other side of the door whilst you sit against the bathtub in self-pity. “Come on, open the door.”
Shuffling forward, you slide the lock across as Erin walks in and sits beside you, seeing tear stains across your cheeks. 
“I didn’t do it, Erin.” You sadly tell her. “I had the chance, but I was scared.” 
Erin rests her hand on your knee in comfort as you lean into her embrace, resting your head on her shoulder. “It’s not too late, Y/n. You could still tell him.” She suggests, feeling you shake your head against her. 
“I can’t.” You state. “I, I don’t think I can anymore. Maybe it’s time I just move on from this dumb crush.” You harshly dismiss it, but you and Erin both know it’s more than a dumb crush you wish to label it as.
Outside, David leans against the door as he lifts his fist to knock but hesitates. 
“You might not want to admit it, but you know it’s more.” Erin comments and you sigh deeply. “It’s not easy, especially when you’re close friends to avoid your feelings for him.” 
David raises an eyebrow to himself, leaning closer. 
“I mean, why did it have to be him of all people.” You groan as you bury your hands into your face, unaware of Erin rising to her feet as she nears the door.
“You’ll find the confidence to tell him, Y/n.” She says with a soft smile before opening the door. 
As she pulls the door open, it catches David off guard, causing him to fall down at her feet. 
You tear your hands from your face, seeing David flat on his back as Erin forces back a laugh. “Oh, hey guys.” He tries to play it off as he struggles to catch his breath. 
Erin looks over to you with a small smile on her face. “I’ll leave you two to it.” 
Walking away with a smug grin on her face, Erin is out of hearing distance when David rises to his feet, a tint across his cheeks as he faces you.
“Were you, eavesdropping?” You question, looking him dead in the eyes as he looks back like a deer caught in headlights. 
Shaking his head in response, David takes Erin’s spot beside you. “Okay, maybe I was.” He chuckles under his breath, seeing you smile to yourself. “But you seemed upset out there, I wanted to check you were okay.” 
“I’m fine,” You tell him, but he furrows his brows together, clearly unconvinced. 
“Nope.” He states. “I know you well enough to know when you aren’t ‘fine.’” He air quotes before facing you. “You being fine is laughing and eating snacks on the sofa. You not being fine is the fact you’ve been crying when we’ve just entered a new decade!” He rambles. 
“You pay too much attention, David.” You brush it off, but his focus remains on you. “What?” You question, ignoring the butterflies rising from your stomach. 
“You, you’ve got some confetti in your hair.” He tells you quietly as he lifts his hand up. “Can I?” He asks, watching you nod as he moves closer, his hand gently pulling a string from your hair. 
You wait for him to move back, but he stays closer as his lips hover over yours. 
“Is this okay?” He questions, looking back at your eyes one last time as you nod. 
“Yeah.” You whisper before closing the distance between you, listening to the faint sounds of fireworks outside whilst they begin inside of your heart.
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13dead-ends · 4 years
Chapter 6 Weddings and Birthdays
Chapter 6 of Blood Bound
Henry Cavill x Named OC
Summary: Henry takes Nina to a wedding and surprises her for her birthday. Nothing could ruin Nina’s day except that one thing...
Word Count: 5360
Warnings: descriptions of riots, estrange family member, swearing, slow burn sorry not sorry
A/N: So so so sorry this took forever! my laptop stopped working and I finally could afford a new one! so look forward to more updates! Also the next chapter is a Halloween one! Also shout out to @hellcaster901​ she’s amazing for always reading my stuff before I post! I hope you enjoy!!
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I walked down the hallway to my apartment door. I fumbled with my keys to separate the right one from the others. I almost missed the box leaning against my door. I looked at the label and it had my name on it, but I wasn’t expecting anything. I opened my door and carried it in. I put it on my counter and got a pair of scissors. I cut it open and perfect fit inside was a solid black box with a note taped to the lid.
Please wear this tonight. I’ll see you at 3.
I chewed on my lip. The box was just black, now I know it’s clothes inside, but it had to be expensive. What was it? I slid my hand over the smooth cardboard. I pulled out my phone and texted the man himself.
What’s in the box?
Why don’t you open it and find out?
I rolled my eyes, but I knew I wasn’t going to get anything out of him. So, I pulled the lid off and put it to the side. Wrapped perfectly in tissue paper was a pretty black dress, a matching handbag next to it. I held the dress against my body. It hit me mid-thigh and the sheer fabric of the sleeves would cuff at my wrists when I put it on.
If I wear this, I’ll mess it up.
But do you like it?
I had walked to the mirror in my bedroom to look at it on me. It was pretty. I blushed at the thought of him picking it out for me.
Yes, I love it. Thank you, Henry.
Good. I’ll see you tonight.
I sighed and laid the dress on my bed and went back to the box. I took the purse out and threw away the tissue paper. I looked at my watch. It was only noon, so I hopped in the shower. When I got out, I did my makeup.
Where are you taking me?
I sent a text to Henry.
It’s a surprise. Don’t worry too much about it.
I rolled my eyes. He really wants me to freak out. I continued my makeup and tried not to think of all the things that could go wrong. Around fifteen minutes before Henry was supposed to be here, I was ready. I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was on now and I had packed my new purse with my things. I decided to wear the shoes he got me while shopping from before. Maybe the extra height will be good for whatever we’re doing. I smoothed the dress down. It fit really well. He somehow got my size right. I went out to the kitchen and tried not to freak out.
Right at 3 o’clock, Henry knocked on the door. I bolted out of my seat and grabbed my bag and went to the door. I opened it and Henry stood there in an all-black suit, matching nicely with my dress. I smiled at him and he looked me over.
“You look beautiful.” He told me.
“Thank you. For the compliment and the dress.” He held out his arm and I linked mine through it. “You look great.” He smiled and my knees felt weak.
“Thank you, love.”
“So, can you tell me where you’re taking me?” He smirked over to me as we walked down the hall.
“It’s just a friend's wedding, okay?” He laughed.
“Oh! I mean I hate small talk, but I can handle a wedding.” I waved my hands. He chuckled.
“You don’t mind coming?” I shook my head.
“No, of course not.” We took the elevator and got to his car. I was relieved it wasn’t something with cameras. I wasn’t ready for that. We drove out of the city a bit, and it was quieter. The trees got a little thicker as we drove and soon, I saw a pretty cabin with wedding decorations out front. The cabin was huge as we pulled up to it. Henry parked and helped me out of the car like a gentleman. I could hear soft music playing from inside. He linked our arms as we walked to the door.
“So, tell me about your friend.”
“His name’s Andy, his soon to be wife is Jessica.” I smiled. “He was one of the writers for Tudors.” I nodded.
“Alright.” I know names, that was good. “I love weddings.” He smiled.
“This should be fun then.” Inside was a beautiful open space, a large chandelier hung from the ceiling. Long benches sat in rows in front of us and in front of that was a small stage for the bride and groom. There were people milling around already. Some even sitting down waiting for the ceremony.
“Henry, you made it!” Henry and I turned around to see a man in a nice tux, a flower in his collar.
“Scott, hey.” They shook hands. “How are you and Kayla?”
“I’m great.” He was glowing, smile wide, hair was pushed back with gel, but it was getting messed up but the second. This must be the groom. “Just wanting to get this started. Kayla’s somewhere hiding until the ceremony.”
“Congrats on the wedding.” Henry smiled. “It’s good to see you. Are you still writing scripts?”
“Oh of course. I was actually wondering if you…” they spoke about a show for a little bit and Henry introduces me to him, but then we have to go sit for the ceremony. We sat in a bench on the groom’s side, our thighs pressed against each other as more people came and sat down. Soon enough the ceremony started, and they went through all the motions. The bride was beautiful and glowing just as much as her fiancé. They couldn’t keep their eyes off each other.
The reception was held in a different room inside the large cabin. Tables and chairs surrounded the dance floor and another chandelier hung from this ceiling. Guests were milling around already, and soon enough Henry found someone he knew, and we got into a conversation. I didn’t say much, I liked listening to Henry speak about his work with his friends.
“And who’s this?” Henry had just introduced me to Charlie, another writer friend. His wife, Becca stood next to him.
“Oh, this is my friend, Nina.” He shook my hand. “She’s a writer too.” I shook my head nudging Henry.
“Well, sorta, I’ve never been published-“ Charlie chuckled.
“As long as you’re writing you’re a writer.” I smiled. “What do you write?”
“I write articles for a news website at the moment.” I swallowed.
“There you go. Do you like journalism?” Henry’s hand pressed into the small of my back.
“Of course! It’s great!” Charlie nodded, and was about to reply until the wedding party was announced. Henry led me to our table, which happened to be with Charlie and Becca. She sat next to me and the guys sat outside of us.
The bridal party came out couple by couple and then the bride and groom came in, Scott was carrying his new wife in his arms. She giggled as they walked up to the main table, sitting in the two center seats. They said their speeches and soon we were eating. Turns out Becca and I got along. The only person she knew was the one who brought her, just like me. Henry had his hand on my thigh most of the time. As we finished, Henry and Charlie were pulled away to the small patio outside the room. I spoke with Becca for a little while longer and decided to go find Henry again.
His friends walked inside as I walked out. He stood looking out onto the wooded area in front of him. The patio was lit with twinkling lights and a small fire pit in the center. I walked right up to him and stood by his side.
“Hey, Nina.”
“Hey.” I sighed. “I have a question.” He turned to face me, giving me a half grin.
“What would that be?”
“How did you get the right fit on my dress?” I turned to face him; our chests almost touching.
“I have a good eye.” My cheeks heated up. “And I remembered a little from our shopping trip.” I laughed.
“I hope I at least seem normal to your friends.” I mumbled.
“You’re amazing, but I would like to hear you speak more.” I looked down, but he pulled me closer, our chests touching, and I was forced to look up at him. “Thank you for coming with me.” I felt myself rolling up on my toes. I tilted my head up and I could’ve sworn I saw Henry come closer, but he stopped, shutting his eyes and clenching his jaw.
“They’re cutting the cake.” I let out a breath, my heart was racing, and I knew he could hear it.
“Oh,” I swallowed. “Okay.” I leaned back, popping the bubble we had created. He linked our arms as we went back inside, and when I sat down, I wanted to pour. Did I read the situation wrong? I really thought he was moving toward me. Did he not want to kiss me?
We went back in and watched as the happy couple smashed cake in each other’s faces. I sighed. I got caught up in the wedding, he probably did too. Weddings get everyone excited. We ate cake and then the dancing starting. Becca pulled me away to dance. After a few songs we went to the restroom together.
“So, what’s the deal with you and Henry?” I swallowed as I fixed a piece of hair.
“We’re friends.” She raised an eyebrow.
“Close friends it looks like.” I shrugged feeling heat rise up my neck.
“No, it’s not like that.” I shook my head.
“Oh, come on, do you not see how he looks at you?” I stared at her. “You both already look like a couple.” I let myself smile at that.
“Well, we’re not.” She shrugged.
“Yet.” She giggled and we went back out. We went out and found our dates. Henry had training in the morning, so we didn’t stay for much longer. We walked back out to Henry’s car and started the drive back. It was quiet and I looked out the window, trying not to think about the almost kiss we shared tonight. We’re almost back into the city when both of our phones rang almost at the same time. I furrowed my brows and grabbed my phone.
“That was weird.” Henry turned onto the next street. I unlocked my phone and saw it was a news notification. I opened it and gasped. Some footage of a riot breaking out in front of a donation company. I recognized it. It was a popular company, called My Type, but they only had labs. They donated by the bag, plus part of their supply goes to hospitals around the area. Windows were smashed, and smoke billowed out of two of them. People outside were running around. At least they hit it late at night, so hopefully no one would be inside.
“There’s a riot at a donation company.”
“Right now?” Henry looked at me for a second.
“Yeah, I think so.” Videos filled my social media and it looked like they were anti-donors. “It’s probably anti-donors.” I rubbed my temple.
“Christ,” He huffed as we entered the city. I kept looking for more information, but they were still rioting, and police hadn’t gotten control yet.
“Isn’t that building close to your place?” Henry had gotten close to my place but slowed down.
“I’m not sure, let me-“ Henry stopped as a few cop cars flew down past us, turning down my street. “Shit.”
“You shouldn’t stay so close to that tonight. You’re stuck with me.” He looked over to me. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Just worried,” He put a hand on my thigh, squeezing.
“I know, me too.” He sighed. “Let’s just get to mine and relax.”
“Okay.” Soon enough we were at his place, Kal was at the door, all but running us over with excitement. I smiled, scratching behind his ears and around his neck.
“If my dog likes you more than me, we’re going to have to end the contract right now.” Kal hadn’t even noticed as Henry kicked off his shoes.
“Oh, I could never. He’s all yours.” I told Henry, booping Kal’s nose. Kal made his way over to Henry now, tail wagging. “See?” I kicked off my shoes and set my bag down.
“You can borrow my clothes again if you’d like.” Henry stood up from Kal.
“Yeah, thanks. I love the dress, but I’m ready to get out of it.” I caught a small smirk on his face as he turned down the hallway. I blushed, realizing how my choice of words could be taken. I pursed my lips and went to the bathroom shutting the door. Okay, so I almost kiss him and now I’m spending the night. I face palmed and leaned on the door. My heart couldn’t handle the confusion. I did prefer sleeping here. Who knows where the rioters would go tonight? I chewed on my lip, too much has happened tonight. I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I’d be in Henry’s house, without a buzz to put me to sleep and with all the events from today running through my head.
“Nina! It’s on the news.” Henry called. I opened the door and went out to the living room. Henry was standing by the coffee table, holding the remote. I sat on the couch, looking at the television.
“The police have locked down Fifth and Third,” the news caster said. “But things are still escalating close to the donation company.” I swallowed. The images of busted windows and police in riot gear gave me goosebumps. There were cars on fire and people darting in and out of frame.
“Police advise residents to stay in their homes, remember to lock doors, and stay safe.” I rubbed my arms.
“Maybe we should board up the windows.” I joked but didn’t laugh.
“I don’t think they’ll get this far, but I won’t let anything happen.” Henry didn’t look at me. He had taken his suit jacket off, his black button up, straining against his large shoulders.
“God, I hate this.” The screen cut to footage of some paramedics pushing someone into an ambulance. I shut my eyes.
“I really hope that building was empty.” Henry cracked his neck as the donation building flashed on the screen. We watched it for a little while and then I really needed to get out of the dress. Henry gave me clothes and I changed, gently placing the dress over the couch so it wouldn’t wrinkle.
“You ready for bed?” Henry shut off the tv and came over to me.
“Yeah, and I don’t have to take your bed this time.” I patted the couch.
“No, Nina. It’s fine.” I huffed. “You know, it is big enough both of us.” My face warmed up. “Of your comfortable with that.” I blinked. “Let me get changed.” He went to his bedroom and I caught my breath. Can I sleep next to him without freaking out? What if I snore again? I shook my head. I heard the door click open again and I took a deep breath. Fuck it.
“Let’s just get to sleep.” He was already climbing under the blankets. I tried to calm down as I walked over to the other side. I got in bed and then Kal pushed his fluff ball of a body in between us. I laughed. “He’s making sure there’s no funny business.” Henry winked at me and I laughed. He turned the bedside lamp off and we were in the dark.
“Goodnight Henry.”
“Goodnight Nina.”
 When I woke up next, I was sweating, and my heart was racing. I shot up in bed, still feeling like I needed to run. I had a nightmare about the riots. I tried taking deep breaths to calm down and pulled my knees up to my chest.
“Nina? What’s wrong?” Henry’s voice made me jump. I forgot I was in his bed.
“Um, it’s fine.” I rested my chin on my knee. “Go back to sleep.”
“Your hearts beating so fast right now, I don’t really think it’s fine.” He sat up next to me. Kal had moved during the night, so nothing blocked him from pulling me closer, his big arm wrapped around me. “Did you have a nightmare?”
“Yeah. About the riots.” I let myself lean into him a little, his presence felt good.
“Are you alright?” He rubbed my arm slowly.
“Yeah, I think so. It was just intense.” He sighed.
“I’m sorry, love.” He squeezed me tighter.
“I just need to go back to sleep.” I shook my head. “I’m fine.”
“Come on then.” He pulled us down on the pillows and didn’t let me go. I let myself smile and cuddle closer to him. I shut my eyes and it didn’t take long for me to fall back asleep.
When I woke up again, I was in Henry’s arms still. I was laying on his chest, one arm stretched across his stomach and his were locked in a loop around me. I smiled again and relaxed back into him, just five more minutes.
Suddenly a big ball of fur jumped up on the bed, waking both of us up completely. He licked our faces and stepped all over us. “Kal!” Henry yelled, laughing. “Get down you big oaf.” I laughed as Henry pushed him away to no avail. “I’ll feed you, if you just calm down.” Finally, Kal jumped down, by now I had rolled over to avoid being suffocated. Henry sat up. “Sorry Nina, go back to sleep.” He got out of bed and pulled the blankets up for me, but it was still cold without him. He stepped out with Kal and I smiled. I could get used to that. I let myself think about waking up like that every morning. Just for a second. I must’ve fallen asleep to the dreams on my head. Next thing I remember is Henry waking me up with a gentle hand on my arm.
“Nina, wake up.” He said softly. I didn’t open my eyes.
“Five more minutes.” He chuckled.
“No come on. I’ve got to get you home.” I opened my eyes, and he was smiling down at me.
“Okay, fine.” I took a deep breath. “I’m assuming the riots are done?” I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
“Yeah, for now. They did arrest a few people last night.”
“Good.” I huffed. “Anyways, good morning.” His blue eyes were bright as he looked at me.
“Good morning.” I got up and went to the bathroom. “Nina, you can just take those clothes home, so you don’t have to put the dress back on.” Being locked in the bathroom, I let myself be excited about it.
“Thank you!” I adjusted the large T-shirt I was in. “I’ll bring them back as soon as possible.”
“Don’t worry about it, love.” I stepped back out and we left his place. “I don’t mean to kick you out so quickly.”
“It’s okay. I wasn’t even supposed to be here in the first place.” I buckled my seat belt as he pulled on to the street.
“I just have training today, that’s all.” I nodded.
“Well, have fun and be careful.” He snuck a glance at me and smiled.
“Thank you.” He dropped me off and kissed my cheek goodbye.
  I pulled the phone away from my ear as Irene yelled. “Happy birthday Nina!” I laughed; I was lying in bed when she called. It was midnight here, the exact minute I got a year older.
“Thanks Irene.” I rubbed my eyes. “You’re always the first to say it.”
“Of course! Has my package got there yet?”
“Yes! It got here yesterday!” Irene had gotten me a fancy new journal I had told her I wanted. “I’ll probably started writing in it soon.”
“How’s the article about the riots going?” Of course, after the riots last week, I started writing a draft of an article. It was longer this time, and I still hadn’t gotten all the information I needed. Investigations were still being done, obviously, so it’s going to have to be an ongoing article.
“Alright. I’m still trying to find all the information I can.”
“I want you to be careful okay. It’s tense in LA too. You need to stay home at night.” I rolled my eyes.
“So, I have Henry, and now you’re nagging me.” Henry had been a little more protective of me lately. He made sure I was home at night, with calls if he couldn’t come see me himself. As much as I teased him, I loved it.
“Because he’s not an idiot.” She sighed. “I just worry.”
“I know, thank you. I’ll be careful.”
“So how is everything with Henry?” I could picture her wiggling her eyebrows.
“Good, I think.”
“You almost kissed him last week, now it’s just good? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing's wrong! That’s what’s wrong. I don’t know what to do.” I rubbed my face. “He almost kissed me, Irene. Not kissed me. Obviously, whatever I’m feeling, is one sided. Which is fine. He doesn’t have to like me, but god damn it I’m confused.” She laughed at me but didn’t stop my ramble. “He can be impossible to read, which isn’t very fair sense he can hear the tiniest change in my heartbeat. He knows when I’m nervous, which is too often when I’m around him. He just looks at me sometimes and it gets me going.”
“Have any more of those dreams lately?” Irene teased.
“Shut up!” I kicked my feet like a child, but I felt better now that i said all that out loud.
“Have you tried actually asking him if he likes you?” I scoffed. “And him not kissing you isn’t an answer.”
“It may as well be.” I muttered.
“No, you have no idea what the man’s thinking. Maybe he got nervous, or thought you wouldn’t be into it, or literally anything.” She sighed.
“The thought of asking him makes me want to vomit.”
“Well, then I guess you’ll never know.” I groaned and rubbed my temples. “Don’t complain. It’s your choice, but that means you have to make it.”
“I know, you’re right.”
“My advice is to just ask him, and then you can stop being annoying about it.” I laughed. We talked for a little while longer and then I went to bed. I woke up to the sound of a knock on my door. I groaned and got up, throwing a robe on and tying the band around me. I looked through the peep hole and saw a delivery man holding flowers. I pursed my lips together and opened the door.
“Ms. Locke?” I nodded. “Can you sign here?” I signed his paper, and he handed me the vase.
“Thank you.” I shut the door and set them down on the island. I stepped back. They were roses. Of course, they were roses. They were a beautiful deep red. It wasn’t huge but they were beautiful. I picked the card of the plastic stand.
Happy Birthday Nina.
I smiled. I didn’t say anything about my birthday to him, but I knew you could look up donors' birthdays at the company. I had looked up his. I did know that he was filming. Maybe he would keep it simple, but I obviously couldn’t expect nothing. I put the card back and pushed the vase in the center of the island. I went back to my bedroom and got dressed. I was getting myself breakfast at my favorite coffee shop and I was going to continue researching my article there for a while. Then I wasn’t sure what. It was my birthday though. I’d do what I want.
I followed through with my plan and now I was sat in a corner of a coffee shop, gaping at videos of the riots. There weren’t any deaths reported as far as I could find, but a few hospitals had a lot of injuries and who knows how many didn’t go to a hospital. I was typing out a draft as it came to me and I had alerts on my phone for certain sources and Twitter feeds. I rubbed my temple as I deleted a sentence, typing it again in another way. This was a big article; my editor already was emailing me for a draft. The last article had gotten some of the higher ups at the website attention and they were excited to see my next piece. The pressure was difficult this time, but I’d manage. This stuff needed to be talked about.
I huffed when my phone started ringing, I really didn’t want to answer it, but when I looked and saw Henry’s name. My initial irritation washed away, as I answered. “Hi Henry.”
“Happy birthday, Nina.” His voice was bright, and it made me smile.
“Thank you. And thank you for the flowers, they’re beautiful.”
“I’m glad you liked them. How’s your birthday so far?”
“Good. I got some breakfast and I’m working on the article now.”
“How is that going?”
“Good, there’s just a lot I still need to write out.” I finished the sentence I was on and leaned back in my chair.
“I’m sure there is. I can’t wait to read it though.” I smiled, Henry was the first person ask me if I was going to write an article and just thinking of that made butterflies in my stomach.
“Well I hope I don’t disappoint.” He chuckled.
“You won’t. Anyways, I was calling to ask you something.” I chewed on my lip and just waited for him to ask. “I know it’s your birthday, but filming is gonna go late and I was wondering if you’d go hang out with Kal for a while?” I sighed, thank god it wasn’t some fancy dinner or something. “I didn’t bring him, and I don’t want him to be lonely.”
“Honestly, dog sitting is the best birthday gift ever.” He laughed. “Of course, I’ll go see him.”
“Thank you so much. I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’ll have Penny drop off a key.”
Around five, I walked up to Henry’s, excited to see the big fluff ball. Henry asking me to do this made me all kinds of happy. I got to the door and unlocked it. When it opened, my nose was immediately filled with the smell of cooking food. I furrowed my brows. I heard jingling metal and Kal came running to me. “Hey, buddy. Are you cooking me dinner?” I whispered to him as he enjoyed the scratches behind his ear.
“Surprise!” Henry came in next, wearing casual clothes, and holding up a glass of wine out to me.
“Henry, what’s going on?” I gladly took the glass, though. Slipping off my shoes.
“I wasn’t going to do nothing for your birthday.” I smiled, my cheeks getting warm. “I’m making dinner.” My heart fluttered.
“For me?” I followed him to the kitchen. It smelled like spices and was slightly warmer than the rest of the house.
“Yeah, of course. I’m making roast. I hope you like it.” There was a timer on the oven that was almost done, and the dining room table was set beautifully with two places. I think I hadn’t stopped smiling since I walked in. “Go sit, it’s almost ready.” I sat down, sipping my wine.
“I’m pretty sure I’ll love it. It already smells great.” I told him. He smiled at me before going to the oven. I watched as he pulled the pan out and my mouth watered. He got us plates and came to the table.
“Henry, thank you so much.” I grinned as he sat down, setting a plate down in front of me. He sat across from me, but if he were to set his arm down just right, I’d be able to reach out and hold his hand.
“You’re so welcome. I didn’t think you’d want anything big-“ I jumped when my phone rang in my pocket. I rolled my eyes, reluctantly pulling it out. Henry’s chuckled at my reaction. “It’s fine.” I looked at the screen and my stomach dropped. It was my mom. I gulped. “Are you going to answer it.
“It’s my mom.” He pursed his lips. “You don’t have to; you don’t owe her anything.” I shut my eyes and took a breath.
“I know. Just give me five minutes.” I stood, cursing this woman as I walked to the bathroom. I knew he could probably still hear, but I didn’t want him to see whatever reaction I was about to have.
“Mom?” Part of me thought somebody might have died. What time even was it in California? The last time we spoke was because my grandfather had passed.
“Nina, I just wanted to call and say happy birthday.” I chewed on my lip leaning on the counter.
“Oh, thank you, mom.” There was a hefty silence. I cleared my throat. “Look, I’m actually with someone, I should get back- “
“How have you been?” I rubbed the bridge of my nose, trying to not have a panic attack.
“Good mom, actually really good.” I suddenly felt like bragging. “I live in London now. In my own apartment.”
“London? Honey, that’s great. How’d you end up there.” I clenched my jaw.
“Work.” The silence returned and a lump formed in my throat.
“You’re still- “
“Alright.” I squeezed my eyes shut. “Well, have a good birthday, Nina.”
“Thanks, Mom.” We didn’t hang up for a moment, both waiting on the line, then it went dead.” I set the phone down with a slow hand and tried breathing in deep, but it felt like my chest couldn’t expand that far. I remembered feeling the same tightness when I found out I had a peanut allergy. My mom sped me to the hospital as my thermostat swelled. It was like the tightness when I first told them I was donating. My mom’s eyes changed that day.
“Nina?” A soft low voice came at the door. “Are you alright?” I shook my head and fixed myself in the mirror.
“Yeah, it’s fine. Let me try your food.” I opened the door, trying to seem okay. I can’t let her get to me anymore. Before I could go back to the table, Henry pulled me into his big arms, setting his chin on my head. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head in his chest. The hug washed almost every negative feeling I’m feeling away. “Thanks.” I whispered. He led me back into the table and we talked about light things. I laughed as he told me a story about Kal chasing birds and I showed him pictures of my new jack o lanterns. I don’t know if the wine or him was the reason, but I felt warm.
Our plates were cleared away, but we still sat at the table. It was quiet now though, our last conversation finished. “Can I ask you what your family’s like? At least from before, when you were growing up?” Henry asked.
“Well, I wasn’t planned, so my mom was eight months when they got married. High school sweethearts and all that.” I leaned back in my chair, feeling like I ate too much. “They were pretty normal, though.” I shrugged. “Standard American couple.”
“Did you have a good childhood?” I nodded.
“I think so. Up until I graduated I had really good relationships with them.”
“I’m sorry, Nina. I wish I could-“ I shook my head.
“There’s nothing anyone can do, Henry.” I reached out and touched his hand. “Thank you anyways.” It was quiet as I let my fingers linger on his skin.
@xxxkatxo​ @omgkatinka​ @thereisa8ella​ @lamthetwickster​ @thatgirly81​ @vikingsbifrost​
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