#maybe i should have a salted egg for breakfast tomorrow
fishareglorious · 2 years
(Cloud Retainer voice) Why was one not informed of your birthday!? Why does one not have any anecdotes to regale your followers with?
(hope it was tasty and/or fun. Or both!)
To be honest this day was not very eventful. Mostly just went out to town to buy a dozen salted eggs to gift to my aunts because they really like them, and bought one of those waffle time hotdogs on the way home. After that I spent some time doing work despite here being sunday, and gorged myself in kare kare when lunch came around.
I love kare kare. Have I mentioned that before?
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adrienneleclerc · 1 year
Pairing: AU Ajax Petropolus x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: in an AU where Ajax and Y/N live in an apartment together near their college, they get into a fight and Ajax was watching the news about a car crash, the car matching Y/N’s, and Ajax gets very worried, thinking Y/N was in the accident
A/N: inspired by @luci-in-trenchcoats Jensen Ackles imagine, definitely one of my favorites. In this AU, Ajax is not a gorgon so he has his beautiful hair
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Ajax and Y/N have been dating since they were 15. When they found out that they were accepted to the same college, they decided to get an apartment together near campus, both having part time jobs. The rest was paid by Ajax’s parents (the rich Greeks) but this way, Y/N didn’t feel like she was mooching off her boyfriend.
They were now 20, in their junior year of college. Ajax’s parents give the a budget to spend on groceries and other things. Y/N was making the list of groceries to get because they were almost out of milk, eggs, etc.
“Estoy jodida, there’s no way I can buy food before class tomorrow. Ajax, amor, do you have class tomorrow morning?” Y/N asked from the kitchen counter. Ajax walked out in pajama pants, with his toothbrush in hand.
“No, my Monday class doesn’t start until 5. Why?” Ajax asked before going back to the bathroom to spit and rinse.
“I need to get groceries but I don’t think I can get them before my class tomorrow and if I go around 3, there’s going to be a lot of people in shop rite or stop and shop. You think you can go?” Y/N asked. Ajax came out of the bathroom and sat next to Y/N.
“Yeah of course. When is your class tomorrow?” Ajax asked.
“It’s at 10, ends around 1, there’s enough eggs for a quick omelette with some quesadillas for us. I was planning on making lomo saltado so I need you to go to a butcher and ask for a pound of steak, unless you can find them at the grocery store, everything should be on the list, I’m already soaking the potatoes I cut in salt water so i need to make it tomorrow.” Y/N said.
“Don’t worry, I have everything handled.” Ajax said, kissing Y/N. “Now let’s get to bed so you can feel rested before your class tomorrow morning.” Ajax said and they walked into their bedroom.
Thursday morning came, Y/N left a note for Ajax to get the groceries and she drove to campus. Ajax woke up a few minutes after Y/N left when he got a phone call from his friend Kent.
“Hey Kent, what’s up?” Ajax asked.
“Hey, you think we can meet up for paintballing? Danny canceled on me and I would hate to waste a ticket.” Kent said.
“I cant, I have to get something for Y/N.” Ajax said as he made his breakfast.”
“It’ll be quick, please.” Kent said.
“Alright fine, text me the address.” Ajax said and hung up. He ate, got dressed, and went to his car to meet up with Kent.
At 1:20, Y/N arrived at the apartment.
“Ajax, did you get everything?” Y/N asked as she entered. She then saw the dirty dishes in the sink. “You couldn’t have washed the dishes? Did you take your car to the shop, I don’t see it in the garage.” Y/N walked around and saw that Ajax’s shoes was missing, there were no grocery bags, his keys were gone. “Hijo de la chingada.” Y/N said.
Ajax and Kent were on the final round and Ajax won.
“That was awesome! We have to do it again.” Ajax says.
“Come on, let’s get dressed” Kent said as they went to the locker rooms to change into their regular clothes. Ajax checked his phone to see that the time was 3:30 and he had 16 missed calls from Y/N.
“Shit, I’m dead, I gotta go, Kent, Y/N is going to kill me.” Ajax said.
“Maybe i Can say it was my fault, would that make her less mad at you?” Kent suggested.
“I doubt it.” Ajax said. He left in a hurry and arrived to the apartment to see Y/N on the couch, watching TV.
“Where the hell were you? I asked you to do one thing, Ajax.” Y/N said.
“Sorry, I was with Kent and completely forgot.” Ajax said. “You went to the grocery store?”
“Of course I did, I wasn’t going to starve and we need to stock the fridge. I bought everything because apparently you were too busy to do it.” Y/N said.
“Y/N, whats the difference between me getting the groceries in the morning with you cooking at 1:30 and you getting the groceries and cooking later? Either way, you got groceries and we have food.” Ajax said.
“The difference is instead of helping me, you goofed off. Instead of us eating TOGETHER, now I don’t have enough time to do homework until I come back from work. My shift starts in 20 minutes, I gotta go, we’ll talk about this later. Food is on the stove, when you’re finished, pour the rest in the Tupperware, put it in the fridge, and clean the pots.” Y/N said and she left. Ajax was upset because Y/N was upset. Ajax served his plate and did what Y/N asked.
It was 9pm and Y/N was getting home. She put on her pajamas and washed her face. Ajax went into the bathroom after she came out.
“Y/N, why is the floor wet?” Ajax asked.
“I was washing my face, it happens.” Y/N said.
“You couldn’t wipe it off after?” Ajax asked.
“Do you want to fight now, Ajax?” Y/N asked.
“No, of course not.” Ajax asked.
The rest of the week, Y/N and Ajax were fighting over little stuff, leaving their shoes on the floor, not washing the dishes, not wiping down the stove after frying, stuff like that. It was Saturday when it started bubbling over. Y/N had a morning shift and asked Ajax if he could vacuum the apartment and do the laundry. When Y/N came home, the floor was still dirty and their clothes were still in the laundry basket, and Ajax was playing video games.
“Turn it off Ajax.” Y/N said, walking in front of Ajax’s blocking his view from the TV.
“I’m about to win.” Ajax said and Y/N unplugged the TV. “Hey! What is your problem?”
“What’s my problem? Oh my god, my problem is you. Tengo que estar detrás de ti diciendo que es lo que tienes que hacer como si fuera tu madre (i have to be behind you, walking you what you need to do like I am your mother)! You couldn’t even vacuum? VACUUM!” Y/N shouted.
“What about you? In Thursday I had to be the one to out gas in your car because you won’t even do it until there’s a quarter left. A quarter! Wait any longer, I’d have to pick you up with a tow truck. I even cleaned out your car, why the hell did it look like the inside of your purse?” Ajax said.
“Gas prices are ridiculous and as long as the car gets me form pint a to b, who cares who clean it is? You won’t even clean the table or stove after you make yourself breakfast! I had to work while you literally do nothing!” Y/N shouted.
“I started my game 20 minutes ago! I was studying for a text I have on Wednesday and I needed a break!” Ajax shouted back.
“It’s almost 2, how come you didn’t make yourself something to eat. We’re you waiting for me to cook you something, is that it?” Y/N asked as she opened the fridge. “There’s nothing.”
“Yeah, i cant cook if there’s nothing to cook.” Ajax said.
“Is there anything in the freezer?” Y/N asked as she opened it. “There’s just ice cream. You couldn’t have gone to shop rite?”
“Oh my God, all week we’ve been fighting! Is it your period? Is that why you’ve been irritable all week?” Ajax asked and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I can’t believe you just said that, I’m going out to get groceries myself, AGAIN, because you couldn’t be bothered to do it, AGAIN!” Y/N said, taking her car keys
“I could go and get groceries since apparently I don’t do anything.” Ajax said trying to get the keys out of Y/N’s hand.
“No no, I’ll get the groceries, I wouldn’t want to bother you while you’re studying for a test. Plus, you still have to vacuum the apartment and do laundry, unless that’s too much for you.” Y/N asked, condescendingly.
“Fine, Don’t use up too much gas.” Ajax says as he went to the living room to continue his studying and Y/N went to the garage to drive to Stop and Shop.
“Ugh, he better be in a good mood when I get back.” Y/N said. She turned on the car and her phone was connected to Bluetooth, half way through the drive to Stop and Shop, her phone died. “Chingada madre, i Don’t have the car charger. Oh well, time to drive in silence.” Y/N parked her car, got the shopping cart, and went in the store.
Ajax finished studying and moved on to do some homework. He turned on TV for some background noise and was about to change the channel when he heard something that caught his attention.
“There has been a car accident in the Hutchison Parkway, the car was a (whatever your car is, or, a light blue 2020 Honda CR-V), the driver of this car is in critical condition but we haven’t been able to inform the family members or identify the person.” The news lady said and Ajax’s heart just drops.
“That’s Y/N’s car, please Can she be alright.” Ajax got off the couch, ran into the room to where his phone was charging and called her but it went straight to voicemail.
“Hi, you’ve reach Y/N L/N, sorry I can’t come to the phone right now, leave a message.” Y/N’s voice said and Ajax panicked even more.
“Please be okay, please be okay.” Ajax said. The news was still talking about the accident and he couldn’t just sit still. He vacuumed, did the laundry, he called Y/N 5 more times in the last hour, still went straight to voicemail.
Another hour has passed and Ajax was worse, she never took this long to get food, Stop and Shop was 20 minutes away in car. Ajax felt like crying, they’ve been fighting too much, he felt like it was his fault, if they didn’t fight, if he did what he was supposed to do, she wasn’t supposed to die at 20, they were supposed to get married when they graduated.
Y/N was driving back when she saw the accident. Damn, that poor soul. She had to go to the detour route and went to a shop rite to get some of the fast meals like ramen, Mac and cheese, bertolli (freezer meal pasta, I love it), and shop rite was closer so the cold stuff won’t get warm.
Ajax was in the bedroom, watching his phone, waiting for a call from the hospital. It’s been 4 hours since Y/N left, he was about to call his parents when he heard the keys jingle.
“Y/N?” Ajax asked as he wiped his eyes.
“Papito, Can you help me with the bags? I still have more downstairs..” Y/N placed a bag down when Ajax hugged Y/N, and spun her around.
“You’re okay.” Ajax mumbled in Y/N neck, placing kisses. “Thank God you’re okay.” Ajax said, his voice breaking a little, refusing to let Y/N go.
“Mi vida, are you okay? Did something happen when I was gone.” Y/N said, trying to see him but Ajax squeezed harder, burying his head in her neck even more, Y/N then felt something wet on her neck. “Papito, why are you crying? It’s been a long day, we haven’t eaten anything, of course we were going to fight. I’m sorry I took so long, there was an accident and I had to go to another store because they didn’t have those bertolli things in Stop and Shop. Baby, I feel you shaking, want to tell me what happened?” Y/N asked. Ajax put Y/N down to look her in the eyes.
“Um, when I was doing homework, the accident was on the news, it was the same car as yours, you take that parkway to go to stop and shop, youths news lady said that driver is critical but they weren’t releasing a name, you weren’t answering your phone. Baby, I thought something happened to you. I was waiting by the phone, I was about to call my dad, I didn’t know what to do.” Ajax said, his eyes tearing up and voice breaking as he explained to Y/N
“Papito, It’s alright, I’m here now, okay? In one piece.” Y/N hugged Ajax, petting his hair.
“I know.” Ajax said. “I’ll bring up the stuff.” Ajax went downstairs to pick up the rest of the grocery bags. He came back up and placed everything in the kitchen. “I vacuumed and did the laundry. I was going to order food earlier but um…I couldn’t eat.” Ajax said as he out the groceries away. Y/N hugged Ajax from behind, leaning against his back and Ajax played with her fingers.
“We didn’t get to kiss and make up.” Y/N said. Ajax pushed her hands and away and turned around so they were facing each other.
“Can you do me a favor, my love?” Ajax asked.
“Yeah of course.” Y/N said,
“Next time we fight, please don’t drive. If you need the space, just go into our room our go to the building’s pool, but please don’t drive. I could even go the building’s gym if you really need the space until we’re both good, just don’t drive. You have no idea what was going on in my head when you weren’t answering,” Ajax said. Ajax kissed Y/N’s forehead and she hugged him again.
“I promise I won’t drive. Do you want to order some Chinese food? It’s been a long day and I think we both deserve some take out,” Y/N said.
“Of course, I love you. You know that I love you, right?” Ajax asked.
“Of course I know that you love me. Do you know I love you?” Y/N asked.
“I do.” Ajax kissed Y/N. “Okay, let’s order some food, I am absolutely starving.” Ajax said.
Hope you liked it! A little angst, that’s something I’m not used to writing
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give-soup-please · 1 year
I warned you about those stairs man /ref
Swing music is super duper catchy. Just the beats for it, and the use of instruments make me go insane!
I get some music being very all over! I know some music can be super overwhelming. Like heavy metal? Very overwhelming.
This will be my last question since I'm very eepy so be ready!
If tomorrow it was told that you were to be gone, what would you do. You can give multiple answers if you want if you just can't decide.
My personal answer would be to just live it out. Say my goodbyes sure but live my life regularly. Maybe I'll go all out but mainly just living life. Because that's what I do the best at!
Can't wait to hear your response. It's been fun speaking!
(waves) it's been nice being social through the inbox. stay safe, ok?
going to change the wording of your question just a bit, hope that's alright
if i had 24 hours to live... let's say 9AM-9AM the next day.
i'd wake up at my usual time: 8:30am i'd shower. drink some caffiene get that shit outta the way so the day will at least start on a positive note. i would probably try and eat at all my favorite places. these names won't make sense to anyone who hasn't lived in my hometown, but that's okay.
bill's cafe for breakfast- they have cream cheese bagels that they serve with eggs benedict and smoked salmon. goddamn.
india garden for lunch- chicken tikka masala with naan bread, and mango lassi to drink. goddamn.
either between the two meals or just after lunch, i'd head to my parents place and... either apologize for not being who they wanted me to be, or egg their house. depends on how vindictive i am the day of. i have a complicated relationship with them, so...
either way, i know for a fact that i would straight up tell my mom she should have been kinder to me. because she should have been.
then i'd go to meadowlark dairy for ice cream. they have a orange/vanilla swirl that kicks ass.
after that, i'd drive to monterey bay. check out the shops, have some salt water taffy, get to the docks for an early dinner of clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl... my favorite meal. bonus points if i can track down that one restaurant that serves them with strawberry daiquiris.
i'd walk to the beach afterwards, maybe enter into the ocean to feel it for one last time. after that, i'd sit down on the sand and get to work.
i'd go on discord, message all my friends, tell them how i really felt about them. i'd tell them how much i loved them. i'd dedicate as many paragraphs as i could to them as the timer clicked down. i'd probably watch the sunset on the beach if the timing was right. chances are, i'd be crying while doing that last part. if i knew i was dying, i don't think i'd have the courage to look my friends in the eye while i told them emotional things.
when it would be too cold at the beach- anyone who's been there after sunset knows the temperature drops quickly- i'd probably see if i could find somewhere open late that serves hot chocolate. i'd keep walking around til late at night.
after that, i'd find somewhere warm to sit and call my godfather. my godfather is someone who survived cancer twice. he knows a lot about close brushes with death, and there's no one else i'd want at my side while i grieve.
i know under the circumstances, he would stay up with me all night. we would talk about everything, and anything, and nothing at all. maybe he'd keep me company until the sun rises the next day.
after the sun is up, but before 9AM, i'd head back down to the beach with a bottle of strawberry moscato. i'd savor the taste, finish the bottle, and close my eyes. maybe i'd fall asleep so i wouldn't see it coming.
i'd die listening to the waves and feeling the sun on my skin. that'd be a nice way to go out.
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soliavenne · 4 years
Just Sand Sibling Things + Shinki: How do they deal with cooking?
Hi! I have been thinking of having Just Sand Sibling Things (+ Shinki now and then) as a series of works. :) I guess this is the first entry haha.
Hope you like it! <3
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Excellent cook, obviously the most versatile out of the four. Appetizer, main entrée, snacks and dessert, you name it. Not very adventurous when it comes to recipes, but she’s well-rounded enough  with the basics to tweak an ingredient or a two from the book if she knows she’ll be able to improve the taste.
Knows that she’s great at what she does, and she’s damn proud of it.
Very confident, but can actually be secretly conscious of what she serves, especially when it’s her first time cooking the specific food. She would rather start over again than serve something that doesn’t suit her standards.
Tries her best to mind her own business while eating but is stealthily inspecting her brothers, or her husband and son’s facial expression as they eat her food.
Very organized, every ingredient is in each separate plates. Not the type to leave a pile of dirty plates on the sink and wash it all at once by the end of cooking. She will wash some of them now and then if she could leave the cooking process alone on itself.
Praise her damn food, praise her cooking skills. She might not look like it but she’s a big, big sucker for appreciation. If you have been generous for the past few days with compliments, she’ll try her best to free up her schedule and proceed to serve a damn feast over the table.
If ever she ends up serving something that doesn’t taste good, she would understand a very faint grimace or two on your face. But that’s all, don’t bother telling her about it if she doesn’t ask you about it. She knows what’s wrong already and she’s already beating up herself about it.
Mostly cooks foods that are on the healthier spectrum, but would flat out bake herself her own pizza and brownies at 12 AM.
Would try to hide her midnight snacks as much as possible, but if she gets caught, she would huff and act all annoyed but is secretly happy to share it. She just likes riling people up a bit, but she’s very sweet and generous.
What reads above cannot be applied if she’s on her period or she had a fight with Shikamaru, you better fuck off and leave her alone.
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He’s not that much keen to cooking, but this man is not dumb. Knows at least the very, very basic fundamentals around the kitchen.
It’s those common mistakes that usually happens if someone’s just starting to venture out on cooking. A little too much salt, a little heavy on the pepper, the meat is tad bit raw while the crust is already burned. Those kind of technical mishaps. He would not be unbelievably awful at it.  
Tries his best to listen to Temari’s advices on cooking, but he ends up overthinking it. He’s best off learning on his own and figuring out for himself what went wrong.
Skilled at cooking instant foods and junk foods. Knows damn well how to elevate them. The type of food he ends up cooking are more on the indulgent side, mostly savory type of foods. Hamburgers, meat pizza, steak, and ribs, you name it.
Has been secretly saving up to buy his own pellet grill and personalize it.
Does not know exactly how to cook healthy-family based foods like vegetable stew or chicken soup or anything of the like. He either gets to eat it if Temari is cooking, or it’s a takeout.
Very messy cook. Spoons with unidentified sauces are everywhere, there’s even a plate on the living room that he’s not sure how it even got there.
Would probably wash it once a dirty pan had punched his face and Temari is screaming on the other end of the handle.
Don’t talk to him when he’s focusing, he’s going to get flustered about the whole thing.
Just as sensitive as Temari when it comes to feedback. He would laugh alongside a negative comment, but he won’t be cooking anything that isn’t instant food for the next whole week.
If you praise him so much he will end up being so worked up about it that he cooks the same thing tomorrow night. He would try so hard to hit the same note but he was overthinking it the whole time so it doesn’t end up as good.
A genuine praise could go such a long way for Kankuro. He might not look like it but he’s genuinely appreciative of it and finds it very encouraging.
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Doesn’t necessarily hate cooking, but he just doesn’t know to pave his way around it.
Believes that cooking is a fundamental skill, but is still avoiding the opportunity to work on it. He had bought some cooking books and probably printed some recipes from Yahoo and allrecipes.com, but he’s secretly relieved whenever Kankuro asks if he wants something to eat from the store.
Very shy about asking for help, but if Temari or Kankuro does volunteer to teach him something, he would not refuse it.
Nearly passed out once because he has been letting his breakfast pass when Temari left for Konoha. Kankuro scolded him a bit, but ten minutes later they were already talking about sandwiches. When Gaara mentioned that he misses waking up to Temari cooking pancakes in their shared apartment, they surprisingly ended up having a genuinely-deep conversation about it; talking along the lines of how they really feel about their sister leaving Suna.
Kankuro told him that he’ll be letting him off easy but if he wants to be a much more effective Kazekage, he has to take care of himself. The epiphany had hit Gaara so hard he bought a new apron and a pan on his way home from work.
The first set of foods that he focused on was under the bracket of breakfast meals. A bowl of plain oatmeal and a little bit of sugar was okay, but it did get redundant and he swore to himself he’d throw the bowl out of the window if he had to make another one of it again for the 3rd week of that month.
Began to buy pancake box-mixes where all he had to worry about was adding eggs, water and oil. Once he had gotten the hang of it, he decided to follow a pancake recipe from scratch. He thinks it tastes better, but it wasn’t something he could do every day.
Thinks he had found his soulmate when he started making granola. He could prepare it in advance and stock it up. He finds it very convenient.
An understandable kind of messy, maybe a little smudge of batter on his cheek when he’s cooking pancakes. Dirty plates would be on a pile but he would arrange them by size and category before washing them all together after he ends up eating.
Takes cooking seriously that he even bought a hairnet. Kankuro caught him once wearing it and the ten-minute laugh he had out of watching his baby brother cook with a hairnet on just made Gaara opt to tie his hair instead.
Sometimes boils eggs at night in advance so that he could simply peel one in the morning for breakfast.  
All in all, he mostly cooks usual, literally off the recipe book breakfast meals. Most of them are healthy.
It would take a lot of time before you get him to serve you the food he made. He doesn’t like disappointing people and as stoic as he may be he would also be just as sensitive about it.
Began to develop the drive to cook better when he adopted Shinki. He remembers vividly how happy he was whenever Yashamaru brings him a bento, so he decides to take the effort to study bento making now and then whenever he’s not that busy.
When he saw a small, cute apron from the store, he found himself buying it to give to Shinki. He still hasn’t built up the courage to ask Shinki to have a cooking bonding with him though because he’s not that confident about his skills just yet.
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A very responsible kid. Has the self-awareness that basics of cooking should be developed in order to survive independently no matter where you go. He even knows how to start fire from scratch.
The first thing he had ask Gaara regarding preparing food is how Gaara makes his coffee. Ever since he was able to replicate it, he sometimes even gets up earlier than his father so that he could prepare the warm beverage beforehand. He doesn’t drink coffee everyday, but with a craving now and then sometimes, he likes adding a splash of milk to it. He and Gaara both share the same preference when it comes to the level of sweetness.  
Not very adventurous when it comes to recipes. As long as it’s filling and easy to make, that will be his chosen route.
Has asked Gaara once about his special pancake mix, and he had been making it mostly everyday. The fluffy texture of it soon got a little tiring, so he started wondering what else he could eat for breakfast. Despite being very mature for his age, he’s still a kid who has the hint of wonder for foods that are still comfortable yet a little exciting now and then.
When Yodo took him and Araya once to a waffle stand on their way home from a mission, he started buying one almost everyday. He’s more of a savory-waffle kind of kid.
Gaara takes notice of this, and when Shinki woke up to a wafflemaker and printed waffle recipes on the kitchen counter one morning, he couldn’t help a very, very rare and genuine smile on his face.
He might not that be that much inclined to cooking, but on days where he’s not busy, he tries to read about it. His main drive about cooking is so that his father comes home to a much more healthier meal instead of having takeouts almost every night. He loves and respect his father that much, and he’s also health and fitness-conscious since he really does take his job as a shinobi very seriously.
The same as Temari in terms of cooking. Neatly organized, no dirty plates lying around the counter. Every ingredient is measured and calculated.
His face might not be anywhere near grinning but he’s actually happy whenever he dons the apron that Gaara bought him.
Doesn’t really care if you don’t like the food unless you’re his dad.
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [16]
Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17
➜ Words: 3k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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On Wednesday, you begin to bake, cut, and fill.   The ingredients are pulled from the borrowed kitchen — eggs, butter, buttermilk, vegetable oil, sugar, flour, baking powder, unsweetened cocoa powder, and vanilla. The oven is preheated to three hundred degrees fahrenheit and the round pans are greased. The four of you measure and mix together the dry ingredients, and then the wet ingredients.    Once it’s all ready, it’s baked while the ganache filling is worked on. Heavy cream, butter, chocolate, and a pinch of kosher salt are melted together with two tablespoons of brewed coffee to deepen the flavour. It cools and thickens, a fluffy texture that melts against your palate.    And when the moist cake is out of the oven, it cools too before being cut and filled.   “Alright, folks.” Namjoon dusts his hands off, shutting the fridge door. “Now on Friday, we just cover, dowel, and stack. Since the wedding is on Saturday, we want it to sleep overnight.”   “We’re going to have to prepare decorations tomorrow,” Sejeong says. If there was anyone’s cake that she wanted to perfect, it was her own sister’s. “Crumb coat the cakes and smooth the frosting, colour the fondants, make the flowers. Just so we can get it prepared in time and not be rushing on the last day.”    “Okay.” You offer a smile. “Are we still going with lavender?”   “That’s the plan. But we can worry about that tomorrow. How have you two been? Any problems?”   You glance at Jungkook, meeting his eye, but you divert hastily. “N-No, we’re fine. We’ve been enjoying ourselves. Thank you for bringing us along.”   “That’s not a problem.” Namjoon laughs heartily, practically glowing with a healthy tan. “We’re happy to have two more sets of hands. God knows the wedding is hectic and stressful enough, right, honey?”   “Chungha is having it tougher.” His wife sighs. “We’re just glad to get this done and over with.”   In between family feuds and relatives duking it out, you don’t need to tell them that you and Jungkook are incidentally sharing the same room over a mistake in booking. They have enough on their plates as it is.   But just because you don’t talk about your issues doesn’t mean that they’ve magically vanished.   Even if you wish that were the case.   “Morni—”   The moment you open your sleepy eyes, Jeon Jungkook has manifested in the mirror. You choke on your toothpaste, toothbrush sucked into your throat like a vacuum, lodged in. You choke it out and sputter.    Jungkook’s shocked awake, eyes widened as he pats your back.   You cough and rinse your mouth. “Oh my god. You scared me to death!”   “All I said was good morning!” He shoots you a look, leaning in too close with his still sleepy demeanour, fluffed hair and swollen face. “Are you alright?”   “Obviously not! I almost died!”   You’re not okay. Very far from any semblance of ‘okay’.   For one, you can’t look the bastard in the eye. You can’t stop yourself from perspiring. It’s as if your best friend is someone worthy to be fearful of…   No. It’s not that you’ve become afraid of Jungkook. You’re nervous.   “I’m going to shower.”   “Sounds good.”   It shouldn’t be surprising. He even warned you. But the moment Jungkook starts to strip off his shirt, you’re caught off guard at how he didn’t wait for you to leave ⁠— how comfortable he is with you. You have half a mind left to sprint out of the bathroom. Nearly falling over. Barely catching your stumble.    Jungkook watches with his brows raised incredulously.   The bathroom door eventually shuts and you change as quick as you can, and run out of the room without a word. Like you’re being chased by loan sharks.   “Hey, Y/N.” After ten minutes, Jungkook comes out topless, having forgotten to grab a shirt. But he pays no mind, toweling off his head. “We should get room servi—…...Y/N?”   The doe-eyed boy looks around, realizing that you’re gone.   You’ve headed across the resort to the restaurant for breakfast. Finally, you’re able to have a meal in peace without having to lift your head to see a big nose and brown, doe eyes.    You grab a healthy serving of eggs, toast and cereal. And you pick a good table to look out and enjoy the view.   But fifteen minutes into your meal, someone suddenly plops down across from you.   You’re startled to death again.   “I can’t believe you ditched me.”   “S-Sorry…” You look away. “I was too hungry to wait.”   “Could’ve told me at least. I would’ve hurried up.” He spreads cream cheese on his bagel, ruffled mop of hair flopping as he moves. He’s dressed like a true tourist again, this time with a hawaiian shirt that’s bright orange with blue florals all over it.   Jungkook’s eyes are round and buggy as he bites down and he hums in satisfaction at the taste. “So what are our plans for today? It’s the only full day we have left before we have to work on the cake.”   “I don’t know.” You stand up. “I finished. Should go back to the room. I have a stomach ache.”   “Really?” His left cheek is puffed out with food stored inside. “But I just got here.”   “Nature calls.” You run off, leaving your best friend in the dust.   It’s horrible being stuck on an island with Jeon Jungkook.    No matter where you run or how you hide, he’s always there.   “How was the—”   You scream.   “—bathroom trip.” Jungkook looks at you, brows furrowed deep.   “You scared me!” You put your hand over your heart where it’s pounding hard, threatening to jump out of your chest.   “But I didn’t do anything,” he defends, mouth drawing open as he gestures around, perplexed at how you could be frightened in broad daylight, in the middle of the day, with this many people around. “Are you sure you’re okay?”   “I’m fine. H-how’d you even find me?!”   “I don’t know, I was just heading back to the room. The resort isn’t that big.” He shrugs and finally is able to get a good look at you. Jungkook slowly smiles at your one-piece swimsuit. “Are you going in for a dip? I can join.”   The thought of Jungkook ripping off his shirt, jumping into the pool and getting all wet with you has your knees weak. It’s not a healthy idea.    “No. Changed my mind. It’s kind of….cold out for a swim. I’m probably going to go back inside to change.”   “Y/N. It’s hot. It’s like a hundred degrees out here.”   You muster stiff laughter. “Well I’m feeling a bit chilly. Gonna go back and change. See ya!”   You sprint off again, in a completely disoriented manner. Jungkook shouts your name when you nearly slip on a puddle of water by the poolside and almost crack your head open. But luckily, you catch yourself and throw him a half-hearted smile and an exaggerated wave goodbye.    Part of you wishes you would’ve just fallen into the pool or hit your head. Maybe it would finally knock some sense into your brain.   There’s no reason for you to be so nervous around him. This is Jeon Jungkook you’re talking about — IU fanboy, the biggest nerd of the universe, officially the worst flirt on this planet.   There’s absolutely no reason for your stomach to flip. For you to be unable to retain eye contact with your friend. For you to suddenly be so self-aware and conscious of him that you feel nervous when he’s around and nervous when he’s not. There’s no reason whatsoever…   “You need to get your head straight.”   You’re muttering to yourself as you walk. You probably look crazy, but need to hear it out loud. If no one’s going to help you by saying it, then you’ll say it yourself. “Focus, Y/N. Focus—”   A blood-curdling shriek tears from your stomach when there’s suddenly knocking. You turn to see Jeon Jungkook beside you, separated by a window, but laughing hysterically at your reaction. His nose is scrunched, mouth drawn up into that boyish smile of his.   He’s inside the fitness center in a white tank top, sweating enough to make his hair damp, and the dark stands are pushed back against his head. That little shit is scaring you on purpose now.   “Are you shitting me, Jeon Jungkook?!” Your fist pounds against the glass and you fail to notice how everyone else in the gym is whirling their heads around at the noise.   The resort attendant runs up on you.   “Ma’am, please don’t bang on the glass.”   “S-sorry.”   Jungkook is in bigger hysterics now, bent over and grabbing his stomach, laughing loud enough for you to hear through the window. His smile is excited, eyes lit up.   Everywhere. Every corner you turn to. Every path you take. Some way or another — whether you’re talking to Namjoon or Chungha, hanging at the bar, around the pool, on the beach to watch the waves — no matter how hard you try to evade him, Jungkook is always there.   You didn’t know it would be so hard to avoid him. He’s truly like the plague.   Or maybe a curse.    Better yet, it would be more fitting to call Jeon Jungkook the year-round Christmas grinch. He’s here to ruin your life, ruin your holiday, and make your head filled with him and only him.   “You’re not avoiding me, are you?”   He finally asks after crawling into bed beside you that night. His hands are folded on top of his midsection and he’s staring up at the ceiling even if he can’t see when the entire room is drowned in a comfortable darkness.   You muster some laughter. “Don’t be ridiculous.”   The sheets shift and from the little light coming through the terrace glass doors, you can see him looking at you. And you can feel his body warmth with the small distance. “I would hate it if you were a hypocrite since you don’t like when others ghost you.”   “I said I’m not,” you whine. The lie gives a tickle of guilt in your gut. “You shouldn’t accuse people after they’ve already defended themselves.”   “Okay.” The corners of his lips quirk. “Just making sure. I don’t want to scare you off.”   You scoff, eyes adjusting enough to be able to look at him. It’s quiet, with him beside you underneath the covers, too close but too far. Yet somehow, in spite of the silence of your room, it’s still very noisy inside your head. “You really think you’re going to get rid of me that easily?”   “No. And I’m glad for that. I wouldn’t want to lose you.” Jungkook grins and he teases, “You’re not a coward, Y/N. Right?”   “Psh. Go to bed, Jeon.”   “Hmm, I’m not tired, but I do know an activity we can do together that’ll tire me right out.”   “Yeah, my fist meeting your face.”   He laughs and you roll over, tugging the covers up to your chin.   You don’t say out loud, don’t admit it, but you are a coward.    One big coward who pretends to face the truth with courage, but actually learnt to run and hide in the face of trouble. A coward who can’t face the music, who’s actually wide awake like he is, but won’t say it. Whose heart is stuttering too loud to try to slip underneath the seduction of slumber.    You won’t admit the funny feeling you get when your gaze sets upon Jungkook. You won’t acknowledge it even when it’s screaming into your ear drums and drumming against your rib cage. You won’t confess that the nervousness you feel is far from platonic.   It’s hard not to feel stuck on Jungkook. These days, the last person you see before you sleep is him and he’s the first person you see when you wake up. He’s both the beginning and the end.   “Hey, Y/N.” You’re stirred away by a soft voice calling to you. “Wake up.”   When your lids peel back, you see him. The strands of his black hair nearly tickle the skin of your cheeks and he smiles tenderly at you. “We have a long day. Come on.”   You’re a coward and you have been for some time now.   //   Friday is the busiest day of the week. It’s the eve of the wedding and where you’re in the kitchen for hours on end.   Between the four of you, the lilac-coloured fondant is rolled out to cover the chocolate cake and ganache frosting. The dowel rods are inserted and the cake is stacked. Once it’s to Sejeong’s satisfaction, the decorating process begins. The sugar lavender that you made yesterday is used, placed delicately in the correct positions and you work on tracing a lace pattern on the bottom most layer.   Hours later, with muscles sore and eyes stinging, she’s finally satisfied.   It ends up looking magnificent. All the effort is presented in front of you — the cake is a soft purple colour, lavender flowers made from gum paste and real lilacs edible.   “It’s too pretty to eat.”   “It always is.” Sejeong smiles. “But when we do, it’ll be delicious.”   Namjoon stretches his arms over his head, making noises as his bones crack. “I’m starving. What time is it?” He checks his watch. “I think the snack bar is still open. We should go eat now since we have to wake up bright and early tomorrow.”   “I forgot how much work it was to be a bridesmaid.” Sejeong sighs lightly. “Let’s just get the cake in the fridge for now.”   Jungkook and Namjoon carefully move the cake into the refrigerator area, a whole cold storage, and you take your aprons off, washing your hands. Sejeong turns to you and Jungkook. “Are you guys hungry too? You probably are since we’ve been working so late.”   You exchange a look with him. “N-No. We’re fine.”   “Are you sure?” Namjoon asks, brows raised.   “Yeah, I’m sure. I’m more tired than hungry. I’ll probably call it a night.”   “Same here.” Jungkook offers a smile, following your lead.   “Well alright, I’ll see you both bright and early then! Good job, you two.” Namjoon smiles and both he and his wife leave the kitchen, talking to one another until their voices fade away.   Jungkook then turns to you with his brow raised. “Are you really not hungry?”   You look down at your stomach and it rumbles. You wonder if he can hear it too. “I thought I’d give them alone time since we’ve been busy all day….”   An extended sigh pulls from the man’s lungs.   Jungkook smiles and as he passes by you, he ruffles your hair. “You’re so unnecessarily thoughtful sometimes….”   You turn around, trailing after him. Jungkook opens the fridge and hums, eyes searching.    “What are you doing?” you ask curiously.   “Looking for ingredients since a little someone said they weren’t hungry and now we can’t go to the only place still open.” He grins easily. “So unless you want to go back to the hotel room and wait half an hour for room service, I’ll cook.”   Jungkook sounds so self-assured that you comply, finding your place on a stool as he begins to pull out mushrooms, shallots, parmesan cheese, butter, and starts digging around the cupboards. “You can cook?”   “’Course I can. I’m a master of the kitchen.” His eyes flicker up and the little shit mocks you. “Why? Can’t you?”   “The pan always burns,” you mutter.   “Is that why you can’t melt chocolate over the stove?” he questions with a glint of mischief.   “For the record, I’m getting better. It’s not like I do it intentionally anyway. But are we even allowed to use these ingredients, Jungkook? Won’t we get into trouble?” It’s not your kitchen after all — just a small space the resort was willing to let you use.   He merely shrugs. “We have to live a little.”   You sit on the other side of the island, watching him closely.    Jungkook finds a can of chicken stock and heats it over the stove in a small saucepan. Then he moves to chop shallots and mushrooms, sleeves pulled up to his elbows, forearms revealed as he works the knife in a constant motion that’s therapeutic to listen to. Jungkook fries the shallots and mushrooms over the hot oil and butter in a skillet, tossing and flipping them as they sizzle.   He works fluidly, in a rhythm without needing to stop and think twice. It’s fun to watch.   “What are you making?”   “Mushroom risotto.”   “Sounds fancy.”   “It is,” he lies.    In your ignorance, you’re unaware that it’s actually an easy recipe. You’re also oblivious to the fact that Jungkook is secretly beaming with gratitude that his dad taught him this recipe years ago. His dad was right that he needed to learn how to cook basic dishes to one day impress.   Jungkook adds the rice, coating it in the butter before adding a cup of white wine he found in the cupboards. Once it’s fully absorbed, he puts in the chicken stock and adds salt to taste. All the while, he’s watching you from the corner of his eye. He can read you like a book and your amazed expression feeds directly into his ego.   When Jungkook turns around to throw something in the sink, he lets his enormous smile slip.   “If we ever have the time, I’ll make you shrimp or chicken risotto.”   “You can make that?”   “Of course, cooking isn’t hard.”   “Pft. You really know how to do everything, don’t you, Jeon?”   “You said it, not me.”   He serves it on a big plate, even taking the extra step to clean the edges up with a napkin. You’re amazed and when he arrogantly urges you to take a bite, you can’t even tell him off. It’s delicious.   And once you say so, he can't deny how happy he is.   Jungkook is over the fucking moon. He would cook for you for the rest of his life if you’d let him.
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
Coffee shop au (Doppo x Reader)
A/N: decided to do a little scenario for the birthday boy Doppo! Hope yall enjoy :)
Word count: 1798
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You were a literature student at university. Every morning you see this man come into the coffee shop around 8 o clock. 'Poor thing, always looks so tired and rundown.'
One morning was particularly busy. You overheard his order from one of his many visits and decided to pay for it. He comes in an hour later frantically looking around, wondering if he should leave the line. One of the employees waves him down and gives him his order. That lady over there paid for your coffee. He looks completely baffled and turns to see you waving. He thanks the barista and walks to your table.
"Hi um, thanks for paying for my coffee miss." He scratches the back of his head nervously. "No problem. My name is Y/N by the way." You extend your hand to shake his. "Oh! I'm Doppo." "It was busy today and I figured you always look so busy." His eyes widened. "You can tell from just that huh?" You nod. "Well, it's true I don't have much time to myself outside of work..."
"What do you do? Oh, I'm a salaryman." "Ah, I see. Must be pretty tiresome work." "It would be alright if my boss didn't give me so much to do." His fists clenched. "Oh, I'm sorry for rambling." "It's alright." "I actually have to get going. I can already feel my work piling up." He shoots you a bemused grin.
"It was nice talking to you." "Would you have time to chat over coffee on the weekend? Seems like you have a lot more to say." "Maybe! Uh, I'll be back tomorrow." "Alright, see you." He waves and scurries out of the cafe. "What an odd guy. I hope he's not overdoing himself too hard..." You continue your writing.
The next day Doppo joins you for coffee. "So Mr. salaryman, how goes life?" You sit down at the same table you were at yesterday. "Oh uh, I'm kind of always on the go." "Do you have any hobbies?" "Well, I do have a few houseplants. I keep a bunch of cute little succulents around my place like a salad bowl, giant velvet rose, it's actually just a small one, and a tiny cactus-" He stops there because he feels the conversation dragging.
"What about friends?" "Hifumi has been my friend since elementary school. Despite everything, I'm glad he's still around." "That's nice to hear." You smile. "Oh! I've been so busy talking about myself I never asked about you." " Well, there's not much to know." "Nonsense, what do you do? I saw you with your laptop yesterday." "I'm a literature student at ___ University." "So you're a writer? That's pretty interesting."
Over the next few months, you became fast friends. Doppo would join you in the morning for coffee and a small chat then dash to work.
(Insert clever transition here)
"Doppooo." You call out to him and wave your hand in front of his face. "Doppo?" He snaps back into reality. "Hmm? What is it y/n?" "Are you alright?" "I'm f-fine. Why do you ask?" You shake your head. "It's ok to have a break every now and then y'know. You've been spacing out all day." "Yeah, sorry y/n. I guess I just have a lot on my mind." "Why don't we do something?"
"Would you like to go out? Hang out I mean! Somewhere else! Anywhere! You can choose!" "Hmm, I think a walk would do us both some good." "Uh yeah s-sure." Doppo sweats a little.
"Hey uh y/n, I'm not a very athletic person as you can probably tell..." "That's alright, It doesn't have to be a long one. Why don't we just walk down to the park at our own pace?" "Oh, o-ok sure."
Leaving the cafe you walk about 15 minutes to the nearest park and sit down on a nearby bench. You turn to face him. "I'm worried about you Doppo. Are you taking care of yourself?" "I'm just hanging on like I always do..." He gives a nervous chuckle. "You didn't answer my question." He hangs his head and sighs. "What's the point?" "The point is your wellbeing Doppo. Here." You pat your lap. "Just take a little rest. "N-no I shouldn't-" "I don't mind." Hesitantly he lays down on the bench and rests his head on your lap, blushing.
It didn't take long for him to immediately fall asleep on your lap. You laugh to yourself. 'He looks so peaceful like this, just like a cute little man child.' You carefully stroke his hair making sure not to wake him up. A small blush forming on your cheeks.
After a while, he awakes and rolls over. His sleepy teal-blue eyes meeting yours.
"Y-y/n!" He sits up abruptly, a bright red blush flooding his cheeks. "I-I'm so sorry! How long was I asleep?" "Not long, you could have napped longer if you wanted to. It looks like you needed the sleep." "Erm, yeah. thank you." His cheeks still burning red. "You can lay back down if you want. You still have a few hours before you have to go to work right?" He considers, thinking how comfortable your thighs were cradling his head. "I-I don't want to be a bother..." "Just lay on my shoulder then. We can both take a nap." "Okay."
Doppo leans on your shoulder and closes his eyes hoping that you didn't notice his quickening heartbeat. Resting your head on his crimson locks you close your eyes and fall asleep into a short slumber together.
"What would you like to eat?" "Anything, I'm starving." You giggle. "I was going to make some omurice~" He visibly perks up. "I'd like that very much." "Omurice it is! Topped with some cilantro." You lick your lips. "U-um. No cilantro for me thank you..." he winced trying not to gag.
"Oh no, you have the cilantro hating gene, don't you?" "Yeah, it kinda tastes like soap." You dramatically toss your hand to your forehead. "That's so tragic. I wish your taste buds could appreciate the fresh springy sprigs that are cilantro. But alas! I'll just top it off with chives."
"Y-you can have cilantro! It's not a problem if you want to!" "I don't want to make you sick with the aroma." "I'll be fine as long as I don't eat it! Really!!" "Ok ok. I'll do both." "Do you want some help? Omurice is one of the only things I can make..." his head hangs a little. "Sure! I could always use some help chopping some veggies."
You were coming over to Doppos place every weekend now to make sure he was eating well and getting enough sleep.
After prepping the vegetables and cooking the rice, you dice up some chicken and mix in the vegetables and spices, also adding some ketchup. Then whisking an egg with a little milk you cook the omelette and add the chicken, veggies and rice. Folding the egg over you make a little ketchup smiley face with dimples on the side of his plate and top it off with some chives. Then do the same with yours.
"Here you go!" Doppo's eyes light up when you hand him the plate. "Waaaah, it looks so professional! Let's dig in!" You watch as he smiles while eating, savouring every bite. "Oh y/n this is so good." "Thank yourself, you helped make it too." You smile. "Yes but mine never tastes this good. It must be something you did!" "You'd be surprised what difference a little salt and pepper can make."
You both watched a show while eating, Doppo went back for seconds.
"Thank you for the delicious meal y/n. You've been doing a lot for me, I appreciate it." "Of course! I'll always try and be there for you when you need me." "Would you really?" Doppo's palms get sweaty as he turns to you with his head down. "Would it be so wrong to think that there's something between us? I-I know I'm a pessimist and an overall mess. You basically take care of me like I'm your kid- Oh, who am I kidding you don't want me... I'm a ball of anxiety and-" you put a finger to his lips and he blushes immediately.
"I like you too, Doppo." You smile. "Y-you do?" He sighs visibly relaxing. "I thought I really blew it there... but I'm glad you feel the same." You place your hand over his. "I care about you Doppo."
After a few more shows and an awkward silent stroll, Doppo walks you back over to your place and says goodnight.
"Thanks for everything y/n." Knowing he wouldn't be the one to make the first move (in this case anyway) you lean over and kiss him on the cheek. He looked so cute with his flustered expression and blushed cheeks. "Night Doppo."
When you lay down on your bed for the night your heart races and butterflies dance in your stomach. Then your phone pings from your nightstand.
"I had a really great time today! Not like I don't any other time! But today was special! The texts came flooding in one after the other. You beam and reply "Yes today was fun. Now please get some sleep. You need it." "I'll try!"
Epilogue I guess---------
Even though you move in with Doppo quite quickly it turns out to be the best thing for the both of you. He does his best to look out for you and you look out for him.
In the morning you both wake up, he boils water for coffee and you make breakfast. You'll still visit the coffee shop every now and then, but there's nothing quite like having breakfast in bed with your partner.
You always call him during lunch and inbetween to make sure he doesn't forget to eat. When he comes home he'll help you with meal prep if he's not too exhausted. Then you'll eat dinner in front of the tv and watch a show.
After dinner, you both wash and dry the dishes then sit down on the couch and cuddle. On a good day, you watch a few episodes of your favorite show together. But on an exhausting day, Doppo falls asleep within the first 10 minutes. But you don't mind. You simply flip the station and admire his sweet peaceful face as he lays his head on your shoulder.
If it's late you wake him up with head pats and guide him to bed in a half-asleep stupor joining him soon. When you're in bed he always has one arm around you. Usually, your back to his front or the both of you facing each other in an embrace until you wake and the cycle begins anew.
Thank you for reading!
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Tomorrow Hill chapter 2 part one
A scream that was of sheer terror filled the house and immediately woke up Bump from his sleep. He knew he had to get to the basement quickly. Sure it was 2:30 am in the morning but he didn’t care he had to help that kid, rushing down the stairs as fast as he could go. Bump made his way to the door leading into the basement and practically bolted down the stairs to the basement his mind going a hundred miles a second as parental instincts were kicking in.
He found Hunter in bed although to say that he was fine would be basically neglecting to notice how much he was suffering. Hunter was shaking like a leaf, breath’s coming out in short and uneven bursts as tears were streaming down his face. Bump knew what this was. It’s a night terror. Bump pulled Hunter close to him so he could keep Hunter grounded.
“Hunter, Hunter it’s okay, your okay.”
Hunter was still breathing unevenly at this point he was hyperventilating. He was still shaking and it didn’t help the fact that he was having a night terror. Still, Bump in all his years of fostering kids and all the night terrors he helped kids through he never saw one like this. This night terror is on the borderline of panic attacks. Well time to use this trick again hope it’ll work with Hunter.
“Shhh…shhh….I’m here, I’m here.”
“Come along with me
And the butterflies and bees
We can wander through the forest
And do so as we please
Come along with me
To a cliff under a tree
Where we can gaze upon the water
As an everlasting dream.”
Hunter’s tremors started to die down a bit, his breathing was still uneven but he was trying to take deep breath’s only being interrupted by a cough or him clearing his throat, and those loud sobs started turning into pained whimpers. Bump took notice and continued singing that lullaby.
“All of my collections
I’ll share them all with you
Maybe by next summer
We won’t have changed our tune
We’ll still want to be
With the butterflies and bees
Making up new numbers
And living so merrily.”
The tremors had completely disappeared at this point Hunter was still whimpering but it was lesser than before, and he finally got back control over his breathing. Bump knowing that his job is done for now decides to give him a kiss on the head and whisper a soft good night to Hunter before tucking him in again.
Hunter woke up, he was already mentally preparing himself to go out in public and long story short he wasn’t looking forward to that. Walking up the steps he opens the door to see Bump seemingly waiting for him.
“What time is it?”
Hunter froze in place at that.
“11:30?!?! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?!”
“It’s Saturday and it’s the last three days before summer vacation ends.”
“You want something to eat first, before we go?”
Hunter nods.
“Okay then come here take a seat.”
“Though I wouldn’t mind if you come here and help me with the cooking.”
Hunter chose the latter as much as he was afraid of messing it up with one of his tics he was still eager to learn how to cook. He slowly walked towards his foster father, his breathing picking up slight speed.
“Ok before we make this are you allergic to nuts?”
“Ok then good, now on to your late breakfast do you know how to make banana nut muffins?”
“I don’t think I do.”
“Alright then I’ll teach you how.”
“First off we need the dry ingredients, do you mind putting them in the bowl next to you?”
“No I click don’t mind.”
“Great kid, ingredients should be in the cabinet near the microwave ok.”
“Ok what do I need pop again?”
“1 1/2 cup of flour, one teaspoon of baking powder, baking soda, and salt, then we need one teaspoon of cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg.”
Hunter was still feeling somewhat uneasy during this. (Why are you acting like this?!?! You’re supposed to be having fun with learning how to cook. Why are you so messed up!?) ignoring the buzzing anxiety in his head he did what he was told to do.
“Next you need to whisk them together. Do you need help with that or will you manage?”
Why is he being so patient with me? That was the question that was repeating in Hunter’s head. He just didn’t understand the patience of his foster dad he didn’t understand.
“I can manage.”
Bump handed the whisk to Hunter, though that doesn’t stop him noticing his foster child’s breathing picked up a bit of speed almost as if he was anxious.
Hunter began to whisk the dry ingredients together, his breathing becoming a tad bit faster. (Don’t mess this up everything will be ruined if you do. Don’t mess up. Don’t.) His breathing hitched.
“That’s good you can stop now.”
Hunter snapped back to reality and jerks his head back hoping that his foster father didn’t notice. In the back of his mind he was thankful that Bump grounded him even if for a brief moment.
“Ok what’s next?”
“I already smashed the bananas so you’re going to need 2/3 cup of dark brown sugar, the melted butter is already next to the stand mixer, so next you need a egg, two tablespoons of milk and one teaspoon of vanilla extract.”
Hunter gathered the rest of the ingredients and placed them near the stand mixer.
“Okay first the milk with the vanilla extract, then the dark brown sugar, after that you have to crack the egg and-” he messed up. He slammed the egg too hard and made a mess.
“Sorry hiccup I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m pop sorry.”
Hunter was crying out apologies. (Not even a week and you’ve already messed up? Oh god everything is ruined he’s going to throw you out.)
Bump knew he had to reassure him that it was a accident and he didn’t mean to do it on purpose.
“Hunter it’s ok, accidents happen. Everything is okay.”
Bump reached to put his hand on Hunter’s shoulder to comfort him but the boy quickly curled up and made himself smaller, as if to avoid a hit. Bump knew the kid didn’t have a good life before he got put into the system but now he’s seeing how broken Hunter was.
“Hey Hunter, it’s okay I’m not going to hurt just because of an accident. You made a mistake and that’s alright I will never ever hit you. Do you understand that.”
“Yes. I think I do.”
“Alright I’ll get another egg for the muffins and put the butter in for you okay?”
Hunter was trying not to tell Bump that he wants to do it because he clearly thinks he’s made a mess of himself.
“Alrighty you feeling better?”
“Do you still want to help?”
Hunter nods wanting to forget about what just happened.
“Alright next we have to combine both ingredients and then we put 1/2 cup of chocolate chips and walnuts.”
Hunter was silent but got what they needed. Bump turned off the stand mixer.
“We’re almost done so bare with me here, can you preheat the oven to 425?”
He set the oven to the temperature that was requested.
“Great now set it to bake for five minutes and after that I’ll set to 350 and bake for fifteen minutes.”
Hunter just wanted this over with so he did what he was told.
“Sit on the couch and wait alright.”
“Got it.”
Twenty minutes had passed and the muffins were done. They looked pretty good despite the mess that happened while making them. Hunter grabbed one headed towards the car and his foster father followed suit.
“sigh ready.”
8 notes · View notes
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,919 Words
Summary: A new friend moves into the dorm.
Warnings: Death Mention, Abandonment Mention, Orphan Mention, Disownment, Cursing, Injury Mention, Blood Mention, Caps, Food Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison  Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20, Yamada: President Megaphone, Bakugou: deku-deck-you
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 5
6:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
President Megaphone: Alright, you might have noticed dorm 10 is occupied this morning. You guys are getting another fellow dormmate.
gay salt: mon dieu. Who?
President Megaphone has added Bakugou
Bakugou: Hi, I guess.
farmer toshi has changed Bakugou's name to deku deck-you
deku deck-you: I'd kill you if you didn't risk your life for my teacher.
farmer toshi: Come kill me then, coward.
deku deck-you: No, I'm too tired.
schrodinger better run: Hey, Baku, what's your tragic backstory?
deku deck-you: What?
foil-mecha: Well, about 60% of us in here have a tragic backstory for being in the dorms. Monoma's mother abandoned him in Japan, Hagakure and Shinsou are orphans, Kuroiro's parents hate her, and Honenuki's been disowned. Me and Shiozaki are only here because our commute to and from school would have been horrible and Tsunotori and Aoyama are exchange students.
deku deck-you: It's stupid. I don't want you to think I'm pathetic.
gay salt: If anyone makes fun of you, I'll personally kick in the teeth. Besides Shinsou, he gets a free pass only because his teeth are already fucked this week with wires.
deku deck-you: Well, my old hag mother wanted me to drop from UA because it's too dangerous for her liking but I wouldn't do it so she kicked me out and disowned me. She beat me pretty bad, ended up breaking my right kneecap and left a bunch of deep cuts on my arms and almost severed my arteries in my wrists with some glass from a vase she broke before she threw me out of the house.
deku deck-you: I'd have used my quirk on her if it wouldn't be considered unwilling quirk usage against a civilian and, with my quirk, I'd be put in jail for how dangerous me using it in a fight could be, especially if she claimed I hurt her. I can't even go to class this morning because she threw my blood on my UA uniform so I wouldn't go back.
farmer toshi: Can't say it'll completely fit you, but my uniform is clean in room 6 in the top drawer of my dresser. Use mine for today since I'm not allowed to go to school today still. I threw up last night so I'm being held yet again for observation.
deku deck-you: Thank you. Who all is even here?
ranch flavored jello: Oh yeah, introductions. You weren't here for them.
ranch flavored jello has quoted 21 messages
Aizawa: Shouta, he/him, I'm gay, married, depressed
Shinsou: Hitoshi, he/him, I'm gay
Monoma: Seiko, she/they/he, pansexual/genderfluid, if you have a crush on me, you're some kind of gay
Hagakure: Toru, she/her, lesbian
Aoyama: Akemi, she/they, trans mtf/lesbian
Tsunotori: Pony, she/her, lesbian
Shiozaki: Ibara, they/them, asexual/agender/aromantic
Kuroiro: Kageya, she/her, trans mtf/bi
Tokoyami: Fumikage, he/him, trans ftm/bi
Honenuki: Juzo, she/her?, bi
Kuroiro: Ah yes, our girl, Honenuki Kiyomi.
Shinsou has changed Aizawa's name to feral cat dad
Shinsou has changed Aoyama's name to gay salt
Shinsou has changed Hagakure's name to ranch flavored jello
Shinsou has changed Tokoyami's name to foil-mecha
Shinsou has changed Kuroiro's name to life is a nightmare
Shinsou has changed Shiozaki's name to saviour
Shinsou has changed Tsunotori's name to schrodinger better run
Shinsou has changed Honenuki's name to pure
Shinsou has changed Monoma's name to nat20
feral cat dad has changed Shinsou's name to farmer toshi
deku deck-you: Well, I'm pansexual, he/him, trans ftm, just please don't call me Bakugou anymore, I don't want that hag's surname.
feral cat dad: I'll fight your mother, don't tempt me.
feral cat dad: Also how about Aizawa Katsuki?
deku deck-you: I'm going to start crying.
nat20: Looks like Mr. Aizawa is adopting another kid with bad parents.
President Megaphone: Yeah, I'll get the paperwork on the UA twelve hour adoption from custody transfer.
deku deck-you: Oh my god, I can't believe this is really happening.
farmer toshi: I'd kill a transphobe for my brother, your honor.
deku deck-you: I have a family? Really? A real family that won't hurt me?
President Megaphone: As your uncle, I assure you, nobody here will hurt you.
feral cat dad: Katsuki, I would never hurt my son.
farmer toshi: Yeah, dude, I wouldn't hurt you, ever.
ranch flavored jello: I have a brother! I wanna paint your nails!
deku deck-you: I don't think I've ever been happier in my life.
farmer toshi: I'm glad you're happy, Katsuki.
deku deck-you: You're all so nice, thank you.
gay salt: We'd be nice to you regardless, Kats. We're happy to help you whilst you're settling in and finally getting to feel safe. We're proud of you for being brave enough to reach out for help when you needed it.
deku deck-you: I need to get dressed before y'all keep making me cry.
deku deck-you is now offline
7:50 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: katsukiinhisschooluniformwithorangehair.jpg
deku deck-you: Toru helped me because my arms still hurt a lot when I grab things.
ranch flavored jello: My boy, Katsuki, looks like a god.
deku deck-you: I finally don't look like my mother anymore.
farmer toshi: I'll punt kick her for you, bro.
deku deck-you: Don't make me cry.
ranch flavored jello: Get to class, Kats. I'm waiting for you.
deku deck-you is now offline
8:15 AM
Existence  Is A Prison
ranch flavored jello: katsukisnewhair.vid
Video Transcript
Oh my god, Kacchan? -Unknown
Let me fucking explain maybe before you all just gang up on me and make me even more uncomfortable. -deku deck-you
My hag mom threw me out because I wouldn't drop from the Hero Course because it's too 'dangerous' for her liking now. So I'm living in the dorms, if you make fun of my hair, I'll have to kill you because Toru worked hard to make it look good on a time constraint -deku deck-you
I think it looks really good, Kacchan! - Unknown
I will still deck you, Deku, you damn nerd. -deku deck-you
[the camera shows that Katsuki is actually happy and smiling at Midoriya and he's being hugged by Aoyama as Aizawa comes into the room bandaged to the point of looking like a Halloween mummy decoration]
Transcript End
President Megaphone: God fucking dammit, Shouta!
farmer toshi: DAD!
ranch flavored jello: What's wrong?
President Megaphone: He wasn't supposed to start teaching again yet since he's still too injured for Recovery Girl's quirk to work on him.
gay salt: Don't worry, us dorm kids will make sure he doesn't do anything too dangerous.
President Megaphone: Fine, I guess.
3:15 PM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: I'm officially going back in the dorms, Aunt Nemuri came and got me. They knocked my hold down to twelve hours since I threw up since I haven't had anymore nausea or vomiting.
farmer toshi: My stubborn ass is at the store before I go home, do you guys need anything?
President Megaphone: Make sure you pick yourself up things that are liquid for the next couple days while you're on the mend before Recovery Girl can heal you.
farmer toshi: That's the plan. I've already procured blueberry yogurt drinks and silken tofu and soft ice cream and jellies and stuff. I wanted to know before I check out if anyone else needs anything.
gay salt: Yeah, grab me some boiled octopus and crab sticks if you can. I'm craving them.
foil-mecha: jagariko please, whichever one you find.
ranch flavored jello: Enoki, a bunch of them, and thick white bread.
feral cat dad: Just grab some extra jellies.
life is a nightmare: ham, bean sprouts, tofu, and eggs.
pure: Tofu and spam.
schrodinger better run: Milk, bacon, and eggs for my breakfast tomorrow.
nat20: cheese sausages and kimchi ramen, please.
saviour: Just tofu and edamame.
President Megaphone: aloe yoghurt.
farmer toshi: Got it. I'll be home in like a half hour. Be waiting for your groceries.
8:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
schrodinger better run: @everyone I've made everyone breakfast! Even you, Shinsou and Mr. Aizawa. I made you two's food liquid for you.
schrodinger better run: Breakfast is eggs, pancakes, bacon, and tofu. I made the pancakes vegan friendly and I tried really hard to make the tofu like sausage for Toru and Ibara!
saviour: Thank you, Pony, I'm sure it'll be good no matter what.
ranch flavored jello: Thanks Pony, you're the best.
schrodinger better run: No problem!
schrodinger better run: And for Mr. Aizawa and Shinsou, I made you two your smoothie bags and some of the juice I made for you!
farmer toshi: Which ones?
schrodinger better run: For you, the vanilla coconut, chocolate peanut butter jelly, and guava orange juice. For Mr. Aizawa, spinach peanut butter banana, citrus berry, and guava orange juice.
feral cat dad: Thank you, pony.
feral cat dad: No, capitalize pony.
feral cat dad: Fucking speech to text.
feral cat dad: Pony. There we go.
schrodinger better run: Love you, Mr. Aizawa.
feral cat dad: Love you too, kid.
2:30 PM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Katsuki, Recovery Girl says she can likely heal you now that you're feeling better.
deku deck-you: Yeah, sure.
3:45 PM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: You feel okay, Kats?
deku deck-you: Yeah, just tired. I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up for dinner.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
6:45 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Jeez, you get up early. I'll try to run with you tomorrow.
deku deck-you: I'm good running alone, Shinsou.
farmer toshi: Oh, okay.
deku deck-you: I mean, if you wanna, then go ahead, but I know you don't sleep well. Plus you have to rest up so Recovery Girl can heal you.
farmer toshi: I know, but I also know it sucks to run alone sometimes.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
6:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Shoot, I slept past my alarms.
deku deck-you: It's fine. As long as you're getting sleep, you don't have to run with me, Shinsou.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
6:35 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Fucking alarms weren't set.
deku deck-you: You needed the sleep, Shinsou. You were up late.
farmer toshi: Fine. But I'll catch you one of these mornings.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
6:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: I'm getting closer, you early bastard.
deku deck-you: Keep thinking that, Shinsou.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
5:55 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Now you're taunting me.
deku deck-you: You wish. I'm just good at waking up early.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
5:35 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: I JUST MISSED YOU!
farmer toshi: Get back here little bastard!
deku deck-you: shinsousprintingafterhim.jpg
life is a nightmare: What a wholesome ending.
deku deck-you: shinsoufellonme.jpg
President Michael: You good, kids?
deku deck-you: Yeah, we're good. My knee is a little achy but I'll be fine.
farmer toshi: Don't worry, I'll force him back if he's hurt, Uncle Zashi.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust
15 notes · View notes
starlessskies94 · 4 years
Consequence (Joel Miller x OC)
Tumblr media
Summary: What if Joel survived his injuries from the Abby and Fireflies attack but ends up with really bad amnesia. He can’t remember his wife, Ellie, or the Outbreak; only before. How will his family bring back the man they once knew?
Pairing: Joel Miller x OC
Note: Okay this is a big one, I wrote this over the course of like 3 days I think? Anyway I hope you like it because it's probably the longest chapter I've ever written for one of my stories <3
Chapter One
It was just five in the morning when Adaline Miller woke up. Her head still a little groggy from a decent night’s sleep and her fading dreams. She turned to see Joel still asleep beside her; his gentle snores muffled into his pillow. She smiled and leaned over kissing his bare shoulder before rolling out of bed to get ready for her day.
Stepping downstairs towards the kitchen, Ada realised just how cold it was when she noticed how frosted over the windows had become overnight. Ada hated winter. It was her least favourite season. After everything that had happened almost five years ago it wasn’t hard to understand why. Even now she still sometimes had nightmares about it.
Waking up to find Joel cold in his bed; his stomach wound torn open. Blood everywhere. Or finding Ellie beaten and bruised, left alone in that burned out restaurant.
Joel had always been there to console her, holding her until she calmed down. His voice low to just a whisper as he told her everything was okay. She was safe. He was there and he wasn’t ever going to leave.
It was a comfort she appreciated even after being married to the man for just under four years.
Stepping through into the kitchen, the brunette quickly got to work preparing some eggs on the stove for breakfast before moving across the counter to make up a pot of coffee for herself and Joel. She still wasn’t totally sure what her husband had traded for the beans; but Joel had seemed rather embarrassed by it for some reason. Though after finally getting to taste coffee again after so long, she didn’t much care she supposed. After the hot water was boiled she poured the beverage out, setting aside Joel’s favourite owl mug for when he came down.
Joel had always been an early riser and more often than not, he was almost always the one that beat her to the kitchen in the morning. It had taken some time after settling in Jackson to actually get the man to finally relax a little. It was unfortunate for Ada that he had taken that to mean ‘no sleeping in past seven’. Even on days off, Joel was up before the sun. Lucky Ada had found her own ways to at least keep him in bed past seven on those days; sleeping or otherwise. Thankfully Joel never complained.
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the creaking of the stairs as Ada glanced up to meet eyes with Joel. His arms stretched above his head and suppressing a yawn. He stepped through the door, his hand dropping to scratch at his bearded chin.
“Morning darlin’.” Joel slurred, heading straight for his coffee mug. “Hold on...why are you dressed already?” Ada questioned. Her egg covered spoon gesturing at him in his winter gear. Joel followed her gaze, his brows raised in confusion. “I thought you weren’t on patrol until this afternoon.” She clarified.
“Oh yeah...forgot to tell you last night. Change of plans. Tommy’s gotten word of a horde gathering near the ski lodge.” He explained between sips, leaning against the counter, crossing one foot over the over. “Reckon we needed to deal with it quickly before it gets to be a problem.”
Ada pouted but said nothing, her gaze turning from Joel back to her scrambled eggs on the stove. Joel sighed abandoning his mug on the side as he moved across towards her. His arms wrapping around her waist and resting his chin over her shoulder.
“I can hear you thinking.” He said lowly into her ear. But again Ada said nothing. He sighs moving to kiss her neck but she turns her head away as he does.
He hates this. He hates when she worries. It’s always the same routine when he heads out for clean up duty. Clearing out infected is never an easy job but it is what keeps Jackson safe. They both know that. But still whenever he’s due to leave for another job, Ada goes quiet. She’s distant and he fucking hates it.
It was the same when Ellie first asked to train for patrol, they’d been reluctant. And while they were both well aware of Ellie’s skills and her strength; it was still hard watching their baby girl in such a hurry to go out alone without them.
His arms around her waist squeeze gently as he pulls her close to his chest, his head over her shoulder stealing a kiss on her cheek.
“Baby please stop worrying, I’ll be fine.” He knew it was a foolish thing to promise because the world they lived in wasn’t safe. You never knew what the next day would bring. But if there was anything in this world Joel would find to fight for; it was coming home to his wife. His family.
Ada dumped the cooked eggs onto the plates laid out, they were a little burned on the edges. She hadn’t been paying that much attention to them if she was honest. Then turned in her husband’s arms to face him.
“Back by dinner or I kick your ass.” She warned playfully. “Deal.” He chuckled, pulling her close as their lips met in a kiss.
It didn’t take long for Ada to get to the stables when she’d finished breakfast. After reluctantly pulling herself from Joel’s arms; they’d both parted ways as the older man went to meet his brother at the gate.
She’d quickly threw herself into her list of jobs for the day, hoping it would take her mind off her worry.
“Morning Max.” She smiled at the stable hand, walking through to the back room. “Mornin’ Ada, whadda we got today?” he grinned in reply, his frame leaning through the door as she tidied her workspace. Collecting all her notes and paperwork together.
“Well Daisy has been lame for a couple days so she needs to stay on box rest. Then I need King and Blue tacked up before noon.” She explained, her eyes never leaving the sheets of paper in her hand. “Bob and Maggie are headed out on patrol so they need them ready before half twelve.”
“You got it boss!” Max assured with a joyful grin, sending her a mock salute. She chuckled at the old man as he disappeared from the doorway, but she quickly caught up to him, catching herself on the wooden frame.
“Oh! Could you also take Barnaby out into the paddock this morning please? He had a touch of colic yesterday and I want to keep his gut moving to make sure it’s passed.” She explained. Max simply nodded and turned to make a start on his duties. Ada always liked Max. He was an older gentleman, around seventy years old but still incredibly fit for his age. He’d arrived in Jackson a few years after herself, Ellie and Joel. Along with his grandsons from somewhere near Montana. Having the experience of running his own ranch before the Outbreak; he’d been the perfect fit to help Ada run the stables and take care of the horses.
She continued through until around nine o’ clock, just making the finishing touches to the poultice she’d wrapped around the gelding’s leg she was treating. “There ya go buddy.” She cooed sweetly, giving the horse a soft scratch behind the ears as he nickered in reply.
“Morning Ada!” A familiar voice greeted as the brunette moved to close the stable door closed behind her. “Morning Dina, you out on patrol this morning?”
“Yep, heading out on the creek trails with Ellie.” She smiled, Ada quickly returning it as they both looked to Ellie walking through the door. “How’s my boy?” Dina asked, grabbing Ada’s attention once again.
“Oh he’s fine, Japan had a little mud fever but I think we got it under control now. He’s good to go. All tacked up for you with Max down there.” Dina gave her a quick thumbs up and threw a thanks over her shoulder as she ran down towards the back of the barn. Leaving the woman alone with her adoptive daughter who slowly trailed behind.
“Good morning sunshine. How are you feeling this morning?” She teased. Ellie rolled her eyes at her mother’s smirk.
“Oh jeez don’t. I already got half the town giving me weird looks.” She whined. After the dance the night before, her kiss with Dina, Seth drunk and aggressively harassing the girls; it had certainly been the talk of the town the following morning. Ellie was just hoping she could outlive the embarrassment.
“So you and Dina patrolling together huh? That should be interesting. Have you talked to her yet?” “Ugh mom stop!” Ellie hissed softly, her lips twitching into a subtle smile.
“What? I like her, she’s a sweet girl. You two would be so cute together.” The teen stifled a giggle as she playfully shoved her mom’s shoulder, the older woman chuckling in return. “Shut up.”
The laughter faded when Ada sighed in thought, Ellie glancing back knowing what was coming next. Her gaze immediately falling to her feet.
“You uh...you talk to Joel yet?” She asked cautiously. For the past two years; it had been a sore subject for Ellie whenever Ada brought Joel up in conversations. After finding out the truth back in Salt Lake; she’d been so angry at both of them for everything they had kept from her. But after learning that Joel had been the one that pulled the trigger. That one that had made that decision for all of them and acted alone, she’d declared she wanted nothing more to do with him. And while it had been hard for Ada to be stuck in the middle; she’d still tried her damn hardest to build a bridge between them.
“A little...but one conversation isn’t going to fix everything.” She mumbled. Her foot kicking at the mud covered floor, eyes never leaving the ground.
“It’s a start though. Baby he really misses you.” she said. “I know. I still don’t know if I can forgive him for what he did though. But I am willing to try.” Ellie said softly, her hands now pulling at her jacket sleeves. “I uh...I was thinking of maybe inviting him over for a movie night tomorrow. If that’s okay?”
Ada smiled at this. It had been hard with Ellie not speaking to Joel for so long, watching the man she loved struggle with losing a daughter that no longer wanted anything to do with him. It was obvious he was hurting even if he never said the words out loud. He missed Ellie, he’d be so grateful to hear she wanted to do movie night again, for the first time in so long.
“Of course it is. When you get back from patrol we’ll figure something out okay? Joel’s out with Tommy but he should be back by dinner.”
Ellie simply nodded with a timid smile before turning towards Max waiting with Shimmer.
“Hang on, gotcha some lunch. I still worry you ain’t eating enough.” Ada shouted after her, reaching into her backpack to hand her daughter the pack of food she’d prepared.
“Thank you!” Dina called before Ellie had the chance to reply, swiping the pack out of Ada’s hand. “Hey! She said my lunch!” Ellie poked in jest. The teen simply scoffed peaking through the bag to see what was inside. “Our lunch...there’s plenty for both of us. Let’s see; turkey sandwiches, nice.” Dina continued snooping through the pack while Ellie merely rolled her eyes as Ada stood with folded arms smirking at the two. They really were cute together.
“Oh shit! No way, Ellie there’s cookies in here! Awesome! Thanks Ada!”
Ada laughed at Dina’s joy as Ellie reluctantly followed behind, snatching the packed lunch back and stuffing it into her bag before Dina could complain.
“Ugh I haven’t had cookies since I was a kid. I fucking love your mom, she’s just the best.” Dina complimented as she mounted Japan, taking the reins and walking the gelding out into the snow, Ellie not far behind on Shimmer. The young girl turned back to take one last glance at her mother brushing down another horse, a smile lighting up her face.
“Yeah, yeah she is.” Ellie agreed.
After such an early start, Ada was pleased when the day was beginning to draw to an end. She’d not stopped the whole day and she was tired.
When the time came to feed and bed down the horses for the night, she was more than ready to head home, eat dinner, maybe snuggle up to Joel on the couch to watch a movie and call it a day. She’d already sent Max home to his boys when she finished up the last of her routine checks to close up the barn; when she’d been ambushed by both Jesse and Dina.
They both looked terrified, Dina with tear stained cheeks and Jesse breathless and shell shocked like he’d just run for miles without taking a second to breathe.
The brunette couldn’t remember much of what was said when they’d bombarded her with information. Only that something bad had happened and it had happened to Joel.
A thousand thoughts had rushed through her head at once. A flash of images muddled with the white noise that squealed in her ears the closer she ran towards the infirmary. Her nightmare was coming true and she felt like she was drowning. Lost in a dark ocean of uncertainty, falling without a lifeline to hold on to.
When she burst through the doors, Tommy was the first to reach her. She winced aghast at seeing his injuries. His swollen black eye, the deep bloodied gash on his forehead. She felt numb as her brother in law explained what had happened. What those bastards had done to her husband. Shot and beaten mercilessly. Her heart ached, her eyes raw from the tears she’d cried. And what made the whole thing worse, was that Ellie had been there to see the whole thing.
Ada had tried to brace herself before stepping into Joel’s room, her hand trembling as she reached for the handle. Ellie was sat slumped over his bedside, her hand clinging to his as he lay unconscious. The scuff of her mother’s boots grabbing her attention as she rose to her feet and met her halfway when Ada rushed towards her with open arms.
“Mom!” Ellie whimpered and it reminded her all too much of that night all those years ago. Ada squeezed her eyes shut as she pulled Ellie closer, her heart beating in her ears.
“Oh baby girl.” She soothed, her hand gently stroking her back for comfort. “I tried…” Ellie hiccuped. “I tried to stop them. I begged them to stop but they wouldn’t listen. And I told Joel to get up, just fucking get up.” Her voice broke as the girl choked back another sob and Ada couldn’t help her own tears as she listened silently. Gently guiding Ellie back to Joel’s bedside so she could sit, all the while the mother never once letting go of her daughter.
“I told him to get up, but it was like he’d just given up.” She explained quietly. Her shaking hands reaching up to wipe at her sore bloodshot eyes. Her cheeks and nose reddened from her tears. “The doctor said he needs to be asleep for a while, something about something needing time to settle?! I don’t fucking know!” She shouted in frustration, almost collapsing from exhaustion in her chair.
Ada merely nodded solemnly. Tommy had partly explained before she’d rushed to Joel. The doctor had insisted on keeping Joel sedated to give the brain time to heal itself while the swelling subsides. Ada just hoped it wouldn’t take too long for him before he was able to wake up.
As the night drew on Ellie had finally given in to her fatigue, stretching on the old beat up couch in the corner of the room. Tommy had thoughtfully brought her a blanket and a bag of clothes for the girls before heading home himself, Ada swearing that she would send Ellie the second they had any news on his brother.
It wasn’t until then that Ada had the still and the silence of the night did she truly take in Joel’s injuries. His leg, broken and mangled. It had been a damn miracle that they’d even be able to save it. But there had been a reasonable amount of confidence it would eventually heal, though Joel would definitely have some difficulty getting around at first and most likely a permanent limp afterwards; he was damn lucky in that respect.
His head injuries however were a different story. There were still flecks of dried blood in patches of his dark head where the club had struck. Patches of hair cut away, close to the scalp in order to reach the violent blows into his crown. Deep cuts and dark bruises covered his handsome face. A good chunk of his ear was missing, she’d noticed as she softly brushed her fingers through his hair in a feeble attempt to clean him up. It had been treated and neatly stitched but would most likely leave a scar.
Her lips trembled as a quiet sob worked its way up into her throat, her eyes blurred from the welling tears the longer she looked at him.
She should have been there...Why hadn’t she been there?!
The days went by and Joel still hadn’t woken up. The doctor took him off sedation a few days after the attack, in the hopes he would come around on his own. The endless nights slowly dragging by, each holding with it a suffocating pause that felt to be drawing out longer and longer. Like the string of a bow, pulling tighter and tighter until it was closely reaching its breaking point, a moment of holding strong until it was too much to bear.
It had been exactly nine days later when Joel eyelids flickered. His fingers twitched and convulsed as he finally began to regain consciousness.
A string of mumbles and panicked gasps uttered from his dry lips as he stirred awake. And Ellie and Ada were right there beside him. The young girl skidding on her heel as she took off through the door in order to grab Tommy.
“Joel? Can you hear me?” Ada asked delicately. Her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Tentatively reaching out to place her hand upon his as he moved to face her with squinted eyes.
“Wher...Where?” He tried to speak. His voice low and rough like gravel. It strained against his dry throat. Ada quickly moving to his bedside to help him drink from the glass of water placed beside him.
He winced but managed a few mouthfuls before lowering himself back down against his pillow. His tired eyes darted around the room, breath quickening and short the more the confusion set in as to how he’d ended up there.
“You're in the infirmary. You were out with Tommy and were attacked.” Ada explained carefully, Joel’s eyes drifting back towards her sat by his bedside. “Was anyone else hurt?” He asked. “Tommy got roughed up a little, bump on the head and a black eye. Couple of bruised ribs but he’ll be fine.”
Joel simply nodded at the information. His eyes never leaving Ada.
“Is Sarah okay? I assume she’s with Tommy, could you call her? Tell her I’m okay…” He spoke so casually, Ada almost didn’t hear what he’d said. But yet there was no change in his eyes as he asked the question. “How long do you reckon till I can head home?”
This question made Ada stop cold. Her heart slowing and her breath catching in her throat.
“Joel... do you know who I am?”
He looked at her like she was crazy, the confusion met in the touching of his dark brows creasing with his forehead. “Yeah, you’re my doctor.”
It was at that moment Ada almost collapsed. When she realised there was truly no hint of recognition in Joel’s eyes as he stared at her.
Her worst fear realised; her own husband saw her as a stranger.
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notimefics · 4 years
Meeting the Parents - H.C.
Word Count: 2.1K
Requested? Still no, I’m still waiting 
Warnings: I didn’t proof read it because exam season is here and I should actually be studying instead of doing this - so it’ll probably be messy! Apart from that, not much! 
A/N: Super sorry it took me this long to write this but I’m having exams so time is not on my side! Today’s piece is v fluffy! I hope you like it and if you do don’t forget to show it with a like, a comment or a reblog! Because I didn’t proof read it I might read it tomorrow and edit some stuff out! 
Henry’s POV “I can’t believe we are bringing 3 cakes,” I say laughing as we get out of the car in front of my parents house and start walking towards their door.
“We’re not bringing 3 different cakes!” She complains. “We’re brining muffins, a banana bread and a chocolate cake. So it’s only one cake. Plus I’m staying there for the weekend, so if we count today we’re really only bringing one thing per day,” 
“Plus the flowers,” I say with a chuckle. 
“The flowers obviously don’t count!” She says, but at least now that we’re joking she doesn’t look as nervous as she did in the car. 
“Obviously,” I say with a laugh. “Why would they? They’re not even edible,” 
“Well... they’re pansies so technically you can eat them. They make salads look beautiful and I used them once and it was quite good!”
“And did people survive that culinary experience?” I ask with a laughter. 
“Well, I’m here and alive ain’t I?”
“How long was this? Because you are looking a bit pale,” I joke as we get to their porch and I ring the door bell. 
“What?!” She asks me concerned. “Are you serious? I knew should’ve... put some bronzer on or something,”
“I was joking! You look wonderful as always,” I tell her and lean in to kiss her cheek. “They’ll love you,” 
“Once you explain that you’re not dating a ghost,” she says with a smirk as I pull away. 
I’m still laughing when my mum opens the door. 
“Henry! Love! Aw, I missed you so much, sweetheart!” She says and gives me a tight hug. “Oh, and this must be Y/N, I’m so glad you could come this weekend,”
“Oh! Thank you so much for inviting me,” Y/N says with a big smile. I knew mum and dad would love her, the only problem would be my brothers. It’s not that they wouldn’t love me, it’s just that they would tease me about her the whole weekend and tease her because of me too. But Y/N was tough, she’d get along with them. 
“We come bearing gifts,” I tell my mum holding the basket higher so she could see it.
“You shouldn’t have!” My mum reprimands us quickly. 
“Oh, it’s nothing! They’re not really gifts. I just had some free time on my hands” woke up at 6 this morning “and thought I’d get my hands on some recipes I’ve been dying to try,”
“Thank you so much,” My mum tells her and steps aside from the door. “Come on in, come on in! Your dad is somewhere around the corner, but go ahead and put your things in your bedroom while I put these lovely cakes in the kitchen and look for your father. Don’t forget to show Y/N around!” She says and takes the basket from my hands before walking towards the kitchen. 
“Come on, you’ve heard my mum, I’ve got to show you around,” I say and hold her hand showing her the way, first to our bedroom and then around the house. 
“I guess it’s a good thing she didn’t ask why you were dating a ghost,” Y/N says as we go up the stairs and I chuckle and shake my head. “She was probably just being polite though,” 
“Or maybe she was afraid she’d get the species wrong. Like maybe you were a vampire or a ghoul or something along those lines,” I try and she laughs.
“Well, when she saw me I was standing in the sun so if she thinks I’m a vampire she’s a little misinformed. And aren’t ghost and ghouls kind of the same thing?”
“Well, I think ghouls are evil spirits or something,” 
“Oh, do you think that from our 5 second exchange she could see how evil I truly am?” 
“Yeah, the flower pot present gave it away,” I tell her and she laughs again. That laugh... It was how I knew I had to bring her here. I just figured I would never get tired of it and, more than that, I would like to be the reason of that laughter for as long as I can. 
“Ok, so 1 parent down. 1 to go,” She says as we put our bags in the bedroom. 
“It doesn’t help that you’re talking about them like you’re a sniper and they’re targets, just saying,”
“Come one, pick a lane mate, am I a sniper or a ghoul?” She asks and then takes a seat on the bed and looks around. “Your bedroom is nice,”
“Yeah, it was renovated a few years ago,” I tell her as I sit next to her. 
“Oh noooo, I wanted to see child or teenage-Henry’s bedroom!” She whines, letting her back fall on the bed. How easy she could make me laugh also made me sure that I wanted to bring her here. 
“You really don’t,” I tell her with a laughter thinking about all the posters and crap I had in my bedroom back then. 
“I beg to disagree, let’s just hope your parents have some terrible pictures of you as a kid to make up for it,” 
“Well, they do, but you won’t come anywhere near them if I have anything to do with them,” I tell her and lay down next to her, our legs dangling on the edge of the bed. 
“What? Why do you think I came here this weekend? It was for the ammunition against you!” She says looking at me sideways, with a big goofy smile. 
“And the nerves about meeting my parents?” I ask, my cheek laying on the bed to look at her. “If this is only for you to see embarrassing pictures of me as a kid, why were you nervous?”
“Isn’t it obvious? If they didn’t like me they might not want to show me the pictures! It has nothing to do with the fact that I want to impress them so that they don’t hate me when they see me in the future,”
“When they see you in the future, eh?” I ask her. 
“Exactly, it has nothing to do with that,” She says and then quickly stands up. “Come on! I want to meet the rest of your family!” 
I shake my head but stand up and gladly take her to meet the rest of my family.
*The next day*
I am standing in the kitchen table looking outside where Y/N passed back and forth talking on the phone. There had been an emergency at work and she had to take this call and solve problems only she could solve. She apologized about a thousand times even though it was so early no one but me would even know probably.
“So,” I hear behind me startling me. “No need to jump!” My brother says with a laugh, he had clearly done it on purpose. 
“You’re up already?” 
“The kids woke me up,” he explains.  “But I put them in front of the tv, like the responsible dad I am, and came here to ask you why you were up already,”
“Y/N had a work call and I woke up as well,” 
“Look at you being a supportive husband,” He jokes.
“I’m no one’s husband,” I tell him, shaking my head. 
“Yet, eh?” He says raising his eyebrows. 
“Stop it,” I chuckle. 
“So is it a work call or was she so freaked out by us that she had to get some emotional support from her friends or therapist this morning?” 
“Surprisingly enough it’s actually work. Though knowing you guys I should probably have a therapist on speed dial,” I laugh. 
“Nonsense.” He says dismissing it. “If she has a sense of humour she’ll be alright! And she looked ok last night,”
“You barely talked to her last night, but thanks,” I tell him. 
“That’s true,” He admits, “But I did see you drooling over her when she was playing with my kids,” He makes fun of me. 
“I’m pretty sure you should be watching your kids not me, but again, thanks,” before he can say anything else Y/N is heading inside again. 
“Hey! Good morning! I hope I didn’t wake you up,” She says to my brother. 
“No, no! The kids beat you to it,” He tells her with a smile. 
“They seem to beat me at everything, first it was last night winning at hide and seek, now this?” She says and my brother chuckles. I knew he’d love her. 
“Did you manage to solve it?” I ask her, talking about the phone call. 
“Yeah, thanks,” she says leaning on me, and because I am sitting and she is standing, her hip is against my side and at the perfect place for me to wrap my arm around her. “It was a bit messy and, but 5 phone calls later, it’s handled! Do you want to help me make breakfast because I don’t know where anything is?” She asks me. 
“Well, I’m gonna go see some idiotic cartoon with my kids so I don’t have to help with breakfast too!” My brother says before leaving the kitchen. I take the opportunity of being alone with her to quickly stand up and kiss her. 
“Come on,” she says pulling away with a smile. “your parents could come in any moment. You’re very tempting but...”
“They already love you can’t we just enjoy that and be comfortable?”
“No,” she says with a laugh. “I am not so sure that they like me and, if they do, I want to keep it that way!” 
“You’re not sure if they like you? My mum was sharing recipes with you and you were talking with my dad for god knows how long about business! They love you! Even if they accidentally bore you to death,” That gains mea laughter. 
“Don’t be daft, they were not boring me. They were super interesting actually!” 
“Super interesting?” I ask her skeptically. 
“Yes! Your mom’s salted caramel recipes is wild!” I tell him. “Now come on, I’m starving!” She says and takes a step back. 
A few minutes later, while she is cutting some bread to toast and I am scrambling some eggs my brother gets back in the kitchen. 
“Hey, H, could you do me a favour and keep and eye on the kids every now and then so I could go back to sleep for a few more minutes?”
“Of course,” I nod and my brother smiles and happily goes back to bed.
“I guess you should add a few eggs for your nephews,” She tells me and I nod. 
“You know I could get used to this,” I tell her nonchalantly. “You and me making breakfast, kids in the next room,”
“Oh,” she says slightly surprised. I’m trying to act cool and not at all nervous that we’re not on the same page. “I guess it wouldn’t be the worse thing in th world,” she says cooly as well,  a big smile and a blush on her cheeks giving her away. Oh, I hope I never lose the ability to make her blush. 
I can’t help it, I put the bowl and the fork down, turn to her, wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her. 
“Come on,” She tells me with a smile. “I want kids too, but now might not be the right moment to try to have one,” she says with a wiggle of her eyebrows. I am still laughing when my mum comes in the kitchen a few moments later. 
“Good morning to you two,” She says merrily. “You’re in a good mood,” She tells me with a smile. 
“I got some good news,” I tell her and, from the corner of my eyes I see Y/N blushing some more. 
“Oh, if you’re making breakfast you wouldn’t mind if I spent some time with the children, would you?” She asks us barely even registering what I told her. 
“Of course not!” Y/N tells her. 
“Thank you, you’re a sweetheart,” My mum says before walking away. I immediately turn my attention back to Y/N, one arm around her again. 
“Your mom is in the next room!” She whispers to me. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll stop with the PDA in front of my family, but it’s very hard when you tell me things like you just said,” 
“Me? You said it to me!” She argues, but she’s smiling. 
“Yeah, but... ok, we’ll talk about it when we’re back home yeah?” I ask and she nods. She quickly gets on her tiptoes and kisses me before getting away and back to the counter. 
“You’re right, it’s very hard not to kiss you when we’re talking about this,” 
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 74: Stellar Nucleosynthesis
The future is uncertain, but then again nothing ever is.
First  Previous  Next
“Hey. Beloved. Hey.” Lips brush against Keith’s, fingertips traveling down his bare side to cup his hip. “Beloved, wake up. Your mom’s here and I’m pretty sure she wants to cook and eat me.”
“You’ll be fine. You’d taste terrible. She knows that already.”
“It’s pregnancy test day… We kinda need you for that.” Lance kisses his cheek, cuddling up close behind him. “Don’t you wanna know if we’re having a baby? If there’s gonna be a tiny, miniature Keith running around?”
Keith sighs, lacing his fingers over Lance’s to keep the man’s arm around him. “I’d rather they looked like you.”
“What? No way!” Lance pouts.
“I hope they at least have your eyes. I love your eyes.”
“Aw-w, Beloved. I love your eyes.” Lance kisses his shoulder. “But before we can start arguing over inherited traits, we should do a pregnancy test.”
“We can argue now. But,” Keith says with a heaving sigh. “I guess we should take a pregnancy test. Before Thace straps me down and bleeds me by force.”
“Keith.” It’s Krolia, clearly having gotten impatient listening to Lance coo over him. “You have a package waiting from Thace.”
“Okay, I’m coming.” Keith sits up, Lance sitting with him.
“Your hair is a mess.”
“That’s your fault.”
“Yeah. It is.” Lance snickers, kisses his cheek. “I think Krolia got breakfast started, so whenever you’re ready, come join us, okay?”
Keith nods, spends a few minutes finding the energy to deal with Lance and Krolia in the same room and find out if he’s pregnant. He’ll be exhausted before lunch.
Krolia’s cooking breakfast when he emerges. Lance is patting out dough for flatbreads. They’re a little uneven, still a little wonky around the edges, but he’s got a proud little smile on his face. Keith swears he falls in love all over again when the Altean holds one up for his inspection.
“My good man, they look beautiful.” Keith wraps his arms around his mate’s waist, kisses his shoulder. “I’m glad you’re having fun.”
“I know you’re lying to spare my feelings, but thank you, beloved.” Lance sprinkles more flour on the table, starts on another lump of dough. “That came for you.” A long, thin finger indicates a parcel wrapped in paper. “Thace makes paper, doesn’t he? It’s like a hobby or something.”
“Yeah, he does. It's how he and Ulaz fell in love, actually. Thace used to write all these letters for him. Still does. And for his kits.”
Keith takes a deep breath, unwraps the parcel. Inside is a small case about the size of his palm, made of dark, brushed metal. He blows the breath out through his cheeks.
Lance opens up an accompanying slip of parchment. “Okay. He left instructions. Step one, open the case and remove the test strip capsule and packaged sanitary wipe.”
Keith opens the box. Inside, there’s a small, metal device of matching color with a narrow screen at the top and a glass capsule containing a thin strip of silver material with a tiny depression at one end. He pulls out the capsule.
“Unscrew the lid of the capsule, removing the test strip. Insert the flat end of the strip into the port at the bottom of the device. Put the lid back on the capsule. Carefully clean the selected finger. Then, pull on the lip of the capsule to expose the needle punch, set it to the side of the pad of your finger, and press down quickly. You should feel a sharp prick. Squeeze a small amount of blood from your finger and put it up to the sample plate at the bottom of the strip. Press the button on the device and wait- Fifteen doboshes?!”
Lance groans. Keith shakes his head, smiling despite his stress. “I suppose we could wait two more movements and I could pee into a capsule and we could have results in one dobosh instead.”
“No, we’ll just do it now,” the Altean grumbles.
Krolia chuckles. “Be grateful you have a test you can take. I just had to wait until I could feel you. Besides, this device will also screen for any deficiencies Keith may have accrued during his season, and send the data directly to his reproductive care physician, in the case Thace.”
Keith bites his lip, staring at the capsule, before handing it to Lance with a pleading look. Lance sits beside him at the table, finding the sanitary wipe and unwrapping it, cleaning Keith’s left index finger, though not before squeezing it to watch his claw extend. Just for fun.
“When you say ‘wait until you could feel him’, what do you mean?” Lance asks, pulling off the capsule lid. The outer dome pops off to reveal a smaller, similarly shaped piece of metal beneath, with a hole at the bottom.
“After a phoeb, I could press down on my lower abdomen and feel a hardness where my womb would be.”
“I guess fifteen doboshes doesn’t sound so bad now, hm?” Keith asks. Lance kisses his cheek. The Galra smiles, opens his mouth to say something else, only to let out a surprised squeak when Lance presses the pricking device down on his finger. “There we go. All done.”
Lance squeezes a bead of blood from the tiny wound in the side of Keith’s finger, presses it to the sample plate. He looks back at his husband. “Whenever you’re ready, beloved.”
Keith hesitantly presses the purple button on the device, eyeing the Galran text on the screen:
“Now what?” Lance whines. “I wanna know.”
“I mean, the chances of me being pregnant are not in our favor.” Keith says, accepting some steak and eggs from his mother. “It’s my first season, and my family has a history of fertility issues. Plus, even if I am pregnant, the chances that I won’t miscarry are also not in our favor for the exact same reasons. Best not to get our hopes up.” The Galra shrugs, scooping his breakfast onto a piece of already cooked flatbread, sprinkling it with salt and spices, and shoving it in his mouth. “Besides, I was spotting for a couple quintants after my season, so-”
“That happens either way. You know that,” Krolia prompts. At Lance’s confused looks, she explains. “It’s not uncommon to spot blood following season.”
"Come on now, beloved. Let's try to be optimistic, okay?" Lance watches Keith’s enthusiasm for his breakfast fade before his eyes, ears drooping. He places a hand of his husband’s shoulder. “Hey, why don’t you go take your bath while we wait? The test will be done when you get back and you can keep yourself busy with this mess.”
Lance tugs at a tangled lock of hair. Keith nods, worrying his lip. “Yeah. Yeah, okay… You won’t be mad, right?”
“Not even a little. And I won’t peek. Pregnant or not, you’ll be the first to know.”
Keith nods, resets his demeanour. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
Watching him retreat into the bathroom, Lance turns to Krolia. “He’s going to be devastated if we’re not pregnant.”
“Oh, absolutely. One hundred percent.” She sips her tea, forwing after her only child, a worried furrow to her brow. “Totally crushed.”
Lance nods, snatches up the uneaten half of Keith’s breakfast, sets it back out by the fire to keep it warm. Now he just needs to keep himself busy until Keith comes back.
“I should get packing,” he muses. “We’re leaving tomorrow either way, and Keith has managed to acquire many presents.” He turns back to the warrior at his table. “Will you kindly bring yours tomorrow? It should make leaving easier on him.”
“Certainly.” Krolia sets down her borrowed tea cup, rises to her feet. “I assume that is a dismissal?”
“A soft one, but please, if you don’t mind. Whatever the near future holds, let it be ours, first.” Lance inclines his head. Krolia nods, leaves, leaving Lance to his waiting.
After fifteen doboshes, the device on the table beeps. Lance lungs for it, misses at the last tick. “No, no. I said he got to see it first-” Lance groans, cards a hand through his hair. “Okay. I’m okay. I’m a grown up. I can be patient.” One tick. Two. Patience is not Lance’s strong suit. “I’m just gonna…”
Keith’s still in the tub, hair still tangled, knees tucked up to his chest.
“Hey, beloved. The, uh. The results are in, if you want to come take a look.”
“O-Okay.” Keith begins raking fingers frantically through his wet hair, cursing when they snag on the knots.
“Whoa, hey.” Lance gently coaxed Keith’s hands into his lap. “Let me do that, hm? Before you hurt yourself.”
“It’s just hair,” Keith whispers.
“Not to you.” Lance kisses the top of his head before pouring a lightweight creme into his hands, coaxing it through Keith’s hair. “Though I’ve noticed you don’t braid it so much anymore. Isn’t that what your father did?”
“Yeah. But I’m not my father. My father is gone… I could be becoming a father right now.” Keith draws in a rattling breath, tugging on a detangled lock of hair.
“Yes, we both could be.” Lance starts on another section of Keith’s hair, wrinkling his nose as loose strands tangle around his fingers. Their servants must hate cleaning their bathroom. And their quarters for that matter, given Keith’s fur. “Beloved, are you alright? You don’t seem like yourself.”
“I’m… scared.”
Lance’s hands pause for a moment, then continue their progress, working up and up until they eventually comb all of the tangles out of his hair.
“Me too. It’s… a lot. I know. And even more for you than for me. But listen.” Lance scoops a pitcher of water from the adjacent basin, pours it slowly over Keith’s head to rinse the creme from his hair and the many loose strands from his hands. “All that test tells us is whether or not we’re pregnant. There’s plenty of time for us to change our minds if-”
“You changed your mind?!” Keith whirls, alarmed.
“What? No! Not at all. But if you have, then-”
“I haven’t. I just- I know I'm the one who has to carry the kits and all that, but if you wouldn't mind helping? Just maybe picking up a few extra duties here and there, stuff like that.”
"Of course I will. What else would I do? You- I couldn't possibly do enough for you," Lance whispers. Keith’s violet eyes meet Lance’s, resolved, but still somehow soft. Lance nods, presses their foreheads together. “Are you ready then?”
“I think so. Can you get me some clothes while I dry off?”
“Sure.” Lance kisses Keith sweetly, hands him his towel. “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Doboshes later, Keith’s staring at the little device like touching it might kill him. It’s certainly killing Lance. Finally, with a determined huff, Keith snatches the device off the table, looking down at the screen. There’s a long pause, an agonizing stretch of silence, ears full of static instead of the rising bustle of the village outside.
A tiny breath escapes through Keith’s mouth, eyes gaining a dangerous shine to them as they fill with water. He tips forward and melts against Lance's frame, arms loose by his sides, head resting against his collarbone.
“Woah, hey.” Quite worried, Lance wraps his arms around his husband, holding him close. Lance kisses his fluffy ear, rubbing circles into his back. “Are you okay?”
Keith nods, snuggling closer.
“Do you, uh…” Lance clears his throat, tucking Keith more beneath his chin. “Do you want to give me a hint? You’re killing me here, beloved.”
Keith sets the device in his hand, wraps his arms around Lance’s waist. Keeping on hand on the small of Keith’s back, Lance lifts the device so he can see it, turns it right side up so he can translate the Galran properly.
“Oh, my- Keith!” Lance drops the device, ignoring when it skitters over the floor in favor of holding his husband in a tight embrace. “Oh, Keith. ”
Keith pulls away. “I can’t believe it. It was so easy! I did it!- Wait, you did it? We did it?”
“Who cares! We’re having a baby! We’re gonna be parents-” Lance tears up. “I’m finally gonna be a dad.”
“Lance you’re not even nineteen.” Keith shakes his head, more fondness than anything else.
“Yes, but I’ve wanted it all my life,” Lance sniffles.
Sighing, Keith draws Lance in for a gentle embrace, though not before a tender kiss. “Now let’s hope I can carry it.”
“I know you can, beloved. I have absolute faith in you.” Lance kisses the crest of his shoulder. “And I’ll be here to help every step of the way, I promise you.”
“I figured as much. You’ll definitely be a thorn in my side more often then not.”
“A thorn is a starving man’s arrowhead.”
“I- What?” Keith pulls back, baffled. “What the fuck does that even mean?”
“A pain in the ass can still be invaluable in the right circumstances.”
Keith snorts, breaking into giddy laughter as he snuggles back in. “Alfor taught you that one didn’t he.”
“No. Coran did. I was the thorn as a child, screaming for attention to rescue him from probing questions about when he and my father began seeing each other… I was a very well-trained son once upon a time.”
Keith laughs again. “I can imagine!... My good man, I love you.”
“I love you too, beloved. So very much.”
“Can we- Can we just go and curl up together? I know we need to pack, but please?”
“Yes. We can definitely do that.” Lance presses their foreheads together, feeling a stir of pride when he hears Keith start to purr, that anxious/excited trembling in the man’s body settling at the loving gesture. “Nothing would make me happier this day.”
Lance’s hands find Keith’s, twining their fingers together.
“Nothing at all.”
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fandomfanfics12 · 4 years
Home Lives With You-Part 2
Title: Home Lives With You. Pairings: Steve x Tony Part: 2/? Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, blood, abuse (physical and verbal), ptsd, anxiety, bullying Summary: Peter’s been living with the abusive Thompson family for years, it was the only family in the system that would take him. When Steve and Tony get a phone call from the social worker who introduced them to their daughter Morgan for an emergency placement, they feel like they must pay back the favor. But are Steve and Tony taking on more than they can handle, and will Peter be able to adjust to a warm and welcoming family home? A/N: A nonnie requested this and I couldn’t resist writing it, hope you enjoy!
Part 1
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Peter couldn’t believe the Stark-Rogers residence. When he’d arrived at the house he’d expected it to be as cold and unforgiving at the Thompson’s. instead he found that it smelled like spaghetti Bolognese and looked lived in. it was clear to Peter that they’d cleaned up just before he’d arrived, everything was clean but not the squeaky clean that came from disuse but the kind of lived-in everything’s been used clean. There were toys for Morgan everywhere despite all of the toy boxes and cubbys that were stationed around the house. Peter kept replaying his conversation with Steve over and over again. But I’d prefer it if you called me Steve. Peter had been tempted to take him up on his offer, but he was worried that it could be a trap.
“He seems like a really good kid.” Peter could hear Tony and Steve’s voices down the hall in their own bedroom. Steve and Tony had promised to give him a proper house tour after school tomorrow and Peter had simply nodded his head. He was too busy trying to commit the taste of ice cream to memory. When Steve had suggested it, Peter had tried to come up with a way to say he had never had ice cream before. He’d seen it before, Flash had always taunted his dessert in front of Peter as Peter looked for scraps of leftovers. But he’d never been allowed to taste it. he was afraid he wouldn’t like it and that the Stark-Rogers’ would judge him for that. But it had been incredible and the first thing Peter had eaten in more than a day. He’d considered for half a heartbeat asking if he could have some spaghetti Bolognese if there was any leftovers, but had reconsidered. He was lucky to have been given the ice cream, he shouldn’t ask for anything more than what was mercifully offered to him.
“Morgan really likes him.” Peter smiled to himself from where he was curled up on the floor, his backpack used as a pillow. Morgan was possibly the most adorable kid that Peter had ever seen in his life and he hoped that he’d get to see her again once this was all over. Peter rolled over and eyed the bed, Steve had told him that it was for him. But it wasn’t worth risking. The bed still belonged to Tony and Steve. And even though neither of them had explicitly said it, Peter knew this was a guest bedroom. This room isn’t mine. It doesn’t belong to me and neither does the bed. I’m not allowed the bed. So he curled up on the floor, hoping that wouldn’t bother Tony or Steve.
“What if he’s vegetarian?” Steve said suddenly and Tony looked up from the eggs he was scrambling.
“We’re making him bacon and eggs, what if he’s a vegetarian?”
“Then he doesn’t eat the bacon.”
“Okay, but what if he doesn’t like eggs scrambled, we should have asked him.” Steve apparently was going to be a mother hen through this whole situation and Tony already knew why. He’d known it from the moment Peter had called him Mr Stark-Rogers instead of sir. Steve wanted to keep Peter beyond the month. Maybe even forever. Tony would be lying if the thought hadn’t crossed his mind but it was still too early to think about, to even discuss. They hadn’t even had him for a full twenty-four hours. It didn’t help that Morgan absolutely adored him.
“Stevie if he’s vegetarian or hates scrambled eggs we can just make him something else.”
“but that could make him late for school.” Steve ran a hand through his hair and there was the sound of footsteps on the stairs.
“Then we’ll get him something on the way. Set the table please.” Steve nodded and went to set the table, Peter stepped inside the kitchen then. His wide eyes took in Tony making breakfast and he paused mid-step.
“Sir I’m sorry I didn’t wake up sooner to help with breakfast i-“ Tony waved a hand.
“Don’t even worry about it Pete, do you mind if I call you Pete?” Tony glanced at him and Peter’s throat bobbed.
“Not at all sir.” Tony grinned, and poured the eggs into the frying pan.
“Great, do you like scrambled eggs and are you vegetarian?” Peter blinked and then nodded, followed by his head shaking.
“I like scrambled eggs and no I’m not a vegetarian sir.” His eyes darted over to the bacon on the grill and he licked his lips. Tony was kicking himself for not forcing the kid to eat more last night but had had a feeling that Peter wouldn’t have accepted it. it was hard enough getting him to eat the damn ice cream.
“great, Steve’s setting the table.” Peter didn’t move from the doorway.
“My old fosters kept my chores on the fridge, where’s my list sir?” Tony looked up again and rose his brows.
“Your what now?”
“My list of chores sir?” Peter bit his lip and his eyes frantically darted around the room. Tony’s heart broke for him.
“Don’t be ridiculous Peter you just got here. But if you really want a chore can you make sure Morgan’s up and tell her breakfast is ready?” Peter swallowed and suddenly looked so dejected that Tony immediately wanted to take it back.
“of course sir.” Peter turned on his heel and left before Tony could tell him not to worry about it, before he could tell Peter to just sit at the table and eat.
“Shit.” He grumbled, feeling like any progress he’d made with Peter had somehow just been undone.
Peter was an idiot to think that the Stark-Rogers’ were actually going to feed him breakfast. For half a second he’d let himself imagine what it would be like to be Steve and Tony’s son, to come down and have breakfast ready and no chores to do. But then, why had he asked about Peter’s food preferences? Maybe he was just making sure Peter would eat the leftovers like the Thompson’s? that had to be it, there was no other explanation. Peter knocked on Morgan’s door and heard a giggle in response.
“Morgan?” he asked and then she shrieked. Peter slowly opened the door and was practically by the eight year old as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Peter was so malnourished that he crashed to the floor and Morgan was shrieking. His heart lurched into his throat and he covered his head with his arms as footsteps sounded up the stairs. He was done for, he was so dead, like six feet underground dead, he’d fucked up for real this time.
When Steve came upstairs he was simply checking in to see what Morgan was over excited about this morning. He found Peter cowering against the wall, hands covering his head and trembling.
“Peter?” Steve dropped to his knees beside the kid and Peter flinched.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have opened the door, I didn’t know that wasn’t allowed, I should’ve known better sir ididntmeantoupsetherandipromiseyouthatillnevereverdoitagainand-“
“Slow down Peter, take a breath it’s alright.” Steve gently placed his had on Peter’s back and rubbed soothing circles between Peter’s shoulder blades.
Peter was sure that he was hallucinating. There was no way that Steve was actually trying to comfort him, he had to be losing it. surely not, surely he was going insane? But he found himself calming down and he slowly lifted his head, still unsure whether that was a good move or not. But Steve was smiling gently and Morgan was frowning at him.
“Are you okay miss?” his voice wobbled and she nodded, her face breaking out into a grin.
“It’s not your fault Peter, Morgan is really hyper in the morning, she was screaming in excitement.” Oh. Peter leaned back against the wall and nodded, suddenly feeling embarrassed from his outburst.
“Sorry for causing a scene then sir.” Steve winced but nodded.
“Breakfast!” Tony called from downstairs and Steve pulled Peter to his feet.
“I’ll get ready for school now sir.” Peter told him and Steve rose a brow.
“Breakfast is ready for you Peter.” Oh, so Tony really had planned on giving him breakfast. Peter nodded once and followed Steve and Morgan downstairs, his heart was racing. Tonight he wouldn’t get dinner, he just knew it, his outburst had ruined it for sure.
“Thanks daddy!” Morgan sat down and Tony pushed her chair in. Peter looked at the kitchen island where he thought the leftovers would be, but there was nothing other than a dirty frying pan.
“Pete?” Peter turned at the sound of Tony’s voice and found there was a fourth spot set up at the table and it took him a moment too long to realise that it was set for him. The plate was full with bacon and scrambled eggs and his mouth immediately salivated at this. was he dreaming? Were they really going to let him eat bacon? Peter sat down next to Morgan and waited. Steve began eating, Tony reached for the salt.
“Are you going to eat?” Steve asked, his voice light and airy.
“right, sorry sir. Thank you for breakfast sirs.” Tony glanced at Steve but said nothing as Peter picked up his knife and fork. He ate slowly, savouring every bite. The eggs were perfect, light and fluffy and Peter almost moaned when he put them in his mouth.
Tony didn’t miss the fact that Peter had gone from calling Steve Mr Stark-Rogers back to calling him sir. Once they all finished Peter collected all the plates and took them to the kitchen sink where he froze.
“Pete?” Tony asked and Peter looked up, biting his lip.
“If it isn’t too much trouble…could I take a shower?” Tony glanced to Steve whose eyes had gone wide.
“Of course Peter, it’s the door across from yours.”
“Would you like me to wash the dishes before I did take a shower?” Tony glanced at the clock and shook his head.
“We’ve got a dishwasher. You better hurry though or you’re going be late for school.” Peter nodded and ran upstairs, like he was afraid they’d change their minds. Tony turned to Steve, frowning.
“I’m going to give Rhodey a call, see just how bad Peter’s circumstances were back at the Thompson’s.” Steve said before Tony could even ask.
“I love you.” Tony said and Steve chuckled.
“I know.” At that Tony’s jaw dropped open.
“Hey!” Steve chuckled, stood up and kissed the top of Tony’s head.
“I love you too, now you should get dressed or you’re going to be late.” Steve said and grabbed Morgan to finish getting her ready for school.
Peter made sure he didn’t spend more than two minutes in the shower. He quickly ducked into his “room” and grabbed his tiny bar of soap. He’d have to ask the school nurse for another one soon. He then slipped into the bathroom and didn’t turn on the water until he was underneath the spout and didn’t even consider the hot water. The cold was biting but forced him awake and sent a tremble through his body. He’d done a shit job of stitching up his wound but he wasn’t bleeding anymore which he took for a good sign. The bruises were worse this morning and his ribs were killing, but he wouldn’t voice his concerns to anyone. No one wanted to listen to him whine. He also brushed his teeth whilst he was in the shower, making sure he didn’t use any water more than he needed.
“Peter are you ready?” Steve called and Peter grabbed his backpack. His clothes scratched his skin and were only a thread away from unravelling altogether.
“Coming sir!” he called as he made his way downstairs. Steve smiled and Morgan was impatiently jumping from one foot to the other.
“Let’s go!” she cried and Steve chuckled.
“Bye Tony!” Steve called and Peter glanced back to Tony coming towards them in a suit.
“Bye honey.” He and Steve kissed and then he bent down to Morgan.
“Have a good day princess.” She scrunched her face up but couldn’t stop grinning.
“bye daddy.” She bounded outside and both men turned to Peter.
“what time do you finish school?” Tony asked and Peter shifted his weight. What kind of job did Tony have?
“three-fifteen sir.” Tony nodded his head, smiling gently.
“Have a good day Peter, I’ll pick you up in the main parking lot.” Tony promised and Peter nodded, though he didn’t truly believe that Tony would.
“Have a good day at work sir.” He followed Steve out and climbed into the passenger seat of the car, heart racing. He’d made it through his first night and they hadn’t done anything mean to him. If anything they’d been overly kind, too kind. Suspiciously kind. No one had ever done anything like this for him before and he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Can I tell the other kids that I have a new brother?” Morgan asked as Steve lined up to drop Morgan off at school. Peter’s heart practically stopped in his chest. New brother? God, the thought of getting adopted at his age was…impossible. No one adopted teenagers, not when he only had a few years left before he was legally responsible for himself. No one wanted a teenager, that’s not how the system works.
“Not just yet sweetheart.” Steve stopped the car and Morgan frowned.
“but Peter lives with us and everything!” she cried and Steve chuckled.
“Just think of it as an extended sleepover okay, have a good day your dad will pick you up.” She nodded and got out the car, Peter watched her go through the gates and run up to a group of eight-year-old girls. Steve punched in the address of Steve’s school on the GPS and then they were on their way.
“Thank you for driving me to school sir.” Peter said and Steve sighed.
“It’s not a problem Peter, but I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t call me sir anymore.” Peter flinched but nodded.
“sorry sir, I mean, err, Mr Stark-Rogers.” Steve chuckled and it put Peter on edge. Was this the other shoe about to drop?
“It’s alright Peter, and I’m sorry about Morgan she’s just very excited to have you around.” Steve told him and Peter blushed.
“She’s a very cute kid sir. And may I please ask you a question?” Steve rose a brow but nodded.
“ask away, whatever you want to know.” Peter nodded and looked out the window.
“You don’t have to tell me, it’s your personal life but I was just wondering what you and your husband did for a living?” Steve let out a laugh and Peter sank down further in his seat. He shouldn’t have asked, shouldn’t have pried. He was such an idiot.
“Tony does something in marketing, he’s got some fancy title that I can never remember and it’s got a lot to do with math. He spends a lot of time in meetings, I’ve just learned to smile and nod.” Peter despite himself chuckled and Steve grinned, big and wide.
“And yourself?” Peter asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious. He looked down at his hands and clenched them into fists.
“Well I used to be in the military, I served for six years, went out on deployment about eight times. And uhh met Tony when I was twenty-five about to leave for another deployment. Literally met him at the airport. My flight was delayed and so was his and we basically had our first date at the airport.” How romantic. Peter thought to himself and focused on Steve who seemed so relaxed, a dopey smile on his face.
“And then what?”
“Well, then I had to go. one day I got a letter and it was from him and we were pen pals for the next six months. I’d served my time and was given the opportunity to leave the military, an offer I decided to take. Now I’m an arts teacher at NYU.” Peter’s brows rose.
“I only teach afternoon classes, Tony works his schedule around my classes for Morgan and now I guess you.” Steve chuckled but a wave of nerves washed over Peter. He was bothersome, something they had to fit their lives around.
“Sorry sir.” Peter mumbled and Steve groaned.
“It’s not an issue Peter, we don’t mind. We wouldn’t have taken you in if we weren’t willing alright? You’re not here for a pay cheque alright?”
“Alright sir.” They pulled into the car park of Peter’s school and he debated running but felt like Steve wasn’t ready for him to go just yet.
“Tony will pick you up from here alright? I’ll be home by dinner. Have a good day Peter.” Peter smiled and nodded.
“Have a good day to, Mr Stark-Rogers.” And then Peter was out of the car and heading inside the school.
“Hello?” Tony was pacing in his office and felt so relieved to see Steve’s name light up his phone screen.
“You won’t believe what I got Peter to do on the way to school.” There was so much excitement in Steve’s voice and Tony settled down into his chair.
“crack a half smile?” Tony asked and opened up his emails, he had about a billion to get through since yesterday.
“I got him to laugh.”
“Without me? no fair.” Tony pouted and Steve chuckled but Tony knew this was a big deal, the kid did act a little strange.
“I mean it was only a chuckle but I think with some more structure ad some love we could really-“
“I’ve already put it in my to-do list to call Rhodey.” Tony said before Steve could finish his sentence. He could picture the grin on Steve’s face, how excited Morgan would be when they told her. Kids, the idea seemed crazy that Tony now had kids.
“How is it that you always know what I’m about to say?” Steve asked but Tony noted the relief in Steve’s voice, it made him nervous. Just because it was becoming clear to them that they wanted Peter didn’t mean that Peter would want them. He might want to go live with other people after the month was up, he might prefer other people and reject them both. Tony didn’t want to watch Steve get his heart broken.
“Because we’ve been married nearly twelve years Steven.” Tony said, making sure to keep his voice light despite all the worries that plagued his mind. He could see his assistant waving at him through the glass of his office, it was time for his next meeting.
“I’ve got to go to a meeting now honey, I’ll text you about the phone call with Rhodey.”
“Okay, love you, have fun.” They hung up and Tony sighed, he hated these insufferable meetings. But now he had something else to ponder, a whole other child to consider.
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littledrummeraussie · 4 years
love your soul and your aching bones. / getaway series
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Word count: 4100+ Warnings: Smut, as always. Blink-and-you-miss-it Dom!Ash. Author’s note: The fourth part of my getaway series, straight from the kitchen. Thank you for your lovely words and for loving the story as much as I love writing it. This one helps me keep my sanity after home office closes. Feedback is always appreciated, and stay safe all you beautiful people. ❤️
getaway masterlist. / masterlist.
The bed was empty beside you when you woke up, sheets kicked to the end of the mattress, the pillow still warm as you buried your face in it. You remembered Ashton waking before you, his body pressed against your back as he kissed your ear, whispering something about “his turn”, but you already fell back to your slumber by the time he got up. It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, yet you already missed how his breath tickled your skin or how his weight pushed against you, his presence being a permanent comfort in the last few days.
You gave yourself a little more time as you basked in the sunbeams shining through the windows, thinking back to the previous night and how you fell asleep on the couch, tangled up in each other and the fluffy blanket covering you. Ash must have woken up later and brought you back to the bedroom because you did not remember getting there, just the way he pulled you to his side before you both continued sleeping. A smile tugged at the corner of your mouth as you hugged his pillow – you ended up being right and he did take you to bed, just like you predicted.
There were sounds coming from the kitchen – water running, cabinets opening, pans knocking against each other. You could catch a light humming underneath the noise, the melody and the words alternating as a light tapping followed it all. You sat up in the bed, listening to the impromptu concert with a smile on your face; once a drummer, always a drummer, even in the kitchen.
”Especially in the kitchen,” you mumbled with a chuckle, and reached for his shirt at the end of the bed, one he must have left for you.
As you were getting closer Ashton’s singing became louder and clearer, and his drum solos more complicated. You leaned against the doorframe and watched him tap two spoons against a mug, switching to a glass then a plate, after which he dropped everything like he sometimes did during concerts, turning to the coffeemaker to start it. The ingredients to make pancakes were set out on the counter, waiting to get mixed together. Ash liked to joke that his culinary skills consisted of different kinds of egg dishes, pancakes and some frozen pizza thrown into the oven, but the truth was that he was actually a great cook; he was just too humble to admit it.
He started preparing your coffee, knowing that neither of you were actually a morning person, not even in the middle of the woods. It was just something that the two of you really loved, especially if you had the time to sit down and drink it in peace, usually in the quiet of your garden, both of you still sleepy and leaning against each other for support. Ashton always let you rest your head in his lap for a few more minutes, his fingers stroking your hair as he ran through his morning meditation, eyes closed and face turned towards the sun. He was breathtakingly beautiful in those moments.
Ashton still did not see you standing there, just continued his preparations while humming to a song you did not recognize. It was probably something they were still working on, or maybe it was already finished, ready to be picked for their next project. He seemed to like the part that was stuck in his head because he was repeating it over and over again as he went through the motions to make breakfast. You pushed yourself away from the doorframe, silently making your way towards him, just so you can press yourself up against his back, wrapping your arms around his waist. His skin was warm against your cheek, and you could feel his chest vibrate with a low chuckle as he put his hands on yours, giving them a squeeze.
”Good morning, sunshine,” there was a smile in his voice as he lightly swayed with you.
”Good morning, handsome,” you nuzzled your face against his shoulder, pressing a small kiss on the closest patch of skin you could find.
”Did you sleep well?” he asked while lacing your fingers together, slightly turning his head back to catch a glimpse of you.
”Hmm, yes, thank you,” you mumbled against his back, pushing yourself even closer to him. ”You’re making breakfast?”
”Yeah, it’s my turn now,” Ash nodded, giving you a half smile over his shoulder. ”Been for a while, I guess.”
 His words took you back to that very first day when everything started falling apart around you. Things were always hectic with Ashton being in the band, but that never stopped you from working around the difficulties that came with distance or scheduling. Both of you worked extra hard to find the time and place when you could be together and act like any other normal couple. With writing and recording the new album you’ve got to spend a little more time together, and both of you were excited to finally have a whole morning to yourselves.
Having breakfast together was always something you looked forward to, especially if you could do that while still wearing your PJs. There was just something really intimate about it – both of you still sleepy as you drank your coffees and shared whatever you were eating, stealing pieces of bacon or waffles from each other’s hands. You were always close together: your legs over Ashton’s lap as he talked about some weird dream he had; his head resting on your shoulder as you’ve read articles for him; your thighs pushed together under the table as you took silly pictures of yourselves to send to your friends and family.
It was always the little things you’ve missed while he was on tour – the first sleepy kiss pressed against your hair or cheek, his glasses fogging up from his coffee, how he put too much salt in your omelette when he was distracted by something. You cherished these moments with him, and you never wanted to take them for granted. Still, it was hard to accept the fact that sometimes your perfectly put together plan to spend your morning with your boyfriend has to go out the window.
By the time Ashton woke up everything was prepared; the only thing missing was the man himself. You should have caught on sooner about what was going on that morning. He was peacefully asleep when you’ve left him in bed, knowing that he doesn’t need to go anywhere until later that day – their interview was scheduled for the afternoon, leaving you plenty of time to enjoy your morning together. But the minutes were passing by, and he still did not come to the kitchen even though you could hear his footsteps from upstairs. You were ready to go up and check on him when finally he arrived. No, he ran – leather jacket and shoes on, hair perfectly styled, eyes wide and cheeks pink.
”I need to go,” he said in a rush, hands going over his pockets to check if he had everything. ”Luke just called. There was a mix up and they rescheduled the interview to the morning. Michael is picking me up in a minute.”
”I– uhm…” the words stuck in your throat as you looked from Ashton to the set table, anger and resignation settling over you.
”Oh! Oh,” Ash followed your gaze as he realized what was happening, and you instantly felt guilty for your momentary annoyance. ”Breakfast. Shit, Y/N, I’m so sorry. This… this wasn’t how I planned the morning.”
”No, it’s okay, I know,” you looked down at your feet as you leaned against the counter, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt. ”Not your fault.”
”Look, I really need to go, but let me make it up to you,” he stepped in front of you, tilting your chin up to look at him. ”I’ll make you breakfast tomorrow. You can sleep in, and I will bring you breakfast in bed. How does that sound?”
”Like…” you wanted to answer, but the sudden honking from outside stopped you. ”Like Michael just arrived.”
”I’m sorry, love. I’m really, truly sorry,” he pushed his forehead against yours, searching your gaze. ”I was really looking forward to have breakfast with you.”
”It’s okay,” you whispered, trying to hide behind a small smile. ”We will also just reschedule, I guess.”
”Y/N…” he pouted at you, but you shook your head, giving a light push to his shoulder.
”It’s fine Ash, really. I promise you. But you really need to go if you don’t want to be late.”
”I love you,” he pushed his lips against yours in a quick kiss, then pulled away when Michael started honking again. ”I’m sorry. I’m making this up to you! I prom–”
”I know you will, but please just go,” you let out a laugh as he leaned back for one more kiss.
Ashton mouthed a quick ”sorry” one last time as he ran out the door, leaving you behind to eat on your own and clean up the rest. Breakfast in bed never arrived – not the next morning, or the morning after, and not even during the upcoming weeks. Ash always kept his promises, but somehow he forgot about this one. You’ve never rescheduled.
 He watched as realization hit you, his words slowly making sense to your still sleepy brain. You pushed your forehead against his shoulder blade, nuzzling the soft skin of his back, brushing your lips against him in a kiss.
”Thank you,” you whispered, squeezing your arms around him in another hug.
Ashton pulled one of your hands up to his mouth and kissed it, lips running over your fingers and palm, finally stopping at your wrist, nuzzling his nose over it. He pressed one last kiss on your skin, then put your hand back on his waist, going back to make you coffee. You sighed happily against his back, enjoying the quiet time you’ve got to spend with him. Ash started humming again, slowly swaying his hips, making you laugh against him and follow his moves. When he finally stopped you’ve pushed yourself up on your tiptoes, lightly kissing the condor tattoo on his neck, and he giggled as you nuzzled his skin. You ran your nose and lips down his shoulder, his back, your touch and breath tickling him, if the shiver running through his body was any indication.
”You know I’m ticklish,” Ash said with a chuckle, his voice going high and breathy as he pushed back against you.
”You’re also tragically lacking hickeys,” you mumbled against his skin, giving a little lick to the soft spot behind his ear, lightly biting his neck where it met his shoulder, almost like a promise of what could happen if he let you.
”What about this one?” he turned his head back to you, showing the purple mark on the underside of his jaw, the one you’ve left on his skin on that very first day.
”I’ve got a mark for every one of your fingers… maybe even more…” you looked up at him as you gently sucked his neck, and he let out another breathy sigh. ”I would love to give you some more, but I try not to leave too much on you.”
”You know I don’t mind it,” he licked his lips, giving you a quick glance. ”Makes me feel like I’m yours.”
”You’re mine,” you pressed a kiss against his shoulder. ”With or without marks. My moon.”
A blush coloured his cheeks as he turned back to the counter, and you wrapped your arms around him more tightly, your fingers resting on his stomach and lightly caressing him as he reached for the mugs to pour you some coffee. His sweatpants were riding low on his hips, and you couldn’t help yourself, running your hands to his lower stomach, lightly rubbing his skin, listening to his hitching breaths. You kissed his back as your hands slid down to his hips to grab them for a moment, then ran them over his thighs, up and down, up and down, scratching your nails over the fabric. Finally you slipped your hand lower, running your palm over his hardening cock, and Ash threw his head back with a moan.
”More, please?” he swallowed around a whimper. ”Please baby.”
”Anything for you,” you breathed against his ear as you closed your fingers around his length.
You started to stroke him up and down over his pants, and Ashton bit his lip, breathing heavily through his nose. His cock twitched in your hand, getting harder under your touch as you played with him. He was still holding onto one of the mugs, his other hand gripping the edge of the counter as he couldn’t decide if he wanted to push back against you, or press his hips forward. A needy little whine left his lips as you pulled your hand back, only to moan out a quick “fuck” when you pushed your fingers under the elastic of his pants, closing them around his hot flesh.
You lightly kissed his neck as you got back to work, twisting your wrist on every upward stoke, spreading the pre-cum over his shaft. Your other hand rested on his stomach, feeling his muscles tense every time you reached a sensitive spot or did something that made him weak in the knees. You rubbed your thumb over the tip of his cock, gently teasing him until he needed to use both hands to grip the counter, holding his weight up against them.
”If you keep that up, coffee won’t be the only thing I’m gonna spill on us,” he laughed around another moan, and you stifled your own giggles against his back.
”That would be a shame,” you answered, and with that pulled your hand out of his pants.
Ash quickly turned around, grabbing your face to pull you in for a kiss. His teeth knocked against yours as he licked into your mouth, noses pushed together, breathing in each other as you’ve tried to keep going as long as you could. He was all smiles when you started whining against him, tugging on his hair to keep him close.
”I can’t get enough of you,” he playfully bit your bottom lip, lightly pulling on it. ”I want you, all the damn time.”
”Good thing I want you just as much,” you whispered against his lips, sliding your hands back down to his hips.
He grinned as you tugged on his pants, pushing them down on his legs so he can kick them off. You wrapped your fingers around his cock once again, and as you started stroking him, Ashton pulled you closer to his body, his hands sliding down on your back to grab your ass cheeks. He pressed his lips against yours as he squeezed them, then slipped his fingers between your legs, rubbing them against your wet lips.
There was no denying that pleasuring him turned you on so much, and he knew that – it turned Ashton on as well. He slowly pushed a finger inside, making you gasp against his mouth as he started moving it, looking for that sensitive spot that made your knees buckle. You squeezed your hand around his cock when he found it, both of you moaning from what you were doing to each other. Ash quickly slipped another finger in your pussy, eager to stretch you for his cock, fucking them in and out to the same rhythm as you were jerking him.
Another lustful moment passed and the next thing you knew was Ash pulling back just enough to grab your hips and turn you around, pushing you up against the counter, his body pressing against your back and his cock resting on your ass. His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you as close as he could, while his other held onto the countertop, his lips on your neck and ear.
”Bend over like a good girl,” his hot breath was tickling your skin, his teeth lightly biting your earlobe. ”…and I’ll fuck you like a bad one.”
”Please Ash,” you moaned as his hand slid up your front to cup your breast, pinching your nipple over the shirt. ”Fucking do it.”
”Oh, I will definitely do the fucking,” he chuckled against your ear, nuzzling closer. ”Gonna fuck you so good you won’t be able to walk.”
You gasped at his words and he lightly pushed you forward, making you bend over the counter. You rested your forehead against your arm, waiting for him to finally take you. Ashton’s fingers lightly tickled your sides as he slid his hands down to your hips, pressing his fingertips against the bruises as a reminder of what’s coming, and you felt yourself shiver at his touch. He pushed his knee between your thighs, making you spread your legs for him, desperate to finally feel him fill you up.
He ran the tip of his cock over your slit, lightly pushing forward to spread your lips around him, gathering your wetness over his shaft. His moans were low as he moved between your thighs, teasing you with rubbing his cock all over your pussy, and you pushed yourself up on your tiptoes, trying to make him finally push it inside you. Another chuckle came from him paired with a light slap on your ass, and you whimpered from how good it felt.
”Impatient, aren’t we?” Ashton rubbed his palm against your pink flesh, and you nodded with another whine.
”I need you more than my morning coffee,” you pouted back at him, wiggling your ass a little, and he leaned forward to give you a quick kiss.
”God, aren’t you just the cutest? Even like this you can’t help it.”
Ash pecked your cheek once more then stood up, running his cock up and down between your pussy lips until the tip caught against your entrance, and he started pushing in inch by inch. His fingers slightly spread your lips, and from his groan you knew he was watching his cock disappear inside of you. His thick length stretched you, a feeling you couldn’t get enough of, and you let out a broken moan when you finally felt him bottom out. Your nails scratched against the countertop as his hips rested against your ass, neither of you moving as you both gave yourselves some time to enjoy the other’s body.
”You’re always so tight around me,” Ashton finally pulled back to quickly thrust inside again, working up a pace he liked. ”So tight and so beautiful, fuck.”
”Love it,” you moaned as he pushed you against the counter with every thrust, your pussy already clenching around his cock. ”Love you.”
”Do you like this as well?” he suddenly asked, grabbing your thigh to push your knee up on the counter, changing the angle of how he fucked you.
”Ugh, so deep,” you bit your lip as his tip dragged against the sensitive spot inside you. ”Fuck, don’t stop, please, don’t stop!”
”Are you close, baby?” he slipped his hand under you to rub his fingers over your clit, and you could only whine from the pleasure he gave you.
”Ash… Ash, please… make me cu– nooo!”
A sob left your mouth as Ashton suddenly pulled out, leaving you empty and on the verge of your orgasm. But then his hands were back on your hips, turning you around to face him, kissing you as soon as he could push his lips against yours. You held onto his arms, shivering in his embrace, feeling dizzy from what he was doing to you. His hands slipped lower to grab you, hoisting you up in his arms to sit you up on the counter, fingers already tugging on the hem of your shirt.
”Such a bad girl… stealing my shirts all the time,” he kissed in your ear as he pulled the fabric over your head, tossing it on the floor. ”That’s not so nice. I’m taking it back.”
Without another word his lips were back on yours, kissing you roughly as his hands cupped your breasts, massaging them and pinching your nipples. You moaned into his mouth, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him closer, his cock throbbing against your pussy. You couldn’t wait any longer for him, so you reached down to guide his cock back inside you.
”That’s it baby, take what you need,” he moaned against your neck as he pushed his hips forward, pulling you to the edge of the counter. ”Show me how good you can be.”
He slightly pulled your ass up so you held your weight up on your arms, slowly moving your hips and fucking yourself on his cock. Ashton’s eyes were dark and full of lust as he watched you, lost in the sight of your body in front of him, and you threw your head back with a moan when he leaned forward, sucking your nipple into his mouth. He put you back on the counter, kissing you quickly before gently pushing you down, making you lay back. With one hand on your hips and the other on your breast he started thrusting into you again, eyes never leaving you, watching your every reaction. He loved knowing that he did this to you, he loved seeing it on your face when he fucked you, and you knew he was close from how his fingers slightly trembled in yours when he interlocked them.
”Touch yourself for me,” he licked his parted lips, voice low and close to a whine. ”Please, Y/N. You’re so beautiful, so sexy… touch yourself… cum on my cock…”
You bit your bottom lip as you slipped your hand down, running your fingers from your stomach to your pussy, rubbing them against your clit just lightly. Ashton moaned and picked up the pace, pounding you as your fingers slipped lower, stroking his cock where it spread you open, and in seconds he was lost, his body shaking as he pushed in deep, his cum filling you up with every thrust of his hips. He didn’t stop moving, but guided your fingers back up, his eyes looking at you pleadingly, and you let yourself rest against the counter as you started to rub your clit again, Ashton gently fucking you through your own orgasm.
Your eyes were closed while he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you up to his chest, holding you tight. You nuzzled your face into his neck, breathing in deeply his scent that mixed with the smell of sweat and sex around you, and you let out a content sigh as he stroked your back. His lips were pushed against your temple, nose in your hair, not moving, just keeping you as close as he could. You’ve never felt more safe and loved than when you were wrapped in his embrace after sex, both of you coming down from your shared high.
Ash gently guided your face up to his, nuzzling your nose before pushing his lips against your lips in a kiss. He looked beautiful with his messy black hair and pink cheeks, his skin warm under your thumb as you stroked it. You brushed your fingers through his tangled locks, kissing his forehead as he leaned against you, pushing his face closer.
”Fuck, I want you for breakfast,” he whispered against your ear, a smile playing in his voice.
”You just had me,” you ran your fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck, lightly tugging on it as he giggled.
”Then I need seconds,” he kissed the corner of your mouth, your bottom lip, mumbling against your skin. ”I love you. So much.”
”I love you too,” you pressed a kiss on his nose, making him scrunch up his face.
”Do you want to shower before breakfast? I’m sure our coffee is already cold, so it doesn’t really matter anymore,” Ashton asked, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear.
”I’ve thought you liked iced coffee,” you cocked an eyebrow at him, and he shook his head with another smile.
”You always have something smart to say. It should be annoying, but it’s actually really cute,” it was his turn to kiss your nose, and you blushed a little.
”Can we have breakfast in bed?” you asked as Ash picked you up, already making his way to the bathroom for a quick clean up.
”It’s what I’ve promised you,” he nodded, putting you down and starting the shower. ”And I plan to keep my promise this time.”
Before you could say anything else, he pulled you under the water and kissed you again, his hands already sliding down to cup your ass cheeks, a naughty smile on his face when he finally let you take a breath between his kisses.
”…but only after second breakfast.”
part 1 // part 2 // part 3 // part 4 // part 5 // part 6 // part 7 // part 8 // story tag.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by icantloveu
Who was the first person you saw? It was my dad. I fell asleep in the living room last night and he was the first person to go downstairs.
Who was the first person who called you? I have not received any call today so far and I’m not expecting any to come through today, a Sunday.
Who was the first person you called? I haven’t called anyone, either. The closest is an eyewear store I messaged on Messenger just a few minutes ago to ask if they accept walk-ins, since I didn’t know they’ve mostly taken appointments throughout the pandemic. If they don’t, I’ll have to wait until Thursday to get a check-up.
What was the first thing you did? I was mad at myself for falling asleep early last night and kinda wasting my weekend, so the second I opened my eyes I got up and looked for a survey to answer, lol.
What'd you have for breakfast? Fried rice, eggs, hotdogs, kikiam, and danggit, with crab paste.
Lunch? Skipped lunch as always since we have late breakfast. I might make coffee.
Dinner? I’m still indecisive on whether I’ll have dinner at home or somewhere outside. In any case, I can’t tell what I’ll be eating just yet.
Who'd you hang out with? I’ll be just by myself today.
What'd you do? I plan on taking a couple more surveys after this. I also wanna do some work ahead of tomorrow and watch the newest episode of 2 Days 1 Night as well.
Favorite song you heard? I am finding Ravi and Lee Naeun’s Rain Drop preeeeeeetty catchy.
Did you see anyone you hadn't seen in awhile? Not today. But last Friday this was the case as I saw Al, Pia, Kyelle, Gab, and Sam for the very first time in well over a year. Angela and Hans were part of the group as well but we were able to see each other during the holidays.
Thing you ate? The last spoonful of my rice, which I think I topped with the last of my egg and hotdog.
Movie you saw? Midsommar, I think. Last Christmas. I don’t watch a lot of movies anymore.
Girl you hugged? Angela. We saw each other for like, 15 seconds yesterday afternoon so that she could return the abaca mat I lent her for her graduation shoot.
Guy you hugged? I believe it was Hans, when we were saying bye last Friday. If not him, it would have been Al.
Family member you hugged? No idea. Maybe an aunt.
Type of soda you drank? I don’t drink any softdrinks. I did drink red wine that turned out to be carbonated last Valentine’s Day, though.
Flavor of gum you chewed? It’s a gimmick-y kind of gum that is extremely sour when you first pop it in your mouth; but once you start chewing it the sourness dies down and it goes back to the classic bubblegum taste.
Time you brushed your teeth? Last night.
Time you showered? Midnight yesterday when I got home from the aforementioned hangout with friends. I wasn’t able to take a shower yesterday because it had been freezing cold all day, but I plan on having one today.
Time you rode in the car? Yesterday when I drove out of the village to briefly meet up with Angela.
Word you said? Not sure; maybe just a ‘hi’? I greet my dogs a lot.
Person you talked on the phone to? My mom called me last night to tell me dinner was ready.
Time you cried? Genuinely no clue. I’d say a couple or even several weeks ago.
Wearing? I have on an olive green sleveeless turtleneck top, and a pair of shorts.
Eating? None at the moment but I do feel like munching on something. Salted egg chips sound amazing right now, actually.
Drinking? Nothing, but I am in the mood for coffee.
Thinking? What else I can do today to maximize what’s left of my weekend.
Doing? [besides this survey] Looking at possible frames to buy for my new eyeglasses.
Last friend's house you stayed at? Eugh, I think it had still been Gabie’s. I haven’t stayed at anyone else’s place during the pandemic so far; I’ve driven by Angela’s house briefly a couple of times, though. Mostly to just like return stuff or hand her a gift.
Last friend who stayed at your house? Angela and Hans.
Who has the coolest siblings? Probably Rita. All her siblings have got their own things and gigs and passions going on and I find that awesome. Of course, their family is filthy, old-money rich so their parents have more than enough money to let them sustain their hobbies, so I guess that’s a crucial factor in this too. But even then, they’re all humble and insanely nice so they’re still cool lol.
Who's an only child? Angela, Jo, Luisa, and I think Blanch??
Who have you gone on the most trips with? I don’t go on many trips with friends.
Who's met your family? Angela, and because of that one time my orgmates held a meeting at my house - Kate, Patrice, Jo, Jane, Aya, JM, and Edi.
Who's the craziest? There’s honestly a lot of chaos on my mom’s side, tbh. There’s past and current animosities, land issues, and general attitude problems among many of them. Of course, they try to hide it from the younger generation and everyone puts disagreements behind them during family gatherings; but the older I’ve gotten, the more my mom has let me in to some of the stories. That said, I can’t tell you who would be the craziest of them all.
Sanest? [is that a word] I would trust one of my aunts with my whole life, if it comes down to it. She has such a warm personality, is an amazing and sweet mom, and talking to her has always felt like talking to an old college friend that you’re having drinks with. I feel like I should do more for her as her niece, but yeah, I love her a lot.
Loudest? I will happily refer you to the entirety of my mom’s side, again. Everyone’s mode of communication seems to be yelling.
Lives the farthest away? Everyone who lives in the US.
Who do you live with? Both of my parents and my two siblings.
Has the most dogs? My dad’s immediate family, from whom Kimi actually came. There’s two dogs I can play with whenever we visit - Spike and Gucci - then they also have several other dogs but they aren’t too guest-friendly.
Has the most cats? My mom’s sister-in-law used to have like, 3 or 4 cats but I’m not sure if they’re still alive.
Has the most cars? I’m not sure. Most seem to have 1-3 which is the average for families anyway.
What color are your shoelaces? I’m not wearing any shoes at the moment.
Describe your sunglasses: I don’t own any.
Song you listened to last is...? Some jazz-y coffee shop-y tune I heard on YouTube.
Do you have a digital camera? Not anymore. I just use my phone to take photos.
What's the last type of cookie you ate? It had coffee and dark chocolate in it, but I can’t exactly remember what the name of the product is anymore.
Do you have your own computer? I have my own laptop. I never had a computer; I just went straight to having a laptop.
Describe your computer chair? I never had a computer chair per se but my work chair is nothing fancy, it’s just a plastic black chair that my parents bought initially just so that I had somewhere to sit on for my internship at my now-employer. Eventually I didn’t like how I was working in my room because I stopped being able to separate my personal life and my work life, so I’ve been working at the dining table these days.
Why is it called a computer chair anyways? I didn’t know this was a term, actually. I usually just keep hearing gaming chair.
What do you call the remote for the TV? Remote control, or sometimes just remote.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Nope.
What's on your walls? A few posters and wall decors. Some paintings from Gab towards which I have zero feelings or attachment anymore but I feel too lazy to take down.
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed. It would be impossible for me to fall asleep otherwise.
Can you fall asleep with the TV on? Sure, but the program has to be something I was watching to begin with so I can be lulled to sleep. If it’s a show about something I don’t find interesting, I might just find it as noise.
What is the last book you read? I don’t know.
What's your least favorite class? I don’t go to school anymore but in my final semester I hated my business writing class. I hated all my journalism classes, actually; but it was business writing that made me feel the most nervous.
Are you cold? I’m just right. It’s chilly enough not to need the fan, but I’m not shivering either.
Where are you? I’m in the living room.
What is touching your foot? The couch.
Are you wearing any jewelry? Nopes.
If so, what?
What's your name? Robyn.
Do you like it? Sure.
Would you change it if you could? Not at this point.
[for girls] Are you going to keep your last name when you get married? I would hyphenate it, yeah. This is also so that I get to keep my middle name as well.
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
Tumblr media
To @mia-wiah​
From @wrathofthestag
Message:  Happy Bitty Valentine’s!  A little domestic future Zimbits that revolves around snow.  I hope you like it, @mia-wiah <3
“Well, I know now. I know a little more how much a simple thing like a snowfall can mean to a person” ― Sylvia Plath
“Jack... Jack”
“It's snowing.”
“A lot.”
“Right on.”
“No, I’m serious. I mean like a lot.”
Jack, who still had his eyes closed, reached over to Bitty's side of the bed and pouted when he felt it was empty. He opened his eyes and slowly sat up as he stretched while he loudly yawned.  
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he looked over to Bitty, who peered out their bedroom windows. 
“Look at this,” he said as he pointed at the windows.
Jack pulled on his jogging pants and padded over toward Bitty.  Sure enough, everything was white. Fluffy snow blanketed everything as far as the eye could see.  Their backyard grill was almost completely covered, and it was still coming down.  
"This is a lot more than what the news predicted," Bitty said, shaking his head. 
"Guess it's a good thing we don't have to be anywhere.  Come back to bed, Bits."
“Look at it,” Bitty said in disbelief.
Jack draped himself over Bitty and brought him in tight for a hug, chest to back.
“Come back to bed,” he accentuated each word with a kiss to BItty’s neck, then padded back to the bed.
Bitty took one more look at the snow, then back at his sleepy grinning husband and figured there were definitely worse ways to weather the storm.
Bitty started the coffee brewing, and Jack entered the room in full-on lumberjack gear with a flannel shirt, some long underwear, thick wool socks, and what Jack liked to refer to as his “favorite toque.”
Bitty’s heart fluttered as he took Jack in with wide eyes.
“Aren’t you looking like a winter wonderland?”
Jack laughed and took the mug Bitty offered him.
“Bits, that was terrible―like, even for us, that was bad.”
Bitty chuckled. “Yeah, not my finest moment.”
“So, I’m going to go shovel, and then do we want to make some waffles and bacon?”
Bitty smiled.  “I love how you say ‘we’ when what you’re really saying is ‘Can you please make some waffles and bacon.’”
Jack kissed Bitty. 
“Can you please make some waffles and bacon?” he said sweetly.
“Get outta here, you schmoozer, and go shovel.”
Jack laughed as he returned to the bedroom to finish getting dressed.
They weren’t looking to buy a house, not yet.  Jack’s contract was up soon, and they didn’t feel it would be wise to buy a place if they were going to end up moving.  Providence loved Jack, but he wasn’t naive.  He knew it didn’t mean anything when it came time for contracts and potential trades.
Once his contract had been renewed (“Seriously, Jack. The only way you’d ever leave the Falconers is by your own choice,” George had said afterward), Jack and Bitty let themselves start looking.  Just a little bit…
One day, Bitty was perusing real estate online, and there it was, a quiet, unassuming home in Fox Point.  It was a sunny historic cottage built in the late 1800s.  The realtor had charmed them with the open floor plan and two-story addition.  The fireplaced living room, vaulted ceilings, and gourmet kitchen only sweetened the deal.
“You can walk to everything from here,” their realtor, Melissa, had said, “but it still has a small neighborhood feel.”
The history buff in Jack fell in love with the home’s past and Bitty, well, he fell in love with its future, picturing themselves growing old together in that home.
“Do you like it?” Jack asked quietly as they stood in the kitchen while Melissa gave them some privacy.
“Do you?”
“Bits,” Jack asked again, “do you like it?”
“Jack, I love it.  It has a red door!” 
“Then I guess it’s ours,” Jack said as he grinned while Bitty jumped into his arms.
They moved in a few months later, after a couple of final renovations.
“How did we have this much stuff in the apartment?” Jack asked.  “How?”
“Mama finally had the rest of my stuff shipped here.  The trophies, books, old clothes, baby clothes, costumes, everything,” Bitty said as he polished MooMaw’s silver platter and gently placed it on the counter.
“Was she in cahoots with maman?  I just got some boxes of stuff, too,” Jack said, bewildered, as he unpacked old hockey gear from his pee wee days.  “I don’t need this,” he said as he held up an old skate with broken laces.  “Do I?”
Bitty laughed. “Aw, what about our kids?”
Jack looked at his skate and smiled. “We’ll get them new ones.” 
He tossed it aside and pulled out some more books from the box. “Also, I like that subtle segue into the topic of parenthood.”
“It’s not subtle or unsubtle; it’s just practical talk, Mr. Zimmermann.  I mean, it’s not like we’re going to have kids tomorrow.  Maybe in a couple years we’ll see.”
Jack looked at his husband, who unpacked various kitchen odds and ends and smiled as he did.  They had talked about children in the past, peripherally, but they had talked about it.  Now, being married with a house of their own and feeling settled… it seemed like a real possibility.
“Soon, Bits.  Soon.”
Once every dish was finally in place, every book, every cushion, every trophy just so, the very first snowfall of the year began.
“We’re home,” Bitty said as they sat in the window seat, eating pizza, and quietly watching the snow come down.
“Yeah, we are,” Jack said as he smiled and watched Bitty admire the newly fallen snow.
That was two years ago.
“What are you doing out here?”
Jack stopped shoveling when he saw Bitty approaching.  He was dressed in his full winter wear, which included an enormous down parka―which Jack continuously chirped him about―a thick knitted cap, and a scarf which wrapped around his neck twice.
“I came to help,” he said.
“But you hate shoveling,” Jack said.  A huff of frosty air came from his mouth.
“But I love you, so,” Bitty shrugged, “it all evens out.”
“The salt is still in the garage.  Wanna get it?”
“Aye-aye, Captain,” Bitty said with a salute.
After a while, Bitty seemed to get in the groove, salting their walkway when all of a sudden, he screamed as a colossal snowball landed right in his face.
“Jack Laurent Zimmermann!  I’m going to kill you!”
Jack laughed as Bitty began to chase him around their backyard, still wiping snow out of his eyes.  His scarf flapped in the wind behind him.
“You’ll make an adorable widower!”
When Bitty finally caught up to him, he jumped onto Jack’s back and pulled him down onto a massive pile of snow.
“You are such a stinker!”
“You should have seen the look on your face, Bittle,” Jack said. 
“Was it anything like this?” Bitty asked as he threw a mound of snow onto Jack’s face.
The two laughed and wrestled, each one turning them both to pin the other down, until Jack finally pulled a dirty move and licked Bitty’s face.
When Bitty rolled off him, swearing up a storm, Jack was laughing so hard, he could barely breathe.
Half an hour later, they came back inside.  Jack and Bitty shook the snow off their boots and bodies, in the back mudroom, and hung up their coats.
“I’m going to change because my husband is a hooligan, and then I’m going to make myself some waffles and bacon.”
Jack smirked, a piece of snow still clung to his beard, “Guess I’ll just sit sadly and watch you eat.”
Bitty winked.  “I guess you will.”
Jack pulled off his sweatshirt and tossed it on the couch as he went straight to the kitchen.  He took out the eggs, milk, bacon, and the giant glass mixing bowl.  He turned on the oven to 400° and washed his hands.
“Should I make all the bacon?” Jack called out.
“Yeah,” Bitty replied as he entered the kitchen. “I’m starving.”
“More coffee?”
“Mmm, yes, please,” Bitty said as he took out the waffle maker.
The two worked in quiet unison, each one familiar with the other’s breakfast dance.  Jack paused to admire the snowfall, still going, then paused once again to admire Bitty.  He wore an old Falconer’s t-shirt and his well-worn Samwell joggers.  The back of his hair stuck up in a million little pieces. 
Jack looked at Bitty’s bare feet and smiled.
“It doesn’t seem like the snow is going to stop anytime soon, does it?” Bitty said.  He cracked 
two eggs into the bowl and stilled when he saw Jack watching him closely.  “What?  Why are you looking at me like that?”
Jack put down the coffee filter and walked over to Bitty in two long strides.  He took him in his arms and smiled.
“Look at you, in your pajamas, always making our house feel like a home even in the coldest, wintry days…”
“I think we should do it, Bits.”
“Do what?”
“Should we finally start a family?”
“Really?” Bitty asked so quietly, Jack barely heard him.
“Yes.  I mean, if you’re ready.  If you’re ready, I’m ready, and if you’re not, we can wait… but...”
Bitty looked at Jack, then jumped onto his back like he did outside in the snow, and began laughing. “I cannot believe you!  You spring this on me when I look like this?”
“What does that have anything to do with it?”
“It has everything to do with it, you moose!”
The two began to laugh some more, already dreaming of small bare feet running in their kitchen, as snow falls outside all around them.
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theanarik · 4 years
Day 13: Kiss
Hello! I bring you fluff!!! Happy SasuHina Month! I tried to get this one done before midnight but I kind of got distracted watching videos. Sorry! Hope you liked it! This is a sequel to Coffee, The best and Lingering, and also a prequel! Can you guess to which one?
Day 13: Indirect kiss
You can also read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24712180
And here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13615143/1/Kiss
Hinata has always been a I-prefer-staying-at-home person. It’s not that she doesn’t enjoy going out, she does! But you will never see her organizing any outside outing. Leave that to Ino and Sakura, she likes inviting her friends to eat lunch at her place better. However, it’s not like she’s going to say no to her friends when they invite her to go shopping or going out to a bar.
This time, though, they’re out at a mall, at the cinema, and she’s already sat with most of their friends, but they’re waiting for Naruto and Sasuke to arrive, Sakura waiting for them outside with their tickets. When they arrive, Naruto has one of the biggest popcorn buckets they sell, and Sasuke is coming empty handed.
“Where’s your popcorn, Sasuke?” Ino asks.
“Sasuke says that he doesn’t like popcorn, but he always steals from the person sitting next to him.”
“That’s not true.”
“Uh huh.”
There are only three chairs available, and Hinata will not stand up to accommodate either of them.
“You should have arrived earlier,” Neji tells them from behind her. “She won’t stand up until the movie ends, not even if she needs to go to the bathroom.”
Sakura gives her a strange look, kind of like a glare, but not quite. Hinata shrugs and continues eating her popcorn. Naruto sits to her right, and to his right sits Sakura. Sasuke sits to Hinata’s left, and she tries to concentrate on her own popcorn.
She loses herself in the movie, eating her popcorn and drinking her coke. She comes to a halt when she realizes that her paper cup has disappeared. Hinata frowns at the empty space and turns to look at Naruto. He’s chatting with Sakura, making her giggle, then she turns to look at Sasuke. And she sees her paper cup. Sasuke is drinking from the straw in her paper cup.
“Sasuke…” she mumbles, and he turns to look at her, mouth still on the straw. “That’s my coke.”
“Oh…” he gives it back to her and she narrows her eyes at him.
Hinata wonders as she sips just how many times Sasuke drank from her cup without her realizing it.
The last time Hinata let someone borrow one of her pens, the person never returned it. Of course, that was to be expected, wasn’t it? Nobody actually asks for their pen to be returned. Right? Hinata misses the time when her father would buy school supplies for her. Admittedly it was a long time ago, but really, going out of her way to buy school supplies was never the highlight of her day.
“Can I borrow your pen for a moment?” Sasuke asks her. She turns around to see if he’s actually talking to her and realizes that yeah, Sasuke, who ignored her completely when she arrived at the library, is talking to her. “I really need to write this down and mine ran out of ink.”
“Uh…” The pen falls out of Hinata’s mouth. She knows that if she does lend it to him, the pen will probably not come back. On the other hand, she has three other pens in her bag, she could easily replace it. “Sure.”
She hands him the pen, and then turns around to take another one from her bag. She focuses on her task at hand: finishing her Japanese Literature III homework before going to class. At 3:30 p.m. her phone vibrates, and she startles. She throws everything on her bag again and stands up, turning around to move the chair when she catches Sasuke’s hair and remembers that he still has her pen.
“Sasuke,” she starts. “Can I, um… can I have my pen back?” she says as she walks up to his table. She raises her eyebrows at the sight of him.
Sasuke’s hand is on his hair, he looks promptly stressed out and there are a lot of crossed out things on his notebook. Oh, and Hinata’s pen? Yeah, that’s on Sasuke’s mouth at the moment.
“You know what?” Hinata tells him before he can say anything. “You look like you need it more than me.”
“Thanks,” he murmurs, and he sounds sincere about it. Hinata smiles and turns around.
She has classes at the other side of the campus.
After moving in with Sasuke, Hinata discovered that the man wasn’t really a morning person. Sasuke woke up just after his fifth alarm rang, and he went straight into the kitchen, without brushing his teeth or anything, to drink coffee. Hinata figured it out quite quickly, thankfully, and by the fourth day she knows that Sasuke won’t really answer until he has at least two thirds of his second coffee down.
He’s mostly clean. Mostly. He washes the dishes when she cooks, and constantly tells her that living with Naruto was a nightmare (his stories go from underwear on the sofa to three days of unwashed dishes). Sasuke never outrightly tells her that she’s the best roommate ever, but she’s learned how to read in between the lines.
As she cooks lunch, Sasuke leans on the kitchen counter, watching her stir a pepper sauce he’s going to love – her words, not his –. Hinata turns the flame to the lowest and grabs a little spoon, dipping it on the sauce and trying it. She makes a humming noise and dips it again, turning around to face Sasuke.
“Can you try it?” she asks him, offering the spoon. Sasuke stares at her. “I don’t know if I should add more Brandy or not.”
Sasuke raises his eyebrows and tries the sauce, feeling the salty as well as the pepper-y taste. He frowns at her and clicks his tongue a few times as he considers.
“Yeah, more Brandy. And maybe something to ease down the salt?”
“Too salty?”
“Okay,” she turns around to grab more heavy cream and he leaves the kitchen.
Sasuke is aware that a drunk Hinata means that she’s going to get stutter-y and too affectionate. As they enter the apartment together, Hinata has already expressed that he’s the best person ever and that she’d really like to get coffee with him somewhere. Sasuke understands that as going out and drinking the coffee somewhere different than their apartment.
He leaves her sitting on the couch as he retrieves a glass of water from the kitchen. When he comes back, though, she’s fully laying down her body on the couch and she’s almost asleep. Sighing, Sasuke sits Hinata down again, helps her drink her water and then tries to make her stand up. She straight up refuses.
“Hinata, we’ll just go to your room, you’ll sleep better on your own bed.”
“No! I’ll stay here.”
“You’ll wake up with a creek.”
“I d-don’t care.”
Sasuke sighs again. Looks up the ceiling and asks himself which decisions in his life brought him here. Hinata is trying to lay down again and Sasuke helps her lift her legs. He goes to her room and brings her a pillow and her comforter, he nods when she thanks him. Sasuke goes back to the kitchen and wonders where his glass is.
“Ugh, I probably left it in my room,” he mumbles to himself, and turns to grab Hinata’s glass.
He fills it up with water again and drinks it without thinking too much about it. He rinses the glass and leaves it on the cupboard, turning off the kitchen light as he gets out. When he checks on Hinata again, she has her eyes opened and she’s staring at him. Sasuke lowers himself down and brushes off some of her hair, Hinata closes her eyes and nuzzles into his palm.
“I like you a lot, Sasuke Uchiha.”
+ I
When Hinata wakes up, she has the worst headache she’s ever felt in her entire life, there’s just too much light and too much noise.
“Ugh, what is that?” she asks out loud, and thanks all the gods that her voice is so soft. She’s never been thankful of that before, might as well start now.
“That’s the washing machine,” Sasuke answers from the kitchen counter. She narrows her eyes at him and throws herself down on the couch again.
She stays under the covers for a minute or two, then promptly stands up when her bladder tells her that she needs to go to the bathroom now. She ignores the look Sasuke is giving her and escapes to the bathroom with awaited relief. After peeing, Hinata washes her face and brushes her teeth, moving back to the living room.
“Here,” Sasuke says, and he handles her two pills and a glass of water. “It’ll make you feel better.”
Hinata thanks him and swallows it all. Walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge, she mentally takes note of what they’re lacking of and decides to go grocery shopping after breakfast. When she takes out the last five eggs, Sasuke says:
“So, do you still want to go to get that coffee?”
Hinata frowns. What is he talking about? Is he talking to her or is he talking over the phone and she didn’t realize? She turns to look at him and narrows her eyes at the expecting look on his face. She searches on his features something that tells her what he means when it suddenly hits her.
“We s-should go out, uh, for coffee sometime.” And “I like you a lot, Sasuke Uchiha.”
Hinata goes pale. Then her face goes through various shades of red until it settles on something bright that makes her pale eyes pop up.
“So?” Sasuke asks, still waiting for an answer and do you know what Hinata should do? Escape.
She leaves the eggs on the counter, breakfast forgotten and how is he so talkative this morning? How much coffee has he had before she woke up? Jesus, she needs to go.
“Oh, no, you’re not going anywhere.” Sasuke says, grabbing her arm and stopping her from hiding in her bedroom. In retrospective, Hinata should have known that that could happen. He was in her way after all. “You just need to tell me if you want to do that or not.”
“If you still want that tomorrow, when you’re sober, sure.”
His words echo in her head and she wonders if he meant it.
“Did you mean it?”
“That if I, uh, said yes, we’d, we’d go?”
Sasuke doesn’t answer her at first, lets her arm go and stares at her for a moment. Hinata feels her cheeks go hot, and she looks down. Sasuke tilts her head up, making her look at his eyes and she gulps before she hears his answer.
Hinata’s eyes grow big, and there’s a smile on her face and she looks positively happy.
“Then, yeah. Let’s go out for a coffee.”
Sasuke smiles at her and cups her face on his hands. She looks so beautiful and she’s looking at him, he never really though that would happen. He leans a little bit and Hinata meets him in the middle, eyes halfway closed. The kiss is soft, short and sweet. It’s innocent and it’s the promise of more kisses to come. He leans up a little bit and kisses her forehead, touching it then with his own.
Then, someone clears their throat and they both look to the side, startled. There, in the living room entryway is Naruto holding greasy paper bags and smiling at them. Sasuke wants to murder him.
“Who’s ready for some hangover-cure burgers?”
You can also read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24712180
And here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13615143/1/Kiss
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