#maybe if you actually used your smarts instead of your biases you could’ve actually helped them
Thinking about the Uchihas agreeing to an alliance because they’re tired and they wanna stop fighting and they just want peace
Thinking about how a Senju was their first hokage
Thinking about how their second hokage was another Senju
Thinking about how that Senju was the brother of the first instead of someone in the next generation that could help the village progress
Thinking about Tobirama insisting they’re cursed with hatred while he’s the one so full of hatred that he does everything he can to make their time in the village (that was made by both the Senu and Uchiha) suck
Thinking about how the third hokage was the student of the second hokage and he apparently believed the Uchiha were so far beyond redemption that he allowed them to be massacred
Thinking about how so many of the Uchiha we know about just wanted peace and for their loved ones to be safe
Thinking about how the last full blooded Uchiha doesn’t feel safe and happy in the village his ancestors made to keep him and the other Uchiha safe because all that village has done has hurt him and how that’s villainized
Thinking about how the most tragic part of Hashirama and Madara’s friendship is that for all Hashirama loved Madara and wanted to help the Uchiha, they would’ve been in a much better place if it wasn’t for him trying to force peace
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fanfic-inator795 · 6 years
RotTMNT Drabble: Match-Up
((From my recently updated drabble series “Moments Under Manhole Covers” whiiiiich I can’t directly link to THANKS TUMBLR, but it’s on AO3 if you want to check it out. Enjoy!))
“Okay, Lou Jitsu VS Jupiter Jim - ah ah, WITH assistance from Atomic Lass!”
“A Two v. One fight, huh?” Leo hummed, leaning back as he crossed his legs. He could understand why someone as bouncy and springing as Mikey would prefer a hammock to sleep in over a bed, but it was still hard to get comfy in it. For a split second, the slider nearly fell right out of it, though was able to place a hand on the wall nearest to him and regain his balance just in time. “Eh, it’s not like Lou Jitsu hasn’t been outnumbered before.”
“I know,” Mikey nodded, eyes still glued to the space on his bedroom wall, “But those were just against grunts. Of course he was gonna take ‘em out! But Jupiter Jim actually knows how to fight, plus he’s got all those sweet gadgets on ‘im! Plus, Atomic Lass can help with long range attacks and try to knock Lou off his game!” With that, he started sorting through his spraypaint cans, looking for the perfect color.
Honestly it was a wonder he had any blank space left in his room at all, but he did. About two feet wide and four feet tall, right between a tag he made a couple of years ago and a mural that, while not as impressive given that he painted it when he was seven, was still too sentimental to just paint over. Still, if anyone could turn a small section of wall into a masterpiece, it was Michelangelo.
Though, if he had been looking back at his brother, he would’ve seen the proud smile on the slider’s face. Mikey had always been a natural when it came to acrobatics and fighting, having a very ‘go with the flow’ style that meshed incredibly well with with the Lou Jitsu style of using your surroundings and turning whatever you could get your hands on into a weapon if just your hands weren’t enough. Unfortunately, being great at fighting in the moment often meant that he was a bit weaker at actually planning attacks and accounting for variables, often looking to his brothers for a new plan when things went wrong and sometimes needing to be told what to do in order to make his next move. So, to hear his younger brother actually thinking about advantages and strategies somewhat definitely brought a smile to Leo’s face.
“So,” Mikey spoke up again, pulling his blue brother out of his thoughts, “Do you think they could beat him?”
“Nah,” Leo shook his head, “Lou knows his way around a fist fight, even with people as skilled as he - or Jim - is. As long as there was no outside interference, he could easily outlast Jim, and probably figure out how to wreck most of his gadgets too.”
Mikey hummed, considering this. “And Atomic Lass?”
“Once he figured out what all her powers were, he could find a way to work around them. Find a way to take away or fight against her hammer, and that solves half your problems right there. He’s also fast enough to dodge her nuclear blasts, and once he knows how to counteract her powers, he could easily own her in a physical fight.”
“Huh, yeah, that makes sense.” Settling on a golden-orange, Mikey began spraying. “Okay, Lou Jitsu VS the Moon-Cyborgs from the 8th Last Trip to the Moon!”
The slider rolled his eyes. “Seriously, dude? No matter what weapons they’ve got, cyborgs are just like high tech mummies or zombies or any other group of grunts. Lou could wipe the floor with them, no problem - and he wouldn’t even need Jupiter Jim’s laser blaster!”
“Alright, smart guy,” Mikey retorted, giving his brother a playful scowl, “Lou Jitsu VS… Big Mama!”
“Oh, so we’re getting into real life match-ups, huh?” Leo had to think a bit on that one, since they’d only met once, so she probably had some abilities that they didn’t know about. But, judging on what they knew- “I think he could take her. Yeah she’s really big and strong and she’s got those suuuuper gross webs, but he’s fast enough to dodge those. I could see her him jumping on top of her and trying to block a few of her eyes, slowing her down and giving him a chance to throw her into her desk or something.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” Mikey nodded, “I could totally see him doing that. And with someone like Meatsweats, he could just grab his tenderizing hammer and use it against him!”
“Or trick him into taking the powers of a weak mutant,” Leo smirked.
“Or pretend to be a mutant to get Meatsweats to grab him, so he can get in close, and then POW!”
“Order up! Anyone ask for beaten porkchops with a side of hot soup?” Leo shouted, causing the two of them to fall into a fit of laughter.
Settling down a bit, Mikey turned back to his project, spraying a few lines of color. He looked at it for a moment before adding a few more spots. He then picked up a darker color for some shading. “Yeah, Meatsweats wouldn’t stand a chance. ...Though, Hypno would be a bit harder to beat. Lou doesn’t really have anything to block out his hypnotizing yells.”
“Right… Which means he’d have to knock him out before he could get the chance to hypnotize him, and would have to figure out how to get around his magic tricks,” Leo nodded, “Which itself would be sort of… tricky.”
“I regret nothing. Anyway, the doves and rabbits probably wouldn’t be too big of a problem, it’s those rings that he’d really have to look out for…” He cringed slightly, lightly touching his neck and remembering the razor sharp ring that he had just barely managed to dodge a couple weeks ago. “Those things are killer… But if anyone could get around them, it’s Lou Jitsu. After that it’d just take a good hit to the face, and boom! Game, set and match!” After a moment , Leo added, “Do you think we’re too biased in this?”
“Nahhh,” Mikey shook his head as he continued painting, “Okay, Lou Jitsu VS those crab guys! They were crazy strong, plus they had a long distance attack!”
“Yeah, buuuut if he could turn their attacks against each other, he’d have them knocked out in a second!”
“Lou Jitsu VS that minotaur lady from that maze you made us go through!”
Leo gave him a flat look. “You could’ve just said ‘that one maze’ but fine, that would be a pretty hard fight. Fighting against killer vines AND a fire breathing minotaur, plus being in an environment that’s always changing? It’d be tough, but I think Lou could pull off a win. Use the vines as weapons and tools, and find a way to either knock out or tie up the minotaur, which would be easy once the playing field was even a bit, since I don’t think very many pizza chef/restaurant assistant managers are also skilled fist fighters.”
“Alright, uhh, umm-!”
“Face it, bro!” Leo insisted, “Lou Jitsu’s just too awesome! No matter what the fight, he always finds a way out!” Whether it was just in the movies or not, it was just too hard to believe that a guy that strong and skilled and just plain legendary could ever actually lose, no matter who he was up against.
And Mikey must’ve agreed, because all he could say to that was, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” His voice was quiet now, and for a moment, Leo wondered if he had made him upset, making most of their theoretical battles so one-sided. He opened his mouth to ask, and-
“What about… Lou Jitsu VS us?”
Leo didn’t say anything. Instead, he sat up, and offered Mikey a small smile. “...Yeah, no. Mikey, we’re an awesome team but, we’re still just noobs compared to a master like him. We wouldn’t stand a chance at beating Lou Jitsu.”
“Heh, yeah, I know,” Mikey agreed. He smiled back at his brother, though it didn’t quite meet his eyes. “...I still wish we could fight him though, even if it was just a quick, dumb spar or something…”
“...Yeah, I get what you mean,” Leo said, holding back a sigh. Ever since the very first scene they saw from one of his movies - the very thing that had inspired them to want to become ninjas in the first place - all of them had wanted to meet the great and legendary Lou Jitsu. And now, thanks to certain revelations, well… Now that desire was stronger than ever.
It was pretty awesome, having one of your dads be a celebrity. But it was also bittersweet, especially when Wikipedia could only offer an incomplete history and various conspiracy theories around the web did very little to help.
“...Do you think that was his final fight? Him VS Draxum?” Mikey asked, still facing the wall despite not making a move to continue his art, “And that… that it was the one fight he lost?”
Leo could only give a shrug. “Maybe…” If he was being honest, his late father losing a fight still was a better ending than the alternative. That he simply gave them up and went into hiding, leaving them to be found by their rat dad. “But, hey… No matter what happened in it, you can bet he fought his hardest - and awesomest - during it. Just like he always does.” Just like they always did.
“...Yeah. I think you’re right,” Mikey nodded, another small smile making his way onto his face.
“...That’s really pretty, by the way,” Leo commented, looking back up at the wall.
“Heh, I know, right? Can’t believe someone would just throw this color out. But just wait until it’s done, then it’s really gonna look like something great!”
So, Leo laid back down on the hammock, and watched his younger brother paint his latest masterpiece.
Fights were a thrill. They were energizing and satisfying, but there was plenty of satisfaction to be found in moments of peace too.
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chipsandwaffles · 8 years
What a loser
You’re confused.
You’re utterly confused right now, because the biggest bad boy in school is standing in front of you, asking to join the fake club you made when you were seven, and he looks like he’s serious.
“You want to join cool club?”
the weird bad boy doyoung au no one wanted but i wrote anyways. enjoy ^^
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You’re confused.
You’re utterly confused right now, because the biggest bad boy in school is standing in front of you, asking to join the fake club you made when you were seven, and he looks like he’s serious.
“You want to join cool club?”
He doesn’t say anything, only nods curtly at you. You’re not sure what to say to him, because cool club really wasn’t an actual thing. You thought of it when you were seven when your neighbor and childhood friend, Jaehyun, called you lame and you made the club. Then, of course, he was never allowed in.
You were president, and lame people like Jaehyun definitely couldn’t be let in.
“I know I’m handsome but we’re talking business. Stare later.” You blink a few times and regain focus on the guy in front of you. You look him up and down, not really having a chance before in your time knowing of him. You notice the leather jacket, the tousled, bright orange hair, the smudged eye make up. Overall you’d describe him as ridiculously hot, and you can tell why all the girls fawn over him and Lee Taeyong.
You’ve seen Taeyong before, but never Doyoung.
“…you can’t join cool club,” you tell him. Doyoung looks appalled for a moment before narrowing his eyes at you.
“I can’t join? Why not?” You can’t tell him that your club only had one member. That would be lame.
“It’s too cool for you. I mean, leather jackets? Really?” Doyoung steps away from the table you’re sitting at, looking down at himself.
“These were Taeyong hyung’s idea. I can get rid of them if you let me join.”
“There’s a lot of rigorous tests to go through,” you say.
“I’m good at tests.” You almost let out a groan of frustration. Doyoung really couldn’t be deterred at all, could he?
“Aren’t you supposed to be dumb? You know, being a bad boy and all?”
“I can’t look cool and be stupid. That’s not cool, now is it?” You’d have to agree. Being dumb definitely wasn’t cool. Dumb people like Jaehyun weren’t cool.
“There’s also tons of meetings to look over your paperwork before we can let you in.”
“I’m patient.” He really wasn’t giving up.
You let out a heavy sigh in defeat.
“Fine. Fine. I’ll… consider letting you join cool club.” Doyoung’s face lights up with a bright smile, and you suddenly find yourself not understanding exactly how he was a “bad boy.” He had the look, sort of, if he was in a movie or something similar, but besides that he was more dorky than anything.
You’d call him cute too, but that seemed like it was pushing it.
“When’s the first meeting? I’ll fit it into my schedule.”
“What? No, you can’t attend a meeting unless you’re actually in cool club,” you say. You needed to get out of here. Doyoung was going to figure out your fake club if he kept asking questions like this.
“How do I become a member if I can’t attend meetings?” He asks.
“By completing all the tests. First test, lose the leather jacket.”
The next time you see Doyoung, he’s without the leather jacket. Instead, he’s adorning a blue plaid jacket and there’s a beanie on his head, and he looks normal. He looks too normal. He looks cute and handsome and someone you’d date and you can’t stop staring as he comes over to the table you’re sitting at in the lunch room.
“Next test.” You can see people staring at you as he sits down, and you have to focus on something else to get them off your mind.
Unfortunately, the only thing you seem to want to focus on is Doyoung.
“Y/N, next test.”
You blink at him. “You know my name?”
He rolls his eyes. “Of course I do. I’m trying to join your club, aren’t I? I should know your name.”
“…who told you? Was it Jaehyun? Did he call us friends again? Because we aren’t friends. Jaehyun is way too lame for me and-
“It was Johnny hyung.”
“Johnny?” You frown at his name. “Even worse. Why are you asking him my name?”
“Because I didn’t want to ask Jaehyun. Like you said, he’s lame. He was there when I asked Johnny though. And he did call you his friend.” You’re not sure you could frown anymore, but you were trying your best.
“What part of “I don’t like you” does he not understand?” You’re asking more yourself than anything, but Doyoung still answers.
“Not sure. Johnny hyung seemed upset that I was asking your name though. What, does he think I’m going to date his ex? Yeah, right.”
You stop your frowning for a moment to glare at Doyoung. “What, am I not pretty or something?”
“…uh-huh. That’s totally it.” Doyoung is rolling his eyes at you, and at that moment you regret thinking he was cute. He definitely wasn’t cute the last time you saw him, or now. He was mean and lame. He didn’t belong in cool club, even if it was real.
“Are you going to give me the next test or not?” Doyoung asks.
“Call me pretty,” you say. You didn’t mean for it to come out, but you were really bothered by it.
“…that’s a test? Doesn’t seem like much of a test-
“It is. Can’t get in unless you call me pretty. And cool. The coolest. I’m the coolest. You know, being cool club president and all.”
Doyoung hesitates for a second before smiling at you. The smile absolutely does not make your heart skip seven beats. “You’re pretty and cool. Don’t be fooled though. I’ll be the coolest soon enough.”
Doyoung steals a fry off your plate, stands up and takes his leave as you’re left to stare after him.
Your face felt hot, so very ridiculously hot. Not because Doyoung called you pretty and cool.
Definitely not.
Doyoung passes each and every ridiculous test that you come up for him. The third test you had him call Jaehyun lame twenty six times in one day. He passed and reported back that he called him lame “thirty times because it was a better even number.” The eighth test you had him fill out paperwork to be read over at the next cool club meeting. You read it over three times that night, smiling at the way he wrote his own name.
In between tests, Doyoung would come and hang out with you in the library or at lunch, talking to you about his day or things Taeyong had told him. It was nice being around him. He wasn’t lame like Jaehyun, and he wasn’t dumb like Johnny (not that Johnny is actually that dumb, you’re just biased because of the break up).
Doyoung made you laugh and smile. He made you feel good every time he sat down and stole fries from you. Sometimes he’d hum songs as you walked to the library together and you’re pretty sure if you heard him sing you’d like him even more.
You don’t want to say you have a crush on bad boy Doyoung, but, you totally had a crush on bad boy Doyoung.
Not that he was really all that bad. He was more of a dork than a bad boy.
But, there were definitely instances where he was bad.
Like, right now.
He was on the floor, underneath some other guy. Taeyong, his friend and other resident bad boy was pinned against the wall by another guy, his nose bleeding from where one of them had punched him. You had only stumbled upon the situation on accident, taking a shortcut to the cafeteria. They looked in a not so great condition as you stared.
You had to do something about this.
“Hey, douche faces!” The guy on top of Doyoung looks at you, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
“Oh, who’s this? One of yours?” He stands up, kicking at Doyoung as he walks over to you to keep him on the ground. Doyoung groans and rolls over, facing away from you. You want to rush over to him to see if he’s okay, but there was a bigger problem in front of you.  “Pretty little thing, aren’t you?”
“Ew, gross. Don’t call me pretty. It sounds ugly coming out of your mouth,” you say. The guy snorts at your comment, and puts a hand to your face, caressing it. You have the urge to bite his hand.
“Bet you’re lil bunny boy’s, aren’t you? You have a smart mouth like him.”
“I also have a smart knee, did you know that?” You ask him. The guy looks confused for a second, and you smile back at him just as your knee comes up to connect with his balls. He flinches as his hands come to protect what has just been attacked before his knees buckle and he falls to the ground.
The other guy notices what’s going on and practically throws Taeyong to the side, coming straight for you. You’re not sure what to do about this guy, because the moment he gets close enough you’re pretty sure he’ll slap you.
So your instinct is to throw the book you’re holding straight at his head. It manages to hit, but it’s not enough to stop him. You start to move backwards, wanting to get away from him, but you end up tripping and falling onto your butt. The only solution at this point is to use your mouth to stall for time, hopefully until someone comes along and helps you.
“Hey, hey, dude! Dude, don’t look so hurt, okay? He’ll be fine he’s probably not that big anyways so it won’t hurt much, you know? Maybe you should go check on him in case he is really hurt though! Be a good pal-
You close your eyes and flinch right as the guy raises his foot, presumably to kick you in the face. You wait for impact, hoping it won’t hurt as much if your eyes are closed.
It never comes though.
You hear a fuss in front of you, and you crack open an eye to see what’s happened in the few spilt seconds you had them closed.
Doyoung is in front of you, a concerned look on his face as he reaches a hand out to touch your face. You notice his spilt lip, the few scratches on his neck, and the bruise on his forehead. He doesn’t look that hurt, and you let out a sigh of relief.
“You’re so fucking stupid,” he tells you. You frown at him. You want to take back that sigh of relief.
“I just saved your ass-
“Doesn’t mean you’re not stupid. You could’ve seriously gotten hurt.” Doyoung pulls his hand away from you and stands up, turning back to Taeyong.  
“And you, you picked another fight? How many times am I going to have to bail you out of this crap-
“Didn’t really do that this time, did you?” Taeyong retorts back. You watch the two as they get into a heated argument, quickly getting quieter as they move towards each other. You stand up on your own, putting your attention on the two guys who were unconscious on the ground. You’re not sure how it happened exactly, but you’re just glad Doyoung isn’t terribly hurt.
Taeyong too, you guess. He started the fight apparently, so you have less sympathy for him.
“Let’s just… go get lunch,” Doyoung says, looking back at you. “Coming, Y/N?”
“…is he going to pick a fight with the lunch ladies if we have lunch together?” Doyoung snorts and Taeyong’s face flushes at your comment. You weren’t trying to lighten the mood, but it ended up that way anyways.
“Let’s make bets on which one he’ll fight.”
As you walk together with Taeyong and Doyoung, you can’t help but wonder how cool Doyoung must’ve been knocking that guy who was going to kick you unconscious.
“Have you been hanging out with Doyoung lately?” You don’t want to look up at the person asking the question. You know who it is, and you know if you answer he’ll just ask more questions. You refuse to answer him.
Because you have been hanging out with Doyoung lately. More and more since the fight. Taeyong as well. You could even be considered friends (as much as Doyoung denied it).
Doyoung and Taeyong ate lunch with you, and sometimes they’d walk you to the bus stop in case “one of those assholes tries to do something to you.” Taeyong would sleep in the library next to you while you studied for tests, and Doyoung would walk you to your classes every now and then. You’d even get texts from the both of them asking you if you’d eaten and Doyoung would send you multiple texts asking for more cool club tests.
Hanging out with them was fun, really. And they were seeming less and less like bad boys and more like huge dorks. You loved it. You liked them.
“I don’t have to answer that,” you tell him. You hear the chair in front of you get pulled out and then he’s sitting down, pulling away the pencil in your hand.
“You’re going to get hurt if you keep it up.”
“What do you know, Johnny? Pretty sure I’ve already been hurt by a guy, and it wasn’t Doyoung.” You steal your pencil back from Johnny and continue writing your notes down. You couldn’t be distracted now. You were almost done.
“I’m trying to look out for you,” Johnny says.
“I can do that myself, thanks though.”
“Doyoung is different, Y/N. Taeyong too. They’re just… trouble.”
“Is that you knowing that from personal experience or from the rumors you hear around campus? They don’t seem that bad to me. I mean, Taeyong recites poetry in his sleep, Johnny. He’s a big softie.”
“He has a bad temper,” Johnny tries. You set your pencil down and finally look up at Johnny. You haven’t really looked at him in months, and seeing him now just makes you feel bitter. It’s worse that he’s trying to get you to stop hanging around your new friends, too. There really wasn’t anything that bad about Taeyong or Doyoung. They got in fights and Taeyong wore an unnecessary amount of leather, but that didn’t mean they were bad.
“Are you looking out for me, Johnny, or are you jealous? What if I started dating Doyoung or something? Would you still ‘be looking out for me?’”
Johnny is silent for a second. He opens his mouth, trying to say something, but nothing ends up coming out. You roll your eyes, deciding you really weren’t going to take this crap anymore. You quickly pack up your stuff and stand up, heading for the exit.
Of course, Johnny follows you.
“Doyoung breaks a lot of girl’s hearts, Y/N. If you start dating him, then he’d do the same to you.” You stop in your tracks, turning to look at Johnny.
“You’ve already done that. Not sure Doyoung could do much worse.”
“…you know I’m sorry.”
“Save it, dude! I have better things to do. See you around, I guess.” You turn back around and begin walking again.
Johnny doesn’t follow you this time, thankfully.
Even so, it puts you in a sour mood. You skip your next class and sit outside in the quad, sitting under a tree as you watch the other students pass by.
All you really want to do is talk to Doyoung. You want him to listen as you talk shit about Johnny, probably about Jaehyun too. You want to be in his presence because even if he always has a smart remark on his tongue and frustrates you at times, he never fails to make you smile.
You want him to make you smile now.
“Are you picking up Taeyong’s bad habits? If you start skipping class like him I’m not helping you with your homework.” You look up at the voice talking to you, Doyoung standing there with a judging look on his face. You’re relieved to see him. You’re so relieved to see him that your eyes fill with tears.
“Oh- oh my god, hey. Why are you crying? I was just joking I’ll help you with your homework,” he says, sitting down next to you. He shakes his sleeve a little so it’s covering his hand before wiping at the tears that have fallen down your cheeks. You didn’t mean to cry, especially not in front of him.
Crying was so uncool. A cool club president wasn’t supposed to cry.
“Can I- can I ask for something from you?” Doyoung nods his head slowly and pulls his hand away, giving you his full attention. “Can you just- I need a hug.”
Doyoung doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you, pulling you close to him. You want to crawl into his lap and sit there for a few hours, just letting him hold you. You’re only friends though, so you settle with hugging him back. Doyoung’s hands move up and down your back in a soothing manner, and within a few minutes of hugging him you’re calm again.
You don’t want to let go of him though. Doyoung’s hug is a quality hug, firm but comforting, close and not uncomfortable in the slightest. It’s just the right kind of hug. It makes you feel loved. You really don’t want to let go.
“…I have to get to class, Y/N.”
“What you don’t want to just stay and hug me a little longer?” You ask.
“I wouldn’t mind but I have a test today and I didn’t study for nothing.” Doyoung pulls away from you and moves his hands to your face, squishing it together. You laugh at the action. “No more crying, okay? Crying isn’t cool. I’m going to have to take your position in cool club if you keep crying. Once you accept me into cool club, of course.”
You swat Doyoung’s hands away and laugh again. “As if, Doyoung.”
“You never know. It might just happen. I have to get going. No more crying.” You nod your head and watch him stand up. You repeat his words back to him and he smiles down at you. You have to smile back. His smile made you feel better and practically made you forget about the whole Johnny thing.
When he’s out of sight you can’t help but think about how much you really, really like Doyoung.
“Am I accepted into cool club yet?” You and Doyoung are sitting at your usual lunch table, waiting for Taeyong to join you when he asks the question for the millionth time. He’s been asking a lot lately, and it’s been getting on your nerves. Ever since the Johnny incident you’ve been a little more self-conscious when it came to Doyoung, second guessing his words and actions, wondering if maybe he liked you back.
This was something else you’ve been second guessing. You’re convinced that’s the only reason he hangs out with you, because he wants into cool club. Not because he liked you or liked hanging out with you. (Maybe you’re paranoid, but even if it is the feeling is still there.)
It’s stupid anyways. He’s in five other clubs, all of which look good on his transcripts, and yet he wants to be in this one so badly.
You don’t understand him. It wasn’t even a real club. The second he got into your fake club, the moment he found out it wasn’t real, your friendship would be over and he’d realize how stupid he had been.
“I don’t know. Whenever we have our next meeting.”
“When is it? I want to meet the other members before I get in,” Doyoung says. You almost want to laugh. What other members?
“You’ll meet them when we approve your paper work.”
“You say that every time. I’ve passed all thirty-seven tests, Y/N. How could you still be looking over my paperwork?”
“Maybe we have other candidates we have to look over too, Doyoung! Jeez, calm down. It’s just a stupid club.” You don’t mean to be irritated with him, but this conversation is getting old. Doyoung’s frustration is making you frustrated.
“Can I talk to the vice president? I feel like I should talk to someone else about cool club. Who is it? I’ll bother them with questions instead.” You let out a sigh and look at him.
“It’s a secret. We’re a secret club, Doyoung. You can’t meet the other members until you’re in.”
Doyoung is quiet as he stares back at you. He bites his lip, opens his mouth, closes it, looks away from you, and then back. You want to know what he’s thinking so badly.
“Why does your club keep sounding faker and faker the more I ask about it?”
The urge to laugh is back again. You want to laugh, tell him he’s right, it does sound fake. It sounds fake and ridiculous because a seven year old made it. But you don’t want to tell him that. You don’t want to disappoint him.
“…you’re mean. My club isn’t fake,” you say.
“Then let me come to a meeting.”
“Fine! Oh my fuck, fine!” You stand up, picking up your food tray and plastering an irritated smile on your face. “Let’s go have a meeting right now, Doyoung.”
Doyoung says something about Taeyong, but you’re already heading to the exit. Taeyong could handle himself. This cool club crap was going to be sorted out, once and for all.
Even if it meant you were going to lose Doyoung.
You open the door to your apartment, gesturing for Doyoung to go in. He sets his bag down and takes off his shoes, heading to the couch and sitting down. You do the same, sinking into the couch next to him.
“Nice place.”
Doyoung drums his fingers on his knees, looking around as he waits for you to talk. When you don’t, he starts talking himself.
“Are other people supposed to be arriving soon? I have a class at two, you know and I don’t want to be late-
“Nope.” You sigh, and look at Doyoung. “Meeting has started.”
“…there’s no one here though.”
“Yeah, well, that’s because no one else is in cool club except for me,” you say. Doyoung stares at you, confused for a second, and then realization dawns on him.
“It is fake.”
“Seven year old me thought it was pretty real,” you tell him, crossing your arms and pouting. Doyoung is quiet again, drumming his fingers still, and then he turns to you, grabbing your hand and grinning.
“So, does that mean I get to be vice president since no one else is?” You stare at Doyoung now, confused at him. You’re surprised that’s he’s not exactly mad, either. He should be mad for being lied to and for being being put through a bunch of stupid tests that didn’t matter at all.
“…aren’t you mad? That I lied to you…?” You ask.
“Hm? Oh yeah. Furious. But I’m cool, you know, can’t show that I’m mad or anything.”
“Right. Makes sense.”
“But, also,” Doyoung says, smiling at you still. “This means I can be vice president, right? Which means I’m super cool, right?”
You laugh at Doyoung. “Doyoung, let’s be real, you were already super cool.”
Doyoung is only mad at you for three days, deciding on the third day that not talking to you was like wearing all black leather on a hot summer day. Annoying and unbearable. You promise not to lie to him about other things like that again, and tell him he can absolutely be vice president of your fake cool club.
He’s happy, you’re happy, and things go back to normal. Sort of.
“Speaking of secrets, though. Uh… You…” Doyoung starts at lunch the day he’s done being mad at you, stealing a fry off your tray. You’re not sure what other secrets there are. You told all yours to him.
“…you want to date me?” You’re silent for a moment. A long moment. So silent that Doyoung explains what he’s saying. “I mean, I heard you and Johnny hyung talking, and you said-
“Oh my god, you were eavesdropping?”
“You were having an argument in the library. Everyone was eavesdropping.” You whine and shove your face in your hands, embarrassed that Doyoung had heard that conversation with you and Johnny. He wasn’t supposed to know about that, and he definitely wasn’t supposed to know you liked him.
“Hey, Y/N, it’s okay. I mean, I got to hug you-”
“How is it okay? We’re going to have to stop being friends now.” You want to cry from embarrassment and because you’re going to lose Doyoung as a friend after all.
“Shouldn’t we date first before we stop being friends? I think we should hug some more, maybe kiss… And then get in a really big fight and then cool club is disbanded which leads to me wearing leather jackets again and getting into fights. Then you have to come to my rescue one day like that one time and we make up and-
“Have you thought about this before?” You ask, half in disbelief and half in amusement. All of that sounded like some drama. If Doyoung was the star, you’d be willing to watch, of course.
“I- no, no, I was giving an example-
“Then we don’t have to stop being friends?”
“…and you think we should date first before…”
“Oh my god, Y/N, just say yes. I’m asking you out,” Doyoung says. He’s the one putting his face in his hands now, but you didn’t miss the blush on his face. He was cute. Doyoung was so cute and you wanted nothing more than to say yes to him.
“Didn’t you even read the cool club contract? It’s against the rules to fall in love with the president.”
Doyoung peeks through his fingers at you, and you can practically see the glare he’s trying to give you. Doyoung really was cute.
“I’m going to let Jaehyun into cool club if you don’t say yes.”
“Oh my god, no! Okay, okay, yes. Yes, I’ll go out with you.” Doyoung drops his hands from his face and stands up, leaning forward to press a small kiss to your nose. You’re surprised at the sudden action, but there’s nothing you can do about it because Doyoung is grabbing his backpack and waving at you, a grin on his face as he starts walking backwards away from you.
“Okay, good! See you later loser!”
“…loser?” You mumble to yourself, watching him run off. At least you weren’t going to lose him. “Doesn’t he know I’m cool club president…?”
When you get a text from Doyoung during his class asking if you and him can get cool club jackets, you smile so big Taeyong gets curious at what has you so happy.
You can’t tell him that it’s Doyoung that has you so unbelievably happy. That you’re happy Doyoung doesn’t stay mad for long, especially about cool club. That you and Doyoung were dating and he liked you back and he wasn’t just hanging with you so he could get into cool club.
You send a text back to Doyoung telling him that “yes, we should totally get jackets” and then you ask him if he wanted into cool club so bad because he wanted to be closer with you and because he liked you.
Doyoung doesn’t reply back, but when you see him later you know that was totally the reason.
What a loser.
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