#but Tobirama gets a free pass on everything???
risuola · 10 months
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Visiting your father went just like you expected it to go. Horribly wrong but you wanted to push through it and go back to your home in Konoha. Things unfortunately got out of hand and you were forced to summon Tobirama to save you.
contents: physical abuse, toxic parent behavior, sexual abuse mentioned just briefly (nothing of that nature is happening but it's a warning nonetheless), forced drug intake, heavy misogyny, reader discretion is advised — 3,1k words
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With an ANBU officer that Tobirama assigned to assist your trip, you reached the village that was your homeland. A place where you grew up welcomed you with fake smiles as you entered the palace. You used to live there, but no warmth or domesticity was waiting for you inside the familiar interiors. Once you entered, you received a long, harsh and emotionless hug from your father, just so the appearances were kept in the eyes of your security member, but with Konoha's shinobi departure, all of the artificially gentle gestures departed as well, leaving you with cold aura of your strict parent. Oh, how many memories it brought to the front of your mind.
After four hours of travel, you were given some time to rest and you took it, preparing yourself for what's to come. Evening was still early and you expected a meeting with your father that day before the madness of the next one starts. The talk was plain, it was nothing, just as if he wasn't talking to his daughter but to a foreign person and you'd lie if you said it hurt you. You were used to similar treatment from him, there was never any parental love he showed. He never acted like your father, more so like your owner, which in a sense he was. Every decision regarding you had to go through him, had to get his approval before it came to life; he decided what you’re going to wear, what and how much you’re going to eat and with whom you’re going to spend your time. He was strict and demanding nothing but compliance, feeding you fear and uneasiness from the youngest age. He did everything to burn down your character, to change you into a maid, a housewife, into someone who’s doing as is told. You were too strong mentally to go down this road and you learned how to play his game. Or so you thought, because you felt truly free only when you married Tobirama and left the village.
With a false wish to rest well, you spent the night hyperaware of the surroundings. Your old room brought memories you were not too fond of; the fake light aura that surrounded you, with all the soft and plush fabrics and luxurious ornaments made you feel sickly. You were often trapped in here, as your father explained it by protection and keeping you pure. A golden cage, an exclusive prison. He kept you out of the world, giving you no choice but to sneak out on your own to train or see people. If not for that, you'd probably go insane very quickly and as the time had passed, you were impressed with yourself that you remained the clarity of mind. You went through all of it, the many years of mental, violent training that were often close to break you down. Strict rules of your palace made you depressed in every meaning of this word; at one point you were too afraid to speak, you were frightened to look anyone in the eyes – even if it was just a servant of yours. Your life wasn't easy. The princess title covered all of it up, dressing your misery in fairy tale stories and glittering the dark path you had to walk through.
The next day began just as you expected. A breakfast, beautifully spread on the large, long table where you sat down facing your father, focusing on the food rather than his demanding gaze that seemed to pierce right through your soul. He was displeased by your sight; you could tell that right away. Disgusted even.
"There are stories that reach our ears," he began; the annoyance apparent in his voice even though you could tell he was trying to sound calm. The tension in the air was thick and heavy, palpable enough to make you feel suffocated.
"Regarding your behavior in Konoha. Rumors have it, you're serving the society of the village. You're quite liked in here, aren't you?" The question was rhetorical and during the speech, there was a few accents put onto certain words with the most apparent note of disgust that surrounded the word serving.
"That's a part of my duty, as of a wife to—"
"Cut the bullshit. As a wife, you should be at Senju's feet. Do you not know how a marriage should look like?" Your father got up, slamming his fist on the table, knocking down glasses as your food bounced on the porcelain plate. That’s about it when it came to the breakfast. "I have given you up believing you're well prepared, but I see I was wrong. Can you imagine my disappointment, my shame when my people talk about your treatment to your husband?!"
"With all due respect, but Konoha has different vision on marriage and I fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities. My husband is—"
"Shut your mouth when I'm talking," he groaned, cutting you off yet again and you sighed, putting down the chopsticks. Peaceful breakfast wasn't what you’ve expected anyway. "You, acting all lovey-dovey with that man is an insult to our tradition, to our people. It's been almost a year and I was patient, hoping you'd realize your place, but as of now I don't see any other choice, than to put you in it myself."
"What does it even mean? Your superiority over me ended the day I was married off. Now the only person that can give me orders is Tobirama, not you, and he do not wish me to serve him."
"Spare your words until I lose control."
You shut up, wondering if it’s worth it to just leave the palace and get back to Konoha earlier. It would for sure make a fuss but if you were careful enough, you might not interrupt the negotiations that were taking place. Without a warning, two women entered the room, cutting your thoughts short as they grabbed you by the shoulders and dragged outside with force. You were aware of a place you were heading to. Little, closed house-like building, but small enough to fit one room and a small bathroom. It was like a basement even though it wasn’t underneath the ground. It was dark, with no windows. A prison your parent used to put you in to 'teach you a lesson'.
Your father wanted to break you, to plant the seed of fear in you that would bloom into your compliance to Tobirama later. That would push you down to the ground and make you stay at that level, so the Senju can tower above you. A wife that’s perfect, according to the misogynistic tradition of your land, is the one who’s humble and obedient, who doesn’t speak up and is afraid to do so. Woman’s role in the marriage was objectified – a woman was meant to speak when asked and be silent when she’s not, she was meant to keep her head low, mouth shut and legs open to fulfill the desires of her husband. To give birth to as many heirs as the man pleased to have. It looked like this for decades in your village and you happened to disagree with that from the youngest age, what saved you from an early marriage. You couldn’t be more thankful for the agreement between Yu and Konoha, but your father was far from happy.
When the doors closed, trapping you inside with two men you had seen for the first time, the terror began but you had no intentions of giving in. Not this time. When you were younger, you just took it – too afraid to show any fighting skills that you were learning in secret from the world, but now it didn’t matter. You fought the physical abuse for a day, but your body was weakened and you assumed it was something you were sneakily given during breakfast. It was everything but a surprise to you. Your father was known for his toxic behavior, as he would often poison you to weaken your reactions, and then ‘show you your place’. You should have known better to not eat or drink anything he’s giving you.
The nightmarish treatment of kicks and punches was something your body remembered but weaned from. It's been almost a year since you were beaten for the last time, as Tobirama kept you safe and warm in his embrace. The men didn't care about the marks that were appearing on your body. Your father will sooner or later inject you another one of his mixtures that make bruises invisible to the eye, but leaving the pain of them. It was a brutal ritual he often used to place you in order. Something you hated more than anything but had to learn to live with. Minozuki wasn't stupid, he knew he cannot leave any signs of abuse on you to prevent your husband from knowing as he suspected he wouldn’t be as grateful as he should be. But it was a service, your father thought – it was a favor he was doing towards the young Senju, because clearly he wasn’t able to discipline you himself.
The torture took two days, although for you it felt like eternity. There was little to no perception of time in a space with no daylight and no clocks. Every bone, every muscle hurt – even your hair and nails burned with pain. It'll go away, you told yourself, repeating it like a spell to push through it. Two days of the hell had already passed, meaning you’ll go home soon. Conveniently, you were expected to stay as long as the negotiations in Konoha are taking place, and there even was a delegation from your village, probably to make sure your husband is not leaving. Minozuki thought of everything – it wasn’t a coincidence that he invited you now. He knew damn well you’ll come alone.
“How’s my daughter doing?” Your father’s voice reached your ears from outside, where he met with your abusers to get reports on the progress. The door stayed open, but even if you’d want, you couldn’t escape now. Not when you were that weak, not when they were standing right behind the wooden entrance and especially not in your current state. You could taste nothing but blood, it coated your mouth and half of your face. You were coughing it out for god knows how long, something inside of you had to be damaged. Something had to be fractured enough to release a constant flow of red through your lips. For the nth time you felt like you’re gonna pass out, an exhaustion taking the best of you, the world spinning more and more right before your eyes.
“She’s stubborn,” one of the men responded, and the second agreed. Their voices were faintly hearable for you now, barely coming on top of the intense ringing in your ears. “At this rate she’ll have her bones broken but learn nothing.”
“So, change the tactic. Use every mean.”
“Yes sir.”
The change of tactic caught you off guard. Never before your father had a reason to use any kind of sexual abuse towards you, hence you couldn’t be prepared for that at all and at first, you couldn’t even tell what was happening. You were once again forced to swallow down a liquid in which another dose of drugs was dissolved. At this point, you were close to throwing it up as it forced down the blood back to your stomach. When it began taking over your body, you felt like you’re levitating. You were able to move, barely, but your limbs felt numb. You had no control over them, but your mind stayed intact. Aware of what was happening, you felt like you’re standing next to yourself, observing with no power to react. That out of body experience frightened you to the core, you never felt like this before.
And then, you were reminded of a mark on your body, that Tobirama left before you departed. It was one of those he used to teleport himself between places. He wanted to make sure you’re safe during the travel or your stay in the palace. He was well aware of how scared you were going there, even though you tried not to show it, you did your best to not worry him with your family issues. But he knew better, he made you promise you’ll use it if something’s wrong, so he can appear instantly and protect you, but you swore to yourself you won’t bother him. His job in Konoha was so important, you couldn’t bring him in just because you were kicked in the gut but when it got to you what was happening now, what your father meant by saying every mean, you got truly scared.
The men grabbed you, began tugging and jerking your body, as they were fighting with every last bit of power you had left to push them away. The intention was clear as they were pulling your clothes, ripping the seams, cutting the straps, revealing more and more of your skin, squeezing and slapping your body, groping everywhere. The feeling of disgust began overflowing your mind. Was that really what your own father allowed to happen? Before marrying you off he put so much effort into keeping you pure and now he was just okay with you being used in this dingy, dark cage? You couldn’t push them away; your body was too weak, your hands had no strength as they met the much larger bodies of your abusers. Biting your thumb open, you smeared the blood over the marking on your forearm, focusing every last bit of chakra that you had in there, alarming your husband.
In the middle of talking, Tobirama fell quiet. The feeling of your energy calling for him paralyzed him for a split second as he knew you wouldn’t use his marker if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. He knew you all too well to know you were too stubborn to call for him for as long as you can withstand whatever was happening and the thought of what pushed you to do so froze the blood in his veins. What on earth was happening in your village?!
“Tobirama?” Hashirama addressed the silence, looking up to his brother, immediately noticing something was wrong. Just as if Yugakure delegation noticed as well, they began asking more questions, aiming towards the younger Senju to distract him from the feeling but the hokage got up, dismissing his brother with a pat on the shoulder. “Let’s take a break.” Hashirama’s authoritative voice wasn’t up to any discussion and nobody dared to say a word.
You fought with all of your might, forcing yourself through the drugs, fueling your muscles with remains of your chakra just to move them, to push those men away from you. With a whine, you fell down to the ground, after being striked in the head but your body didn’t reach the floor. Appearing suddenly, a strong arm wrapped itself around you, situating you under the wall gently. Seeing the familiar face in front of you, you exhaled in relief. Tears rolled down your cheeks, the marking worked after all and you knew damn well that Tobirama would come and help you eventually, but to see how fast he reacted warmed your heart all over again.
Senju was enraged by the sight he was met with. Your body, partially undressed was covered in purple signs of abuse, in the red patterns of blood that was gushing out of your mouth and two men in front of you were trying to take advantage of the half-conscious state you were in. He had no idea why were you so barely present, but it wouldn’t surprise him if it was some kind of drug coursing through your system. Your father was nowhere to be found and the more he looked around, the more dried blood caught his attention. Furrowing his brows, he groaned in anger, easily beating down two offenders that dared to lay a finger on his wife and he wished to give them a bigger lesson, to make them suffer longer, to beat them harder, but all of that could wait. Now you were the top priority for him. Now he had to take you home, to safety.
“Hey,” he said, forcing himself to sound calmer than he was, as he squatted in front of you, swooping your body from the floor with such gentleness that you barely felt any pain.
“I’m so sorry to bother you,” you muttered, leaning into the familiar scent of his neck. Even though you were barely registering the world around you, fighting with your own perception, you would recognize him everywhere. In a matter of second you were back in Konoha, in your own bathroom and the light of it made you squint and whine against Tobirama’s shoulder.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and you’ll rest, alright?” He spoke softly and his deep, caring voice soothed your nerves.
“You can go back to your duties, I can manage…” In hopes to reassure your husband, you tried to stand on your legs but as soon as your weight landed on them, you began to fall. It’s only thanks to the protective embrace around you that you didn’t reach the tiles.
“I’ll stay with you as long as you need me to. Please accept my help and don’t worry about the negotiations. The most important parts of it are already sealed, my brother can deal with the rest alone.”
With a nod, you draped your heavy arms around his shoulders, melting into his large body, into the safety of him. Everything hurt you, the pain felt unbearable just a second ago, but such close contact with Tobirama made It worth pushing through.
“I love you more than my own life, Tobirama,” you whispered against his chest, pressing your lips right above where his heartbeat echoes. “I’m so grateful that you came, that you saved me before they—”
“Ssh, it’s okay, you are now safe with me,” he hushed you gently. He sounded calm, his tone was warm and he showed nothing but love and patience to you, but inside of him there was a storm raging. Not now, he reminded himself in his thoughts. His fingers were stroking your hair whilst the other hand kept a hold around your waist, keeping you up and standing. He could feel how weak you were, how little chakra was circling in your system – an effect of you using it constantly to fight back the assault. Tobirama prioritized you above everything else right now, but in his head, he already planned the visit to your homeland.
Those people, your father… they needed to learn why they don’t want any problems with him.
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taglist: @garouaddict @bluebreadenthusiast @nelivv - I tagged everyone who asked for continuation, please let me know if you want to be tagged for the future parts loves! (and don't be shy to tell me if you don't want to be tagged as well!)
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luchicm04 · 4 months
lost in the forest - part 35
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Summary: It's often the smallest mistake that ends up causing the greatest regret.
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Original Female Character
Tag: #lost in the forest fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: +4k
I finally finished my final exams (if I pass all of them) so now I should have more free time to write. Thanks for
Overall warnings: canon-typical violence, adult content, time skips, angst
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The wedding will take place on a huge patio right in the middle of the compound. The standing decorations are so different from every event she has witnessed so far with her busy schedule.  
Karen has to admit that things are noticeably over the top. There are white flowers everywhere with large matching lamps, along with a forum in the background among various chairs.  
Traditional, like everything in this culture.  
“Wow... they really applied themselves,” she comments as she carries a pot with similar flowers in pale colors whose meanings in this reality indicate prosperity and a good future for the couple.  
Kaori looks just as ecstatic, so focused on everything going well that she smiles sideways.  
“Yes... This is the first wedding. It is not every day that the clan leader does not get married.”  
“Well, yes,” the civilian laughs at the point given by the old woman. The flowers are placed right in the middle of the forum. “Is there going to be some kind of priest?”  
“Oh... well, we shinobi do not have religion, but for these events the priest of the temple was already brought by escorts,” the old woman explains.”  
“Yes. Young Tobirama-sama was among them. He will not take long to arrive so do not worry,” she laughs amused, hitting her shoulders. Her hands hurt from the effort, but she doesn’t complain.  
She is used to hard work... especially when working in the garden.  
Karen keeps up.  
“Ka-ne!” Someone hugs her on the knees. Little Matsuo greets her with a wide, adorable smile that melts her, even if he shortens her name due to the lack of pronunciation of the ‘r’.  
“Oh, little one... you should not do that. You could make her fall,” the old woman scolds, noticing her loss of balance. From the mockery of the other children who accompany him, she assumes he’s playing with a group his age.  
“Don’t worry, Kaori-san. I didn’t fall.”  
“You are a civilian, not a kunoichi like the others,” the old woman frowns now looking at her and then at the child. “So, consider it, Matsuo-kun.”  
“Y-yes.” He looks embarrassed, with a gesture worthy of someone who is taking on a tough mission.  
Being a civilian on these occasions is annoying... they treat her as if she was going to break.  
“I’ll be fine,” the woman says ruffling the boy’s hair. “Your Oka-san?”  
“She is... with Oba-san,” the boy blinks twice. “She... why is she so sad?”  
“MMMmm...” Karen sees that her friend has reached the peak of her traumas. Even she couldn’t sleep the night before just remembering that it would be full of drunk people.  
Tobirama gave her a list of warnings that she made sure she didn’t forget.  
“She... just needs time,” the civilian assures, squeezing his shoulders. “That’s why you have to help her feel better... by being good.”  
“What else is happening?” the older woman tilts her head, seeing that something else is bothering the child.  
“She... does not want me?”  
“She loves you. Why do you say that?” she questions because Mikami was always firm in her love for her son, despite his conception.  
“She... was talking... yelling at Oba-san... about... Ryu... and me.” He blinks innocently. She assumes that the tension in the family has come to a high point as a result of the post-traumatic stress that the weight of the event and so many redheads around entail.  
“She’s just tired... but she wouldn’t say anything bad about you.”  
“When she gets better and you get older, maybe she will talk to you about it.”  
“Karen-san,” the old woman warns with an audible sigh next to her. She had remained on the sidelines for some time but there are still things about the culture that they are willing to hide. The child blinks between the two. “Go finish helping the northern area, Matsuo-kun,” she orders drily.  
“What did I say?” she asks just when it is certain that the kid is gone. The civilian sometimes does not understand the hindrances, like when Madara’s visits are at her house... something that the old woman points out when there are no men at home.  
An overreaction from her point of view, because it’s just work and the old lady is accompanying her, isn’t she?  
“You should not tell him that. Mikami-san... she should not say anything.”  
“But... the kid will eventually find out. It’s better if it comes from her.”  
“His family... is important for the development of the child according to the traditions of the family,” the old woman explains firmly, speaking about a topic that was putting off the truth.  
“Kaori-san, that’s something Mikami should think about.” Karen is firm in her point of view. “The boy is aware of things, and that man’s family should not demand anything else of what they have already taken from her... he raped her.”  
“Do not say that,” the old woman shushes. “Sometimes, your type of thinking is so complex,” she snorts indignantly to start walking. “I hope that will be fixed just when you marry into the clan.”  
“I don’t think so,” the girl assures, not caring if she’s spoiling her companion's existence. Outside of her traditionalist thoughts, she is a good person.  
She just puts a lot of effort into making her do things she’s already starting to take on.  
Like marrying her off, for example, although that was more of a matter of Hashirama and political pressures.  
She has heard that Mito faced large numbers of men in certain jobs, that she sometimes leads important meetings with her father as one of the few women who hold an active position in bureaucratic society.  
However, she can’t help but laugh when she sees her in a nervous state when she goes to see how she was before the wedding started.  
She is looking in the mirror, standing there with large headdresses matching her beautiful braided red hair and a completely white yukata with luxurious embroidery. She had seen it hanging since it was finished, but seeing it put on, Karen notices that the curves lift it up.  
She chuckles as she enters. “Mito-san, don’t be so nervous,” she says standing behind the woman who doesn’t take her eyes off her reflection.  
“I am not.”  
“You are.”  
“Alright, yes,” the redhead sighs, turning to face her. “I... what if he does not love me?” she questions harshly as if she knew her answers.  
“He does,” she shrugs because she knows the man is in love with someone, and smiles seeing her friend’s surprise. “Just be confident.” Completely misinterpreting the romantic interest of said leader in favor of his fiancée.  
Wrong... but she doesn’t push herself in observing.  
“But...” She looks at her reflection again. “I... I am afraid it is not true.”  
“Why do you say that?” Karen asks, not knowing that she was moved by her security. It wasn’t that bad last night.  
“I talked to him...”  
“Oh...” She doesn’t say anything, because she wasn't aware of that part.  
“He said...” she sighs longingly. “That he would try to do everything in his power to make sure I am happy.”  
Karen resisted the urge to slap herself in the face just for the stupidity of a groom saying those things hours before his wedding. What was going through the leader’s mind? Was the nerve messing with him? She doesn’t know because she hasn’t seen him, which makes her question his logic.  
“What...” she stops talking to look at her. “You... have you ever fallen in love?” she questions, remembering what exactly the happy boyfriend said to her days before.  
“No,” she quickly answers. “I never took an interest in that.”  
“But now you are getting married,” she frowns doubtfully at her prompt response. Her mistake... so she sighs to take the hand of the person staring at her.  
“Not until I met Tobi,” she laughs at the blatant lie with a certainty of being faithful to what she is saying. “It can seem foolish, something that came out of nowhere... when I wasn’t looking for it.”  
“It was never my goal. As I told you before, it just happened.”  
Mito looks at her for a long time. “What if... Hashirama is in love?”  
“Not with me.” After a slight silence, the redhead releases her to gaze at her. “Would you... do something against me?”  
“What do you mean?”  
“I told you before... about the danger that you represent,” she then accepted with confidence in a tone different from the friendly one she had used until now, more similar to that first meeting.  
Where she was clear with her comments.  
“You are my friend.” She tries not to feel offended by such an argument. “One of my closest ones here.”  
“Mph...” she snorts ironically. “He... I do not know...” She keeps some comments to herself, searching for something in her eyes. “I guess nothing has changed since then,” she mocks.  
“For being older... sometimes, I do not understand how you work, from what I see.”  
“Don’t doubt your fiancé... not now.”  
“I know you told me so... only now I do not know what to think.”  
“I... I will be a Senju...” she states with a fire in her eyes. “I will love him... with all my heart.” She looks into her eyes. “Come what may,” she says with a double tone that is not usually understood by the civilian, who smiles.  
“That’s the best thing you’ve said so far.” She tries to lighten the atmosphere with said comment. The woman laughs to see how her assistants begin to enter to put the finishing touches, while she leaves to finish putting on her yukata.  
With a strange feeling about it.  
What exactly did Mito mean?  
The yukata is so different from that of her own event. It is more subtle and modest in soft tones that enhance its foreign features, paired with simple headdresses that do not stand out too much, so as not to overshadow the bride.  
“Wow... you look good,” someone calls just as she steps out. Seeing Madara all dressed up is notable, being a special guest as a friend of the groom.  
“Thank you... you combed your hair.”  
“So early and yet so aggressive.”  
“I’m not aggressive,” the girl complains about his out of place comment, but it was noticeable and the first thing that came to her mind when she saw that always wild mane of hair a little more subdued, as she walks towards the exit. Her escort has not come so she assumes Tobirama will be a little late.  
Considering his mission to bring the priest, it makes sense.  
“Perhaps,” the man makes way with his biting accent.  
“Well... so direct.”  
“You are not.”  
“A little,” the man mocks without losing his sarcastic rhythm to continue along the way. “I just wanted to know if you wanted to give words of support to the groom... he’s nervous.”  
“Uh?” She blinks at the comment.  
“It’s nothing. I just didn’t think you were really worried about him... it’s adorable.”  
“I’m not worried about him?”  
“Forget it,” the Uchiha complains with a bitter look. His steps are soft considering the one who walks slower than any of the trained shinobi in that place.  
He does that sometimes, when he has things to ask about reports and things like that, which tells her how important this is.  
“I’ll go see him...”  
“Will you?”  
“Yes. How nervous is he?”  
“...You will find out,” the man shrugs with a hidden tone.  
“What are you planning?”  
“I’m not planning anything,” he assures.  
“You silence tells me otherwise,” she tilts her head. “I hope you don’t ruin your friend’s wedding.”  
“I won’t ruin it...” He whispers that last part in a very shinobi way that she doesn’t hear well, which makes her frown. “I just know that he’s too stupid to take what he wants.”  
“He’s not stupid, he just sees the logic,” she shrugs. “Love is that complicated.”  
“Mph... that’s nonsense.”  
“I don’t think so.”  
“Of course... tell that to the idiot.”  
“Don’t ask. You know, I don’t know how to measure your intelligence sometimes.”  
“So I’ve been told,” she says, not at all offended and accustomed to the bitter man’s direct way of speaking. “However, you’re not here to give me compliments, but to ask me for help. Do you want me to bring him something?”  
“...Like what?”  
“Water to help calm him down or tea.”  
“Nah, your presence is enough to make him see his...” he sighs. “The bastard is very idiotic. Seriously, I don’t know how he doesn’t dare.”  
“Madara-san, you are saying strange things.”  
“No, I’m just desperate that he’s such a moron.” The Uchiha looks at her. “But I hope this clarifies his ideas,” he shrugs walking among the people who begin to take their places. Karen sighs... “Won’t you becoming with me?”  
“No,” the Uchiha accepts cheekily, standing at the beginning of the hallway that she knows well leads to the Senju’s office. One that Tobirama usually uses since the former sometimes works in the neutral office.  
“Seriously, I know you’re onto something,” she frowns at the shameless laughter of the infamous Uchiha leader. There is no one there since many of the guards or assistants are outside receiving the different guests. Same with the Uzumaki. They are all anxiously awaiting the beginning... the confirmation of their pact.  
She walks a little more, approaching the door. “Hashirama?” she hesitantly questions standing at the edge of the door. She hears a thud inside that sets the alarm to enter. “Hashirama?!” she blinks, seeing the man blinking at her with a strange surprise in his eyes.  
It is fortunate that he is dressed up, although she sees that the final yukata is almost in place.  
“Wow... Madara-san told me you were nervous, but I wasn’t expecting this,” Karen accepts, carelessly approaching to help him, but the man was already up as soon as she closed the distance.  
“That idiot,” he growls reluctantly to look at her. “I... you shouldn’t be here.”  
“I know, but he assured you that you were anxious, and he wasn’t lying. You still haven’t finished getting ready!”  
“I only need the last yukata,” the man laughs with a tension in his shoulders.  
“I know, I’m underestimating your shinobi skills,” the woman mocks. “But you know... this is your day, your wedding!”  
Hashirama doesn’t say anything. He purses his lips, turning to take the yukata and arrange it to his shape in the blink of an eye. “Ready!”  
“Show-off,” she complains, as it took hours for her to get ready, and her makeup was more moderated this time. The man’s amused laugh resonates after days of not hearing it.  
That makes her blink twice as a phantom tensions in his shoulders disappears.  
“What?” the man asks before her gaze.  
“It’s been a long time since I heard you laugh like that,” the woman states. “You know... everything will be alright, seriously.” She approaches him, hitting his chest with confidence. She sees those eyes analyzing her.  
“I... I’m not nervous about the wedding?”  
“No,” he accepts easily. “I’m just... doing it out of my duty.”  
“Don’t say it like that. Mito-san loves you,” the woman complains, sighing and watching how the man has the nerve to caress her cheek slowly. “Hashirama? ...You shouldn’t do that,” she hits his hand easily.  
Although it does not move since her strength is zero next to his... the sensations are disturbing and uncomfortable. “Hashirama?” she insists due to the man’s little interest in walking away after such a strange move.  
She may be over 30, but she wasn’t expecting this.  
Not from a young shinobi.  
“I... will always regret it.”  
“Don’t say that...” She feels bad for Mito at the harsh words of the confused groom.  
Karen attributes his wrong behavior to the pressure of the wedding.  
“I’m saying it to you,” the leader chuckles, happy that she didn’t walk away. Karen frowns wanting to question such an attitude. However, she freezes just when the male hand stops on her cheek and his thumb traces her lips delicately, feeling their heat... She steps away scared with her alarmed thoughts.  
Karen doesn’t blush but she stands there, not knowing how exactly she should react.  
It’s easy to take her distance when the man is so distracted in his actions, looking at that hand with a pitiful smile for whatever thought is passing through his mind.  
“I have never seen you so nervous,” the man says with a light mockery to smile cheekily. She blinks processing the so out of place comment, as if it were coming from someone who’s playing a bad and practical joke on her.  
She wasn’t aware of such a strange sense of humor.  
Karen feels her fury increase by that demonstration. Nevertheless, she stops from saying anything when the man kisses the thumb that was previously touching her lips. She does nothing... she remains frozen for what is not said.  
Blinking hard at who continues to admire her.  
“Don’t worry... I’ll never do anything to harm you,” the man assures her given her uncomfortable face and tense silence. He approaches but she takes a step back for safety and dignity.  
She keeps her distance from him in case he does anything else... for her friend! For himself!  
“I won’t ask you to treat me the same either.”  
“Hashirama... What’s going on in your head?” she questions with a harsh, reprimanding tone.  
“Everything... and nothing.” He looks sadder than before, which makes her feel sorry for a few light seconds and it’s reflected on the woman’s face for such words expressed by the man.  
There is silence. The people outside the premises are oblivious to what is happening inside that room, where Karen wants to ignore and pretend that this did not happen.  
And this weakness in friendship that the civilian has is taken advantage of by the shinobi, who dared to make use of his speed and appear in the blink of an eye right in front of her.  
He grabs her face and carelessly presses his lips against hers in a matter of seconds. Karen feels scared... alarmed by such an action from the always noble man, whose friendship helped her survive all this time.  
She never expected this. She wants to move away just when the offending tongue searches for something in hers, expanding a feeling she had never experienced before. Biting him was a firm idea in her head, but she stops just when he releases her, eager for more. His breathing is light, and he doesn’t walk away with her face still in his rough hands.  
She feels the callus... the warmth that once comforted her transforming into absolute confusion, wanting to get out of his grip without any success despite those confused seconds.  
Karen uses her hands as an obstacle that is ignored when another kiss is delivered, passionate and disturbing. She closes her eyes out of inertia at how suffocating it’s starting to get... it lengthens pitifully until it ends in a soft movement.  
Those bright eyes reflect her... and Karen just remains silent with the palpable wetness of their exchange. He cleans her, his fingers passing beneath her lips carelessly.  
“I will never do anything to hurt you... I apologize for that; I just needed it to endure what is coming.”  
“Hashirama... You...?”  
“What are you doing?” someone knocks on the door. Seeing Tobirama was something she didn’t expect to see, with a gesture of salvation. The man was already next to her, carefully pushing her away. “Hashirama!” he warns dangerously.  
“It’s alright... I... I’m sorry about that.”  
“You...” The albino frowns.  
“It’s time to go... I think Mito is waiting for me, right?” The man laughs lightly, putting on a happy mask just when she saw the frustration, the sadness being blatant at the fact of not being able to take what he wants.  
Was this what Madara was referring to?  
“Karen?” Tobirama takes her out of her thoughts. He sees her lost and doesn’t know how to react... because she sees her anger in those red eyes with something else that she now doesn’t bother wanting to express.  
“He...” she tries to say but she just wants to cry.  
“You are an idiot,” he sighs, noticing his mistake, uncomfortable with her reaction in spite of having already seen her shed tears before.  
“I... I didn’t think...” She feels so sad about this... something that was easy to see, being thrown like that in her face without a care.  
“It is not your fault,” he sighs without leaving her side, still dirty... even with his ninja uniform and blue armor, his face reflects all the frustration and emotions that he would not normally express.2  
Karen just hugs him; her only lifesaver in the sea of emotions that she didn’t know how to express. She had never experienced this... that is why she avoided love! Because it is so complicated, confusing and it takes away your sense of security.  
Will she be able to look at Mito’s now? How will she work with Hashirama? “Y-you knew,” she accuses just to get away from the albino man who sighs, not feeling guilty. “YOU KNEW!”  
“You were the only one who didn’t,” someone says from the background. Madara watches firmly.  
“This is your fault.” Tobirama now shows part of his irritation to whom he gives a half-hearted smile.  
“You know why I did it.”  
“You had no right.”  
“It was his decision, Tobirama,” the Uchiha carelessly accepts and looks at her. “But I see... that this is more complicated than I expected...” He sighs disappointedly and leaves, not feeling any remorse for what he did.  
Karen feels so stupid. She covers her face, not wanting to go outside, but she is carried by a bitter Tobirama. “...?”  
“You need to have your makeup fixed.” The albino takes her out quickly, squeezing her into his armor. It’s been a long time since she was carried like this. She sighs, trying to act normal when Kaori sees her.  
“What happened?!” She looks at her with accusation. “It took me so long to put on your makeup!”  
“She looked pretty,” Tobirama explains carelessly, making the old woman look at them with different eyes. Karen would turn around in surprise if she weren’t so bitter about what happened. Many are no longer in the house; people begin to walk away, gathering where the wedding will take place.  
She doesn’t want to go, but she sees that the albino will wait for her until she finishes doing her things because his presence is important due to the political wight, especially with the last-minute arrival of the Daimyo.  
Kaori looks excited about her non-existent grandchildren as she quickly fixes her makeup. She stays quiet, like a robot, not knowing what to express about this whole matter.  
Worse than a bad meeting, than a bad project... than her confrontation with the council.  
She closes her eyes so that her eye shadows can be adjusted. Her thinking is chaotic as she clings to the hand of a silent Tobirama. What should she do with what she found out? What did Hashirama gain by putting her in this predicament?  
Seeing him get married wasn’t painful... but knowing that Mito wasn’t loved was.  
This is not what her friend expected. She purses her lips, remembering her nervousness. She already suspected it... but how did she not notice?  
“Do not think too much about it.”  
“Easy for you to say,” she bites angrily at who remains at her side. Both of them are at the front, speaking in whispers that she is sure are not being heard.  
“Just leave it.”  
“Mph...” She would like to say more things, but she just stays silent. She looks into the distance, not focusing on this whole event and hoping this is just a phase. Her heart hasn’t shaken her... but her concern about losing a good friend has.  
Hashirama... he deserved to be happy, but not with her.  
She doesn’t love him.  
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A/N: As you will see, it will be difficult for Karen to pretend that everything is normal now that Hashirama realized that he was not loved by her. He does not want to force her, nor does he want to force her to respond to his feelings when he was never clear.
It was more of a desperate outburst of his own heart that made Hashirama decide to steal a kiss from her, clarifying that now... his heart had no owner. He was hurt and he is sure he will make Madara’s life miserable for this... but it served to continue with the original plan, with a warm sensation on his lips that gave him even more anxiety.
Tobirama knew about it, and even if he felt irritated, he didn’t say anything else when he saw her so affected. His brother is usually considerate, but he sees that he underestimated the love he has for her. He didn’t like seeing her like that... so he acted like her shadow all night, warmer than before. This had been the reason why he didn’t want them to see each other. Especially alone.
Madara, on the other hand, wanted his friend to stop being so idiotic, but he didn’t count on Karen not loving him. It’s hard to know what that woman is thinking... she’s not like the others.
Earning the hatred of both Senjus.
Mito knows that something happened, but she keeps quiet. It’s her day... and she should be happy.
Thanks for everything.
Author-chan out! 
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tobiramamonmari29 · 2 years
tobirama: just another bite, honey. You can do it.
Madara: I'm full.
Tobirama: I'd be disappointed if you didn't finish, after all if you hadn't tempted me to be so greedy.
This situation happened due to the greediness of the raven-haired boy. he had this rather adorable and bountiful habit of snacking all day long. Today was no exception except maybe Tobirama was busy. He hadn't had time to take care of his incredible, chubby boyfriend. madara therefore started to eat to pass the time. This is turning into a demand for attention. The Senju didn't even know what concentrate on this video meeting anymore. Her boyfriend, wanted to start a few things.
the meeting had strangely not spread out, the Senju declared a problem and hung up without another word. Madara licking his greasy fingers from the third packet of crisps he had consumed in such a short time. her luscious lips, and her cheeks showing her dimples was all it took to make Tobirama wiggle in his pants. His belly was already so swollen from being so well fed with his junk food. Tobirama couldn't help but smile at the sight of his boyfriend.
the shirt already tight on Madara, pulled up exposing her pout, soft, smooth belly. Tobirama licked his lips, he wanted to sink his fingers into them, bearing the weight of his boyfriend in his hands. Madara's pants were rolled up, bringing out his belly, which continued to swell with each bite of the piece of cake he stuffed in his face.
Madara: are you finally done?
Tobirama: Damn, yeah, I couldn't go on forever. knowing that my boyfriend had fun and had to feed himself.
He received a tired smile and half-closed eyes filled with desire from his boyfriend. Tobirama finally approached Madara, his excitement growing with each pat he made towards him. the senju rested near the uchiha, one of his hands was on his stomach. He slowly started to caress his boyfriend's pout belly, he took a hug while resting his head against him, he was so comfortable. tobirama continued to hum while kneading the smooth skin of his companion's belly.
Tobirama: Honey, I don't think you're fed enough yet. I want to see you, get rounder for me. I want to take care of you. I want to rub that plump belly again and again. I want to see you eaten by stuffing your face. Tonight I'm gonna force-feed you, baby.
A lot of people would have taken his words the wrong way, but that was their game. Madara only moaned as he turned redder and redder, drooling in anticipation. while continuing to speak Tobirama fed his friend directly in the mouth. Madara had only to please him by opening his mouth eating what he gives her. He will end up, he knows, his boyfriend is so greedy. His gluttony is one of the sexiest things about him.
while feeding him his free hand couldn't leave his belly which was becoming more and more tense from being fed. Her boyfriend's t-shirt creaked, a melodious sound in his ears. his pants couldn't keep up anymore starting to make breaking noises, but Tobirama wanted to break them too.
Madara: I'm full.
Tobirama: You are so greedy, Madara. But dare you tell me that you can't finish? I would be sad, you know. you are not fed enough my love.
The senju's hand never left this boyfriend's plump belly, his hand passed lifting all the weight. He hummed, hearing Madara moan. He can see a blush on the uchiha's face, he was clearly drooling, the uchiha leaned a little towards the senju. tobirama smiled waiting for her boyfriend to tell her he wanted more.
Madara: I-I can do it...keep talking to me and rubbing my belly. I want you to feed me.
Tobirama: um, if you promise to eat everything, little ogre. the Senju's hand was already going to relieve her boyfriend's swollen belly.
Madara: I promise, feed me, please Tobirama! ~
Tobirama: So let me feed you until you explode then. He said smiling. He was sure his greedy boyfriend wouldn't say no.
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Special for "terrifying zucchini".
..Today Izuna didn't know what holiday was in Konoha. His family as a whole notes almost nothing beyond the formal.
But the girls were so elegant, like blossoming cherry blossoms: tender and fragrant on the arm of the gentlemen. Perhaps the older brother will even ask about who he was with..
- Here you go. This is for your partner, for free - A young merchant dressed in a beautiful open kimono smiled. - Happy Valentine's Day!
Izuna nodded confusedly, not even knowing why he was accepting this gift bouquet: he didn't even have any friends here in fact. (The well-known Hokage is not included in this criterion)
He can give it to a friend.. It remains only to find him.
However, passing by Tobirama, he noticed that even that merchant did not offer him a gift, like Izune.
What he was doing here, the young man did not know. And what's the difference? Maybe Senju Jr. is doing well..
In any case, he had a clear thought: "maybe Tobirama will also want to get a gift today?"
- ..Damn.
While Uchiha was thinking, he lost sight of someone else's back. But he was determined to carry out his dangerous idea.. Even if, most likely, they will hate him.
Surely Tobirama is busy training again. Izuna was also sure of that - they were constantly arguing, and these arguments most often ended with sparring on the training field: who is the winner, he is right.
Because they don't know how to talk.
Or they don't need it.
The instinct did not let Uchiha Jr. down: the albino destroyed the unfortunate scarecrows for combat with such techniques that other Shinobi did not risk sharing the training field with him at that moment. And even there were few such ninjas today - either they are old men or single samurai. "Normal" people walk with girls or wives..
Izuna didn't know how to approach.
But Toby has clearly already gone beyond the limits, and, having regretted the site, apparently went on a break, squinting at the former opponent.
Or actual - everything was complicated.
- Wait!
Uchiha did not take any more risks, and did not touch someone else's shoulder.
Senju silently turned around. Noticing the flowers, Tobirama himself slightly changed his expression to a merciful one.
"I found the girl, but I obviously didn't find Hashirama to give her flowers," and chuckled.
- Just a few months, and you've already fallen in love?
- I don't know..
Izuna hesitated for a few more minutes, choosing his words. The albino did not hurry him: he was not even surprised that he was embarrassed, but he gave gifts for the holidays.
And it's none of his business.. But if he offends her later, or she wants to see him, he will figure it out himself.
- I noticed that you didn't even get flowers for free, like me.. Here! I wanted to please you a little today.. It's a holiday after all..
Tobirama accepted the flowers in silence.
And the reaction came later..
At three o'clock in the morning.
On a cold futon.
"Either he's trying to show that I'm a girl, or..." - The man was already thinking sleepily. - " "I wanted to please you.".. Me... Personally, not from Hashirama's request..."
Even in the dark, he felt his cheeks burning treacherously.
"Someone once said: from love to hate is one step..  That's nonsense."
And he decided that he would approve the next mission at Izuna's request as a small thanks.
It will be a surprise for him when he realizes that Jonin has found himself for the second role...
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alicia-kingdom · 2 years
Introducing my new obsession!!
The MXTX Universe!!
Alongside many new danmris/manghuas/donghuas!!
And of course, my universe must always have many new victims 👌, therefore, we must include multiverse and crossovers!!
Starting with...
Naruto Shippuden x Kimetsu no Yaiba!
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Universe where Uzui Tengen is the younger twin of Tobirama and youngest sibling of Hashirama!!
Loved the idea the first time I read it from a fanfic! And both universe mentioning the shinobi world, like, how the hell could I resist?!
Basic drawing, I know, but got distracted and my old phone got stolen...my hard unfinished work gone 😢
Nevertheless, lets continue!!
Next crossover is...
Naruto Shippuden x Ma Dou Zu Shi universe! (Also known as the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation)
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This universe is more like, Tobirama been the curious and way-too-smart-for-anyones-good self accidently manage to open ways to travel to places, time, and multiverses, which somehow ended in him crashing into the Ma Dou Zu Shi universe. And because he is such a mama bear, he instantly adopts everyone and forces his will in everyone and everything!
Long story short, Jiang Cheng gets two new brothers (a very annoying and loud one and a very distant but affective one), Wei Wuxian gets to have a free pass for any of his experiments under the supervision of Tobirama (which means under the supervision of EVERY SINGLE SHINOBI IN KONOHA), Izuna and Nie Huaisang gets new targets for his pranks and Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen are constantly refrained by both Lan Qiren and Madara.
Lan brothers don't like the idea of the Yunmeng Twins attention veen stolen by someone else.
And much more to come!!!
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Thinking about the Uchihas agreeing to an alliance because they’re tired and they wanna stop fighting and they just want peace
Thinking about how a Senju was their first hokage
Thinking about how their second hokage was another Senju
Thinking about how that Senju was the brother of the first instead of someone in the next generation that could help the village progress
Thinking about Tobirama insisting they’re cursed with hatred while he’s the one so full of hatred that he does everything he can to make their time in the village (that was made by both the Senu and Uchiha) suck
Thinking about how the third hokage was the student of the second hokage and he apparently believed the Uchiha were so far beyond redemption that he allowed them to be massacred
Thinking about how so many of the Uchiha we know about just wanted peace and for their loved ones to be safe
Thinking about how the last full blooded Uchiha doesn’t feel safe and happy in the village his ancestors made to keep him and the other Uchiha safe because all that village has done has hurt him and how that’s villainized
Thinking about how the most tragic part of Hashirama and Madara’s friendship is that for all Hashirama loved Madara and wanted to help the Uchiha, they would’ve been in a much better place if it wasn’t for him trying to force peace
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thera-daydreams · 3 years
° m a s t e r l i s t + t a g l i s t s °
[on temporary hiatus until i pass and get my professional license this 2024, wish me luck please 😔]
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hello! i'm thera, a fanfiction author who writes for multiple fandoms
she/her | 22 | FIL | aquarius | infj | person who needs sleep, happy hormones, and a real-life nanami kento | ko-fi | quotev | deviantart
❦ this is a list of all my previous works, what i have in my drafts, and everything I'm planning to write, which is why some works may not have links yet since they're a work in progress; if i get an idea, i'll add it right here <3
❦ i don't have a schedule so updates may be inconsistent or on n' off; i only write when i'm inspired and when i have time. also, because of university and life, i'm super busy. just so you know. :)
❦ my older works are also on quotev and deviantart, thus some links may redirect there. still thinking about making an ao3 account, though.
❦ my stories are generally SFW or just a tad suggestive with a fem!reader, but maybe in the future (when i get the guts and the talent), i'll write some actual NSFW.
❦ just message me if you want to be added to my taglists for ongoing fics!
∞ - full stories, ↳ - oneshots or twoshots,  ✿ - imagines or headcanons
° not taking requests! °
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∞ INDAY [Crispin/Basilio/Maliksi/Dominic x Skymaiden!Reader] (completed)
✿ shorts & spinoffs (still ideas as of the moment)
↳ PLUS ONE [Maliksi x BestFriend!Reader] (completed)
↳ PLUS THREE [Maliksi x Reader] *sequel of plus one*
↳ POMEGRANATES [Dominic x Reader]
↳ UYAYI [Basilio x Mermaid!Reader]
↳ KABILANG BUHAY [Crispin x Ghost!Reader] (completed)
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∞ THE SWEET OLD LADY IS A WITCH [Nanami Kento/Gojo Satoru/Ryomen Sukuna/Fushiguro Toji/Geto Suguru/Kamo Choso x ScarletWitch!Reader] (ongoing)
↳ COFFEE & TEA [Nanami Kento x Reader]
↳ 241 [Geto Suguru x Gojo Satoru x Onesided!Reader]
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∞ WISHING FOR WINGS [Male!Yandere Simulator x Ayano Aishi!Reader] (discontinued)
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∞ LITTLE MISS ANCIENT [Hetalia x Reader] (completed)
↳ WEDDINGS? YOU SURE? [Hetalia x Reader] (completed)
↳ MAN CORSETS [Austria x Reader x Prussia] (completed)
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∞ IMMORTALS [Erwin Smith/Reiner Braun/Miche Zacharias/Jean Kirstein/Levi Ackerman/Zeke Yeager x Various!Immortal!Isekai!OCs]
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∞ SCARLET & SHADOW [Darkling x Scarlet Witch!Reader] - ◤MCU x Shadow and Bone◢ (ongoing)
∞ VICTIMS [Wonder Woman x Captain America | Supergirl x Winter Soldier | Zatanna x Quicksilver | Starfire x Loki] (on hiatus) - ◤MCU x DCEU◢ (discontinued)
∞ GODKILLER [Gabriel Reyes x WonderWoman!Reader x Jack Morrison] - ◤Overwatch x DCEU◢
∞ ITERUM [Madara Uchiha x Sakura Haruno | Sasuke Uchiha x Erza Scarlet | Mirajane Strauss x Itachi Uchiha | Neji Hyuuga x Kagura Mikazuchi | Tobirama Senju x Ur | Izuna Uchiha x Ultear Milkovich | Shisui Uchiha x Minerva Orland | Kakashi Hatake x Irene Belserion] - ◤Naruto x Fairy Tail◢
∞ QUEEN OF THE DAMNED [Alucard x Akasha Bloodriver] - ◤Hellsing x Rosario + Vampire◢
∞ SUN & MOON [Sesshomaru x Queen Serenity] - ◤Inuyasha x Sailor Moon◢
∞ MYSTERY OF SILENCE [Phantom x Siren!Reader] - ◤The Phantom of the Opera◢
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i don't write for many of the other fandoms i'm in, but feel free to chat or interact with me!
. trese . jujutsu kaisen . attack on titan . mcu . dceu . the old guard . free! iwatobi swim club . kuroko no basket . yuri! on ice . naruto . fairy tail . millionaire detective: balance unlimited . black butler . hellsing . castlevania . rosario + vampire . vampire knight . inuyasha . sailor moon . hetalia . pretty rhythm . cells at work . way of the househusband .
. yandere simulator . overwatch . earth defense force . phantom of the opera . hamilton . miss saigon . les miserables . jekyll and hyde . bram stoker's dracula . twilight . a court of thorns & roses . shadow and bone. wandavision. crazy rich asians . game of thrones . the remarried empress . dangerous convenience store . exo . twice . red velvet . (g)-idle . exid . itzy . k-drama . k-variety shows .
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Please don't copy or repost my works somewhere else! Thank you! ©2015-2024 (@thera_daydreams)
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cafeinthemoon · 3 years
Tobirama, Madara and Izuna with s/o who’s the last of the clan 💔
I was so excited when anon requested this one that I regret taking this long to finally write it! This time, we have Tobirama, Madara and Izuna with a s/o that reveals to be the last of her clan and besides infertile, which means that her lineage would be over with her, as well as their own. Let’s see how they would react!
To give this request a context, let’s imagine that they’re married for just some months and she never revealed this secret because she was afraid that they would leave her after finding out about it. Sm tension! Poor s/o 😭
Oh and Izuna's part ended up longer than I thought to be possible omg
Fandom: Naruto | Tobirama Senju, Madara Uchiha and Izuna Uchiha
Symbols: ◻ | 💜 | 💛 | ▶▶
Warnings: angst, not exactly happy endings, depression, tension, infertility, grief
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It’s not like Tobirama didn’t notice something was wrong since you started living together: he did
He trusted you with his life, but he sensed you were keeping something from him, though he had no idea of what it could be
Maybe you did something shameful or something about your past has been haunting you since then, but you didn’t know how to tell him
Whatever the case, he never questioned you or tried to make you talk
He wanted you to take your time and only speak when you felt prepared, the best way for you to show how much you trusted and respected him
But months and months passed and your silence persisted, and it was hard for him to ignore it
One day, the answer to this mystery came in an unexpected way, during a casual conversation at home
Tobirama pointed out your circumstances were favorable: your routine together was settled, your house had enough space and he finally finished to work on some jutsu he has been developing for a while
You agreed and asked why he was talking about this now
It was when he said he believed that you both had proper conditions to have children
When you heard the word children, you couldn’t control your reaction: you started to tremble and covered your face to hide your tears
It took like one hour until you were able to speak again, and when you did, you begged Tobirama to listen to you until the end before thinking of what to do
You revealed that you weren’t lying when you told him you were the last of your clan, but that was not the whole story: you also discovered you were unable to get pregnant, which means your lineage would end with you
And if Tobirama kept married to you, the same would happen to his lineage as well
You explained you were scared to tell him the truth because you didn’t want to disappoint him or to see him leaving you
You also said you were sorry for destroying the trust he had on you and that if he wanted to step away from this marriage that wouldn’t bring him any benefits, you would understand
That was the moment when without a word you were remembered why you loved that man so much: he pulled you to him and involved you in a hug so tight that you thought you were going to suffocate
When he spoke, was to ask how you could think he would give up on you because of a child that you couldn’t bring to the world – a person who didn’t even exist
He married you because he loved you, not your bloodline
But you know, Tobirama is a man of actions and not just words, so once he understood how important this was for you, he started to work
He spent hours, days, weeks in research and tests with your genetic material to find the exact cause of your infertility, because with this information he could develop a cure
He also included the principles of chakra in his studies, which resulted in the cure being a type of healing ninjutsu
Tobirama didn’t like to speak about his techniques before he had proof of their efficacy, so he never talked to you about his discoveries. He was wise in not giving you false expectations
But one day, the jutsu was finally complete
He explained that he tried to improve the chances of success as much as he could, but they didn’t even reach 90% (an acceptable number according to him), so that the chances of failure couldn’t be ignored
You said that if the technique failed, you would learn to live with it and that all the effort he put on it was enough for you, for it was the greatest proof of love you’d expect to receive
Tobirama then explained how it would work and helped you with the preparations
You would take the healing treatment from him during a few sessions; after that, you would try a few times
All the procedure would take months, so you would have to be patient and reshape some of your habits: the healthier you would get, bigger were the chances of success
It’s been some time since you started the experiment, so there’s still hope
But you decided to use your time not just to rely on hope, but also to prepare yourself to whatever the future would bring to you ❤
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Something unexplainable, a kind of sadness, were always present in you, in your voice, your gestures, and specially when you were quiet, distracted with your own thoughts
Since Madara met you, he had this strange sensation about you
Maybe it was a painful memory or something about your clan
You told him you were the last of it, so he was the only family you had now
He could say he understood part of you pain, for he lost his siblings when they were little, as well as his parents: he knew what it was like to be alone
But there was a part of the story you still hadn’t the courage to reveal to him: you were infertile, so you’d never be able to give him children
And you knew he wanted to be a father
Besides he was the clan’s head, so he needed an offspring
He noticed your used to get particularly quiet when children were mentioned
But he never questioned you about it
You, on the other hand, always knew that sooner or later, this would be discussed seriously in your house, yet you pretended it would never happen
But one evening, when you were sitting together, talking about the life you were building there and the future, Madara spoke again about his dream of becoming a father
This time, you couldn’t take it anymore
You said sorry to your husband, but you would not be able to make his dream come true
He didn’t ask how, or why: he just stared at you in silence, wondering what you were talking about
Then you finally confessed everything: you were not just the last of your clan; you were also unable to get pregnant. Having children were always a difficult theme for you, both because it was a dream you’d never reach and because of your lineage
You told him how you discovered your infertility, how your clan reacted to it, how you were rejected because no one would want a wife who wasn’t able to have children, how the world made your life gravitate around this instead of just let you live in peace
When you lost your family, your feelings were mixed: on one hand, you felt free from the burden of being infertile; on the other hand, you never felt so alone
You were determined to live only for yourself until you met Madara, who convinced you to do differently. And now things were about to get ruined because this shadow of your past
Your husband’s first reaction was to ask for a moment all by himself. He wanted to process everything he just heard before taking any measures
You gave him time and spent the rest of the night without seeing him
(You barely closed your eyes on the bed)
The next morning, he came back to talk to you
He said he was going to travel to seek for a solution and that he was not coming back until he found out something good enough for you two
You asked for details but he refused to give them. Sometimes he was so enigmatic that he would scare you
But you had to trust him, so you let him go even not knowing when he would be back
During his travel, Madara met some elder, wise people and asked for a jutsu, a medicine or anything that could help. He would pay any price for it
And they named their price, which wasn’t low. Still he paid
He would never speak about it with you, though
After weeks, he came back home with scrolls and artifacts and finally explained what he had in mind
You’ve never heard about those jutsu and didn’t trust those types of medicine
But you noticed he wasn’t the same man who left the house, so it was understood that he made some sacrifice to obtain those things
So that for your husband, you would try anything
If they would work, you weren’t sure
But you wouldn’t let all his efforts be in vain 😭
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Izuna always had this positive, almost euphoric confidence in the future, in your love, in your success together, and didn’t accept anything that could contradict his vision of things
The issue in this case started even before you got married
But to be honest, this was what first thing caught your attention when you met him
After living alone for years since you lost your family, he was the first person who convinced you to change your ways
He made you believe everything was possible, and to try and live happy again
Yes, even you, despite everything you’ve been through, felt the flames of hope waking up again inside your heart
Sometimes, you felt like Izuna had enough vital energy for you both
The sensation was such that after every meeting with him you needed some time by yourself to recover: his company was almost suffocating
He was also a man used to make important decisions quickly: he hated wasting time with deliberations, stating that this was a habit of old people
(Wasting time in his words, let’s be clear lol)
The idea of the marriage came from him, as expected
Of course you said yes: you loved him as much as you loved yourself, so the idea of being by his side forever was everything you could expect
And with your positive answer, Izuna has been more intense than ever
He made plans for you: the house you would share, the memories you would create in it, the life you would build there
Everything was fine, even when he forgot to ask your opinion
Until the moment he mentioned the children he expect to bring to the world with you
You knew that once Izuna got attached to an idea, it was impossible to make him change his mind, so things weren’t different with the fatherhood thing
In a short amount of time, this became the central theme of his dreams and his favorite thing to discuss with you
Well, to speak about with you, because you barely said anything during these conversations
Instead, you tried to appear as positive and supportive as you could
But as the days passed and the marriage came closer, it was getting harder for you to hide how much this was making you suffer
Because yes, Izuna knew you had no clan and no family, then being the last representative of your lineage, but you never had the courage to tell him about your infertility
And now that he seemed not to think of anything else than having kids with you, you couldn’t dream of ruining his happiness
(Fortunately Izuna was used to your quietness, so he never questioned your silence when he spoke about this)
You stayed strong until you could during the following weeks, but the day before the marriage had pushed you too far
You couldn’t – you simply could not ruin the life of the man you loved revealing that secret to him
So you decided you had to make a sacrifice, for the both of you
Early that day, before the sun appeared, you packed your things and left
You left no apology letter, no message of goodbye, nothing. You just left before anything could stop you or anyone could see you
You traveled alone during a couple of hours
You had no idea of where you were going, or what you were going to do when you had to stop at somewhere to rest, but you forbade yourself to think of coming back
At some moment, you looked at the sky and noticed the midday was close and felt hungry
You stopped under a tree and was about to unpack the food you brought with you when you saw you had company
You raised your eyes and, when you recognized Izuna standing there, staring at you with a look full of questions, you lost the last drop of balance you had in you
You cried so hard you thought you were going to pass out
He approached you was about to involve you in his arms, but you begged him not to touch you, claiming that you couldn’t marry him and that he must have not followed you
But Izuna was a persistent man, and after an hour trying to calm you down, he managed to make you speak
There was no point in hiding anything from him now, so you just told him everything
You explained that you’d marry him and make him the happiest man alive if it wasn’t for this dream with which you couldn’t help him
And that you couldn’t be so cruel to the point of bound him to you and deny him of this at the same time
When you finished your story, it was Izuna’s time to remain in silence
You could feel the rush of feelings stirring inside him as his eyes would go from one side to another, trying to assimilate all of that
You didn’t know if he was going to leave you there, to kill you or to burst in tears, and that was freaking you out
It was when you begged him to say something, anything, but not stay that quiet
And he spoke. But when he did, there was nothing but a restored passion in his tone
You didn’t understand that until he explained that he thought you were kidnapped or something worse happened, but he was glad that it was nothing like this
Before you could stop him, Izuna caught you in a tight embrace, telling you to never do that again
And that he was sorry for not letting you at will to take off this weight of you chest and that if he knew about this he would have never pushed you this far
You came back with him and the marriage happened as planned the next day
Some time later, you found about about a kid of an Uchiha couple that just lost their parents
You talked to each other and with the kid’s remaining family and came to the conclusion that they would live better with you
The family talked to the kid, and when you had your first meeting, you almost forgot about all the past suffering 🌹
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
naruto moves into the forest of death bc loving that place is in his blood
I see this, I love this, it begins a long time before Naruto is born and it goes a little bit like this:
Hashirama never fully recovers from the fight with Madara.  Not really, not fully, not in the ways that truly matter for a man and a shinobi.
He keeps a strong presence for the village and those who would seek to do Konoha harm but to those closest to him, to those who know the man behind the titles and the legend, the differences are stark and grim.
Hashirama spends more and more time in the forest, spends days and nights out amongst the trees and the flowers and the sprawling roots, pouring more and more of himself into all of it as he goes.
Tobirama argues with him about his distraction, about his distance, about his decision to pass the mantle of Hokage onto Tobirama who never really wanted it but wears it now because he must, because Hashirama asked.  Because Tobirama has always done all he could do to make whatever Hashirama wanted into a reality.
Hurt and hurting Tobirama’s words and accusations are cold and cutting, because that is what a life of too much war and too little peace has made him in moments like this, when fear and love rides him hard, and unlike Hashirama he’s never been able to slip more than a fraction of that mantle.  But, most of all, Tobirama is desperate not to let his beloved elder brother slip through his fingers like so many others have in the past.
They built the village Hashirama and Madara dreamed of to stop the death and the suffering so why is Tobirama’s beautiful and lively brother seemingly so determined to fade away.  To go where Tobirama cannot follow?
He doesn’t understand and if there’s one thing Tobirama truly hates in this life it is not knowing.
But Hashirama just smiles at him, reaches up to pull him down so he can press a kiss to Tobirama’s forehead, and then drifts away back into the trees.
Mito watches her husband just as closely and sees what Tobirama, her brother in all the ways that matter, sees.
Hashirama, once so vibrant and alive, is ... diminished.  Fading bit by bit.
But, unlike Tobirama, Mito keeps her silence.  Words have not been necessary between her and Hashirama for years now.
Instead she follows him into the forest when time and her duties will permit it, sometimes even when they do not.  She watches him breathe new life into a forest that already teems with it.  Watches him eradicate sickness from saplings, watches him push them to grow until they are towering monoliths with bark as hard as iron.  She watches him run calloused, battle worn fingertips over flower petals and leaves with the gentle sort of reverence that he’s always touched her with in their quieter moments, in the times when passion and lust and heat were not necessary. When only love was.
She loves him all the more in those moments, in these moments of fading light, even when she knows that he is leaving her.  Going somewhere she cannot follow, not with her duties, not with what she carries.  Not yet.  Likely not for decades to come.
“Mito,” Hashirama sighs to her one night when the fireflies are thick and the trees sway down to meet the both of them.  “My beloved Mito.”
“Husband,” Mito murmurs back as she always does, one hand smoothing over his hair where his head is resting in her lap.  “My foolish husband.”
“I cannot give you back the sea,” Hashirama whispers once the silence has grown thick and heavy around them.  “I cannot return you to the whirlpools and the eddies.”
“You took neither from me so they are not yours to return,” Mito tells him sternly, lovingly.  “My choices were and are my own, you wood brained idiot.  They have never been yours to carry.  If I wanted the ocean I would simple go to it.  But Konoha is my home now.”
“My fierce fire-pearl,” Hashirama smiles then, soft and small.  “My beloved ocean rose.  I would bring the very sea here to meet you if I could.  Or I’d pester Tobirama into doing it for me.  But instead I give you this, an ocean of trees, a sea of leaves and flowers as wild and untamed as Uzushio’s itself.  Here you will always be safe, here you will always find me.”
“I will never need to find you,” Mito tells him, the hand laid atop his chest clenching just a bit in the battle silk above his heart.  “You will not go where I cannot follow you, you know better by now.”
“Of course, dear,” Hashirama smiles.
They both know it for the lie that it is.
They both know he’s already leaving.
And when he loves her there, pressed down onto a bed of soft clover and surrounded by trees that seem to sing, Mito tangles her hands in his hair, raises her hips to meet his own as steadily as the tide, and weeps.
Mito is a widow no more than a month later.
Tobirama does not weep but the skies do it for him, monsoon like rain washing over Konoha the moment he feels Hashirama’s living and present chakra signal fade away into nothing.
For three days and nights there is only rain, water rushing down streets and swelling the rivers and lakes.
The villagers pray for sun.
Tobirama mourns.
The trees of the forest sway and sing.
Years pass and Mito wanders the forest in her free moments, hands trailing over tree trunks and vines alike, fingertips ghosting over flower petals and slowly unfurling buds.
As she walks she whispers or rants or sometimes sings, telling the forest her days, her nights, her triumphs and her failures.
And always, always, the trees hum and sway and sing back to her in welcome, in safety.
In love.
Tobirama wanders the forest in his free moments, leaving streams and ponds in his wake as he goes.  He pulls fresh water to the surface, cleanses stagnation where he finds it and ensures that it does not return.
‘Refuge,’ Tobirama thinks as he pulls water from the air and the ground as he breathes his own form of life into the forest his brother had loved and nurtured like a child.  The forest he had tried and failed to hate in his grief.  ‘Let this be a refuge, let this be a place of peace.’
He does not speak to the trees that feel so like his brother and yet not.  Does not talk or argue or scream or rage or beg.  He keeps his silence now as he had not then.
But the trees sing back regardless.
Hashirama had always known all of the things Tobirama could never bring himself to say.  Had always been able to read beneath and between and around whatever Tobirama did.
His forest is no different.
Far too soon Tobirama is gone as well and Mito is alone in a way that has far too little to do with the number of people around her and everything to do with her heart.
More years pass and her isolation, her loneliness, only grows.
She is one of last of a quickly dying breed, one of the few who truly remembers life before the villages.
She aches for her husband, for her brother, for her family.
Sometimes, in her darker moments, she even aches for the burden she knows she will pass onto another.
And now she aches for the Clan she has lived long enough to see destroyed.
When Uzushio falls Mito takes to the forest as she always does these days.  As she has for years and years now.
She does not rage.
She does not weep.
Instead, kunai in hand, she bleeds.
Uzumaki blood and life force flow out onto rich dark soil, is pressed onto iron bark tree trunks and splattered over flowing vines and unfurled leaves.
Seals flow from her bloody finger tips, are pressed into the ground with every whisper quiet step she takes.
“Shelter,” Mito half begs, half demands to the forest that has been her companion for so long now.  “Uzushio has fallen.  Hashirama, my love, my people are slaughtered and scattered and lost.  You said you would give me the sea if you could, you said this forest was built for me as much as it was for the village.  So let this be a shelter. Let this be a place of safety for those who truly need it.  Let the Uzumaki blood find home and hope beneath these branches as I long have.  Let them know your love as I do.  Should they come, let them stay.”
And all around her the forest hums and sways and sings.
Mito, bloody hands pressed against the trunk of the colossal tree that Hashirama had once made love to her under, laughs.
And then, finally, she weeps.
Time passes, the village moves forward, and so many, too many, forget things that should never be forgotten.
The forest grows darker, the trees, with their tunneling roots, grow more imposing, the animals more vicious and wild.
The trees stop singing.
Instead they rattle and shake and hum in what some would swear is anger.
Naruto has always liked plants.
Has always liked the green and growing things that can be found almost everywhere around the village.
Trees and flowers and vines don’t hurt him.  They don’t call him names, or throw things at him, or spit and stare and hit.
Plants are kind. Plants are safe.
And there’s far too few things or places or people in the village that Naruto can truly call safe.  Not for him.
Chest aching, Naruto swipes at the mess of blood and tears smeared across his face as he pushes himself to go faster, to run harder.
He just wants to be away.  Away from the name calling and the hitting.  Away from the hurt.
He barely even pauses when he hits the fence littered with warning signs he can only half read, just scrambles up and over it without even breaking his stride.
Naruto might not be good at or for much of anything but he’s always been good at this.  At running and climbing and finding his own way.  It’s not much but it’s all he has.
The forest is dark and gets darker the deeper he runs.  The trees grow thicker and taller as he goes too, grow bigger than anything Naruto has ever seen besides the Hokage Mountain.
He runs until he can’t anymore, until he collapses at the base of a tree even bigger than the others he’s seen in the forest.
Chest heaving, tears welling up in his eyes again, Naruto presses his bloody hands and face against the thick bark and cries.
Around him to forest goes still, goes quiet.
“Please,” Naruto whispers, unsure of why he feels the need to talk to trees when not even people want to listen to him. “Please help.  It hurts. It hurts so much.  I don’t want to go back.  Please.”
And even as exhaustion rips and claws at him, forcing black in around the edges of his vision, Naruto swears that, for a split second, the tree he’s leaning against almost seems to sing.
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avversiera-writes · 3 years
touch your heart [senju tobirama/you] - prologue + chapter 1
Summary: Hashirama might go down as the worst matchmaker in history, but he thinks he might be on to something. Tobirama sees through his brother's schemes and is determined not to fall for it. Or fall for you.
Word Count: 5k-ish
A/N: Yoooo sorry for taking this long to post it LMAOOO anyways, this work is available on AO3 with 12 chapters in, so if you want to read away! 
also dedicating this post to @senju-sekhmet you’re the best, and happy belated XD 
Thank you. 
Those two words are what Tobirama’s mother seemed to tell his father all the time. She looked grateful saying it too. Too grateful to the point that she is cooped up in the Senju compound all the time, with nowhere to go. Tobirama was a smart kid–too smart for his own good–and he saw that the last place she wants to be was here, with family and raising children in this godforsaken war zone. 
 His mother said that was how she met his father, and how she fell in love with him, by the words of gratefulness, but Tobirama is a smart kid. He knew nothing of love, but he could tell that his mother did not love his father. She mistook feelings of gratitude as feelings of love.  
His mother has a cold face, but she was gentle and fierce and was a great story-teller. She told stories of the great mountains and rivers that she has seen before everything fell into disarray. His mother loved art, books, and knowledge. She always encouraged Tobirama and his brothers to pursue their own curiosities beyond war.  
Tobirama always took that to heart. Sure, his body and his mind are well-suited for battle but his interests lie elsewhere. He loves to explore, to discover, to observe and to experiment to prove something foreign to him. He loves to break down something to its smallest detail and build it back up to make something new. He wants to create. 
Thank you. 
Those were two words that were too much for his mother to bear all her life. It weighed on her. It chained her down. 
Thank you. 
Those were her last words to Tobirama. 
Thank you, for being my son, for letting me be your mother. 
Those were two words that stuck to him like a curse. They were binding, until the bitter end. 
The first time Tobirama sees you, he immediately forms the opinion that you are too loud. Loud, in a sense that everything that passes by you, has to pay attention to you. Loud, in a sense that, when you speak, everyone has to hang by your every word. You are too loud, and he immediately concludes that you will not last long in a battle because you seem like an easy target. It is not like him to make fast conclusions without further observation, but you are just so loud that he wants to immediately shut down his senses.
So loud in fact, that even among the crowd, Tobirama cannot help but look your way and be wary of your presence. 
Contrary to what he thinks, you are not that much of a blabbermouth nor a person who speaks aimlessly, but he does not know you yet. He has not even had a chance to look you straight in the face. 
Today, he finds you standing by an umbrella stand, where a dozen colorful and detailed parasols are opened as a display to passerbys. You are in your casual kimono, and because it is spring, there are lovely pink cherry blossoms etched on your left sleeve, spreading towards your chest. Your obi cinches your waist and holds your sword by your side, so that it is easy to rest your hand on top of the hilt. Your hair is held back from your face with a simple hairpiece, and a festival fox mask hangs on the side of your head.
Tobirama stares, not having anything else to look at. 
Hashirama and Madara are also walking around, greeting the citizens of Konoha, and holding children up in the air. Hashirama’s young sons follow closely behind, playfully roughhousing each other and anyone who happens to get in their way. 
Hashirama notices his brother, glaring at a distant point and decides to step in lest Tobirama accidentally offends someone. He knows that his brother does not mean to glower at times. It’s just his eyes are a bit sensitive to the sun. 
At least, that is the reason, most of the time.
Tobirama immediately looks away from you, but Hashirama already saw who he was looking at. He gives Tobirama a curious smile. 
“What?” Tobirama deadpans. 
“You should go talk to her,” Hashirama suggests. “You seem interested.”
Tobirama folds his arms. “No.” 
Hashirama opens his mouth to add another thing, but Tobirama beats him to it. 
“Brother, I said no,” Tobirama affirms, and that was that. 
 Hashirama sighs, and pouts a little. “She’s nice!” 
Tobirama fakes a cough, making sure to spit out the words idiot clearly, and he crosses his arms. “You think everyone is nice.”
“Well, innocent until proven guilty, as they say!” 
Tobirama glances back at you, and finds that he can easily track you. 
 “With all due respect, elder brother, that is a very naive statement coming from you.” 
Tobirama has heard of you and he stops himself from telling Hashirama that, and instead lets him point out that you were one of the newly ranked jounins and that you specialize in kenjutsu. You also have been spending your free time teaching some of the older genins the basics of close range fighting and defense. 
 As the Hokage, Hashirama is more than happy to get to know those who are rising to the ranks and especially those who are gifted. It means that their Academy is working, even though it hasn’t been very long since it was established. You were one of those people from a clan who are already shinobi, but had to be evaluated in order to determine your rank and the Shodaime Hokage saw how skillful you are, despite not being the most powerful user of ninjutsu. He wants Konoha to have dependable teachers who will pass on useful skills and knowledge to whoever wants to learn. 
You start to walk away from the umbrella stand, when suddenly a bunch of kids and teenagers rush towards you. Tobirama sees some young students in the group that he had picked himself. Hiruzen stands out among the rest, loud and rambunctious, while Danzo follows closely behind like a shadow, but as obtrusive.
“Sensei! You should join the sparring competition later! They have bokkens, you’re good with bokkens!” 
You laugh, and try to back out before the others start to make your decision. “I think I will pass!” 
“Aww, no!” 
Tobirama watches the commotion, and then you look towards him. He freezes, as you smile at him and continue to wave him forward. Tobirama glares, because you are still waving at him but he does not know you so obviously he is not going to wave back, but suddenly Madara passes by him and Tobirama almost feels embarrassed. 
  Almost. He checks himself.
The wave was not meant for him.  
He glimpses Madara give a small wave, and this makes him pause.
 Madara waves? Tobirama almost scoffs at this, but he must keep his public appearance. 
You smile warmly, and introduce Madara to the younger children who were starting to cower a little because of his serious and glum expression. Tobirama watches as you slip your arm through Madara’s arm like you have done it many times. Tobirama’s students look at each other, but they do not harbor any bad sentiments toward the Uchiha clan leader. Some of them even crack a smile at the younger children’s reactions. Madara can be a little intimidating at first, if you do not know him.
 Then, you say something to the kids, earning a laugh from them and a small, tight-lipped smile from Madara.
Tobirama notices that the edges of Madara’s eyes have softened, something he only does around Hashirama.
“Are you sure you don’t want to get introduced to her? She is a very warm person,” Hashirama asks. “She’s also very smart and I think you’d benefit from her insights.” 
Tobirama watches her say her goodbyes and pat a few children’s heads, and walk away. “I’m fine.”
 Hashirama looks at Tobirama, doubt painted across his face, but he lets it go. 
 For now. 
You stand in front of the Hokage, waiting for him to speak. You have been called early in the morning to meet with him, and you have been there for a few minutes, standing awkwardly. You are not sure whether to start some small talk since the Shodaime is busy peering over a few scrolls. Usually, whenever you see him, the Hokage is pretty chatty and offers a lot of kind words. He also seems to talk a lot about his younger brother to you, bragging about him and his accomplishments, and underwhelmingly explaining his personality, which you find strange. 
It makes you think that there’s something off about Tobirama. 
The door behind you opens and you step to the side to make a wide berth for the incoming person, even though there is enough room for at least a few more people to stand there. Tobirama walks in, his face sporting deep eyebags, but his eyes are hard and alert. You look him over, and your eyes go to his rough hands, where there are dried ink stains on his pale skin. His veins protrude out, blue and green rivers criss-crossing over his hands and up his arms. You see hints of faded scars on his skin, but in this light, his pale skin makes up for the blemishes.
“Brother,” Tobirama greets, although it sounds more like he is about to scold his elder brother. 
 Hashirama smiles and he motions for you to step closer. 
You do, and you feel Tobirama’s eyes track you. You immediately look up and you catch his gaze, which makes him look away. 
“I have a task for the two of you,” Hashirama casually brings up. He looks strangely cheerful. Like he has a step by step plan that went exactly as he wanted. 
You look at the Hokage, all ears. And curious as to why he is acting this way. 
“It has come to my attention that while we are training the next generation to be good shinobis, I do not think that we have a proper and standard curriculum,” Hashirama begins. 
Tobirama’s head snaps upright at this. “Brother, what do you mean?” 
He sounds almost angry, and well, if you were the creator of the education system in the village you built and someone had found flaws in it, you would be too. 
“I think that there should be specific learning materials for each year before graduating to a genin, and so on,” Hashirama elaborates some more. “The two of you are to come up with these materials, and I want you to include other aspects that are not just related to being a shinobi. I want the next generation to not only be bred for war, but to have dispositions in other areas.” 
Hashirama stands up and he places his palms on his desk. “Tobirama, you know this. You want to expand our village, I think this is a good step to make that happen.”
 Tobirama looks at his brother with narrowed, suspicious eyes. He is not an idiot. He knows this is some set up, otherwise, why would his brother call you earlier than him? Why would his brother need you for this? These are the types of things he can accomplish on his own, so why are you here?
 “I understand. Then, I think it is time for that to happen. We are at peace, after all.” 
You slowly raise your hand. You notice that Tobirama does not even glance at you, and you want to laugh. You have heard a few things about Senju Tobirama from his own brother, and while it does not surprise you that he has a prickly attitude, it is another thing to see it upfront. It does not intimidate you, rather, it makes you want to see more of his reactions. He reminds you of the shy children that you have met in the Academy. 
You just need to push the right buttons.
“If I may, Lord Hokage,” you start. 
 Hashirama nods for you to continue. 
“With all due respect, what qualifications did I have to help Lord Tobirama with this new project?” 
You swear you saw Tobirama’s eye twitch from the way you said his title. You hide your smirk by biting the side of your cheek.
Hashirama lets out a small chuckle, in which he earns a glare from his younger brother. 
“I have heard about your dedication in teaching the children when you have the time, and since you insisted that you do not want to be a jounin sensei yet, like my brother is, I think it is a good idea for you to keep your head busy. Besides, I have heard you are quite the quick learner. You will find that my brother here is a very good teacher and can offer guidance well, if you can look past his mean demeanor.” 
Tobirama opens his mouth to snap at his brother, but instead, takes a breath and holds his tongue.
Hashirama gathers up some documents from the corner of his desk. “You two can start tomorrow. I would love to have this done by the end of summer, just as the new school year is upon us.” 
 “Brother, stop being ridiculous. That is in three months,” Tobirama interjects. “I think I’m going to need time to plan.” 
 Hashirama glances at his brother. “Well, luckily for you, someone is here to help you. I have faith in you.” 
“Too much, perhaps,” Tobirama dryly says, not even bothering to hide that he does not like this.  
“And you, as well,” Hashirama says to you with a cheerful smile.
 “Lord Hokage, with all due respect, am I going to get paid enough for this? I am practically jobless, I have a living to make,” you inquire with a smile. “Besides, you may also have to compensate for putting me up with your dear brother.”
In the corner of your eye, Tobirama crosses his arms. 
 Hashirama laughs heartily, and he gives Tobirama a grin. “I like her!” He nods. “You will surely be thanked for your services.” 
He extends the pile of documents towards you and you step forward to accept them. You thank the Hokage with doubt, half-serious about the salary, but you decide to not push it today and you give him a smile. Then, you also smile at Tobirama.
 “I will see you tomorrow then,” you tell him. 
Tobirama carefully gazes at you, and then he nods. He turns to his brother with a determined look on his face. Or an angry look. You are honestly not sure. 
“The Hokage mansion’s library,” Tobirama grounds out curtly. “9 am. Sharp.”
You look at him, wondering what type of bad day he is having to be this abrupt, or if this is how he really is. You understand that he and his brother have been at war for all of their life, so maybe this is how he has turned out.
“I will see you.” You bow quickly and walk out of there, ready to dive into the materials the Hokage gave you. 
Madara aims a punch towards your way, but you quickly dodge it and block it with the palm of your hand, and you follow through by sending his movement forward by using his momentum and landing a charged punch to his lower ribs, just where his liver will be. 
Madara chuckles and he flips himself away from you. 
“Brutal,” Madara comments breezily. “That can actually kill someone, but fortunately I’m not just anyone.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah well, give me an A for effort.”
Madara falters and his eyes narrow at you. He knows as well as you do that you are slacking and there is a lot on your mind. “Is this about what Hashirama told you earlier?”
You meet his eyes and let out a sigh. “Wow, word travels fast.”
Madara starts to walk towards you and he gathers his hair to one side. “That was not fair of him. If you want, I can talk to him about that.” 
You watch Madara’s face, and a cloud passes overhead. You are almost tempted to say yes and cling to the wings that Madara has put you under to shelter you, but you are not that woman anymore. You are not a quitter. Besides, you need to have a purpose to pour your efforts in. If not, then what else could be in store for you? 
“It’s not like the Hokage asked me to cut off my hand, I will be fine, Madara,” you finally answer. “Really.”
Madara folds his arms and he presses his lips together. “If you ever need me to go beat him up then say the word.”
You cannot help the chuckle that escapes your mouth. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. There will be no need of beating.” You pause and a smirk forms on your face as an idea takes form in your mind. “However, you can help me get to know Tobirama.”
Madara scowls, knowing that you are pushing his buttons. “No, you are on your own,” he grits out. 
The air around your friend changes, and suddenly all the silliness in your demeanor fades away. Your eyes narrow warily, as his face darkens at you with disapproval. You know that he still holds a grudge on Tobirama, and it really is quite low of you to mention him so casually. 
 Madara narrows his eyes at you and shakes his head. "You have some guts." 
You point your chin towards him naughtily. "Everyone's fair game." You break out into a smile, even if Madara can decide right then and there to end your life. "You just can't take it."
Madara used to always intimidate you, and he furthered that feeling at times by showing you his sharingan, because you know, you know , what he is capable of doing with those eyes, but he never really did anything to you. It was more of the idea of what he can do to you, at any given time. 
 Madara stays silent for a few more moments. Then, he attempts to soften his voice. “What do you want to know?” 
You raise an eyebrow at this. “Uchiha Madara is finally giving in?” 
 Madara rolls his eyes and he lets out a small, tight-lipped smile. "Just this once, but you are paying for lunch.” 
 You gasp, taking offense at this. “You do know I am broke, right?” 
“Who’s fault was it for not taking my offer to live in the Uchiha compound?” Madara matches his footsteps with yours as the two of you head towards the village. 
“First of all, I am not an Uchiha, your people will oust me the moment I step foot, and second, I want to make a living for myself.” 
Madara rolls his eyes. “Yeah, but you’re all alone.”
 “Aren’t you?” You retort without thought.
 Madara falls into silence. “You know someday, you will get in trouble with that mouth of yours.” 
“You just can’t handle me.” 
 “The offer still stands,” Madara mutters, and he glances at you. “And it’s safe there. I will make sure no one even says a bad word about you. If you are with me, they won’t even look at you.” 
“That sounds like a lonely life, and you know that I have been mostly caged in my childhood.” You sigh and you bump your shoulder against his arm. “I appreciate everything you have done for me, but I have nothing, Madara. It’s time I do something for myself and invest in something bigger than me. I need that.” 
The Hokage mansion is huge inside, and since you do not visit this place often, you are not sure where the said library is. It could just be any room in here. Or, there is no such thing as the library in the Hokage mansion and Tobirama just said that because he wants to avoid you and send you on a goosechase away from him. You know that he is not thrilled to be put up on this project with you, based on his expressions yesterday, but you are kind of determined to change his mind now. 
 Besides, you are fun and cool, something he can take notes on as he seems prudish. 
  You sigh as you decide to just wait for Tobirama outside, instead of wandering inside the mansion. There are still some parts being built, and you do not want to cause any trouble to the workers there. 
You are quite early, hoping to beat Tobirama to the punch to solidify yourself in his good graces and show him that you are serious about this. However, due to your punctuality, the waiting time is becoming ridiculously long. Sometimes you are not big on the whole waiting patiently thing.
You sigh, and aimlessly walk around the whole building. 
  You hear people starting to mile about to start their day, and you hear children laughing and talking loudly among themselves, which brings a smile to your lips. You decide to stay near the entrance of the mansion so Tobirama will not have any trouble looking for you. 
Lost in your thoughts, you brandish your blade from its scabbard and you start to draw stick figures on the soil, and you add little details such as trees, kunais and shurikens. 
You are not sure how much Tobirama knows about you, but you have heard many things about him, mostly from his brother, both good and bad. You know that he is a great warrior and one of the most brilliant minds that his generation has seen. He is responsible for the complex system of the very village you reside in, and the Hokage’s trusted advisor, even more than Uchiha Madara, who you know is very close to Hashirama. You also know that he is a great sensei, according to his students, which you have no doubt about since he is very intelligent. 
Personality wise, he remains a mystery to you. Mostly because Hashirama glosses over that when talking about him. All you know is that Tobirama can be difficult at times, but you figure that it is how one should act when you are at the forefront of leading this village.
However, you are not in the least intimidated, even if he is a little older and has experienced more in life. Now that you are going to be working with him more, you are curious as to what the famed Senju Tobirama is really all about. 
“I hope I did not keep you waiting,” Tobirama’s rough voice interrupts the quiet that you have immersed yourself in. 
  You perk up, and put your sword back with a loud click. He glances down at the ground, where you have made silly stick figures of shinobis fighting. You attempt to erase them with your foot. 
“Not at all!” You lie, but Tobirama sees through that and he narrows his eyes suspiciously. 
His serious face does not change, and instead you think he grew even more serious. He nods and gestures towards the mansion. He clutches the books and the scrolls he has close to his body.
 “Shall we?” 
You follow Tobirama towards the entrance, trying to keep up with his long strides, though he seems to be speeding up on purpose. Finally, he unlocks the library doors and opens them wide. The two of you step in, and you cannot help but feel underwhelmed at the great reveal of the Hokage mansion’s library. 
It is bare, with a lone wooden table and three chairs situated next to the windows. 
 To the side are empty bookshelves, with the exception of one shelf, which is almost halfway filled. 
“This is a sorry library,” you comment under your breath. 
 Tobirama walks up to the table and puts down the materials he has been carrying. 
  “We are going to fill it, starting today,” Tobirama says. “And for the rest of the year.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “How? Write and publish our own books?” 
  Tobirama glances up at you, without irony. “Yes.”  
You feign a smile.  “Oh,” you deadpan. He does seem like the type of person to do that.
“We are also going to visit every clan in the village and ask if we could transcribe some of their writings,” Tobirama continues. “We can make our references through that, integrate their history and make a comprehensive one for Konoha. We also need to learn some of their jutsus and study them, among other things.” 
  You nod, understanding what he means. “Alright, where do we start? And how do we rewrite the Academy curriculum part?” 
“Well first, I will have to set a few rules,” Tobirama drones on, looking at you pointedly.  
You walk towards him so that you are standing on the other side of the table. “Alright, shoot,” you say. 
“I have written the deadlines of the parts that you will do. You must give them to me, on time ,” Tobirama sternly says, slipping one of the scrolls forward. “I have a vague plan of what the curriculum can look like, but you will also have the chance to express your ideas.” 
  You take the scroll and open it gingerly, and you look at the back to back due dates. 
“You must not talk to me aimlessly, unless it is about this project or if you need any clarification on the tasks you have to do,” Tobirama continues. “When we are working, I expect you to only work.”
You nod, thinking that these are easy, reasonable rules. 
  “You must be punctual.” 
  You are way too punctual, so you know that you are going to follow this rule perfectly. 
“Do not eat near me.” 
  At this, you almost roll your eyes, but you hold yourself back. 
  “Do not touch my things, unless I give them to you. I hope that you can call my title with respect,” Tobirama drones on and on, mostly about the little things he is apparently very particular about. “You will also be training with me and my students, and I expect you to always be on top of your game.” 
“Yes, of course.” You blink at all his so-called rules, and fight the urge to roll your eyes. It’s like he already has the impression that you won’t be as dedicated to your job as he is. 
  But you are dedicated. 
However, you cannot help but talk back. He probably made a rule for that, but it goes unheard by you. 
Tobirama nods. “Very well.” 
  “Did you stay up all night making this up?” You ask, unable to help yourself garner some reaction from him. 
Tobirama’s stare is stormy, and his eyes narrow strictly. “It is common sense that you abide by such unsaid rules.”
  “But you just, well forgive me, enumerated them. If they are common sense, then you would not have to re-tell it.” 
Tobirama lets out a stream of breath from his nose that sounds a tad bit impatient, and he rolls his eyes. 
  You smile, feeling a little triumphant at getting a reaction from him. He catches your expression and he schools his face to become serious once more.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, and you wait for Tobirama to speak. 
  “I heard you teach at the Academy at times,” Tobirama suddenly brings up. “When did you start?” 
  Your eyes narrow slightly at this. Tobirama built the Academy, so he must be aware of the things happening there. “Almost a year ago.” 
  Tobirama taps a finger on the books that he set down. “And you teach when?” 
“Wednesdays and Fridays,” you reply. 
Tobirama nods. “I will be coming with you.” 
You pause at this. “Wait, why?” 
Tobirama looks at you as if it’s obvious. “To size up what the kids need to learn, observe which materials are appropriate for age groups until they graduate as genin, and so forth.”  
Of course, that makes sense. 
Tobirama pulls out the chair and he slides into it. “Then, let us begin. We have many things to research and read up on.” 
You look at him as he opens the books, and distributes some of them to you. 
  “Will you get around to telling me what your plan is, or are you just going to let me guess?” You ask as you flip to the first page of one of the books that he handed to you.
You slide on the chair across from him, taking care to move to the side so that you are giving him his space. 
“Silence, when I am working,” Tobirama states without looking up from what he is reading. “Do not talk to me aimlessly. You will get a chance to ask me questions later, I suggest you start listing them down.”
  “Alright, alright,” you mumble. 
You read the first paragraph of the book, already taking note of the main idea. After a few pages, however, you glance up at your book and to Tobirama, who has not moved an inch except to turn a page. You observe his pristine expression, your eyes going down the slope of his strong nose, his high cheekbones, and his lips that form into a pout, and then to the markings on his face and chin.
  He’s handsome, you’ll give him that. 
His eyes never waver, unlike you, and from this, you can tell that he always pours all his focus and efforts when he does something. 
“Work,” Tobirama reminds you. “And look at the due dates so you can think about how you can strategize your time.” 
You snap up and pretend to go back to your reading, but you glance at him one last time. Something about him piques your curiosity, and it makes you want to push his buttons just to see what the famed Senju Tobirama is all about. 
 You cannot help but let out a tiny smile and you raise the book to hide your face. 
Well, if he already has some sort of prejudice towards you, you might as well play that to your advantage. 
You smirk to yourself, finally looking forward to the time the two of you will spend together. 
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phantomchick · 4 years
Naruto Fic Rec Masterpost!
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Adoption by Defenestration; or, A Family Can Be A Fox Demon, Its Jinchuuriki, and Three Dozen Highly-Trained Assassins  by elumish Oneshot, Gen, Fluff, child neglect, Naruto gets unofficially adopted by his anbu guards and it’s incredibly cute Summary: He will not be the ANBU who let the jinchuuriki plummet to his death out a fourth story window. Let that be another ANBU’s legacy.
Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos)  by Pleasedial123 Longfic, Gen, Team Seven, team as family, Bamf Kakashi, Bamf team 7, au, kakashi pov, Complete but part of a three part series and the third part is still ongoing, still highly recommend, what team 7 should have been, Skilled Teacher! Kakashi Summary: In one world, Kakashi awoke, felt grieved at being assigned a team he sees his own in, and he let that grief make him a lazy teacher.  He saw himself in Sasuke, Obito in Naruto, and Rin in Sakura. He woke, saw himself in them, and took a large step back, regretting accepting them as his new team.  In that world he was quite hands off - merely a watcher because it was so very painful to watch. He saw himself and all his mistakes in this new team of his. 
In this world, Kakashi awoke, saw the similarities, and instantly panicked. 
He suddenly realised what he had done, passing a team.  Kakashi was left scrambling not to repeat old mistakes and regrets. This team would not suffer the fate of his team.
In this world, simply put, Kakashi became a teacher.  This is the beginning of a new team seven.
Something in the water by maldoror_gw  Oneshot, Gen, Teen and Up for language, hilarious, Tsunade pov, fluff, mild crack, pre-shippuden post naruto,
Summary: "Sakura...what is that man reading?" Tsunade asked in a dangerous voice. Sakura's gaze twitched away from her ex-teacher to her new - and temperamental - mentor. "Erm...a book...written by a...well-respected member of the community...about...romance?" Tsunade noted with passing approval that Sakura was demonstrating both loyalty and quite a lot of imagination in defending her one-time team leader (who was now trying to edge around a pillar to get away from Tsunade's venomous glare).
backslide by blackkat Time travel, time travel fix it, mature, fluff, team seven, m/m, slow build romance, Naruto adopts himself, Uzumaki heritage, bamf Naruto, complete longfic, Summary: Naruto’s friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara’s second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara’s plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto is hardly about to let it fall to ruin once more. Not while he’s still breathing.
Tobirama Kicks Some Sense Into Konoha by allseer15 Hurt/comfort, whump, emotional whump, time travel, fix it, time travel fix it, The ‘what if Tobirama came to the future saw an orphaned Naruto and adopted the shit out of him’ Fic, Iconique, child neglect, child abandonment, fluff, so much fluff, completed longfic, look I have a weakness for the time travel fix it trope at the best of times but this fic is good even looking at it without focusing on that! Prolonged Tobirama content, Senju lore, senju feels, Summary: The Hidden Leaf Village in Naruto's time seems to have forgotten just why the village was founded and have lost their way.  Through a mishap with a hiraishin seal, Tobirama finds himself during Naruto's time and he is having none of this nonsense. His brother may be gone, but he won't stand to have Hashirama's dream trampled so. And if he has to cause a civil war or burn the village down to the ground? Well that depends on how much resistance he meets. All Tobirama does know for certain is that no child will suffer underneath the protection of Konoha and if he has to take them in and care for them himself, then he will.
Hardest of hearts by blackkat Oneshot, Gen, look I really like blackkat’s naruto fic okay, part one of a completed three part series, all three parts are great, Fix its are the best, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix It, Orochimaru redemption story, the sheer shadenfreude of one baddie fucking over another baddie, in this case Danzo, Obito has a ‘bad guy but not that bad of a guy’ solidarity moment with Orochimaru at the start and I loved it so there’s that, featuring a low key constantly horrified at this turn of events Minato,
Summary: Orochimaru gets one more chance. Just maybe, it will be enough to save him—and the entire world as well. 
A Snake In the Grass, a Wolf At the Door by blackkat Mature, Completed ten chapter fic, Orochimaru redemption story, Orochimaru/Kakashi’s dad, you read that right, quality Sakumo content, Families of Choice, Humour, Fluff and Angst, somewhat crackish, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, baby Kakashi being a cutie Summary: Orochimaru is on the edge of breaking when someone unexpected pulls him back to solid ground. When the time comes, he returns the favour.
Nukenin by WhisperingDarkness Gen, dimension travel, team seven, team as family, Kakashi actually being a good sensei even when he’s not a sensei at all, possessive kakashi, Team Seven is his team, Kinda Fluffy, Protective Kakashi, the ‘this might as well happen’ adaptability is real, Kakashi adopts team seven and team seven adopts kakashi, even though he’s illegal, 4 chapter fic, marked as complete as author doesn’t plan to continue it, but even taking these chapters as stand alone this fic is great,
Summary:  In the sealed scroll he finds a Bingo Book – his own page marking him as an S-class nukenin with flee-on-sight orders.  “Ok. That is definitely different.”  In his head he blames Naruto – even if his number one unpredictable student had been nowhere near him on this mission. When things go this stupidly impossibly wrong it must somehow be the future Hokage’s fault.
Ear to the Wall by Vodkassassin Ongoing, it’s really really good though! great Kakashi content, Minato is very stressed and I love him, Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, whump, PTSD’d Kakashi gets to relive his childhood but gets a little bit of a real childhood along the way, ADHD Rin, time travel fix it, look I like what I like and what I like is fix its and time travel apparently, Kakashi adopts Orochimaru before he descends into douchbaggery, Orochimaru Redemption story, everyone is alive,   Summary: The Minato-sensei beams at him, and replies, “Kakashi! I’m glad you’re awake,” and, yup, that’s Minato-sensei’s voice. Kakashi falls back down against the bed, closing his eyes. It’s too short of a way down, and he clenches hands that are too tiny and feeble and not his in dog-print sheets he hasn’t owned for decades.
How To Save The World With No One Even Realising by IncompleteSentanc (Erava) Gen, Teen and Up, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, time travel fix it, Canonically Accurate OP Team 7, SuperBadass!Sakura, SuperBadass!Sasuke, SuperBadass!Naruto, RegularBadass!Shikamaru, Canonically Violent Sasuke, Equally Violent Sakura, Saving The World One Murder At A Time, Various Jinchuuriki, Team 7 As Super Villains, Doing Super Villainy Stuff, Like Murder, And Professional Eyeball Removal, Poor Obito, Poor Minato, AKA The Worst Four Months of Minato's Life, And Everyone Else's Too, Dark Humor, Bittersweet Ending, Dark Comedy, Crack treated seriously, completed 3 chapter fic, Well worth the read, Team 7 To The End! Summary: Minato knows at the beginning of the week that it's going to be a hellish one. Mostly because it starts with the kidnapping of one of his two remaining students, only a year after they'd lost the first one. He just doesn't realise at the time that it's not going to be a hellish week - it's going to be hell for quite a bit longer than that. It all starts with Rin's kidnapping, and her subsequent rescue at the hands of a mysteriously appearing, monstrously strong, murderously violent woman. A woman with cotton candy pink hair. It only devolves from there.
Just Killing Time by Elizabeth Culmer (edenfalling) Gen, Oneshot, Short and Sweet, Classic of The Fandom, Ficlet, Team 7, Kids being Kids, Fluff, Fluff and Humour, Slice of Life, Cute Kids
Summary: After Wave Country and before the chuunin exam, Team 7 kills time while waiting for Kakashi to show up. 
there lies a trail of fire behind us by BowAndDagger Gen, Madara is extremely confused but mostly on board, Time Travel au, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bamf Naruto Uzumaki, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Except Zetsu, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Fix-It, Founders Era, clan wars era, Pre-Slash, POV Uchiha Madara, the Completed part one of an Ongoing/Incomplete series, completed 4 chapter fic, Summary: As he returns from a mission, Madara makes a strange encounter with an even stranger shinobi. Then, he’s summarily kidnapped to go on a quest to save the world by said weird shinobi. (He absolutely did not choose to follow the stranger on his own free will. He was kidnapped. He did not give chase. He did not.)
A Political Perspective by VJ Riddle  / MueraRashaye Ongoing, Possibly (Probably) Discontinued, Teen and Up, Gen, Team 7, training montage deluxe, Konoha is a murder village, Good Teacher! Kakashi, AU, slowly developing into Bamf team 7, Bamf Kakashi, slowly developing into Team as Family, lots of fun ideas, not crack, Minor Spoiler: Zabuza and Haku get x’d before their character development gets its chance to shine in this fic, Sometimes people don’t warn for that in the tags and it can be a dealbreaker in fic for me as I love those two, not a dealbreaker in the case of this fic though! Really good fic so far, kind of verging on dry in places but it always stays fun in the end with lots of interesting elements, I enjoy the character insight from the pov switching, and also how much of a headcase Kakashi is, graphic depictions of violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Summary: Hatake Kakashi was a shinobi, and as a shinobi, the only people who could give him orders were his military superiors. The idea that a Council made up of civilians and peers was under the impression they could give him orders...displeased him. Or: He was ordered to pass Team 7. He was fine with that, until they actually passed.
Integrity by Liz_Starling Oneshot, Gen, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Compliant, Integrity, Child Neglect, BAMF Uzumaki Naruto, Reflections on Naruto’s inner workings as a person, promises,
Summary: Naruto keeps his word. Some people are loyal to their families. Some, their orders. Naruto is loyal to the only thing he’s been able to count on; the promises he makes.
Foundation (Build It Higher, Bury It Deeper) by RayShippouUchiha Ongoing, BUT EXCELLENT, it made me cry, Naruto feels, 6 chapter fic thus far, Bamf Naruto, Bamf Tsunade, Naruto deserved better, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Gen, Mature, Team 7, Uzumaki Feels, Abandonment, Tsunade gives Naruto the personal talk he deserved instead of finding out from a chakra imprint when he was dying, so we stan, I love this fic
Summary: It’s just… he’d thought, given his fight against Neji and then his confrontation with Gaara, that someone would finally really acknowledge what he’d done.  That beyond Iruka-sensei’s crushing hug and Kakashi-sensei’s absent pat, someone would actually notice that he’d won against both of them.
That he’d beaten a genius on his own and then had battled another jinchūriki to a stand still.
So while he hadn’t really expected to be promoted too he’d still ...
¦ part 1 ¦ part 2 ¦ part 3 ¦
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denialcity · 3 years
Wait how did task’s rampage convince Kawarama to take him back? But also I asked about the age gap less bc I was concerned and more bc I realize I was bad at math lol and I don’t actually know any of the canonical age differences between the siblings or (like I think Hashirama is older than Madara and then Madara than Tobirama then Izuna but for all I know Madara and Hashirama are the same age or Madara is older than Hashirama and just short)
(ya dw you passed the vibecheck, just wanted to say it bc yknow how it is on this site sometimes)
ughghgh tell me about it, even just deciding the order of siblings has no canon confirmation it was so hard. there is literally nothing. we've gone with (eldest) takami, meguru, [gap], hashirama, madara, tobirama, [gap], itama, kunimi + izuna (twins), kawarama (youngest). but i think i've seen other people make tobi and kawa twins, or itama youngest, or madara 4th brother or madara eldest brother of the 5. so like. it's free real estate.
okay dt3 get back together its a bit long so cut and needs a little background so we’re going from the breakup also its dt3 so a lil spicy also @firecoloredwater tell me if anything needs edits
- idiot disaster breakup bc Kawarama interpreted the two months of silence as being dumped, and coped with being devastated via “WELL I DIDN’T WANT THEM ANYWAY, GOOD RIDDANCE, WE’RE DONE.”  His brothers are not fooled but they are clear on the ‘broke up’ part
-Meguru is devastated but feels like he can’t do anything about it so he just goes to give Kawarama a breakup gift (and have an angsty aesthetic goodbye). 
-Kawarama assumes the gift is just another souvenir/sex toy and slams the door in Meguru’s face.  Meguru leaves the gift by the door.  Kawarama throws the gift into the yard when he sees it’s still there a bit later.  It starts raining.  Kawarama runs out to rescue the gift before it gets wet while also being furious with himself for being sentimental about a *sex toy* from a *terrible ex*
-Meguru gets home.  Most of the Uchiha clan now wants to fight/beat up Kawarama.  Izuna stops Kunimi because if Kunimi traps Kawarama in nightmare genjutsu Meguru will be sad, but lets the rest go ahead 
-Kawarama attempts one night stands, is unsatisfied
-Takami threatens the one night stands, sets their houses on fire, and shows up at Kawarama’s house
-Kawarama thinks this is the WORST idea but also it takes like, one minute for him to give into the temptation to bad idea ex fuck Takami
-Takami finds the gift from Meguru that Kawarama never opened and thinks great, he can fuck with Kawarama *and* remind him of Meguru at the same time.  Buuut when he opens it it’s one of Meguru’s favorite fans, which IS very sexy in Kawarama’s head, but the gesture is less sexual and more ‘Meguru was in love actually’
-Takami henges into Meguru since he has the fan anyway
-Kawarama is devastated
-Takami is furious at Kawarama for being devastated, especially when HE’S the one who dumped Meguru and broke his heart (and also at Meguru for Letting Kawarama break up with him if he cared this much)
-There are Feelings and Kawarama ends up not-sexy crying
-Taka decides Nope he’s not the feelings guy, and says he’ll get Meguru
-Kawarama panics/cries more and very for real begs Takami not to get Meguru bc despite everything Meguru is much colder than Taka and didnt even try to get him back so he probably doesnt even want kawa. Taka cant even say 100% whether kawa is wrong bc meguru is the type who cuts his losses so maybe he did already give up on kawa.   
-Taka ends up letting Kawarama cry on him and staying overnight when Kawarama falls asleep
-in the morning Kawarama is Mortified and Taka still hates feelings but they manage to talk a little bit and establish that Kawarama mostly wants Taka (and Meguru) to actually care how he feels and not do things they know/believe/expect him to hate to him.  Taka goes ughhhhhh fine I guess what do you hate, assuming it’ll be a giant list of everything fun, but actually Kawarama dislikes the maiming threats and that’s all he can think of (because his actual objections were wholly on an emotional level)
-so Taka and Kawarama are back together now
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belit0 · 4 years
Caught in the Act
can you like have madara ruining your shit and tobirama and hashirama come in and catch you (female reader) thank you i’m just a slut😀 and fuck anon i want people to know i’m horny
We are all horny ppl when it comes to the Uchiha. I fucking support you a lot, I’m like that but with Indra
Rating: E
Pairing: [Uchiha Madara / Fem Reader]
Additional Characters: [Senju Hashirama] [Senju Tobirama]
Tw: Domination, Degrading, Roughness, Some Praising
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“Tell me why do I have to be here when this is a favor requested of you?
"Because if I have to suffer Hashirama’s lack of intellect, you as my lover will too. Now find that man’s fucking coat so he can stop bothering me.”
It’s nothing new to witness the leader of the Senju lose and forget his Hokage dressing gown, but it’s something that always causes great annoyance to the leader of the Uchiha. Outraged at his old friend’s lack of responsibility, when Hashirama asks him to help find it for him, Madara only avoids exploding in the air because he knows it’s a good excuse to spend time with you and not working.
“I could be taking a nap at home… Or having some sweet jasmine tea while thinking about the beautiful face you make when you get angry… Maybe even eating something while I remember your muscles on me and- ”
“You’re walking on thin ice, [Y/N]. Shut up and look.”
With a tense posture, Madara passed by you, heading to check out the different rooms of his best friend’s house. Imitating his action, you took a different route from him, and searched the other end of the big building.
Sliding the door of Hashirama’s main room, you hit the target first. On the large two-person bed, stretched out, red and immaculate, lay that piece of cloth that gave reason to your lover’s grumpiness.
Entering the bedroom, you slid your hand over the material, feeling the softness in your fingertips. A mischievous urge attacked your mind, and a great idea to provoke Madara suddenly struck you.
Quickly, to prevent him from catching you in the act, you put on the Hokage garment, which was considerably large. Hashirama was monstrously tall, so the cloth touched the floor and dragged over it when you slid it over your shoulders.
Laughing weakly, you looked at yourself in the mirror on one of the walls, and found that the cloth was not at all flattering in your form. Even more tempted, you tried to keep your composure, and prepared for the stampede that would come upon you in a minute.
“Dear! I found it! But there’s something wrong with it, hurry up up and come have a look!”
After a second, you heard Madara’s footsteps approaching the room where you were, and the anticipation in your chest began to grow. Suddenly, you regretted your stupid joke a little. Walking down the corridor, you heard him talking, without even reaching the door.
“What do you mean by something wrong? If you did something to that damn piece of trash I swear that-”
Posing, you surprised him with a… great… idea. With both arms in the air and over your head, you put on the best smile of satisfaction that your features could have had at his reaction, and despite the growing anxiety in your stomach about his glance, you rejoiced for a second in the situation.
Yes, one second.
From the door frame, the Uchiha was paralyzed by the image you offered to him. His eyes had quickly changed from a deep black colour to a bright red, with an unnerving dancing pattern in them, characteristic of Mangekyōu.
His shoulders were stiff in their stance, his chest was forced up and down by clearly strained breathing, his biceps were increasingly inflated with every second that passed thanks to the two fists he held tightly on either side of his body.
His hair began to bristle, and the tension in the air became extremely heavy. Not brave enough to speak or look him in the eye, you put your hands together in front of your legs, bent your shoulders and your head. Reducing your size as much as possible, as if trying to make yourself invisible to Madara’s terrifying gaze, you waited for the inevitable.
With the voice that made your blood run cold and your hair stand on end, he spoke, intimidating from across the room.
“What… are you… doing… with… that…”
A grunt erupted from his chest, deep and serious, animalistic, making you exult when it hit your ears. Without courage, you continued to stare at the ground.
“That… belongs… to him.”
You nodded, hoping that your good behavior would calm the beast in front of you.
“You… are… not… his…”
Another nod.
“Look at me.”
Trembling and in your reduced form, you raised your head reluctantly, staring at those terrifying red orbs. Suddenly, all you wanted to do was take off that dressing gown once and for all, show Madara that it was a foolish mistake.
“Who is your owner?”
You said it without hesitation, quickly after his question, which generated a slight smile of satisfaction on the Uchiha’s face. Crossing his arms over his chest and looking at you over his nose, he continued.
“Are you mine, or are you his [Y/N]?
"I am all yours Madara-Sama.”
“Kneel before me.”
“Look what a pathetic bitch you are, dressed in that shit, taking my orders without a problem… Tell me [Y/N] Why should I fuck you right now?”
Knowing your man’s habits, you answered.
“Because I’m a stupid little whore who needs your cock right here, right now. Please Madara-Sama, don’t deny it to me, I need you inside my tight pussy.
"Oh well, really? If my slut is so desperate for my dick, you leave me no choice but to give you what you ask for.”
“Please sir.”
“Come here.”
On all fours, knowing what turns him on, you crawled to his feet, where you sat back on your knees and looked at him from below.
“Use your filthy little mouth.”
Obeying his orders, you rose to the height of his hips. Biting the waist of his trousers, you captured the cloth between your teeth, and with experience you lowered it strongly to his ankles.
“What a talented little pup, an expert in doing everything without hands… Go on”
Smiling slightly at his compliment, you repeated the action, but in his underwear, revealing a semi-erect limb, which promised to harden with little effort.
“No hands, or I’ll have to take them off.”
Faced with Madara’s threat, you understood that it was better to stick to his rule than to challenge him, and you introduced his penis into your mouth, maneuvering your head at a strange angle.
Working at a steady pace, his member became rigid in a matter of a couple humid strokes and your task became easier. Moaning at the situation generated by a foolish prank, you devoured your man’s cock with hunger.
After a few minutes in the same rhythm, Madara needed a speed boost, and he grabbed your hair. Combing it into his grip while breathing heavily thanks to your supplies, he held it with one of his big hands, forming a ponytail. With the new security of the hairstyle, he was able to use your hair as a handle to press your head harder against his length. As your nose hit his pelvis and your throat begged for a break, you placed both hands on his thighs, trying to free yourself from his hold.
At that moment, he stopped all activity dead on, but did not allow you to free your mouth. Even with his limb inside your moist cavity, he moved away from you a little to stop the pressure at the bottom of your throat, and spoke.
“I said without hands [Y/N]… Did your hunger for my dick cloud your mind? No problem, I told you that I would take care of it if necessary.”
Without further ado, he took your wrists and held them above your head, fully stretching your arms. Releasing your hair, he gave you the freedom to move as you wished, but now your upper limbs were minutes away from losing circulation and falling asleep, which was a big pain in the ass.
Because that’s what Madara is really like, a big, big pain in the ass.
Taking up your task, you put your best effort to make him cum just with your mouth. Moaning over his member, your pussy was dripping from him to hear him talk, on the verge of his orgasm.
“Oh [Y/N] don’t you dare stop, keep it up, you beautiful obedient whore. Eat my whole cock like it’s all you need, I want to fill that naughty little slut’s mouth with all my cum”.
“Agh… -gasp- [Y/N] -gasp- I’m… I’m…”
A shot of hot liquid hit the bottom of your throat, while you felt his limb throbbing inside your cavity. Swallowing everything he had to offer, you dutifully waited for his release to end.
“What a good puppy… I think you’ve earned the benefit of being rewarded. Take it all off.”
With a broad smile coming from his compliments, you did what he asked, standing completely naked in front of him.
“Put Hashirama’s coat back on.”
Without wanting to contradict him and make him angry again, you took the garment from the floor and dressed it on your naked body, looking at him with curious and expectant eyes.
“In bed, lying on your stomach.”
Putting yourself in the right position, you waited.
“Show me that beautiful ass of mine, rise it up.”
Following his demand, and with your stomach still leaning on the bed, you positioned your legs over your knees, providing an easy entrance for Madara. What you did not expect, is that the Uchiha would continue with his jealousy whim.
Taking Hashirama’s gown in both hands, he tore a hole where your cunt was, accessing it through the fabric instead of removing it from your body.
Two fingers were inserted mercilessly inside you without warning, moving towards a specific point that made you moan suddenly.
“You will not say another man’s name when you are giving yourself to me you naughty whore.”
An overpowering spanking hit your skin covered by cloth, making your whole being vibrate.
“Tell me [Y/N], tell me whose pussy is this.”
A third finger entered you, moving at an overwhelming frequency. A second spanking hit your buttock before he spoke again.
“You don’t sound very convinced… I’m going to ask you again. Who is the owner of this pathetic little cunt?”
His tongue attacked your slit for a few long seconds, before inserting his fingers back into you accompanied by more spanking.
“What is it [Y/N]? What does my slut want?”
He got into you firmly, using your fluids as sufficient lubrication to slide in. Hashirama’s coat soon found itself soaked in the body liquids flowing from the union between the two bodies, with the hole in the fabric being the main factor in allowing penetration.
Lost in the pleasure of both, drowning in moaning and heat, neither of you noticed when the front door opened and closed, when footsteps sounded down the hall, or when two pairs of curious and surprised eyes stopped to look at the scene unfolding before them.
The Uchiha slammed on the brakes, being able to recognize that voice anywhere. Not coming out of you, he faced the gaze of Hashirama and Tobirama.
Understanding the situation, you refused to face those men, and hid your face in your arms and the leftover cloth, holding your eyes and hoping that the shame would soon be over.
“This… well…"
Without noticing it, his pelvis moved involuntarily towards you, hitting a spot with his member just inside you and making you moan in front of the two brothers.
Tobirama blushed completely, coughing uncomfortably and looking away, while Hashirama seemed not to care at all.
"Is that my dressing gown?
"Yes… we found it…”
“Oh well… oh well… I’ll send you the ticket later… Shall we go Tobi?”
“But brother! They are using your bed, they broke your clothes, they desecrate your room! You should say something to that damn Uchiha instead of…”
A growl of fury escaped from inside Madara, who was still inside you, when Hashirama interrupted before a fight broke out.
“Now, now, Tobi, you’ll understand when you stop being a virgin… come on, there’s a new tea shop I’m really dying to try!”
The front door soon opened and closed again, and at the same time, Madara took his overwhelming step over you, thanking his beautiful friendship with Hashi from the heart.
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senju-sekhmet · 3 years
The Leash (Part 3)
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Summary: Your rescue was supposed to be as smooth as these missions can be. However very quickly, Tobirama faces off against an enemy that has no form, color or smell - and time is running short, very fast. Unless he figures out what truly holds you hostage, your life will be lost. Warnings (for the finished work): Blood, illness, descriptions of heavy injuries and graphic violence, torture (both depicted and implied), needles, morally grey territory, human experimentation, panic attacks, character death ~7000 words (this chapter, finished work: 80.000) Previous: Part 1; Part 2 Read on AO3!   Disclaimer below the cut!
DISCLAIMER! -i reckon I don’t need the paste it again... but in short: this is a purely self-indulgent work which contains a lot of my own headcanons and whatnot. It’ll get darker! And more dramatic. But this chapter is a little bit different, reader gets some pov, though i should say in this fic- it’s.. divided, ahah. thank you so much for reading!! Your world was on fire. Every fiber of your body had burned up as your muscles were cramping. Desperately, you had been straining to free yourself of this  somehow  , alleviate the pain  somehow  , but everything just  hurt  . Both dull and sharp at the same time; either you were being restrained or your muscles wouldn’t obey - but you couldn’t move much. Your head was swimming with a sharp headache that made focusing on anything besides the internal turmoil impossible, and while this certainly was not the worst pain you had experienced by far, it was vexing in its own ways. It felt like splitting open from the inside, slowly; every muscle, every fiber, every single thing that made you was being spliced open, set on fire and was burning, burning, burning. You weren’t even sure how this had started - you merely remembered being rescued. Tobirama had been carrying you out of the dreaded cell you were sure you’d die in. You had been zoning out frequently then, but that hadn’t surprised you. It was just normal for you - first came the torture, then the crushing exhaustion. Actually you were pretty sure he had taken you to the hospital. At least you thought so. You were supposed to be safe, now. So what was happening to you? Had the rescue failed? Did the Stone get you back? Was this a new form of torture? What was Tobirama doing? You didn’t know how much time had passed nor where you actually were now - all you knew was this horrid sensation of burning out from the inside and your inability to escape it. Trapped. As per usual. Very distantly, you thought you heard a familiar voice speak to you - he sounded anguished. Sorrowful. Instinctively, you wanted to console him and his obvious regret. You wouldn’t break now. Frankly, you had endured worse. This, you just… would adapt to, too. Then, you felt your head - at least you thought it was your head - being seized by yet another vice grip. You whimpered. This wasn’t boding well for you. Panic started to flare, but it was hard to feel anything despite the inside burn that ate you alive.
Something reached for your jaw, pressing down and forward behind the joint so hard you knew what this was about: they were forcing your mouth open. The procedure was frightfully familiar by now.
They wanted to drug you again.
Hysteria was rushing through your veins so fast, for a moment it eclipsed everything else.
Peripherally, a deep voice spoke again. To you, maybe. You didn’t know. You’d never beg for mercy. But you desperately wished they’d just stop. You wanted to scream back. Whether or not a sound came out you didn't know.
So it wasn’t over, yet - and you were horribly aware of all that would follow: excruciating pain until you’d pass out, until your voice had broken completely and no sound could come out anymore - and merciless assaults on your mind you absolutely must keep guarded for the sake of everyone at home. It was violating.
Your stomach roiled. Tears flowed.
You were supposed to be safe.
The heavy liquid began to coat your tongue. You wanted to spit it back at them. They were too fast. Whoever held your jaw expertly shut your mouth closed and applied pressure to your airway so that it was near impossible to do so much as utter a single peep.
Swallow, or suffocate. Well, with the way your head was wrenched back, the substance was dripping down your pharynx already anyway.
Under tears, you swallowed.
Instantly, the pressure was gone from your neck, jaw and head.
You stilled. Whatever had been fuelling the fire that had been burning you out died out rapidly. You took a few, even breaths.
It wouldn’t last, of course. As usual, it started with your head swimming - an innocent, lighthearted feeling. Tipsy, even. Then everything intensified. As if someone turned every single sensation of your body to maximum.
It hit you all at once.
You were sure you heard a drop falling from a sink in the room you were in. There had been no sink in the torture room. But you were already lying on the table. No restraints though. Weird. Instead, two people were fixating your body on it with their bare hands, you realised. It hurt. Your whole body hurt. It always hurts. Every single injury they had inflicted upon you echoed through you. These people were pressing down on them. They might as well be driving the knives, saws and drills again through you. That was how intense it felt. Their grip started to loosen up. Had they read your mind? Low rustle of cloth being worn. Someone’s breath, not far away from your face. The scent. Familiar.
Your eyes flew wide open.
The light above was blazing down on you. You were sure it’d signe your skin off with how intense it felt.
You drew ragged breaths.
Your gaze fell on the man’s face whose breaths had been above you.
Recognition hit you like a punch in the gut.
His expression was shadowed by the way too damn bright light in the ceiling.
Nothing made sense anymore. He shouldn’t be here when it was so obvious all this - all this was the start of yet another session of indescribable agony.
Your hands gripped the edges of the table. It felt like your skin had been peeled off when they did. Bile rose in your throat.
“Y/n,” Tobirama uttered. His voice was - different. Haunted. Wrought with a kind of worry not to be put in words only. And loud. It all was so loud.
You groaned and began to heave your chest off of the table, surprised nobody slammed you back down.
Your breaths came shorter now, more shallow. Your wild eyes darted around the room to take in your surroundings. This wasn’t the terrible room you usually came to when they had forced something down your throat. There were cabinets in here whose contents you already could guess nonetheless - by your feet, someone you didn’t know.
A window? There were no windows underground.
Your heartbeat hammered so hard in your chest, you thought it’d jump out any second, now. The aches in your body were intensifying. Swelling. The noises became louder. You heard the blood flowing through your skull.
This must be a genjutsu of some kind then, no? That was the only explanation. The Stone shinobi were trying a new angle to make you writhe, whimper. To break you. You groaned, a hand meeting your face. The sensation of your own skin on your face felt alien. Like your nails were clawing at your bare muscle tissue.
“What are you waiting for?”, you spat, your voice still broken. It always was. And way too loud in your own ears. Your hand slapped back down on the table. You whimpered for the pain that caused you.
The illusion of Tobirama knitted its eyebrows. Did it look uncertain?
The colors of the room were looking way too vibrant now. Blurring. Each of your past wounds now was searing through your flesh. You trembled.
It wouldn't be long, now. You groaned.
You looked down on yourself and found nothing but a gown on you. Did the thing just move on its own? Was there… was there blood on you?
Had they begun to torture you already?
Your breath came quicker and more shallow now.
“What’ll it be? Sawing my ribs up again?”, you continued, sneering now. Except the tremor made your voice shaky. Hardly arrogant. You’d pay so much for this kind of defiance later. Their loss for not subduing you better. “Or maybe you’ll cut open my arms and legs again? Drill a hole into my bones? Go ahead, you fucking cowards, I won’t break.”
The one looking like Tobirama hung his head low now. His breaths came ragged, his shoulders were heaving each time he took one. When he looked back up, you balked for a moment at how agonized his gaze was. “This isn’t a genjutsu, Y/n,” he began slowly. His deep voice was supposed to be soothing. But there was an undercurrent in it - a slight shake to his timbre you had never heard before. Hah, you wouldn’t fall for that. “We saved you, remember?” He released a hand that was gripping the table to make a familiar sign and mumbled: “Release.”
Nothing happened.
You threw your head back in a bitter laugh. "As if I wouldn't know what comes next by now." Everything in the room was morphing. Forms were twisting. Your legs looked broken - no, they  were  broken by how it all hurt. There was blood on your skin. Gushing wounds that littered your body - it was all breaking up. You were splitting up. "You've already started," you wheezed, giving in to the tremor that shook you and slumping back onto the table.
"Nobody is going to hurt you," the voice that belonged to the Tobirama-illusion spoke - the voice that damn sounded like him, albeit still anguished like you've never heard him before. The jitter had gotten worse. It was… desperation?
A hand touched your shoulder.
You shrieked from the sheer agony that caused you. You were sure they were driving a metal pole through your joint - "No!", you shouted frantically.
You twisted to the side, recoiling from the sensation and ignoring how this must mess up your horribly disfigured limbs.
"Y/n!", another voice was heard. It was familiar, from behind you. You didn't care to look back who it was. "Should we-"
They were all so fucking loud. If nobody was going to stop you, then -
You rolled to the side to where you knew the table would end, eyes widening at how high up it was. You'd break your legs if you went down there-
In a fluid motion, you were on your feet. At the same time, you heard the voice that sounded like Tobirama's call out: "Y/n, no!" - another hand wanted to seize your arm, probably saw it off-
Blackness framed your vision as your shaking legs tried to support your body's weight. It was painful. So damn painful. You wheezed at the agony past clenched teeth. There were bony splinters sticking out of your skin. Blood trickled down your skin. Your wheeze became a holler of anguish. "Fuck," you stuttered, grasping for the edge of the damn table as your abused appendages gave in and you slowly sunk to the floor.
Within a second, Tobirama was in front of you. You could barely make out his form anymore, everything was becoming a distorted mess and your mind was overrun by sensations. You couldn't tell what part of yourself didn't hurt at this point, you didn't even know how you were sitting on the floor now. Only that you were. Probably.
"Y/n," his voice was panicked now. At least it was supposed to sound like that. You closed your eyes. At this point, all you saw was just frightening. "We're at home, you're safe and whatever is going on - it's not real."
These words alone were enough to drive you over the edge. Your abused voice became wrecked by laughter, a horribly disfigured sound even in your own sound simply for how off it sounded. "Yeah? Then why the  fuck  am I feeling like this?" You opened your eyes. The world was an inhomogeneous mass of colors, moving blotches. The Tobirama-illusion was just a black patch of something in front of you with a voice that sounded way too much like his own. "You fucking drugged me!", your voice rose to a shrill screech that hurt your eardrums so much you thought they'd rip. Not that you'd care.
You heard a perfectly anguished whimper. "I'm so sorry," the voice whispered, again filled with more agony than you ever heard from him before. It made you balk for a moment. "Forgive me, Y/n - please, forgive me. We had to."
A shudder ran through you. You closed your eyes again.
This was too much. All of this.
"You were dying, Y/n," Tobirama's tormented voice reached you again, persistent. Insistent. "We had no choice." Who was he trying to convince?
You stilled completely.
It obviously had to be a nightmare- a genjutsu- anything- "Tobirama would never…", you croaked, voice breaking with despair.
You heard a sharp inhale.
"Y/n," he sounded closer now, his voice almost as broken as yours. "Forgive me. Tell me what to do."
Your heart hammered frantically again and your hands rose to your ears to cover them. You were bursting with everything - the excruciating pain, the overtuned senses, how real Tobirama's voice sounded, not knowing what was real-
Sobs were starting to wreck your body before you knew it.
A hand touched your arm.
You hissed, eyes flying open, swatting it away - but you didn't see anything besides a mush of colors. "Don't fucking touch me!" Your voice was a shrill screech.
He made a sound as though someone punched all the air out of his lungs - a low huff, cutting off quickly but so pained, it felt like someone stabbed his heart. Yours, too. It was hard to register between everything.
You started to scramble away from your current position - blindly, you navigated on your hands and knees. It was like dragging yourself over glass shards. It sure felt like those were digging themselves into your bleeding skin. You pathetically sobbed in pain.
"Tobirama-", the other voice started.
"Don't, Hashirama," he was quick to reply, firm but still anguished.
That anguish in his voice. It was so real.
Frankly it was about the only thing you were willing to believe in.
You must have reached a wall when your head bumped into something. Perhaps a cabinet. You didn't care. You curled up there, tucking your knees to your body and hiding your face. A rocking motion settled in, subconsciously.
"He'd never do this," you muttered. Over and over again.
Tobirama was reeling.
The last time he had felt his very world shaking like this was when they had brought his brother's mangled corpse into the Senju compound.
Everything he had just seen - heard-
Damn, what had he done to you?
Ever since rescuing you, it all had been a series of failures, culminating in this: your haggard form pressed against a wall, whispering to yourself and rocking back and forth in what Tobirama knew was stereotypical behaviour meant to soothe yourself. He had seen this before in victims of torture.
The way you had recoiled from him might as well have been a very physical blow from a weapon.
But your words - your words, they had shattered his heart in a way only you could have. Your abused voice, your wide-eyed, near insane gaze: Tobirama would never.
He had.
He damn had.
He felt he had no right being here anymore - near you. How could he, when he had failed you, over and over again? Not to mention what you had been going through - at the very least, the 'leash' had altered your perception of reality in ways that made you feel pain. Hell, who knew - maybe it had caused you pain. But to see you, your strong and dignified presence so broken down - broken into nothing but a husk of yourself - it made him shudder to guess at what was going on inside you. The ache of his own heart was driving him insane - as was his sheer, mad desire to protect  you - he couldn’t, he simply couldn’t, instead he had done this to you.
Slowly, he started to question if he actually truly could protect you - ensure your wellbeing, make you heal.
He'd go with no right now.
Yet what was the alternative? Giving up - giving up was not an option. Never. Especially not with you. Humbly he’d accept all the anguish his heart suffered from his moment, the crushing guilt from his actions against you - necessary ones, but cruel altogether.
No, he'd never forgive himself.
He could only hope you would.
He blinked at his palms, laying on his thighs after he had sunken to his knees, shoulders slumped. A hand rested on his shoulder. Hashirama's.
"Tobirama," he began slowly, lowering himself to eye-level with him.
Tobirama couldn't help but narrow his eyes to slits. Hashirama had been the one to press for giving you the damn drug-
And he felt guilty right after. Tobirama had allowed it. Shifting blame was the act of a coward.
Besides, Hashirama had been right. Though you certainly were in a deplorable state now, the life-threat seemed to have passed.
Moments of silence passed. Duly he noted the nurse had left the room. Maybe Hashirama had sent her away. Tobirama didn't care anymore.
"Looks like we saved her." Tobirama's baritone voice was caustic.
Hashirama sighed. "We're going to find an antidote. This is temporary, remember?"
Time to pick himself up again and focus on finally solving a problem for once.
This was a new enemy you were up against he needed to figure out and then defeat.
Tobirama sucked in a sharp breath, gaze snapping back at you. Of course. The clock was just reset. But ticking again. "Twelve hours until we have to make her go through all this again. At most." His voice was a hiss with how hard his teeth were pressed together. His jaw hurt.
Tobirama rose to his feet then, his gaze never leaving you. Your sight pained him, but he'd take it - he deserved this. His arms crossed in front of his chest. The mind had begun to race again. "She was different when we found her in the hideout," he began, tongue clicking in thought.
Hashirama followed suit, also considering you with a sympathetic gaze. He nodded.
Tobirama rubbed a hand over his face. "Based on what we witnessed now, it seems after indigestion, this 'leash' has an… immediate effect," his voice became raspy. Frail. He had to take a pause. Then, "Followed by a phase of exhaustion. After which withdrawal sets in."
"It would seem so," Hashirama agreed, humming in ponder himself. The noise annoyed Tobirama.
"Can't you think quietly?", he snapped.
He all but ignored his brother's reply.
"We must synthesise more of this drug firstly," Tobirama darkly ascertained right after, "A cure seems unlikely on such a tight schedule. Focusing our efforts is key; otherwise we'll run out of time." He felt physically unable to phrase the outcome any other way.
Both brothers knew, though.
"In doing so, finding an antidote will become easier anyhow," Hashirama added thoughtfully, sparing Tobirama from voicing what hung in the air. That much was certain. They'd have to understand how this drug was made up before finding ways to counter it.
You were still huddled up at the wall, unintelligibly mumbling while a fine tremor shook your body. If only there were a way to alleviate your torment. Tobirama knew better than to approach you again.
"Is there nothing we can do for her?", he asked, half to himself, half to his brother - the pain was becoming him again with how hushed that had come out. "She can't stay like this." This was beneath your dignity.
Hashirama hummed in ponder again. "We could put her to sleep, I suppose," he finally suggested, but the hesitation was obvious in his voice. "At this point I'm not sure how anything is going to affect her, though."
Tobirama couldn't help but crack a cynical chuckle. Of course it'd come down to that. "Restrain her again and take away what freedom she has, you mean." He absolutely loathed that his choices were restricted between inflicting more torment on you or simply taking you out - confining you to your own mind, really.
When would he finally do something to heal you?
He took a step closer towards you.
"Tobirama, let me do it," Hashirama interjected, readily taking a step towards you, too.
"No." Tobirama cut him off sharply. This was his duty. His burden to bear. He wouldn't run away from it or hide behind his brother.
Hashirama sighed, but knew better than to try and stop Tobirama.
Slowly, Tobirama enclosed you and crouched down right in front of you. At this proximity, he could make out your whispers: "He wouldn't do that. It's a trick. It's all a trick. Tobirama would never do this to me." Over and over. He drew in a slow breath if just to help him deal with the fresh agony that washed over him, hearing this again. Knowing what he'd do next made it no easier.
Briefly, he contemplated to try and get through to you again to announce his intention, but he doubted there would be much use in that - you’d been delusional before, adverse to touch and if he’d do so much as hint at forcing you to sleep, you most likely wouldn’t take it kindly. The cynicism of the situation was cutting, really.
He'd just do this as fast as he could.
Channeling chakra of his own for a moment, his hand shot out and seized the back of your neck within the blink of an eye.
You shrieked, half in surprise, half in pain - your head shot up, eyes wide and the gaze nothing short of crazed. "Get away from me!", you wrenched out, tears forming.
Tobirama's lips formed a thin line, his chakra then grazing over your network in preparation of what he'd do next: sending a strong pulse to your brain; specifically the regions that controlled awareness and consciousness. However he balked when he felt you - really felt you: your chakra network was near mute. The flow of chakra within you was so slow, it might as well have been stopped. He could feel how it tried to repel his own pelting over yours, but no more than that happened. The response was lazy - frozen, almost.
Your hands had seized his forearm then and were trying to pry it off, shrieks mingling between desperate sobs. "Stop it!", you yelled, over and over. But your attempts were feeble at best and the weeks of imprisonment had stolen near all of your strength. You were in no shape to remove Tobirama's iron grip on your neck, which he reinforced lest your assault would impede on his examination - though sadly once more he had to come to grips with this shadow of your former self. It hurt - it just hurt.
Tobirama then took a deep breath, cursing when he exhaled it.
There was an opportunity in this, right now.
He hated himself for the way too logical thought he just had - but he wouldn't pass up the option that just offered itself to him now. Even if going through with it felt like yet another atrocity he’d commit; darkly he realised he’d been setting one new record after the other ever since you had been taken. This, this would be his next feat.
"Y/n," he began, his baritone voice low again, "I promise, I won't rest until I've freed you from this and healed you." His voice shook from sincerity and anguish alike - a broken sound that was testament to the turmoil and yet so quiet again, reserved for your ears only. His heart wanted to jump out of his chest. "Forgive me for all I have to do for that though, I never want to hurt you," he continued. But it seems I will have to, at least indirectly.
You continued to claw weakly at his arm. He held your frightened gaze. How much of all this reached you, he didn't know. Perhaps he could tell you later again. But it helped a little with what he did next.
His free hand seized your thin wrists effortlessly to pry them off his forearm to no hamper his focus. Your wails increased in protest, you pleaded for him to stop desperately, under tears. "Don't do this," you whimpered, over and over again.
His grip on both your wrists and the back of your neck was unrelenting.
It tore at his heart in ways only you could. "Forgive me," he muttered again before closing his eyes to focus on you again - your muted chakra network.
And more importantly, your body itself - to examine the effects of the drug on you, as of right now. It was cruel - he extended your suffering, he hated himself for it, but there was no other way if he wanted to understand what was happening. You, on the other hand, vehemently protested the examination he was giving you; such a procedure did not hurt the slightest - it should not. Therefore he could only guess that right now, it must cause you immense discomfort, but he continued anyway. He had to. Distantly, he felt your body shift, - maybe your legs kicking out, against him? - he all took it humbly and with no more than a huff. He deserved it and then some.
However no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find a trace of bodily harm inside of you, besides what he already knew of. His focus shifted to your brain then -
He understood.
For all your chakra network lacked, your brain made up. The firework of nerves of each of your sensory cortices was a light that was too bright for Tobirama to investigate further - but if he were to guess, the 'leash' was responsible for this kind of overclocking. Everything made a lot more sense then: your pained reactions, your inaccessibility to logic. To put it plainly, they had taken every single sense and turned it up infinitely. Tobirama wouldn't be surprised if you could hear his own heartbeat right now. Quite possibly you had also been suffering from hallucinations as the unfed mind would begin to devour itself.
It was the perfect outlet for torture. Especially if the goal was to break the mind. Susceptible to everything it was exposed to.
Especially pain.
Tobirama felt the white-hot rage burn in his veins again.
And yet you had withstood.
He quickly understood why. The longer he examined your brain, the more your resistance grew - and he hadn't even done as much as gauge your mental  defenses, much less prod at them - this was just a physical examination. But your otherwise mute chakra had begun to swirl, to gather - and while it certainly lacked the strength to repel him, it began to coat you like a defensive mantle. The connection was withering.
Enough, he decided.
With no small amount of sorrow he let his chakra pelt yours in a familiar, soothing way - a feeble attempt to calm you down if just by trying to make you recall the many times you two had done this.
Convince you it was really him, he, would do just about anything to protect you.
Maybe, just maybe you stilled for a moment.
Then, he let his chakra smother the part of your brain that was responsible for your consciousness. Gently, quickly.
You stilled completely, your fight stilled.
Tobirama opened his eyes.
You were sacked against the wall, head hanging down, feet no more pressed against him.
He felt forlorn, spent. It was all too much.
He didn't even know how to name what was going on inside of him exactly anymore, it was all a garbled mass of sorrow, heartache, guilt and protectiveness.
He pulled you closer slowly to gather your gaunt form in his arms again. The hand that was on your neck snuck around to lock around your shoulders and the other freed your wrists and reached under your legs. Momentarily, he simply pressed his face to your hair and breathed in your familiar scent. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, wetness budding in his eyes again, though no tears would fall anymore. "I'll protect you." He simply was spent.
Then, he rose to his feet and turned towards Hashirama, who had arched up both eyebrows questioningly. The length of Tobirama's endeavour had not escaped him.
"I examined her to ascertain the effects of the drug," Tobirama confessed readily, dejectedly. His head spun, his heart ached so much again he wondered about how it still pumped blood evenly. That particular muscle had hurt so much lately it was a miracle it still worked as it did.
"I see," Hashirama replied, gently. "What did you find?"
"Let's take her to a room first. She'll be staying here longer, it would seem." Tobirama didn't want to speak more yet. He needed to regain his composure again before he'd explain. Besides, he still had to process all that just happened.
Hashirama nodded and motioned for Tobirama to follow him.  
He tightened his grip around your far too light body and followed him, looking down just once - your face looked more peaceful now than it had in hours. That, at least, was a relief. Although he still had wished it wouldn’t have happened this way. The wards were located on the second floor. Tobirama didn't look left or right at any curious faces - they knew better than to stare at you. Eventually they reached an empty room in one of them, Tobirama carefully placed you on the bed and draped the blanket over you. Then, he sat down on the bed, extending a hand to ghost over the side of your face in an utterly tender way.
He took a deep breath before rising up again and meeting his brother's expectant glance.
"This drug," he began slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers, "It has a psychotropic component. All of her senses were extremely heightened." He crossed his arms. “It’s no surprise she was delusional.”
Hashirama himself moved into the room to stand beside Tobirama, but glanced down at you. His forehead wrinkled in a sorrowful motion. "I see. That would… make sense, indeed."
Tobirama could only give an affirmative click of his tongue to that. Cruel sense, indeed. He then ventured to explain in more detail the findings of his examination, as neutral as possible.
The truth was, the exhaustion was taking its toll on him by now. He couldn't remember how long it's been since he slept - he still didn't  feel tired. But he was lightheaded and his concentration was faltering. Telltale signs, he knew.
No good. He still had work to do. Less than twelve hours until you needed the next dose. He needed to start on analysing that drug-
"Tobirama." Hashirama cut in. His warm gaze was on Tobirama now.
"What?", he replied, irritated.
"Go to sleep. You've been awake for more than thirty-six hours. We can't do more now." Sternness was leaking into his tone.
Tobirama gave an exasperated sigh. "Nonsense. I'm fine. We need to start working on analysing the contents and workings of this 'leash'."
Hashirama huffed. "We certainly do. But we will do that much better with some sleep."
"Then go. I'll start," Tobirama's eyelids narrowed to tiny slits, his tone became more icy.
Hashirama wouldn’t be fazed this time. "Go home, Tobirama. Don't make me throw you out." He made a meaningful pause. "Because I will."
"Anija!", he was practically growling now. To think his brother actually had the gall to-
Hashirama was unwavering. He really was serious about this.
Both were staring at each other in a silence that was so high-strung, only the faint sounds of your breaths echoed through the room. Another moment passed, then Tobirama huffed in a way that was nothing short of  very annoyed.
"I want to be notified the moment she wakes up," he commanded immediately, leaving no question about what might happen if he was not. If he was to follow  orders , then he had some demands too.
"Of course. I'll ask Mito," Hashirama found a much more agreeable tone. Throwing his wife's name into the mix was a smart move of course, but it calmed Tobirama only so much.
He should be here.
He reached inside his pocket to retrieve a piece of parchment. A second later, the distinct smell of burnt paper was in the air. He placed the branded item on the nightstand next to your head.  With another sorrowful glance, he considered your gaunt form, still perfectly still and asleep. The next moment, he was in his own home. If he hesitated a moment longer, he'd have stayed by your side most likely - his mind was heavy, his heart torn but his brother was right. He was spent, exhausted and this had been a trip into a hell, back again, and then right back into the next hell.
It still took quite some time before sleep claimed him. His mind wouldn't stop to process the information he had gained today and begin to plan his next moves meticulously.
Truth be told, everything was just too quiet here.
When next you came to, the familiar powerlessness had you in its vice grip. But you had expected that. It always was like that after… after they had done everything to you.
The blanket over your body felt leaden. You didn't complain. Wait - blanket?
Other than the crushing exhaustion, you weren't too bad off. What disturbed you more was the fact you did, in fact, recognize your surroundings: the Konoha hospital.
Which put everything that just happened in a different light.
Your gaze shot left and right frantically to be certain this really was what you believed it to be.
The memory of what must have been a few hours ago was vivid. Way too vivid, in fact. A nightmarish trip you remembered  most  things of, even though your perception of it had been very jangled, to put it mildly. The voices and persons you misconceived.
The things you had said.
What Tobirama's voice - no, Tobirama - had said-
What he had done. A lump formed in your throat. No, what he had been forced to do. He'd never- You groaned and dragged a hand over your face, happy the sensation felt… normal. But the tiny bit of comfort you had found was blown away. The predicament you found yourself made you uneasy. In fact, you had to fight down the panic budding - The door swung open. A smiling, red-haired woman entered. "Mito," your raspy voice whispered. Her fine eyebrows rose up. "You're awake," a small smile formed on her lips. "Good. There's someone waiting for you." She walked closer to your bedside. Your eyes followed her as she picked a piece of parchment up from the nightstand - and you recognised the seal on it immediately. Your heart skipped a little. "Is Tobirama here?" She chuckled and her smile turned distinctively finer. "Something tells me he will be in a heartbeat." You ducked a little, daring to utter a chuckle of your own. When was the last time you had done that? She winked and turned to leave the room. Instantly, you felt wishing her back. Being alone turned your focus back to yourself - all that just happened - what might happen again? Your breath came shorter. What exactly was going to happen now? Weren't you going to be safe now? Just a few hours ago- Your heart was hammering inside your chest now. With a low groan, you heaved your chest off the bed and sat up. Your abused body protested, but you ignored the aches that pinched and burned through you, echoes of everything the Stone shinobi had done to you. Your eyes were becoming awfully wet- A baritone voice pulled you out of your downward spiral. "Y/n." Your gaze shot up. In the door stood Tobirama, dressed in his black long-sleeved shirt and pants - huffing a little. His scarlet gaze was intense - he was gauging your reaction. When he recognised how laboured your breathing was however and the glint in your eyes, his forehead wrinkled in a worried frown. "What's wrong, Y/n?" He took a step closer. Was he being … cautious? "Are you in pain?" His voice was as firm as ever, but you could tell he was making an effort to be soft. You sobbed. "Tobirama…", your voice was somehow even more frail than before, but shook your head. You beckoned him closer with a wave of your hand, a lead he gladly took. In an instant, he was by your side, sitting carefully down on the side of the bed, giving your blanketed body a quick once over. "Tell me what's wrong, please," he inquired then, now more smooth than before. His hand reached for your shoulder to press you gently back onto the bed. You didn't resist - not that you could, anyway. You shook your head then slightly in regards to his question, already feeling your breathing even out. Your hand reached for his, which again he eagerly took in both of his. With a warm smile you felt his chakra grazing over yours and your network slowly - mingling with yours. You wanted to respond in kind, but you knew your response was too sluggish - your chakra felt drugged still. It had been since your capture. Unsurprisingly, Tobirama wouldn't let go of the issue with a shake of your head. "You were crying, Y/n." His voice was still tender, but there was a certain kind of firmness in it still. You had to smile weakly. Only Tobirama could care for you and still make everything a command. "I think I have a lot of things to cry about." But you were nothing if not known for your sharp tongue. Tobirama visibly flinched. For a moment, you felt bad - perhaps that comment had been too sharp. He closed his eyes momentarily. When he opened them again, he was gazing on the floor, still holding your hand tightly. A thumb began stroking over your skin. "You are right of course," his voice bore a fragment of the anguish you recalled it had born before. "What happened, Tobirama?", you finally asked, gently. He took a deep breath. "You started to deorientate, slowly, after we had rescued you. You were tired first - but then, that turned into somnolence. Not long after, you started to tremble and developed a fever." His voice was sounding neutral, but you could tell there was a low jitter in his baritone voice. "Hashirama and I examined you and we found your chakra network was being disrupted by something - your body had started to repel it. The more it did so, the more you were harming yourself. I … found out it was the effect of the drug the Stone had given you. Or rather, the beginning lack thereof." He frowned, then. "Parts of this drug, anyway." You were silent. It didn't take a genius to figure out how the rest had come to happen, then. A chilling sensation befell you. "They had forced something down my throat frequently," you supplied when Tobirama didn't continue directly. "I didn't realise… at some point, it'd become a necessity." How, anyhow? They always used it to torture you. His grip on your hand became tighter, the brush of his chakra a bit warmer. "We were forced to give you the drug again." He paused, and took a deep breath. "Forgive me, Y/n," he finally gazed back at you. His eyebrows were pulled together in what could only be described as a sorrowful expression, oddly vulnerable. And yet - this being Tobirama - he still carried this air of dignity around him. You gasped - you hadn't forgotten the promise he had made during your delirium. But to hear it from him again, now - it hit differently. Tobirama was a serious man. But the sincerity his voice carried now - the unspoken plea for forgiveness, the guilt - it hurt you. "You had to, Tobirama," you whispered, letting your free hand rub over his exposed forearms to try and alleviate him from his sorrow, to absolve him from his guilt. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking deep breaths. When he opened them again, the sorrow was not yet gone. "We've got no antidote yet, Y/n." A shiver ran down your spine. You gulped. You knew you wouldn't like what he'd say next. "Until we do…", he began slowly, visibly struggling to find the right words. The gentle words, maybe. Tobirama was not a man of gentle words. "You're going to have to take this drug, regularly." The statement hit you like a punch into the gut. Your blood in your veins froze. You closed your eyes which had already begun to burn up already. All of this was supposed to be over now. Except it wasn't. Regularly, you'd be forced to undergo horror trips under the effects of that damn drug. If you didn't, you'd die. You clenched your teeth as you tried to bite back a sob. It was unfair. Well, life was unfair. The weight on the side of your bed shifted. You peeked a bloodshot eye open to find Tobirama now was facing you. His lips were turned down - he looked helpless. You whimpered miserably. "Y/n," he uttered, his voice reveal the hint of a tremor, too. You grasped more tightly at his forearm to pull yourself up with it, groaning lowly with the pain that movement. You felt Tobirama stiffen at first and actually were sure he was sure to shut you down since he'd never stand for you doing anything that hurt yourself - but when you had flung your bony arm around his neck, his eyes widened slightly. Quickly, his hands released yours to hug around your haggard body and pull it close to his. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in deeply. The sobs still came through, though. A hand rubbed gently over your back, soothingly. "Y/n," he whispered again, your name haunted by anguish. "I don't want to, Tobirama," you breathed against his skin, fisting the fabric of his black shirt with one hand and his silvery hair with the other. "I know," he sighed. "You must." There was no question in his tone, only sorrowful recognition. "If not, the withdrawal will kill you, Y/n." His grip around you became firmer. More desperate. The hand around your shoulder moved to your hair to stroke it gently. "How long… until the next dose?", you asked, dreading the answer already. He sighed. "About four hours. I'm not sure yet when the withdrawal symptoms will set in again." You could only give a whimper in response. He rubbed over your back firmly. "I won't rest until I've got the antidote, Y/n," he continued, the vigour returning to his voice - the tremble, gone. Do not get between Tobirama Senju and his objectives. It reassured you. To know he was the one on this - your face turned slightly to breathe up his neck first, then peck his cheek. "I love you, Tobirama." His response was prompt. He leaned back slightly just to gaze at your face - the determination inside was near tangible. Then, he leaned forward to press his lips against yours, desperate, almost. "I love you too." It wouldn't alleviate the fear of when the next dose came around, no. But you dared to hope now.
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cafeinthemoon · 4 years
Tobirama with s/o who's always smiling (but deep inside is mad)
When anon requested this one, I considered writing something funny and nothing more, but maybe I should a bit of drama here lol
So this time we have the grumpy old man with a s/o who’s used to hide her anger/dissatisfaction behind a smile, maybe waiting for him to figure out her true feelings.
Also let me tell you all that from now on I will only post requests, because they’re so late now and I wanna let my mind free to focus only on my fics after finishing them. This means I will not reopen the ask box right after finishing the remaining requests. No, it won’t be closed forever, but I need some time to put things in order before accepting more requests.
Thank you sm for requesting this, anon! I hope you enjoy it 😚
Fandom: Naruto | Tobirama Senju
Symbols: ◻ | 💗 | 💜 | 💚 | ▶
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So, it happened again
When Tobirama informed you about his next mission out of the village, you asked him to send a message when he found some time
He promised you he would do it
But you should have known that it wasn’t going to happen
Two weeks passed, not a single word from him came to you, and then you heard he was back with his team at the village’s entry
You went there to welcome him and his young students, and to see if everyone was alright since your huband forgot to keep his promise
Tobirama didn’t say anything, but the way he looked at you when you approached him spoke for him: he indeed had some time to send some news but he didn’t
Of course you didn’t question him right there in front of everyone. You welcomed them, checked if everything was ok and left with him
You were all smiles and gentle words, but deep down you were never so mad
(Later you talked with Hiruzen in particular, and he confirmed what you already knew: yes, the team didn’t have as much trouble as Tobirama expected or wanted you to believe, but no message was sent to the village)
You sighed
It’s been like this since you’ve started your relationship: you asked him simple things like this, but it seems that anything that reminded him of being kind was a challenge 😪
And you always saw yourself forced to hold the pieces together and smile
But sometimes he made it seem that demanding the least was demanding too much
You spent that whole week in this: doing everything you had to do as his wife, but avoiding a serious long conversation
(And sometimes letting your irony out)
But what about Tobirama?
Well, it's not like he doesn't notice or doesn't know you're mad
He does, and better than anyone
But if you're expecting a reaction from him, you will die waiting
(You know that, even if you don’t want to admit it)
Whether you like it or not, this man's communication style relies on the direct, clear exchange of thoughts and feelings
So not talking and waiting for him to take any initiative won't help you
The weekend came, and you finally had some time at home
You were taking your breakfast at the kitchen
It was early in the morning, and you knew that as soon as he left the table, he was going to lock himself in his office
So before he could leave the kitchen, you stood up and called him
“What is it, y/n?”
“I have to tell you something”
He doesn’t reply; he just stands there, waiting
You told him everything you have been bottling up during the week: what he did to make you so mad, how you felt about that, how his reaction to this only made everything worse, etc.
“I know that sometimes things can get so difficult that you barely have time to sleep, but what I fail to understand is: why? Why do you always act like this? Why is it so hard for you to tell me if you’re alright? Why do you act like my worries are not valid? Don’t you see how much it hurts me?”
And before you noticed, you started to cry tears you didn’t even know you were holding back
The first response you got from him was not a verbal one
He approached you and passed his arms around you, hugging you as tight as possible without hurting you
It’s been a while since he hugged you like that. Soon his warmth and protection calmed you down, and you stopped crying
He then gave you a kiss on the top of you head
“I always knew that this makes you angry, but I did not know that you were so offended by my attitude until now. If I was more perceptive, things would never come to this point. I am sorry for this”
You found a solution for this problem together: from his side, he would tell his students to remind him of sending messages whenever he had the opportunity for it and seem to forget, and from your side you would no longer hide your frustrations like this and act as if everything was ok
You two would be honest about your feelings, thoughts and mistakes, and never let something so little to stand between you 💙
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 4 years
Hashirama arranging Tobirama a marriage with his s/o
“There are a lot of arranged marriege ones for Tobirama but what about an arranged marriage but he's already interested and maybe Hashirama thinks he's not making any progress and decides to meddle and arrange one for the two?” @kaiseaya
Thanks for the request! And sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted since i realize i kiiiiinda went away from the request?? Idk i feel as if i didn’t write it properly 
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Tobirama and you aren’t officially together
You have feelings for each other and hang out whenever he’s free
But you aren’t actually a couple despite the numerous ‘dates’ you two have gone on
It’s not that you two are scared of the commitment, its just that you can’t be a couple.
Tobirama Senju, someone in the main branch of the clan, someone who would become head of the Senju should anything happen to his brother, someone with such high authority.
How could he be dating someone like you? 
You often ask yourself this and remind yourself on how lucky you are
You couldn’t tell anyone you had feelings for each other
You guys have hid it well but eventually Hashirama knows whats up
He might ask you a few questions and you didn’t know how to respond
Could you really lie to the hokage? To someone who’s been hailed as the God of Shinobi?
He sees through it and frowns at your lie but nods his head anyways
About 6 months pass and you two still havent become official and its driving him mad
He doesn’t want his brother to hide his love life for the sake of the clan
He confronts the younger senju and when tobirama went to say the same thing you had half a year ago, he was cut off
“Don’t lie to me brother, how long have you been hiding this relationship?”
“...it will be 2 years in a month”
Hashirama is shook 
2 whole years you two have been together?? 2 whole years his dear younger brother has had to hide his feelings for the one he loves?
Although it’s not hashirama’s fault, he can’t help but feel slightly guilty
At the sudden silence the albino is slightly worried his brother disapproves and wants the two of you to end it
Tobirama asks in his own long, word filled and confusing way to let you guys stay together in secret
The elder brother smiles and pats his shoulder and says he will take care of things
About a week passes and suddenly tobirama finds himself in formal wear and getting ready for a meeting with his brother
Usually he doesn’t mind too much, but it was bothering him that hashirama was leaving out all the details
As the brothers are walking to the location, the water user raises a brow when he sees you walking in the same direction, also in formal clothing
Hashirama smiles before walking ahead, giving the secret lovers some space
Tobirama asks why your so dressed up and you say its because your parents are taking you to a Omiai 
He asks if your the one whos seeing if fit to be married and it made you laugh
“Pfft of course not! I think i would know if i was about to be put in an arranged marriage. Plus i would tell you right away if i was. My parents are simply taking me so i can learn how its done in person”
Lad is so relieved but pauses
He asks the location of this meeting and is slightly surprised when you said the name of the place he’s going to
You say its probably just coincidence and he barely nods his head in response
“Theres no reason to worry right? Besides, I heard this place gives the best sushi in all of konoha”
You give each other compliments on your looks and make some small talk for the rest of the walk (but lets be real it was just you giving compliments and him thinking the compliments in return)
What surprises him though is when you arrive at the location is that not only were you brought to the same room but you were suddenly seated across from each other
“Anija what is the meaning of this?” Tobirama mumbles and his brother gives him a slightly shocked look
“Im surprised someone like you hasn’t put it together yet! You’ll see in just a bit” 
The meeting starts and immediately your father asks why you should be married off to hashirama
“Wait w h a t?”
It took everything tobirama had not to blast everything away with his chakra
You sat there with a VERY strained smile as you looked towards the senju
“I wasn’t aware that this omiai was for me, much less with Hashirama-samma.”
Hashirama laughs nervously and properly explains the situation
“No no this isn’t for me, I already have my lovely mito! This marriage proposal is between my younger brother, Tobirama, and your child, Y/n-san.”
Theres many emotions throughout the meeting but you manage to stay professional the whole time
It honestly doesn’t take much to convince your parents
Getting married to a senju was such an honor that they didn’t even think twice. But they wanted to make it seem they where putting up atleast a bit of a fight
At the end of the meeting and when the food has been eaten, you all do your respective bows before going your separate ways
Well really, it was just your parents leaving.
The brothers and you had a bit to discuss on this very out of the blue marriage
Tobirama demands for the reason his brother didn’t even ask for his own opinion, and why this was happening in general
Hashirama proceeds to give a very long and overly emotional explanation that you two can finally openly be together and happy
You can finally be an official couple and it brings two clans together in the process
Its a win!
“Oh don’t tell me you’re not happy with this, Tobirama! You guys are so happy together! I’ve seen you smile more times for y/n than i have seen you smile in years!”’
And well he’s not wrong, you both are extremely happy for this marriage but tobirama won’t show that yet
He’s upset that not only did his brother get involved, but that he couldn’t even make it official himself
As tobirama walks away you give a quick hug and thanks to the elder brother
He smiles and pats your head before leaving himself
you meet up with tobirama and ask if he’s really sure he wants to do this
“I should be asking you the same thing”
you guys come to the conclusion that you indeed want this, and is very grateful that hashirama went ahead and planned this through
And soon after that, you and tobirama are not only a couple, but married as well.
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