#possibly dehydrated
yifftwiceplz · 11 months
was dreaming and felt thirsty
dreamt about sucking down a cold soda and a whole bottle of apple juice
like in detail i can remember dream chugging
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salt-n-salt · 2 months
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harvey’s worst patient
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fruitysmellz · 2 months
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Saw this joke on Facebook and thought it fits these two. Can’t wait for them to come back this August 🥰🙏
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bl0rbohandbag · 1 year
I was going to say that Lilia was pleasantly wrong and that Malleus is nowhere near as bad as Mallenoa sounds, that he is actually pretty level-headed and calm despite having his moments and is considerably less temperamental and more mature than his mother but you know what. I forgot we are currently in this entire situation because of his selfish desire for everything to remain unchanging and poor emotional management to the point he overblotted and put not only Lilia but the entire NRC under a sleeping spell because of his unwiligness to engage with upsetting emotions and letting go of people he loves.
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neige-de-mars · 22 days
I want sushi so bad
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francesderwent · 1 year
400 mg ibuprofen and kombucha, potion of I don't know what's wrong with me but please fix it, please
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🐻 for Emmeline!
Send 🐻 to find my muse caught in a bear trap!
Content Warnings: female whumpee, immortal whumpee, hunted, trapped, severe injury, severe pain, bleeding, broken bones, torn Achilles, dehydration, rescue (?), ambiguous ending.
This is how I imagine the trap looking.
Emmeline's lungs and legs burn. Dodging trees, boulders and branches, she races through the dark woods, without stopping, without looking back. She can't hear how close her pursuer is over the sounds of her own crashing steps and rapid breathing. It could be right behind her and she would never know. All she can do now is run like hell and hope she gets lucky.
Her determination pays off - up ahead the warm glow of a porch lamp is a beacon of hope. A smile breaks across her face. She can't take her eyes off it. She isn't looking where she's running.
At first it's just like tripping. Her foot hits something hard and a SNAP rings out.
Suddenly her leg pulls taut and her forward momentum stops abruptly. Emmeline crashes to the ground with a shriek at the instant, blinding pain, and immediately blacks out.
The morning is foggy, the ground damp with dew. A shiver startles her awake. Her leg starts to throb.
Emmeline groans. The pain is dull at first but sharpens like a knife. She starts to struggle, trying to escape it. All this does is make it worse and she quickly goes still except for her frantic breathing.
When she's calmer and more awake, she carefully turns onto her back and props herself up to assess the damage.
The trap's powerful jaws are embedded deep into her ankle. Though it is old and rusted, the points have been recently sharpened, allowing them to effortlessly pierce muscle and tendons and fracture the bone beneath. Her foot is twisted at an awkward angle. She can't feel her toes.
Emmeline slowly lowers herself back to the ground, trembling with cold and fear. The pain is unbearable and no amount of remaining still and breathing calmly will alleviate it.
It doesn't take long to become desperate. Emmeline no longer cares who finds her if it means being freed.
"HELP!" She cries hoarsely. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!"
She screams for help until her voice gives out.
Time passes in a blur marked only by the shifting light. Emmeline will be awake and in agony for long stretches until she can't take it and passes out. As the day goes on thirst sets in, then hunger. Her time spent unconscious grows longer and longer. And then she doesn't wake at all.
Emmeline returns to consciousness to the feeling of water trickling over her lips. Her mouth opens instinctively, greedy taking every drop. It tastes off somehow but her leg is throbbing viciously and she needs the strength to heal.
She can feel someone - or something - hovering over her in a way that fills her with dread. If they wanted to hurt her they would have already...right?
A crack rings out as her fractured ankle snaps back into place. Emmeline shouts mid-drink and chokes on it; she starts to cough. Breathless and in pain, she can do nothing but lie still when something cold and damp touches her skin.
I made A POLL for you to decide what could potentially happen next!
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connectedportal · 6 months
In an effort to expand my horizons of playing different video game genres, I have recently been spending my time playing Subnautica. Survival games that I find interest in are very few, but I have been thoroughly enjoying my experiences with Subnautica and the mystical, yet terrifying underwater world it has crash-landed me in.
However, something that I had noticed about my behaviour while playing is that every time I had learned something new about the game, I would reset my save files as soon as I stopped playing in a bid to be "more efficient" than my other attempts. It was a frustrating habit that I had previously noted in games such as Minecraft and Don't Starve. Every time I would do this, I felt guilty - as if I was playing the game wrong because I reset. But, I reset because I learned I was never starting these games "right".
After realising that this habit reared its head again in my Subnautica playthrough, I looked at the other gameplay options and noted the differences between the "Standard" and "Hardcore" difficulties. There were only three changes:
No revives
No oxygen warnings (which caused me more trouble than it was worth)
A different starting area (not stated in the menu)
The blasé way that this was presented in the menu in comparison to other games (which emphasise the difficulty increase or make the hardcore option seperate from just hitting "new game") piqued my interest and I tried out this different gameplay style. I'm very glad I did because now I cannot imagine playing the game in any other way!
It's small decisions in the presentation like this that can completely change how a person plays a game and I have been having a blast being able to start from zero over and over again to push my progress further and further! Though, this repeat of crashlanding and having to survive the same situations makes me imagine that I am in a timeloop, because if I was to survive on this planet under normal circumstances, it would only be because of the immense amount of trial and error that a time loop could afford me.
In any case, I hope that I will keep surviving my time loop adventures all the way until the end!
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frog-ology · 1 year
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A dainty tree frog (Litoria gracilenta), rescued from a shopping centre. These frogs get unintentionally transported all over Australia by produce trucks, earning them the nickname “banana box frog”.
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bluevaractyl · 8 months
I am good! Slowly drowning in homework, but I'm pretending it's fine. Worrying means you suffer twice, as they say...
I am working on staying hydrated and it is absurdly hard. Join meeeee *squirts you with a water gun*
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per-oceanum · 7 months
This. This is how I picture Crocodile's figure. Not absolutely ripped, there's a healthy layer of fat, but beneath that is a rigid layer of muscle.
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they need to invent a google that u can't look up symptoms on i swear i spend so much of my time thinking im dying of something that i might genuinely give myself an ulcer or worry myself into an early graaaaaave
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What if I um killed myself
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ibijau · 8 months
I feel super down this week, but in a way that makes me super angry about it because? I have no reason to be down?? This is a pretty normal week I'm doing pretty normal things, I'm just stupidly down somehow
fucking brain chemicals
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Nobody told me I could have a panic attack and in the days it takes me to recover from it, have a second panic attack that takes even longer to recover from.
Sodium, attend my misery.
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buttdumplin · 9 months
give me simon riley with a belly or give me death
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