#also how are you gonna trust a guy who makes so many jutsus that had to be forbidden??
chidoroki · 1 year
Hell’s Paradise EP12
aka: let’s go ladies! and senta
Damn dude, did ya have to stop Yuzuriha like that?
Oh? Maybe Hoko ain’t completely dead yet if he’s still talking with his head detached..?
“This island is a place for conduction experiments on life. You and all the others are simply prototypes produced as part of experiments. And the humans who come to this island are research materials.” Yeah, nope, we all gotta leave this place NOW.
“Tan is essential to us, but if an ordinary human consumes it, they turn into a tree.” I can’t be sure if he’s lying or not with this.
If there really is no elixir on this island, then Gabimaru is gonna lose his mind.
Okay, fairly impressed that we’re finally seeing some of Yuzuriha’s abilities like a substitution jutsu and her quick reflexes with kunai, but sadly I don’t think chopping off Mu Dan’s head is gonna kill him sweetie..
Hold up, Yuzuriha could see tao this whole time? Or qi as she calls it.
Oohh Senta finally drawing his sword, and to protect a criminal too.
Humans can’t learn this “distant strike” huh? Mu Dan needs a closer look at Chobei then.
Yuzuriha’s slime/poison ninjutsu was pretty lethal but still not good enough to fatally wound this guy.
Both are attacking Mu Dan in a rapid succession yet he’s dodging every single sword slash and slime whip that comes his way.
“The legends says tao comes from our tanden, travels through the body, and returns to the tanden once more. If you sever his tanden...” So Chobei was pretty accurate when he realized their weakness was in the stomach.
Sagiri might not have been strong enough to make that last slash count but the cut to Mu Dan’s face didn’t regenerate?
Yo these three are quite an interesting team and I’m impressed with how much they’re learning so quickly.
Oooh Yuzuriha tanking those hits and putting so much trust into Sagiri to finish off this monster.
“It was a gamble.” “But the two of us won.” If they actually managed to kill Mu Dan I’m gonna fangirl so hard. Also, I love both these women so much regardless.
Damn, Senta wanted to be an artist but due to family traditions he had to be a sword tester instead.
“I can hardly call myself an Asaemon when I admire a criminal.” “Not at all. I kind of.. It’s really only a little, but I kind of understand how you feel.” Ohhh my, the way the anime cut to Gabimaru in the middle of Sagiri’s response like that though.
Um, I think our boy pushed himself too hard last ep if he suddenly passed out.
Shit! I knew Mu Dan couldn’t have been dead! Aahh and Senta took the hit for Yuzuriha!
Wait a fucking minute, he’s sprouting flowers? He’s dead just like that??? Oh my god, we just got his backstory! That should’ve prepared me yet I was caught up in happy feelings!! Damnit!
SHION!!! Sweet lord I am so damn relieved see you step in and help our girls!
I dunno man, it’s a combination of many things but that could’ve been one of my favorite episodes yet.
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Thinking about the Uchihas agreeing to an alliance because they’re tired and they wanna stop fighting and they just want peace
Thinking about how a Senju was their first hokage
Thinking about how their second hokage was another Senju
Thinking about how that Senju was the brother of the first instead of someone in the next generation that could help the village progress
Thinking about Tobirama insisting they’re cursed with hatred while he’s the one so full of hatred that he does everything he can to make their time in the village (that was made by both the Senu and Uchiha) suck
Thinking about how the third hokage was the student of the second hokage and he apparently believed the Uchiha were so far beyond redemption that he allowed them to be massacred
Thinking about how so many of the Uchiha we know about just wanted peace and for their loved ones to be safe
Thinking about how the last full blooded Uchiha doesn’t feel safe and happy in the village his ancestors made to keep him and the other Uchiha safe because all that village has done has hurt him and how that’s villainized
Thinking about how the most tragic part of Hashirama and Madara’s friendship is that for all Hashirama loved Madara and wanted to help the Uchiha, they would’ve been in a much better place if it wasn’t for him trying to force peace
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mansionofmuses · 4 years
Alright fuck it I figured it's time to put my nuts in the ring when it comes to writing up rwde reviews about shiddy writing.
I already made a post about how closure doesn't exist in rwby, so that SHOULD trim this a bit. Hopefully.
These last two of seasons of rwby have been ASS and idk even know where to start. So lemme do some character progressions instead of jumping all over the place. Let's start with my fav: Neo. And I'll be as unbiased as possible.
Starting from v6, she came back and teamed up with Cinder. Cool? Cool. Fair enough. V7 onwards she's been treated like a BITCH by Cinder and has visibly shown her disdain for that on screen. And yet she still chooses to hang with her? Why? Like... Genuinely why? Is Neo not like the stealth queen? And the driver of a thousand vehicles? Why does she even need Cinder? Could she not have just jacked an airship herself, flown to Atlas after getting the info from Cinder, and began her hunt there? Instead she's just some minion to her now? Okay fine so let's say their team up makes sense in some odd world. Why the fuck would Neo agree to go to Cinder in the Satan Whale? Why? Why the fuck is she there? After being denied multiple times to get to Ruby and even being treated like shit with visible disdain, she should have absolutely left with a middle finger to Cinder. But nope. We get to see her be visibly uncomfortable in this cult and clearly wants out. Which she does, so good shit. She snatches the lamp and heads out. Fair enough, I guess? I don't know why the fuck she trusts Cinder to go back to her after being treated like shit. After Cinder's doodoo attitude towards her, Neo should be like "wow maybe she's lying to me about roman lemme check with this genie bitch" but no. And don't say "oh well she can't talk so jinn wouldn't be able to answer her." Fuck that. 1. I should hope that the password wouldn't be so ableist against mute people. 2. Neo's resourceful as hell. Text to speech and boom. There ya go. Instead she goes back to Cinder like a lost puppy after being shown multiple times how much she hates her. Why the fuck does she need Cinder to get to Ruby? I have no fucking idea! And then everyone's favorite scene. I know I know she killed Blake's hip atta-- I mean character devel-- I mean Yang. That scene. Was doodoo. And I'll get into more intricacies about it much later. But for now, why the hell was Neo so sloppy in that assassination? Like gurl you revealed yourself so early from, apparently so far away? Pretend to be a passerby with everything disguised (I saw that lamp) impale her and boom. Done. Not sure why she went for a slash either when a thrusting weapons like that would be best for a quicker impale. It would have made any on screen death so much more confirmed instead of up in the air bullshit.
Next we have Ironwood. Oh James. How far you've fallen. I don't really understand what the hell they're doing with this character any more. Like... At all. I fully expect him to turn into the joker and join salem at this point lmfao. At first he was complex, but cool, right? Ok a stern leader who still wants to help people and see team rwby in beacon grow and be successful. Fair enough. Then came v4 and he was like "hey yang. Heard about the arm. Here ya go homie." That was pretty cool to give to a young veteran. Fair enough. But good god once v7 hit, everything just went haywire. He started making the dumbest decisions. Kind of. I understand how he's like "aite let's sack mantle to ensure atlas lives cause otherwise both parties will be dead." except idk why he didn't just make a plan to evacuate everyone to mantle first but whatever. I mean team rwby did it like... In a day? Shouldn't have been hard. Then he started losing his fucking mind. There was an entire thing about trust issues and plans (ngl I didn't care enough to pay much attention) and he ends up wanting to arrest the kids more than actually stopping Salem. Like homie. Why. You have a gang of strong ass hunters on your side, don't just throw that away. They could say "acab fuck the police anarchy reigns" and you should still keep them just to fight literal satan on your doorstep. But he fucking drops everything and resources and materials on arresting them. Like why???? And then he just shoots a child just because? And he goes around full fascist mode and his character is just gone at that point. He literally actively wants to kill the people of Mantle now instead of stopping Salem and I don't fucking get it. He could literally plot with salem about how to nuke mantle and I'd be like "shoulda seen it coming". And then when he gets outta jail he kills Jacques... Just cause? Like why? I understand Jacques let Salem's forces in and eventually led to this shit show, but like... Atlas was falling. Just leave. I don't understand. But I guess it's to show how hateful he is towards those who oppose him, so whatever. Idk I'm so done with him. This man is just so boring I just can't wait for him to get killed off so we can be done with him. I'm sure I missed a fuckload of intricacies about Ironwood but I really don't care at all about this schmuck.
Next on the shitlist is the entirety of team rwby. Just to compact it all into one. Ruby has been getting on my nerves SO much. She is so holier than thou and always right. If she had just openly talked with Ironwood about all these secrets and shit, none of this would be happening. Yeah there would be panic, but homie what's the alternative? Fight in secrecy against the police and Salem?
"hey Ruby I noticed that lamp you keep hanging around. What is that?"
"oh uhhhh definitely not a grimm magnet HAHAHAHAH"
Like no shit everyone's gonna be pissed when you lie to them and keep these secrets. Also these plans are dogshit. "We gotta get a message out." To who??? The rest of the world is gonna see some lil kid be like "hey Ironwood's gone crazy and some evil witch bitch is here tryna kill us all." Like who are they gonna believe? A random girl or the fact that ironwood is the head of the largest military state in the world? For all they know it's just some prank and it's totally unbelievable.
Team RWBY sippin team for v8 and doing nothing all volume? Nice. "But they needed to protect Nora." You mean to tell me Ruby, May, Blake, and Weiss all had to be there to protect someone. The Grimm attacked once and that was it. You guys have no medical history. At all. All you did was wrap her up and drink tea during the volume where there's a literal war happening outside. You don't just "wait for help" you ARE THE HELP you're hunters you fucks! Go out and get shit done. Have like one person stay behind just in case shit goes wrong. Preferably Weiss so she can have those meaningful conversations with her family members she never fucking had. But whatever. Ruby and Yang get into... A fight? That lasts for five seconds when they leave and then when they see each other again it just doesn't matter so I'm not sure why the fuck it was brought up at all. It had no impact whatsoever. And there's a ton more I'm sure I'm just burning out at this point. But let's just talk about the big shit. Yang's death. Everyone's saying she'll come back because plot armor but I'm in the "I genuinely think she's dead" group. She turned to Dust as she fell. I mean who knows maybe Deus Ex machina rears it's convenient head. I hate hate hate how that scene was done. That was such an unbelievable death. Weiss, Ruby, and even Blake all have ways of catching her. Easily. Weiss has like fifty ways of catching someone between summons and semblance. Ruby can teleport around the world. And Blake can just shadow clone jutsu her way there but WHATEVER. I guess everyone was too busy being nerfed and sucking ass. Again. And the reactions? Dog shit. Even when she sacrifices herself for Ruby, it's still all about the bees. It's so genuinely annoying. Ruby just whispers her sisters name and that's pretty much it aside from a >:( face here and there. Weiss doesn't even grieve she just comforts Blake who's losing her shit. And I don't know why Weiss doesn't grieve cause SHE WAS HER HOMIE TOO LIKE C'MON RT LET'S SEE SOME UGLY SOBBING DAMN so now everyone's gone feral (except Weiss who just doesn't give a shit about Yang apparently.) And despite Blake saying "yo let's not kill people aite Yang?" She's gonna say fuck that and have it out for Neo and Cinder out of revenge. Alright I guess. That's fair honestly. Challenging ones own morals based on emotions. Good enough. But god I just wished we could see more from Ruby and Weiss during that. Also I'm so sick of the "oh this character fell are they dead are they not?" Thing that rt keeps doing. Just have Neo impale her and go. Easy as that. On screen confirmation. I'm sure team RWBY has a fuckload more to crit but I'm done with this topic.
Winter. Bootlicking to the extreme that she casts aside her own sister and doesn't care if her friends die. Nice. No closure at all after she turns back to being a good guy I guess. I'm done with her. Not a whole lot to say.
The aceops are just so dumb. I'm done with them. Everytime they talk about genocide for the good of atlas I'm just rolling my eyes. Just say you're fascists and move on. And idk why the fuck harriet is gonna bomb an empty mantle. Atlas is already falling on it, you literally have no reason to do this. And this plot point is stupid as hell. Next.
Cinder. I'm not sure why they decided to randomly drop her background story into the mix. Like I don't think anyone gives a shit after all the crap she's done. I'm so sick of rt trying to make her some "uwu woe is me" woobie after doing so much shit and killing so many people. Her uwu crying moments are just stupid. Honestly watts is one of my fav characters just for telling her how crappy she is. Next
Hazel. Homie is dumb as hell. He hates Ozpin because his sister died in a mission. Fair enough. Why the fuck would you ever join Grimm Hitler when Grimm are what killed her in the first place??? Like??? Just hate him on your own time dude, jesus. And he is consistently hypocritical and it's so stupidly funny how bad this character is.
"HOW MANY MORE CHILDREN WILL YOU HURT OZPIN" as he beats the piss outta Nora, Ren, RWBY, Oscar, and probably some random five year old on the street while shouting OZPIIIIN to the skies. It also didn't take a whole lot to convince him how stupid he was thank god. His character was so cool in design and in theory but good god he got executed soooo fucking poorly. Kinda glad he's dead just so we don't have to deal with his stupidity. Next.
Emerald. This bitch. I can't. I LOVE how easily rwby just forgave her. It was so stupidly funny. "oh but yang was ready to fight her at first and snatched her weapons" yeah for five fucking minutes. Then came the part where she helped stabilize Penny and gave a half assed speech about switching sides. Meanwhile everyone's just magically forgiving of her like OH THAT EMERALD AHAHAH like she didn't help orchestrate the fall of Beacon, the death of many, including Penny, and all the terrible shit that's gone down. No resentment from RWBY except for my favorite line delivered this volume. It was Weiss's ever so beautiful "SHUT UP" LOL (I play Smite and I love how her VVGQ Quiet voice line sounds the same. So when I heard this line, I thought of Smite and immediately laughed. Kudos to you Weiss.)
Salem. The hound attacked Penny in the mansion... Why? You already established connection with Watts in jail. Did he not tell her "ay she cool with us." And in turn did she not tell him "ay she cool with us don't hit her"? I guess not? Cause the hound and penny shoulda bounced together the second they met up lmao. Other than that, salem's done nothing this volume except try to be scary and get her ass beat by hazel. She could easily just go out in the field with her grimm and blasts some people or SOMETHING GOD so far our main villain is just so boring and unimposing that literally every other villain, including her subordinates, feel more like threats than her.
Now I'll just talk about scenes.
The scene with ambrosius was COATED IN CONVENIENCE. Apparently Ozpin didn't tell the gang about the WinMore button they could just fucking walk to until now because??? Idk. I LOVE how team rwby just assumed that penny would be okay when they took her robot parts out. Realistically she should just be a floating husk of aura and nothingness. Like she never had organs. I don't understand how she's a real person now? Which, by the way, I'm pretty fucking insulted about how they handled that. Why make Penny human? She was already a real girl and accepted by her loved ones. Like shit, she was a character that a LOT of transgirls, myself included, could relate to on a personal level and we LOVED how Ruby handled it in v2. It was cute! It was sweet! She said she was a real girl back then and it made all of our collective kokoros go doki doki. Fun stuff!
But now? It feels like none of that was validated until she got an actual human body. Like damn I wish I could just get my ideal body within seconds. Shit. I've seen and heard a lot of upset from my fellow tgirls about how doodoo that scene was, because it's implying penny wasn't a real girl until after she got her human body and that's probably how most of the rwby fandom is gonna see it too. "oh wow penny's a real girl now!" And just forget Ruby's cute speech in v2. So annoying. Minor nitpick, if she's got the aura of a black man inside of her (her father), and her robot body is gone, why the fuck isn't she black? Like? Idk minor nitpick I guess. But anyways back to ambrosius scene. I love how rwby had the answers for everything within the hours worth of planning they were given by Ironwood's motive. Totes believable. And yet the "one way ticket to vacuo" thing was the simplest shit they could have avoided lmfao. Like THAT is what you trip up on? Not the portals you're trying to make or the assumption that penny lives without her robot parts? Insane. (side note: how did oscar have a flashback to that scene if he wasn't even there?)
And now everyone's favorite scene. Yangs death. Already covered it early I just wanted to add more on. This scene is insane. Like... If they actually go through with killing her (i don't see how she could have survived turning into dust) then roosterteeth is dumber than I gave them credit for. Like... They have to realize the shitstorm they're gonna receive right? First they kill off clover, an lgbt+ coded character. Next is Yang? A main character who is WIDELY loved by all. Apart of their most pandered ship in existence: bees. (Both the ship and the character make them so much money in merch btw so this was stupid from an objective standpoint.) You can't just kill a main character that is heavily lgbt+ coded in THE most popular ship in the show. Like... How dumb can they be? They're gonna lose so many fans at the very least. Sales? Down. Death threats? Way up. It would be astonishing if they weren't up to their necks in shit in backlash by that decision. Bury Your Gays trope strikes again folks. But this time with everyone's favorite! Like I just... Idk that decision was stupid and that scene hardly was given any real pomp or circumstance it deserved. She's a major title character and that scene lasted like a minute lmao. It's gonna be RWBY without the Y. RWB. As in rt is a bunch of rubes for making that decision. A cynical part of me thinks they did that just because they want an excuse to off Neo, another really loved character. (Well if everyone hates her now we can kill her off cause god knows we don't know what to do with her), but I'm not gonna make this about her. I honestly don't know how to feel about this death tbh. On one hand it's shitty and *points to essay above*. On another it lets Blake be her own character for once. We get to see who she is on our own. And we can finally shift gears from The Bees Show featuring Some Plot to RWBY without the Y. But again that scene was done horribly with doodoo writing already explained up above. They're gonna use this as some edgy excuse to have the heroes start killing again or grieve or whatever bullshit shock value.
(now that I think of it tho, Neo shoulda killed yang in v2. How the fuck did Raven know she was finna die again. Lmao)
Anyways, that's my two cents. I'm sure there's so much more I forgot. Love or hate my ramble idc these are just my thoughts. I'm sure I made doodoo arguments at some points so feel free to call me an idiot and point them out. Imma bounce. My fingers fucking hurt lmfao
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eleanor-devil · 3 years
Boruto: Sacrifices [Remade] | Chap.2 - The Aftermath
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Written by: Eleanor-Devil & @mirage-05​​
Prologue | Chap.1 | Chap.2 - You’re here
"The sudden and violent attack on the Konoha orphanage left citizens shocked and in fear as the threat of a former enemy lurks over Konoha. While there is no confirmation that the incident is indeed linked to Orochimaru, one of the two legendary sannins still alive, the Hokage office searches for every possible clue. Thirty of the kids who are-" That was when Mitsuki decided that he didn't want to listen to more of it and turned off the television. The sun was barely up and the Konohamaru platoon was supposed to meet later for an easy mission and a training, but its youngest member had not slept very well to greet the new day. The days leading to the new moon had always been hard for him, and this cycle has been no exception, only topped with the recent incident. Was it really his father? Not much has been publicized yet about last night, and although Mitsuki didn't really believe his father was in any way involved, he found himself wondering why the Sannin had been the first person to come to mind. It wasn't really a matter of trust, because he refused to believe Orochimaru could act on impulse and without a good reason. It was a matter of curiosity. He proceeded to the counter to take a pill for his increasing headache when he heard his phone chime. He picked it up to see a text message from his best friend.
"Wanna catch up with us for a late b-fast? Sensei is gonna meet us there later." He thought about it for a moment, then typed. "Sure." Maybe a little walk could do good to clear up his head a little. ... It was a nice day outside, neither too cold nor extremely hot. They were to meet in a cafe they had frequented over the past year, when they kind of got bored of the numerous fast-food restaurants around the town. It was small, cozy and didn't have many customers around this hour, so it had, in one way or another, became their safe harbor. "We were beginning to wonder when you would be coming," Sarada said good-naturally when she saw Mitsuki approaching. "Boruto was about to come and get you." "I walked around for a while," Mitsuki said simply. Boruto and Sarada looked at each other for the shortest of seconds. "Is everything alright?" the girl asked finally. "Yup. So when will we get going?" said the blue-haired boy, sitting down on the chair next to Boruto and grabbing the toast that was among the many things his friends ordered. "Konohamaru sensei said he will be here in about half an hour." Boruto explained, also digging in. "Seems like we have a simple mission at hand, and then a training afterward." "Do you know what kind of mission?" "Well, we thought it might have something to do with... the orphanage," Sarada said and Mitsuki actually stopped for a second before he moved on to take a bite from the toast. "Apparently, there are a lot of things that need to be done, and most genin teams are already assigned." When his friend kept his silence, Boruto frowned a little. "Dude... you sure you don't want to talk?" The blue-haired boy looked at him with raised eyebrows. "And you became the team therapist, when...?" "You know what I mean! If you..." "Boruto." Mitsuki cut in, giving him a level look. "I'm not gonna break down or anything, as you well know, so let's just eat in peace, okay?" The blond thought better than to push forward. "Sure." he said, returning to his meal. ... “Wait… our mission is in the grade school?” Konohamaru sighed before rolling his eyes. “For the fourth time, Boruto… yeah, it is.” Boruto folded his arms with a slight pout before looking to the side. “Well I’m sorry I didn’t think they would give us a babysitting assignment, ‘ttebasa.” “And again, it’s not a babysitting assignment. We were requested by their homeroom teacher to demonstrate the ninja rankings - apparently, there are quite a few students who are interested in the ninja career.” “It makes sense.” Mitsuki mumbled. “After all, we are one of the two teams who has two genins, a chuunin and a jounin.” “Not to mention the current Hokage’s son, and the future Hokage.” Sarada said a little proudly, earning herself a glare from the blond. Konohamaru couldn’t help but smile at his team’s antiques. “Well, hurry up, you guys. We are expected to be there in half an hour.” … To be mild about it… the mission didn’t start as they expected at all. “Where do babies come from?” “C-come again?” Boruto stammered out, completely taken aback, just like his teammates, while the mortified homeroom teacher chided the children, a number of fifteen six-year-olds. “Now kids, this isn’t our topic of discussion-” “Bah, we already know the stupid old ninja ranks.” “And you wouldn’t explain to us when you went to meet your child last week - maybe they can.” At a loss for words, the three pre-teens looked sideways at their sensei. Konohamaru, who had gone very red in the face, became even more uncomfortable under their gaze. “W-why are you all looking at me, kore?” “Well, you are the adult.” Boruto pointed out. Sarada cleared her throat, feeling like she should take the lead as the next responsible person. “Uh… I guess we can say they come from the hospital.” The kids didn’t look at all impressed with the answer. “Well duh…” “Laaaaame…” “We’re not three-year-olds you know…” “Well…” Mitsuki chimed in helpfully and all the heads turned to him. “Sometimes… they come out of test tubes, too.” A hushed silence fell over the class as his team and the teacher gaped at the blue haired boy, complete with their mouths open, wondering what on earth was he talking about. “That’s… wow…” one of the kids finally whispered, awed. “Way better than the ‘storks brought you’ theory!” “Hey, does that mean there’s a baby lab somewhere?” Before he could say anything more and add to the awkwardness, Boruto, standing next to him, clasped his hand over Mitsuki’s mouth. The teacher was the first to snap out of it. “Very well,” he said, turning a triumphant and scary smile on the grade schoolers. “If you know the ranks so well, why don’t you enlighten us?” The first kid who spoke smirked. “Simple. Gonin. Juunin. And… er…” “No no, you got it wrong. It’s Ronin, Shunin and Kyuunin.” “Hey, you just made it up!” “So what? Do it better!” “Is it true you are the Hokage’s son?” Taken aback by the kid’s question (and more so by the fact that one of them finally spelled a rank correctly), it took the blond a while to reply. “Err… well, yeah.” The kid who asked the question gave him a once over. “Funny, you don’t look like it.” And immediately, Boruto’s expression became irritated. “Why you little brat…!” “Just let it go, Boruto!” Sarada turned to the students with a smile. “Okay, I will fill you in on the ranks. The lowest ninja rank you can attain is Genin, like my friends here.” She pointed at Boruto and Mitsuki. “You have to have a special set of skills to become Genin.” “Like what?” “Something you would have to figure out by yourselves when the time comes.” “Are all the Chuunins this boring?” the kid who had spoken up to Boruto asked with a yawn. The girl’s  cheeks flushed red with this. “Hey…!” The blond raised an eyebrow as a knowing smirk made its way to his face. “Hey, just let it go Sarada.” “That’s not the same!” “Sure it isn’t.” “And you become a Chuunin with an exam.” Mitsuki intervened immediately when the tension in the room suddenly increased tenfold. “If you remember, me and my team took it last year.” “How come only she became Chuunin then?” “Well, that’s because-” Sarada began, but was cut in. “Because she’s the daughter of Uchiha Sasuke!” a girl said with starry eyes, bringing the black haired girl to a halt. “H-how do you know that?” “That’s nothing to do with it.” Boruto said dismissively, and the girl found herself stiffening. “Uncle Sasuke took me in as an apprentice too.” “Are you trying to underestimate me?” the girl asked in a dangerous whisper. “Wha- it’s not your skills that are in question here, Sarada, it’s mine!” “Yeah well, maybe they do need some polishing.” “You two...” Konohamaru began with a frown, knowing which direction this was going. “Hey, if you’re gonna lash at me, why don’t we do it the old-fashioned way?” “Fine by me!” Without waiting, Sarada lunged at Boruto, who turned to face her in expectation… But before things could escalate any further, Mitsuki quickly worked his jutsu, extending his arms to catch his teammates from the middle and push them to the corners of the room. There was a round of collective gasps and a few oohs from the students. “And this,” the blue haired boy said pleasantly, “is not the way a Genin or Chuunin should act.” The kids began clapping Mitsuki. They couldn’t help it. Soon, Sarada and Boruto joined in the laughter as well. … “Well… this mission went well!” Boruto exclaimed with a huge grin. “The kids loved us!” “Well? To the contrary, I’m disappointed.” Konohamaru spared an unimpressed glance to the most vocal members of the team. “We were there to demonstrate those kids the ninja ranks, for one thing. And you guys’ behavior set them a bad example.” “Yeah, it wasn’t like those little punks were very interested.” “Irrelevant.” “Just because they said you didn’t look like Hokage-sama’s son…” “Hey, at least they didn’t call me boring.” “Enough, you two.” The Sarutobi’s voice was stern now. “You could both take a leaf out of Mitsuki’s book. I expect better collaboration in the training - if you want to defeat me, that is.” Just then, they were interrupted by a jounin coming up to them. “Konohamaru-san… you and Sarada-chan are required to attend a meeting in the hall in half an hour.” The Sensei and the Uchiha exchanged a brief look, already having an idea of what the meeting was about. “We will be there.” the young man replied crisply, and turned to the remaining members of his team. “All right, in light of this, we will have to cancel our training session. I will rearrange it for tomorrow and let you guys know.” “Aww man, now that Sarada is a Chuunin you two get all the fun!” This time, Konohamaru grinned as he punched the Uzumaki lightly on the shoulder. “All the more incentive to push yourself harder for the next exams. See you two tomorrow.” … The meeting hall was filled to its maximum capacity. Konohamaru, seated in the front lines where the Sarutobi clan members were, took a look around the huge room. All the six important clans were here, including his, as well as many important jounins and the ANBU. Naruto, the sixth Kakashi Hatake and some of their trustees were standing at the very front, facing all those who had gathered. They had just briefed all the Hokage office gathered about last night. For some odd reason, the setting reminded him of trials. There was a buzz of talking, which ceased immediately when Naruto cleared his throat. At the small pause before he started, Konohamaru met the eyes of Hyuuga Hanabi, who blushed slightly and gave him a very small smile, which he returned. "We've analyzed the nature and technique of last night's attack thoroughly." Naruto began, and everyone in the room returned to business mode. "The odds are in favor that Orochimaru is indeed after the attack. Three eye-witnesses reported that his curse mark was visible on the culprit." Naruto paused for a moment. Everyone in the hall kept their silence, but some of them looked at each other, as if coming to a silent agreement. "Now as for the precautions, we will triple the border guards and change the frequency of their shifts-" Konohamaru heard his clan's leader clearing his throat. Naruto looked over at him. "Yes, Sarutobi Kichiro-san?" he asked politely. “Excuse my intervention, Nanadaime-sama,” the leader of the Sarutobi clan started in a somewhat cold manner. “But I believe there’s a matter of utmost urgency before all these precautions.” There were murmurings around the room. “Please, share,” Naruto prompted, still politely formal, although wary of the calculating look in the old man’s eyes. He thought a brief, sarcastic smile appeared on the man’s lips before Kichiro turned to look at the people gathered in the hall. “Wouldn’t you agree,” he said, fixing his gaze on the Hokage again. “...that exiling Orochimaru’s son, Mitsuki, is our top priority?”   
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myaekingheart · 4 years
kakashi for the ask game! :D
Oh this is gonna be dangerous xD (and also really fucking long I’m so sorry lmfao)
send me a character and i’ll list...
favorite thing about them It’s so hard to pick, but I think his resilience. Kakashi has genuinely been through hell and back and yet he keeps going. His character development in Naruto is one of my absolute favorite things, the way he starts out as this seemingly apathetic but deep down very guarded character who ultimately grows to love his students and make peace with his past and finally find some happiness. He’s the man who lost everything and still keeps going and maybe it’s just because I, too, am a depressed bitch but that’s always bee super comforting to me and felt very reassuring. Like if Kakashi can hit rock bottom but pull himself up out of that pit and find happiness and success, then so can I.
least favorite thing about them I don’t even know if I have a least favorite thing about him. I honestly love everything about him. I guess the closest thing I can get to a least favorite thing would be that I wish we saw more of him goofing off and having tons of fun like when he and Guy raced in Shippuden. Hearing Kakashi laugh and joke around was just so good for my soul.
favorite line Oh no there are so many, I can’t pick just one. My favorite contenders are: “Leaf Village Secret Finger Jutsu: One Thousand Years of Death!” “Behind this mask...is another mask! Pretty cool, huh?” “I’m telling you this because you don’t get it. You think you get it which is not the same as actually getting it, get it?” “Those who break the rules are scum but those who would abandon a comrade are worse than scum” “I won’t allow my comrades to die. I’ll protect you with my life. Trust me.” “It’s like an acorn.” “Sorry I’m late, I’m afraid I got lost on the path of life.” “Sorry I’m late, a black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way around.” “For those who follow the path of revenge, it never ends well. You’ll only tear yourself apart and even if you succeed and you get your revenge, what will you get then? Nothing. Emptiness.” “So it looks like neither of us have led a charmed life exactly. But still, we’re not all that bad off. At least you and I have found new comrades to help fill the void.” “Calm down, Naruto. Slow your breathing down” (mainly because this scene just gets me every time as someone who has had severe panic attacks for twenty years lmfao) There was also another “sorry I’m late” excuse that I don’t remember exactly and cannot for the life of me find but it was from a picture I saw somewhere, looked like it was maybe from a video game? Where Kakashi said something to genin Naruto and Sakura about the path of love or something? And they’re staring at him flustered pointing insisting “That’s...a lie!” Like I can recall the image clear as day in my head but I cannot for the life of me find it.
brOTP Hands down Guy. I mean, I ship them, too, but I just really love their friendship especially. Guy just really brings out the best in him and provides this really nice foil to Kakashi’s personality. I genuinely think Kakashi would’ve been done for if not for Guy’s loyalty and optimism. Their friendship is so fun and the two of them together never fail to make me smile.
OTP Does my KakashixOC ship count? Because if it does, then that’s my OTP. I have spent way too much time and energy on their relationship for it to not be. That probably sounds super cliche and maybe a little Mary-Sue-ish but I don’t even care, Rei and Kakashi are my magnus opum and I love them. I’m also just really, really proud of the way I’ve written their relationship. So much of their bond is informed by my own relationship with my fiance, and I think my own experiences have really evolved my understanding of what real intimacy in a romantic relationship looks like. It’s not so much about flowers and chocolates and date nights as it is about caring for and comforting the person you love, spending quality time with them, making them laugh and smile, being 110% yourself around them, and providing for them in their times of need. I have never written a relationship so real and specifically raw before, and there’s a lot of intricacies that I’ve worked in as well, that just overall make me incredibly proud of the progress I’ve made on their story, and proud of the story I’ve been creating for them in general. But if an OC ship doesn’t count for OTP, I really like Kakashi with Shizune, Guy, Yamato/Tenzo, and Iruka.
nOTP Oh god I have quite a few. I really don’t enjoy focusing on negatives nor do I want to start ship wars so I’ll keep these explanations brief. I can’t stand Kakashi and Sakura, the mere thought of it makes me *this close* to puking. I take big issue with ships in general between characters that met when one of them was a child and the other an adult, though. It just comes off incredibly pedophilic to me and makes me nauseous. The other big ship I take issue with is Kakashi and Rin but that’s more of a personal issue because their relationship, and Rin’s character in general, hit way too close to home (in a very warped and psychotically symbolic way) to some really traumatic stuff I dealt with in the past that took me years and lots of therapy to deal with, and it still trips me up to this day. It’s not anything that anyone in fandom has done or anyone who ships Kakashi and Rin with each other, it’s just a matter of me noticing parallels between the ship and my own trauma that make it incedibly hard for to tolerate content of it. Just to tack these on, as well, but I also really dislike him with Hanare from the filler episode and with Kahyo from the book Lightning in the Icy Sky. The romance with Hanare just felt really disingenuous to me like I can tolerate it, but it’s not my favorite. And as for Kahyo, I blame bad writing. The fact that the book was referring to her as “the woman who has Kakashi’s heart” literally within like two pages of them meeting really pissed me off. I couldn’t even finish the book so I can’t even speak on the rest of the relationship but I just got so turned off by the entire story in general because the romance was so unbelievable and abrupt. I feel like anyone who has read my fic, though, likely has picked up on my opinions on these, though. Not that I’m writing ship hate or anything because I’m not, but there have been little plot points here and there that have kind of touched on my feelings on these ships.  
random headcanon I have way too many but here’s one of them, I guess, though this is more a musing than a headcanon. I think, when the war is over and Kakashi can finally catch his breath, he goes through a bit of an identity crisis as he comes to terms with the fact that he no longer has his sharingan. After all, he had Obito’s eye for almost twenty years. Learning to function without it is going to be incredibly difficult but not only that, so much of his identity was founded on his secondhand sharingan. Who even is he without it? Does he even recognize himself anymore? And how can he ever live up to the reputation he’s garnered over so many years now that the source of all of his power is gone for good? Yes, he was a prodigy before the sharingan and he is still capable without it, but it’s going to be a big change and take a huge toll on him and his perception of himself.
unpopular opinion I’m glad Kakashi has never been given an explicitly canon love interest. Honestly, I don’t want him to have one. As much as he deserves to find love and start a family with someone, from a fandom perspective I much prefer him being open and available. It creates a much more flexible interpretation of him and his love life so that we, the fans, can write him however we damn well please and I think that’s pretty fantastic. I think it’s safe to say that Kakashi is one of if not the most heavily shipped character in the fandom and everyone has very strong opinions on who he belongs with and even how he idenifies from a sexuality perspective. I can only imagine the uproar that would come from finally giving him a canon love interest because you absolutely cannot please everyone. In a way, I feel like Kakashi is just a character who belongs to all of us. He is something different for every single person in fandom whether that’s someone to look up to and seek guidance from, someone to protect and root for, someone to relate to and find comfort in, someone to love and/or lust after. Or in my case a precious emotional support ninja husbando. I don’t know if he would’ve had quite the same effect on fandom if he had been canonically shipped with someone from the get-go, but I’m grateful that he never was and I hope he never will be so he can continue playing the role in fandom that he has been for so many years. That probably sounds selfish, though, but I just really want him to remain a character that belongs to all of us and is not inhibited by canon in terms of who he loves and how he identifies.
song i associate with them Again, there’s so fucking many so I’m just gonna list some of my favorites. Sign by Flow Friendships by Pascal Letoublon Hospital for Souls by Bring Me the Horizon SCARECROW by My Chemical Romance Disguise by Motionless in White-- this is a big one, especially the line “sick of wearing a mask, sick of hiding my face, sick of every motherfucker that is in my way, sick of digging for answers while you bury the truth, fuck your method to my sadness, I will bury you” like it just reminds me of ANBU Kakashi specifically, but overall his character development in coming to terms with his past and crawling out of his depression, too.
favorite picture of them Again...there’s multiple x_x
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codenamesazanka · 5 years
What are your feelings on Shigaraki getting a redemption? From your post comparing Gaara and Shiggy, I got the feeling you didn't care for Gaara becoming a good guy. Personally I would love for Shiggy to have a redemption arc!
Nah, I actually absolutely loved Gaara’s redemption arc!
tl;dr: Gaara’s redemption was done super well in my opinion. & I have no opinion on redemption for Shigaraki’s character, I’m waiting to see what happens! I wouldn’t mind it, should a few conditions be fulfilled. But I also don’t mind him not being redeemed. (Does he deserve to be? Sure.)
(Super, super long post because I love Gaara and I wasn’t smart enough to write meta about him when I was in the Naruto fandom so this is my 14-year-old self breaking out to do what was never but should’ve been done.)
I loved him being a homicidal 12-year-old, and I also I loved him having turned into the 15-year-old ninja leader who re-discovered love and bonded with his siblings (the sand sibs!!! I love them).
I love this brat and his post-goth self
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What I hated was this guy:
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Who the fuck is this. Who the fuck. Who the f—
So here’s the thing about Gaara!
He was literally created to be a monster, manipulated by his father into being one, on top of having a literal demon inside of him that would break his mind and take over. One can see how it led to him being the murderous, unstable 12-year-old he was. Yet.
A lot of the bad guy stuff he did was also by his choice. His father wanted a weapon; Gaara became something worse, one that became too much to handle; gone horribly right. He killed for pleasure, he threatened his siblings, he almost crippled an important side character because he could, he released the demon on purpose, outside of orders.
Gaara was traumatized by his upbringing and influenced by how others judged him; but he also eventually arrived at his philosophy by himself. The influencing words for him were “love only yourself and fight only for yourself [because no one else will, monster]” and he took that to heart. Then he turned it into “I exist to kill all humans other than myself, so for long as there are people for me to kill, I will not cease to exist; I will feel alive.” Damn.
I totally get it. His own father tried to kill him, again and again. Sent assassins after him. There was no one he could trust, and the only comfort came from relying on the demon inside of him, and killing others to feel alive. But—
From the way he interacted with others, he knew what he did was wrong. Not the self defending himself from assassins; but things like killing people who surrendered or treating his siblings like shit. There were a lot of fanfic that blamed all his monstrous acts on the demon inside of him, or like an insanity defense; but I never thought so. He had moments of demon possession, but for the most part, he retained his self, he reasoned, he made choices. If I wrote meta back then, man…
It was why when Gaara turned good, it was solely on questioning himself and reframing his perspective, and not like, extracting the demon from him. He reflected on himself, he reconsidered everything he thought, he listened to another person’s philosophy, and here’s the most important part: he made the choice to change.
Because when faced with that moment, it wasn’t because he was arrested or told a secret that changed everything or it was revealed he was actually loved all along or freed from external manipulations. He could’ve gone back to his old ways. He was still in the same situation as before; the only thing that changed were the choices he could make despite everything. So, quite immediately, he apologized to his siblings.
And so began the long process of atonement. He went back and saved the guy he almost crippled, he opened his heart and reached out to his siblings, he decided to become ninja leader despite the poor, poor relations between him and the village (which yeah, started because they treated him as a monster, but then he started killing for pleasure…). He worked hard.
That was a redemption story I really liked. It’s true that Gaara had a terrible childhood and a good reason for turning out the way he did; but eventually, there came a point where he couldn’t blame his actions on that. He was understandable, but not forgivable - yet. There were choices made on purpose, connections rejected out of hatred, and blood on his hands. I think ‘redemption’ is all about coming to that choice on your own, owning up to that and working to correct those wrongs - even if it’s impossible, even if it’s never ending.
Gaara’s story is really much like Shigaraki’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if Horikoshi was influenced by the character! Prototype Sazanka had his name written out as: 沙惨禍. “Sand Calamity”. Hehe.
But yeah, Gaara started out as a creepy character that showed up antagonistic and began murdering people outside of what was allowed in ninja society. He showed no mercy, he told his siblings he never thought of them as family, he tried to kill an unconscious hospital patient. Pretty unsympathetic except for very, very subtle hints; until bam! Backstory. Yeah, it made you want something better for him!
It was a matter of how.
I have no opinion on redemption for Shigaraki’s character. I’m waiting to see what happens. I would like it!
If! Shigaraki reaches that conclusion by himself. Not him realizing he was so manipulated by AFO none of his own actions were actually his actions. Not him being ‘unbrainwashed’, if that even was a thing. Not a secret revealed to him that changes everything, wow, if only I knew this, I would not have become a terrorist… Not him getting captured and All Might begging the courts to be lenient on him and dragging him kicking and screaming to rehabilitation.
I really like Shigaraki! What made him fun was that he’s a willful brat. “Before we leave, let’s kill a kid!”. “This asshole stabbed me so I’m releasing bioweapons onto the city.” “I’m going to hold this boy hostage in broad daylight and discuss morality.” He delighted in destruction, he looked for ways to hurt people most. All his chosen actions.
Does he deserve to be ‘redeemed’/recover/be allowed to atone for his actions/given the chance to change? Sure!
It’s just, Shigaraki’s gotta make that decision on his own.
One thing about Gaara’s redemption is that, yeah, he was ‘saved’ by the main character, Naruto. Talk-no-Jutsu, I think that was called, the main character’s habit of changing someone’s life/morality/philosophy/sinful ways simply by telling them his feelings.
But it made sense. Naruto and Gaara were proper foils. Both have demons inside of them, both were shunned by the village, both struggle with feelings of loneliness and hatred and finding a reason to live. Sure, Gaara had it worse since he was targeted for assassination; but Naruto related Gaara’s pain at a basic level. And Gaara recognized it too.
They understood each other, that they were mirror versions of each other, that they very well could’ve ended up like the other, the difference between them that one had someone who cared about him, and one didn’t. Naruto showed Gaara a different way to live - but he didn’t force it. Naruto simply told Gaara he empathizes with him, but if Gaara tries to hurt his friends, he’ll kill him. It’s thanks to Naruto, but Gaara realized his path to redemption on his own.
So excuse my lost of control here, but what the fuck kind of foil is between Deku and Shigaraki??? Deku getting Shigaraki redeemed is, currently, laughable.
One is quirkless and got bullied (I maintain my position that these things are overemphasized and made worse than it was by the fandom), but had a loving home and grew up as a normal kid…
for Shigaraki, being at home made him anxious, then he gets a truly dangerous, frightening quirk, and then he’s raised to be a a weapon by Japan’s Number One Villain.
Why are there so many AU fics of Deku having a deadly quirk? Or made him be so relentlessly bullied? Or kidnapped by Villains and forced to work for them? Overall, fics that make his situation/backstory worse? It’s cuz he’s boring. All these stories is just taking Shigaraki’s past and giving it to Deku to make him more ‘badass’ and then have the audacity to write Shigaraki as a dumb tamper-tantrum-throwing manchild. Don’t get me wrong, I actually love reading these fics cuz I’m a sucker for AUs, but honestly.
Talk-no-jutsu isn’t gonna work here.
Still! Should Horikoshi go for redemption, I wouldn’t mind! I just need to see exactly how he handles it. If he screws it up, I will also never forgive him.
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Diaspro and the Unicorn (Salty Episode Review)
HI! It's me again! It's also bitch o'clock.
So I was about to settled down and write a Diaspro-centric piece but I needed to check her episode appearances first so I could plan some things out, and I got to the bottom of her page on the Wiki and I see the entry on Season 8 and I'm like:
Hold the phone, "Bonds with The Black Unicorn and Rides Off"???? I have got to track this down. (The site I was watching Season 8 on is no longer available to me so I have seen very little of it.)
I would like to summarise my feelings about this episode:
This art style hurts me, the Thigh Gap is not real I don't know what the fudge crackle and pop was going on with Diaspro's pants
Not gonna lie, those Diaspro phone chibis are adorable, (the first 2 ½ times) I want one.
Look who's lying to his girlfriend. Again.
Also just out of curiosity, have the writers ever spoken to a real person... ever?
What the frack is Brandon's voice right now?
“That crazy girl who won't give up on you?” Uhm you mean “The young woman you were engaged to for most of your life until you cheated on her with Bloom and has been through some shit and yet inexplicably doesn't suffer any permanent consequences for anything or get any character growth despite the many good opportunities the writer had because she's needed for instant relationship drama?”
“Moody” is an odd choice of word here, I'm sure I'm just reading into it but... well, I'm sure at least one of you knows when a girl tends to hear the word “moody” thrown around the most...
“It's about Sky!” (how many internal screams do you think the Winx had to suppress? “Bloom's Sad? It's probably Sky. It's always about Sky!!!”)
Why the fudge are they climbing, at least one of them can fly?!
She threw herself from the cliff just to make sure he didn't answer his phone? That's a new level of WTF, also how the F did he move fast enough to catch her?! I call bullshit. And possibly shenanigans!
Look, I'm going to be honest, I feel like I'm watching a different show with characters that were asset flipped from Winx and then edited so it doesn't look like they stole the Winx's homework. I know who these characters are but I feel like I don't recognise them.
Why did he leave his phone on while he's on a “super secret mission” anyway? What kind of secrecy is that? I know it's a fake mission, but he doesn't know that, it's just bad secret mission etiquette.
also are you serious with that map? WTF?!
Okay, so I've missed ALOT of season 8 so could someone fill the knowledge gap please: The dumbass suits allow Sky and co to fly... but why did Diaspro have to use a mechanical wing set and why does the LIFE LONG FAIRY suck at flying in comparison to the guy who only just THIS SEASON got a set of wings???????
I remember a time when Diaspro had dignity and wasn't a whiny three year old.
Seriously, she had to know this would end poorly once the truth came out. And she had to know the truth would come out.
Again: what the fudge just get an actual map of the area and mark some fake shit, why bring a scroll with a heart on it? Surely he would have asked to see it before now?!
I have a low opinion of Sky, so I'm not sure, but I think he's gotten stupider...
“Trespassers must die! Oh you're here for a fake mission and want to sulk and yell at each other now? Then by all means loiter as long as you like!”
I hate these voices, they are so grating! And Whiny!
And I don't want to make this a race thing but : “Oh no, the scary angry Black Guy Unicorn! Fear for your lives!”
Also why the flibbertigibbet is she suddenly a whimpy little wussy damsel? Did I black out and miss the part where fairies can't fairy on a 'star'  or was that just a different episode? (I'm sorry that looked like a planet not a burning ball of gas and plasma, I feel I've missed some important lore terminology while unable (and unwilling) to watch season 8.)
Oh my gawd, the pacing
I'm not even going to ask when the Winx became friends of the Unicorns, I'll just assume I skipped the episode.
"I've never seen anything like it"... BOI! The Winx do that basically every freaking party they go to, just sans the horse power.
“He doesn't trust anyone because of his tragic backstory.” > Bloom immediately approaches at a “I'll friendship no jutsu you” fast walk > Diaspro shows up to be a bitch > Unicorn immediately trusts her for No Reason > Diaspro finally after way too many seasons decides “screw it I'm out” only to immediately ruin it with “I'll be waiting for you” and never be seen again
FFS, if this is what you are going to do with the character, just don't bring her back, let her fade into secondary character obscurity Off Screen!!!!! Let her die with some modicum of dignity!!!
I don't know, maybe I'm just angry because that's my bitchy-murder-babe being thrown under the bus for insta-drama again but I did not care for this episode at all.
There was so much potential here.
They could have made the mission objective real (and coincidentally related to the Winx's), Diaspro could have had some character growth, realised she was pining for an idea of a guy and not a real guy, she could have gone toe-to-toe with a pissed magical equine and experienced some real empathy: “I was hurt by the people I trusted too, and it turned me so bitter I lashed out at them in turn and I get you” before her: “I'm not appreciated and I'm sick of not being appreciated” moment which could have gone: “I'm not going back to Eraklyon, I've got some stuff to figure out and it's way past due”
FFS! They're basically giving Icy (unrepentant Queen of Mean) a sudden tragic backstory makes everything okay instant redemption arc! (Kind of if I understood that episode correctly)
Just let Diaspro go! Release her from this torment!!!! Please!!!
TLDR: Episode S08E?? (14?19?): WTFWTFWTF?!?!?!?!?!??
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rainbowcicada · 7 years
My SNS Imaginary Movie Continues
Here’s the first part incase you missed it
And the story continues!
YinYang- Welcome Indra and Ashura! We’ve been waiting for you.
Deja vu! Both Naruto and Sasuke are annoyed to be called those names again. But its too much effort to correct the glowing beings.
YinYang- You’ve opened the temple, which means that both of you are now ready to embody Yin and Yang on earth. Would you like to do this now?
Naruto- What?
Sasuke- Explain yourselves, are you talking about the same Yin Yang release the sage of six paths once gave us?
The glowing beings seemed just as confused the two boys.
YinYang- Ah..your father Hagoromo. No. Yin Yang relase that shinobis use is still only a fraction of what Yin Yang actually is. Yin and Yang is a connection that creates.
Sasuke- Connection that creates?
YinYang- Yes, without Yin and Yang nothing would exist. Galaxies would rip a part into oblivion or collapse into nothing!! Its their connection to each other that allows anything to exist.
Naruto- Hmm….Now they’re talking about galaxies. Listen, we just want to know if what you’re gonna do to us is put a sun symbol on my palm and a moon on his.
Sasuke-  What do you really want from us? What did you mean embody Yin and Yang? What then?
YinYang- That’s simply our mission that we were given. You will take our energies into your bodies and become the avatars of Yin and Yang on earth. What you create is none of our concern and it will depend on your connection together….For humans…a connection lasting a minute is fair. (We don’t expect much)
Sasuke thinks for a moment before turning to Naruto.
Sasuke- If it can create, then its still like Yin Yang release. We can use it to recreate my eyes and rinnegan. But other than that, they could be aliens like the Otsutsuki. We can’t trust them.
Naruto furrows his brow- But what are we gonna do when we get back to Earth? That asshole Otsutsuki almost killed me! None of our attacks were working…We gotta try something new! Hmm. Let’s try it! Let’s try using them. We can create a whole new type of ninjutsu that jerk face has never seen before. We’ll catch him by surprise and beat his ass!
Sasuke- Heh…
There were times Sasuke can’t deny Naruto’s creative genius.
Sasuke- Fine. Let’s do that.
YinYang- You understand that what we offer is not ninjutsu. This is Ninshu that your father Hagoromo tried to teach you once. Ninshu will bind your energies and allow you to understand one another without communication.
Sasuke- Hn…. We’ll decide what to do with it! Were ready now.
Naruto- Yosh!
The beings enter their bodies and Naruto and Sasuke’s appearances change. Naruto grew buffer, his hair was wild and he glowed like a sun. Sasukes hair grew longer, his skin became a pale indigo. Although he was still a man, he was arguably even more beautiful. Other than their appearances the boys didn’t feel any different.
Naruto takes one look at Sasuke and internally screams- OH MY GOD HE’S EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER. I COULD STARE AT HIM FOREVER! BOY, HOW DO I MAKE YOU MINE?
Sasuke’s striken with fear, stares into Narutos eyes and blushes, and thinks- WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?
The connection instantly breaks and Yin and Yang leave their bodies.
YinYang- Your connection lasted seconds….We’d hope it would last longer.
Naruto and Sasuke blush and both boys awkwardly look at the floor.
Naruto- Did we just read each others minds?
Well it wouldn’t be the first time, but somehow this time it was more intense? The beings explain..
YinYang- Of course. Yin and Yang exist within each other. Therefore, as our avatars, the two of you will also exist within the other. That includes your thoughts, feelings and each others chakras.
Sasuke’s face was still red- USURATONKACHI!…Don’t look at me like that!! Its distracting!!
Naruto- Yeah it is distracting! How do you think I feel! And I can’t help it you know…those are kinda my subconscious thoughts…Well I guess theres no point in lying now. You were kinda hot!
Naruto blushes. Tomato Sasuke still couldn’t bring himself to look Naruto in the eyes. He’s used to fan girls crushing on him and it never affected him before. But Naruto? Naruto found him attractive? For some reason this makes his heart race.
Sasuke calms down, places his hand on his hip and smirks.
Sasuke- It can’t be helped…its because I’m Uchiha. I get it, I have an affect on guys too.
Naruto- Hmmmm?? I don’t think that was why…..
Sasuke- But if were gonna battle with Yin and Yang we need to keep our thoughts focused! Right now, focus on rinnegan!
Naruto- R-right! I can stay focused! Rinnegan….Rinnegan….Rinnegan….OKAY GLOWY BEINGS. Please enter our bodies while I’m focused. RINNEGAN.
Yin and Yang re-enter their bodies. Their eyes met again. Like SO MANY TIMES BEFORE, Sasuke felt stupidly warm and fuzzy when he gazed into Naruto’s eyes. Meanwhile, Naruto felt exactly the same as he gazed into Sasuke’s eyes, even if they were still frog eyes… And even though right now they can feel each others emotions, they were each oblivious to it. Becaue their feelings were so mutual, they simply mistook each other’s feelings as their own.
Naruto only focused on Sasuke’s eyes, if he looked anywhere else he’d get distracted again!!
Naruto- RINNEGAN!! Wait…what are we supposed to do now?
(pssst….theyre communicating in their heads)
Sasuke-….I have no idea…..But Rinnegan comes from Sharingan mixed with the chakra of Senju??
Naruto- Right! Let’s first start with just giving you back your original eyes?
Naruto wasn’t sure what he was doing, his hands just started moving on their own. He placed his warm fuzzy hands over Sasuke’s eyes. A strange power transformed Sasuke’s frog eyes back into their original form. Sasuke can sense the power of his sharingan again, and Naruto’s senju chakra. Within moments, his Rinnegan awakened. He was content to only have it in his left eye.
Naruto- It worked!!
Sasuke- We can leave any time now. But now that we have time, we should learn more how to use this Ninshu and form a battle strategy.
Naruto- Alright..
In that moment, Naruto couldn’t help but think that Sasuke would come up with some fancy technical brilliant plan, half of which he would be too dumb to remember…And thats how he felt…dumb. Meanwhile, Sasuke couldn’t help but think that Naruto would be a creative genius and have a sponteneity that always leaves Sasuke feeling….a little envious. And with that their connection broke!!
Naruto- What happened? I was admiring that you’re really smart, and you felt I was really creative. We were complimenting each other right? So, thats a good thing? Im confused.
Sasuke- Hn…
YinYang- …..You’re connection has nothing to do with complimenting each other. But accepting the others thoughts and emotions as your own.
Naruto- Wait..you mean, accept Sasuke’s thoughts as mine? I can’t do that! HUMANS DON’T WORK THAT WAY!!
Sasuke enoys the privacy of his own thoughts- Tch…Naruto probably has perverted thoughts all the time, there’s no way I could ever accept that as my own.
YinYang- You already have. You’ve already felt each other’s pain and lonliness as if it was your own. You’ve already smiled when the other smiled as if that smile was always yours. You have been accepting each other’s thoughts and emotions since you were children.
Naruto and Sasuke felt silent. Each of them felt their faces flushed and wondered if the other was blushing too, but neither turned their heads to look.
Sasuke sighs- How obnoxious. Of course there’s a catch. I understand now why we lost our connection.
Naruto- Hmm, why?
Sasuke- Naruto, when you were thinking that I’m smart, you felt like a dumbass. I was the one who couldn’t accept those thoughts.
Naruto- What do you mean?
Sasuke- ……..I don’t think of you as a dumbass, dumbass!
Naruto didn’t know whether to cry, scream or burst out laughing at Sasuke’s compliment. So he did a combination of all three.
Naruto- Eeee..!!! Hahhahaha!! So you’re saying, you think I’m brilliant and smart too?
Sasuke- Heh. No one else would have had that stupid idea of using Reverse Harem jutsu on a demi goddess. That kind of stupidity is its own brilliance.
Naruto- Yeah well, you’re not exactly Shikamaru you know. Once you start fighting, you’re body just kinda moves on its own! You can be a real beast!
The two boys smile and have renewed confidence.
Naruto- Let’s go beat some Otsutsuki alien freak ass!
Sasuke- Hn!
To be continued.
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