#maybe it isn't automatic but ya know i feel like there's a bit of a bandwagon there
meatballlady · 5 months
As much as I love Crowley's genderfuckery, I find myself somewhat iffy about the idea of the she/her angel. Something about femininity being tied to youth and innocence and purity. idk.
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itsmarsss · 2 months
Scandalous (Blitzø x Fem!Succubus!Reader x Stolas) [Helluva Boss] pt. 2 - How to Make Friends
How the mighty do fall. (Getting into a weird three-way situation with an imp and a succubus isn't exactly considered classy, Stolas)
Meet Blitzø.
pt. 1 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 5 1st bonus pt. 6
Word count: 2,415
Warnings: surprise surprise! the series is actually non-linear! Some hints of trauma regarding feeling used/objectified, a glimpse into a little more context, mentions of sex as usual, i told y’all i can be a fun writer
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Things had been running rather smoothly at Ozzie’s before some idiot decided he could just come in- sneaked in, you assumed, since he didn’t seem to be accompanied, and, frankly, didn’t exactly look dressed for a fancy dinner night at Ozzie’s like other customers always were- and ask for some minutes of Asmodeus’s time as if it were nothing. 
This wasn't the first time this has happened, of course- for some reason people seemed to think that speaking somewhat confidently about having an appointment would somehow distract you, the person whose job was to strictly keep track of Ozzie’s time, from… well, doing your job. 
At this point, he’d gotten past the whole ‘I have an appointment in five minutes´ thing and started trying to convince you that you had to let him talk to the sin. 
“Uh. I don’t know what you want me to say, dude. You can’t just like… ask to see Asmodeus. It’s… kinda not how it works. At all.”
“Why not?”
You sighed. “Who are you supposed to be again?”
“I’m Blitz. The O is silent.” He offered his hand for you to shake, but you only raised an eyebrow, unamused. He retracted his hand. 
“Is that supposed to ring a bell or…?”
“Not to you maybe. But his little bitch boy knows who I am.”
“I know Fizzarolli, okay?”
“Okay and?”
“And? And I need to talk to the big Oz!”
“Yeah first off- you could just be bullshitting me. And second off… that doesn’t just automatically give you any priority in Ozzie’s very, very long list of important meetings.”
“Important meetings? What’s he doing right now, discussing dildo prices with some fuckface from Greed?” He coked an eyebrow in defiance.
You did your best to conceal the look on your face as you glanced at Ozzie’s schedule and confirmed he was, in fact, discussing dildo prices with a manufacturer from Greed.
It wasn’t enough, though- the imp seemed to realize it. “He is, isn’t he?” He grinned.
“That’s confidential information.”
He leaned over your desk, planting both his hands on top of it in front of you and getting his face closer to yours. “What’s a hot piece of ass like yours doing in a dump like this anyways?”
“This is… Ozzie’s, dude.” At this point, you didn’t even have an excuse as to why you were even entertaining this guy (at least none that wasn’t ‘things are slow right now and I’m really fucking bored’).
“Yeah, I’m usually at some shitty bar with cum and blood on the walls when I pull this one.”
You actually laughed. “I’m sure you are. Anything else I can help you with?”
“A… meeting with Asmodeus maybe?”
“Definitely not.”
“Eh, worth a try. How ‘bout a drink?”
“Are you offering to buy me a drink or asking me to buy you a drink?”
“Hey I’m up for whatever one you want,” he put his hands up in surrender.
You rolled your eyes, unable to contain a smile at the dumb conversation. At least he was entertaining you. You had to give it to him, he was a little funny. “You know what. Get yourself a drink, Blitz with the silent O. You probably need it.”
“Oh, really? Well if you in- hey wait what’s that supposed to mean?”
You just shrugged. “Ya want the drink or not?”
He paused. “Yes.”
You laughed again. “Just look for Maru by the bar and tell her you got a drink on me, she’ll make something for you.”
“Oh you’re not… you’re not gonna be… joining me?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He almost looked actually disappointed, just a little bit. Almost.
“Nope. The hot piece of ass is still at work.”
“Riiight. I’ll uh- I’ll be right there! At the bar. Drinking my drink.” He started awkwardly walking backward.
“If you try to sneak into Ozzie’s dressing room I will find out.”
“And what would you potentially do if you found that out?”
“You don’t wanna-” Suddenly, Ozzie’s voice made itself known in your earpiece, your voice dying off as you focused on what he said, saying the words that signaled things had gotten a bit heated during the meeting and you needed to send in someone to escort the imp out of his office (something you had implemented after the third meeting in two months that had ended with him either slightly injuring or straight-up incinerating someone). “Yeah I wouldn’t recommend doing that, sir,” you told him, quickly looking for and pressing the emergency buttons that signaled whoever was working security they were needed at Ozzie’s office. 
“Oh, sir, huh? I can work with sir.”
“Huh?” Realizing you hadn’t given the imp guy any sign you’d been talking to Ozzie, and not him, you felt your cheeks burn the slightest bit, getting caught off guard. “No, uh- earpiece.” You awkwardly pointed at your right ear.
Blitz’s eyes widened, taken by surprise for a second before trying to keep his cool- and the little dignity he had. “Yeah I knew that. Just some good old teasing. Gosh you’re so uptight!”
“Okay, please get in before I change my mind.”
“Yup. Will do. I’m just gonna… stop by the bathroom real quick-”
“It’s the bar or out, man.”
“Fiiiine,” he exaggerated, dragging himself out of your sight.
“Y/n, you there?” Ozzie’s voice came from the comm again, and you realized he’s probably been saying something already. 
“Shit, sorry. Someone was holding me up here. Did they get him out?”
“Yes. Do I have anyone scheduled right now?”
“Hold on, let me see,” you looked at the screen, crossing out the meeting he’d just finished as done and finding the name written for the one under it. “Yeah, you have that meeting about the beach accident with those Inccubi in Pasadena.”
“What is a Pasadena?”
“Living world matter, sir,” you simplified for him. 
“Living world?”
“When does he get here?”
“Eight minutes.”
[. . .]
“You sure you’re fine?”
“Yes! All of my meetings are done, performances are going fine and Aro owes me a lot of hours anyway. Now if you don’t mind, I have some alone time with my Froggie to attend.”
“Ugh, that nickname makes me sick.”
“I don’t pay you to judge me.”
“Yeah you pay me 'cause you loooove me. See you on Monday?”
“If you need anything ‘till then-”
“I will let you know, y/n. Now, I granted you an early night, didn’t I? I expect you to enjoy yourself.”
“Fine, boss,” you teased him, making sure he saw you rolling your eyes.
You walked out of Oz’s office, inside of which you’d seen no sight of Fizzarolli, which was strange. You obviously wouldn’t pry, but wondered if the incident with his hearing aid that Ozzie had had to take a break for earlier had been more serious than what Ozzie made it sound. 
There was no use thinking about it too much, though. You and Asmodeus were close, but there were boundaries you still kept between you and respected. You were pretty much the only person Ozzie ever forwardly told about his relationship with Fizz (even though basically everyone else in all seven rings suspected it in some way) and he knew of many personal things of yours, too, but things such as Fizzarolli’s own personal life and the identity of any people you told him about in conversation usually went unmentioned. 
So, to the bar it was. When Ozzie told you he’d gotten someone to cover you for the last hours of the night so you could be free, the very first thing you’d thought to do had been to go straight home- but even thinking it to yourself made that sound depressing. In truth, Asmodeus was the closest thing you had to a real friend- the closest you’d had in a really long time. And although you did feel grateful to be free of work, it wasn't really much fun to think of the fact that, not being able to hang with Ozzie, you didn’t really have much to do. Or anyone to do anything with. 
So you decided maybe you’d have a drink or two, and enjoy the last performances of the night before bouncing. Couldn’t hurt, right?
To your surprise, when you sat down at a stool by the bar, ordering yourself a blackberry frozen margarita- in your opinion, the best drink on Ozzie’s drink menu- you were startled to see the imp you’d talked to earlier that night sliding next to you, taking a seat on the stool right by your left. 
“Sooo. The hot piece of ass ain’t working anymore?”
“You’re still here?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
You shrugged. “I dunno, I kind of imagined you would’ve managed to sneak into Ozzie’s dressing room and gotten yourself kicked out by now.” Of course, you were only taking the piss at him- you’d know if that would have happened. Obviously.
He furrowed his eyebrows together. “Wait I actually could have sneaked into his dressing room if I tried?”
You laughed and decided to answer his first question instead of that one. “No, I’m not working anymore.”
“Does that mean I’m allowed to flirt with you now?”
“Oh, that thing you were doing wasn’t flirting?”
“Depends. Was it working?”
You drank the rest of your margarita in a single gulp instead of answering. “Hey, Maru? Would you get me another, please? You can put it under Blitz’s here.”
“What? I thought you were trying to flirt. Buy me a drink!”
[. . .]
“So you’re the one who manages this whole thing?” Blitzo motioned around to the restaurant, almost spilling the shot of tequila he was holding.
“Well not exactly,” you toyed with the little umbrella from your third drink of the night. “I’m more focused on managing Ozzie’s business. I mean. The guy, not the place. You know, meetings to attend, places to go, personal errands, everything.”
“That’s… lame.”
“What? What do you do for a living then that’s just so fun?”
“Well, I used to be a circus clown.”
“What? Wait that is cool.”
“Only a little cool. I’m planning something big next. But uh. Right now I’m kind of doing anything I can find to support my daughter.”
“You have a daughter?”
“Yeah. Loona. The love of my life.”
“That’s cute.” You smiled. Examining him with this in mind once again, you took he did sort of have a bit of a dad energy to him. It looked a little unconventional on him considering the… everything else, but it was there. “How old is she?”
“Nineteen.” He finally downed his shot, slamming the glass on the counter.
“Oh, wow.” 
He seemed to notice all the processing you were doing in your mind to try to gather how old he was. 
“I adopted her like a year ago.”
“Oh. That’s cool. What’s she like?”
Conversation with him came to be strangely natural. A few drinks in, and, from an outside perspective, it would probably be hard to figure out the two of you had never seen each other before up until a few hours prior- cracking jokes and playfully flirting, sharing bits and pieces of your lives and drinking a little more than you should together. It was weirdly comfortable.
And, much to your surprise, Ozzie didn’t come up again. Not in the way you were certain he would eventually, anyway. After all, it all seemed too nice to not be a way to get you drunk and tell him something personal about Ozzie, or ask you again for a meeting with the sin. Right?
By the end of the night, Blitzø tried a half-serious attempt at getting you to take him home with you (because apparently he rented a one-bedroom place, and gave up his bedroom to his daughter when she moved in with him, so he wouldn’t be able to take you home with him), to which you laughed, but stopped for a second to seriously consider.
You did find him attractive. His style was hot and his personality was fun. It was all certainly working for you.
 You were sure you could have a fun time with him if you did agree, and, honestly, atop of feeling like you deserved this, you kind of needed it. I mean, nothing like a nice, meaningless one-night-stand with a barely-decent man to distract you from from being alone all weekend. Right? 
But for some reason, you stopped yourself. Maybe not this time. Because, even though you weren’t sure if that was really you or just the alcohol talking, at that moment you found yourself thinking that maybe you could actually become friends with this guy. 
And though you weren't sure if he would want that, it would be nice to have a real friend other than Asmodeus, for a change. 
“Um, I gotta work really early tomorrow,” you lied, giving him an excuse. “But I could give you my number? You’re really funny and I had a lot of fun tonight. Even though you definitely crashed the place,” you joked. “I think we could be… good… friends? Maybe? I’d like that.”
“You… want to be friends? With me?”
Fine. That’s where this ended, wasn’t it? He realized he wouldn’t be fucking you and so the interest disappeared. That’s fine. You were prepared for that. “It's alright if not.”
“No, give me- give me your number. Yeah. Give me your number.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and gave it to you.
Oh. “Okay.” He probably only said that in the hopes to fuck you in the future. 
Still, you grabbed the phone from him and typed in your number.
He immediately sent you a ‘hi’ and a smiley face so you could save his contact. 
“Just to be clear, like, we’re not gonna- like I really mean it, I wanna be friends.”
“Okay I got it the first time, you don’t gotta rub it on my face.”
Maybe he could be genuinely fine with just being your friend? 
“I don’t mind some flirting with my friends, though,” you commented, and he smirked. 
“Tell that to me when I’m sober, sweetheart.”
No harm in trying, right? And if sober you thought differently, you could always just block him. 
Why not? Maybe this is just how to make friends as an adult. 
“Okay but seriously where does the ‘O’ even go? Like how do I even save your contact?”
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A/N: this wasn't even supposed to be out today but i got too excited so here it is. also im serious abt this being non-linear... there's shit mentioned here you'll only find out more about in like chapter 5 or so but i hope i wrote it in a way thats exciting enough to make it worth it! hope yall like it, share ur thoughts w me! luv yall <3
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A Little Too "Daddy"
It was a typical summer day after work for Joseph in his aparment. He typed away on his computer talking to his boyfriend, Carl.
Carl: Saw a really hot guy today while walkin' home today babe
Joseph: Oh yea? What body type
Carl: A total Daddy!!! Like damn... wish he was my boyfriend. Not to say you're bad but like... you know. Joseph: Haha... I see.
Carl: It's whatever anyway lol he was with his kids and clearly banged a woman.
Joseph: You can't say that for sure-
Carl: He was every stereotypical dad trope in the book bro. I know my stuff!!!
Joseph: If you say so... but like are you trying to say I should try and bulk up?
Carl: Maybe...
Joseph: Aw Carl, You know that's difficult.
Carl: Yea but imagine me calling you daddy haha
Joseph: You're lucky I love you.
Carl: Yea i know! Anyways Gotta go now. My favorite telenovela is about to start. Love you babe!
Joseph: Bye. Love you!
Joseph closed the messaging app with a sigh. He did a "bicep" flex and yup still skinny.
"Ugh. This sucks! Why can't I be what he wants?" Joseph slammed his face on his keyboard in despair.
"I should really talk to someone about this- oh wait! Joseph recalled the therapist hotline stapled onto the breakroom pinboard at his work.
"I guess I'll text it right now..." Joseph was quick to turn on his phone and with a bit of help he eventually texted the codeword to activate the automatic transfer.
Thank you so much for being here we'll get you to one of our members immediately!
"Oh great... this'll take a while hu-"
???: Hi my name is G3NI3 how can I help you, today?
Joseph: G3NI3? Did your parents hate you?
G3NI3: Nah dude it's a CODENAME. Gotta keep some sort of confidentiality
Joseph: Ah right fair enough
G3NI3: Alright so what's your name and why did you text us today?
Joseph: Joseph, and I'm here because of my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Aww did you break up?
Joseph: No... it's more... he saw a hot dad today and said "i wish he was my boyfriend"
G3NI3: Oh i see... was the dude straight?
Joseph: Yea why do you ask?
G3NI3: Just wondering... Anyways so I'm guessing the dude was like super buff and stuff? Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 20's...
G3NI3: I see I see... so what you're saying is that if you were an older "daddy" you'd be happier?
Joseph: Yea. Atleast it'd appease my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Alright then, say Joseph why don't you tell me about your life and how you met your boyfriend maybe this'll help
Joseph: Uh... sure. Okay so like... we met in highschool and we REALLY hit it off so we started dating pretty soon after and now we're here.
G3NI3: Makes sense. Though... based on your talks I feel like you'd be more bros than boyfriends
Joseph: Huh? what makes you say that?
G3NI3: Idk just got the vibe.
Joseph: How WOULD you say that you only know him as my boyfriend.
G3NI3: Yea but like for people your age, not sure i'd go randomly say "hey this man my age should be friends with me!"
Joseph: What are you talking about? My boyfriend is like 24 and the dude seemed 40.
G3NI3: Nah man, didn't you say you were both in your 40's?
Joseph: No... I said 20's
G3NI3: Pretty sure I saw 40's
Joseph: Yea well!! I can just scroll up and see!!
G3NI3: Suit yourself.
Joseph was getting furious at this "G3NIE". He 100% told them he was in his... 40's? Joseph read the text again.
"Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 40's..." Joseph couldn't believe it, but then it dawned on him oh wait... he IS in his 40's haha imagine actually being in my 20's again that would be WILD.
Joseph: Sorry about that. You're right me and my boyfriend are in our 40's.
G3NI3: Told ya. Though you never told me your boyfie's name.
Joseph: Oh it's Carl. Pretty normal name.
G3NI3: Weird... I feel like he would be more a Carlito.
Joseph: Uh... What makes you say that?
G3NI3: Isn't he from Mexico?
Joseph: Uh... yea? But how did you know that?
G3NI3: Lucky guess. I mean... imagine having a mexican hottie like him as your bro.
Joseph: Not sure what you mean. We're DATING and he's skinny like me. Even though we're both in our 40's...
Joseph paused for a second. Wasn't Carlit- Carl in his 20's and skinny? but then he "remembered" the last pic his boyfriend sent him.
"Get ready to some farm work for my bonita~ What do you think?"
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Wait... Bonita? Carl- No... Carlito would never call Joseph that. Not to mention his boyfriend never looked like that! Or... did he? Joseph scrambled through his memories and every memory he had of Carlito was him as jacked af Mexican man. Guess he forgot how lucky he was. The bonita bothered him but he just ignored it for now.
Joseph: Sorry nvm yea he is all that. We're dating though so we're not just "bros".
G3NI3: nah man, you seem like bros to me. Don't you remember he married Maria and got like 2 kids.
Maria??? who is- Oh right. Maria is Carlito's "Bonita" He rants about her all the time to you at your weekly bar hangouts. Joseph remembers how his two kids Mateo and Juanita would call him Uncle Joseph! Ah he loves those little rascals. Wait.. something felt off to Joseph.
Joseph: How do you know all this? Isn't this our first session?
G3NI3: What are you talking about dude? This is like our 20th one together
"W-What???" Joseph could not believe what G3NI3 was saying. This was definitely his first using the hotline. Joseph could prove it he just has to scroll up a bit and- Huh?
To Joseph's amazement, G3NI3 was right they've been talking for months. And what do you know they bring up everything about Carlito too. Guess that's that mystery solved.
Joseph: Oh man, you're right guess my age is starting to show...
G3NI3: Don't count yourself out yet old man. You have a kid to care for!
Joseph: Kid??? You must be joking I'm single and could never get a kid! I'm gay!
G3NI3: Oh come on don't be like that just cause you had a divorce with Kate doesn't mean you gotta deny being straight as an arrow or deny that kid you helped make! Joseph: Okay now you're crazy! No way I got married to a LADY. I was never into them!!
G3NI3: No need to get worked up big guy. Your son is following in your footsteps as a bodybuilder! Bodybuilder???? What kind of insanity is G3NI3 spewing now! Joseph was skinny as stick. Always has been.
Joseph: You must think I'm crazy if you want to believe I'm anything but a stick! It's a miracle Carlito even wants to hang out with a single skinny guy like me!
G3NI3: Oh don't be so shy! I know you love flexing in front of Carlito to show how you can attract the ladies! Your libido is off the charts bro.
Joseph had enough of this. He'd crush his phone with his big strong hands if he didn't have the money to replace it.
Joseph: Now listen here! I know I love a good flexing or two but I wouldn't say I have a high libido! Besides... I'm not manly enough I don't got a beard or any cool tattoos...
G3NI3: Come on, Josef! You're the manliest they come! With a luscious ginger beard and a tattoo of a cross between your tits AND one on your left arm you're peak masculinity! And you even married a WOMAN. Sure it didn't last but it's something!
Josef: You really think so? Aw shucks. Maybe if I was a faggot we could've dated... as if! The only thing I love more than muscles is a good looking women to take home and fuck silly.
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G3NI3: Focus Josef. Use that bald head of yours for once and think! You came here because you didn't think Carlito doesn't want to hang out with you right?
Josef: Yes... we might've been bros since middle school but idk ever since me and the divorce with Kate it just doesn't feel like the same...
G3NI3: Puh-lease. You guys are two peas in a bro-pod. Do you really think Carlito would send you this if you weren't bros for life?
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Josef: Ah I remember that! Carlito made those fags think they had a chance with him when he and Maria been fuckin' for years! Got a good laugh out of that!
Carlito: Exactly! Who would send that to a straight friend otherwise!
Josef: You're right... What did I have to worry about? Me and Carlito? We're buds for life!
Just then a knock came at the door.
"Dad! Carlito's here!" "Coming, Son!"
Josef: Welp, looks like Carlito's here. Thanks for the talk G3NI3. Always appreciate ya!
G3NI3: No problem! and remember... you asked for this
Josef: W-Wha?
G3NI3: Nothing! Bye
"And to think that's my therapist... Anyways gotta get ready for my bro!" Josef got up from his seat and left his bedroom stationed at the 2nd floor of his house. Gotta thank Kate for that child support money. But before he could enter the hallway...
"Son! I told you no underwear and caps in the house! Put some damn clothes on!"
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Sorry pa, I just loveee my muscles. Do you mind if a girl comes over tonight? I think it'll work this time!"
"'Course Son. The Women will love ya! You get it from your old man!" Josef flexes to make his point clear.
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"Thanks dad!" Josef's son flexes back before getting ready for his date.
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"How did I get lucky enough to get a son like that?" Josef chuckled. He might not got much but at least he has son and his bro Carlito.
"Oh right! Carlito!" Josef almost forgot to get ready so he grabbed a fresh set of clothes and went to go change in the bathroom.
Before he changed Josef did one quick flex in the mirror.
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"G3NI3 wasn't kidding. That libido of mine is ready to go!" Josef was proud of his physique. But now's not the time for that he has to go meet his bro.
Josef adorned his massive figure with a tank top saying "BEAST" and some killer designer shades he was ready to finally answer that door. With a strong force Josef opened the door to find the man himself, Carlito.
"Hola amigo. Have you seen that faggot Josef anywhere? Haha!"
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"Oh come on Carlito, you know I'm as straight as an arrow!" Josef said back in a playful tone.
"Would you change your mind if I were to... do this?" Carlito took his shirt and removed his shades and did a flex right in front of Josef.
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"..." "GAHAHAHA" The two large man laughed in unison.
"Nah bro, you're my bro forever and always." Josef smiled.
"As always mi amigo, now let's rapido we're gonna be late for our gym sess!" Carlito put his shirt and shades back on and headed for his luxury car.
As for Josef he didn't have a car as cool as Carlito but had a car from the 2000's and it was like his second child but don't tell Josef's son that. But before he got in his car Josef took a moment to feel his masculinity in the car window's reflection.
"I look damn fine."
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And So Josef and Carlito went to have grand old brotime together. Working out together like true bros, hanging out at the bar like true bros, and of course trying to get Josef with a woman for the 30th time this month. You'd think they were a couple but nah they're both straight as arrows no doubt about that. Josef lived a happy life despite his circumstances and that meant more time to flex flex FLEX!
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Safe to say he was a real... daddy. He's even got the kid to show for it.
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gangplanksorenji · 1 year
Pairing: LE SSERAFIM Kazuha x Male Reader
Word Count: 3670
A/N: Hello Orenjideul! I was really consdiering writing this and after listening to "7PM" by BSS, I knew that this was the time so, here it is! Hope you enjoy this short fluff piece with Zuha (btw, she looks very stunning this comeback) and it's clearly inspired with that song in mind. Enjoy!
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“Come meet me at seven,
And stay ‘til eleven
But won’t go to bed then,
‘Cause this feels like heaven—”
Time is ticking as you watch the busy metropolis lights emitted from the distance, so as the moon appears in the night sky that's once emanated by the bright sun.
Rustling leaves and the cool breeze match the silence of your unhurried footsteps, determined to meet someone that’s exceptional, way beyond exceptional—you just can't seem to define the exact word but it'll do.
Taking a look at your watch, it displays “6:54”.
“I don't need to rush getting there, there's still some time left.” you said to yourself.
You hurriedly get your phone from your pocket and read the last messages with her and you're glad your memory isn't failing you.
zuha_kang: “Come meet me at 7 PM, Oppa. In the usual restaurant we've been eating at, see ya! <;3”
Well, what is she having in store for you?
You'll never know as sometimes, she's unpredictable. Looking for patterns can't even let you read her like a book, not even the tiniest bit.
She does invite or text you to spend some time with her somewhere and same as you also do it to her but this time, it's out of the blue—knowing how she's with her friends today until, maybe, the end of the day.
Knowing the latter was none of your business but you just can't let these thoughts out of your head.
Have you done something wrong? Is she preparing a surprise for you? And way a lot more.
These are just one of the many thoughts but you won't let yourself overthink this much, not when she's all over your mind after another exasperating day of school and to deal with such boisterous and annoying classmates.
Kazuha—that's her name. The girl that you've been scared of when she's staring blankly and sternly towards you and the girl that made your heart beat a trillion times. She's such a sunshine and a clingy girl whenever she's near you and also with a flexible and clever mind—maybe her years of ballet helps with the way her brain coordinates things. Also, her beauty is way too captivating for your eyes—her simple-yet-so-elegant visuals always makes you in awe.
Your eyes wandered around the spacious conglomeration of concrete and grass all over the park, finding her as your eyes now focused on the benches, on where she’s sitting.
Not here, not there, oh! There she is—
Your eyes automatically averted to her—knowing it’s her and it’s probably your instinct recognizing her distinct features, even from a mile away.
“Hey Oppa!” her tone is surprisingly vivid, unlike the casual, cold greeting of her whenever she sees you.
Her face is also enthusiastic, her delighting gaze and her wide smile making you feel butterflies on your stomach—it almost feels surreal yet you’re loving every second of it. She then rushes to hug you tight as you quickly reciprocate the hug, making her squeal softly and silently, almost inaudible.
“Hey Zuha… You came to s—oh wow…” Your words were cut by the sight of her mesmerizing beauty, admiring her and stunning you on the process—her features on-tact as the gray-colored blazer-like coat compliments her looks very well alongside the black long sleeves and the pearl necklace being the cherry on top.
“Like what I wore, Oppa?”
“Yes, Zuha. You look fantastic. So incredibly fantastic…” Your eyes are still spacing out, as you’re still star-struck by her beauty.
“Uhm, anyways. You came to see me now, huh?”
“Yeah, I suddenly like, I don’t know, like—uhm, hmm, just want to hang out with you, y’know?”
Did she hit her head or something? Something doesn’t feel right; there’s a disturbance within the force—
“Well, you’re lucky that my boss is in a good mood today and agrees to let me leave work earlier, heh.” You scuffed a breath out, making sure that Kazuha knows how lucky she can be to meet her at this exact moment.
“Well—” Kazuha held both of your hands as she looked at your eyes, endearing enough to make your heart melt like butter and pouts right after. “—I’m sorry about that then, Oppa.”
“Nah Zuha, you ain’t sorry. It’s alright.” You scoff and smile right after yet you then feel unnerved suddenly. You don’t exactly know the reason but maybe it’s just the fact that Kazuha is acting not-so-herself today and you can’t help but notice it and she’s not even hiding it, even the slightest bit. You didn’t really mind it as you’re liking this affectionate and clingy version of hers.
The both of you then walked your way around the park as you continued to blabber and chat about multiple things like “How did your day go?” and more.
Within a couple of minutes of strolling, Kazuha stopped from her tracks and looked at your eyes, staring endearingly right into your soul as a serene smile painted her face.
“Do you really know why I suddenly called you to come here?”
“Zuha, tsk—” you clicked your tongue as you feigned confidence, knowing why she called you here suddenly as you let your intrusive thoughts win.
“—you said that you wanted to see me and… oh…”
Kazuha taps your shoulder, raising her eyebrows as she smirks with that sudden realization of yours, maybe her thinking the same thought as you were thinking.
“Maybe you know now? And why did I sit on that specific bench?”
“I know, I know. Ahhh, this is where we—first met. Yeah…”
The both of you shared laughs alongside the sincerely delightful smiles as you reminisced those times when you first met her.
Speechless. You're just speechless on a single minute of eavesdropping about your parents' quarrel over the front door. 
It was supposed to be one of the best days of your life as you'll get to see them after a year of living away from them because of college and to your surprise—well, you're going to surprise them yet the tables have turned pretty quickly—your mother found out that your father is cheating with another woman and with that single information, you felt stabbed at the back.
You've never felt this much pain and anguish in your life—you feel defeated and angry at him, and even, yourself. You had nothing to do with this yet you feel guilty of making your father do such a cruel act—because you chose to pursue your dream, to study the course that he never wanted you to—yet you tell yourself that it was never your fault. 
Yelling and loud thuds can be heard inside the house as you feel the presence of them going near towards the front door. You swiftly hid behind the white brick-chiseled concrete post as tears involuntarily came out of your eyes, another stream following as you can just inevitably hear them argue. You then heard your father starting the engine of the car from the garage, knowing that he's going to leave your mother alone. This then sent you into your breaking point.
You were driven by your own emotions and so are they as you quickly ran away from the house and even though if you try to stop them or even appear, things may get even worse. 
You just don't know what to do at that point.
You're scared.
More emotions run down your veins as you can only think of running away as far as possible where you can't hear nor see them. 
You curse yourself as you wail on how unfair life could be. 
How unfair life could be…
The nimbus clouds are getting darker, signaling that it will rain soon. You didn't care to say the least as you feel enervated and sad. You then sit at a bench on the park where you are right now as you lay your head down and possibly think of what you could've done wrong.
Rain starts to pour as you feel droplets of water meet your skin as the rainfall gets heavier all of a sudden, you crying alongside the weeping clouds of nature.
You just sit there, lost and done as you feel nothing but pain when suddenly the feeling of the raindrops meeting your skin stops.
Did it suddenly stop raining? Or…
“Hey, sir. I’m afraid you’ll catch a cold.”
A voice. A voice lingered to your ear as you’re not hearing the voices inside your head but rather, a person holding an umbrella, preventing you from getting wet even though you’re soaked in it.
You looked up and saw a feminine figure with her grayish-colored blazer alongside her black denim pants. You can’t clearly see her face as your eyes were fogged by the raindrops and your tears but you instantly felt a magnetic connection between her.
Oh, love, that’s what you call it—more like it’s called “love at first sight”.
You never really believed in that saying once you heard it from the start, not until it happened today. You heart beats a trillion times more than what it should be—it can maybe surpass tachycardia at this point—and you can’t help but feel a little bit of hope on what this angel did.
“Sir, are you alright?”
She still keeps looking at you, still holding her umbrella up as concern is evident in her tone. You just kept your head down, not even bothering her yet deep inside, you feel butterflies to your stomach—a feeling you’ve never imagined was true.
“No.” A cold “no” was just your response. Your tone wasn’t anywhere near being intimidated nor being uninterested but rather nearly just monotone. You can sense that she wasn’t bothered by your current mood as she knows what’s up with you—she respects and knows how she can make you unprovoked even though she’s practically just a stranger in your eyes. 
Within that awkward minute, she lends a hand to you, reassuring you with her saccharine smile as you momentarily smile back at her, yours is more vexed considering what you’ve been feeling today. With a little bit of hesitation, you held her hand as you stood up, you then wiping your tears to see her clearly and time went slow as you saw her enticingly beautiful face. You were starstruck and in awe as her sharp and distinct visuals sent your brain into haywire. 
“Thank you…”
“No problem sir. Oh, by the way, I’m Kazuha.”
“I’m Minsung. Nice to meet you, Kazuha.”
The both of you then bowed at each other as you smiled at her, a little bit more gleeful than before. Feeling comfortable with her all of a sudden, you then started another talk with her as you initiated to hold the umbrella for her. She finds it rather flustering as your gentlemanly actions made her shy, earning yourself a delightful grin.
“Why did you bother talking to me?”
It’s singlehandedly awkward with what question you spat out of your mouth and even Kazuha remained silent yet smiled even though you radiated a gloomy aura—she rivaled it.
“Uhm, I just saw that you’re the only one at the park and, I said to myself, “Why not approach him and maybe do something?”, so… yeah, I just suddenly felt bad.”
But who on Earth would mind approaching you while it's raining? Apparently, it was her, and you can’t help but be enlightened with just her simple action.
“Oh… thank you I guess…”
You feel like you don’t deserve to talk with this angel in front of you but you definitely deserve a girl like her. 
A girl like her is someone you can talk to when you feel alone.
A girl like her is  someone that can cheer you up whenever you're feeling down.
And, a girl like her is someone that you can always lean on whenever you're struggling.
She's maybe the one you've been looking for and she's maybe checking the boxes of what your type of girl would be.
Even though she's still a stranger in your eyes, it uncannily feels like the both of you had been best friends for years and that feeling could never be better.
“Mingsung, don't you mind going to a shade there at the corner? The rain may get worse and we can't afford to be wet, and you, to be wetter.”
“Oh, sure.”
The both of you then waddled your way to that concrete shade at the exit of the park as the both of you sat down comfortably.
“Oh, I'm kinda shy of asking this but, I think you're older than me—are you older than—uh… me?”
“Oh, I'm born in 2002 and how about you? I'm very sorry I called you without honorifics—”
“It's alright, Oppa. Also, I'm sorry too for not calling you with honorifics. Anyways, I'm born in 2003.”
The both of you sighed in relief as you laughed it off about your earlier mistakes. She didn't mind your mistake and so is she, and that makes the guilt in your heart loose.
“Hmm, Kazuha—”
“Yes, Oppa?”
“I suppose that you're not from Korea, right? Or am I missing something coz' like your name isn't Korean at all, maybe for me.”
“Oh, I am really not from Korea, Oppa. I'm originally from—”
“Japan?” you precede her actions as a knot in your brain tells you that she's Japanese but are you really right though?—
“Yeah, I'm from Japan, Oppa. Mainly in Kochi but I grew up in Osaka most of my years.”
The both of you converse for a little while as delightful laughs and giggles emanated around the area. You didn’t mind the time passing and so is rain pouring as the both of you share your common traits, wants like music and hobbies and a lot more. You became so hooked on your conversations with her that you didn't even notice that the rain was slowly fading in intensity and eventually, it stopped.
“Oh, the rain has already stopped, Oppa and oh, I gotta go right now, sorry…”
She hurriedly readied herself as she was about to leave until a voice escaped from your mouth.
“Oh, Zuha…”
“Yes, Oppa?”
You fidget your fingers on to the hem of your shirt as you're uneasy and shy to ask her the thing you’ve been longing for since the minute you’ve engaged in a conversation with her. 
“Ah-ha-ahh, if you don’t mind this Zuha—uhhh—can I get y-your number?” It may seem haphazard and out of the blue for you to do this as that’s what you hoped on what Kazuha may feel yet it absolutely had an not-so-unanticipated turn which you’re not sure on what to feel about.
“Sure, Oppa.”
You couldn’t be happier as this feels oh-so-surreal. Tell yourself that you’re overexaggerating but you can’t help but feel butterflies on your stomach. It has been awhile since you asked for a girl’s number and at the end, you even got rejected. With Kazuha’s simple action, that previous anxiety and scar of yours slowly healed into its original state—your heart filled with bliss and assurance that everything will be fine, again.
You rushingly gave your phone to her as she typed the digits onto your contacts and saved it there. A smile paints your face as this is a sign of further reassurance to the test that broke you earlier. You waved goodbye to Kazuha as she hurriedly waddles away, waving back to you as you can see her getting farther and smaller from your peripherals.
Zuha-yah~, thank you for entertaining me…
Yes. You’re thankful for her entertaining you despite the awkwardness in the rain earlier. In both ways, you felt a sudden connection, a magnetic one towards her. You felt the raising of your heartbeat and the thrill of excitement and you just can’t get rid of it. It must’ve been hard today after such an heartbreaking sight earlier but with a sudden angel, like her being the shining light of your abyss full of darkness, it was everything you could’ve asked for and you're grateful for that.
“So, did something happen when you got home, Oppa?”
“I was really hesitant on going home, like, really hesitant but I had no choice—I didn't want to sleep in the streets since it was cold back then, so… yeah, I did go home and to my surprise, they were acting all along!!”
Kazuha was in shock as a puzzled expression was shown on her face. You giggled because of her as she scrunched her eyebrows, still can’t process and believe what she just heard.
Yes. It is surprising. Roller-coaster of emotions, huh? I’ve felt that too, reader. Well, it was out of the blue, to say the least because everything felt more than real. You completely unravel the truth to Kazuha as it was unbelievable as the first listen, let alone to you, ingesting the sudden happenings at that moment. Your parents acted on a heated quarrel in order to surprise you because they know you’ll come. How did you know that they were a plan ahead of you? Well, there are two things to consider: the first one is that they told you right after they surprised you and second, it’s just the knot in your brain telling you that it’s an instinct that you’ll plan to surprise them. It was a sudden relief of a weird predicament that happened, and you couldn't be any better realizing that it was all just an Oscar-worthy performance from your parents. 
“Oh my gosh, Oppa. I can’t believe they did that! Woah… I wouldn’t expect that too if I were in your shoes…”
“If you only knew how real that was, you would bawl your eyes too.”
“Yah, Oppa. Stop making me think about that~”
“Sorry—ahh… Come here, Zuha.”
You invite her in a warm embrace as she quickly joins you. Kazuha’s cheeks hint a rosy pink as she gets shy from your affection. It was nothing new but nevertheless, it just makes her way too endearingly pretty. Still in your embrace, she hitched a breath as she prepared herself to say something.
“Oppa, back to when I was saying, you know the other reason why I suddenly called you?”
“What is it, Zuha?”
All you can see is Kazuha reaching from her back pocket, handing a small, red, rectangular box towards you and then flashing a smile.
“Open it, Oppa. It’s just my small gift, for you…”
You knew from the moment you saw the box that it was a gift from hers, yet not knowing what kind of gift it is. It could be anything small that you could think of: a necklace, a bracelet, a  ring, a watch and the list goes on and it just pushes you into further anticipation. You then gently untie the ribbon and open the lid on the box as you can see Kazuha’s vivid expressions: her smile full of glee, her eyes sparkling in anticipation and her hands fidgeting and uneasy.
“Woah, Zuha…”
“Do you like it, Oppa?”
Before you could answer, your eyes scan the distinct details of the bracelet as the metallic sculpting of a cursive-like calligraphy of your name luminates from the dimness around. You can clearly see your favorite colors in the bracelet—which is blue and gray—which make it much more appealing to you as you appreciate Kazuha's efforts in giving you one. 
“You've played a big role in my life, Oppa. I'm just so grateful for meeting a guy like you, so, I reflected on myself and I wanted to give you something that would be memorable to you.”
Kazuha's eyes hint a glint as the emotions run down her veins, letting it speak for herself. She still anticipates your reaction as her furrowed eyebrows are one of the evidence of it.
“So, Oppa, did you like i—”
“I love it so much, Zuha.”
You suddenly hugged her with the only aim to show how grateful and thankful you are for receiving a gift from hers. You pull out of her embrace as you cupped her cheeks, adoring her and flashing a blissful grin. This moment leads to something magical, bizarre from the usual bonding the both of you have been into like playing some arcade games or more likely, watching the movies. Sure, it is heartwarming but nothing beats this moment on how it feels everything you've asked for, and you're loving every second of it.
“Thank you so much, Zuha. I'm grateful for meeting a girl like you too. If you only knew how much I love you, only if you knew…”
“But I always knew it, Oppa… Here, in my heart, I know it.”
You felt moved by her sentence as you kissed her forehead, letting her know how much you love her and how much you appreciate her. Without any time to waste, the two of you then waddle your way out of the park as the faint hum of the metropolis and the sound of crickets can be heard—it’s just so tranquil and you wish that this would last forever. 
You mean the world to her as she does to you, so you're willing to spend your time with her, no matter what happens, just to see that oh-so-sweet smile of hers—it makes you happy more than anything, and you're willing to protect and cherish that smile. 
“Will you stay until eleven o'clock with me, Oppa?”
“Of course Zuha-yah~ More than anything.”
A sudden smooch to her forehead brightens up the dimness brought by the night. Her smile is enough to illuminate the darkness of the trail that follows and enough to light up your world. She's all you can ask for and that's what the cherry on top—just her being herself, nothing more, and nothing less. The night is still young and you'll be with her until the dawn of tomorrow comes, or maybe be with her, forever.
“'Cause at seven you will be, be here with me.”
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Hi! I saw that your requests were open, I hope that's still the case, just ignore my request if it's not.I have a request for headcanons on the brothers.How would they react to an MC who loves to spend all his time in Levi's room watching the fish in the aquarium? Levi's room looks absolutely comfortable, the light isn't too bright, there's a huge, beautiful aquarium and Levi must know a lot about fish - he must be very interesting to listen to. I love what you write. Take care of yourself !
Hi there, anon!
My requests were indeed open when you sent this, so you are good! So I looked at the picture of Levi's room just to remind myself of what it looks like and it kinda looks like the ceiling is somehow water, too? Like I don't know if it's part of the aquarium or what, but it looks like the surface of water and there's light shining through it. I just didn't realize how pretty that all was! I have to say, I would probably want to be in there a lot, too, lol.
However, maintaining aquariums is no joke, so I like to think that Levi does it with magic. Or maybe just because he's almost part sea creature himself that makes it easier?
Anyway, I enjoyed writing this!
Thank you for the request!
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the brothers react to GN!MC who likes to spend all their time in Levi's room watching the fish in the aquarium
Warnings: none!
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Annoyed at first because he can never find you. Always starts out looking for you in your own room, but you're never there. After he finds you in Levi's room multiple times, he starts checking there first. He might think that you're just interested in video games or something initially. You'll have to tell him that you just like watching the fish in the aquarium.
Slightly concerned about your preoccupation with the aquarium. MC, do you have a special interest in fish? He doesn't see the appeal otherwise, so he thinks you must be really into fish. Perhaps you wish to be a marine biologist?
Maybe you do have a special interest in fish and if so, he will accept that answer. However, if you tell him that you just like the ambiance or something along those lines, he'll be okay with that, too. He doesn't get it, but if you like it, then very well. He's happy as long as you're happy. Lucifer won't actually say that, but you can tell.
Suggests you get an aquarium for your own room as well, if you like it so much. You can decide if you take him up on that offer or not. He just wants you to be comfortable while you're in the House of Lamentation.
Does not get it at all. Doesn't even consider that you might just like the aquarium, he automatically assumes you're into Levi. (And maybe you are, but it's not like he asked you.) Absolutely complains about it. Why're ya always in Levi's room, MC?
When it becomes clear to him that you really enjoy the aquarium and the soft lights, he just accepts it. Now he's always in Levi's room, too. You can expect them to bicker as usual, but they'll listen to you if you tell them to quiet down. Mammon always wants to be with you, no matter where you are.
Might drag you out of the room, though, if he's feeling like he really wants to spend time with you. Doesn't mind hanging out with you in Levi's room most of the time, but occasionally he just wants to take you somewhere.
Sneaks into your room when you're not there sometimes. He knows you're probably looking at the aquarium again, so he's just going to go into your room real quick. Lays down on your bed and hugs your pillow, taking in the smell of you. Then he gets needy and goes to find you because he'd rather hold you than your pillow.
Confused at first. You're always in his room? But then he notices that you've got a bit of a preoccupation with the aquarium. You spend so much time looking at it, he figures you must be into fish. Assuming that Levi actually maintains the aquarium himself, he's going to tell you all about the process. If you ask him any questions about it at all, you'll really get him going. Tells you all about every fish and coral and plant in there.
Due to the fact that you spend so much time together, you and Levi end up getting close. You're just always there, so he talks to you a lot. Tells you all about his feelings regarding his many other interests. Probably rambles at length about anime plots and the like.
Might get a little insecure if he thinks you're only spending time with him because you like the aquarium. You might have to reassure him that you enjoy his company, too. Really fluster him by doing something like kissing his cheek.
His room is just as calming with the lights off, so you might want to spend the night. He's going to be so nervous about this the first time. A-are you sure you want to do that, MC? The tub might not be comfortable for you… If you insist, he'll let you stay. If you make it a habit, he gets used to it and might even start sleeping poorly when you're not around.
You certainly seem to spend a lot of time in Levi's room. He's going to ask you about it when you're somewhere else. He's not upset about it or anything, he's just curious. Like Mammon, he thinks you're just interested in Levi, but he'll ask you about it.
When he finds out that you like the aquarium, he gives you several books about fish. Since it's likely that the fish in Levi's aquarium are from the Devildom, they probably all have names you've never heard of or names that are close to ones you've heard but not quite. The books Satan gives you have entire explanations and illustrations.
He doesn't mind spending time in there with you, either. When Levi has his headphones on, it's actually pretty quiet and the lights are indeed calming. He might sit with you in there, reading. He's not as likely to get into arguments with Levi, but when he does you can expect it to be explosive.
Takes you to an aquarium in the Devildom to show you other varieties of Devildom fish from the ones that are in Levi's. Says it's because you're clearly into fish, but really he just wants to take you on a date. Call him out on it and he'll admit it. Can you blame him if he wants you all to himself, MC?
He thinks they have yet another otaku shut-in on their hands. In the beginning, he's constantly trying to get you to leave Levi's room. Don't you know there are more interesting things in the world? Come with him to see some of the wonders of the Devildom!
You might just have to tell him that you like the aquarium. Wait, MC. Are you telling him your obsession with Levi's room is about aesthetics? Because hon, that is his specialty. He's happy to help you transform anything you like into a similar experience. If you want your room to have that same kind of soft aquarium glow, he's ready to do a room make over for you.
Asmo likely thinks it would be amazing to turn you into a merperson using magic, then have you take a dip in the aquarium so he can take a bunch of pictures. What an amazing photo shoot that would be! If you're up for it, he'll do it. If you're not, he'll make himself the merman and have you take the pictures.
Always buys you little gifts that make him think of the aquarium look. Paints your nails like shining fish scales. Gives you jewelry made of coral or shells. He can't help it if he thinks of you every time he sees something like that. It's just so cute!
Thinks you must like video games or maybe manga? He just assumes you've got some of the same interests as Levi and that's why you're in his room all the time. Doesn't over think it. Doesn't have a problem with it. If he needs you, that's one of the first places he goes looking.
If he wants to hang out with you, he'll just bring a bunch of snacks to Levi's room. Beel is such a calm presence, he just adds to the contentment of the atmosphere. Doesn't get into arguments with Levi at all. Listens if you guys start talking about fish. Might ask some questions.
Be careful, though. If he runs out of snacks and then stays in there with you for too long, he might start thinking about eating the fish. Or possibly the fish food. Either way, it's going to be a problem, so if it looks like he's hungry you may have to make a trip to the kitchen with him.
He just likes to be with you, MC. If you're happiest watching the fish, then he's happiest being by your side. Other than the food issue, he will sit there with you as long as you like. Just wants to be in your presence.
Doesn't care that you're in Levi's room a lot. Doesn't care why you're in there all the time. It doesn't matter as long as he can be with you, too. Levi's room is as good a place as any to take a nap, so he's not worried about it.
Will absolutely sleep in your lap all day if you don't move him. Depending on how long you like to sit and look at the aquarium, he's going to cuddle up next to you and drift off pretty quickly. Falls asleep even faster if Levi starts talking about fish.
He might get into with Levi, but only if he's woken up or something. Otherwise, he's too lazy to really fight with him over anything. He'll be really happy if Beel is there, too. Then his two favorite people are in the same place and that makes it easier for him. Wake him up when you leave, please, MC.
Knows you like to be in there because it's calming. He ends up liking it, too. His ideal afternoon soon becomes sitting with you by the aquarium. Acts like he doesn't care, but he'll be happiest if he gets to have a little napping cuddle pile with you, Beel, and Levi. It's a rare occurrence that Levi joins you - he's usually too busy on his computer - but he'll join if you ask. If Lucifer checks in on you and finds the four of you like that, he will take a picture to show you later.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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decodedlvr · 1 year
the band-aid to my wounds
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Older!Eddie Munson x naive!Fem!reader - eventual twins Steve Harrington x reader x Kurt Kunckle series| pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3.. TBC
Summary: After stumbling into an old barn after being stranded by your freshly new ex boyfriend, you wake up strangely in a room..that isn't yours..
warnings: talks of cheating, abuse, angst, slight stockholm syndrome at a glance, anxiety, childhood trauma, parent problems; daddy issues, eventual smut, cursing, drinking, smoking, perviness, slight dub-con, miscommunications, blood mention
word count: idk? 1.5k?
previously: 'your stomach knots when he calls you sweetheart.
okay maybe he harmless, just very kindly harmless?
"Here" he throws his arm out, "I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."
You look down at his hands
Looking back up at him with a tight lipped smile, taking his hand to shake it aggressively, "y/n."
"Wow y/n, gotta grip there, im assuming somebody properly taught you to shake hands with a someone?"
how did he know that
its probably a common thing to be taught
"Uh yeah thanks.. my dad actually taught me, said it would make me look knowledgeable at job interviews"
He chuckles throwing his head back slightly, "well i dont know about that but definitely does look impressive to some"
I nod not knowing what to say
my stomach growls loudly
he looks down with wide eyes
"Sheesh, are ya in the mood for some breakfast? We actually made quite a lot of and have left overs i can rewarm for ya--
"whos we?"
He smiles softly "Here" -he walks to the door frame turning back to say," ill introduce you to my farm workin family"
family? ok.. that makes me feel a little better to know im not alone
"Sure" i say walking out of the bedroom door with him
getting to the bottom of the stairs--
damn i was carried up these things?
Spotting a blond and a read head; why are they dressed the same?
probably like close or something, ive done that with my best friend
Eddies voice breaking you from your thoughts
"So.. y/n this is Chrissy and Sarah.”
"Hi.." I say quietly but still politely
"Wow! the blonde says getting up to touch my hair; I flinch slightly but let her continue."Your hair looks so soft.. its full too, Sarah come feel-
Now watching the red head scoot on over to me, also having a feel of my hair "oh yeah, your hair reminds me of my mamas, it was also so healthy like this-
"Oh, where is she ? you ask
"She left me."
I swallow automatically feeling horrible "o-oh, im sorry about that
"Eh, that's okay Sarah says surprisingly not sad, " I found a better family being here on the farm"
"wait what do you--
I get interrupted.
At the corner of your eyes, hearing a new male voice, spotting him
damn whos that?
ive never seen such hair on a dude that looks so.. healthy?
"Steve!!" Chrissy yells making you jump ,"come feel y/ns hair its just bout as soft as yours, if not softer"
you look at her with wide eyes saying "Oh thats ok"-
by the time you’ve finished your sentence Steves making it all the way over to you
"Ooh this is soft, very very soft actually."
you look up to him immediately taking in his features
moles, pretty eyes…wow his hair does look good.. i kinda wanna touch it--
NO! dumbass
snapping out of it, you hear steves voice again but his mouths not moving
am i having a stroke?
“Kurt, Kurtie come meet y/n”
who the hell is kur—
I look over seeing the same face as Steve’s
oh fuck theres another one?
“Hi y/n im Kurt, Steves twin brother”, he grabs your hand to shake and you’re just standing there with amazement not replying
he looks.. the exact same as Steve but something is different..
his hair.. a bit more flat..unwashed maybe?
damn he looks good though
feeling a hand graze your back, forgetting to breathe
“Miss y/n ya feelin alright?”
It’s Eddies voice, and hand that clears your head
“ Oh..uh yeah, sorry guess I was a bit stunned to see that uh Kurt? and Steve look exactly alike” I say slightly chuckling and finally turning around to look at Eddie
its much brighter in here
Eddie. so this is what he looks like
his hair in a low ponytail, tanktop covefred by a flannel..tattoos? dirty overalls and are those buny slippers?
he catches your gaze to the floor and the confusion on you face
he laughs. “Oh these are Chrissy’s bedroom shoes, havent put my boots on yet and our dog chewed mine all to hell” he smiles widely
looking back at him, “Oh no it looks fine to me..”
you melt at the warmth of his smile
are those dimples. damnit thats my weakness
“ I got your food warmed up for you”
“oh cool, t-thank you” i say following him to the kitchen table, i turn back to give a slight wave to rest of the house then back to following Eddie
“She seems nice, dosent she? Sarah says outloud
“Yeah and so pretty too, kinda jelous of her hair” Chrissy states
“Now dear—, Kurt starts “you know jelously is never good for the heart”
“ I know” Chrissy says “i dont mean it as a bad thing..its like i want her hair type of thing i promise and besides, Steve you felt her hair, its soft like yours wouldnt ya say?”
“Yes, its real soft honey” he replies licking his lips as he looks in your direction from the livingroom. “..real soft he mumbles to himself heading to the sink
After sitting down to with Eddie looking down at my plate theres a biscuit, eggs, bacon and fresh cut fruit
“Looks good” i say glacing at him with a small smile
“Thanks” he grins, watching you eat lookin around to see if anyones around
“Now i wont push, but do you wanna tell me why and how i found you in my barn asleep?”
I swallow hard on my strawbeery a bit too harshly coughing, grabbig the water that was also placed on the table, sipping it
clearing your throat looking nervously. he notices.
“Its okay, i wont tell the others if you would like this to be private.. but it is my farm and i just need to know whata young lady like you was cuddling up in my barn
nodding understaningly “yeah no, i totally understand, a few miles after walking”—
—“you walked here?” he asks worried
“Yeah, it was fine ive walked in the dark plenty of times. It doesn’t scare me” he nods for you to continue. “Me and my probably now ex boyfried got into a big fight, found out he cheated he called me crazy when the proof was physically all over his neck,—“ you dont notice you’re just rambiling now—
—and he wanted to be a dick and leave me on the street and just.. left! can you belive that shit..asshole”
—oh shit sorry” i cover my mouth
“Thats okat sweetheart i cuss all the time”
theres that gut wrenching twist from that name again.
“Uh, may i ask, you said "probably" broke up? are you not certain?”
“Oh no i am, i dont stay with cheaters no matter how long we’ve been together”
“ And how long is that?”
“6 years..”
his eyes widen and shakes his head dissaprovingly, “Thats alot time hun, I am sorry about that”
“Eh, his actions over the years start to make sense to me now.. its honestly not surprising he did cheat..makes me wonder how many times he truly has..” you say pushing your food around shrugging
“Eddie reaches over placing his hand over yours soothingly, catching your line
I get chills from the warmth and rough feeling of his hand, finally looking at his face in full—
how did i not see those before? asking myself
his..his eyes their so beauifu—
“Hey yn/!”
both Eddie and you separate hands, jumping back at Chrissy’s sudden surpise
“Y-yes?” you say slighlty annoyed
i kinda miss the warmth of his hand
bitch, calm down you have a boyfeind
no the fuck i dont
“What can i do for you Chrissy?”
“..well, i wanted to ask if you could braid?” she say sitting down at the table beside you
“Yeah, i can why do you ask?”
she sighs, “nobody in the house knows how to braid but Eddie, and his dry hands yank my baby hairs too much”—
“Hey! its not my fault” Eddie interjects
“ I gave you lotion for it ya know”
“Yeah you did, and i keep forgetting to use it” you chuckle causing them both to smile at each other and then at you
“was wondering when you’re done and if you wouldn’t mind..if you could braid my hair?”
i mean.. shes harmless its just hair
“Yes, I was just finsihing up anyways”
“Chris? what do we say when we ask for somethig?” Eddie arches his brow at her
“Sorry.. please?”
your eyes slighly scrunch, “thats okay I was going to anyways” i say back to Eddie
“ I know hun, just know its good to have manners is all” I nod at is reply turning to braid the back of her hair, seeing Eddie at the corner of your eye, to take your cleared plate. you stop him
“Oh i could have taken that for you “ saying looking up at him walk to the kicten
“Thats alright, i was headed this way anyway” he says winking at you before clearing the room
Walking back to the sink Eddie spots the twins, emptying your plate turning to make conversation. “So what do you think Ed?” Steve asks “Yeah, whats your thoughs on y/n?” Kurt adds—“she looks nice,—and very sweet too” Steve says looking at Eddie, then all 3 of them look back at you, admirng you braid Chrissy’s hair
“Yeah, she is a sweet one isn’t she?” real..sweet thinks Eddie snapping out of stare
“Hey, aren’t yall suppsoed to be rollin them hay bells we got extra from Rick yesterday, its gonna storm I’m pretty sure, and i dont need them gettin all soggy”
Both Kurt and Steve groan, nodding heading out the door grabbing their hats on their way out.
After finishing Chrissy’s hair and her thankinng you with a hug, skipping out, I make my way over to the kitchen spotting a phone, then Eddie beside it,
“Can i use your phone?, I think it was about time i get out of your hair and find a way home”
“Sure darlin, but it may not work, the service out here is very poor”
you nod and he moves letting you continue with your task
dialing the only person you can think to call.
1 dial, 2 dial, 3 times trying his phone you exhale agitated
maybe he can take me home?
“Mr. Eddie?”
going to find where he went seeing him standing and turning up the weather channel hearing:
Today the forcast shows severe thunderstorms and hail later today at 2pm–
I glance at the clock on the wall reading 1:55pm
-and 2 tornado watches. There hasn’t been a tornado in Hawkins in 6 years, the dry weather must be causing this it. the woman jokes on the televishon, while you trun around to go look outside at the clouds.
Eddie watches and follows along, trying not to scare you, walking out of the backdoor also
“By the looks on your face im assuming nobody answered huh?”
“hm? looking back from the sky to him, —“oh no.. he didn’t of course he didn’t, prick i utter.
“ I’m assuming your ex boyfriend?”
“Ashton yeah, called 3 times probably out fucking another whore” you say spit vomiting cuss words
“Gosh, sorry! I know i have anasty mouth”
his cheeks flush at your statement, “no, its quite alright sweetheart , im not judging you”
you nod giving a tight lipped smile, looking at the ground not knowing what do now—
“ I can try and take ya home? you have anyone else who can”—
interrupting him, knowing hes probably talking about your parents
—“my parents? yeah no thats a joke..”
He comes up closer with a hand on your shoudler, which you eye subtlely “May i ask what happend with them? if you dont mind?”
“Its fine, my dads an abusive drunk and my step mom.. shes every bad word I could think of right now”—
“Wheres your real mom?”
damn so may questions
you shift your eyes uncomfortably he notices hes gone too far
“ I-im sorry, I keep just a nit picking arent i..?”
“No, its a funny story..shes actually married to my boyfriends father”
“Oh” he says in actual shock
“ I know right” reading his face. “ it’s a crazy story, maybe another time”—
so you want another time too? He thinks
—“and by looks at the sky”—
both jumping at the sound of rumbled thunder and instant rain and hail falling out if th sky
“Jesus Christ!”
I hear from afar turing to see both Steve and Kurt holing ass back to the house with soaked shirts
oh god
making way for them to get inside along with Eddie and you—
“Well.. sorry miss y/n i dont think its too safe to attempt to drive you home right now”
my heart pangs with a odd feeling. “Thats alright its safer to wait, right?”
“..Right, welp, just you make yourself at home until then and let me know if you need anything okay sweetheart?”
“Y-yes, I will thank you mr Eddie”
“Just Eddie” he smiles at the name walking off, leaving you here standing by yourself, taking in a real look at the house, spotting the girls, choosing to go take a seat with them on the couch
what the hell am i supposed to do!?
arguing with myself glancing to the right, spotting the twins with Eddie working on some door frame; catching him smile deeply at you
I gulp giving him a quick smile then turning my attention back to whatever’s on the tv screen, in silence.
Reblogs appreciated :>
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
I'm baaack how about Ari and taking care of the reader when she's sick and grumpy or a migraine she just wants to be comfortable and taken care of but at the same time grumpy and she wants what she wants when she wants it. And is like Ari get with the program its simple to understand I ask you get or no sex for like a week or a month or something
[It's a wee bab drabble, like an honest, true drabble which I never accomplish, yay!]
Loud and Threatening, a Bedrock and Blueprints drabble
The screen door of the porch creaks achingly loud as you thunder through it, but that noise is nothing compared to Ari's hammering at a busted board at the edge of the roof.
"I said I have a headache," you scream, shielding your eyes from the painful sun.
Nail between his teeth, he mumbles back, "but if I don't get this done--"
"Ari, stop." You cannot take it anymore. No meds have touched this, and you are beyond caring if you have to take all the tools away from him and chuck them down the creek way back in the property.
"Woman, I am trying to keep a roof over your head."
"You are currently making my head feel like it's going to explode."
He scoffs. That bastard scoffs at your pain. "Lie down with those headphones on or something. Did you take anything?"
"Of course I took--argh! Just come inside and lie down with me. At least that way you can't keep banging on things out here."
"What am I, your slave?"
"You're an old man." You cross your arms over your chest, eyes very squinty. "You should know what a nap looks like."
Reluctantly, Ari climbs down the ladder and gently places the hammer back in the toolbox. He pulls out his pack of cigarettes and starts tapping it on one palm. "Honey, I'm not tired. I'll just leave you to rest."
"Maybe I won't want to touch you for a month if you don't get in bed right now." Your threat is soft and low, but you know he heard.
His eyes narrow in on your pout. The sheer stubbornness of you. He knows you'll do it, too. You'll get yourself off whenever you want, either when he's not home or right in front of him, and you'll enjoy his suffering. He knows you'll do it. Maybe you won't last a month, but is he willing to risk it?
"That's a low blow, woman."
"That's strategy, old man."
Begrudgingly he pockets the smokes again, following you inside, openly enjoying the sway of your ass as you make your way to the bedroom. He takes off his work pants and flannel to lie down, grabbing the small vile of breath freshener he keeps on his nightstand (so you can't smell smoke on him when he comes back inside), dropping some on his tongue and the tip of his middle finger. He automatically lays to slot you into your nook under his arm and carefully rubs the bit of peppermint oil at your temple. He relaxes his neck when he's done and you both sigh.
You're content. He's resigned.
It's not that he isn't comfortable or that he doesn't enjoy time with you in his arms; it's that since he's bothered to pick up more paying hours at work, he has less time to fix up your house.
Though it's technically not his, this is the first place Ari's ever cared about living, and he's very aware that you have no landlord anymore. There's no one but him to help you. He's proud of that and a little nervous. He wants to finish as many repairs as possible as quickly as possible, and he can't do that stuck under you...except at night, ya know. At night is fine. It's encouraged, in fact.
He settles in for what he thinks is going to be a few minutes until you fall asleep and he can sneak away, but the fresh smell of mint, the plush feel of you at his side, and the tender grip of your hand at his t-shirt slowly relaxing as you slip under knock him out like a light. You both wake as dusk is starting, hungry and headache-free.
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annymation · 4 months
The question may sound a bit repetitive, but what would an interaction between Canon!Asha and Aster be like? Kow!Asha has very different motivations and personalities from the Disney movie, so I would find it interesting to see how Aster reacts to everything that happened in the canonical movie.
We may criticize Canon!Asha a lot, but I believe Aster would love her in every universe. And Canon!Asha and Aster actually do have a lot in common, both being very optimistic and... "Caring too much" I guess, that's her personality in the movie- I need to focus, I keep just being salty with Wish- Anyway, here's some scenes with them.
So remember how in my rewrite Aster's initial plan was to just get in the castle and return the wishes, thinking people would automatically want to grant them themselves? Well KOW!Asha being a realist knew that wouldn't be a good idea for several reasons, both because they could get caught and also the people wouldn't want their wishes back.
But Canon!Asha on the other hand... Well that plan was exactly what she herself went with in the movie right? So here's them coming up with the plan and executing it:
"YEAH! We can get my Saba's and my mother's wishes back, now that I have your help!" Asha says with enthusiasm, she feels ready to take on anything the world throws at them "How can we start?"
Aster flies off the ground, looking just as excited as her "I'm glad you asked! Here's my plan"
Aster uses his star dust to illustrate his plan:
"First! We get in the castle. Then we free all the wishes. Everyone gets their wishes back. They all learn that they should make their wishes come true through their own efforts. BOOM. They get "Something more for them than thisss"!" he sing songs the last phrase at the rhythm of "This Wish"
"You mean get ALL the wishes of Rosas? Wait- but isn't that stealing?" She questions awkwardly
"It would be, if they belonged in there, which they don't" Aster explains with a cheeky smile
"You're right" Asha had a bright smile and a gleam of hope in her eyes "I think we can settle with just my families wishes though" she adds with a shrug
Aster's smile falters for a second in surprise "... Heh hehe uh what?" The star asks hoping he misunderstood "Just THEIR wishes?... What about everyone elses?"
"Oh yeah yeah sure but... Ya know, priorities first heheh." She says with a quirky giggle "And later we can ask my friends to help us free the other ones, I'm sure they'll accept helping me betray the king, they're the best"
"... Okaaaay then! Guess we got a plan!" Aster exclaims with his usual enthusiasm.
Aster would prefer that they freed all the wishes all together... But she's the wish maker, so whatever she says goes, besides, what's the worse that could happen-
The next day they watch as Canon!Magnifico get's possessed by the evil book, while the sneak out with the two wishes
"Oh my galaxy! Did you see that???" Aster and Asha are running away from the castle, back to her house
"Yeah! I can't believe Magnifico would stoop to forbidden magic" Asha says with a angry look on her face.
(I learned the word "Stoop" today by the way, love learning new words as a non-english speaker)
"He's dangerous now! We gotta tell somebody! The queen maybe, or-"
"Let's go to my house!" Asha says dragging the star boy by the hand
".......... Really?" Aster asks, more so in disbelief and concern.
You know you've lost it when Aster is the voice of reason.
Anyway we cut to the scene when Sabino get's his wish back, and ya know what? That deleted scene of Sabino playing the lute (That I called a mandolin my whole rewrite by mistake but we'll stick with that) happens, because I really like the idea of Sabino calling Aster "my sweet star" it's so wholesome.
And as Sabino sings, Aster extends his hand inviting Asha for a slow dance, and as they dance they get lost in eachothers eyes. This scene being like a replacement for "At All Cost" in this quick rewrite we're doing here.
(I know you asked for just one interaction Aled but dang you caught me in a creative mood, now I'm remaking the whole Wish movie but replacing the wishing star with Aster, and finding out he ACTUALLY makes the scenes better)
Anyway the door of the house suddenly opens and the cold wind from outside blow out the candles.
"Aww how sweet~" The now corrupted king says sarcastically from the door with a cruel smile. All four of them inside the house are mortified in fear as he approaches "Getting quite acquainted with your little partner in crime, huh Asha?"
"They've committed no crimes!" Sabino steps up to defend the two
Aster and Asha are holding hands ready to protect one another at all cost.
Magnifico ignore's the elderly man's comment "I don't know HOW or WHY this star chose to answer to your calling. But it's coming with ME now." He says grabbing Aster's wrist angrily
"Wha- A star?? Hahah what makes you think I'm a star?" Aster tries to lie, even though he's very bad at it
The king smirks "Let's just say a little birdie told me about you... Also your hair is glowing" The king points out matter of factly
"Touché" Aster says looking up at his own glowing hair
Asha proceeds to drop a whole dishes closet on the king, as she did in the movie, and they make a run for it.
They escape in a boat and Aster uses his magic to make the boat's oars row by themselves.
"I didn't mean for this to happen..." Asha says, feeling hopeless now that the king is after them
"I know baby" Sakina says caressing her daughter's face.
Aster is looking as Asha with a sorrowful frown.
"I was foolish to think I could change anything... I shouldn't have ever wished" She says disheartened, her eyes are downcast
(I am taking this dialogue straight from the movie btw)
Aster feels his light flickering weaker as her hopes diminish, and he tries offering some words of advice
"If anyone can change this it's YOU, and I'll be here right by your side all the way... We just gotta keep trying, together"
"But how? I've ruined everything for my family, and now everyone in Rosas is at risk, because of me" Tears threaten to fall from her eyes.
"Oh Asha no... Everyone is at risk... Because of Magnifico" Asha's mom reassures her
"Our dear Rosas... Your father's heart would break for what we now know" Sabino said with pain in his voice
Asha looks at Rosas in the distance with a thoughtful gaze, then she turns to Aster, they're staring at her waiting for what path she'll choose
"I know what you're thinking... Cause' I'm thinking it too" Asha tells him
Aster smiles, trusting that they're in sync with each other "Yeah, we'll go back, and free the king from his cur-"
"We'll go back to tell my friends how the king is a horrible mad man that must be stopped." Asha says confidently
"Why are you like this?" Aster eyebrows are furrowed together as he looks at her frustrated and absolutely DONE with this, and also rethinking his crush on her.
Aaaaaand that's all I got!
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the-knaves-world · 2 years
Soulmate Connections
Epel x reader
Mentions of food but I think that's it
Thanks to @mymainwastoocluttered again for the soulmates idea bc I think this a bit too fun to write.
Epel was fun to write but this has a mix of much everyone at some point. Two previews but I think I made those obvious
This is self indulgent fluff tbh
Hope you enjoy!
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Epel didn't understand the fuss about soulmates sometimes, yeah his grandparents were happy with each other. That doesn't mean that others without their marks are miserable or lonely all their lives either.
Epel was distressed when he was younger because everyone around him was pitying him for not having another half. Epel, however, was only upset because those around him were upset. When he got older he stopped caring about it. There would always be that voice in the back of his head telling him things like 'maybe ya did somethin horrid to not deserve one of them soulmates.'
Epel always believed that he would live the rest of his life either alone or with another markless person. That was a well and dandy plan….until it wasn't and his person quite literally ran into him.
~Your pov~
"This is not my day!" Speeding to the courtyard in an attempt to get away from rook and his decision to annoy you, you didn't expect to run into another person. Let alone run into them, literally.
Feeling a shock of your body colliding with another, you freak out mentally because today really wasn't your day, you pull him and yourself up from the ground. You do notice that you have something red on your wrist and think that while you were running away from rook or when you crashed into the guy, you might have gotten hurt.
"Crap, are you OK? I am so sorry for running into you." Looking back you notice rook walking toward you and decide that now isn't the time to chit chat. "Look, I'll make it up to you later somehow, just come find me in the cafeteria later! I gotta go!" And away you were, hoping that the poor guy wasn't intriguing to rook but at the same time hoping he was intriguing enough to get rook off your case.
After safely making it back to Ramshackle with no hide nor hair of rook, you decided to rest for a few minutes. Plopping down onto the couch, you reflect on the meeting in the courtyard this morning. You never asked the guys name! Well…this is awkward, how were you going to find him to apologize if he didn't, or couldn't, show up at the cafeteria this afternoon?
Well, let's hope he shows then. After resting for a good 5 minutes you decide that you should get grim and head over to the cafeteria. He should be getting hungry and it's almost lunch anyway.
Grim had automatically rushed off to Ace and Deuce and left you only with what he wanted for lunch. So, to get your and grims food, you went.
Standing among other students gave you some time to think as you mindlessly gathered your food. 'Who was that guy anyway?' 
Having the feeling of seeing him before, that purple hair really sticks out….wait! It was that Pomefiore first year! What was his name again? Apple…no it was Epel? Wasn't it?
Taking the food back to your table, you sat next to Riddle, gave grim his food and began to eat. Looking around for the people that could blind with their beauty, well except for rook, it wasn't hard to spot the blonde model and the purple haired guy right across from him.
"Imma have to deal with rook again…damn it." Excusing yourself the promise of being right back, you walked over to the table that Epel sat at.
"Excuse me, epel?" The purple haired man looks up and looks a little relieved for some reason. 
"Hello!" Vil doesn't seem so happy though, was he getting scolded or something? Oh well. "I would like to apologize for running into you today! Rook thought it would be fun to chase me around a bit I guess." You groused out, you really didn't wanna run all over campus. 
Shaking your head slightly you smile at the men present. "I sincerely apologize if I hurt you or messed up your uniform." Ya know how this dorm is full of perfectionists. "It's fine, really. I'm just glad I got ta-." Epel stops abruptly and restarts his sentence. "I am just happy that I got to meet you."
That must be to keep Vil off of his back. This is sad to see. So you bring up the thing that you remember freaking out about. "Hey, you didn't get hurt earlier did you? I remember seeing some red when I ran into you, I want to make sure you weren't hurt when we collided." 
Epel looked up at you expectantly, "you have red on you?" Like that was supposed to mean something other than getting hurt or paint on something. "Yeah, my wrist." Pulling up your sleeve, you check your wrist and briefly wonder why you didn't wash it off when you got back to Ramshackle…meh that's a thought for future you.
That's when you notice that it wasn't blood or paint, it looked like a red apple. That is really weird. That wasn't there before. 
"What the…" Epel laughed and pulled up the sleeve of his opposite arm and showcased his apple marking. "What? Never seen a soulmates mark before?" This is weird and so are the people here. 
"What in the ever lovin hell are you talking about? What is a soulmate mark?" You were more than a little confused. Yeah, you read soulmate tropes in books and fanfic back home but this is real life. Those things don't exist, not really.
Epel and everyone with even decent hearing shot you a look of either horror or shock. "What do ya mean 'what's a soulmate mark?' Have ya lost it?"
For once Vil didn't correct Epel and he was grateful for that. 
"That stuff is only seen in books and fairytales. That doesn't actually exist." You think for a minute and concede. "I mean, I did get nabbed by a carriage and brought to a completely different world so it isn't actually that crazy."
You decided that lunch was more important than arguing about this. "Well my lunch is getting cold and I have flight after this so imma need the energy. Bye, sorry again for running into you epel!"
Jogging over to your table, you sit down and are immediately bombarded about your lack of knowledge. "You seriously don't know about soul marks? Where have you been? I know you're not from here but they just don't exist where you're from?" Cater seems flabbergasted at your world.
"We have that trope but usually in books and fanfic. They don't actually exist, irl." You feel someone watching you. Turning to look for the eyes that were set on you, you find four pairs of eyes, though one pair of eyes were not from the same table as the other three. You fi.d the Pomefiore trio staring at you, analyzing you almost, the other pair of eyes was from a junior across the room. His eyes were gentle and he sent a smile your way then he turned back to the other at his table.
'That was weird but at this point I seriously need to rethink my definition of weird.' Your hand rubs over the apple marking on your wrist and a small smile graces your lips. The lectures from the sophomore and the two juniors about soulmates and soulmate marks continued.
Epel looked over and Vil could tell that there was an itch there, one that had to be taken care of. Love can make one glow, after all vil may be a perfectionist, he was not heartless though. “Epel, go.” The look epel gave him was something between joy and confusion. “Soulmates are not to be kept waiting, or pushed to the side for that matter.” Vil had a look to him that Epel had not seen before. Like he knew that from experience. Epel would ask about that later but for right now, his soulmate was waiting!
“Thanks, Vil!” Epel rushed off and over to sit himself with the other first years and the second and third years of heartslabyul. “Do not say anything rook, I do not wish to hear it.” Rook looked over to the table that sat the savannaclaw students, the person that sat next to leona and had his grip firmly around them. They seemed rather content, however, they both looked over at vil with a sadness that anyone could read. “As you wish, dorm leader.” Rook would have to deal with this later.
“I still don’t fully understand how someone from a different world can be soulmates with one here but I’ll give this a shot. Friday night, we go to Mr. S and get some snacks and watch the stars for a bit?” Epel was happy that you were even giving it a chance. 
“That sounds perfect! I can even make you some apple pie! You don’t seem ta get enough good sweets livin in ramshackle.” You pat Epel on the head and smile a bit. “Sounds lovely, I look forward to our date, apple boy!” “Hey!” The laughter of everyone at the table echoed over to the Pomefiore table and even farther over to the special part of the dinning area, gracing the ears of the fae prince who was happy that his friend found someone else to call on.
“Oh don’t pout Malleus, you’ll find your soulmate soon! Sooner than you can blink.” Lilias' laughter echoed through the cafeteria. Soon indeed.
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detectivelokis · 1 year
charlie x merchant propaganda!?!?!
"Havin' a rough day, stranger?"
Charlie hears the heavy accent of the merchant as Leon answers him with a tired sigh.
Ashley had ran away after a coughing fit and acting like someone had mind controlled her, which is the main reason for Leon's stress.
But Charlie is anxious knowing that was definitely the result of the plagas infection.
And she could be next.
"How 'bout you, luv?"
Charlie raises her head to see the merchant staring at her. Or at least, she thinks he is, as much as she could see from his hooded face.
Usually she enjoys talking to him about their mutual love for guns, but she's in no mood as she thinks of the threat of the plagas inside her.
"Could be better," is all she says, just to be polite. He is still one of the few kind souls in this horrible place, after all.
He doesn't respond immediately, and she isn't sure, but she feels the man's burning gaze on her.
Then he claps, startling both her and Leon.
"Ya know, I just remembered I got a new kit 'ere just fer you," he says a bit too cheerily.
Charlie is intrigued as he rifles through his mysterious coat.
And her green eyes widen as he reveals a beautiful vintage-looking automatic rifle.
Leon whistles. "Could definitely cause some mayhem with that," the agent says. "How much for it?"
"Because you two are my favorite customers, it's on the house, mate,"
Charlie sees Leon's jaw drop open, and she's inclined to do the same until the merchant adds, "On one condition!"
His gaze goes to her.
"The lady 'ere gets to use it."
She's speechless.
Leon's speechless.
Hell, maybe even somewhere in the castle Ramón is speechless.
"It's mine?" Charlie asks hesitantly, though it's hard to hide just how excited she is, like a little girl about to get her first Barbie doll.
The merchant nods and ok she most definitely sees him wink that time.
"Kick their arse, darlin'"
He hands out the rifle to her, and Charlie picks it up, testing the weight as she quickly becomes comfortable with it, already imagining the damage she could cause with it.
"There's that gorgeous smile," he laughs, and Charlie doesn't even notice she's grinning ear to ear now.
After getting chased by senior citizens, surviving a volley of cannon balls, and receiving a warm welcome into the castle, Charlie could almost cry from such a sweet gift.
"Thank you," she says, not sure she could say more before her voice cracks. She isn't about to have a breakdown right now!
The merchant nods.
As she and Leon leave the safety of his shop, the purple light fading in the distance, the special agent chuckles.
"Most girls like flowers on the first date," he teases.
Charlie giggles as she holds on tight to her gift. "Well most girls don't have to fight their way through hordes of zombies," she says. "And he knew the color goes with my eyes,"
I love this so much. Girl loves guns very much and if someone else loved them too? That’s the dream.
If you want me to consider your fave for Charlie this is what you need to do, write a little drabble for her 🙈
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dongiovannaswife · 2 years
Affection | GioLena.
I'll kiss your eyes, I'll wash your skin.
Hey ya,
Forget myself and let you in.
Vent piece that actually adds to the main story <3 mentions to past abuse and trauma, healing and pregnancy talk. Poorly edited!!
Title inspo: affection by Amber Run.
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He's been waiting for too long. At first, he had been reading over the latest Pink Dark Boy chapter —but then, it felt like too long since she got in the bathroom for a shower. Was she okay? Was she having trouble showering with the bump? But she had reassured him she still could do it on her own…
Standing up from bed, Gio stops before the bathroom door raising his hand —but something, a sound, makes him stop and lean further, trying to make out the source.
There it is, that sound. It makes him freeze, feeling his heart drop once realization comes. 
A sob. Knocking on the door, he gets to hear her quiet down, like an automatic response. 
“Babe, is everything okay?” 
Giogio sighs, dropping his arm aside and leaning his forehead against the door, as if trying to hear more. “Something's wrong, isn't it? Let me help?”
Silence —it drives him crazy, makes every nerve of his body burn with worry. And then, softly, the rustling of chains makes him look up and stand straight. The door opens and Wire Requiem doesn't even look at him as he comes in, closing the door and dissipating right there.
His wife's sitting on the floor leaning against the bathtub —looking down, an ashamed expression noticeable given her frown and the angry red marks below her eyes, her red and puffy lips and the rest of her face, swelling up and pinkish. 
Silent, Giorno makes his way over, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up. And kneeling before her, he barely fights back the impulse to reach out and comfort her: still, he sets his hands on his lap, takes a deep breath in and, then, through a soft voice, he speaks up. “I'm not gonna get mad, okay? Crying makes you human, not weak. Never weak. It's just natural and there's nothing to be ashamed of.” 
The way she sobs upon his words breaks his heart, and even if his voice almost breaks Giorno keeps going. “I'm here whenever you want to talk, okay? Whatever you're feeling is not ridiculous.” 
His wife had mentioned it once, that growing up, her mother would always get angry whenever she cried: she would always say crying made her weak, that nothing was worth crying for except for death. And then the rougher times came around and Lena learned to cry alone and as quiet as possible; to hide her eye bags and headaches.
Anything to escape the gaslighting. 
She nods, and the tears run down her cheeks —sobs shake her shoulders. But finally, through trembling hands and blinded eyes she reaches out, grasping at his forearm.
“Jovi. He's gonna be the middle kid.”
It takes him by surprise, but he still nods, shifting to sit before her, taking a quick glance at the rest of her just to realize she's wearing his shirt. Setting his hand atop hers, Gio listens, keeping track of her expressions. 
“I don't want him to feel forgotten or unloved, but I also don't want him to feel like he has to carry the responsibility of his siblings and like, I just… .” she looks back, and the raw desperation and pain behind her bloodshot eyes makes him hurt, “I just want him to know he's loved and seen and free.” 
Brown eyes stare back into green ones —reaching a hand out, he cups her face, letting his thumb trace over her cheekbone. Giorno keeps the same voice tone, “He will. You and I will make sure he'll have all that. What makes you think he will go through the same?” 
Lena's mouth closes slowly and then, as if something clicked in her mind, she replies: “Maybe I'm… scared of committing the same mistakes?” 
Gio nods, adding gently. “You're also seeing yourself in him —you want to keep him from all that pain. The pain you went through, I mean.” 
Nodding, she quiets down, though this time calmer. It takes a little bit more before she looks back, eyes half lidded and heavy with sleep, stumbling over her words —vowels molding together. “I'm cold.” 
Standing up, Giorno reaches out for her. “Let's get you to bed, then. The boys are asleep, don't worry about them.” 
The way back to the bedroom feels slow, methodical and quiet —and he doesn't fail to notice her wandering eyes full of fear and stress. He does not ignore the way she grips at his shirt the moment he sets her in the bed, sitting behind her to dry her hair. 
As his fingers comb through the mane of wet curls, applying lotion, he speaks up again. “You don't have to hide, love. Everything you feel, and think, should be said.” leaning over and pressing a kiss to her temple, his arms circle her, as if keeping her from harm. 
“You're safe.” 
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legaciestold · 6 months
@heirofhermes continued from x
claudia's light hues peer across the table, watching as he sets the book aside and listening as he speaks of magical sects. "that makes sense. my aunt, well-- she's not really my aunt, i just call her that because she's friends with my family but she always talks about magic as a godly gift. she told me there's different kinds. normal magic and then bad magic that's given by like.. the devil to people. but that isn't the kind of magic that most people have. and your magic doesn't seem to be the same as aunt kasia's or my friend rand's magic. it all seems different except, i guess the one thing it has in common as it seems to be part of the 'normal magic' school and not the 'evil' magic. god that sounds like the beginning of a ya novel or a bad joke." sometimes it was enough to make her head spin.
magic. strigoi. and everything in-between.
claudia's world had always been surrounded by the shadow world, one foot in and one foot out in the human one. she wasn't even human anymore herself. but where faith and magic came into her life was a gray area and always had been. she knew that god and the devil existed. she understood it because she's heard what her aunt had experienced in stopping hell before (at least the watered down version of it). yet knowing and believing were not the same thing. what did she believe in? could god and the devil exist but also others too? maybe she didn't know. if she had to come to some form of determination she guessed it'd be magic, energy, light and dark. maybe that was enough.
a sigh escapes her, college student shifting her focus away from the tangent her mind reels with. "i don't know the half of my family history." she counters. because really, maybe it sounded like she did-- enough to be able to counter what stoker had decided to run on with-- but when so many of the people around her were effectively immortal and held unpleasant memories surrounding these events they weren't running to tell a child or teenager the gritty details.
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"hey, don't say that. everyone is important. one doesn't have to be in history books or have fiction written about them to be important. and i'll say you're pretty darn important. you are my friend after all. that automatically elevates your standing." her last statement comes out as a clear good-natured tease. claudia never was someone to boast or think herself above others, even if some strigoi treated her like some kind of royal because of who she was.
"hmmm..." she considers his question, her own mind running a bit wild. "i don't know about franken.stein but i could see it being possible she was inspired by something real for the story, couldn't you? i mean there are the undead.. like the ones that sometimes get out the graves. and there's some magic that can bring people back. so maybe shelley knew a witch or saw something she couldn't understand and came up with a story based on that?" it was an interesting notion to think about. how many fictional stories out there may have some base in something real? wasn't it said that all legends had some historical base?
"i wish dragons were real though. i think my pet bearded dragon wishes he could breathe fire. but who knows, maybe they were.. once. a long time ago. i feel like if there's anything people like us should know it's that the greater majority of the world is living behind a giant pair of sunglasses and wholly unaware of the full spectrum of truth that really exists in the world."
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filmnoirsbian · 3 years
hi - i adore your writing, so i just want to ask if you have any tips for writing? maybe with figurative language or something because i get a lot of inspiration of that from you. this is a broad question but i’d love to hear whatever you wish to let other growing writers to know. hope you have a lovely day
I always feel strange giving other people writing tips because, well, who am I to teach anyone how to write? Writing as a process is incredibly personal and internal for me, so I always assume it's that way for other people, and as such what works for me might not (and probably won't) work for others. For instance, I do most of my writing on airplanes because I find the muffled engine sounds help me focus. But I realize that probably isn't an option for most of you.
That being said, I generally have 2 writing tips whenever I'm asked this question. 1. Write what you know. 2. Write what you want.
Write what you know: this doesn't mean you can only write about what you've experienced or anything like that. But personally, I've always loved reading a story that clearly incorporates something the writer is knowledgeable and passionate about. Some of my favorite science fiction, for instance, has been written by physicists and engineers, who gleefully pepper in the information from their fields into a fantastical setting. But it also means it's good to harvest from what you have. This is why so much of my writing includes personal emotions and experiences--when I write mentally ill characters, I write from a bipolar perspective. When I write traumatized characters, I write from a childhood trauma perspective. It doesn't mean my characters are automatically bipolar or victims of child abuse; it just means those are a foundation I can lay my writing on.
Write what you want: my writing was at its worst when I was writing with other people's wants or tastes in mind. At one point I literally was offered a book deal to write a YA paranormal romance. But that genre holds absolutely no interest for me, so I simply couldn't do it. Anything I would have managed to churn out would have been just another addition to the pile of cookie cutter, shallow paranormal romances dominating the YA genre already. That was when I decided I had to reevaluate the way I wrote, and the way I considered my writing successful or unsuccessful. I began to write first and foremost for myself. I began to write the stories I wanted to read. And I also fell back into poetry, which I'd given up for years because I believed successful published writers wrote novels. And I unlearned my previous definition of "successful" as "published by a big name publishing company", and replaced it with the questions "Am I satisfied with this work? Does it convey what I want it to convey? When other people read it, does it affect them?" When the answer is yes, I determine that work a success. Even if, in the future, I look back on that writing as a bit juvenile or less honed than my writing is now, I'll still always feel it was a success because it was the best of my abilities at the time. I also think it's important to experiment with your writing. Try writing in different voices, tenses, styles and forms. Try out different genres, settings and archetypes. I think experimenting can only strengthen your writing. Just as you realize what you don't like to write about, you should learn how you don't like to write. By canceling things out, you chisel away at your writing style until it's refined and solely yours. Eventually, you'll become so confident and comfortable with your writing that it won't matter at all if other people like it. Be your own target audience first.
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baepsaetan · 3 years
Novocaine Enough | Yoonseok | Part 3
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Amazing banner credit to @joonscore​​
Part 1 -> Part 2
Pairing: Yoongi x Hoseok
Wordcount: 8k
Genre: Exes to lovers, angst, smut
Rating: 18+
Summary: Four years later, and Yoongi is still an itch under his skin. Hoseok is trying to move on, from his past life and his past love, but there are some voids that can’t be filled. Some needs that can’t be met. And when Hoseok enters a club and hears the music of the man he left so long ago, he realizes that some addictions can’t be healed by anything as simple as time.
Warnings: Swearing; implied, mentioned and past drug use/abuse (cocaine, ecstasy, weed, alcohol); past overdosing; mutually unhealthy relationship dynamic; explicit (kinda angry) sex, including biting, oral, gagging, rimming, edging, marking, barebacking, thigh riding.
Ao3 Link: here
A/N: Part three! Which I totally forgot to post before now, lol. Not sure if anyone hasn’t seen this on Ao3 already, but if ya haven’t, feel free to give a like. :)
They collide a little too hard, a little too combatively, and Hoseok's lips tingle when they find Yoongi's. He embraces the pain, even as his arms are wrapping around the other man, caging him in like he's afraid Yoongi's going to suddenly disappear. It's a little awkward, but Yoongi squirms in his embrace, gets himself into a better position, and then they're actually kissing.
This is a moment when they both freeze, as if the reality of what they're doing has suddenly crashed into them. Hoseok's muscles lock, and he's abruptly in the back of his mind, wondering if this is the right thing, doubting it is, knowing it isn't, and maybe he shouldn't –
Yoongi's tongue parts his lips and the acrid taste of smoke and beer slams him back into the moment. Hoseok gasps, released, and his arms tighten spasmodically, a bodily rejection of his mind. Yoongi tastes like he remembers, and this is suddenly easy, natural, and the worry dies, smothered beneath the nostalgia slipping across his tongue. Warmth floods his face, and he can't help but dig the tips of his fingers into Yoongi's shoulders, proving to himself that the man is there.
His eyes are closed and the reddish hues dart under his eyelids, flurrying in time with his spiked heart rate. Yoongi is the first to pull away, but only to nip at the edge of Hoseok's lip and then move lower, kissing along the length of his jaw with just a touch of teeth. The fluttery pressure lasts for only a moment, and then the other man is kissing him again. This time Hoseok gravitates into the contact, leans even further until his weight is pushing Yoongi back.
With a low hum that Hoseok can feel resounding through his own mouth, Yoongi allows himself to be shifted backwards until he's laid out on the couch. They break contact long enough for Yoongi to swing his legs up, and Hoseok straddles his hips, knees pushing comfortably into the cushions. He pauses, then, to stare down at the man under him.
Yoongi's skin is unusually flushed, his lips already swollen from their fierce contact. It's his eyes that catch Hoseok, though, deep and dark and so demanding they rip a sense of urgency from somewhere at the base of Hoseok's throat. His hand impulsively rises to cup Yoongi's face – and Yoongi turns away, just a little, avoiding the touch. It leaves an emptiness heavy in the pads of Hoseok's fingers, an ache in his heart, and he has to drive the feeling out somehow.
Tracing his hand down Yoongi's neck is almost enough, and when Hoseok hunches over and presses kisses into the other man's collarbone, it gets even better. Burying his face into the crook of the man’s neck and inhaling the scent of his citrusy cologne overwhelms Hoseok’s senses, drowning the bitterness in a wave of comfort and desire. Yoongi's breath is a harsh pant, and his voice is harsh, too, when he insists, "Come on."
Hoseok is abruptly aware of the fact that he's eager to do more. His next kiss lingers on Yoongi's collarbone, and so does the next, and when he moves to Yoongi's throat, Hoseok bites him, a little nip that nonetheless draws a sharp inhale from his partner. He does it for a second time, just to hear the overwhelmed sound again, and Yoongi is quick to oblige him. Relishing the taut groan, he pulls away to admire the man underneath him.
Just for a moment, but Yoongi's eyes, previously drifted closed, snap open and he makes an inquiring huff.
Not quite willing to admit how much he'd love to just stare at the sweat that's beginning to trickle down Yoongi's face, Hoseok smiles. "You mind some marks?"
Yoongi's lip curls, but his gaze is intrigued. "You want to?" Before Hoseok can reply, he snickers, head falling back to bare his neck more fully. "Sure. Why not?"
Hoseok doesn't need to be told twice. (But he does want to ask again, just in case this isn't what it should be, just in case –)
Ignoring that, he dips his head and his lips are soft when he starts sucking on Yoongi's throat. They don't stay that way, not when he increases the pressure, and under him the other man shifts, arches up like he's desperate to close the space between them. Hoseok indulges, grinding down with his groin as his mouth relents for a moment, placing lighter kisses around the area he'd been sucking on. Yoongi bucks his hips, seeking more friction, and Hoseok finds himself grinning, a wolfish expression that doesn't fade even with his softer contact.
He doesn't give Yoongi too much of a break, anyways; before too long he's back, sucking on the abused skin harder than before. It feels good to press his mouth against the other man's neck, to know that he's leaving a mark that nothing but time will scrub away. Yoongi bruises easily and long, Hoseok remembers that, and so for at least the next week he's going to be bearing a sign, a clear flag to anyone who dares to believe Yoongi is anything but taken.
Even if he isn't actually taken.
The thought has heat prickling across the nape of Hoseok's neck, and it takes him a second to realize it's pissed him off. His next nip is sharper and Yoongi hisses in mild protest. He goes mostly ignored, because though Hoseok tries to soften himself, tries to gentle the way his mouth crushes against Yoongi's throat, it's still hard enough to inspire another grunt from the other man.
And yet, for all that Hoseok knows he's actually hurting his partner, Yoongi doesn't make any move to shove him away. Doesn't even voice a protest beyond the first light objection. In fact, he keeps tilting his chin further up, giving Hoseok even more space to work with, and his hands are digging in just above his waistband, anchoring Hoseok with a grip that's on the razor edge of pain. The pressure grounds him and he needs it, needs an anchor against the dull anger that’s trying to flare to life amidst the hollowness in his chest.
It's not until Hoseok bites Yoongi for the umpteenth and an iron tang fills his mouth that he realizes the fire is more out of control than he’d thought.
Immediately he draws back, guilt and blood on his tongue, although the taste isn’t quite strong enough to expunge his surprisingly possessive anger. The skin isn’t broken too badly, just a slightly more pronounced red among the splotches of pink littering Yoongi’s neck, but he can’t make himself look away.
His companion asks without opening his eyes, “Admiring your handiwork?”
Setting his teeth over the impulse to say something breezy – and avoid the truth – he answers honestly. “You’re bleeding a bit.”
Yoongi lazily opens an eye. “Seriously?” His voice is so unfazed it subdues some of the remorse threaded through Hoseok’s ribs; it can’t have hurt too bad if he hadn’t even noticed. “I’m not bleeding on the couch, am I?”
Hoseok dutifully inspects the dribble, barely deserving of the name. “Nah.”
The eye closes. “Good. Bite me too hard again and I’ll bite you back.”
He’s so relieved it makes him flippant. And sharp. “Is that a promise?”
A hoarse laugh, and Yoongi’s hands tighten around his waist. “Only if you want it to be.”
Leaving it there, Hoseok leans back down. Much more gentle, he actually spends more time skimming his lips over the marks, mouthing the tender areas rather than kissing them, let alone biting. It doesn’t last long, though. Energy simmers through his core, an awful agitation that only grows with each taste of sweat, with every low exhale that the man under him makes. Yoongi is also impatient, shoving up Hoseok’s shirt as he runs his fingers along his sides, the warmth of his touch leaving Hoseok shaky with anticipation.
Before too long, he folds to the pressure of that wordless touch. Taking off his shirt is, in the haze of the moment, only slightly nerve-wracking. The dregs of alcohol still in his system help matters, swamping any second thoughts Hoseok might have had and leaving him dizzy and expectant.
Yoongi doesn't whistle at the reveal like Hoseok had, but his eyes are keen with admiration as they skim across Hoseok's upper body. The considering look is back, and after a moment of mute appreciation that leaves Hoseok flushed and simultaneously more relaxed, he commands, "Get off, 'kay? I wanna try something else."
Scrambling to do as bid, he lifts himself off of Yoongi. "Just sit there," Yoongi says, gesturing at the couch as he gets to his feet. Hoseok suffers a pang of disappointed confusion at the lack of immediate attention, but all his companion does is shove the table back further before returning. And then he's settling onto Hoseok. More specifically, he nudges Hoseok's legs open and then sits on his right thigh, his legs nestled on either side.
Automatically Hoseok tenses to support the added weight, and Yoongi's tongue slips across his lower lip as he settles more firmly onto the hard muscles. He rubs against Hoseok's thigh and lets out an approving breath, and Hoseok can already feel himself hardening in a way that marking up his ex hadn’t quite managed. Yoongi notices – of course he does – and his hand drops down to caress Hoseok's free leg, thumb starting near his groin and then dragging down against the leather of his pants. "Didn't I say you should take these off? Too late now, I guess," he comments with a smile that's too pointed to be anything but provoking.
The touch is enough, and the smile is entirely too much. With a grunt, Hoseok grabs Yoongi at the hips, both keeping him steady and pushing him down a little. A second later and he starts to bounce his leg, nothing jarring, just a smooth motion that Yoongi grinds himself against. Flexing his thigh at the same time gets the other man to groan, so Hoseok does it again, and then again, relishing the husky sound and the feeling of Yoongi heavy on his body.
This is – almost – familiar. When Yoongi wraps his arms around Hoseok’s bare shoulders to balance himself, it’s that much closer to what he remembers, but… not quite. Not quite, because the small man doesn’t press his forehead against Hoseok’s. Doesn’t look him in the eyes as he rides him, but looks past him, the pleasure crossing his face a removed and distant thing.
Hoseok’s own pleasure feels disconnected, too. The throbbing from his cock is quickly becoming a heated intensity that radiates through his gut, and his movements become rougher, hips jerking with the need to chase the feeling of Yoongi grinding against him. It’s good, great even, but there’s a desperation in his urgency that he suspects won’t be satisfied by coming.
He’s chasing a peak, and it’s not even the height he wants to hit.
Eyes closing against that knowledge, swallowing back the gritty taste of it, Hoseok is caught off guard when one of Yoongi’s arms drops and his fingers find Hoseok’s nipple. Inhaling through his clenched teeth, his eyes fly open and then widen as the other man lightly twists the sensitive nub.
“Fuck, Yoongs,” he spits, and Yoongi grins like a cat who just spotted some cream.
“Mmm, this still gets you, hey?” his lover asks. Given that Hoseok gasps a moment later, Yoongi’s thumb rolling the stiffening nipple, he hardly needs a reply. He takes that as an answer and his other hand joins the fun, and Hoseok’s taut frame is shortly shaking with the flames being produced by those dexterous fingers. He’s always been overly sensitive in his chest.
He lets himself be pleased that his ex remembers, but nothing more than that.  
A particularly callous tweak makes him jerk, his leg jumping hard into Yoongi’s groin, and Yoongi yelps – which, honestly, karma – before biting back the sound and scowling instead. “You dick,” he mutters without heat, but his fingers become even more ruthless as they play with Hoseok’s nipples. That, of course, does absolutely nothing to still Hoseok, and before too long he can’t focus on helping the other man get off on his thigh, his nerves shot through with spastic jolts of pleasure that have him barely able to keep together.
After another probably too hard bounce, Yoongi eases off with a light scoff. “God, you’re as bad as a prep school virgin. Been a bit of a dry spell for you or something?”
It’s true that they used to be able to edge each other a helluva lot longer and more intensely than this, but Hoseok reddens at the implication of that question. And at the nerve of asking it, too. He tries to keep his voice level, but it gets higher as he says, “Is that any business of yours?”
Yoongi looks away, but not before his smug expression crumples. He does a much better job of keeping his tone even, though. He’s always been better than Hobi at that. “Guess not.”
The reminder isn’t totally a mood killer, but it does inject something stiff and uncomfortable into the air. With a hard exhale, Yoongi shakes his head, apparently trying to physically throw off the bleakness. It doesn’t work for Hoseok, and it doesn’t seem to work for the other man either, judging by the somber cast that’s taken over his face.
With Yoongi, though, the deeper and darker he gets, the hungrier he gets, too. The more desperately he reaches for what he wants, the more he craves it. It’s always been like that; whether he aimed for money or fame or skill or a high, he’s always wanted it too much.
He wants this too much, too. Whatever the hell this is, between them. That becomes obvious as Yoongi rolls his shoulders, lips pressing together, and then gets off of Hoseok’s thigh, only to kneel between Hoseok’s legs a second later. When his hands fall to Hoseok’s belt, Hoseok knows he’s being driven by that greed. And – maybe – by a desire to make up for what he’d said. He won’t apologize, not in so many words, but he’s gentle in unbuckling the strap, and his eyes are inquiring when he pauses and looks up at Hoseok, silently asking for permission.
The sight of the small man on his knees in front of him has Hoseok’s throat closing and he can’t make himself speak. The defensive anger from Yoongi’s stupid remark hasn’t left, but neither has his own need, and he, too, sometimes wants things too much. Way too much.
His nod ends up being jerky, but he lifts his hips to help Yoongi pull the belt out of its hoops. With an ease that suggests he, at least, hasn’t been through a dry spell recently, Yoongi unbuttons Hoseok’s pants, undoes the zipper, and then his hand is wrapped around Hoseok’s cock and pulling it out of its confines. It’s already hard and leaking. It only takes one light stroke, made slick by his precum, to have arousal surging up Hoseok’s veins, quieting the longing that’s humming in his head.
This feels so good, it’s almost enough. Hoseok throws back his head, eyes hardly seeing the ceiling, breath and words tangling in his trachea and escaping as barely more than an incoherent plea. Yoongi’s always been good at this, at spreading ecstasy with the mere palms of his hands, and today he’s overdoing himself. Sensitive to Hoseok’s every gasp and whine, his hands sculpt around Hoseok’s dick with just enough pressure, just enough friction to have Hoseok writhing in his seat, thrusting into that pressure with wild abandon.
Panting breaths away from coming, he manages to choke, “Ah, fuck, fuck Yoongi, I’m –”
And abruptly the hand is gone.
He lifts his head, something like a whimper emerging from his lips. It makes his attempt at a glare more than a little feeble, but he does try to glare, because Yoongi is sitting back on his heels and flashing a shit-eating grin that’s so self-satisfied it would have been funny if Hoseok wasn’t currently aching with sodden dissatisfaction. He moves to grab his cock and finish himself, but Yoongi catches his wrist, stopping the movement.
It’s probably possible to break the hold, yet Hoseok just limply drops his arm, caving in to the light grip.
“You’re an asshole,” he exhales, and Yoongi bobs his head in unrepentant agreement.
Still wearing that smug smile, he pushes away the hair from his sweat-soaked forehead. “Yeah. But you should be thanking me; this’ll just make it better when I blow you.”
With his cock still throbbing, a handjob now seems preferable to a blowjob later, and Hoseok snorts. “Better? Maybe your tongue technology is outdated.”  
The reference to the original song he’d created makes Yoongi laugh. It’s probably the most carefree – even joyful – he’s sounded the entire night. “Nah man. That shit is upgraded and it’ll keep you elated.”
Hoseok’s eyebrows jump up disbelievingly and he stares. Too fast for him to contain, a rusty laugh suddenly barrels up his throat and bursts from between lips that can’t press hard enough to hold it.  
A blush floods Yoongi’s face, cheeks bunching as his flustered smile and barely suppressed giggle scrunch his eyes into narrow crescents. It feels like Hoseok’s heart literally misses a beat as it stumbles over itself, a screechy sort of delight building in his throat, and he has to throttle the urge to reach out and squish the adorable face in front of him. In the past, doing that would make Yoongi even more embarrassed, maybe even pouty, and it would be that much more hilarious and cute. Which, of course, had made it entirely worth doing.
Now, however…
Well, now Hoseok keeps his hands to himself, but he can’t hold back the raucous cackles that keep exploding from him. The laughter is so boisterous it actually hurts a little, but he can’t keep it contained. Maybe he’s just that relieved to have something to laugh at, or maybe in Yoongi’s absence he’s become more sensitive to just how charming the man is when he’s abashed and simultaneously pleased with himself. Regardless, Hoseok is helpless to stop the explosion of hilarity, and Yoongi’s failed attempt at sulking doesn't help.
In fact, seeing his companion struggle to latch a frown on his flushed face, only to drop it seconds later and subside into loud laughter, has him almost howling with mirth.  
His amusement drains more quickly than it might have – and honestly, the still-hard state of his dick might have had something to do with it – but Hoseok’s chest is just a little lighter when his cackling abates. It’s – he’d thought he’d never laugh like this again, not with Yoongi. It feels so good to be proven wrong.
Lips still curved upwards, hurting his cheeks, Hoseok can barely get himself together when he tries to talk. “Oh-kay,” he gasps around the lingering laughter, shallow annoyance at Yoongi’s antics totally forgotten. “Okay. Fine, fine. Mr. Updated, I’m ready to be elated.” A pause, and then he’s found enough air to add, “Do I need to read the warning label?”
Yoongi got a hold of the hilarity more quickly than Hoseok did, quickly enough that his voice is almost back to sardonic when he replies, “Nah. I’m not the one with a choking hazard.” His eyes deliberately flick down.
Hoseok chokes at that – and at Yoongi’s hand, once again sliding up his cock. Give it to him, once Yoongi’s decided to do something, he doesn’t hesitate to get it done. They don’t bother discussing condoms, a holdover from older days; both of them are pretty meticulous about getting tested, and shared that conversation years ago.
That makes it easy to relax at the feeling of Yoongi fisting the base of his cock, and then Yoongi is licking his head while his hand rubs the shaft in long, languorous strokes. The soft, wet heat flows straight to Hoseok’s lungs, to his head, a blanket of stifling pleasure. His breath is abruptly heavy, staggering, and automatically Hoseok curls his fingers through Yoongi’s hair, needing to feel something under him, to have some measure of control.
That’s a bit of intimacy that the other man allows, gaze sultry enough to set Hoseok’s skin aflame... if his mouth weren’t doing that already. Hoseok meets the heady scrutiny with an unwavering look, and there’s still a trace of laughter evident in the creases around Yoongi’s eyes. Affection courses through his arteries and he doesn’t know if this is poison or an antidote. All he knows is that he’ll take what’s given, whatever the results. No questions asked.
Yoongi is offering him an answer to his emptiness, and all Hoseok wants is to drown in it.
And drown in it he does, in the thick sounds the other man makes around his cock, in the feel of his fingers settled into Yoongi’s soft locks, in the geyser of aching incandescence that’s fountaining through his stomach and erupting in his chest.
“Yoongi,” he mumbles, and the syllables are perfect in his mouth. “Yoongi, you’re… ah … so, so good . Fuck me, you’re...”
This is part of what he’s wanted so desperately. And even if it’s only half, a third, a decimal of what he’s been longing for, Hoseok soaks in the sensation and, in the moment – right now – convinces himself that this is enough.
This is enough, but – but his fingers still tighten, hips jacking forward faster and harder to chase the warmth that Yoongi is giving him. The man on his knees grunts at the added force, and his hands fall from Hoseok’s cock to brace against Hoseok’s thighs. Not a sign to stop, not yet, and Hoseok wants so badly, wants to come in Yoongi’s mouth, wants to spill himself for something more than absolutely nothing at all.
Frantically Hoseok fucks Yoongi’s mouth, his thrusts deep and heavy, gaze focused on Yoongi’s face. The other man has his eyes closed, and he takes the hard jerks with a bobbing throat and squeezed eyes. A bit of saliva has escaped from the corner of his mouth, and his sweat is plastering his darkened hair to his forehead in a straggling mess. Like this – choking and gagging on Hoseok’s cock, fingers feebly curled into his thighs, face strained with the effort of keeping up – Yoongi looks… fuck, Yoongi looks good. He looks… like how Hoseok wants him to look. Barely keeping it together. Wrecked.
Hoseok comes with a muffled groan, the sound tearing out of him like there’s a wound in his throat, pleasure coursing through him in jagged strips of lightning. Yoongi chokes more harshly, and then his hands are pushing firmly against Hoseok’s legs. Taking that cue immediately, Hoseok relaxes his grip, letting the other man pull off of him with a wet noise.
Still gasping, Yoongi nonetheless keeps his face near Hoseok’s cock, and the last few spurts catch him on the lips, the cheek. Pearly white fluid trickles down his chin, mixing with his saliva, and the sight is abruptly so overwhelming Hoseok has to look away.
Yoongi’s breath is ragged, interspersed with coughing, and it takes several minutes to smooth out. In that time, Hoseok... drifts. The sexual satisfaction drapes across him, smothering in its weight, and he makes no attempt to disentangle himself from it. In a different time he would have pulled Yoongi into his lap, caressed his back and pressed gentle kisses along his shoulders until he recovered his breath. Maybe he would have gotten him a glass of water, or joined him on the floor.
Now… Now Yoongi rests on his haunches, recovering alone. Hoseok recovers alone, too. By the time Yoongi’s caught his breath, the painful ecstasy has faded, leaving a worn out ache that’s nowhere near his groin, but somewhere higher, just above his sternum.
He’d… shit, had he really wanted to see Yoongi choke? Wanted to see him struggle to keep up, to take it, just to please Hoseok? Because… what, because he deserved it?
Guilt invades his head, dispelling the satisfaction like mist in a heavy rain. Hoseok shifts uncomfortably, forcing himself to turn his eyes to Yoongi.
The other man is looking at him, and when he sees Hoseok’s gaze, he flushes. He doesn’t glance away, though. Face still slick with cum and spit, his cheeks stained red from effort and from coughing, he shouldn’t look as soft as he does. As tender. “How was it?” he asks, like it’s not already obvious, and though his voice is hoarse, it isn’t mocking.
“Good. Really good.” Hoseok’s hands are on his thighs, rubbing at the fabric, and he can’t seem to make himself stop. “I – If I went a bit overboard, or –”
“Did I tell you to get off, except at the end?” Yoongi slowly rises, turning the motion into one long stretch. His neck and collarbone are marked with a mottled collection of the fresh hickeys that are beginning to show. “Nothing’s changed with that, Hobi. I can take it.”
That doesn’t mean you should have to. That’s something Hoseok doesn’t know how to say. Why are you taking it, is another collection of words that won’t leave his tongue. The biting, the bruises, the facefucking… It’s not that they’d never done it before, but this is a further extreme, and more than that, it’s not mutual. They liked pushing at each other, straining limits, but this –
This isn’t that.
“Well – I’m still sorry.”
“Didn’t I tell you to leave off on that shit?” Harsh words, but said mildly, and Yoongi shakes his head. “I’ll be right back.” He slips away, leaving Hoseok to the shame that’s fighting with his justifications. A stalemate. He really can’t remember where his pleasure had begun and his resentment had ended in the stifling thrill of fucking Yoongi. If there even was a beginning… or an end.
Yoongi comes back too quickly for the question to spiral into something blacker. He’s got a Kleenex box in one hand, a bottle in another, and sets both on the table unceremoniously. Snagging a tissue for himself, Yoongi starts wiping off his face while using his other hand to turn the bottle so that the label’s facing Hoseok.
Lube, as if he couldn’t have guessed.
Somewhat surprisingly, though, Yoongi doesn’t immediately pop the question. To Hoseok’s relief, he’s quiet as they clean up a bit. Then Yoongi settles back on the couch, his limbs sprawled in a lazily casual pose. Not right next to Hoseok, but close. Close enough to reach, if Hoseok wanted to.
He wants to.
His hands remain at his side.
Working his jaw, his thumb gently massaging his throat, Yoongi smiles faintly. “Mmm, that’s gonna hurt in the morning.” When Hoseok grimaces, he shakes his head. “In a good way, Hobi.” Yoongi pauses, leans a little away, like he wants to get a better look at his companion. After a moment of quiet that draws out thick and uneasy (at least on Hoseok’s part), Yoongi says softly, “You know I’m good, right? This didn’t, like, kill the mood for me or anything. I just couldn’t quite finish you off, at the end. Not your fault.”
It didn’t kill the mood for Hoseok, either, and that might be part of the problem. Shoulders hunched, he replies tersely. “I didn’t – I don’t wanna hurt you, Yoongs.”
“Really? Coulda fooled me.” When Hoseok huddles even further into himself at the lightly teasing note, Yoongi hums, a chastised sound. “Nah, I’m kidding. Besides, maybe I want you to hurt me. Ever think of that?”
Hoseok skirts a glance at him sidelong, and Yoongi raises a sardonic eyebrow. “You’re not gonna kinkshame me, are you? I still remember the mirror thing, with–”
“How are you so okay with this!?” The demand bursts out, more of an appeal than a question, and Hoseok can’t stand how relaxed the other man looks. How easily he’s accepting how Hoseok has been going at him tonight. Hoseok had disliked how cutting Yoongi was earlier, the insults and taunts sinking in like barbs, but he’d take that before – before whatever the hell Yoongi is doing now.
Yoongi examines Hoseok for a long moment before he replies. “I… forgot,” he eventually says, the words slow but not uncertain. “How good it feels, how… how whole I feel, to be near you. So you’re rough, so what? As if I give a fuck about that, after… everything else.”
There’s too much in those words. Too much hope, too much joy… and too much permission granted when it shouldn’t be, or at least for the wrong reasons.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He repeats it because he has to drive the words through his own skull, convince himself of them. “Not like this, Yoongi. Not…”
“So don’t.” He jerks around to stare at Yoongi head on, and the other man is smiling, just a thin twist of amusement. “Whatever else, you’re not an asshole, Hobi. I haven’t known you in years, and I still know that’s true. If it’s bugging you this much, it’s not your thing. At least not tonight.”
Hoseok doesn’t reply. He can still feel that bloom of pleasure, that wave of satisfied vindication that had struck him so forcefully at the sight of Yoongi choking. With that in his head, he’s not so sure that Yoongi’s right about him not being an asshole.
“Hey.” It’s Yoongi that bridges the gap, reaching over to give Hoseok’s bare shoulder a gentle shake. “It happened. I’m fine. Hell, I didn’t mind it.” His free hand steals up to caress the many marks Hoseok had left scattered across his neck. “Might even learn to do more than that. But…” Now his exhale is harder, closer to frustration. “For now, forget about it, okay? If you’re done, that’s fine, but I’m still good to go.”
That’s one of Yoongi’s greatest strengths. When he makes his peace with something, that’s it. He’s not someone to gnaw on a problem, to mull it over until it’s stripped to nothingness; he’s too blunt, too firm in himself, to bother with that.
Hoseok… does not have that strength. However, with Yoongi’s grip warm and secure on his shoulder, he thinks that maybe… maybe he could lean into his companion’s strength. Borrow a little of that certainty. At least for now.
Another bandaid. At this rate they’ll be covered with them.
It’s better than bleeding out. Hoseok makes himself smile; he makes himself chuckle. The sound is strained, but it still fills the air with something other than oppressive tension. “If you’re still good to go, old man, I am too.”
A long-time joke that makes Yoongi laugh. “You won’t be calling me that later,” he promises, and closes the distance between them.
They make out again, messier and deeper than last time. Physically at least, Hoseok was absolutely not lying when he said he was good, and as Yoongi strips out of his pants and underwear, it quickly becomes obvious that the other man wasn’t lying, either. Hoseok follows suit, yanks off the pants that hadn’t quite made it all the way off before.
Everything about this is slower than before, and it’s also softer. They kiss for a long time, hands busy exploring each other’s bodies, running over the canvas of skin with careful precision. A rediscovery.
Hoseok feels abruptly – timid isn’t quite it, but hesitant. Uncertain. Yoongi easily steps into the gap left by his misgivings. He’s gentle when he kisses Hoseok, but his hands are firm as they guide Hoseok to bend over the arm of the couch, bracing himself with his forearms. Those hands are no less certain when they cup Hoseok’s ass, spreading him wide.
Yoongi kisses the back of his thighs first, tender presses that still have the air seeping out of Hoseok’s lungs. Everything after that is a landslide of languorous sensation. The feel of Yoongi rimming him is a silky sort of pleasure, inspiring a tingling bliss that has his eyes drifting shut. Yoongi’s tongue flicks against him, slow strokes that tease his nerves, and he keeps at it until the languor becomes hotter, more urgent. His hands are busy too, playing with Hoseok’s balls and sliding along his stomach, and the touches are liquid heat added to a vessel that’s already overflowing.
Hoseok finds himself whining, subdued little sobs that he can’t quite hold back. The first time Yoongi adds lube to the mixture, the slick coldness of it being worked between his cheeks makes Hoseok stiffen and nearly yelp. Behind him Yoongi laughs, his fingers stilling for a moment, giving Hoseok a chance to relax. “Bear with it, yeah? Just a little more…”
Then his finger is penetrating Hoseok, still slow, almost too slow, and Hoseok moans. “Good boy,” Yoongi murmurs, dragging through the motion with maddening control. “You take it so good, Hobi.” He adds another finger shortly after, and the pressure quickly becomes staggering.
“More,” he groans, pushing back against Yoongi's hand.
The need floats through his stomach, so light it’s almost separate from him, but Yoongi clicks his tongue. “Nuh-uh. We’re going my way now, Hobi.”
Somewhere in the midst of the fluttering pleasure, Hoseok has just enough brain capacity left to suspect this may be some kind of revenge. Yoongi strokes his ass while penetrating him more deeply, and another wave of bliss drowns the thought.
Didn’t matter. This is a kind of revenge he could get behind.
The first time Hoseok finds himself about to come, the orgasm gathering force at the edge of his groin and his voice pitching up into raw breathlessness, he’s severely disappointed. Abruptly Yoongi’s fingers are gone, and even worse, his other hand is wrapped around the tip of Hoseok’s cock, lightly squeezing. Hoseok’s orgasm rises – hovers – and then falls away, back into a simmering intensity that has him writhing petulantly.
“Yoongi,” he gasps accusingly when he’s found enough breath to get anything out.
“So impatient,” Yoongi drawls, fingers dragging against Hoseok’s ass cheek in teasing circles – but doing nothing more than that.
“You are such an – ah. ”
Yoongi doesn’t move his fingers much once he’s slid them back in, just mild motions, enough to keep the fires in Hoseok’s gut stoked but no more than that. “Do you wanna beg me, Hobi? I’d probably let you get off if you did.”
A memory. Yoongi leaning over him and Hoseok so strung out he’s almost delirious. Strung out on Molly, yeah, but on feelings, too. A tsunami of sensations. An affection that’s so keen it hurts as he gazes into Yoongi’s blown pupils. The words, falling from his mouth in a nearly incoherent stream. “Please, Yoongi, please, I want you so bad, I want – I want – Please.”
He drops his head, presses his face against the forearm that’s braced against the couch’s arm. “Such an asshole.” The words are muffled, but Yoongi clearly hears them because he huffs, caught between a chuckle and a scoff.
“Suit yourself.”
When Yoongi’s fingers leave Hoseok, he has just enough time to be extravagantly dissatisfied before the other man puts one hand on his hip, the other sliding up his spine to rest on the nape of his neck. From that position Yoongi leans over him, hips pressing into his ass, breath tickling his face. “You ready for something a bit more?”
“Only if it’s actually more,” Hoseok retorts.  
A hard breath and then Yoongi gently nips at the outer shell of his ear, a teasing rebuke. “‘Course it will be.”
Though he takes his goddamn time with this, too. Settles back and preps himself with more lube, to judge by the tense sounds he makes, and Hoseok glances back a few times to enjoy the sight of Yoongi stroking his cock. After some time – more time than is needed, Yoongi’s eyes alight with wicked amusement when Hoseok squirms – he guides himself to Hoseok, the other hand returning to grip the back of his neck. Enters him with a gradual thrust that’s slick and easy because of the lube. Almost too easy, leaving Hoseok panting for more.
Yoongi’s not a liar, though. At least not about this. He gives Hoseok more, and then some.
His dick is more than enough to fill Hoseok, a swelling force that only grows as Yoongi pushes himself in more deeply. The heat builds, swelters, sweeps across Hoseok’s muscles until he’s trembling with the intensity of it. His partner’s sounds – guttural grunts that pitch into tantalizing breathlessness – just enhance the feverish frenzy.
Yoongi is as deliberate as before, but – thank fucking God – he picks up the pace before too long. His tempo is jarring in its relentless drive, and he hammers into Hoseok with so much force that it becomes hard to hold himself up on the couch arm.
A particularly strong thrust spills Hoseok off his balance, and he pitches forward and finds himself hanging off the edge of the couch, the arm pushing into his lower chest. The sudden change in position puts Yoongi at just the right angle, and his next stroke has Hoseok crying out with the burn of pleasure. The other man slows, but Hoseok manages to croak, “No, Yoongs, keep – keep going,” and Yoongi obliges.
At last, and too soon, he comes. The tidal wave of electric heat surges from Hoseok’s groin, splashes against his nerves and sends waves of shuddering release through his trembling body as his back arches. Hoseok shakes with the intensity of his peak, whining gasps escaping his lips, his vision white around the edges. He can feel his cum trickling down his leg, and the sensation makes him sag. It takes all he has not to collapse completely, to just let the pleasure overwhelm him.
But Yoongi’s still going, so Hoseok does the best he can to keep upright. After the initial flurry of gut-wrenching fervor, it gets easier, and he rolls his hips a bit, pushes back, trying to return the favour. Yoongi’s hand never left his neck, and it tightens now as Yoongi’s strokes become faster, shorter, more erratic. “Fuck, Hobi,” he’s panting, the words a slur of feeling. “You’re so – perfect. So much ...”
Hoseok feels Yoongi’s orgasm as a pulsing at the base of his cock, buried in Hoseok’s ass. As, seconds later, an increased wetness pooling inside. More vivid is Yoongi’s voice, huskily crying out, his tone a tapestry of gratified colours.
He can read that tapestry, and to hear Yoongi elevated to those blissful highs makes something in Hoseok’s chest tighten and lighten simultaneously. When Yoongi slumps against him, rubbing his face into Hoseok’s shoulder, the exhilaration just soars, a sweet joy that they still have this. Can still leave each other spent in the best way possible.
The past wavers against the future like a mirage rising from the road, difficult to separate, but for this moment, with Yoongi a warm weight against his back, Hoseok ignores the presence of the illusion. He flops onto the couch, and Yoongi falls partially on him with a grunt of agreement. They lie there for several minutes, and the other man barely moves, his breathing deep and steady as it spills against Hoseok’s skin.
It doesn’t last forever. It can’t. But while it does, he closes his eyes and lets himself enjoy the careless way Yoongi slouches into him. Like it’s natural. Like they’re both exactly where they’re supposed to be. He lets himself believe in the reassuring burden at his back. Lets himself believe, for now, that it won’t suddenly disappear.
Yoongi lifts himself up after a while, but not before nuzzling against Hoseok’s shoulder a final time. “Time to clean up,” he whispers, and then he’s pulling out in a gush of sticky warmth that stains Hoseok’s thighs and probably the couch, too.
The next few minutes are all business, though this, at least, isn’t caused by whatever alienation is between them. Yoongi’s always been very no-nonsense about clean-up, and Hoseok is enough of a neat freak to jump on that wagon with wholehearted purpose. They don’t talk, and at first that’s fine, the familiarity of the tasks before them settling naturally into the silence. They wipe themselves off, fix the squished cushions. As Hoseok pulls on his pants, Yoongi disappears and then reappears with cleaning supplies.
By mutual agreement, Hoseok scrubs the floor and Yoongi tackles the couch. It’s as his knees are pressed into the floor and he’s briskly wiping at the puddle left by the blowjob that discomfort starts to creep up on him, and the quiet begins to grate.
Even when they’re done and Yoongi’s flipped the worst of the cushions with nonchalant disregard for whoever turns it over in the future, the silence stays. They settle back onto the couch – Yoongi in a new set of clothes he’d recovered from his room down the hallway, black sweats and a grey T-shirt – and this is different than the agonizingly tense stillness of before.
It’s more tired, less hostile. But no less bewildered, for all of that.
Hoseok wonders how stupid it is to wish that, just once, a bandaid could cure gaping wounds and broken hearts.
At least Yoongi isn’t sitting much apart from him. As they recline, Yoongi with his feet up on the table, the smaller man is close enough to touch. Hoseok, made greedy by everything that’s gone before, too drained to be afraid enough to stop, holds out his hand. After a moment of hesitation, Yoongi settles his hand on top. Not quite holding – his fingertips trace fitfully across Hoseok’s palm, a ticklish series of swirls and lines.
Yoongi seems content to sit as they are; his eyes are half-closed, and he doesn’t stir like Hoseok does, every few seconds shifting and tensing. Yoongi is good at accepting the things in his hands, especially if it’s what he’s wanted all along. For Hoseok, though…
The anxiety grows, and if it isn’t anywhere near strong enough to displace the satisfaction and almost-wholeness of the last hour or so, it’s too stubborn to totally dislodge from his mind.
He steals a look at Yoongi, at his long lashes lazily fluttering over his dark eyes, at the slight curl of his mouth, an unconscious expression of contentment. The sight has Hoseok’s throat closing with yearning, and he honestly can’t tell if it’s a longing for the man or his ability to exist in the moment. Hoseok used to be good at that – he used to be the best – but it’s something he’s lost over the years.
Just like so much else. How much of it can he get back? How much should he get back?
What if he wants it all?
He stirs for the umpteenth time, but more forcefully. When he withdraws his hand, Yoongi’s eyes slide open, head tipping to consider him. His expression is watchful and solemn, so much so that Hoseok realizes he hadn’t been as at ease as Hoseok had thought.
“Tired?” Yoongi asks wanly.
“Something like that,” Hoseok replies, just as faded.
There isn’t a window in this room, but there must be one in the kitchen because Yoongi says, “It’s almost a fucking snowstorm out there. Not much point in you going home in that.”
There’s a pause, and Yoongi’s gaze drifts to the hallway leading to his room. He hadn’t offered the space for them to fuck around in – a hurt that Hoseok buried deep in his chest when they began – and he seems to be struggling now. Furrows appear between his fine eyebrows, an eloquent testament to the conflict going on in his head, a return to the tension of before. Hoseok abruptly can’t bear to see it.
They both want so badly, but sometimes – for just today, or maybe forever – they have to accept that they can’t have it all.
“I’ll sleep on the couch.” Yoongi stills at the declaration Hoseok makes, his hand coming up to press against his neck like he needs reassurance.
It’s such a lost, lonely look. Hoseok swallows, and then smiles. One of his better pieces. “It’s fine. You always get those rocks for pillows, I’ll be better out here.”
“They’re good for my neck,” Yoongi mutters, but his hand doesn’t leave his throat and he still looks unsure. Like any second he might blurt out the invitation that neither of them are really comfortable accepting.
“I still move around like a psycho in my sleep, Yoongs, ‘specially in an unfamiliar bed. Believe me, it’s better if I’m out here.” He meets Yoongi’s gaze, tries to reassure with eyes alone that he is okay with this.
And he is. Insofar as he’s been okay with anything tonight.
At last Yoongi relents and his hand falls. “‘Kay. I’ll grab you some shit.”
Blankets, a pillow, some oversized sweats, a toothbrush, they’re all unceremoniously dumped onto the couch. Yoongi – somewhat belatedly – gives him a tour of the small apartment, though it doesn’t include his room. It’s essentially to point out the bathroom and where the chipped glasses for water are in the kitchen. As he’d said, it’s snowing hard outside, and when Hoseok returns to the living room he actually feels grateful to be able to curl into blankets instead of straggling outside in the cold.    
The rest is just cleaning up, fastidiously making a bed for himself, throwing on the sweatpants Yoongi provided, and then reclining on the couch. It’s just a bit too small, and he might or might not find himself falling off it at some point during the night – he was being honest about the restlessness thing – but nonetheless Hoseok grins at Yoongi, hovering nearby.
“Perfect!” he declares, stretching out his arms and wiggling his toes under the blanket.
Yoongi lifts an eyebrow at the enthusiastic and totally not excessive display. “You look like a kid at your first sleepover,” he observes with a snort that does nothing to dispel the affection in his voice.
Hoseok squirms his way deeper into the blankets in reply.
Smiling faintly, Yoongi shakes his head. “Night, Hobi. You want the light off?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
The living room is abruptly dark, leaving just the light spilling from behind the door to Yoongi’s bedroom, left slightly ajar. Hoseok wiggles a few more times, finding a more comfortable position. It’s as he’s sinking into the cushions with a sudden sense of exhaustion that he realizes Yoongi isn’t in his room; his silhouette is breaking up the light coming from there.  
He cranes his neck, can’t see anything but Yoongi’s dim outline down the hall, and gives it up as a bad job. Instead Hoseok just stares up at the ceiling he can’t see, listening to the sound of his own steady breathing. He waits.
“Hey, Hobi?” Yoongi’s voice eventually slips through the dark room, diffidently calling for Hoseok’s attention, and he murmurs a quiet question in return.
“I missed you, too.”
It comes to Hoseok as Yoongi’s door softly closes that he’s holding his breath. Like a sudden exhale might release the thrumming in his chest. Like he might spill the nebulous joy if he sighs too hard. His thoughts are fragile with uncertainty. The elation is a shivery, delicate thing, and he knows if he holds it too hard in his head it’s going to go to pieces under the weight of the past.
So Hoseok doesn’t hold the words hard. He breathes. Breathes and closes his eyes and pushes his face into the pillow that smells like Yoongi. He follows those words as he slips into sleep, and he couldn’t have said where they were leading him.
14 notes · View notes
dreamiesdotcom · 3 years
rule #6 | l.dh
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Summary: With Donghyuck, growing to love feels like a black hole, but not the depressing kind. Rather, it's something hard to get away from — like a force, a very strong force that allows no escape, and it's incredibly luminous as if going supernova.
Word Count: 3.5k
a/n: hi, this is moon from somewhere august, scheduling this post before i chicken out again :D by the time it's posted, it's already Christmas so,,, merry christmas y'all who celebrate!!!! Lots of love!!!
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Just like most things involving Donghyuck, falling in love with him isn't such a good idea.
That was way too sped up, though. The best way to start this story, of course, is from the very beginning— the day human migraine number one (a.k.a Jaemin) decided to bring in evil genius Huang Renjun to the circle. That would've been fine. It just so happened that beside him sat the devil incarnate, Lee Donghyuck, and that, well, is totally all four directions far away from what's acceptable.
Rule number one to surviving this life thing: Never trust cute boys with sunshine smiles and mischief in their eyes, a.k.a Donghyuck, or Haechan, whatever name he decided to go by. That's why when he reaches his hands out over the table to your direction, you quickly dismiss his attempt — "Hi! I haven't met you yet, did you skip first period? You're Y/N, ri—"
"Please never speak to me." was your reply then, and human migraine number two (a.k.a Chenle) laughs. Jaemin nags for the rest of the break, talking about manners and getting along. The fools nod alongside him. You grumble, moody for no reason and feeling particularly mean, but you warmly smile at Mark when he arrives at your table. Somewhere along the lines, you met stares with the new boy, and you give him an indifferent look.
Donghyuck took the nonchalance as a challenge.
The following weeks have been infuriating.
Rule #2: At all times, seek Lee Jeno's company. Unreliable as he seems when it comes to patience, the boy is quite reasonable sometimes.
Your windows align with the sweet-faced boy, your roofs almost touching — if you tried hard enough, you two could sit together, side by side, just like this. Cold wind blows, but it doesn't make you shiver. Jeno's warm, and maybe that's why you love cuddling with him so much. Maybe.
Just maybe, that could be the reason.
"I can't hear what you're saying," he slowly says, laughter seeping through his lips. You whine at that, moving away so he could see you and you could speak clearly. His hand remains holding your chin up, endearing in a soft way, but it doesn't wash away your frown. "What were you saying?"
You groan, "I said, he's so annoying! The audacity, Lee Jeno, he had the audacity to call me ba—"
Jeno watches you with tender eyes. Your heart softens, and you forget whatever next words you had to say. Maybe things will be okay? He's here, after all. Just right next door.
At least, something is going right.
This new boy, it seems, is appealing to many. During his first week, people have constantly trying to 'show him around', and that excuse doesn't die down until one month. From then on, people just keep following him around with "Good morning, Haechan!", "Goodbye, Haechan!" and "How was the weekends for you, Haechan-ssi?"
To be honest, it's something you had to grow used to even way before the showed up. Having Na Jaemin and Mark Lee from the Basketball team in your circle just really has a way of putting the spotlight on your lunch table. Not to mention, Renjun, Jeno, and Jisung, who despite being quiet, just has a certain charm to them — Jaemin's words, not yours. And oh, don't even get started on Chenle. That boy is a social butterfly.
The difference is that he keeps entertaining them, unlike the others who awkwardly laughs or just greets back — safe to say that sometimes, the 'goodness' of his heart gets in the way of your education and daily life. Times just like this.
Jisung's name shines brightly at the top of the list. You cling to the boy excitedly, pinching his cheeks and slightly bouncing on your heels, "You made it on the dance team, Sungie! Oh my God, oh my Go—"
"Y/N..." he drawls out, both hands resting on your shoulder as if to calm you down, but the excitement in his eyes betrays his intentions. On the other side, Renjun waves at you with the others. It makes you chuckle, and you motion for them come — that is, of course, until someone pushes you, almost sending you to the ground if not for Jisung catching you midfall.
The girl furrows her brows, "Move, you're blocking the way."
Your palms itch at that moment, and you couldn't believe just what you heard — the nerve!
"Where's your manners?" rings Donghyuck's voice from where he's slowly making way towards you with the others, a grimace on each of their faces. Attitude seeps from his gaze, the kind that would've made someone quiver. "Don't go around pushing people."
"Stop." you clench your hands to fists, thanking Jisung before straightening up. Through gritted teeth, you calmly look at the girl with a scowl on her face. "Look, I'm sorry, but can you politely ask me to move next time? That's be appreciated, thank you."
After bidding the others a small smile, you turn around to make your way to the library. What? For peace? For space? Just to be as far away from the boy following you right now as possible? You don't even know at this point. You feel like your celebration is ruined and all you want is distance from the person you dislike the most — to be honest, you don't know anything about him aside from the fact that he's Lee Donghyuck and that he's annoying, and that you automatically hate him. You don't plan on knowing more. That's why before entering the library, you turn around to face him with a solemn look.
"Thank you." he halts in shock. His smile widens, but you look at him with the same seriousness in your face. "But don't do it again. I don't need saving, Lee Donghyuck."
Later that night, you grit your teeth as you write down another rule: Say your gratitude but don't get used to the way he saves you. You're not a damsel. Just hand the goddamn sword or you'll be fine with your fists — maybe your eyes for daggers, too.
Rule #3: Never go to him for comfort.
22nd of April, 10:35 p.m. You close your eyes and wait. The clock hits eleven and you open the door for the others, greeting everyone with a cheerful smile. "Where's Jaemin?"
Mark shrugs, "Said he has an essay. He'll be late for a bit, but he'll make it before 12."
23rd of April, 12:00 a.m, your heartbeat races. Everything's all set, everyone's in the living room. You take out your phone with a giggle, typing out 'Happy Birthday, dummy!!!' with the biggest grin on your face. Jisung judges you slightly, but he quickly forgets it when a taunting yell from Renjun comes. You sit in the kitchen, staring at the delicately decorated cake, and you wait.
One hour turns to two, then three. Your smile fades slightly, and you check your phone for replies. When nothing comes, you click over his contact shakily.
To: Star <3
Happy Birthday, dummy!!!
Hey, Jen? You're one door away from me and yet you're an hour late.
Birthday boy, you're not ditching us on your own celebration, aren't ya?
When are you coming over ;-;
From: Star <3
I'm sorry!!!
Sorry but I'll be late!
Jaeminnie really needs my help with something.
We'll be there! I'm sorry, Y/N
Your smile disappears. Sullenly making your way to the living room, you count your steps to keep your ground. You look at the others in front of you with a smile, "Go start the movie, I'll wait for Jeno and Jaemin outside. Deal?"
"Sure." Chenle chirps, his grin never fading. Must be because of cheating his way through besting Jisung, Donghyuck, Mark, and Renjun at Monopoly for the past three hours, probably ruining their friendship. Oblivious to the world, Renjun grumbles something about Jeno never being punctual, that he'd pray that trait onto him as a birthday gift. You glance at them before heading back outside, sitting down outside your door, head in between your knees.
A tear. Maybe two. Is this how heartbreak feels like? The kind of crying where you can't even make a sound because people could hear, but then even your teardrops seem to be so loud.
The door opens and you put your head up, hurriedly wiping them away. You put on your best smile until Donghyuck occupies the space beside you. He hands you a handkerchief.
"Don't," he whispers when you obviously hold down a sob, and he leans you on his chest. You cry freely there — you don't know why you let him of all people, but all you know was that you couldn't think straight; desperation blooms on your chest like fresh flowers die over time, and he doesn't judge. He just holds you — no cheesy pet name, no flirty looks, no catch. Just someone to be with.
At 4 a.m with Lee Donghyuck, the starless sky and the moon all alone looks a little less lonely. In front of you, the sun begins to rise.
Rule #4: Aaaaand if you don't follow the preceding rule, then, you're fucked. This is your mess. Good luck, you're alone on this one.
After Jeno's birthday (and after he made up to you, he spent a month doing that.) something just begins to change. A pleasant shift, according to Mark.
From that day, something in you says that maybe, just maybe, he's not so bad and you were just unfair to him. This realization must be something brought by time; slowly, you got used to Renjun and Hyuck being a part of your circle. These tutoring sessions must be a factor as well, judging how to two get to spend time alone in the same table as you can't possibly study with the others around you.
Donghyuck would do anything to evade mathematics, though. At least that's what it looks like right now, as he doodles around the margins instead of solving the problems, and then opens a topic, "Nana and Jisung looks cute together. Should've known they wouldn't be serious with each other, him and Jeno."
You roll your eyes, but not the way you did back then. It's way softer, much more affectionate. "It's been a year, let them be."
"So what? It's only been a year." he seems really determined to waste time. He even makes a show of briefly making eye contact before pouting at the paper, "You and Jeno still pretend to be just friends, but the whole school's just waiting for you two to kiss."
You chuckle, "We don't."
"You do."
"Used to." you correct. You look over to the other table, Jaemin and Jeno throwing a banter while Jisung begs them to stop before Renjun smacks them all with a book. You gaze down the notes you're studying before shrugging, "Things change."
"Example?" he tentatively asks, absentmindedly tracing the letters and numbers scattered around his notebook. You rest your chin on your palm.
"Well, now, I might like you." because honestly, you do. He's a great company, although sometimes overwhelming and annoying. Especially that most of the time when he's with Jaemin, they brew the worst ideas together and it's pretty much storm from there.
It would be a lie to say that it's not one of the things that makes you feel warm, slowly growing fond. Your voice softens as he tilts up to meet your gaze, and you flash him a saccharine smile. "Soon, it might not be because you're my friend."
Things like this make you feel like you've missed everything with Jeno, all the things you both could've had; it's like you should've been like this. It's like you should've been holding hands, or walking down the streets, or sitting on a rooftop and asking for a kiss. The kind that would send a rush of energy on your veins, shaking you back to life, losing you to the dream that is the way his lips move against you. But best friends don't do that, so you don't.
Hyuck is not Jeno, though. He's not your best friend.
With Donghyuck, growing to love feels like a black hole, but not the depressing kind. Rather, it's something hard to get away from — like a force, a very strong force that allows no escape, and it's incredibly luminous as if going supernova.
Rule #5: Well, seems like you can't back out now. Love him. Love him so much that the sunshine in his eyes never fades.
"Why are we celebrating Mark's last day in town?" Donghyuck sits down in the living room, looking around at the place — balloons, snacks, a cake, everyone in your friend group. He sets down his gift, "Are we that glad that he's leaving?"
Mark huffs, "You'd fucking cry once you miss me and I'm cities away, Lee Donghyuck."
"I won't miss you because I'm coming over to your dorm every day and I'm dragging everyone with me." Donghyuck smiles and even when Mark shoves him a little at that, everyone knows that he's happy the younger said that. He flashes his sly smile, "You, however... ah, what do we do? Mark might miss me so much he fails three subjects."
Everyone cackles at that, and Mark only raises his arms at surrender, saying something about not joking like that because he's honestly 'terrified to start hell', wanting to just stay here and finish school with all of you, ranting about how troublesome it is to transfer. You lean back on your loveseat, lightly kicking Hyuck's feet. "What?"
"You talk like this but you'd sulk tomorrow, wouldn't you?" You taunt, snickering. "This is false advertising."
Donghyuck gapes as the others fall over laughing. "Oi, are you trying to help me fill out all the ten reasons I hate you?"
"You have only ten for me?" you add, and for some reason, that makes the others laugh harder. "I have a hundred for you, Hyuckie."
"I could write you thousands—"
Jeno scrunches his face, hands moving to cover Donghyuck's mouth. "Just please go kiss each other."
Donghyuck tears away from his hold, rolls his eyes, and waves goodbye. He tugs you away from Jaemin and then leads you upstairs, but not before one last banter with Jeno, who, in his all confused expression, tilts his head in question, "Ya, where are you going?"
"I'm not kissing Y/N in front of you fools."
And true to his word, that's what he does.
Donghyuck smiles like the world is kind, like unending unconditional love, without boundaries nor fears. He kisses like that, too, passionate and deep. He does it like it's the end of the world, as if it's the only thing he wants to do. He does it like he's thanking every single thing that led him up to this moment. He kissed you under those stars in his balcony, a hand warm on your waist with the other softly caressing your jaw, and it seemed like it lasted forever.
Because that's the truth. The last time never feels like the last time. There had to be more to this than what the skies have laid down.
Inside your dreamy little mind, Donghyuck was eternal and the love you shared was forever. That's what happened. You thought you had forever.
You thought you had forever, but you didn't.
Rule #6: But that won't make him stay if he's bound to leave. Accept that and love him, still. Love him through the rain.
"Lee Jeno tripped!" yells Chenle's loud voice, gaining the attention of everybody in the room, "And fell in love with Y/N, totally whipped that they can't even shop separately!"
"Hell, Chenle, where's your mute button?" Renjun hissed, "We gotta buy presents too. Who decided to do this so late, though? It's the 24th! You guys should've done it weeks ago!"
"Let's go?" Jeno asks, blatantly ignoring Renjun as he waits for you to take his hands. You smirk, waving the folded paper to the others after entwining fingers with him.
"Bye, losers! See y'all later~" you wink. Before being dragged out the Cafe, you point at your friends' direction "Whoever had my name better give me a decent gift, or Christmas is cancelled!"
"Baby, stop that," he asks, squeezing your hands to make you calm down. Your laugh even louder. He smiles, "Who did you get?"
"Hey, Lee, you don't get special treatment just because I'm dating you. It's a secret." you roll your eyes, a skip in your step even though the weather is cold. Jeno steals a peck on your cheeks, and your eyes widen. "Lee Jeno!"
Before you could even catch him, he's already running away from you, and you're almost falling over laughing as you try to catch up to him. He meets you at the end, in front of a busy mall, and catches you with a hug. You laugh on his chest, warm against his hold.
If memories come washing over you, no one has to know. Jeno looks lovely against white. He feels like art on a Christmas day, so beautiful and warm and special. That's all that matters.
"We agreed that we wouldn't try..." Donghyuck whispers, arms around you, "if things will get too harsh on the other, didn't we?"
"Yeah... if I was to leave, Hyuck, I don't want you waiting on me." you responded, half-asleep and sincere, "But I'm only saying it because I'm not leaving."
Donghyuck laughed, "Well, just making sure that if that happens, we'll meet again, yeah?"
"Hyuck, shut up. Nobody's leaving." you groaned, stirring at the joyful yelling downstairs. "Looks like it's 12 already. Merry Christmas, baby."
"Mhm, Merry Christmas. I love you." He smiles, leaves a slow, gentle kiss on your lips. "I love you. I'll love you even more this year."
Does moving away without a word count as loving someone more than you did the past year?
"You're spacing out." Jeno smiles, "Am I that handsome?"
"You always are. Stunning." you quickly reply, a little guilty. You enter the busy room and part ways so that you could shop for your gifts, but not before deciding on a meeting point and leaving a sweet, loving kiss. "Come back, yeah?"
"Of course." he nods before parting ways. Your heart remains at peace — as planned, at the end of the day, Jeno would come back to you at the entrance. He won't leave like the other did. He won't do that to you...
Two hours before Christmas, you sit down on your own for a bit, occasionally distracted by the noise. At their loudness, you can make out Mark trying to calm everybody down, Jaemin threatening murder to keep Jisung and Mark away from the kitchen, Jeno convincing Chenle to get a dog. As you write down their yearly letters, you can't get rid of the smile on your face.
Why they decided to spend this holiday at yours, you don't really understand. Can't say you're against it, though. It's perfect; the tree all of you built together, the presents, the games you'll spend the night playing. The friendship.
Only that someone's missing. As if to lessen the pain, you write his name down on the paper — except it's not a new one, but rather, the page you've been foolishly writing your rules on; the rules that never stood a chance to save you. You trace your hands over the words, but you quickly shake nostalgia away as you turn the page over.
Hello, Donghyuck-ah!
You know the drill. For some time, you received some of my letters, didn't you? After all, we spent some years together... as enemies, as friends, as lovers. You probably memorized how it goes: I'll dwell on the year, I'll tell you how I chose your gift, I'll try to say how much I adore you, and then I'll thank you for being here.
Unfortunately this time, I can't tell you how our year went... I didn't spend it with you. I wasn't able to get you a gift, too, because I don't know if your preferences changed. And I can't thank you for being here. I can't because you're not.
Though I could still tell you that I love you, now it's kind of different. It's less of something that desperately needs you, and more of the kind that longs for you. Jeno and I got together at last. It's complicated how we happened, but we gave it a try and... just. That. You won't read this, but I still want you to know... even if this will never reach you.
Remember that we said that we'll meet again? Well, where are you? Are you happy? How's life been, miles away from home, from your friends, Hyuck-ah?
Merry Christmas. I hope you're happy.
I hope you are, of course, I do. I want you to be happy, I do. I can't wish for anything more — I want you to be happy... just that I hope you're sad sometimes, too, just like me... because of me. I want your heart to break sometimes too. I want you to cry sometimes too. In those empty spaces, I want you to remember me.
And I know you won't do any of that, but in my twisted imagination, you do. And you are.
You're the happiest you could be, but not that much — not happy enough that you'd forget me.
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fightxxmexxshiggy · 3 years
🥟📎well if Kiribaku are in your wheel house than I should at the the MMA fighter au thingy. So like I imagine like you hang out with both of them in the locker room zenning before a fight. And I'm not sure what Kiri's prefight ritual would be but I also totally headcanon them both demanding a kiss before going out to fight and since you love lipstick it means they always have at least one imprint of whatever color you picked that day on their cheeks! Also additionally for Bakugo doing your hair. You bring along a small selection of little clips and stuff he can add in if he feels like. And if their popular enough to have merch you know they'll argue over whose you wear. Maybe you have to go swap shirts between rounds (cause I subscribe to giant kiri canon and he'd be in a different weight class. Not that people have to feel the same way). And then, just cause I got some serious baby fever between two of my step siblings having babies and finding out I'm gonna be a great aunt I can just imagine your pregnant, at a fight, visibly but not huge yet and you run into your ex from a rival gym and they make some rude comment. The rest of the crew (denki, Sero, todoroki, Deku, etc.) Have to physically restrain the guys from kicking ass outside the ring cause the whole gym would probs get disqualified. And the guy isn't even in either kiri or bakus weight class so they can't demolish him in the ring even!
But! Guess who is in his weight class!
So Bakugo has to swallow his pride and he turns to out favorite broccoli boy.
"I can't believe I'm asking you for a favor but just please fuck that son of a bitch up for me."
"I was gonna do it even if ya didn't ask so don't worry about it."
Cause I feel like whoever anyone in the group dated would automatically be part of the family if it was serious so Deku is just like, yep, gotta teach this guy's a lesson which leads to like the shortest fight ever cause the asshole just gets hit so fucking hard he ceases to exsist for like 10 seconds when he hits the mat 30 seconds into the first round and is unable to continue.
Hope you don't mind me bugging ya, I know this was a bit long and kinda specific.
YOU DELIGHTFUL LITTLE BEING! NO YOU AREN'T BOTHERING ME AT ALL. IM LIVING FOR THIS. I LOVE THE WHOLE IDEA OF THIS. Especially since I am working on an MMA fighter tamaki fic. This just gives me motivation to continue working on it. I feed off of horny energy and shipping
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