#like they could be any and all and no genders ther
meatballlady · 8 months
As much as I love Crowley's genderfuckery, I find myself somewhat iffy about the idea of the she/her angel. Something about femininity being tied to youth and innocence and purity. idk.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hello! Can I request some slightly possessive Zhongli, Tighnari, Cyno, Kaveh, Tartaglia, and Xiao? Like, maybe someone’s flirting with the reader, and the boys start to become slightly possessive in a non-toxic way.
I do love your writing, and I would really love it if you could write one (or all) of my favorite Genshin boys in this scenario!
I do love me some possessive men sometimes:)
Characters Included: Tighnari; Cyno; Kaveh; Xiao
Content: gender neutral reader; mentions of jealousy; possessive behaviour but not extreme; slight teasing im Xiao's part
Word count: 2,2k words
Everyone, please enjoy the meal<3
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He knew that you could handle yourself..
There was no need for him to interviene in every little conversation you had with another person. He wasn't THAT jealous.
Then again, this situation probably didn't count as a normal conversation in the first place.
He has kept a close eye on you for the past 15 minutes, observing you and that researcher you were talking to.
As it so happened, there were a couple researchers coming to Gandharva Ville for a few weeks to gain some deeper insights on ther fields of study, but this particular man seemed to have more of an interest in you than his academic education.
While he was obviously flirting with you, yoir entire body language told Tighnari everything he needed to know, that you were not interested in him in the slightest.
Which, of course you wouldn't be, since you were his partner already. And he always made sure to keep you happy with him, that you didn't lack anything. He prides himself on taking good care of his partner.
Yet, that researcher just didn't seem to get your hints and Tighnari could tell that you were starting to feel uncomfortable. At least, if the way your bidy was facing away from the man was any indication to that. If not, then your searching eyes were indeed a decicive clue.
As he was still debating wether he should interviene or not, the guy suddenly grabbed you by the wrist and tried pulling you along with him. You resisted of course, but that was also the moment Tighnari snapped into action.
He quickly, but sternly, made his way over to the two of you. Immediately, he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you away feom the guy and into himself.
You tensed up for a second at the unexpected touch but quickly relaxed as you realized who it was.
Tighnari kept his arms wrapped around you while resting his chin on your shoulder, his cold gaze fixed at the researcher in front of him.
"Is there a problem here? Do you have any questions to my partner?", Tighnari asked him, his voice sounded friendly, but there was an underlying layer of sheer coldness.
"N-no.. I.. gotta go now.", the guy mumbled as he walked away swiftly, not looking back one. Tighnari kept watching him until he was out of sight and turned to look at you as he felt one of your hands reach up to pet his ears.
"Are you alright?", he asked, trying to ignore his tail swaying behind him from side to side. He enjoyed your touch but didn't want to sucumb to it out in public like that.
"Yeah, I am. Thank you for saving me there.", you smiled up at him, turning in his arms to place a soft kiss to his cheek.
At this, Tighnari cleared his throat, trying to will his tail to stop with the intense swaying, while a blush also started to appear on his face.
"That's good then.."
For the rest of the day, he kept you close to him to ensure that no other guys would try to come up and talk to you.
He might not get jealous often, but if you let him act on his jealousy, he can get quite protective of you. Not that you mind that, though..
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Being the General Mahamatra meant that he would be gone on missions often, some of them even taking a couple of days where he would not return home.
Though you weren't always happy with that particular aspect of his job, you knew what you got yourself into when you decided to date him and you've come to terms with it at this point.
At least he makes an effort not to go out on missions when there's an important date coming up, like birthdays or annyversaries.
But it can get lonely from time to time, bot for you and for him. Every time youbwere apart, you would yearn for the other, praying that he would return sooner rather than later.
And for once, the prayers were answered. A job that Cyno thought might take him a week was solved within only three days, meaning that he could return to you much sooner than anticipated.
He was excited about this turn of events. As soon as he came back to the Academiya, he quickly organized things so that he got the remaining four days off, planing to surprise you with the great news.
As he was on his way to your place, excited to see you again, he halted when he hears a sudden commotion on Treasures Street, noticing people whispering among themselves.
At first he wanted to ignore it, seeing as he was officially on leave, but quickly found that he couldn't. So, he made his way to where the heart of the commotion was, and boy was he glad that he did not ignore it.
He was surprised when he saw you there in the middle of the street, but even more surprised, an furious, about the guy who was clearly pushing himself onto you.
You were looking extremely uncomfortable as the guy kept getting closer to you, leaning his face close to yours. You kept trying to escape him but he would always chase after you, not leaving you alone.
"Come on, baby~ one kiss won't hurt anyone. Your guy doesn't even have to know!"
"No! Leave me alone already!", you yelled, trying to slap hin away but the guy caught your hand mid-air.
But before he could do anything else, you were suddenly pulled out of his grasp and pulled into another person. A huge wave of relief washed over you as you glanced back and saw Cyno there. You quickly got around and hid behind him, shielding yourself from this creep.
"Uhh.. uhm.. G-general Mahamatra.. what-!"
"What do you think you were doing with my partner there? Trying to force yourself on them?"
"N-no! Not at all!", the guy yelled, awkwardly laughing before quickly bailing out of the situation, running with his tail between his legs.
Cyno let out a deep breath then turned around to you. "Are you alright?"
"I think so.", so nodded, still shaken up by what just happened. Cyno understood that. He placed an arm protectively around your waist as he guided you to your home, keeping an eye on his surroundings at all times.
He made sure that nothing was out of the ordinary as he got you home safely where he proceeded to take care of you, getting you a glass of water and telling you to relax for now.
It might not have been the best start ibto his four day break, but it could only get better from here on out..
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He wasn't usually one to get jealous easily. He really wasn't..
So why was it, that it ticked him off so much that you were enjoying your conversation with this other man?
Maybe it was the fact that you were SUPPOSED to be on a date right now!
After all, he just won the Interdarshan Championship, so he invited you out for a nice dinner to treat you, his beautiful partner.
But, somehow, you became engrossed in conversation with your waiter. This guy has been standing by your table for at least a few minutes now, after he was done taking your orders.
It ticked Kaveh off, how you laighed at what he said. How the guy was blatantly ignoring him and how he was obviously flirting with you!
Did you not notice? Or did you not mind this?
But you should mind, right?
Because, Kaveh is still your boyfriend, after all. So you should pay attention to him!
But he said nothing. Instead, he simply continued to stare daggers at you, but mostly this waiter. He just wanted him gone already, this guy was ruining the date.
An exasperated sigh left Kaveh's lips, which finally caught your attention.
"Are you alright, Kaveh? Not feeling well?", you asked, worry present in your voice.
It made him blush slightly, feeling cared for by you.
He was about to answer you, telling you not to worry about him. But his gaze shifted to the waiter, still standing at your table, and the guy had the nerve to throw a nasty glare at Kaveh!
That's when an idea for petty revenge came into Kaveh's head..
Instead of simply answering your question, he took your hand into his, bringing you close to his face and placing a chaste kiss to the back of your hand.
"I'm fine, my love. No need to worry about me. I'm just happy to spend time with you."
You blush at Kaveh's words but let him act on his antics, since you're already used to it at this point.
Too caught up in what your boyfriend was doing right now, you didn't notice the waiter leaving without another word. But Kaveh did, and he smirked as he watched the guy storm off into the kitchen.
For the rest of the night, he acted like that, offering up his affection at any chance that presented itself to him.
And after you were done eating and on your way out, he placed a hand around you hip, guiding you out the crowded building. While doing so, he threw a glance back, seeing your waiter staring at the two of you.
And Kaveh just couldn't hold back the triumphant smirk he gave this guy before he leaned down and captured your lips in a short kiss.
He felt the stares of the guy but paid them no mind anymore. He already won this battle, and he would fight a thousand more if he had to, knowing that he would imerge victorious every time because he has already won over your heart...
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Knowing that you were his significant other still felt like a dream to him. One he never thought he deserved to live.
But life thaught him different, especially with you by his side.
He never felt so comfortable with another person by his side, he never thought he wouldn't mind feeling vulnerable, but he didn't care for that so long as it was you.
You thaught him many different things, and he appreciates you for that. Even more so because you helped hin learn things about himself and how to become in touch with his own feelings and emotions.
One thing that Xiao realized during all of this... was that he was feeling quite possessive over you. Or maybe, protective would be the better word.
For example, he always had a strange feeling when he saw you talking to other people, especially other men. It's not that he didn't want you to, he didn't want to lock you up or anything. He was just concerned for your saftey. You never know who the other person was and what they might do to you. He just wanted to look out for you.
But he also knew that he couldn't always act upon those feelings, so he kept them down. But he still followed you around from time to time, only to make sure that you were safe throughout your day.
Currenrtly, he was just finishing up dealing with a group of monsters near the harbor. He looked around the area close by, trying to find any leads on other monster activity, but couldn't find any, so he assumed this problem to be done.
Thinking about you again, he decided to check up on you. His body vanished in a mist of green as he imerged only a few seconds later again at Wangshuu Inn, his first destination in trying to find you.
Luckily, you were here, apparently on your way up towards the balcony he often resided on, but you were apparently in conversation with another guy.
Xiao couldn't quite make out what the conversation was about, but he didn't like it. This guy was standing way too close to you, smiling at you like he wanted something from you.
When looking at you, he noticed the slight hint of uncomfortableness in your eyes, yet you tried to remain nice and friendly with this man.
"Like I said, I already have a boyfriend, so-!"
"That Yaksha guy? Come on, if you wanna lie to me, at least think of something better! Now come on, one date won't hurt anybody, right?", the guy smirked as he leaned down closer to you.
That's where Xiao's patience snapped. He quickly teleported right between you guys, making the dude jump away from you at his sudden appearance.
"Is there a problem here? Do you have business with my partner?" His look amd tone of voice was stern, focused on this man in front of him.
"Wait.. you're really..?", the guy glanced between you and Xiao, before bolting away, not daring to say another word.
Xiao looked after him before turning around to you. "Are you alright?"
You nodded, smirking at him. "Were you jealous there?"
Immediately, his face turned red as he turned around, trying to hide his expression from you.
"D-dont you dare-! I-I'm not-!"
"Cute!", you say while still giggling. And as much as Xiao was embarrassed and wanted to be mad at you, he couldn't.
Although he did wish that you wouldn't tease him like that all the time..
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thestobingirlie · 7 months
steve harrington has powers
and they will be revealed in s5
steve’s power reveal has been hinted at from the very beginning, and now we’re in the final season, all our waiting will have paid off, and his status as an escaped child from the lab will play a key role in defeating the upside down and vecna for good.
first things first, let’s think about two factors that define steve as a character. ask any fan, no matter how casual, about steve, and they’ll know these two things; he gets into fights every single season and his hair is a key part of his character.
steve’s hair plays a role in his character arc.
as steve grows fully into himself as a character, his hair changes with him, becoming longer, wilder, less neat and styled. his hair represents his growth within his current arc.
who else is a character with an arc that can be well represented by their current hairstyle? eleven.
as el’s hair grows, we watch her figure out who she is as a person, learn to style it, grow and even lose it. this is no coincidence.
steve’s hair growth is directly tied to his status as a lab child. his rejection of the abuse he faced growing up can be seen in the care and attention he directs towards his hair. as he becomes a more fully developed character, who is learning and changing as he interacts with more environments, his hair changes with him.
not to mention that steve using women’s hairspray and stying products for his hair clearly show that he was raised outside of the bounds of normal gender roles. he has no issue with using woman’s shampoo and condition because he wasn’t taught to. his ideas of masculinity don’t revolve around social expectations, much like el.
steve’s fights are the biggest indicator of steve’s abilities.
or rather, should i say the aftermath of those fights.
we watch steve get obliterated in a fight scene every single season, and yet not five minutes later, he’s walking it off! he has zero repercussions of these fights. no headaches. no scars. no lingering wounds.
he routinely throws himself back into the fray. no matter how badly wounded.
this is NOT an accident, nor was it a choice made so that the duffers could beat up their favourite punching bag and still use him as a key player in fights. it’s obviously there as a hint to the audience as to the true nature of steve’s ability.
now, it’s fairly obvious where i’m going with this: steve has accelerated healing as a result of the experiments performed on him by hawkins lab.
now, you might just say, “so what? he healed from battling humans.”
but it’s so much more than that.
steve fought and was eaten by upside down creatures.
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no other character has survived that. no other character carries wounds and scars from surviving a run in with a demo-creature.
bar one.
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coincidence? of course not.
steve is the only character that wears a wristwatch in near every single scene he’s in.
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not only is his watch constantly on, it’s takes a prominent place in key scenes. the duffers want you to look at it.
why else would they refuse to show his wrist in every single scene? they don’t want us to see what’s underneath. so what could the duffers be hiding under there? his number.
and the number, god it’s so obvious. STEVEN. SEVEN.
i mean, it’s staring us right in the face!!!
steve’s past
now, this point is so obvious, everyone can see it: we’ve never even met steve’s parents.
the only teenage character from prior to s3 whose parents we haven’t met. we don’t even know their names.
in fact, tommy and carol even seem used to the fact that steve’s parents aren’t home. implying that they’re never there. because they don’t exist.
we’ve seen his house! and yet… empty. the room is blank. there’s nothing in there to even suggest it is steve’s house. he has no personal effects.
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every single other character has identifying objects in their room. but not steve. why would the duffers do this? because they’re hinting to the audience that steve doesn’t belong there.
there’s not even any reference of steve prior to the beginning of s1. jonathan? we see flashbacks. nancy? we get mention of her playing dnd years before. all the party have pictures. we watch max’s childhood memories play out.
and yet. the closest we get to characters remembering steve in their own past, is steve from the year 1983. naturally, that isn’t the year that steve escaped the lab, but it does bring up interesting questions about steve living on the edge of hawkins population. he may have been the most popular boy around, but it seems no one truly knew him.
steve didn’t go the college.
and it’s not because he didn’t get in.
steve was getting c’s in classes nancy found difficult.
steve was in at least two different sports (basketball and swimming), he was a lifeguard and co-captain of the swimming team. that takes work and dedication, and it looks good when applying to college.
to be in all these sports, steve had to have been getting above a certain grade level. certainly high enough to get into college.
the duffers know that steve could’ve gotten into college, so why would they make it so obvious that steve is lying?
because steve didn’t apply in the first place. because as an escapee from the lab, he doesn’t even exist in the real world. he has no birth certificate, no records from being a child. attending some high school in the middle of nowhere would’ve been easy, but attending college? drawing attention to himself? steve couldn’t risk it. he knew he’d be found.
el and steve are purposefully paralleled to hint towards steve’s past and secret abilities. there’s a reason the duffers have never allowed prolonged interactions between el and steve, because they want to drag out the reveal as long as they can. there is so much more, but god, it would take forever.
we still don’t even know the full extent of steve’s abilities (i personally believe that steve has some variation of a charisma ability. i mean. every single character that’s disliked him has spent a very short amount of one on one time with him and immediately come around.) and we likely won’t until s5 finally comes out. and then the world will know…
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amarizuu · 11 months
A Small Secret to Keep
Note: This is referred to this video from my channel. A short story to explain more about what Yuu and Epel talked about! Yuu's pronouns will be used as They/Them. Tried to keep them all in character. And not proofread!
Take note, this scene happened in book 3 after Azul's overblot.
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After a long battle in the Octavinelle Dorm Yuu thought they won't encounter anything that could trouble them but like what Scar mentioned once they entered this academy "This damn world never gives us a break won't they?"
"Epel? What are you doing here?" You asked. Epel Felmier, a student from the Pomefiore dorm had a small conversation after Yuu apologized to him regarding their friends' misunderstanding of his gender.
"Oh, I just have a question to ask. Mind if I enter?" Yuu gave him a nod as they took a step back, letting him in.
"You seem famous, students really love flocking around you, huh?" Hades commented sarcastically, with a low groan, arms crossed over his chest.
"But I do wonder why he is here. But if this is about the situation from earlier, it's finished and done" The Queen of Hearts claimed.
"But the student isn't from my dorm isn't it, it's from Queen Grimhilde's dorm" Ursula pointed out as the other queen took a quick look at his attire, it was the school's uniform but with the color and dorm insignia of Pomefiore.
"So why are you here?" Yuu asks as they walk towards the living. Epel took a quick look around, wondering where Grim went, and found him sleeping on the couch.
"I have a question to ask. And it's really important" Yuu turned to see Epel's hand over his chest, eyes down looking guilty yet curious. Yuu raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on his hip.
"Go ahead. I'm all ears"
"Are you really magicless?" Yuu's body froze and so did the Great Seven. Epel slowly looked up from the ground, staring at their eyes.
Yuu was just confused on the spot, what did Epel mean when he asked that question, are they really magicless? Of course. The Mirror already said that they do not have magic and their soul doesn't belong to any dorms, it's colorless. The reason is that he doesn't belong to this timeline, or is it really because of that reason?
"Woah, woah- this kid knows what's up!?" Hades said as his flames ignited and blazed. While the others were still processing and wondering HOW.
"Okay, we need to take this kid out. We can't have him spreading if he knows our secret, Yuu's safety is more important" Scar warned as he retracted his claws that came out, feeling a sense of danger.
"Wait, we cannot do that. We can't think irrationally now. Dragon child, stay calm and ask the question how does he know about this" Yuu mentally nodded, hearing the calm voice of the Thorn Fairy, Maleficent.
"Well, yeah I am. The mirror proved it on the first day Epel" Yuu acts confused, denying his words but Epel didn't buy it at all.
"Don't ya lie to me, I saw what ya did with my own pair eyes" Epel grinned at them, going on explaining what he saw. Hearing him mention the mirror that looks close to the School's magic mirror but with a slight difference with the flames framing it, made Yuu tense on the spot as if he failed a mission and Hades was ready to burn this student in front of them.
"I saw ya talkin' to that mirror," Epel said firmly taking a step forward to prove his point but this made Yuu instinctively summon his sword that was in hiding in the fireplace It just flew to his hand which caught Epel off guard as the blade pointed at him, putting his hands up in defense. They have a sword and he has nothing to fight with, or does he want to do sword vs fist.
"Did you share this information with anyone else" Yuu threatened Epel with the sword in hand, taking a step forward as Epel took a step back, where did this sword come from?! Epel thought as he swallowed his saliva.
Epel shook his head.
"Dragon Child put the sword down."
"Put the sword down?! What if this child is a spy"
"I agree with the retired lion over there."
"Retired what---"
"You two just keep your mouth shut, we do not wish to be spilling blood. If this child is a spy why would he come to us, asking a simple question about Diamond being magicless"
"To hold something against us, one step of being manipulated"
"Hades you aren't making this situation any better"
Yuu can hear all their rambling but in the end, listen to the advice of Jafar and Maleficent. Slowly, they moved their hand down. Epel sighed in relief.
"Look. I'm not here to cause any trouble or anything. I just want answers ya hear me" Epel explained.
"There are only questions I can answer." Yuu threw his sword away, but the sword flew back to where it was hidden.
"Then answer my first question, are you really magicless," Epel asked again.
The room fell silent. The two students stared at each other as water from the ceiling dripped down, making small thuds as they hit the wooden floor.
"We can recruit this kid then" Jafar suggested earning a few glares at the others, they didn't seem to like that idea but the Thorn fairy looked interested in his idea.
"Think about it. It's been three months and we still have no way to go back, I bet that ...crow who calls himself the head mage hasn't done anything" Jafar rolled his eyes as he mentioned Crowley. The others looked away, thinking about his suggestion.
"We can ask for this kid for help, he belongs to this world..or timeline. He has more knowledge of this place than we do"
"I do agree with Jafar. For the past three months, we've been trying to give Yuu the break they need but this school just drags that idea out" Queen Grimhilde commented as she took a step forward.
"And no, we are not gonna burn this school down." She added as Hades was about to say something but stopped once she mentioned burning the school, which was his original idea.
"So, we're just gonna tell this kid that we, the great seven are inside of Yuu?" Scar raised an eyebrow at them, pointing a finger at himself.
"Of course not. We are just gonna drop a few hints, we don't need to tell everything." Jafar facepalmed earning a nod from the Queen of Hearts.
"Very well then, go ahead Dragon Child"
Yuu mentally sighed, hearing all their voices in a short time. Epel was confused, why is it taking so long for them to answer his question, are they planning to threaten him with the sword again to not say anything?
"I'm not exactly magicless but I don't own any magic" Epel flinched, suddenly hearing their voice from that long silent pause. But hearing their words just confuses him more.
"You are not magicless but the magic you own doesn't belong to you?"
"Yes, I am simply a vessel, nothing more" Yuu closed their eyes for a moment feeling a mental slap at the back of their head from Hades.
"You are more than that Hedgehog, you need to let go of that thought" The Queen of Hearts sighed, rubbing her forehead with a frown.
"You heard that matchstick or else I'm hitting the back of your head again"
"Are you trying to burn him?!" Queen Grimhilde scolded which earned herself an eye-roll from Hades.
"Dragon child, please ignore them and listen to the Queen of Hearts. You are more than just a vessel dear, you are a human being."
Yuu smiled, hearing their voices.
"A vessel you say, okay, so you are like some wand then." Yuu laughed for a moment, imagining how Epel thought of him.
"You can say that. But I cannot tell who's holding this wand then" Yuu followed after his statement which made Epel smiled nervously since it seems they already know what they were gonna ask next.
"Ahah, even if I asked for a hint?"
"Well, I can say they are known as big figures around here" Epel thought for a second, trying to guess.
"I'll tell you when it's the right time" Yuu stopped Epel from thinking on who's this figure is.
"Haha, deal!" Epel smiled.
Jafar and Maleficent looked at each other as their eyes glowed...
Got A Secret?
Can you keep it. . . .
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amadholes-lostre · 15 days
Another Wednesday/Wenclair idea because I hate myself- The 5th Ostrace
My brain keeps spewing ideas but refuses to let me write a story lol. The idea is that there is a new Ostrace (using my BNHA au term) category to be generalized.
And that being aliens.
It kinda make sense: nonhumans that can't exactly accustom to norm society, so they will fit into Ostrace society (there're many reason why, especially one big reason).
The idea that multiple alien states contacted humanity before the main series so that the characters could be used to them. The alien states, other than what our countries do for diplomacy like cultural centers and participating in local events, also do student exchange program, including sending some to Nevermore.
(I already have this idea other with other franchises, using my original alien races in doing so, like Harry Potter (got this fic idea since 2013) and The Prom.)
Being nonhumans (some don't even look remotely as one), it will be difficult for the exchange students to fit in. However, another reason why they will be categorized as the 5th Ostrace- well, other than some being vastly different in appearance (one of the race, Rín [not actually the race name] is just a rubber forehead human with only pointy ears) is due them being considered mono-sex races (a homosexual species if you will).
Unlike humans and vast majority of animals being gonochorism, the alien races are mono-sex (think Asari from Mass Effect, which what inspired me [either positive or negative]), though ironically the majority will be classified as semi-monosex. Because of that, depending on the species and culture, gender is not as rigid compared to humans, especially Western cultures.
I don't really know else to write ther next one (I feel like I need to finish what my last paragraph left out lol) but I want to talk about the three alien races, or more like the three countries. There're three alien countries (two states having multiple different races) that come in contact. I don't actually have proper names for them (except the United Planetary Democracy, but that because they never bother with a singular name like the UAE), I do have their type of governmen. The three are: the United Kingdom (not actually accurate since kingdom is gender-neutral in the language, also ghere is a good reasonwhy it's called that), the UPD, and the Empire (in their defense, it's not the proper terminology [think Japan, though that isn't good either], so they wasn't as prepared for the backlash lol).
Okay, enough of that, time to talk about three alien races/countries:
So, first up is the Rín (singular is Rin), who makes up the UK. The UK is one of the states that made up of multiple races, and that because they all originated from the same planet. Rín isn't even a proper race but actually a genus (think Homo like humans). There's some races that aren't even in the same taxonomic family or class, and you piss off a lot of other people off for it. One of the races who made up like 70-80% are - I calling them Idorín for now (I never properly name almost any this, but I did categorize this mentally). Idorín are the most human-like with only superficial details being pointy ears, more colorful anime-like hairs, and having light-blue blood. Internally, their anatomy is a bit more avian (they're still viviparity). This is due to having airsac along lungs, a bit more lighter bones (through more richer with carbon). The average height is 6'3.5, though this depends on the... subsex(lol)? They're also semi-monosex, one being Ovumsere (they give birth; make up 60%), and Polisere (they... provide gametes?; make up 35%)(there are true mono-sex, though very rare; 5%). Anatomically, they're not very different other than heights (only three inches: Ovumsere av. 6'3 and Polisere av. 6'6), voice (only a bit), and genitals (lol). They're very culture diverse, average lifespan of 160 years (now 350 thanks to gene therapy). Also, there're humans in the UK before even contacting Earth (though their population doesn't even make a percentage).
The second race are So'lenas (ironically the name only name I actually come up a decade before), and another ironic twist runs the UPD. The country that has a very vague name is actually the only one that has one species (lol, lmao even). They're human-like, though not like Idorín. They kind of filled up the Blue-Skinned Soace Babe tropes, though not that much (their nose is actually sensory organ like a whale melon, they actually breathe either through their mouth or a blowhole atop their back). Their skin range either teal, light to dark blue, and purple. Their skin is a bit reptilian, though softer, and resemble more like that over your knuckles. They have freckle-like bioluminescence called 'his'kiri (meaning "star-kiss", another named for So'lena is His'lena, "Star-Person"), crest and tendril-like atop their head, semi-aquatic being (though depends on their culture of how they utilize it) which allows them to hold their breath 10-45 minutes (they look very voluptuous because of this), and give live birth (they do have breasts). They have a paddle-line tail that them swim more effectively and digitigrade legs. They're true mono-sex beings, with an average height of 6'4 and a lifespan of 300 years. Because of this, they have very loose gender roles, viewing it more like how queer women view butch and femme identity. Do of the planet (actually a satellite) they hail from (being very hot and humid), many of their culture clothing have lose clothes and transparent garments; it will be common to see their breasts (some fashion are even similar to ancient Minoan)(it also helps they've petite breasts and is not as sexualized compared to many human cultures).
The third race are Rahros ('hr' pronounce like Spanish J but with more vibration, also the full name is Ahnta'Sarnu'Rahros), and they're the majority of the Empire. Their government is a semi-constitution theocratic monarchy. The Empire and UK have a huge rivalry, almost Cold War political environment (think England-France rivalry). The race is the least human (being bipedal with a slight hunchback and 4 limbs their only resemblance), being archosauroform, though resembling more to crocodilians than to avians Most of their body are either in scute or soft scales. Though they have an upper and lower mouth, they have a pair of mandible that helps them push large food down their mouth. Their tongue is more like butterflys' (proboscis), and they can't move their mouth sideways (many of their cuisine are bite sides). They have tendrils- sometimes referred as dread or braid- growing from their head that resemble hair, shaping either smooth circle or overlapping scale oval, ranging half-an-inch to 1½ inches in thickness, and being made of keratin- it can be trimmed without hurting them (think like horse hoof trimming). They have three digit fingers and two opposing thumb in each hand. Their legs are digitigrade so they prefer to wear sandals and a small, vestigal tail. Their body shape is athletic and lean. The average height is 6'7.5, with ovumsere 6'6, while polisere are 6'9. (I have an idea Rahros character who's 8'4, 500 pound beef cake. Their dorm is in the 1st because they accidentally collapsed through the second floor. Somehow, they got their ass kick by Wednesday, fought and lost to the Hyde, and enjoys fighting Enid werewolf form). Their ovumsere/polisere ratio is similar to Idorín, though they give birth through oviparity: 45 days for the embryonic development and 8 months for incubation. Their scute colors range from light (similar to blond) to dark brown, bluish black (similar to alligators), and light sky blue. Their average lifespan is 146 years, though to 320 after gene therapy.
(Congratulations to the local lesbian, especially to Yoko and Divina.)
(Rín mocked polisere Rahros for having similar genitals to males, and Rahros fucking hate it.)
(One thing I trying to do is make their culture [each species has hundreds of different cultures and ethnicity] seem as different than our own, especially due to their sex and gender. One thing is that they having communal bathing and multiple relative family units living in the same housing [some Idorín/Rín culture/planet/satellite has segregated sex but this is due of excluding males from public space]).
I don't really have a plot, not compare to the Harry Potter one, however I do have some ideas.
My idea is the two children of my two OC have (ironicall, i based them on Wednesdayand Enid) are a couple, one being an Idorin (ovumsere) and anorher a So'lena. Even though both characters can't get either the other one pregnant (this isn't star trek/star wars), they use genetic engineering, so each child will have one percent of the other parent's genes. The two children are some of the main protagonists in the fic- the other are Wednesday and Enid - following their staying at Nevermore. Some conflict I think of is the Idorin OC having an identity crisis- she basically a clone of their mother and trying to explore who they are (and being short, only 5'8). The So'lena child doesn't have this problem since an average So'lena gain 95% from their mother. However, the So'lena OC too has one, of be it having an ethnic/species identity crisis- they rarely interacted with their own species that wasn't their own So'lena mother (they both lived their Idorin mother maternal family, the housing having around 100 people in it [it helps the family are a noble dynasty]).
Another idea is about how all three (or multiple) species are, either though physically and biologically different from one another and to humans, still share some common traits. One is how all 4 love to gossip and talk shit behind their back. I want Wednesday, who was excited about meeting them, disappointed how asinine, unambitious, and unimaginable they're, being so similar to humans. The Idorin OC will point out how idiotic and problematic she sounded, especially if she had said that to another Idorin.
Probably another idea is Nevermore nonalien characters exploring the aliens culture. One idea is Yoko trying to learn So'lena lingua franca, helps that I based the language on Japanese and Hawaiian (syllabary characters, no third person pronouns, a mixed of particle and grammatical case, subject-object-verb sentence, etc). Divina enjoying swimming with So'lena due of having aquatic body-type, though they will complain about the cold (their thermoregulation is meant to dissipate heat as quickly as possible). Enid will enjoy listening to one of the Rin races (having a more feline appearance) song genre, sounding similar to K-pop and J-pop (genre name in English will be Songstress Motet), though she will be shock just how dark and gruesome some of the lyrics are (think Yoru ni Kakeru).
I don't have much else to add, but this is a good amount, I think.
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midn1ghtdreamer · 1 year
Hey! I was wondering if you could write Izuku x reader he thinks the reader is somewhat enigmatic because no one knows anything about them, so he tried to and realizes that they don't have any friends? Sorry if it's kinda angsty 😅 and feel free not to write it if you don't want. (If you do, could you make it gender neutral?) Thank you and I love your writing <3
Of course I can! thank you so much for sending this request in it was so much fun to write. I hope this met up to your expectations. I decided to add a little bit of angst for flavor. Once again thank you for this request and feel free to make another one if you would like. 😊
Izuku X Reader
Strangely Alone
Izuku has an analysis page for everyone and when I say everyone I mean everyone. He even goes into to a deep dive of what everyone can do and how they interact. For example, Bakugo can only make a few large explosions before his quirk dwindles out, and he always smells like sugar when he walks by.
He did this list for every person he met hero or not, but there was one person that he was missing. You.
He could never understand you and your habits, he couldn’t even understand your quirk. It caught him by surprise at first. The thought of him not knowing anything about you only made him more curious.
He took his time watching you, hoping to find any pattern in your movements or other mannerisms. Yet, he found nothing. You didn’t talk to anyone in class, not even at lunch when everyone has a chance to mingle. Everyday you sit by yourself with no one to talk to, in fact, it seemed that no one tried to talk to you. You kind of reminded him of Shoto and his quiet ways, but Shoto became friendlier over time unlike you.
You always sat with you head in the clouds or writing in your notebook. He would even catch some of his friends whispering about you and how you were still “studying” even though the exam was over. Little did they know that you heard every word they said.
It’s not that you wanted to sit by yourself with your book as your only form of company. You wanted to talk, to laugh, to have friends. You wanted it all, but it was hard for you when it came to those types of things. You didn’t realize how much the lack of friendship would affect you.
You made efforts to talk plenty of times before, but no one ever heard you. No one besides the half asleep teacher at least, he didn’t count in your book. You even found yourself crying at some point, all the frustration of trying to make new friends slowing breaking you down.
The more you sat alone the worse the thoughts got. Why am I always alone? Why is talking so hard for me? Is one person too much to ask for? You had to keep your head down to hide the tears, each thought slowly consuming you.
Izuku noticed you sitting by yourself once again, but something seemed different about it this time. You weren’t writing anything down or eating, you were just sitting by yourself. Something about you called to him. Without hesitation he grabbed his tray, ignoring all of his friends questioning faces, and walked to your table.
“Is this seat taken?” He questioned. You looked at him in awe, your eyes shining for your tears. You shook your head, allowing the green haired boy to take a seat. “Today’s training was really difficult, right?” He was trying to make any attempt at a conversation and his efforts seemed to be paying off.
“It was, but I’m sure there was a good reason for it. We all know how our teacher is.”
Izuku agreed with you and continued to make small talk. By the end of the period you found out that you had some things in common. You both liked the same hero’s and both struggled in the same subject. Ther was even a small disagreement over what kind of katsudon was better. Yours was obviously better.
The bell marking the end of lunch caught you by surprise. The time never went by this fast when you sat alone. You liked the change. You liked the company. “Can we eat together again tomorrow?” You asked as you put your tray away.
“Of course.” Yeah. You definitely liked the company.
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konigbabe · 1 year
little storm (part iii; set me ablaze)
final part
Author: @konigbabe
Pairing: Keegan Russ x (vague and not described) fem!OC
Word count: 3.8k
Tags/warnings: no y/n; explicit language; keegan calls OC 'kid'; canon compliant; pre-canon; smut; p-in-v sex; kissing; vaginal fingering; cunnilingus; slight dom!Keegan; soft(er) sex; female gendered anatomy; 3rd POV
Summary: Months pass after their latest meeting; yet here she stands, in his room, way past midnight...
A/N: It's been months since I last wrote any piece of creative writing so excuse the possible slight change in tone. I tried to keep it together as much as I could.
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little storm: part i • part ii
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A part of her is paralyzed, afraid to make a move; afraid that if she does, she'll break the spell, that he'll retreat back behind his walls and the moment will be lost.
Desire bursting through her veins like liquid fire, all she wants to do is tear off that damn mask – see his face, see the full expression as pleasure takes over him. Yet the mask stays on.
There is an air of impropriety in the way her fingers trace the fresh wounds adorning the delicate skin over her knuckles. A gentle tap echoes through the stillness of the night as she stands before the wooden door, uncertain of what awaits her on the other side. A part of her yearns for him to answer, while another is hesitant, wavering in indecision.
Time had slipped by like a thief in the night since she last saw him.
She’d never admit it but she misses the feel of his presence. The annoyed tone of his voice, the watchful eyes of his that never seemed to miss. They shared a part of their past. Not a significant one, neither one that’d change their lives; but it still made her heart warm to find out that she might be the first person outside his team that saved the Keegan Russ. At least these words were said to her multiple times to her by her colleague after they found out what happened.
The door swings open with ease, revealing a shadowy figure with a mask obscuring his features. Keegan stands still, broad shoulders blocking the view into his room.
Words pool in her mouth, caught by her teeth when attempted to spill. Biting the kindness away, she can’t help but chuckle.
“Damn…you really never take the mask off, huh?” she slips past Keegan’s frame, arm brushing against the hard surface of his chest as she uninvitedly enters the room, “even when you’re alone—“
Her eyes dart around the bedroom. The room is spotless, an oddity in this dim, sulky space. It's too quiet, even the sound of her own breathing feels like an intrusion. The full moon casts a grey hue on everything, making it feel like time has frozen in this room. It matches his demeanor perfectly, she thinks to herself.
“—you’re here.”
Keegan’s voice breaks the silence as he turns around to face her. His eyes, sharp and penetrating, scan her every move as she approaches his bed, noticing the sheets neatly arranged. Her usually confident steps falter in his presence. Usually very secure and confident enough to get by, something about being here, in Keegan’s room, feels intimate.
“What you want, kid?” he meets her steps in the middle of the room.
“I just realized I never got to thank you; for saving me,” her eyes follow him, taking in the way the black military shirt hugs his upper body, vaguely outlining the defined muscles underneath, “twice actually.”
“‘s that all?” he asks.
She looks up at him, trying to read his stoic expression. The sharp and penetrating gaze seem to bore into her very soul. She can't help but wonder what he's thinking, what he sees when he looks at her.
She takes another deep breath, steeling herself to ask the question that's been plaguing her mind since the day she heard. The cuts on her knuckles throb under the bright light, a stark reminder of the past few weeks.
"Why’d you get me into Ghosts?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
His eyes flicker to her knuckles, then back up to meet her gaze. There's a moment of hesitation before he speaks, and she can see the flicker of something in his eyes.
"You're good, kid," he finally answers, his voice measured and calm. "It’d be a waste of potential if you left."
She raises an eyebrow at his answer, surprised by its simplicity. "That all?" she asks, her voice tinged with disbelief.
Keegan nods, and she can't help but feel a little disappointed. She’d expected something more profound, some hidden meaning behind his actions.
"And here I was," she says, trying to lighten the mood a little, "thinking that I grew on you." She offers him a small smile, hoping to ease the tension between them.
Above Keegan’s tall frame, the analog clock clicks as it strikes way past midnight, yanking her back to reality. The late hour dawns on her as she realizes they have a lot of work to do the next day.
“Well,” she transfers her weight from one leg to another, stopping herself from clapping, “I better get goin’. We have a lot of work tomorrow–or today, should I say.”
She makes her way towards the door, still slightly ajar.
For a moment, Keegan doesn't respond, his silence stretching on as she grips the door handle. But then he speaks, his voice low and gravelly. It makes her stop in her tracks, her back towards him.
“You’re reckless, impulsive, and a pain in my ass,” he remarks, making her pivot to face him, “but you’ve got potential, kid. And that’s something I don’t come across very often.”
His words jolt her, heat creeping across her cheeks. She’s not used to hearing praise from Keegan, especially not when it’s mixed with insults.
"So yeah," he continues, his tone softer now, "maybe you've grown on me a little bit."
She turns back to face him, a small mischievous smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Well, I’ll take that.”
As Keegan closes the distance between them, his long strides are quiet but purposeful. The floorboards creak softly beneath his weight, the sound echoing off the walls of the dimly lit room. His eyes are fixed on her, unblinking and intense, as he steps up before her.
She can feel his heat emanating from his body, warming her as he moves in closer.
"But don't let it go to your head," he murmurs, "I'll still kick you out if you mess up."
Her heart thuds against her ribs as she faces him, her eyes meeting his. There's something different in his gaze now, something that sends a thrill through her. It's as if he's seeing her for the first time, really seeing her, and she can't help but feel a little dizzy.
“But you’re not my captain,” she teases, her eyes flickering down to his torso. Her fingers twitch with a desire to touch him.
“I still outrank you,” he retorts.
“Oh, c’mon,” she exhales theatrically, “you’ve been a lieutenant for a couple of weeks.”
Silence descends on the room, thick and electric with tension. She breaks the stillness with a soft inquiry.
“How's your side?” she asks softly, reaching out to touch his hip.
“It's fine,” he replies. “I've had worse.”
It’s at this moment, her arm barely moving in order to touch his side, that she realizes just how close the man before her actually stands. It emits questions in her head – did he move closer on purpose? Or was it the same string that pulled her towards him all those months ago? That made her run through bullets to get him to safety…
Out of reality, as if she’s watching her own body move on its own, her hand reaches for his mask. Slow. Calculated and careful. As if she’s reaching to grab a piece of delicate glass, afraid it might shatter at any moment.
Her fingers brush against the rough surface of the mask, feeling the contours of it, tracing the edges.
Keegan feels her hand on his mask and for a moment, he hesitates.
Her heart races in her chest as she begins to lift it off his face. The pace tantalizing, she offers him an escape route. Enough time to pull away. To stop her.
Yet the man stands still. Frozen in his own body, he allows the woman to do as she pleases. Vulnerable as the moment might seem, she might not be aware of the fact that he carefully calculates his timing.
Only to grab her wrist when she uncovers his mouth. It’s enough; enough for him to trace her jawline, watch her eyes widen, the moon illuminating her features. Him casting a shadow over her form, trapped between his battle-worn body and the wooden door that seem to survive many airstrikes.
A part of her is paralyzed, afraid to make a move; afraid that if she does, she'll break the spell, that he'll retreat back behind his walls and the moment will be lost.
But then he moves, his hand coming up to cover hers, and it's as if a dam has burst inside her. She leans into him, her lips meeting his in a slow, steady kiss gradually increasing in hunger and neediness. She longs to feel his skin, his body. To touch his soul. To let him light that fire within her bones.
Breaking away, Keegan's eyes flutter open at a leisurely pace, fixated on hers. His expression exudes an aura of tranquillity and satisfaction as if he's at long last discovered what he's been yearning for.
He reaches up to cup her cheek, his thumb tracing her jawline as he leans in for another kiss. This one is slower, more exploratory as if he's trying to savor every moment of it. His movements are deliberate and controlled, like a man who knows what he wants and how to get it.
Keegan's hand slides from her cheek to the back of her head, tangling in her hair as he pulls her closer to him. For her, it's a kiss that tells her that she's not alone, that he's not just her lieutenant, but her ally, her partner, her friend, and maybe something more.
The day-old stubble scratches the delicate skin on her clavicles as his fingers unzip her jacket, undoing the single button at the top of her shirt to reveal more of her softness. Her content moans only fuel the hunger bubbling deep within Keegan’s insides. Hands grasping her hips, she feels like she’s flying as he picks her up.
Her legs cling to his lean frame, like vines entwining a sturdy tree. Gazing into his topaz-blue eyes, illuminated by the moonlight peeking over his shoulder. She only catches a glimpse of his rugged features before he claims her lips once more. The taste of him, the roughness of his stubble, all enveloping her senses.
Keegan’s walls are slowly crumbling down around her as she grasps the back of his neck. Partially covered in his mask, her fingers slip beneath the scratchy material, nails scratching against his scalp. A content hum assures her of her actions.
He lowers her body down onto the bed, his touch like a feather as he pins her war-ravaged body underneath him. She hears the distorted creak of the mattress as their weight meets in unison. Keegan's name slips from her lips in a breathy sigh, as she feels his warm hand glide underneath her shirt, flattening against her tummy. With his body inching closer to her belt, he halts and pauses, hovering just above her skin. A single question hangs in the air between them.
Locking eyes with her, he softly whispers, "Are you sure?"
Without a word, she nods in response, her hand gripping his shoulder tightly as she surrenders to his touch and allows him to undress her. It doesn’t take long until she’s half-naked underneath the masked man; content with his wandering eyes, roaming hands. Lips tracing the contours of her legs – ankles, knees; then indeed thighs, hips.
Keegan takes his time. Hands gripping under her knees, heels digging into his shoulder blades, she feels his lips trace the apex of her thighs. So close to where she wants him the most, a desperate groan makes its way out of her throat. Shamelessly bucking her hips into his mouth, she momentarily swears to hear Keegan chuckle.
Looking down, the man’s eyes are already looking at her face and she can swear that he’s smirking; unable to see the lower, exposed part of his face. Keegan doesn’t waste much time after she lets out another desperate plea, swiftly and with expertise taking off the last barrier between him and her innermost parts, she lays completely vulnerable before him.
The moment his lips brush against her core, his touch sends a current of electricity throughout her body and she feels herself falling into the abyss. Too much time had elapsed since someone had caressed her with such sensuality, and Keegan's deliberate movements brought her back to life.
Bursting with hidden energy, her sounds grow louder the more his tongue delves inside her. Tasting her. Lapping at her like a man dying of thirst; she completely overtakes his mind as he watches the woman before his eyes twist in pleasure. Rapture coursing through her veins like molten magma, all she wants to do is tear off that damn mask – see his face, see the full expression as pleasure takes over him.
Yet the mask stays on.
She feels like she’s been thrown into boiling water; drowning in the feeling of Keegan’s tongue, fingers curling deep inside her. His hands heating the skin of her chest, feeling her hardened nipples underneath the remaining pieces of clothes none of them bothered to discard.
The symphony of her cries when she finally reaches her peak is music to Keegan’s ears, fueling his ardor as he savors everything of hers with unmatched hunger. Unwavering in his passion, if anything, it only grows more fervent as he loses himself in the intoxicating taste.
Something snaps.
Inside Keegan; something breaks.
The cage holding his inner, primal side of his; it escapes.
Keegan's fingers are like a vice around her thighs, an unexpected surprise that has her muscles tense momentarily. His grip only grows tighter as he easily flips her onto her stomach. Her skin aches from the sudden change of position and she feels his lips lightly brush against the back of her thighs. A gasp spills from her throat as Keegan's teeth dig into her plump flesh, a fire of sensations burning in its wake.
Shameful; that’s how she believes that she should feel.
Shameless; that’s how she truly feels.
She can feel his tongue trace the globe of her ass, moving upwards until he reaches her lower back. Blatantly digging her knees into the mattress, her body moves into override. All sense of rational thought fades away as her instincts kick in, driving her movements to a cardinal level. Her body moves with a life of its own, responding to the sensations coursing through her veins.
The desire coursing through her makes even Keegan’s smallest acts seem as if her whole existence depended on him. The way his voice rasps when he whispers into her ear; feeling his hand knead the skin of her ass.
“You never told me your name,” his teeth mark her shoulder.
That’s when she feels the side of his face brush against hers, a sudden rush of realization washes over her — he’d taken off the mask.
She answers with a name as sweet and gentle as the lilac flowers she'd pick on summer days, as beautiful as the melody of her father's song that used to echo through the kitchen walls, yet still as false as the family she was born into.
His hand clutches the back of her neck, pinning her in place and trapping her in the moment of wild passion, caging in any curiosity or doubt. She unsuccessfully tries to twist around and see him, but instead finds herself pressing further into the lone pillow adorning his bed.
When his fingers scorch her oversensitive folds, each stroke seeking out pleasure spots within; it makes her forget it all. Her hands fist the bed linen, almost tearing it from the mattress.
“Fuck me already,” her impatience grows as he toys with her more. Unbothered by her writhing body. By the way she desperately tries to back into him; to feel him inside. The fabric of his shirt still brushing against her bare back as Keegan stills, hearing her raring demand.
“Manners,” he challenges. He tortures her with his fingers; two of them completely buried, it's enough to bring her back when she would have felt right at home sinking into an infinite loop of pleasure, "I'll keep going until you ask nicely."
“Keegan,” his name tumbles from her lips now more as a plea than as a word, “please," she surrenders willingly, craving for more.
It’s then that she can hear the buckle of his own belt. Feeling its part slide over her bare ass as Keegan works his pants down; not fully, just enough to free his aching cock. It doesn’t really matter to him at this moment, whether he’s fully naked or not. He only wants one thing; and that one thing is laying beneath him. Bare. Vulnerable. Willing and oh so desperate for him.
Fisting his own cock, he can feel his heart pumping; hard fast thuds against his ribcage. All while his other hand grips the pillow right next to her head. A guttural moan escapes his lips as her legs move wider, inviting him in.
His name a sonnet, a mixture of moans and mewls fills the darkened room. The spongy head of his cock teases her entrance, collecting her wetness. Occasionally dipping inside just enough to feel her opening up to him.
He wants to hear her beg once more.
Determined to do it; “Fuck,” is all he’s capable of saying when her walls enclose his tip before he withdraws again. Teeth grazing the same spot on her shoulder, sure to leave a mark after he’s done with her, he continues to repeat the action – just the tip; in and out, drawing sweet cries out of her.
His name becomes a safe haven when mixed with her moans; her writhing body, ass pushed against his hips, thighs enclosing around his.
Gripping the metal headboard, her words fuel his starvation. Tongue tracing the slight teeth marks on her soft flesh, hand flicking over her aching nub, its the simple, sweet little word, the plea, that does it for him–
His pace is slow; teasing. Tempted to thrust all the way as for his it’s been way too long since he felt the exquisite squeeze around his cock, he continues the leisurely tempo. His fingers, circling around her clit, follow the rhythm.
It’s calculated; as everything Keegan does. Steady, quick thrust in. Punishingly slow thrust out. His desire to savor her, to savor the feeling overtaking her very own primal needs. Yet, she’s content. Chest pushed into the hard mattress, the feeling of springs pushing back against her; hand grasping the headboard, feeling its cold surface against her heated skin.
Keegan's rough breath tickles the skin on her neck as his face nuzzles against it, his lips occasionally brushing against her flesh. Her fingers delve into his hair, surprised by its length and texture. Soft and fluffy, with curls that she can feel around his temples. But even with her grip on his hair, she still can't quite see him – he remains a mystery to her.
Even now, deep within her walls, feeling the head of his cock kiss her cervix, Keegan Russ still remains as puzzling as the depths of the sea, unfathomable and enigmatic.
Her hand grips the back of his neck, pushing him forward; lips connecting in a crushing kiss, she can feel the muscles in her neck strain as she desperately sucks on his lower lip. Pulling away with a groan, his hands grip her waist; a single tug forces her lower body to move back on her knees. Breasts firmly pressed into the mattress, arms stretched forward, his name escapes her lips as his thrusts grow impatient. Hard and relentless, hands grasping the skin on her lower body, anywhere he can reach and squeeze.
The pillow muffles her cries of passion for only a moment; until Keegan moans out her name, hand sneaking around her clavicles, to grip the side of her neck just enough to bring her up to him. Back to his chest, the fabric of his shirt scratching her exposed skin, his breath fanning over her ear.
Eyes closed, lost in pleasure and pain, she thrusts backwards, meeting Keegan halfway. Hands gripping his forearm, she can feel the tension building.
Her vision is filled with shimmering pinpricks of light, as though her entire being were consumed by a starry night. Keegan's body moulds to hers, holding her tight in his firm embrace as she reaches the peak of ecstasy. His voice rasps out her name like a prayer, and he clings desperately to her neck, burying his face against her skin.
Breathing heavily, he clings to her as if his life depends on it. His fingers dig into her back, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. She can feel the heat radiating off his body, and his ragged breaths tickle her skin. He's holding her so tightly that it's almost painful; she swears can sense the fear and desperation in his touch. Despite the intensity of the moment, she can't help but feel a sense of comfort in his embrace, knowing that he needs her just as much as she needs him.
It’s not long after that he stirs before getting up, watching as she lets her spent body fall onto his very own bed, face towards his window; she watches as the moon shines over the top of the nearby building while listening to the rustling next to her before a towel lands next to her head.
Turning to face him, a sense of disappointment washes over her as she sees Keegan with his mask back on. Fully dressed, in stark contrast to her completely naked body laying on his bed, illuminated by the night sky. A picture he surely will remember for a long time.
She stares at him, intensely analyzing his stoic expression while her body still pulsates with his own cum leaking out of her cunt.
“You good?” she breathes, breaking the silence between them.
He hesitates before answering. "Yeah, I'm fine, kid. Just...trying to process everything."
A slight grin pulls at the corner of her lips.
“You shouldn’t call me kid now, Keegan,” getting up, she walks towards him, still completely naked, feeling the cold breeze wash over her glistening skin, “makes you look like a paedophile.”
Now it’s his turn to laugh softly, “you’re right.”
“Think I can use your shower,” she asks, “I’m quite sticky if you get me.”
Arms crossed, he nods towards the door next to his bed. She can feel the tension emanating from him and decides to break the silence, "y’know, for someone who just had sex with me, you're awfully distant."
“It’s not like that,” he huffs as she makes her way towards the bathroom door.
"Ah, I see. So, I guess that means no cuddling?" she says playfully, hoping to lighten the mood.
She can see his eyes quint beneath the mask; a small smile surely to decorate his face. But even now, she can still see the walls he's built around himself. "I don't cuddle.”
She shrugs it off, "Suit yourself," and enters the bathroom, leaving him alone in the room. The sound of the shower soon engulfs the space. Keegan stands there for a moment, lost in thought, before finally making his way towards the door. He takes one last glance at the bathroom door, his mind racing with conflicting emotions, before turning to leave.
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zukkacore · 3 months
⭐⭐ pls pls pls share thoughts about who can blame a girl
Thanks so much for this!!! Tbh it's fun to talk abt Who Can Blame a Girl b/c its so short n sweet so it does kinda feel like the one that takes up the least oxygen but i am. proud of it and it is cute but to be fair it also is kinda uncomplicated in my mind so i'll see if i have any thoughts...
(For the record im very "she let me hit b/c i use his pronouns interchangeably" about dyke!Jace. I don't care how she's referred to really. In fact, for most of this i just use he bc idc. In case that's confusing.)
It's a song rec in the notes but actually the inspiration for Who Can Blame Girl is b/c i'd had the song Susie Save Your Love by Allie x n Mitski stuck in head for like forever (That and like A Ton of Chappell Roan) and the song is basically about this girl who is like. In love with her friend who is asking for a ride b/c she needs a break from a shitty boyfriend. Which. Zarajaceporter anyone. I just was really taken with this idea of Zara being very taken by Jace in this kind of... vulnerable, messy, unpalatable state i guess? B/c Jace is so buttoned up and curated at Aguefort. And like. I don't expect everyone to get on the dyke!Jace train but obviously i'm very taken with her and love her she is the soft butch of my life < 3
I guess what i CAN talk about is that. I think it was a fun thought experiment to kinda. Be in Zara's head. I have so much affection for her in canon and i think she just has this very playful, impish, yet ultimately very kind center to her based on how she interacts with Fig that is very heartwarming and as much as i love to torment Jace and put him in Situations, I do think the person who could understand and empathize with his situtation the most truly is zara.
I've talked abt the parallels between Vampirism and Jace in his post shatterstar state. They're both liminal undead existences that are based on this fundamental want that if satisfied would bring harm to others and make the people they love hate them! And like. Zara is very kinda uncomplicatedly Good in FHJY but it was fun to play around with the interiority of a warlock vampire who is in a relationship with a celestial! The whole Thing sort of revolves around this weird unspoken arrangement that concocts out of the blue when Jace calls zara. Zara is all about agreements. Negotiations that you make with the people around you. So when it comes to the gender stuff:
Jace is quiet. “No one would ever want to see that. I—I’m not brave like you, Zara. You’re always you, and—My life is petty, and small, and I—” His voice breaks. “I—I’m comfortable keeping things the way that—” “Hey. You think I don’t make compromises?” says Zara. She's thinking about that word—brave. Jace has no idea what it takes for a vampire like her to "be herself" in a way he imagines. “I make compromises every day.
It's like. This ties so into my belief that pre-shatterstar jace is egoless. He doesn't want to rock the boat. He's comfortable, until Porter comes along. In a way, Zara is unflinchingly herself. She's a hot goth vampire and she's not shy about that. But I think she'd have to reconcile with. Just living in a world that is afraid of her existence. She's free from Jace's POV, but she's not as free as he thinks. She has to be at peace with the idea ther her very existence is just going to be an abomination to some people (and like. It's dnd so i don't know how popular that attitude would be but we have seen religious zealots in text so im sure those people exist). And she's talking about gender stuff but she's also unwittingly kinda speaking to the shatterstar part of his life. Be unflinchingly yourself. You want to live. And sometimes, people will hate you, or you will do harm.
Meanwhile, what is Zara getting out of this time with Jace? Some sort of connection? I think feeling a connection was very thrilling for Jace. That's why he asks, "You felt it, too?" But what does Zara want?
I feel like Zara's motivation is summed up here. Initially, it was curiousity and obligation. She liked seeing him in a state she never had. And he needed a favor, so she felt like she ought to come through. But this is the real reason:
"We can drive for as long as you want. My entire night is free. Obviously"
To me, this is her expressing patience. Patience that she's willing to extend b/c she feels for Jace. But it's also expressing loneliness.
I very much did contrive this bc I'm just a silly billy who has been wanting to write something about Jace n Zara hooking up in a car. And like. I'm cringefail and writing hookups is hard so im always obsessed with what the emotional throughline is for a scene like that and like. I kept coming back to Zara and her celestial lover. I think it's Zara wanting something tangible and messy and faulty.
and yet Zara for a brief terrible moment wants this, with her, over transcendence, over ethereal, ascended, over purity and goodness because this is real , it’s mundane, it’s here , it’s something she doesn’t have to wait for every time her lover comes calling, if anyone knew how desperate Zara truly is they’d never see her the same way again
Like. It's tangible and present and we don't KNOW what a relationship with and angel would be like. But it sounds so... pure. So sterile almost? And textually in FHJY Zara is very mature and healed, but I was like. The idea of a warlock finding a relationship so tantalizing that they would be willing to fuck up their other contracts was just so delicious to me. And Vampires are all about temptation.
Zara can’t help herself, she wants —the same dark want that compels her feed, the same hunger for something she knows is going to destroy her, destroy everyone around her—and seriously, fuck Porter anyway, how could he ever want Jace as profoundly and completely as she feels herself wanting right now,
Like!!!! Yes Zara is better than this but im toxic and want to reduce her to the gutter w the boys! As if it's my fault! I'm not gonna quote the hornier parts but like esp the stuff about like. Zara reconciling with darker wants that—she's not as bad as Porter, but she's a vampire, it's about consumption, about taking, about predation, about desire (it’s also about penetration. lol). She's doesn't let that shit rule her, its there, she does stumble. Like. Was it a good or bad thing that she left it open-ended at the end? I mean. It's good for us for sure. I want them to get into a messy situationship in the wake of Jace's messy breakup with Porter (yes. In my mind this is THEE breakup from IYWD too. The real one).
But like. It was always going to be open ended. Zara did him a favor. This is a contract. There's always a give and take in a relationship. He'll be there for her too at some point. That's how it works.
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kariachi · 9 months
Some fic! In which Rook suffers horribly from an unwanted crush.
It would take an act of the gods to get him to leave the base at that point in time. He could do paperwork. He could handle security. Punch timecards. Cook meals. Clean floors. Whatever job kept him nicely within the walls, surrounded by other officers and off patrol. He did not know how long his suffering would last, but until it was over, he would do anything to stay away from that sharp-tongued cuss.
The annoying part was coming up with excuses to keep Ben mollified. To keep the Magisters mollified. Faking a ‘not bad enough not to work but bad enough to stay in the base’ illness had only worked so long. Blonko had been forced to carefully time the end of his workday so that he always had something he would have to get back to in the morning. To fake a message from his mother that she had gotten a bad feeling and was worried about him running around like he was supposed to. And he was supposed to, his position was partner to Ben, he was supposed to be out there watching his back, keeping him in line, not holed up in the base. Eventually he was going to run out of excuses not to go back out there, to wander about in public once again.
The irony, that he would probably get an extra week if he got a hold of Argit and asked for help making something up, was not lost on him.
Was very, very not lost of him.
He had procured extra pillows, for when he inevitably needed to scream.
There was no reason to- He wasn’t even attractive! Leaving aside that he was a career criminal, without a hint of shame about the depths to which he had sunk, no signs of regret, he was disturbingly thin with scruffy fur, with bad teeth. And that was before you looked at him beside any of the other Erinaens in the area, saw just how scrawny and poorly put-together he was. An unattractive cowardly criminal with no regard for other people, no morality to speak of, a smart mouth, and a conman’s quick flip to charm and rattled spiel. He did not have a single feature to make him desirable for anybody.
But no, no Blonko clearly had to have bad taste in men. He had not even had a taste in men before! He did not even know if Argit counted as a man- for all everyone in the base that bothered to speak of him used the local masculine he had heard two other pronoun sets used for him. The ambiguity there was not helping as much as he would hope. Whatever he was, the only socially acceptable gender for Blonko to have an interest in back home would have women, and he was reasonably certain he was not one of them. Really, the only relief there had come in Rayona- because of course he had told her about this, it felt wrong to stay quiet- having no issue with this new self-discovery.
She was probably still laughing about his developing feelings for a criminal- and there her sister had been teasing her that she would lose him to Ben- news to him- but at least an interest in somebody who was more likely that not not a woman was not an issue to her.
His family, meanwhile, was a bridge he only intended to cross if he had to, and by the Sun, Rain, and Earth that would not be any time soon, if ever.
This would pass. It had to pass. He had even looked into Argit’s file in an attempt to break himself out of this aching spiral, only to be left curious as much as he was off put. Enough so that Ben had noticed him asking questions, though thankfully he had merely pulled him aside to let him know that whatever essay he was writing on why Kevin should stop associating with the Erinaen would not work. Apparently, Gwendolyn had already tried that. A fact that did not make him feel any better about the way his mind kept wandering back his way. How much more intently he had caught himself watching him when their paths crossed, before he’d sequestered himself in the base. The way he kept going back to that stupid file.
It did not make any sense. There was no reason for him to feel like this, he knew enough about him that there was no excuse for it. Had he simply gone so long without realizing his own proclivities that his body was forcing the matter? Did he really have just the worst taste in non-women possible? Well, alright, that may have been a bit harsh, surely someone such as Vilgax would have been worse, but the point still stood. Maybe he was just lonely. He’d been far from home and from Rayona for too long, and Argit was the only recent immigrant his age he spoke with regularly, and bad fur was more attractive than no fur… Yes, yes that had to be it. It had to be. These many long months away from home and Rayona had been too long and between that and this new proclivity he had slightly lost his mind. A perfectly sensible explanation.
He would just go put in for time off so he could take a quick trip back to Revonnah and that would fix everything…
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lake-archive · 9 months
Gambling Hobo & Kitchen Killer
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AO3 Link - CATZ Discography
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Dice Arisugawa, Ann Wolff (OC), Eli (by @watersofcamelot)
Summary: When on a free day Ann brings Eli the lunch he forgot they finally meet the ‘Gambling Hobo’.
Tags: Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Platonic Relationships, First Meetings, POV Original Character, Developing Friendships, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Genderqueer Character, POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited
Words: 1,984
“Y’know Sis, there’s the guy who always shows up at the Soup Kitchen. Clearly homeless, he stinks like that. You’d think that he would show up for something to eat. Well, I mean, he kinda does, but at the same time… He’s always gonna beg for some money. Dude loves gambling a little too much I think… Eh, not like I ever gave him some for free.”
That was the description Ann had in mind. Sometimes Eli was talking about some of the people coming by at the Soup Kitchen. He talked about all types of people – Like a single mother trying to take care of her three children, being very overprotective yet always grateful that her kids were being fed. She sometimes even helped Eli it seemed, just to pay him back. She never had to but she insisted on paying him back.
Or an old man who had been through all types of experiences in his life yet sadly ended up on the streets. But his stories were always a treat, something Eli just loved to listen to. And even when he retold them to Ann and Ole, both could not help but listen ever so eagerly. Some were sad, some were funny but they were all memories worth remembering.
Then Eli sometimes talked about a former soldier paying a visit from time to time. He’s not coming there for the food honestly, not necessarily, but for cooking advice. And while anyone might be put off with the ingredients this man chose, even someone like Eli was honest, he was ready to teach the former soldier some basics at the very least. He wasn’t a bad guy but not someone Eli would voluntarily leave alone in the kitchen. 
Long story short, the people Eli met there were colorful. Ann knew that and they always had fun listening. And it all proved another part of Eli, something he could not admit to himself, since he insisted on the opposite. But given how he talked about those people and how he always looked out for them, it told Ann everything they had to know. But that was just that, they only knew those people from word of mouth, never personally. And they had not expected to ever meet any of them in person. They never really had a reason to pay a visit, not to mention that they had been a little too busy with their own studies. They would need an excuse to come over.
Well, that excuse seemed to have come that day before they knew it…
Because one day Eli had forgotten something at home – Leftovers. Ann had a free day, wanting to do some of their work in the middle of the day. Though they had stepped outside of their room, wanting to grab something to drink and something out of the fridge, the only thing they were even allowed to touch inside that kitchen. And only if Eli was out of the house.
Regardless, they had spotted something on the counter, and Ole right next to it, poking it with his paws over and over. He even tried to open it with his claws at a point and Ann had just barely managed to snatch it, just in time. It was probably the smell of fish which had allured the cat and he was meowing non stop, wanting to snatch that small lunch box and open it. But Ann wouldn'tlet him, reminding the old cat that he had his own lunch already served in a bowl. It was one of the few times this old man proved that he was still a cat first and foremost.
Anyway, they couldn't just leave it here. And thus they decided to head out and bring Eli over what he had forgotten. Even if it took them a bit to find the Soup Kitchen, they themself never had really been there. But they managed, after having somewhat successfully used the navigation app on their phone. Somewhat because the directions had confused them enough to walk in circles sometimes. But they had pulled through in the end, hadn't they? Of course they had!
Because finally they had entered the respective soup kitchen, lunch box in hand. “Sorry but is Eli bu–” They were about to ask yet had been caught off guard by a conversation. Because before they could even finish speaking in any way they heard one thing rather loudly:
“Please! Let me borrow some cash! I’ll pay ya back double!”
It had gotten the young person’s attention, making them turn their head to the voice in question. And they had seen two figures. One of them was of course Eli who was just staring down at the guy who was literally on his knees, hands pressed together while having them above his head. A blue haired guy with a long coat and… They couldn’t see much else from the back. Though the shoes looked a little torn… Could it be… No wa— 
“Help me chop the pile of onions and I’m willing to pay you.” Eli suggested, though his tone was audibly annoyed. He really didn’t feel like hearing it and just wanted the guy off his back it seemed. “But borrowing? No thanks.”
“C’mon! Help a guy out here!”
“I’ll help a guy out if you help a guy out.”
“A’right, fine. Can’t say no to—”
Yet before this conversation could finish Ann had decided to step a little closer, finally, not wanting to block the entrance any longer. They simply walked over and said: “Uhm… Sorry but I got something for Eli.”
This had silenced the duo for a short moment and they both turned to them. The blue haired guy was confused for a moment and before Eli himself could reply that guy suddenly asked: “Hey, ya got a girlfriend? Why haven’t you mentioned her before?”
“G… Girl… Friend?” Ann repeated, trying not to sound calm. It was a mistake, yeah. Just a mistake. It’s fine.
“ ‘cuz I got none.” Eli responded, sounding beyond deadpan by now. “They ain’t my ‘girlfriend’...”
“Not? Then she’s what?”
Ann’s face nearly twitched. Just being referred to like this was enough to put them a little on the edge… No, it was an honest mistake. No one had pointed it out yet. And they were about to. But Eli got ahead of them.
“I live with ‘em. Oh, also, don’t call them by terms like ‘girlfriend’ or use ‘she’. Unless you want ‘em to supplex you.”
The guy only crossed his arms for a moment, tilting his head. “Eh? Whaddya—” 
“I’m not a woman, that’s all he’s saying.” Ann sighed, feeling like a record at this point. How many people did she tell this on a daily basis? Way too many. It was getting tiring. Why did their body have to be this way? Because no matter what there was one aspect they could never hide, no matter how hard they tried. Though they wished they could, really. Ok, maybe their style was not doing them any favors either but nothing would change with that sack of a chest around anyway… So why bother? Plus, they liked their current set of clothes… 
Either way, brushing that thought aside Ann had approached Eli and handed him his lunch. Or rather, shoved it to him. “There. Don’t forget it next time. Ole was ‘bout—”
“Sis, I don’t need lunch if I can make it myself.” He suddenly responded, leaving them a little confused for a good second. He already saw it and added: “This is a soup kitchen. If I really get hungry, I can just cook something for myself y’know…”
“B… But a lunch box—”
“I left that there for you, so you don’t try anything funny in my kitchen.”
“Eh!? Why would—”
“So you don’t get hungry. You often skip breakfast on free days, so I left that there for you. Sure, it’s just left overs but may as well.”
Now that was… A little embarrassing. This small box was not for himself but for Ann? So they walked all the way here for nothing? Nothing at all? Was this what was going on!? “O… Oh… Uhm… Thanks…” They added, nearly mumbling. 
“Don’t. I did this solely so our kitchen can—”
“Hah, that’s my boy! As considerate as always!” The blue haired guy suddenly interrupted, a grin on his face.
It only led to Eli rolling his eyes for a moment. “It isn’t like that.”
“Sure it’s not.”
“It’s really not! Do you know how many kitchens suffered because of them!? This is a battle not even they will be able to tell any longer!”
“Wha— Ey! It wasn’t that bad!” Ann tried to protest, almost feeling a little insulted. And yet—
“Right… It was even worse than—”
“Wait a sec… This is ‘Ann The Kitchen Killer’?” The third guy suddenly brought up, pointing at the brunette. This action alone had made them gasp and grow stiff in place. Partially at the not so flattering title. Who came up with that!? 
Eli only nodded at that however. “Yeah, that’s them.”
“Haha, should’ve just said that’s your buddy! Though didn’t expect ‘em to look like this.”
“Wh… What do you mean?” They asked him very carefully.
“Hmm… Well, how Eli described you… I thought ya looked more like one of the guys than—”
“Don’t even finish that. I don’t want to hear it.” They interrupted almost sharply. Yeah, they really didn’t.
“A’right a’right! Sorry!” The blue haired guy said, seeming to be a little nervous for a moment yet calmed down ever so quickly. In fact, he didn’t seem much fazed shortly after and suddenly walked up right beside them, one of his arms hanging off their shoulders as he brought them closer. His grin had grown even bigger since then and he didn’t even seem to bother with their assets in the way. His hand was just hanging down there, right in reach technically yet ignored it in the end. He didn’t seem to bother in the long run. Not to mention that he added the following shortly after: “One of the buddies, got it! Anyway, the name’s Arisugawa Dice. Just Dice’s fine!”
This had them caught off guard and they had no idea how to respond to this gesture all of a sudden. They had gotten a little nervous, not used to someone approaching them that way, it almost seemed a little too much. And yet, they couldn’t get it out but to accept it. Besides, he wasn’t exactly doing anything and seemed to be unbothered… Unlike them, because even they had his smell in their nose and it wasn’t a pretty smell. Especially since it was so close. “Uh… Yeah. Nice to meet you too…”
“The Kitchen Killer and the Hobo Gambler meeting at the same place… What a day.” Eli only threw in, watching the two. And while Dice himself seemed still unbothered Ann turned their face to Eli fairly quickly again and— 
“Wait a minute… That guy is—”
Eli nodded only.
“Huh? Ya mentioned me too? Thanks man, didn’t know we were that close!” Dice responded.
“No, not really. I needed a topic at the dinner table.” Eli countered.
“Oh c’mon now! We’ve known each other for a while now!”
“That doesn’t mean anything.”
“C’mon now!”
“All you do is beg me for money every other day…”
All of this while Ann had been caught in between… This was too much, way too much. This was the day where they had met one of Eli’s acquaintances, a regular one at that. This was the first time they had met Dice in person. They wondered if it had been the first and last and maybe at the time they could have believed it. However, this was of course not the case… But they wouldn’t figure it out until way later.
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samthecookielord · 1 year
💘 (Assuming we can get the characters access to multiverse internet) How do you feel about the Chocolate Guy, Amaury Guichon?
1 says: "After seeing some of his work, I must say I'm quite impressed. I may not be a chocolatier, but I can tell just how much precision and effort must've went into building these intricate and detailed designs, with a fragile material even."
2 says: "oh yeah that guy oeace on earth love it when he shows up on my tumblr dash and im like yo whatcha got for us this time o chocolatey one. except now i CANT see him because THIS GUY doesnt even HAVE A TUMBLR literally outrageous i have to go ask his friend (in quotation marks) for a tumblr dash to look at"
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1 says: "And let you have the upper hand by telling you? I don't think so."
2 says: "shrimp🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐FTW!!!!YEAH WOO LETS GO SHIRMP!!!!!!"
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1 says: "Though exploring both is very tempting to me, I do have a bias for outer space, as indicated by one of my earlier responses."
2 says: "WA. ON one hand......thers shimp in tha sea.....BUT...... space is so swag cool......................girl idk im hypothetically exploring both baybee you cant stop me im already doing it in my brain get naed"
(tourney post)
Previous answers:
1 said (R1:M5) - Q: "amogus" - A: "Interesting invention of language. I'd like to study you."
1 said (R2:M3) - Q: "What would be your dream job? Specifically, if it could be literally anything, even if it would be impossible." - A: "I have a few ideas. I suppose you'll want to hear my most interesting one, yes? Well, a dream job for me would be to lead in an intergalactic expedition. So many new frontiers to discover... And I'd love to see it with my own eyes."
1 said (R3:M2) - Q: "what is the most Mediocre color in your opinion?" - A: "Hm. Mediocre? Personally, I don't really see any perceived wavelength of light as 'mediocre'. So many wonders of science in these hues..."
1 said (R4:M1) - Q: "I probably asked this before but thats okay new set of people would you smooch a ghost" - A: "Hm. This answer may not resonate very well with you, but I do not believe in the existence of ghosts. However, speaking in a hypothetical situation in which imaginary concepts may exist... Perhaps I may, as you say, 'smooch a ghost'. It would depend on many factors though. Is the ghost hostile? Is the ghost a complete stranger or someone I may recognize? Is the ghost from present day or centuries old? Does the ghost want to interact with me? Did the ghost ask me first? I could be asking questions all day."
1 said (R4:M1) - Q: "Say something nice about yourself :]" - A: "For starters, I've created many impressive machines in the last few years. [insert list of them here because i cant be bothered to actually come up with any rn lol] Plus, I was a top student in practically all subjects back in the day. My husband and I are also currently working on the blueprints for something big... but I won't spoil the surprise."
2 said (R1:M10) - Q: "what’s your ideal burger" - A: "BURGER ! ! ! YEAW !! ! ! ! !! !!!!! ideal burger is made by the friends we made along the way"
2 said (R2:M5) - Q: "how do you feel about shapeshifters" - A: "damn that would be so swag gender. well i can kinda do that but not rlly its not like im actually shifting my shape im just like hey looking at me im tricking (like the hit game) this michaelwave or whatever lolll"
2 said (R3:M3) - Q: "Opinions on nicknames? Do you like giving them? Receiving them? Have you gotten any that stand out to you? Would you like to get more or less?" - A: "DUDE NICKNAMSE ARE LIKE. MY BRAND. i better win this one guys cmon my nickname swag is sooooo cool awesome sauce. one of my BESTIES gives me a REALLY SWAG NICKNAME its [REDACTED] oh wait i guess im not allowed to say that or else itll like ruin my anonyminity or whatever 🙄🙄 ok be that way. as if im not obvious already 🙄 cuz im just so iconic 🙄 whatever im changing this guy's contact names again"
2 said (R4:M2) - Q: "if you were a pokemon what type(s) would you be" - A: "electric/ghost baybeee. just like rotom fr :] peace on earth <3 id be like one of those silly regional evolutions probably (trust me this makes sense if you know my silly weird backstory)"
2 said (R4:M2) - Q: "What's your favourite thing about yourself?" - A: "my SWAG and COOLNESS im litearlly so hot and amazing and hilarious ooo you wanna kiss me so bad ooo"
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ariadnasdiary · 1 year
Hi Ari! Hope you are well :)! I'm very curious to know what your OCs do when an important ball is coming up in the Demon World.
For example: the ball that Karlheinz does during the lunar eclipse, or some other important balls that the other demon clans celebrate. To be more specific, how do Ari, Naomi and Sabine prepare for such important events? What kind of dresses would they wear and where would they buy them? ♡
Mun Ari: very intresting question!
In Ari's case: I can totally see her stressing out… A LOT. Ari has been taught and told all her life to always go accordingly to the dress code. She does enjoy the process of choosing her outfit and everything… when she does have time. If it's something unexpected, she stresses a hell lot more. Depending the event, she'll require help. She would go for Naomi's advice specifically for any doubts regarding event and dress codes on the Makai and maybe where to buy her outift within the Makai. In the human world, she does look sometimes for references and trends to combine with her style on daily bases. For important events she's a little confident on her taste. She's not picky in terms of brands as long as she likes it, has the budget, looks good on her and matches her style, she'll buy it. She would always ask if she's looking good, for reassurance. And most importantly: she looks forward for Kino's reaction and would love it if he actually praises her and says he likes how she looks uwu.
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In Naomi's case: as a heiress of the Eagle clan, she has been tought to dress according to her status and overall for the ocassion. She has a very defined style she likes and is proper for her in general, so she's ALWAYS confident she makes the best choices. She's praised for her style and beauty, so she slays~. Is a process she does almost atomatically, so it doesn't really mean anything out of the extraordinary. She either gets her clothes on the most exclusive places both the Makai and human world or are custom made according to her requests, after all, unlike Ari, has no budget and the wealth to do so. She came to enjoy dressing Ari more than herself when they became closer. In her eyes: Ari looks adorable and beautiful no matter what she wears and sometimes she would spoil Ari buying her clothes, accesories or other stuff she wants to get for Ari. She would help Ari get ready for any ocassion Ari could ask for her help and she's truly honored and happy to be of her assistance. She would also take the lead to dress or buy clothes for Yuri as well, when they started dating as well. SOMETIMES, if she sees it ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, would buy Kino clothes as well. For many reasons really: she would hate it if Kino ruins Ari or Yuri if Kino was the only wrongly dressed for the ocassion, but also per request for Ari to have matching outfits as couples do (Naomi finds it endearing and just for that she would gift matching outfits for Arino xD). For official events, Naomi will have to wear her Eagle shield to represent her clan.
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In Sabine's case: just as Naomi, she knows what goes well with her in anyway. She knows the dress codes for every ocassion, but always try to stand out… she loves it. Bright colors, outstanding accesories, luxury brands and materials are a go for Sabine. It isn't a problem for Sabine to aquire them since she's also rich as Naomi, so money isn't problem for her either. She would wear everything in trend, costume made accesories and even special edition or exclusive items as well. She's extremely sure of her decisions, even if in the past she would fail as she leart, heer over confidence would made her look stunning no matter what she got to wear. She takes a lot of time for her and ther team to get here ready for any ocassion. She's also gorgeous, so she's also praised by her possible suitors, admirers or even other guests of any gender, specie and age. She's a queenbee, so what she gets to wear would make a trend in the Makai (most of the time she brings some ideas from the human world that haven't arrive to the Makai and would make them hers and becoming a fashion icon in the process~). Accesories with snakes definitely is a most for Sabine.
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scitties-enjoyer · 2 years
The effects of the turf war on the mycelium resistance members was very much permanent* (I've written a fic where this has come up before, it wasn't intended to be scarian when I wrote it but you could definitely read it that way)
And I'm thinking of the ideas I have about Grian and Scar having a kid**
Their hatchling I think would also have the effects of the mycelium. So their baby ends up referred to as sporeling by Grian as often as hatchling. Scar isn't actually upset about their baby being mycelium, to be fair. Anyway point is I have feelings about them having tiny magical newborn hatchling sporeling thing.
If we're going with the "they've been married the whole time" thing they've been talking about the possibility of having kids since season 6 but Grian wasn't ready, things got in the way in season 7, in season 8 they were thinking of child soon and then once they were ready the fucking moon was starting to get big and when that happens bringing a baby into the world ends up at the bottom of the priority list. And then the easter egg hunt in season 9 was a tipping point for Grian of "okay I want a baby now"
Grian shuts himself and the hatchling up in Scar's starter tree and doesn't allow any visitors for a few of weeks because instincts. Just him, Scar, and their hatchling in their little bubble. The kid has Scar's eyes and Grian's hair and their wings are a weird blending of Grian and Scar, floating like Scar's but feathered like Grian's, though the colours are different.
Ther baby of course is a menace as soon as they can walk. Which isn't too long. An adorable menace who can get away with almost anything but. Okay you know how when they want to be Grian and Scar are actually extremely competent? Yeah they're definitely teaching their kid all their tricks. ***
I have more ideas but my brain has decided these ideas no longer exist so, there you go. Their baby is a tiny terror and they love them very much and encourage them very much.
Watcher!Grian related footnotes under the cut
* well, watcher!Grian could remove the mycelium from himself but he isn't too great with his magic at the time and he can't remove the mycelium from the others so he won't remove the mycelium from himself both out of principle and also because honestly he's not in any danger or unhappy like this.
** ask me about my ideas about watcher Grian and watcher biology and Grian's gender please I have so many ideas. Also the kid's species is a complete anomaly on so many levels because of it.
*** Grian takes some time to teach their kid watcher stuff he wishes he'd been taught instead of muddling through, and while personally he doesn't use his magic to give himself unfair advantages over players, he thinks while his kid's young that it's more important they learn how to use their magic in safe, controlled circumstances than it is to keep things fair.
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
can u plz write story abt parental ydere kirishina+bakugo(sry idk what u call them) they r naga like snakey thingy. faund y/n when she sleep at the trees an kep her
sry my eng very bad i try very best to explian
No it’s fine! As long as I can get what your saying,I can write!
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You’d been peacefully sleeping,nothing more, nothing less, previously, you had been running through the vast forests of these lands, trying to hunt anything for your family’s dinner that night, you found yourself empty handed by the end of the night. And completely exhausted, your parents would probably kill you for real if you came back with nothing, and you were so sore and tired right now, you probably couldn’t fight back. Sleeping out here in the middle of the woods was better than going home to that monstrosity, so sleep in the woods you did.
Of course when you’d gotton in the tree you wouldn’t recognize the divots, the large holes that any hunter would recognize as a bags hatchling. You were too tired to notice the sticky substance you sat in, nor how the nestle in the tree was shaped to hold something in. You didn’t notice.
It took a lot of effort, but you’d managed to climb an oak tree and settled yourself into a crook of a large branch. You pulled the thin blanket out of your pack, it wasn’t great, but it was warm enough to keep you asleep. That’s all you needed. When you’d slipped off into the depths of unconsciousness you failed to notice the slithering tail cooling itself away from your little nook.
On the other side of this story. We’re two Naga mourning the loss of many little ones, the humans on the nearby village has found out of their presence. And had figured out that they lived high up in the trees where hunting was more than easy. They’d killed many that day, so focused on slaughtering the retched beings, that they hadn’t thought to protect their nest. The place where there were almost 8 fully healthy naga eggs just waiting to hatch.
The humans had gotton there first , and by the time the two creatures made it back, their once lovely tree had been reduced to a massacre. They could only stare at the almost developed bodies of their children, screaming out in agony as the grief set in. Kirishima, the one with a scaly red tail that glimmered with every passing light, had collapsed in the ash of the humans burnt corpses, seeking blood, carnage for their slaughtered babies.
And seek blood they did, they slithered into the nearby village without so much as a sound, and ripped every last humans beck out, uncaring to the age, or gender. All humans are vile, destructive creatures who do nothing but take and destroy, they took the lives of their unborn children, and all of them would pay. It just so happened that this occurred, right after a young h/c girl left for a hunt. What a suprise it would’ve been if you’d come back to your village and seen the destruction, too bad you never came back.
When the blonde haired beast picked up on a new scent in the area, one that he could almost recognize, one that smelled sweet like a honey flower, he went to see what creature emmited this scent. Anything to take his mind off of the massacre this tree reminded him of. His tail coiled all the way around the wood as he ascended, making little hissing noises here and ther. Then, he saw it. You. Covered in some sort of thin cacoon. So small, so little.
Looks like you were abandoned here by your parents, whatever kind of creature you were, you were small and defenseless, what kind of parent would do that for their baby? He would kill
For a chance to get all his little ones back, and here some terrible parents are abandoning you. It must be fate? You, abandoned, in their tree, crooked in one of their former children’s nesting spots, where they would’ve held their little ones to calm them. You were there for a reason, the goddes was repaying for the cruelty they went under. That’s why his primal instincts were flashing red like alarms! You were their little one!
He let out an almost soundless hiss, hovering over your sleeping figure. He lifted the blanket up off of you, making sure it wasn’t attached in any way, curiosity sparked in him when it revealed a colorful layer of skin wrapped around you, it seemed deatachable, like the rattle of a tail. Under, was skin unlike his own, soft, squishy skin, no scales in sight. Two legs replaced the normal tail, it’s alright! He doesn’t mind if his baby’s a little… different. You are his after all, he’ll love you anyway.
After a few moments of marveling in gratitude for the gods, the blonde snake-hybrid let out a screech, low pitched and rumbling, soundless to any other creatures than Naga themselves.
It was a short announcement to his mate, telling him to stay in place, that there might be hope after all. And in an instant, the blondes tail wrapped firmly around you, coiling under your waist and wrapping tight, both to keep you from falling from his grip onto the harsh forest floor, and to keep you all warm and happy. It’s funny how such a cold blooded creature could bring such warmth. He brought you up to cradle you in his (extremely long) arms, clutching you ever so slightly, pure happiness overriding him with the sweet smell of you.
He made his way up the tree slowly, careful not to squeeze ever too tightly, or drop you. Smiling when he caught you nuzzling closer, a parents touch is much better than any cacoon thing right? He knows you like it. In reality you were too exhausted to wake, turned out walking with a bow strung for over seven hours is taxing on a body that hasn’t eaten in two weeks, it worked out into be creatures favor. A lot.
Kirishima popped his head out of a nook inside the tree, being warned by the incoming slithers of a tail he could recognize as his own mates, just to be met face to face with you. It shocked him for a second, before he was hit with the realization, you smelled like one of his own, like one of his slaughtered children, he looked up at bakugo, eyes watering, he just nodded and sent him a smile.
Then,it clicked in kirishimas head
And immediately, kirishima was crying again. HE HAD ONE LEFT! His little baby was still alive! He dipped his arms under you swiftly, holding you tight to him while uncontrollably sobbing out, utterly in disbelief, he’d spent the past three days mourning his lost little ones, and one was left unharmed? He couldn’t believe it! He placed his head into the crook of your stomach, nuzzling closer and enjoying your sweet scent.
Of course, the sudden quick movement. Paired with the loud, almost shriek like noises coming from the snake creature, woke you up in an instant, your eyes fluttered for a moment while you comprehended everything, then you screamed.
Your hand shot up to push the things face away from your stomach, now fully understanding what was happening… kinda. You knew that you were no longer where you fell asleep, that both your blanket and bag were not with you anymore, and that something was just about to take a bite out of your stomach, and it was in no way human. His grip tightened on your legs as you failed to push it back, you felt your lungs constrict as your own tears started flowing out.
He did nothing but air there and hold you in attempts of comfort, believing this was all screams of confusion, his friends had warned him that children would be scared and flustered , because of the oversensitive eyes they were born with, light was hard to adjust too, and you didn’t seem to have anything to shield your little eyes, like all the others were born with. Or, should have been born with.He was kindof right though, you were screaming out of pure confusion. And slight horror at the human face with slots for eyes, and scaly fingers.
You waited for death, and then realized, why hadn’t it just taken a chomp out of you already? What you could identify as a man snake thing was just wrapping itself around you, shielding your eyes from the rising sun and midnight cold, he rubbed your back, squishing the skin on your shoulders in sight fascination. It made no move to eat you. Then, it hit you.
This was a naga, your mother had explained you to beware of these beasts whenever in the forests. You lived in old, ancient areas, with ancient creatures. Supposedly, these creatures were vicious to any others who impeded on their nests, especially when they had hatchlings littered about, they could turn Simone to stone with a single glacé (at least in the myths), but you were staring straight into its eyes, and even though they weren’t human, you really didn’t feel like there was any hostility there. And it clearly wasn’t aiming or hurt you.
Still, you screamed and screamed and screamed, hoping someone else would hear you, no one did. They were all dead. Not that you knew that, the creature just continued his attempts at comfort, while the other made its way into the tree. You tears were mistaken for ones of being overwhelmed, your cute little tries at clawing his eyes out were confused for affectionate rubs, and your cry’s were nothing but noises of a confused baby.
By the time that the blonde has slithered down into the large tree, you’d come to the realization that they currently weren’t trying to murder you, and had calmed down, to some extent. Still, questions zipped in and out of you like arrows through a deer, nagas were creatures of god, so why would they show any concern for a human like you? And how the hell hadn’t you known there was a nest right by your village. And what the fuck was it doing with your shirt?
It hissed, flicking his tongue at your hands when you tried to pull the shirt back on, he’s just pulling the extra weight off! His friends had told him that some hatchlings could be born with some extra skin that needed to be shed, and needed help. He was just doing it for you! The grey blouse lay discarded on the groun, while he tried to pull the rest off, noticing how it made you scream even more. Was he… scaring you? Oh gods no! That wasn’t what he intended! You must be a little confused right? Why would HIS child be scared of him.
Bakugo felt the need to interfere at some point, knowing that his mate believed you were their biological little hatchling, that you come from them, even though you didn’t. You were gifted to them by some higher power, he couldn’t crush that hope though. Plus, you might actually be theirs, by some small chance, maybe there were two in once egg, and you’d been the one to survive. That would explain why you’re so small. Kirishima just looked so happy, so content now that he had someone to take care of again, to protect, to know that all this paid off with a. Beautiful little. baby.
He thought for a moment, watching you cry, then all thoughts of sharing that secret left his head, he wouldn’t, he couldn’t rather. It would probably end in you more scared, and it isn’t my like he hasn’t been longing to have a little one just as much as his mate, you are just a baby anyway, you are their little one, who cares if you’re a little odd, and don’t have a tail. Not him. He’ll wait to tell.
Or maybe, he’ll just convienently “forget”
And no one will ever know
Hehheheheh, not even gonna lie I enjoye staid way more than I should’ve, the idea of nagas are so cool.
Anyway, thanks for requesting! It was really fun to write and I’m sorry it’s so late!
Have the most wonderful of days today! Goodbye!
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allieebobo · 2 years
it's a must at this point but the ros react to mc asking “would you still love me if i was a worm”
I know this has been floating around, but. Wow. What a question. I hope you forgive me for the level of weird that comes after this - I suppose you have to, given what the prompt was.
G immediately raises an eyebrow. "Asking all the earth-shattering questions today, aren't you?" There's a pause and a short sigh, as the exchange student braces themselves. "What kind of worm?"
MC snorts, and shakes their head. "Does it matter?"
G spreads their arms wide. "Of course it does. If you're an earthworm and I'm a plant, I might consider it. If you're a tapeworm and I'm human, then hell no." There's a beat, and G licks their lips, a devilish half-grin forming on their lips as they lean in. "I'm sure you can find some other way of getting inside of me." Then a wink.
Tobin laughs and pulls MC into a hug.
MC melts into the hug, but whispers, "I know what you're doing, you're trying to get out of the question."
Tobin grins, turning their face a little so they can whisper into MC's ear. "I love you, forever and always."
MC feels a flush of warmth from the words, but narrows their eyes a little skeptically. "Really. Even if I were a worm."
Tobin's still grinning. "Sure, but there are... a lot of different kinds of love. I think sexual and romantic love would be out for the both of us." They lean down and capture MC's lips, smiling into the kiss, as though to pre-empt MC's protests. "I could definitely still do profound inter-species 'thanks for keeping me alive' love, though."
MC laughs, and pulls away, shaking their head at Tobin. "Goddamn, I knew you'd find a way out of it."
Rayyan doesn't even think about it - but they do at least put whatever it is they're holding down and look at MC. The look communicates 'why the hell are you doing this to me' as strongly as any words ever could. "No," They say, eyebrows knitting over their eyes.
MC snorts, and protests, coming in closer. "What?! Why not?"
Rayyan rolls their eyes, and pulls MC in the rest of the way, leaning down for a quick kiss. Their lips are curled upwards in a small smile. It's only when they pull apart again that MC remembers to scowl. "Don't kiss me like that, you just said you won't love me!"
Rayyan shrugs. "So enjoy life as a human while it lasts," They grunt.
Sam guffaws. "Hell yeah! I'd be down to rub clitellas!" There's a brief pause, as MC pauses, already regretting the question. "You know?! The swollen area near the head of a mature earthworm? It's how we exchange sperm." MC blinks, and Sam nods excitedly. "Then each of us can form an egg capsule in our clitellums!" They pause, frowning. "Is that the plural form? I have no idea."
MC bites their lip, suppressing a laugh. "It's... a little worrying how much you know about the mating practices of worms." They're more than used to this, though. "So we'll have sperm and egg?"
"Yeah! Breaking the gender binaries to-ge-ther!" Sam sings, doing a little dorky worm dance, wiggling their butt against MC, snorting - it's as though they were doing the theme-song of some extremely strange kid's show. "As worms!"
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pocarinapyon · 2 years
[🤪] Overpowered Reader Giving Nicknames to Genshin Boys
Reader is isekai'd to Genshin Impact (Teyvat) and realize they're overpowered as f*ck.
As a big fan crushing on the boys, they brand them cute/weird nicknames. Because why not? It's not like the boys could kill you if you give them silly tags!
** Reader does not have a romantic relationship with the boys
Starring : Aether, Albedo, Albedo (Primordial), Arataki Itto, Baizhu, Bennett, Childe, Chongyun, Diluc, Gorou, Kaeya, Kamisato Ayato, Razor, Scaramouche, Shikanoin Heizou, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli
Warning : 🤪 crack (I think); random nicknames; reader being a bully (Diluc receives most of the bullying); reader implying they know the characters well to the point the character gets curious/suspicious; implied that some words or implication of words don’t exist in Teyvat yet (ex: bae, sugarbaby, etc.); trashtalk; shit tons of littered references (too many to list – if you know, you know); pinch of cringy pick-up lines and suggestive content; etc.
Also, my bias is showing here, lol!
Links : Masterlist
Content format:
[Guy Name]
-> [nickname] - [guy's reaction and interaction with him]
Target audience is gender neutral.
To whoever is reading, I hope you enjoy as much as I did!
-> Eater - *Paimon: It’s pronounced as ee-ther, not eeter!* *you explain you decided to call Aether as EATer because he likes food a lot* *You: Although who doesn’t like food, right?* “I guess you thought that way because you always see me with my emergency food.” *Paimon: Hey!!*
-> Master Chef - “Master Chef…” * You: Yes! Oh great Master Chef, please bless me and Paimon with your delicious food! I have much ingredients.* *Paimon: Oh! I’m excited! [Your name], Paimon guarantees the food will be delicious!* “What kind of dish did you guys have in mind?” *Paimon: Paimon is thinking %!*
-> Sora – “😕? But…I am Sora.” *you explain about a Keyblade-wielding boy named Sora who ventured across different worlds to search for his friends* “Oh… I see… I hope he was able to find his friends.” *You: He did! Although that’s another story – and a lengthy one at that. As in seriously lengthy…and it’s all canon…with a bunch of twists and backstories… Anyway, I hope you find your sister too.* “Thank you.”
Note : In Japanese, Aether is called “Sora” by Lumine (Hotaru).
-> Albaby - “Albaby? That's quite an affectionate name, isn't it?” * You: Do you like it?* “I think I would prefer to be called just Albedo.” * You: Okay. If you say so, Just Albedo.*
-> Bae - “Hmn... Bae? It's alright. I think it's better than Albaby.” *You: Really?* “Yes.” * You: (Lol, success! Albedo doesn't know what Bae means!)*
-> Boyfriend – “Oh dear. It would surely cause an uproar if people heard you calling me boyfriend.” * You: But since it’s just us in Dragonspine, there won’t be an uproar. Right, boyfriend?* *Klee: Wow! Mister Albedo has a sweetheart?!* *Klee looks back and forth at you and Albedo with googly eyes* *You: Hi, Klee!! 🤩😍! Yes, I am Albedo’s sweetheart.*
-> Geoculus - “Why would you call me a geoculus?” *you explain that is because he is a Geo Vision wielder and a synthetic human* “😳... So, you are aware of my homuncular nature... Fascinating… I'm curious. May I know how you learned of it? Were you able to observe it?” *You: I'll tell you if you kiss me.*
-> Jekyll - “It is a rather decent name (even coming from you). Is there any specific reason why you want to call me Jekyll?” *you explain the story of Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde; Jekyll is Albedo and Hyde is Primordial Albedo* “So even that information did not escape you. 🤔... Are you perhaps a clairvoyant? Or perhaps you are like the traveler? But I still wonder how you learned all these information.” * You: Look, Jekyll. I’m not gonna give you answers for free. And it's gonna cost more than a kiss if you want to know.*
-> My Prince - “Hmn... One of the titles I have received is Kreideprinz, as in Chalk Prince. However to use a possessive pronoun – oh. You don’t seem to be listening.” *just stares at Albedo* * You: I love you, My Prince.*
-> Black Frost – “😐? Aren’t you supposed to give me a name?” *You: Yes. Black Frost is a name.* “Doesn’t sound like a name to me.” *You: It is! He’s actually pretty cute! Violet hat. Red eyes. Wide toothy smile.* *Primordial Albedo is not convinced Black Frost is a name* *You: Wait, let me try to draw him for you…*
-> Hyde – “I am not interested in any more names.” * You: But isn’t being Hyde better than pretending to be someone named Albedo? Imagine having your own identity. Your own self. Something that belongs to only you.* “…” * You: A different life from Albedo’s. Maybe even a better one!* “…” *You: What do you think, Hyde?* “Hyde, huh…”
-> Abs – “I know my abs are showing but do you really have to call me abs?” *You: Can I touch them, though?* “Sure! You won’t find abs as beautiful as this, [your name]. I’m giving you a special privilege to touch them just once.”
-> Bear/Cuddly Bear/Teddy Bear - “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Those aint cool names! Okay, maybe Bear is okay but the rest are just naaah! I’m a gangster. You can’t call me something so lame. I mean, could you imagine a delinquent named Cuddly Bear or Teddy Bear?? Wait. On second thought, it doesn’t sound so bad after all. Huh… Uh-huh… Hmn… Nah. Never mind. So, any other names you wanna call me?”
-> Champ - “Champ? I don’t want to boast or anything but we already know I’m a champion. Sounds cool but nah.”
-> Geoni/Geovanni - “Yeah, baby! Now that’s what I call a real cool name! Geoni. Awesome! I like it! Fitting for the one and oni Arataki numero uno Itto! I’m gonna tell the gang to start calling me Geoni from now on. Thanks, [your name]!” *hopefully he gets the idea why you decided to call him Geoni/Geovanni*
-> Abs – “Abs?” *You: Abs.* *Baizhu looks at his abdomen* “Abs?” *You: Abs.*
-> Cocomilk Dispenser - “Why do you keep calling me Cocomilk dispenser?” *Qiqi picks up the nickname and calls Baizhu Cocomilk Dispenser* “Ah.”
-> Huang/Swindler/Won - “Haha. Swindler is a strong word, isn't it?” *Changsheng: I don’t know. It sounds good to me.* *You: Is Huang or Won okay?* “Only if you tell me why you want to call me those.” *you explain about Huang/Won of Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon* “I am not a swindler.” * You: How about borderline swindler? … Semi-swindler? … Swin? Dler? Indl?*
-> Plantito - “I don't know what it means but I'm guessing it has something to do with plants?” *you explain platito means a person who loves (to take care of) plants* “Ah, I see. I was right! 😊! I am a doctor after all, so it’s only natural for me to love plants…especially if they are useful.”
-> Sakata Kintoki – “You know, this nickname-branding of yours is going to cost you. How does five million Mora sound?” *You: Fine! I won’t call you any more names. Can you at least say, “Bear howling! Golden drive!!” 😎 With the growl and all?*
-> Best Boy – “Best boy?? W – why am I a best boy?? No, sorry! I’m not mad or anything. I’m really just surprised. And happy! Why would you call me best boy?” *You: Because of your Fantastic Voyage.*
-> Cracked Mirror/No-leaf Clover/Spilled Salt/Unlucky Cat – “Sigh… I know my luck is terrible but I don’t think I deserve these horrible nicknames…🥺😢” * You: Sorry, Bennett! I take everything back!*
-> Cutie – “Y – you think I’m a cutie?! S – seriously??! Ah – oh, sorry. Again, I’m not mad. It’s just no one has ever called me cute before. Uhm… Thank you. 😀” *You: You’re welcome, cutie patootie.* “E – ehehe… 😊!”
-> Passionate Adventurer – “Wow! I like the sound of it! Thank you!” *You: It suits you well, doesn’t it? 😁*
-> All-purpose Cleaner - “Huh? Haha! That's a long alias compared to Childe, isn't it?” *you explain about Ajax All-purpose Detergent/Cleaner* “🤔… Huh... So you know my real name... This is interesting. I wonder how did you know about my real name? Are you spying on me so you could kill me?” *you just say you learned his name somewhere and you call him all-purpose cleaner because he is good at killing, like how Ajax kills 99.9% of germs* “You haven't answered how you got my real name, though.” *You: Look, Ajax. All you need to know is I scoured it for our marriage contract. If I wanted to kill you, we wouldn’t be having this conversation now, would we?*
-> Onii-chan/Big brother - “Haha! I do give a big brother vibe, don't I? That's because I came from a big family and I do have younger siblings too!” *proceeds to getting behind-the-scenes information about Childe's family*
-> Blue/Gary Oak – “Who’s Gary Oak? And Blue… Is it because of my blue eyes?” *You: That. And-* *you explain that his pose reminds you of someone named Blue/Gary Oak (Pokemon 1st Gen battle sprite)* “Huh... Who exactly is he and where is he from?” *You: Wait!! Are you jealous??*
-> Daddy/Hydro Daddy – “Come on. I can’t be your daddy if you can’t be my sugarbaby. So how about it? Be my sugarbaby?” *You: Lol! Daddy, wanna be your sugarbaby~! 😍! … 😳! Wait – do you even know what sugarbaby means?* *Childe smiles at you because apparently you already mentioned the word sugarbaby way back*
-> Mister Worldwide – “Mister Worldwide?” *you decided to go against explaining about his banners/talent mats/etc.; instead you explain that he goes around Teyvat because of his job as Fatui* “That's true, I do travel a lot, yeah. Do you want to come with me next time, comrade?” *You: OMG! Does that mean a date?!*
-> Turtlelinnie - “Aw~ that's actually a pretty cute alias!” *you explain that you call him turtle because he can't keep up with you during spar sessions or fights* “Heh! Just you wait, comrade! I'm going to defeat you then I'll call you Turtlelinnie or Slowpokie.” *You: You giving me a nickname?? Can I lose on purpose?*
-> Chong-Chong/Chonkie/Chungus – “Those are…cute nicknames, don’t you think?” *You: You don’t like it, Chong-Chong?* “It’s okay. Sorry, it’s just…embarrassing. Ah, ahem!” *Chongyun skittishly takes out his ice-cream and eats it* *You: Maybe I should let Xingqiu, Hu Tao, and the others in on your cute new aliases.* “No! Please, no!”
-> Jack Frost – “Ah. I don’t mind. Although where did you get the name Jack Frost?” *you talk about Jack Frost* *You: He’s a pretty handsome guy and his abilities are sort of like yours! Except he’s not as strong as you. Because, you know…you wield a broad sword. Meanwhile, he uses a staff.* “Oh. Okay. He sounds like an interesting guy. Now that I know about him, he won’t disappear, right?” *You: Yeah… But it’s not enough to just know him. You have to believe in him too.*
-> Mister Ice-cream Man – “That’s a long nickname, though. Wouldn’t it be better to just call me Chongyun?” *You: Fine. Let’s give you a short name. Hmn… How about… Baskin-Robbins? Ben & Jerry’s? Binggrae? Cold Stone? Haagen-Dazs? Koibito’s? Meiji? Nestle? Peters? %* “Huh???”
-> Batman – “Do I look like a bat to you?” *You: No. Hehe…* *in a hushed tone, you explain who Batman is* *Diluc is surprised you know what he does as Darknight Hero* *You: If it makes you uncomfortable, Imma skip to the next alias.*
-> Daddy/Pyro Daddy – “Sigh... Could you please not call me that?” *You: What're you gonna do if I keep calling you Pyro Daddy? Burn me to a crisp, Daddy?* “🙄… (Control yourself, Diluc. Control yourself.)”
-> Diwuc – “Sounds like something a child would say... I'd rather be called by my name properly but in your case, Diwuc is fine.” *You: Yay, Diwuc 🤩😍!* “You had your fun. No more nicknames, [your name].” *You: No! I’m on a roll, Diwuc!*
-> Master❤ – “Why does it sound odd when you call me master?” *You: What's the matter, Master❤? Is there anything I can do to please you, Master❤?* “Yes. For starters, stop calling me master.”
-> Wookie/Wuc/Wuckie - “🙄...” *You: What? You said I can call you Diwuc! It's some sort of a nickname for a nickname.* “Stop branding me weird names, otherwise the townsfolk might pick it up.” *Venti: Master Wookie, one Dandelion Wine, please!* *Kaeya: One Death After Noon for me, Master Wuc.* *you, Kaeya, and Venti grin slyly at Diluc* “Sigh……😑! I hope you two get a weird nickname from [your name] too.” *You: On it, Master Wuckie!*
-> Abs – “Eh?” *You: Yes, Abs. Can I touch them, though?* “You – you want to touch my abdomen…?” *You: Yes. Are they sensitive?* “U – uhm… Sort…of…?” *Gorou turns around to search for Kokomi’s directives about the situation he’s in* *you hug Gorou from behind, sliding your hands on his sides to his abdomen* “Eeeeh?! 😖⁉”
-> Brownie – “Because of my hair colour?” *You: Yeah. It’s simpler to name our pets based on their color.* “I’m not a pet.” *You: But can I pet you, though?* “No.”
-> Doge/Geodog/Geodoge – “Eh…” *Gorou is not used to people directly calling him a dog*
-> Good Boy – “Ahem! Please don’t call me that in front of the troops.” *without warning, you pet his head and scratch his ears* “I – I – I – yes…! 🐶” *You: Who’s a good boy?* “I – I am~! To the left, please. To the – yeah, that hits the spot! ❤”
-> Miss Hina – “😱😱😱⁉ W – w – w – why would you call me M – Miss Hina?” *Gorou croaks* *You: Hehehe~ No reason.*
-> Captain Tiddy/Delicious – “My oh my. How vulgar of you, [your name]. I noticed you’ve been peeking at my chest and I let it slide. But to think you would actually call me Captain Tiddy or Delicious? Tsk, tsk, tsk… That’s going too far, don’t you think?” *You: Kaeya, I can’t help but look! Your tiddies are just there! Plus they’re so attractive to look at!* “So are you, but I don’t call you weird names, no? Or do you want me to call you attractive or gorgeous?” *Venti: Smooth!* *Diluc: 🙄* *You: Huh? 😳?*
-> Daddy/Cryo Daddy – “Ah, I think I heard you call Diluc Pyro Daddy. Do you still call him that?” *You: Sometimes. He prefers to be called Diwuc so that’s what I usually use.* “And what other names did you want to call him?” *You: Well, there’s %* *wait…did Kaeya just change the topic??? Bamboozled! 🤯*
-> Kaeyanriah – “Ho…? That’s an odd alias. What made you think of that nickname?” *You: Because –* *Kaeya observes you with a piercing gaze* *You: U – uhm – uhm…! Your name sounds…like…Khaenri’ah…* *Kaeya smiles at you* “Oh, I see. 🙂” *You: Scary…* “Ahaha…! Am I?”
-> Prince – “Hmn…” *You: No reason other than everyone thinks you’re prince charming!* “Do you think so too, [your name]?” *You: Well… Yeah.* “Haha~ That’s good to know. 😉”
-> Daddy/Hydro Daddy – “Oya? That’s not a good alias to use, especially in public.” *You: So, it’s okay to use in private quarters, right? Like maybe when we’re alone in your office…? Or in your room…? 😏* “Or perhaps in your room.” *You: GASP!* “–should I decide to visit you, of course.” *You: Y – you…! Take responsibility of my beating heart!*
-> Kamacho – “Kamacho?” *You: Hai. Kamatte choudai. 😟… You’re always busy so whenever I want your attention, I’ll call you Kamacho.* “Well, you certainly have my attention now, [your name].”
-> Milk Tea Buddy – “I assume you like milk tea as well. Unfortunately, I do not have the leisure of enjoying milk tea with you today.” *You: I’ll tell Thoma you asked him to buy you two bobas so we can drink together.* “Hehe. Go ahead. Oh, and make sure Thoma buys a boba with this recipe for himself. I’m sure he misses the taste.”
-> Scientist – “Oya?” *shows a wide variety of ingredients* *You: Mister Scientist, I know you’re busy but… Wanna feed Thoma? You choose the ingredients; I cook for you. How does that sound?* “Ahaha~ a wonderful idea! I should really let Thoma know I appreciate his hard work. Alright, let’s give him–” *you and Ayato never saw Thoma after he ate the love-filled dish*
-> Awoo/Woo – “Ah? That’s not how to howl. I’ll teach you.” *Razor teaches you how to howl* *give free nickname, receive howl*
-> Wolfboy – “Yes. I am wolfboy.” *You: Yes. Wolfboy. Good wolfboy.* *you pat Razor’s head*
-> Zero – “Zero?” *You: Yup. You remind me of someone named Zero Zephyrum. Long gray hair. Broad sword.* “Okay.”
-> Daddy/Electro Daddy – “Hmph! Insolent! You have no respect. Do you think you can casually call me any nickname that pleases you?” *You: Why not? It’s not like you’re life threatening or something – ahh!* *you evade Scaramouche’s attacks* *You: See? Not life threatening at all. Daddy, please be gentler with me.*
-> Moosh/Mouche-shroom/Shroom - “You're really picking a fight, huh??” *You: Aw... Is Mouche-shroom mad?*
-> Mounche-kin (as in incorporating munchkin to mouche) - “You aren't even that tall!”
-> Scary-mouche (when Scara is mad) - “Call me that one more time and I will kill you!” *You: Since you asked nicely... Okay, Scarymouche.*
-> Sushi - “Can’t your brain think of anything but food??” *you explain that you decided to call him Sushi because (from Kunikuzushi) he is bite-sized like a sushi* “Just die already!!”
-> Blue – “Blue?” *You: Blue’s Clues.* “O…kay…?”
-> Archie/Conan Edogawa/Doctor/Scooby Doo/Sherlock Holmes/Shinichi Kudo – “Those are entirely different names you’re giving me. Why are you calling me these names?” *You: It’s a new mystery, Scooby!* “Oh! It’s because they’re all detectives too, isn’t it?” *You: Damn, too elementary for you. Could you try saying, “You can’t hide the truth from me?”*
-> Jin Kaien – “Alright. Now who’s this Jin Kaien?” *You: Hmm… Meh. Your appearance just reminds me of him. And your fighting style……*
-> Househusband/Male Housewife – “Mind you that cleaning and household chores are very important too! They’re no simple task and I do them proudly everyday.” *You: Which is why you’re a fitting househusband, Thoma. I bet your spouse will be very lucky to marry you.* “Relax. I’m not planning on settling down soon. So you have to wait before calling me househusband or male housewife.” *You: As in… My househusband or male housewife?! 😍❤*
-> Pyro Daddy Number Two – “Who’s Pyro Daddy Number One?” *You: Do you want to be my number one?*
-> Thomato – “Hahaha! Let me guess: It’s because of my Pyro Vision, isn’t it? Or because I love to cook? Or you really just like tomatoes?” *You: All of those. Also–* *you explain that you sometimes ship him with Ayato thus Thoma-to* “Huh?! Why would you link us together in a romantic way? We’re both guys, [your name].” *Ayato: Why is there a commotion?* *You: I told Thoma I’d call him Thomato because I link you two together. He doesn’t like it at all.* *Ayato: Oya? You don’t want to be linked to me, Thoma?* “My Lord, it’s not that I dislike it. It’s just that [your name] is linking me to you in a romantic way.” *Ayato: And do you think being romantically involved with me is unlikeable?* “N – no, of course not, My Lord! 😳! I mean…!” *Defeated Thoma looks at smiling Ayato and you* “You two are ganging up on mee.” *You: Fine! If you don’t like it then Thoma-to is now Thoma-tto for Thoma and Itto!*
-> Catnip – *You: I’m gonna call you Catnip cuz I just know cats love you.* *you see cats approaching from afar but you don’t tell Venti* “No! 😡! Anything but that! Ugh! Just the mere mention of their name triggers my allergies. IT must not be named. From now on, IT is a forbidden word. But I can’t do that because I’d be trampling over the people’s freedom of speech. Sigh! [your name], allergies are no joke! I kid you not! My allergies are so bad that I – ah – ah – ah – achoo! Achoo!! Achoo!!! ACHOO!!!” *You: Oh, crap, you weren’t kidding, huh??* *Venti clearly looks like he’s dying* *You: CRAP, I DON’T WANT TO BE A MURDERER! SHOO, CATS! SHOO!* *Panik* *you see Huffman approaching to investigate the ruckus* *You: QUICK, MISTER HUFFMAN! HELP ME SHOO THESE CATS AWAY NOW!! THE BARD IS DYING!!!* “AUGBLAKVG!! (Wheeze) 😭😭😭!!!”
-> Divine Fingers/Golden Fingers – *smiles slyly at Venti* *You: I bet you’re good with your fingers, Venti. 😏* “Ehe! Do you want to find out?” *You: Yeah. Can you use your skilled fingers for me please, Mister Divine Fingers? Oh~ I bet this experience is going to be the best. ♥* *Diluc: Not inside my bar. Out. Now.* *You: What?! Why?! I just wanted him to play the lyre. He’s a bard so it’s only natural that he’s good with his fingers, right~?* “I agree~! I wonder why Master Wookie is so worked up?” *Kaeya: You two would have to forgive him. He’s just stressing over work. Right, Master Wuc?* *You: Aw… Poor Master Wuckie.*
-> Garden Gnome – “Eh? Eh?? Garden Gnome?! What did I do to deserve that nickname?” *You: I just picked it up and it’s actually pretty cute.* *Diluc is smiling to himself*
-> Lord Barbatos – “Ooh! When, where and how did you decide to call me Lord Barbatos? I wanna know~” *You: You’re not really being subtle about your identity as the Archon, right?* “Eh~?” *You: Don’t “Eh” me!* “Eh ~ but not everyone is aware I’m the Anemo Archon.” *You: Yes, and I am part of the population that knows. So just drink your Dandelion Wine. Another glass for the bard – on me, please.* “Ehe~ Okay! If you say so~”
-> Balladeer Number Two – *drunk Venti downing his 48th drink* “Eeeehhh??? Who took my spot as the Number One Balladeer????” *You: Someone from the Fatui–* “FATUI?! Hic! Can’t believe they took my spot. That’s my spot! Hic! They took everything…! They even took my…Zzz…”
-> An-emo Adeptus – “An…emo…?” *you explain what an emo is* *Xiao clicks his tongue and teleports out* *You: Sorry, Xiao! That was mean of me!*
-> Anemo Baby/Munchkin/Smol – *Xiao glares at you in disbelief* *You: Smol and cute Xiao. Please do the barrel test for me.* “Sigh… Why are we having this conversation again…?” *Exasperated Xiao takes another bite of his Almond Tofu*
-> Cat/Mew – “I don’t even want to know why you associate me with cats.” *You: It’s better than Pss-Pss-Pss, right?* *Xiao scoffs and teleports away* *You: Hahahaha! I’ll leave another Almond Tofu for you as peace offering.*
-> Kuze – “…” *you talk about how the Xiao’s karmic debt reminded you of Tattooed Priestess’ marks* *You: So, yeah. That’s who Reika Kuze is. I hope you get to be happy too.* “Mmh…” *Xiao ponders the idea*
-> Bookworm – *Xingqiu doesn’t even react and just reads his book*
-> Chinchou – “Chinchou… Chinchou… I like it.” *You: And you’ll love it more because Chinchous are water-based creatures that also have electro abilities. They do tingle slightly because of this. Anyway, imagine having both hydro and electro abilities? They’re sort of a good combo for pranks, right?* “Ah, my liege! These creatures sound fascinating! I wish to learn more. But I have never read about them in any books. Would you tell me more?” *You: Sure~*
-> Femboy/Trap – “My liege, surely you could tell I am a boy?” *You: Yeah. Nah. At first glance I thought you were a girl. I swear at first I thought you were Chongyun’s girlfriend.* “Chongyun’s girlfriend…” *You: Yeah. … Your face… You wanna prank him or something?*
-> Daddy/Geo Daddy – “I deem nothing wrong with it. It is true. My age may certainly be around your father’s.” *You: Hehe~ So… I can keep calling you Daddy or Geo Daddy, right?* “If it pleases you, so be it.” *You: Okay, daddy~* *Zhongli keeps in mind to ask Childe what it means to be called Daddy or Geo Daddy*
-> Dong/Dong-li/Double Dong – “What is a dong?” *You: It’s a–…* *are you sure you want to teach Zhongli what dong means?* *You: You know… That resonating sound when you ring a big bell. Ding-dong…! That.* “Oh? Is there a reason why you chose that specific word?” *You: Because of your pillars! Your pillars resonate Geo energies, right? That!* *Zhongli adds another question to Childe*
-> Hatter – “Odd. I do not own nor wear a hat.” *You: Loves tea. Dressed in stylish clothing. Gentlemanly. Less the madness. Yep, definitely Hatter.* “I see. So this Hatter is someone whom you know and is similar to me. Perhaps if we met, we could both enjoy a cup of tea.”
-> Morax/Rex Lapis – “Hmn…?” *Zhongli watches you in a calculative manner* *You: Fine. I know you want to be human. I won’t call you by your Archon titles whatsoever.* “From whom did you learn I am the Geo Archon?” *Zhongli is serious* *You: Let’s discuss what could be exchanged for your desired answers.* *be prepared – you’re dealing with the god of contracts here!*
My personal favourite entries are Baizhu, Childe, Diluc, and Venti.
To whoever read this, thank you for your time. Here, have some chips. 🍟
Stay cheery, people!
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