#maybe it's just because i love him so much lol
wikiangela · 2 days
you're my twin flame from a past life
this is the cheesiest, corniest, fluffiest, most romcom-y thing I've ever written, so be warned lol and enjoy <3 huuuuge thank you to emma (@evansboyfriend) for beta reading <333
bucktommy rating: G words: 4k summary: Buck's sure he and Tommy were destined to find each other. Now that they have, he intends to keep Tommy forever.
[read on Ao3]
“Yes, Tommy,” he rolls his eyes with a small huff of laughter. “I’m better than ever. I’m just- just thinking.” He shrugs with one arm, the one he’s not lying on. “I can see that. What are you thinking about so intensely?” Tommy shifts on the bed, lying on his side to fully face Buck now, the movie apparently forgotten, still playing in the background. But it’s a romcom, it’s predictable, not like they’re missing much. They can always rewind later, because Buck knows Tommy will want to see the ending anyway, and pretend he’s not tearing up at whatever cheesy love confession and kiss, or maybe some emotional montage, at the end will be. He can be such a dork, and a hopeless romantic. It’s adorable. “If you wanna share?” “Uh, it’s just-” he starts, but cuts himself off with a slight shake of his head. “Nevermind, it’s stupid.” “I’m sure it’s not.” Tommy’s hand – such a big hand, Buck still can’t get over it even after all this time – settles on Buck’s side, over his ribs. “You know you can tell me anything,” he says, and it’s a reminder, a reassurance, but no insistence, no pushing to tell him anyway, always letting Buck lead, letting him come to Tommy with whatever’s on his mind. Buck smiles softly, his fingers tracing over the side of Tommy’s face, from his cheekbone to jaw.  “I know. I was just- I was thinking about how sometimes I feel like-” his smile widens involuntarily, his cheeks heating up, but the words sound sure and confident and true, exactly like he feels about them and this relationship, “Like I’ve been searching for you my whole life.”
[read on Ao3]
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kajibunny · 2 days
⟡˖ ࣪ ren kaji as your boyfriend ₊˚⊹⋆
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✿ summary: relationship headcanons (ren kaji x reader) ✿ warnings: awkward silliness, some parts are a lil suggestive ✿ a/n: i love this man so much you don’t understand pls ;__; hi i'm new here and ofc my first post is abt my love, ren kaji hihi pls be nice!! ✿ wc: 960
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ꕤ kaji is more than just your bf, he’s also your bff, partner-in-crime, and sometimes guard dog (lol).
ꕤ he’s a little mean, but he means well. 
ꕤ everyone in town refers to you both as each other’s “other half”, as he relies on you quite a lot. not because he wants to boss you around (well, well, iykyk second year grade captain ren kaji mode on) but because he immensely trusts you.
ꕤ you also rely on him a lot, and he is a very protective boyfriend. he won’t let anyone harm a single hair on your head if he can help it.
ꕤ lots of people thought you two were already together way before you two actually got together, since you two were always…well, together. to the point that you adapted each other’s habits and vocabulary. (you catch yourself picking up kaji's direct tone of speaking and occassional "damnit!") no one was at all surprised when he introduced you as his lover. to everyone, you two were practically married already.
ꕤ it’s either both of you are bantering or play fighting one second, then all over each other the next. if ever you two have serious arguments, he’s usually the first one to apologize and ask how he can make it up to you. kaji is very mature that way, and is scared of hurting you, as he treasures you with all his heart (and body lol).
ꕤ has this habit of putting his lollipop in your mouth - just to see what you would do. loves the faces you make when you least expect it. thinks you’re so cute like that, but of course, will never admit it out loud. 
ꕤ when agitated, he calms down when you give him head pats and tell him that he’s a good boy. (double meaning i’m telling you)
ꕤ his love language is definitely quality time! he loves hanging around with you, walking home together, having deep talks in high places like a grassy hill or rooftop until the sun rises, listening to music together while you lean on his shoulder absorbing the sound from his headphones.
ꕤ your pet names for each other are lowkey insults like “idiot, dumbass, stupid” but affectionately. it became kind of like an inside joke between the two of you. he’d say the sweetest things, then pair it with a completely opposite word, like “it’s because i love you…you fool.” and you can't tell whether he wants to fight you or if he wants to kiss you. 
ꕤ kaji likes having collaborative playlists with you. doesn’t matter if you two don’t have the same music taste, since he’s always curious about what you’re listening to. sometimes sneaks in a few hidden messages using song titles in his playlists, for your eyes only.
ꕤ during the cold season, he lets you slip your hands in his hoodie pockets, embracing him from behind, like he’s your natural heat pack.
ꕤ when sleeping together, he’s a (literal) freak in the sheets. a blanket and pillow hogger, takes up more than half of the bed, ends up in the strangest sleeping positions, and at times accidentally pushes you until you end up on the floor. 
he definitely does not mean it though, if you hug him or hold him tightly while sleeping, there’s a higher chance he’ll stay still.
ꕤ when not on the bed, kaji likes to take naps on your lap or your shoulder, because according to him “it’s comfy and soft. like a pillow”
ꕤ lets you hold his valuables - lets you wear his hoodies, lets you hold his headphones, lets you drink from his bottled water, and even lets you suck on his lollipop (the one in his mouth okay but maybe also sometimes the one in his pants asdjbjdjcnd;;) but only you are allowed, because you’re special.
ꕤ you had to learn basic first aid because kaji always ends up with many injuries after fights, and gets angry at anyone who tries to touch him or disinfect his wounds, except for you. (soft!kaji *sighs* the effect you have on him aaaa) 
ꕤ makes a barrier with you in his arms whenever you’re passing with him in a crowded or busy street, to make sure no one bumps you or gets too close to you, to keep you safe.
ꕤ kaji is naturally such a good kisser, but claims he doesn’t really know what he’s doing. he tells you it’s just because he’s eaten a lot of lollipops, so he probably practiced unknowingly with his mouth and tongue. (help this is so funny)
ꕤ so many awkward and cute moments, that makes you love your little idiot ren kaji more and more each day (if that’s even possible) 
accidentally bit your hand when you fed him food. (from that day on, woke up to the realization that he might have a little bit of a biting kink)
once tried to do a kabedon on you like you two saw in one film you watched together but ended up tripping a bit, landing on top of you and squishing you.
there was a time he asked for love advice from hiragi when you two started dating, and umemiya ended up eavesdropping on them, and kaji ran away so fast as if he saw a ghost (ref: ch 58 kaji-senpai lol)
forgot he was wearing his headphones with music on full blast and broadcasted a little too loudly about how much he missed you because “you were gone on your trip for so long” and he “wanted to kiss your annoying face” all in front of his giggly vice captains, who of course heard every single thing he said. you made sure to tease him a lot about it afterwards.
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© kajibunny 2024 / do not repost
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daistea · 1 day
i have a strong desire to brush mithruns hair i feel like when he gets to the point where he can take care of himself again without needing to be helped by someone else itd be soft
Same! I feel like his hair is the fine, thin type with a light wave, so it would tangle super easily. Yet, when looking at Mithrun’s tall-man form, his hair looks a lot greasier and less fluffy(but still gorgeous, I would use the grease to fry my morning eggs.)
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I would think that implies that elves don’t produce as much oil, which would track seeing as they don’t really get blemishes either bc they’re like supernaturally perfect. (Fleki also having freckles in her tall-man form vs. no freckles in her elf form makes me wonder if they even have like.. moles. But I feel like I’ve seen an unnamed Canary in the background who had freckles. And the fact that they can get scars, too… idk)
Anyway yeah I think his hair would be soft when it’s brushed, though I also feel like he’d forget to do it or just ignore it. He keeps up his hygiene routine ofc, but I think he’d just let his hair air dry, uncombed, and it dries a bit wavy and a little stringy, but fluffs up once he does get around to brushing it— maybe a bit frizzy, even.
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Post-canon, he’d probably enjoy the process of having his hair brushed. It makes him feel loved lol, and if you’re the one doing it then he’s just pleased that he’s the one you’re giving attention to. And the feeling of your hands running through his hair would be nice, he’d close his eyes and lean into the touch.
It would be a good idea to pull it back into a ponytail for him when it’s hot! Because he probably won’t do that for himself. Also, a half up, half down style would be fun for special occasions. When it’s actually taken care of, it’s very soft and his curls are curling and it’s much easier to run your fingers through. He’ll start brushing it himself just so you’ll be more inclined to play with it.
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Hims corls!!!!!!
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Life is so beautiful
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jhoneybees · 21 hours
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This is a first! My first smutty fic that is inspired by this song!
Taglist: @elvisalltheway101 @atleastpleasetelephone @i-r-i-n-a-a
Characters: Mid60s!Elvis x Wife!Reader
Warning/triggers: Never knew I would be saying this but...Smut! lol, mentions of sex, nudity, reader's first time-ish, nipple play, blowjob, male receiving and almost female receiving
The both of you are quite open with your thoughts and feelings and it's been like that for years and years, of course Elvis and you would sometimes feel a bit insecure about something but you two would find ways to work through it.
But the only thing that Elvis hasn’t shared with you is a fear, something that he thinks you might find silly and… maybe it is.
Ever since you met back in 1964, he has been dodging the topic of sex over the many years of dating and it's not that you’re dumb and naive around sexual things, no sir, Elvis sure knows you’re not a stranger to foreplay and it’s not that he hasn’t done the deed before, the two of you know he’s been with many girls before.
It's just this one thought, this one itchy thought that's been plaguing his mind ever since you brought up the topic.
Of course, he wants to have sex with you. Oh how he wants to show you how a man really loves a woman.
But it's just…he’s afraid that he might hurt you.
Most men may think it’s silly to have such ideas because it’s only natural to thrust themselves into a woman and pound them into the mattress.
Well, yes but there's something about the thought of seeing your angel face contort in pain, tears springing at the outer corners of your eyes and hissing at the burning sensation that doesn't sit right with him, he knows the pain wouldn't last forever.
He's just scared.
He couldn't bear seeing you wincing and crying because of him. He's always been so sensitive with how you're taken care of and yes, you're a full grown woman and he probably shouldn't be worrying about you so much like that.
Hell, he can't help it though.
This fear is scarier than anything else to him, even more terrifying than the big fear of proposing to you which he did a year ago.
Now he's finally married to you and right at this moment sitting on the edge of a bed in a hotel suite in Hawaii, on your honeymoon.
Elvis perks up at your voice, seeing your head peeking out from behind the bathroom door with that gorgeous smile. His lips curl at the corners.
“Close your eyes”
He does what you say and closes his eyes, he has an idea what you might be doing and he's nervous to say the least.
Swallowing thickly as he hears the varnished floorboards creak, a light whiff of your sweet perfume tickles his nose.
“Feel me”
He gulps again and when your soft hands lift his ones up to place on your hips, his breath catches in his throat at the feeling of delicate lace.
“You know what it is?”
He nods quietly, his heart pounding in his chest, he thinks it might go out of control at any second.
“Open your eyes”
How could he do such a thing to you? To tarnish your angelic, heavenly body, with how the white lace underwear moulds onto your hips and the little pudge below your belly button. The matching white lace bra complimenting your breasts, the softness and fullness of them spilling over the tops and little pink buds peeking through the fabric.
It’s all making his head spin. You’re so beautiful and he can already feel his dress pants tighten. He has shown his love to you in so many ways but he has never shown the way that he has been waiting to do and as much as his heart is telling him to show you, his brain is stopping him.
Fingers pushing ever so lightly against your waist. Elvis is in absolute awe of you, the pressure of his fingertips pressing down on your skin makes something crack inside of him, his breathing becoming laboured when the urge to feel your entire body with his palms enters his mind.
His eyes roaming up your body, eyelids fluttering lazily. A groan vibrates in his throat.
“You’re gorgeous…” he breathes, earning an angelic giggle from you.
As his eyes begin to trail back down your body, they snap up to yours when you place a hand on his shoulder. A breath sucks out of him at the slight contact of his clothed length getting brushed by your knee resting on the mattress between his legs.
He gently lays himself down at the light push from your hand, making sure to let out a breath or he would’ve exploded right then and there.
A flame ignites in his heart at just the sight of you crawling on top of him, your goddess of a body planting right on his pelvis and leaning down closer and closer to his face. Sighing at the feel of your soft lips pressing onto his passionately.
Elvis’ hands try to grasp onto something, anything, and what he finds is your hips, your squishy but firm hips.
Sliding them up to the curves of your breasts, he hovers his thumbs over your hardened nipples. Hearing you let out a moan as he brushes over your clothed buds.
Stuttering in between kisses. He groans at your sensual hums and gentle nibbles on his bottom lip, watching you pull away, he looks into your eyes that dig into his soul and with hesitant hands, he gently clenches the sides of your panties in his fists. Feeling your hands trail down his chest to his pants, shuffling back to unbutton and his breath hitches at your fingers wrapping around his cock.
His mind falls static at the image of you, leaning down and peering up at him with your pretty soft lips parting to take him into your mouth, knowing you'd take such good care of him because you always do, and as he feels your wet tongue flatten against his tip and enveloping him in between your lips letting the wet muscle slide down under his length ever so slowly and so gently, the wind gets knocked out of his lungs.
“Ooohh baby…”
His voice comes out hoarse and pleasured. He tried keeping his head up to watch you but the anticipation of wanting to feel you spreads all throughout his body and with that his head falls onto the bed.
Shaky hands going up to press into his eye sockets, a string of moans fall from his lips. He swears you must know every little trick, you make him become so undone in such a short time.
His hips stuttering, more slow dragged out groans squeeze out of his throat as the suction in your mouth milks every drop of him.
Elvis in a daze, his hands fall to his sides. Taking a few moments to come back to earth.
After taking a few breaths, he opens his eyes, sensing your fingers grazing his skin as you undo the buttons on his shirt, sliding it just over his shoulders. He almost chokes on his own saliva when you quickly take your underwear off and unclasp your bra, leaving you bare naked right on top of him.
…How did he get so lucky?
He’s falling in love with your body all over again because of the view of your little imperfections that you would always think are ugly, he finds them so damn sexy and he always makes sure you believe that too.
His gaze travelling down your frame, he grunts at how pretty your dark wiry hairs decorate the trail down to your womanhood. He’s hypnotised by your beauty that he doesn’t notice his cock is nearly just about able to be nestled in between your lower lips but when you grind on him again while biting your lower lip, he suddenly feels the wetness and as he's sucking in a sharp breath, the realisation hits him like a truck.
“U-uh.. honey uhm-”
His brain runs in circles. That thought comes drumming back into his mind. He doesn't want to hurt you.
Feeling your hand travelling up his chest, his breath hitches at the mischievous glint in your eye, your hips moving to grind on him again and a mental flash blinds his vision. Your little hole ripping open twice the size causing blood to seep out and a deafening scream right in his ear coming from your mouth.
Sucking in the air as his cock slides in between your lips, his heart pounds out of his chest even more.
A small whimper rolling off his tongue.
Elvis stares as your eyes flutter close, your face contorting slowly into pleasure and the sounds of small moans falling from your pretty lips, his horror thoughts come to a halt at the sight of your angel beauty melting into something that he can imagine is sinful.
His heart almost stops when you lift your hips. hovering over his hard cock, you lower yourself slightly rolling your hips over his red, angry tip. Teasing him. Barely rubbing, making combined gasps and moans fill the room.
“D-don’t, I’m gonna hurt you- please”
Flashes of the painful images flood his vision again. With frantic hands, he grips onto your hips to stop you.
Peering up at you with parted lips and furrowed eyebrows “W-w-w-we shouldn’t…” he shakes his head while quickly sitting up, leaning himself back against the headboard. Gulping thickly, Elvis runs his fingers through his hair, breathing in and out as he tries to calm himself.
It’s not just him who's been waiting, it’s you too.
He should be telling you.
“I-I-I don’t want to hurt you, Y/n…I-It’s gonna hurt a-and It’s not that ah don’t think yer strong baby, yer real strong b-but its just…I-I can’t bear ta see ya in pain” he stutters.
Glancing over at you sitting there on your knees naked in front of him on the shared bed, he swallows harshly.
“Honey I-”
“It only hurts for a little bit…”
His heart thumps at your sudden soft voice, eyes flicking from one of your eyes to the other. He’s looking for something, something like some sort of judgement but all he can see is bravery, certainty and just pure love.
“W-we don’t gotta do this anymore if ya- if ya don’t want to” he mutters.
The room falls silent for a few moments before your voice breaks through.
“Have you always been gentle with me?”
“Have you always been gentle with me, Elvis?”
Clearing his throat softly, he thinks for a bit.
“Of course, darlin”
“ And would that change now?”
Elvis gulps, watching as you crawl closer. Your legs on either side of his hips gasping softly at the coolness of your fingertip lifting his chin, your soft stare boring into his soul.
“Then there’s no need to worry”
Then ever gently your lips press against his, his heart sighing at your delicate hands cupping his face.
“I want your sex, Elvis”
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dwaekkicidal · 9 hours
Thoughts on daddy Jeongin?
wait why have i never thought about this…
warnings: gn!reader, exhibitionism, mean dom + brat taming on the last few paragraphs
posting this because the Changbin worship is taking me a little longer than I thought..
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so im a firm believer that jeongin is STILL a menace to this day. like we all know he was a little shithead growing up, but i think the way skz spoils him just made that side of him come back out. especially with the video of him literally choking seungmin and nobody batting an eye (also him stopping the SECOND he saw the camera pointed at them??? yeah keep trying to put up that 'innocent' mask. i see through ur lies mfer), I genuinely don't think he's as innocent as they make him out to be lol
anywhooooo back to Daddy Jeongin..
I think in general Daddy Jeongin is sickly sweet with you even in public. He doesn’t hesitate to buy you items he sees you looking at for longer than a few seconds at a store or just random things he thinks you would like. He takes you out on dates when you least expect it and always has a little gift prepared for you for these dates. I also think he would LOVE to dress you up/pick out your outfits every day if you'd let him, and even more so for dates so you two can match.
"Today we're going to [insert restaurant]! I bought you a new outfit for it and everything~"
I think he's one to keep PDA to a minimum (besides hand holding). UNLESS you ask nicely or there is a person who is very obviously interested in you and is 'unaware' of your relationship. Then, Daddy Jeongin is going a liiiiittle unhinged. They want to play dumb? He'll play absolutely brainless. I'm talking straight up shoving a hand into your pants or up your shirt, grabbing a handful and making you squirm as the person watches. Will not hesitate to walk up to you and interrupt your conversation with that person just to shove his tongue down your throat <3
"I don't give a fuck if it made them uncomfortable. You're mine."
I think in bed Daddy Jeongin would be super inexperienced at first if you're his first lover. Shaky hands hesitantly trailing along your body along your body and soft but hungry hip thrusts for the first few times. But!!!! I'm a firm believer in Fast Learner!Skz so it won't take him long to learn your body and what you do or don't like. So much so that once he proves himself right time and time again, he starts to be a cocky little shit about it.
"I know it 's good. Daddy just knows you too well, baby. And I know *this* feels good too, right? Haha"
Daddy Jeongin definitely invites one (or more hehe) of his hyungs to fuck you open >< Allowing them to fuck any and all of your holes all while he controls the scene, the pace, and where they cum. I think the ego this would give him would be nuts… It would hover in the air around him for weeks, ESPECIALLY if it’s one of the guys that he respects/looks up to the most (I’m thinking Chris, Min, and maybe Seungmin).
"You're doing so good for us baby, you're taking Min so well. He's gonna keep fucking you nice and roughly and if you keep it up and maybe you'll get both of us."
I think he loves a brat (obviously at the right times) so he has an excuse to prove why he's the dominant one. I think he'd have 2 very similar ways of dealing with brats, I won't make a separate post about it like I did with Chris but I'll still explain some of it. The default way Daddy Jeongin deals with one is by being a huge brat back and matching your energy. You push his buttons, he pushes your buttons. You test his boundaries, he’ll test yours. Has a whole stubborn ass "anything you can do, I can do better" attitude and won't stop until you give up and submit first. Not afraid to edge both of your for hours if that's what it takes for you to fold.
"You ready to say sorry? Mmm that's too bad. I was looking forward to letting you cum tonight."
2nd way Daddy Jeongin deals with a brat is full Mean dom. You push the right wrong buttons at the right wrong times and he won't show any mercy. How can he when he learned how to be a mean dom from the best! (Seungmin) So when you talk back, have too much attitude, and/or any other way you manage to piss him off; you are getting a big hand wrapped tightly around your neck or long fingers shoved down your throat to shut you up. Edges both of you here too but will end up cumming inside you before you get to finish and threatens to leave you like that if you don't say sorry. OR will overstimulate you until you're actually sobbing and squirming so much that he threatens to tie you down.
"Maybe if you didn't act like a bitch I would be more willing to give you a break. Now shut up and take it." >.<
Daddy Jeongin who isn’t afraid to punish or discipline you in front of his hyungs. If you piss him off at practice he WILL make you kneel right then and there, in front of all the members and any staff, and will make you apologize. Tangles a hand in your hair, maybe even shoving a few fingers down your throat, and makes you grovel. Also I think if you catch him at the wrong time, he'll threaten to fuck you right then and there (and will actually go through with it depending on who is there and if he's actually mad enough).
“Aw.. you’re embarrassed they’re watching? Good, maybe you’ll learn your fucking lesson this time. Now apologize or I'll edge you on my dick for the next week.”
Continuing a little on that last paragraph, I think he would enjoy bringing in Seungmin (AND) or Minho to 'help' him tame you when you're a brat. It's definitely something that would have to be talked about with all parties, but if everyone agrees to it then you're in for some insane sessions. If you piss him off in the practice room and the people in there just so happen to be Seungmin and Minho, just know you're fucked <3
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pepsiboyy · 21 hours
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p4 ⚜ masterlist ⚜ p6
pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: after moving to massachusetts from florida, y/n lives with her half brother, nathan doe, who is part of a small garage band. their sassy guitarist, chris sturniolo, can't help but get on her nerves. but there's something about him. warnings: use of y/n lol, cursing, fluff a/n: HIIII sorry for the wait!!! ive been adding to this chapter as time goes on and this is the final product because i know yall have been waiting for it <3 love you guys so much thanks for the support!!!
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"i got us a show!" nathan exclaimed, his eyes just as wide as his smile as he gripped a piece of paper, waving it in front of him.
i clasped my hands together in excitement, and smiled brightly. "yes!! where?"
"soundwave lounge!" nathan smiled warmly as he handed the paper to chris, who held it out for ben to see as well.
everyone had such a bright smile.
i smiled as i watched chris's excitement run through him.
"i think we're good to go, we just need a vocalist," chris mumbled, as everyone slowly averted their gaze towards me.
i blinked a few times as i chuckled nervously. "me?" i choked out.
"yeah, you'd be great!" nathan happily wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in and looking towards chris and ben with a wide smile.
i stared at chris for a moment, who gave me a reassuring smile, before i spoke up. "fine, maybe."
chris and i had been seeing each other for about a week and a half now. he would often spend the night with nathan, who would fall asleep quickly, prompting chris to come to my room and spend time with me.
it was nice, having him around. i found out that the two of us have a lot more in common than i ever could have guessed.
we decided to keep it a secret from nathan and our other bandmate, ben, for the sake of keeping things private. that, and we had no idea how nathan would react.
"whatcha thinkin' about?" chris's voice rang softly, ripping me from my thoughts as he ran a hand through my hair softly.
i smiled softly at him as i shrugged and sighed. "i can't believe you guys want me as a vocalist." i whispered. "i feel like i can hardly sing."
"i'm sure you're great.. don't ever put yourself down." chris immediately reassured, his eyes fixated on me. he hated when i got into self-deprecating moods. which was often.
i sighed and nodded. "would i be singing the lyrics that you've been working on?" i asked softly, looking at chris as he shot me a quick shrug.
"probably. i don't really know. we can figure it out." he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he sighed and sat up. "it's goin' on three o'clock. i should probably go lay down." he whispered.
i nodded softly as i shot him a quick smile. "sleep well, 'kay?"
chris stood to his feet and stood up, sending me a quick nod and a wave. "you too."
and just as he got to the door, he swung back around on his heel and quickly made his way over to plant a kiss to my forehead.
i reached up to press my hand to the back of his neck, pulling his lips against mine.
as he pulled away, i shot him a smile.
and then he left quietly.
my eyes peeled open at the abrupt sound of drums slamming against one another downstairs.
i rubbed my eyes and slowly rose from my bed, my hair in every possible direction. i didn't care though. what i cared about was the drums playing at fucking 10am.
"what the hell are you guys doing?" i stated loudly, but nothing was loud with the sound of them playing. i stepped a bit closer, where chris finally seemed to notice my presence and stopped playing.
before anyone could notice, he shot me a soft smile.
"oh hey, y/n," nathan stated, his body leaning over to set down the drumsticks.
"why are you guys playing so goddamn early?" i stated firmly, rubbing my eyes.
"we have to practice for our show. it's tomorrow!" nathan stated with a wide smile, making my jaw drop.
"tomorrow!? i was thinking like a week or something?" i sighed as i moved to sit between nathan and chris.
"same here, but most we can do is practice to the best of our ability." ben stated, his eyes averting to the side.
everyone seemed to share a glance. he was being unusual.
"right. well. i'm gonna run inside and get a drink. can i get you guys anything?" i asked softly.
they all shook their heads, except for chris, who begged for a pepsi.
i chuckled and nodded, making my way quickly to the kitchen to go ahead and grab chris and i both a pepsi.
the trip was quick. i tip-toed back into the garage as i wasn't wearing any shoes. "here ya go."
chris smiled warmly at me.
the way his eyes creased as he smiled, the way his teeth poked from his mouth as he bit onto his bottom lip softly and his cheeks grew a soft shade of pink. his hair slightly damp from playing in the warmth of the garage. god, he was stunning. his hand gently grazed mine as he took the pepsi, shooting shocks through my skin.
"thanks," chris stated softly, before turning back to his guitar.
i blinked a few times before i made my way over to my chair again and allowed my eyes to look over everyone, ben's eyes locked on chris.
a few hours had gone by. ben had left, and chris, of course, was spending the night.
his fingers gently grazed the guitar strings as he hummed to himself and played, his eyes glued to his own hand.
he was sitting at the edge of the bed playing quietly and occasionally glancing at me with a soft smile, where i couldn't help but sit and admire him from where i was. "how long have you been playing guitar?" i spoke up, sitting up slightly.
"mmm. since like junior high. i dabbled and got more interested as time went on." he smiled at the thought as he remembered playing a lot more back in high school.
i nodded as i listened and hummed softly. "you're really good."
we sat in silence for a few moments before chris moved to set the guitar down. carefully, he crawled towards me and rested his head against my chest, his body between my legs.
"i hope that once the stress dies down, we can tell your brother about us." he stated softly.
a warm smile appeared on my lips as i nodded softly and sighed contently as i moved a hand to brush through his curly, brunette locks. "i agree."
"i like you a lot." chris admitted softly.
i couldn't see his face from the position we were in, but i could see his ears growing red. i chuckled softly as i wrapped my arms gently around his head and pulled him infinitely closer to me. "i like you too."
we sat in a comfortable silence, my eyes locked on the ceiling with a soft smile until i felt chris's breathing slow to a rhythmic, peaceful pace. i smiled to myself as i continued to caress his hair gently.
and for a few hours, i let him sleep there in my arms.
nathan's tongue stuck out from between his lips in focus as he set up his drumset on the stage.
i, on the other hand, stood awkwardly. "can i help at all?"
"i think we got it," nathan would quickly reply.
the guys were setting up for their show today. they had practiced a lot yesterday and a bit before they began packing things up today.
my eyes couldn't leave chris. he looked great today. like every day. damn.
one of the managers of the event they were performing at stepped onto the stage, eyes glued to a watch on his wrist. "alright guys, doors open in fifteen. we lookin' good?"
everyone shot up, their eyes looking at the man before exchanging glances and nodding. "yeah, we should be good in just a few minutes," ben stated.
i shifted to move backstage. nathan ran off to the restroom with chris, and.. i'm not really sure where ben went.
"hey, y/n?"
i turned my head to the side and met eyes with the bassist, blinking a few times. "oh, hey ben. are you pumped for your show?"
he gave me a half smile before he stepped closer to me.
"hey, i really wanted to talk with you about something."
i looked at ben for a moment and swallowed. i nodded softly. please don't ask me for life advice. not really my thing.
"look, i think i really like you, i think you're gorgeous and-"
what the fuck?
my eyes widened as i attempted to regain composure. "ben, i don't think-"
"i'd really like to take you on a date. i know your brother is my friend and stuff, but-"
i lifted my hands to hold in front of me in defense as i felt my stomach turn. "ben, i don't-"
"would you consider?" he stated softly.
we sat in silence as i stared at him.
well this is awkward.
"i don't... really feel the same way."
i watched ben's shoulders slump.
"sorry." i quickly apologized. "i- uhh. you'll do great tonight-" i stated quickly before retreating to nathan and chris who had just returned from the restroom.
chris furrowed his eyebrows at me as i literally walked right behind him and stood there. he could tell something had happened, but decided to ask me later.
nathan, on the other hand, was so pumped.
"guys, we're gonna destroy this tonight!!" he stated quickly, giving everyone a fist bump. "y/n, cheer so hard from over here!" he smiled widely, and i nodded eagerly.
"i will, don't worry!"
as a few minutes went by, the boys got called to get ready to get on stage.
i wished them luck, and bit my lip as i watched them step out, some cheers heard from outside to hype them up.
what the hell just happened??
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p4 ⚜ masterlist ⚜ p6
taglist;; @sturnsxplr-25 @vampiree-555 @wh0resstuff @jetaimevous @sturnioloshacker @nickgetsmewetter @matthewsturniolosgirlfriend101 @chrissgirlsstuff @nsjsnshey @sturniolosarethebest @sofie-1 @sturniololol @veysxrge @587528382527 @sturniolostars @larnieboox88 @eliana-4200 @fratbrochrisgf @sturniolostars @chrisgetsmewet @55sturn
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nonuify · 13 hours
Omg, I just read your Joshua headcanons and… WOW! Absolutely speechless. Could you maybe do it with Jun too <3? Just like the person that requested the Joshua one, I’d love to read both BF and NSFW headcanons, but if you don’t have time, I’d love some NSFW Jun headcanons, hehehe. Have a nice day, love your work :)
ᝰ.ᐟ 🥣 — M.JH ; ! boyfriend headcanons
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sfw & nsfw is included ! minors do not interact 18+.
📓 ! I think junhui wouldn’t be talkative at first not bc he doesn’t want to but because he is too shy or scared to fuck up infront of a beauty like you.
📓 ! when he warms up to you I think he’s very clingy like it’s so adorable, like everything about him you would know & vice versa.
📓 ! cuddling is a must for you both, like attachment issues? yes you guys are so physical, & you aren’t shy about it cuddling, kissing, holding hands that’s just your thing.
📓 ! random thought but when you saw junhui’s drama you sulked cuz your boyfriend is your boyfriend like what??? he spent the whole night apologizing in every way possible making it up for you & showing that your his :(.
📓 ! junhui loves to send you couples stuff & say “could be us” then with a heart emoji like yes boyfriend of the century.
📓 ! ou you have to tell him that you love him before practice or anything he has or my man is gonna sulk!
📓 ! I think he would send you pics of something saying it reminded him of you because huihui is so whipped for you like-.
📓 ! oh you guys would do the eyeball color bracelets trend like it’s so you guys.
📓 ! sometimes I think jun likes to be a little spoon when you guys cuddle, he feels so much warmth & love from I can’t my finger on it it’s seems so him coded.
📓 ! you guys would go to these cat cafes together & like spend all the day laughing at how the cats are cute, plus hui would kiss you like every second bc of how cute you are !!.
📓 ! with fights I think junhui is more well avoidant of arguments, I think you & junhui would have a more communication style of arguments, you guys would avoid the actual yelling, & dramatic scenes.
📓 ! also I think jun loves leaving hickeys on you but not on a sexual basis but moreover because he thinks it’s a sacred way of showing his love & affection.
📓 ! also he would have a wall of your pics in poloroids like it’s so cute ( you have it too btw ).
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! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ nsfw starting from this point.
📓 ¡ now I think junhui could be a sub or dom but totally leans in a dom side but he’s such a fucking tease not a mean dom no but he’s looves to tease you.
📓 ¡ like I said junhui looves to mark you up every inch of your body like from neck to ass to boobs he will not be satisfied till he marks you up.
📓 ¡ his foreplay is crazyyyy, like he doesn’t get to babymaking that fast he will tease you till your begging, tears are falling down your cheeks, I think he loves to play with your tits & clit so much edging you till you squirt from being overwhelmed lol.
📓 ¡ idk why but I think he has a lil bilingual kink here or there, like he’d call you his dirty princess in mandarin & you don’t know what he’s saying, you’ll just moan out from how hot he is saying that.
📓 ¡ when he subs, you both love when you put a lil heart butt-plug in him like my baby is gonna be so hard just from the thought of that.
📓 ¡ junhui has a must to words of affirmation during intimacy even if it’s a simple “I love you” it means so much to him to know the feeling of during love making .
📓 ¡ he has a thing for seeing his cum all over your back & ass, it just makes him wanna go for more seeing all his liquids all over you, assures him that your his & only his.
📓 ¡ oh he looves you riding him, it’s his fav position he absolutely fucking adores it !! like seeing you all needy bouncing on him tits going up & down with you ugh :(
📓 ¡ also he adores dryhumping omg, like he would absolutely fuck you just from clothes on, seeing the big patch forming on your panties would make him hazy.
📓 ¡ huihui is obsessed with you, when you dress all up pretty for him in a pretty lacy set with some stockings god you know your in for a night.
📓 ¡ I just have a thought of him having his cock pierced like it’s so fuckin hot when the slides in you, you feel that cold feeling of the metal in you, you would just scream from that.
! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ thank you for reading >ᴗ< !! i hope you enjoy this bby!!!
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hyukalyptus · 8 hours
heyy could u do smthing like txt reactions to u using the safe word while at it????
omg of course!! i love this idea sm.
cw. use of safe word, all of them stop ofc, sex, rough bdsm stuff is not mentioned, soob is big and clumsy and reader likes pushing limits, gyu uses red/green/yellow system and likes pushing limits, pet names (baby), aftercare, tae's kinda vanilla and feels guilty, kai is kinky asf (but that's not discussed here; go check out lia's duality for that lol), cuddling, kissing.
smut(?) under cut!
yeonjun - omg honestly i think he’d be the absolute sweetest. stops in his tracks, lifts his hands off you, but stays inside you to wait for further instruction. doesn't apologize because you've ask him not to in the past (makes you feel guilty) and he's worked so hard to make sure you feel safe with him and that you're not hesitant using the safe word. he's so proud (but doesn't show it) that you feel safe enough to use the safe word with him. "what did i do? what can i do to make it better?” doesn't touch you until you say its okay. once you've caught your breath and have calmed down, he very cautiously and with your permission picks things back up, finishing you, but he doesn't finish himself. he can get off later.
soobin - he's the one that insisted on creating a safe word in the first place. he knows he can sometimes be just a bit too clumsy and a bit too big that he doesn't know if he's hurting his sex partners or if they're just playing into it. so he learned quickly that he needs to establish a safe word every time, especially since you like pushing the limits. things start getting a little too hot and heavy for your liking and he's getting a little too carried away. it feels so good at first, until he takes it just a bit too far. typically, you're usually comfortable enough to ease him down with body language and talking, but something was off today and you needed it to stop. he comes to a slow stop, relaxing his hands, loosening his grip on you and turning them into soothing strokes and caresses. asking and giving exactly what you need.
beomgyu - first of all, i see him as the type to use the red, yellow, green system. and can definitely see him pushing you into yellow a lot. and he loves it (as do you), but he's cautious. the second you say red, he drops everything. "was that too much for my baby? i'm sorry..." going to get you some water and sitting down to have an in-depth conversation about what was too far. "did you like the idea of it and i just went too far? did you want to try it again but slower? was what i did completely out of the question now? what can i do to make you feel safer next time? do you feel safe right now?" turns into soft and slow aftercare that eventually warms up to slow and sensual sex to make up for it.
taehyun - i think feels the most guilty out of them. he doesn't strike me as the kinda guy to be super into kink stuff, so i think he almost doesnt know how to handle it other than apologizing. asks a lot of questions, like, "are you okay? you sure? do you want me to finish you? i'd be happy to if you like." and you agreeing that you'd still like to come as long as he still wants to and is comfortable to keep going but as soon as he's inside you, "are you sure you're okay if i finish too?" maybe becomes a bit too nervous before both of you agree its better for both of you to stop completely and cuddle the rest of the night.
hueningkai - honestly i feel like kai's kinky asf and i will not be silenced any longer. he talks a lot about it with you beforehand anyway, so its rare that you (or any of his partners) get to that point because he knows all ur limits and how to push them and how to not push them too far. so you saying it is a bit of a shock, but he knows exactly what to do. drops everything, slides out of you, asks what you need from him. and when you request cuddles, he's the biggest cuddle bug ever. cheek kisses, whispers in ur ear about how perfect and beautiful you are. dragging his nails down ur arm. omfg i love him.
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kleinv01 · 2 days
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A = Affection ... Yael is very affectionate, and quite the romantic. however he needs time to feel comfortable in even showing them. especially when he's still unsure about how you feel about him (more so when there's no actual 'status' between you two)- he worries a little too much about this.
his big 3 love languages are gift gifting, quality time and acts of service. time is most valuable to him, and to believe that you're willing to spend time with him together makes him the happiest. he really just appreciates you being w him ^^
B = Best friend ... he's always the dad or mom friend in his group. he takes care of the others and is always there for his friends to help them out. though, he can be a little bit of a people pleaser sometimes. (cannonically, MC and yael started being friends because MC picked up one of his missing romance novel when they were still students lol)
C = Cuddles ... yael loves to cuddle. and would rather be the big spoon- for one reason, he likes feeling like he's protecting you in his arms. but if you prefer the other way- he would gladly oblige as well. he'd find your heartbeat calming. he's very gentle about it, always asking you in that familiar sheepish tone of his, whether it's okay to touch this or touch that
D = Domestic ... he's certified malewife duh /silly . he can cook, clean, very well. and if he's not good at something? he'll try to learn it for you, for his family's comfort
getting married with his loved one, living under the same roof and to raise children together is a dream come true for him
E = Ending ... no arguments, no raised voice, just a calm, mature conversation between you and him. if Yael were to break up with you, he must've had an extremely strong reason to do so. even then, it would be a very, very heavy thing for him to say.
F = Fiance(e) ... you have no idea how much yael LOVES being committed to the one he loves but also, he's not one to rush things. Yael likes to be able to decide things on his own pace. but of course, he'd love to be able to get married with his dearest!
G = Gentle ... he's always been gentle to the people around him. maybe even more so towards you.
H = Hugs ... he does! Yael would often ask for your permission first before hugging you. exceptions being- an excited Yael suddenly pulls you into his tight embrace. lasts for a few seconds or so before he pulls away, flustered, apologizing for doing so. his hug would feel warm and comforting, and you can always smell a faint scent of his perfume whenever he does it.
I = I love you ... it takes a while for him to say such things, as he considers it a really strong word to declare.
J = Jealousy ... Yael doesn't get jealous often. he puts trust in you and the relationship you have with him, although at the rare occasion of him getting actually jealous, he'll try to speak to you about it if it really becomes a bother for him, but most of the time, he'll deal with it himself. he knows jealousy isn't good.
K = Kisses ... very gentle yet shy kisses! Yael likes to kiss your knuckles, forehead, top of your head and cheek the most. he likes lip kisses as well, but it'd take him a little while for him to initiate it- not because he doesn't like it, he's just very nervous. ;; Yael himself likes to be kissed on the same spots.
L = Little ones ... he's good with children, even trusted by some parents in the daycare he works at to do some babysitting for their children. children likes him too!
M = Morning ... Yael wakes up early. (it's a habit lol he can't help it) if you're willing to join him, he'll go on a little jog with you, then cook you breakfast (or cook together) then eat with him <3 or he can also bring you breakfast in bed, jokingly bows down before you and say "today's breakfast, my princess/prince/your highness" then laughs at himself as his ears turns red from embarrassment LOL
N = Night ... Yael likes to read, so you'd often find him reading books before bed. sometimes he gets too caught up in it and stays up a bit later. but just bonk his head and he'll set the book aside to sleep with you. if you're willing to read with him, though, he'd melt on the spot
O = Open ... it might take him a lot of time to be able to do so. and would rather prefer reveal things slowly, at his own pace!
P = Patience ... it takes a lot to anger him. yael also doesn't like the feeling of being angry (if that makes sense). even if he's angry, he wouldn't raise his voice, and try not to let his anger get the best of him.
it had slipped a couple times before, of course, and he always feel bad right after. and apologizes. he rarely gets angry.
Q = Quizzes ... a lot! he's very attentive and thoughtful about you. he doesn't forget things often.
R = Remember ... first meeting, and when you two first started talking again after a bit of strain in the friendship. (assuming in this post you choose yael-focused route)
he's happy to be able to talk to you again...
S = Security ... yael trusts that you can protect yourself, but that doesn't stop himself from being protective of you. he shows it in little ways, checking up on you when he knows you're out late, or offering a ride home. when walking down the street together, Yael might insist on walking on the side closest to the road to shield you from traffic- so on.
T = Try ... lots, lots of effort. and preparation. and research, to make sure you'd enjoy yourself- and, most importantly, make you feel loved in each date with him. you're willing to spend your time with him, so in exchange, he wants to make it worth while
U = Ugly ... being a little too critical of himself. he always wants to do his best in everything, though sometimes it results in him worrying over it more than he likes to-
V = Vanity ... quite a bit. it's one of the reason why he maintains a diet and workout routine, although mainly for health reasons. also, yael often thinks about changing his hairstyle because he doesn't really like how it looks- but never get around to decide what style would suit him better.
W = Whole ... he would, but also, he would be able to understand. if you choose someone else over him- he'd at least still want to be your friend, just so he could keep supporting you whenever you'd need~
X = Xtra ... due to his fear of heights, he once teared up when riding a cable car with friends on a trip. he was eternally grateful that no one notices it. LOL
Y = Yuck ... he doesn't like food with strong taste, also strong scents!
Z = Zzz ... sleeping on his side, hugging a pillow... also, yael collects some animal plush. he keeps a rabbit one near him, a memory of his childhood. he also listens to music a lot, and would often fall asleep with his earphones still attached to his ears.
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fallenhunnyapple · 8 hours
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@ilikelookingatthings left a very long and question filled essay about Angel!Lu AU in the replies so now its time to delve into More Info about the AU! @fallenguitarhero is my Adam so I got his input for all the Adam-related parts of this. Under a cut because.... this is Very Long LOL (bonus art at the end)
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I'm going to just Copy-Paste the answers I got when we discussed it
I do think that Adam actually subconsciously shifts blame to Lilith because he's very black and white in his views. He hates devil Luci but he thinks he can prevent angel Lu from going down that path if he just keeps them apart. Lute also believes this and ngl her view of Lilith is like...really awful internalized misogyny type shit. Both of them think its better the two never meet and Lute outright threatens Lilith to stay away. Adam is too possessive to try and shift Lu to someone else but he does like... try to push Lu back into friendship type feels. Adam is a dumbass about sexuality so he thinks if he brings Lu to do Masculine and Straight things it will fix this. Instead he ends up just spending even more time with him and making it worse. As for his trauma... yeah Adam tries to hide it. Mostly by changing the subject and acting like an asshole tbh. I've thought abt Lu finding out about Cain and Abel p much by mistake (maybe saw artwork of it, all the hell related stuff is hidden but they wouldnt think to hide art of Adam holding Abel's body or Cain's exile) and it breaking his little baby heart. Adam def has moments where like... his mind is busy w something else like a bad day or a nightmare and for a second he sees the devil instead of his angel. Adam always like... 'shit, sorry, i thought you were someone else- fuck, don't look at me like that, c'mon.' There are other issues he just... doesn't realize he needs to hide. They're right about Adam being cynical and like... telling himself Lu doesn't really love him. Even once they date, he's still insecure. At that point i think he'd tell Lu about Lilith leaving him for a friend of his (whose name he never gives) and his marriage with Eve ending badly. He avoids details. He prob talks way more about his kids and prob even introduces Lu to them... Lu being around might encourage him to work on his relationship with them. Adam's body dysmorphia is such a contrast from the Adam Lu knew before... i do think that with him hiding so much from Lu, he tries to make it up to him by making sure his life is perfect. He goes out of his way to keep his angel happy and his attitude spreads to his exorcists who accept Lu into their flock. tbh Adam's dynamic with them prob becomes way healthier over time due to Lu's influence. i think Adam does tell the truth about some things but leaves out the details. Like he says evil found earth and destroyed Eden but says it hurts too much to talk about it (not a lie) and tells Lu that it's why the exorcists exist, they protect heaven and the dead humans from it. Which is what the official story is anyway! i think Lu prob has the same info the average low ranking Heavenborne and winners do. If Lu pushed him too much Adam might admit there are things he can't tell him but frame it as a military thing - there are things only Michael, Adam and the high ranking exorcists can know. He feels a lot of guilt about lying. it weighs on him a lot. that and the stress of protecting Lu from his brothers honestly makes Adam act more subdued and tired than canon Adam. His eyebags are awful. It prob becomes obvious as time goes on that Adam is Not Well. He keeps his mask on for a looong time after the first time bc it helps him hide his feelings and self-regulate but when he finally takes it off it's obvious to Lu from how he looks that Adam is struggling mentally. Comparing him to how he looked in Eden makes it so clear.
For Lu's part of things. Of course he'd ask about Lilith. Especially after finding out that so long has passed and Adam is here, so Lilith is probably here too, right? I feel like because he missed... So much, the concept of Death to him still doesn't really sink in. Like even with the Sins, it's basically like he just Knows he can't See them again. So with Lilith its like Adam has to just lie the same as with Anyone else from Hell. And Lu is definitely heartbroken about Lilith being Gone.
And like, at the time, Adam isn't lying so he doesn't feel Guilty about it, he just feels bad seeing Lu so upset. The timeline of this is kinda indeterminate but it definitely is Earlier than the 7 years of Lilith being in Heaven. So when he first Appears, she hasn't left Hell yet. Who knows, Charlie may not have even been born yet at that point. There's no Solid point in Time for Lu to have appeared in Heaven, it's just... Earlier. He doesn't think to Look for her because he knows that if she's Not Already There, then she's Inaccessible. Otherwise Adam would have told him, he's sure of it. (Adam has no obligation to tell Lu when Lilith does get there and for the reasons stated above + the fact that the Elder Angels probably would try and deter any interaction between the two. he's left in the Dark about her arriving in Heaven. He doesn't know Adam has even made a Deal with anyone) He still misses her because Adam is Truly the only friend from When he's from left.
And tbh the mixed signals are what keeps Hope Alive for Lu. As much as he tries to be okay with friendship, he still wants more because he's In Love and Adam is the only thing that makes him feel Normal when his entire life and everything he knew was entirely up-ended. It's why he's so passive about it. He doesn't want to make Adam feel bad, but he sees Adam being so Conscious of him now and it makes him happy. He doesn't wanna Push it, but he still likes seeing that Adam is Aware of him like that now. Especially because it's not in a way where Adam is trying to push him away, Adam is actively spending more time with him!
The longer time passes, the more discontent Lu grows. Knowing he's being lied to/that things are being hidden, even by Adam, he is Curious and he wants to learn more. But he also isn't going to be reckless about Learning More. The thing is also he Doesn't Know what questions he should be asking. He could ask Winners things and get answers, its not like anyone would stop him from Talking to Winners, its part of his Job. But like... How would he even start to figure out what's Missing in his knowledge?
Also Lu is definitely Aware of how different Adam is from his Eden self. Like just Visually, it's so easy to separate them because Adam wears his mask. But when its just the two of them and Adam is maskless, Lu may be more susceptible to treating him like that. But he's also very aware of the fact that actually their Knowledge Base is completely flipped. Lu hardly knows anything and Adam knows Everything.
And like.... Lu Knows that being kept in the dark is probably 'for his own good' but as stated, the person who fell is Still him. So now instead of resenting/being upset that Humans were kept in the dark, now it's himself. There's no Fruit That Will Fix Things for him though. He's just left frustrated at his lack of agency in this. And honestly, what keeps in line Most is Fear. Since coming to this time, his family has been Nicer to him, he's actually getting along to some degree with his brothers who used to ridicule him (or worse) and he Knows it's only because he's 'behaving' now, now that Creation is over and Life Has Existed. And he's scared or what will happen if he steps too out of line. He doesn't have the refuge of going to Eden to visit the Humans if things go south with his siblings. He isn't allowed on Earth, he's confined to Heaven, so he would just be stuck with the same sort of things that ultimately drove him originally to commit the Sin of giving Eve the Apple (not that he's Aware of how it culminated) And Also he has Adam. He doesn't want to know what the consequences would be if they were to decide that they shouldn't be allowed to stay together. It would absolutely break him.
If Lu were to find out about the exterminations, he'd be just as Appalled by it as Emily was. Lu doesn't know about Sin, what that entails, how Sinners destroy everything. He hasn't had to live with it so he can't see any contempt or justification for their destruction. Lucifer hates them because they came in a ruined the world he tried to build in Hell. Lu doesn't have any such associations with them. He would just see them much like Charlie does, souls who made mistakes and who should be given the chance to Do Better and make up for it. (That's sort of what he is, in a way, too.) He would absolutely be upset and scold the fuck out of Adam and Lute if he knew what his besties were REALLY doing once a year-
As for the sexual stuff, Both Lucifers started without having a concept of sex or sexuality, so both of them are specifically shaped by their partners (literally in a way). So the Lucifer who learned and explored with Lilith is going to be completely different from the Lucifer who learned and explored with Adam in terms of How they have sex. It's a skill they learn by doing, so it's not the Same.
Thank you for sticking it out this long, have a doodle for your troubles 🙏
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yan-shann · 3 days
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So, this is just my opinion, based on the 9 (10) episodes that have been released.
English is not my native language, please, be nice <3
Nightshade was not developed. Ok, I'll just deal with it and move on, they're one of my fav char's list, but they still cute and genius so im fine with it.
Hashtag has gained more development. I really enjoyed watching her, there wasn't much of her in the first season. More than satisfied. I really liked her new altmod, it’s beautiful, stylish, the Hashtag are great
Cosmos was shown only for a couple of minutes and forgotten, very disappointing. Where did he even go? Maybe I missed something, I don’t deny it. Let's just move on.
We got more Skywarp and Novastorm. And by more I just mean more, there was no revelation or experience at all, there was just more. Okay, that's fine with me, okay. Im just happy with fact they are here at all lmao
The Twitch and Spitfire arc is GREAT. I mean, she's GORGEOUS. I really liked it, especially the fact that Twitch beat Skywarp, lol. Okay, jokes aside, Twitch really grew up in this arc, I really liked her more, she's grown-up a little, my lil girl
The twist with the fact that titan was expected under the city, I liked it too. The titan herself is very beautiful and wise, I will wait for her in future episodes, it’s too early to say anything more clear, but at the moment I’m in admiration
Now let's get to the part I don't really like. Another thing's was quite acceptable, but that was somewhat disappointing
I don't want to say that there were no interactions among the Decepticons, but I didn't get enough of them. I don't have enough Starscream, Soundwave, Novastorm, Breakdown, I DID NOT ENOUGH ANYONE AT ALL. I fkng needed an episode before the betrayal where they showed us the relationship between the Decepticons, Autobots and Terrans. But they showed us four or something dmn pictures and retold it, not even a two-minute flashback, I’m completely disappointed!!1!
I mean, we weren't even given a FLASHBACK. This is kind of crazy. Just like what Starscream's arc fell into.
I know he never said he would be good. I still like him, I understand his actions, but IT SEEMED TO ME THAT AFTER SEVERAL YEARS (?) IN PRISON, he finally rethought something. I didn’t expect the level of Armada, no, that’s foolish i think, but I expected that they would show more of his motives, more of why he does this, because now I have the impression that he has not changed at all and has rolled back to the state before the first season, like WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS BRO. No, of course, this could be connected to Emberstone, but Starscream didn’t seem to touch it, at least they didn’t show it or i missed something.
(I know Starscream loves Cybertron and everything of it, but it’s been showed on IDW, they don't tell something about it in earthspark. Starscream here just wanna home for him and Decepticons, but for some reasons he doesn't even try to hear Shockwave's opinion about going back to Cybertron and I wanna MORE information about it)
At first it seemed to me that the Decepticons have quite a good relationship, and Starscream is a good leader, but now I think that the others will simply kill him or just kick out as soon as they find him, after what Starscream did. (although I think there is a chance that they will understand and accept him, given Shockwave's words that "Starscream couldn't handle the weapon and lost his mind" or something like that)
BTW Earthspark is still a cool series and I'm looking forward to the continuation. I really love it. Everything written here is written on emotions after the first viewing, do not take it close to heart.
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rius-cave · 7 hours
I just saw you mention Adam having PTSD from the exterminations and honestly it's so valid. He did enjoy doing them, he did have fun, yes, but I firmly believe he started it because of his unprocessed trauma that he wasn't even aware of. I mean, I see the way he's masking himself (literally and figuratively) as a way of protecting himself from people. Back when he was "born" he was literally rejected and betrayed by the very people he supposedly loved and who were supposed to love him, then he was practically abandoned and thrown out of Eden by the same people who mentally harmed him in the first place. This guy is badly damaged and no one can convince me otherwise. And he was damaged from the start so he couldn't possibly realize that something was very not okay because these were the very first people he knew. And we all know pushing down our feelings and ignoring them comes with concequences. In his case, the frustration manifested in violence, on top of that violence against his own descendants who chose the wrong path, who had tainted humanity with their acts. He also probably connects them with Lilith and Lucifer who caused it in the first place, bringing evil to the earth. I also love to consider the extermination as a form of personal revenge on Adam's side, since he isn't able to carry out a direct revenge it serves as one for him.
But he knows it's wrong. He knows either way that what he's doing is bad and cruel, and even if he actively avoids admitting that to himself, he subconsciously knows.
Then he gets to Hell. He most likely only used to visit Hell during exterminations, which means his brain most likely strongly connects the place with that. Hence, being in Hell is a constant reminder for him. On top of that, he actually sees what life is like in Hell. That all those "bad bad sinners who can't change and tainted humanity" aren't all bad actually. And perhaps he doesn't care about them, but I don't think he could just ignore that. He has to live among them, he sees the way they live and he's forced to realize that they're still human souls and not pure evil and rotten. It will add to the guilt which he probably also doesn't admit that he feels, because he didn't do anything wrong, right..? Everything was reasonable... But then why does it feel so bad?
Okay this turned our very very long but it just hit me and I could still go on about it lol, I'll spare you from that
First of all, thank you anon for putting into words this thing that I'm not smart enough to do myself.
I really wouldn't dare to say that "canon" Adam is this deep and has oh such big trauma and is only misunderstood by everyone and bla bla, because if I'm honest, the way he's written in the show doesn't lead me to believe that Vivzie really cares about fleshing him out to be a super complex character. And hey, fair enough, I'm taking him from her anyway lol.
But if if we stopped for a second to think about it, Adam definitely has the potential to be a much deeper and complex character that would be able to touch upon themes like this. I desperately need to know when did everything go wrong, was it really Eden? Was it during his time on Earth? Was it after he died???
I honestly think it's kind of a mix of all of them, but the biggest shift was after he died. He was the first human soul in Heaven, hey, it's not so bad in here!! Maybe his suffering on Earth was worth it after all if he was able to spend the rest of Eternity in a place like this! Now he just needs to wait for his family to get there as well so it can all be complete!
Except they don't, not all of them in fact. A couple of his sons, maybe or maybe not his wife, but it's definitely not ALL of them, where is everybody!? He's pretty sure his grandchildren would start aging by now too, where did everybody go!?
Of course, that asshole has them. It wasn't enough for him to steal his first wife and lie to them so they'd get kicked out of Eden, he also took a bunch of his children, his grandchildren, his great grandchildren and so on and so on.
Look at everything they do on Earth, it's disgusting, and it's all that fucker's fault. None of this would've happened if it wasn't for him, if it wasn't for the other sinners who kept repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
And he starts the exterminations after centuries of wallowing in that hatred. But of course, they're only the result of years of watching how everyone just eventually leaves him. And he doesn't realize when that violence starts becoming just a way to cope with his intense hurt.
I feel like I went a little off track there, forgive me I am a little scatterbrained right now. But in any case, I absolutely concur with you!
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choster33 · 2 days
Bridgerton S3 Episode 4 Reaction
So I finally watched the last episode of Part 1 and it was everything I wanted it to be! It was so steamy and full of Colin angst. I am going to write and react about what I saw so if you want to read on!
First off, the rest of the Featheringtons are trash. They're hilarious, but horrible sisters and mother to Penelope. I will one day write an essay about the trauma that Pen has gone through and etc. because ugh. Now on to Lord Debling who is adorable with his plant present.
Yes a nod to Penelope sitting at that settee and enjoying the view of Bridgerton House aka where her love Colin is at. I think she isn't leading Lord Debling on here, she genuinely is getting tired of being in the corner, playing what if and ready for a real relationship. She's not in love with Lord Debling, but ready to accept something real over her years of fantasizing over Colin for nothing.
I agree with people who wrote that the scene that Colin is rereading his journal, he's going over what Penelope has read so that he knows what she read and enjoyed and what would be going through her mind. Lady Bridgerton for sure knows that Colin is in love with Penelope! She knows he's in love and he couldn't take his eyes off of Penelope. And she's no idiot, the boy is acting love sick and she can smell that a mile away.
Tillie Arnold is an amusement, but not endgame.
Is it just me or is Lord Anderson not that funny or charming? I don't mind him courting Violet or anything to do with his person, but I don't get it. Maybe I'm taking cues from Lady Danbury who is an impeccable judge of character, but I'm meh about him.
LOL! I love Queen Charlotte and Brimsley! The step another pace backwards comment was gold. "You read me too well."
Awww look at Francesca's little face! She likes John so much! They just get each other and the two actors portray that so well. The joy they have when together, the unspoken silences, and the chemistry they have is evident and I like them!
Lord Samadani is portrayed perfectly as well- he is handsome and dashing and everything that a traditional girl would have wanted. But not what Francesca wants.
Aw, poor Cressida. I never thought I would think or say that, but here we are. The writers have reframed her into a victim of the ton and has tried to free her from the trope of Mean Blonde Bitch.
Oh, Pen it's so obvious you're staring at Colin. Even Lord Debling can tell something's up. I really like Lord Debling, I think he's so cute! I know he's not endgame, but he's doing everything right so far. Asking her how he would secure her hand and putting out feelers of her reaction to a proposal.
Oho the infamous prostitute scene! Yes, he seems incredibly disinterested. Of course his enthusiasm is elsewhere it's with Penelope! I don't mind this scene so much because it just heightens Colin's disinterest with any woman except for Penelope.
Ha! I love how Francesca just accosted Lord Kilmartin! She knows what she wants and it's this man! They are so cute and awkward and adorable! Francesca wants love, but doesn't want to or know how to play games like Daphne did. They are the on the spectrum romance I didn't know I wanted or needed.
Ooh more Cressida backstory and it is grim. Her family and house are so cold. Yeesh. No wonder she is who she is and does what she does. Eloise is sweet to come by and check up on Cressida, she's a good friend. Her father seems like a pill.
I like the Mondrich's and understand them having class/adjustment issues about suddenly becoming part of the ton. It's good to have some contrast and real people part of the main story, but I also don't understand Will's determination to not see how it looks for him to be serving as bartender. With that act he seemingly doesn't understand the whole have/have not system the ton is based on. Wake up, Will!
These assholes. I never liked these puffed up men of the ton who parade about as rakes, but are more likely just assholes who've slept with a girl or two, who they've most likely had to pay. I'm not a prude or judgmental, but I am with Colin and would be sick of them too.
Penelope being wary of her engagement with Lord Debling makes sense. The girl has been in love with Colin Bridgerton for years and still is and so it would be hard for her to just throw that all away and go with Lord Debling, whom she is not in love with. She's not opposed to him, but also waiting for true love.
Ha! We get more love sick and pining Colin! It's sad to see him like this, but also sweet poetic justice for all the years Penelope was pining alone for him. Lady Bridgerton is such a good mother! She knows Colin like the back of her hand and I love the part where she talks about armor. She knows he's been playing a part lately and wants him to be his Cinnamon Roll self.
She knew exactly what she was doing when she mentions Penelope and getting a proposal! That minx! She's sharp and sly and knows exactly what to say to get a response from her children. Lol.
The ballet was gorgeous! That hair piece OMG it was stunning! I like the Queen, but no Francesca will not end up with Lord Samadani!
The ballet sequence is interesting because of Penelope's reaction to it. The ballet is a romance story and Penelope is wrapped up in it. Other people are admiring the artistry and appreciating the dancers, but Penelope is swept up in it. Which proves that a loveless marriage will not do for her.
See, back to Lord Anderson and I get why he would like Violet, but not why she would like him back. They are reading friends to me than late in life love match. I just don't see instant chemistry or anything.
Tillie is beautiful and amusing, but eventually Benedict is going to chafe at the hiding things and lack of romance. Clearly Tillie is her own woman and not needing a man, which will turn Benedict off eventually I believe.
I actually like the Cressida and Eloise relationship. What am I saying? But I do! I think it's cute. Cressida is in sore need of a friend to soften her and Eloise needs one that listens to her.
Yes! Colin thinking back to that one day and the glass and the looks and the comments about eyes. They were so close and comfortable with each other because they were friends before feelings and etc got in the way.
More Francesca and John and they are very cute. She's abrupt with him at first because she thinks he doesn't like her, but lights up when she sees his gesture. This man gets her to her very soul and it's very cute. Lemonade isn't going to cut it man! She has someone who reads her very soul! The queen's face lol!
Excuse me! Colin is here for a purpose, boys, out of the way!
Oof, you were being honest, but way to fumble the ball Lord Debling. He knows that Penelope loves romance and romance novels and couldn't throw her a bone about one day being in love. Maybe that's what it is and wasn't meant to be, but oof.
Here comes unhinged Colin and I love it! I have been spoiled by this from all over and here it is! Yes walking right up to a dancing couple like that quite scandalous! This is going to be good.
Eros and Psyche indeed! Cressida can be a cow at times, but she's right here. Everything she's putting out here is right. They are old friends, but something is going on between them and directly across the street of that window Penelope's obsessed with. She gives Lord Debling all the answers and clues to put the pieces together.
I feel for Penelope because she feels like Lord Debling is her one and only shot at a husband, but Lord Debling is not a fool and has figured out about her and Colin. He's not wrong and the two of them would not have been a good match, but I feel bad for Penelope.
Colin running down this carriage, yes very unhinged behavior indeed! The boy is lovestruck! Those eyes when he says he cannot leave her alone! They are so in love and the total opposite reaction we see from him with the prostitutes. He is all emotion, all heart on his sleeve and I love to see it.
They're getting it on, they're doing it! Eeek, squee, all the feels! That moment after they start kissing where they look at each other to see if this is real and yes, yes it is! Then they get back into it hot and heavy. He's going for more and she gives the nod of consent. Yes, let's do this Colin! I've been spoiled about the fingering but it is hot! Yes Go get it girl!
Aww that moment of laughter between the two so cute! I've seen other posts on this and it's a moment where they are two old friends and giggling together and that is the nature of their romance and relationship and I agree. It's utterly adorable.
Ok!!! Ugh now I know why so many people can't wait for part 2. Fortunately for me, it's only a couple more days and I can't wait!!!! We're going to have Lady Whistledown drama, Eloise drama, a lot of Polin sex, and a marriage! I can't wait I can't wait!
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lazzarella · 2 days
It's that time of the week, again, where I come to Tumblr to ramble nonsense about Wandee Goodday!
- God, they are so domestic!
- Making breakfast?? Getting all soft and sad about being out of town? FOREHEAD KISS?? This is too much for the first minute lol
- Ew, toothpaste splatter on the mirror lmao
- "I see you more than I see her" and it's not all because Taem's busy, Yak!! You make the effort to see Dee more! Like last ep when you could've gone with her but you didn't because you had plans with Dee?
- "Never had to go a full round" discussion is interesting. Will ponder this more when I'm awake fully!
- Of course they make a bet to see who caves to admitting they miss the other first lol their competitiveness is delightful and could lead to future angst, which is even better!
- Okay, but I love how they show they not only care about each other, but are interested in what the other does! They show concern and interest and it's just very nice how much they like each other as people. I think sometimes romances can fail on that front
- Yak is going to overdo it soon, isn't he?
- Aww! Dee cuddling Ice Bear, looking at Gooddy, gazing longingly at the elephant pants, all because he's missing Yak
- The pants are Yak's design!! I love this detail!! Even if it's just them trying to bring attention to the pants so I'll go buy them lmao
- The 'be available but not to everyone' sign coming into focus when Dee is looking forlornly at his conversation with Yak—definitely something there, too tired and stupid to expand on it
- He is pining so. Hard!
- The billowy curtains add a nice dramatic touch to the scene
- Oh, it's been three days hehe (okay, I'd pine for Yak after three days too!)
- Ahhhhh!!! Yak and Yei talking about Yak's feelings for both Taem and Dee! I loooove this (Aw, they're sharing a bed! I think that's common, but it's still cute to me)
- (I don't think Yak does truly feel at ease, or free to be himself, with Taem the way he does with Dee, though! Not because of Taem, herself, but the pressure he's put on himself to be someone she could like, instead of just being himself. He doesn't feel that pressure with Dee)
- Yak opens Dee's text conversation first!
- Of course Dee shows up when Yak closes his eyes to see who he thinks of first! And, ahhhhh, he's SO happy to see Dee, holy shit. His face just lit up!
- And Dee is wearing the elephant pants ;__;
- They are RIDICULOUS and I love it
- Imagining Yei, Yak and Dee all wedged together in the same bed if Dee had agreed to stay over lmao
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- HUGGING HIM TO RECHARGE AGAIN! I can't take this, Yak!!!
- Oh... Oh, holy mother of god, that CHIN KISS!!!! That was so tender and hot and wtf????????????
- And then Yak kisses Dee's forehead and the necklace again??? Fuuuuuuuuuuuudge
- Nooooo, Dee, don't fall for Dr. Ter's wiles!!! Booooooo! Hissssss!
- omfg, Yak and Dee making eyes at each other smack bang in the middle of the pedestrian crossing
- "I miss this hospital so much"
- "His body is yours, but what about his heart?" That's Dee's, too, next question!
- If Taem buys this 'oh, I'm studying Yak, and no I don't mean that in a euphemistic way, what are you saying about?' then... she's not as smart as I thought she was lol
- Okay, there's some side-eyeing going on there. Curious about all those suspicious and guilty looks at the end of their convo tbh
- Cher and Yei have a tiny bed!
- Awww, c'mon, why reuse ep one footage of Yak and Dee!!!!
- Cher saying it feels like Yak is introducing Dee as part of the family 🤝 Yak saying the photo looks like a family photo
- the way so many beats are being repeated is nice to me (Yak taking Dee's hand at the crossing again)
- Oh, Yei is definitely in it with loan sharks, right? Orrrrrr maybe he's working FOR them to work off his debt? Am I overthinking it?
- Damn, those balloons must've been expensive, if Yei had to trade his camera for them! (A joke because the camera just disappeared I guess??) edited to add: ooh maybe not a continuity error! Could the balloons be a devious distraction technique??
- "Romantic notions vary from person to person" or whatever Yak said but yes! They do!
- Cher kicking his little feet :3
- I love how they both talk about feeling at ease with each other <333
- Awww! It's finished and— WE'RE GETTING THE KISS NEXT WEEK????? And loads of delicious angst it seems >:)
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toomuchracket · 14 hours
brat release in the d word universe
girlie gets to dress up party and get some pictures taken
BRATMOBILE !! girlie gets to ride in the brat tesla
imagining the collective scream of "oh my god MILF" when you get out of the bratmobile in your cunty fit (lbd. one of matty's shirts half undone over it because 1. you had a baby a month ago and you're feeling a teensy bit more self-conscious than normal 2. because it's cunty and 3. because you miss him and lyla a lil and this makes you feel better. heels. brat green handbag)... unreal. and the night is a lot of fun!! reckon you kinda hang around with george most of the time he's not performing, because someone told him to keep an eye on you (guess who), and you have maybe 1 drink for the first time in nine months and lowkey it goes to your head lmfao you are DANCING and cheesing in pics with your friends. and also dissecting i think about it all the time with c and g in the taxi home, very like "in my opinion, you should have a baby. it's fun! i get cuddles all the time and also i got to watch lyla accidentally kick matty clean in the jaw yesterday..." - which makes george cackle - and continuing "and, like, you can still have a fun life. look at me, in heels on a night out a month into motherhood, for fucks sake! but yeah. i know it's a personal choice. but i think it would be nice" lol. she says she'll see, "but i think if i had a kid as lovely as yours it would be great. actually, can we come in and see her when we drop you off?"; you agree, so yeah there's an interlude between parties for charli and george to visit their niece for a hug. matty's lowkey aghast when you all rock up to the door, but lyla stays sound asleep through all the cuddles, and besides he thinks it's cute that his friends love her enough to pause a night out just to see her. what he thinks is cutest, though, is the way she seems to recognise you when you hold her, even in her sleep, and the image of you still in your pretty outfit just cuddling your baby and periodically cooing at her while you excitedly recount your evening to him. he literally loves you so much it's insane lol. anyway! that's that. a fun night <3
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A/N ::: So, I was trying to work something out about Kafka's ass and the sparse amount of hair on it that he's self-conscious about but holy god, I couldn't do it. I started like 4 different things, all of which were not even close to what I was going for. So, here we are. With another idea I had about Florist!Kafka. I had this idea yesterday, I think. Thank goodness I can check this off of my to-do list. There are too many now. It's getting bad, guys. My feelings for this man are becoming an issue lol. Anyway. I about vomited when I finished this because the ending could not have been more perfect (for me?). I love it. I hope you guys like it too!
C/W ::: None. Just more smooshy lovey shit. Sorry not sorry. Maybe I'll carry on with this after the fact. Idk. Let me know if I should whip something up for later? Like after the initial thingy happens?
WC ::: 621 ish
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Florist!Kafka has seen you walk past his little pop-up shop every day for the last 2 weeks and he feels like if he doesn't get to talk to you, he'll burst. He does what he can to get your attention and he'll smile at you. You smile back, politely, sure. But that's becoming not enough. He wants to talk to you. With you.
Florist!Kafka has had enough when he sees you making a run for it from one side of the street to the other when it's raining and he's sitting comfortable and dry under the large umbrella that covers his portable cart. He calls out, jogging toward you with an extra umbrella he has.
Florist!Kafka who trips over his own feet and goes flying through the air, knocking you over, too. You're both laying in the biggest puddle you've ever had the displeasure of encountering. Not only that, but he's lying on top of you, face to face. You can feel his breath fanning across the bridge of your nose.
Florist!Kafka who jumps up faster than he ever has gets right to work on helping you, making sure you're ok and that you didn't hit your head or anything like that. He apologizes profusely, offering you to come sit down at his cart to rest for a moment - to collect yourself, were his exact words.
Florist!Kafka who wanted nothing more than for you to take him up on the offer so he could spend more time with you. More importantly, so he could ease his mind and actually see you get some rest. You're always rushing off to one place or another and he wants to see you just "BE".
Florist!Kafka who is delighted beyond words when you agree to go sit with him for a moment, "to collect yourself," as he put it. You thought it was sweet how he was fussing over you. He wouldn't take no for an answer when he offered you a bottle of water. So, you took it, graciously. Thanking him for his kindness but reiterating that he doesn't have to go through this much trouble for you.
Florist!Kafka who disappears around the other side of his mobile stand for a couple of minutes and comes back with a single yellow rose with a bunch of black tulle floofed up around the stem and an unnecessary apology for you. He blames his uncharacteristically clumsy nature on how pretty you are - this isn't the first time you've made him slip up.
Florist!Kafka who blushes when he sees how happy his observation (and the rose) made you. He wants to ask you out so badly but he's not feeling the bravest right now - despite his ability to fight actual monsters when he's really "working". Love is a beast he has not conquered yet. Though he's reveling in the strength you give him just from being there. He could kill a thousand kaiju after a single kiss from you.
Florist!Kafka who hopes you are ok when he lets you leave him to go off and take a second shot at your day. He watches you all the way until you turn the corner at the end of the block and disappear. He smiles for the next 15 minutes straight because he got to be with you for a short amount of time. But still, he had some lingering thoughts.
Florist!Kafka who worries you won’t find the little note he put in the tulle. 
Florist!Kafka whose lingering thoughts were all shattered when his phone alerted him to a new notification; a text. From you! He opened his phone, scrolling right away to read the message ...
"Meet me where I fell for you. Come hungry. - Y/n"
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@kazutora-kurokawa @southside-otaku
@reiners-milkbiddies @darkstarlight82
@bakubunny @supersecretsaga @katkusuo
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