#maybe one day once its all polished over (read: 10 years)
plulp · 1 year
you seriously dont want to ask about my ocs. i swear to god you dont. we're all going to have a horrible time. the last time i talked about worldbuilding it was all refrigerators. its all fridges. we'll all have a bad time
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alluringjae · 3 years
queen of hearts - sjn
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summary: for the first time, one of your star students hasn’t been fetched right after class. but when she finally does, you weren’t expecting such a fine man to be her father.
pairing: johnny x female reader
word count: 5.5k
genre: fluff, romance, comedy | ceo and single dad!johnny + ballerina!reader + modern day!au
warnings: mentions of an absent parent, johnny being an overthinker, sexual innuendos (ten saying dilf hehe), slight explicit language, technical terms of ballet, a mini reference to mean girls
author’s note: sooo i came in touch with my former dance life, which led me to write this. there are links for the variations i used; their names are underlined when they’re mentioned. i am going to get technical with ballet terms here (even when my ballet knowledge decreased), so to any dancers reading, i really did my best, so please don’t come for me or do correct me for any mistakes.
although one character and her dance background, plus the name of the setting, are real, everything else about it is still a work of fiction.
i miss dancing, no cap.
leave me some feedback, constructive criticism or hellos!
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Ballet student and teacher by day, a soloist of the Korean National Ballet at night.
This was your daily routine, and it wasn’t the typical 8-5. But it’s debatable whether or not it was worse, because you’re always going overtime. That’s the thing when you’re an overachiever. Nonetheless, you loved what you do. It’s the lifestyle you gradually built since your preschool days.
Mornings on the weekdays were mostly vacant since all the kids were still in school. You’d start at 10 am for a warm-up class for the company. Before you delved into teaching and assisting, you’d train right after your lunch break. Partnering class, en pointe class, 1-on-1 sessions with choreographers, self-practice, then the company night class, that’s the organization of your week.
Now adding the teacher title, you mostly handled kindergartners to 5th graders in the academy aspect of the company. Your first teaching class would start at 1 pm. It’s when the younger students who finished their morning classes zoom into your assigned dance studio. One class would last an hour and a half, then you have a 30-minute break in between another class with the older kids. Their lesson repertoire was more strenuous due to the added across-the-floor lessons and jumps. Water was always your best friend, water refilling stations located everywhere in the company building.
You wouldn’t say you’re a strict teacher, but you weren’t shy to correct anyone from wherever you stood. You’d lightly align their arms or back properly so your students were working on the correct body parts. Compared to the other teachers, a lot of students enjoyed your kind yet frank approaches. Your former students, who’ve already gone to the higher levels, missed your lively presence and wished repeatedly that they want you back as their teacher.
“Teacher (Y/N), I miss you so much! Teacher Ten is so intense. I get the jitters especially when we’re en pointe on the floor.”
“Teacher (Y/N), Teacher Sicheng and Teacher Seulgi scare the heck out of me during partnering class. Especially when I tried to lift my partner, I keep losing focus because of Teacher Sicheng’s never-ending comments!”
Not to be sadistic, but you’d simply laugh at their minuscule complaints. Even if they’re struggling in the academy, those comments were directed to fix their techniques if they wanted to breakthrough.
“Kids, you’re going to be fine! They wouldn’t say or do those things just because they wanted to. They’re here to push you to the next level, like how I used to do with you. It’s a cut-throat industry after all.”
This was always your reply, bittersweet and truthful. Not everyone makes it, unfortunately, so if you’re really striving, you’d do whatever it takes. Throughout your career, you’re relatively impressed with how far you’ve come.
Trainee at 17, Corps de Ballet at 18, Demi-Soloist at 21, and Soloist at 23.
You’ve been a soloist for 4 years. The final stage, which was to become a principal dancer, is your running goal. Becoming a soloist was praiseworthy enough because you’ve seen so many give up in the Corps, but claiming a spot as a principal dancer has been the ultimate dream. Since you’ve watched Swan Lake for the first time at 4 years old with your parents, that’s where you found a passion for dancing and the stage. Here you are years later, practicing numerous variations daily, performing in opera houses, and mentoring all these gifted kids.
Your last class with elementary kids, which began around 5 pm, reached its end once all the students curtsied in front of you and scurried to their mothers or their nannies. The remaining plan on your agenda today was the company class at 7:30 pm, which exceeds the average hour and a half. It’s worse during show season. There have been times everyone went beyond midnight to polish every scene from head to toe.
Currently, there’s no upcoming show for the public, though the annual summer recital for the students was around the corner. Selected members of the company were chosen to perform individually in it, which was both exciting and intense. It’s also because it’s an evaluation on whether you’d get promoted in status or staying put. You’ve partaken in 3 recitals in the past, two of which elevated you from the corps and demi-soloist ranks. The recent one, however, didn’t change your soloist ranking.
It was a major first in your career in ballet, and after finding out the result of the latter, it emotionally pained you. Recalling how much soul you put into that piece, the rejection from your artistic director clenched your heart. Though in time, you moved on from it and viewed it as a stepping stone. Also, Sicheng and Ten personally stormed your apartment to pull yourself together with wine and pizza after going on a short leave.
Since you were trainees, Sicheng and Ten were your best friends in and outside the company. Working daily to occasional barhopping, that’s your youth summed up. It wasn’t because you didn’t like the girls you’ve worked with (though a lot of them were fake and bitchy), but these two were frank and humorous as hell. Together, you’d help each other with your goals rather than be competitive. Over time, Ten leveled up to a principal dancer for 2 years running while you and Sicheng were still soloists. The way you’d watch Ten take all the big roles, that’s where you want to be one day.
Back in your last teaching class, the entire dance room was vacant. Since it’s mainly used for ballet classes, you’d either run through anything you’ve practiced from the company classes and polish it or warm up a little bit more.
Except for today, this was the only free time to sew a new pair of pointe shoes because your current ones were dead. Dead in a sense that the hard shell turned soft, which won’t be able to support you when you’re up on your toes. You’re not taking any risks of minor injuries especially when you’re in the current lineup of company members performing for this upcoming recital again. You have to prove to everyone that you deserve a position as a principal dancer.
As your legs sprawled in a half middle split, your sewing equipment laid in front of you like you’re about to perform surgery, a tiny girl stood by the ajar studio doors. In her neat bun and holding on to her small duffel bag, you’re convinced everyone has gone home already since it’s quite late.
You may have your priorities as a company member, but she was still your student.
“Minji!” You shouted her name, speedily waving your hand. You’re not one to have favorites, though you couldn’t help wonder how extraordinary she was. She’s always taking charge in demonstrating the lessons to everyone and improving every session in the 3 years she’s joined the academy. “Come in! Come in!”
At age 7, she’s gotten taller through the years, above the average from how you see it. She must have amazing genetics. Her legs sauntered in seconds to you. Sitting down across you, she marveled at your setup. Specifically, at the fresh pointe shoes.
“Are those yours, Teacher (Y/N)?” She perked up, caressing its soft fabric and playing with the mini bows of the drawstrings.
“Yes, it is, Minji!” You answered while trying to insert the thin thread through the small eye of the needle. “Why are you still here? Is your nanny stuck in traffic or something?”
“My nanny went on sudden leave, so my dad’s the one fetching me. But I think he’s running late from his job.”
Oh, this was a first to know about her father. In all the years she’s been your student, you rarely caught sight of him, even in recitals. Maybe he sat in an unknown section, but you’re pretty much acquainted with all the parents of your students. Even if some were snobbier than the rest because they wanted their child to have more stage time, you still got to know them out of respect. Quite odd, if you said so yourself.
After deep concentration, the thread triumphantly passed through the eye so you tied the two ends of the thread in a double knot. Seeing as Minji attentively watched you, you tasked her to cut the ribbons of your shoes according to the trail of pencil marks. This was so she wouldn’t cut it too short or too long. While she did that, you hammered your shoes against the floor to soften the hard front, bending the shank back and forth so the arch of your feet could move without difficulty later.
Minji wasn’t expecting such loud sounds, her entire body shaken awake. Her facial expression was priceless, explaining to her, “Once you get your first pointe shoes in a few years, this is one of the basic things you need to do so your feet won’t hurt too much while dancing.”
“Will you be there to teach me how to make my pointe shoes?”
“Absolutely! Come to me first then I’ll mentor you all that I know.”
The process of sewing and breaking new pointe shoes engraved your mind since your adolescent years, with changes along the way. Inspired by some tricks from your former teachers, but there were some differing rituals you followed. There’s no definite process of it, just as long you’re comfortable to dance after.
With your feet, you stepped on the hard boxes of the shoes to soften it more, creating a popping sound. Followed by sewing your elastic bands in. For your ribbons, you liked to burn the edges with a lighter so the thread of it won’t run. Kindly asking your cute assistant for the lighter beside her, you scanned the edges back and forth the flame. In seconds, the edges had a distinct mark, fully closed. From there, you slid your feet to your shoes to make final sewing adjustments. Sewing your ribbons took you another few minutes, plus adding superglue inside the shoe so the shoe won’t collapse when it unstiffens and scratching the shank with a cutter so you won’t slip later while dancing.
Voila, the final product is done! Hopefully, it can last you a week at least.
“Wow, Teacher (Y/N), it looks pretty!” Minji applauded, collecting the mess you’ve both made to dispose of later. You, on the other hand, gave her your thanks once you applied some bandages on your big toes and put on your toe pads. Slipping inside the shoes and tying them, you rose up back to your feet and headed to the bar to break them in. From plies-relevésto forced arches, the shoes gave you the sensation that they were an extension of your feet. The ease flowed through, meaning you were ready to practice your variations.
While you stepped your shoes in rosin for friction, your curious student moved to the front where the mirror lied to watch what you’ve prepared.
“What variation are you dancing to?”
“This is the Gamzatti variation from La Bayadere.” You replied, tapping the play button on your phone and racing to your position on the side. Talking a short ballet walk, you strongly prepared your arms before the music of the orchestra takes off.
This variation consisted of a lot of jumps and turns. Grand jetés, attitude turns, chaîné turns, you needed a lot of core control and proper spotting so you won’t get dizzy. The thrilling music lessened your nerves because you enjoyed learning this piece from one of the principal dancers, smiling and letting the music guide your legs. Once you nailed 3 consecutive grand jetés, the variation ended with a sus-sous and the wrists of your hands flicking upwards.
Holding it for 5 more seconds, you landed back on your feet with heavy breathing and a need for water. But before you could, small claps and cheers from Minji in front erupted. Momentarily, you’ve forgotten her presence because dancing solo puts you in your own space. You’d never let anyone take you away from it.
“Teacher (Y/N), that was wonderful! Are you performing that in the summer recital?”
Yikes, she’s right but she wasn’t meant to see it yet. Solo performances from the company members for the recital were top secret, only unveiled during the production rehearsal. Well, you didn’t think this through, but you didn’t mind.
“Can you keep a secret?”
Time ticked a lot faster today, only 10 minutes left until the company class on the ground floor whereas you were in the second. Just a few steps down the stairs away, yet Minji was still here. You only presumed that within your hour break, her father could’ve made it already. But maybe he’s stuck in traffic or at work.
“Minji, my class starts soon. Have you contacted your father?”
“I already texted him earlier, but he hasn’t responded. This happens often, he’s a busy man.” She bowed in front of you suddenly. “I’m sorry, Teacher (Y/N) for the hassle.”
“Oh no, please!” You shook your hands so she’d stop. Because this situation was relatively new, you were unsure of how to handle it. Or that was until you remembered what Ten texted you earlier. “Minji, the blinds of the main studio are going to be lifted so anyone from the outside can view us practicing. Would you like to watch until your dad gets here?”
With her insistent nodding, she situated herself in one of the seats in the front row. When you entered the main studio, your two close companions already carried a metal barre to the center and leaned towards it while observing you walking to them in your flat shoes.
“I see we have a bit of an audience here.” Ten glimpsed at the young girl, astonished by the many dancers prepping and chatting away with their cliques from the glass barrier.
“Her dad isn’t here yet, and you did say the blinds were up today. Might as well give her a show while she waits, you know.” You lifted your right leg to the top barre, stretching it with your arms.
“Hmmm, shouldn’t her dad be more cautious though? It’s getting late and it’s a Thursday. Doesn’t she have school or something?” Sicheng pointed out, discarding his muscle tee to straighten out his leotard.
“That’s not my business though. She’s just my student, and since she’s still here, I have to entertain her while she waits.”
Before your friends said anything back, the artistic director of the ballet company strutted her way to the center of the room. It’s a common rule here that once she entered, everyone must be silent to listen and race to any free spot in the numerous barres spread out if they haven’t.
“Alright, everyone. We’ll do the typical barre, then before doing across the floor exercises, I’ll be requesting those performing solos already in the recital to dance any variation tonight as another evaluation on who deserves to perform twice.” She eyed the pianist directly beside her. “Proceed first with two demi-pliés then one grand plié. Don’t forget to do the port de bras of each position.”
As the live piano music played, your focus was divided. Partly properly executing the exercise while your artistic director roamed each barre area, partly thinking about what variation to perform. This was a first for the company, and everyone was just stunned to hear the breaking news. It’d be nice to get an extra opportunity to showcase to people your potential.
30-40 minutes flew by quickly. As the guys carried the bars to the side to clear out the floor and the girls changed to their pointe shoes, the artistic director ordered all the performers of the recitals to stand in a line in front of her. Everyone else was seated around the room, so the interested eyes of everyone were on you. There were 10 performers, half are from the corps and the other half are either demi-soloists or soloists. You and Sicheng stood beside each other, internally shaking with nerves under the intimidating eyes of the artistic director. She used to be a principal dancer for the Stuttgart Ballet in Germany before moving back to Seoul, making her undeniably capable of leading all of you.
“Okay,” From her seated position observing the 10 performers, her finger pointed at you directly. “Ms. (Y/L/N) (Y/N), you perform first.”
Your nerves intensified and more sweat streamed out your upper body. Even if going first felt more relieving, no one was ever brave enough to perform individually in front of the esteemed artistic director. Principal dancers aside from Ten that you’re close with were intimidated when they have 1-on-1 or partnering sessions with her. But anyhow, in less than 2 minutes, you’d be done. This wasn’t the first time she’s had your full attention either, so you’ll treat it like the other individual performances you’ve had.
You smiled to yourself when the other soloists left you alone, while you gave the name of the variation you’re dancing to the pianist. Running to the side to put on a practice tutu, the artistic director asked, “What will you be dancing for us tonight, (Y/N)?”
“I’ll be dancing Queen of the Dryads from Don Quixote.”
The last time you did this variation was 3 years ago during the recital that didn’t change your position as a soloist. Even if this variation hurt to think about for a while, it was still one of your favorites to watch and do. Moving on, you could only muse how powerful and beautiful you felt at that time. This isn’t an easy piece to perform in your opinion. Yet according to the members of the company, this was their favorite solo of yours.
As the starting notes unfolded, you took a deep breath and elegantly walked into the frame. You only wished you wore your fake crown again for this. Minimal smiling and light arms, you imagined yourself as an actual queen who captured the eyes of many. In this case, your fellow seniors and juniors held their breaths at the captivating sight of you.
Off you go into a series of glissade jeté developpé on relevé at elevating heights, then a fouetté arabesque and another arabesque on relevé before ballet walking again to the side to dance across the stage. Sissonne to the front, right developpé to the front on relevé, pique to prepare for a single pirouette, you gracefully did a chassé to the front twice and stood on your toes with a sus-sous.
Doing it a few more times, the climax of the entire variation was nearing. Returning to the center, you took another deep breath and lifted your left leg for the Italian fouettés. Spotting to the front and back while maintaining your balance, the variation approached its end with lame duck turns, posing with your arms were positioned at a 45-degree angle, your back slightly arched and your left leg doing a tendu derriére. Your eyes reflected at the mirror in front, surveying your alignment. Once your 5-second hold was finished, you properly put your arms down and closed your back leg into 5th position.
The applause from everyone in the room roared, Ten and Sicheng wolf-whistling even for more support. It’s a usual thing every time any of you perform individually, and no one minded it. The artistic director grinned, giving a quiet clap from the front before calling out the next performer, who was from the corps. Bowing to everyone hastily, you paid more attention to spot your student by the window. She was smiling ear to ear, waving both hands at you.
“You did amazing, Teacher!” She mouthed. Hearing words of praise from members was one thing, but hearing them from students was another. You’re so used to watching them and giving them your compliments that you often forget that you’re a dancer first before a teacher. Seeing them all delighted, saying that it motivates them more, showed that you’re doing a great job teaching them. You’re a reflection of what you pass down, and all you want was for them to be the best they could be.
From her jolly expression, a tall masculine silhouette hovered a part of the window. Her instinct of giving a brighter smile when the hand of said silhouette patted her head then carried her duffel bag again, that could only mean one thing. Excusing yourself to the artistic director, you stepped out to bid your goodbye and maybe meet her father. Minji and the tall man were about to leave the building if it weren’t for your breathy voice calling them out.
“Seo Minji and Mr. Seo?”
They stopped their tracks. Minji was fast to react, familiar with your voice and racing towards you for a sweaty hug. Meanwhile, your focus shifted once the masculine silhouette came into full view. You finally understood why Minji’s growth spurt spiked up, noticing that he was taller than Sicheng.
The top buttons of his shirt were off, yet he kept his formal blazer on. His hair was a bit tousled, some strands falling in front of his forehead. He must’ve run here. Peeking through were some roots of his scruff growing. His eyebags were almost as dark as his brown hair. Yet by the way his Rolex remained spotless, you blatantly assumed that he was more than well-off. Especially when the ballet academy was one of the most prestigious ones in Seoul.
Out of all the parents you’ve met, none of them appeared youthful like him.
“Teacher (Y/N)?” Thanks to Minji, you moved your staring eyes away from him. This was another first, since meeting only the fathers of your students wasn’t your norm. Meeting young-looking fathers, to be specific.
“O-Oh,” You ate your words, suddenly blanking out. “You’re leaving me without saying goodbye, Minji? Not polite of you.”
“My father was rushing right after watching your performance, and I don’t know why.” She responded, her finger scratching the top of her head in confusion. Speaking of said father, his strong presence appeared right in front of you. The wrinkles of his forehead creased while his eyes barely looked at yours.
“Uhm,” His fingers toyed with his Rolex. “I apologize for my tardiness. I got caught up in work and all, plus her nanny le-”
“Mr. Seo.” You halted his rambling, already aware of the situation. Like father, like daughter. “It’s fine. Minji loved watching us practice while waiting, and she wasn’t a bother either. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Phew.” He swiped an imaginative bead of sweat from his forehead, displaying his relief with his playful nature.
At age 23, Johnny Seo started his own company in the fashion scene and it grew internationally in the coming years. Then when Minji unexpectedly joined the picture, he’s been multi-tasking to make ends meet. Lately, as a CEO, he has had meetings and conferences on a daily. So, his position as a single father was always tested. It worsened when he rarely has proper time to spend any time with Minji unless it’s the weekend or late in the evening. Breaking it down, it wasn’t because he didn’t want to meet you. It was more like he couldn’t when his schedules were packed from head to toe.
Having the guilt of taking your precious time, “Seriously though, I am sorry for being late. Her nanny resigned suddenly, and I have no time to find her replacement.”
“Mr. Seo, again, don’t worry about it. As her teacher and a company member, I am practically here 24/7 so it won’t be a nuisance at all if this happens again.”
“Thank you so much, Teacher (Y/N). That is your name, right?” He planted his palm on his forehead, stressed. “Being a single parent is hard. I am always forgetting things.”
A part of you couldn’t restrain from feeling sorry for his struggle. Taking care of a child should be the work of both the mother and father, not one of them being absent. You’ve feared this would harm Minji, but she’s a strong girl.
“The fact you didn’t forget to fetch Minji despite the late time is still something to be happy over. I’m not a parent or anything, but parenting, in general, is a challenge.” You added an insight, patting the head of the young girl beside you. “Cut yourself some slack, Mr. Seo. I’m sure Minji still loves you, right?”
Minji shouted a big yes, now clinging to the leg of her father. “It’s okay, dad. Really.”
Over the years, Johnny has been doubtful of his parenting skills. He was an only child, and he struggled to ask for guidance from his own parents due to the shame of having a kid at a young age. So, he’d ask for help from his other friends and co-workers. No matter how many times they’ve reassured him that he’s doing well, he’s an overthinker who always reflected on the bad scenarios. There’s also that pressure to find someone who can fill that absent position not just for Minji, but for himself too. No matter how many girls he’s asked out or been set up with, he failed in the love department badly.
It’s the soothing way you voiced out your truth that made all these negative thoughts running through his head freeze briefly. Over the past 3 years since Minji started ballet, she always had a great story about you to share. One of them was how ballet made her a lot happier because of your influence. If he had at least an hour of his day to meet any of his daughter’s mentors, it would’ve been you.
“Do feel free to call me Johnny instead.” He casually introduced himself, taking his hand out for you to shake. “Mr. Seo makes me feel like I’m at work right now.”
Despite his informal approach, you understood his intentions and returned the action with a promising smile. “Pleasure to finally meet you, Johnny.”
“Pleasure is all mine, Teacher (Y/N).”
Earlier, the nerves from performing in front of the artistic director died down fast. But for some reason, they rose back up when you’ve spoken to this man in a matter of minutes. As someone whose feelings don’t flourish in a single glance, why did this man specifically deliver you such a strong effect?
If it weren’t for Ten calling for your name by the door, you would’ve held on to Johnny’s hand longer, which would’ve been inappropriate. Letting go first, this was your cue to return to your class.
“I must head back inside, Johnny. Don’t sweat on fetching your daughter late, though she is still a student with school the following day. Right, Minji?”
Minji nodded as Johnny kept that mind, knowing where he has to improve next.  “Yes, Teacher (Y/N). Thank you again, sincerely. I’ll definitely see you again in the coming days until Minji has a new nanny.”
“That’s no problem with me at all, Johnny.”
Soon as Johnny held his daughter’s hand to exit the studio and you were re-entering the studio with an impatient Ten, he swerved swiftly as if he forgot something.
“Oh by the way Teacher (Y/N), I saw your whole performance awhile ago. I was blown away, you deserved the applause.”
Although you could only distinguish his silhouette, you didn’t suppose he watched you from head to toe. Most parents or nannies would’ve dragged their kids out of the studio once they find them like they were on a tight schedule, so this was novel to experience. That performance showed your prime too.
“Thank you, Johnny. See you again soon.”
Giving a final nod, you led yourself back to the studio, not bothering to acknowledge the erupting heat on your cheeks and entire body. Not to sound narcissistic, but compliments weren’t foreign to you. You’re conscious of the hard work that you put in your talent and if they pointed out your greatness, why would you deny it? However, receiving one from Johnny was like gearing your engine with new fuel.
Before you could try to reject these harboring feelings, Ten was fast to pick up on it. You cannot hide anything from this man at all because body language was like another language he’s fluent in (aside from the other 5). Unlucky for you, the saga continued.
“You’re so into dilfs, (Y/N)!” He shrieked in your ear, nudging your shoulder repetitively. He placed things in his own way, yet they always shocked you because it was so inappropriate. Typical Ten for you.
“Shut up, Ten!” You objected, watching the other performers. You’ve improved in ignoring his remarks over time. That was until Sicheng sat down beside you after his solo and got up in your business. That placed you in the middle of boys from the water sign clan of astrology. They just loved getting down to your love life, going raunchy and whatnot.
“Who’s into dilfs, Ten?”
“A Miss (Y/N) beside you, who met Minji’s dad awhile ago, was basically eye-fucking him.” Ten elaborated, planting his elbows on your leg and gave you a sneaky glare. “Minji’s dad is fine as fuck, guys! I’m telling you, like a literal god! I’m surprised this is the first time he showed up here after 2-3 years?”
“How come (Y/N) is always getting students with good-looking parents? Especially the single moms.” Sicheng slumped his shoulders, attempting to get your attention too. “Is he that hot, (Y/N)?”
“Yah.” Sighing with annoyance, you’ve given up trying to appreciate one of the corps dancers with her rendition of Dulcinea from Don Quixote. “Don’t speak of Johnny like that. You barely know the man, yet you talk about him so unprofessionally."
“Oh, Johnny is his name, huh?” Sicheng sing-songed, bobbing his head. He’s certainly going to stalk him later on social media, you felt it in your chest. Like it was ESPN or something.
“Talking about being unprofessional, yet you’re here referring him as Johnny, not Mr. Seo.” Ten barked back, his lips pursed and one eyebrow lifted.
Just as soon as you could retaliate, the artistic director’s velvety voice boomed the room.
“Alright, thank you to the performers. I will deliberate with the staff and principal dancers over the weekend, and let you know the results on Monday. Now please, let’s proceed to the center.”
Everyone began to spread out on the wide floor, snatching a good position so they could monitor themselves in the mirror. Maybe you’ll defend yourself later after class because now, you needed to beat everyone else and have a crystal-clear view of yourself doing these following exercises.
In the meantime, Johnny was in the middle of driving Minji home. He had a designated chauffeur, but he gave him the night off because he wanted to spend time with Minji. Around this time, she’d be sleeping soundly, but instead, she’s boosting with so much life. She hasn’t even eaten dinner yet, which was the first thing on Johnny’s agenda now.
Playing Coldplay in the car, Minji belted some lyrics from her favorite songs while Johnny smiled to himself while listening to her attentively. Taking a breath, her thoughts reverted to her fantastic ballet teacher and shared them with her father.
“Dad! Don’t you just think Teacher (Y/N) is so cool? Ugh, I want to be just like her when I grow up.”
“Oh, to become a ballerina like her, you have to work hard every day and memorize lessons fast. Are you up for it, Minji?”
“Absolutely, dad! I want to pull off perfect jumps and turns like her one day!”
In the other after-school activities Johnny enrolled Minji in the past, none of them compared to the passion she had for ballet. Her work ethic was alike to Johnny’s: if they want something, they’ll do whatever it takes to make it possible.
Aside from being a star student in her school, she’s aiming to be a star ballerina. Being the supportive father he is, Johnny was on board to do what it takes to make it happen. Unlike his parents trying to mold him into the next heir of their company, he’s all ears to the dreams of his daughter. His only dream for her was to be live long and happy, not to merely pass on anything.
Johnny lost so much in his young life, so he doesn’t want to lose Minji in any way. As much as he loves his profession, he wanted to be an active father as much as time allowed it. He mostly received complaints from others that he’s not prioritizing his time well, but after hearing your kind words, this heavy weight on his shoulders decreased. All this doubt started to vanish after meeting you for the first time.
“Dad! Isn’t Teacher (Y/N) so beautiful?” Minji honored whilst gazing at the twinkling night sky. “She loves what she does and shines at it.”
Johnny was accustomed to his female co-workers throwing themselves at him due to his attractiveness, more than flattered even to have them feeling weak for him. Yes, there were times he used it to his advantage, some he frankly turned down. 
However, the radiance you carried whether you’re dancing or not was something Johnny couldn’t cease wondering about. Unknown to him, he’s the one getting weak. Behold, an unlocked first for the confident CEO.
“Yes, Minji. I do think Teacher (Y/N) is absolutely beautiful.”
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Day 9: Nose Kisses
"Teddy!" Harry called as he opened the door to Andromeda's, long past the formality of knocking before entering. "It's your favorite uncle!" he called.
"Unca Draco!" shrieked the little voice as the toddler came running to the door, giggles pealing out of his mouth.
Harry shook his head at the little boy whose hair had turned itself black before he'd even entered the room, giving away his fun. "Uncle Draco?" Harry asked with mock outrage. "Uncle Draco?!" He scooped up the giggling boy, tickling him until he burst into shrieking, hysterical giggles.
After a moment he set the boy back on his feet and said, "Well, I guess if Uncle Draco's your favorite, I'll save this," he said, dangling a little sweet he'd picked up on the way, "for my own favorite nephew."
His eyes went wide and he smiled at Harry, that big, innocent smile that made Harry breathless and somehow sad all at once. "Just joking," he informed Harry. "You're both my favorite."
Harry pretended to consider that for a moment, then caved. "Alright," he said, "I guess you're my favorite, too," he added with a wink, handing over the treat. "Go ask nana if it's okay for you to have it now."
"Nana," he bellowed, racing away once more.
Harry shook his head.
"He always eventually caves and says I'm his favorite when I bring him a treat," a voice informed him. Not just a voice, Harry supposed, that voice. The voice that found its way into dreams, that he found interrupting his thoughts during the day.
(More below the cut)
Harry stood up quickly, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed that they'd had an audience. "Yes, well," he replied, mouth a bit dry suddenly as he took in Draco's appearance; tight jeans and a loose (yet somehow flattering) tshirt that left part of his collarbones exposed. He was barefoot, shoes and socks abandoned completely, his ankles peaking out just below the cuff of his jeans. There was something about Draco barefoot that made Harry ache with longing.
"Admitting defeat so easily?" Draco asked, smirking.
"You know," Harry said, forcing his brain and his mouth to start working once more, "You could be nicer to me, at least today."
"And why would that be?" the other man teased, his smile warm in a way Harry never would have imagined it could be when they were younger.
"It is my birthday," Harry replied.
Draco took another step toward him, "Is it really? I had no idea. Is that why you bought Teddy a present?"
He rolled his eyes, "Well I wasn't going to buy myself a present." he replied.
"Why not?" he asked. "I always buy myself a birthday present. Birthday presents are important."
"What did you get me then? If birthday presents are so important?" he teased, refusing to think about all of the times he'd tried to tell himself just the opposite as a child and teenager.
Draco just grinned at him, "I guess you'll have to wait and see."
Andromeda called them a few moments later, telling them to come to dinner. Dinner was light and fun, full of good natured teasing and a bit of bickering. Andromeda made his favorites and Teddy filled all of the silent spaces, filled all of the holes and sadness that Harry still struggled with sometimes.
There was cake and then presents; Teddy gave him a lovely (messy) painting of the two of them holding hands and Harry knew he was going to frame it to bring to work to hang on his wall. Andromeda gave him a new pair of gloves to wear when he went out flying. Then last came a package that Draco handed over a bit shyly.
Harry smiled in spite of himself, "You didn't have to-"
"I wanted to," Draco assured him before he could finish that thought.
He peeled back the brown paper to find a candle within the wrappings. Harry opened the lid and sniffed; it smelled like fresh air and sunshine, like the handle of a broom stick, like the pages of magic books, and just a little like strawberries. A memory of taking Teddy out flying one afternoon with Draco sprang to mind.
"I made it myself," Draco said before Harry could get the full memory to play out so he could figure out why it made him think of Draco.
"It's such an interesting smell," Harry said, smiling faintly as he held it up to sniff it again. "What is it?"
Draco shrugged one irritatingly elegant shoulder, "You tell me."
"I hate tests," he said before sniffing and saying, "It smells like summer. Like open windows and sunshine. It smells like the handle of a freshly polished broom. A bit like books," he added. "Maybe a little bit like freshly picked strawberries?"
The other man's brow furrowed, "Interesting," he said.
"What was it supposed to smell like?"
Draco said nothing, but pulled a notebook out of his pocket to jot down Harry's answers.
"Alright, young man," Andromeda said and Harry jumped to attention before realizing she was talking to Teddy. "It's past your bed time."
Teddy groaned, "Just a little longer?"
"Not one moment more," she replied steadily.
"Can Unca Harry and Unca Draco come up?" he asked.
"Yes," she replied, pressing a kiss to his hair.
Harry followed after Teddy and Draco followed after him. They'd done this before, many times at this point, in fact. They had the routine down; Draco got out his pajamas while Harry helped him brush his teeth, then Harry picked out a book while Draco helped him change into pajamas, Harry read a book while Draco dimmed the lights, then Draco sang him a song.
It went perfectly smoothly, as though they'd been doing this for years. And in fairness, they had been, Harry supposed. When they finished with everything Teddy held out his arms to Draco, "Huggie and nose kissies."
Draco obliged him, "Good night, Teddy."
"Nigh-Night," he replied, before reaching for Harry.
Harry bent over him and gave him a hug and brushed his nose back and forth across Teddy's a few times. "Good night, sweetpea, Uncle Harry loves you," he whispered.
"Love you," Teddy replied. "Happy Birthday."
"Thank you," Harry replied, feeling a little misty eyed as he pulled back. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay? We'll go have lunch at the park."
"Unca Draco, too?" he asked.
"Yeah, Uncle Draco, too, if he's free."
"Oh, I suppose I could squeeze you two in," he replied, giving Harry's arm a gentle tug toward the door.
"Sleep tight, bug," Harry called, casting a few floating baubles of dim light over Teddy's bed before following Draco out of the room.
They headed downstairs and Harry said, "Well, sorry I can't stay to chat. I'm supposed to meet Ron and Hermione for a celebratory pint. Ginny's over at theirs, hanging out in case Rose wakes up."
"Yes," Draco said, "And I've still got some work to finish up at home."
"Oh," Harry said, frowning at him, "I was going to see if you wanted to join us."
He shook his head, "Weasley doesn't really-"
"But it's my birthday," Harry interrupted.
"It is," Andromeda agreed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Draco you should go out. You're too entrenched in your work." She kissed his cheek too, "You boys get out and enjoy yourselves."
"I'll walk you out," Draco offered and Harry really wished he'd change his mind.
When they got outside onto the top step, Draco hummed, "Well, Happy Birthday, Harry."
"Thanks," he said, "Are you sure you can't-"
"Did the candle remind you of anyone?" Draco asked suddenly, interrupting Harry's thoughts.
Harry frowned, "Only you," he said. He looked up, catching Draco's gaze, he repeated, "I only thought of you."
Draco stepped forward suddenly, crowding into Harry's personal space to place a hasty kiss on Harry's lips. He backpedaled quickly and started do the stairs.
Harry only barely caught him before he got away down the steps.
"Where are you-? What do you-?" Harry managed, unable to form a coherent thought, before he pulled Draco back into him and returned the kiss. "Don't run," Harry whispered before pressing his lips to Draco's again.
"Harry," the other man murmured, melting against him and wrapping his arms around Harry's shoulders.
They kissed for a long moment and Harry was flying, lighter and freer than he could remember being in years. He pressed Draco back against the wall and stroked his hands slowly up and down his sides. At this point, Harry never wanted the kiss to end.
But the couldn't kiss forever and Draco pulled back eventually and said, "You should know I cheated."
"Sorry?" Harry asked, still far more focused on the way Draco's lips had felt on his and on the way Draco's lips turned cherry red when they'd been kissed.
"The candle," he elabroated. "There's a little bit of amortentia in it, so it-"
"Smells like the person I love," Harry finished.
Draco flushed but nodded.
Harry thought about this for a moment, wondering if he should be mad but unable to feel anything except giddy that the other man had kissed him. "If you didn't love me too, I'd be pissed."
The other man leaned in close and brushed his nose over Harry's, "I had to be sure," he whispered.
"I'm sure," Harry assured, pulling Draco in to kiss him once more.
He was late to meet Ron and Hermione at the pub, but the hand he clasped tightly in his was more than worth the teasing he got for being late.
Day 8: Chickens | Day 10: The Beach
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chipper-asks · 3 years
Any tips on how to grow your own blog by chance?
Aah man I've written a response to this kind of question many times but I always delete it because I'm afraid of coming off as self centered or arrogant, but I definitely have some tips on what works and doesn't work (on tumblr.)
I will say that I never believed I would get to the "Big Fandom Artist" stage. I've seen people drop my name in conversations or descriptions and just assume other people know who I am and that's still incredibly wild to me. I never really pushed to get a big blog it really just happened.
But! I do have rules and personal guidelines that might help if you are thinking of actively building your blog!
1: Keep personal information and vent posts to a minimum
It should go without saying that its not a good thing for your personal information to be on the internet. Once its out there its near impossible to erase. This is for your own safety.
Vent posts give out more information than you might think, but also some people who are following you may be going through difficult times themselves. I go on the internet to get away from my stressors and problems and i've specifically catered my dashboard to reflect my desires. I have no doubt others are the same.
I've unfollowed mutuals because they vented too frequently. I enjoyed what they made! But it stressed me out to read their vent posts because I couldn't help. I realized it was taking a toll on my mental health and I made the tough decision to unfollow.
It is very tempting to vagueblog because its nice getting out all the angry feelings, but a blog with thousands of people following it is not the place to do it.
2: Shitpost vs Quality Foley
I could go into a massive essay on this alone (ive even written out an outline already) but i'll keep it as brief as I can.
Throughout my time on Tumblr I’ve seen a number of posts of artists complaining about the lack of notes on their serious work compared to the abundance of notes on their shitposts.
This is because Tumblr IS a place of shitposts. It's like squeezing a clown nose and expecting it not to honk.
However! It's more complicated than that and i've broken it up into four parts organized by importance.
A. Relevance/Meta: Is it something that people are already familiar with? Is it something that's currently going on?
People want to enjoy things they're already familiar with. For example, people getting into Hollow Knight are more likely to follow a blog that posts HK content regularly over a HK blog that posted a picture of Grimm once and then is full of original content. It's not that people don't like your original stuff, its just not what they're looking for.
If you like striking while the iron is hot, meta jokes are the way to go. Making references to games like Among Us during the height of its popularity for example would get you lots of notes.
B. Hilarity
Is it funny? Does it subvert expectations?
Shitposts will always be more popular than a well drawn post. People like to laugh and share things that laugh. A cool, well drawn post is more often than not met with a "hm, cool. scrolls down."
This is a polished comic I made 10 months ago. I'm very proud of it and i'm pleased with the amount of attention it got. It took me 2 days to finish.
This is a shitpost I made 3 years ago that I still haven't been able to top. It took me 30 minutes to make.
That's not to say a well drawn post can get popular! It's just that people enjoy a good laugh over something shiny. This is a factor of knowing your audience. Some things land better than others and you'll be better off if you just roll with what you get.
I will say tho I appreciate the people who reblog my oc posts 200x more than people who reblog my shitposts and fanart. Those are quality followers and you must cherish them.
C. Appeal
Is it cute? Is it fluffy? Is the design easy to understand? Does it make people emotional? Is it angsty? Is it relatable?
People like cute shit. People like things that make them hurt (albeit not too much). People like things that they can see themselves in.
D. Skill
There is some merit in being good at what you do. People do like funny things more than shiny things, but shiny things are cool too.
If you post things that are funny? You're normal horoscopes.
If you post things that are well drawn? (its really telling that I can't think of someone right off the top of my head)
If you post things that are funny AND well drawn? Well then you're iguanamouth
3: Know your boundaries.
There's a difference between being understanding/tagging things correctly and catering to people who want you to be someone else.
I know that many people get upset with others who gender the vessels in Hollow Knight. While it doesn't bother me, I can recognize the misgendering of vessels as a source of dysphoria and I tag accordingly.
If someone comes into my inbox and tells me to stop drawing a character because they're "problematic," I'm just going to block them and go about my day.
4: This is your blog, its your rules.
I'm apologetically myself on my blog. I post what I want and what inspires me. The reason why I have so many AUs is because its my blog and I like AUs. If a large portion of the fandom doesn't like my AUs, its their loss, I make great AUs.
In fact, its just a good mindset in general to have. If some people don't like what you make, its not your problem. It makes you happy and it makes hundreds of others happy then continue to do what you do. It's impossible to have a large following and not have someone who dislikes you purely out of spite.
Make stuff for yourself, not because you want numbers.
5: Don't feed the trolls.
If someone sends you hate, take a picture of it, share it with your friends, laugh, block the person, delete message, move on with your life.
It's really fun to feed the trolls, but feeding trolls attracts more trolls and soon its not fun anymore. Just laugh when you get your first anon hate, maybe frame it in your room, and don't even acknowledge them with a "fuck you."
6: Recognize your position.
This is more advice for when you do get a big blog. You get to a point when you realize you have a portion of your audience who value much more than a regular human being and are willing to take up arms for you.
Do. Not. Weaponize. Your audience.
It's incredibly shitty and can ruin peoples lives.
7: Post Frequency/Schedule
Now this is one I can't do. It's normal for me to become incredibly active for 2 weeks and then end up posting nothing for a month. I don't have the patience to build up a queue of new things.
However! If you have more discipline than me, posting daily or twice a week builds up anticipation for your next post. You're dependable and people have the chance to look forward to seeing something from you on their dash on Friday.
Thats all I can think of so far.
There's no TL;DR you'll miss my important advice within these tips.
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lizzy-williams · 4 years
𝗣𝗿𝗮𝘆 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗲.
🧢 Warnings: Spoilers, language, trigger warning
🧢 Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN9Yqeuo9Fo
Hey Kids by Molina (REALLY slowed down)
((I think that the music really fits the aesthetic of this movie, so like... listen to it while reading?))
- Tom Holland Masterlist
- Masterlist
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I don’t think that I’ve ever seen anyone more embarrassed than Emma was that day. I had known the Russels for years. Sometimes they would even invite my mother and I over for dinner. 
But watching Rev. Teagardin humiliate her like that. Calling her less fortunate. She looked mortified. He was scarfing down her chicken livers as if it were a burden. Emma looked almost in tears. 
But when I looked over at Arvin, I could feel the anger radiating off him. Like the sun shining down on asphalt on a hot summer’s day. I knew Arvin was violent. I had seen it my fair share whenever someone picked on Lenora after school had dismissed everyone for the day. 
He wouldn’t fight them then, like anyone usually would. He’d leave. Then come back, picking them off one by one. And after I saw what he did to a few boys the past week, I knew what he was capable of. 
He held his grandmother close that day, his arm wrapped firmly around her shoulder, holding her as she buried her face into his shoulder, the unsettled expression on her face no longer seen by the people in the church who were looking her way. 
When everyone began eating, I watched as the Russels walked out, their heads almost hanging low. I nearly missed them, their escape was almost unnoticeable. Which was good, considering what had just happened. 
I excused myself, my mother giving a quick nod as I stepped away from the conversation. 
“Ms. Russel?” I walked quickly to catch up with them, “Ms. Russel??” 
The first one to turn around was Lenora, her eyes darting to the ground once hers met mine. 
Soon all three of them had stopped, Emma finally meeting my gaze. 
“I-I’m sorry about what happened in there, I’m sure the chicken livers were amazing. You truly have a talent...,” I paused, watching as her eyes softened up, “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love it if you’d show me how to make them, if you’re willin’,”
Emma reached out and grabbed my hand, a smile on her face as she began to speak, her voice weak. 
“Of course. Thank you, [ y / n ], those words really mean somethin’.”
I nodded my head, “Well, I’m speakin’ the truth.”
For a second, only for a second, I looked up at Arvin. And he looked right back at me.
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The diner was almost closed, the clock on the wall reading 10:00 pm. 
My blue uniform was stained with coffee, among other things. My hair was driving me crazy, and my clothes were wrinkled. My tights looked yellowed and my shoes were scuffed. 
God was really testin’ me today, wasn’t he?
The door suddenly opened, the bell above it ringing, making me jump. Everyone else had already left. So it was just me that had to clean up and lock up. 
I guess plans changed now. 
I knew who it was once I took a good look at him. That denim jacket was somethin’ I could recognize from a mile away. 
Arvin sat at the counter, taking his hat off, setting it to his left side, situating himself on the seat. 
“What can I get you, hun?” I knew it was cheesy as all hell to put the ‘hun’ at the end, but whenever I added that, I usually got a bigger tip.
“I’ll just have a coffee.”
“A coffee at this time-a night?” I giggled, “You must be pullin’ an all nighter.” 
He gave an unreadable smile in my direction, and I got the hint, turning around and pouring the last of the coffee in the pot into a tan mug. But I knew he was watching me. After all, what else was there to look at?
I set the coffee down, and for a moment he watched my hands as I set it down. Secretly, I hoped that he noticed the red nail polish decorating my nails. My mother always said red suited me like a tiger with its stripes. 
He then looked up, his golden-brown eyes meeting mine as he opened his mouth to speak. 
“I appreciate what you said to my grandmother the other day. The reverend ain’t got no business treatin’ her like that.”
I gave a simple nod, leaning over the counter and locking my knees. 
“I agree. What he said wasn’t right. Makes me think he might be better off as one of the men on the radio. But then again, he might be over-qualified.”
Arvin let out a small laugh, a smile on his face, and I could feel my cheeks beginning to turn a light shade of pink. 
The music in the background gave a soft atmosphere. 
“My grandma wanted to invite you and your mother over for supper tomorrow night. Suppose you can do that?” he asked.
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
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The drive up to the Russell’s home wasn’t too far from town, and mother knew her way there like she was the one who lived there. Her and Emma had been friends for a while, meeting in church of course, and she also happened to know Lenora’s mother. 
We pulled up, the sun just setting. Emma came outside just as she heard the engine of the car, my mother hopping out the car, hugging her tightly. As I opened the car door, I immediately looked for Arvin in spite of myself. 
“Oh, dear, come give Auntie Emma a hug,” my mother called to me. 
“Hey, Emma,” I greeted, giving her a big hug. She always smelled like cigarettes and daisies with a hint of peach. 
“Hello, darlin, you look stunning,” she enquired, referring to the new top my mother bought for me recently. 
I quite liked the pink top. It fit well with my jeans. 
“Where’s Arvin?” my mother asked. I secretly thanked her in my head for asking the question, just so I didn’t have to. 
“Oh, he’s out there somewhere,” she motioned towards the clear branches of the small forest they had behind the house, “Mind wrangling him in for dinner?” 
“Course, Emma,” I smiled, my mother leading the older woman inside. 
I gave a small sigh, looking at the expanse of the skinny trunks of trees. I walked out, the leaves crunching under my feet. At least I knew that he could hear me coming. 
“Arvin?” I called out, hoping to catch a glimpse of the brown eyes that had been bothering me in my dreams for the past several days. 
“[ y / n ]?” I heard from behind me. 
I jumped, turning around. 
“Arvin!” I held my hand over my chest, “You scared the hell outta me!”
“My apologies.” he said. 
“Your grandma wanted me to ‘wrangle’ you in for supper,”
“Well, come on then, there’s no use in keepin’ everyone waitin’,”
He grabbed my hand, making my heart jolt as he pulled me along with him, practically dragging me through the sticks. 
As everyone sat down for dinner, Emma set down her special dish at the center of the table. It was the chicken livers she had made for the reverend, looking like an exact copy. 
“These look amazing, Emma,” I smiled up at her, and in return she gave me a grateful smile. 
“Well, what are y’all waitin’ for?” Emma laughed, “Dig in,”
By the end of it, my plate was filled with food. Mashed potatoes, chicken, green beans, and fruit. 
Everyone started to eat, and I looked at everyone, my eyes first met Lenora. 
“So, Lenora,” I began, Arvin’s head immediately snapping up almost on instinct. 
I didn’t blame him. Gene Dinwoodie and his friends always made fun, and eventually, so did everyone else. But I every time I encountered her, I was always nice. 
“I heard you did real good in math class,” I smiled, Lenora looking down at her plate, “Must be nice, you really are smart,” 
“Thank you,” she muttered, a shy smirk on her face. 
I then felt a hand take mine, giving it a soft squeeze. I looked over, Arvin’s face contorted into a thankful expression. 
“She is quite the smart one, ain’t she?” Emma smiled, proud as punch of her daughter. 
And so we ate, and talked, and ate some more. And when Emma brought out the pie after dinner, Arvin and I found our way out to the porch, both of us sitting together on the stairs. 
“I heard what you did to Gene and his friends,” I brought up, Arvin giving a look of guilt, partly hoping I didn’t think lowly of him, “I don’t blame you, he's so dumb, he could throw himself on the ground and miss.”
Arvin let out a full-hearted laugh at that, and I felt the heat on my cheeks come back. He nudged my shoulder as I tried to take another bite of blueberry pie. 
“I don’t think the people in this town realize how twisted people are. Everybody loves Gene, even though he’s meaner than a grizzly bear, and not to mention that flashy preacher.”
“Somethin’ about him don’t seem right,” I agreed, looking out into the night, the light behind us on the porch casting a shadow. 
“I don’t like the way he looks at Lenora.” he admitted, “He’s a lyin’ son of a bitch, he would tell you an alligator is a lizard.”
“I guess it’ll just be between us, because nobody else will hate the reverend. Maybe we can just... pray somewhere else,”
Arvin looked over at me, a glint in his eyes. Somethin’ told me the idea was familiar. 
“Alright then, pray with me,” he set his plate to the side, looking over at me. 
“Oh, you mean right now?” 
“Yeah. Why not?”
So we sat together, praying for nothing imparticular.
And that night, I saw a different side of Arvin. Not the mean, angry bully the other kids would refer to him as. And I was almost certain that I was falling in love with him.
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“[ y / n ]??” My mother called from downstairs, “[ y / n ]!!!”
I rushed downstairs as fast as I could, my mother gripping the phone as she looked destroyed. 
“Mama?” I asked walking over to her quickly, taking the phone, and putting it up to my ear. But there was nothing but a dial tone, “Mama, what happened?”
“I-It’s L-Lenora,” she stuttered out, holding her chest tightly, “Sh-She-”
“What, Mama, tell me,” I sat her down, asking her in a soft voice, trying to coax the answer out of her. 
“[ y / n ]... Lenora hung herself.”
I held my mama that night. Held her tight. But the only one I truly thought about was Arvin.
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Everyone stood at the side of the grave, an oak colored coffin before it would be lowered into the ground. I held Arvin’s hand, his eyes red and puffy. He had been crying for a while. There was no use in trying to calm him down. He needed to mourn. 
“Oh lord,” Emma held her chest, my mother’s arm wrapped around her shoulders, “There’s just some things we can’t understand,” she leaned down to the coffin, “But you take her into your arms...” She held her bible close to her chest, sobs leaving her mouth. 
“Uh, ain’t somebody,” Uncle Earskell spoke, “Sayin’ prayers or,” he stopped to clear his throat, Arvin giving him a deadly look. 
Earskell stopped talking, Arvin helping his grandmother off the ground, her sobs never stopping, my hand lightly drifting across his back, the action encouraging him to do the same to Emma. 
The drive home was painfully silent. My mother drove, and I sat next to Arvin. I didn’t know what we were. As far as I knew, we were best friends. But I couldn’t help but want something more. 
But I couldn’t be selfish. He was going through a lot right now. I thought that all he needed right now was someone to be there for him. 
As we reached the Russell’s house, Earskell helped Emma out of the car, and I moved out of the way to let Arvin out. 
“Take care of yourself, Arvin,” I said, giving him a remorseful look. 
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When I got the little piece of paper on my porch, I thought nothing else of it, putting it with my other mail. 
But when everyone began to talk about the preacher and how he was shot and killed, the things left on his corpse including a girl from town’s panties, I knew he had somethin to do with Lenora.
Arvin went missing off the face of the Earth. It killed me not knowing where she was, his family scared sick. My mother went to go help Emma, knowing that if that woman suffered anymore heartbreak, she would die. 
When I had gotten home from visiting the church, I opened the piece of paper.
My heart almost stopped as I read it. 
[ y / n ],
I am writing this to you because I know that there is no way I can say this to your face. There are things in this world you need to deal with firsthand. I know what happened to Lenora. Our suspicions were correct, he’s bad. Real bad. Just know that what I’m about to do is something I’m not doing because I want to. It’s because I have to. Don’t try and look for me, it’ll do you no good. 
But we will meet again, I swear it. 
But I was gonna go find him. I felt like I had to. He was my best friend. 
I couldn’t do this without Arvin. I was worried sick, trying hard not to think about worst case scenarios.
That night, I packed my bags. I didn’t know where to look first, but somethin told me he would head to his old hometown, Knockemstiff. I packed my bags, and tried my best not to look back, knowing if I did, I would. turn around. 
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Two days had passed, and if I was completely honest, I didn’t know my east from my west. I didn’t bother to call my mother. I had other things on my mind. All I had was a bag in the back and a wallet full of cash. 
It was the middle of the day, and at this point I didn’t know if I was ever going to see him again. I clutched the wheel tightly, feeling my chest contract, tears brimming in them as I felt as if I would pass out. 
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK,” I yelled, trying to keep a stready way on the road. It was so hard. What was I doing? Leaving everything I’ve ever known for a boy. My mother had done the same thing, and as much as I loved her, I didn’t want to become her. 
I suddenly swerved to the side of the road, getting out of the car, slumping to the ground. I didn’t know what to think. I loved him. I would do anything to have his hand in mine again. Even if it was just for a second. 
“Please, please, please,” I found myself sobbing, repeating the same words over and over again. 
Everything that had happened. Everything that was discovered. Lenora, her mother, the story of Arvin’s mother and father. Everything built up. 
“[ y / n ]?” a soft voice in the distance, and for a second, I thought it was delusion. Something that was caused by the heat. It sounded like him, but it couldn’t have been. 
God really was cruel today wasn’t he?
“[ y / n ]!” the voice was closer now. I picked my head up and looked in the direction of the voice. 
I screamed on shock, picking myself up, running in the direction of the face that I had been thinking about ever since I left. 
I embraced him, sobbing into his shoulder, my body shaking, the boy’s bag dropped to hold onto me tight. I didn’t want to let go, I feared he would evaporate, disappear again. I prayed God wasn’t playing a cruel joke on me. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” I whimpered into his shoulder, my face buried into the crook of his neck. 
I pulled back, putting my hands to his face, one on each side, taking in his face. 
His eyes were filled with tears as well, his expression unreadable. I then took note of the dirt all over him, “Where did you go?” I whispered. 
“Please don’t take me back home,” he started crying, “I can’t face my grandma like this...,”
“I wasn’t planning on it. I wasn’t planning on going back myself.” I admitted. 
“Where are you headed?” 
“Wherever you’re goin’.” 
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((Boy oh boy, here we go-))
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kokiseiko · 3 years
Astral Binding | Part 1
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Shouta Aizawa x Reader: Supernatural AU
Word Count: 1.2k +
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Pairing: (?)Villain!Aizawa x Reader
Rating: SFW | 13+
Warnings: Kissing, Strange Beings, Feeling of Being Watched, ¿Paranoia?
Summary: You’re concerned with how your colleague-now-boyfriend is acting much more strangely these days.
Note: This is my piece for @chaoticyuna’s Summerween Event. This will have a second part, and maybe a third? It really depends if my brain and the story’s pacing cooperate with me.
I’d like to thank @nire-chann for helping me form and polish my plot in this piece and for beta-reading it together with @saudade-mayari​ | @yourgoddessselene​ 😘💙
The pairing and title will make sense on the next part(s).
Reaching for the eye drops on his bedside table, he slowly opened the cap, dropping some on his bloodshot eyes. He shouldn’t have overused his quirk during the commotion on the area he was assigned to patrol last night.
Sighing, he went ahead and move towards the bathroom to shower quickly, ignoring the strange bugging feeling acclimating inside his gut.
The hot splashes of liquid that trickled down his body eased the knots and sore muscles from the hits he took with that villain.
Refusing to open the blinds due to the irritation that the sudden intrusion of sunlight causes to his already dry eyes, the dimly lit room is filled with dancing shadows as he continues to dress in his hero attire.
Now walking along the halls of the UA building wanting to get some files- and maybe spend his morning with you- before class starts, strands of hair begin to stand above his nape. His stomach once again wrenching with nerves. Strides are becoming much quicker than usual.
Security measurements are strict. It’s impossible to enter the building without the staff being notified.
The thought of being followed is becoming unbearable. Looking around the cobalt blue-coated walls of the halls, the erasure hero saw nothing out of the ordinary, but that feeling of being watched never faded.
Opening the door to the faculty room, he spots you on one of the corners of the premises, humming to a tune in your head while making coffee for two.
You perked up when you saw him, your smile urging his mouth to twitch upwards.
“Shou! Coffee?”
Taking the cup from your hand, he nods, thanking you with a kiss on the cheek. You both proceed to sit on your desks, having the usual morning chat on each other’s lesson plans for his homeroom class.
“I was thinking of giving them a no-quirk combat training on Wednesday til’ Friday. What do you think?”
“Sounds good.”
His small reassuring smile for you suddenly turned into a tight line. Shouta’s head is suddenly pounding, and a foreign feeling is similar to being dipped into the depths of the unmerciful tides of the oceans. It vanishes as quickly as it came. No one seemed to notice, not even you.
The week felt longer than it usually does now that he had time alone inside his dim room. His thoughts are the only ones entertaining him whilst his body is laid underneath his white sheets.
Maybe it was the tons of reports he needed to make due to the commonly occurring accidents with 1-A during training. Or was it the tons of files he needed to arrange?
Perhaps the week felt like a play in slow motion because of the reoccurring feeling in his gut.
Head spinning. Fading in and out of vignette. Thoughts weren’t helping him to anchor to consciousness. He hears a symphony of whispers whilst feeling uncomfortable with the contrast of the delicate touches of warm, calloused hands tracing all over the surface of the bubbling sweat on the surface of his moistening skin.
Like imprisoned in a non-existent bind of ropes, his mind battles an unexplainable intrusion, a feeling of throbbing then bursting pain filling the seams of his every nerve.
Shouta feels like he’s losing, a replay of memories filling his retinas as his eyes were forced shut.
Despite a good few weeks that passed, Shouta’s been fighting every night while feeling being watched. It had taken a toll on his mind. Cold sweat stains are what greets him every morning, along with his more than usual dry eyes.
His limbs felt like he had gone through an intense sparring session, joints aching and popping as he stretches them.
He had finally found a suitable vessel. Snickering while he sees the composure of his subject crumbling into rough sand. No worries though, it’ll be a few more months before his absence is sensed once more, and he’ll be ordered to go back. He’ll savor every moment of chaos from what this may become.
He licks his lips, entertained by the paranoia that the man he’s been observing from the shadows is experiencing. Soon. He’ll be ripe enough. After all, he has been using his body for mischief every night.
Now sitting in the soft covers of the sofa in the teacher’s lounge, you went over to what happened earlier. Sipping coffee while conversing early in the morning was almost like a routine for you two, so you were obviously shocked when Shouta suddenly lashed out at you after questioning how’s his patrol last night.
Maybe he just had a rough night? No. That won’t explain how strange he acts lately.
You decide that maybe you’ll offer to have a joint patrol later. More time to spend together with him, plus you might be able to talk about it and offer help on whatever’s bothering him- it’s a win-win!
As usual, the day continues. Your mock-battle training in the second-years of the hero course in the mornings was splendid since no one got any severe injuries and needed to go to Recovery Girl. All were cautious and up on their feet, as they were battling with the third years’ “Big Three.” Your second-years lost, but it was by a small margin.
Now cradling your third cup of coffee this day -it helps keep you alert during patrol- your eyes lands on the clock on the wall, taking note of the time your orbs begin to search for that familiar yellow that usually lays atop the couch or near the corner of the room.
You frown. It’s the fourth time this week. That’s unusual. He always follows his nap routine in the lounge at this hour.
Placing your coffee tumbler atop your desk, you checked every corner of the campus in the following hour, searching for your boyfriend.
Locked in the suffocating walls of a storage room near the dorms, his vision was spinning as he fights off the invisible force that was penetrating his mind and hitting his body every now and then.
He hacks a cough as he was punched in the gut by the shadow, his knees buckling from the force of the succeeding attacks.
Kneeling at the floor, unable to stand, hands palm down, doing his best to support his weight and not wanting to lose from whatever this being might be. Still, the moment of weakness displayed upon the gleaming eyes on the wall made the figure lick its lips, savoring the exhibit of ragged breaths full of frustration, tinged with fear, and wracking with dizzying anticipation.
You sigh in relief as your search finally ends near the dorms. You ran towards the black mass exiting the storage room.
“Shou! I was looking all over the campus for you!”
He smiles. Wait, what? Simply humming as if he’s amused with something, you ignored the devilishly handsome smirk that was now plastered upon his face.
“Yeah? And why does this pretty kitty went looking for her… Eraserhead?”
You blushed. His tone had a different ring that made your stomach feel funny. You’re feeling odd. Shouta wasn’t one for pet names, nor PDA for that matter, even when you’re both alone in a public place, especially on campus.
“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to spend patrol with me?”
“Sure princess, meet you at 10 near the gates?”
“Yeah, su- mmph!”
Kissing was a no no in public. You both agreed to that. Something’s definitely going on, right?
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elizabeethan · 4 years
The Days We Defend (Will Turn to Gold)- Chapter 9/10
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Everything is perfect, until it isn’t. Killian and Emma have spent months building a life together after finally defeating Neal and Gold, but when the Dark One dies and his power becomes untethered, everyone in Storybrooke is at risk, and some decisions may have lasting consequences.
Sequel to Walk With Me (I Think We’ll Find A Way)
Previous Chapters
Read on Ao3
A/N: Surprise, it’s early! One chapter to go after this one!!! Let me know what you think... It’s a doozy.
Thank you to my good pal @the-darkdragonfly for being an amazing beta!
Tagging: @courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story​ @captain-emmajones​ @gingerpolyglot​ @ebcaver​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @teamhook​ @superchocovian​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @tiganasummertree​ @gingerchangeling​ @jrob64​ @onceratheart18​ @xhookswenchx​ @winterbaby89​ @swampmedusa​ @ultraluckycatnd @dancingnancyy​ @love-with-you-i-have-everything​  @shireness-says​ @snowbellewells​ @hollyethecurious​ @ouatpost​ @daxx04​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @donteattheappleshook​
They wait outside of the vault for what feels like hours. Realistically, it couldn’t be more than thirty seconds before someone speaks up, but the tension is palpable to everyone present, thick enough to slice with the dagger they just entrusted in the hands of Baelfire.
“So, how is this supposed to work?” Emma asks the Apprentice, breaking the silence in what Killian can sense is overwhelming nerves.
“You, as the Savior, are the proprietor of the most powerful Light Magic. As the person who removed your potential for darkness, I am the possessor of the counter to your lightness. Combining our powers will charge the hat enough to absorb the Darkness.” His answer is casual, as if it should be obvious to them all.
She’s pacing nervously, rolling her eyes at his mention of the removal of her potential for darkness. Killian almost wonders what may have happened if she had taken the darkness all those weeks ago based on the removal of such, but shoves those thoughts from his head. “It’s all a bit ridiculous, if you ask me,” she says.
“I’m sure it seems that way, but you must believe in your ability to wield your magic, Savior.”
“He’s right, mom,” Henry adds. “If anyone can get my other mom back, it’s you.”
She shoots her son a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes as she rings her hands together, holding them close to her just below her ribs. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, kid,” she murmurs.
Killian sighs, realizing once more that the more time that passes, the greater opportunity Bae has to cheat them all. Before he can voice his opinion, though, Robin speaks up. “Should we go in and check now? It’s been a few moments.”
“Yeah,” Emma breathes out. “He’s had more than enough time to subdue her.”
Once they’re inside, Emma pushing the tomb away from the vault’s entrance effortlessly with her magic, they creep down the dark stairs and into the halls of Regina’s safe haven. It’s dank and smells of mildew, and he wonders why she wouldn’t use her Dark Magic to polish the place up a bit.
“Savior,” the Apprentice says, “we’re close enough; we can pause here to charge the hat.”
Emma nods, taking a deep breath and hugging herself around her middle, crossing her arms stiffly in her stress. “Okay,” she says with her voice low.
The Apprentice’s explanation of what she needs to do seems somewhat complicated, but despite her inexperience with her magic, Emma seems to understand perfectly. The two of them stand across from one another with the hat sitting between them and he waves his hands over it until it begins to move. As he works, Emma glances up at Henry and Killian, giving them an encouraging but not quite believable smile.
Before they know it, the cylindrical lockbox housing the hat is jumping in place until the hat itself appears. The Apprentice continues to explain what she should do, and she concentrates harder than he’s ever seen her; the look of determination on her face gives him hope that this will work. Her resolve and conviction makes it impossible for him not to believe in her. The bright look of surprise across her features once the two of them stop using their magic tells him that it must have worked, and the hat glowing in anticipation of its use.
“You did it!” Henry exclaims, rushing to her and wrapping her in a hug which she returns easily. “I knew you could.”
Killian releases a breath that he didn’t know he was holding, stepping towards her and taking her hand once she’s released from Henry’s grasp. She goes to him happily, a triumphant smile across her face as she lets go of his hand in favor of pulling him into a tight hug.
“Job well done, Swan,” he says into her hair. “We never doubted you for a second.”
She pulls from him and giggles softly, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips and then stepping away, a silent agreement made among all of them that they must continue on. Once they’re far enough into the vault, sneaking quietly along the stone floor, they hear the quiet conversation going on between Regina and Bae.
“I saw what he said this morning,” the Dark One says confidently. “I used mirror magic and was able to see exactly what my son thinks of you these days. It shouldn’t be hard to convince him that I’m doing the right thing here.”
“You’re insane,” Bae responds, groaning in pain suddenly.
“No, I’m motivated. There’s a difference. Your little plan didn’t work like I’d hoped, so I suppose I’ll have to go with my backup plan.”
He’s breathing heavily as he says, “and what, you think killing me is the best way to go about getting what you want?”
Killian sees Emma tensing as she picks up her pace, tucking herself behind a corner close to where Regina and Bae have met. She glances back at everyone else nervously as the conversation continues.
“I finally found the spell I need to remove the darkness. I only need one more special ingredient.”
“Wait!” Emma shouts forcefully, as if she didn’t think before revealing herself in a desperate attempt to stop Regina in her tracks. “Regina, whatever you’re doing, just wait.”
“Savior,” she says venomously. “I was wondering when you were going to show yourself.”
It’s clear that she knew that Emma was here all along, but whether she’s aware of the presence of the other five people standing in her vault, he can’t be sure.
Emma steps around the corner fully, making herself seen and holding her hands up placatingly . “We have a plan, Regina. If you want to remove the darkness, we can help you with that.”
“Right. I’m sure the princess of Light Magic is going to help the Dark One. Step away, Miss Swan, and let me finish what I’ve started.”
“How long have you had his heart?” Emma asks, and Killian desperately wishes that he could see the scene playing out behind this wall.
Regina laughs lightly, ominously, and says, “I’m not surprised you didn’t notice. Meanwhile, how quickly did you realize that he had the pirate’s? I suppose that goes to show how she truly feels about you,” she says, and he can only assume she’s speaking to Bae now.
“Please just put it down,” Emma begs. Killian has to assume that she got the dagger away from Bae somehow because she evidently has his heart and can control him, likely coercing him into giving it to her. Otherwise, he’s certain that they would have commanded her to stop as they had planned.
He sees Henry starting to stir, so he holds up a hand and shoots him a glare that says don’t even think about it. The last thing they need is for Henry to put himself in harm's way. The lad leans back against the wall silently.
“Give me the hat and maybe I will,” she negotiates.
“Regina, please just trust us. We want to help you, and we have a plan. A good plan! We can help you get the darkness out without hurting anyone.”
Regina scoffs, her laughter reminding Killian of the person she was back in the Enchanted Forest years ago. “Who, you? You and the old man are going to help me? You think you're more powerful than I am?”
“I never said that!” Emma tries despondently. Then, Killian hears the unmistakable sound of magic being wielded followed by Emma’s desperate shout: “no!”
As he rounds the corner, all semblance of logical thought evacuating his mind quickly, he hears Baelfire cry out in pain and sees him collapse to the floor of the vault. Emma falls to her knees beside him, sobs wracking her as she hysterically shakes his motionless form. When Killian’s eyes finally find Regina, he sees her holding her closed fist above the glowing hat that she must’ve conjured away from Emma, the last remnants of dust sprinkling out of her hold as the hat’s brilliance strengthens. He sees a manic smile splitting the Dark One’s face as he rushes to Emma’s side in a useless attempt to comfort her.
He has no idea where anyone else is. He thinks he hears Robin shout, but it isn’t clear over the sound of Emma’s keening. He runs his hand along her spine when he reaches her and she spins, releasing Bae and throwing herself into Killian’s chest forcefully. Her tears dampen the skin of his neck. Her cries deafen him to the ruckus surrounding them. He almost doesn’t notice Henry boldly rushing towards the Dark One in violent haste.
“What have you done?!” he screams, and both Killian and Emma snap apart and turn towards the lad just in time to watch him thrust the dagger towards Regina’s throat.
“Henry,” the Dark One says against the blade, her eyes bulging as they meet his own. “Put the dagger down.”
Killian recognized the look on the lad’s face just before he leapt for her: it’s the same one he himself wore just before he killed his own father.
“Tell me why you did this,” he demands, his voice wrought with emotion.
Regina, unable to defy the laws of the dagger, answers, “he had no idea how to be a father to you.”
“Now he’ll never have the chance to learn!” he screams, pressing the blade until a trail of crimson paints her flesh.
“You deserve better than him,” she insists assuredly, though her head is held high in avoidance of the weapon.
“I deserve better than you!”
“Let me remove the Darkness. Then this will all be over! We can be together again!” she begs against the scalloped edge.
Killian stands slowly, pulling Emma along behind him, and they move closer to Henry as carefully as they can. “We had a plan to remove it that didn’t involve murder!”
“Henry,” Emma tries timidly. “Kid, please put the dagger down.”
“She killed my dad,” he reasons, not turning his gaze from Regina. “She has to pay.”
“If you do this, the only person who will pay is you.” Emma's voice is eerily calm now, as if something has switched in her and her motherhood instincts have taken over to give her what she needs to talk her son through the crisis he’s battling.
“I can’t let her get away with this!” he shouts. “She killed him right in front of me!”
“Kid,” she says, stepping away from Killian and towards the lad to put a careful hand on his shoulder. “We will make sure that she’s held accountable for this. Let me take the Darkness out of her and we’ll put her where she belongs.”
“She doesn’t deserve to live.”
“This isn’t you, Henry. You’re a good kid, you know right from wrong. You know what happens to you if you go through with this.”
“Lad,” Killian says, surprising himself. “Don’t let your mother see you become the Dark One.”
His shoulders relax. His arm loosens, the dagger falling from Regina’s flesh and dragging a bit of blood along with it. She lets out the breath she was holding in suspense and collapses slightly against the table behind her.
Emma turns towards the Apprentice and flatly says, “please take care of this now,” before Henry turns, drops the dagger to the ground, and throws himself into his mother’s arms.
Regina reaches for the dagger but Killian grabs it first. “Take him outside, love,” he instructs Emma.
Once they’re gone, the Queen sneers at him angrily as the Apprentice prepares for the spell to remove the Darkness and store it in the hat. “I almost had you,” she says, smirking.
He can’t help but to roll his eyes. “You never had me. How long have you had his heart?”
“Oh,” she says casually, “it wasn’t until after the curse broke. Don’t worry, that was all him.”
“So you knew we would try to disarm you with the dagger, then?” David asks.
“Of course. I figured the curse would break eventually, and when it did I had to be ready. Oh, congratulations, by the way.” She turns back towards Killian. “I must admit, you and the Savior breaking the curse was a fun surprise.
He rolls his eyes again, desperate to not engage her in further conversation. “Do you want us to remove the Darkness or not?”
“Yes, and then I’d like to see my son.”
He laughs. “I can assure you that is not happening.”
“Why, because I took care of a problem for him? We all know Neal wasn’t cut out to be a father. I mean, look at what he did. This was all based on his plan.”
“Take a look at what you did,” Killian spits, gesturing towards Bae’s crumpled, lifeless body, trying not to think about the young boy he used to know.
“It would be a miracle if Henry ever speaks to you again. You’ve just murdered his father in front of him,” David adds.
“Tell me, how is that any different from what you did all those years ago, Captain?”
He snaps his head towards her too quickly, fearing Emma’s father learning more about his sordid. “We agreed not to speak of that.”
She chuckles darkly. “You murdered your own father with his son in the next room. How are you any better than me?”
He hardly thinks before taking the dagger and pressing it to her throat, pushing her against the table and overpowering her easily. “Listen,” he commands, fully aware that she has no choice. “I made a mistake; I’ve made many. And since then, I’ve made amends. I feel regret over the things that I’ve done and the harm that I’ve caused. You just murdered your son’s father right in front of him and show no remorse. Don’t begin to compare us because we are nothing alike.”
He releases her once the Apprentice speaks, informing them that he’s ready as long as they are. “You have to want to have the Darkness removed, Dark One.”
“I do,” she insists. “Just do it already.”
He takes the dagger and waves it ceremoniously, reciting a spell that honestly sounds a bit ridiculous before waves of black are drawn from her chest, right where her heart would be if he believed she had one. The scene playing out before him reminds him of the violent onyx whizzing through the air mere weeks ago when she became the Dark One.
The Apprentice is shaking with exhaustion as he continues to chant, holding the dagger in his hands above her heart until all of the black ribbons have flown into the hat. Once the room fades to silence, he falls to the ground, Regina collapsing just after him.
The room is silent for far too long. No one moves. No one speaks. No one knows what to do.
“What now?” Robin asks, his voice flat and his expression blank as he stares at Regina’s still face.
“We’ll have to remove them and… and the body,” Killian chokes out. “Are they alive?”
“Both are. The Apprentice doesn’t look so good, though,” David answers. “Would be a lot easier if we could magic them out of here.”
“I’m not letting Emma come back down here!” Killian snaps, turning to sneer at her father.
“I wasn’t suggesting that,” he starts and though he looks as though he could say more, he stays quiet. “Why don’t you go up and check on them.”
“We've got to get—”
“Go,” he insists. “Robin and I will make sure Regina gets to where she needs to be, and we’ll take the Apprentice to the hospital.”
“What about him?” he gestures towards Bae’s stiff frame.
David sighs. “We’ll figure that out. Right now… your family needs you. Make sure Henry’s out of here. He doesn’t have to see anything else today. ”
His words weigh heavily in the space between them, the air feeling thicker suddenly as he admits his acceptance of Killian’s presence in his daughter and grandson’s lives. “Aye mate,” he breathes in response, taking one last look at the state of the room and turning towards the exit.
When he gets outside, the sun is nearly setting and the humid summer air leaves him feeling hot and sticky in his leather jacket. He finds Emma and Henry a few meters away from the stone structure, Emma sitting on the ground and her son’s head resting in her lap. His stomach twists in knots at the sight of them. The lad has been through enough already without having to be involved in what he’s just witnessed.
When she hears him coming, Emma looks up through tears, her brows pinching together as she appears to hold in more tears. She runs her fingers through Henry’s hair soothingly, but it’s clear that he’s difficult to console. He has every right to be.
Killian sits beside her, as close as he can get, and she somehow presses closer and rests her head against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around her so that he can run his hand along her arm. “Robin and your father are working on… cleaning up.”
“It’s done?” she asks through silent tears.
“Aye,” he just about whispers. “It appears to have worked.”
“Where is she?” he hears Henry mumble from his mother’s lap.
“Passed out, lad. To be transported to the hospital.” He nods in response, otherwise staying still. “We should go now. Pick up the baby and head home.”
Emma sighs, her breath stuttering, then says, “you’re right. Let’s get you home, kid.”
Henry’s silent and stoic as he stands from his mother’s hold and brushes off his thighs. He’s turning towards the car before Killian and Emma can even stand.
Corrine, as emotionally intelligent as she is, keeps asking everyone what’s wrong. Emma tries making grilled cheese for dinner, hoping her favorite comfort food will entice Henry, but he stays on the couch and doesn’t say a word. She hardly touches her own, neither does Killian, and Corrine wonders aloud why everyone is so sad.
“We’re okay, baby,” Emma tells her softly, running her curled finger down her cheek and giving her a soft smile. “Don’t you worry.”
“Momma, Henny’s okay?” she asks through a mouth full of grilled cheese.
“He…” she starts, glancing over to Killian briefly. They’ve talked in the past about how they don’t wish to lie to her despite her young age, but this is too much for her to understand. “He’ll be okay, Coco. He just needs some time.”
She nods as if Emma’s words make complete sense to her and takes a giant swig of the chocolate milk she shouldn’t be drinking.
“What did you do with Mimi and Ollie today, love?” Killian asks her, trying to maintain an air of positivity for her.
“I play,” she answers. “I dance.”
“Did Ollie enjoy dancing with you?”
Emma snorts softly, a genuine smile gracing her features in response to their humorous child. “No? He doesn’t like One Direction?”
She begins to pout, shooting him eyes filled with such pathetic sadness that it pulls at his heartstrings. “No, Baby Shark.”
“Ugh,” Emma says. “No Baby Shark in this house. We’ll stick to one direction, right Coco?”
“Mom,” they hear from the entrance of the kitchen, and each of them turn towards the source of the voice.
“Hey kid, hungry?”
“No thanks,” he says softly, his voice somber but slightly less angry than before. “I was hoping you could take me to… to my mom’s house. I have some stuff there that I want to move over here.”
She pauses and then turns to face him entirely. “Of course, Henry. Whenever you're ready.”
Killian and Corrine spend the evening together while Emma takes Henry to Regina’s. They were apart for nearly a month, aside from the few hours he could see her per day, so he’s happy to have the opportunity to reconnect with her. Her favorite activity to promote such reconnection is dancing.
Her favorite band has a variety of upbeat songs that he can easily hop around to, picking her up and bouncing her on his hip as she laughs and shrieks. At a certain point, she ends up in only her shirt and diaper, her hair having fallen out of the tiny updo it was in and landing in a wild mane around her face as she holds her fists in front of her and jumping to the beat of the song that plays loudly over the stereo.
“Hi momma!” she screams when Emma walks through the door, running for her at full speed and crashing into her legs.
“Hi!” Emma responds excitedly, the grin across her face as she picks her up squeezing at his heart. Henry walks in behind her with a box of items, smiling softly at Corrine and heading towards the stairs.
“Turning in, lad?” he asks.
“Yeah,” he answers, pausing briefly and sighing. “I’m just… I just wanna go to bed.”
“Aye. Well…” he starts, but is unsure of how to continue. He feels as if he should say something, but isn’t sure what he needs in this moment.
“We’ll be here, kid,” Emma supplies, simple and encouraging as he nods and heads up the stairs.
“Momma hugs Duddy now,” Corrine says, pointing towards Killian while still in Emma’s arms.
She laughs lightly, tickling Corrine’s bare thigh and asking, “oh, she does, does she?”
“Yes. No kiss,” she insists.
“I can’t kiss your mummy?”
He wraps the two of them in a tight squeeze, sandwiching Corrine between her parents and sneaking in a quick kiss against Emma’s temple.
She turns to him and gives an indignant look, saying, “Coco said no kissing!”
“No, Duddy! No kisses for Momma, only for Coco.”
“My mistake.” He kisses her plump cheek and is rewarded in kind with a bright giggle. “Time for bed now, lass. I think we’ve done enough dancing for one lifetime.”
“We dance, momma.”
“Aye, we danced, momma. Next we’ll be learning a waltz.”
Emma laughs, hiking the child up higher on her hip as she tries hard to settle her hair, though seemingly finding it impossible. “You know how to waltz?”
“First rule of dancing,” he says, taking her free hand and leading her towards the stairs once the music is shut off, “pick a partner who knows what they're doing.”
She gives him a look that he can’t quite read before leading him up the stairs and providing him with a lovely view of her ass along the way.
Her thighs squeeze his hips tightly as she bounces above him, her breasts suspended tantalizingly over him as her nails dig into his shoulders. Her quiet pants and whispered moans drive him to harden his grip on her hip, sitting up slightly and using his blunt wrist to press into her back and pull her closer to him. She wraps her arms under his, hugging herself tightly to him and letting out a cry into his ear as he bends his knees up to deepen his thrusts into her.
“Don’t stop,” she practically begs, clinging to him as if her life depends on it. “Fuck.”
“So good, love,” he agrees as the coil in the base of his stomach tightens, almost ready to snap. “Gods, you feel so perfect. You’re perfect.”
“I love you,” she says through a strangled cry as she clenches around him and finally lets go; finally gives him permission to do the same.
He holds her so tightly that he doesn’t think she can breathe, but she doesn’t complain. Panting into his ear, her nails still digging crescents into his back, she hugs him close.
“I love you too,” he says once they’ve both caught their breath. She hums in contentment and kisses his neck before lifting herself from him and letting out a soft grunt as he slips out of her.
She spends a moment in the bathroom before returning, learning from last time and tossing his sleeping pants at him before dressing herself and crawling in. “You alright, love?” he asks, to which she shrugs.
“Where did Regina end up?”
“The asylum. We were able to use the cuff that blocks her magic before she awoke.”
She stays silent for a few moments, continuing her ministrations through the hair on his chest as if it’s soothing her.
“Today sucked,” she finally says.
“Aye, it did. I’m sorry.”
She sighs, tucking herself closer to him and resting her head on his chest. “Not your fault.”
“I’m not saying it is; I’m saying I’m sorry that you lost someone important to you.”
Squeezing her arm over his chest a bit tighter, she nuzzles her nose into a patch of the hair on his chest. “Yeah… you’re not mad, are you? About… I mean, I know my reaction was a little—”
“Emma,” he interrupts, “I could never be angry with you for something like that. No matter what happened, Bae was someone important to you.”
She sniffles a bit, moving to wipe a tear from her cheek before saying, “it feels weird. I can’t believe he’s gone.” He hums in agreement as he runs his hand up and down along her spine, occasionally combing gently through her hair. “After all the shit he put us through, I’ll admit that there was a time that—” she chokes on her own words, needing to take a deep breath before continuing. “Sometimes I wished he would just go away and not come back. But I didn’t want… I didn’t want Henry to lose his dad.”
“I know what you mean, Swan.” He rolls them gently so they’re facing one another, her leg tucked between his knees. He runs his fingers through her hair and down her cheek as he says, “it’s alright to be confused by this. Despite all that he did, he still loved you, in his own way. And he loved your son. He just had a horrible way of showing it.”
She nods against his forehead, her nose rubbing against his own making him unable to resist kissing her softly. “I know you’re right.”
“Did the lad say much earlier?”
She shrugs. “Not really. All he said was that he’s okay but he wants to live with us. I think he needs time.” He nods in understanding as she continues. “What he saw today— what he saw his own mother do… I don’t know how to help him live with that.”
“You're his mother, Emma, and I know you know what’s best for him. We’ll be here for him, however he needs us.”
“Yeah,” she nods.
“Perhaps a few visits with the Cricket would be prudent as well.”
He kisses the tip of her nose, the skin cold against his lips, and says, “sleep, darling. We can deal with everything tomorrow.”
“Love you,” she says as she drifts off. He follows closely behind, sleeping soundly with her in his arms.
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abiteofnat · 3 years
If you’re reading this, I’m coming back to Chicago, beetch
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The non-existent rumors are true. After a brief 10-month exit from the city to soak up the fresh air and social distance-friendly suburbs, I am now returning to Chicago as a single, slightly more anxious version of myself. While I’m still trying to kick some of the anxiety and OCD that COVID-19 pushed from “lifelong tagalongs” to “all-controlling demons”, I feel 97% ready to be back where I feel most myself, and cannot wait to welcome that change. While that 3% still makes me a little uncomfy and hesitant, I’m a believer in pushing your boundaries to allow yourself to grow, and also, I am really sick of suburbs food. 
Ha! I joke. I wouldn’t move downtown simply for access to more diverse & higher quality food... or would I? All I know is while there are plenty of gems in the North Shore, I’ve eaten take out from all of them ten times over, and I did not foster my dislike of cooking out of nowhere. My parents do not enjoy cooking, my sister pretends to enjoy cooking, and I will cook if it is 5 ingredients or less. My latest speciality is a toasted bagel with butter, hummus, and EBTB seasoning. Voila. So when it comes to dinner, we are living off of a carousel of suburban favorites, and are losing steam as we are still not comfortable with dining inside (or dining inside in the city, where the fun food is). 
All of this to say, it’s exciting to imagine what life is going to be like in a few short weeks. While I’m still extra precautionary, I can’t wait to have my own space downtown, where I can enjoy coffee on my little balcony (!!!) and dream of the days friends can come squeeze into my studio safely while I lay out an entire table of sharable spreads and snacks from Ema (Charred Eggplant Spread is the best one, don’t fight me). 
So you may ask, how did you come to this decision to move to the heart of downtown out of seemingly nowhere, you hermit? 
It starts with my mom and I having a brief, simultaneous breakdown and coming to the conclusion that we would both feel comfortable doing a staycation downtown, as long as we wore masks, sanitized always, and braved the cold to eat outside. This was big for me! As a person with real OCD, not cute TV show “I have to keep my pens straight” OCD, this would be the most exposure I’d had to a lot of uncontrollable variables since the pandemic started. If you’re thinking, “you get to spend a weekend downtown in a hotel with your mom, shut up”, know that I hear you. I am unbelievably grateful that I’ve gotten this time with my parents, and that we can do a staycation. However, having anxiety comes at a cost, and that cost is blowing everything way the fuck out of proportion instead of being able to rationalize it sometimes. Let’s! Normalize! Having! This! Discussion!
So, we went downtown in early March for a two-night stay, and oh my goodness. The realization that we got to be in a different space, and do different things, and eat different food for a weekend made it feel like a legit vacation, and not like we drove 30 minutes to get there. The view from our room was of Michigan Ave, and hearing the traffic and seeing the people out and about instantly made me feel a sense of peace I wasn’t expecting. I’ve lived downtown for 6 years, but it always shocks me how much the city feels like an extension of me once I’m in it after being away. My mom and I went out for a walk (gentle yet forceful reminder to please wear a mask), then decided to grab dinner while we were out. The plan was to bring it back to the room, but there was a warm spell, and there just happened to be a table for two at Topolobampo on Clark, and suddenly we were sitting on the patio under the lights eating masa quesadillas dipped in a spicy salsa verde. It just happened!!! 
Before getting downtown, I was tentatively looking at apartments for the spring. I was looking at Lincoln Park, Old Town, maybe Lakeview, and came across a listing in the Gold Cost that caught my eye. That one was swiped out from under me within days, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the area. Then I discovered another unit that was available, and couldn’t shake it from my mind. Over mushroom tacos I discussed it with my mom, and we decided to go see it. Totally not what I had been planning for in terms of location, but why not? 
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Once we polished off breakfast the next morning (Eggs Benedict with fried eggs, extra hollandaise) we headed out to see the place. Let me say I have never seen my mom fall in love with a single apartment I’ve lived in, and she was ALL. FOR. IT. Unreal reaction on her part. Once I saw the west-facing views and the incredible natural lighting, I was 100% in as well.
We spent the rest of the weekend wandering the downtown area, enjoying another dinner outside at The Gwen and my mom’s first visit to the Starbucks Reserve Roastery, which was 95% more empty than I’ve ever seen it given we went in a pandemic at 8:30PM. Shit on Starbucks all you want, but that Roastery is an incredible use of space (in non-pandemic times) and the coffee & Princi pastries are really, really good. 
When we got back home feeling refreshed and like we had actually gone on a vacation, I jumped into apartment shark mode real fast and signed as many documents as the very kind realtor could send over. One week later, whabaam, I was a Gold Coast girl. Ahem, *lady*. What better way to celebrate than going to Somerset and having the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread and Wild Mushroom Risotto? No clue. As I sat outside, yet again with my mom, I felt a wave of excitement come over me and realized, this is it. This is the sign and feeling I’ve been waiting for, telling me it’s time to move back to the city and start over. The creamy, herbacious risotto also helped solidify that. 
SO. After all of that, the news is I’m moving, and you’re probably wondering why I shared all of this on a blog about food. I meant for this post to be about everywhere I ate during my staycation, but realized quickly we ate at some very basic places - DELICIOUS, but still basic. Oops. Below are all the dishes I had and a rundown of the flavors, textures, etc., however don’t expect to find any new, revolutionary restaurants. Sorry! 
1. Topolobampo 
This Rick Bayless restaurant has been around forever, and unfortunately, you can tell by the interior. We’ve eaten here as a family a couple of times before, but never had a noteworthy experience. I can confirm that in a pinch, the patio covered in fun lights & mini piñatas, and the sharable, filling bites will do just fine. This was my first time going to a Mexican restaurant as a non-alcohol drinker, and instead of my typical mezcal margarita, I opted for a Fresh Limeaide which was refreshing and flavorful. We split the Guacamole and Chips, which if you’ve ever stopped at the Frontera in O’Hare, you know is good as fuck. It’s smooth, creamy, tangy, and topped with chopped onions and cilantro for a little crunch. It’s not the most life-changing, but it is consistently satisfying. Next, we got the Mushroom Tacos and Masa Quesadillas. The Masa Quesadillas were a fun surprise, as instead of a tortilla, the masa is what makes up the outside. They are almost like empanadas and stuffed with gooey, melty cheese, and come with a spicy salsa verde on the side. I would come back for these alone - they’re rich yet light, warm, and comforting, all the things you would want when dining outside when it’s still a little chilly. The Mushroom Tacos were quite frankly unreal, because whatever they seasoned the mushroom slices with and grilled them on made them taste unlike any mushroom I’ve had before. There was definitely some meat crossover on the grill, so don’t order those if you’re vegan, or ask them to prepare the mushroom separately. I however was LOSING MY MIND. Over mushrooms. The joys of being vegetarian! 
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2. The Gwen
On a happening Saturday night in Chicago, Upstairs at The Gwen is sure to be a packed scene. Located in River North, this hotel bar/restaurant offers a somehow cozy rooftop filled with loungey couches, fire pits, and ambient lighting, even though you’re surrounded by apartments and skyscrapers and there is nothing “cozy” about River North. Every table was filled, yet since you’re outside and it’s fairy spread apart, it still felt safe. I got my new classic, a Lemonade, and we got the Burrata to start. With sourdough, roasted beets, squash, pomegranate, pistachio, & arugula, this plate was nothing short of mouth-watering. It has textures! It has flavors! It has pomegranate seeds, the TikTok must have of the moment! The bread was 10/10, the burrata was 8/10, and all of the toppings made for a very find bite of salad on their own. For my main I got the Lobster Fettucine, a beautiful bowl of “charcoal fettuccine with saffron-tomato sauce, lobster, calabrian chili butter, and basil-brioche crumbs” as listed on their website. Take any of those ingredients and it’s going to be delicious, but all of them TOGETHER? INCREDIBLE. The chunks of lobster were huge, absolutely making the dish worth its price tag, and the sauce was flavorful, unique, and unlike any sauce I’ve tasted in the last few years. It’s typical to do a squid ink pasta with seafood and tomato sauce, but the saffron added a new element I very much appreciated. 
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3. The Starbucks Roastery 
I KNOW. THIS IS A TOURIST DESTINATION. All I am saying is if there’s no line, go get an iced latte with two packets of sugar in the raw. That’s all. It’s really good after something like, I don’t know, Lobster Fettucine. 
4. The Penninsula 
You cannot go wrong with hitting up The Penninsula for breakfast or brunch, especially if you are staying there and have the option to do room service. Typically we would go to Pierrot Gourmet, the cafe in the ground floor of The Penninsula, however it has been closed temporarily. If there’s one thing to order with your breakfast, it’s the smashed fingerling potatoes. Delish. 
5. Somerset 
Somerset is becoming a quick go-to of mine for an impromptu dinner downtown, given it’s in the heart of Gold Coast and is cute if you’re sitting indoors or outdoors. The food is nothing too innovative, but it is done well, which is the most important part with “cuter” restaurants that may focus on the Instagram appeal over the food sometimes. Each time I’ve gone I’ve gotten the seasonal flatbread and a pasta or risotto, usually something with mushrooms, and it’s always been plate-licking good. To drink, I got -you guessed it- a Lemonade! For dinner I went with the Wild Mushroom Risotto which was everything you could hope for in a risotto, topped with olive oil, herbs, and local parmesan. We split the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread which was as it sounds, flatbread covered in rapini, garlic, and ricotta, which added a nice crunch and had enough rapini to feel like it was replacing a boring vegetable side dish or salad. The patio vibes were wonderful, the judgemental girls in the greenhouses looked like they were having a good time, and our waiter couldn’t have been sweeter. I will be going back to try the Fontina Arancini, which I just noticed on the menu. FRICK. 
So there you have it, a very long-winded explanation of the last few weeks of my life and where you can find me on a staycation in Chicago. Hopefully once I move back to the city I’ll have endless new spots to try and won’t be basic anymore! 
Until next time, Happy Eating!
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lilith-of-rivia · 4 years
The Blacksmith’s Daughter
Pairing: Geralt X Reader
Word count: 3,259
Warnings: Swearing, slight dirty talk, mentions of death, gross wound
Summary: The blacksmiths daughter in the upper northern kingdoms, is the only reason Geralt of Riva trusts to not only fix his weaponry but his wounds. He travels long and far to see the half mage, every year. During the many years he comes to visit her town, she grows feelings (love like feelinsg) for the creature. one particular visits she realizes she can no longer hide these feelinsg from him. [possibe part 2 if interested]
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My father only had one child before my mother died. My mother was someone he always referred to as his soul. The light of his life. She died when I was just a babe. He never remarried, saying he’d never disrespect the love of his life. My mother was a mage. The healer of our village. Her powers passed in some aspects down to myself, but not enough to be considered a full mage. I gained the ability for immortality like my mother, unless by blade or beast. My eyes were different from those around my small town, bright emerald green. My father loved my eyes; “Just like you lovely mother my deer.” He always said to me.
Even with the limited magical abilities I possessed I chose to help my father in his smithing shop. I started when I was 16 that was nearly 30 winters ago. I haven’t aged much past 24. Making all the locals continuously fight for my hand. My father never wavered tho. Knowing I wanted to marry for love.
Over the last 30 years I've become one of the most well known smiths in the upper northern kingdoms. I've been called upon to make weapons for the mightiest King’s, even the Lioness Calanthe herself. My blades were well known across most major cities. I had apprenticed many young men to help and the money I began to bring in, made it able for my father to retire about 10 winters ago. My craft did not only extend in my weaponry but also my herbal skills. I was responsible for training the town healers and herbalists. My mother's talents passed onto me. I was a force to be reckoned with.
“Y/N?” My youngest apprentice, Apollo called to me from the front of my shop. Placing the sword I had been sharpening on a shelf I walked to him. I was covered in soot and dirt, my long [hair color] hair resting in a messy bun atop my head. My hands were covered in thick leather gloves that my father crafted for me many years ago to protect my fragile hands. As I approached the window that my customers spoke to my workers threw I saw a man. He was tall, much taller than myself and even Apollo. Apollo was a strong young man, about 6 '1 a decent build, still looked like a boy. But this man made him look like a child. His shoulders were broad and his hair was a striking silvery grey. I knew who he was, all too well.
“Ahh Geralt of Rivia. I thought you were long dead.” My words were followed with a soft chuckle, as the corner of his lips twitched up in a small smirk. His Bard at his side beamed at me.
“Good evening Y/N. How wonderful to see you!” Jaskier said smiling. I took my gloves off my hands along with my messy apron, glancing at Apollo. He’d never met the famed witcher before.
“Apollo be a dear and go finish with Lord Ferdinand's items. He’ll be back soon to collect them.” He nodded his head before walking back to the forge along with my other two apprentices. I opened the small door to the side of the window and stepped about of my shop, the cool Autumn air chilling my warm skin after being over a hot forge for hours.
Jaskier was the first to approach me, bringing me into a tight embrace. I gladly returned the gesture. I pulled back to examine the bard.
“My how you still have yet to age. Always shocks me.” He laughs and pulls out his prized dagger. He had won it in a game of poker many years ago from a lord. The blade alone cost more than anything he possessed. He didn't need the protection. Due to the brooding witcher he always traveled with. I had mended it and only I had mended it. He never trusted another with his blade. Just as his counterpart.
“It's in need for a good sharpening, maybe a polish to the handle? As always you’ll be paid for with not only my coin, but my recommendations as we travel.” I smiled and took the dagger from him and placed it in my belt before tuning to the brooding witcher.
The relationship we shared was like one I didn't share with any other. When he came through my town, I not only fixed and mended his weaponry but also his wounds. I was no longer an active healer. Unless it was for one particular witcher with a pair of striking golden orbs that could pear into the depths of my soul. He could pry out any secrets I never told anyone. Even my father.
My father loved Geralt. Always made comments about how I should pursue him whenever he came to town. Foolish old man thinking a witcher of Geralt’s status stopping for a blacksmith's daughter. Even one of my caliber. Many years ago he traveled with a mage named Yennifer, I adored her when she came with him. An adoring young thing, always willing to teach me new ways in medicine.
They were lovers for many years until they drifted apart. Yennefer found love in her first mate Istredd. They married a few years ago. Occasionally Yennifer would pass through and we’d catch up over a pint of ale, and she'd tell me of her travels looking for a cure to her empty womb. I pitied the woman, she desperately wanted children.
Knowing women of Yennifer’s caliber were who Geralt went for always made me hesitate from telling him my true feelings. I had fallen madly in love with the witcher. He stayed weeks at a time some years in my town, killing monsters in closer towns and being our own personal Witcher. The townspeople loved him, contrary to many other villages and cities.
“How many wounds am I healing today, wolf?” I asked as I approached him, his small smirk formed into a genuine smile as he embraced me. My arms around his broad shoulders as he bent to hug me. I could feel him grimace under my touch as my chest pressed to his own. I pulled away with a soft frown before lifting his shirt softly. Revealing a large deep gash spreading from his upper chest to his pant line. The gash was angry, yellow pus now oozy in certain areas. My brows lifted on my forehead in shock.
“You bloody idiot. How long has this gone untreated?” I asked quite harshly as I walked back into my shop, gathering my cloak and notebook full of orders to fill. I placed Jaskiers Dagger on a shelf.
“I’ll see you lads tomorrow, don’t forget to lock up tonight. Send for me if you need it.” I called my three workers in the back who all smiled and nodded before refocusing on their tasks.
I walked back out to the two men who were waiting for me. I shot a glare at Jaskier. “You let him walk around with an infection like that ?” I snapped as we started walking to the edge of town, passing the tavern and inn they both had spent many nights in.
“He refused to see anyone other than you, we’ve been traveling to see you for three consecutive days.” I directed my glair to the witcher who had a sly smirk on his lips.
“It's not that bad you drama queen.” I scoffed at his words before reaching over and brushing my fingertips along the cufeather-light. He hissed in pain and nearly doubled over.
“Yeah not that bad. You idiot loaf.” We walked at a quick pause up a small road from the main, up to my small cabin on the outskirts of the forest. I opened the door placing down my belongings before, sitting Geralt down on a chair in my kitchen. Jaskier on the other side, his hands on the book that had set there that I read in the mornings.
I rushed around my kitchen grabbing the herbs and viles full of oils and serums. I grumbled to myself at the stupidity of the witcher while I filled a pail with clean water. “Shirt off.” It wasn't a question or anything he could argue with. I knew he wouldn’t. I could hear his grunts of pain as he peeled his black shirt off. Once the pail was full of water I grabbed a box full of fresh wrapping and set everything on the table as Jaskier read unbothered.
I crouched in front of Geralt, my fingers tracing the angered skin surrounding the gash. I inhaled deeply, the scent of the wound filling my nose. It was badly infected but nothing I couldn't fix.
“Werewolf?” I asked, knowing I was right. The smell of the wolf’s claws being the first I could smell.
“Yeah, a real fucker too. Nearly broke my blade.” He hissed, In part of his anger at his last hunt, and due to the stinging of the alcohol I had poured on the clean cloth dabbing and cleaning the wound. His muscles contracted under my touch. I sighed but continued my work, spreading a lavender oil over the outside of the gash, soothing the skin. I grabbed a jar scooping out a helping of a cream made of hemlock and musk mallow to help the infection. After a thick paste was covering the gash I placed a few pieces of gauze over it keeping it protected. Once I was finished I looked up at the witcher, who was watching me intently. His amber eyes are boring into my emerald ones.
“I suggest you stay here a few days, till you’re healed more. So I can keep an eye on that infection.” I said with a soft smile. He grabbed a pack off his hip and placed three coins on my table, making me shake my head.
“Geralt, keep it I-“
“You just used so many fucking things on me. Take the money. Replenish your stock.” I rolled my eyes taking the coin from the table and putting it in my pocket, knowing I’d be giving it to the needy in town. I had plenty.
Jaskier placed the book he was reading down and smiled.
“Know that the broot is no longer dying, care to get some ale?” He asked, making me laugh.
“Let me see your sword first.” I was the only person on this plant that he allowed to touch that beloved sword. He pulled it from its sheath and handed it to me. I looked over the blade, seeing the dullness, and how fragile the silver was.
“Lucky for you, we replenish our silver last week, I have plenty to fix this blunt blade.” I placed the sword back in its sheath before placing it on a hook on my door. I walked back over to Geralt, taking his chin in my hand making him look up at me from his seated position.
“If you ever come to me with an infection like that again. I will kill you instead of heal you.” My threats fell flat, I knew that. He chuckled softly before kissing my hand softly.
“Thank you, my dear, Y/N. I already feel better.” I smiled softly and looked over at Jaskier who was just watching with an exasperated expression. He knew we had a weird relationship and truly couldn’t understand why we never became anything more than friends.
“How about that ale?” He said after clearing his throat. I nodded, grabbing his shirt from the floor and helping it back over his head. The men left their items in my home after I insisted they stay with me instead of going to the inn. And we were on our way to the bustling tavern. Filed with laughing people celebrating the end of the week with the sweet peach ale our town was best known for. Geralt and Jaskier found a table as I went to thbarkeep.
“Ahh Y/N!! How are you, my dear?” He asked as he filed the tankers with the cold bubbly ale.
“Quite well August thank you. Hope your ax is doing better?” I asked, speaking of the ax I had fixed for him less than a month ago.
“Oh works wonderfully!” He smiled sweetly at me passing me the tankers and I pulled out the coin but he held his hand out.
“First rounds on the house.” I smiled and nodded at the man grabbing the tankers turning my back to him and walking back to the two men I left. As I approached I saw Annabel. A quite permisquess young thing, not that it was my business what she did with her body, all over Geralt. I felt envy course, threw my body as she groped his chest. I saw his face contort in pain as she brushed her hand down his chest, and he gently pushed her back, but of course, she didn't get the message. I walked up behind her, setting the ale on the table firmly before taking her wrist in my hand spinning her to face me.
“He is hurt, a massive gash, infected puss all over the bandages. Stop. Touching.” My voice was harsh as I glared at the young woman. Her head dropped as she walked away from me in a hurry. I let out a huff as I sat next to Geralt. I could almost feel his smirk as he looked at me. I lifted the tanker to my lips sipping the sweet ale as did Jaskier who was also smiling at me.
“I'll stab your eyes out of your head if you keep looking at me like that Bard.” I spat and he rolled his eyes standing with the ale in his hand looking over at a group of young women.
“I’m going to party, but now I’m also leaving you two alone too” He pointed his free hand in between the two of us, “figure out what the hell you are. Don't wait up.” He left us as he walked to the group of women ready to brag about his adventures with the feared witcher. My cheeks were warm at his words, as I gulped down more of the ale, ignoring Geralt’s persistent gaze as he drank his ale.
“Any idea what Jaskier may be talking about, dove?” He asked, his arm now draped around my chair, his fingers brushing my arm lightly.
“Don't get any smart ide,as Witcher, you're in no place to fuck with a wound like that.” I didn't look at him.
“No one said anything about fucking dove.” That godforsaken nickname made my nipples harden. And my cunt moisten. I finally turned to him, he was inches away from my face. His ale is now on the table. His hand gently cupped my face.
“I’m serious. Even if I wanted to, you cant. It could break the scabs forming.” I couldn't help but lean into his warm rough calloused hand. My hands were similar in feel due to my craft.
“I never mentioned fuking dove, but if you really wanted to. You’d be my first pick.” His lips were inches from mine. My breathing became more erratic at his words, my heartbeat was quickening. He chuckled softly. Inhaling deeply.
“I can not only hear your heart but smell your arousal, my love.” I bit my lip softly and closed my eyes gently. I wanted to, more than anything. But I couldn't just fuck him and ignore the love I felt for the man.
“You’ll leave soon Geralt. And my heart cannot handle it.” It was now or never. I pulled back a little looking in his eyes. “I've been in love with you for many many years. You coming threw and staying when you do is the happiest I am all year, but I know you do not feel the same. I can't fuck you and then watch you leave. You may leave now and never speak-“ I didn't even have the chance to finish my rambling because his lips were pressed to mine. His hands now both on my cheeks. His lips were rough and tasted sweet. It lasted mere minutes. Before he pulled away.
“I will always come home to you, my dove. If you’ll have me.” He said with a smile. My heart was beating faster again. His hands were now holding my own.
“I've never been good with words, but there is a reason I only trust you to tend to my wounds and my swords. You are not just another woman to me. I need you in my life. If you’ll have me, I'll always return to you after every hunt and If I’m needed far, you’ll come with me.” My eyes were welling with tears at his sweet words. It was all I ever wanted him to say. This time I pressed my lips to his. It was softer than before, longer. Full of more passion. More love than any kiss I had ever shared.
“I’ll always take you in your stupid bafoon.” He chuckled softly at my words and leaned back placing his arm around my shoulders again, his eyes scanning the crowd, landing on Jaskier who was singing his least favorite tune. But even the hated song couldn't damper the Witcher’s smile.
“You’ll now need to ask my father for his blessing if you plan to take me with you,” I whispered, nodding my head to the direction of where my father was seated, talking to his companions laughing and joking. Geralt cleared his throat and got to his feet, his fingers laced on my own. He led me through the crowd.
“Mr. Y/L/N?” Geralt asked, his shoulders pressed back as he stood behind my father, his hand not leaving my own. My father turned, saw our hands then the face of the man I was with.
“Geralt!! So good to see y, ou my boy!” He stood and patted Geralt's shoulder.
“How’s the hunt these days?”
“Very good sir, I um... actually have a question for you.” My father smiled and looked at me. Winking.
“What's that lad?” He asked.
“Can I have your blessing to take your daughter's hand in marriage?” I nearly choked on my own spit at his words. My heart is now hammering out of my chest. My cheeks bright red as I squeezed his hand. My father laughed and threw his hands in the air.
“Finally!! A more than worthy suitor for my dear daughter!” The men behind him cheered a few men in the bar looking over eyes burning into Geralt in jealousy.
“You are the only one for my daughter's dear boy. My dear wife Gladdis wouldn’t have been happier. You protect my daughter. With your life. And you have my blessing.” My father stuck his hand out and Geralt let go of mine to shake it.
“I’d die before a hair is harmed on her head, sir.” My father laughed.
“So it will be a wedding in the future! A round on me for everyone!!” The tavern cheered and my father hugged me, kissing my cheek before whispering, “I Told you,my dear. And you thought I was wrong.” I laughed softly and hugged him tightly. An arm wrapped around my hip. Jaskier cheered and started to play a tune on his lute. Geralt bent down his lips by my ear.
“I love you to the moon and back, dove.”
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rainbows-fanfics · 4 years
Our Nightmare (Chapter 10)
Summary: Sally moves in with the man of her screams. But there  is still so much she has to learn of Halloween Town, and what it’s like  living with The Pumpkin King.
A sequel to Two Dearest Friends,  where the Christmas incident never happens. But there are still many  ends that haven’t been met, and much for these two dreamers to learn as  they start to spend their deaths together.
Pairings: Jack Skellington/Sally, Dr Finklestein/Jewel
Note: This is a SEQUEL to my other story, TWO DEAREST FRIENDS. To read the original story, go here.
“I want a sewing shop.” 
A lot of emotions stir in Jack’s ribcage the moment those words leave her mouth. At first, he is struck with a strange feeling of fear - as he thinks Sally heard of the surprise he’s been keeping from her all this time, and is about to uncover his plans right before him! But then she starts to tug on her hair and look away, frantically spitting out her next sentences:
“I know it’s a big thing to ask of you, and you have so much on your plate as it is...what with Halloween and all! And I - I want to have a shop like the old seamstress did...the Hanging Tree told me that I should ask you, and I wouldn’t have if-” 
“ -Sally… ” He interrupts her quietly. She stops her rambling and stares at him with wide eyes. Her posture is tense and so is his - both of them eagerly waiting for whatever will leave his lips. He finds his throat dry as he clears it, desperately trying to think on his feet with how to properly handle this situation. 
He’s kept it from her this long, hasn’t he? He would call that a success on its own! The sewing shop is finished now, and is currently sitting there in all its glory, waiting for its new owner to open the doors….The timing is almost incredible , the more he thinks about it. He just didn’t know she had the same idea...how long has she kept this from him, he wondered? 
“Where exactly did you want this new sewing shop to be ?” He asks, leaning back and looking at her curiously. She takes some time to think of an answer. 
“There is the old one. It’s worn down, but with a lot of work, I think I can fix the place up..!”
She leans forward and firmly places her hands on his legs. He’s surprised at the gesture. She comes closer and pleadingly gazes into his eye sockets. She looks desperate, tears threatening to leave her eyes at any moment while her fingers dig deeper into the fabric of his pants. The look she's giving him makes Jack Skellington weak - he knows he would agree to anything she desires at this moment, with how badly it looks like she wants it. 
“Please, if you just let me, I promise I’ll work hard to get the shop up again...I know how to clean, to fix things - I can at least make it usable. I don’t mind if it isn’t perfect, I lived in a tower that leaked all the time...it wouldn’t even be a bother to me-”
His tone makes her stop her words and slowly sink back into her appropriate spot. She almost looks regretful as she sits there and plays with the seams at her wrists. In this silence, he smiles. To hear her willing to work so hard for something she desperately wants...it reminds him of himself - his own determination. He finds it attractive. He feels honored to be the one providing her with something this important to her. 
“How about we go to this shop together, and see what we can do from there?” He offers. “I have experience in architecture - I could plan and rebuild everything for you.” 
She’s elated at his words. “Jack, you...you mean that? I-”
“Why, we shouldn’t waste any time at all! How about we go now - before the day is over? Gather what we can, and when we come back, start on our plans! How about that?” 
She doesn’t notice the tears streaming down her cheeks until he wipes them away with his thumbs. She nods in agreement, breathing slowly as she comes to terms with his answer. The cold feeling in her stomach turns into tingles that are now crawling down her body - in the delightful way, of course. She feels... relieved . Happy. To know that she can get what she wants - and Jack will be there to help her, so they can work on something together . 
She comes to sit in his lap, laying her head on his chest and enjoying his embrace. He wraps his long arms around her figure as they rest there for several minutes. Not exactly how he planned this would go...but it’ll work! He feels especially reassured that he didn’t even have to say ‘no’ to her. He can only imagine her surprise once they’re there...
  The ragdoll is giddy as she skips alongside her Pumpkin King, looking up to grin at him every few minutes or so. Their walk into the Residential part of town is one of patience, but she can’t hide how excited she is. She can’t stay still for very long - not when everything has been going so well as of late, and how kind her skeleton man has been to her. She makes sure to show him how grateful she is that they’re going there together, clutching his hand tightly. 
The skeleton is especially pleased. To see her this lovely and bright - so excited about something she has yet to see...it’ll be hard to take it in once she actually sees the new shop. He can imagine how she’ll look then, and almost melts at the picture. All he ever wanted after meeting Sally was to keep her happy. To give her this is fulfilling his own wish as well. 
They’re close, now. Only a few minutes until the shop will be within their sight. Jack’s fingertips start to itch - he just can’t help it, after hiding this surprise for so long..! He can see the anticipation in her eyes as well. They both are visibly impatient to get there already. They decide to converse in the meantime, just to kill time. 
“How long do you think it will take to get the shop ready?” She asks. He pretends to take this question seriously.
“Well, it depends how much we work on it...I would think, less than a month?”
“That soon?” She gasps. “I would think, maybe, at least a year… ”
He laughs. “You doubt my craftsmanship, Sally! I can whip up a blueprint in less than a week.”
She looks at the ground as they walk, admiring his polished shoes. This is another part of him that she admires, and didn’t even know about to begin with. She is excited to work with someone so talented, and has as much experience as him. She can only hope he’ll agree to what she has in mind. 
“I have so many ideas...I can’t wait to start! With all of the-” 
Her words are cut off when the skeleton suddenly stops in their tracks. She is about to ask him why until she looks at what he’s staring at. That’s when she realizes that they are standing in front of a humble building - similar to the old seamstress’ shop in size. Except this one is freshly painted, with a new sign and roof built in. It is absolutely beautiful, in her eyes. Its structure blends in with the rest of Halloween Town - as it has the dark colors and sort of odd shape to its form. She turns to her King with a confused look. 
“Why are we here? I thought we were going to the old shop.”
“This is the old shop.” He corrects her, with a bright smile. “Well, it was… ” 
She takes a second look as she withdraws her hand from his in surprise. That’s when the realization strikes her - and her eyes go wide as her mouth falls agape. This….this is where the old seamstress’ shop was! Except, there’s no sign of any rubble, or indication that an old building used to be here…..this must have been done recently! In awe, the ragdoll comes forward to inspect the building closer, and her phantom heart stops when she finally reads the sign. 
‘Sally’s Sewing Shop’.
‘This….this can’t be,’ She thinks to herself. She reads the sign several times in disbelief as she tries to come to terms with what she is seeing. She even rubs her eyes and pinches herself to check if she’s dreaming 
The skeleton behind her is having the time of his death watching her reactions. The way she covered her mouth in shock when she confirmed this was the old building...and the look on her face now, seeing the sign he had personally crafted to hold her name...it’s a mixture of wonder, confusion, and joy. He steps forward to her side, and she reaches for him without ever tearing her eyes off the building. He notices a tear escaping from her eye. 
“ Jack… ” She says faintly. He leans down to hear her better. 
“What…..what is this…” 
“My gift to you , darling.” He takes her hand and holds it in his own, her shocked eyes finally meeting with his eye sockets. He curls his fingers around hers, and holds it to his chest with a loving smile. “--I’ve noticed how hard you’ve been working living with me - all the creations you’ve made, the sewing you’ve done...I love seeing you so passionate. And I noticed your closet was getting full, so I thought you’d appreciate having somewhere else to work, and show what you’ve made.”
A noise emerges from her throat. She tightly shuts her eyes as a small cry leaves her lips. “ Jaack… ”
“A long time ago, you told me you wanted someone to appreciate the things you make, since you were living with someone who didn’t care for it. You were so happy back then, when I complimented your dress. I want you to have that, again . But with the whole town, this time.” 
She is crying, now. Tears are streaming down her face, except there is a wide smile fixed on her lips. He continues on:
“--We’ve been needing someone like you, Sally! The Mayor and I, we’ve been wondering what to do with this place for so long. And then you come along, saying you want supplies and have everything we’ve needed….it just made perfect sense to me, at the time. For you to be the town’s new seamstress! You have all the skills, the creativity, the passion -” 
“...You want me to be your new seamstress?” She asks, fluttering her eyes and wiping the tears away. He assists her with a smile. 
“Of course. But only if you want to - this is your choice, I just thought that--”
“-Yes, yes of course , Jack! I...I never thought you’d ask!” She confesses. “I’ve been wanting to ask you for this for so long, and never did because I was so afraid…I’ve always wanted to help others. To help you with Halloween..! But I never knew how… ”
“Oh, Sally. Just being with you has helped me plenty.” He brushes her hair back to kiss her forehead. “You’ve inspired me over the years of simply knowing you...if it weren’t for you, I’d have gotten bored and done something drastic, I’m sure.” 
She holds his arms as he pulls away, looking at him dreamily. “I love you…”
“And I love you , my dearest friend.” 
They naturally inch closer and lock lips together, tenderly kissing the other for a full minute before pulling away. She holds onto him a second more before directing her attention to her new shop. She is more than ecstatic to come and see what’s inside - wasting no time pulling Jack along with her. He provides her with a key from his pocket, informing her it’s her new one to the shop, and to not lose it. She thanks him before sliding it into the lock, slowly opening the door to reveal what’s inside. 
If the outside wasn’t beautiful enough, the inside is simply gorgeous ! There is plenty more space this time around, with her own sewing machines sitting appropriately in their spots. All the sewing supplies and materials are neatly piled in a large cabinet. The first thing in the room is a small desk, likely where she can carry her businesses and speak with whoever comes. Around the desk is an assortment of chairs, where her guests can sit and chat while they wait. 
She moves into the other room while Jack follows from behind, arms clasped behind his back as he watches her. This room is for measurements and fittings, she finds, as there is a small stand surrounded by multiple mirrors. There is also a large closet, with plenty of places to hang and store clothes. There are a few chairs placed about, for her guests to idle in and watch her measure her customers. 
Beyond those rooms is a storage space for extra materials and fabrics. She also finds a fireplace of her own in the back. There is a collection of firewood kept around, so she doesn’t have to worry if things get cold. Sally is awestruck as she continues to gaze around, admiring how lovely the rooms look and how much sunlight the windows let in. The walls are already decorated with pictures of Halloween Town, and paintings as well….she recognizes a few from the Skellington Manor that were brought in here.
The skeleton feels lovesick as he watches her, his ribs tightening every time she gasps and finds something new that she adores . She stops to sit in a chair and take all of this in. She eventually looks at Jack, who is still staring at her in adoration. 
“First the cat, and now my own sewing shop...it’s like you’re spoiling me!” She comments with a blush. “Like I’m a….like I’m a Queen , of some sorts...” 
Her words make his thoughts suddenly stop. He grows speechless in that moment, struggling to find the right words to respond. He doesn’t need to, as she steps forward and pulls him down to leave a kiss on his cheek while he stands there dumbstruck. She lets go and resumes her little tour of her new sewing shop - a smile plastered on her lips the entire time. 
‘A Queen…’ The Pumpkin King thinks quietly to himself, again. 
  “This is Halloween, This is Halloween~”
Sally Finklestein sings to herself while she arranges her dresses in the shop’s closet. There are many to sort through and neatly store away. She did not realize how much she’s crafted over this time…! The Doctor always encouraged her to make clothes, but she rarely had time for such endeavors, as she would be too busy cleaning and cooking. She feels almost proud of herself as she looks at all her creations, feeling content to properly present them where people can see. 
After introducing her to her new shop, Jack helped Sally transfer her things from the Skellington Manor, which took the course of an entire day. She feels guilty for taking him away from his Halloween duties, but he insists on helping her. She is thankful for his help regardless, and spends the rest of her time organizing her things. It takes a week for her to fill her shelves and prepare everything to open her shop - now is the matter of tidying up…
She grabs a broom and starts to sweep the dust around, resuming her singing. The longer she’s in Halloween Town, the more she feels the lyrics coming to her. Especially after moving in with Jack; the citizens sometimes sing their song while they work or move about, and she can hear it from the open windows of the Manor. She hopes that someday, that she’ll be able to recite the entire song… 
A voice startles Sally from what she’s doing, as well as the sound of the front door closing. She runs into the other room and finds the Hanging Tree standing in front of her desk, with his usual sharp grin on his face. The Hanging Men smile from their positions on his branches, waving at her. She smiles back and meets with them, excitedly skipping to the other side. 
“I hope you don’t mind me stopping by - I know you’re not open yet. I just wanted to congratulate you! Word has been passing around fast that there’s a new seamstress in town!” 
“Oh, thank you, Hanging Tree...I’m so excited to open the new shop! I nearly have everything finished.” 
“It looks terrible in here!” He compliments in their Halloween way. “I take it you asked Jack for this? I told you he would agree!”
She modestly bows her head. “You were right...but I didn’t even ask him. He surprised me with this new shop! I was so delighted - I never thought he would’ve done something like this for me.” 
“My hanging men were just talking about how you and Jack were in town days ago, with boxes and clothes in your hands! We were wondering what you were up to.”
“He filled the shop with supplies already. I have plenty of yarn and knitting needles to go around!” She digs through a drawer to present the items to him. “-If my knitting buddy ever wants, you’re free to always come by, and we can work on something together! If it weren’t for you, I would have never wanted to come here…”
His eyes look at her, gleaming in delight. “Of course I’ll stop by! It sure has been a long time since we’ve made anything together, hasn’t it?”
She closes her eyes and agrees. 
  The next couple of days are frivolously spent cleaning her shop and tidying it up. Jack offers his help during this time, but Sally insists getting this done herself. When things are clean, she brings her newly-acquired pet, Ophelia, into her shop. She moves a comfortable bed in there for her, where her companion can rest while her owner works her day away. She allows the cat to become familiar with the new surroundings, sniffing every room and clawing at her reflection in the fitting mirrors. 
“I think I’ll need the company while I’m working,” She informs her feline. “Do you think you can do that for me?”
The cat nuzzles her head in her hand, giving her an honest answer. Sally giggles as she pets her cat, and Ophelia dismisses herself to resume searching through her shop. This is when the ragdoll deems herself prepared - and opens the front door to allow business to arrive. She’s so excited that she hovers by the door as she works at her desk, continuously peeking up and wondering when her first customer will arrive. 
. . . 
In the middle of the day, she gets her first customers. Three, actually.
She is surprised when she hears the sound of footsteps approaching her shop, and stands in her seat when they get closer. This is when she finds the Halloween Town Band stepping inside and peering around. They let out impressive whistles as they look at the place, and James is the first one to notice Sally standing at her desk. He smiles and comes forward, moving his saxophone out of the way. 
“Hello, Dolly!” He greets naturally. The rest of his bandmates join his side and greet her. She beams at the sight of her friends.
“James, John, and Jimmy! What a pleasure to see you again.”
“Word around Town is you’re the new seamstress! We never saw this coming!” Jimmy confesses from behind. “Horrible for you! And we mean it.” 
“We’ve seen ya’ sew yourself up before.” John comments. “It only makes sense. Yer’ real talented.” 
“Thank you...this is something I’ve wanted for awhile. I heard about the town’s last seamstress, and wanted to bring a change of pace here.” She answers with a bow of her head. “I can only hope I’m as resourceful as her.” 
“Yer talkin’ ‘bout the spider girl?” James rubs his chin. “She was a scary one, fer sure...I already know you’ll be a million times better. Ya’ don’t eat kids, for one!” 
He laughs at his joke while the other two men look at him dully. He quiets down while. Sally goes ahead and pours them some cups of water. They look thankful when she offers it to them and accepts, chugging them down and looking around. She is happy just to be in their presence again - they’ve always been such good friends to her! 
“So, how’d you get this place?” Jimmy asks. “Looks nothin’ like how it used to. This was just a heap of garbage no one liked to go to anymore.” 
“Jack went ahead and had everything fixed up for me...this was a surprise of his.” 
“ Bone Daddy did all this for you? He must really care for ya’! Can’t imagine how much time they spent refurbishin’ the place-'' James is startled when Ophelia suddenly jumps onto the desk. “ -Geez! ” 
“Oh, Ophelia. You know not to climb on things.” Sally scolds as she gently sets her down. 
She trots towards the band and tilts her head at them, sniffing the end of their shoes. It is almost as if she were inspecting them. She gives them a second glance before ignoring them entirely and licking her paw. The Band is understandably confused as they watch the feline, then move their eyes toward their friend. She smiles at them and waves it off. 
“Did I forget to mention I have a cat now? Jack let me have one around the Manor, and I picked up the alley cat from the Tower...she’s been such a sweetheart. She’ll stick around with me while I work here, now.” 
“You have a pet, too ? Gee, how long’s it been since we last talked?” John asks weakly, scratching his head. She simply titters. 
“Ever since the meeting, a lot has…happened .” She looks down remembering the situation with the Witches. “But a lot of good things have happened, too. I talked with the Doctor again, and we’re finally on good terms. The Witches are speaking to me; they were the ones who told me about the old seamstress..! And now I have a pet cat and my own sewing shop...really, I couldn’t ask for anything better!” 
“Hold on - you and th’ Doctor are... gettin’ along ?” James leans forward in interest. “Last I heard, he kicked ya’ out n’ now yer’ with Jack...what made ya’ two see eye-to-eye, finally?”
“I guess I wanted to give him a second chance.” She confesses quietly. “I want him to be a father to me - and he agreed to the idea. I think he’s more accepting of my relationship with Jack, now. And I’ve gotten to know more about his new creation - her name’s Jewel.”
“Fellas, it feels like we’ve been missin’ out on our doll’s story here.” He dramatically turns to his band members and shakes his head. “We’re real sorry ‘bout not bein’ around much! Yer’ cooped up at Jack’s now. We know yer’ doin’ better, so we don’t wanna’ be a bother.”
“-Not at all! I miss when you three would be by my window, playing your wonderful songs. Please, pay us a visit every now and then! I wouldn’t mind listening to you again from our windows.” 
“Well then, we’ll go ahead and play closer to the Manor, knowing you’re in there.” Jimmy offers with a smile. She returns it to show her appreciation. How she’s missed her friends...
“Truth is, we didn’t jus’ come here for a lil’ checkup, as much as we love talking to ya’.” James gets her attention again. “We’re here for business! Yer’ the new seamstress, right?” She nods. “-Then we’re in need of a lil’... fixin’ . I don’t know if you can tell, but our outfits have been through Hell n’ back. They’re torn n’ patched...I think it’s ‘bout time we got ourselves a new set!” 
“We’ve been saving our tips, too.” John butts in. 
“If you could make us some new outfits, we’d be grateful.” Jimmy dips his head to her. “We got no doubts you’ll do a good job. All we want is something complimenting, and snazzy.” 
“ -Snazzy ?” She repeats to herself, getting a notebook and pencil out, then scribbling furtively. “...I think I can manage! Why don’t I get your measurements today, then I’ll come up with something tomorrow? I’ll let you know as soon as possible, and then I can start working on your new outfits.” 
“Perfect!” They beam at her suggestion and offer their hands to her. She shakes them one at a time - grinning at their elated looks. “-You’ve no idea how long we’ve been needin’ new clothes..! Livin’ outside is fun n’ all, ‘til you get in a rough patch or two. We can’t tell you how relieved we are that you’re here.” 
She blinks. “Really?” 
“‘Course! This Town’s been needin’ someone like you. I know plenty of fellas who need new pants. You won’t believe how fast those come and go here!” John responds. 
She’s honored by their words, and brings them into the back so she can get their measurements. They talk more with her during this time, and their conversations are so natural and enjoyable. She catches up with them even more, asking what they’ve been up to. Not much has happened their way, although they express how proud they are of her and repeatedly congratulate her. She’s more than humbled. These three have done a lot for her as well - it only feels right to help them with something like this. They are kind to her during their time there, and before they leave, James goes ahead and provides her their payment in advance. 
“We already know we’ll love it, so here ya’ go.” He pours her their collected coins. “‘S about time ya’ got paid for yer’ talents, Dolly.” 
She’s speechless as she collects the money, unsure on what to say. “Thank you three so much...I promise I won’t disappoint!” 
“We know ya’ won’t! Have a good time, Sally!” 
No one else comes in for her first day, but she is too absorbed in her new order that she doesn’t really mind. She spends the rest of her time thinking and pondering, on how to design the Band’s new outfits and how she will go about making them. She finds herself excited with her new project - doing something for her friends, and getting paid for her time as well! 
It almost feels too good to be true...
  Jack Skellington has dinner prepared by the time his girlfriend comes home. She arrives through the front doors of the Manor with Ophelia in her arms. She sets down her cat, who eagerly meets with the ghostly dog by the stairs, pawing at him playfully before joining his side. Sally collapses on the couch and rests her head in her hand. Jack smiles at the sight of her and greets her by kissing the top of her head. She enjoys his touch and holds his hand as he joins her side. 
“How did your first day go?” He asks. He genuinely wants to know - he’s been curious about it all day! 
“It went so wonderfully…! I had my first customers today.” She grows excited recollecting her friends’ visit. “The Band came in, and they told me they needed new outfits - and I was so happy when they asked * me * to take them!” 
“How awful! I’m glad to hear about that, Sal.” 
“They paid me today, and it was so... new . To be appreciated for my work, and to hear that other people want to see it. It’s something I’ve never heard from anyone except you.” 
He tilts his skull at her words. She rests her hands on her chest. 
“-I wonder if the Doctor would be proud….that I’m doing something on my own like this, and other people appreciate it. Something he taught me how to do - I just...I want to believe he’d be very happy for me.” 
“I’m sure he will be, Sally. You can tell him all about it once you see them again.” He grabs her hand and starts leading them to the kitchen. “-I made a new dinner tonight, and I am hoping you’ll like it!” 
She thanks him as he holds the seat out for her. He sits across from her and they dig into the new meal - it’s absolutely delicious! She has plenty on her mind while she eats, but they’re not troublesome thoughts. She feels content, and excited about what she has to do, now. It feels like she has a new purpose, now - a role to fulfill for Halloween Town, and finally blend in once and for all!
“Jack?” She asks, setting down her fork. He looks up from his plate.
“What is it? Too spicy?” 
“No, no of course, not. I was just wondering…” She looks away for a moment. “You don’t have a tailor anymore, do you..?” 
“I unfortunately don’t. I’ve been trying to be careful about my suit ever since she left.” He sets down his own silverware. “I ruffled it up a bit when I caught you that one time - when you...jumped out of that window, I believe?” 
She turns red at the memory but quickly changes the subject. “Since I’m the new seamstress now, could I...be your new tailor? It only makes sense, doesn’t it? I would love to take care of your clothes, maybe even, make you a new one…?”
The grin that stretches on his skull is incredibly uplifting. “Of course, Sally! I wouldn’t trust anyone else with such a thing. I’m happy to hear you want to be my personal tailor.” 
“I promise I won’t disappoint you..!”
He repeats the same words the Band told her, with a trusting smile. “I know you won’t.” 
They resume eating their dinner. They both feel content with themselves. Halloween Town has a new seamstress - and now the Pumpkin King has his own personal tailor again. The Mayor will be happy knowing that Sally’s first day was a success, and he’s sure they’ll have more to look forward to as time goes on. He has no doubts the citizens will love what she has to offer, and he knows now that she'll be wonderful help when it comes to Halloween this year. The ideas start to pile in his mind.
'It was a smart investment’ , the skeleton thinks to himself. He glances up and notices the bright look on his girlfriend’s face. ‘And so worth it…’
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Riverdale 5x11-5x14
So I might have fallen behind a bit with Riverdale and have only now just caught up with the new episodes post break. I decided writing reviews for each episode was going to take too much time and to be honest I don’t have too much to say so I’m just going to do a quick run down of what I thought of the episodes and then go back to single episode reviews from 5x15 onwards. Overall I’m not overly impressed with the episodes, I feel like the season started out really good but as its gone on its just kind of lost its way and I don’t know if that is covid related and all the breaks but I haven’t enjoyed the episodes as much post like episode 8, though I liked ep 10 better than episode 9. But anyway lets get into the reviews. As always these are just my own opinions and there will be spoilers.  
So the episode starts off with Veronica and Archie deciding to put a pause on their relationship until her and Chad are officially divorced which I personally think they should have done from the start because the way they got back together was way to fast, I mean she told Chad she wanted a divorce, kissed Archie and was sleeping with him, then she goes back to new york and sleeps with chad all in the space of like 2 episodes. Though I think given their scene at the end when Veronica is pushing a little for him to change his mind I don’t think she is as much on board with their pause as Archie. I will be honest I’m not really enjoying the way they’ve written Veronica this season I actually think they’ve made her kind of unlikable at times and she sometimes comes across a bit selfish I also feel like they don’t really know what to do with her character anymore. But I am glad Veronica and Archie have decided to take the break however I also think it might be a bit ominous for Varchie that they’ve done this now which I’ll get into more in a separate post. 
Ok this might be a little mean of me but I was kind of happy when Archie called out Veronica when she came to him for help about her blue opal. About how she went to new york despite him asking her not to and about how she then came back without a divorce and having slept with her husband and not even telling him why she can’t divorce him just yet. But Archie is still Archie so naturally he does help her anyway. 
Speaking of Veronica’s blue opal I did find it kind of hilarious that she seemed to care more about that then she did her father’s life. But you know fair. 
Archie isn’t the only one Veronica asks for help though she also gets assistance from Reggie and we learn more about how he ended up working for Hiram, turns out his father is still running for the worst dad of eternity award and got into debt that Reggie is now working off. I did like the Veggie scenes though and I am really glad that reggie is getting more screen time. 
This episode was an episode for the return of the side characters, Dodger and Darla are back and causing problems as per usual. Also there was that guy, Doc, Jughead was saved by who we heard about once in a story Jughead told about how as a kid he watched a guy being beat by some rich guys. To be honest I wasn’t all that interested in Jughead’s storyline this episode. I mean is that something that actually happens? Rich guys just randomly beating up homeless people like they did with Juggie and  Doc. I’m not saying it doesn’t I just thought it was a bit nonsensical for these guys just to come out of a club and start beating up a guy just because. Still bless Doc for coming to the rescue and taking care of Jughead, I did like Doc and I wouldn’t mind seeing him again. But another thing that didn’t make sense to me is that Jughead didn’t recognise Doc. Like he was old enough to remember this traumatic experience of watching a guy get beat and feeling guilty about not helping but doesn’t recognise the guy until he gives Juggie his name. Yet Doc was able to recognise Jughead even though the last time he saw him was a child? Overall I am not sure what the point of Jughead’s storyline was this episode other than to maybe show how messed up he is at the moment with the blackouts and hallucinations, I suppose it was also so he could reach the realisation that he needed to go back to new york and work out what happened to him when he lost those days. He does leave a really sweet voicemail for tabitha before he goes though and promises to finish their dance. 
The best part of this episode though was the storyline with Tabitha and Betty, also Jessica, and their search for Jughead. I really liked the interaction between Betty and Tabitha and I like that they are becoming friends. Tabitha was obviously really worried about Jughead. But Betty, wow, she couldn’t be less bothered about Jughead could she. I mean after hearing the voicemail he left for her I can understand why Betty is reluctant to get involved with anything to do with Jughead because that voicemail was yikes. I mean Betty did cheat and that clearly hurt Jughead so I am not saying that Betty is entirely blameless but I would expect the voicemail was still a shock as it had been five years since she had cheated and we know from the most recent episode (ep 14) that she and Juggie were amicable with each other and would talk on the phone so this probably came out of nowhere for her. However Betty is Betty and so she still helps. Which ultimately leads to Jessica showing up and I know we are suppose to hate Jessica but, like, I love Jessica. I was thoroughly entertained by her antics and thought she was actually kind of funny. She’s another character where I wouldn’t mind if she just randomly pops up and causes some trouble now and again. In the end as suspected Jessica is actually there for ulterior motives and wants Jughead’s manuscript. I actually really felt for her when she explained that she wanted it because she was afraid Jughead had written something that would look bad to her family and friends. It’s the same as how the serpents were upset about how he wrote them in the outcasts and how he threatens Betty saying once people read his books they’ll all know what kind of person she really is. I’ve spoken about it before but Jughead often uses his friends and others peoples stories in his writing and I am glad that the writers of the show are now showing the effect that has on the people who are the subjects of his writing. That being said I am worried that might not be the true reason Jessica took the manuscript and its possible she might actually try to publish it herself. Also it was kind of funny seeing Betty and Tabitha on the shrooms but, not ok Jessica, don’t drug people. 
Archie was rounding up all the convicts this episode and to be honest I don’t really have much to say about this other than I thought it was really smart to use this as a way of getting money out of Hiram so they can repair the school that Hiram had trashed. 
Meanwhile Penelope has started a ministry which means she gets early release from prison. Also I absolutely loved the expressions of cheryl and nana rose when Penelope told them about the ministry. I am glad that Cheryl at first was very wary of her mothers plans as oppose to just immediately going along with it, but alas she does get roped in to it when she opens a chest and finds Jason’s burned skeleton inside. I mean can we please please just let that poor guy rest in piece. Please. At this point poor Jason has been stuffed in a freezer, dumped in a river, buried and exhumed twice, set on fire in a viking burial and now he is stuffed in a trunk. Also I am a bit confused. Was Cheryl snooping in her mother’s room and discovered Jason’s remains there or was it her room and she was the one that had recovered him? But anywhere Cheryl seems to have a revelation when she sees the bird and ends up embracing the ministry life. 
So episode twelve is kind of like the breakfast club episode where it is out of the timeline and kind of like a standalone episode but still has information about the plot of the season. This episode is the backstory of Hiram but we also get some great Reggie development in this episode. I didn’t hate the episode as much as I thought I was going to when I found out there was going to be a hiram backstory episode, but I also don’t think it was very accurate in terms of what we already knew from previous episodes. I think there were a lot of continuity errors. But those aside it was a ok episode. We learn that Hiram and his dad were shoe polishers and that Hiram clearly hated the way they were treated because they were poor and wanted more from life. We also learn that it was his father who first began searching for palladium after learning about it from a business man in new york and that’s why they decided to move to Riverdale. Hiram’s motives are to finish what his father started. Hiram catches the attention of a drug dealer guy and starts running drugs and gets money and new shoes and a car. His parents are obvious suspicious and aren’t happy about him getting caught up with those guys so his dad goes to tell the mob leader that he will fire his son or he’ll go to the cops which leads to him being killed by the mob leader. Hiram then kills the mob leader’s men and pretty much drives him out of town and then he takes over. Hiram clearly loved his dad but they had issues. Hiram would get very angry about the way others would treat them but his dad would often shrug it off. But I do think losing his dad had a big impact on Hiram and it was interesting to learn more about his past. 
The other kind of plot in this episode was with Reggie and his dad which was obviously suppose to mirror Hiram and his dad. Only in this scenario Hiram is the criminal and Reggie is young Hiram. Reggie manages to pay off his dad debt but wants to still work for Hiram meanwhile his dad wants Reggie to quit working for Hiram. He even like Hiram’s father did in the past visits Hiram and asks him to let Reggie go. What’s interesting is that Hiram does, I am assuming its because in that moment Reggie’s father reminded him of his own father and he kind of forces Reggie into making the decision he himself wished he had made. But first he gets Reggie’s and Hermosa’s help in finding and killing the mob boss finally avenging his father’s death. Hiram also tells Reggie to go back to his father and forgive him and here is my problem with this. I get that its because Hiram regrets all the disagreements and the falling out he had with his own father and there’s Reggie and he reminds Hiram of his younger self and Reggie’s situation reminds him of his past but Hiram’s dad was a decent person and was a good father who always wanted the best for his son. Reggie’s dad on the other hand used to regularly abuse and beat his son. Yes he does show concern for Reggie in this episode but that doesn’t erase the years of abuse he inflicted on his son. It’s not the same and I honestly don’t think his father deserves Reggie’s forgiveness. That being said I suppose if Reggie is forgiving his dad not for his dad’s sake  but for himself because he thinks that will help him heal and move on that I can be ok with that. 
Come the end of the episode I don’t think I hate Hiram any less but still his backstory was interesting and I am glad that Reggie isn’t working with him anymore.    
Out of all of these four episodes this one was the one I liked the most. So in this section I am going to divide it by plotline/characters. 
So the episode starts out really intensely with Archie having a nightmare about his time at war and Eric losing his leg which honestly looks horrendous and I am not at all surprised that both Archie and Eric are now suffering from PTSD. It gets a bit dangerous too when Eric pulls a gun on Archie whilst having a flashback. Uncle Frank tries to help them by getting them a dog. As someone who actually has a therapy dog myself I know this is something that does actually help. But we do learn that sadly Vegas passed away whilst Archie was deployed. Also the dog Frank got is one that was used in dog fighting and ends up biting Eric. Archie’s reaction to finding out that there is dog fighting ring in Riverdale is to track them down and beat them up. I do think Archie was really struggling this episode, he was trying to get help for Eric but it is obvious that he himself also needs help. I actually really related to Archie and Eric struggling to get help for their mental health because it is something I have gone through myself and it can be really frustrating and can make you feel kind of helpless and I actually think they did a good job of showing that, which considering its Riverdale I was pleasantly surprised by. We also learn some more about Archie’s time in the war when he tells Frank the story about Bingo. At first he tells us that Bingo was a stray dog that their unit adopted who got caught in no man’s land. It is actually a rather harrowing scene where you see Archie and Eric in the trenches and Eric is badly hurt and you can hear this dog yelping in the background. It’s even more harrowing when you learn that actually Bingo wasn’t a dog but one of the soldiers in their unit. I feel like Archie changed it to being a dog to deal with the trauma of it all but when Eric tells Frank the truth and he then asks Archie about it Archie really has to confront what actually happened and that loss and grief of losing his friend in such a brutal way. Its obvious that Archie also feels responsible because he was put in that awful position of having to choose between saving Eric or saving Bingo he feels like because of the choice he made Bingo died. Despite what Frank said about not being able to save everyone I think he thought he could save them both and its really eating him up that he ‘let’ Bingo die. I also think that’s why he is so focussed on saving the town because he thinks it’s a way of making amends for not being able to save his men. I do think it was really sweet that Frank and Eric organised  the dog rehoming thing to help Archie get some of his hopeful spirit back and show him that there are still some good people out there. They also decide to name their new dog Bingo in honour of their friend which is also kind of sweet. But I do still think Archie has a long way to go in his recovery as by the end of the episode we see him have a nightmare and then a hallucination of bingo but he does at least admit to the therapist that calls him that whilst he was calling on behalf of his friend he too needs help. I mean I am glad that he is going to try to get some help but I am still worried for Archie given what happens in ep 14 which I’ll talk about more in the section for that episode. Also we got that little Barchie crumb of the light shining through his window, a lit window in the dark.  
Betty and Tabitha 
So Betty and Tabitha have been working together to try and find the truck killer and whilst trying to get information out of a trucker Glen pops up and we find out that he has been arresting the girls working the lonely highway. I mean there is a killer out there and these girls are their victims, they are struggling to make ends meet and have been forced into this kind of work and Glen instead of focussing on catching the killer is arresting them, yup I agree with Betty, girl should’ve stabbed him harder. We also learn that Betty apparently quit the FBI and did I miss that because I don’t remember her quitting? I remember Glen took over the case and moved it out of Riverdale but I don’t remember her quitting altogether. But anyway Glen then takes her badge and gun which I guess is fair if she has quit and isn’t an agent anymore but at least Betty is actually trying to catch the killer unlike Glen who is clearly not. Watch it turn out to be him that is the truck killer, go on Riverdale I dare you. Despite being warned off by Glen Betty and Tabitha are still determined to put a stop to the murders and so decide to hold a coyote ugly night. I actually thought this was a really clever way of getting information and creating a database. In order to get entry to the venue all truckers have to show their ID and give their licence registration.  am a big supporter of characters acting smart so I did like that plan. Also I love the coyote ugly movie (don’t judge me) so extra win there. I also like that the plan did incorporate alot of the characters. One thing I have been enjoying this season is that they are mixing up who is interacting with who. You had Alice working the bar, the girls dancing to keep the truckers entertained whilst Reggie and Kev searched the vans. Though I do have a question when they find the blood in the back of the truck and Betty says her and Reggie and Kevin are with the FBI where did they get those FBI jackets from? Are they just easy to come by like part of a Halloween costume or something? There is another thing that I thought was funny and that was that Betty makes it clear that no one is to go off alone with a trucker and yet at the end of the episode she does exactly that and it just so happens to be the killer who comes at her with a chainsaw of all things which was a little ott in my opinion but this is Riverdale so I suppose what was I suspecting. But at least Betty manages to capture him and she does the sensible thing and turns him over to the proper authorities, or no wait what was I thinking of course she doesn’t this is Riverdale so she’s just going to question him herself. Come one you all know it wouldn’t be as entertaining if she just handed him over to the FBI. 
Veronica and Reggie
I really liked the storyline of Veggie working together in season 3 so I was really happy to see them working together again and I really enjoyed their scenes. I just think they work really well as a team. They also come up with a really great idea for getting investors whilst also getting one up on old Hiram. Obviously Reggie knows alot about what is going on with Soldale and knows that houses will never be built there. So they phone Hiram’s investors and tell them this little rumour that Soldale is a bad investment and convinces them to invest with them instead. This was actually another smart move by the characters so again I support it. And anything that ruins Hiram’s day is a win to me. 
Cheryl and Kevin
Kevin after a little encouragement from Cheryl after she finds him cruising again decides to talk it out with Fangs but unfortunately for him and the viewers we fins out that Kangs ahs moved on...with Moose? I mean I feel for Kev its also upsetting to find out your ex has moved on I imagine it is even worse when your ex has moved on with your other ex. Kevin then also has a bit of a inner crisis when he receives a teacher of the year award and realises that this is not at all where he was expecting his life to be. He had dreamed of being in new york, writing and directing instead he is still in Riverdale and he’s still cruising and unlucky in love. Cheryl’s solution to all of Kevin’s problems is to invite him to join her cult, sorry ministry. At first Kevin is reluctant and not really interested but is finally brought around with the temptation of a musical number. So yup Kevin has joined Cheryl as a believer. Now I am going to surprise myself here and say I am actually interested to see where they take this and where this story with Cheryl and Kevin goes because from the promo pics and what not it looks like they are going to be taking over as leaders of the ministry. I don’t think this is at all a healthy copying mechanism for either of them though and I hope they do get actual real help soonish.   
This was a weird episode and was kind of told in the style of the night gallery show episodes where Cheryl invites Minerva over and shows her three paintings and then tells her the story behind each. So again I am going to split this part in the three storylines we get told. 
The first one is a painting of Archie as a miner, the portrait itself hilariously did remind me of the cover of a bad romance novel but the story itself wasn’t too bad actually I think out of the three I found his the most interesting. It does give us some more information about the shows plot for this season, pardon about one of this seasons plots. Cheryl has finally discovered that their is palladium under her maple groves and has the genius idea of digging it up before Hiram does. Like seriously why didn’t anyone think of this earlier? I mean it also ties into that long forgotten plot from the beginning of the series that Cheryl is indebt after spending seven years renovating her home. I am assuming she wants the palladium to cover those debts. So naturally she hires Archie and his construction crew to mine it for her because everyone knows that construction and mining are basically the same thing right? Though I did think it was really funny when Cheryl pointed out that Archie so far has been teacher, coach, fireman and bounty hunter. At least the show is aware of its own ridiculousness. So Archie and the boys decide to mine for the Palladium but whilst down there Archie has more hallucinations about Bingo. We also see Archie in therapy and we find out that Eric is also getting help and this actually does seem to be helping Eric which is good. Whilst initially it looks like things are improving for Archie he then gets a really bad reaction when down in the mines and becomes very paranoid which results in him storming into the therapists office and behaving very erratically accusing her of drugging him and working against her which clearly frightens her. When everyone else in the mines also then starts hallucinating Frank realises that there is carbon monoxide down there and that is what is causing the visions and for everyone to start acting aggressively. Surprisingly this is actually an accurate representation of what can happen with high exposure to carbon monoxide and we do love us some accuracy. However it does lead to one of the most frustrating scenes in the episode when Archie goes back to the therapist and begs her not to cut him lose explaining about the carbon monoxide and about how he is now seeing not just Bingo but all the men he lost. The therapist tells Archie that she is afraid to be around him and that if he is having hallucinations to that level that she doesn’t think he is safe to be around anyone. Like what kind of therapist is this. This is not what a therapist would do. If she was afraid to be alone with him then refer him to another therapist and if you are worried he’s a danger to others than admit him to a psychiatric hospital where he can safely get help. This therapist just kind of washed her hands of it and said not my problem. But this has left me feeling really worried about Archie and I do feel like he might end up going really dark and spiralling.
I do think that the gas could actually be leaking into the town from the mines though. I was thinking about it when watching the episodes  but alot of the characters are having hallucinations and visions of some kind and at first it seems like it is related to that characters trauma but now I am starting to wonder if it is actually because of the gas. It could also explain the Mothmen hallucinations too. Speaking of the Mothmen they got a mention in this episode that made me happy. When taking a lunch break Fangs tells the story about how some of the truckers used to be miners and they tell stories about humanoid cannibalistic creatures that lived underground. Why does this make me happy you may ask well because I have been predicted since the beginning of the season that at some point all the the storylines will converge and I am hoping that come the end of the season we will get a big team up with all the characters. Previously we have had Betty’s storyline with the highway killer being linked to Jughead’s storyline of the mothmen and now we’ve just had the link between Archie’s storyline and Betty and Jughead’s. Which means I am one step closer to my big team up.    
So Jughead’s storyline was my least favourite out the three. We have finally learned the truth, the big mystery of what happened to Jughead that caused him to lose three days of his life. He was in a hole. Yup that’s it he just fell in a hole, got rabies and then hallucinated a rat king. Underwhelming is the best way I can describe what I thought of that. There were so many great theories out there on what could have happened that caused Jughead to have this trauma so bad that he literally mentally blocked it out and what we got instead was just that he got upset that Betty, who he broke up with five years ago, didn’t come to his book launch so he got drunk and fell into the sewers. I kind of feel like with them bringing back the voicemail, with him saying betty was the one that lead him out of the dark, that they are kind of making it all Betty’s fault, like she is the reason for his trauma and all his problems and if she just pays him some attention it’ll all be magically fixed and almost like its her responsibility to save him and I am not sure I like that. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that your girlfriend cheating on you with your best friend wouldn’t do a number on you, but it is all about Betty when Archie betrayed him too. Like where is Jughead being cut up about the fact that Archie who was like a brother to him kissed his girlfriend? I don’t know maybe its just me but I am finding it a little one sided. I also think it shows how unhealthy his relationship with betty has become. I think if it gets to the point where you can’t function without a person then that’s not good and that’s not healthy and again maybe it is just me but I don’t see that as romantic which I am not sure if they are trying to play it off that way or not. I did feel really bad for Juggie though when he talks about how even though he disappeared into the dark for three days no one missed him and that he felt really alone. I do think maybe that’s more where his trauma comes from and I kind of wish the writers had developed that more rather than having it again be solely about Betty. Like if we had seen him reaching out to several people and inviting them to his book launch, like a text to his dad, a phone call to his sister or mum, reaching out to Archie or Veronica and then all of them making excuses about how they are busy and can’t come. Then have him invite betty and her say yes at first and you see him relieved because he has someone coming. Then have her cancel and him spiral. I just think it would have had a bigger impact. Instead, and maybe this is a bit harsh, but it came off as him just being some drunk who can’t get over his ex ad kind of like with Veronica I kind of feel like the writers are making the characters unlikeable. And to make it clear my problem here is with the writing not the actual characters themselves but to me they’ve at times made veronica seem unlikeable like when she sleeps with Chad, Jughead with the voicemail to Betty, Betty with her not seeming to care at all about Jughead, Archie with him sleeping with Betty and then after stopping that getting right with Veronica the next day. I don’t know if its just that they are trying to keep the core four separate for some reason? But it just seems a bit off, I know I said I wanted more varying interactions between the characters but I didn’t mean at the expense of the core four relationships. But maybe they are trying to show how it can take time to reconnect with old friends when you’ve been away from each other for a long time? 
Anyway back to Jughead the other thing that was a little bit annoying for me was that the timeline was a little confusing. When Jughead is telling the story it seems like it all happened in like a year but its not its spread out over the seven years he was gone. We know that the voicemail was 2 years ago so putting it at five years into the time jump and that was the night he fell into the sinkhole. But in the story it seems like its only a few days later that Archie called when actually it would have been two years after Juggie fell in a deep dark hole. But then I suppose a confusing timeline is peak Riverdale so. But yeah I did find it made his story a bit confusing which was frustrating. 
However Jughead does seem a bit more optimistic come the end of his story and I think hopefully things are going to start getting better for him I hope he does get some support from his friends though like Tabitha and Archie, I also hope he clears the air with Betty. Just so he isn’t feeling so isolated and alone.  
So the last story is Betty trying to find out where Polly is from the trucker serial killer that she has chained up in her shop class at high school. Again not much to say about this. I thought it was smart to use Alice as a way to emotionally manipulate the killer and to make Polly seem human to him so he’ll tell them where she is. This does backfire however and we end up with that ridiculous scene where Alice tells Betty then as her mother she is giving her permission to kill him. Alice honey I’m not sure but my mum said it was ok is going to hold up too well in a court of law. Betty decided instead to see if she can scare him into telling her the truth. So she threatens him with some pretty dark stuff, saying she will cut off his feet, then his legs and the knees then the groin. Then his wrists and that he might have a heart attack at that point, but that she reckons he is stronger than that and that she has some tricks up her sleeve. Which is really dark betty really dark. Then when she is collecting a chainsaw she ahs a flashback and we find out that this is what TBK said to her which somehow makes it even scarier and worse, I really need Betty to talk to someone about this asap because just like I am with Archie, I am worried about where she is heading. We never find out whether she was actually going to go through with cutting up the trucker because when she gets back he has bitten off his own tongue and swallowed it so he would choke. Betty does figure out though that they are dealing with a family of killers who are hunting their victims.   
Phew ok so that is all of the episodes that I missed. I know I complained alot in this review so apologies for that. To end on a positive note I am very excited for the next episode as we are going to be getting the pussycats back so I am hoping for a good episode.    
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milky-mochi · 5 years
run away with me | yeonbin
genre: fluff, royal! au, prince! yeonjun, servant boy! soobin
pairing: choi yeonjun x choi soobin
word count: 2.8k
summary: the prince and the servant boy know better than anyone that they belong together. they live in their little secrets, until something arrives to shake their world.
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the royal family would never have let the prince and the servant boy play together.
yet here soobin was in yeonjun’s room, playing with little wooden blocks. soobin’s apron lay crinkled in his lap and his chubby cheeks were still a little dirty from helping his mother in the gardens a while ago. his clothes were stained too, dirtying yeonjun’s pristine carpet. but yeonjun didn’t mind. he couldn’t care less if his mother would yell at him once she took a look at his room, or if his white shirt was stained from hugging soobin. all he could care about was his eight-year-old friend in front of him, playing with his blocks and trying to build another castle.
from the other side of the creation, yeonjun handed soobin a rectangular block for the gates, to which he mumbled a small thank you. his mother had told him that he should no longer be playing with blocks at nine years old, but yeonjun didn’t care much. he’d rather be playing blocks with soobin than reading whatever book his mother had set aside for him. yeonjun watched soobin’s eyes glitter with concentration as he tried to find a block to act as the watchtower but to no avail. rising from where he was sitting, yeonjun picked up a conical block and sat next to soobin, holding it right in front of his face. soobin’s face lit up in pure excitement, causing yeonjun’s features to mirror his smile.
“thank you hyung!” soobin exclaimed, placing the cone on top of a cylindrical one, finishing off his wooden castle. soobin leaned back into yeonjun and placed his head in the crook of his shoulder and sighed, admiring the culmination of the past two hours. yeonjun gently brushed his long bangs out of his face. he made a mental note to remind soobin’s mother to cut his hair. she was always too busy to do it, with the queen always adding to her to-do list.
yeonjun felt the pressure on his shoulder increase as soobin yawned. “are you tired? wanna sleep?”
soobin’s hair brushed against yeonjun’s chin as he shook his head. “can’t. ma needs me to help with the laundry in a bit.”
“you have to go?” yeonjun asked, turning to soobin with a deep frown. “can’t you stay a bit longer? i’ll help you with the laundry!”
soobin’s bunny smile revealed itself as he giggled. there were some things yeonjun didn’t understand as royalty that made up soobin’s reality. “you know you can’t, hyung. you’re a prince.”
“why can’t i do my own laundry?” yeonjun asked genuinely, eyebrows knitting together.
“your mother would kill my ma if she saw you doing laundry,” soobin laughed as he got up.
yeonjun sighed, giving up on pursuing his questions, and soobin was glad. there were some things that were better left unknown by yeonjun. if yeonjun had started acting different from how the queen had raised him, they would have suspected their friendship. and that would mean never being able to meet yeonjun, or stay in the castle, and then what would ma do? soobin was content with how things were now, where he knew his place and shooed yeonjun off to his own when he forgot.
as soon as soobin was on his feet, the ringing of a bell resounded throughout the castle. fixing his tiny apron, soobin sighed. “there it is, four o’ clock, i need to go.”
“you’ll be back later, right? once you’re done?” yeonjun pleaded, rising to his feet and placing a hand on soobin’s shoulder.
“of course i will! once ma says i can go!”
several years had passed them by, yet soobin and yeonjun had paid no attention to them.
“the roses are blooming so beautifully now,” soobin whispers, running his hands over the ruby petals.
yeonjun tucked a strand of soobin's hair behind his ears and whispered, “you’re even more beautiful."
soobin's cheeks were dusted a light shade of pink. his eyes darted downwards to hide his bashfulness, but to no avail. yeonjun had already seen his shy face, and giggled at how cute his love was. yeonjun took soobin’s hand in his as the boys waded through the garden under the cover of moonlight, their fingers interlaced.
muffled cheers and music wafted from the lit castle into the silent garden. there was a great feast to celebrate the visit of a royal family of a neighbouring kingdom. they were here to to establish a strong inter-kingdom relationship, and those plans probably involved yeonjun one way or another. but he hadn’t cared enough to listen. not when soobin was the only thing on his mind, and not when those bloody plans were the only thing keeping them apart.
seeing soobin’s angelic face illuminated by the moonlight made yeonjun’s heart flutter, the same way it had fluttered for the past 10 years (though yeonjun never got tired of the feeling). yeonjun pulled soobin closer and placed a kiss square on his plush lips. there they stood, lips and souls connected, letting both the wind and time pass them by.
that was until the bells beckoned for him.
yeonjun cursed them in his mind. he hated the bells. the queen had adapted to yeonjun’s habit of disappearing from the castle, using them to call yeonjun back whenever she needed him. those bells were always reminding yeonjun of the crown on his head and the burdens that came with it. most importantly, they always pulled yeonjun away from soobin, even more than the rules of castle did.
“hyung,” soobin muttered against yeonjun’s lips, “they’re calling you.”
yeonjun cupped the back of soobin’s neck in the palm of his hands and pulled him closer. “screw the bells.”
soobin let himself melt into the kiss, filled with guilt. he wished that they could do exactly that, but they hadn't been able to for their entire lives. and soobin knew better than to challenge the queen.
“you can’t do this." soobin nudged yeonjun's shoulder. "they’ll come out looking for you, and find us here like this. you wouldn’t want that, would you?”
yeonjun pouted as he took soobin’s hands. he didn't want soobin to be right, but he was. as always. distressed and disappointed, yeonjun ran his hands through his hair. “sometimes i just wish they would. then kick me out of the castle or something.”
soobin cast yeonjun a look that could kill, warning him of the true meaning of his words. yeonjun sighed as he got the horse ready. he helped soobin up before mounting it himself, sitting right behind him. with a steady flick of the reins, yeonjun sent the white stead bounding back to the castle. he placed his head on soobin’s shoulder, despite the bumpiness of the ride. soobin leaned back into his touch, as much as he could for someone being jostled on a horse. they stayed like that as the castle gates drew nearer and nearer, and ultimately appeared in its full glory before them. as the horse slowed down to a stop, yeonjun dismounted it before offering his hand to soobin.
“there’ll be a day,” yeonjun started, with fragility and love in his eyes, “when we’ll just be together, right? when we don’t have to do this?”
soobin wanted to burst into laughter and tears. he desperately wanted to say yes, take yeonjun's hand and promise him their dreams of a love as any other in the castle. instead, he took yeonjun’s hand, climbed down the horse, and placed a kiss on yeonjun’s cheek. "i hope so, hyung. i really do.”
even as soobin uttered those words, voice barely above a whisper, he knew he couldn't promise yeonjun anything. there had never been two kings in a kingdom, nor had there ever been a love between a crowned prince and his servant boy. soobin knew, with a pained heart, that as long as they both resided in the castle, yeonjun could not be his.
yeonjun’s polished boots clacked against the earth, collecting mud. he reached for the reins of the horse, but before he could take them, soobin stopped him, shaking his head. “i’ll take care of this. you go back in.”
yeonjun pouted, but released his grip on the reins. it had always bugged him how, no matter what, soobin always acted how he was supposed to, even when it was just the both of them. but of course, yeonjun knew why. he just wished they didn’t have to be this way. just as soobin turned on his heels towards the stables, yeonjun grabbed his free hand and looked deeply into his eyes.
“i love you.”
soobin’s face curled up in an assuring smile. “i love you too.”
"yeonjun, dearie, where have you been?” the queen says, fake worry lacing her eyebrows. “whatever, once you get fixed up, come into the great hall. there’s someone i want you to meet.”
the queen spun around and exited the room, waving her hand as a signal for the servants to help yeonjun. they started dusting the dirt off yeonjun, changed his boots into the pointy shoes he hated. his riding jacket was swapped for a ceremonial blazer and his breeches for trousers. yeonjun’s messy hair was styled to the side, taming it momentarily.
he really looked like a prince now, and he hated it.
as he stepped into the main hall, the eyes of all guests fell on him. he was the man everyone was waiting for. hushed whispers echoed throughout the hall as yeonjun made his way to where his mother was, with the other royal family standing next to her.
“ah yes, king gojong, this is my son, prince yeonjun,” the queen gushed, introducing yeonjun to the king of the neighbouring kingdom. king gojong, yeonjun thought, that kingdom, huh.
“and this is my daughter, princess deokhye,” king gojong said.
behind the king was a girl roughly yeonjun’s age, maybe a few years younger. out of respect, she curtseyed for yeonjun and the queen, and yeonjun bowed to return the favour.
"now that the both of them are here," the king chuckled, "i suppose we could tell them the good news."
yeonjun and deokhye shared the same look of confusion. why would they need to be here? all inter-kingdom related agreements were always discussed between the kings or queens. yeonjun hated it because he didn't care for expansion of the kingdom or the collecting of riches. deokhye hated it because listening to them made her want to say something, but they'd never allowed her the chance to. the two of them had been reduced to side pieces throughout their entire life, but this one statement hinted at an unknown change.
"to emphasise our loyalty to the kingdom of king gojong, as well as our commitment to harmony," the queen started off, smiling brightly while looking at the the two bewildered faces, "prince yeonjun and princess deokhye will be married next summer."
yeonjun felt his chest cave in and his breathing felt heavy and restricted. marriage? with someone other than soobin? it couldn't be real? he would have known about it somehow? especially when it concerned pledging himself to a person for the rest of his life, even without love? he wasn’t even attracted to women? for goodness sake, he had just met her, and all he knew about her was her name. that’s barely enough for even a friendship. and soobin. he needed soobin.
the entire hall was celebrating, yet yeonjun's world was collapsing.
he looked up at the princess and saw her equally appalled face. swallowing the lump in his throat, yeonjun muttered an 'excuse me' before running out of the hall, ignoring the panicked calls of the queen behind him.
yeonjun ran, and just kept running, out through the doors of the castle and across the green field in front of it. tears were trickling down his face and his face felt numb. he ran until he reached the stables and busted the doors open. he stood in the doorway, panting, with his hair disheveled, boots muddy, and face wet.
soobin looked over innocently from feeding yeonjun’s horse, confused. but when he saw yeonjun's eyes glistening with pain, his own were laced with concern.
"what happened, love?" soobin said gently, setting the hay down and walking over to yeonjun.
yeonjun wasted no time in pulling soobin into a kiss by his white tunic. yeonjun's kisses were usually soft and filled with love, like sun-filled clouds and moon-lit gardens.
but this kiss had an edge. salty from yeonjun's tears, but now filled with passion. soobin thought it felt like breathing in a raging sea, with a siren singing his name. it felt like gravity had fallen in love with him and was giving him lover’s embrace. it was an intense call from his love, a delivery of all the pent up longing the two of them shared over a span of ten years, releasing itself until they pulled apart.
"they're marrying me off to princess deokhye."
soobin let out a choked gasp, a small cry of pain that only yeonjun understood. he glanced down at his feet, then into yeonjun’s pained eyes. he had no idea what to do. all soobin could do was take yeonjun's smaller hand in his and stroke his thumb over yeonjun's. silence in each other's company was all they needed to process the situation. and so in silence they stood, trying to wrap their heads around the situation, and if the prospect of a solution hung on the horizon.
soobin had always been the one to make sure yeonjun followed his duties as the prince, and the last thing he wanted to do was rob the kingdom of a great leader. and maybe it was foolish of them to every think an arranged marriage was never on the cards. for yeonjun was a prince, and these are the things the children of monarchies are subjected to.
even so, soobin couldn’t let yeonjun slip through his fingers, into a castle in a kingdom thousands of miles away. there was no escaping this situation if yeonjun walked back through those doors. the wedding would be arranged, and all their dreams would crumble in the name of inter-kingdom peace. but yeonjun and soobin knew that they deserved better than that. they deserved the happy ending that all king and queens before them received, so they had to create their own fairy tale. the one of two boys who finally, finally, get to love each other with all of their pure hearts.
"let's just run away."
yeonjun gasped and looked at soobin, mouth slightly agape and eyes widened. he searched soobin's eyes for any sense of a joke (though he hoped he wouldn't find it). instead, he found himself swimming in soobin's sincerity. it had shocked him that soobin proposed it, but he knew soobin wanted it as much as he did. he knew soobin had finally lost his patience, years after yeonjun had.
yeonjun glanced downwards at their clasped hands, then at soobin's face set with determination. his tongue darted out to swipe over his lips, before he nodded, sure of himself.
with a reassuring squeeze of yeonjun's hand, soobin whipped around to prepare the horse, leading it outside. he strapped the saddle back on and fixed the reins. yeonjun grabbed his emergency riding bag that he kept in the corner of the stable, full of supplies, before running out to join soobin.
soobin helped yeonjun helped up onto his horse, then swung his own legs over the saddle, sitting behind him. flicking the reins in his hand, soobin sent the horse bounding into the night. they rode past across the great field, through the barrier of trees surrounding the royal grounds.
feeling the evening breeze on his face, riding away from the castle, yeonjun leaned back and laid his head on soobin’s shoulder, imagining the laughter and confusion of the great hall fade away behind him. in the comforting silence, the both of them were registering the weight of what they were doing. they had no idea where they were going, or what they would do. all that they were aware of was that they needed to get away from what the kingdom had dictated for them. to love each other without hiding, and to spend the rest of their lives together. they were running away from the life they had always known into the arms of uncertainty, but at least they were running into the arms of each other. for now, and forever, they belonged together; yeonjun and soobin, as it had always been to them.
in the distance, yeonjun heard the bells started ringing, but he had already decided that the only thing that could call him back was the sound of his beloved’s voice.
a/n: heyhey!! this is my first full length fic on tumblr, i hoped ya’ll liked it :D please please send in an ask if you have any requests bc i’d be stoked to get some!! have a great day ya’ll filled with yeonbin muah <3
334 notes · View notes
Are you currently wearing anything red?
my red nail polish
Have you had a deep conversation with anyone today?
What would you say is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever tasted?
not a fan of christmas pudding but would I say its the most disgusting thing ever? hmmm probs not maybe I need to try more foods and get back to you
What was the last food you got a random craving for?
toast, but that is a daily occurrence
Has anyone/anything made you angry recently?
yes.... I arranged to stay with my friend for a weekend to which she announces that she has also arranged for another one of her friends to stay. So instead of telling her friend that she’s busy, this friend is gonna crash and it made me angry because I wanted to spend the weekend with her, I don’t mind meeting her friends but now they’re gonna be there 24/7. I made my peace with it now
Who did you last go to the cinema with?
probs the same friend mentioned above haha
What was the last song that got stuck in your head?
Little Big Town - Better Man
When was the last time you listened to it?
the other day
Who was the last person to say something thought-provoking?
my friend questioned our group if we think we’re fat phobic so we had an open discussion about it and it got us thinking
On your Facebook friends list, who was the last person to have their b-day?
who knows
How old were they?
probs 22 or 23
What did you/are you having for dinner tonight?
I had steak, yum
Is your best friend in a relationship?
I have a few close friends, some are dating and some aren’t, tis a mixture
How old were you 5 years ago?
What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at?
dancing, hehe
Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with ‘C’?
probs Cara :)
What colour are that person’s eyes?
Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating.
What is your favourite Studio Ghibli film?
hmm haven’t seen many Studio Ghibli films but Howl’s Moving Castle was a rollercoaster, note to self: watch more Studio Ghibli creations
Do you have a favourite hair accessory? What does it look like?
yes and no, I love using sunglasses or normal glasses to push my hair back so its both a hair accessory and isn’t
What’s your favourite type of insect?
one that leaves me alone
What’s your LEAST favourite type of insect?
Who was the last person you Facebook messaged?
What’s his/her favourite food?
I do not know haha
Did you have a good day yesterday? What did you do?
hmmm it was a stressful day, my dad and brother were driving up to join us for my grandad’s 90th over the weekend but they broke down on the M1 and took the car back to home in a lorry. mum was stressed and I was sad that we wouldn’t have use of our car to travel back in 
When was the last time you went to a fancy dress party?
have I ever? maybe when I was like 10
Who/what did you dress as?
What genre was the last film you watched? Did you like it?
FANTASY - I re watched Narnia Prince Caspian and oh wow 
Have you made a sandwich today? What did you put on it?
nope I had a salad
Do you remember the last time you overheard part of a random conversation?
nope, I do like to eavesdrop but can never remember what I hear
Did it make you feel awkward?
nah, I doubt it
What were you doing at 10 o'clock this morning?
How many vowels are there in your first name?
What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you?
Taylor Swift - right where you left me. It reminds me of my last relationship and it’s literally just ONE moment it reminds me of because the song is about the narrator being left at the restaurant and I can just vividly see the moment when my partner and I went for korean bbq. He didn’t leave me at the restaurant and I don’t know why the song would remind me of that moment besides it being at a restaurant. Crazy how taylor works her magic
What flavour was the last cupcake you ate?
tomorrow evening I’ll be able to tell you because we have cupcakes for my Grandad’s 90th :)
When was the last time you complimented a stranger?
in a pandemic? pfffttt hardly spoken to anyone let alone a stranger
What’s your favourite milkshake flavour?
nutella and oreo
Have you had an interesting or amusing dream recently?
nope they’re all stressful and weird
Do you know how old your favourite actor is?
Is there anything worrying you right now?
If so, have you talked to anyone about it?
I want to but I just can’t bring myself to
Is there anything you desperately want, that you can’t have?
When will you next see your best friend?
a couple weeks time but we keep in touch every day
Apart from sleeping, what do you plan to do tonight?
What’s the age difference between your parents?
5 years
You can only have one flavour of ice-cream for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
chocolate always
Are there any foods you’ve been craving, or eating a lot of, just recently?
I always crave yoghurt so situation normal there
When was the last time you wanted to do something, but didn’t do it?
I wanted to drive my dad and brother back from the station
Why did you choose not to do it?
I knew it would cause a fight with my mum so I let it go
When was the last time you ate an apple?
within the last week for sure
What’s the nicest thing your best friend has ever said to you?
it’s not something they say once it’s more that they keep coming back to say more nice things :)
Have you ever experienced a hangover?
What was the last food or drink that you tried for the first time?
blood orange gin
Did you like it?
What do your friends think of the person you’re currently interested in?
I’m not interested in anyone rn
Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ’S’
The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do?
waited for my parents in the car whilst our parents went food shopping
Who was the last blue-eyed person you spoke to?
Is there a person you’d like to speak to right now?
I hope to get a response from Rena soon but I can wait
Why that person, specifically?
She has organised a party and I need more details haha
When you woke up this morning, what was on your mind?
It is spider season :/
At this moment, what are you most looking forward to?
CAKE (for my grandad’s 90th bday) and ofc seeing the extended family
Do you have any scented candles in your home? What scent(s)?
I do, sea salt, bergamot & another one from & other stories
Are you planning any special outings with family or friends?
YES my grandad’s bday dinner is tomorrow
Who were the last 3 males you talked to?
my padra, mon frere and Yao
Do you ever wear lipstick? What colour(s) do you prefer?
either nudes or deep reds, difficult to not look like a clown in the latter, that is always the fear
If you have a pet, when did you last pet him/her?
I don’t :(
Do you have a favourite Celine Dion song?
Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ‘C’
Does the person you love/like have a car? What colour is it?
I’m sure Timothee Chalamet does not sure what colour
Have you ever received a compliment on anything you’re wearing?
Have you had any caffeinated beverages today?
What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time?
blood orange gin 
Did you like it?
Have you eaten any chocolate today? What kind?
so much
The last person you kissed - are they older or younger than you?
When was the last time someone wanted you to do something, and you refused?
mum wanted me to not have so much smoothie but I wanted the smoothie haha
What’s your favourite feature of the person you’re currently interested in?
nobody right now but I always notice a nice smile and kind eyes
How many people have you hugged today?
loads! twas my grandad’s 90th bday - we had the whole family come to celebrate
Do you have a favourite hair colour or eye colour on your preferred sex?
I don’t
Do you remember the first CD you ever bought?
it was probably taylor swift’s 1989 album. If it was the first CD I ever bought I dont know but I sure remember buying multiple copies of 1989 to get the polaroid collection
Is there anyone on your mind atm?
not in particular
The last song you listened to - does it remind you of anyone?
Is your birth year an odd or even number?
Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today?
What did you have for lunch yesterday?
fish finger salad!! I hope I’m never too old for fish fingers
Who was the last person you Facebook messaged?
How many different towns/cities have you lived in?
What are your parents’ middle names?
Steven & Anne
Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s?
How many pets do you have? Would you like any more?
I don’t have any! we used to have bunnies and I would love some more again
Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks?
depends on the mood
Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm?
Little Big Town’s Better Man is on repeat rn
Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night?
Which friend do you confide in most?
I kinda tell the world my problems hehe
Who was the first male you talked to today? What colour are his eyes?
either my dad or brother, dad has blue eyes, brother has brown
Are you wearing any accessories in your hair? Describe them.
When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong?
I caught this WEIRD bug that would just make me feel awful all of a sudden and then drained my energy. It was unlike anything I’ve ever felt it made me miss the normal cold
If given the chance, would you change anything that’s happened today?
the food came later than expected so I would change how much breakfast I had
Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person?
Do you like your middle name, or does it embarrass you?
It fits my name
Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift?
Have you received any compliments about your appearance today?
yes! my auntie said I looked like a doll and how much I’ve grown since we last saw each other!
Have you ever written a song or poem for someone special?
Have you ever had an argument with the last person you text messaged?
What colour is your shampoo bottle?
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged?
she is wonderful but I am not attracted to her in that way haha
Do you have any ice-cream in your freezer? What flavour is it?
chocolate & raspberry 
Have you spoken to any of your neighbours today?
1 note · View note
onesmallspark · 4 years
Quarantine Dream
Wrote this out of pure boredom and my own quarantine horniness.
2.6k words of fluff and porn. That’s all it is.
Apologies for any typos. LMK if you want to see more interludes from Leah & Steve’s quarantine.
Tumblr media
A pandemic-level virus was not something Steve Rogers needed to worry about. The serum removed that threat years ago. However, for Leah, things were not quite the same.
She loved her little D.C. walkup and though she and Steve had only been dating for a little over nine months, they decided to take the plunge and quarantine together. Steve vowed to refrain from work he couldn’t do from her brownstone to cut down on the likelihood of bringing anything home.
Steve was old-fashioned, obviously. But he helped with cooking, cleaning, and maintained some of the things around her home that needed help like a kitchen cabinet not sitting quite right in its hinge.
However, he still turned a little pink when he’d help fold laundry and pull out an especially risqué pair of panties from the hamper. Leah loved it. She, on the other hand, took great pleasure in folding Steve’s underwear, no matter how flustered he’d get seeing the hold a pair of his boxer briefs.
They both spent most of their weekdays working in separate rooms of the house. They outfitted an alcove of Leah’s bedroom to fit Steve’s desk and computers, while she took over the spare bedroom to continue teaching her second-grade class.
Steve relished in the act of bringing up a sandwich to her office for lunch only to hear the group of 18 seven-year-olds dissolve into chatter and giggles.
“Hi, Mr. Steve!” They’d chorus, sometimes tipping off Leah to his location before she noticed him.
“Hi kids!” He’d smile back, showing off those perfectly aligned and whitened teeth. He’d set down the little plate with a turkey and ham sandwich and just the right amount of Doritos chips before announcing - “I think it’s close to lunch time!”
Leah humored him because the kids loved it and she often times needed the reminder.
“Okay everyone, after lunch, we’ll get back together and go over our multiplication tables.” She said sweetly before signing off.
The days went by quickly, and though Leah loved the extra time with her beau, she started noticing the real differences between them and their preferences. Steve could really do with some time to let his hair down.
“Baby?” Leah called from the kitchen one Sunday morning, digging through the fridge.
“Yes, my love?” He asked, walking in to join her. Always so formal. His eyes raked up and down her form - donning a lacy pair of pink panties that were somewhere between a thong and shorts, one of his workout shirts and nothing else but the white nail polish on her toes.
“I can’t find the orange juice - did we get some on our last Instacart order?” She frowned, closing the door.
“Uh,” Steve replied plainly. His brain shorting for two reasons - the swell of her ass from beneath the pink lace to the idea of working the Instacart app. He still wasn’t very mobile-friendly.
“Baby,” she laughed, turning and sliding her hands around his sides to press her face into his chest. “I told you I could do it.” She murmured, hands resting at the top of his jeans.
As previously stated, Steve was old fashioned. He didn’t hang around in comfy clothes. He got up, showered, put on his clothes for the day, changed once a day to go to the gym, showered again, then put street clothes back on. He ate meals at the dining table or breakfast bar, put out his pajamas on the dresser each morning and never skipped his deodorant.
Leah’s goal was to get him to lounge. Embrace athleisure. Maybe even go barefoot.
“I’ll get it this time, I swear,” he blushed as she slid her hands up his back from beneath his navy T-shirt.
“Baby, it’s 10 a.m. on a Sunday,” she pointed out, hands running over the brown leather belt. “Don’t you ever want to just hang out in your jammies?” She asked, looking up at him with her chin balanced right below the line of his pecs.
“I’ll get nothing done if I just hang around in my comfy clothes,” he pointed out, gulping softly as she slid her hands down into the back of his denim pockets.
“Doesn’t that sound nice?” She purred, burying her face in this chest yet again. “Why don’t you go sit on the couch and I’ll make us breakfast, okay?”
“Do you want me to set the table?” He offered, kissing her forehead.
“We’re not eating at the table,” she winked.
Half an hour later, with a glass of milk tucked under her arm for the soldier and two plates of breakfast sausage and french toast, she wandered her way into the family room and set everything down on the coffee table. Steve was perched on the couch reading a book.
“It looks great, Lee,” he complimented, giving her a smile that made heart flutter.
“Thanks baby,” she smiled, straightening up. “Now, stand up,” she insisted. He complied, sticking a crisp $5 bill in his book to keep his spot, setting it on the side table.
She took a long, good look at him before meeting his gaze.
“Now, pants off.” She instructed. He opened his mouth to protest. “I mean it, Rogers. This is a no-pants brunch.” He almost went to argue again, but in the spirit of solidarity, he unbuckled his jeans and stepped out of them before draping them over the back of the adjacent lazy chair. “Socks, too.” She added. Again, he complied, tucking them into one another and setting them on top of his jeans. “I want your butt right here, and legs going that way.” She pointed him to sit with his back agains the arm of the chair and legs stretched across the three couch cushions. 
Climbing onto the couch, she carefully wedged herself between his thighs, tucking her feet beneath the juncture of the couch cushion and the arm, practically in his lap.
Steve immediately flushed pink at how close her warm center was to his very interested cock, and with just the thin layers of cotton - well, in her case, lace - between them.
“Here baby,” she handed him his plate. They held their plates in their hands, chatting about a few things they wanted to get done around the house that week.
“I went to Bachman’s on Friday and reserved a couple of hanging baskets for the courtyard.” Steve said, “thought you’d like the purple ones.” He spoke of the small 14 x 14 outdoor space off the back of the living room - just enough to fit a few chairs and some string lights.
“Thanks, baby,” Leah smiled. The space was their sanctuary. Outdoor, private and kept them from going to stir crazy during the week.
“I can run and get them after brunch and hang them, then I’ve got some lumber coming to put together that planter box.” He continued, eating his french toast. “So I’ll start sanding them down, make sure they’re cut to size. Sometimes you get them and they’re a few inches or so off.” He explained.
“Today?” Leah pouted.
“Yeah, they close at 2, so I only have a small window to grab ‘em.” He explained.
“But they’ll be there tomorrow, right?” She asked with a tilt of her head.
Steve looked up from his plate of french toast to see Leah looking back at him, her big brown eyes as innocent as could be.
“Yeah, they’ll be there tomorrow,” he acquiesced. 
“You’ve got just a little,” she leaned forward, flattered by the small drop of maple syrup balancing just carefully on his lower lip. He barely let her close the space before leaning forward, pressing his lips to hers.
He twitched subtly, but felt the earth shift when her sex pressed against his with the forward rock of her hips.
“Lee,” he blushed.
As previously stated, Steve was old fashioned. She had wondered in the beginning stages of their dating life if he was going to tell her he was a virigin, or was saving himself for marriage, - thankfully that was not the case. But Steve was traditional, vanilla, romantic. Things that were just fine - she was always satisfied. Leah, however was a modern woman, and she was ready to teach her old dog some new tricks.
She easily slid her plate, then his, to the coffee table before wrapping her arms around his neck and nesting herself much more comfortably and directly in his lap.
Feeling his hard length was always a flattering feeling that sent a thrill up her spine. His hands traveled up the length of her back and down again, holding her tightly to him.
“I love how big your hands are,” she admitted, lips brushing his. “You’re so strong,” she purred, kissing him again, knowing he could feel her hard nipples against his chest. Steve was a boob guy. She knew he never minded when she’d wear his workout shirts - the thin, breathable fabric always displaying her breasts in a way that he really appreciated. 
“Should we take this to the bedroom?” He huffed, trailing kisses from her lips, down to her neck.
“Absolutely not,” She giggled, running a hand up the nape of his neck to the back of his head, sending another shudder throughout his body. She pressed her mouth to the shell of his ear, soft pants coming in waves against him. “I want you to fuck me on this couch, Steve.” She purred, sending every hair on his body to stand at attention.
“O-on the couch?” He asked, having a hard time thinking straight as all the blood in his body rushed toward his cock in a way that had him momentarily dizzy.
“On the couch,” she repeated. “Think you can do that?” She asked, feeling the dampness collecting in her sex.
“Anything you want,” he insisted. 
“I want you to rip these panties off of me,” she said, rocking her hips into him once more, this time, leaving the faintest trace of wetness against the heather grey of his boxer briefs.
He reached down and complied to her wishes as if her were flicking a light switch.
“I need you in me, baby, I need you bad,” she tossed her head back, grinding her sex against him in a way that had him second-guessing his heart health.
Steve reaches down into his briefs, pulling out his cock and surprising even himself at how hard he was, the angry-looking head staring right back at him. Leah planted her in the couch and gripped the arm behind Steve, lifting herself just enough for him to slide more beneath her. They both groaned out as she sandwiched his cock between his abs and her pussy, grinding up and down the length in a way that felt like pure greed. The crown of his mushroom head caught against her clit as she spread her arousal up and down the length of it.
“Lee,” Steve stuttered.
“It’s so big, Steve,” she whimpered. He was going to commit the image to his memory forever - the inviting pink of her sex spread out atop him, her hooded clit peeking out in a way that was taunting him. She leaned back, bracing her hands against his knees, taking everything from him as she rubbed herself with more vigor against him. Then, she lifted herself just enough to hover, allowing him to reach down and grasp his length. Now, she was the strong one, as she let herself slowly sink down on top of his cock, pausing as she took just the head inside of her vice grip.
It took everything in Steve to not thrust up into her.
“You’re so big,” she echoed, “God, I just want you in me all the time,” she damn near whimpered.
“Lee, please,” he begged with an exhale. She sucked the remaining breath out of him as she allowed her body weight to drop, taking his full length and girth at once. Steve shouted as he bottomed out. Leah swirled her hips, side to side and up and down, taking exactly what she wanted from him. Steve straightened his posture, reaching for the hem of his own shirt agains her skin before bringing it up and over her head.
Wetness pooled against the grey band of his briefs as she rode him, and the sounds she made as she bounced were borderline pathetic. Steve needed more control. 
Leah yelped when she found herself laid across the length of the couch, Steve’s cock buried inside her as he hovered over her body
“Give it to me,” she begged, pushing her hips up against him. Steve complied, setting a hard, relentless pace that caused her eyes to cross momentarily.
“Is this what you want?” He husked in her ear, two of his big, blocky fingers pressed against her clit.
“Yes,” she begged, nails dragging down the expanse of his marble back, causing goosebumps to erupt all over his body. Leah wrapped her legs around his lower body and he braced one hand above her head against the arm of the couch, the other holding one of her thighs - keeping her nice and tight to him.
“Steve, I need you to cum inside me,” she whimpered, causing him to stutter his movements. “Please, baby, I need it.” She begged.
“You need it?” He asked, gritting his teeth as she clamped down on his cock, dragging as much out of him as she could.
“Need you to fill me up,” she panted.
Steve watched as she reached down, circling her clit with her fingers as she thrust up to meet him with every movement. He could feel it coming in the soles of his feet - the backs of his thighs getting sweaty as he began to shudder.
“Come on, Lee,” he huffed.
“Want me to come on your cock?” She asked, watching as his eyes dilated.
“Yes,” he all but growled.
“Say it,” she demanded. “Tell me you want me to come on your cock,” she panted again.
“I want you to come on my cock,” he parroted. “Now.”
Leah squealed as her body thrummed, clamping down as every muscle below her heart spasmed, complimented by the feeling of Steve’s orgasm painting her insides. Steve jerked haphazardly, taken aback by the strength of his orgasm. 
She ran her hands up the solid ridges of his abs to her chest as they each caught their breath.
“No,” she pouted as he moved to pull out. “C’mere.” Steve obliged, mentally still floating above his body as she pulled him down to rest on her chest, his softening cock still tucked deep within her. He nuzzled into the swell of her breasts as she ran her nails gently up and down his back, hands resting on his ass. As soon as he felt like he could make words again, he pressed a kiss to her breast.
“How long have you been planning that?” He asked, preening as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“I think about it every time I see you,” she replied casually.
“Every time you see me?” He asked, a little bewildered, eyes looking up at her from her cleavage. 
“Every single time,” She replied, loving the way a pink blushed dusted his cheeks. She resumed his back rub, “I think about you taking me on this couch, bending me over the back of it, over there on the kitchen counter, in the shower, in the backyard, at your desk in your office…” she trailed off. Steve grinned a secret little smirk, pressing another kiss to her breast.
“Well, it’s a good thing we’ve got plenty of time left inside this house.”
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allow me to rant about the only thing that has been in my brain for the past two months and that is doll customizing babeyyyyy
i know there’s a 90% chance that you wont give a Shit about any of this but here we go anyways
SO first you gotta choose a doll. preferably one with a high range of motion to avoid creating new joints or having annoying limitations like not having elbow joints for some fucking reason. what the fuck mattel. give monster high dolls back their ball jointed shoulders and elbow joints. smh
the most common dolls ive seen used as bases are monster high and ever after high. most customs ive seen are highly stylized so the stylized face molds work well for those types of dolls but dolls like barbies are good for when you want a more realistic face-ups.
once you’ve got your base picked out you gotta wipe that bitch’s face off with like. acetone or nail polish remover or something strong like that. you can also use acetone to shrink doll heads which is cool as hell imo. n e way once the face is wiped you gotta chop off the hair and remove the hair plugs from the inside. ive seen this done several ways but the easiest and most common way ive seen is to dunk the head into boiling water for ~30 seconds until it gets squishy and malleable. once you’ve got the head back, you can use pliers (i think tweezers would work in a pinch) to pull out the hair plugs which are kinda icky because theyre covered in glue and other gross shit. ew
now you must decapitate the doll. dunk em back in the boiling water to soften them back up then just tug the head off. the neck pegs look funky and are usually a different color than the body so thats cool ig
once the head’s off, you can start the face-up which is basically just giving the doll a new face using stuff like watercolor pencils, acrylic paint, gouache, and a whole lot of other stuff. hell ive seen people use person makeup on these dolls.
next,,,,, hair. there’s about twenty million ways to do hair from gluing yarn wefts to sewing to rerooting with purchased nylon doll hair or yarn wefts but i’m gonna talk about the most common one ive seen which is rerooting and gluing.
before you can reroot, you need doll hair. which, as i mentioned, can be bought at stores like the doll planet or made at home with yarn in literally any color. have fun with it! make rainbow hair or something idk
to make homemade wefts, you take some acrylic yarn, cut it twice as long as you want the hair to be (keep in mind you can cut and style the hair once it’s been rerooted), fold them in half, and tie it to something sturdy like a wire coat hanger for the next step.
once you’ve got your yarn tied to your hanger, use a pet brush and brush the yarn until it’s wispy and looks like hair. then take a straightening iron and iron the weft flat. then remove from the hanger and boom. hair wefts. ta-da
to reroot the wefts onto the head, use a rerooting tool (which can be as simple as a needle with the eye cut at angle) (just google it please i’m shit at descriptions)) to poke small sections of the hair into the head. you can use the pre-existing rooting holes for your own reroot as they’re usually pretty reliable. to reroot, take a small length of you doll hair (about 10-15 strands), loop it in half, and put the middle of the loop into the reroot tool. poke the end of the tool with the hair on it into the pre-existing hole and remove the tool. the hair *should* stay in and fill up that plug!! also remember to plug thickly at the hairline and part of the hair where it's most noticeable. it doesnt matter as much in the center of the head as that’s not usually visible on the doll. once you’ve rerooted, squeeze in strong glue through the neck hole and squish around the head to make sure it covers all the plugs and secures them in place. then pour hot water onto the head to make the hair lay flat for styling later.
also, you can reroot yarn directly into the head to make thicker, more textured hairstyles. and since the yarn is thicker, you dont need to glue the inside of the head for the hair to stay in place!!
if youre not doing body modifications (which are also cool as hell) then it’s time for clothes but clothes are boring and i like body mods more so i’m gonna rant about them instead
the material ive seen most doll artists use is apoxie sculpt, which is like play doh on steroids. it comes in two parts which you gotta mix together for some reason. why dont they sell it pre-mixed. what was the reason. also once it’s dry it’s super super strong and you can sand it, drill into it, paint it, and all kinds of stuff. very nice and i want some for myself.
you can use hand saws and drills and shit to whack off doll limbs to make stuff like digitigrade legs or new joints. also dont be afraid to use other mismatching doll parts when customizing like heads and bodies and forearms and hands and shit. it literally does not matter if youre gonna recolor the doll anyways so have fun with it. make frankenstein’s doll if youre feeling spicy
accessories my beloved. stuff like tiny beads and clay baubles and shit will literally transform the entire doll plus they’re adorable and multi-purpose
i suppose i must talk about clothes now. ah well. you can find great clothing patterns if youre new to customizing on other customizer’s etsy shops and probably google although those will probably be lower quality than paid pattern pieces. and keep in mind that if it exists as clothing irl, you can likely make it doll-sized. there are literally no limits to your clothing options as long as you can execute your idea.
the once all your components have been made, you can assemble the doll again!! and finally see what all the parts look like together!! very cool 10/10 stars.
ight that wraps up my doll rant. i could really go into more detail on certain parts but thats a whole other rant for a whole other day smh. sorry for fucking flooding your inbox ender ahaha……………. you asked for this
little did you know that dolls have been one of my favorite things since like ever. if i can read a 25 chapter long fanfic i can read this B)
mattel definitely fucked up by completely ruining MH doll designs and just stopping EAH, alot of their profits most likely came from people who collect and customize dolls and by changing MH doll designs/Stopping EAH dolls they 1. most likely lost a small (or big if we're not jus talking people who customize dolls) part of their profit and 2. made it harder for doll customizers to make dolls/get commissions out rather quickly because they probably have to waste more time making joints or learning how to make joints.
EAH/MH dolls (specifically MH dolls) had AMAZING MODELS because there was so much variety with height, face shapes, etc (my favorite molds had to be the short/tall dolls and the cat molds because of the tails) and doll customizers really went all out with enhancing a molds unique features. The only "downside" abt MH dolls is that they (or atleast most)(from what i remember)) had slimmer faces but wider eyes while EAH dolls have wider faces with slimmer smaller which left a canvas for the face and not the eyes (and vice versa for MH dolls)
I've never seen any videos where a barbie is customized (maybe because i absolutely despised barbies at the time) so I'll definitely have to check those out but they seem to be good for realistic makeovers. I've seen like like semi realistic makeovers for EAH/MH dolls that were pretty good too tho (pretty sure mostly EAH dolls since yk MH dolls were used for creature makeovers while most EAH dolls weren't)
yeah i was always amazed by the head shrinking with acetone. honestly i still am?? idunno i have no idea how that chemical bullshit works. Ive seen a few of uh makeovers that just pain over the face (in multiple layers ofcourse) but that's usually when they're painting the entire body a different colour (again usually when they're turning a doll into a funky little baby man). I've also seen a few that just chop the hair off and take out the hair plugs yk without uuh like softening the head or just go straight for the hair plugs after taking off the head (i used to do that it was funny to me??). i always really liked when they used watercolour pencils or just colour pencils in general to draw/sketch on the face cause like wow ur drawing on ur doll without ruining it?? kinda epic maybe even poggers and pogchamp?? oh god my brain is failing wjshsmsj.
Watching them putting the hair back on the doll was, other than the face stuff, was the BEST part for me. Favorite type of hair was iuuuuuh was either thick yarn or brushed out yarn. Literally worship the people that would reroot the hair, theyre the most patience people on this earth!! it's literally insane but i guess that's what happens when you've been doing that for years? you guess kinda get used to it. when they put glue into the head does it just become stiff?? like it's just a clump of dried glue or does it like..hollow out again??
dude you literally cannot convince me most of the supplies used for doll makeovers. APOXIE CLAY LOOKS SO FECKING GOOD. its edible and i will die on that hill. The body mods are literally so amazing!!!!! it's so impressive how theyre able to imagine certain features THEN LIKE ACTUALLY MAKE IT LOOK ACCURATE TO WHAT THEY WANTED TO LOOK LIKE AFTER LIKE ON TRY (or many yk trial and error is very necessary for..everything). Absolutely loved when doll customizers would saw off a dolls legs and use different ones or just completely get rid of the torso to use a different one. it's like uuh that one big guy that's mismatched and sewn together. very cool. The accessories are so fun!! just small little details you seen really need but can add because it's your feckin doll!! I used to be absolutely obsessed over the doll clothes i would find on etsy, so much so that i started sewing shitty shirts and dresses for my uh "customized" dolls (they were absolute HORRORS idk WHY my mom let me feck up my dolls like that).
Thank you for this!! i haven't been able to talk about any of my interests for a while and this just really made me happy!!
Question fer u my fellow MH/EAH enthusiast: what was your favorite MH/EAH movie/episode and doll series. Mine was The fusion dolls (MH obvi) and that MH movie "Haunted" cause we got to know more about Spectra :D
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quickspinner · 4 years
Beautiful Dreams - Ch 2 Daydreams
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | AO3
Marinette started coming to the music lessons every so often, dropping Louis off and picking him up. Luka gathered from Louis that it was unusual that she hadn’t come before, that normally Adrien and Marinette took turns getting Louis around to his activities. At least they didn’t just send him with the driver like Gabriel used to do. Luka wondered if Marinette hadn’t come before because she disagreed with Adrien about making Louis continue his lessons, but it was really none of his business, so he didn’t ask.
His reaction to her was just as strong as it was the first time, though he at least managed to retain control of his senses for the most part. It helped that their conversations were short and entirely professional, and after years of teaching, Luka could issue a verbal student progress report in his sleep. 
Luka did his best not to think about her outside of those interactions, and he was doing pretty well...for a while.
Luka sighed as he read Juleka’s message, and looked around for something to kill time. If he remembered where he was correctly, there was an outdoor flea market a couple streets over where he’d found some good vintage vinyls now and then. Might as well check it out, since Juleka was going to be late. 
Luka straightened the leather vest he wore over his t-shirt absently, glad he had opted against his jacket under this bright sun, checked to make sure he still had his wallet in his pocket, and set off. The market was a street or two farther down than he was thinking, but still only a few minutes walk. 
How he spotted her in a crowd like that, he’d never know, but there was Marinette, leaning over a table, turning over some brightly colored pieces of fabric—placemats maybe, he couldn’t really tell. She was dressed far more casually than he’d ever seen her, though she still looked nicely put together in jeans and a light sweater with a wide collar. Her dark hair was piled up in a messy bun so that there was one long unobstructed line from her neck to the curve of her shoulder—
Luka looked away quickly, feeling like a stupid teenager with a crush, butterflies in his stomach and all. It was stupid, he was stupid, he was a grown man and she was a client and he could say hi without being a total idiot about it. 
But then again, no, it would be weird, he decided. It would be one thing if she saw him, then obviously he would wave, but to go up and get her attention, no, they weren’t that closely acquainted. He aimed for a table piled with musical paraphernalia a few down from where she was and tried to stay casual and not look back at her again. 
Luka was thumbing through some old records looking for something interesting when suddenly there was a yelp and something crashed into him from the side. Luka lurched, just managing to keep his feet, but whoever had knocked into him was headed for a close encounter with the pavement. Luka reacted without thinking, managing to get one arm under the person—woman—and grab onto a wrist with the other hand. Off balance as he was, he couldn’t stop her fall entirely, but he managed to lower her to the pavement in a somewhat controlled way. His eyes widened when he realized who he had just rescued. “Fancy meeting you here,” he said with a slow grin, as Marinette blinked up at him. “You okay?”
“M. Couffaine!” she gasped. “I mean—Luka—I mean, yes, I’m okay, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened—”
Luka changed his grip from her wrist to her hand and tried to pull her to her feet, but she stumbled again immediately. “My shoes,” she said, leaning heavily on his arms. “Something’s wrong.” 
“Here, sit down,” Luka said, lowering her to the pavement a second time. “Ah.” He crouched at her feet, hooking two fingers through the shoelaces of her sneakers, which were tied to each other. “Looks like there’s a prankster on the loose.” 
“Oh!” Marinette made an irritated noise, blowing a piece of hair out of her face. “I bet I know exactly who it was. I just stopped some kids from throwing rocks at the birds a minute ago.” 
“You’re probably right,” Luka said, pulling off his sunglasses and getting down on one knee to tug at the knotted laces. “Just sit tight, I’m pretty good with knots.” He glanced up to find her looking at him with raised eyebrows. “Not, um, recreationally,” he grinned, with a wink that made her blush. “I grew up on a boat, so knots were kind of a part of life.” He avoided looking her in the eye, trying to focus on her shoelaces.
Not that looking at her legs was much better. Those jeans fit her really nicely. He bit his lip and hoped he wasn’t blushing visibly. 
“My bag,” Marinette muttered suddenly, twisting where she sat to look around. “Oh!” There was a large bag with the Gabriel logo on it on the ground nearby, its contents spread over the sidewalk. Fortunately most people were just walking around the mess rather than right over it, though her belongings were clearly in danger of being kicked all over the street. 
“I’ll get it, just sit tight for a minute,” Luka said, leaving her laces for the moment in favor of retrieving her things before they were trampled or stolen. 
“Wait, my sketchbook,” Marinette said, pointing to where it had fallen in the street. “I really need that. Everything else is replaceable.” She looked like she was about to crawl for it, but Luka waved a hand for her to wait and went to get it first. Watching the traffic carefully (Juleka would kill him if he ended up in the hospital over something like this), he stepped into the street, bent down, and got her book. He turned and held it up as he stepped back onto the curb; to his surprise, Marinette was blushing vividly. “Oh, um, thank you,” she stammered as he handed her the book, averting her eyes from him.
Slightly confused, Luka replayed the last few minutes in his mind. Wait, was she checking me out? Luka bit back a grin. “I’ll get the rest, just hang tight.” She made a strangled noise as he turned away, and it was all he could do to keep his laughter to himself as he picked up the rest of her things. He glanced back once, but Marinette was staring at the ground beneath her feet, her hands up on either side of her face like blinders. Luka laughed quietly as he picked up the rest of her things. She was too cute, and honestly it felt kind of good to be checked out by a woman like her. At least he felt less guilty for ogling her legs.
“I think I got everything,” he said as he set the bag down next to her. “You can check while I get you untied. Although—hang on, let’s get you out of the middle of the sidewalk.” There wasn’t much of a crowd at the moment but they were about due for the lunch rush to flood the sidewalks, and Parisians on a mission weren’t known for their patience. There was a bench only a few feet away. He crouched down beside her. “May I?”
Color flooded her face. “Oh, you don’t—I mean I can make it that far, you don’t have to—” 
“If that’s what you prefer,” Luka shrugged, offering his hands. She let him pull her to her feet and steady her, and then made a little hop towards the bench, and promptly toppled, almost losing her grip on her bag again. Luka, prepared this time, caught her around the waist, and raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh and mostly failing.
Marinette sighed and pouted. “Fine. Please. I’m so sorry about all this.” 
“It’s fine,” Luka said, slipping one arm down under her knees. “Here we go.” 
A bridal carry was always a lot harder than they made it look on TV, but Marinette was small, so it didn’t take much to get her to the bench. He set her down and then sat down himself by her feet, guiding them up into his lap. 
“Thank you so much,” she said, sounding miserable. “Honestly, I’m so sorry about all this.” The little ladybug winked at him as she pressed her hand to her forehead in obvious frustration. 
“It’s all good,” Luka said, flashing her an easy smile. “I’m glad I was here.” He picked at her laces, silently resigning himself to redoing his nail polish that night. Marinette’s various falls had tightened the knot and there was no way his nails would survive. “I’m just killing time, anyway. I’m supposed to be meeting my sister for lunch, but she’s running late.” He glanced up and caught Marinette eyeing up his arms, but tried not to let on that he’d noticed, though a smile tugged at his lips. “How about you? Doing some shopping?”
“Some shopping, some sketching,” she sighed, leaning back on her hands. “Looking for inspiration, I guess.”
“This can be a good place to find it,” Luka said, glancing around at the market with all of its varied people and textures and sounds. “I’ve found it here a couple times myself. Been a while since I was here, though, honestly. I’m a little surprised to see you here in the middle of the day.” 
“Well, the truth is...” Marinette leaned forward, propped her cheek on one fist, and gave him a pout that drew his eyes straight to her sinfully perfect lips. “My assistant basically kicked me out of the office today. Apparently I was terrorizing the interns and she thought I could use a break. I’m not allowed to go back until at least 3:00.” She sighed. “I have a ton of stuff to do at the office, but I make it a point never to argue with the person responsible for my morning coffee, so here I am.” 
Luka had to clear his throat. “Sound policy.” He made the mistake of looking at her again and this time he caught the full impact of her beautiful eyes like a kick in the gut. His eyes tried to find somewhere else to look and landed on her bare neck, and the wide collar of her light sweater just hanging onto the tips of her shoulders—he quickly looked back down at what he was doing, mouth suddenly dry. He finally managed to pull free one loop of the knot. “There we go,” he muttered, just for something to say. “That should loosen it up a bit, and...there, you’re free.” He grinned at her, and retied her laces correctly.  
“Thank you so much!” Marinette turned and let her feet drop to the ground, and once again he couldn’t stop staring at the line of her neck and the curve of her shoulder. He needed to look away, right now, but before he could manage it she smiled up at him. “I’m so sorry for crashing into you like that.”
The first six responses he could think of were highly inappropriate and he was beginning to wonder if the collision had knocked a screw loose. “Better me than the pavement,” he finally managed, with a mostly natural smile. “Are you hurt?” 
“I don’t think so,” she said, checking her hands and arms, and dusting off the thigh of her jeans where she’d landed on the pavement. “No damage.”
“Good.” His phone buzzed and he checked it and sighed, falling back against the bench in frustration. 
“Everything okay?” Marinette asked, frowning. 
Luka sighed again but gave her a reassuring smile as he tucked his phone back into his pocket. “Yeah, it just looks my lunch date’s been cancelled, my sister can’t make it.” 
“Do you want to do it with me?” Marinette asked, and as Luka looked at her, startled, she went pale, and then red almost at once. “Oh my—I meant lunch! Do you want to grab lunch? Since you’re free and I’m thirsty—hungry! I mean it is hot and I need a drink and—shit, clearly I need something because my brain is totally malfunctioning.” She buried her face in her hands and gave a little moan. 
Her brain wasn’t the only one malfunctioning. Luka swallowed hard, trying to parse everything he’d just heard with the part of his mind that didn’t live in the gutter, but unfortunately it seemed most of it was at least visiting at the moment. Before he could make much progress, Marinette took a deep breath, took her hands off her face, and looked at him squarely. “Sorry, let me try that again. Can I buy you lunch as thanks for helping me out?” she asked, her face still red but appearing otherwise calm. 
“Ah, sure,” Luka answered before he could really think it through. “Sure, why not? Although you don’t really need to thank me, what was I going to do, leave you lying on the sidewalk to get trampled?” 
Marinette smiled. “Still. I nearly knocked you down, you had to pick up my stuff out of the street, and carry me around, and you fixed my laces. The least I can do is buy you a sandwich or something. Besides, now that you’ve mentioned food I’m kind of starving. Were you planning on somewhere close by?”
“Jules and I were just going to a little place a couple of blocks over. It’s—it’s not much, barely more than a food stand honestly, so if you’d rather do something else—”
“No, no, that sounds good!” Marinette actually looked excited about it, which Luka couldn’t really understand. She’d probably eaten at the best places in the city. Even divorced she probably had more money to her name than Luka had ever touched in his entire life. Hadn’t Adrien said she was Gabriel’s head designer? The phrase out of his league suddenly leapt to mind. Except, wait, he wasn’t trying to date her, he reminded himself. She was a client. 
Well, technically, Adrien was the client, but...no. Just, no.
As they walked Luka cursed his natural urge to touch; he kept finding his fingers on her upper arm or her shoulder and snatching them back as he guided her to the little food shop that he and Juleka liked. It really was just a little hole in the wall sandwich place, it didn’t even have any real seating, so he and Marinette ended up finding another bench to sit on as they ate. 
“Wow, this is really good,” Marinette exclaimed, catching a bit of sauce on her thumb and licking it off. Luka glanced at her just in time to catch the flick of her tongue and the flash of the ladybug, and he bit down on his sandwich a little harder than necessary. “Thanks for telling me about this place.” She wrinkled her nose and leaned towards him a bit, as if she were telling him a secret. “Gabriel would’ve shit a brick if he knew I was eating at a place like this, in public no less. Makes everything taste better.”
“Don’t mention it,” Luka laughed in incredulous surprise. “Any day I can make Gabriel Agreste roll in his grave is a good day.” 
“Ugh, that man,” Marinette shook her head, taking another bite. “If only he’d died sooner.” She flushed and covered her mouth with her fingers. “I mean…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll get no argument from me,” Luka chuckled. “I couldn’t stand him, and the feeling was very much mutual.” 
Marinette cocked her head at him. “How did you get to know Adrien? We were together for so long, I’m surprised I never met you before.”
“Music events,” Luka shrugged. “I didn’t see him regularly, really, just every few months. He was always really nervous and I hated sitting still in those damn awful suits they made me wear for recitals, so we’d run into each other pacing the halls and get to talking.” He shook his head. “Listening to Adrien perform back then was painful, it was like listening to a robot. Soulless, you know? I kept thinking what a waste, to spend all that time practicing and in the end all you got was that. We talked a lot wandering those halls, at first just about music, and then about a lot of other things, including his dad. After that, I started to understand why his music sounded the way it did.”
Marinette gave him a knowing look. “And you tried to help, didn’t you?”
“I—yeah, I did,” Luka chuckled. “I tried to help him feel the music. Eventually I invited him to be part of a band I was in at the time, tried to show him what music could really be like, you know, but he only got to come for a couple practices before the old man brought the hammer down. We kept in touch off and on, but we had to keep it quiet.” Luka rolled his eyes. “I’m a terrible influence, you see.” He gave a general gesture that included his dyed hair, pierced ears, tattooed arms, and general punk aesthetic.
Marinette made a sympathetic noise, her index finger bending down to rub the ladybug tattoo absently. 
Luka sighed. “Heaven forbid anybody teach his perfect little robot how to actually feel something while he played. Adrien did learn it somewhere along the line, but I’m not sure it was from me.” Luka’s forehead creased as he ran the memories through his mind. “I think he got together with you pretty shortly after Gabriel pulled him out of the band, now that I think about it. We didn’t see each other much over the next few months, Gabriel was paying too much attention. Eventually I think he just forgot about me since Adrien was back on the straight and narrow.”
“That sounds like Gabriel,” Marinette sighed, and then shook her head as if clearing it. “By the way, is your sister okay? I mean, I don’t mean to pry, it’s just, you said she cancelled on you, but I didn’t think to ask if anything was wrong.”
“Oh, she’s...fine,” Luka said, a little reluctantly, and then sighed heavily. “She and her wife had a baby very recently, and it’s been kind of tough on them both. I guess she just didn’t feel like she could leave them this morning.” Luka tapped a foot restlessly. “To be honest, it’s been rough for the whole family for a while now. My mother—our mother, she...passed away, about a year and a half ago, and I took it pretty hard, so Juleka’s had a lot on her shoulders between dealing with me and her pregnant wife, not to mention how the loss affected her. I really wanted to start making it up to her and at least get her out of the house for a little bit, but I guess today’s just not the day.” 
“That’s such a difficult time,” Marinette said sympathetically, crumpling up her empty sandwich wrapper and making a fairly impressive shot into a nearby trash bin. “I’m sorry to hear about your mother.” Luka glanced at her, and then away. He hated those words most of the time, but at least Marinette sounded sincere. “I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you to lose her, but I do know that a baby is a big change for everyone, even if you think you’re prepared and you have all the support in the world. Oh!” She held up a finger, and started digging in her bag. “Actually I have something that might help a little bit.” She pulled out a couple of envelopes out of her bag and offered it to him. Luka put aside his own trash and wiped his hands quickly on a napkin before taking them. “I used to get these all the time,” she said, as Luka’s eyes widened slightly reading them over. “Less these days, but still more than I want to mess with. There’s always some spa or other offering something to me, because of my position at Gabriel and as the former Mrs. Agreste.” She rolled her eyes. “I mean, I like a spa day as much as the next girl, but I don’t know, it just feels gross being offered stuff like this so they can brag about how they kept me young and fresh for the runway shows. Your sisters are welcome to use them. I know a good sitter if you need one.” 
“This—Marinette this is a really nice place, are you—are you sure?” The cards in his hands were probably worth two hundred euros each, easy. “Surely there’s someone else you would rather give them to?”
Marinette smiled and leaned over, covering his hands with her own. “Nobody that needs a day off as much as your sisters. And it’s not like I earned them, you know? It’s all for Gabriel and Adrien, not for me. I’d much rather your sisters get a break.” She sighed and got to her feet. “I have to get going, I have some meetings this afternoon that I can’t miss, but thanks for having lunch with me! I feel much less ready to murder interns now.” She hunched her shoulders slightly. “I probably should pick up something yummy for them as an apology for being so snappy this morning.” 
“Right,” Luka said absently, still rather stunned. “Marinette, are you really sure, I mean, thank you, very much, I just...um…” Marinette giggled when he just continued to stare. “Careful, you’ll catch flies.” She winked at him as he shut his mouth quickly, and it felt like her ladybug was laughing at him as she waved goodbye.
She got a few steps away and then turned around again, and he could have sworn she was blushing. “I’ll see you Tuesday? It’s my turn to bring Louis.”
“Yeah,” Luka said numbly, a little too late. “See you then.”
Marinette just gave him one more bright smile before taking a step backwards and catching her heel on an uneven place in the sidewalk. Luka winced but she managed to catch herself, and he caught a glimpse of her red face before she turned and power-walked away. She’s funny, he thought to himself with a smile, carefully putting away the spa certificates in an inside pocket of his vest. And generous. Kind and thoughtful. Hot, hell yes, but still cute. No wonder Adrien married her so young. If I’d met a girl like that back then, I wouldn’t have let her go either. 
By Tuesday afternoon, Luka was reasonably sure he had his shit together and his head mostly on straight, right up until Marinette and Louis showed up at his door and it turned out he couldn’t even look at Marinette right away. “Hi, Louis,” Luka exchanged a fistbump with the boy. “Ready to work?”
“Yes, sir,” Louis chirped, and then Luka’s eyes shifted up. She was back in her designer business suit with her hair carefully done, perfectly elegant and poised and untouchable. The consummate business woman.
“Marinette,” he greeted, as evenly as he could. “Nice to see you. No worse for wear?”
“Hi,” she smiled, and damn if he wasn’t getting just a little bit obsessed with that ladybug tattoo as she gave him an odd little wave and smoothed her hair self-consciously. “No, I was fine. Not even a bruise! You? I mean, of course you’re probably fine, but I did almost knock you down—”
“Mom, you’re being weird,” Louis whispered, and Luka had to look away to hide his smile. She might look like a business woman, but she still acted like the fluttered woman from the market.
“Hush, you,” Marinette muttered, face pink. She looked up at Luka and turned a little pinker. “Um, do you know of a coffee shop or something nearby where I can work? I have some things I really need to get done and I don’t want to waste more time in the car than I have to, so I thought I could just find somewhere close. If you know of anything.”
“I do,” Luka answered with a slow smile, “But you’re welcome to work here.” He gestured towards his living room. “Or at the table in the kitchen, if you prefer.”
“Oh, I don’t want to intrude on your private space,” Marinette said, holding up her hands, and there was the ladybug again. “A coffee shop is fine.”
Luka shrugged, eyebrows raising slightly. “It’s not intruding if you’re invited, but by all means, do whatever you’re comfortable with. There’s a shop around the corner. Honestly their coffee isn’t very good, at least not to my taste, but it’s a comfortable place to work. Or—” he swept his arm again toward his living room. “Make yourself at home. Take your pick. Come on, Louis, let’s get started.” He led the boy down the hall to the studio. 
With the music as a distraction, he quickly forgot about Marinette until the lesson was over, and when he walked out of the studio with Louis, he had to choke back a laugh. 
Marinette was sitting on his couch with her laptop across her knees and a bluetooth headset blinking in her ear, but her head had fallen back and she was snoring lightly. Her hands rested slack against her keyboard, twitching slightly. Luka covered his smile with his hand and Louis giggled. 
“She’s been working too hard again,” Louis whispered. He looked up at Luka hopefully. “Can we let her sleep?”
Luka sighed. “I wish we could, but I don’t know her schedule or what kinds of things she needed to do today, so it’s probably best if you go ahead and wake her up.” He patted Louis’ shoulder. “Sorry.”
Louis heaved a kid-sigh and trudged over to his mother. He tugged at her arm. “Maman.” Marinette whined, and Luka bit his lip against his amusement. She was too cute. 
Louis tugged harder, shaking her lightly. “Maman, wake up.”
“Not yet, Louis, it’s too early. Come rest with Maman,” Marinette slurred, wrapping her arm around Louis and pulling him down against her. 
“Maman!” Louis shot a pleading look at Luka, who couldn’t help chuckling. Louis glared at him. “You were the one who said I had to wake her up. Quit laughing and help me.”
“All right, all right,” Luka put up his hands, still chuckling, and went to Marinette’s other side. The ottoman made leaning over her awkward from that position so he sat next to her and took hold of her shoulder, shaking gently. “Marinette. Wake up, honey.” He winced slightly. That probably wasn’t appropriate. She stirred, but didn’t quite wake. Luka shook her again. “Marinette.” 
She rolled her head towards him with a soft “Hmm?” and her eyes blinked open sleepily.  God, she’s cute.
“You fell asleep,” he told her softly. She blinked those beautiful eyes a couple more times before the realization sank into her brain, and she shot up off the couch, and then promptly lost her balance as her shins hit the ottoman. Louis caught her laptop as it slid off her lap. Luka lunged and got an arm around her waist and a hand on her forearm. “Easy, easy,” he soothed, trying to steady her and hold his own balance at the same time. “You’re okay. You couldn’t have been asleep for long.” He guided her to sit back down. 
“I’m so sorry,” she gasped. She looked at Louis and then back at Luka. “The lesson’s over?” 
“All done,” Luka nodded. 
“I’m so sorry to impose.” She checked the time. “Um, the driver should be here shortly.” 
Luka shrugged. “It’s no trouble. Louis is my last student for today and I don’t need to be anywhere.”  He looked at Louis and tilted his head toward the row of guitars. “You want to pick another one?” Louis had been curious, so they usually spent a few minutes going over whichever guitar model he wanted to look at that week while they waited for the car. These were Luka’s personal instruments, and he didn’t normally let students touch them, but Louis was clean and careful, and Luka couldn’t refuse in the face of the boy’s enthusiasm.
Louis brightened and went over to the row of guitars, chewing his lip thoughtfully. Luka chuckled at his serious expression, and he heard Marinette giggle at the same time. The two adults shared an amused look. 
“Can you show me this one?” Louis pointed.
“Sure.” Luka picked up the classical guitar, checked that it was in tune, and set it in Louis’ hands. Luka showed Louis how to hold it, positioning his hands, and described how it differed both from the bass and the steel-string acoustic that he’d tried before. Without prompting, Louis positioned his fingers into the chord Luka had shown him the previous week, and strummed.
Luka grinned. “Not bad, piano man.”
Louis giggled, and offered it back to him. “I like this one,” Louis said, “Can you play something on it? Please,” he added hastily, glancing at his mother.
Luka took the guitar and sat down on the couch, positioning it in his lap. He played a simple tune, Louis’ eyes following his fingers curiously. Then a wicked idea came to him and he grinned, fingers already moving to his purpose as he darted a glance at Marinette. 
“Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me,” he sang, and nearly lost his composure entirely at Marinette’s dropped jaw and outraged expression. “Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee…”
Louis caught on and giggled, and Marinette shot him a look of betrayal. 
“Sounds of the rude world, heard in the day, lulled by the moonlight, have all passed away—“ He only barely made it to the end of the verse without laughing, and then had to pause, one hand over his lips, to get his chuckling under control. 
“Rude,” huffed Marinette, which only made both Luka and Louis laugh harder. 
Luka kept playing, even as he tried to stifle his laughter. He meant to give her his best puppy eyes in request for forgiveness, “Beautiful dreamer—“ but their eyes locked and as he sang the line, the look became something else. “Queen of my song,” his voice had gone a little husky, but he was committed now. “List while I woo thee with soft melody.” He couldn’t make himself look away. “Gone are the cares of life’s busy throng. Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me.” His hands finished the song almost absently. When the last chord faded, Marinette blushed and looked away. 
Luka cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from her and looking back to Louis, unsurprised to find the boy watching him intently. Louis was a smart kid, empathetic and intuitive. Luka had known that from their first lesson. Dropping his eyes to the guitar, Luka played the first thing that came to mind. “My love is like a red red rose, that’s newly sprung in June, my love is like a melody that’s sweetly played in tune.” 
Louis wrinkled his nose. “Don’t you know any that aren’t mushy?”
Luka chuckled. “It’s a romantic instrument.” He nudged Louis with his elbow. “Like the piano.” He played a few more bars, and sighed. “My mother used to sing that one when I was a kid,” Luka said a little thickly, a sudden sense of loss sweeping over him. He cleared his throat, and felt a hand press his shoulder. He looked into soft blue eyes and his breath caught for a moment. 
“It’s lovely that you can remember her that way,” Marinette said quietly.
Luka cleared his throat again. “Yeah. She left a pretty strong legacy behind. This is the first time I’ve sung it since…I don’t know why I picked it now.”
Marinette sat down on the ottoman, her knees almost touching his. “Can you play a little more? Only if you want to.”
Luka complied, if only to keep from breaking down. “As fair art thou my bonnie lass,” he sang softly, but heavy with emotion, and then his years of performance betrayed him and he made the mistake of looking up into her face, “So deep in love am I—” His throat seized up for a moment as their eyes locked. Oh, shit, he thought, heart racing. He tore his gaze away, swallowing. “And I will love thee still my dear,” he managed, “Till all the seas run dry.” Luka shook his head, putting the guitar aside quickly. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”
“That’s okay. It was beautiful.” Marinette reached out and squeezed his shoulder. “I hope someday you’ll be able to play the whole thing again.”
Luka nodded, his gaze still on the carpet as he tried to get a grip on the conflicting emotions swirling around in his gut. 
“I like that one,” Louis said again, only a little stiffly. “The guitar, I mean.”
“Me too,” Luka wiped his eyes with his thumb and smiled, looking at him. “It’s my favorite after the electric. It’d suit you if you’d like to give it a try.”
Louis frowned. “I play piano.”
Luka chuckled. “So do I. You can play more than one. You’re allowed to love more than one instrument.”
Louis' eyes flicked between Luka and Marinette, and then he looked at the floor as he shook his head. “I play piano.”
Luka got the hint. “Okay.”
“The driver’s here,” Marinette burst out, looking at her phone, clearly relieved. “Time to go, Louis.” She held out her hand to Luka. “Thanks for letting me work in your home.”
“My pleasure,” he said, standing and taking her hand, squeezing it gently rather than shaking it. “Don’t work too hard. Louis worries about you.” He smiled. “And you can’t be your best creative self if you're exhausted.” She blushed adorably and dropped his hand like it burned her. 
“Yes, well, um...thank you. Bye.”
“Mom,” Louis whispered, taking her hand. “You’re being weird.”
“I’m always weird,” she hissed back. 
Luka looked away to hide his smile, then put the guitar on the stand. He picked up Marinette’s briefcase and laptop bag and motioned her towards the entry. “Shall we?” 
“Right, yes,” Marinette said quickly, and Louis rolled his eyes and tugged her down the hall. Luka followed with Marinette’s things. He walked them all the way to the car. “Thank you,” Marinette said breathlessly as she took her bag. 
“My pleasure,” Luka said again, and she looked up at him for a moment and all he saw was blue, blue, blue, how could anyone’s eyes be so blue. 
He kept it together long enough to say goodbye and get back inside, but only barely. Luka shut the door and put his back to it, sliding down to the floor and putting his head in his hands. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath. “This can’t be happening.” This had disaster written all over it. He couldn’t possibly be falling in love with Adrien’s ex-wife. 
But he was. Oh God, he was. And somehow he’d sung her his mother’s song and he missed his mom so much and now he was six different kinds of fucked up and it was a good thing Louis was his last lesson for the day, because he wasn’t sure he’d be getting up off the floor anytime soon.
Luka fumbled his phone out of his pocket and dialed, holding it up to his ear as he tangled his fingers in his hair and rested his forehead on his knees.
“Hey, Luka, what’s up?”
“Hey Jules.” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” he said quickly. “Nothing major, anyway, just...sad. Do you think I could come over tonight? I’d really like to see my girls.”
“Of course,” Juleka replied, and he kind of hated the softening of her usual cutting tone. It made him feel even more pathetic. “Are you—do you need me to come home now?”
“No,” Luka said quickly. “No, I can wait until you’re off work.”
“Okay,” Juleka sighed. “If you’re sure. I’ll be home at six, but if you need to, you can go on over, you know Rose will be there.” 
“I don’t want to bother her,” Luka shook his head. “I know she’s been struggling emotionally since she had the baby, I don’t want to bring her down any worse. I’ll wait for you. I probably need a little time to get my head on straight anyway.”
“Okay, but you know we’re there if you need us, right?” Juleka sounded worried and Luka winced. 
“I promise, Jules, I’m okay. Just...some things got a little heavy today, and I started playing mom’s song without even thinking about it and it just kind of hit me like a truck, that’s all. I promise I’m okay this time.”
“Okay, bro,” Juleka sighed. “I gotta go, okay, I’ll see you tonight.”
“Thanks Jules. Bye.” He set the phone down on the floor next to him and leaned his head back on the door.
He didn’t like to say he had taken his mother’s death harder than Juleka; they were a close-knit family and they all felt the loss. Their grief just looked different. Juleka had Rose and now their daughter, and she couldn’t afford to fall apart all at once, so she did it in little pieces spread out over time. Luka had commitments he had to keep, and he had, but he’d had a lot more freedom to be crushed by the weight of losing his mother and the boat he’d grown up in. He put his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands in front of his face, blowing out a breath. 
Now he had a new problem. He was falling for Marinette. Maybe had fallen already. Probably was doomed the moment he opened the door that first day and forgot how to breathe. And as he sat there and admitted it to himself, the logical next question presented itself:
What are you going to do about it?
The smart thing would be to do nothing. She was his student’s mother and his friend’s ex-wife. He didn’t see her outside of work except for that one time. He could ignore it, write a few songs about it and move on. Maybe go on some dates to take his mind off it. Juleka had been bugging him to go out again.
The thought of dating again made him sigh. The whole cycle of dating just exhausted him. He led something of a double life, mild-mannered music teacher by day and rock guitarist by night, and it felt like he was always disappointing the people he dated eventually, because he didn’t care about the conventional definitions of success. Luka wasn’t ambitious; he didn’t need to be a rock star or a virtuoso. Music had always been about connection for Luka. He liked playing small venues and he liked teaching his students. At the same time, he loved playing his own music, he loved playing with the band, and he wasn’t about to give that up either. Introverted by nature, dealing with his kids and clients and crowds already wore him out—usually in a good way, a ready to recharge and go to bed at the end of the day way. Add dating into that though, and...ugh. 
Luka couldn’t remember the last he’d been excited to go out with someone. What was the point? How could you connect with someone when you spent the whole day dreading the experience? So he just...stopped. Dating for the sake of dating, anyway. He’d always thought when he met someone that made him think it’d be worth it, he’d try again.
Lately Luka had started to entertain the thought that he had Juleka and Rose and his niece and his music kids, and maybe that should just be enough for him. And it...sort of was. Sometimes. 
But Marinette...she would be worth it. He wanted to go out with her, he wanted to know her better. The thought of holding her, kissing her, sent a visceral longing through him he hadn’t felt since his last serious relationship. And...she’d seemed a little bit into him too. Attracted to him, at least. Maybe there was a chance, if he was willing to take it, but...
Luka slid his hands down his face and stared over his fingertips into his empty apartment.
It was hard, waiting for Juleka to get out off work, and Luka was knocking on their door before Juleka had even had time to change out of her work clothes. He planted himself on the couch and fidgeted until she came back. 
“Sorry,” Juleka said, handing him a soda. “Rose doesn’t want to drink while she’s nursing so we don’t have any beer.”
“It’s fine,” Luka sighed. “Probably the last thing I need right now anyway.” He looked longingly at the baby carrier strapped to Juleka’s chest. Luka’s heart eased a bit just looking at her. “Mind if I hold her for a bit?” 
Juleka smiled, took Angelique out of the baby carrier, and handed her over carefully.  Luka grinned down at the scrunched up little face. “Hey, you,” he cooed. “How’s my best girl?” 
Angie’s newborn-blue eyes were squinty and unfocused, but she turned her head towards him, wiggling in her wrap. Luka sighed and murmured “I wish Mom could have seen her.”
Juleka raised her eyebrows. “Is that really why you sounded so messed up when you called? Missing Mom?” 
“Some of it,” Luka sighed again. “Hang on, I’m moving out of smacking range before I tell you this one.” He slid to the far end of the couch.
“What did you do,” Juleka groaned, letting her head fall back against the couch. “Damnit, Luka.”
“I haven’t even said anything!”
“Fine, then say it so I can get on with complaining about what an idiot you are.”
Luka eyed her for a minute before admitting, “It’s a girl.”
“Damnit, Luka!”
“Real encouraging, Jules,” Luka snapped, getting a little irritated. Angie made a fussy noise and he automatically began rocking her, making a gentle shushing noise near her ear.
“So,” Juleka sighed, when Angelique was quiet again, “Lay it on me.”
Luka told her the whole story, as honestly as he could manage. How Adrien had come to him for help. How he’d met Marinette. How he’d reacted to meeting Marinette. How she was sweet and pretty and kind, and even though he hadn’t known her very long, but—
“You never know them very long,” Juleka muttered. “That’s your problem. If you would go out and meet some real people, make some friends, you might have better luck.”
Luka didn’t bother answering. That was an old argument. It was something Luka had accepted about himself that Juleka never quite had. Most of the time, he felt an instant connection, or none at all. 
“Well,” Juleka said slowly, picking at a loose thread on the battered couch. “What are you going to do about it?”
Luka sighed. He’d been stewing over that all day. “She’s Adrien’s ex-wife.”
“Emphasis on the ex.”
“He’d probably be really hurt,” Luka mused, scrubbing his hand over his face. “I know the divorce wasn’t his idea.” Juleka didn’t respond right away and Luka frowned. “You’re making the face.”
“What face?” 
“The face you make when you’re trying to be tactful,” Luka said wryly. “Just spit it out, Jules, you suck at tact.”
“First, bite me, and second, they’re divorced.” Juleka shrugged. “She left him. Unless you think they might get back together—” Luka shook his head. “Then I know there’s probably some stupid bro code bullshit but—” Juleka made a gesture that clearly showed her opinion of that. “You’d hate yourself if you missed out on something great for such a stupid reason. He really doesn’t have any right to be upset. Marinette’s the one who decides who she wants to be with, if anyone. Besides, you and Adrien hadn’t seen each other in years until he called needing your help.”
“That doesn’t mean we’re not friends,” Luka protested. “You’re so desperate for me to be in a relationship that you’ll justify anything,” he grumbled, rubbing his cheek lightly against Angie’s soft hair.
“If you believed that you wouldn’t be here asking me for advice.” She paused. “And I’m only desperate for you to be happy. I just know you’re lonely. It’d be one thing if you were really happy on your own but we both know you’re not. And you know Mom would tell you to go for it if she were here.”
Luka scowled. “Low, Jules.”
Juleka spread her hands. “Disagree with me.”
Luka couldn’t because he knew she was right. Anarka had always been a damn the consequences kind of woman, especially when it came to romance. 
“She’s a client,” he pointed out half-heartedly. “It’d be unprofessional to ask her out when I’m working, and I wouldn’t do it in front of the kid anyway. You and I both know how crappy that feels. I feel bad that I let it slip in front of him this afternoon as it is. I’ve only ever seen her the one time outside of work, and that was a fluke.”
“A fluke, or an opportunity?” Juleka asked him, raising her eyebrows slightly. “Maybe you should see if the universe throws you another one. Do what you do best, go with the flow, and then seize the moment when it comes.”
“What if it doesn’t come?” Luka asked moodily. 
“Then maybe it wasn’t meant to be,” Juleka shrugged. “Or maybe you’re actually going to have to step up and make something happen. Your call, really.” She gave a lopsided smile. “How much faith do you have in the universe right now?”
Luka snorted. “You’re joking, right?” He jumped slightly as his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and his eyes widened slightly. “You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
“What?” Juleka said.
Luka picked up the call. “Hey Marinette,” he said as casually as he could manage, making sure not to look at Juleka. “What can I do for you?”
“Hi, Luka, I’m so sorry to bother you,” she said, sounding flustered as usual, “I think I left a folder at your place this afternoon, and I was hoping I could come by and pick it up. Did you see it? It was pink and—well, it was a pink folder, it looks like any other folder except pink, I don’t know what I was trying to—anyway, have you seen it?”
“I haven’t,” Luka said, trying not to laugh. “But I can look for it when I get home.”
“Oh, you’re out—well, of course you’re out, why wouldn’t you be out, I’m stupid—”
Luka grinned in spite of himself, and turned his face away from Juleka’s rising eyebrows. “Yeah, I’m hanging out with my sisters tonight, but I could drop it by your office tomorrow if you like.”
“Oh, no, I don’t want to trouble you, I know you have students and...and whatever, so just let me know what time is good and I’ll come by and pick it up tomorrow?” 
“It wouldn’t be any trouble—” Luka began, and then changed his mind. “But if you’d rather pick it up that’s fine, just let me know when you’re heading over. I’ll look for it when I get home and text you?”
“That’s perfect, thank you,” Marinette said gratefully. “I’m so sorry, God knows what you must think about me after this afternoon as it is, and now I’m—”
“Stop, stop,” Luka said gently. “It’s fine, Marinette. You’re human and Louis said you’ve been working really hard. It’s great to be dedicated but don’t let it burn you out.” He caught the warning look Juleka gave him and broke off the lecture. “Anyway, I don’t think badly about you at all, so—so I’ll see you sometime tomorrow.” Juleka rolled her eyes at him and he made a face at her that meant shut up. 
“Right, tomorrow. Um, goodnight, Luka.”
“Goodnight, Marinette,” Luka said, and hung up quickly, blowing out a breath. 
Juleka smirked at him. “Smooth.”
“Oh shut the fuck up,” he muttered, chucking a throw pillow at her.
“Hey! Don’t curse in front of the baby, asshole!” she scowled, and then winced at a shriek of “Juleka!” from the doorway.
Luka grinned smugly. “Hey Rose.” Juleka subtly flipped him off where Rose couldn’t see.
“Hi Luka.” Rose leaned over the couch and kissed his temple, and while she greeted Juleka, Luka fished the two spa cards Marinette had given him out of his jacket pocket. 
“I’ve got something for you two,” he said, when they were ready to pay attention to him again. He held up the envelopes and Rose moved to take them from him. She opened one and gaped.
“Luka Couffaine!” she whisper-yelled, falling onto the couch next to him. “You did not spend this kind of money on us.”
“I didn’t, actually,” Luka grinned as Juleka reached to take the card from Rose and read it over. “They were a gift from a client. We were talking, and she said she remembered how hard it was to be a new mom, and that you deserved a day out. As it happens, I agree with her.” 
“But the baby—” Rose began, but Luka leaned over and patted her knee. 
“I can watch her for a day. Come on, Rose, you’ve barely left the house for a month except to go to the grocery store. You guys need some time for yourselves. I promise I can handle her long enough for you guys to go get a pedicure and a massage or whatever.”
“It would be nice,” Rose mused. 
“Is this the same client we were talking about?” Juleka asked suspiciously.
“Yes,” Luka admitted.
“Uh-huh.” Juleka pondered that for a moment. “Well, I definitely approve of you dating someone who gives these kinds of gifts.”
Rose’s head whipped around toward him so fast he was surprised she didn’t topple over. “You’re dating someone? Luka! Tell me everything right now!”
Luka glared at Juleka. “You did that on purpose.”
“You should have known I would.”
Luka had to tell the whole story over again, and by the time Rose was done with her interrogation, he was ready to leave. He gave back the baby (who clearly needed a change at that point anyway), kissed both his sisters, and headed back to his own place.
When he got home, a quick search of the living room turned up Marinette’s folder between the couch and ottoman. 
“All right, universe,” he muttered under his breath, looking at the pastel sign from the gods in his hands. “You better not be fucking with me here.”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | AO3
Inspiration music for this chapter: 
There’s a billion versions of Beautiful Dreamer (written by Stephen Foster) but here are a few of my favorites:
My Love is Like a Red Red Rose was originally a poem that many artists have put to music, but below is the version I specifically used for inspiration. You can read the original poem by Robert Burns here.
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