#maybe shouldn't have let him die in the first place
leaf-line · 1 month
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𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥
Yandere! Jiaoqiu X Gn! Reader
❏ Jiaoqiu finds himself enjoying your company that he wants to extend it more.
cw: might be lore inaccurate, might be ooc, a hint of angst, you being called annoying, force feeding, mentions of pinning, no beta we die like Tingyun, written in Jiaoqiu's pov + he doesn't talk, pls don't be confused, reader is loud.
w/c: 962
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Immortality is a crime... No, rather, it's a sin.
"Alchemy Commission... Agh—!! Where was that place again?! Wait a minute... Hey there! You! The pretty foxian boy with pink hair!"
Jiaoqiu finds it hard to believe that a human like you were accepted into a prestigious place such as the Alchemy Commission. You weren't even a Xianzhou Native, just a regular human. Why did he even try to put an effort into knowing who you were? Maybe it was because apart of him was curious about you and why the hell were you so loud? Honestly, he shouldn't have.
"Ohhhh, so this was the place, wow, I could've sworn I've ran into here multiple times before, why didn't I see it? Speaking of which, can you even actually see that? Why are your eyes closed?"
He wasn't exactly sure why he welcomed you so easily into his life. To put it into words... You were eccentric, goofy, and a slacker with no sense of direction, you speak out loud what's on your mind, no matter the place and time.
"Alas, we meet again, blind foxian... So you're my senior? But you're so short—"
You were blunt, sometimes it was funny, sometimes it was annoying. But Jiaoqiu never heard you tell a lie ever since the first time he met you. Although if he ever hears you call him any more honest insults, he's gonna spike your lunch with one of his handmade concoctions.
"Noooo!! Please! I don't want to memorize another set of ingredients for a different medicine!! Have mercy!!!"
And did he mention that you were loud? He'd be lying if he said he didn't find it entertaining, since the people there were so serious and gloomy. You were like the clown of the class, and Jiaoqiu was simply there to be entertained.
"You mean to say that in your own eyes, you think that food is medicine? That's... Super interesting!!"
...That wasn't a lie right? Well, Jiaoqiu hoped so. You were cheerful, upbeat, and optimistic at some times, he's yet to be accustomed by that kind of personality.
"Oh, yeah, sure I'll have a taste of your cookings, leave it to me! I'm a good food critique!"
Have a taste, he says. He doesn't know what you will reply. Will you tell him it tastes garbage? Will you tell him it's the most godsend food you've ever tasted in your life? He doesn't know, not unless he tries to have you eat it. At some point you were brutally honest it hurts him through the gut, but surely at some point when he impresses you, it would feel rewarding, right?
"This straight up tastes awful, this one is painfully bland, and this is, hmm... Let me taste again, ...mmmm!! It's super delicious!"
Was it a wrong choice when he interacted with you more? No, otherwise he would have felt so much joy in a long while. Bit by bit, you warmed up your way into his heart, securing a comfortable place in it. There was a saying that the way into person's was through their stomach, so why was it when the more he poured into your stomach and the more he was successful at making you happy, the more was being poured into HIS own heart?
"Jiaoqiu... Thanks a lot."
The second you were calm and silent. Aeons, you were adorable, beautiful, handsome and majestic in your own way that Idrilla would be jealous. He wanted nothing more but to cup your cheeks with his hands and connect your lips to his own. He wanted to hug you dearly, bask in your touch, bask in your scent. But he holds himself to the ground, after all, looking at the picturesque scene in front of him will suffice more than enough.
"What do you mean my hair is turning white? I'm still young you know?"
...Oh. Did time fly that fast when he's having fun? Was it this early for someone he would willingly hold dearly to part ways with him soon enough? Or was time just cruelly toying him? How could he even forget that you were a short-life specie, just how?
"Ugh... Sorry and thank you, Jiaoqiu. I mean, for taking care of me, I'm still really sick, my body is just getting weaker and weaker by the day... I don't know why..."
Time is running out. Why was his time with you getting cut short? Why? Why? No. He's gonna fix this, he can. All he wants is a little more time with you, can't he have that? He doesn't want to feel lonely again. Please... Stay...
"Jiaoqiu... Are you okay? You've been stuffing your nose into books all day. I just... Have a feeling your doing something suspicious, don't get me wrong, I'm not accusing you, I'm just worried."
Immortality is a sin, he knows that, he knows it all too well. The only way to achieve it is through the flesh of an Emanator of Abundance. The last time that went... Didn't go well. Fuck around with immortality and there will be a cost... That he's willing to pay, unfortunately for you. All he needed is to make a medicine that will ensure you to live longer, even if you become mara-struck, it doesn't matter.
"Are you sure this medicine is safe? I don't think that it is..."
Aeons! Just consume it will you!? Do you know how hand it took him to get his hands in these things!? Do you want him to strip naked and beg you to consume it!? You want him to pin you and shove it down your throat!?
Jiaoqiu wouldn't really consider himself sinful... So he wonders why he's dragging you into the pits of hell.
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a/n: uh... this is inaccurate as hell, i barely read the lore leave me alone— 😭
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andreawritesit · 3 months
Can i maybe ask for a cregan stark x targaryen reader where she takes cregan for his first ever dragon ride? i like your writting very much 🤍
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Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen Reader
Synopsis: Dragon riding is as easy as breathing for you but this time you have a special passenger with you.
Word Count: 1,924
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"Can we go to the wall, Lord Stark?" Jacaerys' words made your jaw drop to the floor. Has he lost his mind?! The Wall? Why?!
Cregan glanced at the young prince and took a sip of his ale. "Are you sure, my Prince? It is much colder there." Jacaerys nodded enthusiastically. "I am quite sure. I have come this far. I want to see the Wall."
"Very well then", Cregan got up and dusted his clothes. Your brother followed suit. You stayed sitting, eating your food in peace. Jace had surely lost his mind. You were already freezing to death, you would surely die at the Wall.
"When can we go?" Jace's question made you want to punch him. Idiot. You were hoping Cregan would say 'after the war' or 'never' but what came out of his mouth infuriated you even more.
"Today, if you're truly ready for it." You glared at the Northern Lord. They have both lost their minds! You lightly pulled Jacaerys' hand but he was too busy agreeing with Lord Stark to go to the damned Wall that very day. "What of you, my Princess? Will you accompany us?" Your head whipped towards Cregan and you were about to say something rude to him when Jace answered for you. "Of course she is. I'm not leaving her alone here." You truly wanted to punch him square in his face at that. First, he proposes to go to the Wall and then treats you like a little child! The audacity!
"No thank you, my Lord. I'm not sure I'll be able to withstand the cold there. I'd rather stay here and explore Winterfell. I've barely seen anything here", you answered rather harshly. Cregan's eyebrow shot up at your tone but once again your brother interrupted. "You're coming with us. Imagine it, we'll be able to see the mighty Wall and even see what lies beyond. Are you really not intrigued about all that?"
"Yes, I am. But not enough to freeze myself to death for it."
"Don't be dramatic! I'm about as Northerner as you. We'll be fine. And Lord Stark will be with us. It will be ok."
Cregan glanced between us and sighed loudly. "You shouldn't force her, my Prince. If she doesn't wish to come with us, then let her stay here." You nodded to him in gratitude. Jace frowned at his words and decided to pull the good old trick out of his sleeves. "Alright dear sister, if you wish to stay here, do that. I'll go with Lord Stark to the place where Queen Alyssane and her dragon once stood/ How amazing would that be!"
You squinted your eyes at him. You knew your brother very well and knew what he was doing. He was triggering the fear of missing out within you. But you were determined to not let it affect you. "Do that. I'm sure it will be fun in the hellish cold up there." Jace rolled his eyes at you and turned toward Cregan, "How do we travel to the Wall?"
"By horseback."
"But it will take long, wouldn't it?"
"Yes, my Prince, it will."
"Then can I not just travel there on Vermax?"
Cregan shook his head. "I would advise against that. Dragons do not like the cold atop the Wall." Your ears perked up at the mention of Vermax. You hadn't seen your own dragon for a week now. You were dying to go dragon back riding again. Walking up to your brother, you linked your arm through his. "My brother has proposed a wonderful idea, Lord Stark. Going there on dragonback will be quicker and easier than horseback."
"Perhaps but you're forgetting one important thing, my Princess. I do not own a dragon. It will take me days to reach there."
"Not if you come with me on my dragon." You responded back without thinking and now both men were staring at you. Cregan let out a nervous laugh. "You jest, Princess. I couldn't possibly ride on your dragon with you..."
You knew you couldn't go back on your words now. Cursing yourself inwardly, you decided to push the idea forward. "Why not? My dragon is much bigger than Jace's and it can carry us both quite easily."
"Yes, but I'm not of Valyrian descent. Won't the dragon object to it?"
Jacaerys chuckled next to you and you elbowed him to make him stop. Cregan's fear was justified. "Do not worry, my Lord. I won't let you fall."
His eyes locked with yours and finding reassurance within your eyes, he nodded in agreement. "Great! Off to the Wall then!" Jace said quite loudly.
The snow had started to fall lightly, dusting Winterfell in a fresh blanket of white. You stood in the courtyard, adjusting the straps on the saddle of your dragon, whose sleek greyish-violet scales shimmered like polished gemstones. Cregan approached, his expression a mix of excitement and trepidation. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, eyes wide as he took in the massive creature before him. You turned to him, a reassuring smile on your lips. "Absolutely," you said. "My dragon is gentle, and I promise you'll be safe with me."
Despite your reassurance, he stood quite far from your dragon. You smiled at his expression, one of awe and caution mixed together. You walked to him and held his hand. "Do not worry. He looks scary but he's much gentler than other dragons. Trust me." He looked at you and then at your dragon and nodded. "Alright then. Let's do this."
You slowly led him to the majestic beast. Walking closer, you gently stroked your dragon's neck and spoke softly, "Hey there my boy, this is my friend, Lord Cregan Stark. I want you to be nice to him, hmm?" Your dragon lowered his neck and gently nudged you to indicate his agreement. You turned toward Cregan and smiled widely at him. "See? He said he won't hurt you. You can ride with me."
With practiced ease, you mounted your dragon, extending a hand to help Cregan up behind you. The Lord of Winterfell hesitated for a moment before grasping your hand, pulling himself up with surprising agility. He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding on tightly.
"Ready?" you asked, looking over your shoulder at him.
"As I'll ever be," Cregan replied, his voice steady but his grip firm.
With a command in High Valyrian, you urged your dragon to spread his massive wings. The dragon let out a powerful roar, and with a mighty leap, you were airborne. The ground fell away beneath you, and Winterfell became a distant speck as you soared higher into the sky.
The sensation of takeoff was exhilarating. You felt the rush of wind against your face, the powerful beats of your dragon's wings creating a steady rhythm beneath you. Cregan's initial tension gradually eased as he adjusted to the sensation of flight. You felt his grip relax slightly, and you glanced back to see him looking around in awe. Your lips lifted up in a smile seeing the almost childlike wonder on his face.
"This is incredible," Cregan breathed, his eyes wide with wonder. "I've never seen the North like this."
You could barely hear him up there. But you understood how he felt. You had felt exactly like that on your first flight, except that your flight was filled with your screams and he was sitting silently behind you.
As your dragon climbed higher, the landscape below transformed into a breathtaking tapestry of white and green. The sprawling forests looked like intricate lacework, the icy rivers glinting like silver ribbons in the sunlight. The mountains stood tall and imposing, their snow-capped peaks piercing the sky. The vastness of the North stretched out below you, a testament to the rugged beauty of Cregan's homeland.
"The North is very beautiful', you spoke softly. Cregan didn't hear you but he held you a little tighter again. You could feel his warmth even through the thousands of layers of clothes you both were wearing. He rested his head on your shoulder and a shiver ran down your spine.
Cregan's voice came out in a whisper, "I can see why you love this so much. It's… freeing." You didn't reply but you gently leaned your head on top of his. You had flown on your dragon many times but no experience was like this one. You wanted to believe it was because the North was much different from where you usually flew but a part of you knew, it wasn't the place, it was the company.
After a little while you shook Cregan a little and he looked up at you. "What is it, my Princess?"
"You were supposed to lead us to the Wall, my Lord. I think we have reached an entirely different place..."
Cregan looked down and indeed, you were nowhere near the Wall. You were flying over a herd of animals scattering in awe at the sight of the dragon overhead. He looked at you and you both burst out into laughter. "If I have lost the way even with you, I cannot begin to imagine where Jace is right now..."
Cregan stopped laughing and shook his head. "The Prince is smarter than this. I'm sure he'll have reached the Wall by now."
"Perhaps. But what do we do now? Do we go straight the Wall or..."
"As much as I'm enjoying this, it would be better if we land for some time. Your dragon must be tired as well." You nodded and guided your dragon to a gentle descent, landing on a snow-covered plateau that offered a panoramic view of the landscape. You dismounted first, turning to help Cregan down. The wind was brisk but invigorating, carrying with it the crisp scent of pine and the distant sound of a roaring river. "Thank the Gods we're still in the North. It shouldn't take long to reach the Wall after a little rest', Cregan commented after looking around.
"So, how was your very first dragon ride?" you asked, a hint of curiosity in your voice.
Cregan looked at you, a broad smile spreading across his face. "Unbelievable," he said. "I never imagined anything like it. Thank you for this."
"See? You were being afraid for no reason at all", you quipped playfully. He picked up a little snow in his hands and grinned at you. "I'll show you true fear", he said as he threw the snow at you. You dodged it barely in time. "So this is how we're doing it? Alright then. Let me show you how we do things in the South." You picked up a handful of snow but before you could throw it, he had already thrown another snowball at you which hit your right shoulder. Your eyes widened and Cregan stood opposite you, laughing loudly. You threw your own snowball at him and the fight continued for some time until you both collapsed of exhaustion.
For a moment, you both sat there, the cold wind whipping around you, your breaths visible in the crisp air. Then, with a gentle smile, Cregan got up and held out his hand for you.
"I suppose we should go now, my Princess. Your brother must be worried."
You took his hand and let him drag you up. "You're right. Are you ready for your second experience atop a dragon?"
"More than you know."
With a confident smile, you guided your dragon into the air once more, heading toward the Wall.
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barleyo · 3 months
If ur in twd fandom I would loveee a Daryl dixon age gap fic!! Just him being disgusting over taking her first time? Just a major power imbalance between them. Dont do this if ur uncomfy ofc!! Stay safe bookie <33
Men Who Are Older.
Daryl Dixon X F! Reader (smut)
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A/N: cried happy tears at this request, i LOVE daryl, he's so yummy. dirty old men foreverrrrr!!! i haven't seen all of twd and it's been a while since i've watched it, so this could be super ooc for all i know!! sorry it's short, i wanted to get all my ideas down quickly :3
Tags: LARGE age gap (18-19 and late 40-ish), power imbalance, coercion, p in v, loss of virginity, allusion to anal, creepy old man behavior (ugh i luv it)
Wordcount: 1.2k
You found yourself often visiting Daryl in his tent later in the night when you couldn't sleep. He tried to act like it annoyed him, like your presence was a nuisance to him, but it wasn't. You weren't the most irritating person he had to deal with day-to-day. You were polite enough for your age, you didn't mess around and snoop through his shit. You didn't judge him.
Most importantly, though, you were attractive. There wasn't much hot, young tail to chase around the camp. He liked to think you were his reward for living through hell every day. Nothing like eye candy at the end of the night to ease a hardened man's stress.
It was like most nights when you entered his tent, not bothering to announce yourself. Daryl looked up from the pocket knife he had been mindlessly flicking to eye you down. 
"Shouldn't you be in bed by now?" 
"Yeah, right," you said, taking a casual seat on his bedroll. "What're you doing?"
He clicked his tongue at you on his bed, but sighed and ignored it. "Nothing. Too damn late to do anythin' important."
"Want to chit-chat, then?" You rested your hands on your knees, hoping he would soothe your boredom.
"Do I wanna 'chit-chat'?" Daryl flicked his knife closed and tucked it in his back pocket. "If you wanna chat, why don't you go do it with someone else? You don't have friends your age?" 
"I used to." He didn't say anything, just flattened his mouth at your rebuttal. "We're friends though, aren't we?"
Crossing his arms, he let out a hum. "Whatever you want, kid. Sure. We're real pals."
You spoke about whatever came to your mind for the next however-many minutes with him. Mostly just you babbling on, but it didn't bother him. You could run off at your mouth all you wanted, gave him all the excuse to stare you down and look a little too closely at places he knew he shouldn't.
Eventually, you got on the topic of things you missed about life before. Things you wished you got to experience, things you were slowly starting to forget about.
"I didn't even get to properly lose my virginity before this shit took over," you complained, now laying on Daryl's bed like it was your own. "It really bites, man." 
His eyes widened a bit, arms falling to his legs from their crossed position. 
"Wait, what'd y'say?" 
"Huh? Oh, I didn't get to have sex with anyone before the outbreak," you repeated, not caring to turn to face him while you spoke. "Sometimes, I wonder if I'll die before I get any." 
So many things rushed through Daryl's head at that moment. A virgin? You? It wasn't exactly surprising, you weren't old enough for it to be a shocking thing to hear, but the thought really intrigued him. Made him wonder.
It gave him an idea, and lord knows dirty, old men have even dirtier ideas stewing in their minds.
"That bother you?" 
You finally turned your head over to look at him, eyes looking conflicted.
"I guess, a little. There are bigger things to worry about, but I feel like I'm missing out," you said while trying your best to sound nonchalant. "It's not much of a priority, under the circumstances, you know."
Oh, how wrong you were. It very much was a priority, an urgent one at that. 
"Never know. Could happen, if y'really wanted. Don't rule it out completely," he advised, wiping his face with the back of his palm. "Maybe some younger man might find his way here. Could be an opportunity." 
"Nah, I couldn't go for that. I don't wanna be inexperienced and have to deal with an equally inexperienced guy too. That'd be like hell," you joked.
"Sounds like you want an older man, then."
He called on every guardian angel he had in that moment, praying for you to take the bait. Just one chance, damn it, he wasn't asking for much.
"Yeah, guess so." You made eye contact with him for a brief second, before flitting your eyes around in embarrassment. "Listen, it's getting late, I should go." You pushed yourself up, ready to head back to your family.
Daryl stood from his seat and grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to him.
"I don't mind," he said, dancing around the answer to the question you didn't yet ask. "I know my fair share."
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"Those don't sound like sounds a virgin'd make," he teased. He loved how you sounded. Straight from a porno, just shameless cries and squeals. "You sure you ain't did this before?"
He watched the back of your head shake 'no' while his hand guided along the arch in your spine. Took you a while to learn to keep your head down and ass up, but damn it if you didn't put the knowledge to work quickly.
"Am I supposed to be dizzy?" you asked, voice muffled by the blankets under you.
Daryl chuckled softly, slamming your hips back on him. "Yeah, if the guy's doin' it right. Feel good?"
Your hands clenched the fabric you were laying on, digging into it roughly.
"I think? I—I dunno, 's just so much."
Being the man he was, Daryl took that as a challenge. He flipped you over on your back, cock still rocking into you. He sped up, letting his movements get sharper. 
"C'mon," he muttered gruffly, trying to urge you to place your legs on his shoulders, "you gonna be this much of a problem for the next guy?"
You gave your weak legs a kick, wrapping them around his neck so the shaking wouldn't roll them off his shoulders. 
"No, no," you whined, groping your tits to keep your hands busy, "don't want another guy. He won't be as good as you, Dar." 
How the hell could a few little words get him ramped up even more? He knew you probably didn't mean it, horny girls said whatever their pussies wanted them to say, but the way he fucked you made you believe your own words.
"Yeah? I ruined ya for other guys already?" 
The stark difference between his now softer tone and rougher thrusts confused your brain in the best ways possible. You couldn't focus on just one aspect of him: Daryl was everywhere. In your brain, in your heart, in the very blood flowing through your veins— and, of course, inside of you. 
It was too much, all of it. 
Your walls clamped tightly over him, sucking him in like a vacuum. The clenching of your walls over his dick sent him over the edge, barely leaving him enough time to pull out. He bit the back of his hand, stifling a moan while he jerked himself the rest of the way off, coating your tired pussy with his cum. 
"You didn't cum inside, did you?" You sat up quickly, scooting back a bit. 
Daryl let out a huff. "I'm not an amateur, I know how to pull out."
"Just checking," you mumbled, lying back down on his bedroll, head nuzzling into the pillow.
You felt his dick push up against your ass, prodding between your cheeks.
"I could show you a way that'll make sure no idiot douchebags get ya knocked up," he offered, head desperately tapping against your asshole, "if you want."
A soft sigh came from your chest as you pushed your ass back on him.
"You're an eager teacher, y'know."
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animeyanderelover · 4 months
Can I request to you a Dazai, Gojo, Alucard and Captain (Hellsing), Tsuna and Byakuran (KHR) with an isekai'd/our world Darling, please?
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, delusional behavior, clinginess, controlling behavior, blackmailing, threats, isolation, abduction
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
Isekaid into their world
Dazai Osamu
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🤎​The one advantage you have as you stumble helplessly into this world is that the environment and the city around you belongs to a place that isn't as different as your own home, minues the people with the gifts of course. The way of living and the technology aren't anything out of the norm for you though so even if you are dropped without any preparation or knowledge into this world, you can still somewhat adjust. Still though, even if you try to blend in as good as possible, something about you always stands out and to trained eyes that will become quite obvious. It just happens to be your misfortune that Dazai is a man with eyes that perceive more than the average person on the street. From the very first glance you two shared, he knew that there was something about you as you looked at him as if you knew him. Rather intriguing. There is always such a cute aura of wariness yet simultaneous curiosity when you have him around you, the fleeting glances you give him always an indicator how you have an inner debate on whether to approach him or not. Normally the average person is easily fooled by his facade yet your nervousness is the one that tells him that you know of something you shouldn't.
🤎​How do you know if he has never met you before? You are such an oddball, even though you do not seem like a threat to him. Still, he is rather curious now and would like to find out more about you yet as he finds himself stalking you, he finds himself in a dead end. There is nothing to be found about you. No origin, no family, no past. Only the police records on how you were found one day and how you were helped to find a job and enabled to live a life by yourself. Your mouth is shut when he tries to pry for answers yet all of it doesn't stop his obsession as it instead only fuels it. There is a secret you keep and Dazai is dying to know what it is that you fret to let others find out about. He would love to be the person you trust enough to tell him what it is you are keeping to yourself. If it doesn't work though, he switches tactics by drugging you and getting your mind to finally let loose as he coaxes the secrets out of you. If you were isekaid by dying, he would start musing if something similar were to happen if he would die, although of course he would only pass away with you by his side. Who knows, maybe both of you may even become reincarnated lovers if being isekaid more than once is possible.
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🩸​Your struggles are more obvious as you essentially land on earth in the pat where supernatural creatures exist yet even despite initial problems and a silent anxiety you dwell on at night, you manage to build your life from scratch. Life is still fine after all, even if you are stranded in a world you do not belong to. All that finds an abrupt end though when you meet the man in red. There is such a raw and visceral reaction when your eyes land on his tall form as your heart is trembling. Frozen is your body as your gaze is glued to the vampire until he suddenly stops and turns around and even though his eyes are hidden behind sunglasses, you feel your heart trembling as you finally gather the strength to turn around and scurry away. Your biggest mistake was paying so much attention to him. He wonders what has gotten you so frightened as red eyes follow your form sprinting away. Alucard is rather used to the intimidation humans and even other creatures tend to feel when they meet him for the first time yet your fear was not one of natural intimidation. Those yes looked at him as if they knew him and it is that aspect that gains his interest. How would you know him?
🩸​Your hopes to outrun from the vampire king are feeble and in a way you know that yourself. Whether he is stalking you from your shadows or emerges suddenly from somewhere, Alucard is always there and when you do catch sight of him it is because he chose to let you see him. He must admit that your case is a rather intriguing one as he has done his sweet research on you yet is standing here with only a handful of information. There is nothing else about you that there was there as if you were a ghost that one day just appeared. He enjoys the little hunt though which is why he doesn't decide to take the easisest course of using hypnosis on you immediately but with his arsenal of special weapons and the crawling torment he puts you under, it is only a question of time until he discovers the precious secret you have kept hidden. Eons he has been dwelling on this planet yet he has never found a little traveler like you. A human with no special skills who was transported into another world entirely which was only a work of fiction in your own. It truly is rather amusing, although it does also mean that you probably know about his past he wouldn't have want you to know about.
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🐺​Captain is a creature that acts on territorial instincts when it involves his darling as he fully embraces his side as a werewolf in such cases. Perhaps things in his mind are just warped if you were to compare it it your own view. After all he found you all by yourself, confused and left all alone. There was the urge to protect and to save you when he saw you alone back then and now he knows that he felt that way because his instincts had already considered you to be his mate back then. Whatever you used to be before he found you and from wherever you came from means nothing anymore as he would have ripped you away from anyone and anything that would have stopped him. It is all rather overwhelming for you though. You got barely time to even process anything after all before you were abducted by Captain. The constant anxiety can barely be suppressed as even the best poker face couldn't fool his high sense of smell. A scent he is very familiar with as many have trembled in front of him before yet for the first time iin centuries Captain finds himself caring about the fear of his victim. After all his mate shouldn't look at him with such frightened eyes.
🐺​As a creature of keen senses and an experienced soldier though, things won't remain hidden forever. The first few days after the secret has been discovered are the scariest as Captain goes full soldier on you. Inolequent questions and commands put you under growing pressure as he puts you through interrogation. If he senses a threat, even if it is a hypothetical one that hasn't been proven to be true yet, he is committed to remove the problem by its roots. If you have been transported already once from one world to another, there is no guarantee that it won't happen again and that is especially likely if you were randomly teleoported from your old world. If the scenario would be that you died before landing in his world, Captain would at least have the assurance that the teleportation was only triggered because of your death. Whilst he is intense yet still overall silent about it, things are very different if the Major should ever find out and he definitely will sooner or later. After all if there is even a slim chance of teleportation between different worlds existing, it is something worth investigating. You remain safe from any experiments though as Captain refuses to let anything harm you.
Gojo Satoru
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🩵​It is fairly easy to somehow establish a new life in his world. Even if you are aware of the curses existing in this world and even if you know about the terrifying aspects of it all, you know that most people go through their entire life being completely oblivious to it all. The same goes for you as you aren't able to perceive Cursed Energy and for that the terrors of this world lurking around everywhere remain hidden away from you. Whether that is meant to be a relief to you or not depends on your mood on that day. Sometimes you feel a light relief that you do not have to worry yourself about the hideous and ugly aspects of it all and sometimes when your shoulders feel heavy or your paranoia gets the better of you, you fear the things that you do not see. It is perhaps a bit lonely, to know about it all without being able to tell anyone. That is until you meet Gojo. What the normal human eye cannot perceive, his Six Eyes can and so he finds himself instantly focused on you as there is something quite different to you in comparison to others. Why? Because he can't perceive you. He sees you just like everyone else sees you and what is ordinary to them is like opening a new world to Gojo.
🩵​Perhaps this is one of the main reasons why he enjoys spending so much time with you. Not only to satiate his own curiosity about you but also because spending time around you is relaxing. There are no minuscule details he sees when he looks at you and it allows him to truly focus on the moment when he is with you. He values that a lot and if it wouldn't have been for his growing obsession, he would have been able to not get too caught on why you are so different from everyone else. Things can escalate very quickly, especially once he dives into your background only to discover absolutely nothing about you. Who are you? Please tell him. His desperation is urgent if you leave him dangling for too long and his paranoia can quickly lead him to lock you away at his own place where he can protect and control you better. He won't take it very well once you are finally forced to admit your secret. Satoru has already lost Suguru after all but now there is a potential risk that there will be a literal alternative world seprarating you from him, a place that he will never be able to reach if you were to be teleported again. It is frightening and worst of all is that he doesn't know what he can do to keep it from happening.
Sawada Tsunayoshi
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🔥​The technology in his world may be a bit more rusty in comparison to what you are used to but otherwise it is quite possible to settle down in his world. That is until you get involved with the Vongola and their business by sheer accident. In hindsight it was rather stupid to reveal that you knew one of his guards which instantly alarmed them as no ordinary citizen should know about their true identity unless you were a spy or someone who might mean trouble from them. Most of his guards and Tsunayoshi included do not go very harsh on you after your blunt mistake, something Hibari criticises them for but ultimately complies although his scorching stares are not unnoticed by you. Tsuna himself is rather friendly though as he instructs his guards that he would like to meet the person who apparently knows for some reasons all about them. He is mostly understanding as he doesn't even force you to tell him how you knew but he also makes it clear that they will have to keep an eye on you because he isn't able to fully verify who you are even if you don't strike him as a bad person. You don't complain though as it doesn't hamper significantly with your life.
🔥​The little information they have on you does heighten the distrust amongst some of the Vongola family but since you have volunteered to let yourself be watched, Tsuna decides to not do anything to force information out on you. You find him sometimes trying to pry the information out of you himself though he only chuckles when you call him out for it. Otherwise Tsunayoshi is rather kind as he even starts helping you in your life a bit if he deems it to be necessary. Honestly, he may just manage to gain your trust enough so that you admit everything to him on your own accord whilst remaining unaware that this has been secretly the plan of his. Everything he has done, he has done because he genuinely cares for you but he is also aware that you do not seem to have a person you really trust despite having obviously something you want to talk about. He has been secretly working hard to gain your trust and if it ultimately pays off, he would be rather pleased. Whilst he is rather surprised when he hears what you have to tell, he has gone through quite a few shocking news in his life before so he won't have a very dramatic reaction to it all. He would like to know though if you may teleport away again.
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🍬​Byakuran's world is basically the futuristic dystopia you have read about in science fiction stories before. Everything is frightening and unfamiliar as you have to fear for your own life without any protection as you are still freshly stranded on this planet. If you would have had the choice though, you would have prefered the uncertainty and the loneliness over catching the eye of Byakuran himself as you are discovered by him one day when you just happen to sneak around one of his institutions. He is a rather peculiar individual as he openly invites you to join him solely because he just happens to find you interesting and for that would like to keep you close until he has figured you out, something people like Kikyo and Bluebell scold him for accordingly. Even if you were to reject him simply because you know just how bad of a person Byakuran is, you would only lit the fire that will soon transform into a burning obsession as you only stoke his curiosity. The white-haired man has no shame in patronising your time as soon as he has figured out where you reside in as he will actively seek you out from that day on to repeat his offer to you over and over again until the thread snaps and he manipulates you.
🍬​He presents you with the information he has gotten on you but it isn't that what frightens you. After all he has as good as nothing on you that he could use to blackmail you. It is rather the fact that Byakuran has started making his own theories based on the clear lack of information and your behavior that he has been observing for a while now. Some of them are disturbingly close to the truth and you can see the intrigue shining in his eyes when he gauges your reactions and notices the little twitches you do and the way you cast your eyes elsewhere when he retells you something he came up with because it is too close to what has happened for you to remain comfortable. Byakuran has already been aware that there are other versions of him existing in other worlds but to find out that there are people with similar abilities to his is rather fascinating, especially from a world that is so different than anything he has ever imagined. Whilst he shows an eager interest to figure out a way to your world, it is more to satisfy his own curiosity. You are not going back after all. No, you are going to stay in this world stuck with him for the rest of your life. You are much too interesting to disappear on him.
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leonsdolly · 5 months
Wicked Game
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Leon Kennedy x fem! reader
Synopsis: Leon leaves you for her, and you're not sure what to do now.
CW: nsfw 18+, infidelity, angst, suicidal thoughts, comparing yourself to her, masturbation, mentions of p in v
WC: 1.5k
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“What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you…” You murmur along to the melancholy words that are floating around your room like butterflies. Actually, more like flies nearing the end of their life span - movement transitioning from an erratic flight to a lazy, almost purposeless dwindle until they’re on their backs with their legs sticking up in the air. That’s exactly how you are now that Leon’s done with you. A dead fly - no one could save me but you. Chris Isaak gets it. He gets it so well that he’s been looping for God knows how long.
Was it only last week that Leon left you for the ghost from his past? The one in red, haunting him in ways that you were oblivious to. Always bleeding red, like Bloody Mary or something. Maybe it was better if you’d feigned ignorance to the evidence. Maybe you’d still be able to call him yours if you played your role of a cross-eyed Mary jumping right into his arms with no protests, always playing it clean.
It was all because of a letter that was carefully tucked away in his desk drawer, folded and sealed with a kiss. No, literally a kiss. The bitch left her lipstick imprint in lieu of her signature. YSL, shade R1. You’d always been a Dior girl anyway. 
You swore up and down that you weren’t purposely snooping through his belongings, that you were just looking for Scotch tape. The offensive document shook in your hand as you fearfully inquired about its contents. He was stuttering and ashamed and apologetic and all the things a good man is when he’s sinned. He let you cry and scream and sink to your knees with your head in your hands like you were never going to come back up, like you could die in this position and be encased in marble. A new weeping angel.
You know in your heart that you could never equate to her in his eyes. The knowledge that he’s probably been comparing you to her throughout your relationship makes you so damn ill. Maybe you should slit your own throat in front of him and let the crimson flow over your body so you can match with her. Bleeding red all over the place, letting him see nothing but that cursed color, the way he did all those years ago in the city where it all started. The way he’d still continued to do so after meeting you and promising all sorts of things you weren’t accustomed to hearing. You suppose you can’t fault him completely, it wasn’t like he intended on hurting you; he’d tried to overcome his adversities and forge a new home for himself, one that was pink and frilly and covered him in glossy kisses after a long day at work. But ultimately, it wasn’t enough. His allegiance lay with first red, then white, then blue. 
You just miss him so damn much. You’re desperate enough for him that if he were to walk through the door right now, you’d take him back in a heartbeat. Sure, maybe you’d have difficulty meeting his eyes for a while, deep pools, murky with guilt and who knows what else. Your vision would be limited to the freckles on his neck, the ones resembling a vampire bite, but that’s alright with you. You’re familiar with the area, having kissed it so many times. You shouldn't be thinking about those little spots or anything else about him for that matter. He made his bed, and now he has to lie in it. With her. Pressed up against her with his face tucked into the crook of her neck. Oh God, now you're the one seeing red. Is there really such a thing as a red string tying two people together, keeping them bound for eternity? Hopefully not, because you're nauseous at the concept that it's always been her. She was right there beside his former bright eyed and bushy-tailed self, the version that had a vague understanding of how the world worked, before he was your solemn Leon. They trudged through the abyss together, leaning on one another for strength in the midst of a plague. You wish God would just deliver armies of locusts to devour you and him and her and the rest of the world. The end is here anyway now that he isn’t. 
Your last memory of him is that pitiful look in his eyes as he gazes at you one more time. You said I was your baby. He said a lot of things, promised you the world, and look how things turned out. It’s sickening really, how cruel fate can be. Was this fate? You’re going to tie their disgusting red string around your neck and squeeze until your head pops off like a rocket. A blazing glory, capable of stealing his attention.
The thoughts of needing to be better so that he’d be with you again swirls around in your brain, filling up your entire being until you can’t bear it any longer. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to put a ring on your finger and give you his babies and hold you close on your deathbed. Your hand twitches, muscle memory activated from all the times you slipped your hand into his, anchoring you to him. I’m so sorry… Ada and I… We’ve been through a lot together. You can’t take this anymore. But I love you more than anything in the whole world… How am I supposed to live without you? He never did give you a proper response to that, silence encompassing the air between you.
You shuffle to the bottom drawer of your dresser and fish out a wrinkled shirt that had been shoved towards the very back, away from prying eyes - navy blue with the letters “RPD” emblazoned in white across the front. You slip it on and inhale the fabric draped over your frame, protecting you, hugging you as you crawl back into your bed. His arms really were the loveliest place to be. Firm and gentle, wrapped around your torso like your very own bullet vest. Shielding you from horrors you would never have to experience, he’d make sure of that. Or at least he had, anyway. His lingering scent fills your senses like whispers in an abandoned chapel. Something familiar, a sense of comfort in your hollowed out state. It takes over your grief for a second, and when you shut your eyes tight, everything is alright again.
You yearn to hold onto this feeling, but it dissipates once your eyes open, and you're isolated yet again. Your bottom lip trembles as you squeeze your eyes shut as hard as you can, gripping onto the hem of his shirt. His arms are around you again, and the smell of him is welcomed. It elicits a natural response from your body, begging for his touch, forming a silent prayer to any divinity who will listen. Your thighs involuntarily part as you reminisce on the feeling of his face in between them, tongue lapping at everything you have to offer. Whimpers fall from your lips as your other hand travels down to slowly stroke your clit the way he used to do it. There’s my baby. You’re his baby, still so good for him. You rub your clit faster and faster as the hand that was clutching onto his shirt for dear life comes up to squeeze your tits and pinch your nipples. 
You realize that tears have been running down your flushed cheeks as you grind down onto your fingers faster in an effort to chase your high. Just like that… Sweet baby, my sweet baby. 
He's probably fucking her at this exact moment. Cock buried miles deep inside her perfect cunt, perky tits bouncing at every thrust while she moans for him. You’re going to blow your brains out. What kind of sounds does she make when she’s getting the railing of a lifetime? Something more refined than your own little whines. Is she kissing those precious freckles on his neck, giving them all the attention they could ever ask for as he lets out his own delicious noises? You weep as you continue to rub your clit while slick leaks from your neglected pussy, begging for only him to fill it up.
You’re sobbing as you feel the release building up in your core, and you're bawling as you feel your pussy clamp around the ghost of his cock. You let out a cry of both pleasure and agony as you frantically cum all over your fingers. My perfect baby.
Shallow pants escape you as you simply lay motionless, eyes trained fixedly on the ceiling of your melancholy prison. You shakily bring your other hand up to wipe away the tears that have forged new paths for themselves on your cheeks and down to your pillowcase. I love you. You’ll always be my girl.
This world is only gonna break your heart. How are you supposed to live without him? Nobody loves no one. Chris Isaak needs to shut up.
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deathbxnny · 3 months
hello, jing yuan, aventurine and sunday with a teen!assasin reader who was ordered by their master to kill them but couldnt and [character] took them in due to their young age and frankly them being pitiful
Another similar ask:
hiii, dr ratio aventurine and boothill with an IPC agent/assasin teen!reader?
Reader was practically forced onto assasination, is hardened and doesnt show much emotion due to their past kinda similar to bronya zaychik backstory in the azure waters manga
This post is made in combination with these two asks, so I hope you'll like this!! And thank you to the anons for their request!!<33
Content: Angst, assassination attempts, Reader is a teen assassin that has no direct origin, platonic relationships, father/older brother figures, fluff, some brainwashing on Sundays end, sfw
Characters: Sunday, Aventurine, Boothill
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not fully proofread))
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He finds your attempt at killing him rather amusing. Maybe a bit too amusing. He laughed hysterically when he finally pinned you down with ease, thinking this was all just a joke... until he realised that you were serious.
Now, Boothill was used to people trying to off him through various ways, his robotic body the perfect proof for that, but he never had a kid try him before. And he had to admit, that you would've gotten him, if he was still fully human! Truly impressive!
He won't bother asking you where you're from or what you lead him to you in the first place. Once he gets you to settle down and hears you telling him that you can't return to your master until you kill him, he just sighs and scratches his head. Well... he doesn't really want a kid to die at the hands of their abusive master... so he supposes that he'll just have to take you in until he finds a hime for you.
He isn't put off by your emotionless behavior and even understands it very well, if anything. He doubts anyone could be happy under the harsh conditions you grew up in, but that doesn't mean that he won't try and teach you how to loosen up a bit. It doesn't occur to him over time that he never really looked out for a home for you as promised. Perhaps you have found it with him already anyway.
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Sunday found your attempt quite saddening, absolutely pitiful and near pathetic, if he felt cruel that day. He felt no worry or fear, knowing that whoever sent you must've been a fool to think that a child could end him of all people, and yet, he doesn't tease nor punish you for it. It wasn't your fault that you were born to be mistreated at such a young age, after all.
He takes you under his wing as a disciple or student in a way. He wants to teach you the "truth" about life and what it means to be alive in the dreamscape. Your dreams can become true here, so why not teach you how to live on after your palms have been stained red forever?
Your emotionless and apathetic behavior does little to deter or bother him. He sees you as a child he had to save before the shadows of this sinful took over you completely. His tuning ability is not spared on you either, if that's what it takes for you to get better. He eventually starts to view you as a little sibling and is delighted when you get along with Robin.
Deep down, he will, however, always feel a little... worried that you may turn around to betray him the way you betrayed your original master by leaving him, too. But he hopes that all his lessons and the home he gave you makes you stay and be grateful for all the love and mercy he had given you
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Similar to Boothill, he finds your attempt amusing at best. Pitiful at worst, as he sees a younger him in your cold gaze. He knows he shouldn't trust you after what you just tried... but he makes a deal with you anyways, after you were forced to take a seat infront of him by some IPC guards. If you beat him in a card game, he'll let you take his life and get away with it. If you lose, then you'll have to allow him to take you in as a little "assistant" of some sort. In reality, he just wants to save you from yourself, this determination even foreign to him yet welcomed bravely.
Unsurprisingly, you lose. He jokes that it must've been due to his unbeatable luck... but he really just rigged the game a little. There was no harm in it, and if anything, he just saved your life through it. Otherwise, the IPC would've just executed you for trying to attack one of their agents. Even if Aventurine doubted, they even cared that much for him... but he won't tell you that either.
He gave you a calming, stress-free life, one far away from all the hurt and death you've been surrounded with since birth. He hears your story and perhaps even shares a part of his own, as he shows you that you are the same in a way. You don't have to kill and hurt anymore under his care, he promises you that and to a younger self he was trying to heal through it.
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chugging-bleach · 2 months
"SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO." - the 4 times you almost met jason and the one time you did.
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summary. you regret not speaking to jason todd in high school. then, another masked vigilante by the name of red hood seems to make all your regrets dissolve.
tags. fluff, light angst, slight hurt/comfort, slow burn, eventual happy ending
a/n. this idea came from a jason todd x <y/n> fic i am in the process of writing (if you would like to know when it comes out, follow or check out my ao3). i hope you enjoy reading this <3 feel free to request anything you would like to see me write.
the first time.
gotham high, located at the heart of crime alley, was for lack of a better word shitty. you hated studying, you never got along with anyone and prayed that the time went by fast. the only thing that made you keep going back to high school was staring at that handsome boy with bright blue eyes and ratty black hair who sat a seat ahead of you. how he made it to first place each year was a mystery to you since he was constantly skipping class.
what kept you going was looking forward to that one day he would attend class and then you could stare at the back of his head to make the time go by faster. one day you knew that you would want to freeze this moment and make it last forever, but for now, staring will do. not like jason would care and catch you looking.
then one day he completely stopped showing up. you thought he would come back. but then you graduated. without him ever returning. you hated yourself for never trying to talk to him. you should have spoken to him rather than staring holes into him. actually, staring at him must have been super creepy. were you the reason why he stopped coming to school? creeped out by the girl who bore holes into him, just staring and staring? regardless of the real reason, you know that you would always regret not talking to him. not being able to thank him for making school a little better.
the second time.
as was routine for gothamites, you get saved from some large attack from some big shot criminal at the hands of batman and robin. you were a bit upset at being saved since you really wouldn't mind dying at the hands of a rouge robber. you had nothing to look forward to. there wasn't enough money to go to university. bills piled up no matter how many jobs you worked.
you snap out of your thoughts when robin puts a shock blanket around you and instead of being grateful, you throw it on the floor. you remember that you have to get back to work otherwise you'll be behind on rent again.
"where are you going?" batman placed a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
"work," you simply say.
"stay put for a while. we need to make sure you're alright."
"well, i won't be alright if i don't work and miss rent. again."
you just talked back to the batman. maybe he will kill you and then you might die quicker than working yourself to death.
"let me handle this one," and then robin is making you sit down next to him. you were trying to avoid robin knowing that you will project your regret on to him. the regret of never being able to talk to jason since both jason and robin have eerily similar features. work is just an excuse. you need to leave.
"please. i won't make rent. let me go."
"mad respect talking to him like that. but, you inhaled some poison gas. take the antidote. then you can go back."
"give it to the others here. i don't give a fuck."
you know you shouldn't be this angry. but you are this angry. at yourself. and robin has made that anger surface.
"how about i give you something to look forward to? then you'll stay for the antidote?"
"the person i looked forward to seeing disappeared before i could talk to him," you say before you can stop yourself. you feel ridiculous admitting it, that just staring at some random boy gave you hope. but it did. and now that boy wasn't there anymore.
"that dumbass didn't know how lucky he was."
you shook your head. "he truly is lucky. he was adopted by bruce wayne. i just... he made school less shitty even though he doesn't even know who i am and before i could thank him he was gone. it's stupid, i know, but i just wanted to say thank you to him. like, thank you, jason. that's it. and i'll never get to say it."
robin puts the shock blanket around you again. he was silent. "i'm sorry for saying all that. but now that i said it, i'll thank you instead of him." you turned and stared at robin's eye mask, imagining it was jason. it wasn't that difficult, considering they both had the same bright blue eyes and ratty black hair.
"thank you, jason for not getting creeped out by all my staring." you feel much lighter. maybe you just had to talk to someone. robin rises from your side.
"i'm sure that dumbass heard your thanks, though i'm sure he doesn't deserve any of it."
third time.
life at gotham, heart of wacky and dangerous criminals, was for lack of a better word still shitty. you never saved up nearly enough to go to university but managed to get a decent-ish job at three diners which paid nearly enough for being located in gotham.
you were wiping down table tops and listening to the news playing the death anniversary of jason todd, bruce wayne’s adopted son. it was tragic to die that young. and you were surprised the news didn't leave you as heartbroken as you had thought it would.
you continued wiping down the counters, when for the third time today, thugs burst in and demanded to be served. as per policy, you served anyone especially the dangerous sort. before you could get menus for them and think of how to explain to the next diner that yes, thugs broke in after her shift ended yet again, a person wearing a red helmet/mask comes inside, drags the thugs outside with a "not so fast," and that's that. your shift's over. instead of missing the next job, you will be arriving late, which won't be that difficult to explain.
you finish tidying up and leave.
the strange man with the red helmet has tied up the thugs and left them at the side of the pavement. he is ready to leave on his motorcycle. you make a move to leave, accustomed to strange costumed people taking care of thugs like this.
"for all that trouble, want a ride?" you think being kidnapped won't be too bad. not like you have anything to look forward to.
just as quickly as he had tied those thugs up without fanfare, you were sitting behind him, arms wrapped around his waist. you whispered the directions of the place adding, "didn't know this was part of the whole hero thing. giving people free lifts to places."
"you would be surprised how much money i burn on gas for these free lifts."
he drove way too fast. you tightened your hold on him, afraid you were gonna fly off. any conversation was impossible with the loud noise of the engine. but it felt freeing to go this recklessly fast.
"wonder who you need to see here."
oh no. you gave the wrong directions. you were not planning to do this. damn the news for reminding you. you promised last year was the last time you would do this.
before you can stop yourself, you're crying. you were heartbroken after all. "i don't know why i do this to myself each year. he never even knew me," you choke out. you had gotten off the bike at some point, expecting this person to leave.
"if it gives you peace to visit this person, you should. besides this punk is lucky to have you visit him."
ignoring the sense of deja vu you were getting, you shook your head. "jason was anything but lucky. he died so young. i never knew him. i wish i knew him better." he lended you his shoulder to cry on. you had more regrets than you had previously thought. "he did not deserve to die young."
your tears sat on top of his leather jacket and you moved to wipe them away with your napkin. instead, he stops you, wiping your tears away with the pads of his gloved fingers.
"he seriously is a lucky boy to have you visit and cry for him"
fourth time.
you were saving up money to move out of this shithole. nothing was tying you down to this place and there were new vigilantes and new villains rising everyday. none of the other cities were safe, but you had heard they offered better jobs and more affordable bills. less leaky ceilings. you never went to college so jobs still were a little difficult to get, but otherwise, you would be paid more as a server at anyother city, except gotham. if not working for wayne enterprises, jobs were a struggle in gotham. life was a struggle. you remarked upon how you made it this far.
then, someone broke through your window.
the first thought - for fuck's sake, who was gonna pay for it?
second - oh it's red hood, he will pay for it.
this is not the first time a vigilante crashed through your window. being a gothamite sucks.
you brushed the pieces of glass away from his leather jacket and surveyed him for damage. he did not seem hurt. only mildly annoyed. the red helmet wouldn't be enough to conceal his reaction from her.
"coffee as per usual? along with the window repairs and cleanup?"
you swear he is frowning under that helmet. not at you, but at the person who threw him. you don't wait for his answer, already preparing his coffee.
"help me up?"
"what? are your legs broken?"
"they are if you will carry me."
"red, combining you and the rest of your little clique this is the tenth time my window has been broken. sixth time by you, alone."
the person you met on jason todd's death anniversary was red hood. he was an anti-batman vigilante and you couldn't have given two shits. except, red made you give two shits. after that first day at the diner, he kept coming back to pick up food during your shifts. when the diner inevitably burned down, he came to the other diner you started working at. then it was crashing through your apartment window. then it was crashing with robin through your apartment window.
you were overjoyed when he came, but it was best you push him away before he got too close, and up and disappeared like jason had. looking forward to things like this was a curse.
"hope i make it to a seventh. seventh times the charm."
"charm for what?" you say, slamming the mug in front of him, with a little more force than you wanted to.
"for my charm to work on you." he winked and took a sip from the cup. his other hand rested on top of yours and your heart wrenched in your chest. you really wanted to know red hood better. you wanted him to keep crashing through your window instead of entering through the front door. but then he would die during patrol and you would have nothing more to look forward to. again. you carefully free your hand from his, ignoring his puzzled expression and the dejection you feel separating from him.
you have to stop this. "listen, you shouldn't see me anymore."
"i don't...don't need you to disappear too. jason disappearing was horrible and he wasn't safe with the most powerful billionaire in gotham. you break in through people's windows. what if next time you break something? like your spine or..."
you expect red hood to laugh at you. you were a minuscule, microscopic part of jason's life. he shouldn't be this huge a part of your life. if he were alive, you knew the regret wouldn't eat you up inside. but he wasn't alive. you couldn't hold that moment as a happy memory of a stupid thing you did in high school.
"all i'm hearing is, breaking your window is fine but not my bones. i guess that's doable."
you smack him, knowing that it wouldn't even hurt. "i'm serious. besides, once i have enough money, i will be moving out of gotham. don't come here. please." you were miles away from moving out. you knew red hood knew that.
you did this to save yourself the hurt and regret, but as you saw him leave from the front door, you knew you caused yourself more hurt and regret than last time. jason was far away from the beginning. you had chances to get to know red hood better. used to have chances.
jason was dead. red hood was right in front of your eyes and interested to keep seeing you. you had messed up.
he would never come back.
the last time.
instead of wallowing in your heartbreak, it was time to give back to the community you grew up in. moving out was an impossible dream you gave up on. instead, you got more involved in elder homes and joined their knitting circles.
it had been a month since red hood was gone. you couldn't believe it had been an entire year since you saw him, on jason's death anniversary of all days. yes, you couldn't help but regret that you made another mistake. red hood knew about you and wanted to know you better, to the point where he broke into your house.
like clockwork, you went to go see jason's grave, finding out that the grave wasn't there anymore. it wouldn't be there anymore at the request of the wayne family.
you cried outside the gates of the cemetery, knowing that this wasn't where he was laid to rest. jason's real body was in wayne manor, not here. this was for the public.
with red hood gone, you had nothing left to look forward to. you were a dumbass.
"need a ride?" you thought you were hallucinating. you looked up with teary eyes and confirmed it was the red hood. except, his helmet was off. you stared at him, dumbfounded. he had dishevelled black hair and bright, blue eyes. you sniffled, letting him drag you to your feet. you shook your head.
"jason's grave isn't here."
you were clutching the flowers in your hands. the red hood took them from you and bowed, pink flushing his cheeks.
"yes, that's 'cause i'm here. thanks for the flowers."
you gaped at him. "you're jason? you mean your name is jason too?"
guess it checks out. red hood knew about your strange connection to jason todd so he didn't tell you his real name. he chuckled, pulling you close, pressing a gentle kiss on each of your glistening cheeks. if you weren't shocked, you probably would be ecstatic about this development.
"it's time you learnt more about jason todd rather than staring and let me learn about you, <y/n>. i have been looking forward to learning more about you."
jason had no idea about before the diner incident. he remembered the from when he was robin, once they arrived at the cemetery. but, he didn’t remember anything from high school as he barely attended. then, his crush on was born.
the batsiblings were tired of seeing jason delay his confession, so they threw him through the window. once jason took tim with him. this totalled the count - three times tim as casualty, one time jason and tim, six times jason. all the costs were billed to bruce wayne as 'civilian casualties' code for ‘of course we broke through the window. it’s the batmove to pick up chicks.'
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fumikoshi · 14 days
Hii! I started reading on your Sensei Satoru x Student Reader NSFW one-shots and im I love with it! Your writing is so good! I made sure to read to rules before making this ask! Maybe more Sensei Satoru x Student Reader NSFW? Also, this is my first time making an ask and English isn't my first language, so, I'm really sorry if this sounds weird!
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧
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✧— SUMMARY; You want to masturbate, but you don't know how. So you go to your beloved teacher for help.
✧ — CONTENT; 18+ ONLY // MDNI, fingering, use of nicknames, masturbating, fingering in front of a mirror, teacher x student
Fumi: I hope you like it, this was good because I'm not very good at writing the fingering and masturbation part lol
And sweet anon, I'm glad that you liked my writing. You can send more requests if you want <3
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Gojo snickered as he opened the door, only to find you shuffling shyly around his doorstep. You were an extremely adorable, small thing... He bent down so you were both eye to eye, causing a heat wave to crash over your body.
''What a pleasant surprise, Y/N-Chan~''
He smirked as he looked at your reddened face. You were such an adorable girl.
''Oh, I bet you missed your beloved sensei so much that you couldn't resist coming to visit me, didn't you~?''
You look at the ground with a blush on your face.
''S-sensei, can I come in?''
''Fufu, of course, Y/N-Chan. I can't have you standing there all day, can I?''
He chuckled, stepping back to let you in. You timidly stepped into his home, your eyes darting around the room as if looking for a place to hide. He closed the door and turned to face you, his arms crossing over his chest.
''So, May I know the reason for this pleasant visit, little one?''
He tilted his head, a playful grin on his face. You bit your lip, your cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red. His blindfold was in place, but his piercing blue eyes seemed to bore into you as if he could read your mind.
''S-Sensei... C-Can you teach me how I should... touch my...''
You turned your head side in embarrassment; a sweet blush covered your sweet cheeks. 
''My... p-pussy…?''
You mumbled, your gaze darting to the floor. Meanwhile, Gojo just grinned, amused by your shyness. His little student was asking how to masturbate. Oh, he'd be happy to teach you.
He'll do it with pleasure. 
After all, he's your sensei. And as a sensei, he should teach you everything you don't know, right?
He is... so quiet. Why didn't he say anything? Did you piss him off? Oh, God. You shouldn't have asked him to do that; he's your sensei! What were you thinking while asking that stupid thing? 
''S-Sensei- I'm sorry! I-I shouldn't have asked such a thing—MPH!''
When he pressed his finger to your soft lips, you fell silent, and your eyes widened.
''Shhh, Y/N-Chan. I'm not mad. How can I get angry with a cute girl like you who asks me for help~?''
A chuckle escaped his lips, a smirk plastered on his face as he watched you struggle with the words.
''You don’t need to be so shy about it~''
He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist. He scooted you a little higher and took your body in his lap, you were sitting on his lap.
On the lap of the man you were in love with.
Ah, now you can die peacefully
He caressed your cheek with his thumb with a soft smile on his lips.
His hands slowly moved to your thighs, gently lifting your small skirt, and exposing your lacy pantie. Slowly, he takes off your lacy pantie and dangles it in front of his face, then looks at you before putting your pantie in his jacket's pocket.
"What a good choice, Y/N-Chan~"
Why did he put your pantie in his pocket instead of throwing it on the floor? 
He was having fun watching you stare at him in amazement. Why would he throw it away instead of stroking his cock with your gorgeous panties?
''First, we need a mirror to have a good view of your beautiful pussy.''
He carefully put you down from his lap and went to his room. Soon, he came out of his room with a full-length mirror.
With a smirk on his face, he placed it in front of you at an angle so you could see your sweet pussy
"Noow, we can start. Spread your legs a little for sensei, Y/N-Chan~''
You hesitated for a minute, but you did as you were told; you parted your knees, giving him a clearer view of your pussy. He let out a soft moan at the sight, his fingers brushing against the bud as he adjusted your folds. 
Your pussy was so tiny. He could barely fit his fingers, let alone his large cock. 
His eyes shifted to your tiny clit, he opened your inner pussy lips, revealing it, and touched it lightly.
''Now, you see this little bump here? That’s your clit. It’s very sensitive, so you don’t need to press hard. The lighter the touch, the better.''
He demonstrated with his fingers, softly tapping your clitoral area to gauge your reaction. As soon as you squirmed, he stopped, a knowing grin on his face.
“You can also rub it in circles like this.”
His finger began to make gentle circles around your clitoral area, the pad of his finger barely making contact with your sensitive bundle of nerves. The tiny, cute moans escaped your lips, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at your reaction.
“You like when I touch your little pussy, right, little girl~?” His words made you moan.
''S-Sensei~ It feels so good~ Ah~'' You turned your head side and pressed your cheek against his broad chest.
His eyes flickered to the mirror, watching the way your eyes fluttered shut, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips. He could see the tiny quiver in your body, a clear sign that you were enjoying his touch.
“See? It feels good, doesn’t it?”
''My my~ you make such beautiful sounds for Sensei's ears, Y/N-Chan~''
He continued to play with your clit, his other hand moving to your waist, guiding you to rock your hips in a small rhythm. His thumb brushed against your clit, the movement almost teasing, making you squirm against him.
''Let’s make you feel even better, Y/N-Chan~'' He said you can feed his hot breath against your ear. Slowly, he dragged his thick, long fingers down to your hole, teasing the tiny entrance.
His thick finger made a small, slow circle around the opening of your virgin cunt, teasing you before dipping inside. You gasped, your body tensing up, a mix of pleasure and discomfort clearly visible on your face.
''S-Sensei~Ah~! I-I feel so full~''
His lips curled into a smile, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. He gently massaged your clit while pumping his finger inside you slowly. The sensation was new, and it was only natural to feel overwhelmed. But, as he pushed deeper, the discomfort slowly faded, giving way to a growing pleasure. 
''Relax, Y/N-Chan. Let your cute pussy adjust to my finger.'' He said as he gave your thin waist a reassuring squeeze.
He observed your reflection in the mirror, your flushed face, and the way your head rested against his chest.
He could see every twitch and shiver running through your small body. It was such a beautiful sight.
''Now, let’s see if this little pussy can take a little more.''
He added another finger slowly, stretching you further, gently. You let out a soft moan.
''Ah~! T-To much, s-sensei~''
He curled his fingers, brushing against something soft that made you squirm. His smile grew, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He slid his thumb off your clit, giving your cunt a little twist, causing you to arch your back, crying out in pleasure.
''A-Ah~ S-Something is coming, s-sensei~!''
Gojo felt your tight walls of cunt clamp down on his fingers, squeezing him tightly. It was the sign he’d been waiting for—your body succumbing to the pleasure building within. He sped up his fingers, pushing you further.
Soon, you cummed, your small body convulsed, your tight walls squeezing his fingers tightly. Gently, he pulled them out of your pussy, watching as a bead of your essence clung to his fingers. He smirked and brought them to your slightly open 
You looked at his thick, cum-covered fingers and licked them eagerly without a second thought. He watched as you obediently licked his fingers clean, the sight making his cock stiffen in his pants. He could cum right now.
The feeling of your wet tongue was perfect. A soft chuckle escaped his lips, a satisfied smile on his face.
''Good girl.''
He gently removed his fingers from your mouth. He cradled your head, pulled you close, and wrapped his strong arms around you. Your head resting against his chest. 
Your face was flushed, and your mouth was slightly open. You were panting softly. After a short while, your pants slowly settle into steady breaths.
You stayed on his lap for a while, his arms still wrapped around you. He broke the silence and spoke in his usual cheerful, amused tone.
''Now that I showed you how to touch your little pussy, it's your turn to try—''
When he heard soft snores, he looked down; you fell asleep on his lap cutely.
He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he watched you sleep. You looked so peaceful, curled up against his chest, your head resting on his shoulder. 
Aww, his poor student was so exhausted that she fell asleep instantly. It was normal.
After all, it was your first masturbating experience. And you were tired because you weren't used to it.
But you will get used to it soon.
Because this won't be the last time. 
After all, there is sooo much more to teach his beloved student~
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ohsunnyboy · 4 months
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stopping me now | jung sungchan ˚₊‧⁺˖
early mornings, bitter coffee and jung sungchan, all staples of your office life until one morning goes wrong just right
TAGS: office!au, gn!reader, romcom type of vibe, forced proximity, strangers to lovers, sorta mutual pining, awkward!reader who is rly intense abt their spreadsheets
A/N: office au is my fav au so sungchan in one is my ultimate self-indulgence! sorry it's been a while :] (first riize fic let's goooo)
WORDS: ~1950
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Jung Sungchan is missing.
You don't actually know each other. Counting the months, it's been almost a year of standing in silent acknowledgement within this tiny elevator. In fact, you shouldn't even know his name! You only managed to find it out when he dropped his lanyard when you two were clocking out, and you picked it up for him, but he only blushed, yelped his thanks and ran!
Was he hiding unapproved invoices? was his department over budget? you swear that the accounting department isn't that scary!
Should standing in an elevator for nearly fifteen minutes count as your morning commute? It really shouldn't but here you are. The coffee in your hands went cold about 5 floors ago, the usual ache in your feet is starting to kick in, and you can feel the humidity wreaking havoc on your hair. You really do want to curse out the big shot who thought that having offices on the 40th floor was a good idea. Partly, you think that Sungchan would also curse them out as well.
By floor thirty something, you almost fall asleep before a familiar sight steps into the lift. And unfortunately enough, he looks to be in the same state as you are.
Ready to murder, or be the first one to die in said horror film. You wonder if Sungchan likes horror movies too. Every office worker should: it gets the stress out very well. In fact, he might’ve been staying up late watching them; the bags under his eyes really don’t compliment the lack of caffeine in his hands. You almost feel half tempted to give him your own cold cup to help tide his morning over.
Sungchan slots right into place at the back of the elevator next to you. His broad shoulders knocking into you slightly due to the cramp of the lift.
After a year of it, you’d like to think you’re used to the space he takes up in your life; physically and mentally.
The thing is, for a guy that works an office job, Jung Sungchan is not a bad looking man at all. Always looking like he's attending the first day of school with a pressed collar and ironed tie, it's hard to look... and not fall in love with him in the process. Never once in your commuting life have you ever seen a hair out of place on him. He's closest you've ever physically gotten to the picture of corporate happiness and 100% customer satisfaction, while you get into daily arguments with your Excel spreadsheet.
A trolley of files comes wheeling into the cube of claustrophobia, forcing you to squeeze further into the corner until you find yourself between a cold corner and a warm place. The thought of whatever department’s budget goes flying out the window when — Ah.
The smell of citrus falls over you like a waterfall. Sungchan’s cologne must be dumped in his hair because it’s suddenly all you know. It makes you dizzy, so much so, that you barely notice him sheepishly grinning down at you. He’s leant on his forearm, next to your head, caging you in, and his other is desperately trying not to dig his messenger bag into your side.
"So sorry about this," he whispers. It feels conspiratorial in the tight space, but almost everyone else has earbuds in and probably have bigger things to worry about.
You tilt up to look at him, not forgetting to linger on the long column of his throat exposed by his grey suit. "S'fine,” you mumble up to him, sorely aware of the way his wide eyes stare into yours. "Nice to meet you?" you eke out. You try and go for casual and smooth, but your heart sounds like a clattering of the subway: raucous in your ears.
Maybe it has been a year of pining away. Staring after Sungchan and his unfairly good proportions and rolling mountain shoulders. You don’t know how the PR interns haven’t already kidnapped him to make some sexy corporate calendar. However, you do know that it would increase revenue for the entire first quarter and save you about 10 less board meetings on budget caps. The content of said photoshoots is all you can dazedly think about as he shifts again, shuffling further into the wall and further into your mental mess.
Sungchan’s smile is wicked as it breaks you from your thoughts. "Lovely to meet you, elevator buddy." And he sends you an overconfident wink for your efforts – with a small blush to dash. “Would love to shake your hand but, we’re ah – a bit occupied.”
You quirk a brow. “Elevator buddy?”
Sungchan’s grin doesn’t relent, even at your scrunched expression. "I've spent the past year calling you that, you're not stopping me now.” He says the last bit under his breath, as the lady with the trolley backs up even further into him and pushes him impossibly closer to you. His lips end up skimming your forehead and sending an involuntary chill down your spine, while your right hand ends up flat on his chest, your left jammed awkwardly into your side with your coffee.
Pull it together, please God, pull it together.
“The last year?” Is all you can get out coherently. It’s impossible to take deep breaths when every thought in your head is being thrown out of a metaphorical window. Citrus and smoke, hands and lips, months and quarters. This elevator crush is going to haunt you for life if you go back to silence after all this. Stop asking questions damn it!
Sungchan hums, the sensation sinking into your bones. “It’s about then, no? It was my first time in the building because it was the BigHit and Pledis merger last year,” he says, awfully fond. “You had a massive dossier of balance sheets, and I crashed into you in the elevator lobby because you never saw me. Your papers went everywhere!” Sungchan trails off in a laugh, however your mind starts taking very careful steps back into the past…
You barely remember last year. Only the stress piling up on your table from one too many days working after hours in the quiet with Eunseok. The grid lines of spreadsheets permanently etched onto your screens and into your retinas. Neither company was willing to give an inch for each other in spite of the whole “merger” idea, forcing far too many revisions, far too close to the deadline those prissy higher ups set. And so, the entire fate of departments rested on your two heavily overworked shoulders.
Running into someone like Sungchan would have never crossed your mind then. Being all wrapped up in your stress, there was no way you’d pay that much attention to a pretty face. One incident in particular though… ding!
“Wait… you’re the one that spilt their pretentious oat milk chai latte on the finalised budget reports?!” You don’t even know if that was his actual drink order but all you remember was flying into a fit of red rage when green bled all over your precious, freshly printed work.
To hell with kissing him; a kiss with your fist was way more overdue. 
Sungchan practically squawks as he jumps to justify himself. “I didn’t spill anything! I just accidentally walked into you and the papers – and my latte ­– went flying! Not my fault.” His hand snakes down from the wall and onto yours resting on his chest. If you could physically look him in the eyes, you’d be sure there’d be some fire of determination in them.
Now, it’s his heartbeat, clattering under your ear like the ticking of keycaps; it’s his heat, sticking his shirt under your palm like tack; it’s his voice, shaking like an intern at the barest critique. His hand dwarfs yours: long fingers tracing the lines of yours. 
Your temper matches in step with your heart, beating against your mind in double time. “Do you know how long it takes to print double sided for a full dossier?! All of it to end up on the floor, covered in your hipster green tea latte! I have full authority to half whatever budg—"
— “Hey, you two, this is your floor.” The tired voice of general manager Kim Doyoung chirps in. Red floods your face at the thought of someone watching you lose your head. Nevertheless, Doyoung watches on with a boredom only he could achieve. “You, save the death threats for feedback week, and Sungchan — don’t mess with someone from accounting.”
Sungchan takes the hint and peels himself off you, the smell of citrus still making you dizzy. The crowd barely parts, but he uses his size, pushing the way for the both of you. His enormous hand holding yours through the crowd and guiding you out of the cube of stress. When the doors whir shut behind you, he takes your empty coffee cup and dumps it into the bin.
Never would you think you’d be left hand in hand with Sungchan in an isolated elevator lobby. He’s still clasped onto you with a vice grip: his heat searing into your palms like hot iron. It burns being this close. The buzzing AC in the lobby being the only thing keeping you alive.
Nobody talks for a second, letting the silence say it’s piece before your mouth starts moving before you’ve processed what it’s doing. "If anyone reports us to HR, I am so so sorry.”
Sungchan takes a breath, blinking those wide doe eyes at you before his face splits into a grin. “No, don’t worry. I don’t think Doyoung-hyung will kick up much fuss,” he smiles.
Only now do you remember Doyoung is the head of HR and your heart kicks into double time again, but how is Sungchan so calm about this? As if reading your mind, he squeezes your hand to reassure you before dropping your it. “Stop looking so worried! Just look.” He pulls his lanyard out from where he usually stashes it in his breast pocket, and you nearly trip over your feet when you see it.
"I am HR." What the hells.
The look on your face must give it all away as Sungchan’s laugh echoes in the empty elevator lobby. And hells, the kid – is he even younger than you?? – knows he’s got you wrapped around his finger. "Maybe I will just file a complaint,” he says with a smile. “What was that again? Threatening to half our department budget?”
He tilts his head all coy like he’s not the one at fault here. The audacity, really. You shake your head in mild disbelief and shrug off your nerves. Oh, you know what? Might as well go for it. What’s stopping you now? Definitely not HR.
"Bold words from someone who singlehandedly setback the entire Bighit-Pledis merger back by a whole day,” you counter, head raised in even challenge. Sensible accountant alarm bells are ringing in your mind, but you clamp down on them. “Shouldn’t you, be making up to me?”
It’s your turn to fan your lashes and pout your lips. Savouring in the way he pretends to think and avoid staring at your pouted lips.
"There might just be something..." His long fingers pull you in by the lapels, just a hair away. A blush must flush all the way down you from the way his eyes light up. You watch his lips curl into that grin of his, already thinking about what’s next. Citrus and smoke, hands and lips, months and quarters.
"Not here, sweetness." And his smile is just as deadly as yours.
Fuck the spreadsheets. You’ve got a private meeting in board room #127 with corporate happiness.
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hope i haven’t lost my touch :) thanks sm for reading and if you enjoyed, a reblog would be nice to help encourage more <3 ⭒ masterlist
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vulpixisananimal · 2 months
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(. . . Ouch.)
(You're back in the field. That, that one hurt. It really, really hurt. You're not entierly sure what you did different that time, was it that you asked him why he looked like that? Either way, the result was one you wouldn't forget.)
(You were fighting the king. You must have gotten careless, or maybe distracted, but you took a blow meant or Mirabelle, it flung you into the wall and you felt something snap. You weren't able to move, only watch your party try and win without you. You didn't know what was worse, the fact Bonnie tried dragging you away when you lost, or that the King killed you last, since now, you were the least threatening of them all.)
(Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile. . .)
(. . . . It doesnt matter. Lesson learned. Get up Siffrin, you have a country to save.)
(. . . . . . .)
(. . . . . . . . . . . . . .)
(You. . . . . . . You can't move.)
(You can't move. You can't move!?! Why can't you move!!! You tried your arms, your hands, fingers, toes, legs, head- okay!! You could move your head! So, so you're not frozen in time, aha, hahaha!! AHHAHAHHAHAHA WHY CANT YOU MOVE!!!!!)
(This isn't right, this isn't right this shouldn't happen this, this is impossible right?!? You always went back to normal after a Loop!!! Did, did you do something wrong? No, did you die wrong? How can you die wrong!!! That makes no sense!! Was this a joke?!? Okay, okay call Loop they'll know what t- NO YOU COULDN'T, EVEN DO THAT!!! HA, HAHAHAHAHA)
(You had to move!! You had to!! Because, because if you cant then you, you, you-)
(Then you couldn't go to the clock tower you couldn't go to the house you couldn't stop the boulder in the first hall you couldn't find the key or the crests or fight and you couldn't look through everything for how to get out of the loops you couldn't use the keyknife you couldnt do anything you'd be the useless dead weight that you always were and you'd be stuck here!!! YOU HAD TO MOVE. JUST, MOVE!!! PLEASE!!!)
(You snap back to reality, Mirabelle, she, she was right there. In front of you, she looked panicked. How long had she been there? How long had you been lying here. You open your mouth, no sound comes out. What do you say, what CAN you say?!?! How can you say ANYTHING?!??!?)
(You look Mirabelle in the eyes. She's, shes starting to cry. You, you have to, say, something, anything!!)
". . . M-mira. . ."
"Siffrin!!!" (She looks releaved a little that you talked, putting an arm up to your head before quickly putting it back.) "A-are you alright?!? You weren't responding at all and, a-and I, I-"
"Mira. . ." (You can feel yourself starting to tear up.)
(You have to tell her. You don't want to. You would rather die. But if you don't tell her, then you'll be stuck lying here as she waits for you at the clock tower!! And, and you. . .)
"I. . . I can't move."
". . . WHAT?!?!" (It took Mirabelle a second to process what you said. She looked shocked, terrified.) "W-what happened?? Was it a nightmare?!? Or, or did, u-uhm let me try something!!"
(You can see a slight glow from Miras hand. Healing craft!! Right!! Haha, that should fix it easy!! Of course!!! She places her hand gently on your chest.)
(. . . You don't feel it. You don't feel the warmth of Mirabelles healing, or her hand, or, or anything. No, you couldn't feel the grass underneath your hands, or, the wind or, o-or. You're starting to hyperventilate, please, please work please please please.)
"Did that. . ." (Mirabelle takes her hand back, looking at you.)
(You try and move a finger. . .)
(. . .)
(You. Still. Can't. MOVE!)
(You can feel yourself starting to cry, you can't stop it. No, no no no no no, after all this, all this work. You're stuck!!! You're stuck and you can't move!!!)
"O-oh Change. . . Siffrin. . ." (You could see Mirabelle starting to cry, surely she was thinking about tomorrow, about everything, the King, the fight, and now just how useless you were, stupid. Stupid stupid stupid!!!)
"I-it's fine. . ." (You mumble.)
"It's not fine!!!" (She yells.) "Y-you're my friend!!! And!!! A-and you can't move and I couldn't heal it!!! It's not fine at all!!!"
"M-mira. . ." (It was fine. It was fine. It was fine.)
"I'm going to get Madame Odile, she'll know what to do! A-and, and everyone too!! Just, just- I'll be right back!!"
(You watch her go as much as you could. You couldn't stop her even if you tried. Stars. . . You try to stop crying. It doesn't work. You close your eyes.)
"How about here?" (Odile asked, pressing against your back.)
(Mirabelle had came back a few minutes later, everyone in tow. They were all so worried about you, wanting to make sure you were okay. Odile had the though to check your reflexes, then after that came up with nothing, to check your spine. Isabeau was holding you up as Odile pressed along your back. Or, at least, you think she was.)
"N-nothing still. . ." (You mumble back.)
(This was maybe the worst part.)
(After all those little moments where you snuck a poke or touch in the plant room, after all the time you wanted someone to just, hold you. It finally happened.)
(And you couldn't feel it.)
(It had taken all of your might not to scream.)
"Gems. . . What about here?" (You shake your head.) "Hmm. . ."
". . . Frin gonna be okay?" (You hear Bonnie ask.)
"I, hmm, I'm not sure." (Odile sighed.) "There's no broken spine segments, and you're sure you didn't have any strange sensations leading up to this?"
"N-no. . ." (It's only half a lie.) "Just, woke up like this. . ."
"Aw Sif. . ." (You can hear the anguish in Isabeaus voice. You feel a gentle hand on the back of your head, you barely even wince.)
"We, w-we can figure this out! It'll, uhm, it'll just take some work!! It'll be okay!!!" (Mirabelle sounds like she's about to burst into tears again.)
(No, It won't be okay if you're stuck like this. You lead them through the house each time, and if you can't do that, they die. You all die. Stars, everythings changing, everythings, wrong!!)
"I-I'm sorry. . ."
"No!!!" (They all yell at you.)
"You don't need to apolagise!! This isn't your fault!!" (Mirabelle continues.)
"Stupid!! You just took a NAP there's no way it's your fault!!!" (Bonnie looked angry, or, wait, was that concern?)
"We can figure out something, Siffrin. Even if you can't move tomorrow I'm sure Isabeau could carry you through the House." (Odile adds, you sense some teasing in her voice.)
"M-ME?!?" (Isa replies.) "I-I mean, of course!! I would any day of the week!! Haha, if Siffrin needs a hand somewhere then, u-uh--"
(You let out a weak laugh. Oh, oh Isabeau, oh everyone. . .) ". . . T-thank you. . ."
[. . .]
[You got the Memory of Powerless.]
[With the Memory of Powerless equipped, all your familys stats and EXP gain is doubled!]
[You may be unmoving, but they are willing to pick up the slack.]
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redzie02 · 4 months
Jongho is starving for your touch and demands your attention
jongho drabble. previous jongho fic
warnings: none/ jongho is baby bear af/ clingy jongho propaganda/ domestic vibes masterlist
Imagine, you got home a few hours ago. The first thing you did was rid yourself of your work clothes in exchange for comfier ones. A loose fitting tee- that you stole from your boyfriend- and some shorts.
The dishes that were left in the sink after breakfast that morning were quickly washed. Floors swept, tables wiped down. Everything was clean and you were free. Free to do what, exactly? Nothing.
Throwing your body onto the couch, you let out a breath, covering your legs with the plush blanket that was gifted to you many years ago.
You scroll through your texts, replying to any you might've missed while cleaning. You spot a few from Jongho.
2:30 pm jongie♡: i miss you. i wanna go home
2:31 pm jongie♡: hongjoong extended practice :(
2:40 pm jongie♡: helloooooo
2:45 pm jongie♡: hello :(
2:49 pm jongie♡: we leave at 3, u better answer me then :(
It was now 2:59 pm. Your lips tugged downward as you read the messages- you shouldn't have silenced your notifications. Idiot mistake. You were about to type until you saw three little dots appear on the screen. You waited for his text.
3 pm jongie♡: heading home now! ...are u there
You replied.
my y/n: yes! sorry i didnt see your texts earlier, bear :(
jongie♡: did you die
my y/n: no lol i was cleaning. are u tired? hungry?
jongie♡: tired, yes
jongie♡: hungry, not yet. had some snacks :) got u a croissant
my y/n: UGH I LOVE YOU <3 see u when u get here jongie
jongie♡: u only love me cuz i bring u food :(
my y/n: yes :) now hurry
You scrolled through various apps, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of your dimly lit apartment while you waited for Jongho.
It only took 15 minutes before three quick taps from the door interrupted your scrolling. You opened the door only to be engulfed by a pair of strong arms. You beamed into Jongho's chest. "Hi bear."
Still clutching you in his arms, he walked you backward into the apartment, kicking the door closed with his foot. With his head buried into your neck, he inhaled. "Mmm, you smell so good. Why do you always smell so good?"
"Maybe it's cause I steal your body wash." He chuckled. "You, however, smell like you've been dancing for eight hours."
Jongho lifted his head with disbelief written all over his face. "You can forget about the croissant."
"Wait! What I meant to say was that you should get comfortable and you know, put on some fresh clothes and we can relax together while I eat the croissant my amazing, beautiful boyfriend bought me." You fluttered your eyelashes at him. He had a soft spot for you and you knew that. He almost never says no to you.
Jongho sighed and let go of you to reach into his messenger bag. He feigned reluctance as he passed you the brown paper bag containing the freshly baked croissant. "Here. I'll be back."
"Thank you, baby," you pulled him in for a soft kiss, pressing your lips onto his warm ones. His shoulders relaxed under your touch- tension he didn't even realize he held. He almost whimpered at the feeling, sighing into your mouth. He really did miss you. Jongho just about crumbled when you pulled away, heading back to the couch. "I'll be here."
He groaned but trudged himself to your shared bedroom anyway, grabbing clean clothes, and hopping into the shower soon after.
It was the quickest he had ever showered, not wanting to waste any more time without you in his arms. Yet when he returned to the living room, you had barely even glanced his way. You didn't even comment on his wet hair that you liked so much because you thought it was cute.
Jongho was disappointed, to say the least. Sure, you were here, but all your attention had been taken up by your stupid screen. Oh, how he envied the little device in your hand.
With an audible exhale, he lifted your legs, placed them over his lap, then plopped down on the couch. Your croissant was nowhere to be seen, devoured in a matter of seconds, he assumed. Besides the few tiktoks you had showed him, he sat there, staring at the ceiling. His fingers danced up and down your legs. He massaged your calf. His hands snuck their way up to knead at your soft thighs. He even tickled your foot, but nothing seemed to avert your eyes from your phone.
Jongho puffed his cheeks and blew the air out, bored and frustrated out of his mind. All he wanted was you. All he could think about was being wrapped in your embrace, feeling your body heat mixing with his. It made his skin itch with need.
He sat up suddenly. "Do you hear that?"
You locked your phone, listening for anything that may have been out of the ordinary. "What?" You sat up, a little frightened. "I don’t hear anything."
"Exactly. When was the last time we were alone like this? We have the rest of today and tomorrow to ourselves."
"Jongho, you scared me! I thought someone was breaking in or something," you clutched your chest whilst Jongho laughed at your melodrama. You attempted to poke his sides with your foot, but he caught your ankle. "Not funny," you whined. "What do you wanna do?"
"I’m not sure. What are you up for?" Satisfied he caught your attention, he brought your leg up, placing a gentle kiss on your ankle.
"Welp, as of right now? Absolutely nothing." You stretched and let out an ahh and shifted your gaze back to your phone.
Jongho frowned and leaned forward, snatching your phone and stuffing it between the cushions.
"It’s just me and you and all you wanna do is use your phone! What about me?" His bottom lip jutted out further than before and his eyes were round and shiny.
You would take a picture if your phone wasn’t being squished in the couch.
You held your arms out for him. "Come here."
He tossed one of your legs over his side and settled himself between them, his head now resting on your shoulder. His damp hair lightly grazed your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You threaded your fingers through his dark locks.
"I miss you," he softly spoke.
"I'm right here, baby. I'm sorry I wasn't giving you my attention."
"It's okay, I know- just...hold me." And you did. You wrapped your legs around him and held him as tightly as you could to your body. Tender kisses were placed on his forehead. Your hands refused to settle as they roamed his arms, his back, his face. You felt Jongho's breathing slow down, letting you know that he was falling asleep. You remembered he hadn't eaten dinner, so you gently tapped him a few times.
"Jongho, don't fall asleep, I have to make you dinner."
"No, don't let go. This feels too good." He only snuggled his face deeper between your neck and shoulder, squishing his lips against your skin.
"You have to eat, bear. You've only had what? Breakfast and snacks all day? After hours of practicing the choreos? I love you and I won't let you starve."
"I'd rather starve then let go. I've needed this all day." His words vibrated against your skin, hardly coherent, but you understood nonetheless.
"It'll be quick, I promise, yeah? How does pasta sound?"
He hummed and nodded, slowly getting up. Exhaustion had etched itself onto his face and it made your heart cry out. Before heading towards the kitchen, you leaned down and peppered kisses all over his face. Usually he'd protest at the affection, but he closed his eyes, a small smile forming on his lips. "Just ten minutes, okay?"
a/n: i honestly didnt know where to go with this, i just kept writing lol. reader was hauling ass trying to get that pasta ready btw
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iceinwhb · 4 months
Dark headcanon
﹅ contains; what in hell is bad, sensitive content, nsfw, explicit content, foul language, explicit lenguage, female Mc.
﹅ warnings; Dark headcannon, insane descrptions, unhealthy relationships, the softest is at the top.
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He no longer had any idea how long it had been since he had last properly killed an angel. Perhaps too long to remember how to avoid instant death on the first hit.
Another army of wounded angels came out of their territory, weary from the constant fighting that hadn't changed for years.
Solomon's descendant no longer participated in the war, nor did he allow her to use any special skill. She only stayed in hell so as not to break the guidelines that bound her to him.
And it worked well for a while, until she became suspicious of the strange movements, and eventually, she realized what was going on.
He tried to hide it, but it wasn't long before she realized his intentions.
He still wanted to believe that if she spent more time in hell, maybe just a little longer, would learn to love it and stay. But the betrayal in her eyes, the feeling of him having cheated on her was still there.
She never said anything, and the more time passed, less she liked Gehenna. He couldn't follow her either, or even claim her because he himself condemned her, every day, to delay what might be inevitable.
But this time, at least that day, she had not avoided him. Her eyes did not leave him as he moved deeper into the room where he had taken refuge, so as not to feel that he was losing her.
“Let me go.” Her determination formed quickly, as he approached. “I want you to take me back to Earth. Reverse the deal right now.”
His brow furrowed, not only at the order, but at the strange feeling that plagued his chest.
“It's your fault, not mine that the deal hasn't yet…!”
“If you can't deliver it, then you shouldn't have made a deal.” He tried to convince himself that this was the right thing to do, even if was wrong. “Or you're going to lie, and tell me you don't enjoy this place…”
“What the hell is there on earth that you can't have here!” He finally reached out, and touched her, not allowing her to move further away. “I saved you from dying back there, you can still die if you come back! You know exactly what you promised.”
“What I promised ended when you did what you wanted, you don't care about anything else!”
“Then go and ask any demon you find if he wants to help you. Go again, scour hell looking for just one…!”
The resounding smack on his cheek stung, especially since it was full of rage.
“Shut up!” he stepped back a few inches, trying to process the kind of feeling that was rapidly evolving, and looked at her again.
The silence was long, more tense than it had ever been, but no words could fix the mistake.
“Whatever you do, you're not coming back” He closed his mouth tightly and gritted his teeth, not knowing exactly what to hide, but already fury was beginning to rise in his brain, as the tingling in his hands began to rise. “At least I thought it would be different.”
“Don't you dare…”
“He and his lineage is always the same…” He held her again, unaware of how much the pressure of his touch had increased, as he threw her onto the bed. His body trembled as the high-pitched whine entered his ears. “But there will be no one who can take you.”
“Son of…” He held both cheeks with one hand, clenching her jaw tightly, the energy of fury continuing.
“Try it. Leave this fucking room and you'll see.”
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“I'm sorry, but I can't stay.”
It was the first thing she did, politely, as she turned down the marriage proposal. She wasn't able to remember how many times considered Mammon's feelings after that.
In truth, she did nothing more than take care not to be rude, as her purpose in hell came to an end. She was more relieved to finally be able to come out to earth again, and feel like had a normal life, that even the excitement was more visible than could have imagined.
Didn't care that hell was safer, not quiet either, or that it could give her anything in return, after all, she was aware that once got out. She wouldn't remember anything.
Didn't want to be like Solomon, looking for a place in the heart of the demons because knew that wasn't her place. The reflection, as walked down the hallway of Satan's palace, ended.
Her eyes were immediately drawn to the figure, too large not to quickly identify. The clear eyes, with a hue as beautiful as gold shone in a different way than she knew, especially as the silence continued.
“What are you doing here?” she hugged herself, as walked in the direction of the greed demon, without a fear in the least. Eyes felt intense as it followed her, and immediately, the decompensation of familiarity when not greeted by a habitual smile appealed to her senses.
“You're leaving tomorrow, aren't you?” she laughed, as excitement rose in her head again.
“Yes, that's why I couldn't sleep and thought it was a better option… To have some peace, but if you're here…” She looked around, especially to the sides and frowned slightly, forgetting what was about to say. “Just…”
“Can we walk together?” She nodded absently.
“That's what I was going to do anyway.”
“Aren't you too happy?” Mammon seemed to notice the strangeness she felt at every turn, but the question only made the atmosphere more uncomfortable. Discomfort pounded in her brain, making her aware of the bad feeling that slowly clung to her flesh.
“I don't…”
“You know you're going to forget hell, and all the demons in it when you get back.”
“I thought they were all aware that I wasn't going to… I didn't do anything to make them think more of me, either.” She looked up, leaning closer to Mammon, but was unable to look him. “I never coveted a place in anyone's heart, and I never wanted to hurt yours either.”
“I always told you I'd give you anything you asked for.” Long fingers covered her wrist, gripping her hand tightly. “And I'm willing to give you anything as long as you stay.”
Her only response, at least quickly, was easy to get out of her mouth, with a clear denial that there was nothing better than hell.
That was the worst mistake she could made.
Tried to remove his hand a few seconds later, but failed to move his hand at all.
The last thing she remembered hearing was Mammon's deep voice, with a completely different tone to the assurance he exuded.
“I can't… forget you.”
It was dragging, full of feelings she couldn't understand. But she didn't need to because his thoughtfulness was extinguished when she suddenly lost consciousness and woke up in that place.
A year ago.
And every day she could clearly remember every movement, every gesture. The difference from what Mammon was, to the demon of greed who only looked at her from the other side of the room.
Like at that moment, where the clear, golden eyes were brutally digging into her skin, burning her nerves and digging a deeper and deeper emptiness, to the point that she could even feel cold.
She tried to understand it every time Mammon spent hours watching her, where she had gone wrong, or if from the beginning her fate had already been written by the demon who rose from his desk, with the slowness of a predator about to hunt, until he touched the barrier that separated them.
The hand was not on her skin, but she could feel the need it gave off, the desire to touch her again, and play as if her body was that of a doll for the enjoyment of whatever needs Mammon might have.
A soft smile rose to his lips, and his cheek hit the material of gold and diamond cage. He dared to savor the minutes as fingers slowly opened the door.
“Don't you think it's time for a bath? I'll buy prettier dresses today than last time, and change your place, sweet master.”
Her lips trembled, in sadness, but she made no visible grimace, for no matter how hard she tried, was unable to move the crystalline diamond because of how heavy it was, and also to escape because the hands were too strong to hold her, like a leash that would take her for all eternity if possible.
And at that point, when he carefully held her waist, she was already resigned to being an object that she hoped, would be discarded as soon as possible.
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Beelzebub's eyes were lost in the flickering spotlight, with a dull light, and the humid atmosphere only increased the rapidity of his breathing, as his nose sank into the wet panties. The smell of semen and female cum was so thick it made him dizzy.
It was an addictive drug that he could not stop consuming more and more, more and more hours of his day until he completely stopped moving, the bittersweet smell, the salty taste of sweat, and the moans made him lose the thread of coherence that he didn't know when he had lost, or for how long.
Only rolled his eyes, drenched in lust as he looked at the body of the descendant of a man he had forgotten. Tears steadily filled her eyes, as the moans were muffled by the cock that was penetrating the back of her throat with desperation, while pussy and ass were filled by others.
The scene made him move his attention to the semen-filled bosoms, the same that also marked the panties and cheeks, full of deep bites and saliva his. He didn't need to get lost from sight because another copy, took it upon herself to lick the red, sore, and quivering peaks.
His copy's fingers moved to her pelvis, and deftly advanced on her clitoris, before his eyes connected with it, and with a mischievous grin, the Beelzebub overstimulating her parts, opened her lower lips. The copy of his cock was crushing harder on the small body, to the point of making her squirm and almost scream.
He moaned, raw, as his hand pumped the erection harder than he should have applied. He felt suffocated, and at the same time, ecstatic in madness and pleasure.
Came down from the cloud of pleasure as the precious semen was held between his fingers, and his eyes came back into view, where his copy had already cum in his mouth, burying it to the full.
They all came out at the same time, leaving a long line of white semen, with no space to stain when he finally stood up. He held her neck carefully, and swallowed her tongue, the taste so exquisite that he just clicked his teeth together again.
She screamed, but he kept stifling the sound as the blood touched the roof of his mouth. And when she pulled away, his nose followed the line of his neck, perversely enjoying the smell.
She was the king of gluttony's whore. He could smell it in every pore of her skin, so deeply that it stained even her soul.
“You smell soo good…” Too good to want to eat her in one bite, too good to want all hell to notice how much she'd taken and how very much his she felt.
He bit into the skin again, making her scream again, but even the sound impoverished his ability to reason, and heightened the mammoth pleasure. The piece of skin he had torn from the soft skin made him shiver. The softness in each bite, the sensation that scraped warmly across his throat.
It was a taste he had never tasted before. Beyond anything he could have tasted. He sighed, almost cumming again as the whisper burned in his ears, his name, in the bulging mouth that did nothing but tantalizes him, every bite until there was nothing left.
“Please, Beel.” He brought his eyes to the sound, and his mind paused for a moment. The lips were bruised, red, hot, bleeding.
The tears wouldn't stop flowing, and her body barely had the strength to move. She was so adorable that made him laugh, as he held her wrists tighter and his gaze bored into the dark, tired, on the verge of fainting eyes.
“Should I eat you now?” Her eyebrows furrowed, blood continued to drip, staining the white red, and her consciousness slowly faded. He smiled, as he ran his lips over her wrist. “Unless you finally choose to stay. By my side.”
She didn't speak. The silence became so grotesquely awkward, for seconds before another bitter laugh hit his throat.
His chest wouldn't stop pounding, and the shape of his body was becoming less easy to hold as remembered why they were in that place.
They had gone through Abyssos. Passing time as usual, until her excitement slowly faded and she began to want to go back somewhere else, desperate to get away and leave him abandoned.
He returned to his reason, got control of his body and breathed hard.
“Then eat and fill yourself with my cock until you agree. And if you deny it again…” He held her chin, to make her look him in the eyes, but her eyelids fell slower, even disoriented. “I will eat you.”
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“Come to Paradise Lost, one last time” She never denied him the opportunity.
He only acted out of condescension, because his conscience was pounding with despair at the thought of losing another loved one, and being forgotten as if he were nothing.
That was the decline of the last drop of patience he could have. He wanted to respect her decision, but the dark thought that she, in particular, did not want to stay was stronger.
And then, once he managed to have her one day, to give her up, but he did not succeed. They walked together, talked, laughed, even the tender moments became a burden and finally, before sunset they ended up in the greenhouse. He offered her a last cup of tea and they continued together as if nothing would happen afterward, as if it was just another day, where he could see her later.
And when she stood up, slightly dismayed, she finally looked him straight in the eye. For a moment, there was clear hesitation, but instead, she reached over and hugged him.
There was a small farewell, the size of a sigh. She touched his face, held his cheeks, and said words he could not have forgotten, “I am grateful to have known you, and I would only like to stay. But this is goodbye, and I hope it won't be the last.”
“You can't go.”
The minutes went on in silence and continued for twenty after his first words were not a simple acceptance.
“I have to go, Luci.”
“I'm not letting you go.” Surprise came over her, slowly, obfuscating his chest, but it was no greater than the sense of loss that kept dripping out, unsteadily, and almost choking him, as he clung to the hands that were still on him.
“Lucifer.” She swallowed saliva, then looked at the door, thinking of a possibility he had already completely abandoned. He tried to stop her, but she only took a step back, avoiding him, wrenching the resignation from holding her even without knowing what would happen.
“You're going to die if you walk through that door.”
The silence continued, before she sat back in the chair, almost laughing, incredulous at what was happening.
“You're not going to keep me here forever. You know that.”
But even if she was sure of it, she wasn't aware of what it meant forever. But that didn't matter after a while, nor did the certainty of an eternity.
He was barely able to leave the room because each time, he found something different, with the same ending, before Gamigin fixed it again and again.
At first, he could understand the urgency to remain vigilant, and eventually, stopped weighing too deeply, because he was by her side, after all she would always live, no matter how many times tried to kill herself, like in that moment, where she was scratching hard at his throat, looking to cut it for having tried to disobey his words again.
He stopped her fingers, lowering them, and momentarily removed the restraint. She finally drew in a sharp intake of breath, coming back to herself. She moved her hands quickly, trying to pull away before salty tears filled her cheeks and came with a loud sob.
Lucifer moved his hands to her cheeks, as she finally seemed to give in and lick gently at the wetness, savoring the salty taste, then sucked hard, longing for the sensation, taking his full attention.
“Stop it, just let me go…” He brought her tongue to his mouth, and tangled his tongue with the other, which was trying to hide, and the tears continued to enter his palate, relentlessly.
The human body was too weak to resist, even when she tried and finally manipulated it to his liking, even touched hard, to the point of leaving nail marks on the soft, warm skin.
But it was not enough.
He grabbed her neck and pulled her towards the wall, the sound was dry, he repositioned the barrier, and his teeth dug into the flesh, mercilessly, as he removed the clothing, ignoring even the struggling that went on constantly, not giving up even when he tore the blood-filled shirt.
Before his eyes, there were only marks of the countless bites that sank into the skin, each time he made her own. There was no longer any place without scars. Even the fingers, hands, and thighs that struggled to flee from his grasp were marked as his.
Though at that moment she was not yet ready to stay, she would slowly realize that the only one she needed by her side was him, for he would not let her see and touch others.
“The only thing you have now is me.” Blunt teeth bit into his shoulder, as nails dug into the wound in his bleeding wings. “The only place you belong is these four walls.”
The little grunt of discord entered his ears, but it was useless when she continued to cry, without stopping, to the point of shaking off his need. The hand he still had available rose to the nape of her neck, and again, he licked away the tears, for he was unable to let her go.
“Only me, descendant of Adam.”
I dance to you so that it is not obvious that Leviathan is missing here, but don't worry. I'll write it later.
On the other hand… I don't know about you, but they are still very soft cuties (I also don't want to stress that I censure it too much, because yes, you can imagine how they ended with their own mc).
Aaaaaaaaaand… I think when I'm really fucked, sleep deprived and hundreds of wanting to sleep, I don't check well the coherence of the sentences, which is who, and for you guys it must have been a fucking shitty thing to read it, LMAO. I promise to check that for you guys, and even “render” my headcannons. For your health, and mine.
But right now, if I got something wrong, many apologies, (I love very, very, very much the beautiful people who did help me in the last poll. I need you guys too much, I will never leave you. <3).
Although… (I am a poll addict)
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msgexymunson · 2 years
A Bit of Skirt
Dom!Eddie x Sub!Fem!Reader
Description: if you knew all it took to get Eddie's attention was a short skirt, you might have tried it sooner!
Warnings: NSFW, angsty/sexual tension/SMUT, minors DNI or you shall face my wrath, PRAISE KINK, reader uses she/her pronouns, reader in 20s but not specifically mentioned, slight drug use, f!oral receiving, p in v protected sex
A/N: I still don't know if I like this, I'm not entirely happy with it but hey ho. It's been sitting in my WIPs forever. Any comments or reblogs are appreciated. Also I just want Eddie Munson to say 'that's my girl' to me and I will die a happy woman
4.5k words
Walking up the couple of steps to the front door of the trailer, you pause at the top to compose yourself.
It's just a pick up you say to yourself, nothing you haven't done before, wondering who you are trying to convince. You weren't just picking up weed, you were picking it up from Eddie Munson.
It still sounded weird, even now you'd done it maybe a dozen times. Eddie 'the Freak' Munson, all leather and denim, who you quickly came to realise was not a freak at all. He was, well, goofy, and kind, all fluff, and then all of a sudden you would be lost in those soulful brown eyes and the ground would seem to drop out from under you. 
You smooth down the front of your tartan skirt, tugging at the hem slightly. It was a couple inches or so above your knee. You were thinking you probably shouldn't have dressed up just for Eddie, I mean you were buying weed for Christs sake not going on a date. Now that was a thought. You clear your throat, trying to cough the image away and knock on the door.
The door opens and a gruff face appears, Eddie's uncle, who looks at you expectantly.
"Er, hi, here to see Eddie?" 
"Hey you" he grins at you.
"Of course miss, he's in his room, go on through" he gives you a kind look and a nod, moving out of your way to let you in.
You walk through the living space a little shakily and reach Eddie's door. About to rap on the door with your knuckles, you hear a muffled but unmistakable 'sweetheart' which freezes and boils you at the same time. Does he have a girl in there?? But why would his uncle just let you through? You fumble with the handle and the door flies open, your nervousness taken over with some strange force, the blood rushing to your face, and, and.... there he is, sitting crossed legged on his bed holding his guitar. Of course...
"Hey. I-I thought you had a girl in here" you stumble out and why the fuck did you say that out loud!
"Oh, is that why you busted in here like the FBI?" He laughed "besides, I do".
Your brow furrows, and he laughs, planting a kiss on the neck of his guitar. He leans to hang it, sorry her, back in pride of place on his wall. You smirk, but you cant help but feel a pang in the pit of your stomach. I wish he'd kiss me like that. Now come on, you really jealous of a guitar?
He whips his head around to face you, a wide smile slowly spreading over his face.
"Baby you come here often?" He jokes, grinning devilishly at you.
You smile back "probably more than a good girl should" quipping back at him, fluttering your eyelashes. Always the flirt you think, as he laughs, raising his eyebrows at you.
His eyes dart down, seemingly for the first time, and he looks up at you with a serious face. You pause too, looking into those eyes of his, wondering what his next move will be, very aware of the hem of your skirt which had been locked in his vision. The pause seems to stretch on a little too long, so long you feel awkward and hot. You start to move forward when suddenly he leaps up off the bed, standing right in front of you. He's so close, you feel his breath and smell his cologne, as he looks down at you.
"You wear that just for me princess?"
"No" you say, just a little too breathy, a little too quick. He raises an eyebrow at you, as he gently puts his hand out, and reaches to shut the door behind you, then moves over to his desk. Of course the fucking door, that's why he jumped up. You feel dumb, redness reaching the tips of your ears.
"So, the usual milady?" He asks, his back to you, fumbling around his desk, scattering a couple of the tapes that litter it in the process.
"Er yeah sure, should keep me going" you reply, trying not to stare at his ass as he bends down to locate his stash, his Hellfire t shirt riding up a little in the process.
"Aha, that's where you're hiding" he exclaims, opening a drawer and pulling out a battered tin. He sits at his desk and turns his head to you, gesturing for to you to join him. You move over to the desk, hovering near, when he pats his knee and cocks his head at you, like it's the most normal thing in the world.
Taken by surprise, you perch ever so lightly on his thigh, feeling the blood rush downwards to your mound as you feel the slight pressure in your most sensitive area. Jesus Christ you are sitting on his knee not his face. Woah didn't need that image either. Pursing your lips you try to push it to the back of your head, for later.
You realise you've zoned out for like a full minute and turn your head to see Eddie staring straight back at you, looking amused, a curious smirk on his face.
"Somethin' on your mind, sweetheart?" He asks lowly, those intense eyes reading your thoughts, or at least the look on your face.
You manage to say "No, nothing important, just thinking I could use a joint" Trying to pass it off as breezily as you can muster.
He looks at you a little too long, fingers tapping the tin he put on the desk, then reaches his arm around you to so he can open it, encircling you in his arms for a moment. The hairs on your neck stand up. He pulls out a bag and shakes it.
"This right here, this will definitely calm you down"
Oh my God is it that obvious that I need to calm down?
"Great, 20 yeah?" You say as you shuffle slightly trying to reach the pocket in your skirt. You find the bill and pull it out, motioning for him to take it, but he doesn't. He holds you gently by the wrist.
"You know you could always buy more at a time, I don't mind, might even give you a discount for that skirt of yours" he winks and grins, then takes the 20 from your hand.
"You trying to see me less huh?" You respond, eyes flicking just for a second to that perfect mouth of his, and back up.
He pouts at you dramatically, mock sadness in his puppy dog eyes, and you feel some resolve crumble within you. Damn you Munson, right now I'd do anything you asked.
"Now why would you go and say a thing like that, hurtin' my feelings and all, me trying to be a gentleman"
"Oh yeah, Mr Gentleman, what's all this about then??" You motion your arms to the way you were sitting.
"Now now princess, you're the one who sat down"
Speechless, you open your mouth and close it. He had a point. You see a flash of triumph on his face, then he looks back to the desk and says "right, scoot over a little, I'll roll one for us" and reaches to pull out his own stash.
You shuffle slightly closer and he moves underneath you, his arm reaching around you again to pull out the papers. He's acting like this is so normal. His arms are close around you now, busy rolling, using his fingers so dexterously that it makes you wonder what else he can do with them. His chin is resting on your shoulder, looking over in concentration, tongue slightly poking out to the side his mouth, and that just pushes you even further. You feel a pulse, deep inside, a growing wetness in your pussy. You squirm a little, and realise your skirts riding higher up your thigh.
"Easy princess, nearly done, keep still" he says out the side of his mouth, and all of a sudden you realise you can feel a swelling growing underneath you, dangerously close to your sex.
Your mind starts racing, images flashing across your brain, stuff that you wouldn't let yourself think about before. You feel like you're blushing all the way to the roots of your hair.
"Would you lick it?"
"What??" You say loudly, his words shocking you out of your daydream.
He laughs, snorting a little.
"The joint, I cant reach it baby."
The glow in your cheeks intensifies, as you bend forward a little to lick the paper, and lean back. You realise too late that you've adjusted your position and sit back right onto his hardness, making him gasp just a little.
"You, er, you OK there princess? Or do you wanna get up?"
You could just move. You could thank him and leave, right now. But you don't move, you daren't. You realise you're holding your breath.
"I'm just fine right here" you manage to say, the words nearly stuck in your throat. You can feel his gaze on you, as you look at him out the corner of your eye, barely daring to see him, his face wearing that signature Eddie grin. You lean back into him, your back flush to his torso, your skirt riding up even higher, and Eddie's eyes widen. He turns his face to you, raises his hand with the unlit joint dangling from his fingers and places it delicately in your mouth, reaching over with the other with a lighter.
On Eddie's bedroom door and you jump near out of your skin, thighs bashing into the desk, joint flying out your mouth. Eddie bounces beneath you slightly and puts his large hands on your hips to steady you as you go to get up. "Stay there baby" he mouths at you.
"Eddie I'm headin' out" you hear muffled through the bedroom door.
"Okay, bring home the big bucks" Eddie yells over his shoulder.
"You kids have fun" his uncle shouts back and you hear retreating footsteps, and eventually the sound of the front door.
"Jesus you scared the hell out of me princess" Eddie laughs as the tension in the room dissipates.
"You're scared, damn near thought I'd wet myself!" You say, your heart still racing, trying to slow your breathing down.
"Well now that's sight" he says, his eyes moving all over your body, drinking you all in. You realise your mouth is open, and you're cheeks feel even redder than before. You stand up and he looks down at you, head to one side, smiling.
You jump again, and stand up this time, taking him by surprise "the joint!" You exclaim, getting on your hands and knees to find it, hoping it wasn't lit. Eddie stares at you, biting his bottom lip, as you look up at him.
"Its, it's right here" he grins at you, pointing to the joint that landed on the desk. You look over, seeing that it wasn't lit, and realise that you are down on your hands and knees in front of Eddie Munson.
"So cute when you blush."
You seem to have forgotten how to form words, staring at that face of his, not sure what to do. He senses your hesitation, and gets up, moving to sit at the end of his bed, patting the space next to him. You sit, obediently. He lights the joint, and puts it to your lips. You take a long toke, hold your breath for a moment, holding the smoke in, then breathe out deeply.
"That's my girl."
You feel a stirring in your core at that, a heat between your thighs and fuck he's not even touched you. He leans back a little on an elbow, taking a few drags on the joint, then passes it to you. You take it with a trembling hand and smoke some more, feeling that familiar rush and a slight calmness wash over you, leaning back, blowing smoke towards the ceiling. You both stay there for a moment, not saying anything, passing the joint back and forth until Eddie sits up and says "So, now are you going to say what's on your mind or am I gonna have to ask again?"
"I.. Eddie.."
"That's my name sweetheart"
"I..." you don't know where to begin, what to say. That you've been thinking about him more and more? That you've had dreams about him, waking up with the sheets tangled at your ankles and your hand on your clit? That he's fogging up your mind right now so all you can think about is this gnawing need inside you?
You sit up to meet him but you cant quite meet his gaze, looking down at your fingers twisting in your lap. He reaches over, placing his thumb and forefinger on your chin, moving your head, holding you there so you have to stare into those brown eyes that look into your soul.
You lean forward, drawn to him, and finally press your lips against his, hard. He seems shocked by the force of your kiss but pushes right back, running his hand through your hair. You open your mouth to him and let his tongue and yours touch, exploring each others mouths desperately.
His hand runs down your back, sending a shiver down your spine, resting on your hip. Reaching out you wrap your arms around him, pushing your two bodies together, a moan rising in your throat. You move apart to catch a breath, both of you panting. Staring at each other.
"Well I'm glad I was right" he says breathily. Your brow furrows. He continues "No way anyone would wear a skirt like that for no reason. Thought I'd shoot my shot" and he kisses you again hard whilst you giggle into his mouth. You both lose yourselves in the kiss, that need is still there but its softer, deeper, electrifying.
He breaks away. You're panting and looking at him wondering why, and he looks down to his hand that's now resting on your thigh.
"May I?" He looks at you with a serious face, and you nod and hum back to him.
"I'm gonna need to hear you say it. Use your words princess."
"Yes, please" you say heavily, biting your bottom lip.
He smirks a little, and moves his hand onto your inner thigh, oh so close to where you want him, stroking that sensitive skin nearby that makes you quiver with anticipation.
"What do you want me to do princess?" Eddie asks slowly, fingers trailing circles on your thighs. Of course you think to yourself, Eddie and his words, the flirting, that's basically foreplay for him you finally realise.
"I... want you to... stroke me down there with your fingers" you whisper at him, feeling a little embarrassed. Eddie breathes deep, brows raised, looking at you with pride almost.
"That's my good girl" he whispers back and runs his hand between your legs, rubbing up and down over your thin underwear, already wet from your juices. His warm, rough fingers feel so good, and the occasional cool graze of a ring makes you wild. You gasp at the touch and a deep moan escapes your lips.
"Easy sweetheart... Jesus you're so wet.. all this for me baby?"
He runs his fingers right up to your clit, the thin cotton of your underwear the only barrier between your sex and his touch, and lazily traces circles around it.
"Can I take these off" he says to you, running his finger round the hem of your underwear.
"Oh God yes, Eddie, all for you" you moan.
He chuckles, enjoying the affect he's having on you, and planting kisses on your neck and  collarbone, only adding fuel to your fire.
"Eddie right now you can do whatever the fuck you want to me" you groan.
This spurs him on, he pushes himself onto you, planting kisses and bites over your neck, pushing you flat on your back.
"Princess... fuck that was hot"
Eddie gets up, confusing you for a second, standing over you, and staring at you laying on your back, your knees dangling over the end of the bed, hot and breathless.
"Take off your top"
You comply, exposing your breasts. He seems thrilled you're not wearing a bra.
"Wow, pretty as a picture" he grins impishly at you, his face flushing.
You move to undo your skirt when he reaches out to stop you.
"No, you're leaving that on, " he beams at you wickedly and lifts up the skirt, staring at your soaked panties.
"You're beautiful" he presses his lips together, still smirking, like he can't believe his luck, and kneels down, pulling your underwear down to your ankles and discarding them on the floor.
You feel cool air between your legs, and your legs being lifted over Eddie's shoulder, and Eddie's breath on your cunt, and you're lying there expectantly, butterflies in your stomach. You look down. Eddie is staring at you, smiling that smile.
"I need to hear it princess"
"Oh Eddie, p-please.."
"Please what...?" He's enjoying this far too much.
"Fuck me with your tongue Eddie."
A soft moan escapes his mouth.
"Jesus princess, are you even real?"
And with that he runs his tongue down your slit, starting to lap at you, licking with the flat of his tongue. You whimper, shaking like a leaf. He moves his tongue around in circles, pushing inside you, and you arch your back in pleasure. The feeling seems to reach the tips of your toes, your legs start to shake, fiercely fighting the urge to clamp your thighs around his head. He laps at your clit, running his tongue in thrilling patterns all over your sex, incredible, impossible feelings mounting in you.
"Oh God yes Eddie!" You groan, biting into your hand.
"Is that good sweetheart? Tell me, tell me what you want"
All embarrassment has dissolved, there is only you, and him, and this astounding heat growing inside of you wanting to burst out, carnal desire ready to explode.
"Eddie, please, lick my clit and fuck me with your fingers."
"Mmph" Eddie moans "since you asked so nice princess."
Eddie's tongue, lapping at your clit, sucking that cluster of nerves. You don't know how long you can hold on, wanting this feeling to last forever. He slips a finger into your cunt easily, right up to the ring. You nearly scream, biting into the flesh of your hand to muffle it.
"Baby, don't worry, let it out" he says, breathing the words onto you, and sticks another finger in, gliding in and curling round, hitting that perfect spot with such ease, it's like he's done this to you before. You do scream them, you scream his name out into the world, not caring who hears. He grins into your pussy, building up pace, his fingers fucking you, his tongue running circles around your clit, and you can't take it any more.
"Eddie, fuck I'm gonna cum"
"Then do it, cum for me princess, there's a good girl. I want to hear you."
His fingers move faster, curling into your g spot whilst you desperately grab onto the bed covers for some anchor, to keep some hold on reality, and you feel such blinding pleasure mounting up that it unleashes with force. You dissolve into your orgasm, screaming and babbling incoherently, tears welling in your eyes. You rock on Eddie's fingers, pushing with your pelvis, dragging the impossible feeling out as long as you can. Fireworks explode behind your eyes and juices squirt out of you, all over Eddie's hand and face. Finally you break and collapse, your back no longer arching, breathless and sweating and spent.
"Jesus fucking Christ Eddie Munson." You manage to gasp out still trying to settle your breathing, your hands grasping the roots of your own hair. Eddie laughs, grinning like an idiot, his head leaning on your thigh, looking up at you, your juices glistening on his face. He wipes his face, beaming at you.
"Was that ok princess?"
"Ok? Ok??" You squeal at him, grabbing one of his pillows and throwing it at him. He laughs again, louder, and stands up.
"Excuse me but this is really uncomfortable" and he undoes his belt and jeans, discarding them on the floor. You see the outline of his bulge in his boxers, straining to get free. You bite your lip and point at him.
"Take your top off" you say, echoing his previous words. He chuckles and obliges, you see his slender tattooed frame and suddenly taste blood in your mouth. You release your lip, realising you've bit so hard into it that you broke the skin.
Eddie climbs on top of you, kissing you on the neck, the cheek, the shoulder...
He then moves down, peppering kisses on your breasts, sucking gently at your nipples and it's your turn to grab his chin and make him look at you.
"What?" He puts his hands up in mock defence "You don't like it baby?"
"What about you Eddie..."
"Now you don't need to worry about me princess, this is all about you."
You grab his hair and bring his head up, kissing him on the mouth, holding his head with both hands, the words caught in your throat, pleading at him with your eyes.
"Eddie, please..."
"You're gonna have to spell it out for me" he grins again, revelling in your desperation.
You bring your lips to his ear. "I really want to feel you inside of me" you whisper.
Eddie groans, and nips at your earlobe.
"Was that so hard princess?"
He jumps up, and looks down at you once more.
"What, you wanna take a picture princess?" He smirks at you out the corner of his mouth, seeing you watching him.
"Fucking beautiful" he grins and unceremoniously pulls down his boxers, then turns to the side reaching in his night stand.
You get a full profile of Eddie Munson and now it's time for your eyes to widen. He's so big. You start to feel a little nervous, worried about the sheer girth of the thing, as he pulls out a condom and tears the wrapper off with his teeth. You watch him roll it down his impressive length, then spit in his hand and rub his cock a couple of times, turning to you.
"Jesus Eddie where have you been hiding that thing?" His face splits into a massive smile again.
"You can come around more often if you're gonna keep flattering me like that" he says as he climbs on top of you, putting his narrow hips between your legs, spreading your legs further apart. His cock is rubbing against you, the tip grazing the entrance to your soaking wet pussy. Your breath catches in your throat as you look at him. You're looking at his face just inches from yours. The bravado is gone, its just Eddie, and his eyes are soft.
"You still ok sweetheart?" He says softly, searching your eyes.
"Yes, it's just, it's been a while" you look up at him through your lashes.
He strokes your cheek. "Don't worry, we can stop any time. I've got you."
"I've got you, good girl, just relax" he says and you feel calmer, breathing in his scent. He pushes, agonisingly slow, into you, until there's nothing left to push. It hurts, but it's a good kind of hurt, you can feel that hot sensation building deep in your core as you gaze at each other.
You look up at him with doe eyes and nod.
He kisses you, deeply, sweetly, and starts slowly pushing inside of you. You both moan in each other mouths, you feel him stretching you and you whimper a little.
The pulse deep inside you is getting stronger,  you start rolling your hips into him. Eddie gasps, leaning on one hand, the other tangled in your hair, grinding, finding a rhythm with your hips.
"That's my girl, God you feel so tight, fucking incredible" he mutters into your hair "c'mere."
He pulls you upright, so his knees are together and you are straddling him, not once taking his eyes off you. You hitch the ridiculous skirt out of the way so it bunches up around your waist. At this angle he pushes even deeper inside you and you gasp sharply. He stops moving, but you grab him by his narrow hips and start riding him, rolling into him slowly, sucking the air through your teeth, letting out high pitched moans.
"That's, that's so good princess, hmmm" he groans low into your ear, and you feel his member starting to pulse inside you.
"Are you g-gonna come for me now baby?" You stammer softly into his ear.
He places one hand firmly grasping your skirt at the hip and rocks into you faster, muttering "not before you princess", before pushing his other palm into the small of your back, getting every inch of his length inside of you.
The sudden change of pace takes you by surprise as you cry out, every part of your body tingling, your senses pushed to the limit, and you squeeze his length hard inside you.
"Fuck, princess your gonna make me-"
"Isn't that the point" you smile smugly at him.
He raises his eyebrows at you, keeps the hand on your hip but raises the other, still rocking deeply into you, and puts his hand on your throat, squeezing ever so slightly at the sides. You feel his warm calloused hand, his cool rings biting into your flesh and it's too much to take.
"Not before you sweetheart" he says with that grin of his, and pushes into you hard, once, twice, three times, you hear the rip of fabric, and you scream out his name.
"Oh fuck, Jesus Eddie, ohgodohgodohgod!"
And your whole body feels it, all at once, your pussy on fire, the sweat dripping down your back, the silly skirts rough material, the hands on your throat, Eddie's rings, Eddie's fingers, Eddie's cock and you explode, screaming, eyes scrunched shut, back arching, tensing everything. It's too much for Eddie as he feels you, pushing him over the brink, grunting into your ear, pulling you close, finally releasing and both of you hold onto each other desperately, riding out the feeling, stretching this moment on for what seems like both forever and no time at all.
You're gripping each other, as he slides out of you. You start giggling then, you can't help it, laughing as Eddie stares at you with a confused smile.
"That bad huh?"
"Hell no, best I've had, like, ever" you say back, still laughing.
He beams at you, disposing of the condom in the trash.
"So what's so funny princess?" He raises an eyebrow at you.
"I think you owe me a new skirt Munson" you laugh and he looks down at the twisted, sweaty, ripped skirt as if remembering it for the first time.
"Oh, I'll buy one in every color" he laughs back, pulling you in for a kiss. 
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pablitogavii · 7 months
Can you write a longer angsty story where Y/N runs away from a guy (who was aggressive/sexually inappropriate etc) and then Gavi jumps in being like “who did this to you”, “touch her and you die”
Y/N sobbing against his chest. Gavi getting angry and punching the guy.
Y/N being like “I’m okay” Gavi being overprotective and insisting that she stay at his place
Maybe with smut
Don't touch her
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You knew Pablo since you were together in middle school. Then he left to play professionally but you kept being each other's favorite enemies. Somehow you could never see eye to eye.
Both of your families always talked about you two being together because of how much you "hate" on each other. Even Aurora always teases you about it.
You were right now in one of the most uncomfortable dates of your life. They guy was way too touchy and you wanted to leave asap.
"Wanna go over to my place guapa?" he smirked reaching his hand underneath the table to place it on your knee and you gulped sending the text to the first person on your list, and it just had to be Pablo.
You two were fighting last night about something again so he was on your speed dial always. Pablo received your location with an "sos" so he was already in the car on the way to you.
No matter the arguments and fights, there was no way Pablo wouldn't come when you called...likewise went for you being first there during his injury.
"Alright, let's go!" he said reaching your hand and walking out of the restaurant. You wanted to leave the place before telling him you're not up for it not knowing that was more dangerous.
"I'm a little tired, maybe next time" you say trying to move away but his grip tightened. Damn will that stupid Pablo come already!
"Let go of me ..." you say trying to pull away and he slammed you against the concrete wall and you hit your head feeling dizzy. His hand went on your throat and he left marks while kissing your skin making you sick!
"Please, stop ..." you were crying and suddenly someone pulled the guy off you tossing him to the floor and pulling you to his side.
"P..Pablo" you say drying your tears and he pulled you behind his back while the guy stood back up marching towards you two.
"Touch her ...and you die" Pablo was stern and cold and something in you warmed up at his words. It felt special to hear him protect you like this. You somehow always felt safe when he was there for you.
"Who are you, her bodyguard!?" guy said and you felt your cheeks flush.
"Who me!? Nah! You're crazy!" Pablo negated like always and you remembered why you guys hated each other so much. It was always hard to admit what you two felt for each other.
"So why are you here???" guy said and you wanted to know the answer to that question.
"Problem mio" Pablo simply said pulling you towards his car and the guy walked towards you trying to grab you resulting in Gavi punching you hard that his nose bled.
"Let's get you home nena..." he said after you were both in the car and you shook your head quickly. Last thing you wanted is to explain what happened to your parents. You just wanted to sleep and forget all about it.
"Vale, let's go to my house then huh?" he said and you nodded as he noticed you were still shaking up a little bit.
"You're safe now" he said reaching one of his hands to grab yours and you blush once again ...was Pablo really holding your hand and being gentle with you???
"I'm okay ..." you say sadly and he nodded continuing to hold your hand all the way to his house.
"Where are your parents?" you ask as you walked inside the gorgeous mansion at the edge of town.
"Back in Seville with Aurora. I'm alone for awhile" he explained as you walked to the living room and sat down quite sad and shy.
Pablo made you a cup of tea still keeping your favorite black one around, before sitting besides you and raising up your chin. This was all new and strange but you weren't complaining at the way Pablo was making you feel tonight.
"I shouldn't have went ..." you say feeling like all of this could have been prevented if you stayed at home.
"No, he shouldn't force you on anything you're not ready for ...it should have been enough to be in your company ..." Pablo was catching himself off guard not knowing why he cared all of the sudden.
"Um Pablo ...I'm a little tired" you say and he jumps helping you to the guest room before bringing you one of his shirts to change into for bed. It wasn't the first time he saw you in his clothes over the years, but tonight it felt strangely good.
"Um ...thank you for everything tonight" you spoke playing with the edges of his shirt that was falling to your knees and he smiled nodding his head and slowly getting closer. Your heart was being so strong against your chest ... what is this feeling!?
When you closed your eyes, you felt his hand touching your hair and he left a kiss on top of your head gently. It was more passion you felt when any other guy gave you a real kiss.
"I'm glad you're safe now, nena" was all he said before wishing you a goodnight and leaving to his own room.
For the next few hours, neither of you could sleep. You were both very much turned on and desperate for each other's company. It was you who slowly got to your feet and walked into his room first despite how nervous you were about it.
"Pablo? Are you sleeping?" you ask and before you could finish the sentence he was already sitting up and smiling towards you.
"No, can't ...you?" he said and you shook your head while pouting. Despite wanting Pablo, you were also a little shaken up after tonights events.
"Well, come here and we'll watch something together?" he said and you smile getting underneath the covers and he scrolls through the channels until you chose a very much romantic movie to watch.
"These are corny!" he complained for the fifth time and you giggled turning your attention away from the TV and looking into his eyes instead without another word.
"Why? Because they're romantic? Or because you wish they were real?" you came closer biting your lip while looking into his and he took the signal smirking and snaking his arm around your waist.
"You mean real like this nena?" he spoke softly and you nodded placing your hand on his heart feeling it beating fast.
"Why did you save me Pablo?" you ask and he shrugs feeling a little shy and proud to admit that he hated the fact you were out with anyone but himself.
"Because ... well because you needed me y basta!" he said looking away but you placed your finger underneath his chin making him look back at you.
"You keep going on how much you hate me, and yet you are always there when I need you?" you smirk and he blushes tightening his grip around your waist.
"One would think you're lying and that tu eres muerto por mi Pablito?" you tease making him roll his eyes at you but then your hands went to his hair and he became serious again.
"Que haces conmigo nena!?" he smirks and you blush enjoying the way his hair feeling underneath your fingertips. Soon after you two cuddled up together and fell asleep in each other's embrace.
What you didn't expect is that his family arrived the next morning finding the two of you cuddled up in his bed. Aurora was quick to play some music and make you both jump in fear being all disheveled and now very much embarrassed.
"I knew you two would end up together!" she giggled
"WE'RE NOT TOGETHER!" you both yelled at the same time looking into each other's eyes and bursting into laughter.
"Okay, they know now nena...whatever I don't care!" he says grabbing your face and kissing you sweetly before his family left you two to get ready and come down for breakfast.
"You're all mine now nena.." he smirks pulling you closer and you felt your heart jumping a beat at his words..together with you enemy..it felt unreal..but so natural and right.
"All yours Pablito.." you whisper back before you two started kissing again more passionately.
Barcelona, Spain
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You're mine now, nena😍
gavisgirls: he's taken now chicas!! :(((
y.n.bebe: hehe my fav enemy 🤴🏻
pablogavi: no more enemies, now lovers👸🏻
aurorapaezg: I called it first!
pedri: me too!!
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w1tchybusiness · 3 months
possible spoilers for Warframe: Jade Shadows ahead
i wish people would stop, take a breath, and actually think about jade shadows from an analytical place before they leave their reviews rather than just going "i think it's icky" because like. obviously it isn't perfect, i don't think anyone's arguing that, but it isn't gross or wrong- it's art, it's evocative, and it's going to resonate differently with everyone. i want to pick apart some common criticisms i've seen here from the perspective of someone who's played a lot of warframe and thought about some of the heavier themes present in the quest quite a lot.
It's weird that Jade is pregnant because I'm afraid of it/it's gross/it's fetishistic
Personal feelings of revulsion are not a reason to judge something on an objective level. It's perfectly valid to come out of Jade Shadows feeling weird about it- I do think that's kind of the point. The quest has a content warning before you begin it, because the subject matter is something that is really uncomfortable for a lot of people- that doesn't mean that the game shouldn't be allowed to explore it. Also, even if it was wrong to include something like this as fetish content, this argument would imply the game has already gone to weirder places. Looking at you, Grendel.
It's weird that they make the operator give birth via transference
This argument has a little more ground, but also kind of misunderstands how transference works. Yes, it is a hand-wavy "linking of the minds," but we do see clearly in quests like The Sacrifice that when linking with the more sentient frames like Umbra for the first time, the Operator is not fully controlling the frame. I think Umbra is the most appropriate comparison- when linking with Umbra properly for the first time, you don't immediately control Umbra- it's a more spiritual "linking souls helping him find peace" thing. I'd also say that even in the case the Operator was fully in control, I don't think what happened was remotely equatable to literally giving birth. Like. She breathed for 20 seconds and then dissolved into light and died, then there was a baby there. I don't know if you've ever seen a birth, but that isn't how it works. I feel like after all the shit our Operator has been through, "giving birth" through transference is kind of a drop in the bucket.
It's misogynistic to have Jade die in childbirth
Ok. So let's pick apart the possible reasons that this would be misogynistic. Maybe fridging the woman? But. Not really, because she isn't really gone- the game even acknowledges that she will live on through you and through the motes in Hunhow's message. You can literally craft her and then boom, she's back. She may not have a gigantic speaking role, but no warframe does- hell, even the Stalker barely grunts out single words.
Another one I see a lot is the argument that her sole role in the quest is the whole "her whole personality is motherhood" situation- and that is fair, her role IS that- but that is the point of the quest. They hid this in the teasers because they wanted the reveal to be significant, not to intentionally obfuscate their misogynistic writing- while I certainly do agree that it is all too common for female characters to be pushed aside and relegated purely to motherhood, particularly in fandom spaces but that's an entirely different discussion. I think Warframe handled the motherhood issue well- a person used as a tool of unjust death for years (remember the Jade Light?) giving her own life to finally bring life into the world rather than taking it away- it clearly had purpose and thought behind it, and Warframe has already spent years providing female characters that don't revolve entirely around motherhood- though they aren't pushed into your face and provided immediately without any exploration, so it makes sense that some people on Tumblr would miss them. Warframes don't generally have fully fleshed-out personality- the more sentient frames like Dante and Umbra are an exception. Jade was on the verge of death, it's not shocking that we didn't see much of her personality. I don't doubt that we'll get some codex entries explaining more of her actual personality and story- the quest was just not the place and time.
At the end of the day, Warframe is a game about love, family, and sacrifice. Jade Shadows ticks all 3 of those boxes, probably in the most on-the-nose way we've seen yet. I'd love to make a post soon lauding the things I liked about it, the real narrative depth it presented, the meaning behind and the significance of the discomfort rooted in its themes, and its connections to Warframe's broader themes, but I've seen more negativity than positivity thus far which is... genuinely shocking. When I played it I had nothing but praise. Warframe's writing is usually a bit clunky, so I hadn't noticed anything particularly out of the ordinary, but a lot of people seem genuinely convinced that this expansion was somehow the worst we've ever seen when that is far from being the case. Operation Belly of the Beast has been a ton of fun, and the seeming finite nature of what's left adds a real gravitas to farming for Jade. I'm not shocked the quest itself felt a bit half-baked, I'm surprised they released this at all with 1999 coming up- I'm just happy to get some new content and a new frame whose concept I really enjoy.
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edelfie · 14 days
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#𝓣𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘! this means war.
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while you are off doing your own thing, being controversial and whatnot, a certain pest in your side seems to be buzzing about. unfortunately for her though, she’ll have to try a little harder to keep up with you.
or, lia loses her mind a little
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As far as Lia is concerned, you are nothing more than an obstacle in her way. Sure, a persistently irritating obstacle, but a measly one nonetheless. Whatever game you were trying to get at wouldn't work on her.
She really shouldn't be wasting her energy on you anyways. She already has everything she wants: the best job in the world, all the money a girl could dream of, and her fiancé. Keyword: hers. Perhaps she is a bit territorial, but isn't it natural for any girl to be with their things?
Following their heated argument though, she isn't so certain where she stands with the man in question. She knew her words were hurtful the moment her fingers flung across the screen, and she won't fawn and play innocent knowing that was exactly why she sent them in the first place. It's just...so hard to communicate her emotions to Atsumu when he takes everything she says or does as a joke.
It's funny. Everyone in her life has expressed their own feelings about the constant push and pull of their relationship. Years of infrequent dating and uncertain feelings culminating into a very real, very permanent engagement was not how she envisioned their relationship ending. Because while Lia thinks she loves Atsumu, she knows he's difficult to be with.
When they were younger and had just started dated, she gave him the benefit of the doubt more often than not. That he was simply "like that", constantly riding on the brink and not giving a damn about what others thought about him. And to a degree, she found him aspirational for that and even wanted to replicate him in that sense.
That was, until, it started affecting her work. She began losing brand deals and sponsorships because the boy she was dating couldn't behave himself for the two hours he was in public. It was ridiculous! At times, it felt like she wasn't his girlfriend, but his mother, his publicist, and his manager all in one. And maybe that does make her selfish for not going to his games, but when does she get to be selfish in their relationship?
She feels the most empowered, the most authentic, the most selfish every time she calls it off. She gets to enjoy her freedom, then watch as Atsumu comes crawling back to her. Sometimes he outright says he'll change (he doesn't usually), or he'll demand that she "match his effort" (she won't). Maybe it's antithetical to some, but for Lia it just makes sense.
So despite dating Atsumu Miya being equivalent to forcing a square into a circle, Lia would rather die than let anyone take him away from her.
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Sorry for the smaller chapter today! I just couldn’t think of a way to fluff it up that wouldn’t already be included in future chapters. If I do get any ideas though, I’ll be sure to update this and post a notif. Also, Lia isn't meant to be like a token "mean girl", she's very flawed and human and that's a result of her environment. She is still bitchy of course, but not evil. Anyways, today’s fundraiser is to help the Liberty Lancers Marching Band purchase new uniforms! While it may seem miniscule compared to other "issues", as someone who's partner marches and has come to love band themselves, having new uniforms would mean the world for these students. You can click here to donate or read more on their story.
In other news, I am back from my (tiny) break! Though I’ll admit, I didn’t use that time wisely to plan ahead for my next releases LOL. I had fun though! Starting on Friday evening, I made a new group of friends! I signed up to be in a buddy-program with international students, and I found out my buddy that day (if that makes sense). I’m so lucky because we have so much in common! My buddy and I (plus another buddy pair we’re friends with) went to a football game on Saturday, but I only really cared for the pretzels and marching band LOL. The opposing team’s band was so good and I was literally mesmerized by their majorette dancers.
And then I presented my speech in class on Tuesday, which wasn’t as scary as I thought but I’m still glad it’s over LMAO. After that I went to the gym to work out for about 30 mins, before heading home to go on a date with my partner. We walked around downtown and went bowling, to which he absolutely wiped the floor with me I fear. And then today in one of my classes we had a rock, paper, scissors tournament (gotta love college LOL) and…I WON! We did it a few times but I just kept winning or getting very close, so I was named the RPS champion. Anyways, here’s a picture of me and my buddy down below ^-^
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© all rights reserved—edelfie (2024) // do not plagiarize, modify, copy, use, translate, or repost my work on other sites without permission
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