#maybe they actually want sympathy and 'wow this must be so hard on you'
problematicfactive · 1 year
wow that's fucking disturbing, hope you're taking care of yourself today as a treat after that /g
Thank you!
Host is going over his lines but the stress is making us tic :(
It's a pretty common occurrence but it still gets me pretty badly every time.
On the note, I want to talk about manipulative source hate,
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This came in immediately after I was banned.
Actually, let me clarify.
This person said this in MY own discord after I was banned from revenge.
I'd like to break it apart and explain why this kind of behavior isn't okay. You think you're being genuine, you're actually being an asshole.
"I kind of understand where they're coming from"
It is okay to have your own opinions, however, this person did nothing but make assumptions on how I live my life and my connection to source. They understand the other side because they were willing to hear out that sides "reasoning" for banning me (which can be seen in my last post) but they weren't willing to hear out how I live my own life. I have said it before and I always will say that hatred for problematic factives comes from ignorance on the subject. The idea we can just "get help" when in reality, this is the way our brain manifests "help." I am the help.
Also. That one person said "kys" -- this person is1 they understand where someone who wants me to commit suicide literally just because I exist "is coming from"
It IS okay to have your own opinions. But when a person is talking about how they got banned for being alive, maybe don't speak on your negative opinions of them in the moment. If you really want them to know how you feel, maybe give them time to calm down just a little? Dm them later and ask if it's okay to ask questions
This blog is primarily to educate. If you have any form of questions feel free to ask. If someone is asking you questions you feel I can answer, feel free to direct them to me.
"I don't want to see your icon, it makes me uncomfortable."
Being made uncomfortable by something is totally valid. Watching people eat makes me super uncomfortable. I'm not going to go to people who make eating content and try to manipulate them into feeling bad for EATING. Yesterday I had a different icon. It was the guy who played me but out of character. I hated it. It made ME uncomfortable and I felt like I was lying to myself. Deciding to change it to something that felt right was hard for me, but it was the decision I made. It means a lot to me and nothing to others. Just don't talk in the channels (need I remind, in MY server) where I'm talking? We have so many channels so you can avoid people that make you uncomfortable, its in the rules.
This person is focused on letting me know about their feelings, but they not once stopped to ask me about mine. That leads me into the next bit
"I know you deal with a lot of hate, but it isn't about you."
This is want I call "fake sympathy" "I know you deal with hate" is this person's way of pretending to have cared for my feelings and to justify only worrying about their own feelings throughout all of this. They don't mention how receiving this daily hate must hurt me or even how hard that must be on my health, they say "It isn't about you" (and give no further indication to whom this is about because at the end of the day, this is, in fact, about me. I'm the one who goes to bed every night hated by the internet and wakes up hated by the internet. I'm the one who can't be accepted in public places, I'm the one who people genuinely want to kill themself because of who I was sourced from. That's about me.) its simultaneously the most manipulative excuse I have EVER seen, and the poorest attempt at manipulation I've ever seen. "This isn't about you" because they are making it all about them. Again, literally just because I am alive.
"You need to show you aren't your source. Change your icon or your name."
First off, telling me what to do without me asking for anything of the sort. I've done both of these things. For a period of time, my display name was that of a creepypasta, and as I had already told that person, I also go by anxiety. Having my sourcename is not illegal, but when I didn't, I was still recognized and banned from servers in situations literally just like this one. Changing my name is doing nothing but lying to myself about my identity. Even though I am very very not connected to source, my name and appearance are the most important parts of myself to me. I've already spoken on my icon.
"Ill go. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable but this is how I personally feel"
1) the only thing you did throught all that message was make me beyond uncomfortable. You saved NO ONE the discomfort because nit only did I have to read that, the other people in the server did too
2) Why should I be expected to give half a fuck about how you feel if all you were gonna do is brush my off and side with people would literally want me to kill myself?
3) if you were gonna go, you should haveleft. Staying and giving this attention seeking speech is doing nothing but trying ti manipulate me into feeling bad for existing and making you feel uncomfortable in my server. You could have just left. You could have tried to understand things better, you could have said you were uncomfortable and left. You gave a whole shpill about how my existence makes you uncomfortable trying to get people to feel bad for you because the only thing you can do when you see me is judge me based on my source.
That is manipulative source hate.
Thank you for coming to my blog and also for being here for me.
Being able to throughly analyze this and warn others on it honestly and genuinely made me feel better
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soryualeksi · 2 years
Okay, so. I'm ALL for not spreading, you know, deadly fucking disease to your fellow human beings, but WHAT is it with people, like, pretending to not understand the mere concept of a common cold anymore??
I keep being made an unwilling participant in a discussion that goes as follows:
"Hm, I have a cough and a sore throat."
"Oh dear."
"But I keep testing for Covid every day before coming into work."
"That's the responsible thing to do."
"The tests keep coming back negative."
"That's good to hear. Let's hope it stays that way."
Now normally, this would be the end of this extremely awkward sickness-smalltalk that I don't actually wanna know anything about. But no. Then they suddenly double down.
"I don't trust the tests."
"Well, I trust you to have done the tests in the correct manner, so if they keep coming back negative I would assume you don't have Covid."
"But I have a cough and a sore throat."
"Yes, I mean, it could just be a common cold. Those still exist."
"But I've been like this for a week now."
"Colds are like that."
"But also my head hurts a bit."
"Colds do that, too."
"But also I feel kind of tired and ill."
"Yes, that's... Look, I'm sure that before Covid you've had a cold at some point, too?"
"But I don't trust the tests."
I don't want to invalidate people feeling worried and then I usually say, look, if the ONE blob of nose slime that contains like three little particles for the test to come back positive on, is hidden SO deep within your nasal cavities you can't get it on your swab no matter how hard you poke around there, then even if you HAD Covid - which you don't - I think it's unlikely there'd be enough of the virus in that other little blob of nose slime over there you could possibly fling into the air IF you coughed wetly on the next person without covering your mouth.
Like?? Is this a new kind of social ritual I don't understand??? Are we signaling our place in the "We are mindful of the pandemic" hierarchy by??? Insisting our runny nose must be from Covid and we just cannot detect it AND ALSO IF YOU'RE SO WORRIED THAN WHY ARE YOU AT WORK WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT WHY DO I HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN THAT
I don't wanna have this discussion anymore, I don't know what to say other than "In this case the evidence points to: common cold."
What is the purpose of this discussion, what answer do they want, what am I supposed to provide them. ;_; Please. You probably have a cold. If you feel so shitty that you have to constantly let me know, than maybe you should go get sick leave from your doctor, why are you telling ME, why do you believe that there's no other respiratory infections besides Covid anymore, WHAT DO YOU WANT, and also WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE *ME* YOUR DISGUSTING-ASS COLD SOB
I'm sorry for ranting, but this keeps happening and I'm TIRED. If you're really, truly worried you are infectious with a nasty disease, then stay the fuck home. And if you're not. Then WHY. Are we having this stupid discussion.
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sandbees · 3 years
Okay I was thinking about how the other charathers that Arent the great Seven would react to the NRC students in the house of mouse AU. Like i can Imagine Azul asking Ariel if She wants ti make a deal with him and Ariel Is like "lol no", or the First year see Cruella de vil at One of the tables and they are like "She look so much like Crewel that She's giving us PTSD" or kalim and Aladdin becoming buddies :D.
Well, let me put in some headcannons then:
Word goes around that some of the Great Disney villains come to visit Yuu and everyone gets jealous.
So now whenever Yuu goes to work they always get asked to have them visit their world.
So, Yuu just says, “Meh ok, you guys can visit me whenever just ask one of the Great Seven or go through the mirror in my dressing room-“
And suddenly Yuu gets someone they met from the House of Mouse ever other day. It’s literal chaos and Yuu doesn’t know if they should feel exasperated or flattered.
Anyways, here’s some interactions between the dorms and some Disney Characters:
Heartslybul: Obviously when Alice comes to visit, she comments on how Heartslybul reminds her of the Queen of Hearts’ garden. When Yuu mentions that they paint the roses red, Alice sarcastically asks, “Does the dorm leader behead people who don’t paint the roses?” “...Well, he’s more lenient now but...” “...You’re serious?”
Ace and Alice get along swimmingly, basically quick quips and a lot of teasing. Yuu regrets introducing them to each other because they know the two are going to get into some sort of trouble. Deuce also gets along with Alice, though he can get lost in Alice’s rambles in imagination.
I think Alice would get along with Trey and Cater. I mean, they both give big brother vibes (Trey more than Cater). Trey would give Alice some tarts and Alice is like, “....He’s cool.”
Cater is going to take a bunch of pictures, and Alice is very curious about the device he’s holding (I don’t think phones or the internet existed during Alice’s time so...). Cater ends up teaching Alice about the internet and phones.
Riddle...ohhh noo. Once Alice broke one of the 810 rules and Riddle lightly scolded her for it. Alice thinks most of the rules are ridiculous and while Riddle has toned down on being strict, he’ll quickly get annoyed with Alice questioning the rules. There’s rules for a reason! The dorm was founded on these rules!!
Savannaclaw: It’s Simba, obviously. He’s curious to see the dorm after his...nefarious uncle. It’s much more nicer than he expected, though he’s a little off put by the dorm’s...rowdiness.
But he’s impressed with the Magishift practices they have when Yuu showed them.
He likes Jack, right off the bat. Jack has this sense of justice that he can relate to. I think they would get along pretty well. Oh, and probably how strong and buff Jack is.
Simba is wary of Ruggie, due to him being a hyena beastmen. He has...bad memories of hyenas. His wariness is correct, since Ruggie has tried to swindle Simba and Yuu to do some of his work. Does the relationship get better? Only if Yuu makes them hang out with each other haha.
Leona reminds Simba of Scar...to a certain degree. Lazy, cunning, and has this look where it seems like he could be planning something nefarious...
Ok, maybe not that bad, but Simba is weary of Leona. He kind of expected a character similar to Scar since this is the dorm based on him but...still. It’s really odd. It’s kind of rocky, but if Cheka comes over to visit, well...it could get better.
I mean, Leona does find Cheka annoying and calls him a brat but...Simba can tell there’s no malicious desire towards Cheka, which raises Leona’s “evil people don’t interact” list. That doesn’t mean Leona’s in the clear, but he’s ok.
Octavinelle: Surprise, surprise, it’s Ariel! She comes over, human legs and all. (Don’t worry! She got them from the nicer sorcerers). She wanted to visit Yuu and see how great NRC was! They had fun, and then they went to Mostro Lounge.
Ariel is terrified of the Tweels. They give her this...off putting feeling and they’re very intimidating. She does not trust them at all. She does like how they get up close and how they speak as if she’s some poor soul waiting to be taken advantage over.
That’s also why she does not trust Azul at all. He reminds Ariel of Ursula - especially when he tries making a contract with her. Uh-uh, no way. Never again.
This leads to Ariel dubbing NRC a dangerous place for Yuu to stay at. Why doesn’t Yuu come live with her and her family back at her world? Surely it’s much more safer than here! Why, Melody already sees Yuu as a big sibling so why not just stay at the castle permanently?
Ursula fumes at the thought of her enemy trying to take Yuu away and become their parent. That’s her role, dammit!
Scarabia: Kalim invites Aladdin, actually. It’s the most funniest scenario. Yuu mentioned to Kalim about the street rat that wooed the princess and Kalim says, “:00 WE SHOULD INVITE HIM!!” Jamil sighs and facepalms.
It’s actually going great! Aladdin is kind of shocked at the big party that Kalim threw, but it was a great welcome. He’s shook that Kalim apparently trusted Aladdin enough to show him the treasury room. “It’s open for all of the dorm to use! I don’t need much of it!”
Wasn’t NRC rumored to be a villain’s school??? What is this ball of sunshine doing here???
Actually, the Scarabia duo are good in his eyes. Sure, a little rough around the edges with Kalim being a bit too naive and Jamil being more of a watching snake, but they’re better than what he expected. Aladdin gets along with them pretty well!
And then they go on a carpet ride when Kalim introduces Aladdin to his magic flying carpet.
Yuu and Jamil scream at the two of them to get down as they fly across the night sky.
Pomfiore: oh no. Oh no no no. Snow White visiting Pomfiore is like...Neige visiting.
Vil is cold to Snow White, and she knows why. She’s seen the images that Yuu had of this “Neige Leblanc”. He certainly reminds her of her younger days. Which is why she completely understands why Vil is so standoffish of her.
What she doesn’t expect is Rook singing her praises and also kind of...watching her. It’s low key creepy but Yuu says it’s normal and since he doesn’t mean any harm Snow White lets it slide. They do have a good conversation though. Snow White learns to understand Rook’s...eccentric hobbies.
Epel and Snow White go together like apples and oranges. They go pretty well together, but they have contrasting differences. They could be passed of as siblings with their cute looks, as much as Epel hates to admit it. Though I’d like to think they have this “Soft big sister with a gremlin of a little brother” dynamic. Or “Big sister that is harmless but has a badass little bother” dynamic. Just...a cool sibling dynamic, basically.
Ignihyde: Hercules comes by when he hears that a dorm was based off of Hades. He had to see what it was like. He expected the doom and gloom, but he didn’t expect all the technology.
He and Ortho go along swimmingly. I mean, he’s pretty chill around the more upbeat and cheery dorm member, at least. (Seriously, the others were such buzzkills). He also gets a good impression on Idia when Ortho affectionately talks about his big brother! Wow, so the kids here do have a heart! Unlike Hades-
Ok, so as much as Ortho talks so highly of Idia, Hercules does not see how Ortho does. I mean, Idia is a complete shut in and gloomy recluse! Why do you stick around him?! It isn’t until he speaks his mind about that comment does Ortho turn into a crazy murder machine. (“How DARE you speak of that about my brother!!”) Yuu has to save Hercules and the entire dorm before Ortho blows up the school.
So now Hercules sees how inseparable the two are and how much they care for each other, which yeah, that’s pretty cool. (Is also low key jealous, how come his half brothers weren’t like that?)
Diasomnia: Aurora visits with Maleficent. Both do not share ill will after their stories are completed. They actually do make amends. So Maleficent invited Aurora to see her grandson, and Aurora politely accepts.
They have tea with Malleus, and it is a very pleasant conversation. Aurora gets along well with Malleus, even suggesting maybe she should invite him and Maleficent to her kingdom one day. (Maybe when she gives birth to a beautiful baby. Maleficent liked that)
Lilia is also a fun one to be around! Aurora was so surprised by his scare that she had laughed. Ah, what a funny fae! Why, she hadn’t laughed this hard since...well, never. She likes Lilia and will come by if she needs a good laugh.
Poor Sebek though....he acts all uptight around Aurora because she’s a Queen and also aquatinted with Maleficent...he must be respectful to her at all costs! It takes a long time for Sebek to at least act a little casual around her. Maleficent says it’ll take some time, though Aurora isn’t sure if that time will come on her lifetime...but for the meantime, she is still happy to be around Sebek’s presence and have pleasant conversations with him.
Aurora and Silver...ok, let me say this: they got along during a sleepover. The Diasomnia gang + Maleficent and Aurora had a sleepover in the dorms to “better know each other”. I also think Aurora would feel sympathy for Silver if the conversation of him tending to fall asleep came up. Heavens knows she still has her sleepy spells even after her curse was broken.
Also- wofhenod I just imagine Aurora and Silver walking in the forest together and a bunch of animals surround them. (Yuu finds them and cries when they actually attracted a bunch of adorable puppies (or whatever animal you find cute). Cute, adorable animals that are so gentle with them that they start to cry due to stress from being at NRC (Silver and Aurora look at Yuu with concern and gently start comforting them)
Winfendien Suddenly I want a twin dynamic with Silver and Aurora. Even a sibling dynamic would be cool. Just two sleepy siblings that won’t hesitate to kick your ass.
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detectivereyes · 3 years
Ribs Like a Cage Full of Fire
Summary: A call at an ice rink leads to some painful consequences for TK
Written for the “broken ribs” square on my @badthingshappenbingo card, which was requested by @paramedicstrand 27 years ago and i finally wrote it <3
Beta and emotional support provided by @marjansmarwani
read on ao3
“You know, I practically grew up on the ice back in New York,” TK says, unable to hide the grin as they pull the ambulance up to the ice rink. Not to say he’s excited that someone hurt themselves on the ice, but he hadn’t found time to ice skate since moving to Austin so there was a part of him that looked forward to revisiting the ice.
“Wow, you’re from New York? You’ve never mentioned it before,” Nancy feigns sarcasm with a playful roll of her eyes. 
“Ha ha, we’ll just have to see who's most comfortable once we actually get out the ice,” TK quickly retorts as Tommy gives them both a warning look. They lapse into a comfortable silence as they work together to get all the necessary supplies before heading out onto the rink.
As soon as TK steps foot onto the ice, he begins to wobble before quickly regaining his balance. He glances over to Nancy, hoping she didn’t see that but her mischievous grin says otherwise.
“Thought you grew up on the ice?”
He gives her a tight smile. “Well, it has been a while… Also I think the ice in Texas is extra slippery.”
“Whatever you say, dude,” Nancy says with a small chuckle. 
Tommy, for her part, pushes past the two of them, walking across the ice with ease towards the patient. Through the crowd standing in a circle, TK can make out a young teenage boy carefully cradling his wrist against his chest.
Once they make their way over with only a few slips on both their parts, Nancy and TK busy themselves behind their Captain, getting all the supplies together as she addresses the patient.
“Hey there, my name’s Tommy. What’s yours?”
“Jimmy,” the young kid stutters out.
“Jimmy, can you tell me what happened?”
As Tommy tends to the patient, Nancy and TK prep the bandages and split. Stealing a side glance at the offending wrist, it does appear to be a compound fracture and TK winces in sympathy. He doesn’t wait for Tommy to ask before prepping an IV line in the hopes of providing some pain relief for Jimmy. 
They work in a comfortable silence as Tommy carefully wraps the boy's injured arm before Nancy hands her the splint. They then ease Jimmy up to a standing position.
“You good to wrap up here, Strand?” Tommy turns and asks TK. 
“Sure thing, Cap,” TK replies with a smile, watching as Tommy and Nancy carefully escort Jimmy toward the waiting ambulance.
He takes the time to pack up what’s left of their supplies before standing up, intending to follow them. 
Except when he goes to stand, he must do so too quickly because before he can even process what’s happening, he finds himself losing his balance and struggling to remain upright on the slippery ice. His surroundings seem to blur as he falls back down, face first onto the ice. The moment his body collides with the ice, TK swears he can hear the audible cracking of his ribs from the pressure. 
He winces as he pushes himself back into a seated position, ignoring the sharp protests coming from his chest and the cold ice shavings digging into his raw palms. 
He takes a few seconds to glance around and see if anyone noticed. Other than a few side glances from various skaters gliding around the rink, no one seems to be giving him much attention. And by this point, Tommy and Nancy are loading Jimmy into the ambulance, too far away to see what had happened.
All of which means he’s on his own. 
Left with no other option, he grabs his medical bag which had fallen with him onto the ice and forces himself to stand back up onto the ice, this time much more carefully. He slowly makes his way towards the opening on the side of the rink, using his arm to hold his chest tightly and relishing in the relief that it provides from the pain.
When he arrives at the back of the ambulance, he removes his arm supporting his chest and does his best to mask the pained expression. He must not do a great job though because Nancy gives him a questioning look.
“The ice is slippery,” he shrugs, giving his partner a reassuring smile. “I’m good though.”
The little voice in the back of his head is screaming that he should tell her or Tommy that he’s not actually good. That his chest feels like it’s on fire and each breath feels like knives stabbing him in the lungs.
But whether it’s out of pride or convenience's sake, he keeps his mouth shut and Nancy seems to accept his answer.
He shuts the doors on the back of the ambulance and slides into the driver's seat. If there had been any doubt that he was hurt, the seat belt digging into his rib cage and sending sharp pains radiating through the rest of his body confirmed it. 
He suppresses the groan that threatens to escape from his mouth and sends a silent prayer that his teammates in the back of the rig don’t notice anything amiss.
All he can do is drive and choke back the tears that well in the corners of his eyes at each minor bump in the road. 
The emergency room doors can’t appear in his line of sight soon enough. And fortunately he doesn’t have to do much as the hospital staff unload the stretcher, giving TK a few minutes to collect himself before he comes face to face with his partner and captain.
He takes a deep breath before pulling the keys out of the ignition and exiting the ambulance. Spotting Nancy on the side of the rig, he gives her a nod and hands her the keys. “It’s your lucky day, Gillian. You can drive back to the station.”
She raises her eyebrows curiously before shrugging. “I would question it, but I’m going to say yes before you change your mind.”
The ride back to the station passes by in a blur. He tries his best not to let on that anything is wrong and even with Nancy now sitting next to him, neither she nor Tommy seem to pick up on the pained grimaces or the fact that he’s much quieter than usual. 
Once they are parked, TK wastes no time exiting the ambulance and ducking up the stairs towards the locker room, avoiding the curious glances of other members of the 126. Locking himself in a bathroom stall, he carefully unbuttons his uniform shirt before sliding his soft grey undershirt over his head. The movement only further aggravates his ribs and he can’t help the hisses of pain that escape from his lips.
He takes a shaky breath before glancing down, his face scrunching up in a wince at the sight of his chest. Though the fall only happened less than an hour ago, the faint outline of various shades of purple and blue are already beginning to paint his rib cage. Tentatively, he ghosts his fingers along the bruising and inhales sharply at the pain the soft touch causes. 
At minimum, it’s very bad bruising. But more likely, he has a few fractured, possibly broken ribs. 
He debates going to Tommy and confessing what had happened. It’s unlikely he would be able to last the rest of his shift like this and his paramedic brain is screaming that he needs actual medical attention. 
But the urge to power through is too strong. Despite how loud the voice is telling that this is bad, the voice arguing back that maybe it isn’t that bad is louder. 
There’s no reason to cut his shift short for this and make a big deal out of it. In fact, glancing at his watch shows that there’s only an hour left. Not that he wants to jinx it, but it’s likely that they won’t even get called to another scene. Besides, coming clean would also lead to not just his paramedic team, but the entire station finding out that he got hurt. Again.
No, that won’t be necessary today. He will power through the rest of his shift, looking forward to the moment he gets home and can ice his ribs. 
He can do this. 
Getting his uniform back on is no easy task, with sliding his undershirt over his again hurting him even more than when he slid it off. He settles for just wearing the undershirt for now, grabbing his blue uniform shirt before exiting the stall. 
Re-entering the locker room, he hastily shoves the shirt in his locker, figuring he can hang it up later when it doesn’t feel like he’s about to pass out if he moves the wrong way. He takes a moment to breathe, suppressing the panic when he begins to notice how hard it is to take deep breaths.
“Hey, man. You good?”
TK’s head darts up, caught off guard by the entrance of Paul into the locker room, but he quickly catches himself and smiles. “Yeah, just a rough call earlier. How’s your shift been?”
Paul studies him carefully and TK knows he can sense the deflection and quick pivot in the conversation. But at this point Paul has known him long enough not to press, knowing that TK needs the space and will come to him if and when he needs to. 
“It's been a little Q-word around here, so not too bad. Looking forward to a few days off after this, though,” Paul smiles. 
“Yeah, I hear that.”
Paul looks like he’s about to say something else before he’s cut off by the alarms blasting through the house. TK lets out a sigh of relief when Paul looks away that it’s only fire being called to the scene, and not ambo. 
When Paul turns back to him, they share a look and Paul shrugs. “Duty calls,” he brushes past TK, giving him a light pat on the back as he exits the area. A gesture which normally wouldn’t be much, but today it makes him see stars. 
Fortunately, Paul is already out of sight as TK tries to regain his composure. He rests his back against the hard wood of the locker door and tries to stop the tears as he struggles to breathe through the pain, with each breath seeming like it filled up less and less of his lungs. His ribs continue to throb, sending aches throughout the rest of his body and he wonders how he’ll be able to make it through the next 45 or so minutes.
Fortunately, the rest of the shift does fly by and he’s able to take it easy. The rest of the station doesn’t return from the rescue they were called to until near the end of his shift, so he only has to avoid Tommy and Nancy. With the former holed up in her office doing incident reports and Nancy reading in the common area, he is able to find refuge in the bunk room trying to rest and hoping that the alarms don’t go off again while he counts down the minutes until end of shift. 
His prayers are answered once the second hand on his watch clicks past the hour and he’s officially off duty. 
It doesn’t take long for a text to come through from Carlos that he’s outside the station waiting to pick him up. TK smiles to himself at the thought that his boyfriend was probably also counting down until the end of TK’s shift and was itching to see him as soon as possible, hence why he showed up at the 126. It’s a gesture TK has grown used to in the nearly a year that they’ve been together. 
He forgoes changing out of his uniform, whether that’s because he’s anxious to see Carlos or he knows it would cause too much pain is unclear. Instead, he quietly slips out of the bunkroom and exits the station before anyone can spot him.
“Hey,” Carlos greets him with a warm smile while leaning against the side of his Camaro.
“Hey yourself.”
TK approaches Carlos, pressing a soft kiss onto his lips before Carlos pulls him into a hug. Though he tries not to blackout from the pain and to focus instead on inhaling the familiar scent of Carlos’ laundry detergent, he cannot hide the involuntary wince of as his body contracts out of pain. 
Carlos quickly pulls away, scanning him up and down. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh,” TK nervously laughs and gives him a thin smile. “It’s nothing.”
“TK,” Carlos gives him a pointed look and before TK can stop him, Carlos is pulling up his shirt. His eyes widen as he takes in the bruising which has only continued to grow in the time since TK had last checked.
“It looks worse than it is.”
Carlos scowls, clearly not believing him. “Did you get checked out?”
“No. Well, it happened near the end of my shift and I figured that if I could just wait it out…” he trails off, shifting uncomfortably. 
Carlos shakes his head before pulling TK’s shirt back down and grabbing his hand. He doesn’t say a word until they are back inside the truck bay, scanning the area until he locks eyes with Nancy exiting from the common area, on her way out of the station. 
“Nancy, do you mind hanging back a sec and taking a look at TK? He got hurt on shift but didn’t want to tell any of you.”
Nancy’s eyes dart between the two of them before she drops her bag and ushers TK over to the back of the ambulance. He wordlessly follows and eases himself down onto the back bench, grimacing in pain now that there’s no reason to hide it.
At Carlos’ nod, he slides his shirt over his head, revealing the full extent of his bruised chest to both Carlos and Nancy.
“What the fuck, Strand?” Nancy exclaims as her eyes go wide. “When did this happen?”
“Remember when I said the ice was slippery…”
Nancy curses again under her breath before turning to Carlos. “Can you go grab Captain Vega? If she hasn’t left yet, I think we’re going to be making one more trip to the hospital today.”
“That’s really not necessary. Carlos can just drive me there. Right, babe?”
Carlos looks between him and Nancy, seemingly unsure of what his place is in this moment. “I’m staying out of this one. But I do agree Tommy needs to know.”
He disappears up the stairs, leaving TK and Nancy in a moment of awkward silence. 
TK knows he should say something. Explain what had happened exactly and why he didn’t speak up before. Even though their relationship had gotten off to a rocky start, TK now considers her one of his closest friends. And it’s clear she feels the same about him, caring deeply that he’s injured. Especially after what had happened to Tim, he feels bad to be causing his partner this much stress. 
But he lacks the words to properly communicate that so they sit in silence and wait for Carlos to return with Tommy. They don’t have to wait long as the pair arrives a few moments later.
“So, you want to tell me what happened here, Strand?” Tommy asks, taking a seat next to TK to start her assessment. 
“The ice betrayed me,” he says, earning pointed looks from all three of his friends. He shakes his head before continuing, “I slipped on the ice after you and Nancy left. Might’ve cracked a few ribs.”
Tommy hums in agreement as she runs her fingers along his chest, earning a few painful hisses from TK. “Yeah, I’d have to agree with that assessment. Alright, up on the gurney you go.”
TK opens his mouth to argue but Tommy gives him a look usually only reserved for her daughters when they try to talk their way out of going to bed early. So he quickly closes his mouth and lets his shoulders sag. “Yes, Cap.”
She gives him a sympathetic smile and assists him in getting settled onto the gurney. It’s an unspoken agreement that Carlos is welcome to ride along, with him making himself comfortable on the bench next to TK. They lock eyes and Carlos grabs his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Nancy’s worried eyes also don’t leave TK. Tommy must notice because she quickly offers to drive, leaving the three of them in the back before anyone can say otherwise.
“I’m really sorry I scared you both,” TK says to Carlos and Nancy after a few beats of silence.
“I hate to say I’m used to it but,” Carlos lets out a light chuckle. “I’m always going to worry about you though. But, I am glad you’re okay today and I just wish you could get it out of your stubborn head that it’s okay to ask for help from your teammates. It’s kind of what they're trained to do.”
“Yeah, I know,” TK casts his gaze down unsurely before meeting Nancy’s eye. The other paramedic had yet to say a word and the apology was for her as much as it was for Carlos.
A small smile forms on her face. “Yeah, what he said. If you could at least try to go a few weeks without getting hurt next time, I would really appreciate it.”
“Okay, deal,” he extends his hand as far as he can without putting too much strain on his ribs for her to shake. Despite how much he tries, the motion does still provide a painful reminder of his injuries and he can’t hide the grimace that forms on his face. 
Nancy gives his hand a quick shake before placing his hand back at his side. “Easy there, dude.” 
He shoots her a quick smile before locking eyes with Carlos again, grateful to have two people who care about him by his side.
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Burn It
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Part 3 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Summary: Yoongi and Y/N are getting used to living together and being each others soulmates. Y/N helps Yoongi get through him being kicked out of the BTS dorm, and Yoongi helps Y/N tackle her trauma from the past. When the pair go out shopping, they bump into some people they really don’t want to meet...
Warnings: Angst, mentions of self-harm and abuse, Taehyung being a dick to Yoongi.
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @fic-recs-by-moon​, @luvtaeha, @aretha170, @xicanacorpse, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711, @channiespup, @lindsayjoy444​​ ​​​​​​
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 
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Yoongi looked upset. He stood in the doorway of the kitchen, a bag hanging off his shoulder while he leant against the door jamb, and his face was full of thoughts. He looked slightly broken. I slowly walked over to him. 
“Are you okay?” I asked, making him look at me. He shook his head before dropping his bag to the floor. “What happened?” I asked. I knew he had to go back to the studio, so something must have happened there.
“They kicked me out of the dorm.” He said, his voice emotionless. “I thought that after everything, they would understand this. That they would understand you.” Ah, so it was to do with me. He must have told them what happened, but I was confused as to why it would affect them so much, unless...
“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked carefully.
“I don’t know...” He said, sighing slightly. This was a Yoongi thing - he would sometimes hide his emotions from everyone.
“If you’re upset, you need to talk about it. You can trust me. I have literally no one to tell about anything you say.” I said, reaching out and stroking his arm. He didn’t flinch away from my touch, which was unusual for me. “I’ll make you a deal. If you tell me about why you’re upset, I’ll tell you why I was in the park. Okay?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Okay.” Yoongi nodded, his voice slightly husky. He took hold of my hand and led me to the living room where he sat down on the sofa and pulled me down next to him, making me yelp in surprise. “Sorry.” He said, fiddling with his thumbs. “So, erm, me and the rest of the members are all in a relationship together.” He began. “It started with me and Taehyung, and the others joined one by one. Today, when I went back, I told Tae about me finding you, and he got angry. He said I should reject you.” He looked at me. I blinked at him, scared. Was he going to reject me as his soulmate? Did he want to put me through that pain? “But I don’t ever want to do that to you. I can’t do that to you. When I said that to Tae, he got really annoyed and left the building. I then told everyone else and-” His voice hitched in his throat as a tear rolled down his cheek. “And Namjoon kicked me out of the dorm until I figured out who I wanted to be with.”
“Yoongi, that’s awful!” I gasped. How could they treat him like that? Yoongi worked so hard in that group. He deserved better than this. And it’s not his fault that he found his soulmate. They just needed to come around to the idea. It was then I got my idea. “Don’t you have a meet and greet this weekend?” I asked.
“Yeah, but it’s not going to go well. They all don’t want me to be around them!” Yoongi exclaimed.
“Yeah, but, if I go to the meet and greet, and they all meet me, and if they like me then maybe you don’t have to necessarily break up with them. Maybe I could just slot in?” I suggested. It was the best thing to do. No one got rejected, and no one got their heart broken. Best case scenario. 
“That’s actually not a bad plan.” Yoongi said looking at me. His eyes flicked down to my lips as we continued to stare at each other, the tension building between us. He cleared his throat. “So, why were you in the park last night?”
“Ahh.” I smiled, knowing that this was coming. “I had to get away from my ex.” I said. “He wasn’t the nicest. He used to hit me and assault me verbally and physically.”
“Y/N...” Yoongi said, rubbing my arm.
“He took away everything I owned. He took my house, sold my car, pushed all my friends away. The only person I was allowed contact with was my mother, and that was always supervised. He controlled me.”
“That’s horrible. No one should ever have to go through that. I’ll protect you, I promise. If I have to, I will hire a bodyguard for you. Anything to keep you safe.” He promised. I was surprised. We had only just met, but he wants to look after me. That was something new.
“Thank you Yoongi.” I said softly. He smiled at me and stroked my cheek with his thumb. “For everything, seriously.”
“You’re my soulmate, Y/N, what did you expect me to do?” He looked me in the eye. My lips parted in surprise as we held eye contact. He leaned forward slightly and our lips connected. His were soft and pillowy, and he was a good kisser. I knew mine were quite rough and chapped - I didn’t have a lip balm on me, so maybe he would let me borrow one of his, or we could go shopping. My heart rate sped up as the kiss continued. One of my idols was kissing me. I would have never imagined it. We pulled away slowly. 
“Wow.” I gasped, reaching up and touching my lips. Yoongi laughed and pulled me close to him.
“Cute.” He murmured, stroking my arm. 
That night Yoongi was making dinner while I tidied up a bit. We had ended up making cookies to cheer him up, which might have had a bit of a food fight, and then some making out in the middle. I had a quick shower, washing out all the flour and egg from my hair, before changing into a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I had to cover my cuts on my wrists. I saw them in the shower and they were very noticeable; the red stood out starkly against my skin.
I walked out of my room, tying my hair up in a bun. My nose was instantly filled with the smell of frying pork and black bean sauce. He was making jjangmyeon. I made my way into the kitchen and sat on the counter.
“It smells nice.” I said as Yoongi stirred the sauce a bit more. He hummed as he put the water to boil for the noodles. “Can I help with something?” I asked.
He lifted the lid of the wok and took a bit of the sauce on a spoon. “Taste please.” He held it up to my mouth. I ate the sauce. It tasted really good. Not too salty, the right amount of water.
“Mmmm!” I moaned in delight, making him look at me in shock and blush. I giggled at his reaction. “Sorry.” I covered my face in embarrassment. “You’re a good cook, Yoongi.”
He smiled and turned back to the stove, stirring the sauce around some more to make sure it doesn’t burn. “Thank you.” He said, reaching over to turn off the heat under the pans. His hand brushed my thigh, making me shiver slightly. His hands were huge and veiny. “Can you pass me two bowls?” I hopped off the counter and looked around, unsure of where to get them from. “Oh, um, middle shelf on the right hand cupboard.” He said, pointing. I nodded and leaned up, grabbing hold of the bowls, standing on my tiptoes.
“Here you go.” I said, handing him the bowls. “Do you want chopsticks as well?” I asked. He nodded. Now these I knew where they were. He had them in a fancy clear container on top of the counter. He nodded and I grabbed two pairs, handing them to him.
“Thank you, jagiya.” He said, making me freeze. No one had ever called me that before. “Oh, sorry, I-”
“No, it’s fine. It’s just no one has ever called me that before.” I replied, reassuring him. 
He set down his serving spoon. “Seriously?” He asked. I nodded.
“Abusive ex, remember?” I smiled slightly. 
“Oh yeah, sorry.” He said. “Okay, do you want to eat at the table or shall we watch a movie while eating?” He suggested.
“Watch a movie?” I requested, making him nod. 
“Grab your food then, jagiya.” I blushed, making him chuckle. “That’s your nickname now. That, and princess, and baby, and baby girl.” He began listing off more, making me giggle.
“So what do I call you?” I asked as he carried our bowls in to the living room. He placed them down on the glass surface of the coffee table. He grabbed two of the decorative pillows from the couch and placed them on the floor. I sat on one and he sat on the other.
“Hmm, well.” He smirked staring at me. “I am older than you, so oppa would be the most logical choice. But if you want other options then whatever you want.” He shrugged. 
“Noted, oppa.” I said, looking sideways at him before picking up my chopsticks and stirring around the noodles and sauce to combine them before taking a bite. “God, Yoongi, this is so good!” I sighed loving the taste of the sauce combined with the noodles and the pork. 
“Thank you.” Yoongi blushed slightly. “I used to make it all the time for the boys - it’s my mother’s recipe.” His face fell slightly as he said this, making me bite my lip in sympathy as I thought of what to say to him.
“It will all work out, I promise.” I reassured him, rubbing his arm gently. He leaned slightly into the gesture as he took another mouthful of noodles.
“But in the meantime...” He pulled out his phone and held it to take a selca with me. “Let’s let ARMY know about you and me. Smile, jagiya.” I smiled at the phone as he snapped the picture before posting it on Weverse. My phone buzzed with the notification, making him chuckle. “Come on, let’s watch a movie.”
Yoongi POV:
I hummed as I stretched, waking myself up. I looked over to the other side of my bed and saw Y/N curled up by the edge of the bed. That must have been due to her PTSD over her past relationship. I shuffled under the blankets as I turned around so I was facing her before reaching out a hand and shaking her slightly.
“Y/N, princess.” I said, my voice husky from sleep. She whined and tried to move away from me. “Baby, come on you need to get up. We’re going shopping today.” We had decided that while she did have clothes, they were all worse for wear, so I was going to treat my princess to a new wardrobe. I was going to the usual shopping centre that the boys and I would go to. We normally had it to ourselves on Fridays so we could buy anything we needed.
“Can we get mochi?” She asked, her eyes still closed. There was a piece of hair flung across her face. 
“Of course. Are you feeling better after last night?” I asked. She had fallen asleep in the guest bedroom, but she had had a nightmare about her ex, resulting in her screaming in her sleep, so I told her she could sleep with me so she would feel calm and safe. “Did you manage to sleep?”
She opened her eyes, squinting slightly at the light that came through the gap in the curtains. Even with her hair a mess and no make up on, she was still beautiful. “Yeah. I had no nightmares at all while I was in here.” She nodded. “And I feel better.” She rolled over to face me so she was on her side rather than her back. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome jagi.” I said, stroking her cheek. “If you go shower and get dressed, I’ll start breakfast?” I suggested.
“Pancake?” She asked, smiling gently. “And dalgona coffee?”
“Of course.” I nodded
“Thank you, Yoonie.” She sat up and stretched, her sleeves slipping down her arms slightly. I caught sight of some scars, which gave me a slight bad feeling. 
“Baby, can I see your wrists?” I asked carefully, knowing that if it was what I thought it was, she would become very defensive about it. She looked pensive, her lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed. 
“Yoongi, I-” She said as I reached out and carefully pushed up her sleeves.
“Baby...” I saw her wrists were littered with red lines, some more fresh than others. 
“I haven’t since I’ve been here, I swear.” She said. “It was a coping mechanism with him.” I ran my thumb gently over her wrists, feeling the raised lines on her skin. “Yoongi, I promise, I haven’t since I’ve been here.”
“I believe you baby, but why?” I asked. “What made you stop?” The look on her face broke my heart. She looked like she had been through so much. She sniffed and took a shaky breath.
“He told me to do it. That I deserved it.” She said, tears forming in her eyes. “He said that if I continued to do it deeper and deeper than maybe I might end it all and what a perfect world that would be.”
My heart stopped. How could anyone do this to her? I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier at this ex, but I didn’t want to let it show. It would make it even worse for her, and that was something we did not want to happen. I kissed her wrist gently.
“I stopped because of you. You got me out of that situation and you make me feel safe.” She said. “If I’m being honest, I wasn’t sure how you would take it, I mean one of BTS’s big things are loving yourself and clearly I don’t. I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“Princess you could never ever disappoint me. You are so strong and resilient and you have become such a beautiful person, both inside and out.” I said, pulling her in for a hug. “Now,” I leaned forward and pecked her lips. “We are going to have a day full of fun, starting with your pancakes and dalgona coffee. Sound good?” She nodded and smiled as I wiped away her tears, her Y/E/C shining. 
She disappeared into the bathroom as I slid out of bed and made my way into the kitchen. I moved my shoulder around; it was slightly stiff and painful this morning, but nothing I couldn’t manage.
I began to make everything. While the pancakes were frying, I got started on the coffee. Y/N appeared in the doorway, her Y/H/L hair dripping on the exposed skin from her shirt. I smiled when I realised that it was my shirt. It reached mid thigh on her, making me stare at her bare legs and exposed collarbones.
She blushed when she saw me staring. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to wear so I grabbed the first thing I saw.”
“It’s fine, jagiya.” I said. “You look better in it than me.” She giggled and walked over to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her lips gently. She hummed gently, tucking her head under my chin. 
“Yoonie oppa.” She said quietly. I hummed in response. “I think the pancakes are burning.” She giggled, making me jump away from her and take them off the heat. They were a slightly darker brown than usual, but still edible. “That one can be yours.” She giggled, making me scowl at her playfully. “How about I do the coffee and you try not to burn the next pancake.”
“Sounds like a deal, princess.” I agreed, handing her the small whisk so she could do the coffee. She thanked me and began to whisk the coffee as I poured the remaining mixture into the pan. 
“Yoon, how does this taste?” She held up a spoon with some of the whipped coffee on it. I tasted it. The perfect amount of coffee. “Good?”
“Amazing.” I replied before turning back to flip the pancake. It was a perfect golden brown. “Pick what toppings you want. I’ll just have sugar and lemon.” I said, making her turn to the fridge and pull out some chocolate sauce and strawberries. 
I plated the pancake and carried it to the island in the middle of the kitchen. She sat down, holding both cups of coffee. She pushed mine over to me before she started to eat.
“So where do you want to go today?” I asked. “I’m buying you a new phone and changing your number so that ex of yours can’t contact you.”
“Yoongi, you don’t have to-” She started but I interrupted her.
“No, I want you to be safe.” I said. “Anyway, do you want new clothes, new shoes? What?”
“I think I need new everything to be honest.” She admitted. “All my clothes are beginning to fall apart.”
“Okay, we’ll buy you some new outfits today, but we can order you more if you need.” I said, finishing up my pancake. “Do you want makeup?”
“I need makeup.” She said, taking a bite of a strawberry. 
“No you don’t.” I said. “But if you want it then we’ll buy you some of the best.”
“Yoongi, you don’t have to spend your money on me. I’ll pay you back.” She said.
“No, you won’t. What’s mine is yours.” I said firmly. “Now finish up and get that ass of yours ready to go.”
We had been at the mall for a few hours now. Y/N was happily snacking on some mochi as we made our way to the next store - Victoria’s Secret.
“Hi, welcome to the store, how can I help you today?” A red-haired woman asked. Y/N turned to me and handed me her mochi. 
“Can you wait out here please? I’m not entirely comfortable with... you know...” She trailed off, playing with her fingers.
“Of course, baby. I’ll wait here, okay? Mind if I have some of these?” I asked as the sales assistant began to lead her away.
“Go for it!” She yelled over her shoulder as the assistant began showing her panties and bras. I began looking through, picking ones mentally that I liked. There was a light pink set that I loved. A pang of sadness shot through me when I realised I was picking them out for Taehyung. I put the set back and leaned against a wall, waiting for her while I scrolled through my phone. 
I jumped when I heard footsteps outside the shop. It was a Friday so the shopping centre was closed to the general public, so it wasn’t like there would be randomers walking around. My heart rate picked up. What if it was a sasaeng? I heard excited chatter and a squeal of happiness which I recognised instantly. Tae. They must have gone shopping now. There was nowhere for me to go as there was only one exit and entrance, and it wasn’t like I could blend in with the crowd.
My heart broke slightly when I heard their laughs and shouts of happiness. Nice to know they were having fun without me. I busied myself with my phone before looking over to the changing rooms. I heard Y/N gasp happily, making me smile. The doorbell to the shop rang, indicating someone had just entered the shop. Why now? I didn’t want to have this confrontation here. Not in front of Y/N.
I smiled slightly as I saw Taehyung move from rack to rack, picking up items that caught his eye and showing them to Hoseok and Namjoon, who had come in with him. Taehyung looked up and we locked eyes. His smile dropped from his face, being replaced with a scowl. 
I looked back to my phone, making it a point that I didn’t want to talk to them. I could hear them whispering to each other, their hushed tones being too quiet for me to properly hear them. 
“Hyung, what are you doing here?” Namjoon asked, making his way over to me.
“Y/N needed some new stuff.” I said, not looking at him. “Sorry, I didn’t realise you owned this shop as well.”
“Yoongi, there is no-” Namjoon began.
“No, you’ve said enough Namjoon. You spoke your true feelings.” I said shortly, glancing up at him, looking unimpressed.
“I shouldn’t have said that.”
“But you did. You said your true feelings. I don’t want people to lie to me. You said the truth, no matter who it hurt.” I said.
“Hyung please, I’m sorry.” Namjoon said. “Please just come back to us.”
“No.” I said, finding it harder and harder to keep my voice steady. “You’ve said what you said. It’s clear I’m not welcome, I mean look at them!” I gestured over to Hoseok and Taehyung. “Normally Taehyung would be here, hanging onto me, listening to my every word, demanding kisses and affection, and now look at him. He doesn’t want to come near me!”
“Yoongi, that’s not true. They both love you.” Namjoon argued.
“Yeah, they’re showing it so well.” I said sarcastically. “He is glaring at me. That’s definitely a sign of love. None of this is my fault, Namjoon! I can’t control who my soulmate is or when I meet her!” I knew Y/N would most likely be able to hear me now, but I silently prayed that she couldn’t.
“TaeTae, Hobi, come here.” Namjoon said, gesturing them over. Taehyung looked reluctant. 
“Why are you here?” Taehyung asked, his voice angry.
“Y/N needed some new stuff.” I replied.
“I knew she was a money stealing whore.” Taehyung scoffed. “Just reject her! She’s going to steal your money and then reject you!”
“No she’s not. You know what, Kim Taehyung, maybe it’s a good idea that I’m not staying at the dorm anymore. And maybe you should get to know someone before you decide to make a decision for them.” I spat.
“Yoongi!” I heard Y/N call from the changing rooms.
“Yes, baby?” I called back.
“I need your opinion on something!” She shouted back.
“Coming, princess.” I turned back to Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung. “Now I’m going to go where I am wanted and needed. I’ll see you for the meet and greet on Saturday.” I left them standing there. “What’s wrong, jagiya?”
“I just needed to get you out of there. You sounded upset.” She said, peeking around the curtain. She glanced over at where the trio was stood, shaking her head as she saw them glaring over at us. “They seem annoyed.”
“They’ll get over it.” I shrugged. “Have you picked some you like?” She nodded. 
“But you can’t see them.” She teased. “But here are the options.” She passed them to me through the curtain. 
“Baby, you’re going to look so pretty.” I said, looking through them. “Do they all fit right, they’re all comfortable?”
“Yesssss.” She said. There was rustling as she got changed. She had decided to wear my sweatshirt over her clothes today, which I loved. She pulled back the curtain, leaning up to peck my lips. “Are they watching?” She whispered against my mouth.
I glanced over. “Yeah.” I whispered back, making her giggle and kiss me again. “Are you sure they’re all comfortable?”
“Yes, Yoongi, I’m sure.” She said, playfully rolling her eyes. “Come on, let’s go.” She took her mochi back from me. “And thanks for holding onto these for me.”
We walked to the cash register, ignoring the burning stares of the trio as we walked away.
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Frosted Windowpanes Part Two
I have no idea why this was so hard to write? Part one just came so easily and this... not so much. But here it is! All the holiday tropes! Christmas puns (thank you to all of y’all who gave me ideas for those)! Falling in love!
As always, @donttouchmycarrots is my hero for proofreading!! Love you <3
@lumosinlove Guess who’s back to borrow your characters ;) Thank you so much!!
Part One if you missed it!
Finn had a Plan.
Well, half a Plan.
Step one: meet up with Logan and Leo again. Step two: woo them. Step three: …
Well, it wasn’t much. And it was very vague. But Finn’s plans tended to never go the way he wanted them to anyway, so vague was usually for the best. And so far, it had been going well. They’d grabbed dinner several times, ran into each other at the store or buying Christmas presents downtown. And on Monday the diner was closed, so Finn and Leo spent hours at the farm helping where they could and pestering Logan. He was so fun to tease – he got all gruff and grumpy and adorable. Leo seemed to think so, too, if the number of times he teamed up with Finn to make Logan get all red was anything to go off of.
At the beginning of all this, Finn had thought he’d been overdramatic. He’d woken up the morning after first meeting Logan and Leo and assumed he’d been tired and jet-lagged and was imagining all those feelings he’d felt the night before.
And then he’d met up with them again.
Love at first sight wasn’t real. Finn knew this. But being here, meeting Logan and Leo, just might have been enough to change his mind. It made no sense, but – well, here he was. The past few days were happy, rose-tinted, and Finn couldn’t believe his luck. What were the odds that he’d find both of them in this sleepy little town?
So here he was, pulling into the parking lot of Leo’s for a cup of coffee and a healthy serving of sweet southern blond.
Leo was out front, shoveling snow and looking absolutely miserable while doing it. He was bundled in a thick coat and hat, scarf wrapped high around his neck. Finn laughed under his breath as he turned his car off and braved the cold. Poor southern boy. Leo glanced up at him briefly when he approached, then did a double take.
“Morning, sunshine.” Finn said with a cheeky grin. “Enjoying the snow day?”
Leo’s resulting grumpy look made Finn laugh. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Nate called and said he can’t make it to work today because the roads are so bad.” Leo took a deep breath, and then the rest of his words came out in a jumbled, rushed mess. “Which isn’t his fault and I’m not blaming him at all. But I haven’t started cooking and we open in thirty minutes and there’s no coffee brewing and nowhere for people to park because of this goddamn snow and so I’m stuck shoveling snow instead of cooking and I’m so far behind-”
Finn gently pressed a finger to Leo’s lips, halting the nervous ramblings. Leo looked down at his finger, then back up to meet Finn’s eyes.
Oh, he was so gorgeous.
Finn had to force himself to focus on the matter at hand instead of cherry-red lips and soft baby blues. “Relax, ok? And hand me the shovel. I’ll do this, while you get on inside and start cooking.”
“But – Finn,” Leo said, and wow did he love the sound of his voice in that southern twang.
“Leo,” He echoed with an attempted accent, eliciting a smile from the blond.
“I can’t just ask you to work. You’re on vacation.”
“First of all, you didn’t ask – I offered. And the friends I’m visiting are both at work,” Finn explained, “so I’ve been left to my own devices for the day.”
Leo winced in sympathy. “Bless your heart.”
And see, Finn had done his research. He’d googled New Orleans, the state of Louisiana, and the south in general. And he’d learned that southerners were very confusing – more confusing than people gave them credit for. They were polite and kind to everyone, even if they definitely didn’t mean it. The phrase “bless your heart” could mean they either absolutely adored you or they thought you were the worst person on the planet.
Finn really hoped it wasn’t the latter. He didn’t think it was the latter, anyways.
“I’m literally dying of boredom. I’ll shovel the snow, and then I can come help you cook!” At Leo’s skeptical look, Finn brought out the big guns: his puppy dog eyes. They were known to melt even the hardest of hearts. He’d learned this lesson in college when asking his Grinch of an Ethics professor for some extra credit. “Please?”
Leo hesitated, but Finn could see the exact moment he caved. “Alright. But you’re getting paid.”
“Absolutely not. Consider it a Christmas gift.”
“I’ll pay you in food and coffee.”
“Deal.” Finn said, grabbing the shovel from Leo’s mittened hands. “Like I could ever say no to your food.”
Leo’ smile, warm and a little bashful, probably could’ve thawed the snow on the pavement if it was directed that way. “What would you like: sweet or savory?”
“Sweet,” Finn said instantly, even though he really preferred savory. His one-track mind was still stuck on dimples. “But I take my coffee black.”
“Comin’ right up.”
Finn watched him go, knowing that he had the dopiest smile on his face. Today was going to be a good day. And he knew a way to make it even better.
Finn dialed the number for Tremblay’s Trees, hoping more than anything that Logan would be the one to pick up. But of course he wasn’t that lucky. A bright, cheery voice answered the phone - definitely not Logan. “Tremblay’s Trees!0 This is Thomas, how can I help you?”
“Uh,” Finn said articulately, “Hi, I’d like to talk to Logan. Is he there?”
There was a slight pause, then: “Maybe. Who’s asking? And how do you know our dear Lolo?” The voice sounded curious, if not a little mischievous. Before Finn could answer, though, there was a scuffling over the line.
“Talker, give me the phone.”
“Oh, come on, I’ve got the five o’clock news slot tonight. Give the people what they want, Logan! Who’s your mystery caller?”
“I swear to god-”
The scuffling sound got louder, then there was a loud clatter when Finn assumed the phone hit the ground. He jerked his own phone away from his ear with a wince. “I am very confused.” He stated, not sure if anyone else heard him.
There was a small, softer rustle, then a breathless voice asked, “Hello?”
Finn couldn’t help but smile. “Hi, Lolo.”
That laugh was just as wonderful over the phone as it was in person. “Please don’t call me that.”
“Mmm… I might need to be convinced.” Finn said, letting some flirtiness slip through. “Anyways, I’ve got an idea. You busy today?”
“I’ve got the morning off. Why, what did you have in mind?”
So Finn, with the phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear, told the story of this morning as he shoveled – Nate not being able to make it to his shift, the ice and snow in Leo’s parking lot, Leo being behind on cooking and acting anxious. “So I was thinking we could do something? Like a surprise? And I know you guys need to actually sell things and make a living and stuff but I was thinking about decorating the diner? He just works so hard and he’s so stressed and I feel like he could use a little holiday cheer. What do you think?”
The other voice from earlier must have shouted, because he was loud enough to hear over the phone. “Phone guy! What the hell did you say to make him melt like that?”
Logan punched Talker in the shoulder. Hard. “I will lock you in the closet, Talker. Shut. Up.” His attention was brought back to the phone by Finn’s laugh and his demeanor softened again. He’d never met someone as chaotically considerate as Finn O’Hara. It was such a sweet, thoughtful idea. And it was something to help out Leo? How could Logan say no?
“Sounds like a plan.” Logan said, cradling the phone closer to his ear. “Most people already have their decorations so we don’t have a whole lot left, but I’ll see what I can find.”
“Perfect! Oh this is going to be so fun – fuck, I’ve gotta go. Customers just showed up. But I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Great. Ok see you soon bye!” The words reached Logan in a rush before the line went dead.
What a dork.
Logan was pretty sure he was half in love with him.
“So…” Talker said suddenly, making Logan spin around quickly. “Who are you pining over?”
Noelle, who had been passing by on her way to the kitchen, backpedaled in order to join the conversation. “Are we talking about Logan’s love life? Because I’m so here for that.”
Logan sighed and went to the coat rack by the door, grabbing his coat, toque, and scarf. “I’m not having this conversation with you.”
They both promptly ignored him. Talker grinned at his fiancée, sensing trouble he could get into. “He’s become such a sap.”
Noelle snuggled up to Talker, turning her teasing gaze to her brother. “But if it’s who I’m thinking of, they have such good chemis-tree.”
“Did you guys practice this or something?”
“Hey man, don’t be so defensive.” Talker said, voice turning serious. “You know we’re all rooting for you.”
“I hate you both so much.”
“Aww, don’t be like that, Lolo.” Noelle sighed, giving him an over-the-top hug and obnoxious kisses to his cheek. “We’re just having some fun. Do you want us to stop needling you?”
“I’m having fun fir sure!” Talker shouted, then burst into raucous laughter, which stopped as abruptly as it started. “Wait. That wasn’t Leo on the phone. You've got eyes for someone other than him, now? Branching out a little, are we?"
“No.” Logan said instantly, then winced. Because his feelings for Leo definitely hadn’t changed. But then there was Finn… “Maybe. It’s complicated, ok?”
“The redhead that was hanging out with you and Leo on Monday?”
Logan felt his cheeks heat up but didn’t say anything. Monday had been the best, though. Showing the two of them the farm and how he did his job and watching their noses and cheeks turn adorable shades of pink from the cold. Even though he’d been there for a year, Leo still seemed in awe of all the snow. He clearly hated it, but Logan could tell he still found wonder and beauty in a clean blanket of undisturbed, freshly-fallen snow. Finn, even though he was clearly freezing too, kept cracking jokes the entire time, his voice muffled by his scarf. They’d walked and talked and learned more about each other among the saplings that would be full-grown and ready to be cut down by next season.
Yeah, Monday had been a great day.
And Logan was so screwed.
“Birch, please.” Noelle teased, then softened. “But really, Logan. Both of them were just as interested in you as they were in each other. You’ve got nothing to worry about, you just need to talk to them.”
He looked up from the buttons of his coat. “You think so?”
“Only one way to find out. What are you doing with them today?”
“We’re decorating the diner.” Logan pulled his hat on and looked over at his sister. “Do you think dad’ll be ok with me taking some garland and a wreath?”
Noelle scoffed. “With all the coffee and pastries you boy’s given us, I think he’s more than paid for it. Do you want company?”
“Oh, come on,” Talker said, wiggling his eyebrows. “We’d make the perfect wingmen.”
“You did enough while I was on the phone, thanks.” Logan said, grabbing the keys from the counter. “Ok I’m headed out. See you later.”
Talker and Noelle sent a chorus of boos after him, only stopping when the door closed firmly behind him. He huffed out a laugh, shook his head, and headed towards the display counter to grab decorations. They were a little old since it was so close to Christmas day, but they’d have to do. Logan hesitated for a split second, then grabbed the Santa hat as well. They’d get a kick out of that. He threw the decorations in the back of the truck and took off down the road.
They actually worked really well together – Leo and Finn, that is. Finn dealt with customers while Leo made the food. They had a complex, intricate dance around the close quarters of the diner but they seemed to know the footwork already and could predict exactly what the other needed without blinking an eye. Leo peered out the kitchen window at Finn as he took orders at another table, laughing at something one of the women said. He was good at this. He was naturally outgoing and good with people, but he was also efficient and seemed to be able to keep track of twenty different things at once.
Leo frowned thoughtfully down at the grits on the stove. Logically, he shouldn’t like Finn. The redhead had appeared like a whirlwind and thrown everything off course. But then he went out of his way to be helpful and sweet and thoughtful even though it didn’t benefit him in any way. He had a big heart with a lot of love to give. And he gave it willingly to everyone, it seemed.
Don’t get him wrong, that was a good thing – it was a great thing. But it also made the past few days incredibly confusing. Was Finn treating Leo like everyone else, or did he want something more?
He definitely wanted something more with Logan, though. That much was obvious.
Leo just wasn’t sure how he fit into all of this.
Finn barging into the kitchen snapped Leo out of his thoughts. He looked up as Finn started looking around for something on the counters and shelves, tongue poking out in concentration. Leo couldn’t help but smile at the little detail.
“What are you looking for?” He asked, stepping away from the stove.
“The, um…” Finn said, trailing off as he continued to search, clearly distracted. “The spicy maple sauce for the chicken and waffles.”
“In the fridge.” Leo stated plainly, maneuvering around Finn to grab flour from the pantry, brushing against his back as he did so and trying to ignore how the simple touch heightened his awareness of the redhead. Finn threw open the fridge door, scanning the shelves.
“Second shelf from the bottom, on the right.”
A few seconds of silence, then: “Where?”
Leo laughed, dumping a cup of flour into a bowl and heading to the fridge. He peered over Finn’s shoulder, then reached around him with one long arm to grab the bowl of sauce. “Right in front of you, sweetheart.” He teased. Finn turned around so that he was facing Leo, a look that Leo had seen a lot in the past few days but still couldn’t identify on his face.
“Yeah,” was all he said, soft and a little strangled.
Leo looked away from those deep, brown eyes and down at the sauce. His heartrate picked up significantly. “Have you tried this yet?” At Finn’s shake of his head, Leo grabbed a spoon from a nearby drawer. “Figured I’d combine my roots with where I ended up, y’know? Tabasco, black pepper, maple syrup, and a few more secret ingredients.” He said with a wink, spooning some out and holding it out to Finn. “I’m pretty proud of it, if I do say so myself. Try it.”
Instead of grabbing the spoon from Leo, Finn just leaned forwards and tasted the sauce straight from the spoon in Leo’s hand. Leo’s breath hitched and his stomach swooped as Finn straightened again and met his eyes.
Oh, he could stare into those eyes forever. Eyes the same color of the coffee Finn had slid through the kitchen window about an hour ago with the words, “figured you could use some” before dashing off to clear another table. Leo had turned beet red, but grabbed the coffee and held it close before taking a sip.
Leo also hadn’t realized how close they were. The diner was small and the kitchen was cramped, but they definitely didn’t need to be standing this close. Not that Leo was complaining.
“Is it hot in here?” Finn murmured, gaze flitting from Leo’s eyes down to his lips and back again.
Leo seemed a little lost, too, leaning closer to the redhead without even realizing he was doing it. “Must be the sauce.”
It definitely wasn’t just the sauce.
The chime that alerted them to the front door opening startled both of them, forcing them to jerk away from each other and blush furiously.
“I, uh, I’m going to go check on that.” Finn said, still not looking away from Leo as he backed up.
“Ok.” Leo whispered, reaching back to grab the island behind him in an attempt to steady himself. Finn reluctantly tore his eyes away and disappeared from sight, leaving Leo reeling in the kitchen as he entered the dining area.
Finn’s mind was still back in the kitchen, wishing more than anything that he hadn’t been forced to step away. He’d never wanted to kiss someone senseless quite as much as he did right then. And how was he supposed to keep it together when all he wanted to do was flip the diner sign from open to closed and get Logan here and finally talk to them. They’d felt this pull - this magnetism - too. He knew they did. The only thing left to do was finally talk about it. 
Finn was forced to snap back to the present when the counter was suddenly covered in green needles, red berries, and festive ribbons. He looked up to see Logan grinning at him. Under his coat he was wearing red plaid, which matched the Santa hat perched on his head.
How was it possible to want two people so much at the same time? He couldn’t breathe with all the emotions overflowing in his chest.
“Ho ho ho,” Logan attempted to say, but cracked up before he could finish. Finn grinned and laughed as well, stepping forward to greet him.
“You should’ve used the chimney.” Finn joked, tugging on the end of his hat playfully. He got a smile and sparkling green eyes in return. Finn bit back a dreamy sigh. “But really, thank you. Leo’s gonna love this.”
Logan’s face grew a little worried. “How is he?”
That was a good question, since Finn left him standing there in the kitchen with the spoon still in his hand, looking a little lost.
He ended up shrugging, glancing back at the kitchen door longingly. “Better now. Still seems tired.”
“We’re going to have to force him to take breaks, aren’t we.” It wasn’t a question.
“Probably. If we tag team, I think we can manage to make it happen.” Finn looked down at the decorations. “So where are we putting these?”
Logan looked around the dining area, giving Finn a perfect view of his profile. He longed to kiss that strong jawline so badly, holy shit. “We could hang some over the kitchen window and some around the front window. And the wreath can go on the door.” Finn followed Logan as he maneuvered his way around tables to the front window, eyeing it critically. “The frame is wide enough that it should stay up on its own, so we won’t need nails or anything.” He grabbed the garland from the counter and then turned back around. Finn looked from him to the tall crown molding around the window.
“Need a ladder?”
Finn laughed, grabbing one end of the garland and stretching up to place it on the ledge. Once it was secure, he looked over his shoulder at Logan and stuck his hand out for the other end. Logan hesitated, clearly wanting to do it himself, but quickly admitted defeat and handed it over. He huffed at Finn’s smug smile.
“Shut up.”
Finn laughed as he hung the garland. Logan was so small and grumpy and cute. Finn wanted to bundle him up in his arms and never let go. His little pocket-sized lumberjack. How adorable. He was so different from Leo, in basically every way. And yet Finn still wanted them both. How the hell did that work? 
“I should probably check on the customers.” Finn said reluctantly, glancing around at the breakfast crowd. “Do you think you can manage the kitchen window?”
“I got it.” Logan grumbled, sizing up his next target. Finn just shook his head fondly and started making his rounds to the occupied tables. Logan grabbed the remaining garland and headed behind the counter. He couldn’t help but stick his head through the window and look around. It was several degrees warmer in the kitchen than it was in the dining area. Logan was surprised at how tidy it was, considering how hectic the morning had been. There were a few scattered dishes in the sink, but the counters were mostly clean and organized, each bowl seemed to have a designated location. Leo, focused with his head down, maneuvered between stations with an effortless grace as he breaded a chicken tender and threw it into a frier. Logan never thought he’d be so entranced by something as simple as cooking but here he was, watching Leo hum along to the Christmas music on the radio as he poured batter into a waffle iron. He grabbed a mug of coffee off to the side and looked up as he took a sip, jumping when he saw Logan.
“Logan! Hey, honey!” He smiled, like seeing Logan was the highlight of his day. Logan yearned at the sight of that smile. He seemed to be doing a whole lot of yearning lately. “When did you get here?”
“Just a few minutes ago. Brought you something.”
Leo arched an eyebrow. “That sounds a little ominous.”
“No,” Logan laughed. “No, it’s a good thing.” He held up the garland and wiggled it around a little, causing it to sway in the air.
Leo’s entire face lit up. “Christmas decorations?”
“It was Finn’s idea.” Logan said, looking back over his shoulder at the redhead. Leo visibly softened, smile gentle and eyes warm.
“He sure is sweet, isn’t he?”
You just need to talk to them, Noelle’s voice echoed in Logan’s head. Looking at Leo right then, he couldn’t help but think that maybe she was right.
“Sure is snowing hard out there, eh?” Logan asked several hours later as he looked out the window. It was a strange lull in the day – too late for lunch, but too early for dinner. They were all grateful for the break. Logan honestly wasn’t sure how Leo did this every day – it was exhausting.
Finn, who was sitting on the other side of the booth from Logan and Leo with his legs stretched out, pulled up the weather app on his phone. “It’s only supposed to get worse. They’re calling for a blizzard.”
Leo looked out at the snow worriedly. “I really don’t wanna drive home in all that.”
“Might need to close up early, then. No one’s going to be out in this weather, anyways.” Logan said, watching Leo bite his lip as he thought about it. “I could drive you, if you want.”
Leo looked over at him, relief clear in his eyes. “Would you?” He rushed to continue, “I don’t wanna inconvenience you or anything, and I know you need to get home too-”
“Leo,” Logan cut in with a smile. If Leo didn’t know Logan would do pretty much anything for him at this point, he was clearly oblivious. “I don’t mind, I promise.”
Leo seemed to accept it without further argument and looked over at Finn. “Do you wanna tag along? I was thinking about making cookies.”
“Well that depends.” Finn said with mock gravitas, leaning forward to rest his forearms against the table. “What kind of cookies are we talking?”
Leo matched his pose, mischief alight in his eyes. “I was thinking snickerdoodles, but I’d be willing to reconsider.”
“Sneak in some sugar cookies we can decorate and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
Leo and Finn shook on it, keeping it professional.
Logan was infatuated with the two of them.
“So you’re closing early?” He asked, excited at the prospect of spending the rest of the day with them. At Leo’s nod, he nearly sighed with relief. “Good. You need a break.”
Leo rolled his eyes, but smiled all the same. “Maybe I do.”
Finn grinned. “He finally admits it!”
“Ok, ok, I get it.” Leo sighed, shoving Logan’s shoulder repeatedly until he got out of the booth. Leo followed after him. “I’ve got to put stuff away in the kitchen and then I’ll be done.”
Logan and Finn shared a look before trailing after him. They worked together to clean up, put food away, and organize the receipts and cash register for the day. It went much faster with three people. Before they knew it, all three of them were piling into Logan’s pickup truck, bundled up against the cold and brushing freshly-fallen snowflakes off of their coats and out of their hair. Logan pulled out onto the road, driving while Leo gave directions from the passenger’s seat.
Leo’s house was nice – small, but it looked warm and well-loved. There was a snowman out front, complete with a scarf and carrot nose.
“Cute.” Finn said as they got out of the truck, walking up to the snowman. Leo smiled, fishing his keys out of his pocket.
“My friend’s little brother made that over the weekend.” He unlocked the front door and ushered everyone inside as he held the door for them. Leo’s house was all cool tones – soft blue and purples and greens. There was a tree in the corner of the living room by the window, all lit up and decorated. There were presents under the tree, wrapped in brown paper with ribbons and bows.
Leo hung his coat on the coat rack and took Logan’s and Finn’s from them. “So. Cookies?”
“Nope,” Logan said, grabbing Leo by the hand and tugging him towards the living room. “Rest first, then cookies.” Leo laughed, reaching behind him to find Finn’s arm and pulling him along with them.
“I won’t say no to a Christmas movie.” He agreed as they all collapsed onto the couch. Finn grabbed a blanket from the arm of the couch and threw it over the three of them while Leo grabbed the TV remote.
Logan moved closer under the pretense of getting under more of the blanket. He was now pressed up against Leo, butterflies in his stomach. “My vote is for Die Hard.”
Finn scoffed, throwing his legs over Leo’s and Logan’s thighs. “That doesn’t count as a Christmas movie.”
“I beg your pardon-”
“Is it about Christmas? No. Case closed.”
Logan leaned forward to look around Leo at the redhead. “It takes place during Christmas!”
Leo just listened amusedly to the bickering as he flicked through movie titles. They were still arguing when he started the cute, old Claymation Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. Both boys trailed off as the introduction music started.
“This works.” Finn said, settling in to get more comfortable, his calves flexing against Logan’s thighs as he stretched. Logan hummed in agreement, eyes already glued on the screen.
They hadn’t even met Hermey the elf before Leo was sound asleep, head pillowed on Finn’s shoulder and breathing slow and even. Finn looked over blond curls at Logan and smiled, making his heart thud painfully in his chest. He needed to talk to them, and soon. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could sit there and keep all these feelings internalized.
But it could wait until after a nap. He snuggled up close and turned back to the TV.
“No, you need to-” Leo stopped and laughed, pointing to the recipe. “Teaspoon of vanilla extract, darlin’, not tablespoon.”
Finn switched out one measuring spoon for another with a wince. “That would’ve been bad, huh?”
“Very bad.” Leo agreed, looking over at the oven to see Logan already staring back at them, a wide, almost-giddy smile on his face as he started loading cookie dough balls onto a baking tray. One tray of snickerdoodles were already in the oven and spreading out rapidly as they cooked.
“We might’ve put those too close to each other,” Logan said, crouching down to look into the oven. “They’re all starting to stick together. It’s just one big, square cookie.”
“That’s ok. It’ll still taste good.” Leo said with a shrug. They both turned when Finn started banging on the table in time to the music.
“I don’t want a lot for Christmas! There is just one thing I need!” He screamed, bopping along to the song. Logan laughed and let himself be tugged forwards to dance. Leo watched as they both jumped around and danced in the kitchen, hips swaying and acting like total dorks. But they were so happy, as well. Big smiles graced their faces as they laughed and sang and held each other close. Leo whisked wet ingredients together in a bowl and leaned back against the counter as he enjoyed the over-the-top show. They were cute together in the warm glow of the kitchen – a sharp contrast to the snow falling outside and collecting on the windowsill. Finn tilted his head back to shriek the last high note, causing Logan and Leo to both burst into fits of laughter.
“O’Hara, please don’t audition for Broadway.” Logan teased, still laughing a little. Finn scowled and grabbed a tea towel, spinning it up before whipping it at the brunet.
This started an all-out war. Many a cookie lost their life in the crossfire when Logan accidentally hit Leo’s arm as he was transferring cooled cookies into a tin. They had a warrior’s send-off as they were dumped into the trash can.
After the cookies were baked and decorated and the kitchen was cleaned thoroughly, it was pitch black outside. Leo had genuinely lost track of time, but he was selfishly grateful for it. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for y’all to be driving in this weather in the dark.” He said, snagging a cookie from one of the plates and taking a bite as he tried to be casual about the two boys potentially staying the night. “I’ve got a guest bedroom and a pull-out couch if you wanna stay here.”
Finn and Logan looked at each other, then Logan shrugged. “If that’s ok with you.”
Ok? It was wonderful.
“Of course it is. I’ll go make up the beds and get y’all something to sleep in, ok?” Leo said before hurrying to his room, where he hastily made his bed and rummaged through his dresser for clothes. He muttered to himself as he pulled out two pairs of sweatpants. “Don’t make a big deal of this, Nutty. They’re just spending the night. That’s it.”
His mind fast-forwarded to imagine sleep-mussed hair, soft smiles, and rough morning voices. Sitting at the table together, nursing cups of coffee as the sun rose over a clean, white blanket of snow. They’d talk and laugh and just maybe share some coffee-flavored kisses.
Leo sighed, pressing his forehead against the edge of his dresser. “I’m screwed, ain’t I?”
Logan woke up to a gentle hand prodding his shoulder. He breathed in sharply as he remembered where he was and blinked his eyes open to be met with worried blue ones. “Leo?” He asked as he sat up, voice raspy with lack of use. “What’s wrong?”
He was greeted with an absolute onslaught of words. “There’s so much snow outside. Like, so much snow. I’ve never seen this much snow before. And I didn’t think it would be this bad so I don’t have any milk or bread or eggs in the house and I doubt I can get to the store. How long do you think the roads will be out? And what about the diner? Is snow damage a thing? Do I need to go check-”
Logan laughed softly, falling back against the pillows and covering his eyes with his forearm. “What – milk, eggs, and bread?”
“It’s a southern thing.” Logan couldn’t see him, but he could hear the pout in his voice. His vision was suddenly filled with blond bed-head and wide baby blues as Leo pulled his arm away from his face. If he could wake up to this every day, Logan would die a happy man. “Come on, sweetheart, I’m really freaking out right now.”
One of these days, the terms of endearment were actually going to kill him.
“I’m sure the diner’s fine. Besides, there’s not much we can do until the roads clear, so we’ll just have to wait it out.” Logan shifted over on the bed, leaving a Leo-sized spot open. He tugged on Leo’s arm until he crawled into bed, laying on his side to face Logan, their feet tangled together. Leo was wearing fuzzy socks.
Logan smiled at the sight in front of him, then closed his eyes again. “Go back to sleep, Leo. We’ll deal with it when-”
The door banged open to reveal Finn, face bright with excitement. “Snow! Have you guys seen all the snow? We should-” He stopped when he saw the two boys in bed, nestled together and still sleepy. He cleared his throat. “Uh, sorry. Didn’t mean to-”
“Cuddle.” Leo said, reaching up for Finn as well. “We should cuddle.” Finn smiled warmly and didn’t hesitate to clamber into bed on Logan’s other side, scooting in close and only elbowing Logan once as he got comfy. Logan grumbled, but quickly got over it when he felt a tentative arm wrap around him as he drifted back off to sleep.
Leo woke up to two boys asleep in bed with him and couldn’t think of a time when he was happier. They were all tangled together in a mess of limbs and blankets and pillows. It was warm and soft and Leo never wanted to leave. But he also wanted to surprise them with coffee and breakfast. Breakfast in bed wouldn’t be too obvious would it? He thought back to the past twenty-four hours and decided that if this wasn’t flirting, he wasn’t sure what was. Now it was just a matter of taking that next step and actually talking about it. So who cared if it was too obvious or not?
Leo glanced at Logan and Finn one last time. There was just something about seeing the two of them in his clothes. Logan’s sweaterpaws were visible from where he was grabbing onto Finn’s arm in his sleep. Finn was close to the same size as Leo so the clothes actually fit him pretty well. His face was pressed into brown hair, arm tightening around Logan as he huffed out a breath. The sight did something to Leo’s heart. He smiled dopily before sneaking out of bed, his back popping as he stretched. Ok, game plan: coffee, breakfast, talk. He could do this.
He crept down the hall and into the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as he could when getting a frying pan out and setting it on the stove. Next came the kettle for water to use in the French press, bacon, and ingredients to make homemade biscuits. Normally he would’ve done eggs, but they’d used all of them on the cookies yesterday.
The biscuits went into the oven and the bacon into the frying pan, sizzling away. So much for breakfast in bed. Leo knew the smell of food cooking would bring the other two out of the bedroom and, sure enough, he soon heard two pairs of footsteps headed towards him, one slightly muffled by too-long sweatpants hems dragging along the floor. He grabbed three mugs from the cabinet and sent a smile over his shoulder at the two boys.
Three cups of coffee: one black, one with cream only, and one with cream and sugar.
Leo pulled the biscuits out of the oven and quickly transferred them onto a plate, doing the same with the bacon before bringing both to the table.
“Leo, you’re an angel.” Finn said as he grabbed plates and silverware for the three of them. Logan hummed in agreement from in front of the fridge, where he was collecting butter and jams for the biscuits. They all joined each other at the kitchen table, still a little sleepy-eyed and half awake.
Leo, halfway through his first sip of coffee, passed Finn his mug of steaming black coffee, then Logan his own cup full of cream and sugar, just how he liked it. Logan looked down at it and sighed happily, “Love you, Nutter Butter.”
Finn’s head shot up. Leo choked on his coffee, cheeks heating up. Logan looked at them confusedly before he realized what he said and his face paled. “Shit.”
“You... you love me?” Leo asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Logan’s heart ached a little at the look on Leo’s face. God, he should’ve told him a long time ago. In response he just slowly nodded, hesitantly meeting wide eyes and hoping for the best.
Leo smiled, letting out a soft laugh. “Honey, I’ve loved you for months.” He took a deep breath, as if gathering up his courage, then reached out to grab Finn’s hand. “And I think I’m falling for you, too. Judging from the way Logan stares at you when you’re not looking, he feels the same.” Leo looked from Finn to Logan hopefully. “Right?”
Finn squeezed Leo’s hand, finally daring to hope. Maybe he could actually have this. His heart thundered in his chest, so loud that Logan and Leo were bound to hear it. “And how does he stare at me when I’m not looking?”
Leo’s eyes flicked over to Logan with a smile. “Take a look for yourself.”
Finn’s breath hitched as he looked over into evergreen eyes, bright and gazing at him the same way Finn had caught him staring at Leo so many times before. He laughed a little in relief, tracing Logan’s cheekbone with gentle fingers.
“I was a little worried we were never going to have this conversation. And I know we’ve got a lot to figure out, but...” He trailed off, a little in awe. What were the odds of this? Everything seemed to fall perfectly into place, like puzzle pieces. It wasn’t some huge revelation, though. There were no grand romantic gestures, no race against time, no frantic outburst. It was calm and gentle like the sun rising outside, casting everything in light pastels and golds.
Logan just laughed softly, scooting his chair back with a loud scraping noise and standing up. “Stop just sitting there and come here, I’ve been wanting to kiss you two for forever.”
Finn scrambled up from his seat and all but threw himself at Logan, nearly bowling him over as he kissed him enthusiastically, arms wrapped tightly around Logan’s waist. Leo smiled as he watched them. He loved their dynamic – the bickering and teasing like they’d known each other for years, and yet the head-over-heels way they looked at each other and held each other and kissed each other. They were so comfortable together, not shying away from anything it seemed. Leo couldn’t wait to see how their relationship grew and evolved over time. He couldn’t wait to see how all three of them would grow together. He stood too and joined Logan and Finn, pressing kisses to their cheeks, their jaws, their necks – anywhere he could reach.
Finn broke the kiss to press his forehead against Logan’s, eyes closed and smile a mile wide. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you at that farm.” His eyes turned to Leo next. He reached up and cupped Leo’s face in his hands. “And I’ve wanted to kiss you since that first bite of pie.”
“What, was the muffuletta not good enough for – mmph.” Leo’s teasing words got cut off by Finn’s lips on his. He sighed into the kiss, draping his arms over Finn’s freckled shoulders and angling his head to deepen the kiss. He could taste black coffee on Finn’s lips and had never loved the flavor more. There was another hand at his back, stroking over his spine. Logan. Leo leaned back into his hand before breaking away from Finn to look at Logan – the guy he’d been pining after for just shy of a year.
“How did I get so lucky?” He murmured, prompting Logan to lean up and kiss him, softly and heartbreakingly gentle. Leo kissed him with purpose, running his tongue against Logan’s bottom lip and causing his breath to hitch.
He thought back to his musings of the night before during his panic in his bedroom and laughed against Logan’s lips. The brunet made a questioning humming noise, so Leo leaned back just far enough to whisper, “Maybe I’m clairvoyant.”
Finn laughed, bewildered. “What?”
Leo just glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, smiled, and combed a finger through red tresses. Sleep-mussed hair, soft smiles, and rough morning voices. Sitting at the table together, nursing cups of coffee as the sun rose over a clean, white blanket of snow. Talking and laughing and sharing some coffee-flavored kisses. Those had been his thoughts last night. And here he was, suddenly getting all of those things.
“Nothing, sweetheart.” Leo said, looking down at his two with overflowing fondness as he thought of the future and hoped that those musings would come true, too.
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mcheang · 4 years
Hello. It's been a while. :) Post-Miracle Queen: There’s an Akuma who turns people into cute baby animals. During this state, people don't have memories as humans. They act like an animal would. Marinette gets hit and becomes the class pet until Ladybug fixes everything. Lila doesn't like this and having to pretend to coo over her rival. Her fake enthusiasm and plots to get Marinette banned temporarily from school gets her caught eventually by angry classmates.
Baby Mari
This is a draft
It’s annoying when your older siblings pull the whole “I’m older” card on you. Sometimes it can lead to deep, negative emotions. Something Hawkmoth takes advantage of when he akumatizes Perrine, fed up with her bossy older brother telling their mother she isn’t responsible enough for a pet yet.
So she is transformed to the Pacifier, and is heading for Dupont, where her brother is.
With a shake of her rattle, Pacifier sprinkles glitter on her victims, who turns into adorable baby animals.
The students were used to akumatizations and ran for it. Except Marinette couldn’t just leave Alya behind to film. And she got caught in the glitter as well.
Alya picked up a baby....bunny? (What? The ears could resemble pigtails when flattened)
Somehow Tikki avoided discovery. This is terrible. With the Guardian gone, Chat Noir will be on his own! Well, Mr Bug will be on his own, because the akuma has to be purified.
After Pacifier departed with her new pets, she went to find her mother.
School resumed. Alya had permission to bring Marinette to class since her parents didn’t allow pets in the bakery and it would probably take an hour for the akuma to be defeated. Otherwise, the bakery would be shut down for a while as Tom and Sabine looked through pet care guides.
As the class cooed over Marinette, Lila scowled over the loss of attention. With Chloé gone into hiding, there was one less contender for the spot of class queen.
Rose noticed Lila hanging back. “Come give her a pet Lila. She won’t bite. Marinette is such a cute bunny, and her fur is so soft!”
Lila plastered on a relieved smile, like she was glad people think she could get close to Marinette now.
Except as soon as the bunny smelled the liar, she instinctively bit the finger.
Lila: OW!
Lila recoiled, clutching her bleeding finger.
But instead of trying to comfort her, the girls actually chided Marinette in soft tones. “No, Mari, we don’t bite people.”
Alix: Wow, even in bunny form Marinette doesn’t like Lila.
Kim: you should go to the nurse Lila.
Lila: is no one going with me?
Everyone stared at her like she was being ridiculous.
Alya: Lila, it’s not a major wound. You don’t need us to follow you around everywhere. You’ll be fine.
Mylene: maybe Marinette’s hungry?
Adrien: does anybody have snacks? I have some Camembert but I read that rabbits shouldn’t eat those.
And just like that, Lila was dismissed from their minds.
As she stared in furious disbelief, Max glanced back to remind her to go.
That’s it. Time for the rodent to go.
Lila waited until lunch before grabbing Marinette with the lunch lady’s gloves. She just caused a food fight before grabbing Marinette as everyone turned to look at the spectacle.
As Lila headed to the second floor, she intended to drop Marinette from that height on the concrete, but the class quickly noticed her absence and spread out, calling for her.
Of course someone had to notice Lila was wearing gloves.
Lila quickly claimed she was trying to get Marinette to the safety of the class. That got her some gratitude, until wrinkled noses pointed out that Marinette must have confused rubber gloves for a litter box. Said gloves were currently dripping on Lila’s favorite shoes.
Alya managed to get Marinette out of Lila’s grip before she strangled the bunny.
Maybe she should try shooting the bunny instead. People hunt bunnies right?
Nah. Too much work.
Fine, how about insisting that pets are not allowed in school? But Damocles has been turned into a baby owl and Ms Bustier was all for letting the class bond over a class pet. ...is it too late to pretend she has a late-acting allergy?
Ooh. Lila’s got it. She goes to talk to a school assistant instructing some students on how to care for their new class Chinchilla.
Lila goes up, praising him for his hard work and knowledge but also offers her sympathies for cleaning up after the animal messes. And don’t they shed too?
Unfortunately the assistant turns out to be Mylene’s father. Wasn’t he supposed to be an actor? And he calls over Mylene to tell Lila where she put the gloves and poop bags.
And as for the shed hair, even humans have hair loss.
Mylene thinks it’s wonderful of Lila to volunteer for poop duty, but she shouldn’t be surprised. The excited Mylene hands Lila her new equipment before she can protest.
Lila is furious. But she eventually makes use of an opportunity to sweep Marinette into the pan and throw her into the dumpster. Everyone else backed off when Lila suggested they take her shift, hence they didn’t see Marinette getting swept up.
Except there was no way for them not to notice Marinette was missing once Lila had gone. Suspicious, Adrien stopped Lila.
Inside the pan, they found a stinky bunny.
Lila: oops, I must have accidentally caught her.
Adrien: how do you accidentally catch a bunny when her....um...business is smaller than she is?!
Lila: I don’t watch while sweeping.
Kim: that is just plain stupid.
Mylene: aren’t you supposed to be an expert at this sort of thing?
Lila nearly squawked in outrage at the idea that being a frequent volunteer means being experienced at clean up.
Alya: maybe you better take a day off? You don’t seem to have a way with animals. You can get away because the akuma is still out.
Lila couldn’t believe it. They were actually kicking her out. She was going to protest before Rose started insisting they give Marinette a proper wash.
Lila tries to volunteer for that but Max interrupted, “Sorry Lila. But with what has already happened, you’re more likely to choke Marinette with soap than otherwise.”
He wasn’t that far off. Lila would have likely drowned the baby animal.
Lila stormed out of school. As luck would have it, she crossed the Pacifier’s path.
A sprinkle of glitter.
Where once stood a teenage girl now stood a crow fledgling. Shame how nobody was around to witness this. Lila the crow lay helpless on the ground, until the Pacifier plucked her up and dumped her into a pram stuffed with other baby animals. It was a tight squeeze, and suffocating since the baby crow was smaller than the other animals.
It took some time for Mr Bug to defeat the Pacifier, though it helped that Pacifier was distracted by the sight of a baby bunny rolling around in flour.
When the Miraculous Mr Bug was cast, Marinette found herself safe at home. Lila found herself on the street sucking on a worm.
Lila spat it out. “Ew!”
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When Marinette returned to class, her friends still coddled her and pampered her, much to her bemusement. Lila just glowered from the back. She never wanted to see another baby animal ever again.
Caline: alright class, settle down! Welcome back Marinette. Since we had such fun taking care of Marinette, I thought of a fun project for home economics.
Ms Bustier moved aside to reveal hamsters in their own cages.
You have got to be kidding me! Lila thought furiously. Her assigned hamster likes to bite too.
To rub salt in the wound, Marinette and Adrien were the proud new parents of Fu the hamster.
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blush-and-books · 4 years
College AU, Fluff, Meeting, Screenplay
after spending 20 minutes panicking about the fact that you sent me a request. i watched some modern family. and then buckled up to write a little college au for you. yes they are at usc lmao. julie is in the john wells screenwriting program and luke doesn’t specify in this but in my head he’s a business major. enjoy and thank you so much for making me briefly lose my mind
Julie didn’t realize that she had stayed past her reserved time. 
Not a single part of her had been keeping track -- she was much too enthralled in finishing her draft of the pilot episode of her television drama. It was a portion of one of the many portfolio pieces that she would accumulate over her time here, and she was determined to make it a strong “first episode;” seeing as how not only was the Pitch Fair coming up, but her professor also recently found an in with David E. Kelley and was teasing an opportunity at an internship. 
She was putting an inhumane amount of pressure on herself to write this, and make it beautiful. Unfortunately, it was hard for her to focus when she had two other roommates with raging social lives and coffee shops were only distracting towards her creative flow. 
That was how she found herself -- running off of three coffees and three Bangs (and a seventh concoction that was part-coffee, part-Bang, that she never wants to think about again), four hours of sleep, and pure adrenaline -- staying way past her time in the private studying room in the library. 
An insistent knock on her door is what tipped her off. 
“Hello?” There was an exasperated, deep voice on the other side of the door. “You almost done in there? Your time’s up!”
The flow of her creative juices was suddenly interrupted, and when she looked, panicked, at her computer clock, her terror was confirmed. “Shit.”
The first thing she does is rush to unlock the door, and open it up to let the other party in. She doesn’t even stop to look at them before whirling around back to her computer and bag to pack up her garbage and other belongings; wanting to rush out of there as soon as possible. 
“I am so sorry,” she gushes, still unaware of who was actually in the room with her. “I just had this big script to write and I am seriously out of it because I have been consuming dangerous amounts of caffeine on no sleep, so I am so sorry if you lose study time because of me-”
Zipping up her bag and slinging it clumsily over her shoulder, Julie allows herself to meet the eyes of the stranger whose education she has just hindered -- and is met with the sight of warm green. 
The stranger (the extraordinarily attractive stranger who is wearing a sleeveless shirt that shows off unfairly toned biceps), is smiling down at her with what she could only describe as concerned amusement. He doesn’t even have any kind of backpack with him, she notices; just a leather-bound journal in one hand, and a jean-chain being jingled in his other hand. 
“Actually,” he chuckles a little. God, Julie would kill to not look like the walking dead right now. The universe has decided to be so, completely unfair to her in every way. This guy is probably terrified of her. “It sounds like you need this place more than I do. You stay.”
But he doesn’t make any actual move to leave -- he just lingers on her, on her face. 
Probably on the dark circles shading under her eyes, and the oil that’s probably dotting her nose and chin. He probably thinks she’s disgusting -- but he’s doing a hell of a job hiding it. If she were an idiot, she would think he was looking at her in awe. 
The two of them just stand on each side of the desk, eyeing each other in an inexplicable way. 
(It feels magnetic. But Julie thinks she’s also just tired.)
“No, really, take the room. I am so sorry I stayed into your time.”
The hot stranger (God, why?) bites his lip with a smile, and shakes his head. “No, I mean- It’s probably more beneficial if you stay. I wasn’t going to study.”
“... Then what was your plan?”
He wiggles his hand from side to side, gesturing to the journal grasped between his fingers. Julie tries to focus her eyes on the book instead of his arms, but wow, his arms. 
“Some writing of my own. I’m in a band, and I write all of our songs.”
Wow. Another writer. And he’s in a band -- and Julie looks like a fool. 
What did she do in her past life that deserved this?
“Oh, that’s really cool,” she tries to tell him, and she really means it, but she’s also kind of miserable in her current situation so it comes out a little less than enthusiastic. 
Hot Stranger takes notice. “Wow, yeah, you sound super interested.”
Julie literally buries her head in her hands, and rubs them over her face a couple times for good measure. Maybe this is a dream, and she’ll wake up with the sweet memory of caring green eyes and floppy brown hair on a guy that is too perfect for her to exist in real life. 
“I’m sorry. I’m just a little frustrated at my current situation.”
“Understandably so. Lots of caffeine, no sleep, and high expectations for yourself can do that to a person.”
“And add a cute writer guy on top of that, while I feel like shit, is a recipe for disaster.”
Yes, she just said that out loud. 
Does she even care at this point? Not really. She’ll wake up from her caffeine crash tomorrow morning and probably manage to convince herself that it was all a dream.
But right now, unfortunately, she is still in reality. “You think I’m cute?”
Writer Guy bounces on the balls of his feet, like a physical response to the compliment. She can’t help but find it endearing -- if also a little bit like a little kid who just got told that he was going to get ice cream. Her heart kicks in her chest, because she should seriously just leave before anything else dumb comes out of her mouth. 
But he’s so cute, and he’s grinning at her as if they’ve been friends for years. And the thought of leaving is unsavory. 
“That sounds like my cue to leave,” Julie responds instead, tightly gripping the strap of her bag. “Thank you for the sympathy, it was nice to meet you, and good luck with your band thing. Maybe I’ll see you around.”
He doesn’t have to tell her twice. In fact, it’s probably pathetic how quickly she comes to a stop and spins around to meet his eyes once again. 
“Really, you should stay. This room is big enough for the both of us. And if you’re writing a script, that means you’re in John Wells, and that’s-” He scratches the back of his neck. “That’s big. It’s really cool. If you don’t mind me scribbling in my songbook, then I would really like it if you would stay.”
Julie is so floored by his request, and the way he looks surprisingly nervous while making it, that she completely forgets to actually respond. He continues to fill the silent space with anxious talking.
“I- I’m Luke, by the way.” His hand is suddenly in front of her, and he is only about two feet away from her instead of eight feet, and he almost takes her breath away up close. 
She has enough brain cells in her to take it. Do the calluses on his hand almost make her audibly gasp? Yes. But the important thing is that she doesn’t. 
“I’m Julie,” she finds herself saying to him -- Luke -- with a small smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Luke doesn’t drop her hand. She doesn’t pull it away. “It’s nice to meet you too, Julie.”
God, Julie must be about to fall asleep standing up at any moment, because she obscenely feels like she has never heard her name sound so beautiful. It carries new meaning coming out of a literal stranger’s mouth, and it’s just like that that she realizes she should probably take her hand out of his so that it doesn’t get clammy and he isn’t immediately disgusted. 
“So… You wanna stay? We can write together?”
She’s going to need another coffee for this, but yes -- she really, really wants to stay.
And so she does. 
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cablesscutie · 3 years
Oh could you do 3 or 17 for the zutara fluff prompt please?☺️
I love both of these- thank you! I'm going to save #17 for a little later, so here's #3: “You’re everything I could’ve wanted and more.”
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3
Zuko flips down the visor in his car to fuss with his hair one last time. Mai and Ty Lee had insisted that he pull part of it up to keep him from hiding behind his hair like he was wont to do when he got nervous. In this particular situation, Zuko found that it made him extra nervous to know that he didn’t have that security blanket, scar on full display. This was why he didn’t do blind dates. This poor girl was already suffering through the awkwardness of an ex’s wedding, and now she was going to have to do it while pretending to be vaguely attracted to him.
Her text the previous night had included a reminder of the time and address, as well as an apologetic note that, hey I’m sorry to heap more awkward on this, but apparently this ex is friends with another of my ex’s and it ended Badly...and I might’ve implied that you were a little more significant to me than a blind date? Really I’m so so sorry and I can tell them you have food poisoning or something if this is too awkward, but really all you have to do is not mention that we’re strangers. Sorry!! He’d had absolutely zero clue how to appropriately respond to that message. His first impulse had been to think that of course he didn’t want to pretend to be her boyfriend in front of not one, but two of her ex’s. But Mai probably wouldn’t see this as too much for the favor he owed her. Then his brain had flitted unwillingly to the Instagram account Ty Lee had showed him, and before he could stop himself, his fingers were tapping out That’s fine - see you then.
“Okay,” Zuko sighs, gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles go white. He closes his eyes and pulls in a deep breath, holds it, and on the exhale unclenches his hands and forces himself out of the car. The temple rises up before him in a series of spires and exterior staircases, terraced gardens overflowing with practical plants rising up around all of it. He follows the trickle of people who seem like they know where they’re going, glancing about idly for a familiar face.
She finds him first, which he probably should’ve expected given that his face stands out pretty clearly. She’s also more petite than he’d expected. If she weren’t wearing heels, the top of her head would probably tuck easily under his chin. Zuko shakes his head quickly to erase the thought before it can take hold properly, which unfortunately comes at the same instant that she asks, “Zuko?” and leaves her blinking at him in utter confusion. “Oh. I, uh.”
“I mean yes!” he rushes to correct, reaching out to grab her elbow as she starts to turn away. “Zuko. Me. I mean.” Fuck, he’s such a moron. He clears his throat and holds out his hand to shake. “Hi, Zuko here.” There’s a familiar and terrible heat in his cheeks and spilling down his neck, and he wishes to Agni not for the first time that he could be anyone but Zuko right now.
Katara laughs at him, as she should, but it is a kind laughter, all dimpled cheeks and sparkling eyes. The pictures hadn’t done her justice. “Hi Zuko,” she says, taking his hand and shaking it. “Katara here.” He can’t help but return her smile, goofy as it probably comes across. “Thank you again so much for coming to this shitshow,” she tells him as she drops his hand. “We should probably head inside - it’s starting soon.”
Zuko offers her his arm to be escorted up the stairs of the temple. It’s an old-fashioned gesture that has always gotten mixed reception, but Uncle has drilled manners into him so relentlessly that he always falls back on them reflexively when in a panic. Luckily, she slips her hand into the crook of his elbow with a smile, and his shoulders settle as he guides them both. Along the way, she catches him focusing on the planters, and asks, “do you like gardening?”
“My mother did,” he says reflexively, and he turns to her in time to catch the very moment she registers the past tense. He wants to kick himself for setting up pity or prying questions, but she just gives his arm a slight squeeze and says,
“So did mine. The flowers blooming every summer was her favorite part of the year.”
Usually, he is precious with his memories, but hearing the echo of his own grief in her wistful tone makes him actually want to share his mother with her. “She came from a family of traditional healers, and wanted to keep up the knowledge, so she grew all kinds of herbs and wildflowers that were used in old cures.”
She hums, and they walk along in silence for another moment before she says, “Did she teach you anything?”
“She started to.” It’s bittersweet, his mother’s unfinished legacy. “I have her books though, so maybe someday I’ll finish studying them.” Katara smiles at him, part sympathy, part understanding. Zuko’s heart pounds. When her eyes meet his, he almost wants to hide because it feels like she can see too much.
“Did you learn any cures for nerves?” Katara asks, the sardonic dip of her voice a gift to lighten the mood. Zuko smiles back, starting to laugh off the heavy conversation, but a flash of something catches his attention.
Katara’s eyes go wide as he lets go of her to crouch down and carefully pick a purple blossom. He does it just the way his mother had shown him, finding the right joint in the stem to make sure it will grow back, and with a gentle bend and twist, it breaks between his fingers. The fragrance follows him as he rises and offers the sprig of lavender to Katara. In trying to indicate that she should smell it, he almost shoves it up her nose when she leans towards it, but she giggles and wrinkles her nose adorably. Her fingers fold around his as she slips the stem out of his grasp.
“Thank you.
“Mom used to put a little vase of lavender in me and my sister’s rooms to help us sleep,” Zuko explained.
“I feel better already.” She sniffs the flower again as she slips her arm through his again to properly enter the ceremony space, her eyes fluttering closed for a fraction of a second that steals his breath away. This is actually going well, he thinks in utter astonishment. I keep tripping over my tongue like a moron, but for some reason she seems to like it. A voice in the back of his head that sounds uncomfortably like his teenage self sneers, Wow, she must be really desperate not to look single. Must be some impressive ex’s. Zuko’s heart stutters and slows back to normal. Right. This is a favor. He needs to focus.
Not least because his distraction causes him to walk right into the man who appears in front of Katara. “Sorry,” he says reflexively, stumbling back. Katara’s grip on his arm has tightened, keeping him from dragging both of them off balance. Despite her small stature, she is rooted firmly, anchoring them both. He realizes why as soon as the guy pretends to dust off his sport coat (which is not particularly neat to begin with) and purrs, “So Kat, this is the new guy?” as though Zuko isn’t even there. So this is the other ex.
“Zuko,” he and Katara say at the same time, in the same steely tone.
The ex looks briefly startled, but recovers enough to shake Zuko’s hand. “The name’s Jet.”
Zuko has never met Jet before, and yet he knows from the curl of his smile that he has made out with several Jets at various parties in college. “Pleasure to meet you.”
Jet squeezes Zuko’s hand a little harder, just to the edge of macho discomfort. “Pleasure’s all mine.”
Katara scoffs - almost inaudibly, but it’s there - and Zuko can’t help but look to her and say, “It would be, wouldn’t it?” It’s the kind of snarky remark he and Mai used to share under their breath at their parents’ insufferable dinner parties back in high school. The two women are nothing alike, but there is something similar to the ease he feels with his best friend as he stands beside her. She bites her lip, and her eyes glitter with silent laughter, and Zuko feels a much gentler heat kindling under his skin. Jet manages to look confused and dismissive in one twitch of his ridiculous eyebrows, but returns his attention to Katara undeterred. His eyes linger as they trace obviously over the v of her dress’s neckline and admittedly tempting curves draped in navy satin before he flashes her a pair of puppy dog eyes and asks, “Save me a dance?” When she doesn’t immediately respond, he tilts his head and entreats, “For old times’ sake?”
Zuko is irritated to once again be entirely ignored, and the possessive part of him wants to snap at Jet that all of Katara’s dances are already reserved for him. Hard-earned self control wins out though, and Zuko manages to remind himself that despite his attraction and the ruse he is meant to be perpetuating, he is not actually Katara’s boyfriend. There is no real reason for him to be upset if she chooses to dance with Jet. There are several reasons for the flutter in his chest when her expressive face hardens to stone.
There is no excuse or cutting joke, just one word, a complete sentence: “No.” She gives him nothing to play off of, no buttons to push or entreaties to make, and he backs down quickly.
“Oh. Uh. Okay, I guess I’ll just...see you at the reception?”
“Yeah, you’ll see us there,” Zuko cuts in, mouth stumbling ahead without him. He puts too much significance on the word us, but seems to bother Jet, and Katara leans into his side, so he figures it’s okay. Jet lifts his chin in a parting nod to him. Zuko just meets his eyes evenly as the other man turns away to find his seat. Shaking his head as he watches the guy go, Zuko says, “Pft. If your friend invited that guy, I think you need better friends,” because he has no filter. And then he remembers yet again that he doesn’t know Katara, much less her friends, and he is overstepping all over this situation. His free hand comes up to smack himself in the face. “Shit. Sorry I’m probably screwing this up so bad; I’m the worst blind date in history.”
A small, warm hand closes around his wrist and tugs his hand away. Katara shifts to stand in front of him, blocking the rest of the wedding full of strangers from his view as his attention narrows only to the bounce of her hair and the crescent of her smile.
“You’re everything I could’ve wanted and more.”
Here's the prompt list!
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honey-dewey · 4 years
Target Practice
Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels/Reader
Word Count: 2,085
Warnings: Mentions of injury (The reader has a bad knee), drinking, and it gets spicy near the end. 
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell
After noticing he’s falling out of touch with the ladies, Ginger sets Jack up with a bit of target practice. He thinks it’s stupid, right up until he sees his target. You very much didn’t want to be here, right up until you figured out who was going to be attempting to woo you. 
“Just give it a try!” Ginger insisted. “It’ll do you good to have some practice, I promise.” 
Jack scoffed. “I don’t need practice to bed someone,” he said. “I can use my Tennessee charm.” 
Ginger crossed her arms. “Your charm won’t last forever!” She said strongly. “Your latest mission lasted half an hour longer than it should have because you couldn’t seduce one woman! And you almost didn’t succeed at all!” 
“And?” Jack countered. “That was a screw up. I’m not everyone’s type. I don’t need target practice or whatever you’re insisting on.” 
Ginger raised an eyebrow. “Do you want me to take this all the way to Champ, because I will.” 
Jack sighed, leaning over his desk. “Fine. Fuck it, fine. Do whatever.” 
Half an hour later, Ginger was calling Jack down to the saloon. You stood by her side, absently waiting. 
“I doubt he’ll show up,” you said once she’d hung up. “Worked with him once, and once may have been enough.” 
Ginger snorted. “That sounds like Jack,” she said. “You know what you have to do?” 
You nodded, heading over to the bar. Leaning over, you ordered a drink, just a small one, so you wouldn’t be too drunk for this, despite how tempting it was. Your last mission with Whiskey had ended up with you in the hospital with a bullet through your knee, and you hadn’t exactly been keen on working with him again after that. So he’d been dropped as your mission partner, and you two hadn’t talked since. You didn’t hate him, you just had unresolved and highly complicated feelings about him. Mostly the very well-buried crush that persisted even after you two had stopped talking, but you could hide that, right?
Meanwhile, at the saloon’s entrance, Jack was talking to Ginger. 
“And I just go in there and flirt?” 
Ginger nodded. “Try to bed them. For this mission, we need a tracker. You don’t actually have to fuck, but get them into bed and willing.” 
Jack looked towards the doors. “And just who is my lovely victim?” 
Ginger pushed open the saloon doors. “Your old partner, Agent Bourbon.” 
You smiled and took a sip of your drink, ignoring Jack, as per Ginger’s instructions. 
“You have your mission,” you heard her say softly. “Go.” 
Jack walked up to the bar, sliding into the barstool next to you. “Hey there pretty thing,” he said, looking at you. “What’s your name?” 
You turned. “Bourbon.” 
Jack’s damned smirk bloomed on his face. “Name yourself after your favorite drink?” 
You decided to play hard to get, but not impossible, smiling back at him and swirling around your drink. “Yes, actually. And let me guess, you’re a whiskey kind of man?” 
“How’d you possibly know?” Jack said, ordering a whiskey for himself. 
“Oh I don’t know,” you said sweetly. “Maybe the arrogance? The boldness? Whatever you call it. You’re cocky.” 
“And you’re feisty,” Jack countered. “Let me buy you a drink, and you can see just how cocky I can get.” 
You stood. “No thanks cowboy. See you around.” 
Jack immediately followed you, grabbing your arm. He wasn’t too firm, and you absolutely could’ve slipped out if you wanted to. “C’mon Bourbon. No drink, okay? You just seem like the kind of person I shouldn’t let go of.” 
You sighed, staring into his wide puppy eyes. “One drink,” you offered. “It’s on you.” 
Jack lit up, tugging you to a table where you could sit facing him. You smiled, the small grin coming out involuntarily at his eagerness. 
“So,” Jack said once you two were sat back down. “Who are you? Under that hat and that attitude, what’s the real Bourbon like?” 
You laughed slightly. “I am many things,” you said, tangling your feet with his. “I think you said I was feisty?”
“Oh definitely,” Jack drawled. “But I believe I saw a limp in your step. Surely an injury of that caliber has a very unique story.” 
“Oh? An injury of that caliber? Very fancy.” You swung your injured leg around, feeling the deep ache in your knee. “It’s a story. Not a kind one.” 
Jack smiled. “Well. A story, even a bad one, shows character.” 
“Hm.” You pretended to consider. “Well, years ago, I had this work partner. Kind of a dick, but he was nice, and we got along. However, he got distracted and I got shot on a work mission. Bullet shattered my kneecap, but my work was able to patch me up well enough. Now, I’ve got a limp.” 
Jack was quiet. “Wow. Your partner sounds like a jerk.” 
“Not really,” you hummed, swirling your glass around and watching the last few sips of bourbon sparkle in the light. “He’s just a bit distracted, that’s all.” 
You and Jack talked for a while, you genuinely enjoying the time you spent together. The mission slipped your mind entirely, until Ginger stepped in of course. 
“Are we focusing?” She asked, standing by your table. 
Jack rolled his eyes. “Yes,” he said, knocking back the last of his drink. “Entirely focused. Bourbon’s just playing really hard to get.” 
You laughed. “Whiskey’s completely forgotten this entire exercise,” you admitted. “But so have I.” 
“Okay,” Ginger said slowly, looking at her clipboard. “Good enough. You’re both dismissed from this.” 
“Thanks,” you said, not bothering to move. “Jack? Wanna stay? Finish our drinks?” 
Jack smiled. “Of course Darlin’.” 
You and Jack continued to drink, light banter flowing as easily as the drinks. You were comfortable, injured leg propped up on Jack’s thigh. He didn’t mind, actually encouraging it when you grumbled that the damn thing was bothering you. 
“I truly am sorry about it,” he said at some point, absently rubbing away the worst of the pain in your leg. “Shouldn’t’ve ever happened.” 
“Builds character,” you pointed out. “How many times have you been fatally injured?” 
You nodded. “Must be why you’re such a character. Horrible injuries are good for forming a personality.” 
Jack chuckled. “C’mon Bourbon, let’s go somewhere more comfortable.” 
You and him ended up in his office, sprawled on his couch. You refused another drink, and giggled when Jack made himself a Shirley Temple. 
“There’s no alcohol in that,” you pointed out. “Make me one?” 
Jack snorted, fixing you a drink and putting multiple cherries in the bottom. “No, but it’s damn good.” He handed you your drink, and you smiled. 
The night passed in a blur of cherries and laughter, and before you knew it, you were standing up to leave. 
“I’m sure we’ll see each other tomorrow,” Jack said, walking you to the parking lot. 
You nodded. “I’m sure we will.” 
The next day, Ginger called you and Jack down to the bar again, as you expected. This time, you actually had to try, according to her, to resist Jack’s advances. Deciding that wouldn’t be too hard as long as you kept your composure, you sat at the bar and waited. 
Jack came up to you with a cheesy pick up line and that beautiful, irresistible grin again. This time, you simply scooted away from him. 
“Aw, c’mon doll, don’t play like that,” he drawled. “I promise I don’t bite.” 
“No, but I do.” You turned in your seat, glaring Jack down. “So you best be leaving now, Cowboy. Find someone who actually likes that stupid charade you’ve got going on before I hurt you.” 
Jack whistled as you stood and left the bar, joining two other agents, Mojito and Margarita. Both knew the job and the character you were playing, and Mojito gave you a sympathy pat on the back. 
“Look, he’s a dick!” Margarita said, gesturing with her drink. “Tryin’ to pick you up like that. It’s uncultured and downright rude. Least a man can do is have some manners when he tries to take you to bed.” 
“How big do you think he is?” Mojito asked eagerly, clearly committing to the part of your slightly drunk best friend. 
Margarita snorted. “With an attitude like that? Damn honey, he’s probably tiny! Compensation is real.” 
“Okay!” You said, waving your hands. Act or not, Jack was a dear friend, and talking about his dick made you uncomfortable. “How about one more drink and then we can go?” 
Both agreed, and you ordered another round of drinks for the table. Jack was still at the bar, occasionally looking over. 
“Manners be damned,” Mojito said after a minute. “He’s cute.” 
“‘Jito!” You said. “He’s almost forty five!” 
“Doesn’t mean he can’t be cute,” Mojito pointed out, taking a sip of her drink. 
Margarita laughed, then perked up as ‘Take me Home, Country Roads’ started to play. “Oh my goodness! It’s our song!” 
“No,” you corrected, seeing Margarita make to stand. “It’s your song.” 
Truthfully, the song was a staple at Statesman. You knew every word, and damn if it didn’t make you want to get up and dance. 
“You said one drink!” Margarita pointed out. “Well I want one dance, then yes, we can go home.” 
You sighed. “Fine. Gives me a chance to stretch my fucking knee anyway.” 
Standing and following Mojito and Margarita to the dance floor, you swayed to the music. Other agents, mostly on their breaks, filtered around you, singing and dancing. Margarita was almost immediately swept away by her boyfriend, Amaretto, waving to you as she disappeared. Mojito stayed and held your hands, swaying with you. She laughed when you stumbled over your own two feet, cursing violently. “Very mature!” 
“Oh hush!” You said back, a grin filling your features. “Like you’re any better.” 
Mojito giggled her agreement, talking above the music that she has to use the bathroom before you go. She left you alone on the dance floor, still swaying. You lost yourself in the music, allowing it to wash over you. You got so absorbed that you didn’t realize your knee was giving out until it buckled, sending you toppling to the floor. 
At least, that’s what should’ve happened. Instead, a strong set of arms caught you, holding you above the ground. Looking up, you saw a familiar black cowboy hat haloed by light. “My savior,” you said, gripping Jack’s shirt in an effort to right yourself. “Do you do this often?” 
“Often?” Jack asked, helping you upright. “No, I wouldn’t say I save the prettiest thing at the bar from falling flat on their ass often.” 
You snorted, checking yourself over for wet spots caused by your drink. “Mhm. My knight in shining armor.” 
Jack smirked. “Song’s not over,” he said. “Dance with me?” 
Sighing, you reluctantly agreed. “Only because you saved me.” 
His confident smirk fell away into a genuinely happy grin. “Perfect.” He took your hands, swaying side to side. You copied him, your false exterior falling away as you danced. 
“How do you think we’re doing?” He asked, leaning closer so you could hear him over the music. 
“Ginger definitely won’t be mad this time,” you decided, hearing the music finish out. “Okay cowboy,” you said, putting the act back on. “One dance, that was the agreement.” 
Jack pouted, his slightly goofy smile remaining. “But darlin’, we were having so much fun.” 
You spotted Mojito across the bar, nodding and giving you a thumbs up. “And just what do you suggest we do, Cowboy?” 
“Call me Jack, please,” Jack said. “And I am suggesting that we take our little two man dance party to a more private locale. What do you say?” 
Giggling at his words, you nodded. “Fine. But only because you asked so nicely.”
Jack led you upstairs, where the bar did, in fact, have bedrooms. He opened one and locked the door behind him, grabbing your hips and leading you to the bed. “You sure you’re up for this?” 
“Kiss me,” you growled into his lips, the act lost. You gripped his shirt, pulling him flush to your body. “Dammit Jack, it’s been years. Just kiss me.” 
He did much more than kiss you, his touch white hot against your skin. He left a very noticeable mark on the side of your neck, along with more private ones in other areas. When he was finally done wrecking you, he lay back against the sheets, pulling you close. “Bourbon? How’s your knee?” 
“Shh,” you mumbled, eyes closed. “Knee’s fine. Think Ginger’ll be pleased?” 
Jack grinned, kissing your forehead. “If she ain’t, I am more than happy to do it again.” 
You laughed slightly, turning over in Jack’s arms so you were more comfortable. “Me too.”
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dreamylyfe-x · 4 years
Reactions: 11x06: Do Not Go Gently... (etc)
You know, I was going to do one of these for 11x05 and then I got so mad about the “Pollack” thing that I just couldn’t. 
Shameless is such a challenging show in so many ways... because there is a lot of cringe a lot of the time and I am a delicate flower about those things. But... I do love it and so much of its strengths at this point are the performers and just the length of time we have been with these characters. And sometimes you really see that, and sometimes you frustratingly don’t, but this episode was much more the former than the latter. 
I’m going talk about Carl right off the jump when I thought I was going to avoid talking about it at all because... not a topic I enjoy. If you don’t enjoy, I will keep it all in this bullet so it’s really skipable. I will see where I eventually land on it, because I am wary -- lots of bad consent on this show over the year and very little longterm exploration and all. But. I have seen a lot of sexual assault storylines over the years. I can’t readily remember if I’ve ever seen someone on a TV show have that moment where they feels weird, tell someone why, and get someone emphatically tell them that they’re right to feel weird, because they’ve been violated. That is something that is so common in life. I have unfortunately had more than one conversation with someone that took exactly that trajectory. There is so often this period of shock and uncertainty and people will then use that against people to demonstrate how they couldn’t POSSIBLY have been hurt. If they were going to tell a story about a sexual assault, I’m glad they did this -- something that they set up like “this is grey!” and then have Debbie say “It’s not grey. It’s a crime.” Weird to them basically SMASHCUT to a totally new topic but I will swing back around to that. 
I like Debbie best with Sandy so this was a rough one for me with her. 
Frank: WTF, why do I care about Frank’s story? They’ve set this up all season so it’s not a surprise, but... I dunno. Frank is awful. But he’s also an addict. And the thing I will always have empathy for on the topic of addiction is the way it can steal your life. What’s happening to Frank is scary and a direct result of an addiction which we have pretty much never seen him try to get out from under in any meaningful way. He has lost his life to it -- his potential, his relationships, his children -- and now he’s losing his mind. Just. Fuck. 
Speaking of: Lip. WTF are you doing? I feel like, by the end of the episode, they’d made it clear that Lip is acting out. That he’s angry and frustrated and it’s making him do stupid and destructive things that aren’t actually going to add up to ANYTHING good for him. Which... Kinda classic of Lip. But those moments where Mickey is looking at him and is the voice of reason ... I mean, I love that. But Lip. That’s not a great look for you. 
Once again, V’s story just sorta weird? Like active shooter drills being a replacement for gym class... Um.  Wait. What is this story about, exactly? Gun violence or school funding? Or both? What are we doing? 
Liam: Stop going to Carl with your problems. Christian: I love what you’re doing. Because boy do I feel Liam’s terror. And I’ll come back to that, too. 
Gallavich! It was a Gallavich story where the focus was on MICKEY. Just... Wow. I literally didn’t think that was going to be a thing this year. We love to see it. 
Mickey helping Lip rob Born Free... There are a lot of blanks in all of that, but he seemed quite integral to the operation, Ian clearly knew it was going down and Mickey seems to have primarily seen it as a way to do a thing for family. I love the Lip and Mickey relationship -- I love the history of it. I love that they’ve known each other since grade school and are completely different kinds of alphas. Lip has always had being the smartest in his back pocket, but Mickey often leaves him speechless by just being the most fearless. I love how there’s always been a bit of begrudging respect (and on Lip’s side, maybe a bit of sympathy) there and I love that the show let us have a moment where Mickey is going out to help Lip do crime and then coming back to the house with donuts for everybody. Just. Beyond my wildest dreams for season 11. 
Speaking of “beyond my wildest dreams” -- that there would be some decent level of complexity with Mickey and Terry. I think a lot of that complexity was left up to Noel to convey -- but that’s a choice they’re making and I think it’s the right one. I loved Ian observing that this was the most Mickey ever talked about Terry, because that seems true. It’s a little nod, too, to when Ian desperately WANTED Mickey to talk about Terry and the fact that Ian has, for years, accepted that Mickey won’t. It’s in character for Mickey not to want to SAY a lot about his dad, and it’s also just a true fact that the writers can give Noel a non-verbal moment (or five) and get us as the audience what we need to understand about where Mickey is at. And that’s history, too. Because we have watched Noel let the audience see Mickey’s heart through nothing but his facial expression for 10 of 11 seasons. 
One of those Milkoviches looks a lot like Jody, so that was weird. 
So one of my less popular Shameless opinions is that it makes sense that Mickey is involved with Terry in season 10. For many reasons I won’t get into here, but one of them is just that... people who have been abused by their parents do tend to have some kind of relationship with those parents. Most of that is just the fact that Terry -- while being absolutely horrific -- is still Mickey’s father. And Mickey clearly struggles to completely shrug that off. He struggles with it in seasons 3 and 4, and he struggles with it now. He understands that he has every right. But. Mickey isn’t Terry. And that’s going to make it harder for Mickey to completely shut that door. Since Mickey actually DOES have empathy. 
Ok -- everyone has and will say what I’m about to say, which is just: The scene on the couch was amazing. Being take care of is such a loaded issue for Ian. It was loaded enough that it broke them up in season 10. Ian might talk about being paralyzed, but he’s saying that knowing that he will have to rely on Mickey to take care of him sometimes. He knows Mickey knows that and he knows Mickey signed up for it. But it’s hard for him. I think Ian knows the answer to the question -- has to -- but he asks it to ground Mickey in the idea that they both have each other. Mickey isn’t going to end up like Terry. He isn’t going to be alone in his chair with every single member of his family satisfied to leave him on the curb in a hospital gown. 
To take a step back, this is also why I love the prior scene on the sidewalk, because that is a lot of how Ian takes care of Mickey. I reblogged Gallavictorious’s post yesterday that talked about an accusation that the fandom promotes the idea Mickey is supposed to solve Ian’s problems. This is the show helping her rebuttal, because my gut response to that idea was “where is Mickey now if Ian hadn’t shown up and loved him the way he did?” -- and that moment on the sidewalk is an example of how that still impacts Mickey. That’s what Mickey sticks around for. To have someone standing right in front of him when he wants to do something that will blow his life up just saying “Don’t.” Like how powerful is it for Mickey to have someone care like that? Mickey doesn’t want to talk. That’s not how he wants to receive love from Ian. But I think it’s incredibly valuable and important that Mickey has someone telling him he doesn’t need to give up his life to punish his father. That Terry isn’t worth it and that Mickey’s life IS. 
Back on the couch scene tip: How exhausted must Mickey BE at this point? He’s up all night helping Lip, then he’s driving with Ian all day. Just what a long 24 hours for this guy. 
I love that Ian doesn’t chase Mickey when he gets up. That he follows, but he doesn’t seem alarmed. He seems to understand they are past the gun-to-the-forehead part of this experience. 
I also love that Ian helps him. I’ve seen several people note that this is Ian observing Mickey’s boundaries and it is. But it’s also Ian pointing out that Mickey isn’t in this alone. 
It WAS big of Mickey, Ian. I fully agree. Far beyond the call. 
I think Ian’s been wanting to tell Mickey he’s better than that all day. But this was the moment where Mickey was most going to be able to hear it. 💕
Selling the house: Well, we are really getting to the “last season of Shameless” stuff. I get where Lip is coming from, when he looks at his options. I get Debbie’s reaction. I also understand, given Ian’s day, while he is IMMEDIATELY all in. I only have one question: WHAT ABOUT LIAM???? I’m already mad at all of you for not giving that kid a hug. 
But. I mean, overall? Literally wanted to see that much Terry/Mickey stuff for years. I never thought it would get here, so I’m happy. 
But oh my God. We’re halfway done. 😳
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appassaddle · 4 years
Apples and Trees
This is just self indulgent fluff (a rare thing to find in my drafts lol) with no bearing on any established canon. Jinora just deserves nice things I think.
Jinora opens her eyes to find herself sitting on a high mountainside. It’s peaceful to sit and watch the clouds drift by.
After a time-a few seconds, a few hours, it’s funny in the spirit world- she becomes aware of another presence sitting next to her. The spirit feels familiar somehow and she looks over to find another airbender sitting next to her in the same tranquil position. Her mind is fuzzy and slow- she must be asleep in the material world.
“And here I thought I’d met every other airbender in the spirit world.”
She jumps when the other airbender speaks without looking at her or moving. He cracks his eyes open and turns to look at her with a smile. The shape of the spirit clarifies as she looks- a boy around her age, maybe a little younger. The folds of his robe show he’s from the Southern Air Temple. She wonders for a moment if he was one of the kids who died at the beginning of the war. If he was young and from the south, he might have known her grandfather, but it seems rude to ask a spirit that kind of thing.
“But I haven’t met you before.” He says cheerfully.
“I’m not, uh, dead. Yet.” Jinora winces. “I’m Jinora!”
“Oh, um, Kuzon.”
She tilts her head.
“That’s a funny name for an airbender.”
“Oh, haha, is it?” He rubs the back of his head awkwardly.
Jinora shrugs. Maybe back in his time they’d had a closer relationship with the Fire Nation.
“You seem young to be a master.” She says, narrowing her eyes at him.
“So do you.” Kuzon points out. “You’re only like fourteen.”
“I’m nearly seventeen, thank you, and I got my tattoos when I was eleven.”
Kuzon looks impressed.
“Wow, I was twelve when I got mine. How did you earn yours?”
“I was the Avatar’s spirit guide and kind of helped her save the world a couple of times.” Jinora says, trying not to sound too proud.
Kuzon lets out a low whistle.
“Nice. Being friends with the Avatar must be hard.”
“Not really, Korra’s really nice.” Jinora stretches out her legs and leans back against the mountain. “She’s actually been stressing out lately.” She laughs.
“About what? Saving the world again?”
“Haha, no, even though she’s acting like it some days. She’s getting married and she’s been going in circles about whether she should ask Gran-gran to be part of the ceremony or not.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize you were related to her.”
“We’re- uh, it’s complicated.” Jinora sighs. Kuzon laughs.
“I get that. I found out once that I was a reincarnation of my best friend’s great-grandfather!”
Jinora nods, pulling her knees in to rest her chin on them.
“Yeah. Plus on top of everything else, it’s hard to get peace and quiet when nearly everyone you know or are related to is famous. That’s part of why I like the spirit world so much. Spirits don’t care who I am, just if I’m respectful.”
Kuzon sighs, leaning back next to her.
“I can understand that.”
Jinora eyes him a bit skeptically.
“Weren’t you a monk?”
“Like you said, I enjoy the spirit world for the peace and quiet.” He smiles wanly at her.
They sit and watch the clouds pass for a while. It’s nice to sit with someone else who enjoys the stillness as much as she does. But her mind, slow in sleep as it is, still races ahead.
“Can I ask you some questions? I’m so curious about traditional Air Nomad culture.”
“Sure. I’ll try my best to answer.”
“Okay, so-“
Jinora peppers him with questions and he has most of the answers. It’s mundane details that she craves, the small things that make the scrolls and books, even her grandfather’s journals she’s read come to life.
“Oh,” She leans back finally having run out of initial questions. “This will be so great to be able to share with the other Air Nomads.”
Kuzon gives her a funny look.
“I thought there was only a couple of airbenders left.”
Jinora smiles widely.
“No, there’s a whole lot of us now! After the last harmonic convergence, a whole lot of nonbenders woke up with airbending! My aunt thinks that they must be related to some of the original Air Nomads. My brother and sister and I all helped our dad and Avatar Korra find them so we could teach them how to be airbenders properly. And most of them even stayed to work to become masters like me and my dad.”
The young airbender next to her looks like he got hit over the head with a glider staff.
“Your dad is an airbending master too?”
“Yeah. I’m the second airbending master in the world and the third in over a hundred and fifty years. My family and I are reestablishing the Air Nation.” She says proudly. Then she deflates a little. “Drat. I didn’t want to bring up my family. It gives away who I am.”
“Does it?” Kuzon still sounds weird. Jinora sighs.
“Yeah. Everyone knows us because Grandpa Aang was the Avatar.”
Kuzon whips around so fast Jinora almost wants to rub her own neck in sympathy.
“You’re Tenzin’s daughter?” He breathes.
“Yes.” She frowns. “How do you know my dad’s name?”
Kuzon looks like an antelope-deer in headlights.
Before he can answer, Jinora is distracted by a flying spirit barreling towards them. It doesn’t look pleased with their precarious perch on the mountainside. Before she can react, Kuzon leaps to his feet and plants them in a firm stance on the ground, flinging out a hand to send the spirit spiraling away in a tight blast of air. Jinora claps a hand over her mouth and stares at him. He stays in the stance for a moment longer, watching to see if the spirit comes back, then taking a seat with a relieved sigh when it seems clear.
“I knew you seemed familiar.” She breathes and his head snaps up to look at her. “Grangran said that I reminded her of you.”
The other airbender rubs his head awkwardly, then sighs and in a small puff of spirit-smoke changes form. Her grandfather sits next to her, the same sheepish look on his now-adult face.
“It wasn’t an intentional trick.”
Jinora flings herself forward to hug him. Aang returns her hug tightly.
“Hello.” He says gently. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
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ressyfaerie · 3 years
Last suggestion! (I've only saw the dub & not read the manga so pls forgive if I'm wrong with this and they all know) Random headcanon that somehow Kai is the last to know about Tyson's mom passing. Idk but I feel like Kai makes a tasteless comment and the team are like dude we know this? And he's just generally ??? what? He misunderstands and thinks it's recent and speaks to Tyson but he tells him it's been years and years and he's at peace with it. Bonus if awkward hug/attempt at one from Kai 😂 (I also headcanon he's never had a hug so has no idea how to)
AWWW this sounds so cute im doin it. Oh alcohol mentions! It wrote itself but its v cute im proud of this one for sure!!!
Just teenagers being teenagers.
A night in the dojo without adult supervision and nothing to do meant stealing alcohol from the liquor cabinet and singing karaoke.
Ray and Max’s harmonies shattered eardrums.
Tyson laughed, “how can they be high and low pitched at the same time?”
Acting silly and opening up was what tonight was all about.
Even Kai got talkative after a few drinks, you could even say he was acting—
“Irresponsible! Kai get down from there!” Tyson held his sides laughing so hard he thought his lungs would collapse.
Kai hung off the edge of the couch, lounging like a rich prince.
Max hopped up beside him, “what are you doing buddy?”
“I’m a cat.”
The room fell into an uproar of laughs and giggles. Kai fell to the cushions laughing as well.
Tyson took every opportunity to jab questions into Kai.
“Favourite animal?”
“Favourite food?”
“That ramen you made for us that one time.”
“Favourite dance?”
“Never done it, but I’m a fan of swing.”
“Favourite childhood toy?”
Now he got hung up on that one.
They both laid on the floor, everyone slowly joined. Music from karaoke turned on low escaped the TV surrounding the room in a comforting atmosphere.
“I never really had one.”
“Everyone had one!”
“My parents gave me a stuffed tiger.” Ray grinned while holding a pillow close to his chest, “I lost it though. Man, I loved that thing.”
Max started to talk, then stopped giggling, “I had a piece of silk.”
They laughed, Tyson was the first to respond, “a piece of silk?”
“I called it silky. I was from one of my mom’s old skirts. I would sleep with it every night when she was gone.” He chuckled, “I actually still have it.”
“Where is it?” Ray asked.
“At my dads. I keep it on my nightstand.”
Hilary was sleeping on the couch with her head on Kenny’s lap, Kenny joined the conversation with a hushed voice. “Was it hard? Having a mom that was only half there all the time?”
“Yeah. I always told myself… At least I have a mom. There’s lots of people who aren’t as lucky as me.”
“Yeah…” Kenny trailed off, knowing he had two parents that loved him, and he probably wasn’t welcome in the conversation about to ensue.
“Your Dad’s nice though.” Ray pointed out.
“I love my Dad. My Mom can be a handful…”
“Other way around for me.” Tyson had his arms folded behind his head, “at least you don’t have any crazy siblings.”
“Dude, fuck Hiro.” Kai hiccuped.
“Guess we learned Kai has a low alcohol tolerance.” Max threw a pillow at Kai to catch him off guard.
He caught it in midair.
“Ooohhhh!!” Tyson cooed in awe.
Kai grumbled,” I’m fine. I just hate that guy.”
“Well I never knew my parents thanks for asking.” Ray changed the subject delicately, Kai had a habit of getting aggressive when he talked about Hiro, he didn’t want the conversation to turn sour.
“Why not?” Tyson asked with a drunken lack of compassion.
Ray shrugged, “ it takes a village to raise a child, I guess that’s what happened.”
“Makes sense.” Tyson sat up lazily, “wanna know what my favourite toy was?”
“Hell yeah!” Max somehow had another pillow and was throwing it in the air and catching it over and over again.
“Other than Dragoon, it was this old kendo sword my mom gave me. It was an heirloom. I still have it, but I played with it so much I wore it out, I’m afraid to use it again.”
Surprisingly, it was Kai who responded.
“Wow, your Mom must have put a lot of trust in her kid to give them something like that. She must have loved you a lot.”
The room grew quiet and cold.
Kai turned to look at Tyson, who was just staring back with a blank expression.
“I’m going to go get some water.” Tyson sat up making his way to the kitchen.
As soon as they heard the door slide shut, Max shoved a fist into Kai’s chest.
“Ow! What the hell was that for?!”
“Idiot! Tyson’s Mom died when he was just born! He never even met her! He never talks about it because it's a bit of a touchy subject!”
Max frowned and glared at Kai.
“Sorry.” Kai started, “I never really clued in. I thought she died when he was older.”
Ray slapped a hand to his forehead, “dude, we know this.”
Kai sighed, “I’ll go apologize.”
“Yeah you better!” Max threw the pillow at him, this time Kai let it hit him, accepting his punishment weakly.
The kitchen was dimly lit, Tyson was making something at the counter.
“You want some tea Kai?”
“What kind?”
“Just green tea. Nothing special.”
Kai watched him pour the water, unsure how to start, he could still feel the effects of alcohol bouncing around his brain. He waited a moment, hoping to articulate his thoughts appropriately.
“I’m sorry—”
“It’s okay, Kai. It’s been a long time, almost two decades, I mean—you’d think I’d be over it?”
Kai saw his eyes, slightly damp with tears.
“This is a tough subject for you. I’m sorry.”
Tyson rubbed his eyes with his sleeve, letting out a sniffle.
“I’ve always been okay with it. I guess… I’ve never known anything different. I do wish my father and brother were more present though.”
Tyson stared out the window into the darkness of night. He couldn’t see anything, but he still looked, for a long while.
Kai licked his lips before continuing, “I never knew my parents well either. They abandoned me, I have some memories of them, but not much.”
Tyson gave him his attention, and tried to change the subject, “so you would have had a favourite toy then?”
Kai suppressed a laugh, knowing what he was trying to do,” like I said, my memories of that time are fuzzy. I actually remember more of the abbey—surprisingly enough.”
“Oh.” Now Tyson was worried he had overstepped.
“Do you remember what your Mom looked like?” Kai wasn’t sure why he was pressing the subject, he normally wouldn’t.
Tyson blinked a few times, surprised by Kai’s sudden curiosity. “Um, apparently I have her hair, and her eyes. Her face was soft too, so I guess I got all my Mom’s features.”
Tyson rubbed the back of his head grinning.
Kai agreed, “thank god.”
Tyson let out a fast laugh, “ha! Did you just call my Dad ugly?”
Kai squinted his eyes, “I guess I did?”
They fell into probably the hundredth laugh attack of that night, Tyson placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder stabilizing himself.
Their laughs drifted away, Kai glanced at Tyson’s hand, then at his best friend.
“I’m sorry you never knew your mother.”
Tyson was caught off guard at Kai’s soft voice.
“I’m sorry you never really knew yours…” Tyson returned the sympathy.
Kai grinned, and bit his lip, “I’m sorry your Dad’s so ugly.”
The uncontrollable giggles had Tyson holding his side, and Kai hunched over. They were so close to each other now. Tyson’s hand had drifted to Kai’s neck, he could feel his warm skin and heartbeat. Kai had gone completely against his character, and was holding Tyson’s stomach trying to prevent him from keeling over.
Then Tyson fell forward, letting his chin prop on Kai’s shoulder.
Kai was halfway to hugging him.
When he realized this, he stopped giggling, and Tyson’s irregular breathing was the only remnant of laughter left in the room.
Kai’s voice barely reached Tyson’s ear, “I’ve never hugged anyone before.”
“First.” Tyson wrapped his arms around Kai’s shoulders.
Kai held his arms out loosely, “what are you, a youtube comment?”
Short laughs, Kai felt Tyson’s chest rumble with each chuckle, he let his hands fall into Tyson’s body.
He had his arms wrapped around Tyson’ abdomen, then curled them along his back, completely unsure if what he was doing was right.
Tyson’s voice reverberated through Kai’s ears, “I can hear your heartbeat.”
“What does it sound like?”
They didn’t say anything.
Kai felt Tyson’s long hair against his cheek, he had never felt such soft hair, let alone so close… He breathed in.
“You smell like cedarwood and cherry blossom.”
“It’s my shampoo.”
Neither one of them had the confidence to break apart, or maybe... they didn’t want to.
Kai found his hand gliding up Tyson's spine, he felt Tyson shiver slightly at the touch. He gently played with the ends of Tyson’s blue hair, feeling it twirl through his fingers like silk.
“Are you… are you playing with my hair?” Tyson’s voice rang in disbelief.
Kai’s eyes grew wide when he noticed what he was doing. He pushed himself away, keeping one hand on Tyson’s side, he didn’t want to let go completely, out of fear he could never go back.
Tyson was in a mirror position with one hand on his shoulder.
“I won’t tell anyone.” Tyson smirked.
“You better not.”
“You can play with my hair whenever you want.”
“Can I!?” Kai took a step back after he realized how excited his voice was.
“Learn how to tie a braid and then we can talk.” Tyson pushed the envelope with his teasing.
“I’ll google it right now.”
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scrtxai · 4 years
Blackpink members : Roseanne Park x Fem reader
Genre: Angst, Hanahaki Au, Adapted from Anonymous by Kaito (Vocaloid)
Grammar mistakes ahead
                         STORY #1: ANONYMOUS 
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credit to the owner
I'm on my knees, getting the papers that scattered on the floor. It's not just a paper...
I was standing alone in the room, papers everywhere and still waiting for someone.
It was a letter from me to her
My crush...
Roseanne Park
I knew she never notice my existant. I'm just an anonymous. An anonymous fell in love with a blonde tall girl. The popular girl in my school but I'm scared that she will say I'm such a creep if she knows that I'm watching her from a far.
As I trying to get the letter, the wind gushing making the letter fly away and getting myself struggle until my body on the floor with huffed comes out from my mouth, annoyed with wind.
After done I collected all the letters...
My final letters...
I take my coat and scarf, get ready to send all of these letters to her. I walk to the park beside Han river, the leaves started to fall knowing this month will be in autumn season. The wind became a bit cold and I looking around, taking a chance for the last time I saw all of this beautiful environment.
But she is more beautiful than this...
I walk again and I remember how joyful she is here, enjoying the beauty scenery of Han river with her best friend. I decided to put my first letter on the branch then I walk away.
I went to the playground, sitting on the playground swing alone. This is the place where the first time I saw her. The first eyesights of hers which make my heart started to fluttered. The playground swing also her favourite place she likes to play. I sigh as I knew she is barely here. I had waiting for her about years but she never notice about me. I get up from the swing and put my second letter at the chain, tying it up and leave the playground.
I was standing alone on the pedestrian bridge. This is the place where Rosé loves enjoying the beautiful scenery of the house and the vehicles passing by below her. The pedestrian bridge were above the road and she loves to watching it without knowing the reasons why.
I coughing badly as the disease taking over me once again and yes I forgot to say something... But I don't want to tell it. I ignore something in my hand and make it fly away. I make the paper plane and the wind hitting my pale face, the cold makes my muscle face numb and a bit pain. My hair waving and I think it's a good time to let my third letter fly in the sky and hopefully she will notice it.
"Right now..."
I was standing at the house. Which it's her house. I knew it's creepy when I standing here but I just want to send final letter to her. I feel my breath hitched and short. My heartbeat fastened feeling something piercing. My eyes started blurring but I must to endure the pain. I put my final letter into her mailbox and walk away leaving alone. I know she's not home yet because she hangout with her friends and her boyfriend, Chanyeol.
Well... I feel my time is near...
I look into the sky with tears on my cheeks. My love actually were unrequited and I hate the fact this disease of mine cannot be cured.
I let it taking over me and I'm gladly to be gone...
Who am I to force her to love me?
Did you forgot?
I'm just an anonymous to her?
She will never know my name at all
No... She will never know my name...
"Hey, I found something!" Thai girl saw a letter on the branch. The blonde look and she take the letter from her best friend. Rosé open the letter and read it.
"It's been running through my mind
I wanna say it one more time
But when I try to speak the words just fly away from me"
- An Anonymous
"Wow, this person must have a hard time" Lisa said to her. Rosé felt something unpleasant but sometimes it's make the blonde determined. "It must have something behind this letter" Rosé said. Lisa shrugged off as she lazy to thunk about it.
They went to the playground and wanted to play swing, Rosé saw a paper tied on the chain. She take it and she look it was another letter.
"So I'm taking the chance to write it down
And send it out into this lonely town
And hope that you'll see it somehow"
- An Anonymous
"Another letter? What the heck?" Lisa look at the letter and obviously it from the unknown person. Rosé take the first letter and she read both of it, trying to solve those mysterious letter.
They walk along the street on their way to going home after buying the foods for dinner, Rosé saw a paper plane flying through her and fell on the floor. She taking it and open it.
Again... Another letter from an anonymous.
"I know that I could never hide
The little things I felt inside
And like the days grew long it just kept growing stronger
So if one day it finally reaches you
And you can feel what I was feeling too
Remember what I said to you"
- An Anonymous
Another letter makes Rosé felt so determined. What is the meaning behind this letter? A lot of questions pop out inside her mind like fireworks.
"Can you just throw that letter and let's go home in happily?" Lisa irritated with Rosé as the blonde busy with the letters. Lisa sigh as blonde become addicted to the unknown letters.
As they come home The Ambulance passing by then stopped about three house gap away from theirs. The employees rushing and they went inside the house. Rosé felt something went wrong. She ever knew that house. It was a lonely girl in her school. She don't know her name at all but she felt something strange about that lonely girl. She walk towards that house and she saw that lonely girl on the stretch, taking away by the employees in rushing. The mother crying a lot as the ambulance started driving away.
"That girl must be sick" Lisa said standing beside Rosé. Rosé just sigh and she asking Lisa to come inside her house now because it's getting dark outside.
The time went fast and the news spread like wildfire. What the news about?
Well the lonely girl, Kwon Y/N, died because of disease.
They felt sympathy with the mother. Y/N was the best student in the high school and she's the one and only child. The hope of the school and now there is no more best student. No one could beat Y/N's geniuses but the fate are cruel as Y/N were no longer to lived.
Rosé says sorry to the mother. The mother just sadly smiles and she told Rosé that she accept her child's gone.
As Rosé reach her home, she open her mailbox and saw an unknown letter. Her eyebrow raising in determination. She take that letter and going inside her house.
The night comes, Rosé take out the envelope and she read the letter. As she read the letter, her hand covered her mouth and her eyes started glossy.
"Dear Rosé,
I know it's a bit stupid letter I ever made knowing myself that you will never read it at all.
I wanted to say that I like you. I fell in love with you at the first sights. I saw your beautiful smile happily playing together with your friend at the play ground make my heart fluttered. At first, I try question myself if I have feelings on you. I tried to deny but it failed.
The more you appeared, the more my feelings on you grower. Every single day, I waited for you at the play ground but it seems you barely there, I saw you at the park near Han River. You loves to enjoy the freshness of air at the park.
I thought I can get to know you at the park so I try waiting for you at the park and unfortunately, you were never seen at all.
It does not mean I will giving up. I remember the time you always standing alone at the pedestrian bridge above the road. You always been there every evening, watching the vehicles passing by. I don't know why you did that but who am I to judge people?
Then I thought you will be there to the next day but yeah it's still the same thing.
You were never seen over and over again.
I always put the chocolates and sweet letter inside your locker. I feel happy as your smiles created on your face as you read that letter I gave to you. I think it maybe my chance to make you notice me so I did it everyday.
But the things turned...
The day where you and the popular basketball player guy started dating. You thought all this day, it was him who gave those chocolates and sweet letters. But you don't know...
He just did that only once...
My heart broken into pieces knowing you were straight. I huffed in lose but my feelings on you still strong.
And it hurts me.
The day by day, disease started to taking over me. It comes out of nowhere and it's funny that when I coughing, it have flower petals? I laughed myself that I cough the beautiful flower petals.
It's rose petals.
And it so painful
The thorn, the roots and the flower started growing leaving me coughing. I can't deny it. This is because my feelings on you still inside my heart. This disease appeared as my love for you unrequited.
I can't blame you because you don't know me at all.
I'm just an anonymous to you.
Every single day the flowers blooming, making me cried in pain but I didn't mind at all. I deserves to have this rather than get humiliate by people.
I rather die in bloom than die in human's harsh words.
Yes I'm gay for you and I secret it. Only myself know about my sexuality. I better kept it because people are cruel in other way.
For the last words I write this letter to you, I wanted to say that I love you more than anything. I hope you be happy with him and always be.
If you find this message that I left behind. You'll know that time has pulled me away from you and though I know who you are and I am far away, I love you all the same.
Even though you will never know my name..
If you find this world is leaving you behind and feel like time is pulling away from you, Just believe in who you are and know that far away...
I love you all the same.
- Y/N (An Anonymous)
She finally realise something, All these days, Rosé always thought that Chanyeol gave sweet letters and chocolates to her everyday but her thought was wrong.
She finally knows that an anonymous who gave the letter to her is from Y/N. All of these things that she had was from Y/N herself. She cried more and mistakes taking over her. She felt guilt the she was the cause of Y/N's death. Rosé look at the night sky and closing her eyes. Her heart started to feel the pain and her breath hitched.
"I finally know your name"
Rosè smiles with eyes closed knowing Y/N looking at her from above smiling at her.
She once again opened her eyes, smiling at the sky.
"I finally know your name, Y/N"
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Secrets | d.m imagine
Hermione and I are on our way to the Great Hall to have breakfast with Ron and Harry. We accidentally overslept this morning because we were up late last night studying for our upcoming DADA test. She tries to hide her yawing, but I can tell by the dark circles under her eyes, that she is as tired as I am.
- You know what I don’t understand? – She looks at me confused – How on Merlin were you sorted into Gryffindor with that attitude of yours? Don’t get me wrong, you know I love you, you’re my best friend, but the amount of sass you have and how determined you can get, you’d be better off at Slytherin, but you still ended up at Gryffindor.
I freeze for a second, memories flashing right before my eyes from a couple of years ago.
*4 years ago*
I’m aimlessly wandering around the caste with my fellow schoolmates around me. A bunch of 11 years old, who are very much eager to start their school year at the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The endless corridors amaze us, and the living pictures scare most of us as they welcome the new students with a few nice words. We’re waiting by a huge old wooden door for Professor McGonogall to let us in so we can be sorted into our Houses. I know a lot about this School. My brother was a student here, along with my parents, their parents and basically my whole family.
- Follow me, please – an elder student comes up to us to lead the way. We’re called to a chair and the Sorting Hat is placed on our heads. For some student he doesn’t have to think much which House he should put them, but for a boy, named Harry Potter, he thinks a lot. It looks like he cannot make a decision, but suddenly he yells out Gryffindor.
- Next is, Miss Y/F/N – as Professor McGonogall calls my name, my knees start to shake, and my palms get sweaty. Without any shown emotion, I sit on the stall, my legs not being long enough to reach the ground. My breathing is getting heavier second by second as the Hat is getting put on me.
Please, not Slytherin. Please, do NOT put me in Slytherin.
- Hmm, what do we have here – the loud voice of the Hat starts and I feel like I’m going to faint soon – Oh, wow… - he hums – Very interesting mind. A huge knowledge, and bravery – for a second I feel a slight relief as he’s listing the Gryffindor characteristics – But I see creativity, with a very strong determination and ability to be a great leader…just like a true Slytherin.
Please, I’m begging. Do NOT put me in the Slytherin House…
- Exciting thoughts you have here, young Y/Fam/N – the Hat chuckles but yells out my house finally – Gryffindor!
- Hey, are you OK? – Hermione asks me. I zoned out after the flashback. All these years, nobody asked be why it was so hard for the Sorting Hat to choose my House. They still think I’m just a rather complicated person with quite a twisted personality.
- Yeah, sure – I smile weakly at her – I’m just tired, hungry and nervous about our DADA test, that’s all – I shrug and fasten my walking to the Great Hall. Never in my years at Hogwarts have I thought that maybe my secrets will be exposed one day. And that day was closer than I imagined.
Two weeks have passed since Hermione’s question, and ever since than I’ve tried everything to avoid that specific topic, but she doesn’t seem to want to. Every chance she has, she would ask about my family and why in Merlin’s love I’m not talking about them or about my life outside of Hogwarts. Last night we even had a fight about it in front of half of the School, when she pushed her questions on me during dinner. I got enough of her obsession with my family tree and rushed out of the Hall. But on my way out, I saw Draco Malfoy looking at me with a knowing smirk and some foreign flame in his eyes. Something, that looked very close to sympathy.
- Hermione, I think you should drop it – I hear Harry trying to convince her – I bet those are just rumours. You know how bad they can be.
I walk up to them but before I can sit down on my usual spot next to Hermione, she jumps up and looks at me fumingly. I immediately know that she knows. Of course she does.
- Could you tell me when you wanted to tell us everything? – Her voice is louder than usual and it attracts the attentions of the students at Great Hall. They loved a great drama during dinner time, so they could talk about something after it at their Common Rooms.
- Hermione – I warn her that neither the place, nor time is right for this conversation. But when I try to ask her to talk about this somewhere more private, she cuts me off.
- Do not Hermione me, Y/N – she screams at me with pain in her eyes – A couple of weeks ago I asked you how you were sorted into Gryffindor, when you clearly have the characteristics of a Slytherin. You zoned out and didn’t give me an answer – she starts her story – Silly me thought, it must be a misunderstanding, or you were just going through this weird faze when you act like a total jackass. I tried to talk with you about this, but you changed the subject every single time – she is playing with her wand like she was some kind of teacher, trying to teach us the lesson – So you gave me no other choice than to do some research…
- Hermione, I think we should – Harry stands beside her, tugging on her robe to pull her away from me. Ron stands up too and looks worried. At least he is worried. People are gathering around us, eager to find out what this whole drama is really about. I spot a platinum blond head in the crowd, Draco’s eyes burning my face as he is trying to read in my mind.
- We should do what, Harry? Hmm? – Hermione pushes off his hand from her shoulder and looks back at me – We should just live with the fact that one of our oh so called best friend is actually supposed to be a Slytherin, being the descendent of one of the most ancient pureblood wizard families? Or you just want to avoid the fact that her father was sentenced to death by a Dementor’s kiss, and her brother is probably die in one of the most guarded cells of Azkaban because they were loyal to Who He Shall Not Be Named and served him? Almost everyone in her family was, or still a Death Eater.
Everyone around us gasps. Silence fills the Great Hall as Hermione yells out the last words. Everyone is surprised, except Malfoy. He looks like he knew about this the whole time, and he probably did. His parents being Death Eaters as well, they might had known my father.
- Your mother changed your name, used her middle name as your last name so it might confuse the Sorting Hat – she takes a step closer to me, her wand still in her hand as she was afraid I might hex her. And in this moment, I really want to do that, but I won’t – That’s why the Hat was confused. That’s why the Professors acted like they had no idea who you were, but they all knew.
- You couldn’t keep your nose out of my business, right? – I scoff and look at her. The girl, who I thought was a friend. Whom I thought would never judge me – Are you happy now? You know this too. Does it make you a better person? Do you think you can use this against me?
- I… - she opens her mouth, but this time I’m the one who cuts her off.
- I hope you are finally satisfied. But for your information, private life is called private for a reason. And if you don’t want to cause any trouble for yourself in the future, I suggest you to stay out of other people’s business. Not everyone is as nice as I am – I say to her with ice cold voice and leave the room in a rush.
I’m literally running all the way up to the Astronomy Tower. My tears blur my vision, and I almost fall a couple of times, but all I want is to be as far from Hermione as I can. My knees give up, and they can no longer hold me on my feet. I collapse to the ground and let myself cry. My father was indeed a Death Eater, but he was a good man. He never meant to hurt anyone, he just made all the wrong choices, along with my brother. They loved their family endlessly, and would have done everything to protect Mom and me. And they did. That’s why they were both locked up at Azkaban for years. Than the Ministry made their decision about Dad, who refused to give names to the judges. So he got a Dementor Kiss. Elvin, my brother, was only sentenced to spend the rest of his life at Azkaban.
I hear footsteps from behind me, but I refuse to turn around. I don’t want to face anyone now, I just want to be alone with my shame, grief and thoughts.
- I don’t care who you are, but I don’t want to speak, nor I want company – my voice is filled with sorrow, and the cold November weather makes me shiver. I just started to feel cold. I must have been too angry to feel anything but the fire burning inside of me which wanted to hex Hermione for being so nosy.
- The Towers tends to be quite cold around this time of the year – I’m shocked by the voice. I thought Hermione ran after me to finish her story about my own damn life, or if it wasn’t her, I thought it was going to be Harry or Ron coming after me, to make sure I’m okay, and to ask me if she was right about all those things she had said in the Great Hall. But for my surprise, it was no other, than the Prince of Slytherin, who had been watching me for the last couple of weeks, and who couldn’t look away from my face during Hermione’s “attack”.
- Here you go – he says softly as he wraps his Slytherin robe on my shoulders. I look up at him, just to see his facial expressions. All I can see is sympathy and kindness on his every cold and emotionless face. His pale skin looks like it’s glowing in the moonlight, and his eyes are sparkling just like the stars on the jet black night sky – I come here often. When I want to be alone and need to think or just let out everything that I’ve been hiding in my mind.
I follow his movements, as he sits down beside me. So close our arms are brushing to each other, a sudden warm feeling going through my whole body. Draco was a jerk. He was full of himself, and lived for terrorizing everyone who wasn’t a Slytherin or a pureblood witch or wizard. Somehow, he never had anything bad to say to me; he never called me Gryffindork, or any other insulting names. But at the same time, he never really talked to me – only when we were paired to work together for essays or at Potions class a couple of times.
- You knew, didn’t you? – I ask him after a rather long silence – That’s why you left me alone, not calling me names and picking on me. You knew who I was, and who my parents were…and that’s why you were around me these couple of days. You knew she was going to figure out, right?
He only answers with a small nod. He doesn’t look at me. I turn my gaze away from his side profile, and stare at the sky. We sit there is silence, the only noise our slow breathing, and the sound of the wind dancing through the columns of the Tower. Out of nowhere, Draco grabs my hand, and holds it in his. His thumb is drawing little circles on my wrist and my quite sobs start to calm down and fade.
- I’m not them – I sigh – I’m not my parents or my brother. I would never be a Death Eater. I wouldn’t be able to kill someone, even if they deserved to die. My father and Elvin never killed anyone. They were only…
- Shhh – Draco pulls me closer and lets me to rest my head on his shoulder – You don’t have to explain anything to me. I know how hard your life must have been. And it still is. To be honest, it’s never gonna change. You can only learn to live with this, keep it as a secret and pretend it won’t affect your future – he plays with my fingers, and I know, this time, he’s not referring to me only, but to himself and his future as well – But the truth, it will. We just have to be strong and smart enough, to bare it.
- I don’t know if I can do this alone – I whisper, a single tear rolling down my cheek, dropping on Draco’s hand. He turns to me, and places his free hand on my cheek. I watch his light pink lip running along his bottom lip, his lips curving into a small, but genuine smile.
- Who said you have to do it alone? – he asks me – I’m pretty good at keeping dirty little secrets.
- I bet you have tones of those – I finally laugh a bit. At the sound of my laughter, his smile grows wider, and a cheeky little fame appears in his almost grey eyes.
- Oh, trust me darling, I do – he laughs as well – One of them being having a crush on you…
From that night, Draco did everything in his power to protect me, and I did the same with him. It took me a while, to be comfortable again inside the walls of Hogwarts. I lost a few friends, but at the same time, I gained a few more. People, who were on my side, no matter what. After summer break, Hermione and I apologised to each other. She finally accepting that fact that she might be way too nosy, and wanted to grow as a person, and learn to stay out of other people’s business for her own good. And I told her everything about my family, friends, childhood, fears and dreams. Of course we had a fight about me dating Draco, but when I explained her, that he would never ever hurt me, she finally accepted him at our and in the Gryffindor’s common room as well. As for Draco, it took me a couple of months to get used to the idea, that that arrogant asshole really had a soft side and he loved to show it to me. We never told the whole school that we were, in fact, a couple. Some people knew, some had no clue. We loved the idea of being each other’s dirty little secret.
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quillingyousoftly · 3 years
life is far away from fair
Written for Day 1 of Rumrollins Week! The prompts are: Deception/”The sooner we forget what happened, the better.” "Deception" is only there if you squint 😛
AO3 link for tags and whatnot.
Jack quickly became one of the patrons Brock had learned to recognize from far away. Tall and wide-shouldered, with sharp cheekbones and deep green eyes, he was rather memorable. He first came to The Hydra on last year's Halloween with a group of friends, and Brock immediately noticed him. After that, he would show up every week, alone, take a seat at the bar, and ask for a scotch.
What Brock didn't immediately notice was his scent: herbal and fresh, delicate and clearly omega. It was rare for an omega to not smell like a flower garden or a bakery, but looking at Jack, who appeared so much like an alpha he passed the selection at the alpha-only club, it fit him. Still, it was annoying whenever another patron smelled him, looked around, and then gave Brock a suspicious look. It sucked to be mistaken for an omega with the actual omega sitting nearby, clueless. It didn't bother Brock enough to kick Jack out, though; his job was tending to the bar, not selection. As long as Jack didn't cause any trouble, Brock had no reason to call security.
Despite Jack showing up consistently for a year and spending a night at the other side of the bar, sipping casually on his blended scotch, Brock didn't get much more than his name, approximate age (early thirties) and line of work (IT). Brock had a handful more patrons he knew better though shorter. People tended to open up to strangers about their problems. Jack was the opposite; most of the time, he'd sit turned away from Brock, people-watching. He'd also look at the stage whenever they had exotic dancers over, and Brock decided perhaps Jack preferred other omegas--which still didn't explain what he was doing, drinking in an alpha-only club. It wasn't like he was going to pick up an omega here.
Brock spent months pretending he wasn't curious about Jack, but even when he finally admitted to himself--and his various friends--he was fascinated by his person, it still wasn't enough to actually ask. At the end of the night, all that mattered was he paid for the drinks he ordered. The loud EBM filling the club didn't make it easy to converse anyway.
Things changed one Friday before Christmas; the club would close early, and Brock expected it to be a quiet night. The DJ wasn't in, a softer music seeped from the speakers, and the lights were on. Brock liked those kinds of nights the most, when he could just relax behind the bar and occasionally pause Netflix and take out one AirPod to pour someone a drink.
Only a handful of people came, and Brock wasn't sure if he should expect Jack, but he saw his tall figure soon after opening. He poured him a scotch before he even reached the bar and sat down, ready to go back to watching Prison Break when he heard, "The cheapest bourbon you have."
Brock paused, looked at Jack, his unusually unruly hair, reddened and circled eyes and five o-clock shadow, then at the glass he'd already poured him.
"If it's simply about money, we can pretend this is the cheapest bourbon I have. Just this once," he said, sliding the glass closer to him.
Jack nodded in an awkward thanks and sat down.
"Money's tight before the holiday, huh?" Brock asked, taking advantage of the music being quiet for once. "Want me to open your tab as usual?"
"Yeah, but I have only like, fifty bucks." Jack opened his wallet and gave him the bill. "Here. Pour me all the bourbon you have for fifty bucks."
Brock raised his eyebrows at that; Jack used to leave much more in his cash-box on a night. He tried to convince himself it was more amusing than concerning.
"Wow, you must be a generous Santa," he joked.
Jack snorted mirthlessly. "Quite the opposite; I was fired."
Brock winced in sympathy. "Damn. I'm sorry to hear that."
Jack leaned back with his drink, shrugging. "It happens all the time to omegas in the typically alpha lines of work. I thought it would be a good idea to call someone out on their inappropriate behavior, then was blamed for it and dismissed on disciplinary grounds." He scowled, downed his scotch in one go, then set it down on the bar, hard. "Another."
Brock looked around to see if anyone heard Jack's admission to being an omega, but the only people nearby were the group playing poker at a round table next to the bar. They had already caught on who Jack was and didn't have a problem with it.
Brock took a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 and refilled his glass. "You were blamed for someone's inappropriate behavior?" he asked, leaning in so less people heard.
Jack scoffed. "An alpha's inappropriate behavior is always an omega's fault. Don't act like I need to explain it to you."
Brock shrugged. "Sorry if my question was insensitive. I don't really hang out with omegas."
"Yeah." Jack looked around meaningfully. "Could guess as much. No omega to come home to either?"
"Nah," Brock replied and with that their uneasy conversation came to its natural end. Jack turned away to watch the other patrons play poker and Brock went back to watching Prison Break, occasionally pausing to make someone a drink or to refill Jack's glass.
They didn't talk again until two hours before closing when Jack's fifty bucks ran out.
"That was the last one," Brock said, taking Jack's empty glass away.
"Fuck." Jack dug out his wallet, his hands sloppier from the booze in his system, and looked inside. He pulled out another fifty. "Make me another."
Brock eyed the bill and Jack's now empty wallet. "Is that all you have left?"
Jack shrugged and shoved the bill farther in Brock's direction.
"What will you eat tomorrow?" Brock pressed, leaning away.
Jack scoffed. "Fuck tomorrow. Pour me another bourbon."
There were glances thrown at them from the poker table, and Brock finally took the bill. In the end, his job wasn't to worry about his patrons’ personal lives, his job was to pour them drinks and collect the pay. He set the bill down behind the bar, took a clean glass, and filled it with ice. Pleased, Jack leaned back in his stool and greedily cradled the full glass once Brock slid it to him.
They haven't talked again until the closing. The poker club left first, and that was Brock's cue to poke Jack's arm. He was leaning on the bar, his bleary eyes fixed on the empty poker table, the hand that wasn't supporting his tired, drunk face cradling his empty tumbler glass close to his chest.
"I'm closing."
Jack hummed in acknowledgement but didn't move.
"Want me to call you a cab?" Brock asked just before realizing Jack couldn't afford a cab because he'd just drunk all his money. He sighed to himself. "Fuck it. I'll give you a lift."
It wasn't something he'd ever done before for any of his drunk patrons. But then, neither had ever drunk all of their money, and Brock felt partially responsible.
And neither had been an omega.
Brock tried not to think about it, but he wasn't so much in denial not to acknowledge it played a part in making that decision. Jack stirred at his words, and gave him a prejudiced look like he was very much aware of it as well. Or maybe Brock just imagined it.
"Oh, yeah?" he asked. "What a Good Samaritan you are."
"You're welcome to take a walk," Brock shot back, shrugging. "But do so right now. As I said, I'm closing."
Jack stretched his long body and covered a yawn with a back of his hand. His shirt rode up his stomach, uncovering a stripe of tanned skin, and Brock turned away from the sight to lock the cash-box. He would just be giving him a lift. He'd known the guy for a year and he wanted to make sure he'd get home safe. That was all there was.
"Fine," Jack said finally, sliding from his stool and putting his leather jacket on. "I live on 542 Freedom Lane."
Brock nodded, grabbing his jacket as well and turning off the music and the lights. He could come in the next day to wash the tables and sweep the floor; he didn't have any Christmas plans anyway.
A couple minutes into the quiet drive, it became apparent ignoring the fact Jack was an omega would be hard. Locked in a small space, sitting so close to him, Brock could smell him better. His scent still was light and unoppressive, but now Brock could discern sweeter undertones, perhaps of peppermint, and something invigoratingly fruity--grapes? It was all he could focus on, and it took all his willpower not to lean in and scent him. He shifted in his seat, gritting his teeth, and kept his eyes fixed solely on the road. He could feel his body freaking out with hormones, could almost smell the change in his own scent. It seemed it'd always happen to him, no matter if he was seventeen or forty-seven.
Despite that, the drive passed fast, and soon enough Brock was parking at 542 Freedom Lane. He looked out through the window to check out the tall apartment building.
"You okay getting home by yourself?" he asked, feeling his heart beating like crazy. His skin was warm and clammy like he was drunk himself.
Jack raised his head from where he was leaning it against the window to look at him with glassy eyes. "Ya can help me if you wanna."
"Okay," Brock murmured more to himself than to Jack, and licked his dry lips. He was just going to walk him to his door, make sure he was safe. He wiped his hands on his jeans and got out.
The air felt cool on his skin as he trailed behind Jack to the apartment block. Jack punched in the code with a trained hand and let them both in. He led them to the closest door, and Brock suddenly felt stupid when he realized Jack didn't need his assisstance at all. He wanted to say goodnight and leave, but instead he watched Jack pull out a key and struggle to fit it in the hole.
And struggle.
"Let me?" Brock asked finally, and Jack gratefully handed him the key.
Brock unlocked the door and pushed it open. "Here you are," he said as Jack brushed past him inside. "Make sure to lock behind you--"
He reached out with the keys, but instead of just taking them, Jack grabbed his wrist, pulled him inside the apartment and pressed his mouth firmly to Brock's.
Brock's mind went blank for a while, barely registering Jack pushing the door close behind them and pressing Brock against it with the length of his hard, muscular body. The sour scent of his arousal overwhelmed him, the feel of his warm, bourbon tongue prodding at his lips made him arch up for more. Jack's big hands ran down his chest, mapping out the hard muscles beneath his black shirt, and paused at his belt.
Brock wished he could just throw all the caution to the wind and go with it with his conscience clear. But the taste and smell of alcohol on Jack prevented him from it. He grabbed his wrists and pushed him away.
"Jack, I can't. You're drunk," he barely whispered, breathless.
Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, got it. Yer a real nice guy." He leaned in, reaching for his lips again. Brock stopped him with a hand on his chest.
"Jack, I'm serious. I don't know what asshole alphas you've been running into so far, but I ain’t like that. Let's... Let's meet after Christmas and talk, m'kay? Then we can... figure stuff out," he finished lamely. Jack watched him, looking lost. Brock squeezed his hand reassuringly and let go. "Go to bed. Goodnight."
He slipped out the door before Jack managed to stop him. He almost ran out of the building, taking deep gulps of cool air and willing his semi-erection to go away.
The next week, Brock nervously awaited Jack's arrival, and he couldn't tell if he was more disappointed or relieved when he didn't show. He wasn't sure what he really wanted from Jack, and apparently, Jack wasn't either.
Two weeks later, he wasn't the only one who noticed Jack's absence.
"I haven't seen Jack around lately," Sharon pointed out, nodding at the stool that would normally be taken by Jack, but was occupied by someone else. Brock only hummed in acknowledgement as he prepared her drink. "Doesn't it worry you?"
"I'm sure it's nothing serious," Brock murmured, pouring a mixture of vodka, blue curacao and grape juice into a chilled martini glass. The smell reminded him a bit of Jack's scent.
Sharon took her drink, but she didn't get back to her poker table yet. "He's been here every Friday since I can remember," she said, raising her eyebrow slightly.
Brock shrugged. "Here's to hoping he developed a healthier lifestyle."
Sharon rolled her eyes. "Ouch. Anyway, I'd check on him if I were you."
She walked away with her drink, and Brock shook his head to himself. He didn't know Sharon any better than he did any other patron, and here she could somehow tell he liked Jack. He must have been more obvious than he thought.
Her advice wasn't a bad one, though; even if Jack was purposefully avoiding him, it'd be healthier for Brock to just clear that up instead of worrying every Friday. He could handle the truth, however bad it was, but being ghosted? That absolutely sucked.
He drove to Jack's home next afternoon before his shift. He didn't remember his room number, but he got lucky; an elderly lady was just walking out, and kept the door open for him.
"Thanks," Brock breathed over his shoulder, striding for Jack's door. He knocked loudly, wondering nervously what he wanted to say and coming up empty.
The door cracked open and a moss green eye looked at him.
"Fuck, Brock." Jack turned his head inside, presumably to check for something, and chills ran down Brock's arms and chest as he saw an angry red bite mark on the back of his neck. He was almost sure it wasn't there when they... When they last saw each other.
Jack slipped through the door and closed it behind himself. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his words colored by slight panic.
Brock took a step back. "'M sorry... Just wanted to check up on you, after--"
"The sooner we forget what happened, the better,” Jack snapped, laying his hand back on the doorknob.
Wanting to stop him from leaving and unable to help himself, Brock nodded at the back of Jack's neck that was now out of his sight. "I didn't know you had someone."
"I didn't," Jack said bitterly. "I do now. I'm not allowed to go to alpha-only clubs anymore. You should go."
Deep in his bones, Brock could feel there was something very wrong there, that Jack was unhappy. But it wasn't his place to snoop. He wasn't Jack's lover, not even his friend. He was a bartender; his job was to pour drinks and collect the pay.
"Okay," he said soothingly, wanting Jack to lose his guarded stance. He didn't. "I'll go. You know where to find me if..." He shrugged, not knowing how to finish that sentence. He eyed Jack up and down, looked into his eyes that last time. Jack averted his gaze, then opened the door and slipped back inside.
With his shoulders slumped, Brock turned on his heel and left.
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