#maybe this will finally get me to watch hermitcraft
enpr-ss · 1 year
Had no idea who Ethoslab was and watched a compilation video of YouTubers fanboying over him which was just. Like okay these hermits think he’s the greatest minecrafter ever, sure. Tubbo Fundy and Hbomb?! watching his videos “religiously” since 2011? Huh that’s pretty impressive… JAMES CHARLES BEGGING FOR UPDATES IN THE COMMENTS?! MR BEAST WATCHING NARUTO BECAUSE OF HIM?!?!
Who is this Ethoslab anyway?!
Link to the video: https://youtu.be/HhzDA4uddsM
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
as my frankly slightly embarrassing level of hyperfixation on survivor continues, I find myself trying to combine my two current interests in new and exciting ways. having fun imagining what the various hermitcraft guys would be like in survivor. some thoughts:
doc would ABSOLUTELY be one of the “villains” of the early season, strong and good at survival but terrible social gameplay. he would think he has fantastic strategic gameplay and his attempts to strong-arm camp to do what he wants are for the benefit of his tribe. his TRIBE would decide after about three days that they want him dead. not the first boot because he’s too good at challenges to go first but the first moment he fucks up at all he’s Gone. does not make it to the merge. is confused and frustrated by this the entire time.
scar, by contrast, is one of those players you watch and whisper to yourself “he can’t keep getting away with this”. he’s in like three mutually-exclusive alliances, but he’s so likable and charismatic you can kind of forget that his whole thing is lying to everyone all the time. every tribal council he’s in SOMEONE proposes him as the weak link in challenges and every time he’s managed to convince the tribe there’s some other, better boot. there’s probably at least one player (maybe grian) who knows he’s lying to everyone, is harboring a grudge, and has no idea why everyone keeps on going along with this man’s schemes. definitely makes it to the merge but from there it’s a toss-up if he makes it to FTC or if his dalliances come back to bite him. if he makes it to FTC though he has higher odds of losing in jury to everyone who he betrayed than he does managing to pull off a win, especially if his FTC is with people who can put challenge wins or loyalty in their speeches to the jury.
cleo strikes me as a player who ends up with an early alliance that she is doggedly loyal to until the end. probably fun to watch because her confessionals are sarcastic and she’s unafraid to insult her fellow contestants, but her loyalty to her day one crew makes her storyline come across as heroic. probably one of the better challenge players and would help carry her tribe, though she probably wouldn’t “lead” it. I can see her being the final surviving member of her alliance either in her tribe or post-merge, but I can’t see her wheeling and dealing into a new alliance if hers doesn’t end up as the majority alliance; instead, she does everything she can to save her allies, and then she goes out. a season she’d win is one where she’s in the majority alliance, seen as a lesser threat when she gets to the merge by the other players, and manages to go to FTC having made no one mad and with at least a few good plays under her belt. otherwise I see her as a late boot, but going out with her allies.
grian would make people MAD, but not in a “get rid of him immediately” way like doc. a bit of an agent of chaos, but if anything would set off grian’s bossy project manager instincts, survivor would. ends up kind of the “leader” of his tribe, both for good—he’s hard to boot early—and for ill—he pisses people off and he’s a very visible threat. I think he’d be good at finding idols and is good enough at keeping himself around. his survival I think depends on the willingness of other alliances to believe him when he flips his vote to save his skin and how good he is at keeping immunity; i think there’s not a world where he can manage his threat level well enough not to be targeted, but I think there’s a one where he manages to keep himself around despite that. if he makes it to FTC he either wins by being able to honestly say he had the best game or loses because the jury’s bitter against him, no in-between.
iskall would be one of the capital-c Characters of a season I think, whether he goes early or late. he’s friendly, decent at challenges, and, most importantly to the producers, just weird as hell enough to make good tv. probably gets more screen time than his gameplay deserves because he’s pegged as a potential fan-favorite. another player who makes a few close early alliances and sticks to them, but less doggedly loyal than cleo and more likely to seriously consider flipping. he DOESN’T, but he thinks about it. I don’t see him as a post-merge player honestly, I don’t think his strategic play is great, but I do see him as someone who gets to come back for another season to try again.
joe is already a capital-c Character. I think he’d be someone who is way too stressed out by survivor gameplay to play well, attaches himself to an alliance and then is Terrified for the rest of the game of messing up. however he’s ALSO fun as a guy and probably just Says Shit during tribal councils. that saying shit either gets him further than his gameplay would deserve or gets him booted SUPER early. he does not regret getting booted early; he wouldn’t quit but he would decide that it’s better for his heart to not be on the island. I think he’d be a surprise sleeper at challenges; not so much physically strong as someone who is VERY good at all the mental ones.
and these are just the ones I have thought of off the top of my head if anyone else has opinions. please share. this is fun.
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mcytblrconfessions · 3 months
Hi, little hater here from earlier. At no point when writing that out did I think it was misogynistic, but like. Yeah it might have been a little bit. Idk if I would care enough to yap about it if it had been just another guy being added. Maybe I am holding her to higher expectations then I would for a male creator.
I was hoping for other female creators to get in, and maybe since she was the final person announced in the 6 we expected I'm salty cause she 'took' the hypothetical slot that other creators I was hoping for for lifesteal. And that's stupid, and looking back I know that that's stupid. And that's not on Kab, that's on Lifesteal for adding 6 guys and 1 girl, and that's on me for bitching about it in a public place.
I've been watching her for a while now, and I really do want her to succeed. I think some of my hesitancy for her in Lifesteal is the sort of lack of commitment to real storybeats that we saw in the final stretch of s5, and Kab deserves to be in better stories. She's at the top of the artform of mcrp, and so far Lifesteal has not been. I want Lifesteal to do better, and maybe Kab can bring some of that to the server, but like unless they can reach that level idk if its the right place for her. I just don't want to see her on a server that refused to meet the energy level she brings to things.
Idk man. I'm not that pressed about it, just between seasons is the time to yap cause theres no streams to watch to focus on instead, by july 7th I'll be hyped to see her there. I'm sorry about that prior ask. I will be paying Kaboodle the unfair hater tax in the form of a gifted twitch sub tonight.
first off, thank you for the apology.
i dont have any real bias for lifesteal or kaboodle. i started watching lifesteal this week and im not familiar with kaboodle at all. and the reason ive stayed away from pvp focused mcrp is because it's so heavily male dominated especially lifesteal, ive been making jokes that there's a secret no girls allowed rule since ive heard abt it.
this fandom has a long history of not treating women well and when a woman is a fan-favorite she's really only allowed to be 1 of 3 things, a fighter, a girl-boss, or ur soggy poor wet little meow meow. its just not fair to creators to be essentialized and treated as support for their male peers. made to fit into men's stories instead of getting recognized and respected for their own. and smps themselves have horrible ratios, my favorite is hermitcraft but 5(4?) out of 27 is less then 20 percent! that's terrible! there's so many wonderful women ccs out there yet so little space is made for them. 2(3? idk squiddo's gender) out of 31 is the ratio for lifesteal 6. i dont need to point out how bad that is.
so to get an ask with "I just don't think that the vibes are going to be right with her there" put me really on edge. it's putting the fault on her, and it's ignoring that there was a group of lifestealers who already agreed that she was a good fit because she's on the smp! she's on the team! the difference between "the vibes arent going to be right with her there" and "they can't reach her level" is huge. but you know lifesteal better then me. if you say they cant match her energy i believe you! but if it's true, her and lifesteal dont work out because she did put her all in and they didnt that is still completely different from the thesis of your original ask
ive turned off the reblogs of the other post but i hope moving forward we can be more critical and careful with how we treat our women creators. there's already so little space for them in creator spaces let's not push them out of community spaces too.
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mochiwrites · 3 months
Any thoughts to share about the secret husbands reunion? It's giving me such brain worms, they're so soft!
ofc!!! :D
so after they reunite on mumbo’s redstone world and catch up, grian stays there for a few days with scar Constantly visiting. and honestly I think it’s an opportunity for mumbo and scar to become better friends as well! the three of them spend a lot of time in each others company after all. but mumbo does try to give scar and grian some space (I think mumbo is one of the first to notice they’ve got feelings for each other)
he also gets a front row seat to scar becoming his normal self again. the man can’t stop smiling, and he’s like a bouncy ball with how much he’s just moving around and cheerful (mumbo catches grian looking at him with a terribly fond smile Very often)
grian probably stays with mumbo for hmmm two weeks? maybe a bit longer? after crashing into his world? it gives them a lot of time to get to know each other (they get along extremely well — just like scar thought they would) and while grian doesn’t tell him Every little detail about the watchers, mumbo does end up learning about what happened and is one of the only people who knows the most
when scar isn’t with them, he’s back on the season five world hatching a plan to sneak grian onto hermitcraft
said plan is foiled Very quickly when it’s found by cub and xisuma himself. they laugh about it because “scar you could’ve just asked us to invite grian” and scar is rambling because he knows it has to be a unanimous vote and what if not everyone agrees and he’s just gotten grian back x :( he can’t be separated from him again :(
to which cub just sets a hand on his shoulder and tells him it’ll be fine (scar brings it up at the next meeting and everyone is enthusiastic about grian joining them. scar cries. a lot.)
and when he and mumbo pop into mumbo’s world again where grian is, they drop the news on him (no scar did Not tell grian about any of this beforehand) and maybe grian gets a little teary eyed too
scar stays in the world that night, curled protectively around grian and they whisper to each other about hermitcraft, the sort of server it is and the people in it. and he’s quick to reassure grian of his place in it when grian is doubtful
after grian’s injuries heal up enough mumbo lets him have his own lil plot in the world to practice his building again. it’s been so long that he’s… nervous about doing it again. what if he’s no good anymore?
when scar comes to visit he’ll sit and watch grian build, introducing the new blocks and colors and oh he’s greatly missed the way grian’s eyes sparkle with interest or when he’s got a new idea for a build — sometimes they build together, and sometimes mumbo joins them, learning some things
(he’s kind of in awe, watching the two of them work together. it’s very inspirational)
sometimes they do a build competition, with little prompts and everything. they take turns on who judges the build/gives the prompt and who actually builds
and when it’s time for season five’s ending, grian is alone in mumbo’s world for a bit while scar and mumbo wrap up whatever they need to. it’s… hard to be alone, but he comforts himself by looking at the reminders of scar (and mumbo) and he gets through
scar gets a bear hug when they return though. and then mumbo too, just so he doesn’t feel left out <3
then finally… scar brings grian home. and they’re both very emotional about it. grian sees jellie and she’s glued to his side despite his fear she wouldn’t remember him. she is extremely adamant about sleeping On grian at night, and scar teases him about stealing his cat. “our cat,” grian replies with a big grin. though scar says something about jellie missing him just as much
(I think on those days when scar would stay at their hypixel apartment in hopes grian would come home, jellie went with him. and at night she’d curl up on grian’s pillow a lot. her favorite toy would be on his side of the bed, always. scar would hold bring grian’s pillow in close with her on it and cry)
while waiting for season six to start they spruce up the apartment a bit !!! they try to get back into the swing of their routine while accounting for the new things (grian’s wings, his fears, his nightmares, the powers they gave him)
it isn’t easy, but they get through it. and when the season properly begins, they spawn in, and grian goes off on his own to adventure and meet everyone. he’s… a little awkward and shy (very unlike him, he knows) but ironically ends up right by scar and mumbo and he’s so relieved (I think scar and grian talked about basing near each other before the season began)
and yeah :D
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featheredenby · 4 months
Friday Night We’re Gonna Party Till Dawn
“He talked to Cleo about who she was inviting and it turns out that they invited mostly heroes and vigilantes so of course Hotguy will be there.”
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 1,250
Part Six of: Show Your Fangs
A Superhero AU of Empires SMP/Hermitcraft/The Life Series
Lizzie stands fidgeting in front of the mirror, her light pink and purple dress is sitting awkwardly on her fur and that’s an issue. It’s a masquerade ball so no one will know that the calico cat mutant in a dress and axolotl mask is her, but the idea of going out without her fur, for the most part, covered is absolutely nerve wracking. It’s not like this is the first time that she has ever felt this way but this is the first time that she’s going out in public with so much fur exposed. Maybe she should just change into her dark pink blazer with a light purple button up shirt and a blue tie, but then again that outfit doesn’t match her mask. So she rolls with it, as she can’t get a new mask on such short notice, adding a pair of blue aventurine earrings along with a pearl necklace and bracelets before grabbing her purse and waiting for Scott and Jimmy to finish getting ready.
The main question that Grian has to ask himself before heading out to Cleo’s party is not what outfit he should wear (despite having tons of options) but if he even wants to go. He talked to Cleo about who she was inviting and it turns out that they invited mostly heroes and vigilantes so of course Hotguy will be there. Although it’s likely that he won’t recognise him and he won’t recognise Hotguy but still having the knowledge that he’s there still a lot despite having seen him since the incident. But as long as they don't recognise each other it will be fine right? So Grian jumps up from where he is sitting on his bed and brushes off his dress, then heads to the window. Opening the window he feels the cool night air on his face before jumping out and starting to fly over to the cafe.
Dancing is going to be awfully awkward, Scar thinks while going through the painstaking effort that is getting ready for Cleo’s party, If only I had been able to get Cub to let me use the mechanical leg braces. He doesn’t mind using his crutches but that’s when he’s out as Scar but tonight he isn’t, tonight he’s out as Hotguy… kinda. Of course he was invited to the party as Hotguy but to everyone else he’ll just be one of the masked party goers. Although it won’t be too hard to tell who he is with his signature blue and orange color scheme and the arrow design on his mask, Scar just hopes that people won’t think that it’s him because of the crutches.
Cleo stands at the counter as she happily watches the dancing people around them, sure this is their party but it’s also her cafe and someone has to keep the place running. And sure there’s only a few people who have arrived but they’re having a good time, a cat mutant in an axolotl mask, a canary hybrid in a cod mask, a llama hybrid in an orange paint splatter mask, and a stag hybrid in a brightly colored mask. Then they hear the doorbell chime as three more people walk in, a human with an axe shaped mask, a wolf hybrid with a simple wolf mask, and another human with a purple vail on. It’s pretty easy for Cleo to tell who can recognise who as when the newcomers arrive as the cat mutant and stag hybrid go over to greet them. Soon after people are once again dancing happily and the party continues smoothly as more guests arrive, an avian mutant in a red mask adorned with feathers, a deer mutant with a butterfly mask, a human with a metal arm and gears on their mask, and finally another human wearing a light blue and orange mask with an arrow down the middle who’s using crutches. At that point the avian comes up to the counter, “Nice party,” he says,”but I have to ask, are we going to do an unmasking at the end like they do at some others?”
“Nope,” they respond,”most of the people that I invited are heroes or vigilantes and I don’t want to jeopardize their safety.”
Grian moves back onto the dance floor after talking to Cleo only to find himself in a corner not having much to do since he didn’t come with anyone, that is until someone in a lightly colored mask and shirt using crutches comes up to him. 
“Hello,” he greets Grian,”it’s a nice party right?”
“I suppose,” Grian responds,”but if I’m honest I’m dreading the inevitable slow dance.”
“Heh, same,”he admits,”I’m uh… should I tell you my name or?”
“I mean probably not if you want your identity to remain hidden.”
“Hm…What should I use as my name then?,” he ponders,”Oh! I got it, call me Thyme like the herb.”
“Okay then Thyme, you can call me Ariana.”
“Sounds good,” Thyme agrees,”So would you like to dance?”
“Sure but how are you planning on doing that?” Grian asks.
“I didn’t actually think about that…” He admits.
“We can just talk if you want.” Grian offers.
“I guess, but it’s a party you know… I feel like I should be dancing.”
“You don’t have to dance at a party, plus I prefer not to be in the crowd.”
“So uhm what do you want to talk about?” Scar asks.
“Hm… Well what are your interests? I’m a reporter and I like to fish as a hobby.” Ariana says.
“Oh, well I do landscaping and I like to draw.”
“Cool. How’d you get invited?”
“I work for the GHFA so, you know. What about you?”
“Oh you know,”They say while messing with their hair,”I just do stuff, here and there.”
“Okay I guess.”
Scar continues talking to Ariana for a while before they leave to use the bathroom leaving Scar standing in a corner. As Scar stands there he hears a noise coming from the stage where people perform on mondays. Looking up he finds that he’s not the only one who heard it and standing on the stage are three figures, all wearing red. One of the people turns around but Scar doesn’t even need them to introduce themselves to know who they are. The person who turns around is wearing a red cloak and a mask of the moon, “Hello! It’s so lovely to see you all, did you miss us?” The Red Witch asks sarcastically.
“No!” a cat mutant shouts,”You tried to kill multiple people.”
“Can you shut them up?” The Red Hand mutters.
“Oh! But of course, ᓵꖎ𝙹ᓭᒷ ||𝙹⚍∷ ᒲ𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ⍑,”all the people at the party can do is watch as her lips fuse together, “Hm, I think that the rest of you are smart enough to shut it.”
Scar has to run but there’s an issue aside from the fact that he can’t, his crutches make way too much noise. So as quietly as he can Scar moves away from the subdued rest of the party and to the bathroom. As Scar enters the bathroom he sees a blast of purple light coming from one of the stalls and hears someone cast a spell, “╎'ᒲ リ𝙹ℸ ̣  ∷ᒷᔑꖎꖎ|| ᓭ⚍∷ᒷ ⍑𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ∴𝙹∷ꖌᓭ ʖ⚍ℸ ̣  i ꖌ╎リ↸ᔑ リᒷᒷ↸ ᔑ ↸╎ᓭ⊣⚍╎ᓭᒷ ∷╎⊣⍑��� ̣  リ𝙹∴.”
“Hello?!? Who’s there?” 
“What?” says a confused voice inside the stall,”Thyme?”
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chronological-knight · 7 months
so excited for @mcyt-aro-week, I've decided I'll participate by writing fic which is. scary. to say the least. but!!! I think this is good!! it's for day 1, "trope subversion" also, this turned out angstier than expected, so tw for internalised aphobia.
In hindsight, this had been a very, very bad idea.
See, the thing is, Grian and Mumbo had always been close, but since Grian joined Hermitcraft they'd spent nearly all the spare time they had with each other. Between Sahara and their bases being so close, a significant amount of their not-spare time was spent together too, just from sheer proximity.
And see, the other thing is, Grian had never had a boyfriend before. Or a girlfriend. Or any other kind of partner, for that matter. If he was being honest he'd say he felt like he was missing out, when so many of his friends were getting together or celebrating anniversaries. So when he'd started getting closer to Mumbo, his first thought was: finally.
His second thought was: this feels very underwhelming.
That was fine, he thought, maybe he just needed time. That makes sense, right? Surely feelings don't just start off super strong right from the get-go? Surely, he reasoned, if he just acted the part hard enough his stupid heart would finally kick into gear, and he’d get the happy ending he wanted.
That was how he ended up on the top floor of his base – a garden – surrounded by parrots and butterflies and perfectly wild bamboo, the moon shining through floor length glass walls to cast him in otherworldly silver lighting.
Kissing Mumbo.
It should have been perfect. It should have been butterflies-in-your-stomach-fireworks-going-off-stars-aligning perfect. This should be what he'd been missing. For goodness sakes he should at least be having fun.
All he really felt was gross.
The kiss was wet, and gross, and there was too much teeth, and when Mumbo finally pulled away Grian made a valiant effort to hide the disgusted sound he made. Mumbo put his hand over his mouth, which could be a good sign or a very, very bad sign, Grian didn't know.
The first thought he could make out over the clamour of ew was: void, I hope I never have to do that again.
The second thought was: there's something wrong with me.
The third thought was: oh no, Mumbo.
“Oh, void.” He said, because he had to say something. What if Mumbo hadn't liked it, and thought Grian had, and now Mumbo would never talk to him again. Or, hels, what if Mumbo had liked it, and Grian would have to explain that that was the worst thing he’d ever experienced, and Mumbo would never talk to him again-
One look at Mumbos face told him that at least wasn't true. His face was screwed together so tightly you'd think he'd just eaten the world's sourest lemon, and his hand was clasped over his mouth in what was very clearly disgust.
Grian watched him grimace, and felt the expression reflected in his own face, before Mumbo lowered his hand and said, “Grian, I – right ok. I'm going to tell you something and – and you have to promise to not be offended by it, ok?” Despite the sea of panic-disgust-fear already swirling in his mind, Grian nodded.
“That – that? That was awful.”
A beat passed between them, before Grian slumped forward and exclaimed “Oh thank goodness.”
“I mean, I mean, yeah no that wasn't one of your better ideas if I'm being, if I'm being completely honest dude.” Mumbo's voice grew more hysterical with every word.
Grian slumped even more forward, fully sprawling on the floor with his head in his hands. He felt stupid, and wrung out, and like he never wanted anyone to see him ever again. His wings were puffed up in front of his face, holding him like a dam.
“There’s something wrong with me” he mumbled miserably into his open palms.
Grian hadn't seen Mumbo, what with all the flesh-and-feathers between him and Grian, but he could still feel the shift from hysterical to concerned-confusion as acutely as if he had. He heard the ruffle of fabric against grass as Mumbo turned to face him and said “Why on earth would you think that?”
“I’ve never kissed anyone before,” He mumbled, though judging by Mumbo’s “Can’t hear you, Gri,” the words were too muffled by his wings. With a frustrated grunt, Grian lifted his wings from his face, and the dam broke “I’ve never kissed anyone before, ok? I’ve never had a girlfriend, I’ve never been in love, void I don’t think I’ve ever even had a crush on someone before, isn’t that ridiculous! And, and then I joined Hermitcraft, and we were spending all this time together, and I thought, I don’t know what I thought! I thought maybe I wasn’t broken!”
At some point in all that, Grian had stood up and paced towards the window. He rocked back on his heels and scrubbed at his face in frustration, until the phantom image of Mumbo’s face faded from his vision. Mumbo, too, had stood up and now took a few steps towards Grian.
“Grian, you’re not broken” The way Mumbo spat the word broken, like it had personally offended him, like the mere idea Grian would think something like that about himself was ridiculous, “You’re aromantic.”
That caught him off guard enough to still the churning anxiety in his stomach. His wings de-puffed a little, and he turned his head quizzically away from his hands and towards Mumbo, “I’m aromatic?” Mumbo giggled a little at that, though it was more hysterical than actually humorous. “No! No, aromantic. It's where you aren't attracted to anyone – well, it’s a bit more complicated than that and, really, I’m not aromantic and you should probably talk to Etho about this, not me – but, but you're definitely not broken!”
You're definitely not broken.
He said it with so much conviction, like he couldn’t possibly be wrong, that Grian began to believe it too. And with that, a release of pressure like he’d just dropped something he didn’t even know he’d been carrying. You’re definitely not broken! He hadn’t realised the thought was weighing on him so much until it wasn’t.
“Oh,” he said, because he had to say something. He released his hands from where they were gripping at eachother white-knuckled, ran them through his hair. Memories were pouring through his head, every one recontextualized through the light of you're aromantic and, oh. He turned that over in his mind, examined it's edges, and came back with a feeling of rightness. Aromantic. Aromantic.
He's not broken.
The realisation could have made him cry, if the circumstances weren't so ridiculous. What had he been thinking? oh void, had he really been so scared of being single, of all things, that he'd kissed Mumbo? Laughter washed over him like a wave and he heard Mumbo join him a moment later.
“I am such a spoon,” he wheezed between fits of laughter
“Yeah well, what else is new?”
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
Tumblr media
"I'm not the kind of girl to get messed up with you- Hello! ... You're all right, but I'm here, darling, to enjoy the party..." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 31 - “Flame (Etho, Skizz, Pearl)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Scar files a microaggression complaint with the HALO team. Pearl helps Scott settle in while he recovers from glitchy code. They have a spat that's not about a sticker.
Meanwhile, SnifferMyFeet and Etho separate their souls… and start an honest talk about Sniff's identity as Sniff, not Joel. It was needed. It's for the best.
(First 900 words under the cut)
Etho - Fox
Status: Resting
Self-taught programmer, full-time hero
💙  💙  💙
He gets it now.
It's like ice in your water. It's like marshmallows in your cocoa. It's like wind beneath your wings. The final week before he's due back in Between (reluctantly, but definitely due), Etho flops on his bed and sprawls his arms to either side. Is he giddy? He doesn't mean to be, but this feels…
… Oh, it's a game-changer. Which is exactly what he texts Cleo after scooping up his admin panel. They won't see it if they've left their private server, and since Session 2 of Dog's Life could be starting any day now, there's no telling how long that may take.
Etho: hey so Etho: remember after limlife 4 or 5 when we talked about burnout?
Grocery shopping. For a family dinner- he and Cleo both made one (like a peace offering) in a way that wasn't really flirty married life roleplay, but more like… regular, everyday person roleplay. Did all their shopping together so they wouldn't cook the same thing. Call it 'date night' if you want; he walked her home and there might've been a little 'dramatic logout' roleplay in there. We don't… We don't need to go into detail about it.
To some people that's romantic and to some it's completely gross. Not really sure why… It's a natural process, isn't it? Soul-eaters can't help being what they are, and you may as well snap at endermen hybrids for struggling with eye contact or shame unthreaded players if they expose their glitches instead of keeping them covered up. This world's too big and life too long for arguing. Do you really want to make enemies and be rude to people who are going to carry the echo of your words for the rest of their lives?
Lend a helping hand. Extend a little kindness. Be polite. Respond to the hurt. Try not to avoid responsibility when others are counting on your strength. Sit with the injured, even when the night is cold. They're simple goals, but so easily forgotten these days.
Etho: I think you said if I felt stuck then I should break my routine for a while
Nothing happens for several minutes. Etho rotates words without meaning through his head, then types out something else.
Etho: you were right. I get now why you go on adventures with Martyn. Why you let him and no one else log you out all the time. Thanks for the advice. Let me know next time you need a favor. Rating this cycle 10 of 10 and I owe you big xD
He takes a long, guilt-free nap in his cushioned bed. Catching up on block updates and videos really drains a guy (especially this close to the end of the Hermitcraft season, not to mention Vault Hunters and a Life series on top of it), but he spent all morning prepping the bed and it's already providing every agonizing tick of its worth. Two hours later, he's stirred awake by a buzz on the admin panel.
ZombieCleo: yay! So glad that worked for you <3 I want to hear all about it. Maybe in a couple weekends you can watch MCC with me and the kids + Martyn? If we catch a minute alone, I can recommend more stuff you might be into ;)
The kids refers to Bdubs and Scar, who skated through Limited Life like energetic teenagers spreading their wings. It's goofy, it's endearing, and Cleo's got her roleplay voice on because she knows it makes him snort. His tail gives a twitch as he tries to keep a smirk from creeping out behind his mask.
Martyn, huh? he muses, but doesn't say that. Cleo circles between lovers, friends, and exes like a pollinating bee.
Etho: whoaaaa Etho: inviting a fox? that's dangerous! ZombieCleo: nose out of your tail, fur boy Etho: dibs on Martyn, I see ZombieCleo: If you're serious about returning the favor, Martyn says Rhetoric's down here and this might be our best chance at smash and grabbing from your mum's museum Etho: Hm… ZombieCleo: I mean, you did leave my eggshell when you rescued Grian and that other soul
Yeah- it looked distressed. Now Sniff's down here. He can actually talk now when he couldn't before. Honestly, not the worst decision he could've made.
If anyone's going to try getting into the Fox Dragon's museum, a fox has the best chance of doing so. It's kept separate from the nesting cave where souls respawn, but even the deadliest traps won't keep foxes out since they'll just respawn. Unless they're traps that can't be dodged even with careful planning, or some sort of system that short-circuits code. The phantom roost is nearby, right? Frankly, phantoms are excellent trackers, they can fly, and they're probably the fastest of all non-swimming hybrids, so a phantom alone provides great security as-is.
Etho: I'll think about it. Not tonight, though. Full moon fox face isn't for me. Also if there are raiders there then that's probably the worst time to show up ZombieCleo: Fair ZombieCleo: I can think of something else, but if you ever get the chance, I want it back Etho: duly noted ✌️ ZombieCleo: btw say hi to Scar and Bdubs when you see them. They've been cracking nonstop jokes since you disappeared. One can only imagine they're attempting humor to bury immense throes of pain Etho: D:
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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here’s my entry for day 4 of @gem-pearl-week 2024! today’s prompt is “godhood” :D
Pearl’s arrival into the Empires SMP is marked by confusion.
Everyone around her is dressed in their normal clothes. Save for a few missing pieces and lost inventories, they’re all exactly the same as they were before. And they’re all staring at her.
Pearl is too distracted by the entirely new universe they’ve all crash-landed in to figure out why for a few hours. It’s only while talking to a man who has to be Scott’s soultwin that she finally processes it.
Her normal T-shirt and black hoodie have been replaced by a flowing green dress. She wears golden sandals instead of scuffed black sneakers. Her hair is much longer than it should be, and it’s oddly straight and shiny – very different from the usual tangles that come from hours of building work. The only familiar thing about her outfit is a crown of sunflowers, her favorite flower since childhood. Scott tells her she looks familiar, but that can’t be right. She doesn’t even look like herself.
“Pearl, what in the world did you do to her?”
A redheaded dragon hybrid with scaly white wings curls up against her partner as they watch the world from above. “You could’ve at least given them all a transformation,” she continues.
“I didn’t mean to!” A goddess with a sunflower crown wraps a golden goose wing around her. “It just sort of happened, Gem. I’ve got no explanation for it.”
“This can’t be a coincidence,” Gem says. “I’ve been watching my soultwin from a thousand years in the future LARP an entire developed empire for the last six months. I didn’t even know yours existed.”
“It’s a comforting thought.” Pearl smiles. “Maybe we’re supposed to find each other in every universe.”
“Yeah.” Gem closes her eyes and takes in the warmth of Pearl’s embrace. “Still. You could at least give her a hello before you transform her in your image.”
Pearl swats Gem with her other wing. “I told you, that was a complete accident.”
“Princess Gem of the kingdom of Dawn,” Pearl repeats, reading over the signature on Dawn’s latest royal decree.
The new universe solves exactly one mystery: where on earth Gem’s been disappearing to every day. It’s comforting to know she hasn’t just been holed up in her Hermitcraft base. Dawn is developed and beautiful, and the empire’s builds all bear a distinct GeminiTay touch. Pearl could wander its winding roads for hours.
Beyond that, though, Pearl has a thousand more questions. How did Gem get through the rift before it was open? How did she find out about this world? Who’s the goddess in the stained-glass window of the church, and why does she kind of look like me? And above all, what on earth is going on with my new outfit?
She doesn’t have time to wonder for long before Gem appears behind her. “Hey, Pearl!”
Pearl drops the scroll and shrieks in surprise. “You startled me! How’d you get back there?”
“I’ve been here for a while!” Gem says with a grin. “How are you doing? Enjoying the kingdom?”
Pearl tries to put on a bright smile. “Yeah, it’s great! I can’t believe what you’ve done with the place.”
Gem sees straight through Pearl’s act. “Okay, I know you better than that. How are you really doing?”
Pearl sits down on a nearby bench and sighs. “I feel weird. Is that bad?”
“Nope. I felt like that when I stumbled on this place. Especially after…” Gem flutters her monarch butterfly wings. “I’m still adjusting to these things. It’s hard to be an elytrian. How do you do it every day?”
Pearl giggles. “Hard work and practice. And, you know, living with them all day, every day since age seven.” She elbows Gem playfully, then sighs. “Your friend Sausage keeps forgetting who I am.”
“Sausage forgets everything,” Gem says without a hint of concern. “He’ll get it back.”
“No, that’s not what I mean. He keeps calling me a goddess.” It occurs to her that Gem might be able to help her solve another mystery. “Do you know who Santa Perla is?”
Gem’s eyes light up. “Of course! She’s a farming goddess. There are all kinds of legends about her. Apparently she lived, like, a thousand years ago. I’ve heard a couple different versions of the story, but the main idea is that she was a guardian who was killed at the end of the world and then brought back to life by the king of Mythland. She’s supposed to bring protection and renewal.”
“Protection and renewal.” Pearl can’t help but smile at that. “Y’know, I don’t mind being compared to that. She sounds nice.”
“Come to think of it, she does kind of look like you,” Gem says.
“Aw, are you calling me pretty?”
Gem jokingly winks. “Brighter than the sun.”
“I’ve been trying to figure out how to reach her,” Saint Pearl admits.
Gem looks up from the pie filling she’s halfway through preparing and blinks in surprise. “I thought you never tried to visit the world below anymore.”
“I know. But she’s different.” Pearl grabs a spoon from the kitchen drawer and steals a spoonful of pie filling. “She’s basically my sister. I’ve got to say hello.”
Gem smirks. “And that’s all?”
“I’m not going to ask her if she’s in love with the ruler of Dawn, if that’s what you’re implying.” Pearl steals another spoonful of pie filling. “Oh, that’s really good. What is that, apple?”
“Golden apple and honey.” Gem moves the bowl out of Pearl’s reach with a grin. “I guess you’re right. We already know the answer.”
“Hey, now.” Pearl reaches for another bite of pie and misses by a mile. “I don’t want to make assumptions about her. Or your soultwin, for that matter.”
“She heard your story and immediately built a church for you. And you ‘just so happen’ to resemble her best friend on her home server.” Gem moves the bowl a bit further away. “Save some for the pie, you goofball.”
“And what are you suggesting we do? Play matchmaker?” Pearl moves a bit closer, surreptitiously reaching out a spoon.
“Nope,” Gem says, both to the suggestion and the attempted theft. “I don’t know. However they feel, we shouldn’t try to force them together. I just think we need to…”
“We should just…” Pearl says.
“...say hello,” they say at the same time.
Gem notices Pearl has another spoonful of pie filling in her hand. “Oh, don’t you dare!”
Climbing a tree at night is the most foolish thing Gem’s ever done.
In her very weak defense, she panicked. There was a creeper following her, and it’s hard to think straight when a murderous mob is on your tail. Besides, the tree provided a foothold to climb up to the roof of a nearby fisherman’s cottage. He’s out of the house that day, thank goodness – she doesn’t know what she’d do if anyone caught her like this.
With the creeper gone, Gem prepares to step down, then freezes. The ground below her is surrounded on all sides by zombies.
She reaches for her sword, then remembers she doesn’t have one. Gem can’t help but roll her eyes at the realization that she’s effectively the human equivalent of a cat in a tree. “I deserve this. That’s on me.”
From a few blocks away, someone calls, “You alright over there?”
Gem recognizes the voice and immediately puts her head in her hands.
Sure enough, Pearl swoops down and lands on the tree’s highest branch. “Well, now, what do we have here?”
“A lot of zombies,” Gem says.
Pearl peers down at the horde below. “I’m surprised you haven’t cut all their heads off by now.”
Gem sighs. “Well, uh. About that.” She looks down at her feet. “My character– I mean–” She clears her throat. “Princess Gem of Dawn doesn’t carry weapons.”
“A damsel in distress, huh?” Pearl ties her dress out of the way and climbs up to the roof. “Doesn’t sound like the Gemini I know.”
“Shut up and give me a sword.”
“Gladly.” Pearl tosses an iron sword to Gem, then takes her own diamond sword from her inventory. “This might be the last time I ever have better gear than you.”
“Oh, I’ve got full netherite armor on. You just can’t see it.” Gem hops down to the grass and begins taking out the zombies around her.
Pearl joins her after a moment. Gem can’t help but feel a sense of pride at the fact that Pearl has clearly improved since Season 8. A selfish part of her hopes it’s because of their sparring practices.
Saint Pearl watches the sight on her television with one wing wrapped around Gem. “Aw, look at ‘em.”
“They’re such idiots,” Gem giggles.
“Because of the not-unrequited love, or because Gem didn’t have a sword?”
“Can’t it be both?” Gem says with a grin.
The last zombie disappears into a puff of smoke just as the sun peeks over the horizon. Pearl nudges Gem. “Hey, look. Dawn.”
Gem sits down and leans against the wall of the house. “Pretty, isn’t it?”
Pearl sits down next to her. “So beautiful.”
Gem smiles at the sight of the sunrise. “We used to do this sometimes.”
“We still do,” Saint Pearl says.
Pearl sleepily grins. “Thank you for the adventure.”
Pearl rests her head on Gem’s shoulder. Pearl rests her head on Gem’s shoulder.
A soft sense of connection – of something finally feeling right – washes over Pearl and Gem at the same time. Gem yawns. “We should at least get a bit of rest.” She offers Pearl her hand. “Sleepover at my castle?”
“Gladly,” Pearl says.
Hello, Pearl.
Your new friends are right that you look familiar. The transformation was an accident, and I apologize for that. I’m not sure how to undo it – not when you’re on this server, I mean. I will say that the dress suits you. Its color matches your hair very nicely.
Anyway, that’s not why I’m here. I think I can speak to you and your friends in dreams. It’s much more clear than when I’m in person, at least. It’s true that I’m a goddess, but there’s much more to the story than people know. I was the ruler of Gilded Helianthia, a kingdom full of sunflowers. I learned to fight to protect my friends, much like the way you saved Gemini today. We have a lot in common. I suspect there’s even more that I haven’t yet learned.
My partner is asleep next to me. She’s holding my hand. I think you’d like her. We have that in common, too.
Thank you for making yourself known to me. I’m glad to finally meet you, and I hope we get to learn more about each other in the future. It’s nice to know I have a kind and protective soultwin to look after.
I suppose I might as well leave you with one more tidbit about me, considering you’re going to wake up soon. My partner is the former wizard and ruler of the Crystal Cliffs, a thousand years ago. I love her. She’s a real gem.
I hope you’re well, and that tomorrow brings you more adventures. It’s lovely to finally meet you.
When Pearl wakes up, there’s a potted sunflower on Gem’s bedside table that wasn’t there before. She picks it and adds it into her flower crown. “Good morning, Saint Pearl. Thank you for the gift.”
The princess of Dawn rolls over and curls up against Pearl’s side, snoring softly.
Pearl smiles. “And thank you too, Wizard Gem.”
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stariel-and-stuff · 7 months
Hermitcraft Finales
Seeing everyone theorise about the snails and how they think they’ll cause the end of S10 is reminding me of a theory I once had so ✨story time✨.
Once when I was 10 and I was at sailing I saw this kid who used to go to my school (side note: I met so many people coincidentally thatd become my friends in later schools/id seen around my old school and I got to see them in a new way at sailing idk why) and we ended up on the same boat together for a class.
During this class we ended up talking about Hermitcraft, it was my first season watching and his second or third or something like that (this was when S6 had just started) so I was the newbie and he told me that at the end of each season they was some dramatic ending which was why they had to go to a new world.
So we got to theorising; what would it be this time? What clues were laid out? I told him things I’d seen happen in G’s and Stress’s vids and he told me things that happened in other POVs. After a few lessons of choosing to partner up we had a theory:
Grian’s salmon ghost was a symbolic warning of the seasons message. The threat was mirroring climate change in particular the rise of ocean levels which was a big focus in media at the time. We predicted that the server would end due to large flooding and tsunamis caused by all the industrialisation done (there were lots of modern and mega builds that season) and industrialisation/climate change was just a general theme in S6 with Concord VS. Sahara and Sahara news covering topics to do with Concords negative environmental impact.
We were so proud of our theory so ready to see it happen and then… it didn’t. Nothing happened that season in terms of a dramatic ending (that’s not to say it wasn’t my favourite season because it was but there was no ending and we didn’t see each other again to discuss this).
Now this isn’t a message meant to teach you not to theorise, no, theorising is fun!! And I really hope and believe the snails will cause the end of S10 I just wanted to share this story because the similar vibes between S6 and 10 plus the theorising is making me think about it constantly (and my other sailing experiences). Just don’t get too crushed if it doesn’t happen I guess and I hope you enjoyed reading all the random nonsense we theorised about when I was back in S6- or maybe that was just me. We also had other evidence to support our theory but I’ve forgotten most of it.
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tibbycaps · 2 months
hey what are your top 5 Things rn. and by things, i mean stuff. just stuff. a doohickey. a feeling. a movie. a trinket. an idea. tangible or intangible. a tangerine, if you like.
okay i finally have Good answers to these that i can think of
1. vanilla milk. my gf introduced me to vanilla milk. basically u put a drop of vanilla extract into some milk and drink it. it tastes like ur drinking melted vanilla ice cream and its also very good when ur high
2. been listening to a lot of green day recently
3. my drive to and from this place i got a summer job at bc its in a beautiful area with lots of trees so the drive is very scenic and quaint and while i drive i get to listen to. green day
4. im the dynaballer but parkour warrior survivor on mcci has been a lot of fun for me lately.. even if the highest place i’ve ever gotten is 3rd, its very rewarding to see your improvement as you learn the different courses. very satisfying when you conplete a leap and the little jingle plays . ive been stressed i think so its a good stress reliever for me maybe
5. cubfan playing a super funny role that he is perfect for on a bit on hermitcraft… with all my favorites too…. and now all the ‘i only watch grian’ girlies are realizing that cub is awesome and funny and clever and insane and im eating so well . twitter does not show likes anymore but he reacted to my art of cubfanager with a rocket ship emoji which is so smilepilled grincore 🚀
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frozenjokes · 10 months
Tumblr media
convex moment. still working on the epilogue. it’s getting gayer. a sneak peak, if you’d please. For context. Uh. Ghosts. Vex. Scar is a bit possessed. The works. I don’t know man this shit is too convoluted at this point, just read Signing Back In Apparently, the hermitcraft stuff starts like halfway through.
check tags for cws
Excerpt from Encounter 3 (Journal Entry)
I knew I was getting close, but hearing the distress of the animal caught my attention. I hadn’t actually considered what/if Scar ate, and while I doubted I’d actually see him hunting, that thought was exciting. Turns out it was my lucky day. When I finally found him, he was crouched over the hog, breathing heavily. Breathing. He was alive. Though, physically, he didn’t look like it. His clothes were in tatters, his hair matted, and he was awfully skinny, almost emaciated. The scars that rippled across his body had turned the same blue color as his vex wings; ghost-like. His fingers, which now curled into claws, were colored similarly. While I am sure he is alive, I can’t say it wasn’t a debate for me during my regeneration. I still don’t know how he was so strong in this state. Maybe the vex didn’t know how to care for a human body.
Scar stared at the pig for a long time. It had been pretty thoroughly maimed, but I don’t think he was particularly bothered. He looked.. confused, maybe. Honestly, I’m still not sure what he was thinking. I got too comfortable in his stillness, but in my defense, I think anyone would jump if the person you were watching started yelling out of nowhere. Scar, however, didn’t seem to notice the leaves I rustled backing into the treetops. He was focused on this pig, his eyes wide and terrified.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” he shrieked, which I remember so clearly because I gasped. I don’t know exactly why, but I just hadn’t expected him to speak. His head snapped up at the sound, and we stared at each other for a long moment. Now, I should have run. I should have flown above the treeline where Scar couldn’t reach. And while I could make excuses about his speed and ferocity, I must emphasize the abject terror of a man covered in blood, vaulting himself up a tree with inhuman speed for the sole purpose of catching and ending you. I froze. I admit, I think this is the first time in years I was truly afraid of something.
It was exhilarating.
Scar threw me from the tree; we must have fallen at least eight feet, him on top of me, before crashing into the ground. That alone was probably enough to send me back to Spawn, but Scar wasted no time tearing through me. I must have looked as frightened as I felt; I remember hearing laughing, but I was pretty dazed at the time. I wonder if he enjoyed it. Part of me hopes so. I think before I died, I wished him luck with the pig.
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ducks-and-stuff · 8 months
okay so that last repost I did had the exact opposite intended affect on me and now I want to write about how much I hate Pearl and Grian and skyblings in general and sure I don’t watch a lot of their content nowadays and I never watched Pearl’s side of Evo but guess what? no-one is reading this anyways so here we go: 
So first off, do- do Pearl and Grian, like, interact that much on camera? Obviously they’re friends cause Grian invited her to the Life series and  Evo and stuff but when they’re recording they tend to do their own thing in different directions. This might just be because Pearl is upside down all the way in Australia time differences but even when playing on the life series neither of them seem to really spend vast amounts of time with the other. Just a quick cool quick little interaction or teaming up because convenience or they respect the others skill. Or maybe I just don’t watch either’s perspective enough, who knows, just haven’t seen them spend quality time with each other a lot on there. 
As for Hermitcraft, Boatem was a really good group but, uh, guys? Friends? Fellas? there were 5 members of Boatem, not 2. Why are we not going around headcannoning Mumbo and Impulse as brothers if living together makes Pearl and Grian siblings? I don’t remember them interacting all that much in season 9 either, but both did choose to live relatively close to at least one other Boatem member, Impulse and Pearl sibling au when? 
So maybe it’s beacause of Evo then. Maybe it’s that little ol’ Minecraft series that Grian left half a decade ago, cool. Pearl had a sad little montage, good for her. I’ve also heard someone say they were canonically siblings in that series but I’m not bothering to do actual work for this rant so… fun. Point is, all that was a long while ago. Sure their content has gone in wildly different directions since then with being Hermits and Emperors and little copper golems but basing their current relations off of Evo is still relevant, right? And to that I have to say, ABSOLUTELY. I’m a sucker for Evo’s ending and people who love each other finally managing to claw their way back into the other’s arms or literally any other story revolving around the end of Evo ever. I will hold onto my half a decade old Grian and Pearl headcannons till the end of time you hear me???? Authors out there including Evo angst in your work I love you so much, you make me cry. Characters separated by the gods themselves are best characters, and if the only way I’m going to get that content is if they’re blood related then I will swallow my pride and enjoy it to no end! Write more Evo affecting the present stuff and I will uh- give you this random dust bunny in my pocket. Fair trade. 
But- ahem- yes, back to complaining. Jimmy and Pearl. Guys. GUYS, I write Pearl and Jimmy interactions all the time, I’m the Pearl and Jimmy guy! And even I don’t think they interact that much??? As for the present, They have good moments together yeah because they’re both hilarious but they have their own little groups they tend to stay within. Pearls being a girlboss with her best buds and Jimmy’s being bullied by his. Have they even ever teamed in a life series? Did they ever really talk on Empires that much? Jimmy invited her to help with his Christmas village building which was a really nice surprise and they hung out on Evo, but, anything the fandom is both glued to and recent? 
Honestly, my biggest issue is just that is seems like the age old trope of tying a female to a more popular male character and I hate it. Obviously in the world of male dominated mcyt this is kinda hard to avoid but… this headcannon with most popular kid in school Grian specifically when I don’t even see them interacting that much? I understand Grian and Jimmy because they actually have a lot of close, consistent interactions but every time I see Pearl in the mix I just have to pause and question it. There was a really good post a while ago about how people tend to assign her as oldest because reason that is probably ‘well, girls are more mature’, and yeah, why are we doing that? Why are we all just putting her into a trio she’s rarely seen with nowadays anyways? She’s a public menace, not a menace to these two in particular.
With Grian especially it seems to me like it could be a case of sure, woman in her own is cool but what if it was woman and DUDE EVERYONE ALSO LIKES SO MUCH?!???? HOW AMAZINGLY AMAZING. They’ll fit together like two puzzle pieces from different boxes with the same color scheme! So fun right? To me it seems as though this dynamic was not based around these three close friends who were like siblings, but instead, Grian plus his loving family. One member of which is going to wander off to find Gem and Impulse anyways. 
So yeah, I say free them all, but especially Pearl, from this dynamic. Share her chaos! Give her a mace! Set her lose onto the world! 
Or, don’t, lol. Ultimately the point of a fandom is for everyone to have fun, and if shoving these little guys together is what makes you happiest then go for it! I just like complaining and I see a hint of underlying sexism in the headcannon being so widely accepted on what seems to me as such little basis, but who’s a random internet user to stop you from doing what you love. 
Just because I have a personal problem with something that isn’t really hurting anybody doesn’t mean you should stop, like I said, I love writing stories about Jimmy and Pearl clinging onto each other after Evo regardless of my belief that they don’t really do that at all in their content today. So yeah, write your stories, make your art, and remember to have fun with (any very non-problematic 👍) things regardless of what anybody else says! Best wishes to you MCYTumblr! Everyone’s art and writing and we weaves and whatever over these little guys we’ve all decided to cling to is absolutely beautiful to witness! 
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casey-complains · 1 year
I feel like the thing that draws a LOT of former Fanders to Hermitcraft is the maturity of the Hermits. If something gets delayed, they're straight up about it. There are clear dates. If a Hermit has to leave for their health, mental or otherwise, they say so, and are welcomed back with open arms. The Hermits themselves don't ever call out 'haters", instead focusing on the positives. Even Gem and Pearl, who are YOUNGER THAN THOMAS, act maturely enough to acknowledge if there's a gap in videos, or to say 'I don't want to go into details but I'll be back soon'. That's something Thomss is severely lacking in- maturity and transparency. A simple tweet or insta post can go a long way. Doc doesn't have to say 'sorry the video was late, Doccy got sick', but he does. Ren doesn't have to talk about his mental health, but he does. None of them are perfect, but Thomas still acts like he's that 20 year old from Vine. Maybe he just doesn't know how else to act, or he's in an echo chamber of only seeing the 'good' side of the Fandom. But I know, because I've been watching The Hermits for years now- the kind of shit Thomss has pulled? You'd never see Iskall, or Scar, or Tango doing shit like that. They're honest with their fans. Even Wels, who hasn't uploaded a Hermitcraft video in a while, has 100 times more transparency than Thomas.
Sorry to get on my soap box, but that just hit me while watching Decked Out. TLDR; The Hermits act like adults when they need to be adults. Thomas hasn't left his early 20's
GOD YEAH YOURE SO RIGHT. i went from a tss spinterest to a hermitcraft (+ life series, evo etc) spinterest and .. now you point it out, theyre a million times more transparent
to make a semi-similar comparison: the wait between tss episodes and the wait for decked out to be finished. obviously, making a whole mini game in minecraft and making an episode of a web series arent similar in process, but the way tango and thomas handled the wait can be compared. it took tango 13 months to make decked out 2. he made countless episodes and livestreams talking about the process and giving us updates. thomas, in the three and a half years he's been writing the finale, has only told us he's finished parts one through three. he's 3/4 of the way done with the writing.... but that doesnt tell us if he's filmed or edited anything, if he has all the props together for the shoot... we just have his word that something is coming soon. he'll be done soon
and yes, spoilers for a minigame and spoilers for an episode of a show do affect how much information one can give, but we have gotten nothing from thomas
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vivilingriphyn · 5 months
I'm currently forcing myself to seriously stop making content and take a break so I've been revisited old fandoms... Hermitcraft(mainly Grian content), Bnha(continuing fanfics i left off), I even binged watched the whole minecraft storymode and man I'm kinda disappointed there's no season 3 to binge watch.
And now idk how to feel? now that I've properly taken a break without my brain always running through sheer adrenaline of wanting to finish this comic, to finish this art piece or have a video ready to upload for next week. I feel... Tired? Like now since I'm just laying down and digesting content I really enjoyed consuming, the tiredness just finally sunk in and my body and mind are just screaming at me to just rest, after creating content after content at a fast pace while simultaneously juggling with my school work. And at some point i was even helping my sis make content for her own thing which didn't help my health at all and with how poorly i was at managing my time lmao
Idk for y'all but I don't do projects that'll take a long long time to accomplish. And the fast pace is actually what i really enjoy in my art, because it feels motivating for me to finish a piece and move onto the next and improve from there, and it seriously helped me improve drastically and continue to improve, because i see the improvements and I don't just get stuck on seeing the mistakes but seeing the things that need improving for me to deem a project is finished. And i think because of all that positive drive i had, i think it took really sudden and heavy hits on my mental and physical health and certain aspects of my life when I'm just feeling nothing but fatigue running through sheer adrenaline.
(I'm probably just saying this to myself)
The thing is, having the motivation and positive drive to aim for certain milestones is a good thing, but not taking sufficient breaks to cool off will just end up exploding on you in the worst ways possible. So learn how to manage your time and set your priorities.
Anywho taking a break made me also realized i hate feeling tired... But i still refuse to drink coffee!
...Maybe only in dire situations. (Aka schoolworks)
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icara-mack · 6 months
PINNED POST [please read]
ALOO all this is Mack - mildly insane, I’m here for my friends and art (and Minecraft)
DA is my main site
Also active on TH, Bsky, and artfight?
art will be tagged with #artblog and text posts with #Mack rambles. Reblog tag (often tagged with Mack rambles too) will be #Mack rbs
because I’m a pro and never break tumblr
this is first and foremost an artblog! <- lying
Fandoms are
MCYT, mainly emduo <3 (generally dsmp, qsmp, osmp, asmp maybe? I watch hermitcraft + many of the hermits too though! )
HTTYD (wof too, just dragons in general <3)
ZELDA. My beloved. Totk + Botw main, occasionally post about aoc, Skyward, Links awakening, OOT, EOW (so excited) ok pretty much every Zelda game nvm, you get it
[also drabble in Star Wars?, Tolkien, MC in general, and a couple other fandoms that pop up on my dash]
I’m new to tumblr so these are my boundaries
pedos/xenos/zoophiles etc
I’m pretty chill + don’t mind interacting with people !! want to make friends here
This page is an LGBTQIA+ SAFE SPACE. This page is a DID/OSDD SAFE SPACE. This page is a safe space for everyone regardless of age, (13+ please) mental health, gender, orientation, race or sexuality. FINALLY please respect my tos and keep the following in mind when interacting
I’d prefer slurs (even reclaimed slurs - particularly the q and f slurs) anre avoided on my blog for the comfort of my friends.
Systems / people with DID/osdd - You’re welcome here! Not an anti system blog, just hoping to learn more to better help a friend. Please don’t uhh yell at me? thank you have a nice day
DNI if you have extremist religious beliefs - I love y’all but this is for “other religions r going to hell” people or “you need 2 convert to my religion” people.
UH. Don’t start fights.
That’s about it! Also anyone who interacts must give me vast reparations of chocolate /j
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WAHOO im back part 3 :))) i reread the chapter
"“Not like that, that’s for sure,” Grian says, and it bites, singing through the air with cruel finality. He can’t stop the way each syllable sharpens as he speaks. “So when I tell you I’m dying, maybe you should believe me.”"
- he's happy that when they are hurt by what he does/says at least he has control over this time. He's still keeping secrets. It's not until later that grian loses the upper hand he has keeping the way Watchers work a secret. Right now the others don't know what options they have, meaning that Grian can let himself die and there's nothing they can do about it. It's self destructive but he's smug about that, in a 'hahah im going to do this thing and theres nothing you can do about it' kind of way except the 'thing' is dying. He needs sooo much therapy
"Despite everything, the day Grian was kicked from Hermitcraft, Scar had still watched him like someone he knew. Now, he stares at Grian as if he’s never seen him before."
- Before, Scar knew they didnt have all the pieces to the puzzle. He knew Grian creating the game wasnt as simple as it seemed, he knew there was something greater at play. Later, he says "that's just not your style...I never believed you would. Not even for a second". Now that all the cards are on the table, Scar can't comprehend how there was so much he missed. He knew that just before mcc and before the games Grian gets tired. He didnt know why. Theres so much Grian kept from everyone, and Scar slowly piecing it together only to realise just how much pressure has been on Grian's shoulders, how much emotional weight he must be carrying. I can only imagine how much of this Scar reads on Grian's face in this moment
"Scar’s voice takes on an awed note— as if the simple act of slipping past Grian's defenses for the missing puzzle pieces changes anything between them. Soft as drifting snow, he whispers, “And that's why you won't let us help.”"
- blows you up with mind
- It does change something!! Scar now understands- to some extent at least- WHY grian is acting the way he is. GRIAN doesnt think this changes anything. The fact that people know his motives doesnt mean they know how to stop his code from unraveling, after all. Ohoho. Grian you underestimate the hermits. Do you really not understand how insane they are!! Scar and the others are ready to do whatever they need to to stabilise grian's code and make it so Grian is able to properly live alongside all of them, SAFELY. Without fear. But Grian is so convinced he's unloveable that he cant see this
"At any other point, his palms would be a warm, grounding weight, laced with familiar lines and calluses; now, all Grian can focus on is the inexorable tilt of his entire world's axis as it falls apart."
- this line genuinely had me throwing my phone onto my bed and putting my head in my hands.
- There is no more running. No more hiding. Grian has spent his entire time as a Watcher-disguised-as-a-player pretending and hiding the truth of his existence. But now everything is out. Everything that grian has spent years hiding because of self-hatred and disgust, thinking he is a monster beyond help or love; there is not much left for him to hide. His world is falling apart, theres no way to recover his life before, the one he oh so carefully cultivated on Hermitcraft. That life is gone.
Aldjnskajan. I hope this makes some sense 😭 i still have another section of quotes that i copied, but ill do those tomorrow (my time) because i am sleepy :)
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