#maybe those too idk I haven’t checked 🤣
enluv · 1 year
ignore this post it’s to try and fix my tags !
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dukeofdelirium · 9 days
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "dukeofdelirium "?
Oh lord. Fav fanfics? Idk if I could even come up with 10.
I don’t really read fanfic that much these days unfortunately, mostly bc I haven’t rlly had time with my current job. I do write fanfic on my AO3 though (but my updating is random bc I work a lot). You can find me on AO3 at dukeofdelirium
I have multiple ongoing fanfics, including a Death Note/lawlight one that I’m writing the 2nd chapter for when I have free time.
As for my all time fav fanfics? Ummmmmmm
1) Genius Is a Curse by Bloodshot Eyes both on ao3 and fanfiction.net.
This is a DN AU where Light never finds the DN. I will say it’s very heavy on mental illness and things like that, and ppl might find the content triggering so I would read with caution if this is the case for you. It’s a fanfic that I still think about to this day and that I’ve reread maybe 5 times in the last 14 yrs. Something about it rlly stuck with me and I still think about it all the time.
2) The Hinterland Doctrine aka Those Who Stand For Nothing Fall For Anything by Halfpromise both on ao3 and fanfiction.net
We all know where we were when this shit dropped lmfao. This is one of the most iconic death note/lawlight fanfics ever written and just so you’re aware, it’s almost 800,000 words. It has its own tv tropes article and everything 😂 I remember reading this fic in highschool and it had me fucked up in all sorts of ways. I’ve been thinking about rereading it bc I haven’t read it in years but I remember how much I loved it. It’s also an AU where Light is a politician, I’m not telling you anything else 🤫
3) motion picture soundtrack by lowlightt on ao3
this author…. This AUTHOR…. Nahhhhhh their writing makes me actually insane I’m serious. Me and my bestie kept sending their fics back and forth in our group chat and we were literally quoting the fics and going crazy until like 4am for multiple nights in a row 😂 see I’ll do it right now. IT’S VIOLENCE, THIS KISS! god that knocks the wind out of me 🤣
4) Drag You Down by chocomd on ao3
This is a Katara x Aang long fic where they break up and eventually get back together. I rlly love this author and I’ve read most of their works. I recommend all their stuff, especially Midnight Meditations and Without Water which are both one shots I believe? Don’t quote me on that tho
The only other fics coming to my mind are fanfics that my friends have written. Like I said, I don’t rlly read too much fanfic these days and when I do read them, I am very selective and picky about it. For a fic to hold my interest and actually be memorable, they rlly have to scratch a highly niche itch in my brain lol. I’ll link some of my besties fanfics if anyone wants to check them out :)
5) Golden Hour by FuelMyDelusions on ao3
This is a Jacob x Bella longfic and a Breaking Dawn rewrite (thank god cuz we all know it needs that) and I’m WAITING FOR BESTIE TO UPDATE 🙄 jk I can’t talk cuz I know she’s waiting for me to update my shit too 😔🤚🏻
6) Aurora - A New Dawn by poizonivory on ao3
This is another twilight Jacob x Bella longfic that is fixing the hot mess that Breaking Dawn aka Smeyer Hell created. I love this fic so much 👹 you’ll catch me in the comments acting weird
Anyway lol, I can’t think of any other fanfics at the moment. Feel free to shoot me other asks if you want, but yeah I don’t rlly read too many fics these days except for what my friends write and stuff that rlly catches my attention.
And to answer your last question, there isn’t any particular story or meaning behind my username. I’ve just had the username for years and so I use it for practically everything. My URL used to be different over a decade ago when I joined tumblr (I was a 100% death note blog at the time) but then I changed it to dukeofdelirium so I’ve kept this username for many years 😋✌🏻
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irishvampireboy · 8 months
AHHH! i’ve disappeared again all day today by accident and bad memory but YES HI IM HERE!!!! i’m meowing like an excited kitty at you :3 and yes, everything is okay! hope all is well with you too
GOD. you’re so right. i think people just like being assholes for no reason, and even more so when they can hide their identity. the balls on those people still…. doesn’t make sense to me in the slightest. why be mean when you can be kind!!!! love is literally right there. and if not love, silence is a close second ahahaha
a brush sounds so tedious to me. after talking about this so much, nail painting in general is so tedious to me. i get all shaky when i do mine, something about the concentration makes my hands shake? don’t know what that means but it sure happens
you know, i’m with you on that. i check mine so much and i even have notifications on for blogs i love (yours is included in this of course). it’s probably not a good thing for my screen time but hell i’m gonna be here anyways so why miss something when i don’t know to? that might be a bad mentality but i’m rolling with it lmao
i like the new mobile theme btw! looks nice :] i haven’t had the chance to check your web theme but i’ll try to remember to look next time i’m on my laptop!
No worries at all!!! I had a busy day so i wasnt here much! Haha!
And yesss like be nice or be quiet. Its that simple my good dudes!!!
I love painting mine! But i do it while i watch tv shows or movies so i have other things so focus on. But i also do it so much that I'm just used too it. And i think i really enjoy the way the paint feels going on my nails. So it's like a nice oooohhh good feelings time, kinda thing for me! Hahahaha!
And ahh thank youuuu!!!!! Gosh i dont even remember what my desktop theme looks like. My computer is old so i rarely get on there these days. Its been... probably a few years..... maybe less. I did make icons awhile back in PowerPoint i think so maybe not quite that long. I know i have my writing blog on there in a theme with a dyslexia friendly font. And maybe my main as well. Idk. I might have to get on there tomorrow and check it out now. Make sure tumblr hasn't fucked with my themes are anything with all their code editing. 👀👀🤣🤣🤣
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rabbits-of-habit · 3 years
Mod Dirk idk why but I really need some HCS of this if u don’t mind?? 😂🤣 can I get some HCS w HABIT,Observer, Firebrand, and Patrick who’s a/o’s absolutely LOVE scary movies however! They end up being like a sport commentator thru the whole thing or like that one middle aged dad. That talks to the TV while watching sports like he’s actually there… coaching the game?? 🤣 trying to hype up the main characters and either do stuff like call them out on their bs or applaud them. This may or may not be a self call out post btw cuz yeah…yeah I do this and I’ve heist now come to terms w it after having watched the Fear Street movie on Netflix (also if u haven’t seen those like go watch the omg there so good!!👀I digress tho! 😅) like idk why something about this is hilarious to me cuz I feel like a few them would start hyping up the killer or monster while their s/o is sitting over here hyping up the main characters like “YEAH LETS GO!!! BEAT EM UP!!!” 🤣
I have no idea what fear street is but I will totally check it out! Also I do this and all of my housemates hate me for it. -Mod Dirk
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The thing about horror movies is that the two of you always get into a fight with each other.
It's always the same argument too.
You shout at the TV strategies the protagonists can use.
Meanwhile Habit is critiquing the villain.
You two always end up turning to each other with glares.
"Well maybe if they didn't enter the murderhouse in the first place we wouldn't be here Bunny. This is on them the least I can do is give the man tips to get them out of his fuckin house!"
You scoff at that of course and go back to annoying him with rooting for the main characters.
The Observer:
This man is so chaotic he would make you watch the same horror slasher films with him all the time.
Would probably have a shirt with his favorite killers on it because he knows you root for the main character.
He will also buy you a tshirt with your favorite main character if you beg enough.
It sort of makes it into a fun game of who can be the loudest shouting at the TV.
It starts to become sort of a tradition in a way?
He will cancel plans just to do this with you.
"Sorry I have plans. If I have to miss them I will make everyone in this room suffer."
I'm sure Noah is grateful for the night off.
CEO of just wanting to enjoy a movie quietly for once.
He doesn't root for anyone really. He applies logic and roots for whoever based on that.
He will beg you before the movie to not be too too loud.
He knows you probably won't be but it was worth a shot.
Always jumps the first time you start yelling at the TV.
"My flame they can't hear you through the screen."
Of course he isn't mad at you for this.
He finds it sweet you are so passionate about it.
He roots for the villain.
Plain and simple he loves to see evil win like Habit.
He shouts at the villain through the screen, telling them where the main characters are.
"Get them! They are in the closet."
You always swat his hand and shake your head at him.
Then you do the same thing with the main character.
He looks at you confused.
Mostly because he thinks you are cheering for a losing side.
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im-no-jedi · 3 years
so y’all know how I personified my inspiration demon and more recently my overall antagonistic brain? well while doing the dishes earlier, I decided to come up with ideas for some other aspects of myself that could use a character attached to them
I’ve seen people do this before in an attempt to better understand themselves and the parts of them that maybe they don’t like or they want to change, so I’m hoping this will do the same for me maybe??
I’ll start with Firebrand and go from there since he was the first. a couple weeks ago, I started joking that I would get “possessed” whenever inspiration hit me and allowed me to write for a good period of time (this is how I’ve been able to write so much of my fic recently). I specifically called it my “inspiration demon” and it just went from there. I wanted to give it a name, something that would be easier to say than just “inspiration demon”. literally the first thing that came to mind was Firebrand from the Demon’s Crest game. I absolutely fell in love with this character after seeing my bro play the game on Switch last year, and I think he fits the role of my inspo demon well. Firebrand isn’t an evil character per say, although he’s considered an “antagonist” in Ghosts ‘n Goblins. he’s independent, super smart, and absolutely loves his people. his wiki page specifically says “he is devoted to its people, as he does whatever he can to make sure that every innocent in the realm stays safe and happy” 🥺. I think he’s a good fit for my wildly unpredictable and super productive fits of inspiration 😁
then a few days ago, I saw a post talking about neurodivergent brains and how we tend to speak of them as their own entities (I think this was posted recently from my queue idk I haven’t checked 😂). I’ve been doing this for YEARS, but I’ve only ever referred to it as “my brain”. that’s boring. cause of Firebrand, I wanted to personify my brain as well. I of course wanted to choose someone that I absolutely hate, that I know would antagonize me on a daily basis. Palpatine is the PERFECT choice for this. specifically, I want my brain to be one of the Palpatine clones just so I can hate it even more. and on top of THAT, I want him to look like TCW Palpatine cause he’s an ugly mofo ROFL. so yeah. I’ve constantly got an ugly little Palpatine clone cackling manically in my head, which I’m sure explains a lot to you all now 🤣
now we get to today. I started thinking of possible personas for my motivation, since that’s definitely another antagonistic aspect of myself. I knew I wanted it to be a monster of some sort as well (motivation monster just rolls off the tongue you know?). the problem was that there aren’t a whole lot of monster characters that I really care for that much? and I didn’t want it to be just a generic monster, it had to be a character, since that’s what the others were. then I realized that my motivation, although quite antagonistic, didn’t really fit into the “villain” category as much as my brain did. I started thinking about the specific aspects of my motivation that bothered me. what I came up with was that my motivation monster was lazy, begrudging, hated his job, and kind of a jerk, but once he got going, he was unstoppable. were there any monster characters that fit all of those characterizations? yes. there is one. and I nearly dropped a dish when I realized it. mother. freaking. SHREK. it’s too perfect. so now, I am going to be referring to my motivation monster as the one and only Shrek (and I both love it and hate it 😂)
after that, I started thinking about other aspects of myself that could use a persona. almost immediately, I thought of my self-confidence (probably due to the fic, since that’s what most of this stuff stems from anyway LOL). this was one that needed to be more like Firebrand; not something that I hated or was necessarily an antagonist, but still something of a problem. and more importantly, what kind of creature did I want this to be? again, almost immediately, I thought of ghosts. a ghost would fit perfectly for my confidence since it’s something that’s always there, but hidden. and since my low level of confidence causes me to be a very shy person, my ghost needed to be shy as well. it was a no-brainer after that. my poor little self-confidence ghost needs to be a Boo (from the Mario games). no specific Boo in particular, just a shy little Boo, going about his business, knowing its his job to scare people, but can’t bring himself to even look other people in the face. it’s perfect 🥰
the last thing I thought of that could potentially use a persona is my anxiety. this one definitely falls into the antagonistic category, but not on the same level as Palpatine. this one could be more like Shrek, since my anxiety does have some redeeming qualities to it. and then I realized, my self-confidence mostly stems from my anxiety. so maybe my anxiety should have some connection with the self-confidence ghost. I didn’t wanna make it Bowser cause 1) I love Bowser WAY too much to associate him with my anxiety, and 2) although some Boos do work for Bowser, they’re mostly their own entities. however! there is a character that could fit the bill much better, and who I wouldn’t mind having linked to my anxiety. I am of course speaking of the one and only King Boo. I don’t hate King Boo, but I still acknowledge him as an antagonistic presence in the Mario universe, so I think he’s the perfect fit, especially as the overall root cause of my self-confidence ghost’s existence.
so there you have it! all of my mental personas so far. we have:
Firebrand, my inspiration demon
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Shrek, my motivation monster
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King Boo, my anxiety ghost, and his minion Boo, my self-confidence ghost
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and my brain, the TCW Palpatine clone
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and this is why I’m still in therapy lolololol
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