#mayday would be in it as well. crawling on miguel or something
autismnation · 1 year
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if i could draw i would turn this into spiderdads
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redstarwriting · 1 year
the clash | i. hey, ho! let’s go!
hobie brown x goth!reader
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word count: 1.1k
genre: enemies to lovers
warnings: language, insults, hobie hating you, you hating hobie
a/n: it’s here 😎 no but fr, i proudly present a new series focusing on hobie brown, loml. i‘m trying to make it gn, so if you spot anything that needs fixing lemme know. i also did include a bit of a description of what you look like, but it’s mainly just to affirm the gothic spider-person look. and if you don’t like it, you can just pretend it isn’t there, my character designer brain just took a hold while explaining lol. enjoy y’all, there’s more where this came from 👀
now reading: i. hey, ho! let’s go!
next chapter: ii. time bomb
In theory, the two of you should have been great friends. Best friends, even. He’s called Spider-Punk, and you’re called Spider-Goth, this alone made Miguel assume the two of you would get along better than all of the Peters. Unfortunately for Miguel, he was dead wrong. It was fine at first, a good introduction. “Spider-Punk, meet Spider-Goth,” Miguel says, motioning to the two of you. You simultaneously turn your heads towards him, “Don’t call me that.” You look at each other, seemingly sizing each other up after speaking the same words at the same time. In reality, the two of you were checking each other out, but no one needs to know that. “Fine. Hobie, meet (Y/n). (Y/n), meet Hobie,” Miguel says as Peter B. Parker hops next to him, excited to see the two of you interact. Your gaze first fell on his many piercings, which suited him very well. Almost as well as the spikes coming out of the shoulders of his tattered denim vest. “See somethin’ you like?” you hear his thick cockney accent, and you shrug. “The constant changing makes it difficult,” you say, causing him to shrug. “I hate consistency,” he says, staring you up and down. “I like the guitar,” you say, and he nods. “Everyone does.” You raise an eyebrow, and he takes in the way your heavy black eyeliner makes the expression look more exaggerated than it is. His eyes go down, taking in your outfit, which seems to be varying in different gothic styles, but overall is all black with silver studs, spikes, and charms sticking out everywhere. He notices the two of you share a liking for combat boots, and perhaps his favorite thing about you are the intricate and all black spider-web tattoos on your hands crawling their way up your arms. Hobie clicks his tongue. “Goth, eh?”
“Yeah. Is that a problem with you or something?”
“Feisty for a goth.”
“Instigative as all punks are.”
“What… is going on,’ Peter whispers to Miguel who shakes his head. “I thought they would be best friends?” Peter suggests as he places a binky in Mayday’s mouth. “I did too…” Miguel says, “Maybe this is just a way these types of alternative people talk?”
“Tal vez tengas razón… Hobie does love to be abrasive for no reason,” Miguel concludes, and Peter shrugs and they zone in on the two of you again. “...I don’t suppose there’s no reason we shouldn’t get along,” Hobie suggests, raising an eyebrow at you. “I agree. We probably think similar things… for the most part.”
“For the most part, huh?”
“Just that we have similar ideas, but most likely not the same,” you respond, and he crosses his arms, his guitar moving loosely behind his back. “Opinions on anarchy. Go.”
“It’s the ideal society—”
“Good start—”
“But completely unrealistic.”
“Excuse me?” Hobie looks at you with a glowering expression. “Humans are inherently assholes. Selfish, shitty, assholes. As amazing as it would be to have anarchy running rampant,” you shrug, “It’s unlikely it will ever happen.”
“You can’t actually believe that,” Hobie says, exasperated, “I mean you actually think that we can’t achieve it? You get enough people angry, and they rebel, they push for anarchy. I’ve seen it happen; I’ve led a rebellion.” You roll your eyes. “And do you live in a perfect anarchical society now?”
“Not yet, but we’re gettin’ there,” he clenches his teeth, and you sigh. “I admire your blatant idiocy disguised as an ambitious dream,” you say, and he huffs. “Would you just talk like a normal fuckin’ person and stop usin’ these dumbass words and shitty poetic language?”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me, or are you as deaf as your ideologies?” This time you scoff. “I don’t have the time to be berated by someone who lives in their own delusions to try and feel the slightest bit less angry at the world for giving him the shitty cards he was dealt.”
“And I don’t have time to listen to the rubbish ramblings of a miserable twat who digs desperately into their black hole of a heart to try and feel somethin’ when the truth is they don’t even know what they stand for,” he fires back. You glare at him. He glares at you. As if on cue you both flip each other off before you web away. Peter’s voice cuts through the silence.
“Well, that went horribly!”
Miguel punches him on the shoulder, resulting in a soft ‘ow’ and a tiny angry noise from Mayday. “What the hell was that Hobart?” Miguel nearly yells and Hobie snaps his head towards him. “Don’t call me that, neither! They don’t get it. It’s not enough to want to make a difference in the world. You need to take action. Goths love to sit on the sidelines and lament instead of playing the offensive,” Hobie explains, a deep frown on his face, “Watch out for them. They might not be able to do what it takes when it counts.” Miguel sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Hobie, you’re supposed to show them around—”
“No, fuck that. I’m not goin’ anywhere near that gothic monstrosity,” Hobie says shaking his head in defiance. “We made a deal. You would show all the younger spider—”
“Yeah, well you can shove that deal up your fuckin’ ass, mate, I’m not doin’ shit for them!”
“Okay, okay, calm down there, man. Why don’t you just ask Gwen to help you? Maybe Miles and Pavitr too? That way you fulfill your promise, 'cause I know promises are important to you, and you won’t have to talk to them!” Peter reasons and Hobie looks over at him. He furrows his eyebrows. That would help the situation. And maybe he’d be able to help you see just how garbage your take was with Gwen on his side. “Fine. But I’m not doin’ it cause I need help, and I’m not doin’ it because you told me to. I’m doin’ it cause it’s the last thing that they’d want,” Hobie says, pointing at Peter while saying it, flipping Miguel off, and then webbing away. Peter looks at Miguel who is clenching his fists… and his jaw. “You seem stressed, but don’t worry about it. Not all of us need to like each other, I mean there’s so many there’s no possible way we all could and look at you, you hate Miles even though he’s awesome and—”
“Shut. Up. Peter,” Miguel growls, stalking away while mumbling various things in Spanish. Peter looks down at Mayday. “Tough crowd,” he says as she giggles up at him.
『 tag list 』
@casmosmoon* @khaleesihavilliard @sparklyphantom​ @weyrrii* 
*if you are italicized - i am unable to tag you for whatever reason, feel free to reach out and see if we can fix the issue
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liliacamethyst · 2 months
Ok but, an alternate universe where Miguel constantly feels the need to show off Gabriel and maaaaaaaaybe competes with Peter B. about who's kid is cuter
Mayday vs Baby Gabe
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In an alternate universe, Miguel and Peter found themselves in a never ending competition to prove who had the cutest and most talented child.
It all started when Peter casually mentioned that his daughter, Mayday, already knew how to talk at just one year old. Normally, Miguel wasn't like that, but something in Miguel clicked, and he felt an irresistible urge to show off his son, Gabriel. The rivalry escalated quickly from there.
One sunny afternoon, as the two families picnicked in the park, Peter pulled out his phone to show a video of Mayday reciting the alphabet flawlessly. Not to be outdone, Miguel, his muscles subtly flexing as he reached into his own pocket, presented a clip of Gabriel, barely two, solving simple puzzles with a focused frown that mirrored his father’s usual stern expression. However, the grumpy facade melted into a warm smile as Gabriel clapped his tiny hands together, clearly proud of his achievement.
"Well, the puzzle-solving is cute, but it doesn't really scream 'spider,' if you ask me," Peter said with a playful eye roll, always enjoying teasing Miguel. He noticed that whenever he annoyed Miguel a bit, a vein in Miguel's neck would start to throb—a sight Peter found amusing.
"Mayday's spider sense is unbeatable. She was born to be Spider-Man in every universe." "Aye Peter, have you seen how gracefully Gabriel swings? He's a fucking natural!" Miguel boasted, unable to resist the opportunity to show off.
"Oh yeah? Watch this!" He held out his hand, and Mayday gracefully swung from tree to tree using her web-slinging abilities. "Now that’s impressive, huh?""Well, that's nothing compared to Gabriel's web-swinging technique. Watch this!" Miguel activated his own web-shooters and swung through the air with Gabriel securely strapped to his chest.
"Oh, really, you wanna play like that Mig? Well, you should see Mayday's incredible agility. She swings like a pro,"Peter shot back, a playful smirk on his face. Miguel chuckled darkly with that playful glint in his eyes, not one to back down. "Well, Gabriel can already crawl up walls effortlessly. It's like he was born to be a little Spider-Man."
Now it was Peters turn to raise an eyebrow. "Is that so? Mayday can stick to any surface with ease. She's got the Spidey skills down pat."
„“Alright, Peter that’s it! Let’s settle this once and for all. We'll have a Spider-Man costume contest for our little ones. Whoever wins gets the title of 'Cutest Spider-Kid.'" ☀️🕷️
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syeren · 7 months
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If Miguel had something to be annoyed of, it had to be you.
The ticking of the clock stroke 2:30 PM for their weekly briefing, to which Miguel stood there impatiently waiting for the rest of his crew to show up. Slowly did they trickle in, in groups of twos and threes, but as his eyes scanned the said groups, you were no where in sight… Again.
“Where are they?” He inquired, head slowly turned to Hobie who was situated beside him. Hobie let out a deep exhale, proceeding to stretch his back momentarily before speaking.
“Beats me,” and with that, Miguel let out a scoff.
“Lyla…“ He pressed a hand over his forehead, rubbing at his temples annoyedly. Surely Lyla would be able to hunt you down, the cameras were set up basically everywhere. That was Miguel’s plan of action until loud footsteps became more audible by the second.
You bursted through the doorway, stumbling over your feet as you clambered back up.
“Am I late?” You asked timidly, scratching your nape gently. Hobie tried to stifle a laugh and coughed into his fist, and rotated his reddened face away as he moved along on the wheeled chair.
Peter, who strolled into the room not too long after you appeared, looked at you while letting Mayday play with the tips of his fingers.
“Just in time,” he responded with a smile following after, and a light sarcastic tone to add. With hesitant steps and eyes circled with fatigue, you found yourself plopping at the nearest table on the verge to pass out. Peter took that as a sign to carefully approach you.
A hushed whisper came close to your ear, “everything alright, kiddo?”
You jolted and blinked your eyes rapidly to rid of the blurriness.
“Yeah, yeah… I’m good,” you said tiredly and rested your chin on your elbow, “why do you ask?”
“The ‘I-haven’t-slept-for-days’ look is getting to you. C’mon, don’t pretend we can’t see those ten-pound bags hanging under your eyes! What’s been going on?” Peter asked and looked at you quizzically, head shaking in contemplation whether or not you’ve managed to eat breakfast as well.
“Been trying to figure out a new design for my suit, can you tell it hasn’t been going so grand?” You joked, emphasizing the trial super suit part. Yes, you’ve decided to take on the task of finally putting more importance on the suit that should’ve been well-made and well-kept. If it weren’t for an unfortunate incident where your suit sliced through in a battle, then perhaps you wouldn’t be sitting there about to nod off in fatigue.
Peter placed a comforting hand on your shoulder which Mayday found exciting, and instantly crawled from his back across to your body. The babbling of the small child evoked a small smile from you and you took her into your arms, cooing and toying with her long locks.
“Hey, you could’ve asked me about the suit! You know I have a couple of my own,” he commented, noting the vast array of designs he created. You merely laughed it off, however.
“Peter, you’re like… Bigger than my own stature, don’t you think?” You replied and chuckled in between your words. The man in question was about to let out the most defensive statement, but to your luck — perhaps — Peter was interrupted by a loud cough.
“M-Miguel! So, when’s this meeting going to start?” Peter instantly perked up at the sight of the gigantic man who stood behind him. Small pellets of sweat started to form slightly over his forehead.
Miguel crossed his arms and scowled, grumbling, “the two of you were talking through it, yeah?”
You gave Miguel an apologetic smile before you turned to Mayday, still giggling within your arms. Peter rotated his body to fully face Miguel.
“Sorry about that, see we—“ He stopped and his eyes widened at the sight before him. A soft smile graced Miguel’s face as his attention was fully on you and Mayday, his eyes narrow… But softened. This was a sight that Peter didn’t think he would see, ever. Miguel slightly shook his head and cleared his throat, his expression back to how it was previously.
“We will resume,” he ordered, taking heavy steps back to the front of the room. Peter was left there dumbfounded and to be quite frank — amused. He took Mayday from your arms as she was reaching over towards him and gave you a knowing smile.
“I think I know how to help your little… Suit problem,” he added and placed Mayday back into her carrier. You cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow. Peter was always so helping towards you so you of course didn’t complain, however, this time something felt off.
You leaned back into your chair, curiously looking at Miguel pointing towards a hologram board with lousy penmanship and scribbles indicating what you assume are location points.
“And that would be?” You asked, head still turned towards the board in boredom. Peter only chuckled, and shifted his weight on his forearms that was placed on the table.
“I can ask ole’ Mig over there,” he spoke quietly, nodding his head in Miguel’s direction. “He’s quite the hands-on and organized guy, he would know what to help you with.”
A sarcastic scoff left your mouth at his words, stating, “you really think he would help me out?”
“One hundred percent.”
You smiled at his honesty and bold comment. Miguel wasn’t the type to just help out on a whim, hell, he isn’t the type to even have a conversation normally. You let out a huff and rolled your eyes, turning your attention once again to Peter.
“Can’t wait to be rejected, I guess,” you muttered, and continued to listen to the rest of the meeting.
Though it wasn’t immediately, Peter came up to you a couple hours later, stating that Miguel agreed to help you out. Well, it just took a couple hours of agonizing pestering from the man to finally make Miguel cave in.
“C’mon! What is a superhero without their suit, eh?” Peter’s voice boomed throughout the empty lab he was situated in, along with Miguel and Lyra, who was chuckling away at his seventh time of convincing.
Miguel let out a sigh, irritation threaded between his eyebrows and his patience on the verge of breaking. “For the last time, no.”
The latter crossed his arms and scowled at the six-foot-nine man. “Fine, fine… Hobie can help them out, ooh perhaps Miles… Maybe Jen,” Peter trailed off, curiosity in his eyes as he peered over to Miguel. Lyra let out a deep exhale, obviously tired of seeing her partner in crime in denial.
“Just do it,” Lyra groaned, rolling her eyes widely, “You’re really a stubborn guy, I think we both know what is really going on with you.”
Peter nodded his head gleefully and seemed proud that he wasn’t the only one noticing his… Strange behaviour towards you.
“What do ya say, tough guy?” He smirked and exchanged glances with Lyra, who also was puffing her chest out in pride.
Silence filled the room as the two awaited for Miguel’s response, and his answer left them internally rejoicing of accomplishment.
“— And he happily agreed!” Peter finished his sentence off and you— on the other hand— stood there with a hand on your hip and one eyebrow raised in the air. The both of you were standing in the hallway when Peter stopped you suddenly, him resting his hands on his knees to catch his breath.
“Funny story,” you replied sarcastically, still not believing that the Miguel O’Hara happily agreed to assist you.
He slumped his shoulders at your response and scowled. “Hey, I went through that work! Can I get some sort of ‘Hey, thanks Peter! You’re the best!’ or something along those lines.”
You chuckled at his grumbling and clasped your hands behind your back, finally relieved about getting the weight off your back.
“Okay, okay… Thanks Peter! You really are the best!” You beamed, giggling away in delight.
Peter gave you a genuine smile and you notice his smile turned into a smirk as his eyes glanced over your head. He placed a hand on your shoulder and chuckled.
“Well, gotta get going… Mayday needs some grub in her system, adios!” He hinted and turned on his heel, quickly scampering away. You watched as his figure left the area until a low voice startled you.
You turned around to see Miguel standing closely behind you, piercing eyes looking down at your figure.
“Oh, hi,” you wavered and looked up, the size difference clearly obvious.
He rubbed a hand at his nape and exclaimed, “Peter told me you were in need of help for your suit, what is the issue?”
You nodded. “Well, I’ve been trying to get the mechanics right. Everytime I try to shoot a web out, it ends up being caught in my suit or my lenses end up failing on me.”
Miguel hummed in acknowledgment, shifting his weight to one foot. “I am free in around four hours if you would like… I can assist you fully then,” he added.
A wide smile appeared on your face, and you chirped. “I would love that, thank you.”
He simply nodded his head, eyes flickered between you and the slightly torn suit you had on. It was a nasty gash, one that reached from one side of your back to the other, with tinier ones littered around it.
"Seemed like one hell of a battle," he exclaimed and pointed out the open areas around your body. You reached a hand over to the one on your arm, covering it in embarrassment.
"Duty called," you stated and rubbed your arm. "I didn't think it would be this bad though."
Miguel let out a laugh in response, a low and vibrating chuckle emitted from his chest.
“l also blame Lyla," he said awkwardly and the tips of his ears flushed a light pink. You flashed him another smile and crossed your arms.
"Well, I take that your apology is you helping me with my suit," you teased, finding his tensed-up behaviour quite amusing. Miguel looked at you endearingly.
"I do hope that it'll suffice," he added while gazing down at you. "I think the new suit will fit nicely too."
You stared at Miguel in awe. Not for the fact of him helping you out or him being nice, but because he truly wasn't like what everyone was saying. Sure, he acted in a despicable way, but he had intentions for what he knew was to be right. It was a realistic approach— If he truly wanted to help out, he absolutely would with no hesitation. And here he was, giggling next to you. Miguel seemed to notice you staring and he broke off your little daydream.
"Something on my face... Or?" He inquired.
"Nothing," you said calmly, another smile laced on your face. "Nothing at all."
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honorable-c-note · 10 months
🤕+ 🧸
Miguel doesn't expect Peter to be big on aftercare... or talking to him during sex. But this guy is guaranteed to surprise him every time.
It makes Miguel feel all warm inside. Makes him selfishly *want more* of Peter in general. He wants to crawl inside Peter's rib cage and sleep there. In that "world", canon events don't exist, and Miguel can finally shut his eyes.
It's not only selfish, but the same type of stupid thinking that got him into trouble before. Bad things happen when he's happy.
He must've said that last part out loud, because Peter strokes his cheeks with his thumbs, and says, "Nothing bad has happened yet."
Miguel attempts to scoot off of Peter's soft stomach, scoffing. "There's still potential for something to go wrong. There always is."
"Even without canon events, as Spider-people or just "normal" people, stuff could happen. We can't control that. And I know you know about canon events more than anyone here. Nothing is going to-"
"I can't. I can't lose anyone else." Peter B just doesn't get it. No one does.
"You won't. I'm right here. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Come back," Peter huffs affectionately.
Miguel gulps and looks away. "You really shouldn't have said that. We shouldn't be doing-This is a mistake-"
"Miguel." Peter's voice is so homely that Miguel's resolve snaps out of existence. "Your happiness isn't a mistake. You deserve it just as much as everyone else. Unless you're... having second thoughts?"
Miguel shakes his head, resting back down on Peter like a dormant cat.
"Then we're good. You and me. How about we check on my universe? Would that help ease your worries?"
You always know just what to say. Why? How? What did I do to get so lucky? "That's actually a good idea."
"You sound surprised." That teasing tone has returned, filling Miguel up more than anything ever could.
You have that effect on me.
"LYLA, could you please-"
"On it." His AI friend adjusts her glasses and pulls up Peter's universe.
Mayday and MJ are watching cartoons. All is well. Miguel exhales, his ribs not as tight as they were a few seconds ago. Peter breathes along with him, the worried crease between his brow relaxed.
"We're good."
"We're good," Miguel echoes, allowing himself a close-lipped smile.
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arriansarchive · 10 months
Sub!Peter B. Parker/Dom!Male!Spider!Reader
Warnings because I always forget them: uhhh scent thing? scent kink???, getting caught, PANCAKES, porn, simple dick sucking
I tried to make the scent thing less weird but I think I failed with the wording I'll be honest
Before Mayday of course
Okay for my update schedule I'm going to try and get something out every/every other Sunday and maybe sooner if I feel like it
I'm easing myself into using the word dick and penis more can you tell? I damn well hope you can cause I go through hell trying to do it
I hate the word suckle
This is less mean!dom!reader then I usually do but it'll have to work because I'm on a time crunch here
Summary: would you like some plot with your porn???? yes? too damn bad
Your house was surprisingly quiet and desolate tonight as you flip the pancakes you were making for dinner. Nobody ever said a Spider had to have a good eating schedule to be a hero, you know.
The last pancake got shoved onto the plate, and you wooped in hurray. Hunger was one of your biggest weaknesses during missions (and everyday life).
"Peter!" You called.
Your fruitcake boyfriend, Peter B. Parker, was also a Spider working for Miguel. He had recently got home from a particularly hard mission, so the pancakes were mostly for him.
No call back or footsteps came from your shared room. You wait a second, a minute, ten minutes, still nothing came.
But then you hear a slight squeaking from something against the wall. Your eyebrows crease in confusion as you walk slowly towards the room, preparing for a fight.
You slammed open the door to a quite erotic scene. Peter had a pair of your boxers from the dirty clothes basket you both shared held up to his face. His hand that wasn't holding them was stroking his dick furiously.
You lean against the door frame and watched for a second, contemplating whether to continue the moment or ruin it once you make yourself known.
"Peter." It was almost like a command.
Your voice was lustful and your eyes glazed over with the thoughts that consumed you like a body of water you were sinking in.
His eyes shot open and he lowered the hand covering his face with the boxers to his lap. His expression was surprised and shocked.
"M/N, I thought you were making pancakes." He muttered.
You chuckled a little. "I was until I heard our ridiculously loud bed creaking and then walked in to this."
His face was completely beet red at this point, and his hand had let go of his painfully erect 'problem' he was dealing with.
"The pancakes are done then?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
You nod. "But I'm going to finish what you started before you eat them."
His face looks bewildered and slightly betrayed. You guess he feels this way because your letting the pancakes get slightly colder than normal.
Once he talks, your thoughts are confirmed. "M/N, the pancakes will get cold!"
Without a word, you crawl quickly onto the bed and capture his red and puffy lips into a ferocious kiss that took all the breath away from you.
It feels like you pulled away all too soon to kiss down his jaw, neck, and finally arrive at his collarbones where he was the most sensitive.
Peter groans a little when you start to suckle on one of his sweet spots you had hit not even two nights before.
He tries to snake his hand through your entangled bodies to touch himself, but you bat his hand away quickly.
"No, I'm going to do it." You declared darkly.
He furrowed his eyebrows in testy defiance but ended up not acting on it. His arm went to hold onto your shoulders while you straddled him lightly.
Leaning down silently, your lips wrapped around the tip of his weeping cock. Peter's groans filled the air that was heavy with the scent of erotica.
His legs were shaking violently and squeezing around your head while you lick a stripe up the vein of his dick.
"Oh shit, M/N!" He sucked in a breath quickly. "I'm gonna cum."
"Already?" You half-heartedly complained.
He whined as you came off with a 'pop' sound. Leaning on your elbows, you look up at him through your lashes in thought.
"Should I let you cum yet, Peter?" You tilted your head in faked innocence.
He blinked in confusion and then rolled his eyes affectionately because he knew what you wanted from him.
Peter sighed and closed his eyes. "Yes, please."
Grinning evilly, you lowered yourself back onto him, immediately setting a fast pace to get him to achieve his orgasm.
He screamed, probably loud enough for the neighbors to complain about, and white ropes of cum shot out of his tip and into your eagerly waiting mouth.
His breaths were labored with the strain of staying up even if he was leaning on the headboard. Peter looked at you in contemplation.
You stood up slowly with a mischievous grin present on your face.
"Where are you going?" He questioned.
"I don't know about you, Pete, but I'm going to eat some of the cold pancakes I made."
With that, you walked away from Peter briskly, leaving him to wallow in his post-orgasm clarity.
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
Yandere spiderverse x reader
Mostly platonic but if you guys want I can add a love interest or you can pick one or three for the reader, you know how I love poly lines ;)
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You weren’t sure how you ended up in the spiderverse, you kinda just woke up there
The last memories you had was walking with your best friend to their house before walking back home
You remember being grabbed and then you woke up on the cold marble floor of HQ by someone’s child poking you
That’s how you first met Peter B parker
Mayday was intent on waking you up so she crawled away from her father into a crowd where she subsequently stuck to your unconscious body
At first Peter assumed that you were a spider but when you yelled at him to tell you where the hell you were, he guessed that it might not be the case
He walked, practically dragged, you to Miguel all while trying to lighten the mood which was unlikely with your defensive attitude
It just so happened that Gwen, Hobie, Pav and miles were being scolded by Jess and Miguel for a mission gone wrong
The situation was only made worse when Peter dragged you in by the collar as you clung to the door defiantly
Miguel was shocked to find a carbon copy of a person he saved in his universe that collapsed, a child who clung to him when they were abandoned by their parents
Sure you were older, but it was definitely you, well a version of you
Miguel, with this painful reminder of his once great universe, starts yelling at you like it was your fault
You didn’t take kindly to that so you yelled back and called him every name in book with a glare as you yelled that you wanted to get home and he was being useless
Peter had to restrain Miguel while Hobie and Pav laughed and Gwen and miles looked at you slacked jawed
After Miguel’s hissy fit, you were put into a corner as they tried to work out what the hell you were doing here
While in the corner, the rest tried to make friendly conversations with you but you only responded with distrusting glares
It encouraged some and made others feel slightly scared of you even though they could probably knock you out with their pinky
Miguel eventually discovered through your universes Spider-Man’s timeline that you were the future love interest for that Spider-Man
A villain had seen this and thought it would be a good idea to use a machine that he didn’t fully understand to kill you, but instead he chained you to another universe and you can’t leave without that machine breaking the metaphorical chain
You tried going through a spiderverse portal and you got spat back out
This meant that begrudgingly you would have to stay until the rest of the spiders either caught the villain or worked out how to reverse the machines effects
Miguel’s eye twitched at the news as he was forced to offer you a room in the spider peoples homing for when they couldn’t return to their universes for a while
You were kept in that room most of the time with your only entertainment being a small computer that Peter gave you in an attempt to soften you slightly
After the introductions
Hobie was the first to visit you in your humble abode out of pure curiosity
You were not welcoming to visitors
He would lay on your bed and not move until you talked to him, that or he would just follow you wherever you went and hover over your shoulder
You didn’t really warm up to him but you tolerated him and talked to him every now and again out of boredom
Any prying into your life would be met with a glare and a complete conversation shut down so Hobie learnt to avoid that
Eventually you became slightly friendly as he offered to connect your computer to portal travel so you could watch your friends and family in your universe through the cameras
It was the first time he saw you smile when your friends came on screen and you watched them
Something about watching you smile made him want to hang around a bit longer
You next warmed up to Gwen but it took a while
Gwen thought you would be fast friends considering your rooms were right next to each other
But when she went to approach you, you sent her a glare that made her officially scared of you
You didn’t mean to glare at her, you were just pissed at the situation
When Hobie started to hang around, Gwen noticed that your glares lightened a bit so she tried again
She knocked on your door with snacks in one hand and a stack of dvds in the other
You looked at her carefully before walking off and sitting down but you left the door open, this was your sign that she could hang out for a while
The two of you spent the night watching movies and you fell asleep with one arm around Gwen, even though you aggressively denied it happening
After this, Gwen noticed that you seemed to like her company more
You wouldn’t glare at her anymore and most nights you left your door open for Gwen to wander in, it was your subtle way of inviting her to stay with you
Gwen say this as a success and quickly grew to crave your attention so she spent most of her free time with you, and you still found ways to surprise her as your icy walls start to break down
Miles warmed up to you after you wandered across Miguel once again unfairly targeting miles again for a pointless scolding
You told Miguel that he needed to chill out a bit
Miguel yelled furiously at you as you motioned behind your back for miles to leave
Miles came up to thank you afterwards for ‘saving his skin’ but you just gave a nod and walked away
Miles slowly started to realise that If he stuck by you, not only would Miguel leave him alone but so would other spider variants that seemed to always give him a hard time
You were somehow generally seen as intimidating, it totally wasn’t because they’d be glared at my you, Hobie and Gwen whenever they approached you
And Miguel just wanted to pretend you didn’t exist
So miles started to seek you out whenever he was in HQ so that he could get that extra layer of protection
He would follow you around like a lost puppy and practically clung to your leg while simultaneously dragging you everywhere he needed to be
You allowed him to do this because he was easy to talk to, so you began to make conversation with him to the point you would consider him an acquaintance, in miles mind that read as best friends
Miles felt the need to be around you more and more as your friendship progressed
Pav was just easy to get along with
He would admit to you that he was scared of you but once he saw miles and Hobie hanging off of you, he slowly got over his fears
He saw that you were bored a lot of the time, so he decided to bring you some entertainment
He brought you a gaming device for two and claimed that it would make the two of you friends
If it was anyone else, you would have slammed the door in his face
But his smile and puppy dog eyes made you instantly yield
The two of you spent the day gaming together
During this day Pav managed to drag out some person stories out of you while you were distracted
All in all he puppy dogged his way into becoming your friend
The others had softened you enough for you to even laugh at his jokes
Pav liked talking to you, and he wanted to make it his personal mission to make you enjoy your stay at the HQ as much as possible
Peter B
Peter did his best with you to get you to warm up to him but you were hard work
You even gave mayday as smile before you even looked him in the eyes
You only warmed up to him when he caught you staring enviously at the spider people swinging around and mumbling to yourself
“My love interest gets to do this and I’m stuck on the ground” you had mumbled bitterly at the thought of Spider-Man, your future love interest apparently, would have all the cool powers
Peter smiled to himself before leaving mayday with Jess and forcing you into a piggy back before shooting his webs and swinging with you clinging to him
You laughed and squealed as you went high up and Peter laughed along
After it was done, you gave Peter his first ever smile from you as you thanked him
He actually gave you a pretty emotional talk about how the love interest is very important for a Spider-Man’s story
After that he noticed you would seek him out more and would want to willingly spend more time with him and mayday
He felt himself growing happier at every new friend you made and every wall you’d break down, like a proud uncle
Miguel found you absolutely infuriating
You were defiant, rude and you weren’t even meant to be in this universe
He would for the most part ignore you but he did notice that you started to lighten up a bit around others and he just groaned and claimed you were a distraction
He didn’t even think about you in a positive light until one night when he was staying up late to work
He heard you approaching his office but he also heard the sound of sniffing
He called out to you and you turned to face him with tears streaking down your face
You had mumbled a confused “dad?” As you moved closer and wrapped your arms around Miguel’s waist
You were hot to the touch and Miguel realised that you were sick, and in your sick mind you had confused him for your father
He wanted to pull away but stopped when you cried into his stomach and kept calling him dad
He was instantly transported to when he saved his version of you when you were a kid
So instead of pushing you away, Miguel pulled you closer and shushed you gently
For the week that you were sick, Miguel took care of you the same ways he used to take care of his daughter all while you called him dad because of your feverish brain
He wouldn’t admit it aloud but it felt good to be a dad again, and he wanted to keep that feeling
After that week, you were suddenly moved into Miguel’s private homing building instead of the Spider peoples housing
This definitely pissed Gwen off
He also asked that you help him in his office as a sort of assistant who would help with paper work and meetings, like an IRL LYLA
This 180 in attitude caused your head to spin but you just excepted it out of Boredom
Another thing Miguel did after that week was crush the machine that could send you home into tiny pieces, you wouldn’t be needing that anymore
The obsession sets in
You had grown quite friendly with the people you were forced into the situation with
You were still rude and untrusting but now you were that quieter and less of the time
You would grab lunches with Hobie
You would watch movies with Gwen
You would be dragged around with miles
You would game with pav
You would swing around with Peter
And you would spend most of you day helping Miguel
They would crave your attention, they don’t know why you of all people they obsessed over
Could it be the work they had to put in to become close with you or was it the forced proximity?
They didn’t care anymore
They all just agreed that you didn’t need to go home anymore
This is your home now, with them
And they weren’t letting you go
They were gentle in their obsessions and would be secretive about it but that didn’t mean you didn’t notice the weird behaviour
They would fight over you like a toy and you barley got time alone but you just brushed it off as them being unique personalities
You’d be going home soon anyway
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Sorry if this is super cringe I wrote this because the yandere potential has been stuck in my head for weeks
Hope you enjoyed anyway
Love ya ❤️
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itsscromp · 10 months
Miguel O'Hara x reader platonic
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Hey again everyone, as of time when I post this it'll officially be my birthday in 1 weeks time, so what better to celebrate than by giving you all a birthday fic with 2099 himself, let's dive right into it. word count:1.1K
Since joining the society, you have accomplished many things, some of which you thought you weren't even capable of, All thanks to help from Miguel. He was the one person you could always count on.
The day before your birthday as he was looking through the universes to find potential anomalies, Lylla spoke up.
"You do know it's y/n's birthday tomorrow miggy"
"Lylla I told you not to call me that"
"Sorry chief, but I am right about the birthday part"
"Are you sure ??"
Lylla then pulls up your file and read through.
"Yep Y/B/D is just as correct"
Miguel was slowly now starting to freak out, he wanted to do something special for you, but since it was tomorrow how could he find the time.
"Qué debo hacer, Qué debo hacer" (What do I do, What do I do)
"Maybe take them to a movie ??"
No no, he couldn't do that, he wanted to show how much you meant to him. how much he loved you. After laying in bed staring at the ceiling, he had an idea.
"Lylla !!"
*yawns* Lylla's hologram popped up, she looked like she was sleeping too. "This better be good"
"I have an idea"
The next day.
Today was your birthday, another lap around the sun. well, now another lap around the multiverse. You didn't feel much older other than knowing it was your birthday, It was exciting as you got to spend it with your bestest friends in the multiverse. As soon as you woke up, Ben barged into your room with a party horn.
*party horn noises* "Happy birthday pal !!!"
"Hey ben thank you" you smiled at him
He then wraps an arm around your neck and gets you in a gentle and playful chock hold
"This is called a chocker hold, I'm using my bicep to constrict you so i can noogie your head" He did so, stuffing up your hair
"Ben !!" You laughed, managing to get out of the hold and hugged him tightly. "Thank you"
Ben happily hugged you back just as tight "Anything for my best friend"
"Who has completed another 365 days around the sun, They have been such a bright light in my life.."
You didn't care if he was narrating again, He was there.
"Come on, some of the other spider people have a surprise for you."
the two then swung to were some of the other spider-society members had a little party for you.
"Surprise !!" Gwen was there, Hobie was there, pavitar was there, Peter B and mayday too.
"You guys..." You looked around finding the decorations and the cake.
"Happy birthday y/n" Gwen ran up to you and hugged you tightly.
"Oh my gosh, this is amazing !!!, Y/n is also amazing !!" pavitar spoke up.
"This day is yours mate, You do you and don't let anyone tell ya how. Hobie spoke up and ruffled your hair.
You then heard babbling as a certain spider baby crawled up behind your back and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek.
"Y/n !!!"
"Mayday also says happy birthday kiddo"
You smiled as you then held mayday and kissed her forehead.
"Thank you guys so much"
"Alright, who's ready for cake !!!" Pavitar was super excited as he spent all day baking it, infusing an array of sweets and spices into it.
As you gathered and chatted and laughed, you noticed one person missing, Miguel.
You knew he wasn't the gathering type but you were sure he would make today an exception.
"I wonder where Miguel is."
"Oh bro ain't the birthday type" Hobie immediately
"Come to think of it, He hasn't really celebrated any birthdays" Gwen spoke up.
"No No, he did celebrate this little one's birthday when she turned 1" Peter B gently bounced Mayday as she giggled "Isn't that right my sweet cheeks ??" He gently kisses her head.
"I'll go and find him."
You then ventured to Miguel's base.
"I wish you luck y/n !!!" pavitar shouted
Entering the base and ignoring the creepy nearly completed suit-looking thing, you looked up to see Miguel not on his platform.
"Miguel ??!! You here ??"
Miguel was hiding, Lylla alerted him of your imminent arrival having prepared his idea, he set it into motion.
The room suddenly went dark.
'Miguel ??..." You then saw the familiar digital droplet falling down and blooming into the tree you saw when you first met the society.
"What's going on ??"
But when the webs were forming, something was different. Instead of the canon events of every single Spider-Man, it was just you and Miguel, all the moments where smiles and laughs were shared.
You smiled looking through all of these events, Looking back at your favorite ones.
"Miguel did you see that !!!!" You saw one event where you caught your first anomaly. Miguel was so so proud of you that day.
"I did y/n, Great job." he patted your shoulder before the two of you brought it back to the society.
"Ok... so if x equals that then the web shooters would be able to extend further than they normally would" In one event you were making modifications to your web shooters to make them extend further as they were having some trouble shooting.
"That should be correct. Give it a go Niño" (Kiddo)
You then aimed your web shooters at the test dummy which was further than usual. shooting at it, the webs stuck to the dummy.
"Miguel we did it !!!!" You smiled widely at him
"Look at you go little genius" He ruffled your hair A proud dad moment.
"Come on Miguel just one game please." You managed to bring your games console back from your universe and convinced Miguel to play just one round with you.
"Ok Ok just one round"
But one round turned to multiple, he was having so much fun with you.
"Your going down y/n."
"Oh no your not !!"
But at the last minute surprisingly Miguel pulled a combo move on you, eventually making the game his for the taking.
"Guess I can say I'm the ultimate Spider-Man and gamer" He even did somewhat of a victory dance which got you laughing.
Seeing all of this made you smile wide, You've shared a lot of fond memories with Miguel.
The webs disappeared and the room lit up again.
"Happy birthday y/n" Miguel came out of his hiding spot, smiling widely.
"Miguel..." Your happy tears brew as you rush to him and hug him tightly. He wrapped his strong arms around you, hugging you just as tight.
"I loved it... thank you so much"
"I love you Niño, so so much, happy birthday"
Lylla appeared blowing her party horn and popping digital party streamers. "Happy birthday to the one and only Y/N !!!"
The smile not leaving your face all day. you just witnessed the greatest birthday gift of all time. Miguel spent all night organizing each event into one web. You couldn't have asked for a greater birthday gift than that.
taglist: @callofdudes
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kiribaabe · 1 year
Almost ( A Miguel O’Hara/ Peter B. Parker Father’s Day fic)
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Listen, I’m so obsessed with spider dads rn it’s not even funnyyy. Ugh, I just think they’re neat.
Please accept this super belated Fathers Day thing I wrote. Shares and Ao3 comments are really appreciated! Trying to get my writing more traction 🥲
Summary: Peter B. Parker knows that Father’s Day is a particularly… difficult time for Miguel.
He can’t change the past, but he’s hoping he and Mayday can make things a little brighter for him this year.
Tags: hurt/comfort, light angst, General softness. Miguel O’Hara deserves to be a dad, and I’m gonna make him one through Mayday so help me—
Full fic: Ao3
I got some color back, he thinks so, too.
I laugh like me again, she laughs like you.
"I said no peeking!"
"What? I didn’t!"
"Papa, I saw you! Please just cover your eyes all the way?"
"Okay, Okay, sweetheart. I apologize. They’re closed, see? I can’t see a thing." Miguel makes a show of pressing his eyes shut extra tight to demonstrate to the little girl that they were indeed closed and no further peeking would ensue.
He bites back a small laugh when he finally feels her crawl into bed, feeling the weight of her on his knees. There’s some shuffling, as if she’s taking her time to get into the perfect position before something is placed over his lap.
"Okay, there! Now you can open them!"
When Miguel opens his eyes, a tray of food greets him: A colorful array of cut fruit, eggs, bacon, and chocolate chip pancakes that may or may not be a little bit charred in some places.
He looks down at the spread, shocked, before cracking a smile. "Wait a minute…no way. All this, for me? And you didn’t burn my kitchen down? Look at you! I'm very impressed, Gabbie."
Gabbie snorts a laugh in return, a giddy sound that fills the air like a summer song. "I only caught a paper towel on fire that one time, papa. And I said I was sorry! Plus, look, I made up for it, didn’t I?"
"That you did." Miguel chuckles. It’s a relaxed sounding thing, and the creases in the corners of his eyes brighten along with the motion."Thank you, Mijita. It looks delicious. Uhg, what did I do to deserve a kid like you, huh? Cmere!" Careful not to spill what’s in front of him, Miguel brings his daughter to the side, decorating the entirety of her face with an obnoxious amount of kisses before blowing a fat raspberry on her cheek.
Another squeal of giggles erupts from her, and she embraces the affection for only a split second before she tries to shove the man away. "Eww! Gross! Stop, or I'm not gonna give you your other Father's Day gift!" She threatens.
Miguel hums in response, contemplating. On one hand, he very much wants to draw out more of that bubbly laughter. But, on the other hand, he knows better than to call a bluff from this kid.
She is her father’s daughter
So, he decides to give one last wet, over-the-top kiss at the corner of her eye before he finally pulls away, wearing a smile as Gabbie wipes at her face.
"Fine, fine, you win. Show me, then." He gives in.
Gabbie beams excitedly, and is quick to leap off the bed. She dashes out of the room, only to return a short time later with a little gift bag in hand. "Here, I made it in class last week." She smiles. She returns to her spot in her father's bed, tucking herself in right by his side once she hands it off.
Miguel isn’t very good at hiding his excitement, not that he’s trying to. He maintains his big smile while he rummages through pink gift paper, discarding a near excessive amount before finally reaching the contents he’s after. What he pulls out is a colorfully painted mug, decorated in intricate little dots of red and blue, with the words 'world's greatest brain’ written across the front.
There’s no containing the laugh that gets pulled out of Miguel as he holds it in his hands.
"I think this may very well be the best mug in existence, nena. I love it. I’m going to take it to work every day so they’ll never forget who the smartest person in the room is."
Gabbie beams a little brighter, all too pleased that he seems to genuinely enjoy her gift. She did work extra hard on it, after all. "You’re welcome." She says with a proud puff of her chest. Her dad was the smartest person in the room, so he deserved something that said as much.
“I love you so much, you know that?” Miguel asks. He has no shame or embarrassment for the tears in his eyes or his wobbly smile.
“yeah, I know, papa. I love you too.” After giving her father another quick hug, Gabbie giggles and quickly tries to scramble out of bed before she’s attacked by more affection and kisses.
She isn’t fast enough, though.
Transmission log:
Gabriella O’Hara
Age at time of recording: 10yrs
Record: 0551
>>> End Transmission<<<
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anomaly1003 · 11 months
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This is my version of Female Miles (Myles)
Myles was 13 when she was bitten by the spider back in ITSV so she would be freshly into 14 in ATSV. Instead of a year She’s actually been Spider-Man for a few months before the events of ATSV. I purposely wanted to make her younger because I wanted her keep her baby face doe-eyed look and keep her excited childlike expression when she visits the Society for the first time. Also I wanted to make it difficult for Miguel to be too harsh on her upon their first meeting when he finds that the biggest threat of the Multiverse is actually this sweet little sunflower who’s smile reminds him so much of his own child.
Peter calls Myles Baby Spider much to her annoyance.
I wanted Myles to keep her signature jacket mostly because I wanted her hood to be able to cover her hair when she’s Masked up. I was debating having in shorts on none but I’ll experiment how she looks without them in later work.
Besides Mayday, Myles is the youngest Spider-Man at the Society and the smallest. Myles finds it completely unfair that a majority of Spider members have achieved physical perfection, height and mass, when turned/bitten while she is still below average in height for her age. (Her curves won’t come in until she’s like 15/16.) She can’t help but feel a bit intimidated by how most of the Spider members tower over her.
Another disadvantage of her height is that it has lead others the impression that she is free to be manhandled like being thrown over the shoulders of others or picked up and carried.
Though there are some advantages. Though small she’s fast and sharp with lightning quick reflexes. She’s flexible as well and can crawl into places most Spiders can’t fit.
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The spider that bit Myles gave her more than the norm such as animalistic traits. For one she grew fangs, not a long and sharp as Miguel’s though. She uses something called Volt Bites which is when she bites her enemy she sends voltage of electricity through the inside of their body and burn them out without any fatal consequences.
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Myles makes high Chirping sounds when she’s happy along with other noises. I like to believe Miguel does the same and is the only one beside Myles that can do other noises too. Both Myles and Miguel are able to purr. Myles is constantly heard purring and chirping because of her happy sweet nature.
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Distant Sparks (Miguel O'Hara x Reader) Part 4
Okay guys, like I said, the length of this one is to make up for how short my last part was so I hope you enjoy this. Although I wrote this in class (In like 30 minutes) and this part almost made me cry I'm not gonna lie (I was listening to this playlist while writing so that definitely didn't help-) ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoy this part! Feel free to throw some feedback at me!
TW: Mention of death, guilt, pretty angsty in general
WC: 1,039 (WHEW)
pt1 pt2 pt3 ->pt4<-
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You cheerily marched through the halls with that huge and stupid smile that made Miguel’s skin crawl. It almost made him angry but he couldn’t figure out why. As you fixed your posture into something of a more calming nature, you sauntered into Miguel’s office. You were used to molding your joy around other people’s emotions, this was no different. You knew Miguel was an uptight person and that you had to tone down your excitement in order to make sure you didn’t make him uncomfortable.
As Miguel heard you walk in he turned around on his platform to face the door. It was like he knew it was you from the sound of your footsteps. His immediate attention toward you came as a complete shock. He had done so well to conceal any sort of favor toward you up until now. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him with your mouth almost agape.
“What is it? I heard you walk in and I’m busy so speak quickly”
Miguel tries his best to rationilize to you exactly why he had turned to face you so quickly. It was a complete and utter lie. He wasn’t that busy today. It was one of those rare days where the universe was actually for the most part quiet.
You quickly caught on to the fact that he had lied to you but chose to remain quiet and not press the issue. He seemed irritated so it could be that he has heightened senses from his irritation.
“I just came in to drop off some reports to you since Jess was busy helping Peter B with Mayday. You seem irritated, what��s up?” Normally you wouldn’t ask him this kind of question but something in his eyes urged you to help. Something buried deep beneath his soul seemed to be crying out for help to you. Who were you to deny him help?
“That’s none of your business. Leave the reports down there on the table and I’ll grab them when I’m not busy.” Miguel grumbles and finally pulls his gaze away from you, turning back to the glowing yellow and orange screens in front of him on the platform. He wishes you would just leave him be. He wishes he had never accepted you into spider society. He wishes he had never met you. But why? You had never wronged him? The truth was that Miguel saw such raw kindness in you and it irked him. Every time he saw your smile it tugged on his chest and it made him angry. He was so far away from the concept of ever letting anyone else into his heart after losing Gabriela and his wife.
You noticed how he lost a bit of tension in his shoulder as he looked away from you. Did you make him… uncomfortable? The thought made your heart sink. You had never made anyone so uncomfortable before that they were angry to see you. You couldn’t have that happen so you webbed up to his platform and set the papers down, making sure he knew it was you behind him. You had to see if it was true, if his body tensed near you. You looked at his back and watched as his shoulders tensed and again, your heart sunk. You had confirmed it and yet, you still spoke.
“Do I make you uncomfortable?” Miguel is caught off guard by your words. He hadn’t thought that you would ever notice and the fact that you had noticed put a gut-wrenching feeling in his stomach. His own heart began to sink as he looked back at you. That smile that he convinced himself that he hated had been replaced with a look of concern and… sadness. He hated that more. He hated this look on you even more than he hated your smile. The way he felt about your smile paled in comparison to this. Miguel quickly searched for any answer to give you that wouldn’t make him seem like a jerk. He was a jerk. How could he put that look on your face? “I… don’t know.” That was all he could think of. So, you press further.
“If I make you uncomfortable you can tell me…” Miguel pauses for a long moment of silence before quickly meeting your eyes with his.
“I’m in pain…” He finally whispers to your shock, and apparently, to his own shock as well. You don’t think as you feel your arms move up and slither around him in a tight hug, your cheek pressing into his warm chest. Miguel doesn’t know what to do. He hasn’t had a hug since Gabriela died… However, almost instinctually, Miguel wraps his arms around you in return. His eyes are filled with tears and he doesn’t even notice until one rolls down his cheek. Was this all he needed? A hug? He planned to open his mouth and speak again but is quickly stopped when he hears you begin to speak, not knowing that he had planned to say something.
“Me too…” You take a deep inhale as you keep yourself rooted in his arms, in the tight hug that connected the two of you.
“I know you miss Gabriela and I know how you feel… you feel like it’s your fault…” At first you feel like you sound corny, like your acting for a movie so you quickly attempt to salvage this.
“I miss my sister. I think… it was my fault for getting her killed…” Miguel listens to you before quickly stopping you from continuing to speak.
“Stop.” You close your mouth and quickly look up at him, concerned as he continues.
“You don’t have to tell me… I already know. I saw your file…” Miguel admits to his intrusion but you don’t care.
“I don’t care, I’m worried about you… Here, I have an idea. I’m going to go get us some empanadas and drinks from the cafeteria and we can just talk, okay?”
Miguel can’t find it in himself to deny you as he nods and watches you head toward the exit of his office, leaving him on the platform missing the warmth of that hug that you had shared.
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