#maze runner aris x reader
that-tmr-girl · 3 months
How TMR boys would react if you called them vanilla
Stares at you for a moment
The next thing you know he's on top of you, trailing his hands down your hips
Kissing you, the only thing he changes is edging you even more than before
"And you're still going to cum every time."
Completely offended
Walks towards you, making you nervous
The next thing you know, you're screaming his name as he goes rougher than ever before
"Call me that again. I like teaching you lessons."
Looks you up and down
Walks away, leaving you confused
Then, he schedules you to run together in the Maze
Fucks you against a wall until take it back
Doesn't bring it up for a while
When you've forgotten about it one Greenie night, he takes you to his hut and rails you
Only after making you cum until your legs give out does he tell you why he did it
"Being vanilla doesn't seem to be a problem, does it love?"
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nomoreusername · 4 months
TMR characters favorite place to kiss you
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Your cheek. He always kisses you there before he has to go somewhere. 
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Your hand and forehead. Both are enough to fill anyone with butterflies (but so is Newt).
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Your collarbone. Does this really need an explanation though? It is Minho after all.
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Your lips. It's simple and a classic, but if it's not broken why fix it? 
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Your forehead. It's so sweet, and it's the perfect way to be waken up. It's literally the purest form of affection. 
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Your lips. Once again, simple, yet loving
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Your cheek. It's so small yet always leaves you weak in the knees. Why wouldn't it when it's literally Sonya?
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Also your lips. Why wouldn't it be when they fit so well on hers?
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Your nose. It's a simple and quick yet lasting way to show how much she loves you.
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
TMR ; how you meet
includes ; newt, minho, brenda, aris, sonya & harriet
warnings ; language, mentions of weapons, death
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met at the mall in the scorch
you were barely fucking alive
thomas heald the gun up at you thinking you were infected and newts like "bloody hell, what happened to you?"
he quickly helps you because you're literally starving and dying of dehydration
you're slumped over his shoulder and barely able to walk
you thank him religiously for helping you
your friendship is the definition of the vibes of From Eden by Hozier
such a pure, wholesome relationship
most of the group had no hope for you but he did
because he wasn't going to let another person die
at the right arm
he caught your attention so fast
like who is that badass, tired, fast ass runner???
he honestly admires you
the way you hold a gun, the way you show facial expressions, etc
your determination to get him back from WCKD was probably the only thing actually keeping the operations going
even after the train rush failed, you wouldn't stop
even with your small time together, you'd built a weird bond
and you weren't gonna give up on him, even if his actual friends wanted to
Met in the Last City while reuniting with Gally
you worked with him and helped assist him and the others kind of helpfully kidnap the crew (???)
she didn't trust you at first, but you jumped at the sight of a rebellion and blowing shit up
she started to like you
the whole bus scene went crazy
she admires your fight and that you don't like violence, you like the rebellion aspect and taking down the bad people and find a way to make it fun for everyone yk?
you kept the kids so calm and collected, she wished she could stay so calm in a panic filled situation like you
you came out of another maze just before him
you kinda sat in silence with him every day until maze b survivors showed up
he'd never showed you the vents, although he did talk about escaping with you
although iffy, you listened to him and the maze b kids
you had no one left, and you didn't want to stay if janson turned out to be with WCKD yk?
a quiet, mutual was bonded on the first day you guys sat in silence together
kind of like a mutual respect for one another although you barely knew each other
you came up in the box before her
you showed her around and all that
she admires your hard work and how you don't give up, even with the most boring, mundane tasks or the most spine cracking, difficult ones.
you have a strength for defending the ones you love as well and she loves it about you
you have awesome fashion too tbh
at the right arm
she heald you at gunpoint and you were both trying to figure each other out
mutual bond of respect formed between you two
constantly teaching each other new things and stuff
you teach her how to use a pencil, she teaches you how to weave together blankets and shit
you're smart and quick thinking and she's kind of the arms of the operation, she's like your shield
w dynamic
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Can you write platonic gladers x child reader (8 - 10), like when their in the scorch trials
AHHH I've been thinking about writing a platonic fic for so long but I wasn’t sure if anyone would read!!!! This request is so good thank you so much
The Heart
Gladers x child! gender neutral! reader (platonic)
Set during scorch trials (movieverse)
Notes: I decided to format this as headcanons to make it easier. Where Teresa is 'The Traitor', Newt is 'The Glue', etc, reader is tattooed with 'The Heart'. This isn't really in the story, just a note for the title and a general headcanon
Warnings: everything that happened in the movie, i.e. violence, Cranks, Winston shooting himself, and one instance of bad language cause apparently I don't have other vocab
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You meet Aris when you've all escaped from WCKD
He's a nice guy
When you're gathering supplies in that abandoned building he picks out a bunch of little sweaters for you
Idk I get a sweater vibe from him
You wear the sweaters when it's night time in the Scorch, and freezing cold
In the days when it's too hot to wear them Aris carries them in his backpack for you
But that's really the extent of your interactions
You've just had more time to build up trust with the people of your own Glade, so it's easier with them, but you're still chill with Aris
You didn't really know Winston back in the Glade
But it still hurts when the Cranks get him
He shields you away, not letting you see his wound when he shows the others
The Gladers help him do the same, hiding you from him when he starts looking worse
It's like there's some silent pact between everyone to protect you from seeing as many bad things
Your age seems to make them want to preserve your innocence, or something
Anyway, he always looks after you, until the end
RIP Winston :(
He always had a soft spot for you back in the Glade
(everyone did)
That kindness doesn't stop when you're out in the Scorch
He always makes sure you've eaten, and he even offers you some of his food, even though he probably needs more than you
Frypan does his best to keep the mood light for you, cracking little jokes and pulling faces to make you smile
For Teresa, you're actually a reminder of what the world was like
Look, we all know Teresa betrayed the group, and that was really shitty
But we can get her motivations sometimes
She looks at you and sees the people she should be saving, the people she wants to protect
You're actually a symbol of hope in her mind
She wants to make a cure so that people like you can live in a world without the Flare
Of course, you would rather she just not betray all your friends, but that's just how her mind works
For you, she's kinda like an older sister... or a mother (lol)
You always sleep beside her at night, and she'll hold your hand while sleeping so you don't have nightmares
Thomas is actually kind of a role model to you
You admire his relentless no-one-left-behind mindset, and his bravery
He doesn't really have time to look after you like the others, but you always fuel his spirit with your unfailing optimism
He makes the most time with you at the end of the day, when you're resting
He comforts you when you're scared at night, staying awake to talk to you about simple things, or to tell you a story to take your mind off your fears
You cuddle up to sleep between him and Teresa, giving both of them some calm and peace, since you can tell his mind is always moving a million miles a minute
He's kinda like Teresa with you, actually
They both look at you as a hopeful future, something they have to work towards to protect you
But the difference is that Thomas works to get you and the rest of the group to a safe place, while Teresa... you know, gives you all up
You trigger some strange memories in Newt
He doesn't really remember, but he had a sister before
You remind him of what it's like to be an older brother
He protects you like his own sibling, making sure you get your sweaters from Aris' bag when it gets cold
He also defends you first when you end up at Jorge's warehouse
When the guard people are closing in on you, he shoves you behind him and threatens to kill anyone who touches you
Obviously they have guns and are stronger than the lot of you, so all you end up getting strung up by your feet
But hey, he tried his best, and it was all fine in the end
Minho is your favourite
(you're his favourite too)
He's snarky and to-the-point with everyone else, but he's always soft with you
Back in the Glade he'd always let you sit in the Runners' hut and chill out, just drawing pictures or messing around with sticks from the Map
Some days when it gets late, you get tired from walking and Minho will give you a piggyback ride
Usually you'll fall asleep on Minho's back like that, and he'll have to gently put you down, trying not to wake you
Minho's actually always carrying you
Like, in the hard situations - it becomes a regular thing
Some bad shit going down? Get on my back
He's carrying you when you're running in to the warehouse, and you almost get struck by lightning with him
Back when you were escaping the Maze, he was carrying you there too
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Hope you enjoyed these :)))
Thank you for reading, and requests are open as always ❤
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follow-my-literature · 6 months
VOTING ENDS IN 6 HOURS - as of 2:51 on Dec 28
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I'm back from my hiatus, and I've decided to reorganize my writings. I have pulled them all and have picked the best ones to keep. Now, I need you to pick which story you want to read first. Make sure to check out the synopsis before you make your choice.
I do apologize, there was an issue with the last poll I had created. Please if you voted before, just take a moment to revote.
*Poll is open for O N E W E E K *One-shots are not included in this list.
all story synopses are located here.
To those who are seeing this and don't enjoy "𝕩 Reader" fanfictions:
I apologize. I just want to reach as many people as possible. I have been away for a long time. Perhaps suggest another way for me to tag if it bothers you since this wasn't an issue when I used to write.
all story synopses are located here.
First story will be
A Palace Full of Cranks
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newtgf · 1 month
Currently writing!
Hi guys it’s Jean!! 🌸, how you doin’?
Can’t believe that in a day i already received so many requests i’m so happy about it!! Thank you so so much!!
With this post i just wanted to say that i started working on some of them and since they’re already 6/7, it’s gonna be a while since i’ll write them all but don’t worry I’ll surely will post as soon as i can!
Don’t be afraid to keep sending requests I’ll be more than happy to receive them!! 💕
See ya!!
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valentinetypewriter · 2 months
I'm writing a fic series (and want your help)
So I'm planning on writing a Maze Runner fic series (based on the movies) and I would love to get help from you guys (^-^)
I'm going to be doing a series of polls, all of which will be linked to this post, so This way I can hopefully cater to what people would actually enjoy reading.
Poll 1 - Y/ns gender (which will impact the beginning of the story)
Poll 2 - love interest (warning this will be a slow burn fic filled with angst)
Poll 3 - Y/ns job in the Glade (a more simple one but will still add to the story)
Also as this series goes on I will be making more polls, letting you readers make life changing choices to the story
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budgiesunset · 11 months
Hi can you write a harriet the maze runner x fem reader please maybe with an idea of (your the only girl in group A and then a wall opens and group A and group B gets connected and then you start a relation ship with harriet) that was just a suggestion you can write about anything love its okay if not and definitely don't feel pressured to make one xx💕💕😘😊💗❤️
AN: GUESS WHOS BACK! After a few months and my birthday I have returned. Hope you like this story Anonymous and I did decide to change a few things about the plot but I hope you still enjoy and sorry for the delay
Shot || Harriet x Fem!Reader
•Warning’s• blood, guns, gunshot wound (not fatal), the flare, slight swearing, probably incorrect medical information, part where reader is in bra but it’s not descriptive, angst if you squint, not edited or proof read •Summary• After escaping the maze and the scorch you find yourself getting shot and falling for Harriet while she patches up your injury
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You had just escaped WCKED and again now setting off with Jorge, Brenda, Aris and what was left of the gladers on a mission to find the right arm and to get to the safe haven.
‘We’re so close’ you thought as you got out of the car that had gotten you almost the entire way. The road was blocked by a bunch of abandoned cars several of them had been trashed
‘probably from when this all started and people were looking for supplies or ways to get out’. The thought came to you as you looked through a cracked window of an old truck.
First you heard it. It was loud and clearly a gunshot then suddenly felt a hot pinch in your arm. You felt yourself being pulled to the ground in your daze you turned around seeing Frypan looking at you concerned.
“Keep pressure on your arm” he said as he moved your un-injured arm so the you could replace his hand on your wound.
Everything happened so fast and the next thing you know your being pulled up from the ground by someone you definitely didn’t know.
She was wearing a mask and had a rifle. But she had dark brown eyes. Brown almost black hair that she had styled in twist and she had tanned skin even though you couldn’t see her face you felt like you could trust her.
After a very confusing interaction between Aris a girl named Sonya and the girl who pulled you off the ground who you learnt to be called Harriet. They agreed to take you to the Right arm.
Along the way you found yourself walking next Harriet. “How’s your arm” She questions.
“It’s okay I guess for being shot.. Hurts like hell though” you say as you lift your hand off of the injury to look at it but quickly placing it back and applying more pressure as blood starts to leak out again.
“When we arrive we can get it looked at and bandaged up.” She said looking at you then quickly looking straight again.
“Yeah that sounds good” you say. The rest of the trip was silent.
[Time Skip]
You were sitting in the med tent when Harriet entered.
“Docs busy with your friend but luckily for you I know how to fix up a gun injury.. Do you need help to remove your shirt?” she says as she lets out a breathy laugh. You just nod as she carefully removes your shirt leaving you in your bra. She then sits down on a stool using a cloth to clean around the wound.
“This is going to hurt” she says while holding a pair of tweezers so they were just hovering over the hole using her other hand to stretch out the skin. Then carefully she pulls out the bullet.
“Fuck” you mumble squeezing your eyes closed. Harriet them starts to bandage the wound on your upper arm.
“Wait here I’ll go get you a clean shirt.” She says before exiting the tent. She returns a few minutes later with a cream colored long sleeve shirt. “Here” she says holding it out to you.
“would you mind helping me?” You say looking up at her from this angle you could see just how beautiful she is, how her skin glows as she nods and how her hair falls in her face as she leans over you to help you pull the shirt on.
Her touch is warm and as she stands up you find yourself missing her warmth you both stare into each others eyes until the silence is broken.
“Dinners ready” you look over to the door of the tent to see Aris standing there looking at you both confused.
Harriet helps you stand up and guide you to a small log next to a campfire she tells you to sit before walking off and returning a few minutes later with two bowls of hot soup.
She hands you one and then sit’s down next to you and you both talk for hours. Then suddenly you hear a loud buzzing then you see a beam of light and feel a gush of wind.
Harriet acts fast grabbing her rifle then your hand and pulling you behind her as she yells out orders left and right.
You’re suddenly behind a car and all you can hear is gunshots, explosions and yelling. You cover your ears curling your knees up to your chest hiding your face in them.
Not even a minute later you feel yourself get violently yanked from the ground and then you feel it. A gun placed at your temple.
“Put your weapon down or else she dies!” The soldier yells. You start shaking your head left and right tears welling in your eyes as the barrel of the gun get pushed even closer to your temple forcing you to move your head on a diagonal so that your left ear is almost at your shoulder.
Harriet looks into your eyes before throwing her gun to the floor not even two seconds later she is being grabbed and pulled to a line up you not too far behind.
Your head gets pushed forwards and then the soldier calls out “A45” and then moves onto the next one.
You flinch when you feel something grab your hand but quickly relax when you look over and see Harriet holding onto your hand.
“It’s going to be okay.. I won’t let them hurt you” she whispers so that only you and her could hear.
[Time Skip]
After everything happened and the WCKED soldiers left taking almost half of what was left of the right arm you curled up next Harriet as she rested up against a large rock.
Your head rested on her shoulder and her arms wrapped around your waist in a protective manner as if she was scared that if she let go you would end up in the hands of WCKED just like Sonya and Aris. So that night you fell asleep in the arms of Harriet where you felt safe.
The End
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
Hello! May I please have matchups for Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, and The Umbrella Academy? I understand if that is too much, just choose the ones you would like to do if it is :)
My pronouns are she/her, I have dirty blonde hair that goes to my waist, blue-green eyes, and I’m 5’3. I have been described as bookish, nerdy, introverted, and sweet. I have also been told that i am a good listener. I love reading, baking, archery, and writing! I hate bright colors, loud noises, dishonesty, and disloyalty. I dream about traveling the world to the point where no one knows my name, and i can just BE in peace. I wouldn’t mind having a partner though. Just one person who accept me. They don’t necessarily need to understand me, i would just like for them to like me the way i am.
Hey there. I’m sorry, but I didn’t do Harry Potter fandom, I just couldn’t figure anything out
Your Hunger Games match is…
Finnick Odair
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Teases you about your height difference
Finnick isn’t really into books, but he’d still be curious what you’re reading
You > anything else he can think about
He won’t admit it, but he needs someone to listen to his troubles
Finnick would really appreciate you listening to what he has to say about his problems and trauma
Complimenting how good you are at archery and baking
Finnick can’t bake a single thing and he’d be willing to learn from you
He’s a very loyal boyfriend and would never cheat on you unless it’d be forced (Capitol)
Finnick would like to travel with you if you’d agree with him coming with you
He’s a very caring and protective boyfriend
You’re his first priority
You listen to his troubles, he listens to your troubles
Aris Jones
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Plays with your hair while cuddling
Aris himself is an introverted person so don’t worry he won’t drag you into some parties
He’s a perfect listener too
Tell him your troubles and he’ll tell you his
Amazed at your skills
He’s not very much into reading, but would like it if you’d tell him about it
Aris doesn’t like you the way you are, he loves you the way you are
Takes you on some secret places
You’re the only one who he trusts with all of his secrets
Aris really cares about you
Complimets you
Small talks at night about random stuff
Viktor Hargreeves
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He loves your eyes
Viktor has some tips for books if you’d like
He’s more into writing books instead of reading them, but he likes reading them with you much more
Just like Aris he’s a perfect listener
He admires your archery, but would never want to learn it
Man, he loves when you bake something with him
Viktor also doesn’t like loud noises much so no, he won’t take you somewhere loud
He’s very loyal and honest towards you so don’t worry, he’d never chest on you
Maybe he’d lie to you to protect you sometimes, but he’d feel bad
He also wants to go somewhere where no one knows him so he could also be at peace
Viktor would like to travel with you
He’s an absolute sweetheart
Forehead kisses
Or lips kissing
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a gradum ad lumen - part 2 .
you guys can probably guess by now that i’m a more spontaneous author, so my activity will have it’s ups and downs, and I may just be inactive for months on end when i lack motivation / time to write.  but with my high muse for this series so far and the release of season three for umbrella academy, i’m hoping to get out a good amount of writing for as long as i can.  but anyway, chapter two!
Word count: 3.9k!
Warnings : general TMR TWS; blood, slight gore, disturbing ideas / images, and depicted injuries.
Pronouns used: they/them – gender-neutral.
Prompt(s) used: “Who knows.  Maybe we’ve actually made it out of this hellhole after all.”
Pairing: TMR x GN!Reader.
Parts you may have missed : Part 1
A/N: I always forget to beta read my writing, so if parts don’t make sense, just ignore it.  I typically do end up reading them after my pieces are posted, so I’ll likely get around to fixing any nonsensical bits the following week.  I also apologize for the long and pretty bland chapter, I’m hoping things will be more eventful from here on out. 
“Jeez, talk about a storm.”
You and Minho were spectating the harsh winds and rain from the safety of your room in the sporadic and rickety building you called the Homestead, watching as the unrelenting weather drenched anything the instant it touched it, the Gladers that were darting about the perfect example as they hastily went about gathering personal belongings and other things prone to being destroyed due to water damage to shelter in the Homestead.  Newt was amongst them, the sight of the Keeper directing the traffic through the already muddy grass and whipping winds more than enough to entertain the two of you as you awaited your impromptu supper to finish cooling down.  
Despite the later time that you and Minho had come  back to the Glade, bringing the arrival of the unexpected storm with you, Frypan had managed to set aside a few bowls of still hot vegetable stew with freshly baked bread rolls that you were more than eager to devour the minute the soup cooled.  In the meantime, you nodded in agreement with Minho’s comment, idly picking at a loose thread dangling from the hem of your nondescript shirt as the two of you continued to watch.  You had dragged a stool up to the window, knowing that you’d be there a while if your running partner planned on staying by the window for the entirety of the rainstorm, and you were more than relieved that you had done so beforehand, even the thought of trying to stand for that long with your injured leg enough to make you shudder inwardly. 
You and Newt had managed to find Clint just as he was throwing empty jars and bandages into a bin, which typically signified that he and Jack were about ready to retire for the evening, and have him run a quick but thorough check on your ankle after explaining what exactly had happened to the medic.  Thankfully, after he rolled it experimentally, observed your elicited reactions, and asked you to rate the pain you felt when standing or attempting to walk on it, he confirmed Newt’s suspicions and said that the swelling would subside after a few days, the pain sure to follow suit as well.  All you had to do was keep off it as much as possible, though, which put you in a bit of a bind; Clint had been sure to specify that “staying off it” included going out into the Maze until he cleared you again, the news making you deflate slightly.  Luckily, you were still able to at least hobble around for short periods of time, which meant that you could pitch in with the Trackhoes and whatever tedious tasks Alby needed help with around the Glade for the time being, and you were more than content to do it – so long as you were helping in some manner. 
After a few moments of the rain beating away at the roof overhead, the wind sweeping around it to form an uneven staccato, you finally managed to verbally respond to Minho, pulling your gaze away from the grey expanse of the sky to glance back at your steaming meals and back to the other Keeper as you spoke,  “hopefully it’ll let up soon.  Can’t have the Glade too wet with a new Greenie coming up tomorrow.”
You watched as he tipped his head toward you, nodding as he seemed to fully process your words. 
“Oh yeah, poor slinthead.  Almost forgot about that.  You’re gonna be here to see him bawl his eyes out and then get his ass beat by Gally, you lucky duck.”
You stifled a laugh, shoving Minho’s shoulder playfully before shaking your head and stretching your arms out above you, practically able to feel the weariness and fatigue as it settled into every crevice of your bones from the day’s strenuous events.  
“You’re gonna be here for the bonfire too, slinthead,”  You replied as you got to your feet and awkwardly limped to the makeshift table tucked into the corner of your room and retrieving the two bowls and plate under Minho’s humoured gaze.  He watched as you attempted to balance a bowl in each hand and the plate on your forearm, finding very quickly that the porcelain of them were heated almost searingly to the touch, which caused you to nearly up end them on the Runner before he snatched them out of your hands and herded you back to your stool.  You were left with the plate of bread rolls, which you quickly set aside on the window sill and plucked one right off the pile, wasting no time in savouring the food after the long day you had and the sure-to-be-longer one ahead.  
“Save some for me, will you,”  He joked, pulling up a chair of his own beside you and discarding the bowls of soup to snatch up a piece of bread himself.  You glanced up at him in response, chucking the first thing you could find at him, which just so happened to be a wad of paper to his head.  Minho jerked back, surprise quickly melting into a challenging grin as he tossed the piece of paper right back at you.  It only took a minute or two for you both to forget about the storm and dinner before you had tackled him to the floor and began trying to gain leverage over him as he struggled in your light grip.  Play fighting might as well have been a part of your daily routine, with how often the two of you found yourselves tussling about, whether it was while you were on lunch break in the Maze, trying to prove who was stronger, or just out of pure happenstance.  Either way, it always managed to have the two of you laughing, that much evident as you managed to plant a firm hand beside Minho’s head, your eyes locked with his and both of you breathless.  
“So. . .” you began, barely able to speak without a few bouts of quieted laughs escaping you, your sides heaving all the while.  “You have anything planned for tonight?” 
The male seemed close to choking, his own laughter clearly visible in his expression as he brought a knee to your stomach, sending you sprawling on the ground beside him before he mimicked your original position, his typical prideful smirk on his face,  “I think I should be asking you that.” 
You couldn’t help the grin that overtook your features, whether your heart was beating like a forgotten door in a windstorm due to the situation at hand or the fact that you and him had just spent a good five minutes play fighting completely unbeknownst to you.  However, just as you sucked in a breath to suffice your winded and strained breaths, words practically dancing on your tongue with your prepared riposte, the door to your room swung open to reveal an unmistakable blonde standing right in the doorway.  His doe-like eyes took in the scene before him, gaze sweeping from Minho’s turned head, wearing a cocky grin at his processing expression to you struggling in the Keeper’s grasp, desperately not wanting him to get the wrong idea.  
“We– we were– Minho tackled me!”  You cried in feigned anguish, an arm dramatically coming to drape over your forehead, your body going limp in response.  Under the joking front, you just hoped that it was enough to distract the second in command from the conclusions he could draw from the position you and Minho were in.  “You have to help me!” 
“I’m good,”  Newt managed, having to stifle his own laughter as you struggled in Minho’s grip, attempting to throw him off in a myriad of ways as he continued.  “Alby wanted to see the two of you, so I’d suggest postponing your little. . . session until after you talk to him.  Something about the Greenie and a tour.”
You exclaimed a sound of protest, reaching for the wad of paper you had thrown at Minho only a minute or two prior, and chucking it the blonde’s way with the sole intention of hitting the back of his head.  But he ducked out of the way and padded down the hallway just in time, allowing it to hit the wall and sink to the floor almost soundlessly, his giggles and laughs audible until he clomped down the stairs and disappeared out of sight.  As soon as he was out of earshot, Minho let out an audible groan and moved to lay on the floor in a position similar to yours, clearly dreading the unexpected meeting with Alby.  You both lay in silence for a minute or two, your eyes fluttering shut as you exhaled.  After a moment or two, you rolled onto your side. 
“Come on, shank, best not to keep our loving leader waiting,” You stated as you rolled your shoulders back, wincing gingerly as you finally stood back up.  
You both were downstairs and standing where Alby sat at the bar on the first floor of the Homestead, either swishing a glass of water or one of the bitter tasting concoctions Gally mixed up the evening before every bonfire.  Silence had settled over all of the other Gladers, each of them tucked into their own sleeping bags and strewn about the floor and practically everywhere you stepped.  At least half of them usually slept outside, but with the prolonged rain, it wasn’t quite doable, so whenever a rare storm did happen to spring forward, everyone settled with cramped space in exchange for warmth and a dry place to sleep.  Lucky for you, you didn’t have to stress all that much about sharing your space whenever it rained, courtesy of the fact that you’d gotten your own room far before any of the others had even arrived in the Glade, save for Alby and Newt, which was something you often thanked the stars above for.  Being crammed into a room with about a dozen other people wasn’t exactly on the top of your bucket list. 
You were pulled from your abrupt train of thought though, when your first in command turned to nod at both you and Minho and gestured to the stools on either side of him, a wordless motion for you to sit. 
You eagerly complied, the aching of your ankle beginning to set in and make the gears of your brain falter every minute or so from having stood for a good few moments.  Minho claimed the seat to the right, leaving you to sink into the stool on the left before Alby tilted his glass in your direction, which you steadily declined with a meagre wave, only for Minho to pluck the drink right out of Alby’s hand the moment it was offered and down the whole thing.  Judging by the bitter expression that overtook your fellow Keeper’s face, it answered the question that had drifted through your mind a minute earlier; Gally had been handing out samples of his drinks, then.  
You and Alby shared an off-handed snicker before the latter composed himself and began to speak at last. 
“Since Y/N here’s screwed their ankle for the time being, you’re gonna be stuck with running by yourself for the next few days,”  Alby pointed out, directing his words to Minho, whose thoughts were practically on display for anyone who passed; thanks for stating the obvious.  But he remained silent nevertheless, only nodding along and allowing the other ample time to speak.  He turned to you next, jutting his chin almost imperceptibly,  “which means I want you to show Greenie the ropes.  I’ll still show him around, Chuck’s already been assigned as as his tour, but just keep an eye out while you’re stuck here, yeah?” 
“On it,”  You confirmed with a complacent tilt of your head, which Alby returned without missing a beat. 
“That’s all, I just knew it’d make Minho mad,”  He mused after a moment of you both staring at him expectantly, as though he had more left to say.  A muttered “yeah, whatever” was drawn from the aforementioned Runner, at which you grinned and nodded toward the two of them once more. 
“Good that.  I’m gonna head to bed then.” 
Minho and Alby spoke their quick farewells in your direction as you headed back up the stairs, careful to avoid any of the loitering Gladers as you stepped around any of them that were inconveniently stationed right in the middle of the hallway leading off to your room.  Once you finally slipped through and into your room and shut the door behind you, night had fully fallen, starlight and moonbeams spilling through the window as you cleared the dishes from yours and Minho’s dinner that had been left on the sill and set them aside on the table they had been originally.
Thankfully, you had changed the minute you had gotten back to the Homestead after your checkup with Clint and Minho was off showering, so you collapsed onto your bed with a content sigh, feeling as though you fell asleep the instant your head hit the pillow.
You were awoken by a rapid knocking on your door, a voice slurred from sleep sounding from the other side allowing you to conclude that it was wake up call, to which you allowed yourself to brush off momentarily.  You rubbed at your eyes and blinked a few times, huffing a bleary sigh and swinging your legs so that they dangled over the edge of the mattress.  You stretched out your limbs before finally slipping out of bed and padding rather wobbly across your room to retrieve your running harness hung by the door before you remembered your little predicament as your ankle knocked against the leg of your dresser.  You bit back the urge to curse the stupid thing, finding payback as you harshly pulled the drawers open and rifled through clothes you didn’t use when running.  After a few moments, you settled with your go-to outfit for whenever you didn’t care to put too much effort into searching for clothes but still wanted to look presentable.  
You were changed and out the door in a matter of minutes, waving to Winston as you passed him on the way down the stairs and high fiving Chuck’s outstretched hand before you easily climbed down the handful of steps that led from the Homestead and onto the dew-misted grass.  The other Gladers were milling about, sleep still laid thick in the air along with the early morning scent of the lavender you had begged Newt to plant for about a month straight, claiming that it would help keep everyone who passed calm and content, when in reality, you just wanted it there to help cover up the eyesore of the Bloodhouse and aesthetic.  You grinned at the memory as you headed for the kitchen, recalling how proud he had looked when it first began to bloom and the way he looked as though he was about to burst when you thanked him eagerly.  
You were among the first early risers who managed to snag places at the front of the line to collect breakfast, which allowed you to peer over the counter to see what Frypan had whipped up for the morning.  You could typically tell by what had been cooked whether he had been in a rush or not, so when you laid eyes upon buttered toast and boiled eggs with vegetables freshly sliced from the garden, you knew he had to be in a good mood.  When it was your turn, you slid into place opposite from where Frypan was standing, offering him a bright grin and wave before he slid your tray of food toward you.  The chef looked up, a matching smile instantly greeting you as he leaned against the counter. 
“Hey, N/N.  Heard about your fiasco yesterday,”  He prodded teasingly, to which you rolled your eyes playfully and lifted your tray. 
“Seems as if everyone has,” You shot back easily, tapping the counter by way of farewell along with a laugh at his words.  “Thanks for the food!  See you at lunch!” 
“You too!” 
You sighed mindlessly to yourself as you walked from the kitchen, the golden rays of sun bathing you in much needed warmth and a light breeze batting at your hair as you walked.  The table that you typically sat at appeared after a moment or two of walking, the worn picnic table a good few feet away from the front door of the Homestead but at a central point that allowed you a view of all the other Gladers as they seemed to wake up more and more by the second.  You seated yourself in the middle of one of the benches and set your tray down, opting to wait to begin eating until the others arrived as you humoured a glass of water idly.  
You could feel unadulterated excitement as you remembered that it was Greenie day, practically trembling in your seat because of it.  Whenever a new Glader arrived, you took the opportunity and ran with it; you didn’t view them as another mouth to feed, rather the prospect of another pair of hands to help around the Glade and another person to share the crappy experience of the Glade itself with, as corny as it sounded.  A new person meant the possibility for a fresh set of eyes that just might be the key to finding a way out, essentially.  The idea was something Minho often teased you about when the time for a newcomer approached, but you knew it was all in good fun.  
You were about to glance over your shoulder in search of your friends when Newt, Chuck, and Alby all seated themselves in one spot or another at the table.  You grinned at the sight, Newt seeming to sense as much as he took up the seat next to you, and merely responded with a breathy laugh and quick shake of his head.  Chuck had already launched into a rigorous rant about one of the Trackhoes that had left a particularly big mess right outside of the kitchen when bringing in the vegetables of the week for Frypan to use that he’d ended up having to clean, you listening intently all the while as you pushed around the piece of toast on your plate with a fork.  Despite how clearly frustrated the younger boy was, his animated hand gestures that subconsciously whipped back and forth along with his words were enough to make you take it all in with an amused smile, left breathless once he finally finished and turned to his plate while you laughed lightly. 
“Well, we appreciate you cleaning it up, I didn’t even realise anything had happened.  I’m sure Newt can give whoever it was an hour-long lecture to make sure it doesn’t happen again, though,”  You replied between drinks of water.  You nudged the blonde’s leg from under the table and shot him a sideways glance, subtly tilting your head toward the other boy when he looked up at you in confusion.  Newt stumbled to respond, tapping his fork against his plate as he let out a slightly nervous laugh. 
“Yeah, of course.  I’ll put the shank in the Slammer next time he does it.”  
Chuck beamed, shooting the second in command a thumbs up as he took a bite of his sandwich, clearly eager to get the day started as he rushed to finish the meal.  From beside him, Alby stood, silent as ever as he watched the conversations take place, gaze occasionally lifting from his plate to glance at each of you but finally spoke as you made eye contact with him. 
“Since Greenie obviously isn’t gonna be coming anytime soon, probably in the afternoon, we’ll just have the tour be tomorrow,”  He stated in an almost bored tone, his shoulder rolling back in the direction of the Box.  “He can work with you and Newt in the gardens ‘til then.”
Newt jumped in before you could answer with more than a nod,  “Good that.  We still on for the bonfire?” 
You and Chuck both looked up from your plates at that, your eyes sliding toward Alby as he seemed to consider Newt’s words, weighing the options. 
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.  ‘Sides, I think the others’d kill us otherwise.” 
The early afternoon sunlight was searing as you lifted a hatchet you’d been working with for the past hour above your head before bringing it down to split a block of wood in half and embed itself into the stump below.  
After spending your morning weeding out the vegetable garden and picking carrots, you had found that the wood to be used in the fire that night still had yet to be chopped, so you were more than happy to step in and come to the aid.  Newt had tagged along, the two of you drifting in and out of conversation as he carried on with tasks around the stump that you were chopping wood at and keeping an eye on your ankle in case you misstepped or twisted it on accident, and he was taking his first break of the day, his body leaned against the the fallen tree as he watched you bring the axe down on one of the last pieces of wood.  You huffed in exertion, the back of your forearm coming to wipe the beads of sweat from your forehead before giving the tool a final swing to set it purposefully into the tree stump.  
You heard Newt whistle, your head turning right to glance over at him before he tossed you his water bottle, which you snatched out of the air and took gratefully.  You were about to hand it back to him and utter your thanks after a long minute of downing the water when the final blare to announce the arrival of the Box sounded, all the Glader’s heads shooting up in response.  You shot Newt a grin before he laughed and rolled his eyes, gesturing for you to head toward it with him on your heels.  
You arrived a minute or two after everyone else, your ankle’s several jolts of protest slowing you down to a fraction of your typical speed, so by the time you had even reached the fringes of the crowd gathered around the newcomer, the Box’s doors had already been thrown open, the Greenie likely already dragged out.  
Several murmurs and taunting comments were exchanged as everyone else seemed to get a good look at him, leaving you attempting to crane your neck to see over the sea of bodies crammed together, only for them all to let out a laugh in unison, all of them parting someone bolted through the crowd and headed straight for you. 
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a Runner!”  Someone called as the person who you could only assume was the Greenie continued sprinting, seemingly unaware of their surroundings as they took off.  You braced yourself for the harsh impact, knowing you wouldn’t be able to make it out of the way in time with the speed he was running at, but it seemed as though his luck ended about there, leading to him tripping and falling right at your feet.  
As dazed, hazel eyes looked up at you, you smiled, recovered from the minor scare he had given you and offered a hand for him to pull himself up, 
“Welcome to the Glade, Greenie.” 
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heliads · 2 years
Aris Masterlist
Long Way From Home (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) - You open your eyes one morning to find yourself not in your familiar Glade but an entirely different one. What’s more, you seem to be in the body of a boy named Aris. Multi-Part Imagine
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that-tmr-girl · 4 months
How TMR boys would react if you called them good boy
That's his biggest weakness
Turns red and whimpers
No matter what he becomes the submissive one at that moment
In the moment he pretends not to hear it
Neither of you say it, but you both know it pushes him over the edge
He'll think about it until the next time though and secretly hope you'll say it again
Calls you good girl back
Just starts praising you like never before
Moans louder at the name
Feels really proud that you called him that
Does whatever he did during that moment next time just to hear you say it again
Asks you to say it again
He's a goner at that point
From then on, if you just whisper the name in public he doesn't know how to have a single capable thought
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nomoreusername · 20 days
TMR Boys Tropes
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Slow burn.
He doesn't realize what his feelings are for a while so he ignores them.
Between trying to save everyone and the Brenda and Teresa thing, he didn't recognize that you were his only right choice for a painfully long time.
At the Safe Haven on the night of Newt and Teresa's deaths you decide to ask if he needs anything at all. When he realizes that he just wants you to stay, he finally sees that he's in love.
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Despite how happy he can be, you just sense that there's something off a while into the Glade.
After asking if he was okay one night, he doesn't know how to react. He doesn't answer you as he stares at nothing.
As you go to leave because you figured he wanted space he quietly asks you to just stay with him.
So you do. Because you would always be there to help in any way you could.
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The undefined relationship.
There's something there, and you both know it. You just won't acknowledge it.
You'll do everything that couples do but never say it outright.
You'll dance around it until Chuck sets you two up, because he's tired of nobody doing anything about the obvious feelings.
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Easily an enemies to lovers trope.
You just didn't like his attitude, and he just didn't like you. He kept saying it was weird that there was a girl in the Glade which started a rivalry.
Then, you reconnect in the Last City. You realize that you missed each other even if you hadn't thought about it before you locked eyes.
You discover you both have a lot in common and slowly but surely fall.
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"Touch him and die."
"Touch her and die."
When he first showed up to the Spring the girls were suspicious of him. Before you even knew him you would defend him.
When you get to the Scorch he's quick to be by your side and make sure you're okay. You're the first person he'll look out for when something dangerous comes your way.
No matter where you are you're both constantly falling deeper and deeper in love while keeping each other safe.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
TMR ; where you come from
includes ; newt, minho, winston, frypan, gally, aris, sonya, harriet, & brenda
warnings ; language
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Maze A
long time friends to lovers type beat
so much history yet so little memories now 💔💔💔
Maze C, you met in the cafeteria
you got wrapped up in their talk about befriending Aris and escaping
you tell each other about your mazes out in the scorch like campfire stories
Maze A
you worked as slicers together
losing him hurt like a bitch 💔
the safe haven
you were at the right arm same time he was, you just never met til you reached the island and settled in
you bonded over food and cooking, thus beginning a friendship
the last city rebellion group
he joined quickly after escaping WCKD
you showed him how to shoot, and all about the secret passageways you knew about around the city
the scorch, you lead the group to Brenda & Jorge
love at first sight ass shit
he tells you all about the maze and wckd and all that
the right arm
you helped Vince for years prior to her and Harriet arriving
instant connection, and she opens up all about the maze and wckd and how she and Harriet escaped
the scorch
you cautiously teamed up to get to the right arm
you, her and Sonya = badass bitches with guns group
Maze B, you were with Aris
she's intrigued by you
cue trauma bonding and both almost dying to the Flare
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hi I’m obsessed with your Maze Runner stories and was wondering if you could do a fem!reader x Aris set during scorch trial. Where reader is really shy and has trust issues so when their at WCKED the only person she talks to is Aris and once they escape the others thinks that she’s just stuck up so one night when reader is asleep they mention it to Aris and he defends her and tells them about her past. That’s all I’ve got I hope it makes sense. But don’t stress if your not able to write it�����
First aris request!!! <3
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It's you and me
Aris x fem!reader
Set during scorch trials (movieverse)
Warnings: injury including a twisted ankle and Crank bite, language/swearing
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"So we know there's something off about this place," says Aris, voice hushed.
"I mean, yeah," you say.
For days now, you and Aris have watched the continuous cycle of scientists wheeling new bodies in daily, into a room you can't even access through the vents.
The two of you sit at the top of your bunk; the bed you've been sharing since the other girls from your Maze have been gradually taken away, supposedly to a safe place.
"I think we're in danger here," you say quietly.
"Yeah," agrees Aris. "Listen, we need help."
"I saw this guy today, Thomas. He's from Group A. I think he might be able to help us."
You frown. "You think we can trust him?"
Aris squeezes your hand. "We're just two people, we'll need more if we want to do anything. I think we have to trust someone."
You sigh, flopping back in your bed. "Fine, you're right."
Aris lies down beside you. "I'll talk to Thomas tomorrow."
"Okay," you say, turning to him. "Just- be careful."
It's a couple days later that you're standing outside a storage room while Aris picks out a new shirt, and someone starts walking towards you.
"Hey, it's Y/n, right? You're with Aris?"
You blink at the guy, confused. "Yeah," you say cautiously. "Who are you?"
"Minho," he says with a friendly smile. "Thomas told me about you and Aris."
He swings his gaze around the corridor before leaning forward to whisper to you, and you instinctively take a step back.
"Listen," says Minho, voice low. "These bodies you guys saw, any ideas on what they actually mean? Cause Thomas is going a bit crazy about it, and we wanna-"
"I'm sorry," you cut him off. "I- I don't really know you, and I'd rather not talk about..." you trail off, ducking your head.
Minho blinks in surprise, and you turn to peek into the clothes room. "Aris, got something yet?"
"Yeah, hang on." There's a few muffled sounds from the changerooms before; "Okay, I'm done. Let's go."
"Uh-" You turn back to Minho, who's still standing there awkwardly. "It was nice meeting you," you manage to say, before grabbing Aris' hand and tugging him away.
"What was that about?" asks Aris as you're lining up for checkups.
You shrug. "He just wanted to talk."
You eye his new shirt, a dark grey abomination with both horizontal and vertical stripes (but somehow not checkered?). "Really?"
"What?" huffs Aris.
"Nothing, I just thought- given that you were in that room for ten minutes, you were trying to pick a really nice shirt."
"Hey, I like this," says Aris in mock-indignation.
"I'm sure you do..." your gaze drops to the uneven white hem. "Did you pick an ugly one on purpose to annoy me?"
Aris answering grin is the only confirmation you need.
You roll your eyes and prop your elbow up on his shoulder, leaning on him as you wait in line. "You're making me miss that cursed hoodie."
"Don't lie, you always loved that hoodie," replies Aris, nudging you with his shoulder.
You snort, ducking your smile into your sleeve.
You spot Minho across the checkup queue, and think back to the conversation you had with him.
Look, you know you're not always the nicest to people, you've just had some trouble... trusting, in the past.
You gaze at Aris, the only person left from your maze, your rock and the one person you trust with everything.
He turns to you as he senses you looking, raising his eyebrows. "You alright?"
"Yeah. Just- thanks, for everything. The person you've been for me this whole time."
Aris huffs out a laugh. "Where's this coming from?"
You shrug. "Just wanted to say it. I've been lucky, to have you."
"You'll always have me, Y/n. Always."
"Hurry, this way!" yells Thomas.
It took about ten minutes for whatever Aris and Thomas' plan was to go sideways, and they'd come rushing back into the rooms telling you and the rest of Group A to run, get out.
You managed to find their friend, Teresa, and now all of you are sprinting towards the main doors.
WCKD guards chase behind you and one of them manages to kick out your leg.
You trip, and pain shoots up your leg as your ankle twists. "Fuck!"
"Here, come on, come on, quick!" A Group A boy, Frypan, punches the guard behind you and grabs you off the floor.
"Don't touch me," you hiss, smacking his hands away.
"Here, I got her." Aris loops your arm over his shoulder, his other arm going around your waist.
You run as best you can, before stopping at a massive door. Thomas reaches forward and turns down the handle, wind gusting in as you step out into the desert.
"This way!"
You run until you're sure your too far for WCKD to find you, ducking down into some covered abandoned-looking place.
You bend you inspect your ankle, the others' arguing going over your head. It's swollen, and twinges with pain when you move, but you follow the group as they pull up a door into some storage room.
"Looks like people lived here," says Minho, rummaging through some supplies.
Around you, lights click on as the group finds torches and lamps.
"Here," says Newt, tossing one to Thomas. "Y/n, want one?"
You turn in surprise. "Yeah, thanks," you say, catching the torch.
"Pack up some stuff," says Thomas, to the group. "Anything you think you might need. We'll split up, meet back here."
You move into another room, sorting through some clothes. "Oi, Aris."
"Ye- woah," he catches the shirt you toss towards him.
"Get out of that sweater," you tell him, grinning at his responding laugh.
You turn away as he gets changed, finding a jacket to pull on over your shirt. You uncover a box of supportive boots, thinking of your twisted ankle. Perfect.
You find a chair nearby and sit to put the shoes on. You hiss softly in pain as you tug off your old shoes, jostling your ankle.
Aris kneels down, helping you slide the boots on.
"It's fine, I can-"
"Just let me help," he insists, shooing your hands away.
You let go of the laces, sitting back. You watch as he ties the shoes for you, carefully tugging the sides of the boots around your injured ankle.
"How's it feel?" asks Aris, looking up at you.
"It's good," you say softly. "Thanks."
He gives you a smile. "You're welcome."
You hold his gaze for a second, until you hear shouts coming from nearby.
You jump up, feeling oddly shaken as you snap out of the weird haze you'd felt.
The shouts draw closer, and you realise what they're yelling.
"Run," breathes Aris.
You grab the bag you packed, throwing it over your shoulder.
"Is your leg..." Aris reaches out to support you.
"It's fine, just go!" you urge him.
The two of you catch up to Newt and Frypan, looking over your shoulder to see Thomas and Minho being chased by...
"What are those things?" exclaims Frypan.
"Go!" shouts Thomas. "Move!"
The group runs through the building, ducking through enclosed passages. You start to lag to the back of the group, keeping on Teresa and Aris' heels as Newt runs just behind you.
"Watch out!"
You smack into Teresa's back as the group skids to a halt, three Cranks blocking the way.
"Other way, other way!" yell Thomas.
"Y/n, look out!"
You duck at Minho's warning as a withered arm swipes at your head, but you shout in pain as you feel teeth sink into your forearm.
The Crank goes down as you kick it, and you scramble back as Aris jumps in using a metal bar to beat it back.
"Here, this way!"
Aris grabs your uninjured arm, pulling you in Thomas' direction away from the Cranks. You run until you escape the building, finding shelter under some crumbled buildings in the desert.
"We should be safe here for the night," says Thomas, voice slightly unsure.
Everyone is equally doubtful, but too tired to object, so you settle down, using backpacks as pillows.
"You guys need to wrap your wounds," says Newt, passing bandages to you and Winston.
"Thanks," you say.
"I'll help Winston," says Frypan.
"Y/n, want a hand?" offers Teresa.
"I-" you hesitate, before nodding. "Yeah, okay. Thanks."
"Winston's getting worse," murmurs Newt, eyes clouded with worry.
It's been just a day, a day of inching slowly across the desert towards mountains that seem to get further every day.
"Have you checked your arm, Y/n?" asks Thomas.
"No," you respond, running your thumb across the bandage.
Thomas leans forward, and you instinctively pull your arm in, holding it protectively to your chest.
Slowly, Thomas reaches to grab his bag, raising his eyebrows at you slightly.
You mentally shake yourself, embarrassed about how jumpy you seem.
You turn as Aris squeezes your shoulder, giving you a comforting smile. It's fine, don't worry. "Get some sleep, Y/n."
You're asleep within a minute, exhausted from travelling.
"Hey, Aris," says Thomas, voice low.
"Does Y/n... not trust us?" asks Thomas.
Aris shifts slightly, flicking his gaze over you and seeing you're sound asleep. "What do you mean?"
"It's just- I always feel like she thinks we're gonna hurt her, or something," explains Thomas. "Like just then."
"Really?" Thomas and Aris look to Minho, who's lying down but apparently still awake. "I'm gonna be honest, I always thought she was just kinda stuck up. ...sorry, Aris."
"It's not something to be sorry for," says Aris steadily. "But if you're sorry you should be talking to Y/n, not me."
"Well I-"
"What Minho means," interrupts Newt, frowning at his friend. "Is that it's hard to connect with her. I'd think she's just not a people person, but she seems close with you," says Newt, nodding to where you're pretty much leaning into Aris, sleeping in a half-slumped position.
"We're not trying to insult her," clarifies Thomas. "It's just that we're gonna be a team from here on out, so it'd be nice to get to know her."
"I mean, okay, look," begins Aris. "That's great, and you should get to know her, cause... well she's the best person I know. But you've gotta respect her boundaries. She does have a few trust issues, and you're gonna have to work through those. But if you put in the effort she'll meet you halfway, cause I think she's really trying.
"It... it's hard for her to even be here, with you guys." Aris looks down at you as he speaks, voice soft.
"What do you mean?" asks Thomas. "If you're okay with, uh- telling us."
Aris takes a deep breath. "Alright, I don't know how it was in your Maze, but for our group the first few months was hell. They sent thirty of us in at once, with a Box full of weapons and resources. People saw the weapons and got the wrong idea. So many people were hurt and killed in those early days."
"Dark days," murmurs Newt, staring into the ground. "It was the same for us."
"Yeah," says Aris. "You could hardly trust anyone. Everyone ended up broken into groups, mostly small groups since no one really felt safe with other people. We only had five in our group.
"There was this girl in our group, and she and Y/n were close; really close, practically bonded like sisters at that point. Until this girl betrayed us for the largest group. We had resources they wanted. She practically led us to be killed," says Aris, eyes clouded.
"Y/n got pretty fucked up, cause of that," he continues quietly. "That scar on her shoulder? It's from just barely dodging her best friend's knife to her heart."
"Jesus," mutters Minho.
"Even after all of us got our shit together and started working with each other, Y/n only really trusted our old group. But WCKD's got Rachel now," says Aris, gaze dropping. "And Harriet and Sonya just disappeared."
Aris trails off, lost in his memories, until-
"Alright Aris," says Thomas, sitting forward, voice resolute. "This is what we're here for. We're getting away from WCKD. We'll find our own peace, in a safe place. You and Y/n, and anyone else we meet, we'll protect you. Cause we're a team, and we're gonna look after each other. I'll talk to Y/n later, of course, but that's the promise I'm making you now."
Aris grins at Thomas' intensity. "Thanks," he replies. "And if you do get Y/n's trust, she'll protect you too, all of you. The embodiment of ride or die, that girl. Trust me."
The group stumbles upon an abandoned supply area the next morning, and you pull Aris away to collect water alone.
"I heard you guys, last night," you tell him.
Aris turns to you, not nearly as surprised as you thought he'd be. "Yeah? How much?"
"Just the end of it," you say, capping a water bottle and passing it to him. "I wanted to say thanks, for explaining for me. And I'm gonna try, you know, talking to the others."
"That's great, Y/n," says Aris, smiling.
"I can tell they're good people. And I want... I miss having people, I guess. Friends. You know."
"What, gotten bored of me already?" Aris quirks an eyebrow at you.
You huff out a laugh, shaking your head. " 'course not."
"Good," says Aris. "Cause I'm planning on sticking around your stuck-up, traumatised ass for years to come."
"Thanks," you say flatly, hiding your grin.
Aris' expression shifts. "Speaking of years to come... and generally living,"
He reaches out, pulling your arm into his grasp. "Can I?"
At your nod, Aris unwraps the bandage from your arm, revealing the Crank bite marks, present as ever but visibly healing and uninfected.
"How does it feel?" he asks, hope clear in his eyes.
"Fine, honestly," you say softly. "I'm okay."
Aris lets out a breath. "Thank god."
"Yeah," you say, smiling.
"So you're Immune," says Aris.
"Right... Okay, listen," you say, finding your own voice tight with emotion.
You swallow. "If I hadn't been Immune, I would've been... content, happy even, to just have lived this way- with you."
Aris blinks at you.
You frown in thought, quickly ducking around the tank to check on the others still gathering supplies.
"So I-"
"I wouldn't be," interrupts Aris.
"You're saying you would've been fine to die, just cause we've had a few years together? Fuck no, Y/n."
"I don't-"
"I want a long, peaceful life," Aris barrels on. "And I want it with you. Because I love you."
What? You take a breath, barely daring to hope. "...platonically, or-"
"Jesus, Y/n. I'm in love with you. Idiot."
"Hey, I'm just making sure," you protest.
You duck your head, kicking the sand lightly. "I was- I was trying to lead into a confession," you tell him.
"I know, I figured," huffs Aris. "But you were struggling, very cutely by the way, and I had to beat you to the punch."
You snort, shaking your head. "I'm unbelievably lucky to have you."
"Nah, I got all the luck," he says, voice soft.
You look into his eyes, the corners crinkled with his smile, and lean forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
"We should get back to the others," you say quickly, grabbing his hand and marching towards the group.
You glance over your shoulder to see Aris looking straight at you, cheeks dusted with pink, before he leans forward.
"I think you missed my lips."
You grin back. "Next time."
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Harriet and Sonya were enemies to lovers, btw. Sonya was with Y/n's team, but Harriet was in another group in the early days.
Thanks for reading <3
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chaoscriess · 2 years
okay um....... confession time, here's what I got,
I recently watched the maze runner movies and uhm
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yeah it's like all I can think of...
so I'm taking a break from scream and euphoria and ahhh writing for tmr!!
so.... send in asks 😒😒😒😒😒😁😁😁
specifically for thomas, teresa, newt, and gally.. cause..
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yk?! anyways, if theres a different character you want me to write for, lmk!!
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