mazerunnersecretsanta · 9 months
Merry Christmas @mazegays
Title: Glade 2: Electric Boogaloo
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Wordcount: 22,579
Summary: They hold a meeting. It’s supposed to be just the keepers, but the girls didn’t do things like that, so they have one with everyone. There are three questions they all agree need answers.
Why are they back in the Glade?
Is the maze puzzle going to be the same?
If not, how will they make it out? – Minho nods and accepts that those are the questions that the group needs answering. But they seem a little pointless compared to his own.
Where is Thomas?
Is Thomas okay?
Why isn’t Thomas here with them when Aris and Teresa and everyone else are?
Message to giftee: Happy Holidays! I tried to fulfill your first wish but with a bit of a twist in the end. It sort of got away from me lengthwise, so I hope you'll like it!
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good morning i return with more questions regarding the blorbos (and i have thoughts that i will share after u answer so as not to influence you too much) who pours the milk into the bowl before the cereal? who pours the milk after the cereal/on top of the cereal? who eats dry cereal? do they have an exception to this and if so, what is it? who doesn't like cereal and just drinks the milk?
Omg that's a good one haha, let me think
So, Newt would pour the milk before and when people starts mocking him for it, he argues that he prefer it that way because he hates soggy cereals and that way he can control how much milk he puts in his cereals
Minho, Gally, and Frypan all put the cereal first because "that's how it's done"
Thomas eats dry cereals because he is too lazy to put milk in it. He will only eat cereals with milk if someone else pour the milk for him.
Chuck only drinks the milk, he is a picky eater.
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its-tea-time-darling · 9 months
MAZE RUNNER SECRET SANTA 2023 // @mazerunnersecretsanta
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@visro @nachoupala @nice-to-meet-ya-shank @pathsofoak @itsthemxze @broadwayfan828 @thominho-incorrectquotes @crestfallercanyon @iasconsumesmedia @newtmsa @astralpenguin @mazegays @blue-summers @witchyforest
i have the notes as pdfs too (which screen readers can read), people im mutuals with on discord are welcome to asks for these, or i can send the text in tumblr messenger for select guesses.
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pathsofoak · 2 months
16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 36
i could not decide so it's many now nbcxvnnb
Ooohhh I like these 👀
16. I'll love you (platonically, in my case) if...
Okay I actually stared at this question for like 10 minutes trying to find out what my prerequisites for friendship are that aren't scarily low bars lfgjdljgfj but I think in general I feel safest/happiest around people who don't mind my rambling about my interests. Unless we're talking small acute things in which case I love you if you bring me brownies and strawberry tea 😌
17. Someone you miss
You, @itsthemxze, @mazegays, @smalleymcsmall, and @thominho-incorrectquotes XD
19. A fact about your personality
I get incredibly excited about categorizing things and the like, and organizing stuff (as in tidying and putting x thing in y place, not event organization). I think it's where my love of spreadsheets comes from 🤔
20. What I hate most about myself
I kept listing things and thinking about them and then it got too personal for a public post each time or I realized it's something other people have told me and I just internalized lmao so attempt number 5, I.... (quite literally 5 minutes later) Nope. I got nothing, sorry 😅 (but said information can be unlocked in discord dms)
21. What I love most about myself
I get very ambitious and enthusiastic about projects I'm invested in (sometimes a little too ambitious 😂), and if I'm invested enough I can stick with them for a very long time. Case in point, The Cold Half
36. Where would I like to live
I don't think I have a preference for any specific town, city, or country (though as far as countries go, places where I can manage with German or Dutch are preferred)
Walking distance from a current friend (but in a more realistic scenario, up to half an hour of travel time by whatever means of transport is most accessible to me is acceptable too). In every period in my life where I've had friends, they lived very far away so the hurdle to actually go there is quite big and we don't get to hang out physically much. I never really had that experience of playing outside with friends on the regular, I saw/see people at school/uni/the internet, and that's mostly it.
Other than that I think I'd like to live in a more urban area, I grew up rurally and everything is very far away. I don't need to live smack-dab in the middle of it, though.
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monkey-d-momo · 2 years
👻 Have you written holiday-themed fics? If yes, which is your fave? If not, what’s one holiday you’d want to write for, and which character(s) would the fic be for?
😭 Have you ever made yourself cry writing a fic?
⏱ What’s the fic you spent the most time on? (Was it worth it lol)
sending these here so you can answer with fics from any fandom! <3
ajfnskldf Tea ily!!!
👻: Yes, but only one and it's short. It's A kiss is all I want, a short Thominho fic I wrote for @mazegays
😭: Yes! I cried while writing To see the snow fall once again It's my most angsty fic, so it's no surprise. I really put Minho through though times in this haha. I also almost cried while writing my Wilmon secret Santa fic this year, Healing Pain. It's not angsty really, more hurt/comfort, but you know I much I relate to Simon and his pain and this fic talks a lot about his trauma so it got me a little haha.
⏱: I don't really know which one took the longest. My longest fic as of this day is Prince Charming, but it took me a month and writing it was easy. I also didn't spend much time reviewing it. I would say I spend much more time than needed on Falling, We are Falling Now and I'd rather die than forget you. Writing those two wasn't easy and I doubted myself many times while writing them, but it was worth it. I love those two fics with all of my heart.
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mazegays · 1 year
about me
I just realized I never did one of these for this blog. anyway if the description and user didn't tip u off, this is a blog about maze runner. i write fic sometimes!
Hi, I'm Nix!
queer lesbian
cake/cakeself, rive/river, and they/them pronouns
tmr fic masterlist
Other places to find me:
pineapple_vel (Ao3)
@thaliaisalesbian (main)
@nix-writes (writing blog/more whump)
@mazegays (you are here!)
@winter-rowan (dc)
@lesbianspence (criminal minds)
@intoamomentintime (taylor swift)
@pretty-pix (aesthetics blog)
@millenniumstormpilot (star wars)
@rememberthatiloveyou (NSFW blog)
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thaliaisalesbian · 8 months
When someone would dislike Thominho you will be ok with this or get angry ?
Hey! this is more of a question for @mazegays but I'll answer here anyway. I'm a big fan of 'ship and let ship', 'don't like; don't read', and other similar fandom phrases. If someone doesn't like Thominho, I just... don't care, it doesn't affect me. It's not anything to get upset over. It'd be a little hypocritical of me anyway, given that I'm a fan of Thomally, Brinho, Minally, and even some Thomesa these days.
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Merry Christmas @mazegays
Title: paradise, my love
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Wordcount: 4,490
Summary: a new island, a new home and new celebrations.
Message to giftee: Happy Christmas! I hope you have an amazing holiday season and a wonderful new year filled with love and laughter and just fun!
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hello I come to ask some all-important questions about all the tmr blorbos:
(I realized as I was typing that this is modern au coded, just because. you know *gestures broadly to canon*)
who would say they have survival skills, but if you actually put them in a survival situation is useless?
who actually has survival skills, but faced with a situation shuts down?
who is the one that no one expects to have survival skills, but ends up saving the day?
Ajkdjdsnf Amazing question, like always ❤️
So I'm basing this off bookGally, but I would say that Gally would be the type of person to brag about their survival skills when they basically have none. They want to seem competent and strong, but it's only to hide his own fears.
I would say Minho knows a lot of survival skills but when in a situation, he panics and forgets everything.
And everyone thinks Thomas would be the most useless one but is actually really skilled and would 100% save the day.
Thank you!
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crestfallercanyon · 1 year
Last Line Tag Game
Rules: Post the last line in your current WIP and tag as many people as there are words (if I tag someone who doesn't write feel free to ignore this I tagged at random lol)
I was tagged by both @mazegays and @smalleymcsmall, lovely people who I thank very much for the tag 💕
So I’ve figured out the potential plot hole in Aphelion and am actually continuing. This is the last line I wrote in my journal (spoilers/teaser ahead):
“I’d prefer you not shoot him, tempting as it may be,” Brenda hears behind her in a voice she doesn’t recognize, and in an accent she can’t place.
Thanks so much!
I’m tagging two people whose users I can remember and who I don’t think have been tagged already —
@onceuponabluemoon , @qlala , @coldflasher , and anyone else who wants to join!
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pathsofoak · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @mazegays!
hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future //
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manako-no-yami · 3 years
babe how did I not know I wasn't following you I thought I was all this time!!!
(also. I think we should work on that fic again. I think about it more than I'll admit to and I had a lot of fun writing it with you when we were working on it. ik it's been a while but it was great!)
oh man, dont worry about it HAHA i never expect people to follow me, even if we're friendly and talk. curate your dash and all that!
and yeah! hmu on discord sometime, maybe we can continue soon 👀
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winged-bat · 4 years
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Made this for @mazegays
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jade and mahogany !!!
Jade - honestly you have some of the best takes on this hellsite.
Mahogany - let's go on a late night drive together and listen to one of your playlists.
Ahkdjsnkjf I could say the same to you!! And it's just so fun talking with you and replying to each other's posts, you truly make this tumblr experience an amazing one!
And it would be so fun to go on a late night drive with you! I would love it!
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Got tagged by @its-tea-time-darling Thank you!
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Picrew link
Tagging @mazegays @itsthemxze @adoresbenho @thominho-luvin-bri
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buckle up, tumblr user cup-noodle.
granted not all blogs i'm going to rec you are consistently (tmr) active, but if you dig around you'll find a lot of Good Stuff, and still occasional posts (and from others, constant posts alskdjf). it's too many to say something abt everyone but they are all lovely, lovely people. that must suffice <3
@sunsetglader @persnickett @timgayne @manako-no-yami @smalleymcsmall @filismaze @go-catch-a-chickn @nice-to-meet-ya-shank @shuck-it-slinthead @dream0fspring @newtmsa @newtswonderland @newtedison @crestfallercanyon @ohbluesky @thominho-incorrectquotes @dahliia04 @mazegays @mazerunnermusical @mazepunner @nachoupala @visro @dont-bee-shy @singt0me @iasconsumesmedia @pathsofoak @seaselkie @astralpenguin @subjecta5newtella @harveylovesmike @00250 @onceuponabluemoon @inter-bellum @virahaus @voidstilesplease @hope92100 @missroller15 @cherrypigeon @gladerscake @itsthemxze @einloukrativesangebot @comebacknow
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