#mazu’s artworks ☆
mazu-thefan · 2 years
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I wanna try some dark colors 👀
Currently drawing random people from my constellation for art practice because I’m running out of ideas and too lazy to do fanarts for little nightmares and fnaf ಠ◡ಠ
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fei-ren-zai · 4 months
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Year of the Dragon (Long) Icons
source: Fei Ren Zai Weibo
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tuliharja · 11 months
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I blame fully Samuli Putro's song "Tanssija" which is a cover of the "Maniac" song. While both have the same idea, on the cover he sings, "She is dancer, dancer" instead maniac. The song's chorus kept repeating inside of my mind in the nonstop loop, which gave inspiration to this gift artwork. Not to mention, when I was planning this artwork, I decided to draw my OC Mazu, because she is an extremely good dancer. I also felt like drawing her once again.
I tried to go a bit mystical and ethereal direction with this artwork, with the midnight background and water floor. Because of that, I also made Mazu's eyes half-lidded, like she was fully absorbed in her dance.
What do you think? Does she look like mystical dancer or sort of?
Artwork: @tuliharja
Note: I’m fine with reblogging, but ask me first for my permission, if you want to repost my artwork.
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Mythology Picks to Check Out
Legendary Ladies: 50 Goddesses to Empower and Inspire You by Ann Shen
From the beloved author and artist behind Bad Girls Throughout History comes this lushly illustrated book of goddesses from around the world. Aphrodite, the Greek goddess whose love overcame mortality. Mazu, the Chinese deity who safely guides travelers home. Lakshmi, the Hindu provider of fortune and prosperity. These powerful deities and many more are celebrated in gorgeous artwork and enlightening essays that explore the feminine divine and encourage readers to empower themselves. Ann Shen's signature watercolors make Legendary Ladies a unique, gift-worthy homage to the mighty women within.
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton
Since its original publication by Little, Brown and Company in 1942, Edith Hamilton's Mythology has sold millions of copies throughout the world and established itself as a perennial bestseller. For more than seven decades readers have chosen this book above all others to discover the enchanting world of mythology -- from Odysseus's adventure-filled journey to the Norse god Odin's effort to postpone the final day of doom. This deluxe, hardcover edition is fully-illustrated throughout with all-new, specially commissioned art, making it a true collector's item.
Pandora's Jar: Women in the Greek Myths by Natalie Haynes
The tellers of Greek myths--historically men--have routinely sidelined the female characters. When they do take a larger role, women are often portrayed as monstrous, vengeful or just plain evil--like Pandora, the woman of eternal scorn and damnation whose curiosity is tasked with causing all the world's suffering and wickedness when she opened that forbidden box. But, as Natalie Haynes reveals, in ancient Greek myths there was no box. It was a jar . . . which is far more likely to tip over. In Pandora's Jar, the broadcaster, writer, stand-up comedian, and passionate classicist turns the tables, putting the women of the Greek myths on an equal footing with the men. With wit, humor, and savvy, Haynes revolutionizes our understanding of epic poems, stories, and plays, resurrecting them from a woman's perspective and tracing the origins of their mythic female characters.
The Book of Yokai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore by Michael Dylan Foster, Shinonome Kijin (Illustrator)
Monsters, ghosts, fantastic beings, and supernatural phenomena of all sorts haunt the folklore and popular culture of Japan. Broadly labeled yokai, these creatures come in infinite shapes and sizes, from tengu mountain goblins and kappa water spirits to shape-shifting foxes and long-tongued ceiling-lickers. Currently popular in anime, manga, film, and computer games, many yokai originated in local legends, folktales, and regional ghost stories. Drawing on years of research in Japan, Michael Dylan Foster unpacks the history and cultural context of yokai, tracing their roots, interpreting their meanings, and introducing people who have hunted them through the ages. In this delightful and accessible narrative, readers will explore the roles played by these mysterious beings within Japanese culture and will also learn of their abundance and variety through detailed entries, some with original illustrations, on more than fifty individual creatures. The Book of Yokai provides a lively excursion into Japanese folklore and its ever-expanding influence on global popular culture. It also invites readers to examine how people create, transmit, and collect folklore, and how they make sense of the mysteries in the world around them. By exploring yokai as a concept, we can better understand broader processes of tradition, innovation, storytelling, and individual and communal creativity.
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mystiika · 3 years
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re; mermaids
   since i’m working on a meta/information post about atargatis, here’s just some general notes about mermaids/related goddesses i’ve found in my research !
   so while atargatis is the first known recorded story of a mermaid in   human history, the first known mention of a human figure with a fish tail is from about 5000 b.c.e, where babylonian mythology of the god ea was described as him having the body of both a man & a fish. ea was later known by the greeks as oannes, & by some semitic tribes as dagon ( which is actually the name i know him by ). but ea was never actually considered a mermaid ( or merman technically ).
   in general, mermaids have been part of human culture for thousands of years, with the most major influence from greek & roman mythology ( god they’re loud lol ). but tales of mermaids has also been greatly influenced by many other cultures across the globe — both before & after the greeks & romans.
   mermaids have been seen as forces for both good & evil from the earliest known depictions, & this tradition continues to this day, although the general tendency in current culture is to regard them as mostly benign, beautiful, attractive, independent & as interested in humans. they have evolved into symbols of ocean conservation, marine species conservation & the responsible & sustainable care of ocean ecology. on the other end, mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks, & drownings while in other folk traditions ( or sometimes within the same traditions ), they can be benevolent or beneficent, bestowing boons or falling in love with humans ( but goddesses, of course, bring much much more ).
   depictions of entities with the tails of fish but the upper bodies of human beings appear in mesopotamian artwork from the old babylonian period onwards. but despite us being more familiar with the term mermaid & the femininity that goes along with that. these mesopotamian figures are usually mermen. mermaids do occasionally appear but not nearly as much as mermen. & the name for the mermaid figure at the time may have been kuliltu, meaning “fish-woman”. these figures were mainly used as protective figures & were shown in both monumental sculpture & in small, protective figurines by neo-assyrians.
   the french words for “mother” & “sea”, mère & mer respectively, are virtually & very appropriately the same. this is also echoed in names of other primordial mother & creator goddesses who are actually the ocean itself, & whose names literally mean “sea” or “ocean”, such as tiamat, thalassa, &��slightly less directly, yemaya.
   yet in most ways tiamat & thalassa ( like the frigid norse ran ) are not often considered especially maternal in the warm & approachable sense that most anthropomorphic mother deities are. they are massive, wild forces & elements of nature that destroy as frequently & readily as they create.
    while other on the other hand, there are sea goddess such as mazu or mami wata whose names are primarily based around the meaning of “mother” ( or a derivative thereof ), who focus more around the more nurturing side of goddesses ( many of whom absolutely still have their dark sides ), as such as we find in atargatis. & in the case of atagatis ( as with many nurturing mother goddesses ), we see a more humanised & approachable representation of the divine feminine & the creative, healing & restoring powers of water.
   & fun fact, the letter “m”, such as in “mother” & “mermaid”, originates from the egyptian hieroglyph depicting water:
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   it went through a few alphabets to get to the letter we know but it’s cool that it came from water, really feels like it came full circle in this context
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cesarfeliciano · 5 years
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#2019draw365 entry made just in time. Hahaha 😅 #mazu from #theredten #comicbook #comixtribe series. #comicartist #comicartwork #drawing #artist #artwork #wacom #cintiq #clipstudio #digital #digitalart #female #femalehero #illustration #illustrator https://www.instagram.com/p/BtC4W9mBOlQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=geld0wv0e9ku
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dak-legacy · 5 years
Too much info character interview:  Keiko
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Artwork by Juczerro.
Tagged by @daraasum
► Name ➔  “Hi, I’m Keiko Buu.  Nice to meet you.”
► Are you single ➔ “No, I have all my friends and Miss Chronoa to keep me company.”
► Are you happy ➔  “Mhm hmm.”
► Are you angry ➔ “I don’t like getting angry..”
► Are your parents still married ➔ “I don’t think my parents are still alive.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Ummm I don’t know.  Maybe Budolf?”
► Hair Color ➔ “Can’t you see?  It’s red.”
► Eye Color ➔ “My eyes are black with red pupils.  Miss Esta says they’re unique.”
► Birthday ➔ “What’s that?”
► Mood ➔ “I wanna help everyone.”
► Gender ➔ “I’m a girl”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer is warm and people are happy, but in Winter we’d give out warm drinks at the temple, so I liked doing that.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Morning, I like it when the sun rises.”
► Are you in love ➔ “I love all my friends.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Of course, I like everyone I meet as soon as I meet them.  Unless they try and hurt me or my friends.  Then I don’t like them very much.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “Umm we haven’t talked to Mr Vondol, Sister Moren or Friend Kek in a while.  But they’re still my friends.  Oh, Miss Kumae left on a boat.”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Miss Esta normally does the breaking, but maybe one of my spells hit someone in the chest really hard?”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “I’m committed to helping everyone and saving Miss Chronoa.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Everyone I meet and my friends on a regular basic.”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “I think those demon cults like me, but not because they want to be my friend.  I think they like the idea of killing me for some reason.  Maybe its my wings?.”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I don’t know if that’s possible, but I’m sad when I have to hurt people.”
► Love or lust ➔ “What’s the second one?”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade, pink.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Both are fluffy and good for pets.”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I want to be everyone’s friend.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Miss Esta says her nights are wild, but she normally comes back with a broken nose I have to fix.  Big Sister Azure had a romantic night with that nice tiefling lady, but I think I cut that short when the other mean tiefling lady showed up to try and kill us with succubi...I’d like something sweet and a nice nap though.”
► Day or night ➔ “Day, I like the bright sun.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “I snuck into the sewers where I met my friends, and Friend Kek.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Yeah, I fell down the stairs at the temple the first week I was there.  I was sleepy and forgot they were there.”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “I don’t like talking about this....”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “No, Mr Kit can do that though.  I like flying.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “I like to make people smile.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “I don’t mind, it’s whatever someone is I won’t judge them for it.  I’m short though.”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Smart people are nice, Mr William taught me how to research things.  But everyone is cute in some way.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ "Why would I want a relationship with a fish?”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “My friends are my family and I love them unconditionally.  Except when Mr Kit blew up the temple with lightning...I wasn’t happy about that.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “I didn’t think so before, but the more I learn the more I think I might have a weird one.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Sister Moren said it was ok, so I didn’t run away.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Lord Karr didn’t like us after Miss Esta said mean things to him, and we got kicked out of his caravan.  I think Big Sister lost her second ‘date’ chance when that happened.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “I think Mr Kit doesn’t like me very much, but I don’t hate him.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “I’ve saved them many times and I hope they’d do the same for me, almost all of them have.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ "I don’t have a best friend, I like all of them for who they are.  Miss Esta likes to protect me when fights happen, Big Sister Azure is my Big Sister, Miss Mazu is like Miss Esta but more lightning-y, and Mr Kit has a patron like me.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Miss Chronoa I think?  But she’s trapped and I have to free her.  So please can I get going now?  I’ll take my free cookie and leave thank you.”
tagging:  @darthvronton​ & @starrypawz​
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 5/25
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Ultramax #1 (of 4) - Doug Wood & Michael Pickard
A journeyman henchman has pulled off the impossible. He has killed the world's most famous superhero. In order to get a reduced jail time, the henchman has cut a deal with the feds. Problem is, even without having any powers the feds are sending him to the Ultra Max facility. With all the worst super villains. Now the unlucky nobody must navigate prison life, while praying no one finds out he is a snitch.
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Unnatural Blue Blood #1 (of 10) - Mirka Andolfo & Ivan Bigarella
A few years have passed since Leslie saved the world from hidden dangers and came to understand her true nature in the process. Everything seems to be working out-and not just for Leslie and her newly formed family, but for the rest of the world as well. But appearances can be deceiving. A new threat is about to disrupt Leslie's peaceful existence, and once again, her life will never be the same. Don't miss this new limited series written by MIRKA ANDOLFO, illustrated by celebrated artist IVAN BIGARELLA, and periodically featuring original artwork from MIRKA herself!
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Fox & Hare #1 -  Jonathan Tsuei, Stacey Lee & Yoshi Yoshitani
When black market coder Aurora Yi uncovers top secret data that has tapped into the past lives of the citizens of Mazu Bay, her world is turned upside down. The mega corporation Synastry Designs wants its data back and is hot on her trail. Aurora has no choice but to turn to the Fox and the Hare, the most feared mercenaries in the city, for protection.
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Hellboy & The BPRD: The Night Of The Cyclops - Mike Mignola & Olivier Vatine
Just as he finishes up one job in Greece, Hellboy is detoured into another adventure by . . . a goat? Join Hellboy in a strange hidden land of treachery and togas as he takes on the wrath of a jealous god. Featuring the storytelling genius of Mike Mignola and Olivier Vatine, with art by Vatine and letters by Clem Robins, the Mignolaverse meets classical mythology in this new one-shot!
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MonstaBOO Vol 1 - Yuuya Takahashi & Tali
Ever since a monster killed her mother, Maruka has recklessly sought them out with a death wish. But when the first monster she runs into defies her expectations, not only does Maruka end up fighting alongside him-she asks him to be her boyfriend!
Whatcha scooping up this week, Fantomites?
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bottleomayo-blog · 4 years
Blog - Life Updates #4
This is MAZU.
Third quarter of June. It comes so fast! But I personally prefer it this way. The weather has been wish-washy recently - it can get so bright and sunny, then suddenly a thunderstorm(?). I don’t know how it works anymore, so I just go through my days as per usual.
I’m making slight changes in my life bit by bit by introducing new habits as I’m growing up leaving school. This week, I’ve started a new habit of drinking lots of water daily. I’ve been limiting myself to only a mug of beverage every two days to lower down my sugar and caffeine intakes. I’m not sure if it’s really working, but I do see myself drinking more plain water than usual ever since I found back my green water bottle I had when I was in Form 3. I feel healthier? 😂
It’s a long story regarding my return to school, so I’ll make it short for the sake of myself. I’m considering opting out for homeschooling for the rest of Form 5! *cheers* I don’t know much about homeschooling, but from what I’ve heard and read, it seems like the best option for me. I’ve been experimenting my study ways with Japanese, and I found that I study best and most effectively at home. I’m not just home-biased; it is actually true that I study wayyy better at home compared to school, mainly because I’m able to manage my study times the way I want to instead of being bound to a very strict system. I don’t like school 👀 maybe it’s just the specific one I’m in? Whatever it is, it has been limiting me from being a better student and person in general. I can’t evolve, in a way. It’s too hard... so that’s why I’m considering homeschooling. My parents are obviously 100% into the idea (so am I, who am I kidding) but my counselling teacher suggested that I still at least go through the first week of school. Can I do it? Well... I don’t know what their plans are, but if it doesn’t do well for me, I shall drop out of it 😁 Until the week comes, we shall see!
So uhh... TMI: I prefer self-studying ✌
Anyway- I’m gonna drop an artwork as usual. Just recently, I started a croquis practice series on my Instagram and (my new) Pixiv! I’ll show the first one... tadaa~!
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(She looked so pretty... I did not hesitate to start sketching right away! Does it look good? :0)
Up until here for today’s entry :D
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mazu-thefan · 2 years
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Another gift for my friend ☕️
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minifanfan · 5 years
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I'm honored to be included in the exhibition, Just Humans: 100 illustrazioni senza confini curated by @graphicdaystorino at Museo Egizio. The exhibition will end on 3rd Nov, this is your last chance to visit the amazing artworks in Torino! 100 illustrators have been invited to share their own vision on integration. 50 of them come from the local art scene and they have involved as many national and international colleagues to work on the same theme. The project was born to enhance differences in a perspective of exchange and mutual contamination. The goal was to create a social interaction made to preserve and to value each cultural identity. Thank you @tai.pera for inviting me to this exhibition ❤️ Swipe left to see more! ABOUT ARTWORKS (See third picture): (Left) Mazu, Chinese sea goddess, is widely worshiped in Taiwan, illustrated by @tai.pera (Right) Na Tuk Kong, local guardian spirits worshipped in Malaysia, Singapore and parts of Indonesia, illustrated by Gee Fan Eng (at Museo Egizio, Torino) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4KGMZKBIL0/?igshid=9rp7fw5czahy
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tuliharja · 1 year
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This is a kind of redraw from my older drawing of Mazu, but not fully. In this, you can see the full body picture, unlike in the other one, but I did change Mazu's outfit a bit. I wanted to make it appear more like a ballerina's outfit -light and beautiful. After all, Mazu is really athletic and talented dancer. To add more movement to this picture, I made Mazu hold a cloth that is the same color as her eyes. ^^
Artwork: @tuliharja
Note: I’m fine with reblogging, but ask me first for my permission, if you want to repost my artwork.
DeviantArt I Pixiv
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soniaiskawaii · 7 years
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Soooo a very lovely artist I know made shipped two characters together. Her own red headed and sharp toothed gal Mazu and another little sharp toothed goil named Cora (who may be owned by @theenglishgent ). Wanted to post it here cause I think it's very cute. Let me know if you'd like to see her other artwork.
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kayawagner · 6 years
Fuji from Gods and Goddesses, a 5th Edition Supplement
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Publisher: Jetpack7
This is a stand-alone deity from Gods and Goddesses.
Featuring Fuji from Japanese folklore. Included is the deity lore, a cleric domain and paladin oath as well as avatar stats. The pdf also includes a full appendix of new creatures, magic items and new spells written just for this book's domains and oaths.
Gods and Goddesses features classic deities for use as a 5th edition (OGL) supplement. Inside, you will find Cleric and Paladin player character options to bring in rich levels of diversity to your new or current game. Present them as “new gods”, or as “old gods” that have returned to the world. It’s up to you. Change the course of events by inserting these new deities with a surprising bang, or reveal them slowly over time.
These are contemporary portrayals of well-known Gods and Goddesses that can be inserted into any 5th edition campaign setting. What better way to add some vibrant diversity to such a wonderful game? Certainly, some of the names will be familiar, but this is your world where you and your players can find out how these new Gods and Goddesses will have an impact beyond what has ever been seen before.
Gods and Goddesses is a fully illustrated ~100 page book, featuring 16 Deities of Antiquity, 16 Cleric Divine Domains, and 16 Paladin Sacred Oaths, designed for 5th Edition.
Nyneve (Lady of the Lake)
Baba Yaga 
Batara Kala
Gods and Goddesses 5E Game content
Rich histories are provided for each God and Goddess which can be used to enhance any 5E game experience.
Stats and abilities for each God and Goddess avatar. Ever wanted to insert a powerful Avatar into your 5E campaign? Now you can!
Full page and full color artwork for each God and Goddess. Have your Clerics and Paladins be inspired by knowing what their deities look like in vivid color.
There are 7 Divine Domains in the 5E core rule book. 16 new Divine Domains for Clerics are included in Gods and Goddesses.
There are 3 Sacred Oaths a Paladin can take in the 5E core rule book. At least 16 new Sacred Oaths for Paladins are included in Gods and Goddesses.
New spells for Clerics and Paladins, but the spells can be used with practically any magic class.
Price: $3.99 Fuji from Gods and Goddesses, a 5th Edition Supplement published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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schmiede · 6 years
Nora Mazu - PULS EP.
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PULS EP.  // out 23.5. noramazu.com soundcloud.com/noramazu
pic by Sylvia Rosa Kahl Artwork by firnwald
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cesarfeliciano · 5 years
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#drawing #mazu from #theredten #comicbook series created by #theartofcesarfeliciano and @tylerjamescomixlaunch #comicartist #comicartwork #drawing #artist #artwork #wacom #cintiq #clipstudio #digital #digitalart #mangastudio5 #superhero #illustration #videoclip #videodemo #graphicnovel #comicshop #female #goddess https://www.instagram.com/p/BtC0i8Fhwza/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t236iwiylvm
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