#mb if this is incomprehensible
au-hemeanssomething · 17 days
So every now and then I’ll come up on a post showing off posters and drawings and other things that they have casually in their room of TCC stuff and that got me curious
How do “normal” people react to those things? Like does your parents and family members see those and don’t give it another thought? Or do they ask questions about it, if they do how did you answer? How do you explain that “oh yeah I have a guy who killed 12 children framed” without getting locked up in the loony bin? Did you have to lie about who that is? Do most people hide that stuff usually and bring it out for photos? Or are some people just so loud and proud about being TCC that you don’t care about what others think about it?
Sorry if this seems like I’m trying to be shameful on you but I’m just so confused on how people can just have it out without social repercussions
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tabooiart · 6 months
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i havent seen enough commotion for curt mega as tinky. i see him in that role and i think to myself yes that is where he should be that is what he should be doing
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melodic-haze · 1 month
Thinking about it now, yk who I'm most interested to see with reader who's Akivili's reincarnation but doesn't realise? Black Swan.
I can't help but keep thinking like. Imagine instead of the scene with Acheron, it's you who she wants to dance with. And why would you ever want to turn her down yk? She's beauty, she's grace, nobody would ever refuse her in your place.
It's clumsy at first, you never really knew that you'd be dancing in such a formal setting so you're kinda lost in this kind of situation. But don't worry, cuz Black Swan is here to guide you through every step until it all feels like a smooth wordless exchange between the two of you!!
She does find it slightly odd though, how everyone else seems to be looking at the two of you-- no, looking at you with curiosity and a want to be closer to you, with some of them even shuffling just a tad bit to dance nearby. It could be because you were one of the mysterious explorers of the cosmos......but for some reason she knew within her that that's not right
So she's undoubtedly curious, and you can see that glint in her eye as she pulls you in while you dance, and you hear her murmur "let me see you" before you feel a minor wave of something off briefly destabilising you before things go normal again. Well, not necessarily normal, considering how you feel more connected to your dance partner than ever and you feel this sense of foreboding unease from so far away......but beyond how you had to keep your guard up, it wasn't hurting you.
Things were. NOT the same in Black Swan's case. She sees your life before you got to Penacony, before your time as a Nameless, before you even discovered a passion for exploting the great beyond!! But she sees that there is another layer—one so old and so fractured and so broken and so unbelievably incomprehensible.
Like an Aeon.
The Memokeeper, much too curious for her own good to back down now, pushes through despite all the warning signs not to. These memories from beyond your supposed time? All fractured, irreparable, corrupted all through hell and back. Some of the ones she CAN comprehend is time spent by.. you and people that you've most definitely never known, all at so many different times and seemingly eras and they all melt into amalgamations of things she is sure you've NEVER experienced so what's going on????
And when she sifts through them all, what waits for her is an empty void. A purely empty space, the stars practically refusing to decorate this scape unlike before she went deeper into your mind.
And she sees youTHEM
And THEYyou reach out to her and attempt to drag her with youHERheTHEM to have her witness the lonely death of--
She severes the connection with a yelp—snaps out of it more like—as you dip her on complete accident because you placed your foot wrong. You're so stupidly proud of the save before you look at Black Swan and she looks like she's just had the most HORRIBLE scare paralysis possible. THEN your smile drops
You ask her if she's okay just in case she's absolutely unimpressed you, and it is only now when you notice all the attention on you and you ONLY❗️❗️❗️ And you pointedly narrow your eyes at her when she shakes her head and grits her teeth the slightest bit before answering. But she doesn't relent so okay fine, you won't.
But when she looks back into your eyes again and see that fire that was supposed to be briefly extinguished all those many years ago, not only is she even more intrigued, but.. perhaps even a little scared for you too.
After all, what awaits you at the end of your journey: the line that you had reached so long ago, or a new ending that over writes that abyssal loneliness?
..She hopes for dear life it's not the former.
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bi-demon-ium · 1 year
love the benedict twins bc tony hale manages to communicate so much 🥺 with those big brown eyes
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simonstamenovic · 6 months
who is lily
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plumadot · 2 months
Ok stupid me I'm not anon anymore... I'm so dumb, embarrassing!!! But still, the hat is mine 🎩
Ok um... About Watchers! You think they are some silent chthonic creatures who only observe, or mb bunch of chill dudes who's eating popcorn while watching whatever mischief G is causing with their powers?
Probably something in the middle... I really like the concept of them as spoiled viewers who only need intrigue and drama, and it might work very well considering G as a warlock and one of your latest drawing (VERY COOL BTW)
And of course Scar is crit charisma'ed them so now they just love him as an adorable puppy 👍🏿
gkdfjkgjfkg don't you worry, you can absolutely still have the hat it's all yours <3 <3 <3
the watchers are like. an eldritch entity that's both singular and plural. they're incomprehensible gkfjdkgjf grian's never seen what they look like, but they mainly communicate with him by manipulating his emotions? he feels different when they're around, and he's not sure what they want from him yet, but they must want something in return for the immense power they've given him!!! they enjoy it when grian loses himself in his powers so his current guess is that they simply enjoy watching him either succeed or suffer... maybe both...
the watchers really don't know what to think of scar yet!!!!!!!! he's. really powerful. but in a way they don't understand. the bond grian's formed with him could prove problematic if scar keeps succeeding in keeping him calm and in control of his emotions.
also from your previous ask gkfjdkgj they've tried to come up with a party name, but jimmy suggested "big man jim's big men squad" and everyone veto'd
(thank you thank you thank you <3)
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filez34 · 1 year
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Ok so i said i wouldn't draw but i remembered air pirates from Laputa castle in the sky and couldn't hold myself
Incomprehensible art is my middle name
Very raw lore :
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Yn is a woman this time cause i like how lots of pilots from the era i take references from are women
Sun and Moon are rather skittish in character but are the same jokesters if relaxed, they wanna prove themselves and so sometimes get themselves into trouble altho not during robberies, Eclipse taught them the hard way. Moon is more lazy than Sun, preferring not to bother with something if reward is not immediate, whereas Sun is bold and sometimes can overestimate his capabilities
Also i forgot to draw minimms' guns but know they're something like revolvers because canons' recoil the larger crewmated sport would send the poor bots flying
Glamrocks probably exist in this universe altho they're not part of Eclipse's gang, perhaps they're another gang of pirates (with staff bots as crew) or mb not even pirates but something else who knows.
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falling-star-cygnus · 10 months
indulgent little millionsummers drabble because we’re all a wee bit delulu tbh
The outlaw can’t help the choked sputter that forces its way up his throat. Because, honestly, what the fuck is Nai doing out in the middle of the desert?
Vash didn’t think the fight would come this soon, he thought it’d be in Julai. That he’d be the one seeking out his brother. Thought he’d have just a little bit more time to-
He hates himself just a little bit more as his hand instinctively flies to his gun, scarred fingertips flicking the safety off with little hesitation. He knows what Nai is capable of, he knows. It still hurts when he’s reminded they’re on opposite sides.
He can feel his little makeshift family tensing up behind him; ready to hide or fight though, he’s unsure. He desperately hopes it’s the former. But Vash knows them too.
“….my human is dying..”
A pause.
Nai is shifting awkwardly from foot to foot, never quite looking at his self-proclaimed little brother. {they’re twins, asshole} Awkwardly. Nai is never awkward anymore. Not after becoming Millions Knives.
There’s also millions of things Vash could say right now, millions of things he should say; anything to clear the air and break the silence-
“When did you get a human!?”
Anything but that.
Vash is relieved a fight isn’t about to break out, but he never expected Nai to get attached to someone other than him. It’s jarring. Completely unexpected. Incomprehensible.
So entirely unbelievable, in fact, that Vash doesn’t even realize he’s put his gun away until he’s raking both hands through his hair.
“That’s not important-”
Nai starts, like he isn’t hellbent on genocide and eradicating organic life.
Seriously! Who could it be? And why are they dying?
“Who is it? Dr.Conrad? Elendira? Zazie?” “Elendira and Zazie aren’t human, Vash-” “Oh right- then, Dominique? Midvalley? Livio?”
Wolfwood cuts in with an angry “it better not be Livio-!” but the plants ignore him, one becoming increasingly agitated as his twin rattles off more and more names. It’s actually a little surprising how many humans Nai’s associated with.
“Legato- Vash, Legato is dying. Shouldn’t you, of all people, be more concerned with that instead of who it is?”
That should’ve been the first name Vash guessed, to be honest. He’s seen the way Nai looks at him and he’s seen the way Legato preaches about him.
Definitely a match. And definitely one made in hell.
Instead of teasing Nai about getting attached to a human, like he desperately wants to; the outlaw’s attention is brought to the subtle, thready hint of panic under Nai’s voice.
Nai was actually worried…?
“What’s wrong with him?”
…this got way longer than i originally planned.
part 2 mb?
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jadenvargen · 2 years
I'd like to know your opinion: what is hw short for?
omg no clue i think it’s kinda funny if daniel just doesnt know either. like he just picked it from what his dad was calling him and if someone asks him he changes the names everytime. but it probably could be something like henry west or some other incomprehensibly lame family name(though he beefs with his dad so probably not him…im thinking mb henry was a family name) . what do u think
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sonicranger1 · 3 months
I have to be honest as your moot
I do not understand whenever you mention something Undertale related
Who's ink? Who's error? What's the Underverse? Ples explen 😭
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You do not know the mistake you've made asking me about Ink, prepare to have your metaphorical ear talked off as I ramble incomprehensible nonsense
But *ahem* anyways, backstory time on my beloved
So Ink belonged to an AU that was left unfinished and forgotten by it's creator, leaving him to be the only one in his white void of a world to have been developed enough to have a soul/emotions and all that jazz, due to this tho in a moment of despair he ripped apart and destroyed his soul
BUT ☝he didn't die, die to this but instead got transported to what would soon become the doodle sphere (his home base of sorts fyi)
Now without a soul Ink was pretty much just an emotionless, lifeless corpse now
until one day paint from an unknown creator landed on him giving him the ability to feel! But said paint would eventually run out resulting in him going back to that lifeless state, so to solve that little problem he stored the different paints into vials he'll carry around on him and drink when he needs them
Which then leads into why Inks appointed himself as The Protector of AUs since without them and in extension Us The Creators creating/maintaining said AUs ink can't obtain the paints he uses to survive
Now onto error which- Okay my favoritism is really gonna show here cuz I do not know enough on error to give that good of an explanation on him so uh🧍‍♀️ sorry mb
okay but underverse, underverse is fanmade animated series (which I believe is all animated by one person which if you've watched it is absolutely fucking crazy) which- as the name implies- is a multiverse style story following all the different AUS like Underfell, Underswap, Outertale, Dreamtale, ect ect
I don't wanna say much about it since I'd rather have people check it out for themselves so I'll just link the series playlist Here if you're really interested
Oh and extra little video Here which goes over all the AUS featured in Underverse and gives a good summary on them for people new (like I was lol)
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ne0nwisp · 1 month
Doll Microfic: Casualty
if you can handle that stuff, i hope you enjoy my story :3
It was the worst case scenario, her doll had a missile on its tail, and couldn't shake it, the last thing its handler heard was an explosion, a scream of agony, and then horrible silence. The handler, weeping, was sent with the recovery team. When they got to the crash site, her worst fears were all but confirmed . . .
Mutilated metal, crumbled, crushed, torn, scorched. The smell of burned nitrocellulose from cooked-off ammo, burned flesh and kevlar, and blood, oh god the blood, pooling on the ground under the airframe.
The handler fell to her knees. Her life, Her love, Her soul; lying in the desert, mangled, mutilated, dead. She collapsed onto the wreckage and sobbed and cried and wept as hard as it is possible for any human to. She screamed at the soldiers accompanying her, voice shattered and broken with agony "KILL MEEEEE, PLEASE JUST FUCKING KILL MEEEHEEHEE" her voice collapsing into sobs.
But then, in a brief moment of silence between agonized breaths and sobs, she heard a voice, weak and faint, from inside the airframe "ov oo" her pain and anguish were instantly transmuted into sheer determination.
She lept up, grabbing a crowbar and plasma cutter, she tore and pried at the metal coffin that used to be an airframe. She called out to the engineers: "IT'S STILL ALIVE IN THERE, DO YOUR FUCKIN JOB I CAN'T SAVE IT ON MY OWN" not stopping her work for a second as she yelled. The engineers scrambled into action, carefully yet frantically melting and tearing and prying the wreckage away to carve a path to the biomechanical pilot. After the longest minutes of their lives, they got to it.
The handler lunged to the doll and dragged it out of the aluminum tomb. Sparks and blood and torn metal and shreds of kevlar trailed behind the doll and it was pulled to safety "MEDICS, NOW!!!" as the medical team rushed over, the handler held her beloved and surveyed the damage.
head: intact torso: deep wounds in the abdomen, vitals intact; the doll would survive legs: left crushed and shredded from the thigh down. right torn off at the hip arms: left severely cut, but functional. right crumpled beyond repair
The medics arrived and got to work. The handler held her doll's hand and comforted the poor thing while the medics stabilized it. The process was rushed, and painful, and dirty, but it would keep the doll alive until the damage could be properly repaired. The stabilization process was agonizing.
Arteries welded shut, flesh burned to cauterize the wounds, kevlar melted to seal them. But the doll was able to handle it without going into shock. Because its handler was there the entire time, holding its remaining hand, speaking words of comfort to it.
During the grotesque process, The radio handler notified command of the situation: "Combat doll Li-17 recovered, alive, stabilized, heavily damaged. current co-ords 14°16'44.3"S 24°16'13.8"W. transporting to base sigma alpha phi until evac available. organ repair and limb replacements required. vitals intact. details of necessary repairs unknown, but will need transport to heavy maintenance facility." while they were updating command, the stabilization was finished.
The handler held her doll in her lap, lovingly caressing the charred, blood-soaked doll as it wept. The doll spoke to its hander through tears, in its distorted, vowel-y doll dialect which its anatomy mandated "i'm o-y foh ge-ig hi". The speech was nearly incomprehensible, but the handler understood.
The handler responded softly and lovingly, swallowing her sadness and fear, putting on a brave face for her doll; "it's ok, you did everything right doll, it wasn't your fault." she rested a hand on its cheek.
"bu I oo-mb shay ih"
"it's ok, you did your best"
"wuh abou uh mishom?"
"another doll will make sure the mission is completed, right now, all you need to worry about is resting and recovering"
"oh-ay, I ov oo"
"love you too doll"
The handler gently lifted her doll up and carried her into the medical transport, and they drove off to the base, to safety.
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warmcoals · 1 year
taughtkay thots 15hrs in:
they absolutely changed links proportions n animations to be more Manly. awful
lots of silly deaths or lol physic moments
too too too many collectibles. insane amt of grind, incomprehensible redeems, just a nightmare system amalgam
hate building. tiny satisfaction solving something efficiently but i make the same 4 wheel plank/2 wood stabilizer every time. luv to see others doin it tho
plots a little cool, wish it was part of the game n not just a movie but its ok
luv the sky stuff, wish there was more (mb there is later)
the under stuff is ok. genuinely inspired but not as much for me (cars, no sun)
finally got sheik armor at like 9hrs allowing me to Play the game. not as cute
cant get over the weapon thing. not preferring it at all. i like it when theyre stylish and parsable, not. not this swagless utilitarian fusion thing. easily argue that it allows for more specific playstyle selection but humph
lotsa npcs, questlines hard to parse
theres some research/thief lesbians
hornse rewards c:
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brandinglong · 2 years
The end of the sun
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As for example in the newspapers that we find on the ship a lot is told about Addison's spies who infiltrate the ship, there was even a huge board with posted suspects, their nicknames and signs of appearance in the first chapter of the game, but this line does not get any development at all in the plot and I think this will be an important component of the second part of the game, where Rose will be in the past, perhaps she will somehow encounter both Edison's spies and Ludwig mb there were too many moments that were clearly left for the player to notice, but did not continue in any way. So I think that there is an obvious calculation for the second part, which will explain all the understatement of the first game. Speaking of emails, their sender is still unknown to us, and I have an idea that Rose herself is sending them only from the future. There are also incomprehensible green symbols all over the ship, nowhere does it explain what it is, but this sign is found in the letters that Rose received throughout the game. Rose saw a scene from the future where she carried her sister's body and put it under a tree, but she could not get to her sister's body during the game because the laboratory was closed.Īt the end of the game, Tesla contacts Rose via a communicator and says that everything can be returned and everything can be fixed, including Ada, while we see that the ship is sinking, which means that Tesla must be dead or in great danger. Also, when he stabbed her hand with the knife, he said "stabbed hand" thoughtfully, as if that explained it to him. Rose walked past the hall where the masquerade was held in the second or third chapter, there were masquerade masks everywhere. Ludwig, during the chase, shouted at Rose that he was also at the masquerade and that it was all her fault.
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YOUR TAGS ARE SO >?>?:LPL:>:"{,.;<LKMJL I MISSED U TOO DUCHESSS we used to t alk so much omg .... those werre the kotlc days... facinating times .. how are you ?!?!?!?!?!?/
I am doing great how are you,,, it really has been a long time since then we used to talk like every day
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phendorana · 3 years
you either die a religious figure or live long enough to see yourself become a playable fortnite character
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