#mc is Melanie here
fraternum-momentum · 8 months
Hey! I love your art!!! Tho, I was wondering if you could tag your ocs names cause I’m new but I’m really interested in your ocs and want to learn more about them :)
It’s okay if you can’t tho! Hope you have a great day
YOOO HELLO welcome to the blog :D i hope you enjoy your stay here and thank you !! i finally finally gave some of them names so I can make tags, that's mainly why it took so long to answer this 😭
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Azalea, Melanie, :o), MC, Gabriel, Nigel, Kian, Theo.
(the actual tags are also in the tags of this post)
Here's some contextual and random facts about them lolol:
Azalea and Melanie are characters of a webcomic I'm making ! It's just a little passion project that I'm slowly working on. (emphasis on slowly)
Theo is just a nickname. His actual name is Theodore. MC's name is still TBD.
They're also gonna be in a comic thing :D but more episodic and slice of life-y instead of an overarching plot.
Kian makes pipe bombs in his basement.
Kian is based on a rock I got on a random beach. I took a picture of it and put a bunch of stickers and gave it a personality a few years ago bc I thought it would be cute 💀 I have other rocks that still needs to be gijinka-fied LMAO (my fave is this one beach glass named Kelsey)
I was debating on naming the jester clown guy JJ but i decided against it, it's cute but ehh idk.. I might change my mind on it if I can't think of anything.
Kian and friends + the jester guy + that one teeth guy that I didn't include here (whoops) are mostly just one-offs and don't really have an ongoing story. I made them mostly cause I wanted to design a cool looking character. Maybe I'll do smthn with the rock friends but I don't really have any ideas :P
Nigel and Gabriel are part of this western cowboy universe thing I'm doing on the side. A lot of wonderful people have made ocs for it :DD !!!
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make of that what you will 👼
Gabriel has a twin sister named Mica, who also helps around their church.
Nigel is just an amalgamation of the kinks i like (that will not b disclosed !!!!!). Cause I thought 'hey, why don't I make a blorbo that has all my kinks that would b awesome ahaha' and look at me now.
Also BTW i know Nigel is technically a cop but he's more of a classic cowboy than an actual police officer. I added that random fact just for the cowboy³ joke. ACAB.
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
Hii!! 🧚‍♀️It's Wee Emo anon 🍾
Really liked your last work, so here i am again
Can i request brothers reaction on MC who cry over small things?
Like they see little kitten on the street and - WHOOP! - they're bubbling sobbing mess
I'm kinda can't cry (sounds dramatic lol) and wanna MC to feel it instead of me 😬
Love your works, keep going bestie💐🏃‍♂️
HI WEE EMO <3 please ignore the fact you sent me this on april 27th and its now june i had gcses to prepare for 😔✊
anyway, who let you into my house 😧🤨
no seriously i've cried at multiple south park episodes. south park. sometimes i wanna cry when i see my dog i cannot be trusted i tear up so easily especially when im writing🙁
for not being able to cry that is not very good for you fr:
i used to not be able to cry + still only really tear up, some tears drip down and let out like 2 sobbing sounds before im good again, i dont even have to try and stop crying, two sobs and im done, but my biggest tip is, get tired like really sleepy to the point where your eyes water bc of tiredness then watch something really sad.
i ha to literally train myself to be able to cry again bro dw, i wish i could have a big long cry but like 3 mins of crying is better than none, trust me wee emo you'll feel better
this was very hard to imagine their reactions to idk why, but i tried so 😔✊
grma wee emo for requesting <3 and grma everyone else for reading <3
Obey Me Brothers With a Sensitive MC <3
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It was safe to say you were sensitive, back when Melanie Martinez's music was a lot better, you really could say that the song 'Crybaby' pretty much encapsulated your entire being, it still did, but you liked to think you were more mature in your music taste now. (You weren't)
Being suddenly catapulted into the Devildom did a number on your emotions, and you found yourself quite numb. But as you adjusted, and bonded with the others, you found that you were back to your usual self, which was a crybaby.
So then how do the brothers react?
Great. Two Mammons.
At least Mammon No.2 (you) isnt a tsundere about it.
Lucifer does not like seeing you cry. Even if its because something is cute, (although he does find it quite adorable, not that he'd admit it)
This demon is of the opinion that tears should never disgrace your beautiful eyes.
He will invite you to listen to his records with him and purposely put on sad ones or really sweet ones so you grip onto him while you tear up,
He is a demon, after all. ;)
Finally. Someone who cries more than him!
It actually makes him feel safer around you, like you wont bully him for being more sensitive than his brothers.
Actually ends up dropping a lot of his tsundere act around you.
You watch movies together, but always have to check the Devildom version of 'doesthedogdie.com'
Idk, I feel like Mammon would give you a bit of bother for it at first but then slowly start to like, open up more, because he really does see himself in you like that.
He blanks.
One day you start crying because of how cute the anime you both were watching was, Levi thought you were geniunely upset, so he tried to cheer you up.
You end up thinking that its really sweet and start crying harder.
Leviathan PANICKS.
Even now, he still gets really nervous when you start crying, and has popped into his demon form more times than he can count when you grab onto him and sniffle.
Please he's already so awkward he can't handle how cute you are.
You might make him start crying as well :(
Satan 100% gets so angry he starts crying so he can kind of understand it.
He's just glad you cry over positive things :)
His favourite moment was definetly when you teared up over a small kitten. (He took several photos and also took the kitten home)
Like Lucifer he 100% invites you to read with him and picks the fluffiest most adorable romance he can find, or the saddest most heartbreaking romance he can find.
He likes when you cling onto him and look up at him with those big teary eyes.
He's a demon. What did you expect, ;)
He thinks you're adorable.
Any emotion on your face is adorable to him actually. <3
If you wear makeup he makes sure to get you waterproof mascara and other eye makeup so your beautiful tears dont ruin your beautiful makeup <3
If any of you remember that crying girl makeup trend? Yeah he deffo starts that up in the Devildom (a) to make you feel less embarrassed about it and (b) because he thinks youre so beautiful when you express yourself.
He doesn't cry a lot, it's not exactly something that comes naturally to him at all.
Its not that he CANT cry or that he holds his tears back, its just that he doesn't normally process or reaction to things with tears.
Only in serious serious situations will he cry.
So when he sees you crying over one of those little onigiri things that are literally adorable, he thinks that you've somehow hurt yourself. (i nabbed this off of pinterest)
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Beel panics, and mentally goes over the ingredients in his head, did he order something with an ingredient that was dangerous to humans?
He calms down when he realises that you're crying because it looks cute.
He feels you with that.
Makes an effort to take you to more places with food items displayed in cute ways.
Though you do have to look away while Beel cuts them up for you, otherwise you wouldnt be able to eat it.
He laughs at you.
Point blank.
Originally when he's in the attic he uses your sensitivity as a way to manipulate you.
But post lesson 16, he really starts to appreciate it more.
This bastard will use his powers as the youngest sibling against you, he'll dress up in cute onesies and give you puppy eyes, all to coax you into taking naps with him.
Which you do.
I have no idea how half of these fuckheads would react tbh
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h0neybane · 2 days
Hey hi hello~!! First of all congrats on 50 followers and here's to getting fifty more!! Secondly you're so creative with your art that I would love to request my twst mc Melanie and her partner Louise with Grim please! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
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MELANIE AND LOUISE ARE SOOOOO CUTE I ALMOST CRIED. AND i also really love how this piece turned out!! i did a little bit of style experimentation and tried out some thinner lineart (≧▽≦*)
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im-ovulating · 1 year
(A/n: this is entirely self indulgent btw (which is ironic bc I /can/ swim but idc I just want an excuse for Luci to hold me okay😭))
(Ironic bc as soon as I started writing this, Milk of the Siren by Melanie Martinez started playing lmao)
(If you don't know, it's basically about getting revenge on men and drowning them)
Word Count: 1,422
Summary: Lucifer finds out MC doesn't know how to swim and decides to change that
Warnings: don't know if this needs to be a warning but: reader can't swim (obvi)
Age Rating: Pg 13
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Swimming Lessons: Lucifer x Fem! Reader
'I can do this... It's gonna be fine, I'm gonna be fine.'
You're standing at the door to the RAD pool as you try to steel yourself for what's to come.
The House of Lamentation had gone for a beach day a week prior; just taking a day to wind down from exams and student council duties. You had managed to keep your inability to swim a secret for most of the day under the guise of keeping Beel from eating all the snacks.
All good things must come to an end, though. Cue Mammon chasing you down to throw you in the ocean.
All you could do was panic as you desperately tried to keep your head above the waves. Your feet slipping as the sand gave under you, unable to support the weight of your hysteric kicking.
But just as fast as you were thrown in, you're pulled out.
You sputter as you wiped the salty water from your eyes, your arm in someone's vice grip as they yank you to land. Looking to your savior, you're met with am angry Lucifer glaring at your assailant.
"I really should stop expecting you to start acting like the second oldest brother. No matter what punishments you recieve, no matter how many lectures, you never seem to grow up. It's one thing when you cause problems for yourself, it's a completely different problem when you almost kill an exchange student. You're a sorry excuse for an avatar, Mammon."
"Hey!- That's not fair! How's I s'posed to know the human can't swi-"
"Enough! Everybody, start packing. We're going home." The groans and protests are silenced with a cold glare leveled towards them.
One by one the brothers file off to gather everything with the occasional (read: frequent) insult or snide comment to the second born.
After the ordeal was done and everyone was back at the HoL, Lucifer had cornered you in your room.
You were unpacking your beach bag when he came in, door clicking shut behind him.
"You can't swim." He doesn't ask.
"What of it?" You ask, looking over your shoulder at him as you gather your bathing suit and towel to throw in the laundry hamper.
You shrug, moving back to your bag to put away your sunglasses and spf. "I don't know, I just never learned."
Minutes pass in silence as he watches you unpack, the only noise is the ruffling of your bag accompanied with the occasional clack of something dropping.
Eventually he breaks the silence. "Would you like to?"
"Like to what?"
"Would you like to learn to swim?"
You stop to think about it. "Um, I feel like I would just get embarrassed... Most people learn when they're kids and the ones that don't, rarely learn. I mean, can you really imagine me in a pool surrounded by literal children who swim better than me?"
You chuckle at the mental image of yourself with water wings on. "I think I'll pass."
"I was referring to me teaching you." He still hasn't moved from his sentry position as you shuck your now empty bag into your closet.
"Like, alone? With you? In a pool? With water?" No offense to him but you feel like all it would take is one wrong move and you'll have annoyed him to the point of drowning you. You tell him so, earning a rare Lucifer smile.
"You'll be safe." He muses. "I have an inclination that Lord Diavolo wouldn't take too kindly to me killing one of his exchange students. Much less one of his favorite ones."
"Ha ha," you fake. "Funny, though I'm far from his favorite.'
"But I guess I'll trust you."
So here you are, about to potentially enter your very own death chamber.
'Oh, god- It's not going to be fine.' Your heart starts to pick up but before you can fully freak out you hear a voice from inside.
"Are you going to come in or just stare at the door?" Lucifer calls from the other side of the door.
No turning back now. You push the surprisingly heavy door open, revealing an even more surprisingly sized pool. It easily puts an Olympic sized swimming pool to shame. You can scarcely see the bottom even in the so-called shallow end.
Lucifer is already in, arms holding his upper body out of the water as he waits for you to join him. You can't lie, you're having a bit of a struggle to not stare at his toned arms and what you can see of his sculpted chest.
"Come on, the water isn't going to bite."
"Says you," you mutter as you strip to your swimsuit. You pad over to the edge, sitting down to put your legs in first. Taking a deep breath, you push off, keeping a death grip on the siding.
A couple feet separate you from the avatar of pride.
"Okay, now push off and try to pad over to me." He holds out a hand to you.
"I thought you were supposed to be teaching me?" You're trying not to panic or look into the depths beneath you.
"I am. I need to see what you can do before I can help with what you can't." He states, gesturing you towards him.
"If I die, I swear to god, I will haunt you for the rest of your life. If you think Mammon is bad, just you wait until you see what ghost Y/n has in store for you." With one last proclamation of wrath, you shove off, more tossing yourself towards him than paddling over to him, but that's as much as he's getting from you.
As soon as your head submerges, you panic, arms flailing as you try to reach out to Lucifer. You feel his hand grip your forearm as he hauls you back up. It's when you clear your eyes of the awful, chlorinated water that you notice he had moved the both of you further into the pool. There's no way you can reach the siding from here.
"Fucking hell!" You scramble to cling tighter to Lucifer. "I'm gonna die. This is how I die-"
"Calm down," he interrupts. "You are going to die if you don't stop panicking."
He pulls you away from his body, causing your nails to dig further into his skin. "Look at me."
You do. Panting with pupils blown from fear.
"Are you drowning?"
"I-" "Are you?"
You swallow. "No."
"Exactly, and I told you I wouldn't let you; do you think I'm going back on my word not even 5 minutes in?"
"Okay then. you said you'd trust me, so do so. Kick your legs lightly. Almost in a pedaling rhythm." He instructs. "We're going to start with keeping you above the surface."
And so, your legs start moving, the force of the water pushing back with each movement is a bit odd, but not too bad.
When you get a good rhythm going Lucifer drops your arms. "Keep kicking and stay calm."
You start to sink a bit but try to stay calm.
"Kick a bit harder."
You start to gain back face-to-water distance and you let yourself get excited.
"I'm doing it!-" In the process of celebrating, you stop kicking.
Just before your head goes under, Lucifer pulls you up yet again.
"What happened to 'keep kicking'?" He asks.
You look up to answer, only to find that his face is way closer than you thought. All too sudden, you're aware of his tight hold around your waist and how your chests press together as your hands rest on his shoulders. Your legs lightly brush against each other as you both kick to stay afloat.
Neither of you break the silence as your eyes stay locked together.
Are you going insane, or is his face getting closer?
No, it definitely is. Your noses bump as Lucifer tilts to the side. Your eyes are sliding shut and your lips are a hair's width apart when the pool door slams open.
Both of you jump apart as much as you can without him letting you sink. Luke stands at the entrance, staring at you with a look of shock.
"I- I was looking for Beelzebub- He... He ate the last of a cake I made and ran. I- Sorry." With that the angel scurries away, effectively taking the tension with him.
"I think we're done for the day." Lucifer says.
"Yep. Completely."
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 8 months
Zecharias Theory
Before I start rambling, I do want to say that surprisingly a song lyric was what inspired me to write this theory because it made me think of Zecharias and therefore my brain started going off the charts with theorizing. I’ve also wanted to do something with Zecharias for a while now so if this also ends up being a analysis and also a theory at the same time then yall gonna have to deal with it.
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“But you made me want to plan out my last days on earth, eating you. The tips of your teeth fit perfect in me. You’re a shower of light I’d devour any day of the week.” -LIGHT SHOWER by Melanie Martinez.
Now you might be thinking how this made me go into full theory mode. So let me explain.
It’s been mentioned a few times/implied that Zecharias has had muses before MC and in the NSFW alphabet it has even mentioned somebody but I’ve only seen who ever this person is mentioned in this one part and hasn't even been asked about smh.
“He hasn't been able to meet a lot of other people, much less get the chance to do the deed with them. At most, he likely could have done it with one person, but they're as inexperienced as he is.
Who is this person? Well, you’ll find out in the game. :>”
But here’s my thing, if what we know about Zecharias not being human then he’s probably immortal especially that I’ve noticed a few implications that he might be a god or demi-god (Hell, bring Percy Jackson into this and say possibly half-blood.) with one part of Be My Muse and there was a few lines about MC being into greek mythology and he brought up the god Mnenmosyne. (HELP I JUST REALIZED THAT'S HIS LAST NAME WHY AM I ONLY PUTTING THIS TOGETHER WHILE I'M WRITING THIS) Well now that I just figured that out it just puts more evidence to back up my theory and of course with all of those powers he has and everything. Now I know that in the SFW alphabet did somewhat imply that he would die for MC if it was to protect them but I think that just might have been figurative language. .
Zecharias eats people too, but it’s also been said he just does this as a way to survive so I’m not about to bash him about that.
“He’s only interested in adults to be his muse or his meals.”
ANYWAYS, Finally to my main theory that made me write this. Zecharias is likely immortal or lives for a very long time. But (from what we know) all of his muses have been human including MC. It makes me wonder what happened to the old muses, I mean of course it’s very likely they died inside of the backrooms, maybe from old age or something else. BUT that also brings the question of what happened to their bodies so going back to the lyrics that made me think up of this theory. I think it’s very possible that Zecharias could have probably eaten the old muses? Since its for his survival to eat humans and him being obsessed with them could prove this. Or he might just have those fuckers stored somewhere in the backrooms lmao.
I don’t know what else to go on about without going into a full analysis of Zecharias which would include me going more into what we know about his backstory so far and me explaining his motives and all that good stuff but I guess I’ll see how this theory does before starting to write all of that jfnlaajan.
Also keep in mind that this is all a theory, A YANDERE VN THEORY- *gets hit with fridge*
Word count: 647.
Zecharias belongs to @letmeremindyouvn
Taggy tags:
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @mr-ritza @mysticnebula
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sunbitesworld · 2 years
What about an mc with trust issues who finally Let Jack Hug them after MANY moths ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠﹏⁠・⁠⊂⁠). 🧡?
Of course! I hope you enjoy nonnie, sorry if it's short! Don't know if it the song really fits the headcanons but I'll let you guys decide that!
GN! Reader
Warnings: Slight Angst (?), mentions of Ian cheating
Now playing:
Jack understood that not everyone really liked physical affection.
He never crossed your boundaries, not once.
He physically can't, not that he ever wanted to though.
You never really had to tell him you didn't like hugs, he just knew somehow.
He suspected it had something to do with your trust issues, but he wasn't sure if that was the only reason.
Thanks Ian, you traumatized them.
You two were sitting on the couch when you turned to look at him.
"Jack, can...I have a hug?"
His eyes widen ever so slightly in surprise.
"Of course you can, Sunspot! Come here..."
He'd gently wrap his arms around you and pull you to his chest.
"...This feels nice." You'd whisper, returning the hug.
You could get used to being like this with him.
"Don't ever be scared of my affection, Sunshine."
He gently stroked your hair, as you rested your head against his chest.
"Thank you, Jack..."
Yeah, you wanted more of his hugs in the future.
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Hiiiii new follower here, loving what I see and if you're not covered in requests could I per-chance have my mc Melanie in your style? Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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Hopefully I draw her well 🥺
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
My bestie met a woman today who’s boyfriend is a biker in an MC, and I guess his ex tried to burn his house down and threatened to put a curse on her and ruin her life and I’m over here like 👀 Charlene 👀 Melanie 👀 is that you 👀
It’s the real life I’m on Fire.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
nox's astrology q&a: your questions, my answers
i want to thank everyone again for being here and helping me to celebrate 2k!! without you all i would just be a nerdy chick with a mythos addiction. i thought the game was fun - i am already thinking that perhaps we should do one more before years end!! but in the meantime everyone who participated had some great questions for me, so here i am answering them!!!
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@googiekookk : "do you have a favorite animal?"
i like crows :).
@mionas-world : "do you believe or have any familiars?"
i do believe in familiars! i have been wanting a black ragdoll cat for a while now - i might adopt one soon!!
@astrowomanland : "do you have any pets? actually i have dogs and they are absolutely cute and lovely! having pets will heal your heart." / @guregire : "are you a cat or dog person?"
aaaaaa - i completely agree!!! i have, over my lifetime, had 3 dogs and 5 cats! currently, i do not have a pet, but i do debate getting one from time to time. i am leaning more towards cat given my work schedule - i'm in my cat era!
@thelittlesunwitch : "are you listening to any new music? any new favorite artists or songs?"
i'm always on the hunt for new music - my "got bluetooth?" playlist is the dumping ground for anything i'm listening to at the moment!
@livelythoughts : "what music or artist do you like?"
anything but country because country reminds me of someone i would prefer to not think about. i love $uicideboy$, baby keem, eminem, kid cudi, lana del rey, lil darkie, melanie martinez, olivia rodrigo, tyler the creator, the weeknd, and yung gravy. here's one of my spotify playlists!
@starzzzzzlights : "what is your favorite music album?"
ooof i can't pick just one lol. heroes and villains by metro boomin, AM by arctic monkeys, awaken my love by childish gambino, black parade by my chemical romance, born to die by lana del rey, call me if you get lost by tyler the creator, currents by tame impala, dmz by kinneret, eternal grey by $uicideboy$, fallen by evanescence, flower boy by tyler the creator, gasnova by yung gravy, igor by tyler the creator, k-12 by melanie martinez, long term effects of suffering by $uicideboy$, the man on the moon trilogy by kid cudi, melodic blue by baby keem, nevermind by nirvana, sensational by yung gravy, the slim shady lp by eminem, smoke + mirrors by imagine dragons, ? by xxxtentacion, seventeen by xxxtentacion, sour by olivia rodrigo, stop staring at the shadows by $uicideboy$, swamp by lil darkie, and this doesn't exist by lil darkie.
@swordoftheseeker : "what is your favorite song, and/or a song that gets you emotional?"
favorite songs: i have so many; here is my define me playlist - aka the playlist whose songs resonate most with me. songs that make me emotional: "my immortal" by evanescence, "soon we'll be found" by sia, "still" by ben folds, "addicted" by kelly clarkson, "for the babies" by simply red, "winter song" by sara bareilles, "the hill" by marketa irglova, "hand me down" by matchbox twenty, "both sides now" by joni mitchell, "the beach" by the neighborhood, "orange juice" by melanie martinez, "need you now" by lady a, and "imagine" by john lennon.
my astro placements
@theghostadrift : "what is your main star sign?"
my sun sign is scorpio. my signature sign is scorpio. and my dominant sign is scorpio.
@museagerie : "what are your personal favorite placements from your chart?"
ooo that is tough i love a lot of my placements... being a circe dominant individual is fun. i love my scorpio moon, my 9h venus, and my 3h jupiter. my 8h nyx. idk i can go on for a long time especially with asteroids lol.
@honnuey : "do you have any 6th house stelliums in your chart?"
nope! i have no 6h placements! my stellium is in my 8h - my 6h ruler lives in the 8h though.
@e11e27 : "what indications in your natal and MC persona chart (with your career or money asteroids of choice) helped you decide what career path and strategies work best for you?"
as a sag mc person, i have come to the conclusion that i likely will never have a consistent career - the pluto conjunct mc from my 9h and opposite jupiter in my 3h certainly won't be of help on that matter either. so my charts are a bit of a bad explain when it comes to career planning. my plan is that there is no plan but to make money and enjoy what i do whilst doing so (that's such a sag mc thing to say lol). i have talked about my mc chart before so i will link that!
@csmicixtte : "do you sometimes wish to work a different job?"
if in reference to the blog - absolutely not. if in reference to my real life job, nope i just started it a few weeks ago so (this is my fourth week), i plan to stay here for a bit.
@sliceofcinnamoroll : "what's your mbti type? i assume you're an introvert haha."
i am an ENTJ-T! i'm not an introvert, but i would consider myself an ambivert.
@selene-destiny-201 / @yonafswurld : "what is your favorite hobbies?" / "what are your hobbies aside from the astrology and mythology related side of things?"
aside from reading and the occult - i love art. i went to art school for photorealistic graphite drawings! but now i am rather interested in knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching (right now i have made a pattern for a lake side sunset and i am making that - i'm about 810 stitches in).
@dutifullycrazycreation : "is there anything you would like to start as a hobby?"
oof that's tough. i already have a ton of hobbies lol - if i were to pick something up, perhaps i would pick up pottery, crystal tumbling, candle making, soap making, or embroidery (i mean i already cross stitch so embroidery is right around the corner lol).
@seungmim : "what is your favourite season?"
FALL. i adore fall -> seasons ranked: fall, summer, winter, and spring.
@thescorpiourge : "what advice would you give to your younger self?"
learn to say "no" - while "yes" will get you places and give you experiences, "no" will give you better control of your life.
@miraclekay97 : "do you have a favorite children's book?"
the giving tree, charlotte's web, or the miraculous journey of edward tulane.
@neptxn3 : "which was your favorite mythological figure or creature that you learned about in your spare time?"
ORPHEUS. orpheus is my favorite mythical hero!!! as for a creatures - yetis are the cutest (shoutout to my boy ziggy).
@heart-of--a-child : "do you have a favorite bingeing show you watch in your free time?"
yes!! my go to rewatch/comfort shows that i often binge are gilmore girls, game of thrones, rick and morty, gravity falls, and avatar the last airbender.
@queenlear : "what are your favourite movies?"
ooof that's tough i have a whole list. i would say my top 5 are pride and prejudice (2005), us (2019), emma. (2020), midsommar (2019), and the princess bride (1978)!
@sayaliii : "what's your favourite childhood memory?"
i had a holiday break when i was in sixth grade and my mother and i got snowed in. the snow was not the funny / best part of this it was the fact that the power went out and i had a school project to do. in sixth grade all the history classes had you build a medieval shield or a castle. i built a castle basically in lamp light and whilst eating cookies. it was a rather large cardboard box medieval castle - painted grey and black with a functional portcullis.
@mbelair : "what is your favorite memory of this year so far?"
UGHHHH I DISCOVERED MY FAVORITE TACO PLACE. that's my favorite memory for this year. it's like a local shack lol. but they have so much good stuff though - their milkshakes are so good AND THEY SELL ALLIGATOR. i have never had alligator until this year lol.
spirituality & the occult
@lavieenrosess : "how long have you been spiritual? is it something you just know intuitively that you are or did you see signs (and this is assuming you are)?"
i have been intuitively inclined all my life; i'm "claircognizant" - i have always known things that i really shouldn't. ex: as a child (3 or 4 years old), i would pose in photos with my pointer finger flush to my cheekbone - my grandmother freaked out when she saw that because that's the same pose my great grandmother (my namesake) use to do. it's not signs, it's more like random thoughts coming into my mind that aren't mine? that probably isn't the finest description - but it's the best way i can describe it.
@linnienin : "for how long have you been studying tarot, astrology and the matrix of destiny?"
tarot i'm nearing a decade, astrology i was introduced to when i was 6 or 7, and the matrix i am learning live right alongside you as i post (so since the first wyrd web post)!
@jupitersessence - "i'd like to know what drew you to astrology, tarot, the study of the web of wyrd and such. i know we all have our own ways of stumbling upon these topics, but what was it that made you want to continue with this?"
i have talked about the first part before - for astrology, it was the pandemic that reawakened my love and passion for astronomy, especially the asteroids because i saw people were not all that informed on the myths behind them. as for tarot, my grandmother gave me her mother's tarot deck in middle school and i have practiced ever since! for the web - the matrix is newer to me but has a close relationship with tarot, so, naturally, i am interested! i continue because i have a natural curiosity for what makes us "us" - i feel like all these tools can help us to reflect on who we are and why we are the way we are and that is just beautiful to me. a spiritual journey is never complete! no one masters any of these things - we just level up and learn new things as we go (i.e. space is infinite; how can you be a master at astrology? there are thousands of nuisances to astrology that will always need exploring)!
@i-can-get-back-on : "which esoteric tool (astrology, tarot, etc) you first learned how to use vs. the most recent one you've learned how to use - and maybe which tool you've resonated with the most!" / @greathologramobservation : "how did you get into divination and which was the first one you learnt and practiced?"
let's see - tarot is the first tool that i actively used and promoted to others (like i started with astrology but only read my own chart - where as tarot i have been reading for others for a while now (almost a decade)). most recently i picked up lenormand (which i haven't seen many people talk about). i resonate with nearly all the tools i use. the one that i feel like i am still getting use to though is runes (like the fact that mine is dice and a deck makes it tricky to me lol).
@loonaticpoe : "since when have u been into astrology / tarot and how long did it take 4 u to master it ? can u also leave an advice 4 new learners like me if u want ?"
i have talked about my origins in both studies before, take a look at the other questions because its up there. as for the second part, in my opinion i don't see mastery as a possibility, only high competence and experience. as for advice ALWAYS question what you read and ALWAYS look into the qualifications of who you are learning from. if they can't tell you their source or their accreditation, then they aren't someone you should be learning from. spend time with each of your studies and don't be afraid to spend a long time on small portions.
@siren-honey : "what advice would you give to anyone regarding their spiritual journey? or just advice for life in general?"
for spiritual journey guidance - always start your study where your interest lies and stay away from google unless you are looking up credibility or physical (book) resources. for general life advice, be kind - be you and be that well. recognize that no one is perfect and you can never really know all that someone has been through, so be gentle with others. you only ever see a fraction of a person's experiences in life and they only ever see a fraction of yours - so try to be gentle with others as you would want them to be gentle with you.
@galaxiesandstarss : "what's your fav sign from the zodiacs?"
capricorn <3 i don't have favorites... but capricorn lol.
@melaniee4350 : "what are your favorite astrological placements in general and/or about your own chart?"
i answered the part about my own chart earlier. as for other peoples charts, i love fire placements - sag placements in particular!!! i love capricorns too. particularly capricorns moon <3 (love y'all). aries mars people have my heart too.
@white-tale-tea : "do you have any favorite placements or aspects in astrology?"
i answered the placements part in the question above but aspects!!! ask any of my astro-friends here, i always tell them i love a good ole opposition - the tension between two planets is immaculate!!
@wutt : "which placement do you find the most comfortable to hang out with?"
i feel the most comfortable around those with sagittarius, capricorn, and/or virgo placements!
@i-am-empress-irish : "do you have a favorite deck?"
OOO i have a special place in my heart for kim krans's wild unknown!
@karmicbitchastro : "do you ever base your real life decisions on tarot?"
no. i use it to reflect on a situation mainly. i don't base life decisions on astrology either!
@covillhaa : "how long have you been on tumblr and from where did you learn about destiny matrix charts?"
since my post on eros - shoutout to @astrosky33 for introducing me to tumblr! as for the matrix, i am learning right alongside you :). i will link my post on resources for the matrix.
@haileycannotcometothephonern : "what is your favourite prediction tool? for example, using astrological transits or through tarot or other means? and which do you think is more accurate in general?"
hmmm i'm going to go with RETURN CHARTS. y'all know i adore return charts; mine have always been quite accurate so *shrug*! i do feel like all divination has its place though; i never just use return charts only (i still do tarot, transits, etc.).
@viyarisemoon : "have you thought about opening paid reading services in the future?"
i have paid readings options typically; they will be linked at the bottom of the post as per usual.
@nl107 : "do you like to travel and if so do you have a favorite place to travel?"
i do enjoy traveling, but i haven't traveled since 2018 sadly. my favorite place that i have been is little italy in new york and labadee in haiti!
@fgggjjdfbikeefujrdgjohrwaxhombd : "what's a city / country you wanna visit / or your most memorable travel?"
i talked about my favorite trip in the last question! but i want very badly to go to italy. i promised my grandmother as well that i would visit wales for her.
@coffeecoffie : "what's major in uni?"
if you poke around a bit on here, you'll find i was an english literature major. and before that, i was a forensic psychology major.
@sunxastroblog : "how did you get interested in such a topic [mythology]? have you learned at school / took classes or you're self-taught? which branch of mythology are you currently still learning?"
i have always loved books. i have talked about my who first introduced me to mythology before (that post is linked above in the what drew me to the occult question). but most of the mythology that i post is self taught - based on books i read in my spare time. part 3 of asteroids that aren't getting more attention than this was from what i learned in my senior fall semester of uni though! i am still learning all the branches of mythology if i am being honest! anyone that claims they have read all the classic literature of a culture and knows all of a set myth is lying. there is always more to read - particularly, i find that true of norse mythos!!
@moanafromthedarkages : "how has been your college experience??"
when was in high school, i submitted 10 applications and got into all of them even columbia university (ivy). but i didn't know what i wanted to do and i didn't feel secure about traveling far from home (a gut feeling). so i went to a community college as of 2019 - when i started college i wanted to be an OBGYN. i took a weeding class right off the bat to find out if it was for me and the answer was a fat no - anatomy and physiology was the bane of my existence (despite my prof saying my dissection technique was quite good). in 2020, i was feeling better about college and it was the week before spring break when i asked my sociology professor what will happen to society if it stands still and she told me "nothing good". we went on break and i never returned to the campus except to pick up my degree. in my final spring semester (2021) at the community college, i met a boy and he inspired me transfer and continued my degree. i applied to 5 colleges and got into 3 because 2 of them wouldn't accept me without my father's tax records (i'm estranged from my father so *shrug*). i selected my uni based on the money they gave me to go there and the parking situation haha. i commuted to my university because i still was wasn't comfortable with strangers and the pandemic (during the first year of the pandemic alone my family members went through 2 surgeries and had many experiences having COVID). so i started at my uni. my first semester was a cultural shift - i didn't realize that your GPA resets when you transfer. i was shoved into a bunch of classes that weren't related to the major i selected. it was a struggle. in november, i started experiencing social anxiety and depression and i just pushed through my first semester. my gpa was bad, i was worried my academic scholarship would get revoked, etc. my holiday break, i spent on the couch - my depression was so bad that my mother was sort of frustrated/upset when telling me to get help. my semester started and i was taking 6 classes trying to catch up. i was so anxious that i got physically ill and my menstrual cycles were progressively worse i skipped days because i physically couldn't leave the couch i got physically ill from that too. i had to drop one of my classes... i was afraid of getting sick in front of other and in class. by the end of the semester, i was starting to think that maybe i should just drop out and the school counselor was advising the same plus to seek in-patient treatment somewhere. i got a new therapist because that one and the one before sucked (no offense - but quitting is never the answer in my eyes). my new therapist suggested online school, a gap year, etc. but of all her suggestions changing my major was the most promising. that summer (2022), i took 3 online courses all literature based and got a 4.0. in the last few weeks of summer, i moved homes and i was anxious about being in person again with the mask policy lifted, my menstrual struggles, not knowing anyone in my new major (except my department chair and the one professor i had a for a summer class), etc. the first day i was on campus, i went to my advisor and told her i wanted more classes online and she told me no. my nose started bleeding (the menstrual medication they had me on helped my symptoms but cause other issues) in that meeting. i went to my first class with blood on my jeans and a crush-n-go ice pack to my nose. i sat in the front of my class stressing and feeling hopeless - two minutes to the start of class was when a boy sat down next to me. he became my best friend in that college. i survived that semester. in the spring semester, i started a new medications for my menstrual cycle and i felt even better. i thrived in that last year at my uni - i got awards, made friends, etc. i graduated cum laude - and now i miss it. i think of college fondly despite the suffering i endure throughout my experience.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "ask me anything" button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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want a personal tarot reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
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strawberrychillers · 7 months
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🖤🦇welcome 2 my blog🦇🖤
I’m Gabriel. I go by a variety of names but that’s what I use to introduce myself. I love horror, varieties of dark media, monsters, all kinds of shit. All that along with some other fun stuff.
Here’s what to refer to me as: masculine or feminine variants of the name “Gabriel” (Gabriel, Gabe, Gabby, Brielle, Bri, etc), Prospero (Perry), Valentina (Val, Tina)
I’m trans! 🏳️‍⚧️ (genderfluid!!)
I’m omnisexual (female pref)
I’m hispanic
I am a minor aged (15-16), don’t be a creep. Thanks.
I happen to be neurodivergent. I’m hella sensitive to text-tone and I have a habit to take things like jokes literally. Tone tags are always helpful for me.
I have a girlfriend! (Love u girlie 💜)
LIKES: Art, character designing, writing, character writing, story writing, music, singing, acting, theatre, video games, horror, monsters, ghost/cryptid hunting, urban exploring, pro wrestling, monster trucks, cars, motorcycles, animatronics, etc
DISLIKES: Certain food textures, when people repeat themselves too much (kind of a hypocrite since I have vocal stims 😭), vacuuming, a lot of bugs (though I find them cool, just don’t wanna be around some of those fuckers)
HORROR FANDOMS: Classic slasher films (ft13, scream, halloween, etc…) and really any other horror film, analog horror (twf, mc, ghe, etc…), universal monsters, brainrot mascot horror (ex: FNaF, BATIM, Tattletail), other horror games! (ex: DBD, Resident Evil, Silent Hill) a variety of horror associated television shows (ex: AHS, Hannibal, Supernatural, anything Mike Flanagan), tons of vampire media (ex: WWDITS, IWAV, Buffy), Creepypastas (including roblox myths!)
NON HORROR FANDOMS: CoD, TLO, TWD (kind of horror?), GTA, TMNT, Fallout, Deltarune + Undertale, Newgrounds, Regretevator, Homestuck, Invader Zim, Villainous, DC comics and Movies, MLP, South Park, Sonic, Rockafire, etc
MUSIC: Misfits, Iron Maiden, Pantera, Black Sabbath, Rob Zombie, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, RHC, Sublime, Will Wood, Tally Hall + Miracle Musical, Chappell Roan, Rico Nasty, Tyler The Creator, Childish Gambino, Ben Folds, Beach House, Siouxise and The Banshees, Depeche Mode, Bauhaus, Marina and The Diamonds, Melanie Martinez. (A LOT more, just wanted to hit some big ones)
My favorite color is purple (This changes a lot tbh)
My favorite food is sushi
My favorite animals are bats, hyenas, pigs, possums, and rats
I have glasses.
DNI: Proshippers or Anti-Proshippers (you guys both suck), Nazis, Zionists, Terfs Alfred’s Playhouse, NSFW/18+ accounts (seriously go away), Anti Therian, Anti Neos and Xenos, Anti agere and petre
Feel free to say hi or whatever! Love to talk!
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heretodefyfate · 8 months
These thoughts are plagging my brain and need the rejuv-nation to suffer with me.
Have you noticed that Paragon!Melia is....off? Ever since waking up from the dream/alternate universe, she has been acting strange- she even wore pigtails at one point (post Terajuma) which I figured she'd avoid bc of Melanie- kinda detached, even? But still nice.
So, here is what I think. I think Paragon!Melia is M2 too, but she has been subdued in anger because of the positive memories in Melia's body, so she is playing her role to help us until our friend comes back properly.
I too think she act a bit off, especially right after she met the real protagonist in the "wilted" world
And ngl, when Melia requested to be added into Zeight, i...did not trust her. Like you've said, she feel off and if you play renegade route or watched it, it's understandable that you would assume that M2 is replacing our Melia. I thought me popping right outta the Zeight, that would trigger Melia to say st else but nope, nt happened.
Personally, i don't think M2 is possesing paragon_Melia body, cuz' in renegade, it shown that M2 don't have any memories of the host she in so i don't think her emotion would be skewed by Melia's posistive thoughts.
My theory is that, that is still our Melia, the current version_Melia of the world we are currently living in. And...the reason for her odd behaviors was that, she is coping.
Like, put yourself in her shoes...
She got the whole team Xen after her;
Discovered that she have some god-like power which was placed in her since birth, then discover that the same thing is giving her some sort of rare disease;
Is sorta having identity-crisis about herself (Maria-Marianette-Melia);
Going through multiple bad timelines and one of them feature the world is in literal state of static (PMD explorer of sky reference, lol), and the reasion was that she and the protagonist failed.
And then the whole revelation about karma
Like, that must fucked up your mental health a lot
And another thing is...there is no other options than keep moving on.
So like, Melia has all these responsibilities on her and yet, in the end, she still gonna died to a disease anyway, unless the interceptor manage to change it (which i think Melia is very hopeful about). So that's why her action can come off as off and...secrety, at least to me
Adamant on getting into zeight, her fucking up the time zone in there seem to be another way for her to slow down her death time
Making End-of-Nights, hinted that she know Renegade MC and had communicated with them, without fully explaining this to anyone else on the team, so she is doing things alone...again.
Breaking up with Venam, which is...idk, this action seem weird, sure, we are too busy saving the world, relationship come seconds but like, idk, like, you doesn't have to stop acting lovey dovey while on the jobs, you know? Idk, this decision from her is lowkey strange, i know you're gonna die so why lock yourself out of any happiness.
As for pigtails, i don't think it meant anything tbh
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twsted-princess · 1 year
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I made this before but since I got some new kids, have some cupcakes of my MC's and dorm leaders!! Picrew linked here (also tagging @starry-night-rose Melanie - Strawberry shortcake
James - Vanilla with apple pie flavored frosting
Lucille - Lemon cremesicle and a frosted dragon
Noboru - Vanilla rasberry with matcha frosting
Katyusha - Dark chocolate and coffee
Maaike - DO NOT EAT IT
Kira - Cotton candy with blue hawaii/tutti fruitti frosting
Maneki - Berries and cream
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eirasummersart · 1 year
Hello!! I would like to request a spot for the wlw drawings! I give you my mc Melanie in this dress and @/fumikomiyasaki's oc Gabrielle in a simple black dress shirt and deep red pants with some golden jewelry in the B3 pose please and thank you!!
Refering to this. (Now closed).
Hello! Thanks for the ask C: I went with just a monochrome sketch, I hope that's ok! So the colours aren't really defined as you told me ahhah They're both really pretty tho 😌 Anyway, here you go!
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I hope you like it!
Commissions are open, check out my pinnned post if you’re interested~
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doesnotloveyou · 11 months
Don Johnson Filmography - Free Links!
Instead of you spending countless joyful hours trawling the web for grainy old '70s flicks, I did it for you! Here's a list of FREE places to watch DJ's stuff.
This list will be in reverse chronological order as they appear on IMDb. Some are just placeholders until (if) better links can be found, and some are bootlegs from other countries. I'm excluding music videos since those aren't hard to find.
And if you want to skip boring/annoying plot but don't want to miss him, I've made a key:
MC (main character) - much of the story involves his character and he is onscreen often
SC (side character) - only part of the story involves his character, so he's onscreen far less often than other characters
C (cameo) - he's got one or two scenes and they're small, in which case I'll mark his appearances in 0:00:00 format
I'm leaving most content warnings to viewer discretion, but some I don't feel comfortable ignoring. Also, some of the YouTube vids may get taken down at any moment :( If you like something, back it up! I'm using KMPlayer to download my faves, but I've heard you can also use VLC.
>> Links below cut! <<
First, check out my list from Tubi which has the most high quality versions of his work and TV appearances. If it's on Tubi, it won't be on this post!
Home Movie: The Princess Bride - (C, 0:41:30) the entire film is hilarious, especially if you've seen the original; made by a bunch of celebs during quarantine.
Knives Out - (SC) ok, there's no link, but i'm begging you to go buy this movie on DVD it's like $5-$10 tops in stores these days.
Moondance Alexander - (SC, 0:18:20)
Just Legal - (MC, eight episodes)
Word of Honor - (MC) this vid has "helium" audio and other insufferable flaws.
Goodbye Lover - (SC, login req)
In Pursuit of Honor - (MC) WARNING: animal death/abuse
G.I. Joe: The Movie - (SC, voice only, 0:30:35...) spare yourself, skip this movie that he probably did for his kid.
Tales of the Unexpected - (SC; one episode)
Matt Houston - (SC; one episode)
Melanie - (SC)
Soggy Bottom, U.S.A. - (SC; German dub) clips of his character.
Elvis and the Beauty Queen - (MC; Portuguese subtitles)
Revenge of the Stepford Wives - (SC, 0:12:40, 0:25:15...) he has multiple scenes including one at the end, but these movies stress me out.
Beulah Land - (SC) only in part 1, but his character is replaced by a young Jonathan Frakes in part 2. WARNING: non-graphic rape
From Here to Eternity - (C, one episode, 0:07:10, 0:36:00)
The Rebels (MC, two-parts)
Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill - (SC, 0:13:39...)
First, You Cry - (SC, first scene, 0:24:20, 0:44:20, 0:57:07, 1:15:38, 1:32:16)
Katie: Portrait of a Centerfold - (C, 0:19:48, 0:32:19, 0:44:03...) can't stomach this film to find the rest of his scenes, he's a very minor character.
The American Girls - he's not in this! the main male character is played by the lovely Charles Haid from Hillstreet Blues, but it isn't listed on Haid's IMDb. Also, the character he plays does not go by the name DJ is listed under for that episode, so maybe DJ's in a different one? Regardless, I only found two episodes and DJ is in neither.
Ski Lift to Death - (SC) he shows up in the second video...don't make me watch this.
What Really Happened to the Class of '65? - TV spot w/ the only footage of him that I can find.
Cover Girls - (SC, 0:27:21, 0:40:40, 01:01:15...)
The City - (MC) costarring Mark Hamil
Barnaby Jones - (SC, one episode) I watched this and now it's missing...it sucked anyway. DJ plays an amateur arms dealer with a sickly son, a wife in jail, and a hideous mustache. He loses.
The Streets of San Francisco - (SC, one episode)
Law of the Land - (MC)
Return to Macon County - (MC) login to YT req but there is also a Spanish dub that doesn't req login. costarring Nick Nolte
A Boy and His Dog - (MC) this version has the nude scenes edited out, sign in to YT for the full cut; much higher quality than Tubi. WARNING: rape, etc.
The Rookies - (SC, one episode) costarring Nick Nolte
Kung Fu - making an executive decision here uhhh skip this one
The Harrad Experiment - (MC; two-parter w/ odd in-video ads that you can easily fast forward) WARNING: they all get naked
The Bold Ones: The New Doctors - (MC, one episode)
Lollipops, Roses and Talangka - (SC; some scenes in Tagalog) can't find the 1975 sequel or much information on English sites, but one Filipino fanblog implies the film may no longer exist.
Zachariah (MC)
Endlessly impressed by how much has been preserved and curated over the years. Even if a ton of it was junk, it's nice to save people's hard work and memories :)
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my-chaos-radio · 5 months
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Release: June 26, 1996
Ha ha ha ha ha
Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha)
I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah
If you want my future, forget my past
If you wanna get with me, better make it fast
Now don't go wasting my precious time
Get your act together we could be just fine
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha)
I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
(Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is
Oh, what do you think about that?
Now you know how I feel
Say you can handle my love, are you for real?
(Are you for real?)
I won't be hasty, I'll give you a try
If you really bug me then I'll say goodbye
Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha)
I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
(Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
(You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is
So, here's a story from A to Z
You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully
We got Em in the place who likes it in your face
You got G like MC who likes it on a
Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady
And as for me, ha you'll see
Slam your body down and wind it all around
Slam your body down and wind it all around
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
(Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
(You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is
If you wanna be my lover
You gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta
Slam, slam, slam, slam (make it last forever)
Slam your body down and wind it all around
Slam your body down and wind it all around
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Slam your body down and wind it all around
Slam your body down and zigazig ah
If you wanna be my lover
Emma Bunton / Geri Halliwell / Matthew Paul Rowbottom / Melanie Brown / Melanie Chisholm / Richard Stannard / Victoria Beckham
Spice Girls
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leothil · 5 months
1, 6, 44 for the book asks!
Thank you!
1. Name the best book you’ve read so far this year.
Answered here! It's The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley!
6. Favorite romance novel(s).
I mentioned The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun in an earlier answer, and that's a really good one! Melanie Harlow's Cloverleigh Farm series is also excellent! And last fall I became obsessed with Garrett Leigh's Rebel Kings MC series, of which the third book Forgive Me Father is my clear favourite!
44. The book(s) whose stories have become part of your very makeup.
I feel like I haven't mentioned Lord of the Rings enough yet in these asks, so. Yeah. I first read it when I was nine, and my life was never the same again!
Book asks! 📕
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