#mcd laurance x reader
starhvney · 4 months
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mcd garroth, gene, laurance, travis
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff? literal hurt/comfort
𝐂𝐖: mentions of injuries but no in-depth descriptions
𝐀/𝐍: me when i spend more time finding the pictures for a good picture header than actually writing. i also did not proofread at all so i'm so sorry for any typos or hiccups in my writing
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the fight has long since been over, yet after searching every corner of the village, you still saw no sign of the head guard. as your last resort, you hurriedly rush across the ruined plaza, climbing over rubble as you descend into the village mines. 
you find him there, tucked back in the main tunnel and slumped over as he holds a cloth over a gash on his side. his gloved hand fumbles with some medic supplies, though his shaky hold renders himself useless as they tumble to the floor.
“garroth,” you sigh, relieved but also annoyed by his insistence on never asking for help.
he flinches, caught off guard by the blood loss dulling his senses. even now, he stoically has every layer of his armor on except for his chest plate, even his helmet stays firmly against his skull.
“i’ll be alright, my lady,” he starts, though the pained wince he lets out a moment later immediately discounts him for his claims. 
quietly, you approach him, kneeling in front of him and pulling the first aid items out of his grasp. while you can’t see his face, you hear him inhale sharply to protest against you. you silence him with a stern glare, to which he sinks back into the uncomfortable stone without a word. 
“you are much too stubborn,” you chastise, reaching to his other hand to remove it from his wound. “your pride will get you killed.”
you cringe as he peels away the blood-soaked cloth to reveal a deep gash along his side. it's a slash and not a stab, thankfully, but it would still need stitches.
it seems he already knew that, based on the thread and needle he had yet to even tie together. while maneuvering the stitching thread into the eye of the needle, you listen to his shallow and shaky breathing underneath his helm.
“aren’t you having trouble breathing with that?”
your eyes dart up, narrowing at the eye slits of the metal in front of you. 
“it's just me. i understand you want to hide your identity, but when it comes to your health—“
you lift your hands up to his helm, firmly placing them on each side before pausing, waiting to hear for any protests. when you hear none, you slowly lift the metal, sliding it off of his head and revealing what was underneath.
for just a moment you freeze, eyes locking onto his. his hair was a stunning sandy blonde that brushed over his brow line in soft curls. they stuck to his forehead, that had a sheen of sweat over it. you could tell his stunning eye color was dulled over by pain, eyelids drooping and his lips pale.
“…there,” you set the helm down, focusing back on his wound. “now you can breathe better, right?”
“…yes.” he winces, leaning back on your command and revealing his wound again.
carefully, you stitch the wound closed, lifting his linen shirt up enough to allow yourself to wrap the bandaging around his stomach. when you’re done you sit back, wiping your hands against your already dirtied clothes and releasing a deep sigh.
you look up, watching as his jaw clenches and his eyes dart to your feet. he still looks pale, but he at least looks more stable than before.
“garroth.” you call, voice barely above a whisper.
his eyes trail up to yours, hesitant and full of a strange sort of guilt.
“you did a good job protecting me. protecting the whole village. but even the strongest need help,” you take his hand in yours. “at least let one person take care of you in return. i was really worried about you.”
he doesn’t say anything, but you know he understands, swallowing down his deep-set need for independence to put himself in your shoes for a moment.
“there’s a cot down here. why don’t you rest, and i’ll bring you back some food and drink to help you regain your strength.”
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you knew something was strange, when the beginnings of the evening cricket chirps grew silent, a heavy feeling settling around your cottage. despite the uneasiness and natural instinct that told you to run, you instead looked around the area for the source.
despite the lack of night critters, you notice a strange fluttering of butterflies dispersing from the other side of some shrubbery. you push through the leaves and twigs, noticing the further you advanced the more wilted the plants became. 
on the other side was a man in strange armor you hadn’t seen before. the metal must’ve been smoldering hot, somehow, because the grass around it wilted and burned away from its touch. despite the strange sense of uneasiness in your chest, you take a few steps towards the man, his form slumped over a large stump.
“sir? are you alright?”
he flinches, hand moving unnaturally quick towards a large sword you didn’t realize he had by his side until now. you stumble back with a startled gasp, hands raising in surrender. dark circles line deep blue eyes, black hair stuck on his face where blood poured from a wound.
“i’m not an enemy!” you quickly say. “that injury looks bad, i can help. i’ll go get some bandages for you.”
you quickly run back to your cottage, retrieving your satchel of medical supplies before he could say a word. whoever he was, he seemed dangerous. and the faster you help him the quicker he’ll be on his way and the less likely anything else dangerous is led to you. when you return, he’s still there, though he’s propped himself up in a sitting position and leaning back against the stump.
“i don’t need any help.”
“well those wounds look pretty deep. and… you’re the one who ended up near my home, so,” you carefully approach him, heart beating erratically fast in your chest. it felt like you were approaching a predator—a wild animal pretending to be a man. “the faster i help you, the less likely whatever did this to you comes near my garden.”
his gaze stayed trained on you for a moment, piercing into you as you kneel next to him. his eyes were a beautiful shade, yet so strangely unsettling and dull. as you glance at them, it almost appears as no light shines from them at all. he smirks, a strangely amused laugh leaving his lips like he found your assistance to be completely entertaining.
“ah, there’s the motive.”
you ignore him, instead using a cloth to wipe away the blood from the side of his head.
“what’s your name?”
“what’s yours?”
you restrain a sigh, biting back the sarcastic quip you wanted to return and instead reciting your name back to him.
“nice to meet you… gene. how did you get this hurt? are you…” you glance down at his strange armor and sword. “a guard, our some kind of soldier…?”
he says nothing.
“alright, then,” you clear your throat. “no more questions.”
you finish cleaning his head and neck, where another wound was, and carefully place the healing ointment you made from your own magicks herbs. trying to ignore the strange sense that you needed to run away, you finish up your work by placing bandages over the gashes… that seemed to already be healing pretty quickly. 
“there. you’re set.”
a small, “thanks,” leaves his lips, and the two of you met eyes. he seems to contemplate something, before another huffing out another amused laugh.
“you’re very…naive. you should be careful.”
his hand is suddenly in front of your face, cold fingers touching against the skin of your forehead and dragging down, brushing your eyelids closed. somehow your eyes grow impossibly heavy, your head too much to hold up as you slump over, landing in the arms of ge…
…of…who again?
the birds chirp the next morning as you groggily wake from what felt like a coma of slumber. you feel like there was something important you needed to take care of, but you must’ve fallen asleep early last night. you must’ve been exhausted… you don’t even remember carrying yourself into bed. 
oh, that’s right! you had to help… you had to… what was it you were up to last night?
your slump from where you sit, blinking at the floor in confusion.
it must not have been too important.
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it’s terrifying, looking into blood red eyes where iridescent pale blue ones had been before. it had only been a split moment—you two were ambushed, a thief’s sword grazing against your cheek and knocking you backwards in surprise as a whole gang of them emerged from the tree line.
laurance suffered an arrow wound, but before you could panic it wasn’t his blood that soaked the ground… but instead the whole dozen of men who tried to attack you.
you stare horrified as dark red drips from him, unsure if it was his own or from the bodies around him. he’s breathing, so heavily, face turned away from you as he stills in the center of his carnage. a few moments pass like this, your eyes trained cautiously on the dulled shade of caramel hair that lays messily on his head. 
“…laurance?” you call out quietly, your voice barely a timid whisper.
he turns to look at you, eyes red and glazed over as he begins to trudge towards you. something about the dark circles and his paled skin splattered with blood frightened you, your uncertainty heightened by his silence and now much taller frame. he towers over you, breaths heavy and sword still tightly gripped in his hand.
“it’s me!” you shakily yelp, regretting your reaction immediately when he flinches, eyes widening.
“…and i’m me.” he frowns, his larger hand brushing against your injured cheek. “you’re scared of me.”
he stares at you, eyebrows pinched together. he doesn’t call you out on your bluff with words, but the look he gives you is enough.
“i felt that something was off. i should’ve done something sooner.”
“it caught me off guard, too. we’re both tired, so—“
“i’m supposed to protect you. now you’re hurt.”
“it’s only a graze, laurance.” you silence his anger towards himself, your hands reaching up to cup his cheeks. “you’re hurt more than me.”
you reach in your satchel, pulling out some healing ointment and bandages you were sure to pack for the journey. he begins to shake his head, hand engulfing yours as he stops you.
“i’ll heal on my own. you know that shadow knights—“
“this will help you heal faster. and help with the pain.”
he sighs, taking a seat on a nearby rock and complying with your insistence despite the lack of need for it.
there were only a few gashes that were deep enough to not be sealed up immediately, dark red blood oozing from the lacerations. you put your focus on cleaning each one, swiping on the ointment and wrapping the bandages carefully onto his wounds.
when you look back up at his face those calm blue eyes have returned, staring back at you as they dart over your face. he takes the ointment from your hands, and with two fingers he motions for you to come closer.
you do so without much hesitation, allowing his finger to dip into the ointment and dab it across your injured cheek. he lingers his hand there for only a few moments longer, before looking away and putting your things back into your satchel.
“thank you, laurance.”
“stay right next to me,” he looks back up, tone and eyes insistent. “for the rest of the way. okay?”
it’s more of a demand than a request, but you simply nod in agreement, unable to refuse him.
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“take your shirt off.” you sigh, sitting next to travis as you dig through your bag.
“woah!” he laughs, a cheeky smirk stretching across his face. “way to be direct.”
you pause, glaring over at him with an unimpressed stare.
“i will add to those injuries. just do it—“
“okay! okay!” he raises his hands up, wincing at the pull of his skin against his wounds. “ow…”
he begins to peel his bloodied tunic from his skin, wincing as he attempts to lift it over his shoulders. you restrain another sigh before you take a glance down at his injuries, instead feeling pitiful at the state he was in. standing in front of him, you help him slide the fabric over his head and off his arms, leaving his whole torso exposed. 
a few previous scars litter across the skin, dipping into different divots of chiseled muscles. he was well built—he had to be for the large claymore he wielded—yet he was still lean, muscles standing out due to the low body fat he had.
“like what you see?” he smirks, catching your gaze that lingered a bit too long on his bare skin. 
he flinches at your quick refusal, jutting out his bottom lip.
“ouch, you’re so harsh.”
“why would i like seeing all of these wounds you’re covered in? you’re lucky it wasn’t any worse or you wouldn’t even be conscious right now,” you scold. “what were you thinking?”
“so you were worried about me…” he peeks up at you through his lashes, lips once again turning up in a satisfied smirk.
you roll your eyes, not saying anything as you begin to clean up his wounds. you can never catch a break with this guy, can you? despite his annoying flirtatious jokes, though, you really couldn’t help the worry and care you felt for him. 
he hisses between clenched teeth as you accidentally press against a laceration too harshly, one of his hands reaching up to clasp against your wrist.
“a little more gentle, sweetheart.”
“sorry,” you mutter, shaking your head as you realize what you were thinking.
he doesn’t say anything, instead going quiet as you continue to patch him up. it’s not until you’re dabbing on ointment and healing potions that he speaks up again, his voice strangely soft and unsure.
“you were worried about me, right?”
you pause, glancing down at him. his eyes are strangely… pleading, cool green shining as he searches for an answer on your face. 
you gently place your hand on the back of his head, running your fingers through the soft white strands and pulling him forward and pressing a kiss against his forehead.
“yes, i was. don’t be so reckless next time.”
when you pull away, his cheeks have turned a soft shade of red and his eyes have widened, practically bulging from their sockets. slowly, his jaw opens, mouth gaping as he starts to speak.
“shut up.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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arienic · 3 months
LAURANCE x FEM!READER — laurance angst based on this work. you know i love him but unfortunately for the both of us i love angst so much more
includes: angst (unrequited love), implied garroth/unnamed person
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"I love her," Laurance says. It comes out in a single breath. It's quiet, soft, small. If they were outside it would've been lost — to the wind, to the birds; to the rustling grass and old, creaking trees.
Garroth's swiping a cloth along the dirty underside of his sword when Laurance confesses. His head whips up. "What?" he blurts.
He says it again: "I love her," he whispers.
It'd be an impossible feat, missing the way Laurance's voice cracks.
"It's pathetic," Laurance continues, looking out across the plains. "The way I love her is pathetic. But I love her. It's — it's horrible, Garroth. I don't know how to — to…" His head hangs low, bangs coming forward to cover his face. "It's just… it feels horrible. And so heavy."
He can't help it. "Why?" asks Garroth.
"Because… because I —" Laurance breathes out shakily, curling his finger around a blade of grass. A few seconds of silence pass between them before he continues. "Because it's… not the sort of love I'm sure she can return. Because — because I have so much of it, so much of it, that it makes me feel heavy. It makes me feel light. It makes me feel like I'm capable of so much and that I can never do enough. I'm filled with it, Garroth, right up to the brim. I have so much love for her, and she doesn't want it." His friend's face is angled away from him, and he's slouching, hands limp in his lap. "I know she doesn't. I have so much and she doesn't want it. And — and I can't have it, because it's not mine; it's not meant for me. And I can't give it to anyone or anything else because it's not theirs — it's not meant for them, either. 
"It's not meant for anyone but her. It's hers," Laurance whispers, voice suddenly so gentle. "It's hers, all hers — it is and it always will be — and there's nowhere else to put it. It's so fucking heavy, and I have nowhere else to put it."
The silence that follows, stretching on and on, broken up only by the sounds of the natural world around them, is far from unexpected. Garroth doesn't speak, because of course he wouldn't. Not when he doesn't have the words. Not when he'll never have the words.
But he understands. Of course he understands.
So they sit in the grass, in the silence, and when the night passes over them they'll come to a quiet understanding: that this is to be kept between them, and that it is never to be spoken of again.
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lovelaurs · 3 months
hi!! i really like your writing:) you followed me last night and i was So Confused because i don’t post i just repost with stupid tags HAHA if you can and your requests are open (i checked like 29 times and read the rules and im still scared im gonna mess this up and i missed something), can you write a suggestive mcd garroth and laurance little drabble? if you want a direction to go in, i really like fanfics where they fight and it turns into a suggestive bit ^_^ thanks so much aahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
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featuring : mcd garroth & laurance x gn reader synopsis : after deciding to train to be a guard, you seek the help of none other then a knight from phoenix drop. yet, after a tough training session, things begin to get a bit out of hand... tags : mature, romance, friends to lovers, sword-fighting, training, kissing, making out, suggestive word count : 2.5k | around 1.2k per character! a/n : woohoo, my first request done! this was really fun to write, so i hope you enjoy!! these two were so silly to write, i just love them so much!
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As someone who has always dreamt of being a guard, you didn’t exactly have the schedule of one.
After sleeping in for what seemed later than normal, your eyes quickly shot open as you remembered what today was.
Your weekly training with Garroth was this morning.
As you quickly shot up from your bed, you ran around your house putting on the first pieces of clothing you could find.
After slipping over a plain tunic along with some boots, you swung open your door, slamming it behind you as you sprinted towards the training grounds.
As you passed through the town, many of the other villagers looked at you with amusement as you exhausted yourself on the way there. They had gotten used to watching you run late to almost everything.
Ever since you were younger, you had always aimed to be a guard.
Except, with the village guards being scarce and always so busy, you were never able to train. This was the very reason that got you rejected from the training program in O’khasis.
Of course, since things have been more and more easier under Lord Aphmau’s rule, the guards have increased, and with that, so has their availability.
After seeking out a guard to help train you, the Head Guard, Garroth, gladly accepted. Even though he himself learnt his sword-fighting in O’khasis, he always mentioned that it wasn’t required to make a good guard, and that all that mattered was the strength in one’s loyalty.
Since you met him from when he arrived, he always showed himself to be loyal.
Ever since then, your hopes have been raised.
It has been weeks since you began training with him, your sword-fighting skills increasing almost tenfold since the first day.
And yet one thing has never changed.
Your tardiness.
As arrived at the training grounds, you keeled over, hands on your knees as you breathed deeply. A disapproving Garroth watched from afar, smiling at the scene.
“Yet again you're late.” He noted, leaning against the guard tower.
“Yeah,” You panted. “No shit.” 
He frowned at your response. “Watch your tone, we’re supposed to be prepping you to be a guard, remember? Guards do not speak that way.” As you finally caught your breath, you stood up straight, nodding. “Right… I’m sorry.” “Great.” Garroth pushed himself off the bricks, reaching for his sword. “Now, are you ready to begin our training that was supposed to start at sunrise?” He teased.
“Haha, very funny.” You sighed at the remark, reaching for the hilt of your sword… before finding it not there.
You frantically patted yourself down, quickly realizing that you had forgotten your sword at home.
“You know, I was waiting for you to notice.” Garroth chuckled. He motioned his head towards the guard tower. “Go grab an extra sword from the armory.” You groaned as you made your way over there, picking up a random sword. 
As you made your way back over to the training grounds, you noticed Garroth watched you with a smirk.
All you wanted was to wipe that stupid look off his face.
As you took your position, readying your sword in front of you, you let your eyes focus on the trained knight before you.
This man had been trained amongst would be Jury Of Nine members, so of course he’d be tough to beat.
It wasn’t until he counted down that you brought yourself back to the present, focusing.
As the word “go” left his mouth, he rushed towards you, unrelenting on his force.
His first contact with your sword was strong, catching you off guard. You held your stance, pushing against his blade, causing him to jump back to regain his own footing.
“Nice defense, your hold is getting stronger.” He smirked, slowly circling you like a shark staring down its prey.
As it seemed he was going to keep taunting you, never truly moving towards you, you decided to take the opportunity to take the lead.
You rushed towards him, putting all your strength into the swing of your sword as it collided with his.
He held his stance, before you both pulled back, colliding your swords once more.
It wasn’t until you shared several more blows that you started to feel sweat pooling on your forehead. This singular match has gone on longer than your usual time, so it wasn’t surprising that your muscles started to ache in response.
Out of nowhere, Garroth swung his sword with all his might, causing your own blade to go flying off towards the bushes behind you.
As you fell to the ground, the blonde stood above you, holding his sword towards your throat.
“You need to work on your grip.” He heaved, before sheathing his sword, offering his hand out to you with a smile.
That’s when you thought of something devious.
You swept your leg under his, causing him to fall on top of you with an “Oof!”.
“And you should work on your stance.” You giggled. 
Garroth adjusted himself, his hands caging you in on both sides of your shoulders. As he took notice of your current position, he paused, just looking at you in the eyes.
You couldn’t help notice just how beautiful his cerulean eyes were. You were so lost within the blue that you didn’t notice how his pupils dilated, his position above you growing stiff.
It was then that his eyes wandered down to your lips, almost watching them impatiently.
With that, you practically couldn’t stop yourself from looping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
As the two of you sat in silence, it wasn’t long before Garroth spoke.
“Can… Can I kiss you?”
A sense of wonder filled his eyes as he watched your expression switch into one of joy.
You smiled, slightly tilting your head. “Yes.” When he kissed you, it felt like all pieces of a puzzle were finally connected. With his lips locked against yours, you savored the feeling as much as possible.
He pulled back for a breath for only about five seconds before diving back to kiss you once again.
His lips hurriedly pressed against yours as if the two of you were running out of time and his goal was to taste your lips on a dying breath.
As if a knee-jerk reaction, you slowly moved your hands from around his neck to his hips, pulling his lower half closer. Garroth couldn’t help but groan at the friction.
His face was flushed, tinted pink all the way to the tips of his ears.
As you lay beneath the blushing blonde, it wasn’t long before your perfect moment was interrupted.
“Sir Garroth! Come quick! Kiki’s animals got loose and-”
The two of you whipped your heads around to see a dirtied Dante, covered in hoove marks and mud, looking at you both all flustered.
He quickly brought his hand to his face, covering his eyes. “Oh my- uh, nevermind! I’m sorry to interrupt-” He stuttered as he began to quickly rush away.
Garroth stumbled off of you, rolling over in the grass before stumbling as he went to chase after Dante “W-Wait! It’s not what it looks like!”
You couldn’t help but giggle at the guard’s reaction to being caught, catching his attention.
He turned around, puffing his cheeks. “Don’t think you’re getting away from this!” He yelled, before giving you a soft smirk. “I’ll swing by your house later this evening to continue where we left off, okay?”
And with that, he ran after the younger blue-haired knight.
Now it was your turn to flush, as your mind conjured up several images within your mind that left not much to the imagination.
And you just couldn’t wait.
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Who in Irene’s name suggests training in the middle of the woods?
As you made your way through the shrubbery, pushing aside all sorts of branches and leaves, you kept asking yourself if you were going the right way.
When you left the gates of Phoenix Drop earlier in the day, you felt something in your stomach twist. Perhaps it was a bad omen as to your situation now?
The training area Laurance had told you to meet at was somewhat northwest of the wall, in a clearing in which you could see the ocean.
As if such directions would be easy to follow within an overgrown forest such as this!
He had originally suggested it in an empty area so the two of you “could have no distractions”, which in hindsight, you seriously should have doubted more. That charmer of a man always had ulterior motives.
The brunette himself had gone ahead of you earlier in the day, saying he’d set up the area with equipment and some rations. 
Why the hell did you let him go ahead of you?!
As you continued to stumble over tree roots and unforeseen rocks, your eyes eventually caught sight of the ocean.
You had to be close!
You continued to trudge forward, your new boots practically covered in dirt. As you made your way into the clearing, you saw Laurance polishing his sword, his hair tied up into a small ponytail.
While you approached him, you stepped on a twig, alerting him of your presence.
“Took you long enough.” He smirked, raising his head to look at you. “For a minute I was beginning to think you stood me up.”
You scoffed, taking off your satchel and placing it next to what seemed to be the bag of rations he had brought. “Maybe I would have gotten here sooner if someone had at least made it more obvious where this “secret” area was.” 
“You do know what the word secret means, do you not?” He chuckled. “And besides, I’m sort of glad you had to stumble through the woods by yourself. I mean, just look at the state you’re in right now!” He held back a laugh, covering his mouth with his hand as he pointed at you.
You quickly looked around your clothes, seeing countless spots of dirt littered across it, before patting your head to find leaves scattered amongst your hair. You picked out as many twigs from your hair as you could before finally dusting yourself off.
You swung your head back towards his direction with a pout. “I can’t stand you.”
He smiled at the comment, before standing up with his sword in hand, throwing away the cloth he used to polish the blade beforehand.
“So, are you ready to face the all mighty, powerful Laurance?” You guffawed at the comment. “My, it seems you're even more full of yourself than usual.” You unsheathed your own blade in response.
As the two of you began to circle the area, an unspoken commencement of the training between you two, you kept distance from the brunette as you surveyed his moves.
You kept watching his stance, waiting for an opening, until out of chance his foot slipped up just slightly.
You lept towards him, raising your blade above your head before bringing it down with such might that even he was surprised. 
He blocked it easily, sure, but his stance was still unstable. Your first move had caused him to move his feet to re-adjust himself.
A great play indeed.
Your eyes watched as he let his feet move back.
He must have sensed your motives, as his eyes followed yours to his feet. Of course, being the trained guard he was, he wasn’t about to just let you defeat him so easily from a minor slip-up.
The Shadow Knight decided to turn the tables on you, swooping beneath your own feet, causing you to slam into the ground.
He followed you soon after, pushing his sword against yours whilst on top of you. Your eyes trailed over his body, trying to find a weak spot to escape your soon defeat.
Soon, your eyes landed on the side of his lower abdomen, and your foot instinctively kicked him, causing him to fall off to the side.
You took the chance and jumped onto him, your knee pinning down the arm in which he held his sword, with your own blade aimed at his neck.
As you straddled his waist, pinning him down by your blade, you couldn’t help but breath heavily.
“I won.” You smiled, watching as his light blue eyes never left your own. “I won!” You repeated, only this time cheering.
He smirked as you took pride in your victory. “Really? Because right now it really feels like I won.” His eyes wandered, looking you up and down.
You couldn’t help but slightly flush, realizing the position the two of you were in. “You know I can slit your throat if I wanted to, right?” “And yet you don’t seem to be doing it.” He smiled smugly. “Seems to me that you might care for little ol’ Laurance.”
You rolled your eyes as you sheathed your sword back within your scabbard. “In your dreams.” You responded, before turning to get off of the knight.
That was when he grabbed your hand, pulling you flush against him, before he rolled you both over; switching your positions.
As he towered over you on the ground, he brought his hand to your cheek, cupping it gently, before whispering your name.
Your face flushed, the color change obvious enough for Laurance to notice with a smirk. He began to lean down, closing in the proximity between the two of you.
Before simply plucking a stray leaf from your hair.
“You missed a spot.” This. Asshole.
The look of disappointment seemed to have shown as your face, as his smug grin grew even wider. “Hm? What’s wrong? You look a bit frustrated.” He teased, basking in the fruits of his actions.
You puffed your cheeks, sighing. “You know, if you’re thinking about doing something, just go ahead and do it instead of humiliating me.”
A confused look spread across his face before he smiled again, leaning closer to you. “So you do want me.”
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
It took only a moment for that to process in his brain before he swooped in and planted his lips upon yours.
Your heart fluttered as you felt Laurance battle to take the lead. His lips almost fight against yours as if you were dueling once more.
At some point, you decided to just let him win, seeing as you beat him in your duel.
That’s when he turned you over, both of you laying on your sides as his hands flew to grip your hips. The action caused you to let out a gasp on Laurance's lips, which he took as an opportunity to let his tongue explore. His knee popped up in response, placing itself between your thighs.
You felt like you were going to die. From the way he kissed you, to the grip he had on your hips, and the friction he was causing between your legs? Oh my Irene, it was incredible.
As he pulled back to take a breath, you suddenly realized the two of you were outside… anyone could see you.
But your worries were quickly assuaged as you realized… This place was secret after all.
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@lovelaurs, 2024. do not repost this work in any way!
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chackyxyooj · 4 months
Cold Showers
Description: Showering with MS boys, but you turn the water cold - drabbles. Included: Laurance, Zenix, Gene, Vylad CW: Slightly provocative themes (Looking at you, Zvahl) - nothing explicit.
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Laurance Zvahl
Laurance slips his arms around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest. You can tell from the way he leans forward to press a kiss against your shoulder that he wants more. You’ve become accustomed to his tricks, but you don’t have time to indulge him today.
“Laurance…” You begin to untangle yourself from the boy’s embrace but he tightens his grip.
“Yes, My Love?” He presses another kiss against your shoulder, this time letting his lips linger as one of his hands wander up your side.
You grasp his wandering hand with a stern look. “We’re going to be late if you don’t control yourself.” From the way Laurance laughs you know he’s caught the look on your face and that he’s choosing to ignore it.
“They can wait a few minutes for us. Come on, please?”
You sigh as you lean back against Laurance’s embrace, giving the boy a false sense of security as he peppers kisses along your jaw. Just as his hands creep further up your body the water of the shower turns cold. Just like that Laurance is snapped out of his lustful daze and begins attempting to use you as a shield from the cold water.
“Hey! Why’d you do that?” The boy inquires as you slip away from his grasp.
You turn to him with a coy smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, My Love.”
He pouts, rubbing a hand over the goosebumps now covering his skin on one of his arms to try and get them to settle. As you lean past him his eyes flit, staring down at your naked form for only a moment before he lets out an annoyed huff again.
You roll your eyes as an amused smile pulls at your lips. “If you promise to behave yourself I'll turn up the heat… but only a little bit!”
Laurance gives you a firm nod, his expression determined. "Fine, deal. But I’m not happy about it." He shifts to grab the soap, keeping his eyes firmly away from you so he can avoid getting distracted. If you weren’t so right about being tight for time, he knows you would’ve let him get away with more. So for now he’ll settle for having you by his side.
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“Just get in the shower with me.” You can’t help but laugh at the stubbornness of the boy who stands outside of the shower.
“It was so hot today and yet you’re still taking a hot shower? No way.” Zenix has his arms crossed and a less-than-amused look on his face. “And I know how hot you like your showers, so no, I will not be showering with you.”
“It’s not that hot.”
“I can literally see steam coming out from the top of the shower!”
You laugh at being caught red handed. Though you do like your hot showers, you’re willing to compromise. “Fine, fine. If I turn down the heat will you come shower with me?”
Zenix’s gaze flickers up and down your body for a brief moment. To your delight he begins to shed his clothes. “I’m not taking a single step in the shower until you turn it down though.”
“Yeah yeah, I know.” You muse as you adjust the temperature of the water. You can hear Zenix grumbling to himself as he steps into the shower behind you. The moment the boy steps in he looks at you with furrowed brows.
“Did you even turn it down?”
“Is the water still too hot for you, my tender little frog?” You catch the irritation on Zenix’s face from your choice of nickname but you can’t help but laugh. Between your fits of laughter you grab the boy’s hand and hold him in the shower, reaching over to the faucet and turning down the heat even more. “There, I turned it down. Stay and shower with me. Please?”
Zenix stares down at you with words bubbling on the tip of his tongue but he suppresses the urge to say any of them. Instead he rolls his eyes as he takes his shampoo and hands it to you.
Wordlessly the boy leans down toward you so that you can more easily scrub the shampoo into his hair for him. You do, of course, and Zenix finds himself leaning in toward your touch. Maybe one of these days he’ll build up enough resistance to your shower temperatures to join you more often, but today is not that day.
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When Gene steps into the bathroom you pull the shower curtains back to catch a glance at him. He’s already removed his top layer of clothes and is working on the rest. 
“I’m almost done showering. Did you want me to leave the water on for you?”
In response to your question Gene flashes you a grin. “You’re almost done already? I just assumed that you would still be mid-shower when I came to join you.”
You roll your eyes and return to the water. “My showers aren’t even that long! You’re just being dramatic.”
“I never said long showers were a bad thing, Doll.” Gene snickers to himself as he pulls back the curtain and steps into the shower with you. He knows that you were almost done, but he wanted to jump in anyway.
Gene leans forward to pull your body against his but you swat his hands away. “You’re still dirty!” You frown. The only thing you have left to do is rinse out your conditioner and you’re not about to let Gene get any of his dirt or grime on you now.
“All I want is to hold you close. Is that so much to ask for?”
Though you roll your eyes, amusement pulls at your lips. “Next time you want to hold me in the shower, get in at the same time as me.”
“I am in the shower at the same time as you.”
“You know what I mean!”
As Gene reaches out to grab you again you step back out of the flow of the water. With a coy smile you reach behind your back and turn the temperature of the water down as much as it goes. Being the only one under the faucet, Gene is hit with an abrupt change in temperature.
A short string of curses escape Gene’s lips as he recoils from the stream of water. Before you have a chance to escape out of the shower Gene gets a hand on yours and pulls you into his arms.
“Gene!” You gasp as the boy wraps his arms around your waist and holds you against himself. The longer you stand there the more the frigid water snuffs out any warmth you once had. “What are you doing? Let me go!”
“You made your bed, Doll. Now it’s time to lay in it.”
You can hardly think of a way to wipe Gene’s cocky grin off his face, so you give in and pull yourself closer to the boy’s chest. “If I didn’t like you so much I’d leave you high and dry.”
“Is that so?” Gene laughs in a satisfied manner as he feels you shift closer. “Then I guess I’ll count myself lucky.”
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Vylad Ro'Meave
Vylad enjoys the feeling of your hands against his face as you gently scrub your new cleanser on him. He’s usually one for trying new things and today you looked particularly excited to try it with him. What else could he do but happily oblige?
“Okay, you can open your eyes now. Careful not to rinse it off too quickly though!” You caution, rinsing your hands before applying cleanser to your own face.
“What’s the point of applying it in the shower if we’re supposed to let it sit?” Vylad inquires. He doesn’t bother trying to hide his lingering gaze from you, though in the name of being decent he mostly keeps his eyes above your shoulders. Mostly.
Your eyes carefully flutter open once you’ve applied cleanser to your own face. “I guess we didn’t have to apply it in the shower, but… I don't know. I wanted to, I guess.”
“How long until we can rinse it off?”
“The instructions say to let the cleanser sit for a minute or two, so it should be fine if you rinse yours off now.” You say, stepping aside and allowing Vylad greater access to the water.
Just as Vylad is about to step under the water it gets significantly colder - so much so that the boy nearly backs up into you just to avoid it. “Is it just me or did the water get colder?” Asks Vylad, his eyes turning to meet yours curiously.
“Sorry! That was me.” You admit, barely holding back a laugh from the reaction you unintentionally provoked. “I should’ve warned you that you’re supposed to rinse it off with cold water.” 
Vylad isn’t quite as amused as you are but he takes it in good stride. As Vylad rinses what remains of the cleanser he can’t help but appreciate the feeling of cold water against his skin after taking such a hot shower. “You know, I’ve actually heard that cold showers help build immunity to sickness and increase blood circulation.”
“Are you saying that in hopes of getting me to take colder showers?” You ask as Vylad steps out of the shower.
He chuckles to himself. “Maybe.”
“Vylad Ro’Meave, what am I ever going to do with you?” Despite how you sigh there’s an air of amusement in your words, so of course Vylad is willing to play along. As you shut off the water and step out of the shower, Vylad hands you your towel and places a kiss against your cheek.
“Help me apply moisturizer, I hope.”
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Caught a Vibe!
Wanted to write some headcanons to boost my motivation for drabbles so enjoy!
Minecraft Diaries vs Suprise kisses from reader!
Feat: Garroth, Laurance, Zane, Vylad, Gene, Jeffory, and Cadenza
Info: G/N Reader.
pre established relationships, Zane and Gene sure are themselves lol. Pretty much just fluff. Reader instead of Aphmau in all except for Jeffory, Zane and Gene. Abby is around 5-6, Sasha and Zoey were supposed to be in this, but I got bored of this one and wanted to get it out- if yall want more or I randomly decide to write a part 2 on my own they will be the first ones in it i promise.
Warnings: (I know i said mostly fluff but im sorry) Zane is for sure his own warning but there is mentions of Jeffory's murder in his part and a implication of threatening reader in the past. Genes also not great, his reader is a little naive and he a little frames them. His powers are used but not against reader.
Requests are still open and enjoy under the cut!
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Oh, Garroth, sweet, sweet Garroth.
He thinks he's so subtle, but he is not.
Your lovely boyfriend is so starved for affection but so unwilling to ask for it.
He thinks it would be improper being a guard... or at least that's what he says, but it surely stems from his affectionless household.
you catch him sometimes watching your hands or his gaze moving to your lips for only a moment.
It's incredibly endearing. And gives you an *incredibly* devious idea.
really, can you be blamed for Garroth being so fun to tease? He's such a pearl clutcher!!
Patrol reports are boring. you fully understand why they need to happen. But there's never anything to report yet. Somehow, your lovely guards can take 20 minutes to describe *nothing* .
and that's where you sit, listening to Garroth go on about the state of the forest surrounding Pheonix Drop. Turning to you asking if you have anything to add. before doing it *again* .
Crystal blue eyes looking to your lips for just a moment before they are averted.
oh, he makes it too easy.
with a simple smirk, you lean across the table to kiss him.
He goes unbelivably stiff for a moment in his shock before positivley *melting* when your hand moves to cup his warm cheek.
He lets out something between a small whine and a groan when you deepen it, His kiss is soft and sweet, with just an edge of desperation. One hand moving to cradle the back of your head a silent plea for you not to pull away just yet. eliciting a small chuckle from you.
but eventually, it must come to an end. And when you pull away, he chases after your lips for a moment a lovesick haze in his eyes, as if the entire world outside of *you* has fallen away from him. A look that warms you from the inside out and reminds you just how much you love the man in front of you.
'No nothing to add,' you coo softly before fully pulling away, looking to your other two guards. Dantes eyes wide and mouth parted, Laurances eyes were wide as well but there was a sense of amusment to it.
You cheerily excuse yourself, letting them know you will be working on some upgrades for the Plaza if they need you. Leaving behind a sputttering malfunctioning Garroth who crashed back down to earth.
You really will be the death of him.
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He's just so handsome.
And his cooking smells so good, His voice is so smooth as he talks about the dish he's making, and you're so in love with the man in your kitchen.
Your relationship is already so affectionate, but will you ever really be satisfied?
You're so busy watching him and fanaticizing you dont even notice that he's stopped cooking to talk to you.
'Hey, you with me?' He asks with a chuckle, snapping you out of the daze.
You look at his slightly crooked smile, giving him a slight smirk, giving you a mischevious idea of your own. His eyebrow raises as he notices the new look in your eye.
You surge forward to kiss him, His eyes widen in slight surprise before closing and leaning further into you. But just before he can move his hands to hold onto you and deepen the kiss, you pull away. He looks down at you with a mixture of amusement and confusion one hand on your hip....
You stare into marble blue eyes for a few moments. Before lifting his hand off your hip so you can dash away laughing, the shout of 'Hey!' and the stove turning off lets you know he's in chase.
'What was all of that about?' he asks, giggling himself as he sets your feet back on the ground.
Even with your head start, you only get halfway down the stairs of the hill to the platform before you feel arms wrap around your midsection, hoisting you in the air and spinning you around with a triumphent shout. Laying quick kisses all over the side of your face as you laugh.
You just let out a contented sigh and turn your head to kiss him for real. Sweet and tender and full of giggles when you remember his shout as you ran.
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Being the spouse of the high preist of O'khasis is certainly....interesting.
you know he cared for you in... some real extent. After all, he went through a lot of effort to ensure your engagement. Sabatoging your other suitors and persuading your parents.
That wasn't all it took to convince you. You're not dumb and know of the vast political advantage he gained from marrying you. You were the hier of a village that rivaled Scaleswind in size. If you were dumb you doubt Zane would hold you in any regard.
But Zane does have small moments that convince you that you mean more than just a political pawn.
You still share a bed. You knew no matter what, you would need to share a room to keep appearances, but if he didn't want you in the bed, you were certain you wouldn't be in the bed.
Most nights, you were already asleep when Zane went to bed. but sometimes you would wake up in the middle of the night, and his arm is draped over your side.
He also can be affectionate at times, mostly in public... but there are times in private his hand will find yours, or a quick kiss will be placed to your temple, hand, cheek or very occasisonally the corner of your mouth.
And in a twisted way. You had to care to make threats.
it wasn't anything overt. It was a meeting for the jury of nine. You were seated on the armrest of his throne at his behest. Which wasn't too odd. Whenever Zane saw the opportunity for a power move, he took it. and you still dont know who it was against. The audience he held... or you.
You're stuck staring at the Corpse of Jeffory the Golden Heart laying on the carpet. Zanes pitch black sword still stained with the fathers blood, tossed onto Zanes desk as he makes his way back to his throne.
He pulls you into his lap as he sits. Arms wrapped around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder.
'Let this be a lesson to the rest of you.' He looks around at the rest of the Jury of....well.. Eight gathered. 'This is what happens to those who betray me.'
His arms tighten around your midsection after that.
It's been a while since then. It's getting late, but as usual, Zane is at his desk going through paperwork. The sound of quill on paper and the crackling of the fire makes this moment feel peaceful.
You don't really know what possesed you to do this, maybe the soft light of the fire off of your husbands cheekbones in his rare moments without the mask.
That is what most makes you feel most like he cares for you.
Getting to see the freckles dusting across his light baby face. A view reserved just for you.
'Yes Lamb?' Zane speaks up, making you jump out of your thoughts. He hasnt moved his gaze from his paperwork.
You steel your resolve and get up from your spot, walking to your husbands side, He turns his head to look up to you, one eyebrow raised. Icy blue eyes bearing into you.
'Just heading to bed,' you mummer, leaning down to press a feather light kiss to the corner of his mouth. 'Good night'
you pull away pretending not to notice the way Zanes face flushes the darkest shade of red you have ever seen. And his eyes are wide in suprise.
It's actually pretty adorable, but you know it would take quite a turn if you pointed this moment out.
you go to leave the room when you feel his hand grip onto your wrist.
'Someones feeling *bold* tonight.'
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Your boyfriend never really grew out of the whole 'Dissapearing act hide in the trees' thing. Even in times of peace, he goes off to watch and brood.
You suppose you can't blame him. He's been through a lot and is still constantly working towards... welll whatever his goal is. He's pretty elusive about it, but you trust him implicitly despite his insistence. You should be more cautious.
But you feel at some point that it has to be unhealthy to live amongst the trees, stewing on past atrocities rather than fostering genuine connections with people. Something you won't let stand.
'Vylad! Vylad, come on, it's time for dinner!' You call walking through the woods, trying to lure your elusive lover out.
He does not come out immediately, but you can tell you're being watched. The tell tale Goosebumps and raise of unease in your chest, The Feeling of a rabbit being stalked by a wolf and the silence of the forest confirms to you that its a Shadow knight.
You let out a huff as you immeaditly clock the game he's playing.
Vylad likes to test your survival skills from time to time. Letting people in was hard for him. A million times more difficult with the romantic context between you. Sometimes, he needed to assure himself you weren't going to do something stupid and die.
'Fine! But this isn't tag this time! I promised Levin and Malachi we would be eating dinner with them and I don't want the food getting cold' you shout out, knowing full well if Vylad had his way he would be slipping around until either you physically restrained him or he took pity on you.
So you get to work hunting through the trees. Actively going towards what causes all your instincts to scream in protest.
You grip onto the tree and swing around to meet his Pine green eyes, looking back into yours.
'A real enemy isn't going to stick in one spot because you have dinner with your sons.' Vylads voice is muffled behind his scarf as you give him a deadpan.
You reach forward to loosen his scarf just enough to free his mouth.
He instantly assumes you just didn't hear him properly and goes to repeat himself. But you press your lips to his before he can... Vylad always takes a moment, surprised that you'd want to kiss him no matter how many times you have. But he always becomes incredibly passionate, kissing you like it could be the last time.
When you finally part for air that... one of you needs much more than the other. Hands still gripping his scarf, you reply.
'Yes, I know, and Im *very* greatful you did tonight now come on they are waiting' you laugh tugging him along with you back to the village.
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Being with Gene means accepting that you never really know when he's gonna drop by, He is fond of you... that's the word he uses. But of course, his plans will always come first.
So, he kinda pops in and out of your life at random, spends Irene knows how long with you, then leaves for Irene knows how long again.
Rinse and repeat.
So you've learned better than to wait around for your hell born partner.
And today you need to go on a trip to the market.
You dont actually live in a Village, you live in a cottage a fairly short walk away from Nahakra.
You make sure to only bring enough coin for what you need and decide to get a covered basket to carry it in that you could keep hooked around your elbow. Trying to minimize the chance of being targeted by any members of the Thieves' Guild. And then you head out!
The walk and most of your shopping goes without a hitch!... the keyword is most.
You had been looking at some blueberries at a stall, You had read about a blueberry tart recipe and wanted to try it out, but with the addition of lemon. Unfortunately, blueberries need much more acidic soil than your plants could handle, so the market was your only go-to.
What's worse is that you apparently weren't early enough because all of the blueberries either were under or overripe, and the ones that were good enough for you to consider taking were way out of your price range.
With furrowed brows and a huff as you stare at the price before putting down the small carton to get your last few items. You're halfway to reaching a new stall when you hear shouting
'STOP you, little Theif!' Well. It is the capital of the Theives Guild. You dont pay it any mind.... until you feel someone harshly grip your wrist and yank
you squeal and grab the wrist of the Stall owner, holding you, trying to pry your arm free from his crushing grip all the while he is screaming obscenities and accusations at you.
Apparently, the blueberries you had been scrutinizing went missing, so he assumed you must have done it.
He's shouting about what the guards will do to you, that you'll be lucky to keep your hands all the while you try to defend yourself. Insist that you didn't do it, but he's ignoring you.
'No one stole anything.' The stall owner goes silent, Gene in the villages armor... somehow? He has one arm over his shoulder and his other hand pressed against the mans forehead, his voice eerily calm. 'You were straightening out your stall, and you knocked the carton over, remember?'
The stall owners eyes are empty. Completely devoid of original thought as he nods, slowly slurring out a yeah.
'Exactly' Gene continues, taking his hand away from the mans face, light slowly reappearing in the vendors eyes as he does.
You always have to suppress a shiver in your spine seeing Gene use his Magicks.
'Now, don't you think you should give this *poor* civillian a apolagy?' He finishes, his arm tightening around the other mans shoulder .
You start to protest, but the man hurriedly apolagizes as genes arm tightens once more,
'You accept that?' Gene asks you. You nod in response, feeling relieved when he lets the vendor go
'There we go all fixed, now why dont you head back to your stall huh?'
It always amazes you how Gene can sound so polite yet so... threatening. The man wisely chooses to run back to his stall.
Gene smirks at you when you're both alone again.
'Wow, theiving, huh? Didn't think you had it in ya Doll' he starts walking away, leaving you stammering for a few moments before you jog to catch up.
You insist you didn't do it, causing him to laugh and pull out the very carton of blueberries from his bag, much to your shock and horror.
'Yeah I know' he hums handing you the offending fruit 'Honestly those prices were *criminal* someone needs to put a stop to that man' he laughs as if he didnt nearly get you arrested???? The audacity???
You proceed to ask him what the *hell* is wrong with him??? You knew he was a criminal, but you had to *live* here! You nearly got dragged to the guards over blueberries!
The man has the *Gall* to look offended, leaning over, so he's at head level with you
'Really Y/N im hurt, I get you those little blueberries you clearly wanted so bad, *and* swooped in and saved you with that guy back there and this is how you repay me??? Not even a thank you for your *Knight in shining armor* Tsk tsk'
You are feeling a mixture of emotions, annoyance, the urge to appease, ..... and a strange warmth. For better or worse, this is the man you fell in love with, horrendous quirks and all.
You lean over and press a chaste kiss to his lips and mummering a small thank you.
He blinks a few times in suprise before smirking wide to egg you on or tease when he notices you rubbing the wrist that man had grabbed, while not bruised it was certainly discolored and sore.
His already lightless eyes darken...
Irene help that mans soul.
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Having just arrived home from the market, you watch from the doorway smiling wide.
Jeffory and Abby are in the den playing pretend with swords. Abby is wearing a hood to show she's the villain shouting out and attacking her father.
You loved moments like these, where the Jury of Nine didn't need your fiancée and you all could just be a normal family together. No expectations or glaring preists looming over you.
Your broken out of your thoughts by Jeffory letting out a shout, holding the sword between his arm and side as if hes been stabbed, dramtically leaning backwards slowly and dropping to his knees monolouging about how evil would never win and he would find a way to save the kingdom even in death before fully laying down on his back and letting his head plop to the side with a dramatic groan.
you can NOT help but laugh at this, You love this man, but he is a SHIT actor, and... the idea of a Jury of Nine member defeated is kinda funny, even if it was just pretend.
That alerts both of them to your presence, Jeffory cracking open one sage green eye suprised, but smiles wide moving to get up and help with your basket when Abby whacks him in the head with a sword
'Gah- Hey!! Abby, not nice!'
'You're supposed to be dead! Lay Down!'
After a quick chastizing about using her words, he does as she asks, After all, he's never reeaalllly been able to say no to her.
She gets back in character, laughing manically and saying the kingdom will finally be hers! Then, walking away from her father laughing all the while
You're getting very caught up in the drama when Abby tosses off her hood and then walks back over to Jeffory's 'body' to gasp in horror
'No!! Sir Knight!!' She cries promising to go and get help when her eyes *lock* on you.
uh oh
She runs over to her toy box and brings you a toy crown whispering to you to put it on.
You obviously do, duh.
' Your Majesty!! Your Majesty!! Sir Knight needs your magical healing powers!! Hurry before it's too late!!' she calls, grabbing your hand with her little one to pull you over to where your fiance lays on the floor.
you hold back a chuckle as you kneel on the floor next to him. " Oh, Poor Sir Knight, I see what you mean, Miss Ah -"
Abby opens her mouth to share whatever wildly elaborate name she has setled on for the game when there is a knock on the door and the muffled shout of one of the neighborhood children.
'Abby!! Abby!!! We are playing pick-up sticks, and the winner gets a sachel of candy! come play!!'
double uh oh
There's a LOUD gasp from the girl next to you. Giant puppy eyes pointed to her father, letting out a series of high-pitched pleases.
he huffs, shaking his head lightly but letting her know she can go but to be back before the sun starts setting.
She runs off , and Jeffory gives a light-hearted eye roll at the attention span of kids moving to sit up when you gave him an amused look.
"I thought you were dead, Im supposed to revive you"
He looks at you with a mixture of confusion and amusment.
you lean down to kiss him, his eyes widening in realization and excitment.
his hands wind into your hair, cradling the back of your head, entrapping you in a loving and passionate kiss.
you cradled his face in your hands in turn, reluctantly turning away when your lungs started protesting, panting for a few moments before chuckling at him.
"Healed you~ Now come on, help me put away the produce," you coo to him, standing up and heading over to your basket, hearing him rushing over to you.
he is just insaciable <3
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You always made sure to have Cadenza accompany you when traveling to Metelli.
Not only for her to visit her father and friends, but because your favorite activity with each other can only be done in her home village.
A short walk from Metelli is a HUGE lush wild flower field.
The very same fields that Cadenza used to frequent before you met.
Always setting aside a afternoon if not a day of your trip to devote to your girlfriend and the flower fields, Picnics, exploring, finding flowers that remind you of the other most, making flower crowns, and to end it all off lying in the field together.
Sometimes, you accidentally find yourselves waking up there the next morning, breaking out into hushed giggles and sneaking back to your group.
You're both sitting down in the flowers, fruit sandwiches rest on napkins at your sides, Cadenza carefully crafting a very intricate flower crown while you read your book aloud to her.
Some fantasy novel you're only half paying attention to, Irene your girlfriend is so pretty. it's no wonder that a village nearly went to war over her, Irene knows you would.
That's the thought that led you to stop reading and just watch her, waiting for her to look up from her craft.
She does after only a few moments, confused and ready to ask why you stopped when you rush forward, giving her a sweet yet quick kiss.
With that out of your system, you look back to your book to continue reading to her.
Cadenza has other plans though, after processing the pleasant suprise she squeals loudly and launches forward, pratically tackling you to the ground and peppering your face in quick adoring kisses, the type you can feel her smile through, full of laughs from both you.
Only after every inch of your face has been sufficently kissed does she properly connect your lips, Her long firey hair curtining over you, completely surrounding you in *her*
And there is no place you would rather be <3
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lyraofthestarsss · 1 month
Blushing Game
(Mystreet boys x reader)
How long does it take to make them blush?
- bro folds almost immediately lmao
- He definitely tries!! After all, he was used to putting on a face in front of others back in O’Khasis. Surely this wouldn’t be too different
- But there’s no hiding things from you
- All it takes is one sweet nickname for him to start melting
- He… also tries
- He’s definitely more competitive than Garroth. A few of your first few flirts are only met with smug smiles and comebacks
- It only takes a minute or so for all the compliments to finally get to him
- He looks away as he tries to hide his red face from you
- for a moment, you thought this man was nearly unbreakable
- Nearly all of your flirts end with him shaking his head and smiling back at you
- He tells you “try harder, love” and “aww you can do better than that”
- If anything, you’re the one that starts getting flustered
- You start to lean closer, whispering in his ear
- You tell him you love him, how much he means to you, how you can’t imagine loving anyone else
- The closeness, along with how sincere you are, is what finally gets to him
- He curses under his breath as he leans his forehead on your shoulder
- He mutters that he loves you too, just loud enough for only you to hear
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dilly-dahlia · 2 months
i had a vision and I fear no one will understand it
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mentally-a-slut · 3 months
this is not a drill, through out my seemingly endless flare up of my multitude of illnesses, i have returned to my roots of aphmau's mcd and mystreet. i am obsessed. i want to grab these minecraft men by the face and smooch them to death.
they are all i can think about. i am having daydreams about writing fic for them. these stupid fucking block men are ruining my life once again.
someone please stop me before i start yet another full length fanfic about them PLEASE HELP ME.
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cypheroo · 7 months
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Relationship headcannons for Laurence Zvhal and Garroth Ro'Meave! ~♡
⭐️ anon requested this! Thank them!
"May I pretty please ask for MCD!Laurance/garroth x reader headcanons?"
Word count : 739
Triggers : none?
AN : it's short buuuut! Here are some basic headcannons for these two boys!
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Garroth Ro'Meave who is insanely protective of you, he always wants you in his sight. He doesn't like you going on lone missons and much prefers traveling with you.
Garroth Ro'Meave who is so In love with you, he can't help but stare at you as you sleep in your shared bed next to him. He can't believe he was really able to be in a relationship with you and he's just speechless.
Garroth Ro'Meave who is usually awake early in the mornings and comes home late at night because of him being a guard. He feels bad he can't be there when you wake up or when you lay down for sleep.
Garroth Ro'Meave who was originally didn't wanna take off his helmet due to his history, but his helmet was also useful for when his face would flush at the sight of you.
Garroth Ro'Meave whos a litteral heater it's snowing or cold out? Trust me cuddling up to garroth in bed on the few days he's home early IS actually heaven.
Garroth Ro'Meave who asked you out by accident one late night, it slipped his tongue when he was expressing worry for you.
"I just really want you to be safe, I love you too much for you to end up hurt"
Garroth Ro'Meave who was worried about the village knowing. He was worried about if word got out of village what could happen to you.
Garroth Ro'Meave whos hands are scarred and battered yet touch you with such care and warmth, he loves cupping your cheeks and just getting to gaze into your eyes.
Garroth Ro'Meave whos insanely touch starved and feels his heart skip a beat anytime your skin grazes his.
Garroth Ro'Meave who sometimes will break down and cry in your chest, he's overwhelmed with guilt and sometimes it just becomes more then he can control
Garroth Ro'Meave who sure will get into fights with you but will attempt just best at keeping a level head, he'll never snoop low and call you names, disagreements happen and he doesn't want it to end your relationship.
Garroth Ro'Meave who would face anything if it meant you were safe and sound at home.
Pet names garroth would call you include but aren't limited to : honey, sweetheart, love, and sometimes sunshine
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Laurence Zvhal who originally flirts with you as a joke and uses it as a nice excuse to talk with you. He'd also would slowly tone down flirting with other people as soon as you came into his life.
Laurence Zvhal who'll leave his stuff around your place as an excuse to come back and "retrieve it" I swear there is a scarf he left on the kitchen table that has been at your place for months.
Laurence Zvhal who originally is terrified of his feelings for you, he doesn't wanna lose control around you and hurt you. He avoided you for the longest time after he realized his feelings for you.
Laurence Zvhal who'd feel horrible when you ask him what you did to cause him to ignore you. It was only after you properly confessed your feelings that he'd explain why.
Laurence Zvhal who to makes up for ignoring you with truely romantic evenings where he and you sit on the beach, having a picnic at sundown.
Laurence Zvhal who can get pretty jealous when someone else is getting too close, and instead of being verbal about it he'd opt to just wrap his arm around your side and kiss your cheek softly.
Laurence Zvhal who will rest his chin on your shoulder whenever you hug. He loves closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around you.
Laurence Zvhal who's hands are Slender and cold, he likes tracing shapes on your back when your asleep in his arms. Those nights he doesn't get much sleep because of how happy he is.
Laurence Zvhal who'll tell anyone who asks about your relationship, he looooves telling people he's dating you, he just can't help it to be honest!
Laurence Zvhal who hates letting you see when he's hurt, Anytime something happens to him he trys his best to hide it, but he always ends up knocking at your door after he's been patched up.
Laurence Zvhal who actually hates arguing with you, he prefers to have conversations and not arguments.
Petnames Laurence would call you include but are not limited to : darling, cutie, babe, and rarely boo
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All my head cannons for aphmau characters.°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Zvahl family. 
Laurence is Italian. 
He’s 5’11
Laurence is a charmer. flowers, dinner dates , stay in dates, anything romantic he gots it. 
He’s very bi and is constantly confused. ( me to laur) 
Laurence was a highlighter kid.
He has really bad Separate anxiety especially from partner. 
He has an iPhone 8 and will keep that thing until he dies or it is dust. I mean like the screen is falling off a little it’s cracked and laggy. 
He can’t do math or tell time on an actual clock. 
He’s dyslexic. ( same same) 
Because he grew up on a farm imma say he’s helped multiple animals give birth. 
Never really had a crush on aphmau he thought he did but he was just jealous that garroth was putting his attention into her and not him. 
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Ro’Meave family.
garroth switched rooms with vlyd to have the room the laurances window faces. 
I like to think garrote and Laurence are next door neighbors. 
Non of the ro’Meave children were allowed animals growing up but that didn’t stop Zane from having a pet spider that his parents didn’t find out about until it died but it escaping and garte killing it since he thought a random tarantula just entered there house.( not that he wouldn’t kill it anyways if he knew it was a pet) 
Zenix is one of the ro’mave brothers but he has a different mom and doesn’t live with them. That’s why he hates them sm. ( fuck garte and his cheating ass ) also Zenix looks a lot like garte but he dyes his hair and does makeup to make himself not look it. 
        (That’s also means Zenix is secretly a blonde. ) 
Zianna has forced all the boys to join an activity since they were 3. 
Garroth joined a bunch of different sports but then baseball stuck for him.
Zane joined cooking.
Vylad did cooking, pottery, painting, soccer, ice skating but ultimately he ended up staying in fencing. 
Garroth is the tallest out of everyone and gene is second tallest. 
Garroth 6’2 
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Rodriguez family. 
Genes real name is Eugene.
Gene and Dante don’t have the same dad. 
Genes dad was abusive and left when he was 4. 
Dante’s dad died before he was born in the military. 
Gene is super cuddly in his sleep and he often cuddles Zenix in his sleep. 
Sasha has a whole album of them cuddling together. 
Dante and gene have there mothers last name. 
Gene 6’0 
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Valkrum family.
Travis is German. ( me to buddy) 
Travis and his dad are best friends and talk about everything together. 
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Shalashaska family. 
In Mcd after aphamu I become Irene or got her relic a lot of people were upset with her due to previous prayers unanswered. 
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Gelula family. 
Zenix and gene sleep fight due to there childhoods. 
Zenix has a staring problem.
He lives with his mom.
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Ashida family. 
So I ignore the nickname Kawaii Chan and just call her nana so that’s how I am referr to her. 
She has 15 siblings. 
10 Boys and 5 girls. 
She's a glass child. 
She a middle child.
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So I can't really think of more but maybe ill update if I do but for my last one Imma say Garroth got cadenza a fashion designing job because he’s rich and has friends in high places he just pestered all of them until someone was willing to take a look at her work and actually loved it. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
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astersensss · 3 months
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Holy Fuck.
PAIRING: Laurance Zvhal x Gender-Neutral Reader
SUMMARY: You get walked in on
CW: well, it IS a smut fic. i warned y'all this was mostly written to prove i can write better than a tumblr girl. also the flavor of laurance is up to you lol.
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“Holy fuck… Laurance!” … You cried this out as your door creaked open, a familiar figure standing in it. A taller man who you definitely have opinions of. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway, smirking at the sight he just so happened to fall upon.
“Holy fuck-! Laurance!” you cried out. This time, out of shock.
“So what’s all this, my dear?” He always had that stupid fucking tone. It sickened you sometimes, but others? It’s all you need to be tipped over the edge.
“I- Laurance look– this is awkward for the both of us– why don't we just start this over and you turn around and I can put my pants back on, alright?” You said all this as you scrambled to put your pants back on. Your face had been hot since the moment you heard the creaking of the door. 
You saw Laurance holding up a hand.
“No, No, by all means, I’m encouraging you. Go ahead and continue.” He said as he walked in, shutting the door behind him. You felt like you were going to scream. It's only then that he spoke again.
“Go on, love. I just walked in on my favourite show! I’d love to keep watching.” He grabs your chair from your desk as he sits and observes your every move, his clouded blue eyes narrowing as you lean back in your bed for him.
You move your hands back down slowly as you continue to rub your crotch, soft pants escaping your lips. Laurance rests his elbows on his knees as he leaned over to watch. His smirk slowly turned into a shit-eating-grin.
“Y-Y’know I don’t actually- fuck- do this all that often…” you said as you tried to take some of the awkwardness off of yourself. It didn’t work, but you tried.
Laurance stands. “If you’re going to be this nervous, I might as well help you, my dear.” He said this as he kneeled down and helped you turn your body towards him. 
He leaned in and placed kisses all over your lower half. He looked up at you for permission to leave marks and when you nodded, he wouldn’t stop. Laurance ended up leaving what you estimate is around 50 marks between your thighs and lower stomach, and the more you tugged his hair, the more marks he’d left.
Eventually, he brings his lips down to your core, running his tongue across it, taking in all the taste of your slick. Any sound you make is like music to this man’s ears.
Laurance decided to take all of you in his mouth, leading to a cry of joy escaping your lips.
“Oh my Irene– Where did you…” you interrupt yourself with your own cries of joy. You feel him giggle as he continues. The vibrations of his vocal cords sended you to the moon. He noticed.
All this leading him into voicing his pleasure with your taste. And the more you gripped at his hair, the more noise you both made. His muffled hums brought you to see stars. Sadly, all things must come to an end.
“Fuck– Laurance– I’m so close please don’t stop…” Then you remember, Laurance is a bastard. And he reminds you of this fact constantly. His pace slowed dramatically as he looked up at you with half-hooded eyes. Lustful eyes. Eyes of true desire for you. They’re evil.
You knew what he wanted.
You knew he wanted you to beg for it.
And you knew that he had all the control in this situation. You’re forced to oblige.
“Please don’t slow down… Fuck- please Laurance.. Please.” You knew the game he was playing. You knew you didn’t want to play along, it annoyed you half to death that he does this, but your body screamed more than your mind did. 
Laurance kept staring at you with those eyes. Those stupid clouded eyes.
“Please.” You’re desperate. “Laurance I’m fucking begging what else do you want?” Maybe a bit too desperate. “Please for the love of the gods just let me come…”
You feel the mischievous smile form on his face as he picks up his pace just to how it was earlier. Not only that, but he's taking even more of you than before. His reward for, what he would call, being good.
“Thank you… Holy Irene– thank you Laurance…” your vision starts to blur as you feel yourself finish. Laurance makes a little bit of a show to keep it all to himself. Every last ounce he allows it to enter his throat. 
He backs his head up from you as he sticks his tongue out, you roll your eyes at him. 
He crawled up your body and landed a kiss on your lips. You didn't even notice the taste. You just kissed him right back. Sure, he caught you in an awkward position, but you love this man. After a bit, he broke the kiss.
“So… when is it my turn, my dear?”
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starhvney · 6 months
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mcd laurance x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: he's lost too many people he's loved, he can't lose you too
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: diaries!laurance, hurt/comfort, laurance and reader aren't explicitly said to have a relationship or feelings for each other but it's implied, reader and laurance are travelling for a mission together
𝐂𝐖: nightmare, descriptions of blood but no specific description of injuries or violence, mentions of character death
𝐀/𝐍: why is it so hard to write endings >:( anyways kind of short drabble but i needed to get this idea out
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before he could ever see anything, he could smell it.
that familiar metallic scent of blood soaking into the ground. he smelled it when joh was shot right under his nose. he smelled it when he was in the nether and the scent of his own blood was his only reminder that he was still alive. when he was barely conscious but felt the life of ungrth draining next to him, that same sickening smell invaded all of his senses.
it can’t be happening again. his chest fills uncomfortably with panic, his rib cage feeling like it could break at the seams and burst through his skin. not again.
one second you were right in front of him, that sweet smile on your lips and that certain sparkle in your eyes that you seemed to reserve just for him. he must have blinked, or turned for only a slight second, but that was enough for you to slip from his fingers and out of his sight.
for a moment he froze. the sight of blood trailing into the dark forest ahead replacing the warm image he had of you just a moment ago. it’s deafeningly silent, before a scream echoes ahead. your scream. his feet carried him forward before he even realized he was moving. wind rushed past his ears and twigs snapped under his feet, your name frantically falling from his lips. he usually ran faster than this. why couldn’t he run any faster?
and the smell. it nearly staggers him to a halt as it hits him like a tidal wave.
he finds you, sprawled in an uncomfortable heap on the forest ground. your chest heaves unevenly, every gasp of air was followed by a pained whimper. and your blood. it was everywhere. smeared across your skin. seeping into the moss below you. there was so much he couldn’t even tell where it was coming from. 
he drops to his knees next to you, lifting you up to hold you in his arms. he moves your hair out of your face, cupping your cheek and rubbing it like it would put more life into the paled, blood-drained color.
“come on. don’t do this to me.” he says through clenched teeth, hoping for some sort of response but getting none.
not you. not you. not you. 
he repeats your name, his voice strangled and desperate. he feels your blood staining into his clothes, that metallic scent seeping into his skin.
he lightly shakes you as he’s once again met with silence. complete silence. your chest doesn’t heave for air, and your body now lays completely limp in his arms.
it feels like suddenly his own blood has been drained, all feeling in his limbs numb as he cradles your body to his chest as you go cold.
no, no, no.
“laurance…? …up…”
no. no. no.
“…wake up. laurance, wake up!”
he shoots up from his bedroll in a panic, barely giving you enough time to move back as he nearly bashes his head into yours. his panicked breaths fill your shared tent as you contemplate reaching out to him.
“woah, woah. it’s okay,” you try to reassure him, leaning over to catch his gaze.
frantic eyes meet yours, and before anything could be said, you’re yanked forward into an almost crushing hug. laurance’s hands grip on to you like you could disappear at any moment. fingers thread through your hair as he holds the back of your head, tucking you into the crook of his neck as his other arm wraps around your waist.
“you were having a nightmare… it’s okay.” you whisper to him, voice slightly unsteady.
you’d never seen him so shaken. not since he thought hayden died, or ungrth sacrificed himself. even then, he managed to keep some sort of composure. now, his muscles tremble and tense weakly, the adrenaline from his dream dissipating and wearing him down.
“just. stay here. for a moment.” his voice hoarsely strains out.
you go quiet, hugging him back. a few minutes pass like this. with your chest pressed against his, you feel his rapid heartbeat eventually slow to a less panicked pace. he regains some control of his breathing, each breath in your ear shaky and stuttered. 
“what did you dream about?” you ask tentatively. 
he doesn’t respond at first, but you feel his breathing and hesitate pick up for a moment. 
“stay with me.” his voice is muffled in your hair.
“don’t leave my side. don’t go out of my sight for the rest of the journey.”
“we’re only two days away from phoenix drop, i’ll be-“
his arms tighten around you, squeezing some of the air out of your lungs. you try to squirm to get a better look at his face, but you can’t budge even an inch. 
“…okay.” you agree, hoping to calm whatever anxiety had been caused by his dream.
“i promise.”
his grip slowly relaxes again, but he still doesn’t let go. instead, he leans back into his bed roll, taking you down with him. you make a small noise of surprise as he does, grasping into his linen shirt to steady yourself as you practically lay on top of him.
“…do you want to stay like this till morning?” you ask hesitantly, moving your head to finally get a look at his face.
there’s a light sheen of cold sweat across his face, his eyes shut tight as he seemingly tried to focus on his breathing. slowly, he nods, exhaustedly extending his arm out to grab the blanket from your bed roll. he yanks it over you, respectably keeping contact with you while using your blankets as a barrier.
“try to go back to sleep and get some rest.”
you wrap your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his hair and shifting up to tuck your chin over his head. laurance releases a shaky breath, steadying himself as he relaxes further into you. soon you hear nothing but the crickets outside of the tent and his deepened breaths.
“i’ll be here when you wake up.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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app1wrd · 3 months
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lovelaurs · 4 months
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pairing : mcd laurance x gn reader synopsis : after returning from a long journey, all you could think about was just relaxing at home. but when a mischievous laurance has other plans, it seems like it won't be just another ordinary day back in phoenix drop. tags : friends to lovers, gifts, misunderstanding, confession, comfort, kissing, cuddles, just overall sillyness from laurance. he's a lovesick loser. word count : 2.9k a/n : wow, my first x reader i've ever written! i really hope you guys enjoyed it! i just love writing lovesick laurance and can't wait to write about him more! (please send laurance fic requests i beg of you).
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It had been an entire week since you began negotiations in Metelli.
Laurance, the loyal guard of Phoenix Drop (and ex-guard of Metelli), decided to join you on your trip in order to help smooth over any issues. Since he had a hand in the relations between the two villages in the first place, his presence, though irritating, was a surprising help in getting the deal moved along faster.
The week was tormenting to sit through; waiting to receive the stamp of approval from several higher ups as you sat around in your given quarters. The rooms you two were given weren’t completely awful, but yet they felt suffocating to sit in as you awaited the answer you so dearly needed.
The two of you going outside was barely an option, seeing as your friend Laurance had so many adoring fans chasing after his affection left and right. You practically had to hide around corners in order to avoid their viscous glares.
Though the thing that surprised you most was how uncomfortable Laurance looked. From when you first met him, he always seemed to bask in the attention his adoring fans gave him. However, something was different this time around. He seemed annoyed, trying to brush off their advances, before finally grabbing your hand and leading you back to your quarters.
The next day, Laurance decided to leave the building and settle the matters himself. Within the day, the two of you were sent back to Phoenix Drop with the papers you needed.
Sure, you were thankful that the trade dealings discussion didn’t last more than a week, but you weren’t about to inflate Laurance’s ego by thanking him. Just having to spend a week there in general left you tired; the stiff stone bed you were given did not help your cause in the slightest.
As you finally set foot on the docks you so craved to see, you jumped out of the boat and immediately started to trudge your way back to your house. 
You had been dreaming of your soft bed ever since you laid down on that brick-like mattress the first night in Metelli, and today was the day you were going to spend entirely laying around. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Of course, life always seemed to get in your way, as Laurance caught up to your brisk pace and walked alongside you through the village. You groaned as you turned to him with a frown.
“What do you want?”
He poked your cheek playfully, giggling at the sight of your annoyance. “Oh come on, why are you so grumpy? We’re finally back in Pheonix Drop!” He walked with his right hand poking you, occasionally waving to other villagers with his other as you passed by.
You pushed his hand away from your face, clearly wanting to be left to your own devices. “I know, that’s why I just want to lay on my bed and rot the day away.” 
As you continued to walk, Laurance sighed, “You’re no fun, you know that?”
Before you could respond with a rebuttal, the two of you eventually winded up at your house. You turned to wave off Laurance, but instead found him looking at you with puppy dog eyes, most expectant, waiting by the door.
All you could do was just roll your eyes and close the door on him, ignoring the loud “Hey!” from behind the surface.
Now your thoughts are filled with only one goal: sleep. You quickly made a b-line towards your bed, flopping onto it unceremoniously. You couldn’t even bother to pull the covers over yourself as you let your eyes finally drift close.
Finally, I can rest.
You had your eyes closed for but only a few minutes until you heard something at your window.
You groaned as you forced yourself up. Maybe you left the window open while you were gone and some animal got in? Or maybe it’s just a sound from outside?
As your mind started to go through all the theories it had come up with, you were left confused when all you found on your windowsill was just a bundle of flowers.
“What in Irene’s name-” You stuck your head out the window, looking both left and right to see if anyone was in the area, but all you saw were just two kids playing outside along with several people walking around town.
What the hell? Who could have placed these?
Slightly annoyed by the action, you took in the flowers and closed the window behind you, placing the flowers by your bedside. 
You quickly splayed yourself out on the bed once more, allowing yourself to make snow angels amongst the sheets.
As soon as you closed your eyes, you felt the exhaustion take over you.
This time, half an hour had gone by before you were disturbed again.
A knock at your door was heard, causing you to whisper, “Are you kidding me?” Before getting up to answer it. At this point, your bullshit meter was slowly reaching the top. You could handle a certain amount of disruptions, however, when it came to interrupting your sleep…
You begrudgingly opened the door, only to find no one standing there. A quick look around was all it took before you found a basket of fruit at your doorstep.
Okay, now what in the hell is going on? First flowers, now fruits?
The situation was just getting more and more ridiculous. 
You took one last glance around before walking back inside, shutting the door behind you. You placed the basket of fresh fruit on a nearby table, before practically sprinting and jumping onto your bed.
No more distractions. No. More.
As you closed your eyes, you thought nothing more of the strange happenings and decided to put them in the back of your mind for the time being.
You ended up sleeping for three hours.
The next thing you knew within your slumbered state, you awoke to a bang coming from the window next to your bed.
That’s it. 
You rolled over and sat up as fast as possible, hoping to spot the culprit of who was messing with you, but all you could see was a letter stuck to your window.
You opened the window, and grabbed the letter, this time not bothering to look around.
Your hands practically ripped the paper open, enraged by your lack of peace. As you unfolded through the torn pieces, your eyes scanned over the letter addressed to you.
‘I hope you’ve been enjoying my gifts so far!’
Like hell you have!
‘I’ve been putting off doing this for a while, so I decided to do it as soon as I came back to Phoenix Drop.’
‘Meet me by the docks after sunset! Don’t be late? :)’
A smile? A goddamn smile? They used precious ink to seriously draw out a smile? 
As much as that smile annoyed you, it was what was signed at the bottom of the page that really was the last straw.
‘Love, Laurance.’
You gripped both sides of the paper, hands shaking as you reread the last line. You let your finger trace the word ‘love’, your eyes focusing on it, mindlessly thinking of what it could mean before shaking your head in rage.
“Laurance?! Are you kidding me?! Ugh, I should’ve known it was him messing with me!” With anger being the only option to turn to, you gladly let loose. “So that’s it, huh? He’s toying with my emotions! That little-”
You bursted out of bed, your hair a mess from tossing and turning, grabbing the nearest coat. As you slipped your arms through the sleeves, all you could feel was anger boiling inside of you.
Within moments, you swung open your door and stomped your way over to the docks. 
The light within the lanterns nearby lit your way through the night as you thought about how messed up this whole situation really was.
How could he do this to you? You thought you were friends, and now he’s just toying with your emotions? 
You would soon find your answer as you arrived at the docks, finding Laurance sitting at the edge of the boardwalk, letting his legs dangle off the side.
A fire lit in your eyes as you made your way over there, making your presence known as your steps sounded on the wood.
Laurance turned around with a smile on his face, expecting you. “Ah, welcome! I was worried you wouldn’t-” “You!” “Me?” Laurance nervously smiled as he pointed to himself, quickly noticing your anger.
“You- You asshole!” You yelled, throwing the letter at him. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” He quickly stood up, putting his hands in the air in defense. “What are you talking about?” “Oh, I don’t know! Maybe the flowers, the basket, and let’s not forget that letter!” You clenched your fists as you remembered the previous events. “What were you thinking? Toying with my emotions like that? I’m not just another one of your fans! Who the hell signs their letter with “love” as a joke?” 
As you yelled at him you felt tears start to fill the brim of your eyes, threatening to free themselves at any moment.
“Wait, it’s not what you think-”
You scoffed as he tried to explain. “You know, for a second you really had me thinking you had feelings for me.” A stray tear fell down your face, your voice cracking as you spoke, “Isn’t that pathetic?”
Soon enough, the dam broke loose, and you were crying. Crying on the docks. Crying on the docks in front of who you thought to be your friend. At night. With your head in your hands as you bawled. Irene, could this get any worse?
Laurance took a step towards you, in which you responded by taking a step back.
He hesitated for a moment as he watched you cry, biting his lip as he tried to figure out what to say.
“It wasn’t a joke.”
You raised your head to look at him, tears still running down your cheeks. “What?” “I said it wasn’t a joke.” He took another step toward you, this time you stayed still. “The gifts, the letter… it was all in preparation for tonight.”
You sniffled. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Ever since we returned from Metelli, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, and I thought what a better way than to do it the day we got back! But… you seemed upset after returning so I wanted to cheer you up first; hence the gifts.”
You wiped the tears from your face, letting out a small giggle. “It was creepy.” “Huh?”
“The gifts. It was kinda off-putting how you delivered them. I’m not going to lie, it kind of freaked me out.” You had to hold your hand over your mouth as you hiccuped while giggling.
Laurance blinked a few times. “Wait- Really?”
You snickered, “Laurance, you left random things by my house and ran away without leaving a note alongside them. Does that not cross you as the least bit alarming?” He sighed, putting a hand to his forehead. “You know, now that you bring it up…” You keeled over, holding your stomach as you laughed, your tears becoming ones from joy. “Oh my Irene!”
He approached you, putting his hands on your shoulders, shaking you profusely. “Come on! Don’t laugh at my attempt at making you smile!”
Him shaking you only made you laugh more, more tears running down your face at the sheer stupidity of the situation. You had really thought he was messing with you, huh?
But that’s when your mind wandered back to the letter.
You stood up straight, wiping the tears away, before looking him in the eyes. “But what about the letter?” “The letter? Oh-!” He pulled his hands away from you, taking a step backwards, scratching the nape of his neck. “Well, if you mean the signature… I did intend to sign it with love.”
Your breath hitched as he said that. 
He intended it?
As you looked Laurance in the eyes, there was a fondness shining within them. A fondness that seemed so common from whenever he looked at you, something that you never properly registered it until now.
“What I originally brought you here for… was to confess my feelings.” He slowly reached out, taking your hand in his and kissing the back of it. His eyes fluttered shut as he did so. 
He opened his eyes to gaze at you, truly looking at you. Your heart pounded in your chest as you held eye contact.
As he lowered your hand, he held it tight within his, as if not wanting to let you go. “Around the time when you first moved to Phoenix Drop is when you stole my heart.” He took a deep breath in, as if composing himself. “You were tough, self-sacrificing, and didn’t accept help from others at first. But as you grew to become a part of our village, you slowly started to open up more. And when you’d laugh– my Irene, your smile. It tore me to pieces the first time I saw it. I couldn’t get enough of it.” Your eyes widened as he spoke, before nodding, silently allowing him to continue.
“The way your hair looks rushed when you wake up late in the morning, the way your eyes sparkle in the sun, the way you look at me when you’re excited… All of these little things I noticed along the way drove me crazy. It was then that I knew you were truly something special.” He smiled, taking your other hand in his. 
The moonlight shining on him from behind was surely a sight to see. He looked ethereal. Something in you craved to have him for yourself– to hold him close, to cherish him as much as possible.
A silence filled the space between you two as he looked at you like his sun, and him, your moon.
“I love you.”
Those words were just what you needed to hear. Confirmation. Assurance.
You looked down at your feet and shut your eyes tight, trying your best to prevent yourself from crying once more.
He quickly took note of your state, leaning closer, sounding almost panicked. “A-Are you okay? I’m sorry if this is sudden- you don’t have to give a response or anything!” 
You quickly raised your head up, shaking your head back and forth rapidly. “No- No it’s fine! I feel the same way, I’m just trying not to cry-” He smirked, “Oh? Did my words truly make you that emotional- wait, you feel the same?” His eyes widened as if not expecting a positive response back. Of course the first thing he registered was something he’d use to be cocky. That goofball.
You nodded your head, sniffling. “Of course I do! The entire reason I came over here so angry was that I thought you gave me false hope! I thought you were just messing with me like always.” He let go of your hand and cupped your cheek, brushing away the tear stains with his thumb as he looked at you as if you were his world. “I would never joke about my feelings for you. Ever. I adore you.”
Those words truly hit your heart, as you leaned into his palm.
Oh how lovingly he looked at you just made you burn under his gaze.
It was then that he leaned forward, inches apart from your lips. “May I kiss you?”
You gave but one nod.
That was all that was needed for him to softly press his lips against yours. He carefully brought his other hand up as well, cradling your face within his hands. Fireworks were lit within your stomach, as he set you ablaze with the match that was his touch.
As he kissed you, you wished within your heart that this would last forever. Forever entangled within his loving gaze.
As the two of you pulled apart to catch your breath, you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he looked with his cheeks flushed and pupils blown. He looked otherworldly from your eyes.
It wasn’t even a few seconds before he went in for seconds, kissing you far more passionately than before. He let one of his hands wander and grip your hip, pulling you even closer. His hands felt like they were burning your skin, searing at the touch. It wasn’t until he licked your lips that you pulled back, flustered.
He immediately looked at you with worry. “Are you okay? Did I go too far?”
“No! It’s just… my heart is beating so fast I’m afraid any more will kill me.” You laughed, clutching your chest.
He extended his hand. “How about we just sit down by the edge and look at the stars instead, hm?” 
“I would be delighted.” You took his hand in his, following him to the end of the docks, before sitting down at his side.
As far as the rest of the night went, the two of you continued to sit side by side on the docks, kicking your feet in motion with the waves.
He extended his arm around you, pulling you close, as he nuzzled his face into your neck. You couldn’t help but giggle at the feeling.
Maybe sleep could wait.
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@lovelaurs, 2024. do not repost this work in any way!
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chackyxyooj · 2 months
Your Grace
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Description: You are the Queen and Laurance is one of your several consorts. However, he is less than amused over the fact that you have yet to spend a night with him. || ONESHOT, SMUT HURT/COMFORT(?)
Pairing: Consort!Laurance X Queen!Reader
WC: ~3k
CW: Strong Sexual Themes | NSFW
Sexual Content Ahead: If uncomfortable with this type of content, DNI! - Minors & Ageless Blogs DNI!
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It’s not uncommon for Kings or Queens to establish a royal consort when they become the primary ruler of their kingdom. In fact, it’s often encouraged for the ruler of a kingdom to have multiple consorts as a means to ensure the strength of their next of kin. You were no exception to this. Thus, as you ascended to your place on the throne you were expected to have a set of consorts established as soon as possible.
Being a man of great notoriety, Laurance Zvahl had never intended to join your consort. A rogue like him never humoured the idea of living his life at the hands of royalty, but things were different when they came to you.
Laurance’s first meeting with you proved how witty a crown princess could act in the face of danger - his second meeting with you only doubling down on that idea. Despite your wits, Laurance had never really thought you a very interesting monarch until the day he received commission from none other than your very own mouth. To think that a princess such as yourself would risk your position, much less your life, to ensure the prosperity of your kingdom… uncommon would be an understatement.
Much has happened between then and now but your commitment to your kingdom and its people never waivered. For that, Laurance respected you. It might be the only reason why he didn’t immediately kill the guard who came to inform him that you had extended an invitation to become an official figure in your consort.
It’s been over a month since Laurance Zvahl was officially situated in Your Grace’s harem. He’s heard talk amongst the other consorts that you’ve already visited many of your chosen lovers but Laurance has yet to share anything more than simple pleasantries with you. He assumes that a ruler such as yourself would be a busy one, but too busy to even spend a night or two with him? Surly not, right?
For what feels like the thousandth time, Laurance paces from one side of his room to the other. You’d think that a castle as large as this one would grant one privacy but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Laurance feels like he might go mad if another servant arrives at his chambers to ask what he wants for dinner, or when he wants his bath to be drawn, or… or for anything really!
Just as the thought crosses his mind, the incessant sound of knocking fills the room.
Without so much as a by your leave, the door to Laurance’s room creaks open. The boy practically flies over to confront whoever might have the gull to enter his room unannounced but he’s surprised to find that it’s you who stands before him.
“Your Grace!” The boy dips down in greeting without a moment’s hesitation. “For what do I owe the honor of your unexpected visit?”
Your eyes scan the interior of Laurance’s room before they gently land on the brunette. “I sent word to your personal retainer that I would be visiting your chambers tonight, but I see that your retainer is nowhere in sight. Why might that be the case?”
“Oh, them?” Laurance resists the urge to display any signs of contempt at the thought of his retainer. “I sent them away.”
“Again I ask: why might that be the case?”
“I don’t need someone to take care of me. I can take care of myself.”
“Is that so?” Your eyes scan the interior of Laurance’s room a second time before stepping into his chambers and closing the door behind you. After walking a few paces and noticing that Laurance does not follow you, your gaze shifts back to the brunette. Even with just a slight shift in your gaze, Laurance can tell that you do not find any humour in his actions. “I did not assign you a retainer because I thought you needed to be watched or taken care of. I assigned you a retainer because a castle this large can get lonely. Having someone by your side can help alleviate that loneliness.”
“Is that so?” An involuntary huff escapes Laurance. Of course a queen like yourself would delegate the task of keeping him company to a mere servant. “Well I wouldn’t get lonely if you actually came to visit me.”
“Ah… I take it that you’re upset with me?” You attempt to hold Laurance’s hand but the boy sharply pulls away from you.
“How could I not be upset with you?!” Laurance scoffs, his pent up resentment slowly and surely bubbling up to the surface. “After the whole dinner fiasco, you left me behind without so much as a goodbye. Then after weeks of no contact your guard is the one to hunt me down and offer me a place in your consort. It’s bad enough to be treated like an outsider by everyone in your court, but the fact that you treat me this way too? It makes me wonder why you even brought me here in the first place.”
Laurance watches with a heavy gaze as you slowly reach forward and grasp his hands. They’re gentle and delicate compared to Laurance’s hands, but compared to that of a regular noble there’s no doubt that your hands are rough and calloused.
As if afraid to make any sudden movements, you gently pull yourself closer to Laurance until the boy can feel the heat of your body against his own. Have you always been this warm?
“I truly apologise for any hardships I’ve caused you by asking you here. If you truly do not desire to be my consort I will not hold you here. However, that is not to say that I do not want you here, because I do. I want you, Laurance.”
Laurance doesn’t realise that he’s turned his eyes away from you until you’re gently pulling his attention back. Your grasp on the boy’s jaw is so soft but your demand for the boy’s attention is anything but. If not a remarkable queen, you are most certainly a remarkable temptress - always knowing exactly what to do or say to get what you need out of the boy.
“Do you really think a few pretty words are enough to make me forgive you?”
“Of course not…” You chuckle softly to yourself. Your voice becomes softer as you gently lean in toward Laurance, moving forward until your lips just barely hover the shell of his ear. “Tell me, Laurance, what can I do to win back your favour?”
Laurance Zvahl had never intended to join your consort - a rogue like him never humoured the idea of living his life at the hands of royalty, but things were different when they came to you.
You always made things more difficult than they had to be.
“I…” Laurance’s breath catches in his throat as your breath trails down his neck. It makes Laurance shiver from both the feeling and the proximity, his heart thumping in his chest as a testament to his own desires. He'd have the nerve to call it irritating if it wasn’t so intoxicatingly addictive. “I want you, Your Grace.”
“What was that?” You gently press your lips against Laurance's jaw with an amused hum.
“Don’t-” Laurance swallows and shivers at the feeling of your lips on his jaw. A quiet, shaky exhale escapes from his lips. He can feel heat rising to his cheeks as he realises he’s already starting to lose this battle of wills. “Don’t play ignorant. You know exactly what you’re doing.”
Pulling away from Laurance’s neck, the boy is able to catch the expression on your face. There’s hints of satisfaction in the way your lips curl into a pleasant smile, but your eyes hold nothing but affection. A sound of amusement bubbles up from your lips when you notice just how deeply Laurance stares at you, but you relent all the same.
“Come now, Laurance.” You whisper, trailing your hands up Laurance’s torso and coming to rest on his shoulders. “Wouldn’t you like to experience the full extent of being a consort in my court?”
“You’re playing dirty, Your Grace.”
“Is that too much for a rogue like you to handle?”
Laurance closes his eyes. He refuses to give in and insists on trying to ignore the heat that's spreading down his neck and across his chest. Though he is neither a noble nor a knight of high status, Laurance is not some helpless little doll to be teased and played with like this. Even as his hands find their way to your hips to grip them just a little too tight, Laurance can feel his stubborn resolve melting away.
”…Shut up, Your Grace.”
“If you insist, My Love.” Without another word you lean in toward Laurance and close the distance, your lips gently pressing against his.
Laurance can’t stop the small gasp that escapes him at the feeling of your lips against his own. He’d fantasised of this moment; of having you close and holding you to himself. He was losing his strength to keep up this tough-guy facade when all he had wanted for so long was for a moment like this.
The boy pulls you even closer to him, his grip on your hips becoming even more firm. His heart was practically racing in his chest as he returned your kiss.
In a heartbeat Laurance deepens the kiss, his tongue brushing over your bottom lip before nipping at the skin. He felt like he’d been starving for this - for you, for your touch. He was so wrapped up in this singular moment that he hadn’t even realised that you were slowly guiding the boy toward his bed. By the time he realises what you’ve done he’s already flush against his bedsheets.
The bed is cool against Laurance’s back, but it’s nothing compared to the feeling of your hands against his torso. Everywhere you touch leaves a fire of desire in its wake.
As you slowly use your fingers to push his shirt up, you continue to kiss him. Laurance can’t help the sound of pleasure that slips past his lips and he lets go of your hips to help you remove his shirt. He wants to feel the warmth of your skin and to have you as close as possible.
Once the fabric of Laurance’s shirt is removed, you take a moment to admire the sight of his now bared chest. His breathing is slightly ragged but it’s not nearly as obvious as the flushed look on his face. The heat across his cheeks and across his torso was hard for Laurance to ignore as well - especially with how easily flustered he is because of you.
Though his mind is slowly becoming hazy with thoughts of you, Laurance shivers under the weight of your gaze. “Stop staring…”
You can’t help the short laugh that pushes past your lips. Though at first the action serves to make Laurance feel more conscious of himself, his worries fade away as you swiftly pull your robe off your shoulders and discard it somewhere on the floor.
He’s seen you this way once before, but that was nothing compared to now.
Laurance’s breath hitches in his throat at the sight of you half-naked on top of him and he can’t hold back the small, sharp gasp at the feeling of your bare skin against his own. Every inch of his skin feels like it’s burning and it’s hard to get words out when his mind is so focused on you.
“You-” He swallows, his hands shakily gripping your hips as though the moment he lets go you would disappear. The boy’s eyes dart across your form, trying to commit every inch to memory.
“Who’s the one staring now?” Your voice comes out playful, snapping Laurance out of his daze. For a moment your gaze bears into Laurance’s own desperate expression, making you realise the exact effect you have on the boy.
With a smile you lean down and kiss Laurance once more. Rather than allowing Laurance to kiss you in the feverish way he had before, you prolong the kiss. Your movements, your touch, heck, even the very breaths you take have become gentle. Everything about you has seemingly softened in all but a moment, yet you’re just as intoxicating as ever.
“Your Grace… Fuck…” Laurance moans out against your lips. He can hardly hold back his voice as you grind down against his hips. He can only imagine the kind of expression he might be making right now - how you might revel in evoking such a reaction in the first place - but he doesn’t have the time to worry about such things. Right now, all Laurance wants is you.
Laurance wants, no, needs you. He needs you more than he’s ever needed someone before. How do things always end up this way with you?
“I’m your consort, aren’t I?” Questions Laurance, earning a slight hum from you. With as much charm as the boy can muster, Laurance cups your face and gently rests your forehead against his own. “Then please, won’t you take me?”
With a quiet laugh you utter your response. “Of course.”
What little clothes remained between you and Laurance quickly come off in a mess of hurried hands and sweet nothings. Every word you whisper sends adrenaline pumping through Laurance’s body. He can only hope that his roaming hands might be doing the same to you.
His eyes watch your face intently as you slowly lower yourself onto the boy’s now hardened arousal. He takes pleasure in the way your head tilts back and how your sounds of pleasure freely fall from your lips. The feeling of being wrapped in you; it’s euphoric, but it’s not enough. Laurance wants more.
As you continue to shift against Laurance he begins to move in time with your movements, his hips jerking upward as he attempts to drive himself deeper into you.
He wants to feel your touch; to hear his name fall from your lips and to see your pleasured expression every time he shifts his hips in time with your own. It’s not enough to simply feel good at your hands. He wants you to feel good, too.
With whatever strength hasn’t been sapped away at the sight of you, Laurance sits up and holds you close against his chest. In an instant his lips are against yours, stealing kisses as if this is the only time he’ll ever get to kiss you again. You, on the other hand, feed into every single one of the brunette’s greedy impulses.
“Can I call you by your name? Please?” Laurance mutters against your lips. He knows he shouldn’t ask such a thing of you, especially since he’s nothing but a rogue, but when his mind is already swirling in thoughts of you and you alone he’s bound to make impossible requests.
Laurance’s chases after your lips in a desperate manner as you pull away. He hardly even registers that you’re contemplating his question as his lips latch onto your neck and leave behind barely visible marks all the way down. In your attempts to get him to look at you, you have to pry the boy from your body.
Has Laurance ever told you how pretty your eyes are? Or how beautiful you look when your hair is undone like this? Hell, does he even have enough of himself left to tell you how good you’re making him feel? Do you feel good, too?
The boy’s attention snaps right to you the moment you call his name. “What?”
“You may address me by my name.”
Your lips curl into an amused smile as you admire the boy’s drunken state, using your hand to brush back loose strands of the boy’s hair. “Yes, really.”
And that’s it. You have him hooked.
With every thrust of his hips, your name all but falls from Laurance’s lips. It feels so foreign, yet so very right. Like it was always your name that he was meant to call. That it was only ever your name that he wished to speak. Laurance is not here with some royalty figure he’s bound to, he’s here with you.
Laurance can feel himself coming to his wit’s end, but it seems that you’re one step ahead of him. Your body convulses slightly against Laurance’s, the walls of your pussy taking him in oh so greedily. But that’s not to say that Laurance isn’t being greedy, either.
The brunette savours as much of your reaction as he possibly can. The smell of your hair, the sound of your voice, the feeling of your body pressed against his; everything. It’s all for him to have, so he’ll remember it as thoroughly as he can. But fuck, it’s hard to stay focused when you’re holding onto him this tightly.
As Laurance can feel himself coming undone beneath you, he attempts to hide his expression from you by tucking his face into the crook of your neck. You’ll have none of this though, and you pull back to hold Laurance’s face in your hands.
“Don’t hide away now, Laurance.” Despite coming out between shallow breaths, your voice is as firm as ever.
Laurance can’t help but want to shy away under the subtle amusement in your expression. “I can’t help it. You feel too damn good. I’m gonna- fuck.” Laurance’s words are cut short as a wave of euphoria washes over his entire body. That feeling is only heightened when you lean forward and steal a kiss of your own.
Your lips are firm yet gentle at the same time. You truly are something of a temptress, but right now that’s hardly a bad thing.
When Laurance can finally feel himself coming down from his high, he rests his forehead against your shoulder in bliss. For a moment, the world is quiet. The only thing that matters is the warmth of your body pressed against his, and the feeling of your gently rising and falling chest. It’s perfect. 
You’re perfect.
Laurance slowly opens his eyes and looks up at you, drinking in all that you have to offer. You’ve always been really pretty, but right now Laurance thinks that you are enchanting. And when you finally peek open your eyes to meet Laurance’s gaze, he all but knows that you’re his.
Even if it’s just for this moment in time, you’re his.
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Hunt down the good in me.
Garroth version.
This was a request from amaizing fan fic writer @starhvney where the reader is injured taking a blow for Laurance.
G/n Reader
Warning: Gore, nothing too crazy but the reader is injured, and I tell you about it, as well as gore being mentioned with the people who ambushed you. Shadow knight Laurance goes on a rampage, hurt comfort both in the literal and metaphorical sense lmfao.
Tysm for the requests! I am always open for more as long as my inbox is open!
Please enjoy!
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You really should have expected it you suppose. The bandits had gotten used to easy life outside the remains of Pheonix Drop, raiding supply carts and merchants on their way to or from the small settlement. Obviously they weren't going to leak new arrivals with much bigger equipment than the rest of the inhabitants arriving out of nowhere, much LESS better equipped people fixing the village walls and gates. You suppose you expected them to be more... subtle... cowardly? In their approach to it. Oh how wrong you were.
Thank Irene Laurance carried his greatsword at all times because the closest thing to a weapon *you* currently had was a pick axe to work on the stone parts of the wall, sure sure it would suck ALOT to catch a pickaxe to the... well, anywhere, but it's nothing compared to an actual intended weapon. Laurance took the lead, telling you to stand back the moment the first bandit stepped out of the trees. And you QUICKLY realized just why Laurance was on the potential Jury of Nine list. But at some point, no matter the skill level, numbers can override it.
About 34 bandits had come out of the forest, a handful of the smart ones fled when they saw Laurances sheer skill with a greatsword. You were no expert but you knew that the great sword was one of the more difficult weapons to wield, it's huge size made it's attacks devastating but it required alot of effort to use it, once you were committed to a swing you were just that, committed using this sword was something you had to put the whole momentum of your body into. Apparently, a bandit had figured that out to, as time seems too slow, you watch a masked bandit dual wielding daggers preparing to strike just as Laurance is trapped in a strike against 3 bandits. You can't let this happen! If Laurance gets heavily injured, then it would be pitifully easy for them to take you out being unarmed and then break in and do who knows what to the village! Well... at least that's what you're going to say when Laurance inevitably chews you out for surging forward. Truth being that that you just... didn't want to see your love get hurt no matter the extent.
You throw yourself between Laurance and the bandits blade, adrenaline running through your system before swinging the pick axe with all your might at the bandits head, having to tense your whole body to keep from a full body recoil at the feelings running through you of it tearing through skin and cracking bone the bandit letting out a gurgling cut off shout.
You honestly don't even feel the dagger enter and lodge into your side, turning your head to the side quickly to find Laurance already staring over his shoulder to you, breath held and eyes wide. You couldn't tell, trapped looking into his eyes as shock turned to a lightless rage, but everyone else had stopped fighting as the forest went *silent* no rustling of leaves or chirping of birds, the only sound now to be heard was a reverberating growl from Laurance. Smoke billowing out of the sides of his mouth as his form starts growing much larger.
His scream tears through the forest as he grows he reaches forward, grabbing the nearest bandit by the head and slaming them on the ground with a sickening crack. Fully Shadow knight as he springs forward blood red sword viciously and furiously putting an end to the bandits. You can hardly take it all in, not only with the speed and complexity of his movements, but the smell of sulfur and second dose of adrenaline that rushed through you when he turned, the responce of a injured prey animal desperately trying to run *just a little more* left you lightheaded. But you ignore it, not only because it would only agitate him further, but also.... it was Laurance, the sweet, kind, and thoughtful man you fell in love with, and you weren't going to let your body convince you he was a threat.
Some bandits had tried to run... they didn't get far. Laurance didn't spare even a single one, the forest around you stained red as far as the eye could see, covered in mangled corpses. Laurance stands over what was once... a bandit. Body eerily still as smoke whisps off of his armor. You want to give him a moment to cool down, literally and metaphorically. But the adrenaline has completely left you, and you are more and more aware of the searing pain in your side. No one tells you how much being stabbed feels like fire.
"L-laurance?" Is all you can hoarsely mutter, blood dribbling from your lips before falling to your knees. The shadow knight wips around red eyes wide "Y/N!" He shouts as if snapped out of a trance he runs sliding to his knees to your side.
"I-its okay, you ok-kay don't talk don't talk, I'm here I have you" he rambles quickly, voice trembling as he babbles out reassurances that seem more for himself than you, as he harshly tears at his cape, pain scorching up your side as he ties it to the dagger securing it to your side. You don't know what comes after this.... but you know that just in case you want...
"Love.. you.." You mummer voice hardly a whisper causing him to jump eyes back to that Marble blue, tears falling down his cheeks quickly.
"I Love you, I love you so fucking much, you have to be fine, your fine. We will say it again tomorrow, okay??" He stammers out, starting to pick you up... but your world goes black.
Everything after is a strange.. choppy blur. Laurance held you close to his chest as he ran to Donna's home. Laurance would shout and fight anytime someone tried to convince him to leave your side. And then... you fully fell unconscious.
There's a dull throbbing throughout your entire body, and you're thirsty. You can barely let out a little groan with how dry your throat is. You scrunch up your face and move to tighten your hands into fists before you prop yourself up, but you end up squeezing the hand in yours.
"Y/N!" Laurance shoots up, holding your hand tightly with both of his. You open your eyes to be met with Laurances wide baby blues, tears fulling his eyes as he quickly leans down to give you a heart achingly tender kiss. Cupping your cheek with one hand, you raise one of your own to do the same, ignoring your protesting muscles.
"Thank Irene" he whispers forehead pressed against your own, his tears fall onto your own cheeks, before you work to brush them away.
He will demand to know what you were thinking later... right now he just wants to bask in *you*.
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