#mdzs lan xicheng x reader
tangledinmdzs · 3 years
Do you do poly relationships headcanons? If you are, may I request a jealous poly XiCheng with an s/o whose a tease and a flirt? If not, you can seperate it, it's okay. Lots of love from anon 💞💞💞💞💞
hi friend!
i don’t mind writing poly relationships at all! i don’t know how good of a flirt you all think i am though, because most of my ideas around this premise so far have been through google aha
hope you all enjoy it anyways!
here’s to your request~
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
your two cultivation partners (yes you have two) will always be weak for you
not only because you were so lovable 
but because being around them made them better people
(most of the time at least aha)
not to say that you weren’t the perfect piece to them, far from that
for example, in between Lan Xichen’s quiet coolness, you were a excitable, smiling and passionate ball of sunshine
and for all of Jiang Cheng’s hot headed anger and coarse words, you were the soothing calm that matched that perfectly,
easy to smile, hard to anger
outspoken and determined
you molded with the large characteristics of your cultivation partners well
and it wasn’t hard for them to fall in love with you (after finding one another)
but just because they were falling in love with you
didn’t mean that other people weren’t going to as well
i mean who wouldn’t, you’re a catch (i’m not lying, you are!)
one of the highest ranking cultivators of your sect, at such a young age
and having played a part in inventing one of the newer techniques of musical cultivation (a mixture of voice and instrument that not many would use)
you were amazing, 
and if that weren’t already enough, add in your beautiful smile and tickling laughter and everyone was tripping over their own feet for you
you made it so so easy to, because it is just how you are
easy to smile, hard to anger
Lan Xichen is a bit more tolerable than Jiang Cheng about your flirtatious and bubbly personality 
he understood that you meant little harm with your smiles, the occasional winks to young pining cultivators that would leave them high on the notion of your attention for days
as for Jiang Cheng, he had always hated how flirtatious you are, 
despite having two people in his life, he still really really wanted to keep everything about them to himself 
he’s quite possessive, and it is the second trait at the forefront of his mind right after anger 
sometimes, Lan XIchen’s quiet calming words or small pat to his lower back in public settings would be enough to quell the brimming heat in his lower abdomen whenever he saw even a glance thrown at your direction
but moments like the present,
when he sees you dining alone with a male cultivator, drinking wine on the balcony above
those normal actions are not enough
“Jiang Wanyin...”  Lan Xichen calls, mindful of the other man’s title in public 
but Jiang Cheng is undeterred, feet stomping heavily up the stairs of the inn
eyes all on you the moment that he saw you
when he reaches the second landing, he meets eyes with your smiling face right away 
and instead of looking away or from him with a fearful or guilty look, Jiang Cheng gets winded by the easy smile that you throw directly at him
even after all these years together, your smile still makes the butterflies flutter in his stomach
your smile makes the companion that you’re sharing lunch with turn around in curiosity to see what’s caused such an emotion
but the moment that Jiang Cheng’s eyes land on the other male cultivator in front of you, the softness of his eyes disappears and he’s reminded why he was annoyed in the first place
the young cultivator is quick to stand up, head slightly bowed as the two most important sect leaders come up to the table
Lan Xichen follows Jiang Cheng’s steps until he is close enough to you, then each sect leader takes a stance by your sides, naturally 
“Jiang Cheng, A-Huan,” you chirp, their private names falling easily from your lips despite all the times that Jiang Cheng had told you not to do so in public 
but right now, when Jiang Cheng catches the widened eyes of the young cultivator at your informality, he’s reeling with the fact that this boy will know of your relationship with them
because his titled be damned, 
if only to show the world how much he and Lan Xichen loved you, knew you, 
and the fact that you were theirs
“y/n-guniang, please forgive me, i hadn’t re-realized that...” the young cultivator stutters out going onto his knees to kow-tow
you widen your eyes and kneel down with him to help the young boy up
(an action that annoys Lan Xichen internally and manifests physically in Jiang Chang with a very deep eye roll)
“no apologies here, i can introduce you to my cultivation partners-”
“we are well acquainted,” Lan Xichen surprisingly interrupts, like he has never done before and you turn away from the young cultivator to give your partners a curious look
“you are?” you ask, 
and Lan XIchen nods, because he knows most of the people that look for a meeting with you 
and the one reason they always try to meet with you very well
you’re too busy staring at Xichen to notice the glare that Jiang Cheng was giving the poor boy 
“i- yes- i, we are. how could anyone not know of Zewu-Jun and Sandu Shengshou...” the young cultivator says, before the rest of his apologies and hurried departure 
you smile at the quick way that the boy bows and leaves for the stairs, turning back to look between your two cultivation partners with a knowing smile,
“no need to scare all the guests away all the time, i was trying to get a new disciple for you, A-Cheng,” you say, tilting your head as Jiang Cheng huffs a sigh out beside you
“he wasn’t trying to be my disciple that’s for sure,” Jiang Cheng mutters and before you can continue to question (despite knowing) and teasing, Lan Xichen steps in, the ever great mediator
“no one can be scared when they aren’t already fearful,” Lan Xichen says cryptically, and you can’t help but shake your head at his words
beside him Jiang Cheng smirks, happy that he’s on the same page with the older man
“you two, what am i going to do with you both?” you ask rhetorically, giggling at the way that the two men before you
you don’t really get much of a verbal answer, but Jiang Cheng wraps a quick arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side
for all of your flirtatious talking and gestures, you were an embarrassed shy mess whenever your men took action
it’s clear now, how you turn to jelly in their arms, when Xichen leans down to your face while you’re leaned against Jiang Cheng’s chest
you hold your breath, blinking quickly at the proximity before closing your eyes
you feel the lightest breath of a laugh against your cheek, before you feel gentle lips pressed against the top of your nose
it makes you blink your eyes open again to meet eyes with Lan Xichen’s small smile
“anything you want to do with us, we’ll do,” Lan Xichen flirts back to you, not for the first time (but first time in public!) 
when Lan Xichen glances between you and Jiang Cheng, he can only smile at the red tint that’s high on your cheekbones
and the mischievous look in your eyes
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alice-in-wonderart · 4 years
Can I request a pregnancy hcs for Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Wei WuXian, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen? Thank you!!!
Hello, hello, dear. These turned out a tad shorter, since it's 5 characters, (and pregnancy is Xtreme to write) but regardless - I hope you enjoy ❤️ One fluffy request coming right up~
Lan Wangji
"I'm pregnant" "Mn"
It's not like he isn't happy, he just needs some time to realise what you've just told him. And boy oh boy, does he realise it.
*cue smol content smile*
Lan Wangji has already taken care of a child, he raised Lan Yuan. But a baby? That would be a novelty to him for sure. But a novelty he's more than ready for. Even if he doesn't think so.
Despite that, he'd take great measures to make sure he'll be the best father possible.
His excitement would be hidden, but fully noticeable to you. His eyes would sparkle more, he'd generally appear more relaxed, he'd spend more time with you. (as much as possible, that is) The only other person who'd see the excitement in his icy stare would be Lan Xichen, who'd be the second to learn of the pregnancy, right after LWJ.
Now, he isn't the #DreamHusband™️ without a reason. He'd be fully prepared with anything you might need during those 9 months. He'd talk to his brother, albeit reluctantly, for any advice on how to deal with any side effects of the pregnancy, so he could make sure you are heathy and happy.
He'd silently watch over you, always making sure you are not in harm's way. His cold glares would double towards anybody who'd dare approach you about anything, outside of Lan Xichen, Wei Wuxian and Lan Sizhui.
He wouldn't necessarily stop you from going anywhere, although he'd want to but rather - he'd just tag along. You want to go down town? He'd escort you. Want to cook something? He'll help. Oh look, a puppy! Protective husband mode - on.
Sometimes, before the two of you go to sleep, he'd lay a strong hand over your stomach, gently rubbing your skin, basking in the joy, that you are carrying his child - the product of your love. And should the baby kick? A surprised, almost mute yelp would escape his thin lips, before he'd move to leave a gentle kiss on your stomach.
He never thought, never even imagined, that one day he'd have a family of his own, with a wonderful wife right next to him, and a child to call him papa. He didn't even so much as thought he could have one of those "happy endings". It seemed such distant a future, almost as if it was make-belief. Yet during those rare moments in the dead of night, he'd think, that perhaps a happy ending is possible. Perhaps he'd get to experience that normal, domestic lifestyle loving families have. And then sleep would come a little easier, knowing you'll stay by his side until the very end.
Lan Xichen
What wonderful news! He'd be the most calm and collected out of everybody. He'd hug you, pouring all of his love into the hug, promising to be by your side until the very end, that he'll try his best to be a good father, to take care of you and your child and to love you unconditionally. (which he already does)
The two of you decided not to tell everybody just yet. It would be while before it became noticeable, so you decided to keep it to yourself to avoid unnecessary attention and possible bad omens or whatever. The only person who'd know would be Lan Wangji.
At first glance, nothing much would change. He'd still have responsibilities to get to, he'd still be your loving, kind, compassionate husband.
But every time he is left alone, his mind would immediately travel to you. In fact, such occurrences would begin happening while he's presumably busy too. Zoning out and day dreaming while working were pretty uncommon for Lan Xichen, yet the constant thought of you and your well-being would cloud his vision.
That, in turn, would be a dead giveaway that something was happening in his more personal life. The first to address this would be none other than Wei Wuxian, who'd turn to LWJ. Slowly but surely, more people would begin noticing the slight, yet unusual changes in Lan Xichen. He'd leave a little earlier, reply a little later and he could be spotted with you every second away from work.
When you decided to finally announce the pregnancy, a collective "I knew it" would be all but the response you'd expect.
Behind closed doors, he'd be so sweet and affectionate with you. And don't get me started on how much he'd play music to the baby you. He'd want your child to grow up with music, which included singing and playing different instruments around you before it was even born. And you wouldn't really mind - after all, Lan Xichen's music rivalled the gods' voices, or so it was said.
In fact, with time you'd realise, that your child would indeed react to his music. If the baby was exceptionally wild, kicking and moving around, Lan Xichen's calm melodies would put it at rest. (had this happen to a friend, it was crazy) Even his voice would act as a natural lullaby to the baby.
And you already knew, that the child would grow up to fall in love with music, just like his father.
Wei Wuxian
"Wait what? Really???"
*Happy pterodactyl noises*
The happiness. The joy. The love. The pride. Wei Wuxian would be beyond ecstatic! He'd be on cloud nine the moment your announcement hit his ears. He'd have the most OVER-THE-TOP MELODRAMATIC reaction to your pregnancy imaginable.
Imagine a tsunami. Now replace the water with joy. This is how EXTREME his happiNESS IS.
But then, he'd sit down and talk to you about it properly, about how this baby would change your life together, what you'd need to do, how you'd do it. Together you'd figure out your future, as much as possible that is.
He'd make sure both you and the baby would be well taken care of, well-fed, living a nice, domestic life. He knew poverty, famine and sickness. They were his old friends. He knew what is was like growing up without much on your plate. He knew of every struggle imaginable, which came with being less fortunate, so he'd be ready to do absolutely everything to provide for you.
Once he settled down, believing he's planned ahead well, the realization would finally kick in - Wei Ying, The Yiling Patriarch, Founder of Demonic Cultivation and the pinnacle of darkness and despair, was about to be a father. And with that came in the insecurities. He'd constantly worry whether he'd be a good father, whether he'd set a good example, whether his reputation would ruin his child's life. He knew how judgemental society is, how quick it is to draw conclusions and ostracise those, who stood out. In those moments you'd have to remind him of how far he's come and how much farther you'll go together - as a family.
And a family he's wanted all of his life.
He's had some practice when it comes to kids. After all, for a brief moment he'd taken care of little A-Yuan. But then again, he was already old enough to speak, talk and think completely on his own. Wei Wuxian had never had the chance to actually take care of a baby, a newborn. That thought both terrified and thrilled him.
He'd be quick to announce of the pregnancy to all of his closest friends, but try to avoid spreading the news. Even though he was no longer considered the villain™️, you can never know who's scheming from within the shadows. With that in mind, the Twin Jades, Jiang Cheng, Nie Huaisang, Wen Ning and the Juniors would be the ones he'd excitedly inform. Soon he was going to have his own progeny! Would it be a strong, fearless handsome boy like its father, or an intelligent, masterfully cunning and dangerously beautiful girl like its mother? Stay tuned to find out!
And boy, would he celebrate the pregnancy! You'd almost make him quit drinking just to sympathise with you. Almost.
Xiao Xingchen
"We're going to have a family? Together?"
Words wouldn't be enough to describe what he'd feel. Fleeting worry in between bouts of utter elation and delight, mixed with a hint of surprise and a whole lot of internally sappy thoughts occupied his better judgement. He'd pull you in for a gentle hug, before moving to rest a hand on your head, stroking your hair, whispering lovingly how delightful a family with you would be and how he couldn't wait to meet his child.
He'd want to teach his child everything he knows, everything he was taught and everything he believes in. You'd have to remind him, that there's still much time to go before he'd have a chance to do that. A toddler can only do so much, you see.
Of course, the question about his endless travels would come up eventually. Truthfully, Xiao Xingchen would be more than willing to set his travelling aside for the time being, at least until your child is old enough to travel with you. In fact, a domestic family lifestyle suddenly wouldn't seem so out-of-reach for him and that would bring him utter delight.
The thought of a having his own loving family with a wonderful wife and adorable children had rarely crossed his mind, seeming as nothing more than a distant thought. But as you stood beside him, with a small baby bump and a child on the way, he'd realise that indeed the gods had smiled his way in the best possible way.
He'd often rest his hands on your stomach, wanting to feel the baby kick. Of course, he'd also use that excuse to be ever-closer to you. Physical affection would double, as Xiao Xingxhen found himself attached to you whenever any of you had time.
You two would often joke around about the baby too, since laughter was something sacred to both of you. And Xiao Xingchen would absolutely never fail to make you laugh, whenever worry would overcome you.
" Maybe our child will be as tall as a giraffe" "A-Chen, my love, it's 3 in the morning. Go to SLEEP."
He'd never taken care of a child before, hell you were his first love, but you'd seen him around kids when passing through different villages. His caring nature and innocent heart made him a wonderful father.
He'd never expected to one day have a family, but the very thought that you were there and you were carrying his child, would make his heart swell with pride and love. After all, he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Song Lan
Tall, dark and handsome over here would be utterly starstuck. He never thought he'd get to a point in his life, where he'd actually become a father. He never thought he'd have children, who would become his legacy. And as all that raced through his head, worry swept over him. Did YOU want that?
"Are you happy...we're having a baby?" The first words he'd utter.
"Of course! Are you not?"
The moment he sees your worried expression, his eyes would soften and he'd pull you in, leaving a kiss on the top of your head. "I am surprised, worried, yet thoroughly overjoyed." he'd mumble into your hair and the world around you would melt away.
Song Lan is a man of a few words, but many actions. He'd become twice as protective, keeping a steady hand on your shoulder as you walked thorough town, going out of his way to make sure you're comfortable and content, safe and sound, and of course happy.
He'd try his best to spoil you, getting you absolutely everything you might want or need. He'd even cook for you! He'd put you as his number one priority. After all, you were all he had left.
Would he silently panic whenever your stomach hurt, or you were feeling sick, or just in general felt any discomfort? Yes. Has he read a ton about pregnancy to make sure he was prepared for anything? Yes. Did he imagine every worst-case scenario in existence? Yes. Did any of that happen whatsoever? No. But Song Lan - big scary, dark and broody Song Lan, would absolutely cower at the thought that something so much as MIGHT go wrong. Of course, he wouldn't show it.
Well into the later stages of the pregnancy, he'd try to spend as much time with you as possible, to make sure he was there when the baby was going to be born. You'd already have a few names planned out, no matter the gender. The two of you would be READY. Hands down the most prepared.
He'd often lie with you, imagining what it would be like, being a father. He'd wonder whether you'd have a girl or a boy, whether it would resemble you or him more, whether it would be quiet and stone-faced, or kind-hearted and cheerful. And your answer to all of his what ifs would remain the same. "We're about to find out."
And those exact words would make his heart swell, both with love and anticipation. Of course, he wouldn't show it. But you knew better.
Thank you for reading~
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sizhuyu · 3 years
Guys, THANK YOU FOR 61 FOLLOWERS!!! What should I do? A. Draw Xicheng
B. Draw Wangxian
C. Do a Wangxian fic
D. Do a Xicheng fic
E. Do a ( insert ship from MDZS you want ) fic
F. Top 3 most favored character from MDZS x reader
G. Wangxian, Xicheng, and Sizhuyu ( Lan Sizhui x Xiaoyue <- my OC ) fic
H. ALL OF THE ABOVE ( Ah yes, hands shall bleed. )
I. ( your choice )
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tt205 · 4 years
Wen Ning × reader
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Requested: Yes
Can you please do an x reader with Wen Ning best boy 🥺 maybe reader has had a crush on this fluff muffin since meeting at Cloud Recesses and how they react after he and Wei Wuxian come back, they're just kind of overwhelmed so they start to splur all their feelings 🙂
Requested by : rozesdance
WARNINGS: None - just my not so good English and a kiss in the end that's all . Pretty fluff pretty cute - could read to grandma - if she is into the drama only :) lol . Not so much based onto the actual drama plot but still accurate.
It was all so sudden .. you were a member of the Lan Clan Sect of Gusu and he was a member of Wen Clan Sect .
You knew having feelings for a person with such a family background wasn't ideal but you didn't care , what you did care about thought was the fact that there was nothing more than friendship between the two of you .
You attended classes with him and even thought he had a weaker spiritual power than yours he still did well on them .
You used to eat lunch with him , Wei Wuxian , Nie Huaisang , Jiang Cheng and Yanli and even sometimes you had the chance to eat with Jin Ling .
You all spend a lot of time together when your schedules aloud you to and had come pretty much closer than you could imagine .
There was times when Ning would drop by your room and play games with you or even try out some new music on guqin .
Your favorite moment of you together was when you went stargazing on the roof .
Wuxian had gave you some "emperor's smile " before hand and it was all you needed for that night , the soft breeze kissing your bodies and rushing its way through the leaves of the beautiful trees.
You did all you could possibly do to avoid thinking about how could things go if you to were together but nothing seemed to work, the moonlight covering his features in the most beautiful way . You shivered a little as a stronger breeze passed by making him eye to your direction before pulling you closer to his giant body . " are you cold ?" He asked and you tried to say otherwise just to end up covered like a burrito with him by your side in the next second .
" I would prefer watching the stars rather than staying in bed " you whispered playfully poking his side .
" I can open a hole on the roof if you want me to " he grinned widely making you giggle
" tststts .. really funny " you said sarcastically moving around and looking into his eyes leaving just the appropriate distance between your bodies to not make the situation uncomfortable later on .
The night went by rather peacefully full of laughs and smiles wishing it could last longer but everything good has to come to an end .
It's been 4 years since the last time you saw him after he left with Wei Wuxian for the Burial Mounds .
The bad news didn't take long to come to your ears the person you loved now is dead or a living dead to be correct, a puppet .
Has he been changed ? You thought.
Will he be able to recognize me ?
You paced back and forth into the small space of your room feeling the thin walls suffocating you .
You opened the door heading out to the yard , the rabbits jumping here and there lazily.
You decided to visit Lan Xicheng today a friend you haven't see for days , him been now Sect leader making it even more difficult to find time for hunging out .
On your way there you met Lan Wangji a smile decorating his face as he walked calmly.
" Lan Zhan ! " you called following behind him
" Are you going to Xicheng? " he asked making you nod
"I'm going there too " he spoke
" Wei Ying is coming here today to visit us with the Ghost General - I mean with Wen Ning " he continued speaking and your heart rushed a beat at the last name .
"Wen Ning is here too?" You asked waiting for an answer in order to feel reasured .
"Yes! In 30 minutes I believe they will have arrive " he ended his sentence with a small smile .
Both of you continued your wei to the main building before entering and taking a seat there waiting for the guests to arrive .
"They are here " a sect member announced moving away allowing both men to enter.
You lifted your head straight up to Ning's face .
Nothing is changed yet his face looks pale more than it used to be .
His features are a little sharper but he is mainly the same .
You bow your head as you make eye contact with him , giving him a shy smile .
His once red robe is now replaced by a black fabric & leather .
His calm face makes you less concerned about his situation .
Both of them take a seat in the room and after a refreshing meal you are free to go .
You are pulled aside on your way out.
Looking around you are taken by surprise coming face to face with the dark clothed man.
"May I have a moment with you ?" He asks taking your hand in his own .
"Mm- yes " you say stuttering a little.
He takes you out next to the 4.000 rules wall and you can do nothing but look I his eyes .
" I really don't know how to begin with but I believe this will do .." he says pausing for a short second
" I know you for so many years but I never had the chance to talk to you about it y/n .. I think - no basically I really like you-no I love you y/n " he breathes out and your mouth gapes open to his boldness
"my point is that I would really like to take you out on a date .. if you dont like dating we can get married if your family says so - I can do everything you want for us to be together just give me a chance " the words leave his mouth and you can no longer keep your mouth open .
You blink your eyes twice before trying to regain your composure .
"I like you too Wen Ning - no I love you , I always did" you say , brain to burned up to find the proper words to answer .
"So that means that you do want to be with me ? Be my wife even though of my situation?" He asks both to have you reassure him and maybe give you a moment of consideration but you know the answer before he finishes his sentence.
" Yes " you answer confidently.
" I want all that and much more " you look into his eyes before being pulled into a tight hug and a heated kiss that both of you will remember as the first step of your oh-so-dream-like long love story ~~
Hope you enjoyed reading this- thanks rozesdance for requesting-
Stay happy + healthy ♡
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tangledinmdzs · 3 years
Poly Wangxian or Xicheng x reader! Something super soft and fluffy, like them figuring out they're in love with the reader, how they go about asking the reader out and maybe they're first date/kiss! I love your writing❤
heehe, alrighty.  ☆.。.:*  it’s fluff time (⌐▨_▨) .。.:*☆
here’s to your request
“but...i liked y/n...first”
Xichen’s glad that he’s known Jiang Cheng for a while
because to anyone else
that would have probably just sounded petulant 
Jiang Cheng makes a face at his friend’s (close friend, better than friends? the lines are blurring now) small chuckles
though his pout slowly turns to a smile at the way that Xichen laughs
it’s a cute thing where he hides his whole face in his hands
and a squeaky sort of sound 
and it’s so so so cute
which is why, Jiang Cheng doesn’t understand how his heart can soar at the sight of his best friend so easily
but also stutter and skip when it lands on your face
he’d spent many sleepless nights feeling wrong, feeling stupid, selfish and egotistical
but after today’s talk, he’d come to realize that it wasn’t too far off an emotion to feel
and that he wasn’t the only one
when Lan Xichen calms down again, he meets eyes with his long time friend, breathing out a long breath
“well, now we both like y/n,” Xichen notes 
it feels like a bomb dropped 
even though this isn’t the first time that they have discussed this
“so what do we do now?”
that has always been the question
were you supposed to fight, have a competition
but were you supposed to do if you cherished, liked, loved, both parties?
is this wrong, always an echoing question at the back of each of their minds
but when Jiang Cheng looks to the side, and imagines Lan Xichen’s profile glowing as he looks down at you 
and when Lan Xichen meets Jiang Cheng’s eyes, and can see the worry lines disappear whenever you lean behind him to hug him close
it feels like the piece between them has to be you
it’s always been you
“we’ll tell y/n,”
“just say how we feel?”
and no matter the answer they each received
Lan Xichen
and Jiang Cheng
feel like they won’t regret it
they won’t regret anything when it comes to you
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