#jiang cheng x reader x lan xichen
heirloomgem · 2 months
MDZS/Mo Dao Zu Shi
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Twin Jade of Lan
Lan Zhan/Lan Wangji
Lan Huan/Lan Xichen
Twin Prides of Yunmeng
Wei Ying/Wei Wuxian
Jiang Wanyin/Jiang Cheng
Lan Clan
Lan Qiren
Lan Sizhui
Jiang Fengmian
Nie Mingjue
Status: The request box is open only for the monthly one-shot series if the characters are chosen.
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drama--universe · 6 months
Meeting an elf
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Requested by anonymous: Hello! Requests are open so I'll take advantage! How would Xichen, Cheng, Guangyao, Xingchen and Yang react to a reader who is an elf? What would they think of her different face shape, different eye color, different ear shape, different fighting style and different language she speaks? (she might speak their language, but in her homeland she would speak her Elvish language) THX!!!
Pairing: Untamed boys x reader
A/N Looked up the Lan rules for this, did not know that the existence of Wei Wuxian added about 500 to 1000 extra rules to the original 3000. Definitely not surprised though, if anything I'm impressed.
Lan Xichen:
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Rule number (enter random number)
'Do not bully the weak, or make fun of others'
which Xichen takes very seriously
so meeting you does shock him, but he does not judge
(in all fairness, elves don't look that different from visuals seen in the show)
there is one thing that fascinates him most, which is the glow surrounding you
it confuses him, because he does not understand why it is happening at all
he is fairly quick in getting to know you
is a bit surprised that you are so happy to speak to him
gladly learns your culture and even tries to learn your language
the culture is fine, the language is actually impossible for him
even with how much he loves to learn, he is fairly quick to give up
well, quick is a loose term
give or take 3 months
for Lan's, this is quick to giving up
but loves to listen to you talk to him in your language
loves hearing you sing in your language as well or when you play music
that he does learn
harps are not that different from guzhengs in a way
so he matches his style to yours, and it honestly doesn't sound to bad
besides, it's a way to spend time with you
so overall, he's great
Jiang Cheng:
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now honestly, don't hate me for this
but I think he might be a bit off putting
he's not mean, just very judgmental
and he doesn't really hide that
he thinks you look weird at first
the pointy ears look weird and your eyes make him uncomfortable
not really, he just says that
because it actually fascinates him so much
he saw you once, sparring against Wuxian
his mother had disapproved, so he followed
yet he could not tear his eyes from your form
your style, unlike the rougher one he was taught, was elegant
to the point that you seemed weightless
you caught him staring multiple times, yet are confused as to why he remains so on guard and mean
one comment is the last drop and you lash out
it is necessary, really is
and it does also change everything
he actually talks to you
because you force him to sit down and talk to you
which finally reveals his true nature and train of thoughts
overall, he is interested
very focused when you reminiscence about your home
but he just needed a little push in the right direction
Jin Guangyao:
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you know the drift on this one
cause I don't sugar coat him
now, what your use is to him depends on when you meet him
before everything, he kind of just needs you as some kind of support (like Xichen is)
if it's after everything, it's more like the use of Xue Yang
which soon enough will also happen even when you meet him before everything
will first try to gain your trust, of course
acts innocent and sweet, compliments you and uses the fact that you're both outcasts
and it kind of works..?
eventually, when you're friends, he starts being more himself
small comments to others and how he wished that they fell from grace
and soon enough, he'll comment about wishing for their deaths
now you saw how they treated him, so you didn't really see wrong in those statements
once he notices that you're comfortable with such things, he starts suggesting
knowing full well that your fighting skills would make you unnoticeable and fast
you're appalled at first
which makes him orchestrate a scenario
someone tries to "attack" him and maybe even "kill" him
and you defend him, which end up in the other's demise
you kind of become an overprotective friend, in a way
Guangyao is sure to tell you who is a threat to him and who isn't
is not shy of lying to you
but all that aside, he is also interested in you as a person
or your kind, if anything
because having you on his side, has them on his side
will turn into an isolation friendship at that point
maybe not the best person to befriend
Xiao Xingchen:
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Let's say you meet before he goes blind
I don't think he cares in the slightest
he travels a lot with Song Lan and thus sees quite a lot of things
it is definitely not the most surprising thing to see for him
what is surprising is that you're not an evil being
unlike most different "species"
he's still wary of you of course
because you act different like people normally do, whether it being because of culture or just your personality
but he is still fascinated nonetheless
because he likes to know everything
in a good way
so he will ask you stuff
and be prepared, cause it will be a list to go through
his biggest fascination is your eyes
yes, ironic, I know
because it's not a feature that he often sees
if ever
you're ears, as pointy as they are, don't seem weird
he's seen other people with pointy ears before, just not like yours
if you have blond or red hair, he would also be completely enthralled with it
is kind of glad when you ask to join him and Song Lan
consults Song Lan, but it ultimately it ends up being yes
Xiao Yang:
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you meet before he gets involved with Guangyao
give or take, he's 16 years old (He's probably around 17 or 18 when the series takes place, just speculation though)
he's roaming the streets, looking for good victims to pickpocket
he sees you
you looked innocent enough, an easy target
so he creeps closer, hand reaching to your bag
he feels the material of a money pouch and slowly wraps his hand around it
then he's staring up at the sky
and his arm is awkwardly twisted in a position that was paralyzing the rest of his body completely
"You breath too loudly"
the tone is mocking him and he does not appreciate it in the slightest
but the slightest movement made pain shoot up through his body, so he just laid their
the sun created a halo around your head and your eyes were practically glowing thanks to their bright color
he's left in awe for a few seconds before he starts to trash in your grasp
you're kind enough to let him go, watching with glee as he jumped up
he was glaring at you before he walked off
when he sees you the next time, the day after, he wants to retry
so he takes a deep breath before holding it and approaching you once more
his hand grazes the money pouch once more before he is pushed backwards, falling to the ground with a loud thud
you just smirk at him
he tries a third and even a fourth time, but fails every time
yet you always show him that stupid smirk that never fails to send a shiver up his spine
he doesn't understand how you hear him coming, he's never had trouble before
it's the fifth time that he tries that he succeeds
so he runs off, he never runs
only to discover the pouch to be completely empty
he will run back immediately
does not say anything except for 'teach me'
he wants to get better at pickpocketing and your fighting style intrigue him
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edensrose · 1 year
. ˚◞♡ 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔 ◞ ₊˚﹕
now that I have finally got the blog revamp out, I think it's time I get back into writing. I've decided to open up my requests, please make sure to adhere to the slots per fandom! ( I have a lot of tolkien requests in my inbox so their slots will be significantly less )
˚◞❀˳ tolkien ( 5 / 5 )
˚◞❀˳ spiderverse ( 2 / 10 )
˚◞❀˳ kamisama kiss ( 4 / 6 )
˚◞❀˳ k project ( 7 / 7 )
˚◞❀˳ mo dao zu shi ( 5 / 5 )
don't forget to check out my guidelines before requesting as well as the characters I write for on the fandom specific masterlists
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realitydisociation · 2 years
I’ve been living with an empty space in my heart after finishing The Untamed and Word of Honor, coming here to read some good fics and finding none for WoH and only a few for MDZS (which I already have read all)
Like there are a lot of beautiful and fic-able(? characters in both shows ????
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eyesforahead · 1 year
Please, feel free to check my previous scenario's the bsd one has 2 hour's left for the option to vote :>
Rule's to help you:
Read everything before choosing
Know what you're getting into by choosing your choice
Follow for more :]
Read to the bottom first
You have died and have been Isekai 'd into mdzs! You have the option to take choose a role.
These are your options. Think carefully.
Think wisely on the character's fate. Remember it is known if you share the last name of someoned deemed as evil automatically everyone will assume you are as well!
So my dear, what's your choice? Tell me in the comments I'm curious.
I apologize if this doesn't make sense. I'll answer any question you may have. Recommendations on next scenario are welcome!
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Hello there! Can I request a mdzs headcanon for Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng as parents? Thank you in advance!
A/N: sorry if I responded late!!!! I was busy yesterday doing…things…
ON TO THE SHOW— I mean Hc-!!
Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, & Jiang Cheng:
Fandom: MDZS
Y/N Gender: uhhhh….ANY but maybe leaning towards female..
TW: fluff…lots of fluff and wholesome shit going on
Lan Xichen:
Short answer?
Wholesome, loving, doting, soft af papa over here
The moment you told him you’re gonna adopt/pregnant with a child
“Y/N’er…you’re with a child…?”
He cried…flat out cried when he found out
You worried as you try to comfort
He merely shrugged it off with a laugh
Expect this man to seriously dote on you if your pregnant
He will cuddle you, sing songs, and etc.
But that can be another hc for now
If you both adopted, expect him to be tender af
I can see him with a twin set of boy and girl
Or reference to as the Dragon and Phoenix
Lan Qiren is silently approving and already setting schedule up
Lan Xichen would not hesitate to teach them EVERYTHING
He would even allowed them to suck on Liebing
Flute dads doot do doot-!
Lan Xichen would always reassure them whenever they have a nightmare
Even keeping his door open to comfort
You both would be sleeping until two totters be rumbling in crying
Lan Xichen would smile and let you sleep
He would literally pick them up and comfort them as he continue to do work
Expect Lan Xichen to always be clingy
He already clingy as a husband but phew!
He would be attached and have literal commission on spiritual device of children safety from Wei Wuxian™︎
He would literally fight any man off with a smile for his daugther
His son, he would be careful on the women but lenient
The daughter will have your beauty or handsomeness
She is very calm and collected
Also, the older one by a minute
The son is more broad shouldered and tough
He is silent towards stranger but opens up to be cheerful and loving like his father
Okay maybe not the silent one—he got it from his ShuShu (Wangji)
Lan Xichen is the type of dad to literally have the whole clan to cheer them on whenever they’re in competitions
If his daugther loves to learn cultivation, he will endorse it
If his son wants to be a herbalist or physician, endorsing it
If both his children wants to be travelers, ENDORSE
Seriously, he will give everything to these bundle of joy
Don’t worry, they will be humble and take after their father demeaner
“A-Die, I grown some broccoli (it’s Chinese broccoli btw and it’s good!)”
“I see baobei.”
Yeah, if his sweet darlings give him a mud pie, he would try it literally no question ask
Definitely doting, definitely sweet, definitely papa material
Oh yeah—!
Secretly will give them sweets and pets
But honestly, Lan xichen will raised them to be better than he was
Nie Mingjue:
If he is able to live long enough, but for this. He will
Nie Mingjue will be shocked and stop
Definitely will need Nie Huasiang to snap him to reality
Definitely will doubt himself and wonder how long he can live to see them grow
Nie Mingjue is a gentle giant, but he is strict
Definitely raised them like he did Nie Huasiang
But only softer and more lenient
“Da’Ge! Why are you so mean to me!!”
“Cause you haven’t been a good ShuShu, how many times must I tell you to pick up your ink and brushes?!”
“A’Jue, be nice to Sang’er.”
“Even Jiejie/Gege agrees!”
“Did I say that I agree? You need to be careful when there’s kids around.”
“…” - Nie Mingjue, Nie Huasiang
Yeah, Huasiang was the “first child” lmao
Nie Mingjue is horribly careful when holding them as infants
Will be tired but still doting
Definitely strict and hopes they don’t have to go through sabers
You and him will have a little boy or girl
But my bets are in the boys until many years later if possible to have a little boy again
The older son will gentle and take after you
The younger son is temperamental but has a baby face you canNOT say no to
The older son will most likely have interest in the arts, but he sticks to saber and military prowess liek his father
Definitely pouts like Nie Mingjue
He will regard Jin Guangyao warily
The younger son will be doted on by EVERYONE
Even Jin Ling and Sizhui will dote on him
I mean— he is young
Nie Mingjue will make sure they’re successful and have intellect
Definitely will send them to Gusu for schooling
Oh yeah, the younger son is a huge romantic like you (lmao—)
Nie Mingjue will definitely sing lullaby’s to them no matter what
Also, he will FIGHT anyone who messes with his child (children-)
Basically a strict yet gentle giant of a pop
He will nurture them while clumsily so
He will learn..eventually with you on tow
Jiang Cheng:
Jiang Cheng will be startled out of his wits
So tell him during lunch
He will be happy internally but crying outside
“I’m not crying….”
“Jiujiu, why are you crying?”
“Shut up brat!”
“…” - Jin Ling
Prepare the PIER!
Jiang Cheng will want to keep it down on the low, cause of that person
Yeah…that didn’t work…
“I can’t believe my previous DiDi got a bun in the oven~!!”
“WEI. WU. XIAN!!!”
You both will have a quadruplets
Like seriously…
One older boy, and three girls
The brother is a fucking carbon copy of Jiang Cheng to the bone
I’m not even joking-
He will frown and always be pouty
You will chuckle at amusement of seeing them copying each other
There will be dogs, yes.
Jiang Cheng will literally give the whole world to them
Thing is, Jiang is insecure on how he will raise them
In one hand, he don’t wanna be a neglectful ghosting father
On another, he don’t wanna be a angry toxic mom cause of past affairs
Definitely will question everything, but you comfort him throughout it
He will be strict but falls every single time when they cry
Luckily, due to having Jin Ling he be a great dad
Though, same scenario as Huasiang, doting at fuck
Jin Ling will actually babysit them in Lanling so you both can just be with each other
Oh yeah, the girls are all variations
The second oldest is similar to Yanli but has your traits within
The third oldest is completely wild and will not let hesitate to annoy her older brother at times
The youngest is shy and a huge dog person
There is now 8 dogs: Magpie, Magnolia, Diamond the 2nd, princess, flower, Dragon, Tea, and Lotus
Expect Jiang Cheng tirelessly work and take care of four
You will help him out and demand him to sleep
The quadruplet will be innocent (except that the fourth one calls them out all the time)
Basically expect them to be a variation of Jiang Cheng and you
One of them have the same type of men like you do
It’s the fourth one—
Jiang Cheng is hella protective of the girls
The oldest son is also protective
If anyone man ask one of the daughters out, hold Jiang Cheng back before he breaks their leg
Will pout and sulk if they married to another
Jin Ling will be the best cousin, he will also be harsh on the suitors
Sizhui will sigh and teach the 2nd oldest how to do music cultivation
Basically, a protective yet soft dad who wants the best
A/N: I hope they’re to your liking Anon~!! Honestly, I had fun with this one. ^^
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lotuuus · 2 years
Lan Qiren
Lan Xichen
Lan Wangji
Lan Sizhui
Lan Jingyi
Jiang Yanli
Wei Wuxian
Jiang Cheng
Nie Mingjue
Nie Huaisang
Jin Zixuan
Jin Guanyao
Mo Xuanyu
Jin LIng
Wen Ruohan
Wen Chao
Wen Qing
Wen Ning
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qiu-yan · 8 days
16, 17, 22, 23 for the ask game?
choose violence ask game
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
answered here!
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
there's a decent amount of this sort of content already, but i'm always happy to see more content revolving around jiang cheng, jin guangyao, and qin su's coparenting adventures.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
honestly, i feel like all the parts of canon i enjoy have no shortage of other fans, due simply to how big and diverse this fandom is. that said...
canonically, the yiling patriarch was op as fuck. wei wuxian was not some uwu unfairly maligned defenseless innocent, he was one of the most powerful, genius, and dangerous people of his generation. wei wuxian is not weak! wei wuxian is a once-in-a-lifetime genius who invented entirely new modes of violence and cruelty, and being afraid of him is in fact an entirely understandable response!
one of the things i really appreciate about MDZS is that, from their own flawed and half-informed point of view, the public turning against wei wuxian was not entirely unreasonable. it's very easy to write a story in which The Evil Society turns against the Poor Maligned Protagonist for no good reason, thereby making it look like your fictional universe is inhabited purely by morons, but MXTX did not write that story. MXTX actually put thought into her story, so the internal logic guiding the public's actions, while flawed and morally corrupt, is still something the reader can logically follow. even if we disagree with their conclusions, we can still logically understand how the mob got from point A to point B.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
xicheng. for precisely one reason: it would make lan wangji really mad.
i already really enjoy the massive haters-forced-to-become-BILs relationship between lan wangji and jiang cheng. and now you're telling me there's a way we can add even more BIL drama to the mix? we can give lan wangji a reason to beef with jiang cheng that's entirely unrelated to wei wuxian? we can have someone provide snarky asshole commentary on how lan wangji ding dong ditched lan xichen at the end of canon? sign me up. i am already on board.
there are a lot of reasons to ship xicheng, and there are a lot of reasons not to ship xicheng. the xicheng that exists in my mind is just as much of a problem-causing ship as it is a problem-solving ship (a post for another day). but listen. i don't care about any of that. none of that matters to me. the one and only thing that does matter to me is making lan wangji seethe.
i've also come around to lan qiren x jiang cheng for similar (identical) reasons.
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bionicpaladinarts · 3 months
Lotus and Mulberries
🪷 Fandom: Mo Dao Zu Shi / Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
⛵ Ship: Sangcheng, Jin Ling x Readers Choice
🪶 Complete! But may write extras.
💡 Plot: Taking place about 4 years post canon, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang come to terms with the events that took place in the novels. In the meantime someone is trying to kill NHS, and short side plot of JC bonding with Jin Ling.
Meant to follow close to the novels/manhua
📋 Shenanigans Involved:
JC being good uncle to JL.
JL has a crush. Lan Jingyi knows.
NHS Is chief cultivator.
Lan Xichen is in seclusion but not forgotten.
So many mentions of Guanyin Temple.
Developing romance between NHS and JC.
NHS in disguise in the Jiang Clan.
NHS develops fan cultivation!
JC finally gets a hug.
⚠️ Warnings: Angst, PTSD, blood, fight scenes, minor character death, drowning, torture.
🪭 Rated: M for being somewhat graphic.
🌈 Queer Info: JC is written as demisexual and some internalized homophobia. NHS is pan and been crushing on JC for a hot minute. Jin Ling's orientation is readers choice.
👀 Now with an attached smutfic. 🙈
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hami-gua · 9 months
If it Means to Remain by Your Side
From the list I posted yesterday, I'm gonna start with the Dan Heng x Reader MDZS inpsired fic first.
Characters and plot won’t be as accurate to the inspired plot. Especially for this story which involves a lot of adults and teens an not much children.  So many characters are left out simply due to the fact that a lot of npcs either didn’t fit the role, or were far too young for my standards.
I also ended up having to lean more onto the live action version than the novel/manhua version. Not all characters casted are exactly accurate too, as there are more traumatized than non-traumatized.
Dan Heng  - Lan zhan/Lan Wangji
Reader - Wei Ying/Wei Wuxian
Jing Yuan - Lan Xichen
Blade/Yingxing - Song Lan
March - Lan Jingyi
Yukong - Jian Yanli
Tingyun - Jin Guangyao
Jingliu - Xue Yang
Baiheng - Xiao Xingchen
Yanqing - Jin Ling
Ruan Mei _ Baoshan Sanren
Luocha - Jin Zixuan (Ik Yukong and him aren’t a ship, but it'll have to do as Honkai doesn’t really have a F and M implied relations. I mean the only ones that do are in a love triangle.)
Xueyi - Wen Ning
Hanya - Wen Qing
Qingque - Nie Huaisang
Diting - Fairy
Fu Xuan - Jiang Cheng
Guinaifen - Lan Sizhui/Lan Yuan (Again, not a ship as Yanqing is too fight frenzy of a kid to actually have a crush. I just think these two would pair well as friends)
Sushang - A-Qing
Luofu -- Gusu Lan
Dan Heng
Jing Yuan
Guinaifen (later half)
Yaoqing -- Qinghe Nie
Zhuming -- Qishan Wen
Guinaifen (first half
Yuque -- Lanling Jin
Yanqing & Fairy
Fanghu -- Yunmeng Jiang
Ruan Mei
Xuling -- Burial Mounds
Reader (Mid-way)
Hanya (Mid-way)
Xueyi (Mid-way)
Guinafen (Mid-way)
I literally looked up all the different alliance of Xianzhou just to see which would be Wen sect. So here’s the reasoning.
Luofu: They don’t really have a specialty. Their main goal is to take out abundance cult.
Yaoqing: Much like Luofu, don’t really have a specialty. Aggressive and good at martial arts.
Zhuming: Their main export specialty is porcelain. According to Fandom wiki, the people here love playing with fire.
Yuque: They export jade abaci, thus making me think they’ll be wealthy due to it and technologically advanced/smart.
Fanghu: Exports a lot of marine things. Though it would make since to have Dan Heng come from here, but it would not make sense for other characters like March and Jing Yuan to have been born here. And it’s the closest in description to Yunmeng.
Xuling: Not much is really stated about this place on Fandom Wiki, but it looks like a place of law. But piggybacking off of the fact that not much is written about this area, Imma just gonna liken this area to Burial Mounds.
Idk why I stressed so much trying to make it 100% accurate 💀
My main source for these infos are from MDZS and Star Rail fandom wiki, so if inaccuracies occur, I apologize in advance for it.
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sizhuyu · 2 years
Hewo! Are request open? Can I ask for a fluff one with a female reader x Lan Zhan: who is very kind and optimistic most of the time. Very hard working and Wen Chao comes one day and says something very hurtful to her and she ends up crying for the first time in front of Lan Zhan. Maybe causing him to enter protective mode? (I just love how caring Lan Zhan is 🥺)
Thank you so much!
Man, I haven't done any for these for awhile... Well, I'll be posting very much less and probably more about other things. ( I regret everything i've drawn or written on this blog ) anyways, here is your request dear anon :
How Dare You
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"Lan Zhan!" You wave your hand at him and he nods his head, his face remains the same but his golden eyes seem to express more than what his face shows. You flash him a bright smile and Wen Chao sees this. He rolls his eyes and turn to a servant girl from the Nie clan and wanders off to "greet" her.
You walk excitedly to Lan Zhan and give a bow. "Nice weather today isn't it? Lan Qiren and your brother instructed me to tell you to come to the library and help us with the new scrolls." His gentle eyes look left and right then he nods his head and gives a small smile, barely noticeable, but you can tell. You both walk to the Library Pavilion while having a nice chat. You notice Wen Chao from a distance with one of your friends from the Nie clan. "..Lan Zhan, uhmm.. I'll be back go to the Library without me tell Xichen-ge and your Shufu i'll be a bit late." We all know Wen Chao is very infamous, probably black listed from dating like Jiang Cheng. He reaches out his hand but you run towards your friend, you know you are breaking a rule but you hear her screams the more you run towards them. Lan Zhan goes to the Library and decides to help out first and he'll go to you later.
"Wen Chao!" You shout, another rule broken but you could care less when you saw your friend crying and her clothes ripped.
"Hah? Who are- OH! You're that girl, Y/N right? Haha who knew you'd be such a beauty..."
"Let go of her."
"Only if you'll come with me in her stead hehe.."
"I said.."
You grab his wrist and drop the outer layer of your clothes and give it to your friend.
"Let. Go."
He winces in pain and releases your friend's wrist from his grasp, you tell your friend to run and call Lan Wangji and where he is. She fixes your cloak on her and runs off to the Library.
"You think you're stronger than me because you train with that young Lan?! I thought you were so positive and cant hurt a fly. Guess the runors were wrong about you."
"I dislike people like you. I wouldn't treat you the same as others knowing your personality."
"Hah! What makes me so special? Do you like me?"
"In your dreams."
You throw him to the ground and step on him, eyes full of anger. He coughs out blood while you stomp on him more.
"Disgusting bastard."
Few moments later he passed out, you began to walk to the dorms and clean yourself but when you got out..
"Be careful, she isn't who we think she is.."
"I heard she bullies other people for her own amusement.."
"Disgusting whore."
More profanities blabbered out and the more personal they were the more they hurt. You just wanted to cry out that isn't what they think, that isn't the full story, that it's unfair for everyone to come up with stories and false rumors.. But alas, what can you do? You don't even have a quarter of the people on your side.
"Unjust words."
People turn towards the voice and it was Lan Wangji, your friend.
"Can you prove those true?"
Everyone stays silent for awhile and he turns to you, silently crying. His eyes widen and he glares at everyone.
"L-let's go!.."
They all ran away while you burst out in tears, why were people always assuming? Why were people who knew you would never do such believe those rumors? Why doesn't anybody believe you? Is it because you are a girl or your social standing? Why can't they sit and think, you aren't like that. Why? Why..
Lan Wangji puts a hand on your back and you look up at him.
"Ah, I'm fine. I'm fine no worries! Uhm.. How is the library?"
He frowns and sighs.
"It is all taken care of."
"Great! I have to check on my friend-"
"She's fine."
"Ah that's great then! I feel quite bad I didn't to help you..."
"It's alright, you aren't fine."
He wipes a tear from your face.
"Don't believe them."
"Haha I won't."
"Mn, good."
He extends his hand to you.
"Let's go."
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INSANITY (Hellaverse x isekai male reader)
Winners (Part 3):
•Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew)
•Nick Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Chris Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Matt Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Italy (Hetalia)
•Harrier "Harry" Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
•Ian Hecox (Smosh/Youtuber)
•Anthony Padilla (Smosh/Youtuber)
•Jung kook (Bts)
•V (Bts)
•Jimin (Bts)
•Suga (Bts)
•RM (Bts)
•Jin (Bts)
•J-Hope (Bts)
•Paige Bueckers (Paige Bueckers)
•Megan Thee Stallion (vmas)
•Chappell Roan (vmas)
•All the Venezuela's people who died and suffered because of Maduro's tyranny (Venezuela)
•The monk (rain world)
•The survivor (rain world)
•The hunter (rain world)
•The watcher (rain world)
•The Gourmand (rain world)
•The Artificer (rain world)
•The Rivulet (rain world)
•The spearmaster (rain world)
•The saint (rain world)
•??? (rain world)
•Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
•Marcelyn (Adventure Time)
•Jeremy Heere (Be more chill)
•Alice Dyer (Magnus protocol)
•Phoenix Wright (Ace attorney)
•Mia Fey (Ace attorney)
•Miles Edgeworth (Ace attorney)
•Eddie Brock (Venom/Venom the last dance)
•Chell (Portal)
•Jake Seresin (Glen Powell)
•Lewis Hamilton (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Charles Leclerc (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Franco Colapinto (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Carlos Sainz Jr (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Yuki Tsunoda (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Daniel Ricciardo (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Mclaren (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Charles-Haden Savage (Only murders in the building)
•Oliver Putnam (Only murders in the building)
•Mabel Mora (Only murders in the building)
•Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)
•Wei Wuxian (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Wangji (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Wei Changze (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Cangse Sanren (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Fengmian (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Cheng (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Yanli (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jin Ling (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Sizhui (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Xichen (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Qiren (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Twilight Sparkle (my little pony)
•Applejack (my little pony)
•Pinkie Pie (my little pony)
•Fluttershy (my little pony)
•Rarity (my little pony)
•Rainbow Dash (my little pony)
•Hua Cheng (tgcf/Heaven official's Blessing/ghosts)
•The Knight (Hollow Knight)
•Flandre Scarlet (touhou)
•Remilia Scarlet (touhou)
•Sakuya Izayoi (touhou)
•Ruby Rose (rwby)
•Yang Xia Long (rwby)
•Weiss Schnee (rwby)
•Blake Belldonna (rwby)
•Jaune Arc (rwby)
•Pyrrha Nikos (rwby)
•Nora Valkyrie (rwby)
•Lie Ren (rwby)
•Yami Yugi (Yugioh)
•Sonic (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog)
•Tails (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog)
•Knuckles (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog)
•Link (Legend of Zelda/Botw)
•Zelda (Legend of Zelda/Botw)
•Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn/Stranger things)
•Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp)
•Harry Potter (Harry potter)
•Hermione Granger (Harry potter)
•Ron Weasley (Harry potter)
•Rock Lock (Black tumblr/Black lives matter/bnha)
•Shuri (Black tumblr/Black girl magic/Black lives matter)
•All Might (bnha/My hero academia)
•Deku (bnha/My hero academia)
•Tahliah Debrett (Fka Twigs)
•Shen Qingqiu (svsss)
•Luo Binghe (svsss)
•Osamu Dazai (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Atsushi Nakajima (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Chuya Nakahara (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Princess peach (Super Mario)
•Pricess Rosalina (Super Mario)
•Princess Daisy (Super Mario)
•Siffrin (In stars and time)
•Odile (In stars and time)
•Homer (The odyssey/Poets on tumblr/Writeblr)
•Arsenal's crew (arsenal/arsenal fc/arsenal wfc/woso)
•ThunderClan (Warrior cats)
•WindClan (Warrior cats)
•ShadowClan (Warrior cats)
•RiverClan (Warrior cats)
•SkyClan (Warrior cats)
•Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Mikey Way (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Ray Toro (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Bob Bryar (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Matt Pelissier (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Jarrod Alexander (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Pete Parada (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•James Dewees (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Jamie Muhoberac (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Rhea Ripley (wwe/aew)
•Gordon Freeman (Hlvrai)
•Azi (Scavengers reign)
•Spock (Star Trek/Ds9)
•Michael Huang (tpot)
•Cary Huang (tpot)
•Satomi Hinatsu (tpot)
•Bae Seok-Ryu (Love next door)
•Kris (Deltarune)
•Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
•Joy (Pixar)
•Anger (Pixar)
•Sadness (Pixar)
•Fear (Pixar)
•Disgust (Pixar)
•Envy (Pixar)
•Anxiety (Pixar)
•Embarassment (Pixar)
•Ennui (Pixar)
•Miriam (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Roland (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Qwydion (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Lacklon (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Neb (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Ralph (Wreck it Ralph)
•Felix (Wreck it Ralph)
•All the Ukraine's people who died and sufffered beacause of the war (Ukraine)
•Sayori (ddlc)
•Yuri (ddlc)
•Natsuki (ddlc)
•Lottie (Yellowjackets)
•Abraham Van Helsing (Dracula daily)
•Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins)
•April Ludgate (Aubrey Plaza)
•Commander Shepard (Mass effect)
•Maia (Roblox)
•Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)
•Adrian (Miraculous Ladybug)
•Sakura (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
•Alex Hirsch (Gravity falls/The book of Bill)
•Niall Horan (One direction)
•J.Martin (Motogp)
•Earth Wind and Fire's crew (Earth Wind and Fire/21st of September)
•Tamsyn Muir (Gideon the Ninth)
•Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal)
•Darius Bowman (Jurassic World Chaos Theory/Netflix)
•Brooklynn (Jurassic World Chaos Theory/Netflix)
•Kenji Kon (Jurassic world chaos Theory/Netflix)
•Yasmina Fadoula (Jurassic world Chaos theory/Netflix)
•Ben Pincus (Jurassic world Chaos theory/Netflix)
•Sammy Gutierrez (Jurassic world Chaos theory/Netflix)
•Charlie Spring (Joe Locke/Heartstopper)
•Carolina Hurricanes (Hockey/Nhl)
•Steven (Steven Universe)
•Greg (Steven Universe)
•Connie (Steven Universe)
•Joker (Persona 5)
•Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary girl utena)
•Fry (Futurama)
•Leela (Futurama)
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edensrose · 1 year
╰₊ 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆◞ ₊˚:
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. ˚◞♡ 𝒎𝒅𝒛𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 ◞ ₊˚﹕only writing for characters listed below. donghua & novel knowledge. best written characters are lan xichen and jin guangyao.
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. ˚◞♡ 𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔 ◞ ₊˚﹕
˚◞❀˳ lan xichen◞ 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏 ꒱ ₊˚⊹
˚◞❀˳ jin guangyao◞ 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒔 ꒱ ₊˚⊹
˚◞❀˳ jiang cheng◞ 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 ꒱ ₊˚⊹
˚◞❀˳ wen ruohan◞ 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒂𝒚 ꒱ ₊˚⊹
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95 notes · View notes
konigbabe · 1 year
⇢ List of characters (and shows) I'm willing to write for. That doesn't mean I will write something for every single character but I might write for some (eventually).
⇢ Take this list as more of who I'm willing to write for rather than who I write for.
⇢ Default pairing is "character x fem!reader" unless stated/requested otherwise.
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Resident Evil
Leon S. Kennedy ┊Jack Krauser ┊Carlos Oliveira
Call of Duty
John Price ┊ Keegan P. Russ┊König┊Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish
Jujutsu Kaisen (both anime and manga)
Satoru Gojo┊Mahito┊Toji Fushiguro┊Choso Kamo┊Kento Nanami ┊Sukuna Ryomen ┊Hajime Kashimo
Bungō Stray Dogs (both anime and manga)
Osamu Dazai┊Fyodor Dostoevsky┊Edgar A. Poe┊Nikolai Gogol┊Sigma ┊Jouno Saigiku ┊Tecchou Suehiro
Seraph Of The End (both anime and manga)
Shinya Hiragi┊Guren Ichinose┊Ferid Bathory┊Crowley Eusford┊Lacus Welt
Moriarty The Patriot (both anime and manga)
Sebastian Moran┊Sherlock Holmes┊Albert Moriarty┊Mycroft Holmes
The Case Study Of Vanitas (anime only)
Vanitas ┊ Noé Archiviste
Demon Slayer (anime only)
Giyu Tamioka┊Tengen Uzui┊Douma┊Muzan Kibutsuji┊Sanemi Shinazugawa┊Obanai Iguro
Heaven Official's Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Feng Xin┊Mu Qing ┊Pei Ming ┊ Shi Qingxuan
The Founder of Diabolism (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Lan Xichen ┊Xiao Xingchen┊Jiang Cheng
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fiercewiings · 1 year
♡ Introduction and Rules ♡
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Hi there! My name is Topaz, I’m 22 years old, and I go by she/they pronouns! I’m an illustration student who also enjoys writing, hence why this writing blog was born haha (▰˘◡˘▰)
I enjoy writing just about anything, but especially hurt/comfort, fluff, and angst ! I also love to write headcanons, ships, platonic stuffs, and even some nsfw on occasion ;) all of my work is going to be gender neutral unless stated otherwise !
♡ Requests are officially open! ♡
To start off, here are some of the main fandoms I am in and who I will write for in said fandoms, everyone listed can be written for NSFW requests unless otherwise stated:
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed/TGMoDC) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Lan Zhan
Wei Wuxian
Lan Xichen
Jiang Cheng
Jiang Yanli
Jin Guangyao
Nie Huaisang
Wen Ning
Wen Qing
Jin Ling
Lan Sizhui
Lan Jingyi
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official’s Blessing) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Hua Cheng
Xie Lian
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Faraway Wanderers (TYK/Word of Honor) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Zhou Zishu
Wen Kexing
Ye Baiyi
Gu Xiang
Cao Weining
Zhang Chengling
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Chainsaw Man *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Devil Hunters:
Aki Hayakawa
Kobeni Higashiyama
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Spy x Family *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Loid Forger (Twilight)
Yor Forger (Thorn Princess)
Franky Franklin
Sylvia Sherwood
Fiona Frost (Nightfall)
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* My Hero Academia *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
Katsuki Bakugou
Ochako Uraraka
Shouto Todoroki
Tenya Iida
Eijirou Kirishima
Hanta Sero
Mashirao Ojirou
Denki Kaminari
Mina Ashido
Momo Yaoyorozu
Fumikage Tokoyami
Tsuyu Asui
Kyouka Jiro
Hitoshi Shinsou
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
Himiko Toga (NO NSFW)
Tomura Shigaraki
Mr. Compress
Pro Heroes:
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods)
Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke)
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Nana Shimura
Sir Nighteye
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jujutsu Kaisen *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Yuuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Maki Zenin
Toge Inumaki
Kasumi Miwa
Professional Sorcerers:
Gojou Satoru
Nanami Kento
Ieri Shoko
Special Grades/Vengeful Spirits:
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Demon Slayer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Nezuko Kamado
Kanao Tsuyuri
Hashira (NSFW OK):
Giyuu Tomioka (Water)
Kyojuro Rengoku (Fire)
Mitsuri Kanroji (Love)
Obanai Iguro (Serpent)
Shinobu Kocho (Insect)
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
General Characters (ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW):
Josuke Higashikata
Okuyasu Nijimura
Koichi Hirose
Reimi Sugimoto
Mikitaka Hazekura
Yukako Yamagishi
Giorno Giovanna (Haruno Shiobana)
Narancia Ghirga
Pannacotta Fugo
Trish Una
General Characters (NSFW OK):
Jonathan Joestar
Erina Pendleton
Joseph Joestar
Caesar A. Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
Suzi Q
Jotaro Kujo (after Part 3 ONLY)
Muhammad Avdol
Noriaki Kakyoin (after Part 3 ONLY/AUs)
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Holy Kujo
Rohan Kishibe
Tomoko Higashikata
Shinobu Kawajiri
Bruno Bucciarati
Leone Abbachio
Guido Mista
Jolyne Cujoh
Ermes Costello
Foo Fighters
Narciso Anasui
DIO (all parts)
Hol Horse
Yoshikage Kira
Risotto Nero
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
General Characters (ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW):
Nene Yashiro
Minamoto Kou
Mitsuba Sousuke
Akane Aoi
Nanamine Sakura
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* The Arcana: Visual Novel *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Main Six:
Asra Alnazar
Julian (Ilya) Devorak
Nadia Satrinava
Portia (Pasha) Devorak
Count Lucio
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* THE RULES ! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
What I will write:
Song fics
Plus size readers/characters
Body insecurities
Mental health (anxiety/panic disorders mostly but I will put warnings!!)
LGBTQ+ readers/characters (including poly and ace!! I am queer myself ^-^)
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TW// What I will NOT write:
Any kind of p*dophilia (aka romantic relationships between adults/minors/teachers/students)
Illegal drug use (weed/marijuana is ok)
R*pe or inc*st
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Don’t be shy to pop in my inbox and request something or just to talk ! :> Anyways, I hope you will enjoy your stay and remember, you’re loved!!
♡ Requests are officially open! ♡
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Masterlist - fanfiction pt. 2
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Masterlist pt. 1 | All fanfics | Masterpost
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“I have a friend...” | Lams - Lee!Alexander
Howl’s moving castle
“In the field” | Howl x Sophie - Lee!Howl
“Skilled fingers” | InuKago - Lee!InuYasha (n$fw)
Kamisama Hajimemashita
6. “I wasn’t laughing!” & 21. “Of course you’d believe that.” | Nanami x Tomoe - Lee!Tomoe, Lee!Nanami
Love Stage!!
"Lucky man" | Ryouma x Izumi - Lee!Izumi
Mahoutsukai no Yome
“This tickling” | Elias x Chise - Lee!Elias, Lee!Chise
"Tired little mage apprentice" | Chise & Ruth - Lee! Ruth (commissioned by @/wertzunge)
Mo Dao Zu Shi
“Make me laugh, make me sleepy” | WangXian - Lee!Wei WuXian
“Meditation goes wrong” | WangXian ft. Lan XiChen - Lee!Lan WangJi
“Summer night melodies” | WangXian - Lee!Lan WangJi
“Skin threats?” | WangXian - Lee!Lan WangJi
“Teasing brothers” | WangXian ft. Lan XiChen & Jiang Cheng - Lee!Wei WuXian, Lee!Lan WangJi
“Tickle fights are tickle fights” | WangXian ft. Lan SiZhui - Lee!Lan SiZhui
“One cup, two cups, three cups” | WangXian - Lee!Wei WuXian
“A little warmer” | Nie Brothers - Lee!Nie Brothers (mostly Nie HuaiSang)
Mystic Messenger
“For all of your past birthdays” | Jihyun Kim x Reader - Lee!Jihyun
“I love you, too” | Jumin x Reader - Lee!Jumin
“One is enough” | Zumin - Lee!Zen (n$fw-ish)
“The oldest trick” | Jumin x Reader - Lee!Jumin (n$sfw)
“Your house is haunted” | Zumin - Lee!Zen
Obey Me! Shall we date?
"Spiciest chocolate cake" | Lucifer & Reader - Lee!Reader
"Royal Pajama Party" | Diavolo x Reader - Lee!Diavolo, Lee!Reader
“Cute little brother” | Lucifer & Satan - Lee!Satan 
"Liar liar, pants on fire" | Belphie x Reader - Lee!Belphie
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
“We work here!” | Nostalgia (Takano x Ritsu) - Lee!Ritsu
“You only live once” | Trifecta - Lee!Kirishima
21. “Dont laugh. Do. Not. Laugh. This is not funny” | Destiel - Lee!Castiel (College!Au) 
Tian Guan Ci Fu
“Big melons and juicy apples” | HuaLian - Lee!Xie Lian
“Say yes, say no” | HuaLian - Lee!Xie Lian, Lee!Hua Cheng (commissioned by @/h-u-a-l-i-a-n)
The song of Achilles
“Immortal Memories” | Patrochilles - Lee!Achilles, Lee!Patroclus
-. “Let the tickle war commence” | Shklance - Lee!Everyone
Yuuri!!! On Ice
8. “I think I’m stuck!” | Victuuri - Lee!Yuuri
21. “It looks very nice” | OtaYuri - Lee!Yurio
23. “Did you eat all the cookies?” | Victuuri - Lee!Victor
40. “Not now. I’m busy” | Victuuri - Lee!Yuuri
“Christmas is for lovers” | Victuuri - Lee!Victor
“Eros and Agape” | Victuuri - Lee!Yuuri
“Katsudon & Co.” | OtaYuri - Lee!Yurio
“Let me give you the world” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
“Lunch date” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
“Manners” | Victuuri ft. Yurio - Lee!Yurio
“Maybe” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
Otabek sees Yurio’s smile for the first time - Lee!Yurio
Otabek tickling Yuri’s bum - Lee!Yurio
Revenge leads to revenge | Victuuri ft. Yurio - Lee!Yurio
“Spoken kisses” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
“Too much, too good” | Victuuri - Lee!Victor (n$fw)
“The kitten’s awake” | OtaYuri - Lee!Yurio, Lee!Otabek
“Twister” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
“Watch your mouth” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
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