#me & vi : okay we NEED to fix this IMMEDIATELY
ragnarot · 1 year
thorbu makes me so fucking sad . two complete powerhouses , totally perfect rivals & instant friends with respect for the other , only for Thor to overcome Lü’s strength and totally annihilate him . Lü finally found the person he was searching for his entire mortal existence , arguably a soulmate . only to meet Thor in death & then to have himself killed by his hand minutes later . Lü felt real happiness for a fleeting moment when he knew Thor . & Thor , who disdains mortals , felt his own sense change when he knew Lü , and was disappointed in his death .
like . bro I’m still devastated . ; -;
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
you're a father? | jack hughes
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journalist au! masterlist
summary: jack calls his brother quinn after finding out his ex girlfriend had his baby, and his current girlfriend hid the news from him.
word count: 0.6k
"quinn?" jack was already hyperventilating when the call connected. he had just found out that he was a father. something that his girlfriend of the past few months had hid from him.
alone in his vancouver apartment, quinn was awoken by the call of his brother. he was immediately worried, because what could possibly be so bad that his brother was calling so late at night.
quinn bolted up in bed, "what's wrong?"
"i- ohmygod," jacks words came out rushed. he felt like he was going to be sick.
"jack? breathe!" quinns voice was soothing on the other end of the line. jack tried to focus on his brothers calming words and the comforting sound of his voice. "can you tell me what happened?"
jack shook his head, forgetting for a moment that quinn couldn't see him. "i need... i-"
"are you hurt?" quinns voice was now panicked. never in his life had he heard jack sound so worried and upset.
"no, no i'm not" jack stuttered, his breathing slowly starting to calm down as he put the call on speaker and rested his head against his arms. "just, god i don't even..."
"okay, you're okay..." quinn rubbed at his eyes.
jack sat still for a minute, trying to stomach the mess that was his life.
"y/ns pregnant- was pregnant. we have a daughter" jack swallows hard. "she had tried reaching out to me and..." he couldn't bare say viviennes name. "and um, vi- she uhm, she saw the message before i did and-" jack starts crying again, violent sobs consuming him as he thought about his baby, and how y/n must've thought he had abandoned her.
quinn sat absolutely rocked by the news. "how do you uh, know that-"
"i saw the messages" jack manages to gasp out. "and i saw pictures and q, that baby is mine" jack crys out, digging the palm of his hands hard against his closed eyes.
"she was so mean to y/n. like threatening her and the baby... ohmygod" jack had to lay his head on his arms again. he was glad that he was sitting down, otherwise he was sure his legs would have gave out.
"do you need me to come get you?" quinn asked immediately. he wasn't exactly sure what he was getting jack from, but he would do anything he could to try and alleviate his brothers pain.
"i need to see my baby..." jack replies tiredly, all the crying and hard hitting emotions wearing him out. "and y/n, i need to see her again. i just dont.. i don't know what to do" jack trailed off, and a silence followed.
the boys sat on the phone together, neither saying anything. what was there to say anyway? no amount of talking things over would fix what had already happened.
jack moved his arms and let his head fall onto the marble countertop that was his island. he rolled his head over the smooth surface, hoping it's coolness would alleviate some of the pressure building in his forehead.
"what do you need me to do?" quinn finally asked.
"don't tell anyone. i'm going to figure it out" jack replied tiredly, his voice muffled by the countertops surface.
"okay... but you'll call me. like, every few hours"
"i'll call you when i have an update" jack responded.
"are you sure you don't want me to come up there?" quinn asked, mind absolutely reeling from all the news.
jack ponders his brothers suggestion. "i'll call you"
"i love you."
"i love you too," jack whispered back.
with the assurance that jack was somewhat fine, the boys both hung up the phone.
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
i am on my KNEES begging for sevika's pov on what was going through her head when she first smelled R and her fear and her mate-scent and kalsdjkla i want it so bad please
A/N: Since u asked so nicely I suppose I can give u a little drabble. Update: I'm a clown. This is an entire side chapter now.
Sevika Knows
Word Count: 2k. MINORS DNI
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"Do you read me?"
"Lil' dude?"
"Dammit. Vi is that rookie–"
"I'm in position! Sorry, Sevika I was just getting there!" The rushed, heaving voice in her ear made Sevika's eye twitch. However, her shoulders simultaneously deflated in relief.
"Ekko, answer me even when you're not ready yet. I need to know you're alive, got it?" A fumbled response made Sevika roll her eyes, and she cut the kid off with a snarl.
"Fuck up again and you're dead, you hear? The same goes for all of you." Sevika muttered into her earpiece, nodding for Vi to follow her lead.
"Harsh much? The dude saved like 5 people on his own yesterday." Vi's light tone made Sevika frown.
"He was reckless yesterday. If Jayce hadn't been there to back him up..."
"You're joking, right? Right? C'mon Sev–the little man is just like you back in the day. Stop worrying and give him a break, will ya?" Sevika didn't bother to respond, and Vi snorted, speaking into her earpiece.
"You heard her, don't die on us okay? Die when Vander's leading a mission. Now we rush in 3...2...1...let's move!"
Sevika had to admit, this part of the job was a little fun.
The satisfaction in busting down the doors of the brothel with a smirk, gun in one hand and baton in the other, raising an eyebrow at the lowlife alphas scrambling like rats to get away with their privates still free from their pants...
It was amusing, to say the least.
"Woah there." One lady was a bit too stupid, running past Sevika only to have the alpha trip her up. She stunk of drugs, sex, and utter fear–an omega's fear–making Sevika grimace and pull out her cuffs.
"Be a good criminal and don't move, yeah?" Sevika grunted as she cuffed one of the screaming alpha's wrists, effortlessly dragging her back to the room she'd run out of. With a mocking hum, Sevika fastened the other cuff to the bed she'd clearly scrambled off of, glancing down that the omega still curled up there.
Fuck. He smelled enticingly sweet. Clearly high off shimmer and not in the right state of mind. He merely stared at his thrashing client for a moment, then sniffed the air and smelled Sevika. His eyes widened in fear, and Sevika didn't blame him. What was worse than dealing with one abusive alpha, than dealing with two?
He scurried away from Sevika, releasing a strangled string of pleas. Bruises, clear signs of restraints...are those burns? Those fucking bastards...
"Need a beta here immediately. There's a drugged omega, and he's hostile." Sevika spoke into her earpiece while she slowly backed away. She couldn't stay long–she'd spent ages torturing herself memorizing the scent of the owner of this brothel, and she wasn't going to let that gag-inducing scent get away.
The air was full of sandalwood, and the alpha turned around to ruffle Ekko's hair.
"Thanks." It was all she said before she moved on. She tried to ignore the scent of pride wafting off her body. That kid is way too eager to help...
"I smell that~" On her way through the brothel, Sevika finally caught up with Vi, who was also following the scent of the owner. The beta grunted, slamming an alpha's head into the wall. The bright, boyish grin she turned and fixed on Sevika ironically contrasted with the blood on her cheeks. Sevika kicked the alpha rushing her lieutenant from behind.
"Pay attention. I can't have another brawl with Caitlyn." Vi's smirk only widened.
"Why?" The redhead punched another alpha coming at them straight in the boobs. Talk about a low blow. "Scared she'll get serious and shoot your arm off this time?"
Sevika opened her mouth to bite back an insult, but instead her eyes widened. Shit. She gripped the back of Vi's collar and yanked the beta back behind her, helping Vi avoid the knife swinging toward her.
"Move. More like–ugh–if she gets mad at me," Sevika grunted as she punched the loser in the gut, grabbing his head when he doubled over to bash his nose in with her knee. "–I'll say some alpha caught you off guard and gave you a nice, looooong ass kiss. Got their hands alllllll down your pants before I pulled them off you."
Vi paled, turning to look at Sevika. "You wouldn't."
The alpha grinned right back, and together the two pushed through their opponents, eventually getting to the source of the owner's scent. The coward had locked himself up in his office. Pathetic. Shifting, Sevika got into position in front of the door to bust it open. "I would. Now help me out, the bastard's hiding in here."
With a grumble, Vi listened, and on the count of three, they rammed their shoulders into the door. It opened with a loud crack, dust filling the air as they entered.
"There you are..." Sevika huffed, cracking her neck as she stared at the pathetic alpha hiding behind his desk. This was the guy running this place? He looked like a fucking poser...
"Now we can do this the easy way, or the...the...." Huh? What was the line again?
Sevika faltered. Her heart skipped a beat. Her chest clenched with excitement and horror at the same time. This wasn't right. You couldn't be here. Yet as she breathed in the stuffy air, the alpha knew she wasn't mistaken.
Thick, toxic fear. The revolting, burning battery acid of lust. It was pungent. It was stale. There was nothing good about the air Sevika inhaled, nothing except...
...cherries. Delicious, mouth watering cherries underneath it all.
Vaguely, she heard Vi call out to her. But it was muffled. It was like Sevika was underwater, drowning in her need to find you. She didn't know how many pieces of shit she knocked out while she searched around. Some didn't have traces of you. Some did. She came across the latter more.
She didn't think she was the type to be too possessive. She hadn't even met you yet. Regardless, she left the ones that did smell like you choking on their own blood.
How many times did the fear permeating off you spike? Every time was torturous, and Sevika wanted more than anything to stop it.
You were in danger, you weren't okay, you were hurting–god, you were hurting. Scared and vulnerable and shit! Sevika felt like she'd die. She was seeing red. She was seeing blood–your sweet, cherry-scented blood, spilled out like lost love across the floor.
And there, holding you down was an alpha, forcing you to lick it clean.
Sevika kept herself calm in intense situations. No matter how much shimmer was in an omega or how sweet they smelled, Sevika never faltered. She identified the problem and dealt with it accordingly. Efficiently. In a timely manner. And most importantly?
Sevika felt the alpha's throat squeezing under her fingers before she was aware she was holding it. There was something growing inside of her. Something animalistic. There was nothing calm about the growl bubbling up in her chest, or the way she barred her fangs. Something twisted in her fervent desire to kill the alpha squirming in her grasp.
Worse, her sick urge to abandon the struggling worm altogether and focus on covering you in her scent instead.
You were her's, weren't you? So why was the sick smell of others clinging to your skin, making her want to rip those clothes off you and mark every last part of your body? Why was your scent, that precious fragrance, clinging to this thing on the floor?
She wanted to beat it out of the alpha.
She nearly did.
"You're gonna kill them at this point!" What the fuck was Vi doing here? Sevika stared down at the beta tugging her off in confusion. Anger sparked up inside her chest, and against her better judgment Sevika stepped dangerously close to the beta. She towered over Vi, emitting pheromones daring her to go against her.
"So?" Vi's defiance made Sevika's hands twitch. Sevika felt ready to throw the beta into the wall. How dare Vi stop her? That alpha had been all over you, hurting you, and she wanted to let them live?
"So the first thing you want her to see is you killing someone? She's terrified, Sev." It took a moment for Sevika to process Vi's words. Another to sniff the air–and realize that your fear was just as thick as her anger.
Oh. Suddenly, the fire burning in Sevika left her. You were small. Trembling. Huddled like if you tried hard enough, you could mold yourself into the wall and disappear from her sight.
Maybe that's what you wanted. She wouldn't blame you if you did.
Sevika took a hesitant step toward you. Logically, she knew she needed to calm you down. Say who I am, what our purpose is. We're here to rescue. This place is being shut down. I'm friendly. I'm nice. Not gonna hurt you. We can gladly provide medical care–
"Cool it." Fuck. You were shrinking into yourself even more. Was that even possible? It was cute. Sorta. Kinda like a little rabbit...
...that was terrified of a big bad, scary wolf.
"Right. Fuck." She was the wolf. Right. She was also the idiot trying to approach you anyway. Right.
Sevika took deep breaths to calm herself. She didn't even know she could get this angry. Yet here she was practically drenching the room in her fury. Even Vi had her fingers curled into fists, clearly affected. How much worse was it for you?
Calm. Calm. Gotta stay calm. Sevika managed to relax a bit, but she couldn't tell if it actually helped. You still looked scared outta your wits. Would it be better to leave? Maybe let Vi handle this? Anything to make sure you–
"I-I sorry. I'm sorry can–I'm. I'm useful."
What did she call herself?
Sevika froze, dreading what she'd just heard. Logically it made sense that you, an omega clearly collared, having been pinned to the floor when she'd come in would be–but to–
To talk about yourself like this?
"I'm g-good at it." Don't say that. Don't say that like that's all you're meant for. Please baby, don't say that...
"Please, p-please don't ki–"
At those words. Those heartbreaking, dreadful words, Sevika's knees hit the floor before she knew it.
Sweetheart...how many times have you been scared to die?
It's the only way Sevika thought would let you know she's safe. Perhaps she should go, and leaving it all to Vi would be best...but she can't. Not when you're shuddering all over, covered in blood and tears, looking like you're seconds away from breaking apart.
She's being selfish. Sevika knows it when she tells you to get up and you take it like an order. She knows it when you call her master–and it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. She's nauseous. Sick–feeling like every other rotten alpha when she tells you to call her by her name, and you do it like there's a consequence to your actions if you don't.
Sevika knows.
You're looking at her like she holds your life in her hands. Like she's authority. So when she does hold your frail body in her arms, she feels like a sinner, and when you take a deep breath into her chest, drink in her scent as if it's good–
The alpha doesn't know whether to smile, or to cry.
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prettymvgic · 6 months
my rules ; again, temporary until i figure out how to make them mobile friendly !
first of all, hi, i'm cici and thanks for taking the time to read these and wanting to write with me ! that means a lot to me. first things first, i do not tolerate any hate whatsoever. take your homophobia, your transphobia, your racist, your sexist ass off my blog. there's no room for you here !
now that we've taken care off that problem ...
i. i want to start out first with activity on both sides. i am the most RELAXED, most patient person - i do not care how quick or how slow you respond. i understand that as adults we are busy, we have real lives. i also understand that the muse isn't always there. so please never feel rushed and i hope you can treat with that same leniency.
ii.dropping threads is completely fine ! i don't mind it at all. if you just wanna message me and start something new, great ! if you don't feel like we are compatible enough to be writing partners - that's okay too. you are not pressured to write with me and please don't feel bad about it either. things happen, muse changes, and sometimes things just don't work out ; that is okay !
iii.i personally don't have any triggers ; when it comes to writing i stay pretty opened minded. with this being said, i do write some darker themes that others might not approve of, or might trigger others. i will tag everything properly when those types of writing arises. however, please do not shame me for what i write ; that will be an immediate block. i do not write smut, nothing against those who do, i personally just SUCK at it, i am god awful with detail and better with dialogue so smutting is not for me, i will be fading to black.
iv. banned fcs ; the only persons i don't have anyone that i won't write against ( except predators obviously ) but there are a few that i might be selective about : taylor swift, madelyn cline, olivia rodrigo, & cillian murphy. i may add to this list, but i hope not. i don't really try to ban any fcs because i feel like i'm here for the story not the faceclaim you're using.
v. sorry plotters ! i am more of a wing it type. send me whatever you're in the mood for and i'll reply. i feel like plotting really bores me. some pieces of the story, sure, but to plot the whole thing?? it just makes me feel like i'm writing it twice and i get bored very quickly so send me something random ! vi. i am a white female who does use faces of people of color. i educate myself every day to make sure that i don't write anything offensive or stereotypical. if something in my writing offends you, please, please come to me and let me fix it. the last thing i want to do is offend or hurt anyone !
that's pretty much it for me. i don't really have anything else but i'll add to these if i need to, please don't make me.
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auroraescritora · 11 months
Look who's back! Since I wasn't going to be able to post over the weekend, I decided to release the chapter today. I hope you like it!
''My baby is jealous, hm?’’
''I don't know what you're talking about. ''But the blush on Nico's face said what Percy needed to know.
''Why don't we talk somewhere quiet?'' But before leading Nico away from the crowd, Percy turned to Annabeth: "You weren't invited. Go away.”
''But, Percy! You promised!’’
''I didn't promise you anything.’’
''Your lying--’’
''I won't repeat it.’’
With that, he took Nico by the hand and led him into the house, leaving behind a curious crowd and a blonde foaming with rage. The worst thing was that instead of getting angry at the display of possessiveness, his chest felt warm again. He couldn't even judge Nico's behavior when he himself had done worse thinfs. In fact, Percy loved seeing Nico so affected and emotional, so different from the little boy who kept everything to himself and never showed his feelings. Percy felt relieved, like he didn't have to carry these feelings alone and that maybe, just maybe, Nico wanted him as much as Percy wanted Nico.
''Stop smiling.'' Nico murmured against his shoulder, still holding him by the waist. It was okay because Percy was holding him back, just as tight as Nico, guiding him back and up the stairs, into his room once again, both of them sitting on his bed.
''You want to talk?'' Percy tried. He loved knowing that Nico had acted that way because of him, the problem was that this wasn't Nico's usual behavior. And if there was something wrong, Percy wanted to fix it before it was too late.
Not that he really expected Nico to hide anything from him, but...
''It's nothing.'' Then, Nico lifted his head from his shoulder and stared at him with those big, black, watery eyes, and grabbed his shirt as if he was going to rip it out of the way. ''It's just... it's just that she keeps stalking me! Saying that you hook up with her and... and that you spent a lot of time together and that's why you were going to the dance with her!
''Nico. Baby.'' Maybe Percy was sounding a bit... authoritarian. Rude. Cold, even. Sometimes it was the only way to get Nico to listen to him, which worked perfectly.
Nico immediately stopped complaining and his face flushed an incredible shade of red. Percy loved these moments when he could see the old Nico resurface, all obedient and well-behaved, so shy that it made Percy want to lock the door and show how insignificant Annabeth truly was. Maybe he should, actions would always speak louder than words.
''What's the problem?'' Percy tried one more time.
''Is it true?”
''I hooked up with some boys. Luke is one of them. She only helped me with a few study sessions and in return I would go to the prom with her.’’
''That's it?'' Nico moved closer to him, kneeling on the bed and crawling to sit on his lap.
''I would never date her. After studying with her twice, I ended our sessions.’’
''I didn't need it anymore.'' Percy shrugged, but that didn't seem to convince Nico even in his inebriated state.
''She tried to kiss you, didn't she?’’
''How do you know that?’
''She may have implied something like that…’’
So that was the problem.
''Darling, you don't have to worry. I'm going to marry you. Isn't that enough to prove how much I love you?’’
Nico looked at him for a long moment and bit his lips, looking anxious: "Just because you gave me a ring doesn't mean that a wedding is going to happen.’’
Gods! And Percy thinking he was the insecure one in the relationship.
''Do you want to set a date? How about the month after our graduation? The summer before college?’’
''I…'' Nico opened his eyes wide, seeming to wake up, and sat down better on Percy's lap, putting some distance between them. ''We didn't even had an engagement party! How could I arrange… arrange…
Now Nico looked like he was going to throw up. Or maybe run away of anxiety.
''Shhh... it's an idea I want you to think about. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. A party and a document saying we're a couple is just a detail. Do you understand me, Nico?’’
''Per!'' Nico squealed and threw himself at Percy, catching him off guard. Nico knocked them backwards onto the bed and Percy laughed, surprised and pleased, hearing Nico sniffle: "Why do you do this to me? I want to get married somewhere beautiful and outdoors! With lots of music and food. Then I want to travel all summer with you and take you to meet my Nona!
''That's great. But why are you crying?'' Percy smiled at Nico and put his hand to his slightly flushed face, now beginning to swell  because of the tears. ''Don't cry, okay?’’
''Then don't say those things to me! My heart can't take it.'' To show how sincere Nico was, he took Percy's hand and brought it to his chest. 
In fact, Nico's heart was racing, beating wildly against his hands. Maybe Percy should give one more reason for Nico's heart to continue beating so hard because of him. Then, watching Nico's rushed breathing, Percy slid his hand from Nico's chest to his abdomen, slowly and sensuously, down a little further and found Nico's pants. A few gentle touches were all it took and with a slight pressure, a small bulge formed there, Percy deciding that if they hurried no one would notice their delay.
''What-what are you doing?’’
''Showing how special my boy is to me.’’
It was already too late for Nico. Percy took Nico off his lap, put him on the bed, knelt on the fluffy carpet and pulled Nico to the edge of the bed. In a few moments, Percy unzipped Nico's jeans and pulled out his cock, all erect and wet at the head, a few fine hairs decorating his crotch. Percy liked that about Nico, he liked everything about him, from the small member to the discreet hairs, he loved that with the gentlest of touches Nico always got aroused, sometimes trying to hide it, sometimes slyly letting himself go. Today, they seemed to be in the middle ground, Nico touching his shoulders, looking like he was going to stop him just to moan and throw his head back when Percy stroked the base, feeling the soft skin, wrapping his hand around Nico's entire cock, massaging slowly until a real mess was done.
''Do you want to cum in my hand or in my mouth?'' Percy asked, intending to let Nico decide, only to have the pleasure of seeing the same e shyness emanate from Nico's features. ''If you don't tell me, I won't let you cum.’’
''Come on, just a word.’’
''Do you want me to stop?’’
When Percy saw that this time he had lost, he gave up.
''This time, I'll decide. But next time, I'll torture you until you beg me.’’
Percy was a man of his word. Without warning, he grabbed Nico's legs, put them over his shoulders and grabbed Nico's hips, holding him in place. He'd like to say Nico had lasted, the problem was that they didn't have much time. A long lick, a kiss on the head and a few sucks were all it took for Nico to come, Nico's legs wrapped around his shoulder and long, slender fingers dug in, tugging at his hair. It was a wonderful sight for Percy. Under two minutes Nico had come and now the little boy was gasping at the ceiling, melted against the sheets. Percy could safely say, it had been a record even for him. But that was okay, they had the rest of the night and Sunday to enjoy themselfs.
After five minutes, Nico and Percy appeared at the party  hand in hand and both much calmer than before. Nico had a flushed face and a relaxed expression, while Percy had his hair slightly out of place and a big smile on his face. It was obvious what had happened to anyone with a lick of common sense, although it was something new for the small crowd at that dinner. Nico used to be an untouched angel, but it seemed that now he had become human like everyone else. 
Well, Percy didn't mind the gossip, which didn't mean he liked the way people looked at Nico. Would it be too bad if he took Nico and went somewhere else? Maybe…
''Percy, my boy!'' Percy heard a voice booming behind them and immediately knew who it was. The infamous Hades. Not for him, but it wasn't Percy who had to live with an absent father. Poseidon may have betrayed his mother, but the man was present at every stage of his life.
''Sir.'' Percy greeted.
''I see you've finally got your act together.’’
Hades approached and, with a big smile full of white teeth and eyes as black as Nico's, shook his hand energetically. When it was Nico's turn to be hugged, the boy took a step back, his previously happy features turning bitter faster than a rotten fruit falling to the ground.
''Hades.'' Nico said, and just to make sure, he took another step back, away from Hades and Percy. ''Who invited you?’’
''Sally. I came with Bianca. She must be here somewhere.’’
''Good.'' Without another word, Nico turned his back on them and walked into the crowd, disappearing from sight.
''I see things are going well?’’
''They are. Thanks.’’
''How is Nico?’’
''Very good. Better than before.’’
''That's good. Keep it up.’’
With that, Hades touched his shoulder, waved and as quickly as Nico, disappeared among the crowd. 
What could Percy say? The Di Angelo's were known for their brevity. They were always direct and said only what they needed to say. It might seem strange, Percy knew that. The fact was that he and Hades had a deal. Percy would tell him what was going on in Nico's life and Hades wouldn't meddle in their relationship. It worked well for everyone. There was a time when Percy thought that Hades would stop him and Nico from being friends, but then the next day Hades paid a visit to his house, spoke to his mother and apologized. They've had this agreement ever since. Nico knows this, of course, which doesn't make it any easier. Percy was always worried when father and son met, so it was his turn to get into the crowd, looking for Nico's black hair.
It didn't take long to find him. Nico was sitting at one of the empty tables; plates, bowls and cutlery were already arranged on the table for the dinner that would take place later. No one needed to be told what was going on. Percy came around the table and hugged Nico from behind, squeezing him tightly between his arms.
''I'm so sorry.'' He whispered so that only Nico could hear.
''Did he ask how I was?’’
And it really was. Instead of Hades talking to his son, the man preferred to ask him, or anyone other than Nico himself.
''I'm sorry.'' That was all he could say. Then he put his face against Nico's neck and kissed him there, listening to Nico laugh, contracting all over.
''It tickles.’’
''Tickles, sure.’’
''You dork.’’
Nico turned in his arms and finally hugged him back, sighing and leaning his face against Percy’s shoulder.
''I don't know why I still care.’’
''He's your father.’’
''He didn't even had the courage to visit us at Nona's house! And then he shows up like this, like everything’s fine.’’
''I know.’’
''Do you know how long it's been since I've seen him? A whole year! I had to call him to let him know I was coming back. What kind of father does that?’’
''Shhh. He's not worth your worry.’’
''It's so frustrating!’’
''Would you like to dance with me?’’
''What'' This made Nico stop in the middle of another rant and raise his head, his eyes watering without shedding any tears.
''Let's dance.’’
Percy took Nico's hand and pulled him gently across the lawn until they reached the center of the garden, where a makeshift dance floor had been set up. Percy stopped in the center of the dance floor made of a kind of plastic flooring and approached Nico, putting one of his hands on Nico's waist and the other on his shoulder, while Nico just stood there in the middle of the other people dancing, his frozen reaction drawing even more attention than usual.
''Percy! They're looking at us!'' Nico muttered between his teeth, trying to hide against Percy's chest.
''Let them look. They must be jealous. Look at you, so beautiful and intelligent. How could they not admire something so pretty?’’
''Okay.'' Percy smiled at Nico and pulled him closer until not a inch remained between them. ''Look at me, okay? Just look at me.’’
The expression on Nico's face softened and only then did Nico relaxed, placing his hands on Percy's shoulders.
''Thank you.'' Nico murmured, looking at him through his eyelashes. ''I don't know what I'd do without you.’’
Percy wanted to crack a joke to see if it would ease the weight on Nico's heart, but when it came to family, there was no way to fix things. So, he decided to do what Percy did best: he grabbed Nico's neck and kissed him in the middle of the dance floor. The world stopped spinning and a silence fell inside his head, because Nico wrapped his arms around his neck and opened his mouth, allowing their lips to touch, without shame or any kind of embarrassment. That was when Percy finally knew that there was nothing to fear or hide. Even with all their problems, he now knew that Nico was finally his.
The party had been a great success. The plates had already been cleared away and the half-eaten bowls of desserts were scattered around the tables, although glasses of drinks were still being offered. Champagne, wine, whisky and beer, only the people who liked to drink or who were still dancing were present, with most of the guests saying goodbye to their families on the way out. Well, the fact was that it was getting late and they could finally leave the party without seeming rude.
He waved to Luke, Thalia, Clarisse and Cris who passed them, deciding it was their turn to go too.
''It's time to go to bed.’’
Percy held Nico by the waist so that he wouldn't fall and Nico settled into his lap, resting his head against Percy's shoulder. It was now or never, or it looked like they would spend the rest of the evening sitting around and drinking uncontrollably, which would end up making for a bigger spectacle than Percy was prepared to handle.
He kissed Nico's cheek and stood up, holding Nico's legs, while Nico leaned on his shoulders.
''Hmmm... Per.’’
''Shhh. Hold on tight.’’
That's what Nico did. They walked across the lawn, Percy carrying Nico like a baby and Nico complaining about being woken up. The good thing was that there was no one left to embarrass them. His mother had already left with Tyson since Paul, his mother's new husband, was away on a business trip, Hades and Bianca had stayed at the party for as short as little time as possible, and all their friends were either too drunk to remember anything or had already left. Percy wanted to say that Nico was heavy and that it was hard to see where they were going, but that would be a lie. Nico was so light that he hardly felt the weight, what he felt was Nico glued to him, his legs around his waist, the bulge between them too obvious for him to ignore.
“Per," Nico said again, in that same soft, sweet tone. Only he hadn't expected Nico to be the one to start things off, kissing his neck and breathing against his ear, or rather, moaning and grabbing him tightly.
''We're almost there.’’
They really were, Percy just needed to walk a few more steps and open the door. Or that's what he would have done if Nico hadn't chosen that moment to lift his head and, with his eyes blurred and dilated, and his face flushed, to hold his face and brush his lips against his in a gentle and soft, almost innocent touch.
''Are you going to fuck me today? In your bed, where your family can hear?’’
Percy froze in mid-stride, his legs giving out as the blood in his body rushed to his cock.
''Gods, Nico! How much did you drink?’’
''I'm not drunk!‘’
The way Nico could barely keep his eyes open or his slow speech showed him the other way around. Fortunately, Percy was sober enough to continue the few steps to his room and lock the door, making sure no one interrupted them.
''You've been a very naughty boy today. You deserve a punishment. My little boy, remember what I said earlier today?’’
''Hmm... that you'd let me come? ''Nico tried, hopeful.
''No, I'd make you beg.’’
''Oh'' That's all Nico said before he was thrown onto the bed and his pants were ripped off.
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Summer, Sun - and Jetskis
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: Tony invites the whole Avengers to a few days of vacation on his yacht, including you and Loki. Summer, sun, water - and oh, did I mention the Jetskis?
Warnings: thirst - again, as well as suggestive smut and mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1,7k
a/n: I fully blame @lokisgoodgirl for this one shot! *points at her* It's all her doing! 🤣 I am not complaining at all, but... Girl, what are you doing with me? 🤣
Find my Masterlist here! :)
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Sunglasses rested on the bridge of my nose. A drink was in my right hand, as I laid on a towel on deck of Tony's yacht in nothing but my emerald green bikini. The sun shone down on me, got reflected by the new and shiny wedding band around my ring finger. The golden ring with the small emeralds sparkled brightly. A warm breeze brushed through my hair, as the smell of the ocean hit my airways. It was a perfect summer day, without a doubt.
Tony had invited us all on his quite big, luxurious yacht for a few days of 'holiday and wellness'. Of course, we didn't let us tell that twice and so packed the whole Avengers compound their bags and off we went on the weekend, destination California. Almost everybody came along... Wanda and Vis, Nat, Cap, Tony and Pepper, Thor and Jane and Sam. Bucky was unfortunately currently on a mission in Wakanda and therefore couldn't join us and Clint wanted to spend the summer with his kids – what was more than understandable. For Loki and me, was that trip almost like a second honeymoon. We had returned just two weeks prior from our honeymoon on Norway, after getting married the day before. Okay… Admittedly, I had to persuade Loki a bit to join me on this vacation to California. He wasn't a big beach fan at all. Especially not, when everybody else was there, too. But what can I say? After two days spending here, he was one of the people who had the most fun. Believe me or not.
The yacht was anchoring not far away from the beach, so we had the opportunity to go there as well, but actually we didn't need to. Tony's yacht had almost everything. A pool with countless deck chairs and a waterslide; a helipad, a small gym, a whirlpool and the crème de la crème - jetskis. Of course, it was equipped with all those things. We were talking about Tony Stark! He wasn't a playboy billionaire for nothing...
Currently, I was on deck, like I said before, sunbathing. I was not alone, though. Nat, Pepper, Jane and Wanda laid beside me, clad in their bikinis as well. Without a doubt, it was a vacation we all needed... "This is great, isn't it?" Started Jane, brushing a strand of brown hair out of her face. "Definitely." Agreed Pepper, sighing in content. "I can't remember the last time we had a vacation like that..." Said Wanda, as she turned on her stomach to tan her back. "Me too... Good for us to have a billionaire as a friend." Natasha smirked; sun reflected by her black sunglasses. I nodded, "Mhm... We could do this much more often…" and sat up. "Where are actually the boys?" I asked then, looking around. Wanda nodded towards the cabins. "Vis is inside, fixing one of his circuitries." "And Cap is in the gym." Stated Nat. Pepper then shrugged her shoulders. "Tony mentioned this morning something about riding the jetskis..." I just wanted to answer her, as if on cue the sounds of engines could be heard, followed by… loud music? That caused all of us girls to sit up and turn around. And what my eyes then saw, made my jaw drop. Tony, Thor, Sam and Loki were on the jetskis Pepper talked about. Everybody shirtless, sunglasses covering their eyes and in nothing more than swim trunks. Tony was at the front, blasting the music. The closer they came; the clearer got the music. I recognised the song immediately. It was 'Welcome to St. Tropez' by DJ Antoine, Timati, Kalenna and Mad Mark. We all looked at each other, before we stood up and went to the railing.
They literally put on a show for us, showing off their skills - and good looks… "They are so trying to impress us right no, don't they?" Said Jane, her eyes fixated on Thor. "Yep." I said, popping the p, still shocked. My eyes landed, of course, on my husband. Who else? I couldn't quite believe at first what my eyes saw. Loki... On a jetski... A jetski! I honestly didn't know where that suddenly came from - but that was the last thing I cared about... All I cared about was how incredibly sexy he looked on that thing. He was shirtless as well - of course. His broad shoulders, muscles and abs on full display. Black sunglasses covered his eyes. Loki's jet-black hair was tousled from the wind, but still utterly perfect. It was nothing I wasn’t used to seeing, but still... It was hot as hell. Then my eyes wandered lower - and discovered a pair of swim trunks I never saw on him before. I almost had a heart attack, when I examined them closer. They were black and dark green - what wasn't unusual, but how they were tailored left me literally breathless... Lord have mercy, I thought. The trunks were tight. And with tight, I meant tight. They left little to imagination. I swallowed hard. The shortness of his swim trunks didn't help my situation as well. They were this short, it caused the exposure of his strong, juicy thighs and every rippling muscle of his legs. I lowered my sunglasses and stared at him, biting my lip. My eyes were practically undressing the God by now. It took me everything to keep myself together and to not just jump him...  And Loki? He knew. He noticed. Of course, he did. The mischievous smile on his face said everything. He did this on full purpose. Naughty scamp.
Unfortunately, was this 'show' the boys put on for us way too fast over. The group rounded the yacht one last time, before they drove away, further out on the Pacific Ocean. "That's all they are giving us? Really? Tsk... Disappointing." Jane crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head. "Disappointing is an understatement..." Pepper shook her head as well. We were the only girls left, leaning against the railing. After all, three of the four men were our boyfriends/husbands, so it was more than understanding that Wanda left for Vis and Natasha... Well... "Yeah, it was way too less, but damn... Did it get even hotter or is it just me?" I asked and started to fan myself. The two other girls just giggled. "Mhh I'd say so... The view was without a doubt delicious." Jane bit her lip. "Delicious, sexy… A feast for the eyes... I think I need a cooling now." "Me too. I am going for some ice cream. Anybody wants to join?" Asked Pepper. "Ice cream sounds perfect. What about you Y/N? You coming, too?" "No, thanks, I am going for the pool." "Alright. See you later. Let's go Pep." "See you girls!" We parted our ways, mine leading me straight to the pool. Without hesitation, I jumped inside the cool water. It was exactly what I needed in that moment. After swimming a few rounds, I leaned against the edge and enjoyed the meanwhile sinking sun shining down on me.
Before my skin got pruney, I stepped out of the pool again. Just when I wanted to reach for a towel to dry myself, I suddenly felt two strong arms wrapping around my waist, seconds before my back got pressed against the chiselled body, belonging to my husband. I squeaked up in surprise, certainly didn't expect that to happen. Hence, I didn't even notice that they were back... "Lokiiii!" I heard a low chuckle coming from the God behind me. "Hello, darling." He whispered. Loki was so close that I felt his hot breath against the shell of my ear. It sent a shiver down my spine - but I tried to play it cool. "Geez... Don't be so sneaky all the time... At some point you're going to give me a heart attack!" Another deep chuckle left his lips. Could he please stop being so seductive? "Didn't I give you a heart attack earlier?" The smirk on his lips was audibly. "You did, babe..." I bit my lip. "But you didn't need to impress me, you know... I am already yours, remember?" I said, lifting my hand with the wedding band and wiggled my fingers. "Yes, I am very aware of that, my love, but you quite enjoyed the show, didn't you?" He underlined his words by pulling my hips back against his, causing me to gasp. "Cheeky little shit." Again, a chuckle. "You love it." I quickly turned in his embrace to face him, stunning blue eyes looking at me. A big grin was on his lips. I smirked as well, "Can't deny that..." and trailed my hand down his chest, all the way to the waistband of his swim trunks. "Who's the cheeky little shit now?" He said, voice as smooth as velvet. "Oh shut up and kiss me." "Your wish is my command, my queen." Loki leaned down to capture my lips in such a passionate kiss, it made my head spin. With all the build-up tension and Loki being, well… Loki, that single kiss turned quickly into a heated make out session. It wasn't longer sweet and soft, no, it was all teeth and tongue. I could've spent the whole evening kissing him like that, but unfortunately, we weren't alone on the yacht - what had slipped both our minds...
"Ugh, this is disgusting... Y/N, Reindeer Games, please get a room - or better... Leave my yacht if you plan to... continue this." Loki and I split apart at the sudden interruption and came to find Tony standing beside the pool with a drink in one hand, gesturing wildly around with the other. "I want peaceful and restful sleep tonight, thank you." With those words he passed us by and plopped onto one of the deck chairs. Loki and I just looked at each other, smirking. "Have you already forgotten that I am a master of magic, Metal Man? Did you really think I could keep my hands off my wife for even a day?" Loki said, voice dripping with mischief. Tony turned slowly in his deck chair towards us, shock written all over his face. Once the information sunk in, his expression shifted. His face contorted with disgust. He stood up again, "You did it on my yacht? You guys are so gross, I think I have to throw up." and literally ran towards the cabins. Loki and I just looked at each other, before we bursted into laughter. If only Tony knew...
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literaryobsession · 3 years
of maybes and yeses || prohero!bakugo x teacher!reader
summary: you meet the elusive Pro Hero Dynamight and find him warming up to you.
warning: there will be mentions of bullying. there will also be angst. also cursing because...Bakugo
word count: 2236
chapters: I , II , III , IV , VI
There was a flood of that familiar soft orange light coming through the classroom as I stayed back to listen to a group of students tell me about the concerns they had about their bully. I nodded and noted everything they were telling me, including the dates and the times. 
As much as I wanted to go home, I knew that my students needed me, so I gave them my time, lending an ear to them. It was essential, so I stayed.
"Alright, thank you for telling me this. I'll inform the school immediately so we can prevent this from happening. Is it alright with you that I tell them what you told me?" Although it was an incident I know I should report right away, all the information the kids shared with me is private. I had to ask.
When they gave me their confirmation, I smiled, "Alright. I'll update you on what will happen next, alright?"
"Thank you, Ms. L/N. We'll go now. We took too much of your time."
"Thanks for listening, Ms. L/N."
I smiled at the group, " You know you can count on me. Now, you guys should go before it gets dark. Head straight home, okay?" I watched them leave and took everything before heading back to the faculty room. When our class ended, the kids asked for my time, and I didn't have time to pack up.
Before heading home, I stopped by the nearest grocery from my apartment and picked up a few stuff. As I wandered through the aisles, I smiled a bit, remembering Katsuki and his comment on my diet. He was right; things I was putting in my body would somehow take a toll on my health. So, even though I was tired and aching to hop in my shower, I had to get groceries.
I can almost imagine a grin on his face once he discovers I was attempting to be healthier.
Once I got home, I tried to prepare the classic egg-fried rice. It doesn't take too much time, and I know how to make it. The tv was playing in the background again while I worked. My kitchen was only a few steps to my living room; if not for the partitions, both rooms could form one decent-sized one. But I wasn't picky with how small my place was; I had a roof over my head and food every single day, so I was contented. Even though I wasn't earning much, I did what I love.
While cooking, I heard a report from Esuha City. According to the reporter, there was quite a damage in the city's main street resulting from the fight between a notorious gang and Pro Heroes Dynamight and Red Riot. I glanced at the tv, wondering how Katsuki was doing. He was gone for the entire week, and this is the first time I'm hearing about him again.
"Was it a difficult mission?" I wondered, pouring the rice in a clean bowl.
I sat in front of the tv with my rice, seeing Red Riot and Dynamight helping in the clearing out of the vicinity. The street was really out of shape. It must have been quite a fight. At least the gang was apprehended now, and I heard they've been causing riots left and right in various cities. It was good that the heroes finally got them.
"They're done from causing problems for us. Dynamight and I already took care of it. For now, we'll be closing out the road. It might take time to fix everything so we are reminding everyone that there might be traffic in the area for a while." Red Riot was a good guy, and he sure looked like it. He had a bigger, welcoming grin than Deku and was likable overall.
The reporter turned the mic towards the unwilling Dynamight standing awkwardly beside Red Riot. Katsuki sighed and rolled his eyes at the reporter, "What?"
"Ah! Sorry about that! He's a man of few words!" Red Riot took the mic, apologizing for the other hero. "Well, we have to go get patched up! Stay safe, everyone! Have a good night! Or a good day, wherever you are right now!" The red hero pulled Dynamight away immediately, and I sighed, shaking my head at how Katsuki acted in front of the camera.
I wonder why he was so reclusive with the media but is different whenever I get the chance to talk to him.
After that, I finished my dinner and turned the tv off. I didn't have much work to do tonight, so I planned to turn in early until I heard a knock on my door.
"It's me."
I rubbed my face with my towel, having just finished cleaning my face, when I recognized the gruff but incredibly tired-sounding blond outside my door, "Katsuki?"
"Yeah, open up." He replied.
I found him standing outside my apartment, still wearing his hero costume. There was dust and tear on so many places in his suit. Did he go straight here from Esuha City? 
"Are you okay? I saw the news."
He marched in the room without much of a hello, "I'm okay. They exaggerate stuff in the news sometimes." I followed him in, watching as he took off his gauntlets and his mask. It was mesmerizing to watch him go from Dynamight to Katsuki Bakugo. "D'you have water somewhere? I'm fuckin' parched."
I nodded and got him a glass, "Here." Then I saw his open wounds, which he must have been hiding under his hero suit, "Let me patch you up. I'll just get my first aid kit." I remember I had one in my bathroom.
"I said I'm okay." He gulped the water quickly and walked towards my kitchen to clean it up.
I walked behind him, "Do you have a death wish?"
"Are you really gonna use that on me?" Katsuki frowned at me from the sink.
"You can't be number one if you're dead," I said in a sing-song voice, using his line and tweaking it for the situation.
"A little wound won't ki- Fine." He looked tired, so I'm sure that must've made him give in. I took him back to the sofa and asked him to stay put. If he was going to stay for a while, I needed to get his wounds clean so they didn't get infected.
I started cleaning the gravel and dust off the wound on his side, and Katsuki growled at me, "Can you be fucking careful?" 
"Stop shouting at me!"
I pressed the cotton ball on his wound, and he yelped in pain, "Ow! Are you treating my wounds, or are you plotting my death, woman?"
"I'm trying to help, damn it." I found more scratches on his skin and cleaned them up too. What has he gotten into to get all these?
"Well then, help better." He shifted his body, allowing me access to the other wounds on his body. 
I glanced at him. I need to be more delicate with this; he did do hero work, so, of course, everything would hurt. And he did come to me right after everything, that must mean something... right?
"Would it help if I tell you more stories about the school?"
Katsuki was quiet before answering me, "Yeah, it might."
I started dressing up the bigger wounds, telling him all about what happened to me earlier. I honestly couldn't remember happier stories, but I wanted to get his advice with the entire bullying situation. He is a hero, after all. 
"There. Done. You should go back to your apartment to change so you can be comfortable." I sat on the floor as I packed my first aid kit.
I just didn't expect what his reply might be.
"I was a bully in school too."
"You were?"
For someone so heroic and intimidating, his form never got this unsure and nervous before. I could see Katsuki coiling back at the question, regretting that he even told me.
"I was. Gawd, I hope I'm not like that anymore." He finally answered, avoiding my eyes and looking at the window instead. I didn't have a good view, it faced the road and there was nothing very interesting to look at outside.
"I'm sure you grew out of it, Katsuki." When I'm stuck in an awkward situation, I make my hands busy so I opened my first aid kit and rearranged its contents.
I pretended that I was looking for something when he mumbled something, "I was the worst. You would've hated me if you met me then." His eyes seemed far off, as though seeing a vision I couldn't. Was he reliving a memory?
"You think so?" I whispered, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts.
"I know." Katsuki finally turned his eyes to look at me. His eyes acting as a warning for what's to come.
He told me a brief tale of how he used to bully Izuku Midoriya, and that although he used to bully other kids with weaker quirks, he was especially mean to Izuku. I read from the interviews that Deku had that he was quite a late bloomer, never getting his quirk until Junior High ended.
Katsuki put his face on his hands before admitting something else, "I even told him to take a swan dive off the roof."
I stared at him, he was shaking. My entire body felt cold at the revelation. It was bad enough that he picked on a weaker kid, but to tell them to kill themselves was too far. It went too far and he knows that he did.
Why was he telling me this?
"Katsuki..." I wanted to reach out but didn't want to go past the boundaries that we still had. He was obviously still hung up about the entire thing because if he wasn't, he wouldn't have told me the story and reacted this way. "You are not that person anymore."
As much as I wanted to scold the young Katsuki Bakugo for saying that, he wasn't in front of me anymore. That kid didn't exist anymore.
"We all have done bad things in our lives, things we want to forget and hide from other people. But I've always believed in the idea that we need to take those things as a way to learn to be better people. You're much better than you were when you were a kid. You're a Pro Hero now, saving people and doing good."
Yes. That's what my parents taught me, that is what I teach my kids, and that is what I'm telling him now.
He remains unmoving and the teacher in me wanted to fix the entire thing. But I know I couldn't.
Only Katsuki can fix it.
"But if this really bothers you, Katsuki, you know what you have to do...don't you?"
He finally pulled his hands away from his face, "I know. I apologized to Deku about it before."
I tried to tilt my head so I can look at him directly in the eyes but it looks like he was avoiding my gaze. "Mmm, then maybe now, you have to try forgiving yourself for your past mistakes and move forward."
"Forgive myself?" His face twisted into clear confusion, looking at me for answers. Was forgiving himself not in the plan? Did he not know he could?
"That's a heavy thing you're carrying around, Katsuki. You have to let this go. If Deku has already forgiven you then why not forgive yourself this time?" I reached out to touch his arm. For a brief second, his eyes flickered to my hand before meeting my eyes, "You did a mistake, you apologized about it, you learned from it... I think it's time to let it go."
His face brightened a bit as soon as he obtained the new information.
Is this the reason why he's so elusive? He's keeping parts of himself hidden and in the process, he hides away from the entire world.
"I..." He straightened up on his seat and took a deep breath, "Don't know why I told you that. Sorry."
"That's okay. I think its easier to tell your secrets to a stranger, they won't judge." I shrugged, trying not to act like it was a big deal. It was but if he isn't comfortable with the idea of telling people his story, I won't give it much of a thought.
Katsuki smirked, "At this point, you know more about me than Eijiro and that's saying something."
"Red Riot? Eijiro Kirishima?" I stood up, trying to wake my feet up.
He nodded and rubbed a palm on his face, "Can't believe I told you about that." Katsuki mumbled before I returned the kit to the bathroom. When I returned, he was taking his gauntlets from the floor. "Uh, thanks for...you know."
I nodded and stopped him before he feels awakward about the entire thing.
"Just one question, Katsuki." I followed him to the door. He turned his eyes to me and gestured for me to continue, "Why did you go here straight from Esuha City?"
Katsuki's eyebrows shot up before he regained his composure, "I...don't know." He clicked his tongue and frowned at me, "I can so I did."
I guess I'll take that answer.
I don't want to think too much about it.
"Alright. Good night."
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floralseokjin · 4 years
⤑ made-up love song i.
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher living with your best friend, and have never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire.
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader  genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, romance, eventual smut, eventual angst, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, not really much to warn in this first chapter, there’s some flirting, oc doesn’t want to admit she finds seokjin dishy, she’s possibly in denial that there’s a spark there, jimin and soobin appear 🥰 words; 11,028 
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii • iv • v • vi • vii • viii  • ix • x • epilogue  (+ drabbles)
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You hated being late. Not only did you pride yourself on your impeccable time management but sleeping through your alarm always threw you out of whack for the rest of the day. You blamed the annual student reports that had to be written. No matter how organised you were, every year they seemed to sneak up on you and disrupt your prompt 11pm bedtime. You’d been still awake past 1am last night, determined to give each student the report they deserved. The yearly parent-teacher meetings were tomorrow (Friday) and Monday evening; it was officially the end of the school year countdown, which was ironically the most difficult time of the year. 
No wonder your stress levels were so high lately. You felt like a ticking timebomb, wondering what on earth would set you off – because it was inevitable. This morning it could have been a number of things… Your inability to awake when your alarm went off, the fact your clothes were still slightly damp from insufficient drying time, your forgotten lunch still at home in the refrigerator, or now, your current predicament – you couldn’t find a space to park your car. 
You always got to work an hour early, that way you had enough time to get ready for the school day before the student’s turned up and the teacher’s parking lot was empty. You had your pick of spaces. Today however, with just fifteen minutes to spare before class began, you didn’t have much choice. The spot that required you to reverse in between two cars, or the one that was secluded but came with a price – the sun’s hotspot. 
You were stopped idly between the two, mentally making you decision while also damning this day to hell, when suddenly there was a thud and you jerked forwards, a gasp escaping your fallen mouth. Your hands had unconsciously clenched around the steering wheel so you ever so slowly eased up, straightening your back as you caught a look in the rear-view mirror. 
“Oh, my god.” You breathed quietly, reaction time delayed greatly. Shock probably. 
You watched as a black car – twice the size of yours and almost blindingly shiny – pulled away from the side of your vehicle, back into the space they’d just reversed out of. They’d hit you. You’d been hit. As if this day couldn’t get any worse. It wasn’t even 8am. 
There was a clunk of a car door and then a man in a suit came hurrying into view, as fast as he could manage, a look of pure horror on his face. Still on autopilot, you felt your hand reach for the handle of your door, pushing it open to find yourself getting out. 
“Are you okay?” The well-dressed man asked, panic evident in his voice. The very well-dressed man. His suit was a three-piece, black and white houndstooth. It looked expensive. Which just seemed to piss you off for some unexplainable reason. 
You were fine of course, dazed maybe, the blow hadn’t been that serious at all, but that was besides the point. This man, in his very obnoxious suit (even if it did hug his body in extremely cruel ways) had not been concentrating. He’d reversed straight into your poor little car that was no match for his hefty thing. Your shock was shifting. In its place grew anger. 
When you didn’t reply, than man carried on. “I am so sorry, Miss.” An annoying shrill sounded between you both. The cell phone in his hand. He ignored it – or at least tried to. “I really am. I was–” 
He stopped abruptly midsentence, letting out a huff. Whoever was calling him wasn’t relenting. He picked up, talking quickly, an air of authority to his voice that caught your attention. “Kim Seokjin, speaking. Please can I – I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to call you back. There’s been an emergency.” A pause as the person on the other end of the line spoke. They weren’t given much time. “Thank you for understanding. Goodbye.” 
The man – Kim Seokjin apparently – hung up, attention immediately back on you. “I’m just so sorry. Is there any damage?” He made his way over to the place he’d hit, just above your back wheel, crouching down, and grimaced. “Oh god.” 
You followed, coming face to face with the black scratches that now marred the white paint of your vehicle. It wasn’t so bad, he hadn’t sped out of the space, but something had definitely scraped the steel, and again, that was beside the point. He’d still reversed into your car. 
“The bike rack,” he muttered to himself. Your answer. He looked across at his car, brushing a hand through his hair. It stayed perfectly in place, pushed back above his forehead. He was a striking man, you’d give him that. Features made up of, what you could only describe as soft angles. Actually, thinking about it, he was pretty intimidatingly beautiful. That just made you angrier. How dare this stranger unnerve you with his good looks.  
“What happened?” You asked hotly. 
He looked up at you, taken back by your tone, but composed himself fairly quickly. “I-I was distracted for a moment, I didn’t realise–”
“Were you on your phone?”
“I’m sorry?” You looked down at the device still in his hand. On cue it started ringing again. He hit ignore straight away. “No, no. God, no.” He protested, shoving the phone into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. He straightened up, head and shoulders above you. You crossed your arms and waited for his explanation, straining as tall as you could get. His cologne smelt amazing, you tried to ignore it. 
“I was – I was trying to get the handsfree to work in this damn car and last time I checked there was no one there.” He seemed flustered. A far cry from the authoritative figure he’d been on the phone call. “I wasn’t thinking, I just backed out –” He stopped, as if he suddenly realised something. “Why… Why were you on stop directly behind me?”
“Excuse me?” You instantly got defensive, hands waving about animatedly as you explained  “I wasn’t stopped, I was trying to find a space.” 
You hadn’t been aware there was someone occupying the vehicle. No one left the staff parking lot in the morning so there was never any worry about somebody reversing into you. This was all on him. He wasn’t going to try and turn it around on you. 
“I’m sorry, but do you even work here?” This school was small, he definitely wasn’t a teacher here, and you doubted he was a substitute. He was too well-dressed for a start. Who the hell was he?!
He looked momentarily confused. “Work here? No.” 
“Then why are you using the teacher’s parking lot?” Your arms were folded across your chest again. 
His eyes widened in horror, realisation setting in. “Oh no. I didn’t realise...” 
“It’s signposted.” His mistake seemed genuine, but that really wouldn’t cut it. Because of his mistake your car was now scratched. You’d have to contact your insurance company and god only knows if they would pay out seeing as the damage was really only cosmetic, and if they did, it would probably take an age. 
“It’s my first time dropping off my daughter at this school. I didn’t know where to go, and I was getting so many phone calls, I was just trying to…” He petered out, realising you probably didn’t care about his morning. So what? He was having a shitty one? So were you! 
“There’s no excuses for this.” He lowered his head in apology. “I’m truly sorry and I feel awful.” 
You found yourself softening. He did sound extremely genuine. You opened your mouth to reply, to accept his apology, but he spoke up again. “Let me sort this out. Money is no object. I can call my mechanic straight away and–”
“There’s no need,” you told him immediately, horror stricken. 
“It’s really no problem.” He insisted. “Come on, if we wait for our insurance companies to sort this out god knows how long it will take. No, I’ll phone the mechanic I use right now and they can come and pick your vehicle up. It’ll be fixed in no time. You won’t have to pay a thing.” 
“No, thank you.” Your anger was growing again. Irritation itching your face. Who did this man think he was? Money didn’t solve everything. Most people didn’t have that luxury. 
His bewilderment made you see red. “I don’t need your help or your money.” 
You could be very stubborn when you wanted to be. You’d been told so throughout your life; family, friends, exes… No, you’d just pay for the repairs yourself. You’d rather wake up late for an eternity than take his money. 
“But I did this.” 
He really wasn’t getting it. “It’s fine, just –” You were interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone again. “You’re obviously very busy, just forget about it. It’s a few scratches.” You turned your back to him, glancing at your watch. You had just under two minutes to decide on a parking space and get to your classroom. 
“Wait,” he called out.
“Goodbye,” you called back, rounding the front of your car to dive back into the driver’s seat. 
“But – Argh!” You heard him let out a yell, his phone still shrilling loudly. He sounded frustrated when he answered. “Soobin, what is it?! Yes, I already told him I’m – What? He said they were…” 
He became inaudible as you slammed your door shut, using his distraction to drive off – straight into the easiest parking spot available… You guessed your poor car would have to turn into a damn sauna for today. 
After the morning you had you were thrown all out of whack. All day you didn’t know whether you were coming or going, your students seeming more hyper than usual and by 3pm you were ecstatic to see them leave. Your head was throbbing by the time half 4 rolled around, the final touches to your student reports complete at least. Not long after you trudged in the direction of your boiling hot car, stomach still queasy from the canteen slop you’d been forced to eat today and stress levels now barely manageable. Only one more day until the weekend, yet now you’d be forced to deal with finding an affordable mechanic with your free time. 
You were still in disbelief over today’s events. That frustratingly handsome stranger with the concentration levels of a two year old and more money than sense. You scoffed to yourself, how dare he try to flaunt his wealth around like that. What had his name been again? He’d said on the phone… You couldn’t remember, your temper had been too distracting…
Whelp. You were having second thoughts… Maybe you’d been too harsh earlier… You hadn’t been overly rude at all, but you had been quite curt. He did seem genuinely sorry after all, and maybe you’d misjudged what you guessed was an act of kindness. After all, you had been on stop behind him, and while he should’ve double checked before backing out, it wasn’t all on him. You were both to blame. You felt guilty for not thanking him for his apology. For your preconceived opinions on him. You didn’t even know the man and there you were making judgements – 
You stopped dead in your tracks as you got closer to where your car was parked, thoughts immediately interrupted. “What the –?”  
Stopped in front of it was small towing vehicle, Park Esteem written along the side in bold orange font. A man rounded the corner of the truck, a clipboard in his hand as he looked around, presumably for the owner of the car he seemed so eager to tow. You. He was looking for you. 
You jumped to action, breaking into a run. “Excuse me, Excuse me!” The guy with the clipboard looked up at the sound of your strained voice calling out. It was shrill as you came to a halt right in front of him, demanding an explanation. “What are you doing? Why are you towing my car?!”
“You’re the owner of this vehicle, Miss?” 
“Yes!” You exclaimed in disbelief. “What’s the problem?” 
He looked down at his notes, visibly confused by your reaction it seemed. “Uh, Mr. Kim has requested I pick up your vehicle and take it to be fixed for the damage he caused?”
Mr. Kim?! Who the hell was – wait. Kim Seokjin. His name came back to you instantly. He’d gone behind your back after you explicitly said you didn’t want or need his help. How dare he. And there you’d been feeling guilty for the way you’d treated him not two minutes previous. 
“He said to be here at 4pm as you should be finishing work around then…” The mechanic carried on, voice softening, as if he was about to bear bad news. “I’ve been here for thirty minutes, Miss. I’m afraid I’ll have to bill him for that separately. Time is money after all.” 
You checked your watch on autopilot. It was coming up to twenty to five. Shaking out of it, you straightened your shoulders, back to fighting mode for the second time today. “You can’t just take my car without my permission.”  
The man grimaced slightly. “Well see, he’s already paid for the towage, and Mr. Kim is a very valuable and trustworthy customer.” 
“Trustworthy?” You scoffed. “He’s stealing my car! I’m sorry but no, I refuse this…” You paused to think. “This service.” This was so absurd. Not only had this Mr. Kim totally disregarded your wishes, the towing of your car was incredibly over the top. The damage was cosmetic, everything was in fine working order. It didn’t need to be helped to the workshop. The thought of something so dramatic was infuriating. 
“I’m afraid that’s impossible, Miss. Mr. Kim already paid for the towage upfront so I can’t actually do anything about it now…” 
You stared at the man, telling yourself to take deep breaths. It wasn’t his fault. He was just doing his job. “So I have to let you take my car?”
He gave you a gentle smile. “I’m afraid so…unless…” He hesitated. “Unless you pay for the reversal…” 
“And how much is this reversal?” Your arms were crossed for what felt like the hundredth time today. 
You nearly keeled over when you were told the price. Damn that arrogant handsome man. Damn him straight to hell. Kim Seokjin, you would never forget that name now. What a complete and utter d–
“I’m sorry for the confusion, Miss. I was under the impression you knew Mr. Kim.” The mechanic apologised. 
You found yourself softening. He had a gentle voice. A gentle face too. It was that conceited so-and-so you were mad at. You were glad you’d left the classroom late today, not many cars left in the parking lot which meant less chance of a co-worker seeing this embarrassment. 
“So, I’m going to need to take your details now.” He continued, holding his clipboard out, sounding hopeful that you’d calmed down. “Just so I can arrange drop off at your address tomorrow.” You nodded slowly, watching him stretch out a hand. “I’m Jimin, by the way. Park Jimin from Park Esteem Car Services.” 
You shook it, introducing yourself automatically. “I’m Y/N.” 
He gave you a dazzling smile. “Lovely name. How do you spell that?” 
Ten minutes later your poor car was hooked up to Jimin’s truck, ready to go, just as a sleek black car with tinted windows pulled up alongside you. Out rushed a tall young man. He looked a little frazzled as he straightened out his suit jacket but smiled your way. “Hello, are you the owner of this vehicle?” 
“Yes,” you replied rather woodenly. What fresh hell? 
He smiled wider, outstretching his hand. “Hi, lovely to meet you. I’m Mr. Kim’s personal assistant, Mr. Choi, but you can call me Soobin.” 
You completed your second handshake of the day – two too many and introduced yourself too.  Inside you had a million and one questions. It began with ‘Why was his personal assistant here?’ and ended with ‘When would this day finally be over?’ 
“I’m so sorry I’m late.” The young man – Soobin – apologised. “Things have been incredibly hectic at the office today. I’m so glad you’re still here.” 
Jimin appeared by the side of you then. “Hi, you work for Mr. Kim?” Soobin nodded, tilting his head in curiosity. “Well, there have been a few misunderstandings this afternoon. Mr. Kim said he knew the client but she really has no idea who he is. Other than he was the one who hit her car.” 
Soobin grew flustered, bumbling over his words. “Oh, well, um…” 
“It’s fine,” you shook you head, not wanting to put the poor boy in an awkward position. This Mr. Kim seemed to like passing the buck onto innocent people. 
Jimin nodded. “Maybe just let your boss know that next time he should probably inform the person whose car he’s having towed…” 
Soobin laughed then, making light of an awkward situation even if it was forced. “Sure, sure.” 
“Okay, well, nice meeting you,” Jimin turned to you. “I’ll have this done by tomorrow, shouldn’t take too long, there’s not much damage at all.” You had the sudden urge to apologise for wasting his time but you stayed quiet. “You said you’ll be home by 7pm?” You nodded. “Great. Someone will drop it off shortly after that.” He tapped the side of his truck and smiled. “Have a lovely rest of your day, Y/N.” 
“Thank you, and you.” You waved him off – waved your car off too as Jimin started to drive and it disappeared into the distance, then you turned your attention back to Soobin. What was he doing here? 
On cue, he began to explain. “So, Mr. Kim is giving you a temporary loan of one of his cars for the time being, as apology and, well, a gesture of good faith. He really is awfully sorry about this morning.” There was silence as you made sense of his words. “The tank is full, no need for any expense on your side.” 
You forced yourself to speak. “Wait, hang on, he’s loaning me his car?” 
“One of them, yes,” Soobin smiled. One of them. How many did this man have? “He really doesn’t use this one, so don’t feel like you’re an inconvenience, it’s really no bother at all.” He pulled the key fob out of his pocket and handed it to you with a kind but awkward smile. “Here.” 
“So… I’m just riding his car home?” You’d told Jimin you’d call your best friend to pick you up when he’d offered you a ride home. You could still very well do that, but refusing this young man just seemed plain mean. After all, he had driven here despite a busy schedule. You didn’t want to waste his time. Poor boy was just doing what he was told, this Mr. Kim’s dogsbody. 
“Yes,” Soobin nodded, looking a little confused now. As if he was wondering why you weren’t understanding what he was saying. “Oh, wait,” he suddenly remembered, pulling a piece of paper (cream wove) out of his breast pocket. “Here’s a contact number for him to arrange the pick-up of the vehicle tomorrow evening. It might be me, but it depends on my schedule.”
“Okay,” you mumbled, still a little dazed, looking down at the number. You folded the paper and dropped it into your purse, suddenly realising something. “Wait, how are you getting home?”
“Hm?” He wasn’t expecting that question. “Oh, subway probably.” 
You anger flared once again. “So this Mr. Kim instructs you to ride one of his cars to my place of work, loan it to me and then expects you to just walk to the subway station?” 
Soobin blinked slowly a couple of times, hearing the attitude in your voice. “Well, when you say it like that you make it seem…bad. Your tone...” He shrugged and then gave a small laugh that wrinkled his nose. “I’m happy to walk, you know, exercise, get that blood pumping…” He finished with a few nimble stretches just to emphasise, before looking comically aghast. “Sorry. Ignore my unprofessionalism.” 
You jerked your head towards the car. “Get in.” 
His mouth hung open in confusion. “What?”
“I’ll give you a ride home. Do you live far?” 
“Not too far, Miss.” 
He waited for you to get into the driver’s seat and then followed quickly, getting in beside you. He couldn’t have wanted to walk that much then... “Call me Y/N.” You told him with a kind smile. “I don’t like all this professionalism. Besides, I get called Miss all day, every day. It gets tiring after a while.” 
He nodded dutifully in reply, back straight. 
You were on pins driving all the way home, eager to drop Soobin home so you could let go of your composure. This car was way too nice for you. Why did this stranger trust you with it?! His car. He didn’t know you. You could be the worst driver in the world for all he knew. You weren’t, but you could be. 
After you’d pulled up in your driveway you stayed there for a few minutes, needing some silence, just to calm yourself down, because you knew soon enough you’d get bombarded with questions. Sooner than you thought actually, because there was your front door ripping open, your best friend and roomie, Soojung, rushing out. “What is going on?” She demanded as you pushed the car door open. “Taken up car theft in your spare time?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you sighed, already trudging to the house. 
She followed behind closely. “Um, you’re talking about it alright. You can’t just park up in a car worth more than both our salaries a year and expect me to not bat an eyelid.” 
You scoffed at her dramatics, hanging your purse over the coat rack. “It’s not worth that much.” 
“Y/N, I mean this with the least possible offence, but you know absolutely jack shit about cars.” You had no time for a comeback. “Now tell me where the hell did you get that car?!”
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After the third degree from Soojung for over an hour, you managed to shut her up with an in depth description of your car thief (as you were now calling him), which included in no particular order: what he looked like, his estimated age, his outfit and how rich you thought he was. You insisted you were in no way bothered by any of these factors and you were only humouring her for some much needed peace and quiet. She spent the next ten minutes begging you to call him and put him on loudspeaker so she could hear his voice, but you outright refused. You were not calling him tonight, you couldn’t trust yourself not to raise your voice. It could wait for tomorrow, when your first round of parent-teacher meetings were over and you had your own car back in your driveway. Mr. Kim could wait for his, it was the least he could do after all the trouble he’d caused today. You bet he had another six cars anyway – one for each day of the week. 
Soojung made you both a late dinner and not long after that you crawled your way to bed, exhausted and not at all mentally ready for tomorrow. You did wake up ten minutes before your alarm though, which you chose to take as a good sign, remembered your lunch too, and you hated to admit it, but your loaned vehicle drove like a dream once you weren’t so scared of accidentally careening it off a cliff, or something equally as impossible. 
You day actually went by without a hitch. All the children were well-behaved, much more subdued than yesterday, but maybe that was because your stress levels had rapidly decreased with the positive signs from this morning. They had raised a little when Mrs. Jeon from third grade had enquired about the new car she’d seen you driving into school, but after giving her a very much condensed version of yesterday’s events you both had a little laugh together, where she then proceeded to joke around and tell you that you shouldn’t give the car back… or at least you thought she was joking… However, other than that, the school day breezed by. 
Better yet, all the parents scheduled for meetings today were on time, and despite the rush end of year reports brought, you genuinely did love the opportunity to talk with your students’ parents one on one. You’d been teaching the first grade at the same school for over seven years now and despite the ups and downs being a teacher brought, it really was the most rewarding and fulfilling job. Especially at a school like this. This place was like a home to you, all you had ever known, and your students meant the world to you. Each and every one. Class sizes were always small at Primrose Hill, and that always made your connection with the kids even greater. 
There was always a sadness in your heart when May rolled around, the school year nearly over and you had to get ready to bid goodbye to the children who’d been a part of your life for over nine months. Of course, come September you would greet a new class of students once again, but it was always so bittersweet… 
It was just gone half past six now and you were waiting on the last parent of the evening. 5/6 parents on time was still a success. Hopefully Monday you would see full marks. You were waiting on the father of your newest student, Kim Arin. She’d only been with you two months, and it was very unusual that a child joined you so late into the year. You didn’t know all the details, but it seemed that her parents were divorced and she’d recently moved to live with her dad. You liked Arin, she was a sweet little girl, quite timid at times, especially in the beginning, but that was to be expected of course. It was always nerve-wracking to start a new school. She’d gradually come out of her shell, made friends and she was incredibly gifted in storytelling for such a young age. In a few years, if she kept it up, who knew what she’d be creating. You couldn’t wait to tell her father that. You’d grown very fond of her very quickly and you would definitely miss her come September. 
“Come in,” you called, a knock on your classroom door breaking you from your thoughts. Your back was to the entryway, preoccupied with collecting Arin’s report and classwork on your desk, so you didn’t see who entered, although presumably it was her father. 
“Oh, hello again.” 
You froze at the sound of the voice. That voice. Why was it so familiar? Why did it get your hackles up? As if you needed to prepare for a fight– Oh.
You turned abruptly, eyes wide as you came face to face with the car thief. What on earth was he doing here? Had he come to collect his car?! Maybe you should’ve rung him last night, but it seemed a little unbelievable that he was chasing this up so keenly. You weren’t the thief in question. He was. How insane was it to track you down like this. Who had given him your name? Who had told him what class you would be in? Surely it was forbidden? 
“If this is about the car business, we’ll have to sort it out later on, I’m expecting a parent of a student any minute now.” Straightening your back you held eye contact. He was very amused, eyes twinkling as he smiled at you, cheeks rounded. It made you feel slightly unnerved, but by damn had you forgotten how infuriatingly handsome that face of his was. Jerk. 
He held up his hand slightly and laughed. “I’m the parent in question.” 
You stood there limply like an idiot, blinking slowly as you tried to mentally put the pieces together. Kim Arin. Mr. Kim. Kim Seokjin, the arrogant, money can solve everything so-and-so was Arin’s father? Great. Absolutely gr–
“You’re Miss. Y/L/N?” 
“You’re Arin’s father?” It was obvious by now, but maybe there was that 0.001% chance he’d gotten the wrong classroom. Maybe. 
“Such a small world,” he grinned, all hope lost. He held out his hand for you to shake. “It’s nice to officially meet you.” 
There was a teasing to his tone, it got you pissed again, but you had to take it. You were in a professional setting now, you were his daughter’s teacher. His hand was warm, soft, grip gentle. Maybe you squeezed too hard, maybe he didn’t notice. “Please take a seat, I won’t be a minute.” 
Your tone was clipped, unable to sound at all breezy like you had with the other parents, and you turned back to your desk, rifling through more papers even though you had everything you needed. In all honesty, you just needed some thinking time. Get through this twenty minute meeting, you told yourself. Pretend like he wasn’t the man who hit your car and then got it towed a few hours later. You could do it. 
You felt him take the seat behind you, amusement still strong as he asked you a question. “So, are we just going to pretend yesterday didn’t happen?”
You collected Arin’s work and rounded your desk, taking a seat directly in front of him, careful to keep your expression neutral. “Right now’s not the time to discuss personal matters. Let’s just wait until this is over.” Twenty minutes and then he’d have it. He wouldn’t be smirking then. 
Although surprisingly, immediately after you said that he grew serious, nodding his head in agreement. “Of course. My apologies. Sorry I was late, by the way, I couldn’t escape the office.”
Taken back by his sudden change in demeanour you shook your head. “It’s fine.” You weren’t expecting it to be so easy, but he listened. 
“So,” he prompted when you didn’t follow up with anything. “Should we get started?”
You jolted, unaware you’d been lost in thought and silently cursed yourself. He was going to think an idiot was in charge of teaching his daughter. Not that it mattered what he thought, but still, you needed to snap out of it. He was here to talk about Arin and as her teacher you had plenty to say. 
Seokjin was highly focused throughout the whole meeting, taking on bored everything you had to say with earnest. He wanted to know how his daughter was getting on at her new school and was interested in all the work she had completed in the short amount of time she’d been here. He didn’t have to, but he gave you a small explanation about why she’d had to switch schools so late into the year, and even though you already knew it was because she’d moved to live with him, you stayed silent, letting him carry on. He sounded so genuine, so worried about what the move could’ve done to Arin’s education and mental health that it ended up touching you. It was visibly obvious how much he loved and cared for his daughter and that was refreshing to see. A lot of the time it was the mothers who attended these parent-teaching meetings, you rarely had the chance to speak to the dads, so you did relish in this opportunity, discussing Arin’s talent in creative writing in depth, showing Seokjin the collection of short stories she’d written, and giving him tips when he asked on ways she could improve. 
That would come with age, you said, but there was one small thing she may want to stop now rather than later. Her most recent story, a beautiful and creative fantasy piece that she unfortunately ended with the ‘it was all a dream’ trope. 
“What’s wrong with that?” Seokjin asked. You instantly sensed that his defensive was up. It made you smile as you gave a slight shrug. 
“Nothing per se, it can just be a little cliché. There’s much better ways to end a story.”
“Sure, but she’s only 6. It can’t be that serious?” 
Your smile grew. “I understand that, Mr. Kim. Like I said, Arin is truly gifted for her age, it was just a pointer that you asked for.” You wouldn’t have brought it up otherwise, but he seemed thoroughly into this discussion now. 
He tilted his head in thought. “What if it was the legitimate ending of a story? There’s obviously famous novels with such conclusions.”
Amused, you mimicked him. “For instance?”
That caught him off guard. “What novels? Name me some.” 
His eyes grew comically wide at your request, and just as you suspected, he couldn’t answer. He chuckled, looking a little embarrassed. Was that a little colour on his cheeks? “You’ve put me on the spot.” 
You were both so engrossed discussing Arin that the time seemed to fly by. It was near to 7pm by the time you wrapped things up, and you’d enjoyed yourself so much you almost forgot you’d made a deal with yourself to start chewing Seokjin out the moment it was all over. He ever so kindly reminded you. 
“You know, I was expecting a very angry phone call last night. I was quite surprised when it never came.”
Both of you were now stood up, your desk still between you. Seokjin held copies of Arin’s stories that you’d given him to read over in his free time and you with nothing to fiddle with, folded your arms across your chest. Ah, here we go again. The playful lilt to his voice back from earlier, that infuriating smirk too. 
He was dressed in a much less flashy suit today. A simple slate grey two piece, his dark hair styled against his forehead, the smallest peek of forehead visible. It made him appear younger – not that he looked old anyway. Your guessing was mid 30s maybe, but this hairstyle made him appear softer. The faintest of lines around his eyes provided the slightest of giveaways, but then again, you only noticed them because you were searching for any clue to his age. His hair was still thick and dark and it definitely didn’t look like he dyed it. His body was… hm, he was built well. He certainly seemed to look after it. Not that you were looking, of course. 
You could definitely see the resemblance between him and Arin. Their eyes were the same almond shape, both deep brown in colour, and while their noses were slightly different, Arin’s cheeks obviously rounder, their plump lips were uncanny. 
Despite very much in thought, you kept your expression unreadable, nose in the air as you replied. “Perhaps I was too mad for words.”
He raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. If they were natural, life was incredibly unfair. “And now?”
“It would be unprofessional of me to start yelling at my place of work.” 
“You want to yell at me?” His eyes twinkled with silent laughter. It was obvious he was holding it in. 
You were glad he found this funny because you didn’t. No matter how much he’d impressed you as a father it still didn’t change yesterday. “You had no right just stealing my car like that.” 
He scoffed. “It was hardly stealing. Who steals a car to pay for the damage he caused?”
“I didn’t want you to pay!” 
He still looked baffled by your stubbornness. “That’s just absurd.”  
“You’re calling me absurd?”
He sighed. “Of course not.” He was getting flustered now, similar to yesterday. It was funny to watch. “I just…” He trailed off, catching the grin on your face. “You’re enjoying this.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, I love a complete stranger backing out into my car to then subsequently steal it from right under my nose.” 
He eyed you hesitantly. You knew he couldn’t tell if you were joking around or not. Your words and posture said no, but your eyes and lips gave it away eventually. “We’re still on this stealing business?” He paused, lips quirking. “Besides, I’m not a stranger. I’m your favourite student’s father.” 
You laughed in disbelief. This man was so full of himself. “I’m a teacher, I don’t do favouritism.”
“Oh?” He seemed sceptical. 
You shook your head, he really was unbelievable, but you couldn’t stop the smile that creeped its way to your mouth. “If that’s all, Mr. Kim.” You pointed to the door. It was getting late now, your car should be getting dropped off soon too. 
He chuckled as he started to make his exit, you following closely behind. When he stopped abruptly, turning back, you weren’t expecting him to be so close. You could notice the beginnings of stubble growing above his top lip, a sure sign you were in too close a proximity.
“She likes you a lot.” He murmured, serious once again. You wished he’d stop doing that. Was he an obnoxious rich jerk, or a caring, hardworking father? You would have gone with the former right before this meeting, now you had no clue. Maybe you’d gotten him all wrong. That would teach you for judging a book by its cover… 
“Arin,” he added, as if it wasn’t obvious. “She’s always speaking about you when I ask how her day went. You’re her favourite ever teacher.” He grinned then, laughing, amused by himself. 
You groaned. “Stop trying to guilt me.” He laughed harder, throwing his head back. Was all that true? Arin talked about you? You were her favourite teacher? Or was he just making it up for reaction? You didn’t ask. 
“Although, I will say it’s nice to put a face to the name now.” Maybe you didn’t need to ask. “Just wasn’t expecting it to be the woman whose car I drove into yesterday morning…”
No, neither were you. 
“I really am sorry about that.” 
He sounded nothing but sincere, you couldn’t not accept his apology, despite being still annoyed by what he had done afterwards. “You keep saying.” You gave an accepting sweep of your hand. “Let’s just forget about it, accidents happen, right?” 
“Right.” He gave a quick nod of his head, followed by a shrug. “…aand I guess you were parked behind me so…” 
You opened your mouth to refute such a claim but his laughter was so loud, so unlike his outer appearance, if that made any sense, (all high-pitched and squeaky almost), you were dazed for a moment, couldn’t help but join him – quietly so, but it was something. This man obviously thought he was hilarious. 
He opened the door, hand resting on the handle as he spoke again. At this rate the janitor would appear for his shift and you’d still be here talking to Seokjin. “Listen, I can’t find anyone to pick up my car tonight so how about tomorrow? Is that okay for you? You can give me a call in the morning and we’ll arrange a time suitable.” 
Oh yes, you’d forgotten all about that. Too distracted. By what? Him? “It’s fine. I can drop it off myself tomorrow.” 
He raised that perfect eyebrow again. “You can?”
You gave him an affirmative hum. Why was that so surprising to him? 
“How will you get home?”
Shoot. “Subway,” you thought quickly. 
“Are you sure?” He looked even more surprised, was about to suggest something else it seemed, until you spoke again. 
“Saves that kid wasting his weekend.” 
“Soobin.” No doubt he’d be the one to pick the vehicle up, being Seokjin’s personal assistant after all. You needed one of those. They could mark the children’s homework and plan your lessons…
“Oh. He really wouldn’t mind,” Seokjin reassured. 
“Really?” It was your turn to raise an eyebrow. Both of them actually, but they weren’t as devastatingly shaped as his. That reminded you, you needed to get them threaded again soon. “Poor boy was about to trek to the station yesterday before I offered him a ride.”
“You took him home? He didn’t tell me that.” Seokjin sounded surprised. 
“I wasn’t going to let him walk after he went to all that trouble for me.” 
He nodded in understanding. “You’re very kind.” 
You felt a little panicky, unable to read his reaction very well. “He won’t get into trouble?” You couldn’t see why he would, but you never know. 
“No,” Seokjin laughed. “Is that what you think of me?”
You shook your head. “Of course not, I was just…” You stopped, unsure what to say.
“I wonder what you do think of me,” he pondered, voice low, lips curled. 
“I don’t think it really matters what I think of you.” You replied cryptically. 
He liked that, chuckling softly. “Can’t a guy be curious?” You remained tight lipped. “My employees love working for me, for your information.” He added. Maybe as damage control, who knew. 
You rolled your eyes for the second time this evening. “You’re very full of yourself, Mr. Kim.” 
“Please, call me Seokjin,” he requested. 
You nodded, but you still didn’t think you were at that type of pleasantry yet. You could think of him as Seokjin but to say it aloud felt wrong almost, you didn’t know him. Thinking about it, it wouldn’t really matter come tomorrow anyway.
You watched him pull out a small notebook and an expensive looking pen from his inner jacket pocket, holding the copies of Arin’s stories under his arm as he used the door for support to write his address down for you. Ripping out the page perfectly, he passed it to you with a smile. “Drop the car off around 3pm. I should be long done at the office by then.” 
He was working on the weekend? He certainly was a busy man. Who looked after Arin while he wasn’t there? These curiosities you had couldn’t very well be asked, not unless you wanted to appear nosey and overstep the mark… 
“Okay,” you replied. “Then we arrange repayment.”
“Repayment?” He looked bewildered. “You’re not paying me back.” 
“I am.” 
“You’re not.” His tone was stern. You could be sterner, you were sure of it. 
“I am.” You insisted, staring him down. “The mechanic informed me yesterday that you’d be charged separately because he had to wait an extra half hour.” 
“Oh, that.” He shook a hand. “I knew that might happen because I was uncertain when you finished work. It’s really no bother.” 
No bother? Was this man adamant to hear you raise your voice? “I’m paying you back.” 
He feigned confusion, teasing you. “I don’t think you are.” 
“I – Look, we’ll sort this out tomorrow.” You’d be here arguing until Monday otherwise. 
He scoffed. “There’s nothing to sort out.” 
You shot him glare. It was a warning. Tomorrow you’d let him have a piece of your mind if he continued to refuse. You didn’t think he took it seriously. 
“I’m sorry, but you can’t just sit here and I say he wasn’t flirting with you.” 
“He wasn’t.” You were adamant. Soojung had made you relay your whole conversation with Seokjin as soon as you’d let slip this evening’s revelation. You were regretting it now. You were trapped on this couch forced to listen to her insane claims. There was no way in hell that man had been flirting with you. 
“You were definitely flirting back.” 
You felt yourself flush, voice raising as you insisted that she was wrong. “As if.” She shot you a look that told you she didn’t believe a word. “He’s rich and arrogant.” 
She laughed. “You say rich as if it’s a bad thing.” 
It wasn’t a bad thing, it just wasn’t your thing, but if rich made him smug and think he could throw his money around when you’d explicitly stated you didn’t want him too, then yes, it was a bad thing. 
“I wonder how loaded he really is…” Soojung thought aloud. “Millionaire status? He didn’t say where he worked?” 
“Didn’t come up,” you replied shortly. You were done talking about him now. In your eyes it was nearly over. Your car was back in its rightful place on your driveway and Seokjin’s would soon follow in its rightful place – surrounded by a handful of others. You would never have to see that frustrating man ever again – hopefully. 
“Find out tomorrow.” 
“I am not finding out tomorrow,” you exclaimed. It wasn’t important. He worked in an office, nothing out of this world amazing. “I’m just going to drop off his car, write out a cheque and be on my merry little way.” 
Soojung snorted. “Bitch, you’re going to be repaying him back a dollar a week.” You glared at her but she wasn’t fazed. “There’s no way you can afford it. He probably uses the most expensive mechanic in the city.” 
“Shut up.” You didn’t care if you had to use your savings account. He was getting his money back one way or the other. You refused to be indebted to him. You were a little nervous though… “It can’t be that much. He only had to repaint some scratches,” you worried.
Your best friend ignored you, nestling in closer, an overjoyed grin on her face. “Tell me again, is he dishy?”
You sighed – loudly. Why couldn’t she let the topic drop? “I’ve already described him to you, and besides, that’s not the point.” 
She wriggled her eyebrows suggestively. “So that’s a yes then. You’re into the Dilf!” 
You didn’t bother replying, instead choosing to throw a cushion at her. She was unbelievable. But why did her teasing annoy you so much right now? 
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Saturday and Sunday’s always allowed you to sleep in, although 8am probably wasn’t what most called late. You liked to make the most of your weekends and today was no different. After breakfast you showered and got ready, putting aside an hour to go over the student reports for Monday instead of wasting your Sunday night instead. You and Soojung had made plans to go out for coffee late morning as it was rare to see her free on a Saturday. She worked hectic and last minute hours as a department store manager, but she’d finally bargained her first full weekend off in months. 
Somehow your coffee turned into a little bit of a shopping spree, your credit card violently cursing you, but after the past few days you’d had you couldn’t find it in you to give a damn. You ate a late lunch at a one of your favourite cafés and then sadly, it was time to rush home and drop off Seokjin’s car back to him. You were very much dreading it – happy it would soon be over, don’t get you wrong, it was just the thought was making you all fidgety and nervous. Soojung wasn’t making it any better, she wouldn’t shut up about it, trying her best to get you give his address up. As if. You knew better than that. She’d be straight on her phone, google maps up in an instant. 
You said a begrudging goodbye to her half 2, promising you’d call her straight away with all the details once you were done. She was spending the night at her boyfriend Taehyung’s house tonight but that still wouldn’t stop her innate need for gossip. Your phone acted as GPS on the way to Seokjin’s house, having no idea how to use the fancy one in his car. Not that any of it helped. His house seemed impossible to find. It did not take the predicted twenty minutes your phone told you. No, it was near forty by the time you finally found the concealed long road you’d driven past three times that led to it. 
You came to a stop outside a pair of intimidatingly large gates and nearly choked when you saw his house. Well, you couldn’t really call it that. It was a mansion. Eight times the size of the house you and Soojung rented together, maybe more. He really was loaded. You just hadn’t realised how loaded until now. You felt a little sick as you spotted the intercom system on the wall, wondering if you could just ditch the car here and run as fast as your legs could carry you. Why had you not just let Seokjin arrange someone to pick it up from your house? Why were you always so stubborn?! 
Taking a deep breath you got out of the vehicle and walked over to the intercom, feeling partial relief to find it didn’t have a camera attached. You would absolutely die of shame otherwise, hopelessly unphotogenic and camera shy. Your teacher’s ID card would forever haunt you. 
It rang for a few moments before a woman picked up. “Hello, may I ask who it is?”
You weren’t expecting the female voice so you were stumped for a moment, stumbling over your words before you managed to settle on something helpful. “Hi, yes, this is Arin’s teacher, Miss. Y/L/N. I’m here to return the car Mr. Kim loaned me…” 
“Hello, love” the woman greeted sweetly. “Drive up to the front of the house. I won’t be a moment.”
“Okay.” You were thankful she hung up first because you let out a shriek when the gates started automatically opening. You dreaded to think if there were security cameras near. 
With a delay you got back into the car and started it up again, thoughts a little preoccupied now that it wasn’t Seokjin who’d picked up. You’d taken it he lived alone, not that he’d told you that. Maybe he had a new girlfriend, you were unsure how long he’d been divorced for. Although you didn’t recall Arin mentioning a woman’s name when she talked about her father. Not that you’d like to admit it, but you’d spent a generous portion of time last night while you waited for sleep trying to recall times when Arin had mentioned Seokjin. You didn’t know why, curiosity you guessed. 
But anyway, if Seokjin in fact did have a new partner, then you also guessed Soojung’s theory was incorrect. He had not been flirting with you. Which wasn’t a surprise. It had been a long time since a guy had flirted with you… You were probably to blame there, but it didn’t particularly bother you. Your life was busy enough as it was, throw in a man and you’d hit your breaking point. 
The woman who’d answered the call was waiting for you outside as you pulled up, older than her voice had made her seem. You stopped the car and got out, greeting her. 
“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Arin’s Nanny, Misook.” 
Oh. That made sense. You guessed your imagination had run wild with you for a few unexplainable moments. You felt almost embarrassed as you stood there awkwardly. Was she going to take the keys? Could you leave? 
“Please come in.” She smiled kindly. “Seokjin won’t be long, he’s just showering, work ran late.”
Come in?! Oh no, no, no. That wasn’t part of the plan. It was drop the keys and run. However, like a fool, you were unable to say no, looking behind you at Seokjin’s vehicle. “Is the car okay here?”
“Of course,” she nodded. “He’ll place it in the garage later. Follow me.” She turned her back and started making her way inside. 
You followed with heavy feet, not quite ready for this. Your first three encounters/dealings with Seokjin had been interesting to say the least. How would the fourth go? You felt a little rude entering your way inside his house (mansion) but Misook wouldn’t have invited you inside if it wasn’t okay, right? Maybe Seokjin wanted you here… 
“Make yourself comfortable while you wait.” Misook said once you’d taken off your pumps and she’d led you to the room nearest the entryway. The living room? The lounge? The family room? You didn’t know what else to call it, descriptions too basic for this grand home. 
Not that the décor and furniture were too elaborate. In fact, everything looked so homely and cosy inside. The couch was definitely leather but the throw draped over it and the cushions out of place made it look lived in. The colour scheme was minimalistic, walls cream, accents mostly teal blue and grey. Seokjin had style, or perhaps he’d hired an interior designer. You suddenly wondered what the rest of his home looked like. 
“Do you want anything to drink? Anything to eat? I’m just making Arin a snack.” Misook offered, but you immediately shook your head, not wanting to put her out. 
“Oh, no thank you. I ate before I left.” 
She nodded and left the room, leaving you to your own devices in a stranger’s house. The stranger who had hit your car and then proceeded to steal it from right under your nose. The stranger who had let you borrow his car and the stranger who was Arin’s dad. The world worked in mysterious ways. Or it was just mere coincidence, whatever. 
You perched yourself on the end of the teal love seat nearest the large bay window, fluffing up the cushion behind you to at least look a little comfortable. You looked around the room casually, spotting a hardback book on the coffee table – The Rough Guide to the 100 Best Places on Earth. Did Seokjin like to travel? With a seemingly busy lifestyle and a child it seemed pretty impossible. Maybe he just liked to dream? Maybe he’d travelled in his younger days? Wait, why were you thinking about these things? You looked over to the impressive brick fireplace, the obvious focal point of the room; it was stunning. A chunk of waxed driftwood sat above it, acting as a shelf and in the middle of it was a photo of Arin and Seokjin in a silver frame. Both their faces filled the image, grinning widely and they really did look so alike. You found yourself smiling, jumping a little when you heard your name. 
“Miss. Y/L/N!”
You followed the tiny excited voice, finding Arin in the doorway smiling shyly at you. She gave you a little wave. 
“Hi, Arin,” you greeted. 
That was all she needed to skip inside, sitting on the end of the couch closest to you. “Daddy told me you were coming today.” Well, at least she wasn’t surprised to find you in her living room. “He told me what he did. Silly daddy.” 
You let out a polite laugh. “It’s okay, accidents happen, huh?” You couldn’t very well say your daddy was an idiot, could you? “How are you today, Arin?” You asked, changing the subject, finding yourself in teacher mode instantly. “Do you have any plans?” 
“I’m okay,” she let out a comical sigh. “Daddy is taking me bowling.”
“That sounds like fun. Why are you sighing?” 
“I was supposed to see my mom but she was too busy…” She answered rather dejectedly. 
“Oh, that’s too bad.” You tried to think of something to say to reassure that little sad face of hers. “I’m sure she’s just as disappointed.” 
Arin gave a little shrug. “She’s always busy.” 
In the two months you’d been her teacher you’d never seen her mood like this. Yes, for her first week in class she’d been quiet, but that was because of nerves, today she looked deflated. You found yourself struggling for something to say, which was unlike you, especially with all your training. It was your job to reassure children after all. 
“I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.” 
Your head jerked up at the sound of Seokjin’s voice. There he was in the doorway, smiling your way. There was something different about him. What was it? Oh – his clothing. You noticed eventually. He was dressed incredibly casual today – normal. A beige coloured sweater and dark blue jeans. His hair wasn’t styled, flat to his forehead and still partly wet, his skin flushed from the heat of the shower.  You still couldn’t place his age. You were sure he was older than you, but by how much was difficult to say. 
“Mr. Kim, hi,” you greeted, standing up for some reason. You still couldn’t bring yourself to call him Seokjin unless it was in your own head. 
He walked towards you, in slippers. You didn’t know why but the thought was so bizarre. You were being ridiculous. Of course he wore slippers, why wouldn’t he? 
“Daddyyy,” Arin sung, running towards him and hugging his legs. She looked up at him, asking sweetly, “Are we ready to go?”
He chuckled, rubbing her hair. “Soon, sweetie. Go and find Misook in the kitchen so you can have your snack before we leave.” 
She looked at him coyly. “Can we have pizza later?”
He laughed again and gave a small shrug. “Sure. As a weekend treat.” 
You watched on, not realising there was a smile on you face. They were cute together. You noticed Arin peeking at you, then she looked up at her father again. “Is Miss Y/L/N coming too?”
Seokjin had the brazenness to look across at you, raising his eyebrows expectantly, as if it was your call. Was he insane? Not only was it implausible, it was downright unprofessional. You were Arin’s teacher. Yes, for just a few more weeks, but this interaction was already out of your comfort zone. 
“Uh,” you started, feeling awkward. “No, sorry, Arin. I, um, I have plans today.” 
You didn’t want to let her down, but luckily she didn’t seem to mind, giving you a roll of her shoulders and a cute smile. “Okay. See on you on Monday, Miss.” And off she skipped, out the door and to where you presumed was the direction of the kitchen. 
“Sorry about that,” Seokjin chuckled, stepping closer, as if he hadn’t pretty much invited you himself. What if you’d said yes? He’d have been okay with that? 
You felt yourself begin to heat up at the close proximity. You had no idea why he made you feel like this, especially now. You’d handled it so well yesterday, but then again, maybe that was because there’d been a desk separating you. In a professional setting. Right now you were out of your comfort zone, out of your depth. In his home, in his living room, a mere few inches between you both. Why did you find it so intimidating? Why did you find him so intimidating?!
That face… That face with that infuriating smile, and those eyes that seemed to twinkle with amusement, as if there was a joke you weren’t aware of. Multiple jokes. What did he find so funny? Was it you? You felt instantly defensive. He probably used those good looks to unease people, to make them do as he wanted. Not you. 
You took a step back, your legs brushing the love seat behind you, and reached for your purse, pulling out your cheque book. “So,” you began, hating the way your voice faintly shook. “Let’s settle. How much do I owe you?” 
His smile instantly disappeared as he rolled his eyes slightly. You caught them and it made you want to fight. “You’re still on this.” 
“Yes, I am,” you bristled “They washed my car too.” 
“Don’t look at me like that,” he groaned. “It was part of the service.”
“Just tell me how much I owe you.” You were adamant. 
“No.” So was he. 
“Mr. Kim.” 
“Seokjin,” he corrected, a small smug smile on his face. 
“Tell me!” 
He brought a hand to his temple, tapping the skin with his fingers as he let out a grunt. “You know what, I can’t seem to remember. It’s been a busy week, memory’s a little fuzzy.” The grin on his face told he was messing with you. 
What an exasperating bastard. You didn’t swear often, but he’d just driven you to it. Any more and it was out loud. Maybe your face gave something away because he soon changed his tune, falling serious, like he could so magically do sometimes. “Look, it was my fault, so I paid.” 
You wanted to scream. “What if I had an accident in your car? Would I have to pay the damage?” 
Instantly he looked worried, those perfect eyebrows furrowing in alarm. “Have you? Are you okay?” 
It looked like he was about to reach out a hand to comfort you, and you panicked, rushing into explanation, taken back by his concern. “No, I’m fine. I-I was just being hypothetical.” He looked confused. “By your logic, I would have to pay, right?” 
“My logic,” he mused, chuckling softly. “I’m just doing the correct thing. But yes, I suppose you’d have to pay.” He gave a shrug, that annoying smile back on his face. “Good thing there were no accidents then.” 
He was probably right. You weren’t that angry to prove a point. You’d probably have to take a lifetime loan to pay the damage off. You felt defeated. What more could you do? Write out a cheque for a guesstimated amount? Imagine the humiliation if you totally undervalued it. No, maybe you should just let it go. Bite your tongue and take this “gift” from a stranger. He had backed out into your car after all, regardless if you were hovering there, he just hadn’t been paying attention. He felt a guilt, a need to repair the damage caused so you’d just let him, even if it went against everything you believed in – your morals. He could obviously afford it and never miss the money. 
So you let him win this one, let him walk you to the door before you were late for those important plans that may or may not involve being sat in front of the television all evening watching sitcom reruns on the comedy channel. (He didn’t know that of course.) 
“Alice in Wonderland,” he said suddenly, just as you were coming to a halt by the grand wooden door. You turned to see him grinning and looked at him questioningly. What on earth was he on about? “A famous novel that uses that ‘it was all a dream’ trope you hate.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “I think someone may have been on google last night.”  
He held up his hands. “Guilty as charged.” 
You let yourself laugh, genuinely amused. You weren’t so nervy now, as comfortable in his presence as you were going to get. “Goodbye, Mr. Kim.” 
He tutted. “If you call me that one more time I’ll be forced to take that cheque from you.”
Really? Interesting… “Mr –
“I take it back,” he interrupted quickly, realising his mistake. “But please, call me Seokjin. I get called too many formalities within the week, I hate it.” 
You had to agree with that, you knew that feeling all too well. “Fine,” you gave in. “Goodbye, Seokjin.” There, you’d bitten the bullet. Calling him by his name aloud made you feel funny. “Thank you for… everything.” 
He mulled over your gratitude, seemingly satisfied. “I’ll take that.” You ignored him and turned to leave. He stopped you, his hand touching your elbow and warmth spread throughout your body instantly. “Are you really taking the subway home?”
You nodded. 
He looked dubious. “The nearest station is quite a walk from here.”
“How far?” Now you were too. 
“Let me give you a ride there.” He offered. “I’m taking Arin downtown anyway. Her plans with her mom got changed last minute so I’m trying to cheer her up.” At the mention of his ex-wife  his voice became tense, his expression darkening for a moment before he shook himself out of it, a smile back on his face. “So, what do you say?” 
“Okay.” You agreed, smiling back. “You can drop me off.” In all honesty, you had no clue where you were going anyway, this part of the city unfamiliar to you. That, and your cell phone had only 20% battery life left after the palaver of trying to get yourself here. Driving you to the station wasn’t going to put him out so it was fine. 
“Great. Oh, by the way,” he slipped in, as if he’d suddenly remembered something. Or maybe he was just trying to sound casual. “Are you ever going to tell me your name or do I have to live in mystery for the rest of my life?” 
You grew surprised. Of course, he didn’t know your name. You’d never told him. Maybe subconsciously you’d imagined Soobin would’ve relayed that piece of information back to him, or maybe, and most likely, you’d never actually thought about it at all. No wonder you hadn’t realised. You felt almost rude. 
“It’s only fair,” Seokjin said, mistaking your silence as indecision. “You know mine, and I can’t keep referring to you as Miss. Y/L/N. It’s a bit strange, don’t you think?” 
That was interesting. When was he planning to refer to you again at all? Not that you needed to be persuaded. But you were being polite, that’s what you told yourself. You knew his name so like he’d said, it was only fair. There was no other reason, and of course the idea of him being curious about your name made you feel nothing whatsoever. Okay? 
You gave him a quick smile, feeling a little coy for some reason. “It’s Y/N.” 
“Y/N,” he repeated, murmuring it softly as the mystery unveiled itself. 
That was dangerous. Hearing the syllables roll from his tongue so gently sent a rush of heat through your body. It settled on your face, tingling, and you prayed it wasn’t visible. 
What the hell was wrong with you?! 
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Written 2020 - 2021.  Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
2K notes · View notes
cevans16 · 3 years
I Could Not Live Without You
Summary: Bucky almost loses you on a mission
Sorry this is a long one! Lots of fluffiness though :)
You and Thor were sitting in the back of the conference room horsing around with a thumb war. 
“You’re such a cheater” you discreetly yelled at him. 
“You are mad that I am winning little one” he teased you
“Little one?! Should I demonstrate that I am a strong demigod just as you!” you yelled a bit louder
“Thor, (Y/N)! Keep it down!” Steve yelled over to you two. You received dirty looks from the rest of the crew until you finally calmed down only for you and Thor to start messing around again.
“(Y/N) if you don’t listen so help me-” Tony was the one to yell at you this time. You looked up at him to be met by a stern expression from the genius man. Tony and Thor were your best friends so getting a certain look from either one of them would calm you down
“Sorry Tony” you whispered back to him. 
“As we were saying - for this mission it will be Thor, Sam, (Y/N) and Bucky” Tony listed the names causing you to groan at the last one
“Is there a problem?” Tony asked
“Yes, HIM” you replied motioning to Bucky. Since you two met, Bucky was never nice to you, he either ignored you or always had to critic something about you.
“Well, Wanda and Vision are on their honeymoon so I see this as a team bonding exercise since you two can’t seem to get along” Tony peered at you. 
“I get along with everyone else, he seems to have a problem with me” you replied. 
“Come on doll, it’s one mission, if I can tolerate you everyday, I’m sure you can tolerate me for a few” he said winking at you causing you to roll your eyes back.
“Whatever are we done here” you said getting up from your seat to start packing. 
You were settling yourself inside the quinjet, you and Thor were the demigods so you were practically there as an extra asset for Sam and Bucky. 
“Want some cashews?” Bucky offered you, you rolled your eyes at him again.
“No thanks” you said walking away from him to sit next to Thor.
“You know both and I don’t know much about Midgard however I think he likes you” Thor said winking at you
“Please don’t” you quickly replied to his comment
“Ohhh but I know you DO like him, Stark said so himself” at that you scoffed.
“What! No! Damn you Tony, what did he say?” you asked Thor narrowing your eyes at him.
“I overheard you and Stark speaking about him” he said motioning over to Bucky. You remembered that day perfectly.
“I think you have a thing for him, don’t you (Y/N)?” Tony picked on you
“NO! He’s rude, a know-it-all and gosh that stupid long hair needs to be chopped off” you quickly replied defensively while fixing a nanotech knife you had built with Tony.
You turned around to look at Tony who was raising one of his eyebrows at you with a smirk slapped on his face.
“That doesn’t sound very convincing” he chuckled
“I think Manchurian Candidate has a crush on you too but I could be wrong---actually I am never wrong” he continued.
“What do you mean?” you asked curiously
“Well for starters, its like in elementary school, boy likes girl but wants to seem cool so he picks on the said girl which in this case is you” he said poking you with one of his tools
“You don’t see it but he always looks over at you when you are not looking, asks where you are when you are not around, that sort of stuff” Tony explained.
“I mean maybe you two should give it a shot” he shrugged
“Not in a million years Tony” you said walking out of the lab, only to bump into Bucky himself
“He’s never been nice to me so why should I do the same” you told Thor. 
Thor didn’t say anything, you and him leaned back against the wall to take a quick nap before arriving to your destination.
“Hey....we’re two minutes out so suit up” Sam said shaking you out of your sleep gently
“Thank you Sam” you said getting up from your seat to grab your equipment
You grabbed two small pistols placing them on each thigh holster, your earpiece from Sam, you placed your sword behind your back and picked up a rifle to head on out.
“Are you sure you can handle that?” Bucky teased you
“I can handle more than that Barnes” you sternly replied
“That she can Bucky, don’t forget she’s a demigod” Sam said, “I do have to ask though, where did you learn to shoot because I’m sure there aren’t guns on your world” he asked 
“Well I train profusely with Nat so I think I’m pretty set in having the best teacher you can get” you explained, Sam nodded walking out the quinjet to lead the way.
“Okay, on my lead, Buck and (Y/N) you go left, Thor and I will head to the right on my signal.....go” Sam led away
“You have my six right?” Bucky asked you
“No shit, you’re part of the team” you replied, the genuine comment surprising Bucky
“Plus I don’t want to deal with Steve’s reaction if you were to be gone forever” you added
Well that was too good to be true Bucky thought to himself. 
You were both deep inside the building where there was Sokovian evidence about new mutants
You were beside Bucky when you heard a loud gunshot, immediately reacting quicker than Bucky due to your demigod senses, you pushed Bucky out of the way causing you both to fall down to the first level, you felt your left arm break. A bullet had hit you on your left rib, without hesitation you shot back to where the bullet had come from, you had great aim killing the suspect instantly.
You felt pain, worse than what a normal gun shot would feel like. When you took out the bullet to saw that it was Sokovian made, this bullet was different you thought to yourself, this wasn’t going to kill you but you knew it could’ve killed a human being. You felt yourself drifting away into a deep slumber, you could hear Bucky yelling for you.
He got up slowly from the nasty fall, made sure the coast was clear, he then knelt down next to you placing you onto his lap.
“No no, (Y/N) WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” he yelled over at you repeatedly.
You looked up at him giving him a soft smile, “Give this.... to... Wanda, she’ll know” you tried your best to speak and then it all went pitch black.
“Bucky! (Y/N)! You guys okay?” Sam yelled over the earpiece
“I’m okay.....(Y/N) has been hit, she’s...down” Bucky said in disbelief, he couldn’t believe the girl he was in love with was dead and he never got the chance to tell you how he felt about you.
He picked you up cautiously, walking back to the quinjet sadly.
Thor was the first one to look at you, he looked over your wound, opening your vest open. “She’s not dead but we need to take her back quickly” he said to Sam and Bucky
Sam nodded heading to the pilot chair to fly you all back home.
Bucky tried not to cry but his tears betrayed him
“She pushed me out of the way” he sniffed
Thor placed his hand on Bucky’s shoulder to calm him down, “She would have done it for anyone, it’s not your fault” he said sitting down next to him
“I never told her how I felt about her” Bucky whispered
Thor smiled at the sound of him saying that, “I knew it” he teased Bucky
“I’m sure everyone did except her, I was an idiot in not showing it in the correct way” he explained
“She’s not dead Bucky” Thor said.
“How do you know?” he asked
“Well for one, I can hear her heartbeat, it’s very faint. And I’d know if I have lost a best friend” Thor explained. 
The rest of the flight back home was quiet.
“Let me see her!” Tony yelled running over to you.
“She’s not dead Stark but we need to check on her wounds, it’s the one on her left rib and she has a broken left arm” Thor explained
“I called Dr. Cho, she should be here soon” Tony nodded at Thor
Tony looked at you, you looked peacefully asleep, he had felt his heart drop when he heard about you. He couldn’t lose his best friend. He wiped away a tear before pushing you over to the emergency room. Bucky followed quickly behind.
“Barnes you can’t be here” Tony said to him
“I’m not leaving her Stark” he replied firmly. Tony looked over at him, eyeing him up and down, he knew it, he knew Bucky liked you. He would save the teasing for another time though, first he had to save his best friend. 
“She also said to give this to Wanda, that she would know” Bucky said handing over the bullet you had placed in his hands.
Tony looked over at the delicate item, how did something so small take down a demigod like you.
“I’ll call Wanda once (Y/N) is out of the emergency room” Tony confirmed.
After what felt like forever, Dr. Helen Cho finally arrived, she looked over at you, replicating your own cells to heal the wound on your rib, it wouldn’t look the same but it was enough to stabilize you. Once she was done with surgery, they wheeled you to the recovery room.
“She looks like she’s asleep peacefully” Nat sniffed looking at you. 
“Yeah she does, how did it go wrong?” Steve asked
“She took the bullet for Barnes” Nat said, this surprised Steve, he in fact thought that you hated Bucky but he was very appreciative that you would protect his own best friend as if he were yours.
“Don’t look so surprised Steve, she would do this for anyone of us. Besides she has a soft spot for Barnes” Nat smirked
“That I have heard” Steve chuckled. 
“Will you two shut up, I feel bad enough as it it” Bucky interjected
They stood there a little bit longer, Nat and Steve headed out, Nat stopped by Bucky, “You should get cleaned up Barnes, it’ll take a while”
“I’m not leaving until Wanda gets here” he replied, with that Nat left Bucky alone with you. 
Wanda and Vis had to cut their honeymoon short
“I’m sorry Wanda but (Y/N) told Bucky about the bullet that hit her, Banner and I have been trying to figure it out but-- I wouldn’t ask you to come back if it wasn’t serious...this is my best friend” Tony choked out at the end. 
“Tony....don’t worry, Vis and I understand, we are heading back , I have a clue on what that bullet could be” she replied calming Tony down over the phone.
Nat and Maria were visiting you again, Maria hadn’t seen you until now. 
“She looks like a sleeping beauty doesn’t she” Nat said, “even with all the debris....maybe we should clean her up, I know she would flip if she saw how dirty she was” Nat laughed at the thought of you
“You’re right, hey Barnes, you have to walk out” Maria ordered him 
“I’m not lea-”
“You have to leave, wait outside for Gods sake, take a shower, she is in good hands and she needs privacy while we clean her up” Nat said
“Fine” Bucky got up from the chair next to you, giving the girls a stinky eye. He quickly went to his room to shower. Although he wouldn’t admit it, the girls were right, he definitely needed a shower. 
Once he was done he went over back to the room they had you in, Nat and Maria were quick to clean you up. Your hair was brushed back, it smelled like subtle lavender, your face was clean and makeup free however your long eyelashes still stood out to him, your clothes were changed. Nat was right, you looked like a sleeping beauty, it hurt his heart though to see you this way. 
Bucky sat down next to you again, Nat handed him a tray with food.
“I know you haven’t ate so here” she said before walking out the door.
Throughout the next few days, everyone else came in to check on you while they weren’t on missions. Thor and Tony checked on you the most, Bucky never left your side unless it was to shower. He felt a sigh of relief when he saw Wanda come inside the room.
“How is she?” Wanda asked looking over at you
“She’s been the same since” Bucky replied
“You look tired Bucky” she said to him, he replied with a faint smile. 
“So what is it?” Tony asked her as he came inside the room followed by Thor.
“The bullet can kill any one of you except-” Wanda was going to explain
“Except demigods and mutants, they use these to knock them out however it sends you into a deep sleep, not a peaceful one though” Banner interjected, he was now followed by Steve, Nat and Clint who had been on leave with his family
“He’s correct” Wanda smiled at him, “Pietro and I never got hit by one of these thankfully”
“So if it’s not a peaceful sleep, why does she look like it is?” Clint asked, “Sorry, I got here as soon as I could”.
“Well it’s more of a battle within, whatever your worst fears are, your past that haunts you, it’s all alive in your sleep” Wanda said
“Oh god” Tony said, he knew what your past was, a traumatic one, you were reliving it and there was nothing they could do about it
“So how do we bring her back?” Bucky asked
“It’s not a how can we its when will she” Wanda said sadly, “I think I may be able to get into her head though, give her some kind of signal” she added
“Sure, it’s not like you haven’t done it before” Nat teased her
“Can you?” Steve asked, Wanda nodded closing her eyes as she placed her hand on your head gently. 
Wanda saw your worst fears; losing Tony, Thor, losing anyone on the team. She saw your past; your dead family, dead friends, everything. She backed out of your head immediately, trying to suppress a cry.
“Honey, it’s okay” Vision soothed her
“She’s going through hell....I have to bring her back” she said, walking over to you again. 
This time she was able to contact you, “(Y/N) you have to wake up, this isn’t real” she explained to you in your dream. 
“I can’t yet Wanda I have to finish this mission” you replied
“There is no mission, you’re in a dream”
“NO.....Tony is gone and I couldn’t save him” you cried out
“It’s a dream....come back to us” Wanda pleaded
“I will Wanda, when I am done here, I will” you said
Wanda was brought back to reality. 
“She’s not ready yet” she said walking out of the room, “she will wake when she is”.
It had been over a month since you were out, everyday the team had a routine to check on you, Bucky never left. 
He was observing you, your eyelashes, he was deep into your face that he didn’t realize you had opened your eyes. 
“(Y/N)?!” he yelped
You looked back at him, fluttering your eyes slowly, sensitive to the light. Then you sat up fast looking over to Bucky, your face in panic.
“Where’s Tony?!” you yelled
“He’s with Pepper” Bucky stammered still recovering from you being suddenly awake
“Don’t bullshit me Barnes, is he alive?!” you said
“Yes! Why would I lie about that, I’ll call him” he said quickly getting his phone out to dial Tony
“She’s awake” was all he said before hanging up
He leaned closer to you, squeezing your hand, “Honey” he said to you
You scoffed at the nickname, “Who are you and what have you done to James Buchanan Barnes?” you asked curiously
Bucky laughed, he slipped at the nickname, “I’m sorry (Y/N)”
After five minutes Tony came into the room, you looked up at him, feeling your breathing come back to normal to see that Bucky wasn’t lying to you.
“Tony” you choked out pulling him in for a tight hug. You felt your tears fall down your face, you were happy to be back after the nightmares you were dreaming of. 
“I dreamt you were gone and there was nothing I could do and it was so awful” you sobbed into his shoulder. Tony soothed you, rubbing your back softly.
“There there, look you are snotting all over my shirt so obviously I am not dead” he joked causing you to laugh. Bucky had missed that laugh more than anything.
“It was so horrible” you said looking back to him
“I know, Wanda explained to us” he replied, “I’m glad to have you back” he said pulling you in for a hug this time
“You know I mainly missed you wanting to kill this one all the time” he said motioning over to Bucky, “Thor and I were here a lot but this one never left your side” he said giving you a kiss on your forehead, “I’ll let the team know you’re awake, Morgan has been dying to see you but we chose it was best for her not to see you in this state, calm down, I’m in one piece” he said heading out. 
You were still crying, so many emotions were all over the place. 
“I’m sorry about this” Bucky said
“What? No this isn’t your fault Bucky” you said
Bucky’s breath hitched at you calling him Bucky, you had never called him that.
“I would do it again if I had to” you added, giving him a small smile.
“She’s BACK!” Thor came in yelling with a bouquet of flowers, “I missed you so much, we have so much to catch up on!”
“How long have I been out for?” you asked afraid to know the answer
“Over a month” Thor said
Each Avenger came in to greet you back to reality. Every single one giving you the strongest hug you had ever received from any of them. Somehow they also each seemed to mention that Bucky had always been there beside you, that was odd to you but you thought back to what Tony and Thor had said, it couldn’t be though. 
“Auntie (Y/N)!!!” Morgan yelled throwing herself onto you, Pepper and Tony were quick to scold her
“It’s okay.....I’m okay guys, I missed you baby Stark” you chuckled at her excitement giving her a kiss on her head, “are you ready for our monthly date, rumor is we are backed up on two now” you said, Morgan nodded as her smile grew bigger. 
Bucky loved how you were always extra gentle with Morgan, he loved seeing you with kids, you were like a magnet to them. 
The nightmares came every other night, even though you were out for a month you didn’t feel rested.
You showed up late to your first meeting, apologizing profusely for doing so, everyone was extremely understanding since the word had spread that you were still recovering. 
You were dazing in and out of the briefing, looking over at Thor to your right who would always give you a smile. After the meeting was finally over you asked him, “Hey so baby Stark and I are going to our usual, want to come?” you asked
“I would love to but Jane and I have plans” he said, “but I can cancel them”
“No no don’t do that....you and Jane are back! That’s amazing Thor” you genuinely said, you knew how in love he had been with her. 
“(Y/N) can I talk to you?” you heard Steve call you 
You nodded at him, “Tell me everything once I’m done” you said to Thor.
“Hey Steve, I’m sorry again about being late I’m-”
“Don’t worry I’m not here to scold you, actually I want to thank you for saving Bucky’s life. That could’ve killed him” he said sadly at the end.
You pulled Steve in for a hug, “I would do it again if I had to Rogers, I would like to think that someone would save my best friend too” you said. 
“I gotta go, baby Stark is waiting for me” you smiled
“Usual hangout for you two?” he asked smiling
“Yep, I’ve been away for too long” you walked away to get ready with Morgan
You were saying goodbye to Tony and Pepper while you and Morgan headed out the compound. You bumped into Bucky, to be honest you noticed he was around more but you never thanked him for being by your side.
“Where are you ladies off to?” Bucky asked with a smile
“We’re going to the aquawium and ice cweam Mr. Barnes” Morgan answered, “would you wike to come with us?” she asked 
“I’m sure he has other things to do Morgan” you said politely
Bucky looked over at you and Morgan, then back to Tony and Pepper.
“I’m okay with it” Tony said loud enough for you to hear
You laughed at his comment, “Well Mr. Stark said it was okay...really Bucky you don’t have to” you added
“Actually it would be my pleasure” he replied
“YAY! Auntie (Y/N) and I always have fun” Morgan said
Now the three of you walked towards the car garage, you normally took Pepper’s car since Morgan’s car seat was in it. You buckled her in and were about to get into the drivers side when Bucky stopped you.
“I’ll drive” he said
“I can drive Bucky, I’m not hurt” you replied
“(Y/N), you have a cast on your left arm” he asked pointing at it. To be fair you had indeed forgotten about your broken arm.
“Fineeee Barnes here” you playfully threw the keys at him.
He opened the passenger door for you to get inside the car, as he walked over to the driver’s side Morgan spoke.
“I think he wikes you” she giggled
“Morgan not you too” you laughed
Thankfully she didn’t say anything else once Bucky got inside the car. “So uhmm I don’t even know where we are going” he said a little embarrassed,
“Bless you, well first we’re going to the aquarium and then Dairy Queen” you said
“Off we go” Bucky said putting the car in drive heading towards the aquarium.
The ride to the aquarium was quiet besides Morgan talking away, she was very much like Tony in that sense, Bucky caught onto that. 
“I thought we left Stark back home” he half-heartedly joked
You laughed at that, looking over to him, “We did but we have his mini version back there”
Bucky looked back at you, he looked at you differently, this was the first time either of you had hung out without anyone else on the team being around. Morgan seemed to be enjoying both of your company.
The trip around the aquarium was always fun when it was you and Morgan, having Bucky around only added onto it. He would hold Morgan up to see the fishes closer, you would hold her hand to touch the starfishes, you all walked around like a normal little family.
You were going to take a selfie with Morgan when Bucky offered to take it instead.
“Here stand in front of this glass wall” he advised, Morgan and you complied, you knelt down by her side smiling for the picture.
“I can take a picture for you guys, stand right next to your girls, young man” an older lady said to Bucky. Bucky blushed at the lady, not knowing how to tell her that you guys weren’t together. So he handed her the phone and walked over to you and Morgan, you were trying your best to not laugh.
“You have beautiful women here” she added
“Thank you mam” you replied once she took several pictures of you all.
You took the phone looking at the pictures; you, Morgan and Bucky did in fact look like a cute little family. 
After the aquarium you guys headed off to Dairy Queen, Bucky was going to the local one but you let him know that you and Morgan went to a specific one that overlooked the city.
You all ordered your personal favorite ice creams then walked over to a bench that was on the dock. You sat Morgan between you and Bucky, all three of you quietly overlooking the beautiful skyline sunset. 
“I had fun today, you should come more often Mr. Barnes” Morgan said
“Thank you, I had fun too, call me Bucky” he said to her.
Once you all were done you headed back to the car, Morgan asked you this time if you can sit in the back with her, you agreed to do so, you often did when you were with Tony and Pepper, she called you her car buddy. Somehow you and Morgan dozed off on the way back to the compound. You were awaken gently by Bucky.
“Hey, we’re home” he said softly
You rubbed your eyes, yawning again, smiling at Bucky.
“Sorry I don’t know what happened” you said unbuckling your seatbelt. You got out from the car to carry a sleeping Morgan out to her room. 
“Here I got her, you can lock the car” Bucky said as he placed Morgan into his arms.
You guys walked up to the compound, first to drop off Morgan with Tony and Pepper.
“She’s knocked out, yay” Tony joked as he grabbed his daughter from Bucky. 
“The pictures of you three were so sweet and cute” Pepper said, she pulled you over discreetly, “You two would make a cute couple” causing you to blush.
You all said your goodnights, Bucky walked you over to your own room which was a floor below.
“Thank you for this day, that was a lot of fun” he said to you
“Nahhh its all Morgan, she gets it from Tony” you teased
Bucky stopped you in the middle of the hallway, “Look I’m sorry about always being a dick to you. I thought that by doing so my feelings for you would fade away and they sure didn't’” he laughed nervously, “I can’t thank you enough for saving my life, I will forever be in debt to you. After almost losing you, it scared the fuck out of me” he said trying not to cry, “I realized that I could not live without you so I have to ask, will you forgive me for being a jerk and will you go on a date with me? It’s okay Morgan can come along” he joked causing you to laugh.
“Ehhh I wasn’t too nice to you either, you don’t owe me anything Bucky...like I said I would do it again if I had to. As much as I hate Tony and Thor being right, I like you too Bucky. I want to thank you for being by my side even though I wasn’t there to see it, it helped knowing someone else was there for me too. Yes I will like to go on a date with you” you said smiling back to him.
Bucky knew in that moment that his life would get better with you in it, he couldn’t wait to see what the future held for both of you.
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viastro · 3 years
keeping up with seventeen | S1EP1
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ミ★ synopsis: thirteen chaotic men given their own reality tv show? more normal than you'd think!
ミ★ word count: 2,100
ミ★ taglist: @sunlightwoo​ @coppertrashi​ @sweetsoonhan​ @brinnalaine​ @minluvly​ @wonunuu​ @suhfluffy​ @shuajeong​ @euphorencia​ @imjustuhhvibing​ @minghao-will-be-the-death-of-me​ @shuahaeee​ @jaeyuni​ @sunflowergyeomie​ @cheolliehugs​ @chanberriees​ @vi-nnx​ @kodzumo​ @dwcljh​ @sbnchaos​ @taeguk-munchkin​ @w8nuzone​ @miyuuraaura​ @semicolorn​ @isa499​ @snowismyfirstname​ @escapewriter​ @coco-riki​ @banqtlattae​ @haonysus​​
ミ★ won’t let me tag: @smileyjmvn
let me know if you want to get added to the taglist!
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[[ double brackets = setting ]] 
[ single brackets and italics = action made by member ]
| video edit |
bold = speaker
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[[ The video begins with a shot of the blue skies, a bird flying past as the sound of something frying fills the background. The shot changes to Jeonghan standing in the kitchen, chin resting over Joshua’s shoulder as he watches the man cook them breakfast. ]]
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“Yeah… Jeonghan can’t cook. Like at all.” 
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[ A look of surprise is on Jeonghan’s face from what the director told him ] 
“Joshua said I can’t cook?” 
[ Jeonghan lets out a loud laugh before falling into a straight face, staring directly at the camera. He crosses his legs, folding his hands over his knees. ] 
[ The director feels a drop of sweat fall down their neck from the intimidating gaze. ]
“I’d like to see proof supporting Joshua’s bold statement.”
| video cuts to a flashback reel of Jeonghan in the kitchen |
[ Minghao steps out of his room to prepare his own dinner, only to pause when the scent of burning floods his nose. He quickly walks down the hallway and enters the kitchen, and his eyes widen at the sight before him. ]
[ The camera pans over to Jeonghan by the stove, reading the instructions on the army stew packaging with no care in the world. ]
minghao: [ cautiously steps into the kitchen ] Jeonghan… 
jeonghan: [ looks up towards Minghao, letting out a fond smile at the younger ] Minghao! I was just cooking dinner.
minghao: [ nods his head with a concerned smile on his face ] How has that been going? 
jeonghan: [ smiles brightly and gives Minghao a thumbs up, food packaging still in hand ] It’s been going great!
[ The cameraman slowly zooms into the black smoke emitting from the pot behind Jeonghan, capturing the moment the soup boils over the pot. ]
minghao: [ gasps loudly and rushes forward ] JEONGHAN! THE POT!
[ Jeonghan raises an eyebrow and turns around, only to scream at the sight and quickly grab the kitchen towel. ]
jeonghan: OW IT BURNS!
| fade out |
mingyu: [ chops a red pepper as he looks over towards the stove, seeing the vegetables that need to be stirred. He turns towards Jeonghan ] Jeonghan! Can you stir the veggies for me please? I need to finish cutting this.
jeonghan: [ nods ] Okey dokey.
a few minutes later
mingyu: [ frowns as he sniffs the air, halting his movements ] Jeonghan?
jeonghan: [ looks up from his phone as he stands by the stove ] yeah?
mingyu: did you stir the vegetables?
jeonghan: yeah, why?
[ Mingyu and Jeonghan both turn to look at the stove at the exact same time, only to scream in horror when they see the plastic spatula melting onto the pan. ]
[ the camera follows after Mingyu as he frantically lifts the pan off the stove, while Jeonghan runs off frame to open the windows due to the overwhelming smell of burnt plastic ]
| cuts back to jeonghan’s interview |
[ Jeonghan stares in silence as the flashback reel ends. He uncrosses his legs, and slowly nods his head, fixing a strand of hair. ]
“Okay... valid.”
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[ The camera follows Jeonghan and Joshua as the two walk to the kitchen table with the food Joshua cooked, settling down in the chairs and preparing to eat. ] 
jeonghan: [ eyes widen in joy from the food in his mouth, looking up towards the camera ] wow, this food I made is so good.
joshua: [ squints at him, reaching out and nudging the latter, causing Jeonghan to let out a laugh ] who made the food?
jeonghan: well, if we look at it this way. [ lifts up his two hands for emphasis, causing Joshua to raise an eyebrow ]
jeonghan: I woke you up, right? 
[ Joshua nods his head slowly, wondering where Jeonghan could possibly be going with this. ]
jeonghan: So since I woke you up, you decided to go make breakfast. Which in turn, was because of me. Therefore, I made breakfast.
[ The camera slowly zooms into Joshua’s flabbergasted smile, catching the twitch to Joshua’s eye as his lips press into a thin line. ]
joshua: mhm.
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“I hate it here.” 
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vernon: [ walks into the kitchen, and steals a bite of Joshua’s fried rice ] mmm, yummy. 
jeonghan: [ beaming ] you like it? I made it!
vernon: [ immediately spits it out into the garbage ] 
[ Joshua bursts into laughter as Jeonghan just squints at the younger, watching as Vernon quickly walks over to the fridge to pour himself a glass of water. ]
jeonghan: why’d you spit it out ??
vernon: [ turns to glance at Jeonghan as he chugs down a glass of water ] cause everything you cook is like a really old road kill that was cooked only to be run over again. AKA, poison. 
joshua: [ laughs, shaking his head as he takes a bite of bacon ] it’s okay, Vernon. I made the food, you can take the leftovers in the pan.
[ Vernon smiles brightly, thanking Joshua before preparing himself a plate. The camera follows after him as he leaves the kitchen with a plate of fried rice, only to stop and zoom into Jeonghan’s face, which is currently sporting a frown. ]
joshua: [ glances at Jeonghan, letting out a chuckle at the sight of his pout ] You know, you could take cooking classes if you actually want to learn. I heard that one restaurant down the street is offering them before opening hours. 
jeonghan: [ scoffs ] Why would I take cooking classes when we have Kim Mingyu? 
mingyu: [ yells from his room ] No!
jeonghan: I meant Wen Junhui.
[ Jeonghan and Joshua glance down at the table when Jeonghan’s cell phone lights up. He lifts up his phone to look at the notification, only to let out a sigh when he sees the text. ]
junhui: no, jeonghan.
jeonghan: [ turns off his phone and places it face down onto the table ] Can’t stand that puta anyways. 
[ Joshua snickers behind his hand, simply taking another bite of fried rice as he scrolls through his phone. The camera zooms in on the pout to Jeonghan’s lips as he stares at the food, deep in thought. ]
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“Pfftt, me? Signing up for cooking classes and paying for them? No way. I have one thing other than beauty,” 
[ Jeonghan runs a hand through his long blonde hair, before staring directly into the camera with a determined expression. ]
“And that’s pride.”
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[[ transition music plays as the video begins with the sight of the Seoul skyline during the morning, an insert shot of a sped up clip of the cars driving past the bridge being placed. It cuts to a shot of a small restaurant named do re mi, zooming into Jeonghan wearing a baseball cap and a mask as he looks around frantically before sneaking inside. ]]
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“Okay, so what if I wanted to take cooking classes! I’m sick,” 
[ Raises his arms up for emphasis ]
“SICK of being told I’m not a good cook! And since… Mingyu and Jun… didn’t wanna teach me, this was my best bet. I’m going to surprise all the guys with my cooking skills by the end of this cooking class!”
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[ The camera zooms in on Jeonghan standing at a table, an apron over his body as he takes a break from chopping vegetables, now looking around at his surroundings. ]
jeonghan: [ internally ] i’m surrounded by children.
[ The camera cuts to different angles of the room, showing that Jeonghan is, indeed, surrounded by children who are playing with their dough and screaming with their parents. ]
child: [ walks over to Jeonghan’s table and peers over it, staring directly at the pizza dough Jeonghan made ] sir?
jeonghan: [ glances up from the chopping table, smiling at the curious child that’s staring at his rising dough ] yes?
child: [ points at the dough ] why your dough look like that?
jeonghan: [ chuckles as he glances over towards his creation, smiling proudly ] like what?
child: like an underbaked potato that got stepped on until it was just a sad piece of mush.
[ the camera zooms into Jeonghan’s face as the man simply blinks at the child, not uttering a word. ]
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“You know, I like children. I really do.”
[ rests his hands on the arms of the chair, now looking serious. ]
“But these hands are rated E for Everyone.”
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[[ The video cuts to a shot of Joshua and Mingyu playing games on the TV in their living room, laughing as they try to sabotage the other. Their attention is grabbed when the front door suddenly opens. ]]
joshua: [ smiles at Jeonghan as he steps into the house, only to frown when he catches sight of all the flour on Jeonghan’s face and hair. ] Jeonghan?! What happened to you?
[ The camera follows after Mingyu and Joshua as they walk over to Jeonghan, who is currently staring at the floor. ]
mingyu: Jeonghan?
jeonghan: Well, I did end up going to the cooking class that Joshua told me about.
[ Joshua and Mingyu exchange a look, before turning to Jeonghan and urging him to go on. ]
jeonghan: and then I got into a little... tussle.
joshua: A tussle?!
jeonghan: a little one!
| video cuts to a flashback |
jeonghan: This dough is like my child, therefore you just insulted my kid. You don’t see me asking your mother why she didn’t swallow your ass!
child: [ tilts their head to the side ] swallow my ass?
[ The camera zooms out as the child’s mother walks into frame, looking furious after overhearing what Jeonghan said and her child saying a curse word. ] 
child’s mother: [ grasps her child and hides his face in her stomach, shooting a death glare towards Jeonghan ] What the hell is wrong with you? 
jeonghan: I was protecting my child. [ reaches for bowl of pizza dough and hugging it to his chest ] 
child’s mother: You’re delusional! Why are you even at a cooking class that’s meant for children?
jeonghan: [ lets out a sigh ] you should be more worried about the fact that your pizza looks ugly than asking me about why I’m improving my life skills.
[ The audible sound of the cameraman’s gasp is heard when the mother grabs a handful of flour and throws it at Jeonghan’s face. The camera zooms in on Jeonghan, catching the smallest of smirks on his face as he wipes away some of the flour. ]
jeonghan: [ tilts his head as he opens his eyes, letting out a dark chuckle as he glances at the woman ] You just triggered a war.
| end of flashback |
[ Joshua and Mingyu just stare at Jeonghan with concerned expressions on their faces while the latter grins at them like he didn’t just get banned from do re mi. ]
jeonghan: [ startled ] Oh! Before I got kicked out though, the chef let me finish making my pizza so you guys should try it.
joshua: [ glances at Mingyu ] is that a good idea?
mingyu: probably not.
jeonghan: [ eyes turn to slits as he stares at the two, holding out the box that contains his food ] try my pizza if you want to live another day.
joshua: [ laughs nervously as he takes the box from Jeonghan’s hand and opens it up, only for his eyes to immediately water from the smell ] O-Oh wow.
mingyu: [ internally ] i’m going to die today.
jeonghan: [ now smiling ] looks good huh? Try it! I wanna see your guys’ reactions.
[ Joshua and Mingyu share another worried glance before they each take a slice of pizza. The camera zooms in on the two of them as they give Jeonghan a nervous smile before taking a bite. ]
[ Jeonghan watches expectantly, hope reflected on his features as he waits. Joshua’s face brightens in surprise, along with Mingyu’s as they continue to chew. They both look at Jeonghan and nod their heads, making the latter smile widely. ]
jeonghan: is it good? 
mingyu: it’s surprisingly good!
joshua: [ nods his head in agreement ] I like it a lot!
jeonghan: [ lets out a breath of relief as he claps his hands ] Yay! Finally, I cooked good food. I need to go take a shower though, I’m pretty sure this flour is clogging my pores. 
joshua: [ nods his head, gesturing towards the bathroom ] Go shower.
jeonghan: [ smiling ] Okay, you guys can finish the pizza by the way! I can make more later since you both like it so much.
[ Mingyu and Joshua nod their heads as they watch Jeonghan head down the hall, a trail of flour following after him. It’s only when they hear the bathroom door close and the shower come to life that they immediately gag, running to the garbage can and the sink to spit out the vile pizza. ]
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“So essentially. The lesson of this episode is to just, not let Jeonghan cook.”
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 8 - Student Council President Sakura
“Oh, hello there Sakura.”
She almost lost her balance when she saw her next customers. Standing beside Kakashi with her arm entangled in his was a brunette, a spitting image of Dr. Aki Nohara, a giveaway that this was her sister. Sakura’s surroundings dimmed out of focus, and her hearing became muffled as if she was submerged underwater.
“Couldn’t mistake that green eyes for anyone,” Kakashi continued. “I’ll have a caramel butterscotch with extra whipped cream – make it super heavy – and Rin –“
“That’s supposed to be my order, you dummy,” the woman replied beside him. He chuckled in fascination and tightened his hold on her arm. “Besides, you don’t like sweets.”
“You’re still on a specialized diet so allow me to eat and drink whatever you want while you stick with – “ Kakashi glanced at Sakura, and she immediately mustered a tight-lipped smile. “One iced americano in your smallest size please. Thanks, Sakura.”
She took in a deep breath, suddenly aware that she wasn’t able to acknowledge her teacher and his companion, but so many things have been running through her head – like how did he know it was her? Why was he with Rin? Did he propose already? She hasn’t even confessed yet.
Somehow, in the dragging silence in her ears, she heard Sasuke cleared his throat. That was enough to break her from the spell, and she put on her bravest mask. “Hi Kakashi-sensei. Nice of you to drop by! I’ll have your order ready in a jiffy.”
Kakashi turned around and waved lazily at Sasuke. “One of my students is here too. Are you on a red eye advance study?”
“Can’t sleep so might as well have caffeine.”
“You’re too young to have this energy.”
Rin jokingly slapped Kakashi on the arm. “You talk as if you’re old already.”
“But aren’t I?” The pair slowly drifted away to find a table, but Sakura noticed the flash of recognition when Rin took a long good look at Sasuke, but her friend stared at them like he was throwing sharp draggers.
“He looks happy,” Sakura noted as she fixed their drinks.
“I want your favorite coffee,” Sasuke quipped out of nowhere.
“There’s a thing called palpitations. It’s caramel macchiato.”
“Might do me some good while I wait for you to finish your shift.”
Sakura sighed, feeling the tiredness come upon her all of a sudden so she relented. “Just take it to-go. I want to get out of here.”
She quickly asked permission from the manager, saying she felt sick and fatigued, and with her clocking overtime in the past few weeks, her request was immediately approved without deductions. The mixed winter and spring air hit her lungs as soon as she stepped outside. Sasuke waited for her across the street, a gesture that implied she could go to him or separate ways right now. As she vied for time to decide, she took one last look through the window.
It was a foreign sight. She has never seen Kakashi’s attention torn apart from his books. Even if he was talking, there would be an open page on his side, stealing glances on passages when the conversations got boring, yet there he was, fully attuned to whatever Rin was saying with no book around him…like she was his favorite book and he enjoyed reading every letter of her.
And Sakura realized she could never be the story he would even want to pick up.
She felt the tears coming so she started her pace on the same road. Across from her, Sasuke got the signal and went the other way.
The last term of their second year came like a bazooka. Sakura threw herself on her pet project as a sort of coping mechanism. The announcement was done during the general assembly which did not generate the intended buzz or reaction. After all, it was a tricky topic to handle and many facets of which were still stigmatized when talked openly in public. Naruto, ever the people magnet, broke the agitated atmosphere in the auditorium with a slow clap and was soon joined by many others.
The council created a Google form which allowed students to anonymously register, and they get assigned a schedule on the day their contracted psychiatrist comes to visit. All they had to do was provide their designated client number. The council further complemented this with short programs that serve as mental health breaks for the student body. Sometimes, this would be as light as a block screening of a coming-of-age film or heavy like a conference with faculty and teachers and questions and concerns are remotely flashed.
Then came Valentines’ Day, and the council organized this some kind of literary showcase that presented the opportunity to mingle woes of personal sadness and griefs with confessions that would have been left unsaid. Naruto and Sasuke both helped in constructing the makeshift stage in the middle of the soccer field that would be used later that afternoon.
“Cookie points for my crush,” Naruto grinned as he hammered away. “Thanks for picking the poem I will be reciting tonight, grumpy. Didn’t know you were into literature.” He jokingly elbowed the raven-haired beside him, and he got a death glare in return.
“Do it properly. Look at that nail sticking out like your porcupine hair,” Sasuke grumbled. “And yes, I’m not as uncultured as you are.”
“But I still don’t understand it though.”
“Ugh, just use the internet to search its meaning, idiot.”
A fellow runner peeked into their work area and knocked on wood. “Hey Uchiha. Some girl is looking for you.” Her face expressed grimace, having done this for more than five times already within the span of an hour. If it wasn’t Sasuke, it was one of Naruto’s fan girls or boys.
Sasuke went to her and fumbled around for cash in his pocket. “Next time someone looks for us, tell them we went home for the day. Here’s money for your date later. If you have anyway.”
“Whatever grumpy.” The runner replied, still half-angry, half-frustrated, but she took the money all the same and told the girls that ‘They told me to tell you they went home for the day so shoo shoo.’
Naruto laughed at Sasuke’s successful attempt at bribery. “Look at that rich money. I wonder whether Sakura will give us chocolates.”
“Have you seen their office?” Sasuke flipped open the curtains that will be hang as backdrop. “Their desk is filled with chocolates from her admirers – platonically, romantically, whatever. Some people from other schools dropped by too. You got serious competition.”
Naruto chuckled nervously. “As if I do not know that already. Haven’t you told me before- she likes everyone and everyone likes her.”
Not really true at all now, Sasuke thought to himself. But ignorance is bliss, Naruto.
The three sat on the grass beside the stage, having full view of the student body listening to the reciters. Throughout the program, Sakura went through each package given to her, visibly stressed with evident signs of sleepless nights under her eyes.
“Before I forget, happy Valentine’s day you two. My council-mates told me you didn’t get any chocolates,” Sakura gave each of them a pouch of small chocolate bars. Sasuke didn’t have to guess if it was store-bought or homemade based on the cuts on her fingers.
“Sakura, stop eating. I almost gagged at the seventh chocolate,” Naruto complained. He tried to get the basket of sweets from her, but she just moved it away from his reach.
“Everything tastes bitter,” she muttered under her breath. “I need sugar. My energy can’t keep up with the countless interviews. I understand that the school board liked the exposure, but the burden falls on me. At least have a teacher back me up?”
“Heard Kakashi-sensei volunteered to accompany you in interviews?” Sasuke was too late in shutting Naruto up, but the most that question got out of Sakura was an eyebrow raise.
“I need more sweets.” She proceeded to jam the rest of the Hershey’s kisses in her mouth.
“Okay, we have a submission from Uzumaki Naruto,” the announcer said. “Shout out to our rookie MVP!” A round of applause. “And who might be the recipient of this poem? We heard through the grapevine that he hid from his admirers all day. I know several people are waiting to confess to him!”
Sasuke instructed him earlier to send the poem anonymously and address it to Sakura, but the dumbass blonde mistakenly exchanged it. He rubbed his forehead in annoyance, but he can’t bring it up right now.
“Just read the poem!” Naruto shouted on the side, clearly embarrassed now. Sakura looked up at him, genuinely curious now, and her sticky chocolate-filled mouth was on the edge of firing him questions.
“Sasuke and I sent in poems! Just to support your program, nothing really too deep into it ehe.” Naruto glanced at Sasuke with slightly widened eyes. “Right, Sasuke?”
“Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare,” the person started.
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”
Sakura slapped Naruto on the arm. “Didn’t know you read Shakespeare! What a romantic!”
“Isn’t it a tragedy?” Sasuke remarked, a look of disgust in his face when Sakura mindlessly offered him a toblerone. “No sweets for me.”
Sakura guffawed at Sasuke’s remark, and her laughing was a rare sight recently. She was in too deep in her student council functions that they barely see her. And when they did, she’d be a little bit closer to fatigue.
“What’s funny? Who’s Shakespeare? Let me in on the joke!”
“Let’s call on Kakashi-sensei, our very own student council advisor and youngest teacher in the university. He’ll be reciting a poem by Pablo Neruda. A man of culture, we see,” the emcee announced.
Sakura stopped laughing as soon as she heard his name. If Sasuke could glean into her thoughts, she’s probably making up excuses to escape right now.
Kakashi stood in the middle of the stage, holding an open book. “Let me just ramble on here for a bit. Neruda is a Chilean poet and a politician, but just as much as he is a revolutionary, he is a romantic and a worshipper of ideals and ordinary things. He often compared his muses to earth and nature – basic providers of our existence. It’s interesting to see. Now, this poem is what I would have wanted to say to someone who is fundamentally part of my existence, but she won’t listen to me.” Kakashi smiled even more at the onset of outburst of giggles from the students. “So you’re gonna be the audience whether you want it or not.”
I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.
I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,
and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.
A thundering applause followed Kakashi’s poem and random shouts of, “Drop her name sensei!” “Good luck to your love life!” “Happy for you, sensei!”
As the lights went out on the stage, Sakura fished another pouch from her vest pocket, and Sasuke knew at once that it was Kakashi’s. She popped a bar into her mouth, staring blankly ahead.
“God, it’s so bitter.” Her lips started to quiver, and she started to cry.
Naruto threw a worried glance at Sasuke, but his expression must have given something away because the blonde didn’t prod, and he looked as if all the puzzles fell into place.
Sasuke just didn’t expect to be confronted about it as soon as the program finished. He was carrying blocks of wood to the shed when Naruto dropped the question – a question he already knew the answer to.
“You like Sakura.”
Sasuke inhaled sharply and halted his steps. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He stacked the wood against each other and turned to face the blonde. “Besides, shouldn’t you be worrying about exams?”
“What exams? We’re exempted from it,” Naruto bristled.
Sasuke smirked. “No, you’re not. You didn’t qualify for finals.”
“Oh shit.”
“What do we get in return?” Sakura asked as she munched on her bento box. Shouts of the practicing dragonboat team filtered through their space.
“But last time you volunteered!” Naruto said.
“We’re friends so my services don’t come free anymore,” she chided back.
Naruto glared at Sasuke. “If she’s not gonna do it, you’re gonna do it.”
Sasuke nonchalantly shook his head as he skimmed through Naruto’s notes. “What she said.” They weren’t notes per se, but doodles of Sasuke and Sakura and interestingly, projections of different batting stances. “I’m also not gonna forgive you with the duck butt hair.”
“But you have a duck butt hair!” Naruto crossed his arms and huffed menacingly. “Ramen?”
“Same old, same old.” Sakura finished her lunch and started to sip her cranberry juice. “Give us something new.”
“Ramen and…..karaoke?”
Sakura brightened up at the prospect. “Deal.”
“At least add snacks to your place,” Sasuke interjected. “And not just ramen. Put some nuts or fruits in your fridge.”
Naruto grumbled but raised two thumbs up in defeat. “Deal.”
Sasuke has thin patience when it came to teaching Naruto, Sakura observed. She didn’t know how these two managed to do the supplementary math lessons when she wasn’t a part of their group yet. She didn’t mind teaching, but Naruto’s short attention span was a devil of its own. He would be attentive to her for 15 minutes and then drowse off so Sasuke and her agreed on non-negotiables.
“No ramen break for you if you don’t finish this set of problems,” Sakura told him.
“You’re demon spawns,” Naruto cried out in defiance.
“If you don’t get a passing score on this sample test, no kani toppings for you.” Sasuke raised the stakes.
“Demon spawns,” Naruto repeated.
“You won’t call us demon spawns if you see your name on the list of passers.” Sakura started the stopwatch on her phone. “Now go.”
This took her mind off things, from Kakashi’s public confession to the blank career form hidden within the pages of her history textbook. It was a good distraction until the penultimate exams day. Naruto came in with a bandana on his forehead with FIGHTING written in the middle of it. Sasuke, as usual, breezed through it, already finished by the thirty-minute mark.
And she? Well, she liked exams. The time limit and the pressure allowed her the reprieve to shut the rest of the world out so she relished answering each number until the bell rang. It was a moment where she can focus fully on the paper in front of her, the sound of her pen scribbling, and her mind working full force to cull out the answers in her memory. Her utmost concentration on questions suspended her own questions on her feelings for a teacher, on her parents’ divorce, on her future.
When the school plastered the results on the bulletin board, she couldn’t help but release a satisfied chuckle. She turned to Sasuke who was surprisingly stoic about the results. “First place! The bonus point really helped.”
“Why should I bother with a teacher’s middle name for the bonus question?” Sasuke grumbled back. “Congrats. Stop rubbing it in my face already.”
Naruto was too busy pointing his name on the board and bragging about it to the student body, most especially the freshies. When he found them on the back of the crowd, he rushed to them and placed his arms around their shoulders “Drinks on me!!!!!”
“He really shouted drinks on me in the middle of the school, sauntered in here like he’s loaded, and ordered two pitchers of iced tea.” Sakura kept bringing this up since they entered the karaoke room ten minutes ago.
Naruto was preoccupied with inputting song numbers on the machine to respond to Sakura’s banters. “Technically, they’re still drinks!”
Sasuke was on the phone with the kitchen, and from what she could hear, he was ordering almost everything on the menu. When he sat down on the adjacent couch, Sakura leaned forward to him. “Are you gonna finish all of that?”
He jutted his index finger to Naruto. “No, but he will.”
The first notes of Michael Jackson’s Thriller wafted through the room, and the blonde made a quick impression of the artist’s famed moonwalk.
“Why are you opening with that?” Sakura cried out in amusement. “It’s not even Halloween!” Sasuke watched Naruto try to dance with a straight face, but she thought he was itching to face palm the whole time.
Naruto kept beckoning Sakura to join him in the middle of the room, but she was busy laughing at him and taking videos. “I’ll send these to Haru as a pick-me-up. I think this is the best remedy.”
Next was Sakura’s pick – Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle. She couldn’t contain her laughter in between verses when the two boys finally heard that she was tone deaf. Naruto joined her with the other mic, trying to drown out the off-key notes. By the bridge, Sasuke stood up with them, a glass of juice in his hand, and mouthed the words.
“You know this song!” Sakura said excitedly.
“I don’t live under a rock!” He yelled back amid the loud music.
“Okay who’s next?” she asked when the next number flashed on the screen. Sasuke silently took the mic from her and faced the monitor with a hand in his pants’ pocket.
Naruto gripped the mic harder when the song started. “I’ll be your second voice, grumpy!”
She immediately went to the front and started recording. “One for the road.”
“No videos, Haruno,” Sasuke warned.
“Come on, it’s my remembrance,” she whined. He wasn’t able to clap back when the lines started to move.
“Turn around…” Naruto sang.
“Every now and then, I get a little bit lonely and you’re never coming ‘round,” Sasuke’s baritone voice filled the room like an empty coliseum.
“The fuck. You can sing?” Sakura gasped out loud. “How can you have that voice and not sing - like you know, every day?!”’
Sasuke gestured her to stop as he belted, stoic-faced, through the chorus with Naruto singing like a slaughtered pig in the background. Sakura stopped recording and joined them for the rest of the song.
Two hours and three pitchers of orange juice later, they finally settled on the couch and munched on Naruto’s leftovers of fries, buttered chicken, nachos, and calamari. On the karaoke monitor was David Bowie singing Heroes.
“Can’t believe we’re already seniors two months from now.” He stared at the ceiling, his eyes following the tag game of disco lights. “Elections of officers will be tomorrow which means Captain Haru will be formerly stepping down.”
Sasuke reached out and shook his hand. “Good luck next captain.”
Naruto immediately pulled out from his grasp. “What do you mean next captain?”
Sakura chuckled and patted his back as assurance. “Everyone knows it’ll be you. Have you seen how your teammates look at you when you’re discussing strategies?”
In the dimness of the room, she saw the flush on Naruto’s cheeks, and she found it amusing how he cannot take compliments.
Naruto scratched the back of his head. “Well, everything is possible, right? That said, I still haven’t filled out my college form, but I’m really set on getting an athletic scholarship and eventually be part of the national team! How about you grumpy? Changed your mind yet?”
“About what?” Sakura glanced at the silent raven-haired guy beside her. To be able to see this much of him was a nice privilege.
“I’m moving away after high school.” Sasuke fiddled with his half-empty glass, his eyes trained on the slushing juice. “I already sent applications to some universities in Europe.”
“We also have good medicine programs here. I don’t get why you have to move away so far. I’m so bad with converting time zones.”
Sasuke scrunched his nose in annoyance. “Are you dumb? The schools you listed are also out of this district.”
She seemed to be moving farther and farther from their exchange. Like an outsider peeking in, she understood the frailty of the moments in front of her, and by the time the next two months set in, the stopwatch would have started running its last lap. The bonds she has made so serendipitously were in danger of being cut off by dreams. She breathed in, engulfing the noise and scent of this room, panning every color and shape assembled like supercut in her head, praying that someday if she would lose herself, she’d come back here right at this frozen memory and relive the wonderful indecisiveness of adolescence and the chance to say I don’t know without repercussions.
“Sakura to earth?” Naruto’s voice.
“Idiot. It’s earth to Sakura.” Sasuke’s voice.
She blinked fast, returning to the moment that wasn’t finished playing out yet. She quickly brushed her hands on her eyes as if something got into her eyes, hoping they don’t see the small droplets of tears that have formed. “Oh uh, I have a list of prospects, but I’m not quite sure what to take.” The form was still blank actually.
“That’s a usual problem of anyone who’s too good at everything,” Sasuke replied.
“Are you complimenting me?” I wish I was.
“Should I take it back?” He proceeded to gulp down the remnants of his glass.
The monitor suddenly turned off, indicating their time has run out. “Hey guys, for our last term, let’s make the most out of it, all right?” Naruto asked. “I’m so happy we became friends.”
“No hugging please,” Sasuke said, but it was too late. Naruto’s arms were too strong to pull away from so the two allowed him a few seconds of skinship.
Naruto’s words struck a chord in Sakura; it was a resolve she tried to form and disfigure for several months now. Before they could stand up to fix their things, Sakura blurted it out loud before her courage took the best of her.
“For our last term.” She flexed her fingers and curled them up against her palm, placing weight on her lap as she ground her fists onto it. “For our last term, I’m gonna confess to Kakashi.”
30 notes · View notes
talkfastromance4 · 3 years
sparks and surprises// Luke&Lily oneshot
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just some family fun :)
word count: 3.2k
Luke&Lily Masterlist
Lily and Posy were ecstatic about the upcoming holiday and the fact that it would be at your house. With Oliver being just shy of three months old, you didn’t want to take him out again after the weekend away. You spent the week before the 4th cleaning the house and picking up food from the store. 
On Saturday, Ashton and KayKay came over to pick Posy up for her karate lessons. She’s been on a kick watching Kung Fu Panda and would walk around the house ‘karate chopping’ the couch and kicking pillows while shouting ‘HIYAA!’ Ashton suggested taking her, there’s a studio next to his yoga class, and Posy was more than thrilled to be doing karate with her uncle. KayKay went along when she could and cheered Posy on.
You and Luke would alternate every Saturday to go watch her as well so one of you was still at home with Oliver. Sometimes Lily would go but she was always at Cory and Ella’s on the weekends.
“Go have fun and listen to your teacher, okay?” you told her kissing her cheek. You made sure her pigtails were tightened enough.
“‘Kay mama.”
“Is it alright if I take her for lunch afterwards?” Ashton asks, lifting her in his arms.
“Yeah that’d be great, thank you,” Luke says with Oliver in his arms. Ashton’s face lights up at his nephew. 
“There’s the little man,” Ashton smiles, reaching forward to stroke his cheek. Oliver stretches his arms up, his little face twisting from the touch. “He’s really getting bigger.”
“Yeah, he eats like his daddy,” you chuckle and poke Luke’s dimpled cheek. 
“All right, we should get going, huh little one?” Ashton asks Posy. “See you guys later.”
“Bye daddy!” Posy waves over Ashton’s shoulder. 
“Bye Pose!” he waves with a smile and then they’re out the door. He sighs. “Big cleanup day today, lovie.”
“I know. I’ll feed Olly and change him, then we’ll be out to help in the backyard,” you say, taking your son from Luke’s arms. “Hi sweet boy, did you sleep well?”
It was pretty warm out so you made sure Oliver had on a short sleeved onesie. You covered him in a blanket with a hat on and turned the small fan clipped to his carrier as you helped Luke with the pool. You vacuumed while he got  the leaves out from the top. You checked on Oliver multiple times but he seemed pretty content in his carrier. 
“I’ll get the tiki torches and line them around the pool,” Luke huffs, tying his hair in a bun. He tugged off his white tank top that had a sweat mark on the chest and tossed it to the grass. 
Your eyebrows raise in appreciation as he turns into the shed, his butt looks really nice in his black athletic shorts. Oliver makes some noise so you go to him immediately to see if he’s all right. When you reach in to check his temperature, his little hand grasps onto your finger tightly.
“I’m right here, baby. You’re doing so good out here, yes you are,” you coo at him and kiss his forehead. You sit down in one of the patio chairs when Luke emerges with about a dozen tiki torches. 
Watching him twist the torches into the ground, his back muscles flexing and glistening with sweat in the sun and his arms tightening leaves you hot and bothered. You’re transfixed by the power he wields in each one he places around the perimeter of the pool, your eyes moving over the slope of his back and you’re left with a wanting ache for him. 
“Are you all right over there?” he asks, strutting his way to you with his tank top in his hand. He just put in the last tiki torch and you shook your head from being frazzled. 
“Yeah, you just...you look so sexy right now, that’s all,” you shrug then look down at Olly who’s fast asleep. 
“I do?” he snorts resting his tank top around his neck, he uses it like a towel to wipe at his forehead. 
“Mhm,” you sigh, eyeing him up without remorse. 
His eyebrows raise and he glances at Oliver then back at you. “Care to show me how sexy I am?”
You lay Oliver in his crib so he can continue his midmorning nap and Luke is quick to drag you into your bedroom, his lips on yours. It’s been well over six weeks since your C-Section and you were given the okay to have sex again. 
“What time is it?” Luke mumbles, kissing your neck and pushing you to the bed.
“You have somewhere else to be?” you laugh then sigh when he starts to suck in your sweet spot. 
“I’m exactly where I need to be,” he groans when you dip your hand in his shorts and start to stroke him. “Ash and Po will be coming back soon.”
“That’s right,” you sigh and plop on the bed. You gaze up at him, his blond hair slipping out from his bun and he’s breathing heavily. You wiggle your fingers between his own and pull him down on top of you. “We’ll have to be quick then.”
He smiles before kissing you, his hand tugs your shorts down and he pulls himself out of his shorts. Your kisses are frantic and just as he pulls your underwear to the side, Oliver lets out a loud wail and Petunia barks at the front door. 
You groan at the horrible timing and Luke sighs on top of you. 
“We weren’t fast enough,” you sigh, letting him situate yourself and shoves himself back in his pants. 
“We’ll have some alone time soon, lovie,” he promises with a smile. He takes your hands pulling you in a sitting position.
“Mama! Daddy!” Posy calls.
You fix your hair and make sure your pants are buttoned and zipped before exiting the room to get back to your responsibilities.
It’s the morning of the 4th and you’ve just changed Oliver and put his blue overalls on with a red shirt underneath. Posy is wearing a blue dress with red sandals and you and Luke are matching in a red dress and a red tank top for him. Before your party, you’re all going to the parade in town where Cory and Ella will meet you with Lily and Violetta. 
“How hot is it outside?” you ask Luke, settling Oliver in his car seat. Posy is in his arms wearing white sunglasses. 
“Not too bad right now. I’ve got extra sunscreen in the bag and water.”
“All right, let’s go!”
Cory, Ella, Violetta, and Lily are already sitting down along the curb in their chairs. Lily springs up in her own blue and white dress to give you a big hug. Her hair is pulled back in a red headband. 
“Hi honey!” You hug her the best you can with Oliver in your arms, Luke and Posy are behind you with the stroller. “You did such a good job saving our seats for us!”
“Look at my necklaces!” Lily shows you the red, white, and blue beads around her neck. 
“Wow, you have so many! Hi guys,” you smile to Cory and Ella. Cory has Violetta in her arms and she’s in a white dress with a red bow on her head. 
“Po, I have some necklaces for you!” Lily runs to her sister and takes off two of her necklaces. “Aren’t they pretty?”
“Pwetty!” Posy gasps, touching the beads lightly with her fingers. 
You sit in the chair next to Ella smiling at Violetta, she’s chewing on her teething beads. Luke immediately requests a photo of all of you with Lily and Posy standing in front, their smiles wide and beautiful. 
“You need a family photo,” Cory says and takes Luke’s phone. 
You stand next to Luke pointing Oliver to the camera and Posy wants to be in Luke’s arms. Lily stands in front and you put your hand on her shoulder, all of you smiling. 
“Beautiful,” Cory smiles. 
The parade starts and the girls are excited watching the floats and bands go by. They’re especially excited when candy is tossed to them. Oliver does a decent job being content with the loud noise until the firetrucks and ambulances come by. 
Lily scrambles into Luke’s lap and he puts on her sound cancelling headphones she’s used since she was a toddler at his shows. Her small hands still hold onto the ear pieces and she watches the trucks drive by. Posy on the other hand is watching in awe and waving to the people inside. 
“Lily and I made cupcakes yesterday that we’re going to bring over,” Ella tells you.
“Oh, that’s great. When will you be coming by?”
“After Vi’s nap, she’s been having a hard time sleeping lately. How’s our little man doing? I love his overalls, he looks like a cute old man.”
“I know right?” you laugh stroking over his nose. “He’s doing good, eating a lot and he’s at the weight he should be.”
“Mama look at all my candy!” Posy runs up to you with her candy tucked in her dress like a sack. 
“Wow! It’s just like halloween!” you smile. 
When the parade is over, Posy is starting to get fussy too because you won’t let her eat her candy because she hasn’t had lunch yet. 
“We’ll see you guys later,” Cory laughs watching you all leave. Posy is wriggling in Luke’s arms nearing meltdown mode. 
Ever since her birthday she’s been having more meltdowns and you couldn’t agree more that it’s the terrible three’s and not the two’s. She’s learning how to test her limits with you and Luke and when it doesn’t go her way, she screams and does all the dramatics. 
Posy is still whining in the car and Oliver starts to whine now too because he’s hungry. Lily is holding her ears because Oliver’s cries increase.
“We’re almost home, sweets,” Luke says and turns into the subdivision. 
You’re trying to console Oliver by letting him suck on your knuckle but he just spits it out. You hate hearing your kids be upset. Luke parks in the driveway and you both scramble to get the kids out and your belongings. Luke takes Oliver and you carry a wiggling Posy inside the house. 
“I’ll feed him and then we’ll have a quick lunch I made for them this morning,” Luke says, opening the fridge and taking out Oliver’s bottle. 
Lily runs to her room to get away from the noise and you set Posy down on the floor. She literally collapses onto the floor, her face red and wet with her tears. You settle next to her letting her get her anger out. In a moment, she’s sniffling and coughs wiping at her cheeks. 
“Are you finished?” you ask gently and she nods. “C’mere by mama.”
You help her stand up and wipe at her wet face, brushing her hair away from her forehead. 
“Deep breath,” you say inhaling and she follows, then you let it out and Posy does as well. You repeat that three more times until her breathing is back to normal. “After lunch you can have one piece of candy, okay? We can’t eat candy for lunch. How about you go pick one out and I’ll get lunch started.”
“Okay mama.”
You’re gathering the lunches Luke prepared, ham and cheese sandwiches with grapes and applesauce. Lily comes running out and asks if she can help you, she’s always such a big help to you. Posy is playing with her toys in the living room when Luke comes back downstairs. 
“Daddy look!” Posy jumps up from her spot holding up the red lollipop she chose to eat after lunch. “I picked this for after lunch!”
“You did! I think that’s a very good choice, do you want me to hold onto it until you’re done?”
“Yeah!” she hands him the lollipop and he pockets it, giving you a wink. 
Posy climbs into her chair just as you set her plate of food down. Lily takes her place and the girls start eating. 
“Is he down?” you ask Luke moving to pick up the toys Posy was playing with. 
“Yup, hopefully he’ll sleep until people start coming.”
Your friends arrive right on time and are more than helpful with setting the food up outside and Michael has set up his music stuff in the corner. Lily and Posy are occupied by Calum and Ashton. Posy is showing off all her candy and practicing her karate moves with Ashton while Lily is telling Calum all about the parade. 
“You had your headphones on right?” Calum asks and she nods. 
“Yeah, they are too loud.”
“Do you have them for the fireworks?”
“In my room!”
Luke and Cory are manning the grill again, you decided on having chicken for dinner. Halfway through the party you go get Oliver and Michael comes over to say hi. You ask him how he and Crystal are doing with trying for a baby and he said they’re taking a break right now. They don’t want to stress about it too much. 
When it becomes dusk, Luke lights the tiki torches and the yard is in a fantastical glow. Posy keeps asking when the fireworks will be and you tell her it will be when it’s much darker outside. 
“Hey mama,” Luke murmurs in your ear, his hands wrap around your stomach. Ashton and Michael brought out the sparklers and were helping Lily and Posy with them. He kisses your cheek. 
“Hey,” you smile leaning into him. 
“Want to try and finish what we started yesterday?” his lips move to your shoulder and his kiss makes the strap fall down. 
“Right now?” 
“I meant later when the kids are asleep but if you want to try when the fireworks are going off...they’d mask how loud you are,” he teases. 
“You don’t want to watch the fireworks?”
“You’re the only firework I need,” he squeezes you.
“If Lily and Posy are okay during the show, we can try and sneak away,” you promise and turn around in his arms. His nose and cheeks are a little red and you touch his face lightly. “You got sunburned today.”
“So did you,” he glances at your cleavage where you see a very noticeable line. “I’ll have to rub aloe on you later.”
“Mm, that sounds nice,” you mumble and lean up on your toes to give him a kiss, your fingers tangled in his hair. He tastes like perspiration, a shot of tequila and Luke, your favorite taste. You get lost in his kiss and his arms wrapped around you. “Wanna slip away now?” you whisper, pulling away before you get too carried away. 
“I hope we aren’t too late,” a familiar voice says behind Luke. 
You both look at each other before turning around to see his parents and brothers standing there. Your mouth opens in a gasp and then Lily and Posy are running to Liz shouting ‘nana!’
“Oh hello my loves!” Liz exclaims hugging them both. 
“Mum? What are you doing here?” Luke asks tugging you along.
You’re all giving hugs and kisses and there’s questions about Oliver and why they didn’t tell you they’d be coming.
“Who cares, what a great surprise!” You laugh hugging Liz again. “I’m so glad you’re here, how long are you staying? Where are you staying?” 
“We rented a house not too far from here and we’re staying for the whole Summer.”
“The whole Summer?!” Luke’s eyes widen and he hugs his parents again. 
Lily and Posy try to get their attention but Jack quickly intercedes and asks them to show him how the sparklers work. The rest of the group come and say high and you gather Oliver in your arms so Liz can get a look at him.
“This is Oliver,” you smile and there’s tears in her eyes.
“Can I?” she asks, holding her arms out. 
“Of course!” you hand him over.
“He’s just darling, and he’s so strong! You just couldn’t wait to come into the world, huh handsome boy?” Liz coos rocking him. “He looks just like Luke.”
“I think so, too,” you smile, looping your arm around Luke’s waist. There’s a firework that goes off behind you, a sign from the neighbors that their show will be starting in about ten minutes. Lily clutches to your legs, covering her ears. “It’s okay, honey, we’ll go get your headphones.”
“Already got them,” Calum grins coming out from the house with the headphones in his hands. “Do you want to watch them with me, Lils?”
“Mama can I?” she asks looking up at you.
“Of course you can, go get your blanket to lay in the grass,” you tell her. 
“Help me pick a blanket, Cal!” She takes his hand and he follows her inside. 
You’re more than happy for Liz to hold onto Oliver while the fireworks go off, Posy is close to her sitting in Ashton’s lap. She’s chattering about her karate class and what happened at Disney World and that nana should come with next time. 
“I think that’s a great idea, bug,” Luke pinches at her cheek when he returns with a beer. He points at you. “Stand up.”
“Up, lovie,” he smiles, pulling you up himself so he can sit in your chair. You place your hands on your hips. “Okay, sit down.” he pats his thigh and you sit down on his lap happily. “This is your seat for every firework show.”
You press your lips to his balmy forehead, it smells like sunscreen and the hot summer day that was today. 
“Guess we can’t sneak away now with your family here,” you mumble.
“It’s okay. If they’re here the whole summer, I’m sure we can go away for a night just the two of us,” he pinches your hip. 
“Maybe we could do a whole weekend?” you raise your eyebrows.
“You’ll be okay leaving Olly for a weekend?”
“Apart from me and you, I trust your mom. She had three kids of her own, you know.”
“Oh, I’m aware,” he laughs and gives you a kiss. “It’s a date, we’ll set something up.”
“Your birthday’s coming up,” you trace your finger along his bearded jaw. 
“Mm, that’s the best birthday present I could ask for,” he smiles. 
The fireworks start to go off and you look in the grass where Calum and Lily are, she’s sitting in his lap gazing up at the sky. He points to the ones way up and her mouth opens at the big ones. Posy is in Ashton’s lap and her commentary makes everyone laugh. 
“That’s my favorite! I love that one! Look Unca Ash!”
“I see! These are all my favorites, too,” he comments back. 
Then you look over at Oliver in Liz’s lap, she’s kissing his head and rubbing his back talking softly to him. You turn to Luke last who is already looking at you, his face lit up from the colors bursting in the sky. 
“I’m so glad I married you,” you tell him, pecking his lips gently.
“I’m glad you married me, too,” he grins. 
You relax against him and enjoy the rest of the display. Life is good and full of love.  
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @calpalirwin @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @Fobodob @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower @mymindwide @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @fivesecondsofonedirection @princesslrh @prentisswrites​ @mulletcal​
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
"wrong name"
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
Things never go as planned: @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @sunshineandshadowss @missmulti @accioweaslcy
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa
Warnings: language, mentions of Fred x Reader, brief mention of death ig (?) Feels
A/N: here's a Christmas fic that has no right to be this angsty lmao, enjoy nonetheless <3
Prologue: the aftermath
Part I: sleepless nights
Part II: candy floss
Part III: shock therapy
Part V: the perfect excuse
Part VI: the downfall
Part VII: apart
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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We apparated in the Weasley front yard together at dusk at the same time as Percy did; we greeted him with a hug and entered their old home, only to be met with more hugs.
I had only stayed at the Burrow once, arriving the night we escorted Harry, and leaving shortly after the tragic and abrupt ending of Bill and Fleur's wedding.
I had attended to the wedding as Fred's date. Even if we agreed that there was nothing serious between us, we cared deeply for one another, and I was important enough for him that he asked me to present ourselves together in front of his family.
How odd it was that the second time I was staying at the Burrow, it was because I had been asked to attend this Christmas gathering by none other than George —as friends, of course—; so odd that it made me anxious, but Arthur and Molly were way too welcoming for that anxiety to carry on longer than a minute after I stepped into their home.
"Y/n, dear!" Molly held me back while George went to greet his siblings, who had arrived earlier than us. "I'm so glad you could make it!"
"She didn't want to come." George snitched, coming back to us after hugging his father. "Said she felt like she was trespassing."
"George!" My cheeks burned when he exposed me.
"Oh, darling," Molly pulled me into the house to join the rest. "You're always welcomed here, don't be silly!"
Molly had liked me since day one, even before Fred and I became a thing. I was the one to receive her when the Weasley matriarch first visited the shop, and we immediately got along. Fred had explained to me that it was because I reminded his mother of her younger self.
"You're a snitch." I whispered into George's ear as we both walked behind Molly in the kitchen direction, his only response was to stick out his tongue, which made us both chuckle.
Molly looked over her shoulder and I caught in her eyes the same emotion I saw in Ginny's the first time she came to visit the shop after the reopening.
A profound emotion rooted in hope; a bittersweet feeling coming from the thought that, even though Fred was gone, George seemed to be coming back to us.
I felt it too, whenever he smiled. It was lovely to see him actually happy; I wished I could keep him like that forever, even in the nights, when everything would come down on his shoulders, tearing apart every spark of joy might have had in the day.
We weren't finished with food yet when Arthur wiped his mouth with the napkin and, clapping his hands once, exclaimed, "Alright, time for presents!" Teddy, who rested on Bill's lap, squealed, his hair turning pink; that baby was smart. "I'll get them, dear." He stopped his wife from standing up and went to get them himself.
He distributed the gifts, and I was surprised when he handed me one. "Oh! You didn't have to—"
"Nonsense!" Arthur stopped me, resuming his task with a warm smile. Everyone was happy in that moment, and I knew George's mood had a big part on that.
He unwrapped his, which turned out to be a purple and orange scarf and matching mittens. He was putting on the mittens when I tossed the wrap of my present, uncovering a cardigan formed by several tones of my favorite color.
"Put it on!" George requested excited. unbeknownst to me, it had been him who told Molly my favorite color. "Aw you look fantastic." He observed, poorly wrapping his scarf around his neck.
"Of course I do." I agreed, shifting on my chair to face him, my hands traveling to his scarf to relocate it properly.
Though we didn't notice, it wasn't the first time that more than one pair of eyes observed us that night, and it wouldn't be the last.
Bill and Fleur had offered to take care of Teddy since they were leaving to Shell Cottage, so Harry and Ginny could spend the night at the Burrow without the worry of the baby.
Percy was terribly tired, so he withdrew from the living room to go to sleep.
Thank goodness he did; Percy was probably the second most affected by Fred death, and after that nice evening, he wouldn't have wanted to witness what was about to happen.
Ron, Hermione and I had colonized the settee, while Ginny and George were on their feet near the table, chatting about some nonsense; Molly was cleaning the dishes. Harry had offered to help her, but she refused, so the boy decided to talk with Arthur instead.
Molly pointed with her index finger at the remaining glasses laid on the table and called for George.
The thing is, she didn't really call for George.
"Fred, darling, hand me those."
The room fell silent.
It took a moment for her to realise, but an instant later, Molly was covering her mouth with her hand, her glassy stare fixed on the wrong named twin.
My eyes frantically travelled to every single person in the room, who had gone livid. We all seemed to be holding our breaths, waiting for some kind of explosive reaction.
Then my attention was drawn to George, whose, until that instant amused gaze, had turned blank and expressionless.
"Darling—" Molly's voice shattered with a single word. As Arthur went to console his wife, Ginny led her older brother aside and whispered things only he could hear, attempting to sooth him. "It slipped..." Molly cried.
I stayed sat on the couch with Hermione and Ron, the three of us frozen; I felt like I was an intruder witnessing a very intimate family moment.
"George don't—" we heard Ginny raising her voice before her brother disapparated. "Bloody hell!" She spun around and walked to me. "Y/n, speak to him, he'll listen to you." She practically begged, nodding her head at the window, prompting me to look at George standing alone at the edge of the cornfield, already making his way in.
"I-I..." I didn't need to look around in order to acknowledge all the eyes laid on me. "O-okay." I blinked away my own tears and rushed to the door, only to be stopped by Molly's shaky hand.
"Please- tell him I'm sorry."
"I don't think he'll blame you." I reassured the wrecked mother, offering her a comforting smile before making my way out and jogging into the cornfield myself.
"George?" When I didn't obtain an answer, it dawned on me how dumb it had been to dive into that area without knowing where to go. "George?"
I yelped when something tugged on my sleeve, making my body pivot on my heel. "You know how easy is to get lost in here?" The ginger questioned in a raspy tone, the hand that had been on my sleeve going down to mine, which invited him into my hold.
"She didn't mean— I reckon she just... Saw him in you for a second."
"I know." Though his eyes did look a bit red, he was calm.
"You alright?" I inquired, taking my hand to his cheek, on which he leaned.
"I just..." Sigh. His right hand travelled up to his face to hold mine in it before pulling away. "I need a moment alone."
I nodded. "Don't take too long or you'll catch a cold." He hummed affirmatively, and I half-heartedly left the cornfield and headed to the Burrow.
I excused George, assuring them he would be okay and, though the previous light-hearted environment didn't return, the tension in the air dissipated a bit.
A few minutes later, George came in; his mother welcomed with open arms and he returned the hug, having a small conversation against Molly's shoulder before making a beeline to me, sitting by my side.
I felt my cheeks flushing as he leaned on me, putting his head on my shoulder; suddenly self-conscious at the closeness between us. Somehow it was different being that close the privacy of our flat, than outside of it. Though it felt somehow inappropriate, when his long fingers intertwined with mines, I indulged him, trying hard not to meet neither Hermione's nor Ginny's eyes —they had been staring so much that I had noticed them an hour ago.
I was completely unaware of Molly's gaze laid on us too.
George, whose eyes had been closed, sit up straighter to whisper in my ear, "Can we go back to the flat?" My eyes met his and I realised we were even closer than I had thought in first place.
"I thought we were staying the night?" I murmured, trying in vain to keep his family out of the conversation they were pretending not to hear.
He leaned a bit closer only for me to hear his words. "I don't think I can sleep in my room."
"Do it for your mum." I squeezed his hand and he sighed. "I'm gonna stay in that room with you." Another sigh, but this one was of defeat, letting me know that I had talked some sense into him.
At the beginning of the evening, when George and Y/n had first stepped into the Burrow, Ginny had come to me, urging me to observe them closely.
At first I didn't know why she would say that, but after the wrong name slipped out of Molly's lips, I started to get a hold of the matter, but it seemed so surreal— it just couldn't be.
Though the way Y/n's cheeks lighted up when George took a seat between us did remind me of the way I used to react when Ron got a tad too close to me in our sixth year.
After a while Y/n seemed to forget about our presence and eased besides George, making their bodies get closer.
When we decided to call it a day and the ones left in the living room started to retreat to their rooms for the night, Y/n got up without letting go of George's hold at any moment and, thanking Molly for her hospitality, they made their way upstairs.
Had my eyes not been trained on them, I would have missed the way George's hands went to Y/n's waist as his chin fell on her shoulder.
I left the sofa and walked to Ginny before she and Harry could slither to their dorm. "Are they...?"
"Not sure." Ginny replied with knitted brows. "What'd you think?"
"I... Don't know." I confessed.
We entered the dark room, illuminated only by the light provided by the night sky and started to discard our clothes in silence without looking at each other.
I was the first one to finish, making my way to my old bed and catching a glimpse of Y/n's silouhette while she threw a tee on.
I was utterly, hopelessly in love with her.
I had known I loved her for quite a while, but the feeling that had made my heart swell and my stomach flutter when she got into the cornfield without giving it a second thought in order to find me, that was something else.
I had also felt it when she had found me lifeless in Fred's room a couple of months ago; that feeling had been the reason why I found the strength in me to come back to life.
I was young, but I just knew what I felt went further from only love.
"What's on your mind?" She was already slipping under the covers by my side, her arms wrapping around me and bringing my back closer to her chest.
You, I wanted to say. "Not much."
"Liar." She tugged on my shirt and I turned on my other side so we would be facing each other. "C'mon, it's just me."
Words blurted out of my mouth, escaping my control. "Do you see him when you look at me?"
And I wasn't making anything up; It was, in fact, on my mind. It had appeared during the walk through the cornfield and it hadn't left, but Y/n's scent, touch and words had backed that thought to a corner of my mind.
She wondered, tucking one of my locks away from my forehead. "Sometimes, but not like you think." She must have sensed my inquiry because she explained further. "There are small gestures, jokes— things like that in you, that remind me of him." Her eyes were roaming all over my face, her hands bringing mines to her heart. "When you're happy, like tonight— I can't quite explain it but... it sorta seems like he's still here. So yeah, you could say I see a little bit of Fred when I look at you." Her eyes finally met mines. "It's not a bad thing— you love him so much that we can still see him through you."
"Loved." I corrected her, my thumb drawing circles on the back of her palm. "He's dead." A tear rolled down my cheek, but Y/n caught it with her fingertips before it could reach the pillow.
"Love never dies, Georgie." Her replied seem to carry more significance that someone would see at first sight, but I was too tired to discern it.
I couldn't tell if she had scooted closer, or if I had unconsciously leaned on, but the tips of our noses were nearly touching.
Initially, she didn't attempt to put more distance between us, and I couldn't help but let my hopes get high. I waited for a sign, something that would let me know I could close the gap between our lips —oh, how I craved to feel her lips—, but the sign didn't come and we stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity before she casted down her eyes, immediately breaking the spell.
"Goodnight, Y/n." I whispered, turning my back to her.
"Goodnight, George." She mumbled back, coming closer to cuddle me.
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abombihoney · 3 years
okay okay okay okay so angst tragedy city here we come also Big Major Spoilers. this is part 1. here's part 2
somehow Leif gets found out. he's attacked or whatever and his bits come out. i'd say he's more vulnerable like this that his guts waving around lol. Vi and Kabbu ofc are doing everything they can to defend him but they're outnumbered. or they win but word gets out.
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regardless of how it happens. they get Leif fixed up and go on with their lives. but next time they visit the hive, they're surrounded by gaurds just like the first time. and this time they don't back off. even team snakemouth can't take on every guard in the hive.
Leif is taken away, unconcious and still hurt from previous injuries. Kabbu and Vi are "decontaminated" and separated. Kabbu is taken away for questioning. Vi is taken before the queen.
QB: Now Vi, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, as you are one of my own. We both know why we are you are here before me. Explain yourself.
Vi: Explain what exactly?
QB: Why you thought you could bring that dangerous creature into the hive.
Vi: Leif wouldn't hurt people! We're explorers! Heroes! We saved the factory from exploding not to mention all of Bugaria!
QB: Pf course not, Vi. we know your friend would not do that. I am truly sorry to have to tell you this in such a manner but your friend is very... sick. He has been infected with a kind of fungus that is incredibly dangerous to bugs and feeds on them. That is the creature I refer to, I see now that you did knot know this. I have sent him to the lab to see if there is any hope of removing the fungus from him and-
Vi: Wait what? No! You can't do that! You can't let them do-
QB: Calm yourself Vi, I understand this must be hard for you to hear. We will take good care of your friend and do everything we can to help him, but it will-
Vi: NO! You don't understand you can't. You can't you- you just can't okay?
QB: Stop interrupting me Vi. Now why would you refuse to let us help your friend? That fungus will kill him if we don't do what we can as quickly as possible.
Vi: I. Uh. He's, uhm.
QB: Go on, if there's something you know about this it is vital that we know in order to help your friend and keep us all safe.
Vi: Okay okay okay, uh. He- He is the fungus.
QB: ... What do you mean?
Vi: Leif has, has always been the fungus, uh we-
QB Excuse me?
Vi: Uhm. He's uh, always been the fungus. As long, as long as we've known him.
QB: Child. Are you telling me, that you knowingly brought a creature capable of destroying this entire colony, into the hive?
Vi: Leif wouldn't do that!
QB: Do you know that creature is capable of wiping out entire hives? Are you aware you could have gotten all of your sisters killed? Did you bring knowingly bring that into the hive, where thousands of your sisters live their lives?
Vi: I- yes but-
QB: You knowingly endangered all our lives?
Vi: No! Leif wouldn't hurt anybody! He's a part of team Snakemouth! We're explorers and heroes! We saved bugaria, we saved the factory!"
QB: I do not care what you think that creature has told you. It exists solely to wipe out bugs such as ourselves. If it has existed as long you as you say it has, it needs to be destroyed immediately.
Vi: No no no! You can't do that! He's my friend we'll leave please don't. Just let us leave the hive we won't ever come back I promise please don't.
QB: Oh Vi, I never should have let you leave the hive. You aren't ready for the cruelty outside the hive.
Vi: That was the best thing that I ever did! I helped save everyone and right now I'm trying to save my friend! Just let us go and we'll never come back! Please you said last time I was growing up please.
QB: Oh Vi, you aren't the bee I thought you were. You have grown so courageous and kind. But you are still a child, and I fear this is just something you don't understand. I know you think it's your friend. I'm sure it was very convincing. I can't let it out to destroy everyone else either.
QB: I know you don't understand. You aren't ready for life outside the hive and managed to get caught up in this horrible situation. I shall ensure you have quarters on the outer edge of the hive so that your beetle friend can visit you easily. This will all work out.
Vi: You aren't the queen I thought you were.
QB: *sigh* I understand you are very upset with me. However this is for the best, I must protect you and my colony.
Vi: Whatever. Am I dismissed.
QB: Of course, I'm so glad to see you have calmed down. I know this is a lot to process. You are close with Jaune, yes? You shall stay with her until we can get your own quarters, unless you'd rather stay further in the hive?
Vi: No. Jaune is fine.
QB: Excellent! She can keep an eye on you through this rough period. You are free to leave.
QB: Can you of you send for Dr. HB please?
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Vi of course, immediately sneaks her way into Dr. HB's lab to find Leif.
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He's encased in some kind glass capsule that reminds them both of snakemouth labs. She desperately tries to get him out, but all her weapons have been confiscated and no matter what buttons she presses nothing happens. When HB and Crow come back. They find her and Leif leaning against the glass barrier. Vi has to be removed by the guards. She kept trying to prevent HB from getting near.
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Vi is entrusted to Juane and guarded. She won't be seeing Kabbu until after they've destroyed the threat so she doesn't try anything and hurt herself or others. She keeps sneaking into the lab and distressing herself the poor thing.
Queen Bianca still does try to separate the cordyceps and the moth. If only to see if the poor moth can be saved. Alas, the moth couldn't be saved, Venus bless the poor soul.
Vi is devastated and they still won't let her see Kabbu.
She manages to sneak into the lab again. She doesn't know why. Maybe to see the body. maybe there's something of Leif's left behind. maybe maybe maybe
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and she does, what's left of him anyway. and now she has to stage a rescue mission. and she either has to find kabbu also, or get leif out herself and hope that kabbu can find them.
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and i'm going to have to make a part two cause this is already so long rip
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taeescript · 3 years
VI. Script of the Angel
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𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 >> This is the story of three very different people. A successful novelist, a blossoming artist and a dedicated cop. They seem to have nothing in common. Yet, they are continually drawn to each other. It is as if their fates have been intertwined. Written. That they must meet.
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> ft. jungkook and jimin primarily.
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 >> policeman!jimin, author!jungkook, painter!reader, serialkiller!XXX; a classic game of cat and mouse
𝔴/𝔠 >> 2.3k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> mature themes depicted. due to the explicit nature of the topic (serial killers, murders, violence, sexual content, infidelity etc.) this is rated 18+. to spare storytelling: please consider yourself warned.
𝔞/𝔫 >> there is a lot going on tumblr these days, and a lot of things just going on in life right now. i still hope to continue to share chapters with you although they may all be a little shorter than usual now. nontheless, i hope you enjoy (: 
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Wax – a diverse class of organic compounds which are hydrophobic, malleable solids at ambient temperatures. Typically containing melting points above at 40 C, they are obtained from multiple resources such as animals or plants. Wax can also be extracted chemically in petroleum. There are many uses for wax such as the manufacture of candles, final coatings on wood products and thickening agents amongst others. One of the most popular artistic use of waxes is the creation of statues from Madame Tussauds.
“Another what?” Jimin asks when he is dragged out of the interrogation room again by Namjoon.
“Dispatch just gave me a call. They want the homicide team on site because…well, you know the reason each and every time we’re called into site,” Namjoon runs his hand through his hair. The news had come as a shock to him as well. “You’ll have to release him, Jimin.”
Jimin shakes his head. “No, Namjoon. I was in the middle of something with him.”
“Jimin, be reasonable here! There’s another murder that’s been committed while you were here questioning him. It’s quite obvious that he couldn’t have killed this person.”
“I’m so close to cracking him!” Jimin yells in frustration. “Beside, how do you know he hadn’t gone and done this before he came in?”
Namjoon has to bite back his words.
“Fuck!” Jimin kicks the door. He doesn’t care that Jungkook could hear how angry he is on the other side. There really isn’t anything to hide between the two of them anyways.
After a minute, Jimin has calmed down. “I’ll meet you on site,” he says to Namjoon.
Namjoon doesn’t leave.
“Look, I promise, alright? I’m just going to send Jungkook off properly and then I’ll drive straight to the site. Text me the address,” Jimin says.
He only has one choice so Namjoon nods and leaves.
Once Jimin is left alone in the room, he punches the air blindly.
Jungkook sits calmly inside the room. It seems that luck is on his side. Perhaps whatever this case was would have Jimin off his back. It would be a little hard to continue any of his extracurricular activities if Jimin continuously monitors all his actions.
“You’re free to go, Mr. Jeon,” Jimin opens the door and speaks without looking at Jungkook.
Jungkook raises his hand and the handcuffs that link him to the table clang as metal hits metal.
Jimin walks up to him and opens the lock. Jungkook rubs his wrists and picks up his jacket on the way out.
“I really do hope you catch the killer, Detective Park,” Jungkook gives a light pat on Jimin’s shoulder.
Jimin recognizes her when he brushes under the caution tape onto where the rest of his team stands in a circle. It is not so much that he recognizes her facial features, but it is the outfit she is wearing. The same black and blue leggings.
“Fuck me,” Namjoon says the instance Jimin slides up besides him, “Fucking bat shitting balls.”
Yoongi has one hand placed over his mouth and his index finger pressing against his nostrils. There is a strange smell emitting off the corpse.
“A missing body part, again?” Jimin says. He swallows the bile that threatens to rise. The forensics team does not need to tell him what part is missing this time. It is glaringly obvious to the observer.
Replacing where it usually sits on the body is the head of another species – a buck’s crown with antlers and all. The girl is still standing although it is clear that she is deceased. Her body had been manipulated such that it looked like she was mid-sprint before being shocked by her attacker. She was a live manifestation of a deer caught in headlights.
“Let’s see if we can move her; bring her back to the lab for analysis,” Namjoon barks an order at the forensics team. They nod and move towards the body. Right as they put their hands on her, a loud voice yells,
It is too late, however. The team has already lifted her an inch off the floor. At his shout, they drop her immediately and that is when she crumbles, literally, at their feet. Jimin stands as her foot rolls in front of him. He stares at the shoe and foot that has been broken off at the ankle.
“Fuck!” Namjoon exclaims in alarm, jumping back.
Taehyung stands with his arms at his side, defeated. “You shouldn’t have tried to move her,” he mutters.
Namjoon’s face conveys both astonishment and confusion as stalks away to find somebody who could clean the body parts and move them back to the lab.
Jimin carefully tiptoes around the fragments of her body and walks up to Taehyung. “What the hell just happened?” he demands.
Besides being the team’s blood spatter analyst, he was an expert on a multitude of other subjects. “You saw how her body was positioned, didn’t you? Usually, victims are sprawled on the ground because gravity pushes on them, and their muscles have collapsed. She was standing. Something is keeping her muscles rigid post mortem,” Taehyung explains.
“Kim!” someone calls amidst the rubble. The victim’s body had been broken at most of the joints and a gathered team was currently packing each section in a bag.
Both Taehyung and Jimin walk up to the jacketed individual who had called out. She is bent over what looks like the forearm. A brown, semi-clear substance is pooling around the limb.
“This started seeping out all of a sudden. It’s happening to a couple of the broken parts, although most of the liquid is contained in the bags that we have stored them in,” she tells the two of them.
Taehyung bends down to examine the liquid. He is wearing gloves and when he extracts his fingers from the surface of the substance, it is slightly sticky between his index finger and thumb. He wipes his hand on a piece of tissue before slipping that into the bag as well. “Take that and all the parts back to the lab. If you can get a vial of the liquid to analyze, that would be helpful as well,” Taehyung told the assistant. She nods.
As the scene is being cleared, Taehyung walks back to the patrol car with Jimin. “What are you thinking about?” Jimin inquires, seeing that the gears inside Taehyung’s head are turning.
“Tell me, what’s the temperature right now?” Taehyung asks.
Jimin checks his phone and reports, “20 C, but with sunshine it should feel like 24 C.”
Taehyung takes note. “Slightly above room temperature,” he mumbles.
“What was that?”
“Slightly above room temperature,” Taehyung repeats louder. He stops walking and faces Jimin. “I’ve got a theory on what that is, but I can’t be sure yet. I’m going back to the lab and once results are out, I will call you immediately.”
Jimin nods. “I wanted to take a look around the site anyways. I’ll see you back at the station.”
Taehyung waves before leaving.
By the time Jimin returns to the crime scene, the majority of broken body parts have been cleaned. There is only a lone photographer who is packing up his camera into his bag. He greets Jimin with a slight bow on his way to leave the site.
“Any witnesses?”
Namjoon returns by his side. He shakes his head, answering Jimin’s question himself. “This is not a common runner’s route. It’s a short cut from the left side of the park to the right so not a lot of pedestrians know about it.” He sees how Jimin is still standing there with an unreadable expression on his face. “Are you okay?” he asks Jimin directly.
Jimin taps the bridge of his nose. “I know that girl,” he says softly, “Not personally. But I bumped into her before. It was at the park near our station. I also saw – ” His sentence is suddenly cut off.
“Saw what?” Namjoon asks further.
Jimin cannot continue his sentence. He knows what Namjoon will say already. Besides, if he really wanted concrete evidence against Jungkook, he must absolutely make sure that Jungkook was there at the park when the running girl was there. “Saw a red bird. I think it’s called a cardinal,” Jimin lousily finishes his sentence.
Namjoon gives him a strange look. “I’ve never pegged you as a bird watcher,” he comments.
Jimin shrugs. “I’m heading back to the station. Taehyung also says he has something on the possible C.O.D.,” he reports to Namjoon.
“You’re leaving me again to handle the crowd? That happened last time with Sara Michel’s case,” he groans.
Jimin shrugs again as if to say, “Sorry, what can I do?” He gives a reassuring squeeze on Namjoon’s shoulder before leaving.
This time, he is going to find unshakable evidence.
“Welcome back,” you smile at him when he enters the door. You are sitting at the table, pencil and sketchpad in front of you.
Jungkook smiles ever so slightly back before bending down to untie his shoes. They needed to be placed in their usual spot; if they weren’t, he would feel the irritation spread throughout his body until he went back to fix it. It is better that everything is perfect the way it is the first time.
After he has made sure that his laces were also tucked into the shoe as was his preference, he walks over to you. He can’t help but muse at how exquisite you look whenever the afternoon’s sunshine would brush through your hair. You are like a marble stature carved by the Greeks and placed on display in the middle of a garden. He moves his eyes over you like a curator would when assessing a piece.
You have your back turned towards him and do not hear when he walks behind.
“What are you drawing?”
Immediately, you stand and hold your sketchpad to your chest. It shields your work from his curious eyes.
“Something!” you blurt, your face flushing.
He cannot read why you are acting so strangely so he does what he always does around you: smile.
You clear your throat and tuck your disheveled hair behind your ear. “A package came for you. I left it in your room!” you say the tumbling words. It is your lame attempt in shifting his attention away from you to something else.
Thankfully, it works as he nods. He sends you a last playful smirk before making his way towards his makeshift bedroom. It is tiny, as you had originally used it as your storage room for your art utensils, but they had recently moved a mattress into the room for him and it helped that he did not have a lot of personal items with him anyways. The said package sits just beside the doorframe to his closed room, and he wonders again of whether or not you are scared of him. You never seemed to want to enter his room and insisted on speaking to him from outside in the hallway.
The package is not heavy and rather small in his hands. He is able to pick it up with one and balances it on his left palm as he opens the door. The blue walls welcome him into his small, personal haven. Carefully, he tiptoes his way between the old canvases and dried paint palettes. He passes by the yellow smudge on the wall and then collapses on the mattress in the back of the room. His suitcase squeaks as the wheels press against the body of the case while being wedged in the small space.
Once he is comfortably sitting cross-legged on the bed, he carefully finds a cutter and slices through the masking tape that conceals the contents of the cardboard box. The movement is as smooth and practiced as slicing through butter to him – a flick of the wrist. Once the tape no longer holds, he pries the flaps open. There is another small box tied with a red ribbon. A single white card is attached to the side. This is what he first takes out.
The envelope is embossed with a strange swirling design. He breaks the seal with another slice of the cutter, sliding out the cardstock letter. It had been written in elegant matching swirling cursive with a golden fountain pen.
“I’ve been waiting for you. Welcome to my town. A small home-warming gift.”
It has not been signed and Jungkook wonders if the writer was the one who wrote the words; each letter had been carved so delicately onto the material. He tilts his head as he thinks of who may have sent this to him. He has not told anybody that he is planning to stay in LA for the time being. He had never been one to open his circle of acquaintances and thereby it had remained small. Digging through his mind, he comes up empty-handed on any of the known possibilities.
Well, there is one person who definitely would not be the sender.
The bow becomes undone by a light tug from his fingers. It falls delicately onto his lap like a ribbon of red liquid. At that, the walls of the box fall easily to reveal its treasure, akin to the opening of an oyster.
His usual stoic expression becomes all the more frozen on his face when he sees what the gift is. Somebody has been watching him. Somebody knows about him. Somebody is out there.
For a single eyeball, pupil and iris augmented in aquamarine and azure hues, stares right back at him. The crystalline gift plucked so delicately from the girl who he had been planned as his next angel.
next part
31 notes · View notes
roman-writing · 3 years
no great revelation (6/8)
Fandom(s): The Haunting of Bly Manor / Star Wars
Pairing: Dani Clayton/Jamie Taylor
Rating: M
Wordcount: 6,797
Summary: Jamie  just wants to enjoy a drink after a hard day’s work on the Telosian  Restoration Project. The last thing she needs is to get herself  caught  up in a mysterious woman with a lightsabre at the local bar.
Aurthor’s notes: Please note the rating change
read it below or read it here on AO3
It was somewhat gratifying to know that Jamie wasn’t the only one who was absolute shit at meditation. 
“This is pointless,” said Dani with her eyes closed. 
“You’re telling me,” Jamie muttered, her eyes also shut.
They were both seated on the massive bed, cross-legged and facing one another. Jamie had ordered the ship’s computer to dim the lights, so that the room was dusky, the ship’s computer even going so far as to project pinpricks of light onto the high ceiling like a map of stars. Back when Jamie had been a padawan, the Jedi Masters used to do something similar back on Tython to encourage that e’er-elusive quest for inner peace. Jamie used to take the opportunity to take a quick nap while she pretended to meditate, but she couldn’t do that now because she was trying to set a good example or whatever. 
“Have you tried slowing down your breathing?” Jamie asked, keeping her eyes closed and straightening her shoulders a bit.
“This is just how I breathe.”
“Yeah, but have you tried slowing it down?”
“When I do that it just feels like I’m slowly drowning.”
“Okay, then what about relaxing your body one part at a time?”
“One -? What?”
“You know. Think about relaxing just the muscles of your face, and then move on to your shoulders, and so on.”
Dani huffed, and Jamie heard her shifting her weight on the bed before going still. All was silent but for the pattern of their breathing and Jamie’s heartbeat accompanying it like a percussion instrument. Sitting still. Being still. Thinking and doing nothing. In short, the most difficult activity for Jamie to attempt ever in her life. She would rather be back on Peter Quint’s flagship, dodging blaster fire. 
Okay, maybe not that far. But honestly sitting still for long periods of time really was her own personal hell.
The air whispered with a hint of cold, like standing in a room with a window open, the tendril of an icy draught threading its way inside. Jamie shrugged against it, but kept her eyes closed. It was only when the whisper of cold lifted to a prickle, when the sound of Dani’s breathing grew too shallow, that Jamie’s eyes flew open. 
Dani was still seated on the bed, eyes squeezed shut, brows furrowed, every exhalation through her nose a plume of white steam, shivering as if she were on the surface of an ice planet instead of in the warm safety of the luxury cruiser. 
Immediately Jamie grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Woah. Woah woah woah. Not that way.” 
Dani jerked as though she had just been shaken away from a deep sleep. Her eyes were on the edge of wild as she looked around the room, her breathing heavy and sharp and slowing when she remembered where exactly she was. 
“Oh,” she said with a guilty glance towards Jamie. “Did I - Did I do it again?” 
With a stroke of her thumb across the back of Dani’s cold hand, Jamie nodded. “Yeah.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean -” 
“I know,” Jamie murmured. “I know. Don’t worry. This time tomorrow, we’ll be on Tython, and we can get you a much better teacher than me.” 
Dani swallowed and nodded, but her expression was unsure, reluctant even. 
“You’ll like Hannah and Owen,” Jamie insisted. “If anyone can teach you, they can.”
“It’s not that. It’s just -” Dani turned her face away and exhaled. She chewed at her lower lip. “What if I’m caught? What if The Order doesn’t care that I was - that I’m not -”
Frowning, Jamie asked, “Not what?” 
“Good,” said Dani.
“What like -?” Jamie grinned. “Not good at the Force? ‘Cause they’d throw me out on my ass with nary a care if that were the case.” 
“No, that’s not what I -” Dani’s teeth were clenched, the muscles bunched up between the line of her neck and her jawline. “I killed people. I killed a Jedi. There’s already an investigation into his murder. And I can’t even channel the Force on my own without slipping into the Dark.”
Jamie shook her head while she listened. “You weren’t yourself. And once we find a cure for whatever is going on with you, then you can be trained properly.”
“What if we can’t?” Dani whispered. “What if there’s nothing to be done? What if I’ll always have this - this angry, empty, lonely thing haunting me?”
Jamie rocked Dani’s hand beneath her own gently. “We’ll find a way. We just need to take it one day at a time.”
Every muscle in Dani’s body seemed to be held taut. The tightness of her jaw. The flex of her hands. The bunching of her shoulders and the muscles all along her spine. Her hand was still cold under Jamie’s grasp, though the wintry edge had been blunted from the air around her. Jamie offered her an encouraging smile, but did not receive one in return. 
“We should get some sleep,” Jamie sighed, pulling away. “We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow -”
But Dani was scrambling to her knees and she was gripping Jamie’s hand tightly in her own before Jamie could fully let go. Her fingers trembled and her eyes were overbright, fixed and unblinking upon Jamie’s, holding her fast. “Not yet,” she said quickly. “Not - I want to feel it again. Please. I want to feel good. I want - I want to feel you.”
Jamie could already feel the thrum beneath her skin, the Force like a tether between them, on the brink, but there. As if Dani were reaching out then waiting for permission to drag her in. 
For the last four years, Jamie had been telling herself to keep her head down. Don't get involved. Mind her own bloody business. Don't do what she did back in ExplorCorps and paint a great big fuckoff target on her own back. And for four years, she had done exactly that. Telos IV and the AgriCorps were a fresh start, a good life, a simple, boring life. All it had taken to completely upend that life was a week of Dani Clayton.
Jamie nodded. Because it made relief sweep over Dani's face. Because it made Dani smile at her with that big smile that crinkled her eyes and creased her cheeks. Because it meant that connection snapped taut like a wire, drew them together into something more than the sum of their parts, more than this crude matter. Because it did indeed feel good. 
Each brief contact of the Force between them had remained discrete in the past. Stolen moments in which Jamie tried to coax Dani towards the Light on her own. Now, Dani gripped her hand to keep the connection alive, a current like static, like the movement between the inchoate and the flourishing, and it extended to the horizon. Dani's eyes dropped to her mouth and Jamie should've known this was coming, shouldn't have been as surprised as she was when Dani leaned forward to kiss her.
Bad idea, Jamie’s pesky little inner voice kept saying over and over like a mantra. Bad idea. This is a bad idea. A very very bad -
She should have pulled away, called this off, cut the line. Except Dani was warm and solid and groaning low into Jamie’s mouth, a sound that coiled heat in the pit of Jamie’s stomach. She cupped Dani’s cheek with one hand, allowed herself to welter for a lingering moment in the softness of Dani's mouth, in the texture of her jaw, before she pulled them apart just enough to breathe, their foreheads still pressed together.
"I want -" Dani murmured urgently, so close Jamie could taste the words on her lips. Her free hand had grasped Jamie's collar, rumpling the starched white fabric in her fist. "Can I -?"
"Yeah," Jamie breathed, throwing any vestigial scrap of self-preservation out the airlock.
Dani kissed her again with a grateful sigh. Jamie couldn’t remember ever being kissed quite like this. With singular focus. As if there was nothing else in the world for Dani to do but kiss her and pour everything of herself into it. 
"Kept thinking about this," Dani mumbled against her lips.
"Explains why you're so shit at meditation."
Dani huffed out a laugh and pressed her smile to Jamie's. She pulled at Jamie's collar shifting forward on her knees so she could lean over Jamie and turn the kiss from giddy glee to hungry in an instant. Jamie took off Dani's headband and threw it onto the bedside table beside the lightsabre so she could rake her hands through Dani's hair. With a tilt of her head, Dani opened her mouth and Jamie would've been appalled at her own weak whimper if she'd been in any state to care. She couldn’t. Not when Dani was kissing her like this. Not when Dani was pushing Jamie onto the bed and straddling her hips. Not when Dani was tugging the buttons of Jamie’s shirt free with trembling fingers. 
They didn’t break contact even when Dani paused to gasp at Jamie’s thigh pressing up between her legs. Always some section of skin was touching, so that the link remained, buzzing around in the back of Jamie’s head like an amplifier. Every movement, every sound an echo caught on a feedback loop, building to something impossible to miss. Jamie could feel the way Dani’s blood stirred in her veins, the way Dani was grinding down against her thigh, the way Dani was tugging the shirt down her shoulders and casting it aside, as though the sensations were her own, but muted — a phantom feeling. 
When she had imagined this  — and over the last few days on the luxury cruiser, Jamie had in great detail imagined this — it had always been a slow, coltish thing. All start and stop, lazy hesitance and careful exploration. In her mind, Dani was keen but skittish, wanting but indecisive. Something to do perhaps with the long glances sent in Jamie’s direction, or the distrustful ventures into the Force. When it came to this however, Dani was uncertain about nothing. 
Dani made excited little sounds against Jamie’s exposed neck when Jamie began to fumble with the button that fastened her pants. Jamie tugged at the zipper and Dani lifted herself up just enough so that Jamie could slip her hand down. Tugging lightly at Dani’s hair to get her to tilt her head back, Jamie sought out Dani’s pulsepoint with her mouth just as her fingers sought out slick heat. 
There were too many clothes between them, far too many, but neither of them could bring themselves to pause for long enough to fix that. The pants shoved partway down Dani’s thighs gave Jamie little room to manoeuvre, but she had two fingers inside of Dani, and Dani was sitting upright to rock her hips at a better angle, eyes lidded, lips parted on a stuttered sigh.
“That’s -” Dani’s breath hitched. “Yes - Right there - Please -”
Jamie had to bite back a groan of her own when Dani bucked against her hand and made a high desperate sound, clenched and shivering, and the moment going on as it echoed back and forth, mirrored and caught between them. Feeling this good, this alive, this conjoined, then chasing after it with a fervor as Dani leaned down at the same time Jamie pushed herself up to kiss her hard.
“Keep going,” Dani panted against Jamie’s mouth, then gave a feeble cry when Jamie did exactly that  — curled her fingers and ground her palm up until Dani was shuddering again, until she was spent.
Dani’s forehead dropped to Jamie’s shoulder to catch her breath. Jamie placed her free hand against Dani’s back, holding her close. She twitched the fingers still inside Dani, just an experimental press, and received a sharp inhalation.
“Too much?” Jamie asked softly.
“A little. Do it again.”
There was no building up to anything with it, just an extension of what had come before, flickers of pleasure that sparked at the edges of her vision, until Dani reached down to slide Jamie’s fingers out and lift them to her mouth. 
“Fuck,” Jamie hissed as Dani licked her sticky fingers clean then nipped at her fingertips.
Dani glanced down Jamie’s chest, one hand drifting inquisitively over the high-waisted hem of her black slacks. “Is it all right, if I -?”
Jamie was already nodding before Dani could finish the sentence. “Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you want.” 
When Dani pulled away to quickly shed her own clothes, Jamie felt the loss of that link like a light suddenly going out. She blinked and skimmed her fingertips along the curve of Dani’s elbow just to re-establish that contact until Dani had finished, until Dani was tugging the slacks down Jamie’s legs, smoothing her hands up Jamie’s bare thighs and watching her with hunger in her eyes. 
Jamie settled back on her elbows, biting her lip, gaze fixed upon Dani as she lowered her head and parted Jamie with her tongue. She wanted to watch  — eyes glued to the way Dani’s mouth moved against her, the way Dani urged her knees wider — but Jamie could not help how her eyes rolled back and she sank back onto the mattress with an embarrassingly loud sound despite how she tried to trap it behind her teeth. 
She twined her hands in Dani’s soft hair and guided her head, shivering when Dani moaned against her in return. Maybe it was the sequence of events, being the one to make Dani completely fall apart while feeling the echo of that pleasure, but soon Jamie’s hips were jerking out of rhythm and she was raking her nails down the back of Dani’s neck and shoulders  — anywhere she could reach  — desperate and hurtling over the edge. Even after she had finished, breathlessly staring up at the star-studded ceiling, Dani toyed at Jamie with the tip of her tongue, just softly, just enough to keep her suspended like a bridge held aloft by the tightness of a rope. 
And as Dani crawled back up her body to curl up against her, Jamie could think only that  — of all the bad decisions in her life, this one would surely have the most dire consequences. She just didn’t know what those might be, and she was afraid of ever finding out. 
There wasn’t much to pack, if anything. The majority of belongings they had begun with on this trip had been abandoned back on the Czerka flagship. Jamie was still lamenting the loss of her favourite pair of overalls and band shirt combination — wrecked at the courtesy of none other than Peter fucking Quint himself — as she pocketed her handheld mining laser. Behind her, Dani was fussing with her headband, trying to tease her hair into just the right shape all without the aid of a mirror.
“Does this look okay?” she asked, hands still tucking stray strands back.
A little flatter than usual, but all Jamie said was, “You look great. Better than me. Not that that’s hard.”
Dani smiled, lowering her hands only to approach Jamie and fix her starched white collar. “I think you look wonderful.”
Jamie made a face. “These clothes make me feel like I’m a conductor for a galactic circus.” 
“You look very rakish. Like you’re about to strike some shady business deal.”
“Oh, well, if I’m rakish, then that’s all right.” 
Dani’s smile ticked up at one corner and she leaned forward to kiss her. Jamie remembered waking up to a similar scene not long ago. A morning spent in much slower exploration than the previous evening until they were finger-mussed and kiss-bruised and had to go seeking a much-needed shower, during which Dani had ignored the mirrors in favour of pressing Jamie up against a tiled wall and putting her hands between her legs.
Now Dani put a hand to the small of Jamie’s back and pressed lightly, just enough to brush their hips together. Jamie opened her mouth as Dani’s tongue swept against hers.
A low chime from the ceiling. “Excuse me,” said the ship’s computer. “But we have arrived.”
Jamie pulled away. “We should probably go.” 
“Yeah,” Dani nodded, but her gaze was fixed on Jamie’s mouth, as though she wanted nothing more than to lean back in and pick up where they’d left off this morning. 
Jamie patted her arm and reached around to remove Dani’s hand from her waist. “Later.”
With a soft huff of laughter, Jamie answered with another lingering kiss. A coil of heat wound tight in her stomach, and she stepped back before it could take root. “C’mon. Let’s go.” 
Only reluctantly did Dani let herself be led from the luxury cruiser by the hand. The ship lowered the gangway for them with a jettison of atmo as it repressurised. The muggy air of Tython bore with it the old familiar smell of dense vegetation, even here on the planet’s major space station. As the station was revealed and all its bustling people and droids, Dani squeezed Jamie’s hand. Jamie looked up to find Dani nervously chewing her lower lip and staring out at the people, many of them wearing robes of various cut and colour, though their occupation was clear. 
Squeezing her hand back before letting it go, Jamie opened her mouth to give an encouraging word, but before she could speak there came a low chime from the speaker ports.
“How would you like me to wait for your return?” the ship’s computer asked.
“Oh, uh -” said Jamie. “How much is it to dock here?”
“One hundred and thirty-five credits per day.”
“A hundred and thirty-five?” Jamie repeated, incredulous. 
“Do you not have enough credits to afford this?” 
Scowling, Jamie fired back, “Are you always this much of a tit?”
“Query irresolvable,” the ship’s computer responded. “I have no anatomy, because I have no body. I do, however, have a stockpile of credits from Czerka Corporation in a private account tied to this vessel and accessible only by this vessel.”
Jamie shot the speaker ports a puzzled glance. “And how long could you remain docked using this private account?”
“Approximately two hundred and three years.”
Jamie’s eyes widened as she did some quick maths in her head. 
“Would you like me to dock here for two hundred and three years?”
“What?” Jamie shook her head. “No! Just - stay here until we get back. And don’t let anyone else aboard.” 
“Affirmative, Bollocks.”
Muttering expletives under her breath, Jamie continued down the gangway. 
“So, you’re rich now?” Dani asked. 
“Only if I survive the next week,” Jamie said. “I’m going to worry about that later. C’mon. I see Owen over there.”
Dani’s head jerked up and she glanced around with wide eyes. Jamie smiled and shook her head, walking along with Dani trailing in her wake. Owen stood near the station entrance, wearing blue robes dusted with flour handprints, and a sheathed lightsabre at his hip. His moustache twitched in a smile when he noticed her approach and he stepped forward to squeeze Jamie in a hug that picked her up a good half meter off the ground. 
“Oooof,” said Jamie as he set her back down, hands remaining on her shoulders.
“Look at you,” Owen said. “What do they feed you on Telos? Raw air and nothing else?”
She swatted his hands from her shoulders. “Fuck off. And why do you look like you’ve just escaped a bakery?”
“I’ve taken an interest in cooking while you’ve been away.” 
“Thought you were supposed to be a healer, mate.”
“Food,” said Owen very seriously, “is healing. And I’ll not have you - oh no. Jamie. You didn’t.”
He was staring over her shoulder at something behind her. Jamie turned, only to find Dani standing there awkwardly toying with her own fingers as she witnessed their reunion, her mismatched eyes wary. Owen’s face went from confused, to aghast, then to hard and guarded.
“I can explain -” Jamie started to say.
Owen pointed — not at Dani but at the sleek luxury cruiser they’d just disembarked. “You told us you were done with smuggling for good.”
"It's not like that!" Jamie insisted.
“You wait ‘till Hannah hears about this, young lady,” he said with faux gravitas, wagging a finger under her nose. 
“Oh, come off it!” 
Grinning, Owen stepped forward to Dani with his hand outstretched. “You must be Miss Clayton. I trust you’ve been making sure Jamie hasn’t been getting into any trouble?”
With a breathy laugh, Dani hesitated to take his hand before finally shaking it as if expecting to be struck by sudden lightning. “To the contrary.” 
He narrowed his eyes towards Jamie. “That doesn’t sound right. Has she been ill?”
“Oi!” Jamie snapped.
Owen chuckled, letting go of Dani’s hand and making shooing motions at the two of them. “Off we hop, then. I have the landspeeder parked outside and dinner in the oven.” 
“Is that a euphemism?” asked Jamie.
Owen made no gesture, but Jamie felt a light repreminanding flick of the Force at the back of her head. “Don’t be naughty, now. We have a guest.” 
Rubbing at the back of her head, Jamie followed him to the landspeeder. She offered Dani a brief encouraging smile, receiving something tremulous in return. 
“He seems nice,” Dani said in a low voice.
“I am,” said Owen without turning around. “Thank you.”
Leaning closer to Dani, Jamie whispered, “And he’s got big ears.”
“I do, yes. Who wants the front seat?” 
Jamie let Dani take it, so she herself could sprawl across the whole back seat and lean her head over the side of the landspeeder, the wind ruffling her unruly curls. In the front seat, Owen did his best to put Dani at ease while he drove, occupying her with polite talk of her home planet, Alderaan, how it compared to Tython, etc. Jamie only piped up when she heard her own name spoken, usually to correct one of Owen’s tall tales about her, which made Dani’s mouth curve in a smile that Jamie wanted to kiss away. 
They had landed on the planet at dusk, and by the time they arrived at Hannah’s apartment in the outer fringes of the Temple complex it was dark. Hannah was sitting on a couch and scrolling through a dry holo feed depicting ancient texts, when Owen ushered them through the front door and into the lounge. In robes of rich burgundy hues against her dark skin, she was a picture of elegance just as Jamie remembered. Immediately she swiped the holo feed away and rose to her feet, crossing the room to pull Jamie into a warm hug and greet Dani with an outstretched hand. 
“Do you want drinks?” Hannah asked. “Only I believe Owen had a specific wine he wanted to pair with tonight’s dinner.”
“Did you turn off the oven at -?” Owen started to ask but Hannah simply patted his darkly stubbled cheek.
“Of course I did, silly man. What do you take me for?” Hannah chided. 
He grinned but made no move to lean into the gesture or otherwise react, and soon Hannah dropped her hand. Owen disappeared into the kitchen while Hannah urged Dani and Jamie to sit. Jamie sat on the couch, and when Dani sat beside her it was so close their thighs pressed together. Hannah’s dark eyes flicked down to note this, but she simply smiled and inquired about their trip. 
With a hand towel tossed over one shoulder, Owen emerged from the kitchen not long later with a platter of savoury pastries, which he set on a table for easy access. Jamie swiped one up with an eager hand. 
“Not bad,” she said to Owen, mid-chew. “I can feel my latest scar healing up already.” 
“Shush you,” Owen said, swatting at her knees with the hand towel. Jamie snickered and reached for another pastry. 
Meanwhile Hannah had sat on a lone armchair and turned her attention to Dani. “Jamie mentioned she had a Force Sensitive friend with a peculiar - ah - predicament, so to speak. She brought you to the right place.” 
“Oh, I’m not,” Dani said with a flighty motion of her hand, “Force Sensitive.”
Hannah tilted her head. “What makes you say that?”
“It’s not me that uses the Force. It’s -” she pointed to her eye, the one that burned a constant gold these days, “- whatever this is.” 
“And what makes you think you have nothing to do with it?” Hannah asked. 
“Well,” Dani fumbled for a response. She was perched at the very edge of the couch, knees tucked together as if expecting a scolding from a teacher. “Peter said -”
“Peter?” Hannah rounded on Jamie with a flinty expression. “Don’t tell me you’re still getting yourself tied up with the likes of Peter bloody Quint.”
“I’m not!” Jamie said, trying to sound indignant but doing a very poor job of it since her mouth was full of pastry. She chewed quickly and swallowed so she could better defend herself. “Besides, he’s dead now!” 
“Oh, that is a shame,” Owen sighed dreamily. “I would’ve liked to have seen it myself.” 
“Who was the lucky bastard who killed him?” Hannah asked. 
From the couch, Dani cleared her throat uncomfortably, then lifted her hand in a miserable little wave. Both Owen and Hannah exchanged surprised glances. 
“It was an accident,” Dani said in a small voice. 
“Well, brava,” said Owen. 
Dani closed her eyes. “Please, don’t. I - uh -” she drew in a trembling breath and forged on, “I don’t know exactly what Jamie told you, but he wasn’t the only one.” 
“Ah,” said Hannah shortly. “Yes, she did mention something about that. The dead Consular out by Vurdon Ka. Edmund, was it?” 
Dani’s only reply was to nod and stare down at her socks; they’d all removed their shoes at the front door and set them into the cloak closet. 
“Can’t imagine the investigation will come poking around here,” Owen added. “They’ll think you’ve run off to the Outer Rim to hide.” 
Hannah hummed. “Yes, well, best we keep Miss Clayton inside for the duration of her visit, anyway.” 
Dani stared at them in utter bewilderment. “But don’t you - Shouldn’t you be reporting me to the authorities?” 
Owen tipped his head towards Jamie. “If this one vouches for you, then I believe you.”
Placing her hand over her heart, Jamie said, “That’s so romantic. You going soft on me?”
He knocked his foot against her ankle. “You wish.” 
“If what you say is true,” said Hannah, ignoring their antics, “and you’re being inhabited by some Sith entity, then I rather think it our duty to help you, not put you down like a rabid dog.” 
Owen cleared his throat. “About the Sith entity thing. Can we go back to that?”
"Quint said something about a -" Jamie trailed off, then turned to Dani. "What did he call it? The glowy box?"
"A holocron," Dani said.
Both Hannah and Owen turned to look at them with such sudden sharpness that Jamie nearly took a step back in surprise.
"A holocron," Hannah repeated. “You’re sure?”
"What colour was it?" Owen asked Dani before she could answer Hannah’s question. "Was it blue? Please say it was blue. I'll even take green."
Dani blinked, taken aback, and glanced nervously between them and Jamie before she answered, "It was red."
Hannah drew in a sharp breath and Owen grimaced as though he'd just been shot in the leg.
“Where is it now?” Hannah asked. 
"Gone," Jamie said with a shake of her head. "In bits and pieces back on Quint's flagship."
"Not all of it."
The three of them — Hannah, Owen, and Jamie — all turned their attention to Dani, who was wringing her hands together in her lap. Then she reached into the sewn up makeshift pocket of her cloak and pulled out a single shard of black gold metal. 
"I kept one of the pieces," Dani explained, holding it out towards them. "In case — I don't know — in case Peter tried to put it back together again." 
“May I?” Hannah held out her hand. 
Dani passed it over to her. Carefully, Hannah inspected it. Thin, triangular and gleaming darkly in the light. Jamie thought she could almost hear a faint whisper when she looked at it for too long, a cold fingertip brushing against the back of her neck, travelling down the length of her spine.
“There is part of an inscription here in the old Sith Tongue,” Hannah said, and she spoke a series of guttural words that seemed to darken the very air around her before translating them. “I sleep. I wake. I walk.” 
“Mmm,” said Owen. “Hate that.” 
“I’m so glad you two know what the hell is going on,” Jamie said dryly. 
Shooting Jamie an exasperated look, Hannah handed the shard back to Dani. “Thank you, dear. What you have there is a piece of a very rare storage device made with the Force. Undoubtedly Sith in origin, and very ancient, too. Jedi use them as well. Holocrons contain information. Secrets. Wisdom. Power.”
Dani turned the metallic triangle over between the fingers as if trying to read the same inscription, or to glean something more. “And what did this one hold?” 
“I haven’t the foggiest,” Hannah said with a soft smile. “Whatever that holocron once held is long gone now.”
Dani clenched the triangle in one fist. “But what if we had all the pieces?”
“Perhaps that would accomplish something. I doubt it.” Then Hannah added wryly, “You might be able to make a very fine lamp.” 
In the other armchair, Owen snorted. Without looking in his direction, Jamie aimed a kick at his leg, which he easily dodged.
“That can’t be everything,” Dani said, knuckles going white, voice going shaky. “You have to know something more. There has to be more.” 
Hannah shrugged. “I’ll look through the archives tonight. Maybe then we will have more answers.” 
“That’s -”
"Tomorrow," said Hannah firmly yet kindly. She stood and urged Dani to her feet as well.
"But -" Dani started to say.
Hannah put a warm hand on Dani shoulder and steered her towards the dining room. "Tomorrow," she repeated. "We cannot solve the galaxy's problems in an evening."
After dinner, they retired to the lounge over a glass of wine. Hannah took Dani aside, where they murmured away together in a corner, while Jamie and Owen sat in armchairs across a polished stone firepit that had been dug into the ground. Dani wandered off to bed not long after with a lingering glance in Jamie’s direction, then Hannah left for the comforts of her archives, murmuring that same phrase in the old Sith Tongue as she went. 
I sleep. I wake. I walk.
Jamie shivered in spite of herself. Owen watched her knowingly over the rim of his glass. 
“How are you really?”
“You know me. Bold as brass,” Jamie muttered.
He glanced down the hallway, where Dani had gone and not emerged after the sound of a door shutting. “I shouldn’t have to tell you to be careful, so I won’t.”
Jamie grimaced. “Yeah. I know.”
“I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“I won’t. Besides,” she reached out to nudge his elbow so that it slipped off the armrest of the couch. “I can always count on you to patch me up again.” 
His answering smile was strained. “I can only do so much with lightsabre wounds.” 
“I’ll be fine.” 
Owen took a sip of his wine and hummed, the note echoing slightly around the glass bowl. “I defer to Hannah in matters of balance in the Force,” he said, “but I’m not sure I can do anything for your friend without more information. And even then — I’m saying this might be a lost cause, Jamie.” 
Jamie gripped the stem of her wineglass and rolled her head back to sigh at the ceiling. “If I had two credits for every time someone told me that, I’d have twelve credits.”
“You could buy yourself a decent stimpack with that,” he said with a snap of his fingers.
She let her head loll forward again and leaned her cheek upon her fist. “I know what you’re going to say.”
Owen smiled sadly at her and then he said it anyway, “You need to prepare yourself for the worst.”
“I don’t want to hear it, mate.” 
He leaned forward, setting aside his wineglass on a side table, and said in a soft yet serious tone, “You cannot let your judgement be clouded by personal attachments.” 
She laughed, a short bitter huff of laughter. “That’s rich, coming from you.” With a gesture around the room, she said, “Awfully cosy here in Hannah’s place, innit? Was that your spare cloak and set of boots in the closet I saw?” 
If Owen was put off his stride in any way, he did not show it, nor did he falter. “As a member of The Order, it is your duty to help everyone you can. And in that regard, you have always been the best of us.”
Jaw tight, Jamie glared into the firepit, a flicker of flame sending up sparks. “I’m not a Jedi.” 
“No,” he murmured, his gaze dark and warm and unyielding. “But you act like one. If strength and power were what made a Jedi, then we would all be Sith. You are not defined by how much of the Force you can control. It’s what you do that matters.”
Jamie eyes burned from staring at the fire for too long. She cleared her throat, lifted her wineglass and drained its contents. 
“Thanks for the drink and for the food,” she said, setting the wineglass aside and pushing herself to her feet. “And for the shit pep talk.” 
Owen did not stand or attempt to bring her back when Jamie turned and walked down the same hallway Dani had vanished down about an hour ago. He let her go with a soft, “Good night,” that Jamie caught just on the edges of her hearing, and which made her fists clench.
At the end of the hall, Hannah had given them each their own rooms across from one another. Jamie stopped in front of Dani’s door. There was a soft light shining beneath the gap at the base, indicating that either Dani was still awake, or she was too afraid to sleep alone with the lights off. Jamie lifted her hand to knock, but stopped before she could touch the door. Instead she ran her hand down her face and rubbed at her eyes. Then with a shake of her head, she turned around and went into her own room. 
It was the first night in nearly two weeks that Jamie slept alone. She tossed and turned, looking back towards her own shut door, seeing the echo of that pale sliver of light across the hall. Telling herself she was being ridiculous, she shut her eyes and struggled in search of sleep. 
“I did a bit more research last night,” said Hannah as a greeting over breakfast.
“Oh, aye?” Jamie mumbled to the contents of her teacup. 
Late morning sunlight washed through the tall windows of Hannah’s apartment, and Jamie was combating a pervasive grogginess with her third cup of the morning. Sleep last night had been a futile effort. Sitting across the table from her, Dani looked no better off; her eyes were circled with dark rings and her hair lacked its usual polished care. She had already been out in the kitchen for some time when Jamie had finally emerged from her room to find Dani helping Owen prepare breakfast and set the table. Both she and Owen had greeted Jamie with varying degrees of enthusiasm — Dani with a small private grin, Owen with a boisterous call of ‘Good Morning!’ that could’ve woken the dead. 
Now they were all seated at the dining table. Owen had prepared a spread of food that would have given the ship’s computer a run for its millions of credits. He and Dani had tucked in, while Jamie and Hannah nursed their cups of tea in lieu of food. 
“That inscription,” said Hannah. “I sleep. I wake. I walk. IT was specific enough to give me a small lead.” 
Jamie lowered her cup, while across the table from her Dani did the same with her knife and fork, suddenly alert. 
“So, what did the holocron have in it?” Jamie asked. 
“Not what. Who.” Hannah pointed around her cup towards Dani, who had gone stock-still. “The echo of a soul. An ancient Sith Lord, whose sunken tomb is said to lie beneath the waters of a planet lost to time after the Hundred-Year Darkness. I could find nothing more than this, and at first I thought it a mere legend. Here. These images were taken from The Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban.” 
Hannah tapped at a link on her wrist, bringing up a holographic display which she set to the middle of the table so the rest of them could see. A collage of pictures from various sources. Old texts written on parchment or carved into stone. Weathered statues emerging from bodies of water in dark caves, and vast frescos painted upon plastered walls depicting a woman. All of them somehow defaced. Sections of writing blotted or chiselled away. The heads of every statue, every painting smashed or blighted as though taken to by a hammer.
“Spooky,” Owen muttered. 
“What’s wrong with her face?” asked Jamie. 
“It seems even other Sith feared her. Or envied her. Or hated her. Who knows? But her very name and image have been desecrated beyond repair, condemned to damnatio memoriae,” Hannah highlighted a section of writing that had been left unscarred. “They call her only: The Lady.” 
Jamie stared at one of the statues, and even though it lacked all discernible features she could not shake herself of the horrible feeling that it was watching her back. “A Sith feared by other Sith? Well, that’s not terrifying at all.” 
“All Sith eventually turn on each other in the end,” Owen scoffed. “This was probably just the work of some ambitious apprentice. You know how they are.” 
“That’s very possible,” agreed Hannah. 
“So instead of knowledge,” Jamie said slowly, “the holocron was holding a piece of her soul? Why?” 
“A piece? No.” Hannah shook her head. “More like a shadow. A reflection of what once was whole. And for what purpose, I cannot say. Did she even make it herself? Or was it made of her unwillingly? Perhaps to preserve her own life. Or even to trap her, to interrogate her. All of these are plausible.”
Owen hummed a contemplative note, nodding to himself, then he abruptly said, “More tea?”
Hannah held out her cup. “Please. Thank you, dear.”
Meanwhile, Dani had spoken not a word. Her gaze was glued to one of the holo images, the one of a fresco depicting The Lady, faceless, with her hands on the shoulders of a young child with gold-graven eyes. 
Jamie nudged her foot under the table, and Dani started, blinking at her. 
“Sorry,” Dani breathed. 
“S’alright,” Jamie said. She nodded towards the holo images. “This sound familiar at all?” 
Dani licked her lips and then nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s her.” Hands clenched and trembling around her cutlery, she said, “I’m sorry, but can you please turn that off?”
Without question, Hannah killed the feed, and Dani breathed a sigh of relief. Owen topped up Dani’s teacup as well, and she smiled gratefully at him. He winked and set down the teapot.
“As fascinating as Sith history is,” said Owen dryly. “What does it have to do with Alderaan? Why target children of House Thul?”
Hannah looked to be deep in thought, sipping at her tea with a furrow to her brow, while Dani shrugged. 
Meanwhile, Jamie groaned and rubbed at her eyes. "I don't know," she said, "but I know someone who does. Do you have a transceiver?"
“Oh! Yeah. Give me a tick.” Owen pushed back his chair and went off in search of a transceiver. He returned a moment later holding a blade-thin screen, tapping at it to pull up the right application before he handed it to Jamie and sat back down in his seat. “Here.” 
“Cheers.” Jamie took the screen and typed in the relevant frequency and hit a green button. 
It rang. And rang. And just as Jamie was about to kill the feed, the screen flickered and a familiar face appeared. 
Rebecca smiled. "Well, that was fast. Miss me already?"
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