#me (*vader voice*): don't make me destroy you
anghraine · 1 year
The last time my best friend and I were hanging out (back in March), we watched my eternal SW favorite, The Empire Strikes Back, so this time we followed it up with Return of the Jedi, which we both love very much.
We just finished and as ever, I feel perfectly happy-sad.
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lovelybucky1 · 11 months
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kinktober day 14- bondage
warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT- non con, AFAB!Reader, handcuffs, vaginal reader, finger sucking, rough treatment, 18+ minors DNI
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Anakin Skywalker was no longer the man you knew. He was a great warrior, a general, an upstanding person, a kind soul, a Jedi, and most importantly, a friend. He was never meant to be a mechanical killing machine for Darth Sidious to lead around on a leash.
You managed to escape the violence of Order 66, though not without sustaining injuries of your own. For months after the massacre you saw visions of Anakin with orange glowing eyes in your dreams. The screams of children could be heard in the background. You were haunted.
You know some of the other Jedi escaped, though you don't know who or where they went. Being a Jedi is a death sentence these days, so it's better to lay low and not know anything more than absolutely necessary.
Unfortunately, laying low on an outer rim planet where you live off the grid on your own little farm isn't low enough for the Empire. You returned from the forest with a basket of berries and mushrooms to add to your stockpile when you found your house burning, your animals slaughtered, and Darth Vader himself standing among the flames.
After seeing the brutal events of Order 66, you took not being killed on sight as a blessing. The stormtroopers surrounded you, grabbing your arms and forcing you to your knees before Vader. The dark mask was expressionless, but the tilt of his head to the side made you feel like a wounded animal he was about to put down.
"Take them to the ship," he said in a modulated voice. He sounded nothing like the man you knew.
You were hauled aboard the massive ship that they carelessly landed in a field of wild flowers. It was almost poetic how this hunk of machine destroyed something natural and beautiful.
Once the hatch of the ship closed, you accepted that your fate was sealed. You were brought to a cell in the bowels of the ship and abandoned, left with your own thoughts and restricted by force-blocking cuffs.
You were alone for hours until someone came by. You heard the sound of heavy boots banging against the metal grate floor, but it wasn't until you heard the heavy breathing that you turned your attention towards the intruder.
"Jedi," he says as a form of greeting.
You glare at him through the bars of your cell. "Vader."
He says nothing more. He only stands there, emotionless and unmoving. Anakin must have learned patience through his transformation, because the man you knew hated silence.
"Why am I still alive?" you ask. You'd rather be dead than be taken prisoner and be forced to work for the Empire. "You killed all the others. Why not me?"
"He wants you," Vader says crypticly.
"Who does?" you ask.
"Your friend," he says.
Anakin. He's in there somewhere, obviously, and he wants to save you. Maybe this is his way of making up for his atrocities, by making right with you. It could never be enough, but it comforts you to know the monster before you isn't entirely evil.
The door to your cell slides open and Vader steps in, looking like a giant as he towers over your slumped form on the floor. You look up at him but you can't get a read on him. The cuffs block any force sensitivity so you can't even feel him. The door shuts behind him, trapping you in a small box with the face of evil.
"He cares for you," Vader says. "He wants to protect you." It warms your heart in a weird way to hear him say that. "But you are insignificant to me."
Vader reaches down and grabs you by the roots of your hair. He tugs harshly until your scrambling to find your footing and stand so he doesn't rip out your hair.
He dwarfs you. You never noticed how large he was until you were face to face, mere inches apart.
Vader pushes you back roughly, sending you slamming into the wall. Your body crushes your arms that are bound behind your back and you whimper in pain.
"He will watch me destroy you," Vader says as he advances, crowding you against the wall.
He brings his hand down to the waistband of your pants and tugs, effortlessly ripping them off. Your underwear receive the same treatment, though the pull on your skin is painful.
He kicks your legs apart with his boots. The heavy, hard material on your exposed ankles hurts like a bitch, but there's nothing you can do about it other than scream.
Vader shoves his gloved hand between your thighs and carelessly invades your cunt with his thick fingers. You cry out in pain, beg him to stop and for someone to help, but you know it's useless. Everyone here does Vader's bidding, and disobeying their lord is an instant death sentence.
He grows tired of your crying, so he shuts you up by restricting your throat with the force. You have enough air to breathe, but not enough to speak.
You look into the blank helmet with teary eyes, hoping that somehow you can connect with Anakin. You know he's in there, you just have to bring him out.
Vader's fingers split you open painfully. You don't know what he has underneath the suit, but you fear that it will be even worse than the treatment being done to you now. When he pulls his hand away, your creamy juices coat the black glove.
He grabs your jaw and squeezes hard, forcing you to open your mouth. He shoves the wet fingers inside for you to clean, tasting yourself off of them. It's disgusting and degrading, but you're helpless to resist.
When he pulls his fingers out, his glove glistens with your spit. A string of it connects your lip to his glove and when it breaks, it falls against your chin.
Vader drops his hand and you're left staring up at him. The panel of his chest presses against yours uncomfortably, digging into you. You're legs are shaking, not from pleasure but from a mix of fear and the ache in your pussy.
Vader then grabs you by the shoulder and pushes you down, sending you sprawling onto the metal floor. He turns his back to you and the door opens again. Wordlessly, he leaves you alone once again, his heavy boots echoing down the corridor.
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sarah-denial-cq · 2 days
What makes you enjoy slave Leia so much? Merely a strong woman in a humiliating, revealing costume, or is there anything more to it?
Slave Leia fixed me.
I don't think I have a lot to say about it that isn't obvious, since I'm kinda stupid. But it's more than just a strong woman being put in a humiliating revealing costume.
First is the in universe concept (uh, I guess, spoilers for like a forty year old movie). It's not just that Leia is captured and put in the bikini. She's captured while in the process of thinking she can be strong and capable, that she can save someone. The outfit and voice changer she used while trying to rescue Han covered up her sex and her weakness. The contrast with that is immense. And when she's caught, people *laugh*. It's a big *joke*. It's not a serious she did a good try but jabba's crack team of security were better. It's like a surprise prank that they all pulled on her. Compare the defiance from when Vader first captures her on the blockade runner in EP IV, when she is strong in the face of capture after a battle well fought, to the face she makes when jabba catches her. No defiance. Just embarrassment, disgrace, weakness, confusion, stupid girl. Sorry I'm kinda masturbating while writing this.
And then she is stripped and put in a tacky bikini with arm bands and hair bands and a collar and leash. Fine. But she is exposed in front of Luke. The one who she was trying to be all tough girl equal around in EP IV and v. He is calm, composed, powerful, which just makes her weakness and stupidity more evident. Of course she couldn't save a man. But one could save her, at the price of seeing her stripped down to a waist and pair of tits.
And that's edge edge that's what brings this into the real world. It completely destroys Leia's character for the entire series. Ask any man who's watched star wars to describe the most iconic scene for Luke and it's idk his training with Yoda or his blowing up the death star or whatever. None of them will say him shirtless and weak and vulnerable in the bacta tank. But ask the same question about Leia and you will get one answer. If it had been her character from the start it wouldn't wreck me quite so much. But it isn't, it's two movies of.building her up as a badass strong independent woman and then haha no you stupid girls who thought this universe took you seriously this is how everyone sees you. The fact that it took away and overwrote and deleted and replaced oh god everything that she did in the eyes of the male audience the film was marketed.to edge is she's literally on a chain looking up at the guy she was pretending to be an equal to just like how I have to be lower and beneath and
And on top of all of that was Carrie's discomfort real world with how revealing the costume was to her professional colleagues it's literally wear this bra and skirt with no panties in front of people you pretend edge are workplace equals wet and pose while kneeling in it for the official promotion materials bark and inspire generations of girls to think that when they attend conventions about their hobbies they should dress up like subservient edge sluts and pose in huge undifferentiated groups for photos and anyways that's part of why I like slave Leia so much thanks for the ask.
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ghostmartyr · 9 months
I don't often think about how I would have wanted the Star Wars sequels to play out, because I am firmly a "lightsabers cool" level fan and happy about it.
But I wanted one specific thing from the third movie. Because I am easy and a sap, and it appeals so dearly to me. Simple setup: Kylo Ren has alienated every single being in the galaxy, removing all desire for anyone to help him by just sinking further and further into rage -- Rey was the last person left willing to try, and will 100% shoot him in the head if she sees him. It's a running gag, it never works, but she always hopes it will and gives her and Finn a moment to throw the lightsaber back and forth because they're multiclass heroes.
No Palpatine stuff, just Kylo Ren actively digging the hole deeper and taking the whole galaxy down with him while the heroes do Hero Stuff and look amazing doing it.
(Because this is a daydream, throw in Leia flashbacks of every moment she ever had in Darth Vader's presence, her revulsion at being his child and her joy at having a twin, and the complicated quagmire of emotion that is her brother choosing to find good in a monster, and wondering if her refusal to entertain the thought with Vader is why her son won't come back to her. No one person is worth another Alderaan. She loves him and loves him and loves him, but. She dreams of killing Vader and the face behind the mask is never Anakin Skywalker's.)
Explosions, battles, blaster fire making cool pew pew noises, epic dual-fighting moments with Finn and Rey vs. Kylo Ren -- whatever, take your backdrop and run with it, mostly.
All I wanted from Kylo Ren's plot was for his uncle to come back and haunt him with love until it took. No one has any patience for him anymore. Except this one ghost who sits with him after he's destroyed his fourth console that day and calls him Kid.
In the end, Luke brings his nephew back.
(What does this do for the rest of the movie's plot? idk idc, let Ben wander off to Naboo or something, all of the Hero Cast under the impression that he's dead and they're quite unconcerned about it. He stares out at it all in the spot where his grandparents wed, his uncle at his side. Breathes. Finishes recording a very awkward sign-off. There is a Windows 98 screen transition over to Leia, rolling her eyes and leaving one of the many restoration meetings she's had this week to figuratively slam the door of her quarters shut. She sits back in a chair, disables several security protocols, opens an unmarked case and plugs something into her comlink. "Greetings, Mother," a stilted voice begins. The camera angle changes, and Luke sits behind her, watching. She takes a moment to look back. She doesn't say it out loud, because everyone in the building practically through a party over Kylo Ren's death and she doesn't blame them, but she mouths, "Thank you," as Ben's apology gets stiffer and more rambly and worse in the background. She falls asleep in her chair and doesn't dream. Roll credits.)
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zazzander · 2 years
Could you elaborate on the Octavian and Darth Vader parallels?
I would love to because it's currently on my mind. I'm mostly think of this in terms of how the opening of TSATS (as far as we have seen) begins with Will and Nico talking about Darth Vader. Sure, it's light hearted, but maybe it'll be important.
Because if the voice is Octavian that would open up a lot of interesting ties between him and Darth Vader...
Starting with their early years. Anakin was recruited as a child, like all the jedi, but his recruitment was different. The jedi council were not keen to allow him to join, he wasn't "ideal". Anakin was too old, too full of emotion.
We don't know a lot about Octavian - but as I've talked about before, we know that he's not seen as the ideal warrior. Plus he's associated with Apollo, who isn't well regarded in the legion. This could have been a cause of tension in his early years at the legion. We also know that Octavian is very much full of emotion! Especially the kind the jedi would shun.
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Anakin is taken under the wing of manipulative Emperor Palpatine. His view of the world is twisted and controlled. Palpatine draws him over to the dark side.
In Octavian's case, we know that he was being manipulated by someone and that someone was probably Nero. Emperor Nero. We know that Apollo didn't want Camp Half-Blood destroyed, so we have to wonder who put that idea in Octavian's head? Well, we have our suspect...
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Order 66 - the infamous masscare of the jedi, including the younglings. This feels super similar to Octavian's attempt to wipe out Camp Half-Blood! (Of course Anakin actually succeeded but that's neither here nor there)
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Due to his choices, the people who love Anakin the most become his enemy. Characters like Michael Kahale and Dakota turn against Octavian in Blood of Olympus.
I don't have the book in front of me right now, but in Blood of Olympus, Will says something like "Don't make them choose, Octavian!" talking about how the legion was wavering between following Octavian's and Reyna's orders - and that feels a lot like the classic "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy" line from Anakin.
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Anakin fights Obi-Wan on that volcano planet. He's supposed to have "died" in fire - burning to death for his own arrogance and need for destruction. But he didn't die.
Octavian was also supposed to have died in a fire, burning to death for his own arrogance and need for destruction. But we didn't see him die. If he's the voice coming from Tartarus... maybe he isn't as dead as everyone thought.
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The voice calling for help is Nico haunting him. It is not a kind voice. Whoever it is will lead Nico back into Tartarus, back into a place of pain. And if that voice is Octavian... well, it would be an interesting parallel.
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Grim's character arc during Revenge Of The Sith is so compelling to me.
At first she's being strategic and she's calm and you can see how much she's matured since the beginning of the story. She has a plan and isn't going to allow her fear to hold her back any longer. Except she slips up with that plan, and that was the last time she would have that chance. She's now terrified of the ending that she knows will come. Except she refuses to let that fear show. Especially not when her enemy is so close. So she hides it behind jokes. She banters with Obi-Wan and Anakin as she always does. She isn't even afraid to sass Palpatine with a smile.
Grim and Obi-Wan reach the Jedi Temple to make their report to the Jedi Council. Grim has decided to tell them everything about the future. They need to know. They're the only ones who can help her and change the ending now. But when she begins to explain her fear catches her again. She wants to tell them her heart is screaming to tell them but her mind and its fear chokes her. She runs away, unable to say how the ending happens. Just that if things don't change then the Jedi Order and the Republic will fall.
This fear pulls her back from everything. And it's not unnoticed. Obi-Wan and Yoda can see it. They want to help her but she won't let them.
When she's around Anakin her fear becomes anger and she directs it at him for the man he will become in just a few days. She doesn't see Anakin at all. She is speaking to Darth Vader. He is already a Sith Lord to her.
Grim tries to train away this fear and this anger. Tries to ignore it. To escape it. But she can't. There's a voice that whispers to her that she's failed. She has no proof of this, but she believes it.
With that belief she begins to grieve all that will soon be lost. It isn't gone yet. But to her it is, for there is no changing the end. It's already over. And yet the light still reaches to her and a small part of her still has hope. Because Grim does not know who she is without it.
Grim spies on Anakin and Palpatine to know if she really has lost. To learn if the dark voice that whispers to her is right, and she has failed. She watches Anakin become entranced by Palpatine's story and it confirms it for her. She loses all her hope. The dark won. She has lost.
And Grim is so lost, so hurt, so betrayed, so terrified, and so broken by this revelation. She doesn't see the point in even being alive anymore. The story can't be changed. Living or dying it changes nothing. She changes nothing. So she runs to the roof of the Jedi Temple. She plans to jump, but the light holds her back. The fact that there are still Jedi right here and right now keep her there. Instead she watches the sky.
Anakin joins her and the two of them talk about the future to come. Anakin wants to believe things can change. Grim has lost hope and sees him as the man that will destroy them both. She says it's too late for them. And with those words spoken it is.
The next day is the day where she really will have lost everything. Grim has no hope. She can only find it in Obi-Wan. She is convinced she will die because her story is left unknown. She has nothing to prove that she'll live and she has everything to prove she'll die. And now faced with the real possibility of it, Grim realizes she doesn't actually want to die. She begs Obi-Wan to not let her die.
Grim sees Boga and suddenly she's back in the beginning in the war before all of her scars before everything was painful. She's 14 and starstruck by Star Wars again. And she is filled with such joy she forgets about Order 66. She forgets her worries. She forgets all of it.
While fighting Grievous at Obi-Wan's side she loses herself in the battle. Focusing only on it. Her worries and fears aside.
But it's not to last.
"You must realize, army or not, you are doomed," says Grievous.
And Grim knows he's right. Suddenly she's aware of all the clones. She's aware of how close Order 66 has become.
They defeat Grievous and Grim is afraid. She's never been so afraid. Obi-Wan tries to talk to her but she shuts him out. She refuses to let him in. To let him see how ruined she is.
Order 66 begins. Grim is terrified and forces herself to run. She has to survive. Except she gets surrounded and again she believes she'll die. This time she does not face death with fear. She welcomes it. She jumps off the cliff so it will not be her brothers and friends that kill her. And when she hits the water she is ready to accept she will die. She's lost. What does it matter?
Except the light reminds her there are more survivors and there are people who could use her and that there's still hope and a reason to fight and so she fights back and she survives.
Only to wish she didn't. She lost. She failed. Why does she get to live? The grief and the guilt of everything crashes down onto her all at once. Seeing the ruins of the Jedi Temple is too much. It becomes anger again because she knows exactly who is to blame. The man who had slayed them. So she leaves to kill him blinded by this twisting rage.
And again she fails. But she refuses to fail. She refuses to die. She is angry and she is determined. But as she's fighting by Obi-Wan's side again she becomes afraid. She can't win. She can only live. But, she realizes that's enough. So she focuses on surviving the battle, not on killing Anakin. There's nothing more than can be done.
She leaves Anakin to survive Mustafar because there is still that anger in her heart. But she's calming down now. She's accepting the support of the light and turns away from all the darkness that keeps threatening to consume her.
Grim becomes a Jedi Knight. She is filled with grief and feels so much guilt for surviving and getting this honor. But there's another thing too. Grim has hope.
And with that hope she knows she can heal again.
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the-obiwan-for-me · 1 year
For the causing problems on purpose ask game…21
Oh ho ho....you know just what to ask to make me throw some bombs.
21. The part of canon you think is overrated.
The entirety of the sequels.
They are gorgeous movies. 
I think there was some great potential for the new characters they introduced. 
I got more Leia.
But, generally, the story given to us was absolute trash. Downright implausible when you even take half a second to think about it, even in a universe with space wizards and giant slug crime lords.
You're telling me that the son of Leia and Han, leaders of the rebellion, and the nephew of Luke Skywalker, one of the purest souls given to us who is still an absolute badass, turned to the dark because *checks notes* Leia worked and he had bad dreams? Nope. I don't buy it. 
Luke, who saved his father, DARTH FUCKING VADER, thought, even for a second, about offing his teenage nephew because the kid got a little angsty? Then fled???? What the hell? Nope. Don't buy it.
And the First Order?!! How does such a thing even exist? And at the magnitude it does. They have a huge fleet, and enough funds to build a star destroying super laser that makes the Death Star look like a BB gun. How the fuck did they have the funds for all of this?!!? It doesn't make any sense and it is *Benoit Blanc voice* so dumb.
Honestly, "Somehow, Palpatine has returned" is the least troublesome thing of the whole trilogy (except for Leia. Always perfect. No notes). There was SO MUCH POTENTIAL, even if you wanted to completely disregard the brilliant stories told in the EU. The characters they gave us, the actors they used, all of it could have been so good. And they squandered it ALL.
(I do like "Resistance." That's a cute little show with some great stories and characters).
So, yeah. The sequels essentially don't exist in my canon. Some of Zahn's stuff is ridiculous, but the general storyline he gives us post ROTJ is fabulous and that's my canon.
Want to see what makes me bonkers in fandom? Check out the Choose Violence Ask Game. Be prepared to hate me forever. I am opinionated.
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illprotectyou-always · 5 months
Another day, another Palace mission.
Ruhn hates these missions. Hates them with a passion. Any other Rebel teenage boy might be glad to infiltrate the Imperial Palace and spy on Darth Vader and his minions. His stupid wannabe Sith minions. And his clones that he's controlled every breathing second since the Fall.
It pains Rex deeply, whenever the Rebels come in contact with a fellow chipped clone. He sees it in his uncle's eyes.
And yet you... you have been... flirting with the man doing it all. Darth Vader. How could you do that? He's never understood. How could you just forget his dad like that? And- he would be okay with you moving on, if it was with someone like Kaz or Hunter or literally anyone in the Rebellion that's a good person. But what the hell is it about Darth Vader that gets you going?!
Ruhn shakes his head to himself and walks down the hall in his Imperial uniform, stolen off a guard he killed not long ago. People barely pay him any attention- after all, since the Empire started hiring all walks of life instead of just clones, it's easier to get by unnoticed.
Something is... different here, today. The atmosphere is heavy, the halls silent. Vader must be pissed after the Rebellion destroyed one of his bases. Minimal casualties, but unfortunately a few clones didn't survive. Rex mourned them privately last night. Hunter snuck off to see if any of them was Crosshair.
Hunter doesn't know he knows that. And nobody else but him does. But... Ruhn understands it. The private grieving, the private wondering if things are different than they seem. It just- doesn't seem possible that his father is dead. The Hero With No Fear died at the hands of evil? It just... it doesn't make sense for such a hero. But it's something he has to accept. It's something everyone who loved him so much has had to accept. And he has! But some days... some days it's just difficult.
He rounds a corner and addresses a different Palace guard with a small nod. "Return to your quarters for briefing. I have orders to take your place."
Right outside Darth Vader's office.
What if he just- did it without asking anyone? Killed Darth Vader and fled?
He couldn't do it. Not by himself. Well, he could, but he'd never make it out alive.
The guard silently leaves and he takes the man's place, standing tall and straight as he listens to the conversation inside the office. It's not hard to do, when Vader and Cody are both elevated in volume.
"I want answers NOW!" Vader roars, something inside the office slamming and shattering on the floor. "HOW did they know where that base was?!"
"Vader-" Cody tries.
"Don't lecture me. I swear to the gods if you lecture me about this-"
"I'm going to slaughter them. Whoever took over that base and killed my man I'm going to slaughter them. Slowly. Publicly. They'll wish they died quickly when they hear the bones of their friends start to split into thin little fibers under my-"
"Anakin," Cody's voice breaks, "W-We can't- waste time on this. We can't. People died. The base is gone. But- but we have so many others- and the data is..."
A ringing fills Ruhn's ears, replacing the sounds of Cody's voice as he continues to talk to Vader. Anakin.
His dad is here?
His dad is Darth Vader?
Cody knows his dad is here?
Cody is here?
Cody is here with Darth Vader his dad.
Darth Vader. His dad.
His dad.
Darth Vader.
His- Darth Father. Dad Vader. Darth Vader.
Ruhn blinks tears back and tries to regain control of his breathing, which he doesn't even realize is loud and noticeable until the guard on the other side of the door looks over.
"Hey. Captain. Are you alright?"
Ruhn tries to recover his breath still and looks over, fumbling a little toward the hallway he came from as he shakes his head. "I'm- I'm suddenly- very ill- I need t'go. I need-"
"Hey man... it's all good," the guard raises a hand, "Look I'll call for cover- it was probably those smoothies they had today. They've been messing people up. Go. I got it."
Ruhn turns on his heel and stumbles down the hall, ducking into a refresher to throw up into a trash can.
Darth Vader. Darth fath- Darth Vader. It's him. His dad- no. A Sith Lord. Not his dad. Not his dad. Not Anakin. Not Darth Va- Not Anakin.
Somehow, Ruhn makes it to his Imperial ship and stumbles up the ramp, closing the ramp quickly behind him as he gets into the cockpit.
His vision is blurry. Shaky. Is he going to pass out? No, he's definitely sick. Absolutely sick. He's having the worst physical reaction possible to this news- how can he even fly home?
Ruhn forces himself into meditation for a few minutes, but it doesn't calm him completely. It only enables him to switch on the control she needs, take off, and bolt back to base.
The ringing never stops. Even as he safely lands the ship, stumbles off the ramp, and hurries toward your designated quarters. The ringing never stops.
Darth Vader.
Dad Vad- Darth Vader.
Zip sprints by him and then skids to a stop, turning quickly, "Woah- Ruhn?! Are you okay?!"
"Fine," Ruhn rasps, hurrying past him so he doesn't have to speak much.
He rounds a corner and sees Rex, his legs nearly giving out as he flails to go down a side hall. He can't talk to Rex right now.
How is he supposed to tell his uncle that his other uncle is in the Imperial Palace working side by side with his best friend every day?
How is he supposed to tell himself?
Ruhn frantically punches in the code for your quarters and darts inside. You won't be home for several hours, you're meeting with several people today. He has time. He can calm down. He can do it. He can do this.
He heads for his bedroom and the refresher within it, where he drops to his knees and effectively throws up the entirety of what's in his stomach. Even then, he starts to dry heave, his body sore and hot- he's way too hot. He's so hot. It's burning up in here. Does he have a stress rash?! Is that possible?!
His father is Darth fucking Vader. It seems anything is possible these days.
I come home with my other two kids and send them both off to play. I immediately smile to myself when I feel Ruhn’s presence, “Ru baby?” I call, “I didn’t know you were home already!!”
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Come Back to Me
Scenario Prompt: Luke suddenly hugs you so hard you almost fall over because he is in love with you Requested by: @tapiocaromanoff - sorry it took so long lol
Plot: After the final battle against the Empire, you wait anxiously on Endor to see Luke again, unsure if he made it out alive.
Pairing: Luke Skywalker x GN!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for the original trilogy, but if you haven't seen those, idk why you're reading this lol.
Word Count: 873
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire Star Wars Taglist: @hoeforthefictional
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You stared out at the crowd of Ewoks celebrating, beating their drums, and dancing. You imagined every planet in the system was doing the same. The battle was over, after what seemed like an eternity. You, Leia, Han and the others managed to destroy the shield generator, allowing Lando and the others to destroy the Death Star.
The intense relief and joy you felt when it was done lasted a while, but eventually it faded to anxiety, when your thoughts moved to Luke. You had no idea where he was now, or if he was okay. Did he make it off of the Death Star? Did he defeat his father? Or turn him back to the light side? Why wasn't he here yet?
You looked around at the smiling faces, trying to force yourself to feel that same ecstatic joy you had felt when you realized it was over. But the memory of you last night with Luke played through your mind as you stared into a nearby fire.
He had found you, away from the Ewoks and the others, and told you that Darth Vader was his father, that Leia was his sister. And he told you that he was going to go to him. You knew you had no right to force him to stay, to ask him to let it be. So you didn't, but you knew he could sense it in you.
"I'll come back, I promise it. But I need to do this."
You nodded your head stiffly. "I know, just...please be careful. I don't know-" you hesitated. "I do't know what I'd do if you didn't make it back."
What you said to him, was as good as a confession, and it made your face burn hot, as anxiety filled your gut. Over the time you had spent with each other during you time fighting against the Empire with Leia and Han, you had fallen for him, and though neither of you spoke it, you were sure it was mutual. You were never sure if he would do anything about it, after you learned of the Jedi views on relationships.
A soft smile seemed to play on his lips as he took a step closer to you. He brought his hands to your face and cupped it. You felt your breath catch, as your heart beat rapidly.
He stared into your eyes and smiled softly. "I have every intention of coming back. Especially to you." Luke could see the growing anticipation in your eyes, so he continued. "I've felt strongly for you for quite some time now. And I- I can't imagine my life without you now. So you can be sure I will return to you. Because I-" He paused for a moment, as he seemed to fully realize his feelings for you. "Because I love you Y/n."
He moved a bit closer to you now, as he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Your first kiss was slow, but passionate, and held more emotion than either of you could convey in words.
When you pulled away from the kiss, you could feel tears brimming your eyes as you stared into his. "I love you too Luke."
He pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around you. Your hands gripped his clothes, in an almost desperate attempt to keep him close to you. The knowledge that you'd have to let him go playing on your mind.
Once he said goodbye to Leia, he came to you one more time. Your final words to him weighed on both your minds as he left.
"Come back to me."
"I will." He said, his voice determined, but you knew there was a heavy fear, a doubt sitting in the back of both your minds.
Your heart was heavy, and troubled. And now as you stood, staring into the fire, a similar heaviness was weighing on your chest. 'Come back to me Luke.'
As if your thoughts called him to you, your heard your name called behind you, causing you to spin around. Only a few steps ahead of you was Luke, smiling widely as he stepped quickly up to you.
Before you could say more, he had collided with you as his arms wrapped around your waist. You stumbled back, expecting to be on your back the next moment. But his arms tightened around you as he was suddenly scooping you up into the air. Your arms found their way around his neck as he spun you around. You both laughed in joy and relief as you held each other again.
All the guilt and sadness left Luke's mind as he returned to the camp. He found all of you, alive and well. But when his arms wrapped around you, that was when he knew it was truly over. He had come back to you, just like he said he would.
He would always come back to you, a thousand times, over a thousand galaxies if he needed to. He loved you, and he would never let you go. No matter the Jedi code, he couldn't leave you, not again, he would figure it out, he had too, he would.
xx End xx
Short I know, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
If you did enjoy it, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! They are greatly appreciated!
Also! I have taglists, so if you want to be added to my Star Wars, or Luke taglists, let me know!
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Star Wars Wednesday
(Doom Vader verse, a quiet moment with Vader and Boba Fett)
"You haven't sworn the Creed, have you?" Fett asked, genuinely curious.
As usual, Vader didn't answer verbally. He merely twitched his helmet in a negative. Boba didn't mind his silence. It was actually more unnerving when he spoke.
"I haven't either," he admitted. Bitterly, he added, "Not many left I could even swear the Creed to, these days."
He glanced up. "But you already know what that's like."
The air over the rooftops cycled colder around them for a moment before the Nemesis, surprisingly, answered aloud.
"No. You are different. Your people were taken from you, and I destroyed mine with my own hand."
He flexed one of the onyx gauntlets slowly. "I am dar'jetii. Perhaps it is better that I swear no more Creeds."
It took a moment to recover from hearing Vader's new voice. Well, Boba supposed he'd had it for many years now. But he was always so silent that Boba always found himself expecting to hear Anakin's voice. He settled on the edge of the rooftop and checked the sight on his rifle before glancing back at Vader.
"Well. Not to cut into your psychological self-flagellation, but the Jetiise weren't friends to my people -- not the ones on Coruscant. If it didn't come out of their high towers, it was the wrong Creed." Boba snorted. "Didn't they call their other clan on Corellia heretics or something?"
Vader didn't grace that with an answer. Instead the air grew colder, and the pipes behind them creaked ominously.
For a time, they were silent again, focused on Vader's target. In all honesty, Boba didn't think the Nemesis actually required any help finding the drunken Moff at all. But this one was in bed with Black Sun, and Boba didn't mind being included on that sort of hunt.
As they watched the Imperial wobble out of the high-end cantina, and into a luxury landspeeder, Boba leaned a fraction of an inch closer to Vader.
"If you found a Clan that wants you though," he said roughly, "Don't let the Purge hold you back from joining. There's only so far a man can get without a tribe."
Vader clenched his fist. "You speak as if it was a simple task to wash the innocent blood from my hands."
"No, you were a monster, Skywalker." Boba turned and dared to look straight into Vader's eyes. "You killed kids. Foundlings who could've just gone home to their parents. What happened that day makes me sick. But I'm not the man to judge you."
He swallowed and raised his rifle.
"You sold your clan out for your family. It's kriffed, what you did. But if it had been every clone in your army in exchange for me? If it had been my neck Sidious had the blade to? Well. I know who my father would've chosen."
Vader flinched and did not speak again for the remainder of the hunt.
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Hii, can I request a fic with Yelena x fem!reader, something like Yelena was listening to American Pie and reader to make fun of her starts singing the Star Wars version and Yelena gets mad and annoyed. But it's all very cute and adorable
Loved this request ❤
Everything is just like in the request above
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You loved your girlfriend. Every little everyday thing about her. The way she was burning your fried eggs every single time.
The way she was making fun of your always black coffee. The way she was doing extensive research before choosing a movie for your evenings together. The way she always was searching for your approval with her eyes, even though her decisions were always the most appropriate ones. 
Every tiny moment like this made your relationship so special and domestic. Often you found yourself just thinking about how lucky you were, that Yelena willingly wanted to build adorable and unique normality with you. One of Yelena's rituals for that was making dinner for you and Nat every single Thursday. Nothing fancy, but cooked by her for her small family.
You very well remembered how happy she was when her lasagna wasn't good yet, but was at least edible for the first time. Both you and Nat were slowly chewing and exchanging knowing looks. But what did it matter, if Yelena was so excited.
When you came into the kitchen "American pie" was playing. After all these years it still was her favourite song. Sure, she discovered so many genres and bands, singers and albums, but this one was always on the top of her playlist. 
She was busy reading the recipe, with hair simply tucked behind her ears, crossed arms and concentrated expression on her face.
Yelena didn't notice how you stopped in the doorway and were just watching her.
When she finished reading and started getting ingredients from drawers, you heard the familiar accent singing along.
"...When the jester sang for the king and queen in a coat he borrowed from James Dean and a voice that came from you and me..."
You didn't want to interrupt her performance and instead hugged her from behind, pulling her into a warm embrace. 
Yelena smiled because you simply grabbed her and your hands on her stomach just didn't let her move anymore. 
"...A quartet practiced in the park and we sang dirges in the dark the day the music died..."
You nuzzled into her neck and started humming the same tune.
"Last time I was listening to this song, you said, it was becoming annoying." She turned her head to you and caught your smile with the corner of her eye.
"Well, first of all, I was teasing you. Second of all, I'm humming a different version."
"Wait, what different version?"
"You know, the cool kids version." As the new verse was starting you cleared your throat. "But he can use the Force, they say.
Ah, do you see him hitting on the queen, he's just nine and she's fourteen? Yeah, he's probably gonna marry her someday"
"Wait, isn't it..." She furrowed her brow in disbelief.
"Star wars? Yup."
"So, you're telling me that they turned the best song ever written into a parody for a subpar movie?" 
"You take that back, woman." You gently bit her ear as a punishment. "You're not allowed to call Star Wars a subpar movie."
"Well, I don't want to hear that."
"Too late.." You freed her from your embrace and started belting out. "My, my, this here Anakin guy may be Vader someday later, now he's just a small fry and he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye. Sayin', "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi, Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi."
"You wouldn't dare." Yelena turned off the speaker and warningly raised her hand.
"What? Destroy your favourite song, because you don't like Star Wars?" You tilted your head with a wink. "Watch me. Oh, the Council was impressed, of course. Could he bring balance to the Force? They interviewed the kid. Oh, training they forbid, because Yoda sensed in him much fear" 
"Ok, ok, ok." She groaned in annoyance, but quickly suppressed that. "I give up. How about you leave my song alone. And in return you're choosing the movies for the next week for us to watch."
"Week?" You dangerously opened your mouth again.
"Fine, fine. A month."
"Deal. You know which one will be our first?" You asked triumphantly.
"Star wars?" She already knew the answer.
"Yup. And don't worry. You've never seen those movies with me. You will love it."
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midnight-raven · 4 years
SWR Concept: The New Spectres Au
An alternate take or a new version of the Ghost Crew
Original Post
Spectre 1: Depa Billaba
Former Jedi Master, Depa Billaba, had survived Order 66 and was one of the last remaining Jedi's in the galaxy. The rise of the Empire forced Depa to live in the shadows and bury her abilities deep within.
The memory of the great purge still haunts the former master. Especially the memory of witnessing the Clones she had considered friends, kill her young padawan, Caleb Dume.
Unable to keep running from her past, Depa eventually joins a special team to stand up against the Empire, and avenge her students' death.
Spectres 2 & 3: Cham & Eleni Syndulla
Even before the Empire, Cham and Eleni Syndulla fought together to free their homeworld, Ryloth. For the sake of their people and their family. The Resistance had a great price, many lives were lost.
However, after the fall of the Republic, Cham and Eleni were yet again forced to live with the unimaginable upon the death of their beloved daughter, Hera Syndulla.
The grief had affected both the parents but Cham, it drove him even further into the resistance.
Spectre 4: Alexsandr Kallus
It was during the Massacre of Lasan when ISB Agent Kallus started to suspect that the Empire was not all that he was taught. The ISB Agents suspension continued to grow as he sought out the answers to questions he kept hidden at bay.
It wasn't long before Kallus became a secret informant for the growing rebellion. Seeking more ways to help before Kallus fully deflected from the Empire and joined the Rebellion.
Fighting every day to make up for the destructions he had been a part of, for the lives he had helped destroy. To mend the galaxy.
Spectre 5: Tristan Wren
Tristan Wren had always considered himself loyal to his family, and their loyalty to the Empire. However, when he found out that his sisters' weapon designs were going to be used against Mandalore, he spoke out against him.
Unfortunately, his parents and sister didn't stand with him and instead took sides with the Empire. Made an outcast by both his family and his people, Tristan left his home.
Unaware of the remission his family had been left with.
Spectres 6 & 7: Ephraim and Mira Bridger
Ephraim and Mira Bridger once lived peacefully with their young son, Ezra. But on the day that the Empire took their child away without an explanation, everything changed.
Since that day, Ephraim and Mira became known as the Voices of Hope, doing secret broadcasts against the Empire and slowly driving the Imperials off Lothal, in hopes of someday finding their son.
Eventually, the couple found themselves as part of the team with the same goal as them.
I have ideas for this concept... very angsty ideas!
Pls read below
I definitely think everyone is going to be OOC, in this AU, because the pain of a parent losing their child is something that can change you forever.
I also planned that Kallus and Zeb could know each other beforehand, and that's another reason the massacre struck Kallus hard... maybe neither of them knows that the other survived? So they go for years mourning the other until fate draws them together again and.... Excuse me, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Another idea I've been debating is for Kanan and Hera. In the stories for Depa Billaba and Cham Syndulla, I put that they were killed in their past. There's a tiny voice in me saying, "keep it that way, the pain of losing your child is a character development you can build on!” Meanwhile, there is another part of me, the one that craves angst saying "Keep them alive just don't tell the parents!" Aka Depa and Cham think their children are dead but they were kidnapped and driven into joining the Empire.
Here's a Sample: During Order 66, Caleb Dume was severely wounded but he survived the attack, Instead of being killed, it was Darth Vader's order to have him join the Dark Side. One of the lies they tell the boy was that his Master had left him to die during the attack, the betrayal leading the boy down the dark path and eventually leading him to become Kanan Jarrus, a powerful Inquisitor/Sith Lord.
For Hera, she was taken away from her homeworld and her family by the Empire and was instantly taken into Imperial Custody. She was raised to become a strong Imperial Agent and the Empire's best pilot. One of the tasks given to Hera was to create a team with the strongest individuals. In some way that I haven't figured out just yet, Sabine was eventually assigned to Hera's team, and Ezra was appointed to becoming Kanan's apprentice. Still working out the details for Zeb.
The major reason I want to keep them alive is because of this idea: At some point I want Ephraim and Mira to find Ezra and take him back to their base where they try to get their son to remember them, bc he pushed most of his memories away. But Ezra keeps insisting he needs to go home to his family, and that his father/master would eventually find him.
Because I want protective fatherly Sith Kanan!
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introvertguide · 3 years
Star Wars (1977); AFI #13
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In honor of May 4th and the original movie that started it all, the group reviewed Star Wars (1977). Nominated for 10 Academy Awards and winning 6 with one extra special achievement award for Sound, this is perhaps the most highly decorated science fiction movie of all time. The special effects and the music were especially moving making the Star Wars experience something amazing to behold. I was lucky enough to see one of the re-releases in the theatre back in the mid 80s. In fact, I might well have seen the film 100 times over my life. The music might be the most well known soundtrack globally. With inflation, this is the 4th highest grossing film of all time. It is truly a fantastic work and I would like to now spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. Let me start with the usual:
Amid a galactic civil war, Rebel Alliance spies have stolen plans to the Galactic Empire's Death Star, a massive space station capable of destroying an entire planet. Imperial Senator Princess Leia of Alderaan (Carrie Fisher), secretly one of the Rebellion's leaders, has obtained its schematics (this entire effort was originally a throwaway concept but was completely fleshed out in Rogue One almost 40 years later) , but her starship is intercepted by an Imperial Star Destroyer under the command of the ruthless Darth Vader (acted by David Prowse and voiced by James Earl Jones). The movie is just starting and the odds against the rebels are shown by the scale of the two ships. Before she is captured, Leia hides the plans in the memory of an astromech droid called R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), who flees in an escape pod to the desert planet Tatooine accompanied by protocol droid C-3PO (Anthony Daniels).
The droids are captured by Jawa traders (little shiny eyed beings who are now meme legends), who sell them to moisture farmers Owen and Beru Lars and their nephew Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). While Luke is cleaning R2-D2, part of a holographic recording of Leia starts playing a message for Obi-Wan Kenobi where she requests his help ("Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!"). Later, after Luke finds R2-D2 missing, he is attacked by scavenging Sand People while searching for him, but is rescued by elderly hermit "Old Ben" Kenobi (Sir Alec Guinness), an acquaintance of Luke's, who reveals that "Obi-Wan" is his true name. Obi-Wan tells Luke of his days as one of the Jedi Knights, the former peacekeepers of the Galactic Republic who drew mystical abilities from a metaphysical energy field known as "the Force", but were ultimately hunted to near-extinction by the Empire. Luke learns that his father fought alongside Obi-Wan as a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars (another throwaway concept that was eventually fleshed out) until Vader, Obi-Wan's former pupil, turned to the dark side of the Force and murdered him. Obi-Wan presents Luke with his father's old lightsaber, the signature weapon of Jedi Knights. The connection between Darth Vader and Luke's father is explored in depth during the next eight films.
R2-D2 plays Leia's full message, in which she begs Obi-Wan to take the Death Star plans to her home planet of Alderaan and give them to her father, a fellow veteran, for analysis. Although Luke initially declines Obi-Wan's offer to accompany him to Alderaan and learn the ways of the Force, he is left with no choice after discovering that Imperial stormtroopers have killed his aunt and uncle and destroyed their farm in their search for the droids (cue the Academy and Grammy Award winning theme music composed by John Williams). Traveling to a cantina in Mos Eisley to search for transport, Luke and Obi-Wan hire Han Solo (Harrison Ford), a smuggler with a price on his head due to his debt to local mobster Jabba the Hutt. Pursued by stormtroopers, Obi-Wan, Luke, R2-D2 and C-3PO flee Tatooine with Han and his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) on their ship the Millennium Falcon. As they reach the planet's orbit, two Star Destroyers try to intercept them, but Han is able to jump to hyperspace by reaching lightspeed.
Before the Falcon can reach Alderaan, Death Star commander Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing) interrogates Leia about the location of the Rebels's secret base, with the threat of destroying her home planet, and, when she answers that the base is on Dantooine, he orders Alderaan destroyed simply as a show of force. As the group arrives in the asteroid field that now stands in place of Alderaan, Han spots an Imperial TIE fighter and is taunted into chasing it and shooting it down, allowing the Falcon to be captured by the space station's tractor beam. Inside the Death Star, Obi-Wan attempts to disable the tractor beam, and Luke persuades Han and Chewbacca to help him rescue Leia after discovering that she is scheduled to be executed. After disabling the tractor beam, Obi-Wan sacrifices his life in an epic lightsaber duel with Vader, allowing the rest of the group to escape the Death Star with Leia. Using a tracking device, the Empire tracks the Falcon to the hidden Rebel base.
Leia's schematics reveal a hidden weakness in the Death Star's thermal exhaust port, which could allow the Rebels to trigger a chain reaction in its main reactor with a precise torpedo strike. While Han abandons the Rebels after collecting his reward for rescuing Leia, Luke joins their starfighter squadron in a desperate attack against the approaching Death Star. In the ensuing battle, the Rebels suffer heavy losses as Vader leads a squadron of TIE fighters against them, but Han unexpectedly returns to aid them in the Falcon, narrowly managing to save Luke before Vader can shoot him down. Guided by the disembodied voice of Obi-Wan's spirit, Luke turns off his targeting computer and uses the Force to aim his torpedoes into the exhaust port, destroying the Death Star moments before it fires on the Rebel base. In a triumphant ceremony at the base, Leia awards Luke and Han medals for their heroism.
I want to explain the connection between this movie and the Joseph Campbell version of the hero's journey that so many people have pointed out. This journey starts out with a call to adventure that is refused and then forced (Luke is given an opportunity to leave, he declines, the death of his family pushes him forward, he leaves with his team). Campbell then predicts an initiation that involves meeting a woman and gaining weapons, a meeting with an incredible power, and an achievement of the hero's power (goes to star destroyer, meets Vader and loses Obi-Wan, gains power over force). The story ends with a refusal, a magic flight, a rescue from without, and a hero's return (Luke goes to attack the Death Star, Han refuses and then eventually saves him, and the day is saved so the heroes are rewarded). It is a story that is called the Monomyth and has been recognized in Greek myths that are thousands of years old. It is a good story that has been proven to work and it makes for one of the most enjoyable movies of all time.
There was some negative opinions of the film because it is such a simple old story that became extremely popular and film goers would no longer be interested in intelligent thinking movies. It is kind of the truth because blockbuster summer films are full of explosions. The highest grossing films since then have tended to be highly explosive action films. Films like Star Wars, Jaws, and Indiana Jones are a lot of fun, but they are not super deep. They are easy to understand at surface level, but they can also be interpreted to mean much more significant things. The choice of the viewer about whether the story has deep inner meaning or is just the Odyssey in space is personal and likely colors opinions about how good it is. Some people think it is stupid fun while others have actually formed religions around the idea of the force.
One thing is for certain, the formula worked amazingly well for a large group of people and this made movie producers want to copy it. This is what is generally called a watershed moment because the look of movies changed significantly. There were so many more space operas and they all had that worn post-apocalyptic look to them. Star Wars and Mad Max combined to give a different look of what futuristic was. There was advanced tech in some cases, but there was a scorched Earth that had run out of resources and people suffered. Think about how many movies and television shows there are that have come out since the 80s and combine industrial tech for space and distressed almost Western appearances for the planets. The movie changed the way many people see the future.
One thing that is inarguably great was the score. I am not going to try and describe it with words, I am just going to put links to the different themes here so you can hear for yourself:
Star Wars Main Theme (Full) - YouTube
Star Wars- The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) - YouTube
Princess Leia's Theme - YouTube
Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope (1977) Soundtrack 11 Cantina Band - YouTube
This is somewhat strange for the AFI so I went back and checked, but I believe that this is the only film with a ranked villain (Darth Vader), hero (Han Solo), and theme song (Main Theme). Even if it is somewhat simplistic from some perspectives, the story and the songs and the sounds and the characters speak to those who watch it. Seeing the movie is an incredible experience and I envy those who get to see it for the first time.
I am a big fan of the original Star Wars trilogy and I could completely nerd out going over all of the little things throughout the movie, but this is not a deep dive but instead an overall review. So does it belong on the AFI top 100? Maybe more than any other movie. It is an epic tale that changed the way movies were made across multiple genres. We could probably look at all science fiction films and put them as before or after this one. It is an important piece of American film and (no matter what anyone thinks of the other Star Wars films or George Lucas) it is a masterpiece. Would I recommend it? I cannot say yes enough. It is part of my culture as a California movie nerd and understanding this film is understanding some of the basic knowledge I grew up with. All sticks are swung around like light sabers. If I say "Princess Leia hair," everyone around here knows exactly what I mean. If something is impossible but still needs to be done, we tell people to use the force. I have lived in the Bay Area for 20 years and I can still reference a location by how close it is to Skywalker Ranch were George Lucas worked on movies. Please check out this film and you will know why I am such a fan of movies.
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thechaoticfanartist · 2 years
Appreciation train coming your way!
What’s your favourite lines of Grim that you think are 1) the funniest, 2) the most emotional, and 3) in general?
Thanks for this ask!
Grim blinked, before her stood Obi-Wan Kenobi and he had just saved her life, "holy shit," Grim muttered under her breath. "You're fucking Obi-Wan Kenobi."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 1
“A therma-what?”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 2
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 11
"Urgh, who turned on the sun?"
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 13
"Earth thing."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 21
It's the context that makes that one so funny
"Oh shut up, no nuts."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 25
“But you yeeted me-”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 39
“I don’t want to let you go, not yet. I don’t even know if we’ll see each other again."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 28
"Not like it matters - I only went to know, and now I do. I am speaking to a ghost, because the man I knew is dead - he has to be, if you are truly considering that story the chancellor fed you."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 35
“I do not believe in destiny, and I doubt you do as well, for destiny means life is written in stone. If we believe this, then why do we strive to save those we love from a terrible fate?”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 35
"How do you let go of something that is gone, when it isn't yet gone?"
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 36
“I am doing what must be done. For you will fail to do so. You are not able to do what must be done, to kill a man who is already dead.”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 38
"I had hoped this wouldn't happen after our talk last night, though clearly I was wrong," Grim admitted, the betrayal was clear in her voice. "You have betrayed us all. Although I already know the answer, I still have to ask; Why?"
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 39
“You were a Jedi! You were supposed to help the galaxy not burn it to ashes!” she added, her voice choking up in tears. “I thought we were the same! I thought we both wanted to save people! Killing our family isn’t saving people!” she roared as the tears spilled from her eyes.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 39
“Once I may have saved you from this fate, I would have thought you undeserving of this pain, but even I see now that the crimes you have committed are unforgivable. You have slaughtered our family and built a palace on our ashes. I once said if presented with the chance to save a life I would take it. I am now presented with that chance, but I shall not take it. You have destroyed us all Lord Vader, I hope you’re happy.”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 39
"You're right, and even though we lost this war, hope survives, the Jedi survive, for the Sith can't destroy the light."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 40
"They're so bright, the galaxy's little sun and our hope's princess." For now the darkness did not exist. In the current moment there was no tragedy that had occurred. She placed a light kiss on their foreheads. "Our little hopes."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 40
"They have such a bright future, even despite the darkness now. They are our hopes for the future," she told all three of them.
She looked back at the twins, "our little lights."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 40
"I never thought past Order 66, and I certainly never thought - imagined for a second I would fail to stop it. I'm lost, I don't know my way anymore, what's next for my story. Yet I'm still left with knowing the galaxy's."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 40
“I have seen your story before, you will succeed where I have failed. You will do so much good and bring light and hope back into the galaxy. I had thought I would vanquish the dark, but I was foolish to try and write another’s story. I have learned that I can only write my own, and your story is your own alone, I will not try and alter it like I tried to alter your father’s. The force is strong in you Luke, and I know you will become a great Jedi.”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 40
“It just feels that way at times, as it will for the both of us. Our story has ended, but there is still more left to go. We lived through the prequels, but Luke will write the next adventure of the Jedi’s legacy. Our era has ended, but that only means the next one has begun.”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 40
“The Jedi can’t be defeated as long as the light lives. This may be the end, but a new story, a new hope, will rise.”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 40
"I want to save as many lives as possible, if I can. I don't care that I could leave things as they are, if there's even the slightest chance that I can save lives, change the ending, then I can't pass it up."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 1
"Wait, wait," said Grim. She pushed past Obi-Wan. "Let me get this right. This lightsaber, the darksaber, was stolen from the Jedi Temple. As it was created by a Mandalorian who was a Jedi. A Jedi who crafted that lightsaber himself. Am I wrong? Okay, so, this Mandalorian Jedi, when he died his lightsaber was left with the Jedi, because that's what was part of his culture, just as being a Mandalorian. Now, wait a minute, hold on. Okay, so if this Mandalorian Jedi meant so much to you- why did your ancestors steal from him? Nevermind forget that- now killing Jedi with- I'm just just trying to get this right, so bear with me okay? There's so much wrong with all of that, forget even the Jedi part of it, I know you don't care about that- but you're also disgracing Mandalorians, every Mandalorian to wield that blade outside of the person who created it has."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 12
"I comprehend you, your daughter and son, don't I?"
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 13
"Unfortunately, I cannot just leave this universe, I would not be able to live with myself if I allowed things to happen as I know they will."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim Chapter 13
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reydjarinkenobi · 4 years
Can we get more of that time-travel fanfiction? (With maybe a few more clones? If you don't want to it's ok)
Hi. Here is the next installment. The clones get a bit of action, but really I needed to do one more chapter of set up first. Clones will be much more prominent soon.
As soon as the doors of the light freighter - which Mace could now see had clearly been modified as a smuggling ship - closed, the girl turned on Obi-Wan with a guarded expression.
 "How did you know just who we'd want here for our explanation?" she demanded, her question immediately causing the others in her party to tense. 
 Mace spied Cody and Ponds, who had escorted them in, no doubt to provide an extra layer of protection for their generals, whilst the non-Force Sensitive human had frowned, but acquiesced to their presence with a nod.
 Obi-Wan, ever the smug bastard, just smiled knowingly.
 "Your mental channels for speaking are very strong, but you all still project some thoughts," he informed them gently. "It was quite easy to overhear them - thought I was the only one close enough to."
 The girl pursed her lips and squirmed slightly, but she nodded and stepped away, retreating so that she was standing in line with the two other humans of their party. The Wookie had retreated from the room they were in with a garbled roar that Mace hadn't understood, as he had not elected to learn Shyriiwook in his time. However, Obi-Wan had not reacted, so Mace assumed that the Wookie would not harm them.
 Obi-Wan quickly explained what he and Bail had seen and learnt back in the temple.
 Mace would find time travellers from the future difficult to believe if it wasn't Kenobi. At this stage in the war, he may as well just accept it. He was too tired to summon the appropriate amount shock, even if he was inclined to show it on his face, which he wasn't.
 This was meant to be a simple mission.
 "We may as well sit down," the male Force User - Finn - said. "We have over fifty years of history to cover."
 His companions nodded in agreement, gesturing to the various couches around the living space. They waited until they were all seated, including Cody and Ponds before they all squished themselves onto one side of seat shaped in a semi-circle around a holoprojecting table, with Bail and Obi-Wan on the other side and Mace, Cody and Ponds on their own chairs that had been pulled up to the table.
 "Where do we start?" Finn wondered absently, as he leaned his elbows on his knees.
 The other human male - Poe - hummed. "I know that General Leia has been teaching you and Rey about the Clone Wars."
 "She's been telling Rey about the politics and the Jedi for longer - I was usually only around when she got to talking about the clones."
 Both men glanced at the girl, who was sitting on the right edge of the seat, next to the male Force User, who was sitting in the middle. Rey sighed and stood up but didn't complain.
 "I may as well get straight to the point," she began, crossing her arms. "The Clone Wars are pointless and were constructed, and are being drawn out by the Sith for the sole purpose of destroying the Jedi and for cementing their reign over the galaxy."
 Cody and Ponds stiffened in their seats.
 Mace blinked. He felt Obi-Wan's shields wobble.
 Senator Organa straightened. "I beg your pardon?"
 "It's true," Poe said. "His Empire lasted twenty years before the Rebellion managed to defeat him."
 "So the Separatists won?" Ponds asked with a slight frown.
 Rey grimaced. "Not exactly."
 She hesitated, obviously choosing her next words carefully. "The clones were supposedly commissioned by a Jedi who had visions, or something along those lines, right?"
 Mace fought to keep his expression under control. That information wasn't exactly public knowledge.
 "That is correct," he confirmed. "Master Sifo Diyas."
 The girl's hands tightened around her arms and she shifted onto her other foot.
 "The… accounts are not sure, but it is theorised that his visions were planted by the Sith Lord… or that Darth Tyrannus took control of the project quickly enough to alter the original order."
 She took a deep breath. "The few surviving sources say that that after the main Separatist leaders were killed, that the Jedi discovered the identity of the remaining Sith, but those that were dispatched to arrest him were defeated - betrayed by one of their own, who allied himself with the Sith at the last moment."
 "Then," she went on, breaking off for a second to glance nervously at Ponds and Cody. "He activated an order on the control chips, which are embedded inside every clone troopers' head."
 Her eyes lowered and she swallowed. "Order sixty-six: execute all the Jedi."
 Mace went completely still even as he saw Cody and Ponds recoiled as if she had shot them. Obi-Wan's eyes widened and shock reverberated through the Force, mixing with Mace's own.
 "You lie," Senator Organa claimed. "The clones are loyal to the Republic."
 The girl's head snapped up, a glare flashing through her eyes and hardening her features.
 "I do not."
 She looked away, breathing deeply.
 "We have proof," Finn interjected. "History books, recordings, diaries. They should be tucked away somewhere around here. We always carry out study material with us."
 "Our two clearest sources of information on it are the diaries left by you, Senator Organa and General Kenobi," Poe explained, looking at them. "I know General Leia has had Rey read them closely."
 Obi-Wan's gaze jerked to them. "I survived?"
 Poe nodded. "Until almost the end."
 "It wasn't your fault," Finn informed Cody and Ponds, his voice strained as he stared at them desperately. "The chips. They-they overtook you. They erased you. You didn't have a choice."
 Mace could tell from the horror leaking into the Force around the troopers that his words brought them no comfort.
 "Who is the Sith Lord?" Mace asked.
 Rey looked at him, breaking out of the haze she had been lost in.
 "Palpatine," she breathed. "Chancellor Palpatine was the Sith Lord."
 Mace instinctively wanted to deny her. The Chancellor couldn't be the Sith Lord. He was the most powerful man in the Republic.
 And yet.
 There had been many instances in which Mace had, privately, questioned his decisions. He knew that a few of the 'debates' he had engaged in with the Chancellor had hurt their standing with him. But none of the Senate, nor many of the Republic citizens, were willing to trust the Jedi anymore.
 And who had been the one to suggest that the Jedi lead the war. The Chancellor had denied his involvement but the man had not discouraged the idea when it had quickly gained popularity.
 Out of the corner of his eye, Mace saw Obi-Wan tense.
 "What is Anakin's role in all of this? You talked of him with each other."
 Poe glanced down and Finn's jaw tightened.
 Rey turned her attention to him, her eyes holding a deep regret.
 "No," Obi-Wan breathed, his shoulders hunching forward slightly.
 "Darth Vader was one of Emperor Palpatine's most effective weapons," Rey murmured. "But, at the very end, he did turn back to the light. To save his son."
 Obi-Wan curled into himself and Mace felt the wave of pain and sorrow pulse out of him before the other master slammed his shields back into place.
 "We are here now, though," Rey said firmly. "None of that has happened yet, and our knowledge can help you stop it."
 "Yes," Finn agreed readily, still looking mostly at Cody and Ponds. "We can start to de-chip the clones and work on a way to deactivate them en-masse."
 "It won't be easy," Poe cautioned. "Didn't you guys tell me that the Jedi were powerless to prevent their fate, even if they had known about it?"
 Rey frowned and nodded. "Yes. They do not have the political power to make any significant move. Which is why we need the senators to start working. We have the information they need to start changing the system. They just need to get the physical evidence in this time period."
 Senator Organa glanced around at his still shocked companions, and cleared his throat, startling all three of the time-travellers.
 "You said it took around two decades to defeat the Empire, yet you are from fifty years in the future. What is the state of the galaxy in your time?"
 Mace nodded his agreement with the questions.
 Poe let out a shaky sigh. "Yes, the Empire was defeated the first time. Though not without heavy casualties. Alderaan was destroyed. The Mandalorians were wiped out almost as thoroughly as the Jedi. Countless lives were lost. And we still could not prevent the First Order rising from its ashes."
 It was the Senator's turn to jerk back in surprise in pain. "Alderaan was destroyed?"
 Poe nodded. "Yes, by a weapon called the Death Star. Capable of destroying whole planets. Luke Skywalker and his twin, your daughter, Leia Organa helped destroy it, along with the second one they built a few years later."
 Rey went on, "Finn, Poe and I were there when its successor, Starkiller Base, was destroyed. Not after it destroyed the Hosnian System, the capitol of the New Republic first though."
 "Though Poe did all the heavy lifting with his X-Wing," Finn said, shooting a smile at the man beside him.
 Poe gave him a fleeting smile in return, barely a twitch of the lips.
 "It wasn't enough though," Poe murmured, his voice thick. "The Resistance was losing. Many planets would rather submit to another tyrant than fight, and there was nothing we could do to stop them from invading systems and growing their army."
 Finn stared hollowly at the table in front of him. "The Empire's stormtroopers were a poor mockery of the original clone troopers, meant remind Imperial citizens of them but have very little of their effectiveness save in their overwhelming numbers. But the First Order's stormtroopers… we were modelled more closely to our predecessors. Taken from our planets as mere children and raised to be the perfect little brainwashed soldiers. They even started chipping us in the end, when more and more started to defect - refusing to carry out the horrors they asked us to."
 He stopped abruptly, looking down at his lap and taking a deep, shuddering breath as Poe rubbed a hand across his back.
 Rey smiled at him sadly before turning purposefully to Senator Organa.
 "I have little love for the Senate," she claimed and Mace had to suddenly suppress a smile at her frankness. "It failed to protect the Republic twice in fifty years, and all because of its corruption and general uselessness. However, Leia has told me stories of senators who could have changed it, if they were given enough time and manoeuvrability. I'm sure we have more than a few political texts that can inform you of just what corruption is being hidden in the shadows and behind the closed doors of the rotunda."
 Senator Organa, who had paled drastically since the start of the conversation, swallowed and nodded. "I think you are right."
 Poe smiled sharply. "I'll start looking for some of our books."
 With that, he pushed up off the couch, sliding over Finn's lap and left.
 "We will contact the Jedi Council, but what of your stories?" Obi-Wan asked. "What of your training? Surely some Jedi survived."
 Rey shrugged. "I heard that a few did. Many of them died during the Rebellion. Most of the survivors were wiped out by the First Order when they destroyed the New Jedi Order. Any remaining would have gone into hiding, and I haven't exactly had the time nor the opportunity to look for one. Besides, Luke Skywalker has been… assisting me with using the Force. He was going to take Finn on as a padawan any day now."
 Mace frowned. "Not you?"
 Rey gave him a close-lipped smile, something in her eyes causing Mace's gut to twist. "Master Skywalker does not think I am suited for the path of a Jedi. And he may be right. I… I struggle with control. Of my powers and my emotions. And I know that anger can be dangerous when accessing the Force. I have spent hours almost every day meditating for the last eight months and I still haven't made much progress."
 Finn scoffed. "That's a load of banthashi - er - I mean, that's not true and you know it. Besides, you're a lot less angry than most would be in your situation."
 Mace tilted his head to the side, his mind whirling. They were both already very powerful, especially Rey. Shatterpoints surrounded all of them as if they had smashed a dozen glass bottles at their feet. They would need to be trained, regardless of their suitability. Their connection to the Force was open too far for them to go untrained.
 But, he would like to know if they could really grow to be suitable Jedi.
 "Situation?" he questioned.
 Rey looked to him and smiled sadly again, her dark grey eyes becoming shiny.
 "My parents… sold me to the junker on Jakku when I was five years old and I spent the next fourteen years waiting for them to come back."
 Mace's eyes widened and he felt everyone around him look sharply to the girl. However, before they could touch anything, there was a tumultuous crash which had a panel in a door swinging open and small one-wheeled droid with a cone-shaped head come barrelling out of it.
 "D-O," Rey greeted quietly, kneeling down as the droid approached her.
 "Rey," the droid said, "I missed you."
 Rey smiled and carefully smoothed out one of the three antennas poking out of the back of his head.
 "I can't believe you brought him along," Finn muttered.
 "I wasn't very well going to leave him. He doesn't like being away from me for long."
 Finn hummed non-committedly. "You know, you never told us where you got him. He just turned up after that mission you and Jess went on a few months ago and started following you around."
 Rey stilled, glancing up at him as she stood up, rubbing at one of the arm bindings that ran up her arms.
 "I found him on my parents' ship."
 Finn pursed his lips. "So they're - "
 "Dead. Yeah. The First Order got them. Or the Empire. Whatever they were calling themselves then. The chest has everything they left to me. I haven't been able to read through all the datasticks yet."
 Finn nodded solemnly as Rey joined him on the couch.
 "I think Finn would make a great Jedi," she announced. "We've been looking at what little we could find of you, and he's everything you want. He's kind and thoughtful, and doesn't let his emotions overwhelm him."
 Finn rolled his eyes. "All of that could describe you as well."
 He looked between Obi-Wan and mace seriously. "She talks of how her power could lead to the dark side, but if she was going to Fall, she would have done it by now. Something awful happened on Dandoran, but she didn't let it affect her and managed to pull like three and a half dozen TIE fighters right out of the air. At once. There was no dark side; she was calm as a desert."
 Mace felt his eyebrows raise in surprise. That was not small feat. Even for the most skilled of masters.
 "It's not like you haven't had to do your job before when Poe was being threatened," Rey shot back.
 "Yes, well, he hasn't…" Finn trailed off before he could finish the sentence, but the damage was already done.
 Rey's expression crumbled and she looked away, needing to scrub at her eyes before she looked back up.
 Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "Yes, well. I think we've heard enough to tell the Council. And we have just enough time to comm them before we must leave. Regardless of the outcome, I imagine you will be leaving with us."
 The meeting did not actually take that long. They used their most secure lines and still did not dare reveal the full extent of what they'd been told, only that they had uncovered something of import regarding the Senate and that they would convene with any councilmembers physically on Coruscant as soon as they returned.
 As for the time travellers? Not unexpectedly, the Council voted to train the Force Users, whilst allowing the others to accompany them. It did not seem like a good idea to separate them. Especially if they found a way to return them.
 They, of course, would not be telling the Senate that the newest padawans of the Order were time travellers, at least from the future. Officially, the group had been caught in a stasis trap for hundreds of years, which was only released by Commander Cody accidentally brushing a specific rune. It would explain their unusual ship, which was actually not that old, but had been modified beyond recognition from its original model, and it would explain their lack of training, as the Jedi had not always had the reach to collect as many Force Sensitive children as they did.
 "Now, we must decide who will train them," Obi-Wan said, rubbing his chin as the session began to draw to a close.
 "Decided, it already has been," Yoda announced.
 Mace glanced at his companion before they returned their attention to the holoprojector.
 "By whom, Master?" he asked, keeping his voice level.
 "Brought them to you, the Force has. Train them, you must."
 Mace sighed. He knew he was going to say that.
 "We are both far too busy to properly train a padawan, Master," Obi-Wan tried to reason only to be stopped by an imploring look.
 "The best choice, you are. Sense it, I can."
 Obi-Wan pursed his lips, but had no argument to that.
 Then, Yoda had the gall to laugh.
 "Stick together, you two will, for the foreseeable future, whilst you train your new padawans."
 Mace was going to kill him. The Force knew he loved and respected Obi-Wan as a friend and fellow master, but that did not mean he wanted to be partnered with him, which would also, inevitably mean being partnered with Skywalker more often, especially after recent revelations. The man was a trouble magnet if Mace had ever known one.
 Even if he didn't hate the idea of training them.
This is also on ao3. What do you think will/want to happen next?
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vivalavili · 2 years
Leaning in the doorway of Vader's nursery room silently, Virgil watches as his husband holds yet another new teddy bear, turning it over carefully in his large hands. He murmurs to himself once again to remember to be as gentle as possible, having traumatized himself last week when one of his outbursts made him destroy his favorite rocking chair.
It took Virgil several hours to convince him it was alright and that Hunter could, indeed, just build a new and improved one.
He wordlessly makes his way into the room and wraps his arms around Vader's waist from behind, giving the back of his neck a gentle kiss. "My darling, haven't you spent enough time in here already?"
"Yes, I know," Vader says softly, "Just... wanted to put this new bear in here with the others."
"Yes but you got home over an hour ago," Virgil reminds him gently.
Vader frowns. "It's been that long already?" he shakes his head a little, "Oh.. I didn't- time slipped away from me, I suppose."
Virgil hums, running his hand up and down Vader's front. "Listen. I... wanted to surprise you with something." He grins as Vader whirls, knowing how much he loves surprises. "I thought- well... what if we looked into having a baby?"
Vader's eyes widen, "What- how?" he breathes, "I mean- I know how- but... adoption? Surrogacy? I don't understand."
"I thought we could possibly look for a mother," Virgil nods, "Or- a mother to be, really. We can look wherever you want."
Vader beams, tearing up as he reaches to cup Virgil's face. "I- I don't know how to thank you..." he shakes his head in disbelief, "When- yes I accept," he adds quickly, "When do we start?"
Virgil chuckles and shrugs a little, "Whenever you'd like, my darling boy. Won't it be fun to have a girl around here, too?"
"A new friend," Vader breathes, "We'll start looking tomorrow. Absolutely. I love you so much."
And just as Vader decided, the two of them set out the very next day, deciding to start on planets like Alderaan and Coruscant itself, though nothing appeals to them. All the women are... too rich. Too haughty. No child of theirs will grow up to be like a mother like that.
Vader thinks back to his time on Tatooine- how the women he met there, while shy and not bringing much to the table because they were slaves, were some of the nicest women he'd ever met.
And since slavery is banned, he can't exactly look for slaves to free. So now it's just... whoever appeals to him the most with a bit of dirt under their nails and a visible day of work lingering on their skin when he comes across them. That look, that comfort... it warms something in his chest, to think he'll have that so close by so soon.
They set out to some of the more backwater-type planets, landing on the planet just a few miles on the outskirts of your village about a week later.
"Did you hear?!" Mara asks you in a hushed voice later that afternoon as the two of you harvest some vegetables from the beds in the communal garden, "The rumors of the Emperors?!"
“No?” I shake my head and rip up another carrot, “tell me- what’s new with them?”
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