#me coming back from the dead with bnha art knowing damn well most of my fanbase is the tmnt fandom...hilarious tbh
sagesmokearts · 2 years
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have a nighttime cityscape todobakudeku from chapter one of my new fic. as a treat.
feat. me putting my favorite character through the wringer, as per usual (lol sorry bakugou), todoroki being a little shit, midoriya vacillating between "ray of sunshine" and "oof sister snapped," and a cat named princess great explosion murder goddess, among other shenanigans.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 255: "Hospital”
Previously on BnHA: Aizawa and Present Mic found out their dead best friend Shirakumo was necromanced by All for One and Ujiko and turned into everyone’s favorite villain mom bartender M.D., Kurogiri! Gran Torino and Naomasa were all “hey you guys should talk to him and see if you can restore his memories through the power of friendship” and so they all sat down together to do that. Kurogiri was all “so tell me how is my son Shigaraki Tomura, I love him so much, he is so emo and I must protect him” and Aizawa and Mic were all “THIS GUY HASN’T CHANGED ONE IOTA” and Aizawa started crying and was all “SHIRAKUMO LET’S GET MARRIED AGAIN AND BE HEROES TOGETHER LIKE WE ALWAYS WANTED.” Oh and also we found out Aizawa only fake expelled his previous students and it was just so that he could PREPARE THEM FOR LIFE!! and afterwards they got to go back to U.A. again and live happily ever after. And so basically I’ve lost track of how many hugs Aizawa needs here now but it’s a lot.
Today on BnHA: Shiraguri’s brainwaves start going all wonky and everyone is like “OH SHIT IT’S WORKING” and Aizawa and Mic decide it’s time to shift this drama into overdrive, so they get right up against the glass and start shouting “YOU’RE OUR FRIEND!!” and stuff over and over until IT FINALLY WORKS!! and Kurogiri’s face shifts into Shirakumo’s. Somehow the effect is incredibly sad and moving rather than terrifying as fuck, but unfortunately all Kumo can manage to get out is “hospital” before his mind overloads and he passes out. Fortunately for our heroes, “hospital” is actually an awesome clue which can totally lead them to Tomura and Ujiko’s location if they play their cards right, probably! Or at least Hawks seems really psyched about it, idk. Anyway so the chapter ends with Ujiko going FULL MAD SCIENTIST and wreaking havoc on Tomura’s body in order to -- I’m pretty sure, anyway -- turn him into some kind of fully sentient ultimate high end Noumu. Welllllll shit.
so that sure was a fun little wrinkle last week, huh. the two biggest scanlators deciding that in the spirit of the holidays, they were going to stop translating WSJ series and instead support the official releases out of the goodness of their hearts and definitely not at all because Shueisha was eyeing them threateningly and making little throat-slitting gestures. that was a ride. these are interesting times lol
but at any rate, if this is how it’s going to be for now then I’ll adjust! it is nice to have everyone support the official release, and obviously the image quality is way better, and Caleb’s translations are by and large pretty good. and obviously we’ll get used to reading the chapter on Sundays instead of Fridays (hell, I remember when the SJ leaks still came out on Wednesdays, so it’s not like we haven’t done this same old song and dance before lol). but Friday did happen to be a more convenient day for my schedule personally, so it might take a bit of adjusting for me to figure out what my posting schedule is going to be moving forward
anyways so I’m sorry this recap is so ridiculously late, but here we go at last!
so the Tartarus guard, who by the way is very clearly Seiji’s dad (WHEN ARE THE SHIKETSU KIDS COMING BACK), is tapping frantically at his touch screen even though it’s not doing anything, and he says he’s detecting unusual brainwaves. omg
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omfg. the guard just says “he’s agitated.” I’m going to need you to have more hype than that my good sir. please
holy shit Nao
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attention everyone, HAS ANYONE SEEN NAOMASA’S FUCKING CHILL, BECAUSE HE SEEMS TO HAVE FUCKING MISPLACED THAT SHIT. someone please explain to this man that there is a time and a place to play good cop bad cop and this is not it. “oh, Shirakumo is starting to recover his memories? well then [busts into the prison cell and grabs him by the collar and slams him against the wall] WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR!?”
(ETA: so apparently Nao’s detective instincts are cleverer than mine. he saw that Kumo was potentially going to emerge, but probably not for long, so he gave him the most important question so he could focus on answering that. good job! still not a lot of chill but hey.)
meanwhile Aizawa is all “if what they said is true I’m looking at my friend’s corpse”, while still crying by the way, and yeah, so MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE. this year Santa decided to change it up and just make everyone real sad. happy holidays
lord he’s leaping to his feet and shouting “WHO DID THIS TO YOU”
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meanwhile I can’t stop staring at Present Mic with his tongue sticking out. why are you sticking your tongue out. why are anime characters like this. you know, Stain also used to stick his tongue out. Present Mic U.A. traitor confirmed
also!! so many people have beef with Ujiko, though! pretty soon they will have to take a number and get in line
oh no Kumogiri is malfunctioning
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so there’s some more of “WE WANTED TO BE HEROES TOGETHER” and “YOUR NAME IS SHIRAKUMO OBORO” and all of that other “SNAP OUT OF IT ALREADY” stuff, and you’re damn right I am eating ALL THAT SHIT right up, hell yes. IT’S A TROPE FOR A REASON PEOPLE
oh my god
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(ETA: I feel like I should explain that although I have a subscription to Viz, I really hate how their chapter viewer is set up, so I read the chapter on one of the vertical scroll-to-read sites instead. I prefer scroll-to-read for a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is so that I can read the chapter slowly (since I’m writing as I go) without spoiling what’s in the next panel. that being said, this next page is one of the few where Viz obviously got it right, so I’ll be posting the full image.)
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(┐° o °  ┐) ( 」。╹o╹。)」
(ETA: on a reread I am fascinated by the fact that that bandage on his nose actually seems to be A PERMANENT PART OF HIS FACE APPARENTLY lol what.)
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READ THE FUCKING ROOM, DUDE. also look how tiny Gran Torino is. he thought we wouldn’t notice through all of our tears. but we did. would you like me to fetch you a box
ha ha ha so now back to the drama
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heh so anyway, the fact that this smoke Shirakumo face still looks like a child is straight up destroying me. how are you guys. how is everyone. feliz navidad
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(ETA: I think you can see Shirakumo’s eye rolling back here as he fights against the brainwashing omg. this chapter’s fucking art, though.)
YESSSSSS you keep on ticking off that checklist of clichés, Horikoshi!! I’m so weak for this shit it’s not even funny. actually that’s not true, this plotline is usually hit or miss with me, but I’ll tell you what though, if there’s one guaranteed way to have me freaking the fuck out rather than sighing and rolling my eyes, it’s to have AIZAWA FUCKING SHOUTA be the one pounding on the wall of glass and screaming at his former lover to fight the layers of conditioning waging war on his mind. ohhhhhh god
lol the brainwave detecting screen is losing its fucking shit also and beeping like crazy. this tension is so thick you could plant a flag in it yeesh
is this Kumo remembering stuff??!
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(ETA: thank you to the anon who pointed out I posted the wrong image earlier lol.)
why do shounen characters always recall events from a third-person camera view. curse this ambiguous flashback
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HOSPITALLLL ahh what??? “SHOUTA, HOSPITAL.” oh my god. Shirakumo I commend you for not having your first words after dying and being brought back to life and brainwashed for 15 years and then waking up in a straitjacket in a prison cell be, “FUCK ME OH FUCKING SHIT WHAT THE FUCK.” you and I are very different people but I respect that
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so now everyone’s freaking out and we’re zooming in on Kumo’s eye again. by the way this is going to kill me when it’s animated oh god
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(ETA: hmm I don’t think Caleb Cook knows what “whump” means nowadays. whump is what I wish we had here. instead it’s just lots of hurt but very little comfort. JUST LOTS OF PAIN AND SADNESS.)
Horikoshi please have mercy oh lord. also I see their hands touching, you. they honestly should be gripping each other fucking white-knuckled, this is all very traumatic. I think that if Shouta was holding Mic’s hand while his other hand was pressed against the glass I would probably start sobbing for real
what the fuck
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did they knock him back out?? they seem really calm and optimistic about all this lol
oh godddddd
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so now they’re bidding farewell to Nao and Gran -- and HOLY SHIT --
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okay hold up -- I just realized -- Kumo was trying to give them a hint about Ujiko’s location. holy shiiiiit. PLEASE START INVESTIGATING HOSPITALS, NAO AND GRAN. holy shit the Noumu arc is heating uppppp
Aizawa’s asking what’s happening with Kurogiri now, and I feel like he maybe should have asked that immediately after the fact rather than as an afterthought while they were getting ready to leave but okay
Nao says he kind of “short-circuited or something” and yeah that tracks with what we saw. though it sure does make that “THAT’S ALL FOR TODAY FOLKS, GOOD JOB BOYS, YOU GET A GOLD STAR” business just SUPER WEIRD though, but let’s be real, Nao has been swinging and missing with striking the right tone all day today
and now Gran is apologizing to Mic and Aizawa for the exquisite emotional torture he just put them through, but he says something is bound to come from it. WELL YEAH NO SHIT IT HAD GODDAMN BETTER
Aizawa apparently hasn’t run out of sad/tired/haunted expressions yet, if you can believe it
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pretty soon everyone is going to be sad, tired, and traumatized! heh. it’s going to be so fucked up hahaha crying smiling emojiiiii
oh hey and we’re cutting to another flashback of AFO doing what he does best, being callously dismissive of human lives!
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this guy. right here. is a rat bastard. for real. also Horikoshi sure picked a hell of a chapter to go all out on the art again, jesus. this is probably the first time I’ve looked at AFO’s fucked up face and actually thought “yep, that’s a mutilated human man” rather than “shouldn’t you be out floating in space with your asteroid friends trying to smash the Millennium Falcon?” so anyways yeah this panel is a big NOPE from me, thank you
but on the other hand, when Horikoshi uses those art powers for good, such as carefully penciling in every last individual hair of Aizawa’s perpetual five o’clock shadow, that I don’t mind so much!
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yes. yes good
so now they’re vrooming off, and we’re hanging back with Gran and Nao for a minute
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looooool it’s ringing up the head of the HPSC and her phone’s buzzing and she’s giving it this hella dramatic look. like this is some patented Todoroki-level dramatic whooshing right here
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that’s just how dramatic this entire arc is going to be, hopefully
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oh hh my go
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“LITTLE LATE TO ASK ABOUT THIS STUFF” so he comes from the Bakugou Katsuki school of tutoring, eh
I love that he actually followed through on explaining the PLF’s philosophy to Twice. and Twice is such a good boy. he’s studying so diligently. look, he didn’t ask to join a doomsday cult, it just kind of happened so now he’s just doing his best to figure it all out
and it definitely was a coded message, then. smoooooth, HPSC lady, smooth. so I wonder if the fact that she gave him a specific hospital implies a time jump. because I don’t think she’d have him investigate just any old hospital until they had a better lead and/or a more solid idea of what they were looking for
lol what the fuck
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well I sure do not have any idea what this man is talking about
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oh my god oh my god oh m
he made Tomura a Noumu. holy fucking shit that’s what he did. of course. so he’ll be able to possess multiple quirks, but because he benefits from Ujiko’s years of high end Noumu research, his sense of self will remain intact
AND DOESN’T THIS PROCESS JUST LOOK EVER SO PLEASANT. jesus christ. he’s not even allowed to lie down, for some reason this procedure can only be done while he’s hovering over the bed Exorcist-style with his mouth locked open in a silent scream (ETA: or is that actually his laughter we’re seeing?? because this panel wasn’t raw enough already I guess??) while random spurts of blood come chucking out all over the place. well that’s just
and Tomura fucking volunteered for this. how many scores of others didn’t?? holy fucking shit Ujiko. it’s not easy to be the most evil man in a chapter where a foil-wrapped potato with eye holes started waxing poetic about all the children he harvested and killed like some kind of bloodthirsty sommelier, but YOU FOUND A WAY. dancing a fucking jig while your so-called masterpiece is being gruesomely tortured in the foreground. man if there’s any justice in the world, we’ll find out in this arc that Ujiko used science to make himself immortal so that once he’s finally captured they can just keep killing him over and over again. I do not like him!!
so that’s it! we really are doing this thing, holy shit. Noumu arc here we come. see you guys next decade har dee har
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c-jay321 · 7 years
What are your favourite traits about Izuku's character?
I’m kind of going to answer this as an Izuku master post if you don’t mind ;3
Okay here I go!
One I love about Izuku is how he’s so different from the regular shounen mc trope. 
First let me start with his intelligence, I love the fact that Izukiu’s used his brain to save him more than his body so many times. From the very beginning in the quirk apprehension test arc, where he channeled OFA to the tip if his finger and freaking propelled the ball over 700 feet.
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How he was able to win the hero vs villain exercise despite being thrown around like a punching bag, and  he was dead scared when he fought Bakugou too but he was still able to push forward.
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He was able to save himself, Tsuyu, and Mineta during the USJ arc too by freaking flicking the flipping water!!!!
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And let’s not forget his epic victory in the obstacle race
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Freaking heck Inko, I feel ya XD. Apart from the countless number of times he’s used his intelligence, he’s also pretty book smart and I am a sucker for book smart nerds.
He’s a multitasker. It’s not really much, but i do love the way he always manages to exercise while studying.
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Also, I’m not sure, but I think Izuku might like to use simple tasks as an excuse to exercise
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But I’ll just leave that as a headcanon for now.
He has a high pain tolerance. Izuku’s ability to resist pain is off the charts. No one really likes the fact that he breaks his body just for the sake of reaching his goal, but I think it’s super cool how Izuku is able to handle excruciating pain under any circumstance, especially during his fight with Muscular and Shouto. Breaking his bones may seem bad, but it really makes him more of a hero than a lot of people in his class, Izuku went out of his way to break his body just for the sake of the boy who’d been bullying him for years, just imagine the kind of image that would give him as a pro hero. It would give him a positive image, everyone would know that Izuku is a hero who will go to any length without any hesitation just to keep people safe.
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The coolest part about this was that Izuku’s finger was broken throughout the rest of the arc, which he meant he’d been battling an excruciating pain while he tried to defend All Might, when he tried to defend Tsuyu, and then he still broke a leg.
He’s an absolute madman when it comes to his body, he wont hesitate to destroy himself if it means getting to prove a point (like his fight with Shouto) or saving people, or just reaching his goal in general.
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He’s supportive to his friends which is really sweet since Izuku never actually had real friends before. Izuku’s quick to defend his friends too, it was this post that made me realize it. Back when he was in middle school, Izuku used to get insulted all the time (mostly by Bakugou of course), sure it hurt him but he never did a damn thing about it, but when someone…
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 talks bad about someone
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 he cares about, 
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he gets triggered. Plus there was the scene in the training camp arc where he yelled at Mr. compress for talking about Bakugou being capable of being a villain or something along those lines. Then there was the scene where he tried to cheer Kaminari and Mina up after they got awful grades in the midterms.
He knows when to push friendship aside and when not to. Even though he initially had no idea of standing out in the sports festival, Izuku was able to get his act together and push his friends aside with having a clear image/goal of victory in his head.
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He even said it himself, everyone was an enemy. There was no time to stop and think about Uraraka or Iida and how they would make it to the next round, it was all about him getting to the goal and being at the top. Izuku isn’t the type of person who intentionally wants to trample all over his classmates but at least he know when to get his shit together. Another example is this scene in the hero license arc:
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He still gets scared, despite having an OP quirk. I love the fact that he still feels fear, there are so many things OFA can do and Izuku knows that. A lot of shounen mc’s I’ve seen only have those rare moments where they actually feel fear like once or twice. But Izuku, he’s come so far yet he still shake in the face of an enemy
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He has people that he uses for sources of inspiration to formulate his own techniques. In a way I can kind of relate to this as a developing artists who uses so many other people’s art as a source of information. Anyway I think it’s pretty cool how he uses Bakugou’s moves, All might’s, and Gran Torino’s all the time, it just shows how he much he really admires them.
He’s a slow starter, and because of this we get to watch him grow. Well I guess you can say this is one of the reasons why i like the story in general, we see how Izuku started from rock bottom, from being quirkless, and now he’s so close to the hero he’s idolized ever since he was a kid. Plus I like the fact that Izuku had to work to get his body, he doesn’t naturally have a beautifull muscle-toned body like most mc’s do (not that I’m complaining, because I really like that trope) which shows how much he had to strive just for the sake of his dream. He lifts weights and stuff despite OFA being soooo powerful, but even Izuku knows if he slacks off, it’ll be useless.
Izuku doesn’t have the classic, generic, shounen mc personality. I’m talking about that annoying trope where the mc points to the sky or jumps on the table shouting to the heavens saying “I’m gonna be the best this!” or “I’m going to become the next that!” and then after that the mc gets called an idiot or fool by the people around him and gets viewed as someone incredibly stupid like Naruto, Rin, Natsu, Hinata, Aster,Subaru (I know he isn’t a shounen mc)….I could go on, but don’t get me wrong though, I love all of them, it’s just that the trope is so overused….and don’t even get me started on the ‘big appetite’ shounen mc cliche, I’m so glad bnha doesn’t have that.
And best of all,
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Is so
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 Just look at how cute he is! His hair, his eyes and especially his..
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CHEEEEEEKKKKKSSS!!!!! They’re so cute!!!!! They have such a soft, round, tender look that I can’t get enough of.
In a nutshell, I really love my sweet green son Izuku.
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lethesomething · 7 years
BnHA Profile: Aizawa Shouta
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Aizawa is one of the cleverest, most underrated characters in BnHA, and I'm not just saying that because he's voiced by Suwabe and therefore immediately on Lethey's Love List. This is a guy that sort of drags himself through life, doing good deeds without seemingly getting a lot of satisfaction from it. He's almost an anti-hero even though he's more pure than several of the other characters in the series. So let's break him down.
Out of the Limelight
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Aizawa is an 'underground' hero. He avoids the media, he stays out of all the flashy stuff and really, the only reason people like Izuku know his name is because, well, Izuku is a massive nerd. As a hero, but also personality-wise, Aizawa is a clear foil for All Might. One is always smiling, embracing fame to become a symbol of peace that stops villains everywhere from even wanting to start shit. He's super flashy, cares deeply about appearance and also he's just… huge and muscular. Eraserhead, meanwhile, has a resting bitch face, looks like he hasn't showered in days, wears basic black pyjamas wherever he goes and he shrinks back from attention like a vampire seeing the first rays of the sun. This contrast extends to their fighting style. All Might is all about power and speed. He's an all-rounder that overwhelms his opponents with a super-quirk. Meanwhile, Aizawa is an incredibly specialised hero that needs a clear strategy and an extensive knowledge of martial arts to even stand a chance. In many ways All Might is to Aizawa what Izuku is to Shinsou, someone blessed with overwhelming power and therefore hard to deal with. It's not really that difficult to see why they don't get along very well.
 (spoilers from the manga under the cut) (also this stuff is just really long ok) (I have many feels)(and many opinions)
Fundamentally, though, Aizawa looks the way he does because he gives absolutely zero fucks about how he comes across. You see this when he decides to (or was forced to) make an effort after the forest camp. He's totally capable of looking less villainous. Put him in a suit and he may not look like a full blown superhero, but he's at least passable as a Japanese salaryman.
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When given free reign, however, he cares not. He's basically introduced to us as the apathetic, possibly even cruel teacher who cares little for his students. Superhero Snape. He's grumpy, he makes them go through gruelling tests and he threatens to expel them at a moment's notice. This turns out, of course, to be a logical ruse (he also has a really awful sense of humor).
 The workaholic
What's interesting about him as a character, is that as you start reading BnHA, it becomes clear that this initial idea is almost completely wrong. For one: he carries a sleeping bag around and catches a nap at any opportunity given to him. Not because he's lazy. But because he's extremely sleep deprived. Because this idiot never stops working. Aizawa appears to have very little life outside his work. We know that his room is bare, he teaches during the day and he does most of his hero-ing at night. He doesn't appear to have much of an off switch.
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That scene is a rather nice one from the later chapters. Everyone's being called up  and it's the middle of the friggin night. Nedjire is half asleep, at the same time we see the others in their jammies. What is Aizawa doing at this ungodly hour? Working. Multitasking, even. On two devices. Probably planning shit. This is the reason that man teaches from a sleeping bag. He's trying to fit too many hours of work into a single day, and tries to somehow fit the necessary sleep in by multitasking. How very Japanese of him. But also. Can we please talk about this?
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Why the hell is a fully bandaged up, injured man, at work? Dude got nearly killed on school premises. By any insurance policy in the modernized world, he should be on sick leave, watching the whole thing on tv, with a nice cup of tea and maybe some grapes or something by his side. You can't tell me UA has that bad of a health policy, the damn school probably has the most expensive insurance in the world. But nope, he sitting in a booth commentating. Because Yamada asked him. Please note that several of the teachers are just up in the crowd, watching the games. They could have gotten Blood Baron or Nedzu to do it. But no, get the workaholic who can't even lie in bed for a day when all his bones are broken.
 The teacher
When I first started reading BnHA, I heartily wondered why the hell they'd put someone like that in front of a class. But again, once you get to know him, it turns out this man is a really good teacher. I certainly never had anyone pay that much attention to me and my well-being when I was in school. He understands a bunch of his kids better than they do. See exhibit A: Bakugou.
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 Aizawa's teaching style is very much a 'hands off' kind of thing. He doles out advice, he makes them run themselves ragged, but in a very specific sense, he also Trusts them. Even the explodey one. He has implicit faith in them, because he's observed them. 
He can almost predict them. See exhibit B: Izuku.  
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He knows Izuku enough to know, for instance, that he *cannot* stop himself from being a hero. He can't. He waded into the sludge monster to save Kacchan. He chose saving Uraraka over getting a shot at the entry exam. The forest, the kidnapping, all of it. He will choose the saving option every time. That's why this is such a lovely scene. It really shows how well Aizawa knows his pupils. He knows he can’t stop Izuku so he’s just kinda... going along with it. He knows there's no point in telling Izuku not to go. So he decides to let him, if only so he can keep an eye on him.
I mean.. Especially when it comes to these two, Aizawa is a bit of a softy? I'm sure he'd prefer the term 'realist' but come one. Softie. 
 The Reluctant Dad
Speaking of softies. BnHA has a surprisingly large amount of father figures. Maybe it's because Izuku's dad is absent, but the theme sort of runs through the whole thing. The dads in this series range from the loving, supportive examples like All Might, or Bakugou's and Jirou's perfectly normal dads, to more tough loving guys like Gran Torino. They go all the way into the utter shit and abusive section, with Todoroki Sr. The Big Bad is, in a rather premeditated way, a father figure to Shigaraki.  Even All Might and Shigaraki himself have a rather messed up bond that mirrors some father-son elements. But out of all of these, the most grumpy dad is doubtlessly Aizawa. This is a guy who's been given twenty highly rambunctious kids and who Cares Deeply about them, despite his vocal assurances that he would rather be sleeping. He then goes and adopts another one in the form of Shinsou (sort of, that might just be my wishful thinking).
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It's interesting to note that Aizawa is very much a dad of the 'papa wolf' variety. He will protect the shit out of these kids. This is a guy who, as mentioned, has a very specialised fighting style that works best against small groups, for small periods of time. So obviously he jumps in the middle of a veritable army of villains to give his students a chance to escape , papa wolf style. That bit up there where he saves Tsuyu? Despite being very nearly dead? Yeah. He will also protect their Honour, like when he calls out the crowd on their (wrongful) estimation of Bakugou in the Uraraka fight. He will even, in a way, protect them from themselves.
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I'm personally really in love with the fact that he's aware of his role, as a teacher, an adult, a substitute father figure, but that he doesn't particularly want it? Like he knows he's a teacher, and teachers/adults behave in a certain way. You see it a little here, when he brings Kouta back to relative safety. A big part of Aizawa, you see, admires the hell out of Izuku. This is the kid that surprised him. The kid that wants to be a hero so badly that he's willing to break himself over and over again, to save people. He gets that. But at the same time he knows that he has to try and keep Izuku in line.
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And keeping Izuku in line is one hell of a job. Definitely the part of the job that he doesn’t particularly enjoy. Even when he's legitimately angry. Even when he has to play the strict one to All Might's entirely too soft heart.
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 The repentant
Diving straight into headcanons now. Be warned.
I've already talked about how Aizawa understands Shinsou in a way that Yamada, or All Might, or people like Todoroki or Bakugou could never understand. He knows what it's like to, in a way, be weak. To be specialised. In order for him to be a hero, he has to not only be strong, he has to be smart. I think part of the reason he appreciates Bakugou like that, is because he's Both.
But back to the headcanons. We know nothing of Aizawa's past (as of now, chapter 143, when I write this) but doesn't it sort of seem like there's some big dark secret in there? He certainly acts like he has some kind of regret.
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He had to go through a particularly gruelling time to become the hero he is today. And he doesn't even get to be the good kind of hero. He does not get shampoo commercials and adoring crowds. He gets long nights of sneaking around and being beat up, and a day job as a teacher.
What the hell for?
Thing is, he did expel a whole class. And while we're first assuming he did it because he's a jerk, in a way he does it to save them from what he believes is cruelty. It turns out he cares, you see, he cares an awful lot about his students.
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Doesn't that suggest some kind of deep seated issue?
We know little of Aizawa's past, other than that he went to UA with Yamada, but his actions and his words suggest that he definitely has seen some pain. Maybe one of his hero friends died. Maybe he saw classmates fail to fulfil their dreams. Maybe one of his ex-students got hurt and he saw it as a personal fault of his. Personally, I think his motivations might lie closer to Tenya's, with some sibling he looked up to, who failed and became his main motivation to succeed. But that's just a theory. Either way, he's seen failure. Maybe he's lived it. He's seen what it can do to a person, especially in a high stakes environment like the hero business and he appears to have made it his personal mission to stop this from happening by being the most nurturing, supportive person a grump like him could be.
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I’m starting to rack up a lot of BNHA theories lately.
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facinna-a · 7 years
tell me about your most recently made ocs!
ah!! they’re actuallybnha ocs! there’s a lot of speculating in their backstories tho, mainly becauseof the mystery surrounding all for one so ill put it under the cut thisllprobably get long aaaaaaaa
SO there isn’t a lot ofinfo on all for one, but we do know that he enjoys the power of having multiplequirks and also wants a successor. i think that prior to meeting tomura heattempted to try and create a successor with the strength to surpass him oneday. so lots of experimentation. first it started with the basics: just tryingto transfer quirks onto other people. after the discovery that not everybodycould handle begin given a quirk like that, all for one decides to try keepingthe quirk in his genes, and so he has a kid (listen he doesnt have a face pretendthe lucky lady rly likes money or power or whatever). 
well that child turns outquirkless, so they try once more and have another baby (this baby is my oc shill explain later) and realizing relying on chance doesn’t work, they decidedto try and use dna experiment on this child. but guess who fuckin hates thatidea? all for one’s brother, aka the first user of one for all.
but they do it anywaybecause all for one needs an heir so. they start doing the experiment(TM) andthe baby dies from the strain of the experimentation, prompting no emotionalresponse from all for one.
or so they thought. 
one for all was a good person and wanted to give his niece aproper burial, but found that she was actually alive. the experiment was asuccess, and the quirks all for one had given to his daughter had kept heralive. knowing that all for one would use his daughter’s powers for evil, he fledand took the child with him. before leaving, however, his final act was tellingall for one’s first child, his niece, all of the evil acts her father had done,hoping this would strike a fire inside her to begin some sort of conspiracyfrom the inside, so he would have some support fighting his brother.
knowing that he would be unable to defeat his brother, one forall transferred his mutated quirk onto another, the baby he took was raised bythis second user until their death. by that time she’d been taken in by a localsmall-time gang, ne’er-do-wells who did what they had to in order to survive onthe streets. the gang was her family, and they were all just stupid teens, butthey did their best to help each other and care for one another where nobodyelse would. (think team skull lol)
enter my oc turning 14, raised quirkless and not knowing herpower. seeing the pro heroes of the time barely giving a damn about people likethem, she turned to vigilantism, donning a mask and saving those who wereharassed but not saved. she looked into ways to counter certain quirks, and usedher incredible intelligence for a 14-year-old (another passive quirk bestowedupon her by all for one) to make gadgets to help her keep up with other heroes.
she was content with this lifestyle: save people who needed tobe saved, who wouldn’t be saved any other time, no credit necessary.
enter toshinori yagi.
[warning lmfao it might get kinda sue-ish here but there’sanother oc so blease stick around]
so she encounters toshinori yagi on a whim, after stealing somefood for the younger members of her gang and stopping a mugging on the waythere.
because of his own quirklessness, toshinori saw something in herthat was heroic potential, and so he befriends her and attempts to convince herto try and get into ua, which she scoffs at obviously. but after the gang (i don’thave a name for them yet lol) hear of the incident, they try and succeed inconvincing her to give it a try. so this quirkless girl tries getting into uawith her homemade technology, supported by both toshinori and his mentor nanashimura. she gets in through shounen anime means (the working idea is that she fights gran torino and wins through the power of friendship but idk lmfao) and starts her new life as a quirkless student at a school for pro heroes.
of course none of the student body really likes her presence there, except toshinori. constantly showing his support and confidence in her, he’s a beacon of hope, cheering her on and helping her get better while also using her tech to improve his own techniques. some are humbled by being beaten by a quirkless kid with the smarts to stop their quirks and others are embarrassed, but still the harassment never really stops.
so the night before finals of her first year, the emotional strain of being bullied and attacked for being a quirkless student mixes with her pre-existing depression and anxiety over her lack of self-worth being an orphan and a quirkless person in general, so she tries to kill herself by jumping off the roof of ua.
enter toshinori yagi again.
he sits with her for the rest of the night, the night before finals, talking to her and getting her to let her feelings out. he talks her down and saves her life, making him her hero.
as they go through school, the bullying becomes less and less prevalent, less annoying, and more and more people grow to respect her for her fighting prowess and her humbling abilities that have improved greatly with the help of her studies.
she falls in love with toshinori. they fight side by side together.
she realizes she loves helping people, but she also wants to keep pro heroes humble. they have millions of idols around the world, and some of them are quirkless. so she becomes a physical education teacher at ua. and teaches up and coming heroes that people can and will be able to counter them. 
so of course she’s there when all for one destroys his body. she still loves him and helps him through everything, from adjusting to his new body to helping with his loss of confidence and feelings of inadequacy for being unable to be a hero for more than a few hours a day.
she’s basically bnha’s batman. that’s the first bnha oc i have lol.
the next one is a student. she’s in class 1-a (in an au where either 1. izuku is the special 23rd classmate because his entry was later than the others somehow shut up or 2. mineta is fucking nonexistant). ive talked of her before but not in much detail i don’t think.
so after the first oc is “dead” to all for one, he tries taking children who have multiple quirks/children that he thinks can handle his transferring to make his successor. one of these children was tomura shigaraki’s sister, a young girl who was just a baby when tomura accidentally killed their parents. born with a hydrokinetic quirk, she was given a quirk that allowed her to calm/anger others with her singing, but somebody (i dont know who yet) stopped the experiments before she turned into a nomu.
as she grew, she was trained in the art of villainy. namely watching others get tortured or murdered, and ways to stop pro heroes. she was initially excited to learn these things, because it meant she would make her big brother happy.
she tripped one day and cut her hand. she realized she was the exact same as those she was supposed to torture and kill. she bled the same color as them, she had blood in their veins same as them, and all in all she was just as human as those people. suddenly she really doesn’t like learning how to be a villain.
it wasn’t until the incident that she realized how wrong everything was, and how she needed to take action.
after all for one realizes tomura is the perfect candidate, he decides he doesn’t need the other experiments-tomura’s own sister included-and has them fight each other to the death until there is one survivor, who gets to live. she’s only around 7-10 when this happens. hiding and running from the other experiments keeps her alive, alongside one other person, who she knows she has to kill to get out.
she’s scared, and she really doesn’t want to, but he’s coming this way and if she doesn’t do something she’ll die, so she uses her hydrokinesis quirk to manipulate his body (made of 60% water) and kills him. she has no other choice, but the action scars her. she leaves covered in blood that isn’t hers and tears that are still flowing from her eyes. when tomura isn’t there to see her, she begins questioning how much he really cares for her.
who else is there but all for one’s first child.
she cleans her up and the next morning explains the conspiracy that’s been brewing since she was a child, after one for all told her everything. my oc decides to join the conspiracy. her role is to gain the trust of the league and ensure that she can get a clear shot at their leader’s back one day. so when she turns 14 and the league tasks her with entering ua and infiltrating the school while providing them information, she is told both by the league of villains and the leader of the conspiracy that she cannot get attached, and must follow the league’s orders to the letter.
however, that isn’t the easiest feat. class 1-a treats her with kindness and love like she’s never seen before, and it makes it so hard to have to watch them die. so she begs all for one’s daughter (i dont have a name for her okay) to spare them, at least try. she’s given an ultimatum: the children will be tested. if they cannot beat the villains at usj, they aren’t fit to fight all for one. it’s not much but it’s something, so she follows through with the promise after the usj invasion. when the class not only survives the fight but helps all might in the process, she retreats and spares the class.
this oc knows her alignment is still wrong, but she must keep up the act of being a double agent in order to keep this rebellion decades in the works going. she doesn’t even really hope for class 1-a’s forgiveness so long as they are alive. their friendship in this moment is more than enough contentment for her. if they hate her, so be it, so long as they are safe.
ANY WAY. that’s it!! i really want to give them names but i have no ideas so ya!! honestly the second oc will probably be named something water related but im trying to keep the naming conventions of bnha so!! uh ya!!
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ask-protoheroes · 7 years
mun-birthday answers
Aaand here we are! I was supposed to get done with this sooner, but got caught up losing it with the most amazing gifts, a couple of which I have reblogged here too because they need to be seen. I had a great birthday and was sucessfully killed with overjoy by my friends!
Before we get started, just letting you know I’m sorry there was still no update this weekend- last week was finally my last exams week for now until next month, but was busy with birthday stuff and prioritized working on commissions. I’ll try to get the blog back to activity this saturday! Thanks for being patient!
Now for the munday asks!
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And we’re off to a great start!
(p.s. there’s Katsuyami hcs under the cut so you might want to check that out!)
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@memeidoriya @iskraeon @heyaboomyo
Thank YOU so much for supporting my blog!! Every little feedback tells me I'm doing my job entertaining whoever takes interest in this blog! Knowing some people will feel happy going through my art makes me so accomplished-- so thank you so much for taking the time to send me nice messages!! It means a lot! ; w ; I don’t answer anon messages like this but they’re really appreciated!!
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Thank you so much, fam!! I'm from São Paulo, Brazil! Japanese brazilian, full asian, born in Brazil, spent a chunk of my childhood in Japan. Obrigado pelo apoio! <3
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Thank you so much, anon! Story time! To sum it up, around july-august I was so hooked up in BNHA it amused me. It was the first time in a big while I was so hooked up in something, thinking and talking about it constantly and producing content for it. I stumbled upon the BNHA ask blog community on tumblr and started thinking it'd be super fun if I made my own-- and how even more fun it'd be it I made it with a slow burning plot and character/relationship development. I used to be a big Deadpool fanboy (hence my previous handle, deads-on) and the ship spideypool, and those familiar with it must be aware of ask-spiderpool -- hands down the greatest ask blog out there. The way the blog had a plot and the very gradual building up of a relationship was my big inspiration to how I wanted to run an ask blog. So at first I though of going for Katsudeku since it was my big time OTP-- but since the story was still in development and so was their relationship, which is one that must be worked with care if you want to go towards healing, I thought it'd be too great a responsibility and tried to think of an alternative. Like an alternative universe, which would give me room to develop them on my own pace. I was already familiar with the prototypes from the manga extras and a few fanart I've seen around, so I though-- why not? And as I mulled over whether or not it was a good idea - since I was never a punctual artist and I might've been putting too much expectations on it - I developed a bunch of headcanons about them at the same time and grew a bit attached to them. One day I started doodling Yami, which later would become the early reference sheet I posted of them, and drawing things is one of the easiest routes to grow attached to them. So long story short, I gave in to the idea when I was in a two weeks break from school to recover from a small lung surgery, and here we are now!
Now for some asks from the ask memes!
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👅 which muse is the kinkiest 
I got three of these. I wonder why.
In this SFW blog, where they're just awkward teens still with a long way working out their relationship, it probably won't be addressed, at least not explicitly.  Specially with Yami, who for as of now is just too awkward and self conscious to dare thinking about his own sexuality. But outside of the blog, it's easily Katsuki. That is one crazy bastard. But these headcanons don't belong in this family friendly blog, go bother me on @sonreiv if you want to hear more. Moving on!
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🌱 which muse is the most gullible 
Surprisingly so - or maybe not - it's Katsuki. He rarely sees harm in people, aside from having his own personal beefs for superficial reasons. He doesn't realize how harmful he can be either. Now that doesn't mean he trusts anyone easily - quite on the contrary. He's just bought easily by compliments and praise, and assumes everyone will like him. Yami on the other hand grew up with a very codependent and quite manipulative best friend, so he's definitely more socially wary.
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💎 which muse is the biggest drama queen 
Again, it's Katsuki. If he's upset about the smallest thing, he makes sure it's more than clear. It's not like he easily gets deeply upset-- he'll just react loud and exaggerated because his pain must be noticed... by Yami. He'll whine and complain to him until Yami validates his feelings. He'll also easily take minor things as personal offenses if Yami's involved, like if that damn half and half insists on putting more food on his plate. That shit's suspicious! Why'd he do that? I'm your BFF! Here, eat this. Shit like that. Yami's a lot more introspective and reserved about his feelings.
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👍 which muse would you most likely get along with 
I'm going to say both! Socially wise, in a group of friends I'm a lot like Katsuki. I get along well with people as stupid as me so we could be dudebros. Yami's not that hard to befriend (provided you put up with Katsuki's possessive ass) either despite his initial social awkwardness, and if you get comfy with him he's actually pretty sassy, and we share the same existential anguish!
🐢 which muse always runs late 
Both are very punctual with school commitment! Yami will be punctual with both school and friend meetings. Katsuki will show up first if he's hanging with Yami, but he’s the one most likely to come up with shitty excuses if he’s running late. On weekends Yami tends to get up late, though.
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2. What is your favorite ship (be it romantic or otherwise) with your character? 
Obviously Katsuyami. But if I'm to choose another ship-- I love PROT4 so much. As in, a poly ship with Katsuki, canon!Katsuki, Yamikumo and Deku. That is my absolute shit. I love any combinations between the four of them to be honest. Honorable mention goes to Katsuyamiyuu which is my proto OT3 right after these four.
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 8. What is your favorite random headcanon? 
This is kind of a spoiler since I still plan to address it on the blog, but here we go.
As kids, Katsuki and Yami would often play heroes and villains. Katsuki would more often than not have poor Yami be either the villain or a sidekick. When it was just the two of them, though, Katsuki would ask him to be the damsel in distress. Yami would complain he could be a civilian in danger without having to be the damsel, but Katsuki would talk him into it because it "looked cooler". He'd even put a flower in Yami's hair for realism. Then after Katsuki's done beating up the bad guys and rescuing him, he'd demand a kiss on the cheek, to which Yami complied.
Katsuki still brings it up like it happened yesterday, and Yami wants to die every time.
Well! That’s it for now! Thanks everyone who took interest and for sticking with me up until now! I hope to continue entertaining you with this blog!
Next saturday, hopefully, a new update with Yami and some interesting dreams.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Requested by anon: Congrats on 1k, it’s so deserved!!! For the matchup, could I get one from either DSMP or BNHA? Those are the only two I’m familiar with;;; My favorite memories are almost always little things, little events that feel very personal. One was when my sister and I separately woke up on Christmas Eve at like 2am feeling lonely and upset, so we both happened to decide to go to the family room. We were surprised the other was up. After a little while of talking and crying and holding each other, we decided to stay up and watch some fail army videos until the rest of the family got up. Maybe this is me feeling nostalgic for friends because of COVID, but one of my favorite memories is when my friends and I all stayed up late together. Half of us were laying on the floor, and we were all exchanging favorite funny stories and just howling with the kind of laughter that you only get when you’re all tired and playing off each other’s energy and goofiness.
Hello there (^-^) and can I just say you are such a sweetheart! You can absolutely get a matchup — and since you have two memories I can work with, I’d be happy to do both a dsmp and bnha one for you! First from the dsmp characters, I decided to pair you with…
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^^ art by SAD-ist on youtube!
I just think that you and c!Karl would get along so damn well — I mean he’s one of the most kindhearted and thoughtful people you’ll ever meet, not to mention he’s constantly sharing laughter with anyone and everyone. I feel like Karl almost always has energy but it amplifies itself later in the evening (until he crashes at like, 4 am lmao), so be prepared for some twilight talks while sitting together by the firelight and drinking from steaming mugs at ungodly hours. Karl’s personality feels like the embodiment of a hearth-warmed home after a long journey, and he’s eternally happy to be that for you.
Not only does Karl make the silliest jokes that never fail to make you crack a smile, he is the biggest humor hype man. You could attempt a really stupid one liner that barely even makes sense, yet after some awkward silence he will burst into fits of laughter until he’s clutching his side. I know for certain that nights full of tired giggles and conversations about nothing important are plentiful whenever you’re both together.
Honestly I can vividly imagine you and him splayed out on the ground in dead silence, nearly about to fall asleep, and then all of a sudden Karl just blurts out, “Do you ever wonder where foolish gets all his clothes when he’s taller than the prison?” and the next second neither of y’all can breathe without tears falling from your eyes in laughter. It’s so wholesome and I really love that for you.
c!Karl is really accustomed to expressing his appreciation through physical acts, so you can very often find him latched to your side or with his head resting on top of your own. Comforting others and making people smile is one of his strongest qualities, and he puts them to full use whenever he’s around you (unless it’s serious, because then he can read a room and adjust pretty smoothly). He’ll totally respect you if you’re not a touchy person though!! So long as y’all are closely bonded in other aspects he is so very content simply being around you.
While sometimes c!Karl can be a little spacey and sometimes loses track of what he’s doing, it’s all part of his charm! He can feel a little bad for zoning out or forgetting things, but if you’re reassuring about it his face will light up like a city skyline in the evening. Your dynamic is all about mutual happiness, growth, and understanding, so expect a very healthy and balanced amount of give and take on both ends.
And then for your second matchup, I can totally see you with…
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Angel. Sweetheart. Ball of nerves. Everything about this guy makes me think of the Christmas Eve memory you sent in, and it simply makes me smile because it’s such a vivid picture in my head. No but seriously you win at life — Tamaki is one of my favorites and for good damn reason. He’s intelligent, caring, very shy but high-performing, and the biggest dork when he comes out of his shell. I know for a fact that he’d be really comfortable around you despite his typical hesitance with others.
Throwing out a personal headcanon that Tamaki is a huge fan of holidays as long as he doesn’t have to go anywhere with a bunch of social interaction or unfamiliar settings. Small but nostalgic-inducing occasions make his heart swell, and Christmas time is a prime example of those occurrences. However, it would totally be in his nature to get worried at the last minute about super minuscule details.
What if things don���t go how they’re planned? What if you don’t like the gift he got you? Where in the hell did he put his shoes when he walked into the dorm that night? He can fall into a downward spiral of asking absurd questions that may not really matter in retrospect, or about things that are basically out of his control. Then he starts feeling cramped up, nervous, and frankly kinda shitty, so he went downstairs to just clear his head in the middle of the night. And that’s where he found you, meddling with the Christmas tree sitting in the common room, watching as you attempted to not freak out about spending the first time away from your family during such a major holiday.
Tamaki is a pretty emotionally-driven guy himself, so it’s not a surprise that he starts tearing up when he or people he cares about are super upset about something. In this particular situation it was both you and him feeling crappy, so you bet your ass that he was not-so-discreetly sniffling — even if he tried to hide his watery eyes from your view a couple times.
While he’s not super avid about physical touch, he definitely appreciates a well timed hug here and there, and with just you there he’s more open to that sort of thing. Hugs with him aren’t super tight, yet they carry with them a lot of bottled feelings, and for that they’re often long and warm embraces. After a good discussion about each other’s thoughts and a couple quietly shared laughs, neither of you felt very strongly about going back to the solitude of your rooms for the rest of the night. Because of that, you stayed up talking and watching random stuff on your phones together until the rest of the dorm started to wake up the following morning.
It’s very possible that you both eventually fell asleep on the couch when drowsiness caught up (well past noon, for that matter), but the rest of your classmates thought it was a cute sight and gave y’all some space. All in all, Tamaki is very considerate and warm regardless of his more quiet nature, and he enjoys having the opportunity to cheer you up/make you happy in general.
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